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init dataset load script
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841 Bytes
Branch: https://github.com/d3fend/d3fend-ontology/tree/release/0.13.0-BETA-1
Commit: 3dcc495879bb62cee5c4109e9b784dd4a2de3c9d
CWE extension:
After building d3fend-full.owl I imported the ontology into Protege
version 5.6.1 with the Pellet reasoner plug-in. First I use the Debug
Ontology plugin to check the ontology for consistency and
coherency. If it all checks out, I move onto exporting the inferences.
In Protege navigate to File>Export Inferred Axioms as ontology and
make sure to check all of the checkboxes including asserted axioms and
annotations. See this blog post for more
information: https://www.michaeldebellis.com/post/export-inferred-axioms.
Once you have the materialized ontology you can filter it with