The wife cooked for her husband.
He was sick and she thought soup would make him feel better.
He was sick so she made him a cheeseburger .
Once it was perfect, she took it in to him. He sat up in bed to sip on it. It made him feel healthier.
Once it was perfect, she took it in to him.He set up in bed to eat it.It made him feel better.
Marcus was playing in his yard when he fell.
He scraped his knee leaving a bloody wound.
He scraped his knee and was excited about the bloody wound.
His mom began applying a bandage to the scrape. It being his first injury, Marcus asked a ton of questions. Luckily his mom answered them all and made him much less afraid.
His mom began applying a bandage to the scrape.It being a cool injury, Marcus wanted her to leave it exposed.Luckily his mom played along and let him show it off to his friends.
Tom had a busy day.
He didn't get the chance to eat lunch.
He only stopped to eat lunch.
He started feeling bad after lunch. Tom realized his blood sugar was too low. He ate a candy bar to help.
He would have felt sick if he hadn't eaten.Tom's blood sugar can get low if he doesn't eat.Sometimes he would eat a candy bar to help.
Susie sells the 31 products for extra money.
They are totes that are sold to mother's typically.
Specifically, Susie makes and sells custom made stained glass windows.
They like them to help bring all their stuff with them. It makes for easier travel and they are stylish. So far she has done a great job selling them.
She likes to make them light and durable.It makes for easier travel and they are stylish.So far she has done a great job selling them.
Jason wants to buy a new laptop.
His old laptop is getting slow.
He then find a tablet instead that fits his needs.
Jason researches current laptops. Jason decides to buy an Apple Macbook. Jason goes to the Apple store and purchases his new laptop.
Jason researches current tablet.Jason decides to buy an Apple iPad.Jason goes to the Apple store and purchases his new tablet.
Arnold was called to a disturbance.
There was a drunk man there.
A drunk man was running around naked.
He was belligerent and tried to attack Arnold. Arnold had to detain him. He was arrested for disorderly conduct and attacking an officer.
He was belligerent and tried to attack Arnold.Arnold had to detain him.He was arrested for disorderly conduct, indecency, and attacking an officer.
Tom was kicked out of his house.
He was fighting with his wife.
He couldn't afford the rent.
His friend offered to let him crash at his place. He had a spare bedroom. Tom stayed there until he fixed things.
His friend offered to let him crash at his place.He had a spare bedroom.Tom stayed there until he got money.
Jordan loved to watch the TV.
One day, the TV stopped working.
One day, she watched a movie and the next she watched a reality show.
Jordan rushed to the store. The TV was completely broken so Jordan bought a new one. Now, Jordan has a new TV that is very big.
Jordan rushed to the store when her TV broke.The TV was completely broken so Jordan bought a new one.Now, Jordan has a new TV that is very big.
Uma was making hot cocoa.
She was stirring when a bit of liquid splashed up the side.
She was stirring and the liquid stayed inside the cup.
It burned her hand badly. She ran it under cold water quickly. Still it formed a nasty welt.
The cup was so hot it burned her hand badly.She ran it under cold water quickly.Still it formed a nasty welt.
Bob didn't know what was wrong with him.
He kept experiencing unwanted thoughts.
He really wanted to get a girlfriend.
His friends urged him to go see a therapist. A therapist diagnosed him with OCD and tips to manage it. He now is able to control his thoughts.
His friends urged him to date online.A dating app determined his most likely good matches.He is now able to date compatible people easily.
Green was very afraid of cemeteries.
This was because he believed in ghosts.
He got over his fear after he started visiting his grandpa's grave there.
One day, Green went outside to play soccer. He walked past a very big cemetery. Green had to run very fast past the cemetery.
Green went to the cemetery often now.He walked past the cemetery one day.He had to stop by and see his grandpa's grave.
Nick's kids wanted to be more musical.
He bought them a piano.
He brought them a piano cd.
They started lessons and enjoyed them a lot. They practiced all year for their recital. They knew they would do great!
They listened to it and took a piano lesson.They practiced all year for their recital.They knew they would do great!
Allie had elderly neighbors.
She decided to help them.
She was too busy to help them.
She mowed their lawn for them. The neighbor's were grateful. She did not even charge them.
She had the neighborhood kid mow their lawn for money.The neighbor's were grateful.She did not even charge them.
Sydnee wanted to be a model as a child.
Everyone had told her that she would never make it.
Everyone told her she'd die before she'd make it.
She ended up ignoring their judgments. She applied that evening to become a model. She was accepted and is now modeling clothing for a living.
She ended up ignoring their judgments.She applied that evening to become a model.She was accepted and is now modeling clothing for a living, despite everyone's negativity.
Andrea was the best in her class at blowing bubbles.
She could blow a bubble as big as her head.
She never did blow bubbles though because it was dangerous.
One day she blew one bigger then ever. Her former friend came by and popped it with his finger. Andrea spent 4 hours picking gum out of her hair.
One day her friend blew one bigger then ever.Andrea popped it with her finger.Andrea's friend spent 4 hours picking gum out of her hair.
Andrew just moved into a new house.
He wanted some new art for his new house.
He wanted some new furnitures and appliances for his new house.
So Andrew went on his laptop. He looked online for paintings. He found some nice paintings and bought them.
So Andrew went on his laptop.He looked online for furniture, etc.He found some nice furniture and bought some pieces.
Jill was riding horses with her family.
The horse started to pick up speed.
She raced them and won.
Suddenly, the horse was spooked. The horse threw Jill and she hit a tree. Jill was knocked unconscious and was rushed to the ER.
Suddenly, the horse was spooked.The horse threw Jill and she hit a tree.Jill was knocked unconscious and was rushed to the ER.
Everyone at Moe's restaurant knows who I am.
They all greet me and ask how my day is.
They all greet me and leave me to my meal in peace.
We all joke around and talk about our life. They even bring me my favorite meal without having to order. I always leave a big tip because of their great service.
They know I don't like to joke around or talk about my life.They even bring me my favorite meal without having to order.I always leave a big tip because of their great service.
I decided I needed to do a good cleaning of my house.
I first went to the store to buy cleaning supplies, a mop, and bucket.
I didn't have time to do it myself, so I hired a maid who did the job perfectly.
When I got home, I started cleaning the kitchen. Next I moved to the bathroom and living room. With that done, I took a break to admire the clean rooms!
When I got home, she started cleaning the kitchen.Next she moved to the bathroom and living room.With that done, she took a break to admire the clean rooms!
Gating was a distance runner.
He had to do a 1600 meter relay.
He had to do a 1600 meter relay but wasn't the anchor leg.
He was the anchor leg. He flew around the track. His teeth were clenched tightly.
He ran the first leg.He flew around the track.His teeth were clenched tightly.
Kate was on the phone with her friend Sue.
Sue was away at a lake for her summer vacation.
Kate was traveling out of country for her summer vacation.
She had a blast telling Kate all about her fun time. Meanwhile Kate sat at home bored watching TV. Kate couldn't help but be jealous.
Kate had a blast telling Sue all about her plans.Meanwhile Sue sat at home bored watching tv.Sue couldn't help but be jealous.
I love making random trips to the beach.
Sometimes I would decided to go right after work.
Sadly, I rarely had time anymore.
However I would always get dirty in the sand. I decided to keep a towel in my car. Now I could sit on the towel during my random beach trips.
However I would always get dirty in the sand when I could sneak to the beach.I decided to keep a towel in my car.Now I could sit on the towel during my random though infrequent beach trips.
Jim said that he could fit a box of cookies in his mouth at a party.
The people at the party did not believe him.
The people at the party were disgusted and all ran away.
Jim tried to prove his point by stuffing many cookies into his mouth. Naturally, he choked on the cookies. The party ended when someone performed the Heimlich maneuver on Jim.
Jim tried to prove his point by stuffing many cookies into his mouth.Naturally, he choked on the cookies.He was glad no one was there to see him spit cookies everywhere.
Beth and Bobby were having a baby.
They both loved junk food, so they wanted to give her a sweet name.
They both loved health food, so they wanted to give her a healthy name.
Bobby said Caramel and Beth suggested Sugar. They wrote down names to pick randomly since they couldn't agree. The winning name was Candy - a perfect tasty name for their daughter!
Bobby said Olive and Beth suggested Sage.They wrote down names to pick randomly since they couldn't agree.The winning name was Olive, a perfect tasty name for their daughter.
Nita needed gravel for her new fish tank.
She went to the beach.
She went to the carpet store.
She scooped up some small stones and gravel. Then she took them home and boiled them. When they cooled, she put them in her fish tank.
In the yard there, she scooped up some small stones and gravel.Then she took them home and boiled them.When they cooled, she put them in her fish tank.
Alex and her family moved to a new city.
Alex would have to enroll in a new school.
Alex would be able to stay in the same school.
Alex started her first day at Georgetown High School. She was able to make new friends quickly. Alex felt relieved that things had worked out well.
Alex started her new day at Georgetown High School.She was able to make keep friends a long time.Alex felt relieved that things had worked out well.
One day Yolanda went to Central Park.
First she ate lunch on the grass.
She visited Strawberry Fields because she was a John Lennon fan and then went home.
Then she walked around a bit. Finally she went to Central Park Zoo. She had a great day.
Then she napped for a bit.Finally she got out all her John Lennon records and listened to them all.She had a great day.
My friend wanted a new smartphone.
I also needed a new one.
I didn't need one as mine was great.
I bought a cheap smartphone for 40 dollars. My friend bought an expensive one for 400 dollars. I ended up being happier because both phones did the same thing.
My friend bought a cheap smartphone for 40 dollars.Though she wanted the more expensive one that was 400 dollars.She ended up being happier as both phones did the same thing.
I was playing golf with a couple friends.
I had lost my chipping wedge.
I had found my chipping wedge earlier that day.
We could not find it at our previous holes. I went to the clubhouse. They gave me one for free.
We could only find it after searching all of our previous holes.I went to the clubhouse.And there it was.
Since her childhood, Anna had always loved cats.
Anna had asked her family repeated to buy her a cat every birthday.
Anna had always owned a cat throughout her life with her family.
Her family did not like cats so they refused for many years. When Anna was fourteen she was surprised at her birthday party. Her family gifted her with a cat which made her very happy.
Her family did not like cats so they wanted to get rid of the childhood cat.When Anna was fourteen she was surprised at her birthday party with a new kitten though.Her family gifted her with a cat which made her very happy, even though it made them cringe a little.
Mary started to bake a cake.
She went to get eggs out of the refrigerator.
She got the eggs out of the refrigerator.
They were all out of eggs. She sent one of her children to borrow some eggs from a neighbor. Mary baked the cake with the eggs borrowed from her neighbor.
They were one egg short.She sent one of her children to borrow an egg from a neighbor.Mary baked the cake with the egg borrowed from her neighbor.
Morgan enjoyed long walks on the beach.
She and her boyfriend decided to go for a long walk.
She and her husband decided to go for a long walk.
After walking for over a mile, something happened. Morgan decided to propose to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was upset he didn't propose to her first.
After walking for over a mile, something happened.Morgan decided to kiss her husband.Her husband was upset he didn't kiss her first.
Cindy was taking her two small kids to the zoo for the first time.
When they got there, her kids were amazed by all of the animals.
Their favorite part was the shark tunnel.
They loved seeing all of the animals. The one thing they didn't like was the shark tunnel. Other then that, it went great.
They loved seeing all of the sharks.The one thing they didn't like was the dolphin show.Other then that, it went great.
Rita lost her job.
She spent weeks looking for a new one with no luck.
She spent weeks looking for a new one with no luck and will never have a dress sewn.
She had promised to buy her daughter a new dress for her prom. Rita decided to sew her daughter's prom dress out of old dresses. The dress was a hit and Rita received many orders for custom clothes.
She had promised to buy her daughter a new dress for her prom.Rita decided to buy a used dress.The dress was a hit and Rita's daughter received many compliments.
Katie accidently got pregnant.
She is only a senior in high school.
She had only been dating Joe for a few weeks.
She is worried she won't be able to afford college now. Her teachers told her about financial aid. Katie feels a little better that she can now attend college.
She is worried she won't be able to afford college now.Her teachers told her about financial aid.Katie feels a little better that she can now attend college.
Casey thought that her toddler had been unusually quiet.
She went to check on him and found him with a tub of formula.
She went to check on him and he was sleeping soundly alone in his crib.
The powder was all over the place including in his hair and clothes. She didn't know what to do, she felt like screaming at the huge mess. Finally she calmed down and began cleaning the mess up.
However, he had made a huge mess before going to sleep.She didn't know what to do, she felt like screaming at the huge mess.Finally she calmed down and began cleaning the mess up.
The model rocket flew well.
The parachute cord had to be replaced.
The parachute cord had to be replaced so I bought one.
The one I made out of tape my dad did not like. I decorated it. It was his present for Father's Day.
The one I bought my dad did not like.I decorated it.It was his present for Father's Day.
Carol was ready to purchase a condo.
The building was already confirmed.
The building was at a bargain price.
All she had to do was meet with the realtor. However, Carol checked her numbers one last time. The extreme cost made her second-guess her decision.
All she had to do was meet with the realtor.However, Carol checked her numbers one last time.The extremely low cost made her second-guess her decision.
Jacob and his brother did not know how to swim.
One day they were invited to a pool party.
They took swimming lessons so that they can swim at all the pool parties this summer.
Jacob's girlfriend was going to be at the party. Jacob wanted to impress his girlfriend. So Jacob jumped in the pool and almost drowned.
Jacob's girlfriend was going to be at the party.Jacob wanted to impress his girlfriend.So Jacob jumped in the pool and swam like a champ.
Jeff wanted to buy a new car.
So he got a part time job.
So he put his money together.
But he became impatient and looked a used car. And he ended up buying a cheap truck he didn't like. A month later, Jeff realized he should have waited longer.
He was very patient and looked to buy a new car.And he ended up buying a new truck he loved.A month later, Jeff realized he made the perfect decision.
Ron got a magazine in the mail with pictures from Tahiti.
Ron decided that he would save up his money to go on vacation there.
He recycled the magazine.
Ron saved a lot of money, so he decided to rent a jet. Because of this, he was able to invite all his friends. Ron's friends praised him for this generosity and threw him a party.
Ron saved up his money, so he decided not to even think about travel.Because of this, he was able to invite all his friends to a big party.Ron's friends praised him for this generosity.
Trey wanted to get the best time for running a mile in his class.
During the run, he saw another student pulling ahead of him however.
During the run, he saw another student pulling ahead of him however and Trey didn't trip anybody that day.
When his teacher wasn't looking, Trey tripped the student. After the run, everyone was impressed by Trey's time. And his teacher gave him an award in front of the whole class.
When his teacher wasn't looking, Trey skipped part of the course.After the run, everyone was impressed by Trey's time.And his teacher gave him an award in front of the whole class.
Norma had come to Hollywood to become a star.
She went to many auditions without success.
And she did it.
She took extra acting classes but no one liked her style. She ended up becoming a waitress to earn a living. She loved her job so much, she stopped auditioning altogether.
She took extra acting classes and everyone liked her style.She ended up becoming a low budget movie star and earning a decent living.She loved her life so much, she vowed to never stop auditioning.
Kim and her friend missed the last ferry for the Statue of Liberty.
The next day they went early.
They bought online tickets to be sure they could get in the next day.
They arrived at the statue of liberty expecting to visit the crown. When the spoke with the cashier she informed them tickets are online. There were no tickets for that day they didn't get to visit the crown.
They arrived at the statue of liberty the next day expecting to visit the crown.They waited in line and watched people trying to buy tickets.There were no tickets left for that day and those people didn't get to visit the crown, but Kim and her friend did.
Carter was eating at a restaurant.
There was too much salt in his meal.
He needed more salt.
Carter complained to the manager. The manager gave Carter his meal for free. Carter never returned to the restaurant.
Carter complained to the manager after he asked three times and still had not been given salt.The manager gave Carter his meal for free.Carter never returned to the restaurant.
When I got my first paycheck, it didn't last long.
I spent all my money on video games.
I spent all my money on video games and my parents were glad about it.
My parents were upset, but I didn't care. I had a lot of fun playing video games. That was money well spent.
My parents were happy I had my own money.I had a lot of fun playing video games.That was money well spent.
Megan was throwing a party for her husband.
It was going to be a surprise!
She invited only his closest family members for the surprise party.
She invited all his closest friends. They hid in the garage. When he came home, they jumped out and yelled for him.
It was going to be a surprise.They hid in the garage.When he came home, they jumped out and yelled for him.
Rodriguez used his Kindle every day to read books.
One day it would not turn on and he had to get it checked.
He charged it every day and it worked great.
The repairman said it was a simple battery issue. He put a new battery in and the Kindle turned on. Then Rodriguez was able to read on his kindle.
He takes care of his Kindle properly.He put a protector and a case on it.Rodriguez loved his Kindle as much as he loves reading.
Jeanne was watching TV when a commercial aired.
It described an app that she thought sounded cool.
It described a car that she thought sounded cool.
She had to make some space to get it. Finally, she downloaded the app. It actually lived up to her expectations as well.
She had to make some money to get it.Finally, she had saved enough.It actually lived up to her expectations when she bought the car.
I was cooking lunch.
I had spaghetti in a pot.
I made a quesadilla.
My hand touched the hot pot. The pot burned my hand. I put burn gel on my hand.
My hand touched the hot grill.The grill burned my hand.I put burn gel on my hand.
Bill the weatherman was shocked to see the letter at his desk.
It was $500 and a note from an umbrella company to predict more rain.
It was a firing slip.
Last week he got $600 from a sunglasses company to call for more sun. He panic during his next broadcast and predicted an earthquake. There was no quake but everyone in town swore they felt something.
It was a note that told him he had two weeks left.He panic during his last broadcast and predicted a terrorist attack.There was no attack but everyone in town was scared.
A little girl wanted to eat cookies.
It was late at night and her parents were asleep.
Her mom had forgotten to buy cookies that day.
The girl tiptoed across the kitchen slowly. She reached her hand into the cookie jar and pulled out a cookie. But when she turned around, an angry mother was glaring at her!
The girl tiptoed across the kitchen slowly.She reached her hand into the cookie jar and found it was empty.But when she turned around, her mom was giving her a funny grin.
Suzy was curious about some coffee.
She tried some her mom made.
She tried some her mom bought at the store..
She then immediately spit it out. It tasted terrible. It was far too sour and Suzy never wanted coffee again.
She then immediately spit it out.It tasted terrible.It was far too sour and Suzy never wanted coffee again.
Jane passed a small park-like zoo she remembered visiting as a child.
She turned her car into the park, feeling nostalgic.
She went home and thought about the park.
Jane went to see the deer, like the ones she once fed by hand. She saw these deer were scrawny, mangy and had terrified eyes. Jane wished she had never stopped the car.
She decided to go and see the deer.She saw these deer were scrawny, mangy and had terrified eyes.Jane wished she had never stopped the car.
Andrew went to an all you eat place.
So Andrew got lots off food for himself.
Andrew took a little bit of everything he liked and was too full for seconds.
He began to eat. Several plates later Andrew was finished. His stomach was bloated.
He watched everyone else eat.Several plates later, they had caught up to Andrew.Andrew's stomach was bloated.
Joe and Beth were very ashamed about having to file bankruptcy.
They decided not to tell any friends or family what they were doing.
They decided not to tell anyone no matter what.
One morning at work, Beth found a coworker sitting in her car crying. Beth rushed to hug her, and the woman confided fears about bankruptcy. Beth decided to share, and both women took comfort in not being alone.
One morning at work, Beth found a coworker sitting in her car crying.Beth rushed to hug her, and the woman confided fears about bankruptcy.Beth decided to share, and both women took comfort in not being alone.
He doesn't recognize the street he's on.
He pulls into a gas station and goes in.
He pulls into a gas station and looks at a map.
He asks the clerk for directions. The clerk tells him how to get to his destination. He gets back in his car and follows the directions.
He thanks the clerk for letting him use it.The clerk tells him to come back any time.He gets back in his car and follows the directions he memorized.
Donna's favorite CD was in her car.
She was taking it out to listen to in her house.
She left it in to listen in her car.
Donna dropped the CD on the ground walking into her house. She stepped on the CD and cracked it. Donna had to get a new copy of the CD.
Donna dropped her car keys on the ground walking into her house.She stepped on the keys and they fell down a crack.Donna had to get a new copy of the keys.
Brenda was in love with her boyfriend Maxwell.
He was a successful artist with a promising future.
Maxwell dumped her for a younger girl.
Maxwell told Brenda he needed to talk to her. She thought he'd propose but he wanted to break up. Brenda walked away and now she is the saddest girl out of everyone.
Maxwell told Brenda he needed to talk to her.She thought he wanted to get back together with her.He just wanted his stuff back.
Heather wanted to befriend the new girl in class.
But the girl was well dressed and looked very cool.
The new girl was stone-cold and ignored Heather.
Heather feared the girl would be too cool to befriend her. But to her surprise, she was very polite when Heather introduced her. Soon the two girls had become great friends!
Heather feared the girl would be too mean to befriend her.But to her surprise, she was very nice once she warmed up.Soon the two girls had become great friends!
Hunter just turned thirty and his body started to hurt.
He went to the doctor and said he wasn't flexible anymore.
He decided to go back to the gym again.
The doctor recommended Hunter try yoga. Hunter signed up for yoga classes at his gym. A week after doing yoga every day and Hunter felt five years younger.
The doctor recommended Hunter try yoga.Hunter signed up for yoga classes at his gym.A week after doing yoga every day and Hunter felt five years younger.
I was mowing the yard on a summer day.
I could hardly breathe due to the heat.
It was really hot so I stopped every so often so I wouldn't get overheated and drank lots of water.
My wife came to me with a glass of water. I thought it was for me, but my wife started drinking it. This made things ten times worse for me.
My wife came to me with a glass of lemon water.I thought it was for me, but my wife started drinking it.This made things ten times worse for me.
Vicky has needed a new pair of shoes for months.
She has avoided buying new shoes because her feet smell so bad.
She went to the store and got a pair of heels.
One day she summons the courage to go to the shoe store. She takes off her shoes to try on a pair and the smell is awful. Luckily it only lasts a minute, and she has her new pair of shoes on.
One day she summons the courage to wear her new heels.She takes off her shoes to try on the heels and her old shoes stink.Luckily it only lasts a minute, and she has her new pair of shoes on.