1 value
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'arcons_basic_gui.ui' # # Created: Tue Dec 11 17:40:34 2012 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.8.3 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s class Ui_arcons(object): def setupUi(self, arcons): arcons.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("arcons")) arcons.setEnabled(True) arcons.resize(860, 960) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(arcons.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) arcons.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) arcons.setMouseTracking(True) icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(_fromUtf8("lib/Archon.png")), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) arcons.setWindowIcon(icon) arcons.setWindowFilePath(_fromUtf8("")) arcons.setAnimated(True) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(arcons) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.frame = QtGui.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 391, 151)) self.frame.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.frame.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.frame.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame")) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(110, 10, 251, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily(_fromUtf8("Arial")) font.setPointSize(18) font.setWeight(75) font.setBold(True) self.label.setFont(font) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.array_temp_lcd = QtGui.QLCDNumber(self.frame) self.array_temp_lcd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 40, 81, 41)) self.array_temp_lcd.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("array_temp_lcd")) self.pulse_tube_temp_lcd = QtGui.QLCDNumber(self.frame) self.pulse_tube_temp_lcd.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 90, 81, 41)) self.pulse_tube_temp_lcd.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pulse_tube_temp_lcd")) self.label_3 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame) self.label_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 50, 101, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) self.label_3.setFont(font) self.label_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_3")) self.label_4 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame) self.label_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 90, 121, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) self.label_4.setFont(font) self.label_4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_4")) self.open_shutter_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame) self.open_shutter_radioButton.setEnabled(False) self.open_shutter_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(240, 90, 141, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) self.open_shutter_radioButton.setFont(font) self.open_shutter_radioButton.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus) self.open_shutter_radioButton.setAutoExclusive(False) self.open_shutter_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("open_shutter_radioButton")) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton.setEnabled(False) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(240, 40, 141, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton.setFont(font) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton.setAutoExclusive(False) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("cycle_fridge_radioButton")) self.lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.frame) self.lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(80, 180, 113, 20)) self.lineEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lineEdit")) self.frame_2 = QtGui.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(390, 0, 471, 181)) self.frame_2.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.frame_2.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.frame_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame_2")) self.label_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(150, 0, 261, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily(_fromUtf8("Arial")) font.setPointSize(18) font.setWeight(75) font.setBold(True) self.label_2.setFont(font) self.label_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_2")) self.compass_graphicsView = QtGui.QGraphicsView(self.frame_2) self.compass_graphicsView.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 90, 81, 81)) self.compass_graphicsView.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.compass_graphicsView.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.compass_graphicsView.setInteractive(False) self.compass_graphicsView.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("compass_graphicsView")) self.label_5 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 40, 31, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_5.setFont(font) self.label_5.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_5.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_5")) self.label_6 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 60, 31, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_6.setFont(font) self.label_6.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_6.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_6")) self.label_7 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_7.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(170, 120, 111, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_7.setFont(font) self.label_7.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) self.label_7.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_7.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_7")) self.label_8 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_8.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(180, 40, 101, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_8.setFont(font) self.label_8.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) self.label_8.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_8.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_8")) self.label_9 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_9.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(180, 60, 101, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_9.setFont(font) self.label_9.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) self.label_9.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_9.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_9")) self.label_10 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_10.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(150, 140, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_10.setFont(font) self.label_10.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) self.label_10.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_10.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_10")) self.label_11 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_11.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(150, 80, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_11.setFont(font) self.label_11.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) self.label_11.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_11.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_11")) self.label_12 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.label_12.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(170, 100, 111, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_12.setFont(font) self.label_12.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) self.label_12.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignTrailing|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_12.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_12")) self.status_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.status_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.status_label.setFont(font) self.status_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.status_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("status_label")) self.local_time_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.local_time_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 140, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.local_time_label.setFont(font) self.local_time_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.local_time_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.local_time_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("local_time_label")) self.utc_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.utc_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 120, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.utc_label.setFont(font) self.utc_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.utc_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.utc_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("utc_label")) self.lst_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.lst_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 100, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.lst_label.setFont(font) self.lst_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.lst_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.lst_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lst_label")) self.airmass_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.airmass_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 80, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.airmass_label.setFont(font) self.airmass_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.airmass_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.airmass_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("airmass_label")) self.az_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.az_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 60, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.az_label.setFont(font) self.az_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.az_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.az_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("az_label")) self.alt_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.alt_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 40, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.alt_label.setFont(font) self.alt_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.alt_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.alt_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("alt_label")) self.ra_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.ra_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 40, 121, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.ra_label.setFont(font) self.ra_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.ra_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.ra_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("ra_label")) self.dec_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.dec_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 60, 121, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.dec_label.setFont(font) self.dec_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.dec_label.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.dec_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("dec_label")) self.frame_3 = QtGui.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 150, 391, 521)) self.frame_3.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.frame_3.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.frame_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame_3")) self.save_raw_checkBox = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.frame_3) self.save_raw_checkBox.setEnabled(False) self.save_raw_checkBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(300, 70, 91, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.save_raw_checkBox.setFont(font) self.save_raw_checkBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("save_raw_checkBox")) self.data_directory_lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.frame_3) self.data_directory_lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(110, 40, 201, 21)) self.data_directory_lineEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("data_directory_lineEdit")) self.label_14 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_14.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 40, 91, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.label_14.setFont(font) self.label_14.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_14")) self.label_16 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_16.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 210, 91, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_16.setFont(font) self.label_16.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_16")) self.label_13 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_13.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 0, 241, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily(_fromUtf8("Arial")) font.setPointSize(18) font.setWeight(75) font.setBold(True) self.label_13.setFont(font) self.label_13.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_13")) self.label_15 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_15.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 170, 111, 31)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_15.setFont(font) self.label_15.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_15")) self.calibrate_data_checkBox = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.frame_3) self.calibrate_data_checkBox.setEnabled(False) self.calibrate_data_checkBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(280, 100, 121, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.calibrate_data_checkBox.setFont(font) self.calibrate_data_checkBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("calibrate_data_checkBox")) self.stop_observation_pushButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_3) self.stop_observation_pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200, 200, 181, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.stop_observation_pushButton.setFont(font) self.stop_observation_pushButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("stop_observation_pushButton")) self.start_observation_pushButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_3) self.start_observation_pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200, 140, 181, 51)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) self.start_observation_pushButton.setFont(font) self.start_observation_pushButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("start_observation_pushButton")) self.close_pushButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_3) self.close_pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 460, 121, 41)) self.close_pushButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("close_pushButton")) self.search_pushButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_3) self.search_pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(320, 40, 61, 21)) self.search_pushButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("search_pushButton")) self.obs_time_spinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.frame_3) self.obs_time_spinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 170, 71, 31)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.obs_time_spinBox.setFont(font) self.obs_time_spinBox.setMaximum(99999) self.obs_time_spinBox.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 30) self.obs_time_spinBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("obs_time_spinBox")) self.remaining_time_lcdNumber = QtGui.QLCDNumber(self.frame_3) self.remaining_time_lcdNumber.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 210, 61, 21)) self.remaining_time_lcdNumber.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("remaining_time_lcdNumber")) self.frequency_tuneup_pushButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_3) self.frequency_tuneup_pushButton.setEnabled(False) self.frequency_tuneup_pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 400, 121, 51)) self.frequency_tuneup_pushButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frequency_tuneup_pushButton")) self.file_name_lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.frame_3) self.file_name_lineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.file_name_lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(82, 70, 211, 22)) self.file_name_lineEdit.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.file_name_lineEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("file_name_lineEdit")) self.target_lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.frame_3) self.target_lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 100, 171, 22)) self.target_lineEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("target_lineEdit")) self.label_20 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_20.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 70, 91, 20)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.label_20.setFont(font) self.label_20.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_20")) self.label_21 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_21.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 100, 91, 17)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.label_21.setFont(font) self.label_21.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_21")) self.frame_6 = QtGui.QFrame(self.frame_3) self.frame_6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(210, 390, 141, 111)) self.frame_6.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.frame_6.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Raised) self.frame_6.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame_6")) self.subtract_sky_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_6) self.subtract_sky_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 0, 111, 31)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.subtract_sky_radioButton.setFont(font) self.subtract_sky_radioButton.setChecked(False) self.subtract_sky_radioButton.setAutoExclusive(False) self.subtract_sky_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("subtract_sky_radioButton")) self.flat_field_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_6) self.flat_field_radioButton.setEnabled(True) self.flat_field_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 20, 111, 31)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.flat_field_radioButton.setFont(font) self.flat_field_radioButton.setCheckable(True) self.flat_field_radioButton.setChecked(False) self.flat_field_radioButton.setAutoExclusive(False) self.flat_field_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("flat_field_radioButton")) self.int_time_spinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.frame_6) self.int_time_spinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 50, 51, 22)) self.int_time_spinBox.setMaximum(9999) self.int_time_spinBox.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 1) self.int_time_spinBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("int_time_spinBox")) self.label_19 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_6) self.label_19.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(60, 50, 81, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_19.setFont(font) self.label_19.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_19")) self.options_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_6) self.options_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 80, 131, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(9) self.options_radioButton.setFont(font) self.options_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("options_radioButton")) self.textEdit = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.frame_3) self.textEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 260, 371, 101)) self.textEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("textEdit")) self.label_27 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_27.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 240, 151, 17)) self.label_27.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_27")) self.update_description = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_3) self.update_description.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 360, 141, 31)) self.update_description.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("update_description")) self.continuous = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.frame_3) self.continuous.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 130, 181, 41)) self.continuous.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("continuous")) self.frame_4 = QtGui.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(390, 180, 471, 491)) self.frame_4.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.frame_4.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.frame_4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame_4")) self.tv_image = QtGui.QGraphicsView(self.frame_4) self.tv_image.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 444, 464)) self.tv_image.setMouseTracking(True) self.tv_image.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.tv_image.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.tv_image.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter|QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.tv_image.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("tv_image")) self.frame_5 = QtGui.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 670, 861, 231)) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(self.frame_5.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) self.frame_5.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.frame_5.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.frame_5.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.frame_5.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame_5")) self.spectra_plot = MPL_Widget(self.frame_5) self.spectra_plot.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(250, 0, 491, 241)) self.spectra_plot.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("spectra_plot")) self.pixel_number_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_5) self.pixel_number_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 50, 131, 31)) self.pixel_number_label.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.NoFrame) self.pixel_number_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.pixel_number_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pixel_number_label")) self.pixelpath = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_5) self.pixelpath.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 90, 141, 31)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(14) self.pixelpath.setFont(font) self.pixelpath.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.pixelpath.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.pixelpath.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pixelpath")) self.row = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_5) self.row.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 150, 61, 31)) self.row.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.row.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.row.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("row")) self.label_32 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_5) self.label_32.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 130, 61, 16)) self.label_32.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_32")) self.col = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_5) self.col.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 150, 61, 31)) self.col.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.col.setText(_fromUtf8("")) self.col.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("col")) self.label_34 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_5) self.label_34.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 130, 61, 16)) self.label_34.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_34")) self.groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) self.groupBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(870, 10, 171, 191)) self.groupBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("groupBox")) self.drag_select_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.drag_select_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 30, 141, 31)) self.drag_select_radioButton.setAutoExclusive(False) self.drag_select_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("drag_select_radioButton")) self.mode_buttonGroup = QtGui.QButtonGroup(arcons) self.mode_buttonGroup.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("mode_buttonGroup")) self.mode_buttonGroup.addButton(self.drag_select_radioButton) self.rect_select_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.rect_select_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 70, 161, 21)) self.rect_select_radioButton.setChecked(True) self.rect_select_radioButton.setAutoExclusive(False) self.rect_select_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("rect_select_radioButton")) self.mode_buttonGroup.addButton(self.rect_select_radioButton) self.rect_x_spinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.groupBox) self.rect_x_spinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 90, 57, 31)) self.rect_x_spinBox.setMinimum(1) self.rect_x_spinBox.setMaximum(32) self.rect_x_spinBox.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 1) self.rect_x_spinBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("rect_x_spinBox")) self.rect_y_spinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.groupBox) self.rect_y_spinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(110, 90, 57, 31)) self.rect_y_spinBox.setMinimum(1) self.rect_y_spinBox.setMaximum(32) self.rect_y_spinBox.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 1) self.rect_y_spinBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("rect_y_spinBox")) self.label_23 = QtGui.QLabel(self.groupBox) self.label_23.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 90, 16, 31)) self.label_23.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_23")) self.label_24 = QtGui.QLabel(self.groupBox) self.label_24.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(100, 90, 16, 31)) self.label_24.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_24")) self.circ_select_radioButton = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.circ_select_radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 130, 151, 21)) self.circ_select_radioButton.setAutoExclusive(False) self.circ_select_radioButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("circ_select_radioButton")) self.mode_buttonGroup.addButton(self.circ_select_radioButton) self.circ_r_spinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.groupBox) self.circ_r_spinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 150, 57, 31)) self.circ_r_spinBox.setMinimum(0) self.circ_r_spinBox.setMaximum(16) self.circ_r_spinBox.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 0) self.circ_r_spinBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("circ_r_spinBox")) self.label_25 = QtGui.QLabel(self.groupBox) self.label_25.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 150, 16, 31)) self.label_25.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_25")) self.choose_beamimage = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.choose_beamimage.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1050, 770, 171, 41)) self.choose_beamimage.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("choose_beamimage")) self.choose_bindir = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.choose_bindir.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1050, 740, 171, 41)) self.choose_bindir.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("choose_bindir")) self.brightpix = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.brightpix.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(880, 250, 57, 25)) self.brightpix.setMaximum(2024) self.brightpix.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 50) self.brightpix.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("brightpix")) self.label_22 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_22.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(940, 250, 121, 21)) self.label_22.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_22")) self.takesky = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.takesky.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1050, 700, 171, 51)) self.takesky.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("takesky")) self.frame_7 = QtGui.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.frame_7.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(860, 390, 181, 511)) self.frame_7.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) self.frame_7.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.frame_7.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frame_7")) self.label_36 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_7) self.label_36.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 10, 141, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily(_fromUtf8("Arial")) font.setPointSize(18) font.setWeight(75) font.setBold(True) self.label_36.setFont(font) self.label_36.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_36")) self.cal_time = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.frame_7) self.cal_time.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 180, 57, 25)) self.cal_time.setMaximum(10000) self.cal_time.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("cal_time")) self.cal_angle = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox(self.frame_7) self.cal_angle.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(90, 180, 62, 25)) self.cal_angle.setMaximum(360.0) self.cal_angle.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("cal_angle")) self.goto_angle = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox(self.frame_7) self.goto_angle.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(90, 240, 62, 25)) self.goto_angle.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("goto_angle")) self.label_37 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_7) self.label_37.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(90, 220, 62, 17)) self.label_37.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_37")) self.label_38 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_7) self.label_38.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 160, 51, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_38.setFont(font) self.label_38.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_38")) self.label_39 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_7) self.label_39.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(90, 160, 61, 21)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(10) self.label_39.setFont(font) self.label_39.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_39")) self.do_cal_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_7) self.do_cal_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 120, 151, 41)) self.do_cal_button.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("do_cal_button")) self.go_home_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_7) self.go_home_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 61, 151, 41)) self.go_home_button.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("go_home_button")) self.goto_button = QtGui.QPushButton(self.frame_7) self.goto_button.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 220, 71, 51)) self.goto_button.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("goto_button")) self.label_40 = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_7) self.label_40.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 310, 151, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily(_fromUtf8("Arial")) font.setPointSize(18) font.setWeight(75) font.setBold(True) self.label_40.setFont(font) self.label_40.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_40")) self.laser_toggle = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.frame_7) self.laser_toggle.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 270, 111, 41)) self.laser_toggle.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("laser_toggle")) self.laser_label = QtGui.QLabel(self.frame_7) self.laser_label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 270, 51, 41)) self.laser_label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("laser_label")) self.filter1 = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_7) self.filter1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 350, 102, 21)) self.filter1.setAutoExclusive(False) self.filter1.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("filter1")) self.filter_buttonGroup = QtGui.QButtonGroup(arcons) self.filter_buttonGroup.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("filter_buttonGroup")) self.filter_buttonGroup.addButton(self.filter1) self.filter2 = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_7) self.filter2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 370, 102, 21)) self.filter2.setAutoExclusive(False) self.filter2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("filter2")) self.filter_buttonGroup.addButton(self.filter2) self.filter3 = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_7) self.filter3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 390, 102, 21)) self.filter3.setAutoExclusive(False) self.filter3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("filter3")) self.filter_buttonGroup.addButton(self.filter3) self.filter4 = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_7) self.filter4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 410, 102, 21)) self.filter4.setAutoExclusive(False) self.filter4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("filter4")) self.filter_buttonGroup.addButton(self.filter4) self.filter5 = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_7) self.filter5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 430, 102, 21)) self.filter5.setAutoExclusive(False) self.filter5.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("filter5")) self.filter_buttonGroup.addButton(self.filter5) self.filter6 = QtGui.QRadioButton(self.frame_7) self.filter6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 450, 102, 21)) self.filter6.setChecked(True) self.filter6.setAutoExclusive(False) self.filter6.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("filter6")) self.filter_buttonGroup.addButton(self.filter6) self.label_26 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_26.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1060, 810, 101, 17)) self.label_26.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_26")) self.label_17 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_17.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1060, 830, 46, 13)) self.label_17.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_17")) self.label_18 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_18.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1060, 863, 46, 20)) self.label_18.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_18")) self.RA_lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.RA_lineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.RA_lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1060, 840, 113, 20)) self.RA_lineEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("RA_lineEdit")) self.Dec_lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.Dec_lineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.Dec_lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1060, 880, 113, 20)) self.Dec_lineEdit.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("Dec_lineEdit")) self.label_41 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_41.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(900, 210, 141, 41)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setFamily(_fromUtf8("Arial")) font.setPointSize(18) font.setWeight(75) font.setBold(True) self.label_41.setFont(font) self.label_41.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_41")) self.vmin = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.vmin.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(886, 350, 61, 25)) self.vmin.setMaximum(1000000) self.vmin.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 100) self.vmin.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("vmin")) self.vmax = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.vmax.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(960, 350, 57, 25)) self.vmax.setMaximum(1000000) self.vmax.setProperty(_fromUtf8("value"), 1500) self.vmax.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("vmax")) self.label_28 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_28.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(940, 280, 62, 17)) self.label_28.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_28")) self.contrast_mode = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.centralwidget) self.contrast_mode.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(880, 300, 161, 31)) self.contrast_mode.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("contrast_mode")) self.label_29 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_29.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(890, 330, 62, 17)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(12) self.label_29.setFont(font) self.label_29.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_29")) self.label_30 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_30.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(960, 330, 62, 17)) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(11) self.label_30.setFont(font) self.label_30.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_30")) arcons.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(arcons) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) arcons.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(arcons) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 860, 22)) self.menubar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menubar")) arcons.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.retranslateUi(arcons) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.close_pushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("clicked()")), arcons.close) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(arcons) def retranslateUi(self, arcons): arcons.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "ARCONS", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "ARCONS Status", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_3.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Array Temp", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_4.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Pulse Tube Temp", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.open_shutter_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Open Shutter", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.cycle_fridge_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Cycle Fridge", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_2.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Telescope Status", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_5.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "RA", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_6.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Dec", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_7.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "UTC", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_8.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Altitude", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_9.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Azimuth", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_10.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Local Time", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_11.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Airmass", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_12.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "LST", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.status_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Status", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.save_raw_checkBox.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", " Save Raw", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_14.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Data Directory:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_16.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Remaining time:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_13.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "SDR Control", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_15.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Exposure Time:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.calibrate_data_checkBox.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Calibrate Data", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.stop_observation_pushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Stop Observation", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.start_observation_pushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Start Observation", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.close_pushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Close", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.search_pushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Browse", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.frequency_tuneup_pushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Frequency \n" "Tune-up", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.target_lineEdit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Target", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_20.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "File name:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_21.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Target name:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.subtract_sky_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Subtract Sky", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.flat_field_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Flat Field", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_19.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", " Integration (s)", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.options_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Expand Controls-->", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_27.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Additional Header Info:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.update_description.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Update in Header", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.continuous.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", " Continuous Observing", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pixel_number_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Displaying Plot for\n" " Pixel Number:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_32.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Row:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_34.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Col:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.groupBox.setTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Pixel Selection Mode", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.drag_select_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Click && Drag", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.rect_select_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Single Click Rectangle", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_23.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "x", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_24.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "y", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.circ_select_radioButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Single Click Circle", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_25.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "r", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.choose_beamimage.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Choose Beamimage", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.choose_bindir.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Choose Bin Dir.", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_22.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Saturated Pix", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.takesky.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Take Sky Exposure", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_36.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Calibration", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_37.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Angle", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_38.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Cal Time:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_39.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Cal Angle:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.do_cal_button.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Do Cal", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.go_home_button.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Go Home", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.goto_button.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "GoTo", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_40.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Filter Wheel", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.laser_toggle.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Laser Box", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.laser_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "OFF", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.filter1.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Filter 1", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.filter2.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Filter 2", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.filter3.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Filter 3", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.filter4.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Filter 4", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.filter5.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Filter 5", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.filter6.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Filter 6", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_26.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Testing Junk", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_17.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "RA", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_18.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Dec", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.RA_lineEdit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "0.0", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.Dec_lineEdit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "0.0", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_41.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Contrast", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_28.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "or", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.contrast_mode.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Manually", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_29.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Min", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_30.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("arcons", "Max", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) from mpl_pyqt4_widget import MPL_Widget
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'testbuttons_gui.ui' # # Created: Tue Nov 19 13:59:11 2013 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.8.4 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(792, 167) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.pushButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(70, 30, 114, 51)) self.pushButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton")) self.pushButton_2 = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200, 30, 114, 51)) self.pushButton_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_2")) self.pushButton_3 = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(330, 30, 114, 51)) self.pushButton_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_3")) self.pushButton_4 = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 30, 114, 51)) self.pushButton_4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_4")) self.pushButton_5 = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.pushButton_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(590, 30, 114, 51)) self.pushButton_5.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_5")) self.spinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.spinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(710, 40, 57, 31)) self.spinBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("spinBox")) self.lcdNumber = QtGui.QLCDNumber(self.centralwidget) self.lcdNumber.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(630, 80, 91, 41)) self.lcdNumber.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lcdNumber")) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 792, 22)) self.menubar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menubar")) MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "1", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_2.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "2", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_3.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "3", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_4.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "4", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.pushButton_5.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Count", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
SDR-master/DataReadout/ReadoutControls/lib/ #Written 9/28/10 by Seth Meeker from numpy import * def rad2altaz(ra, dec, lon, lat, time=None): '''callable python program for converting RA/Dec coordinates to Alt/Az. Inputs: Right Ascension and Declination of object Latitude and Longitude of observing site Time of observation (in format of python's time.gmtime() function call). Defaults to current time if none given. Outputs: Altitude, Azimuth, Hour Angle, and Local Sidereal Time of object Sidereal Time calculated using J2000 epoch ''' #calculate days since J2000 #days = days in previous years + extra days for leap years + days this year + fraction from today years = time.tm_year - 2000 today = (time.tm_hour+(time.tm_min/60.)+(time.tm_sec/3600.))/24. days = 365*(years-1) + (years-1)/4 + (time.tm_yday -1) + today #calculate Local Sidereal Time from longitude and days from the epoch LST = 100.46 + 0.985647*days + lon + 15*(today*24) LST %= 360 #calculate Hour Angle of object HA = LST - ra #setup conversions from degrees to radians and radians to degrees d2r = pi/180 r2d = 180/pi #calculate altitude alt = r2d*arcsin((sin(dec*d2r)*sin(lat*d2r))+(cos(dec*d2r)*cos(lat*d2r)*cos(HA*d2r))) #calculate azimuth A = r2d*arccos((sin(dec*d2r)-sin(alt*d2r)*sin(lat*d2r))/(cos(alt*d2r)*cos(lat*d2r))) az = 360-A return alt, az, LST, HA
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Call HeaderGen from ARCONS control GUI to start write of observation file. Created by Ben Mazin on 2011-05-04. Copyright (c) 2011 . All rights reserved. Modified by Seth Meeker on 2011-06-02 """ import pulses_v1 as pulses import time,datetime,os,ephem import numpy as np from tables import * filt1 = Filters(complevel=1, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) def BeamImage(obsfile, beammapfile, timestamp): print "creating BeamImage and copying into observation file" nBeamRows = 46 nBeamCols = 44 bmfile = openFile(beammapfile, 'r') h5file = openFile(obsfile, 'a') #read beammap in to memory to create beam image bmap = #create beammap node in obs file and copy over from beam map file bgroup = h5file.createGroup('/','beammap','Beam Map of Array') h5file.copyNode(bmfile.getNode('/beammap/beammap'),newparent=bgroup,recursive=True) bmfile.close() # make beammap array - this is a 2d array (top left is 0,0. first index is column, second is row) containing a string with the name of the group holding the photon data ca = h5file.createCArray(bgroup, 'beamimage', StringAtom(itemsize=40), (nBeamRows,nBeamCols), filters=filt1) for i in range(len(bmap)): rowidx = bmap[i][8] colidx = bmap[i][6] ca[colidx,rowidx] = 'r'+str(bmap[i][4])+'/p'+str(int(bmap[i][3]))+'/t'+str(timestamp) #ca[rowidx,colidx] = 'r'+str(bmap[i][4])+'/p'+str(int(bmap[i][2]))+'/t'+str(timestamp) h5file.flush() carray = h5file.close() def HeaderGen(filename,beammapfile,lt,exptime,ra,dec,alt,az,airmass,lst,passedfilt,dir="./",telescope = "Broida", target="Target",equinox=2000.0,epoch=2011.0,focus=np.nan, parallactic=np.nan, seeing=0): #lt = time.time() #passed in call to HeaderGen dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(lt) h5f = openFile(str(dir)+'/'+str(filename), mode='w') hdrgrp = h5f.createGroup('/','header','Group containing observation description') hdrtable = h5f.createTable(hdrgrp, 'header', pulses.ObsHeader, "Header",filters=filt1) w = hdrtable.row w['target'] = target #passed in call to HeaderGen w['datadir'] = dir w['calfile'] = dir + 'something.h5' w['beammappath'] = os.environ['MKID_BEAMMAP_PATH'] w['beammapfile'] = beammapfile #passed in call to HeaderGen w['version'] = 'ARCONS Observation v2.0' w['instrument'] = 'ARCONS v2.0 - 2024 pixel (46x44) array, 8 ROACH readout.' w['boffile'] = os.environ['BOFFILE'] w['firmware'] = os.environ['FIRMWARE_COMMIT'] w['customFIR'] = os.environ['MKID_CUSTOM_FIR'] w['freqpath'] = os.environ['MKID_FREQ_PATH'] w['description'] = '' w['filt'] = passedfilt if telescope == "Palomar": w['telescope'] = 'Palomar 200" Hale Telescope' w['obslat'] = 33.0 + 21.0/60.0 + 21.6/3600.0 #Palomar w['obslong'] = -1.*(116.0 + 51.0/60.0 + 46.80/3600.0) #Palomar w['obsalt'] = 1706.0 #Palomar if telescope == "Lick": w['telescope'] = 'Lick 36 inch Shane Telescope' w['obslat'] = 37.0 + 20.0/60.0 + 24.6/3600.0 #Lick w['obslong'] = -1.*(121.0 + 38.0/60.0 + 43.80/3600.0) #Lick w['obsalt'] = 1283.0 #Lick if telescope == "Broida": w['telescope'] = 'Mazin Lab, UCSB' w['obslat'] = 34.414243 #UCSB's location according to Google Earth w['obslong'] = -119.843009 w['obsalt'] = 100.0 if focus != np.nan: w['focus'] = focus if parallactic != np.nan: w['parallactic'] = parallactic #crab = ephem.readdb("Crab Pulsar,f|L,5:34:31.97,22:00:52.1,16.5,2000") w['seeing'] = seeing w['airmass'] = airmass w['equinox'] = equinox w['epoch'] = epoch w['timezone'] = time.altzone/3600.0 w['localtime'] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(lt)) w['unixtime'] = lt w['utc'] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(lt)) #palomar = ephem.Observer() #palomar.long, = '116.0:51.0:46.80', '33.0:21.0:21.6' = ephem.Date(dt) #palomar.elevation = 1706.0 #crab.compute(palomar) #w['ra'] = crab.ra*12.0/ephem.pi #pulled from TCS w['ra'] = ra #w['dec'] = crab.dec*180.0/ephem.pi #pulled from TCS w['dec'] = dec #w['lst'] = palomar.sidereal_time().__str__() #pulled from TCS w['lst'] = lst w['jd'] = ephem.julian_date(dt) #w['alt'] = crab.alt*180.0/ephem.pi #pulled from TCS w['alt'] = alt #w['az'] =*180.0/ephem.pi #pulled from TCS w['az'] = az w['platescl'] = 0.3 #w['exptime'] = 10.0 #passed in call to HeaderGen w['exptime'] = exptime w.append() h5f.close() h5f = openFile(str(dir)+'/'+str(filename), mode='r') print str(dir)+'/'+str(filename) test = print 'exptime written is ',test['exptime'][0] h5f.close() #BeamImage(dir+'/'+str(filename), beammapfile, lt)
import numpy as np import os import sys import subprocess # get seeing log from # read in last line of file and extract seeing value # return this value def getPalomarSeeing(verbose=False): #set Verbose = True if you want debug messages f="current.log" address = ""%f if verbose==True: print "Grabbing file from %s"%address if verbose== True: p = subprocess.Popen("wget %s"%address,shell=True) else: p = subprocess.Popen("wget --quiet %s"%address,shell=True) p.communicate() stdin,stdout = os.popen2("tail -1 %s"%f) stdin.close() line = stdout.readlines(); stdout.close() if verbose==True: print line breakdown = line[0].split('\t') seeing = breakdown[4] if verbose==True: print "Seeing = %s"%seeing print "Deleting %s"%f os.remove(f) return seeing if __name__ == "__main__": verbose=False if len(sys.argv)>1: if sys.argv[1]=='v': verbose=True else: print "To set verbose mode use syntax:\npython v" seeing = getPalomarSeeing(verbose) print "Got seeing as %s"%seeing
# # 05/30/11 version 2 updated to make image as numpy array and return mplib figure to arcons quicklook #from data2ascii import unpack_data from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw from numpy import * import matplotlib from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, show, rc, grid import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #will actually need intermediate work to unpack these arrays from file and pass them in def make_image(photon_count, median_energy, color_on = True, white_pixels = .10): ''' Updated from 08/31/10 version. Image generation will happen on GUI machine now. organize_data will be run on SDR to pass over binary file with arrays of each pixels photon count and median energy. Those arrays will be unpacked in GUI image generation thread, combined into cumulative arrays if we are doing an observation, then passes arrays of photon counts and energies to make_image ''' array_rows = 32 array_cols = 32 total_pixels = array_rows * array_cols print "Generating image" im ="RGB",(array_cols,array_rows)) draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im) #to get better v gradient we want to saturate brightest 10% of pixels #make histogram out of the lengths of each pixel. Histogram peak will be at the low end #as most pixels will be dark, thus having small "lengths" for their photon lists. hist_counts, hist_bins = histogram(photon_count, bins=100) brightest_pixels = 0 nbrightestcounts = 0.0 q=1 #starting at the high end of the histogram (bins containing the pixels with the most photons), #count backwards until we get to the 5th brightest, then set that to maximum v value. #Thus the few brighter pixels will be saturated, and the rest will be scaled to this #5th brightest pixel. ncounts = float(sum(photon_count)) #print "ncounts ", ncounts cdf = array(cumsum(hist_counts*hist_bins[:-1]),dtype = float32) #print cdf idx = (where(cdf > (ncounts*(1.0-white_pixels))))[0][0] #where cdf has 1-white_pixels percent of max number of counts #print idx vmax = hist_bins[idx] #while float(nbrightestcounts/float(ncounts)) <= white_pixels: #brightest_pixels += hist_bins[-q] #nbrightestcounts += hist_counts[-q] #q+=1 #if vmax == 0: #if vmax = 0 then no pixels are illuminated #while vmax ==0: #check through brightest pixels until one is found #q -= 1 #vmax = pixel_hist[1][-q] for m in range(total_pixels): try: if median_energy[m] >= 3.1: hue= 300 elif median_energy[m] <= 1.9: hue= 0 else: hue = int(((median_energy[m]-1.9)/(3.1-1.9))*300) except ValueError: hue = 150 #if median energy is NaN, that pixel has no photons, so set hue to green and v will be 0 #normalize number of photons in that pixel by vmax, then *80 to give brightness try: v = int((photon_count[m]/vmax)*80) if v < 0: v=0 #after sky subtraction we may get negative counts for some pixels except ValueError: v=0 #if v is NaN set v to 0 if color_on == True: s=v #scale saturation with v so brightest pixels show most color, dimmer show less color else: s=0 #make image black and white if color is turned off colorstring = "hsl(%i,%i%%,%i%%)" %(hue,s,v) imx = m%(array_cols) #to flip image vertically use: imy = m/array_cols imy = (array_rows - 1) - m/(array_cols) draw.point((imx,imy),colorstring) return im #10/5/10 added main portion so single binary data file can be turned into an image if __name__ == "__main__": file = raw_input("enter binary data file name: ") newpixel, newtime, newenergy = unpack_data(file) imagefile = raw_input("enter image file name to save data to: ") obs = len(newenergy) print "creating list of each pixel's photons" each_pixels_photons = [] lengths = [] #generate empty list for pixels to have photons dumped into for j in range(1024): each_pixels_photons.append([]) #search through data and place energies in right pixels for k in range(obs): each_pixels_photons[newpixel[k]].append(newenergy[k]) for l in range(1024): lengths.append(len(each_pixels_photons[l])) print "Generating image" im ="RGB",(32,32)) draw = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im) #to get better v distribution we want to saturate brightest 0.5% of pixels pixel_hist = histogram(lengths, bins=100) photon_sum=0 q=1 while photon_sum <=4: photon_sum += pixel_hist[0][-q] q+=1 vmax = pixel_hist[1][-q] for m in range(1024): #normalize pixel's ave energy by max of 5, then multiply by 300 to give hue value between 0 and 300 median_energy = median(each_pixels_photons[m]) try: if median_energy >= 3.1: hue= 300 elif median_energy <= 1.9: hue= 0 else: hue = int(((median_energy-1.9)/(3.1-1.9))*300) except ValueError: hue = 150 #if median energy is NaN, that pixel has no photons, so set hue to green and v will be 0 #normalize number of photons in that pixel by vmax, then *80 to give brightness try: v = (len(each_pixels_photons[m])/vmax)*80 except ValueError: v=0 #if v is NaN set v to 0 s=v #scale saturation with v so brightest pixels show most color, dimmer show less color colorstring = "hsl(%i,%i%%,%i%%)" %(hue,s,v) imx = m%(32) #switch between two lines below to flip array vertically #imy = m/array_cols imy = (31) - m/(32) #imy = m/(32) draw.point((imx,imy),colorstring)
#!/usr/bin/env python from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4 import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib.figure import Figure import numpy as N class MyMplCanvas(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, parent=None, width = 10, height = 12, dpi = 100, sharex = None, sharey = None): self.fig = Figure(figsize = (width, height), dpi=dpi, facecolor = '#FFFFFF') = self.fig.add_subplot(111, sharex = sharex, sharey = sharey) self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.15, right=0.97, top=0.97) self.xtitle="Wavelength" self.ytitle="Counts" #self.PlotTitle = "Some Plot" self.grid_status = True self.xaxis_style = 'linear' self.yaxis_style = 'linear' self.format_labels() FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.fig) #self.fc = FigureCanvas(self.fig) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self) def format_labels(self):, fontsize = 7), fontsize = 7) labels_x = labels_y = for xlabel in labels_x: xlabel.set_fontsize(7) for ylabel in labels_y: ylabel.set_fontsize(7) ylabel.set_color('b') def sizeHint(self): w, h = self.get_width_height() return QSize(w, h) def minimumSizeHint(self): return QSize(10, 10) def sizeHint(self): w, h = self.get_width_height() return QSize(w, h) def minimumSizeHint(self): return QSize(10, 10) class MPL_Widget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.canvas = MyMplCanvas() #self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.canvas) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) #self.vbox.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.setLayout(self.vbox)
# encoding: utf-8 """ Created as by Ben Mazin on 2011-05-04. Copyright (c) 2011 . All rights reserved. """ import numpy as np import time import os from tables import * import matplotlib import scipy as sp import scipy.signal from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, show, rc, grid import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpfit class ObsHeader(IsDescription):#PyTables header for observation files target = StringCol(80) datadir = StringCol(80) # directory where observation data is stored calfile = StringCol(80) # path and filename of calibration file beammapfile = StringCol(80) # path and filename of beam map file version = StringCol(80) instrument = StringCol(80) telescope = StringCol(80) focus = StringCol(80) parallactic = Float64Col() ra = Float64Col() dec = Float64Col() alt = Float64Col() az = Float64Col() airmass = Float64Col() equinox = Float64Col() epoch = Float64Col() obslat = Float64Col() obslong = Float64Col() obsalt = Float64Col() timezone = Int32Col() localtime = StringCol(80) ut = Float64Col() lst = StringCol(80) jd = Float64Col() platescl = Float64Col() exptime = Int32Col() class Photon(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that holds pulse packet data on the disk. Put in a marker pulse with at = int(time.time()) and phase = -32767 every second. """ at = UInt32Col() # pulse arrival time in microseconds since last sync pulse class RawPulse(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that hold raw pulse data on the disk. """ starttime = Float64Col() # start time of pulse data samprate = Float32Col() # sample rate of the data in samples/sec npoints = Int32Col() # number of data points in the pulse f0 = Float32Col() # resonant frequency data was taken at atten1 = Float32Col() # attenuator 1 setting data was taken at atten2 = Float32Col() # attenuator 2 setting data was taken at Tstart = Float32Col() # temp data was taken at I = Float32Col(2000) # I pulse data, up to 5000 points. Q = Float32Col(2000) class PulseAnalysis(IsDescription): # contains final template info flag = Int16Col() # flag for quality of template. If this could be a bad template set > 0 count = Float32Col() # number of pulses going into this template pstart = Int16Col() # index of peak of template phasetemplate = Float64Col(2000) phasenoise = Float64Col(800) phasenoiseidx = Float64Col(800) #optfilt = Complex128(800) # fit quantities trise = Float32Col() # fit value of rise time tfall = Float32Col() # fit value of fall time # optimal filter parameters coeff = Float32Col(100) # coefficients for the near-optimal filter nparam = Int16Col() # number of parameters in the filter class BeamMap(IsDescription): roach = UInt16Col() # ROACH board number (0-15) for now! resnum = UInt16Col() # resonator number on roach board (corresponds to res # in optimal pulse packets) f0 = Float32Col() # resonant frequency of center of sweep (can be used to get group name) pixel = UInt32Col() # actual pixel number - bottom left of array is 0, increasing up xpos = Float32Col() # physical X location in mm ypos = Float32Col() # physical Y location in mm scale = Float32Col(3) # polynomial to convert from degrees to eV # Make a fake observation file def FakeObservation(obsname, start, exptime): # simulation parameters nroach = 4 # number of roach boards nres = 256 # number of pixels on each roach xpix = 32 # pixels in x dir ypix = 32 # pixels in y dir R = 15 # mean energy resolution good = 0.85 # fraction of resonators that are good #exptime = 10 # duration of fake exposure in seconds fullobspath = obsname.split("/") obsfile = fullobspath.pop() obspath = "/".join(fullobspath)+"/" h5file = openFile(obsname, mode = "r") carray = h5file.close() filt1 = Filters(complevel=1, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) # without minimal compression the files sizes are ridiculous... h5file = openFile(obsname, mode = "a") ''' beam map inserted from beam map file during header gen # make beamap table bgroup = h5file.createGroup('/','beammap','Beam Map of Array') filt = Filters(complevel=0, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) filt1 = Filters(complevel=1, complib='blosc', fletcher32=False) # without minimal compression the files sizes are ridiculous... btable = h5file.createTable(bgroup, 'beammap', BeamMap, "Table of anaylzed beam map data",filters=filt1) w = btable.row # make beammap array - this is a 2d array (top left is 0,0. first index is column, second is row) containing a string with the name of the group holding the photon data ca = h5file.createCArray(bgroup, 'beamimage', StringAtom(itemsize=40), (32,32), filters=filt1) for i in xrange(nroach): for j in xrange(nres): w['roach'] = i w['resnum'] = ((41*j)%256) w['f0'] = 3.5 + (i%2)*.512 + 0.002*j w['pixel'] = ((41*j)%256) + 256*i w['xpos'] = np.floor(j/16)*0.1 w['ypos'] = (j%16)*0.1 if i == 1 or i == 3: w['ypos'] = (j%16)*0.1 + 1.6 if i == 2 or i == 3: w['xpos'] = np.floor(j/16)*0.1 + 1.6 w.append() colidx = int(np.floor(j/16)) rowidx = 31 - j%16 if i == 1 or i == 3: rowidx -= 16 if i >= 2: colidx += 16 ca[rowidx,colidx] = 'r'+str(i)+'/p'+str( ((41*j)%256) ) h5file.flush() carray = ''' # load up the 32x32 image we want to simulate sourceim = plt.imread('/Users/ourhero/Documents/python/MazinLab/Arcons/ucsblogo.png') sourceim = sourceim[:,:,0] # make directory structure for pulse data dptr = [] for i in xrange(nroach): group = h5file.createGroup('/','r'+str(i),'Roach ' + str(i)) for j in xrange(nres): subgroup = h5file.createGroup(group,'p'+str(j)) dptr.append(subgroup) ''' # now go in an update the beamimages array to contain the name of the actual data array for i in xrange(32): for j in xrange(32): name = h5file.getNode('/',name=ca[i,j]) for leaf in name._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): newname = ca[i,j]+'/' ca[i,j] = newname ''' # create fake photon data #start = np.floor(time.time()) # make VLArray tables for the photon data vlarr=[] for i in dptr: tmpvlarr = h5file.createVLArray(i, 't'+str(int(start)), UInt32Atom(shape=()),expectedsizeinMB=0.1,filters=filt1) vlarr.append(tmpvlarr) idx = np.arange(2000) for i in xrange(exptime): print i t1 = time.time() for j in vlarr: # sky photons nphot = 1000 + int(np.random.randn()*np.sqrt(1000)) #arrival = np.uint32(idx[:nphot]*700.0 + np.random.randn(nphot)*100.0) arrival = np.uint64(np.random.random(nphot)*1e6) energy = np.uint64(np.round((20.0 + np.random.random(nphot)*80.0)*20.0)) photon = np.bitwise_or( np.left_shift(energy,12), arrival ) # source photons # figure out where this group is on the array pgroup = j._g_getparent().__str__() #print "printing pgroup", pgroup ngroup = (pgroup.split(' '))[0]+'/t'+str(start) #print "printing ngroup", ngroup cidx = np.where(carray == ngroup[1:]) #print "printing ngroup 1:" ,ngroup[1:] #print "printing cidx", cidx #print sourceim[cidx] sphot = 100.0 * (sourceim[cidx])[0] sphot += np.sqrt(sphot)*np.random.randn() sphot = np.uint32(sphot) #print sphot if sphot >= 1.0: arrival = np.uint64(np.random.random(sphot)*1e6) energy = np.uint64( (60.0 + np.random.randn(sphot)*3.0)*20.0 ) source = np.bitwise_or( np.left_shift(energy,12), arrival ) plist = np.concatenate((photon,source)) else: plist = photon #splist = np.sort(plist) j.append(plist) t2 = time.time() dt = t2-t1 if t2-t1 < 1: #delay for 1 second between creating seconds of false data time.sleep(1-dt) ''' idx = np.arange(2000) for i in xrange(exptime): print i t1 = time.time() for j in vlarr: # sky photons nphot = 1000 + int(np.random.randn()*np.sqrt(1000)) #arrival = np.uint32(idx[:nphot]*700.0 + np.random.randn(nphot)*100.0) arrival = np.uint32(np.random.random(nphot)*1e6) energy = np.uint32(np.round((20.0 + np.random.random(nphot)*80.0)*20.0)) photon = np.bitwise_or( np.left_shift(arrival,12), energy ) # source photons # figure out where this group is on the array pgroup = j._g_getparent().__str__() ngroup = (pgroup.split(' '))[0] cidx = np.where(carray == ngroup[1:]) #print sourceim[cidx] sphot = 100.0 * (sourceim[cidx])[0] sphot += np.sqrt(sphot)*np.random.randn() sphot = np.uint32(sphot) #print sphot if sphot >= 1.0: arrival = np.uint32(np.random.random(sphot)*1e6) energy = np.uint32( (60.0 + np.random.randn(sphot)*3.0)*20.0 ) source = np.bitwise_or( np.left_shift(arrival,12), energy ) plist = np.concatenate((photon,source)) else: plist = photon #splist = np.sort(plist) j.append(plist) ''' h5file.close() # make a preview image from obsfile def QuickLook(obsfile,tstart,tend): h5file = openFile(obsfile, mode = "r") image = np.zeros((32,32)) #mask = np.repeat(np.uint32(4095),2000) # load beamimage bmap = h5file.root.beammap.beamimage for i in xrange(32): for j in xrange(32): photons = h5file.root._f_getChild(bmap[i][j]) for k in range(tstart,tend): #energy = np.bitwise_and( mask[:len(photons[0])],photons[0]) image[i][j] += len(photons[k]) # subtract off sky skysub = np.float32(image - np.median(image)) h5file.close() # display the image fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.imshow(skysub,cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest') cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) # Make a pulse template from the pulses saved in filename def MakeTemplate(pulsedat): # open the pulse file h5file = openFile(pulsedat, mode = "r") r1 = h5file.root.r1 # create the template file tfile = openFile(pulsedat.replace('.h5','-template.h5'), mode = "w", title = "Optimal filter data file created " + time.asctime() ) tempr1 = tfile.createGroup('/','r1','ROACH 1') # loop through pulse data for group in r1._f_walkGroups(): if group == r1: # walkgroups returns itself as first entry, so skip it - there is probably a more elegant way! continue print group # go through all the raw pulses in table and generate the template tP=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') tA=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') tPf=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') tAf=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') noise = np.zeros(800,dtype='float64') # read the table into memory (too slow otherwise!) dat = N = len(dat) count = 0.0 peaklist = [] idx = np.arange(2000)*2.0 fitidx = np.concatenate((idx[:900],idx[1800:])) # center of loop xc = 0.0 yc = 0.0 # determine median prepulse levels for first 100 pulses I1m = np.median(dat['I'][:100,:900]) Q1m = np.median(dat['Q'][:100,:900]) # make a prelimiary template with 1000 pulses, then a better one with all of them if N > 1000: N = 1000 # first pass for j in xrange(N): I = dat['I'][j] Q = dat['Q'][j] # reference all pulses to first 100 pulses (1/f removal) I += (I1m - np.median(I[1:900])) Q += (Q1m - np.median(Q[1:900])) # transform to phase P1 = np.arctan2( Q-yc, I-xc ) #P1 = numexpr.evaluate('arctan2( Q-yc, I-xc )') # remove phase wraps and convert to degrees P2 = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(P1)) # subtract baseline fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(fitidx,np.concatenate((P2[:900],P2[1800:])),1)) P3 = P2 - fit(idx) # skip pulses with bad baseline subtraction stdev = np.std(P3[:100]) if np.abs(np.mean(P3[:100])-np.mean(P3[1900:])) > stdev*2.0 : continue # eliminate doubles # first pass fit all non-noise pulses peak = np.max(P3[980:1050]) peaklist.append(peak) if peak < 15.0 or peak > 120.0: continue # if peak not near the center skip ploc = (np.where(P3 == peak))[0] if ploc < 980 or ploc > 1020: continue # align pulse so peak happens at center P4 = np.roll(P3,1000-ploc) # normalize and add to template tP += P4/np.max(P4) count += 1 print 'First Pass =',int(count),'pulses' tP /= count tA /= count # make a second pass through using the initial template as the kernel to determine pulse start time peaklist = np.asarray(peaklist) pm = np.median(peaklist[np.where(peaklist>15)]) pdev = np.std(peaklist[np.where(peaklist>15)]) print pm,'+-',pdev,'degrees' N = len(dat) count = 0.0 t1 = time.time() for j in xrange(N): I = dat['I'][j] Q = dat['Q'][j] # reference all pulses to first 100 pulses (1/f removal) I += (I1m - np.median(I[1:900])) Q += (Q1m - np.median(Q[1:900])) # transform to phase P1 = np.arctan2( Q-yc, I-xc ) # remove phase wraps and convert to degrees P2 = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(P1)) # subtract baseline - this step is slow - speed up! fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(fitidx,np.concatenate((P2[:900],P2[1800:])),1)) P3 = P2 - fit(idx) # skip pulses with bad baseline subtraction stdev = np.std(P3[:100]) if np.abs(np.mean(P3[:100])-np.mean(P3[1900:])) > stdev*2.0 : continue # eliminate doubles # Only fit pulses near the peak conv = np.convolve(tP[900:1500],P3) #conv = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(tP[950:1462],np.concatenate( (P3,P3[0:48]) ) ) ploc = int((np.where(conv == np.max(conv)))[0] - 1160.0) peak = np.max(P3[1000+ploc]) #print ploc,peak if peak < pm - 4.0*pdev or peak > pm + 4.0*pdev: continue # if peak not near the center skip if ploc < -30 or ploc > 30: continue # align pulse so peak happens at center P4 = np.roll(P3,-ploc) # normalize and add to template tPf += P4/np.max(P4) count += 1 # compute noise PSD noise += np.abs( np.fft.fft(np.deg2rad(P4[50:850])) )**2 t2 = time.time() tPf /= count noise /= count noiseidx = np.fft.fftfreq(len(noise),d=0.000002) print 'Second Pass =',int(count),'pulses' print 'Pulses per second = ', N/(t2-t1) # calculate optimal filter parameters # save the template information in a new file # create a group off root for each resonator that contains iq sweep, pulse template, noise, and optimal filter coefficents pgroup = tfile.createGroup(tempr1,group._v_name, 'data to set up optimal filtering' ) group.iqsweep.copy(newparent=pgroup) # copy in IQ sweep data #filt = Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', fletcher32=True) filt = Filters(complevel=0, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) table = tfile.createTable(pgroup, 'opt', PulseAnalysis, "optimal filter data",filters=filt) w = table.row if( count < 500 or pm < 10 or pm > 150): w['flag'] = 1 else: w['flag'] = 0 w['count'] = count w['pstart'] = (np.where( tPf == np.max(tPf)))[0] w['phasetemplate'] = tPf w['phasenoise'] = noise w['phasenoiseidx'] = noiseidx w.append() break #plot(tPf) plot(noiseidx,noise) show() h5file.close() tfile.close() def FakeTemplateData(): # make fake data and write it to a h5 file filename = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/fakepulse2.h5' h5file = openFile(filename, mode='w', title = "Fake Pulse file created " + time.asctime() ) r1 = h5file.createGroup('/','r1','ROACH 1') # open IQ sweep file sweepdat = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/ps_20110505-172336.h5' iqfile = openFile(sweepdat, mode = "r") swp = iqfile.root.sweeps # loop through each IQ sweep in sweepddat and create fake pulses for it for group in swp._f_walkGroups(): if group == swp: # walkgroups returns itself as first entry, so skip it - there is probably a more elegant way! continue print group pgroup = h5file.createGroup(r1,group._v_name, 'IQ pulse data' ) pname = 'iqpulses' #filt = Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', fletcher32=True) filt = Filters(complevel=0, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) table = h5file.createTable(pgroup, pname, RawPulse, "IQ Pulse Data",filters=filt) p = table.row # copy the IQ sweep data into the file group._f_copyChildren(pgroup) trise = 0.1 tfall = 65.0 for j in xrange(1000): p['starttime'] = time.time() p['samprate'] = 500000.0 p['npoints'] = 2000 p['f0'] = 3.65 p['atten1'] = 30 p['atten2'] = 0 p['Tstart'] = 0.1 I = np.zeros(2000) Q = np.zeros(2000) idx = np.arange(1000,dtype='float32') I[1000:2000] = (1.0 - np.exp( -idx/trise ) ) * np.exp(-idx/tfall) * 0.25 Q[1000:2000] = (1.0 - np.exp( -idx/trise ) ) * np.exp(-idx/tfall) I += 2.0 - np.random.normal(size=2000)*.01 # add noise Q += np.random.normal(size=2000)*.01 # move arrival time I = np.roll(I, int((np.random.normal()*10.0)+0.5) ) Q = np.roll(Q, int((np.random.normal()*10.0)+0.5) ) p['I'] = np.concatenate( (I,np.zeros(2000-len(I))),axis=0 ) p['Q'] = np.concatenate( (Q,np.zeros(2000-len(Q))),axis=0 ) p.append() table.flush() h5file.close() iqfile.close() #print 'Running!' #FakeTemplateData() #pulsedat = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/fakepulse2.h5' #MakeTemplate(pulsedat) #fakedat = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/fakeobs.h5' #FakeObservation(fakedat) #QuickLook(fakedat,0,10) #print 'Done.'
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Created by Ben Mazin on 2011-05-04. Copyright (c) 2011 . All rights reserved. """ import numpy as np import time from tables import * import matplotlib #import scipy as sp #import scipy.signal from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, figure, show, rc, grid import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #import matplotlib.image as mpimg #import mpfit #import numexpr #from iqsweep import * class Photon(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that holds pulse packet data on the disk. Put in a marker pulse with at = int(time.time()) and phase = -32767 every second. """ at = UInt32Col() # pulse arrival time in microseconds since last sync pulse # phase = Int16Col() # optimally filtered phase pulse height class RawPulse(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that hold raw pulse data on the disk. """ starttime = Float64Col() # start time of pulse data samprate = Float32Col() # sample rate of the data in samples/sec npoints = Int32Col() # number of data points in the pulse f0 = Float32Col() # resonant frequency data was taken at atten1 = Float32Col() # attenuator 1 setting data was taken at atten2 = Float32Col() # attenuator 2 setting data was taken at Tstart = Float32Col() # temp data was taken at I = Float32Col(2000) # I pulse data, up to 5000 points. Q = Float32Col(2000) class PulseAnalysis(IsDescription): # contains final template info flag = Int16Col() # flag for quality of template. If this could be a bad template set > 0 count = Float32Col() # number of pulses going into this template pstart = Int16Col() # index of peak of template phasetemplate = Float64Col(2000) phasenoise = Float64Col(800) phasenoiseidx = Float64Col(800) #optfilt = Complex128(800) # fit quantities trise = Float32Col() # fit value of rise time tfall = Float32Col() # fit value of fall time # optimal filter parameters coeff = Float32Col(100) # coefficients for the near-optimal filter nparam = Int16Col() # number of parameters in the filter class BeamMap(IsDescription): roach = UInt16Col() # ROACH board number (0-15) for now! resnum = UInt16Col() # resonator number on roach board (corresponds to res # in optimal pulse packets) f0 = Float32Col() # resonant frequency of center of sweep (can be used to get group name) pixel = UInt32Col() # actual pixel number - bottom left of array is 0, increasing up xpos = Float32Col() # physical X location in mm ypos = Float32Col() # physical Y location in mm scale = Float32Col(3) # polynomial to convert from degrees to eV class ObsHeader(IsDescription): target = StringCol(80) datadir = StringCol(80) # directory where observation data is stored calfile = StringCol(80) # path and filename of calibration file beammapfile = StringCol(80) # path and filename of beam map file version = StringCol(80) instrument = StringCol(80) ra = Float64Col() dec = Float64Col() alt = Float64Col() az = Float64Col() airmass = Float64Col() equinox = Float64Col() epoch = Float64Col() obslat = Float64Col() obslong = Float64Col() obsalt = Float64Col() timezone = Int32Col() localtime = StringCol(80) ut = Float64Col() lst = StringCol(80) jd = Float64Col() platescl = Float64Col() exptime = Int32Col() # Make a fake observation file def FakeObservation(obsname): # simulation parameters nroach = 4 # number of roach boards nres = 256 # number of pixels on each roach xpix = 32 # pixels in x dir ypix = 32 # pixels in y dir R = 15 # mean energy resolution good = 0.85 # fraction of resonators that are good exptime = 10 # duration of fake exposure in seconds h5file = openFile(obsname, mode = "w") # make beamap table bgroup = h5file.createGroup('/','beammap','Beam Map of Array') filt = Filters(complevel=0, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) filt1 = Filters(complevel=1, complib='blosc', fletcher32=False) # without minimal compression the files sizes are ridiculous... btable = h5file.createTable(bgroup, 'beammap', BeamMap, "Table of anaylzed beam map data",filters=filt1) w = btable.row # make beammap array - this is a 2d array (top left is 0,0. first index is column, second is row) containing a string with the name of the group holding the photon data ca = h5file.createCArray(bgroup, 'beamimage', StringAtom(itemsize=40), (32,32), filters=filt1) for i in xrange(nroach): for j in xrange(nres): w['roach'] = i w['resnum'] = ((41*j)%256) w['f0'] = 3.5 + (i%2)*.512 + 0.002*j w['pixel'] = ((41*j)%256) + 256*i w['xpos'] = np.floor(j/16)*0.1 w['ypos'] = (j%16)*0.1 if i == 1 or i == 3: w['ypos'] = (j%16)*0.1 + 1.6 if i == 2 or i == 3: w['xpos'] = np.floor(j/16)*0.1 + 1.6 w.append() colidx = int(np.floor(j/16)) rowidx = 31 - j%16 if i == 1 or i == 3: rowidx -= 16 if i >= 2: colidx += 16 ca[rowidx,colidx] = 'r'+str(i)+'/p'+str( ((41*j)%256) ) h5file.flush() carray = # load up the 32x32 image we want to simulate sourceim = plt.imread('/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/ucsblogo.png') sourceim = sourceim[:,:,0] # make directory structure for pulse data dptr = [] for i in xrange(nroach): group = h5file.createGroup('/','r'+str(i),'Roach ' + str(i)) for j in xrange(nres): subgroup = h5file.createGroup(group,'p'+str(j)) dptr.append(subgroup) # create fake photon data start = np.floor(time.time()) # make VLArray tables for the photon data vlarr=[] for i in dptr: tmpvlarr = h5file.createVLArray(i, 't'+str(int(start)), UInt32Atom(shape=()),expectedsizeinMB=0.1,filters=filt1) vlarr.append(tmpvlarr) idx = np.arange(2000) for i in xrange(exptime): print i for j in vlarr: # sky photons nphot = 1000 + int(np.random.randn()*np.sqrt(1000)) #arrival = np.uint32(idx[:nphot]*700.0 + np.random.randn(nphot)*100.0) arrival = np.uint32(np.random.random(nphot)*1e6) energy = np.uint32(np.round((20.0 + np.random.random(nphot)*80.0)*20.0)) photon = np.bitwise_or( np.left_shift(arrival,12), energy ) # source photons # figure out where this group is on the array pgroup = j._g_getparent().__str__() ngroup = (pgroup.split(' '))[0] cidx = np.where(carray == ngroup[1:]) #print sourceim[cidx] sphot = 100.0 * (sourceim[cidx])[0] sphot += np.sqrt(sphot)*np.random.randn() sphot = np.uint32(sphot) print sphot if sphot >= 1.0: arrival = np.uint32(np.random.random(sphot)*1e6) energy = np.uint32( (60.0 + np.random.randn(sphot)*3.0)*20.0 ) source = np.bitwise_or( np.left_shift(arrival,12), energy ) plist = np.concatenate((photon,source)) else: plist = photon #splist = np.sort(plist) j.append(plist) # now go in an update the beamimages array to contain the name of the actual data array for i in xrange(32): for j in xrange(32): name = h5file.getNode('/',name=ca[i,j]) for leaf in name._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): newname = ca[i,j]+'/' ca[i,j] = newname h5file.close() # make a preview image from obsfile def QuickLook(obsfile,tstart,tend): h5file = openFile(obsfile, mode = "r") image = np.zeros((32,32)) #mask = np.repeat(np.uint32(4095),2000) # load beamimage bmap = for i in xrange(32): for j in xrange(32): photons = h5file.root._f_getChild(bmap[i][j]).read() for k in xrange(tstart,tend): #energy = np.bitwise_and( mask[:len(photons[0])],photons[0]) image[i][j] += len(photons[k]) # subtract off sky skysub = np.float32(image - np.median(image)) h5file.close() # display the image fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.imshow(skysub,cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest') cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) # Make a pulse template from the pulses saved in filename def MakeTemplate(pulsedat): # open the pulse file h5file = openFile(pulsedat, mode = "r") r1 = h5file.root.r1 # create the template file tfile = openFile(pulsedat.replace('.h5','-template.h5'), mode = "w", title = "Optimal filter data file created " + time.asctime() ) tempr1 = tfile.createGroup('/','r1','ROACH 1') # loop through pulse data for group in r1._f_walkGroups(): if group == r1: # walkgroups returns itself as first entry, so skip it - there is probably a more elegant way! continue print group # go through all the raw pulses in table and generate the template tP=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') tA=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') tPf=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') tAf=np.zeros(2000,dtype='float64') noise = np.zeros(800,dtype='float64') # read the table into memory (too slow otherwise!) dat = N = len(dat) count = 0.0 peaklist = [] idx = np.arange(2000)*2.0 fitidx = np.concatenate((idx[:900],idx[1800:])) # center of loop xc = 0.0 yc = 0.0 # determine median prepulse levels for first 100 pulses I1m = np.median(dat['I'][:100,:900]) Q1m = np.median(dat['Q'][:100,:900]) # make a prelimiary template with 1000 pulses, then a better one with all of them if N > 1000: N = 1000 # first pass for j in xrange(N): I = dat['I'][j] Q = dat['Q'][j] # reference all pulses to first 100 pulses (1/f removal) I += (I1m - np.median(I[1:900])) Q += (Q1m - np.median(Q[1:900])) # transform to phase P1 = np.arctan2( Q-yc, I-xc ) #P1 = numexpr.evaluate('arctan2( Q-yc, I-xc )') # remove phase wraps and convert to degrees P2 = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(P1)) # subtract baseline fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(fitidx,np.concatenate((P2[:900],P2[1800:])),1)) P3 = P2 - fit(idx) # skip pulses with bad baseline subtraction stdev = np.std(P3[:100]) if np.abs(np.mean(P3[:100])-np.mean(P3[1900:])) > stdev*2.0 : continue # eliminate doubles # first pass fit all non-noise pulses peak = np.max(P3[980:1050]) peaklist.append(peak) if peak < 15.0 or peak > 120.0: continue # if peak not near the center skip ploc = (np.where(P3 == peak))[0] if ploc < 980 or ploc > 1020: continue # align pulse so peak happens at center P4 = np.roll(P3,1000-ploc) # normalize and add to template tP += P4/np.max(P4) count += 1 print 'First Pass =',int(count),'pulses' tP /= count tA /= count # make a second pass through using the initial template as the kernel to determine pulse start time peaklist = np.asarray(peaklist) pm = np.median(peaklist[np.where(peaklist>15)]) pdev = np.std(peaklist[np.where(peaklist>15)]) print pm,'+-',pdev,'degrees' N = len(dat) count = 0.0 t1 = time.time() for j in xrange(N): I = dat['I'][j] Q = dat['Q'][j] # reference all pulses to first 100 pulses (1/f removal) I += (I1m - np.median(I[1:900])) Q += (Q1m - np.median(Q[1:900])) # transform to phase P1 = np.arctan2( Q-yc, I-xc ) # remove phase wraps and convert to degrees P2 = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(P1)) # subtract baseline - this step is slow - speed up! fit = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(fitidx,np.concatenate((P2[:900],P2[1800:])),1)) P3 = P2 - fit(idx) # skip pulses with bad baseline subtraction stdev = np.std(P3[:100]) if np.abs(np.mean(P3[:100])-np.mean(P3[1900:])) > stdev*2.0 : continue # eliminate doubles # Only fit pulses near the peak conv = np.convolve(tP[900:1500],P3) #conv = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(tP[950:1462],np.concatenate( (P3,P3[0:48]) ) ) ploc = int((np.where(conv == np.max(conv)))[0] - 1160.0) peak = np.max(P3[1000+ploc]) #print ploc,peak if peak < pm - 4.0*pdev or peak > pm + 4.0*pdev: continue # if peak not near the center skip if ploc < -30 or ploc > 30: continue # align pulse so peak happens at center P4 = np.roll(P3,-ploc) # normalize and add to template tPf += P4/np.max(P4) count += 1 # compute noise PSD noise += np.abs( np.fft.fft(np.deg2rad(P4[50:850])) )**2 t2 = time.time() tPf /= count noise /= count noiseidx = np.fft.fftfreq(len(noise),d=0.000002) print 'Second Pass =',int(count),'pulses' print 'Pulses per second = ', N/(t2-t1) # calculate optimal filter parameters # save the template information in a new file # create a group off root for each resonator that contains iq sweep, pulse template, noise, and optimal filter coefficents pgroup = tfile.createGroup(tempr1,group._v_name, 'data to set up optimal filtering' ) group.iqsweep.copy(newparent=pgroup) # copy in IQ sweep data #filt = Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', fletcher32=True) filt = Filters(complevel=0, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) table = tfile.createTable(pgroup, 'opt', PulseAnalysis, "optimal filter data",filters=filt) w = table.row if( count < 500 or pm < 10 or pm > 150): w['flag'] = 1 else: w['flag'] = 0 w['count'] = count w['pstart'] = (np.where( tPf == np.max(tPf)))[0] w['phasetemplate'] = tPf w['phasenoise'] = noise w['phasenoiseidx'] = noiseidx w.append() break #plot(tPf) plot(noiseidx,noise) show() h5file.close() tfile.close() def FakeTemplateData(): # make fake data and write it to a h5 file filename = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/fakepulse2.h5' h5file = openFile(filename, mode='w', title = "Fake Pulse file created " + time.asctime() ) r1 = h5file.createGroup('/','r1','ROACH 1') # open IQ sweep file sweepdat = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/ps_20110505-172336.h5' iqfile = openFile(sweepdat, mode = "r") swp = iqfile.root.sweeps # loop through each IQ sweep in sweepddat and create fake pulses for it for group in swp._f_walkGroups(): if group == swp: # walkgroups returns itself as first entry, so skip it - there is probably a more elegant way! continue print group pgroup = h5file.createGroup(r1,group._v_name, 'IQ pulse data' ) pname = 'iqpulses' #filt = Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', fletcher32=True) filt = Filters(complevel=0, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) table = h5file.createTable(pgroup, pname, RawPulse, "IQ Pulse Data",filters=filt) p = table.row # copy the IQ sweep data into the file group._f_copyChildren(pgroup) trise = 0.1 tfall = 65.0 for j in xrange(1000): p['starttime'] = time.time() p['samprate'] = 500000.0 p['npoints'] = 2000 p['f0'] = 3.65 p['atten1'] = 30 p['atten2'] = 0 p['Tstart'] = 0.1 I = np.zeros(2000) Q = np.zeros(2000) idx = np.arange(1000,dtype='float32') I[1000:2000] = (1.0 - np.exp( -idx/trise ) ) * np.exp(-idx/tfall) * 0.25 Q[1000:2000] = (1.0 - np.exp( -idx/trise ) ) * np.exp(-idx/tfall) I += 2.0 - np.random.normal(size=2000)*.01 # add noise Q += np.random.normal(size=2000)*.01 # move arrival time I = np.roll(I, int((np.random.normal()*10.0)+0.5) ) Q = np.roll(Q, int((np.random.normal()*10.0)+0.5) ) p['I'] = np.concatenate( (I,np.zeros(2000-len(I))),axis=0 ) p['Q'] = np.concatenate( (Q,np.zeros(2000-len(Q))),axis=0 ) p.append() table.flush() h5file.close() iqfile.close() #print 'Running!' #FakeTemplateData() #pulsedat = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/fakepulse2.h5' #MakeTemplate(pulsedat) #fakedat = '/Users/bmazin/Data/Projects/pytest/fakeobs.h5' #FakeObservation(fakedat) #QuickLook(fakedat,0,10) #print 'Done.'
from distutils.core import setup setup(name='LabJackPython', version='8-26-2011', description='The LabJack python module.', url='', author='The LabJack crew', package_dir = {'': 'src'}, py_modules=['LabJackPython', 'Modbus', 'u3', 'u6', 'ue9', 'u12', 'skymote'] )
""" Name: Desc: Defines the UE9 class, which makes working with a UE9 much easier. All of the low-level functions for the UE9 are implemented as functions of the UE9 class. There are also a handful additional functions which improve upon the interface provided by the low-level functions. To learn about the low-level functions, please see Section 5.2 of the UE9 User's Guide: """ from LabJackPython import * import struct, socket, select, ConfigParser def openAllUE9(): """ A helpful function which will open all the connected UE9s. Returns a dictionary where the keys are the serialNumber, and the value is the device object. """ returnDict = dict() for i in range(deviceCount(9)): d = UE9(firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) returnDict[str(d.serialNumber)] = d return returnDict def parseIpAddress(bytes): return "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (bytes[3], bytes[2], bytes[1], bytes[0] ) def unpackInt(bytes): return struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", *bytes))[0] def unpackShort(bytes): return struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *bytes))[0] DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS = { "AINSlopes" : { '0' : 0.000077503, '1' : 0.000038736, '2' : 0.000019353, '3' : 0.0000096764, '8' : 0.00015629 }, "AINOffsets" : { '0' : -0.012000, '1' : -0.012000, '2' : -0.012000, '3' : -0.012000, '8' : -5.1760 }, "TempSlope" : 0.012968 } class UE9(Device): """ UE9 Class for all UE9 specific low-level commands. Example: >>> import ue9 >>> d = ue9.UE9() >>> print d.commConfig() {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', ..., 'IPAddress': ''} """ def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): """ Name: UE9.__init__(self) Args: debug, True for debug information Desc: Your basic constructor. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() """ Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 9) self.debug = debug self.calData = None self.controlFWVersion = self.commFWVersion = None if autoOpen:**kargs) def open(self, firstFound = True, serial = None, ipAddress = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ethernet=False, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """ Name: = True, ipAddress = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ethernet=False) Args: firstFound, Open the first found UE9 serial, open a UE9 with the given serial number. ipAddress, Specify the IP Address of the UE9 you want to open localId, Specify the localId of the UE9 you want to open devNumber, Specify the USB dev number of the UE9 ethernet, set to true to connect over ethernet. handleOnly, if True, LabJackPython will only open a handle LJSocket, set to "<ip>:<port>" to connect to LJSocket Desc: Opens the UE9. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9(autoOpen = False) >>> """, 9, Ethernet = ethernet, firstFound = firstFound, serial = serial, localId = localId, devNumber = devNumber, ipAddress = ipAddress, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) def commConfig(self, LocalID = None, IPAddress = None, Gateway = None, Subnet = None, PortA = None, PortB = None, DHCPEnabled = None): """ Name: UE9.commConfig(LocalID = None, IPAddress = None, Gateway = None, Subnet = None, PortA = None, PortB = None, DHCPEnabled = None) Args: LocalID, Set the LocalID IPAddress, Set the IPAdress Gateway, Set the Gateway Subnet, Set the Subnet PortA, Set Port A PortB, Set Port B DHCPEnabled, True = Enabled, False = Disabled Desc: Writes and reads various configuration settings associated with the Comm processor. Section 5.2.1 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.commConfig() {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', 'DHCPEnabled': False, 'Gateway': '', 'HWVersion': '1.10', 'IPAddress': '', 'LocalID': 1, 'MACAddress': 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX', 'PortA': 52360, 'PortB': 52361, 'PowerLevel': 0, 'ProductID': 9, 'SerialNumber': 27121XXXX, 'Subnet': ''} """ command = [ 0 ] * 38 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0x78 command[2] = 0x10 command[3] = 0x01 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Writemask. Set it along the way. #command[7] = Reserved if LocalID != None: command[6] |= 1 command[8] = LocalID if IPAddress != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) ipbytes = IPAddress.split('.') ipbytes = [ int(x) for x in ipbytes ] ipbytes.reverse() command[10:14] = ipbytes if Gateway != None: command[6] |= (1 << 3) gwbytes = Gateway.split('.') gwbytes = [ int(x) for x in gwbytes ] gwbytes.reverse() command[14:18] = gwbytes if Subnet != None: command[6] |= (1 << 4) snbytes = Subnet.split('.') snbytes = [ int(x) for x in snbytes ] snbytes.reverse() command[18:21] = snbytes if PortA != None: command[6] |= (1 << 5) t = struct.pack("<H", PortA) command[22] = ord(t[0]) command[23] = ord(t[1]) if PortB != None: command[6] |= (1 << 5) t = struct.pack("<H", PortB) command[24] = ord(t[0]) command[25] = ord(t[1]) if DHCPEnabled != None: command[6] |= (1 << 6) if DHCPEnabled: command[26] = 1 result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [], checkBytes = False) if result[0] == 0xB8 and result[1] == 0xB8: raise LabJackException("Device detected a bad checksum.") elif result[1:4] != [ 0x78, 0x10, 0x01 ]: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes.") elif not verifyChecksum(result): raise LabJackException("Checksum was incorrect.") self.localId = result[8] self.powerLevel = result[9] self.ipAddress = parseIpAddress(result[10:14]) self.gateway = parseIpAddress(result[14:18]) self.subnet = parseIpAddress(result[18:22]) self.portA = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[22:24]))[0] self.portB = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[24:26]))[0] self.DHCPEnabled = bool(result[26]) self.productId = result[27] macBytes = result[28:34] self.macAddress = "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" % (result[33], result[32], result[31], result[30], result[29], result[28]) self.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", result[28], result[29], result[30], 0x10))[0] self.hwVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[35], result[34]) self.commFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[37], result[36]) self.firmwareVersion = [self.controlFWVersion, self.commFWVersion] return { 'LocalID' : self.localId, 'PowerLevel' : self.powerLevel, 'IPAddress' : self.ipAddress, 'Gateway' : self.gateway, 'Subnet' : self.subnet, 'PortA' : self.portA, 'PortB' : self.portB, 'DHCPEnabled' : self.DHCPEnabled, 'ProductID' : self.productId, 'MACAddress' : self.macAddress, 'HWVersion' : self.hwVersion, 'CommFWVersion' : self.commFWVersion, 'SerialNumber' : self.serialNumber} def flushBuffer(self): """ Name: UE9.flushBuffer() Args: None Desc: Resets the pointers to the stream buffer to make it empty. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.flushBuffer() """ command = [ 0x08, 0x08 ] self._writeRead(command, 2, [], False) def discoveryUDP(self): """ Name: UE9.discoveryUDP() Args: None Desc: Sends a UDP Broadcast packet and returns a dictionary of the result. The dictionary contains all the things that are in the commConfig dictionary. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.discoveryUDP() {'': {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', ... }, '': {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', ... }} """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) host = '' port = 52362 addr = (host,port) sndBuffer = [0] * 6 sndBuffer[0] = 0x22 sndBuffer[1] = 0x78 sndBuffer[2] = 0x00 sndBuffer[3] = 0xA9 sndBuffer[4] = 0x00 sndBuffer[5] = 0x00 packFormat = "B" * len(sndBuffer) tempString = struct.pack(packFormat, *sndBuffer) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.sendto(tempString, addr) inputs = [s] ue9s = {} listen = True while listen: #We will wait 2 seconds for a response from a Ue9 rs,ws,es =, [], [], 1) listen = False for r in rs: if r is s: data,addr = s.recvfrom(38) ue9s[addr[0]] = data listen = True s.close() for ip, data in ue9s.items(): data = list(struct.unpack("B"*38, data)) ue9 = { 'LocalID' : data[8], 'PowerLevel' : data[9] , 'IPAddress' : parseIpAddress(data[10:14]), 'Gateway' : parseIpAddress(data[14:18]), 'Subnet' : parseIpAddress(data[18:23]), 'PortA' : struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *data[22:24]))[0], 'PortB' : struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *data[24:26]))[0], 'DHCPEnabled' : bool(data[26]), 'ProductID' : data[27], 'MACAddress' : "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" % (data[33], data[32], data[31], data[30], data[29], data[28]), 'SerialNumber' : struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", data[28], data[29], data[30], 0x10))[0], 'HWVersion' : "%s.%02d" % (data[35], data[34]), 'CommFWVersion' : "%s.%02d" % (data[37], data[36])} ue9s[ip] = ue9 return ue9s def controlConfig(self, PowerLevel = None, FIODir = None, FIOState = None, EIODir = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, MIODirection = None, MIOState = None, DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults = None, DAC0Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC1 = None): """ Name: UE9.controlConfig(PowerLevel = None, FIODir = None, FIOState = None, EIODir = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, MIODirection = None, MIOState = None, DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults = None, DAC0Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC1 = None) Args: PowerLevel, 0 = Fixed High, 48 MHz, 1 = Fixed low, 6 MHz FIODir, Direction of FIOs FIOState, State of FIOs EIODir, Direction of EIOs EIOState, State of EIOs CIODirection, Direction of CIOs (max of 4) CIOState, State of CIOs (max of 4) MIODirection, Direction of MIOs (max of 3) MIOState, Direction of MIOs (max of 3) DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults, Set True, to not load the defaults DAC0Enable, True = DAC0 Enabled, False = DAC0 Disabled DAC0, The default value for DAC0 DAC1Enable, True = DAC1 Enabled, False = DAC1 Disabled DAC1, The default value for DAC1 Desc: Configures various parameters associated with the Control processor. Affects only the power-up values, not current state. See section 5.3.2 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.controlConfig() {'CIODirection': 0, 'CIOState': 0, 'ControlBLVersion': '1.12', 'ControlFWVersion': '1.97', 'DAC0': 0, 'DAC0 Enabled': False, 'DAC1': 0, 'DAC1 Enabled': False, 'EIODir': 0, 'EIOState': 0, 'FIODir': 0, 'FIOState': 0, 'HiRes Flag': False, 'MIODirection': 0, 'MIOState': 0, 'PowerLevel': 0, 'ResetSource': 119} """ command = [ 0 ] * 18 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x06 command[3] = 0x08 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Writemask. Set it along the way. if PowerLevel != None: command[6] |= 1 command[7] = PowerLevel if FIODir != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[8] = FIODir if FIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[9] = FIOState if EIODir != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[10] = EIODir if EIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[11] = EIOState if CIODirection != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[12] = ( CIODirection & 0xf) << 4 if CIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[12] |= ( CIOState & 0xf ) if DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) if DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults: command[13] |= (1 << 7) if MIODirection != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[13] |= ( MIODirection & 7 ) << 4 if MIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[13] |= ( MIOState & 7 ) if DAC0Enable != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if DAC0Enable: command[15] = (1 << 7) if DAC0 != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) command[14] = DAC0 & 0xff command[15] |= (DAC0 >> 8 ) & 0xf if DAC1Enable != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if DAC1Enable: command[17] = (1 << 7) if DAC1 != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) command[16] = DAC1 & 0xff command[17] |= (DAC1 >> 8 ) & 0xf result = self._writeRead(command, 24, [ 0xF8, 0x09, 0x08 ]) self.powerLevel = result[7] self.controlFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[10], result[9]) self.firmwareVersion = [self.controlFWVersion, self.commFWVersion] self.controlBLVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[12], result[11]) self.hiRes = bool(result[13] & 1) self.deviceName = 'UE9' if self.hiRes: self.deviceName = 'UE9-Pro' return { 'PowerLevel' : self.powerLevel, 'ResetSource' : result[8], 'ControlFWVersion' : self.controlFWVersion, 'ControlBLVersion' : self.controlBLVersion, 'HiRes Flag' : self.hiRes, 'FIODir' : result[14], 'FIOState' : result[15], 'EIODir' : result[16], 'EIOState' : result[17], 'CIODirection' : (result[18] >> 4) & 0xf, 'CIOState' : result[18] & 0xf, 'MIODirection' : (result[19] >> 4) & 7, 'MIOState' : result[19] & 7, 'DAC0 Enabled' : bool(result[21] >> 7 & 1), 'DAC0' : (result[21] & 0xf) + result[20], 'DAC1 Enabled' : bool(result[23] >> 7 & 1), 'DAC1' : (result[23] & 0xf) + result[22], 'DeviceName' : self.deviceName } def feedback(self, FIOMask = 0, FIODir = 0, FIOState = 0, EIOMask = 0, EIODir = 0, EIOState = 0, CIOMask = 0, CIODirection = 0, CIOState = 0, MIOMask = 0, MIODirection = 0, MIOState = 0, DAC0Update = False, DAC0Enabled = False, DAC0 = 0, DAC1Update = False, DAC1Enabled = False, DAC1 = 0, AINMask = 0, AIN14ChannelNumber = 0, AIN15ChannelNumber = 0, Resolution = 0, SettlingTime = 0, AIN1_0_BipGain = 0, AIN3_2_BipGain = 0, AIN5_4_BipGain = 0, AIN7_6_BipGain = 0, AIN9_8_BipGain = 0, AIN11_10_BipGain = 0, AIN13_12_BipGain = 0, AIN15_14_BipGain = 0): """ Name: = 0, FIODir = 0, FIOState = 0, EIOMask = 0, EIODir = 0, EIOState = 0, CIOMask = 0, CIODirection = 0, CIOState = 0, MIOMask = 0, MIODirection = 0, MIOState = 0, DAC0Update = False, DAC0Enabled = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1Update = False, DAC1Enabled = None, DAC1 = None, AINMask = 0, AIN14ChannelNumber = 0, AIN15ChannelNumber = 0, Resolution = 0, SettlingTime = 0, AIN1_0_BipGain = 0, AIN3_2_BipGain = 0, AIN5_4_BipGain = 0, AIN7_6_BipGain = 0, AIN9_8_BipGain = 0, AIN11_10_BipGain = 0, AIN13_12_BipGain = 0, AIN15_14_BipGain = 0) Args: See section 5.3.3 of the User's Guide Desc: A very useful function that writes/reads almost every I/O on the LabJack UE9. See section 5.3.3 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> {'AIN0': 0, ... 'TimerB': 0, 'TimerC': 0} """ command = [ 0 ] * 34 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0E command[3] = 0x00 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = FIOMask command[7] = FIODir command[8] = FIOState command[9] = EIOMask command[10] = EIODir command[11] = EIOState command[12] = CIOMask command[13] = (CIODirection & 0xf) << 4 command[13] |= (CIOState & 0xf) command[14] = MIOMask command[15] = (MIODirection & 7) << 4 command[15] |= (MIOState & 7 ) if DAC0Update: if DAC0Enabled: command[17] = 1 << 7 command[17] |= 1 << 6 command[16] = DAC0 & 0xff command[17] |= (DAC0 >> 8) & 0xf if DAC0Update: if DAC0Enabled: command[19] = 1 << 7 command[19] |= 1 << 6 command[18] = DAC0 & 0xff command[19] |= (DAC0 >> 8) & 0xf command[20] = AINMask & 0xff command[21] = (AINMask >> 8) & 0xff command[22] = AIN14ChannelNumber command[23] = AIN15ChannelNumber command[24] = Resolution command[25] = SettlingTime command[26] = AIN1_0_BipGain command[27] = AIN3_2_BipGain command[28] = AIN5_4_BipGain command[29] = AIN7_6_BipGain command[30] = AIN9_8_BipGain command[31] = AIN11_10_BipGain command[32] = AIN13_12_BipGain command[33] = AIN15_14_BipGain result = self._writeRead(command, 64, [ 0xF8, 0x1D, 0x00], checkBytes = False) returnDict = { 'FIODir' : result[6], 'FIOState' : result[7], 'EIODir' : result[8], 'EIOState' : result[9], 'CIODir' : (result[10] >> 4) & 0xf, 'CIOState' : result[10] & 0xf, 'MIODir' : (result[11] >> 4) & 7, 'MIOState' : result[11] & 7, 'Counter0' : unpackInt(result[44:48]), 'Counter1' : unpackInt(result[48:52]), 'TimerA' : unpackInt(result[52:56]), 'TimerB' : unpackInt(result[56:60]), 'TimerC' : unpackInt(result[60:]) } """ 'AIN0' : b2c(unpackShort(result[12:14])), 'AIN1' : unpackShort(result[14:16]), 'AIN2' : unpackShort(result[16:18]), 'AIN3' : unpackShort(result[18:20]), 'AIN4' : unpackShort(result[20:22]), 'AIN5' : unpackShort(result[22:24]), 'AIN6' : unpackShort(result[24:26]), 'AIN7' : unpackShort(result[26:28]), 'AIN8' : unpackShort(result[28:30]), 'AIN9' : unpackShort(result[30:32]), 'AIN10' : unpackShort(result[32:34]), 'AIN11' : unpackShort(result[34:36]), 'AIN12' : unpackShort(result[36:38]), 'AIN13' : unpackShort(result[38:40]), 'AIN14' : unpackShort(result[40:42]), 'AIN15' : unpackShort(result[42:44]), """ b2c = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage g = 0 for i in range(16): bits = unpackShort(result[(12+(2*i)):(14+(2*i))]) if i%2 == 0: gain = command[26 + g] & 0xf else: gain = (command[26 + g] >> 4) & 0xf g += 1 returnDict["AIN%s" % i] = b2c(bits, gain) return returnDict digitalPorts = [ 'FIO', 'EIO', 'CIO', 'MIO' ] def singleIO(self, IOType, Channel, Dir = None, BipGain = None, State = None, Resolution = None, DAC = 0, SettlingTime = 0): """ Name: UE9.singleIO(IOType, Channel, Dir = None, BipGain = None, State = None, Resolution = None, DAC = 0, SettlingTime = 0) Args: See section 5.3.4 of the User's Guide Desc: An alternative to Feedback, is this function which writes or reads a single output or input. See section 5.3.4 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.singleIO(1, 0, Dir = 1, State = 0) {'FIO0 Direction': 1, 'FIO0 State': 0} """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xA3 command[2] = IOType command[3] = Channel if IOType == 0: #Digital Bit Read pass elif IOType == 1: #Digital Bit Write if Dir == None or State == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a direction and state") command[4] = Dir command[5] = State elif IOType == 2: #Digital Port Read pass elif IOType == 3: #Digital Port Write if Dir == None or State == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a direction and state") command[4] = Dir command[5] = State elif IOType == 4: #Analog In if BipGain == None or Resolution == None or SettlingTime == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a BipGain, Resolution, and SettlingTime") command[4] = BipGain command[5] = Resolution command[6] = SettlingTime elif IOType == 5: #Analog Out if DAC == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a DAC Value") command[4] = DAC & 0xff command[5] = (DAC >> 8) & 0xf result = self._writeRead(command, 8, [ 0xA3 ], checkBytes = False) if result[2] == 0: #Digital Bit Read return { "FIO%s State" % result[3] : result[5], "FIO%s Direction" % result[3] : result[4] } elif result[2] == 1: #Digital Bit Write return { "FIO%s State" % result[3] : result[5], "FIO%s Direction" % result[3] : result[4] } elif result[2] == 2: #Digital Port Read return { "%s Direction" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result[4], "%s State" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result [5] } elif result[2] == 3: #Digital Port Write return { "%s Direction" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result[4], "%s State" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result [5] } elif result[2] == 4: #Analog In ain = float((result[6] << 16) + (result[5] << 8) + result[4]) / 256 return { "AIN%s" % result[3] : ain } elif result[2] == 5: #Analog Out dac = (result[6] << 16) + (result[5] << 8) + result[4] return { "DAC%s" % result[3] : dac } def timerCounter(self, TimerClockDivisor=0, UpdateConfig=False, NumTimersEnabled=0, Counter0Enabled=False, Counter1Enabled=False, TimerClockBase=LJ_tcSYS, ResetTimer0=False, ResetTimer1=False, ResetTimer2=False, ResetTimer3=False, ResetTimer4=False, ResetTimer5=False, ResetCounter0=False, ResetCounter1=False, Timer0Mode=None, Timer0Value=None, Timer1Mode=None, Timer1Value=None, Timer2Mode=None, Timer2Value=None, Timer3Mode=None, Timer3Value=None, Timer4Mode=None, Timer4Value=None, Timer5Mode=None, Timer5Value=None): """ Name: UE9.timerCounter(TimerClockDivisor=0, UpdateConfig=False, NumTimersEnabled=0, Counter0Enabled=False, Counter1Enabled=True, TimerClockBase=LJ_tcSYS, ResetTimer0=False, ResetTimer1=False, ResetTimer2=False, ResetTimer3=False, ResetTimer4=False, ResetTimer5=False, ResetCounter0=False, ResetCounter1=False, Timer0Mode=None, Timer0Value=None, Timer1Mode=None, Timer1Value=None, Timer2Mode=None, Timer2Value=None, Timer3Mode=None, Timer3Value=None, Timer4Mode=None, Timer4Value=None, Timer5Mode=None, Timer5Value=None) Args: TimerClockDivisor, The timer clock is divided by this value, or divided by 256 if this value is 0. The UpdateConfig bit must be set to change this parameter. UpdateConfig, If true, counters and timers are re-configured by this call. If false, the timer/counter configuration will remain the same. NumTimersEnabled, The number of timers enabled TimerClockBase, The determines the timer base clock which is used by all output mode timers. The choices are a fixed 750 kHz clock source, or the system clock. The UE9 is by default in high power mode which means the system clock is fixed at 48 MHz. The UpdateConfig bit must be set to change this parameter. ResetTimer#, Resets the specified timer ResetCounter#, Resets the specified counter Timer#Mode, These values are only updated if the UpdateConfig parameter is True. See section 5.3.5 in the User's Guide for values to pass to configure a timer. Timer#Value, Only updates if UpdateReset is True. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. See Section 2.10 for further information. Desc: Enables, configures, and reads the counters and timers. See section 5.3.5 of the User's Guide for more information. >>> dev = UE9() >>> dev.timerCounter() {'Counter0Enabled': False, 'Timer5Enabled': False, 'Timer0Enabled': False, 'Timer1': 0, 'Timer4': 0, 'Timer3Enabled': False, 'Timer4Enabled': False, 'Timer5': 0, 'Counter1Enabled': False, 'Timer3': 0, 'Timer2': 0, 'Timer1Enabled': False, 'Timer0': 0, 'Timer2Enabled': False} """ command = [ 0 ] * 30 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0C command[3] = 0x18 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = TimerClockDivisor # Create EnableMask if UpdateConfig: command[7] = 128 | NumTimersEnabled if Counter0Enabled: command[7] = command[7] | 8 if Counter1Enabled: command[7] = command[7] | 16 else: UpdateConfig = 0 # Configure clock base command[8] = TimerClockBase # Configure UpdateReset if ResetTimer0: command[9] = 1 if ResetTimer1: command[9] = command[9] | 2 if ResetTimer2: command[9] = command[9] | 4 if ResetTimer3: command[9] = command[9] | 8 if ResetTimer4: command[9] = command[9] | 16 if ResetTimer5: command[9] = command[9] | 32 if ResetCounter0: command[9] = command[9] | 64 if ResetCounter1: command[9] = command[9] | 128 # Configure timers and counters if we are updating the configuration if UpdateConfig: if NumTimersEnabled >= 1: if Timer0Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer0") if Timer0Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer0") command[10] = Timer0Mode command[11] = Timer0Value & 0xff command[12] = (Timer0Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 2: if Timer1Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer1") if Timer1Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer1") command[13] = Timer1Mode command[14] = Timer1Value & 0xff command[15] = (Timer1Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 3: if Timer2Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer2") if Timer2Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer2") command[16] = Timer2Mode command[17] = Timer2Value & 0xff command[18] = (Timer2Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 4: if Timer3Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer3") if Timer3Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer3") command[19] = Timer3Mode command[20] = Timer3Value & 0xff command[21] = (Timer3Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 5: if Timer4Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer4") if Timer4Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer4") command[22] = Timer4Mode command[23] = Timer4Value & 0xff command[24] = (Timer4Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled == 6: if Timer5Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer5") if Timer5Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer5") command[25] = Timer5Mode command[26] = Timer5Value & 0xff command[27] = (Timer5Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled > 7: raise LabJackException("Only a maximum of 5 timers can be enabled") command[28] = 0#command[28] = Counter0Mode command[29] = 0#command[29] = Counter1Mode result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, 0x18 ]) # Parse the results returnValue = {} for i in range(0,6): returnValue["Timer" + str(i) + "Enabled"] = result[7] >> i & 1 == 1 for i in range(0,2): returnValue["Counter" + str(i) + "Enabled"] = result[7] >> i + 6 & 1 == 1 for i in range(0, 6): returnValue["Timer" + str(i)] = unpackInt(result[8+i*4:12+i*4]) for i in range(0,2): counterValue = [0] counterValue.extend(result[32+i*4:35+i*4]) returnValue["Counter" + str(i)] = unpackInt(counterValue) return returnValue def readMem(self, BlockNum): """ Name: UE9.readMem(BlockNum) Args: BlockNum, which block to read ReadCal, set to True to read the calibration data Desc: Reads 1 block (128 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.3.10 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myUE9 = UE9() >>> myUE9.readMem(0) [ < userdata stored in block 0 > ] NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum result = self._writeRead(command, 136, [ 0xF8, 0x41, 0x2A ]) return result[8:] def writeMem(self, BlockNum, Data): """ Name: UE9.writeMem(BlockNum, Data, WriteCal=False) Args: BlockNum, which block to write Data, a list of bytes to write Desc: Writes 1 block (128 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.3.11 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myUE9 = UE9() >>> myUE9.writeMem(0, [ < userdata to be stored in block 0 > ]) NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if not isinstance(Data, list): raise LabJackException("Data must be a list of bytes") command = [ 0 ] * 136 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x41 command[3] = 0x28 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum command[8:] = Data self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) def eraseMem(self, EraseCal=False): """ Name: UE9.eraseMem(EraseCal=False) Args: EraseCal, set to True to erase the calibration memory. Desc: The UE9 uses flash memory that must be erased before writing. Please read section 5.2.12 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myUE9 = UE9() >>> myUE9.eraseMem() NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x29 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if EraseCal: command[6] = 0x4C command[7] = 0x4A else: command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = 0x00 self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) def watchdogConfig(self, ResetCommonTimeout = False, ResetControlonTimeout = False, UpdateDigitalIOB = False, UpdateDigitalIOA = False, UpdateDAC1onTimeout = False, UpdateDAC0onTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOConfigA = 0, DIOConfigB = 0, DAC0Enabled = False, DAC0 = 0, DAC1Enabled = False, DAC1 = 0): command = [ 0 ] * 16 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x09 if ResetCommonTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 6) if ResetControlonTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 5) if UpdateDigitalIOB: command[7] |= (1 << 4) if UpdateDigitalIOA: command[7] |= (1 << 3) if UpdateDAC1onTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 1) if UpdateDAC0onTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 0) t = struct.pack("<H", TimeoutPeriod) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) command[10] = DIOConfigA command[11] = DIOConfigB command[12] = DAC0 & 0xff command[13] = (int(DAC0Enabled) << 7) + (DAC0 & 0xf) command[14] = DAC1 & 0xff command[15] = (int(DAC1Enabled) << 7) + (DAC1 & 0xf) result = self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, 0x09]) return { 'UpdateDAC0onTimeout' : bool(result[7]& 1), 'UpdateDAC1onTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 1) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 3) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 4) & 1), 'ResetControlOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 5) & 1), 'ResetCommOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 6) & 1) } def watchdogRead(self): """ Name: UE9.watchdogRead() Args: None Desc: Reads the current watchdog settings. """ command = [ 0 ] * 6 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x00 command[3] = 0x09 command = setChecksum8(command, 6) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xF8, 0x05, 0x09], checksum = False) return { 'UpdateDAC0onTimeout' : bool(result[7]& 1), 'UpdateDAC1onTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 1) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 3) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 4) & 1), 'ResetControlOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 5) & 1), 'ResetCommOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 6) & 1), 'TimeoutPeriod' : struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10]))[0], 'DIOConfigA' : result[10], 'DIOConfigB' : result[11], 'DAC0' : struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10]))[0], 'DAC1' : struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10]))[0] } SPIModes = { 'A' : 0, 'B' : 1, 'C' : 2, 'D' : 3 } def spi(self, SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 1, CLKPinNum = 0, MISOPinNum = 3, MOSIPinNum = 2): """ Name: UE9.spi(SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 1, CLKPinNum = 0, MISOPinNum = 3, MOSIPinNum = 2) Args: SPIBytes, a list of bytes to be transferred. See Section 5.3.16 of the user's guide. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using SPI synchronous communication. """ print SPIBytes if not isinstance(SPIBytes, list): raise LabJackException("SPIBytes MUST be a list of bytes") numSPIBytes = len(SPIBytes) oddPacket = False if numSPIBytes%2 != 0: SPIBytes.append(0) numSPIBytes = numSPIBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (13 + numSPIBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numSPIBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if AutoCS: command[6] |= (1 << 7) if DisableDirConfig: command[6] |= (1 << 6) command[6] |= ( self.SPIModes[SPIMode] & 3 ) command[7] = SPIClockFactor #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = CSPINNum command[10] = CLKPinNum command[11] = MISOPinNum command[12] = MOSIPinNum command[13] = numSPIBytes if oddPacket: command[13] = numSPIBytes - 1 command[14:] = SPIBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 8+numSPIBytes, [ 0xF8, 1+(numSPIBytes/2), 0x3A ]) return result[8:] def asynchConfig(self, Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600): """ Name: UE9.asynchConfig(Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600) Args: See section 5.3.17 of the User's Guide. Desc: Configures the U3 UART for asynchronous communication. returns a dictionary: { 'Update' : True means new parameters were written 'UARTEnable' : True means the UART is enabled 'BaudFactor' : The baud factor being used } """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x14 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Update: command[7] |= ( 1 << 7 ) if UARTEnable: command[7] |= ( 1 << 6 ) BaudFactor = (2**16) - 48000000/(2 * DesiredBaud) t = struct.pack("<H", BaudFactor) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) returnDict = {} if ( ( result[7] >> 7 ) & 1 ): returnDict['Update'] = True else: returnDict['Update'] = False if ( ( result[7] >> 6 ) & 1): returnDict['UARTEnable'] = True else: returnDict['UARTEnable'] = False returnDict['BaudFactor'] = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[8:]))[0] return returnDict def asynchTX(self, AsynchBytes): """ Name: UE9.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: AsynchBytes, must be a list of bytes to transfer. Desc: Sends bytes to the U3 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. See section 5.3.18 of the user's guide. returns a dictionary: { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : Number of Asynch Bytes Sent 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : How many bytes are currently in the RX buffer. } """ if not isinstance(AsynchBytes, list): raise LabJackException("AsynchBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(AsynchBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: AsynchBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes+1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * ( 8 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 1 + ( numBytes/2 ) command[3] = 0x15 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[7] = numBytes - 1 command[8:] = AsynchBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x15]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : result[7], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[8] } def asynchRX(self, Flush = False): """ Name: UE9.asynchRX(Flush = False) Args: Flush, Set to True to flush Desc: Reads the oldest 32 bytes from the U3 UART RX buffer (received on receive terminal). The buffer holds 256 bytes. See section 5.3.19 of the User's Guide. returns a dictonary: { 'AsynchBytes' : List of received bytes 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : Number of AsynchBytes are in the RX Buffer. } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x16 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Flush: command[7] = 1 result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [0xF8, 0x11, 0x16]) return { 'AsynchBytes' : result[8:], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[7] } def i2c(self, Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 1, SCLPinNum = 0, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None): """ Name: UE9.i2c(Address, I2CBytes, ResetAtStart = False, EnableClockStretching = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 0, SCLPinNum = 1, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None) Args: Address, the address (not shifted over) I2CBytes, must be a list of bytes to send. See section 5.3.20 of the user's guide. AddressByte, The address as you would put it in the lowlevel packet. Overrides Address. Optional Desc: Sends and receives serial data using I2C synchronous communication. """ if not isinstance(I2CBytes, list): raise LabJackException("I2CBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(I2CBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: I2CBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (14 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if ResetAtStart: command[6] |= (1 << 1) if NoStopWhenRestarting: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if EnableClockStretching: command[6] |= (1 << 3) command[7] = SpeedAdjust command[8] = SDAPinNum command[9] = SCLPinNum if AddressByte != None: command[10] = AddressByte else: command[10] = Address << 1 command[12] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[12] = numBytes-1 command[13] = NumI2CBytesToReceive command[14:] = I2CBytes oddResponse = False if NumI2CBytesToReceive%2 != 0: NumI2CBytesToReceive = NumI2CBytesToReceive+1 oddResponse = True result = self._writeRead(command, 12+NumI2CBytesToReceive, [0xF8, (3+(NumI2CBytesToReceive/2)), 0x3B]) if len(result) > 12: if oddResponse: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:-1] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:], 'I2CBytes' : [] } def sht1x(self, DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0): """ Name: UE9.sht1x(DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0) Args: DataPinNum, Which pin is the Data line ClockPinNum, Which line is the Clock line SHTOptions (and proof people read documentation): bit 7 = Read Temperature bit 6 = Read Realtive Humidity bit 2 = Heater. 1 = on, 0 = off bit 1 = Reserved at 0 bit 0 = Resolution. 1 = 8 bit RH, 12 bit T; 0 = 12 RH, 14 bit T Desc: Reads temperature and humidity from a Sensirion SHT1X sensor. Section 5.3.21 of the User's Guide. """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x39 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = DataPinNum command[7] = ClockPinNum #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = SHTOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [ 0xF8, 0x05, 0x39]) val = (result[11]*256) + result[10] temp = -39.60 + 0.01*val val = (result[14]*256) + result[13] humid = -4 + 0.0405*val + -.0000028*(val*val) humid = (temp - 25)*(0.01 + 0.00008*val) + humid return { 'StatusReg' : result[8], 'StatusCRC' : result[9], 'Temperature' : temp, 'TemperatureCRC' : result[12], 'Humidity' : humid, 'HumidityCRC' : result[15] } def getAIN(self, channel, BipGain = 0x00, Resolution = 12, SettlingTime = 0): """ Name: UE9.getAIN(channel, BipGain = 0x00, Resolution = 12, SettlingTime = 0) """ bits = self.singleIO(4, channel, BipGain = BipGain, Resolution = Resolution, SettlingTime = SettlingTime ) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits["AIN%s"%channel], BipGain) def getTemperature(self): """ Name: UE9.getTemperature() """ if self.calData is None: self.getCalibrationData() bits = self.singleIO(4, 133, BipGain = 0x00, Resolution = 12, SettlingTime = 0 ) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(bits["AIN133"]) def binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(self, bits, gain): """ Name: UE9.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage( bits, gain ) Args: bits, the binary value to be converted gain, the gain used. Please use the values from 5.3.3 of the UE9's user's guide. Desc: Converts the binary value returned from Feedback and SingleIO to a calibrated, analog voltage. >>> print d.singleIO(4, 1, BipGain = 0x01, Resolution = 12 ) {'AIN1': 65520.0} >>> print d.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(65520.0, 0x01) 2.52598272 """ if self.calData is not None: slope = self.calData['AINSlopes'][str(gain)] offset = self.calData['AINOffsets'][str(gain)] else: slope = DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS['AINSlopes'][str(gain)] offset = DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS['AINOffsets'][str(gain)] return (bits * slope) + offset def binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(self, bits): if self.calData is not None: return bits * self.calData['TempSlope'] else: return bits * DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS['TempSlope'] def getCalibrationData(self): """ Name: UE9.getCalibrationData() Args: None Desc: Reads the calibration constants off the UE9, and stores them for use with binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage. Note: Please note that this function calls controlConfig to check if the device is a UE9 or not. It also makes calls to readMem, so please don't call this while streaming. """ # Insure that we know if we are dealing with a Pro or not. self.controlConfig() results = dict() ainslopes = { '0' : None, '1' : None, '2' : None, '3' : None, '8' : None } ainoffsets = { '0' : None, '1' : None, '2' : None, '3' : None, '8' : None } dacslopes = { '0' : None, '1' : None } dacoffsets = { '0' : None, '1' : None } tempslope = None memBlock = self.readMem(0) ainslopes['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) ainslopes['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[16:24]) ainoffsets['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[24:32]) ainslopes['2'] = toDouble(memBlock[32:40]) ainoffsets['2'] = toDouble(memBlock[40:48]) ainslopes['3'] = toDouble(memBlock[48:56]) ainoffsets['3'] = toDouble(memBlock[56:]) memBlock = self.readMem(1) ainslopes['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) # Read DAC and Temperature slopes memBlock = self.readMem(2) dacslopes['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) dacoffsets['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) dacslopes['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[16:24]) dacoffsets['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[24:32]) tempslope = toDouble(memBlock[32:40]) if self.deviceName.endswith("Pro"): memBlock = self.readMem(3) ainslopes['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) memBlock = self.readMem(4) ainslopes['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) self.calData = { "AINSlopes" : ainslopes, "AINOffsets" : ainoffsets, 'TempSlope' : tempslope, "DACSlopes" : dacslopes, "DACOffsets" : dacoffsets } return self.calData def readDefaultsConfig(self): """ Name: UE9.readDefaultsConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Reads the power-up defaults stored in flash. """ results = dict() defaults = self.readDefaults(0) results['FIODirection'] = defaults[4] results['FIOState'] = defaults[5] results['EIODirection'] = defaults[6] results['EIOState'] = defaults[7] results['CIODirection'] = defaults[8] results['CIOState'] = defaults[9] results['MIODirection'] = defaults[10] results['MIOState'] = defaults[11] results['ConfigWriteMask'] = defaults[16] results['NumOfTimersEnable'] = defaults[17] results['CounterMask'] = defaults[18] results['PinOffset'] = defaults[19] defaults = self.readDefaults(1) results['ClockSource'] = defaults[0] results['Divisor'] = defaults[1] results['TMR0Mode'] = defaults[16] results['TMR0ValueL'] = defaults[17] results['TMR0ValueH'] = defaults[18] results['TMR1Mode'] = defaults[20] results['TMR1ValueL'] = defaults[21] results['TMR1ValueH'] = defaults[22] results['TMR2Mode'] = defaults[24] results['TMR2ValueL'] = defaults[25] results['TMR2ValueH'] = defaults[26] results['TMR3Mode'] = defaults[28] results['TMR3ValueL'] = defaults[29] results['TMR3ValueH'] = defaults[30] defaults = self.readDefaults(2) results['TMR4Mode'] = defaults[0] results['TMR4ValueL'] = defaults[1] results['TMR4ValueH'] = defaults[2] results['TMR5Mode'] = defaults[4] results['TMR5ValueL'] = defaults[5] results['TMR5ValueH'] = defaults[6] results['DAC0'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[16:18]) )[0] results['DAC1'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[20:22]) )[0] defaults = self.readDefaults(3) for i in range(14): results["AIN%sRes" % i] = defaults[i] results["AIN%sBPGain" % i] = defaults[i+16] defaults = self.readDefaults(4) for i in range(14): results["AIN%sSettling" % i] = defaults[i] return results def exportConfig(self): """ Name: UE9.exportConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Takes the current configuration and puts it into a ConfigParser object. Useful for saving the setup of your UE9. """ # Make a new configuration file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() # Change optionxform so that options preserve their case. parser.optionxform = str # Local Id and name self.commConfig() self.controlConfig() section = "Identifiers" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "Local ID", str(self.localId)) parser.set(section, "Name", str(self.getName())) parser.set(section, "Device Type", str(self.devType)) parser.set(section, "MAC Address", str(self.macAddress)) # Comm Config settings section = "Communication" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "DHCPEnabled", str(self.DHCPEnabled)) parser.set(section, "IP Address", str(self.ipAddress)) parser.set(section, "Subnet", str(self.subnet)) parser.set(section, "Gateway", str(self.gateway)) parser.set(section, "PortA", str(self.portA)) parser.set(section, "PortB", str(self.portB)) # FIO Direction / State section = "FIOs" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "FIO Directions", str( self.readRegister(6750) )) parser.set(section, "FIO States", str( self.readRegister(6700) )) parser.set(section, "EIO Directions", str( self.readRegister(6751) )) parser.set(section, "EIO States", str( self.readRegister(6701) )) parser.set(section, "CIO Directions", str( self.readRegister(6752) )) parser.set(section, "CIO States", str( self.readRegister(6702) )) #parser.set(section, "MIOs Directions", str( self.readRegister(50591) )) #parser.set(section, "MIOs States", str( self.readRegister(50591) )) # DACs section = "DACs" parser.add_section(section) dac0 = self.readRegister(5000) dac0 = max(dac0, 0) dac0 = min(dac0, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC0", "%0.2f" % dac0) dac1 = self.readRegister(5002) dac1 = max(dac1, 0) dac1 = min(dac1, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC1", "%0.2f" % dac1) # Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "TimerClockBase", str(self.readRegister(7000))) parser.set(section, "TimerClockDivisor", str(self.readRegister(7002))) # Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" parser.add_section(section) nte = self.readRegister(50501) cm = self.readRegister(50502) ec0 = bool( cm & 1 ) ec1 = bool( (cm >> 1) & 1 ) parser.set(section, "NumberTimersEnabled", str(nte) ) parser.set(section, "Counter0Enabled", str(ec0) ) parser.set(section, "Counter1Enabled", str(ec1) ) for i in range(nte): mode, value = self.readRegister(7100 + (i*2), numReg = 2, format = ">HH") parser.set(section, "Timer%s Mode" % i, str(mode)) parser.set(section, "Timer%s Value" % i, str(value)) return parser def loadConfig(self, configParserObj): """ Name: UE9.loadConfig( configParserObj ) Args: configParserObj, A Config Parser object to load in Desc: Takes a configuration and updates the UE9 to match it. """ parser = configParserObj # Set Identifiers: section = "Identifiers" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "device type"): if parser.getint(section, "device type") != self.devType: raise Exception("Not a UE9 Config file.") if parser.has_option(section, "local id"): self.commConfig( LocalID = parser.getint(section, "local id")) if parser.has_option(section, "name"): self.setName( parser.get(section, "name") ) # Comm Config settings section = "Communication" if parser.has_section(section): DHCPEnabled = None ipAddress = None subnet = None gateway = None portA = None portB = None if parser.has_option(section, "DHCPEnabled"): DHCPEnabled = parser.getboolean(section, "DHCPEnabled") if parser.has_option(section, "ipAddress"): ipAddress = parser.get(section, "ipAddress") if parser.has_option(section, "subnet"): subnet = parser.get(section, "subnet") if parser.has_option(section, "gateway"): gateway = parser.get(section, "gateway") if parser.has_option(section, "portA"): portA = parser.getint(section, "portA") if parser.has_option(section, "portB"): portB = parser.getint(section, "portB") self.commConfig( DHCPEnabled = DHCPEnabled, IPAddress = ipAddress, Subnet = subnet, Gateway = gateway, PortA = portA, PortB = portB ) # Set FIOs: section = "FIOs" if parser.has_section(section): fiodirs = 0 eiodirs = 0 ciodirs = 0 fiostates = 0 eiostates = 0 ciostates = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "fios directions"): fiodirs = parser.getint(section, "fios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "eios directions"): eiodirs = parser.getint(section, "eios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "cios directions"): ciodirs = parser.getint(section, "cios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "fios states"): fiostates = parser.getint(section, "fios states") if parser.has_option(section, "eios states"): eiostates = parser.getint(section, "eios states") if parser.has_option(section, "cios states"): ciostates = parser.getint(section, "cios states") bitmask = 0xff00 # FIO State/Dir self.writeRegister(6700, bitmask + fiostates ) self.writeRegister(6750, bitmask + fiodirs ) # EIO State/Dir self.writeRegister(6701, bitmask + eiostates ) self.writeRegister(6751, bitmask + eiodirs ) # CIO State/Dir self.writeRegister(6702, bitmask + ciostates ) self.writeRegister(6752, bitmask + ciodirs ) # Set DACs: section = "DACs" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "dac0"): self.writeRegister(5000, parser.getfloat(section, "dac0")) if parser.has_option(section, "dac1"): self.writeRegister(5002, parser.getfloat(section, "dac1")) # Set Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockbase"): self.writeRegister(7000, parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase")) if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockdivisor"): self.writeRegister(7002, parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase")) # Set Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" if parser.has_section(section): nte = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "NumberTimersEnabled"): nte = parser.getint(section, "NumberTimersEnabled") self.writeRegister(50501, nte) if parser.has_option(section, "Counter0Enabled"): cm = (self.readRegister(50502) & 2) # 0b10 c0e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter0Enabled") self.writeRegister(50502, cm + int(c0e)) if parser.has_option(section, "Counter1Enabled"): cm = (self.readRegister(50502) & 1) # 0b01 c1e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter1Enabled") self.writeRegister(50502, (int(c1e) << 1) + 1) mode = None value = None for i in range(nte): if parser.has_option(section, "timer%s mode"): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer%s mode") if parser.has_option(section, "timer%s value"): value = parser.getint(section, "timer%s mode") self.writeRegister(7100 + (i*2), [mode, value])
""" Name: Desc: Provides a Bridge and Mote class for working with SkyMote bridges and motes. """ from LabJackPython import * if == "nt": if skymoteLib is None: raise ImportError("Couldn't load liblabjackusb.dll. Please install, and try again.") def serialToDotHex(serial): bytes = struct.unpack("BBBBBBBB", struct.pack(">Q", serial)) line = "" for i in range(7): line += "%02x:" % bytes[i] line += "%02x" % bytes[7] return line def dotHexToSerial(dothex): bytes = [ int(i, 16) for i in dothex.split(":") ] serial = 0 for i, byte in enumerate(bytes): serial += byte << (8 * (7-i)) return serial class Bridge(Device): """ Bridge class for working with wireless bridges >>> import bridge >>> d = bridge.Bridge() """ # ------------------ Object Functions ------------------ # These functions are part of object interaction in python def __init__(self, handle = None, autoOpen = True, **kargs): Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 0x501) self.handle = handle if 'localId' in kargs: self.localId = kargs['localId'] else: self.localId = None if 'serial' in kargs: self.serialNumber = int(kargs['serial']) self.serialString = serialToDotHex(self.serialNumber) else: self.serialNumber = None self.serialString = None self.ethernetFWVersion = None self.usbFWVersion = None self.deviceName = "SkyMote Bridge" self.devType = 0x501 self.unitId = 0 self.debug = True self.modbusPrependZeros = False self.nameCache = None if autoOpen:**kargs) def open(self, firstFound = True, serial = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = "localhost:6000"): #", 0x501, firstFound = firstFound, localId = None, serial = serial, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) def read(self, numBytes, stream = False, modbus = False): result =, 64, stream, modbus) return result[:numBytes] def spontaneous(self): while True: try: packet =, stream = True) localId = packet[6] packet = struct.pack("B"*len(packet), *packet) transId = struct.unpack(">H", packet[0:2])[0] report = struct.unpack(">HBBfHH"+"f"*8, packet[9:53]) results = dict() results['unitId'] = localId results['transId'] = transId results['RxLQI'] = report[1] results['TxLQI'] = report[2] results['Battery'] = report[3] results['Temp'] = report[6] results['Light'] = report[7] results['Bump'] = report[4] results['Sound'] = report[11] yield results except socket.timeout: # Our read timed out, but keep going. pass def readRegister(self, addr, numReg = None, format = None, unitId = None): if unitId is None: return Device.readRegister(self, addr, numReg, format, self.unitId) else: return Device.readRegister(self, addr, numReg, format, unitId) def writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = None): if unitId is None: return Device.writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = self.unitId) else: return Device.writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = unitId) # ------------------ Convenience Functions ------------------ # These functions call read register for you. def readSerialNumber(self): self.serialNumber = self.readRegister(65104, numReg = 4, format = ">Q") self.serialString = serialToDotHex(self.serialNumber) return self.serialNumber def readNumberOfMotes(self): return self.readRegister(59200, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def ethernetFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(56000, format = '>BB') self.ethernetFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) def usbFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(57000, format = '>BB') self.usbFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) def mainFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(65006, format = ">BB") self.mainFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) def energyScan(self): return self.readRegister(59410, numReg = 8, format = ">"+"B"*16) def getNetworkPassword(self): results = self.readRegister(50120, numReg = 8, format = ">"+"B"*16) returnDict = dict() returnDict['enabled'] = True if results[0] != 0 else False returnDict['password'] = struct.pack("B"*15, *results[1:]) return returnDict def setNetworkPassword(self, password, enable = True): if len(password) > 15: password = password[:15] if len(password) < 15: password += "\x00" * ( 15 - len(password) ) byteList = list(struct.unpack("B" * 15, password)) if enable: byteList = [ 1 ] + byteList else: byteList = [ 0 ] + byteList byteList = list(struct.unpack(">"+"H" * 8, struct.pack("B"*16, *byteList))) self.writeRegister(50120, byteList) def usbBufferStatus(self): return self.readRegister(57001) def numUSBRX(self): return self.readRegister(57002, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def numUSBTX(self): return self.readRegister(57004, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def numPIBRX(self): return self.readRegister(57006, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def numPIBTX(self): return self.readRegister(57008, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def lastUsbError(self): return self.readRegister(57010) def dmOverflows(self): return self.readRegister(57011) def numPibTos(self): return self.readRegister(57014) def numUsbTos(self): return self.readRegister(57015) def vUsb(self): return self.readRegister(57050, numReg = 2, format = '>f') def vJack(self): return self.readRegister(57052, numReg = 2, format = '>f') def vSt(self): return self.readRegister(57054, numReg = 2, format = '>f') # ------------------ Mote Functions ------------------ # These functions help you work with the motes. def numMotes(self): return self.readRegister(59200, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def listMotes(self): numMotes = self.readRegister(59200, numReg = 2, format = '>I') if numMotes == 0: return [] connectedMotes = [] unitIds = self.readRegister(59202, numReg = numMotes, format = ">" + "H" *numMotes ) if isinstance(unitIds, list): for unitId in unitIds: connectedMotes.append(Mote(self, unitId)) return connectedMotes else: return [Mote(self, unitIds)] def makeMote(self, unitId): return Mote(self, unitId) class Mote(object): # ------------------ Object Functions ------------------ # These functions are part of object interaction in python def __init__(self, bridge, unitId): self.bridge = bridge self.unitId = unitId self.productName = "SkyMote Mote" self.nickname = None self.checkinInterval = None self.processInterval = 1000 self.mainFWVersion = None self.devType = None self.serialNumber = None self.serialString = None def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return "<Mote Object with ID = %s>" % self.unitId def readRegister(self, addr, numReg = None, format = None): return self.bridge.readRegister(addr, numReg = numReg, format = format, unitId = self.unitId) def writeRegister(self, addr, value): return self.bridge.writeRegister(addr, value, unitId = self.unitId) def getName(self): """ Name: Device.getName() Args: None Desc: Returns the name of a device. Always returns a unicode string. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' """ name = list(self.readRegister(58000, format='B'*48, numReg = 24)) if name[1] == 3: # Old style string name = "My %s" % self.productName print "Old UTF-16 name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") else: try: end = name.index(0x00) name = struct.pack("B"*end, *name[:end]).decode("UTF-8") except ValueError: name = "My %s" % self.productName print "Improperly formatted name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") return name def setName(self, name = "My LabJack U3"): """ Name: Device.setName(name = ""My LabJack U3") Args: name, the name you'd like to assign the the U3 Desc: Writes a new name to the device. Names a limited to 30 characters or less. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' >>> d.setName("Johann") >>> d.getName() u'Johann' """ strLen = len(name) if strLen > 47: raise LabJackException("The name is too long, must be less than 48 characters.") newname = name.encode('UTF-8') bl = list(struct.unpack("B"*strLen, newname)) + [0x00] strLen += 1 if strLen%2 != 0: bl = bl + [0x00] strLen += 1 bl = struct.unpack(">"+"H"*(strLen/2), struct.pack("B" * strLen, *bl)) self.writeRegister(58000, list(bl)) name = property(getName, setName) def getUnitId(self): self.unitId = self.readRegister(65103) return self.unitId def setUnitId(self, unitId): self.writeRegister(65103, unitId) self.unitId = unitId return True def close(self): self.bridge = None def mainFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(65006, format = ">BB") self.mainFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) # ------------------ Convenience Functions ------------------ # These functions call read register for you. def readSerialNumber(self): self.serialNumber = self.readRegister(65104, numReg = 4, format = ">Q") self.serialString = serialToDotHex(self.serialNumber) return self.serialNumber def startRapidMode(self, minutes = 3): # Sends the command to put a bridge in rapid mode. self.writeRegister(59990, minutes) def stopRapidMode(self): # Sends the command to disable rapid mode. self.startRapidMode(0) def setCheckinInterval(self, milliseconds=1000, processInterval = None): if processInterval is None: processInterval = self.processInterval self.processInterval = processInterval bytes = list(struct.unpack(">HHHH", struct.pack(">II", processInterval, milliseconds))) self.writeRegister(50100, bytes) def readCheckinInterval(self): self.checkinInterval = self.readRegister(50102) return self.checkinInterval def readProcessInterval(self): self.processInterval = self.readRegister(50100) return self.processInterval def sensorSweep(self): """ Performs a sweep of all the sensors on the sensor mote. """ rxLqi, txLqi, battery, temp, light, motion, sound = self.readRegister(12000, numReg = 14, format = ">" + "f"*7) results = dict() results['RxLQI'] = rxLqi results['TxLQI'] = txLqi results['Battery'] = battery results['Temp'] = temp results['Light'] = light results['Motion'] = motion results['Sound'] = sound return results def panId(self): return self.readRegister(50000) def sleepTime(self): return self.readRegister(50100, numReg = 2, format = ">I") def getNetworkPassword(self): results = self.readRegister(50120, numReg = 8, format = ">"+"B"*16) returnDict = dict() returnDict['enabled'] = True if results[0] != 0 else False returnDict['password'] = struct.pack("B"*15, *results[1:]) return returnDict def setNetworkPassword(self, password, enable = True): if len(password) > 15: password = password[:15] if len(password) < 15: password += "\x00" * ( 15 - len(password) ) byteList = list(struct.unpack("B" * 15, password)) if enable: byteList = [ 1 ] + byteList else: byteList = [ 0 ] + byteList byteList = list(struct.unpack(">"+"H" * 8, struct.pack("B"*16, *byteList))) print "Writing:", byteList self.writeRegister(50120, byteList)
""" was written to send the 8711HV digital rotary servo to the home position and turn off the laser box with the Labjack U3-HV if need be. author: Danica Marsden August 13, 2012 """ import u3, time, sys #u3.listAll(3) # Open the LabJack #d = u3.U3(debug = True) d = u3.U3() # Configure d.configU3() #print d.configU3() #print d.configIO() home = 0.467 # 0 degrees endpt = 0.8095 # 145 degrees center = 0.62891 # corresponds to 1.52ms "on"/high rangeOfServo = 145. # degrees if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print "Syntax is: >>> python <angle [degrees]>" sys.exit(1) angleReq = float(sys.argv[1]) # Note: motion is CCW! if (angleReq > rangeOfServo): print "Need to specify an angle <= ", rangeOfServo sys.exit(1) if (angleReq < 0.): print "Need to specify an angle >= 0" sys.exit(1) dutyReq = ((endpt-home)/rangeOfServo)*angleReq + home # Set the timer clock to be 48 MHz/divisor with a divisor of 3 d.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = 6, TimerClockDivisor = 3) # Enable the timer, at FIO4 d.configIO(TimerCounterPinOffset = 4, NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) # Configure the timer for 16 bit PWM, with a duty cycle of a given %, where duty # cycle is the amount of time "off"/down. This creates an overall PWM frequency # of ~244.1Hz (4.1ms period) with (1 - dutyCycle)*4.1 ms "on"/high. baseValue = 65536 dutyCycle = dutyReq d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 0, Value = int(baseValue*dutyCycle)) ) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x0)) # Close the device d.close
""" test commands for the Labjack U3-HV. author: Danica Marsden August 6, 2012 """ import u3, time # Open the LabJack d = u3.U3(debug = True) # Configure d.configU3() print d.configU3() print d.configIO() # # Control the status LED: # d.getFeedback(u3.LED(0)) d.getFeedback(u3.LED(1)) # # Example with DAC0 hotwired to AIN0: # DAC0_REGISTER = 5000 # Set DAC0 to 1.5 V d.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER, 1.5) # Read value AIN0_REGISTER = 0 d.readRegister(AIN0_REGISTER) # Set DAC0 to 0.5 V d.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER, .5) d.readRegister(AIN0_REGISTER) # # Set DAC output levels another way: # d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x7fff)) # ~2.5V = 1/2 of 0xffff d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=1, Value = 0xffff)) # ~4.95V d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x0)) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=1, Value = 0x0)) # Close the device d.close
""" was written to turn Marty's laser box on/off with the Labjack U3-HV. The laser box 1PPS signal should be tied to DAC1. author: Danica Marsden September 5, 2012 """ import u3, time, sys #u3.listAll(3) # Open the LabJack #d = u3.U3(debug = True) d = u3.U3() # Configure d.configU3() DAC1_Register = 5002 FIO6_Register = 6106 FIO7_Register = 6107 FIO6_State = 6006 FIO7_State = 6007 # Set FIO6 and 7 to digital output d.writeRegister(FIO6_Register,1) d.writeRegister(FIO7_Register,1) #print d.configU3() #print d.configIO() #onval = 0xffff #offval = 0x0 #onval = 5.0 #offval = 0.0 if (len(sys.argv) < 3): print "Syntax is: >>> python <'on' or 'off'> <'blue' or 'red' or 'ir'>" sys.exit(1) #if (len(sys.argv) < 2): # print "Syntax is: >>> python <'on' or 'off'>" # sys.exit(1) actionReq = sys.argv[1] laserReq = sys.argv[2] if ((actionReq != 'on') * (actionReq != 'off')): print "Syntax is: >>> python <'on' or 'off'> <'blue' or 'red' or 'ir'>" #print "Syntax is: >>> python <'on' or 'off'>" sys.exit(1) if ((laserReq != 'blue')*(laserReq != 'red')*(laserReq != 'ir')): print "Syntax is: >>> python <'on' or 'off'> <'blue' or 'red' or 'ir'>" sys.exit(1) if (actionReq == 'on'): if (laserReq == 'blue'): d.writeRegister(DAC1_Register, 5.0) if (laserReq == 'red'): d.writeRegister(FIO6_State, 1) if (laserReq == 'ir'): d.writeRegister(FIO7_State, 1) if (actionReq == 'off'): if (laserReq == 'blue'): d.writeRegister(DAC1_Register, 0.0) if (laserReq == 'red'): d.writeRegister(FIO6_State, 0) if (laserReq == 'ir'): d.writeRegister(FIO7_State, 0) #print "Turning lasers ", actionReq print "Turning ", laserReq, " laser ", actionReq # Close the device d.close
""" Name: Desc: Defines the U12 class, which makes working with a U12 much easier. The functions of the U12 class are divided into two categories: UW and low-level. Most of the UW functions are exposed as functions of the U12 class. With the exception of the "e" functions, UW functions are Windows only. The "e" functions will work with both the UW and the Exodriver. Therefore, people wishing to write cross-platform code should restrict themselves to using only the "e" functions. The UW functions are described in Section 4 of the U12 User's Guide: All low-level functions of the U12 class begin with the word raw. For example, the low-level function Counter can be called with U12.rawCounter(). Currently, low-level functions are limited to the Exodriver (Linux and Mac OS X). You can find descriptions of the low-level functions in Section 5 of the U12 User's Guide: """ import platform import ctypes import os, atexit import math from time import time import struct WINDOWS = "Windows" ON_WINDOWS = ( == 'nt') class U12Exception(Exception): """Custom Exception meant for dealing specifically with U12 Exceptions. Error codes are either going to be a LabJackUD error code or a -1. The -1 implies a python wrapper specific error. def __init__(self, ec = 0, errorString = ''): self.errorCode = ec self.errorString = errorString if not self.errorString: #try: self.errorString = getErrorString(ec) #except: # self.errorString = str(self.errorCode) def __str__(self): return self.errorString """ pass class BitField(object): """ Provides a method for working with bit fields. >>> bf = BitField() >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 0, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 0, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] You can use attribute accessing for easy bit flipping: >>> bf.bit4 = 1 >>> bf.bit7 = 1 >>> print bf [ bit7 = 1, bit6 = 0, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] You can also use list-style accessing. Counting starts on the left: >>> print bf[0] # List index 0 is bit7 1 >>> print bf[3] # List index 3 is bit4 1 List-style slicing: >>> print bf[3:] [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] List-style setting bits works as you would expect: >>> bf[1] = 1 >>> print bf [ bit7 = 1, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] It provides methods for going to and from bytes: >>> bf = BitField(123) >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 1, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 1, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 1, bit0 = 1 ] >>> bf = BitField() >>> bf.fromByte(123) # Modifies bf in place >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 1, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 1, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 1, bit0 = 1 ] >>> bf.bit4 = 0 >>> print bf.asByte() 107 You can iterate of the raw bits ( 1 and 0 Vs. '1' and '0') easily: >>> for i in bf: ... print i 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 You can also iterate over the labels and their data values using items(): >>> for label, data in bf.items(): ... print label, data bit7 0 bit6 1 bit5 1 bit4 0 bit3 1 bit2 0 bit1 1 bit0 1 As an added bonus, it can also be cast as an int or hex: >>> int(bf) 107 >>> hex(bf) '0x6b' See the description of the __init__ method for setting the label parameters. """ def __init__(self, rawByte = None, labelPrefix = "bit", labelList = None, zeroLabel = "0", oneLabel = "1"): """ Name: BitField.__init__(rawByte = None, labelPrefix = "bit", labelList = None, zeroLabel = "0", oneLabel = "1") Args: rawByte, a value to set the bit field values to. labelPrefix, what should go before the labels in labelList labelList, a list of labels to apply to each bit. If None, it gets set to range(7,-1,-1). zeroLabel, bits with a value of 0 will have this label oneLabel, bits with a value of 1 will have this label Desc: Creates a new bitfield and sets up the labels. With out any arguments, you get a bit field that looks like this: >>> bf = BitField() >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 0, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 0, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] To make the labels, it iterates over all the labelList and adds the labelPrefix to them. If you have less than 8 labels, then your bit field will only work up to that many bits. To make a BitField with labels for FIO0-7 you can do the following: >>> bf = BitField(labelPrefix = "FIO") >>> print bf [ FIO7 = 0, FIO6 = 0, FIO5 = 0, FIO4 = 0, FIO3 = 0, FIO2 = 0, FIO1 = 0, FIO0 = 0 ] The labels don't have to be numbers, for example: >>> names = [ "Goodreau", "Jerri", "Selena", "Allan", "Tania", "Kathrine", "Jessie", "Zelma" ] >>> bf = BitField( labelPrefix = "", labelList = names) >>> print bf [ Goodreau = 0, Jerri = 0, Selena = 0, Allan = 0, Tania = 0, Kathrine = 0, Jessie = 0, Zelma = 0 ] You can change the display value of zero and one to be whatever you want. For example, if you have a BitField that represents FIO0-7 directions: >>> dirs = BitField(rawByte = 5, labelPrefix = "FIO", zeroLabel = "Output", oneLabel = "Input") >>> print dirs [ FIO7 = Output, FIO6 = Output, FIO5 = Output, FIO4 = Output, FIO3 = Output, FIO2 = Input, FIO1 = Output, FIO0 = Input ] Note, that when you access the value, you will get 1 or 0, not "Input" or "Output. For example: >>> print dirs.FIO3 0 """ # Do labels first, so that self.something = something works. self.__dict__['labels'] = [] self.labelPrefix = labelPrefix if labelList is None: self.labelList = range(8) else: self.labelList = list(reversed(labelList)) self.zeroLabel = zeroLabel self.oneLabel = oneLabel self.rawValue = 0 self.rawBits = [ 0 ] * 8 = [ self.zeroLabel ] * 8 items = min(8, len(self.labelList)) for i in reversed(range(items)): self.labels.append("%s%s" % (self.labelPrefix, self.labelList[i])) if rawByte is not None: self.fromByte(rawByte) def fromByte(self, raw): """ Name: BitField.fromByte(raw) Args: raw, the raw byte to make the BitField. Desc: Takes a byte, and modifies self to match. >>> bf = BitField() >>> bf.fromByte(123) # Modifies bf in place >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 1, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 1, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 1, bit0 = 1 ] """ self.rawValue = raw self.rawBits = [] = [] items = min(8, len(self.labelList)) for i in reversed(range(items)): self.rawBits.append( ((raw >> (i)) & 1) ) if bool(((raw >> (i)) & 1)) else self.zeroLabel) def asByte(self): """ Name: BitField.asByte() Args: None Desc: Returns the value of the bitfield as a byte. >>> bf = BitField() >>> bf.fromByte(123) # Modifies bf in place >>> bf.bit4 = 0 >>> print bf.asByte() 107 """ byteVal = 0 for i, v in enumerate(reversed(self.rawBits)): byteVal += ( 1 << i ) * v return byteVal def asBin(self): result = "0b" for i in self.rawBits: result += "%s" % i return result def __len__(self): return len( def __repr__(self): result = "[" for i in range(len( result += " %s = %s (%s)," % (self.labels[i],[i], self.rawBits[i]) result = result.rstrip(',') result += " ]" return "<BitField object: %s >" % result def __str__(self): result = "[" for i in range(len( result += " %s = %s," % (self.labels[i],[i]) result = result.rstrip(',') result += " ]" return result def __getattr__(self, label): try: i = self.labels.index(label) return self.rawBits[i] except ValueError: raise AttributeError(label) def __setattr__(self, label, value): try: i = self.labels.index(label) self.rawBits[i] = int(bool(value))[i] = self.oneLabel if bool(value) else self.zeroLabel except ValueError: self.__dict__[label] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.rawBits[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.rawBits[key] = int(bool(value))[key] = self.oneLabel if bool(value) else self.zeroLabel def __iter__(self): return iter(self.rawBits) def items(self): """ Name: BitField.items() Args: None Desc: Returns a list of tuples where the first item is the label and the second is the string value, like "High" or "Input" >>> dirs = BitField(rawByte = 5, labelPrefix = "FIO", zeroLabel = "Output", oneLabel = "Input") >>> print dirs [ FIO7 = Output, FIO6 = Output, FIO5 = Output, FIO4 = Output, FIO3 = Output, FIO2 = Input, FIO1 = Output, FIO0 = Input ] >>> for label, data in dirs.items(): ... print label, data ... FIO7 Output FIO6 Output FIO5 Output FIO4 Output FIO3 Output FIO2 Input FIO1 Output FIO0 Input """ return zip(self.labels, def __int__(self): return self.asByte() def __hex__(self): return hex(self.asByte()) def __add__(self, other): """ A helper to prevent having to test if a variable is a bitfield or int. """ return other + self.asByte() def errcheck(ret, func, args): if ret == -1: try: ec = ctypes.get_errno() raise U12Exception("Exodriver returned error number %s" % ec) except AttributeError: raise U12Exception("Exodriver returned an error, but LabJackPython is unable to read the error code. Upgrade to Python 2.6 for this functionality.") else: return ret def _loadLinuxSo(): try: l = ctypes.CDLL("", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l def _loadMacDylib(): try: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l staticLib = None if == 'posix': try: staticLib = _loadLinuxSo() except OSError, e: pass # We may be on Mac. except Exception, e: raise U12Exception("Could not load the Linux SO for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) try: if staticLib is None: staticLib = _loadMacDylib() except OSError, e: raise U12Exception("Could not load the Exodriver driver. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\nCheck that the Exodriver is installed, and the permissions are set correctly.\nThe error message was: %s" % e) except Exception, e: raise U12Exception("Could not load the Mac Dylib for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) else: try: staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") except: raise Exception, "Could not load LabJack UW driver." class U12(object): """ U12 Class for all U12 specific commands. u12 = U12() """ def __init__(self, id = -1, serialNumber = None, debug = False): = id self.serialNumber = serialNumber self.deviceName = "U12" self.streaming = False self.handle = None self.debug = debug self._autoCloseSetup = False if not ON_WINDOWS: # Save some variables to save state. self.pwmAVoltage = 0 self.pwmBVoltage = 0, serialNumber) def open(self, id = -1, serialNumber = None): """ Opens the U12. The Windows UW driver opens the device every time a function is called. The Exodriver, however, works like the UD family of devices and returns a handle. On Windows, this method does nothing. On Mac OS X and Linux, this method acquires a device handle and saves it to the U12 object. """ if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: if self.debug: print "open called" devType = ctypes.c_ulong(1) openDev = staticLib.LJUSB_OpenDevice openDev.restype = ctypes.c_void_p if serialNumber is not None: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(devType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i+1, 0, devType) if handle != 0 and handle is not None: self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) try: serial = self.rawReadSerial() except Exception: serial = self.rawReadSerial() if serial == int(serialNumber): break else: self.close() if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("Couldn't find a U12 with a serial number matching %s" % serialNumber) elif id != -1: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(devType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i+1, 0, devType) if handle != 0 and handle is not None: self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) try: unitId = self.rawReadLocalId() except Exception: unitId = self.rawReadLocalId() if unitId == int(id): break else: self.close() if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("Couldn't find a U12 with a local ID matching %s" % id) elif id == -1: handle = openDev(1, 0, devType) if handle == 0 or handle is None: raise Exception("Couldn't open a U12. Check that one is connected and try again.") else: self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) # U12 ignores first command, so let's write a command. command = [ 0 ] * 8 command[5] = 0x57 # 0b01010111 try: self.write(command) except: pass = self.rawReadLocalId() else: raise Exception("Invalid combination of parameters.") if not self._autoCloseSetup: # Only need to register auto-close once per device. atexit.register(self.close) self._autoCloseSetup = True def close(self): if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: staticLib.LJUSB_CloseDevice(self.handle) self.handle = None def write(self, writeBuffer): if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("The U12's handle is None. Please open a U12 with open()") if self.debug: print "Writing:", hexWithoutQuotes(writeBuffer) newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(writeBuffer))(0) for i in range(len(writeBuffer)): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(writeBuffer[i]) writeBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Write(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), len(writeBuffer)) if(writeBytes != len(writeBuffer)): raise U12Exception( "Could only write %s of %s bytes." % (writeBytes, len(writeBuffer) ) ) return writeBuffer def read(self, numBytes = 8): if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("The U12's handle is None. Please open a U12 with open()") newA = (ctypes.c_byte*numBytes)() readBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Read(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) # return a list of integers in command/response mode result = [(newA[i] & 0xff) for i in range(readBytes)] if self.debug: print "Received:", hexWithoutQuotes(result) return result # Low-level helpers def rawReadSerial(self): """ Name: U12.rawReadSerial() Args: None Desc: Reads the serial number from internal memory. Returns: The U12's serial number as an integer. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawReadSerial() 10004XXXX """ results = self.rawReadRAM() return struct.unpack(">I", struct.pack("BBBB", results['DataByte3'], results['DataByte2'], results['DataByte1'], results['DataByte0']))[0] def rawReadLocalId(self): """ Name: U12.rawReadLocalId() Args: None Desc: Reads the Local ID from internal memory. Returns: The U12's Local ID as an integer. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawReadLocalId() 0 """ results = self.rawReadRAM(0x08) return results['DataByte0'] # Begin Section 5 Functions def rawAISample(self, channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3toIO0States = 0, EchoValue = 0): """ Name: U12.rawAISample(channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3toIO0States = 0, EchoValue = 0) Args: channel0PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel0 information channel1PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel1 information channel2PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel2 information channel3PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel3 information IO3toIO0States, A byte that represents the states of IO0 to IO3 UpdateIO, If true, set IO0 to IO 3 to match IO3toIO0States LEDState, Turns the status LED on or off. EchoValue, Sometimes, you want what you put in. Desc: Collects readings from 4 analog inputs. It can also toggle the status LED and update the state of the IOs. See Section 5.1 of the User's Guide. By default it will read AI0-3 (single-ended). Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: PGAOvervoltage, A bool representing if the U12 detected overvoltage IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the state of IO0 to IO3 Channel0-3, the analog voltage for the channel EchoValue, a repeat of the value passed in. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawAISample() { 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'Channel0': 1.46484375, 'Channel1': 1.4501953125, 'Channel2': 1.4599609375, 'Channel3': 1.4306640625, 'PGAOvervoltage': False, 'EchoValue': 0 } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel command[0] = int(channel0PGAMUX) tempNum = command[0] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel0Number = tempNum if (command[0] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel0Gain = (command[0] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[1] = int(channel1PGAMUX) tempNum = command[1] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel1Number = tempNum if (command[1] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel1Gain = (command[1] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[2] = int(channel2PGAMUX) tempNum = command[2] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel2Number = tempNum if (command[2] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel2Gain = (command[2] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[3] = int(channel3PGAMUX) tempNum = command[3] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel3Number = tempNum if (command[3] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel3Gain = (command[3] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 # Bit 1: Update IO # Bit 0: LED State bf = BitField() bf.bit1 = int(UpdateIO) bf.bit0 = int(LEDState) command[4] = int(bf) # Bit 7-4: 1100 (Command/Response) # Bit 3-0: Bits for IO3 through IO0 States bf.fromByte(0) bf.bit7 = 1 bf.bit6 = 1 bf.fromByte( int(bf) | int(IO3toIO0States) ) command[5] = int(bf) command[7] = EchoValue self.write(command) results = bf = BitField() bf.fromByte(results[0]) if bf.bit7 != 1 or bf.bit6 != 0: raise U12Exception("Expected a AIStream response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict = {} returnDict['EchoValue'] = results[1] returnDict['PGAOvervoltage'] = bool(bf.bit4) returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField(results[0], "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") channel0 = (results[2] >> 4) & 0xf channel1 = (results[2] & 0xf) channel2 = (results[5] >> 4) & 0xf channel3 = (results[5] & 0xf) channel0 = (channel0 << 8) + results[3] returnDict['Channel0'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel0Number, channel0Gain, channel0) channel1 = (channel1 << 8) + results[4] returnDict['Channel1'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel1Number, channel1Gain, channel1) channel2 = (channel2 << 8) + results[6] returnDict['Channel2'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel2Number, channel2Gain, channel2) channel3 = (channel3 << 8) + results[7] returnDict['Channel3'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel3Number, channel3Gain, channel3) return returnDict def rawDIO(self, D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, UpdateDigital = False): """ Name: U12.rawDIO(D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, UpdateDigital = 1) Args: D15toD8Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D15-8 D7toD0Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D7-0 D15toD8States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D15-8 D7toD0States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D7-0 IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates, Bits 7-4: Direction, 3-0: State UpdateDigital, True if you want to update the IO/D line. False to False to just read their values. Desc: This commands reads the direction and state of all the digital I/O. See Section 5.2 of the U12 User's Guide. By default, it just reads the directions and states. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: D15toD8Directions, a BitField representing the directions of D15-D8 D7toD0Directions, a BitField representing the directions of D7-D0. D15toD8States, a BitField representing the states of D15-D8. D7toD0States, a BitField representing the states of D7-D0. IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the states of IO3-IO0. D15toD8OutputLatchStates, BitField of output latch states for D15-8 D7toD0OutputLatchStates, BitField of output latch states for D7-0 Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawDIO() { 'D15toD8Directions': <BitField object: [ D15 = Input (1), D14 = Input (1), D13 = Input (1), D12 = Input (1), D11 = Input (1), D10 = Input (1), D9 = Input (1), D8 = Input (1) ] >, 'D7toD0Directions': <BitField object: [ D7 = Input (1), D6 = Input (1), D5 = Input (1), D4 = Input (1), D3 = Input (1), D2 = Input (1), D1 = Input (1), D0 = Input (1) ] >, 'D15toD8States': <BitField object: [ D15 = Low (0), D14 = Low (0), D13 = Low (0), D12 = Low (0), D11 = Low (0), D10 = Low (0), D9 = Low (0), D8 = Low (0) ] >, 'D7toD0States': <BitField object: [ D7 = Low (0), D6 = Low (0), D5 = Low (0), D4 = Low (0), D3 = Low (0), D2 = Low (0), D1 = Low (0), D0 = Low (0) ] >, 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'D15toD8OutputLatchStates': <BitField object: [ D15 = 0 (0), D14 = 0 (0), D13 = 0 (0), D12 = 0 (0), D11 = 0 (0), D10 = 0 (0), D9 = 0 (0), D8 = 0 (0) ] >, 'D7toD0OutputLatchStates': <BitField object: [ D7 = 0 (0), D6 = 0 (0), D5 = 0 (0), D4 = 0 (0), D3 = 0 (0), D2 = 0 (0), D1 = 0 (0), D0 = 0 (0) ] > } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits for D15 through D8 Direction command[0] = int(D15toD8Directions) # Bits for D7 through D0 Direction ( 0 = Output, 1 = Input) command[1] = int(D7toD0Directions) # Bits for D15 through D8 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[2] = int(D15toD8States) # Bits for D7 through D0 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[3] = int(D7toD0States) # Bits 7-4: Bits for IO3 through IO0 Direction # Bits 3-0: Bits for IO3 through IO0 State command[4] = int(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates) # 01X10111 (DIO) command[5] = 0x57 # 0b01010111 # Bit 0: Update Digital command[6] = int(bool(UpdateDigital)) #XXXXXXXX # command[7] = XXXXXXXX self.write(command) results = returnDict = {} if results[0] != 87: raise U12Exception("Expected a DIO response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict['D15toD8States'] = BitField(results[1], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D7toD0States'] = BitField(results[2], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D15toD8Directions'] = BitField(results[4], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Output", "Input") returnDict['D7toD0Directions'] = BitField(results[5], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Output", "Input") returnDict['D15toD8OutputLatchStates'] = BitField(results[6], "D", range(15, 7, -1)) returnDict['D7toD0OutputLatchStates'] = BitField(results[7], "D", range(7, -1, -1)) returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField((results[3] >> 4), "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") return returnDict def rawCounter(self, StrobeEnabled = False, ResetCounter = False): """ Name: U12.rawCounter(StrobeEnabled = False, ResetCounter = False) Args: StrobeEnable, set to True to enable strobe. ResetCounter, set to True to reset the counter AFTER reading. Desc: This command controls and reads the 32-bit counter. See Section 5.3 of the User's Guide. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: D15toD8States, a BitField representing the states of D15-D8. D7toD0States, a BitField representing the states of D7-D0. IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the states of IO3-IO0. Counter, the value of the counter Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawCounter() { 'D15toD8States': <BitField object: [ D15 = Low (0), D14 = Low (0), D13 = Low (0), D12 = Low (0), D11 = Low (0), D10 = Low (0), D9 = Low (0), D8 = Low (0) ] >, 'D7toD0States': <BitField object: [ D7 = Low (0), D6 = Low (0), D5 = Low (0), D4 = Low (0), D3 = Low (0), D2 = Low (0), D1 = Low (0), D0 = Low (0) ] >, 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'Counter': 0 } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 bf = BitField() bf.bit1 = int(StrobeEnabled) bf.bit0 = int(ResetCounter) command[0] = int(bf) bf.fromByte(0) bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 bf.bit1 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) self.write(command) results = returnDict = {} if results[0] != command[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected a Counter response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict['D15toD8States'] = BitField(results[1], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D7toD0States'] = BitField(results[2], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField((results[3] >> 4), "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") counter = results[7] counter += results[6] << 8 counter += results[5] << 16 counter += results[4] << 24 returnDict['Counter'] = counter return returnDict def rawCounterPWMDIO(self, D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, ResetCounter = False, UpdateDigital = 0, PWMA = 0, PWMB = 0): """ Name: U12.rawCounterPWMDIO( D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, ResetCounter = False, UpdateDigital = 0, PWMA = 0, PWMB = 0) Args: D15toD8Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D15-8 D7toD0Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D7-0 D15toD8States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D15-8 D7toD0States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D7-0 IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates, Bits 7-4: Direction, 3-0: State ResetCounter, If True, reset the counter after reading. UpdateDigital, True if you want to update the IO/D line. False to False to just read their values. PWMA, Voltage to set AO0 to output. PWMB, Voltage to set AO1 to output. Desc: This command controls all 20 digital I/O, and the 2 PWM outputs. The response provides the state of all I/O and the current count. See Section 5.4 of the User's Guide. By default, sets the AOs to 0 and reads the states and counters. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: D15toD8States, a BitField representing the states of D15-D8. D7toD0States, a BitField representing the states of D7-D0. IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the states of IO3-IO0. Counter, the value of the counter Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawCounterPWMDIO() { 'D15toD8States': <BitField object: [ D15 = Low (0), D14 = Low (0), D13 = Low (0), D12 = Low (0), D11 = Low (0), D10 = Low (0), D9 = Low (0), D8 = Low (0) ] >, 'D7toD0States': <BitField object: [ D7 = Low (0), D6 = Low (0), D5 = Low (0), D4 = Low (0), D3 = Low (0), D2 = Low (0), D1 = Low (0), D0 = Low (0) ] >, 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'Counter': 0 } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits for D15 through D8 Direction command[0] = int(D15toD8Directions) # Bits for D7 through D0 Direction ( 0 = Output, 1 = Input) command[1] = int(D7toD0Directions) # Bits for D15 through D8 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[2] = int(D15toD8States) # Bits for D7 through D0 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[3] = int(D7toD0States) # Bits 7-4: Bits for IO3 through IO0 Direction # Bits 3-0: Bits for IO3 through IO0 State command[4] = int(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates) bf = BitField() bf.bit5 = int(ResetCounter) bf.bit4 = int(UpdateDigital) binPWMA = int((1023 * (float(PWMA)/5.0))) binPWMB = int((1023 * (float(PWMB)/5.0))) bf2 = BitField() bf2.fromByte( binPWMA & 3 ) # 3 = 0b11 bf.bit3 = bf2.bit1 bf.bit2 = bf2.bit0 bf2.fromByte( binPWMB & 3 ) # 3 = 0b11 bf.bit1 = bf2.bit1 bf.bit0 = bf2.bit0 command[5] = int(bf) command[6] = (binPWMA >> 2) & 0xff command[7] = (binPWMB >> 2) & 0xff self.write(command) results = returnDict = {} returnDict['D15toD8States'] = BitField(results[1], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D7toD0States'] = BitField(results[2], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField((results[3] >> 4), "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") counter = results[7] counter += results[6] << 8 counter += results[5] << 16 counter += results[4] << 24 returnDict['Counter'] = counter return returnDict def rawAIBurst(self, channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, NumberOfScans = 8, TriggerIONum = 0, TriggerState = 0, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3ToIO0States = 0, FeatureReports = False, TriggerOn = False, SampleInterval = 15000): """ Name: U12.rawAIBurst( channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, NumberOfScans = 8, TriggerIONum = 0, TriggerState = 0, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3ToIO0States = 0, FeatureReports = False, TriggerOn = False, SampleInterval = 15000 ) Args: channel0PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel0 information channel1PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel1 information channel2PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel2 information channel3PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel3 information NumberOfScans, The number of scans you wish to take. Rounded up to a power of 2. TriggerIONum, IO to trigger burst on. TriggerState, State to trigger on. UpdateIO, True if you want to update the IO/D line. False to False to just read their values. LEDState, Turns the status LED on or off. IO3ToIO0States, 4 bits for IO3-0 states FeatureReports, Use feature reports, or not. TriggerOn, Use trigger to start acquisition. SampleInterval, = int(6000000.0/(ScanRate * NumberOfChannels)) must be greater than (or equal to) 733. Desc: After receiving a AIBurst command, the LabJack collects 4 channels at the specified data rate, and puts data in the buffer. This continues until the buffer is full, at which time the LabJack starts sending the data to the host. Data is sent to the host 1 scan at a time while checking for a command from the host. If a command is received the burst operation is canceled and the command is executed normally. If the LED is enabled, it blinks at 4 Hz while waiting for a trigger, is off during acquisition, blinks at about 8 Hz during data delivery, and is set on when done or stopped. See Section 5.5 of the User's Guide. This function sends the AIBurst command, then reads all the responses. Separating the write and read is not currently supported (like in the UW driver). By default, it does single-ended readings on AI0-4 at 100Hz for 8 scans. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: Channel0-3, A list of the readings on the channels PGAOvervoltages, A list of the over-voltage flags IO3toIO0State, A list of the IO states IterationCounters, A list of the values of the iteration counter Backlogs, value*256 = number of packets in the backlog. BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors, If True and Backlog = 31, then a buffer overflow occurred. If True and Backlog = 0, then Checksum error occurred. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawAIBurst() { 'Channel0': [1.484375, 1.513671875, ... , 1.46484375], 'Channel1': [1.455078125, 1.455078125, ... , 1.455078125], 'Channel2': [1.46484375, 1.474609375, ... , 1.46484375], 'Channel3': [1.435546875, 1.42578125, ... , 1.435546875], 'PGAOvervoltages': [False, False, ..., False], 'IO3toIO0States': [<BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, ... ], 'IterationCounters': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0], 'Backlogs': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors': [False, False, ... , False] } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel command[0] = int(channel0PGAMUX) tempNum = command[0] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel0Number = tempNum if (command[0] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel0Gain = (command[0] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[1] = int(channel1PGAMUX) tempNum = command[1] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel1Number = tempNum if (command[1] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel1Gain = (command[1] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[2] = int(channel2PGAMUX) tempNum = command[2] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel2Number = tempNum if (command[2] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel2Gain = (command[2] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[3] = int(channel3PGAMUX) tempNum = command[3] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel3Number = tempNum if (command[3] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel3Gain = (command[3] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 if NumberOfScans > 1024 or NumberOfScans < 8: raise U12Exception("The number of scans must be between 1024 and 8 (inclusive)") NumScansExponentMod = 10 - int(math.ceil(math.log(NumberOfScans, 2))) NumScans = 2 ** (10 - NumScansExponentMod) bf = BitField( rawByte = (NumScansExponentMod << 5) ) # bits 4-3: IO to Trigger on bf.bit2 = 0 bf.bit1 = int(bool(UpdateIO)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(LEDState)) command[4] = int(bf) bf2 = BitField(rawByte = int(IO3ToIO0States)) #Bits 7-4: 1010 (Start Burst) bf2.bit7 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) if SampleInterval < 733: raise U12Exception("SampleInterval must be greater than 733.") bf3 = BitField( rawByte = ((SampleInterval >> 8) & 0xf) ) bf3.bit7 = int(bool(FeatureReports)) bf3.bit6 = int(bool(TriggerOn)) command[6] = int(bf3) command[7] = SampleInterval & 0xff self.write(command) resultsList = [] for i in range(NumScans): resultsList.append( returnDict = {} returnDict['BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors'] = list() returnDict['PGAOvervoltages'] = list() returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = list() returnDict['IterationCounters'] = list() returnDict['Backlogs'] = list() returnDict['Channel0'] = list() returnDict['Channel1'] = list() returnDict['Channel2'] = list() returnDict['Channel3'] = list() for results in resultsList: bf = BitField(rawByte = results[0]) if bf.bit7 != 1 or bf.bit6 != 0: raise U12Exception("Expected a AIBurst response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict['BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors'].append(bool(bf.bit5)) returnDict['PGAOvervoltages'].append(bool(bf.bit4)) returnDict['IO3toIO0States'].append(BitField(results[0], "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High")) returnDict['IterationCounters'].append((results[1] >> 5)) returnDict['Backlogs'].append(results[1] & 0xf) channel0 = (results[2] >> 4) & 0xf channel1 = (results[2] & 0xf) channel2 = (results[5] >> 4) & 0xf channel3 = (results[5] & 0xf) channel0 = (channel0 << 8) + results[3] returnDict['Channel0'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel0Number, channel0Gain, channel0)) channel1 = (channel1 << 8) + results[4] returnDict['Channel1'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel1Number, channel1Gain, channel1)) channel2 = (channel2 << 8) + results[6] returnDict['Channel2'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel2Number, channel2Gain, channel2)) channel3 = (channel3 << 8) + results[7] returnDict['Channel3'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel3Number, channel3Gain, channel3)) return returnDict def rawAIContinuous(self, channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, FeatureReports = False, CounterRead = False, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3ToIO0States = 0, SampleInterval = 15000): """ Currently in development. The function is mostly implemented, but is currently too slow to be useful. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel command[0] = int(channel0PGAMUX) tempNum = command[0] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel0Number = tempNum if (command[0] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel0Gain = (command[0] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[1] = int(channel1PGAMUX) tempNum = command[1] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel1Number = tempNum if (command[1] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel1Gain = (command[1] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[2] = int(channel2PGAMUX) tempNum = command[2] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel2Number = tempNum if (command[2] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel2Gain = (command[2] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[3] = int(channel3PGAMUX) tempNum = command[3] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel3Number = tempNum if (command[3] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel3Gain = (command[3] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(bool(FeatureReports)) bf.bit6 = int(bool(CounterRead)) bf.bit1 = int(bool(UpdateIO)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(LEDState)) command[4] = int(bf) # Bits 7-4: 1001 (Start Continuous) bf2 = BitField( rawByte = int(IO3ToIO0States) ) bf2.bit7 = 1 bf2.bit4 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = ( SampleInterval >> 8) command[7] = SampleInterval & 0xff byte0bf = BitField() returnDict = dict() self.write(command) while True: results = byte0bf.fromByte(results[0]) returnDict['Byte0'] = byte0bf returnDict['IterationCounter'] = (results[1] >> 5) returnDict['Backlog'] = results[1] & 0xf yield returnDict def rawPulseout(self, B1 = 10, C1 = 2, B2 = 10, C2 = 2, D7ToD0PulseSelection = 1, ClearFirst = False, NumberOfPulses = 5): """ Name: U12.rawPulseout( B1 = 10, C1 = 2, B2 = 10, C2 = 2, D7ToD0PulseSelection = 1, ClearFirst = False, NumberOfPulses = 5) Args: B1, the B component of the first half cycle C1, the C component of the first half cycle B2, the B component of the second half cycle C2, the C component of the second half cycle D7ToD0PulseSelection, which D lines to pulse. ClearFirst, True = Start Low. NumberOfPulses, the number of pulses Desc: This command creates pulses on any, or all, of D0-D7. The desired D lines must be set to output with some other function. See Section 5.7 of the User's Guide. By default, pulses D0 5 times at 400us high, then 400 us low. Returns: None Example: Have a jumper wire connected from D0 to CNT. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawDIO(D7toD0Directions = 0, UpdateDigital = True) >>> d.rawCounter(ResetCounter = True) >>> d.rawPulseout(ClearFirst = True) >>> print d.rawCounter() { 'IO3toIO0States': ... , 'Counter': 5, 'D7toD0States': ... , 'D15toD8States': ... } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 command[0] = B1 command[1] = C1 command[2] = B2 command[3] = C2 command[4] = int(D7ToD0PulseSelection) # 01100100 (Pulseout) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit5 = 1 bf.bit2 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) bf2 = BitField( rawByte = ( NumberOfPulses >> 8 ) ) bf2.bit7 = int(bool(ClearFirst)) command[6] = int(bf2) command[7] = NumberOfPulses & 0xff self.write(command) results = if command[5] != results[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected Pulseout response, got %s instead." % results[5]) if results[4] != 0: errors = BitField(rawByte = command[4], labelPrefix = "D", zeroLabel = "Ok", oneLabel = "Error") raise U12Exception("D7-D0 Direction error detected: %s" % errors) return None def rawReset(self): """ Name: U12.rawReset() Desc: Sits in an infinite loop until micro watchdog timeout after about 2 seconds. See Section 5.8 of the User's Guide. Note: The function will close the device after it has written the command. Returns: None Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawReset() """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # 0b01011111 ( Reset ) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 bf.bit3 = 1 bf.bit2 = 1 bf.bit1 = 1 bf.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) self.write(command) self.close() def rawReenumerate(self): """ Name: U12.rawReenumerate() Desc: Detaches from the USB, reloads config parameters, and then reattaches so the device can be re-enumerated. See Section 5.9 of the User's Guide. Note: The function will close the device after it has written the command. Returns: None Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawReenumerate() """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # 0b01000000 (Re-Enumerate) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) self.write(command) self.close() def rawWatchdog(self, IgnoreCommands = False, D0Active = False, D0State = False, D1Active = False, D1State = False, D8Active = False, D8State = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, WatchdogActive = False, Timeout = 60): """ Name: U12.rawWatchdog( IgnoreCommands = False, D0Active = False, D0State = False, D1Active = False, D1State = False, D8Active = False, D8State = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, WatchdogActive = False, Timeout = 60) Desc: Sets the settings for the watchdog, or just reads the firmware version of the U12. See section 5.10 of the User's Guide. By defaults, just reads the firmware version. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: FirmwareVersion, the firmware version of the U12. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawWatchdog() {'FirmwareVersion': '1.10'} """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 command[0] = int(bool(IgnoreCommands)) bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(D0Active) bf.bit6 = int(D0State) bf.bit5 = int(D1Active) bf.bit4 = int(D1State) bf.bit3 = int(D8Active) bf.bit2 = int(D8State) bf.bit1 = int(ResetOnTimeout) bf.bit0 = int(WatchdogActive) command[4] = int(bf) # 01X1X011 (Watchdog) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit4 = 1 bf2.bit1 = 1 bf2.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) # Timeout is increments of 2^16 cycles. # 2^16 cycles is about 0.01 seconds. binTimeout = int((float(Timeout) / 0.01)) command[6] = ( binTimeout >> 8 ) & 0xff command[7] = binTimeout & 0xff self.write(command) results = returnDict = dict() returnDict['FirmwareVersion'] = "%s.%.2d" % (results[0], results[1]) return returnDict def rawReadRAM(self, Address = 0): """ Name: U12.rawReadRAM(Address = 0) Args: Address, the starting address to read from Desc: Reads 4 bytes out of the U12's internal memory. See section 5.11 of the User's Guide. By default, reads the bytes that make up the serial number. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: DataByte0, the data byte at Address - 0 DataByte1, the data byte at Address - 1 DataByte2, the data byte at Address - 2 DataByte3, the data byte at Address - 3 Example: >>> import u12, struct >>> d = u12.U12() >>> r = d.rawReadRAM() >>> print r {'DataByte3': 5, 'DataByte2': 246, 'DataByte1': 139, 'DataByte0': 170} >>> bytes = [ r['DataByte3'], r['DataByte2'], r['DataByte1'], r['DataByte0'] ] >>> print struct.unpack(">I", struct.pack("BBBB", *bytes))[0] 100043690 """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # 01010000 (Read RAM) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) command[6] = (Address >> 8) & 0xff command[7] = Address & 0xff self.write(command) results = if results[0] != int(bf): raise U12Exception("Expected ReadRAM response, got %s" % results[0]) if (results[6] != command[6]) or (results[7] != command[7]): receivedAddress = (results[6] << 8) + results[7] raise U12Exception("Wanted address %s got address %s" % (Address, receivedAddress)) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[3] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[4] return returnDict def rawWriteRAM(self, Data, Address): """ Name: U12.rawWriteRAM(Data, Address) Args: Data, a list of 4 bytes to write to memory. Address, the starting address to write to. Desc: Writes 4 bytes to the U12's internal memory. See section 5.13 of the User's Guide. No default behavior, you must pass Data and Address. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: DataByte0, the data byte at Address - 0 DataByte1, the data byte at Address - 1 DataByte2, the data byte at Address - 2 DataByte3, the data byte at Address - 3 Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawWriteRAM([1, 2, 3, 4], 0x200) {'DataByte3': 4, 'DataByte2': 3, 'DataByte1': 2, 'DataByte0': 1} """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data # 01010001 (Write RAM) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 bf.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) command[6] = (Address >> 8) & 0xff command[7] = Address & 0xff self.write(command) results = if results[0] != int(bf): raise U12Exception("Expected ReadRAM response, got %s" % results[0]) if (results[6] != command[6]) or (results[7] != command[7]): receivedAddress = (results[6] << 8) + results[7] raise U12Exception("Wanted address %s got address %s" % (Address, receivedAddress)) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[3] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[4] return returnDict def rawAsynch(self, Data, AddDelay = False, TimeoutActive = False, SetTransmitEnable = False, PortB = False, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 0, NumberOfBytesToRead = 0): """ Name: U12.rawAsynch(Data, AddDelay = False, TimeoutActive = False, SetTransmitEnable = False, PortB = False, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 0, NumberOfBytesToRead = 0) Args: Data, A list of bytes to write. AddDelay, True to add a 1 bit delay between each transmit byte. TimeoutActive, True to enable timeout for the receive phase. SetTransmitEnable, True to set Transmit Enable to high during transmit and low during receive. PortB, True to use PortB instead of PortA. NumberOfBytesToWrite, Number of bytes to write. NumberOfBytesToRead, Number of bytes to read. Desc: Requires firmware V1.1 or higher. This function writes and then reads half-duplex asynchronous data on 1 of two pairs of D lines. See section 5.13 of the User's Guide. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys, DataByte0-3, the first four data bytes read over the RX line ErrorFlags, a BitField representing the error flags. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> # Set the full and half A,B,C to 9600 >>> d.rawWriteRAM([0, 1, 1, 200], 0x073) >>> d.rawWriteRAM([5, 1, 2, 48], 0x076) >>> print d.rawAsynch([1, 2, 3, 4], NumberOfBytesToWrite = 4, NumberOfBytesToRead = 4) { 'DataByte3': 4, 'DataByte2': 3, 'DataByte1': 2, 'DataByte0': 1, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ Timeout Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") NumberOfBytesToWrite = NumberOfBytesToRead & 0xff NumberOfBytesToRead = NumberOfBytesToRead & 0xff if NumberOfBytesToWrite > 18: raise U12Exception("Can only write 18 or fewer bytes at a time.") if NumberOfBytesToRead > 18: raise U12Exception("Can only read 18 or fewer bytes at a time.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data bf = BitField() bf.bit3 = int(bool(AddDelay)) bf.bit2 = int(bool(TimeoutActive)) bf.bit1 = int(bool(SetTransmitEnable)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(PortB)) command[4] = int(bf) #01100001 (Asynch) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 bf2.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = NumberOfBytesToWrite command[7] = NumberOfBytesToRead self.write(command) results = if command[5] != results[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected Asynch response, got %s instead." % results[5]) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[0] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[3] bfLabels = ["Timeout Error Flag", "STRT Error Flag", "FRM Error Flag", "RXTris Error Flag", "TETris Error Flag", "TXTris Error Flag"] bf = BitField( rawByte = results[4], labelPrefix = "", labelList = bfLabels ) returnDict["ErrorFlags"] = bf return returnDict SPIModes = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] def rawSPI(self, Data, AddMsDelay = False, AddHundredUsDelay = False, SPIMode = 'A', NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = 0, ControlCS = False, StateOfActiveCS = False, CSLineNumber = 0): """ Name: U12.rawSPI( Data, AddMsDelay = False, AddHundredUsDelay = False, SPIMode = 'A', NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = 0, ControlCS = False, StateOfActiveCS = False, CSLineNumber = 0) Args: Data, A list of four bytes to write using SPI AddMsDelay, If True, a 1 ms delay is added between each bit AddHundredUsDelay, if True, 100us delay is added SPIMode, 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D' NumberOfBytesToWriteRead, number of bytes to write and read. ControlCS, D0-D7 is automatically controlled as CS. The state and direction of CS is only tested if control is enabled. StateOfActiveCS, Active state for CS line. CSLineNumber, D line to use as CS if enabled (0-7). Desc: This function performs SPI communication. See Section 5.14 of the User's Guide. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys, DataByte0-3, the first four data bytes read ErrorFlags, a BitField representing the error flags. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawSPI([1,2,3,4], NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = 4) { 'DataByte3': 4, 'DataByte2': 3, 'DataByte1': 2, 'DataByte0': 1, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ CSStateTris Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = NumberOfBytesToWriteRead & 0xff if NumberOfBytesToWriteRead == 0: NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = len(Data) if NumberOfBytesToWriteRead > 18 or NumberOfBytesToWriteRead < 1: raise U12Exception("Can only read/write 1 to 18 bytes at a time.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(bool(AddMsDelay)) bf.bit6 = int(bool(AddHundredUsDelay)) modeIndex = self.SPIModes.index(SPIMode) bf[7-modeIndex] = 1 command[4] = int(bf) # 01100010 (SPI) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 bf2.bit1 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = NumberOfBytesToWriteRead bf3 = BitField(rawByte = CSLineNumber) bf3.bit7 = int(bool(ControlCS)) bf3.bit6 = int(bool(StateOfActiveCS)) command[7] = int(bf3) self.write(command) results = if results[5] != command[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected SPI response, got %s instead." % results[5]) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[0] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[3] bfLabels = ["CSStateTris Error Flag", "SCKTris Error Flag", "MISOTris Error Flag", "MOSITris Error Flag"] bf = BitField( rawByte = results[4], labelPrefix = "", labelList = bfLabels ) returnDict["ErrorFlags"] = bf return returnDict def rawSHT1X(self, Data = [3,0,0,0], WaitForMeasurementReady = True, IssueSerialReset = False, Add1MsDelay = False, Add300UsDelay = False, IO3State = 1, IO2State = 1, IO3Direction = 1, IO2Direction = 1, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 1, NumberOfBytesToRead = 3): """ Name: U12.rawSHT1X( Data = [3, 0, 0, 0], WaitForMeasurementReady = True, IssueSerialReset = False, Add1MsDelay = False, Add300UsDelay = False, IO3State = 1, IO2State = 1, IO3Direction = 1, IO2Direction = 1, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 1, NumberOfBytesToRead = 3) Args: Data, a list of bytes to write to the SHT. WaitForMeasurementReady, Wait for the measurement ready signal. IssueSerialReset, perform a serial reset Add1MsDelay, adds 1ms delay Add300UsDelay, adds a 300us delay IO3State, sets the state of IO3 IO2State, sets the state of IO2 IO3Direction, sets the direction of IO3 ( 1 = Output ) IO2Direction, sets the direction of IO3 ( 1 = Output ) NumberOfBytesToWrite, how many bytes to write NumberOfBytesToRead, how may bytes to read back Desc: Sends and receives data from a SHT1X T/RH sensor from Sensirion. See Section 5.15 of the User's Guide. By default, reads the temperature from the SHT. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys, DataByte0-3, the four data bytes read ErrorFlags, a BitField representing the error flags. Example: Uses an EI-1050 Temp/Humidity probe wired as follows: Data ( Green ) -> IO0 Clock ( White ) -> IO1 Ground ( Black ) -> GND Power ( Red ) -> +5V Enable ( Brown ) -> IO2 >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> results = d.rawSHT1X() >>> print results { 'DataByte3': 0, 'DataByte2': 69, 'DataByte1': 48, 'DataByte0': 25, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ Serial Reset Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } >>> tempC = (results['DataByte0'] * 256 ) + results['DataByte1'] >>> tempC = (tempC * 0.01) - 40 >>> print tempC 24.48 >>> results = d.rawSHT1X(Data = [5,0,0,0]) >>> print results { 'DataByte3': 0, 'DataByte2': 200, 'DataByte1': 90, 'DataByte0': 2, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ Serial Reset Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } >>> sorh = (results['DataByte0'] * 256 ) + results['DataByte1'] >>> rhlinear = (-0.0000028*sorh*sorh)+(0.0405*sorh)-4.0 >>> rh = ((tempC-25.0)*(0.01+(0.00008*sorh)))+rhlinear >>> print rh 19.3360256 """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if NumberOfBytesToWrite != 0: if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data if max(NumberOfBytesToWrite, NumberOfBytesToRead) > 4: raise U12Exception("Can only read/write up to 4 bytes at a time.") bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(bool(WaitForMeasurementReady)) bf.bit6 = int(bool(IssueSerialReset)) bf.bit5 = int(bool(Add1MsDelay)) bf.bit4 = int(bool(Add300UsDelay)) bf.bit3 = int(bool(IO3State)) bf.bit2 = int(bool(IO2State)) bf.bit1 = int(bool(IO3Direction)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(IO2Direction)) command[4] = int(bf) # 01101000 (SHT1X) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 bf2.bit3 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = NumberOfBytesToWrite command[7] = NumberOfBytesToRead self.write(command) results = if results[5] != command[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected SHT1x response, got %s instead." % results[5]) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[0] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[3] bfLabels = ["Serial Reset Error Flag", "Measurement Ready Error Flag", "Ack Error Flag"] bf = BitField( rawByte = results[4], labelPrefix = "", labelList = bfLabels ) returnDict["ErrorFlags"] = bf return returnDict def eAnalogIn(self, channel, idNum = None, demo=0, gain=0): """ Name: U12.eAnalogIn(channel, idNum = None, demo=0, gain=0) Args: See section 4.1 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of AISample. Reads the voltage from 1 analog input >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eAnalogIn(0) {'overVoltage': 0, 'idnum': 1, 'voltage': 1.435546875} """ if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ad0 = ctypes.c_long(999) ad1 = ctypes.c_float(999) ecode = staticLib.EAnalogIn(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, channel, gain, ctypes.byref(ad0), ctypes.byref(ad1)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value, "overVoltage":ad0.value, "voltage":ad1.value} else: # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel channel0PGAMUX = ( ( gain & 7 ) << 4) channel0PGAMUX += channel-8 if channel > 7 else channel+8 results = self.rawAISample(channel0PGAMUX = channel0PGAMUX) return {"idnum" :, "overVoltage" : int(results['PGAOvervoltage']), 'voltage' : results['Channel0']} def eAnalogOut(self, analogOut0, analogOut1, idNum = None, demo=0): """ Name: U12.eAnalogOut(analogOut0, analogOut1, idNum = None, demo=0) Args: See section 4.2 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of AOUpdate. Sets the voltage of both analog outputs. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eAnalogOut(2, 2) {'idnum': 1} """ if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.EAnalogOut(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, ctypes.c_float(analogOut0), ctypes.c_float(analogOut1)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value} else: if analogOut0 < 0: analogOut0 = self.pwmAVoltage if analogOut1 < 0: analogOut1 = self.pwmBVoltage self.rawCounterPWMDIO(PWMA = analogOut0, PWMB = analogOut1) self.pwmAVoltage = analogOut0 self.pwmBVoltage = analogOut1 return {"idnum":} def eCount(self, idNum = None, demo = 0, resetCounter = 0): """ Name: U12.eCount(idNum = None, demo = 0, resetCounter = 0) Args: See section 4.3 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of Counter. Reads & resets the counter (CNT). >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eCount() {'count': 1383596032.0, 'ms': 251487257.0} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) count = ctypes.c_double() ms = ctypes.c_double() ecode = staticLib.ECount(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, resetCounter, ctypes.byref(count), ctypes.byref(ms)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value, "count":count.value, "ms":ms.value} else: results = self.rawCounter( ResetCounter = resetCounter) return {"idnum", "count":results['Counter'], "ms": (time() * 1000)} def eDigitalIn(self, channel, idNum = None, demo = 0, readD=0): """ Name: U12.eDigitalIn(channel, idNum = None, demo = 0, readD=0) Args: See section 4.4 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of DigitalIO that reads the state of one digital input. Also configures the requested pin to input and leaves it that way. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eDigitalIn(0) {'state': 0, 'idnum': 1} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) state = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.EDigitalIn(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, channel, readD, ctypes.byref(state)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value, "state":state.value} else: oldstate = self.rawDIO() if readD: if channel > 7: channel = channel-7 direction = BitField(rawByte = oldstate['D15toD8Directions']) direction[7-channel] = 1 results = self.rawDIO(D15toD8Directions = direction, UpdateDigital = True) state = results["D15toD8States"][7-channel] else: direction = BitField(rawByte = oldstate['D7toD0Directions']) direction[7-channel] = 1 results = self.rawDIO(D7ToD0Directions = direction, UpdateDigital = True) state = results["D15toD8States"][7-channel] else: results = self.rawDIO(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 255, UpdateDigital = True) state = results["IO3toIO0States"][3-channel] return {"idnum" :, "state" : state} def eDigitalOut(self, channel, state, idNum = None, demo = 0, writeD=0): """ Name: U12.eDigitalOut(channel, state, idNum = None, demo = 0, writeD=0) Args: See section 4.5 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of DigitalIO that sets/clears the state of one digital output. Also configures the requested pin to output and leaves it that way. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eDigitalOut(0, 1) {idnum': 1} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.EDigitalOut(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, channel, writeD, state) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value} else: oldstate = self.rawDIO() if writeD: if channel > 7: channel = channel-7 direction = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D15toD8Directions'])) direction[7-channel] = 0 states = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D15toD8States'])) states[7-channel] = state self.rawDIO(D15toD8Directions = direction, D15toD8States = state, UpdateDigital = True) else: direction = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D7toD0Directions'])) direction[7-channel] = 0 states = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D7toD0States'])) states[7-channel] = state self.rawDIO(D7toD0Directions = direction, D7toD0States = states, UpdateDigital = True) else: bf = BitField() bf[7-(channel+4)] = 0 bf[7-channel] = state self.rawDIO(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = bf, UpdateDigital = True) return {"idnum" :} def aiSample(self, numChannels, channels, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0): """ Name: U12.aiSample(channels, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0) Args: See section 4.6 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads the voltages from 1,2, or 4 analog inputs. Also controls/reads the 4 IO ports. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiSample(2, [0, 1]) {'stateIO': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'overVoltage': 0, 'idnum': 1, 'voltages': [1.4208984375, 1.4306640625]} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check to make sure that everything is checked if not isIterable(channels): raise TypeError("channels must be iterable") if not isIterable(gains): raise TypeError("gains must be iterable") if len(channels) < numChannels: raise ValueError("channels must have atleast numChannels elements") if len(gains) < numChannels: raise ValueError("gains must have atleast numChannels elements") # Convert lists to arrays and create other ctypes channelsArray = listToCArray(channels, ctypes.c_long) gainsArray = listToCArray(gains, ctypes.c_long) overVoltage = ctypes.c_long(999) longArrayType = (ctypes.c_long * 4) floatArrayType = (ctypes.c_float * 4) voltages = floatArrayType(0, 0, 0, 0) stateIOin = ctypes.c_long(stateIOin) ecode = staticLib.AISample(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, ctypes.byref(stateIOin), updateIO, ledOn, numChannels, ctypes.byref(channelsArray), ctypes.byref(gainsArray), disableCal, ctypes.byref(overVoltage), ctypes.byref(voltages)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "stateIO":stateIOin.value, "overVoltage":overVoltage.value, "voltages":voltages[0:numChannels]} def aiBurst(self, numChannels, channels, scanRate, numScans, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, triggerIO=0, triggerState=0, timeout=1, transferMode=0): """ Name: U12.aiBurst(numChannels, channels, scanRate, numScans, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=[0, 0, 0, 0], updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, triggerIO=0, triggerState=0, timeout=1, transferMode=0) Args: See section 4.7 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads a specified number of scans (up to 4096) at a specified scan rate (up to 8192 Hz) from 1,2, or 4 analog inputs >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiBurst(1, [0], 400, 10) {'overVoltage': 0, 'scanRate': 400.0, 'stateIOout': <u12.c_long_Array_4096 object at 0x00DB4BC0>, 'idnum': 1, 'voltages': <u12.c_float_Array_4096_Array_4 object at 0x00DB4B70>} """ # Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # check list sizes if len(channels) < numChannels: raise ValueError("channels must have atleast numChannels elements") if len(gains) < numChannels: raise ValueError("gains must have atleast numChannels elements") # Convert lists to arrays and create other ctypes channelsArray = listToCArray(channels, ctypes.c_long) gainsArray = listToCArray(gains, ctypes.c_long) scanRate = ctypes.c_float(scanRate) pointerArray = (ctypes.c_void_p * 4) arr4096_type = ctypes.c_float * 4096 voltages_type = arr4096_type * 4 voltages = voltages_type() stateIOout = (ctypes.c_long * 4096)() overVoltage = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.AIBurst(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, stateIOin, updateIO, ledOn, numChannels, ctypes.byref(channelsArray), ctypes.byref(gainsArray), ctypes.byref(scanRate), disableCal, triggerIO, triggerState, numScans, timeout, ctypes.byref(voltages), ctypes.byref(stateIOout), ctypes.byref(overVoltage), transferMode) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "scanRate":scanRate.value, "voltages":voltages, "stateIOout":stateIOout, "overVoltage":overVoltage.value} def aiStreamStart(self, numChannels, channels, scanRate, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, readCount=0): """ Name: U12.aiStreamStart(numChannels, channels, scanRate, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, readCount=0) Args: See section 4.8 of the User's Guide Desc: Starts a hardware timed continuous acquisition >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiStreamStart(1, [0], 200) {'scanRate': 200.0, 'idnum': 1} """ # Configure return type staticLib.AIStreamStart.restype = ctypes.c_long # check list sizes if len(channels) < numChannels: raise ValueError("channels must have atleast numChannels elements") if len(gains) < numChannels: raise ValueError("gains must have atleast numChannels elements") #if len(stateIOin) < 4: raise ValueError("stateIOin must have atleast 4 elements") # Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Convert lists to arrays and create other ctypes channelsArray = listToCArray(channels, ctypes.c_long) gainsArray = listToCArray(gains, ctypes.c_long) scanRate = ctypes.c_float(scanRate) ecode = staticLib.AIStreamStart(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, stateIOin, updateIO, ledOn, numChannels, ctypes.byref(channelsArray), ctypes.byref(gainsArray), ctypes.byref(scanRate), disableCal, 0, readCount) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception # The ID number must be saved for AIStream = idNum.value self.streaming = True return {"idnum":idNum.value, "scanRate":scanRate.value} def aiStreamRead(self, numScans, localID=None, timeout=1): """ Name: U12.aiStreamRead(numScans, localID=None, timeout=1) Args: See section 4.9 of the User's Guide Desc: Waits for a specified number of scans to be available and reads them. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiStreamStart(1, [0], 200) >>> dev.aiStreamRead(10) {'overVoltage': 0, 'ljScanBacklog': 0, 'stateIOout': <u12.c_long_Array_4096 object at 0x00DF4AD0>, 'reserved': 0, 'voltages': <u12.c_float_Array_4096_Array_4 object at 0x00DF4B20>} """ # Check to make sure that we are streaming if not self.streaming: raise U12Exception(-1, "Streaming has not started") # Check id number if localID is None: localID = # Create arrays and other ctypes arr4096_type = ctypes.c_float * 4096 voltages_type = arr4096_type * 4 voltages = voltages_type() stateIOout = (ctypes.c_long * 4096)() reserved = ctypes.c_long(0) ljScanBacklog = ctypes.c_long(99999) overVoltage = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.AIStreamRead(localID, numScans, timeout, ctypes.byref(voltages), ctypes.byref(stateIOout), ctypes.byref(reserved), ctypes.byref(ljScanBacklog), ctypes.byref(overVoltage)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"voltages":voltages, "stateIOout":stateIOout, "reserved":reserved.value, "ljScanBacklog":ljScanBacklog.value, "overVoltage":overVoltage.value} def aiStreamClear(self, localID=None): """ Name: U12.aiClear() Args: See section 4.10 of the User's Guide Desc: This function stops the continuous acquisition. It should be called once when finished with the stream. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiStreamStart(1, [0], 200) >>> dev.aiStreamRead(10) >>> dev.aiStreamClear() """ # Check to make sure that we are streaming if not self.streaming: raise U12Exception(-1, "Streaming has not started") # Check id number if localID is None: localID = ecode = staticLib.AIStreamClear(localID) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception def aoUpdate(self, idNum=None, demo=0, trisD=None, trisIO=None, stateD=None, stateIO=None, updateDigital=0, resetCounter=0, analogOut0=0, analogOut1=0): """ Name: U12.aoUpdate() Args: See section 4.11 of the User's Guide Desc: Sets the voltages of the analog outputs. Also controls/reads all 20 digital I/O and the counter. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aoUpdate() >>> {'count': 2, 'stateIO': 3, 'idnum': 1, 'stateD': 0} """ # Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check tris and state arguments if updateDigital > 0: if trisD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisD must be set") if trisIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisIO must be set") if stateD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateD must be set") if stateIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateIO must be set") # Create ctypes if stateD is None: stateD = ctypes.c_long(0) else: stateD = ctypes.c_long(stateD) if stateIO is None: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(0) else: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(stateIO) count = ctypes.c_ushort(999) # Create arrays and other ctypes ecode = staticLib.AOUpdate(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, trisD, trisIO, ctypes.byref(stateD), ctypes.byref(stateIO), updateDigital, resetCounter, ctypes.byref(count), ctypes.c_float(analogOut0), ctypes.c_float(analogOut1)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"idnum":idNum.value, "stateD":stateD.value, "stateIO":stateIO.value, "count":count.value} def asynchConfig(self, fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC, idNum=None, demo=None, timeoutMult=1, configA=0, configB=0, configTE=0): """ Name: U12.asynchConfig(fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC, idNum=None, demo=None, timeoutMult=1, configA=0, configB=0, configTE=0) Args: See section 4.12 of the User's Guide Desc: Requires firmware V1.1 or higher. This function writes to the asynch registers and sets the direction of the D lines (input/output) as needed. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.asynchConfig(96,1,1,22,2,1) >>> {'idNum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.AsynchConfig(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, timeoutMult, configA, configB, configTE, fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"idNum":idNum.value} def asynch(self, baudrate, data, idNum=None, demo=0, portB=0, enableTE=0, enableTO=0, enableDel=0, numWrite=0, numRead=0): """ Name: U12.asynchConfig(fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC, idNum=None, demo=None, timeoutMult=1, configA=0, configB=0, configTE=0) Args: See section 4.13 of the User's Guide Desc: Requires firmware V1.1 or higher. This function writes to the asynch registers and sets the direction of the D lines (input/output) as needed. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.asynch(96,1,1,22,2,1) >>> dev.asynch(19200, [0, 0]) >>> {'data': <u12.c_long_Array_18 object at 0x00DEFB70>, 'idnum': <type 'long'>} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check size of data if len(data) > 18: raise ValueError("data can not be larger than 18 elements") # Make data 18 elements large dataArray = [0] * 18 for i in range(0, len(data)): dataArray[i] = data[i] print dataArray dataArray = listToCArray(dataArray, ctypes.c_long) ecode = staticLib.Asynch(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, portB, enableTE, enableTO, enableDel, baudrate, numWrite, numRead, ctypes.byref(dataArray)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"idnum":long, "data":dataArray} GainMapping = [ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0, 16.0, 20.0 ] def bitsToVolts(self, chnum, chgain, bits): """ Name: U12.bitsToVolts(chnum, chgain, bits) Args: See section 4.14 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a 12-bit (0-4095) binary value into a LabJack voltage. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.bitsToVolts(0, 0, 2662) >>> {'volts': 2.998046875} """ if ON_WINDOWS: volts = ctypes.c_float() ecode = staticLib.BitsToVolts(chnum, chgain, bits, ctypes.byref(volts)) if ecode != 0: print ecode return volts.value else: if chnum < 8: return ( float(bits) * 20.0 / 4096.0 ) - 10.0 else: volts = ( float(bits) * 40.0 / 4096.0 ) - 20.0 return volts / self.GainMapping[chgain] def voltsToBits(self, chnum, chgain, volts): """ Name: U12.voltsToBits(chnum, chgain, bits) Args: See section 4.15 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a voltage to it's 12-bit (0-4095) binary representation. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.voltsToBits(0, 0, 3) >>> {'bits': 2662} """ if ON_WINDOWS: bits = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.VoltsToBits(chnum, chgain, ctypes.c_float(volts), ctypes.byref(bits)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return bits.value else: pass #*bits = RoundFL((volts+10.0F)/(20.0F/4096.0F)); def counter(self, idNum=None, demo=0, resetCounter=0, enableSTB=1): """ Name: U12.counter(idNum=None, demo=0, resetCounter=0, enableSTB=1) Args: See section 4.15 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a voltage to it's 12-bit (0-4095) binary representation. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.counter(0, 0, 3) >>> {'bits': 2662} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Create ctypes stateD = ctypes.c_long(999) stateIO = ctypes.c_long(999) count = ctypes.c_ulong(999) print idNum ecode = staticLib.Counter(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, ctypes.byref(stateD), ctypes.byref(stateIO), resetCounter, enableSTB, ctypes.byref(count)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "stateD": stateD.value, "stateIO":stateIO.value, "count":count.value} def digitalIO(self, idNum=None, demo=0, trisD=None, trisIO=None, stateD=None, stateIO=None, updateDigital=0): """ Name: U12.digitalIO(idNum=None, demo=0, trisD=None, trisIO=None, stateD=None, stateIO=None, updateDigital=0) Args: See section 4.17 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads and writes to all 20 digital I/O. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.digitalIO() >>> {'stateIO': 0, 'stateD': 0, 'idnum': 1, 'outputD': 0, 'trisD': 0} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check tris and state parameters if updateDigital > 0: if trisD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisD must be set") if trisIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisIO must be set") if stateD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateD must be set") if stateIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateIO must be set") # Create ctypes if trisD is None: trisD = ctypes.c_long(999) else:trisD = ctypes.c_long(trisD) if stateD is None:stateD = ctypes.c_long(999) else: stateD = ctypes.c_long(stateD) if stateIO is None: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(0) else: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(stateIO) outputD = ctypes.c_long(999) # Check trisIO if trisIO is None: trisIO = 0 ecode = staticLib.DigitalIO(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, ctypes.byref(trisD), trisIO, ctypes.byref(stateD), ctypes.byref(stateIO), updateDigital, ctypes.byref(outputD)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "trisD":trisD.value, "stateD":stateD.value, "stateIO":stateIO.value, "outputD":outputD.value} def getDriverVersion(self): """ Name: U12.getDriverVersion() Args: See section 4.18 of the User's Guide Desc: Returns the version number of ljackuw.dll. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getDriverVersion() >>> 1.21000003815 """ staticLib.GetDriverVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float return staticLib.GetDriverVersion() def getFirmwareVersion(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.getErrorString(idnum=None) Args: See section 4.20 of the User's Guide Desc: Retrieves the firmware version from the LabJack's processor >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getFirmwareVersion() >>> Unkown error """ # Check ID number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) staticLib.GetFirmwareVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float firmware = staticLib.GetFirmwareVersion(ctypes.byref(idNum)) if firmware > 512: raise U12Exception(firmware-512) return {"idnum" : idNum.value, "firmware" : firmware} def getWinVersion(self): """ Name: U12.getErrorString() Args: See section 4.21 of the User's Guide Desc: Uses a Windows API function to get the OS version >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getWinVersion() >>> {'majorVersion': 5L, 'minorVersion': 1L, 'platformID': 2L, 'buildNumber': 2600L, 'servicePackMajor': 2L, 'servicePackMinor': 0L} """ # Create ctypes majorVersion = ctypes.c_ulong() minorVersion = ctypes.c_ulong() buildNumber = ctypes.c_ulong() platformID = ctypes.c_ulong() servicePackMajor = ctypes.c_ulong() servicePackMinor = ctypes.c_ulong() ecode = staticLib.GetWinVersion(ctypes.byref(majorVersion), ctypes.byref(minorVersion), ctypes.byref(buildNumber), ctypes.byref(platformID), ctypes.byref(servicePackMajor), ctypes.byref(servicePackMinor)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"majorVersion":majorVersion.value, "minorVersion":minorVersion.value, "buildNumber":buildNumber.value, "platformID":platformID.value, "servicePackMajor":servicePackMajor.value, "servicePackMinor":servicePackMinor.value} def listAll(self): """ Name: U12.listAll() Args: See section 4.22 of the User's Guide Desc: Searches the USB for all LabJacks, and returns the serial number and local ID for each >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.listAll() >>> {'serialnumList': <u12.c_long_Array_127 object at 0x00E2AD50>, 'numberFound': 1, 'localIDList': <u12.c_long_Array_127 object at 0x00E2ADA0>} """ # Create arrays and ctypes productIDList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) serialnumList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) localIDList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) powerList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) arr127_type = ctypes.c_long * 127 calMatrix_type = arr127_type * 20 calMatrix = calMatrix_type() reserved = ctypes.c_long() numberFound = ctypes.c_long() ecode = staticLib.ListAll(ctypes.byref(productIDList), ctypes.byref(serialnumList), ctypes.byref(localIDList), ctypes.byref(powerList), ctypes.byref(calMatrix), ctypes.byref(numberFound), ctypes.byref(reserved), ctypes.byref(reserved)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"serialnumList": serialnumList, "localIDList":localIDList, "numberFound":numberFound.value} def localID(self, localID, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.localID(localID, idNum=None) Args: See section 4.23 of the User's Guide Desc: Changes the local ID of a specified LabJack >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.localID(1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.LocalID(ctypes.byref(idNum), localID) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def noThread(self, noThread, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.localID(noThread, idNum=None) Args: See section 4.24 of the User's Guide Desc: This function is needed when interfacing TestPoint to the LabJack DLL on Windows 98/ME >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.noThread(1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.NoThread(ctypes.byref(idNum), noThread) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOut(self, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0): """ Name: U12.pulseOut(bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0) Args: See section 4.25 of the User's Guide Desc: This command creates pulses on any/all of D0-D7 >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOut(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.PulseOut(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, lowFirst, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOutStart(self, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0): """ Name: U12.pulseOutStart(bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0) Args: See section 4.26 of the User's Guide Desc: PulseOutStart and PulseOutFinish are used as an alternative to PulseOut (See PulseOut for more information) >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOutStart(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.PulseOutStart(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, lowFirst, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOutFinish(self, timeoutMS, idNum=None, demo=0): """ Name: U12.pulseOutFinish(timeoutMS, idNum=None, demo=0) Args: See section 4.27 of the User's Guide Desc: See PulseOutStart for more information >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOutStart(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) >>> dev.pulseOutFinish(100) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.PulseOutFinish(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, timeoutMS) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOutCalc(self, frequency): """ Name: U12.pulseOutFinish(frequency) Args: See section 4.28 of the User's Guide Desc: This function can be used to calculate the cycle times for PulseOut or PulseOutStart. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOutCalc(100) >>> {'frequency': 100.07672882080078, 'timeB': 247, 'timeC': 1} """ # Create ctypes frequency = ctypes.c_float(frequency) timeB = ctypes.c_long(0) timeC = ctypes.c_long(0) ecode = staticLib.PulseOutCalc(ctypes.byref(frequency), ctypes.byref(timeB), ctypes.byref(timeC)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"frequency":frequency.value, "timeB":timeB.value, "timeC":timeC.value} def reEnum(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.reEnum(idNum=None) Args: See section 4.29 of the User's Guide Desc: Causes the LabJack to electrically detach from and re-attach to the USB so it will re-enumerate >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.reEnum() >>> {'idnum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.ReEnum(ctypes.byref(idNum)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def reset(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.reset(idNum=None) Args: See section 4.30 of the User's Guide Desc: Causes the LabJack to reset after about 2 seconds >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.reset() >>> {'idnum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.Reset(ctypes.byref(idNum)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def resetLJ(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.resetLJ(idNum=None) Args: See section 4.30 of the User's Guide Desc: Causes the LabJack to reset after about 2 seconds >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.resetLJ() >>> {'idnum': 1} """ return reset(idNum) def sht1X(self, idNum=None, demo=0, softComm=0, mode=0, statusReg=0): """ Name: U12.sht1X(idNum=None, demo=0, softComm=0, mode=0, statusReg=0) Args: See section 4.31 of the User's Guide Desc: This function retrieves temperature and/or humidity readings from an SHT1X sensor. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.sht1X() >>> {'tempC': 24.69999885559082, 'rh': 39.724445343017578, 'idnum': 1, 'tempF': 76.459999084472656} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Create ctypes tempC = ctypes.c_float(0) tempF = ctypes.c_float(0) rh = ctypes.c_float(0) ecode = staticLib.SHT1X(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, softComm, mode, statusReg, ctypes.byref(tempC), ctypes.byref(tempF), ctypes.byref(rh)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "tempC":tempC.value, "tempF":tempF.value, "rh":rh.value} def shtComm(self, numWrite, numRead, datatx, idNum=None, softComm=0, waitMeas=0, serialReset=0, dataRate=0): """ Name: U12.shtComm(numWrite, numRead, datatx, idNum=None, softComm=0, waitMeas=0, serialReset=0, dataRate=0) Args: See section 4.32 of the User's Guide Desc: Low-level public function to send and receive up to 4 bytes to from an SHT1X sensor """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check size of datatx if len(datatx) != 4: raise ValueError("datatx must have exactly 4 elements") # Create ctypes datatx = listToCArray(datatx, ctypes.c_ubyte) datarx = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 4)((0) * 4) ecode = staticLib.SHTComm(ctypes.byref(idNum), softComm, waitMeas, serialReset, dataRate, numWrite, numRead, ctypes.byref(datatx), ctypes.byref(datarx)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "datarx":datarx} def shtCRC(self, numWrite, numRead, datatx, datarx, statusReg=0): """ Name: U12.shtCRC(numWrite, numRead, datatx, datarx, statusReg=0) Args: See section 4.33 of the User's Guide Desc: Checks the CRC on an SHT1X communication """ # Create ctypes datatx = listToCArray(datatx, ctypes.c_ubyte) datarx = listToCArray(datarx, ctypes.c_ubyte) return staticLib.SHTCRC(statusReg, numWrite, numRead, ctypes.byref(datatx), ctypes.byref(datarx)) def synch(self, mode, numWriteRead, data, idNum=None, demo=0, msDelay=0, husDelay=0, controlCS=0, csLine=None, csState=0, configD=0): """ Name: U12.synch(mode, numWriteRead, data, idNum=None, demo=0, msDelay=0, husDelay=0, controlCS=0, csLine=None, csState=0, configD=0) Args: See section 4.35 of the User's Guide Desc: This function retrieves temperature and/or humidity readings from an SHT1X sensor. """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) if controlCS > 0 and csLine is None: raise ValueError("csLine must be specified") # Make sure data is 18 elements cData = [0] * 18 for i in range(0, len(data)): cData[i] = data[i] cData = listToCArray(cData, ctypes.c_long) ecode = staticLib.Synch(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, mode, msDelay, husDelay, controlCS, csLine, csState, configD, numWriteRead, ctypes.byref(cData)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "data":cData} def watchdog(self, active, timeout, activeDn, stateDn, idNum=None, demo=0, reset=0): """ Name: U12.watchdog(active, timeout, activeDn, stateDn, idNum=None, demo=0, reset=0) Args: See section 4.35 of the User's Guide Desc: Controls the LabJack watchdog function. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.watchdog(1, 1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) >>> {'idnum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) if len(activeDn) is not 3: raise ValueError("activeDn must have 3 elements") if len(stateDn) is not 3: raise Value("stateDn must have 3 elements") ecode = staticLib.Watchdog(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, active, timeout, reset, activeDn[0], activeDn[1], activeDn[2], stateDn[0], stateDn[1], stateDn[2]) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def readMem(self, address, idnum = None): """ Name: U12.readMem(address, idnum=None) Args: See section 4.36 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads 4 bytes from a specified address in the LabJack's nonvolatile memory >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.readMem(0) >>> [5, 246, 16, 59] """ if address is None: raise Exception, "Must give an Address." if idnum is None: idnum = ljid = ctypes.c_ulong(idnum) ad0 = ctypes.c_ulong() ad1 = ctypes.c_ulong() ad2 = ctypes.c_ulong() ad3 = ctypes.c_ulong() ec = staticLib.ReadMem(ctypes.byref(ljid), ctypes.c_long(address), ctypes.byref(ad3), ctypes.byref(ad2), ctypes.byref(ad1), ctypes.byref(ad0)) if ec != 0: raise U12Exception(ec) addr = [0] * 4 addr[0] = int(ad3.value & 0xff) addr[1] = int(ad2.value & 0xff) addr[2] = int(ad1.value & 0xff) addr[3] = int(ad0.value & 0xff) return addr def writeMem(self, address, data, idnum=None, unlocked=False): """ Name: U12.writeMem(self, address, data, idnum=None, unlocked=False) Args: See section 4.37 of the User's Guide Desc: Writes 4 bytes to the LabJack's 8,192 byte nonvolatile memory at a specified address. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.writeMem(0, [5, 246, 16, 59]) >>> 1 """ if address is None or data is None: raise Exception, "Must give both an Address and data." if type(data) is not list or len(data) != 4: raise Exception, "Data must be a list and have a length of 4" if idnum is None: idnum = ljid = ctypes.c_ulong(idnum) ec = staticLib.WriteMem(ctypes.byref(ljid), int(unlocked), address, data[3] & 0xff, data[2] & 0xff, data[1] & 0xff, data[0] & 0xff) if ec != 0: raise U12Exception(ec) return ljid.value def LJHash(self, hashStr, size): outBuff = (ctypes.c_char * 16)() retBuff = '' staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") ec = staticLib.LJHash(ctypes.cast(hashStr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), size, ctypes.cast(outBuff, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), 0) if ec != 0: raise U12Exception(ec) for i in range(16): retBuff += outBuff[i] return retBuff def isIterable(var): try: iter(var) return True except: return False def listToCArray(list, dataType): arrayType = dataType * len(list) array = arrayType() for i in range(0,len(list)): array[i] = list[i] return array def cArrayToList(array): list = [] for item in array: list.append(item) return list def getErrorString(errorcode): """ Name: U12.getErrorString(errorcode) Args: See section 4.19 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a LabJack errorcode, returned by another function, into a string describing the error. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getErrorString(1) >>> Unkown error """ errorString = ctypes.c_char_p(" "*50) staticLib.GetErrorString(errorcode, errorString) return errorString.value def hexWithoutQuotes(l): """ Return a string listing hex without all the single quotes. >>> l = range(10) >>> print hexWithoutQuotes(l) [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9] """ return str([hex (i) for i in l]).replace("'", "")
""" was written to control the 8711HV digital rotary servo and Marty's laser box with the Labjack U3-HV for the wavelength calibration setup. The laser box 1PPS signal should be tied to DAC0, and the signal for the servo is FIO4, routed through a single supply opamp to ensure high enough voltage on the signal line. author: Danica Marsden August 6, 2012 """ import u3, time, sys #u3.listAll(3) # Open the LabJack #d = u3.U3(debug = True) d = u3.U3() # Configure d.configU3() #print d.configU3() #print d.configIO() home = 0.467 # 0 degrees endpt = 0.8095 # 145 degrees center = 0.62891 # corresponds to 1.52ms "on"/high rangeOfServo = 145. # degrees maxTime = 5. * 60. # 5 minutes if (len(sys.argv) < 3): print "Syntax is: >>> python <angle [degrees]> <time [s]>" sys.exit(1) angleReq = float(sys.argv[1]) # Note: motion is CCW! if (angleReq > rangeOfServo): print "Need to specify an angle <= ", rangeOfServo sys.exit(1) if (angleReq < 0.): print "Need to specify an angle >= 0" sys.exit(1) dutyReq = ((endpt-home)/rangeOfServo)*angleReq + home #print dutyReq #**************hardcoding "home" which may ***************************** # not = 0 depending on telescope config => fix!!! newhomeang = 40 newhomeReq = ((endpt-home)/rangeOfServo)*newhomeang + home home = newhomeReq waitTime = 1 calObsTime = float(sys.argv[2]) if (calObsTime > maxTime): print "Need to specify a time <= 5 minutes" sys.exit(1) if (calObsTime < 0.): print "Need to specify a time >= 0" sys.exit(1) # Set the timer clock to be 48 MHz/divisor with a divisor of 3 d.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = 6, TimerClockDivisor = 3) # Enable the timer, at FIO4 d.configIO(TimerCounterPinOffset = 4, NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) # Configure the timer for 16 bit PWM, with a duty cycle of a given %, where duty # cycle is the amount of time "off"/down. This creates an overall PWM frequency # of ~244.1Hz (4.1ms period) with (1 - dutyCycle)*4.1 ms "on"/high. baseValue = 65536 dutyCycle = home d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 0, Value = int(baseValue*dutyCycle)) ) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x0)) # Wait at home time.sleep(waitTime) # Update the duty cycle and apply for the specified time print "Turning lasers on" dutyCycle = dutyReq d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0( Value = int(baseValue*dutyCycle), UpdateReset = True ) ) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0xffff)) time.sleep(calObsTime) # Go home, turn off laser print "Turning lasers off" dutyCycle = home d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0( Value = int(baseValue*dutyCycle), UpdateReset = True ) ) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x0)) # Close the device d.close
""" was written to send a LabView filter wheel an active low pulse over BNC to move it one filter position. author: Seth Meeker August 29, 2012 """ import u3, time, sys def SignalFilterWheel(): basevoltage = 4.5 triggervoltage = 0.0 # Open the LabJack d = u3.U3() # Configure d.configU3() DAC0_REGISTER = 5000 d.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER, basevoltage) #print "Switched voltage to " + str(basevoltage) time.sleep(0.5) d.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER, triggervoltage) #print "Switched voltage to " + str(triggervoltage) time.sleep(0.5) d.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER,basevoltage) #print "Switched voltage to " + str(basevoltage) #time.sleep(0.5) d.close if __name__ == '__main__': SignalFilterWheel()
""" Multi-Platform Python wrapper that implements functions from the LabJack Windows UD Driver, and the Exodriver. This python wrapper is intended to make working with your LabJack device easy. The functions contained in this module are helper and device agnostic functions. This module provides the base Device class which the U3, U6, and UE9 classes inherit from. A typical user should start with their device's module, such as """ # We use the 'with' keyword to manage the thread-safe device lock. It's built-in on 2.6; 2.5 requires an import. from __future__ import with_statement import collections import ctypes import os import struct from decimal import Decimal import socket import Modbus import atexit # For auto-closing devices import threading # For a thread-safe device lock LABJACKPYTHON_VERSION = "8-26-2011" SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 3 LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT = 62 BROADCAST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 1 MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH = 64 NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS = 5 class LabJackException(Exception): """Custom Exception meant for dealing specifically with LabJack Exceptions. Error codes are either going to be a LabJackUD error code or a -1. The -1 implies a python wrapper specific error. WINDOWS ONLY If errorString is not specified then errorString is set by errorCode """ def __init__(self, ec = 0, errorString = ''): self.errorCode = ec self.errorString = errorString if not self.errorString: try: pString = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) staticLib.ErrorToString(ctypes.c_long(self.errorCode), ctypes.byref(pString)) self.errorString = pString.value except: self.errorString = str(self.errorCode) def __str__(self): return self.errorString # Raised when a low-level command raises an error. class LowlevelErrorException(LabJackException): pass # Raised when the return value of OpenDevice is null. class NullHandleException(LabJackException): def __init__(self): self.errorString = "Couldn't open device. Please check that the device you are trying to open is connected." def errcheck(ret, func, args): """ Whenever a function is called through ctypes, the return value is passed to this function to be checked for errors. Support for errno didn't come until 2.6, so Python 2.5 people should upgrade. """ if ret == -1: try: ec = ctypes.get_errno() raise LabJackException(ec, "Exodriver returned error number %s" % ec) except AttributeError: raise LabJackException(-1, "Exodriver returned an error, but LabJackPython is unable to read the error code. Upgrade to Python 2.6 for this functionality.") else: return ret def _loadLinuxSo(): """ Attempts to load the for Linux. """ try: l = ctypes.CDLL("", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l def _loadMacDylib(): """ Attempts to load the liblabjackusb.dylib for Mac OS X. """ try: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l def _loadLibrary(): """_loadLibrary() Returns a ctypes dll pointer to the library. """ if( == 'posix'): try: return _loadLinuxSo() except OSError, e: pass # We may be on Mac. except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load the Linux SO for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) try: return _loadMacDylib() except OSError, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load the Exodriver driver. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\nCheck that the Exodriver is installed, and the permissions are set correctly.\nThe error message was: %s" % e) except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load the Mac Dylib for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) if( == 'nt'): try: return ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load labjackud driver. Ethernet connectivity availability only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) try: staticLib = _loadLibrary() except LabJackException, e: print "%s: %s" % ( type(e), e ) staticLib = None # Attempt to load the windows Skymote library. try: skymoteLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("liblabjackusb") except: skymoteLib = None class Device(object): """Device(handle, localId = None, serialNumber = None, ipAddress = "", type = None) Creates a simple 0 with the following functions: write(writeBuffer) -- Writes a buffer. writeRegister(addr, value) -- Writes a value to a modbus register read(numBytes) -- Reads until a packet is received. readRegister(addr, numReg = None, format = None) -- Reads a modbus register. ping() -- Pings the device. Returns true if communication worked. close() -- Closes the device. reset() -- Resets the device. """ def __init__(self, handle, localId = None, serialNumber = None, ipAddress = "", devType = None): # Not saving the handle as a void* causes many problems on 64-bit machines. if isinstance(handle, int): self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) else: self.handle = handle self.localId = localId self.serialNumber = serialNumber self.ipAddress = ipAddress self.devType = devType self.debug = False self.streamConfiged = False self.streamStarted = False self.streamPacketOffset = 0 self._autoCloseSetup = False self.modbusPrependZeros = True self.deviceLock = threading.Lock() self.deviceName = "LabJack" def _writeToLJSocketHandle(self, writeBuffer, modbus): #if modbus is True and self.modbusPrependZeros: # writeBuffer = [ 0, 0 ] + writeBuffer packFormat = "B" * len(writeBuffer) tempString = struct.pack(packFormat, *writeBuffer) if modbus: self.handle.modbusSocket.send(tempString) else: self.handle.crSocket.send(tempString) return writeBuffer def _writeToUE9TCPHandle(self, writeBuffer, modbus): packFormat = "B" * len(writeBuffer) tempString = struct.pack(packFormat, *writeBuffer) if modbus is True: self.handle.modbus.send(tempString) else: return writeBuffer def _writeToExodriver(self, writeBuffer, modbus): if modbus is True and self.modbusPrependZeros: writeBuffer = [ 0, 0 ] + writeBuffer newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(writeBuffer))(0) for i in range(len(writeBuffer)): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(writeBuffer[i]) writeBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Write(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), len(writeBuffer)) if(writeBytes != len(writeBuffer)): raise LabJackException( "Could only write %s of %s bytes." % (writeBytes, len(writeBuffer) ) ) return writeBuffer def _writeToUDDriver(self, writeBuffer, modbus): if self.devType == 0x501: newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(writeBuffer))(0) for i in range(len(writeBuffer)): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(writeBuffer[i]) writeBytes = skymoteLib.LJUSB_IntWrite(self.handle, 1, ctypes.byref(newA), len(writeBuffer)) if(writeBytes != len(writeBuffer)): raise LabJackException( "Could only write %s of %s bytes." % (writeBytes, len(writeBuffer) ) ) else: if modbus is True and self.devType == 9: dataWords = len(writeBuffer) writeBuffer = [0, 0xF8, 0, 0x07, 0, 0] + writeBuffer #modbus low-level function if dataWords % 2 != 0: dataWords = (dataWords+1)/2 writeBuffer.append(0) else: dataWords = dataWords/2 writeBuffer[2] = dataWords setChecksum(writeBuffer) elif modbus is True and self.modbusPrependZeros: writeBuffer = [ 0, 0 ] + writeBuffer eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_OUT, 0, len(writeBuffer), writeBuffer) return writeBuffer def write(self, writeBuffer, modbus = False, checksum = True): """write([writeBuffer], modbus = False) Writes the data contained in writeBuffer to the device. writeBuffer must be a list of bytes. """ if self.handle is None: raise LabJackException("The device handle is None.") if checksum: setChecksum(writeBuffer) if(isinstance(self.handle, LJSocketHandle)): wb = self._writeToLJSocketHandle(writeBuffer, modbus) elif(isinstance(self.handle, UE9TCPHandle)): wb = self._writeToUE9TCPHandle(writeBuffer, modbus) else: if == 'posix': wb = self._writeToExodriver(writeBuffer, modbus) elif == 'nt': wb = self._writeToUDDriver(writeBuffer, modbus) if self.debug: print "Sent: ", hexWithoutQuotes(wb) def read(self, numBytes, stream = False, modbus = False): """read(numBytes, stream = False, modbus = False) Blocking read until a packet is received. """ readBytes = 0 if self.handle is None: raise LabJackException("The device handle is None.") if(isinstance(self.handle, LJSocketHandle)): return self._readFromLJSocketHandle(numBytes, modbus, stream) elif(isinstance(self.handle, UE9TCPHandle)): return self._readFromUE9TCPHandle(numBytes, stream, modbus) else: if( == 'posix'): return self._readFromExodriver(numBytes, stream, modbus) elif == 'nt': return self._readFromUDDriver(numBytes, stream, modbus) def _readFromLJSocketHandle(self, numBytes, modbus, spont = False): """ Reads from LJSocket. Returns the result as a list. """ if modbus: rcvString = self.handle.modbusSocket.recv(numBytes) elif spont: rcvString = self.handle.spontSocket.recv(numBytes) else: rcvString = self.handle.crSocket.recv(numBytes) readBytes = len(rcvString) packFormat = "B" * readBytes rcvDataBuff = struct.unpack(packFormat, rcvString) return list(rcvDataBuff) def _readFromUE9TCPHandle(self, numBytes, stream, modbus): if stream is True: rcvString = else: if modbus is True: rcvString = self.handle.modbus.recv(numBytes) else: rcvString = readBytes = len(rcvString) packFormat = "B" * readBytes rcvDataBuff = struct.unpack(packFormat, rcvString) return list(rcvDataBuff) def _readFromExodriver(self, numBytes, stream, modbus): newA = (ctypes.c_byte*numBytes)() if(stream): readBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Stream(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) if readBytes == 0: return '' # return the byte string in stream mode return struct.pack('b' * readBytes, *newA) else: readBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Read(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) # return a list of integers in command/response mode return [(newA[i] & 0xff) for i in range(readBytes)] def _readFromUDDriver(self, numBytes, stream, modbus): if self.devType == 0x501: newA = (ctypes.c_byte*numBytes)() readBytes = skymoteLib.LJUSB_IntRead(self.handle, 0x81, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) return [(newA[i] & 0xff) for i in range(readBytes)] else: if modbus is True and self.devType == 9: tempBuff = [0] * (8 + numBytes + numBytes%2) eGetBuff = list() eGetBuff = eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_IN, 0, len(tempBuff), tempBuff)[1] #parse the modbus response out (reponse is the Modbus extended low=level function) retBuff = list() if len(eGetBuff) >= 9 and eGetBuff[1] == 0xF8 and eGetBuff[3] == 0x07: #figuring out the length of the modbus response mbSize = len(eGetBuff) - 8 if len(eGetBuff) >= 14: mbSize = min(mbSize, eGetBuff[13] + 6) i = min(mbSize, numBytes) i = max(i, 0) retBuff = eGetBuff[8:8+i] #getting the response only return retBuff tempBuff = [0] * numBytes if stream: return eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_IN, 1, numBytes, tempBuff)[1] return eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_IN, 0, numBytes, tempBuff)[1] def readRegister(self, addr, numReg = None, format = None, unitId = None): """ Reads a specific register from the device and returns the value. Requires readHoldingRegister(addr, numReg = None, format = None) addr: The address you would like to read numReg: Number of consecutive addresses you would like to read format: the unpack format of the returned value ( '>f' or '>I') Modbus is supported for UE9s over USB from Comm Firmware 1.50 and above. """ pkt, numBytes = self._buildReadRegisterPacket(addr, numReg, unitId) response = self._modbusWriteRead(pkt, numBytes) return self._parseReadRegisterResponse(response, numBytes, addr, format, numReg) def _buildReadRegisterPacket(self, addr, numReg, unitId): """ self._buildReadRegisterPacket(addr, numReg) Builds a raw modbus "Read Register" packet to be written to a device returns a tuple: ( < Packet as a list >, < number of bytes to read > ) """ # Calculates the number of registers for that request, or if numReg is # specified, checks that it is a valid number. numReg = Modbus.calcNumberOfRegisters(addr, numReg = numReg) pkt = Modbus.readHoldingRegistersRequest(addr, numReg = numReg, unitId = unitId) pkt = [ ord(c) for c in pkt ] numBytes = 9 + (2 * int(numReg)) return (pkt, numBytes) def _parseReadRegisterResponse(self, response, numBytes, addr, format, numReg = None): """ self._parseReadRegisterReponse(reponse, numBytes, addr, format) Takes a "Read Register" response and converts it to a value returns the value """ if len(response) != numBytes: raise LabJackException(9001, "Got incorrect number of bytes from device. Expected %s bytes, got %s bytes. The packet recieved was: %s" % (numBytes, len(response),response)) if isinstance(response, list): packFormat = ">" + "B" * numBytes response = struct.pack(packFormat, *response) if format == None: format = Modbus.calcFormat(addr, numReg) value = Modbus.readHoldingRegistersResponse(response, payloadFormat=format) return value def writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = None): """ Writes a value to a register. Returns the value to be written, if successful. Requires writeRegister(self, addr, value) addr: The address you want to write to. value: The value, or list of values, you want to write. if you cannot write to that register, a LabJackException is raised. Modbus is not supported for UE9's over USB. If you try it, a LabJackException is raised. """ pkt, numBytes = self._buildWriteRegisterPacket(addr, value, unitId) response = self._modbusWriteRead(pkt, numBytes) return self._parseWriteRegisterResponse(response, pkt, value) def _buildWriteRegisterPacket(self, addr, value, unitId): """ self._buildWriteRegisterPacket(addr, value) Builds a raw modbus "Write Register" packet to be written to a device returns a tuple: ( < Packet as a list >, < number of bytes to read > ) """ if type(value) is list: return self._buildWriteMultipleRegisters(addr, value, unitId) fmt = Modbus.calcFormat(addr) if fmt != '>H': return self._buildWriteFloatToRegister(addr, value, unitId, fmt) request = Modbus.writeRegisterRequest(addr, value, unitId) request = [ ord(c) for c in request ] numBytes = 12 return request, numBytes def _buildWriteFloatToRegister(self, addr, value, unitId, fmt = '>f'): numReg = 2 if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError("Value must be a float or int.") # Function, Address, Num Regs, Byte count, Data payload = struct.pack('>BHHB', 0x10, addr, 0x02, 0x04) + struct.pack(fmt, value) request = Modbus._buildHeaderBytes(length = len(payload)+1, unitId = unitId) request += payload request = [ ord(c) for c in request ] numBytes = 12 return (request, numBytes) def _buildWriteMultipleRegisters(self, startAddr, values, unitId = None): request = Modbus.writeRegistersRequest(startAddr, values, unitId) request = [ ord(c) for c in request ] numBytes = 12 return (request, numBytes) def _parseWriteRegisterResponse(self, response, request, value): response = list(response) if request[2] != 0 and request[3] != 0: protoID = (request[2] << 8) + request[3] raise Modbus.ModbusException("Got an unexpected protocol ID: %s (expected 0). Please make sure that you have the latest firmware. UE9s need a Comm Firmware of 1.50 or greater.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (protoID, hexWithoutQuotes(response))) if request[7] != response[7]: raise LabJackException(9002, "Modbus error number %s raised while writing to register. Make sure you're writing to an address that allows writes.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (response[8], hexWithoutQuotes(response))) return value def setDIOState(IOnum, state): value = (int(state) & 0x01) self.writeRegister(6000+IOnum, value) return True def _modbusWriteRead(self, request, numBytes): with self.deviceLock: self.write(request, modbus = True, checksum = False) try: result =, modbus = True) if self.debug: print "Response: ", hexWithoutQuotes(result) return result except LabJackException: self.write(request, modbus = True, checksum = False) result =, modbus = True) if self.debug: print "Response: ", hexWithoutQuotes(result) return result def _checkCommandBytes(self, results, commandBytes): """ Checks all the stuff from a command """ size = len(commandBytes) if len(results) == 0: raise LabJackException("Got a zero length packet.") elif results[0] == 0xB8 and results[1] == 0xB8: raise LabJackException("Device detected a bad checksum.") elif results[1:(size+1)] != commandBytes: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes.\nExpected: %s\nGot: %s\nFull packet: %s" % (hexWithoutQuotes(commandBytes), hexWithoutQuotes(results[1:(size+1)]), hexWithoutQuotes(results))) elif not verifyChecksum(results): raise LabJackException("Checksum was incorrect.") elif results[6] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[6], "\nThe %s returned an error:\n %s" % (self.deviceName , lowlevelErrorToString(results[6])) ) def _writeRead(self, command, readLen, commandBytes, checkBytes = True, stream=False, checksum = True): # Acquire the device lock. with self.deviceLock: self.write(command, checksum = checksum) result =, stream=False) if self.debug: print "Response: ", hexWithoutQuotes(result) if checkBytes: self._checkCommandBytes(result, commandBytes) return result def ping(self): try: if self.devType == LJ_dtUE9: writeBuffer = [0x70, 0x70] self.write(writeBuffer) try: except LabJackException: self.write(writeBuffer) return True if self.devType == LJ_dtU3: writeBuffer = [0, 0xf8, 0x01, 0x2a, 0, 0, 0, 0] writeBuffer = setChecksum(writeBuffer) self.write(writeBuffer) return True return False except Exception, e: print e return False def open(self, devType, Ethernet=False, firstFound = True, serial = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ipAddress = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """, Ethernet=False, firstFound = True, serial = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ipAddress = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None) Open a device of type devType. """ if self.handle is not None: raise LabJackException(9000,"Open called on a device with a handle. Please close the device, and try again. Your device is probably already open.\nLook for lines of code that look like this:\nd = u3.U3()\ # Wrong! Device is already open.") ct = LJ_ctUSB if Ethernet: ct = LJ_ctETHERNET if LJSocket is not None: ct = LJ_ctLJSOCKET d = None if devNumber: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif serial: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, pAddress = serial, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif localId: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, pAddress = localId, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif ipAddress: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, pAddress = ipAddress, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif LJSocket: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif firstFound: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = True, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) else: raise LabJackException("You must use first found, or give a localId, devNumber, or IP Address") self.handle = d.handle if not handleOnly: self._loadChangedIntoSelf(d) self._registerAtExitClose() def _loadChangedIntoSelf(self, d): for key, value in d.changed.items(): self.__setattr__(key, value) def _registerAtExitClose(self): if not self._autoCloseSetup: # Only need to register auto-close once per device. atexit.register(self.close) self._autoCloseSetup = True def close(self): """close() This function is not specifically supported in the LabJackUD driver for Windows and so simply calls the UD function Close. For Mac and unix drivers, this function MUST be performed when finished with a device. The reason for this close is because there can not be more than one program with a given device open at a time. If a device is not closed before the program is finished it may still be held open and unable to be used by other programs until properly closed. For Windows, Linux, and Mac """ if isinstance(self.handle, UE9TCPHandle) or isinstance(self.handle, LJSocketHandle): self.handle.close() elif == 'posix': staticLib.LJUSB_CloseDevice(self.handle) elif self.devType == 0x501: skymoteLib.LJUSB_CloseDevice(self.handle) self.handle = None def reset(self): """Reset the LabJack device. For Windows, Linux, and Mac Sample Usage: >>> u3 = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> u3.reset() @type None @param Function takes no arguments @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.ResetLabJack(self.handle) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) elif == 'posix': sndDataBuff = [0] * 4 #Make the reset packet sndDataBuff[0] = 0x9B sndDataBuff[1] = 0x99 sndDataBuff[2] = 0x02 try: self.write(sndDataBuff) rcvDataBuff = if(len(rcvDataBuff) != 4): raise LabJackException(0, "Unable to reset labJack 2") except Exception, e: raise LabJackException(0, "Unable to reset labjack: %s" % str(e)) def breakupPackets(self, packets, numBytesPerPacket): """ Name: Device.breakupPackets Args: packets, a string or list of packets numBytesPerPacket, how big each packe is Desc: This function will break up a list into smaller chunks and return each chunk one at a time. >>> l = range(15) >>> for packet in d.breakupPackets(l, 5): ... print packet [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] """ start, end = 0, numBytesPerPacket while end <= len(packets): yield packets[start:end] start, end = end, end + numBytesPerPacket def samplesFromPacket(self, packet): """ Name: Device.samplesFromPacket Args: packet, a packet of stream data Desc: This function breaks a packet into all the two byte samples it contains and returns them one at a time. >>> packet = range(16) # fake packet with 1 sample in it >>> for sample in d.samplesFromPacket(packet): ... print sample [ 12, 13 ] """ HEADER_SIZE = 12 FOOTER_SIZE = 2 BYTES_PER_PACKET = 2 l = str(packet) l = l[HEADER_SIZE:] l = l[:-FOOTER_SIZE] while len(l) > 0: yield l[:BYTES_PER_PACKET] l = l[BYTES_PER_PACKET:] def streamStart(self): """ Name: Device.streamStart() Args: None Desc: Starts streaming on the device. Note: You must call streamConfig() before calling this function. """ if not self.streamConfiged: raise LabJackException("Stream must be configured before it can be started.") if self.streamStarted: raise LabJackException("Stream already started.") command = [ 0xA8, 0xA8 ] results = self._writeRead(command, 4, [], False, False, False) if results[2] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[2], "StreamStart returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[2]) ) self.streamStarted = True def streamData(self, convert=True): """ Name: Device.streamData() Args: convert, should the packets be converted as they are read. set to False to get much faster speeds, but you will have to process the results later. Desc: Reads stream data from a LabJack device. See our stream example to get an idea of how this function should be called. The return value of streamData is a dictionary with the following keys: * errors: The number of errors in this block. * numPackets: The number of USB packets collected to return this block. * missed: The number of readings that were missed because of buffer overflow on the LabJack. * firstPacket: The PacketCounter value in the first USB packet. * result: The raw bytes returned from read(). The only way to get data if called with convert = False. * AINi, where i is an entry in the passed in PChannels. If called with convert = True, this is a list of all the readings in this block. Note: You must start the stream by calling streamStart() before calling this function. """ if not self.streamStarted: raise LabJackException("Please start streaming before reading.") numBytes = 14 + (self.streamSamplesPerPacket * 2) while True: result = * self.packetsPerRequest, stream = True) if len(result) == 0: yield None continue numPackets = len(result) // numBytes errors = 0 missed = 0 firstPacket = ord(result[10]) for i in range(numPackets): e = ord(result[11+(i*numBytes)]) if e != 0: errors += 1 if self.debug and e != 60 and e != 59: print e if e == 60: missed += struct.unpack('<I', result[6+(i*numBytes):10+(i*numBytes)] )[0] returnDict = dict(numPackets = numPackets, result = result, errors = errors, missed = missed, firstPacket = firstPacket ) if convert: returnDict.update(self.processStreamData(result, numBytes = numBytes)) yield returnDict def streamStop(self): """ Name: Device.streamStop() Args: None Desc: Stops streaming on the device. """ command = [ 0xB0, 0xB0 ] results = self._writeRead(command, 4, [], False, False, False) if results[2] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[2], "StreamStop returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[2]) ) self.streamStarted = False def getName(self): """ Name: Device.getName() Args: None Desc: Returns the name of a device. Always returns a unicode string. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' """ name = list(self.readRegister(58000, format='B'*48, numReg = 24)) if name[1] == 3: # Old style string name = "My %s" % self.deviceName if self.debug: print "Old UTF-16 name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") else: try: end = name.index(0x00) name = struct.pack("B"*end, *name[:end]).decode("UTF-8") except ValueError: name = "My %s" % self.deviceName if self.debug: print "Invalid name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") return name def setName(self, name = "My LabJack U3"): """ Name: Device.setName(name = ""My LabJack U3") Args: name, the name you'd like to assign the the U3 Desc: Writes a new name to the device. Names a limited to 30 characters or less. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' >>> d.setName("Johann") >>> d.getName() u'Johann' """ strLen = len(name) if strLen > 47: raise LabJackException("The name is too long, must be less than 48 characters.") newname = name.encode('UTF-8') bl = list(struct.unpack("B"*strLen, newname)) + [0x00] strLen += 1 if strLen%2 != 0: bl = bl + [0x00] strLen += 1 bl = struct.unpack(">"+"H"*(strLen/2), struct.pack("B" * strLen, *bl)) self.writeRegister(58000, list(bl)) name = property(getName, setName) def setDefaults(self, SetToFactoryDefaults = False): """ Name: Device.setDefaults(SetToFactoryDefaults = False) Args: SetToFactoryDefaults, set to True reset to factory defaults. Desc: Executing this function causes the current or last used values (or the factory defaults) to be stored in flash as the power-up defaults. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.setDefaults() """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x0E #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0xBA command[7] = 0x26 if SetToFactoryDefaults: command[6] = 0x82 command[7] = 0xC7 self._writeRead(command, 8, [ 0xF8, 0x01, 0x0E ] ) def setToFactoryDefaults(self): return self.setDefaults(SetToFactoryDefaults = True) validDefaultBlocks = range(8) def readDefaults(self, BlockNum, ReadCurrent = False): """ Name: Device.readDefaults(BlockNum) Args: BlockNum, which block to read. Must be 0-7. ReadCurrent, True = read current configuration Desc: Reads the power-up defaults from flash. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.readDefaults(0) [ 0, 0, ... , 0] """ if BlockNum not in self.validDefaultBlocks: raise LabJackException("Defaults must be in range 0-7") byte7 = (int(bool(ReadCurrent)) << 7) + BlockNum command = [ 0, 0xF8, 0x01, 0x0E, 0, 0, 0, byte7 ] result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, 0x0E ]) return result[8:] def readCurrent(self, BlockNum): self.readDefaults(BlockNum, ReadCurrent = True) def loadGenericDevice(self, device): """ Take a generic Device object, and loads it into the current object. The generic Device is consumed in the process. """ self.handle = device.handle self._loadChangedIntoSelf(device) self._registerAtExitClose() device = None # --------------------- BEGIN LabJackPython --------------------------------- def setChecksum(command): """Returns a command with checksums places in the proper locations For Windows, Mac, and Linux Sample Usage: >>> from LabJackPython import * >>> command = [0] * 12 >>> command[1] = 0xf8 >>> command[2] = 0x03 >>> command[3] = 0x0b >>> command = SetChecksum(command) >>> command [7, 248, 3, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] @type command: List @param command: The command by which to calculate the checksum @rtype: List @return: A command list with checksums in the proper locations. """ if len(command) < 8: raise LabJackException("Command does not contain enough bytes.") try: a = command[1] a = (a & 0x78) >> 3 #Check if the command is an extended command if a == 15: command = setChecksum16(command) command = setChecksum8(command, 6) return command else: command = setChecksum8(command, len(command)) return command except LabJackException, e: raise e except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("SetChecksum Exception:" + str(e)) def verifyChecksum(buffer): """Verifies the checksum of a given buffer using the traditional U3/UE9 Command Structure. """ buff0 = buffer[0] buff4 = buffer[4] buff5 = buffer[5] tempBuffer = setChecksum(buffer) if (buff0 == tempBuffer[0]) and (buff4 == tempBuffer[4]) \ and (buff5 == tempBuffer[5]): return True return False # 1 = LJ_ctUSB def listAll(deviceType, connectionType = 1): """listAll(deviceType, connectionType) -> [[local ID, Serial Number, IP Address], ...] Searches for all devices of a given type over a given connection type and returns a list of all devices found. WORKS on WINDOWS, MAC, UNIX """ if connectionType == LJ_ctLJSOCKET: ipAddress, port = deviceType.split(":") port = int(port) serverSocket = socket.socket() serverSocket.connect((ipAddress, port)) serverSocket.settimeout(10) f = serverSocket.makefile(bufsize = 0) f.write("scan\r\n") l = f.readline().strip() try: status, numLines = l.split(' ') except ValueError: raise Exception("Got invalid line from server: %s" % l) if status.lower().startswith('ok'): lines = [] marked = None for i in range(int(numLines)): l = f.readline().strip() dev = parseline(l) lines.append(dev) f.close() serverSocket.close() #print "Result of scan:" #print lines return lines if deviceType == 12: if U12DriverPresent(): u12Driver = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") # Setup all the ctype arrays pSerialNumbers = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pIDs = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pProdID = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pPowerList = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pCalMatrix = (ctypes.c_long * 2540)(0) pNumFound = ctypes.c_long() pFcdd = ctypes.c_long(0) pHvc = ctypes.c_long(0) #Output dictionary deviceList = {} ec = u12Driver.ListAll(ctypes.cast(pProdID, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pSerialNumbers, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pIDs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pPowerList, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pCalMatrix, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.byref(pNumFound), ctypes.byref(pFcdd), ctypes.byref(pHvc)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) for i in range(pNumFound.value): deviceList[pSerialNumbers[i]] = { 'SerialNumber' : pSerialNumbers[i], 'Id' : pIDs[i], 'ProdId' : pProdID[i], 'powerList' : pPowerList[i] } return deviceList else: return {} if( == 'nt'): if deviceType == 0x501: if skymoteLib is None: raise ImportError("Couldn't load liblabjackusb.dll. Please install, and try again.") num = skymoteLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(0x501) deviceList = dict() for i in range(num): try: device = openLabJack(0x501, 1, firstFound = False, pAddress = None, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList pNumFound = ctypes.c_long() pSerialNumbers = (ctypes.c_long * 128)() pIDs = (ctypes.c_long * 128)() pAddresses = (ctypes.c_double * 128)() #The actual return variables so the user does not have to use ctypes serialNumbers = [] ids = [] addresses = [] ec = staticLib.ListAll(deviceType, connectionType, ctypes.byref(pNumFound), ctypes.cast(pSerialNumbers, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pIDs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pAddresses, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long))) if ec != 0 and ec != 1010: raise LabJackException(ec) deviceList = dict() for i in xrange(pNumFound.value): if pSerialNumbers[i] != 1010: deviceValue = dict(localId = pIDs[i], serialNumber = pSerialNumbers[i], ipAddress = DoubleToStringAddress(pAddresses[i]), devType = deviceType) deviceList[pSerialNumbers[i]] = deviceValue return deviceList if( == 'posix'): if deviceType == LJ_dtUE9: return __listAllUE9Unix(connectionType) if deviceType == LJ_dtU3: return __listAllU3Unix() if deviceType == 6: return __listAllU6Unix() if deviceType == 0x501: return __listAllBridgesUnix() def isHandleValid(handle): if( == 'nt'): return True else: return staticLib.LJUSB_IsHandleValid(handle) def deviceCount(devType = None): """Returns the number of devices connected. """ if( == 'nt'): if devType is None: numdev = len(listAll(3)) numdev += len(listAll(9)) numdev += len(listAll(6)) if skymoteLib is not None: numdev += len(listAll(0x501)) return numdev else: return len(listAll(devType)) else: if devType == None: numdev = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(3) numdev += staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(9) numdev += staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(6) numdev += staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(0x501) return numdev else: return staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(devType) def getDevCounts(): if == "nt": # Right now there is no good way to count all the U12s on a Windows box return { 3 : len(listAll(3)), 6 : len(listAll(6)), 9 : len(listAll(9)), 1 : 0, 0x501 : len(listAll(0x501))} else: devCounts = (ctypes.c_uint*NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS)() devIds = (ctypes.c_uint*NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS)() n = ctypes.c_uint(NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS) r = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCounts(ctypes.byref(devCounts), ctypes.byref(devIds), n) returnDict = dict() for i in range(NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS): returnDict[int(devIds[i])] = int(devCounts[i]) return returnDict def openAllLabJacks(): if == "nt": # Windows doesn't provide a nice way to open all the devices. devs = dict() devs[3] = listAll(3) devs[6] = listAll(6) devs[9] = listAll(9) devs[0x501] = listAll(0x501) devices = list() for prodId, numConnected in devs.items(): for i, serial in enumerate(numConnected.keys()): d = Device(None, devType = prodId) if prodId == 0x501:, devNumber = i) d = _makeDeviceFromHandle(d.handle, prodId) else:, serial = serial) d = _makeDeviceFromHandle(d.handle, prodId) devices.append(d) else: maxHandles = 10 devHandles = (ctypes.c_void_p*maxHandles)() devIds = (ctypes.c_uint*maxHandles)() n = ctypes.c_uint(maxHandles) numOpened = staticLib.LJUSB_OpenAllDevices(ctypes.byref(devHandles), ctypes.byref(devIds), n) devices = list() for i in range(numOpened): devices.append(_makeDeviceFromHandle(devHandles[i], int(devIds[i]))) return devices def _openLabJackUsingLJSocket(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, LJSocket, handleOnly ): if LJSocket is not '': ip, port = LJSocket.split(":") port = int(port) handle = LJSocketHandle(ip, port, deviceType, firstFound, pAddress) else: handle = LJSocketHandle('localhost', 6000, deviceType, firstFound, pAddress) return handle def _openLabJackUsingUDDriver(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber ): if devNumber is not None: devs = listAll(deviceType) pAddress = devs.keys()[(devNumber-1)] handle = ctypes.c_long() pAddress = str(pAddress) ec = staticLib.OpenLabJack(deviceType, connectionType, pAddress, firstFound, ctypes.byref(handle)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) devHandle = handle.value return devHandle def _openLabJackUsingExodriver(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber): devType = ctypes.c_ulong(deviceType) openDev = staticLib.LJUSB_OpenDevice openDev.restype = ctypes.c_void_p if(devNumber != None): handle = openDev(devNumber, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() return handle elif(firstFound): handle = openDev(1, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: print "handle: %s" % handle raise NullHandleException() return handle else: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(deviceType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i + 1, 0, devType) try: if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() device = _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType) except: continue if device.localId == pAddress or device.serialNumber == pAddress or device.ipAddress == pAddress: return device else: device.close() raise LabJackException(LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND) def _openUE9OverEthernet(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber): if firstFound is not True and pAddress is not None: #Check if valid IP address and attempt to get TCP handle try: socket.inet_aton(pAddress) return UE9TCPHandle(pAddress) except: pass s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.settimeout(BROADCAST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) sndDataBuff = [0] * 6 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x22 sndDataBuff[1] = 0x78 sndDataBuff[3] = 0xa9 outBuff = "" for item in sndDataBuff: outBuff += chr(item) s.sendto(outBuff, ("", 52362)) try: count = 1 while True: rcvDataBuff = s.recv(128) rcvDataBuff = [ord(val) for val in rcvDataBuff] if verifyChecksum(rcvDataBuff): #Parse the packet macAddress = rcvDataBuff[28:34] macAddress.reverse() # The serial number is four bytes: # 0x10 and the last three bytes of the MAC address serialBytes = chr(0x10) for j in macAddress[3:]: serialBytes += chr(j) serialNumber = struct.unpack(">I", serialBytes)[0] #Parse out the IP address ipAddress = "" for j in range(13, 9, -1): ipAddress += str(int(rcvDataBuff[j])) ipAddress += "." ipAddress = ipAddress[0:-1] #Local ID localId = rcvDataBuff[8] & 0xff # Check if we have found the device we are looking for. # pAddress represents either Local ID, Serial Number, or the # IP Address. This is so there are no conflicting identifiers. if firstFound \ or devNumber == count \ or pAddress in [localId, serialNumber, ipAddress]: handle = UE9TCPHandle(ipAddress) return handle count += 1 else: # Got a bad checksum. pass except LabJackException, e: raise LabJackException(LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND, "%s" % e) except: raise LabJackException("LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND: Couldn't find the specified LabJack.") def _openWirelessBridgeOnWindows(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber): if skymoteLib is None: raise ImportError("Couldn't load liblabjackusb.dll. Please install, and try again.") devType = ctypes.c_ulong(0x501) openDev = skymoteLib.LJUSB_OpenDevice openDev.restype = ctypes.c_void_p if(devNumber != None): handle = openDev(devNumber, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() return handle elif(firstFound): handle = openDev(1, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() return handle else: raise LabjackException("Bridges don't have identifiers yet.") if handleOnly: raise LabjackException("Can't use handleOnly with an id.") numDevices = skymoteLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(deviceType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i + 1, 0, devType) try: if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() device = _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType) except: continue if device.localId == pAddress or device.serialNumber == pAddress or device.ipAddress == pAddress: return device else: device.close() raise LabJackException(LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND) #Windows, Linux, and Mac def openLabJack(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound = True, pAddress = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """openLabJack(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound = True, pAddress = 1, LJSocket = None) Note: On Windows, Ue9 over Ethernet, pAddress MUST be the IP address. """ rcvDataBuff = [] handle = None if connectionType == LJ_ctLJSOCKET: # LJSocket handles work indepenent of OS handle = _openLabJackUsingLJSocket(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, LJSocket, handleOnly ) elif == 'posix' and connectionType == LJ_ctUSB: # Linux/Mac need to work in the low level driver. handle = _openLabJackUsingExodriver(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber) if isinstance( handle, Device ): return handle elif == 'nt': #If windows operating system then use the UD Driver if deviceType == 0x501: handle = _openWirelessBridgeOnWindows(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber) handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) elif staticLib is not None: handle = _openLabJackUsingUDDriver(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber ) elif connectionType == LJ_ctETHERNET and deviceType == LJ_dtUE9 : handle = _openUE9OverEthernet(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber) if not handleOnly: return _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType) else: return Device(handle, devType = deviceType) def _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType): """ A helper function to get set all the info about a device from a handle""" device = Device(handle, devType = deviceType) device.changed = dict() if(deviceType == LJ_dtUE9): sndDataBuff = [0] * 38 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x89 sndDataBuff[1] = 0x78 sndDataBuff[2] = 0x10 sndDataBuff[3] = 0x01 try: device.write(sndDataBuff, checksum = False) rcvDataBuff = # Local ID device.localId = rcvDataBuff[8] & 0xff # MAC Address device.macAddress = "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" % (rcvDataBuff[33], rcvDataBuff[32], rcvDataBuff[31], rcvDataBuff[30], rcvDataBuff[29], rcvDataBuff[28]) # Parse out serial number device.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", rcvDataBuff[28], rcvDataBuff[29], rcvDataBuff[30], 0x10))[0] #Parse out the IP address device.ipAddress = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (rcvDataBuff[13], rcvDataBuff[12], rcvDataBuff[11], rcvDataBuff[10] ) # Comm FW Version device.commFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[37], rcvDataBuff[36]) device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['macAddress'] = device.macAddress device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber device.changed['ipAddress'] = device.ipAddress device.changed['commFWVersion'] = device.commFWVersion except Exception, e: device.close() raise e elif deviceType == LJ_dtU3: sndDataBuff = [0] * 26 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x0b sndDataBuff[1] = 0xf8 sndDataBuff[2] = 0x0a sndDataBuff[3] = 0x08 try: device.write(sndDataBuff, checksum = False) rcvDataBuff = except LabJackException, e: device.close() raise e device.localId = rcvDataBuff[21] & 0xff serialNumber = struct.pack("<BBBB", *rcvDataBuff[15:19]) device.serialNumber = struct.unpack('<I', serialNumber)[0] device.ipAddress = "" device.firmwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[10], rcvDataBuff[9]) device.hardwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[14], rcvDataBuff[13]) device.versionInfo = rcvDataBuff[37] device.deviceName = 'U3' if device.versionInfo == 1: device.deviceName += 'B' elif device.versionInfo == 2: device.deviceName += '-LV' elif device.versionInfo == 18: device.deviceName += '-HV' device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber device.changed['ipAddress'] = device.ipAddress device.changed['firmwareVersion'] = device.firmwareVersion device.changed['versionInfo'] = device.versionInfo device.changed['deviceName'] = device.deviceName device.changed['hardwareVersion'] = device.hardwareVersion elif deviceType == 6: command = [ 0 ] * 26 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0A command[3] = 0x08 try: device.write(command) rcvDataBuff = except LabJackException, e: device.close() raise e device.localId = rcvDataBuff[21] & 0xff serialNumber = struct.pack("<BBBB", *rcvDataBuff[15:19]) device.serialNumber = struct.unpack('<I', serialNumber)[0] device.ipAddress = "" device.firmwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[10], rcvDataBuff[9]) device.bootloaderVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[12], rcvDataBuff[11]) device.hardwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[14], rcvDataBuff[13]) device.versionInfo = rcvDataBuff[37] device.deviceName = 'U6' if device.versionInfo == 12: device.deviceName = 'U6-Pro' device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber device.changed['ipAddress'] = device.ipAddress device.changed['firmwareVersion'] = device.firmwareVersion device.changed['versionInfo'] = device.versionInfo device.changed['deviceName'] = device.deviceName device.changed['hardwareVersion'] = device.hardwareVersion device.changed['bootloaderVersion'] = device.bootloaderVersion elif deviceType == 0x501: pkt, readlen = device._buildReadRegisterPacket(65104, 4, 0) device.modbusPrependZeros = False device.write(pkt, modbus = True, checksum = False) for i in range(5): try: serial = None response =, False, True) serial = device._parseReadRegisterResponse(response[:readlen], readlen, 65104, '>Q', numReg = 4) break except Modbus.ModbusException: pass if serial is None: raise LabJackException("Error reading serial number.") device.serialNumber = serial device.localId = 0 device.deviceName = "SkyMote Bridge" device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['deviceName'] = device.deviceName device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber return device def AddRequest(Handle, IOType, Channel, Value, x1, UserData): """AddRequest(handle, ioType, channel, value, x1, userData) Windows Only """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") v = ctypes.c_double(Value) ud = ctypes.c_double(UserData) ec = staticLib.AddRequest(Handle, IOType, Channel, v, x1, ud) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def AddRequestS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, Value, x1, UserData): """Add a request to the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Sample Usage to get the AIN value from channel 0: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_AIN", 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> Go() >>> value = GetResult(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_AIN, 0) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:0.366420765873 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @type UserData: number @param UserData: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") v = ctypes.c_double(Value) ud = ctypes.c_double(UserData) ec = staticLib.AddRequestS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, v, x1, ud) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def AddRequestSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, Value, x1, UserData): """Add a request to the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Sample Usage to get the AIN value from channel 0: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> Go() >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @type UserData: number @param UserData: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") v = ctypes.c_double(Value) ud = ctypes.c_double(UserData) ec = staticLib.AddRequestSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, v, x1, ud) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def Go(): """Complete all requests currently on the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> Go() >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.Go() if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException("Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GoOne(Handle): """Performs the next request on the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.GoOne(Handle) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device eGet is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_AIN, 0, 0, 0) 0.39392614550888538 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: number @return: Returns the value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) #ppv = ctypes.pointer(pv) ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) #staticLib.eGet.argtypes = [ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_long] #ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, pValue, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) #print "EGet:" + str(ppv) #print "Other:" + str(ppv.contents) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows #Raw method -- Used because x1 is an output def eGetRaw(Handle, IOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device as a raw command eGetRaw is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage (Calling a echo command): >>> sendBuff = [0] * 2 >>> sendBuff[0] = 0x70 >>> sendBuff[1] = 0x70 >>> eGetRaw(ue9Handle, LJ_ioRAW_OUT, 0, len(sendBuff), sendBuff) (2.0, [112, 112]) @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type pValue: number @param Value: Length of the buffer. @type x1: number @param x1: Buffer to send. @rtype: Tuple @return: The tuple (numBytes, returnBuffer) - numBytes (number) - returnBuffer (List) @raise LabJackException: """ ec = 0 x1Type = "int" if == 'nt': digitalConst = [35, 36, 37, 45] pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) #If IOType is digital then call eget with x1 as a long if IOType in digitalConst: ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) else: #Otherwise as an array try: #Verify x1 is an array if len(x1) < 1: raise LabJackException(0, "x1 is not a valid variable for the given IOType") except Exception: raise LabJackException(0, "x1 is not a valid variable for the given IOType") #Initialize newA newA = None if type(x1[0]) == int: newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(x1))() for i in range(0, len(x1), 1): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(x1[i]) else: x1Type = "float" newA = (ctypes.c_double*len(x1))() for i in range(0, len(x1), 1): newA[i] = ctypes.c_double(x1[i]) ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), ctypes.byref(newA)) if IOType == LJ_ioRAW_IN and Channel == 1: # We return the raw byte string if we are streaming x1 = struct.pack('b' * len(x1), *newA) elif IOType == LJ_ioRAW_IN and Channel == 0: x1 = [0] * int(pv.value) for i in range(len(x1)): x1[i] = newA[i] & 0xff else: x1 = [0] * len(x1) for i in range(len(x1)): x1[i] = newA[i] if(x1Type == "int"): x1[i] = x1[i] & 0xff if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value, x1 else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def eGetS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device eGet is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> eGet(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_AIN", 0, 0, 0) 0.39392614550888538 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: number @return: Returns the value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) ec = staticLib.eGetS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def eGetSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device eGet is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> eGetSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0, 0) 1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: number @return: Returns the value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) ec = staticLib.eGetSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows #Not currently implemented def eGetRawS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Function not yet implemented. For Windows only. """ pass #Windows def ePut(Handle, IOType, Channel, Value, x1): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 0.0 >>> ePut(u3Handle, LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 8, 0) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 8.0 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(Value) ec = staticLib.ePut(Handle, IOType, Channel, pv, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def ePutS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, Value, x1): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 0.0 >>> ePutS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG", LJ_chLOCALID, 8, 0) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 8.0 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(Value) ec = staticLib.ePutS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, pv, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def ePutSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, Value, x1): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 0.0 >>> ePutSS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG", "LJ_chLOCALID", 8, 0) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 8.0 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(Value) ec = staticLib.ePutSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, pv, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetResult(Handle, IOType, Channel): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResult(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @rtype: number @return: The value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetResult(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetResultS(Handle, pIOType, Channel): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @rtype: number @return: The value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetResultS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetResultSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResultSS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION") >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @rtype: number @return: The value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetResultS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, ctypes.byref(pv)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetFirstResult(Handle): """List All LabJack devices of a specific type over a specific connection type. For Windows only. Sample Usage (Shows getting the localID (8) and firmware version (1.27) of a U3 device): >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0, 0) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION, 0, 0, 0) >>> Go() >>> GetFirstResult(u3Handle) (1001, 0, 8.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GetNextResult(u3Handle) (1001, 11, 1.27, 0, 0.0) @type DeviceType: number @param DeviceType: The LabJack device. @type ConnectionType: number @param ConnectionType: The connection method (Ethernet/USB). @rtype: Tuple @return: The tuple (ioType, channel, value, x1, userData) - ioType (number): The io of the result. - serialNumber (number): The channel of the result. - value (number): The requested result. - x1 (number): Used only in certain requests. - userData (number): Used only in certain requests. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pio = ctypes.c_long() pchan = ctypes.c_long() pv = ctypes.c_double() px = ctypes.c_long() pud = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetFirstResult(Handle, ctypes.byref(pio), ctypes.byref(pchan), ctypes.byref(pv), ctypes.byref(px), ctypes.byref(pud)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pio.value, pchan.value, pv.value, px.value, pud.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetNextResult(Handle): """List All LabJack devices of a specific type over a specific connection type. For Windows only. Sample Usage (Shows getting the localID (8) and firmware version (1.27) of a U3 device): >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0, 0) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION, 0, 0, 0) >>> Go() >>> GetFirstResult(u3Handle) (1001, 0, 8.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GetNextResult(u3Handle) (1001, 11, 1.27, 0, 0.0) @type DeviceType: number @param DeviceType: The LabJack device. @type ConnectionType: number @param ConnectionType: The connection method (Ethernet/USB). @rtype: Tuple @return: The tuple (ioType, channel, value, x1, userData) - ioType (number): The io of the result. - serialNumber (number): The channel of the result. - value (number): The requested result. - x1 (number): Used only in certain requests. - userData (number): Used only in certain requests. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pio = ctypes.c_long() pchan = ctypes.c_long() pv = ctypes.c_double() px = ctypes.c_long() pud = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetNextResult(Handle, ctypes.byref(pio), ctypes.byref(pchan), ctypes.byref(pv), ctypes.byref(px), ctypes.byref(pud)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pio.value, pchan.value, pv.value, px.value, pud.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def DoubleToStringAddress(number): """Converts a number (base 10) to an IP string. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> DoubleToStringAddress(3232235985) '' @type number: number @param number: Number to be converted. @rtype: String @return: The IP string converted from the number (base 10). @raise LabJackException: """ number = int(number) address = "%i.%i.%i.%i" % ((number >> 8*3 & 0xFF), (number >> 8*2 & 0xFF), (number >> 8 & 0xFF), (number & 0xFF)) return address def StringToDoubleAddress(pString): """Converts an IP string to a number (base 10). Sample Usage: >>> StringToDoubleAddress("") 3232235985L @type pString: String @param pString: String to be converted. @rtype: number @return: The number (base 10) that represents the IP string. @raise LabJackException: """ parts = pString.split('.') if len(parts) is not 4: raise LabJackException(0, "IP address not correctly formatted") try: value = (int(parts[0]) << 8*3) + (int(parts[1]) << 8*2) + (int(parts[2]) << 8) + int(parts[3]) except ValueError: raise LabJackException(0, "IP address not correctly formatted") return value #Windows def StringToConstant(pString): """Converts an LabJackUD valid string to its constant value. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> StringToConstant("LJ_dtU3") 3 @type pString: String @param pString: String to be converted. @rtype: number @return: The number (base 10) that represents the LabJackUD string. """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") a = ctypes.create_string_buffer(pString, 256) return staticLib.StringToConstant(a) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") # To hold all the error codes and what they mean: ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT = dict() ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['1'] = ("SCRATCH_WRT_FAIL", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['2'] = ("SCRATCH_ERASE_FAIL", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['3'] = ("DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['4'] = ("ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['5'] = ("FUNCTION_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['6'] = ("SWDT_TIME_INVALID", "This error is caused when an invalid time was passed to the watchdog.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['7'] = ("XBR_CONFIG_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['16'] = ("FLASH_WRITE_FAIL", "For some reason, the LabJack was unable to write the specified page of its internal flash.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['17'] = ("FLASH_ERASE_FAIL", "For some reason, the LabJack was unable to erase the specified page of its internal flash.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['18'] = ("FLASH_JMP_FAIL", "For some reason, the LabJack was unable to jump to a different section of flash. This may be an indication the flash is corrupted.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['19'] = ("FLASH_PSP_TIMEOUT", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['20'] = ("FLASH_ABORT_RECEIVED", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['21'] = ("FLASH_PAGE_MISMATCH", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['22'] = ("FLASH_BLOCK_MISMATCH", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['23'] = ("FLASH_PAGE_NOT_IN_CODE_AREA", "Usually, this error is raised when you try to write new firmware before upgrading the bootloader.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['24'] = ("MEM_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['25'] = ("FLASH_LOCKED", "Tried to write to flash before unlocking it.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['26'] = ("INVALID_BLOCK", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['27'] = ("FLASH_ILLEGAL_PAGE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['28'] = ("FLASH_TOO_MANY_BYTES", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['29'] = ("FLASH_INVALID_STRING_NUM", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['40'] = ("SHT1x_COMM_TIME_OUT", "LabJack never received the ACK it was expecting from the SHT. This is usually due to incorrect wiring. Double check that all wires are securely connected to the correct pins.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['41'] = ("SHT1x_NO_ACK", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['42'] = ("SHT1x_CRC_FAILED", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['43'] = ("SHT1x_TOO_MANY_W_BYTES", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['44'] = ("SHT1x_TOO_MANY_R_BYTES", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['45'] = ("SHT1x_INVALID_MODE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['46'] = ("SHT1x_INVALID_LINE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['48'] = ("STREAM_IS_ACTIVE", "This error is raised when you call StreamStart after the stream has already been started.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['49'] = ("STREAM_TABLE_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['50'] = ("STREAM_CONFIG_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['52'] = ("STREAM_NOT_RUNNING", "This error is raised when you call StopStream after the stream has already been stopped.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['53'] = ("STREAM_INVALID_TRIGGER", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['54'] = ("STREAM_ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['55'] = ("STREAM_SCAN_OVERLAP", "This error is raised when a scan interrupt is fired before the LabJack has completed the previous scan. The most common cause of this error is a configuration with a high sampling rate and a large number of channels.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['56'] = ("STREAM_SAMPLE_NUM_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['57'] = ("STREAM_BIPOLAR_GAIN_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['58'] = ("STREAM_SCAN_RATE_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['59'] = ("STREAM_AUTORECOVER_ACTIVE", "This error is to inform you that the autorecover feature has been activated. Autorecovery is usually triggered by not reading data fast enough from the LabJack.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['60'] = ("STREAM_AUTORECOVER_REPORT", "This error marks the packet as an autorecovery report packet which contains how many packets were lost.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['63'] = ("STREAM_AUTORECOVER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['64'] = ("TIMER_INVALID_MODE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['65'] = ("TIMER_QUADRATURE_AB_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['66'] = ("TIMER_QUAD_PULSE_SEQUENCE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['67'] = ("TIMER_BAD_CLOCK_SOURCE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['68'] = ("TIMER_STREAM_ACTIVE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['69'] = ("TIMER_PWMSTOP_MODULE_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['70'] = ("TIMER_SEQUENCE_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['71'] = ("TIMER_LINE_SEQUENCE_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['72'] = ("TIMER_SHARING_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['80'] = ("EXT_OSC_NOT_STABLE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['81'] = ("INVALID_POWER_SETTING", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['82'] = ("PLL_NOT_LOCKED", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['96'] = ("INVALID_PIN", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['97'] = ("PIN_CONFIGURED_FOR_ANALOG", "This error is raised when you try to do a digital operation on a pin that's configured for analog. Use a command like ConfigIO to set the pin to digital.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['98'] = ("PIN_CONFIGURED_FOR_DIGITAL", "This error is raised when you try to do an analog operation on a pin which is configured for digital. Use a command like ConfigIO to set the pin to analog.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['99'] = ("IOTYPE_SYNCH_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['100'] = ("INVALID_OFFSET", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['101'] = ("IOTYPE_NOT_VALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['102'] = ("TC_PIN_OFFSET_MUST_BE_4-8", "This error is raised when you try to configure the Timer/Counter pin offset to be 0-3.") def lowlevelErrorToString( errorcode ): """Converts a low-level errorcode into a string. """ try: name, advice = ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT[str(errorcode)] except KeyError: name = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" advice = "Unrecognized error code (%s)" % errorcode if advice is not "": msg = "%s (%s)\n%s" % (name, errorcode, advice) else: msg = "%s (%s)" % (name, errorcode) return msg #Windows def ErrorToString(ErrorCode): """Converts an LabJackUD valid error code to a String. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> ErrorToString(1007) 'LabJack not found' @type ErrorCode: number @param ErrorCode: Valid LabJackUD error code. @rtype: String @return: The string that represents the valid LabJackUD error code """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pString = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) staticLib.ErrorToString(ctypes.c_long(ErrorCode), ctypes.byref(pString)) return pString.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows, Linux, and Mac def GetDriverVersion(): """Converts an LabJackUD valid error code to a String. For Windows, Linux, and Mac Sample Usage: >>> GetDriverVersion() 2.64 >>> GetDriverVersion() Mac @rtype: number/String @return: Value of the driver version as a String - For Mac machines the return type is "Mac" - For Windows and Linux systems the return type is a number that represents the driver version """ if == 'nt': staticLib.GetDriverVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float return str(staticLib.GetDriverVersion()) elif == 'posix': staticLib.LJUSB_GetLibraryVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float return "%.2f" % staticLib.LJUSB_GetLibraryVersion() #Windows def TCVoltsToTemp(TCType, TCVolts, CJTempK): """Converts a thermo couple voltage reading to an appropriate temperature reading. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> TCVoltsToTemp(LJ_ttK, 0.003141592, 297.038889) 373.13353222244825 @type TCType: number @param TCType: The type of thermo couple used. @type TCVolts: number @param TCVolts: The voltage reading from the thermo couple @type CJTempK: number @param CJTempK: The cold junction temperature reading in Kelvin @rtype: number @return: The thermo couples temperature reading - pTCTempK @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pTCTempK = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.TCVoltsToTemp(ctypes.c_long(TCType), ctypes.c_double(TCVolts), ctypes.c_double(CJTempK), ctypes.byref(pTCTempK)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pTCTempK.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def Close(): """Resets the driver and closes all open handles. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> Close() @rtype: None @return: The function returns nothing. """ opSys = if(opSys == 'nt'): staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") staticLib.Close() else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows, Linux and Mac def DriverPresent(): try: ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") return True except: try: ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("") return True except: try: ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("liblabjackusb.dylib") return True except: return False return False return False def U12DriverPresent(): try: ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") return True except: return False #Windows only def LJHash(hashStr, size): """An approximation of the md5 hashing algorithms. For Windows An approximation of the md5 hashing algorithm. Used for authorizations on UE9 version 1.73 and higher and u3 version 1.35 and higher. @type hashStr: String @param hashStr: String to be hashed. @type size: number @param size: Amount of bytes to hash from the hashStr @rtype: String @return: The hashed string. """ print "Hash String:" + str(hashStr) outBuff = (ctypes.c_char * 16)() retBuff = '' staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.LJHash(ctypes.cast(hashStr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), size, ctypes.cast(outBuff, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), 0) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) for i in range(16): retBuff += outBuff[i] return retBuff def __listAllUE9Unix(connectionType): """Private listAll function for use on unix and mac machines to find UE9s. """ deviceList = {} rcvDataBuff = [] if connectionType == LJ_ctUSB: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(LJ_dtUE9) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(LJ_dtUE9, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass elif connectionType == LJ_ctETHERNET: #Create a socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.settimeout(BROADCAST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) sndDataBuff = [0] * 6 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x22 sndDataBuff[1] = 0x78 sndDataBuff[3] = 0xa9 outBuff = "" for item in sndDataBuff: outBuff += chr(item) s.sendto(outBuff, ("", 52362)) try: while True: rcvDataBuff = s.recv(128) try: rcvDataBuff = [ord(val) for val in rcvDataBuff] if verifyChecksum(rcvDataBuff): #Parse the packet macAddress = rcvDataBuff[28:34] macAddress.reverse() # The serial number is four bytes: # 0x10 and the last three bytes of the MAC address serialBytes = chr(0x10) for j in macAddress[3:]: serialBytes += chr(j) serial = struct.unpack(">I", serialBytes)[0] #Parse out the IP address ipAddress = "" for j in range(13, 9, -1): ipAddress += str(int(rcvDataBuff[j])) ipAddress += "." ipAddress = ipAddress[0:-1] #Local ID localId = rcvDataBuff[8] & 0xff deviceList[serial] = dict(devType = LJ_dtUE9, localId = localId, \ serialNumber = serial, ipAddress = ipAddress) except Exception, e: pass except: pass return deviceList def __listAllU3Unix(): """Private listAll function for unix and mac machines. Works on the U3 only. """ deviceList = {} numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(LJ_dtU3) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(LJ_dtU3, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList def __listAllU6Unix(): """ List all for U6s """ deviceList = {} numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(LJ_dtU6) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(LJ_dtU6, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList def __listAllBridgesUnix(): """ List all for Bridges """ deviceList = {} numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(0x501) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(0x501, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList def setChecksum16(buffer): total = 0; for i in range(6, len(buffer)): total += (buffer[i] & 0xff) buffer[4] = (total & 0xff) buffer[5] = ((total >> 8) & 0xff) return buffer def setChecksum8(buffer, numBytes): total = 0 for i in range(1, numBytes): total += (buffer[i] & 0xff) buffer[0] = (total & 0xff) + ((total >> 8) & 0xff) buffer[0] = (buffer[0] & 0xff) + ((buffer[0] >> 8) & 0xff) return buffer class LJSocketHandle(object): """ Class to replace a device handle with a socket to a LJSocket server. """ def __init__(self, ipAddress, port, devType, firstFound, pAddress): try: serverSocket = socket.socket() serverSocket.connect((ipAddress, port)) serverSocket.settimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT) f = serverSocket.makefile(bufsize = 0) f.write("scan\r\n") l = f.readline().strip() try: status, numLines = l.split(' ') except ValueError: raise Exception("Got invalid line from server: %s" % l) if status.lower().startswith('ok'): lines = [] marked = None for i in range(int(numLines)): l = f.readline().strip() dev = parseline(l) if devType == dev['prodId']: lines.append(dev) if not firstFound and (dev['localId'] == pAddress or dev['serial'] == pAddress): marked = dev f.close() serverSocket.close() #print "Result of scan:" #print lines if firstFound and len(lines) > 0: marked = lines[0] elif marked is not None: pass else: raise Exception("LabJack not found.") if marked['crPort'] != 'x': self.crSocket = socket.socket() self.crSocket.connect((ipAddress, marked['crPort'])) self.crSocket.settimeout(LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT) else: self.crSocket = None if marked['modbusPort'] != 'x': self.modbusSocket = socket.socket() self.modbusSocket.connect((ipAddress, marked['modbusPort'])) self.modbusSocket.settimeout(LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT) else: self.modbusSocket = None if marked['spontPort'] != 'x': self.spontSocket = socket.socket() self.spontSocket.connect((ipAddress, marked['spontPort'])) self.spontSocket.settimeout(LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT) else: self.spontSocket = None else: raise Exception("Got an error from LJSocket. It said '%s'" % l) except Exception, e: raise LabJackException(ec = LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND, errorString = "Couldn't connect to a LabJack at %s:%s. The error was: %s" % (ipAddress, port, str(e))) def close(self): if self.crSocket is not None: self.crSocket.close() if self.modbusSocket is not None: self.modbusSocket.close() if self.spontSocket is not None: self.spontSocket.close() def parseline(line): try: prodId, crPort, modbusPort, spontPort, localId, serial = line.split(' ') if not crPort.startswith('x'): crPort = int(crPort) if not modbusPort.startswith('x'): modbusPort = int(modbusPort) if not spontPort.startswith('x'): spontPort = int(spontPort) except ValueError: raise Exception("") return { 'prodId' : int(prodId), 'crPort' : crPort, 'modbusPort' : modbusPort, 'spontPort' : spontPort, 'localId' : int(localId), 'serial' : int(serial) } #Class for handling UE9 TCP Connections class UE9TCPHandle(object): """__UE9TCPHandle(ipAddress) Creates two sockets for the streaming and non streaming port on the UE9. Only works on default ports (Data 52360, Stream 52361). """ def __init__(self, ipAddress, timeout = SOCKET_TIMEOUT): try: = socket.socket(), 52360)) = socket.socket(), 52361)) try: self.modbus = socket.socket() self.modbus.connect((ipAddress, 502)) self.modbus.settimeout(timeout) except socket.error, e: raise LabJackException("Couldn't connect to the Modbus port on the UE9. Please upgrade to UE9 Comm firmware to 1.43 or higher.") except LabJackException, e: raise e except Exception, e: print e raise LabJackException("Couldn't open sockets to the UE9 at IP Address %s. Error was: %s" % (ipAddress, e)) def close(self): try: self.modbus.close() except Exception, e: print "UE9 Handle close exception: ", e pass def toDouble(bytes): """ Name: toDouble(buffer) Args: buffer, an array with 8 bytes Desc: Converts the 8 byte array into a floating point number. """ right, left = struct.unpack("<Ii", struct.pack("B" * 8, *bytes[0:8])) return float(left) + float(right)/(2**32) def hexWithoutQuotes(l): """ Return a string listing hex without all the single quotes. >>> l = range(10) >>> print hexWithoutQuotes(l) [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9] """ return str([hex (i) for i in l]).replace("'", "") #device types LJ_dtUE9 = 9 """Device type for the UE9""" LJ_dtU3 = 3 """Device type for the U3""" LJ_dtU6 = 6 """Device type for the U6""" # connection types: LJ_ctUSB = 1 # UE9 + U3 """Connection type for the UE9 and U3""" LJ_ctETHERNET = 2 # UE9 only """Connection type for the UE9""" LJ_ctUSB_RAW = 101 # UE9 + U3 """Connection type for the UE9 and U3 Raw connection types are used to open a device but not communicate with it should only be used if the normal connection types fail and for testing. If a device is opened with the raw connection types, only LJ_ioRAW_OUT and LJ_ioRAW_IN io types should be used """ LJ_ctETHERNET_RAW = 102 # UE9 only """Connection type for the UE9 Raw connection types are used to open a device but not communicate with it should only be used if the normal connection types fail and for testing. If a device is opened with the raw connection types, only LJ_ioRAW_OUT and LJ_ioRAW_IN io types should be used """ LJ_ctLJSOCKET = 200 """Connection type for USB LabJack connected to LJSocket server. """ # io types: LJ_ioGET_AIN = 10 # UE9 + U3. This is single ended version. """IO type for the UE9 and U3 This is the single ended version """ LJ_ioGET_AIN_DIFF = 15 # U3 only. Put second channel in x1. If 32 is passed as x1, Vref will be added to the result. """IO type for the U3 Put second channel in x1. If 32 is passed as x1, Vref will be added to the result. """ LJ_ioPUT_AIN_RANGE = 2000 # UE9 """IO type for the UE9""" LJ_ioGET_AIN_RANGE = 2001 # UE9 """IO type for the UE9""" # sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. FIO is Channel 0-7, EIO 8-15 LJ_ioPUT_ANALOG_ENABLE_BIT = 2013 # U3 """IO type for the U3 Sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. FIO is Channel 0-7, EIO 8-15 """ LJ_ioGET_ANALOG_ENABLE_BIT = 2014 # U3 """IO type for the U3 Sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. FIO is Channel 0-7, EIO 8-15 """ # sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. Channel is starting # bit #, x1 is number of bits to read. The pins are set by passing a bitmask as a double # for the value. The first bit of the int that the double represents will be the setting # for the pin number sent into the channel variable. LJ_ioPUT_ANALOG_ENABLE_PORT = 2015 # U3 """ IO type for the U3 sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. Channel is starting bit #, x1 is number of bits to read. The pins are set by passing a bitmask as a double for the value. The first bit of the int that the double represents will be the setting for the pin number sent into the channel variable. """ LJ_ioGET_ANALOG_ENABLE_PORT = 2016 # U3 """ IO type for the U3 sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. Channel is starting bit #, x1 is number of bits to read. The pins are set by passing a bitmask as a double for the value. The first bit of the int that the double represents will be the setting for the pin number sent into the channel variable. """ LJ_ioPUT_DAC = 20 # UE9 + U3 """IO type for the U3 and UE9""" LJ_ioPUT_DAC_ENABLE = 2002 # UE9 + U3 (U3 on Channel 1 only) """IO type for the U3 and UE9 U3 on channel 1 only. """ LJ_ioGET_DAC_ENABLE = 2003 # UE9 + U3 (U3 on Channel 1 only) """IO type for the U3 and UE9 U3 on channel 1 only. """ LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_BIT = 30 # UE9 + U3 # changes direction of bit to input as well LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_BIT_DIR = 31 # U3 LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_BIT_STATE = 32 # does not change direction of bit, allowing readback of output # channel is starting bit #, x1 is number of bits to read LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_PORT = 35 # UE9 + U3 # changes direction of bits to input as well LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_PORT_DIR = 36 # U3 LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_PORT_STATE = 37 # U3 does not change direction of bits, allowing readback of output # digital put commands will set the specified digital line(s) to output LJ_ioPUT_DIGITAL_BIT = 40 # UE9 + U3 # channel is starting bit #, value is output value, x1 is bits to write LJ_ioPUT_DIGITAL_PORT = 45 # UE9 + U3 # Used to create a pause between two events in a U3 low-level feedback # command. For example, to create a 100 ms positive pulse on FIO0, add a # request to set FIO0 high, add a request for a wait of 100000, add a # request to set FIO0 low, then Go. Channel is ignored. Value is # microseconds to wait and should range from 0 to 8388480. The actual # resolution of the wait is 128 microseconds. LJ_ioPUT_WAIT = 70 # U3 # counter. Input only. LJ_ioGET_COUNTER = 50 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioPUT_COUNTER_ENABLE = 2008 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioGET_COUNTER_ENABLE = 2009 # UE9 + U3 # this will cause the designated counter to reset. If you want to reset the counter with # every read, you have to use this command every time. LJ_ioPUT_COUNTER_RESET = 2012 # UE9 + U3 # on UE9: timer only used for input. Output Timers don't use these. Only Channel used. # on U3: Channel used (0 or 1). LJ_ioGET_TIMER = 60 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioPUT_TIMER_VALUE = 2006 # UE9 + U3. Value gets new value LJ_ioPUT_TIMER_MODE = 2004 # UE9 + U3. On both Value gets new mode. LJ_ioGET_TIMER_MODE = 2005 # UE9 # IOTypes for use with SHT sensor. For LJ_ioSHT_GET_READING, a channel of LJ_chSHT_TEMP (5000) will # read temperature, and LJ_chSHT_RH (5001) will read humidity. # The LJ_ioSHT_DATA_CHANNEL and LJ_ioSHT_SCK_CHANNEL iotypes use the passed channel # to set the appropriate channel for the data and SCK lines for the SHT sensor. # Default digital channels are FIO0 for the data channel and FIO1 for the clock channel. LJ_ioSHT_GET_READING = 500 # UE9 + U3. LJ_ioSHT_DATA_CHANNEL = 501 # UE9 + U3. Default is FIO0 LJ_ioSHT_CLOCK_CHANNEL = 502 # UE9 + U3. Default is FIO1 # Uses settings from LJ_chSPI special channels (set with LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG) to communcaite with # something using an SPI interface. The value parameter is the number of bytes to transfer # and x1 is the address of the buffer. The data from the buffer will be sent, then overwritten # with the data read. The channel parameter is ignored. LJ_ioSPI_COMMUNICATION = 503 # UE9 LJ_ioI2C_COMMUNICATION = 504 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioASYNCH_COMMUNICATION = 505 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioTDAC_COMMUNICATION = 506 # UE9 + U3 # Set's the U3 to it's original configuration. This means sending the following # to the ConfigIO and TimerClockConfig low level functions # # ConfigIO # Byte # # 6 WriteMask 15 Write all parameters. # 8 TimerCounterConfig 0 No timers/counters. Offset=0. # 9 DAC1Enable 0 DAC1 disabled. # 10 FIOAnalog 0 FIO all digital. # 11 EIOAnalog 0 EIO all digital. # # # TimerClockConfig # Byte # # 8 TimerClockConfig 130 Set clock to 24 MHz. # 9 TimerClockDivisor 0 Divisor = 0. # LJ_ioPIN_CONFIGURATION_RESET = 2017 # U3 # the raw in/out are unusual, channel # corresponds to the particular comm port, which # depends on the device. For example, on the UE9, 0 is main comm port, and 1 is the streaming comm. # Make sure and pass a porter to a char buffer in x1, and the number of bytes desired in value. A call # to GetResult will return the number of bytes actually read/written. The max you can send out in one call # is 512 bytes to the UE9 and 16384 bytes to the U3. LJ_ioRAW_OUT = 100 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioRAW_IN = 101 # UE9 + U3 # sets the default power up settings based on the current settings of the device AS THIS DLL KNOWS. This last part # basically means that you should set all parameters directly through this driver before calling this. This writes # to flash which has a limited lifetime, so do not do this too often. Rated endurance is 20,000 writes. LJ_ioSET_DEFAULTS = 103 # U3 # requests to create the list of channels to stream. Usually you will use the CLEAR_STREAM_CHANNELS request first, which # will clear any existing channels, then use ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL multiple times to add your desired channels. Some devices will # use value, x1 for other parameters such as gain. Note that you can do CLEAR, and then all your ADDs in a single Go() as long # as you add the requests in order. LJ_ioADD_STREAM_CHANNEL = 200 LJ_ioCLEAR_STREAM_CHANNELS = 201 LJ_ioSTART_STREAM = 202 LJ_ioSTOP_STREAM = 203 LJ_ioADD_STREAM_CHANNEL_DIFF = 206 # Get stream data has several options. If you just want to get a single channel's data (if streaming multiple channels), you # can pass in the desired channel #, then the number of data points desired in Value, and a pointer to an array to put the # data into as X1. This array needs to be an array of doubles. Therefore, the array needs to be 8 * number of # requested data points in byte length. What is returned depends on the StreamWaitMode. If None, this function will only return # data available at the time of the call. You therefore must call GetResult() for this function to retrieve the actually number # of points retreived. If Pump or Sleep, it will return only when the appropriate number of points have been read or no # new points arrive within 100ms. Since there is this timeout, you still need to use GetResult() to determine if the timeout # occured. If AllOrNone, you again need to check GetResult. # You can also retreive the entire scan by passing LJ_chALL_CHANNELS. In this case, the Value determines the number of SCANS # returned, and therefore, the array must be 8 * number of scans requested * number of channels in each scan. Likewise # GetResult() will return the number of scans, not the number of data points returned. # Note: data is stored interleaved across all streaming channels. In other words, if you are streaming two channels, 0 and 1, # and you request LJ_chALL_CHANNELS, you will get, Channel0, Channel1, Channel0, Channel1, etc. Once you have requested the # data, any data returned is removed from the internal buffer, and the next request will give new data. # Note: if reading the data channel by channel and not using LJ_chALL_CHANNELS, the data is not removed from the internal buffer # until the data from the last channel in the scan is requested. This means that if you are streaming three channels, 0, 1 and 2, # and you request data from channel 0, then channel 1, then channel 0 again, the request for channel 0 the second time will # return the exact same amount of data. Also note, that the amount of data that will be returned for each channel request will be # the same until you've read the last channel in the scan, at which point your next block may be a different size. # Note: although more convenient, requesting individual channels is slightly slower then using LJ_chALL_CHANNELS. Since you # are probably going to have to split the data out anyway, we have saved you the trouble with this option. # Note: if you are only scanning one channel, the Channel parameter is ignored. LJ_ioGET_STREAM_DATA = 204 # U3 only: # Channel = 0 buzz for a count, Channel = 1 buzz continuous # Value is the Period # X1 is the toggle count when channel = 0 LJ_ioBUZZER = 300 # U3 # config iotypes: LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG = 1000 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioGET_CONFIG = 1001 # UE9 + U3 # channel numbers used for CONFIG types: # UE9 + U3 LJ_chLOCALID = 0 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chHARDWARE_VERSION = 10 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) LJ_chSERIAL_NUMBER = 12 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION = 11 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) LJ_chBOOTLOADER_VERSION = 15 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) # UE9 specific: LJ_chCOMM_POWER_LEVEL = 1 #UE9 LJ_chIP_ADDRESS = 2 #UE9 LJ_chGATEWAY = 3 #UE9 LJ_chSUBNET = 4 #UE9 LJ_chPORTA = 5 #UE9 LJ_chPORTB = 6 #UE9 LJ_chDHCP = 7 #UE9 LJ_chPRODUCTID = 8 #UE9 LJ_chMACADDRESS = 9 #UE9 LJ_chCOMM_FIRMWARE_VERSION = 11 LJ_chCONTROL_POWER_LEVEL = 13 #UE9 LJ_chCONTROL_FIRMWARE_VERSION = 14 #UE9 (Read Only) LJ_chCONTROL_BOOTLOADER_VERSION = 15 #UE9 (Read Only) LJ_chCONTROL_RESET_SOURCE = 16 #UE9 (Read Only) LJ_chUE9_PRO = 19 # UE9 (Read Only) # U3 only: # sets the state of the LED LJ_chLED_STATE = 17 # U3 value = LED state LJ_chSDA_SCL = 18 # U3 enable / disable SDA/SCL as digital I/O # Used to access calibration and user data. The address of an array is passed in as x1. # For the UE9, a 1024-element buffer of bytes is passed for user data and a 128-element # buffer of doubles is passed for cal constants. # For the U3, a 256-element buffer of bytes is passed for user data and a 12-element # buffer of doubles is passed for cal constants. # The layout of cal ants are defined in the users guide for each device. # When the LJ_chCAL_CONSTANTS special channel is used with PUT_CONFIG, a # special value (0x4C6C) must be passed in to the Value parameter. This makes it # more difficult to accidently erase the cal constants. In all other cases the Value # parameter is ignored. LJ_chCAL_CONSTANTS = 400 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chUSER_MEM = 402 # UE9 + U3 # Used to write and read the USB descriptor strings. This is generally for OEMs # who wish to change the strings. # Pass the address of an array in x1. Value parameter is ignored. # The array should be 128 elements of bytes. The first 64 bytes are for the # iManufacturer string, and the 2nd 64 bytes are for the iProduct string. # The first byte of each 64 byte block (bytes 0 and 64) contains the number # of bytes in the string. The second byte (bytes 1 and 65) is the USB spec # value for a string descriptor (0x03). Bytes 2-63 and 66-127 contain unicode # encoded strings (up to 31 characters each). LJ_chUSB_STRINGS = 404 # U3 # timer/counter related LJ_chNUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED = 1000 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chTIMER_CLOCK_BASE = 1001 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chTIMER_CLOCK_DIVISOR = 1002 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chTIMER_COUNTER_PIN_OFFSET = 1003 # U3 # AIn related LJ_chAIN_RESOLUTION = 2000 # ue9 + u3 LJ_chAIN_SETTLING_TIME = 2001 # ue9 + u3 LJ_chAIN_BINARY = 2002 # ue9 + u3 # DAC related LJ_chDAC_BINARY = 3000 # ue9 + u3 # SHT related LJ_chSHT_TEMP = 5000 # ue9 + u3 LJ_chSHT_RH = 5001 # ue9 + u3 # SPI related LJ_chSPI_AUTO_CS = 5100 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_DISABLE_DIR_CONFIG = 5101 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_MODE = 5102 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_CLOCK_FACTOR = 5103 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_MOSI_PINNUM = 5104 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_MISO_PINNUM = 5105 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_CLK_PINNUM = 5106 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_CS_PINNUM = 5107 # UE9 # I2C related : # used with LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG LJ_chI2C_ADDRESS_BYTE = 5108 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_SCL_PIN_NUM = 5109 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_SDA_PIN_NUM = 5110 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_OPTIONS = 5111 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_SPEED_ADJUST = 5112 # UE9 + U3 # used with LJ_ioI2C_COMMUNICATION : LJ_chI2C_READ = 5113 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_WRITE = 5114 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_GET_ACKS = 5115 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_WRITE_READ = 5130 # UE9 + U3 # ASYNCH related : # Used with LJ_ioASYNCH_COMMUNICATION LJ_chASYNCH_RX = 5117 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chASYNCH_TX = 5118 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chASYNCH_FLUSH = 5128 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chASYNCH_ENABLE = 5129 # UE9 + U3 # Used with LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG and LJ_ioGET_CONFIG LJ_chASYNCH_BAUDFACTOR = 5127 # UE9 + U3 # stream related. Note, Putting to any of these values will stop any running streams. LJ_chSTREAM_SCAN_FREQUENCY = 4000 LJ_chSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 4001 LJ_chSTREAM_CLOCK_OUTPUT = 4002 LJ_chSTREAM_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER = 4003 LJ_chSTREAM_WAIT_MODE = 4004 # readonly stream related LJ_chSTREAM_BACKLOG_COMM = 4105 LJ_chSTREAM_BACKLOG_CONTROL = 4106 LJ_chSTREAM_BACKLOG_UD = 4107 LJ_chSTREAM_SAMPLES_PER_PACKET = 4108 # special channel #'s LJ_chALL_CHANNELS = -1 LJ_INVALID_CONSTANT = -999 #Thermocouple Type constants. LJ_ttB = 6001 """Type B thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttE = 6002 """Type E thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttJ = 6003 """Type J thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttK = 6004 """Type K thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttN = 6005 """Type N thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttR = 6006 """Type R thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttS = 6007 """Type S thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttT = 6008 """Type T thermocouple constant""" # other constants: # ranges (not all are supported by all devices): LJ_rgBIP20V = 1 # -20V to +20V LJ_rgBIP10V = 2 # -10V to +10V LJ_rgBIP5V = 3 # -5V to +5V LJ_rgBIP4V = 4 # -4V to +4V LJ_rgBIP2P5V = 5 # -2.5V to +2.5V LJ_rgBIP2V = 6 # -2V to +2V LJ_rgBIP1P25V = 7# -1.25V to +1.25V LJ_rgBIP1V = 8 # -1V to +1V LJ_rgBIPP625V = 9# -0.625V to +0.625V LJ_rgUNI20V = 101 # 0V to +20V LJ_rgUNI10V = 102 # 0V to +10V LJ_rgUNI5V = 103 # 0V to +5V LJ_rgUNI4V = 104 # 0V to +4V LJ_rgUNI2P5V = 105 # 0V to +2.5V LJ_rgUNI2V = 106 # 0V to +2V LJ_rgUNI1P25V = 107# 0V to +1.25V LJ_rgUNI1V = 108 # 0V to +1V LJ_rgUNIP625V = 109# 0V to +0.625V LJ_rgUNIP500V = 110 # 0V to +0.500V LJ_rgUNIP3125V = 111 # 0V to +0.3125V # timer modes (UE9 only): LJ_tmPWM16 = 0 # 16 bit PWM LJ_tmPWM8 = 1 # 8 bit PWM LJ_tmRISINGEDGES32 = 2 # 32-bit rising to rising edge measurement LJ_tmFALLINGEDGES32 = 3 # 32-bit falling to falling edge measurement LJ_tmDUTYCYCLE = 4 # duty cycle measurement LJ_tmFIRMCOUNTER = 5 # firmware based rising edge counter LJ_tmFIRMCOUNTERDEBOUNCE = 6 # firmware counter with debounce LJ_tmFREQOUT = 7 # frequency output LJ_tmQUAD = 8 # Quadrature LJ_tmTIMERSTOP = 9 # stops another timer after n pulses LJ_tmSYSTIMERLOW = 10 # read lower 32-bits of system timer LJ_tmSYSTIMERHIGH = 11 # read upper 32-bits of system timer LJ_tmRISINGEDGES16 = 12 # 16-bit rising to rising edge measurement LJ_tmFALLINGEDGES16 = 13 # 16-bit falling to falling edge measurement # timer clocks: LJ_tc750KHZ = 0 # UE9: 750 khz LJ_tcSYS = 1 # UE9: system clock LJ_tc2MHZ = 10 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc6MHZ = 11 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc24MHZ = 12 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc500KHZ_DIV = 13# U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc2MHZ_DIV = 14 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc6MHZ_DIV = 15 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc24MHZ_DIV = 16 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower # stream wait modes LJ_swNONE = 1 # no wait, return whatever is available LJ_swALL_OR_NONE = 2 # no wait, but if all points requested aren't available, return none. LJ_swPUMP = 11 # wait and pump the message pump. Prefered when called from primary thread (if you don't know # if you are in the primary thread of your app then you probably are. Do not use in worker # secondary threads (i.e. ones without a message pump). LJ_swSLEEP = 12 # wait by sleeping (don't do this in the primary thread of your app, or it will temporarily # hang) This is usually used in worker secondary threads. # BETA CONSTANTS # Please note that specific usage of these constants and their values might change # SWDT related LJ_chSWDT_RESET_COMM = 5200 # UE9 - Reset Comm on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_RESET_CONTROL = 5201 # UE9 - Reset Control on watchdog trigger LJ_chSWDT_UDPATE_DIO0 = 5202 # UE9 - Update DIO0 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_UPDATE_DIO1 = 5203 # UE9 - Update DIO1 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_DIO0 = 5204 # UE9 - DIO0 channel and state (value) to be set after reset LJ_chSWDT_DIO1 = 5205 # UE9 - DIO1 channel and state (value) to be set after reset LJ_chSWDT_UPDATE_DAC0 = 5206 # UE9 - Update DAC1 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_UPDATE_DAC1 = 5207 # UE9 - Update DAC1 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_DAC0 = 5208 # UE9 - voltage to set DAC0 at on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_DAC1 = 5209 # UE9 - voltage to set DAC1 at on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_DACS_ENABLE = 5210 # UE9 - Enable DACs on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_ENABLE = 5211 # UE9 - used with LJ_ioSWDT_CONFIG to enable watchdog. Value paramter is number of seconds to trigger LJ_chSWDT_DISABLE = 5212 # UE9 - used with LJ_ioSWDT_CONFIG to enable watchdog. LJ_ioSWDT_CONFIG = 504 # UE9 - Use LJ_chSWDT_ENABLE or LJ_chSWDT_DISABLE LJ_tc4MHZ = 20 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc12MHZ = 21 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc48MHZ = 22 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc1000KHZ_DIV = 23# U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc4MHZ_DIV = 24 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc12MHZ_DIV = 25 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc48MHZ_DIV = 26 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher # END BETA CONSTANTS # error codes: These will always be in the range of -1000 to 3999 for labView compatibility (+6000) LJE_NOERROR = 0 LJE_INVALID_CHANNEL_NUMBER = 2 # occurs when a channel that doesn't exist is specified (i.e. DAC #2 on a UE9), or data from streaming is requested on a channel that isn't streaming LJE_INVALID_RAW_INOUT_PARAMETER = 3 LJE_UNABLE_TO_START_STREAM = 4 LJE_UNABLE_TO_STOP_STREAM = 5 LJE_NOTHING_TO_STREAM = 6 LJE_UNABLE_TO_CONFIG_STREAM = 7 LJE_BUFFER_OVERRUN = 8 # occurs when stream buffer overruns (this is the driver buffer not the hardware buffer). Stream is stopped. LJE_STREAM_NOT_RUNNING = 9 LJE_INVALID_PARAMETER = 10 LJE_INVALID_STREAM_FREQUENCY = 11 LJE_INVALID_AIN_RANGE = 12 LJE_STREAM_CHECKSUM_ERROR = 13 # occurs when a stream packet fails checksum. Stream is stopped LJE_STREAM_COMMAND_ERROR = 14 # occurs when a stream packet has invalid command values. Stream is stopped. LJE_STREAM_ORDER_ERROR = 15 # occurs when a stream packet is received out of order (typically one is missing). Stream is stopped. LJE_AD_PIN_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = 16 # occurs when an analog or digital request was made on a pin that isn't configured for that type of request LJE_REQUEST_NOT_PROCESSED = 17 # When a LJE_AD_PIN_CONFIGURATION_ERROR occurs, all other IO requests after the request that caused the error won't be processed. Those requests will return this error. # U3 Specific Errors LJE_SCRATCH_ERROR = 19 """U3 error""" LJE_DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 20 """U3 error""" LJE_ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 21 """U3 error""" LJE_FUNCTION_INVALID = 22 """U3 error""" LJE_SWDT_TIME_INVALID = 23 """U3 error""" LJE_FLASH_ERROR = 24 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_IS_ACTIVE = 25 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_TABLE_INVALID = 26 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_CONFIG_INVALID = 27 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_BAD_TRIGGER_SOURCE = 28 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_INVALID_TRIGGER = 30 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 31 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_SAMPLE_NUM_INVALID = 33 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_BIPOLAR_GAIN_INVALID = 34 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_SCAN_RATE_INVALID = 35 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_INVALID_MODE = 36 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_QUADRATURE_AB_ERROR = 37 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_QUAD_PULSE_SEQUENCE = 38 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_BAD_CLOCK_SOURCE = 39 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_STREAM_ACTIVE = 40 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_PWMSTOP_MODULE_ERROR = 41 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 42 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_SHARING_ERROR = 43 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_LINE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 44 """U3 error""" LJE_EXT_OSC_NOT_STABLE = 45 """U3 error""" LJE_INVALID_POWER_SETTING = 46 """U3 error""" LJE_PLL_NOT_LOCKED = 47 """U3 error""" LJE_INVALID_PIN = 48 """U3 error""" LJE_IOTYPE_SYNCH_ERROR = 49 """U3 error""" LJE_INVALID_OFFSET = 50 """U3 error""" LJE_FEEDBACK_IOTYPE_NOT_VALID = 51 """U3 error Has been described as mearly a flesh wound. """ LJE_SHT_CRC = 52 LJE_SHT_MEASREADY = 53 LJE_SHT_ACK = 54 LJE_SHT_SERIAL_RESET = 55 LJE_SHT_COMMUNICATION = 56 LJE_AIN_WHILE_STREAMING = 57 LJE_STREAM_TIMEOUT = 58 LJE_STREAM_CONTROL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 59 LJE_STREAM_SCAN_OVERLAP = 60 LJE_FIRMWARE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_IOTYPE = 61 LJE_FIRMWARE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_CHANNEL = 62 LJE_FIRMWARE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_VALUE = 63 LJE_MIN_GROUP_ERROR = 1000 # all errors above this number will stop all requests, below this number are request level errors. LJE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1001 # occurs when an unknown error occurs that is caught, but still unknown. LJE_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE = 1002 # occurs when devicetype is not a valid device type LJE_INVALID_HANDLE = 1003 # occurs when invalid handle used LJE_DEVICE_NOT_OPEN = 1004 # occurs when Open() fails and AppendRead called despite. LJE_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE = 1005 # this is cause when GetData() called without calling DoRead(), or when GetData() passed channel that wasn't read LJE_NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE = 1006 LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND = 1007 # occurs when the labjack is not found at the given id or address. LJE_COMM_FAILURE = 1008 # occurs when unable to send or receive the correct # of bytes LJE_CHECKSUM_ERROR = 1009 LJE_DEVICE_ALREADY_OPEN = 1010 LJE_COMM_TIMEOUT = 1011 LJE_USB_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND = 1012 LJE_INVALID_CONNECTION_TYPE = 1013 LJE_INVALID_MODE = 1014 # warning are negative LJE_DEVICE_NOT_CALIBRATED = -1 # defaults used instead LJE_UNABLE_TO_READ_CALDATA = -2 # defaults used instead # depreciated constants: LJ_ioANALOG_INPUT = 10 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioANALOG_OUTPUT = 20 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_BIT_IN = 30 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_PORT_IN = 35 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_BIT_OUT = 40 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_PORT_OUT = 45 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioCOUNTER = 50 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioTIMER = 60 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_COUNTER_MODE = 2010 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_COUNTER_MODE = 2011 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_TIMER_VALUE = 2007 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioCYCLE_PORT = 102 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_chTIMER_CLOCK_CONFIG = 1001 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_CAL_CONSTANTS = 400 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_CAL_CONSTANTS = 401 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_USER_MEM = 402 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_USER_MEM = 403 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_USB_STRINGS = 404 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_USB_STRINGS = 405 """Deprecated constant"""
# File: # Author: LabJack Corp. # Created: 05.05.2008 # Last Modified: 12/3/2009 from __future__ import with_statement from threading import Lock from struct import pack, unpack #, unpack_from # unpack_from is new in 2.5 from datetime import datetime AES_CHANNEL = 64000 IP_PART1_CHANNEL = 64008 IP_PART2_CHANNEL = 64009 PORT_CHANNEL = 64010 HEARTBEAT_CHANNEL = 64016 DEBUG_CHANNEL = 64017 DEVICE_TYPE_CHANNEL = 65000 SERIAL_NUMBER_CHANNEL = 65001 READ_PACKET = 3 WRITE_PACKET = 6 HEADER_LENGTH = 9 BYTES_PER_REGISTER = 2 GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID_LOCK = Lock() MAX_TRANS_ID = 64760 def _calcBaseTransId(): t = d = "%s%s%s%s" % (t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.microsecond) d = int(d) % MAX_TRANS_ID return d BASE_TRANS_ID = _calcBaseTransId() CURRENT_TRANS_IDS = set() def _buildHeaderBytes(length = 6, unitId = None): with GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID_LOCK: global BASE_TRANS_ID, CURRENT_TRANS_IDS if unitId is None: basicHeader = (BASE_TRANS_ID, 0, length, 0x00) else: basicHeader = (BASE_TRANS_ID, 0, length, unitId) CURRENT_TRANS_IDS.add(BASE_TRANS_ID) BASE_TRANS_ID = ( BASE_TRANS_ID + 1 ) % MAX_TRANS_ID return pack('>HHHB', *basicHeader) def _checkTransId(transId): with GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID_LOCK: global CURRENT_TRANS_IDS if transId in CURRENT_TRANS_IDS: CURRENT_TRANS_IDS.remove(transId) else: raise ModbusException("Got an unexpected transaction ID. Id = %s, Set = %s" % (transId, CURRENT_TRANS_IDS)) def readHoldingRegistersRequest(addr, numReg = None, unitId = None): if numReg is None: numReg = calcNumberOfRegisters(addr) packet = _buildHeaderBytes(unitId = unitId) + pack('>BHH', 0x03, addr, numReg) return packet def readHoldingRegistersResponse(packet, payloadFormat=None): # Example: Device type is 9 # [0, 0, 5, 255, 3, 2, 9] # H H H c c c payload # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6+ HEADER_LENGTH = 9 header = unpack('>HHHBBB', packet[:HEADER_LENGTH]) #print "header", [ c for c in header ] #print "header", header # Check that protocol ID is 0 if header[1] != 0: raise ModbusException("Got an unexpected protocol ID: %s (expected 0). Please make sure that you have the latest firmware. UE9s need a Comm Firmware of 1.50 or greater.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (header[1], repr(packet))) # Check for valid Trans ID _checkTransId(header[0]) #Check for exception if header[4] == 0x83: raise ModbusException("Error reading register: A Modbus error %s was raised.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (header[5], repr(packet))) #Check for proper command if header[4] != 0x03: raise ModbusException("Not a read holding registers packet.\n\nGot: %s" % repr(packet)) #Check for proper length payloadLength = header[5] if (payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH) != len(packet): #print "packet length is", len(packet) #print "payload and header is", payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH raise ModbusException("Packet length not valid. Expected %s, Got %s\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH, len(packet), repr(packet))) if payloadFormat is None: payloadFormat = '>' + 'H' * (payloadLength/2) # When we write '>s', we mean a variable-length string. # We just didn't know the length when we wrote it. if payloadFormat == '>s': payloadFormat = '>' + 's' * payloadLength #print "Info: " #print payloadFormat #print type(packet) #print [ ord(c) for c in packet ] # Mike C.: unpack_from new in 2.5. Won't work on Joyent. #payload = unpack_from(payloadFormat, packet, offset = HEADER_LENGTH) payload = unpack(payloadFormat, packet[HEADER_LENGTH:]) if len(payload) == 1: return payload[0] else: return list(payload) def readInputRegistersRequest(addr, numReg = None): if numReg is None: numReg = calcNumberOfRegisters(addr) packet = _buildHeaderBytes() + pack('>BHH', 0x04, addr, numReg) #print "making readHoldingRegistersRequest packet" #print [ ord(c) for c in packet ] return packet def readInputRegistersResponse(packet, payloadFormat=None): # Example: Device type is 9 # [0, 0, 5, 255, 3, 2, 9] # H H H c c c payload # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6+ HEADER_LENGTH = 9 header = unpack('>HHHBBB', packet[:HEADER_LENGTH]) #print "header", [ c for c in header ] #print "header", header # Check for valid Trans ID _checkTransId(header[0]) #Check for exception if header[4] == 0x83: raise ModbusException(header[5]) #Check for proper command if header[4] != 0x04: raise ModbusException("Not a read holding registers packet.") #Check for proper length payloadLength = header[5] if (payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH) != len(packet): #print "packet length is", len(packet) #print "payload and header is", payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH raise ModbusException("Packet length not valid.") if payloadFormat is None: payloadFormat = '>' + 'H' * (payloadLength/2) # When we write '>s', we mean a variable-length string. # We just didn't know the length when we wrote it. if payloadFormat == '>s': payloadFormat = '>' + 's' * payloadLength #print payloadFormat #print [ ord(c) for c in packet ] # Mike C.: unpack_from new in 2.5. Won't work on Joyent. #payload = unpack_from(payloadFormat, packet, offset = HEADER_LENGTH) payload = unpack(payloadFormat, packet[HEADER_LENGTH:]) return payload def writeRegisterRequest(addr, value, unitId = None): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Value written must be an integer.") packet = _buildHeaderBytes(unitId = unitId) + pack('>BHH', 0x06, addr, value) return packet def writeRegistersRequest(startAddr, values, unitId = None): numReg = len(values) for v in values: if not isinstance(v, int): raise TypeError("Value written must be an integer.") if unitId is None: unitId = 0xff header = _buildHeaderBytes(length = 7+(numReg*2), unitId = unitId) header += pack('>BHHB', *(16, startAddr, numReg, numReg*2) ) format = '>' + 'H' * numReg packet = header + pack(format, *values) return packet def writeAesStingRegisterRequest(addr, a, b): packet = TCP_HEADER + pack('>BHcc', 0x06, addr, a, b) return packet def writeRegisterRequestValue(data): """Return the value to be written in a writeRegisterRequest Packet.""" packet = unpack('>H', data[10:]) return packet[0] class ModbusException(Exception): def __init__(self, exceptCode): self.exceptCode = exceptCode def __str__(self): return repr(self.exceptCode) def calcNumberOfRegisters(addr, numReg = None): return calcNumberOfRegistersAndFormat(addr, numReg)[0] def calcFormat(addr, numReg = None): return calcNumberOfRegistersAndFormat(addr, numReg)[1] def calcNumberOfRegistersAndFormat(addr, numReg = None): # TODO add special cases for channels above if addr < 1000: # Analog Inputs minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr >= 5000 and addr < 6000: # DAC Values minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr >= 7000 and addr < 8000: # Timers / Counters minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(64008,64018) or addr == 65001: # Serial Number minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(10000,10010): # VBatt/Temp/RH/Light/Pressure minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr in range(12000,13000): # RXLQI/TXLQI/VBatt/Temp/Light/Motion/Sound/RH/Pressure minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr in range(50100, 50103): # Check-in interval minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(57002, 57010): # TX/RX Bridge stuff minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(57050, 57056): # VUSB/VJack/VST minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr == 59990: # Rapid mode minNumReg = 1 format = 'H' elif addr == 59200: # NumberOfKnownDevices minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' else: minNumReg = 1 format = 'H' if numReg: if (numReg%minNumReg) == 0: return (numReg, '>' + ( format * (numReg/minNumReg) )) else: raise ModbusException("For address %s, the number of registers must be divisible by %s" % (addr, minNumReg)) else: return ( minNumReg, '>'+format) def getStartingAddress(packet): """Get the address of a modbus request""" return ((ord(packet[8]) << 8) + ord(packet[9])) def getRequestType(packet): """Get the request type of a modbus request.""" return ord(packet[7]) def getTransactionId(packet): """Pulls out the transaction id of the packet""" if isinstance(packet, list): return unpack(">H", pack("BB", *packet[:2]) )[0] else: return unpack(">H", packet[:2])[0] def getProtocolId(packet): """Pulls out the transaction id of the packet""" if isinstance(packet, list): return unpack(">H", pack("BB", *packet[2:4]) )[0] else: return unpack(">H", packet[2:4])[0] def parseIntoPackets(packet): while True: if isinstance(packet, list): firstLength = packet[5]+6 else: firstLength = ord(packet[5])+6 if len(packet) == firstLength: yield packet raise StopIteration else: yield packet[:firstLength] packet = packet[firstLength:] def parseSpontaneousDataPacket(packet): if isinstance(packet, list): localId = packet[6] packet = pack("B"*len(packet), *packet) else: localId = ord(packet[6]) transId = unpack(">H", packet[0:2])[0] report = unpack(">HBBfHH"+"f"*8, packet[9:53]) results = dict() results['unitId'] = localId results['transId'] = transId results['Rxlqi'] = report[1] results['Txlqi'] = report[2] results['Battery'] = report[3] results['Temperature'] = report[6] results['Light'] = report[7] results['Bump'] = report[4] results['Sound'] = report[11] return results
""" was written to send the 8711HV digital rotary servo to the home position and turn off the laser box with the Labjack U3-HV if need be. author: Danica Marsden August 13, 2012 """ import u3, time, sys #u3.listAll(3) # Open the LabJack #d = u3.U3(debug = True) d = u3.U3() # Configure d.configU3() #print d.configU3() #print d.configIO() home = 0.467 # 0 degrees # Set the timer clock to be 48 MHz/divisor with a divisor of 3 d.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = 6, TimerClockDivisor = 3) # Enable the timer, at FIO4 d.configIO(TimerCounterPinOffset = 4, NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) # Configure the timer for 16 bit PWM, with a duty cycle of a given %, where duty # cycle is the amount of time "off"/down. This creates an overall PWM frequency # of ~244.1Hz (4.1ms period) with (1 - dutyCycle)*4.1 ms "on"/high. baseValue = 65536 dutyCycle = home d.getFeedback( u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 0, Value = int(baseValue*dutyCycle)) ) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x0)) # Close the device d.close
""" Name: Desc: Defines the U6 class, which makes working with a U6 much easier. All of the low-level functions for the U6 are implemented as functions of the U6 class. There are also a handful additional functions which improve upon the interface provided by the low-level functions. To learn about the low-level functions, please see Section 5.2 of the U6 User's Guide: """ from LabJackPython import * import struct, ConfigParser def openAllU6(): """ A helpful function which will open all the connected U6s. Returns a dictionary where the keys are the serialNumber, and the value is the device object. """ returnDict = dict() for i in range(deviceCount(6)): d = U6(firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) returnDict[str(d.serialNumber)] = d return returnDict def dumpPacket(buffer): """ Name: dumpPacket(buffer) Args: byte array Desc: Returns hex value of all bytes in the buffer """ return repr([ hex(x) for x in buffer ]) def getBit(n, bit): """ Name: getBit(n, bit) Args: n, the original integer you want the bit of bit, the index of the bit you want Desc: Returns the bit at position "bit" of integer "n" >>> n = 5 >>> bit = 2 >>> getBit(n, bit) 1 >>> bit = 0 >>> getBit(n, bit) 1 """ return int(bool((int(n) & (1 << bit)) >> bit)) def toBitList(inbyte): """ Name: toBitList(inbyte) Args: a byte Desc: Converts a byte into list for access to individual bits >>> inbyte = 5 >>> toBitList(inbyte) [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] """ return [ getBit(inbyte, b) for b in range(8) ] def dictAsString(d): """Helper function that returns a string representation of a dictionary""" s = "{" for key, val in sorted(d.items()): s += "%s: %s, " % (key, val) s = s.rstrip(", ") # Nuke the trailing comma s += "}" return s class CalibrationInfo(object): """ A class to hold the calibration info for a U6 """ def __init__(self): # A flag to tell difference between nominal and actual values. self.nominal = True # Positive Channel calibration self.ain10vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -4) self.ain10vOffset = -10.5869565220 self.ain1vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -5) self.ain1vOffset = -1.05869565220 self.ain100mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -6) self.ain100mvOffset = -0.105869565220 self.ain10mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -7) self.ain10mvOffset = -0.0105869565220 self.ainSlope = [self.ain10vSlope, self.ain1vSlope, self.ain100mvSlope, self.ain10mvSlope] self.ainOffset = [ self.ain10vOffset, self.ain1vOffset, self.ain100mvOffset, self.ain10mvOffset ] # Negative Channel calibration self.ain10vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -4) self.ain10vCenter = 33523.0 self.ain1vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -5) self.ain1vCenter = 33523.0 self.ain100mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -6) self.ain100mvCenter = 33523.0 self.ain10mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -7) self.ain10mvCenter = 33523.0 self.ainNegSlope = [ self.ain10vNegSlope, self.ain1vNegSlope, self.ain100mvNegSlope, self.ain10mvNegSlope ] self.ainCenter = [ self.ain10vCenter, self.ain1vCenter, self.ain100mvCenter, self.ain10mvCenter ] # Miscellaneous self.dac0Slope = 13200.0 self.dac0Offset = 0 self.dac1Slope = 13200.0 self.dac1Offset = 0 self.currentOutput0 = 0.0000100000 self.currentOutput1 = 0.0002000000 self.temperatureSlope = -92.379 self.temperatureOffset = 465.129 # Hi-Res ADC stuff # Positive Channel calibration self.proAin10vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -4) self.proAin10vOffset = -10.5869565220 self.proAin1vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -5) self.proAin1vOffset = -1.05869565220 self.proAin100mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -6) self.proAin100mvOffset = -0.105869565220 self.proAin10mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -7) self.proAin10mvOffset = -0.0105869565220 # Negative Channel calibration self.proAin10vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -4) self.proAin10vCenter = 33523.0 self.proAin1vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -5) self.proAin1vCenter = 33523.0 self.proAin100mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -6) self.proAin100mvCenter = 33523.0 self.proAin10mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -7) self.proAin10mvCenter = 33523.0 def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) class U6(Device): """ U6 Class for all U6 specific low-level commands. Example: >>> import u6 >>> d = u6.U6() >>> print d.configU6() {'SerialNumber': 320032102, ... , 'FirmwareVersion': '1.26'} """ def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): """ Name: U6.__init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs) Args: debug, Do you want debug information? autoOpen, If true, then the constructor will call open for you **kargs, The arguments to be passed to open. Desc: Your basic constructor. """ Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 6) self.firmwareVersion = 0 self.bootloaderVersion = 0 self.hardwareVersion = 0 self.productId = 0 self.fioDirection = [None] * 8 self.fioState = [None] * 8 self.eioDirection = [None] * 8 self.eioState = [None] * 8 self.cioDirection = [None] * 8 self.cioState = [None] * 8 self.dac1Enable = 0 self.dac0 = 0 self.dac1 = 0 self.calInfo = CalibrationInfo() self.productName = "U6" self.debug = debug if autoOpen:**kargs) def open(self, localId = None, firstFound = True, serial = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """ Name: = None, firstFound = True, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None) Args: firstFound, If True, use the first found U6 serial, open a U6 with the given serial number localId, open a U6 with the given local id. devNumber, open a U6 with the given devNumber handleOnly, if True, LabJackPython will only open a handle LJSocket, set to "<ip>:<port>" to connect to LJSocket Desc: Opens a U6 for reading and writing. >>> myU6 = u6.U6(autoOpen = False) >>> """, 6, firstFound = firstFound, serial = serial, localId = localId, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket ) def configU6(self, LocalID = None): """ Name: U6.configU6(LocalID = None) Args: LocalID, if set, will write the new value to U6 Desc: Writes the Local ID, and reads some hardware information. >>> myU6 = u6.U6() >>> myU6.configU6() {'BootloaderVersion': '6.15', 'FirmwareVersion': '0.88', 'HardwareVersion': '2.0', 'LocalID': 1, 'ProductID': 6, 'SerialNumber': 360005087, 'VersionInfo': 4} """ command = [ 0 ] * 26 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0A command[3] = 0x08 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if LocalID != None: command[6] = (1 << 3) command[8] = LocalID #command[7] = Reserved #command[9-25] = Reserved try: result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [0xF8, 0x10, 0x08]) except LabJackException, e: if e.errorCode is 4: print "NOTE: ConfigU6 returned an error of 4. This probably means you are using U6 with a *really old* firmware. Please upgrade your U6's firmware as soon as possible." result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [0xF8, 0x10, 0x08], checkBytes = False) else: raise e self.firmwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[10], result[9]) self.bootloaderVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[12], result[11]) self.hardwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[14], result[13]) self.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">BBBB", *result[15:19]))[0] self.productId = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack(">BB", *result[19:21]))[0] self.localId = result[21] self.versionInfo = result[37] self.deviceName = 'U6' if self.versionInfo == 12: self.deviceName = 'U6-Pro' return { 'FirmwareVersion' : self.firmwareVersion, 'BootloaderVersion' : self.bootloaderVersion, 'HardwareVersion' : self.hardwareVersion, 'SerialNumber' : self.serialNumber, 'ProductID' : self.productId, 'LocalID' : self.localId, 'VersionInfo' : self.versionInfo, 'DeviceName' : self.deviceName } def configIO(self, NumberTimersEnabled = None, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, TimerCounterPinOffset = None, EnableUART = None): """ Name: U6.configIO(NumberTimersEnabled = None, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, TimerCounterPinOffset = None) Args: NumberTimersEnabled, Number of timers to enable EnableCounter1, Set to True to enable counter 1, F to disable EnableCounter0, Set to True to enable counter 0, F to disable TimerCounterPinOffset, where should the timers/counters start if all args are None, command just reads. Desc: Writes and reads the current IO configuration. >>> myU6 = u6.U6() >>> myU6.configIO() {'Counter0Enabled': False, 'Counter1Enabled': False, 'NumberTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 0} """ command = [ 0 ] * 16 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x0B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if NumberTimersEnabled != None: command[6] = 1 command[7] = NumberTimersEnabled if EnableCounter0 != None: command[6] = 1 if EnableCounter0: command[8] = 1 if EnableCounter1 != None: command[6] = 1 if EnableCounter1: command[8] |= (1 << 1) if TimerCounterPinOffset != None: command[6] = 1 command[9] = TimerCounterPinOffset if EnableUART is not None: command[6] |= 1 command[6] |= (1 << 5) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xf8, 0x05, 0x0B]) return { 'NumberTimersEnabled' : result[8], 'Counter0Enabled' : bool(result[9] & 1), 'Counter1Enabled' : bool( (result[9] >> 1) & 1), 'TimerCounterPinOffset' : result[10] } def configTimerClock(self, TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None): """ Name: U6.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None) Args: TimerClockBase, which timer base to use TimerClockDivisor, set the divisor if all args are None, command just reads. Also, if you cannot set the divisor without setting the base. Desc: Writes and read the timer clock configuration. >>> myU6 = u6.U6() >>> myU6.configTimerClock() {'TimerClockDivisor': 256, 'TimerClockBase': 2} """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x0A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Reserved #command[7] = Reserved if TimerClockBase != None: command[8] = (1 << 7) command[8] |= TimerClockBase & 7 if TimerClockDivisor != None: command[9] = TimerClockDivisor result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x2, 0x0A]) divisor = result[9] if divisor == 0: divisor = 256 return { 'TimerClockBase' : (result[8] & 7), 'TimerClockDivisor' : divisor } def _buildBuffer(self, sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist): for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): sendBuffer += cmd.cmdBytes readLen += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, cmd) return (sendBuffer, readLen) def _buildFeedbackResults(self, rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i): for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): results.append(cmd.handle(rcvBuffer[i:i+cmd.readLen])) i += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, cmd, results, i) return results def getFeedback(self, *commandlist): """ Name: getFeedback(commandlist) Args: the FeedbackCommands to run Desc: Forms the commandlist into a packet, sends it to the U6, and reads the response. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> ledCommand = u6.LED(False) >>> internalTempCommand = u6.AIN(30, 31, True) >>> myU6.getFeedback(ledCommand, internalTempCommand) [None, 23200] OR if you like the list version better: >>> myU6 = U6() >>> ledCommand = u6.LED(False) >>> internalTempCommand = u6.AIN(30, 31, True) >>> commandList = [ ledCommand, internalTempCommand ] >>> myU6.getFeedback(commandList) [None, 23200] """ sendBuffer = [0] * 7 sendBuffer[1] = 0xF8 readLen = 9 sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist) if len(sendBuffer) % 2: sendBuffer += [0] sendBuffer[2] = len(sendBuffer) / 2 - 3 if readLen % 2: readLen += 1 if len(sendBuffer) > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send is bigger than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % len(sendBuffer)) if readLen > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send would yield a response that is greater than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % readLen) rcvBuffer = self._writeRead(sendBuffer, readLen, [], checkBytes = False, stream = False, checksum = True) # Check the response for errors try: self._checkCommandBytes(rcvBuffer, [0xF8]) if rcvBuffer[3] != 0x00: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes") except LowlevelErrorException, e: if isinstance(commandlist[0], list): culprit = commandlist[0][ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] else: culprit = commandlist[ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] raise LowlevelErrorException("\nThis Command\n %s\nreturned an error:\n %s" % ( culprit, lowlevelErrorToString(rcvBuffer[6]) ) ) results = [] i = 9 return self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i) def readMem(self, BlockNum, ReadCal=False): """ Name: U6.readMem(BlockNum, ReadCal=False) Args: BlockNum, which block to read ReadCal, set to True to read the calibration data Desc: Reads 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.6 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.readMem(0) [ < userdata stored in block 0 > ] NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2A if ReadCal: command[3] = 0x2D #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, command[3] ]) return result[8:] def readCal(self, BlockNum): return self.readMem(BlockNum, ReadCal = True) def writeMem(self, BlockNum, Data, WriteCal=False): """ Name: U6.writeMem(BlockNum, Data, WriteCal=False) Args: BlockNum, which block to write Data, a list of bytes to write WriteCal, set to True to write calibration. Desc: Writes 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.7 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.writeMem(0, [ < userdata to be stored in block 0 > ]) NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if not isinstance(Data, list): raise LabJackException("Data must be a list of bytes") command = [ 0 ] * 40 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x11 command[3] = 0x28 if WriteCal: command[3] = 0x2B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum command[8:] = Data self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x11, command[3]]) def writeCal(self, BlockNum, Data): return self.writeMem(BlockNum, Data, WriteCal = True) def eraseMem(self, EraseCal=False): """ Name: U6.eraseMem(EraseCal=False) Args: EraseCal, set to True to erase the calibration memory. Desc: The U6 uses flash memory that must be erased before writing. Please read section 5.2.8 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.eraseMem() NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if eraseCal: command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2C #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x4C command[7] = 0x6C else: command = [ 0 ] * 6 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x00 command[3] = 0x29 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) def eraseCal(self): return self.eraseMem(EraseCal=True) def streamConfig(self, NumChannels = 1, ResolutionIndex = 0, SamplesPerPacket = 25, SettlingFactor = 0, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, ScanInterval = 1, ChannelNumbers = [0], ChannelOptions = [0], SampleFrequency = None): """ Name: U6.streamConfig( NumChannels = 1, ResolutionIndex = 0, SamplesPerPacket = 25, SettlingFactor = 0, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, ScanInterval = 1, ChannelNumbers = [0], ChannelOptions = [0], SampleFrequency = None ) Args: NumChannels, the number of channels to stream ResolutionIndex, the resolution of the samples SettlingFactor, the settling factor to be used ChannelNumbers, a list of channel numbers to stream ChannelOptions, a list of channel options bytes Set Either: SampleFrequency, the frequency in Hz to sample -- OR -- SamplesPerPacket, how many samples make one packet InternalStreamClockFrequency, 0 = 4 MHz, 1 = 48 MHz DivideClockBy256, True = divide the clock by 256 ScanInterval, clock/ScanInterval = frequency. Desc: Configures streaming on the U6. On a decent machine, you can expect to stream a range of 0.238 Hz to 15 Hz. Without the conversion, you can get up to 55 Hz. """ if NumChannels != len(ChannelNumbers) or NumChannels != len(ChannelOptions): raise LabJackException("NumChannels must match length of ChannelNumbers and ChannelOptions") if len(ChannelNumbers) != len(ChannelOptions): raise LabJackException("len(ChannelNumbers) doesn't match len(ChannelOptions)") if SampleFrequency != None: if SampleFrequency < 1000: if SampleFrequency < 25: SamplesPerPacket = SampleFrequency DivideClockBy256 = True ScanInterval = 15625/SampleFrequency else: DivideClockBy256 = False ScanInterval = 4000000/SampleFrequency # Force Scan Interval into correct range ScanInterval = min( ScanInterval, 65535 ) ScanInterval = int( ScanInterval ) ScanInterval = max( ScanInterval, 1 ) # Same with Samples per packet SamplesPerPacket = max( SamplesPerPacket, 1) SamplesPerPacket = int( SamplesPerPacket ) SamplesPerPacket = min ( SamplesPerPacket, 25) command = [ 0 ] * (14 + NumChannels*2) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = NumChannels+4 command[3] = 0x11 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = NumChannels command[7] = ResolutionIndex command[8] = SamplesPerPacket #command[9] = Reserved command[10] = SettlingFactor command[11] = (InternalStreamClockFrequency & 1) << 3 if DivideClockBy256: command[11] |= 1 << 1 t = struct.pack("<H", ScanInterval) command[12] = ord(t[0]) command[13] = ord(t[1]) for i in range(NumChannels): command[14+(i*2)] = ChannelNumbers[i] command[15+(i*2)] = ChannelOptions[i] self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, 0x11]) # Set up the variables for future use. self.streamSamplesPerPacket = SamplesPerPacket self.streamChannelNumbers = ChannelNumbers self.streamChannelOptions = ChannelOptions self.streamConfiged = True if InternalStreamClockFrequency == 1: freq = float(48000000) else: freq = float(4000000) if DivideClockBy256: freq /= 256 freq = freq/ScanInterval self.packetsPerRequest = max(1, int(freq/SamplesPerPacket)) self.packetsPerRequest = min(self.packetsPerRequest, 48) def processStreamData(self, result, numBytes = None): """ Name: U6.processStreamData(result, numPackets = None) Args: result, the string returned from streamData() numBytes, the number of bytes per packet Desc: Breaks stream data into individual channels and applies calibrations. >>> reading = d.streamData(convert = False) >>> print proccessStreamData(reading['result']) defaultDict(list, {'AIN0' : [3.123, 3.231, 3.232, ...]}) """ if numBytes is None: numBytes = 14 + (self.streamSamplesPerPacket * 2) returnDict = collections.defaultdict(list) j = self.streamPacketOffset for packet in self.breakupPackets(result, numBytes): for sample in self.samplesFromPacket(packet): if j >= len(self.streamChannelNumbers): j = 0 if self.streamChannelNumbers[j] in (193, 194): value = struct.unpack('<BB', sample ) elif self.streamChannelNumbers[j] >= 200: value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] else: if (self.streamChannelOptions[j] >> 7) == 1: # do signed value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] else: # do unsigned value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] gainIndex = (self.streamChannelOptions[j] >> 4) & 0x3 value = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(gainIndex, value, is16Bits=True) returnDict["AIN%s" % self.streamChannelNumbers[j]].append(value) j += 1 self.streamPacketOffset = j return returnDict def watchdog(self, Write = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0): """ Name: U6.watchdog(Write = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0) Args: Write, Set to True to write new values to the watchdog. ResetOnTimeout, True means reset the device on timeout SetDIOStateOnTimeout, True means set the sate of a DIO on timeout TimeoutPeriod, Time, in seconds, to wait before timing out. DIOState, 1 = High, 0 = Low DIONumber, which DIO to set. Desc: Controls a firmware based watchdog timer. """ command = [ 0 ] * 16 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x09 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if Write: command[6] = 1 if ResetOnTimeout: command[7] = (1 << 5) if SetDIOStateOnTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 4) t = struct.pack("<H", TimeoutPeriod) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) command[10] = ((DIOState & 1 ) << 7) command[10] |= (DIONumber & 0xf) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [ 0xF8, 0x05, 0x09]) watchdogStatus = {} if result[7] == 0: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = False watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False else: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = True if (( result[7] >> 5 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False if (( result[7] >> 4 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['TimeoutPeriod'] = struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10])) if (( result[10] >> 7 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 1 else: watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 0 watchdogStatus['DIONumber'] = ( result[10] & 15 ) return watchdogStatus SPIModes = { 'A' : 0, 'B' : 1, 'C' : 2, 'D' : 3 } def spi(self, SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 0, CLKPinNum = 1, MISOPinNum = 2, MOSIPinNum = 3): """ Name: U6.spi(SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 0, CLKPinNum = 1, MISOPinNum = 2, MOSIPinNum = 3) Args: SPIBytes, A list of bytes to send. AutoCS, If True, the CS line is automatically driven low during the SPI communication and brought back high when done. DisableDirConfig, If True, function does not set the direction of the line. SPIMode, 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. SPIClockFactor, Sets the frequency of the SPI clock. CSPINNum, which pin is CS CLKPinNum, which pin is CLK MISOPinNum, which pin is MISO MOSIPinNum, which pin is MOSI Desc: Sends and receives serial data using SPI synchronous communication. See Section 5.2.17 of the user's guide. """ if not isinstance(SPIBytes, list): raise LabJackException("SPIBytes MUST be a list of bytes") numSPIBytes = len(SPIBytes) oddPacket = False if numSPIBytes%2 != 0: SPIBytes.append(0) numSPIBytes = numSPIBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (13 + numSPIBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numSPIBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if AutoCS: command[6] |= (1 << 7) if DisableDirConfig: command[6] |= (1 << 6) command[6] |= ( self.SPIModes[SPIMode] & 3 ) command[7] = SPIClockFactor #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = CSPINNum command[10] = CLKPinNum command[11] = MISOPinNum command[12] = MOSIPinNum command[13] = numSPIBytes if oddPacket: command[13] = numSPIBytes - 1 command[14:] = SPIBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 8+numSPIBytes, [ 0xF8, 1+(numSPIBytes/2), 0x3A ]) return { 'NumSPIBytesTransferred' : result[7], 'SPIBytes' : result[8:] } def asynchConfig(self, Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = None, BaudFactor = 63036): """ Name: U6.asynchConfig(Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = None, BaudFactor = 63036) Args: Update, If True, new values are written. UARTEnable, If True, UART will be enabled. DesiredBaud, If set, will apply the formualt to calculate BaudFactor. BaudFactor, = 2^16 - 48000000/(2 * Desired Baud). Ignored if DesiredBaud is set. Desc: Configures the U6 UART for asynchronous communication. See section 5.2.18 of the User's Guide. """ if UARTEnable: self.configIO(EnableUART = True) command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x14 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #commmand[6] = 0x00 if Update: command[7] = (1 << 7) if UARTEnable: command[7] |= (1 << 6) if DesiredBaud != None: BaudFactor = (2**16) - 48000000/(2 * DesiredBaud) t = struct.pack("<H", BaudFactor) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) results = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) if command[8] != results[8] and command[9] != results[9]: raise LabJackException("BaudFactor didn't stick.") def asynchTX(self, AsynchBytes): """ Name: U6.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: AsynchBytes, List of bytes to send Desc: Sends bytes to the U6 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. Section 5.2.19 of the User's Guide. """ numBytes = len(AsynchBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: oddPacket = True AsynchBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes + 1 command = [ 0 ] * (8+numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 1 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x15 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #commmand[6] = 0x00 command[7] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[7] = numBytes-1 command[8:] = AsynchBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [ 0xF8, 0x02, 0x15]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : result[7], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[8] } def asynchRX(self, Flush = False): """ Name: U6.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: Flush, If True, empties the entire 256-byte RX buffer. Desc: Sends bytes to the U6 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. Section 5.2.20 of the User's Guide. """ command = [ 0, 0xF8, 0x01, 0x16, 0, 0, 0, int(Flush)] result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, 0x16 ]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[7], 'AsynchBytes' : result[8:] } def i2c(self, Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 0, SCLPinNum = 1, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None): """ Name: U6.i2c(Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 0, SCLPinNum = 1, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None) Args: Address, the address (Not shifted over) I2CBytes, a list of bytes to send EnableClockStretching, True enables clock stretching NoStopWhenRestarting, True means no stop sent when restarting ResetAtStart, if True, an I2C bus reset will be done before communicating. SpeedAdjust, Allows the communication frequency to be reduced. SDAPinNum, Which pin will be data SCLPinNum, Which pin is clock NumI2CBytesToReceive, Number of I2C bytes to expect back. AddressByte, The address as you would put it in the lowlevel packet. Overrides Address. Optional. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using I2C synchronous communication. Section 5.2.21 of the User's Guide. """ numBytes = len(I2CBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: oddPacket = True I2CBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes+1 command = [ 0 ] * (14+numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if EnableClockStretching: command[6] |= (1 << 3) if NoStopWhenRestarting: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if ResetAtStart: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[7] = SpeedAdjust command[8] = SDAPinNum command[9] = SCLPinNum if AddressByte != None: command[10] = AddressByte else: command[10] = Address << 1 #command[11] = Reserved command[12] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[12] = numBytes-1 command[13] = NumI2CBytesToReceive command[14:] = I2CBytes oddResponse = False if NumI2CBytesToReceive%2 != 0: NumI2CBytesToReceive = NumI2CBytesToReceive+1 oddResponse = True result = self._writeRead(command, (12+NumI2CBytesToReceive), [0xF8, (3+(NumI2CBytesToReceive/2)), 0x3B]) if NumI2CBytesToReceive != 0: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12] } def sht1x(self, DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0): """ Name: U6.sht1x(DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0) Args: DataPinNum, Which pin is the Data line ClockPinNum, Which line is the Clock line SHTOptions (and proof people read documentation): bit 7 = Read Temperature bit 6 = Read Realtive Humidity bit 2 = Heater. 1 = on, 0 = off bit 1 = Reserved at 0 bit 0 = Resolution. 1 = 8 bit RH, 12 bit T; 0 = 12 RH, 14 bit T Desc: Reads temperature and humidity from a Sensirion SHT1X sensor. Section 5.2.22 of the User's Guide. """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x39 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = DataPinNum command[7] = ClockPinNum #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = SHTOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [ 0xF8, 0x05, 0x39]) val = (result[11]*256) + result[10] temp = -39.60 + 0.01*val val = (result[14]*256) + result[13] humid = -4 + 0.0405*val + -.0000028*(val*val) humid = (temp - 25)*(0.01 + 0.00008*val) + humid return { 'StatusReg' : result[8], 'StatusCRC' : result[9], 'Temperature' : temp, 'TemperatureCRC' : result[12], 'Humidity' : humid, 'HumidityCRC' : result[15] } # --------------------------- Old U6 code ------------------------------- def _readCalDataBlock(self, n): """ Internal routine to read the specified calibration block (0-2) """ sendBuffer = [0] * 8 sendBuffer[1] = 0xF8 # command byte sendBuffer[2] = 0x01 # number of data words sendBuffer[3] = 0x2D # extended command number sendBuffer[6] = 0x00 sendBuffer[7] = n # Blocknum = 0 self.write(sendBuffer) buff = return buff[8:] def getCalibrationData(self): """ Name: getCalibrationData(self) Args: None Desc: Gets the slopes and offsets for AIN and DACs, as well as other calibration data >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.getCalibrationData() >>> myU6.calInfo <ainDiffOffset: -2.46886488446,...> """ if self.debug is True: print "Calibration data retrieval" self.calInfo.nominal = False #reading block 0 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(0) # Positive Channel calibration self.calInfo.ain10vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain10vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain1vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain1vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 1 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(1) self.calInfo.ain100mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain100mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain10mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain10mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.ainSlope = [self.calInfo.ain10vSlope, self.calInfo.ain1vSlope, self.calInfo.ain100mvSlope, self.calInfo.ain10mvSlope] self.calInfo.ainOffset = [ self.calInfo.ain10vOffset, self.calInfo.ain1vOffset, self.calInfo.ain100mvOffset, self.calInfo.ain10mvOffset ] #reading block 2 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(2) # Negative Channel calibration self.calInfo.ain10vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain10vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain1vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain1vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 3 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(3) self.calInfo.ain100mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain100mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain10mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain10mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.ainNegSlope = [ self.calInfo.ain10vNegSlope, self.calInfo.ain1vNegSlope, self.calInfo.ain100mvNegSlope, self.calInfo.ain10mvNegSlope ] self.calInfo.ainCenter = [ self.calInfo.ain10vCenter, self.calInfo.ain1vCenter, self.calInfo.ain100mvCenter, self.calInfo.ain10mvCenter ] #reading block 4 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(4) # Miscellaneous self.calInfo.dac0Slope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.dac0Offset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.dac1Slope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.dac1Offset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 5 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(5) self.calInfo.currentOutput0 = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.currentOutput1 = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.temperatureSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.temperatureOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) if self.productName == "U6-Pro": # Hi-Res ADC stuff #reading block 6 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(6) # Positive Channel calibration self.calInfo.proAin10vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin10vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin1vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin1vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 7 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(7) self.calInfo.proAin100mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin100mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.proAinSlope = [self.calInfo.proAin10vSlope, self.calInfo.proAin1vSlope, self.calInfo.proAin100mvSlope, self.calInfo.proAin10mvSlope] self.calInfo.proAinOffset = [ self.calInfo.proAin10vOffset, self.calInfo.proAin1vOffset, self.calInfo.proAin100mvOffset, self.calInfo.proAin10mvOffset ] #reading block 8 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(8) # Negative Channel calibration self.calInfo.proAin10vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin10vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin1vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin1vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 9 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(9) self.calInfo.proAin100mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin100mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.proAinNegSlope = [ self.calInfo.proAin10vNegSlope, self.calInfo.proAin1vNegSlope, self.calInfo.proAin100mvNegSlope, self.calInfo.proAin10mvNegSlope ] self.calInfo.proAinCenter = [ self.calInfo.proAin10vCenter, self.calInfo.proAin1vCenter, self.calInfo.proAin100mvCenter, self.calInfo.proAin10mvCenter ] def binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(self, gainIndex, bytesVoltage, is16Bits=False): """ Name: binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(gainIndex, bytesVoltage, is16Bits = False) Args: gainIndex, which gain did you use? bytesVoltage, bytes returned from the U6 is16bits, set to True if bytesVolotage is 16 bits (not 24) Desc: Converts binary voltage to an analog value. """ if not is16Bits: bits = float(bytesVoltage)/256 else: bits = float(bytesVoltage) center = self.calInfo.ainCenter[gainIndex] negSlope = self.calInfo.ainNegSlope[gainIndex] posSlope = self.calInfo.ainSlope[gainIndex] if self.productName == "U6-Pro": center = self.calInfo.proAinCenter[gainIndex] negSlope = self.calInfo.proAinNegSlope[gainIndex] posSlope = self.calInfo.proAinSlope[gainIndex] if bits < center: return (center - bits) * negSlope else: return (bits - center) * posSlope def binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(self, bytesTemperature): voltage = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(0, bytesTemperature) return self.calInfo.temperatureSlope * float(voltage) + self.calInfo.temperatureOffset def softReset(self): """ Name: softReset Args: none Desc: Send a soft reset. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.softReset() """ command = [ 0x00, 0x99, 0x01, 0x00 ] command = setChecksum8(command, 4) self.write(command, False, False) results = if results[3] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[3], "The softReset command returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[3])) def hardReset(self): """ Name: hardReset Args: none Desc: Send a hard reset. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.hardReset() """ command = [ 0x00, 0x99, 0x02, 0x00 ] command = setChecksum8(command, 4) self.write(command, False, False) results = if results[3] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[3], "The softHard command returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[3])) self.close() def setLED(self, state): """ Name: setLED(self, state) Args: state: 1 = On, 0 = Off Desc: Sets the state of the LED. ( of user's guide) >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.setLED(0) ... (LED turns off) ... """ self.getFeedback(LED(state)) def getTemperature(self): """ Name: getTemperature Args: none Desc: Reads the U6's internal temperature sensor in Kelvin. See Section 2.6.4 of the U6 User's Guide. >>> myU6.getTemperature() 299.87723471224308 """ if self.calInfo.nominal: # Read the actual calibration constants if we haven't already. self.getCalibrationData() result = self.getFeedback(AIN24AR(14)) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(result[0]['AIN']) def getAIN(self, positiveChannel, resolutionIndex = 0, gainIndex = 0, settlingFactor = 0, differential = False): """ Name: getAIN Args: positiveChannel, resolutionIndex = 0, gainIndex = 0, settlingFactor = 0, differential = False Desc: Reads an AIN and applies the calibration constants to it. >>> myU6.getAIN(14) 299.87723471224308 """ result = self.getFeedback(AIN24AR(positiveChannel, resolutionIndex, gainIndex, settlingFactor, differential)) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(result[0]['GainIndex'], result[0]['AIN']) def readDefaultsConfig(self): """ Name: U6.readDefaultsConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Reads the power-up defaults stored in flash. """ results = dict() defaults = self.readDefaults(0) results['FIODirection'] = defaults[4] results['FIOState'] = defaults[5] results['EIODirection'] = defaults[8] results['EIOState'] = defaults[9] results['CIODirection'] = defaults[12] results['CIOState'] = defaults[13] results['ConfigWriteMask'] = defaults[16] results['NumOfTimersEnable'] = defaults[17] results['CounterMask'] = defaults[18] results['PinOffset'] = defaults[19] defaults = self.readDefaults(1) results['ClockSource'] = defaults[0] results['Divisor'] = defaults[1] results['TMR0Mode'] = defaults[16] results['TMR0ValueL'] = defaults[17] results['TMR0ValueH'] = defaults[18] results['TMR1Mode'] = defaults[20] results['TMR1ValueL'] = defaults[21] results['TMR1ValueH'] = defaults[22] results['TMR2Mode'] = defaults[24] results['TMR2ValueL'] = defaults[25] results['TMR2ValueH'] = defaults[26] results['TMR3Mode'] = defaults[28] results['TMR3ValueL'] = defaults[29] results['TMR3ValueH'] = defaults[30] defaults = self.readDefaults(2) results['DAC0'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[16:18]) )[0] results['DAC1'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[20:22]) )[0] defaults = self.readDefaults(3) for i in range(14): results["AIN%sGainRes" % i] = defaults[i] results["AIN%sOptions" % i] = defaults[i+16] return results def exportConfig(self): """ Name: U6.exportConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Takes a configuration and puts it into a ConfigParser object. """ # Make a new configuration file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() # Change optionxform so that options preserve their case. parser.optionxform = str # Local Id and name section = "Identifiers" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "Local ID", str(self.localId)) parser.set(section, "Name", str(self.getName())) parser.set(section, "Device Type", str(self.devType)) # FIO Direction / State section = "FIOs" parser.add_section(section) dirs, states = self.getFeedback( PortDirRead(), PortStateRead() ) for key, value in dirs.items(): parser.set(section, "%s Directions" % key, str(value)) for key, value in states.items(): parser.set(section, "%s States" % key, str(value)) # DACs section = "DACs" parser.add_section(section) dac0 = self.readRegister(5000) dac0 = max(dac0, 0) dac0 = min(dac0, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC0", "%0.2f" % dac0) dac1 = self.readRegister(5002) dac1 = max(dac1, 0) dac1 = min(dac1, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC1", "%0.2f" % dac1) # Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" parser.add_section(section) timerclockconfig = self.configTimerClock() for key, value in timerclockconfig.items(): parser.set(section, key, str(value)) # Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" parser.add_section(section) ioconfig = self.configIO() for key, value in ioconfig.items(): parser.set(section, key, str(value)) for i in range(ioconfig['NumberTimersEnabled']): mode, value = self.readRegister(7100 + (2 * i), numReg = 2, format = ">HH") parser.set(section, "Timer%s Mode" % i, str(mode)) parser.set(section, "Timer%s Value" % i, str(value)) return parser def loadConfig(self, configParserObj): """ Name: U6.loadConfig( configParserObj ) Args: configParserObj, A Config Parser object to load in Desc: Takes a configuration and updates the U6 to match it. """ parser = configParserObj # Set Identifiers: section = "Identifiers" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "device type"): if parser.getint(section, "device type") != self.devType: raise Exception("Not a U6 Config file.") if parser.has_option(section, "local id"): self.configU6( LocalID = parser.getint(section, "local id")) if parser.has_option(section, "name"): self.setName( parser.get(section, "name") ) # Set FIOs: section = "FIOs" if parser.has_section(section): fiodirs = 0 eiodirs = 0 ciodirs = 0 fiostates = 0 eiostates = 0 ciostates = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "fios directions"): fiodirs = parser.getint(section, "fios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "eios directions"): eiodirs = parser.getint(section, "eios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "cios directions"): ciodirs = parser.getint(section, "cios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "fios states"): fiostates = parser.getint(section, "fios states") if parser.has_option(section, "eios states"): eiostates = parser.getint(section, "eios states") if parser.has_option(section, "cios states"): ciostates = parser.getint(section, "cios states") self.getFeedback( PortStateWrite([fiostates, eiostates, ciostates]), PortDirWrite([fiodirs, eiodirs, ciodirs]) ) # Set DACs: section = "DACs" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "dac0"): self.writeRegister(5000, parser.getfloat(section, "dac0")) if parser.has_option(section, "dac1"): self.writeRegister(5002, parser.getfloat(section, "dac1")) # Set Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockbase") and parser.has_option(section, "timerclockdivisor"): self.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase"), TimerClockDivisor = parser.getint(section, "timerclockdivisor")) # Set Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" if parser.has_section(section): nte = None c0e = None c1e = None cpo = None if parser.has_option(section, "NumberTimersEnabled"): nte = parser.getint(section, "NumberTimersEnabled") if parser.has_option(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset"): cpo = parser.getint(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter0Enabled"): c0e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter0Enabled") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter1Enabled"): c1e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter1Enabled") self.configIO(NumberTimersEnabled = nte, EnableCounter1 = c1e, EnableCounter0 = c0e, TimerCounterPinOffset = cpo) mode = None value = None for i in range(4): if parser.has_option(section, "timer%i mode" % i): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer%i mode" % i) if parser.has_option(section, "timer%i value" % i): value = parser.getint(section, "timer%i value" % i) self.getFeedback( TimerConfig(i, mode, value) ) class FeedbackCommand(object): ''' The base FeedbackCommand class Used to make Feedback easy. Make a list of these and call getFeedback. ''' readLen = 0 def handle(self, input): return None validChannels = range(144) class AIN(FeedbackCommand): ''' Analog Input Feedback command AIN(PositiveChannel) PositiveChannel : the positive channel to use NOTE: This function kept for compatibility. Please use the new AIN24 and AIN24AR. returns 16-bit unsigned int sample >>> d.getFeedback( u6.AIN( PositiveChannel ) ) [ 19238 ] ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel): if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise LabJackException("Invalid Positive Channel specified") self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.cmdBytes = [ 0x01, PositiveChannel, 0 ] readLen = 2 def __repr__(self): return "<u6.AIN( PositiveChannel = %s )>" % self.positiveChannel def handle(self, input): result = (input[1] << 8) + input[0] return result class AIN24(FeedbackCommand): ''' Analog Input 24-bit Feedback command ainCommand = AIN24(PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False) See section of the user's guide. NOTE: If you use a gain index of 15 (autorange), you should be using the AIN24AR command instead. positiveChannel : The positive channel to use resolutionIndex : 0=default, 1-8 for high-speed ADC, 9-12 for high-res ADC on U6-Pro. gainIndex : 0=x1, 1=x10, 2=x100, 3=x1000, 15=autorange settlingFactor : 0=5us, 1=10us, 2=100us, 3=1ms, 4=10ms differential : If this bit is set, a differential reading is done where the negative channel is positiveChannel+1 returns 24-bit unsigned int sample >>> d.getFeedback( u6.AIN24(PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False ) ) [ 193847 ] ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False): if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise LabJackException("Invalid Positive Channel specified") self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.resolutionIndex = ResolutionIndex self.gainIndex = GainIndex self.settlingFactor = SettlingFactor self.differential = Differential byte2 = ( ResolutionIndex & 0xf ) byte2 = ( ( GainIndex & 0xf ) << 4 ) + byte2 byte3 = (int(Differential) << 7) + SettlingFactor self.cmdBytes = [ 0x02, PositiveChannel, byte2, byte3 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.AIN24( PositiveChannel = %s, ResolutionIndex = %s, GainIndex = %s, SettlingFactor = %s, Differential = %s )>" % (self.positiveChannel, self.resolutionIndex, self.gainIndex, self.settlingFactor, self.differential) readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): #Put it all into an integer. result = (input[2] << 16 ) + (input[1] << 8 ) + input[0] return result class AIN24AR(FeedbackCommand): ''' Autorange Analog Input 24-bit Feedback command ainARCommand = AIN24AR(0, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False) See section of the user's guide PositiveChannel : The positive channel to use ResolutionIndex : 0=default, 1-8 for high-speed ADC, 9-13 for high-res ADC on U6-Pro. GainIndex : 0=x1, 1=x10, 2=x100, 3=x1000, 15=autorange SettlingFactor : 0=5us, 1=10us, 2=100us, 3=1ms, 4=10ms Differential : If this bit is set, a differential reading is done where the negative channel is positiveChannel+1 returns a dictionary: { 'AIN' : < 24-bit binary reading >, 'ResolutionIndex' : < actual resolution setting used for the reading >, 'GainIndex' : < actual gain used for the reading >, 'Status' : < reserved for future use > } >>> d.getFeedback( u6.AIN24AR( PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False ) ) { 'AIN' : 193847, 'ResolutionIndex' : 0, 'GainIndex' : 0, 'Status' : 0 } ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False): if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise LabJackException("Invalid Positive Channel specified") self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.resolutionIndex = ResolutionIndex self.gainIndex = GainIndex self.settlingFactor = SettlingFactor self.differential = Differential byte2 = ( ResolutionIndex & 0xf ) byte2 = ( ( GainIndex & 0xf ) << 4 ) + byte2 byte3 = (int(Differential) << 7) + SettlingFactor self.cmdBytes = [ 0x03, PositiveChannel, byte2, byte3 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.AIN24AR( PositiveChannel = %s, ResolutionIndex = %s, GainIndex = %s, SettlingFactor = %s, Differential = %s )>" % (self.positiveChannel, self.resolutionIndex, self.gainIndex, self.settlingFactor, self.differential) readLen = 5 def handle(self, input): #Put it all into an integer. result = (input[2] << 16 ) + (input[1] << 8 ) + input[0] resolutionIndex = input[3] & 0xf gainIndex = ( input[3] >> 4 ) & 0xf status = input[4] return { 'AIN' : result, 'ResolutionIndex' : resolutionIndex, 'GainIndex' : gainIndex, 'Status' : status } class WaitShort(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitShort Feedback command specify the number of 128us time increments to wait >>> d.getFeedback( u6.WaitShort( Time ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 5, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.WaitShort( Time = %s )>" % self.time class WaitLong(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitLong Feedback command specify the number of 32ms time increments to wait >>> d.getFeedback( u6.WaitLog( Time ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time self.cmdBytes = [ 6, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.WaitLog( Time = %s )>" % self.time class LED(FeedbackCommand): ''' LED Toggle specify whether the LED should be on or off by truth value 1 or True = On, 0 or False = Off >>> d.getFeedback( u6.LED( State ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, State): self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 9, int(bool(State)) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.LED( State = %s )>" % self.state class BitStateRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateRead Feedback command read the state of a single bit of digital I/O. Only digital lines return valid readings. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO return 0 or 1 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitStateRead( IONumber ) ) [ 1 ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 10, IONumber % 20 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitStateRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber readLen = 1 def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateWrite Feedback command write a single bit of digital I/O. The direction of the specified line is forced to output. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO State: 0 or 1 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitStateWrite( IONumber, State ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, State): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 11, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(State)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitStateWrite( IONumber = %s, State = %s )>" % self.ioNumber class BitDirRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' Read the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO returns 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitDirRead( IONumber ) ) [ 1 ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 12, IONumber % 20 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitDirRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber readLen = 1 def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitDirWrite Feedback command Set the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO Direction: 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitDirWrite( IONumber, Direction ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, Direction): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.direction = Direction self.cmdBytes = [ 13, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(Direction)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitDirWrite( IONumber = %s, Direction = %s )>" % (self.ioNumber, self.direction) class PortStateRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateRead Feedback command Reads the state of all digital I/O. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortStateRead() ) [ { 'FIO' : 10, 'EIO' : 0, 'CIO' : 0 } ] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 26 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortStateRead()>" readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } class PortStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateWrite Feedback command State: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. The Default is all ones. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortStateWrite( State, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff] ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, State, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.state = State self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 27 ] + WriteMask + State def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortStateWrite( State = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.state, self.writeMask) class PortDirRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirRead Feedback command Reads the direction of all digital I/O. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortDirRead() ) [ { 'FIO' : 10, 'EIO' : 0, 'CIO' : 0 } ] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 28 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortDirRead()>" readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } class PortDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirWrite Feedback command Direction: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. Default is all ones. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortDirWrite( Direction, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff] ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Direction, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.direction = Direction self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 29 ] + WriteMask + Direction def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortDirWrite( Direction = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.direction, self.writeMask) class DAC8(FeedbackCommand): ''' 8-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-255 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC8( Dac, Value ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 34 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC8( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC0_8( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC0_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC1_8( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC1_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC16(FeedbackCommand): ''' 16-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-65535 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC16( Dac, Value ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [ 38 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC8( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC0_16( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC0_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC1_16( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC1_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class Timer(FeedbackCommand): """ For reading the value of the Timer. It provides the ability to update/reset a given timer, and read the timer value. ( Section of the User's Guide) timer: Either 0 or 1 for counter0 or counter1 UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. Returns an unsigned integer of the timer value, unless Mode has been specified and there are special return values. See Section 2.9.1 for expected return values. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer( timer, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0 \ ... , Mode = None ) ) [ 12314 ] """ def __init__(self, timer, UpdateReset = False, Value=0, Mode = None): if timer != 0 and timer != 1: raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0 or 1.") if UpdateReset and Value == None: raise LabJackException("UpdateReset set but no value.") self.timer = timer self.updateReset = UpdateReset self.value = Value self.mode = Mode self.cmdBytes = [ (42 + (2*timer)), UpdateReset, Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] readLen = 4 def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer( timer = %s, UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) def handle(self, input): inStr = struct.pack('B' * len(input), *input) if self.mode == 8: return struct.unpack('<i', inStr )[0] elif self.mode == 9: maxCount, current = struct.unpack('<HH', inStr ) return current, maxCount else: return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Timer0(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer0. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer0, and read the timer value. ( Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0( UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, \ ... Mode = None ) ) [ 12314 ] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer0( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class Timer1(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer1. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer1, and read the timer value. ( Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer1( UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, \ ... Mode = None ) ) [ 12314 ] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class QuadratureInputTimer(Timer): """ For reading Quadrature input timers. They are special because their values are signed. ( Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to reset the counter. Value: Set to 0, and UpdateReset to True to reset the counter. Returns a signed integer. >>> # Setup the two timers to be quadrature >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0Config( 8 ), u6.Timer1Config( 8 ) ) [None, None] >>> # Read the value >>> d.getFeedback( u6.QuadratureInputTimer() ) [-21] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 8) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.QuadratureInputTimer( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerStopInput1(Timer1): """ For reading a stop input timer. They are special because the value returns the current edge count and the stop value. ( Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value. Value: The stop value. Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. Returns a tuple where the first value is current edge count, and the second value is the stop value. >>> # Setup the timer to be Stop Input >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0Config( 9, Value = 30 ) ) [None] >>> # Read the timer >>> d.getFeedback( u6.TimerStopInput1() ) [(0, 30)] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 9) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.TimerStopInput1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerConfig(FeedbackCommand): """ This IOType configures a particular timer. timer = # of the timer to configure TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.TimerConfig( timer, TimerMode, Value = 0 ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, timer, TimerMode, Value=0): '''Creates command bytes for configureing a Timer''' #Conditions come from pages 33-34 of user's guide if timer not in range(4): raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0-3.") if TimerMode > 14 or TimerMode < 0: raise LabJackException("Invalid Timer Mode.") self.timer = timer self.timerMode = TimerMode self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [43 + (timer * 2), TimerMode, Value % 256, Value >> 8] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.TimerConfig( timer = %s, TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer0Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer0. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0Config( TimerMode, Value = 0 ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 0, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer0Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer1Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer1. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer1Config( TimerMode, Value = 0 ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 1, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer1Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Counter(FeedbackCommand): ''' Counter Feedback command Reads a hardware counter, optionally resetting it counter: 0 or 1 Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Counter( counter, Reset = False ) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, counter, Reset): self.counter = counter self.reset = Reset self.cmdBytes = [ 54 + (counter % 2), int(bool(Reset))] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Counter( counter = %s, Reset = %s )>" % (self.counter, self.reset) readLen = 4 def handle(self, input): inStr = ''.join([chr(x) for x in input]) return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Counter0(Counter): ''' Counter0 Feedback command Reads hardware counter0, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Counter0( Reset = False ) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 0, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Counter0( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset class Counter1(Counter): ''' Counter1 Feedback command Reads hardware counter1, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Counter1( Reset = False ) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 1, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Counter1( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset class DSP(FeedbackCommand): ''' DSP Feedback command Acquires 1000 samples from the specified AIN at 50us intervals and performs the specified analysis on the acquired data. AcquireNewData: True, acquire new data; False, operate on existing data DSPAnalysis: 1, True RMS; 2, DC Offset; 3, Peak To Peak; 4, Period (ms) PLine: Positive Channel Gain: The gain you would like to use Resolution: The resolution index to use SettlingFactor: The SettlingFactor to use Differential: True, do differential readings; False, single-ended readings See section of the U3 User's Guide ( >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DSP( PLine, Resolution = 0, Gain = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False, DSPAnalysis = 1, AcquireNewData = True) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, PLine, Resolution = 0, Gain = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False, DSPAnalysis = 1, AcquireNewData = True): self.pline = PLine self.resolution = Resolution self.gain = Gain self.settlingFactor = SettlingFactor self.differential = Differential self.dspAnalysis = DSPAnalysis self.acquireNewData = AcquireNewData byte1 = DSPAnalysis + ( int(AcquireNewData) << 7 ) byte4 = ( Gain << 4 ) + Resolution byte5 = ( int(Differential) << 7 ) + SettlingFactor self.cmdBytes = [ 62, byte1, PLine, 0, byte4, byte5, 0, 0 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DSP( PLine = %s, Resolution = %s, Gain = %s, SettlingFactor = %s, Differential = %s, DSPAnalysis = %s, AcquireNewData = %s )>" % (self.pline, self.resolution, self.gain, self.settlingFactor, self.differential, self.dspAnalysis, self.acquireNewData) readLen = 4 def handle(self, input): inStr = ''.join([chr(x) for x in input]) return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0]
""" was written to test comands for the Labjack U3-HV. author: Danica Marsden August 6, 2012 """ import u3, time # Open the LabJack d = u3.U3(debug = True) # Configure d.configU3() print d.configU3() print d.configIO() # # Control the status LED: # d.getFeedback(u3.LED(0)) d.getFeedback(u3.LED(1)) # # Example with DAC0 hotwired to AIN0: # DAC0_REGISTER = 5000 # Set DAC0 to 1.5 V d.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER, 1.5) # Read value AIN0_REGISTER = 0 d.readRegister(AIN0_REGISTER) # Set DAC0 to 0.5 V d.writeRegister(DAC0_REGISTER, .5) d.readRegister(AIN0_REGISTER) # # Set DAC output levels another way: # d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x7fff)) # ~2.5V = 1/2 of 0xffff d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=1, Value = 0xffff)) # ~4.95V d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=0, Value = 0x0)) d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac=1, Value = 0x0)) # # Blink the U3's status LED until the AIN0 input exceeds a limit value. # Any voltage source with a range between 0 and 5VDC will work as AIN0 # input. Touching a jumper wire between AIN0 and any VS terminal will # also work. # LEDoff = u3.LED(0) LEDon = u3.LED(1) AINcmd = u3.AIN(0, 31, False, False) toggle = 0 while True: # blink the LED while looping if toggle == 0: d.getFeedback(LEDon) toggle = 1 else: d.getFeedback(LEDoff) toggle = 0 # getFeedback returns a list with a single element inval = d.getFeedback(AINcmd)[0] print inval if inval > 40000: break time.sleep(1) d.getFeedback(LEDon) print "Done." # # FIO4 ( a digital output) rapidly toggled on and off: # (It’s fast, you’ll need an oscilloscope if you want to see this activity) # biton = u3.BitStateWrite(4,1) bitoff = u3.BitStateWrite(4,0) d.getFeedback(bitoff, biton, bitoff, biton, bitoff) # Close the device d.close ############################## #a list of the FeedbackCommand derived class commands in the module: # AIN(PositiveChannel, NegativeChannel=31, LongSettling=False, QuickSample=False) # WaitShort(Time) # WaitLong(Time) (python's sleep() method is better!) # LED(State) # BitStateRead(IONumber) # BitStateWrite(IONumber, State) # BitDirRead(IONumber) # BitDirWrite(IONumber, Direction) # PortStateRead() # PortStateWrite(State, WriteMask=[0xff, 0xff, 0xff]) # PortDirRead() # PortDirWrite(Direction, WriteMask=[0xff, 0xff, 0xff]) # DAC8(Dac, Value) # DAC0_8(Value) # DAC1_8(Value) # DAC16(Dac, Value) # DAC0_16(Value) # DAC1_16(Value) # Timer(timer, UpdateReset=False, Value=0, Mode=None) # Timer0(UpdateReset=False, Value=0, Mode=None) # Timer1(UpdateReset=False, Value=0, Mode=None) # QuadratureInputTimer(UpdateReset=False, Value=0) # TimerStopInput1(UpdateReset=False, Value=0) # TimerConfig(timer, TimerMode, Value=0) # Timer0Config(TimerMode, Value=0) # Timer1Config(TimerMode, Value=0) # Counter(counter, Reset=False) # Counter0(Reset=False) # Counter1(Reset=False) # class U3 functions: # asynchConfig() # asynchRX() # asynchTX() # binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage() # configAnalog() # configDigital() # configIO() # configTimerClock() # configU3() # eraseCal() # eraseMem() # exportConfig() # getAIN() # getCalibrationData() # getFIOState() # getFeedback() # i2c() # loadConfig() # open() # processStreamData() # readCal() # readDefaultsConfig() # readMem() # reset() # setFIOState() # sht1x() # spi() # streamConfig() # toggleLED() # voltageToDACBits() # watchdog() # writeCal() # writeMem() # class Device: # breakupPackets() # close() # getName() # open() # ping() # read() # readCurrent() # readDefaults() # readRegister() # reset() # samplesFromPacket() # setDIOState() # setDefaults() # setName() # setToFactoryDefaults() # streamData() # streamStart() # streamStop() # write() # writeRegister()
""" Name: Desc: Defines the U3 class, which makes working with a U3 much easier. All of the low-level functions for the U3 are implemented as functions of the U3 class. There are also a handful additional functions which improve upon the interface provided by the low-level functions. To learn about the low-level functions, please see Section 5.2 of the U3 User's Guide: Section Number Mapping: 1 = Object Functions 2 = User's Guide Functions 3 = Convenience Functions 4 = Private Helper Functions """ from LabJackPython import * import struct, ConfigParser FIO0, FIO1, FIO2, FIO3, FIO4, FIO5, FIO6, FIO7, \ EIO0, EIO1, EIO2, EIO3, EIO4, EIO5, EIO6, EIO7, \ CIO0, CIO1, CIO2, CIO3 = range(20) def openAllU3(): """ A helpful function which will open all the connected U3s. Returns a dictionary where the keys are the serialNumber, and the value is the device object. """ returnDict = dict() for i in range(deviceCount(3)): d = U3(firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) returnDict[str(d.serialNumber)] = d return returnDict class U3(Device): """ U3 Class for all U3 specific low-level commands. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configU3() {'SerialNumber': 320032102, ... , 'FirmwareVersion': '1.26'} """ def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): """ Name: U3.__init__(debug = False, autoOpen = True, **openArgs) Args: debug, enables debug output autoOpen, if true, the class will try to open a U3 using openArgs **openArgs, the arguments to pass to the open call. See Desc: Instantiates a new U3 object. If autoOpen == True, then it will also open a U3. Examples: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() For debug output: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(debug = True) To open a U3 with Local ID = 2: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(localId = 2) """ Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 3) self.debug = debug self.calData = None self.ledState = True if autoOpen:**kargs) __init__.section = 1 def open(self, firstFound = True, serial = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """ Name: = True, localId = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None) Args: firstFound, If True, use the first found U3 serial, open a U3 with the given serial number localId, open a U3 with the given local id. devNumber, open a U3 with the given devNumber handleOnly, if True, LabJackPython will only open a handle LJSocket, set to "<ip>:<port>" to connect to LJSocket Desc: Use to open a U3. If handleOnly is false, it will call configU3 and save the resulting information to the object. This allows the use of d.serialNumber, d.firmwareVersion, etc. Examples: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(autoOpen = False) >>> Handle-only, with a serial number = 320095789: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(autoOpen = False) >>> = True, serial = 320095789) Using LJSocket: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(autoOpen = False) >>> = "localhost:6000") """, 3, firstFound = firstFound, serial = serial, localId = localId, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket ) open.section = 1 def configU3(self, LocalID = None, TimerCounterConfig = None, FIOAnalog = None, FIODirection = None, FIOState = None, EIOAnalog = None, EIODirection = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1 = None, TimerClockConfig = None, TimerClockDivisor = None, CompatibilityOptions = None ): """ Name: U3.configU3(LocalID = None, TimerCounterConfig = None, FIOAnalog = None, FIODirection = None, FIOState = None, EIOAnalog = None, EIODirection = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1 = None, TimerClockConfig = None, TimerClockDivisor = None, CompatibilityOptions = None) Args: See section 5.2.2 of the users guide. Desc: Sends the low-level configU3 command. Also saves relevant information to the U3 object for later use. Example: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configU3() { 'LocalID': 1, 'SerialNumber': 320035782, 'DeviceName': 'U3-LV', 'FIODirection': 0, 'FirmwareVersion': '1.24', ... , 'ProductID': 3 } Configure all FIOs and EI0s to analog on boot: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configU3( FIOAnalog = 255, EIOAnalog = 255) { 'FIOAnalog': 255, 'EIOAnalog': 255, ... , 'ProductID': 3 } """ writeMask = 0 if FIOAnalog is not None or FIODirection is not None or FIOState is not None or EIOAnalog is not None or EIODirection is not None or EIOState is not None or CIODirection is not None or CIOState is not None: writeMask |= 2 if DAC1Enable is not None or DAC0 is not None or DAC1 is not None: writeMask |= 4 if LocalID is not None: writeMask |= 8 command = [ 0 ] * 26 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0A command[3] = 0x08 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = writeMask #command[7] = WriteMask1 if LocalID is not None: command[8] = LocalID if TimerCounterConfig is not None: command[9] = TimerCounterConfig if FIOAnalog is not None: command[10] = FIOAnalog if FIODirection is not None: command[11] = FIODirection if FIOState is not None: command[12] = FIOState if EIOAnalog is not None: command[13] = EIOAnalog if EIODirection is not None: command[14] = EIODirection if EIOState is not None: command[15] = EIOState if CIODirection is not None: command[16] = CIODirection if CIOState is not None: command[17] = CIOState if DAC1Enable is not None: command[18] = DAC1Enable if DAC0 is not None: command[19] = DAC0 if DAC1 is not None: command[20] = DAC1 if TimerClockConfig is not None: command[21] = TimerClockConfig if TimerClockDivisor is not None: command[22] = TimerClockDivisor if CompatibilityOptions is not None: command[23] = CompatibilityOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [0xF8, 0x10, 0x08]) # Error-free, time to parse the response self.firmwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (result[10], result[9]) self.bootloaderVersion = "%d.%02d" % (result[12], result[11]) self.hardwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (result[14], result[13]) self.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">BBBB", *result[15:19]))[0] self.productId = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack(">BB", *result[19:21]))[0] self.localId = result[21] self.timerCounterMask = result[22] self.fioAnalog = result[23] self.fioDirection = result[24] self.fioState = result[25] self.eioAnalog = result[26] self.eioDirection = result[27] self.eioState = result[28] self.cioDirection = result[29] self.cioState = result[30] self.dac1Enable = result[31] self.dac0 = result[32] self.dac1 = result[33] self.timerClockConfig = result[34] self.timerClockDivisor = result[35] if result[35] == 0: self.timerClockDivisor = 256 self.compatibilityOptions = result[36] self.versionInfo = result[37] self.deviceName = 'U3' if self.versionInfo == 1: self.deviceName += 'B' elif self.versionInfo == 2: self.deviceName += '-LV' elif self.versionInfo == 18: self.deviceName += '-HV' return { 'FirmwareVersion' : self.firmwareVersion, 'BootloaderVersion' : self.bootloaderVersion, 'HardwareVersion' : self.hardwareVersion, 'SerialNumber' : self.serialNumber, 'ProductID' : self.productId, 'LocalID' : self.localId, 'TimerCounterMask' : self.timerCounterMask, 'FIOAnalog' : self.fioAnalog, 'FIODirection' : self.fioDirection, 'FIOState' : self.fioState, 'EIOAnalog' : self.eioAnalog, 'EIODirection' : self.eioDirection, 'EIOState' : self.eioState, 'CIODirection' : self.cioDirection, 'CIOState' : self.cioState, 'DAC1Enable' : self.dac1Enable, 'DAC0' : self.dac0, 'DAC1' : self.dac1, 'TimerClockConfig' : self.timerClockConfig, 'TimerClockDivisor' : self.timerClockDivisor, 'CompatibilityOptions' : self.compatibilityOptions, 'VersionInfo' : self.versionInfo, 'DeviceName' : self.deviceName } configU3.section = 2 def configIO(self, TimerCounterPinOffset = None, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, NumberOfTimersEnabled = None, FIOAnalog = None, EIOAnalog = None, EnableUART = None): """ Name: U3.configIO(TimerCounterPinOffset = 4, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, NumberOfTimersEnabled = None, FIOAnalog = None, EIOAnalog = None, EnableUART = None) Args: See section 5.2.3 of the user's guide. Desc: The configIO command. Examples: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configIO() { 'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 239, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False } Set all FIOs and EIOs to digital (until power cycle): >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configIO(FIOAnalog = 0, EIOAnalog = 0) { 'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 0, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False } """ writeMask = 0 if EIOAnalog is not None: writeMask |= 1 writeMask |= 8 if FIOAnalog is not None: writeMask |= 1 writeMask |= 4 if EnableUART is not None: writeMask |= 1 writeMask |= (1 << 5) if TimerCounterPinOffset is not None or EnableCounter1 is not None or EnableCounter0 is not None or NumberOfTimersEnabled is not None : writeMask |= 1 command = [ 0 ] * 12 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x03 command[3] = 0x0B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = writeMask #command[7] = Reserved command[8] = 0 if EnableUART is not None: command[9] = int(EnableUART) << 2 if TimerCounterPinOffset is None: command[8] |= ( 4 & 15 ) << 4 else: command[8] |= ( TimerCounterPinOffset & 15 ) << 4 if EnableCounter1 is not None: command[8] |= 1 << 3 if EnableCounter0 is not None: command[8] |= 1 << 2 if NumberOfTimersEnabled is not None: command[8] |= ( NumberOfTimersEnabled & 3 ) if FIOAnalog is not None: command[10] = FIOAnalog if EIOAnalog is not None: command[11] = EIOAnalog result = self._writeRead(command, 12, [0xF8, 0x03, 0x0B]) self.timerCounterConfig = result[8] self.numberTimersEnabled = self.timerCounterConfig & 3 self.counter0Enabled = bool( (self.timerCounterConfig >> 2) & 1 ) self.counter1Enabled = bool( (self.timerCounterConfig >> 3) & 1 ) self.timerCounterPinOffset = ( self.timerCounterConfig >> 4 ) self.dac1Enable = result[9] self.fioAnalog = result[10] self.eioAnalog = result[11] return { 'TimerCounterConfig' : self.timerCounterConfig, 'DAC1Enable' : self.dac1Enable, 'FIOAnalog' : self.fioAnalog, 'EIOAnalog' : self.eioAnalog, 'NumberOfTimersEnabled' : self.numberTimersEnabled, 'EnableCounter0' : self.counter0Enabled, 'EnableCounter1' : self.counter1Enabled, 'TimerCounterPinOffset' : self.timerCounterPinOffset } configIO.section = 2 def configTimerClock(self, TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None): """ Name: U3.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None) Args: TimeClockBase, the base for the timer clock. TimerClockDivisor, the divisor for the clock. Desc: Writes and reads the time clock configuration. See section 5.2.4 of the user's guide. Note: TimerClockBase and TimerClockDivisor must be set at the same time. """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x0A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Reserved #command[7] = Reserved if TimerClockBase is not None: command[8] = ( 1 << 7 ) + ( TimerClockBase & 7 ) if TimerClockDivisor is not None: command[9] = TimerClockDivisor elif TimerClockDivisor is not None: raise LabJackException("You can't set just the divisor, must set both.") result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xf8, 0x02, 0x0A]) self.timerClockBase = ( result[8] & 7 ) self.timerClockDivisor = result[9] return { 'TimerClockBase' : self.timerClockBase, 'TimerClockDivisor' : self.timerClockDivisor } configTimerClock.section = 2 def toggleLED(self): """ Name: U3.toggleLED() Args: None Desc: Toggles the state LED on and off. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.toggleLED() """ self.getFeedback( LED( not self.ledState ) ) self.ledState = not self.ledState toggleLED.section = 3 def setFIOState(self, fioNum, state = 1): """ Name: U3.setFIOState(fioNum, state = 1) Args: fioNum, which FIO to change state, 1 = High, 0 = Low Desc: A convenience function to set the state of an FIO. Will also set the direction to output. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.setFIOState(4, state = 1) """ self.getFeedback(BitDirWrite(fioNum, 1), BitStateWrite(fioNum, state)) setFIOState.section = 3 def getFIOState(self, fioNum): """ Name: U3.getFIOState(fioNum) Args: fioNum, which FIO to read Desc: A convenience function to read the state of an FIO. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.getFIOState(4) 1 """ return self.getFeedback(BitStateRead(fioNum))[0] getFIOState.section = 3 def getTemperature(self): """ Name: U3.getTemperature() Args: None Desc: Reads the internal temperature sensor on the U3. Returns the temperature in Kelvin. """ # Get the calibration data first, otherwise the conversion is way off (10 degC on my U3) if self.calData is None: self.getCalibrationData() bits, = self.getFeedback( AIN(30, 31) ) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(bits) def getAIN(self, posChannel, negChannel = 31, longSettle=False, quickSample=False): """ Name: U3.getAIN(posChannel, negChannel = 31, longSettle=False, quickSample=False) Args: posChannel, the positive channel to read from. negChannel, the negitive channel to read from. longSettle, set to True for longSettle quickSample, set to True for quickSample Desc: A convenience function to read an AIN. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.getAIN( 0 ) 0.0501680038869 """ isSpecial = False if negChannel == 32: isSpecial = True negChannel = 30 bits = self.getFeedback(AIN(posChannel, negChannel, longSettle, quickSample))[0] singleEnded = True if negChannel != 31: singleEnded = False lvChannel = True try: if self.deviceName.endswith("-HV") and posChannel < 4: lvChannel = False except AttributeError: pass if isSpecial: negChannel = 32 return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits, isLowVoltage = lvChannel, isSingleEnded = singleEnded, isSpecialSetting = isSpecial, channelNumber = posChannel) getAIN.section = 3 def configAnalog(self, *args): """ Convenience method to configIO() that adds the given input numbers in the range FIO0-EIO7 (0-15) to the analog team. That is, it adds the given bit positions to those already set in the FIOAnalog and EIOAnalog bitfields. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO() Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.configAnalog(u3.FIO4, u3.FIO5) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Sent: [0x93, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x8c, 0x0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x0] Result: [0x86, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x7f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 63, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} """ configIODict = self.configIO() # Without args, return the same as configIO() if len(args) == 0: return configIODict FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = configIODict['FIOAnalog'], configIODict['EIOAnalog'] # for i in args: if i > EIO7: pass # Invalid. Must be in the range FIO0-EIO7. elif i < EIO0: FIOAnalog |= 2**i else: EIOAnalog |= 2**(i-EIO0) # Start the EIO counting at 0, not 8 return self.configIO(FIOAnalog = FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = EIOAnalog) def configDigital(self, *args): """ The converse of configAnalog(). The convenience method to configIO, adds the given input numbers in the range FIO0-EIO7 (0-15) to the digital team. That is, it removes the given bit positions from those already set in the FIOAnalog and EIOAnalog bitfields. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO() Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.configAnalog(u3.FIO4, u3.FIO5, u3.EIO0) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Sent: [0x94, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x8d, 0x0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x1] Result: [0x87, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x1] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 63, 'EIOAnalog': 1, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.configDigital(u3.FIO4, u3.FIO5, u3.EIO0) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x87, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x1] Sent: [0x63, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x5c, 0x0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} """ configIODict = self.configIO() # Without args, return the same as configIO() if len(args) == 0: return configIODict FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = configIODict['FIOAnalog'], configIODict['EIOAnalog'] # for i in args: if i > EIO7: pass # Invalid. Must be in the range FIO0-EIO7. elif i < EIO0: if FIOAnalog & 2**i: # If it is set FIOAnalog ^= 2**i # Remove it else: if EIOAnalog & 2**(i-EIO0): # Start the EIO counting at 0, not 8 EIOAnalog ^= 2**(i-EIO0) return self.configIO(FIOAnalog = FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = EIOAnalog) def _buildBuffer(self, sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist): """ Builds up the buffer to be written for getFeedback """ for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): sendBuffer += cmd.cmdBytes readLen += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, cmd) return (sendBuffer, readLen) _buildBuffer.section = 4 def _buildFeedbackResults(self, rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i): """ Builds the result list from the results of getFeedback """ for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): results.append(cmd.handle(rcvBuffer[i:i+cmd.readLen])) i += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, cmd, results, i) return results _buildFeedbackResults.section = 4 def getFeedback(self, *commandlist): """ Name: U3.getFeedback(commandlist) Args: the FeedbackCommands to run Desc: Forms the commandlist into a packet, sends it to the U3, and reads the response. Examples: >>> myU3 = u3.U3() >>> ledCommand = u3.LED(False) >>> ain0Command = u3.AIN(0, 31, True) >>> myU3.getFeedback(ledCommand, ain0Command) [None, 9376] OR if you like the list version better: >>> myU3 = U3() >>> ledCommand = u3.LED(False) >>> ain0Command = u3.AIN(30, 31, True) >>> commandList = [ ledCommand, ain0Command ] >>> myU3.getFeedback(commandList) [None, 9376] """ sendBuffer = [0] * 7 sendBuffer[1] = 0xF8 readLen = 9 sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist) if len(sendBuffer) % 2: sendBuffer += [0] sendBuffer[2] = len(sendBuffer) / 2 - 3 if readLen % 2: readLen += 1 if len(sendBuffer) > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send is bigger than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % len(sendBuffer)) if readLen > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send would yield a response that is greater than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % readLen) rcvBuffer = self._writeRead(sendBuffer, readLen, [], checkBytes = False, stream = False, checksum = True) # Check the response for errors try: self._checkCommandBytes(rcvBuffer, [0xF8]) if rcvBuffer[3] != 0x00: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes") except LowlevelErrorException, e: if isinstance(commandlist[0], list): culprit = commandlist[0][ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] else: culprit = commandlist[ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] raise LowlevelErrorException("\nThis Command\n %s\nreturned an error:\n %s" % (culprit , lowlevelErrorToString(rcvBuffer[6]))) results = [] i = 9 return self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i) getFeedback.section = 2 def readMem(self, blockNum, readCal=False): """ Name: U3.readMem(blockNum, readCal=False) Args: blockNum, which block to read from readCal, set to True to read from calibration instead. Desc: Reads 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.6 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2A if readCal: command[3] = 0x2D #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = blockNum result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [0xF8, 0x11, command[3]]) return result[8:] readMem.section = 2 def readCal(self, blockNum): """ Name: U3.readCal(blockNum) Args: blockNum, which block to read Desc: See the description of readMem and section 5.2.6 of the user's guide. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ return self.readMem(blockNum, readCal = True) readCal.section = 2 def writeMem(self, blockNum, data, writeCal=False): """ Name: U3.writeMem(blockNum, data, writeCal=False) Args: blockNum, which block to write data, a list of bytes to write. writeCal, set to True to write to calibration instead Desc: Writes 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.7 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. Memory must be erased before writing. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise LabJackException("Data must be a list of bytes") command = [ 0 ] * 40 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x11 command[3] = 0x28 if writeCal: command[3] = 0x2B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = blockNum command[8:] = data self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) writeMem.section = 2 def writeCal(self, blockNum): """ Name: U3.writeCal(blockNum, data) Args: blockNum, which block to write data, a list of bytes Desc: See the description of writeMem and section 5.2.7 of the user's guide. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ return self.writeMem(blockNum, data, writeCal = True) writeCal.section = 2 def eraseMem(self, eraseCal=False): """ Name: U3.eraseMem(eraseCal=False) Args: eraseCal, set to True to erase the calibration memory instead Desc: The U3 uses flash memory that must be erased before writing. Please read section 5.2.8 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if eraseCal: command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2C #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x4C command[7] = 0x6C else: command = [ 0 ] * 6 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x00 command[3] = 0x29 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) eraseMem.section = 2 def eraseCal(self): """ Name: U3.eraseCal() Args: None Desc: See the description of writeMem and section 5.2.8 of the user's guide. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ return self.eraseMem(eraseCal = True) eraseCal.section = 2 def reset(self, hardReset = False): """ Name: U3.reset(hardReset = False) Args: hardReset, set to True for a hard reset. Desc: Causes a soft or hard reset. A soft reset consists of re-initializing most variables without re-enumeration. A hard reset is a reboot of the processor and does cause re-enumeration. See section 5.2.9 of the User's guide. """ command = [ 0 ] * 4 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0x99 command[2] = 1 if hardReset: command[2] = 2 command[3] = 0x00 command = setChecksum8(command, 4) self._writeRead(command, 4, [], False, False, False) reset.section = 2 def streamConfig(self, NumChannels = 1, SamplesPerPacket = 25, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, Resolution = 3, ScanInterval = 1, PChannels = [30], NChannels = [31], SampleFrequency = None): """ Name: U3.streamConfig(NumChannels = 1, SamplesPerPacket = 25, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, Resolution = 3, ScanInterval = 1, PChannels = [30], NChannels = [31], SampleFrequency = None) Args: NumChannels, the number of channels to stream Resolution, the resolution of the samples (0 - 3) PChannels, a list of channel numbers to stream NChannels, a list of channel options bytes Set Either: SampleFrequency, the frequency in Hz to sample -- OR -- SamplesPerPacket, how many samples make one packet InternalStreamClockFrequency, 0 = 4 MHz, 1 = 48 MHz DivideClockBy256, True = divide the clock by 256 ScanInterval, clock/ScanInterval = frequency. Desc: Stream mode operates on a table of channels that are scanned at the specified scan rate. Before starting a stream, you need to call this function to configure the table and scan clock. Note: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if len(PChannels) != NumChannels: raise LabJackException("Length of PChannels didn't match NumChannels") if len(NChannels) != NumChannels: raise LabJackException("Length of NChannels didn't match NumChannels") if len(PChannels) != len(NChannels): raise LabJackException("Length of PChannels didn't match the length of NChannels") if SampleFrequency != None: if SampleFrequency < 1000: if SampleFrequency < 25: SamplesPerPacket = SampleFrequency DivideClockBy256 = True ScanInterval = 15625/SampleFrequency else: DivideClockBy256 = False ScanInterval = 4000000/SampleFrequency # Force Scan Interval into correct range ScanInterval = min( ScanInterval, 65535 ) ScanInterval = int( ScanInterval ) ScanInterval = max( ScanInterval, 1 ) # Same with Samples per packet SamplesPerPacket = max( SamplesPerPacket, 1) SamplesPerPacket = int( SamplesPerPacket ) SamplesPerPacket = min ( SamplesPerPacket, 25) command = [ 0 ] * ( 12 + (NumChannels * 2) ) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = NumChannels+3 command[3] = 0x11 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = NumChannels command[7] = SamplesPerPacket #command[8] = Reserved command[9] |= ( InternalStreamClockFrequency & 0x01 ) << 3 if DivideClockBy256: command[9] |= 1 << 2 command[9] |= ( Resolution & 3 ) t = struct.pack("<H", ScanInterval) command[10] = ord(t[0]) command[11] = ord(t[1]) for i in range(NumChannels): command[12+(i*2)] = PChannels[i] command[13+(i*2)] = NChannels[i] self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, 0x11]) self.streamSamplesPerPacket = SamplesPerPacket self.streamChannelNumbers = PChannels self.streamNegChannels = NChannels self.streamConfiged = True if InternalStreamClockFrequency == 1: freq = float(48000000) else: freq = float(4000000) if DivideClockBy256: freq /= 256 freq = freq/ScanInterval self.packetsPerRequest = max(1, int(freq/SamplesPerPacket)) self.packetsPerRequest = min(self.packetsPerRequest, 48) streamConfig.section = 2 def processStreamData(self, result, numBytes = None): """ Name: U3.processStreamData(result, numBytes = None) Args: result, the string returned from streamData() numBytes, the number of bytes per packet. Desc: Breaks stream data into individual channels and applies calibrations. >>> reading = d.streamData(convert = False) >>> print proccessStreamData(reading['result']) defaultDict(list, {'AIN0' : [3.123, 3.231, 3.232, ...]}) """ if numBytes is None: numBytes = 14 + (self.streamSamplesPerPacket * 2) returnDict = collections.defaultdict(list) for packet in self.breakupPackets(result, numBytes): for sample in self.samplesFromPacket(packet): if self.streamPacketOffset >= len(self.streamChannelNumbers): self.streamPacketOffset = 0 if self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset] in (193, 194): value = struct.unpack('<BB', sample ) elif self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset] >= 200: value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] else: if self.streamNegChannels[self.streamPacketOffset] != 31: # do signed value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] singleEnded = False else: # do unsigned value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] singleEnded = True lvChannel = True if self.deviceName.lower().endswith('hv') and self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset] < 4: lvChannel = False value = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(value, isLowVoltage = lvChannel, isSingleEnded = singleEnded, channelNumber = self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset]) returnDict["AIN%s" % self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset]].append(value) self.streamPacketOffset += 1 return returnDict processStreamData.section = 3 def watchdog(self, ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0, onlyRead=False): """ Name: U3.watchdog(ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0, onlyRead = False) Args: Check out section 5.2.14 of the user's guide. Set onlyRead to True to perform only a read Desc: This function will write the configuration of the watchdog, unless onlyRead is set to True. Returns a dictionary: { 'WatchDogEnabled' : True if the watchdog is enabled, otherwise False 'ResetOnTimeout' : If True, the device will reset on timeout. 'SetDIOStateOnTimeout' : If True, the state of a DIO will be set 'TimeoutPeriod' : Timeout Period in seconds 'DIOState' : The state the DIO will be set to on timeout 'DIONumber' : Which DIO will be set on timeout } NOTE: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ command = [ 0 ] * 16 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x09 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if not onlyRead: command[6] = 1 if ResetOnTimeout: command[7] |= 1 << 5 if SetDIOStateOnTimeout: command[7] |= 1 << 4 t = struct.pack("<H", TimeoutPeriod) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) command[10] = (( DIOState & 1 ) << 7) + ( DIONumber & 15) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xF8, 0x05, 0x09]) watchdogStatus = {} if result[7] == 0 or result[7] == 255: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = False watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False else: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = True if (( result[7] >> 5 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False if (( result[7] >> 4 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['TimeoutPeriod'] = struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10])) if (( result[10] >> 7 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 1 else: watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 0 watchdogStatus['DIONumber'] = ( result[10] & 15 ) return watchdogStatus watchdog.section = 2 SPIModes = { 'A' : 0, 'B' : 1, 'C' : 2, 'D' : 3 } def spi(self, SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 4, CLKPinNum = 5, MISOPinNum = 6, MOSIPinNum = 7): """ Name: U3.spi(SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 4, CLKPinNum = 5, MISOPinNum = 6, MOSIPinNum = 7) Args: SPIBytes, a list of bytes to be transferred. See Section 5.2.15 of the user's guide. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using SPI synchronous communication. NOTE: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if not isinstance(SPIBytes, list): raise LabJackException("SPIBytes MUST be a list of bytes") numSPIBytes = len(SPIBytes) oddPacket = False if numSPIBytes%2 != 0: SPIBytes.append(0) numSPIBytes = numSPIBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (13 + numSPIBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numSPIBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if AutoCS: command[6] |= (1 << 7) if DisableDirConfig: command[6] |= (1 << 6) command[6] |= ( self.SPIModes[SPIMode] & 3 ) command[7] = SPIClockFactor #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = CSPINNum command[10] = CLKPinNum command[11] = MISOPinNum command[12] = MOSIPinNum command[13] = numSPIBytes if oddPacket: command[13] = numSPIBytes - 1 command[14:] = SPIBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 8+numSPIBytes, [ 0xF8, 1+(numSPIBytes/2), 0x3A ]) return result[8:] spi.section = 2 def asynchConfig(self, Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600, olderHardware = False, configurePins = True ): """ Name: U3.asynchConfig(Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600, olderHardware = False, configurePins = True) Args: See section 5.2.16 of the User's Guide. olderHardware, If using hardware 1.21, please set olderHardware to True and read the timer configuration first. configurePins, Will call the configIO to set up pins for you. Desc: Configures the U3 UART for asynchronous communication. returns a dictionary: { 'Update' : True means new parameters were written 'UARTEnable' : True means the UART is enabled 'BaudFactor' : The baud factor being used } Note: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21+. """ if configurePins: self.configIO(EnableUART=True) command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x14 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Update: command[7] |= ( 1 << 7 ) if UARTEnable: command[7] |= ( 1 << 6 ) #command[8] = Reserved if olderHardware: command[9] = (2**8) - self.timerClockBase/DesiredBaud else: BaudFactor = (2**16) - 48000000/(2 * DesiredBaud) t = struct.pack("<H", BaudFactor) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) if olderHardware: result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) else: result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) returnDict = {} if ( ( result[7] >> 7 ) & 1 ): returnDict['Update'] = True else: returnDict['Update'] = False if ( ( result[7] >> 6 ) & 1): returnDict['UARTEnable'] = True else: returnDict['UARTEnable'] = False if olderHardware: returnDict['BaudFactor'] = result[9] else: returnDict['BaudFactor'] = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[8:]))[0] return returnDict asynchConfig.section = 2 def asynchTX(self, AsynchBytes): """ Name: U3.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: AsynchBytes, must be a list of bytes to transfer. Desc: Sends bytes to the U3 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. See section 5.2.17 of the user's guide. returns a dictionary: { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : Number of Asynch Bytes Sent 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : How many bytes are currently in the RX buffer. } Note: Requres U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if not isinstance(AsynchBytes, list): raise LabJackException("AsynchBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(AsynchBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: AsynchBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes+1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * ( 8 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 1 + ( numBytes/2 ) command[3] = 0x15 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[7] = numBytes - 1 command[8:] = AsynchBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x15]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : result[7], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[8] } asynchTX.section = 2 def asynchRX(self, Flush = False): """ Name: U3.asynchRX(Flush = False) Args: Flush, Set to True to flush Desc: Reads the oldest 32 bytes from the U3 UART RX buffer (received on receive terminal). The buffer holds 256 bytes. See section 5.2.18 of the User's Guide. returns a dictonary: { 'AsynchBytes' : List of received bytes 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : Number of AsynchBytes are in the RX Buffer. } Note: Requres U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x16 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Flush: command[7] = 1 result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [0xF8, 0x11, 0x16]) return { 'AsynchBytes' : result[8:], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[7] } asynchRX.section = 2 def i2c(self, Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 6, SCLPinNum = 7, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None): """ Name: U3.i2c(Address, I2CBytes, ResetAtStart = False, EnableClockStretching = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 6, SCLPinNum = 7, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None) Args: Address, the address (not shifted over) I2CBytes, must be a list of bytes to send. See section 5.2.19 of the user's guide. AddressByte, use this if you don't want a shift applied. This address will be put it in the low-level packet directly and overrides Address. Optional. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using I2C synchronous communication. Note: Requires hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if not isinstance(I2CBytes, list): raise LabJackException("I2CBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(I2CBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: I2CBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (14 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if ResetAtStart: command[6] |= (1 << 1) if NoStopWhenRestarting: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if EnableClockStretching: command[6] |= (1 << 3) command[7] = SpeedAdjust command[8] = SDAPinNum command[9] = SCLPinNum if AddressByte != None: command[10] = AddressByte else: command[10] = Address << 1 command[12] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[12] = numBytes-1 command[13] = NumI2CBytesToReceive command[14:] = I2CBytes oddResponse = False if NumI2CBytesToReceive%2 != 0: NumI2CBytesToReceive = NumI2CBytesToReceive+1 oddResponse = True result = self._writeRead(command, 12+NumI2CBytesToReceive, [0xF8, (3+(NumI2CBytesToReceive/2)), 0x3B]) if len(result) > 12: if oddResponse: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:-1] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:], 'I2CBytes' : [] } i2c.section = 2 def sht1x(self, DataPinNum = 4, ClockPinNum = 5, SHTOptions = 0xc0): """ Name: U3.sht1x(DataPinNum = 4, ClockPinNum = 5, SHTOptions = 0xc0) Args: See section 5.2.20 of the user's guide. SHTOptions, see below. Desc: Reads temperature and humidity from a Sensirion SHT1X sensor (which is used by the EI-1050). Returns a dictonary: { 'StatusReg' : SHT1X status register 'StatusRegCRC' : SHT1X status register CRC value 'Temperature' : The temperature in C 'TemperatureCRC' : The CRC value for the temperature 'Humidity' : The humidity 'HumidityCRC' : The CRC value for the humidity } Note: Requires hardware version 1.21 or greater. SHTOptions (and proof people read documentation): bit 7 = Read Temperature bit 6 = Read Realtive Humidity bit 2 = Heater. 1 = on, 0 = off bit 1 = Reserved at 0 bit 0 = Resolution. 1 = 8 bit RH, 12 bit T; 0 = 12 RH, 14 bit T """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x39 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = DataPinNum command[7] = ClockPinNum #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = SHTOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xF8, 0x05, 0x39]) val = (result[11]*256) + result[10] temp = -39.60 + 0.01*val val = (result[14]*256) + result[13] humid = -4 + 0.0405*val + -.0000028*(val*val) humid = (temp - 25)*(0.01 + 0.00008*val) + humid return { 'StatusReg' : result[8], 'StatusRegCRC' : result[9], 'Temperature' : temp, 'TemperatureCRC' : result[12] , 'Humidity' : humid, 'HumidityCRC' : result[15] } sht1x.section = 2 def binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(self, bits, isLowVoltage = True, isSingleEnded = True, isSpecialSetting = False, channelNumber = 0): """ Name: U3.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits, isLowVoltage = True, isSingleEnded = True, isSpecialSetting = False, channelNumber = 0) Args: bits, the binary value of the reading. isLowVoltage, True if the reading came from a low-voltage channel isSingleEnded, True if the reading is not differential isSpecialSetting, True if the reading came from special range channelNumber, used to apply the correct calibration for HV Desc: Converts the bits returned from AIN functions into a calibrated voltage. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> bits = d.getFeedback( u3.AIN(0, 31))[0] >>> print bits 1248 >>> print d.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits) 0.046464288000000006 """ hasCal = self.calData is not None if isLowVoltage: if isSingleEnded and not isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['lvSESlope'] ) + self.calData['lvSEOffset'] else: return ( bits * 0.000037231 ) + 0 elif isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] ) + self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] + self.calData['vRefAtCAl'] else: return (bits * 0.000074463) else: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] ) + self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] else: return (bits * 0.000074463) - 2.44 else: if isSingleEnded and not isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['hvAIN%sSlope' % channelNumber] ) + self.calData['hvAIN%sOffset' % channelNumber] else: return ( bits * 0.000314 ) + -10.3 elif isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: hvSlope = self.calData['hvAIN%sSlope' % channelNumber] hvOffset = self.calData['hvAIN%sOffset' % channelNumber] diffR = ( bits * self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] ) + self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] + self.calData['vRefAtCAl'] reading = diffR * hvSlope / self.calData['lvSESlope'] + hvOffset return reading else: return (bits * 0.000074463) * (0.000314 / 0.000037231) + -10.3 else: raise Exception, "Can't do differential on high voltage channels" binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage.section = 3 def binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(self, bytesTemperature): hasCal = self.calData is not None if hasCal: return self.calData['tempSlope'] * float(bytesTemperature) else: return float(bytesTemperature) * 0.013021 def voltageToDACBits(self, volts, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False): """ Name: U3.voltageToDACBits(volts, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False) Args: volts, the voltage you would like to set the DAC to. dacNumber, 0 or 1, helps apply the correct calibration is16Bits, True if you are going to use the 16-bit DAC command Desc: Takes a voltage, and turns it into the bits needed for the DAC Feedback commands. """ if self.calData is not None: if is16Bits: bits = ( volts * self.calData['dac%sSlope' % dacNumber] * 256) + self.calData['dac%sOffset' % dacNumber] * 256 else: bits = ( volts * self.calData['dac%sSlope' % dacNumber] ) + self.calData['dac%sOffset' % dacNumber] else: bits = ( volts / 4.95 ) * 256 return int(bits) voltageToDACBits.section = 3 def getCalibrationData(self): """ Name: U3.getCalibrationData() Args: None Desc: Reads in the U3's calibrations, so they can be applied to readings. Section 2.6.2 of the User's Guide is helpful. Sets up an internal calData dict for any future calls that need calibration. """ self.calData = dict() calData = self.readCal(0) self.calData['lvSESlope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['lvSEOffset'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) calData = self.readCal(1) self.calData['dac0Slope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['dac0Offset'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['dac1Slope'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['dac1Offset'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) calData = self.readCal(2) self.calData['tempSlope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['vRefAtCAl'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['vRef1.5AtCal'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['vRegAtCal'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) try: #these blocks do not exist on hardware revisions < 1.30 calData = self.readCal(3) self.calData['hvAIN0Slope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['hvAIN1Slope'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['hvAIN2Slope'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['hvAIN3Slope'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) calData = self.readCal(4) self.calData['hvAIN0Offset'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['hvAIN1Offset'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['hvAIN2Offset'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['hvAIN3Offset'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) except LowlevelErrorException, ex: if ex.errorCode != 26: #not an invalid block error, so do not disregard raise ex return self.calData getCalibrationData.section = 3 def readDefaultsConfig(self): """ Name: U3.readDefaultsConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Reads the power-up defaults stored in flash. """ results = dict() defaults = self.readDefaults(0) results['FIODirection'] = defaults[4] results['FIOState'] = defaults[5] results['FIOAnalog'] = defaults[6] results['EIODirection'] = defaults[8] results['EIOState'] = defaults[9] results['EIOAnalog'] = defaults[10] results['CIODirection'] = defaults[12] results['CIOState'] = defaults[13] results['NumOfTimersEnable'] = defaults[17] results['CounterMask'] = defaults[18] results['PinOffset'] = defaults[19] results['Options'] = defaults[20] defaults = self.readDefaults(1) results['ClockSource'] = defaults[0] results['Divisor'] = defaults[1] results['TMR0Mode'] = defaults[16] results['TMR0ValueL'] = defaults[17] results['TMR0ValueH'] = defaults[18] results['TMR1Mode'] = defaults[20] results['TMR1ValueL'] = defaults[21] results['TMR1ValueH'] = defaults[22] defaults = self.readDefaults(2) results['DAC0'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[16:18]) )[0] results['DAC1'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[20:22]) )[0] defaults = self.readDefaults(3) for i in range(16): results["AIN%sNegChannel" % i] = defaults[i] return results readDefaultsConfig.section = 3 def exportConfig(self): """ Name: U3.exportConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Takes the current configuration and puts it into a ConfigParser object. Useful for saving the setup of your U3. """ # Make a new configuration file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() # Change optionxform so that options preserve their case. parser.optionxform = str # Local Id and name self.configU3() section = "Identifiers" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "Local ID", str(self.localId)) parser.set(section, "Name", str(self.getName())) parser.set(section, "Device Type", str(self.devType)) # FIO Direction / State section = "FIOs" parser.add_section(section) dirs, states = self.getFeedback( PortDirRead(), PortStateRead() ) parser.set(section, "FIOs Analog", str( self.readRegister(50590) )) parser.set(section, "EIOs Analog", str( self.readRegister(50591) )) for key, value in dirs.items(): parser.set(section, "%s Directions" % key, str(value)) for key, value in states.items(): parser.set(section, "%s States" % key, str(value)) # DACs section = "DACs" parser.add_section(section) dac0 = self.readRegister(5000) dac0 = max(dac0, 0) dac0 = min(dac0, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC0", "%0.2f" % dac0) dac1 = self.readRegister(5002) dac1 = max(dac1, 0) dac1 = min(dac1, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC1", "%0.2f" % dac1) # Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" parser.add_section(section) timerclockconfig = self.configTimerClock() for key, value in timerclockconfig.items(): parser.set(section, key, str(value)) # Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" parser.add_section(section) timerCounterConfig = self.configIO() nte = timerCounterConfig['NumberOfTimersEnabled'] ec0 = timerCounterConfig['EnableCounter0'] ec1 = timerCounterConfig['EnableCounter1'] cpo = timerCounterConfig['TimerCounterPinOffset'] parser.set(section, "NumberTimersEnabled", str(nte) ) parser.set(section, "Counter0Enabled", str(ec0) ) parser.set(section, "Counter1Enabled", str(ec1) ) parser.set(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset", str(cpo) ) for i in range(nte): mode, value = self.readRegister(7100 + (2*i), numReg = 2, format = ">HH") parser.set(section, "Timer%i Mode" % i, str(mode)) parser.set(section, "Timer%i Value" % i, str(value)) return parser exportConfig.section = 3 def loadConfig(self, configParserObj): """ Name: U3.loadConfig( configParserObj ) Args: configParserObj, A Config Parser object to load in Desc: Takes a configuration and updates the U3 to match it. """ parser = configParserObj # Set Identifiers: section = "Identifiers" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "device type"): if parser.getint(section, "device type") != self.devType: raise Exception("Not a U3 Config file.") if parser.has_option(section, "local id"): self.configU3( LocalID = parser.getint(section, "local id")) if parser.has_option(section, "name"): self.setName( parser.get(section, "name") ) # Set FIOs: section = "FIOs" if parser.has_section(section): fioanalog = 0 eioanalog = 0 fiodirs = 0 eiodirs = 0 ciodirs = 0 fiostates = 0 eiostates = 0 ciostates = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "fios analog"): fioanalog = parser.getint(section, "fios analog") if parser.has_option(section, "eios analog"): eioanalog = parser.getint(section, "eios analog") if parser.has_option(section, "fios directions"): fiodirs = parser.getint(section, "fios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "eios directions"): eiodirs = parser.getint(section, "eios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "cios directions"): ciodirs = parser.getint(section, "cios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "fios states"): fiostates = parser.getint(section, "fios states") if parser.has_option(section, "eios states"): eiostates = parser.getint(section, "eios states") if parser.has_option(section, "cios states"): ciostates = parser.getint(section, "cios states") self.configIO(FIOAnalog = fioanalog, EIOAnalog = eioanalog) self.getFeedback( PortStateWrite([fiostates, eiostates, ciostates]), PortDirWrite([fiodirs, eiodirs, ciodirs]) ) # Set DACs: section = "DACs" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "dac0"): self.writeRegister(5000, parser.getfloat(section, "dac0")) if parser.has_option(section, "dac1"): self.writeRegister(5002, parser.getfloat(section, "dac1")) # Set Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockbase") and parser.has_option(section, "timerclockdivisor"): self.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase"), TimerClockDivisor = parser.getint(section, "timerclockdivisor")) # Set Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" if parser.has_section(section): nte = None c0e = None c1e = None cpo = None if parser.has_option(section, "NumberTimersEnabled"): nte = parser.getint(section, "NumberTimersEnabled") if parser.has_option(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset"): cpo = parser.getint(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter0Enabled"): c0e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter0Enabled") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter1Enabled"): c1e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter1Enabled") self.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = nte, EnableCounter1 = c1e, EnableCounter0 = c0e, TimerCounterPinOffset = cpo) mode = None value = None if parser.has_option(section, "timer0 mode"): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer0 mode") if parser.has_option(section, "timer0 value"): value = parser.getint(section, "timer0 value") self.getFeedback( Timer0Config(mode, value) ) if parser.has_option(section, "timer1 mode"): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer1 mode") if parser.has_option(section, "timer1 value"): value = parser.getint(section, "timer1 value") self.getFeedback( Timer1Config(mode, value) ) loadConfig.section = 3 class FeedbackCommand(object): """ The FeedbackCommand class is the base for all the Feedback commands. """ readLen = 0 def handle(self, input): return None class AIN(FeedbackCommand): ''' Analog Input Feedback command specify the positive and negative channels to use (0-16, 30 and 31 are possible) also specify whether to turn on longSettle or quick Sample returns 16-bit signed int sample >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.AIN(PositiveChannel = 0, NegativeChannel=31, LongSettling=False, QuickSample=False)) Sent: [0x1b, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1f] Response: [0xab, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0xaf, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0x8f, 0x0] [36640] ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel, NegativeChannel=31, LongSettling=False, QuickSample=False): self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.negativeChannel = NegativeChannel self.longSettling = LongSettling self.quickSample = QuickSample validChannels = range(16) + [30, 31] if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise Exception("Invalid Positive Channel specified") if NegativeChannel not in validChannels: raise Exception("Invalid Negative Channel specified") b = PositiveChannel b |= (int(bool(LongSettling)) << 6) b |= (int(bool(QuickSample)) << 7) self.cmdBytes = [ 0x01, b, NegativeChannel ] readLen = 2 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.AIN( PositiveChannel = %s, NegativeChannel = %s, LongSettling = %s, QuickSample = %s )>" % ( self.positiveChannel, self.negativeChannel, self.longSettling, self.quickSample ) def handle(self, input): result = (input[1] << 8) + input[0] return result class WaitShort(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitShort Feedback command specify the number of 128us time increments to wait >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.WaitShort(Time = 9)) Sent: [0x9, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xe, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5, 0x9, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 5, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.WaitShort( Time = %s )>" % self.time class WaitLong(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitLong Feedback command specify the number of 32ms time increments to wait >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.WaitLong(Time = 70)) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x4c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x46, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 6, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.WaitLong( Time = %s )>" % self.time class LED(FeedbackCommand): ''' LED Toggle specify whether the LED should be on or off by truth value 1 or True = On, 0 or False = Off >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.LED(State = False)) Sent: [0x4, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.LED(State = True)) Sent: [0x5, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, State): self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 9, int(bool(State)) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.LED( State = %s )>" % self.state class BitStateRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateRead Feedback command read the state of a single bit of digital I/O. Only digital lines return valid readings. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO return 0 or 1 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateRead(IONumber = 5)) Sent: [0xa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0, 0x0, 0xa, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfb, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1] [1] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 10, IONumber % 20 ] readLen = 1 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitStateRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateWrite Feedback command write a single bit of digital I/O. The direction of the specified line is forced to output. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO State: 0 or 1 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateWrite(IONumber = 5, State = 0)) Sent: [0xb, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, State): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 11, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(State)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitStateWrite( IONumber = %s, State = %s )>" % (self.ioNumber, self.state) class BitDirRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' Read the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO returns 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitDirRead(IONumber = 5)) Sent: [0xc, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfb, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1] [1] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 12, IONumber % 20 ] readLen = 1 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitDirRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitDirWrite Feedback command Set the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO Direction: 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitDirWrite(IONumber = 5, Direction = 0)) Sent: [0xd, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0xd, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, Direction): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.direction = Direction self.cmdBytes = [ 13, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(Direction)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitDirWrite( IONumber = %s, Direction = %s )>" % (self.ioNumber, self.direction) class PortStateRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateRead Feedback command Reads the state of all digital I/O. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortStateRead()) Sent: [0x14, 0xf8, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1a] Response: [0xeb, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0xee, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xf] [{'CIO': 15, 'FIO': 224, 'EIO': 255}] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 26 ] readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortStateRead()>" class PortStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateWrite Feedback command State: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. The Default is all ones. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortStateWrite(State = [0xab, 0xcd, 0xef], WriteMask = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff])) Sent: [0x81, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x7f, 0x5, 0x0, 0x1b, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, State, WriteMask = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.state = State self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 27 ] + WriteMask + State def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortStateWrite( State = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.state, self.writeMask) class PortDirRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirRead Feedback command Reads the direction of all digital I/O. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortDirRead()) Sent: [0x16, 0xf8, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1c] Response: [0xfb, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0xfe, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xf] [{'CIO': 15, 'FIO': 240, 'EIO': 255}] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 28 ] readLen = 3 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortDirRead()>" def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } class PortDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirWrite Feedback command Direction: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. Default is all ones. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortDirWrite(Direction = [0xaa, 0xcc, 0xff], WriteMask = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff])) Sent: [0x91, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x8f, 0x5, 0x0, 0x1d, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xaa, 0xcc, 0xff] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Direction, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.direction = Direction self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 29 ] + WriteMask + Direction def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortDirWrite( Direction = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.direction, self.writeMask) class DAC8(FeedbackCommand): ''' 8-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-255 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC8(Dac = 0, Value = 0x55)) Sent: [0x72, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x77, 0x0, 0x0, 0x22, 0x55, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 34 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC8( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(Value = 0x33)) Sent: [0x50, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x55, 0x0, 0x0, 0x22, 0x33, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC0_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(Value = 0x22)) Sent: [0x40, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, 0x23, 0x22, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC1_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC16(FeedbackCommand): ''' 16-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-65535 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac = 0, Value = 0x5566)) Sent: [0xdc, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xe1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x26, 0x66, 0x55] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [ 38 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC16( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_16(Value = 0x1122)) Sent: [0x54, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x59, 0x0, 0x0, 0x26, 0x22, 0x11] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC0_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_16(Value = 0x2233)) Sent: [0x77, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x7c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x27, 0x33, 0x22] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC1_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class Timer(FeedbackCommand): """ For reading the value of the Timer. It provides the ability to update/reset a given timer, and read the timer value. (Section of the User's Guide) timer: Either 0 or 1 for timer 0 or timer 1 UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. Returns an unsigned integer of the timer value, unless Mode has been specified and there are special return values. See Section 2.9.1 for expected return values. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer(timer = 0, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None)) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xfe, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x63, 0xdd, 0x4c, 0x72, 0x0] [1917640035] """ def __init__(self, timer, UpdateReset = False, Value=0, Mode = None): self.timer = timer self.updateReset = UpdateReset self.value = Value self.mode = Mode if timer != 0 and timer != 1: raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0 or 1.") if UpdateReset and Value == None: raise LabJackException("UpdateReset set but no value.") self.cmdBytes = [ (42 + (2*timer)), UpdateReset, Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] readLen = 4 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer( timer = %s, UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) def handle(self, input): inStr = struct.pack('B' * len(input), *input) if self.mode == 8: return struct.unpack('<i', inStr )[0] elif self.mode == 9: maxCount, current = struct.unpack('<HH', inStr ) return current, maxCount else: return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Timer0(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer0. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer0, and read the timer value. (Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0(UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None)) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x51, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x52, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf6, 0x90, 0x46, 0x86, 0x0] [2252771574] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer0( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class Timer1(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer1. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer1, and read the timer value. (Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer1(UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None)) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x8d, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x8e, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf3, 0x31, 0xd0, 0x9a, 0x0] [2597335539] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class QuadratureInputTimer(Timer): """ For reading Quadrature input timers. They are special because their values are signed. (Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to reset the counter. Value: Set to 0, and UpdateReset to True to reset the counter. Returns a signed integer. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> # Setup the two timers to be quadrature >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0Config(8), u3.Timer1Config(8)) Sent: [0x66, 0xf8, 0x5, 0x0, 0x68, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2d, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None, None] >>> # Read the value [0] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.QuadratureInputTimer()) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xf5, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xf5, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0] [-8] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.QuadratureInputTimer()) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x9, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [12] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 8) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.QuadratureInputTimer( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerStopInput1(Timer1): """ For reading a stop input timer. They are special because the value returns the current edge count and the stop value. (Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value. Value: The stop value. Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. Returns a tuple where the first value is current edge count, and the second value is the stop value. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> # Setup the timer to be Stop Input >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer1Config(9, Value = 30)) Sent: [0x50, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x54, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2d, 0x9, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.TimerStopInput1()) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x1b, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [(0, 0)] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 9) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.TimerStopInput1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerConfig(FeedbackCommand): """ This IOType configures a particular timer. timer = # of the timer to configure TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.TimerConfig(timer = 0, TimerMode = 0, Value = 0)) Sent: [0x27, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.TimerConfig(timer = 0, TimerMode = 0, Value = 65535)) Sent: [0x27, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x29, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, timer, TimerMode, Value=0): '''Creates command bytes for configureing a Timer''' #Conditions come from pages 33-34 of user's guide if timer != 0 and timer != 1: raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0 or 1.") if TimerMode > 14 or TimerMode < 0: raise LabJackException("Invalid Timer Mode.") self.timer = timer self.timerMode = TimerMode self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [43 + (timer * 2), TimerMode, Value % 256, Value >> 8] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.TimerConfig( timer = %s, TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer0Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer0. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 1, Value = 0)) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 1, Value = 65535)) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x1, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 0, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer0Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer1Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer1. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer1Config(TimerMode = 6, Value = 1)) Sent: [0x30, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x34, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2d, 0x6, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 1, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer1Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Counter(FeedbackCommand): ''' Counter Feedback command Reads a hardware counter, optionally resetting it counter: 0 or 1 Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(EnableCounter0 = True, FIOAnalog = 15) Sent: [0x5f, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x58, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Response: [0x5a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x53, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 68, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': True} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter(counter = 0, Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [0] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 0 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter(counter = 0, Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xe9, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xec, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [1256] ''' def __init__(self, counter, Reset = False): self.counter = counter self.reset = Reset self.cmdBytes = [ 54 + (counter % 2), int(bool(Reset))] readLen = 4 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Counter( counter = %s, Reset = %s )>" % (self.counter, self.reset) def handle(self, input): inStr = ''.join([chr(x) for x in input]) return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Counter0(Counter): ''' Counter0 Feedback command Reads hardware counter0, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(EnableCounter0 = True, FIOAnalog = 15) Sent: [0x5f, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x58, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Response: [0x5a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x53, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 68, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': True} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter0( Reset = False ) ) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [0] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 0 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter0(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xe, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [17] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 0 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter0(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x19, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [4363] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 0, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Counter0( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset class Counter1(Counter): ''' Counter1 Feedback command Reads hardware counter1, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(EnableCounter1 = True, FIOAnalog = 15) Sent: [0x63, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x5c, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x48, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Response: [0x5e, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x57, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x48, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 72, 'EnableCounter1': True, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter1(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x32, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [0] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 1 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter1(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x32, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfd, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [1] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 1 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter1(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x32, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xb4, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xb7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6b, 0x2b, 0x21, 0x0, 0x0] [2173803] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 1, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Counter0( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset
# Based on u3allio.c import u3 from datetime import datetime import sys numChannels = int(sys.argv[1]) quickSample = 1 longSettling = 0 latestAinValues = [0] * numChannels numIterations = 1000 d = u3.U3() try: #Configure the IOs before the test starts FIOEIOAnalog = ( 2 ** numChannels ) - 1; fios = FIOEIOAnalog & (0xFF) eios = FIOEIOAnalog/256 d.configIO( FIOAnalog = fios, EIOAnalog = eios ) d.getFeedback(u3.PortDirWrite(Direction = [0, 0, 0], WriteMask = [0, 0, 15])) feedbackArguments = [] feedbackArguments.append(u3.DAC0_8(Value = 125)) feedbackArguments.append(u3.PortStateRead()) #Check if the U3 is an HV if d.configU3()['VersionInfo']&18 == 18: isHV = True else: isHV = False for i in range(numChannels): feedbackArguments.append( u3.AIN(i, 31, QuickSample = quickSample, LongSettling = longSettling ) ) #print feedbackArguments start = # Call Feedback 1000 times i = 0 while i < numIterations: results = d.getFeedback( feedbackArguments ) #print results for j in range(numChannels): #Figure out if the channel is low or high voltage to use the correct calibration if isHV == True and j < 4: lowVoltage = False else: lowVoltage = True latestAinValues[j] = d.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(results[ 2 + j ], isLowVoltage = lowVoltage, isSingleEnded = True) i += 1 end = delta = end - start print "Time difference: ", delta dm = delta / numIterations print "Time per iteration: ", dm print "Time per iteration in millis: ", dm.microseconds / 1000.0 print "Latest readings: ", latestAinValues finally: d.close()
import u3, u6 from time import sleep from datetime import datetime import struct # MAX_REQUESTS is the number of packets to be read. # At high frequencies ( >5 kHz), the number of samples will be MAX_REQUESTS times 48 (packets per request) times 25 (samples per packet) MAX_REQUESTS = 75 ################################################################################ ## U3 ## Uncomment these lines to stream from a U3 ################################################################################ #d = u3.U3() # ## to learn the if the U3 is an HV #d.configU3() # ## Set the FIO0 to Analog #d.configIO(FIOAnalog = 1) # #print "configuring U3 stream" #d.streamConfig( NumChannels = 1, PChannels = [ 0 ], NChannels = [ 31 ], Resolution = 3, SampleFrequency = 10000 ) ################################################################################ ## U6 ## Uncomment these lines to stream from a U6 ################################################################################ #d = u6.U6() # ## For applying the proper calibration to readings. #d.getCalibrationData() # #print "configuring U6 stream" # #d.streamConfig( NumChannels = 1, ChannelNumbers = [ 0 ], ChannelOptions = [ 0 ], SettlingFactor = 1, ResolutionIndex = 1, SampleFrequency = 10000 ) try: start = print "start stream", start d.streamStart() missed = 0 start = dataCount = 0 byteCount = 0 for r in d.streamData(): if r is not None: # Our stop condition if dataCount > MAX_REQUESTS: break if r['errors'] != 0: print "Error: %s ; " % r['errors'], if r['numPackets'] != d.packetsPerRequest: print "----- UNDERFLOW : %s : " % r['numPackets'], if r['missed'] != 0: missed += r['missed'] print "+++ Missed ", r['missed'] # Comment out this print and do something with r print "Average of", len(r['AIN0']), "reading(s):", sum(r['AIN0'])/len(r['AIN0']) dataCount += 1 else: # Got no data back from our read. # This only happens if your stream isn't faster than the # the USB read timeout, ~1 sec. print "No data", finally: print "stream stopped." stop = d.streamStop() d.close() total = dataCount * d.packetsPerRequest * d.streamSamplesPerPacket print "%s requests with %s packets per request with %s samples per packet = %s samples total." % ( dataCount, d.packetsPerRequest, d.streamSamplesPerPacket, total ) print "%s samples were lost due to errors." % missed total -= missed print "Adjusted number of samples = %s" % total runTime = (stop-start).seconds + float((stop-start).microseconds)/1000000 print "The experiment took %s seconds." % runTime print "%s samples / %s seconds = %s Hz" % ( total, runTime, float(total)/runTime )
import u6, ue9 from time import sleep # Coefficients # -200 C to 0 C # -5.891 mV to 0 mV # 0.0E0 # 2.5173462E1 # -1.1662878E0 # -1.0833638E0 # -8.977354E-1 # -3.7342377E-1 # -8.6632643E-2 # -1.0450598E-2 # -5.1920577E-4 voltsToTemp1 = (0.0E0, 2.5173462E1, -1.1662878E0, -1.0833638E0, -8.977354E-1, -3.7342377E-1, -8.6632643E-2, -1.0450598E-2, -5.1920577E-4) # 0 C to 500 C # 0 mV to 20.644 mV # 0.0E0 # 2.508355E1 # 7.860106E-2 # -2.503131E-1 # 8.31527E-2 # -1.228034E-2 # 9.804036E-4 # -4.41303E-5 # 1.057734E-6 # -1.052755E-8 voltsToTemp2 = (0.0E0, 2.508355E1, 7.860106E-2, -2.503131E-1, 8.31527E-2, -1.228034E-2, 9.804036E-4, -4.41303E-5, 1.057734E-6, -1.052755E-8) # 500 C to 1372 C # 20.644 mV to 54.886 mV # -1.318058E2 # 4.830222E1 # -1.646031E0 # 5.464731E-2 # -9.650715E-4 # 8.802193E-6 # -3.11081E-8 voltsToTemp3 = (-1.318058E2, 4.830222E1, -1.646031E0, 5.464731E-2, -9.650715E-4, 8.802193E-6, -3.11081E-8) def voltsToTempConstants(mVolts): if mVolts < -5.891 or mVolts > 54.886: raise Exception("Invalid range") if mVolts < 0: return voltsToTemp1 elif mVolts < 20.644: return voltsToTemp2 else: return voltsToTemp3 # -270 C to 0 C # 0E0 # 0.39450128E-1 # 0.236223736E-4 # -0.328589068E-6 # -0.499048288E-8 # -0.675090592E-10 # -0.574103274E-12 # -0.310888729E-14 # -0.104516094E-16 # -0.198892669E-19 # -0.163226975E-22 tempToVolts1 = (0.0E0, 0.39450128E-1, 0.236223736E-4, -0.328589068E-6, -0.499048288E-8, -0.675090592E-10, -0.574103274E-12, -0.310888729E-14, -0.104516094E-16, -0.198892669E-19, -0.163226975E-22) # 0 C to 1372 C # -0.176004137E-1 # 0.38921205E-1 # 0.1855877E-4 # -0.994575929E-7 # 0.318409457E-9 # -0.560728449E-12 # 0.560750591E-15 # -0.3202072E-18 # 0.971511472E-22 # -0.121047213E-25 # # 0.1185976E0 # -0.1183432E-3 # 0.1269686E3 class ExtendedList(list): pass tempToVolts2 = ExtendedList() tempToVolts2.append(-0.176004137E-1) tempToVolts2.append(0.38921205E-1) tempToVolts2.append(0.1855877E-4) tempToVolts2.append(-0.994575929E-7) tempToVolts2.append(0.318409457E-9) tempToVolts2.append(-0.560728449E-12) tempToVolts2.append(0.560750591E-15) tempToVolts2.append(-0.3202072E-18) tempToVolts2.append(0.971511472E-22) tempToVolts2.append(-0.121047213E-25) tempToVolts2.extended = (0.1185976E0, -0.1183432E-3, 0.1269686E3) def tempToVoltsConstants(tempC): if tempC < -270 or tempC > 1372: raise Exception("Invalid range") if tempC < 0: return tempToVolts1 else: return tempToVolts2 def evaluatePolynomial(coeffs, x): sum = 0 y = 1 for a in coeffs: sum += y * a y *= x return sum def tempCToMVolts(tempC): coeffs = tempToVoltsConstants(tempC) if hasattr(coeffs, "extended"): a0, a1, a2 = coeffs.extended import math extendedCalc = a0 * math.exp(a1 * (tempC - a2) * (tempC - a2)) return evaluatePolynomial(coeffs, tempC) + extendedCalc else: return evaluatePolynomial(coeffs, tempC) def mVoltsToTempC(mVolts): coeffs = voltsToTempConstants(mVolts) return evaluatePolynomial(coeffs, mVolts) if __name__ == '__main__': d = u6.U6() for i in range(10): # The cold junction temperature # Important: Must be in Celsius CJTEMPinC = d.getTemperature() + 2.5 - 273.15 # The thermocouple's analog voltage # Important: Must be in millivolts TCmVolts = d.getAIN(0, resolutionIndex = 8, gainIndex = 3) * 1000 print "Cold Junction Temp:", CJTEMPinC print "Voltage (in milivolts):", TCmVolts totalMVolts = TCmVolts + tempCToMVolts(CJTEMPinC) print "Temperature:", mVoltsToTempC(totalMVolts) sleep(1)
""" " Name: " Desc: ( See below ) """ DESC = """ This program will attempt to measure the noise of a provided signal on the U3. This is good if there is ever a question of noise from the labjack or from a signal. The experiment is performed by taking 128 readings in quick succession. The results are then operated on the get the following values: Peak-To-Peak Noise: The difference between the minimum and the maximum of the 128 values. Since all readings should be the same, any variation is noise. Noise Free Resolution (bits): This represents how many bits are noise free. Noise Free Resolution (mV): The smallest value that can be represented noise free. Connect your signal and run this program. After, connect something with an obviously low noise signal ( like a battery ) and runt the program. If you don't have a low-noise signal, you can always jumper two FIO's to Ground and measure the noise as a differential. You'll find that by comparing the two results, the labjack is rarely the reason for noisy readings. On with the test: """ import u3 import math def calcNoiseAndResolution(d, positiveChannel = 0, negitiveChannel = 31): readings = [] cmd = u3.AIN(positiveChannel, negitiveChannel, QuickSample = False, LongSettling = False) for i in xrange(128): readings.append( float(d.getFeedback(cmd)[0])/16 ) #print readings # Peak-To-Peak Noise p2pn = max(readings) - min(readings) # Noise-free resolution in bits if p2pn > 0: nfrbits = 12 - math.log(p2pn, 2) else: nfrbits = 12 # Noise-free resolution in milivolts if d.deviceName.endswith("HV") and positiveChannel < 4: vRange = 20.6 else: if negitiveChannel != 31: vRange = 4.88 else: vRange = 2.44 nfrres = ( vRange / (2**nfrbits) ) * (10 ** 3) return p2pn, nfrbits, nfrres print DESC pos = raw_input("Positive Channel (0-31) [0]: ") try: pos = int(pos) except: pos = 0 neg = raw_input("Negitive Channel (0-31) [31]: ") try: neg = int(neg) except: neg = 31 d = u3.U3() results = calcNoiseAndResolution(d, pos, neg) print "Peak-To-Peak Noise =", results[0] print "Noise Free Resolution (bits) =", results[1] print "Noise Free Resolution (mV) =", results[2] d.close()
""" Name: Intended Device: U6 Desc: An example program that will calculate the values that can be found in Appendix B of the U6 User's Guide. """ import u6 # Import the u6 class import math # Need math for square root and log. from datetime import datetime # The size of the various ranges ranges = [20, 2, 0.2, 0.02] # A nice string representation of each range strRanges = ["+/- 10", "+/- 1", "+/- 0.1", "+/- 0.01"] # Numerical versions of range that the LabJack expects vRanges = range(4) def calcNoiseAndResolution(d, resolutionIndex, voltageRange): """ Takes 128 readings and calculates noise and resolution """ # Make a list to hold our readings readings = [] # The feedback command to send to the device cmd = u6.AIN24AR(15, ResolutionIndex = resolutionIndex, GainIndex = voltageRange, SettlingFactor = 4) start = # Collect 128 samples for i in xrange(128): readings.append(d.getFeedback(cmd)[0]['AIN']) finish = print "%s per sample" % ( (finish-start) / 128) # The Peak-To-Peak Noise is difference between the max and the min. p2pn = max(readings) - min(readings) # Noise-Free resolution in bits follows the formula: nfrbits = 24 - math.log(p2pn, 2) # Noise-Free Resolution (uV) = # <range> / 2 ^ < Noise-Free resolution (bits) > nfrres = ( ranges[voltageRange] / (2**nfrbits) ) * (10 ** 6) # Get the RMS Noise by calculating the standard deviation. mean = sum(readings) / len(readings) rms = 0 for r in readings: rms += (r - mean) ** 2 rms = float(rms)/len(readings) rms = math.sqrt(rms) # Effective Resolution is uses a similar formulas as Noise-Free. erbits = 24 - math.log(rms, 2) erres = ( ranges[voltageRange] / (2**erbits) ) * (10 ** 6) return [ p2pn, nfrbits, nfrres, rms, erbits, erres ] d = u6.U6() # If you have a U6-Pro, this will run though all the Resolution Indexs if d.deviceName.endswith("Pro"): rIndexes = range(1, 13) else: rIndexes = range(1, 9) for i in rIndexes: for r in vRanges: rs = calcNoiseAndResolution(d,i,r) print "Resolution Index = %s, Range = %s:\n\tPeak-To-Peak Noise = %s, Noise-Free Resolution (bits) = %.1f, Noise-Free Resolution (uV) = %.1f\n\tRMS Noise = %i, Effective Resolution (bits) = %.1f, Effective Resolution (uV) = %.1f\n" % (i, strRanges[r], rs[0], rs[1], rs[2], rs[3], rs[4], rs[5] )
""" A class to make working with the DCA-10 easier. More info on the DCA-10 here: """ import LabJackPython, u3, u6, ue9 U3_WIRING_DESCRIPTION = """ Connection on DCA-10 -> Connection on LabJack IN1 -> FIO5 IN2 -> FIO4 EN -> FIO6 GND -> GND CS -> AIN0/FIO0 """ U6_AND_UE9_WIRING_DESCRIPTION = """ Connection on DCA-10 -> Connection on LabJack IN1 -> FIO1 IN2 -> FIO0 EN -> FIO2 GND -> GND CS -> AIN0 """ U6_AND_UE9_WITH_ENCODER_WIRING_DESCRIPTION = """ Connection on DCA-10 -> Connection on LabJack IN1 -> EIO1 IN2 -> FIO2 EN -> EIO0 GND -> GND CS -> AIN0 Encoder1 -> FIO0 Encoder2 -> FIO2 Power -> VS GND -> GND """ class DCA10Exception(Exception): pass class NoDevicesConnectedException(DCA10Exception): pass class InvalidConfigurationException(DCA10Exception): pass class DCA10(object): """ The DCA10 Class provides a nice interface for working with the DCA-10 motor controller and a LabJack. For an example of how to use this class see """ def __init__(self, devType = None, encoderAttached = False): """ Name: DAC10.__init__(devType = None, encoderAttached = False) Args: devType, set to 3 to force use of U3, 6 for U6, 9 for UE9. encoderAttached, set to True if your motor has a quadrature encoder output and you want to use it. Note: This requires the use of the EIOs so a CB15 is required. Also, the U3 only has two timers and is therefore incapable of doing both the PWM to the DCA and Quadrature. Desc: Makes a new instance of the DCA10 class. Examples: To open the first found device, without an encoder: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10() To open the first found U6, without an encoder: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10(devType = 6) To open the first found UE9, with an encoder: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10(devType = 6, encoderAttached = True) """ self.device = None self.encoderAttached = encoderAttached self.directionLine = None self.enableLine = None self.currentLine = None self.enableState = 1 self.directionState = 1 if devType is None: if len(LabJackPython.listAll(3)) != 0: self.device = u3.U3() elif len(LabJackPython.listAll(6)) != 0: self.device = u6.U6() elif len(LabJackPython.listAll(9)) != 0: self.device = ue9.UE9() else: raise NoDevicesConnectedException("Couldn't find any connected devices. Please connect a LabJack and try again.") elif devType == 3: self.device = u3.U3() elif devType == 6: self.device = u6.U6() elif devType == 9: self.device = ue9.UE9() else: raise InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid device type submitted. Got %s expected 3, 6, or 9." % devType) if self.device.devType == 3 and self.encoderAttached: raise InvalidConfigurationException("The U3 does not have enough timers to support an encoder.") if self.device.devType == 3: self.directionLine = 5 self.enableLine = 6 self.currentLine = 0 else: if self.encoderAttached: self.directionLine = 9 self.enableLine = 8 else: self.directionLine = 1 self.enableLine = 2 self.currentLine = 0 # Make sure all the pins are digital, and enable a timer. if self.device.devType == 3: self.device.writeRegister(50590, 1) if self.device.devType == 9: self.device.writeRegister(7000, 1) else: self.device.writeRegister(7000, 2) self.device.writeRegister(7002, 1) # Set the Timer for PWM and Duty Cycle of 0% if self.encoderAttached: self.device.writeRegister(50501, 3) self.device.writeRegister(7100, [8, 0, 8, 0, 0, 65535]) else: self.device.writeRegister(50500, 0) self.device.writeRegister(50501, 1) self.device.writeRegister(7100, [0, 65535]) # Set the direction and enable lines to output. # Don't have to do this because modbus will take care of direction. #self.device.writeRegister(6100 + self.enableLine, 1) #self.device.writeRegister(6100 + self.directionLine, 1) # Set the direction and enable lines high. self.device.writeRegister(6000 + self.enableLine, 1) self.device.writeRegister(6000 + self.directionLine, 1) def startMotor(self, dutyCycle = 1): """ Name: DCA10.startMotor(dutyCycle = 1) Args: dutyCycle, a value between 0-1 representing the duty cycle of the PWM output. ( Controls how fast the motor spins ). Desc: Starts the motor at the specified duty cycle. By default, will start the motor with a 100% duty cycle. Example: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10() >>> d.startMotor(dutyCycle = 0.5) """ if dutyCycle < 0 or dutyCycle > 1: raise InvalidConfigurationException("Duty cycle must be between 0 and 1. Got %s." % dutyCycle) value = int(65535 - (65535 * dutyCycle)) if self.encoderAttached: self.device.writeRegister(7104, [0, value]) else: self.device.writeRegister(7100, [0, value]) if not self.enableState: self.device.writeRegister(6000 + self.enableLine, 1) def stopMotor(self): """ Name: DCA10.stopMotor() Args: None Desc: Sets the enable line low, stopping the motor. Example: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10() >>> d.startMotor(dutyCycle = 0.5) >>> d.stopMotor() """ self.device.writeRegister(6000 + self.enableLine, 0) self.enableState = 0 def toggleDirection(self): """ Name: DCA10.toggleDirection() Args: None Desc: Toggles the direction line, which causes the motor to change directions. Example: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10() >>> d.startMotor(dutyCycle = 0.5) >>> d.toggleDirection() """ self.directionState = not self.directionState self.device.writeRegister(6000 + self.directionLine, self.directionState) def readCurrent(self): """ Name: DCA10.readCurrent() Args: None Desc: Takes a sample off the CS line and applies the offset from the DCA-10 datasheet. Returns a floating point value representing Amps. Example: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10() >>> d.startMotor(dutyCycle = 0.5) >>> print d.readCurrent() 0.018158430290222165 """ return (self.device.readRegister(0 + self.currentLine) * 3.7596 ) def readEncoder(self): """ Name: DCA10.readEncoder() Args: None Desc: Reads the current value of the quadrature encoder. Raises a DCA10Exception if the encoder is not attached. Example: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10(encoderAttached = True) >>> d.startMotor(dutyCycle = 0.5) >>> print d.readEncoder() 3925 """ if self.encoderAttached: return self.device.readRegister(7200) else: raise DCA10Exception("You cannot read the Quadrature Encoder when it is not connected.") def wiringDescription(self): """ Name: DCA10.wiringDescription() Args: None Desc: Returns a string that describes how the DCA-10 should be wired to the LabJack. Example: >>> import dca10 >>> d = dca10.DCA10(devType = 6) >>> print d.wiringDescription() Connection on DCA-10 -> Connection on LabJack IN1 -> FIO1 IN2 -> FIO0 EN -> FIO2 GND -> GND CS -> AIN0 """ if self.device.devType == 3: return U3_WIRING_DESCRIPTION elif self.encoderAttached: return U6_AND_UE9_WITH_ENCODER_WIRING_DESCRIPTION else: return U6_AND_UE9_WIRING_DESCRIPTION
#!/usr/bin/env python # # # This program demonstrates how to sample data from a USB LabJack and # log it to CloudDot using CloudDot's REST API. # # Requirements: # # 1. A U3 (You can modify the code to use another LabJack.) # 2. A UNIX-compatible computer (Replace the signal.SIGALRM usage with sleep() on another platform) # 3. The httplib2 Python module. Install it via # $ sudo easy_install httplib2 # or download it from # # 4. A CloudDot account. Start with the walkthrough and tutorial if you don't have one yet: # # 5. Details from your CloudDot account: # a. Username # b. API Key (on your Account page) # c. A channel nickname from a virtual channel (make a virtual channel on your Channels page) # # For information on the CloudDot REST API, visit: # # Replace these three fields CLOUDDOT_USERNAME = "" CLOUDDOT_API_KEY = "01234567890123456789" CLOUDDOT_CHANNEL = "Temperature" SAMPLE_INTERVAL = 30 # Sample and post to CloudDot after this time in seconds MODBUS_REGISTER = 0 # Read from this register to get the data. See import u3 import signal from datetime import datetime from httplib2 import Http from urllib import urlencode def sampleAndPost(*args): print "----- Gathering sample at", reading = d.readRegister(MODBUS_REGISTER) print "===== Read", reading data = dict(value = reading) # Here is the call that posts to CloudDot resp, content = h.request(writeUrl, "POST", urlencode(data)) print "+++++ Post to CloudDot at",, "Response status:", resp["status"] if resp["status"].startswith('2') == False: raise Exception("Post failed; check your CloudDot username, API key, and channel. Response status was: %s" % (resp["status"],)) print d = u3.U3() writeUrl = "" % (CLOUDDOT_USERNAME, CLOUDDOT_CHANNEL) h = Http() h.add_credentials(CLOUDDOT_USERNAME, CLOUDDOT_API_KEY) # Call it once at first because we're impatient sampleAndPost() # Set it up to call every SAMPLE_INTERVAL signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sampleAndPost) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, SAMPLE_INTERVAL, SAMPLE_INTERVAL) while True: signal.pause()
# Based on u6allio.c import u6 from datetime import datetime import sys numChannels = int(sys.argv[1]) resolutionIndex = 1 gainIndex = 0 settlingFactor = 0 differential = False latestAinValues = [0] * numChannels numIterations = 1000 d = u6.U6() d.getCalibrationData() try: #Configure the IOs before the test starts FIOEIOAnalog = ( 2 ** numChannels ) - 1; fios = FIOEIOAnalog & (0xFF) eios = FIOEIOAnalog/256 d.getFeedback(u6.PortDirWrite(Direction = [0, 0, 0], WriteMask = [0, 0, 15])) feedbackArguments = [] feedbackArguments.append(u6.DAC0_8(Value = 125)) feedbackArguments.append(u6.PortStateRead()) for i in range(numChannels): feedbackArguments.append( u6.AIN24(i, resolutionIndex, gainIndex, settlingFactor, differential) ) start = # Call Feedback 1000 times i = 0 while i < numIterations: results = d.getFeedback( feedbackArguments ) for j in range(numChannels): latestAinValues[j] = d.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(gainIndex, results[ 2 + j ]) i += 1 end = delta = end - start print "Time difference: ", delta dm = delta / numIterations print "Time per iteration: ", dm print "Time per iteration in millis: ", dm.microseconds / 1000.0 print "Latest readings: ", latestAinValues finally: d.close()
""" " An example program to show you how easy it is to work with Modbus on a " LabJack. " " Be sure to check out the Modbus map ( for a " full list of registers. """ import u3, u6, ue9 import random if __name__ == '__main__': print "This program shows how to work with modbus and your device. Registers are taken directly from the Modbus map (\n" print "Opening device...", d = u3.U3() # Opens first found U3 over USB #d = u6.U6() # Opens first found U6 over USB #d = ue9.UE9() # Opens first found UE9 over USB # Opens a UE9 at IP Address #d = ue9.UE9( ethernet = True, ipAddress = "") print "Done\n" isU3 = False if isinstance(d, u3.U3): isU3 = True if isU3: print "Setting FIO0-3 to analog, and the rest to digital...", d.writeRegister(50590, 15) print "Done\n" # Reading Analog Inputs. print "Analog Inputs:" for i in range(4): register = 0 + i*2 # Starting register 0, 2 registers at a time print "AIN%s (register %s): %s" % (i, register, d.readRegister(register)) # Reading Digital I/O print "\nDigital I/O:" for i in range(4): dirRegister = 6100 + i # Starting register 6100, 1 register at a time stateRegister = 6000 + i # Starting register 6000, 1 register at a time fio = i if isU3: fio = i+4 dirRegister = 6100 + 4 + i stateRegister = 6000 + 4 + i print "FIO%s (register %s) Direction: %s" % (fio, dirRegister, d.readRegister(dirRegister)) state = d.readRegister(stateRegister) print "FIO%s (register %s) State: %s" % (fio, stateRegister, state) if state == 0: state = 1 wordState = "high" else: state = 0 wordState = "low" print "Setting FIO%s to output %s (register %s = %s )..." % (fio, wordState, stateRegister, state), d.writeRegister(stateRegister, state) print "Done" print "FIO%s (register %s) Direction: %s" % (fio, dirRegister, d.readRegister(dirRegister)) print "FIO%s (register %s) State: %s\n" % (fio, stateRegister, d.readRegister(stateRegister)) # Seed the random number generator. Has nothing to do with modbus random.seed() # Reading and writing to a DAC print "\nReading and writing to DACs:" for i in range(2): dacRegister = 5000 + i*2 # Starting register 5000, 2 registers at a time print "DAC%s (register %s) reads %s Volts." % (i, dacRegister, d.readRegister(dacRegister)) voltage = float("%s.%s" % (random.randint(0,4), random.randint(0,9)) ) print "Setting DAC%s to %s Volts..." % (i, voltage), d.writeRegister(dacRegister, voltage) print "Done" print "DAC%s (register %s) reads %s Volts.\n" % (i, dacRegister, d.readRegister(dacRegister))
# An example script to show how to output a sine wave using a DAC. # Because we have to do it all in software, there are limitations on how fast # we can update the DAC. Update intervals faster than 5 ms may give weird # results because of the large percentage of missed updates. # # Note: This example uses signal.setitimer() and signal.alarm(), and therefore # requires Python 2.6 on Unix to run. See: # # # # When changing the update interval and frequency, consider how your values # effect the waveform. A slow update interval coupled with a fast frequency # can result in strange behavior. Try to keep the period (1/frequency) much # greater than update interval. # Constants. Change these to change the results: # Controls how fast the DAC will be updated, in seconds. UPDATE_INTERVAL = 0.005 # The frequency of the sine wave, in Hz FREQUENCY = 10 # Imports: import u3, u6, ue9 # For working with the U3 import signal # For timing import math # For sin function from datetime import datetime # For printing times if __name__ == '__main__': print "This program will attempt to generate a sine wave with a frequency of %s Hz, updating once every %s seconds." % (FREQUENCY, UPDATE_INTERVAL) print "Opening LabJack...", # Open up our LabJack d = u3.U3() #d = u6.U6() #d = ue9.UE9() print "Done" # Make a class to keep track of variables and the like class DacSetter(object): def __init__(self, frequency, updateInterval): self.count = 0 self.dac = 0 self.setDacCount = 0 self.go = True # Points between peaks (pbp) pbp = (float(1)/frequency)/updateInterval # Figure out how many degrees per update we need to go. self.step = float(360)/pbp # Stupid sin function only takes radians... but I think in degrees. self.degToRad = ( (2*math.pi) / 360 ) def setDac(self): # calculate the value to put in the sin value = (self.setDacCount * self.step) * self.degToRad # Writes the dac. self.dac = d.writeRegister(5000, 2.5+2*math.sin(value)) # Count measures how many successful updates occurred. self.count += 1 # Lower the go flag self.go = False def handleSetDac(self, signum, frame): # This function gets called every UPDATE_INTERVAL seconds. # Raise the go flag. self.go = True # setDacCount measures how many times the timer went off. self.setDacCount += 1 # Create our DacSetter dacs = DacSetter(FREQUENCY, UPDATE_INTERVAL) # Set up the signals signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, dacs.handleSetDac) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, UPDATE_INTERVAL, UPDATE_INTERVAL) # Run for ~10 seconds. Expect about 2 extra seconds of overhead. signalcount = int(10/UPDATE_INTERVAL) # Print the current time, just to let you know something is happening. print "Start:", for i in xrange(signalcount): # Wait for signal to be received signal.pause() # If the dacs flag is set, set the dac. if dacs.go: dacs.setDac() # Print the stop time, in case you wanted to know. print "Stop:", # Done with the timer, let's turn it off. signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0) # Print short summary of the difference between how may updates were # expected and how many occurred. print "# of Updates = %s, # of signals = %s" % (dacs.count, dacs.setDacCount) print "The closer the number of updates is to the number of signals, the better your waveform will be."
""" An example showing how to work with a DCA-10 Motor Controller. More info on the DCA-10 here: See the for more information on the DCA10 class. """ import dca10 from time import sleep from time import time r = raw_input("Do you have an encoder to connect to the LabJack? [y/N] ") ea = False if r.lower().strip().startswith('y'): ea = True print "Opening device, and configuring it for the DCA-10...", d = dca10.DCA10(encoderAttached = ea) print "Done\n" print "Before we begin, please insure that the DCA-10 is wired to the LabJack as follows:" print d.wiringDescription() r = raw_input("Press enter key when ready.") print "Starting motor at 50%...", d.startMotor(0.50) print "Done" sleep(3) print "Changing motor direction...", d.toggleDirection() print "Done" sleep(3) print "Reading current usage...", usage = d.readCurrent() print "Done" print "The current drawn by the DCA-10 is %0.4f Amps" % usage sleep(3) print "Increasing motor speed to 100%...", d.startMotor(1) print "Done" sleep(3) if ea: print "Measuring RPM...", a = int(time()) s = d.readEncoder() sleep(2) f = d.readEncoder() b = int(time()) cps = float(f-s)/float(b-a) cpm = cps * 60 print "Done" print "Motor spinning at %s CPM (%s Counts Per Second)." % (cpm, cps) print "Decreasing motor speed to 50%...", d.startMotor(0.50) print "Done" sleep(3) print "Measuring RPM...", a = int(time()) s = d.readEncoder() sleep(2) f = d.readEncoder() b = int(time()) cps = float(f-s)/float(b-a) cpm = cps * 60 print "Done" print "Motor spinning at %s CPM (%s Counts Per Second)." % (cpm, cps) sleep(3) print "Stopping Motor...", d.stopMotor() print "Done"
""" Runs through the whole range of PWM Duty Cycles For the complete modbus map, visit the Modbus support page: Note: Low-level commands that are commented out work only for U6/U3. UE9 is a little more complicated. """ import u3, u6, ue9 from time import sleep # Open the LabJack. Comment out all but one of these: d = ue9.UE9() #d = u3.U3() #d = u6.U6() if d.devType == 9: # Set the timer clock to be the system clock with a given divisor d.writeRegister(7000, 1) d.writeRegister(7002, 15) else: # Set the timer clock to be 4 MHz with a given divisor #d.configTimerClock( TimerClockBase = 4, TimerClockDivisor = 15) d.writeRegister(7000, 4) d.writeRegister(7002, 15) # Enable the timer #d.configIO( NumberTimersEnabled = 1 ) d.writeRegister(50501, 1) # Configure the timer for PWM, starting with a duty cycle of 0.0015%. baseValue = 65535 #d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 0, Value = baseValue) ) d.writeRegister(7100, [0, baseValue]) # Loop, updating the duty cycle every time. for i in range(65): currentValue = baseValue - (i * 1000) dutyCycle = ( float(65536 - currentValue) / 65535 ) * 100 print "Duty Cycle = %s%%" % dutyCycle #d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0( Value = currentValue, UpdateReset = True ) ) d.writeRegister(7200, currentValue) sleep(0.3) print "Duty Cycle = 100%" #d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0( Value = 0, UpdateReset = True ) ) d.writeRegister(7200, 0) # Close the device. d.close
""" This example uses Python's built-in threading module to reach faster streaming speeds than On a Ubuntu 9.10 machine with a AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+, we got speeds up to 50kHz. On a Mac OS 10.6 machine with a 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, we got speeds up to 50kHz. On a Mac OS 10.5 machine with a 1.42 GHz G4 Processor, we saw max speeds of about 40kHz. """ import u3, u6, LabJackPython from time import sleep from datetime import datetime import struct import threading import Queue import ctypes, copy, sys # MAX_REQUESTS is the number of packets to be read. # At high frequencies ( >5 kHz), the number of samples will be MAX_REQUESTS times 48 (packets per request) times 25 (samples per packet) MAX_REQUESTS = 2500 d = None ################################################################################ ## U3 ## Uncomment these lines to stream from a U3 ################################################################################ #d = u3.U3() # ## to learn the if the U3 is an HV #d.configU3() # ## Set the FIO0 to Analog #d.configIO(FIOAnalog = 1) # #print "configuring U3 stream" #d.streamConfig( NumChannels = 1, PChannels = [ 0 ], NChannels = [ 31 ], Resolution = 3, SampleFrequency = 50000 ) ################################################################################ ## U6 ## Uncomment these lines to stream from a U6 ################################################################################ #d = u6.U6() # ## For applying the proper calibration to readings. #d.getCalibrationData() # #print "configuring U6 stream" #d.streamConfig( NumChannels = 1, ChannelNumbers = [ 0 ], ChannelOptions = [ 0 ], SettlingFactor = 1, ResolutionIndex = 1, SampleFrequency = 50000 ) if d is None: print "Configure a device first.\nPlease open in a text editor and uncomment the lines for your device, starting at about line 16.\n\nExiting..." sys.exit(0) class StreamDataReader(object): def __init__(self, device): self.device = device = Queue.Queue() self.dataCount = 0 self.missed = 0 self.running = False def readStreamData(self): self.running = True start = self.device.streamStart() while self.running: # Calling with convert = False, because we are going to convert in # the main thread. returnDict = self.device.streamData(convert = False).next() self.dataCount += 1 if self.dataCount > MAX_REQUESTS: self.running = False print "stream stopped." self.device.streamStop() stop = total = self.dataCount * self.device.packetsPerRequest * self.device.streamSamplesPerPacket print "%s requests with %s packets per request with %s samples per packet = %s samples total." % ( self.dataCount, d.packetsPerRequest, d.streamSamplesPerPacket, total ) print "%s samples were lost due to errors." % self.missed total -= self.missed print "Adjusted number of samples = %s" % total runTime = (stop-start).seconds + float((stop-start).microseconds)/1000000 print "The experiment took %s seconds." % runTime print "%s samples / %s seconds = %s Hz" % ( total, runTime, float(total)/runTime ) sdr = StreamDataReader(d) sdrThread = threading.Thread(target = sdr.readStreamData) # Start the stream and begin loading the result into a Queue sdrThread.start() errors = 0 missed = 0 while True: try: # Check if the thread is still running if not sdr.running: break # Pull results out of the Queue in a blocking manner. result =, 1) # If there were errors, print that. if result['errors'] != 0: errors += result['errors'] missed += result['missed'] print "+++++ Total Errors: %s, Total Missed: %s" % (errors, missed) # Convert the raw bytes (result['result']) to voltage data. r = d.processStreamData(result['result']) # Do some processing on the data to show off. print "Average of", len(r['AIN0']), "reading(s):", sum(r['AIN0'])/len(r['AIN0']) except Queue.Empty: print "Queue is empty. Stopping..." sdr.running = False break except KeyboardInterrupt: sdr.running = False except Exception, e: print type(e), e sdr.running = False break
""" Name: EI1050 Desc: A few simple classes to handle communication with the EI1050 probe """ import threading import time import sys import u3 import u6 import ue9 class EI1050: """ EI1050 class to simplify communication with an EI1050 probe """ U3 = 3 U6 = 6 UE9 = 9 U3_STRING = "U3" U6_STRING = "U6" UE9_STRING = "UE9" U3_DEFAULT_DATA_PIN_NUM = 4 U3_DEFAULT_CLOCK_PIN_NUM = 5 U3_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PIN_NUM = 7 U6_DEFAULT_DATA_PIN_NUM = 0 U6_DEFAULT_CLOCK_PIN_NUM = 1 U6_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PIN_NUM = 3 UE9_DEFAULT_DATA_PIN_NUM = 0 UE9_DEFAULT_CLOCK_PIN_NUM = 1 UE9_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PIN_NUM = 3 FIO_PIN_STATE = 0 def __init__(self, device, autoUpdate=True, enablePinNum=-1, dataPinNum = -1, clockPinNum = -1, shtOptions = 0xc0): self.device = device self.autoUpdate = autoUpdate self.dataPinNum = dataPinNum self.clockPinNum = clockPinNum self.shtOptions = shtOptions self.enablePinNum = enablePinNum self.curState = { 'StatusReg' : None, 'StatusCRC' : None, 'Temperature' : None, 'TemperatureCRC' : None, 'Humidity' : None, 'HumidityCRC' : None } # Determine device type if self.device.__class__.__name__ == EI1050.U3_STRING: self.deviceType = EI1050.U3 elif self.device.__class__.__name__ == EI1050.U6_STRING: self.deviceType = EI1050.U6 elif self.device.__class__.__name__ == EI1050.UE9_STRING: self.deviceType = EI1050.UE9 else: raise TypeError('Invalid device passed. Can not get default values.') # If not specified otherwise, use class default for the data pin number if self.enablePinNum == -1: if self.deviceType == EI1050.U3: self.enablePinNum = EI1050.U3_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PIN_NUM elif self.deviceType == EI1050.U6: self.enablePinNum = EI1050.U6_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PIN_NUM elif self.deviceType == EI1050.UE9: self.enablePinNum = EI1050.UE9_DEFAULT_ENABLE_PIN_NUM else: raise TypeError('Invalid device passed. Can not get default values.') # If not specified otherwise, use class default for the data pin number if self.dataPinNum == -1: if self.deviceType == EI1050.U3: self.dataPinNum = EI1050.U3_DEFAULT_DATA_PIN_NUM elif self.deviceType == EI1050.U6: self.dataPinNum = EI1050.U6_DEFAULT_DATA_PIN_NUM elif self.deviceType == EI1050.UE9: self.dataPinNum = EI1050.UE9_DEFAULT_DATA_PIN_NUM else: raise TypeError('Invalid device passed. Can not get default values.') # If not specified otherwise, use class default for the clock pin number if self.clockPinNum == -1: if self.deviceType == EI1050.U3: self.clockPinNum = EI1050.U3_DEFAULT_CLOCK_PIN_NUM elif self.deviceType == EI1050.U6: self.clockPinNum = EI1050.U6_DEFAULT_CLOCK_PIN_NUM elif self.deviceType == EI1050.UE9: self.clockPinNum = EI1050.UE9_DEFAULT_CLOCK_PIN_NUM else: raise TypeError('Invalid device passed. Can not get default values.') # Set U3 pins if self.deviceType == EI1050.U3: self.device.configIO(FIOAnalog = EI1050.FIO_PIN_STATE) # Set to write out if self.deviceType == EI1050.U3: self.device.getFeedback(u3.BitDirWrite(self.enablePinNum,1)) elif self.deviceType == EI1050.U6: self.device.getFeedback(u6.BitDirWrite(self.enablePinNum,1)) def enableAutoUpdate(self): """ Name: EI1050.enableAutoUpdate() Desc: Turns on automatic updating of readings """ self.autoUpdate = True def disableAutoUpdate(self): """ Name: EI1050.disableAutoUpdate() Desc: Truns off automatic updating of readings """ self.autoUpdate = False def getStatus(self): """ Name: EI1050.getStatus() Desc: A read of the SHT1x status register """ if self.autoUpdate: self.update() return self.curState['StatusReg'] def getStatusCRC(self): """ Name: EI1050.getStatusCRC() Desc: Get cyclic reduancy check for status """ if self.autoUpdate: self.update() return self.curState['StatusCRC'] def getTemperature(self): """ Name: EI1050.getTemperature() Desc: Get a temperature reading from the EI1050 probe """ if self.autoUpdate: self.update() return self.curState['Temperature'] def getTemperatureCRC(self): """ Name: EI1050.getStatusCRC() Desc: Get cyclic redundancy check for temperature reading """ if self.autoUpdate: self.update() return self.curState['TemperatureCRC'] def getHumidity(self): """ Name: EI1050.getHumidity() Desc: Get a humidity reading from the EI1050 probe """ if self.autoUpdate: self.update() return self.curState['Humidity'] def getHumidityCRC(self): """ Name: EI1050.getHumidityCRC() Desc: Get cyclic redundancy check for humidity reading """ if self.autoUpdate: self.update() return self.curState['HumidityCRC'] def getReading(self): """ Name: EI1050.getReading() Desc: Get a reading and create a Reading object with the information """ if self.autoUpdate: self.update() if self.curState.has_key('StatusCRC'): return Reading(self.curState['StatusReg'], self.curState['StatusCRC'], self.curState['Temperature'], self.curState['TemperatureCRC'], self.curState['Humidity'], self.curState['HumidityCRC']) else: return Reading(self.curState['StatusReg'], 0, self.curState['Temperature'], self.curState['TemperatureCRC'], self.curState['Humidity'], self.curState['HumidityCRC']) def update(self): """ Name: EI1050.update() Desc: Gets a fresh set of readings from this probe """ self.writeBitState(self.enablePinNum,1) # Enable the probe self.curState = self.device.sht1x(self.dataPinNum, self.clockPinNum, self.shtOptions) self.writeBitState(self.enablePinNum,0) # Disable the probe def writeBitState(self, pinNum, state): """ Name: EI1050.writeBitState(pinNum, state) Desc: Device independent way to write bit state """ if self.deviceType == EI1050.U3: self.device.getFeedback(u3.BitStateWrite(pinNum,state)) elif self.deviceType == EI1050.U6: self.device.getFeedback(u6.BitStateWrite(pinNum,state)) elif self.deviceType == EI1050.UE9: self.device.singleIO(1, pinNum, Dir=1, State=state) class Reading: """ A class that represents a reading taken from an EI1050 probe """ def __init__(self, status, statusCRC, temperature, temperatureCRC, humidity, humidityCRC): self.__status = status self.__statusCRC = statusCRC self.__temperature = temperature self.__temperatureCRC = temperatureCRC self.__humidity = humidity self.__humidityCRC = humidityCRC def getStatus(self): """ Name: Reading.getStatus() Desc: Returns that status of the EI1050 probe at the time of this reading """ return self.__status def getStatusCRC(self): """ Name: Reading.getStatusCRC() Desc: Get the cyclic reduancy check for status at the time of this reading """ return self.__statusCRC def getTemperature(self): """ Name: Reading.getTemperature() Desc: Get the temperature reported by the EI1050 probe at the time of this reading """ return self.__temperature def getTemperatureCRC(self): """ Name: Reading.getStatusCRC() Desc: Get cyclic redundancy check for the temperature reading """ return self.__temperatureCRC def getHumidity(self): """ Name: Reading.getHumidity() Desc: Get the humidity reported by the EI1050 probe at the time of this reading """ return self.__humidity def getHumidityCRC(self): """ Name: Reading.getHumidityCRC() Desc: Get cyclic redundancy check for humidity reading """ return self.__humidityCRC class EI1050Reader(threading.Thread): """ A simple threading class to read EI1050 values """ def __init__(self, device, targetQueue, readingDelay=1, autoUpdate=True, enablePinNum=-1, dataPinNum = -1, clockPinNum = -1, shtOptions = 0xc0): try: self.readingDelay = readingDelay # How long to wait between reads (in sec) self.targetQueue = targetQueue # The queue in which readings will be placed self.probe = EI1050(device, autoUpdate, enablePinNum, dataPinNum, clockPinNum, shtOptions) self.running = False self.exception = None threading.Thread.__init__(self, group=None) except: self.exception = sys.exc_info() def stop(self): """ Stops this thread's activity. Note: this may not be immediate """ self.running = False def run(self): self.running = True while self.running: try: self.targetQueue.put(self.probe.getReading()) time.sleep(self.readingDelay) except: self.exception = sys.exc_info() self.stop() break
""" Name: ei1050SampleApp Desc: A simple GUI application to demonstrate the usage of the ei1050 and LabJack Python modules. For an example of using the Labjack Python module directly look at the source code of """ import sys from Queue import Queue from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox try: import LabJackPython from u3 import * from u6 import * from ue9 import * from ei1050 import * except: tkMessageBox.showerror("Driver error", "The driver could not be imported.\nIf you are on windows, please install the UD driver from") class MainWindow: """ The main window of the application """ FONT_SIZE = 10 FIO_PIN_STATE = 0 # for u3 FONT = "Arial" def __init__(self): # Basic setup self.window = Tk() self.window.title("EI1050 Sample Application") self.readingsFrame = Frame(height=500, width=2000, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN) self.readingsFrame.pack(side=LEFT) self.buttonsFrame = Frame(height=500, width=500, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN) self.buttonsFrame.pack(side=RIGHT) # Readings frame Label(self.readingsFrame, text="Device Serial Number:", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) Label(self.readingsFrame, text="Temperature:", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) Label(self.readingsFrame, text="Humidity:", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) Label(self.readingsFrame, text="Probe Status:", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=3, column=0,sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) Label(self.readingsFrame, text="(c) 2009 Labjack Corp. ", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) self.serialDisplay = Label(self.readingsFrame, text="", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.serialDisplay.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) self.tempDisplay = Label(self.readingsFrame, text="", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.tempDisplay.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) self.humidDisplay = Label(self.readingsFrame, text="", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.humidDisplay.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) self.statusDisplay = Label(self.readingsFrame, text="", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.statusDisplay.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) # Buttons frame self.startButton = Button(self.buttonsFrame, text="Start", command=self.start, font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.startButton.grid(row=0, column=0) Label(self.readingsFrame, text="", font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=2, column=0) self.instructionsButton = Button(self.buttonsFrame, text="Instructions", command=self.showInstructions, font=(MainWindow.FONT, MainWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.instructionsButton.grid(row=2, column=0) #self.deviceSelection = StringVar(self.window) #self.deviceSelection.set("U3") #OptionMenu(self.buttonsFrame, self.deviceSelection, "U3", "U6", "UE9").grid(row=2, column=0) # Ensure the exsistance of a thread, queue, and device variable self.targetQueue = Queue() self.thread = None self.device = None # Determine if we are reading data self.reading = False # Start mainloop self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.window.mainloop() def start(self): """ Name:MainWindow.start() Desc:Starts reading values from EI1050 probe """ try: # Get device selection #if self.deviceSelection.get() == "U3": self.device = U3() #elif self.deviceSelection.get() == "U6": self.device = U6() #else: self.device = UE9() if len(LabJackPython.listAll(3)) > 0: self.device = U3() elif len(LabJackPython.listAll(6)) > 0: self.device = U6() else: self.device = UE9() self.serialDisplay.config(text=self.device.serialNumber) #if self.deviceSelection.get() == "U6" or self.deviceSelection.get() == "U3": self.device.setToFactoryDefaults() #if len(LabJackPython.listAll(3)) > 0: # print MainWindow.FIO_PIN_STATE # self.device.configU3(FIOAnalog = MainWindow.FIO_PIN_STATE) # Create and start the thread self.thread = EI1050Reader(self.device, self.targetQueue) # Start scheduleing self.window.after(1000,self.updateLabels) self.thread.start() # Change button self.startButton.config(text="Stop", command=self.stop) except: showErrorWindow(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) def stop(self): """ Name:MainWindow.stop() Desc: Stops reading values from EI1050 probe """ self.thread.stop() self.thread.join() self.device.close() self.startButton.config(text="Start", command=self.start) def updateLabels(self): """ Name:MainWindow.updateLabels() Desc: Gets the latest reading from the readings queue and display it """ # Check for errors if self.thread.exception != None: showErrorWindow(self.thread.exception[0], self.thread.exception[1]) else: # Change out the display latestReading = None while not self.targetQueue.empty(): latestReading = self.targetQueue.get() if latestReading != None: self.tempDisplay.config(text = str(latestReading.getTemperature()) + " deg C") self.humidDisplay.config(text = str(latestReading.getHumidity()) + " %") self.statusDisplay.config(text = str(latestReading.getStatus())) self.window.after(1000,self.updateLabels) def showInstructions(self): tkMessageBox.showinfo("Instructions", '''U3 SHT configured with pins as follows: Green(Data) -- FIO4 White(Clock) -- FIO5 Black(GND) -- GND Red(Power) -- FIO7 Brown(Enable) -- FIO7 U6/UE9 SHT configured with pins as follows: Green(Data) -- FIO0 White(Clock) -- FIO1 Black(GND) -- GND Red(Power) -- FIO3 Brown(Enable) -- FIO3''') def close(self): try: if self.thread != None: self.thread.stop() self.thread.join() if self.device != None: self.device.close() except: print "error terminating app" finally: self.window.destroy() def showErrorWindow(title, info): """ Name:showErrorWindow() Desc:Shows an error popup for last exception encountered """ tkMessageBox.showerror(title, str(info) + "\n\nPlease check your wiring. If you need help, click instructions.") MainWindow()
""" Name: LJTickDAC Desc: A simple GUI application to demonstrate the usage of the I2C and LabJack Python modules to set the value of DACA and DACB in a LJ-TickDAC """ import time import sys from threading import Thread from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox # Attempt to load the labjack driver try: import LabJackPython from u3 import * from u6 import * from ue9 import * except: tkMessageBox.showerror("Driver error", "The driver could not be imported.\nIf you are on windows, please install the UD driver from") sys.exit() def toDouble(buffer): """ Name: toDouble(buffer) Args: buffer, an array with 8 bytes Desc: Converts the 8 byte array into a floating point number. """ if type(buffer) == type(''): bufferStr = buffer[:8] else: bufferStr = ''.join(chr(x) for x in buffer[:8]) dec, wh = struct.unpack('<Ii', bufferStr) return float(wh) + float(dec)/2**32 class LJTickDAC(Tk): """ Name: LJTickDAC Desc: A simple GUI application to demonstrate the usage of the I2C and LabJack Python modules to set the value of DACA and DACB in a LJ-TickDAC """ U3 = 3 U6 = 6 UE9 = 9 AUTO = 0 FONT_SIZE = 10 FONT = "Arial" AIN_PIN_DEFAULT = -1 # AIN must be configured DAC_PIN_DEFAULT = 0 U3_DAC_PIN_OFFSET = 4 EEPROM_ADDRESS = 0x50 DAC_ADDRESS = 0x12 def __init__(self): # Create the window Tk.__init__(self) self.title("LJTickDAC") # Create and place labels Label(self, text="Serial Num:", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.serialDisplay = Label(self, font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE), text="please wait...",) self.serialDisplay.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) Label(self, text="DAC A:", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Label(self, text="DAC B:", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.ainALabel = Label(self, text="AIN:", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)) self.ainALabel.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) self.ainDisplay = Label(self, text="not configured", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)) self.ainDisplay.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W) # Create and place entry boxes self.dacAEntry = Entry(self, font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)) self.dacAEntry.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E+W) self.dacBEntry = Entry(self, font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)) self.dacBEntry.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=E+W) # Create and place buttons Button(self, text="Setup", command=self.showSetup, font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W) Button(self, text="Apply Changes", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE), comman=self.updateDevice).grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=E+W) Label(self, text="(c) 2009 Labjack Corp. ", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W, padx=1, pady=1) # Set defaults self.ainPin = LJTickDAC.AIN_PIN_DEFAULT self.dacPin = LJTickDAC.DAC_PIN_DEFAULT # Create a variable for the ain read thread self.ainReadThread = None # load the devices self.loadFirstDevice() # Organize cleanup self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cleanUp) # Show settings window self.searchForDevices() settingsWindow = SettingsWindow(self, self.deviceType, self.dacPin, self.ainPin, self.u3Available, self.u6Available, self.ue9Available) try: settingsWindow.attributes('-topmost', True) except: pass def updateDevice(self): """ Name: updateDevice() Desc: Changes DACA and DACB to the amounts specified by the user """ # Determine pin numbers if self.deviceType == self.U3: sclPin = self.dacPin + LJTickDAC.U3_DAC_PIN_OFFSET sdaPin = sclPin + 1 else: sclPin = self.dacPin sdaPin = sclPin + 1 # Get voltage for DACA try:voltageA = float(self.dacAEntry.get()) except: self.showErrorWindow("Invalid entry", "Please enter a numerical value for DAC A") return # Get voltage DACB try:voltageB = float(self.dacBEntry.get()) except: self.showErrorWindow("Invalid entry", "Please enter a numerical value for DAC B") return # Make requests try: self.device.i2c(LJTickDAC.DAC_ADDRESS, [48, int(((voltageA*self.aSlope)+self.aOffset)/256), int(((voltageA*self.aSlope)+self.aOffset)%256)], SDAPinNum = sdaPin, SCLPinNum = sclPin) self.device.i2c(LJTickDAC.DAC_ADDRESS, [49, int(((voltageB*self.bSlope)+self.bOffset)/256), int(((voltageB*self.bSlope)+self.bOffset)%256)], SDAPinNum = sdaPin, SCLPinNum = sclPin) except: self.showErrorWindow("I2C Error", "Whoops! Something went wrong when setting the LJTickDAC. Is the device detached?\n\nPython error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) self.showSetup() def searchForDevices(self): """ Name: searchForDevices() Desc: Determines which devices are available """ self.u3Available = len(LabJackPython.listAll(LJTickDAC.U3)) > 0 self.u6Available = len(LabJackPython.listAll(LJTickDAC.U6)) > 0 self.ue9Available = len(LabJackPython.listAll(LJTickDAC.UE9)) > 0 def loadFirstDevice(self): """ Name: loadFirstDevice() Desc: Determines which devices are available and loads the first one found """ try: self.searchForDevices() # Determine which device to use if self.u3Available: self.deviceType = LJTickDAC.U3 elif self.u6Available: self.deviceType = LJTickDAC.U6 elif self.ue9Available: self.deviceType = LJTickDAC.UE9 else: self.showErrorWindow("Fatal Error", "No LabJacks were found to be connected to your computer.\nPlease check your wiring and try again.") sys.exit() self.loadDevice(self.deviceType) except: self.showErrorWindow("Fatal Error - First Load", "Python error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) sys.exit() def loadDevice(self, deviceType): """ Name: loadDevice(deviceType) Desc: loads the first device of device type """ self.deviceType = deviceType # Determine which device to use if self.deviceType == LJTickDAC.U3: self.device = U3() elif self.deviceType == LJTickDAC.U6: self.device = U6() else: self.device = UE9() # Display serial number self.serialDisplay.config(text=self.device.serialNumber) # Configure pins if U3 if self.deviceType == LJTickDAC.U3: self.device.configIO(FIOAnalog=15, TimerCounterPinOffset=8) # Configures FIO0-2 as analog # Get the calibration constants self.getCalConstants() def showSetup(self): """ Name: showSetup() Desc: Display the settings window """ self.searchForDevices() SettingsWindow(self, self.deviceType, self.dacPin, self.ainPin, self.u3Available, self.u6Available, self.ue9Available) def showErrorWindow(self, title, info): """ Name:showErrorWindow(title, info) Desc:Shows an error popup for last exception encountered """ tkMessageBox.showerror(title, str(info)) def updateSettings(self, deviceType, ainPin, dacPin): """ Name: updateSettings(deviceType, ainPin, dacPin) Desc: updates the configuration of the application """ try: if self.ainReadThread != None: self.ainReadThread.stop() self.device.close() self.ainPin = ainPin self.dacPin = dacPin self.loadDevice(deviceType) if ainPin != -1: # AIN is configured self.ainReadThread = AINReadThread(self.ainDisplay, self.device, self.deviceType, self.ainPin) self.ainReadThread.start() else: self.ainDisplay.config(text="disabled") except: self.showErrorWindow("Update Settings Error", "Python error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) sys.exit() def cleanUp(self): """ Name: cleanUp() Desc: Closes devices, terminates threads, and closes windows """ if self.ainReadThread != None: self.ainReadThread.stop() if self.device != None: self.device.close() self.destroy() def getCalConstants(self): """ Name: getCalConstants() Desc: Loads or reloads the calibration constants for the LJTic-DAC See datasheet for more info """ # Determine pin numbers if self.deviceType == LJTickDAC.U3: sclPin = self.dacPin + LJTickDAC.U3_DAC_PIN_OFFSET sdaPin = sclPin + 1 else: sclPin = self.dacPin sdaPin = sclPin + 1 # Make request data = self.device.i2c(LJTickDAC.EEPROM_ADDRESS, [64], NumI2CBytesToReceive=36, SDAPinNum = sdaPin, SCLPinNum = sclPin) response = data['I2CBytes'] self.aSlope = toDouble(response[0:8]) self.aOffset = toDouble(response[8:16]) self.bSlope = toDouble(response[16:24]) self.bOffset = toDouble(response[24:32]) if 255 in response: self.showErrorWindow("Pins", "The calibration constants seem a little off. Please go into settings and make sure the pin numbers are correct and that the LJTickDAC is properly attached.") class SettingsWindow(Toplevel): """ Name: SettingsWindow Desc: A dialog window that allows the user to set the pins and device used by the application. """ FONT_SIZE = 12 FONT = "Arial" def __init__(self, parent, currentDevice, currentDACPin, currentAINPin, u3Available, u6Available, ue9Available): # Create window Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) self.title("Setup") self.parent = parent # Create and place labels Label(self, text="Device:", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) Label(self, text="DAC Pins:", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Label(self, text="AIN Pins:", font=(LJTickDAC.FONT, LJTickDAC.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) Label(self, text="Notice: Settings only take effect after clicking apply. AIN pins are provided for testing.").grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2) # Create and place radio buttons for the device self.deviceVar = IntVar() self.deviceVar.set(currentDevice) deviceFrame = Frame(self) u3Radio = Radiobutton(deviceFrame, text="U3", variable=self.deviceVar, value=LJTickDAC.U3, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE), command=self.adjustText) u3Radio.grid(row=0, column=0) if not u3Available: u3Radio.config(state=DISABLED) u6Radio = Radiobutton(deviceFrame, text="U6", variable=self.deviceVar, value=LJTickDAC.U6, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE), command=self.adjustText) u6Radio.grid(row=0, column=1) if not u6Available: u6Radio.config(state=DISABLED) ue9Radio = Radiobutton(deviceFrame, text="UE9", variable=self.deviceVar, value=LJTickDAC.UE9, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE), command=self.adjustText) ue9Radio.grid(row=0, column=2) if not ue9Available: ue9Radio.config(state=DISABLED) deviceFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E+W) # Create and place radio buttons for the dac pins self.dacPin = IntVar() self.dacPin.set(currentDACPin) dacPinFrame = Frame(self) self.dacOptARadio = Radiobutton(dacPinFrame, text="FIO 0/1", variable=self.dacPin, value=0, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.dacOptARadio.grid(row=0, column=0) self.dacOptBRadio = Radiobutton(dacPinFrame, text="FIO 2/3", variable=self.dacPin, value=2, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.dacOptBRadio.grid(row=0, column=1) dacPinFrame.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E+W) # Create and place the radio buttons for the ain pins self.ainPin = IntVar() self.ainPin.set(currentAINPin) ainPinFrame = Frame(self) Radiobutton(ainPinFrame, text="None", variable=self.ainPin, value=-1, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=0, column=0) self.ainOptARadio = Radiobutton(ainPinFrame, text="AIN 0", variable=self.ainPin, value=0, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.ainOptARadio.grid(row=0, column=1) self.ainOptBRadio = Radiobutton(ainPinFrame, text="AIN 2", variable=self.ainPin, value=2, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE)) self.ainOptBRadio.grid(row=0, column=2) ainPinFrame.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=E+W) # Create and place apply and cancel buttons buttonsFrame = Frame(self) Button(buttonsFrame, text="Apply", command=self.applyChanges, font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=0, column=0) #Button(buttonsFrame, text="Cancel", font=(SettingsWindow.FONT, SettingsWindow.FONT_SIZE)).grid(row=0, column=1) buttonsFrame.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=E+W) # Adjust text for device and prepare for future adjustments self.adjustText() def adjustText(self): """ Name: adjustText() Desc: Adjusts the text of the radio buttons depending on the device type selected """ deviceType = self.deviceVar.get() if deviceType == LJTickDAC.U3: self.dacOptARadio.config(text="FIO 4/5") self.dacOptBRadio.config(text="FIO 6/7") self.ainOptARadio.config(text="AIN/FIO 0") self.ainOptBRadio.config(text="AIN/FIO 2") else: self.dacOptARadio.config(text="FIO 0/1") self.dacOptBRadio.config(text="FIO 2/3") self.ainOptARadio.config(text="AIN 0") self.ainOptBRadio.config(text="AIN 2") def applyChanges(self): """ Name: applyChanges() Desc: applys the changes to the application and closes the window """ self.parent.updateSettings(self.deviceVar.get(), self.ainPin.get(), self.dacPin.get()) self.destroy() class AINReadThread(Thread): """ Name: AINReadThread Desc: A thread that reads from a given analog input every secound and updates a GUI """ def __init__(self, displayLabel, device, deviceType, pinNum): Thread.__init__(self) self.displayLabel = displayLabel self.device = device self.pinNum = pinNum self.deviceType = deviceType def stop(self): """ Name: stop() Desc: Stops this thread """ self.running = False def run(self): """ Name: run() Desc: Starts this thread """ try: self.running = True while self.running: if self.deviceType == LJTickDAC.UE9: # See section 2.7.2 until better calibartion is applied voltage =['AIN'+str(self.pinNum)]/65536.0*5 elif self.deviceType == LJTickDAC.U3: voltage = self.device.getAIN(self.pinNum) else: voltage = self.device.getAIN(self.pinNum) self.displayLabel.config(text=str(voltage)) time.sleep(1) except: self.displayLabel.config(text="AIN read error. Device detached?\nClick \"Setup\" to start again...") # Create application LJTickDAC().mainloop()
""" Name: Desc: Defines the UE9 class, which makes working with a UE9 much easier. All of the low-level functions for the UE9 are implemented as functions of the UE9 class. There are also a handful additional functions which improve upon the interface provided by the low-level functions. To learn about the low-level functions, please see Section 5.2 of the UE9 User's Guide: """ from LabJackPython import * import struct, socket, select, ConfigParser def openAllUE9(): """ A helpful function which will open all the connected UE9s. Returns a dictionary where the keys are the serialNumber, and the value is the device object. """ returnDict = dict() for i in range(deviceCount(9)): d = UE9(firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) returnDict[str(d.serialNumber)] = d return returnDict def parseIpAddress(bytes): return "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (bytes[3], bytes[2], bytes[1], bytes[0] ) def unpackInt(bytes): return struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", *bytes))[0] def unpackShort(bytes): return struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *bytes))[0] DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS = { "AINSlopes" : { '0' : 0.000077503, '1' : 0.000038736, '2' : 0.000019353, '3' : 0.0000096764, '8' : 0.00015629 }, "AINOffsets" : { '0' : -0.012000, '1' : -0.012000, '2' : -0.012000, '3' : -0.012000, '8' : -5.1760 }, "TempSlope" : 0.012968 } class UE9(Device): """ UE9 Class for all UE9 specific low-level commands. Example: >>> import ue9 >>> d = ue9.UE9() >>> print d.commConfig() {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', ..., 'IPAddress': ''} """ def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): """ Name: UE9.__init__(self) Args: debug, True for debug information Desc: Your basic constructor. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() """ Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 9) self.debug = debug self.calData = None self.controlFWVersion = self.commFWVersion = None if autoOpen:**kargs) def open(self, firstFound = True, serial = None, ipAddress = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ethernet=False, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """ Name: = True, ipAddress = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ethernet=False) Args: firstFound, Open the first found UE9 serial, open a UE9 with the given serial number. ipAddress, Specify the IP Address of the UE9 you want to open localId, Specify the localId of the UE9 you want to open devNumber, Specify the USB dev number of the UE9 ethernet, set to true to connect over ethernet. handleOnly, if True, LabJackPython will only open a handle LJSocket, set to "<ip>:<port>" to connect to LJSocket Desc: Opens the UE9. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9(autoOpen = False) >>> """, 9, Ethernet = ethernet, firstFound = firstFound, serial = serial, localId = localId, devNumber = devNumber, ipAddress = ipAddress, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) def commConfig(self, LocalID = None, IPAddress = None, Gateway = None, Subnet = None, PortA = None, PortB = None, DHCPEnabled = None): """ Name: UE9.commConfig(LocalID = None, IPAddress = None, Gateway = None, Subnet = None, PortA = None, PortB = None, DHCPEnabled = None) Args: LocalID, Set the LocalID IPAddress, Set the IPAdress Gateway, Set the Gateway Subnet, Set the Subnet PortA, Set Port A PortB, Set Port B DHCPEnabled, True = Enabled, False = Disabled Desc: Writes and reads various configuration settings associated with the Comm processor. Section 5.2.1 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.commConfig() {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', 'DHCPEnabled': False, 'Gateway': '', 'HWVersion': '1.10', 'IPAddress': '', 'LocalID': 1, 'MACAddress': 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX', 'PortA': 52360, 'PortB': 52361, 'PowerLevel': 0, 'ProductID': 9, 'SerialNumber': 27121XXXX, 'Subnet': ''} """ command = [ 0 ] * 38 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0x78 command[2] = 0x10 command[3] = 0x01 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Writemask. Set it along the way. #command[7] = Reserved if LocalID != None: command[6] |= 1 command[8] = LocalID if IPAddress != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) ipbytes = IPAddress.split('.') ipbytes = [ int(x) for x in ipbytes ] ipbytes.reverse() command[10:14] = ipbytes if Gateway != None: command[6] |= (1 << 3) gwbytes = Gateway.split('.') gwbytes = [ int(x) for x in gwbytes ] gwbytes.reverse() command[14:18] = gwbytes if Subnet != None: command[6] |= (1 << 4) snbytes = Subnet.split('.') snbytes = [ int(x) for x in snbytes ] snbytes.reverse() command[18:21] = snbytes if PortA != None: command[6] |= (1 << 5) t = struct.pack("<H", PortA) command[22] = ord(t[0]) command[23] = ord(t[1]) if PortB != None: command[6] |= (1 << 5) t = struct.pack("<H", PortB) command[24] = ord(t[0]) command[25] = ord(t[1]) if DHCPEnabled != None: command[6] |= (1 << 6) if DHCPEnabled: command[26] = 1 result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [], checkBytes = False) if result[0] == 0xB8 and result[1] == 0xB8: raise LabJackException("Device detected a bad checksum.") elif result[1:4] != [ 0x78, 0x10, 0x01 ]: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes.") elif not verifyChecksum(result): raise LabJackException("Checksum was incorrect.") self.localId = result[8] self.powerLevel = result[9] self.ipAddress = parseIpAddress(result[10:14]) self.gateway = parseIpAddress(result[14:18]) self.subnet = parseIpAddress(result[18:22]) self.portA = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[22:24]))[0] self.portB = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[24:26]))[0] self.DHCPEnabled = bool(result[26]) self.productId = result[27] macBytes = result[28:34] self.macAddress = "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" % (result[33], result[32], result[31], result[30], result[29], result[28]) self.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", result[28], result[29], result[30], 0x10))[0] self.hwVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[35], result[34]) self.commFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[37], result[36]) self.firmwareVersion = [self.controlFWVersion, self.commFWVersion] return { 'LocalID' : self.localId, 'PowerLevel' : self.powerLevel, 'IPAddress' : self.ipAddress, 'Gateway' : self.gateway, 'Subnet' : self.subnet, 'PortA' : self.portA, 'PortB' : self.portB, 'DHCPEnabled' : self.DHCPEnabled, 'ProductID' : self.productId, 'MACAddress' : self.macAddress, 'HWVersion' : self.hwVersion, 'CommFWVersion' : self.commFWVersion, 'SerialNumber' : self.serialNumber} def flushBuffer(self): """ Name: UE9.flushBuffer() Args: None Desc: Resets the pointers to the stream buffer to make it empty. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.flushBuffer() """ command = [ 0x08, 0x08 ] self._writeRead(command, 2, [], False) def discoveryUDP(self): """ Name: UE9.discoveryUDP() Args: None Desc: Sends a UDP Broadcast packet and returns a dictionary of the result. The dictionary contains all the things that are in the commConfig dictionary. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.discoveryUDP() {'': {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', ... }, '': {'CommFWVersion': '1.47', ... }} """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) host = '' port = 52362 addr = (host,port) sndBuffer = [0] * 6 sndBuffer[0] = 0x22 sndBuffer[1] = 0x78 sndBuffer[2] = 0x00 sndBuffer[3] = 0xA9 sndBuffer[4] = 0x00 sndBuffer[5] = 0x00 packFormat = "B" * len(sndBuffer) tempString = struct.pack(packFormat, *sndBuffer) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.sendto(tempString, addr) inputs = [s] ue9s = {} listen = True while listen: #We will wait 2 seconds for a response from a Ue9 rs,ws,es =, [], [], 1) listen = False for r in rs: if r is s: data,addr = s.recvfrom(38) ue9s[addr[0]] = data listen = True s.close() for ip, data in ue9s.items(): data = list(struct.unpack("B"*38, data)) ue9 = { 'LocalID' : data[8], 'PowerLevel' : data[9] , 'IPAddress' : parseIpAddress(data[10:14]), 'Gateway' : parseIpAddress(data[14:18]), 'Subnet' : parseIpAddress(data[18:23]), 'PortA' : struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *data[22:24]))[0], 'PortB' : struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *data[24:26]))[0], 'DHCPEnabled' : bool(data[26]), 'ProductID' : data[27], 'MACAddress' : "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" % (data[33], data[32], data[31], data[30], data[29], data[28]), 'SerialNumber' : struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", data[28], data[29], data[30], 0x10))[0], 'HWVersion' : "%s.%02d" % (data[35], data[34]), 'CommFWVersion' : "%s.%02d" % (data[37], data[36])} ue9s[ip] = ue9 return ue9s def controlConfig(self, PowerLevel = None, FIODir = None, FIOState = None, EIODir = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, MIODirection = None, MIOState = None, DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults = None, DAC0Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC1 = None): """ Name: UE9.controlConfig(PowerLevel = None, FIODir = None, FIOState = None, EIODir = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, MIODirection = None, MIOState = None, DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults = None, DAC0Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC1 = None) Args: PowerLevel, 0 = Fixed High, 48 MHz, 1 = Fixed low, 6 MHz FIODir, Direction of FIOs FIOState, State of FIOs EIODir, Direction of EIOs EIOState, State of EIOs CIODirection, Direction of CIOs (max of 4) CIOState, State of CIOs (max of 4) MIODirection, Direction of MIOs (max of 3) MIOState, Direction of MIOs (max of 3) DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults, Set True, to not load the defaults DAC0Enable, True = DAC0 Enabled, False = DAC0 Disabled DAC0, The default value for DAC0 DAC1Enable, True = DAC1 Enabled, False = DAC1 Disabled DAC1, The default value for DAC1 Desc: Configures various parameters associated with the Control processor. Affects only the power-up values, not current state. See section 5.3.2 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.controlConfig() {'CIODirection': 0, 'CIOState': 0, 'ControlBLVersion': '1.12', 'ControlFWVersion': '1.97', 'DAC0': 0, 'DAC0 Enabled': False, 'DAC1': 0, 'DAC1 Enabled': False, 'EIODir': 0, 'EIOState': 0, 'FIODir': 0, 'FIOState': 0, 'HiRes Flag': False, 'MIODirection': 0, 'MIOState': 0, 'PowerLevel': 0, 'ResetSource': 119} """ command = [ 0 ] * 18 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x06 command[3] = 0x08 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Writemask. Set it along the way. if PowerLevel != None: command[6] |= 1 command[7] = PowerLevel if FIODir != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[8] = FIODir if FIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[9] = FIOState if EIODir != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[10] = EIODir if EIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[11] = EIOState if CIODirection != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[12] = ( CIODirection & 0xf) << 4 if CIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[12] |= ( CIOState & 0xf ) if DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) if DoNotLoadDigitalIODefaults: command[13] |= (1 << 7) if MIODirection != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[13] |= ( MIODirection & 7 ) << 4 if MIOState != None: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[13] |= ( MIOState & 7 ) if DAC0Enable != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if DAC0Enable: command[15] = (1 << 7) if DAC0 != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) command[14] = DAC0 & 0xff command[15] |= (DAC0 >> 8 ) & 0xf if DAC1Enable != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if DAC1Enable: command[17] = (1 << 7) if DAC1 != None: command[6] |= (1 << 2) command[16] = DAC1 & 0xff command[17] |= (DAC1 >> 8 ) & 0xf result = self._writeRead(command, 24, [ 0xF8, 0x09, 0x08 ]) self.powerLevel = result[7] self.controlFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[10], result[9]) self.firmwareVersion = [self.controlFWVersion, self.commFWVersion] self.controlBLVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[12], result[11]) self.hiRes = bool(result[13] & 1) self.deviceName = 'UE9' if self.hiRes: self.deviceName = 'UE9-Pro' return { 'PowerLevel' : self.powerLevel, 'ResetSource' : result[8], 'ControlFWVersion' : self.controlFWVersion, 'ControlBLVersion' : self.controlBLVersion, 'HiRes Flag' : self.hiRes, 'FIODir' : result[14], 'FIOState' : result[15], 'EIODir' : result[16], 'EIOState' : result[17], 'CIODirection' : (result[18] >> 4) & 0xf, 'CIOState' : result[18] & 0xf, 'MIODirection' : (result[19] >> 4) & 7, 'MIOState' : result[19] & 7, 'DAC0 Enabled' : bool(result[21] >> 7 & 1), 'DAC0' : (result[21] & 0xf) + result[20], 'DAC1 Enabled' : bool(result[23] >> 7 & 1), 'DAC1' : (result[23] & 0xf) + result[22], 'DeviceName' : self.deviceName } def feedback(self, FIOMask = 0, FIODir = 0, FIOState = 0, EIOMask = 0, EIODir = 0, EIOState = 0, CIOMask = 0, CIODirection = 0, CIOState = 0, MIOMask = 0, MIODirection = 0, MIOState = 0, DAC0Update = False, DAC0Enabled = False, DAC0 = 0, DAC1Update = False, DAC1Enabled = False, DAC1 = 0, AINMask = 0, AIN14ChannelNumber = 0, AIN15ChannelNumber = 0, Resolution = 0, SettlingTime = 0, AIN1_0_BipGain = 0, AIN3_2_BipGain = 0, AIN5_4_BipGain = 0, AIN7_6_BipGain = 0, AIN9_8_BipGain = 0, AIN11_10_BipGain = 0, AIN13_12_BipGain = 0, AIN15_14_BipGain = 0): """ Name: = 0, FIODir = 0, FIOState = 0, EIOMask = 0, EIODir = 0, EIOState = 0, CIOMask = 0, CIODirection = 0, CIOState = 0, MIOMask = 0, MIODirection = 0, MIOState = 0, DAC0Update = False, DAC0Enabled = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1Update = False, DAC1Enabled = None, DAC1 = None, AINMask = 0, AIN14ChannelNumber = 0, AIN15ChannelNumber = 0, Resolution = 0, SettlingTime = 0, AIN1_0_BipGain = 0, AIN3_2_BipGain = 0, AIN5_4_BipGain = 0, AIN7_6_BipGain = 0, AIN9_8_BipGain = 0, AIN11_10_BipGain = 0, AIN13_12_BipGain = 0, AIN15_14_BipGain = 0) Args: See section 5.3.3 of the User's Guide Desc: A very useful function that writes/reads almost every I/O on the LabJack UE9. See section 5.3.3 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> {'AIN0': 0, ... 'TimerB': 0, 'TimerC': 0} """ command = [ 0 ] * 34 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0E command[3] = 0x00 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = FIOMask command[7] = FIODir command[8] = FIOState command[9] = EIOMask command[10] = EIODir command[11] = EIOState command[12] = CIOMask command[13] = (CIODirection & 0xf) << 4 command[13] |= (CIOState & 0xf) command[14] = MIOMask command[15] = (MIODirection & 7) << 4 command[15] |= (MIOState & 7 ) if DAC0Update: if DAC0Enabled: command[17] = 1 << 7 command[17] |= 1 << 6 command[16] = DAC0 & 0xff command[17] |= (DAC0 >> 8) & 0xf if DAC0Update: if DAC0Enabled: command[19] = 1 << 7 command[19] |= 1 << 6 command[18] = DAC0 & 0xff command[19] |= (DAC0 >> 8) & 0xf command[20] = AINMask & 0xff command[21] = (AINMask >> 8) & 0xff command[22] = AIN14ChannelNumber command[23] = AIN15ChannelNumber command[24] = Resolution command[25] = SettlingTime command[26] = AIN1_0_BipGain command[27] = AIN3_2_BipGain command[28] = AIN5_4_BipGain command[29] = AIN7_6_BipGain command[30] = AIN9_8_BipGain command[31] = AIN11_10_BipGain command[32] = AIN13_12_BipGain command[33] = AIN15_14_BipGain result = self._writeRead(command, 64, [ 0xF8, 0x1D, 0x00], checkBytes = False) returnDict = { 'FIODir' : result[6], 'FIOState' : result[7], 'EIODir' : result[8], 'EIOState' : result[9], 'CIODir' : (result[10] >> 4) & 0xf, 'CIOState' : result[10] & 0xf, 'MIODir' : (result[11] >> 4) & 7, 'MIOState' : result[11] & 7, 'Counter0' : unpackInt(result[44:48]), 'Counter1' : unpackInt(result[48:52]), 'TimerA' : unpackInt(result[52:56]), 'TimerB' : unpackInt(result[56:60]), 'TimerC' : unpackInt(result[60:]) } """ 'AIN0' : b2c(unpackShort(result[12:14])), 'AIN1' : unpackShort(result[14:16]), 'AIN2' : unpackShort(result[16:18]), 'AIN3' : unpackShort(result[18:20]), 'AIN4' : unpackShort(result[20:22]), 'AIN5' : unpackShort(result[22:24]), 'AIN6' : unpackShort(result[24:26]), 'AIN7' : unpackShort(result[26:28]), 'AIN8' : unpackShort(result[28:30]), 'AIN9' : unpackShort(result[30:32]), 'AIN10' : unpackShort(result[32:34]), 'AIN11' : unpackShort(result[34:36]), 'AIN12' : unpackShort(result[36:38]), 'AIN13' : unpackShort(result[38:40]), 'AIN14' : unpackShort(result[40:42]), 'AIN15' : unpackShort(result[42:44]), """ b2c = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage g = 0 for i in range(16): bits = unpackShort(result[(12+(2*i)):(14+(2*i))]) if i%2 == 0: gain = command[26 + g] & 0xf else: gain = (command[26 + g] >> 4) & 0xf g += 1 returnDict["AIN%s" % i] = b2c(bits, gain) return returnDict digitalPorts = [ 'FIO', 'EIO', 'CIO', 'MIO' ] def singleIO(self, IOType, Channel, Dir = None, BipGain = None, State = None, Resolution = None, DAC = 0, SettlingTime = 0): """ Name: UE9.singleIO(IOType, Channel, Dir = None, BipGain = None, State = None, Resolution = None, DAC = 0, SettlingTime = 0) Args: See section 5.3.4 of the User's Guide Desc: An alternative to Feedback, is this function which writes or reads a single output or input. See section 5.3.4 of the User's Guide. >>> myUe9 = ue9.UE9() >>> myUe9.singleIO(1, 0, Dir = 1, State = 0) {'FIO0 Direction': 1, 'FIO0 State': 0} """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xA3 command[2] = IOType command[3] = Channel if IOType == 0: #Digital Bit Read pass elif IOType == 1: #Digital Bit Write if Dir == None or State == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a direction and state") command[4] = Dir command[5] = State elif IOType == 2: #Digital Port Read pass elif IOType == 3: #Digital Port Write if Dir == None or State == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a direction and state") command[4] = Dir command[5] = State elif IOType == 4: #Analog In if BipGain == None or Resolution == None or SettlingTime == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a BipGain, Resolution, and SettlingTime") command[4] = BipGain command[5] = Resolution command[6] = SettlingTime elif IOType == 5: #Analog Out if DAC == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a DAC Value") command[4] = DAC & 0xff command[5] = (DAC >> 8) & 0xf result = self._writeRead(command, 8, [ 0xA3 ], checkBytes = False) if result[2] == 0: #Digital Bit Read return { "FIO%s State" % result[3] : result[5], "FIO%s Direction" % result[3] : result[4] } elif result[2] == 1: #Digital Bit Write return { "FIO%s State" % result[3] : result[5], "FIO%s Direction" % result[3] : result[4] } elif result[2] == 2: #Digital Port Read return { "%s Direction" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result[4], "%s State" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result [5] } elif result[2] == 3: #Digital Port Write return { "%s Direction" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result[4], "%s State" % self.digitalPorts[result[3]] : result [5] } elif result[2] == 4: #Analog In ain = float((result[6] << 16) + (result[5] << 8) + result[4]) / 256 return { "AIN%s" % result[3] : ain } elif result[2] == 5: #Analog Out dac = (result[6] << 16) + (result[5] << 8) + result[4] return { "DAC%s" % result[3] : dac } def timerCounter(self, TimerClockDivisor=0, UpdateConfig=False, NumTimersEnabled=0, Counter0Enabled=False, Counter1Enabled=False, TimerClockBase=LJ_tcSYS, ResetTimer0=False, ResetTimer1=False, ResetTimer2=False, ResetTimer3=False, ResetTimer4=False, ResetTimer5=False, ResetCounter0=False, ResetCounter1=False, Timer0Mode=None, Timer0Value=None, Timer1Mode=None, Timer1Value=None, Timer2Mode=None, Timer2Value=None, Timer3Mode=None, Timer3Value=None, Timer4Mode=None, Timer4Value=None, Timer5Mode=None, Timer5Value=None): """ Name: UE9.timerCounter(TimerClockDivisor=0, UpdateConfig=False, NumTimersEnabled=0, Counter0Enabled=False, Counter1Enabled=True, TimerClockBase=LJ_tcSYS, ResetTimer0=False, ResetTimer1=False, ResetTimer2=False, ResetTimer3=False, ResetTimer4=False, ResetTimer5=False, ResetCounter0=False, ResetCounter1=False, Timer0Mode=None, Timer0Value=None, Timer1Mode=None, Timer1Value=None, Timer2Mode=None, Timer2Value=None, Timer3Mode=None, Timer3Value=None, Timer4Mode=None, Timer4Value=None, Timer5Mode=None, Timer5Value=None) Args: TimerClockDivisor, The timer clock is divided by this value, or divided by 256 if this value is 0. The UpdateConfig bit must be set to change this parameter. UpdateConfig, If true, counters and timers are re-configured by this call. If false, the timer/counter configuration will remain the same. NumTimersEnabled, The number of timers enabled TimerClockBase, The determines the timer base clock which is used by all output mode timers. The choices are a fixed 750 kHz clock source, or the system clock. The UE9 is by default in high power mode which means the system clock is fixed at 48 MHz. The UpdateConfig bit must be set to change this parameter. ResetTimer#, Resets the specified timer ResetCounter#, Resets the specified counter Timer#Mode, These values are only updated if the UpdateConfig parameter is True. See section 5.3.5 in the User's Guide for values to pass to configure a timer. Timer#Value, Only updates if UpdateReset is True. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. See Section 2.10 for further information. Desc: Enables, configures, and reads the counters and timers. See section 5.3.5 of the User's Guide for more information. >>> dev = UE9() >>> dev.timerCounter() {'Counter0Enabled': False, 'Timer5Enabled': False, 'Timer0Enabled': False, 'Timer1': 0, 'Timer4': 0, 'Timer3Enabled': False, 'Timer4Enabled': False, 'Timer5': 0, 'Counter1Enabled': False, 'Timer3': 0, 'Timer2': 0, 'Timer1Enabled': False, 'Timer0': 0, 'Timer2Enabled': False} """ command = [ 0 ] * 30 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0C command[3] = 0x18 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = TimerClockDivisor # Create EnableMask if UpdateConfig: command[7] = 128 | NumTimersEnabled if Counter0Enabled: command[7] = command[7] | 8 if Counter1Enabled: command[7] = command[7] | 16 else: UpdateConfig = 0 # Configure clock base command[8] = TimerClockBase # Configure UpdateReset if ResetTimer0: command[9] = 1 if ResetTimer1: command[9] = command[9] | 2 if ResetTimer2: command[9] = command[9] | 4 if ResetTimer3: command[9] = command[9] | 8 if ResetTimer4: command[9] = command[9] | 16 if ResetTimer5: command[9] = command[9] | 32 if ResetCounter0: command[9] = command[9] | 64 if ResetCounter1: command[9] = command[9] | 128 # Configure timers and counters if we are updating the configuration if UpdateConfig: if NumTimersEnabled >= 1: if Timer0Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer0") if Timer0Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer0") command[10] = Timer0Mode command[11] = Timer0Value & 0xff command[12] = (Timer0Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 2: if Timer1Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer1") if Timer1Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer1") command[13] = Timer1Mode command[14] = Timer1Value & 0xff command[15] = (Timer1Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 3: if Timer2Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer2") if Timer2Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer2") command[16] = Timer2Mode command[17] = Timer2Value & 0xff command[18] = (Timer2Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 4: if Timer3Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer3") if Timer3Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer3") command[19] = Timer3Mode command[20] = Timer3Value & 0xff command[21] = (Timer3Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled >= 5: if Timer4Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer4") if Timer4Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer4") command[22] = Timer4Mode command[23] = Timer4Value & 0xff command[24] = (Timer4Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled == 6: if Timer5Mode == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a mode for Timer5") if Timer5Value == None: raise LabJackException("Need to specify a value for Timer5") command[25] = Timer5Mode command[26] = Timer5Value & 0xff command[27] = (Timer5Value >> 8) & 0xff if NumTimersEnabled > 7: raise LabJackException("Only a maximum of 5 timers can be enabled") command[28] = 0#command[28] = Counter0Mode command[29] = 0#command[29] = Counter1Mode result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, 0x18 ]) # Parse the results returnValue = {} for i in range(0,6): returnValue["Timer" + str(i) + "Enabled"] = result[7] >> i & 1 == 1 for i in range(0,2): returnValue["Counter" + str(i) + "Enabled"] = result[7] >> i + 6 & 1 == 1 for i in range(0, 6): returnValue["Timer" + str(i)] = unpackInt(result[8+i*4:12+i*4]) for i in range(0,2): counterValue = [0] counterValue.extend(result[32+i*4:35+i*4]) returnValue["Counter" + str(i)] = unpackInt(counterValue) return returnValue def readMem(self, BlockNum): """ Name: UE9.readMem(BlockNum) Args: BlockNum, which block to read ReadCal, set to True to read the calibration data Desc: Reads 1 block (128 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.3.10 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myUE9 = UE9() >>> myUE9.readMem(0) [ < userdata stored in block 0 > ] NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum result = self._writeRead(command, 136, [ 0xF8, 0x41, 0x2A ]) return result[8:] def writeMem(self, BlockNum, Data): """ Name: UE9.writeMem(BlockNum, Data, WriteCal=False) Args: BlockNum, which block to write Data, a list of bytes to write Desc: Writes 1 block (128 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.3.11 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myUE9 = UE9() >>> myUE9.writeMem(0, [ < userdata to be stored in block 0 > ]) NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if not isinstance(Data, list): raise LabJackException("Data must be a list of bytes") command = [ 0 ] * 136 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x41 command[3] = 0x28 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum command[8:] = Data self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) def eraseMem(self, EraseCal=False): """ Name: UE9.eraseMem(EraseCal=False) Args: EraseCal, set to True to erase the calibration memory. Desc: The UE9 uses flash memory that must be erased before writing. Please read section 5.2.12 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myUE9 = UE9() >>> myUE9.eraseMem() NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x29 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if EraseCal: command[6] = 0x4C command[7] = 0x4A else: command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = 0x00 self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) def watchdogConfig(self, ResetCommonTimeout = False, ResetControlonTimeout = False, UpdateDigitalIOB = False, UpdateDigitalIOA = False, UpdateDAC1onTimeout = False, UpdateDAC0onTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOConfigA = 0, DIOConfigB = 0, DAC0Enabled = False, DAC0 = 0, DAC1Enabled = False, DAC1 = 0): command = [ 0 ] * 16 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x09 if ResetCommonTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 6) if ResetControlonTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 5) if UpdateDigitalIOB: command[7] |= (1 << 4) if UpdateDigitalIOA: command[7] |= (1 << 3) if UpdateDAC1onTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 1) if UpdateDAC0onTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 0) t = struct.pack("<H", TimeoutPeriod) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) command[10] = DIOConfigA command[11] = DIOConfigB command[12] = DAC0 & 0xff command[13] = (int(DAC0Enabled) << 7) + (DAC0 & 0xf) command[14] = DAC1 & 0xff command[15] = (int(DAC1Enabled) << 7) + (DAC1 & 0xf) result = self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, 0x09]) return { 'UpdateDAC0onTimeout' : bool(result[7]& 1), 'UpdateDAC1onTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 1) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 3) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 4) & 1), 'ResetControlOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 5) & 1), 'ResetCommOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 6) & 1) } def watchdogRead(self): """ Name: UE9.watchdogRead() Args: None Desc: Reads the current watchdog settings. """ command = [ 0 ] * 6 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x00 command[3] = 0x09 command = setChecksum8(command, 6) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xF8, 0x05, 0x09], checksum = False) return { 'UpdateDAC0onTimeout' : bool(result[7]& 1), 'UpdateDAC1onTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 1) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 3) & 1), 'UpdateDigitalIOBonTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 4) & 1), 'ResetControlOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 5) & 1), 'ResetCommOnTimeout' : bool((result[7] >> 6) & 1), 'TimeoutPeriod' : struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10]))[0], 'DIOConfigA' : result[10], 'DIOConfigB' : result[11], 'DAC0' : struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10]))[0], 'DAC1' : struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10]))[0] } SPIModes = { 'A' : 0, 'B' : 1, 'C' : 2, 'D' : 3 } def spi(self, SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 1, CLKPinNum = 0, MISOPinNum = 3, MOSIPinNum = 2): """ Name: UE9.spi(SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 1, CLKPinNum = 0, MISOPinNum = 3, MOSIPinNum = 2) Args: SPIBytes, a list of bytes to be transferred. See Section 5.3.16 of the user's guide. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using SPI synchronous communication. """ print SPIBytes if not isinstance(SPIBytes, list): raise LabJackException("SPIBytes MUST be a list of bytes") numSPIBytes = len(SPIBytes) oddPacket = False if numSPIBytes%2 != 0: SPIBytes.append(0) numSPIBytes = numSPIBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (13 + numSPIBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numSPIBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if AutoCS: command[6] |= (1 << 7) if DisableDirConfig: command[6] |= (1 << 6) command[6] |= ( self.SPIModes[SPIMode] & 3 ) command[7] = SPIClockFactor #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = CSPINNum command[10] = CLKPinNum command[11] = MISOPinNum command[12] = MOSIPinNum command[13] = numSPIBytes if oddPacket: command[13] = numSPIBytes - 1 command[14:] = SPIBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 8+numSPIBytes, [ 0xF8, 1+(numSPIBytes/2), 0x3A ]) return result[8:] def asynchConfig(self, Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600): """ Name: UE9.asynchConfig(Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600) Args: See section 5.3.17 of the User's Guide. Desc: Configures the U3 UART for asynchronous communication. returns a dictionary: { 'Update' : True means new parameters were written 'UARTEnable' : True means the UART is enabled 'BaudFactor' : The baud factor being used } """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x14 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Update: command[7] |= ( 1 << 7 ) if UARTEnable: command[7] |= ( 1 << 6 ) BaudFactor = (2**16) - 48000000/(2 * DesiredBaud) t = struct.pack("<H", BaudFactor) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) returnDict = {} if ( ( result[7] >> 7 ) & 1 ): returnDict['Update'] = True else: returnDict['Update'] = False if ( ( result[7] >> 6 ) & 1): returnDict['UARTEnable'] = True else: returnDict['UARTEnable'] = False returnDict['BaudFactor'] = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[8:]))[0] return returnDict def asynchTX(self, AsynchBytes): """ Name: UE9.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: AsynchBytes, must be a list of bytes to transfer. Desc: Sends bytes to the U3 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. See section 5.3.18 of the user's guide. returns a dictionary: { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : Number of Asynch Bytes Sent 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : How many bytes are currently in the RX buffer. } """ if not isinstance(AsynchBytes, list): raise LabJackException("AsynchBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(AsynchBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: AsynchBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes+1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * ( 8 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 1 + ( numBytes/2 ) command[3] = 0x15 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[7] = numBytes - 1 command[8:] = AsynchBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x15]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : result[7], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[8] } def asynchRX(self, Flush = False): """ Name: UE9.asynchRX(Flush = False) Args: Flush, Set to True to flush Desc: Reads the oldest 32 bytes from the U3 UART RX buffer (received on receive terminal). The buffer holds 256 bytes. See section 5.3.19 of the User's Guide. returns a dictonary: { 'AsynchBytes' : List of received bytes 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : Number of AsynchBytes are in the RX Buffer. } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x16 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Flush: command[7] = 1 result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [0xF8, 0x11, 0x16]) return { 'AsynchBytes' : result[8:], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[7] } def i2c(self, Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 1, SCLPinNum = 0, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None): """ Name: UE9.i2c(Address, I2CBytes, ResetAtStart = False, EnableClockStretching = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 0, SCLPinNum = 1, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None) Args: Address, the address (not shifted over) I2CBytes, must be a list of bytes to send. See section 5.3.20 of the user's guide. AddressByte, The address as you would put it in the lowlevel packet. Overrides Address. Optional Desc: Sends and receives serial data using I2C synchronous communication. """ if not isinstance(I2CBytes, list): raise LabJackException("I2CBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(I2CBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: I2CBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (14 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if ResetAtStart: command[6] |= (1 << 1) if NoStopWhenRestarting: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if EnableClockStretching: command[6] |= (1 << 3) command[7] = SpeedAdjust command[8] = SDAPinNum command[9] = SCLPinNum if AddressByte != None: command[10] = AddressByte else: command[10] = Address << 1 command[12] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[12] = numBytes-1 command[13] = NumI2CBytesToReceive command[14:] = I2CBytes oddResponse = False if NumI2CBytesToReceive%2 != 0: NumI2CBytesToReceive = NumI2CBytesToReceive+1 oddResponse = True result = self._writeRead(command, 12+NumI2CBytesToReceive, [0xF8, (3+(NumI2CBytesToReceive/2)), 0x3B]) if len(result) > 12: if oddResponse: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:-1] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:], 'I2CBytes' : [] } def sht1x(self, DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0): """ Name: UE9.sht1x(DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0) Args: DataPinNum, Which pin is the Data line ClockPinNum, Which line is the Clock line SHTOptions (and proof people read documentation): bit 7 = Read Temperature bit 6 = Read Realtive Humidity bit 2 = Heater. 1 = on, 0 = off bit 1 = Reserved at 0 bit 0 = Resolution. 1 = 8 bit RH, 12 bit T; 0 = 12 RH, 14 bit T Desc: Reads temperature and humidity from a Sensirion SHT1X sensor. Section 5.3.21 of the User's Guide. """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x39 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = DataPinNum command[7] = ClockPinNum #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = SHTOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [ 0xF8, 0x05, 0x39]) val = (result[11]*256) + result[10] temp = -39.60 + 0.01*val val = (result[14]*256) + result[13] humid = -4 + 0.0405*val + -.0000028*(val*val) humid = (temp - 25)*(0.01 + 0.00008*val) + humid return { 'StatusReg' : result[8], 'StatusCRC' : result[9], 'Temperature' : temp, 'TemperatureCRC' : result[12], 'Humidity' : humid, 'HumidityCRC' : result[15] } def getAIN(self, channel, BipGain = 0x00, Resolution = 12, SettlingTime = 0): """ Name: UE9.getAIN(channel, BipGain = 0x00, Resolution = 12, SettlingTime = 0) """ bits = self.singleIO(4, channel, BipGain = BipGain, Resolution = Resolution, SettlingTime = SettlingTime ) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits["AIN%s"%channel], BipGain) def getTemperature(self): """ Name: UE9.getTemperature() """ if self.calData is None: self.getCalibrationData() bits = self.singleIO(4, 133, BipGain = 0x00, Resolution = 12, SettlingTime = 0 ) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(bits["AIN133"]) def binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(self, bits, gain): """ Name: UE9.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage( bits, gain ) Args: bits, the binary value to be converted gain, the gain used. Please use the values from 5.3.3 of the UE9's user's guide. Desc: Converts the binary value returned from Feedback and SingleIO to a calibrated, analog voltage. >>> print d.singleIO(4, 1, BipGain = 0x01, Resolution = 12 ) {'AIN1': 65520.0} >>> print d.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(65520.0, 0x01) 2.52598272 """ if self.calData is not None: slope = self.calData['AINSlopes'][str(gain)] offset = self.calData['AINOffsets'][str(gain)] else: slope = DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS['AINSlopes'][str(gain)] offset = DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS['AINOffsets'][str(gain)] return (bits * slope) + offset def binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(self, bits): if self.calData is not None: return bits * self.calData['TempSlope'] else: return bits * DEFAULT_CAL_CONSTANTS['TempSlope'] def getCalibrationData(self): """ Name: UE9.getCalibrationData() Args: None Desc: Reads the calibration constants off the UE9, and stores them for use with binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage. Note: Please note that this function calls controlConfig to check if the device is a UE9 or not. It also makes calls to readMem, so please don't call this while streaming. """ # Insure that we know if we are dealing with a Pro or not. self.controlConfig() results = dict() ainslopes = { '0' : None, '1' : None, '2' : None, '3' : None, '8' : None } ainoffsets = { '0' : None, '1' : None, '2' : None, '3' : None, '8' : None } dacslopes = { '0' : None, '1' : None } dacoffsets = { '0' : None, '1' : None } tempslope = None memBlock = self.readMem(0) ainslopes['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) ainslopes['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[16:24]) ainoffsets['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[24:32]) ainslopes['2'] = toDouble(memBlock[32:40]) ainoffsets['2'] = toDouble(memBlock[40:48]) ainslopes['3'] = toDouble(memBlock[48:56]) ainoffsets['3'] = toDouble(memBlock[56:]) memBlock = self.readMem(1) ainslopes['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) # Read DAC and Temperature slopes memBlock = self.readMem(2) dacslopes['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) dacoffsets['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) dacslopes['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[16:24]) dacoffsets['1'] = toDouble(memBlock[24:32]) tempslope = toDouble(memBlock[32:40]) if self.deviceName.endswith("Pro"): memBlock = self.readMem(3) ainslopes['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['0'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) memBlock = self.readMem(4) ainslopes['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[:8]) ainoffsets['8'] = toDouble(memBlock[8:16]) self.calData = { "AINSlopes" : ainslopes, "AINOffsets" : ainoffsets, 'TempSlope' : tempslope, "DACSlopes" : dacslopes, "DACOffsets" : dacoffsets } return self.calData def readDefaultsConfig(self): """ Name: UE9.readDefaultsConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Reads the power-up defaults stored in flash. """ results = dict() defaults = self.readDefaults(0) results['FIODirection'] = defaults[4] results['FIOState'] = defaults[5] results['EIODirection'] = defaults[6] results['EIOState'] = defaults[7] results['CIODirection'] = defaults[8] results['CIOState'] = defaults[9] results['MIODirection'] = defaults[10] results['MIOState'] = defaults[11] results['ConfigWriteMask'] = defaults[16] results['NumOfTimersEnable'] = defaults[17] results['CounterMask'] = defaults[18] results['PinOffset'] = defaults[19] defaults = self.readDefaults(1) results['ClockSource'] = defaults[0] results['Divisor'] = defaults[1] results['TMR0Mode'] = defaults[16] results['TMR0ValueL'] = defaults[17] results['TMR0ValueH'] = defaults[18] results['TMR1Mode'] = defaults[20] results['TMR1ValueL'] = defaults[21] results['TMR1ValueH'] = defaults[22] results['TMR2Mode'] = defaults[24] results['TMR2ValueL'] = defaults[25] results['TMR2ValueH'] = defaults[26] results['TMR3Mode'] = defaults[28] results['TMR3ValueL'] = defaults[29] results['TMR3ValueH'] = defaults[30] defaults = self.readDefaults(2) results['TMR4Mode'] = defaults[0] results['TMR4ValueL'] = defaults[1] results['TMR4ValueH'] = defaults[2] results['TMR5Mode'] = defaults[4] results['TMR5ValueL'] = defaults[5] results['TMR5ValueH'] = defaults[6] results['DAC0'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[16:18]) )[0] results['DAC1'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[20:22]) )[0] defaults = self.readDefaults(3) for i in range(14): results["AIN%sRes" % i] = defaults[i] results["AIN%sBPGain" % i] = defaults[i+16] defaults = self.readDefaults(4) for i in range(14): results["AIN%sSettling" % i] = defaults[i] return results def exportConfig(self): """ Name: UE9.exportConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Takes the current configuration and puts it into a ConfigParser object. Useful for saving the setup of your UE9. """ # Make a new configuration file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() # Change optionxform so that options preserve their case. parser.optionxform = str # Local Id and name self.commConfig() self.controlConfig() section = "Identifiers" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "Local ID", str(self.localId)) parser.set(section, "Name", str(self.getName())) parser.set(section, "Device Type", str(self.devType)) parser.set(section, "MAC Address", str(self.macAddress)) # Comm Config settings section = "Communication" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "DHCPEnabled", str(self.DHCPEnabled)) parser.set(section, "IP Address", str(self.ipAddress)) parser.set(section, "Subnet", str(self.subnet)) parser.set(section, "Gateway", str(self.gateway)) parser.set(section, "PortA", str(self.portA)) parser.set(section, "PortB", str(self.portB)) # FIO Direction / State section = "FIOs" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "FIO Directions", str( self.readRegister(6750) )) parser.set(section, "FIO States", str( self.readRegister(6700) )) parser.set(section, "EIO Directions", str( self.readRegister(6751) )) parser.set(section, "EIO States", str( self.readRegister(6701) )) parser.set(section, "CIO Directions", str( self.readRegister(6752) )) parser.set(section, "CIO States", str( self.readRegister(6702) )) #parser.set(section, "MIOs Directions", str( self.readRegister(50591) )) #parser.set(section, "MIOs States", str( self.readRegister(50591) )) # DACs section = "DACs" parser.add_section(section) dac0 = self.readRegister(5000) dac0 = max(dac0, 0) dac0 = min(dac0, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC0", "%0.2f" % dac0) dac1 = self.readRegister(5002) dac1 = max(dac1, 0) dac1 = min(dac1, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC1", "%0.2f" % dac1) # Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "TimerClockBase", str(self.readRegister(7000))) parser.set(section, "TimerClockDivisor", str(self.readRegister(7002))) # Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" parser.add_section(section) nte = self.readRegister(50501) cm = self.readRegister(50502) ec0 = bool( cm & 1 ) ec1 = bool( (cm >> 1) & 1 ) parser.set(section, "NumberTimersEnabled", str(nte) ) parser.set(section, "Counter0Enabled", str(ec0) ) parser.set(section, "Counter1Enabled", str(ec1) ) for i in range(nte): mode, value = self.readRegister(7100 + (i*2), numReg = 2, format = ">HH") parser.set(section, "Timer%s Mode" % i, str(mode)) parser.set(section, "Timer%s Value" % i, str(value)) return parser def loadConfig(self, configParserObj): """ Name: UE9.loadConfig( configParserObj ) Args: configParserObj, A Config Parser object to load in Desc: Takes a configuration and updates the UE9 to match it. """ parser = configParserObj # Set Identifiers: section = "Identifiers" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "device type"): if parser.getint(section, "device type") != self.devType: raise Exception("Not a UE9 Config file.") if parser.has_option(section, "local id"): self.commConfig( LocalID = parser.getint(section, "local id")) if parser.has_option(section, "name"): self.setName( parser.get(section, "name") ) # Comm Config settings section = "Communication" if parser.has_section(section): DHCPEnabled = None ipAddress = None subnet = None gateway = None portA = None portB = None if parser.has_option(section, "DHCPEnabled"): DHCPEnabled = parser.getboolean(section, "DHCPEnabled") if parser.has_option(section, "ipAddress"): ipAddress = parser.get(section, "ipAddress") if parser.has_option(section, "subnet"): subnet = parser.get(section, "subnet") if parser.has_option(section, "gateway"): gateway = parser.get(section, "gateway") if parser.has_option(section, "portA"): portA = parser.getint(section, "portA") if parser.has_option(section, "portB"): portB = parser.getint(section, "portB") self.commConfig( DHCPEnabled = DHCPEnabled, IPAddress = ipAddress, Subnet = subnet, Gateway = gateway, PortA = portA, PortB = portB ) # Set FIOs: section = "FIOs" if parser.has_section(section): fiodirs = 0 eiodirs = 0 ciodirs = 0 fiostates = 0 eiostates = 0 ciostates = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "fios directions"): fiodirs = parser.getint(section, "fios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "eios directions"): eiodirs = parser.getint(section, "eios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "cios directions"): ciodirs = parser.getint(section, "cios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "fios states"): fiostates = parser.getint(section, "fios states") if parser.has_option(section, "eios states"): eiostates = parser.getint(section, "eios states") if parser.has_option(section, "cios states"): ciostates = parser.getint(section, "cios states") bitmask = 0xff00 # FIO State/Dir self.writeRegister(6700, bitmask + fiostates ) self.writeRegister(6750, bitmask + fiodirs ) # EIO State/Dir self.writeRegister(6701, bitmask + eiostates ) self.writeRegister(6751, bitmask + eiodirs ) # CIO State/Dir self.writeRegister(6702, bitmask + ciostates ) self.writeRegister(6752, bitmask + ciodirs ) # Set DACs: section = "DACs" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "dac0"): self.writeRegister(5000, parser.getfloat(section, "dac0")) if parser.has_option(section, "dac1"): self.writeRegister(5002, parser.getfloat(section, "dac1")) # Set Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockbase"): self.writeRegister(7000, parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase")) if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockdivisor"): self.writeRegister(7002, parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase")) # Set Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" if parser.has_section(section): nte = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "NumberTimersEnabled"): nte = parser.getint(section, "NumberTimersEnabled") self.writeRegister(50501, nte) if parser.has_option(section, "Counter0Enabled"): cm = (self.readRegister(50502) & 2) # 0b10 c0e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter0Enabled") self.writeRegister(50502, cm + int(c0e)) if parser.has_option(section, "Counter1Enabled"): cm = (self.readRegister(50502) & 1) # 0b01 c1e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter1Enabled") self.writeRegister(50502, (int(c1e) << 1) + 1) mode = None value = None for i in range(nte): if parser.has_option(section, "timer%s mode"): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer%s mode") if parser.has_option(section, "timer%s value"): value = parser.getint(section, "timer%s mode") self.writeRegister(7100 + (i*2), [mode, value])
""" Name: Desc: Provides a Bridge and Mote class for working with SkyMote bridges and motes. """ from LabJackPython import * if == "nt": if skymoteLib is None: raise ImportError("Couldn't load liblabjackusb.dll. Please install, and try again.") def serialToDotHex(serial): bytes = struct.unpack("BBBBBBBB", struct.pack(">Q", serial)) line = "" for i in range(7): line += "%02x:" % bytes[i] line += "%02x" % bytes[7] return line def dotHexToSerial(dothex): bytes = [ int(i, 16) for i in dothex.split(":") ] serial = 0 for i, byte in enumerate(bytes): serial += byte << (8 * (7-i)) return serial class Bridge(Device): """ Bridge class for working with wireless bridges >>> import bridge >>> d = bridge.Bridge() """ # ------------------ Object Functions ------------------ # These functions are part of object interaction in python def __init__(self, handle = None, autoOpen = True, **kargs): Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 0x501) self.handle = handle if 'localId' in kargs: self.localId = kargs['localId'] else: self.localId = None if 'serial' in kargs: self.serialNumber = int(kargs['serial']) self.serialString = serialToDotHex(self.serialNumber) else: self.serialNumber = None self.serialString = None self.ethernetFWVersion = None self.usbFWVersion = None self.deviceName = "SkyMote Bridge" self.devType = 0x501 self.unitId = 0 self.debug = True self.modbusPrependZeros = False self.nameCache = None if autoOpen:**kargs) def open(self, firstFound = True, serial = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = "localhost:6000"): #", 0x501, firstFound = firstFound, localId = None, serial = serial, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) def read(self, numBytes, stream = False, modbus = False): result =, 64, stream, modbus) return result[:numBytes] def spontaneous(self): while True: try: packet =, stream = True) localId = packet[6] packet = struct.pack("B"*len(packet), *packet) transId = struct.unpack(">H", packet[0:2])[0] report = struct.unpack(">HBBfHH"+"f"*8, packet[9:53]) results = dict() results['unitId'] = localId results['transId'] = transId results['RxLQI'] = report[1] results['TxLQI'] = report[2] results['Battery'] = report[3] results['Temp'] = report[6] results['Light'] = report[7] results['Bump'] = report[4] results['Sound'] = report[11] yield results except socket.timeout: # Our read timed out, but keep going. pass def readRegister(self, addr, numReg = None, format = None, unitId = None): if unitId is None: return Device.readRegister(self, addr, numReg, format, self.unitId) else: return Device.readRegister(self, addr, numReg, format, unitId) def writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = None): if unitId is None: return Device.writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = self.unitId) else: return Device.writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = unitId) # ------------------ Convenience Functions ------------------ # These functions call read register for you. def readSerialNumber(self): self.serialNumber = self.readRegister(65104, numReg = 4, format = ">Q") self.serialString = serialToDotHex(self.serialNumber) return self.serialNumber def readNumberOfMotes(self): return self.readRegister(59200, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def ethernetFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(56000, format = '>BB') self.ethernetFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) def usbFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(57000, format = '>BB') self.usbFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) def mainFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(65006, format = ">BB") self.mainFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) def energyScan(self): return self.readRegister(59410, numReg = 8, format = ">"+"B"*16) def getNetworkPassword(self): results = self.readRegister(50120, numReg = 8, format = ">"+"B"*16) returnDict = dict() returnDict['enabled'] = True if results[0] != 0 else False returnDict['password'] = struct.pack("B"*15, *results[1:]) return returnDict def setNetworkPassword(self, password, enable = True): if len(password) > 15: password = password[:15] if len(password) < 15: password += "\x00" * ( 15 - len(password) ) byteList = list(struct.unpack("B" * 15, password)) if enable: byteList = [ 1 ] + byteList else: byteList = [ 0 ] + byteList byteList = list(struct.unpack(">"+"H" * 8, struct.pack("B"*16, *byteList))) self.writeRegister(50120, byteList) def usbBufferStatus(self): return self.readRegister(57001) def numUSBRX(self): return self.readRegister(57002, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def numUSBTX(self): return self.readRegister(57004, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def numPIBRX(self): return self.readRegister(57006, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def numPIBTX(self): return self.readRegister(57008, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def lastUsbError(self): return self.readRegister(57010) def dmOverflows(self): return self.readRegister(57011) def numPibTos(self): return self.readRegister(57014) def numUsbTos(self): return self.readRegister(57015) def vUsb(self): return self.readRegister(57050, numReg = 2, format = '>f') def vJack(self): return self.readRegister(57052, numReg = 2, format = '>f') def vSt(self): return self.readRegister(57054, numReg = 2, format = '>f') # ------------------ Mote Functions ------------------ # These functions help you work with the motes. def numMotes(self): return self.readRegister(59200, numReg = 2, format = '>I') def listMotes(self): numMotes = self.readRegister(59200, numReg = 2, format = '>I') if numMotes == 0: return [] connectedMotes = [] unitIds = self.readRegister(59202, numReg = numMotes, format = ">" + "H" *numMotes ) if isinstance(unitIds, list): for unitId in unitIds: connectedMotes.append(Mote(self, unitId)) return connectedMotes else: return [Mote(self, unitIds)] def makeMote(self, unitId): return Mote(self, unitId) class Mote(object): # ------------------ Object Functions ------------------ # These functions are part of object interaction in python def __init__(self, bridge, unitId): self.bridge = bridge self.unitId = unitId self.productName = "SkyMote Mote" self.nickname = None self.checkinInterval = None self.processInterval = 1000 self.mainFWVersion = None self.devType = None self.serialNumber = None self.serialString = None def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return "<Mote Object with ID = %s>" % self.unitId def readRegister(self, addr, numReg = None, format = None): return self.bridge.readRegister(addr, numReg = numReg, format = format, unitId = self.unitId) def writeRegister(self, addr, value): return self.bridge.writeRegister(addr, value, unitId = self.unitId) def getName(self): """ Name: Device.getName() Args: None Desc: Returns the name of a device. Always returns a unicode string. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' """ name = list(self.readRegister(58000, format='B'*48, numReg = 24)) if name[1] == 3: # Old style string name = "My %s" % self.productName print "Old UTF-16 name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") else: try: end = name.index(0x00) name = struct.pack("B"*end, *name[:end]).decode("UTF-8") except ValueError: name = "My %s" % self.productName print "Improperly formatted name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") return name def setName(self, name = "My LabJack U3"): """ Name: Device.setName(name = ""My LabJack U3") Args: name, the name you'd like to assign the the U3 Desc: Writes a new name to the device. Names a limited to 30 characters or less. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' >>> d.setName("Johann") >>> d.getName() u'Johann' """ strLen = len(name) if strLen > 47: raise LabJackException("The name is too long, must be less than 48 characters.") newname = name.encode('UTF-8') bl = list(struct.unpack("B"*strLen, newname)) + [0x00] strLen += 1 if strLen%2 != 0: bl = bl + [0x00] strLen += 1 bl = struct.unpack(">"+"H"*(strLen/2), struct.pack("B" * strLen, *bl)) self.writeRegister(58000, list(bl)) name = property(getName, setName) def getUnitId(self): self.unitId = self.readRegister(65103) return self.unitId def setUnitId(self, unitId): self.writeRegister(65103, unitId) self.unitId = unitId return True def close(self): self.bridge = None def mainFirmwareVersion(self): left, right = self.readRegister(65006, format = ">BB") self.mainFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (left, right) return "%s.%02d" % (left, right) # ------------------ Convenience Functions ------------------ # These functions call read register for you. def readSerialNumber(self): self.serialNumber = self.readRegister(65104, numReg = 4, format = ">Q") self.serialString = serialToDotHex(self.serialNumber) return self.serialNumber def startRapidMode(self, minutes = 3): # Sends the command to put a bridge in rapid mode. self.writeRegister(59990, minutes) def stopRapidMode(self): # Sends the command to disable rapid mode. self.startRapidMode(0) def setCheckinInterval(self, milliseconds=1000, processInterval = None): if processInterval is None: processInterval = self.processInterval self.processInterval = processInterval bytes = list(struct.unpack(">HHHH", struct.pack(">II", processInterval, milliseconds))) self.writeRegister(50100, bytes) def readCheckinInterval(self): self.checkinInterval = self.readRegister(50102) return self.checkinInterval def readProcessInterval(self): self.processInterval = self.readRegister(50100) return self.processInterval def sensorSweep(self): """ Performs a sweep of all the sensors on the sensor mote. """ rxLqi, txLqi, battery, temp, light, motion, sound = self.readRegister(12000, numReg = 14, format = ">" + "f"*7) results = dict() results['RxLQI'] = rxLqi results['TxLQI'] = txLqi results['Battery'] = battery results['Temp'] = temp results['Light'] = light results['Motion'] = motion results['Sound'] = sound return results def panId(self): return self.readRegister(50000) def sleepTime(self): return self.readRegister(50100, numReg = 2, format = ">I") def getNetworkPassword(self): results = self.readRegister(50120, numReg = 8, format = ">"+"B"*16) returnDict = dict() returnDict['enabled'] = True if results[0] != 0 else False returnDict['password'] = struct.pack("B"*15, *results[1:]) return returnDict def setNetworkPassword(self, password, enable = True): if len(password) > 15: password = password[:15] if len(password) < 15: password += "\x00" * ( 15 - len(password) ) byteList = list(struct.unpack("B" * 15, password)) if enable: byteList = [ 1 ] + byteList else: byteList = [ 0 ] + byteList byteList = list(struct.unpack(">"+"H" * 8, struct.pack("B"*16, *byteList))) print "Writing:", byteList self.writeRegister(50120, byteList)
""" Name: Desc: Defines the U12 class, which makes working with a U12 much easier. The functions of the U12 class are divided into two categories: UW and low-level. Most of the UW functions are exposed as functions of the U12 class. With the exception of the "e" functions, UW functions are Windows only. The "e" functions will work with both the UW and the Exodriver. Therefore, people wishing to write cross-platform code should restrict themselves to using only the "e" functions. The UW functions are described in Section 4 of the U12 User's Guide: All low-level functions of the U12 class begin with the word raw. For example, the low-level function Counter can be called with U12.rawCounter(). Currently, low-level functions are limited to the Exodriver (Linux and Mac OS X). You can find descriptions of the low-level functions in Section 5 of the U12 User's Guide: """ import platform import ctypes import os, atexit import math from time import time import struct WINDOWS = "Windows" ON_WINDOWS = ( == 'nt') class U12Exception(Exception): """Custom Exception meant for dealing specifically with U12 Exceptions. Error codes are either going to be a LabJackUD error code or a -1. The -1 implies a python wrapper specific error. def __init__(self, ec = 0, errorString = ''): self.errorCode = ec self.errorString = errorString if not self.errorString: #try: self.errorString = getErrorString(ec) #except: # self.errorString = str(self.errorCode) def __str__(self): return self.errorString """ pass class BitField(object): """ Provides a method for working with bit fields. >>> bf = BitField() >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 0, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 0, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] You can use attribute accessing for easy bit flipping: >>> bf.bit4 = 1 >>> bf.bit7 = 1 >>> print bf [ bit7 = 1, bit6 = 0, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] You can also use list-style accessing. Counting starts on the left: >>> print bf[0] # List index 0 is bit7 1 >>> print bf[3] # List index 3 is bit4 1 List-style slicing: >>> print bf[3:] [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] List-style setting bits works as you would expect: >>> bf[1] = 1 >>> print bf [ bit7 = 1, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] It provides methods for going to and from bytes: >>> bf = BitField(123) >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 1, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 1, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 1, bit0 = 1 ] >>> bf = BitField() >>> bf.fromByte(123) # Modifies bf in place >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 1, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 1, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 1, bit0 = 1 ] >>> bf.bit4 = 0 >>> print bf.asByte() 107 You can iterate of the raw bits ( 1 and 0 Vs. '1' and '0') easily: >>> for i in bf: ... print i 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 You can also iterate over the labels and their data values using items(): >>> for label, data in bf.items(): ... print label, data bit7 0 bit6 1 bit5 1 bit4 0 bit3 1 bit2 0 bit1 1 bit0 1 As an added bonus, it can also be cast as an int or hex: >>> int(bf) 107 >>> hex(bf) '0x6b' See the description of the __init__ method for setting the label parameters. """ def __init__(self, rawByte = None, labelPrefix = "bit", labelList = None, zeroLabel = "0", oneLabel = "1"): """ Name: BitField.__init__(rawByte = None, labelPrefix = "bit", labelList = None, zeroLabel = "0", oneLabel = "1") Args: rawByte, a value to set the bit field values to. labelPrefix, what should go before the labels in labelList labelList, a list of labels to apply to each bit. If None, it gets set to range(7,-1,-1). zeroLabel, bits with a value of 0 will have this label oneLabel, bits with a value of 1 will have this label Desc: Creates a new bitfield and sets up the labels. With out any arguments, you get a bit field that looks like this: >>> bf = BitField() >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 0, bit5 = 0, bit4 = 0, bit3 = 0, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 0, bit0 = 0 ] To make the labels, it iterates over all the labelList and adds the labelPrefix to them. If you have less than 8 labels, then your bit field will only work up to that many bits. To make a BitField with labels for FIO0-7 you can do the following: >>> bf = BitField(labelPrefix = "FIO") >>> print bf [ FIO7 = 0, FIO6 = 0, FIO5 = 0, FIO4 = 0, FIO3 = 0, FIO2 = 0, FIO1 = 0, FIO0 = 0 ] The labels don't have to be numbers, for example: >>> names = [ "Goodreau", "Jerri", "Selena", "Allan", "Tania", "Kathrine", "Jessie", "Zelma" ] >>> bf = BitField( labelPrefix = "", labelList = names) >>> print bf [ Goodreau = 0, Jerri = 0, Selena = 0, Allan = 0, Tania = 0, Kathrine = 0, Jessie = 0, Zelma = 0 ] You can change the display value of zero and one to be whatever you want. For example, if you have a BitField that represents FIO0-7 directions: >>> dirs = BitField(rawByte = 5, labelPrefix = "FIO", zeroLabel = "Output", oneLabel = "Input") >>> print dirs [ FIO7 = Output, FIO6 = Output, FIO5 = Output, FIO4 = Output, FIO3 = Output, FIO2 = Input, FIO1 = Output, FIO0 = Input ] Note, that when you access the value, you will get 1 or 0, not "Input" or "Output. For example: >>> print dirs.FIO3 0 """ # Do labels first, so that self.something = something works. self.__dict__['labels'] = [] self.labelPrefix = labelPrefix if labelList is None: self.labelList = range(8) else: self.labelList = list(reversed(labelList)) self.zeroLabel = zeroLabel self.oneLabel = oneLabel self.rawValue = 0 self.rawBits = [ 0 ] * 8 = [ self.zeroLabel ] * 8 items = min(8, len(self.labelList)) for i in reversed(range(items)): self.labels.append("%s%s" % (self.labelPrefix, self.labelList[i])) if rawByte is not None: self.fromByte(rawByte) def fromByte(self, raw): """ Name: BitField.fromByte(raw) Args: raw, the raw byte to make the BitField. Desc: Takes a byte, and modifies self to match. >>> bf = BitField() >>> bf.fromByte(123) # Modifies bf in place >>> print bf [ bit7 = 0, bit6 = 1, bit5 = 1, bit4 = 1, bit3 = 1, bit2 = 0, bit1 = 1, bit0 = 1 ] """ self.rawValue = raw self.rawBits = [] = [] items = min(8, len(self.labelList)) for i in reversed(range(items)): self.rawBits.append( ((raw >> (i)) & 1) ) if bool(((raw >> (i)) & 1)) else self.zeroLabel) def asByte(self): """ Name: BitField.asByte() Args: None Desc: Returns the value of the bitfield as a byte. >>> bf = BitField() >>> bf.fromByte(123) # Modifies bf in place >>> bf.bit4 = 0 >>> print bf.asByte() 107 """ byteVal = 0 for i, v in enumerate(reversed(self.rawBits)): byteVal += ( 1 << i ) * v return byteVal def asBin(self): result = "0b" for i in self.rawBits: result += "%s" % i return result def __len__(self): return len( def __repr__(self): result = "[" for i in range(len( result += " %s = %s (%s)," % (self.labels[i],[i], self.rawBits[i]) result = result.rstrip(',') result += " ]" return "<BitField object: %s >" % result def __str__(self): result = "[" for i in range(len( result += " %s = %s," % (self.labels[i],[i]) result = result.rstrip(',') result += " ]" return result def __getattr__(self, label): try: i = self.labels.index(label) return self.rawBits[i] except ValueError: raise AttributeError(label) def __setattr__(self, label, value): try: i = self.labels.index(label) self.rawBits[i] = int(bool(value))[i] = self.oneLabel if bool(value) else self.zeroLabel except ValueError: self.__dict__[label] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.rawBits[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.rawBits[key] = int(bool(value))[key] = self.oneLabel if bool(value) else self.zeroLabel def __iter__(self): return iter(self.rawBits) def items(self): """ Name: BitField.items() Args: None Desc: Returns a list of tuples where the first item is the label and the second is the string value, like "High" or "Input" >>> dirs = BitField(rawByte = 5, labelPrefix = "FIO", zeroLabel = "Output", oneLabel = "Input") >>> print dirs [ FIO7 = Output, FIO6 = Output, FIO5 = Output, FIO4 = Output, FIO3 = Output, FIO2 = Input, FIO1 = Output, FIO0 = Input ] >>> for label, data in dirs.items(): ... print label, data ... FIO7 Output FIO6 Output FIO5 Output FIO4 Output FIO3 Output FIO2 Input FIO1 Output FIO0 Input """ return zip(self.labels, def __int__(self): return self.asByte() def __hex__(self): return hex(self.asByte()) def __add__(self, other): """ A helper to prevent having to test if a variable is a bitfield or int. """ return other + self.asByte() def errcheck(ret, func, args): if ret == -1: try: ec = ctypes.get_errno() raise U12Exception("Exodriver returned error number %s" % ec) except AttributeError: raise U12Exception("Exodriver returned an error, but LabJackPython is unable to read the error code. Upgrade to Python 2.6 for this functionality.") else: return ret def _loadLinuxSo(): try: l = ctypes.CDLL("", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l def _loadMacDylib(): try: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l staticLib = None if == 'posix': try: staticLib = _loadLinuxSo() except OSError, e: pass # We may be on Mac. except Exception, e: raise U12Exception("Could not load the Linux SO for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) try: if staticLib is None: staticLib = _loadMacDylib() except OSError, e: raise U12Exception("Could not load the Exodriver driver. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\nCheck that the Exodriver is installed, and the permissions are set correctly.\nThe error message was: %s" % e) except Exception, e: raise U12Exception("Could not load the Mac Dylib for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) else: try: staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") except: raise Exception, "Could not load LabJack UW driver." class U12(object): """ U12 Class for all U12 specific commands. u12 = U12() """ def __init__(self, id = -1, serialNumber = None, debug = False): = id self.serialNumber = serialNumber self.deviceName = "U12" self.streaming = False self.handle = None self.debug = debug self._autoCloseSetup = False if not ON_WINDOWS: # Save some variables to save state. self.pwmAVoltage = 0 self.pwmBVoltage = 0, serialNumber) def open(self, id = -1, serialNumber = None): """ Opens the U12. The Windows UW driver opens the device every time a function is called. The Exodriver, however, works like the UD family of devices and returns a handle. On Windows, this method does nothing. On Mac OS X and Linux, this method acquires a device handle and saves it to the U12 object. """ if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: if self.debug: print "open called" devType = ctypes.c_ulong(1) openDev = staticLib.LJUSB_OpenDevice openDev.restype = ctypes.c_void_p if serialNumber is not None: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(devType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i+1, 0, devType) if handle != 0 and handle is not None: self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) try: serial = self.rawReadSerial() except Exception: serial = self.rawReadSerial() if serial == int(serialNumber): break else: self.close() if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("Couldn't find a U12 with a serial number matching %s" % serialNumber) elif id != -1: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(devType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i+1, 0, devType) if handle != 0 and handle is not None: self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) try: unitId = self.rawReadLocalId() except Exception: unitId = self.rawReadLocalId() if unitId == int(id): break else: self.close() if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("Couldn't find a U12 with a local ID matching %s" % id) elif id == -1: handle = openDev(1, 0, devType) if handle == 0 or handle is None: raise Exception("Couldn't open a U12. Check that one is connected and try again.") else: self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) # U12 ignores first command, so let's write a command. command = [ 0 ] * 8 command[5] = 0x57 # 0b01010111 try: self.write(command) except: pass = self.rawReadLocalId() else: raise Exception("Invalid combination of parameters.") if not self._autoCloseSetup: # Only need to register auto-close once per device. atexit.register(self.close) self._autoCloseSetup = True def close(self): if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: staticLib.LJUSB_CloseDevice(self.handle) self.handle = None def write(self, writeBuffer): if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("The U12's handle is None. Please open a U12 with open()") if self.debug: print "Writing:", hexWithoutQuotes(writeBuffer) newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(writeBuffer))(0) for i in range(len(writeBuffer)): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(writeBuffer[i]) writeBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Write(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), len(writeBuffer)) if(writeBytes != len(writeBuffer)): raise U12Exception( "Could only write %s of %s bytes." % (writeBytes, len(writeBuffer) ) ) return writeBuffer def read(self, numBytes = 8): if ON_WINDOWS: pass else: if self.handle is None: raise U12Exception("The U12's handle is None. Please open a U12 with open()") newA = (ctypes.c_byte*numBytes)() readBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Read(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) # return a list of integers in command/response mode result = [(newA[i] & 0xff) for i in range(readBytes)] if self.debug: print "Received:", hexWithoutQuotes(result) return result # Low-level helpers def rawReadSerial(self): """ Name: U12.rawReadSerial() Args: None Desc: Reads the serial number from internal memory. Returns: The U12's serial number as an integer. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawReadSerial() 10004XXXX """ results = self.rawReadRAM() return struct.unpack(">I", struct.pack("BBBB", results['DataByte3'], results['DataByte2'], results['DataByte1'], results['DataByte0']))[0] def rawReadLocalId(self): """ Name: U12.rawReadLocalId() Args: None Desc: Reads the Local ID from internal memory. Returns: The U12's Local ID as an integer. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawReadLocalId() 0 """ results = self.rawReadRAM(0x08) return results['DataByte0'] # Begin Section 5 Functions def rawAISample(self, channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3toIO0States = 0, EchoValue = 0): """ Name: U12.rawAISample(channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3toIO0States = 0, EchoValue = 0) Args: channel0PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel0 information channel1PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel1 information channel2PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel2 information channel3PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel3 information IO3toIO0States, A byte that represents the states of IO0 to IO3 UpdateIO, If true, set IO0 to IO 3 to match IO3toIO0States LEDState, Turns the status LED on or off. EchoValue, Sometimes, you want what you put in. Desc: Collects readings from 4 analog inputs. It can also toggle the status LED and update the state of the IOs. See Section 5.1 of the User's Guide. By default it will read AI0-3 (single-ended). Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: PGAOvervoltage, A bool representing if the U12 detected overvoltage IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the state of IO0 to IO3 Channel0-3, the analog voltage for the channel EchoValue, a repeat of the value passed in. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawAISample() { 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'Channel0': 1.46484375, 'Channel1': 1.4501953125, 'Channel2': 1.4599609375, 'Channel3': 1.4306640625, 'PGAOvervoltage': False, 'EchoValue': 0 } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel command[0] = int(channel0PGAMUX) tempNum = command[0] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel0Number = tempNum if (command[0] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel0Gain = (command[0] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[1] = int(channel1PGAMUX) tempNum = command[1] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel1Number = tempNum if (command[1] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel1Gain = (command[1] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[2] = int(channel2PGAMUX) tempNum = command[2] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel2Number = tempNum if (command[2] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel2Gain = (command[2] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[3] = int(channel3PGAMUX) tempNum = command[3] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel3Number = tempNum if (command[3] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel3Gain = (command[3] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 # Bit 1: Update IO # Bit 0: LED State bf = BitField() bf.bit1 = int(UpdateIO) bf.bit0 = int(LEDState) command[4] = int(bf) # Bit 7-4: 1100 (Command/Response) # Bit 3-0: Bits for IO3 through IO0 States bf.fromByte(0) bf.bit7 = 1 bf.bit6 = 1 bf.fromByte( int(bf) | int(IO3toIO0States) ) command[5] = int(bf) command[7] = EchoValue self.write(command) results = bf = BitField() bf.fromByte(results[0]) if bf.bit7 != 1 or bf.bit6 != 0: raise U12Exception("Expected a AIStream response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict = {} returnDict['EchoValue'] = results[1] returnDict['PGAOvervoltage'] = bool(bf.bit4) returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField(results[0], "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") channel0 = (results[2] >> 4) & 0xf channel1 = (results[2] & 0xf) channel2 = (results[5] >> 4) & 0xf channel3 = (results[5] & 0xf) channel0 = (channel0 << 8) + results[3] returnDict['Channel0'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel0Number, channel0Gain, channel0) channel1 = (channel1 << 8) + results[4] returnDict['Channel1'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel1Number, channel1Gain, channel1) channel2 = (channel2 << 8) + results[6] returnDict['Channel2'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel2Number, channel2Gain, channel2) channel3 = (channel3 << 8) + results[7] returnDict['Channel3'] = self.bitsToVolts(channel3Number, channel3Gain, channel3) return returnDict def rawDIO(self, D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, UpdateDigital = False): """ Name: U12.rawDIO(D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, UpdateDigital = 1) Args: D15toD8Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D15-8 D7toD0Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D7-0 D15toD8States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D15-8 D7toD0States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D7-0 IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates, Bits 7-4: Direction, 3-0: State UpdateDigital, True if you want to update the IO/D line. False to False to just read their values. Desc: This commands reads the direction and state of all the digital I/O. See Section 5.2 of the U12 User's Guide. By default, it just reads the directions and states. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: D15toD8Directions, a BitField representing the directions of D15-D8 D7toD0Directions, a BitField representing the directions of D7-D0. D15toD8States, a BitField representing the states of D15-D8. D7toD0States, a BitField representing the states of D7-D0. IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the states of IO3-IO0. D15toD8OutputLatchStates, BitField of output latch states for D15-8 D7toD0OutputLatchStates, BitField of output latch states for D7-0 Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawDIO() { 'D15toD8Directions': <BitField object: [ D15 = Input (1), D14 = Input (1), D13 = Input (1), D12 = Input (1), D11 = Input (1), D10 = Input (1), D9 = Input (1), D8 = Input (1) ] >, 'D7toD0Directions': <BitField object: [ D7 = Input (1), D6 = Input (1), D5 = Input (1), D4 = Input (1), D3 = Input (1), D2 = Input (1), D1 = Input (1), D0 = Input (1) ] >, 'D15toD8States': <BitField object: [ D15 = Low (0), D14 = Low (0), D13 = Low (0), D12 = Low (0), D11 = Low (0), D10 = Low (0), D9 = Low (0), D8 = Low (0) ] >, 'D7toD0States': <BitField object: [ D7 = Low (0), D6 = Low (0), D5 = Low (0), D4 = Low (0), D3 = Low (0), D2 = Low (0), D1 = Low (0), D0 = Low (0) ] >, 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'D15toD8OutputLatchStates': <BitField object: [ D15 = 0 (0), D14 = 0 (0), D13 = 0 (0), D12 = 0 (0), D11 = 0 (0), D10 = 0 (0), D9 = 0 (0), D8 = 0 (0) ] >, 'D7toD0OutputLatchStates': <BitField object: [ D7 = 0 (0), D6 = 0 (0), D5 = 0 (0), D4 = 0 (0), D3 = 0 (0), D2 = 0 (0), D1 = 0 (0), D0 = 0 (0) ] > } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits for D15 through D8 Direction command[0] = int(D15toD8Directions) # Bits for D7 through D0 Direction ( 0 = Output, 1 = Input) command[1] = int(D7toD0Directions) # Bits for D15 through D8 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[2] = int(D15toD8States) # Bits for D7 through D0 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[3] = int(D7toD0States) # Bits 7-4: Bits for IO3 through IO0 Direction # Bits 3-0: Bits for IO3 through IO0 State command[4] = int(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates) # 01X10111 (DIO) command[5] = 0x57 # 0b01010111 # Bit 0: Update Digital command[6] = int(bool(UpdateDigital)) #XXXXXXXX # command[7] = XXXXXXXX self.write(command) results = returnDict = {} if results[0] != 87: raise U12Exception("Expected a DIO response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict['D15toD8States'] = BitField(results[1], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D7toD0States'] = BitField(results[2], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D15toD8Directions'] = BitField(results[4], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Output", "Input") returnDict['D7toD0Directions'] = BitField(results[5], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Output", "Input") returnDict['D15toD8OutputLatchStates'] = BitField(results[6], "D", range(15, 7, -1)) returnDict['D7toD0OutputLatchStates'] = BitField(results[7], "D", range(7, -1, -1)) returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField((results[3] >> 4), "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") return returnDict def rawCounter(self, StrobeEnabled = False, ResetCounter = False): """ Name: U12.rawCounter(StrobeEnabled = False, ResetCounter = False) Args: StrobeEnable, set to True to enable strobe. ResetCounter, set to True to reset the counter AFTER reading. Desc: This command controls and reads the 32-bit counter. See Section 5.3 of the User's Guide. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: D15toD8States, a BitField representing the states of D15-D8. D7toD0States, a BitField representing the states of D7-D0. IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the states of IO3-IO0. Counter, the value of the counter Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawCounter() { 'D15toD8States': <BitField object: [ D15 = Low (0), D14 = Low (0), D13 = Low (0), D12 = Low (0), D11 = Low (0), D10 = Low (0), D9 = Low (0), D8 = Low (0) ] >, 'D7toD0States': <BitField object: [ D7 = Low (0), D6 = Low (0), D5 = Low (0), D4 = Low (0), D3 = Low (0), D2 = Low (0), D1 = Low (0), D0 = Low (0) ] >, 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'Counter': 0 } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 bf = BitField() bf.bit1 = int(StrobeEnabled) bf.bit0 = int(ResetCounter) command[0] = int(bf) bf.fromByte(0) bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 bf.bit1 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) self.write(command) results = returnDict = {} if results[0] != command[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected a Counter response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict['D15toD8States'] = BitField(results[1], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D7toD0States'] = BitField(results[2], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField((results[3] >> 4), "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") counter = results[7] counter += results[6] << 8 counter += results[5] << 16 counter += results[4] << 24 returnDict['Counter'] = counter return returnDict def rawCounterPWMDIO(self, D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, ResetCounter = False, UpdateDigital = 0, PWMA = 0, PWMB = 0): """ Name: U12.rawCounterPWMDIO( D15toD8Directions = 0, D7toD0Directions = 0, D15toD8States = 0, D7toD0States = 0, IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 0, ResetCounter = False, UpdateDigital = 0, PWMA = 0, PWMB = 0) Args: D15toD8Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D15-8 D7toD0Directions, A byte where 0 = Output, 1 = Input for D7-0 D15toD8States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D15-8 D7toD0States, A byte where 0 = Low, 1 = High for D7-0 IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates, Bits 7-4: Direction, 3-0: State ResetCounter, If True, reset the counter after reading. UpdateDigital, True if you want to update the IO/D line. False to False to just read their values. PWMA, Voltage to set AO0 to output. PWMB, Voltage to set AO1 to output. Desc: This command controls all 20 digital I/O, and the 2 PWM outputs. The response provides the state of all I/O and the current count. See Section 5.4 of the User's Guide. By default, sets the AOs to 0 and reads the states and counters. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: D15toD8States, a BitField representing the states of D15-D8. D7toD0States, a BitField representing the states of D7-D0. IO3toIO0States, a BitField representing the states of IO3-IO0. Counter, the value of the counter Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawCounterPWMDIO() { 'D15toD8States': <BitField object: [ D15 = Low (0), D14 = Low (0), D13 = Low (0), D12 = Low (0), D11 = Low (0), D10 = Low (0), D9 = Low (0), D8 = Low (0) ] >, 'D7toD0States': <BitField object: [ D7 = Low (0), D6 = Low (0), D5 = Low (0), D4 = Low (0), D3 = Low (0), D2 = Low (0), D1 = Low (0), D0 = Low (0) ] >, 'IO3toIO0States': <BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, 'Counter': 0 } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits for D15 through D8 Direction command[0] = int(D15toD8Directions) # Bits for D7 through D0 Direction ( 0 = Output, 1 = Input) command[1] = int(D7toD0Directions) # Bits for D15 through D8 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[2] = int(D15toD8States) # Bits for D7 through D0 State ( 0 = Low, 1 = High) command[3] = int(D7toD0States) # Bits 7-4: Bits for IO3 through IO0 Direction # Bits 3-0: Bits for IO3 through IO0 State command[4] = int(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates) bf = BitField() bf.bit5 = int(ResetCounter) bf.bit4 = int(UpdateDigital) binPWMA = int((1023 * (float(PWMA)/5.0))) binPWMB = int((1023 * (float(PWMB)/5.0))) bf2 = BitField() bf2.fromByte( binPWMA & 3 ) # 3 = 0b11 bf.bit3 = bf2.bit1 bf.bit2 = bf2.bit0 bf2.fromByte( binPWMB & 3 ) # 3 = 0b11 bf.bit1 = bf2.bit1 bf.bit0 = bf2.bit0 command[5] = int(bf) command[6] = (binPWMA >> 2) & 0xff command[7] = (binPWMB >> 2) & 0xff self.write(command) results = returnDict = {} returnDict['D15toD8States'] = BitField(results[1], "D", range(15, 7, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['D7toD0States'] = BitField(results[2], "D", range(7, -1, -1), "Low", "High") returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = BitField((results[3] >> 4), "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High") counter = results[7] counter += results[6] << 8 counter += results[5] << 16 counter += results[4] << 24 returnDict['Counter'] = counter return returnDict def rawAIBurst(self, channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, NumberOfScans = 8, TriggerIONum = 0, TriggerState = 0, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3ToIO0States = 0, FeatureReports = False, TriggerOn = False, SampleInterval = 15000): """ Name: U12.rawAIBurst( channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, NumberOfScans = 8, TriggerIONum = 0, TriggerState = 0, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3ToIO0States = 0, FeatureReports = False, TriggerOn = False, SampleInterval = 15000 ) Args: channel0PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel0 information channel1PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel1 information channel2PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel2 information channel3PGAMUX, A byte that contains channel3 information NumberOfScans, The number of scans you wish to take. Rounded up to a power of 2. TriggerIONum, IO to trigger burst on. TriggerState, State to trigger on. UpdateIO, True if you want to update the IO/D line. False to False to just read their values. LEDState, Turns the status LED on or off. IO3ToIO0States, 4 bits for IO3-0 states FeatureReports, Use feature reports, or not. TriggerOn, Use trigger to start acquisition. SampleInterval, = int(6000000.0/(ScanRate * NumberOfChannels)) must be greater than (or equal to) 733. Desc: After receiving a AIBurst command, the LabJack collects 4 channels at the specified data rate, and puts data in the buffer. This continues until the buffer is full, at which time the LabJack starts sending the data to the host. Data is sent to the host 1 scan at a time while checking for a command from the host. If a command is received the burst operation is canceled and the command is executed normally. If the LED is enabled, it blinks at 4 Hz while waiting for a trigger, is off during acquisition, blinks at about 8 Hz during data delivery, and is set on when done or stopped. See Section 5.5 of the User's Guide. This function sends the AIBurst command, then reads all the responses. Separating the write and read is not currently supported (like in the UW driver). By default, it does single-ended readings on AI0-4 at 100Hz for 8 scans. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: Channel0-3, A list of the readings on the channels PGAOvervoltages, A list of the over-voltage flags IO3toIO0State, A list of the IO states IterationCounters, A list of the values of the iteration counter Backlogs, value*256 = number of packets in the backlog. BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors, If True and Backlog = 31, then a buffer overflow occurred. If True and Backlog = 0, then Checksum error occurred. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawAIBurst() { 'Channel0': [1.484375, 1.513671875, ... , 1.46484375], 'Channel1': [1.455078125, 1.455078125, ... , 1.455078125], 'Channel2': [1.46484375, 1.474609375, ... , 1.46484375], 'Channel3': [1.435546875, 1.42578125, ... , 1.435546875], 'PGAOvervoltages': [False, False, ..., False], 'IO3toIO0States': [<BitField object: [ IO3 = Low (0), IO2 = Low (0), IO1 = Low (0), IO0 = Low (0) ] >, ... ], 'IterationCounters': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0], 'Backlogs': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors': [False, False, ... , False] } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel command[0] = int(channel0PGAMUX) tempNum = command[0] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel0Number = tempNum if (command[0] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel0Gain = (command[0] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[1] = int(channel1PGAMUX) tempNum = command[1] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel1Number = tempNum if (command[1] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel1Gain = (command[1] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[2] = int(channel2PGAMUX) tempNum = command[2] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel2Number = tempNum if (command[2] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel2Gain = (command[2] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[3] = int(channel3PGAMUX) tempNum = command[3] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel3Number = tempNum if (command[3] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel3Gain = (command[3] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 if NumberOfScans > 1024 or NumberOfScans < 8: raise U12Exception("The number of scans must be between 1024 and 8 (inclusive)") NumScansExponentMod = 10 - int(math.ceil(math.log(NumberOfScans, 2))) NumScans = 2 ** (10 - NumScansExponentMod) bf = BitField( rawByte = (NumScansExponentMod << 5) ) # bits 4-3: IO to Trigger on bf.bit2 = 0 bf.bit1 = int(bool(UpdateIO)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(LEDState)) command[4] = int(bf) bf2 = BitField(rawByte = int(IO3ToIO0States)) #Bits 7-4: 1010 (Start Burst) bf2.bit7 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) if SampleInterval < 733: raise U12Exception("SampleInterval must be greater than 733.") bf3 = BitField( rawByte = ((SampleInterval >> 8) & 0xf) ) bf3.bit7 = int(bool(FeatureReports)) bf3.bit6 = int(bool(TriggerOn)) command[6] = int(bf3) command[7] = SampleInterval & 0xff self.write(command) resultsList = [] for i in range(NumScans): resultsList.append( returnDict = {} returnDict['BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors'] = list() returnDict['PGAOvervoltages'] = list() returnDict['IO3toIO0States'] = list() returnDict['IterationCounters'] = list() returnDict['Backlogs'] = list() returnDict['Channel0'] = list() returnDict['Channel1'] = list() returnDict['Channel2'] = list() returnDict['Channel3'] = list() for results in resultsList: bf = BitField(rawByte = results[0]) if bf.bit7 != 1 or bf.bit6 != 0: raise U12Exception("Expected a AIBurst response, got %s instead." % results[0]) returnDict['BufferOverflowOrChecksumErrors'].append(bool(bf.bit5)) returnDict['PGAOvervoltages'].append(bool(bf.bit4)) returnDict['IO3toIO0States'].append(BitField(results[0], "IO", range(3, -1, -1), "Low", "High")) returnDict['IterationCounters'].append((results[1] >> 5)) returnDict['Backlogs'].append(results[1] & 0xf) channel0 = (results[2] >> 4) & 0xf channel1 = (results[2] & 0xf) channel2 = (results[5] >> 4) & 0xf channel3 = (results[5] & 0xf) channel0 = (channel0 << 8) + results[3] returnDict['Channel0'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel0Number, channel0Gain, channel0)) channel1 = (channel1 << 8) + results[4] returnDict['Channel1'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel1Number, channel1Gain, channel1)) channel2 = (channel2 << 8) + results[6] returnDict['Channel2'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel2Number, channel2Gain, channel2)) channel3 = (channel3 << 8) + results[7] returnDict['Channel3'].append(self.bitsToVolts(channel3Number, channel3Gain, channel3)) return returnDict def rawAIContinuous(self, channel0PGAMUX = 8, channel1PGAMUX = 9, channel2PGAMUX = 10, channel3PGAMUX = 11, FeatureReports = False, CounterRead = False, UpdateIO = False, LEDState = True, IO3ToIO0States = 0, SampleInterval = 15000): """ Currently in development. The function is mostly implemented, but is currently too slow to be useful. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel command[0] = int(channel0PGAMUX) tempNum = command[0] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel0Number = tempNum if (command[0] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel0Gain = (command[0] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[1] = int(channel1PGAMUX) tempNum = command[1] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel1Number = tempNum if (command[1] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel1Gain = (command[1] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[2] = int(channel2PGAMUX) tempNum = command[2] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel2Number = tempNum if (command[2] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel2Gain = (command[2] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 command[3] = int(channel3PGAMUX) tempNum = command[3] & 7 # 7 = 0b111 channel3Number = tempNum if (command[3] & 0xf) > 7 else tempNum+8 channel3Gain = (command[3] >> 4) & 7 # 7 = 0b111 bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(bool(FeatureReports)) bf.bit6 = int(bool(CounterRead)) bf.bit1 = int(bool(UpdateIO)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(LEDState)) command[4] = int(bf) # Bits 7-4: 1001 (Start Continuous) bf2 = BitField( rawByte = int(IO3ToIO0States) ) bf2.bit7 = 1 bf2.bit4 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = ( SampleInterval >> 8) command[7] = SampleInterval & 0xff byte0bf = BitField() returnDict = dict() self.write(command) while True: results = byte0bf.fromByte(results[0]) returnDict['Byte0'] = byte0bf returnDict['IterationCounter'] = (results[1] >> 5) returnDict['Backlog'] = results[1] & 0xf yield returnDict def rawPulseout(self, B1 = 10, C1 = 2, B2 = 10, C2 = 2, D7ToD0PulseSelection = 1, ClearFirst = False, NumberOfPulses = 5): """ Name: U12.rawPulseout( B1 = 10, C1 = 2, B2 = 10, C2 = 2, D7ToD0PulseSelection = 1, ClearFirst = False, NumberOfPulses = 5) Args: B1, the B component of the first half cycle C1, the C component of the first half cycle B2, the B component of the second half cycle C2, the C component of the second half cycle D7ToD0PulseSelection, which D lines to pulse. ClearFirst, True = Start Low. NumberOfPulses, the number of pulses Desc: This command creates pulses on any, or all, of D0-D7. The desired D lines must be set to output with some other function. See Section 5.7 of the User's Guide. By default, pulses D0 5 times at 400us high, then 400 us low. Returns: None Example: Have a jumper wire connected from D0 to CNT. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawDIO(D7toD0Directions = 0, UpdateDigital = True) >>> d.rawCounter(ResetCounter = True) >>> d.rawPulseout(ClearFirst = True) >>> print d.rawCounter() { 'IO3toIO0States': ... , 'Counter': 5, 'D7toD0States': ... , 'D15toD8States': ... } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 command[0] = B1 command[1] = C1 command[2] = B2 command[3] = C2 command[4] = int(D7ToD0PulseSelection) # 01100100 (Pulseout) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit5 = 1 bf.bit2 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) bf2 = BitField( rawByte = ( NumberOfPulses >> 8 ) ) bf2.bit7 = int(bool(ClearFirst)) command[6] = int(bf2) command[7] = NumberOfPulses & 0xff self.write(command) results = if command[5] != results[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected Pulseout response, got %s instead." % results[5]) if results[4] != 0: errors = BitField(rawByte = command[4], labelPrefix = "D", zeroLabel = "Ok", oneLabel = "Error") raise U12Exception("D7-D0 Direction error detected: %s" % errors) return None def rawReset(self): """ Name: U12.rawReset() Desc: Sits in an infinite loop until micro watchdog timeout after about 2 seconds. See Section 5.8 of the User's Guide. Note: The function will close the device after it has written the command. Returns: None Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawReset() """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # 0b01011111 ( Reset ) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 bf.bit3 = 1 bf.bit2 = 1 bf.bit1 = 1 bf.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) self.write(command) self.close() def rawReenumerate(self): """ Name: U12.rawReenumerate() Desc: Detaches from the USB, reloads config parameters, and then reattaches so the device can be re-enumerated. See Section 5.9 of the User's Guide. Note: The function will close the device after it has written the command. Returns: None Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawReenumerate() """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # 0b01000000 (Re-Enumerate) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) self.write(command) self.close() def rawWatchdog(self, IgnoreCommands = False, D0Active = False, D0State = False, D1Active = False, D1State = False, D8Active = False, D8State = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, WatchdogActive = False, Timeout = 60): """ Name: U12.rawWatchdog( IgnoreCommands = False, D0Active = False, D0State = False, D1Active = False, D1State = False, D8Active = False, D8State = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, WatchdogActive = False, Timeout = 60) Desc: Sets the settings for the watchdog, or just reads the firmware version of the U12. See section 5.10 of the User's Guide. By defaults, just reads the firmware version. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: FirmwareVersion, the firmware version of the U12. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawWatchdog() {'FirmwareVersion': '1.10'} """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 command[0] = int(bool(IgnoreCommands)) bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(D0Active) bf.bit6 = int(D0State) bf.bit5 = int(D1Active) bf.bit4 = int(D1State) bf.bit3 = int(D8Active) bf.bit2 = int(D8State) bf.bit1 = int(ResetOnTimeout) bf.bit0 = int(WatchdogActive) command[4] = int(bf) # 01X1X011 (Watchdog) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit4 = 1 bf2.bit1 = 1 bf2.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) # Timeout is increments of 2^16 cycles. # 2^16 cycles is about 0.01 seconds. binTimeout = int((float(Timeout) / 0.01)) command[6] = ( binTimeout >> 8 ) & 0xff command[7] = binTimeout & 0xff self.write(command) results = returnDict = dict() returnDict['FirmwareVersion'] = "%s.%.2d" % (results[0], results[1]) return returnDict def rawReadRAM(self, Address = 0): """ Name: U12.rawReadRAM(Address = 0) Args: Address, the starting address to read from Desc: Reads 4 bytes out of the U12's internal memory. See section 5.11 of the User's Guide. By default, reads the bytes that make up the serial number. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: DataByte0, the data byte at Address - 0 DataByte1, the data byte at Address - 1 DataByte2, the data byte at Address - 2 DataByte3, the data byte at Address - 3 Example: >>> import u12, struct >>> d = u12.U12() >>> r = d.rawReadRAM() >>> print r {'DataByte3': 5, 'DataByte2': 246, 'DataByte1': 139, 'DataByte0': 170} >>> bytes = [ r['DataByte3'], r['DataByte2'], r['DataByte1'], r['DataByte0'] ] >>> print struct.unpack(">I", struct.pack("BBBB", *bytes))[0] 100043690 """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 # 01010000 (Read RAM) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) command[6] = (Address >> 8) & 0xff command[7] = Address & 0xff self.write(command) results = if results[0] != int(bf): raise U12Exception("Expected ReadRAM response, got %s" % results[0]) if (results[6] != command[6]) or (results[7] != command[7]): receivedAddress = (results[6] << 8) + results[7] raise U12Exception("Wanted address %s got address %s" % (Address, receivedAddress)) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[3] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[4] return returnDict def rawWriteRAM(self, Data, Address): """ Name: U12.rawWriteRAM(Data, Address) Args: Data, a list of 4 bytes to write to memory. Address, the starting address to write to. Desc: Writes 4 bytes to the U12's internal memory. See section 5.13 of the User's Guide. No default behavior, you must pass Data and Address. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys: DataByte0, the data byte at Address - 0 DataByte1, the data byte at Address - 1 DataByte2, the data byte at Address - 2 DataByte3, the data byte at Address - 3 Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> print d.rawWriteRAM([1, 2, 3, 4], 0x200) {'DataByte3': 4, 'DataByte2': 3, 'DataByte1': 2, 'DataByte0': 1} """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data # 01010001 (Write RAM) bf = BitField() bf.bit6 = 1 bf.bit4 = 1 bf.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf) command[6] = (Address >> 8) & 0xff command[7] = Address & 0xff self.write(command) results = if results[0] != int(bf): raise U12Exception("Expected ReadRAM response, got %s" % results[0]) if (results[6] != command[6]) or (results[7] != command[7]): receivedAddress = (results[6] << 8) + results[7] raise U12Exception("Wanted address %s got address %s" % (Address, receivedAddress)) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[3] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[4] return returnDict def rawAsynch(self, Data, AddDelay = False, TimeoutActive = False, SetTransmitEnable = False, PortB = False, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 0, NumberOfBytesToRead = 0): """ Name: U12.rawAsynch(Data, AddDelay = False, TimeoutActive = False, SetTransmitEnable = False, PortB = False, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 0, NumberOfBytesToRead = 0) Args: Data, A list of bytes to write. AddDelay, True to add a 1 bit delay between each transmit byte. TimeoutActive, True to enable timeout for the receive phase. SetTransmitEnable, True to set Transmit Enable to high during transmit and low during receive. PortB, True to use PortB instead of PortA. NumberOfBytesToWrite, Number of bytes to write. NumberOfBytesToRead, Number of bytes to read. Desc: Requires firmware V1.1 or higher. This function writes and then reads half-duplex asynchronous data on 1 of two pairs of D lines. See section 5.13 of the User's Guide. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys, DataByte0-3, the first four data bytes read over the RX line ErrorFlags, a BitField representing the error flags. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> # Set the full and half A,B,C to 9600 >>> d.rawWriteRAM([0, 1, 1, 200], 0x073) >>> d.rawWriteRAM([5, 1, 2, 48], 0x076) >>> print d.rawAsynch([1, 2, 3, 4], NumberOfBytesToWrite = 4, NumberOfBytesToRead = 4) { 'DataByte3': 4, 'DataByte2': 3, 'DataByte1': 2, 'DataByte0': 1, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ Timeout Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") NumberOfBytesToWrite = NumberOfBytesToRead & 0xff NumberOfBytesToRead = NumberOfBytesToRead & 0xff if NumberOfBytesToWrite > 18: raise U12Exception("Can only write 18 or fewer bytes at a time.") if NumberOfBytesToRead > 18: raise U12Exception("Can only read 18 or fewer bytes at a time.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data bf = BitField() bf.bit3 = int(bool(AddDelay)) bf.bit2 = int(bool(TimeoutActive)) bf.bit1 = int(bool(SetTransmitEnable)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(PortB)) command[4] = int(bf) #01100001 (Asynch) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 bf2.bit0 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = NumberOfBytesToWrite command[7] = NumberOfBytesToRead self.write(command) results = if command[5] != results[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected Asynch response, got %s instead." % results[5]) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[0] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[3] bfLabels = ["Timeout Error Flag", "STRT Error Flag", "FRM Error Flag", "RXTris Error Flag", "TETris Error Flag", "TXTris Error Flag"] bf = BitField( rawByte = results[4], labelPrefix = "", labelList = bfLabels ) returnDict["ErrorFlags"] = bf return returnDict SPIModes = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] def rawSPI(self, Data, AddMsDelay = False, AddHundredUsDelay = False, SPIMode = 'A', NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = 0, ControlCS = False, StateOfActiveCS = False, CSLineNumber = 0): """ Name: U12.rawSPI( Data, AddMsDelay = False, AddHundredUsDelay = False, SPIMode = 'A', NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = 0, ControlCS = False, StateOfActiveCS = False, CSLineNumber = 0) Args: Data, A list of four bytes to write using SPI AddMsDelay, If True, a 1 ms delay is added between each bit AddHundredUsDelay, if True, 100us delay is added SPIMode, 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D' NumberOfBytesToWriteRead, number of bytes to write and read. ControlCS, D0-D7 is automatically controlled as CS. The state and direction of CS is only tested if control is enabled. StateOfActiveCS, Active state for CS line. CSLineNumber, D line to use as CS if enabled (0-7). Desc: This function performs SPI communication. See Section 5.14 of the User's Guide. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys, DataByte0-3, the first four data bytes read ErrorFlags, a BitField representing the error flags. Example: >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.rawSPI([1,2,3,4], NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = 4) { 'DataByte3': 4, 'DataByte2': 3, 'DataByte1': 2, 'DataByte0': 1, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ CSStateTris Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = NumberOfBytesToWriteRead & 0xff if NumberOfBytesToWriteRead == 0: NumberOfBytesToWriteRead = len(Data) if NumberOfBytesToWriteRead > 18 or NumberOfBytesToWriteRead < 1: raise U12Exception("Can only read/write 1 to 18 bytes at a time.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(bool(AddMsDelay)) bf.bit6 = int(bool(AddHundredUsDelay)) modeIndex = self.SPIModes.index(SPIMode) bf[7-modeIndex] = 1 command[4] = int(bf) # 01100010 (SPI) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 bf2.bit1 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = NumberOfBytesToWriteRead bf3 = BitField(rawByte = CSLineNumber) bf3.bit7 = int(bool(ControlCS)) bf3.bit6 = int(bool(StateOfActiveCS)) command[7] = int(bf3) self.write(command) results = if results[5] != command[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected SPI response, got %s instead." % results[5]) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[0] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[3] bfLabels = ["CSStateTris Error Flag", "SCKTris Error Flag", "MISOTris Error Flag", "MOSITris Error Flag"] bf = BitField( rawByte = results[4], labelPrefix = "", labelList = bfLabels ) returnDict["ErrorFlags"] = bf return returnDict def rawSHT1X(self, Data = [3,0,0,0], WaitForMeasurementReady = True, IssueSerialReset = False, Add1MsDelay = False, Add300UsDelay = False, IO3State = 1, IO2State = 1, IO3Direction = 1, IO2Direction = 1, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 1, NumberOfBytesToRead = 3): """ Name: U12.rawSHT1X( Data = [3, 0, 0, 0], WaitForMeasurementReady = True, IssueSerialReset = False, Add1MsDelay = False, Add300UsDelay = False, IO3State = 1, IO2State = 1, IO3Direction = 1, IO2Direction = 1, NumberOfBytesToWrite = 1, NumberOfBytesToRead = 3) Args: Data, a list of bytes to write to the SHT. WaitForMeasurementReady, Wait for the measurement ready signal. IssueSerialReset, perform a serial reset Add1MsDelay, adds 1ms delay Add300UsDelay, adds a 300us delay IO3State, sets the state of IO3 IO2State, sets the state of IO2 IO3Direction, sets the direction of IO3 ( 1 = Output ) IO2Direction, sets the direction of IO3 ( 1 = Output ) NumberOfBytesToWrite, how many bytes to write NumberOfBytesToRead, how may bytes to read back Desc: Sends and receives data from a SHT1X T/RH sensor from Sensirion. See Section 5.15 of the User's Guide. By default, reads the temperature from the SHT. Returns: A dictionary with the following keys, DataByte0-3, the four data bytes read ErrorFlags, a BitField representing the error flags. Example: Uses an EI-1050 Temp/Humidity probe wired as follows: Data ( Green ) -> IO0 Clock ( White ) -> IO1 Ground ( Black ) -> GND Power ( Red ) -> +5V Enable ( Brown ) -> IO2 >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> results = d.rawSHT1X() >>> print results { 'DataByte3': 0, 'DataByte2': 69, 'DataByte1': 48, 'DataByte0': 25, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ Serial Reset Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } >>> tempC = (results['DataByte0'] * 256 ) + results['DataByte1'] >>> tempC = (tempC * 0.01) - 40 >>> print tempC 24.48 >>> results = d.rawSHT1X(Data = [5,0,0,0]) >>> print results { 'DataByte3': 0, 'DataByte2': 200, 'DataByte1': 90, 'DataByte0': 2, 'ErrorFlags': <BitField object: [ Serial Reset Error Flag = 0 (0), ... ] > } >>> sorh = (results['DataByte0'] * 256 ) + results['DataByte1'] >>> rhlinear = (-0.0000028*sorh*sorh)+(0.0405*sorh)-4.0 >>> rh = ((tempC-25.0)*(0.01+(0.00008*sorh)))+rhlinear >>> print rh 19.3360256 """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 if NumberOfBytesToWrite != 0: if not isinstance(Data, list) or len(Data) > 4: raise U12Exception("Data wasn't a list, or was too long.") Data.reverse() command[:len(Data)] = Data if max(NumberOfBytesToWrite, NumberOfBytesToRead) > 4: raise U12Exception("Can only read/write up to 4 bytes at a time.") bf = BitField() bf.bit7 = int(bool(WaitForMeasurementReady)) bf.bit6 = int(bool(IssueSerialReset)) bf.bit5 = int(bool(Add1MsDelay)) bf.bit4 = int(bool(Add300UsDelay)) bf.bit3 = int(bool(IO3State)) bf.bit2 = int(bool(IO2State)) bf.bit1 = int(bool(IO3Direction)) bf.bit0 = int(bool(IO2Direction)) command[4] = int(bf) # 01101000 (SHT1X) bf2 = BitField() bf2.bit6 = 1 bf2.bit5 = 1 bf2.bit3 = 1 command[5] = int(bf2) command[6] = NumberOfBytesToWrite command[7] = NumberOfBytesToRead self.write(command) results = if results[5] != command[5]: raise U12Exception("Expected SHT1x response, got %s instead." % results[5]) returnDict = dict() returnDict['DataByte3'] = results[0] returnDict['DataByte2'] = results[1] returnDict['DataByte1'] = results[2] returnDict['DataByte0'] = results[3] bfLabels = ["Serial Reset Error Flag", "Measurement Ready Error Flag", "Ack Error Flag"] bf = BitField( rawByte = results[4], labelPrefix = "", labelList = bfLabels ) returnDict["ErrorFlags"] = bf return returnDict def eAnalogIn(self, channel, idNum = None, demo=0, gain=0): """ Name: U12.eAnalogIn(channel, idNum = None, demo=0, gain=0) Args: See section 4.1 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of AISample. Reads the voltage from 1 analog input >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eAnalogIn(0) {'overVoltage': 0, 'idnum': 1, 'voltage': 1.435546875} """ if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ad0 = ctypes.c_long(999) ad1 = ctypes.c_float(999) ecode = staticLib.EAnalogIn(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, channel, gain, ctypes.byref(ad0), ctypes.byref(ad1)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value, "overVoltage":ad0.value, "voltage":ad1.value} else: # Bits 6-4: PGA for 1st Channel # Bits 3-0: MUX command for 1st Channel channel0PGAMUX = ( ( gain & 7 ) << 4) channel0PGAMUX += channel-8 if channel > 7 else channel+8 results = self.rawAISample(channel0PGAMUX = channel0PGAMUX) return {"idnum" :, "overVoltage" : int(results['PGAOvervoltage']), 'voltage' : results['Channel0']} def eAnalogOut(self, analogOut0, analogOut1, idNum = None, demo=0): """ Name: U12.eAnalogOut(analogOut0, analogOut1, idNum = None, demo=0) Args: See section 4.2 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of AOUpdate. Sets the voltage of both analog outputs. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eAnalogOut(2, 2) {'idnum': 1} """ if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.EAnalogOut(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, ctypes.c_float(analogOut0), ctypes.c_float(analogOut1)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value} else: if analogOut0 < 0: analogOut0 = self.pwmAVoltage if analogOut1 < 0: analogOut1 = self.pwmBVoltage self.rawCounterPWMDIO(PWMA = analogOut0, PWMB = analogOut1) self.pwmAVoltage = analogOut0 self.pwmBVoltage = analogOut1 return {"idnum":} def eCount(self, idNum = None, demo = 0, resetCounter = 0): """ Name: U12.eCount(idNum = None, demo = 0, resetCounter = 0) Args: See section 4.3 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of Counter. Reads & resets the counter (CNT). >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eCount() {'count': 1383596032.0, 'ms': 251487257.0} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) count = ctypes.c_double() ms = ctypes.c_double() ecode = staticLib.ECount(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, resetCounter, ctypes.byref(count), ctypes.byref(ms)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value, "count":count.value, "ms":ms.value} else: results = self.rawCounter( ResetCounter = resetCounter) return {"idnum", "count":results['Counter'], "ms": (time() * 1000)} def eDigitalIn(self, channel, idNum = None, demo = 0, readD=0): """ Name: U12.eDigitalIn(channel, idNum = None, demo = 0, readD=0) Args: See section 4.4 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of DigitalIO that reads the state of one digital input. Also configures the requested pin to input and leaves it that way. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eDigitalIn(0) {'state': 0, 'idnum': 1} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) state = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.EDigitalIn(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, channel, readD, ctypes.byref(state)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value, "state":state.value} else: oldstate = self.rawDIO() if readD: if channel > 7: channel = channel-7 direction = BitField(rawByte = oldstate['D15toD8Directions']) direction[7-channel] = 1 results = self.rawDIO(D15toD8Directions = direction, UpdateDigital = True) state = results["D15toD8States"][7-channel] else: direction = BitField(rawByte = oldstate['D7toD0Directions']) direction[7-channel] = 1 results = self.rawDIO(D7ToD0Directions = direction, UpdateDigital = True) state = results["D15toD8States"][7-channel] else: results = self.rawDIO(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = 255, UpdateDigital = True) state = results["IO3toIO0States"][3-channel] return {"idnum" :, "state" : state} def eDigitalOut(self, channel, state, idNum = None, demo = 0, writeD=0): """ Name: U12.eDigitalOut(channel, state, idNum = None, demo = 0, writeD=0) Args: See section 4.5 of the User's Guide Desc: This is a simplified version of DigitalIO that sets/clears the state of one digital output. Also configures the requested pin to output and leaves it that way. >>> import u12 >>> d = u12.U12() >>> d.eDigitalOut(0, 1) {idnum': 1} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = if ON_WINDOWS: ljid = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.EDigitalOut(ctypes.byref(ljid), demo, channel, writeD, state) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":ljid.value} else: oldstate = self.rawDIO() if writeD: if channel > 7: channel = channel-7 direction = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D15toD8Directions'])) direction[7-channel] = 0 states = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D15toD8States'])) states[7-channel] = state self.rawDIO(D15toD8Directions = direction, D15toD8States = state, UpdateDigital = True) else: direction = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D7toD0Directions'])) direction[7-channel] = 0 states = BitField(rawByte = int(oldstate['D7toD0States'])) states[7-channel] = state self.rawDIO(D7toD0Directions = direction, D7toD0States = states, UpdateDigital = True) else: bf = BitField() bf[7-(channel+4)] = 0 bf[7-channel] = state self.rawDIO(IO3toIO0DirectionsAndStates = bf, UpdateDigital = True) return {"idnum" :} def aiSample(self, numChannels, channels, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0): """ Name: U12.aiSample(channels, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0) Args: See section 4.6 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads the voltages from 1,2, or 4 analog inputs. Also controls/reads the 4 IO ports. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiSample(2, [0, 1]) {'stateIO': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'overVoltage': 0, 'idnum': 1, 'voltages': [1.4208984375, 1.4306640625]} """ # Check id num if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check to make sure that everything is checked if not isIterable(channels): raise TypeError("channels must be iterable") if not isIterable(gains): raise TypeError("gains must be iterable") if len(channels) < numChannels: raise ValueError("channels must have atleast numChannels elements") if len(gains) < numChannels: raise ValueError("gains must have atleast numChannels elements") # Convert lists to arrays and create other ctypes channelsArray = listToCArray(channels, ctypes.c_long) gainsArray = listToCArray(gains, ctypes.c_long) overVoltage = ctypes.c_long(999) longArrayType = (ctypes.c_long * 4) floatArrayType = (ctypes.c_float * 4) voltages = floatArrayType(0, 0, 0, 0) stateIOin = ctypes.c_long(stateIOin) ecode = staticLib.AISample(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, ctypes.byref(stateIOin), updateIO, ledOn, numChannels, ctypes.byref(channelsArray), ctypes.byref(gainsArray), disableCal, ctypes.byref(overVoltage), ctypes.byref(voltages)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "stateIO":stateIOin.value, "overVoltage":overVoltage.value, "voltages":voltages[0:numChannels]} def aiBurst(self, numChannels, channels, scanRate, numScans, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, triggerIO=0, triggerState=0, timeout=1, transferMode=0): """ Name: U12.aiBurst(numChannels, channels, scanRate, numScans, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=[0, 0, 0, 0], updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, triggerIO=0, triggerState=0, timeout=1, transferMode=0) Args: See section 4.7 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads a specified number of scans (up to 4096) at a specified scan rate (up to 8192 Hz) from 1,2, or 4 analog inputs >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiBurst(1, [0], 400, 10) {'overVoltage': 0, 'scanRate': 400.0, 'stateIOout': <u12.c_long_Array_4096 object at 0x00DB4BC0>, 'idnum': 1, 'voltages': <u12.c_float_Array_4096_Array_4 object at 0x00DB4B70>} """ # Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # check list sizes if len(channels) < numChannels: raise ValueError("channels must have atleast numChannels elements") if len(gains) < numChannels: raise ValueError("gains must have atleast numChannels elements") # Convert lists to arrays and create other ctypes channelsArray = listToCArray(channels, ctypes.c_long) gainsArray = listToCArray(gains, ctypes.c_long) scanRate = ctypes.c_float(scanRate) pointerArray = (ctypes.c_void_p * 4) arr4096_type = ctypes.c_float * 4096 voltages_type = arr4096_type * 4 voltages = voltages_type() stateIOout = (ctypes.c_long * 4096)() overVoltage = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.AIBurst(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, stateIOin, updateIO, ledOn, numChannels, ctypes.byref(channelsArray), ctypes.byref(gainsArray), ctypes.byref(scanRate), disableCal, triggerIO, triggerState, numScans, timeout, ctypes.byref(voltages), ctypes.byref(stateIOout), ctypes.byref(overVoltage), transferMode) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "scanRate":scanRate.value, "voltages":voltages, "stateIOout":stateIOout, "overVoltage":overVoltage.value} def aiStreamStart(self, numChannels, channels, scanRate, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, readCount=0): """ Name: U12.aiStreamStart(numChannels, channels, scanRate, idNum=None, demo=0, stateIOin=0, updateIO=0, ledOn=0, gains=[0, 0, 0, 0], disableCal=0, readCount=0) Args: See section 4.8 of the User's Guide Desc: Starts a hardware timed continuous acquisition >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiStreamStart(1, [0], 200) {'scanRate': 200.0, 'idnum': 1} """ # Configure return type staticLib.AIStreamStart.restype = ctypes.c_long # check list sizes if len(channels) < numChannels: raise ValueError("channels must have atleast numChannels elements") if len(gains) < numChannels: raise ValueError("gains must have atleast numChannels elements") #if len(stateIOin) < 4: raise ValueError("stateIOin must have atleast 4 elements") # Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Convert lists to arrays and create other ctypes channelsArray = listToCArray(channels, ctypes.c_long) gainsArray = listToCArray(gains, ctypes.c_long) scanRate = ctypes.c_float(scanRate) ecode = staticLib.AIStreamStart(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, stateIOin, updateIO, ledOn, numChannels, ctypes.byref(channelsArray), ctypes.byref(gainsArray), ctypes.byref(scanRate), disableCal, 0, readCount) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception # The ID number must be saved for AIStream = idNum.value self.streaming = True return {"idnum":idNum.value, "scanRate":scanRate.value} def aiStreamRead(self, numScans, localID=None, timeout=1): """ Name: U12.aiStreamRead(numScans, localID=None, timeout=1) Args: See section 4.9 of the User's Guide Desc: Waits for a specified number of scans to be available and reads them. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiStreamStart(1, [0], 200) >>> dev.aiStreamRead(10) {'overVoltage': 0, 'ljScanBacklog': 0, 'stateIOout': <u12.c_long_Array_4096 object at 0x00DF4AD0>, 'reserved': 0, 'voltages': <u12.c_float_Array_4096_Array_4 object at 0x00DF4B20>} """ # Check to make sure that we are streaming if not self.streaming: raise U12Exception(-1, "Streaming has not started") # Check id number if localID is None: localID = # Create arrays and other ctypes arr4096_type = ctypes.c_float * 4096 voltages_type = arr4096_type * 4 voltages = voltages_type() stateIOout = (ctypes.c_long * 4096)() reserved = ctypes.c_long(0) ljScanBacklog = ctypes.c_long(99999) overVoltage = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.AIStreamRead(localID, numScans, timeout, ctypes.byref(voltages), ctypes.byref(stateIOout), ctypes.byref(reserved), ctypes.byref(ljScanBacklog), ctypes.byref(overVoltage)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"voltages":voltages, "stateIOout":stateIOout, "reserved":reserved.value, "ljScanBacklog":ljScanBacklog.value, "overVoltage":overVoltage.value} def aiStreamClear(self, localID=None): """ Name: U12.aiClear() Args: See section 4.10 of the User's Guide Desc: This function stops the continuous acquisition. It should be called once when finished with the stream. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aiStreamStart(1, [0], 200) >>> dev.aiStreamRead(10) >>> dev.aiStreamClear() """ # Check to make sure that we are streaming if not self.streaming: raise U12Exception(-1, "Streaming has not started") # Check id number if localID is None: localID = ecode = staticLib.AIStreamClear(localID) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception def aoUpdate(self, idNum=None, demo=0, trisD=None, trisIO=None, stateD=None, stateIO=None, updateDigital=0, resetCounter=0, analogOut0=0, analogOut1=0): """ Name: U12.aoUpdate() Args: See section 4.11 of the User's Guide Desc: Sets the voltages of the analog outputs. Also controls/reads all 20 digital I/O and the counter. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.aoUpdate() >>> {'count': 2, 'stateIO': 3, 'idnum': 1, 'stateD': 0} """ # Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check tris and state arguments if updateDigital > 0: if trisD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisD must be set") if trisIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisIO must be set") if stateD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateD must be set") if stateIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateIO must be set") # Create ctypes if stateD is None: stateD = ctypes.c_long(0) else: stateD = ctypes.c_long(stateD) if stateIO is None: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(0) else: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(stateIO) count = ctypes.c_ushort(999) # Create arrays and other ctypes ecode = staticLib.AOUpdate(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, trisD, trisIO, ctypes.byref(stateD), ctypes.byref(stateIO), updateDigital, resetCounter, ctypes.byref(count), ctypes.c_float(analogOut0), ctypes.c_float(analogOut1)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"idnum":idNum.value, "stateD":stateD.value, "stateIO":stateIO.value, "count":count.value} def asynchConfig(self, fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC, idNum=None, demo=None, timeoutMult=1, configA=0, configB=0, configTE=0): """ Name: U12.asynchConfig(fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC, idNum=None, demo=None, timeoutMult=1, configA=0, configB=0, configTE=0) Args: See section 4.12 of the User's Guide Desc: Requires firmware V1.1 or higher. This function writes to the asynch registers and sets the direction of the D lines (input/output) as needed. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.asynchConfig(96,1,1,22,2,1) >>> {'idNum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.AsynchConfig(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, timeoutMult, configA, configB, configTE, fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"idNum":idNum.value} def asynch(self, baudrate, data, idNum=None, demo=0, portB=0, enableTE=0, enableTO=0, enableDel=0, numWrite=0, numRead=0): """ Name: U12.asynchConfig(fullA, fullB, fullC, halfA, halfB, halfC, idNum=None, demo=None, timeoutMult=1, configA=0, configB=0, configTE=0) Args: See section 4.13 of the User's Guide Desc: Requires firmware V1.1 or higher. This function writes to the asynch registers and sets the direction of the D lines (input/output) as needed. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.asynch(96,1,1,22,2,1) >>> dev.asynch(19200, [0, 0]) >>> {'data': <u12.c_long_Array_18 object at 0x00DEFB70>, 'idnum': <type 'long'>} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check size of data if len(data) > 18: raise ValueError("data can not be larger than 18 elements") # Make data 18 elements large dataArray = [0] * 18 for i in range(0, len(data)): dataArray[i] = data[i] print dataArray dataArray = listToCArray(dataArray, ctypes.c_long) ecode = staticLib.Asynch(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, portB, enableTE, enableTO, enableDel, baudrate, numWrite, numRead, ctypes.byref(dataArray)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) # TODO: Switch this out for exception return {"idnum":long, "data":dataArray} GainMapping = [ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0, 16.0, 20.0 ] def bitsToVolts(self, chnum, chgain, bits): """ Name: U12.bitsToVolts(chnum, chgain, bits) Args: See section 4.14 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a 12-bit (0-4095) binary value into a LabJack voltage. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.bitsToVolts(0, 0, 2662) >>> {'volts': 2.998046875} """ if ON_WINDOWS: volts = ctypes.c_float() ecode = staticLib.BitsToVolts(chnum, chgain, bits, ctypes.byref(volts)) if ecode != 0: print ecode return volts.value else: if chnum < 8: return ( float(bits) * 20.0 / 4096.0 ) - 10.0 else: volts = ( float(bits) * 40.0 / 4096.0 ) - 20.0 return volts / self.GainMapping[chgain] def voltsToBits(self, chnum, chgain, volts): """ Name: U12.voltsToBits(chnum, chgain, bits) Args: See section 4.15 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a voltage to it's 12-bit (0-4095) binary representation. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.voltsToBits(0, 0, 3) >>> {'bits': 2662} """ if ON_WINDOWS: bits = ctypes.c_long(999) ecode = staticLib.VoltsToBits(chnum, chgain, ctypes.c_float(volts), ctypes.byref(bits)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return bits.value else: pass #*bits = RoundFL((volts+10.0F)/(20.0F/4096.0F)); def counter(self, idNum=None, demo=0, resetCounter=0, enableSTB=1): """ Name: U12.counter(idNum=None, demo=0, resetCounter=0, enableSTB=1) Args: See section 4.15 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a voltage to it's 12-bit (0-4095) binary representation. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.counter(0, 0, 3) >>> {'bits': 2662} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Create ctypes stateD = ctypes.c_long(999) stateIO = ctypes.c_long(999) count = ctypes.c_ulong(999) print idNum ecode = staticLib.Counter(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, ctypes.byref(stateD), ctypes.byref(stateIO), resetCounter, enableSTB, ctypes.byref(count)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "stateD": stateD.value, "stateIO":stateIO.value, "count":count.value} def digitalIO(self, idNum=None, demo=0, trisD=None, trisIO=None, stateD=None, stateIO=None, updateDigital=0): """ Name: U12.digitalIO(idNum=None, demo=0, trisD=None, trisIO=None, stateD=None, stateIO=None, updateDigital=0) Args: See section 4.17 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads and writes to all 20 digital I/O. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.digitalIO() >>> {'stateIO': 0, 'stateD': 0, 'idnum': 1, 'outputD': 0, 'trisD': 0} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check tris and state parameters if updateDigital > 0: if trisD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisD must be set") if trisIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument trisIO must be set") if stateD is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateD must be set") if stateIO is None: raise ValueError("keyword argument stateIO must be set") # Create ctypes if trisD is None: trisD = ctypes.c_long(999) else:trisD = ctypes.c_long(trisD) if stateD is None:stateD = ctypes.c_long(999) else: stateD = ctypes.c_long(stateD) if stateIO is None: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(0) else: stateIO = ctypes.c_long(stateIO) outputD = ctypes.c_long(999) # Check trisIO if trisIO is None: trisIO = 0 ecode = staticLib.DigitalIO(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, ctypes.byref(trisD), trisIO, ctypes.byref(stateD), ctypes.byref(stateIO), updateDigital, ctypes.byref(outputD)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "trisD":trisD.value, "stateD":stateD.value, "stateIO":stateIO.value, "outputD":outputD.value} def getDriverVersion(self): """ Name: U12.getDriverVersion() Args: See section 4.18 of the User's Guide Desc: Returns the version number of ljackuw.dll. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getDriverVersion() >>> 1.21000003815 """ staticLib.GetDriverVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float return staticLib.GetDriverVersion() def getFirmwareVersion(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.getErrorString(idnum=None) Args: See section 4.20 of the User's Guide Desc: Retrieves the firmware version from the LabJack's processor >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getFirmwareVersion() >>> Unkown error """ # Check ID number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) staticLib.GetFirmwareVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float firmware = staticLib.GetFirmwareVersion(ctypes.byref(idNum)) if firmware > 512: raise U12Exception(firmware-512) return {"idnum" : idNum.value, "firmware" : firmware} def getWinVersion(self): """ Name: U12.getErrorString() Args: See section 4.21 of the User's Guide Desc: Uses a Windows API function to get the OS version >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getWinVersion() >>> {'majorVersion': 5L, 'minorVersion': 1L, 'platformID': 2L, 'buildNumber': 2600L, 'servicePackMajor': 2L, 'servicePackMinor': 0L} """ # Create ctypes majorVersion = ctypes.c_ulong() minorVersion = ctypes.c_ulong() buildNumber = ctypes.c_ulong() platformID = ctypes.c_ulong() servicePackMajor = ctypes.c_ulong() servicePackMinor = ctypes.c_ulong() ecode = staticLib.GetWinVersion(ctypes.byref(majorVersion), ctypes.byref(minorVersion), ctypes.byref(buildNumber), ctypes.byref(platformID), ctypes.byref(servicePackMajor), ctypes.byref(servicePackMinor)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"majorVersion":majorVersion.value, "minorVersion":minorVersion.value, "buildNumber":buildNumber.value, "platformID":platformID.value, "servicePackMajor":servicePackMajor.value, "servicePackMinor":servicePackMinor.value} def listAll(self): """ Name: U12.listAll() Args: See section 4.22 of the User's Guide Desc: Searches the USB for all LabJacks, and returns the serial number and local ID for each >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.listAll() >>> {'serialnumList': <u12.c_long_Array_127 object at 0x00E2AD50>, 'numberFound': 1, 'localIDList': <u12.c_long_Array_127 object at 0x00E2ADA0>} """ # Create arrays and ctypes productIDList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) serialnumList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) localIDList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) powerList = listToCArray([0]*127, ctypes.c_long) arr127_type = ctypes.c_long * 127 calMatrix_type = arr127_type * 20 calMatrix = calMatrix_type() reserved = ctypes.c_long() numberFound = ctypes.c_long() ecode = staticLib.ListAll(ctypes.byref(productIDList), ctypes.byref(serialnumList), ctypes.byref(localIDList), ctypes.byref(powerList), ctypes.byref(calMatrix), ctypes.byref(numberFound), ctypes.byref(reserved), ctypes.byref(reserved)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"serialnumList": serialnumList, "localIDList":localIDList, "numberFound":numberFound.value} def localID(self, localID, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.localID(localID, idNum=None) Args: See section 4.23 of the User's Guide Desc: Changes the local ID of a specified LabJack >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.localID(1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.LocalID(ctypes.byref(idNum), localID) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def noThread(self, noThread, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.localID(noThread, idNum=None) Args: See section 4.24 of the User's Guide Desc: This function is needed when interfacing TestPoint to the LabJack DLL on Windows 98/ME >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.noThread(1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.NoThread(ctypes.byref(idNum), noThread) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOut(self, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0): """ Name: U12.pulseOut(bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0) Args: See section 4.25 of the User's Guide Desc: This command creates pulses on any/all of D0-D7 >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOut(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.PulseOut(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, lowFirst, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOutStart(self, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0): """ Name: U12.pulseOutStart(bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2, idNum=None, demo=0, lowFirst=0) Args: See section 4.26 of the User's Guide Desc: PulseOutStart and PulseOutFinish are used as an alternative to PulseOut (See PulseOut for more information) >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOutStart(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.PulseOutStart(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, lowFirst, bitSelect, numPulses, timeB1, timeC1, timeB2, timeC2) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOutFinish(self, timeoutMS, idNum=None, demo=0): """ Name: U12.pulseOutFinish(timeoutMS, idNum=None, demo=0) Args: See section 4.27 of the User's Guide Desc: See PulseOutStart for more information >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOutStart(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) >>> dev.pulseOutFinish(100) >>> {'idnum':1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.PulseOutFinish(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, timeoutMS) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def pulseOutCalc(self, frequency): """ Name: U12.pulseOutFinish(frequency) Args: See section 4.28 of the User's Guide Desc: This function can be used to calculate the cycle times for PulseOut or PulseOutStart. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.pulseOutCalc(100) >>> {'frequency': 100.07672882080078, 'timeB': 247, 'timeC': 1} """ # Create ctypes frequency = ctypes.c_float(frequency) timeB = ctypes.c_long(0) timeC = ctypes.c_long(0) ecode = staticLib.PulseOutCalc(ctypes.byref(frequency), ctypes.byref(timeB), ctypes.byref(timeC)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"frequency":frequency.value, "timeB":timeB.value, "timeC":timeC.value} def reEnum(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.reEnum(idNum=None) Args: See section 4.29 of the User's Guide Desc: Causes the LabJack to electrically detach from and re-attach to the USB so it will re-enumerate >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.reEnum() >>> {'idnum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.ReEnum(ctypes.byref(idNum)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def reset(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.reset(idNum=None) Args: See section 4.30 of the User's Guide Desc: Causes the LabJack to reset after about 2 seconds >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.reset() >>> {'idnum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) ecode = staticLib.Reset(ctypes.byref(idNum)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def resetLJ(self, idNum=None): """ Name: U12.resetLJ(idNum=None) Args: See section 4.30 of the User's Guide Desc: Causes the LabJack to reset after about 2 seconds >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.resetLJ() >>> {'idnum': 1} """ return reset(idNum) def sht1X(self, idNum=None, demo=0, softComm=0, mode=0, statusReg=0): """ Name: U12.sht1X(idNum=None, demo=0, softComm=0, mode=0, statusReg=0) Args: See section 4.31 of the User's Guide Desc: This function retrieves temperature and/or humidity readings from an SHT1X sensor. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.sht1X() >>> {'tempC': 24.69999885559082, 'rh': 39.724445343017578, 'idnum': 1, 'tempF': 76.459999084472656} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Create ctypes tempC = ctypes.c_float(0) tempF = ctypes.c_float(0) rh = ctypes.c_float(0) ecode = staticLib.SHT1X(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, softComm, mode, statusReg, ctypes.byref(tempC), ctypes.byref(tempF), ctypes.byref(rh)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "tempC":tempC.value, "tempF":tempF.value, "rh":rh.value} def shtComm(self, numWrite, numRead, datatx, idNum=None, softComm=0, waitMeas=0, serialReset=0, dataRate=0): """ Name: U12.shtComm(numWrite, numRead, datatx, idNum=None, softComm=0, waitMeas=0, serialReset=0, dataRate=0) Args: See section 4.32 of the User's Guide Desc: Low-level public function to send and receive up to 4 bytes to from an SHT1X sensor """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) # Check size of datatx if len(datatx) != 4: raise ValueError("datatx must have exactly 4 elements") # Create ctypes datatx = listToCArray(datatx, ctypes.c_ubyte) datarx = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 4)((0) * 4) ecode = staticLib.SHTComm(ctypes.byref(idNum), softComm, waitMeas, serialReset, dataRate, numWrite, numRead, ctypes.byref(datatx), ctypes.byref(datarx)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "datarx":datarx} def shtCRC(self, numWrite, numRead, datatx, datarx, statusReg=0): """ Name: U12.shtCRC(numWrite, numRead, datatx, datarx, statusReg=0) Args: See section 4.33 of the User's Guide Desc: Checks the CRC on an SHT1X communication """ # Create ctypes datatx = listToCArray(datatx, ctypes.c_ubyte) datarx = listToCArray(datarx, ctypes.c_ubyte) return staticLib.SHTCRC(statusReg, numWrite, numRead, ctypes.byref(datatx), ctypes.byref(datarx)) def synch(self, mode, numWriteRead, data, idNum=None, demo=0, msDelay=0, husDelay=0, controlCS=0, csLine=None, csState=0, configD=0): """ Name: U12.synch(mode, numWriteRead, data, idNum=None, demo=0, msDelay=0, husDelay=0, controlCS=0, csLine=None, csState=0, configD=0) Args: See section 4.35 of the User's Guide Desc: This function retrieves temperature and/or humidity readings from an SHT1X sensor. """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) if controlCS > 0 and csLine is None: raise ValueError("csLine must be specified") # Make sure data is 18 elements cData = [0] * 18 for i in range(0, len(data)): cData[i] = data[i] cData = listToCArray(cData, ctypes.c_long) ecode = staticLib.Synch(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, mode, msDelay, husDelay, controlCS, csLine, csState, configD, numWriteRead, ctypes.byref(cData)) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value, "data":cData} def watchdog(self, active, timeout, activeDn, stateDn, idNum=None, demo=0, reset=0): """ Name: U12.watchdog(active, timeout, activeDn, stateDn, idNum=None, demo=0, reset=0) Args: See section 4.35 of the User's Guide Desc: Controls the LabJack watchdog function. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.watchdog(1, 1, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) >>> {'idnum': 1} """ #Check id number if idNum is None: idNum = idNum = ctypes.c_long(idNum) if len(activeDn) is not 3: raise ValueError("activeDn must have 3 elements") if len(stateDn) is not 3: raise Value("stateDn must have 3 elements") ecode = staticLib.Watchdog(ctypes.byref(idNum), demo, active, timeout, reset, activeDn[0], activeDn[1], activeDn[2], stateDn[0], stateDn[1], stateDn[2]) if ecode != 0: raise U12Exception(ecode) return {"idnum":idNum.value} def readMem(self, address, idnum = None): """ Name: U12.readMem(address, idnum=None) Args: See section 4.36 of the User's Guide Desc: Reads 4 bytes from a specified address in the LabJack's nonvolatile memory >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.readMem(0) >>> [5, 246, 16, 59] """ if address is None: raise Exception, "Must give an Address." if idnum is None: idnum = ljid = ctypes.c_ulong(idnum) ad0 = ctypes.c_ulong() ad1 = ctypes.c_ulong() ad2 = ctypes.c_ulong() ad3 = ctypes.c_ulong() ec = staticLib.ReadMem(ctypes.byref(ljid), ctypes.c_long(address), ctypes.byref(ad3), ctypes.byref(ad2), ctypes.byref(ad1), ctypes.byref(ad0)) if ec != 0: raise U12Exception(ec) addr = [0] * 4 addr[0] = int(ad3.value & 0xff) addr[1] = int(ad2.value & 0xff) addr[2] = int(ad1.value & 0xff) addr[3] = int(ad0.value & 0xff) return addr def writeMem(self, address, data, idnum=None, unlocked=False): """ Name: U12.writeMem(self, address, data, idnum=None, unlocked=False) Args: See section 4.37 of the User's Guide Desc: Writes 4 bytes to the LabJack's 8,192 byte nonvolatile memory at a specified address. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.writeMem(0, [5, 246, 16, 59]) >>> 1 """ if address is None or data is None: raise Exception, "Must give both an Address and data." if type(data) is not list or len(data) != 4: raise Exception, "Data must be a list and have a length of 4" if idnum is None: idnum = ljid = ctypes.c_ulong(idnum) ec = staticLib.WriteMem(ctypes.byref(ljid), int(unlocked), address, data[3] & 0xff, data[2] & 0xff, data[1] & 0xff, data[0] & 0xff) if ec != 0: raise U12Exception(ec) return ljid.value def LJHash(self, hashStr, size): outBuff = (ctypes.c_char * 16)() retBuff = '' staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") ec = staticLib.LJHash(ctypes.cast(hashStr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), size, ctypes.cast(outBuff, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), 0) if ec != 0: raise U12Exception(ec) for i in range(16): retBuff += outBuff[i] return retBuff def isIterable(var): try: iter(var) return True except: return False def listToCArray(list, dataType): arrayType = dataType * len(list) array = arrayType() for i in range(0,len(list)): array[i] = list[i] return array def cArrayToList(array): list = [] for item in array: list.append(item) return list def getErrorString(errorcode): """ Name: U12.getErrorString(errorcode) Args: See section 4.19 of the User's Guide Desc: Converts a LabJack errorcode, returned by another function, into a string describing the error. No hardware communication is involved. >>> dev = U12() >>> dev.getErrorString(1) >>> Unkown error """ errorString = ctypes.c_char_p(" "*50) staticLib.GetErrorString(errorcode, errorString) return errorString.value def hexWithoutQuotes(l): """ Return a string listing hex without all the single quotes. >>> l = range(10) >>> print hexWithoutQuotes(l) [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9] """ return str([hex (i) for i in l]).replace("'", "")
""" Multi-Platform Python wrapper that implements functions from the LabJack Windows UD Driver, and the Exodriver. This python wrapper is intended to make working with your LabJack device easy. The functions contained in this module are helper and device agnostic functions. This module provides the base Device class which the U3, U6, and UE9 classes inherit from. A typical user should start with their device's module, such as """ # We use the 'with' keyword to manage the thread-safe device lock. It's built-in on 2.6; 2.5 requires an import. from __future__ import with_statement import collections import ctypes import os import struct from decimal import Decimal import socket import Modbus import atexit # For auto-closing devices import threading # For a thread-safe device lock LABJACKPYTHON_VERSION = "8-26-2011" SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 3 LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT = 62 BROADCAST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 1 MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH = 64 NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS = 5 class LabJackException(Exception): """Custom Exception meant for dealing specifically with LabJack Exceptions. Error codes are either going to be a LabJackUD error code or a -1. The -1 implies a python wrapper specific error. WINDOWS ONLY If errorString is not specified then errorString is set by errorCode """ def __init__(self, ec = 0, errorString = ''): self.errorCode = ec self.errorString = errorString if not self.errorString: try: pString = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) staticLib.ErrorToString(ctypes.c_long(self.errorCode), ctypes.byref(pString)) self.errorString = pString.value except: self.errorString = str(self.errorCode) def __str__(self): return self.errorString # Raised when a low-level command raises an error. class LowlevelErrorException(LabJackException): pass # Raised when the return value of OpenDevice is null. class NullHandleException(LabJackException): def __init__(self): self.errorString = "Couldn't open device. Please check that the device you are trying to open is connected." def errcheck(ret, func, args): """ Whenever a function is called through ctypes, the return value is passed to this function to be checked for errors. Support for errno didn't come until 2.6, so Python 2.5 people should upgrade. """ if ret == -1: try: ec = ctypes.get_errno() raise LabJackException(ec, "Exodriver returned error number %s" % ec) except AttributeError: raise LabJackException(-1, "Exodriver returned an error, but LabJackPython is unable to read the error code. Upgrade to Python 2.6 for this functionality.") else: return ret def _loadLinuxSo(): """ Attempts to load the for Linux. """ try: l = ctypes.CDLL("", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l def _loadMacDylib(): """ Attempts to load the liblabjackusb.dylib for Mac OS X. """ try: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib", use_errno=True) except TypeError: l = ctypes.CDLL("liblabjackusb.dylib") l.LJUSB_Stream.errcheck = errcheck l.LJUSB_Read.errcheck = errcheck return l def _loadLibrary(): """_loadLibrary() Returns a ctypes dll pointer to the library. """ if( == 'posix'): try: return _loadLinuxSo() except OSError, e: pass # We may be on Mac. except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load the Linux SO for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) try: return _loadMacDylib() except OSError, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load the Exodriver driver. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\nCheck that the Exodriver is installed, and the permissions are set correctly.\nThe error message was: %s" % e) except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load the Mac Dylib for some reason other than it not being installed. Ethernet connectivity only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) if( == 'nt'): try: return ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("Could not load labjackud driver. Ethernet connectivity availability only.\n\n The error was: %s" % e) try: staticLib = _loadLibrary() except LabJackException, e: print "%s: %s" % ( type(e), e ) staticLib = None # Attempt to load the windows Skymote library. try: skymoteLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("liblabjackusb") except: skymoteLib = None class Device(object): """Device(handle, localId = None, serialNumber = None, ipAddress = "", type = None) Creates a simple 0 with the following functions: write(writeBuffer) -- Writes a buffer. writeRegister(addr, value) -- Writes a value to a modbus register read(numBytes) -- Reads until a packet is received. readRegister(addr, numReg = None, format = None) -- Reads a modbus register. ping() -- Pings the device. Returns true if communication worked. close() -- Closes the device. reset() -- Resets the device. """ def __init__(self, handle, localId = None, serialNumber = None, ipAddress = "", devType = None): # Not saving the handle as a void* causes many problems on 64-bit machines. if isinstance(handle, int): self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) else: self.handle = handle self.localId = localId self.serialNumber = serialNumber self.ipAddress = ipAddress self.devType = devType self.debug = False self.streamConfiged = False self.streamStarted = False self.streamPacketOffset = 0 self._autoCloseSetup = False self.modbusPrependZeros = True self.deviceLock = threading.Lock() self.deviceName = "LabJack" def _writeToLJSocketHandle(self, writeBuffer, modbus): #if modbus is True and self.modbusPrependZeros: # writeBuffer = [ 0, 0 ] + writeBuffer packFormat = "B" * len(writeBuffer) tempString = struct.pack(packFormat, *writeBuffer) if modbus: self.handle.modbusSocket.send(tempString) else: self.handle.crSocket.send(tempString) return writeBuffer def _writeToUE9TCPHandle(self, writeBuffer, modbus): packFormat = "B" * len(writeBuffer) tempString = struct.pack(packFormat, *writeBuffer) if modbus is True: self.handle.modbus.send(tempString) else: return writeBuffer def _writeToExodriver(self, writeBuffer, modbus): if modbus is True and self.modbusPrependZeros: writeBuffer = [ 0, 0 ] + writeBuffer newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(writeBuffer))(0) for i in range(len(writeBuffer)): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(writeBuffer[i]) writeBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Write(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), len(writeBuffer)) if(writeBytes != len(writeBuffer)): raise LabJackException( "Could only write %s of %s bytes." % (writeBytes, len(writeBuffer) ) ) return writeBuffer def _writeToUDDriver(self, writeBuffer, modbus): if self.devType == 0x501: newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(writeBuffer))(0) for i in range(len(writeBuffer)): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(writeBuffer[i]) writeBytes = skymoteLib.LJUSB_IntWrite(self.handle, 1, ctypes.byref(newA), len(writeBuffer)) if(writeBytes != len(writeBuffer)): raise LabJackException( "Could only write %s of %s bytes." % (writeBytes, len(writeBuffer) ) ) else: if modbus is True and self.devType == 9: dataWords = len(writeBuffer) writeBuffer = [0, 0xF8, 0, 0x07, 0, 0] + writeBuffer #modbus low-level function if dataWords % 2 != 0: dataWords = (dataWords+1)/2 writeBuffer.append(0) else: dataWords = dataWords/2 writeBuffer[2] = dataWords setChecksum(writeBuffer) elif modbus is True and self.modbusPrependZeros: writeBuffer = [ 0, 0 ] + writeBuffer eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_OUT, 0, len(writeBuffer), writeBuffer) return writeBuffer def write(self, writeBuffer, modbus = False, checksum = True): """write([writeBuffer], modbus = False) Writes the data contained in writeBuffer to the device. writeBuffer must be a list of bytes. """ if self.handle is None: raise LabJackException("The device handle is None.") if checksum: setChecksum(writeBuffer) if(isinstance(self.handle, LJSocketHandle)): wb = self._writeToLJSocketHandle(writeBuffer, modbus) elif(isinstance(self.handle, UE9TCPHandle)): wb = self._writeToUE9TCPHandle(writeBuffer, modbus) else: if == 'posix': wb = self._writeToExodriver(writeBuffer, modbus) elif == 'nt': wb = self._writeToUDDriver(writeBuffer, modbus) if self.debug: print "Sent: ", hexWithoutQuotes(wb) def read(self, numBytes, stream = False, modbus = False): """read(numBytes, stream = False, modbus = False) Blocking read until a packet is received. """ readBytes = 0 if self.handle is None: raise LabJackException("The device handle is None.") if(isinstance(self.handle, LJSocketHandle)): return self._readFromLJSocketHandle(numBytes, modbus, stream) elif(isinstance(self.handle, UE9TCPHandle)): return self._readFromUE9TCPHandle(numBytes, stream, modbus) else: if( == 'posix'): return self._readFromExodriver(numBytes, stream, modbus) elif == 'nt': return self._readFromUDDriver(numBytes, stream, modbus) def _readFromLJSocketHandle(self, numBytes, modbus, spont = False): """ Reads from LJSocket. Returns the result as a list. """ if modbus: rcvString = self.handle.modbusSocket.recv(numBytes) elif spont: rcvString = self.handle.spontSocket.recv(numBytes) else: rcvString = self.handle.crSocket.recv(numBytes) readBytes = len(rcvString) packFormat = "B" * readBytes rcvDataBuff = struct.unpack(packFormat, rcvString) return list(rcvDataBuff) def _readFromUE9TCPHandle(self, numBytes, stream, modbus): if stream is True: rcvString = else: if modbus is True: rcvString = self.handle.modbus.recv(numBytes) else: rcvString = readBytes = len(rcvString) packFormat = "B" * readBytes rcvDataBuff = struct.unpack(packFormat, rcvString) return list(rcvDataBuff) def _readFromExodriver(self, numBytes, stream, modbus): newA = (ctypes.c_byte*numBytes)() if(stream): readBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Stream(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) if readBytes == 0: return '' # return the byte string in stream mode return struct.pack('b' * readBytes, *newA) else: readBytes = staticLib.LJUSB_Read(self.handle, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) # return a list of integers in command/response mode return [(newA[i] & 0xff) for i in range(readBytes)] def _readFromUDDriver(self, numBytes, stream, modbus): if self.devType == 0x501: newA = (ctypes.c_byte*numBytes)() readBytes = skymoteLib.LJUSB_IntRead(self.handle, 0x81, ctypes.byref(newA), numBytes) return [(newA[i] & 0xff) for i in range(readBytes)] else: if modbus is True and self.devType == 9: tempBuff = [0] * (8 + numBytes + numBytes%2) eGetBuff = list() eGetBuff = eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_IN, 0, len(tempBuff), tempBuff)[1] #parse the modbus response out (reponse is the Modbus extended low=level function) retBuff = list() if len(eGetBuff) >= 9 and eGetBuff[1] == 0xF8 and eGetBuff[3] == 0x07: #figuring out the length of the modbus response mbSize = len(eGetBuff) - 8 if len(eGetBuff) >= 14: mbSize = min(mbSize, eGetBuff[13] + 6) i = min(mbSize, numBytes) i = max(i, 0) retBuff = eGetBuff[8:8+i] #getting the response only return retBuff tempBuff = [0] * numBytes if stream: return eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_IN, 1, numBytes, tempBuff)[1] return eGetRaw(self.handle, LJ_ioRAW_IN, 0, numBytes, tempBuff)[1] def readRegister(self, addr, numReg = None, format = None, unitId = None): """ Reads a specific register from the device and returns the value. Requires readHoldingRegister(addr, numReg = None, format = None) addr: The address you would like to read numReg: Number of consecutive addresses you would like to read format: the unpack format of the returned value ( '>f' or '>I') Modbus is supported for UE9s over USB from Comm Firmware 1.50 and above. """ pkt, numBytes = self._buildReadRegisterPacket(addr, numReg, unitId) response = self._modbusWriteRead(pkt, numBytes) return self._parseReadRegisterResponse(response, numBytes, addr, format, numReg) def _buildReadRegisterPacket(self, addr, numReg, unitId): """ self._buildReadRegisterPacket(addr, numReg) Builds a raw modbus "Read Register" packet to be written to a device returns a tuple: ( < Packet as a list >, < number of bytes to read > ) """ # Calculates the number of registers for that request, or if numReg is # specified, checks that it is a valid number. numReg = Modbus.calcNumberOfRegisters(addr, numReg = numReg) pkt = Modbus.readHoldingRegistersRequest(addr, numReg = numReg, unitId = unitId) pkt = [ ord(c) for c in pkt ] numBytes = 9 + (2 * int(numReg)) return (pkt, numBytes) def _parseReadRegisterResponse(self, response, numBytes, addr, format, numReg = None): """ self._parseReadRegisterReponse(reponse, numBytes, addr, format) Takes a "Read Register" response and converts it to a value returns the value """ if len(response) != numBytes: raise LabJackException(9001, "Got incorrect number of bytes from device. Expected %s bytes, got %s bytes. The packet recieved was: %s" % (numBytes, len(response),response)) if isinstance(response, list): packFormat = ">" + "B" * numBytes response = struct.pack(packFormat, *response) if format == None: format = Modbus.calcFormat(addr, numReg) value = Modbus.readHoldingRegistersResponse(response, payloadFormat=format) return value def writeRegister(self, addr, value, unitId = None): """ Writes a value to a register. Returns the value to be written, if successful. Requires writeRegister(self, addr, value) addr: The address you want to write to. value: The value, or list of values, you want to write. if you cannot write to that register, a LabJackException is raised. Modbus is not supported for UE9's over USB. If you try it, a LabJackException is raised. """ pkt, numBytes = self._buildWriteRegisterPacket(addr, value, unitId) response = self._modbusWriteRead(pkt, numBytes) return self._parseWriteRegisterResponse(response, pkt, value) def _buildWriteRegisterPacket(self, addr, value, unitId): """ self._buildWriteRegisterPacket(addr, value) Builds a raw modbus "Write Register" packet to be written to a device returns a tuple: ( < Packet as a list >, < number of bytes to read > ) """ if type(value) is list: return self._buildWriteMultipleRegisters(addr, value, unitId) fmt = Modbus.calcFormat(addr) if fmt != '>H': return self._buildWriteFloatToRegister(addr, value, unitId, fmt) request = Modbus.writeRegisterRequest(addr, value, unitId) request = [ ord(c) for c in request ] numBytes = 12 return request, numBytes def _buildWriteFloatToRegister(self, addr, value, unitId, fmt = '>f'): numReg = 2 if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError("Value must be a float or int.") # Function, Address, Num Regs, Byte count, Data payload = struct.pack('>BHHB', 0x10, addr, 0x02, 0x04) + struct.pack(fmt, value) request = Modbus._buildHeaderBytes(length = len(payload)+1, unitId = unitId) request += payload request = [ ord(c) for c in request ] numBytes = 12 return (request, numBytes) def _buildWriteMultipleRegisters(self, startAddr, values, unitId = None): request = Modbus.writeRegistersRequest(startAddr, values, unitId) request = [ ord(c) for c in request ] numBytes = 12 return (request, numBytes) def _parseWriteRegisterResponse(self, response, request, value): response = list(response) if request[2] != 0 and request[3] != 0: protoID = (request[2] << 8) + request[3] raise Modbus.ModbusException("Got an unexpected protocol ID: %s (expected 0). Please make sure that you have the latest firmware. UE9s need a Comm Firmware of 1.50 or greater.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (protoID, hexWithoutQuotes(response))) if request[7] != response[7]: raise LabJackException(9002, "Modbus error number %s raised while writing to register. Make sure you're writing to an address that allows writes.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (response[8], hexWithoutQuotes(response))) return value def setDIOState(IOnum, state): value = (int(state) & 0x01) self.writeRegister(6000+IOnum, value) return True def _modbusWriteRead(self, request, numBytes): with self.deviceLock: self.write(request, modbus = True, checksum = False) try: result =, modbus = True) if self.debug: print "Response: ", hexWithoutQuotes(result) return result except LabJackException: self.write(request, modbus = True, checksum = False) result =, modbus = True) if self.debug: print "Response: ", hexWithoutQuotes(result) return result def _checkCommandBytes(self, results, commandBytes): """ Checks all the stuff from a command """ size = len(commandBytes) if len(results) == 0: raise LabJackException("Got a zero length packet.") elif results[0] == 0xB8 and results[1] == 0xB8: raise LabJackException("Device detected a bad checksum.") elif results[1:(size+1)] != commandBytes: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes.\nExpected: %s\nGot: %s\nFull packet: %s" % (hexWithoutQuotes(commandBytes), hexWithoutQuotes(results[1:(size+1)]), hexWithoutQuotes(results))) elif not verifyChecksum(results): raise LabJackException("Checksum was incorrect.") elif results[6] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[6], "\nThe %s returned an error:\n %s" % (self.deviceName , lowlevelErrorToString(results[6])) ) def _writeRead(self, command, readLen, commandBytes, checkBytes = True, stream=False, checksum = True): # Acquire the device lock. with self.deviceLock: self.write(command, checksum = checksum) result =, stream=False) if self.debug: print "Response: ", hexWithoutQuotes(result) if checkBytes: self._checkCommandBytes(result, commandBytes) return result def ping(self): try: if self.devType == LJ_dtUE9: writeBuffer = [0x70, 0x70] self.write(writeBuffer) try: except LabJackException: self.write(writeBuffer) return True if self.devType == LJ_dtU3: writeBuffer = [0, 0xf8, 0x01, 0x2a, 0, 0, 0, 0] writeBuffer = setChecksum(writeBuffer) self.write(writeBuffer) return True return False except Exception, e: print e return False def open(self, devType, Ethernet=False, firstFound = True, serial = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ipAddress = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """, Ethernet=False, firstFound = True, serial = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, ipAddress = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None) Open a device of type devType. """ if self.handle is not None: raise LabJackException(9000,"Open called on a device with a handle. Please close the device, and try again. Your device is probably already open.\nLook for lines of code that look like this:\nd = u3.U3()\ # Wrong! Device is already open.") ct = LJ_ctUSB if Ethernet: ct = LJ_ctETHERNET if LJSocket is not None: ct = LJ_ctLJSOCKET d = None if devNumber: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif serial: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, pAddress = serial, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif localId: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, pAddress = localId, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif ipAddress: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = False, pAddress = ipAddress, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif LJSocket: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) elif firstFound: d = openLabJack(devType, ct, firstFound = True, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket) else: raise LabJackException("You must use first found, or give a localId, devNumber, or IP Address") self.handle = d.handle if not handleOnly: self._loadChangedIntoSelf(d) self._registerAtExitClose() def _loadChangedIntoSelf(self, d): for key, value in d.changed.items(): self.__setattr__(key, value) def _registerAtExitClose(self): if not self._autoCloseSetup: # Only need to register auto-close once per device. atexit.register(self.close) self._autoCloseSetup = True def close(self): """close() This function is not specifically supported in the LabJackUD driver for Windows and so simply calls the UD function Close. For Mac and unix drivers, this function MUST be performed when finished with a device. The reason for this close is because there can not be more than one program with a given device open at a time. If a device is not closed before the program is finished it may still be held open and unable to be used by other programs until properly closed. For Windows, Linux, and Mac """ if isinstance(self.handle, UE9TCPHandle) or isinstance(self.handle, LJSocketHandle): self.handle.close() elif == 'posix': staticLib.LJUSB_CloseDevice(self.handle) elif self.devType == 0x501: skymoteLib.LJUSB_CloseDevice(self.handle) self.handle = None def reset(self): """Reset the LabJack device. For Windows, Linux, and Mac Sample Usage: >>> u3 = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> u3.reset() @type None @param Function takes no arguments @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.ResetLabJack(self.handle) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) elif == 'posix': sndDataBuff = [0] * 4 #Make the reset packet sndDataBuff[0] = 0x9B sndDataBuff[1] = 0x99 sndDataBuff[2] = 0x02 try: self.write(sndDataBuff) rcvDataBuff = if(len(rcvDataBuff) != 4): raise LabJackException(0, "Unable to reset labJack 2") except Exception, e: raise LabJackException(0, "Unable to reset labjack: %s" % str(e)) def breakupPackets(self, packets, numBytesPerPacket): """ Name: Device.breakupPackets Args: packets, a string or list of packets numBytesPerPacket, how big each packe is Desc: This function will break up a list into smaller chunks and return each chunk one at a time. >>> l = range(15) >>> for packet in d.breakupPackets(l, 5): ... print packet [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] """ start, end = 0, numBytesPerPacket while end <= len(packets): yield packets[start:end] start, end = end, end + numBytesPerPacket def samplesFromPacket(self, packet): """ Name: Device.samplesFromPacket Args: packet, a packet of stream data Desc: This function breaks a packet into all the two byte samples it contains and returns them one at a time. >>> packet = range(16) # fake packet with 1 sample in it >>> for sample in d.samplesFromPacket(packet): ... print sample [ 12, 13 ] """ HEADER_SIZE = 12 FOOTER_SIZE = 2 BYTES_PER_PACKET = 2 l = str(packet) l = l[HEADER_SIZE:] l = l[:-FOOTER_SIZE] while len(l) > 0: yield l[:BYTES_PER_PACKET] l = l[BYTES_PER_PACKET:] def streamStart(self): """ Name: Device.streamStart() Args: None Desc: Starts streaming on the device. Note: You must call streamConfig() before calling this function. """ if not self.streamConfiged: raise LabJackException("Stream must be configured before it can be started.") if self.streamStarted: raise LabJackException("Stream already started.") command = [ 0xA8, 0xA8 ] results = self._writeRead(command, 4, [], False, False, False) if results[2] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[2], "StreamStart returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[2]) ) self.streamStarted = True def streamData(self, convert=True): """ Name: Device.streamData() Args: convert, should the packets be converted as they are read. set to False to get much faster speeds, but you will have to process the results later. Desc: Reads stream data from a LabJack device. See our stream example to get an idea of how this function should be called. The return value of streamData is a dictionary with the following keys: * errors: The number of errors in this block. * numPackets: The number of USB packets collected to return this block. * missed: The number of readings that were missed because of buffer overflow on the LabJack. * firstPacket: The PacketCounter value in the first USB packet. * result: The raw bytes returned from read(). The only way to get data if called with convert = False. * AINi, where i is an entry in the passed in PChannels. If called with convert = True, this is a list of all the readings in this block. Note: You must start the stream by calling streamStart() before calling this function. """ if not self.streamStarted: raise LabJackException("Please start streaming before reading.") numBytes = 14 + (self.streamSamplesPerPacket * 2) while True: result = * self.packetsPerRequest, stream = True) if len(result) == 0: yield None continue numPackets = len(result) // numBytes errors = 0 missed = 0 firstPacket = ord(result[10]) for i in range(numPackets): e = ord(result[11+(i*numBytes)]) if e != 0: errors += 1 if self.debug and e != 60 and e != 59: print e if e == 60: missed += struct.unpack('<I', result[6+(i*numBytes):10+(i*numBytes)] )[0] returnDict = dict(numPackets = numPackets, result = result, errors = errors, missed = missed, firstPacket = firstPacket ) if convert: returnDict.update(self.processStreamData(result, numBytes = numBytes)) yield returnDict def streamStop(self): """ Name: Device.streamStop() Args: None Desc: Stops streaming on the device. """ command = [ 0xB0, 0xB0 ] results = self._writeRead(command, 4, [], False, False, False) if results[2] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[2], "StreamStop returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[2]) ) self.streamStarted = False def getName(self): """ Name: Device.getName() Args: None Desc: Returns the name of a device. Always returns a unicode string. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' """ name = list(self.readRegister(58000, format='B'*48, numReg = 24)) if name[1] == 3: # Old style string name = "My %s" % self.deviceName if self.debug: print "Old UTF-16 name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") else: try: end = name.index(0x00) name = struct.pack("B"*end, *name[:end]).decode("UTF-8") except ValueError: name = "My %s" % self.deviceName if self.debug: print "Invalid name detected, replacing with %s" % name self.setName(name) name = name.decode("UTF-8") return name def setName(self, name = "My LabJack U3"): """ Name: Device.setName(name = ""My LabJack U3") Args: name, the name you'd like to assign the the U3 Desc: Writes a new name to the device. Names a limited to 30 characters or less. Works as of the following firmware versions: U6 - 1.00 U3 - 1.22 UE9 - 2.00 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> >>> d.getName() u'My LabJack U3' >>> d.setName("Johann") >>> d.getName() u'Johann' """ strLen = len(name) if strLen > 47: raise LabJackException("The name is too long, must be less than 48 characters.") newname = name.encode('UTF-8') bl = list(struct.unpack("B"*strLen, newname)) + [0x00] strLen += 1 if strLen%2 != 0: bl = bl + [0x00] strLen += 1 bl = struct.unpack(">"+"H"*(strLen/2), struct.pack("B" * strLen, *bl)) self.writeRegister(58000, list(bl)) name = property(getName, setName) def setDefaults(self, SetToFactoryDefaults = False): """ Name: Device.setDefaults(SetToFactoryDefaults = False) Args: SetToFactoryDefaults, set to True reset to factory defaults. Desc: Executing this function causes the current or last used values (or the factory defaults) to be stored in flash as the power-up defaults. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.setDefaults() """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x0E #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0xBA command[7] = 0x26 if SetToFactoryDefaults: command[6] = 0x82 command[7] = 0xC7 self._writeRead(command, 8, [ 0xF8, 0x01, 0x0E ] ) def setToFactoryDefaults(self): return self.setDefaults(SetToFactoryDefaults = True) validDefaultBlocks = range(8) def readDefaults(self, BlockNum, ReadCurrent = False): """ Name: Device.readDefaults(BlockNum) Args: BlockNum, which block to read. Must be 0-7. ReadCurrent, True = read current configuration Desc: Reads the power-up defaults from flash. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.readDefaults(0) [ 0, 0, ... , 0] """ if BlockNum not in self.validDefaultBlocks: raise LabJackException("Defaults must be in range 0-7") byte7 = (int(bool(ReadCurrent)) << 7) + BlockNum command = [ 0, 0xF8, 0x01, 0x0E, 0, 0, 0, byte7 ] result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, 0x0E ]) return result[8:] def readCurrent(self, BlockNum): self.readDefaults(BlockNum, ReadCurrent = True) def loadGenericDevice(self, device): """ Take a generic Device object, and loads it into the current object. The generic Device is consumed in the process. """ self.handle = device.handle self._loadChangedIntoSelf(device) self._registerAtExitClose() device = None # --------------------- BEGIN LabJackPython --------------------------------- def setChecksum(command): """Returns a command with checksums places in the proper locations For Windows, Mac, and Linux Sample Usage: >>> from LabJackPython import * >>> command = [0] * 12 >>> command[1] = 0xf8 >>> command[2] = 0x03 >>> command[3] = 0x0b >>> command = SetChecksum(command) >>> command [7, 248, 3, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] @type command: List @param command: The command by which to calculate the checksum @rtype: List @return: A command list with checksums in the proper locations. """ if len(command) < 8: raise LabJackException("Command does not contain enough bytes.") try: a = command[1] a = (a & 0x78) >> 3 #Check if the command is an extended command if a == 15: command = setChecksum16(command) command = setChecksum8(command, 6) return command else: command = setChecksum8(command, len(command)) return command except LabJackException, e: raise e except Exception, e: raise LabJackException("SetChecksum Exception:" + str(e)) def verifyChecksum(buffer): """Verifies the checksum of a given buffer using the traditional U3/UE9 Command Structure. """ buff0 = buffer[0] buff4 = buffer[4] buff5 = buffer[5] tempBuffer = setChecksum(buffer) if (buff0 == tempBuffer[0]) and (buff4 == tempBuffer[4]) \ and (buff5 == tempBuffer[5]): return True return False # 1 = LJ_ctUSB def listAll(deviceType, connectionType = 1): """listAll(deviceType, connectionType) -> [[local ID, Serial Number, IP Address], ...] Searches for all devices of a given type over a given connection type and returns a list of all devices found. WORKS on WINDOWS, MAC, UNIX """ if connectionType == LJ_ctLJSOCKET: ipAddress, port = deviceType.split(":") port = int(port) serverSocket = socket.socket() serverSocket.connect((ipAddress, port)) serverSocket.settimeout(10) f = serverSocket.makefile(bufsize = 0) f.write("scan\r\n") l = f.readline().strip() try: status, numLines = l.split(' ') except ValueError: raise Exception("Got invalid line from server: %s" % l) if status.lower().startswith('ok'): lines = [] marked = None for i in range(int(numLines)): l = f.readline().strip() dev = parseline(l) lines.append(dev) f.close() serverSocket.close() #print "Result of scan:" #print lines return lines if deviceType == 12: if U12DriverPresent(): u12Driver = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") # Setup all the ctype arrays pSerialNumbers = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pIDs = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pProdID = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pPowerList = (ctypes.c_long * 127)(0) pCalMatrix = (ctypes.c_long * 2540)(0) pNumFound = ctypes.c_long() pFcdd = ctypes.c_long(0) pHvc = ctypes.c_long(0) #Output dictionary deviceList = {} ec = u12Driver.ListAll(ctypes.cast(pProdID, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pSerialNumbers, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pIDs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pPowerList, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pCalMatrix, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.byref(pNumFound), ctypes.byref(pFcdd), ctypes.byref(pHvc)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) for i in range(pNumFound.value): deviceList[pSerialNumbers[i]] = { 'SerialNumber' : pSerialNumbers[i], 'Id' : pIDs[i], 'ProdId' : pProdID[i], 'powerList' : pPowerList[i] } return deviceList else: return {} if( == 'nt'): if deviceType == 0x501: if skymoteLib is None: raise ImportError("Couldn't load liblabjackusb.dll. Please install, and try again.") num = skymoteLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(0x501) deviceList = dict() for i in range(num): try: device = openLabJack(0x501, 1, firstFound = False, pAddress = None, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList pNumFound = ctypes.c_long() pSerialNumbers = (ctypes.c_long * 128)() pIDs = (ctypes.c_long * 128)() pAddresses = (ctypes.c_double * 128)() #The actual return variables so the user does not have to use ctypes serialNumbers = [] ids = [] addresses = [] ec = staticLib.ListAll(deviceType, connectionType, ctypes.byref(pNumFound), ctypes.cast(pSerialNumbers, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pIDs, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)), ctypes.cast(pAddresses, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long))) if ec != 0 and ec != 1010: raise LabJackException(ec) deviceList = dict() for i in xrange(pNumFound.value): if pSerialNumbers[i] != 1010: deviceValue = dict(localId = pIDs[i], serialNumber = pSerialNumbers[i], ipAddress = DoubleToStringAddress(pAddresses[i]), devType = deviceType) deviceList[pSerialNumbers[i]] = deviceValue return deviceList if( == 'posix'): if deviceType == LJ_dtUE9: return __listAllUE9Unix(connectionType) if deviceType == LJ_dtU3: return __listAllU3Unix() if deviceType == 6: return __listAllU6Unix() if deviceType == 0x501: return __listAllBridgesUnix() def isHandleValid(handle): if( == 'nt'): return True else: return staticLib.LJUSB_IsHandleValid(handle) def deviceCount(devType = None): """Returns the number of devices connected. """ if( == 'nt'): if devType is None: numdev = len(listAll(3)) numdev += len(listAll(9)) numdev += len(listAll(6)) if skymoteLib is not None: numdev += len(listAll(0x501)) return numdev else: return len(listAll(devType)) else: if devType == None: numdev = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(3) numdev += staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(9) numdev += staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(6) numdev += staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(0x501) return numdev else: return staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(devType) def getDevCounts(): if == "nt": # Right now there is no good way to count all the U12s on a Windows box return { 3 : len(listAll(3)), 6 : len(listAll(6)), 9 : len(listAll(9)), 1 : 0, 0x501 : len(listAll(0x501))} else: devCounts = (ctypes.c_uint*NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS)() devIds = (ctypes.c_uint*NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS)() n = ctypes.c_uint(NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS) r = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCounts(ctypes.byref(devCounts), ctypes.byref(devIds), n) returnDict = dict() for i in range(NUMBER_OF_UNIQUE_LABJACK_PRODUCT_IDS): returnDict[int(devIds[i])] = int(devCounts[i]) return returnDict def openAllLabJacks(): if == "nt": # Windows doesn't provide a nice way to open all the devices. devs = dict() devs[3] = listAll(3) devs[6] = listAll(6) devs[9] = listAll(9) devs[0x501] = listAll(0x501) devices = list() for prodId, numConnected in devs.items(): for i, serial in enumerate(numConnected.keys()): d = Device(None, devType = prodId) if prodId == 0x501:, devNumber = i) d = _makeDeviceFromHandle(d.handle, prodId) else:, serial = serial) d = _makeDeviceFromHandle(d.handle, prodId) devices.append(d) else: maxHandles = 10 devHandles = (ctypes.c_void_p*maxHandles)() devIds = (ctypes.c_uint*maxHandles)() n = ctypes.c_uint(maxHandles) numOpened = staticLib.LJUSB_OpenAllDevices(ctypes.byref(devHandles), ctypes.byref(devIds), n) devices = list() for i in range(numOpened): devices.append(_makeDeviceFromHandle(devHandles[i], int(devIds[i]))) return devices def _openLabJackUsingLJSocket(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, LJSocket, handleOnly ): if LJSocket is not '': ip, port = LJSocket.split(":") port = int(port) handle = LJSocketHandle(ip, port, deviceType, firstFound, pAddress) else: handle = LJSocketHandle('localhost', 6000, deviceType, firstFound, pAddress) return handle def _openLabJackUsingUDDriver(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber ): if devNumber is not None: devs = listAll(deviceType) pAddress = devs.keys()[(devNumber-1)] handle = ctypes.c_long() pAddress = str(pAddress) ec = staticLib.OpenLabJack(deviceType, connectionType, pAddress, firstFound, ctypes.byref(handle)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) devHandle = handle.value return devHandle def _openLabJackUsingExodriver(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber): devType = ctypes.c_ulong(deviceType) openDev = staticLib.LJUSB_OpenDevice openDev.restype = ctypes.c_void_p if(devNumber != None): handle = openDev(devNumber, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() return handle elif(firstFound): handle = openDev(1, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: print "handle: %s" % handle raise NullHandleException() return handle else: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(deviceType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i + 1, 0, devType) try: if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() device = _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType) except: continue if device.localId == pAddress or device.serialNumber == pAddress or device.ipAddress == pAddress: return device else: device.close() raise LabJackException(LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND) def _openUE9OverEthernet(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber): if firstFound is not True and pAddress is not None: #Check if valid IP address and attempt to get TCP handle try: socket.inet_aton(pAddress) return UE9TCPHandle(pAddress) except: pass s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.settimeout(BROADCAST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) sndDataBuff = [0] * 6 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x22 sndDataBuff[1] = 0x78 sndDataBuff[3] = 0xa9 outBuff = "" for item in sndDataBuff: outBuff += chr(item) s.sendto(outBuff, ("", 52362)) try: count = 1 while True: rcvDataBuff = s.recv(128) rcvDataBuff = [ord(val) for val in rcvDataBuff] if verifyChecksum(rcvDataBuff): #Parse the packet macAddress = rcvDataBuff[28:34] macAddress.reverse() # The serial number is four bytes: # 0x10 and the last three bytes of the MAC address serialBytes = chr(0x10) for j in macAddress[3:]: serialBytes += chr(j) serialNumber = struct.unpack(">I", serialBytes)[0] #Parse out the IP address ipAddress = "" for j in range(13, 9, -1): ipAddress += str(int(rcvDataBuff[j])) ipAddress += "." ipAddress = ipAddress[0:-1] #Local ID localId = rcvDataBuff[8] & 0xff # Check if we have found the device we are looking for. # pAddress represents either Local ID, Serial Number, or the # IP Address. This is so there are no conflicting identifiers. if firstFound \ or devNumber == count \ or pAddress in [localId, serialNumber, ipAddress]: handle = UE9TCPHandle(ipAddress) return handle count += 1 else: # Got a bad checksum. pass except LabJackException, e: raise LabJackException(LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND, "%s" % e) except: raise LabJackException("LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND: Couldn't find the specified LabJack.") def _openWirelessBridgeOnWindows(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber): if skymoteLib is None: raise ImportError("Couldn't load liblabjackusb.dll. Please install, and try again.") devType = ctypes.c_ulong(0x501) openDev = skymoteLib.LJUSB_OpenDevice openDev.restype = ctypes.c_void_p if(devNumber != None): handle = openDev(devNumber, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() return handle elif(firstFound): handle = openDev(1, 0, devType) if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() return handle else: raise LabjackException("Bridges don't have identifiers yet.") if handleOnly: raise LabjackException("Can't use handleOnly with an id.") numDevices = skymoteLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(deviceType) for i in range(numDevices): handle = openDev(i + 1, 0, devType) try: if handle <= 0: raise NullHandleException() device = _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType) except: continue if device.localId == pAddress or device.serialNumber == pAddress or device.ipAddress == pAddress: return device else: device.close() raise LabJackException(LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND) #Windows, Linux, and Mac def openLabJack(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound = True, pAddress = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """openLabJack(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound = True, pAddress = 1, LJSocket = None) Note: On Windows, Ue9 over Ethernet, pAddress MUST be the IP address. """ rcvDataBuff = [] handle = None if connectionType == LJ_ctLJSOCKET: # LJSocket handles work indepenent of OS handle = _openLabJackUsingLJSocket(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, LJSocket, handleOnly ) elif == 'posix' and connectionType == LJ_ctUSB: # Linux/Mac need to work in the low level driver. handle = _openLabJackUsingExodriver(deviceType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber) if isinstance( handle, Device ): return handle elif == 'nt': #If windows operating system then use the UD Driver if deviceType == 0x501: handle = _openWirelessBridgeOnWindows(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber) handle = ctypes.c_void_p(handle) elif staticLib is not None: handle = _openLabJackUsingUDDriver(deviceType, connectionType, firstFound, pAddress, devNumber ) elif connectionType == LJ_ctETHERNET and deviceType == LJ_dtUE9 : handle = _openUE9OverEthernet(firstFound, pAddress, devNumber) if not handleOnly: return _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType) else: return Device(handle, devType = deviceType) def _makeDeviceFromHandle(handle, deviceType): """ A helper function to get set all the info about a device from a handle""" device = Device(handle, devType = deviceType) device.changed = dict() if(deviceType == LJ_dtUE9): sndDataBuff = [0] * 38 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x89 sndDataBuff[1] = 0x78 sndDataBuff[2] = 0x10 sndDataBuff[3] = 0x01 try: device.write(sndDataBuff, checksum = False) rcvDataBuff = # Local ID device.localId = rcvDataBuff[8] & 0xff # MAC Address device.macAddress = "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X" % (rcvDataBuff[33], rcvDataBuff[32], rcvDataBuff[31], rcvDataBuff[30], rcvDataBuff[29], rcvDataBuff[28]) # Parse out serial number device.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack("BBBB", rcvDataBuff[28], rcvDataBuff[29], rcvDataBuff[30], 0x10))[0] #Parse out the IP address device.ipAddress = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (rcvDataBuff[13], rcvDataBuff[12], rcvDataBuff[11], rcvDataBuff[10] ) # Comm FW Version device.commFWVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[37], rcvDataBuff[36]) device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['macAddress'] = device.macAddress device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber device.changed['ipAddress'] = device.ipAddress device.changed['commFWVersion'] = device.commFWVersion except Exception, e: device.close() raise e elif deviceType == LJ_dtU3: sndDataBuff = [0] * 26 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x0b sndDataBuff[1] = 0xf8 sndDataBuff[2] = 0x0a sndDataBuff[3] = 0x08 try: device.write(sndDataBuff, checksum = False) rcvDataBuff = except LabJackException, e: device.close() raise e device.localId = rcvDataBuff[21] & 0xff serialNumber = struct.pack("<BBBB", *rcvDataBuff[15:19]) device.serialNumber = struct.unpack('<I', serialNumber)[0] device.ipAddress = "" device.firmwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[10], rcvDataBuff[9]) device.hardwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[14], rcvDataBuff[13]) device.versionInfo = rcvDataBuff[37] device.deviceName = 'U3' if device.versionInfo == 1: device.deviceName += 'B' elif device.versionInfo == 2: device.deviceName += '-LV' elif device.versionInfo == 18: device.deviceName += '-HV' device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber device.changed['ipAddress'] = device.ipAddress device.changed['firmwareVersion'] = device.firmwareVersion device.changed['versionInfo'] = device.versionInfo device.changed['deviceName'] = device.deviceName device.changed['hardwareVersion'] = device.hardwareVersion elif deviceType == 6: command = [ 0 ] * 26 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0A command[3] = 0x08 try: device.write(command) rcvDataBuff = except LabJackException, e: device.close() raise e device.localId = rcvDataBuff[21] & 0xff serialNumber = struct.pack("<BBBB", *rcvDataBuff[15:19]) device.serialNumber = struct.unpack('<I', serialNumber)[0] device.ipAddress = "" device.firmwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[10], rcvDataBuff[9]) device.bootloaderVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[12], rcvDataBuff[11]) device.hardwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (rcvDataBuff[14], rcvDataBuff[13]) device.versionInfo = rcvDataBuff[37] device.deviceName = 'U6' if device.versionInfo == 12: device.deviceName = 'U6-Pro' device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber device.changed['ipAddress'] = device.ipAddress device.changed['firmwareVersion'] = device.firmwareVersion device.changed['versionInfo'] = device.versionInfo device.changed['deviceName'] = device.deviceName device.changed['hardwareVersion'] = device.hardwareVersion device.changed['bootloaderVersion'] = device.bootloaderVersion elif deviceType == 0x501: pkt, readlen = device._buildReadRegisterPacket(65104, 4, 0) device.modbusPrependZeros = False device.write(pkt, modbus = True, checksum = False) for i in range(5): try: serial = None response =, False, True) serial = device._parseReadRegisterResponse(response[:readlen], readlen, 65104, '>Q', numReg = 4) break except Modbus.ModbusException: pass if serial is None: raise LabJackException("Error reading serial number.") device.serialNumber = serial device.localId = 0 device.deviceName = "SkyMote Bridge" device.changed['localId'] = device.localId device.changed['deviceName'] = device.deviceName device.changed['serialNumber'] = device.serialNumber return device def AddRequest(Handle, IOType, Channel, Value, x1, UserData): """AddRequest(handle, ioType, channel, value, x1, userData) Windows Only """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") v = ctypes.c_double(Value) ud = ctypes.c_double(UserData) ec = staticLib.AddRequest(Handle, IOType, Channel, v, x1, ud) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def AddRequestS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, Value, x1, UserData): """Add a request to the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Sample Usage to get the AIN value from channel 0: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_AIN", 0, 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> Go() >>> value = GetResult(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_AIN, 0) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:0.366420765873 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @type UserData: number @param UserData: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") v = ctypes.c_double(Value) ud = ctypes.c_double(UserData) ec = staticLib.AddRequestS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, v, x1, ud) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def AddRequestSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, Value, x1, UserData): """Add a request to the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Sample Usage to get the AIN value from channel 0: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> Go() >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @type UserData: number @param UserData: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") v = ctypes.c_double(Value) ud = ctypes.c_double(UserData) ec = staticLib.AddRequestSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, v, x1, ud) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def Go(): """Complete all requests currently on the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> Go() >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.Go() if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException("Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GoOne(Handle): """Performs the next request on the LabJackUD request stack For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.GoOne(Handle) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device eGet is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_AIN, 0, 0, 0) 0.39392614550888538 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: number @return: Returns the value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) #ppv = ctypes.pointer(pv) ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) #staticLib.eGet.argtypes = [ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_long] #ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, pValue, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) #print "EGet:" + str(ppv) #print "Other:" + str(ppv.contents) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows #Raw method -- Used because x1 is an output def eGetRaw(Handle, IOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device as a raw command eGetRaw is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage (Calling a echo command): >>> sendBuff = [0] * 2 >>> sendBuff[0] = 0x70 >>> sendBuff[1] = 0x70 >>> eGetRaw(ue9Handle, LJ_ioRAW_OUT, 0, len(sendBuff), sendBuff) (2.0, [112, 112]) @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type pValue: number @param Value: Length of the buffer. @type x1: number @param x1: Buffer to send. @rtype: Tuple @return: The tuple (numBytes, returnBuffer) - numBytes (number) - returnBuffer (List) @raise LabJackException: """ ec = 0 x1Type = "int" if == 'nt': digitalConst = [35, 36, 37, 45] pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) #If IOType is digital then call eget with x1 as a long if IOType in digitalConst: ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) else: #Otherwise as an array try: #Verify x1 is an array if len(x1) < 1: raise LabJackException(0, "x1 is not a valid variable for the given IOType") except Exception: raise LabJackException(0, "x1 is not a valid variable for the given IOType") #Initialize newA newA = None if type(x1[0]) == int: newA = (ctypes.c_byte*len(x1))() for i in range(0, len(x1), 1): newA[i] = ctypes.c_byte(x1[i]) else: x1Type = "float" newA = (ctypes.c_double*len(x1))() for i in range(0, len(x1), 1): newA[i] = ctypes.c_double(x1[i]) ec = staticLib.eGet(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), ctypes.byref(newA)) if IOType == LJ_ioRAW_IN and Channel == 1: # We return the raw byte string if we are streaming x1 = struct.pack('b' * len(x1), *newA) elif IOType == LJ_ioRAW_IN and Channel == 0: x1 = [0] * int(pv.value) for i in range(len(x1)): x1[i] = newA[i] & 0xff else: x1 = [0] * len(x1) for i in range(len(x1)): x1[i] = newA[i] if(x1Type == "int"): x1[i] = x1[i] & 0xff if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value, x1 else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def eGetS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device eGet is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> eGet(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_AIN", 0, 0, 0) 0.39392614550888538 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: number @return: Returns the value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) ec = staticLib.eGetS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def eGetSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, pValue, x1): """Perform one call to the LabJack Device eGet is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> eGetSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0, 0) 1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: number @return: Returns the value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(pValue) ec = staticLib.eGetSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, ctypes.byref(pv), x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows #Not currently implemented def eGetRawS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, pValue, x1): """Function not yet implemented. For Windows only. """ pass #Windows def ePut(Handle, IOType, Channel, Value, x1): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 0.0 >>> ePut(u3Handle, LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 8, 0) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 8.0 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(Value) ec = staticLib.ePut(Handle, IOType, Channel, pv, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def ePutS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, Value, x1): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 0.0 >>> ePutS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG", LJ_chLOCALID, 8, 0) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 8.0 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(Value) ec = staticLib.ePutS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, pv, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def ePutSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, Value, x1): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 0.0 >>> ePutSS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG", "LJ_chLOCALID", 8, 0) >>> eGet(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0) 8.0 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: String @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @type Value: number @param Value: Used for some requests @type x1: number @param x1: Used for some requests @rtype: None @return: Function returns nothing. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double(Value) ec = staticLib.ePutSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, pv, x1) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetResult(Handle, IOType, Channel): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResult(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type IOType: number @param IOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @rtype: number @return: The value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetResult(Handle, IOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetResultS(Handle, pIOType, Channel): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResultS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION) >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: number @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @rtype: number @return: The value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetResultS(Handle, pIOType, Channel, ctypes.byref(pv)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetResultSS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel): """Put one value to the LabJack device ePut is equivilent to an AddRequest followed by a GoOne. For Windows Only Sample Usage: >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequestSS(u3Handle,"LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION", 0.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GoOne(u3Handle) >>> value = GetResultSS(u3Handle, "LJ_ioGET_CONFIG", "LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION") >>> print "Value:" + str(value) Value:1.27 @type Handle: number @param Handle: Handle to the LabJack device. @type pIOType: String @param pIOType: IO Request to the LabJack. @type Channel: String @param Channel: Channel for the IO request. @rtype: number @return: The value requested. - value @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pv = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetResultS(Handle, pIOType, pChannel, ctypes.byref(pv)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pv.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetFirstResult(Handle): """List All LabJack devices of a specific type over a specific connection type. For Windows only. Sample Usage (Shows getting the localID (8) and firmware version (1.27) of a U3 device): >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0, 0) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION, 0, 0, 0) >>> Go() >>> GetFirstResult(u3Handle) (1001, 0, 8.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GetNextResult(u3Handle) (1001, 11, 1.27, 0, 0.0) @type DeviceType: number @param DeviceType: The LabJack device. @type ConnectionType: number @param ConnectionType: The connection method (Ethernet/USB). @rtype: Tuple @return: The tuple (ioType, channel, value, x1, userData) - ioType (number): The io of the result. - serialNumber (number): The channel of the result. - value (number): The requested result. - x1 (number): Used only in certain requests. - userData (number): Used only in certain requests. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pio = ctypes.c_long() pchan = ctypes.c_long() pv = ctypes.c_double() px = ctypes.c_long() pud = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetFirstResult(Handle, ctypes.byref(pio), ctypes.byref(pchan), ctypes.byref(pv), ctypes.byref(px), ctypes.byref(pud)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pio.value, pchan.value, pv.value, px.value, pud.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def GetNextResult(Handle): """List All LabJack devices of a specific type over a specific connection type. For Windows only. Sample Usage (Shows getting the localID (8) and firmware version (1.27) of a U3 device): >>> u3Handle = OpenLabJack(LJ_dtU3, LJ_ctUSB, "0", 1) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chLOCALID, 0, 0, 0) >>> AddRequest(u3Handle, LJ_ioGET_CONFIG, LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION, 0, 0, 0) >>> Go() >>> GetFirstResult(u3Handle) (1001, 0, 8.0, 0, 0.0) >>> GetNextResult(u3Handle) (1001, 11, 1.27, 0, 0.0) @type DeviceType: number @param DeviceType: The LabJack device. @type ConnectionType: number @param ConnectionType: The connection method (Ethernet/USB). @rtype: Tuple @return: The tuple (ioType, channel, value, x1, userData) - ioType (number): The io of the result. - serialNumber (number): The channel of the result. - value (number): The requested result. - x1 (number): Used only in certain requests. - userData (number): Used only in certain requests. @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pio = ctypes.c_long() pchan = ctypes.c_long() pv = ctypes.c_double() px = ctypes.c_long() pud = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.GetNextResult(Handle, ctypes.byref(pio), ctypes.byref(pchan), ctypes.byref(pv), ctypes.byref(px), ctypes.byref(pud)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pio.value, pchan.value, pv.value, px.value, pud.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def DoubleToStringAddress(number): """Converts a number (base 10) to an IP string. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> DoubleToStringAddress(3232235985) '' @type number: number @param number: Number to be converted. @rtype: String @return: The IP string converted from the number (base 10). @raise LabJackException: """ number = int(number) address = "%i.%i.%i.%i" % ((number >> 8*3 & 0xFF), (number >> 8*2 & 0xFF), (number >> 8 & 0xFF), (number & 0xFF)) return address def StringToDoubleAddress(pString): """Converts an IP string to a number (base 10). Sample Usage: >>> StringToDoubleAddress("") 3232235985L @type pString: String @param pString: String to be converted. @rtype: number @return: The number (base 10) that represents the IP string. @raise LabJackException: """ parts = pString.split('.') if len(parts) is not 4: raise LabJackException(0, "IP address not correctly formatted") try: value = (int(parts[0]) << 8*3) + (int(parts[1]) << 8*2) + (int(parts[2]) << 8) + int(parts[3]) except ValueError: raise LabJackException(0, "IP address not correctly formatted") return value #Windows def StringToConstant(pString): """Converts an LabJackUD valid string to its constant value. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> StringToConstant("LJ_dtU3") 3 @type pString: String @param pString: String to be converted. @rtype: number @return: The number (base 10) that represents the LabJackUD string. """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") a = ctypes.create_string_buffer(pString, 256) return staticLib.StringToConstant(a) else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") # To hold all the error codes and what they mean: ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT = dict() ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['1'] = ("SCRATCH_WRT_FAIL", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['2'] = ("SCRATCH_ERASE_FAIL", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['3'] = ("DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['4'] = ("ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['5'] = ("FUNCTION_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['6'] = ("SWDT_TIME_INVALID", "This error is caused when an invalid time was passed to the watchdog.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['7'] = ("XBR_CONFIG_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['16'] = ("FLASH_WRITE_FAIL", "For some reason, the LabJack was unable to write the specified page of its internal flash.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['17'] = ("FLASH_ERASE_FAIL", "For some reason, the LabJack was unable to erase the specified page of its internal flash.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['18'] = ("FLASH_JMP_FAIL", "For some reason, the LabJack was unable to jump to a different section of flash. This may be an indication the flash is corrupted.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['19'] = ("FLASH_PSP_TIMEOUT", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['20'] = ("FLASH_ABORT_RECEIVED", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['21'] = ("FLASH_PAGE_MISMATCH", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['22'] = ("FLASH_BLOCK_MISMATCH", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['23'] = ("FLASH_PAGE_NOT_IN_CODE_AREA", "Usually, this error is raised when you try to write new firmware before upgrading the bootloader.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['24'] = ("MEM_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['25'] = ("FLASH_LOCKED", "Tried to write to flash before unlocking it.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['26'] = ("INVALID_BLOCK", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['27'] = ("FLASH_ILLEGAL_PAGE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['28'] = ("FLASH_TOO_MANY_BYTES", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['29'] = ("FLASH_INVALID_STRING_NUM", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['40'] = ("SHT1x_COMM_TIME_OUT", "LabJack never received the ACK it was expecting from the SHT. This is usually due to incorrect wiring. Double check that all wires are securely connected to the correct pins.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['41'] = ("SHT1x_NO_ACK", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['42'] = ("SHT1x_CRC_FAILED", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['43'] = ("SHT1x_TOO_MANY_W_BYTES", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['44'] = ("SHT1x_TOO_MANY_R_BYTES", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['45'] = ("SHT1x_INVALID_MODE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['46'] = ("SHT1x_INVALID_LINE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['48'] = ("STREAM_IS_ACTIVE", "This error is raised when you call StreamStart after the stream has already been started.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['49'] = ("STREAM_TABLE_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['50'] = ("STREAM_CONFIG_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['52'] = ("STREAM_NOT_RUNNING", "This error is raised when you call StopStream after the stream has already been stopped.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['53'] = ("STREAM_INVALID_TRIGGER", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['54'] = ("STREAM_ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['55'] = ("STREAM_SCAN_OVERLAP", "This error is raised when a scan interrupt is fired before the LabJack has completed the previous scan. The most common cause of this error is a configuration with a high sampling rate and a large number of channels.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['56'] = ("STREAM_SAMPLE_NUM_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['57'] = ("STREAM_BIPOLAR_GAIN_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['58'] = ("STREAM_SCAN_RATE_INVALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['59'] = ("STREAM_AUTORECOVER_ACTIVE", "This error is to inform you that the autorecover feature has been activated. Autorecovery is usually triggered by not reading data fast enough from the LabJack.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['60'] = ("STREAM_AUTORECOVER_REPORT", "This error marks the packet as an autorecovery report packet which contains how many packets were lost.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['63'] = ("STREAM_AUTORECOVER_OVERFLOW", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['64'] = ("TIMER_INVALID_MODE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['65'] = ("TIMER_QUADRATURE_AB_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['66'] = ("TIMER_QUAD_PULSE_SEQUENCE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['67'] = ("TIMER_BAD_CLOCK_SOURCE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['68'] = ("TIMER_STREAM_ACTIVE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['69'] = ("TIMER_PWMSTOP_MODULE_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['70'] = ("TIMER_SEQUENCE_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['71'] = ("TIMER_LINE_SEQUENCE_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['72'] = ("TIMER_SHARING_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['80'] = ("EXT_OSC_NOT_STABLE", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['81'] = ("INVALID_POWER_SETTING", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['82'] = ("PLL_NOT_LOCKED", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['96'] = ("INVALID_PIN", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['97'] = ("PIN_CONFIGURED_FOR_ANALOG", "This error is raised when you try to do a digital operation on a pin that's configured for analog. Use a command like ConfigIO to set the pin to digital.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['98'] = ("PIN_CONFIGURED_FOR_DIGITAL", "This error is raised when you try to do an analog operation on a pin which is configured for digital. Use a command like ConfigIO to set the pin to analog.") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['99'] = ("IOTYPE_SYNCH_ERROR", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['100'] = ("INVALID_OFFSET", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['101'] = ("IOTYPE_NOT_VALID", "") ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT['102'] = ("TC_PIN_OFFSET_MUST_BE_4-8", "This error is raised when you try to configure the Timer/Counter pin offset to be 0-3.") def lowlevelErrorToString( errorcode ): """Converts a low-level errorcode into a string. """ try: name, advice = ERROR_TO_STRING_DICT[str(errorcode)] except KeyError: name = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" advice = "Unrecognized error code (%s)" % errorcode if advice is not "": msg = "%s (%s)\n%s" % (name, errorcode, advice) else: msg = "%s (%s)" % (name, errorcode) return msg #Windows def ErrorToString(ErrorCode): """Converts an LabJackUD valid error code to a String. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> ErrorToString(1007) 'LabJack not found' @type ErrorCode: number @param ErrorCode: Valid LabJackUD error code. @rtype: String @return: The string that represents the valid LabJackUD error code """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pString = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) staticLib.ErrorToString(ctypes.c_long(ErrorCode), ctypes.byref(pString)) return pString.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows, Linux, and Mac def GetDriverVersion(): """Converts an LabJackUD valid error code to a String. For Windows, Linux, and Mac Sample Usage: >>> GetDriverVersion() 2.64 >>> GetDriverVersion() Mac @rtype: number/String @return: Value of the driver version as a String - For Mac machines the return type is "Mac" - For Windows and Linux systems the return type is a number that represents the driver version """ if == 'nt': staticLib.GetDriverVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float return str(staticLib.GetDriverVersion()) elif == 'posix': staticLib.LJUSB_GetLibraryVersion.restype = ctypes.c_float return "%.2f" % staticLib.LJUSB_GetLibraryVersion() #Windows def TCVoltsToTemp(TCType, TCVolts, CJTempK): """Converts a thermo couple voltage reading to an appropriate temperature reading. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> TCVoltsToTemp(LJ_ttK, 0.003141592, 297.038889) 373.13353222244825 @type TCType: number @param TCType: The type of thermo couple used. @type TCVolts: number @param TCVolts: The voltage reading from the thermo couple @type CJTempK: number @param CJTempK: The cold junction temperature reading in Kelvin @rtype: number @return: The thermo couples temperature reading - pTCTempK @raise LabJackException: """ if == 'nt': staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") pTCTempK = ctypes.c_double() ec = staticLib.TCVoltsToTemp(ctypes.c_long(TCType), ctypes.c_double(TCVolts), ctypes.c_double(CJTempK), ctypes.byref(pTCTempK)) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) return pTCTempK.value else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows def Close(): """Resets the driver and closes all open handles. For Windows Sample Usage: >>> Close() @rtype: None @return: The function returns nothing. """ opSys = if(opSys == 'nt'): staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") staticLib.Close() else: raise LabJackException(0, "Function only supported for Windows") #Windows, Linux and Mac def DriverPresent(): try: ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") return True except: try: ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("") return True except: try: ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("liblabjackusb.dylib") return True except: return False return False return False def U12DriverPresent(): try: ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("ljackuw") return True except: return False #Windows only def LJHash(hashStr, size): """An approximation of the md5 hashing algorithms. For Windows An approximation of the md5 hashing algorithm. Used for authorizations on UE9 version 1.73 and higher and u3 version 1.35 and higher. @type hashStr: String @param hashStr: String to be hashed. @type size: number @param size: Amount of bytes to hash from the hashStr @rtype: String @return: The hashed string. """ print "Hash String:" + str(hashStr) outBuff = (ctypes.c_char * 16)() retBuff = '' staticLib = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("labjackud") ec = staticLib.LJHash(ctypes.cast(hashStr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), size, ctypes.cast(outBuff, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), 0) if ec != 0: raise LabJackException(ec) for i in range(16): retBuff += outBuff[i] return retBuff def __listAllUE9Unix(connectionType): """Private listAll function for use on unix and mac machines to find UE9s. """ deviceList = {} rcvDataBuff = [] if connectionType == LJ_ctUSB: numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(LJ_dtUE9) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(LJ_dtUE9, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass elif connectionType == LJ_ctETHERNET: #Create a socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.settimeout(BROADCAST_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) sndDataBuff = [0] * 6 sndDataBuff[0] = 0x22 sndDataBuff[1] = 0x78 sndDataBuff[3] = 0xa9 outBuff = "" for item in sndDataBuff: outBuff += chr(item) s.sendto(outBuff, ("", 52362)) try: while True: rcvDataBuff = s.recv(128) try: rcvDataBuff = [ord(val) for val in rcvDataBuff] if verifyChecksum(rcvDataBuff): #Parse the packet macAddress = rcvDataBuff[28:34] macAddress.reverse() # The serial number is four bytes: # 0x10 and the last three bytes of the MAC address serialBytes = chr(0x10) for j in macAddress[3:]: serialBytes += chr(j) serial = struct.unpack(">I", serialBytes)[0] #Parse out the IP address ipAddress = "" for j in range(13, 9, -1): ipAddress += str(int(rcvDataBuff[j])) ipAddress += "." ipAddress = ipAddress[0:-1] #Local ID localId = rcvDataBuff[8] & 0xff deviceList[serial] = dict(devType = LJ_dtUE9, localId = localId, \ serialNumber = serial, ipAddress = ipAddress) except Exception, e: pass except: pass return deviceList def __listAllU3Unix(): """Private listAll function for unix and mac machines. Works on the U3 only. """ deviceList = {} numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(LJ_dtU3) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(LJ_dtU3, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList def __listAllU6Unix(): """ List all for U6s """ deviceList = {} numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(LJ_dtU6) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(LJ_dtU6, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList def __listAllBridgesUnix(): """ List all for Bridges """ deviceList = {} numDevices = staticLib.LJUSB_GetDevCount(0x501) for i in xrange(numDevices): try: device = openLabJack(0x501, 1, firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) device.close() deviceList[str(device.serialNumber)] = device.__dict__ except LabJackException: pass return deviceList def setChecksum16(buffer): total = 0; for i in range(6, len(buffer)): total += (buffer[i] & 0xff) buffer[4] = (total & 0xff) buffer[5] = ((total >> 8) & 0xff) return buffer def setChecksum8(buffer, numBytes): total = 0 for i in range(1, numBytes): total += (buffer[i] & 0xff) buffer[0] = (total & 0xff) + ((total >> 8) & 0xff) buffer[0] = (buffer[0] & 0xff) + ((buffer[0] >> 8) & 0xff) return buffer class LJSocketHandle(object): """ Class to replace a device handle with a socket to a LJSocket server. """ def __init__(self, ipAddress, port, devType, firstFound, pAddress): try: serverSocket = socket.socket() serverSocket.connect((ipAddress, port)) serverSocket.settimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT) f = serverSocket.makefile(bufsize = 0) f.write("scan\r\n") l = f.readline().strip() try: status, numLines = l.split(' ') except ValueError: raise Exception("Got invalid line from server: %s" % l) if status.lower().startswith('ok'): lines = [] marked = None for i in range(int(numLines)): l = f.readline().strip() dev = parseline(l) if devType == dev['prodId']: lines.append(dev) if not firstFound and (dev['localId'] == pAddress or dev['serial'] == pAddress): marked = dev f.close() serverSocket.close() #print "Result of scan:" #print lines if firstFound and len(lines) > 0: marked = lines[0] elif marked is not None: pass else: raise Exception("LabJack not found.") if marked['crPort'] != 'x': self.crSocket = socket.socket() self.crSocket.connect((ipAddress, marked['crPort'])) self.crSocket.settimeout(LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT) else: self.crSocket = None if marked['modbusPort'] != 'x': self.modbusSocket = socket.socket() self.modbusSocket.connect((ipAddress, marked['modbusPort'])) self.modbusSocket.settimeout(LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT) else: self.modbusSocket = None if marked['spontPort'] != 'x': self.spontSocket = socket.socket() self.spontSocket.connect((ipAddress, marked['spontPort'])) self.spontSocket.settimeout(LJSOCKET_TIMEOUT) else: self.spontSocket = None else: raise Exception("Got an error from LJSocket. It said '%s'" % l) except Exception, e: raise LabJackException(ec = LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND, errorString = "Couldn't connect to a LabJack at %s:%s. The error was: %s" % (ipAddress, port, str(e))) def close(self): if self.crSocket is not None: self.crSocket.close() if self.modbusSocket is not None: self.modbusSocket.close() if self.spontSocket is not None: self.spontSocket.close() def parseline(line): try: prodId, crPort, modbusPort, spontPort, localId, serial = line.split(' ') if not crPort.startswith('x'): crPort = int(crPort) if not modbusPort.startswith('x'): modbusPort = int(modbusPort) if not spontPort.startswith('x'): spontPort = int(spontPort) except ValueError: raise Exception("") return { 'prodId' : int(prodId), 'crPort' : crPort, 'modbusPort' : modbusPort, 'spontPort' : spontPort, 'localId' : int(localId), 'serial' : int(serial) } #Class for handling UE9 TCP Connections class UE9TCPHandle(object): """__UE9TCPHandle(ipAddress) Creates two sockets for the streaming and non streaming port on the UE9. Only works on default ports (Data 52360, Stream 52361). """ def __init__(self, ipAddress, timeout = SOCKET_TIMEOUT): try: = socket.socket(), 52360)) = socket.socket(), 52361)) try: self.modbus = socket.socket() self.modbus.connect((ipAddress, 502)) self.modbus.settimeout(timeout) except socket.error, e: raise LabJackException("Couldn't connect to the Modbus port on the UE9. Please upgrade to UE9 Comm firmware to 1.43 or higher.") except LabJackException, e: raise e except Exception, e: print e raise LabJackException("Couldn't open sockets to the UE9 at IP Address %s. Error was: %s" % (ipAddress, e)) def close(self): try: self.modbus.close() except Exception, e: print "UE9 Handle close exception: ", e pass def toDouble(bytes): """ Name: toDouble(buffer) Args: buffer, an array with 8 bytes Desc: Converts the 8 byte array into a floating point number. """ right, left = struct.unpack("<Ii", struct.pack("B" * 8, *bytes[0:8])) return float(left) + float(right)/(2**32) def hexWithoutQuotes(l): """ Return a string listing hex without all the single quotes. >>> l = range(10) >>> print hexWithoutQuotes(l) [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9] """ return str([hex (i) for i in l]).replace("'", "") #device types LJ_dtUE9 = 9 """Device type for the UE9""" LJ_dtU3 = 3 """Device type for the U3""" LJ_dtU6 = 6 """Device type for the U6""" # connection types: LJ_ctUSB = 1 # UE9 + U3 """Connection type for the UE9 and U3""" LJ_ctETHERNET = 2 # UE9 only """Connection type for the UE9""" LJ_ctUSB_RAW = 101 # UE9 + U3 """Connection type for the UE9 and U3 Raw connection types are used to open a device but not communicate with it should only be used if the normal connection types fail and for testing. If a device is opened with the raw connection types, only LJ_ioRAW_OUT and LJ_ioRAW_IN io types should be used """ LJ_ctETHERNET_RAW = 102 # UE9 only """Connection type for the UE9 Raw connection types are used to open a device but not communicate with it should only be used if the normal connection types fail and for testing. If a device is opened with the raw connection types, only LJ_ioRAW_OUT and LJ_ioRAW_IN io types should be used """ LJ_ctLJSOCKET = 200 """Connection type for USB LabJack connected to LJSocket server. """ # io types: LJ_ioGET_AIN = 10 # UE9 + U3. This is single ended version. """IO type for the UE9 and U3 This is the single ended version """ LJ_ioGET_AIN_DIFF = 15 # U3 only. Put second channel in x1. If 32 is passed as x1, Vref will be added to the result. """IO type for the U3 Put second channel in x1. If 32 is passed as x1, Vref will be added to the result. """ LJ_ioPUT_AIN_RANGE = 2000 # UE9 """IO type for the UE9""" LJ_ioGET_AIN_RANGE = 2001 # UE9 """IO type for the UE9""" # sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. FIO is Channel 0-7, EIO 8-15 LJ_ioPUT_ANALOG_ENABLE_BIT = 2013 # U3 """IO type for the U3 Sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. FIO is Channel 0-7, EIO 8-15 """ LJ_ioGET_ANALOG_ENABLE_BIT = 2014 # U3 """IO type for the U3 Sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. FIO is Channel 0-7, EIO 8-15 """ # sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. Channel is starting # bit #, x1 is number of bits to read. The pins are set by passing a bitmask as a double # for the value. The first bit of the int that the double represents will be the setting # for the pin number sent into the channel variable. LJ_ioPUT_ANALOG_ENABLE_PORT = 2015 # U3 """ IO type for the U3 sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. Channel is starting bit #, x1 is number of bits to read. The pins are set by passing a bitmask as a double for the value. The first bit of the int that the double represents will be the setting for the pin number sent into the channel variable. """ LJ_ioGET_ANALOG_ENABLE_PORT = 2016 # U3 """ IO type for the U3 sets or reads the analog or digital mode of the FIO and EIO pins. Channel is starting bit #, x1 is number of bits to read. The pins are set by passing a bitmask as a double for the value. The first bit of the int that the double represents will be the setting for the pin number sent into the channel variable. """ LJ_ioPUT_DAC = 20 # UE9 + U3 """IO type for the U3 and UE9""" LJ_ioPUT_DAC_ENABLE = 2002 # UE9 + U3 (U3 on Channel 1 only) """IO type for the U3 and UE9 U3 on channel 1 only. """ LJ_ioGET_DAC_ENABLE = 2003 # UE9 + U3 (U3 on Channel 1 only) """IO type for the U3 and UE9 U3 on channel 1 only. """ LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_BIT = 30 # UE9 + U3 # changes direction of bit to input as well LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_BIT_DIR = 31 # U3 LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_BIT_STATE = 32 # does not change direction of bit, allowing readback of output # channel is starting bit #, x1 is number of bits to read LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_PORT = 35 # UE9 + U3 # changes direction of bits to input as well LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_PORT_DIR = 36 # U3 LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_PORT_STATE = 37 # U3 does not change direction of bits, allowing readback of output # digital put commands will set the specified digital line(s) to output LJ_ioPUT_DIGITAL_BIT = 40 # UE9 + U3 # channel is starting bit #, value is output value, x1 is bits to write LJ_ioPUT_DIGITAL_PORT = 45 # UE9 + U3 # Used to create a pause between two events in a U3 low-level feedback # command. For example, to create a 100 ms positive pulse on FIO0, add a # request to set FIO0 high, add a request for a wait of 100000, add a # request to set FIO0 low, then Go. Channel is ignored. Value is # microseconds to wait and should range from 0 to 8388480. The actual # resolution of the wait is 128 microseconds. LJ_ioPUT_WAIT = 70 # U3 # counter. Input only. LJ_ioGET_COUNTER = 50 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioPUT_COUNTER_ENABLE = 2008 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioGET_COUNTER_ENABLE = 2009 # UE9 + U3 # this will cause the designated counter to reset. If you want to reset the counter with # every read, you have to use this command every time. LJ_ioPUT_COUNTER_RESET = 2012 # UE9 + U3 # on UE9: timer only used for input. Output Timers don't use these. Only Channel used. # on U3: Channel used (0 or 1). LJ_ioGET_TIMER = 60 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioPUT_TIMER_VALUE = 2006 # UE9 + U3. Value gets new value LJ_ioPUT_TIMER_MODE = 2004 # UE9 + U3. On both Value gets new mode. LJ_ioGET_TIMER_MODE = 2005 # UE9 # IOTypes for use with SHT sensor. For LJ_ioSHT_GET_READING, a channel of LJ_chSHT_TEMP (5000) will # read temperature, and LJ_chSHT_RH (5001) will read humidity. # The LJ_ioSHT_DATA_CHANNEL and LJ_ioSHT_SCK_CHANNEL iotypes use the passed channel # to set the appropriate channel for the data and SCK lines for the SHT sensor. # Default digital channels are FIO0 for the data channel and FIO1 for the clock channel. LJ_ioSHT_GET_READING = 500 # UE9 + U3. LJ_ioSHT_DATA_CHANNEL = 501 # UE9 + U3. Default is FIO0 LJ_ioSHT_CLOCK_CHANNEL = 502 # UE9 + U3. Default is FIO1 # Uses settings from LJ_chSPI special channels (set with LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG) to communcaite with # something using an SPI interface. The value parameter is the number of bytes to transfer # and x1 is the address of the buffer. The data from the buffer will be sent, then overwritten # with the data read. The channel parameter is ignored. LJ_ioSPI_COMMUNICATION = 503 # UE9 LJ_ioI2C_COMMUNICATION = 504 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioASYNCH_COMMUNICATION = 505 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioTDAC_COMMUNICATION = 506 # UE9 + U3 # Set's the U3 to it's original configuration. This means sending the following # to the ConfigIO and TimerClockConfig low level functions # # ConfigIO # Byte # # 6 WriteMask 15 Write all parameters. # 8 TimerCounterConfig 0 No timers/counters. Offset=0. # 9 DAC1Enable 0 DAC1 disabled. # 10 FIOAnalog 0 FIO all digital. # 11 EIOAnalog 0 EIO all digital. # # # TimerClockConfig # Byte # # 8 TimerClockConfig 130 Set clock to 24 MHz. # 9 TimerClockDivisor 0 Divisor = 0. # LJ_ioPIN_CONFIGURATION_RESET = 2017 # U3 # the raw in/out are unusual, channel # corresponds to the particular comm port, which # depends on the device. For example, on the UE9, 0 is main comm port, and 1 is the streaming comm. # Make sure and pass a porter to a char buffer in x1, and the number of bytes desired in value. A call # to GetResult will return the number of bytes actually read/written. The max you can send out in one call # is 512 bytes to the UE9 and 16384 bytes to the U3. LJ_ioRAW_OUT = 100 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioRAW_IN = 101 # UE9 + U3 # sets the default power up settings based on the current settings of the device AS THIS DLL KNOWS. This last part # basically means that you should set all parameters directly through this driver before calling this. This writes # to flash which has a limited lifetime, so do not do this too often. Rated endurance is 20,000 writes. LJ_ioSET_DEFAULTS = 103 # U3 # requests to create the list of channels to stream. Usually you will use the CLEAR_STREAM_CHANNELS request first, which # will clear any existing channels, then use ADD_STREAM_CHANNEL multiple times to add your desired channels. Some devices will # use value, x1 for other parameters such as gain. Note that you can do CLEAR, and then all your ADDs in a single Go() as long # as you add the requests in order. LJ_ioADD_STREAM_CHANNEL = 200 LJ_ioCLEAR_STREAM_CHANNELS = 201 LJ_ioSTART_STREAM = 202 LJ_ioSTOP_STREAM = 203 LJ_ioADD_STREAM_CHANNEL_DIFF = 206 # Get stream data has several options. If you just want to get a single channel's data (if streaming multiple channels), you # can pass in the desired channel #, then the number of data points desired in Value, and a pointer to an array to put the # data into as X1. This array needs to be an array of doubles. Therefore, the array needs to be 8 * number of # requested data points in byte length. What is returned depends on the StreamWaitMode. If None, this function will only return # data available at the time of the call. You therefore must call GetResult() for this function to retrieve the actually number # of points retreived. If Pump or Sleep, it will return only when the appropriate number of points have been read or no # new points arrive within 100ms. Since there is this timeout, you still need to use GetResult() to determine if the timeout # occured. If AllOrNone, you again need to check GetResult. # You can also retreive the entire scan by passing LJ_chALL_CHANNELS. In this case, the Value determines the number of SCANS # returned, and therefore, the array must be 8 * number of scans requested * number of channels in each scan. Likewise # GetResult() will return the number of scans, not the number of data points returned. # Note: data is stored interleaved across all streaming channels. In other words, if you are streaming two channels, 0 and 1, # and you request LJ_chALL_CHANNELS, you will get, Channel0, Channel1, Channel0, Channel1, etc. Once you have requested the # data, any data returned is removed from the internal buffer, and the next request will give new data. # Note: if reading the data channel by channel and not using LJ_chALL_CHANNELS, the data is not removed from the internal buffer # until the data from the last channel in the scan is requested. This means that if you are streaming three channels, 0, 1 and 2, # and you request data from channel 0, then channel 1, then channel 0 again, the request for channel 0 the second time will # return the exact same amount of data. Also note, that the amount of data that will be returned for each channel request will be # the same until you've read the last channel in the scan, at which point your next block may be a different size. # Note: although more convenient, requesting individual channels is slightly slower then using LJ_chALL_CHANNELS. Since you # are probably going to have to split the data out anyway, we have saved you the trouble with this option. # Note: if you are only scanning one channel, the Channel parameter is ignored. LJ_ioGET_STREAM_DATA = 204 # U3 only: # Channel = 0 buzz for a count, Channel = 1 buzz continuous # Value is the Period # X1 is the toggle count when channel = 0 LJ_ioBUZZER = 300 # U3 # config iotypes: LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG = 1000 # UE9 + U3 LJ_ioGET_CONFIG = 1001 # UE9 + U3 # channel numbers used for CONFIG types: # UE9 + U3 LJ_chLOCALID = 0 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chHARDWARE_VERSION = 10 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) LJ_chSERIAL_NUMBER = 12 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) LJ_chFIRMWARE_VERSION = 11 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) LJ_chBOOTLOADER_VERSION = 15 # UE9 + U3 (Read Only) # UE9 specific: LJ_chCOMM_POWER_LEVEL = 1 #UE9 LJ_chIP_ADDRESS = 2 #UE9 LJ_chGATEWAY = 3 #UE9 LJ_chSUBNET = 4 #UE9 LJ_chPORTA = 5 #UE9 LJ_chPORTB = 6 #UE9 LJ_chDHCP = 7 #UE9 LJ_chPRODUCTID = 8 #UE9 LJ_chMACADDRESS = 9 #UE9 LJ_chCOMM_FIRMWARE_VERSION = 11 LJ_chCONTROL_POWER_LEVEL = 13 #UE9 LJ_chCONTROL_FIRMWARE_VERSION = 14 #UE9 (Read Only) LJ_chCONTROL_BOOTLOADER_VERSION = 15 #UE9 (Read Only) LJ_chCONTROL_RESET_SOURCE = 16 #UE9 (Read Only) LJ_chUE9_PRO = 19 # UE9 (Read Only) # U3 only: # sets the state of the LED LJ_chLED_STATE = 17 # U3 value = LED state LJ_chSDA_SCL = 18 # U3 enable / disable SDA/SCL as digital I/O # Used to access calibration and user data. The address of an array is passed in as x1. # For the UE9, a 1024-element buffer of bytes is passed for user data and a 128-element # buffer of doubles is passed for cal constants. # For the U3, a 256-element buffer of bytes is passed for user data and a 12-element # buffer of doubles is passed for cal constants. # The layout of cal ants are defined in the users guide for each device. # When the LJ_chCAL_CONSTANTS special channel is used with PUT_CONFIG, a # special value (0x4C6C) must be passed in to the Value parameter. This makes it # more difficult to accidently erase the cal constants. In all other cases the Value # parameter is ignored. LJ_chCAL_CONSTANTS = 400 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chUSER_MEM = 402 # UE9 + U3 # Used to write and read the USB descriptor strings. This is generally for OEMs # who wish to change the strings. # Pass the address of an array in x1. Value parameter is ignored. # The array should be 128 elements of bytes. The first 64 bytes are for the # iManufacturer string, and the 2nd 64 bytes are for the iProduct string. # The first byte of each 64 byte block (bytes 0 and 64) contains the number # of bytes in the string. The second byte (bytes 1 and 65) is the USB spec # value for a string descriptor (0x03). Bytes 2-63 and 66-127 contain unicode # encoded strings (up to 31 characters each). LJ_chUSB_STRINGS = 404 # U3 # timer/counter related LJ_chNUMBER_TIMERS_ENABLED = 1000 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chTIMER_CLOCK_BASE = 1001 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chTIMER_CLOCK_DIVISOR = 1002 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chTIMER_COUNTER_PIN_OFFSET = 1003 # U3 # AIn related LJ_chAIN_RESOLUTION = 2000 # ue9 + u3 LJ_chAIN_SETTLING_TIME = 2001 # ue9 + u3 LJ_chAIN_BINARY = 2002 # ue9 + u3 # DAC related LJ_chDAC_BINARY = 3000 # ue9 + u3 # SHT related LJ_chSHT_TEMP = 5000 # ue9 + u3 LJ_chSHT_RH = 5001 # ue9 + u3 # SPI related LJ_chSPI_AUTO_CS = 5100 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_DISABLE_DIR_CONFIG = 5101 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_MODE = 5102 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_CLOCK_FACTOR = 5103 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_MOSI_PINNUM = 5104 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_MISO_PINNUM = 5105 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_CLK_PINNUM = 5106 # UE9 LJ_chSPI_CS_PINNUM = 5107 # UE9 # I2C related : # used with LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG LJ_chI2C_ADDRESS_BYTE = 5108 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_SCL_PIN_NUM = 5109 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_SDA_PIN_NUM = 5110 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_OPTIONS = 5111 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_SPEED_ADJUST = 5112 # UE9 + U3 # used with LJ_ioI2C_COMMUNICATION : LJ_chI2C_READ = 5113 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_WRITE = 5114 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_GET_ACKS = 5115 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chI2C_WRITE_READ = 5130 # UE9 + U3 # ASYNCH related : # Used with LJ_ioASYNCH_COMMUNICATION LJ_chASYNCH_RX = 5117 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chASYNCH_TX = 5118 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chASYNCH_FLUSH = 5128 # UE9 + U3 LJ_chASYNCH_ENABLE = 5129 # UE9 + U3 # Used with LJ_ioPUT_CONFIG and LJ_ioGET_CONFIG LJ_chASYNCH_BAUDFACTOR = 5127 # UE9 + U3 # stream related. Note, Putting to any of these values will stop any running streams. LJ_chSTREAM_SCAN_FREQUENCY = 4000 LJ_chSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 4001 LJ_chSTREAM_CLOCK_OUTPUT = 4002 LJ_chSTREAM_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER = 4003 LJ_chSTREAM_WAIT_MODE = 4004 # readonly stream related LJ_chSTREAM_BACKLOG_COMM = 4105 LJ_chSTREAM_BACKLOG_CONTROL = 4106 LJ_chSTREAM_BACKLOG_UD = 4107 LJ_chSTREAM_SAMPLES_PER_PACKET = 4108 # special channel #'s LJ_chALL_CHANNELS = -1 LJ_INVALID_CONSTANT = -999 #Thermocouple Type constants. LJ_ttB = 6001 """Type B thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttE = 6002 """Type E thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttJ = 6003 """Type J thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttK = 6004 """Type K thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttN = 6005 """Type N thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttR = 6006 """Type R thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttS = 6007 """Type S thermocouple constant""" LJ_ttT = 6008 """Type T thermocouple constant""" # other constants: # ranges (not all are supported by all devices): LJ_rgBIP20V = 1 # -20V to +20V LJ_rgBIP10V = 2 # -10V to +10V LJ_rgBIP5V = 3 # -5V to +5V LJ_rgBIP4V = 4 # -4V to +4V LJ_rgBIP2P5V = 5 # -2.5V to +2.5V LJ_rgBIP2V = 6 # -2V to +2V LJ_rgBIP1P25V = 7# -1.25V to +1.25V LJ_rgBIP1V = 8 # -1V to +1V LJ_rgBIPP625V = 9# -0.625V to +0.625V LJ_rgUNI20V = 101 # 0V to +20V LJ_rgUNI10V = 102 # 0V to +10V LJ_rgUNI5V = 103 # 0V to +5V LJ_rgUNI4V = 104 # 0V to +4V LJ_rgUNI2P5V = 105 # 0V to +2.5V LJ_rgUNI2V = 106 # 0V to +2V LJ_rgUNI1P25V = 107# 0V to +1.25V LJ_rgUNI1V = 108 # 0V to +1V LJ_rgUNIP625V = 109# 0V to +0.625V LJ_rgUNIP500V = 110 # 0V to +0.500V LJ_rgUNIP3125V = 111 # 0V to +0.3125V # timer modes (UE9 only): LJ_tmPWM16 = 0 # 16 bit PWM LJ_tmPWM8 = 1 # 8 bit PWM LJ_tmRISINGEDGES32 = 2 # 32-bit rising to rising edge measurement LJ_tmFALLINGEDGES32 = 3 # 32-bit falling to falling edge measurement LJ_tmDUTYCYCLE = 4 # duty cycle measurement LJ_tmFIRMCOUNTER = 5 # firmware based rising edge counter LJ_tmFIRMCOUNTERDEBOUNCE = 6 # firmware counter with debounce LJ_tmFREQOUT = 7 # frequency output LJ_tmQUAD = 8 # Quadrature LJ_tmTIMERSTOP = 9 # stops another timer after n pulses LJ_tmSYSTIMERLOW = 10 # read lower 32-bits of system timer LJ_tmSYSTIMERHIGH = 11 # read upper 32-bits of system timer LJ_tmRISINGEDGES16 = 12 # 16-bit rising to rising edge measurement LJ_tmFALLINGEDGES16 = 13 # 16-bit falling to falling edge measurement # timer clocks: LJ_tc750KHZ = 0 # UE9: 750 khz LJ_tcSYS = 1 # UE9: system clock LJ_tc2MHZ = 10 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc6MHZ = 11 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc24MHZ = 12 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc500KHZ_DIV = 13# U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc2MHZ_DIV = 14 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc6MHZ_DIV = 15 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower LJ_tc24MHZ_DIV = 16 # U3: Hardware Version 1.20 or lower # stream wait modes LJ_swNONE = 1 # no wait, return whatever is available LJ_swALL_OR_NONE = 2 # no wait, but if all points requested aren't available, return none. LJ_swPUMP = 11 # wait and pump the message pump. Prefered when called from primary thread (if you don't know # if you are in the primary thread of your app then you probably are. Do not use in worker # secondary threads (i.e. ones without a message pump). LJ_swSLEEP = 12 # wait by sleeping (don't do this in the primary thread of your app, or it will temporarily # hang) This is usually used in worker secondary threads. # BETA CONSTANTS # Please note that specific usage of these constants and their values might change # SWDT related LJ_chSWDT_RESET_COMM = 5200 # UE9 - Reset Comm on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_RESET_CONTROL = 5201 # UE9 - Reset Control on watchdog trigger LJ_chSWDT_UDPATE_DIO0 = 5202 # UE9 - Update DIO0 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_UPDATE_DIO1 = 5203 # UE9 - Update DIO1 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_DIO0 = 5204 # UE9 - DIO0 channel and state (value) to be set after reset LJ_chSWDT_DIO1 = 5205 # UE9 - DIO1 channel and state (value) to be set after reset LJ_chSWDT_UPDATE_DAC0 = 5206 # UE9 - Update DAC1 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_UPDATE_DAC1 = 5207 # UE9 - Update DAC1 settings after reset LJ_chSWDT_DAC0 = 5208 # UE9 - voltage to set DAC0 at on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_DAC1 = 5209 # UE9 - voltage to set DAC1 at on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_DACS_ENABLE = 5210 # UE9 - Enable DACs on watchdog reset LJ_chSWDT_ENABLE = 5211 # UE9 - used with LJ_ioSWDT_CONFIG to enable watchdog. Value paramter is number of seconds to trigger LJ_chSWDT_DISABLE = 5212 # UE9 - used with LJ_ioSWDT_CONFIG to enable watchdog. LJ_ioSWDT_CONFIG = 504 # UE9 - Use LJ_chSWDT_ENABLE or LJ_chSWDT_DISABLE LJ_tc4MHZ = 20 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc12MHZ = 21 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc48MHZ = 22 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc1000KHZ_DIV = 23# U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc4MHZ_DIV = 24 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc12MHZ_DIV = 25 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher LJ_tc48MHZ_DIV = 26 # U3: Hardware Version 1.21 or higher # END BETA CONSTANTS # error codes: These will always be in the range of -1000 to 3999 for labView compatibility (+6000) LJE_NOERROR = 0 LJE_INVALID_CHANNEL_NUMBER = 2 # occurs when a channel that doesn't exist is specified (i.e. DAC #2 on a UE9), or data from streaming is requested on a channel that isn't streaming LJE_INVALID_RAW_INOUT_PARAMETER = 3 LJE_UNABLE_TO_START_STREAM = 4 LJE_UNABLE_TO_STOP_STREAM = 5 LJE_NOTHING_TO_STREAM = 6 LJE_UNABLE_TO_CONFIG_STREAM = 7 LJE_BUFFER_OVERRUN = 8 # occurs when stream buffer overruns (this is the driver buffer not the hardware buffer). Stream is stopped. LJE_STREAM_NOT_RUNNING = 9 LJE_INVALID_PARAMETER = 10 LJE_INVALID_STREAM_FREQUENCY = 11 LJE_INVALID_AIN_RANGE = 12 LJE_STREAM_CHECKSUM_ERROR = 13 # occurs when a stream packet fails checksum. Stream is stopped LJE_STREAM_COMMAND_ERROR = 14 # occurs when a stream packet has invalid command values. Stream is stopped. LJE_STREAM_ORDER_ERROR = 15 # occurs when a stream packet is received out of order (typically one is missing). Stream is stopped. LJE_AD_PIN_CONFIGURATION_ERROR = 16 # occurs when an analog or digital request was made on a pin that isn't configured for that type of request LJE_REQUEST_NOT_PROCESSED = 17 # When a LJE_AD_PIN_CONFIGURATION_ERROR occurs, all other IO requests after the request that caused the error won't be processed. Those requests will return this error. # U3 Specific Errors LJE_SCRATCH_ERROR = 19 """U3 error""" LJE_DATA_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 20 """U3 error""" LJE_ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 21 """U3 error""" LJE_FUNCTION_INVALID = 22 """U3 error""" LJE_SWDT_TIME_INVALID = 23 """U3 error""" LJE_FLASH_ERROR = 24 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_IS_ACTIVE = 25 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_TABLE_INVALID = 26 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_CONFIG_INVALID = 27 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_BAD_TRIGGER_SOURCE = 28 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_INVALID_TRIGGER = 30 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_ADC0_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 31 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_SAMPLE_NUM_INVALID = 33 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_BIPOLAR_GAIN_INVALID = 34 """U3 error""" LJE_STREAM_SCAN_RATE_INVALID = 35 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_INVALID_MODE = 36 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_QUADRATURE_AB_ERROR = 37 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_QUAD_PULSE_SEQUENCE = 38 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_BAD_CLOCK_SOURCE = 39 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_STREAM_ACTIVE = 40 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_PWMSTOP_MODULE_ERROR = 41 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 42 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_SHARING_ERROR = 43 """U3 error""" LJE_TIMER_LINE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 44 """U3 error""" LJE_EXT_OSC_NOT_STABLE = 45 """U3 error""" LJE_INVALID_POWER_SETTING = 46 """U3 error""" LJE_PLL_NOT_LOCKED = 47 """U3 error""" LJE_INVALID_PIN = 48 """U3 error""" LJE_IOTYPE_SYNCH_ERROR = 49 """U3 error""" LJE_INVALID_OFFSET = 50 """U3 error""" LJE_FEEDBACK_IOTYPE_NOT_VALID = 51 """U3 error Has been described as mearly a flesh wound. """ LJE_SHT_CRC = 52 LJE_SHT_MEASREADY = 53 LJE_SHT_ACK = 54 LJE_SHT_SERIAL_RESET = 55 LJE_SHT_COMMUNICATION = 56 LJE_AIN_WHILE_STREAMING = 57 LJE_STREAM_TIMEOUT = 58 LJE_STREAM_CONTROL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 59 LJE_STREAM_SCAN_OVERLAP = 60 LJE_FIRMWARE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_IOTYPE = 61 LJE_FIRMWARE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_CHANNEL = 62 LJE_FIRMWARE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_VALUE = 63 LJE_MIN_GROUP_ERROR = 1000 # all errors above this number will stop all requests, below this number are request level errors. LJE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1001 # occurs when an unknown error occurs that is caught, but still unknown. LJE_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE = 1002 # occurs when devicetype is not a valid device type LJE_INVALID_HANDLE = 1003 # occurs when invalid handle used LJE_DEVICE_NOT_OPEN = 1004 # occurs when Open() fails and AppendRead called despite. LJE_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE = 1005 # this is cause when GetData() called without calling DoRead(), or when GetData() passed channel that wasn't read LJE_NO_MORE_DATA_AVAILABLE = 1006 LJE_LABJACK_NOT_FOUND = 1007 # occurs when the labjack is not found at the given id or address. LJE_COMM_FAILURE = 1008 # occurs when unable to send or receive the correct # of bytes LJE_CHECKSUM_ERROR = 1009 LJE_DEVICE_ALREADY_OPEN = 1010 LJE_COMM_TIMEOUT = 1011 LJE_USB_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND = 1012 LJE_INVALID_CONNECTION_TYPE = 1013 LJE_INVALID_MODE = 1014 # warning are negative LJE_DEVICE_NOT_CALIBRATED = -1 # defaults used instead LJE_UNABLE_TO_READ_CALDATA = -2 # defaults used instead # depreciated constants: LJ_ioANALOG_INPUT = 10 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioANALOG_OUTPUT = 20 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_BIT_IN = 30 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_PORT_IN = 35 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_BIT_OUT = 40 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioDIGITAL_PORT_OUT = 45 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioCOUNTER = 50 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioTIMER = 60 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_COUNTER_MODE = 2010 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_COUNTER_MODE = 2011 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_TIMER_VALUE = 2007 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioCYCLE_PORT = 102 # UE9 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_chTIMER_CLOCK_CONFIG = 1001 # UE9 + U3 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_CAL_CONSTANTS = 400 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_CAL_CONSTANTS = 401 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_USER_MEM = 402 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_USER_MEM = 403 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioPUT_USB_STRINGS = 404 """Deprecated constant""" LJ_ioGET_USB_STRINGS = 405 """Deprecated constant"""
# File: # Author: LabJack Corp. # Created: 05.05.2008 # Last Modified: 12/3/2009 from __future__ import with_statement from threading import Lock from struct import pack, unpack #, unpack_from # unpack_from is new in 2.5 from datetime import datetime AES_CHANNEL = 64000 IP_PART1_CHANNEL = 64008 IP_PART2_CHANNEL = 64009 PORT_CHANNEL = 64010 HEARTBEAT_CHANNEL = 64016 DEBUG_CHANNEL = 64017 DEVICE_TYPE_CHANNEL = 65000 SERIAL_NUMBER_CHANNEL = 65001 READ_PACKET = 3 WRITE_PACKET = 6 HEADER_LENGTH = 9 BYTES_PER_REGISTER = 2 GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID_LOCK = Lock() MAX_TRANS_ID = 64760 def _calcBaseTransId(): t = d = "%s%s%s%s" % (t.hour, t.minute, t.second, t.microsecond) d = int(d) % MAX_TRANS_ID return d BASE_TRANS_ID = _calcBaseTransId() CURRENT_TRANS_IDS = set() def _buildHeaderBytes(length = 6, unitId = None): with GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID_LOCK: global BASE_TRANS_ID, CURRENT_TRANS_IDS if unitId is None: basicHeader = (BASE_TRANS_ID, 0, length, 0x00) else: basicHeader = (BASE_TRANS_ID, 0, length, unitId) CURRENT_TRANS_IDS.add(BASE_TRANS_ID) BASE_TRANS_ID = ( BASE_TRANS_ID + 1 ) % MAX_TRANS_ID return pack('>HHHB', *basicHeader) def _checkTransId(transId): with GLOBAL_TRANSACTION_ID_LOCK: global CURRENT_TRANS_IDS if transId in CURRENT_TRANS_IDS: CURRENT_TRANS_IDS.remove(transId) else: raise ModbusException("Got an unexpected transaction ID. Id = %s, Set = %s" % (transId, CURRENT_TRANS_IDS)) def readHoldingRegistersRequest(addr, numReg = None, unitId = None): if numReg is None: numReg = calcNumberOfRegisters(addr) packet = _buildHeaderBytes(unitId = unitId) + pack('>BHH', 0x03, addr, numReg) return packet def readHoldingRegistersResponse(packet, payloadFormat=None): # Example: Device type is 9 # [0, 0, 5, 255, 3, 2, 9] # H H H c c c payload # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6+ HEADER_LENGTH = 9 header = unpack('>HHHBBB', packet[:HEADER_LENGTH]) #print "header", [ c for c in header ] #print "header", header # Check that protocol ID is 0 if header[1] != 0: raise ModbusException("Got an unexpected protocol ID: %s (expected 0). Please make sure that you have the latest firmware. UE9s need a Comm Firmware of 1.50 or greater.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (header[1], repr(packet))) # Check for valid Trans ID _checkTransId(header[0]) #Check for exception if header[4] == 0x83: raise ModbusException("Error reading register: A Modbus error %s was raised.\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (header[5], repr(packet))) #Check for proper command if header[4] != 0x03: raise ModbusException("Not a read holding registers packet.\n\nGot: %s" % repr(packet)) #Check for proper length payloadLength = header[5] if (payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH) != len(packet): #print "packet length is", len(packet) #print "payload and header is", payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH raise ModbusException("Packet length not valid. Expected %s, Got %s\n\nThe packet you received: %s" % (payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH, len(packet), repr(packet))) if payloadFormat is None: payloadFormat = '>' + 'H' * (payloadLength/2) # When we write '>s', we mean a variable-length string. # We just didn't know the length when we wrote it. if payloadFormat == '>s': payloadFormat = '>' + 's' * payloadLength #print "Info: " #print payloadFormat #print type(packet) #print [ ord(c) for c in packet ] # Mike C.: unpack_from new in 2.5. Won't work on Joyent. #payload = unpack_from(payloadFormat, packet, offset = HEADER_LENGTH) payload = unpack(payloadFormat, packet[HEADER_LENGTH:]) if len(payload) == 1: return payload[0] else: return list(payload) def readInputRegistersRequest(addr, numReg = None): if numReg is None: numReg = calcNumberOfRegisters(addr) packet = _buildHeaderBytes() + pack('>BHH', 0x04, addr, numReg) #print "making readHoldingRegistersRequest packet" #print [ ord(c) for c in packet ] return packet def readInputRegistersResponse(packet, payloadFormat=None): # Example: Device type is 9 # [0, 0, 5, 255, 3, 2, 9] # H H H c c c payload # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6+ HEADER_LENGTH = 9 header = unpack('>HHHBBB', packet[:HEADER_LENGTH]) #print "header", [ c for c in header ] #print "header", header # Check for valid Trans ID _checkTransId(header[0]) #Check for exception if header[4] == 0x83: raise ModbusException(header[5]) #Check for proper command if header[4] != 0x04: raise ModbusException("Not a read holding registers packet.") #Check for proper length payloadLength = header[5] if (payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH) != len(packet): #print "packet length is", len(packet) #print "payload and header is", payloadLength + HEADER_LENGTH raise ModbusException("Packet length not valid.") if payloadFormat is None: payloadFormat = '>' + 'H' * (payloadLength/2) # When we write '>s', we mean a variable-length string. # We just didn't know the length when we wrote it. if payloadFormat == '>s': payloadFormat = '>' + 's' * payloadLength #print payloadFormat #print [ ord(c) for c in packet ] # Mike C.: unpack_from new in 2.5. Won't work on Joyent. #payload = unpack_from(payloadFormat, packet, offset = HEADER_LENGTH) payload = unpack(payloadFormat, packet[HEADER_LENGTH:]) return payload def writeRegisterRequest(addr, value, unitId = None): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Value written must be an integer.") packet = _buildHeaderBytes(unitId = unitId) + pack('>BHH', 0x06, addr, value) return packet def writeRegistersRequest(startAddr, values, unitId = None): numReg = len(values) for v in values: if not isinstance(v, int): raise TypeError("Value written must be an integer.") if unitId is None: unitId = 0xff header = _buildHeaderBytes(length = 7+(numReg*2), unitId = unitId) header += pack('>BHHB', *(16, startAddr, numReg, numReg*2) ) format = '>' + 'H' * numReg packet = header + pack(format, *values) return packet def writeAesStingRegisterRequest(addr, a, b): packet = TCP_HEADER + pack('>BHcc', 0x06, addr, a, b) return packet def writeRegisterRequestValue(data): """Return the value to be written in a writeRegisterRequest Packet.""" packet = unpack('>H', data[10:]) return packet[0] class ModbusException(Exception): def __init__(self, exceptCode): self.exceptCode = exceptCode def __str__(self): return repr(self.exceptCode) def calcNumberOfRegisters(addr, numReg = None): return calcNumberOfRegistersAndFormat(addr, numReg)[0] def calcFormat(addr, numReg = None): return calcNumberOfRegistersAndFormat(addr, numReg)[1] def calcNumberOfRegistersAndFormat(addr, numReg = None): # TODO add special cases for channels above if addr < 1000: # Analog Inputs minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr >= 5000 and addr < 6000: # DAC Values minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr >= 7000 and addr < 8000: # Timers / Counters minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(64008,64018) or addr == 65001: # Serial Number minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(10000,10010): # VBatt/Temp/RH/Light/Pressure minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr in range(12000,13000): # RXLQI/TXLQI/VBatt/Temp/Light/Motion/Sound/RH/Pressure minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr in range(50100, 50103): # Check-in interval minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(57002, 57010): # TX/RX Bridge stuff minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' elif addr in range(57050, 57056): # VUSB/VJack/VST minNumReg = 2 format = 'f' elif addr == 59990: # Rapid mode minNumReg = 1 format = 'H' elif addr == 59200: # NumberOfKnownDevices minNumReg = 2 format = 'I' else: minNumReg = 1 format = 'H' if numReg: if (numReg%minNumReg) == 0: return (numReg, '>' + ( format * (numReg/minNumReg) )) else: raise ModbusException("For address %s, the number of registers must be divisible by %s" % (addr, minNumReg)) else: return ( minNumReg, '>'+format) def getStartingAddress(packet): """Get the address of a modbus request""" return ((ord(packet[8]) << 8) + ord(packet[9])) def getRequestType(packet): """Get the request type of a modbus request.""" return ord(packet[7]) def getTransactionId(packet): """Pulls out the transaction id of the packet""" if isinstance(packet, list): return unpack(">H", pack("BB", *packet[:2]) )[0] else: return unpack(">H", packet[:2])[0] def getProtocolId(packet): """Pulls out the transaction id of the packet""" if isinstance(packet, list): return unpack(">H", pack("BB", *packet[2:4]) )[0] else: return unpack(">H", packet[2:4])[0] def parseIntoPackets(packet): while True: if isinstance(packet, list): firstLength = packet[5]+6 else: firstLength = ord(packet[5])+6 if len(packet) == firstLength: yield packet raise StopIteration else: yield packet[:firstLength] packet = packet[firstLength:] def parseSpontaneousDataPacket(packet): if isinstance(packet, list): localId = packet[6] packet = pack("B"*len(packet), *packet) else: localId = ord(packet[6]) transId = unpack(">H", packet[0:2])[0] report = unpack(">HBBfHH"+"f"*8, packet[9:53]) results = dict() results['unitId'] = localId results['transId'] = transId results['Rxlqi'] = report[1] results['Txlqi'] = report[2] results['Battery'] = report[3] results['Temperature'] = report[6] results['Light'] = report[7] results['Bump'] = report[4] results['Sound'] = report[11] return results
""" Name: Desc: Defines the U6 class, which makes working with a U6 much easier. All of the low-level functions for the U6 are implemented as functions of the U6 class. There are also a handful additional functions which improve upon the interface provided by the low-level functions. To learn about the low-level functions, please see Section 5.2 of the U6 User's Guide: """ from LabJackPython import * import struct, ConfigParser def openAllU6(): """ A helpful function which will open all the connected U6s. Returns a dictionary where the keys are the serialNumber, and the value is the device object. """ returnDict = dict() for i in range(deviceCount(6)): d = U6(firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) returnDict[str(d.serialNumber)] = d return returnDict def dumpPacket(buffer): """ Name: dumpPacket(buffer) Args: byte array Desc: Returns hex value of all bytes in the buffer """ return repr([ hex(x) for x in buffer ]) def getBit(n, bit): """ Name: getBit(n, bit) Args: n, the original integer you want the bit of bit, the index of the bit you want Desc: Returns the bit at position "bit" of integer "n" >>> n = 5 >>> bit = 2 >>> getBit(n, bit) 1 >>> bit = 0 >>> getBit(n, bit) 1 """ return int(bool((int(n) & (1 << bit)) >> bit)) def toBitList(inbyte): """ Name: toBitList(inbyte) Args: a byte Desc: Converts a byte into list for access to individual bits >>> inbyte = 5 >>> toBitList(inbyte) [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] """ return [ getBit(inbyte, b) for b in range(8) ] def dictAsString(d): """Helper function that returns a string representation of a dictionary""" s = "{" for key, val in sorted(d.items()): s += "%s: %s, " % (key, val) s = s.rstrip(", ") # Nuke the trailing comma s += "}" return s class CalibrationInfo(object): """ A class to hold the calibration info for a U6 """ def __init__(self): # A flag to tell difference between nominal and actual values. self.nominal = True # Positive Channel calibration self.ain10vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -4) self.ain10vOffset = -10.5869565220 self.ain1vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -5) self.ain1vOffset = -1.05869565220 self.ain100mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -6) self.ain100mvOffset = -0.105869565220 self.ain10mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -7) self.ain10mvOffset = -0.0105869565220 self.ainSlope = [self.ain10vSlope, self.ain1vSlope, self.ain100mvSlope, self.ain10mvSlope] self.ainOffset = [ self.ain10vOffset, self.ain1vOffset, self.ain100mvOffset, self.ain10mvOffset ] # Negative Channel calibration self.ain10vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -4) self.ain10vCenter = 33523.0 self.ain1vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -5) self.ain1vCenter = 33523.0 self.ain100mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -6) self.ain100mvCenter = 33523.0 self.ain10mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -7) self.ain10mvCenter = 33523.0 self.ainNegSlope = [ self.ain10vNegSlope, self.ain1vNegSlope, self.ain100mvNegSlope, self.ain10mvNegSlope ] self.ainCenter = [ self.ain10vCenter, self.ain1vCenter, self.ain100mvCenter, self.ain10mvCenter ] # Miscellaneous self.dac0Slope = 13200.0 self.dac0Offset = 0 self.dac1Slope = 13200.0 self.dac1Offset = 0 self.currentOutput0 = 0.0000100000 self.currentOutput1 = 0.0002000000 self.temperatureSlope = -92.379 self.temperatureOffset = 465.129 # Hi-Res ADC stuff # Positive Channel calibration self.proAin10vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -4) self.proAin10vOffset = -10.5869565220 self.proAin1vSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -5) self.proAin1vOffset = -1.05869565220 self.proAin100mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -6) self.proAin100mvOffset = -0.105869565220 self.proAin10mvSlope = 3.1580578 * (10 ** -7) self.proAin10mvOffset = -0.0105869565220 # Negative Channel calibration self.proAin10vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -4) self.proAin10vCenter = 33523.0 self.proAin1vNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -5) self.proAin1vCenter = 33523.0 self.proAin100mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -6) self.proAin100mvCenter = 33523.0 self.proAin10mvNegSlope = -3.15805800 * (10 ** -7) self.proAin10mvCenter = 33523.0 def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) class U6(Device): """ U6 Class for all U6 specific low-level commands. Example: >>> import u6 >>> d = u6.U6() >>> print d.configU6() {'SerialNumber': 320032102, ... , 'FirmwareVersion': '1.26'} """ def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): """ Name: U6.__init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs) Args: debug, Do you want debug information? autoOpen, If true, then the constructor will call open for you **kargs, The arguments to be passed to open. Desc: Your basic constructor. """ Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 6) self.firmwareVersion = 0 self.bootloaderVersion = 0 self.hardwareVersion = 0 self.productId = 0 self.fioDirection = [None] * 8 self.fioState = [None] * 8 self.eioDirection = [None] * 8 self.eioState = [None] * 8 self.cioDirection = [None] * 8 self.cioState = [None] * 8 self.dac1Enable = 0 self.dac0 = 0 self.dac1 = 0 self.calInfo = CalibrationInfo() self.productName = "U6" self.debug = debug if autoOpen:**kargs) def open(self, localId = None, firstFound = True, serial = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """ Name: = None, firstFound = True, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None) Args: firstFound, If True, use the first found U6 serial, open a U6 with the given serial number localId, open a U6 with the given local id. devNumber, open a U6 with the given devNumber handleOnly, if True, LabJackPython will only open a handle LJSocket, set to "<ip>:<port>" to connect to LJSocket Desc: Opens a U6 for reading and writing. >>> myU6 = u6.U6(autoOpen = False) >>> """, 6, firstFound = firstFound, serial = serial, localId = localId, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket ) def configU6(self, LocalID = None): """ Name: U6.configU6(LocalID = None) Args: LocalID, if set, will write the new value to U6 Desc: Writes the Local ID, and reads some hardware information. >>> myU6 = u6.U6() >>> myU6.configU6() {'BootloaderVersion': '6.15', 'FirmwareVersion': '0.88', 'HardwareVersion': '2.0', 'LocalID': 1, 'ProductID': 6, 'SerialNumber': 360005087, 'VersionInfo': 4} """ command = [ 0 ] * 26 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0A command[3] = 0x08 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if LocalID != None: command[6] = (1 << 3) command[8] = LocalID #command[7] = Reserved #command[9-25] = Reserved try: result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [0xF8, 0x10, 0x08]) except LabJackException, e: if e.errorCode is 4: print "NOTE: ConfigU6 returned an error of 4. This probably means you are using U6 with a *really old* firmware. Please upgrade your U6's firmware as soon as possible." result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [0xF8, 0x10, 0x08], checkBytes = False) else: raise e self.firmwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[10], result[9]) self.bootloaderVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[12], result[11]) self.hardwareVersion = "%s.%02d" % (result[14], result[13]) self.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">BBBB", *result[15:19]))[0] self.productId = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack(">BB", *result[19:21]))[0] self.localId = result[21] self.versionInfo = result[37] self.deviceName = 'U6' if self.versionInfo == 12: self.deviceName = 'U6-Pro' return { 'FirmwareVersion' : self.firmwareVersion, 'BootloaderVersion' : self.bootloaderVersion, 'HardwareVersion' : self.hardwareVersion, 'SerialNumber' : self.serialNumber, 'ProductID' : self.productId, 'LocalID' : self.localId, 'VersionInfo' : self.versionInfo, 'DeviceName' : self.deviceName } def configIO(self, NumberTimersEnabled = None, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, TimerCounterPinOffset = None, EnableUART = None): """ Name: U6.configIO(NumberTimersEnabled = None, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, TimerCounterPinOffset = None) Args: NumberTimersEnabled, Number of timers to enable EnableCounter1, Set to True to enable counter 1, F to disable EnableCounter0, Set to True to enable counter 0, F to disable TimerCounterPinOffset, where should the timers/counters start if all args are None, command just reads. Desc: Writes and reads the current IO configuration. >>> myU6 = u6.U6() >>> myU6.configIO() {'Counter0Enabled': False, 'Counter1Enabled': False, 'NumberTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 0} """ command = [ 0 ] * 16 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x0B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if NumberTimersEnabled != None: command[6] = 1 command[7] = NumberTimersEnabled if EnableCounter0 != None: command[6] = 1 if EnableCounter0: command[8] = 1 if EnableCounter1 != None: command[6] = 1 if EnableCounter1: command[8] |= (1 << 1) if TimerCounterPinOffset != None: command[6] = 1 command[9] = TimerCounterPinOffset if EnableUART is not None: command[6] |= 1 command[6] |= (1 << 5) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xf8, 0x05, 0x0B]) return { 'NumberTimersEnabled' : result[8], 'Counter0Enabled' : bool(result[9] & 1), 'Counter1Enabled' : bool( (result[9] >> 1) & 1), 'TimerCounterPinOffset' : result[10] } def configTimerClock(self, TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None): """ Name: U6.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None) Args: TimerClockBase, which timer base to use TimerClockDivisor, set the divisor if all args are None, command just reads. Also, if you cannot set the divisor without setting the base. Desc: Writes and read the timer clock configuration. >>> myU6 = u6.U6() >>> myU6.configTimerClock() {'TimerClockDivisor': 256, 'TimerClockBase': 2} """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x0A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Reserved #command[7] = Reserved if TimerClockBase != None: command[8] = (1 << 7) command[8] |= TimerClockBase & 7 if TimerClockDivisor != None: command[9] = TimerClockDivisor result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x2, 0x0A]) divisor = result[9] if divisor == 0: divisor = 256 return { 'TimerClockBase' : (result[8] & 7), 'TimerClockDivisor' : divisor } def _buildBuffer(self, sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist): for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): sendBuffer += cmd.cmdBytes readLen += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, cmd) return (sendBuffer, readLen) def _buildFeedbackResults(self, rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i): for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): results.append(cmd.handle(rcvBuffer[i:i+cmd.readLen])) i += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, cmd, results, i) return results def getFeedback(self, *commandlist): """ Name: getFeedback(commandlist) Args: the FeedbackCommands to run Desc: Forms the commandlist into a packet, sends it to the U6, and reads the response. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> ledCommand = u6.LED(False) >>> internalTempCommand = u6.AIN(30, 31, True) >>> myU6.getFeedback(ledCommand, internalTempCommand) [None, 23200] OR if you like the list version better: >>> myU6 = U6() >>> ledCommand = u6.LED(False) >>> internalTempCommand = u6.AIN(30, 31, True) >>> commandList = [ ledCommand, internalTempCommand ] >>> myU6.getFeedback(commandList) [None, 23200] """ sendBuffer = [0] * 7 sendBuffer[1] = 0xF8 readLen = 9 sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist) if len(sendBuffer) % 2: sendBuffer += [0] sendBuffer[2] = len(sendBuffer) / 2 - 3 if readLen % 2: readLen += 1 if len(sendBuffer) > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send is bigger than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % len(sendBuffer)) if readLen > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send would yield a response that is greater than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % readLen) rcvBuffer = self._writeRead(sendBuffer, readLen, [], checkBytes = False, stream = False, checksum = True) # Check the response for errors try: self._checkCommandBytes(rcvBuffer, [0xF8]) if rcvBuffer[3] != 0x00: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes") except LowlevelErrorException, e: if isinstance(commandlist[0], list): culprit = commandlist[0][ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] else: culprit = commandlist[ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] raise LowlevelErrorException("\nThis Command\n %s\nreturned an error:\n %s" % ( culprit, lowlevelErrorToString(rcvBuffer[6]) ) ) results = [] i = 9 return self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i) def readMem(self, BlockNum, ReadCal=False): """ Name: U6.readMem(BlockNum, ReadCal=False) Args: BlockNum, which block to read ReadCal, set to True to read the calibration data Desc: Reads 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.6 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.readMem(0) [ < userdata stored in block 0 > ] NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2A if ReadCal: command[3] = 0x2D #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, command[3] ]) return result[8:] def readCal(self, BlockNum): return self.readMem(BlockNum, ReadCal = True) def writeMem(self, BlockNum, Data, WriteCal=False): """ Name: U6.writeMem(BlockNum, Data, WriteCal=False) Args: BlockNum, which block to write Data, a list of bytes to write WriteCal, set to True to write calibration. Desc: Writes 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.7 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.writeMem(0, [ < userdata to be stored in block 0 > ]) NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if not isinstance(Data, list): raise LabJackException("Data must be a list of bytes") command = [ 0 ] * 40 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x11 command[3] = 0x28 if WriteCal: command[3] = 0x2B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = BlockNum command[8:] = Data self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x11, command[3]]) def writeCal(self, BlockNum, Data): return self.writeMem(BlockNum, Data, WriteCal = True) def eraseMem(self, EraseCal=False): """ Name: U6.eraseMem(EraseCal=False) Args: EraseCal, set to True to erase the calibration memory. Desc: The U6 uses flash memory that must be erased before writing. Please read section 5.2.8 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.eraseMem() NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if eraseCal: command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2C #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x4C command[7] = 0x6C else: command = [ 0 ] * 6 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x00 command[3] = 0x29 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) def eraseCal(self): return self.eraseMem(EraseCal=True) def streamConfig(self, NumChannels = 1, ResolutionIndex = 0, SamplesPerPacket = 25, SettlingFactor = 0, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, ScanInterval = 1, ChannelNumbers = [0], ChannelOptions = [0], SampleFrequency = None): """ Name: U6.streamConfig( NumChannels = 1, ResolutionIndex = 0, SamplesPerPacket = 25, SettlingFactor = 0, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, ScanInterval = 1, ChannelNumbers = [0], ChannelOptions = [0], SampleFrequency = None ) Args: NumChannels, the number of channels to stream ResolutionIndex, the resolution of the samples SettlingFactor, the settling factor to be used ChannelNumbers, a list of channel numbers to stream ChannelOptions, a list of channel options bytes Set Either: SampleFrequency, the frequency in Hz to sample -- OR -- SamplesPerPacket, how many samples make one packet InternalStreamClockFrequency, 0 = 4 MHz, 1 = 48 MHz DivideClockBy256, True = divide the clock by 256 ScanInterval, clock/ScanInterval = frequency. Desc: Configures streaming on the U6. On a decent machine, you can expect to stream a range of 0.238 Hz to 15 Hz. Without the conversion, you can get up to 55 Hz. """ if NumChannels != len(ChannelNumbers) or NumChannels != len(ChannelOptions): raise LabJackException("NumChannels must match length of ChannelNumbers and ChannelOptions") if len(ChannelNumbers) != len(ChannelOptions): raise LabJackException("len(ChannelNumbers) doesn't match len(ChannelOptions)") if SampleFrequency != None: if SampleFrequency < 1000: if SampleFrequency < 25: SamplesPerPacket = SampleFrequency DivideClockBy256 = True ScanInterval = 15625/SampleFrequency else: DivideClockBy256 = False ScanInterval = 4000000/SampleFrequency # Force Scan Interval into correct range ScanInterval = min( ScanInterval, 65535 ) ScanInterval = int( ScanInterval ) ScanInterval = max( ScanInterval, 1 ) # Same with Samples per packet SamplesPerPacket = max( SamplesPerPacket, 1) SamplesPerPacket = int( SamplesPerPacket ) SamplesPerPacket = min ( SamplesPerPacket, 25) command = [ 0 ] * (14 + NumChannels*2) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = NumChannels+4 command[3] = 0x11 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = NumChannels command[7] = ResolutionIndex command[8] = SamplesPerPacket #command[9] = Reserved command[10] = SettlingFactor command[11] = (InternalStreamClockFrequency & 1) << 3 if DivideClockBy256: command[11] |= 1 << 1 t = struct.pack("<H", ScanInterval) command[12] = ord(t[0]) command[13] = ord(t[1]) for i in range(NumChannels): command[14+(i*2)] = ChannelNumbers[i] command[15+(i*2)] = ChannelOptions[i] self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, 0x11]) # Set up the variables for future use. self.streamSamplesPerPacket = SamplesPerPacket self.streamChannelNumbers = ChannelNumbers self.streamChannelOptions = ChannelOptions self.streamConfiged = True if InternalStreamClockFrequency == 1: freq = float(48000000) else: freq = float(4000000) if DivideClockBy256: freq /= 256 freq = freq/ScanInterval self.packetsPerRequest = max(1, int(freq/SamplesPerPacket)) self.packetsPerRequest = min(self.packetsPerRequest, 48) def processStreamData(self, result, numBytes = None): """ Name: U6.processStreamData(result, numPackets = None) Args: result, the string returned from streamData() numBytes, the number of bytes per packet Desc: Breaks stream data into individual channels and applies calibrations. >>> reading = d.streamData(convert = False) >>> print proccessStreamData(reading['result']) defaultDict(list, {'AIN0' : [3.123, 3.231, 3.232, ...]}) """ if numBytes is None: numBytes = 14 + (self.streamSamplesPerPacket * 2) returnDict = collections.defaultdict(list) j = self.streamPacketOffset for packet in self.breakupPackets(result, numBytes): for sample in self.samplesFromPacket(packet): if j >= len(self.streamChannelNumbers): j = 0 if self.streamChannelNumbers[j] in (193, 194): value = struct.unpack('<BB', sample ) elif self.streamChannelNumbers[j] >= 200: value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] else: if (self.streamChannelOptions[j] >> 7) == 1: # do signed value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] else: # do unsigned value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] gainIndex = (self.streamChannelOptions[j] >> 4) & 0x3 value = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(gainIndex, value, is16Bits=True) returnDict["AIN%s" % self.streamChannelNumbers[j]].append(value) j += 1 self.streamPacketOffset = j return returnDict def watchdog(self, Write = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0): """ Name: U6.watchdog(Write = False, ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0) Args: Write, Set to True to write new values to the watchdog. ResetOnTimeout, True means reset the device on timeout SetDIOStateOnTimeout, True means set the sate of a DIO on timeout TimeoutPeriod, Time, in seconds, to wait before timing out. DIOState, 1 = High, 0 = Low DIONumber, which DIO to set. Desc: Controls a firmware based watchdog timer. """ command = [ 0 ] * 16 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x09 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if Write: command[6] = 1 if ResetOnTimeout: command[7] = (1 << 5) if SetDIOStateOnTimeout: command[7] |= (1 << 4) t = struct.pack("<H", TimeoutPeriod) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) command[10] = ((DIOState & 1 ) << 7) command[10] |= (DIONumber & 0xf) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [ 0xF8, 0x05, 0x09]) watchdogStatus = {} if result[7] == 0: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = False watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False else: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = True if (( result[7] >> 5 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False if (( result[7] >> 4 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['TimeoutPeriod'] = struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10])) if (( result[10] >> 7 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 1 else: watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 0 watchdogStatus['DIONumber'] = ( result[10] & 15 ) return watchdogStatus SPIModes = { 'A' : 0, 'B' : 1, 'C' : 2, 'D' : 3 } def spi(self, SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 0, CLKPinNum = 1, MISOPinNum = 2, MOSIPinNum = 3): """ Name: U6.spi(SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 0, CLKPinNum = 1, MISOPinNum = 2, MOSIPinNum = 3) Args: SPIBytes, A list of bytes to send. AutoCS, If True, the CS line is automatically driven low during the SPI communication and brought back high when done. DisableDirConfig, If True, function does not set the direction of the line. SPIMode, 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. SPIClockFactor, Sets the frequency of the SPI clock. CSPINNum, which pin is CS CLKPinNum, which pin is CLK MISOPinNum, which pin is MISO MOSIPinNum, which pin is MOSI Desc: Sends and receives serial data using SPI synchronous communication. See Section 5.2.17 of the user's guide. """ if not isinstance(SPIBytes, list): raise LabJackException("SPIBytes MUST be a list of bytes") numSPIBytes = len(SPIBytes) oddPacket = False if numSPIBytes%2 != 0: SPIBytes.append(0) numSPIBytes = numSPIBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (13 + numSPIBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numSPIBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if AutoCS: command[6] |= (1 << 7) if DisableDirConfig: command[6] |= (1 << 6) command[6] |= ( self.SPIModes[SPIMode] & 3 ) command[7] = SPIClockFactor #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = CSPINNum command[10] = CLKPinNum command[11] = MISOPinNum command[12] = MOSIPinNum command[13] = numSPIBytes if oddPacket: command[13] = numSPIBytes - 1 command[14:] = SPIBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 8+numSPIBytes, [ 0xF8, 1+(numSPIBytes/2), 0x3A ]) return { 'NumSPIBytesTransferred' : result[7], 'SPIBytes' : result[8:] } def asynchConfig(self, Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = None, BaudFactor = 63036): """ Name: U6.asynchConfig(Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = None, BaudFactor = 63036) Args: Update, If True, new values are written. UARTEnable, If True, UART will be enabled. DesiredBaud, If set, will apply the formualt to calculate BaudFactor. BaudFactor, = 2^16 - 48000000/(2 * Desired Baud). Ignored if DesiredBaud is set. Desc: Configures the U6 UART for asynchronous communication. See section 5.2.18 of the User's Guide. """ if UARTEnable: self.configIO(EnableUART = True) command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x14 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #commmand[6] = 0x00 if Update: command[7] = (1 << 7) if UARTEnable: command[7] |= (1 << 6) if DesiredBaud != None: BaudFactor = (2**16) - 48000000/(2 * DesiredBaud) t = struct.pack("<H", BaudFactor) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) results = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) if command[8] != results[8] and command[9] != results[9]: raise LabJackException("BaudFactor didn't stick.") def asynchTX(self, AsynchBytes): """ Name: U6.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: AsynchBytes, List of bytes to send Desc: Sends bytes to the U6 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. Section 5.2.19 of the User's Guide. """ numBytes = len(AsynchBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: oddPacket = True AsynchBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes + 1 command = [ 0 ] * (8+numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 1 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x15 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #commmand[6] = 0x00 command[7] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[7] = numBytes-1 command[8:] = AsynchBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [ 0xF8, 0x02, 0x15]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : result[7], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[8] } def asynchRX(self, Flush = False): """ Name: U6.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: Flush, If True, empties the entire 256-byte RX buffer. Desc: Sends bytes to the U6 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. Section 5.2.20 of the User's Guide. """ command = [ 0, 0xF8, 0x01, 0x16, 0, 0, 0, int(Flush)] result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [ 0xF8, 0x11, 0x16 ]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[7], 'AsynchBytes' : result[8:] } def i2c(self, Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 0, SCLPinNum = 1, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None): """ Name: U6.i2c(Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 0, SCLPinNum = 1, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None) Args: Address, the address (Not shifted over) I2CBytes, a list of bytes to send EnableClockStretching, True enables clock stretching NoStopWhenRestarting, True means no stop sent when restarting ResetAtStart, if True, an I2C bus reset will be done before communicating. SpeedAdjust, Allows the communication frequency to be reduced. SDAPinNum, Which pin will be data SCLPinNum, Which pin is clock NumI2CBytesToReceive, Number of I2C bytes to expect back. AddressByte, The address as you would put it in the lowlevel packet. Overrides Address. Optional. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using I2C synchronous communication. Section 5.2.21 of the User's Guide. """ numBytes = len(I2CBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: oddPacket = True I2CBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes+1 command = [ 0 ] * (14+numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if EnableClockStretching: command[6] |= (1 << 3) if NoStopWhenRestarting: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if ResetAtStart: command[6] |= (1 << 1) command[7] = SpeedAdjust command[8] = SDAPinNum command[9] = SCLPinNum if AddressByte != None: command[10] = AddressByte else: command[10] = Address << 1 #command[11] = Reserved command[12] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[12] = numBytes-1 command[13] = NumI2CBytesToReceive command[14:] = I2CBytes oddResponse = False if NumI2CBytesToReceive%2 != 0: NumI2CBytesToReceive = NumI2CBytesToReceive+1 oddResponse = True result = self._writeRead(command, (12+NumI2CBytesToReceive), [0xF8, (3+(NumI2CBytesToReceive/2)), 0x3B]) if NumI2CBytesToReceive != 0: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12] } def sht1x(self, DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0): """ Name: U6.sht1x(DataPinNum = 0, ClockPinNum = 1, SHTOptions = 0xc0) Args: DataPinNum, Which pin is the Data line ClockPinNum, Which line is the Clock line SHTOptions (and proof people read documentation): bit 7 = Read Temperature bit 6 = Read Realtive Humidity bit 2 = Heater. 1 = on, 0 = off bit 1 = Reserved at 0 bit 0 = Resolution. 1 = 8 bit RH, 12 bit T; 0 = 12 RH, 14 bit T Desc: Reads temperature and humidity from a Sensirion SHT1X sensor. Section 5.2.22 of the User's Guide. """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x39 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = DataPinNum command[7] = ClockPinNum #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = SHTOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [ 0xF8, 0x05, 0x39]) val = (result[11]*256) + result[10] temp = -39.60 + 0.01*val val = (result[14]*256) + result[13] humid = -4 + 0.0405*val + -.0000028*(val*val) humid = (temp - 25)*(0.01 + 0.00008*val) + humid return { 'StatusReg' : result[8], 'StatusCRC' : result[9], 'Temperature' : temp, 'TemperatureCRC' : result[12], 'Humidity' : humid, 'HumidityCRC' : result[15] } # --------------------------- Old U6 code ------------------------------- def _readCalDataBlock(self, n): """ Internal routine to read the specified calibration block (0-2) """ sendBuffer = [0] * 8 sendBuffer[1] = 0xF8 # command byte sendBuffer[2] = 0x01 # number of data words sendBuffer[3] = 0x2D # extended command number sendBuffer[6] = 0x00 sendBuffer[7] = n # Blocknum = 0 self.write(sendBuffer) buff = return buff[8:] def getCalibrationData(self): """ Name: getCalibrationData(self) Args: None Desc: Gets the slopes and offsets for AIN and DACs, as well as other calibration data >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.getCalibrationData() >>> myU6.calInfo <ainDiffOffset: -2.46886488446,...> """ if self.debug is True: print "Calibration data retrieval" self.calInfo.nominal = False #reading block 0 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(0) # Positive Channel calibration self.calInfo.ain10vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain10vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain1vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain1vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 1 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(1) self.calInfo.ain100mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain100mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain10mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain10mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.ainSlope = [self.calInfo.ain10vSlope, self.calInfo.ain1vSlope, self.calInfo.ain100mvSlope, self.calInfo.ain10mvSlope] self.calInfo.ainOffset = [ self.calInfo.ain10vOffset, self.calInfo.ain1vOffset, self.calInfo.ain100mvOffset, self.calInfo.ain10mvOffset ] #reading block 2 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(2) # Negative Channel calibration self.calInfo.ain10vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain10vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain1vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain1vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 3 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(3) self.calInfo.ain100mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.ain100mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.ain10mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.ain10mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.ainNegSlope = [ self.calInfo.ain10vNegSlope, self.calInfo.ain1vNegSlope, self.calInfo.ain100mvNegSlope, self.calInfo.ain10mvNegSlope ] self.calInfo.ainCenter = [ self.calInfo.ain10vCenter, self.calInfo.ain1vCenter, self.calInfo.ain100mvCenter, self.calInfo.ain10mvCenter ] #reading block 4 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(4) # Miscellaneous self.calInfo.dac0Slope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.dac0Offset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.dac1Slope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.dac1Offset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 5 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(5) self.calInfo.currentOutput0 = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.currentOutput1 = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.temperatureSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.temperatureOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) if self.productName == "U6-Pro": # Hi-Res ADC stuff #reading block 6 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(6) # Positive Channel calibration self.calInfo.proAin10vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin10vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin1vSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin1vOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 7 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(7) self.calInfo.proAin100mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin100mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvOffset = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.proAinSlope = [self.calInfo.proAin10vSlope, self.calInfo.proAin1vSlope, self.calInfo.proAin100mvSlope, self.calInfo.proAin10mvSlope] self.calInfo.proAinOffset = [ self.calInfo.proAin10vOffset, self.calInfo.proAin1vOffset, self.calInfo.proAin100mvOffset, self.calInfo.proAin10mvOffset ] #reading block 8 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(8) # Negative Channel calibration self.calInfo.proAin10vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin10vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin1vNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin1vCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) #reading block 9 from memory rcvBuffer = self._readCalDataBlock(9) self.calInfo.proAin100mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[:8]) self.calInfo.proAin100mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[8:16]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvNegSlope = toDouble(rcvBuffer[16:24]) self.calInfo.proAin10mvCenter = toDouble(rcvBuffer[24:]) self.calInfo.proAinNegSlope = [ self.calInfo.proAin10vNegSlope, self.calInfo.proAin1vNegSlope, self.calInfo.proAin100mvNegSlope, self.calInfo.proAin10mvNegSlope ] self.calInfo.proAinCenter = [ self.calInfo.proAin10vCenter, self.calInfo.proAin1vCenter, self.calInfo.proAin100mvCenter, self.calInfo.proAin10mvCenter ] def binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(self, gainIndex, bytesVoltage, is16Bits=False): """ Name: binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(gainIndex, bytesVoltage, is16Bits = False) Args: gainIndex, which gain did you use? bytesVoltage, bytes returned from the U6 is16bits, set to True if bytesVolotage is 16 bits (not 24) Desc: Converts binary voltage to an analog value. """ if not is16Bits: bits = float(bytesVoltage)/256 else: bits = float(bytesVoltage) center = self.calInfo.ainCenter[gainIndex] negSlope = self.calInfo.ainNegSlope[gainIndex] posSlope = self.calInfo.ainSlope[gainIndex] if self.productName == "U6-Pro": center = self.calInfo.proAinCenter[gainIndex] negSlope = self.calInfo.proAinNegSlope[gainIndex] posSlope = self.calInfo.proAinSlope[gainIndex] if bits < center: return (center - bits) * negSlope else: return (bits - center) * posSlope def binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(self, bytesTemperature): voltage = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(0, bytesTemperature) return self.calInfo.temperatureSlope * float(voltage) + self.calInfo.temperatureOffset def softReset(self): """ Name: softReset Args: none Desc: Send a soft reset. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.softReset() """ command = [ 0x00, 0x99, 0x01, 0x00 ] command = setChecksum8(command, 4) self.write(command, False, False) results = if results[3] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[3], "The softReset command returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[3])) def hardReset(self): """ Name: hardReset Args: none Desc: Send a hard reset. >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.hardReset() """ command = [ 0x00, 0x99, 0x02, 0x00 ] command = setChecksum8(command, 4) self.write(command, False, False) results = if results[3] != 0: raise LowlevelErrorException(results[3], "The softHard command returned an error:\n %s" % lowlevelErrorToString(results[3])) self.close() def setLED(self, state): """ Name: setLED(self, state) Args: state: 1 = On, 0 = Off Desc: Sets the state of the LED. ( of user's guide) >>> myU6 = U6() >>> myU6.setLED(0) ... (LED turns off) ... """ self.getFeedback(LED(state)) def getTemperature(self): """ Name: getTemperature Args: none Desc: Reads the U6's internal temperature sensor in Kelvin. See Section 2.6.4 of the U6 User's Guide. >>> myU6.getTemperature() 299.87723471224308 """ if self.calInfo.nominal: # Read the actual calibration constants if we haven't already. self.getCalibrationData() result = self.getFeedback(AIN24AR(14)) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(result[0]['AIN']) def getAIN(self, positiveChannel, resolutionIndex = 0, gainIndex = 0, settlingFactor = 0, differential = False): """ Name: getAIN Args: positiveChannel, resolutionIndex = 0, gainIndex = 0, settlingFactor = 0, differential = False Desc: Reads an AIN and applies the calibration constants to it. >>> myU6.getAIN(14) 299.87723471224308 """ result = self.getFeedback(AIN24AR(positiveChannel, resolutionIndex, gainIndex, settlingFactor, differential)) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(result[0]['GainIndex'], result[0]['AIN']) def readDefaultsConfig(self): """ Name: U6.readDefaultsConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Reads the power-up defaults stored in flash. """ results = dict() defaults = self.readDefaults(0) results['FIODirection'] = defaults[4] results['FIOState'] = defaults[5] results['EIODirection'] = defaults[8] results['EIOState'] = defaults[9] results['CIODirection'] = defaults[12] results['CIOState'] = defaults[13] results['ConfigWriteMask'] = defaults[16] results['NumOfTimersEnable'] = defaults[17] results['CounterMask'] = defaults[18] results['PinOffset'] = defaults[19] defaults = self.readDefaults(1) results['ClockSource'] = defaults[0] results['Divisor'] = defaults[1] results['TMR0Mode'] = defaults[16] results['TMR0ValueL'] = defaults[17] results['TMR0ValueH'] = defaults[18] results['TMR1Mode'] = defaults[20] results['TMR1ValueL'] = defaults[21] results['TMR1ValueH'] = defaults[22] results['TMR2Mode'] = defaults[24] results['TMR2ValueL'] = defaults[25] results['TMR2ValueH'] = defaults[26] results['TMR3Mode'] = defaults[28] results['TMR3ValueL'] = defaults[29] results['TMR3ValueH'] = defaults[30] defaults = self.readDefaults(2) results['DAC0'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[16:18]) )[0] results['DAC1'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[20:22]) )[0] defaults = self.readDefaults(3) for i in range(14): results["AIN%sGainRes" % i] = defaults[i] results["AIN%sOptions" % i] = defaults[i+16] return results def exportConfig(self): """ Name: U6.exportConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Takes a configuration and puts it into a ConfigParser object. """ # Make a new configuration file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() # Change optionxform so that options preserve their case. parser.optionxform = str # Local Id and name section = "Identifiers" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "Local ID", str(self.localId)) parser.set(section, "Name", str(self.getName())) parser.set(section, "Device Type", str(self.devType)) # FIO Direction / State section = "FIOs" parser.add_section(section) dirs, states = self.getFeedback( PortDirRead(), PortStateRead() ) for key, value in dirs.items(): parser.set(section, "%s Directions" % key, str(value)) for key, value in states.items(): parser.set(section, "%s States" % key, str(value)) # DACs section = "DACs" parser.add_section(section) dac0 = self.readRegister(5000) dac0 = max(dac0, 0) dac0 = min(dac0, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC0", "%0.2f" % dac0) dac1 = self.readRegister(5002) dac1 = max(dac1, 0) dac1 = min(dac1, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC1", "%0.2f" % dac1) # Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" parser.add_section(section) timerclockconfig = self.configTimerClock() for key, value in timerclockconfig.items(): parser.set(section, key, str(value)) # Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" parser.add_section(section) ioconfig = self.configIO() for key, value in ioconfig.items(): parser.set(section, key, str(value)) for i in range(ioconfig['NumberTimersEnabled']): mode, value = self.readRegister(7100 + (2 * i), numReg = 2, format = ">HH") parser.set(section, "Timer%s Mode" % i, str(mode)) parser.set(section, "Timer%s Value" % i, str(value)) return parser def loadConfig(self, configParserObj): """ Name: U6.loadConfig( configParserObj ) Args: configParserObj, A Config Parser object to load in Desc: Takes a configuration and updates the U6 to match it. """ parser = configParserObj # Set Identifiers: section = "Identifiers" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "device type"): if parser.getint(section, "device type") != self.devType: raise Exception("Not a U6 Config file.") if parser.has_option(section, "local id"): self.configU6( LocalID = parser.getint(section, "local id")) if parser.has_option(section, "name"): self.setName( parser.get(section, "name") ) # Set FIOs: section = "FIOs" if parser.has_section(section): fiodirs = 0 eiodirs = 0 ciodirs = 0 fiostates = 0 eiostates = 0 ciostates = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "fios directions"): fiodirs = parser.getint(section, "fios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "eios directions"): eiodirs = parser.getint(section, "eios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "cios directions"): ciodirs = parser.getint(section, "cios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "fios states"): fiostates = parser.getint(section, "fios states") if parser.has_option(section, "eios states"): eiostates = parser.getint(section, "eios states") if parser.has_option(section, "cios states"): ciostates = parser.getint(section, "cios states") self.getFeedback( PortStateWrite([fiostates, eiostates, ciostates]), PortDirWrite([fiodirs, eiodirs, ciodirs]) ) # Set DACs: section = "DACs" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "dac0"): self.writeRegister(5000, parser.getfloat(section, "dac0")) if parser.has_option(section, "dac1"): self.writeRegister(5002, parser.getfloat(section, "dac1")) # Set Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockbase") and parser.has_option(section, "timerclockdivisor"): self.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase"), TimerClockDivisor = parser.getint(section, "timerclockdivisor")) # Set Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" if parser.has_section(section): nte = None c0e = None c1e = None cpo = None if parser.has_option(section, "NumberTimersEnabled"): nte = parser.getint(section, "NumberTimersEnabled") if parser.has_option(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset"): cpo = parser.getint(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter0Enabled"): c0e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter0Enabled") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter1Enabled"): c1e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter1Enabled") self.configIO(NumberTimersEnabled = nte, EnableCounter1 = c1e, EnableCounter0 = c0e, TimerCounterPinOffset = cpo) mode = None value = None for i in range(4): if parser.has_option(section, "timer%i mode" % i): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer%i mode" % i) if parser.has_option(section, "timer%i value" % i): value = parser.getint(section, "timer%i value" % i) self.getFeedback( TimerConfig(i, mode, value) ) class FeedbackCommand(object): ''' The base FeedbackCommand class Used to make Feedback easy. Make a list of these and call getFeedback. ''' readLen = 0 def handle(self, input): return None validChannels = range(144) class AIN(FeedbackCommand): ''' Analog Input Feedback command AIN(PositiveChannel) PositiveChannel : the positive channel to use NOTE: This function kept for compatibility. Please use the new AIN24 and AIN24AR. returns 16-bit unsigned int sample >>> d.getFeedback( u6.AIN( PositiveChannel ) ) [ 19238 ] ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel): if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise LabJackException("Invalid Positive Channel specified") self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.cmdBytes = [ 0x01, PositiveChannel, 0 ] readLen = 2 def __repr__(self): return "<u6.AIN( PositiveChannel = %s )>" % self.positiveChannel def handle(self, input): result = (input[1] << 8) + input[0] return result class AIN24(FeedbackCommand): ''' Analog Input 24-bit Feedback command ainCommand = AIN24(PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False) See section of the user's guide. NOTE: If you use a gain index of 15 (autorange), you should be using the AIN24AR command instead. positiveChannel : The positive channel to use resolutionIndex : 0=default, 1-8 for high-speed ADC, 9-12 for high-res ADC on U6-Pro. gainIndex : 0=x1, 1=x10, 2=x100, 3=x1000, 15=autorange settlingFactor : 0=5us, 1=10us, 2=100us, 3=1ms, 4=10ms differential : If this bit is set, a differential reading is done where the negative channel is positiveChannel+1 returns 24-bit unsigned int sample >>> d.getFeedback( u6.AIN24(PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False ) ) [ 193847 ] ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False): if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise LabJackException("Invalid Positive Channel specified") self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.resolutionIndex = ResolutionIndex self.gainIndex = GainIndex self.settlingFactor = SettlingFactor self.differential = Differential byte2 = ( ResolutionIndex & 0xf ) byte2 = ( ( GainIndex & 0xf ) << 4 ) + byte2 byte3 = (int(Differential) << 7) + SettlingFactor self.cmdBytes = [ 0x02, PositiveChannel, byte2, byte3 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.AIN24( PositiveChannel = %s, ResolutionIndex = %s, GainIndex = %s, SettlingFactor = %s, Differential = %s )>" % (self.positiveChannel, self.resolutionIndex, self.gainIndex, self.settlingFactor, self.differential) readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): #Put it all into an integer. result = (input[2] << 16 ) + (input[1] << 8 ) + input[0] return result class AIN24AR(FeedbackCommand): ''' Autorange Analog Input 24-bit Feedback command ainARCommand = AIN24AR(0, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False) See section of the user's guide PositiveChannel : The positive channel to use ResolutionIndex : 0=default, 1-8 for high-speed ADC, 9-13 for high-res ADC on U6-Pro. GainIndex : 0=x1, 1=x10, 2=x100, 3=x1000, 15=autorange SettlingFactor : 0=5us, 1=10us, 2=100us, 3=1ms, 4=10ms Differential : If this bit is set, a differential reading is done where the negative channel is positiveChannel+1 returns a dictionary: { 'AIN' : < 24-bit binary reading >, 'ResolutionIndex' : < actual resolution setting used for the reading >, 'GainIndex' : < actual gain used for the reading >, 'Status' : < reserved for future use > } >>> d.getFeedback( u6.AIN24AR( PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False ) ) { 'AIN' : 193847, 'ResolutionIndex' : 0, 'GainIndex' : 0, 'Status' : 0 } ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel, ResolutionIndex = 0, GainIndex = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False): if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise LabJackException("Invalid Positive Channel specified") self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.resolutionIndex = ResolutionIndex self.gainIndex = GainIndex self.settlingFactor = SettlingFactor self.differential = Differential byte2 = ( ResolutionIndex & 0xf ) byte2 = ( ( GainIndex & 0xf ) << 4 ) + byte2 byte3 = (int(Differential) << 7) + SettlingFactor self.cmdBytes = [ 0x03, PositiveChannel, byte2, byte3 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.AIN24AR( PositiveChannel = %s, ResolutionIndex = %s, GainIndex = %s, SettlingFactor = %s, Differential = %s )>" % (self.positiveChannel, self.resolutionIndex, self.gainIndex, self.settlingFactor, self.differential) readLen = 5 def handle(self, input): #Put it all into an integer. result = (input[2] << 16 ) + (input[1] << 8 ) + input[0] resolutionIndex = input[3] & 0xf gainIndex = ( input[3] >> 4 ) & 0xf status = input[4] return { 'AIN' : result, 'ResolutionIndex' : resolutionIndex, 'GainIndex' : gainIndex, 'Status' : status } class WaitShort(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitShort Feedback command specify the number of 128us time increments to wait >>> d.getFeedback( u6.WaitShort( Time ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 5, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.WaitShort( Time = %s )>" % self.time class WaitLong(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitLong Feedback command specify the number of 32ms time increments to wait >>> d.getFeedback( u6.WaitLog( Time ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time self.cmdBytes = [ 6, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.WaitLog( Time = %s )>" % self.time class LED(FeedbackCommand): ''' LED Toggle specify whether the LED should be on or off by truth value 1 or True = On, 0 or False = Off >>> d.getFeedback( u6.LED( State ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, State): self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 9, int(bool(State)) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.LED( State = %s )>" % self.state class BitStateRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateRead Feedback command read the state of a single bit of digital I/O. Only digital lines return valid readings. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO return 0 or 1 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitStateRead( IONumber ) ) [ 1 ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 10, IONumber % 20 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitStateRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber readLen = 1 def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateWrite Feedback command write a single bit of digital I/O. The direction of the specified line is forced to output. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO State: 0 or 1 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitStateWrite( IONumber, State ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, State): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 11, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(State)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitStateWrite( IONumber = %s, State = %s )>" % self.ioNumber class BitDirRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' Read the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO returns 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitDirRead( IONumber ) ) [ 1 ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 12, IONumber % 20 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitDirRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber readLen = 1 def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitDirWrite Feedback command Set the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO Direction: 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> d.getFeedback( u6.BitDirWrite( IONumber, Direction ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, Direction): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.direction = Direction self.cmdBytes = [ 13, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(Direction)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.BitDirWrite( IONumber = %s, Direction = %s )>" % (self.ioNumber, self.direction) class PortStateRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateRead Feedback command Reads the state of all digital I/O. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortStateRead() ) [ { 'FIO' : 10, 'EIO' : 0, 'CIO' : 0 } ] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 26 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortStateRead()>" readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } class PortStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateWrite Feedback command State: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. The Default is all ones. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortStateWrite( State, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff] ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, State, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.state = State self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 27 ] + WriteMask + State def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortStateWrite( State = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.state, self.writeMask) class PortDirRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirRead Feedback command Reads the direction of all digital I/O. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortDirRead() ) [ { 'FIO' : 10, 'EIO' : 0, 'CIO' : 0 } ] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 28 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortDirRead()>" readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } class PortDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirWrite Feedback command Direction: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. Default is all ones. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.PortDirWrite( Direction, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff] ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Direction, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.direction = Direction self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 29 ] + WriteMask + Direction def __repr__(self): return "<u6.PortDirWrite( Direction = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.direction, self.writeMask) class DAC8(FeedbackCommand): ''' 8-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-255 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC8( Dac, Value ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 34 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC8( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC0_8( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC0_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC1_8( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC1_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC16(FeedbackCommand): ''' 16-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-65535 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC16( Dac, Value ) ) [ None ] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [ 38 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC8( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC0_16( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC0_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DAC1_16( Value ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DAC1_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class Timer(FeedbackCommand): """ For reading the value of the Timer. It provides the ability to update/reset a given timer, and read the timer value. ( Section of the User's Guide) timer: Either 0 or 1 for counter0 or counter1 UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. Returns an unsigned integer of the timer value, unless Mode has been specified and there are special return values. See Section 2.9.1 for expected return values. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer( timer, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0 \ ... , Mode = None ) ) [ 12314 ] """ def __init__(self, timer, UpdateReset = False, Value=0, Mode = None): if timer != 0 and timer != 1: raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0 or 1.") if UpdateReset and Value == None: raise LabJackException("UpdateReset set but no value.") self.timer = timer self.updateReset = UpdateReset self.value = Value self.mode = Mode self.cmdBytes = [ (42 + (2*timer)), UpdateReset, Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] readLen = 4 def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer( timer = %s, UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) def handle(self, input): inStr = struct.pack('B' * len(input), *input) if self.mode == 8: return struct.unpack('<i', inStr )[0] elif self.mode == 9: maxCount, current = struct.unpack('<HH', inStr ) return current, maxCount else: return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Timer0(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer0. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer0, and read the timer value. ( Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0( UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, \ ... Mode = None ) ) [ 12314 ] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer0( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class Timer1(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer1. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer1, and read the timer value. ( Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer1( UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, \ ... Mode = None ) ) [ 12314 ] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class QuadratureInputTimer(Timer): """ For reading Quadrature input timers. They are special because their values are signed. ( Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to reset the counter. Value: Set to 0, and UpdateReset to True to reset the counter. Returns a signed integer. >>> # Setup the two timers to be quadrature >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0Config( 8 ), u6.Timer1Config( 8 ) ) [None, None] >>> # Read the value >>> d.getFeedback( u6.QuadratureInputTimer() ) [-21] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 8) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.QuadratureInputTimer( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerStopInput1(Timer1): """ For reading a stop input timer. They are special because the value returns the current edge count and the stop value. ( Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value. Value: The stop value. Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. Returns a tuple where the first value is current edge count, and the second value is the stop value. >>> # Setup the timer to be Stop Input >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0Config( 9, Value = 30 ) ) [None] >>> # Read the timer >>> d.getFeedback( u6.TimerStopInput1() ) [(0, 30)] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 9) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.TimerStopInput1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerConfig(FeedbackCommand): """ This IOType configures a particular timer. timer = # of the timer to configure TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.TimerConfig( timer, TimerMode, Value = 0 ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, timer, TimerMode, Value=0): '''Creates command bytes for configureing a Timer''' #Conditions come from pages 33-34 of user's guide if timer not in range(4): raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0-3.") if TimerMode > 14 or TimerMode < 0: raise LabJackException("Invalid Timer Mode.") self.timer = timer self.timerMode = TimerMode self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [43 + (timer * 2), TimerMode, Value % 256, Value >> 8] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.TimerConfig( timer = %s, TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer0Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer0. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer0Config( TimerMode, Value = 0 ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 0, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer0Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer1Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer1. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Timer1Config( TimerMode, Value = 0 ) ) [ None ] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 1, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Timer1Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Counter(FeedbackCommand): ''' Counter Feedback command Reads a hardware counter, optionally resetting it counter: 0 or 1 Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Counter( counter, Reset = False ) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, counter, Reset): self.counter = counter self.reset = Reset self.cmdBytes = [ 54 + (counter % 2), int(bool(Reset))] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Counter( counter = %s, Reset = %s )>" % (self.counter, self.reset) readLen = 4 def handle(self, input): inStr = ''.join([chr(x) for x in input]) return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Counter0(Counter): ''' Counter0 Feedback command Reads hardware counter0, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Counter0( Reset = False ) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 0, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Counter0( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset class Counter1(Counter): ''' Counter1 Feedback command Reads hardware counter1, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> d.getFeedback( u6.Counter1( Reset = False ) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 1, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u6.Counter1( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset class DSP(FeedbackCommand): ''' DSP Feedback command Acquires 1000 samples from the specified AIN at 50us intervals and performs the specified analysis on the acquired data. AcquireNewData: True, acquire new data; False, operate on existing data DSPAnalysis: 1, True RMS; 2, DC Offset; 3, Peak To Peak; 4, Period (ms) PLine: Positive Channel Gain: The gain you would like to use Resolution: The resolution index to use SettlingFactor: The SettlingFactor to use Differential: True, do differential readings; False, single-ended readings See section of the U3 User's Guide ( >>> d.getFeedback( u6.DSP( PLine, Resolution = 0, Gain = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False, DSPAnalysis = 1, AcquireNewData = True) ) [ 2183 ] ''' def __init__(self, PLine, Resolution = 0, Gain = 0, SettlingFactor = 0, Differential = False, DSPAnalysis = 1, AcquireNewData = True): self.pline = PLine self.resolution = Resolution self.gain = Gain self.settlingFactor = SettlingFactor self.differential = Differential self.dspAnalysis = DSPAnalysis self.acquireNewData = AcquireNewData byte1 = DSPAnalysis + ( int(AcquireNewData) << 7 ) byte4 = ( Gain << 4 ) + Resolution byte5 = ( int(Differential) << 7 ) + SettlingFactor self.cmdBytes = [ 62, byte1, PLine, 0, byte4, byte5, 0, 0 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u6.DSP( PLine = %s, Resolution = %s, Gain = %s, SettlingFactor = %s, Differential = %s, DSPAnalysis = %s, AcquireNewData = %s )>" % (self.pline, self.resolution, self.gain, self.settlingFactor, self.differential, self.dspAnalysis, self.acquireNewData) readLen = 4 def handle(self, input): inStr = ''.join([chr(x) for x in input]) return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0]
""" Name: Desc: Defines the U3 class, which makes working with a U3 much easier. All of the low-level functions for the U3 are implemented as functions of the U3 class. There are also a handful additional functions which improve upon the interface provided by the low-level functions. To learn about the low-level functions, please see Section 5.2 of the U3 User's Guide: Section Number Mapping: 1 = Object Functions 2 = User's Guide Functions 3 = Convenience Functions 4 = Private Helper Functions """ from LabJackPython import * import struct, ConfigParser FIO0, FIO1, FIO2, FIO3, FIO4, FIO5, FIO6, FIO7, \ EIO0, EIO1, EIO2, EIO3, EIO4, EIO5, EIO6, EIO7, \ CIO0, CIO1, CIO2, CIO3 = range(20) def openAllU3(): """ A helpful function which will open all the connected U3s. Returns a dictionary where the keys are the serialNumber, and the value is the device object. """ returnDict = dict() for i in range(deviceCount(3)): d = U3(firstFound = False, devNumber = i+1) returnDict[str(d.serialNumber)] = d return returnDict class U3(Device): """ U3 Class for all U3 specific low-level commands. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configU3() {'SerialNumber': 320032102, ... , 'FirmwareVersion': '1.26'} """ def __init__(self, debug = False, autoOpen = True, **kargs): """ Name: U3.__init__(debug = False, autoOpen = True, **openArgs) Args: debug, enables debug output autoOpen, if true, the class will try to open a U3 using openArgs **openArgs, the arguments to pass to the open call. See Desc: Instantiates a new U3 object. If autoOpen == True, then it will also open a U3. Examples: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() For debug output: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(debug = True) To open a U3 with Local ID = 2: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(localId = 2) """ Device.__init__(self, None, devType = 3) self.debug = debug self.calData = None self.ledState = True if autoOpen:**kargs) __init__.section = 1 def open(self, firstFound = True, serial = None, localId = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None): """ Name: = True, localId = None, devNumber = None, handleOnly = False, LJSocket = None) Args: firstFound, If True, use the first found U3 serial, open a U3 with the given serial number localId, open a U3 with the given local id. devNumber, open a U3 with the given devNumber handleOnly, if True, LabJackPython will only open a handle LJSocket, set to "<ip>:<port>" to connect to LJSocket Desc: Use to open a U3. If handleOnly is false, it will call configU3 and save the resulting information to the object. This allows the use of d.serialNumber, d.firmwareVersion, etc. Examples: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(autoOpen = False) >>> Handle-only, with a serial number = 320095789: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(autoOpen = False) >>> = True, serial = 320095789) Using LJSocket: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3(autoOpen = False) >>> = "localhost:6000") """, 3, firstFound = firstFound, serial = serial, localId = localId, devNumber = devNumber, handleOnly = handleOnly, LJSocket = LJSocket ) open.section = 1 def configU3(self, LocalID = None, TimerCounterConfig = None, FIOAnalog = None, FIODirection = None, FIOState = None, EIOAnalog = None, EIODirection = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1 = None, TimerClockConfig = None, TimerClockDivisor = None, CompatibilityOptions = None ): """ Name: U3.configU3(LocalID = None, TimerCounterConfig = None, FIOAnalog = None, FIODirection = None, FIOState = None, EIOAnalog = None, EIODirection = None, EIOState = None, CIODirection = None, CIOState = None, DAC1Enable = None, DAC0 = None, DAC1 = None, TimerClockConfig = None, TimerClockDivisor = None, CompatibilityOptions = None) Args: See section 5.2.2 of the users guide. Desc: Sends the low-level configU3 command. Also saves relevant information to the U3 object for later use. Example: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configU3() { 'LocalID': 1, 'SerialNumber': 320035782, 'DeviceName': 'U3-LV', 'FIODirection': 0, 'FirmwareVersion': '1.24', ... , 'ProductID': 3 } Configure all FIOs and EI0s to analog on boot: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configU3( FIOAnalog = 255, EIOAnalog = 255) { 'FIOAnalog': 255, 'EIOAnalog': 255, ... , 'ProductID': 3 } """ writeMask = 0 if FIOAnalog is not None or FIODirection is not None or FIOState is not None or EIOAnalog is not None or EIODirection is not None or EIOState is not None or CIODirection is not None or CIOState is not None: writeMask |= 2 if DAC1Enable is not None or DAC0 is not None or DAC1 is not None: writeMask |= 4 if LocalID is not None: writeMask |= 8 command = [ 0 ] * 26 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x0A command[3] = 0x08 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = writeMask #command[7] = WriteMask1 if LocalID is not None: command[8] = LocalID if TimerCounterConfig is not None: command[9] = TimerCounterConfig if FIOAnalog is not None: command[10] = FIOAnalog if FIODirection is not None: command[11] = FIODirection if FIOState is not None: command[12] = FIOState if EIOAnalog is not None: command[13] = EIOAnalog if EIODirection is not None: command[14] = EIODirection if EIOState is not None: command[15] = EIOState if CIODirection is not None: command[16] = CIODirection if CIOState is not None: command[17] = CIOState if DAC1Enable is not None: command[18] = DAC1Enable if DAC0 is not None: command[19] = DAC0 if DAC1 is not None: command[20] = DAC1 if TimerClockConfig is not None: command[21] = TimerClockConfig if TimerClockDivisor is not None: command[22] = TimerClockDivisor if CompatibilityOptions is not None: command[23] = CompatibilityOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 38, [0xF8, 0x10, 0x08]) # Error-free, time to parse the response self.firmwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (result[10], result[9]) self.bootloaderVersion = "%d.%02d" % (result[12], result[11]) self.hardwareVersion = "%d.%02d" % (result[14], result[13]) self.serialNumber = struct.unpack("<I", struct.pack(">BBBB", *result[15:19]))[0] self.productId = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack(">BB", *result[19:21]))[0] self.localId = result[21] self.timerCounterMask = result[22] self.fioAnalog = result[23] self.fioDirection = result[24] self.fioState = result[25] self.eioAnalog = result[26] self.eioDirection = result[27] self.eioState = result[28] self.cioDirection = result[29] self.cioState = result[30] self.dac1Enable = result[31] self.dac0 = result[32] self.dac1 = result[33] self.timerClockConfig = result[34] self.timerClockDivisor = result[35] if result[35] == 0: self.timerClockDivisor = 256 self.compatibilityOptions = result[36] self.versionInfo = result[37] self.deviceName = 'U3' if self.versionInfo == 1: self.deviceName += 'B' elif self.versionInfo == 2: self.deviceName += '-LV' elif self.versionInfo == 18: self.deviceName += '-HV' return { 'FirmwareVersion' : self.firmwareVersion, 'BootloaderVersion' : self.bootloaderVersion, 'HardwareVersion' : self.hardwareVersion, 'SerialNumber' : self.serialNumber, 'ProductID' : self.productId, 'LocalID' : self.localId, 'TimerCounterMask' : self.timerCounterMask, 'FIOAnalog' : self.fioAnalog, 'FIODirection' : self.fioDirection, 'FIOState' : self.fioState, 'EIOAnalog' : self.eioAnalog, 'EIODirection' : self.eioDirection, 'EIOState' : self.eioState, 'CIODirection' : self.cioDirection, 'CIOState' : self.cioState, 'DAC1Enable' : self.dac1Enable, 'DAC0' : self.dac0, 'DAC1' : self.dac1, 'TimerClockConfig' : self.timerClockConfig, 'TimerClockDivisor' : self.timerClockDivisor, 'CompatibilityOptions' : self.compatibilityOptions, 'VersionInfo' : self.versionInfo, 'DeviceName' : self.deviceName } configU3.section = 2 def configIO(self, TimerCounterPinOffset = None, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, NumberOfTimersEnabled = None, FIOAnalog = None, EIOAnalog = None, EnableUART = None): """ Name: U3.configIO(TimerCounterPinOffset = 4, EnableCounter1 = None, EnableCounter0 = None, NumberOfTimersEnabled = None, FIOAnalog = None, EIOAnalog = None, EnableUART = None) Args: See section 5.2.3 of the user's guide. Desc: The configIO command. Examples: Simplest: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configIO() { 'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 239, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False } Set all FIOs and EIOs to digital (until power cycle): >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.configIO(FIOAnalog = 0, EIOAnalog = 0) { 'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 0, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False } """ writeMask = 0 if EIOAnalog is not None: writeMask |= 1 writeMask |= 8 if FIOAnalog is not None: writeMask |= 1 writeMask |= 4 if EnableUART is not None: writeMask |= 1 writeMask |= (1 << 5) if TimerCounterPinOffset is not None or EnableCounter1 is not None or EnableCounter0 is not None or NumberOfTimersEnabled is not None : writeMask |= 1 command = [ 0 ] * 12 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x03 command[3] = 0x0B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = writeMask #command[7] = Reserved command[8] = 0 if EnableUART is not None: command[9] = int(EnableUART) << 2 if TimerCounterPinOffset is None: command[8] |= ( 4 & 15 ) << 4 else: command[8] |= ( TimerCounterPinOffset & 15 ) << 4 if EnableCounter1 is not None: command[8] |= 1 << 3 if EnableCounter0 is not None: command[8] |= 1 << 2 if NumberOfTimersEnabled is not None: command[8] |= ( NumberOfTimersEnabled & 3 ) if FIOAnalog is not None: command[10] = FIOAnalog if EIOAnalog is not None: command[11] = EIOAnalog result = self._writeRead(command, 12, [0xF8, 0x03, 0x0B]) self.timerCounterConfig = result[8] self.numberTimersEnabled = self.timerCounterConfig & 3 self.counter0Enabled = bool( (self.timerCounterConfig >> 2) & 1 ) self.counter1Enabled = bool( (self.timerCounterConfig >> 3) & 1 ) self.timerCounterPinOffset = ( self.timerCounterConfig >> 4 ) self.dac1Enable = result[9] self.fioAnalog = result[10] self.eioAnalog = result[11] return { 'TimerCounterConfig' : self.timerCounterConfig, 'DAC1Enable' : self.dac1Enable, 'FIOAnalog' : self.fioAnalog, 'EIOAnalog' : self.eioAnalog, 'NumberOfTimersEnabled' : self.numberTimersEnabled, 'EnableCounter0' : self.counter0Enabled, 'EnableCounter1' : self.counter1Enabled, 'TimerCounterPinOffset' : self.timerCounterPinOffset } configIO.section = 2 def configTimerClock(self, TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None): """ Name: U3.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = None, TimerClockDivisor = None) Args: TimeClockBase, the base for the timer clock. TimerClockDivisor, the divisor for the clock. Desc: Writes and reads the time clock configuration. See section 5.2.4 of the user's guide. Note: TimerClockBase and TimerClockDivisor must be set at the same time. """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x0A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = Reserved #command[7] = Reserved if TimerClockBase is not None: command[8] = ( 1 << 7 ) + ( TimerClockBase & 7 ) if TimerClockDivisor is not None: command[9] = TimerClockDivisor elif TimerClockDivisor is not None: raise LabJackException("You can't set just the divisor, must set both.") result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xf8, 0x02, 0x0A]) self.timerClockBase = ( result[8] & 7 ) self.timerClockDivisor = result[9] return { 'TimerClockBase' : self.timerClockBase, 'TimerClockDivisor' : self.timerClockDivisor } configTimerClock.section = 2 def toggleLED(self): """ Name: U3.toggleLED() Args: None Desc: Toggles the state LED on and off. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.toggleLED() """ self.getFeedback( LED( not self.ledState ) ) self.ledState = not self.ledState toggleLED.section = 3 def setFIOState(self, fioNum, state = 1): """ Name: U3.setFIOState(fioNum, state = 1) Args: fioNum, which FIO to change state, 1 = High, 0 = Low Desc: A convenience function to set the state of an FIO. Will also set the direction to output. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.setFIOState(4, state = 1) """ self.getFeedback(BitDirWrite(fioNum, 1), BitStateWrite(fioNum, state)) setFIOState.section = 3 def getFIOState(self, fioNum): """ Name: U3.getFIOState(fioNum) Args: fioNum, which FIO to read Desc: A convenience function to read the state of an FIO. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.getFIOState(4) 1 """ return self.getFeedback(BitStateRead(fioNum))[0] getFIOState.section = 3 def getTemperature(self): """ Name: U3.getTemperature() Args: None Desc: Reads the internal temperature sensor on the U3. Returns the temperature in Kelvin. """ # Get the calibration data first, otherwise the conversion is way off (10 degC on my U3) if self.calData is None: self.getCalibrationData() bits, = self.getFeedback( AIN(30, 31) ) return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(bits) def getAIN(self, posChannel, negChannel = 31, longSettle=False, quickSample=False): """ Name: U3.getAIN(posChannel, negChannel = 31, longSettle=False, quickSample=False) Args: posChannel, the positive channel to read from. negChannel, the negitive channel to read from. longSettle, set to True for longSettle quickSample, set to True for quickSample Desc: A convenience function to read an AIN. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> print d.getAIN( 0 ) 0.0501680038869 """ isSpecial = False if negChannel == 32: isSpecial = True negChannel = 30 bits = self.getFeedback(AIN(posChannel, negChannel, longSettle, quickSample))[0] singleEnded = True if negChannel != 31: singleEnded = False lvChannel = True try: if self.deviceName.endswith("-HV") and posChannel < 4: lvChannel = False except AttributeError: pass if isSpecial: negChannel = 32 return self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits, isLowVoltage = lvChannel, isSingleEnded = singleEnded, isSpecialSetting = isSpecial, channelNumber = posChannel) getAIN.section = 3 def configAnalog(self, *args): """ Convenience method to configIO() that adds the given input numbers in the range FIO0-EIO7 (0-15) to the analog team. That is, it adds the given bit positions to those already set in the FIOAnalog and EIOAnalog bitfields. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO() Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.configAnalog(u3.FIO4, u3.FIO5) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Sent: [0x93, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x8c, 0x0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x0] Result: [0x86, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x7f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 63, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} """ configIODict = self.configIO() # Without args, return the same as configIO() if len(args) == 0: return configIODict FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = configIODict['FIOAnalog'], configIODict['EIOAnalog'] # for i in args: if i > EIO7: pass # Invalid. Must be in the range FIO0-EIO7. elif i < EIO0: FIOAnalog |= 2**i else: EIOAnalog |= 2**(i-EIO0) # Start the EIO counting at 0, not 8 return self.configIO(FIOAnalog = FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = EIOAnalog) def configDigital(self, *args): """ The converse of configAnalog(). The convenience method to configIO, adds the given input numbers in the range FIO0-EIO7 (0-15) to the digital team. That is, it removes the given bit positions from those already set in the FIOAnalog and EIOAnalog bitfields. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO() Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.configAnalog(u3.FIO4, u3.FIO5, u3.EIO0) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Sent: [0x94, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x8d, 0x0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x1] Result: [0x87, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x1] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 63, 'EIOAnalog': 1, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.configDigital(u3.FIO4, u3.FIO5, u3.EIO0) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Result: [0x87, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x80, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0x3f, 0x1] Sent: [0x63, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x5c, 0x0, 0xd, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Result: [0x56, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x4f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x40, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 64, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} """ configIODict = self.configIO() # Without args, return the same as configIO() if len(args) == 0: return configIODict FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = configIODict['FIOAnalog'], configIODict['EIOAnalog'] # for i in args: if i > EIO7: pass # Invalid. Must be in the range FIO0-EIO7. elif i < EIO0: if FIOAnalog & 2**i: # If it is set FIOAnalog ^= 2**i # Remove it else: if EIOAnalog & 2**(i-EIO0): # Start the EIO counting at 0, not 8 EIOAnalog ^= 2**(i-EIO0) return self.configIO(FIOAnalog = FIOAnalog, EIOAnalog = EIOAnalog) def _buildBuffer(self, sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist): """ Builds up the buffer to be written for getFeedback """ for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): sendBuffer += cmd.cmdBytes readLen += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, cmd) return (sendBuffer, readLen) _buildBuffer.section = 4 def _buildFeedbackResults(self, rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i): """ Builds the result list from the results of getFeedback """ for cmd in commandlist: if isinstance(cmd, FeedbackCommand): results.append(cmd.handle(rcvBuffer[i:i+cmd.readLen])) i += cmd.readLen elif isinstance(cmd, list): self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, cmd, results, i) return results _buildFeedbackResults.section = 4 def getFeedback(self, *commandlist): """ Name: U3.getFeedback(commandlist) Args: the FeedbackCommands to run Desc: Forms the commandlist into a packet, sends it to the U3, and reads the response. Examples: >>> myU3 = u3.U3() >>> ledCommand = u3.LED(False) >>> ain0Command = u3.AIN(0, 31, True) >>> myU3.getFeedback(ledCommand, ain0Command) [None, 9376] OR if you like the list version better: >>> myU3 = U3() >>> ledCommand = u3.LED(False) >>> ain0Command = u3.AIN(30, 31, True) >>> commandList = [ ledCommand, ain0Command ] >>> myU3.getFeedback(commandList) [None, 9376] """ sendBuffer = [0] * 7 sendBuffer[1] = 0xF8 readLen = 9 sendBuffer, readLen = self._buildBuffer(sendBuffer, readLen, commandlist) if len(sendBuffer) % 2: sendBuffer += [0] sendBuffer[2] = len(sendBuffer) / 2 - 3 if readLen % 2: readLen += 1 if len(sendBuffer) > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send is bigger than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % len(sendBuffer)) if readLen > MAX_USB_PACKET_LENGTH: raise LabJackException("ERROR: The feedback command you are attempting to send would yield a response that is greater than 64 bytes ( %s bytes ). Break your commands up into separate calls to getFeedback()." % readLen) rcvBuffer = self._writeRead(sendBuffer, readLen, [], checkBytes = False, stream = False, checksum = True) # Check the response for errors try: self._checkCommandBytes(rcvBuffer, [0xF8]) if rcvBuffer[3] != 0x00: raise LabJackException("Got incorrect command bytes") except LowlevelErrorException, e: if isinstance(commandlist[0], list): culprit = commandlist[0][ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] else: culprit = commandlist[ (rcvBuffer[7] -1) ] raise LowlevelErrorException("\nThis Command\n %s\nreturned an error:\n %s" % (culprit , lowlevelErrorToString(rcvBuffer[6]))) results = [] i = 9 return self._buildFeedbackResults(rcvBuffer, commandlist, results, i) getFeedback.section = 2 def readMem(self, blockNum, readCal=False): """ Name: U3.readMem(blockNum, readCal=False) Args: blockNum, which block to read from readCal, set to True to read from calibration instead. Desc: Reads 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.6 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. NOTE: Do not call this function while streaming. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2A if readCal: command[3] = 0x2D #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = blockNum result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [0xF8, 0x11, command[3]]) return result[8:] readMem.section = 2 def readCal(self, blockNum): """ Name: U3.readCal(blockNum) Args: blockNum, which block to read Desc: See the description of readMem and section 5.2.6 of the user's guide. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ return self.readMem(blockNum, readCal = True) readCal.section = 2 def writeMem(self, blockNum, data, writeCal=False): """ Name: U3.writeMem(blockNum, data, writeCal=False) Args: blockNum, which block to write data, a list of bytes to write. writeCal, set to True to write to calibration instead Desc: Writes 1 block (32 bytes) from the non-volatile user or calibration memory. Please read section 5.2.7 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. Memory must be erased before writing. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise LabJackException("Data must be a list of bytes") command = [ 0 ] * 40 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x11 command[3] = 0x28 if writeCal: command[3] = 0x2B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = blockNum command[8:] = data self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) writeMem.section = 2 def writeCal(self, blockNum): """ Name: U3.writeCal(blockNum, data) Args: blockNum, which block to write data, a list of bytes Desc: See the description of writeMem and section 5.2.7 of the user's guide. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ return self.writeMem(blockNum, data, writeCal = True) writeCal.section = 2 def eraseMem(self, eraseCal=False): """ Name: U3.eraseMem(eraseCal=False) Args: eraseCal, set to True to erase the calibration memory instead Desc: The U3 uses flash memory that must be erased before writing. Please read section 5.2.8 of the user's guide before you do something you may regret. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ if eraseCal: command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x2C #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = 0x4C command[7] = 0x6C else: command = [ 0 ] * 6 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x00 command[3] = 0x29 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, command[3]]) eraseMem.section = 2 def eraseCal(self): """ Name: U3.eraseCal() Args: None Desc: See the description of writeMem and section 5.2.8 of the user's guide. Note: Do not call this function while streaming. """ return self.eraseMem(eraseCal = True) eraseCal.section = 2 def reset(self, hardReset = False): """ Name: U3.reset(hardReset = False) Args: hardReset, set to True for a hard reset. Desc: Causes a soft or hard reset. A soft reset consists of re-initializing most variables without re-enumeration. A hard reset is a reboot of the processor and does cause re-enumeration. See section 5.2.9 of the User's guide. """ command = [ 0 ] * 4 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0x99 command[2] = 1 if hardReset: command[2] = 2 command[3] = 0x00 command = setChecksum8(command, 4) self._writeRead(command, 4, [], False, False, False) reset.section = 2 def streamConfig(self, NumChannels = 1, SamplesPerPacket = 25, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, Resolution = 3, ScanInterval = 1, PChannels = [30], NChannels = [31], SampleFrequency = None): """ Name: U3.streamConfig(NumChannels = 1, SamplesPerPacket = 25, InternalStreamClockFrequency = 0, DivideClockBy256 = False, Resolution = 3, ScanInterval = 1, PChannels = [30], NChannels = [31], SampleFrequency = None) Args: NumChannels, the number of channels to stream Resolution, the resolution of the samples (0 - 3) PChannels, a list of channel numbers to stream NChannels, a list of channel options bytes Set Either: SampleFrequency, the frequency in Hz to sample -- OR -- SamplesPerPacket, how many samples make one packet InternalStreamClockFrequency, 0 = 4 MHz, 1 = 48 MHz DivideClockBy256, True = divide the clock by 256 ScanInterval, clock/ScanInterval = frequency. Desc: Stream mode operates on a table of channels that are scanned at the specified scan rate. Before starting a stream, you need to call this function to configure the table and scan clock. Note: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if len(PChannels) != NumChannels: raise LabJackException("Length of PChannels didn't match NumChannels") if len(NChannels) != NumChannels: raise LabJackException("Length of NChannels didn't match NumChannels") if len(PChannels) != len(NChannels): raise LabJackException("Length of PChannels didn't match the length of NChannels") if SampleFrequency != None: if SampleFrequency < 1000: if SampleFrequency < 25: SamplesPerPacket = SampleFrequency DivideClockBy256 = True ScanInterval = 15625/SampleFrequency else: DivideClockBy256 = False ScanInterval = 4000000/SampleFrequency # Force Scan Interval into correct range ScanInterval = min( ScanInterval, 65535 ) ScanInterval = int( ScanInterval ) ScanInterval = max( ScanInterval, 1 ) # Same with Samples per packet SamplesPerPacket = max( SamplesPerPacket, 1) SamplesPerPacket = int( SamplesPerPacket ) SamplesPerPacket = min ( SamplesPerPacket, 25) command = [ 0 ] * ( 12 + (NumChannels * 2) ) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = NumChannels+3 command[3] = 0x11 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = NumChannels command[7] = SamplesPerPacket #command[8] = Reserved command[9] |= ( InternalStreamClockFrequency & 0x01 ) << 3 if DivideClockBy256: command[9] |= 1 << 2 command[9] |= ( Resolution & 3 ) t = struct.pack("<H", ScanInterval) command[10] = ord(t[0]) command[11] = ord(t[1]) for i in range(NumChannels): command[12+(i*2)] = PChannels[i] command[13+(i*2)] = NChannels[i] self._writeRead(command, 8, [0xF8, 0x01, 0x11]) self.streamSamplesPerPacket = SamplesPerPacket self.streamChannelNumbers = PChannels self.streamNegChannels = NChannels self.streamConfiged = True if InternalStreamClockFrequency == 1: freq = float(48000000) else: freq = float(4000000) if DivideClockBy256: freq /= 256 freq = freq/ScanInterval self.packetsPerRequest = max(1, int(freq/SamplesPerPacket)) self.packetsPerRequest = min(self.packetsPerRequest, 48) streamConfig.section = 2 def processStreamData(self, result, numBytes = None): """ Name: U3.processStreamData(result, numBytes = None) Args: result, the string returned from streamData() numBytes, the number of bytes per packet. Desc: Breaks stream data into individual channels and applies calibrations. >>> reading = d.streamData(convert = False) >>> print proccessStreamData(reading['result']) defaultDict(list, {'AIN0' : [3.123, 3.231, 3.232, ...]}) """ if numBytes is None: numBytes = 14 + (self.streamSamplesPerPacket * 2) returnDict = collections.defaultdict(list) for packet in self.breakupPackets(result, numBytes): for sample in self.samplesFromPacket(packet): if self.streamPacketOffset >= len(self.streamChannelNumbers): self.streamPacketOffset = 0 if self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset] in (193, 194): value = struct.unpack('<BB', sample ) elif self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset] >= 200: value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] else: if self.streamNegChannels[self.streamPacketOffset] != 31: # do signed value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] singleEnded = False else: # do unsigned value = struct.unpack('<H', sample )[0] singleEnded = True lvChannel = True if self.deviceName.lower().endswith('hv') and self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset] < 4: lvChannel = False value = self.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(value, isLowVoltage = lvChannel, isSingleEnded = singleEnded, channelNumber = self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset]) returnDict["AIN%s" % self.streamChannelNumbers[self.streamPacketOffset]].append(value) self.streamPacketOffset += 1 return returnDict processStreamData.section = 3 def watchdog(self, ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0, onlyRead=False): """ Name: U3.watchdog(ResetOnTimeout = False, SetDIOStateOnTimeout = False, TimeoutPeriod = 60, DIOState = 0, DIONumber = 0, onlyRead = False) Args: Check out section 5.2.14 of the user's guide. Set onlyRead to True to perform only a read Desc: This function will write the configuration of the watchdog, unless onlyRead is set to True. Returns a dictionary: { 'WatchDogEnabled' : True if the watchdog is enabled, otherwise False 'ResetOnTimeout' : If True, the device will reset on timeout. 'SetDIOStateOnTimeout' : If True, the state of a DIO will be set 'TimeoutPeriod' : Timeout Period in seconds 'DIOState' : The state the DIO will be set to on timeout 'DIONumber' : Which DIO will be set on timeout } NOTE: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ command = [ 0 ] * 16 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x05 command[3] = 0x09 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if not onlyRead: command[6] = 1 if ResetOnTimeout: command[7] |= 1 << 5 if SetDIOStateOnTimeout: command[7] |= 1 << 4 t = struct.pack("<H", TimeoutPeriod) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) command[10] = (( DIOState & 1 ) << 7) + ( DIONumber & 15) result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xF8, 0x05, 0x09]) watchdogStatus = {} if result[7] == 0 or result[7] == 255: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = False watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False else: watchdogStatus['WatchDogEnabled'] = True if (( result[7] >> 5 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['ResetOnTimeout'] = False if (( result[7] >> 4 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = True else: watchdogStatus['SetDIOStateOnTimeout'] = False watchdogStatus['TimeoutPeriod'] = struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack("BB", *result[8:10])) if (( result[10] >> 7 ) & 1): watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 1 else: watchdogStatus['DIOState'] = 0 watchdogStatus['DIONumber'] = ( result[10] & 15 ) return watchdogStatus watchdog.section = 2 SPIModes = { 'A' : 0, 'B' : 1, 'C' : 2, 'D' : 3 } def spi(self, SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 4, CLKPinNum = 5, MISOPinNum = 6, MOSIPinNum = 7): """ Name: U3.spi(SPIBytes, AutoCS=True, DisableDirConfig = False, SPIMode = 'A', SPIClockFactor = 0, CSPINNum = 4, CLKPinNum = 5, MISOPinNum = 6, MOSIPinNum = 7) Args: SPIBytes, a list of bytes to be transferred. See Section 5.2.15 of the user's guide. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using SPI synchronous communication. NOTE: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if not isinstance(SPIBytes, list): raise LabJackException("SPIBytes MUST be a list of bytes") numSPIBytes = len(SPIBytes) oddPacket = False if numSPIBytes%2 != 0: SPIBytes.append(0) numSPIBytes = numSPIBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (13 + numSPIBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numSPIBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3A #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if AutoCS: command[6] |= (1 << 7) if DisableDirConfig: command[6] |= (1 << 6) command[6] |= ( self.SPIModes[SPIMode] & 3 ) command[7] = SPIClockFactor #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = CSPINNum command[10] = CLKPinNum command[11] = MISOPinNum command[12] = MOSIPinNum command[13] = numSPIBytes if oddPacket: command[13] = numSPIBytes - 1 command[14:] = SPIBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 8+numSPIBytes, [ 0xF8, 1+(numSPIBytes/2), 0x3A ]) return result[8:] spi.section = 2 def asynchConfig(self, Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600, olderHardware = False, configurePins = True ): """ Name: U3.asynchConfig(Update = True, UARTEnable = True, DesiredBaud = 9600, olderHardware = False, configurePins = True) Args: See section 5.2.16 of the User's Guide. olderHardware, If using hardware 1.21, please set olderHardware to True and read the timer configuration first. configurePins, Will call the configIO to set up pins for you. Desc: Configures the U3 UART for asynchronous communication. returns a dictionary: { 'Update' : True means new parameters were written 'UARTEnable' : True means the UART is enabled 'BaudFactor' : The baud factor being used } Note: Requires U3 hardware version 1.21+. """ if configurePins: self.configIO(EnableUART=True) command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x14 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Update: command[7] |= ( 1 << 7 ) if UARTEnable: command[7] |= ( 1 << 6 ) #command[8] = Reserved if olderHardware: command[9] = (2**8) - self.timerClockBase/DesiredBaud else: BaudFactor = (2**16) - 48000000/(2 * DesiredBaud) t = struct.pack("<H", BaudFactor) command[8] = ord(t[0]) command[9] = ord(t[1]) if olderHardware: result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) else: result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x14]) returnDict = {} if ( ( result[7] >> 7 ) & 1 ): returnDict['Update'] = True else: returnDict['Update'] = False if ( ( result[7] >> 6 ) & 1): returnDict['UARTEnable'] = True else: returnDict['UARTEnable'] = False if olderHardware: returnDict['BaudFactor'] = result[9] else: returnDict['BaudFactor'] = struct.unpack("<H", struct.pack("BB", *result[8:]))[0] return returnDict asynchConfig.section = 2 def asynchTX(self, AsynchBytes): """ Name: U3.asynchTX(AsynchBytes) Args: AsynchBytes, must be a list of bytes to transfer. Desc: Sends bytes to the U3 UART which will be sent asynchronously on the transmit line. See section 5.2.17 of the user's guide. returns a dictionary: { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : Number of Asynch Bytes Sent 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : How many bytes are currently in the RX buffer. } Note: Requres U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if not isinstance(AsynchBytes, list): raise LabJackException("AsynchBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(AsynchBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: AsynchBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes+1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * ( 8 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 1 + ( numBytes/2 ) command[3] = 0x15 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 command[7] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[7] = numBytes - 1 command[8:] = AsynchBytes result = self._writeRead(command, 10, [0xF8, 0x02, 0x15]) return { 'NumAsynchBytesSent' : result[7], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[8] } asynchTX.section = 2 def asynchRX(self, Flush = False): """ Name: U3.asynchRX(Flush = False) Args: Flush, Set to True to flush Desc: Reads the oldest 32 bytes from the U3 UART RX buffer (received on receive terminal). The buffer holds 256 bytes. See section 5.2.18 of the User's Guide. returns a dictonary: { 'AsynchBytes' : List of received bytes 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : Number of AsynchBytes are in the RX Buffer. } Note: Requres U3 hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ command = [ 0 ] * 8 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x01 command[3] = 0x16 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) #command[6] = 0x00 if Flush: command[7] = 1 result = self._writeRead(command, 40, [0xF8, 0x11, 0x16]) return { 'AsynchBytes' : result[8:], 'NumAsynchBytesInRXBuffer' : result[7] } asynchRX.section = 2 def i2c(self, Address, I2CBytes, EnableClockStretching = False, NoStopWhenRestarting = False, ResetAtStart = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 6, SCLPinNum = 7, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None): """ Name: U3.i2c(Address, I2CBytes, ResetAtStart = False, EnableClockStretching = False, SpeedAdjust = 0, SDAPinNum = 6, SCLPinNum = 7, NumI2CBytesToReceive = 0, AddressByte = None) Args: Address, the address (not shifted over) I2CBytes, must be a list of bytes to send. See section 5.2.19 of the user's guide. AddressByte, use this if you don't want a shift applied. This address will be put it in the low-level packet directly and overrides Address. Optional. Desc: Sends and receives serial data using I2C synchronous communication. Note: Requires hardware version 1.21 or greater. """ if not isinstance(I2CBytes, list): raise LabJackException("I2CBytes must be a list") numBytes = len(I2CBytes) oddPacket = False if numBytes%2 != 0: I2CBytes.append(0) numBytes = numBytes + 1 oddPacket = True command = [ 0 ] * (14 + numBytes) #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 4 + (numBytes/2) command[3] = 0x3B #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) if ResetAtStart: command[6] |= (1 << 1) if NoStopWhenRestarting: command[6] |= (1 << 2) if EnableClockStretching: command[6] |= (1 << 3) command[7] = SpeedAdjust command[8] = SDAPinNum command[9] = SCLPinNum if AddressByte != None: command[10] = AddressByte else: command[10] = Address << 1 command[12] = numBytes if oddPacket: command[12] = numBytes-1 command[13] = NumI2CBytesToReceive command[14:] = I2CBytes oddResponse = False if NumI2CBytesToReceive%2 != 0: NumI2CBytesToReceive = NumI2CBytesToReceive+1 oddResponse = True result = self._writeRead(command, 12+NumI2CBytesToReceive, [0xF8, (3+(NumI2CBytesToReceive/2)), 0x3B]) if len(result) > 12: if oddResponse: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:-1] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:12], 'I2CBytes' : result[12:] } else: return { 'AckArray' : result[8:], 'I2CBytes' : [] } i2c.section = 2 def sht1x(self, DataPinNum = 4, ClockPinNum = 5, SHTOptions = 0xc0): """ Name: U3.sht1x(DataPinNum = 4, ClockPinNum = 5, SHTOptions = 0xc0) Args: See section 5.2.20 of the user's guide. SHTOptions, see below. Desc: Reads temperature and humidity from a Sensirion SHT1X sensor (which is used by the EI-1050). Returns a dictonary: { 'StatusReg' : SHT1X status register 'StatusRegCRC' : SHT1X status register CRC value 'Temperature' : The temperature in C 'TemperatureCRC' : The CRC value for the temperature 'Humidity' : The humidity 'HumidityCRC' : The CRC value for the humidity } Note: Requires hardware version 1.21 or greater. SHTOptions (and proof people read documentation): bit 7 = Read Temperature bit 6 = Read Realtive Humidity bit 2 = Heater. 1 = on, 0 = off bit 1 = Reserved at 0 bit 0 = Resolution. 1 = 8 bit RH, 12 bit T; 0 = 12 RH, 14 bit T """ command = [ 0 ] * 10 #command[0] = Checksum8 command[1] = 0xF8 command[2] = 0x02 command[3] = 0x39 #command[4] = Checksum16 (LSB) #command[5] = Checksum16 (MSB) command[6] = DataPinNum command[7] = ClockPinNum #command[8] = Reserved command[9] = SHTOptions result = self._writeRead(command, 16, [0xF8, 0x05, 0x39]) val = (result[11]*256) + result[10] temp = -39.60 + 0.01*val val = (result[14]*256) + result[13] humid = -4 + 0.0405*val + -.0000028*(val*val) humid = (temp - 25)*(0.01 + 0.00008*val) + humid return { 'StatusReg' : result[8], 'StatusRegCRC' : result[9], 'Temperature' : temp, 'TemperatureCRC' : result[12] , 'Humidity' : humid, 'HumidityCRC' : result[15] } sht1x.section = 2 def binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(self, bits, isLowVoltage = True, isSingleEnded = True, isSpecialSetting = False, channelNumber = 0): """ Name: U3.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits, isLowVoltage = True, isSingleEnded = True, isSpecialSetting = False, channelNumber = 0) Args: bits, the binary value of the reading. isLowVoltage, True if the reading came from a low-voltage channel isSingleEnded, True if the reading is not differential isSpecialSetting, True if the reading came from special range channelNumber, used to apply the correct calibration for HV Desc: Converts the bits returned from AIN functions into a calibrated voltage. Example: >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> bits = d.getFeedback( u3.AIN(0, 31))[0] >>> print bits 1248 >>> print d.binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage(bits) 0.046464288000000006 """ hasCal = self.calData is not None if isLowVoltage: if isSingleEnded and not isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['lvSESlope'] ) + self.calData['lvSEOffset'] else: return ( bits * 0.000037231 ) + 0 elif isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] ) + self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] + self.calData['vRefAtCAl'] else: return (bits * 0.000074463) else: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] ) + self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] else: return (bits * 0.000074463) - 2.44 else: if isSingleEnded and not isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: return ( bits * self.calData['hvAIN%sSlope' % channelNumber] ) + self.calData['hvAIN%sOffset' % channelNumber] else: return ( bits * 0.000314 ) + -10.3 elif isSpecialSetting: if hasCal: hvSlope = self.calData['hvAIN%sSlope' % channelNumber] hvOffset = self.calData['hvAIN%sOffset' % channelNumber] diffR = ( bits * self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] ) + self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] + self.calData['vRefAtCAl'] reading = diffR * hvSlope / self.calData['lvSESlope'] + hvOffset return reading else: return (bits * 0.000074463) * (0.000314 / 0.000037231) + -10.3 else: raise Exception, "Can't do differential on high voltage channels" binaryToCalibratedAnalogVoltage.section = 3 def binaryToCalibratedAnalogTemperature(self, bytesTemperature): hasCal = self.calData is not None if hasCal: return self.calData['tempSlope'] * float(bytesTemperature) else: return float(bytesTemperature) * 0.013021 def voltageToDACBits(self, volts, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False): """ Name: U3.voltageToDACBits(volts, dacNumber = 0, is16Bits = False) Args: volts, the voltage you would like to set the DAC to. dacNumber, 0 or 1, helps apply the correct calibration is16Bits, True if you are going to use the 16-bit DAC command Desc: Takes a voltage, and turns it into the bits needed for the DAC Feedback commands. """ if self.calData is not None: if is16Bits: bits = ( volts * self.calData['dac%sSlope' % dacNumber] * 256) + self.calData['dac%sOffset' % dacNumber] * 256 else: bits = ( volts * self.calData['dac%sSlope' % dacNumber] ) + self.calData['dac%sOffset' % dacNumber] else: bits = ( volts / 4.95 ) * 256 return int(bits) voltageToDACBits.section = 3 def getCalibrationData(self): """ Name: U3.getCalibrationData() Args: None Desc: Reads in the U3's calibrations, so they can be applied to readings. Section 2.6.2 of the User's Guide is helpful. Sets up an internal calData dict for any future calls that need calibration. """ self.calData = dict() calData = self.readCal(0) self.calData['lvSESlope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['lvSEOffset'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['lvDiffSlope'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['lvDiffOffset'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) calData = self.readCal(1) self.calData['dac0Slope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['dac0Offset'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['dac1Slope'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['dac1Offset'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) calData = self.readCal(2) self.calData['tempSlope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['vRefAtCAl'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['vRef1.5AtCal'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['vRegAtCal'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) try: #these blocks do not exist on hardware revisions < 1.30 calData = self.readCal(3) self.calData['hvAIN0Slope'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['hvAIN1Slope'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['hvAIN2Slope'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['hvAIN3Slope'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) calData = self.readCal(4) self.calData['hvAIN0Offset'] = toDouble(calData[0:8]) self.calData['hvAIN1Offset'] = toDouble(calData[8:16]) self.calData['hvAIN2Offset'] = toDouble(calData[16:24]) self.calData['hvAIN3Offset'] = toDouble(calData[24:32]) except LowlevelErrorException, ex: if ex.errorCode != 26: #not an invalid block error, so do not disregard raise ex return self.calData getCalibrationData.section = 3 def readDefaultsConfig(self): """ Name: U3.readDefaultsConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Reads the power-up defaults stored in flash. """ results = dict() defaults = self.readDefaults(0) results['FIODirection'] = defaults[4] results['FIOState'] = defaults[5] results['FIOAnalog'] = defaults[6] results['EIODirection'] = defaults[8] results['EIOState'] = defaults[9] results['EIOAnalog'] = defaults[10] results['CIODirection'] = defaults[12] results['CIOState'] = defaults[13] results['NumOfTimersEnable'] = defaults[17] results['CounterMask'] = defaults[18] results['PinOffset'] = defaults[19] results['Options'] = defaults[20] defaults = self.readDefaults(1) results['ClockSource'] = defaults[0] results['Divisor'] = defaults[1] results['TMR0Mode'] = defaults[16] results['TMR0ValueL'] = defaults[17] results['TMR0ValueH'] = defaults[18] results['TMR1Mode'] = defaults[20] results['TMR1ValueL'] = defaults[21] results['TMR1ValueH'] = defaults[22] defaults = self.readDefaults(2) results['DAC0'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[16:18]) )[0] results['DAC1'] = struct.unpack( ">H", struct.pack("BB", *defaults[20:22]) )[0] defaults = self.readDefaults(3) for i in range(16): results["AIN%sNegChannel" % i] = defaults[i] return results readDefaultsConfig.section = 3 def exportConfig(self): """ Name: U3.exportConfig( ) Args: None Desc: Takes the current configuration and puts it into a ConfigParser object. Useful for saving the setup of your U3. """ # Make a new configuration file parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() # Change optionxform so that options preserve their case. parser.optionxform = str # Local Id and name self.configU3() section = "Identifiers" parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, "Local ID", str(self.localId)) parser.set(section, "Name", str(self.getName())) parser.set(section, "Device Type", str(self.devType)) # FIO Direction / State section = "FIOs" parser.add_section(section) dirs, states = self.getFeedback( PortDirRead(), PortStateRead() ) parser.set(section, "FIOs Analog", str( self.readRegister(50590) )) parser.set(section, "EIOs Analog", str( self.readRegister(50591) )) for key, value in dirs.items(): parser.set(section, "%s Directions" % key, str(value)) for key, value in states.items(): parser.set(section, "%s States" % key, str(value)) # DACs section = "DACs" parser.add_section(section) dac0 = self.readRegister(5000) dac0 = max(dac0, 0) dac0 = min(dac0, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC0", "%0.2f" % dac0) dac1 = self.readRegister(5002) dac1 = max(dac1, 0) dac1 = min(dac1, 5) parser.set(section, "DAC1", "%0.2f" % dac1) # Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" parser.add_section(section) timerclockconfig = self.configTimerClock() for key, value in timerclockconfig.items(): parser.set(section, key, str(value)) # Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" parser.add_section(section) timerCounterConfig = self.configIO() nte = timerCounterConfig['NumberOfTimersEnabled'] ec0 = timerCounterConfig['EnableCounter0'] ec1 = timerCounterConfig['EnableCounter1'] cpo = timerCounterConfig['TimerCounterPinOffset'] parser.set(section, "NumberTimersEnabled", str(nte) ) parser.set(section, "Counter0Enabled", str(ec0) ) parser.set(section, "Counter1Enabled", str(ec1) ) parser.set(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset", str(cpo) ) for i in range(nte): mode, value = self.readRegister(7100 + (2*i), numReg = 2, format = ">HH") parser.set(section, "Timer%i Mode" % i, str(mode)) parser.set(section, "Timer%i Value" % i, str(value)) return parser exportConfig.section = 3 def loadConfig(self, configParserObj): """ Name: U3.loadConfig( configParserObj ) Args: configParserObj, A Config Parser object to load in Desc: Takes a configuration and updates the U3 to match it. """ parser = configParserObj # Set Identifiers: section = "Identifiers" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "device type"): if parser.getint(section, "device type") != self.devType: raise Exception("Not a U3 Config file.") if parser.has_option(section, "local id"): self.configU3( LocalID = parser.getint(section, "local id")) if parser.has_option(section, "name"): self.setName( parser.get(section, "name") ) # Set FIOs: section = "FIOs" if parser.has_section(section): fioanalog = 0 eioanalog = 0 fiodirs = 0 eiodirs = 0 ciodirs = 0 fiostates = 0 eiostates = 0 ciostates = 0 if parser.has_option(section, "fios analog"): fioanalog = parser.getint(section, "fios analog") if parser.has_option(section, "eios analog"): eioanalog = parser.getint(section, "eios analog") if parser.has_option(section, "fios directions"): fiodirs = parser.getint(section, "fios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "eios directions"): eiodirs = parser.getint(section, "eios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "cios directions"): ciodirs = parser.getint(section, "cios directions") if parser.has_option(section, "fios states"): fiostates = parser.getint(section, "fios states") if parser.has_option(section, "eios states"): eiostates = parser.getint(section, "eios states") if parser.has_option(section, "cios states"): ciostates = parser.getint(section, "cios states") self.configIO(FIOAnalog = fioanalog, EIOAnalog = eioanalog) self.getFeedback( PortStateWrite([fiostates, eiostates, ciostates]), PortDirWrite([fiodirs, eiodirs, ciodirs]) ) # Set DACs: section = "DACs" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "dac0"): self.writeRegister(5000, parser.getfloat(section, "dac0")) if parser.has_option(section, "dac1"): self.writeRegister(5002, parser.getfloat(section, "dac1")) # Set Timer Clock Configuration section = "Timer Clock Speed Configuration" if parser.has_section(section): if parser.has_option(section, "timerclockbase") and parser.has_option(section, "timerclockdivisor"): self.configTimerClock(TimerClockBase = parser.getint(section, "timerclockbase"), TimerClockDivisor = parser.getint(section, "timerclockdivisor")) # Set Timers / Counters section = "Timers And Counters" if parser.has_section(section): nte = None c0e = None c1e = None cpo = None if parser.has_option(section, "NumberTimersEnabled"): nte = parser.getint(section, "NumberTimersEnabled") if parser.has_option(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset"): cpo = parser.getint(section, "TimerCounterPinOffset") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter0Enabled"): c0e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter0Enabled") if parser.has_option(section, "Counter1Enabled"): c1e = parser.getboolean(section, "Counter1Enabled") self.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = nte, EnableCounter1 = c1e, EnableCounter0 = c0e, TimerCounterPinOffset = cpo) mode = None value = None if parser.has_option(section, "timer0 mode"): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer0 mode") if parser.has_option(section, "timer0 value"): value = parser.getint(section, "timer0 value") self.getFeedback( Timer0Config(mode, value) ) if parser.has_option(section, "timer1 mode"): mode = parser.getint(section, "timer1 mode") if parser.has_option(section, "timer1 value"): value = parser.getint(section, "timer1 value") self.getFeedback( Timer1Config(mode, value) ) loadConfig.section = 3 class FeedbackCommand(object): """ The FeedbackCommand class is the base for all the Feedback commands. """ readLen = 0 def handle(self, input): return None class AIN(FeedbackCommand): ''' Analog Input Feedback command specify the positive and negative channels to use (0-16, 30 and 31 are possible) also specify whether to turn on longSettle or quick Sample returns 16-bit signed int sample >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.AIN(PositiveChannel = 0, NegativeChannel=31, LongSettling=False, QuickSample=False)) Sent: [0x1b, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1f] Response: [0xab, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0xaf, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0x8f, 0x0] [36640] ''' def __init__(self, PositiveChannel, NegativeChannel=31, LongSettling=False, QuickSample=False): self.positiveChannel = PositiveChannel self.negativeChannel = NegativeChannel self.longSettling = LongSettling self.quickSample = QuickSample validChannels = range(16) + [30, 31] if PositiveChannel not in validChannels: raise Exception("Invalid Positive Channel specified") if NegativeChannel not in validChannels: raise Exception("Invalid Negative Channel specified") b = PositiveChannel b |= (int(bool(LongSettling)) << 6) b |= (int(bool(QuickSample)) << 7) self.cmdBytes = [ 0x01, b, NegativeChannel ] readLen = 2 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.AIN( PositiveChannel = %s, NegativeChannel = %s, LongSettling = %s, QuickSample = %s )>" % ( self.positiveChannel, self.negativeChannel, self.longSettling, self.quickSample ) def handle(self, input): result = (input[1] << 8) + input[0] return result class WaitShort(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitShort Feedback command specify the number of 128us time increments to wait >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.WaitShort(Time = 9)) Sent: [0x9, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xe, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5, 0x9, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 5, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.WaitShort( Time = %s )>" % self.time class WaitLong(FeedbackCommand): ''' WaitLong Feedback command specify the number of 32ms time increments to wait >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.WaitLong(Time = 70)) Sent: [0x47, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x4c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6, 0x46, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Time): self.time = Time % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 6, Time % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.WaitLong( Time = %s )>" % self.time class LED(FeedbackCommand): ''' LED Toggle specify whether the LED should be on or off by truth value 1 or True = On, 0 or False = Off >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.LED(State = False)) Sent: [0x4, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.LED(State = True)) Sent: [0x5, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xa, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9, 0x1, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, State): self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 9, int(bool(State)) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.LED( State = %s )>" % self.state class BitStateRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateRead Feedback command read the state of a single bit of digital I/O. Only digital lines return valid readings. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO return 0 or 1 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateRead(IONumber = 5)) Sent: [0xa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0, 0x0, 0xa, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfb, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1] [1] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 10, IONumber % 20 ] readLen = 1 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitStateRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitStateWrite Feedback command write a single bit of digital I/O. The direction of the specified line is forced to output. IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO State: 0 or 1 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitStateWrite(IONumber = 5, State = 0)) Sent: [0xb, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, State): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.state = State self.cmdBytes = [ 11, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(State)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitStateWrite( IONumber = %s, State = %s )>" % (self.ioNumber, self.state) class BitDirRead(FeedbackCommand): ''' Read the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO returns 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitDirRead(IONumber = 5)) Sent: [0xc, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfb, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1] [1] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.cmdBytes = [ 12, IONumber % 20 ] readLen = 1 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitDirRead( IONumber = %s )>" % self.ioNumber def handle(self, input): return int(bool(input[0])) class BitDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): ''' BitDirWrite Feedback command Set the digital direction of one I/O IONumber: 0-7=FIO, 8-15=EIO, 16-19=CIO Direction: 1 = Output, 0 = Input >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.BitDirWrite(IONumber = 5, Direction = 0)) Sent: [0xd, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0xd, 0x5, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, IONumber, Direction): self.ioNumber = IONumber self.direction = Direction self.cmdBytes = [ 13, (IONumber % 20) + (int(bool(Direction)) << 7) ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.BitDirWrite( IONumber = %s, Direction = %s )>" % (self.ioNumber, self.direction) class PortStateRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateRead Feedback command Reads the state of all digital I/O. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortStateRead()) Sent: [0x14, 0xf8, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1a] Response: [0xeb, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0xee, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xf] [{'CIO': 15, 'FIO': 224, 'EIO': 255}] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 26 ] readLen = 3 def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortStateRead()>" class PortStateWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortStateWrite Feedback command State: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. The Default is all ones. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortStateWrite(State = [0xab, 0xcd, 0xef], WriteMask = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff])) Sent: [0x81, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x7f, 0x5, 0x0, 0x1b, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, State, WriteMask = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.state = State self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 27 ] + WriteMask + State def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortStateWrite( State = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.state, self.writeMask) class PortDirRead(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirRead Feedback command Reads the direction of all digital I/O. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortDirRead()) Sent: [0x16, 0xf8, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1c] Response: [0xfb, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0xfe, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xf] [{'CIO': 15, 'FIO': 240, 'EIO': 255}] """ def __init__(self): self.cmdBytes = [ 28 ] readLen = 3 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortDirRead()>" def handle(self, input): return {'FIO' : input[0], 'EIO' : input[1], 'CIO' : input[2] } class PortDirWrite(FeedbackCommand): """ PortDirWrite Feedback command Direction: A list of 3 bytes representing FIO, EIO, CIO WriteMask: A list of 3 bytes, representing which to update. Default is all ones. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.PortDirWrite(Direction = [0xaa, 0xcc, 0xff], WriteMask = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff])) Sent: [0x91, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x8f, 0x5, 0x0, 0x1d, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xaa, 0xcc, 0xff] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Direction, WriteMask = [ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]): self.direction = Direction self.writeMask = WriteMask self.cmdBytes = [ 29 ] + WriteMask + Direction def __repr__(self): return "<u3.PortDirWrite( Direction = %s, WriteMask = %s )>" % (self.direction, self.writeMask) class DAC8(FeedbackCommand): ''' 8-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-255 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC8(Dac = 0, Value = 0x55)) Sent: [0x72, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x77, 0x0, 0x0, 0x22, 0x55, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value % 256 self.cmdBytes = [ 34 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC8( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_8(Value = 0x33)) Sent: [0x50, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x55, 0x0, 0x0, 0x22, 0x33, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC0_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_8(DAC8): """ 8-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 8-bit mode. Value: 0-255 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_8(Value = 0x22)) Sent: [0x40, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x45, 0x0, 0x0, 0x23, 0x22, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC8.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC1_8( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC16(FeedbackCommand): ''' 16-bit DAC Feedback command Controls a single analog output Dac: 0 or 1 Value: 0-65535 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC16(Dac = 0, Value = 0x5566)) Sent: [0xdc, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0xe1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x26, 0x66, 0x55] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] ''' def __init__(self, Dac, Value): self.dac = Dac self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [ 38 + (Dac % 2), Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC16( Dac = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.dac, self.value) class DAC0_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC0 Controls DAC0 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC0_16(Value = 0x1122)) Sent: [0x54, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x59, 0x0, 0x0, 0x26, 0x22, 0x11] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 0, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC0_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class DAC1_16(DAC16): """ 16-bit DAC Feedback command for DAC1 Controls DAC1 in 16-bit mode. Value: 0-65535 >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.getFeedback(u3.DAC1_16(Value = 0x2233)) Sent: [0x77, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x7c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x27, 0x33, 0x22] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, Value): DAC16.__init__(self, 1, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.DAC1_16( Value = %s )>" % self.value class Timer(FeedbackCommand): """ For reading the value of the Timer. It provides the ability to update/reset a given timer, and read the timer value. (Section of the User's Guide) timer: Either 0 or 1 for timer 0 or timer 1 UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. Returns an unsigned integer of the timer value, unless Mode has been specified and there are special return values. See Section 2.9.1 for expected return values. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer(timer = 0, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None)) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xfe, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x63, 0xdd, 0x4c, 0x72, 0x0] [1917640035] """ def __init__(self, timer, UpdateReset = False, Value=0, Mode = None): self.timer = timer self.updateReset = UpdateReset self.value = Value self.mode = Mode if timer != 0 and timer != 1: raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0 or 1.") if UpdateReset and Value == None: raise LabJackException("UpdateReset set but no value.") self.cmdBytes = [ (42 + (2*timer)), UpdateReset, Value % 256, Value >> 8 ] readLen = 4 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer( timer = %s, UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) def handle(self, input): inStr = struct.pack('B' * len(input), *input) if self.mode == 8: return struct.unpack('<i', inStr )[0] elif self.mode == 9: maxCount, current = struct.unpack('<HH', inStr ) return current, maxCount else: return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Timer0(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer0. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer0, and read the timer value. (Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0(UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None)) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x51, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x52, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf6, 0x90, 0x46, 0x86, 0x0] [2252771574] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer0( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class Timer1(Timer): """ For reading the value of the Timer1. It provides the ability to update/reset Timer1, and read the timer value. (Section of the User's Guide) UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value Value: Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. Mode: Set to the timer mode to handle any special processing. See classes QuadratureInputTimer and TimerStopInput1. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer1(UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None)) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x8d, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x8e, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf3, 0x31, 0xd0, 0x9a, 0x0] [2597335539] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0, Mode = None): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s, Mode = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value, self.mode) class QuadratureInputTimer(Timer): """ For reading Quadrature input timers. They are special because their values are signed. (Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to reset the counter. Value: Set to 0, and UpdateReset to True to reset the counter. Returns a signed integer. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> # Setup the two timers to be quadrature >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0Config(8), u3.Timer1Config(8)) Sent: [0x66, 0xf8, 0x5, 0x0, 0x68, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2d, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None, None] >>> # Read the value [0] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.QuadratureInputTimer()) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xf5, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xf5, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0] [-8] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.QuadratureInputTimer()) Sent: [0x26, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x9, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [12] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 0, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 8) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.QuadratureInputTimer( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerStopInput1(Timer1): """ For reading a stop input timer. They are special because the value returns the current edge count and the stop value. (Section of the User's Guide) Args: UpdateReset: Set True if you want to update the value. Value: The stop value. Only updated if the UpdateReset bit is 1. Returns a tuple where the first value is current edge count, and the second value is the stop value. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> # Setup the timer to be Stop Input >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer1Config(9, Value = 30)) Sent: [0x50, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x54, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2d, 0x9, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.TimerStopInput1()) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x1b, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [(0, 0)] """ def __init__(self, UpdateReset = False, Value = 0): Timer.__init__(self, 1, UpdateReset, Value, Mode = 9) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.TimerStopInput1( UpdateReset = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.updateReset, self.value) class TimerConfig(FeedbackCommand): """ This IOType configures a particular timer. timer = # of the timer to configure TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.TimerConfig(timer = 0, TimerMode = 0, Value = 0)) Sent: [0x27, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.TimerConfig(timer = 0, TimerMode = 0, Value = 65535)) Sent: [0x27, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x29, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, timer, TimerMode, Value=0): '''Creates command bytes for configureing a Timer''' #Conditions come from pages 33-34 of user's guide if timer != 0 and timer != 1: raise LabJackException("Timer should be either 0 or 1.") if TimerMode > 14 or TimerMode < 0: raise LabJackException("Invalid Timer Mode.") self.timer = timer self.timerMode = TimerMode self.value = Value self.cmdBytes = [43 + (timer * 2), TimerMode, Value % 256, Value >> 8] def __repr__(self): return "<u3.TimerConfig( timer = %s, TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timer, self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer0Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer0. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 1) Sent: [0x49, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x42, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x57, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x50, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x41, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 1, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 65, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 1, Value = 0)) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer0Config(TimerMode = 1, Value = 65535)) Sent: [0x28, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x2a, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x1, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 0, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer0Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Timer1Config(TimerConfig): """ This IOType configures Timer1. TimerMode = See Section 2.9 for more information about the available modes. Value = The meaning of this parameter varies with the timer mode. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(NumberOfTimersEnabled = 2) Sent: [0x4a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x43, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x58, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x51, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 2, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 66, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Timer1Config(TimerMode = 6, Value = 1)) Sent: [0x30, 0xf8, 0x3, 0x0, 0x34, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2d, 0x6, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfa, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [None] """ def __init__(self, TimerMode, Value = 0): TimerConfig.__init__(self, 1, TimerMode, Value) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Timer1Config( TimerMode = %s, Value = %s )>" % (self.timerMode, self.value) class Counter(FeedbackCommand): ''' Counter Feedback command Reads a hardware counter, optionally resetting it counter: 0 or 1 Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(EnableCounter0 = True, FIOAnalog = 15) Sent: [0x5f, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x58, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Response: [0x5a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x53, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 68, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': True} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter(counter = 0, Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [0] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 0 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter(counter = 0, Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xe9, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xec, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xe8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [1256] ''' def __init__(self, counter, Reset = False): self.counter = counter self.reset = Reset self.cmdBytes = [ 54 + (counter % 2), int(bool(Reset))] readLen = 4 def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Counter( counter = %s, Reset = %s )>" % (self.counter, self.reset) def handle(self, input): inStr = ''.join([chr(x) for x in input]) return struct.unpack('<I', inStr )[0] class Counter0(Counter): ''' Counter0 Feedback command Reads hardware counter0, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(EnableCounter0 = True, FIOAnalog = 15) Sent: [0x5f, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x58, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Response: [0x5a, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x53, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x44, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 68, 'EnableCounter1': False, 'EnableCounter0': True} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter0( Reset = False ) ) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [0] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 0 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter0(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xe, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [17] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 0 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter0(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x31, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0, 0x36, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0x19, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xb, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [4363] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 0, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Counter0( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset class Counter1(Counter): ''' Counter1 Feedback command Reads hardware counter1, optionally resetting it Reset: True ( or 1 ) = Reset, False ( or 0 ) = Don't Reset Returns the current count from the counter if enabled. If reset, this is the value before the reset. >>> import u3 >>> d = u3.U3() >>> d.debug = True >>> d.configIO(EnableCounter1 = True, FIOAnalog = 15) Sent: [0x63, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x5c, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x48, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] Response: [0x5e, 0xf8, 0x3, 0xb, 0x57, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x48, 0x0, 0xf, 0x0] {'NumberOfTimersEnabled': 0, 'TimerCounterPinOffset': 4, 'DAC1Enable': 0, 'FIOAnalog': 15, 'EIOAnalog': 0, 'TimerCounterConfig': 72, 'EnableCounter1': True, 'EnableCounter0': False} >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter1(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x32, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfc, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [0] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 1 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter1(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x32, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xfd, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0] [1] >>> # Tap a ground wire to counter 1 >>> d.getFeedback(u3.Counter1(Reset = False)) Sent: [0x32, 0xf8, 0x2, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0, 0x37, 0x0, 0x0] Response: [0xb4, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x0, 0xb7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6b, 0x2b, 0x21, 0x0, 0x0] [2173803] ''' def __init__(self, Reset = False): Counter.__init__(self, 1, Reset) def __repr__(self): return "<u3.Counter0( Reset = %s )>" % self.reset
import numpy as np import sys oldFreqPath = '/mnt/data0/Darkness/20160718_ps/freq_FL3_a_neg.txt' psFreqPath = '/mnt/data0/Darkness/20160718_ps/ps_FL3_a_neg.txt' fixedPsFreqPath = '/mnt/data0/Darkness/20160718_ps/ps2_FL3_a_neg.txt' oldFreqTable = np.loadtxt(oldFreqPath) psFreqTable = np.loadtxt(psFreqPath) keptIndices = [] keptFreqs = [] for iFreq,freq in enumerate(oldFreqTable[:,0]): print iFreq,freq, closestPsFreqIdx = np.argmin(np.abs(psFreqTable[:,0]-freq)) closestFreq = psFreqTable[closestPsFreqIdx,0] distFromClosest = closestFreq-freq print closestFreq,distFromClosest if np.abs(distFromClosest) < 512e3: keptIndices.append(iFreq) keptFreqs.append(freq) keptFreqs = np.array(keptFreqs) print 'kept',len(keptIndices),'of',len(oldFreqTable[:,0]) print 'num ps freqs',len(psFreqTable[:,0]) print np.shape(oldFreqTable[keptIndices,0]) if len(keptIndices) != len(psFreqTable[:,0]): print 'ERROR: Couldn\'t match all ps freqs with old freq' sys.exit(1) freqDiffs = psFreqTable[:,0] - keptFreqs print np.shape(freqDiffs) print 'diff',freqDiffs[0:2] print 'old',oldFreqTable[0:2,0] print 'clicked',psFreqTable[0:2,0] fixedOldFreqs = np.roll(keptFreqs,2) fixedPsFreqs = fixedOldFreqs + freqDiffs print 'fixed',fixedPsFreqs[0:2] fixedPsFreqTable = np.array(psFreqTable) fixedPsFreqTable[:,0] = fixedPsFreqs np.savetxt(fixedPsFreqPath,fixedPsFreqTable,fmt=['%.9e','%d'])
''' Author Rupert Dodkins A script to automate the identification of resonator attenuations normally performed by This is accomplished using Google's Tensor Flow machine learning package which implements a pattern recognition algorithm on the IQ velocity spectrum. The code implements a 2D image classification algorithm similar to the MNIST test. This code creates a 2D image from a 1D variable by populating a matrix of zeros with ones at the y location of each datapoint Usage: python 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1_20160712-225809.h5 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653.h5 Inputs: 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1.txt: list of resonator frequencies and correct attenuations 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1_20160712-225809.h5: corresponding powersweep file 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653.h5: powersweep file the user wishes to infer attenuations for Intermediaries: SDR/Setup/ps_peaks_train_w<x>_s<y>.pkl: images and corresponding labels used to train the algorithm Outputs: 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1.pkl: frequencies, IQ velocities, Is, Qs, attenuations formatted for quick use 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653-ml.txt: to be used with (temporary) 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos.txt: final list of frequencies and attenuations How it works: For each resonator and attenuation the script first assesses if the IQ loop appears saturated. If the unstaurated IQ velocity spectrum for that attenuation is compared with the pattern recognition machine. A list of attenuations for each resonator, where the loop is not saturated and the IQ velocity peak looks the correct shape, and the attenuation value is chosen which has the highest 2nd largest IQ velocity. This identifier was chosen because the optimum attenuation value has a high max IQ velocity and a low ratio of max IQ velocity to 2nd max IQ velocity which is equivalent to choosing the highest 2nd max IQ velocity. This list of attenuation values and frequencies are either fed to checked manually or dumped to ps_r118_FL1_b_pos.txt The machine learning algorithm requires a series of images to train and test the algorithm with. If they exist the image data will be loaded from a train pkl file Alternatively, if the user does not have a train pkl file but does have a powersweep file and corresponding list of resonator attenuations this should be used as the initial file and training data will be made. The 3 classes are an overpowered peak (saturated), peak with the correct amount of power, or an underpowered peak. These new image data will be saved as pkl files (or appened to existing pkl files) and reloaded The machine is then trained and its ability to predict the type of image is validated The weights used to make predictions for each class can be displayed using the plotWeights function to do: change training txt file freq comparison function so its able to match all frequencies ''' import os,sys,inspect from PSFit import * from lib.iqsweep import * import numpy as np import sys, os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import pickle import random import time import math from scipy import interpolate #removes visible depreciation warnings from lib.iqsweep import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") class PSFitting(): '''Class has been lifted from and modified to incorporate the machine learning algorithms from ''' def __init__(self, initialFile=None): self.initialFile = initialFile self.resnum = 0 def loadres(self): ''' Outputs Freqs: the span of frequencies for a given resonator iq_vels: the IQ velocities for all attenuations for a given resonator Is: the I component of the frequencies for a given resonator Qs: the Q component of the frequencies for a given resonator attens: the span of attenuations. The same for all resonators ''' self.Res1=IQsweep() self.Res1.LoadPowers(self.initialFile, 'r0', self.freq[self.resnum]) self.resfreq = self.freq[self.resnum] self.NAttens = len(self.Res1.atten1s) self.res1_iq_vels=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps-1)) self.res1_iq_amps=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps)) for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): for i in range(1,self.Res1.fsteps-1): self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,i]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i-1])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i-1])**2) self.res1_iq_amps[iAtt,:]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt])**2) #Sort the IQ velocities for each attenuation, to pick out the maximums sorted_vels = numpy.sort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) #Last column is maximum values for each atten (row) self.res1_max_vels = sorted_vels[:,-1] #Second to last column has second highest value self.res1_max2_vels = sorted_vels[:,-2] #Also get indices for maximum of each atten, and second highest sort_indices = numpy.argsort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) max_indices = sort_indices[:,-1] max2_indices = sort_indices[:,-2] max_neighbor = max_indices.copy() #for each attenuation find the ratio of the maximum velocity to the second highest velocity self.res1_max_ratio = self.res1_max_vels.copy() max_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) max2_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) self.res1_max2_ratio = self.res1_max2_vels.copy() for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): if max_indices[iAtt] == 0: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1], self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1]) max_neighbors[iAtt]=max_neighbor self.res1_max_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max_vels[iAtt]/max_neighbor if max2_indices[iAtt] == 0: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max2_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max2_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1], self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1]) max2_neighbors[iAtt]=max2_neighbor self.res1_max2_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max2_vels[iAtt]/max2_neighbor #normalize the new arrays self.res1_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max_vels) self.res1_max_vels *= numpy.max(self.res1_max_ratio) self.res1_max2_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max2_vels) max_ratio_threshold = 2.5#1.5 rule_of_thumb_offset = 1#2 # require ROTO adjacent elements to be all below the MRT bool_remove = np.ones(len(self.res1_max_ratio)) for ri in range(len(self.res1_max_ratio)-rule_of_thumb_offset-2): bool_remove[ri] = bool((self.res1_max_ratio[ri:ri+rule_of_thumb_offset+1]< max_ratio_threshold).all()) guess_atten_idx = np.extract(bool_remove,np.arange(len(self.res1_max_ratio))) # require the attenuation value to be past the initial peak in MRT guess_atten_idx = guess_atten_idx[where(guess_atten_idx > argmax(self.res1_max_ratio) )[0]] if size(guess_atten_idx) >= 1: if guess_atten_idx[0]+rule_of_thumb_offset < len(self.Res1.atten1s): guess_atten_idx[0] += rule_of_thumb_offset guess_atten_idx = int(guess_atten_idx[0]) else: guess_atten_idx = self.NAttens/2 return {'freq': self.Res1.freq, 'iq_vels': self.res1_iq_vels, 'Is': self.Res1.Is, 'Qs': self.Res1.Qs, 'attens':self.Res1.atten1s} def loadps(self): hd5file=openFile(self.initialFile,mode='r') group = hd5file.getNode('/','r0') self.freq=empty(0,dtype='float32') for sweep in group._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): self.scale = k['scale'][0] #print "Scale factor is ", self.scale self.freq=append(self.freq,[k['f0'][0]]) hd5file.close() class mlClassification(): def __init__(self, initialFile=None): ''' Implements the machine learning pattern recognition algorithm on IQ velocity data as well as other tests to choose the optimum attenuation for each resonator ''' self.nClass = 3 self.xWidth = 40#np.shape(res1_freqs[1]) self.scalexWidth = 0.5 self.oAttDist = -1 # rule of thumb attenuation steps to reach the overpowered peak #self.uAttDist = +2 # rule of thumb attenuation steps to reach the underpowed peak self.initialFile = initialFile self.baseFile = ('.').join(initialFile.split('.')[:-1]) self.PSFile = self.baseFile[:-16] + '.txt'#os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR']+'20160712/ps_FL1_1.txt' # power sweep fit, .txt self.trainFile = 'ps_peaks_train_w%i_s%.2f.pkl' % (self.xWidth, self.scalexWidth) self.trainFrac = 0.8 self.testFrac=1 - self.trainFrac def makeWindowImage(self, res_num, iAtten, xCenter, showFrames=False, test_if_noisy=False): '''Using a given x coordinate a frame is created at that location of size xWidth x xWidth, and then flattened into a 1d array. Called multiple times in each function. inputs xCenter: center location of frame in wavelength space res_num: index of resonator in question iAtten: index of attenuation in question self.scalexWidth: typical values: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 uses interpolation to put data from an xWidth x xWidth grid to a (xWidth/scalexWidth) x (xWidth/scalexWidth) grid. This allows the user to probe the spectrum using a smaller window while utilizing the higher resolution training data showFrames: pops up a window of the frame plotted using matplotlib.plot test_if_noisy: test spectrum by comparing heights of the outer quadrants to the center. A similar test to what the pattern recognition classification does ''' xWidth= self.xWidth start = int(xCenter - xWidth/2) end = int(xCenter + xWidth/2) scalexWidth = self.scalexWidth # for spectra where the peak is close enough to the edge that some points falls across the bounadry, pad zeros if start < 0: start_diff = abs(start) start = 0 iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.lib.pad(iq_vels, (start_diff,0), 'constant', constant_values=(0)) elif end >= np.shape(self.freqs)[1]: iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.lib.pad(iq_vels, (0,end-np.shape(self.freqs)[1]+1), 'constant', constant_values=(0)) else: iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.round(iq_vels * xWidth / max(self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, :]) ) if showFrames: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot( iq_vels) plt.ylim((0,xWidth)) plt.close() # interpolate iq_vels onto a finer grid if scalexWidth!=None: x = np.arange(0, xWidth+1) iq_vels = np.append(iq_vels, iq_vels[-1]) f = interpolate.interp1d(x, iq_vels) xnew = np.arange(0, xWidth, scalexWidth) iq_vels = f(xnew)/ scalexWidth xWidth = int(xWidth/scalexWidth) if test_if_noisy: peak_iqv = mean(iq_vels[int(xWidth/4): int(3*xWidth/4)]) nonpeak_indicies=np.delete(np.arange(xWidth),np.arange(int(xWidth/4),int(3*xWidth/4))) nonpeak_iqv = iq_vels[nonpeak_indicies] nonpeak_iqv = mean(nonpeak_iqv[np.where(nonpeak_iqv!=0)]) # since it spans a larger area noise_condition = 0.7 if (peak_iqv/nonpeak_iqv < noise_condition): return None # populates 2d image with ones at location of iq_vel image = np.zeros((xWidth, xWidth)) for i in range(xWidth-1): if iq_vels[i]>=xWidth: iq_vels[i] = xWidth-1 if iq_vels[i] < iq_vels[i+1]: image[int(iq_vels[i]):int(iq_vels[i+1]),i]=1 else: image[int(iq_vels[i]):int(iq_vels[i-1]),i]=1 if iq_vels[i] == iq_vels[i+1]: image[int(iq_vels[i]),i]=1 try: image[map(int,iq_vels), range(xWidth)]=1 except IndexError: pass image = image.flatten() return image def get_peak_idx(self,res_num,iAtten): print 'IQVel Shape', shape(self.iq_vels) print 'res_num, iAtten', res_num, iAtten return argmax(self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,:]) def makeTrainData(self): '''creates images of each class with associated labels and saves to pkl file 0: saturated peak, too much power 1: goldilocks, not too narrow or short 2: underpowered peak, too little power outputs train file.pkl. contains... trainImages: cube of size- xWidth * xWidth * xCenters*trainFrac trainLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*trainFrac testImages: cube of size- xWidth * xWidth * xCenters*testFrac testLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*testFrac ''' self.freqs, self.iq_vels,self.Is,self.Qs, self.attens = get_PS_data_all_attens(h5File=initialFile, searchAllRes=True) self.res_nums = np.shape(self.freqs)[0] if os.path.isfile(self.PSFile): print 'loading peak location data from %s' % self.PSFile PSFile = np.loadtxt(self.PSFile, skiprows=0)[:self.res_nums] print 'psfile shape', PSFile.shape good_res = np.array(PSFile[:,0]-PSFile[0,0],dtype='int') self.res_nums = len(good_res) print 'goodres',good_res print 'resnums', self.res_nums #print 'good_res', good_res opt_freqs = PSFile[:,1] opt_attens = PSFile[:,2] self.attens = self.attens[good_res,:] #print 'Min Atten', min(opt_attens) print 'opt_attens shape', shape(opt_attens) print 'self.attens shape', shape(self.attens) #print 'self.attens', self.attens #print 'opt attens range', max(opt_attens)-min(opt_attens) optAttenLocs = np.where(np.transpose(np.transpose(np.array(self.attens))==np.array(opt_attens))) #find optimal atten indices #print np.array(self.attens) #print np.array(opt_attens) #print np.transpose(opt_attens)==self.attens optAttenExists = optAttenLocs[0] self.opt_iAttens = optAttenLocs[1] attenSkips = optAttenLocs[0]-np.arange(len(optAttenLocs[0])) attenSkips = np.where(np.diff(attenSkips))[0]+1 #indices where opt atten was not found for resSkip in attenSkips: print 'resSkip', resSkip if(opt_attens[resSkip]<self.attens[resSkip,0]): opt_attens[resSkip] = self.attens[resSkip,0] self.opt_iAttens = np.insert(self.opt_iAttens,resSkip,0) elif(opt_attens[resSkip]>self.attens[resSkip,-1]): opt_attens[resSkip] = self.attens[resSkip,-1] self.opt_iAttens = np.insert(self.opt_iAttens,resSkip,np.shape(self.attens)[1]-1) print '129 opt_atten', opt_attens[129] print '129 atten', self.attens[129,:] print '129 opt_freq', opt_freqs[129] print '129 freq', self.freqs[129] print 'opt_iAtten shape', np.shape(self.opt_iAttens) #self.opt_iAttens = opt_attens - min(opt_attens) print 'attenSkipIndices', attenSkips else: print 'no PS.txt file found' exit() #good_res = np.arange(self.res_nums) iAttens = np.zeros((self.res_nums,self.nClass)) iAttens[:,0] = self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] + self.oAttDist iAttens[:,1] = self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] # goldilocks attenuation iAttens[:,2] = np.ones((self.res_nums))*20#self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] + self.uAttDist lb_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,0]<0)[0] print 'lb_rej', lb_rej if len(lb_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,lb_rej,axis=0) # when index is below zero good_res = np.delete(good_res,lb_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(lb_rej) ub_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,2]>len(self.attens))[0] if len(ub_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,ub_rej,axis=0) good_res = np.delete(good_res,ub_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(ub_rej) self.res_indicies = np.zeros((self.res_nums,self.nClass)) print 'goodresshape', np.shape(good_res) for i, rn in enumerate(good_res): self.res_indicies[i,0] = self.get_peak_idx(rn,iAttens[i,0]) self.res_indicies[i,1] = self.get_peak_idx(rn,iAttens[i,1]) self.res_indicies[i,2] = self.get_peak_idx(rn,iAttens[i,2]) self.iq_vels=self.iq_vels[good_res] self.freqs=self.freqs[good_res] self.Is = self.Is[good_res] self.Qs = self.Qs[good_res] trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = [], [], [], [] for c in range(self.nClass): for rn in range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums) ): image = self.makeWindowImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], xCenter=self.res_indicies[rn,c]) if image!=None: trainImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 trainLabels.append(one_hot) # A more simple way would be to separate the train and test data after they were read but this did not occur to me #before most of the code was written for c in range(self.nClass): for rn in range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums), int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums + self.testFrac*self.res_nums)) : image = self.makeWindowImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], xCenter=self.res_indicies[rn,c]) if image!=None: testImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 testLabels.append(one_hot) append = None if os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): append = raw_input('Do you want to append this training data to previous data [y/n]') if (append == 'y') or (os.path.isfile(self.trainFile)== False): print 'saving files %s & to %s' % (self.trainFile, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.trainFile)) ) with open(self.trainFile, 'ab') as tf: pickle.dump([trainImages, trainLabels], tf) pickle.dump([testImages, testLabels], tf) def mlClass(self): '''Code adapted from the tensor flow MNIST tutorial 1. Using training images and labels the machine learning class (mlClass) "learns" how to classify IQ velocity peaks. Using similar data the ability of mlClass to classify peaks is tested The training and test matricies are loaded from file (those made earlier if chosen to not be appended to file will not be used) ''' if not os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): self.makeTrainData() trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = loadPkl(self.trainFile) print 'Number of training images:', np.shape(trainImages)[0], ' Number of test images:', np.shape(testImages)[0] if self.scalexWidth != None: self.xWidth = self.xWidth/self.scalexWidth if np.shape(trainImages)[1]!=self.xWidth**2: print 'Please make new training images of the correct size' exit() self.nClass = np.shape(trainLabels)[1] self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.xWidth**2]) # correspond to the images self.W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.xWidth**2, self.nClass])) #the weights used to make predictions on classes self.b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.nClass])) # the biases also used to make class predictions self.y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(self.x, self.W) + self.b) # class lables predictions made from x,W,b y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nClass]) # true class lables identified by user cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_*tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(self.y,1e-10,1.0)) ) # find out how right you are by finding out how wrong you are train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) # the best result is when the wrongness is minimal init = tf.initialize_all_variables() self.sess = tf.Session() # need to do this everytime you want to access a tf variable (for example the true class labels calculation or plotweights) trainReps = 500 batches = 100 if np.shape(trainLabels)[0]< batches: batches = np.shape(trainLabels)[0]/2 print 'Performing', trainReps, 'training repeats, using batches of', batches for i in range(trainReps): #perform the training step using random batches of images and according labels batch_xs, batch_ys = next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batches), feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys}) #calculate train_step using feed_dict print 'true class labels: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:25] print 'class estimates: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:25] #1st 25 printed #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:100] # print the scores for each class correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1)) #which ones did it get right? accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) score =, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) * 100 print 'Accuracy of model in testing: ', score, '%' if score < 95: print 'Consider making more training images' del trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def plotWeights(self): '''creates a 2d map showing the positive and negative weights for each class''' weights = weights = np.reshape(weights,(self.xWidth,self.xWidth,self.nClass)) weights = np.flipud(weights) for nc in range(self.nClass): plt.imshow(weights[:,:, nc]) plt.title('class %i' % nc) plt.close() def checkLoopAtten(self, res_num, iAtten, showLoop=False, min_theta = 135, max_theta = 200, max_ratio_threshold = 1.5): '''function to check if the IQ loop at a certain attenuation is saturated. 3 checks are made. if the angle on either side of the sides connected to the longest edge is < min_theta or > max_theta the loop is saturated. Or if the ratio between the 1st and 2nd largest edge is > max_ratio_threshold. A True result means that the loop is unsaturated. Inputs: res_num: index of resonator in question iAtten: index of attenuation in question showLoop: pops up a window of the frame plotted using matplotlib.plot min/max_theta: limits outside of which the loop is considered saturated max_ratio_threshold: maximum largest/ 2nd largest IQ velocity allowed before loop is considered saturated Output: Boolean. True if unsaturated ''' vindx = (-self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,:]).argsort()[:3] max_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]]) low_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-2] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-2] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1]) upp_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]+1], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]+1]) theta1 = (math.pi + max_theta_vel - low_theta_vel)/math.pi * 180 theta2 = (math.pi + upp_theta_vel - max_theta_vel)/math.pi * 180 theta1 = abs(theta1) if theta1 > 360: theta1 = theta1-360 theta2= abs(theta2) if theta2 > 360: theta2 = theta2-360 max_ratio = self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]]/ self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[1]] if showLoop: plt.plot(self.Is[res_num,iAtten,:],self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,:]) return bool((max_theta >theta1 > min_theta) * (max_theta > theta2 > min_theta) * (max_ratio < max_ratio_threshold)) def findAtten(self, inferenceFile, wsFile, res_nums =20, searchAllRes=True, showFrames = True, usePSFit=True, useWSID=True): '''The trained machine learning class (mlClass) finds the optimum attenuation for each resonator using peak shapes in IQ velocity Inputs inferenceFile: widesweep data file to be used searchAllRes: if only a few resonator attenuations need to be identified set to False res_nums: if searchAllRes is False, the number of resonators the atteunation value will be estimated for usePSFit: if true once all the resonator attenuations have been estimated these values are fed into PSFit which opens the window where the user can manually check all the peaks have been found and make corrections if neccessary Outputs Goodfile: either immediately after the peaks have been located or through WideAna if useWideAna =True mlFile: temporary file read in to containing an attenuation estimate for each resonator ''' try: self.sess except AttributeError: print 'You have to train the model first' exit() if self.scalexWidth!= None: self.xWidth=self.xWidth*self.scalexWidth #reset ready for get_PS_data self.freqs, self.iq_vels, self.Is, self.Qs, self.attens = get_PS_data(h5File=inferenceFile, searchAllRes=searchAllRes, res_nums=res_nums) total_res_nums = np.shape(self.freqs)[0] print 'number of res in sweep file', total_res_nums print 'freqs', self.freqs print 'freqShape', np.shape(self.freqs) if searchAllRes: res_nums = total_res_nums span = range(res_nums) self.inferenceLabels = np.zeros((res_nums,len(self.attens),self.nClass)) print 'Using trained algorithm on images on each resonator' skip = [] for i,rn in enumerate(span): sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (i+1,res_nums) ) sys.stdout.flush() for ia in range(len(self.attens)): # first check the loop for saturation nonsaturated_loop = self.checkLoopAtten(res_num=rn, iAtten= ia, showLoop=showFrames) if nonsaturated_loop: # each image is formatted into a single element of a list so can receive a single values dictionary # argument and save memory image = self.makeWindowImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= ia, xCenter=self.get_peak_idx(rn,ia), showFrames=showFrames) inferenceImage=[] inferenceImage.append(image) # inferenceImage is just reformatted image self.inferenceLabels[rn,ia,:] =, feed_dict={self.x: inferenceImage} ) del inferenceImage del image else: self.inferenceLabels[rn,ia,:] = [1,0,0] # would just skip these if certain if np.all(self.inferenceLabels[rn,:,1] ==0): # if all loops appear saturated for resonator then set attenuation to highest self.inferenceLabels[rn,-1,:] = [0,1,0] # or omit from list #skip.append(rn) print '\n' max_2nd_vels = np.zeros((res_nums,len(self.attens))) for r in range(res_nums): for iAtten in range(len(self.attens)): vindx = (-self.iq_vels[r,iAtten,:]).argsort()[:2] max_2nd_vels[r,iAtten] = self.iq_vels[r,iAtten,vindx[1]] atten_guess=numpy.zeros((res_nums)) # choose attenuation where there is the maximum in the 2nd highest IQ velocity for r in range(res_nums): class_guess = np.argmax(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,:], 1) if np.any(class_guess==1): atten_guess[r] = np.where(class_guess==1)[0][argmax(max_2nd_vels[r,:][np.where(class_guess==1)[0]] )] else: atten_guess[r] = argmax(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,1]) wsIds = np.loadtxt(wsFile)[:,0] if usePSFit: if skip != None: atten_guess = np.delete(atten_guess,skip) self.mlFile = ('.').join(inferenceFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '-ml.txt' if os.path.isfile(self.mlFile): self.mlFile = self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") #shutil.copy(self.mlFile, self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) print 'wrote', self.mlFile mlf = open(self.mlFile,'wb') #mlf machine learning file is temporary for ag in atten_guess: line = "%12d\n" % ag mlf.write(line) mlf.close() #on ubuntu 14.04 and matplotlib-1.5.1 backend 'Qt4Agg' running prior to this causes segmentation fault os.system("python 1") #os.remove(self.mlFile) else: baseFile = ('.').join(inferenceFile.split('.')[:-1]) #saveFile = baseFile + '.txt' saveFile = baseFile[:-16] + '.txt' #saveFile = 'newAttens.txt' sf = open(saveFile,'wb') print 'saving file', saveFile print 'baseFile', baseFile #sf.write('1\t1\t1\t1 \n') for r in np.delete(range(len(atten_guess)),skip): line = "%4i \t %10.9e \t %4i \n" % (wsIds[r], self.freqs[r, self.get_peak_idx(r, atten_guess[r])], self.attens[atten_guess[r]] ) sf.write(line) print line sf.close() def next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batch_size): '''selects a random batch of batch_size from trainImages and trainLabels''' perm = random.sample(range(len(trainImages)), batch_size) trainImages = np.array(trainImages)[perm,:] trainLabels = np.array(trainLabels)[perm,:] return trainImages, trainLabels def loadPkl(filename): '''load the train and test data to train and test mlClass pkl file hirerachy is as follows: -The file is split in two, one side for train data and one side for test data -These halfs are further divdided into image data and labels -makeTrainData creates image data of size: xWidth * xWidth * res_nums and the label data of size: res_nums -each time makeTrainData is run a new image cube and label array is created and appended to the old data so the final size of the file is (xWidth * xWidth * res_nums * "no of train runs") + (res_nums * "no of train runs") + [the equivalent test data structure] A more simple way would be to separate the train and test data after they were read but this did not occur to the me before most of the code was written Input pkl filename to be read. Outputs image cube and label array ''' file =[] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: while 1: try: file.append(pickle.load(f)) except EOFError: break trainImages = file[0][0] trainLabels = file[0][1] testImages = file[1][0] testLabels = file[1][1] if np.shape(file)[0]/2 > 1: for i in range(1, np.shape(file)[0]/2-1): trainImages = np.append(trainImages, file[2*i][0], axis=0) trainLabels = np.append(trainLabels, file[2*i][1], axis=0) testImages = np.append(testImages, file[2*i+1][0], axis=0) testLabels = np.append(testLabels, file[2*i+1][1], axis=0) print "loaded dataset from ", filename return trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def get_PS_data(h5File=None, searchAllRes=False, res_nums=50): '''A function to read and write all resonator information so stop having to run the PSFit function on all resonators if running the script more than once. This is used on both the initial and inference file Inputs: h5File: the power sweep h5 file for the information to be extracted from. Can be initialFile or inferenceFile ''' print 'get_PS_data H5 file', h5File baseFile = ('.').join(h5File.split('.')[:-1]) PSPFile = baseFile[:-16] + '.pkl' print 'resNums', res_nums if os.path.isfile(PSPFile): file = [] with open(PSPFile, 'rb') as f: for v in range(5): file.append(pickle.load(f)) if searchAllRes: res_nums = -1 freqs = file[0][:res_nums] print 'freqshape get_PS_data', np.shape(freqs) iq_vels = file[1][:res_nums] Is = file[2][:res_nums] Qs= file[3][:res_nums] attens = file[4] else: PSFit = PSFitting(initialFile=h5File) PSFit.loadps() tot_res_nums= len(PSFit.freq) print 'totalResNums in getPSdata', tot_res_nums if searchAllRes: res_nums = tot_res_nums res_size = np.shape(PSFit.loadres()['iq_vels']) freqs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[1]+1)) iq_vels = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1])) Is = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) Qs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) attens = np.zeros((res_size[0])) for r in range(res_nums): sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (r+1,res_nums) ) sys.stdout.flush() res = PSFit.loadres() freqs[r,:] =res['freq'] iq_vels[r,:,:] = res['iq_vels'] Is[r,:,:] = res['Is'] Qs[r,:,:] = res['Qs'] attens[:] = res['attens'] PSFit.resnum += 1 with open(PSPFile, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(freqs, f) pickle.dump(iq_vels, f) pickle.dump(Is, f) pickle.dump(Qs, f) pickle.dump(attens, f) return freqs, iq_vels, Is, Qs, attens def get_PS_data_all_attens(h5File=None, searchAllRes=False, res_nums=50): '''A function to read and write all resonator information so stop having to run the PSFit function on all resonators if running the script more than once. This is used on both the initial and inference file Inputs: h5File: the power sweep h5 file for the information to be extracted from. Can be initialFile or inferenceFile ''' print 'get_PS_data_all_attens H5 file', h5File baseFile = ('.').join(h5File.split('.')[:-1]) PSPFile = baseFile[:-16] + '.pkl' print 'resNums', res_nums if os.path.isfile(PSPFile): file = [] with open(PSPFile, 'rb') as f: for v in range(5): file.append(pickle.load(f)) if searchAllRes: res_nums = -1 freqs = file[0][:] print 'freqshape get_PS_data', np.shape(freqs) iq_vels = file[1][:] Is = file[2][:] Qs= file[3][:] attens = file[4] else: freqs = file[0][:res_nums] print 'freqshape get_PS_data', np.shape(freqs) iq_vels = file[1][:res_nums] Is = file[2][:res_nums] Qs= file[3][:res_nums] attens = file[4] else: PSFit = PSFitting(initialFile=h5File) PSFit.loadps() tot_res_nums= len(PSFit.freq) print 'totalResNums in getPSdata', tot_res_nums if searchAllRes: res_nums = tot_res_nums res_size = np.shape(PSFit.loadres()['iq_vels']) freqs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[1]+1)) iq_vels = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1])) Is = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) Qs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) attens = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0])) for r in range(res_nums): sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (r+1,res_nums) ) sys.stdout.flush() res = PSFit.loadres() freqs[r,:] =res['freq'] iq_vels[r,:,:] = res['iq_vels'] Is[r,:,:] = res['Is'] Qs[r,:,:] = res['Qs'] attens[r,:] = res['attens'] PSFit.resnum += 1 with open(PSPFile, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(freqs, f) pickle.dump(iq_vels, f) pickle.dump(Is, f) pickle.dump(Qs, f) pickle.dump(attens, f) print 'attenshape',shape(attens) return freqs, iq_vels, Is, Qs, attens def main(initialFile=None, inferenceFile=None, wsFile=None, res_nums=497): mlClass = mlClassification(initialFile=initialFile) #mlClass.makeTrainData() mlClass.mlClass() mlClass.plotWeights() mlClass.findAtten(inferenceFile=inferenceFile, wsFile=wsFile, searchAllRes=True, usePSFit=False, showFrames=False, res_nums=497) if __name__ == "__main__": initialFile = None inferenceFile = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: initialFileName = sys.argv[1] inferenceFileName = sys.argv[2] wsFileName = sys.argv[3] #mdd = os.environ['pwd'] initialFile = os.path.join('./mlTrainingData',initialFileName) #inferenceFile = os.path.join(mdd,inferenceFileName) #initialFile = initialFileName inferenceFile = os.path.join('/home/neelay/DarknessData/powerSweeps', inferenceFileName) wsFile = os.path.join('/home/neelay/DarknessData/wideSweeps', wsFileName) else: print "need to specify an initial and inference filename located in MKID_DATA_DIR" exit() main(initialFile=initialFile, inferenceFile=inferenceFile, wsFile=wsFile)
from tables import * from numpy import * from lib.iqsweep import * class PSFile(): def __init__(self,fileName): self.openfile = fileName hd5File = openFile(fileName,mode='r') group = hd5File.getNode('/','r0') self.freq=empty(0,dtype='float32') for sweep in group._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): self.scale = k['scale'][0] #print "Scale factor is ", self.scale self.freq=append(self.freq,[k['f0'][0]]) hd5File.close() def loadres(self, resnum): self.resnum = resnum self.Res1=IQsweep() self.Res1.LoadPowers(str(self.openfile), 'r0', self.freq[self.resnum]) #self.ui.res_num.setText(str(self.resnum)) self.resfreq = self.resnum #self.ui.frequency.setText(str(self.resfreq)) self.NAttens = len(self.Res1.atten1s) self.res1_iq_vels=zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps-1)) self.res1_iq_amps=zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps)) for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): for i in range(1,self.Res1.fsteps-1): self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,i]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i-1])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i-1])**2) self.res1_iq_amps[iAtt,:]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt])**2) #Sort the IQ velocities for each attenuation, to pick out the maximums sorted_vels = sort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) #Last column is maximum values for each atten (row) self.res1_max_vels = sorted_vels[:,-1] #Second to last column has second highest value self.res1_max2_vels = sorted_vels[:,-2] #Also get indices for maximum of each atten, and second highest sort_indices = argsort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) max_indices = sort_indices[:,-1] max2_indices = sort_indices[:,-2] max_neighbor = max_indices.copy() #for each attenuation find the ratio of the maximum velocity to the second highest velocity self.res1_max_ratio = self.res1_max_vels.copy() max_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) max2_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) self.res1_max2_ratio = self.res1_max2_vels.copy() for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): if max_indices[iAtt] == 0: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1],self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1]) max_neighbors[iAtt]=max_neighbor self.res1_max_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max_vels[iAtt]/max_neighbor if max2_indices[iAtt] == 0: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max2_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max2_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1],self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1]) max2_neighbors[iAtt]=max2_neighbor self.res1_max2_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max2_vels[iAtt]/max2_neighbor #normalize the new arrays self.res1_max_vels /= max(self.res1_max_vels) self.res1_max_vels *= max(self.res1_max_ratio) self.res1_max2_vels /= max(self.res1_max2_vels) #self.res1_relative_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_relative_max_vels),self.res1_max_vels,'b.-',label='Max IQ velocity'),max_neighbors,'r.-'),self.res1_max_ratio,'k.-',label='Ratio (Max Vel)/(2nd Max Vel)')'attenuation'),self.res1_max2_vels-1,'b.-'),max2_neighbors-1,'b.-'),self.res1_max2_ratio-1,'g.-') #cid=self.ui.plot_1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.click_plot_1) #self.ui.plot_1.canvas.format_labels() #self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw() max_ratio_threshold = 1.5 guess_atten_idx = where(self.res1_max_ratio < max_ratio_threshold) rule_of_thumb_offset = 2 if size(guess_atten_idx) >= 1: if guess_atten_idx[0][0]+rule_of_thumb_offset < len(self.Res1.atten1s): guess_atten_idx[0][0] += rule_of_thumb_offset guess_atten = self.Res1.atten1s[guess_atten_idx[0][0]] print 'Guessing attenuation is ',guess_atten #self.select_atten(guess_atten) else: print 'Defaulting guess attenuation to center' #self.select_atten(self.Res1.atten1s[self.NAttens/2])
''' Author Rupert Dodkins A script to automate the identification of resonator attenuations normally performed by This is accomplished using Google's Tensor Flow machine learning package which implements a pattern recognition algorithm on the IQ velocity spectrum. The code implements a 2D image classification algorithm similar to the MNIST test. This code creates a 2D image from a 1D variable by populating a matrix of zeros with ones at the y location of each datapoint Usage: python 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1_20160712-225809.h5 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653.h5 Inputs: 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1.txt: list of resonator frequencies and correct attenuations 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1_20160712-225809.h5: corresponding powersweep file 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653.h5: powersweep file the user wishes to infer attenuations for Intermediaries: SDR/Setup/ps_peaks_train_w<x>_s<y>.pkl: images and corresponding labels used to train the algorithm Outputs: 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1.pkl: frequencies, IQ velocities, Is, Qs, attenuations formatted for quick use 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653-ml.txt: to be used with (temporary) 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos.txt: final list of frequencies and attenuations How it works: For each resonator and attenuation the script first assesses if the IQ loop appears saturated. If the unstaurated IQ velocity spectrum for that attenuation is compared with the pattern recognition machine. A list of attenuations for each resonator, where the loop is not saturated and the IQ velocity peak looks the correct shape, and the attenuation value is chosen which has the highest 2nd largest IQ velocity. This identifier was chosen because the optimum attenuation value has a high max IQ velocity and a low ratio of max IQ velocity to 2nd max IQ velocity which is equivalent to choosing the highest 2nd max IQ velocity. This list of attenuation values and frequencies are either fed to checked manually or dumped to ps_r118_FL1_b_pos.txt The machine learning algorithm requires a series of images to train and test the algorithm with. If they exist the image data will be loaded from a train pkl file Alternatively, if the user does not have a train pkl file but does have a powersweep file and corresponding list of resonator attenuations this should be used as the initial file and training data will be made. The 3 classes are an overpowered peak (saturated), peak with the correct amount of power, or an underpowered peak. These new image data will be saved as pkl files (or appened to existing pkl files) and reloaded The machine is then trained and its ability to predict the type of image is validated The weights used to make predictions for each class can be displayed using the plotWeights function to do: change training txt file freq comparison function so its able to match all frequencies ''' import os,sys,inspect from PSFit import * from lib.iqsweep import * import numpy as np import sys, os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import pickle import random import time import math from scipy import interpolate #removes visible depreciation warnings from lib.iqsweep import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") class PSFitting(): '''Class has been lifted from and modified to incorporate the machine learning algorithms from ''' def __init__(self, initialFile=None): self.initialFile = initialFile self.resnum = 0 def loadres(self): ''' Outputs Freqs: the span of frequencies for a given resonator iq_vels: the IQ velocities for all attenuations for a given resonator Is: the I component of the frequencies for a given resonator Qs: the Q component of the frequencies for a given resonator attens: the span of attenuations. The same for all resonators ''' self.Res1=IQsweep() self.Res1.LoadPowers(self.initialFile, 'r0', self.freq[self.resnum]) self.resfreq = self.freq[self.resnum] self.NAttens = len(self.Res1.atten1s) self.res1_iq_vels=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps-1)) self.res1_iq_amps=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps)) for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): for i in range(1,self.Res1.fsteps-1): self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,i]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i-1])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i-1])**2) self.res1_iq_amps[iAtt,:]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt])**2) #Sort the IQ velocities for each attenuation, to pick out the maximums sorted_vels = numpy.sort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) #Last column is maximum values for each atten (row) self.res1_max_vels = sorted_vels[:,-1] #Second to last column has second highest value self.res1_max2_vels = sorted_vels[:,-2] #Also get indices for maximum of each atten, and second highest sort_indices = numpy.argsort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) max_indices = sort_indices[:,-1] max2_indices = sort_indices[:,-2] max_neighbor = max_indices.copy() #for each attenuation find the ratio of the maximum velocity to the second highest velocity self.res1_max_ratio = self.res1_max_vels.copy() max_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) max2_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) self.res1_max2_ratio = self.res1_max2_vels.copy() for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): if max_indices[iAtt] == 0: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1], self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1]) max_neighbors[iAtt]=max_neighbor self.res1_max_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max_vels[iAtt]/max_neighbor if max2_indices[iAtt] == 0: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max2_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max2_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1], self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1]) max2_neighbors[iAtt]=max2_neighbor self.res1_max2_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max2_vels[iAtt]/max2_neighbor #normalize the new arrays self.res1_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max_vels) self.res1_max_vels *= numpy.max(self.res1_max_ratio) self.res1_max2_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max2_vels) max_ratio_threshold = 2.5#1.5 rule_of_thumb_offset = 1#2 # require ROTO adjacent elements to be all below the MRT bool_remove = np.ones(len(self.res1_max_ratio)) for ri in range(len(self.res1_max_ratio)-rule_of_thumb_offset-2): bool_remove[ri] = bool((self.res1_max_ratio[ri:ri+rule_of_thumb_offset+1]< max_ratio_threshold).all()) guess_atten_idx = np.extract(bool_remove,np.arange(len(self.res1_max_ratio))) # require the attenuation value to be past the initial peak in MRT guess_atten_idx = guess_atten_idx[where(guess_atten_idx > argmax(self.res1_max_ratio) )[0]] if size(guess_atten_idx) >= 1: if guess_atten_idx[0]+rule_of_thumb_offset < len(self.Res1.atten1s): guess_atten_idx[0] += rule_of_thumb_offset guess_atten_idx = int(guess_atten_idx[0]) else: guess_atten_idx = self.NAttens/2 return {'freq': self.Res1.freq, 'iq_vels': self.res1_iq_vels, 'Is': self.Res1.Is, 'Qs': self.Res1.Qs, 'attens':self.Res1.atten1s} def loadps(self): hd5file=openFile(self.initialFile,mode='r') group = hd5file.getNode('/','r0') self.freq=empty(0,dtype='float32') for sweep in group._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): self.scale = k['scale'][0] #print "Scale factor is ", self.scale self.freq=append(self.freq,[k['f0'][0]]) hd5file.close() class mlClassification(): def __init__(self, initialFile=None): ''' Implements the machine learning pattern recognition algorithm on IQ velocity data as well as other tests to choose the optimum attenuation for each resonator ''' self.nClass = 3 self.xWidth = 40#np.shape(res1_freqs[1]) self.scalexWidth = 0.5 self.oAttDist = -1 # rule of thumb attenuation steps to reach the overpowered peak #self.uAttDist = +2 # rule of thumb attenuation steps to reach the underpowed peak self.initialFile = initialFile self.baseFile = ('.').join(initialFile.split('.')[:-1]) self.PSFile = self.baseFile[:-16] + '.txt'#os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR']+'20160712/ps_FL1_1.txt' # power sweep fit, .txt self.trainFile = 'ps_peaks_train_w%i_s%.2f.pkl' % (self.xWidth, self.scalexWidth) self.trainFrac = 0.8 self.testFrac=1 - self.trainFrac def makeWindowImage(self, res_num, iAtten, xCenter, showFrames=False, test_if_noisy=False): '''Using a given x coordinate a frame is created at that location of size xWidth x xWidth, and then flattened into a 1d array. Called multiple times in each function. inputs xCenter: center location of frame in wavelength space res_num: index of resonator in question iAtten: index of attenuation in question self.scalexWidth: typical values: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 uses interpolation to put data from an xWidth x xWidth grid to a (xWidth/scalexWidth) x (xWidth/scalexWidth) grid. This allows the user to probe the spectrum using a smaller window while utilizing the higher resolution training data showFrames: pops up a window of the frame plotted using matplotlib.plot test_if_noisy: test spectrum by comparing heights of the outer quadrants to the center. A similar test to what the pattern recognition classification does ''' xWidth= self.xWidth start = int(xCenter - xWidth/2) end = int(xCenter + xWidth/2) scalexWidth = self.scalexWidth # for spectra where the peak is close enough to the edge that some points falls across the bounadry, pad zeros if start < 0: start_diff = abs(start) start = 0 iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.lib.pad(iq_vels, (start_diff,0), 'constant', constant_values=(0)) elif end >= np.shape(self.freqs)[1]: iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.lib.pad(iq_vels, (0,end-np.shape(self.freqs)[1]+1), 'constant', constant_values=(0)) else: iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.round(iq_vels * xWidth / max(self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, :]) ) if showFrames: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot( iq_vels) plt.ylim((0,xWidth)) plt.close() # interpolate iq_vels onto a finer grid if scalexWidth!=None: x = np.arange(0, xWidth+1) iq_vels = np.append(iq_vels, iq_vels[-1]) f = interpolate.interp1d(x, iq_vels) xnew = np.arange(0, xWidth, scalexWidth) iq_vels = f(xnew)/ scalexWidth xWidth = int(xWidth/scalexWidth) if test_if_noisy: peak_iqv = mean(iq_vels[int(xWidth/4): int(3*xWidth/4)]) nonpeak_indicies=np.delete(np.arange(xWidth),np.arange(int(xWidth/4),int(3*xWidth/4))) nonpeak_iqv = iq_vels[nonpeak_indicies] nonpeak_iqv = mean(nonpeak_iqv[np.where(nonpeak_iqv!=0)]) # since it spans a larger area noise_condition = 0.7 if (peak_iqv/nonpeak_iqv < noise_condition): return None # populates 2d image with ones at location of iq_vel image = np.zeros((xWidth, xWidth)) for i in range(xWidth-1): if iq_vels[i]>=xWidth: iq_vels[i] = xWidth-1 if iq_vels[i] < iq_vels[i+1]: image[int(iq_vels[i]):int(iq_vels[i+1]),i]=1 else: image[int(iq_vels[i]):int(iq_vels[i-1]),i]=1 if iq_vels[i] == iq_vels[i+1]: image[int(iq_vels[i]),i]=1 try: image[map(int,iq_vels), range(xWidth)]=1 except IndexError: pass image = image.flatten() return image def get_peak_idx(self,res_num,iAtten): return argmax(self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,:]) def makeTrainData(self): '''creates images of each class with associated labels and saves to pkl file 0: saturated peak, too much power 1: goldilocks, not too narrow or short 2: underpowered peak, too little power outputs train file.pkl. contains... trainImages: cube of size- xWidth * xWidth * xCenters*trainFrac trainLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*trainFrac testImages: cube of size- xWidth * xWidth * xCenters*testFrac testLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*testFrac ''' self.freqs, self.iq_vels,self.Is,self.Qs, self.attens = get_PS_data(h5File=initialFile) self.res_nums = np.shape(self.freqs)[0] if os.path.isfile(self.PSFile): print 'loading peak location data from %s' % self.PSFile PSFile = np.loadtxt(self.PSFile, skiprows=1)[:self.res_nums] opt_freqs = PSFile[:,0] opt_attens = PSFile[:,3] self.opt_iAttens = opt_attens -40 else: print 'no PS.txt file found' exit() good_res = np.arange(self.res_nums) i=0 for r in range(len(opt_freqs)): if r+i < len(opt_freqs): cen_freq = self.freqs[r+i,self.get_peak_idx(r+i,self.opt_iAttens[r])] s=0 while not np.isclose(cen_freq,opt_freqs[r],rtol=1e-03): i += 1 self.res_nums -= 1 good_res = np.delete(good_res,r) cen_freq = self.freqs[r+i,self.get_peak_idx(r+i,self.opt_iAttens[r])] s+= 1 if s>5: print "couldn't match frequencies after", r, "resonators" break if s>5: break iAttens = np.zeros((self.res_nums,self.nClass)) iAttens[:,0] = self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] + self.oAttDist iAttens[:,1] = self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] # goldilocks attenuation iAttens[:,2] = np.ones((self.res_nums))*20#self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] + self.uAttDist lb_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,0]<0)[0] if len(lb_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,lb_rej,axis=0) # when index is below zero good_res = np.delete(good_res,lb_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(lb_rej) ub_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,2]>len(self.attens))[0] if len(ub_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,ub_rej,axis=0) good_res = np.delete(good_res,ub_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(ub_rej) self.res_indicies = np.zeros((self.res_nums,self.nClass)) for i, rn in enumerate(good_res): self.res_indicies[i,0] = self.get_peak_idx(rn,iAttens[i,0]) self.res_indicies[i,1] = self.get_peak_idx(rn,iAttens[i,1]) self.res_indicies[i,2] = self.get_peak_idx(rn,iAttens[i,2]) self.iq_vels=self.iq_vels[good_res] self.freqs=self.freqs[good_res] self.Is = self.Is[good_res] self.Qs = self.Qs[good_res] trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = [], [], [], [] for c in range(self.nClass): for rn in range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums) ): image = self.makeWindowImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], xCenter=self.res_indicies[rn,c]) if image!=None: trainImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 trainLabels.append(one_hot) # A more simple way would be to separate the train and test data after they were read but this did not occur to me #before most of the code was written for c in range(self.nClass): for rn in range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums), int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums + self.testFrac*self.res_nums)) : image = self.makeWindowImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], xCenter=self.res_indicies[rn,c]) if image!=None: testImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 testLabels.append(one_hot) append = None if os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): append = raw_input('Do you want to append this training data to previous data [y/n]') if (append == 'y') or (os.path.isfile(self.trainFile)== False): print 'saving files %s & to %s' % (self.trainFile, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.trainFile)) ) with open(self.trainFile, 'ab') as tf: pickle.dump([trainImages, trainLabels], tf) pickle.dump([testImages, testLabels], tf) def mlClass(self): '''Code adapted from the tensor flow MNIST tutorial 1. Using training images and labels the machine learning class (mlClass) "learns" how to classify IQ velocity peaks. Using similar data the ability of mlClass to classify peaks is tested The training and test matricies are loaded from file (those made earlier if chosen to not be appended to file will not be used) ''' if not os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): self.makeTrainData() trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = loadPkl(self.trainFile) print 'Number of training images:', np.shape(trainImages)[0], ' Number of test images:', np.shape(testImages)[0] if self.scalexWidth != None: self.xWidth = self.xWidth/self.scalexWidth if np.shape(trainImages)[1]!=self.xWidth**2: print 'Please make new training images of the correct size' exit() self.nClass = np.shape(trainLabels)[1] self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.xWidth**2]) # correspond to the images self.W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.xWidth**2, self.nClass])) #the weights used to make predictions on classes self.b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.nClass])) # the biases also used to make class predictions self.y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(self.x, self.W) + self.b) # class lables predictions made from x,W,b y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nClass]) # true class lables identified by user cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_*tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(self.y,1e-10,1.0)) ) # find out how right you are by finding out how wrong you are train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) # the best result is when the wrongness is minimal init = tf.initialize_all_variables() self.sess = tf.Session() # need to do this everytime you want to access a tf variable (for example the true class labels calculation or plotweights) trainReps = 500 batches = 100 if np.shape(trainLabels)[0]< batches: batches = np.shape(trainLabels)[0]/2 print 'Performing', trainReps, 'training repeats, using batches of', batches for i in range(trainReps): #perform the training step using random batches of images and according labels batch_xs, batch_ys = next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batches), feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys}) #calculate train_step using feed_dict print 'true class labels: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:25] print 'class estimates: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:25] #1st 25 printed #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:100] # print the scores for each class correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1)) #which ones did it get right? accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) score =, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) * 100 print 'Accuracy of model in testing: ', score, '%' if score < 95: print 'Consider making more training images' del trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def plotWeights(self): '''creates a 2d map showing the positive and negative weights for each class''' weights = weights = np.reshape(weights,(self.xWidth,self.xWidth,self.nClass)) weights = np.flipud(weights) for nc in range(self.nClass): plt.imshow(weights[:,:, nc]) plt.title('class %i' % nc) plt.close() def checkLoopAtten(self, res_num, iAtten, showLoop=False, min_theta = 135, max_theta = 200, max_ratio_threshold = 1.5): '''function to check if the IQ loop at a certain attenuation is saturated. 3 checks are made. if the angle on either side of the sides connected to the longest edge is < min_theta or > max_theta the loop is saturated. Or if the ratio between the 1st and 2nd largest edge is > max_ratio_threshold. A True result means that the loop is unsaturated. Inputs: res_num: index of resonator in question iAtten: index of attenuation in question showLoop: pops up a window of the frame plotted using matplotlib.plot min/max_theta: limits outside of which the loop is considered saturated max_ratio_threshold: maximum largest/ 2nd largest IQ velocity allowed before loop is considered saturated Output: Boolean. True if unsaturated ''' vindx = (-self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,:]).argsort()[:3] max_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]]) low_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-2] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-2] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1]) upp_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]+1], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]+1]) theta1 = (math.pi + max_theta_vel - low_theta_vel)/math.pi * 180 theta2 = (math.pi + upp_theta_vel - max_theta_vel)/math.pi * 180 theta1 = abs(theta1) if theta1 > 360: theta1 = theta1-360 theta2= abs(theta2) if theta2 > 360: theta2 = theta2-360 max_ratio = self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]]/ self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[1]] if showLoop: plt.plot(self.Is[res_num,iAtten,:],self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,:]) return bool((max_theta >theta1 > min_theta) * (max_theta > theta2 > min_theta) * (max_ratio < max_ratio_threshold)) def findAtten(self, inferenceFile, res_nums =20, searchAllRes=True, showFrames = True, usePSFit=True): '''The trained machine learning class (mlClass) finds the optimum attenuation for each resonator using peak shapes in IQ velocity Inputs inferenceFile: widesweep data file to be used searchAllRes: if only a few resonator attenuations need to be identified set to False res_nums: if searchAllRes is False, the number of resonators the atteunation value will be estimated for usePSFit: if true once all the resonator attenuations have been estimated these values are fed into PSFit which opens the window where the user can manually check all the peaks have been found and make corrections if neccessary Outputs Goodfile: either immediately after the peaks have been located or through WideAna if useWideAna =True mlFile: temporary file read in to containing an attenuation estimate for each resonator ''' try: self.sess except AttributeError: print 'You have to train the model first' exit() if self.scalexWidth!= None: self.xWidth=self.xWidth*self.scalexWidth #reset ready for get_PS_data self.freqs, self.iq_vels, self.Is, self.Qs, self.attens = get_PS_data(h5File=inferenceFile, searchAllRes=searchAllRes, res_nums=res_nums) total_res_nums = np.shape(self.freqs)[0] if searchAllRes: res_nums = total_res_nums span = range(res_nums) self.inferenceLabels = np.zeros((res_nums,len(self.attens),self.nClass)) print 'Using trained algorithm on images on each resonator' skip = [] for i,rn in enumerate(span): sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (i+1,res_nums) ) sys.stdout.flush() for ia in range(len(self.attens)): # first check the loop for saturation nonsaturated_loop = self.checkLoopAtten(res_num=rn, iAtten= ia, showLoop=showFrames) if nonsaturated_loop: # each image is formatted into a single element of a list so can receive a single values dictionary # argument and save memory image = self.makeWindowImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= ia, xCenter=self.get_peak_idx(rn,ia), showFrames=showFrames) inferenceImage=[] inferenceImage.append(image) # inferenceImage is just reformatted image self.inferenceLabels[rn,ia,:] =, feed_dict={self.x: inferenceImage} ) del inferenceImage del image else: self.inferenceLabels[rn,ia,:] = [1,0,0] # would just skip these if certain if np.all(self.inferenceLabels[rn,:,1] ==0): # if all loops appear saturated for resonator then set attenuation to highest self.inferenceLabels[rn,-1,:] = [0,1,0] # or omit from list skip.append(rn) print '\n' max_2nd_vels = np.zeros((res_nums,len(self.attens))) for r in range(res_nums): for iAtten in range(len(self.attens)): vindx = (-self.iq_vels[r,iAtten,:]).argsort()[:2] max_2nd_vels[r,iAtten] = self.iq_vels[r,iAtten,vindx[1]] atten_guess=numpy.zeros((res_nums)) # choose attenuation where there is the maximum in the 2nd highest IQ velocity for r in range(res_nums): class_guess = np.argmax(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,:], 1) if np.any(class_guess==1): atten_guess[r] = np.where(class_guess==1)[0][argmax(max_2nd_vels[r,:][np.where(class_guess==1)[0]] )] else: atten_guess[r] = argmax(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,1]) if usePSFit: if skip != None: atten_guess = np.delete(atten_guess,skip) self.mlFile = ('.').join(inferenceFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '-ml.txt' if os.path.isfile(self.mlFile): self.mlFile = self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") #shutil.copy(self.mlFile, self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) print 'wrote', self.mlFile mlf = open(self.mlFile,'wb') #mlf machine learning file is temporary for ag in atten_guess: line = "%12d\n" % ag mlf.write(line) mlf.close() #on ubuntu 14.04 and matplotlib-1.5.1 backend 'Qt4Agg' running prior to this causes segmentation fault os.system("python 1") #os.remove(self.mlFile) else: baseFile = ('.').join(inferenceFile.split('.')[:-1]) saveFile = baseFile[:-16] + '.txt' sf = open(saveFile,'wb') #sf.write('1\t1\t1\t1 \n') for r in np.delete(range(len(atten_guess)),skip): line = "%10.9e \t %4i \n" % (self.freqs[r, self.get_peak_idx(r, atten_guess[r])], self.attens[atten_guess[r]] ) sf.write(line) sf.close() def next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batch_size): '''selects a random batch of batch_size from trainImages and trainLabels''' perm = random.sample(range(len(trainImages)), batch_size) trainImages = np.array(trainImages)[perm,:] trainLabels = np.array(trainLabels)[perm,:] return trainImages, trainLabels def loadPkl(filename): '''load the train and test data to train and test mlClass pkl file hirerachy is as follows: -The file is split in two, one side for train data and one side for test data -These halfs are further divdided into image data and labels -makeTrainData creates image data of size: xWidth * xWidth * res_nums and the label data of size: res_nums -each time makeTrainData is run a new image cube and label array is created and appended to the old data so the final size of the file is (xWidth * xWidth * res_nums * "no of train runs") + (res_nums * "no of train runs") + [the equivalent test data structure] A more simple way would be to separate the train and test data after they were read but this did not occur to the me before most of the code was written Input pkl filename to be read. Outputs image cube and label array ''' file =[] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: while 1: try: file.append(pickle.load(f)) except EOFError: break trainImages = file[0][0] trainLabels = file[0][1] testImages = file[1][0] testLabels = file[1][1] if np.shape(file)[0]/2 > 1: for i in range(1, np.shape(file)[0]/2-1): trainImages = np.append(trainImages, file[2*i][0], axis=0) trainLabels = np.append(trainLabels, file[2*i][1], axis=0) testImages = np.append(testImages, file[2*i+1][0], axis=0) testLabels = np.append(testLabels, file[2*i+1][1], axis=0) print "loaded dataset from ", filename return trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def get_PS_data(h5File=None, searchAllRes= False, res_nums=50): '''A function to read and write all resonator information so stop having to run the PSFit function on all resonators if running the script more than once. This is used on both the initial and inference file Inputs: h5File: the power sweep h5 file for the information to be extracted from. Can be initialFile or inferenceFile ''' baseFile = ('.').join(h5File.split('.')[:-1]) PSPFile = baseFile[:-16] + '.pkl' if os.path.isfile(PSPFile): file = [] with open(PSPFile, 'rb') as f: for v in range(5): file.append(pickle.load(f)) if searchAllRes: res_nums = -1 freqs = file[0][:res_nums] iq_vels = file[1][:res_nums] Is = file[2][:res_nums] Qs= file[3][:res_nums] attens = file[4] else: PSFit = PSFitting(initialFile=h5File) PSFit.loadps() tot_res_nums= len(PSFit.freq) if searchAllRes: res_nums = tot_res_nums res_size = np.shape(PSFit.loadres()['iq_vels']) freqs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[1]+1)) iq_vels = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1])) Is = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) Qs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) attens = np.zeros((res_size[0])) for r in range(res_nums): sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (r+1,res_nums) ) sys.stdout.flush() res = PSFit.loadres() freqs[r,:] =res['freq'] iq_vels[r,:,:] = res['iq_vels'] Is[r,:,:] = res['Is'] Qs[r,:,:] = res['Qs'] attens[:] = res['attens'] PSFit.resnum += 1 with open(PSPFile, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(freqs, f) pickle.dump(iq_vels, f) pickle.dump(Is, f) pickle.dump(Qs, f) pickle.dump(attens, f) return freqs, iq_vels, Is, Qs, attens def main(initialFile=None, inferenceFile=None, res_nums=50): mlClass = mlClassification(initialFile=initialFile) #mlClass.makeTrainData() mlClass.mlClass() mlClass.plotWeights() mlClass.findAtten(inferenceFile=inferenceFile, searchAllRes=False, usePSFit=False, showFrames=False, res_nums=50) if __name__ == "__main__": initialFile = None inferenceFile = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: initialFileName = sys.argv[1] inferenceFileName = sys.argv[2] mdd = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] initialFile = os.path.join(mdd,initialFileName) inferenceFile = os.path.join(mdd,inferenceFileName) else: print "need to specify an initial and inference filename located in MKID_DATA_DIR" exit() main(initialFile=initialFile, inferenceFile=inferenceFile)
import os import numpy import pylab as plt import sys #import matplotlib.mlab as mlab #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #with open('~data/20120812adr/FL1-ps_freq0.txt', 'r') as f: if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Usage: ',sys.argv[0],' zero-based roachNum' exit(1) roachNum = int(sys.argv[1]) #path='/home/sean/data/sci4alpha/' path = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] filename = 'ps_freq%d'%roachNum outfilename = filename + '-old' os.rename(os.path.join(path,filename+'.txt'),os.path.join(path,outfilename+'.txt')) numBin=20 data=numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(path,outfilename+'.txt')) print data[1:,3] print 'median: ', numpy.median(data[1:,3]) avg=numpy.mean(data[1:,3]) print 'average is: ', avg print 'min is: ', min(data[1:,3]) sig=numpy.std(data[1:,3]) print 'standard deviation: ',sig h=plt.hist(data[1:,3],bins=numBin) plt.xlabel('Attenuations') plt.ylabel('Number') plt.title('title') #plt.ion() #plt.draw() newData=data[1:,3] minAtten=input('Input min Attenuation: ') for i in range(len(newData)): if newData[i] < minAtten: #print newData[i] newData[i]=minAtten print newData h2=plt.hist(newData,bins=numBin) #plt.draw() #enter=input('Press any key to continue...') data[1:,3]=newData #numpy.savetxt(path+outfilename+'txt',data,delimiter='/t') outFn = os.path.join(path,filename+'.txt') print "save final answers to outFn=",outFn f=open(outFn,'w') f.write('\n\n') for i in range(len(data[1:,3])): #f.write(str((data[i,0],'\t',data[i,1],'\t',data[i,2],'\t',data[i,3]))) f.write(str(data[i,0])) f.write('\t') f.write(str(int(data[i,1]))) f.write('\t') f.write(str(int(data[i,2]))) f.write('\t') f.write(str(int(data[i,3]))) f.write('\n') f.close() #numpy.savetxt('testReaddata.txt',[[4,2,3,4],[8,6,7,8],[29,23,25,27]],fmt=['%f','%d','%d','%d'],delimiter='\t')
#----------------------------------- # # # Given IQ sweeps at various powers of resonators, this program chooses the best resonant frequency and power # ---------------------------------- # # Chris S: # # select_atten was being called multiple times after clicking on a point in plot_1. # inside of select_atten, the call to self.ui.atten.setValue(self.atten) triggered # another call to select_atten since it is a slot. # # So, instead of calling select_atten directly, call self.ui.atten.setValue(round(attenuation)) when # you want to call select_atten, and do not call this setValue inside select_atten. # # Near line 68, set the frequency instead of the index to the frequency. # # Implemented a v2 gui that fits in a small screen. # Run this program with no arguments to get the "classic" look. # Run this progam with any variable to get the "new" look. The values of arguments are ignored. #import standard python libraries import sys import time import struct import os from os.path import isfile #import installed libraries from matplotlib import pylab from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from numpy import * import numpy from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from tables import * #import my functions #from make_image_v2 import make_image as make_image_import from lib.iqsweep import * class StartQt4(QMainWindow): def __init__(self,parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.atten = -1 self.ui.atten.setValue(self.atten) self.resnum = 0 self.indx=0 QObject.connect(self.ui.open_browse, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.open_dialog) QObject.connect(self.ui.save_browse, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.save_dialog) QObject.connect(self.ui.atten, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.setnewatten) QObject.connect(self.ui.savevalues, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.savevalues) QObject.connect(self.ui.jumptores, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.jumptores) def open_dialog(self): self.openfile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent=None, caption=QString(str("Choose PS File")),directory = ".",filter=QString(str("H5 (*.h5)"))) self.ui.open_filename.setText(str(self.openfile)) self.loadps() def save_dialog(self): self.savefile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent=None, caption=QString(str("Choose Save File")),directory = ".") self.ui.save_filename.setText(str(self.savefile)) self.f = open(str(self.savefile), 'a') self.f.close() def loadres(self): self.Res1=IQsweep() self.Res1.LoadPowers(str(self.openfile), 'r0', self.freq[self.resnum]) self.ui.res_num.setText(str(self.resnum)) self.resfreq = self.freq[self.resnum] self.ui.frequency.setText(str(self.resfreq)) self.NAttens = len(self.Res1.atten1s) self.res1_iq_vels=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps-1)) self.res1_iq_amps=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps)) for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): for i in range(1,self.Res1.fsteps-1): self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,i]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i-1])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i-1])**2) self.res1_iq_amps[iAtt,:]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt])**2) #Sort the IQ velocities for each attenuation, to pick out the maximums sorted_vels = numpy.sort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) #Last column is maximum values for each atten (row) self.res1_max_vels = sorted_vels[:,-1] #Second to last column has second highest value self.res1_max2_vels = sorted_vels[:,-2] #Also get indices for maximum of each atten, and second highest sort_indices = numpy.argsort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) max_indices = sort_indices[:,-1] max2_indices = sort_indices[:,-2] max_neighbor = max_indices.copy() #for each attenuation find the ratio of the maximum velocity to the second highest velocity self.res1_max_ratio = self.res1_max_vels.copy() max_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) max2_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) self.res1_max2_ratio = self.res1_max2_vels.copy() for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): if max_indices[iAtt] == 0: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1],self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1]) max_neighbors[iAtt]=max_neighbor self.res1_max_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max_vels[iAtt]/max_neighbor if max2_indices[iAtt] == 0: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max2_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max2_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1],self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1]) max2_neighbors[iAtt]=max2_neighbor self.res1_max2_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max2_vels[iAtt]/max2_neighbor #normalize the new arrays self.res1_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max_vels) self.res1_max_vels *= numpy.max(self.res1_max_ratio) self.res1_max2_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max2_vels) #self.res1_relative_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_relative_max_vels),self.res1_max_vels,'b.-',label='Max IQ velocity'),max_neighbors,'r.-'),self.res1_max_ratio,'k.-',label='Ratio (Max Vel)/(2nd Max Vel)')'attenuation'),self.res1_max2_vels-1,'b.-'),max2_neighbors-1,'b.-'),self.res1_max2_ratio-1,'g.-') # Chris S: seems that button_press_event causes click_plot_1 to be called more than once sometimes. cid=self.ui.plot_1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.click_plot_1) #cid=self.ui.plot_1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.click_plot_1) #self.ui.plot_1.canvas.format_labels() self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw() max_ratio_threshold = 1.5 rule_of_thumb_offset = 2 mlFile = ('.').join(str(self.openfile).split('.')[:-1])+"-ml.txt" if os.path.isfile(mlFile): # update: use machine learning peak loacations if they've been made print 'loading attenuation predictions from', mlFile guess_atten_idx = np.loadtxt(mlFile)[self.resnum] #print guess_atten_idx guess_atten = self.Res1.atten1s[guess_atten_idx] self.select_atten(guess_atten) self.ui.atten.setValue(round(guess_atten)) else: # require ROTO adjacent elements to be all below the MRT bool_remove = np.ones(len(self.res1_max_ratio)) for ri in range(len(self.res1_max_ratio)-rule_of_thumb_offset-2): bool_remove[ri] = bool((self.res1_max_ratio[ri:ri+rule_of_thumb_offset+1]< max_ratio_threshold).all()) guess_atten_idx = np.extract(bool_remove,np.arange(len(self.res1_max_ratio))) # require the attenuation value to be past the initial peak in MRT guess_atten_idx = guess_atten_idx[where(guess_atten_idx > argmax(self.res1_max_ratio) )[0]] if size(guess_atten_idx) >= 1: if guess_atten_idx[0]+rule_of_thumb_offset < len(self.Res1.atten1s): guess_atten_idx[0] += rule_of_thumb_offset guess_atten = self.Res1.atten1s[guess_atten_idx[0]] self.select_atten(guess_atten) self.ui.atten.setValue(round(guess_atten)) else: self.select_atten(self.Res1.atten1s[self.NAttens/2]) self.ui.atten.setValue(round(self.Res1.atten1s[self.NAttens/2])) def guess_res_freq(self): guess_idx = argmax(self.res1_iq_vels[self.iAtten]) print 'guess idx', guess_idx #The longest edge is identified, choose which vertex of the edge #is the resonant frequency by checking the neighboring edges #len(IQ_vels[ch]) == len(f_span)-1, so guess_idx is the index #of the lower frequency vertex of the longest edge if guess_idx-1 < 0 or self.res1_iq_vel[guess_idx-1] < self.res1_iq_vel[guess_idx+1]: iNewResFreq = guess_idx else: iNewResFreq = guess_idx-1 guess = self.Res1.freq[iNewResFreq] print 'Guessing resonant freq at ',guess,' for self.iAtten=',self.iAtten self.select_freq(guess) def loadps(self): hd5file=openFile(str(self.openfile),mode='r') group = hd5file.getNode('/','r0') self.freq=empty(0,dtype='float32') for sweep in group._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): self.scale = k['scale'][0] #print "Scale factor is ", self.scale self.freq=append(self.freq,[k['f0'][0]]) #self.freqList = np.zeros(len(k['f0'])) #self.attenList = np.zeros(len(self.freqList)) - 1 self.freqList = np.zeros(2000) self.attenList = np.zeros(len(self.freqList)) - 1 hd5file.close() self.loadres() def on_press(self, event): self.select_freq(event.xdata) def click_plot_1(self, event): #Chris. self.select_atten(event.xdata) self.ui.atten.setValue(round(event.xdata)) def select_freq(self,freq): self.resfreq = freq self.ui.frequency.setText(str(self.resfreq))[self.indx],self.res1_iq_vel[self.indx],'bo')[self.indx],self.Res1.Q[self.indx],'bo') self.indx= where(self.Res1.freq >= self.resfreq)[0][0][self.indx],self.res1_iq_vel[self.indx],'ro') self.ui.plot_2.canvas.draw()[self.indx],self.Res1.Q[self.indx],'ro') self.ui.plot_3.canvas.draw() def select_atten(self,attenuation): if self.atten != -1: attenIndex = where(self.Res1.atten1s == self.atten) if size(attenIndex) >= 1: self.iAtten = attenIndex[0][0],self.res1_max_ratio[self.iAtten],'ko'),self.res1_max_vels[self.iAtten],'bo') self.atten = round(attenuation) attenIndex = where(self.Res1.atten1s == self.atten) if size(attenIndex) != 1: print "Atten value is not in file" return self.iAtten = attenIndex[0][0] self.res1_iq_vel = self.res1_iq_vels[self.iAtten,:] self.Res1.I=self.Res1.Is[self.iAtten] self.Res1.Q=self.Res1.Qs[self.iAtten] self.Res1.Icen=self.Res1.Icens[self.iAtten] self.Res1.Qcen=self.Res1.Qcens[self.iAtten],self.res1_max_ratio[self.iAtten],'ro'),self.res1_max_vels[self.iAtten],'ro') self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw() #Chris S self.ui.atten.setValue(self.atten) self.makeplots() self.guess_res_freq() def makeplots(self): try: #Plot transmission magnitudeds as a function of frequency for this resonator,res1_iq_amp,'.-') #self.ui.plot_1.canvas.format_labels() #self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw()'frequency (GHz)')'IQ velocity')[:-1],self.res1_iq_vel,'b.-') if self.iAtten > 0:[:-1],self.res1_iq_vels[self.iAtten-1],'g.-')[-1].set_alpha(.7) if self.iAtten > 1:[:-1],self.res1_iq_vels[self.iAtten-2],'g.-')[-1].set_alpha(.3) cid=self.ui.plot_2.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press) self.ui.plot_2.canvas.draw() if self.iAtten >0:[self.iAtten-1],self.Res1.Qs[self.iAtten-1],'g.-') #print self.Res1.Is[self.iAtten-1], np.shape(self.Res1.Is[self.iAtten-1])[0].set_alpha(.6) if self.iAtten > 1:[self.iAtten-2],self.Res1.Qs[self.iAtten-2],'g.-')[-1].set_alpha(.3),self.Res1.Q,'.-') #self.ui.plot_3.canvas.format_labels() print 'makeplots' self.ui.plot_3.canvas.draw() except IndexError: self.f.close() print "reached end of resonator list, saving file" print "closing GUI" sys.exit() def jumptores(self): try: self.atten = -1 self.resnum = self.ui.jumptonum.value() self.resfreq = self.resnum self.loadres() except IndexError: print "Res value out of bounds." self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw() self.ui.plot_2.canvas.draw() self.ui.plot_3.canvas.draw() def setnewatten(self): #Chris S.: this is the only place that select_atten should be called. self.select_atten(self.ui.atten.value()) def savevalues(self): #if self.resnum == 0: # self.f = open(str(self.savefile), 'a') # self.f.write(str(self.scale)+'\t'+str(self.scale)+'\t'+str(self.scale)+'\t'+str(self.scale)+'\n') # self.f.close() #Icen=0 #Qcen=0 self.freqList[self.resnum] = self.resfreq self.attenList[self.resnum] = self.atten data = np.transpose([self.freqList[np.where(self.attenList >=0)], self.attenList[np.where(self.attenList >=0)]]) try: dataCurrent = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(str(self.savefile))) data = np.append(dataCurrent,data,axis=0) except: pass numpy.savetxt(str(self.savefile), data, "%10.9e %4i") #self.f = open(str(self.savefile), 'a') #self.f.write(str(self.resfreq)+'\t'+str(Icen)+'\t'+str(Qcen)+'\t'+str(self.atten)+'\n') #self.f.write(str(self.resfreq)+'\t'+str(self.atten)+'\n') #self.f.close() print " ....... Saved to file: resnum=",self.resnum," resfreq=",self.resfreq," atten=",self.atten self.resnum += 1 self.atten = -1 self.loadres() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: from lib.PSFit_GUI_v2 import Ui_MainWindow else: from lib.PSFit_GUI import Ui_MainWindow app = QApplication(sys.argv) myapp = StartQt4() app.exec_()
''' 90'%' accuracy sometimes and 50'%' exact attenuation choice 4 hidden layers. 2 pools 3 classes (like the original) To do: Could try just overpower and normal seeing as that's all you care about and then use the 2nd max to find optimal Have it plot missed resonators to dientify why it's missing them Read up on CNN if you have to Make it do loop test automatically without having to do 2012 2012 in command line Author Rupert Dodkins A script to automate the identification of resonator attenuations normally performed by This is accomplished using Google's Tensor Flow machine learning package which implements a pattern recognition algorithm on the IQ velocity spectrum. The code implements a 2D image classification algorithm similar to the MNIST test. This code creates a 2D image from a 1D variable by populating a matrix of zeros with ones at the y location of each datapoint Usage: python 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1_20160712-225809.h5 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653.h5 Inputs: 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1.txt: list of resonator frequencies and correct attenuations 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1_20160712-225809.h5: corresponding powersweep file 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653.h5: powersweep file the user wishes to infer attenuations for Intermediaries: SDR/Setup/ps_peaks_train_w<x>_s<y>.pkl: images and corresponding labels used to train the algorithm Outputs: 20160712/ps_r115_FL1_1.pkl: frequencies, IQ velocities, Is, Qs, attenuations formatted for quick use 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos_20160720-231653-ml.txt: to be used with (temporary) 20160720/ps_r118_FL1_b_pos.txt: final list of frequencies and attenuations How it works: For each resonator and attenuation the script first assesses if the IQ loop appears saturated. If the unstaurated IQ velocity spectrum for that attenuation is compared with the pattern recognition machine. A list of attenuations for each resonator, where the loop is not saturated and the IQ velocity peak looks the correct shape, and the attenuation value is chosen which has the highest 2nd largest IQ velocity. This identifier was chosen because the optimum attenuation value has a high max IQ velocity and a low ratio of max IQ velocity to 2nd max IQ velocity which is equivalent to choosing the highest 2nd max IQ velocity. This list of attenuation values and frequencies are either fed to checked manually or dumped to ps_r118_FL1_b_pos.txt The machine learning algorithm requires a series of images to train and test the algorithm with. If they exist the image data will be loaded from a train pkl file Alternatively, if the user does not have a train pkl file but does have a powersweep file and corresponding list of resonator attenuations this should be used as the initial file and training data will be made. The 3 classes are an overpowered peak (saturated), peak with the correct amount of power, or an underpowered peak. These new image data will be saved as pkl files (or appened to existing pkl files) and reloaded The machine is then trained and its ability to predict the type of image is validated The weights used to make predictions for each class can be displayed using the plotWeights function to do: change training txt file freq comparison function so its able to match all frequencies ''' import os,sys,inspect from PSFit import * from lib.iqsweep import * import numpy as np import sys, os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import pickle import random import time import math from scipy import interpolate np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) #removes visible depreciation warnings from lib.iqsweep import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") class PSFitting(): '''Class has been lifted from and modified to incorporate the machine learning algorithms from ''' def __init__(self, initialFile=None): self.initialFile = initialFile self.resnum = 0 def loadres(self): ''' Outputs Freqs: the span of frequencies for a given resonator iq_vels: the IQ velocities for all attenuations for a given resonator Is: the I component of the frequencies for a given resonator Qs: the Q component of the frequencies for a given resonator attens: the span of attenuations. The same for all resonators ''' self.Res1=IQsweep() self.Res1.LoadPowers(self.initialFile, 'r0', self.freq[self.resnum]) self.resfreq = self.freq[self.resnum] self.NAttens = len(self.Res1.atten1s) self.res1_iq_vels=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps-1)) self.res1_iq_amps=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps)) for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): for i in range(1,self.Res1.fsteps-1): self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,i]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i-1])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i-1])**2) self.res1_iq_amps[iAtt,:]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt])**2) #Sort the IQ velocities for each attenuation, to pick out the maximums sorted_vels = numpy.sort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) #Last column is maximum values for each atten (row) self.res1_max_vels = sorted_vels[:,-1] #Second to last column has second highest value self.res1_max2_vels = sorted_vels[:,-2] #Also get indices for maximum of each atten, and second highest sort_indices = numpy.argsort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) max_indices = sort_indices[:,-1] max2_indices = sort_indices[:,-2] max_neighbor = max_indices.copy() #for each attenuation find the ratio of the maximum velocity to the second highest velocity self.res1_max_ratio = self.res1_max_vels.copy() max_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) max2_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) self.res1_max2_ratio = self.res1_max2_vels.copy() for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): if max_indices[iAtt] == 0: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1], self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1]) max_neighbors[iAtt]=max_neighbor self.res1_max_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max_vels[iAtt]/max_neighbor if max2_indices[iAtt] == 0: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max2_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max2_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1], self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1]) max2_neighbors[iAtt]=max2_neighbor self.res1_max2_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max2_vels[iAtt]/max2_neighbor #normalize the new arrays self.res1_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max_vels) self.res1_max_vels *= numpy.max(self.res1_max_ratio) self.res1_max2_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max2_vels) max_ratio_threshold = 2.5#1.5 rule_of_thumb_offset = 1#2 # require ROTO adjacent elements to be all below the MRT bool_remove = np.ones(len(self.res1_max_ratio)) for ri in range(len(self.res1_max_ratio)-rule_of_thumb_offset-2): bool_remove[ri] = bool((self.res1_max_ratio[ri:ri+rule_of_thumb_offset+1]< max_ratio_threshold).all()) guess_atten_idx = np.extract(bool_remove,np.arange(len(self.res1_max_ratio))) # require the attenuation value to be past the initial peak in MRT guess_atten_idx = guess_atten_idx[where(guess_atten_idx > argmax(self.res1_max_ratio) )[0]] if size(guess_atten_idx) >= 1: if guess_atten_idx[0]+rule_of_thumb_offset < len(self.Res1.atten1s): guess_atten_idx[0] += rule_of_thumb_offset guess_atten_idx = int(guess_atten_idx[0]) else: guess_atten_idx = self.NAttens/2 return {'freq': self.Res1.freq, 'iq_vels': self.res1_iq_vels, 'Is': self.Res1.Is, 'Qs': self.Res1.Qs, 'attens':self.Res1.atten1s} def loadps(self): hd5file=openFile(self.initialFile,mode='r') group = hd5file.getNode('/','r0') self.freq=empty(0,dtype='float32') for sweep in group._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): self.scale = k['scale'][0] #print "Scale factor is ", self.scale self.freq=append(self.freq,[k['f0'][0]]) hd5file.close() class mlClassification(): def __init__(self, initialFile=None): ''' Implements the machine learning pattern recognition algorithm on IQ velocity data as well as other tests to choose the optimum attenuation for each resonator ''' self.nClass = 3 self.xWidth = 40#np.shape(res1_freqs[1]) self.scalexWidth = 1 self.oAttDist = -1 # rule of thumb attenuation steps to reach the overpowered peak #self.uAttDist = +2 # rule of thumb attenuation steps to reach the underpowed peak self.initialFile = initialFile self.baseFile = ('.').join(initialFile.split('.')[:-1]) self.PSFile = self.baseFile[:-16] + '.txt'#os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR']+'20160712/ps_FL1_1.txt' # power sweep fit, .txt self.mldir = './machine_learning_metadata/' self.trainFile = 'ps_peaks_train_iqv_mag_c%i.pkl' % (self.nClass) print self.trainFile self.trainFrac = 0.9 self.testFrac=1 - self.trainFrac def makeResImage(self, res_num, iAtten, angle=0, phase_normalise=False, showFrames=False, test_if_noisy=False): '''Creates a table with 2 rows, I and Q for makeTrainData(mag_data=True) inputs res_num: index of resonator in question iAtten: index of attenuation in question self.scalexWidth: typical values: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 uses interpolation to put data from an xWidth x xWidth grid to a (xWidth/scalexWidth) x (xWidth/scalexWidth) grid. This allows the user to probe the spectrum using a smaller window while utilizing the higher resolution training data angle: angle of rotation about the origin (radians) showFrames: pops up a window of the frame plotted using matplotlib.plot ''' xWidth= self.xWidth scalexWidth = self.scalexWidth xCenter = self.get_peak_idx(res_num,iAtten) start = int(xCenter - xWidth/2) end = int(xCenter + xWidth/2) # plt.plot(self.Is[res_num,iAtten], self.Qs[res_num,iAtten]) # # for spectra where the peak is close enough to the edge that some points falls across the bounadry, pad zeros if start < 0: start_diff = abs(start) start = 0 iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.lib.pad(iq_vels, (start_diff,0), 'constant', constant_values=(0)) Is = self.Is[res_num,iAtten,start:end] Is = np.lib.pad(Is, (start_diff,0), 'constant', constant_values=(Is[0])) Qs = self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,start:end] Qs = np.lib.pad(Qs, (start_diff,0), 'constant', constant_values=(Qs[0])) elif end >= np.shape(self.freqs)[1]: iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] iq_vels = np.lib.pad(iq_vels, (0,end-np.shape(self.freqs)[1]+1), 'constant', constant_values=(0)) Is = self.Is[res_num,iAtten,start:end] Is = np.lib.pad(Is, (0,end-np.shape(self.freqs)[1]), 'constant', constant_values=(Is[-1])) Qs = self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,start:end] Qs = np.lib.pad(Qs, (0,end-np.shape(self.freqs)[1]), 'constant', constant_values=(Qs[-1])) else: iq_vels = self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, start:end] Is = self.Is[res_num,iAtten,start:end] Qs = self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,start:end] #iq_vels = np.round(iq_vels * xWidth / max(self.iq_vels[res_num, iAtten, :]) ) iq_vels = iq_vels / np.amax(self.iq_vels[res_num, :, :]) # interpolate iq_vels onto a finer grid if scalexWidth!=None: x = np.arange(0, xWidth+1) iq_vels = np.append(iq_vels, iq_vels[-1]) f = interpolate.interp1d(x, iq_vels) xnew = np.arange(0, xWidth, scalexWidth) iq_vels = f(xnew)/ scalexWidth Is = np.append(Is, Is[-1]) f = interpolate.interp1d(x, Is) Is = f(xnew)/ scalexWidth Qs = np.append(Qs, Qs[-1]) f = interpolate.interp1d(x, Qs) Qs = f(xnew)/ scalexWidth xWidth = int(xWidth/scalexWidth) # if test_if_noisy: # peak_iqv = mean(iq_vels[int(xWidth/4): int(3*xWidth/4)]) # nonpeak_indicies=np.delete(np.arange(xWidth),np.arange(int(xWidth/4),int(3*xWidth/4))) # nonpeak_iqv = iq_vels[nonpeak_indicies] # nonpeak_iqv = mean(nonpeak_iqv[np.where(nonpeak_iqv!=0)]) # since it spans a larger area # noise_condition = 1.5#0.7 # if (peak_iqv/nonpeak_iqv < noise_condition): # return None res_mag = math.sqrt(np.amax(self.Is[res_num, :, :]**2 + self.Qs[res_num, :, :]**2)) Is = Is / res_mag Qs = Qs / res_mag # Is = Is /np.amax(self.iq_vels[res_num, :, :]) # Qs = Qs /np.amax(self.iq_vels[res_num, :, :]) # Is = Is /np.amax(self.Is[res_num, :, :]) # Qs = Qs /np.amax(self.Qs[res_num, :, :]) # print Is[::5] # print Qs[::5] if phase_normalise: #mags = Qs**2 + Is**2 #mags = map(lambda x: math.sqrt(x), mags)#map(lambda x,y:x+y, a,b) #peak_idx = self.get_peak_idx(res_num,iAtten) peak_idx =argmax(iq_vels) #min_idx = argmin(mags) phase_orig = math.atan2(Qs[peak_idx],Is[peak_idx]) #phase_orig = math.atan2(Qs[min_idx],Is[min_idx]) angle = -phase_orig rotMatrix = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(angle), -numpy.sin(angle)], [numpy.sin(angle), numpy.cos(angle)]]) Is,Qs =,[Is,Qs]) if showFrames: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,figsize=(15.0, 5.0)) fig.add_subplot(131) plt.plot(iq_vels) plt.ylim(0,1) fig.add_subplot(132) plt.plot(Is) plt.plot(Qs) fig.add_subplot(133) plt.plot(Is,Qs) plt.close() image = np.zeros((3,len(Is))) image[0,:] = Is image[1,:] = Qs image[2,:] = iq_vels image = image.flatten() # image = np.append(Is,Qs,axis=0) #print np.shape(image) return image def get_peak_idx(self,res_num,iAtten): return argmax(self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,:]) def makeTrainData(self): '''creates 1d arrays using makeWindowImage of each class with associated labels and saves to pkl file 0: saturated peak, too much power 1: goldilocks, not too narrow or short 2: underpowered peak, too little power or if plotting IQ mags (mag_data==True) outputs train file.pkl. contains... trainImages: table of size- xWidth * xCenters*trainFrac trainLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*trainFrac testImages: table of size- xWidth * xCenters*testFrac testLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*testFrac creates the training data to be passed to function mlClass. For each resonator and attenuation a 2 x num_freqs table is created with associated labels and saves to pkl file -3 : -2: : -1: slightly saturated too much power 0: goldilocks, not too narrow or short 1: underpowered peak, too little power 2: : 3: : ''' self.freqs, self.iq_vels,self.Is,self.Qs, self.attens = get_PS_data(h5File=initialFile) self.res_nums = np.shape(self.freqs)[0] # if mag_data==True: # #self.trainFile = self.trainFile.split('.')[0]+'_mag.pkl' # print self.trainFile, 'self.trainFile' # self.nClass =3 if os.path.isfile(self.PSFile): print 'loading peak location data from %s' % self.PSFile PSFile = np.loadtxt(self.PSFile, skiprows=1)[:self.res_nums] opt_freqs = PSFile[:,0] opt_attens = PSFile[:,3] self.opt_iAttens = opt_attens -min(self.attens) else: print 'no PS.txt file found' exit() print len(opt_freqs) all_freqs = np.around(self.freqs, decimals=-4) opt_freqs = np.around(opt_freqs, decimals=-4) good_res = np.arange(self.res_nums) a=0 # index to remove values from all_freqs b = 0 # backtrack on g when good freqs can't be used # g index for the good freqs bad_opt_res = [] for g in range(len(opt_freqs)-2): #print r, i, opt_freqs[r], round_freqs[i,:]# map(lambda x,y:x+y, a,b) while opt_freqs[g] not in all_freqs[a,:]: if opt_freqs[g] not in all_freqs[a:a+5,:]: # if in the next 5 rows of all_freqs then ignore good_freqs #print 'ignoring frequency value from optimum file' a -= 1 # cancels the index incrementing b -= 1 # g is used to remove from good_res but g has incremented and i is stationary bad_opt_res.append(g) break good_res = np.delete(good_res,g+b) # identify this value of all_freqs as bad by removing from list a += 1 # keep incrementing until opt_freqs matches good_freqs #print g,a,a-g, len(good_res), b # see how well the two data match a += 1 # as g increments so does a # attDist = np.arange(-2,3,2) attDist = np.arange(-2,1,2) print attDist bad_opt_res.append(len(opt_freqs)-2) bad_opt_res.append(len(opt_freqs)-1) bad_opt_res.append(len(opt_freqs)) print 'bad_opt_res', np.shape(bad_opt_res) iAttens = np.zeros((len(good_res),self.nClass)) # for i in range(self.nClass-1): # iAttens[:,i] = np.delete(self.opt_iAttens,bad_opt_res) + attDist[i] # print len(self.attens) # iAttens[:,2] = np.ones((len(good_res)))*len(self.attens)-1#self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] + self.uAttDist self.opt_iAttens = np.delete(self.opt_iAttens,bad_opt_res) for ia in range(len(self.opt_iAttens)): attDist = int(np.random.normal(2, 1, 1)) if attDist <1: attDist = 2 iAttens[ia,0] = self.opt_iAttens[ia] - attDist iAttens[ia,1] = self.opt_iAttens[ia] + attDist iAttens[:,1] = self.opt_iAttens # print np.where(self.opt_iAttens==0) print np.shape(iAttens) print iAttens[:10] self.res_nums = len(good_res) lb_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,0]<0)[0] if len(lb_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,lb_rej,axis=0) # when index is below zero print len(iAttens) good_res = np.delete(good_res,lb_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(lb_rej) ub_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,2]>len(self.attens))[0] if len(ub_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,ub_rej,axis=0) print len(iAttens) good_res = np.delete(good_res,ub_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(ub_rej) # self.res_indicies = np.zeros((self.res_nums,self.nClass)) # for c in range(self.nClass): # for i, rn in enumerate(good_res): # self.res_indicies[i,c] = self.get_peak_idx(rn,iAttens[i,c]) self.iq_vels=self.iq_vels[good_res] self.freqs=self.freqs[good_res] self.Is = self.Is[good_res] self.Qs = self.Qs[good_res] #class_steps = 300 trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = [], [], [], [] # num_rotations = 3 # angle = np.arange(0,2*math.pi,2*math.pi/num_rotations) train_ind = np.array(map(int,np.linspace(0,self.res_nums-1,self.res_nums*self.trainFrac))) print type(train_ind), len(train_ind) test_ind=[] np.array([test_ind.append(el) for el in range(self.res_nums) if el not in train_ind]) print type(test_ind), len(test_ind) print train_ind[:10], test_ind[:10] test_if_noisy = False for c in range(self.nClass): if c ==2: test_if_noisy = False for rn in train_ind:#range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums)): # for t in range(num_rotations): # image = self.makeResImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], angle=angle[t],showFrames=False, # test_if_noisy=test_if_noisy, xCenter=self.res_indicies[rn,c]) image = self.makeResImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], phase_normalise=True ,showFrames=False) if image!=None: trainImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 trainLabels.append(one_hot) print self.res_nums test_if_noisy = False for c in range(self.nClass): if c ==2: test_if_noisy = False for rn in test_ind:#range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums), int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums + self.testFrac*self.res_nums)): image = self.makeResImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], phase_normalise=True) if image!=None: testImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 testLabels.append(one_hot) append = None if os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): append = raw_input('Do you want to append this training data to previous data [y/n]') if (append == 'n'): self.trainFile = self.trainFile.split('-')[0]+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") if (append == 'y') or (os.path.isfile(self.trainFile)== False): print 'saving %s to %s' % (self.trainFile, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.trainFile)) ) with open(self.trainFile, 'ab') as tf: pickle.dump([trainImages, trainLabels], tf) pickle.dump([testImages, testLabels], tf) def mlClass(self): '''Code adapted from the tensor flow MNIST tutorial 1. Using training images and labels the machine learning class (mlClass) "learns" how to classify IQ velocity peaks. Using similar data the ability of mlClass to classify peaks is tested The training and test matricies are loaded from file (those made earlier if chosen to not be appended to file will not be used) ''' print self.trainFile if not os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): self.makeTrainData() trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = loadPkl(self.trainFile) print np.sum(trainLabels,axis=0), np.sum(testLabels,axis=0) print np.sum(trainLabels,axis=0)[0] print np.sum(trainLabels,axis=0), np.sum(testLabels,axis=0) print 'Number of training images:', np.shape(trainImages), ' Number of test images:', np.shape(testImages) print np.shape(trainLabels) print np.sum(trainLabels,axis=0) # print len(trainImages) # for i in range(len(trainImages)): # if i % 50 ==0: # print trainLabels[i] # print np.shape(trainImages[i][:]) # plt.plot(trainImages[i][:40]) # plt.plot(trainImages[i][40:]) # if self.scalexWidth != 1: self.xWidth = int(self.xWidth/self.scalexWidth) if np.shape(trainImages)[1]/3!=self.xWidth: print 'Please make new training images of the correct size' exit() #self.nClass = np.shape(trainLabels)[1] #self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.xWidth]) # correspond to the images self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.xWidth*3]) #print type(self.x[0][0]) #print self.x[0][0] #print self.xWidth #exit() #x_image = tf.reshape(self.x, [-1,1,self.xWidth,1]) x_image = tf.reshape(self.x, [-1,3,self.xWidth,1]) def weight_variable(shape): #initial = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape)) initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1) return tf.Variable(initial) def bias_variable(shape): initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape) return tf.Variable(initial) def conv2d(x, W): return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') def max_pool_2x2(x): return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 3, 2, 1], strides=[1, 1, 2, 1], padding='SAME') num_filt1 = 32 self.num_filt1 = num_filt1 W_conv1 = weight_variable([1, 3, 1, num_filt1]) b_conv1 = bias_variable([num_filt1]) h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_image, W_conv1) + b_conv1) h_pool1 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv1) num_filt2 = 4 W_conv2 = weight_variable([1, 3, num_filt1, num_filt2]) b_conv2 = bias_variable([num_filt2]) h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_pool1, W_conv2) + b_conv2) h_pool6 = max_pool_2x2(h_conv2) self.fc_filters = 5**2 num_fc_filt = int(math.ceil(self.xWidth*1./8) * num_filt2*6) #18*4 W_fc1 = weight_variable([num_fc_filt, self.fc_filters]) b_fc1 = bias_variable([self.fc_filters]) h_pool6_flat = tf.reshape(h_pool6, [-1, num_fc_filt]) h_fc1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_pool6_flat, W_fc1) + b_fc1) keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) h_fc1_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc1, keep_prob) self.W_fc2 = weight_variable([self.fc_filters, self.nClass]) b_fc2 = bias_variable([self.nClass]) self.y=tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(h_fc1, self.W_fc2) + b_fc2) #h_fc1_drop y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nClass]) # true class lables identified by user cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(self.y+ 1e-10), reduction_indices=[1])) # find optimum solution by minimizing error train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(10**-3).minimize(cross_entropy) # the best result is when the wrongness is minimal init = tf.initialize_all_variables() saver = tf.train.Saver() correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1)) #which ones did it get right? accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) modelName = ('.').join(self.trainFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '.ckpt' print modelName if os.path.isfile("%s%s" % (self.mldir,modelName)): #with tf.Session() as sess: self.sess = tf.Session() #do I need this? # Restore variables from disk. saver.restore(self.sess, "%s%s" % (self.mldir,modelName) ) else: self.sess = tf.Session() # need to do this everytime you want to access a tf variable (for example the true class labels calculation or plotweights) # for i in range(len(trainImages)): # if i % 30 ==0: # print trainLabels[i] # print np.shape(trainImages[i][:]) # plt.plot([i][0],feed_dict={self.x: trainImages}) # plt.plot([i][1],feed_dict={self.x: trainImages}) # start_time = time.time() trainReps = 10000 batches = 50 if np.shape(trainLabels)[0]< batches: batches = np.shape(trainLabels)[0]/2 # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print '\n' # print # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print '\n' # print # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print '\n' # print # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print '\n' # print # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print '\n' # print # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print '\n' # print # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}) # print '\n' # print '\n' # print ce_log = [] acc_log=[] print 'Performing', trainReps, 'training repeats, using batches of', batches for i in range(trainReps): #perform the training step using random batches of images and according labels batch_xs, batch_ys = next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batches) #print np.shape(batch_xs), np.shape(batch_ys) if i % 100 == 0: #self.plotW_fc2( #self.plotActivations(, feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs}), 'h_conv1', i) #self.plotWeights( #self.plotActivations(, feed_dict={self.x: testImages}), 'h_conv2', i) #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) #print "max W vales: %g %g %g %g"%(,,, #print "max b vales: %g %g %g %g"%(,,, ce_log.append(, feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})) # print batch_ys[10],#, feed_dict={y_: batch_ys}), # print, feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs})[10] acc_log.append(, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) * 100) # if i % 1000 ==0: #, "/tmp/model.ckpt",global_step=i)#self.plotWeights( print i,, feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys}), # print batch_ys[10],#, feed_dict={y_: batch_ys}), # print, feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs})[10] print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) * 100, feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, keep_prob:0.5}) #calculate train_step using feed_dict print "--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time) #print ce_log, acc_log fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,figsize=(15.0, 5.0)) fig.add_subplot(121) plt.plot(ce_log) fig.add_subplot(122) plt.plot(acc_log) print "%s%s" % (self.mldir,modelName) save_path =, "%s%s" % (self.mldir,modelName)) print 'true class labels: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) print 'class estimates: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) #1st 25 printed #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:100] # print the scores for each class ys_true =,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) ys_guess =,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) print np.sum(, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}),axis=0) right = [] for i,y in enumerate(ys_true): #print i, y, ys_guess[i] if ys_guess[i] == y or ys_guess[i] == y-1 or ys_guess[i] == y+1: #print i, 'guessed right' right.append(i) print len(right), len(ys_true), float(len(right))/len(ys_true) score =, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels, keep_prob:1}) * 100 print 'Accuracy of model in testing: ', score, '%' if score < 85: print 'Consider making more training images' del trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def plotW_fc2(self, weights): s = np.shape(weights) print s fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 5.0)) #for f in range(s[0]): for nc in range(self.nClass): fig2.add_subplot(2,2,nc+1) plt.plot(weights[:,nc]) plt.title('class %i' % nc) plt.close() # def plotWeights(self): # '''creates a 2d map showing the positive and negative weights for each class''' # weights = # weights = np.reshape(weights,(self.xWidth,self.xWidth,self.nClass)) # weights = np.flipud(weights) # for nc in range(self.nClass): # plt.imshow(weights[:,:, nc]) # plt.title('class %i' % nc) # # plt.close() def plotActivations(self, layer, layername='lol', step=0): '''creates a 2d map showing the positive and negative weights for each class''' #weights = #weights = np.reshape(weights,(math.sqrt(self.fc_filters),math.sqrt(self.fc_filters),self.nClass)) #weights = np.flipud(weights) shape = np.shape(layer) print 'layer shape', shape fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 5.0)) for nc in range(self.num_filt1): fig2.add_subplot(4,self.num_filt1/4,nc+1) plt.imshow(layer[:,0,:, nc]**2)#i*int(shape[0]/3) #fig2.title('class %i' % nc) #plt.savefig('actv_layer_%s_%i_s%i'%(layername,i,step)) #plt.close() def plotWeights(self, weights): '''creates a 2d map showing the positive and negative weights for each class''' import math #weights = #weights = np.reshape(weights,(math.sqrt(self.fc_filters),math.sqrt(self.fc_filters),self.nClass)) #weights = np.flipud(weights) print np.shape(weights) for nc in range(self.num_filt1): plt.subplot(2,self.num_filt1/2,nc+1) #plt.imshow(weights[:,0,:, nc]) plt.plot(weights[0,:,0, nc]) #plt.title('class %i' % nc) plt.close() def checkLoopAtten(self, res_num, iAtten, showLoop=False, min_theta = 135, max_theta = 200, max_ratio_threshold = 1.5): '''function to check if the IQ loop at a certain attenuation is saturated. 3 checks are made. if the angle on either side of the sides connected to the longest edge is < min_theta or > max_theta the loop is saturated. Or if the ratio between the 1st and 2nd largest edge is > max_ratio_threshold. A True result means that the loop is unsaturated. Inputs: res_num: index of resonator in question iAtten: index of attenuation in question showLoop: pops up a window of the frame plotted using matplotlib.plot min/max_theta: limits outside of which the loop is considered saturated max_ratio_threshold: maximum largest/ 2nd largest IQ velocity allowed before loop is considered saturated Output: Boolean. True if unsaturated ''' vindx = (-self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,:]).argsort()[:3] max_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]]) low_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-2] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-2] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]-1]) upp_theta_vel = math.atan2(self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]] - self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]+1], self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]] - self.Is[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]+1]) theta1 = (math.pi + max_theta_vel - low_theta_vel)/math.pi * 180 theta2 = (math.pi + upp_theta_vel - max_theta_vel)/math.pi * 180 theta1 = abs(theta1) if theta1 > 360: theta1 = theta1-360 theta2= abs(theta2) if theta2 > 360: theta2 = theta2-360 max_ratio = self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]]/ self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[1]] if showLoop: plt.plot(self.Is[res_num,iAtten,:],self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,:]) # return True # return bool(max_ratio < max_ratio_threshold) # if max_ratio < max_ratio_threshold == True: # return True # if (max_theta >theta1 > min_theta) * (max_theta > theta2 > min_theta) == True: # return 'noisy' # else: # return False # return [(max_theta >theta1 > min_theta)*(max_theta > theta2 > min_theta) , max_ratio < max_ratio_threshold] return bool((max_theta >theta1 > min_theta) * (max_theta > theta2 > min_theta) * (max_ratio < max_ratio_threshold)) # if res_num==6: # print res_num, max_ratio, self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[0]], self.iq_vels[res_num,iAtten,vindx[1]] # plt.plot(self.Is[res_num,iAtten,:],self.Qs[res_num,iAtten,:]) # def findAtten(self, inferenceFile, res_nums =20, searchAllRes=True, showFrames = True, usePSFit=True): '''The trained machine learning class (mlClass) finds the optimum attenuation for each resonator using peak shapes in IQ velocity Inputs inferenceFile: widesweep data file to be used searchAllRes: if only a few resonator attenuations need to be identified set to False res_nums: if searchAllRes is False, the number of resonators the atteunation value will be estimated for usePSFit: if true once all the resonator attenuations have been estimated these values are fed into PSFit which opens the window where the user can manually check all the peaks have been found and make corrections if neccessary Outputs Goodfile: either immediately after the peaks have been located or through WideAna if useWideAna =True mlFile: temporary file read in to containing an attenuation estimate for each resonator ''' try: self.sess except AttributeError: print 'You have to train the model first' exit() if self.scalexWidth!= 1: self.xWidth=self.xWidth*self.scalexWidth #reset ready for get_PS_data self.freqs, self.iq_vels, self.Is, self.Qs, self.attens = get_PS_data(h5File=inferenceFile, searchAllRes=searchAllRes, res_nums=res_nums) total_res_nums = np.shape(self.freqs)[0] if searchAllRes: res_nums = total_res_nums span = range(res_nums) self.inferenceLabels = np.zeros((res_nums,len(self.attens),self.nClass)) print 'Using trained algorithm on images on each resonator' skip = [] for i,rn in enumerate(span): sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (i+1,res_nums) ) sys.stdout.flush() noisy_res = 0 for ia in range(len(self.attens)): # first check the loop for saturation nonsaturated_loop = self.checkLoopAtten(res_num=rn, iAtten= ia) # if nonsaturated_loop[0] == True: # noisy_res += 1 # nonsaturated_loop= bool(nonsaturated_loop[0]*nonsaturated_loop[1]) if nonsaturated_loop: # each image is formatted into a single element of a list so can receive a single values dictionary image = self.makeResImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= ia, phase_normalise=True,showFrames=False) inferenceImage=[] inferenceImage.append(image) # inferenceImage is just reformatted image self.inferenceLabels[rn,ia,:] =, feed_dict={self.x: inferenceImage} ) del inferenceImage del image else: self.inferenceLabels[rn,ia,:] = [1,0,0] # would just skip these if certain if np.all(self.inferenceLabels[rn,:,1] ==0): # if all loops appear saturated for resonator then set attenuation to highest #best_guess = argmax(self.inferenceLabels[rn,:,1]) #print best_guess best_guess = int(np.random.normal(len(self.attens)*2/5, 3, 1)) if best_guess > len(self.attens): best_guess = len(self.attens) self.inferenceLabels[rn,best_guess,:] = [0,1,0] # or omit from list # if noisy_res >= 15:#len(self.attens): # self.inferenceLabels[rn,:] = [0,0,0] # self.inferenceLabels[rn,5] = [0,1,0] # skip.append(rn) print '\n' max_2nd_vels = np.zeros((res_nums,len(self.attens))) for r in range(res_nums): for iAtten in range(len(self.attens)): vindx = (-self.iq_vels[r,iAtten,:]).argsort()[:2] max_2nd_vels[r,iAtten] = self.iq_vels[r,iAtten,vindx[1]] # plt.plot(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,0], label='sat') # plt.plot(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,1], label='spot-on') # plt.plot(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,2], label='under') # plt.plot(max_2nd_vels[r,:]/max(max_2nd_vels[r,:]),label='2nd vel') # plt.legend() # self.atten_guess=numpy.zeros((res_nums)) # choose attenuation where there is the maximum in the 2nd highest IQ velocity for r in range(res_nums): class_guess = np.argmax(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,:], 1) if np.any(class_guess==1): #atten_guess[r] = np.where(class_guess==1)[0][argmax(max_2nd_vels[r,:][np.where(class_guess==1)[0]] )] self.atten_guess[r] = np.where(class_guess==1)[0][argmax(max_2nd_vels[r,:][np.where(class_guess==1)[0]] * self.inferenceLabels[r,:,1][np.where(class_guess==1)[0]] )] else: self.atten_guess[r] = argmax(self.inferenceLabels[r,:,1]) def loopTrain(self, showFrames =True, retrain=True): self.baseFile = ('.').join(initialFile.split('.')[:-1]) self.PSFile = self.baseFile[:-16] + '.txt' print 'loading peak location data from %s' % self.PSFile self.res_nums = np.shape(self.freqs)[0] PSFile = np.loadtxt(self.PSFile, skiprows=1)#[:self.res_nums-20] opt_freqs = PSFile[:,0] opt_attens = PSFile[:,3] self.opt_iAttens = opt_attens -min(self.attens) print len(opt_freqs) all_freqs = np.around(self.freqs, decimals=-4) opt_freqs = np.around(opt_freqs, decimals=-4) good_res = np.arange(self.res_nums) a=0 # index to remove values from all_freqs b=0 # backtrack on g when good freqs can't be used # g index for the good freqs bad_opt_res = [] for g in range(len(opt_freqs)-2): #print r, i, opt_freqs[r], round_freqs[i,:]# map(lambda x,y:x+y, a,b) while opt_freqs[g] not in all_freqs[a,:]: if opt_freqs[g] not in all_freqs[a:a+5,:]: # if in the next 5 rows of all_freqs then ignore good_freqs #print 'ignoring frequency value from optimum file' a -= 1 # cancels the index incrementing b -= 1 # g is used to remove from good_res but g has incremented and i is stationary bad_opt_res.append(g) print g break good_res = np.delete(good_res,g+b) # identify this value of all_freqs as bad by removing from list a += 1 # keep incrementing until opt_freqs matches good_freqs #print g,a,a-g, len(good_res), b # see how well the two data match a += 1 # as g increments so does a bad_opt_res.append(len(opt_freqs)-2) bad_opt_res.append(len(opt_freqs)-1) bad_opt_res.append(len(opt_freqs)) print bad_opt_res self.opt_iAttens =np.delete(self.opt_iAttens,bad_opt_res) self.inferenceLabels = self.inferenceLabels[good_res] atten_guess = self.atten_guess[good_res] self.freqs = self.freqs[good_res] for i in range(40): print i, '\t', atten_guess[i], self.opt_iAttens[i] print len(atten_guess), len(self.opt_iAttens) correct_guesses = [] wrong_guesses=[] within_5=np.zeros((len(atten_guess))) within_3=np.zeros((len(atten_guess))) within_1=np.zeros((len(atten_guess))) within_0=np.zeros((len(atten_guess))) for ig, ag in enumerate(atten_guess): if abs(atten_guess[ig]-self.opt_iAttens[ig]) <=5: within_5[ig] = 1 if abs(atten_guess[ig]-self.opt_iAttens[ig]) <=3: within_3[ig] = 1 if abs(atten_guess[ig]-self.opt_iAttens[ig]) <=1: within_1[ig] = 1 if abs(atten_guess[ig]-self.opt_iAttens[ig]) ==0: within_0[ig] = 1 correct_guesses.append(ig) if abs(atten_guess[ig]-self.opt_iAttens[ig]) >0: wrong_guesses.append(ig) print 'within 5', sum(within_5)/len(atten_guess) print 'within 3', sum(within_3)/len(atten_guess) print 'within 1', sum(within_1)/len(atten_guess) print 'within 0', sum(within_0)/len(atten_guess) #print correct_guesses # for i,wg in enumerate(wrong_guesses[:50]): # print wg, atten_guess[wg], self.opt_iAttens[wg] # for i, wg in enumerate(wrong_guesses): # print wg,good_res[wg],self.atten_guess[good_res[wg]], '\t', self.opt_iAttens[wg] # #fig = plt.figure(frameon=False,figsize=(10.0, 5.0)) # #fig.add_subplot(121) # plt.plot(self.Is[good_res[wg],self.atten_guess[good_res[wg]],:],self.Qs[good_res[wg],self.atten_guess[good_res[wg]],:],label='guess') # #fig.add_subplot(122) # plt.plot(self.Is[good_res[wg],self.opt_iAttens[wg],:],self.Qs[good_res[wg],self.opt_iAttens[wg],:],label='true') # #self.checkLoopAtten(good_res[wg],self.opt_iAttens[wg],showLoop=True) # plt.legend() # #def checkLoopAtten(self, res_num, iAtten, showLoop=False, min_theta = 135, max_theta = 200, max_ratio_threshold = 1.5): cs_5 = np.cumsum(within_5/len(atten_guess)) cs_3 = np.cumsum(within_3/len(atten_guess)) cs_1 = np.cumsum(within_1/len(atten_guess)) cs_0 = np.cumsum(within_0/len(atten_guess)) guesses_map = np.zeros((len(self.attens),len(self.attens))) for ia,ao in enumerate(self.opt_iAttens): ag = atten_guess[ia] guesses_map[ag,ao] += 1 from matplotlib import cm plt.imshow(guesses_map,interpolation='none',cmap=cm.coolwarm) plt.xlabel('actual') plt.ylabel('estimate') plt.colorbar(cmap=cm.afmhot) plt.plot(np.sum(guesses_map, axis=0)) plt.plot(np.sum(guesses_map, axis=1)) showFrames=True if showFrames: plt.plot(np.arange(len(atten_guess))/float(len(atten_guess)), 'r--', label='max') plt.fill_between(range(len(cs_0)), cs_5, alpha=0.15, label='within 5') plt.fill_between(range(len(cs_0)), cs_3, alpha=0.15,label='within 3') plt.fill_between(range(len(cs_0)), cs_1, alpha=0.15,label='within 1') plt.fill_between(range(len(cs_0)), cs_0, alpha=0.15, facecolor='blue', label='within 0') plt.legend(loc="upper left") if retrain: attDist = np.arange(-2,1,2) # for r,g in enumerate(wrong_guesses[:10]): # for a,_ in enumerate(self.attens[:10]): # print g[0], a, self.inferenceLabels[g[0],a,:], np.argmax(self.inferenceLabels[g[0],a,:], axis=0), g#doesn't work self.freqs[g[0], self.get_peak_idx(g[0], atten_guess[g[0]])]#, self.opt_iAttens[g[0]] self.opt_iAttens = self.opt_iAttens[wrong_guesses] self.res_nums = len(self.opt_iAttens) iAttens = np.zeros((self.res_nums,self.nClass)) for i in range(self.nClass-1): iAttens[:,i] = self.opt_iAttens + attDist[i] iAttens[:,2] = np.ones((self.res_nums))*len(self.attens)-1#self.opt_iAttens[:self.res_nums] + self.uAttDist print len(iAttens) lb_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,0]<0)[0] if len(lb_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,lb_rej,axis=0) # when index is below zero print len(iAttens) wrong_guesses = np.delete(wrong_guesses,lb_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(lb_rej) ub_rej = np.where(iAttens[:,2]>len(self.attens))[0] if len(ub_rej) != 0: iAttens = np.delete(iAttens,ub_rej,axis=0) print len(iAttens) wrong_guesses = np.delete(wrong_guesses,ub_rej) self.res_nums = self.res_nums-len(ub_rej) self.iq_vels=self.iq_vels[wrong_guesses] self.freqs=self.freqs[wrong_guesses] self.Is = self.Is[wrong_guesses] self.Qs = self.Qs[wrong_guesses] trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = [], [], [], [] # num_rotations = 3 # angle = np.arange(0,2*math.pi,2*math.pi/num_rotations) train_ind = np.array(map(int,np.linspace(0,self.res_nums-1,self.res_nums*self.trainFrac))) print type(train_ind), len(train_ind) test_ind=[] np.array([test_ind.append(el) for el in range(self.res_nums) if el not in train_ind]) print type(test_ind), len(test_ind) print train_ind[:10], test_ind[:10] for c in range(self.nClass): for rn in train_ind:#range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums)): image = self.makeResImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], phase_normalise=True, showFrames=False) if image!=None: trainImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 trainLabels.append(one_hot) print self.res_nums for c in range(self.nClass): for rn in test_ind:#range(int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums), int(self.trainFrac*self.res_nums + self.testFrac*self.res_nums)): image = self.makeResImage(res_num = rn, iAtten= iAttens[rn,c], phase_normalise=True) if image!=None: testImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[c] = 1 testLabels.append(one_hot) # self.trainFile = ('.').join(self.trainFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '-retrain.pkl' retrainFile = ('.').join(self.trainFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '-retrain.pkl' if os.path.exists(self.trainFile): import shutil shutil.copy(self.trainFile,retrainFile) print self.trainFile append = None # if os.path.isfile(retrainFile): # append = raw_input('Do you want to append this training data to previous data %s [y/n]' % retrainFile) # if (append == 'n'): # retrainFile = retrainFile.split('-')[0]+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # if (append == 'y') or (os.path.isfile(self.trainFile)== False): print 'saving %s to %s' % (retrainFile, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.trainFile)) ) with open(retrainFile, 'ab') as rtf: pickle.dump([trainImages, trainLabels], rtf) pickle.dump([testImages, testLabels], rtf) self.trainFile = retrainFile self.mlClass() self.findAtten(inferenceFile=inferenceFile, searchAllRes=True, usePSFit=True, showFrames=False, res_nums=50) self.i += 1 if self.i<3: self.loopTrain(retrain=True) else: self.loopTrain(retrain=False) def save_data(self, usePSFit=False): # exit() atten_guess = self.atten_guess if usePSFit: # if skip != None: # atten_guess = np.delete(atten_guess,skip) self.mlFile = ('.').join(inferenceFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '-ml.txt' if os.path.isfile(self.mlFile): self.mlFile = self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") #shutil.copy(self.mlFile, self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) print 'wrote', self.mlFile mlf = open(self.mlFile,'wb') #mlf machine learning file is temporary for ag in atten_guess: line = "%12d\n" % ag mlf.write(line) mlf.close() #on ubuntu 14.04 and matplotlib-1.5.1 backend 'Qt4Agg' running prior to this causes segmentation fault #os.system("python 1") #os.remove(self.mlFile) else: baseFile = ('.').join(inferenceFile.split('.')[:-1]) saveFile = baseFile[:-16] + '.txt' sf = open(saveFile,'wb') sf.write('1\t1\t1\t1 \n') for r in range(len(atten_guess)):#np.delete(range(len(atten_guess)),skip): line = "%10.9e\t0\t0\t%4i\n" % (self.freqs[r, self.get_peak_idx(r, atten_guess[r])], self.attens[atten_guess[r]] ) sf.write(line) sf.close() def next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batch_size): '''selects a random batch of batch_size from trainImages and trainLabels''' perm = random.sample(range(len(trainImages)), batch_size) trainImages = np.array(trainImages)[perm,:] trainLabels = np.array(trainLabels)[perm,:] return trainImages, trainLabels def loadPkl(filename): '''load the train and test data to train and test mlClass pkl file hirerachy is as follows: -The file is split in two, one side for train data and one side for test data -These halfs are further divdided into image data and labels -makeTrainData creates image data of size: xWidth * xWidth * res_nums and the label data of size: res_nums -each time makeTrainData is run a new image cube and label array is created and appended to the old data so the final size of the file is (xWidth * xWidth * res_nums * "no of train runs") + (res_nums * "no of train runs") + [the equivalent test data structure] A more simple way would be to separate the train and test data after they were read but this did not occur to the me before most of the code was written Input pkl filename to be read. Outputs image cube and label array ''' file =[] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: while 1: try: file.append(pickle.load(f)) except EOFError: break trainImages = file[0][0] trainLabels = file[0][1] testImages = file[1][0] testLabels = file[1][1] print np.shape(file)[0]/2 -1 if np.shape(file)[0]/2 > 1: for i in range(1, np.shape(file)[0]/2): trainImages = np.append(trainImages, file[2*i][0], axis=0) trainLabels = np.append(trainLabels, file[2*i][1], axis=0) testImages = np.append(testImages, file[2*i+1][0], axis=0) testLabels = np.append(testLabels, file[2*i+1][1], axis=0) print np.shape(trainLabels) print "loaded dataset from ", filename return trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def get_PS_data(h5File=None, searchAllRes= True, res_nums=250): '''A function to read and write all resonator information so stop having to run the PSFit function on all resonators if running the script more than once. This is used on both the initial and inference file Inputs: h5File: the power sweep h5 file for the information to be extracted from. Can be initialFile or inferenceFile ''' baseFile = ('.').join(h5File.split('.')[:-1]) PSPFile = baseFile[:-16] + '.pkl' if os.path.isfile(PSPFile): file = [] with open(PSPFile, 'rb') as f: for v in range(5): file.append(pickle.load(f)) if searchAllRes: res_nums = -1 freqs = file[0][:res_nums] iq_vels = file[1][:res_nums] Is = file[2][:res_nums] Qs= file[3][:res_nums] attens = file[4] else: PSFit = PSFitting(initialFile=h5File) PSFit.loadps() tot_res_nums= len(PSFit.freq) if searchAllRes: res_nums = tot_res_nums res_size = np.shape(PSFit.loadres()['iq_vels']) freqs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[1]+1)) iq_vels = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1])) Is = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) Qs = np.zeros((res_nums, res_size[0], res_size[1]+1)) attens = np.zeros((res_size[0])) for r in range(res_nums): sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (r+1,res_nums) ) sys.stdout.flush() res = PSFit.loadres() freqs[r,:] =res['freq'] iq_vels[r,:,:] = res['iq_vels'] Is[r,:,:] = res['Is'] Qs[r,:,:] = res['Qs'] attens[:] = res['attens'] PSFit.resnum += 1 with open(PSPFile, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(freqs, f) pickle.dump(iq_vels, f) pickle.dump(Is, f) pickle.dump(Qs, f) pickle.dump(attens, f) print 'len freqs', len(freqs) return freqs, iq_vels, Is, Qs, attens def main(initialFile=None, inferenceFile=None, res_nums=50): mlClass = mlClassification(initialFile=initialFile) # mlClass.makeTrainData() mlClass.mlClass() #mlClass.plotWeights() mlClass.findAtten(inferenceFile=inferenceFile, searchAllRes=True, showFrames=False, res_nums=50) # if initialFile == inferenceFile: # mlClass.i = 0 mlClass.loopTrain() #mlClass.save_data(usePSFit=False) if __name__ == "__main__": initialFile = None inferenceFile = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: initialFileName = sys.argv[1] inferenceFileName = sys.argv[2] mdd = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] initialFile = os.path.join(mdd,initialFileName) inferenceFile = os.path.join(mdd,inferenceFileName) else: print "need to specify an initial and inference filename located in MKID_DATA_DIR" exit() main(initialFile=initialFile, inferenceFile=inferenceFile)
#----------------------------------- # # # Given IQ sweeps at various powers of resonators, this program chooses the best resonant frequency and power # ---------------------------------- #import standard python libraries import sys import time import struct import os from os.path import isfile #import installed libraries from matplotlib import pylab from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from numpy import * import numpy from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from tables import * #import my functions #from make_image_v2 import make_image as make_image_import from lib.iqsweep import * from lib.PSFit_GUI import Ui_MainWindow class StartQt4(QMainWindow): def __init__(self,parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.atten = -1 self.ui.atten.setValue(self.atten) self.resnum = 0 self.indx=0 QObject.connect(self.ui.open_browse, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.open_dialog) QObject.connect(self.ui.save_browse, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.save_dialog) QObject.connect(self.ui.atten, SIGNAL("valueChanged(int)"), self.setnewatten) QObject.connect(self.ui.savevalues, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.automate) QObject.connect(self.ui.jumptores, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.jumptores) def open_dialog(self): self.openfile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent=None, caption=QString(str("Choose PS File")),directory = ".",filter=QString(str("H5 (*.h5)"))) self.ui.open_filename.setText(str(self.openfile)) self.loadps() def save_dialog(self): self.savefile = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent=None, caption=QString(str("Choose Save File")),directory = ".") self.ui.save_filename.setText(str(self.savefile)) self.f = open(str(self.savefile), 'a') self.f.close() def loadres(self): self.Res1=IQsweep() self.Res1.LoadPowers(str(self.openfile), 'r0', self.freq[self.resnum]) self.ui.res_num.setText(str(self.resnum)) self.resfreq = self.resnum self.ui.frequency.setText(str(self.resfreq)) self.NAttens = len(self.Res1.atten1s) self.res1_iq_vels=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps-1)) self.res1_iq_amps=numpy.zeros((self.NAttens,self.Res1.fsteps)) for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): for i in range(1,self.Res1.fsteps-1): self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,i]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Qs[iAtt][i-1])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i]-self.Res1.Is[iAtt][i-1])**2) self.res1_iq_amps[iAtt,:]=sqrt((self.Res1.Qs[iAtt])**2+(self.Res1.Is[iAtt])**2) #Sort the IQ velocities for each attenuation, to pick out the maximums sorted_vels = numpy.sort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) #Last column is maximum values for each atten (row) self.res1_max_vels = sorted_vels[:,-1] #Second to last column has second highest value self.res1_max2_vels = sorted_vels[:,-2] #Also get indices for maximum of each atten, and second highest sort_indices = numpy.argsort(self.res1_iq_vels,axis=1) max_indices = sort_indices[:,-1] max2_indices = sort_indices[:,-2] max_neighbor = max_indices.copy() #for each attenuation find the ratio of the maximum velocity to the second highest velocity self.res1_max_ratio = self.res1_max_vels.copy() max_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) max2_neighbors = zeros(self.NAttens) self.res1_max2_ratio = self.res1_max2_vels.copy() for iAtt in range(self.NAttens): if max_indices[iAtt] == 0: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]-1],self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max_indices[iAtt]+1]) max_neighbors[iAtt]=max_neighbor self.res1_max_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max_vels[iAtt]/max_neighbor if max2_indices[iAtt] == 0: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1] elif max2_indices[iAtt] == len(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,:])-1: max2_neighbor = self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1] else: max2_neighbor = maximum(self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]-1],self.res1_iq_vels[iAtt,max2_indices[iAtt]+1]) max2_neighbors[iAtt]=max2_neighbor self.res1_max2_ratio[iAtt] = self.res1_max2_vels[iAtt]/max2_neighbor #normalize the new arrays self.res1_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max_vels) self.res1_max_vels *= numpy.max(self.res1_max_ratio) self.res1_max2_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_max2_vels) #self.res1_relative_max_vels /= numpy.max(self.res1_relative_max_vels),self.res1_max_vels,'b.-'),max_neighbors,'r.-'),self.res1_max_ratio,'k.-'),self.res1_max2_vels-1,'b.-'),max2_neighbors-1,'b.-'),self.res1_max2_ratio-1,'g.-') cid=self.ui.plot_1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.click_plot_1) self.ui.plot_1.canvas.format_labels() self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw() max_ratio_threshold = 1.5 rule_of_thumb_offset = 2 # require ROTO adjacent elements to be all below the MRT bool_remove = np.ones(len(self.res1_max_ratio)) for ri in range(len(self.res1_max_ratio)-rule_of_thumb_offset-2): bool_remove[ri] = bool((self.res1_max_ratio[ri:ri+rule_of_thumb_offset+1]< max_ratio_threshold).all()) guess_atten_idx = np.extract(bool_remove,np.arange(len(self.res1_max_ratio))) # require the attenuation value to be past the initial peak in MRT guess_atten_idx = guess_atten_idx[where(guess_atten_idx > argmax(self.res1_max_ratio) )[0]] if size(guess_atten_idx) >= 1: guess_atten = self.Res1.atten1s[guess_atten_idx[0]+rule_of_thumb_offset] print 'Guessing attenuation is ',guess_atten self.select_atten(guess_atten) else: print 'Defaulting guess attenuation to center' self.select_atten(self.Res1.atten1s[self.NAttens/2]) self.guess_res_freq() def guess_res_freq(self): guess_idx = argmax(self.res1_iq_vels[self.iAtten]) if guess_idx >0: guess_idx-=1 guess = self.Res1.freq[guess_idx] print 'Guessing resonant freq at ',guess self.select_freq(guess) def loadps(self): hd5file=openFile(str(self.openfile),mode='r') group = hd5file.getNode('/','r0') self.freq=empty(0,dtype='float32') for sweep in group._f_walkNodes('Leaf'): self.scale = k['scale'][0] #print "Scale factor is ", self.scale self.freq=append(self.freq,[k['f0'][0]]) hd5file.close() self.loadres() def on_press(self, event): self.select_freq(event.xdata) def click_plot_1(self, event): self.select_atten(event.xdata) def select_freq(self,freq): self.resfreq = freq self.ui.frequency.setText(str(self.resfreq))[self.indx],self.res1_iq_vel[self.indx],'bo')[self.indx],self.Res1.Q[self.indx],'bo') self.indx=where(self.Res1.freq >= self.resfreq)[0][0][self.indx],self.res1_iq_vel[self.indx],'ro') self.ui.plot_2.canvas.draw()[self.indx],self.Res1.Q[self.indx],'ro') self.ui.plot_3.canvas.draw() def select_atten(self,attenuation): if self.atten != -1: attenIndex = where(self.Res1.atten1s == self.atten) if size(attenIndex) >= 1: self.iAtten = attenIndex[0][0],self.res1_max_ratio[self.iAtten],'ko'),self.res1_max_vels[self.iAtten],'bo') self.atten = round(attenuation) attenIndex = where(self.Res1.atten1s == self.atten) if size(attenIndex) != 1: print "Atten value is not in file" return self.iAtten = attenIndex[0][0] self.res1_iq_vel = self.res1_iq_vels[self.iAtten,:] self.Res1.I=self.Res1.Is[self.iAtten] self.Res1.Q=self.Res1.Qs[self.iAtten] self.Res1.Icen=self.Res1.Icens[self.iAtten] self.Res1.Qcen=self.Res1.Qcens[self.iAtten],self.res1_max_ratio[self.iAtten],'ro'),self.res1_max_vels[self.iAtten],'ro') self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw() self.ui.atten.setValue(self.atten) self.makeplots() self.guess_res_freq() def makeplots(self): try: #Plot transmission magnitudeds as a function of frequency for this resonator,res1_iq_amp,'.-') #self.ui.plot_1.canvas.format_labels() #self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw()[:-1],self.res1_iq_vel,'.-') cid=self.ui.plot_2.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press) self.ui.plot_2.canvas.draw() if self.iAtten >0:[self.iAtten-1],self.Res1.Qs[self.iAtten-1],'g.-')[0].set_alpha(.5) if self.iAtten < self.NAttens-1:[self.iAtten+1],self.Res1.Qs[self.iAtten+1],'k.-')[-1].set_alpha(.5),self.Res1.Q,'.-') #self.ui.plot_3.canvas.format_labels() print 'makeplots' self.ui.plot_3.canvas.draw() except IndexError: self.f.close() print "reached end of resonator list, saving file" print "closing GUI" sys.exit() def jumptores(self): try: self.atten = -1 self.resnum = self.ui.jumptonum.value() self.resfreq = self.resnum self.loadres() except IndexError: print "Res value out of bounds." self.ui.plot_1.canvas.draw() self.ui.plot_2.canvas.draw() self.ui.plot_3.canvas.draw() def setnewatten(self): self.select_atten(self.ui.atten.value()) def savevalues(self): if self.resnum == 0: self.f = open(str(self.savefile), 'a') self.f.write(str(self.scale)+'\t'+str(self.scale)+'\t'+str(self.scale)+'\t'+str(self.scale)+'\n') self.f.close() Icen=0 Qcen=0 self.f = open(str(self.savefile), 'a') self.f.write(str(self.resfreq)+'\t'+str(Icen)+'\t'+str(Qcen)+'\t'+str(self.atten)+'\n') self.f.close() self.resnum += 1 self.atten = -1 self.loadres() def automate(self): try: finished = False while finished == False: self.savevalues() except: pass if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) myapp = StartQt4() app.exec_()
#!/usr/bin/python import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt #Plots Histogram of f, Q, and Distance of f to nearest neighbor, Q vs f, Dist to neigh vs f and saves it to a pdf. You need to change the File and pdftitle (and possibly the text position in line 79 File= '20121116/FL1-sci4a-DF-good-fits.txt' pdftitle='/home/sean/data/fitshist/FL1-sci4a-DF-good.pdf' autofit=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s'%File) freqs=autofit[:,1] Qs=autofit[:,2] Qs=[x/1000 for x in Qs] ds=[] fs=[] freq=sorted(freqs) for i in xrange(1,len(freqs)-1): x=abs(freq[i]-freq[i+1]) y=abs(freq[i]-freq[i-1]) if x>=y: ds.append(y) else: ds.append(x) fs.append(freq[i]) ds=[x*1000 for x in ds] mf=np.median(freqs) sf=np.std(freqs) mq=np.median(Qs) sq=np.std(Qs) md=np.median(ds) sd=np.std(ds) nres=len(freqs) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,8)) plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.1, right= 0.96, bottom= .07, top= .96, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) ax=fig.add_subplot(321) ax.hist(freqs,bins=100, color='k') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)\nmedian=%f, std=%f'%(mf,sf), size=8) ax.set_ylabel('Number', size=8) ax.set_title('Histogram of Frequency', size=9) ax.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax2=fig.add_subplot(323) ax2.hist(Qs, bins=100, color='k') ax2.set_xlabel('Q(k)\nmedian=%f, std=%f'%(mq,sq), size=8) ax2.set_ylabel('Number', size=8) ax2.set_title('Histogram of Q', size=9) ax2.set_xlim(0,300) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax3=fig.add_subplot(325) ax3.hist(ds, bins=100, color='k') ax3.set_xlabel('Distance to Nearest Neighbor (MHz)\nmedian=%f, std=%f'%(md,sd), size=8) ax3.set_ylabel('Number', size=8) ax3.set_title('Distance of f0 to Nearest Neighbor', size=9) ax3.set_xlim(0,6) ax3.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax4=fig.add_subplot(322) ax4.plot(freqs,Qs,'r,') ax4.set_xlabel('Resonant Frequency (GHz)', size=8) ax4.set_ylabel('Q(k)', size=8) ax4.set_title('Q vs f0', size=9) ax4.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax4.set_ylim(0,300) ax5=fig.add_subplot(324) ax5.plot(fs,ds,'b,') ax5.set_xlabel('Resonant Frequency (GHz)', size=8) ax5.set_ylabel('Distance of f to Nearest Neighbor (MHz)', size=8) ax5.set_title('Nearest Neighbor vs f0', size=9) ax5.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax5.set_ylim(0,20) ax5.text(2.8,-15,'file name=\n%s\nnumber of resonators = %d'%(File, nres), size=8.5) fig.savefig(pdftitle) plt.close()
#!/usr/bin/python import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import os #Plots Histogram of f, Q, and Distance of f to nearest neighbor, Q vs f, Dist to neigh vs f and saves it to a pdf. You need to change the filename and pdftitle (and possibly the text position in line 79 datapath = '/home/kids/labData/20140909adr/' filename= 'SCI6_B140818-Force_-80dBm_FL2_postFlash-right-fits.txt' pdftitle=os.path.join(datapath,'SCI6_B140818-Force_-80dBm_FL2_postFlash-right-fits-hists.pdf') filepath = os.path.join(datapath,filename) autofit=np.loadtxt(filepath) Qs=1.e-3*autofit[:,2] badFitsMask = Qs == 5. print np.sum(badFitsMask),' bad fits removed' autofit = autofit[~badFitsMask] freqs=autofit[:,1] Qs=1.e-3*autofit[:,2] Qc=1.e-3*autofit[:,3] Qi=1.e-3*np.abs(autofit[:,4]) ds=[] fs=[] freq=sorted(freqs) for i in xrange(1,len(freqs)-1): x=abs(freq[i]-freq[i+1]) y=abs(freq[i]-freq[i-1]) if x>=y: ds.append(y) else: ds.append(x) fs.append(freq[i]) ds=[x*1000 for x in ds] mf=np.median(freqs) sf=np.std(freqs) mq=np.median(Qs) sq=np.std(Qs) mqi=np.median(Qi) sqi=np.std(Qi) md=np.median(ds) sd=np.std(ds) nres=len(freqs) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,8)) plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.1, right= 0.96, bottom= .07, top= .96, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) ax=fig.add_subplot(321) ax.hist(freqs,bins=200, color='k') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)\nmedian=%f, std=%f'%(mf,sf), size=8) ax.set_ylabel('Number', size=8) ax.set_title('Histogram of Frequency', size=9) ax.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax2=fig.add_subplot(323) ax2.hist(Qs, bins=25, range=(0,80),color='k') ax2.set_xlabel('$Q (10^3)$\nmedian=%f, std=%f'%(mq,sq), size=8) ax2.set_ylabel('Number', size=8) ax2.set_title('Histogram of Q', size=9) ax2.set_xlim(0,80) ax2.tick_params(labelsize=8) #ax3=fig.add_subplot(325) #ax3.hist(ds, bins=100, color='k') #ax3.set_xlabel('Distance to Nearest Neighbor (MHz)\nmedian=%f, std=%f'%(md,sd), size=8) #ax3.set_ylabel('Number', size=8) #ax3.set_title('Distance of f0 to Nearest Neighbor', size=9) #ax3.set_xlim(0,6) #ax3.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax3=fig.add_subplot(325) ax3.hist(Qi, bins=25, range=(0,1000), color='k') ax3.set_xlabel('$Q_i (10^3)$\nmedian=%f, std=%f'%(mqi,sqi), size=8) ax3.set_ylabel('Number', size=8) ax3.set_title('Histogram of $Q_i$', size=9) ax3.set_xlim(0,1000) ax3.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax4=fig.add_subplot(322) ax4.plot(freqs,Qs,'r,') ax4.set_xlabel('Resonant Frequency (GHz)', size=8) ax4.set_ylabel('Q(k)', size=8) ax4.set_title('Q vs f0', size=9) ax4.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax4.set_ylim(0,300) ax5=fig.add_subplot(324) ax5.plot(fs,ds,'b,') ax5.set_xlabel('Resonant Frequency (GHz)', size=8) ax5.set_ylabel('Distance of f to Nearest Neighbor (MHz)', size=8) ax5.set_title('Nearest Neighbor vs f0', size=9) ax5.tick_params(labelsize=8) ax5.set_ylim(0,20) ax5.text(2.8,-15,'file name=\n%s\nnumber of resonators = %d'%(filepath, nres), size=8.5) fig.savefig(pdftitle) plt.close()
#!/usr/bin/python import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as pat import tables import re import collections import scipy import pyfits from PixelQualityfunc import * import os closefcutoff=.0007 #when the program compares the approximate freq in frequency files to the accurate frequency in the fit file, it will accept a difference of the closefcutoff (GHz) #bmaptitle='/media/disk2/sci3gamma/20120904/PositionKnownOnlybeamimage_double_refined_20120904.h5' bmaptitle='/home/sean/data/20121106/sci4a_beammap.h5' #for feedline 1 title1=title2='20121105adr/ps_freq' titlefits1='20121105adr/FL1-adr-sci4a-higherTc-good-fits.txt' #for feedline 2 #titlefits2='20121006/20121006-SCI4-ADR-FL2-fits.txt' titlefits2='20121105adr/FL2-adr-sci4a-higherTc-all-fits.txt' outTitle='/home/sean/data/fitshist/20121106_Q_PixelQuality.fits' freqOutTitle='/home/sean/data/fitshist/20121106_freqMap.fits' #--Get an accurate array with roach,pixel,f,Q in the correct position-- accuratefQ = createAccuratefQMatrix(bmaptitle, title1,titlefits1,title2,titlefits2,closefcutoff=3) fid=tables.openFile(bmaptitle) b=fid.root.beammap.beamimage pixarray = [[-1 for col in range(44)] for row in range(46)] freqarray = [[-1 for col in range(44)] for row in range(46)] pixlist = [] for row in xrange(0,46): for column in xrange(0,44): string=b[row][column] if string != '' : a=re.findall(r'\d+',string) roachNum=int(a[0]) pixelNum=int(a[1]) if roachNum <8: if pixelNum<len(accuratefQ[roachNum]): pixarray[row][column]=(accuratefQ[roachNum][pixelNum][1]/1000) freqarray[row][column]=(accuratefQ[roachNum][pixelNum][0]/1000) # else: # print roachNum,pixelNum # else: # print roachNum,pixelNum fid.close() #--Plot what the detector looks like with the f,Q, and position written inside each 'pixel'-- pixarray=np.array(pixarray) freqarray=np.array(freqarray) print np.shape(pixarray) scale_nstds = 3 scale_max=np.mean(pixarray[:][:])+scale_nstds*np.std(pixarray[:][:]) plt.matshow(pixarray[:][:],vmin=0,vmax=scale_max) plt.title('Q') plt.xlabel('Col') plt.ylabel('Row') plt.colorbar() hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(pixarray) hdu2 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(freqarray) hdu.writeto(outTitle,clobber=True) hdu2.writeto(freqOutTitle,clobber=True)
from tables import * from PixelQualityfunc import getfQforgoodpix from qeforpixelsfunc import qeFuncOfWvl h5filename="SDR/Setup/DetectorAnalysis/qeforpix.h5" nroach=8 npixel=256 wvls = range(400,1100,50) nwvl=len(wvls) bmaptitle='/home/sean/data/common/sorted_beamimage46x44.h5' #for feedline 1 title1='20120812adr/FL1-ps_freq' titlefits1='20120812adr/SCI3-40-FL1-ADR-2-fits.txt' #for feedline 2 title2='20120812adr/FL2-ps_freq' titlefits2='20120812adr/SCI3-40-FL2-ADR-fits.txt' #title1/2 gives the base of the filename for the frequency files for Feedline 1/2 (Don't include '.txt'). #titlefist1/2 gives the filename of the fits file (include '.txt') #bmaptitle gives the filename of the beammap (include '.h5') maxqeCutOff = 0.01 #if the maximum qe in the list of qe's for that pixel is less than maxqeCutOff, it will not be saved in the h5 file qeDataFilename='/media/disk2/20120814/obs_20120814-111433.h5' qeObsTime= 1344968073 ini=454 peakw=14.3846153846 troughw=83.5833333333 dectv=[.033,.139,.323,.682,1.025,1.287,1.451,1.530,1.420,1.364,1.766,2.291,2.844,3.169] #this assumes that both FL1 and FL2 are included in the qeDataFile and that the ini, peakw, and troughw values are the same for all roaches #ini is the time when the first peak starts #peakw: time interval over which the peak occurs (does not include the first/last 3 seconds of peak) #troughw: time interval between peaks (includes first/last 3 s of peak) #dectv is the N of photons seen in the comparison detector *10^-7 for each wvl/peak #qewvl=1/(dectv[i]*10**7/NPulses[0][i]*.0007096896) is the formula used to find the quantum efficiency. Where NPulses is the average number of photons seen in the ADR detector (the average number of photons seen in the troughs btw peaks is subtracted. fQlist = getfQforgoodpix(bmaptitle,title1,titlefits1,title2,titlefits2) #resulting list has each element [[roachnumber,pixelnumber],[f,Q]] fQqe=[] for pix in xrange(0,len(fQlist)): roach = fQlist[pix][0][0] if roach < 4: #delete this line if qeDataFile has roaches 0...7 pixel = fQlist[pix][0][1] qeresults = qeFuncOfWvl(qeDataFilename, qeObsTime, roach, pixel, ini, peakw, troughw, dectv, NSec=3600, nwvl=14, plotYorN='N') if max(qeresults) > maxqeCutOff: fQqe.append([fQlist[pix][0],fQlist[pix][1],qeresults]) #fQqe is a list where each element is [[roachnumber,pixelnumber],[f,Q],[qe(wvl1),...]] print fQqe[10] class QEHeader(IsDescription): wvl = Float32Col(nwvl) class Pixel(IsDescription): frequency = Float64Col() Q = Float32Col() qe = Float32Col(nwvl) # Open a file in "w"rite mode h5file = openFile(h5filename, mode = "w", title= "testfile") hdrgrp = h5file.createGroup('/','header', 'Group containing wvls') hdrtable = h5file.createTable(hdrgrp, 'Wavelengths', QEHeader) w = hdrtable.row w['wvl'] = wvls w.append() hdrtable.flush() roaches = [] pixels = [] for roachnum in xrange(0,nroach): roaches.append('r%d'%roachnum) # Create the groups for roach in roaches: group = h5file.createGroup('/',roach) # Create a group for each good pixel and put in the correct values for i in xrange(0,len(fQqe)): roach='r%d'%fQqe[i][0][0] pixelnum='p%d'%fQqe[i][0][1] pixgroup=h5file.createGroup('/'+roach,pixelnum) pixtable=h5file.createTable(pixgroup,'pixtable',Pixel) pix = pixtable.row pix['frequency'] = fQqe[i][1][0] pix['Q'] = fQqe[i][1][1] pix['qe'] = fQqe[i][2] pix.append() pixtable.flush() h5file.close()
#!/usr/bin/python import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as pat import tables import re import collections import scipy from PixelQualityfunc import * closefcutoff=.0007 #when the program compares the approximate freq in frequency files to the accurate frequency in the fit file, it will accept a difference of the closefcutoff (GHz) bmaptitle='/media/disk2/sci3gamma/beamimage_sci3gamma.h5' #for feedline 1 title1=title2='20120827/ps_freq' titlefits1='20120823adr/20120823_FL1_100mK_gold0-fits.txt' #for feedline 2 titlefits2='20120823adr/20120823_FL2_100mK_gold0-fits.txt' pdftitle='/home/sean/data/fitshist/20120912PixelQuality.pdf' dithertitle='/home/sean/data/fitshist/20120912PixelQualitydither.pdf' sqDimOpt=30 #This is the dimension of pixel area in the center of the area that we are evaluating to find the optimal dither position #--Get an accurate array with roach,pixel,f,Q in the correct position-- accuratefQ = createAccuratefQMatrix(bmaptitle, title1,titlefits1,title2,titlefits2,closefcutoff=3) fid=tables.openFile(bmaptitle) b=fid.root.beammap.beamimage pixarray = [[None for col in range(44)] for row in range(46)] pixlist = [] for row in xrange(0,46): for column in xrange(0,44): string=b[row][column] if string != '' : a=re.findall(r'\d+',string) roachNum=int(a[0]) pixelNum=int(a[1]) if roachNum <8: if pixelNum<len(accuratefQ[roachNum]): pixarray[row][column]=([[roachNum,pixelNum],accuratefQ[roachNum][pixelNum]]) pixlist.append([[roachNum,pixelNum],accuratefQ[roachNum][pixelNum]]) # else: # print roachNum,pixelNum # else: # print roachNum,pixelNum fid.close() #--Plot what the detector looks like with the f,Q, and position written inside each 'pixel'-- fig=plt.figure(figsize=(23,14)) plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.04, right= 0.97, bottom= .05, top= .95) ax=fig.add_subplot(111) binaryPixArray = scipy.zeros((46,44)) #binaryPixArray=scipy.random.random((46,44)) #binaryPixArray=np.around(binaryPixArray) textsize=4.5 problem=[] for row in xrange(0,46): for column in xrange(0,44): pix=pixarray[row][column] if pix==None: color='Brown' ax.text(.002+ 0.02275*column,0.003+ 0.0217*row, '%s\n%s\n| (%d,%d) -'%('| ','| ',row,column), bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=.6), size=textsize) elif len(pixarray[row][column])== 2: binaryPixArray[row][column]=1 color= 'PaleGreen' ax.text(.002+ 0.02275*column,0.003+ 0.0217*row, 'r%dp%d \n%.5f\n%.1f (%d,%d)'%(pix[0][0],pix[0][1],pix[1][0],pix[1][1]/1000,row,column), bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=.6), size=textsize) else: problem.append([row,column]) #--Add boxes around best sections of array. The purple boxes are around the best areas that are completely filled with working pixels, the dark blue boxes are around the best sections for one higher dimension-- optimalIndTotal=[] Allfilledin=1 dim=2 plusD=0 while Allfilledin==1: boxsum=[] for row in xrange(0,46+1-(plusD+dim)): for column in xrange(0,44+1-(plusD+dim)): boxvalues=[] for i in xrange(0,plusD+dim): for j in xrange(0,plusD+dim): boxvalues.append(binaryPixArray[row+i][column+j]) boxsum.append([sum(boxvalues),row,column]) boxsum=sorted(boxsum) if boxsum[len(boxsum)-1][0] != (plusD+dim)**2: Allfilledin=0 else: plusD=plusD+1 optimalIndices=[] stillmax=1 x=len(boxsum)-1 while stillmax==1: if boxsum[len(boxsum)-1][0]==boxsum[x][0]: optimalIndices.append([boxsum[x][1],boxsum[x][2]]) x=x-1 else: stillmax=0 optimalIndTotal.append(optimalIndices) #print optimalIndTotal dim=len(optimalIndTotal) for ind in optimalIndTotal[dim-2]: rect = pat.Rectangle((0.02275*ind[1],0.0217*ind[0]),width=0.02275*dim, height=0.0217*dim, color='Indigo', fill=False, lw=2) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.figure.canvas.draw() dim=len(optimalIndTotal)+1 for ind in optimalIndTotal[dim-2]: rect = pat.Rectangle((1/44.*ind[1],1/46.*ind[0]),width=1/44.*dim, height=1/46.*dim, color='MediumBlue', fill=False, lw=2) ax.add_patch(rect) ax.figure.canvas.draw() #print problem ax.text(-0.7, 1.02, 'Each box represents a pixel. Green means the pixel is working.\npixelnumber, f0(GHz), Q(k), and pixel location are inside each box.', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1), size=10) plt.title('Pixel Quality and Characteristics for 20120912 Detector', size=24, position=(.5,1.01)) fig.savefig(pdftitle) plt.close() #--Figure out optimal placement of 4 dithers in rect. formation by looking at the percentage of good pixels in the center sqDimOpt by sqDimOpt region-- yvariation=int((46-sqDimOpt)/2) xvariation=int((44-sqDimOpt)/2) binaryPixArray=np.array(binaryPixArray) impSection=binaryPixArray[yvariation:(46-yvariation),xvariation:(44-xvariation)] percentgood=np.sum(impSection)/(sqDimOpt**2.) resultPercent=[] for j in xrange(-xvariation,xvariation+1): for i in xrange(-yvariation, yvariation+1): ditherArray=np.array([[None for col in range(sqDimOpt)] for row in range(sqDimOpt)]) for row in xrange(0, sqDimOpt): for column in xrange(0, sqDimOpt): ditherArray[row,column]=binaryPixArray[row+yvariation,column+xvariation]+binaryPixArray[(row+yvariation),(column+xvariation+j)]+binaryPixArray[(row+yvariation+i),(column+xvariation)]+binaryPixArray[(row+yvariation+i),(column+xvariation+j)] resultPercent.append([sum(sum(1 for i in row if i>0) for row in ditherArray)/(sqDimOpt**2.),i,j]) resultPercent=sorted(resultPercent) i=resultPercent[len(resultPercent)-1][1] j=resultPercent[len(resultPercent)-1][2] ditherArray=np.array([[None for col in range(sqDimOpt)] for row in range(sqDimOpt)]) for row in xrange(0, sqDimOpt): for column in xrange(0, sqDimOpt): ditherArray[row,column]=int(binaryPixArray[row+yvariation,column+xvariation]+binaryPixArray[(row+yvariation),(column+xvariation+j)]+binaryPixArray[(row+yvariation+i),(column+xvariation)]+binaryPixArray[(row+yvariation+i),(column+xvariation+j)]) finalresultPercent=sum(sum(1 for i in row if i>0) for row in ditherArray)/(sqDimOpt**2.) #print impSection #print ditherArray print 'Considering the middle %dx%d pixels'%(impSection.shape[0],impSection.shape[1]) print 'The percent of working pixels initially is %f'%percentgood print 'The percent with 4 dithers in rect. formation is %f'%finalresultPercent print 'best dither position: up %d rows and %d columns to the right'%(i,j) #--Now we will make two plots comparing the center area with and without dithering-- fig2=plt.figure(figsize=(26,11)) plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.04, right= 0.9, bottom= .05, top= .95) ax1=fig2.add_subplot(121) ax2=fig2.add_subplot(122) textsize=4.5 ax1.text(0, 1.02, 'Green means the pixel is working.\nThe dither position is up %d rows and %d rows to the right'%(i,j), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1), size=10) problem=[] for row in xrange(0,sqDimOpt): for column in xrange(0,sqDimOpt): if binaryPixArray[row+yvariation][column+xvariation]==0: color='Brown' ax1.text(.002+ 1./sqDimOpt*column,0.003+ 1./sqDimOpt*row, '%s\n%s\n| (%d,%d)'%('| ','| ',row+yvariation,column+xvariation), bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=.6), size=textsize) else: color= 'PaleGreen' ax1.text(.002+ 1./sqDimOpt*column,0.003+ 1./sqDimOpt*row, '%s\n%s\n| (%d,%d)'%('| ','| ',row+yvariation,column+xvariation), bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=.6), size=textsize) for row in xrange(0,sqDimOpt): for column in xrange(0,sqDimOpt): if ditherArray[row][column]==0: color='Brown' ax2.text(.002+ 1./sqDimOpt*column,0.003+ 1./sqDimOpt*row, '%s\n%s\n| (%d,%d)'%('| ','| ',row+yvariation,column+xvariation), bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=.6), size=textsize) else: color= 'PaleGreen' ax2.text(.002+ 1./sqDimOpt*column,0.003+ 1./sqDimOpt*row, '%s\n%s\n| (%d,%d)'%('| ','| ',row+yvariation,column+xvariation), bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=.6), size=textsize) optimalIndTotal=[] Allfilledin=1 dim=2 plusD=0 while Allfilledin==1: boxsum=[] for row in xrange(yvariation,46-yvariation+1-(plusD+dim)): for column in xrange(xvariation,44-xvariation+1-(plusD+dim)): boxvalues=[] for i in xrange(0,plusD+dim): for j in xrange(0,plusD+dim): boxvalues.append(binaryPixArray[row+i][column+j]) boxsum.append([sum(boxvalues),row,column]) boxsum=sorted(boxsum) if boxsum[len(boxsum)-1][0] != (plusD+dim)**2: Allfilledin=0 else: plusD=plusD+1 optimalIndices=[] stillmax=1 x=len(boxsum)-1 while stillmax==1: if boxsum[len(boxsum)-1][0]==boxsum[x][0]: optimalIndices.append([boxsum[x][1],boxsum[x][2]]) x=x-1 else: stillmax=0 optimalIndTotal.append(optimalIndices) #print optimalIndTotal dim=len(optimalIndTotal) for ind in optimalIndTotal[dim-2]: rect = pat.Rectangle((1./sqDimOpt*ind[1],1./sqDimOpt*ind[0]),width=1./sqDimOpt*dim, height=1./sqDimOpt*dim, color='Indigo', fill=False, lw=2) # ax1.add_patch(rect) # ax1.figure.canvas.draw() dim=len(optimalIndTotal)+1 for ind in optimalIndTotal[dim-2]: rect = pat.Rectangle((1./sqDimOpt*ind[1],1./sqDimOpt*ind[0]),width=1./sqDimOpt*dim, height=1./sqDimOpt*dim, color='MediumBlue', fill=False, lw=2) # ax1.add_patch(rect) # ax1.figure.canvas.draw() optimalIndTotal=[] Allfilledin=1 dim=2 plusD=0 while Allfilledin==1: boxsum=[] for row in xrange(0,sqDimOpt+1-(plusD+dim)): for column in xrange(0,sqDimOpt+1-(plusD+dim)): boxvalues=[] for i in xrange(0,plusD+dim): for j in xrange(0,plusD+dim): boxvalues.append(ditherArray[row+i][column+j]) boxsum.append([sum(1 for i in boxvalues if i>0),row,column]) boxsum=sorted(boxsum) if boxsum[len(boxsum)-1][0] != (plusD+dim)**2: Allfilledin=0 else: plusD=plusD+1 optimalIndices=[] stillmax=1 x=len(boxsum)-1 while stillmax==1: if boxsum[len(boxsum)-1][0]==boxsum[x][0]: optimalIndices.append([boxsum[x][1],boxsum[x][2]]) x=x-1 if x<0: stillmax=0 else: stillmax=0 optimalIndTotal.append(optimalIndices) #print optimalIndTotal dim=len(optimalIndTotal) for ind in optimalIndTotal[dim-2]: rect = pat.Rectangle((1./sqDimOpt*ind[1],1./sqDimOpt*ind[0]),width=1./sqDimOpt*dim, height=1./sqDimOpt*dim, color='Indigo', fill=False, lw=2) # ax2.add_patch(rect) # ax2.figure.canvas.draw() dim=len(optimalIndTotal)+1 for ind in optimalIndTotal[dim-2]: rect = pat.Rectangle((1./sqDimOpt*ind[1],1./sqDimOpt*ind[0]),width=1./sqDimOpt*dim, height=1./sqDimOpt*dim, color='MediumBlue', fill=False, lw=2) # ax2.add_patch(rect) # ax2.figure.canvas.draw() ax1.set_title('%dx%d middle section of array'%(sqDimOpt,sqDimOpt)) ax2.set_title('%dx%d section of array with 4 dithers in rect. formation'%(sqDimOpt,sqDimOpt)) fig2.savefig(dithertitle) plt.close()
import tables import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import itertools from qeforpixelsfunc import * #savedValues= raw_input('Do you want to used the saved values? Y or enter : ') automated = raw_input('Is this input from a file?') if automated in ['y','Y']: plt.ion() qeDataFilename = input('Which obs file do you want?') fid = tables.openFile(qeDataFilename,mode='r') testbedFileName = input('Which testbed file do you want?') testbedFile = np.loadtxt(testbedFileName) qeObsTime = input('What are the datasets named (obs time)?') roach= input('Which roach do you want to analyze? ') #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121003/obs_20121003-210815.h5' #qeObsTime=1349298497 #testbedFileName = '/home/sean/data/QEmeas/20121003_210815_postLick_sci3gamma.txt' #NSec=1800 #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121003/obs_20121003-223105.h5' #qeObsTime=1349303467 #testbedFileName = '/home/sean/data/QEmeas/20121003_223105_postLick_sci3gamma.txt' #NSec=2000 #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121018/obs_20121019-044657.h5' #qeObsTime=1350622020 #testbedFileName = '/home/sean/data/QEmeas/SCI4-microlens-20121019-044657.txt' #NSec=1800 #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121010/obs_20121010-215637.h5' #qeObsTime=1349906199 #testbedFileName = '/home/sean/data/QEmeas/SCI4-nomicrolens-1.txt' #NSec=1300 #dercutoff=12000, firstpeak=109, time interval 800-810 #SCI4 alpha, no microlens #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121011/qe_20121011-185036.h5' #qeObsTime=1349981438 #testbedFileName='/home/sean/data/QEmeas/SCI4-nomicrolens-2.txt' #NSec=1800 #dercutoff=10000, pauseafterpeak 14, firstpeakafterpause=1178, firstpeak=92, time interval 850-860 #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121019/obs_20121019-193507.h5' #qeObsTime=1350675309 #testbedFileName='/home/sean/data/QEmeas/SCI4-microlens-20121019-3.txt' #NSec=1900 ##r0,dercutoff=14000, pauseafterpeak 14, firstpeakafterpause=1178, firstpeak=86, time interval 430-440, range 350-1400 #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121022/obs_20121022-210829.h5' #qeObsTime=1350940111 #testbedFileName='/home/sean/data/QEmeas/SCI4-microlens-20121022-210829.txt' #NSec=2000 ##dercutoff=9000, pauseafterpeak 14, firstpeakafterpause=1449, firstpeak=104, time interval 696-712, range 500-600 #Sci4 alpha,best aligned microlens #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121027/obs_20121028-032905.h5' #qeObsTime=1351394947 #testbedFileName='/home/sean/data/QEmeas/sci4-newalignment-20121028-032905.txt' #NSec=2000 ##dercutoff=10000, pauseafterpeak 14, firstpeakafterpause=1431, firstpeak=86, time interval 1103-1118, range 500-600 #saveMedQEPlotname='/home/sean/data/qePlots/qe20121027r%d.pdf'%(roach) #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121120/obs_20121120-213604.h5' #qeObsTime=1353447366 #testbedFileName='/home/sean/data/QEmeas/sci4alpha-left-2.txt' #NSec=2000 ##dercutoff=10000, pauseafterpeak 14, firstpeakafterpause=1439, firstpeak=96, time interval 1117-1123, range 500-600 #saveMedQEPlotname='/home/sean/data/qePlots/qe20121120r%d.pdf'%(roach) # #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121121/obs_20121121-230002.h5' #qeObsTime=1353538804 #testbedFileName='/home/sean/data/QEmeas/sci4alpha-left-align-1.txt' #NSec=2000 ##dercutoff=20000,15000, pauseafterpeak 14, firstpeakafterpause=1414, firstpeak=70, time interval 665-679, #saveMedQEPlotname='/home/sean/data/qePlots/qe20121121r%d.pdf'%(roach) ##Sci4a #qeDataFilename= '/home/sean/data/20121107/obs_20121108-015713.h5' #qeObsTime=1352339835 #testbedFileName='/home/sean/data/QEmeas/sci4a-waferedge.txt' #NSec=2000 ## roach 0,dercutoff=9000, pauseafterpeak 14, firstpeakafterpause=1456, firstpeak=116, time interval 705-722, range 500-600 #saveMedQEPlotname='/home/sean/data/qePlots/qe20121108r%d.pdf'%(roach) NPixels=253 magnificationLick = 1.2 magnificationPalomar = 1.46 areaARCONSwithMicrolens = 222*10**-6 areaDetector = 1*10**-2 IRAreaDetector = 3*10**-3 areaARCONSwithoutMicrolens=40*10**-6 areaARCONS = areaARCONSwithMicrolens magnification = magnificationPalomar #dectvManual=[0.149,.497,1.156,2.305,3.820,4.762,5.014,5.746,5.232,5.056,6.466,8.5,10.513,11.783] #wvlManual=range(400,1100,50) print 'Loading data...\nThis will take a couple minutes...' #def peakfit(y1,y2,y3): # y4=y2-0.125*((y3-y1)**2)/(y3+y1-2*y2) # return y4 #def binToDeg_12_9(binOffset12_9): # x = binOffset12_9/2.0**9-4.0 # return x*180.0/np.pi #view the overall histogram of photons seen by a single roach. Record a good time interval during a strong peak and the time the peaks start photonSec=[] #pulseMask = int(12*'1',2)#bitmask of 12 ones NSec =[0]['exptime'] pulseh=[[] for x in xrange(NSec)] for pix in xrange(0,NPixels): pixelName = '/r%d/p%d/t%d'%(roach,pix,qeObsTime) # print pixelName dataset=fid.getNode(pixelName) for ind, sec in enumerate(dataset): for packet in sec: pulseh[ind].append(1) # packet = int(packet) # beforePeak = binToDeg_12_9(packet>>44 & pulseMask) # atPeak = binToDeg_12_9(packet>>32 & pulseMask) # afterPeak = binToDeg_12_9(packet >> 20 & pulseMask) # if beforePeak+afterPeak-2*atPeak != 0: # peak = peakfit(beforePeak,atPeak,afterPeak) # peak = atPeak # pulseh[ind].append(peak) # the peaks for all photons in each second is in its own row of pulseh for t in pulseh: photonSec.append(len(t)) # photonSec has the total number of photons per second, print 'Things to record when you view the following plot: \n time interval during a strong peak\n time the first peak starts\n if there is a pause and if so,\n after what peak does the pause occur\n the time the first peak after the pause starts' #plt.ion() der=[] for t in xrange(0, len(photonSec)-1): der.append(photonSec[t+1]-photonSec[t]) status='R' riseCutoff = 10000 fallCutoff = 10000 x=[1,NSec/2,NSec] y1=[riseCutoff,riseCutoff,riseCutoff] y2=[-1*fallCutoff,-1*fallCutoff,-1*fallCutoff] fig1=plt.figure() plt.plot(der, 'k', x,y1,'b',x,y2,'b') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Derivative of the Number of Photons') plt.title('Derivative of # Photons vs. Time') plt.grid(True) plt.draw() riseCutoff= int(raw_input('What value of the derivative should define a rising edge? 10000? ')) fallCutoff= int(raw_input('What value of the derivative should define a falling edge? 10000? ')) plt.close() plt.close() fig0=plt.figure() plt.plot(photonSec) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Number of Photons') plt.title('# Photons vs. Time') plt.grid(True) plt.draw() pause= raw_input("Is there a pause in the middle of the data? Y or press enter ") if pause in ('Y', "'Y'",'y',"'y'"): pause= 'Y' pausePeak= int(raw_input('After what peak does the pause occur? ')) pauseInitial= int(raw_input('What time does the %d th peak start? '%(pausePeak+1))) else: pause= 'N' pausePeak=0 pauseInitial=NSec+20 indi = [] #print pauseInitial-20 risingEdge = [] fallingEdge = [] for t in xrange(0,len(der)): if der[t] >= riseCutoff: risingEdge.append(t) if der[t] <= -fallCutoff: fallingEdge.append(t) print risingEdge print fallingEdge peakw = fallingEdge[0]-risingEdge[0]-10 troughw = risingEdge[1] - risingEdge[0]-10 #for g in xrange(0, len(der)): # if abs(der[g]) >= ncutoff : # indi.append(g) ##remove close indices that correspond to the same peak ##print indi #for i in indi: # x = indi.index(i) # if x+1 != len(indi) : # if abs(indi[x+1]-indi[x]) <= 5 : # del indi[x+1] #x=0 #while x!= len(indi): # if indi[x]>(pauseInitial-20): ## print indi[x] # del indi[x] # else: # x=x+1 ##print indi #if len(indi)%2 != 0: # del indi[len(indi)-1] # # # +- 3 so we don't average the first or last 3 sec in each peak #init = indi[0] + 3 #numon = len(indi)//2 # #spw = [] #stw = [] # #for j in xrange(0,numon): # pw = indi[2*j+1]-indi[2*j] # spw.append(pw) #for k in xrange(0,numon-1): # tw = indi[2*(k+1)]-indi[2*k+1] # stw.append(tw) ##print spw ##print stw #peakw = np.average(spw) - 2*3 #troughw = np.average(stw) + 2*3 print 'peakw = %f'%peakw print 'troughw = %f'%troughw #useCalc= raw_input("Do you want to use the calculated peakw and troughw? type N or press enter: ") #if useCalc in ('N', "'N'", 'n', "'n'"): # peakw = int(raw_input('What do you want to set the peakw as?\n peakw = number of seconds the peak lasts -6 : ')) # troughw = int(raw_input('What do you want to set the troughw as?\n troughw = number of seconds the between peaks +6 : ')) initial= int(raw_input('What time does the first peak start? ')) if status not in ('Q', 'q', "'Q'", "'q'"): print 'We will see how many photons hit each individual pixel during a given time interval' intervalStart= int(raw_input('When should the time interval start? ')) intervalStop= int(raw_input('When should the interval stop? ')) finish=[] Final=[] pixels=[] for pix in xrange(0,NPixels): temp=[] dataset=fid.getNode('/r%d/p%d/t%d'%(roach,pix,qeObsTime)) for t in xrange(intervalStart,intervalStop): temp.append(len(dataset[t])) finish.append([int(np.average(temp)),pix]) Final=sorted(finish) print '# of photons hit during time interval, pixel they hit] in ascending order' print Final fid.close() #This program looks at specific pixels (picked by using and plots the photon histogram and qe for each. #dectv is the values (x10^7) seen in the comparison detector (not arcons). # HaveTestBed = raw_input("Do you have a test bed file loaded? N or press enter: ") # if HaveTestBed in ('N', "'N'", 'n', "'n'"): # dectv=dectvManual # wvl=wvlManual # else: wvl = testbedFile[:,0] dectv=testbedFile[:,-1] status='R' LowPhotonLimit=0 HighPhotonLimit=0 plt.close() while status in ('R', "'R'", 'r', "'r'"): LowPhotonLimit=0 HighPhotonLimit=0 PixList=Final listOrRange= raw_input("Do you want to analyze pixels that recieved a certain level of photons or enter a list of pixel numbers?\nList = L or for Range press enter : ") if listOrRange in ('L', "'L'", 'l', "'l'"): pixlist= input("What pixels do you want to analyze? \nMake sure you enter a list! [ , , ] : ") else: LowPhotonLimit= int(raw_input('What is the smallest amount of photons allowed? ')) HighPhotonLimit= int(raw_input('What is the largest amount of photons allowed? ')) x=0 while x != len(PixList): if PixList[x][0]>HighPhotonLimit or PixList[x][0]<LowPhotonLimit: del PixList[x] else: x=x+1 for pix in xrange(0,len(PixList)): PixList[pix]=PixList[pix][1] pixlist = PixList print 'The pixels selected are' print pixlist print 'The number of pixels selected are' print len(pixlist) plotYorN = raw_input("Do you want to plot photons vs. time for each pixel selected? Y or press enter: ") if plotYorN in ('Y', "'Y'",'y',"'y'"): plotYorN= 'Y' else: plotYorN= 'N' NPulses = NumPhotonInWVLPulses(qeDataFilename, qeObsTime, roach, pixlist, initial, peakw, troughw, dectv, NSec, len(wvl), plotYorN , pause, pauseInitial, pausePeak) print NPulses[0] fig2=plt.figure() qeresults=[] medianQeResults=[] meanQeResults=[] print 'dectv=',dectv print 'NPulses[0]=',NPulses[0][:] for j in xrange(0,len(pixlist)): qepix=[] for i in xrange(0,len(dectv)): # print wvl[i] if wvl[i]>= 1100: qewvl=(NPulses[j][i]*IRAreaDetector**2)/((dectv[i]*10**7)*(magnification*areaARCONS)**2) else: qewvl=(NPulses[j][i]*areaDetector**2)/((dectv[i]*10**7)*(magnification*areaARCONS)**2) # print qewvl qepix.append(qewvl) plt.plot(wvl,qepix,label='r%dp%d'%(roach,pixlist[j])) qeresults.append(qepix) qeresults = np.array(qeresults) print 'qeresult[0]=',qeresults[0] for wl in xrange(0,len(qeresults[0])): medianQeResults.append(np.median(qeresults[:,wl])) meanQeResults.append(np.mean(qeresults[:,wl])) print 'medianQE=',medianQeResults #print meanQeResults #-------Some error above. inputs right, formula right, output not right...------ plt.xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') plt.ylabel('QE') plt.title('QE of %s in r%d'%(qeDataFilename,roach)) plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plt.draw() # print 'The decimal quantum efficiency of the ADR for 400-1050 wvls are:' # print qeresults Save= raw_input("Do you want to save this next plot of the median QE vs. wavelength? Y or enter: ") plt.close() fig3=plt.figure() plt.plot(wvl,medianQeResults, label='median') plt.plot(wvl,meanQeResults, label='mean') plt.xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') plt.ylabel('QE') plt.legend() plt.title('Median and Mean QE of %s in r%d'%(qeDataFilename,roach), size=12) plt.grid(True) if Save in ('Y', "'Y'",'y',"'y'"): saveMedQEPlotname= raw_input('Enter the desired filename: ') print saveMedQEPlotname plt.savefig(saveMedQEPlotname) plt.draw() status = raw_input("What do you want to do? \nRepeat with different pixels= R or press enter to finish: ") plt.close()
#!/usr/bin/python import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt #Plots Histogram of f, Q, and Distance of f to nearest neighbor, Q vs f, Dist to neigh vs f and saves it to a pdf. You need to change the File and pdftitle (and possibly the text position in line 79 File= '20121030/FL-sci4a-all-fits.txt' pdftitle='/home/sean/data/fitshist/20121030-SCI4a-DF-all-QvsNN.pdf' autofit=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s'%File) freqs=autofit[:,1] Qs=autofit[:,2] Qs=[x/1000 for x in Qs] ds=[] fs=[] freq=sorted(freqs) for i in xrange(len(freqs)): if i-1 >= 0: y=abs(freq[i]-freq[i-1]) else: y=abs(freq[i]-freq[i+1]) if i+1 < len(freqs): x=abs(freq[i]-freq[i+1]) else: x=abs(freq[i]-freq[i-1]) if x>=y: ds.append(y) else: ds.append(x) fs.append(freq[i]) ds=[x*1000 for x in ds] mf=np.median(freqs) sf=np.std(freqs) mq=np.median(Qs) sq=np.std(Qs) md=np.median(ds) sd=np.std(ds) nres=len(freqs) fig = plt.figure() ax5=fig.add_subplot(111) ax5.plot(ds,Qs,'b,') ax5.set_ylabel('Q(k)', size=8) ax5.set_xlabel('Distance of f to Nearest Neighbor (MHz)', size=8) ax5.set_title('Nearest Neighbor vs f0', size=9) ax5.tick_params(labelsize=8) #ax5.set_ylim(0,20) fig.savefig(pdftitle) plt.close()
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import tables import re import collections import scipy def createAccuratefQMatrix(bmaptitle, title1,titlefits1,title2,titlefits2,closefcutoff=3): freqs0=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s0.txt'%title1) f0=freqs0[:,0] f0=f0[1:] freqs1=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s1.txt'%title1) f1=freqs1[:,0] f1=f1[1:] freqs2=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s2.txt'%title1) f2=freqs2[:,0] f2=f2[1:] freqs3=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s3.txt'%title1) f3=freqs3[:,0] f3=f3[1:] FL1fits=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s'%titlefits1) approxf1=FL1fits[:,1] QFL1=FL1fits[:,2] QiFL1=FL1fits[:,4] freqs4=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s4.txt'%title2) f4=freqs4[:,0] f4=f4[1:] freqs5=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s5.txt'%title2) f5=freqs5[:,0] f5=f5[1:] freqs6=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s6.txt'%title2) f6=freqs6[:,0] f6=f6[1:] freqs7=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s7.txt'%title2) f7=freqs7[:,0] f7=f7[1:] FL2fits=np.loadtxt('/home/sean/data/%s'%titlefits2) approxf2=FL2fits[:,1] QFL2=FL2fits[:,2] QiFL2=FL2fits[:,4] accuratefs=[f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7] accuratefQ=[] indexofpickedapproxf1=[] indexofpickedapproxf2=[] indexOfDelAccuratef=[] FL1j=0 FL2j=0 for roach in xrange(0,4): fQroach=[] for pixf in xrange(0,len(accuratefs[roach])): foundmatch=0 i=0 while foundmatch==0: if FL1j+i+1< len(approxf1): if abs(accuratefs[roach][pixf]-approxf1[FL1j+i]) < closefcutoff: fQroach.append([accuratefs[roach][pixf],QFL1[FL1j+i],QiFL1[FL1j+i]]) indexofpickedapproxf1.append(FL1j+i) foundmatch=1 FL1j=FL1j+i+1 else: i=i+1 else: foundmatch=1 indexOfDelAccuratef.append([roach,pixf]) accuratefQ.append(fQroach) for roach in xrange(4,8): fQroach=[] for pixf in xrange(0,len(accuratefs[roach])): foundmatch=0 i=0 while foundmatch==0: if FL2j+i+1< len(approxf2): if abs(accuratefs[roach][pixf]-approxf2[FL2j+i]) < closefcutoff: fQroach.append([accuratefs[roach][pixf],QFL2[FL2j+i],QiFL2[FL2j+i]]) indexofpickedapproxf2.append(FL2j+i) foundmatch=1 FL2j=FL2j+i+1 else: i=i+1 else: foundmatch=1 indexOfDelAccuratef.append([roach,pixf]) accuratefQ.append(fQroach) approxfPicked2xFL1=[x for x, y in collections.Counter(indexofpickedapproxf1).items() if y > 1] approxfPicked2xFL2=[x for x, y in collections.Counter(indexofpickedapproxf2).items() if y > 1] #print indexOfDelAccuratef #print len(approxf1),len(f0)+len(f1)+len(f2)+len(f3),len(accuratefQ[0])+len(accuratefQ[1])+len(accuratefQ[2])+len(accuratefQ[3]) #print len(accuratefQ[0]),len(f0),len(accuratefQ[1]),len(f1),len(accuratefQ[2]),len(f2),len(accuratefQ[3]),len(f3) #print len(approxf2),len(f4)+len(f5)+len(f6)+len(f7),len(accuratefQ[4])+len(accuratefQ[5])+len(accuratefQ[6])+len(accuratefQ[7]) #print len(accuratefQ[4]),len(f4),len(accuratefQ[5]),len(f5),len(accuratefQ[6]),len(f6),len(accuratefQ[7]),len(f7) return accuratefQ #now have accuratefQ. The rows correspond to the roaches (1st row is r0) and the entries contain the f and Q for that pixel (accuratefQ[0][0]= [f,Q] for r0p0) def getfQforgoodpix(bmaptitle, title1,titlefits1,title2,titlefits2): #title1/2 gives the base of the filename for the frequency files for Feedline 1/2 (Don't include '.txt'). #titlefist1/2 gives the filename of the fits file (include '.txt') #bmaptitle gives the filename of the beammap (include '.h5') closefcutoff=.0007 #when the program compares the approximate freq in frequency files to the accurate frequency in the fit file, it will accept a difference of the closefcutoff (GHz) accuratefQ = createAccuratefQMatrix(bmaptitle, title1,titlefits1,title2,titlefits2,closefcutoff) #now have accuratefQ. The rows correspond to the roaches (1st row is r0) and the entries contain the f and Q for that pixel (accuratefQ[0][0]= [f,Q] for r0p0) fid=tables.openFile(bmaptitle) b=fid.root.beammap.beamimage pixlist = [] for row in xrange(0,46): for column in xrange(0,44): string=b[row][column] a=re.findall(r'\d+',string) roachNum=int(a[0]) pixelNum=int(a[1]) if roachNum<8: if pixelNum < len(accuratefQ[roachNum]): pixlist.append([[roachNum,pixelNum],accuratefQ[roachNum][pixelNum]]) fid.close() pixlist=sorted(pixlist) return pixlist
import tables import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import itertools def peakfit(y1,y2,y3): y4=y2-0.125*((y3-y1)**2)/(y3+y1-2*y2) return y4 def binToDeg_12_9(binOffset12_9): x = binOffset12_9/2.0**9-4.0 return x*180.0/np.pi def NumPhotonInWVLPulses(qeDataFilename, qeObsTime, roach, pixlist, initial, peakw, troughw, dectv, NSec=3600, nwvl=14, plotYorN= 'N', pause= 'N', pauseInitial=0, pausePeak=1, indicesTooCloseCutoff=3): delayforIR=3 peaks=[] darkflux=[0,initial-2*indicesTooCloseCutoff] if pause=='Y': for x in xrange(0,pausePeak): init=initial+int((peakw+troughw)*x) fin=init+int(peakw) peaks.append(init) peaks.append(fin) for x in xrange(0,nwvl-pausePeak): init=pauseInitial+int((peakw+troughw+delayforIR)*x) fin=init+int(peakw) peaks.append(init) peaks.append(fin) for x in xrange(0,pausePeak): init=int(initial+peakw+2*indicesTooCloseCutoff+(peakw+troughw)*x) fin=init+int(troughw)-3*indicesTooCloseCutoff darkflux.append(init) darkflux.append(fin) for x in xrange(0,nwvl-pausePeak): init=int(pauseInitial+peakw+2*indicesTooCloseCutoff+(peakw+troughw+delayforIR)*x) fin=init+int(troughw+delayforIR)-3*indicesTooCloseCutoff darkflux.append(init) darkflux.append(fin) else: for x in xrange(0,nwvl): init=initial+int((peakw+troughw)*x) fin=init+int(peakw) peaks.append(init) peaks.append(fin) for x in xrange(0,nwvl): init=int(initial+peakw+2*indicesTooCloseCutoff+(peakw+troughw)*x) fin=init+int(troughw)-3*indicesTooCloseCutoff darkflux.append(init) darkflux.append(fin) print 'The times indicating the beginning and end of each peak are' print peaks #print darkflux NPulses=[] pulseMask = int(12*'1',2)#bitmask of 12 ones fid = tables.openFile(qeDataFilename,mode='r') for pix in pixlist: photonSec=[] temp=[] pulseh=[[] for x in xrange(NSec)] dataset=fid.getNode('/r%d/p%d/t%d'%(roach,pix,qeObsTime)) for ind, sec in enumerate(dataset): for packet in sec: pulseh[ind].append(1) # packet = int(packet) # beforePeak = binToDeg_12_9(packet>>44 & pulseMask) # atPeak = binToDeg_12_9(packet>>32 & pulseMask) # afterPeak = binToDeg_12_9(packet >> 20 & pulseMask) # if beforePeak+afterPeak-2*atPeak != 0: # peak = peakfit(beforePeak,atPeak,afterPeak) # pulseh[ind].append(peak) # the peaks for all photons in each second is in its own row of pulseh for q in pulseh: photonSec.append(len(q)) fin=[] tpeak=[] for i in xrange(0,len(peaks)/2): pk=np.average(photonSec[peaks[2*i]:peaks[2*i+1]]) dk=np.average(photonSec[darkflux[2*i]:darkflux[2*i+1]]+photonSec[darkflux[2*i+2]:darkflux[2*i+3]]) net=pk-dk fin.append(net) tpeak.append(np.average([peaks[2*i],peaks[2*i+1]])) # fin.append(pk) NPulses.append(fin) # photonSec has the total number of photons per second, if plotYorN == 'Y': # plt.plot(photonSec) fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(peaks,[0]*len(peaks),'ro') ax.plot(tpeak,fin,'bo') ax.plot(photonSec) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Number of Photons') ax.set_title('# Photons vs. Time r%dp%d'%(roach,pix)) plt.grid(True) plt.close() fid.close() return NPulses def qeFuncOfWvl(qeDataFilename, qeObsTime, roach, pixel, ini, peakw, troughw, dectv, NSec=3600, nwvl=14, plotYorN='N'): pixlist= [pixel] NPulses = NumPhotonInWVLPulses(qeDataFilename, qeObsTime, roach, pixlist, ini, peakw, troughw, dectv, NSec, nwvl, plotYorN='N', indicesTooCloseCutoff=3) qeresults=[] for i in xrange(0,len(dectv)): qewvl=1/(dectv[i]*10**7/NPulses[0][i]*.0007096896) qeresults.append(qewvl) return qeresults
import numpy as np import pylab as plt import sys import os import argparse """ Read the list of frequencies (data01-good.txt by default) and write local oscillator frequencies (FL1-lofreqs.txt) for each roach. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Distribute frequencies to roach boards") parser.add_argument('feedline',help='one-based index of the feed line', type=int) parser.add_argument('-fileName', help='file of frequencies, located in MKID_DATA_DIR', default='data01-good.txt') args = parser.parse_args() fileName = args.fileName feedline = args.feedline print "begin with fileName=",fileName," feedline=",feedline NRoaches = int(os.environ['MKID_NROACHES']) roachBandwidth = float(os.environ['MKID_ROACH_BANDWIDTH']) #resonant frequency list for the feedline dir = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] datafilename=os.path.join(dir,fileName) table = np.loadtxt(datafilename) freqs = table[:,2] #freqs = table[:,1] freqs.sort() fig = plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) fStart=freqs.min() fLast=freqs.max() print '' print len(freqs), ' total frequencies' print 'f_min = ',freqs.min() print 'f_max = ',freqs.max() totalSpread=fLast-fStart #totalBinsOverSpread=200.0 #binWidth=totalSpread/totalBinsOverSpread #set default freq ranges for each roach or manually tweak them #roachFreqStart = np.array([fStart]*NRoaches) #roachLOFreq = np.array([fStart]*NRoaches) #if feedline == 1: # roachLOFreq[0] = fStart+roachBandwidth/2.0+.08 # roachLOFreq[1] = roachLOFreq[0]+roachBandwidth+.15 # roachLOFreq[2] = roachLOFreq[1]+roachBandwidth+.1 # roachLOFreq[3] = roachLOFreq[2]+roachBandwidth+.05 #else: # roachLOFreq[0] = fStart+roachBandwidth/2.0 # roachLOFreq[1] = roachLOFreq[0]+roachBandwidth+.08 # roachLOFreq[2] = roachLOFreq[1]+roachBandwidth+.11 # roachLOFreq[3] = roachLOFreq[2]+roachBandwidth+.11 # Chris S. version that only does MKID_NROACHES # what is the logic of the small offsets? I'll just use 0.1 everywhere roachLOFreq = np.zeros(NRoaches) roachLOFreq[0] = fStart+roachBandwidth/2.0 for iRoach in range(1,NRoaches): roachLOFreq[iRoach] = roachLOFreq[iRoach-1] + roachBandwidh + 0.10 print "roachLOFreq=",roachLOFreq roachFreqEnd = roachLOFreq+roachBandwidth/2.0 roachFreqStart = roachLOFreq-roachBandwidth/2.0 roachFreqList=[[]]*NRoaches outputTable=[[]]*NRoaches excludedFreqs = freqs for iRoach in np.arange(0,NRoaches): r = iRoach+4*(feedline-1) print "begin iRoach=",iRoach,' r=',r," start=",roachFreqStart[iRoach],' end=',roachFreqEnd[iRoach] roachFreqList[iRoach] = freqs[np.logical_and(roachFreqStart[iRoach] <= freqs,freqs < roachFreqEnd[iRoach])] excludedFreqs = excludedFreqs[np.logical_or(excludedFreqs < roachFreqStart[iRoach],roachFreqEnd[iRoach] < excludedFreqs)] print 'roach ',r, ' covers ',len(roachFreqList[iRoach]),' freqs' if len(roachFreqList[iRoach]>0): ax.hist(roachFreqList[iRoach],bins=20) print '%d freqs excluded'%len(excludedFreqs) if len(excludedFreqs) > 0: ax.hist(excludedFreqs,bins=100,color='black') lo_fid=open(os.path.join(dir,'FL%d-lofreqs.txt'%feedline),'w') for iRoach in np.arange(0,NRoaches): r = iRoach+4*(feedline-1) roachFreqList[iRoach] = freqs[np.logical_and(roachFreqStart[iRoach] <= freqs,freqs < roachFreqEnd[iRoach])] excludedFreqs = excludedFreqs[np.logical_or(excludedFreqs < roachFreqStart[iRoach],roachFreqEnd[iRoach] < excludedFreqs)] print 'roach ',r, ' covers ',len(roachFreqList[iRoach]),' freqs, ', roachFreqMin = roachFreqList[iRoach].min() roachFreqMax = roachFreqList[iRoach].max() print 'from %.3f to %.3f'%(roachFreqMin,roachFreqMax), roachFreqLO=roachFreqMin+(roachFreqMax-roachFreqMin)/2.0 print ' with LO freq at %.3f'%roachLOFreq[iRoach] lo_fid.write('%.5f\n'%roachLOFreq[iRoach]) ax.hist(roachFreqList[iRoach],bins=20) fid = open(os.path.join(dir,'freq%d.txt'%r),'w') fid.write('1\t1\t1\t1\n') for freq in roachFreqList[iRoach]: fid.write('%.7f\t0\t0\t1\n'%freq) fid.close() #ax.hist(excludedFreqs,bins=100,color='black') print '%d freqs excluded'%len(excludedFreqs) lo_fid.close()
""" Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization, based on MINPACK-1. AUTHORS The original version of this software, called LMFIT, was written in FORTRAN as part of the MINPACK-1 package by XXX. Craig Markwardt converted the FORTRAN code to IDL. The information for the IDL version is: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 [email protected] UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: Mark Rivers created this Python version from Craig's IDL version. Mark Rivers, University of Chicago Building 434A, Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439 [email protected] Updated versions can be found at Sergey Koposov converted the Mark's Python version from Numeric to numpy Sergey Koposov, University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy, Madingley road, CB3 0HA, Cambridge, UK [email protected] Updated versions can be found at DESCRIPTION MPFIT uses the Levenberg-Marquardt technique to solve the least-squares problem. In its typical use, MPFIT will be used to fit a user-supplied function (the "model") to user-supplied data points (the "data") by adjusting a set of parameters. MPFIT is based upon MINPACK-1 (LMDIF.F) by More' and collaborators. For example, a researcher may think that a set of observed data points is best modelled with a Gaussian curve. A Gaussian curve is parameterized by its mean, standard deviation and normalization. MPFIT will, within certain constraints, find the set of parameters which best fits the data. The fit is "best" in the least-squares sense; that is, the sum of the weighted squared differences between the model and data is minimized. The Levenberg-Marquardt technique is a particular strategy for iteratively searching for the best fit. This particular implementation is drawn from MINPACK-1 (see NETLIB), and is much faster and more accurate than the version provided in the Scientific Python package in Scientific.Functions.LeastSquares. This version allows upper and lower bounding constraints to be placed on each parameter, or the parameter can be held fixed. The user-supplied Python function should return an array of weighted deviations between model and data. In a typical scientific problem the residuals should be weighted so that each deviate has a gaussian sigma of 1.0. If X represents values of the independent variable, Y represents a measurement for each value of X, and ERR represents the error in the measurements, then the deviates could be calculated as follows: DEVIATES = (Y - F(X)) / ERR where F is the analytical function representing the model. You are recommended to use the convenience functions MPFITFUN and MPFITEXPR, which are driver functions that calculate the deviates for you. If ERR are the 1-sigma uncertainties in Y, then TOTAL( DEVIATES^2 ) will be the total chi-squared value. MPFIT will minimize the chi-square value. The values of X, Y and ERR are passed through MPFIT to the user-supplied function via the FUNCTKW keyword. Simple constraints can be placed on parameter values by using the PARINFO keyword to MPFIT. See below for a description of this keyword. MPFIT does not perform more general optimization tasks. See TNMIN instead. MPFIT is customized, based on MINPACK-1, to the least-squares minimization problem. USER FUNCTION The user must define a function which returns the appropriate values as specified above. The function should return the weighted deviations between the model and the data. It should also return a status flag and an optional partial derivative array. For applications which use finite-difference derivatives -- the default -- the user function should be declared in the following way: def myfunct(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None) # Parameter values are passed in "p" # If fjac==None then partial derivatives should not be # computed. It will always be None if MPFIT is called with default # flag. model = F(x, p) # Non-negative status value means MPFIT should continue, negative means # stop the calculation. status = 0 return([status, (y-model)/err] See below for applications with analytical derivatives. The keyword parameters X, Y, and ERR in the example above are suggestive but not required. Any parameters can be passed to MYFUNCT by using the functkw keyword to MPFIT. Use MPFITFUN and MPFITEXPR if you need ideas on how to do that. The function *must* accept a parameter list, P. In general there are no restrictions on the number of dimensions in X, Y or ERR. However the deviates *must* be returned in a one-dimensional Numeric array of type Float. User functions may also indicate a fatal error condition using the status return described above. If status is set to a number between -15 and -1 then MPFIT will stop the calculation and return to the caller. ANALYTIC DERIVATIVES In the search for the best-fit solution, MPFIT by default calculates derivatives numerically via a finite difference approximation. The user-supplied function need not calculate the derivatives explicitly. However, if you desire to compute them analytically, then the AUTODERIVATIVE=0 keyword must be passed to MPFIT. As a practical matter, it is often sufficient and even faster to allow MPFIT to calculate the derivatives numerically, and so AUTODERIVATIVE=0 is not necessary. If AUTODERIVATIVE=0 is used then the user function must check the parameter FJAC, and if FJAC!=None then return the partial derivative array in the return list. def myfunct(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None) # Parameter values are passed in "p" # If FJAC!=None then partial derivatives must be comptuer. # FJAC contains an array of len(p), where each entry # is 1 if that parameter is free and 0 if it is fixed. model = F(x, p) Non-negative status value means MPFIT should continue, negative means # stop the calculation. status = 0 if (dojac): pderiv = zeros([len(x), len(p)], Float) for j in range(len(p)): pderiv[:,j] = FGRAD(x, p, j) else: pderiv = None return([status, (y-model)/err, pderiv] where FGRAD(x, p, i) is a user function which must compute the derivative of the model with respect to parameter P[i] at X. When finite differencing is used for computing derivatives (ie, when AUTODERIVATIVE=1), or when MPFIT needs only the errors but not the derivatives the parameter FJAC=None. Derivatives should be returned in the PDERIV array. PDERIV should be an m x n array, where m is the number of data points and n is the number of parameters. dp[i,j] is the derivative at the ith point with respect to the jth parameter. The derivatives with respect to fixed parameters are ignored; zero is an appropriate value to insert for those derivatives. Upon input to the user function, FJAC is set to a vector with the same length as P, with a value of 1 for a parameter which is free, and a value of zero for a parameter which is fixed (and hence no derivative needs to be calculated). If the data is higher than one dimensional, then the *last* dimension should be the parameter dimension. Example: fitting a 50x50 image, "dp" should be 50x50xNPAR. CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD The behavior of MPFIT can be modified with respect to each parameter to be fitted. A parameter value can be fixed; simple boundary constraints can be imposed; limitations on the parameter changes can be imposed; properties of the automatic derivative can be modified; and parameters can be tied to one another. These properties are governed by the PARINFO structure, which is passed as a keyword parameter to MPFIT. PARINFO should be a list of dictionaries, one list entry for each parameter. Each parameter is associated with one element of the array, in numerical order. The dictionary can have the following keys (none are required, keys are case insensitive): 'value' - the starting parameter value (but see the START_PARAMS parameter for more information). 'fixed' - a boolean value, whether the parameter is to be held fixed or not. Fixed parameters are not varied by MPFIT, but are passed on to MYFUNCT for evaluation. 'limited' - a two-element boolean array. If the first/second element is set, then the parameter is bounded on the lower/upper side. A parameter can be bounded on both sides. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. 'limits' - a two-element float array. Gives the parameter limits on the lower and upper sides, respectively. Zero, one or two of these values can be set, depending on the values of LIMITED. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. 'parname' - a string, giving the name of the parameter. The fitting code of MPFIT does not use this tag in any way. However, the default iterfunct will print the parameter name if available. 'step' - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is computed automatically. Ignored when AUTODERIVATIVE=0. 'mpside' - the sidedness of the finite difference when computing numerical derivatives. This field can take four values: 0 - one-sided derivative computed automatically 1 - one-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x) )/h -1 - one-sided derivative (f(x) - f(x-h))/h 2 - two-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2*h) Where H is the STEP parameter described above. The "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any constraints. The other methods do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise, but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default: 0. 'mpmaxstep' - the maximum change to be made in the parameter value. During the fitting process, the parameter will never be changed by more than this value in one iteration. A value of 0 indicates no maximum. Default: 0. 'tied' - a string expression which "ties" the parameter to other free or fixed parameters. Any expression involving constants and the parameter array P are permitted. Example: if parameter 2 is always to be twice parameter 1 then use the following: parinfo(2).tied = '2 * p(1)'. Since they are totally constrained, tied parameters are considered to be fixed; no errors are computed for them. [ NOTE: the PARNAME can't be used in expressions. ] 'mpprint' - if set to 1, then the default iterfunct will print the parameter value. If set to 0, the parameter value will not be printed. This tag can be used to selectively print only a few parameter values out of many. Default: 1 (all parameters printed) Future modifications to the PARINFO structure, if any, will involve adding dictionary tags beginning with the two letters "MP". Therefore programmers are urged to avoid using tags starting with the same letters; otherwise they are free to include their own fields within the PARINFO structure, and they will be ignored. PARINFO Example: parinfo = [{'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[0.,0.]} for i in range(5)] parinfo[0]['fixed'] = 1 parinfo[4]['limited'][0] = 1 parinfo[4]['limits'][0] = 50. values = [5.7, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] for i in range(5): parinfo[i]['value']=values[i] A total of 5 parameters, with starting values of 5.7, 2.2, 500, 1.5, and 2000 are given. The first parameter is fixed at a value of 5.7, and the last parameter is constrained to be above 50. EXAMPLE import mpfit import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric x = arange(100, float) p0 = [5.7, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] y = ( p[0] + p[1]*[x] + p[2]*[x**2] + p[3]*sqrt(x) + p[4]*log(x)) fa = {'x':x, 'y':y, 'err':err} m = mpfit('myfunct', p0, functkw=fa) print 'status = ', m.status if (m.status <= 0): print 'error message = ', m.errmsg print 'parameters = ', m.params Minimizes sum of squares of MYFUNCT. MYFUNCT is called with the X, Y, and ERR keyword parameters that are given by FUNCTKW. The results can be obtained from the returned object m. THEORY OF OPERATION There are many specific strategies for function minimization. One very popular technique is to use function gradient information to realize the local structure of the function. Near a local minimum the function value can be taylor expanded about x0 as follows: f(x) = f(x0) + f'(x0) . (x-x0) + (1/2) (x-x0) . f''(x0) . (x-x0) ----- --------------- ------------------------------- (1) Order 0th 1st 2nd Here f'(x) is the gradient vector of f at x, and f''(x) is the Hessian matrix of second derivatives of f at x. The vector x is the set of function parameters, not the measured data vector. One can find the minimum of f, f(xm) using Newton's method, and arrives at the following linear equation: f''(x0) . (xm-x0) = - f'(x0) (2) If an inverse can be found for f''(x0) then one can solve for (xm-x0), the step vector from the current position x0 to the new projected minimum. Here the problem has been linearized (ie, the gradient information is known to first order). f''(x0) is symmetric n x n matrix, and should be positive definite. The Levenberg - Marquardt technique is a variation on this theme. It adds an additional diagonal term to the equation which may aid the convergence properties: (f''(x0) + nu I) . (xm-x0) = -f'(x0) (2a) where I is the identity matrix. When nu is large, the overall matrix is diagonally dominant, and the iterations follow steepest descent. When nu is small, the iterations are quadratically convergent. In principle, if f''(x0) and f'(x0) are known then xm-x0 can be determined. However the Hessian matrix is often difficult or impossible to compute. The gradient f'(x0) may be easier to compute, if even by finite difference techniques. So-called quasi-Newton techniques attempt to successively estimate f''(x0) by building up gradient information as the iterations proceed. In the least squares problem there are further simplifications which assist in solving eqn (2). The function to be minimized is a sum of squares: f = Sum(hi^2) (3) where hi is the ith residual out of m residuals as described above. This can be substituted back into eqn (2) after computing the derivatives: f' = 2 Sum(hi hi') f'' = 2 Sum(hi' hj') + 2 Sum(hi hi'') (4) If one assumes that the parameters are already close enough to a minimum, then one typically finds that the second term in f'' is negligible [or, in any case, is too difficult to compute]. Thus, equation (2) can be solved, at least approximately, using only gradient information. In matrix notation, the combination of eqns (2) and (4) becomes: hT' . h' . dx = - hT' . h (5) Where h is the residual vector (length m), hT is its transpose, h' is the Jacobian matrix (dimensions n x m), and dx is (xm-x0). The user function supplies the residual vector h, and in some cases h' when it is not found by finite differences (see MPFIT_FDJAC2, which finds h and hT'). Even if dx is not the best absolute step to take, it does provide a good estimate of the best *direction*, so often a line minimization will occur along the dx vector direction. The method of solution employed by MINPACK is to form the Q . R factorization of h', where Q is an orthogonal matrix such that QT . Q = I, and R is upper right triangular. Using h' = Q . R and the ortogonality of Q, eqn (5) becomes (RT . QT) . (Q . R) . dx = - (RT . QT) . h RT . R . dx = - RT . QT . h (6) R . dx = - QT . h where the last statement follows because R is upper triangular. Here, R, QT and h are known so this is a matter of solving for dx. The routine MPFIT_QRFAC provides the QR factorization of h, with pivoting, and MPFIT_QRSOLV provides the solution for dx. REFERENCES MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. More', Jorge J., "The Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm: Implementation and Theory," in *Numerical Analysis*, ed. Watson, G. A., Lecture Notes in Mathematics 630, Springer-Verlag, 1977. MODIFICATION HISTORY Translated from MINPACK-1 in FORTRAN, Apr-Jul 1998, CM Copyright (C) 1997-2002, Craig Markwardt This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute modified or unmodified copies is granted, provided this copyright and disclaimer are included unchanged. Translated from MPFIT (Craig Markwardt's IDL package) to Python, August, 2002. Mark Rivers Converted from Numeric to numpy (Sergey Koposov, July 2008) """ import numpy import types import scipy.lib.blas # Original FORTRAN documentation # ********** # # subroutine lmdif # # the purpose of lmdif is to minimize the sum of the squares of # m nonlinear functions in n variables by a modification of # the levenberg-marquardt algorithm. the user must provide a # subroutine which calculates the functions. the jacobian is # then calculated by a forward-difference approximation. # # the subroutine statement is # # subroutine lmdif(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,ftol,xtol,gtol,maxfev,epsfcn, # diag,mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev,fjac, # ldfjac,ipvt,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) # # where # # fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which # calculates the functions. fcn must be declared # in an external statement in the user calling # program, and should be written as follows. # # subroutine fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) # integer m,n,iflag # double precision x(n),fvec(m) # ---------- # calculate the functions at x and # return this vector in fvec. # ---------- # return # end # # the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless # the user wants to terminate execution of lmdif. # in this case set iflag to a negative integer. # # m is a positive integer input variable set to the number # of functions. # # n is a positive integer input variable set to the number # of variables. n must not exceed m. # # x is an array of length n. on input x must contain # an initial estimate of the solution vector. on output x # contains the final estimate of the solution vector. # # fvec is an output array of length m which contains # the functions evaluated at the output x. # # ftol is a nonnegative input variable. termination # occurs when both the actual and predicted relative # reductions in the sum of squares are at most ftol. # therefore, ftol measures the relative error desired # in the sum of squares. # # xtol is a nonnegative input variable. termination # occurs when the relative error between two consecutive # iterates is at most xtol. therefore, xtol measures the # relative error desired in the approximate solution. # # gtol is a nonnegative input variable. termination # occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and # any column of the jacobian is at most gtol in absolute # value. therefore, gtol measures the orthogonality # desired between the function vector and the columns # of the jacobian. # # maxfev is a positive integer input variable. termination # occurs when the number of calls to fcn is at least # maxfev by the end of an iteration. # # epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable # step length for the forward-difference approximation. this # approximation assumes that the relative errors in the # functions are of the order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less # than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative # errors in the functions are of the order of the machine # precision. # # diag is an array of length n. if mode = 1 (see # below), diag is internally set. if mode = 2, diag # must contain positive entries that serve as # multiplicative scale factors for the variables. # # mode is an integer input variable. if mode = 1, the # variables will be scaled internally. if mode = 2, # the scaling is specified by the input diag. other # values of mode are equivalent to mode = 1. # # factor is a positive input variable used in determining the # initial step bound. this bound is set to the product of # factor and the euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else # to factor itself. in most cases factor should lie in the # interval (.1,100.). 100. is a generally recommended value. # # nprint is an integer input variable that enables controlled # printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, # fcn is called with iflag = 0 at the beginning of the first # iteration and every nprint iterations thereafter and # immediately prior to return, with x and fvec available # for printing. if nprint is not positive, no special calls # of fcn with iflag = 0 are made. # # info is an integer output variable. if the user has # terminated execution, info is set to the (negative) # value of iflag. see description of fcn. otherwise, # info is set as follows. # # info = 0 improper input parameters. # # info = 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions # in the sum of squares are at most ftol. # # info = 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates # is at most xtol. # # info = 3 conditions for info = 1 and info = 2 both hold. # # info = 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any # column of the jacobian is at most gtol in # absolute value. # # info = 5 number of calls to fcn has reached or # exceeded maxfev. # # info = 6 ftol is too small. no further reduction in # the sum of squares is possible. # # info = 7 xtol is too small. no further improvement in # the approximate solution x is possible. # # info = 8 gtol is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the # columns of the jacobian to machine precision. # # nfev is an integer output variable set to the number of # calls to fcn. # # fjac is an output m by n array. the upper n by n submatrix # of fjac contains an upper triangular matrix r with # diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude such that # # t t t # p *(jac *jac)*p = r *r, # # where p is a permutation matrix and jac is the final # calculated jacobian. column j of p is column ipvt(j) # (see below) of the identity matrix. the lower trapezoidal # part of fjac contains information generated during # the computation of r. # # ldfjac is a positive integer input variable not less than m # which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac. # # ipvt is an integer output array of length n. ipvt # defines a permutation matrix p such that jac*p = q*r, # where jac is the final calculated jacobian, q is # orthogonal (not stored), and r is upper triangular # with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude. # column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. # # qtf is an output array of length n which contains # the first n elements of the vector (q transpose)*fvec. # # wa1, wa2, and wa3 are work arrays of length n. # # wa4 is a work array of length m. # # subprograms called # # user-supplied ...... fcn # # minpack-supplied ... dpmpar,enorm,fdjac2,,qrfac # # fortran-supplied ... dabs,dmax1,dmin1,dsqrt,mod # # argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. # burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more # # ********** class mpfit: blas_enorm32, = scipy.lib.blas.get_blas_funcs(['nrm2'],numpy.array([0],dtype=numpy.float32)) blas_enorm64, = scipy.lib.blas.get_blas_funcs(['nrm2'],numpy.array([0],dtype=numpy.float64)) def __init__(self, fcn, xall=None, functkw={}, parinfo=None, ftol=1.e-10, xtol=1.e-10, gtol=1.e-10, damp=0., maxiter=200, factor=100., nprint=1, iterfunct='default', iterkw={}, nocovar=0, rescale=0, autoderivative=1, quiet=0, diag=None, epsfcn=None, debug=0): """ Inputs: fcn: The function to be minimized. The function should return the weighted deviations between the model and the data, as described above. xall: An array of starting values for each of the parameters of the model. The number of parameters should be fewer than the number of measurements. This parameter is optional if the parinfo keyword is used (but see parinfo). The parinfo keyword provides a mechanism to fix or constrain individual parameters. Keywords: autoderivative: If this is set, derivatives of the function will be computed automatically via a finite differencing procedure. If not set, then fcn must provide the (analytical) derivatives. Default: set (=1) NOTE: to supply your own analytical derivatives, explicitly pass autoderivative=0 ftol: A nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most ftol (and status is accordingly set to 1 or 3). Therefore, ftol measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares. Default: 1E-10 functkw: A dictionary which contains the parameters to be passed to the user-supplied function specified by fcn via the standard Python keyword dictionary mechanism. This is the way you can pass additional data to your user-supplied function without using global variables. Consider the following example: if functkw = {'xval':[1.,2.,3.], 'yval':[1.,4.,9.], 'errval':[1.,1.,1.] } then the user supplied function should be declared like this: def myfunct(p, fjac=None, xval=None, yval=None, errval=None): Default: {} No extra parameters are passed to the user-supplied function. gtol: A nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most gtol in absolute value (and status is accordingly set to 4). Therefore, gtol measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Default: 1e-10 iterkw: The keyword arguments to be passed to iterfunct via the dictionary keyword mechanism. This should be a dictionary and is similar in operation to FUNCTKW. Default: {} No arguments are passed. iterfunct: The name of a function to be called upon each NPRINT iteration of the MPFIT routine. It should be declared in the following way: def iterfunct(myfunct, p, iter, fnorm, functkw=None, parinfo=None, quiet=0, dof=None, [iterkw keywords here]) # perform custom iteration update iterfunct must accept all three keyword parameters (FUNCTKW, PARINFO and QUIET). myfunct: The user-supplied function to be minimized, p: The current set of model parameters iter: The iteration number functkw: The arguments to be passed to myfunct. fnorm: The chi-squared value. quiet: Set when no textual output should be printed. dof: The number of degrees of freedom, normally the number of points less the number of free parameters. See below for documentation of parinfo. In implementation, iterfunct can perform updates to the terminal or graphical user interface, to provide feedback while the fit proceeds. If the fit is to be stopped for any reason, then iterfunct should return a a status value between -15 and -1. Otherwise it should return None (e.g. no return statement) or 0. In principle, iterfunct should probably not modify the parameter values, because it may interfere with the algorithm's stability. In practice it is allowed. Default: an internal routine is used to print the parameter values. Set iterfunct=None if there is no user-defined routine and you don't want the internal default routine be called. maxiter: The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the number is exceeded, then the status value is set to 5 and MPFIT returns. Default: 200 iterations nocovar: Set this keyword to prevent the calculation of the covariance matrix before returning (see COVAR) Default: clear (=0) The covariance matrix is returned nprint: The frequency with which iterfunct is called. A value of 1 indicates that iterfunct is called with every iteration, while 2 indicates every other iteration, etc. Note that several Levenberg-Marquardt attempts can be made in a single iteration. Default value: 1 parinfo Provides a mechanism for more sophisticated constraints to be placed on parameter values. When parinfo is not passed, then it is assumed that all parameters are free and unconstrained. Values in parinfo are never modified during a call to MPFIT. See description above for the structure of PARINFO. Default value: None All parameters are free and unconstrained. quiet: Set this keyword when no textual output should be printed by MPFIT damp: A scalar number, indicating the cut-off value of residuals where "damping" will occur. Residuals with magnitudes greater than this number will be replaced by their hyperbolic tangent. This partially mitigates the so-called large residual problem inherent in least-squares solvers (as for the test problem CURVI, A value of 0 indicates no damping. Default: 0 Note: DAMP doesn't work with autoderivative=0 xtol: A nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most xtol (and status is accordingly set to 2 or 3). Therefore, xtol measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution. Default: 1E-10 Outputs: Returns an object of type mpfit. The results are attributes of this class, e.g. mpfit.status, mpfit.errmsg, mpfit.params, npfit.niter, mpfit.covar. .status An integer status code is returned. All values greater than zero can represent success (however .status == 5 may indicate failure to converge). It can have one of the following values: -16 A parameter or function value has become infinite or an undefined number. This is usually a consequence of numerical overflow in the user's model function, which must be avoided. -15 to -1 These are error codes that either MYFUNCT or iterfunct may return to terminate the fitting process. Values from -15 to -1 are reserved for the user functions and will not clash with MPFIT. 0 Improper input parameters. 1 Both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most ftol. 2 Relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most xtol 3 Conditions for status = 1 and status = 2 both hold. 4 The cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most gtol in absolute value. 5 The maximum number of iterations has been reached. 6 ftol is too small. No further reduction in the sum of squares is possible. 7 xtol is too small. No further improvement in the approximate solution x is possible. 8 gtol is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine precision. .fnorm The value of the summed squared residuals for the returned parameter values. .covar The covariance matrix for the set of parameters returned by MPFIT. The matrix is NxN where N is the number of parameters. The square root of the diagonal elements gives the formal 1-sigma statistical errors on the parameters if errors were treated "properly" in fcn. Parameter errors are also returned in .perror. To compute the correlation matrix, pcor, use this example: cov = mpfit.covar pcor = cov * 0. for i in range(n): for j in range(n): pcor[i,j] = cov[i,j]/sqrt(cov[i,i]*cov[j,j]) If nocovar is set or MPFIT terminated abnormally, then .covar is set to a scalar with value None. .errmsg A string error or warning message is returned. .nfev The number of calls to MYFUNCT performed. .niter The number of iterations completed. .perror The formal 1-sigma errors in each parameter, computed from the covariance matrix. If a parameter is held fixed, or if it touches a boundary, then the error is reported as zero. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then .perror will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling .perror by the measured chi-squared value. dof = len(x) - len(mpfit.params) # deg of freedom # scaled uncertainties pcerror = mpfit.perror * sqrt(mpfit.fnorm / dof) """ self.niter = 0 self.params = None self.covar = None self.perror = None self.status = 0 # Invalid input flag set while we check inputs self.debug = debug self.errmsg = '' self.nfev = 0 self.damp = damp self.dof=0 if fcn==None: self.errmsg = "Usage: parms = mpfit('myfunt', ... )" return if iterfunct == 'default': iterfunct = self.defiter # Parameter damping doesn't work when user is providing their own # gradients. if (self.damp != 0) and (autoderivative == 0): self.errmsg = 'ERROR: keywords DAMP and AUTODERIVATIVE are mutually exclusive' return # Parameters can either be stored in parinfo, or x. x takes precedence if it exists if (xall is None) and (parinfo is None): self.errmsg = 'ERROR: must pass parameters in P or PARINFO' return # Be sure that PARINFO is of the right type if parinfo is not None: if type(parinfo) != types.ListType: self.errmsg = 'ERROR: PARINFO must be a list of dictionaries.' return else: if type(parinfo[0]) != types.DictionaryType: self.errmsg = 'ERROR: PARINFO must be a list of dictionaries.' return if ((xall is not None) and (len(xall) != len(parinfo))): self.errmsg = 'ERROR: number of elements in PARINFO and P must agree' return # If the parameters were not specified at the command line, then # extract them from PARINFO if xall is None: xall = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'value') if xall is None: self.errmsg = 'ERROR: either P or PARINFO(*)["value"] must be supplied.' return # Make sure parameters are numpy arrays xall = numpy.asarray(xall) # In the case if the xall is not float or if is float but has less # than 64 bits we do convert it into double if xall.dtype.kind != 'f' or xall.dtype.itemsize<=4: xall = xall.astype(numpy.float) npar = len(xall) self.fnorm = -1. fnorm1 = -1. # TIED parameters? ptied = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'tied', default='', n=npar) self.qanytied = 0 for i in range(npar): ptied[i] = ptied[i].strip() if ptied[i] != '': self.qanytied = 1 self.ptied = ptied # FIXED parameters ? pfixed = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'fixed', default=0, n=npar) pfixed = (pfixed == 1) for i in range(npar): pfixed[i] = pfixed[i] or (ptied[i] != '') # Tied parameters are also effectively fixed # Finite differencing step, absolute and relative, and sidedness of deriv. step = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'step', default=0., n=npar) dstep = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'relstep', default=0., n=npar) dside = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'mpside', default=0, n=npar) # Maximum and minimum steps allowed to be taken in one iteration maxstep = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'mpmaxstep', default=0., n=npar) minstep = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'mpminstep', default=0., n=npar) qmin = minstep != 0 qmin[:] = False # Remove minstep for now!! qmax = maxstep != 0 if numpy.any(qmin & qmax & (maxstep<minstep)): self.errmsg = 'ERROR: MPMINSTEP is greater than MPMAXSTEP' return wh = (numpy.nonzero((qmin!=0.) | (qmax!=0.)))[0] qminmax = len(wh > 0) # Finish up the free parameters ifree = (numpy.nonzero(pfixed != 1))[0] nfree = len(ifree) if nfree == 0: self.errmsg = 'ERROR: no free parameters' return # Compose only VARYING parameters self.params = xall.copy() # self.params is the set of parameters to be returned x = self.params[ifree] # x is the set of free parameters # LIMITED parameters ? limited = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'limited', default=[0,0], n=npar) limits = self.parinfo(parinfo, 'limits', default=[0.,0.], n=npar) if (limited is not None) and (limits is not None): # Error checking on limits in parinfo if numpy.any((limited[:,0] & (xall < limits[:,0])) | (limited[:,1] & (xall > limits[:,1]))): self.errmsg = 'ERROR: parameters are not within PARINFO limits' return if numpy.any((limited[:,0] & limited[:,1]) & (limits[:,0] >= limits[:,1]) & (pfixed == 0)): self.errmsg = 'ERROR: PARINFO parameter limits are not consistent' return # Transfer structure values to local variables qulim = (limited[:,1])[ifree] ulim = (limits [:,1])[ifree] qllim = (limited[:,0])[ifree] llim = (limits [:,0])[ifree] if numpy.any((qulim!=0.) | (qllim!=0.)): qanylim = 1 else: qanylim = 0 else: # Fill in local variables with dummy values qulim = numpy.zeros(nfree) ulim = x * 0. qllim = qulim llim = x * 0. qanylim = 0 n = len(x) # Check input parameters for errors if (n < 0) or (ftol <= 0) or (xtol <= 0) or (gtol <= 0) \ or (maxiter < 0) or (factor <= 0): self.errmsg = 'ERROR: input keywords are inconsistent' return if rescale != 0: self.errmsg = 'ERROR: DIAG parameter scales are inconsistent' if len(diag) < n: return if numpy.any(diag <= 0): return self.errmsg = '' [self.status, fvec] =, self.params, functkw) if self.status < 0: self.errmsg = 'ERROR: first call to "'+str(fcn)+'" failed' return # If the returned fvec has more than four bits I assume that we have # double precision # It is important that the machar is determined by the precision of # the returned value, not by the precision of the input array if numpy.array([fvec]).dtype.itemsize>4: self.machar = machar(double=1) self.blas_enorm = mpfit.blas_enorm64 else: self.machar = machar(double=0) self.blas_enorm = mpfit.blas_enorm32 machep = self.machar.machep m = len(fvec) if m < n: self.errmsg = 'ERROR: number of parameters must not exceed data' return self.dof = m-nfree self.fnorm = self.enorm(fvec) # Initialize Levelberg-Marquardt parameter and iteration counter par = 0. self.niter = 1 qtf = x * 0. self.status = 0 # Beginning of the outer loop while(1): # If requested, call fcn to enable printing of iterates self.params[ifree] = x if self.qanytied: self.params = self.tie(self.params, ptied) if (nprint > 0) and (iterfunct is not None): if ((self.niter-1) % nprint) == 0: mperr = 0 xnew0 = self.params.copy() dof = numpy.max([len(fvec) - len(x), 0]) status = iterfunct(fcn, self.params, self.niter, self.fnorm**2, functkw=functkw, parinfo=parinfo, quiet=quiet, dof=dof, **iterkw) if status is not None: self.status = status # Check for user termination if self.status < 0: self.errmsg = 'WARNING: premature termination by ' + str(iterfunct) return # If parameters were changed (grrr..) then re-tie if numpy.max(numpy.abs(xnew0-self.params)) > 0: if self.qanytied: self.params = self.tie(self.params, ptied) x = self.params[ifree] # Calculate the jacobian matrix self.status = 2 catch_msg = 'calling MPFIT_FDJAC2' fjac = self.fdjac2(fcn, x, fvec, step, qulim, ulim, dside, epsfcn=epsfcn, autoderivative=autoderivative, dstep=dstep, functkw=functkw, ifree=ifree, xall=self.params) if fjac is None: self.errmsg = 'WARNING: premature termination by FDJAC2' return # Determine if any of the parameters are pegged at the limits if qanylim: catch_msg = 'zeroing derivatives of pegged parameters' whlpeg = (numpy.nonzero(qllim & (x == llim)))[0] nlpeg = len(whlpeg) whupeg = (numpy.nonzero(qulim & (x == ulim)))[0] nupeg = len(whupeg) # See if any "pegged" values should keep their derivatives if nlpeg > 0: # Total derivative of sum wrt lower pegged parameters for i in range(nlpeg): sum0 = sum(fvec * fjac[:,whlpeg[i]]) if sum0 > 0: fjac[:,whlpeg[i]] = 0 if nupeg > 0: # Total derivative of sum wrt upper pegged parameters for i in range(nupeg): sum0 = sum(fvec * fjac[:,whupeg[i]]) if sum0 < 0: fjac[:,whupeg[i]] = 0 # Compute the QR factorization of the jacobian [fjac, ipvt, wa1, wa2] = self.qrfac(fjac, pivot=1) # On the first iteration if "diag" is unspecified, scale # according to the norms of the columns of the initial jacobian catch_msg = 'rescaling diagonal elements' if self.niter == 1: if (rescale==0) or (len(diag) < n): diag = wa2.copy() diag[diag == 0] = 1. # On the first iteration, calculate the norm of the scaled x # and initialize the step bound delta wa3 = diag * x xnorm = self.enorm(wa3) delta = factor*xnorm if delta == 0.: delta = factor # Form (q transpose)*fvec and store the first n components in qtf catch_msg = 'forming (q transpose)*fvec' wa4 = fvec.copy() for j in range(n): lj = ipvt[j] temp3 = fjac[j,lj] if temp3 != 0: fj = fjac[j:,lj] wj = wa4[j:] # *** optimization wa4(j:*) wa4[j:] = wj - fj * sum(fj*wj) / temp3 fjac[j,lj] = wa1[j] qtf[j] = wa4[j] # From this point on, only the square matrix, consisting of the # triangle of R, is needed. fjac = fjac[0:n, 0:n] fjac.shape = [n, n] temp = fjac.copy() for i in range(n): temp[:,i] = fjac[:, ipvt[i]] fjac = temp.copy() # Check for overflow. This should be a cheap test here since FJAC # has been reduced to a (small) square matrix, and the test is # O(N^2). #wh = where(finite(fjac) EQ 0, ct) #if ct GT 0 then goto, FAIL_OVERFLOW # Compute the norm of the scaled gradient catch_msg = 'computing the scaled gradient' gnorm = 0. if self.fnorm != 0: for j in range(n): l = ipvt[j] if wa2[l] != 0: sum0 = sum(fjac[0:j+1,j]*qtf[0:j+1])/self.fnorm gnorm = numpy.max([gnorm,numpy.abs(sum0/wa2[l])]) # Test for convergence of the gradient norm if gnorm <= gtol: self.status = 4 break if maxiter == 0: self.status = 5 break # Rescale if necessary if rescale == 0: diag = numpy.choose(diag>wa2, (wa2, diag)) # Beginning of the inner loop while(1): # Determine the levenberg-marquardt parameter catch_msg = 'calculating LM parameter (MPFIT_)' [fjac, par, wa1, wa2] = self.lmpar(fjac, ipvt, diag, qtf, delta, wa1, wa2, par=par) # Store the direction p and x+p. Calculate the norm of p wa1 = -wa1 if (qanylim == 0) and (qminmax == 0): # No parameter limits, so just move to new position WA2 alpha = 1. wa2 = x + wa1 else: # Respect the limits. If a step were to go out of bounds, then # we should take a step in the same direction but shorter distance. # The step should take us right to the limit in that case. alpha = 1. if qanylim: # Do not allow any steps out of bounds catch_msg = 'checking for a step out of bounds' if nlpeg > 0: wa1[whlpeg] = numpy.clip( wa1[whlpeg], 0., numpy.max(wa1)) if nupeg > 0: wa1[whupeg] = numpy.clip(wa1[whupeg], numpy.min(wa1), 0.) dwa1 = numpy.abs(wa1) > machep whl = (numpy.nonzero(((dwa1!=0.) & qllim) & ((x + wa1) < llim)))[0] if len(whl) > 0: t = ((llim[whl] - x[whl]) / wa1[whl]) alpha = numpy.min([alpha, numpy.min(t)]) whu = (numpy.nonzero(((dwa1!=0.) & qulim) & ((x + wa1) > ulim)))[0] if len(whu) > 0: t = ((ulim[whu] - x[whu]) / wa1[whu]) alpha = numpy.min([alpha, numpy.min(t)]) # Obey any max step values. if qminmax: nwa1 = wa1 * alpha whmax = (numpy.nonzero((qmax != 0.) & (maxstep > 0)))[0] if len(whmax) > 0: mrat = numpy.max(numpy.abs(nwa1[whmax]) / numpy.abs(maxstep[ifree[whmax]])) if mrat > 1: alpha = alpha / mrat # Scale the resulting vector wa1 = wa1 * alpha wa2 = x + wa1 # Adjust the final output values. If the step put us exactly # on a boundary, make sure it is exact. sgnu = (ulim >= 0) * 2. - 1. sgnl = (llim >= 0) * 2. - 1. # Handles case of # ... nonzero *LIM ... * LIM ulim1 = ulim * (1 - sgnu * machep) - (ulim == 0) * machep llim1 = llim * (1 + sgnl * machep) + (llim == 0) * machep wh = (numpy.nonzero((qulim!=0) & (wa2 >= ulim1)))[0] if len(wh) > 0: wa2[wh] = ulim[wh] wh = (numpy.nonzero((qllim!=0.) & (wa2 <= llim1)))[0] if len(wh) > 0: wa2[wh] = llim[wh] # endelse wa3 = diag * wa1 pnorm = self.enorm(wa3) # On the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound if self.niter == 1: delta = numpy.min([delta,pnorm]) self.params[ifree] = wa2 # Evaluate the function at x+p and calculate its norm mperr = 0 catch_msg = 'calling '+str(fcn) [self.status, wa4] =, self.params, functkw) if self.status < 0: self.errmsg = 'WARNING: premature termination by "'+fcn+'"' return fnorm1 = self.enorm(wa4) # Compute the scaled actual reduction catch_msg = 'computing convergence criteria' actred = -1. if (0.1 * fnorm1) < self.fnorm: actred = - (fnorm1/self.fnorm)**2 + 1. # Compute the scaled predicted reduction and the scaled directional # derivative for j in range(n): wa3[j] = 0 wa3[0:j+1] = wa3[0:j+1] + fjac[0:j+1,j]*wa1[ipvt[j]] # Remember, alpha is the fraction of the full LM step actually # taken temp1 = self.enorm(alpha*wa3)/self.fnorm temp2 = (numpy.sqrt(alpha*par)*pnorm)/self.fnorm prered = temp1*temp1 + (temp2*temp2)/0.5 dirder = -(temp1*temp1 + temp2*temp2) # Compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted reduction. ratio = 0. if prered != 0: ratio = actred/prered # Update the step bound if ratio <= 0.25: if actred >= 0: temp = .5 else: temp = .5*dirder/(dirder + .5*actred) if ((0.1*fnorm1) >= self.fnorm) or (temp < 0.1): temp = 0.1 delta = temp*numpy.min([delta,pnorm/0.1]) par = par/temp else: if (par == 0) or (ratio >= 0.75): delta = pnorm/.5 par = .5*par # Test for successful iteration if ratio >= 0.0001: # Successful iteration. Update x, fvec, and their norms x = wa2 wa2 = diag * x fvec = wa4 xnorm = self.enorm(wa2) self.fnorm = fnorm1 self.niter = self.niter + 1 # Tests for convergence if (numpy.abs(actred) <= ftol) and (prered <= ftol) \ and (0.5 * ratio <= 1): self.status = 1 if delta <= xtol*xnorm: self.status = 2 if (numpy.abs(actred) <= ftol) and (prered <= ftol) \ and (0.5 * ratio <= 1) and (self.status == 2): self.status = 3 if self.status != 0: break # Tests for termination and stringent tolerances if self.niter >= maxiter: self.status = 5 if (numpy.abs(actred) <= machep) and (prered <= machep) \ and (0.5*ratio <= 1): self.status = 6 if delta <= machep*xnorm: self.status = 7 if gnorm <= machep: self.status = 8 if self.status != 0: break # End of inner loop. Repeat if iteration unsuccessful if ratio >= 0.0001: break # Check for over/underflow if ~numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(wa1) & numpy.isfinite(wa2) & \ numpy.isfinite(x)) or ~numpy.isfinite(ratio): errmsg = ('''ERROR: parameter or function value(s) have become 'infinite; check model function for over- 'and underflow''') self.status = -16 break #wh = where(finite(wa1) EQ 0 OR finite(wa2) EQ 0 OR finite(x) EQ 0, ct) #if ct GT 0 OR finite(ratio) EQ 0 then begin if self.status != 0: break; # End of outer loop. catch_msg = 'in the termination phase' # Termination, either normal or user imposed. if len(self.params) == 0: return if nfree == 0: self.params = xall.copy() else: self.params[ifree] = x if (nprint > 0) and (self.status > 0): catch_msg = 'calling ' + str(fcn) [status, fvec] =, self.params, functkw) catch_msg = 'in the termination phase' self.fnorm = self.enorm(fvec) if (self.fnorm is not None) and (fnorm1 is not None): self.fnorm = numpy.max([self.fnorm, fnorm1]) self.fnorm = self.fnorm**2. self.covar = None self.perror = None # (very carefully) set the covariance matrix COVAR if (self.status > 0) and (nocovar==0) and (n is not None) \ and (fjac is not None) and (ipvt is not None): sz = fjac.shape if (n > 0) and (sz[0] >= n) and (sz[1] >= n) \ and (len(ipvt) >= n): catch_msg = 'computing the covariance matrix' cv = self.calc_covar(fjac[0:n,0:n], ipvt[0:n]) cv.shape = [n, n] nn = len(xall) # Fill in actual covariance matrix, accounting for fixed # parameters. self.covar = numpy.zeros([nn, nn], dtype=float) for i in range(n): self.covar[ifree,ifree[i]] = cv[:,i] # Compute errors in parameters catch_msg = 'computing parameter errors' self.perror = numpy.zeros(nn, dtype=float) d = numpy.diagonal(self.covar) wh = (numpy.nonzero(d >= 0))[0] if len(wh) > 0: self.perror[wh] = numpy.sqrt(d[wh]) return def __str__(self): return {'params': self.params, 'niter': self.niter, 'params': self.params, 'covar': self.covar, 'perror': self.perror, 'status': self.status, 'debug': self.debug, 'errmsg': self.errmsg, 'nfev': self.nfev, 'damp': self.damp #,'machar':self.machar }.__str__() # Default procedure to be called every iteration. It simply prints # the parameter values. def defiter(self, fcn, x, iter, fnorm=None, functkw=None, quiet=0, iterstop=None, parinfo=None, format=None, pformat='%.10g', dof=1): if self.debug: print 'Entering defiter...' if quiet: return if fnorm is None: [status, fvec] =, x, functkw) fnorm = self.enorm(fvec)**2 # Determine which parameters to print nprint = len(x) print "Iter ", ('%6i' % iter)," CHI-SQUARE = ",('%.10g' % fnorm)," DOF = ", ('%i' % dof) for i in range(nprint): if (parinfo is not None) and (parinfo[i].has_key('parname')): p = ' ' + parinfo[i]['parname'] + ' = ' else: p = ' P' + str(i) + ' = ' if (parinfo is not None) and (parinfo[i].has_key('mpprint')): iprint = parinfo[i]['mpprint'] else: iprint = 1 if iprint: print p + (pformat % x[i]) + ' ' return 0 # DO_ITERSTOP: # if keyword_set(iterstop) then begin # k = get_kbrd(0) # if k EQ string(byte(7)) then begin # message, 'WARNING: minimization not complete', /info # print, 'Do you want to terminate this procedure? (y/n)', $ # format='(A,$)' # k = '' # read, k # if strupcase(strmid(k,0,1)) EQ 'Y' then begin # message, 'WARNING: Procedure is terminating.', /info # mperr = -1 # endif # endif # endif # Procedure to parse the parameter values in PARINFO, which is a list of dictionaries def parinfo(self, parinfo=None, key='a', default=None, n=0): if self.debug: print 'Entering parinfo...' if (n == 0) and (parinfo is not None): n = len(parinfo) if n == 0: values = default return values values = [] for i in range(n): if (parinfo is not None) and (parinfo[i].has_key(key)): values.append(parinfo[i][key]) else: values.append(default) # Convert to numeric arrays if possible test = default if type(default) == types.ListType: test=default[0] if isinstance(test, types.IntType): values = numpy.asarray(values, int) elif isinstance(test, types.FloatType): values = numpy.asarray(values, float) return values # Call user function or procedure, with _EXTRA or not, with # derivatives or not. def call(self, fcn, x, functkw, fjac=None): if self.debug: print 'Entering call...' if self.qanytied: x = self.tie(x, self.ptied) self.nfev = self.nfev + 1 if fjac is None: [status, f] = fcn(x, fjac=fjac, **functkw) if self.damp > 0: # Apply the damping if requested. This replaces the residuals # with their hyperbolic tangent. Thus residuals larger than # DAMP are essentially clipped. f = numpy.tanh(f/self.damp) return [status, f] else: return fcn(x, fjac=fjac, **functkw) def enorm(self, vec): ans = self.blas_enorm(vec) return ans def fdjac2(self, fcn, x, fvec, step=None, ulimited=None, ulimit=None, dside=None, epsfcn=None, autoderivative=1, functkw=None, xall=None, ifree=None, dstep=None): if self.debug: print 'Entering fdjac2...' machep = self.machar.machep if epsfcn is None: epsfcn = machep if xall is None: xall = x if ifree is None: ifree = numpy.arange(len(xall)) if step is None: step = x * 0. nall = len(xall) eps = numpy.sqrt(numpy.max([epsfcn, machep])) m = len(fvec) n = len(x) # Compute analytical derivative if requested if autoderivative == 0: mperr = 0 fjac = numpy.zeros(nall, dtype=float) fjac[ifree] = 1.0 # Specify which parameters need derivatives [status, fp] =, xall, functkw, fjac=fjac) if len(fjac) != m*nall: print 'ERROR: Derivative matrix was not computed properly.' return None # This definition is consistent with CURVEFIT # Sign error found (thanks Jesus Fernandez <[email protected]>) fjac.shape = [m,nall] fjac = -fjac # Select only the free parameters if len(ifree) < nall: fjac = fjac[:,ifree] fjac.shape = [m, n] return fjac fjac = numpy.zeros([m, n], dtype=float) h = eps * numpy.abs(x) # if STEP is given, use that # STEP includes the fixed parameters if step is not None: stepi = step[ifree] wh = (numpy.nonzero(stepi > 0))[0] if len(wh) > 0: h[wh] = stepi[wh] # if relative step is given, use that # DSTEP includes the fixed parameters if len(dstep) > 0: dstepi = dstep[ifree] wh = (numpy.nonzero(dstepi > 0))[0] if len(wh) > 0: h[wh] = numpy.abs(dstepi[wh]*x[wh]) # In case any of the step values are zero h[h == 0] = eps # Reverse the sign of the step if we are up against the parameter # limit, or if the user requested it. # DSIDE includes the fixed parameters (ULIMITED/ULIMIT have only # varying ones) mask = dside[ifree] == -1 if len(ulimited) > 0 and len(ulimit) > 0: mask = (mask | ((ulimited!=0) & (x > ulimit-h))) wh = (numpy.nonzero(mask))[0] if len(wh) > 0: h[wh] = - h[wh] # Loop through parameters, computing the derivative for each for j in range(n): xp = xall.copy() xp[ifree[j]] = xp[ifree[j]] + h[j] [status, fp] =, xp, functkw) if status < 0: return None if numpy.abs(dside[ifree[j]]) <= 1: # COMPUTE THE ONE-SIDED DERIVATIVE # Note optimization fjac(0:*,j) fjac[0:,j] = (fp-fvec)/h[j] else: # COMPUTE THE TWO-SIDED DERIVATIVE xp[ifree[j]] = xall[ifree[j]] - h[j] mperr = 0 [status, fm] =, xp, functkw) if status < 0: return None # Note optimization fjac(0:*,j) fjac[0:,j] = (fp-fm)/(2*h[j]) return fjac # Original FORTRAN documentation # ********** # # subroutine qrfac # # this subroutine uses householder transformations with column # pivoting (optional) to compute a qr factorization of the # m by n matrix a. that is, qrfac determines an orthogonal # matrix q, a permutation matrix p, and an upper trapezoidal # matrix r with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude, # such that a*p = q*r. the householder transformation for # column k, k = 1,2,...,min(m,n), is of the form # # t # i - (1/u(k))*u*u # # where u has zeros in the first k-1 positions. the form of # this transformation and the method of pivoting first # appeared in the corresponding linpack subroutine. # # the subroutine statement is # # subroutine qrfac(m,n,a,lda,pivot,ipvt,lipvt,rdiag,acnorm,wa) # # where # # m is a positive integer input variable set to the number # of rows of a. # # n is a positive integer input variable set to the number # of columns of a. # # a is an m by n array. on input a contains the matrix for # which the qr factorization is to be computed. on output # the strict upper trapezoidal part of a contains the strict # upper trapezoidal part of r, and the lower trapezoidal # part of a contains a factored form of q (the non-trivial # elements of the u vectors described above). # # lda is a positive integer input variable not less than m # which specifies the leading dimension of the array a. # # pivot is a logical input variable. if pivot is set true, # then column pivoting is enforced. if pivot is set false, # then no column pivoting is done. # # ipvt is an integer output array of length lipvt. ipvt # defines the permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. # column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. # if pivot is false, ipvt is not referenced. # # lipvt is a positive integer input variable. if pivot is false, # then lipvt may be as small as 1. if pivot is true, then # lipvt must be at least n. # # rdiag is an output array of length n which contains the # diagonal elements of r. # # acnorm is an output array of length n which contains the # norms of the corresponding columns of the input matrix a. # if this information is not needed, then acnorm can coincide # with rdiag. # # wa is a work array of length n. if pivot is false, then wa # can coincide with rdiag. # # subprograms called # # minpack-supplied ... dpmpar,enorm # # fortran-supplied ... dmax1,dsqrt,min0 # # argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. # burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more # # ********** # # PIVOTING / PERMUTING: # # Upon return, A(*,*) is in standard parameter order, A(*,IPVT) is in # permuted order. # # RDIAG is in permuted order. # ACNORM is in standard parameter order. # # # NOTE: in IDL the factors appear slightly differently than described # above. The matrix A is still m x n where m >= n. # # The "upper" triangular matrix R is actually stored in the strict # lower left triangle of A under the standard notation of IDL. # # The reflectors that generate Q are in the upper trapezoid of A upon # output. # # EXAMPLE: decompose the matrix [[9.,2.,6.],[4.,8.,7.]] # aa = [[9.,2.,6.],[4.,8.,7.]] # mpfit_qrfac, aa, aapvt, rdiag, aanorm # IDL> print, aa # 1.81818* 0.181818* 0.545455* # -8.54545+ 1.90160* 0.432573* # IDL> print, rdiag # -11.0000+ -7.48166+ # # The components marked with a * are the components of the # reflectors, and those marked with a + are components of R. # # To reconstruct Q and R we proceed as follows. First R. # r = fltarr(m, n) # for i = 0, n-1 do r(0:i,i) = aa(0:i,i) # fill in lower diag # r(lindgen(n)*(m+1)) = rdiag # # Next, Q, which are composed from the reflectors. Each reflector v # is taken from the upper trapezoid of aa, and converted to a matrix # via (I - 2 vT . v / (v . vT)). # # hh = ident # identity matrix # for i = 0, n-1 do begin # v = aa(*,i) & if i GT 0 then v(0:i-1) = 0 # extract reflector # hh = hh # (ident - 2*(v # v)/total(v * v)) # generate matrix # endfor # # Test the result: # IDL> print, hh # transpose(r) # 9.00000 4.00000 # 2.00000 8.00000 # 6.00000 7.00000 # # Note that it is usually never necessary to form the Q matrix # explicitly, and MPFIT does not. def qrfac(self, a, pivot=0): if self.debug: print 'Entering qrfac...' machep = self.machar.machep sz = a.shape m = sz[0] n = sz[1] # Compute the initial column norms and initialize arrays acnorm = numpy.zeros(n, dtype=float) for j in range(n): acnorm[j] = self.enorm(a[:,j]) rdiag = acnorm.copy() wa = rdiag.copy() ipvt = numpy.arange(n) # Reduce a to r with householder transformations minmn = numpy.min([m,n]) for j in range(minmn): if pivot != 0: # Bring the column of largest norm into the pivot position rmax = numpy.max(rdiag[j:]) kmax = (numpy.nonzero(rdiag[j:] == rmax))[0] ct = len(kmax) kmax = kmax + j if ct > 0: kmax = kmax[0] # Exchange rows via the pivot only. Avoid actually exchanging # the rows, in case there is lots of memory transfer. The # exchange occurs later, within the body of MPFIT, after the # extraneous columns of the matrix have been shed. if kmax != j: temp = ipvt[j] ; ipvt[j] = ipvt[kmax] ; ipvt[kmax] = temp rdiag[kmax] = rdiag[j] wa[kmax] = wa[j] # Compute the householder transformation to reduce the jth # column of A to a multiple of the jth unit vector lj = ipvt[j] ajj = a[j:,lj] ajnorm = self.enorm(ajj) if ajnorm == 0: break if a[j,lj] < 0: ajnorm = -ajnorm ajj = ajj / ajnorm ajj[0] = ajj[0] + 1 # *** Note optimization a(j:*,j) a[j:,lj] = ajj # Apply the transformation to the remaining columns # and update the norms # NOTE to SELF: tried to optimize this by removing the loop, # but it actually got slower. Reverted to "for" loop to keep # it simple. if j+1 < n: for k in range(j+1, n): lk = ipvt[k] ajk = a[j:,lk] # *** Note optimization a(j:*,lk) # (corrected 20 Jul 2000) if a[j,lj] != 0: a[j:,lk] = ajk - ajj * sum(ajk*ajj)/a[j,lj] if (pivot != 0) and (rdiag[k] != 0): temp = a[j,lk]/rdiag[k] rdiag[k] = rdiag[k] * numpy.sqrt(numpy.max([(1.-temp**2), 0.])) temp = rdiag[k]/wa[k] if (0.05*temp*temp) <= machep: rdiag[k] = self.enorm(a[j+1:,lk]) wa[k] = rdiag[k] rdiag[j] = -ajnorm return [a, ipvt, rdiag, acnorm] # Original FORTRAN documentation # ********** # # subroutine qrsolv # # given an m by n matrix a, an n by n diagonal matrix d, # and an m-vector b, the problem is to determine an x which # solves the system # # a*x = b , d*x = 0 , # # in the least squares sense. # # this subroutine completes the solution of the problem # if it is provided with the necessary information from the # factorization, with column pivoting, of a. that is, if # a*p = q*r, where p is a permutation matrix, q has orthogonal # columns, and r is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal # elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then qrsolv expects # the full upper triangle of r, the permutation matrix p, # and the first n components of (q transpose)*b. the system # a*x = b, d*x = 0, is then equivalent to # # t t # r*z = q *b , p *d*p*z = 0 , # # where x = p*z. if this system does not have full rank, # then a least squares solution is obtained. on output qrsolv # also provides an upper triangular matrix s such that # # t t t # p *(a *a + d*d)*p = s *s . # # s is computed within qrsolv and may be of separate interest. # # the subroutine statement is # # subroutine qrsolv(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,x,sdiag,wa) # # where # # n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. # # r is an n by n array. on input the full upper triangle # must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix r. # on output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the # strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle # (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix s. # # ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n # which specifies the leading dimension of the array r. # # ipvt is an integer input array of length n which defines the # permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. column j of p # is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. # # diag is an input array of length n which must contain the # diagonal elements of the matrix d. # # qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first # n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b. # # x is an output array of length n which contains the least # squares solution of the system a*x = b, d*x = 0. # # sdiag is an output array of length n which contains the # diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix s. # # wa is a work array of length n. # # subprograms called # # fortran-supplied ... dabs,dsqrt # # argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. # burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more # def qrsolv(self, r, ipvt, diag, qtb, sdiag): if self.debug: print 'Entering qrsolv...' sz = r.shape m = sz[0] n = sz[1] # copy r and (q transpose)*b to preserve input and initialize s. # in particular, save the diagonal elements of r in x. for j in range(n): r[j:n,j] = r[j,j:n] x = numpy.diagonal(r).copy() wa = qtb.copy() # Eliminate the diagonal matrix d using a givens rotation for j in range(n): l = ipvt[j] if diag[l] == 0: break sdiag[j:] = 0 sdiag[j] = diag[l] # The transformations to eliminate the row of d modify only a # single element of (q transpose)*b beyond the first n, which # is initially zero. qtbpj = 0. for k in range(j,n): if sdiag[k] == 0: break if numpy.abs(r[k,k]) < numpy.abs(sdiag[k]): cotan = r[k,k]/sdiag[k] sine = 0.5/numpy.sqrt(.25 + .25*cotan*cotan) cosine = sine*cotan else: tang = sdiag[k]/r[k,k] cosine = 0.5/numpy.sqrt(.25 + .25*tang*tang) sine = cosine*tang # Compute the modified diagonal element of r and the # modified element of ((q transpose)*b,0). r[k,k] = cosine*r[k,k] + sine*sdiag[k] temp = cosine*wa[k] + sine*qtbpj qtbpj = -sine*wa[k] + cosine*qtbpj wa[k] = temp # Accumulate the transformation in the row of s if n > k+1: temp = cosine*r[k+1:n,k] + sine*sdiag[k+1:n] sdiag[k+1:n] = -sine*r[k+1:n,k] + cosine*sdiag[k+1:n] r[k+1:n,k] = temp sdiag[j] = r[j,j] r[j,j] = x[j] # Solve the triangular system for z. If the system is singular # then obtain a least squares solution nsing = n wh = (numpy.nonzero(sdiag == 0))[0] if len(wh) > 0: nsing = wh[0] wa[nsing:] = 0 if nsing >= 1: wa[nsing-1] = wa[nsing-1]/sdiag[nsing-1] # Degenerate case # *** Reverse loop *** for j in range(nsing-2,-1,-1): sum0 = sum(r[j+1:nsing,j]*wa[j+1:nsing]) wa[j] = (wa[j]-sum0)/sdiag[j] # Permute the components of z back to components of x x[ipvt] = wa return (r, x, sdiag) # Original FORTRAN documentation # # subroutine lmpar # # given an m by n matrix a, an n by n nonsingular diagonal # matrix d, an m-vector b, and a positive number delta, # the problem is to determine a value for the parameter # par such that if x solves the system # # a*x = b , sqrt(par)*d*x = 0 , # # in the least squares sense, and dxnorm is the euclidean # norm of d*x, then either par is zero and # # (dxnorm-delta) .le. 0.1*delta , # # or par is positive and # # abs(dxnorm-delta) .le. 0.1*delta . # # this subroutine completes the solution of the problem # if it is provided with the necessary information from the # qr factorization, with column pivoting, of a. that is, if # a*p = q*r, where p is a permutation matrix, q has orthogonal # columns, and r is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal # elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then lmpar expects # the full upper triangle of r, the permutation matrix p, # and the first n components of (q transpose)*b. on output # lmpar also provides an upper triangular matrix s such that # # t t t # p *(a *a + par*d*d)*p = s *s . # # s is employed within lmpar and may be of separate interest. # # only a few iterations are generally needed for convergence # of the algorithm. if, however, the limit of 10 iterations # is reached, then the output par will contain the best # value obtained so far. # # the subroutine statement is # # subroutine lmpar(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,delta,par,x,sdiag, # wa1,wa2) # # where # # n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. # # r is an n by n array. on input the full upper triangle # must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix r. # on output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the # strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle # (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix s. # # ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n # which specifies the leading dimension of the array r. # # ipvt is an integer input array of length n which defines the # permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. column j of p # is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. # # diag is an input array of length n which must contain the # diagonal elements of the matrix d. # # qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first # n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b. # # delta is a positive input variable which specifies an upper # bound on the euclidean norm of d*x. # # par is a nonnegative variable. on input par contains an # initial estimate of the levenberg-marquardt parameter. # on output par contains the final estimate. # # x is an output array of length n which contains the least # squares solution of the system a*x = b, sqrt(par)*d*x = 0, # for the output par. # # sdiag is an output array of length n which contains the # diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix s. # # wa1 and wa2 are work arrays of length n. # # subprograms called # # minpack-supplied ... dpmpar,enorm,qrsolv # # fortran-supplied ... dabs,dmax1,dmin1,dsqrt # # argonne national laboratory. minpack project. march 1980. # burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more # def lmpar(self, r, ipvt, diag, qtb, delta, x, sdiag, par=None): if self.debug: print 'Entering lmpar...' dwarf = self.machar.minnum machep = self.machar.machep sz = r.shape m = sz[0] n = sz[1] # Compute and store in x the gauss-newton direction. If the # jacobian is rank-deficient, obtain a least-squares solution nsing = n wa1 = qtb.copy() rthresh = numpy.max(numpy.abs(numpy.diagonal(r))) * machep wh = (numpy.nonzero(numpy.abs(numpy.diagonal(r)) < rthresh))[0] if len(wh) > 0: nsing = wh[0] wa1[wh[0]:] = 0 if nsing >= 1: # *** Reverse loop *** for j in range(nsing-1,-1,-1): wa1[j] = wa1[j]/r[j,j] if j-1 >= 0: wa1[0:j] = wa1[0:j] - r[0:j,j]*wa1[j] # Note: ipvt here is a permutation array x[ipvt] = wa1 # Initialize the iteration counter. Evaluate the function at the # origin, and test for acceptance of the gauss-newton direction iter = 0 wa2 = diag * x dxnorm = self.enorm(wa2) fp = dxnorm - delta if fp <= 0.1*delta: return [r, 0., x, sdiag] # If the jacobian is not rank deficient, the newton step provides a # lower bound, parl, for the zero of the function. Otherwise set # this bound to zero. parl = 0. if nsing >= n: wa1 = diag[ipvt] * wa2[ipvt] / dxnorm wa1[0] = wa1[0] / r[0,0] # Degenerate case for j in range(1,n): # Note "1" here, not zero sum0 = sum(r[0:j,j]*wa1[0:j]) wa1[j] = (wa1[j] - sum0)/r[j,j] temp = self.enorm(wa1) parl = ((fp/delta)/temp)/temp # Calculate an upper bound, paru, for the zero of the function for j in range(n): sum0 = sum(r[0:j+1,j]*qtb[0:j+1]) wa1[j] = sum0/diag[ipvt[j]] gnorm = self.enorm(wa1) paru = gnorm/delta if paru == 0: paru = dwarf/numpy.min([delta,0.1]) # If the input par lies outside of the interval (parl,paru), set # par to the closer endpoint par = numpy.max([par,parl]) par = numpy.min([par,paru]) if par == 0: par = gnorm/dxnorm # Beginning of an interation while(1): iter = iter + 1 # Evaluate the function at the current value of par if par == 0: par = numpy.max([dwarf, paru*0.001]) temp = numpy.sqrt(par) wa1 = temp * diag [r, x, sdiag] = self.qrsolv(r, ipvt, wa1, qtb, sdiag) wa2 = diag*x dxnorm = self.enorm(wa2) temp = fp fp = dxnorm - delta if (numpy.abs(fp) <= 0.1*delta) or \ ((parl == 0) and (fp <= temp) and (temp < 0)) or \ (iter == 10): break; # Compute the newton correction wa1 = diag[ipvt] * wa2[ipvt] / dxnorm for j in range(n-1): wa1[j] = wa1[j]/sdiag[j] wa1[j+1:n] = wa1[j+1:n] - r[j+1:n,j]*wa1[j] wa1[n-1] = wa1[n-1]/sdiag[n-1] # Degenerate case temp = self.enorm(wa1) parc = ((fp/delta)/temp)/temp # Depending on the sign of the function, update parl or paru if fp > 0: parl = numpy.max([parl,par]) if fp < 0: paru = numpy.min([paru,par]) # Compute an improved estimate for par par = numpy.max([parl, par+parc]) # End of an iteration # Termination return [r, par, x, sdiag] # Procedure to tie one parameter to another. def tie(self, p, ptied=None): if self.debug: print 'Entering tie...' if ptied is None: return for i in range(len(ptied)): if ptied[i] == '': continue cmd = 'p[' + str(i) + '] = ' + ptied[i] exec(cmd) return p # Original FORTRAN documentation # ********** # # subroutine covar # # given an m by n matrix a, the problem is to determine # the covariance matrix corresponding to a, defined as # # t # inverse(a *a) . # # this subroutine completes the solution of the problem # if it is provided with the necessary information from the # qr factorization, with column pivoting, of a. that is, if # a*p = q*r, where p is a permutation matrix, q has orthogonal # columns, and r is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal # elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then covar expects # the full upper triangle of r and the permutation matrix p. # the covariance matrix is then computed as # # t t # p*inverse(r *r)*p . # # if a is nearly rank deficient, it may be desirable to compute # the covariance matrix corresponding to the linearly independent # columns of a. to define the numerical rank of a, covar uses # the tolerance tol. if l is the largest integer such that # # abs(r(l,l)) .gt. tol*abs(r(1,1)) , # # then covar computes the covariance matrix corresponding to # the first l columns of r. for k greater than l, column # and row ipvt(k) of the covariance matrix are set to zero. # # the subroutine statement is # # subroutine covar(n,r,ldr,ipvt,tol,wa) # # where # # n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. # # r is an n by n array. on input the full upper triangle must # contain the full upper triangle of the matrix r. on output # r contains the square symmetric covariance matrix. # # ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n # which specifies the leading dimension of the array r. # # ipvt is an integer input array of length n which defines the # permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. column j of p # is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. # # tol is a nonnegative input variable used to define the # numerical rank of a in the manner described above. # # wa is a work array of length n. # # subprograms called # # fortran-supplied ... dabs # # argonne national laboratory. minpack project. august 1980. # burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more # # ********** def calc_covar(self, rr, ipvt=None, tol=1.e-14): if self.debug: print 'Entering calc_covar...' if numpy.rank(rr) != 2: print 'ERROR: r must be a two-dimensional matrix' return -1 s = rr.shape n = s[0] if s[0] != s[1]: print 'ERROR: r must be a square matrix' return -1 if ipvt is None: ipvt = numpy.arange(n) r = rr.copy() r.shape = [n,n] # For the inverse of r in the full upper triangle of r l = -1 tolr = tol * numpy.abs(r[0,0]) for k in range(n): if numpy.abs(r[k,k]) <= tolr: break r[k,k] = 1./r[k,k] for j in range(k): temp = r[k,k] * r[j,k] r[j,k] = 0. r[0:j+1,k] = r[0:j+1,k] - temp*r[0:j+1,j] l = k # Form the full upper triangle of the inverse of (r transpose)*r # in the full upper triangle of r if l >= 0: for k in range(l+1): for j in range(k): temp = r[j,k] r[0:j+1,j] = r[0:j+1,j] + temp*r[0:j+1,k] temp = r[k,k] r[0:k+1,k] = temp * r[0:k+1,k] # For the full lower triangle of the covariance matrix # in the strict lower triangle or and in wa wa = numpy.repeat([r[0,0]], n) for j in range(n): jj = ipvt[j] sing = j > l for i in range(j+1): if sing: r[i,j] = 0. ii = ipvt[i] if ii > jj: r[ii,jj] = r[i,j] if ii < jj: r[jj,ii] = r[i,j] wa[jj] = r[j,j] # Symmetrize the covariance matrix in r for j in range(n): r[0:j+1,j] = r[j,0:j+1] r[j,j] = wa[j] return r class machar: def __init__(self, double=1): if double == 0: info = numpy.finfo(numpy.float32) else: info = numpy.finfo(numpy.float64) self.machep = info.eps self.maxnum = info.max self.minnum = info.tiny self.maxlog = numpy.log(self.maxnum) self.minlog = numpy.log(self.minnum) self.rdwarf = numpy.sqrt(self.minnum*1.5) * 10 self.rgiant = numpy.sqrt(self.maxnum) * 0.1
import numpy as np def peaks(y,nsig, m=2, returnDict=False): """ Find the peaks in a vector (spectrum) which lie nsig above the standard deviation of all peaks in the spectrum. y -- vector in which to locate peaks nsig -- number of sigma above the standard deviation of all peaks to search return -- vector holding indices of peak locations in y Intended to duplicate logic of nsig is NOT the number of sigma above the noise in the spectrum. It's instead a measure of the significance of a peak. First, all peaks are located. Then the standard deviation of the peaks is calculated using ROBUST_SIGMA (see Goddard routines online). Then peaks which are NSIG above the sigma of all peaks are selected. """ print "begin Peaks.peaks with nsig,m=",nsig,m d0 = y - np.roll(y,-1) d1 = y - np.roll(y,1) pk = np.arange(y.size)[np.logical_and(d0>0, d1>0)] npk = pk.size yp = y[pk] # reject outliers more than m=2 sigma from median delta = np.abs(yp - np.median(yp)) mdev = np.median(delta) s = delta/mdev if mdev else 0 ypGood = y[np.where(s<m)] # using a subset of y mn = ypGood.mean() sig = ypGood.std() big = pk[yp > mn + nsig*sig] #to remove multiple identifications of the same peak (not collisions) minPeakDist = 60 cluster = [] clusters=[] for pks in range(len(big)-1): dist = abs(big[pks]-big[pks+1]) cluster.append(pks) if dist > minPeakDist: clusters.append(cluster) cluster=[] indrem=[] for c in range(len(clusters)): try: trueind = np.argmax( y[big[clusters[c]]] ) falseind = np.where(big[clusters[c]] != big[clusters[c]][trueind])[0] indrem = np.concatenate((indrem, np.array(clusters[c])[falseind])) except ValueError: pass big = np.delete(big,indrem) if returnDict: return {"big":big, "pk":pk, "yp":yp, "m":m} else: return big
import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline from scipy import signal import Peaks #from interval import interval, inf, imath import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages class WideSweepFile(): """ Handle data written by the program The first seven lines are header information. Each remaining line is frequency, I, sigma_I, Q, sigma_Q """ def __init__(self,fileName): file = open(fileName,'r') #(self.fr1,self.fspan1,self.fsteps1,self.atten1) = \ # file.readline().split() #(self.fr2,self.fspan2,self.fsteps2,self.atten2) = \ # file.readline().split() #(self.ts,self.te) = file.readline().split() #(self.Iz1,self.Izsd1) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] #(self.Qz1,self.Qzsd1) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] #(self.Iz2,self.Izsd2) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] #(self.Qz2,self.Qzsd2) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] (self.ts,self.te) = 0.100, 0.100 (self.Iz1,self.Izsd1) = 0.000, 0.000 (self.Qz1,self.Qzsd1) = 0.000, 0.000 (self.Iz2,self.Izsd2) = 0.000, 0.000 (self.Qz2,self.Qzsd2) = 0.000, 0.000 file.close() self.data1 = np.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=3) self.loadedFileName=fileName self.x = self.data1[:,0] self.n = len(self.x) ind = np.arange(self.n) Iz = np.where(ind<self.n/2, self.Iz1, self.Iz2) self.I = self.data1[:,1] self.I = self.I - Iz self.Ierr = 0.001000000 #self.data1[:,2] Qz = np.where(ind<self.n/2, self.Qz1, self.Qz2) self.Q = self.data1[:,2] - Qz self.Qerr = 0.001000000#self.data1[:,4] self.mag = np.sqrt(np.power(self.I,2) + np.power(self.Q,2)) def fitSpline(self, splineS=1, splineK=3): x = self.data1[:,0] y = self.mag self.splineS = splineS self.splineK = splineK spline = UnivariateSpline(x,y,s=self.splineS, k=self.splineK) self.baseline = spline(x) def findPeaks(self, m=2, useDifference=True): if useDifference: diff = self.baseline - self.mag else: diff = -self.mag self.peaksDict = Peaks.peaks(diff,m,returnDict=True) self.peaks = self.peaksDict['big'] = self.peaksDict['pk'] def findPeaksThreshold(self,threshSigma): self.fptThreshSigma = threshSigma values = self.mag-self.baseline self.fptHg = np.histogram(values,bins=100) self.fptCenters = 0.5*(self.fptHg[1][:-1] + self.fptHg[1][1:]) self.fptAverage = np.average(self.fptCenters,weights=self.fptHg[0]) self.fptStd = np.sqrt(np.average((self.fptCenters-self.fptAverage)**2, weights=self.fptHg[0])) thresh = self.fptAverage - threshSigma*self.fptStd ind = np.arange(len(values))[values < thresh] self.threshIntervals = interval() for i in ind-1: self.threshIntervals = threshIntervals | interval[i-0.6,i+0.6] self.peaks = np.zeros(len(threshIntervals)) iPeak = 0 for threshInterval in self.threshIntervals: i0 = int(math.ceil(self.threshInterval[0])) i1 = int(math.ceil(self.threshInterval[1])) peak = np.average(self.x[i0:i1],weights=np.abs(values[i0:i1])) self.peaks[iPeak] = peak x0 = self.x[i0] x1 = self.x[i1] iPeak += 1 def filter(self, order=4, rs=40, wn=0.1): b,a = signal.cheby2(order, rs, wn, btype="high", analog=False) self.filtered = signal.filtfilt(b,a,self.mag) def fitFilter(self, order=4, rs=40, wn=0.5): self.filter(order=order, rs=rs, wn=wn) self.baseline = self.mag-self.filtered def createPdf(self, pdfFile, deltaF=0.15, plotsPerPage=5): nx = int(deltaF*len(self.x)/(self.x.max()-self.x.min())) pdf_pages = PdfPages(pdfFile) db = 20*np.log10(self.mag/self.mag.max()) startNewPage = True for i0 in range(0,len(self.x),nx): if startNewPage: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5,11), dpi=100) iPlot = 0 startNewPage = False iPlot += 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(plotsPerPage, 1, iPlot) ax.plot(self.x[i0:i0+nx],db[i0:i0+nx]) ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (GHz)") ax.set_ylabel("S21(db)") if iPlot == plotsPerPage: startNewPage = True pdf_pages.savefig(fig) if not startNewPage: pdf_pages.savefig(fig) pdf_pages.close() def resFit(self,ind0,ind1): """ Logic copied from MasterResonatorAnalysis/ """ if ind0 < len(self.x)/2: iZero = self.Iz1 qZero = self.Qz1 else: iZero = self.Iz2 qZero = self.Qz2
import numpy as np from math import pi, log import pylab from scipy import fft, ifft from scipy.optimize import curve_fit i = 10000 x = np.linspace(0, 3.5 * pi, i) y = (0.3*np.sin(x) + np.sin(1.3 * x) + 0.9 * np.sin(4.2 * x) + 0.06 * np.random.randn(i)) def _datacheck_peakdetect(x_axis, y_axis): if x_axis is None: x_axis = range(len(y_axis)) if len(y_axis) != len(x_axis): raise (ValueError, 'Input vectors y_axis and x_axis must have same length') #needs to be a numpy array y_axis = np.array(y_axis) x_axis = np.array(x_axis) return x_axis, y_axis def _peakdetect_parabole_fitter(raw_peaks, x_axis, y_axis, points): """ Performs the actual parabole fitting for the peakdetect_parabole function. keyword arguments: raw_peaks -- A list of either the maximium or the minimum peaks, as given by the peakdetect_zero_crossing function, with index used as x-axis x_axis -- A numpy list of all the x values y_axis -- A numpy list of all the y values points -- How many points around the peak should be used during curve fitting, must be odd. return -- A list giving all the peaks and the fitted waveform, format: [[x, y, [fitted_x, fitted_y]]] """ func = lambda x, k, tau, m: k * ((x - tau) ** 2) + m fitted_peaks = [] for peak in raw_peaks: index = peak[0] x_data = x_axis[index - points // 2: index + points // 2 + 1] y_data = y_axis[index - points // 2: index + points // 2 + 1] # get a first approximation of tau (peak position in time) tau = x_axis[index] # get a first approximation of peak amplitude m = peak[1] # build list of approximations # k = -m as first approximation? p0 = (-m, tau, m) popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x_data, y_data, p0) # retrieve tau and m i.e x and y value of peak x, y = popt[1:3] # create a high resolution data set for the fitted waveform x2 = np.linspace(x_data[0], x_data[-1], points * 10) y2 = func(x2, *popt) fitted_peaks.append([x, y, [x2, y2]]) return fitted_peaks def peakdetect(y_axis, x_axis = None, lookahead = 300, delta=0): """ Converted from/based on a MATLAB script at: function for detecting local maximas and minmias in a signal. Discovers peaks by searching for values which are surrounded by lower or larger values for maximas and minimas respectively keyword arguments: y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks x_axis -- (optional) A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. If omitted an index of the y_axis is used. (default: None) lookahead -- (optional) distance to look ahead from a peak candidate to determine if it is the actual peak (default: 200) '(sample / period) / f' where '4 >= f >= 1.25' might be a good value delta -- (optional) this specifies a minimum difference between a peak and the following points, before a peak may be considered a peak. Useful to hinder the function from picking up false peaks towards to end of the signal. To work well delta should be set to delta >= RMSnoise * 5. (default: 0) delta function causes a 20% decrease in speed, when omitted Correctly used it can double the speed of the function return -- two lists [max_peaks, min_peaks] containing the positive and negative peaks respectively. Each cell of the lists contains a tupple of: (position, peak_value) to get the average peak value do: np.mean(max_peaks, 0)[1] on the results to unpack one of the lists into x, y coordinates do: x, y = zip(*tab) """ max_peaks = [] min_peaks = [] dump = [] #Used to pop the first hit which almost always is false # check input data x_axis, y_axis = _datacheck_peakdetect(x_axis, y_axis) # store data length for later use length = len(y_axis) #perform some checks if lookahead < 1: raise ValueError, "Lookahead must be '1' or above in value" if not (np.isscalar(delta) and delta >= 0): raise ValueError, "delta must be a positive number" #maxima and minima candidates are temporarily stored in #mx and mn respectively mn, mx = np.Inf, -np.Inf #Only detect peak if there is 'lookahead' amount of points after it for index, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(x_axis[:-lookahead], y_axis[:-lookahead])): if y > mx: mx = y mxpos = x if y < mn: mn = y mnpos = x ####look for max#### if y < mx-delta and mx != np.Inf: #Maxima peak candidate found #look ahead in signal to ensure that this is a peak and not jitter if y_axis[index:index+lookahead].max() < mx: max_peaks.append([mxpos, mx]) dump.append(True) #set algorithm to only find minima now mx = np.Inf mn = np.Inf if index+lookahead >= length: #end is within lookahead no more peaks can be found break continue #else: #slows shit down this does # mx = ahead # mxpos = x_axis[np.where(y_axis[index:index+lookahead]==mx)] ####look for min#### if y > mn+delta and mn != -np.Inf: #Minima peak candidate found #look ahead in signal to ensure that this is a peak and not jitter if y_axis[index:index+lookahead].min() > mn: min_peaks.append([mnpos, mn]) dump.append(False) #set algorithm to only find maxima now mn = -np.Inf mx = -np.Inf if index+lookahead >= length: #end is within lookahead no more peaks can be found break #else: #slows shit down this does # mn = ahead # mnpos = x_axis[np.where(y_axis[index:index+lookahead]==mn)] #Remove the false hit on the first value of the y_axis try: if dump[0]: max_peaks.pop(0) else: min_peaks.pop(0) del dump except IndexError: #no peaks were found, should the function return empty lists? pass return [max_peaks, min_peaks] def peakdetect_fft(y_axis, x_axis, pad_len = 5): """ Performs a FFT calculation on the data and zero-pads the results to increase the time domain resolution after performing the inverse fft and send the data to the 'peakdetect' function for peak detection. Omitting the x_axis is forbidden as it would make the resulting x_axis value silly if it was returned as the index 50.234 or similar. Will find at least 1 less peak then the 'peakdetect_zero_crossing' function, but should result in a more precise value of the peak as resolution has been increased. Some peaks are lost in an attempt to minimize spectral leakage by calculating the fft between two zero crossings for n amount of signal periods. The biggest time eater in this function is the ifft and thereafter it's the 'peakdetect' function which takes only half the time of the ifft. Speed improvementd could include to check if 2**n points could be used for fft and ifft or change the 'peakdetect' to the 'peakdetect_zero_crossing', which is maybe 10 times faster than 'peakdetct'. The pro of 'peakdetect' is that it resutls in one less lost peak. It should also be noted that the time used by the ifft function can change greatly depending on the input. keyword arguments: y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. pad_len -- (optional) By how many times the time resolution should be increased by, e.g. 1 doubles the resolution. The amount is rounded up to the nearest 2 ** n amount (default: 5) return -- two lists [max_peaks, min_peaks] containing the positive and negative peaks respectively. Each cell of the lists contains a tupple of: (position, peak_value) to get the average peak value do: np.mean(max_peaks, 0)[1] on the results to unpack one of the lists into x, y coordinates do: x, y = zip(*tab) """ # check input data x_axis, y_axis = _datacheck_peakdetect(x_axis, y_axis) zero_indices = zero_crossings(y_axis, window = 11) #select a n amount of periods last_indice = - 1 - (1 - len(zero_indices) & 1) # Calculate the fft between the first and last zero crossing # this method could be ignored if the begining and the end of the signal # are discardable as any errors induced from not using whole periods # should mainly manifest in the beginning and the end of the signal, but # not in the rest of the signal fft_data = fft(y_axis[zero_indices[0]:zero_indices[last_indice]]) padd = lambda x, c: x[:len(x) // 2] + [0] * c + x[len(x) // 2:] n = lambda x: int(log(x)/log(2)) + 1 # padds to 2**n amount of samples fft_padded = padd(list(fft_data), 2 ** n(len(fft_data) * pad_len) - len(fft_data)) # There is amplitude decrease directly proportional to the sample increase sf = len(fft_padded) / float(len(fft_data)) # There might be a leakage giving the result an imaginary component # Return only the real component y_axis_ifft = ifft(fft_padded).real * sf #(pad_len + 1) x_axis_ifft = np.linspace( x_axis[zero_indices[0]], x_axis[zero_indices[last_indice]], len(y_axis_ifft)) # get the peaks to the interpolated waveform max_peaks, min_peaks = peakdetect(y_axis_ifft, x_axis_ifft, 500, delta = abs(np.diff(y_axis).max() * 2)) #max_peaks, min_peaks = peakdetect_zero_crossing(y_axis_ifft, x_axis_ifft) # store one 20th of a period as waveform data data_len = int(np.diff(zero_indices).mean()) / 10 data_len += 1 - data_len & 1 fitted_wave = [] for peaks in [max_peaks, min_peaks]: peak_fit_tmp = [] index = 0 for peak in peaks: index = np.where(x_axis_ifft[index:]==peak[0])[0][0] + index x_fit_lim = x_axis_ifft[index - data_len // 2: index + data_len // 2 + 1] y_fit_lim = y_axis_ifft[index - data_len // 2: index + data_len // 2 + 1] peak_fit_tmp.append([x_fit_lim, y_fit_lim]) fitted_wave.append(peak_fit_tmp) #pylab.plot(range(len(fft_data)), fft_data) pylab.plot(x_axis, y_axis) pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(x_axis_ifft, y_axis_ifft) #for max_p in max_peaks: # pylab.plot(max_p[0], max_p[1], 'xr') return [max_peaks, min_peaks] def peakdetect_parabole(y_axis, x_axis, points = 9): """ Function for detecting local maximas and minmias in a signal. Discovers peaks by fitting the model function: y = k (x - tau) ** 2 + m to the peaks. The amount of points used in the fitting is set by the points argument. Omitting the x_axis is forbidden as it would make the resulting x_axis value silly if it was returned as index 50.234 or similar. will find the same amount of peaks as the 'peakdetect_zero_crossing' function, but might result in a more precise value of the peak. keyword arguments: y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. points -- (optional) How many points around the peak should be used during curve fitting, must be odd (default: 9) return -- two lists [max_peaks, min_peaks] containing the positive and negative peaks respectively. Each cell of the lists contains a list of: (position, peak_value) to get the average peak value do: np.mean(max_peaks, 0)[1] on the results to unpack one of the lists into x, y coordinates do: x, y = zip(*max_peaks) """ # check input data x_axis, y_axis = _datacheck_peakdetect(x_axis, y_axis) # make the points argument odd points += 1 - points % 2 #points += 1 - int(points) & 1 slower when int conversion needed # get raw peaks max_raw, min_raw = peakdetect_zero_crossing(y_axis) # define output variable max_peaks = [] min_peaks = [] max_ = _peakdetect_parabole_fitter(max_raw, x_axis, y_axis, points) min_ = _peakdetect_parabole_fitter(min_raw, x_axis, y_axis, points) max_peaks = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], max_) max_fitted = map(lambda x: x[-1], max_) min_peaks = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], min_) min_fitted = map(lambda x: x[-1], min_) #pylab.plot(x_axis, y_axis) #pylab.hold(True) #for max_p, max_f in zip(max_peaks, max_fitted): # pylab.plot(max_p[0], max_p[1], 'x') # pylab.plot(max_f[0], max_f[1], 'o', markersize = 2) #for min_p, min_f in zip(min_peaks, min_fitted): # pylab.plot(min_p[0], min_p[1], 'x') # pylab.plot(min_f[0], min_f[1], 'o', markersize = 2) return [max_peaks, min_peaks] def peakdetect_sine(y_axis, x_axis, points = 9, lock_frequency = False): """ Function for detecting local maximas and minmias in a signal. Discovers peaks by fitting the model function: y = A * sin(2 * pi * f * x - tau) to the peaks. The amount of points used in the fitting is set by the points argument. Omitting the x_axis is forbidden as it would make the resulting x_axis value silly if it was returned as index 50.234 or similar. will find the same amount of peaks as the 'peakdetect_zero_crossing' function, but might result in a more precise value of the peak. The function might have some problems if the sine wave has a non-negligible total angle i.e. a k*x component, as this messes with the internal offset calculation of the peaks, might be fixed by fitting a k * x + m function to the peaks for offset calculation. keyword arguments: y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. points -- (optional) How many points around the peak should be used during curve fitting, must be odd (default: 9) lock_frequency -- (optional) Specifies if the frequency argument of the model function should be locked to the value calculated from the raw peaks or if optimization process may tinker with it. (default: False) return -- two lists [max_peaks, min_peaks] containing the positive and negative peaks respectively. Each cell of the lists contains a tupple of: (position, peak_value) to get the average peak value do: np.mean(max_peaks, 0)[1] on the results to unpack one of the lists into x, y coordinates do: x, y = zip(*tab) """ # check input data x_axis, y_axis = _datacheck_peakdetect(x_axis, y_axis) # make the points argument odd points += 1 - points % 2 #points += 1 - int(points) & 1 slower when int conversion needed # get raw peaks max_raw, min_raw = peakdetect_zero_crossing(y_axis) # define output variable max_peaks = [] min_peaks = [] # get global offset offset = np.mean([np.mean(max_raw, 0)[1], np.mean(min_raw, 0)[1]]) # fitting a k * x + m function to the peaks might be better #offset_func = lambda x, k, m: k * x + m # calculate an approximate frequenzy of the signal Hz = [] for raw in [max_raw, min_raw]: if len(raw) > 1: peak_pos = [x_axis[index] for index in zip(*raw)[0]] Hz.append(np.mean(np.diff(peak_pos))) Hz = 1 / np.mean(Hz) # model function # if cosine is used then tau could equal the x position of the peak # if sine were to be used then tau would be the first zero crossing if lock_frequency: func = lambda x, A, tau: A * np.sin(2 * pi * Hz * (x - tau) + pi / 2) else: func = lambda x, A, Hz, tau: A * np.sin(2 * pi * Hz * (x - tau) + pi / 2) #func = lambda x, A, Hz, tau: A * np.cos(2 * pi * Hz * (x - tau)) #get peaks fitted_peaks = [] for raw_peaks in [max_raw, min_raw]: peak_data = [] for peak in raw_peaks: index = peak[0] x_data = x_axis[index - points // 2: index + points // 2 + 1] y_data = y_axis[index - points // 2: index + points // 2 + 1] # get a first approximation of tau (peak position in time) tau = x_axis[index] # get a first approximation of peak amplitude A = peak[1] # build list of approximations if lock_frequency: p0 = (A, tau) else: p0 = (A, Hz, tau) # subtract offset from waveshape y_data -= offset popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x_data, y_data, p0) # retrieve tau and A i.e x and y value of peak x = popt[-1] y = popt[0] # create a high resolution data set for the fitted waveform x2 = np.linspace(x_data[0], x_data[-1], points * 10) y2 = func(x2, *popt) # add the offset to the results y += offset y2 += offset y_data += offset peak_data.append([x, y, [x2, y2]]) fitted_peaks.append(peak_data) # structure date for output max_peaks = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], fitted_peaks[0]) max_fitted = map(lambda x: x[-1], fitted_peaks[0]) min_peaks = map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], fitted_peaks[1]) min_fitted = map(lambda x: x[-1], fitted_peaks[1]) #pylab.plot(x_axis, y_axis) #pylab.hold(True) #for max_p, max_f in zip(max_peaks, max_fitted): # pylab.plot(max_p[0], max_p[1], 'x') # pylab.plot(max_f[0], max_f[1], 'o', markersize = 2) #for min_p, min_f in zip(min_peaks, min_fitted): # pylab.plot(min_p[0], min_p[1], 'x') # pylab.plot(min_f[0], min_f[1], 'o', markersize = 2) return [max_peaks, min_peaks] def peakdetect_sine_locked(y_axis, x_axis, points = 9): """ Convinience function for calling the 'peakdetect_sine' function with the lock_frequency argument as True. keyword arguments: y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. points -- (optional) How many points around the peak should be used during curve fitting, must be odd (default: 9) return -- see 'peakdetect_sine' """ return peakdetect_sine(y_axis, x_axis, points, True) def peakdetect_zero_crossing(y_axis, x_axis = None, window = 11): """ Function for detecting local maximas and minmias in a signal. Discovers peaks by dividing the signal into bins and retrieving the maximum and minimum value of each the even and odd bins respectively. Division into bins is performed by smoothing the curve and finding the zero crossings. Suitable for repeatable signals, where some noise is tolerated. Excecutes faster than 'peakdetect', although this function will break if the offset of the signal is too large. It should also be noted that the first and last peak will probably not be found, as this function only can find peaks between the first and last zero crossing. keyword arguments: y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks x_axis -- (optional) A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. If omitted an index of the y_axis is used. (default: None) window -- the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer (default: 11) return -- two lists [max_peaks, min_peaks] containing the positive and negative peaks respectively. Each cell of the lists contains a tupple of: (position, peak_value) to get the average peak value do: np.mean(max_peaks, 0)[1] on the results to unpack one of the lists into x, y coordinates do: x, y = zip(*tab) """ # check input data x_axis, y_axis = _datacheck_peakdetect(x_axis, y_axis) zero_indices = zero_crossings(y_axis, window = window) period_lengths = np.diff(zero_indices) bins_y = [y_axis[index:index + diff] for index, diff in zip(zero_indices, period_lengths)] bins_x = [x_axis[index:index + diff] for index, diff in zip(zero_indices, period_lengths)] even_bins_y = bins_y[::2] odd_bins_y = bins_y[1::2] even_bins_x = bins_x[::2] odd_bins_x = bins_x[1::2] hi_peaks_x = [] lo_peaks_x = [] #check if even bin contains maxima if abs(even_bins_y[0].max()) > abs(even_bins_y[0].min()): hi_peaks = [bin.max() for bin in even_bins_y] lo_peaks = [bin.min() for bin in odd_bins_y] # get x values for peak for bin_x, bin_y, peak in zip(even_bins_x, even_bins_y, hi_peaks): hi_peaks_x.append(bin_x[np.where(bin_y==peak)[0][0]]) for bin_x, bin_y, peak in zip(odd_bins_x, odd_bins_y, lo_peaks): lo_peaks_x.append(bin_x[np.where(bin_y==peak)[0][0]]) else: hi_peaks = [bin.max() for bin in odd_bins_y] lo_peaks = [bin.min() for bin in even_bins_y] # get x values for peak for bin_x, bin_y, peak in zip(odd_bins_x, odd_bins_y, hi_peaks): hi_peaks_x.append(bin_x[np.where(bin_y==peak)[0][0]]) for bin_x, bin_y, peak in zip(even_bins_x, even_bins_y, lo_peaks): lo_peaks_x.append(bin_x[np.where(bin_y==peak)[0][0]]) max_peaks = [[x, y] for x,y in zip(hi_peaks_x, hi_peaks)] min_peaks = [[x, y] for x,y in zip(lo_peaks_x, lo_peaks)] return [max_peaks, min_peaks] def _smooth(x, window_len=11, window='hanning'): """ smooth the data using a window of the requested size. This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window on the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal. input: x: the input signal window_len: the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer window: the type of window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. output: the smoothed signal example: t = linspace(-2,2,0.1) x = sin(t)+randn(len(t))*0.1 y = _smooth(x) see also: numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve, scipy.signal.lfilter TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if a list instead of a string """ if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError, "smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays." if x.size < window_len: raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than window size." if window_len<3: return x if not window in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']: raise(ValueError, "Window is not one of '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}'".format( *('flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'))) s = np.r_[x[window_len-1:0:-1], x, x[-1:-window_len:-1]] #print(len(s)) if window == 'flat': #moving average w = np.ones(window_len,'d') else: w = eval('np.' + window + '(window_len)') y = np.convolve(w / w.sum(), s, mode = 'valid') return y def zero_crossings(y_axis, window = 11): """ Algorithm to find zero crossings. Smoothens the curve and finds the zero-crossings by looking for a sign change. keyword arguments: y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find zero-crossings window -- the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer (default: 11) return -- the index for each zero-crossing """ # smooth the curve length = len(y_axis) x_axis = np.asarray(range(length), int) # discard tail of smoothed signal y_axis = _smooth(y_axis, window)[:length] zero_crossings = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(y_axis)))[0] indices = [x_axis[index] for index in zero_crossings] # check if zero-crossings are valid diff = np.diff(indices) if diff.std() / diff.mean() > 0.2: print diff.std() / diff.mean() print np.diff(indices) raise(ValueError, "False zero-crossings found, indicates problem {0} or {1}".format( "with smoothing window", "problem with offset")) # check if any zero crossings were found if len(zero_crossings) < 1: raise(ValueError, "No zero crossings found") return indices # used this to test the fft function's sensitivity to spectral leakage #return indices + np.asarray(30 * np.random.randn(len(indices)), int) ############################Frequency calculation############################# # diff = np.diff(indices) # time_p_period = diff.mean() # # if diff.std() / time_p_period > 0.1: # raise ValueError, # "smoothing window too small, false zero-crossing found" # # #return frequency # return 1.0 / time_p_period ############################################################################## def _test_zero(): _max, _min = peakdetect_zero_crossing(y,x) def _test(): _max, _min = peakdetect(y,x, delta=0.30) def _test_graph(): i = 10000 x = np.linspace(0,3.7*pi,i) y = (0.3*np.sin(x) + np.sin(1.3 * x) + 0.9 * np.sin(4.2 * x) + 0.06 * np.random.randn(i)) y *= -1 x = range(i) _max, _min = peakdetect(y,x,750, 0.30) xm = [p[0] for p in _max] ym = [p[1] for p in _max] xn = [p[0] for p in _min] yn = [p[1] for p in _min] plot = pylab.plot(x,y) pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(xm, ym, 'r+') pylab.plot(xn, yn, 'g+') _max, _min = peak_det_bad.peakdetect(y, 0.7, x) xm = [p[0] for p in _max] ym = [p[1] for p in _max] xn = [p[0] for p in _min] yn = [p[1] for p in _min] pylab.plot(xm, ym, 'y*') pylab.plot(xn, yn, 'k*') if __name__ == "__main__": from math import pi import pylab i = 10000 x = np.linspace(0,3.7*pi,i) y = (0.3*np.sin(x) + np.sin(1.3 * x) + 0.9 * np.sin(4.2 * x) + 0.06 * np.random.randn(i)) y *= -1 _max, _min = peakdetect(y, x, 750, 0.30) xm = [p[0] for p in _max] ym = [p[1] for p in _max] xn = [p[0] for p in _min] yn = [p[1] for p in _min] plot = pylab.plot(x, y) pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(xm, ym, 'r+') pylab.plot(xn, yn, 'g+')
import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline from scipy import signal import Peaks #from interval import interval, inf, imath import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages class WideSweepFile(): """ Handle data written by the program The first seven lines are header information. Each remaining line is frequency, I, sigma_I, Q, sigma_Q """ def __init__(self,fileName): file = open(fileName,'r') (self.fr1,self.fspan1,self.fsteps1,self.atten1) = \ file.readline().split() (self.fr2,self.fspan2,self.fsteps2,self.atten2) = \ file.readline().split() (self.ts,self.te) = file.readline().split() (self.Iz1,self.Izsd1) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] (self.Qz1,self.Qzsd1) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] (self.Iz2,self.Izsd2) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] (self.Qz2,self.Qzsd2) = [float(x) for x in file.readline().split()] file.close() self.data1 = np.loadtxt(fileName, skiprows=7) self.loadedFileName=fileName self.x = self.data1[:,0] self.n = len(self.x) ind = np.arange(self.n) Iz = np.where(ind<self.n/2, self.Iz1, self.Iz2) self.I = self.data1[:,1] self.I = self.I - Iz self.Ierr = self.data1[:,2] Qz = np.where(ind<self.n/2, self.Qz1, self.Qz2) self.Q = self.data1[:,2] - Qz self.Qerr = self.data1[:,4] self.mag = np.sqrt(np.power(self.I,2) + np.power(self.Q,2)) def fitSpline(self, splineS=1, splineK=3): x = self.data1[:,0] y = self.mag self.splineS = splineS self.splineK = splineK spline = UnivariateSpline(x,y,s=self.splineS, k=self.splineK) self.baseline = spline(x) def findPeaks(self, m=2, useDifference=True): if useDifference: diff = self.baseline - self.mag else: diff = -self.mag self.peaksDict = Peaks.peaks(diff,m,returnDict=True) self.peaks = self.peaksDict['big'] = self.peaksDict['pk'] def findPeaksThreshold(self,threshSigma): self.fptThreshSigma = threshSigma values = self.mag-self.baseline self.fptHg = np.histogram(values,bins=100) self.fptCenters = 0.5*(self.fptHg[1][:-1] + self.fptHg[1][1:]) self.fptAverage = np.average(self.fptCenters,weights=self.fptHg[0]) self.fptStd = np.sqrt(np.average((self.fptCenters-self.fptAverage)**2, weights=self.fptHg[0])) thresh = self.fptAverage - threshSigma*self.fptStd ind = np.arange(len(values))[values < thresh] self.threshIntervals = interval() for i in ind-1: self.threshIntervals = threshIntervals | interval[i-0.6,i+0.6] self.peaks = np.zeros(len(threshIntervals)) iPeak = 0 for threshInterval in self.threshIntervals: i0 = int(math.ceil(self.threshInterval[0])) i1 = int(math.ceil(self.threshInterval[1])) peak = np.average(self.x[i0:i1],weights=np.abs(values[i0:i1])) self.peaks[iPeak] = peak x0 = self.x[i0] x1 = self.x[i1] iPeak += 1 def filter(self, order=4, rs=40, wn=0.1): b,a = signal.cheby2(order, rs, wn, btype="high", analog=False) self.filtered = signal.filtfilt(b,a,self.mag) def fitFilter(self, order=4, rs=40, wn=0.5): self.filter(order=order, rs=rs, wn=wn) self.baseline = self.mag-self.filtered def createPdf(self, pdfFile, deltaF=0.15, plotsPerPage=5): nx = int(deltaF*len(self.x)/(self.x.max()-self.x.min())) pdf_pages = PdfPages(pdfFile) db = 20*np.log10(self.mag/self.mag.max()) startNewPage = True for i0 in range(0,len(self.x),nx): if startNewPage: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5,11), dpi=100) iPlot = 0 startNewPage = False iPlot += 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(plotsPerPage, 1, iPlot) ax.plot(self.x[i0:i0+nx],db[i0:i0+nx]) ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (GHz)") ax.set_ylabel("S21(db)") if iPlot == plotsPerPage: startNewPage = True pdf_pages.savefig(fig) if not startNewPage: pdf_pages.savefig(fig) pdf_pages.close() def resFit(self,ind0,ind1): """ Logic copied from MasterResonatorAnalysis/ """ if ind0 < len(self.x)/2: iZero = self.Iz1 qZero = self.Qz1 else: iZero = self.Iz2 qZero = self.Qz2
""" A replacement for for those who prefer python to idl. Usage: python test/ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt Read the input file. Interactively add and remove resonance locations. Create file that plot dB vs frequency, in panels that are 0.15 GHz wide if it does not exist. This file is the base input file name with appended. Create file of resonance positions. This file is the base input file name with -good.txt appended. This file contains one line for each resonance, with the columns: -- id number (sequential from 0) -- index of the wavelength in the input file -- frequency in GHz If this file already exists when the program starts, it is moved to the same file name with at date and time string appended, and a new copy is made with all found resonances. The file is updated each time a line is added or subtracted. The view window is controlled by: - self.segment: value from the segment; slider , varies from 0 to 1000 - self.zoomFactor - from this calculate fMiddle, the frequency at the middle of the plot, ranges from self.wsf.x[0] to self.wsf[-1], xMin and xMax Matt Strader Chris Stoughton Rupert Dodkins """ from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4 import QtGui import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import sys, os, time, shutil from multiprocessing import Process from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib.figure import Figure import matplotlib from functools import partial from scipy import signal from scipy.signal import filter_design as fd from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline #import Peaks as Peaks from WideSweepFile import WideSweepFile class WideAna(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None,plotFunc=None,title='',separateProcess=False, image=None,showMe=True, initialFile=None): self.parent = parent if self.parent == None: = QApplication([]) super(WideAna,self).__init__(parent) self.fitParams = { "filter":{"order":4,"rs":40,"wn":0.1}, 'spline':{"splineS":1,"splineK":3}} self.initialFile = initialFile self.baseFile = ('.').join(initialFile.split('.')[:-1]) self.goodFile = self.baseFile+"-good.txt" if os.path.exists(self.goodFile): self.goodFile = self.goodFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") #shutil.copy(self.goodFile,self.goodFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) self.pdfFile = self.baseFile+"-good.pdf" self.fitLineEdits = {} self.fitLabels = {} self.splineS = 1 self.splineK = 3 self.setWindowTitle(title) self.plotFunc = plotFunc self.create_main_frame(title) if plotFunc != None: plotFunc(fig=self.fig,axes=self.axes) if showMe == True: self.load_file(initialFile) # make the PDF file if not os.path.exists(self.pdfFile): print "Create overview PDF file:",self.pdfFile self.wsf.createPdf(self.pdfFile) else: print "Overview PDF file already on disk:",self.pdfFile # plot the first segment self.deltaXDisplay = 0.100 # display width in GHz self.zoomFactor = 1.0 self.segment = 0 self.calcXminXmax() self.plotSegment() print "Ready to add and delete peaks." def draw(self): self.fig.canvas.draw() def on_key_press(self,event): #print "WideAna.on_key_press: event.key=",event.key if event.key == "right" or event.key == 'r': self.segmentIncrement(None,0.1) return elif event.key == "left" or event.key == 'l': self.segmentDecrement(None,0.1) return elif event.key == "up" or event.key == '+': self.zoom(1.25) return elif event.key == "down" or event.key == '-': self.zoom(0.8) return self.on_key_or_button(event, event.key) def on_button_press(self,event): self.on_key_or_button(event,event.button) def on_key_or_button(self, event, pressed): xdata = getattr(event, 'xdata', None) if xdata is not None: ind = np.searchsorted(self.wsf.x, xdata) xFound = self.wsf.x[ind] indPk = np.searchsorted(, ind) xPkFound0 = self.wsf.x[[indPk-1]] xPkFound1 = self.wsf.x[[indPk]] if abs(xPkFound0-xdata) < abs(xPkFound1-xdata): bestIndex = indPk-1 else: bestIndex = indPk bestWsfIndex =[bestIndex] bestX = self.wsf.x[bestWsfIndex] if pressed == "d": #if self.peakMask[bestWsfIndex]: #self.peakMask[bestWsfIndex] = False self.peakMask[bestWsfIndex-7:bestWsfIndex+7] = False # larger area of indicies to pinpoint false resonator location self.setCountLabel() self.replot() self.writeToGoodFile() if pressed == "a": if not self.peakMask[bestWsfIndex]: self.peakMask[bestWsfIndex] = True self.setCountLabel() self.replot() self.writeToGoodFile() def replot(self): xlim = self.axes.set_xlim() self.xMin=xlim[0] self.xMax=xlim[1] self.plotSegment() def create_main_frame(self,title): self.main_frame = QWidget() # Create the mpl Figure and FigCanvas objects. self.dpi = 100 self.fig = Figure((7, 5), dpi=self.dpi) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setParent(self.main_frame) self.canvas.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.canvas.setFocus() self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event',self.on_key_press) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',self.on_button_press) # Create the segment slider self.segmentSlider = QtGui.QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.segmentSlider.setToolTip("Slide to change segment") self.segmentMax = 100000.0 self.segmentSlider.setRange(0,int(self.segmentMax)) self.segmentSlider.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.segmentSlider.setGeometry(30,40,100,30) self.segmentSlider.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeSegmentValue) # Create the left and right buttons segmentDecrement = QtGui.QPushButton('<',self) segmentDecrement.setToolTip("Back to previous segment") segmentDecrement.clicked[bool].connect(self.segmentDecrement) segmentIncrement = QtGui.QPushButton('>',self) segmentIncrement.setToolTip("Forward to next segment") segmentIncrement.clicked[bool].connect(self.segmentIncrement) # create display mode button self.yDisplay = QtGui.QPushButton("raw") self.yDisplay.setToolTip("Toggle y axis: raw data or difference=raw-baseline") self.yDisplay.setCheckable(True) self.yDisplay.clicked[bool].connect(self.yDisplayClicked) # create information boxes self.instructionsLabel = QtGui.QLabel() self.instructionsLabel.setText("ADD peak: a; REMOVE peak: d ZOOM: +/- SCAN l/r ") self.countLabel = QtGui.QLabel() self.countLabel.setText("count label") self.inputLabel = QtGui.QLabel() self.inputLabel.setText("Input File:%s"%self.initialFile) self.goodLabel = QtGui.QLabel() self.goodLabel.setText("Good File:%s"%self.goodFile) # create controls for baseline fitting #self.baseline = QtGui.QPushButton("filter") #self.baseline.setCheckable(True) #self.baseline.clicked[bool].connect(self.baselineClicked) # Create the navigation toolbar, tied to the canvas self.mpl_toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.main_frame) # Do the layout # segment box segmentBox = QHBoxLayout() segmentBox.addWidget(segmentDecrement) segmentBox.addWidget(self.segmentSlider) segmentBox.addWidget(segmentIncrement) segmentBox.addWidget(self.yDisplay) # baseline box #self.baselineBox = QHBoxLayout() #self.updateBaselineBox() # info box self.infoBox = QVBoxLayout() self.infoBox.addWidget(self.inputLabel) self.infoBox.addWidget(self.goodLabel) self.infoBox.addWidget(self.countLabel) self.infoBox.addWidget(self.instructionsLabel) # entire box vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(self.infoBox) vbox.addLayout(segmentBox) #vbox.addLayout(self.baselineBox) vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) vbox.addWidget(self.mpl_toolbar) self.main_frame.setLayout(vbox) self.setCentralWidget(self.main_frame) def updateBaselineBox(self): for i in range(self.baselineBox.count()): item = self.baselineBox.itemAt(i) self.baselineBox.removeItem(item) mode = str(self.baseline.text()) self.baseline.setFixedSize(70,40) self.baselineBox.addWidget(self.baseline) keys = self.fitParams[mode] def load_file(self, fileName): self.wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) #self.wsf.fitSpline(splineS=1.0, splineK=1) self.wsf.fitFilter(wn=0.01) self.wsf.findPeaks(m=2) self.peakMask = np.zeros(len(self.wsf.x),dtype=np.bool) self.collMask = np.zeros(len(self.wsf.x),dtype=np.bool) if os.path.isfile(self.baseFile+"-ml.txt"): # update: use machine learning peak loacations if they've been made print 'loading peak location predictions from', self.baseFile+"-ml.txt" peaks = np.loadtxt(self.baseFile+"-ml.txt") peaks = map(int,peaks) else: peaks = self.wsf.peaks #coll_thresh = self.wsf.x[0] dist = abs(np.roll(peaks, -1) - peaks) #colls = np.delete(peaks,np.where(dist>=9)) colls=[] diff, coll_thresh = 0, 0 while diff <= 5e-4: diff = self.wsf.x[coll_thresh]-self.wsf.x[0] coll_thresh += 1 print coll_thresh for i in range(len(peaks)): if dist[i]<coll_thresh: if self.wsf.mag[peaks[i+1]] - self.wsf.mag[peaks[i]] > 1.5: colls.append(peaks[i+1]) #print 'for ', self.wsf.x[peaks[i]], 'chosing the one before' else: colls.append(peaks[i]) #print 'for ', self.wsf.x[peaks[i]], 'chosing the this one' print colls if colls != []: #colls=np.array(map(int,colls)) self.collMask[colls] = True # update: so unidentified peaks can be identified as unusable peaks = np.delete(peaks,colls) #remove collisions (peaks < 0.5MHz apart = < 9 steps apart) #peaks = np.delete(peaks,np.where(dist<9)) #remove collisions (peaks < 0.5MHz apart = < 9 steps apart) self.peakMask[peaks] = True self.setCountLabel() self.writeToGoodFile() def setCountLabel(self): self.countLabel.setText("Number of peaks = %d"%self.peakMask.sum()) def writeToGoodFile(self): gf = open(self.goodFile,'wb') id = 0 for index in range(len(self.peakMask)): if self.peakMask[index]: line = "%8d %12d %16.7f\n"%(id,index,self.wsf.x[index]) gf.write(line) id += 1 gf.close() # deal with zooming and plotting one segment def zoom(self,zoom): self.zoomFactor *= zoom self.calcXminXmax() self.plotSegment() def changeSegmentValue(self,value): self.segment = value self.calcXminXmax() self.plotSegment() def segmentDecrement(self, value, amount=0.9): wsfDx = self.wsf.x[-1]-self.wsf.x[0] plotDx = self.xMax-self.xMin dsdx = self.segmentMax / wsfDx ds = amount * dsdx * plotDx self.segment = max(0,self.segment-ds) self.segmentSlider.setSliderPosition(self.segment) def segmentIncrement(self, value, amount=0.9): wsfDx = self.wsf.x[-1]-self.wsf.x[0] plotDx = self.xMax-self.xMin dsdx = self.segmentMax / wsfDx ds = amount * dsdx * plotDx self.segment = min(self.segmentMax,self.segment+ds) self.segmentSlider.setSliderPosition(self.segment) def calcXminXmax(self): xMiddle = self.wsf.x[0] + \ (self.segment/self.segmentMax)*(self.wsf.x[-1]-self.wsf.x[0]) dx = self.deltaXDisplay/self.zoomFactor self.xMin = xMiddle-dx/2.0 self.xMax = xMiddle+dx/2.0 def plotSegment(self): ydText = self.yDisplay.text() if self.wsf != None: if ydText == "raw": yPlot = self.wsf.mag yName = "magnitude" else: yPlot = self.wsf.mag-self.wsf.baseline yName = "mag-baseline" stride = self.wsf.data1.shape[0]/self.segmentMax # plot all values and then set xmin and xmax to show this segment self.axes.clear() self.axes.plot(self.wsf.x, yPlot, label=yName) for x in self.wsf.x[self.peakMask]: if x > self.xMin and x < self.xMax: self.axes.axvline(x=x,color='r') for c in self.wsf.x[self.collMask]: if c > self.xMin and c < self.xMax: self.axes.axvline(x=c,color='g') self.axes.set_xlim((self.xMin,self.xMax)) self.axes.set_title("segment=%.1f/%.1f"%(self.segment,self.segmentMax)) self.axes.legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) self.draw() def yDisplayClicked(self, value): if value: self.yDisplay.setText("diff") else: self.yDisplay.setText("raw") self.replot() def baselineClicked(self,value): if value: self.baseline.setText("spline") else: self.baseline.setText("filter") self.updateBaselineBox() def show(self): super(WideAna,self).show() if self.parent == None: def main(initialFile=None): form = WideAna(showMe=False,title='WideSweep',initialFile=initialFile) if __name__ == "__main__": initialFile = None if len(sys.argv) > 1: initialFileName = sys.argv[1] mdd = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] initialFile = os.path.join(mdd,initialFileName) else: print "need to specify a filename located in MKID_DATA_DIR" exit() main(initialFile=initialFile)
import numpy as np import scipy.ndimage.filters from mpfit import mpfit import math import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib class Resonator: def __init__(self, freq, I, Ierr, Q, Qerr): self.freq = freq self.I = I self.Ierr = Ierr self.Q = Q self.Qerr = Qerr self.mag = np.sqrt(np.power(self.I,2) + np.power(self.Q,2)) self.phase = np.arctan2(self.Q,self.I) self.dist1 = np.sqrt(np.power(self.I[1:]-self.I[0:-1],2) + np.power(self.Q[1:]-self.Q[0:-1],2)) self.dist1[:11] = 0.0 self.dist1[-11:] = 0.0 self.dist1 = Resonator.smooth(self.dist1) self.residx = np.argmax(self.dist1)+1 width = len(self.dist1)/5 temp = self.I[self.residx-width:self.residx+width] self.xrc1 = (temp.min()+temp.max())/2.0 temp = self.Q[self.residx-width:self.residx+width] self.yrc1 = (temp.min()+temp.max())/2.0 @staticmethod def smooth(a, width=15): """ ape how smooth works in idl, as used in """ r = np.zeros(len(a)) for i in range(len(r)): if i < (width-1)/2 or i > len(r)-(width+1)/2: r[i] = a[i] else: r[i] = a[i-width/2:1+i+width/2].sum()/width return r @staticmethod def magModel(x, p): """ Value of the model at x Copied from function MAGDIFF, but in the .pro file the difference is calculated in MAGDIFF, but in this .py file the difference is calculated in magDiffLin. """ Q = p[0] # Q f0 = p[1] # resonance frequency carrier = p[2] # value of carrier depth = p[3] # depth of dip slope = p[4] # slope of background curve = p[5] # curve of background dx3Weight = p[6] dx = (x - f0) / f0 #s21 = (complex(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + complex(0,2.0*Q*dx)) s21 = (1j*2.0*Q*dx) / (np.ones(len(dx)) + 1j*2.0*Q*dx) s21a = depth*( abs(s21) + carrier + slope*dx + curve*dx*dx + dx3Weight*dx*dx*dx) return s21a @staticmethod def magDiffLin(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None): # Parameter values are passed in "p" # If fjac==None then partial derivatives should not be # computed. It will always be None if MPFIT is called with default # flag. model = Resonator.magModel(x, p) # Non-negative status value means MPFIT should continue, # negative means stop the calculation. status = 0 return [status, (y-model)/err] def quickFitPrep(self): x = self.freq y = self.mag/self.mag.max() n = len(self.freq) middle = int(n/2) - 1 err = 0.001*np.ones(n) # p0 is a numpy array of the initial guesses Q = 20000.0 # quality factor f0 = x[middle] # peak position carrier = 0.3 depth = y.max()-y.min() slope = -10.0 curve = 0.0 dx3Weight = 0.0 p0 = np.array([Q,f0,carrier,depth,slope,curve,dx3Weight], dtype='float64') parinfo = [] parinfo.append({'value':Q, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[5000.0, 200000.0]}) parinfo.append({'value':f0, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[x[middle-n/10],x[middle+n/10]]}) parinfo.append({'value':carrier, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[1e-3,1e2]}) parinfo.append({'value':depth, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[depth/2.0, depth*2.0]}) parinfo.append({'value':slope, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[-1e4,1e4]}) parinfo.append({'value':curve, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[-1e7,1e7]}) parinfo.append({'value':dx3Weight, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[-1e12,1e12]}) functkw = {'x':x,'y':y,'err':err} # This is how mpfit will use these #self.mQuickFit = mpfit( # Resonator.magDiffLin, p0, parinfo=parinfo,functkw=fa) return {"p0":p0, "parinfo":parinfo,"functkw":functkw} def quickFit(self,quiet=1): qfp = self.quickFitPrep() m = mpfit(Resonator.magDiffLin, qfp['p0'], parinfo=qfp['parinfo'], functkw=qfp['functkw'], quiet=quiet) return m def resFitPrep(self): self.quickFitPrep() mQuick = self.quickFit() qGuess = mQuick.params[0] fGuess = mQuick.params[1] dc = math.sqrt(self.xrc1**2 + self.yrc1**2) ang1 = math.atan2(-self.yrc1 + self.Q[self.residx], -self.xrc1 + self.I[self.residx]) width = len(self.dist1)/5 x = self.freq[self.residx-width:self.residx+width+1]*1e9 I = self.I[self.residx-width:self.residx+width+1] Q = self.Q[self.residx-width:self.residx+width+1] y = I + 1j*Q yerr = self.Ierr[self.residx-width:self.residx+width+1] + \ 1j*self.Qerr[self.residx-width:self.residx+width+1] deltaAng = math.atan2(self.Q[self.residx+5]-self.yrc1, self.I[self.residx+5]-self.xrc1) ang = ang1 + deltaAng # perhaps this is a minus in # Starting values and limits parinfo = [] # 0 quality factor parinfo.append({'value':qGuess, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[5000.0,1000001.0]}) deltaF = x[len(x)/5]-x[0] f0 = fGuess*1e9 # 1 peak position in Hz parinfo.append({'value':f0, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[f0-deltaF,f0+deltaF]}) aleak = 1.0 # 2 parinfo.append({'value':aleak, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[1e-4,100.0]}) phi1 = 800.0 # 3 parinfo.append({'value':phi1, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[1.0, 4e4]}) da = 500.0 # 4 parinfo.append({'value':da, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[-5000.0,5000.0]}) ang1 = ang # 5 parinfo.append({'value':ang1, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[-4*math.pi,4*math.pi]}) Igain = I.max()-I.min() # 6 parinfo.append({'value':Igain, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[0.2*Igain, 3.0*Igain]}) Qgain = Q.max()-Q.min() # 7 parinfo.append({'value':Qgain, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[0.2*Qgain, 3.0*Qgain]}) Ioff = float(self.xrc1) # 8 parinfo.append({'value':Qgain, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[self.xrc1-5000.0, self.xrc1+5000.0]}) Qoff = float(self.yrc1) # 9 parinfo.append({'value':Igain, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[self.yrc1-5000.0, self.yrc1+5000.0]}) db = 0.0 # 10 parinfo.append({'value':db, 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[-100000000.0,10000000.0]}) p0 = np.array([qGuess,f0,aleak,phi1,da,ang1,Igain,Qgain,Ioff,Qoff,db], dtype='float64') functkw = {'x':x,'y':y,'err':yerr} return {"p0":p0, "parinfo":parinfo,"functkw":functkw} @staticmethod def resModel(x, p): """ Value of the model at x Copied from function RESDIFF, but in the .pro file the difference is calculated in RESDIFF, but in this .py file the difference is calculated in resDiffLin. """ Q = p[0] # Q f0 = p[1] # resonance frequency aleak = p[2] # amplitude of leakage ph1 = p[3] # phase shift of leakage da = p[4] # variation of carrier amplitude ang1 = p[5] # Rotation angle of data Igain = p[6] # Gain of I channel Qgain = p[7] # Gain of Q channel Ioff = p[8] # Offset of I channel Qoff = p[9] # Offset of Q channel db = p[10] # dx = (x - f0) / f0 # resonance dip function s21a = ((1j*2.0*Q*dx) / (1 + 1j*2.0*Q*dx)) - 0.5 s21b = (da*dx + db*dx*dx) + s21a + \ aleak*(1.0-np.cos(dx*ph1) - 1j*np.sin(dx*ph1)) # scale, rotate, and offset Ix1 = Igain*s21b.real Qx1 = Qgain*s21b.imag nI1 = Ix1*math.cos(ang1) + Qx1*math.sin(ang1) + Ioff nQ1 = -Ix1*math.sin(ang1) + Qx1*math.cos(ang1) + Qoff s21 = nI1 + 1j*nQ1 return s21 @staticmethod def resDiffLin(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None): # Parameter values are passed in "p" # If fjac==None then partial derivatives should not be # computed. It will always be None if MPFIT is called with default # flag. model = Resonator.resModel(x, p) # Non-negative status value means MPFIT should continue, # negative means stop the calculation. status = 0 return [status, np.abs((y-model)/err)] def resfit(self): """ implements logic of for this resonator """ rfp = self.resFitPrep() x = rfp['functkw']['x'] y = rfp['functkw']['y'] err = rfp['functkw']['err'] p = rfp['p0'] parinfo = rfp['parinfo'] functkw = rfp['functkw'] m = mpfit(Resonator.resDiffLin, p, parinfo=parinfo, functkw=functkw, quiet=1) rdlFit = Resonator.resDiffLin(m.params, fjac=None, x=x, y=y, err=err) bestChi2 = np.power(rdlFit[1],2).sum() bestIter = 0 parold = p.copy() random.seed(y.sum()) bestPar = p.copy() bestM = m for k in range(1,12): parnew = parold.copy() parnew[0] = 20000 + 30000.0*random.random() parnew[1] = parold[1] + 5000*random.gauss(0.0, 1.0) parnew[2] = parold[2] + 0.2*parold[2]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) parnew[3] = parold[3] + 0.2*parold[3]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) parnew[4] = parold[4] + 5.0*parold[4]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) parnew[5] = parold[5] + 0.2*parold[5]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) parnew[6] = parold[6] + 0.5*parold[6]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) parnew[7] = parold[7] + 0.5*parold[7]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) parnew[8] = parold[8] + 0.5*parold[8]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) parnew[9] = parold[9] + 0.5*parold[9]*random.gauss(0.0,1.0) m = mpfit(Resonator.resDiffLin, parnew, parinfo=parinfo, functkw=functkw, quiet=1) rdlFit = Resonator.resDiffLin(m.params, fjac=None, x=x, y=y, err=err) thisChi2 = np.power(rdlFit[1],2).sum() if m.status > 0 and thisChi2 < bestChi2: bestIter = k bestChi2 = thisChi2 bestM = m p = bestM.params yFit = Resonator.resModel(x, bestM.params) ndf = len(x) - len(bestM.params) # size of loop from fit radius = (p[6]+p[7])/4.0 # normalized diamter of the loop (off resonance = 1) diam = (2.0*radius)/(math.sqrt(p[8]**2+p[9]**2) + radius) Qc = p[0]/diam Qi = p[0]/(1.0-diam) dip = 1.0 - diam try: dipdb = 20.0*math.log10(dip) except ValueError: dipdb = -99 chi2Mazin = math.sqrt(bestChi2/ndf) return {"m":bestM,"x":x,"y":y,"yFit":yFit,"chi2":bestChi2, "ndf":ndf, "Q":p[0],"f0":p[1]/1e9, "Qc":Qc, "Qi":Qi, "dipdb":dipdb, "chi2Mazin":chi2Mazin, "dip":dip} def plot(self,rf,pdfPages): plt.clf() #plt.figure(figsize=(8,10.5)) fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(8,10.5)) y = rf['y'] ax1.plot(y.real,y.imag,"o", mfc="none") #yFit = Resonator.resModel(rf['x'], rf['m'].params) yFit = rf['yFit'] ax1.plot(yFit.real,yFit.imag) ax1.axvline(linewidth=1,color='b',x=self.xrc1,linestyle=":") ax1.axhline(linewidth=1,color='b',y=self.yrc1,linestyle=":") xFormatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xFormatter) mag = abs(y) mag /= max(mag) mag = 20*np.log10(mag) magFit = abs(yFit) magFit /= max(magFit) magFit = 20 * np.log10(magFit) freq = rf['x']/1e9 ax2.plot(freq,mag,'o',mfc='none') ax2.plot(freq,magFit) ax2.set_ylabel("S21 (db)") ax2.set_xlabel("f(GHz)") p = rf['m'].params textstr = "Q=%.1f \n "%rf['Q'] textstr += "Qc=%.1f \n "%rf['Qc'] textstr += "Qi=%.1f \n "%rf['Qi'] textstr += "f0=%.6f GHz\n "%rf['f0'] textstr += "S21=%.1f db \n "%rf['dipdb'] textstr += "chi2mazin=%.1f "%rf['chi2Mazin'] props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5) ax2.text(0.95, 0.05, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='right', bbox=props) pdfPages.savefig() plt.close()
import numpy as np from WideSweepFile import WideSweepFile from Resonator import Resonator from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime import argparse import os class autofit(): def __init__(self, wideSweepFileName, reslocFileName, logFileName): self.logFile = open(logFileName,'wb') self.wsf = WideSweepFile(wideSweepFileName) self.res = np.loadtxt(reslocFileName) self.n = self.res.shape[0] def run(self,nToDo='all', width=50, plotFileName=None): if plotFileName: pdf = PdfPages(plotFileName) else: pdf = None if nToDo == 'all': nToDo = self.n for iToDo in range(nToDo): ind = self.res[iToDo,1] print "begin iToDo=",iToDo,' nToDo',nToDo,' centered at ind=',ind,' x=',self.wsf.x[ind] indStart = max(0,self.res[iToDo,1]-width) indEnd = min(len(self.wsf.x), self.res[iToDo,1]+width+1-10) f = self.wsf.x[indStart:indEnd] I = self.wsf.I[indStart:indEnd] Ierr = self.wsf.Ierr[indStart:indEnd] Q = self.wsf.Q[indStart:indEnd] Qerr = self.wsf.Qerr[indStart:indEnd] res = Resonator(f,I,Ierr,Q,Qerr) rf = res.resfit() line = "%4i %17.6f %17.2f %17.2f %17.2f %17.2f\n"%(iToDo,rf['f0'],rf['Q'],rf['Qi'],rf['Qc'],rf['chi2Mazin']) self.logFile.write(line) self.logFile.flush() print line res.plot(rf,pdf) if pdf: pdf.close() self.logFile.close() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = \ argparse.ArgumentParser(description= "Autofit peaks chosen in or Writes results to wideSweepFileName-autofit.pdf and .log", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('wideSweepFile', help='file generated by') parser.add_argument('--reslocFile', default=None, help='file generated by, defaults to wideSweepFile with "good" appended to the name') if os.environ.has_key('MKID_DATA_DIR'): dataDirDefault = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] else: dataDirDefault = '.' parser.add_argument('--dataDir', dest='dataDir', default=dataDirDefault, help='location of data files') parser.add_argument('--nToDo', dest='nToDo', default='all', help='number of resonators to fit') parser.add_argument('--width', dest='width', default=50, help='number of data points around peak to use') args = parser.parse_args() print "args=",args dataDir = args.dataDir wideSweepFileName = os.path.join(args.dataDir,args.wideSweepFile) print "wsfn=",wideSweepFileName if args.reslocFile: reslocFileName = os.path.join(args.dataDir,args.reslocFile) else: s = os.path.splitext(args.wideSweepFile) reslocFileName = os.path.join(args.dataDir,s[0]+"-good"+s[1]) print "rlfn=",reslocFileName plotFileName = os.path.splitext(wideSweepFileName)[0]+"-autofit.pdf" logFileName = os.path.splitext(wideSweepFileName)[0]+"-autofit.log" af = autofit(wideSweepFileName, reslocFileName, logFileName), width=int(args.width), plotFileName=plotFileName)
''' Author Rupert Dodkins A script to automate resonator locating normally performed by This is accomplished using Google's Tensor Flow machine learning package which implements a pattern recognition algorithm on the spectrum. The code implements a 2D image classification algorithm similar to the MNIST test. This code creates a 2D image from a 1D variable by populating a matrix of zeros with ones at the y location of each datapoint. Usage: python 20160418/Asteria_FL1_100mK_ws.txt Inputs: 20160418/Asteria_FL1_100mK_ws.txt: transmission sweep across intire feedline Intermediaries: SDR/Setup/WideSweep/train_w<x>_c<y>.pkl: images and corresponding labels used to train the algorithm Outputs: Asteria_FL1_100mK_ws-ml.txt: to be used with (temporary) Asteria_FL1_100mK_ws-good.txt: to be used with (made by How it works: The script requires a series of images to train and test the algorithm with. If they exist the image data will be loaded from a train pkl file Alternatively, if the peak location data exist for the inference file the training data will be made. The classes are no peak (just noise), peak in center or peak off to the side. If the spectra has collisions then there is a fifth class where the rightmost peak should be central and the colliding peak is left of center These new image data will be saved as pkl files (or appened to existing pkl files) and reloaded The machine is then trained and its ability to predict the type of image is validated The weights used to make predictions for each class can be displayed using the plotWeights function A window the size of the training images scans across the inference spectrum and the locations of peaks and collisions are identified and printed to file. This can either be in the format read by autofit if the user believes all the peaks have been found or loaded into and the remianing peaks can be identified by hand ''' from WideSweepFile import WideSweepFile import WideAna as WideAna import numpy as np import sys, os, time, shutil import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import pickle import random from scipy import interpolate np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) class mlClassification(): def __init__(self, inferenceFile=None, nClass = 5, xWidth=40): ''' inputs inferenceFile: the spectrum the user wishes to locate resonators in. If no training pkl files exist this file is used to create training data nClass: Can be either 4 or 5 depending on whether the window width is large enough. If the window width is small, enough examples of collisions are hard to come by in the training data and there wont be enough of this class to match other classes xWidth: The window size to make training data and scan on the inference spectrum. ScalexWidth is an option later which allows the training data with large widths to analyse small windows on the inference spectrum ''' self.baseFile = ('.').join(inferenceFile.split('.')[:-1]) self.goodFile = self.baseFile + '-good.txt' self.mlFile = self.baseFile + '-ml.txt' self.wsf = WideSweepFile(inferenceFile) # use WideSweepFile to get access to the data in inferenceFile self.wsf.fitFilter(wn=0.01) self.wsf.findPeaks() self.nClass = nClass # can be 4 (no collisions class) self.xWidth = xWidth # the width of each frame in number of samples self.trans = self.wsf.mag # transmission self.trainFile = 'train_w%i_c%i.pkl' % (self.xWidth, self.nClass) # a collection of images of xWidth and associated class labels rescaling_factor = 2 # rule of thumb adjustment to amplitudes of each frame so peaks take up more of the frame self.yLims=[min(self.trans), max(self.trans)] self.trainFrac = 0.8 self.testFrac=1 - self.trainFrac self.trans_adjusted= self.trans-min(self.trans) # stretches, normalises and scales the amplitudes to fit on a 0-40 grid self.trans_adjusted = np.round(self.trans_adjusted*rescaling_factor*self.xWidth/max(self.trans_adjusted) ) def makeWindowImage(self, xCenter=25, markers=True, scalexWidth=None, showFrames=False): '''Using a given x coordinate a frame is created at that location of size xWidth x xWidth, and then flattened into a 1d array. Called multiple times in each function. inputs xCenter: center location of frame in wavelength space markers: lines to guide the eye when the frame is shown scalexWidth: typical values: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 uses interpolation to put data from an xWidth x xWidth grid to a (xWidth/scalexWidth) x (xWidth/scalexWidth) grid. This allows the user to probe the spectrum using a smaller window while utilizing the higher resolution training data showFrames: pops up a window of the frame plotted using matplotlib.plot (used with training) ''' xWidth= self.xWidth # to save pulling from global memory all the time if scalexWidth==None: start = int(xCenter - xWidth/2) end = int(xCenter + xWidth/2) else: start = int(xCenter - xWidth*scalexWidth/2) #can use a smaller window for finer detail and then scale the image later to fit training data end = int(xCenter + xWidth*scalexWidth/2) if end-start != xWidth*scalexWidth: end=end+1 trans = self.trans_adjusted[start:end] trans = map(int, np.array(trans) + (xWidth*4.5/5)-np.median(trans) ) # adjusts the height of the trans data to the median if scalexWidth!=None: x = np.arange(0, xWidth*scalexWidth+1) trans = np.append(trans, trans[-1]) f = interpolate.interp1d(x, trans) xnew = np.arange(0, xWidth*scalexWidth, scalexWidth) trans = f(xnew) image = np.zeros((xWidth, xWidth)) #creates an image of the spectrum for i in range(xWidth-1): if trans[i]>=xWidth: trans[i] = xWidth-1 if trans[i]<0: trans[i] = 0 if trans[i] < trans[i+1]: image[int(trans[i]):int(trans[i+1]),i]=1 else: image[int(trans[i]):int(trans[i-1]),i]=1 if trans[i] == trans[i+1]: image[int(trans[i]),i]=1 try: image[map(int,trans), range(xWidth)]=1 except IndexError: pass if showFrames: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.add_subplot(111) plt.plot(self.wsf.x[start:end], self.trans[start:end]) if markers: plt.axvline(self.wsf.x[(end-start)/4 + start], ls='dashed') plt.axvline(self.wsf.x[end - (end-start)/4], ls='dashed') self.yLims=[min(self.trans), max(self.trans)] plt.ylim((self.yLims[0],self.yLims[1])) plt.xlim((self.wsf.x[start],self.wsf.x[end])) #plt.axis('off') plt.close() image = image.flatten() return image def makeTrainData(self, trainSteps=500): '''creates images of each class with associated labels and saves to pkl file 0: no peak, just flat 1: the center of the peak is 1/3 of the way to the left of center 2: the center of the peak is center of the frame 3: like 1 but to the right 4: the center of the middle peak is in the middle of the frame and there is another peak somewhere to the left of that one s: this image does not belong in the training dataset inputs trainSteps: how many total image does the user want to validate. testFrac adjusts what percentage are for testing outputs trainImages: cube of size- xWidth * xWidth * xCenters*trainFrac trainLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*trainFrac testImages: cube of size- xWidth * xWidth * xCenters*testFrac testLabels: 1d array of size- xCenters*testFrac ''' self.yLims=[min(self.trans), max(self.trans)] trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = [], [], [], [] print self.goodFile if os.path.isfile(self.goodFile): print 'loading peak location data from %s' % self.goodFile peaks = np.loadtxt(self.goodFile)[:,1] else: print 'using to predict where the peaks are' peaks = self.wsf.peaksDict['big'] peakDist = abs(np.roll(peaks, 1) - peaks) colls_thresh = self.xWidth/2 # two peaks in one frame colls = peaks[np.where( peakDist < colls_thresh)[0]]#9 random.shuffle(colls) # to stop multiple peaks appearing in training data of classes 1-4 peaks = peaks[np.where( peakDist >= self.xWidth)[0]] peakDist = abs(np.roll(peaks, 1) - peaks) class_steps = trainSteps/self.nClass if len(colls) < class_steps or self.nClass == 4: print 'no 5th class or not enough collisions detected within the frame width to create one' #colls_class = raw_input('Do you want to create one? [y/n]') #if colls_class=='n': colls=[] self.nClass=4 self.trainFile = 'train_w%i_c%i.pkl' % (self.xWidth, self.nClass) #colls = peaks # same criteria as centrals noise = range(len(self.wsf.x)) # noise locations are randomly selected across array. Hopefully peaks # can be located this way (and labeled as other classes) to remove any # biases from widesweepfile peaks lefts = peaks+self.xWidth/3 centrals = peaks rights = peaks-self.xWidth/3 if os.path.isfile(self.goodFile): noise= peaks[np.where( peakDist > self.xWidth*2)[0]]-self.xWidth # no need for random searches xCenters = np.zeros((class_steps,self.nClass)) xCenters[:,0]=random.sample(noise, class_steps) xCenters[:,1]=random.sample(lefts, class_steps) xCenters[:,2]=random.sample(centrals, class_steps) xCenters[:,3]=random.sample(rights, class_steps) if self.nClass==5: xCenters[:,4]=random.sample(noise, class_steps) for i in range(self.nClass): for j in range(int(self.trainFrac*class_steps) ): image = self.makeWindowImage(xCenter=xCenters[j,i], showFrames=False) trainImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[i] = 1 trainLabels.append(one_hot) # A more simple way would be to separate the train and test data after they were read but this did not occur to me #before most of the code was written for i in range(self.nClass): for j in range(int(self.trainFrac*class_steps), int(self.trainFrac*class_steps + self.testFrac*class_steps)) : image = self.makeWindowImage(xCenter=xCenters[j,i], showFrames=False) testImages.append(image) one_hot = np.zeros(self.nClass) one_hot[i] = 1 testLabels.append(one_hot) else: print 'No resonator location file found for this spectrum' append = None if os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): append = raw_input('Do you want to append this training data to previous data [y/n]') if (append == 'y') or (os.path.isfile(self.trainFile)== False): print 'saving files %s & to %s' % (self.trainFile, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.trainFile)) ) with open(self.trainFile, 'ab') as tf: pickle.dump([trainImages, trainLabels], tf) pickle.dump([testImages, testLabels], tf) return trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def mlClass(self): ''' Code adapted from the tensor flow MNIST tutorial 1. Using training images and labels the machine learning class (mlClass) "learns" how to identify peaks. Using similar data the ability of mlClass to identify peaks is tested The training and test matricies are loaded from file (those made earlier if chosen to not be appended to file will not be used) ''' if os.path.isfile(self.trainFile): trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = loadPkl(self.trainFile) else: trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels = self.makeTrainData() print 'Number of training images:', np.shape(trainImages)[0], ' Number of test images:', np.shape(testImages)[0] if np.shape(trainImages)[1]!=self.xWidth**2: print 'Please make new training images of the correct size' exit() self.nClass = np.shape(trainLabels)[1] self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.xWidth**2]) # correspond to the images self.W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.xWidth**2, self.nClass])) #the weights used to make predictions on classes self.b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([self.nClass])) # the biases also used to make class predictions self.y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(self.x, self.W) + self.b) # class lables predictions made from x,W,b y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nClass]) # true class lables identified by user cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_*tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(self.y,1e-10,1.0)) ) # find out how right you are by finding out how wrong you are train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) # the best result is when the wrongness is minimal init = tf.initialize_all_variables() self.sess = tf.Session() # need to do this everytime you want to access a tf variable (for example the true class labels calculation or plotweights) trainReps = 500 batches = 100 if np.shape(trainLabels)[0]< batches: batches = np.shape(trainLabels)[0]/2 print 'Performing', trainReps, 'training repeats, using batches of', batches for i in range(trainReps): #perform the training step using random batches of images and according labels batch_xs, batch_ys = next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batches), feed_dict={self.x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys}) #calculate train_step using feed_dict print 'true class labels: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:25] #argmax finds the index with the max label value print 'class estimates: ',,1), feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:25] #1st 25 printed #print, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels})[:100] # print the scores for each class correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1)) #which ones did it get right? accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) score =, feed_dict={self.x: testImages, y_: testLabels}) * 100 print 'Accuracy of model in testing: ', score, '%' if score < 95: print 'Consider making more training images' del trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def plotWeights(self): '''creates a 2d map showing the positive and negative weights for each class''' weights = weights = np.reshape(weights,(self.xWidth,self.xWidth,self.nClass)) weights = np.flipud(weights) for nc in range(self.nClass): plt.imshow(weights[:,:, nc]) plt.title('class %i' % nc) plt.close() def findPeaks(self, inferenceFile, scalexWidth=None, steps =50, start=0, searchWholeSpec=False, useWideAna=True, multi_widths=False): '''The trained machine learning class (mlClass) finds peaks in the inferenceFile spectrum inputs inferenceFile: widesweep data file to be used scalexWidth: allows a smaller/finer window to search spectrum without loss of resolution that comes with smaller window sizes this variable, if set to a number, will act as a multiplication factor for self.xWidth e.g: 0.5 or 0.25 adds to computation time (maybe 4x longer for 0.25) searchWholeSpec: if only a few peaks need to be identified set to False steps: if searchWhileSpec is False, the number of frames (numer of center values in centers) start: if searchWhileSpec is False, the starting point of the frames (first center value in centers) useWideAna: if true once all the peaks have been located these values are fed into WideAna which opens the window where the user can manually check all the peaks have been found and make corrections if neccessary outputs Goodfile: either immediately after the peaks have been located or through WideAna if useWideAna =True mlFile: temporary file read in to containing peak indicies *had some issues running WideAna at the end of this script on ubuntu 14.04 and matplotlib-1.5.1 backend 'Qt4Agg' after running Sometimes I received a segmentation fault ''' try: self.sess except AttributeError: print 'You have to train the model first' exit() self.inferenceFile = inferenceFile self.wsf = WideSweepFile(inferenceFile) self.wsf.fitFilter(wn=0.01) self.wsf.findPeaks() #the center of each frame. xWidth wide, translated xWidth/20 from the previous if scalexWidth != None: xMove = float(self.xWidth*scalexWidth)/40 #1 centers = np.arange(self.xWidth*scalexWidth/2,len(self.wsf.x)-self.xWidth*scalexWidth/2, xMove ) else: xMove = float(self.xWidth)/40 #1 centers = np.arange(self.xWidth/2,len(self.wsf.x)-self.xWidth/2, xMove ) centers = [int(c) for c in centers] print len(self.wsf.x) if searchWholeSpec: steps = len(centers) start=0 span = range(start, steps+start) self.inferenceLabels = np.ones((steps,self.nClass)) print 'Using trained algorithm on images across the inference spectrum' for i,c in enumerate(span): inferenceImage=[] # print how many frames remain to be studied inline sys.stdout.write("\r%d of %i" % (i+1,steps) ) sys.stdout.flush() # each image is formatted into a single element of a list so can receive a single values dictionary argument # and save memory image = self.makeWindowImage(xCenter=centers[c], scalexWidth=scalexWidth, showFrames=False) # inferenceImage is just reformatted image inferenceImage.append(image) self.inferenceLabels[i,:] =, feed_dict={self.x: inferenceImage} ) del inferenceImage del image print '\n' stdLabels = np.argmax(self.inferenceLabels, 1) scores = np.zeros((len(stdLabels))) # peaks is an array of positive peak identification locations peaks = np.where(np.logical_or(stdLabels ==2, stdLabels ==4) ) # turn peaks into a list of lists of adjacent peak locations peaks = np.split(peaks[0], np.where(np.diff(peaks[0]) >= 5)[0]+1) #peakLocations takes the middle value of adjacent positive peak identifications in peaks peakLocations=[] if len(peaks[0]) == 0: print 'No peaks found in search range' peakLocations = None else: for p in peaks: if len(p)>3: p = np.array(p) centers = np.array(centers) min_location = np.argmin(self.wsf.mag[centers[p]]) middle = (p[0]+p[len(p)-1]) /2 peakLocations.append(p[min_location]) centers = np.array(centers) peak_dist = abs(np.roll(centers[peakLocations], -1) - centers[peakLocations]) diff, coll_thresh = 0, 0 while diff <= 5e-4: diff = self.wsf.x[coll_thresh]-self.wsf.x[0] coll_thresh += 1 #remove collisions (peaks < 0.5MHz apart). This is also done in if useWideAna: collisions = np.delete(peakLocations,np.where(peak_dist>=coll_thresh)) else: #peakLocations = np.delete(peakLocations,np.where(dist<50)) collisions = [] for i in range(len(peakLocations)): if peak_dist[i]<coll_thresh: if self.wsf.mag[centers[peakLocations[i+1]]] - self.wsf.mag[centers[peakLocations[i]]] > 1.5: collisions.append(centers[peakLocations[i+1]]) else: collisions.append(centers[peakLocations[i]]) peakLocations = np.delete(peakLocations,collisions) if not multi_widths: plt.plot(centers[start:start+steps], self.wsf.mag[centers[start:start+steps]])#- self.wsf.baseline[centers[start:start+steps]]) self.wsf.x[centers...] if peakLocations != []: for pl in peakLocations: plt.axvline(centers[pl+start], color='r') for c in collisions: plt.axvline(centers[c+start], color='g') plt.close() print 'Number of resonators located:', len(peakLocations) print 'Number of collisions', len(collisions) # append the peak locations from each window width to this global variable if multi_widths: global mw_peakLocations mw_peakLocations= np.concatenate((mw_peakLocations,centers[map(lambda x: x+start, peakLocations)])) #remove collisions during each successive run to avoid a build up identifications at near collisions mw_peakLocations = np.sort(mw_peakLocations) mw_peakLocations = map(int,mw_peakLocations) peak_dist = abs(np.roll(mw_peakLocations, -1) - mw_peakLocations) collisions = [] for i in range(len(mw_peakLocations)-1): if peak_dist[i]<=3: if self.wsf.mag[mw_peakLocations[i]] <= self.wsf.mag[mw_peakLocations[i+1]]: collisions.append(i) else: collisions.append(i+1) #mw_peakLocations = np.delete(mw_peakLocations,np.where(peak_dist<3)) mw_peakLocations = np.delete(mw_peakLocations,collisions) if useWideAna: # if file exists rename it with the current time if os.path.isfile(self.mlFile): self.mlFile = self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") #shutil.copy(self.mlFile, self.mlFile+time.strftime("-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) mlf = open(self.mlFile,'wb') #mlf machine learning file is temporary if peakLocations != []: if multi_widths: peakLocations =mw_peakLocations peakLocations = np.sort(peakLocations) for pl in peakLocations: line = "%12d\n" % pl# just peak locations mlf.write(line) else: for pl in peakLocations: line = "%12d\n" % centers[pl+start] # just peak locations mlf.write(line) mlf.close() #on ubuntu 14.04 and matplotlib-1.5.1 backend 'Qt4Agg' running prior to this causes segmentation fault WideAna.main(initialFile=self.inferenceFile) os.remove(self.mlFile) else: gf = open(self.goodFile,'wb') id = 0 if peakLocations != []: for pl in peakLocations: line = "%8d %12d %16.7f\n"%(id,centers[pl]+start,self.wsf.x[centers[pl]]) gf.write(line) id += 1 gf.close() def next_batch(trainImages, trainLabels, batch_size): '''selects a random batch of batch_size from trainImages and trainLabels''' perm = random.sample(range(len(trainImages)), batch_size) trainImages = np.array(trainImages)[perm,:] trainLabels = np.array(trainLabels)[perm,:] return trainImages, trainLabels def loadPkl(filename): '''load the train and test data to train and test mlClass pkl file hirerachy is as follows: -The file is split in two, one side for train data and one side for test data -These halfs are further divdided into image data and labels -makeTrainData creates image data of size: xWidth * xWidth * xCenters and the label data of size: xCenters -each time makeTrainData is run a new image cube and label array is created and appended to the old data so the final size of the file is (xWidth * xWidth * res_nums * "no of train runs") + (res_nums * "no of train runs") + [the equivalent test data structure] A more simple way would be to separate the train and test data after they were read but this did not occur to the author before most of the code was written input pkl filename to be read. Can be either train or test data outputs image cube and label array ''' file =[] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: while 1: try: file.append(pickle.load(f)) except EOFError: break trainImages = file[0][0] trainLabels = file[0][1] testImages = file[1][0] testLabels = file[1][1] if np.shape(file)[0]/2 > 1: for i in range(1, np.shape(file)[0]/2-1): trainImages = np.append(trainImages, file[2*i][0], axis=0) trainLabels = np.append(trainLabels, file[2*i][1], axis=0) testImages = np.append(testImages, file[2*i+1][0], axis=0) testLabels = np.append(testLabels, file[2*i+1][1], axis=0) print "loaded dataset from ", filename return trainImages, trainLabels, testImages, testLabels def main(inferenceFile=None, xWidth=80, nClass=4, scalexWidth=1./2, useWideAna =True, multi_widths=False): mlClass = mlClassification(inferenceFile=inferenceFile, xWidth=xWidth, nClass=nClass) #mlClass.makeTrainData(trainSteps =100) mlClass.mlClass() #mlClass.plotWeights() mlClass.findPeaks(inferenceFile, scalexWidth=scalexWidth, searchWholeSpec=True, useWideAna=useWideAna, multi_widths=multi_widths)# 35200 def multi_widths(xWidths = [80,80,80], nClasses=[4,4,4], scalexWidths = [None,1./2,1./4]): '''Runs the main functions multiple times with different window sizes to catch peaks of various Q factors. This is especially useful if there is a large variation in Q throughout spectrum''' global mw_peakLocations mw_peakLocations= np.array([]) for mw in range(len(xWidths)): print 'Searching for peaks using a model with xWidth=%s, xWidth interpolation scaling=%s, and %s peak classes' % (xWidths[mw],scalexWidths[mw],nClasses[mw]) if mw == len(xWidths)-1: useWideAna = True else: useWideAna = False main(inferenceFile=inferenceFile, xWidth = xWidths[mw], nClass = nClasses[mw], scalexWidth=scalexWidths[mw], useWideAna= useWideAna, multi_widths=True) if __name__ == "__main__": inferenceFile= None if len(sys.argv) > 1: mdd = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] inferenceFile = os.path.join(mdd,sys.argv[1]) else: print "need to specify a filename located in MKID_DATA_DIR" exit() #main(inferenceFile=inferenceFile) multi_widths()
import os import numpy as np """ write the roachConfig.txt file """ datadir = os.environ['MKID_DATA_DIR'] # here is a list of the number of roaches per feed line rpfList = np.array(os.environ['MKID_NROACHES'].split(), outfile = os.path.join(datadir,'roachConfig.txt') print "Now create ",outfile roachConfigFile=open(outfile,'w') # start a fresh file each time (not append) for iFeedLine in range(len(rpfList)): fn = "FL%d-lofreqs.txt"%(iFeedLine+1) print "iFeedLine=",iFeedLine," fn=",fn # np.loadtxt does not return a list if the file has only one line #fl=np.loadtxt(os.path.join(datadir,fn)) file = open(os.path.join(datadir,fn)) fl = file.readlines() for i,lo in enumerate(fl): roachConfigFile.write('%f\t 10\n'%float(lo)) roachConfigFile.close()
from numpy.testing import * import numpy as N import copy import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from mpfit import mpfit def Flin(x,p): y = p[0] -p[1]*x return y def myfunctlin(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None): # Parameter values are passed in "p" # If fjac==None then partial derivatives should not be # computed. It will always be None if MPFIT is called with default # flag. model = Flin(x, p) # Non-negative status value means MPFIT should continue, negative means # stop the calculation. status = 0 return [status, (y-model)/err] def test_linfit(): x=N.array([-1.7237128E+00,1.8712276E+00,-9.6608055E-01, -2.8394297E-01,1.3416969E+00,1.3757038E+00, -1.3703436E+00,4.2581975E-02,-1.4970151E-01, 8.2065094E-01]) y=N.array([1.9000429E-01,6.5807428E+00,1.4582725E+00, 2.7270851E+00,5.5969253E+00,5.6249280E+00, 0.787615,3.2599759E+00,2.9771762E+00, 4.5936475E+00]) ey=0.07*N.ones(y.shape,dtype='float64') p0=N.array([1.0,1.0],dtype='float64') #initial conditions pactual=N.array([3.2,1.78]) #actual values used to make data parbase={'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[0,0], 'limits':[0.,0.]} parinfo=[] for i in range(len(pactual)): parinfo.append(copy.deepcopy(parbase)) for i in range(len(pactual)): parinfo[i]['value']=p0[i] fa = {'x':x, 'y':y, 'err':ey} m = mpfit(myfunctlin, p0, parinfo=parinfo,functkw=fa) if (m.status <= 0): print 'error message = ', m.errmsg assert N.allclose(m.params,N.array([ 3.20996572, -1.7709542 ],dtype='float64')) assert N.allclose(m.perror,N.array([ 0.02221018, 0.01893756],dtype='float64')) chisq=(myfunctlin(m.params, x=x, y=y, err=ey)[1]**2).sum() assert N.allclose(N.array([chisq],dtype='float64'),N.array([2.756284983],dtype='float64')) assert m.dof==8 return def myfunctrosenbrock(p, fjac=None): # rosenbrock function res = N.array([1-p[0],-(1-p[0]),10*(p[1]-p[0]**2),-10*(p[1]-p[0]**2)]) status = 0 return [status, res] def test_rosenbrock(): p0=N.array([-1,1.],dtype='float64') #initial conditions pactual=N.array([1.,1.]) #actual minimum of the rosenbrock function m = mpfit(myfunctrosenbrock, p0) if (m.status <= 0): print 'error message = ', m.errmsg assert m.status > 0 assert N.allclose(m.params,pactual) assert N.allclose(m.fnorm,0) return if __name__ == "__main__": run_module_suite()
import sys,os import unittest import numpy as np sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from Resonator import Resonator from mpfit import mpfit from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class TestResonator(unittest.TestCase): """ Test data copied from IDL session running autfit-pro with input file FL2-right.txt, for the first resonator found """ def testQuickFit(self): f = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(1,)) I = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(2,)) Ierr = 0.001*np.ones(len(I)) Q = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(3,)) Qerr = 0.001*np.ones(len(Q)) res = Resonator(f,I,Ierr, Q, Qerr) mag = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(4,)) phase = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(5,)) for j in range(len(I)): self.assertAlmostEqual(I[j],res.I[j]) self.assertAlmostEqual(Q[j],res.Q[j]) self.assertAlmostEqual(mag[j],res.mag[j],places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(phase[j],res.phase[j],places=6) dist1 = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestDist1.txt", usecols=(1,)) for j in range(len(res.dist1)): self.assertAlmostEqual(res.dist1[j],dist1[j], places=6) self.assertEquals(len(res.dist1),len(dist1)) self.assertEquals(50, res.residx) self.assertAlmostEquals(-0.35312287, res.xrc1) self.assertAlmostEquals(5.9134903, res.yrc1, places=6) m = res.quickFit() print m.params # The values from the idl version are similar, but not too close idl = [34093.219, 2.8350927, 0.11120927, 0.76291197, 3993.5131, 0.0000000, 0.0000000] self.assertAlmostEqual(m.params[0]/idl[0],0.7965, places=4) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.params[1]/idl[1],1, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.params[2]/idl[2],1.239136, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.params[3]/idl[3],1.035355, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(m.params[4]/idl[4],0.202167, places=5) def testMagModel(self): f = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(1,)) I = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(2,)) Ierr = 0.001*np.ones(len(I)) Q = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(3,)) Qerr = 0.001*np.ones(len(Q)) res = Resonator(f,I,Ierr,Q,Qerr) qfp = res.quickFitPrep() x = qfp['functkw']['x'] p = qfp['p0'] yModel = Resonator.magModel(x,p) yData = qfp['functkw']['y'] err = qfp['functkw']['err'] mdl = Resonator.magDiffLin(p, fjac=None, x=x, y=yData, err=err) chi2 = np.power(mdl[1],2).sum() print "chi2=",chi2 parinfo = qfp['parinfo'] functkw = qfp['functkw'] m = mpfit(Resonator.magDiffLin, p, parinfo=parinfo, functkw=functkw, quiet=1) print "m=",m pFit = m.params yFit = Resonator.magModel(x,pFit) plt.clf() plt.plot(x,yData,label="data") plt.plot(x,yModel,label="first guess model") plt.plot(x,yFit,label="fit model") plt.legend(loc='lower right') title="Q=%.1f f0=%.5f carrier=%.3f depth=%.2f \n slope=%.1f curve=%.1f w=%.1f"%tuple(pFit.tolist()) plt.title(title) plt.savefig("testMagModel.png") def testResModel(self): f = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(1,)) I = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(2,)) Ierr = 0.001*np.ones(len(I)) Q = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(3,)) Qerr = 0.001*np.ones(len(Q)) res = Resonator(f,I,Ierr,Q,Qerr) rfp = res.resFitPrep() x = rfp['functkw']['x'] p = rfp['p0'] yModel = Resonator.resModel(x,p) yData = rfp['functkw']['y'] err = rfp['functkw']['err'] rdl = Resonator.resDiffLin(p, fjac=None, x=x, y=yData, err=err) chi2 = np.power(rdl[1],2).sum() print "chi2=",chi2 parinfo = rfp['parinfo'] functkw = rfp['functkw'] m = mpfit(Resonator.resDiffLin, p, parinfo=parinfo, functkw=functkw, quiet=1) pFit = m.params rdlFit = Resonator.resDiffLin(pFit, fjac=None, x=x, y=yData, err=err) chi2Fit = np.power(rdlFit[1],2).sum() print "chi2Fit=",chi2Fit yFit = Resonator.resModel(x,pFit) plt.clf() print "xrc1,yrc1=",res.xrc1,res.yrc1 plt.plot(yData.real,yData.imag,"o",mfc='none',label="data") #plt.plot(yData.real[0],yData.imag[0],"+",label="first data") #plt.plot(yModel.real,yModel.imag,label="model") #plt.plot(yModel.real[0],yModel.imag[0],"o",label="first model") plt.plot(yFit.real,yFit.imag,label="fit") #plt.plot(yFit.real[0],yFit.imag[0],"o",label="first fit") #plt.legend(loc='center') #title="Q=%.1f f0=%.5f carrier=%.3f depth=%.2f \n slope=%.1f curve=%.1f w=%.1f"%tuple(pFit.tolist()) #plt.title(title) plt.axvline(linewidth=1,color='b',x=res.xrc1,linestyle=":") plt.axhline(linewidth=1,color='b',y=res.yrc1,linestyle=":") plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') plt.savefig("testResModel.png") def testResfit(self): pdfPages = PdfPages("testResfit.pdf") f = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(1,)) I = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(2,)) Ierr = 0.001*np.ones(len(I)) Q = np.loadtxt("resonatorTestQIMA.txt", usecols=(3,)) Qerr = 0.001*np.ones(len(Q)) res = Resonator(f,I,Ierr,Q,Qerr) rf = res.resfit() res.plot(rf,pdfPages) pdfPages.close() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import unittest import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) import Peaks as Peaks import numpy as np class TestPeaks(unittest.TestCase): def testPeaks(self): peaks = [10,56] n = np.random.normal(100.0, 1.0,100) for peak in peaks: n[peak] = 500 p = Peaks.peaks(n,2) print "p=",p if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import unittest import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from WideSweepFile import WideSweepFile import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class TestWideSweepFile(unittest.TestCase): def testWsf(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) wsf.fitSpline() wsf.findPeaks() fig,ax = plt.subplots(2) ax[0].plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') ax[0].set_xlabel("frequency") ax[0].set_ylabel("magnitude") ax[0].legend() ax[1].plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') ax[1].set_xlabel("frequency") ax[1].set_ylabel("magnitude") ax[1].legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) xmin = 5.0 xmax = 5.012 ax[1].set_xlim(xmin, xmax) for peak in wsf.peaks: x = wsf.x[peak] if x > xmin and x < xmax: ax[1].axvline(x=x,color='r') plt.savefig("testWsf.png") def testWsf2(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) var = wsf.mag.var() m = len(wsf.mag) #splineS = m*var/20.0 #print "var,m,splineS=",var,m,splineS #splineK = 5 #wsf.fitSpline(splineS=splineS,splineK=splineK) wn = 0.01 wsf.fitFilter(wn=wn) m = 2 wsf.findPeaks(m=m) fig,ax = plt.subplots(2) ax[0].plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') ax[0].plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='baseline') ax[0].set_xlabel("frequency") ax[0].set_ylabel("magnitude") ax[0].legend() xmin = 3.25 xmax = 3.27 ax[0].set_xlim(xmin, xmax) for peak in wsf.peaks: x = wsf.x[peak] if x > xmin and x < xmax: ax[0].axvline(x=x,color='r') ax[0].set_title("filter wn=%f findPeaks m=%f"%(wn,m)) ax[1].plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') ax[1].plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='baseline') ax[1].set_xlabel("frequency") ax[1].set_ylabel("magnitude") ax[1].legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) xmin = 5.0 xmax = 5.012 ax[1].set_xlim(xmin, xmax) for peak in wsf.peaks: x = wsf.x[peak] if x > xmin and x < xmax: ax[1].axvline(x=x,color='r') plt.savefig("testWsf2.png") def testFilter(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) wsf.filter() fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.filtered,label='filtered') xmin = 3.2 xmax = 3.4 ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.savefig("testFilter.png") def testFilter2(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') wsf.fitFilter(wn=0.1) ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='filtered baseline wn=0.1') wsf.fitFilter(wn=0.5) ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='filtered baseline wn=0.5') wsf.fitSpline() ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='spline baseline') xmin = 3.293 xmax = 3.294 ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.savefig("testFilter2.png") def testFits(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') for wn in [0.001, 0.01, 0.1]: wsf.fitFilter(wn=wn) ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='filtered baseline wn=%0.3f'%wn) wsf.fitSpline() ax.plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='spline baseline') #xmin = 3.356 #xmax = 3.357 xmin = 3.25 xmax = 3.27 ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.savefig("testFits.png") def testFindPeaksThreshold(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' threshSigma = 5 wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) wn = 0.010 wsf.fitFilter(wn=0.5) values = wsf.mag-wsf.baseline plt.plot(wsf.x,values,label="filtered with wn=%0.3f"%wn) xmin = 3.25 xmax = 3.27 plt.xlim(xmin,xmax) plt.legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.savefig("testFindPeaksThreshold.png") #wsf.findPeaksThreshold(threshSigma=threshSigma) #plt.figure() #plt.plot(wsf.fptCenters, wsf.fptHg[0]) #plt.yscale("symlog", linthreshy=0.1) #plt.axvline(wsf.fptAverage, c="red", ls=":") #plt.axvline(wsf.fptAverage-threshSigma*wsf.fptStd, c="green", ls="--") #plt.savefig("testFpt-hg.png") def testFitSpline(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) plt.plot(wsf.x,wsf.mag,label='mag') for splineS in [1,0.9,0.5,0.3]: wsf.fitSpline(splineS=splineS) plt.plot(wsf.x,wsf.baseline,label='s=%f'%splineS) xmin = 3.25 xmax = 3.27 plt.xlim(xmin,xmax) plt.legend().get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.savefig("testFitSpline.png") def testCreatePdf(self): fileName = 'ucsb_100mK_24db_1.txt' wsf = WideSweepFile(fileName) wsf.createPdf('ucsb_100mK_24db_1-good.pdf') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import unittest import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from autofit import autofit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class TestAutofit(unittest.TestCase): def testAutofit(self): # This is the wide sweep file, generated by the labview program # SegmentedSweep wsfn = '20131016adr/FL2.txt' # This is the approximate resonance location file, generated by # or rlfn = '20131016adr/FL2-right.txt' af = autofit(wsfn,rlfn),plotFileName="testAutofit.pdf") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'PSFit_GUI.ui' # # Created: Sun Jul 24 13:04:12 2011 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.8.4 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(915, 1010) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.plot_1 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 10, 891, 311)) self.plot_1.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_1")) self.plot_2 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 330, 891, 331)) self.plot_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_2")) self.plot_3 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 660, 391, 301)) self.plot_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_3")) self.frequency = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.frequency.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(790, 760, 62, 17)) self.frequency.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frequency")) self.atten = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.atten.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(770, 790, 61, 31)) self.atten.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("atten")) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(710, 760, 71, 17)) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.savevalues = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.savevalues.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(730, 870, 131, 41)) self.savevalues.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("savevalues")) self.label_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(710, 730, 91, 17)) self.label_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_2")) self.res_num = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.res_num.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 730, 62, 17)) self.res_num.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("res_num")) self.open_browse = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.open_browse.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 700, 114, 32)) self.open_browse.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("open_browse")) self.open_filename = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.open_filename.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 740, 261, 22)) self.open_filename.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("open_filename")) self.save_browse = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.save_browse.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 780, 114, 32)) self.save_browse.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("save_browse")) self.save_filename = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.save_filename.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 820, 261, 22)) self.save_filename.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("save_filename")) self.label_3 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(710, 800, 62, 17)) self.label_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_3")) self.jumptores = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.jumptores.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(690, 686, 111, 41)) self.jumptores.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("jumptores")) self.jumptonum = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.jumptonum.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 690, 57, 31)) self.jumptonum.setMaximum(9999) self.jumptonum.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("jumptonum")) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 915, 22)) self.menubar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menubar")) MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.frequency.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "TextLabel", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Frequency:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.savevalues.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save Values", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_2.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Res number:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.res_num.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "TextLabel", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.open_browse.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Open", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.save_browse.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save to:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_3.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Atten:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.jumptores.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Jump to Res", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) from mpl_pyqt4_widget import MPL_Widget
#!/usr/bin/env python from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4 import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib.figure import Figure import numpy as N class MyMplCanvas(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, parent=None, width = 10, height = 12, dpi = 100, sharex = None, sharey = None): self.fig = Figure(figsize = (width, height), dpi=dpi, facecolor = '#FFFFFF') = self.fig.add_subplot(111, sharex = sharex, sharey = sharey) self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.15, right=0.97, top=0.97) self.xtitle="Wavelength" self.ytitle="Counts" #self.PlotTitle = "Some Plot" self.grid_status = True self.xaxis_style = 'linear' self.yaxis_style = 'linear' self.format_labels() FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.fig) #self.fc = FigureCanvas(self.fig) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self) def format_labels(self):, fontsize = 7), fontsize = 7) labels_x = labels_y = for xlabel in labels_x: xlabel.set_fontsize(7) for ylabel in labels_y: ylabel.set_fontsize(7) ylabel.set_color('b') def sizeHint(self): w, h = self.get_width_height() return QSize(w, h) def minimumSizeHint(self): return QSize(10, 10) def sizeHint(self): w, h = self.get_width_height() return QSize(w, h) def minimumSizeHint(self): return QSize(10, 10) class MPL_Widget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.canvas = MyMplCanvas() #self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.canvas) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) #self.vbox.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.setLayout(self.vbox)
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Created by Ben Mazin on 2011-03-24. Copyright (c) 2011 . All rights reserved. """ from tables import * import numpy as np import os import sys import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import time import pdb #import powspec_rebin class IQsweeptables(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that hold IQ sweep data on the disk """ # recorded data f0 = Float32Col() span = Float32Col() fsteps = Int32Col() atten1 = Int32Col() atten2 = Int32Col() scale = Float32Col() PreadoutdB = Float32Col() Tstart = Float32Col() Tend = Float32Col() I0 = Float32Col() Q0 = Float32Col() resnum = Int32Col() freq = Float32Col(2000) I = Float32Col(2000) Q = Float32Col(2000) Isd = Float32Col(2000) Qsd = Float32Col(2000) time = Float64Col() # data products from loop fit vmaxidx = Int32Col() Iceng = Float32Col() Qceng = Float32Col() Icen = Float32Col() Qcen = Float32Col() Qm = Float32Col() Qc = Float32Col() Qi = Float32Col() fm = Float32Col() dipdb = Float32Col() popt = Float32Col(10) fpoints = Float32Col() fI = Float32Col(2000) fQ = Float32Col(2000) ff = Float32Col(2000) # data products from mag fit mag = Float32Col(2000) magfreq = Float32Col(2000) magfit = Float32Col(2000) mopt = Float32Col(6) # data products from noise analysis savenoise = Int32Col() samprate = Float32Col() pn = Float32Col(2552) pnidx = Float32Col(2552) an = Float32Col(2552) anidx = Float32Col(2552) fn1k = Float32Col() class optimalpow(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that stored the optimal readout power and f0 for the resonator """ Pmax = Float32Col() f0 = Float32Col() class IQsweep: """A class for IQ sweep data designed to be compatible with pytables. Holds the IQ response of a single resonator and functions that process it. LoadSWP(filename,resnum) method to load the standard .swp files from the analog readout into an object. FitLoopMP() method fits the sweep data with Ben's loop fit code FitMagMP() method fits the sweep data with Ben's simple magnitue fit code AnalyzeNoise() method crunches the noise data Save(filename,gstring,mode) method saves the class in h5 file filename in group gstring ('r0','r1',etc) with write mode mode ('w','a') Load(filename,gstring,f0,atten1) method loads sweep data from h5 file filename with center freq f0 and input atten setting atten1 Pdf(filename) plots the IQ sweep (and fit if present) to a pdf file """ def __init__(self): pass def LoadSWP(self,filename,resnum): # Load sweep data from .swp format text files self.resnum = resnum #read header f = open(filename, 'r') h1,h2,h3,self.atten1 = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') h4,h5,h6,self.atten2 = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') self.Tstart,self.Tend = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Iz1,Iz1sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Qz1,Qz1sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Iz2,Iz2sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Qz2,Qz2sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') f.close() #read table data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=7) self.time = time.time() self.savenoise = 0 if self.resnum == 0: self.f0 = h1 self.span = h2 self.fsteps = int(h3) self.I0 = Iz1 self.Q0 = Qz1 self.freq = data[:self.fsteps,0] self.I = data[:self.fsteps,1] self.Q = data[:self.fsteps,3] self.Isd = data[:self.fsteps,2] self.Qsd = data[:self.fsteps,4] else: self.f0 = h4 self.span = h5 self.fsteps = int(h6) self.I0 = Iz2 self.Q0 = Qz2 self.freq = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,0] self.I = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,1] self.Q = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,3] self.Isd = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,2] self.Qsd = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,4] def FitLoopMP(self): # Fit the sweep using the full IQ data with MPFIT! import mpfit # find center from IQ max vel = np.sqrt((self.I[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.I[1:self.fsteps-1])**2 + (self.Q[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.Q[1:self.fsteps-1])**2) svel = smooth(vel) cidx = (np.where(svel==max(svel)))[0] self.vmaxidx = cidx[0] # Try to pass fsteps/2 points but work even if closer to the edge than that low = cidx - self.fsteps/4 if low < 0: low = 0 high = cidx + self.fsteps/4 if cidx > self.fsteps : high = self.fsteps #print cidx,low,high idx = self.freq[low:high]*1e9 I = self.I[low:high]-self.I0 Q = self.Q[low:high]-self.Q0 #print len(I) s21 = np.zeros(len(I)*2) s21[:len(I)] = I s21[len(I):] = Q sigma = np.zeros(len(I)*2) sigma[:len(I)] = self.Isd[low:high] sigma[len(I):] = self.Qsd[low:high] # take a guess at center self.Iceng = (max(I)-min(I))/2.0 + min(I) self.Qceng = (max(Q)-min(Q))/2.0 + min(Q) ang = np.arctan2( Q[self.fsteps/4] - self.Qceng, I[self.fsteps/4] - self.Iceng ) #print ang if ang >= 0 and ang <= np.pi: ang -= np.pi/2 if ang >= -np.pi and ang < 0: ang += np.pi/2 #print Q[self.fsteps/4]-self.Qceng, I[self.fsteps/4]-self.Iceng #print ang #parinfo = [{'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[1,1], 'limits':[0.,0.]}]*10 parinfo=[ {'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[1,1], 'limits':[0.,0.]} for i in range(10) ] parinfo[0]['value'] = 50000.0 parinfo[0]['limits'] = [5000.0,1e6] parinfo[1]['value'] = np.mean(idx) parinfo[1]['limits'] = [ np.min(idx),np.max(idx)] parinfo[2]['value'] = 1.0 parinfo[2]['limits'] = [1e-4,1e2] parinfo[3]['value'] = 800.0 parinfo[3]['limits'] = [1.0,4e4] parinfo[4]['value'] = 500.0 parinfo[4]['limits'] = [-5000.0,5000.0] parinfo[5]['value'] = ang parinfo[5]['limits'] = [-np.pi*1.1,np.pi*1.1] parinfo[6]['value'] = np.max(I[low:high]) - np.min(I[low:high]) parinfo[6]['limits'] = [parinfo[6]['value'] - 0.5*parinfo[6]['value'] , parinfo[6]['value'] + 0.5*parinfo[6]['value'] ] parinfo[7]['value'] = np.max(Q[low:high]) - np.min(Q[low:high]) parinfo[7]['limits'] = [parinfo[7]['value'] - 0.5*parinfo[7]['value'] , parinfo[7]['value'] + 0.5*parinfo[6]['value'] ] parinfo[8]['value'] = self.Iceng parinfo[8]['limits'] = [parinfo[8]['value'] - np.abs(0.5*parinfo[8]['value']) , parinfo[8]['value'] + np.abs(0.5*parinfo[8]['value']) ] parinfo[9]['value'] = self.Qceng parinfo[9]['limits'] = [parinfo[9]['value'] - np.abs(0.5*parinfo[9]['value']) , parinfo[9]['value'] + np.abs(0.5*parinfo[9]['value']) ] fa = {'x':idx, 'y':s21, 'err':sigma} #pdb.set_trace() # use magfit Q if available try: Qguess = np.repeat(self.mopt[0],10) except: Qguess = np.repeat(range(10)*10000) chisq=1e50 for x in range(10): # Fit Qtry = Qguess[x] + 20000.0*np.random.normal() if Qtry < 5000.0: Qtry = 5000.0 parinfo[0]['value'] = Qtry parinfo[2]['value'] = 1.1e-4 + np.random.uniform()*90.0 parinfo[3]['value'] = 1.0 + np.random.uniform()*3e4 parinfo[4]['value'] = np.random.uniform()*9000.0 - 4500.0 if x > 5: parinfo[5]['value'] = np.random.uniform(-1,1)*np.pi # fit! m = mpfit.mpfit(RESDIFFMP,functkw=fa,parinfo=parinfo,quiet=1) popt = m.params newchisq = m.fnorm if newchisq < chisq: chisq = newchisq bestpopt = m.params try: popt = bestpopt except: popt = m.params self.popt = popt self.Icen = popt[8] self.Qcen = popt[9] fit = RESDIFF(idx,popt[0],popt[1],popt[2],popt[3],popt[4],popt[5],popt[6],popt[7],popt[8],popt[9]) #pdb.set_trace() # compute dipdb,Qc,Qi radius = abs((popt[6]+popt[7]))/4.0 diam = (2.0*radius) / (np.sqrt(popt[8]**2 + popt[9]**2) + radius) Qc = popt[0]/diam Qi = popt[0]/(1.0-diam) dip = 1.0 - 2.0*radius/(np.sqrt(popt[8]**2 + popt[9]**2) + radius) dipdb = 20.0*np.log10(dip) # internal power power = 10.0**((-self.atten1-35.0)/10.0) Pint = 10.0*np.log10((2.0 * self.popt[0]**2/(np.pi * Qc))*power) #print popt #print radius,diam,Qc,Qi,dip,dipdb self.Qm = popt[0] = popt[1] self.Qc = Qc self.Qi = Qi self.dipdb = dipdb self.Pint = Pint self.fpoints = len(I) self.fI = fit[:len(I)] self.fQ = fit[len(I):] self.ff = self.freq[low:high] def FitMagMP(self): # Fit the sweep using just the magnitude data import mpfit # find center from IQ max vel = np.sqrt((self.I[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.I[1:self.fsteps-1])**2 + (self.Q[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.Q[1:self.fsteps-1])**2) svel = smooth(vel) cidx = (np.where(svel==max(svel)))[0] self.vmaxidx = cidx[0] idx = self.freq*1e9 mag = np.sqrt((self.I-self.I0)**2 + (self.Q-self.Q0)**2) norm = np.max(mag) mag = mag / norm #Q,f0,carrier,depth,slope,curve parinfo=[ {'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[1,1], 'limits':[0.,0.]} for i in range(6) ] parinfo[0]['value'] = 50000.0 parinfo[0]['limits'] = [5000.0,1e6] parinfo[1]['value'] = np.mean(idx) parinfo[1]['limits'] = [ np.min(idx),np.max(idx)] parinfo[2]['value'] = 1.0 parinfo[2]['limits'] = [1e-4,1e2] parinfo[3]['value'] = 0.7 parinfo[3]['limits'] = [0.01,10.0] parinfo[4]['value'] = 0.1 parinfo[4]['limits'] = [-5000.0,5000.0] parinfo[5]['value'] = -10.0 parinfo[5]['limits'] = [-1e8,1e8] sigma = np.repeat(0.00001,len(mag)) fa = {'x':idx, 'y':mag, 'err':sigma} #pdb.set_trace() chisq=1e50 for x in range(10): # Fit Qtry = x*10000.0 + 5000.0*np.random.normal() if Qtry < 5000.0: Qtry = 5000.0 parinfo[0]['value'] = Qtry # fit! m = mpfit.mpfit(MAGDIFFMP,functkw=fa,parinfo=parinfo,quiet=1) popt = m.params newchisq = m.fnorm #print newchisq if newchisq < chisq: chisq = newchisq bestpopt = m.params popt = bestpopt #print popt fit = MAGDIFF(idx,popt[0],popt[1],popt[2],popt[3],popt[4],popt[5]) self.mag = np.sqrt((self.I-self.I0)**2 + (self.Q-self.Q0)**2)/norm self.magfreq = self.freq self.magfit = fit self.mopt = popt def PlotIQ(self): # Plot the sweep fig = plt.figure( figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.I[:self.fsteps]-self.I0,self.Q[:self.fsteps]-self.Q0,'bo') ax.plot(self.Iceng,self.Qceng,'gx') ax.plot(self.I[self.vmaxidx]-self.I0,self.Q[self.vmaxidx]-self.Q0,'go') ax.plot(self.Icen,self.Qcen,'rx') ax.plot(self.fI,self.fQ,'r') #leg = ax.legend(['Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.popt[0]), 'f$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format(self.popt[1]/1e9), 'Q$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc),'Q$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi),'|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb)],loc=4, shadow=True,numpoints=1) #print 'Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.popt[0]) + '\nf$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format(self.popt[1]/1e9) + '\nQ$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc) + '\nQ$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi) + '\n|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb) #leg = ax.text(.5,.5,'Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.popt[0]) + '\nf$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format(self.popt[1]/1e9) + '\nQ$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc) + '\nQ$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi) + '\n|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb),transform=ax.transAxes) ax.grid(False) ax.set_xlabel('I') ax.set_ylabel('Q') # the matplotlib.patches.Rectangle instance surrounding the legend #frame = leg.get_frame() #frame.set_facecolor('0.80') # set the frame face color to light gray # matplotlib.text.Text instances #for t in leg.get_texts(): # t.set_fontsize('small') # the legend text fontsize # matplotlib.lines.Line2D instances #for l in leg.get_lines(): # l.set_linewidth(1.5) # the legend line width def PlotMag(self): # Plot the sweep fig = plt.figure( figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.freq,20.0*np.log10(self.mag),'bo') ax.plot(self.magfreq,20.0*np.log10(self.magfit),'r') ax.grid(False) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') ax.set_ylabel('|S$_{21}$| (dB)') def Save(self,filename,roach,wmode): # Save IQ sweep data into a HDF5 file h5file = openFile(filename, mode = wmode, title = "IQ sweep file created " + time.asctime() ) # if there is no existing roach group, create one try: #group = h5file.root.r0 group = h5file.getNode('/',roach ) except: group = h5file.createGroup("/",roach, 'ROACH Identifier' ) # if there is no existing sweep group, create one #if group.__contains__('sweeps'): # group = group.sweeps #else: # group = h5file.createGroup(group,'sweeps', 'IQ sweep data' ) # make a group for each resonator try: group = h5file.getNode(group,'f'+str(int(np.float32(self.f0)*10000.0)) ) except: group = h5file.createGroup(group,'f'+str(int(np.float32(self.f0)*10000.0)), 'Group Created ' + time.ctime(self.time) ) # store sweeps with various Tstart and atten settings in the same table try: table = group.iqsweep swp = group.iqsweep.row except: filt = Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', fletcher32=True) table = h5file.createTable(group,'iqsweep', IQsweeptables, "IQ Sweep Data",filters=filt) swp = table.row try: swp['f0'] = np.float32(self.f0) swp['span'] = self.span swp['fsteps'] = self.fsteps swp['atten1'] = self.atten1 swp['atten2'] = self.atten2 swp['scale'] = self.scale swp['PreadoutdB'] = self.PreadoutdB swp['Tstart'] = self.Tstart swp['Tend'] = self.Tend swp['I0'] = self.I0 swp['Q0'] = self.Q0 swp['resnum'] = self.resnum swp['freq'] = np.concatenate( (self.freq,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['I'] = np.concatenate( (self.I,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['Q'] = np.concatenate( (self.Q,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['Isd'] = np.concatenate( (self.Isd,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['Qsd'] = np.concatenate( (self.Qsd,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['time'] = self.time except: pass try: swp['vmaxidx'] = self.vmaxidx swp['Iceng'] = self.Iceng swp['Qceng'] = self.Qceng swp['Icen'] = self.Icen swp['Qcen'] = self.Qcen swp['Qm'] = self.Qm swp['fm'] = swp['Qc'] = self.Qc swp['Qi'] = self.Qi swp['dipdb'] = self.dipdb swp['popt'] = self.popt swp['fpoints'] = self.fpoints swp['fI'] = np.concatenate( (self.fI,np.zeros(2000-self.fI.__len__())),axis=0 ) swp['fQ'] = np.concatenate( (self.fQ,np.zeros(2000-self.fQ.__len__())),axis=0 ) swp['ff'] = np.concatenate( (self.ff,np.zeros(2000-self.ff.__len__())),axis=0 ) except: pass # data products from mag fit try: swp['mag'] = np.concatenate( (self.mag,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['magfreq'] = np.concatenate( (self.magfreq,np.zeros(2000-len(self.magfreq))),axis=0 ) swp['magfit'] = np.concatenate( (self.magfit,np.zeros(2000-len(self.magfit))),axis=0 ) swp['mopt'] = self.mopt except: pass # data products from noise analysis try: swp['pn'] = swp['pnidx'] = self.pnidx swp['an'] = swp['anidx'] = self.anidx swp['fn1k'] = self.fn1k except: pass # now save noise data if present and save flag is set if self.savenoise > 0: try: swp['samprate'] = self.samprate swp['savenoise'] = self.savenoise try: noise = group.iqnoise except: noise = h5file.createVLArray(group, 'iqnoise', Int16Atom(shape=()), "Noise data stored in ragged array of ints. [0] = I, [1] = Q") noise.append(self.Ix1) noise.append(self.Qx1) except: print "Unexpected error saving noise data: ", sys.exc_info()[0] swp.append() table.flush() h5file.close() def Load(self,filename,roach,f0,atten): # Load the desired IQ sweep data from a HDF5 file #load the sweep with center frequency closest to f0 and input atten=atten1 h5file = openFile(filename, mode = "r") # find the table with the sweep data in it. try: group = h5file.getNode('/',roach ) group = h5file.getNode(group,'f'+str(int(f0*10000.0)) ) table = group.iqsweep k = table.readWhere('atten1 == atten') except: print 'Did not find sweep in file!' h5file.close() return try: self.f0 = k['f0'][0] self.span = k['span'][0] self.fsteps = k['fsteps'][0] self.atten1 = k['atten1'][0] self.atten2 = k['atten2'][0] self.scale = k['scale'][0] self.PreadoutdB = k['PreadoutdB'][0] self.Tstart = k['Tstart'][0] self.Tend = k['Tend'][0] self.I0 = k['I0'][0] self.Q0 = k['Q0'][0] self.resnum = k['resnum'][0] self.time = k['time'][0] except: pass try: self.freq = k['freq'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.I = k['I'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Q = k['Q'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Isd = k['Isd'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Qsd = k['Qsd'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.vmaxidx = k['vmaxidx'][0] self.Iceng = k['Iceng'][0] self.Qceng = k['Qceng'][0] self.Icen = k['Icen'][0] self.Qcen= k['Qcen'][0] self.Qm= k['Qm'][0] k['fm'][0] self.Qc= k['Qc'][0] self.Qi= k['Qi'][0] self.dipdb= k['dipdb'][0] self.popt = k['popt'][0] self.fpoints = k['fpoints'][0] self.fI = k['fI'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.fQ = k['fQ'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.ff = k['ff'][0,0:self.fpoints] except: pass try: self.mag = k['mag'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.magfreq = k['magfreq'][0] self.magfit = k['magfit'][0] self.mopt = k['mopt'][0] except: pass try: self.savenoise = k['savenoise'][0] self.samprate = k['samprate'][0] = k['pn'][0] self.pnidx = k['pnidx'][0] = k['an'][0] self.anidx = k['anidx'][0] self.kn1k = k['fn1k'][0] except: pass h5file.close() def LoadLeaf(self,table,row): # Load up sweep table data from a hdf5 table # speed things up by loading the whole table at once k = try: self.f0 = k['f0'][row] self.span = k['span'][row] self.fsteps = k['fsteps'][row] self.atten1 = k['atten1'][row] self.atten2 = k['atten2'][row] self.scale = k['scale'][row] self.PreadoutdB = k['PreadoutdB'][row] self.Tstart = k['Tstart'][row] self.Tend = k['Tend'][row] self.I0 = k['I0'][row] self.Q0 = k['Q0'][row] self.resnum = k['resnum'][row] self.time = k['time'][row] except: pass try: self.freq = k['freq'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.I = k['I'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.Q = k['Q'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.Isd = k['Isd'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.Qsd = k['Qsd'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.vmaxidx = k['vmaxidx'][row] self.Iceng = k['Iceng'][row] self.Qceng = k['Qceng'][row] self.Icen = k['Icen'][row] self.Qcen= k['Qcen'][row] self.Qm= k['Qm'][row] k['fm'][row] self.Qc= k['Qc'][row] self.Qi= k['Qi'][row] self.dipdb= k['dipdb'][row] self.popt = k['popt'][row] self.fpoints = k['fpoints'][row] self.fI = k['fI'][row,0:self.fpoints] self.fQ = k['fQ'][row,0:self.fpoints] self.ff = k['ff'][row,0:self.fpoints] except: pass try: self.mag = k['mag'][row,0:self.fpoints] self.magfreq = k['magfreq'][row] self.magfit = k['magfit'][row] self.mopt = k['mopt'][row] except: pass try: self.savenoise = k['savenoise'][row] self.samprate = k['samprate'][row] = k['pn'][row] self.pnidx = k['pnidx'][row] = k['an'][row] self.anidx = k['anidx'][row] self.kn1k = k['fn1k'][row] except: pass def Pdf(self,filename): pp = PdfPages(filename) matplotlib.rcParams['font.size']=8 fig = plt.figure( figsize=(7.5, 9), dpi=100) try: ax = fig.add_subplot(221) ax.plot(self.I[:self.fsteps]-self.I0,self.Q[:self.fsteps]-self.Q0,'bo',markersize=4) ax.plot(self.Iceng,self.Qceng,'gx') ax.plot(self.I[self.vmaxidx]-self.I0,self.Q[self.vmaxidx]-self.Q0,'go',markersize=4) ax.plot(self.Icen,self.Qcen,'rx') ax.plot(self.fI,self.fQ,'r') ax.set_xlabel('I') ax.set_ylabel('Q') except: pass # overplot some noise data try: ax.plot(self.Ix1[0:5000]*0.2/32767.0-self.I0,self.Qx1[0:5000]*0.2/32767.0-self.Q0,'c.',markersize=1) except: pass try: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) ax2.plot(self.freq,20.0*np.log10(self.mag),'bo',markersize=4) ax2.plot(self.magfreq,20.0*np.log10(self.magfit),'r') ax2.grid(False) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') ax2.set_ylabel('|S$_{21}$| (dB)') except: pass try: ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax3.plot(self.pnidx[1:],10.0*np.log10([1:]),'r',self.anidx[1:],10.0*np.log10([1:]),'k') ax3.set_title('P$_{int}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Pint) + ' dBm, Frequency Noise at 1 kHz = ' + '{0:.2e}'.format(self.fn1k) + ' Hz$^2$/Hz' ) ax3.set_xscale('log') ax3.set_autoscale_on(False) ax3.set_xlim([1,1e5]) ax3.set_ylim([-100,-50]) ax3.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax3.set_ylabel('Phase (Red) and Amplitude (Black) Noise (dBc/Hz)') ax3.grid(True) text = 'Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qm) + '\nf$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format( + '\nQ$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc) + '\nQ$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi) + '\n|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb) bbox_args = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8") ax3.annotate(text, xy=(0.75, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(0.75, 0.9), textcoords='axes fraction', ha="left", va="top", bbox=bbox_args) except: pass try: ax4 = ax3.twinx() ax4.set_ylim([np.log10((10**(-100.0/10.0))/(16.0*self.popt[0]**2)),np.log10((10**(-50.0/10.0))/(16.0*self.popt[0]**2))]) ax4.set_ylabel('Frequency Noise log$_{10}$(Hz$^2$/Hz)', color='r') for tl in ax4.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('r') except: pass pp.savefig() pp.close() def LoadNoise(self,filename,resnum): # Load up noise data self.noisename = filename f = open(filename, 'rb') fsize = os.fstat(f.fileno())[6] if fsize < 10: print 'No Noise File!' return hdr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float64,count=12) self.samprate = 200000.0 self.Ix1 = np.zeros(2000000,dtype=np.int16) self.Qx1 = np.zeros(2000000,dtype=np.int16) for x in range(10): if resnum == 0: self.Ix1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.Qx1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) else: dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.Ix1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.Qx1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.savenoise = len(self.Ix1) dummy = 0 f.close() def AnalyzeNoise(self): import matplotlib.mlab # Analyze noise data # subtract off zero point and move center of resonance to (0,0) Ix1a = self.Ix1*0.2/32767.0 - self.I0 - self.Icen Qx1a = self.Qx1*0.2/32767.0 - self.Q0 - self.Qcen #convert to mag and phase resang = np.arctan2(np.mean(Qx1a), np.mean(Ix1a) ) nI = (Ix1a*np.cos(resang) + Qx1a*np.sin(resang)) nQ = (-Ix1a*np.sin(resang) + Qx1a*np.cos(resang)) rad = np.mean(nI) nI = nI/rad nQ = nQ/rad phase = np.arctan2(nQ,nI) amp = np.sqrt(nI**2 + nQ**2) # low frequency FFTs pnlow, pnlowidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(phase,NFFT=262144,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=131072) anlow, anlowidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(amp,NFFT=262144,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=131072) #pdb.set_trace() #self.pnidx,,dummy = powspec_rebin.rebin(pnlowidx[1:],pnslow[1:],binsize=0.002,sampling=1) #self.anidx,,dummy = powspec_rebin.rebin(anlowidx[1:],anlow[1:],binsize=0.002,sampling=1) # high frequency FFTs pnhigh, pnhighidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(phase,NFFT=4096,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=2048) anhigh, anhighidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(amp,NFFT=4096,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=2048) = np.zeros(2552)[0:512] = pnlow[0:512][512:2552] = pnhigh[8:2048] self.pnidx = np.zeros(2552) self.pnidx[0:512] = pnlowidx[0:512] self.pnidx[512:2552] = pnhighidx[8:2048] = np.zeros(2552)[0:512] = anlow[0:512][512:2552] = anhigh[8:2048] self.anidx = np.zeros(2552) self.anidx[0:512] = anlowidx[0:512] self.anidx[512:2552] = anhighidx[8:2048] # calculate frequency noise at 1 kHz coeff = np.polyfit(self.pnidx[521:526],[521:526],1) pf = np.poly1d(coeff) self.fn1k = pf(1000)/(16.0*self.popt[0]**2) def RESDIFF(x,Q,f0,aleak,ph1,da,ang1,Igain,Qgain,Ioff,Qoff): # Q = p[0] ; Q # f0 = p[1] ; resonance frequency # aleak = p[2] ; amplitude of leakage # ph1 = p[3] ; phase shift of leakage # da = p[4] ; variation of carrier amplitude # ang1 = p[5] ; Rotation angle of data # Igain = p[6] ; Gain of I channel # Qgain = p[7] ; Gain of Q channel # Ioff = p[8] ; Offset of I channel # Qoff = p[9] ; Offset of Q channel l = len(x) dx = (x - f0) / f0 # resonance dip function s21a = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) s21a = s21a - complex(.5,0) s21b = np.vectorize(complex)(da*dx,0) + s21a + aleak*np.vectorize(complex)(1.0-np.cos(dx*ph1),-np.sin(dx*ph1)) # scale and rotate Ix1 = s21b.real*Igain Qx1 = s21b.imag*Qgain nI1 = Ix1*np.cos(ang1) + Qx1*np.sin(ang1) nQ1 = -Ix1*np.sin(ang1) + Qx1*np.cos(ang1) #scale and offset nI1 = nI1 + Ioff nQ1 = nQ1 + Qoff s21 = np.zeros(l*2) s21[:l] = nI1 s21[l:] = nQ1 return s21 def RESDIFFMP(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None): Q = p[0] # Q f0 = p[1] # resonance frequency aleak = p[2] # amplitude of leakage ph1 = p[3] # phase shift of leakage da = p[4] # variation of carrier amplitude ang1 = p[5] # Rotation angle of data Igain = p[6] # Gain of I channel Qgain = p[7] # Gain of Q channel Ioff = p[8] # Offset of I channel Qoff = p[9] # Offset of Q channel l = len(x) dx = (x - f0) / f0 # resonance dip function s21a = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) s21a = s21a - complex(.5,0) s21b = np.vectorize(complex)(da*dx,0) + s21a + aleak*np.vectorize(complex)(1.0-np.cos(dx*ph1),-np.sin(dx*ph1)) # scale and rotate Ix1 = s21b.real*Igain Qx1 = s21b.imag*Qgain nI1 = Ix1*np.cos(ang1) + Qx1*np.sin(ang1) nQ1 = -Ix1*np.sin(ang1) + Qx1*np.cos(ang1) #scale and offset nI1 = nI1 + Ioff nQ1 = nQ1 + Qoff s21 = np.zeros(l*2) s21[:l] = nI1 s21[l:] = nQ1 status=0 return [status, (y-s21)/err] def MAGDIFFMP(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None): Q = p[0] f0 = p[1] carrier = p[2] depth = p[3] slope = p[4] curve = p[5] dx = (x - f0) / f0 s21 = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) mag1 = (np.abs(s21)-1.0)*depth + carrier + slope*dx + curve*dx*dx status=0 return [status, (y-mag1)/err] def MAGDIFF(x,Q,f0,carrier,depth,slope,curve): dx = (x - f0) / f0 s21 = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) mag1 = (np.abs(s21)-1.0)*depth + carrier + slope*dx + curve*dx*dx return mag1 def smooth(x, window_len=10, window='hanning'): """smooth the data using a window with requested size. This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal. input: x: the input signal window_len: the dimension of the smoothing window window: the type of window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. output: the smoothed signal example: import numpy as np t = np.linspace(-2,2,0.1) x = np.sin(t)+np.random.randn(len(t))*0.1 y = smooth(x) see also: numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve scipy.signal.lfilter TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if an array instead of a string """ if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError, "smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays." if x.size < window_len: raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than window size." if window_len < 3: return x if not window in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']: raise ValueError, "Window is on of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'" s=np.r_[2*x[0]-x[window_len:1:-1], x, 2*x[-1]-x[-1:-window_len:-1]] #print(len(s)) if window == 'flat': #moving average w = np.ones(window_len,'d') else: w = getattr(np, window)(window_len) y = np.convolve(w/w.sum(), s, mode='same') return y[window_len-1:-window_len+1]
import unittest,sys,os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from PSFile import PSFile class TestPSFile(unittest.TestCase): def testInit(self): fn = 'ps_r0_20140815-121539.h5' psf = PSFile(fn) print "fn=",psf.openfile for i,freq in enumerate(psf.freq): print "i=",i," freq=",freq if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import numpy as np from tables import * import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import scipy.signal as signal from scipy import optimize import scipy.stats as stats # Define the various classes and functions needed for the beam mapping # Define BeamMapper class - this allows you to change the location of a peak if there is a mistake class BeamMapper(): # Initialize variables needed within the class def __init__(self,xtime,ytime,xfilelength,yfilelength): self.crx_median = np.zeros((2024,xtime)) self.cry_median = np.zeros((2024,ytime)) self.crx = np.zeros(((xfilelength,2024,xtime))) self.cry = np.zeros(((yfilelength,2024,ytime))) self.flag = np.zeros(2024) self.peakpos = np.zeros((2,2024)) # Try to find a peak position by manually selecting an approximate peak location def on_click(self,event): # If x sweep plot (top plot) is clicked if(event.y > 250): self.xvals=np.arange(len(self.crxmedian[pixelno][:])) self.xpeakguess=event.xdata self.xfitstart=max([self.xpeakguess-20,0]) self.xfitend=min([self.xpeakguess+20,len(self.xvals)]) params = fitgaussian(self.crxmedian[pixelno][self.xfitstart:self.xfitend],self.xvals[self.xfitstart:self.xfitend]) self.xfit = gaussian(params,self.xvals) self.peakpos[0,self.pixelno]=params[0] # If y sweep plot (bottom plot) is clicked else: self.yvals=np.arange(len(self.cry_median[pixelno][:])) self.ypeakguess=event.xdata self.yfitstart=max([self.ypeakguess-20,0]) self.yfitend=min([self.ypeakguess+20,len(self.yvals)]) params = fitgaussian(self.cry_median[pixelno][self.yfitstart:self.yfitend],self.yvals[self.yfitstart:self.yfitend]) self.yfit = gaussian(params,self.yvals) self.peakpos[1,self.pixelno]=params[0] # Connect to plot def connect(self): self.cid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) # Define a standard Gaussian distribution function def gaussian(pars, x): center, width, height, back = pars width = float(width) return back + height*np.exp(-(((center-x)/width)**2)/2) # Define an error function between data and a Gaussian def errorfunction(params, data, x): errorfunction = data - gaussian(params,x) return errorfunction # Find an optimal Guassian fit for the data, return parameters of that Gaussian def fitgaussian(data,x): params=(x.mean(),2.*(x[1]-x[0]),data.max(), 0.) p, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunction, params, args=(data, x)) return p def file_len(fname): with open(fname) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass return i + 1 # Specify input/output directory and files path = '/Users/kids/desktop/Beammapping/' xsweep = [] xsweep.append('obs_20121010-031709.h5') xsweep.append('obs_20121010-035925.h5') ysweep = [] ysweep.append('obs_20121010-041802.h5') ysweep.append('obs_20121010-025118.h5') number_of_roaches = 8 roach_pixel_count = np.zeros(number_of_roaches) for roachno in xrange(0,number_of_roaches): roach_pixel_count[roachno] = file_len(path + 'ps_freq%i.txt' %roachno)-1 # Load the input files # X sweep data h5file_x = [] ts_x = [] exptime_x = [] for i in range(len(xsweep)): h5file_x.append(openFile(path + xsweep[i], mode = 'r')) ts_x.append(int(h5file_x[i].root.header.header.col('unixtime')[0])) exptime_x.append(int(h5file_x[i].root.header.header.col('exptime')[0])) # Y sweep data h5file_y = [] ts_y = [] exptime_y = [] for i in range(len(ysweep)): h5file_y.append(openFile(path + ysweep[i], mode = 'r')) ts_y.append(int(h5file_y[i].root.header.header.col('unixtime')[0])) exptime_y.append(int(h5file_y[i].root.header.header.col('exptime')[0])) # Print start and sweep durations, also pixel selection commands for i in range(len(xsweep)): print 'Start Time %i = ' %i,ts_x[i], ts_y[i] for i in range(len(xsweep)): print 'exptime_x %i =' %i,exptime_x[i],'and exptime_y %i =' %i, exptime_y[i] print '"A" = Accept, "D" = Delete, "Q" = Quit, "X" = X Only, "Y" = Y Only' # Create a BeamMapper instance # Go through each of the pixels (originally (0,2024)) for roachno in xrange(0,number_of_roaches): map = BeamMapper(exptime_x[0],exptime_y[0],len(xsweep),len(ysweep)) f=open(path + 'r%i.pos' %roachno,'w') for pixelno in xrange(0,int(roach_pixel_count[roachno])): map.pixelno=pixelno map.flag[pixelno] = pixelno # Store the x data into crx pn = [] data = np.empty(((len(xsweep),exptime_x[0])), dtype = object) for i in range(len(xsweep)): pn.append('/r%d/p%d/t%d' % ( roachno ,pixelno, ts_x[i])) try: for i in range(len(xsweep)): data[i][:] = h5file_x[i].root._f_getChild(pn[i]).read() for j in xrange(0,exptime_x[0]): median_array = [] for i in range(len(xsweep)): median_array.append(len(data[i][j])) map.crx_median[pixelno][j] = np.median(median_array) for i in range(len(xsweep)): map.crx[i][pixelno][j] = len(data[i][j]) except: pass # Store the y data into cry pn = [] data = np.empty(((len(ysweep),exptime_y[0])), dtype = object) for i in range(len(ysweep)): pn.append('/r%d/p%d/t%d' % ( roachno ,pixelno, ts_y[i])) try: for i in range(len(ysweep)): data[i][:] = h5file_y[i].root._f_getChild(pn[i]).read() for j in xrange(exptime_y[0]): median_array = [] for i in range(len(ysweep)): median_array.append(len(data[i][j])) map.cry_median[pixelno][j] = np.median(median_array) for i in range(len(ysweep)): map.cry[i][pixelno][j] = len(data[i][j]) except: pass print 'roach %d, pixel %d' % (roachno, pixelno) map.fig = plt.figure() # do fit of x-position = map.fig.add_subplot(211) map.xvals=np.arange(len(map.crx_median[pixelno][:])) plt.title(str(pixelno)) plt.plot(map.xvals,map.crx_median[pixelno][:]) map.xpeakguess=np.where(map.crx_median[pixelno][:] == map.crx_median[pixelno][:].max())[0][0] map.xfitstart=max([map.xpeakguess-20,0]) map.xfitend=min([map.xpeakguess+20,len(map.xvals)]) params_x = fitgaussian(map.crx_median[pixelno][map.xfitstart:map.xfitend],map.xvals[map.xfitstart:map.xfitend]) print 'x: [center, width, height, back] =', params_x map.xfit = gaussian(params_x,map.xvals) plt.plot(map.xvals, map.xfit) for i in range(len(xsweep)): plt.plot(map.xvals,map.crx[i][pixelno][:],alpha = .2)[3]-30,params_x[2]+75) map.peakpos[0,pixelno]=params_x[0] # do fit of y-position = map.fig.add_subplot(212) map.yvals=np.arange(len(map.cry_median[pixelno][:])) plt.title(str(pixelno+1)) plt.plot(map.yvals,map.cry_median[pixelno][:]) map.ypeakguess=np.where(map.cry_median[pixelno][:] == map.cry_median[pixelno][:].max())[0][0] map.yfitstart=max([map.ypeakguess-20,0]) map.yfitend=min([map.ypeakguess+20,len(map.yvals)]) params_y = fitgaussian(map.cry_median[pixelno][map.yfitstart:map.yfitend],map.yvals[map.yfitstart:map.yfitend]) print 'y: [center, width, height, back] =', params_y map.yfit = gaussian(params_y,map.yvals) plt.plot(map.yvals, map.yfit) for i in range(len(ysweep)): plt.plot(map.yvals,map.cry[i][pixelno][:],alpha = .2)[3]-30,params_y[2]+75) map.peakpos[1,pixelno]=params_y[0] # AUTOMATICALLY DELETE OBVIOUSLY BAD PIXELS # if((params_x[0] == 9.5 and params_y[0] == 9.5) or (params_x[1] >= 100 and params_y[1] >= 100)): # map.peakpos[0,pixelno]=0 # map.peakpos[1,pixelno]=0 # map.flag[pixelno] = -1*pixelno # plt.close() # f=open(path+'Sweep_1/r%i.pos' %roachno,'a') # f.write(str(map.peakpos[0,pixelno])+'\t'+str(map.peakpos[1,pixelno])+'\t'+str(int(map.flag[pixelno]))+'\n') # f.close() # else: map.connect() while True: # Accept pixel with 'a' response=raw_input('>') if(response == 'a'): print 'Response: ', response plt.close() f=open(path+'r%i.pos' %roachno,'a') f.write(str(map.peakpos[0,pixelno])+'\t'+str(map.peakpos[1,pixelno])+'\t'+str(int(map.flag[pixelno]))+'\n') f.close() break # Delete pixel with 'd' elif(response == 'd'): print 'Response: ', response map.peakpos[0,pixelno]=0 map.peakpos[1,pixelno]=0 map.flag[pixelno] = -1*pixelno plt.close() f=open(path+'r%i.pos' %roachno,'a') f.write(str(map.peakpos[0,pixelno])+'\t'+str(map.peakpos[1,pixelno])+'\t'+str(int(map.flag[pixelno]))+'\n') f.close() break # Control whether only the x or y pixel is selected # x is okay elif(response == 'x'): print 'Response: ', response map.peakpos[1,pixelno]=0 map.flag[pixelno] = -1*pixelno plt.close() f=open(path+'r%i.pos' %roachno,'a') f.write(str(map.peakpos[0,pixelno])+'\t'+str(map.peakpos[1,pixelno])+'\t'+str(int(map.flag[pixelno]))+'\n') f.close() break # y is okay elif(response == 'y'): print 'Response: ', response map.peakpos[0,pixelno]=0 map.flag[pixelno] = -1*pixelno plt.close() f=open(path+'r%i.pos' %roachno,'a') f.write(str(map.peakpos[0,pixelno])+'\t'+str(map.peakpos[1,pixelno])+'\t'+str(int(map.flag[pixelno]))+'\n') f.close() break # Quit program with 'q' elif(response == 'q'): sys.exit(0) h5file_x.close() h5file_y.close() f.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import numpy as np from tables import * import os import ast nRoachRows=int(os.environ['MKID_NROW']) nRoachCols=int(os.environ['MKID_NCOL']) roachMatrix = ast.literal_eval(os.environ['MKID_ROACH_MATRIX']) #nRoachRows = 23 #nRoachCols = 11 #roachMatrix = np.array([[2,0,5,6],[3,1,4,7]]) path = os.environ['MKID_BEAMMAP_PATH'] print'beamimage at ',path if os.path.exists(path): print "that file already exists so I quit" exit(1) #outfile = path + 'sorted_beamimage%dx%d.h5'%(NROWS,NCOLS) #numpy.fromfile(txtfile,dtype='float32',count=-1,sep=' ') # make beamap group h5file = openFile(path, mode = "w") if h5file < 0: print "ERROR creating file at ",path exit(-1) bgroup = h5file.createGroup('/','beammap','Beam Map of Array') # make beammap array - this is a 2d array (top left is 0,0. first index is column, second is row) containing a string with the name of the group holding the photon data filt1 = Filters(complevel=1, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) # without minimal compression the files sizes are ridiculous... ca = h5file.createCArray(bgroup, 'beamimage', StringAtom(itemsize=40), (nRoachRows,nRoachCols), filters=filt1) # load of the text file with resonator data in it and use it to make the beamimage beamRows = int(os.environ['MKID_BEAM_ROWS']) beamCols = int(os.environ['MKID_BEAM_COLS']) #NCHANNELS_PER_ROACH=253 NCHANNELS_PER_ROACH=beamRows*beamCols logFile = open(path+'.log','wb') index = 0 for iRoachRow,roachRow in enumerate(roachMatrix): for iRoachCol,roachCol in enumerate(roachRow): roach = roachCol for pixRow in range(nRoachRows): for pixCol in range(nRoachCols): x = iRoachCol*nRoachCols+pixCol y = iRoachRow*nRoachRows+pixRow pixel = (pixRow*nRoachCols+pixCol)%NCHANNELS_PER_ROACH name = '/r%d/p%d/' % (roach,pixel) ca[y,x]=name logFile.write("%5d %4d %4d %4d %4d %s\n"%(index,pixRow,pixCol,y,x,name)) index += 1 logFile.close() h5file.flush() np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) print h5file.close() print 'Success: done writing',path
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt path = '/Users/kids/desktop/Beammapping/' # Alter pscale, xstart, ystart, and angle to match the grid # Set up a scale factor for pixel locations #pscale=13.7; pscale=8.9; # Pick x position offset #xstart=pscale*5.5; xstart=pscale*5; # Pick y position offset #ystart=pscale*10.8; ystart=pscale*11.3; # Angle of setup angle=4.2; # Find the sine and cosine of angle to use for rotations s=np.sin(np.pi*angle/180.) c=np.cos(np.pi*angle/180.) # Size of grid xsize=44; ysize=46; # Not sure about this numfound=0 numfound2=0 # Initialize variables xvals=np.empty(0,dtype='float32') yvals=np.empty(0,dtype='float32') xfile=np.empty(0,dtype='float32') yfile=np.empty(0,dtype='float32') freqvals=np.empty(0,dtype='float32') attenvals=np.empty(0,dtype='float32') # Create a list of position files from beam mapping infile=[] infile.append(path + 'r0.pos') infile.append(path + 'r1.pos') infile.append(path + 'r2.pos') infile.append(path + 'r3.pos') infile.append(path + 'r4.pos') infile.append(path + 'r5.pos') infile.append(path + 'r6.pos') infile.append(path + 'r7.pos') psfile=[] psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq0.txt') psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq1.txt') psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq2.txt') psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq3.txt') psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq4.txt') psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq5.txt') psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq6.txt') psfile.append(path + 'ps_freq7.txt') # Create origin and scale factor origin=[[xstart,ystart]]*len(infile) scale=[pscale]*len(infile) print origin; # If files need different origins origin[0][0] -= 0; origin[0][1] += 0; # Extract x position, y position, and flag from input files for j in range(len(infile)): print infile[j] xpos, ypos, flag=np.loadtxt(infile[j],unpack='True') freq, xcenpos, ycenpos, atten=np.loadtxt(psfile[j],unpack='True',skiprows=1) # Mark the good pixels, all deleted flags will have negative values (except 0?) goodpix=[] addpix=np.where(flag > 0)[0] if flag[0] == 0 and xpos[0] != 0 and ypos[0] != 0: goodpix = np.append(0,addpix) else: goodpix = addpix #Shift to account for true origin and divide by the scale factor xpos -= origin[j][0] xpos /= scale[j] ypos -= origin[j][1] ypos /= scale[j] # if j==0: # xpos += 0 # ypos -= 1.2 # if j==4: # xpos -= 0.5 # ypos += 1.2 # if j==5: # xpos += 0.1 # ypos -= 1.1 # if j==6: # xpos += 0.1 # ypos += 1 # if j==7: # xpos -= 0.3 # ypos -= 1 print len(xpos[goodpix]), 'Good Pixels' #Create a list of good pixel locations xvals=np.append(xvals,xpos[goodpix]) yvals=np.append(yvals,ypos[goodpix]) freqvals=np.append(freqvals,freq[goodpix]) attenvals=np.append(attenvals,atten[goodpix]) xfile=np.append(xfile,xpos) yfile=np.append(yfile,ypos) ''' mask2=(np.linspace(0,len(xpos)-1,len(xpos))).astype('int') xfile=((xpos[mask2])*c + (ypos[mask2])*s) yfile=(-1.*(xpos[mask2])*s + (ypos[mask2])*c) xfile=xfile.astype('int') yfile=yfile.astype('int') f= open('xyint%i.txt' %j,'w') for i in range(len(xfile)): f= open('xyint%i.txt' %j,'a') f.write(str(xfile[i]) + '\t' + str(yfile[i]) + '\n') f.close() ''' print len(xvals), 'Total Good Pixels' print 'xmin, xmax =', np.min(xvals), np.max(xvals) print 'ymin, ymax =', np.min(yvals), np.max(yvals) # xstart = [0,1,2,...,32] xstart=xsize*np.linspace(0,1,xsize+1) # ystart = [0,0,0,...,0] ystart=np.zeros(xsize+1) # xstop = [0,1,2,...,32] xstop=xstart # ystop = [32,32,32,...,32] ystop=ystart+ysize # Transform with 2x2 rotation matrix xstart2=xstart*c - ystart*s xstop2=xstop*c - ystop*s ystart2=xstart*s + ystart*c ystop2=xstop*s + ystop*c # plot square grid with 32x32 boxes, rotated counter-clockwise by angle, vertical lines for i in range(xsize+1): plt.plot([xstart2[i],xstop2[i]],[ystart2[i],ystop2[i]],'g') ystart=ysize*np.linspace(0,1,ysize+1) xstart=np.zeros(ysize+1) ystop=ystart xstop=xstart+xsize xstart2=xstart*c - ystart*s xstop2=xstop*c - ystop*s ystart2=xstart*s + ystart*c ystop2=xstop*s + ystop*c # Horizontal lines for i in range(ysize+1): plt.plot([xstart2[i],xstop2[i]],[ystart2[i],ystop2[i]],'g') # mask = [0,1,2,...,len(xvals)-1] mask=(np.linspace(0,len(xvals)-1,len(xvals))).astype('int') # find the pixel positions # Clockwise rotation by angle xpix=((xvals[mask])*c + (yvals[mask])*s) ypix=(-1.*(xvals[mask])*s + (yvals[mask])*c) # Plot the locations of the good pixels plt.plot(xvals[mask],yvals[mask],'b+') #xpix=xpix.astype('int') #ypix=ypix.astype('int') # Count the number of pixels inside the entire grid numfound += len(np.where((xpix < xsize)&(xpix>-1)&(ypix > -1)&(ypix<ysize))[0]) print numfound, 'pixels in grid' # look for regions with fewest gaps # how are these values determined? Originally 5,5 xsize=5 ysize=5 goodgrid=np.zeros((xsize,ysize)) idx=freqvals.argsort() print len(xpix), len(freqvals) f= open('freq_atten_x_y.txt','w') for i in range(len(xpix)): # print freqvals[idx[i]], xpix[idx[i]], ypix[idx[i]] f= open('freq_atten_x_y.txt','a') f.write(str(freqvals[idx[i]]) + '\t' + str(attenvals[idx[i]]) +'\t' + str(xpix[idx[i]]) + '\t' + str(ypix[idx[i]]) +'\n') f.close() xmin=np.max([0,xpix[i]-xsize]) xmax=np.min([xsize,xpix[i]+xsize]) ymin=np.max([0,ypix[i]-xsize]) ymax=np.min([ysize,ypix[i]+xsize]) goodgrid[xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax] += 1 print goodgrid, np.max(goodgrid) plt.imshow(goodgrid)
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Converts a text file to a beamimage h5 file """ import numpy as np import random from tables import * import os #path = '/home/sean/data/20121202/' path='/home/sean/SDR/Projects/BestBeammap/' outfile = path + 'sci4_beammap_palomar.h5' placeUnbeammappedPixels = 0 # make beamap group h5file = openFile(outfile, mode = "w") bgroup = h5file.createGroup('/','beammap','Beam Map of Array') nRow = 46 nCol = 44 # make beammap array - this is a 2d array (top left is 0,0. first index is column, second is row) containing a string with the name of the group holding the photon data filt1 = Filters(complevel=0, complib='zlib', fletcher32=False) # without minimal compression the files sizes are ridiculous... ca = h5file.createCArray(bgroup, 'beamimage', StringAtom(itemsize=40), (nRow,nCol), filters=filt1) resfreq = h5file.createCArray(bgroup, 'resfreq', Float32Atom(), (nRow,nCol), filters=filt1) atten = h5file.createCArray(bgroup, 'atten', Float32Atom(), (nRow,nCol), filters=filt1) # load of the text file with resonator data in it and use it to make the beamimage noloc = [] overlaps = 0 nRoach = 8 nPixel = 253 nPixelsPerRoach = 253 posList = np.recfromtxt(path+'freq_atten_x_y_swap-Sorted.txt') posListRefined = np.loadtxt(path+'freq_atten_x_y-PalSwap.txt') #posList = posList[np.logical_or(np.array([name[2] for name in pixelNames])=='0', np.array([name[2] for name in pixelNames])=='1')]#pick out positions for roach 4 #posFreqList = posList['f0'] #posAttenList = posList['f1'] #xList = np.round(posList['f2']) #yList = np.round(posList['f3']) posFreqList = posListRefined[:,0] posAttenList = posListRefined[:,1] xList = posListRefined[:,2] yList = posListRefined[:,3] pixelNames = posList['f4'] completePixelList = ['/r%d/p%d/'%(iRoach,iPixel) for iRoach in range(nRoach) for iPixel in range(nPixel)] noloc = [pixel for pixel in completePixelList if not pixel in pixelNames] for iPos,pixelName in enumerate(pixelNames): x = xList[iPos] y = yList[iPos] freq = posFreqList[iPos] attenval = posAttenList[iPos] print x,y,pixelName if x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < nCol and y <nRow: if ca[y,x] != '': print 'overlapping pixel!' overlaps += 1 noloc.append(pixelName) else: ca[y,x] = pixelName atten[y,x] = attenval resfreq[y,x] = freq h5file.flush() else: print 'Pixel location out of bounds' noloc.append(pixelName) ca.flush() #fill the rest in randomly print len(pixelNames),'good pixels' for iEmptyPix,pixelName in enumerate(noloc): row = random.randint(0,45) col = random.randint(0,43) while (ca[row,col] != ''): row = random.randint(0,45) col = random.randint(0,43) if placeUnbeammappedPixels == 0: pixelName = '/r0/p250/' ca[row,col] = pixelName h5file.flush() h5file.close() print len(noloc),'Unplaced pixels' print overlaps, 'Overlapping pixels' #iEmptyPix = 0 #for row in xrange(nRow): # for col in xrange(nCol): # if ca[row,col] == '': # ca[row,col] = noloc[iEmptyPix] # iEmptyPix += 1 #smartfill = False #if smartfill == True: # xOnlyPosList = np.recfromtxt(path+'good_x_right.txt') # xOnlyFreqList = xOnlyPosList['f0'] # xOnlyAttenList = xOnlyPosList['f1'] # xOnlyXList = xOnlyPosList['f2'] # xOnlyPixelNames = xOnlyPosList['f4'] # # yOnlyPosList = np.recfromtxt(path+'good_y_right.txt') # yOnlyFreqList = yOnlyPosList['f0'] # yOnlyAttenList = yOnlyPosList['f1'] # yOnlyYList = yOnlyPosList['f3'] # yOnlyPixelNames = yOnlyPosList['f4'] # #print '' #print 'now x only pixels' #for iPos,pixelName in enumerate(xOnlyPixelNames): # x = xOnlyXList[iPos] # freq = xOnlyFreqList[iPos] # attenval = xOnlyFreqList[iPos] # print x,pixelName, # if x >=0 and x < nCol: # possibleY = np.where(ca[:,x] == '')[0] # if len(possibleY) > 0: # y = possibleY[0] # ca[y,x] = pixelName # atten[y,x] = attenval # resfreq[y,x] = freq # h5file.flush() # print 'placed at ',y # else: # print '' # print 'Nowhere at x to place it' # overlaps += 1 # noloc.append(pixelName) # else: # print '' # print 'Pixel location out of bounds' # noloc.append(pixelName) # # #print 'now y only pixels' #for iPos,pixelName in enumerate(yOnlyPixelNames): # y = yOnlyYList[iPos] # freq = yOnlyFreqList[iPos] # attenval = yOnlyFreqList[iPos] # print y,pixelName, # if y >=0 and y < nRow: # possibleX = np.where(ca[y,:] == '')[0] # if len(possibleX) > 0: # x = possibleX[0] # ca[y,x] = pixelName # atten[y,x] = attenval # resfreq[y,x] = freq # h5file.flush() # print 'placed at ',x # else: # print '' # print 'Nowhere at y to place it' # overlaps += 1 # noloc.append(pixelName) # else: # print '' # print 'Pixel location out of bounds' # noloc.append(pixelName) ##fill the rest in randomly #for iEmptyPix,pixelName in enumerate(noloc): # row = random.randint(0,45) # col = random.randint(0,43) # while (ca[row,col] != ''): # row = random.randint(0,45) # col = random.randint(0,43) # if placeUnbeammappedPixels == 0: # pixelName = '/r0/p250/' # ca[row,col] = pixelName # #h5file.flush() #h5file.close() #print len(pixelNames),'good pixels' #print len(xOnlyPixelNames),'x only pixels' #print len(yOnlyPixelNames),'y only pixels' #print len(noloc),'Unbeammpped pixels' #print overlaps, 'Overlapping pixels'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'PSFit_GUI_v2.ui' # # Created: Sat Aug 23 17:37:02 2014 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.9.4 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(1100, 750) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.open_filename = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.open_filename.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 210, 431, 21)) self.open_filename.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("open_filename")) self.save_filename = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.save_filename.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 240, 431, 21)) self.save_filename.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("save_filename")) self.plot_1 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 290, 541, 401)) self.plot_1.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_1")) self.plot_2 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(560, 290, 541, 401)) self.plot_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_2")) self.plot_3 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(450, 10, 651, 281)) self.plot_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_3")) self.widget = QtGui.QWidget(self.centralwidget) self.widget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 431, 181)) self.widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("widget")) self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.widget) self.gridLayout.setMargin(0) self.gridLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout")) self.open_browse = QtGui.QPushButton(self.widget) self.open_browse.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("open_browse")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.open_browse, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.jumptonum = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.widget) self.jumptonum.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 690, 57, 31)) self.jumptonum.setMaximum(9999) self.jumptonum.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("jumptonum")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.jumptonum, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.frequency = QtGui.QLabel(self.widget) self.frequency.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frequency")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.frequency, 3, 6, 1, 1) self.save_browse = QtGui.QPushButton(self.widget) self.save_browse.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("save_browse")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.save_browse, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.atten = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.widget) self.atten.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(776, 16777215)) self.atten.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("atten")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.atten, 3, 1, 1, 1) self.jumptores = QtGui.QPushButton(self.widget) self.jumptores.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("jumptores")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.jumptores, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.widget) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.label, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.res_num = QtGui.QLabel(self.widget) self.res_num.setStatusTip(_fromUtf8("")) self.res_num.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("res_num")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.res_num, 1, 6, 1, 1) self.savevalues = QtGui.QPushButton(self.widget) self.savevalues.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("savevalues")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.savevalues, 4, 0, 1, 1) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1100, 22)) self.menubar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menubar")) MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.actionOpen = QtGui.QAction(MainWindow) self.actionOpen.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("actionOpen")) self.s = QtGui.QAction(MainWindow) self.s.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("s")) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.open_browse.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Open", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.jumptonum.setToolTip(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Resonator Number", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.frequency.setToolTip(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Frequency (GHz)", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.frequency.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "-1", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.save_browse.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.atten.setToolTip(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Attenuation", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.jumptores.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Jump To Res", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "atten", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.res_num.setToolTip(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Resonator Number", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.res_num.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "-1", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.savevalues.setToolTip(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save this resonator and move to next one", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.savevalues.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save Values", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.actionOpen.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Open", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.s.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) from lib.mpl_pyqt4_widget import MPL_Widget if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_MainWindow() ui.setupUi(MainWindow) sys.exit(app.exec_())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'PSFit_GUI.ui' # # Created: Sun Jul 24 13:04:12 2011 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.8.4 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(915, 1010) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.plot_1 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 10, 891, 311)) self.plot_1.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_1")) self.plot_2 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 330, 891, 331)) self.plot_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_2")) self.plot_3 = MPL_Widget(self.centralwidget) self.plot_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 660, 391, 301)) self.plot_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("plot_3")) self.frequency = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.frequency.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(790, 760, 62, 17)) self.frequency.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("frequency")) self.atten = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.atten.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(770, 790, 61, 31)) self.atten.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("atten")) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(710, 760, 71, 17)) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.savevalues = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.savevalues.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(730, 870, 131, 41)) self.savevalues.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("savevalues")) self.label_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(710, 730, 91, 17)) self.label_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_2")) self.res_num = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.res_num.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 730, 62, 17)) self.res_num.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("res_num")) self.open_browse = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.open_browse.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 700, 114, 32)) self.open_browse.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("open_browse")) self.open_filename = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.open_filename.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 740, 261, 22)) self.open_filename.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("open_filename")) self.save_browse = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.save_browse.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 780, 114, 32)) self.save_browse.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("save_browse")) self.save_filename = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.centralwidget) self.save_filename.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 820, 261, 22)) self.save_filename.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("save_filename")) self.label_3 = QtGui.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.label_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(710, 800, 62, 17)) self.label_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_3")) self.jumptores = QtGui.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.jumptores.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(690, 686, 111, 41)) self.jumptores.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("jumptores")) self.jumptonum = QtGui.QSpinBox(self.centralwidget) self.jumptonum.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 690, 57, 31)) self.jumptonum.setMaximum(9999) self.jumptonum.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("jumptonum")) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 915, 22)) self.menubar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menubar")) MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.frequency.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "TextLabel", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Frequency:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.savevalues.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save Values", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_2.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Res number:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.res_num.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "TextLabel", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.open_browse.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Open", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.save_browse.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Save to:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.label_3.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Atten:", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) self.jumptores.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Jump to Res", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) from mpl_pyqt4_widget import MPL_Widget
#!/usr/bin/env python from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4 import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib.figure import Figure import numpy as N class MyMplCanvas(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, parent=None, width = 10, height = 12, dpi = 100, sharex = None, sharey = None): self.fig = Figure(figsize = (width, height), dpi=dpi, facecolor = '#FFFFFF') = self.fig.add_subplot(111, sharex = sharex, sharey = sharey) self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.15, right=0.97, top=0.97) self.xtitle="Wavelength" self.ytitle="Counts" #self.PlotTitle = "Some Plot" self.grid_status = True self.xaxis_style = 'linear' self.yaxis_style = 'linear' self.format_labels() FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.fig) #self.fc = FigureCanvas(self.fig) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) FigureCanvas.updateGeometry(self) def format_labels(self):, fontsize = 7), fontsize = 7) labels_x = labels_y = for xlabel in labels_x: xlabel.set_fontsize(7) for ylabel in labels_y: ylabel.set_fontsize(7) ylabel.set_color('b') def sizeHint(self): w, h = self.get_width_height() return QSize(w, h) def minimumSizeHint(self): return QSize(10, 10) def sizeHint(self): w, h = self.get_width_height() return QSize(w, h) def minimumSizeHint(self): return QSize(10, 10) class MPL_Widget(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.canvas = MyMplCanvas() #self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.canvas) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) #self.vbox.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.setLayout(self.vbox)
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Created by Ben Mazin on 2011-03-24. Copyright (c) 2011 . All rights reserved. """ from tables import * import numpy as np import os import sys import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import time import pdb #import powspec_rebin class IQsweeptables(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that hold IQ sweep data on the disk """ # recorded data f0 = Float32Col() span = Float32Col() fsteps = Int32Col() atten1 = Int32Col() atten2 = Int32Col() scale = Float32Col() PreadoutdB = Float32Col() Tstart = Float32Col() Tend = Float32Col() I0 = Float32Col() Q0 = Float32Col() resnum = Int32Col() freq = Float32Col(2000) I = Float32Col(2000) Q = Float32Col(2000) Isd = Float32Col(2000) Qsd = Float32Col(2000) time = Float64Col() # data products from loop fit vmaxidx = Int32Col() Iceng = Float32Col() Qceng = Float32Col() Icen = Float32Col() Qcen = Float32Col() Qm = Float32Col() Qc = Float32Col() Qi = Float32Col() fm = Float32Col() dipdb = Float32Col() popt = Float32Col(10) fpoints = Float32Col() fI = Float32Col(2000) fQ = Float32Col(2000) ff = Float32Col(2000) # data products from mag fit mag = Float32Col(2000) magfreq = Float32Col(2000) magfit = Float32Col(2000) mopt = Float32Col(6) # data products from noise analysis savenoise = Int32Col() samprate = Float32Col() pn = Float32Col(2552) pnidx = Float32Col(2552) an = Float32Col(2552) anidx = Float32Col(2552) fn1k = Float32Col() class optimalpow(IsDescription): """The pytables derived class that stored the optimal readout power and f0 for the resonator """ Pmax = Float32Col() f0 = Float32Col() class IQsweep: """A class for IQ sweep data designed to be compatible with pytables. Holds the IQ response of a single resonator and functions that process it. LoadSWP(filename,resnum) method to load the standard .swp files from the analog readout into an object. FitLoopMP() method fits the sweep data with Ben's loop fit code FitMagMP() method fits the sweep data with Ben's simple magnitue fit code AnalyzeNoise() method crunches the noise data Save(filename,gstring,mode) method saves the class in h5 file filename in group gstring ('r0','r1',etc) with write mode mode ('w','a') Load(filename,gstring,f0,atten1) method loads sweep data from h5 file filename with center freq f0 and input atten setting atten1 Pdf(filename) plots the IQ sweep (and fit if present) to a pdf file """ def __init__(self): pass def LoadSWP(self,filename,resnum): # Load sweep data from .swp format text files self.resnum = resnum #read header f = open(filename, 'r') h1,h2,h3,self.atten1 = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') h4,h5,h6,self.atten2 = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') self.Tstart,self.Tend = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Iz1,Iz1sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Qz1,Qz1sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Iz2,Iz2sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') Qz2,Qz2sd = np.fromstring(f.readline()[:-1],dtype=np.float32,sep='\t') f.close() #read table data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=7) self.time = time.time() self.savenoise = 0 if self.resnum == 0: self.f0 = h1 self.span = h2 self.fsteps = int(h3) self.I0 = Iz1 self.Q0 = Qz1 self.freq = data[:self.fsteps,0] self.I = data[:self.fsteps,1] self.Q = data[:self.fsteps,3] self.Isd = data[:self.fsteps,2] self.Qsd = data[:self.fsteps,4] else: self.f0 = h4 self.span = h5 self.fsteps = int(h6) self.I0 = Iz2 self.Q0 = Qz2 self.freq = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,0] self.I = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,1] self.Q = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,3] self.Isd = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,2] self.Qsd = data[h3:h3+self.fsteps,4] def FitLoopMP(self): # Fit the sweep using the full IQ data with MPFIT! import mpfit # find center from IQ max vel = np.sqrt((self.I[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.I[1:self.fsteps-1])**2 + (self.Q[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.Q[1:self.fsteps-1])**2) svel = smooth(vel) cidx = (np.where(svel==max(svel)))[0] self.vmaxidx = cidx[0] # Try to pass fsteps/2 points but work even if closer to the edge than that low = cidx - self.fsteps/4 if low < 0: low = 0 high = cidx + self.fsteps/4 if cidx > self.fsteps : high = self.fsteps #print cidx,low,high idx = self.freq[low:high]*1e9 I = self.I[low:high]-self.I0 Q = self.Q[low:high]-self.Q0 #print len(I) s21 = np.zeros(len(I)*2) s21[:len(I)] = I s21[len(I):] = Q sigma = np.zeros(len(I)*2) sigma[:len(I)] = self.Isd[low:high] sigma[len(I):] = self.Qsd[low:high] # take a guess at center self.Iceng = (max(I)-min(I))/2.0 + min(I) self.Qceng = (max(Q)-min(Q))/2.0 + min(Q) ang = np.arctan2( Q[self.fsteps/4] - self.Qceng, I[self.fsteps/4] - self.Iceng ) #print ang if ang >= 0 and ang <= np.pi: ang -= np.pi/2 if ang >= -np.pi and ang < 0: ang += np.pi/2 #print Q[self.fsteps/4]-self.Qceng, I[self.fsteps/4]-self.Iceng #print ang #parinfo = [{'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[1,1], 'limits':[0.,0.]}]*10 parinfo=[ {'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[1,1], 'limits':[0.,0.]} for i in range(10) ] parinfo[0]['value'] = 50000.0 parinfo[0]['limits'] = [5000.0,1e6] parinfo[1]['value'] = np.mean(idx) parinfo[1]['limits'] = [ np.min(idx),np.max(idx)] parinfo[2]['value'] = 1.0 parinfo[2]['limits'] = [1e-4,1e2] parinfo[3]['value'] = 800.0 parinfo[3]['limits'] = [1.0,4e4] parinfo[4]['value'] = 500.0 parinfo[4]['limits'] = [-5000.0,5000.0] parinfo[5]['value'] = ang parinfo[5]['limits'] = [-np.pi*1.1,np.pi*1.1] parinfo[6]['value'] = np.max(I[low:high]) - np.min(I[low:high]) parinfo[6]['limits'] = [parinfo[6]['value'] - 0.5*parinfo[6]['value'] , parinfo[6]['value'] + 0.5*parinfo[6]['value'] ] parinfo[7]['value'] = np.max(Q[low:high]) - np.min(Q[low:high]) parinfo[7]['limits'] = [parinfo[7]['value'] - 0.5*parinfo[7]['value'] , parinfo[7]['value'] + 0.5*parinfo[6]['value'] ] parinfo[8]['value'] = self.Iceng parinfo[8]['limits'] = [parinfo[8]['value'] - np.abs(0.5*parinfo[8]['value']) , parinfo[8]['value'] + np.abs(0.5*parinfo[8]['value']) ] parinfo[9]['value'] = self.Qceng parinfo[9]['limits'] = [parinfo[9]['value'] - np.abs(0.5*parinfo[9]['value']) , parinfo[9]['value'] + np.abs(0.5*parinfo[9]['value']) ] fa = {'x':idx, 'y':s21, 'err':sigma} #pdb.set_trace() # use magfit Q if available try: Qguess = np.repeat(self.mopt[0],10) except: Qguess = np.repeat(range(10)*10000) chisq=1e50 for x in range(10): # Fit Qtry = Qguess[x] + 20000.0*np.random.normal() if Qtry < 5000.0: Qtry = 5000.0 parinfo[0]['value'] = Qtry parinfo[2]['value'] = 1.1e-4 + np.random.uniform()*90.0 parinfo[3]['value'] = 1.0 + np.random.uniform()*3e4 parinfo[4]['value'] = np.random.uniform()*9000.0 - 4500.0 if x > 5: parinfo[5]['value'] = np.random.uniform(-1,1)*np.pi # fit! m = mpfit.mpfit(RESDIFFMP,functkw=fa,parinfo=parinfo,quiet=1) popt = m.params newchisq = m.fnorm if newchisq < chisq: chisq = newchisq bestpopt = m.params try: popt = bestpopt except: popt = m.params self.popt = popt self.Icen = popt[8] self.Qcen = popt[9] fit = RESDIFF(idx,popt[0],popt[1],popt[2],popt[3],popt[4],popt[5],popt[6],popt[7],popt[8],popt[9]) #pdb.set_trace() # compute dipdb,Qc,Qi radius = abs((popt[6]+popt[7]))/4.0 diam = (2.0*radius) / (np.sqrt(popt[8]**2 + popt[9]**2) + radius) Qc = popt[0]/diam Qi = popt[0]/(1.0-diam) dip = 1.0 - 2.0*radius/(np.sqrt(popt[8]**2 + popt[9]**2) + radius) dipdb = 20.0*np.log10(dip) # internal power power = 10.0**((-self.atten1-35.0)/10.0) Pint = 10.0*np.log10((2.0 * self.popt[0]**2/(np.pi * Qc))*power) #print popt #print radius,diam,Qc,Qi,dip,dipdb self.Qm = popt[0] = popt[1] self.Qc = Qc self.Qi = Qi self.dipdb = dipdb self.Pint = Pint self.fpoints = len(I) self.fI = fit[:len(I)] self.fQ = fit[len(I):] self.ff = self.freq[low:high] def FitMagMP(self): # Fit the sweep using just the magnitude data import mpfit # find center from IQ max vel = np.sqrt((self.I[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.I[1:self.fsteps-1])**2 + (self.Q[0:self.fsteps-2]-self.Q[1:self.fsteps-1])**2) svel = smooth(vel) cidx = (np.where(svel==max(svel)))[0] self.vmaxidx = cidx[0] idx = self.freq*1e9 mag = np.sqrt((self.I-self.I0)**2 + (self.Q-self.Q0)**2) norm = np.max(mag) mag = mag / norm #Q,f0,carrier,depth,slope,curve parinfo=[ {'value':0., 'fixed':0, 'limited':[1,1], 'limits':[0.,0.]} for i in range(6) ] parinfo[0]['value'] = 50000.0 parinfo[0]['limits'] = [5000.0,1e6] parinfo[1]['value'] = np.mean(idx) parinfo[1]['limits'] = [ np.min(idx),np.max(idx)] parinfo[2]['value'] = 1.0 parinfo[2]['limits'] = [1e-4,1e2] parinfo[3]['value'] = 0.7 parinfo[3]['limits'] = [0.01,10.0] parinfo[4]['value'] = 0.1 parinfo[4]['limits'] = [-5000.0,5000.0] parinfo[5]['value'] = -10.0 parinfo[5]['limits'] = [-1e8,1e8] sigma = np.repeat(0.00001,len(mag)) fa = {'x':idx, 'y':mag, 'err':sigma} #pdb.set_trace() chisq=1e50 for x in range(10): # Fit Qtry = x*10000.0 + 5000.0*np.random.normal() if Qtry < 5000.0: Qtry = 5000.0 parinfo[0]['value'] = Qtry # fit! m = mpfit.mpfit(MAGDIFFMP,functkw=fa,parinfo=parinfo,quiet=1) popt = m.params newchisq = m.fnorm #print newchisq if newchisq < chisq: chisq = newchisq bestpopt = m.params popt = bestpopt #print popt fit = MAGDIFF(idx,popt[0],popt[1],popt[2],popt[3],popt[4],popt[5]) self.mag = np.sqrt((self.I-self.I0)**2 + (self.Q-self.Q0)**2)/norm self.magfreq = self.freq self.magfit = fit self.mopt = popt def PlotIQ(self): # Plot the sweep fig = plt.figure( figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.I[:self.fsteps]-self.I0,self.Q[:self.fsteps]-self.Q0,'bo') ax.plot(self.Iceng,self.Qceng,'gx') ax.plot(self.I[self.vmaxidx]-self.I0,self.Q[self.vmaxidx]-self.Q0,'go') ax.plot(self.Icen,self.Qcen,'rx') ax.plot(self.fI,self.fQ,'r') #leg = ax.legend(['Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.popt[0]), 'f$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format(self.popt[1]/1e9), 'Q$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc),'Q$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi),'|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb)],loc=4, shadow=True,numpoints=1) #print 'Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.popt[0]) + '\nf$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format(self.popt[1]/1e9) + '\nQ$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc) + '\nQ$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi) + '\n|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb) #leg = ax.text(.5,.5,'Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.popt[0]) + '\nf$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format(self.popt[1]/1e9) + '\nQ$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc) + '\nQ$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi) + '\n|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb),transform=ax.transAxes) ax.grid(False) ax.set_xlabel('I') ax.set_ylabel('Q') # the matplotlib.patches.Rectangle instance surrounding the legend #frame = leg.get_frame() #frame.set_facecolor('0.80') # set the frame face color to light gray # matplotlib.text.Text instances #for t in leg.get_texts(): # t.set_fontsize('small') # the legend text fontsize # matplotlib.lines.Line2D instances #for l in leg.get_lines(): # l.set_linewidth(1.5) # the legend line width def PlotMag(self): # Plot the sweep fig = plt.figure( figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.freq,20.0*np.log10(self.mag),'bo') ax.plot(self.magfreq,20.0*np.log10(self.magfit),'r') ax.grid(False) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') ax.set_ylabel('|S$_{21}$| (dB)') def Save(self,filename,roach,wmode): # Save IQ sweep data into a HDF5 file h5file = openFile(filename, mode = wmode, title = "IQ sweep file created " + time.asctime() ) # if there is no existing roach group, create one try: #group = h5file.root.r0 group = h5file.getNode('/',roach ) except: group = h5file.createGroup("/",roach, 'ROACH Identifier' ) # if there is no existing sweep group, create one #if group.__contains__('sweeps'): # group = group.sweeps #else: # group = h5file.createGroup(group,'sweeps', 'IQ sweep data' ) # make a group for each resonator try: group = h5file.getNode(group,'f'+str(int(np.float32(self.f0)*10000.0)) ) except: group = h5file.createGroup(group,'f'+str(int(np.float32(self.f0)*10000.0)), 'Group Created ' + time.ctime(self.time) ) # store sweeps with various Tstart and atten settings in the same table try: table = group.iqsweep swp = group.iqsweep.row except: filt = Filters(complevel=5, complib='zlib', fletcher32=True) table = h5file.createTable(group,'iqsweep', IQsweeptables, "IQ Sweep Data",filters=filt) swp = table.row try: swp['f0'] = np.float32(self.f0) swp['span'] = self.span swp['fsteps'] = self.fsteps swp['atten1'] = self.atten1 swp['atten2'] = self.atten2 swp['scale'] = self.scale swp['PreadoutdB'] = self.PreadoutdB swp['Tstart'] = self.Tstart swp['Tend'] = self.Tend swp['I0'] = self.I0 swp['Q0'] = self.Q0 swp['resnum'] = self.resnum swp['freq'] = np.concatenate( (self.freq,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['I'] = np.concatenate( (self.I,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['Q'] = np.concatenate( (self.Q,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['Isd'] = np.concatenate( (self.Isd,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['Qsd'] = np.concatenate( (self.Qsd,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['time'] = self.time except: pass try: swp['vmaxidx'] = self.vmaxidx swp['Iceng'] = self.Iceng swp['Qceng'] = self.Qceng swp['Icen'] = self.Icen swp['Qcen'] = self.Qcen swp['Qm'] = self.Qm swp['fm'] = swp['Qc'] = self.Qc swp['Qi'] = self.Qi swp['dipdb'] = self.dipdb swp['popt'] = self.popt swp['fpoints'] = self.fpoints swp['fI'] = np.concatenate( (self.fI,np.zeros(2000-self.fI.__len__())),axis=0 ) swp['fQ'] = np.concatenate( (self.fQ,np.zeros(2000-self.fQ.__len__())),axis=0 ) swp['ff'] = np.concatenate( (self.ff,np.zeros(2000-self.ff.__len__())),axis=0 ) except: pass # data products from mag fit try: swp['mag'] = np.concatenate( (self.mag,np.zeros(2000-self.fsteps)),axis=0 ) swp['magfreq'] = np.concatenate( (self.magfreq,np.zeros(2000-len(self.magfreq))),axis=0 ) swp['magfit'] = np.concatenate( (self.magfit,np.zeros(2000-len(self.magfit))),axis=0 ) swp['mopt'] = self.mopt except: pass # data products from noise analysis try: swp['pn'] = swp['pnidx'] = self.pnidx swp['an'] = swp['anidx'] = self.anidx swp['fn1k'] = self.fn1k except: pass # now save noise data if present and save flag is set if self.savenoise > 0: try: swp['samprate'] = self.samprate swp['savenoise'] = self.savenoise try: noise = group.iqnoise except: noise = h5file.createVLArray(group, 'iqnoise', Int16Atom(shape=()), "Noise data stored in ragged array of ints. [0] = I, [1] = Q") noise.append(self.Ix1) noise.append(self.Qx1) except: print "Unexpected error saving noise data: ", sys.exc_info()[0] swp.append() table.flush() h5file.close() def Load(self,filename,roach,f0,atten): # Load the desired IQ sweep data from a HDF5 file #load the sweep with center frequency closest to f0 and input atten=atten1 h5file = openFile(filename, mode = "r") # find the table with the sweep data in it. try: group = h5file.getNode('/',roach ) group = h5file.getNode(group,'f'+str(int(f0*10000.0)) ) table = group.iqsweep k = table.readWhere('atten1 == atten') except: print 'Did not find sweep in file!' h5file.close() return try: self.f0 = k['f0'][0] self.span = k['span'][0] self.fsteps = k['fsteps'][0] self.atten1 = k['atten1'][0] self.atten2 = k['atten2'][0] self.scale = k['scale'][0] self.PreadoutdB = k['PreadoutdB'][0] self.Tstart = k['Tstart'][0] self.Tend = k['Tend'][0] self.I0 = k['I0'][0] self.Q0 = k['Q0'][0] self.resnum = k['resnum'][0] self.time = k['time'][0] except: pass try: self.freq = k['freq'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.I = k['I'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Q = k['Q'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Isd = k['Isd'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Qsd = k['Qsd'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.vmaxidx = k['vmaxidx'][0] self.Iceng = k['Iceng'][0] self.Qceng = k['Qceng'][0] self.Icen = k['Icen'][0] self.Qcen= k['Qcen'][0] self.Qm= k['Qm'][0] k['fm'][0] self.Qc= k['Qc'][0] self.Qi= k['Qi'][0] self.dipdb= k['dipdb'][0] self.popt = k['popt'][0] self.fpoints = k['fpoints'][0] self.fI = k['fI'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.fQ = k['fQ'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.ff = k['ff'][0,0:self.fpoints] except: pass try: self.mag = k['mag'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.magfreq = k['magfreq'][0] self.magfit = k['magfit'][0] self.mopt = k['mopt'][0] except: pass try: self.savenoise = k['savenoise'][0] self.samprate = k['samprate'][0] = k['pn'][0] self.pnidx = k['pnidx'][0] = k['an'][0] self.anidx = k['anidx'][0] self.kn1k = k['fn1k'][0] except: pass h5file.close() def LoadPowers(self,filename,roach,f0): # Load the desired IQ sweep data from a HDF5 file #load the sweep with center frequency closest to f0 and input atten=atten1 h5file = openFile(filename, mode = "r") # find the table with the sweep data in it. try: group = h5file.getNode('/',roach ) group = h5file.getNode(group,'f'+str(int(f0*10000.0)) ) table = group.iqsweep k = except: print 'Did not find sweep in file!' h5file.close() return try: self.f0 = k['f0'][0] self.span = k['span'][0] self.fsteps = k['fsteps'][0] self.atten1s = k['atten1'] self.atten2s = k['atten2'] self.scale = k['scale'][0] self.PreadoutdB = k['PreadoutdB'][0] self.Tstart = k['Tstart'][0] self.Tend = k['Tend'][0] self.I0 = k['I0'][0] self.Q0 = k['Q0'][0] self.resnum = k['resnum'][0] self.time = k['time'][0] except: pass try: self.freq = k['freq'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Is = k['I'][:,0:self.fsteps] self.Qs = k['Q'][:,0:self.fsteps] self.Isd = k['Isd'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.Qsd = k['Qsd'][0,0:self.fsteps] self.vmaxidx = k['vmaxidx'][0] self.Icengs = k['Iceng'][0] self.Qcengs = k['Qceng'][0] self.Icens = k['Icen'] self.Qcens = k['Qcen'] self.Qm= k['Qm'][0] k['fm'][0] self.Qc= k['Qc'][0] self.Qi= k['Qi'][0] self.dipdb= k['dipdb'][0] self.popt = k['popt'][0] self.fpoints = k['fpoints'][0] self.fI = k['fI'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.fQ = k['fQ'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.ff = k['ff'][0,0:self.fpoints] except: pass try: self.mag = k['mag'][0,0:self.fpoints] self.magfreq = k['magfreq'][0] self.magfit = k['magfit'][0] self.mopt = k['mopt'][0] except: pass try: self.savenoise = k['savenoise'][0] self.samprate = k['samprate'][0] = k['pn'][0] self.pnidx = k['pnidx'][0] = k['an'][0] self.anidx = k['anidx'][0] self.kn1k = k['fn1k'][0] except: pass h5file.close() def LoadLeaf(self,table,row): # Load up sweep table data from a hdf5 table # speed things up by loading the whole table at once k = try: self.f0 = k['f0'][row] self.span = k['span'][row] self.fsteps = k['fsteps'][row] self.atten1 = k['atten1'][row] self.atten2 = k['atten2'][row] self.scale = k['scale'][row] self.PreadoutdB = k['PreadoutdB'][row] self.Tstart = k['Tstart'][row] self.Tend = k['Tend'][row] self.I0 = k['I0'][row] self.Q0 = k['Q0'][row] self.resnum = k['resnum'][row] self.time = k['time'][row] except: pass try: self.freq = k['freq'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.I = k['I'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.Q = k['Q'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.Isd = k['Isd'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.Qsd = k['Qsd'][row,0:self.fsteps] self.vmaxidx = k['vmaxidx'][row] self.Iceng = k['Iceng'][row] self.Qceng = k['Qceng'][row] self.Icen = k['Icen'][row] self.Qcen= k['Qcen'][row] self.Qm= k['Qm'][row] k['fm'][row] self.Qc= k['Qc'][row] self.Qi= k['Qi'][row] self.dipdb= k['dipdb'][row] self.popt = k['popt'][row] self.fpoints = k['fpoints'][row] self.fI = k['fI'][row,0:self.fpoints] self.fQ = k['fQ'][row,0:self.fpoints] self.ff = k['ff'][row,0:self.fpoints] except: pass try: self.mag = k['mag'][row,0:self.fpoints] self.magfreq = k['magfreq'][row] self.magfit = k['magfit'][row] self.mopt = k['mopt'][row] except: pass try: self.savenoise = k['savenoise'][row] self.samprate = k['samprate'][row] = k['pn'][row] self.pnidx = k['pnidx'][row] = k['an'][row] self.anidx = k['anidx'][row] self.kn1k = k['fn1k'][row] except: pass def Pdf(self,filename): pp = PdfPages(filename) matplotlib.rcParams['font.size']=8 fig = plt.figure( figsize=(7.5, 9), dpi=100) try: ax = fig.add_subplot(221) ax.plot(self.I[:self.fsteps]-self.I0,self.Q[:self.fsteps]-self.Q0,'bo',markersize=4) ax.plot(self.Iceng,self.Qceng,'gx') ax.plot(self.I[self.vmaxidx]-self.I0,self.Q[self.vmaxidx]-self.Q0,'go',markersize=4) ax.plot(self.Icen,self.Qcen,'rx') ax.plot(self.fI,self.fQ,'r') ax.set_xlabel('I') ax.set_ylabel('Q') except: pass # overplot some noise data try: ax.plot(self.Ix1[0:5000]*0.2/32767.0-self.I0,self.Qx1[0:5000]*0.2/32767.0-self.Q0,'c.',markersize=1) except: pass try: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222) ax2.plot(self.freq,20.0*np.log10(self.mag),'bo',markersize=4) ax2.plot(self.magfreq,20.0*np.log10(self.magfit),'r') ax2.grid(False) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') ax2.set_ylabel('|S$_{21}$| (dB)') except: pass try: ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax3.plot(self.pnidx[1:],10.0*np.log10([1:]),'r',self.anidx[1:],10.0*np.log10([1:]),'k') ax3.set_title('P$_{int}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Pint) + ' dBm, Frequency Noise at 1 kHz = ' + '{0:.2e}'.format(self.fn1k) + ' Hz$^2$/Hz' ) ax3.set_xscale('log') ax3.set_autoscale_on(False) ax3.set_xlim([1,1e5]) ax3.set_ylim([-100,-50]) ax3.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax3.set_ylabel('Phase (Red) and Amplitude (Black) Noise (dBc/Hz)') ax3.grid(True) text = 'Q = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qm) + '\nf$_0$ = ' + '{0:.6f}'.format( + '\nQ$_c$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qc) + '\nQ$_i$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.Qi) + '\n|S$_{21}$|$_{min}$ = ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(self.dipdb) bbox_args = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8") ax3.annotate(text, xy=(0.75, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(0.75, 0.9), textcoords='axes fraction', ha="left", va="top", bbox=bbox_args) except: pass try: ax4 = ax3.twinx() ax4.set_ylim([np.log10((10**(-100.0/10.0))/(16.0*self.popt[0]**2)),np.log10((10**(-50.0/10.0))/(16.0*self.popt[0]**2))]) ax4.set_ylabel('Frequency Noise log$_{10}$(Hz$^2$/Hz)', color='r') for tl in ax4.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('r') except: pass pp.savefig() pp.close() def LoadNoise(self,filename,resnum): # Load up noise data self.noisename = filename f = open(filename, 'rb') fsize = os.fstat(f.fileno())[6] if fsize < 10: print 'No Noise File!' return hdr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float64,count=12) self.samprate = 200000.0 self.Ix1 = np.zeros(2000000,dtype=np.int16) self.Qx1 = np.zeros(2000000,dtype=np.int16) for x in range(10): if resnum == 0: self.Ix1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.Qx1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) else: dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) dummy = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.Ix1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.Qx1[x*200000:(x+1)*200000] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int16,count=200000) self.savenoise = len(self.Ix1) dummy = 0 f.close() def AnalyzeNoise(self): import matplotlib.mlab # Analyze noise data # subtract off zero point and move center of resonance to (0,0) Ix1a = self.Ix1*0.2/32767.0 - self.I0 - self.Icen Qx1a = self.Qx1*0.2/32767.0 - self.Q0 - self.Qcen #convert to mag and phase resang = np.arctan2(np.mean(Qx1a), np.mean(Ix1a) ) nI = (Ix1a*np.cos(resang) + Qx1a*np.sin(resang)) nQ = (-Ix1a*np.sin(resang) + Qx1a*np.cos(resang)) rad = np.mean(nI) nI = nI/rad nQ = nQ/rad phase = np.arctan2(nQ,nI) amp = np.sqrt(nI**2 + nQ**2) # low frequency FFTs pnlow, pnlowidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(phase,NFFT=262144,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=131072) anlow, anlowidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(amp,NFFT=262144,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=131072) #pdb.set_trace() #self.pnidx,,dummy = powspec_rebin.rebin(pnlowidx[1:],pnslow[1:],binsize=0.002,sampling=1) #self.anidx,,dummy = powspec_rebin.rebin(anlowidx[1:],anlow[1:],binsize=0.002,sampling=1) # high frequency FFTs pnhigh, pnhighidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(phase,NFFT=4096,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=2048) anhigh, anhighidx = matplotlib.mlab.psd(amp,NFFT=4096,Fs=self.samprate,noverlap=2048) = np.zeros(2552)[0:512] = pnlow[0:512][512:2552] = pnhigh[8:2048] self.pnidx = np.zeros(2552) self.pnidx[0:512] = pnlowidx[0:512] self.pnidx[512:2552] = pnhighidx[8:2048] = np.zeros(2552)[0:512] = anlow[0:512][512:2552] = anhigh[8:2048] self.anidx = np.zeros(2552) self.anidx[0:512] = anlowidx[0:512] self.anidx[512:2552] = anhighidx[8:2048] # calculate frequency noise at 1 kHz coeff = np.polyfit(self.pnidx[521:526],[521:526],1) pf = np.poly1d(coeff) self.fn1k = pf(1000)/(16.0*self.popt[0]**2) def RESDIFF(x,Q,f0,aleak,ph1,da,ang1,Igain,Qgain,Ioff,Qoff): # Q = p[0] ; Q # f0 = p[1] ; resonance frequency # aleak = p[2] ; amplitude of leakage # ph1 = p[3] ; phase shift of leakage # da = p[4] ; variation of carrier amplitude # ang1 = p[5] ; Rotation angle of data # Igain = p[6] ; Gain of I channel # Qgain = p[7] ; Gain of Q channel # Ioff = p[8] ; Offset of I channel # Qoff = p[9] ; Offset of Q channel l = len(x) dx = (x - f0) / f0 # resonance dip function s21a = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) s21a = s21a - complex(.5,0) s21b = np.vectorize(complex)(da*dx,0) + s21a + aleak*np.vectorize(complex)(1.0-np.cos(dx*ph1),-np.sin(dx*ph1)) # scale and rotate Ix1 = s21b.real*Igain Qx1 = s21b.imag*Qgain nI1 = Ix1*np.cos(ang1) + Qx1*np.sin(ang1) nQ1 = -Ix1*np.sin(ang1) + Qx1*np.cos(ang1) #scale and offset nI1 = nI1 + Ioff nQ1 = nQ1 + Qoff s21 = np.zeros(l*2) s21[:l] = nI1 s21[l:] = nQ1 return s21 def RESDIFFMP(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None): Q = p[0] # Q f0 = p[1] # resonance frequency aleak = p[2] # amplitude of leakage ph1 = p[3] # phase shift of leakage da = p[4] # variation of carrier amplitude ang1 = p[5] # Rotation angle of data Igain = p[6] # Gain of I channel Qgain = p[7] # Gain of Q channel Ioff = p[8] # Offset of I channel Qoff = p[9] # Offset of Q channel l = len(x) dx = (x - f0) / f0 # resonance dip function s21a = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) s21a = s21a - complex(.5,0) s21b = np.vectorize(complex)(da*dx,0) + s21a + aleak*np.vectorize(complex)(1.0-np.cos(dx*ph1),-np.sin(dx*ph1)) # scale and rotate Ix1 = s21b.real*Igain Qx1 = s21b.imag*Qgain nI1 = Ix1*np.cos(ang1) + Qx1*np.sin(ang1) nQ1 = -Ix1*np.sin(ang1) + Qx1*np.cos(ang1) #scale and offset nI1 = nI1 + Ioff nQ1 = nQ1 + Qoff s21 = np.zeros(l*2) s21[:l] = nI1 s21[l:] = nQ1 status=0 return [status, (y-s21)/err] def MAGDIFFMP(p, fjac=None, x=None, y=None, err=None): Q = p[0] f0 = p[1] carrier = p[2] depth = p[3] slope = p[4] curve = p[5] dx = (x - f0) / f0 s21 = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) mag1 = (np.abs(s21)-1.0)*depth + carrier + slope*dx + curve*dx*dx status=0 return [status, (y-mag1)/err] def MAGDIFF(x,Q,f0,carrier,depth,slope,curve): dx = (x - f0) / f0 s21 = (np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) / (complex(1,0) + np.vectorize(complex)(0,2.0*Q*dx)) mag1 = (np.abs(s21)-1.0)*depth + carrier + slope*dx + curve*dx*dx return mag1 def smooth(x, window_len=10, window='hanning'): """smooth the data using a window with requested size. This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal. input: x: the input signal window_len: the dimension of the smoothing window window: the type of window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. output: the smoothed signal example: import numpy as np t = np.linspace(-2,2,0.1) x = np.sin(t)+np.random.randn(len(t))*0.1 y = smooth(x) see also: numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve scipy.signal.lfilter TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if an array instead of a string """ if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError, "smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays." if x.size < window_len: raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than window size." if window_len < 3: return x if not window in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']: raise ValueError, "Window is on of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'" s=np.r_[2*x[0]-x[window_len:1:-1], x, 2*x[-1]-x[-1:-window_len:-1]] #print(len(s)) if window == 'flat': #moving average w = np.ones(window_len,'d') else: w = getattr(np, window)(window_len) y = np.convolve(w/w.sum(), s, mode='same') return y[window_len-1:-window_len+1]
from matplotlib import rcParams, rc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as opt from baselineIIR import IirFilter import makeNoiseSpectrum as mNS import makeArtificialData as mAD import makeTemplate as mT reload(mNS) reload(mAD) reload(mT) ##### Plot true template vs calculated template ##### if True: #Turn plotting on or off isPlot=False isPlotRes=True isPlotPoisson=False isPlotFit=False #Starting template values sampleRate=1e6 nPointsBefore=100. riseTime=2e-6 fallTime=50e-6 tmax=nPointsBefore/sampleRate t0=tmax+riseTime*np.log(riseTime/(riseTime+fallTime)) #get fake poissonian distributed pulse data rawdata, rawtime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=2*131.072e-3,isVerbose=True,maxSignalToNoise=2) if isPlotPoisson: fig1=plt.figure(0) plt.plot(rawtime,rawdata) #calculate templates finalTemplate, time , _, templateList, _ = mT.makeTemplate(rawdata,nSigmaTrig=4.,numOffsCorrIters=2,isVerbose=True,isPlot=isPlot) roughTemplate = templateList[0] #make fitted template fittedTemplate, startFit, riseFit, fallFit = mT.makeFittedTemplate(finalTemplate,time,riseGuess=3.e-6,fallGuess=55.e-6) #calculate real template realTemplate = mAD.makePulse(time,t0,riseTime,fallTime) realTemplate = mT.hpFilter(realTemplate) realTemplate /= np.abs(realTemplate[np.argmax(np.abs(realTemplate))]) if isPlotRes: fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) h1, = ax0.plot(time*1e6,roughTemplate,'r',linewidth=2); h1Label='initial template' h2, = ax0.plot(time*1e6,finalTemplate,'g',linewidth=2); h2Label='offset corrected template' h3, = ax0.plot(time*1e6,realTemplate,'b', linewidth=2); h3Label='real pulse shape' ax1.plot(time*1e6,realTemplate-roughTemplate,'r',linewidth=2) ax1.plot(time*1e6,realTemplate-finalTemplate,'g',linewidth=2) ax1.set_xlabel('time [$\mu$s]') ax0.set_ylabel('normalized pulse height') ax1.set_ylabel('residuals') if realTemplate[np.argmax(np.abs(realTemplate))]>0: ax0.legend((h1,h2,h3),(h1Label,h2Label,h3Label),'upper right') else: ax0.legend((h1,h2,h3),(h1Label,h2Label,h3Label),'lower right') if isPlotFit: fig2=plt.figure(2) plt.plot(time,finalTemplate) plt.plot(time,fittedTemplate) ##### Test number of itterations of offset correction that are needed ##### if False: #make templates template0=() template1=() template2=() template3=() template4=() template5=() for ii in range(0,100): #generate raw data rawdata, rawtime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=2*131.072e-3) #calculate template finalTemplate, time , _, templateList, _ = mT.makeTemplate(rawdata,numOffsCorrIters=5,nSigmaTrig=4.) template0+=(templateList[0],) template1+=(templateList[1],) template2+=(templateList[2],) template3+=(templateList[3],) template4+=(templateList[4],) template5+=(templateList[5],) #Calculate residuals for each template variable sampleRate=1e6 nPointsBefore=100. riseTime=2e-6 fallTime=50e-6 tmax=nPointsBefore/sampleRate t0=tmax+riseTime*np.log(riseTime/(riseTime+fallTime)) realTemplate = mAD.makePulse(time,t0,riseTime,fallTime) realTemplate = mT.hpFilter(realTemplate) realTemplate /= np.abs(realTemplate[np.argmax(np.abs(realTemplate))]) residual0=() residual1=() residual2=() residual3=() residual4=() residual5=() for ii in range(len(template0)): residual0+=(np.sum((realTemplate-template0[ii])**2),) residual1+=(np.sum((realTemplate-template1[ii])**2),) residual2+=(np.sum((realTemplate-template2[ii])**2),) residual3+=(np.sum((realTemplate-template3[ii])**2),) residual4+=(np.sum((realTemplate-template4[ii])**2),) residual5+=(np.sum((realTemplate-template5[ii])**2),) #plot histograms if False: fig=plt.figure() plt.hist(residual0, 50, normed=1, facecolor='red', alpha=0.4) plt.hist(residual1, 50, normed=1, facecolor='orange', alpha=0.4) plt.hist(residual2, 50, normed=1, facecolor='yellow', alpha=0.4) plt.hist(residual3, 50, normed=1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.4) plt.hist(residual4, 50, normed=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.4) plt.hist(residual5, 50, normed=1, facecolor='purple', alpha=0.4) #plot medians and maxs if True: maxes=[np.max(residual0),np.max(residual1),np.max(residual2),np.max(residual3),np.max(residual4),np.max(residual5)] medians=[np.median(residual0),np.median(residual1),np.median(residual2),np.median(residual3),np.median(residual4),np.median(residual5)] fig=plt.figure() plt.plot([0,1,2,3,4,5],medians,label='medians') plt.legend() fig=plt.figure() plt.plot([0,1,2,3,4,5],maxes,label='maxes') plt.legend()
from matplotlib import rcParams, rc import numpy as np import sys from fitFunctions import gaussian import scipy.interpolate import scipy.signal from baselineIIR import IirFilter # common setup for matplotlib params = {'savefig.dpi': 300, # save figures to 300 dpi 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'text.fontsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 14, 'xtick.labelsize': 14, 'ytick.major.pad': 6, 'xtick.major.pad': 6, 'ytick.labelsize': 14} # use of Sans Serif also in math mode rc('text.latex', preamble='\usepackage{sfmath}') rcParams.update(params) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import os import struct def calcThreshold(phase,Nsigma=2.5,nSamples=5000): n,bins= np.histogram(phase[:nSamples],bins=100) n = np.array(n,dtype='float32')/np.sum(n) tot = np.zeros(len(bins)) for i in xrange(len(bins)): tot[i] = np.sum(n[:i]) med = bins[np.abs(tot-0.5).argmin()] thresh = bins[np.abs(tot-0.05).argmin()] threshold = int(med-Nsigma*abs(med-thresh)) return threshold def oldBaseFilter(data,alpha=0.08): #construct IIR alpha = 0.08 numCoeffs = np.zeros(31) numCoeffs[30] = alpha denomCoeffs = np.zeros(11) denomCoeffs[0] = 1 denomCoeffs[10] = -(1-alpha) baselines = scipy.signal.lfilter(numCoeffs,denomCoeffs,data) return baselines def sigmaTrigger(data): #deadtime in ticks (us) data = np.array(data) #threshold = calcThreshold(data[0:2000]) dataSubBase = data - baselines derivative = np.diff(data) peakHeights = [] t = 0 negDeriv = derivative <= 0 posDeriv = np.logical_not(negDeriv) triggerBooleans = dataSubBase[nNegDerivChecks:-2] < threshold negDerivChecksSum = np.zeros(len(negDeriv[0:-nNegDerivChecks-1])) for i in range(nNegDerivChecks): negDerivChecksSum += negDeriv[i:i-nNegDerivChecks-1] peakCondition0 = negDerivChecksSum >= nNegDerivChecks-negDerivLenience peakCondition1 = np.logical_and(posDeriv[nNegDerivChecks:-1],posDeriv[nNegDerivChecks+1:]) peakCondition01 = np.logical_and(peakCondition0,peakCondition1) peakBooleans = np.logical_and(triggerBooleans,peakCondition01) try: peakIndices = np.where(peakBooleans)[0]+nNegDerivChecks i = 0 p = peakIndices[i] while p < peakIndices[-1]: peakIndices = peakIndices[np.logical_or(peakIndices-p > deadtime , peakIndices-p <= 0)]#apply deadtime i+=1 if i < len(peakIndices): p = peakIndices[i] else: p = peakIndices[-1] except IndexError: return np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([]) peakHeights = data[peakIndices] peakBaselines = baselines[peakIndices] return peakIndices,peakHeights,peakBaselines def detectPulses(sample,threshold,baselines,deadtime=10,nNegDerivChecks=10,negDerivLenience=1): #deadtime in ticks (us) data = np.array(sample) #threshold = calcThreshold(data[0:2000]) dataSubBase = data - baselines derivative = np.diff(data) peakHeights = [] t = 0 negDeriv = derivative <= 0 posDeriv = np.logical_not(negDeriv) triggerBooleans = dataSubBase[nNegDerivChecks:-2] < threshold negDerivChecksSum = np.zeros(len(negDeriv[0:-nNegDerivChecks-1])) for i in range(nNegDerivChecks): negDerivChecksSum += negDeriv[i:i-nNegDerivChecks-1] peakCondition0 = negDerivChecksSum >= nNegDerivChecks-negDerivLenience peakCondition1 = np.logical_and(posDeriv[nNegDerivChecks:-1],posDeriv[nNegDerivChecks+1:]) peakCondition01 = np.logical_and(peakCondition0,peakCondition1) peakBooleans = np.logical_and(triggerBooleans,peakCondition01) try: peakIndices = np.where(peakBooleans)[0]+nNegDerivChecks i = 0 p = peakIndices[i] while p < peakIndices[-1]: peakIndices = peakIndices[np.logical_or(peakIndices-p > deadtime , peakIndices-p <= 0)]#apply deadtime i+=1 if i < len(peakIndices): p = peakIndices[i] else: p = peakIndices[-1] except IndexError: return np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([]) peakHeights = data[peakIndices] peakBaselines = baselines[peakIndices] return peakIndices,peakHeights,peakBaselines def oldDetectPulses(sample,threshold,baselines): filtered = np.array(sample) #threshold = calcThreshold(filtered[0:2000]) filtered -= baselines derivative = np.diff(filtered) peakHeights = [] t = 0 negDeriv = derivative <= 0 posDeriv = np.logical_not(negDeriv) triggerBooleans = filtered[1:-2] < threshold peakCondition1 = np.logical_and(negDeriv[0:-2],posDeriv[1:-1]) peakCondition2 = np.logical_and(triggerBooleans,posDeriv[2:]) peakBooleans = np.logical_and(peakCondition1,peakCondition2) try: peakIndices = np.where(peakBooleans)[0]+1 i = 0 p = peakIndices[i] deadtime=10#us while p < peakIndices[-1]: peakIndices = peakIndices[np.logical_or(peakIndices-p > deadtime , peakIndices-p <= 0)]#apply deadtime i+=1 if i < len(peakIndices): p = peakIndices[i] else: p = peakIndices[-1] except IndexError: return np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([]) peakHeights = filtered[peakIndices] peakBaselines = baselines[peakIndices] return peakIndices,peakHeights,peakBaselines rootFolder = '/Scratch/filterData/' quietFolder = '/Scratch/filterData/20130925/blue/' sampleRate=1e6 # 1 MHz #roachNum = 0 #pixelNum = 51 #secs=60 #date = '20130925' #folder = '/Scratch/filterData/20130925/blue/' #cps=700 #bFiltered = False #phaseFilename = os.path.join(folder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs_%dcps.dat'%(roachNum,pixelNum,secs,cps)) #quietFilename = os.path.join(quietFolder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs_%dcps.dat'%(roachNum,pixelNum,30,0)) #label='Blue' #roachNum = 0 #pixelNum = 51 #secs=60 #folder = '/home/kids/labData/20130925/red/' #cps=600 #bFiltered = False #phaseFilename = os.path.join(folder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs_%dcps.dat'%(roachNum,pixelNum,secs,cps)) #quietFilename = os.path.join(quietFolder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs_%dcps.dat'%(roachNum,pixelNum,30,0)) #label='Red' #roachNum = 0 #pixelNum = 134 #secs=5 #folder = '/home/kids/labData/20130220/' #cps=700 #bFiltered = True #phaseFilename = os.path.join(folder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs_%dcps.dat'%(roachNum,pixelNum,secs,cps)) #roachNum = 4 #pixelNum = 2 #secs=20 #folder = os.path.join(rootFolder,'20121123/') #bFiltered = False #phaseFilename = os.path.join(folder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs.dat'%(roachNum,pixelNum,secs)) ##missing quiet file, so use another #quietFilename = os.path.join(quietFolder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs_%dcps.dat'%(0,51,30,0)) #roachNum = 4 #pixelNum = 51 #secs=20 #cps=200 #I don't really know. let's check #label='Red' #folder = os.path.join(rootFolder,'20121123/') #bFiltered = False #phaseFilename = os.path.join(folder,'ch_snap_r%dp%d_%dsecs.dat'%(roachNum,pixelNum,secs)) ##missing quiet file, so use another #quietFilename = phaseFilename roachNum = 4 pixelNum = 102 secs=50 cps=200 #I don't really know. let's check date = '20121204' label='30tap' folder = os.path.join(rootFolder,'20121204/') bFiltered = False phaseFilename = os.path.join(folder,'ch_snap_r{}p{}_{}secs.dat'.format(roachNum,pixelNum,secs)) #missing quiet file, so use another quietFilename = phaseFilename bPlotPeaks = True deadtime=1000 phaseFile = open(phaseFilename,'r') quietFile = open(quietFilename,'r') phase = quietPhase = numQDRSamples=2**19 numBytesPerSample=4 nLongsnapSamples = numQDRSamples*2*secs qdrValues = struct.unpack('>%dh'%(nLongsnapSamples),phase) qdrPhaseValues = np.array(qdrValues,dtype=np.float32)*360./2**16*4/np.pi #convert from adc units to degrees nPhaseValues=len(qdrValues) #nPhaseValues=int(1e5) print nPhaseValues,'us' quietDuration = secs #or 30 quietQdrValues = struct.unpack('>%dh'%(numQDRSamples*2*quietDuration),quietPhase) quietQdrPhaseValues = np.array(quietQdrValues,dtype=np.float32)*360./2**16*4/np.pi #convert from adc units to degrees fig = plt.figure() NAxes = 1 iAxes = 1 size=26 offset = 3 sampleStart = 5000 nSamples = nPhaseValues-sampleStart thresholdLength = 5000 thresholdSigma = 2.2 sample=qdrValues[sampleStart:sampleStart+nSamples] quietSample=quietQdrValues[sampleStart:sampleStart+thresholdLength] #sample = np.array(qdrPhaseValues) if bFiltered == False: rawdata = np.array(sample) quietRawdata = np.array(quietSample) #filter= np.loadtxt(os.path.join(rootFolder,'fir/template20121207r%d.txt'%roachNum))[pixelNum,:] #lpf250kHz= np.loadtxt('/Scratch/filterData/fir/lpf_250kHz.txt') matched30= np.loadtxt(os.path.join(rootFolder,'fir/matched_30us.txt')) matched100= np.loadtxt(os.path.join(rootFolder,'fir/matched100_30us.txt')) filter=matched30 #data = np.correlate(filter,rawdata,mode='same')[::-1] data = scipy.signal.lfilter(filter,1,rawdata) #quietData = np.correlate(filter,quietRawdata,mode='same')[::-1] quietData = scipy.signal.lfilter(filter,1,quietRawdata) print 'filtering done' sys.stdout.flush() else: data = np.array(sample) quietData = np.array(quietSample) criticalFreq = 20 #Hz hpSos = IirFilter(sampleFreqHz=sampleRate,criticalFreqHz=criticalFreq,btype='highpass') f=2*np.sin(np.pi*criticalFreq/sampleRate) Q=.7 q=1./Q hpSvf = IirFilter(sampleFreqHz=sampleRate,numCoeffs=np.array([1,-2,1]),denomCoeffs=np.array([1+f**2, f*q-2,1-f*q])) baselines = data - hpSvf.filterData(data) print 'baselines done' threshold = calcThreshold(quietData,Nsigma=thresholdSigma) print 'threshold done' sys.stdout.flush() endIdx = 20*thresholdLength if bPlotPeaks: ax=fig.add_subplot(NAxes,1,iAxes) ax.plot(rawdata[0:endIdx],'.-',color='gray',label='raw phase') ax.plot(data[0:endIdx],'k.-',label='optimal filtered phase') ax.plot(baselines[0:endIdx],'b',label='lpf baseline') ax.plot(baselines[0:endIdx]+threshold,'y--',label='threshold') idx,peaks,bases = detectPulses(data,threshold,baselines,nNegDerivChecks=30,negDerivLenience=2,deadtime=deadtime) nPeaksDetected = len(peaks) print len(peaks),'peaks detected' print 1.*nPeaksDetected/secs, 'cps' sys.stdout.flush() nPointsBefore = 100 nPointsAfter = 200 if len(peaks)>0: if bPlotPeaks: endPeakIdx = np.searchsorted(idx,endIdx) ax.plot(idx[0:endPeakIdx],peaks[0:endPeakIdx],'r.',label='detected peak') ax.plot(idx[0:endPeakIdx],bases[0:endPeakIdx],'g.',label='detected baseline') ax.set_xlabel('time (us)') ax.set_ylabel('phase (${}^{\circ}$)') #ax.set_xlim([5000,15000]) #ax.set_title('detected peaks and baseline for ~%d cps, pixel /r%d/p%d'%(cps,roachNum,pixelNum)) ax.legend(loc='lower right') iAxes+=1 np.savez('/Scratch/dataProcessing/filterTests/sdetected_{}_r{}p{}_{}.npz'.format(date,roachNum,pixelNum,label),idx=idx,peaks=peaks,bases=bases,baselines=baselines,threshold=threshold,qdrValues=qdrValues,data=rawdata,filtered=data) sys.stdout.flush() #collect records of several rawdata points before and after each peak figHist,axHist = plt.subplots(1,1) peakHist,peakHistBins = np.histogram(peaks-bases,bins=200,density=True) axHist.plot(peakHistBins[0:-1],peakHist) #looked at the histogram for 20121123/r4p56 and picked some cutoffs by eye peakCutMask = (peaks>-7000) & (peaks<-4959) peaksCut = peaks[peakCutMask] idxCut = idx[peakCutMask] basesCut = bases[peakCutMask] records = np.zeros((len(peaksCut),nPointsBefore+nPointsAfter),dtype=np.double) for iPeak,peak in enumerate(peaksCut): peakIndex = idxCut[iPeak] # indexAtRawMax = np.argmax(rawdata[peakIndex-10:peakIndex+10])+peakIndex-10 # if indexAtRawMax > nPointsBefore and indexAtRawMax < len(rawdata)-nPointsAfter: # records[iPeak] = rawdata[indexAtRawMax-nPointsBefore:indexAtRawMax+nPointsAfter] if peakIndex > nPointsBefore and peakIndex < len(rawdata)-nPointsAfter: records[iPeak] = rawdata[peakIndex-nPointsBefore:peakIndex+nPointsAfter] records[iPeak] /= np.min(records[iPeak]) pulseTemplate = np.mean(records,axis=0) fig2,ax2 = plt.subplots(1,1) for i in xrange(10): ax2.plot(records[i]) fig3,ax3 = plt.subplots(1,1) ax3.plot(pulseTemplate,'.-') np.savez('/Scratch/dataProcessing/filterTests/rawTemplate_{}_r{}p{}'.format(date,roachNum,pixelNum))
import numpy as np def makePoissonData(rate=1./5e-3,totalTime=65.536e-3, maxSignalToNoise=10. , riseTime=2e-6, fallTime=50e-6, sampleRate=1e6,amplitudes='random',isVerbose=False): dt = 1./sampleRate time = np.arange(0,totalTime+dt,dt) data = np.zeros(time.shape) #compute time until next pulse assuming a poisson distribution pulseTimes=[] currentTime=0 while currentTime<totalTime: probability = np.random.rand() currentTime+= -np.log(probability)/rate pulseTimes=np.append(pulseTimes,currentTime) pulseTimes=pulseTimes[0:-2] #add peaks for peak in pulseTimes: if amplitudes=='random': amplitude=np.random.rand() elif amplitudes=='constant': amplitude=1 else: raise ValueError("makePoissonData: amplitudes variable can be either 'random' or 'constant'") data+= amplitude*makePulse(time,peak,riseTime,fallTime) #add noise data+=(np.random.rand(len(time))-.5)/maxSignalToNoise if isVerbose: print len(pulseTimes), 'peaks generated' return data, time def makePulse(time,t0,riseTime,fallTime,sampleRate=1e6): time=np.array(time) #double check time is np array dt=1./sampleRate startTime=t0+(dt-np.remainder(t0,dt)) #round up to nearest dt endTime=startTime+10*fallTime t=np.arange(startTime,endTime,dt) pulse= -(1-np.exp(-(t-t0)/riseTime))*np.exp(-(t-t0)/fallTime) pulseTemplate=np.zeros(time.shape) startIndex=np.where(time>=startTime)[0][0] endIndex=startIndex+len(pulse) if endIndex>=len(time): endIndex=len(time) pulseTemplate[startIndex:endIndex]=pulse[:len(pulseTemplate[startIndex:endIndex])] norm=fallTime/(riseTime+fallTime)*(riseTime/(riseTime+fallTime))**(riseTime/fallTime) pulseTemplate/=norm return pulseTemplate
from matplotlib import rcParams, rc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as opt from baselineIIR import IirFilter import makeNoiseSpectrum as mNS import makeArtificialData as mAD import makeTemplate as mT import makeFilters as mF import struct import extractRawData as eRD import triggerPhotons as tP import os reload(mNS) reload(mAD) reload(mT) reload(mF) reload(tP) ##### Test on real data ##### if False: isPlot=False isVerbose=True #get data rawData = eRD.parseQDRPhaseSnap(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'TestData/20140915/redLaser'),pixelNum=0,roachNum=0,steps=30) #make fake data #rawData, rawTime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=10*131.072e-3,amplitudes='random',maxSignalToNoise=10,isVerbose=isVerbose) #rawData*=2 print "data extracted" #make template template, time, noiseSpectrumDict, _, _ = mT.makeTemplate(rawData,nSigmaTrig=5.,numOffsCorrIters=3,isVerbose=isVerbose,isPlot=isPlot, sigPass=.5) print "template made" #noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum']=np.ones(len(noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'])) #noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum']=np.ones(len(noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum']))*3e3/np.abs(noiseSpectrumDict['noiseFreqs']) #noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'][0]=2*noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'][1] #noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'][np.abs(noiseSpectrumDict['noiseFreqs'])>210000]=5e-5 #make matched filter matchedFilter=mF.makeMatchedFilter(template, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) coef, _ = opt.curve_fit(lambda x, a, t0 : a*exp(-x/t0), time[len(time)*1/5:len(time)*4/5],template[len(time)*1/5:len(time)*4/5], [-1 , 30e-6]) fallFit=coef[1] superMatchedFilter=mF.makeSuperMatchedFilter(template, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], fallFit, nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) print "filters made" #convolve with filter filteredData=np.convolve(rawData,matchedFilter,mode='same') superFilteredData=np.convolve(rawData,superMatchedFilter,mode='same') print "data filtered" #find peak indices peakDict=tP.detectPulses(filteredData, nSigmaThreshold = 3., negDerivLenience = 1, bNegativePulses=False) superPeakDict=tP.detectPulses(superFilteredData, nSigmaThreshold = 3., negDerivLenience = 1, bNegativePulses=False) print "peaks found" #find peak amplitudes amps=filteredData[peakDict['peakIndices']] superAmps=superFilteredData[superPeakDict['peakIndices']] print "amplitudes extracted" #fig=plt.figure() #plt.plot(template) #plt.hist(amps,100,alpha=.7) #plt.hist(superAmps,100,alpha=.7) ##### Find expected energy resolution of different filters ##### if False: isPlot=False isVerbose=False #make fake data rawData, rawTime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=2*131.072e-3,amplitudes='random',maxSignalToNoise=10,isVerbose=isVerbose) rawData*=2 #make template finalTemplate, time , noiseSpectrumDict, _ , _ = mT.makeTemplate(rawData,nSigmaTrig=4.,numOffsCorrIters=2,isVerbose=isVerbose,isPlot=isPlot) #fit to arbitrary pulse shape fittedTemplate, startFit, riseFit, fallFit = mT.makeFittedTemplate(finalTemplate,time,riseGuess=3.e-6,fallGuess=55.e-6) #make matched filter matchedFilter=mF.makeMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) superMatchedFilter=mF.makeSuperMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], fallFit, nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) #make more fake data rawData, rawTime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=2*131.072e-3, rate =1./5e-3, amplitudes='constant',maxSignalToNoise=10,isVerbose=isVerbose) #filter data data=mT.hpFilter(rawData) #convolve with filter filteredData=np.convolve(data,matchedFilter,mode='same') superFilteredData=np.convolve(data,superMatchedFilter,mode='same') #find peak indices peakDict=mT.sigmaTrigger(filteredData,nSigmaTrig=3.) superPeakDict=mT.sigmaTrigger(superFilteredData,nSigmaTrig=3.) #find peak amplitudes amps=filteredData[peakDict['peakMaxIndices']] superAmps=superFilteredData[superPeakDict['peakMaxIndices']] #plot histogram fig=plt.figure() #plt.hist(amplitudes[np.logical_and(amplitudes<1.04 , amplitudes >.96)]) plt.hist(amps,int(np.max(amps)/0.1)) plt.hist(superAmps,int(np.max(superAmps)/0.1)) ##### Test exponential tail robustness of super matched filter ##### if False: isPlot=False isVerbose=False #make Template rawData, rawTime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=2*131.072e-3,amplitudes='random',maxSignalToNoise=10,isVerbose=isVerbose) rawData*=2 #make data distributed around amplitude =1 finalTemplate, time , noiseSpectrumDict, _ , _ = mT.makeTemplate(rawData,nSigmaTrig=4.,numOffsCorrIters=2,isVerbose=isVerbose,isPlot=isPlot) fittedTemplate, startFit, riseFit, fallFit = mT.makeFittedTemplate(finalTemplate,time,riseGuess=3.e-6,fallGuess=55.e-6) matchedFilter=mF.makeMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) superMatchedFilter=mF.makeSuperMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], fallFit, nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) #test filters on piled up pulses time=np.arange(0,400e-6,1e-6) pulses=np.zeros(len(time)) pulses+=mAD.makePulse(time,50e-6,2e-6,50e-6) pulses+=mAD.makePulse(time,140e-6,2e-6,50e-6) pulses+=.6*(np.random.rand(len(pulses))-0.5) pulses=mT.hpFilter(pulses) filteredData=np.convolve(pulses,matchedFilter,mode='same') superFilteredData=np.convolve(pulses,superMatchedFilter,mode='same') fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(time,pulses,label='piled-up pulses') fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(time,filteredData ,label = 'matched filter') plt.plot(time,superFilteredData, label= 'pre-pulse robust matched filter') plt.legend() ##### Find optimal tempOffs for filter ##### if False: isPlot=False isVerbose=False #make fitted template rawData, rawTime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=2*131.072e-3,amplitudes='random',maxSignalToNoise=100,isVerbose=isVerbose) rawData*=2 #make data distributed around amplitude =1 finalTemplate, time , noiseSpectrumDict, _ , _ = mT.makeTemplate(rawData,nSigmaTrig=4.,numOffsCorrIters=2,isVerbose=isVerbose,isPlot=isPlot) fittedTemplate, startFit, riseFit, fallFit = mT.makeFittedTemplate(finalTemplate,time,riseGuess=3.e-6,fallGuess=55.e-6) #make a single pulse time=np.arange(0,500e-6,1e-6) pulse=mAD.makePulse(time,250e-6,2e-6,50e-6) pulse=mT.hpFilter(pulse) #make a bunch of filters tempOffs=arange(40,100) maximums=np.zeros(len(tempOffs)) superMaximums=np.zeros(len(tempOffs)) for i,offset in enumerate(tempOffs): matchedFilter=mF.makeMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], nTaps=50, tempOffs=offset) superMatchedFilter=mF.makeSuperMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], fallFit, nTaps=50, tempOffs=offset) maximums[i]=np.max(np.convolve(pulse,matchedFilter)) superMaximums[i]=np.max(np.convolve(pulse,superMatchedFilter)) fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(tempOffs,superMaximums-1.) #plt.plot(tempOffs,maximums-1.) #print 'matched filter best offset:', tempOffs[np.argmin(np.abs(maximums-1.))] #75 #print 'super matched filter best offset:', tempOffs[np.argmin(np.abs(superMaximums-1.))] ##### Test filters on a single pulse ##### if False: isPlot=False isVerbose=False #make Template rawData, rawTime = mAD.makePoissonData(totalTime=2*131.072e-3,amplitudes='random',maxSignalToNoise=10,isVerbose=isVerbose) rawData*=2 finalTemplate, time , noiseSpectrumDict, _ , _ = mT.makeTemplate(rawData,nSigmaTrig=4.,numOffsCorrIters=2,isVerbose=isVerbose,isPlot=isPlot) fittedTemplate, startFit, riseFit, fallFit = mT.makeFittedTemplate(finalTemplate,time,riseGuess=3.e-6,fallGuess=55.e-6) matchedFilter=mF.makeMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) superMatchedFilter=mF.makeSuperMatchedFilter(fittedTemplate, noiseSpectrumDict['noiseSpectrum'], fallFit, nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) #test filters on a single pulse time=np.arange(0,500e-6,1e-6) pulses=np.zeros(len(time)) pulses+=mAD.makePulse(time,250e-6,2e-6,50e-6) pulse=mT.hpFilter(pulse) filteredData=np.convolve(pulses,matchedFilter,mode='same') superFilteredData=np.convolve(pulses,superMatchedFilter,mode='same') fig=plt.figure() #plt.plot(time,-pulses,label='piled-up pulses') plt.plot(time,filteredData ,label = 'matched filter') plt.plot(time,superFilteredData, label= 'super matched filter') plt.legend() #####Test energy resolution with real data. Assumes constant photon energy##### if False: isPlot=False isVerbose=False #extract raw data rawData = eRD.parseQDRPhaseSnap(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'20140915/redLaser'),pixelNum=1,steps=30) rawTemplateData = rawData[0:1000000] rawTestData = rawData[1000000:2000000] #make template finalTemplate, time , noiseSpectrumDict, _ , tempPeakIndices = mT.makeTemplate(rawTemplateData,nSigmaTrig=4.,numOffsCorrIters=2,isVerbose=isVerbose,isPlot=isPlot) #fit to arbitrary pulse shape fittedTemplate, startFit, riseFit, fallFit = mT.makeFittedTemplate(finalTemplate,time,riseGuess=3.e-6,fallGuess=55.e-6) noiseSpectrumDictCovMat = mNS.makeWienerNoiseSpectrum(rawTemplateData, tempPeakIndices, 8000, 1000) #make matched filter matchedFilter=mF.makeMatchedFilter(finalTemplate, noiseSpectrumDictCovMat['noiseSpectrum'], nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) superMatchedFilter=mF.makeSuperMatchedFilter(finalTemplate, noiseSpectrumDictCovMat['noiseSpectrum'], fallFit, nTaps=50, tempOffs=75) #plot templates plt.plot(time,finalTemplate) plt.plot(time,fittedTemplate) #filter data #data=mT.hpFilter(rawTestData) data = rawTestData #convolve with filter filteredData=np.convolve(data,matchedFilter,mode='same') superFilteredData=np.convolve(data,superMatchedFilter,mode='same') #plot filtered data fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(filteredData[0:10000]) plt.plot(superFilteredData[0:10000]) plt.plot(rawTestData[0:10000]) #find peak indices peakDict=tP.detectPulses(filteredData, nSigmaThreshold = 3., negDerivLenience = 1, bNegativePulses=False) superPeakDict=tP.detectPulses(superFilteredData, nSigmaThreshold = 3., negDerivLenience = 1, bNegativePulses=False) #find peak amplitudes amps=filteredData[peakDict['peakIndices']] superAmps=superFilteredData[superPeakDict['peakIndices']] print 'default sigma:', np.std(amps) #plot histogram fig=plt.figure() #plt.hist(amplitudes[np.logical_and(amplitudes<1.04 , amplitudes >.96)]) plt.hist(amps) plt.hist(superAmps) pulseHist, pulseHistBins = np.histogram(amps, bins='auto') pulseHistS, pulseHistBinsS = np.histogram(superAmps, bins='auto') plt.plot(pulseHistBins[:-1],pulseHist) plt.plot(pulseHistBinsS[:-1],pulseHistS) #find optimal sigma threshold thresh, sigmaThresh = tP.findSigmaThresh(filteredData) threshS, sigmaThreshS = tP.findSigmaThresh(filteredData) print 'Threshold:', thresh print 'Sigma Thresh:', sigmaThresh print 'Super Threshold:', threshS print 'Super Matched Sigma Thresh:', sigmaThreshS print '' #find peak indices peakDict=tP.detectPulses(filteredData, nSigmaThreshold = sigmaThresh, negDerivLenience = 1, bNegativePulses=False) superPeakDict=tP.detectPulses(superFilteredData, nSigmaThreshold = sigmaThreshS, negDerivLenience = 1, bNegativePulses=False) amps=filteredData[peakDict['peakIndices']] superAmps=superFilteredData[superPeakDict['peakIndices']] pulseHist, pulseHistBins = np.histogram(amps, bins='auto') pulseHistS, pulseHistBinsS = np.histogram(superAmps, bins='auto') plt.plot(pulseHistBins[:-1],pulseHist) plt.plot(pulseHistBinsS[:-1],pulseHistS) plt.title('After optimizing sigma threshold') #optimize trigger conditions optSigmaThresh, optNNegDerivThresh, optNNegDerivLenience, minSigma, peakDict = tP.optimizeTrigCond(filteredData, 100, [sigmaThresh], np.arange(10,30,1), np.arange(1,4,1), False) optSigmaThreshS, optNNegDerivThreshS, optNNegDerivLenienceS, minSigmaS, superPeakDict = tP.optimizeTrigCond(superFilteredData, 100, [sigmaThreshS], np.arange(10,30,1), np.arange(1,4,1), False) print 'Sigma Thresh:', optSigmaThresh print 'N Neg Derivative Checks:', optNNegDerivThresh print 'N Neg Derivative Lenience:', optNNegDerivLenience print 'minSigma:', minSigma print '' print 'Super Matched Filter:' print 'Sigma Thresh:', optSigmaThreshS print 'N Neg Derivative Checks:', optNNegDerivThreshS print 'N Neg Derivative Lenience:', optNNegDerivLenienceS print 'minSigma:', minSigmaS amps=filteredData[peakDict['peakIndices']] superAmps=superFilteredData[superPeakDict['peakIndices']] pulseHist, pulseHistBins = np.histogram(amps, bins='auto') pulseHistS, pulseHistBinsS = np.histogram(superAmps, bins='auto') plt.plot(pulseHistBins[:-1],pulseHist) plt.plot(pulseHistBinsS[:-1],pulseHistS) plt.title('After optimizing derivative trigger conditions')
from matplotlib import rcParams, rc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as opt from baselineIIR import IirFilter import makeNoiseSpectrum as mNS import makeArtificialData as mAD def makeTemplate(rawData, numOffsCorrIters=1 , decayTime=50, nSigmaTrig=4., isVerbose=False, isPlot=False,sigPass=1): ''' Make a matched filter template using a raw phase timestream INPUTS: rawData - noisy phase timestream with photon pulses numOffsCorrIters - number of pulse offset corrections to perform decayTime - approximate decay time of pulses (units: ticks) nSigmaTrig - threshold to detect pulse in terms of standard deviation of data isVerbose - print information about the template fitting process isPlot - plot information about Chi2 cut sigPass - std of data left after Chi2 cut OUTPUTS: finalTemplate - template of pulse shape time - use as x-axis when plotting template noiseSpectDict - dictionary containing noise spectrum and corresponding frequencies templateList - list of template itterations by correcting offsets peakIndices - list of peak indicies from rawData used for template ''' #hipass filter data to remove any baseline data = hpFilter(rawData) #trigger on pulses in data peakDict = sigmaTrigger(data,nSigmaTrig=nSigmaTrig, decayTime=decayTime,isVerbose=isVerbose) #remove pulses with additional triggers in the pulse window peakIndices = cutPulsePileup(peakDict['peakMaxIndices'], decayTime=decayTime, isVerbose=isVerbose) #remove pulses with a large chi squared value peakIndices = cutChiSquared(data,peakIndices,sigPass=sigPass, decayTime=decayTime, isVerbose=isVerbose, isPlot=isPlot) #Create rough template roughTemplate, time = averagePulses(data, peakIndices, decayTime=decayTime) #create noise spectrum from pre-pulse data for filter noiseSpectDict = mNS.makeWienerNoiseSpectrum(data,peakIndices,template=roughTemplate, isVerbose=isVerbose) #Correct for errors in peak offsets due to noise templateList = [roughTemplate] for i in range(numOffsCorrIters): peakIndices = correctPeakOffs(data, peakIndices, noiseSpectDict, roughTemplate, 'wiener') #calculate a new corrected template roughTemplate, time = averagePulses(data, peakIndices,isoffset=True, decayTime=decayTime) templateList.append(roughTemplate) finalTemplate = roughTemplate return finalTemplate, time, noiseSpectDict, templateList, peakIndices def hpFilter(rawData, criticalFreq=20, sampleRate = 1e6): ''' High pass filters the raw phase timestream INPUTS: rawData - data to be filtered criticalFreq - cutoff frequency of filter (in Hz) sampleRate - sample rate of rawData OUTPUTS: data - filtered data ''' f=2*np.sin(np.pi*criticalFreq/sampleRate) Q=.7 q=1./Q hpSvf = IirFilter(sampleFreqHz=sampleRate,numCoeffs=np.array([1,-2,1]),denomCoeffs=np.array([1+f**2, f*q-2,1-f*q])) data = hpSvf.filterData(rawData) return data def sigmaTrigger(data,nSigmaTrig=5.,deadTime=200,decayTime=30,isVerbose=False): ''' Detects pulses in raw phase timestream INPUTS: data - phase timestream nSigmaTrig - threshold to detect pulse in terms of standard deviation of data deadTime - minimum amount of time between any two pulses (units: ticks (1 us assuming 1 MHz sample rate)) decayTime - expected pulse decay time (units: ticks) isVerbose - print information about the template fitting process OUTPUTS: peakDict - dictionary of trigger indicies peakIndices: initial trigger index peakMaxIndices: index of the max near the initial trigger ''' data = np.array(data) med = np.median(data) #print 'sdev',np.std(data),'med',med,'max',np.max(data) trigMask = np.logical_or( data > (med + np.std(data)*nSigmaTrig) , data < (med - np.std(data)*nSigmaTrig) ) if np.sum(trigMask) > 0: peakIndices = np.where(trigMask)[0] i = 0 p = peakIndices[i] peakMaxIndices = [] while p < peakIndices[-1]: peakIndices = peakIndices[np.logical_or(peakIndices-p > deadTime , peakIndices-p <= 0)]#apply deadTime if p+decayTime<len(data): peakData = data[p:p+decayTime] else: peakData = data[p:] peakMaxIndices = np.append(peakMaxIndices, np.argmax(np.abs(peakData))+p) i+=1 if i < len(peakIndices): p = peakIndices[i] else: p = peakIndices[-1] else: raise ValueError('sigmaTrigger: No triggers found in dataset') if isVerbose: print 'triggered on', len(peakIndices), 'pulses' peakDict={'peakIndices':peakIndices, 'peakMaxIndices':peakMaxIndices.astype(int)} return peakDict def cutPulsePileup(peakIndices, nPointsBefore= 100, nPointsAfter = 700 , decayTime=50, isVerbose=False): ''' Removes any pulses that have another pulse within 'window' (in ticks) This is to ensure that template data is not contaminated by extraneous pulses. INPUTS: peakIndices - list of pulse positions nPointsBefore - number of points before peakIndex included in template nPointsAfter - number of points after peakIndex included in template decayTime - expected pulse decay time (units: ticks) isVerbose - print information about the template fitting process OUTPUS: newPeakIndices - list of pulse positions, with unwanted pulses deleted ''' #set window for pulse rejection window=nPointsBefore+nPointsAfter if window<10*decayTime: window=10*decayTime peakIndices=np.array(peakIndices) newPeakIndices=np.array([]) #check that no peaks are near current peak and then add to new indices variable for iPeak, peakIndex in enumerate(peakIndices): if np.min(np.abs(peakIndices[np.arange(len(peakIndices))!=iPeak]-peakIndex))>window: newPeakIndices=np.append(newPeakIndices,peakIndex) if len(newPeakIndices)==0: raise ValueError('cutPulsePileup: no pulses passed the pileup cut') if isVerbose: print len(peakIndices)-len(newPeakIndices), 'indices cut due to pileup' return newPeakIndices def cutChiSquared(data,peakIndices,sigPass=1, decayTime=50, nPointsBefore= 100, nPointsAfter=700, isVerbose=False, isPlot=False): ''' Removes a fraction of pulses (1-fPass) with the worst Chi Squared fit to the exponential tail. This should remove any triggers that don't look like pulses. Currently not optimized to fit in the frequency domain. INPUTS: data - raw phase timestream peakIndices - list of pulse positions fPass - fraction of pulses selected to pass the cut decayTime - expected pulse decay time (units: ticks) nPointsBefore - number of points before peakIndex included in template nPointsAfter - number of points after peakIndex included in template isVerbose - print information about the template fitting process OUTPUTS: newPeakIndices - list of pulse positions, with unwanted pulses deleted ''' chiSquared=np.zeros(len(peakIndices)) for iPeak, peakIndex in enumerate(peakIndices): time=np.arange(0,len(data[peakIndex+int(decayTime/2):peakIndex+nPointsAfter])) currentData=data[peakIndex+int(decayTime/2):peakIndex+nPointsAfter] ampGuess=currentData[np.argmax(np.abs(currentData))] try: expCoef, _ = opt.curve_fit(lambda t, a, tau: a*np.exp(-t/tau) , time, currentData , [ampGuess, decayTime] ) ampFit=expCoef[0] decayFit=expCoef[1] chiSquared[iPeak]=np.sum((currentData-ampFit*np.exp(-time/decayFit))**2) except RuntimeError: chiSquared[iPeak]=np.nan chi2Median=np.median(chiSquared) chi2Sig=np.std(chiSquared[np.invert(np.isnan(chiSquared))]) newPeakIndices=np.array([]) newChiSquared=np.array([]) for iPeak, peakIndex in enumerate(peakIndices): if np.abs(chiSquared[iPeak]-chi2Median)<sigPass*chi2Sig: newPeakIndices=np.append(newPeakIndices,peakIndex) newChiSquared=np.append(newChiSquared,chiSquared[iPeak]) if isVerbose: print len(peakIndices)-len(newPeakIndices), 'indices cut with worst Chi Squared value' if len(newPeakIndices)==0: raise ValueError('cutChiSquared: no pulses passed the Chi Squared cut') if isPlot: worstDataIndex=np.argmax(np.abs(newChiSquared-chi2Median)) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(data[newPeakIndices[worstDataIndex]-nPointsBefore:newPeakIndices[worstDataIndex]+nPointsAfter]) plt.title('Worst pulse not cut by $\chi^2$ cut') worstDataIndex=np.argmax(np.abs(chiSquared-chi2Median)) fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(data[peakIndices[worstDataIndex]-nPointsBefore:peakIndices[worstDataIndex]+nPointsAfter]) plt.title('Worst pulse cut by $\chi^2$ cut') #fig =plt.figure() #plt.hist(chiSquared) #ax = plt.gca() #ax.set_xlabel('$\chi^2$') return newPeakIndices def averagePulses(data, peakIndices, isoffset=False, nPointsBefore=100, nPointsAfter=700, decayTime=30, sampleRate=1e6): ''' Average together pulse data to make a template INPUTS: data - raw phase timestream peakIndices - list of pulse positions isoffset - true if peakIndices are the locations of peak maxima nPointsBefore - number of points before peakIndex to include in template nPointsAfter - number of points after peakIndex to include in template decayTime - expected pulse decay time (in ticks (us)) sampleRate - sample rate of 'data' OUTPUTS: template - caluculated pulse template time - time markers indexing data points in 'template' (use as x-axis when plotting) ''' numPeaks = 0 template=np.zeros(nPointsBefore+nPointsAfter) for iPeak,peakIndex in enumerate(peakIndices): if peakIndex >= nPointsBefore and peakIndex < len(data)-nPointsAfter: peakRecord = data[peakIndex-nPointsBefore:peakIndex+nPointsAfter] peakData = data[peakIndex-decayTime:peakIndex+decayTime] if isoffset: peakRecord/=np.abs(data[peakIndex]) else: peakHeight = np.max(np.abs(peakData)) peakRecord /= peakHeight template += peakRecord numPeaks += 1 if numPeaks==0: raise ValueError('averagePulses: No valid peaks found') template /= numPeaks time = np.arange(0,nPointsBefore+nPointsAfter)/sampleRate return template, time def correctPeakOffs(data, peakIndices, noiseSpectDict, template, filterType, offsets=np.arange(-20,21), nPointsBefore=100, nPointsAfter=700): ''' Correct the list of peak indices to improve the alignment of photon pulses. INPUTS: data - raw phase timestream peakIndices - list of photon pulse indices noiseSpectDict - dictionary containing noise spectrum and corresponding frequencies template - template of pulse to use for filter filterType - string specifying the type of filter to use offsets - list of peak index offsets to check nPointsBefore - number of points before peakIndex to include in pulse nPointsAfter - number of points after peakIndex to include in pulse OUTPUTS: newPeakIndices - list of corrected peak indices ''' if filterType=='wiener': makeFilter = makeWienerFilter elif filterType=='matched': #does not work yet 08/18/2016 makeFilter = makeMatchedFilter else: raise ValueError('makeFilterSet: Filter not defined') nOffsets = len(offsets) nPointsTotal = nPointsBefore + nPointsAfter filterSet = np.zeros((nOffsets,nPointsTotal),dtype=np.complex64) newPeakIndices = [] #Create a set of filters from different template offsets for i,offset in enumerate(offsets): templateOffs = np.roll(template, offset) filterSet[i] = makeFilter(noiseSpectDict, templateOffs) #find which peak index offset is the best for each pulse: # apply each offset to the pulse, then determine which offset # maximizes the pulse amplitude after application of the filter for iPeak,peakIndex in enumerate(peakIndices): if peakIndex > nPointsBefore-np.min(offsets) and peakIndex < len(data)-(nPointsAfter+np.max(offsets)): peakRecord = data[peakIndex-nPointsBefore:peakIndex+nPointsAfter] peakRecord = peakRecord / np.max(np.abs(peakRecord)) #check which time shifted filter results in the biggest signal peakRecordFft = np.fft.fft(peakRecord)/nPointsTotal convSums = np.abs(np.sum(filterSet*peakRecordFft,axis=1)) bestOffsetIndex = np.argmax(convSums) bestConvSum = convSums[bestOffsetIndex] bestOffset = offsets[bestOffsetIndex] newPeakIndices=np.append(newPeakIndices, peakIndex+bestOffset) return newPeakIndices def makeWienerFilter(noiseSpectDict, template): ''' Calculate acausal Wiener Filter coefficients in the frequency domain INPUTS: noiseSpectDict - Dictionary containing noise spectrum and list of corresponding frequencies template - template of pulse shape OUTPUTS: wienerFilter - list of Wiener Filter coefficients ''' template /= np.max(np.abs(template)) #should be redundant noiseSpectrum = noiseSpectDict['noiseSpectrum'] templateFft = np.fft.fft(template)/len(template) wienerFilter = np.conj(templateFft)/noiseSpectrum filterNorm = np.sum(np.abs(templateFft)**2/noiseSpectrum) wienerFilter /= filterNorm return wienerFilter def makeMatchedFilter(noiseSpectDict, template): ''' Calculate Matched Filter coefficients Does not work yet 08/18/2016 INPUTS: noiseSpectDict - Dictionary containing noise spectrum and list of corresponding frequencies template - template of pulse shape OUTPUTS: matchedFilter - list of Matched Filter coefficients ''' noiseSpectrum = noiseSpectDict['noiseSpectrum'] noiseCovInv = mNS.covFromPsd(noiseSpectrum)['covMatrixInv'] filterNorm = np.sqrt(,, template))) #filterNorm not working correctly matchedFilt =, template)/filterNorm return matchedFilt def makeFittedTemplate(template,time,riseGuess=3.e-6, fallGuess=55.e-6, peakGuess=100*1e-6): ''' Fit template to double exponential pulse INPUTS: template - somewhat noisy template to be fitted time - time variable for template riseGuess - guess for pulse rise time in same units as 'time' variable fallGuess - guess for pulse fall time in same units as 'time' variable peakGuess - guess for what time in your template the fitted peak will be in same units as 'time' variable OUTPUTS: fittedTemplate - fitted template with double exponential pulse startFit - fitted value of peakGuess riseFit - fitted value of riseGuess fallFit - fitted value of fallGuess ''' if template[np.argmax(np.abs(template[1:len(template)-1]))]>0: pos_neg=1 else: pos_neg=-1 startGuess=peakGuess+riseGuess*np.log(riseGuess/(riseGuess+fallGuess)) coef, coefCov =opt.curve_fit(pulseFitFun , time,pos_neg*template,[startGuess,riseGuess,fallGuess, 1., 0.]) startFit=coef[0] riseFit=coef[1] fallFit=coef[2] aFit=coef[3] bFit=coef[4] fittedTemplate=pos_neg*pulseFitFun(time,startFit,riseFit,fallFit,aFit,bFit) #renormalize template to 1 while keeping any small baseline offset imposed by hi-pass filter fittedTemplate=(fittedTemplate-bFit)/(np.max(np.abs(fittedTemplate))-bFit)*(1+np.abs(bFit))+bFit return fittedTemplate, startFit, riseFit, fallFit def pulseFitFun(x,t0,t1,t2,a,b): ''' double exponential pulse function normalized to one INPUTS: x - time array t0 - pulse start time t1 - pulse rise time t2 - pulse fall time a - pulse amplitude b - baseline offset OUTPUTS: y - double exponential pulse array ''' x=np.array(x) t0=float(t0) t1=float(t1) t2=float(t2) heaviside=np.zeros(len(x)) heaviside[x>t0]=1; if t1<0 or t2<0: norm=1 else: norm=t2/(t1+t2)*(t1/(t1+t2))**(t1/t2) y = a*(1-b/a)*(1-np.exp(-(x-t0)/t1))*np.exp(-(x-t0)/t2)/norm*heaviside + b*np.ones(len(x)) return y