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There's that McG fan base showing their low IQ is again.
That makes literally no sense. There's that McG fan base showing their low IQ's again.
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Well, first, it would piss off the givers if their stuff kept showing up on eBay a month after they gave it to us. Second, in practice, it would mean a few people get insanely generous gifts - like a $12k his-and-hers watch set - and most people would get weird stuff they have no interest in (a lot of which would quickly end up on eBay). Third, I guarantee there'd be serious political blowback after some random letter-sorter at the USPS gets the aforementioned $12k watch set and posts about it on Facebook. At the same time, we can't let the recipients keep them. Really nice gifts are inevitably going to have a subtle corrupting influence (maybe not individually, but globally), and some official gifts are just a way to test the water for bribery. For example, the aforementioned watches - the giver knows the recipient is supposed to report it and almost certainly won't be able to keep it, so if they or their wife are later seen wearing that very specific model of watch, it's pretty likely that they're willing to play ball.
I really appreciate the sentiment but just sitting on it seems ridiculous too. I almost think a fix for this would be to institute randomization as well as a control for evening out value over the years, and then the items should be awarded randomly to federal employees as part of a bonus system. Perhaps going forward if you accept a gift and its not considered classified you would be asked to write a note about the context of that gift. Idk, just a weird thought.
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> I also hope someone teaches you about compassion one day. He'd have to pull his head out of his ass for that to happen.
I hope you're never in the situation to find out. I also hope someone teaches you about compassion one day.
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You cant erase yourself but you can be someone ealse. Its never late to change if you are 30, 40 or even 50. Its never too late to change, you just need to find motivation somehow, and when you start to change everything will become easier to handle. But to get motivation you need to start care about yoursef? Is this any reason why you dont care about yourself, exept what you said that you lack social skills etc? Is this something that realy bothers you that you think you cant change?
I'm 29... still can't even come close to getting the worst jobs. Already been through school, going through again. I'd be lucky to get a below average job in a field I don't care about. Yeah, a very bad familial situation. Somehow it only got worse every year. I wish I could be someone else or erase my existence.
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But that doesn't mean free education is inherently bad just because it's bad in US. Where I live, there are no private schools and the education is compulsory. It starts at the age of 7 and ends at the age of 16. Then you can either go to gymnasium or to vocational school, which are also free. Then you can continue to university or polytechnic, which are free as well. Of course there are all kinds of expenses, such as books, there's no tuition fees or anything like that. While they don't have the same resources as their private counterparts in US or elsewhere in developed world, they are still good and do their job well. I doubt such system would work that well in US since the culture and society is so much different and the current system is so deep rooted in there.
The problem with this theory is that it's still not equal and never will be. A middle class or even lower class who prioritizes will not send their kids to public school. Public education is AWFUL and getting worse each year with terrible Marxist ideas. I would be all for free education if it wasn't the way it is here in the States. Education here is SAD!
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> paid I got access denied too. I just reloaded because the denied says doesnt allow hotlinking. worked on reload
Getting access denied on your link. Do you have a mirror?
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I get that he is also supposed to be a broken man but he has been wrong about nearly everything since he's been given power in Mereen. Dany is obviously not going to be happy with him. I don't see a lot of good times in his future.
Seriously, to have him be wrong is downright ridiculous. I knew they were going to make it so his decision bit him in the ass, and it fucks up his character of him actually being a good leader, when fucking Grey Worm has better political insight than him. They're really fucking up in my opinion.
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Lots of things Kanye does will make you see that he isn't a complete ass You just gotta wade through the shitstorm of media outlets that are telling you that he is over and over again with little to no basis at all because it makes them money
This made me think Kanye wasn't a complete ass. Worth the watch.
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My favourite tweet in there: provide objective evidence that he's a dick and that his game sucks otherwise you haven't a leg to stand on. So, now, even opinions need evidence? I don't like white wine. PROVE IT MOTHERFUCKER!
One example:
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As did yours.
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Yes. So true. I experimented with shrooms throughout my teenage years and always had great a trip. Then when I was about 25 I had the worst trip of my life. It was all from anxiety. I shouldn't have took those shrooms, but I did learn a lot about myself that I wouldn't have fully learned without them. Anyway, I still would never take them again because it was so terrifying. Just can't. Can't even be around them. My husband was upset for a while, but I can't have him taking them either. It's just too much for me. He of course doesn't understand because he had a great trip that night. I was the one locked in a bathroom. Terrified.
A bad trip is simply your mind being overwhelmed with anxiety. That anxiety is often rooted with the baggage in your life that needs to change. It is extremely scary, but once you realize you are safe and you aren't going to die, you can really have some amazing revelations about changes that you must make in your life.
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Here's the link to their PR manager that hasnt said a thing. this will be deleted soon, so try to share this around as much as possible. thanks!
plus jimmy kimmel and some "Minor text fixes." yaaaaay. edit: no idea if this should be flaired "meme/humor" or "shitpost" so I'm going with the latter
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See, i wasnt gonna call op out for his misperception... hes likely a youngn that sees no problems with episode I, loved jarjar, and now is stoked at current abomination of movies yet to come out. Im glad harrison ford made disney/lucas/whothefuckeverthoughtaboutruiningoldcanon'heirtotheempireseries' kill him off early.
Whoever said that owl resembled a TIE fighter was on crack.
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While my study of India is all of one undergraduate course, this was the disclaimer at the very beginning of the course. In short, much of British colonization saw the history of the subcontinent rewritten to suit their needs. Hindus and Muslims were subject to different law sets devised from their own religious texts which, given that different sects accept different texts, created all sorts of issues later on during colonial rule. On top of this, we always consider India (and Pakistan) as being one unified state, which is the same way the British tended to administer it. In reality India is culturally, religiously, ethnically, and historically diverse ( there were over 550 individual states and rulers within British India by 1947); requiring all the more research and awareness of nuances. What you end up with is a diverse society that has seen its own history rewritten, destroyed, and criticized for a few hundred years. This makes it very hard for an outsider (read non-native) scholar to gain access to archives, oral histories, or any of the other resources needed to properly study the history of India. Then, if they are successful, they face the very real possibility of being suppressed and/or censored by a government. The field is so contentious that scholarship, especially pre-Partition, is almost impossible to properly engage with without the dedicated university resources that only really come at the PhD level and with a position within the academy. Which brings up a second point worth visiting: The Partition of India and Pakistan was the largest forced migration in human history, with millions of people attacked, killed, displaced, disappeared, abducted, forcibly-wed, and raped. That single event denotes the end of British rule, the beginning of sovereign rule, and a stark contrast to what had traditionally been a relatively religiously accepting society. Ultimately, India is a near perfect case study on WHY history matters. It has been tampered with, rewritten, destroyed, reinterpreted, minimized, use for political causes, and ignored for so long that those who do not study it academically have a very hard time wading through the information that is out there. Which means very few are introduced to the field, and thus go on to study it. On top of that, I agree with the other comments here which point out the demographic of r/Askhistorians. The main focus tends to be European/American, due to a large part of visitors being of that background.
>In a nutshell? Indian history is apparently very contentious, Is this opinion present amongst Historians and Academic circle too? Also are Historians afraid of getting a political backlash or are they not intrested in getting mired in political slapfights over any topic of indian history they discuss?
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Who is Sai?
Sai is the ghost in the machine.
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Production quality was pretty des though
I felt this video raised more questions then it answered. It also ended on a note that was not cohesive with the context of the start of the video.
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Unfortunate because Rusev is great in ring.
You're right. I think if they would've seen him as a main event guy, they would've already done something with him.
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Agree. My friend is a Suicide Girl with 112k followers. Most the rude comments I see her get are women. Only rude comments she gets from men they were being nice a few comments prior until she rejected them.
Go in Instagram and find any IG model and you'll see that 97% of the rude comments are coming from other women
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Well they are gang members and criminals so why would they care what politicians sat about them? Or were you referring to All black people in Chicago?
With this particular group of people, it's a political grenade to tell them they're the problem.
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Damn idk I know there are a ton of free mmorpgs similar to what WoW was back in the day do some searching i'm sure you will find something that will pique your interest
Most games hold no interest for me. I'd have to use Google to learn what CSGO is. :) I used to play WoW, but had to give it up when $15/mo became a noticeable part of the budget.
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Can you link me plz. In return ill give you the original pilot GOT script. most likely real, or good fake. This is potentially the unaired pilot draft
That makes sense. Although I did find a copy of movie script Troy online once, which her hubby Benioff wrote, and the prose and description of scenes were beautiful. Now I want to get my hands on a GoT script...
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Tweey this to hannity please!!![photographer of podesta's naked teenager "art work" also took photos of Obama in 2016 and works for the NYT](
Tweet Hannity. He just tweeted about this himself
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Jesus fuck I forgot the game is 17 years old
After 17 years of runescape, zezima has ran out of fucks to give.
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Right. Trans people are kinda gross, we don't need to be giving them all this attention. Just let them exist separate of the rest of us.
It's just SJWs with nothing better to do making an issue about something that 99.999% of the population doesn't care about. Eventually they'll move onto something else equally forgettable.
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Wasn't that Christopher Plummer?
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of Skyrim when Max von Sydow started talking
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And her badunkadunk.
Jesus loves her.
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The FCC application has the avoidance strategy outlined. Basically they avoid using uplinks and downlinks at more than 40 degrees to the vertical to avoid scattering towards the horizon. They also avoid transmitting towards geo orbit on the uplinks and towards existing ground stations on the downlink. Interference can appear from sidelobes on the phased arrays but they should be at least 40-50dB down.
This should be interesting. Ku and Ka bands are already filling up with other satcom operators around the globe. Geostationary companies should have lots to say about SpX using/near their frequencies. Since SpX will be closer in LEO, they'll easily overpower the GEO operators signals...the crosslinks between satellites is straight forward (milsatcom has been doing this for years). It's the uplink and downlink in the RF bands that will pose the most headache for SpX to pull this off. I also see the phase array tracking challenge on both the satellite and the user station to be a non-trivial problem to solve. This will largely be predicated on what datarates/bandwidth the user needs (e.g. voice may not need phased array, but data will...)
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You should kill yourself then. It would make the world that much more bearable for the rest of us and it wouldnt be any sort of a loss.
Look at the jaw on this little niglet can't even close his mouth the right way. His face is deformed and shit no wonder I used to whip em.Pieces of shit. I already have negative karma and I've been trying to go positive but it doesn't work.
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Ok sorry. But Im confused, the comment has not been removed.
>Yea sure. And Daesh still holds Ramadi and Tikrit. Dont believe otherwise. And Palmyra and Kobani too. Removed and warned: needlessly sarcastic
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sheamus is a heel though why would they pair him and becky? like i know they both are irish but it wouldnt work unless they had planned on turning him face which they could of done had they made everyone turn on him in the league of nations instead of just rushing it to end them.
I am shocked that they haven't put Sheamus and Becky together already. BTW, don't call women hoes.
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> What kind of argument is that? Ironically your argument seems to be the exactly same what you claim OP's argument to be, just the opposite way: keep doing the current 'left wing things' and full steam ahead with multiculturalism or... only other alternative is full facism. There's nothing between them. Imaginary concentration camps are your tool of scaremongering.
What kind of argument is that? Stop caring about the lives of the disadvantaged, about the rights of all people, don't take in the victims of war. In other words, start doing right wing things, or else right wing people will get upset. What you're suggesting is that we shouldn't ever follow left politics in fear of the response of the right. Also nobody gives a shit about gender identity politics in the general population. That's just the internet, don't delude yourself. Populism in Europe is about Muslims, and fearmongering on immigrants and refugees.
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You self appointed karma police / wannabe mods are so fucking annoying, nobody cares who gets the points and now space gets to see it too. What does it matter to you
You even copied the title word to word, what the fuck? Stop karma-whoring.
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At least our behavior is nonsensical, cheeky, and stupid. We dont poison peoples trees and ruin traditions forever. Fuck off you Updike motherfucker.
Smart strategy--confuse them with nonsensical behavior. Classic Auburn.
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I think you may be right! Bolt action rifles don't leave that many holes, and are perfectly safe pool side.
No fully automatic weapons was my take.
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It is unfortunate that you take a dim view of me :( The intention of the post was to state to the poster that the question was outside of the scope of the reddit due to the rules. He asked 'When was the last time a trebuchet was used in battle?'. Given that the answer is 'less than a year ago', there is no way of directly answering the question truthfully without making reference to that. I thus gave a short response showing that they were in use, and did not go into any futher depth. It was not my intention to state that I was in any way above the rules, simply that in this specific case, there was no way of honestly answering without breaking it. Others have stated that I should have discussed its use in modern times and then stated generally that 'there are also more recent examples', but that does not actually answer the poster's question. I disagree with your comments regarding disrespect in the second paragraph. If one reads the comment, it clearly does not flippantly state that I don't care or that 'I know I am not meant to do this, but...'. Instead it simply states that there is no way of answering the question directly without breaking the rule. Consider the following question: "When was the last time U2 played a concert?". If I responded: "Unfortunately, to answer this, one must break the 20 year rule: it was the worldwide 'INNOCENCE' tour in 2015", and went into no more significant depth, would that be considered 'disrespectful'?
**Edit** As I've noted [elsewhere](, returning to this post the next day, it was overly hostile and antagonistic towards both the OP and the community in general. The fundamental values it lays out are just as correct, but, to be frank, I didn't have to be such a jerk about explaining them, and does break our own incivility rules. I'm leaving it up and unedited, but I apologise to /u/ikkeutelukkes and the community, and will try to improve. --- Hi, To address part of your question - the warning that was issued. The AskHistorians mod team is extremely stern in dealing with what I usually call 'mea-culpa' rule violations. These are violations where the poster acknowledges that they are fully aware of the rules of the Subreddit ("This will get removed for speculation," "I know personal anecdotes aren't allowed, but..." "I'm breaking the twenty year rule to talk about this, but..."), and despite acknowledging that these rules exist, choose to violate them anyway. Doing this is the height of disrespect to the AskHistorians community. You disrespect other contributors by intentionally disregarding the rules by which they abide, you disrespect the Subreddit culture by intentionally providing contributions which do not meet our standards, and you disrespect the moderators by acknowledging that you're happy to waste our time and effort, because you know you're violating the Subreddit rules and you don't care that we'll have to devote time and effort to addressing your violation. Ignorance of the rules is not a defence for breaking them, but by clearly demonstrating that they're *not* ignorant of the rules, posters who make 'mea-culpa' posts are demonstrating the don't care about respecting community standards, and rather than considering a mea-culpa qualifier as some sort of defence for a rule-breaking post, we generally upgrade whatever mod-action we would otherwise take. Our responses are not always consistent from mod to mod, which is something we need to clarify and codify in the future, but I, for example, generally respond to mea-culpa rule breaches with a three day temporary ban. To briefly address the second half of your statement: if, on AskHistorians, you have to choose between answering a question by breaking a rule, or not answering the question, you don't answer the question. If you feel there are exceptional circumstances, you're more than welcome to contact us in modmail to ask about what can/should be posted. It's as simple as that, and it applies to everyone, from brand new users to moderators. Yesterday I found myself in a similar situation to the OP of this discussion. In [this]( thread, a question arose about the Australian government's response or lack thereof to the killing of a number of Australian journalists in East Timor in 1975. I had the capacity to answer this question. To do so fully would mean providing both a detailed explanation of the response to the killings, which would not violate any rules, and also providing a discussion of the *motivations* for this response, which would require me to clearly move into the realm of politics and diplomacy between Indonesia and Australia in the last twenty years, and thus break our no-current-events rule. So I provided the former, and not the latter. The question was not completely answered, which is unfortunate. Nonetheless, it was answered to the best of my ability within the purview of AskHistorians' standards, and I am happy to have provided a quality, if incomplete, explanation. In summary: our rules exist for a reason. None of us is above them, and people who choose to break them while actively acknowledging that they are doing so are claiming by extension that they, and their contributions, should not have to abide by the standards of AskHistorians. As a result, we take a very dim view of such posters.
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I'm Indian. The pot won't even get you high it's such bad quality. Some people cook it into roti to fix a headache but that's about it. Heroin is the big drug there.
Eh, nope. Pot is far easier to obtain and far more common - in the cities anyway. I won't deny that the quality is terrible though...but it is pot and it is very very cheap.
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I don't have any qualms if they give even 64 kBps (KiloBytes), but the pity is they don't. Post the FUP, the speed is pathetic, its not even 64kbps (kilobits).
Are you sure it's not 64 kBps? which is the same as 512 kbps.
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There really needs to be more air time to state races and more information about how to attend local races.
It's very easy to get distracted - the Presidency is the "flashiest" office, and despite the local officials being **more important** (as state governments are allotted far more power under the Constitution than the federal government), nobody really pays attention to them because the national news outlets don't cover them.
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My wife is from southeast PA. She agrees that American cheese is the original, and is the best. I'm from the south and I love her Yankee cooking.
I assume you mean the original sauce type? The original cheese was American, at least according to the guy who claims to have added cheese in the first place. The came provolone. Wiz was much later. [I think Wiz got a reputation as the original because American and provolone weren't being served during the '70s.](
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Oh boy, what a baby.
To let you know, you're an asshole buddy. Blocked.
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> A man who is currently being investigated for child rape. Wait, what?
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Are you able to help children with their homework? I doubt it pays much, but I suck at math and would happily pay $10 or so an hour a couple of times a week for someone to help him with his homework. That could be done at the library or some other public place. Something to think about anyway.
Funny factoid time! I would be lying if a teeny tiny sliver of me didn't see this coming from a mile away. So I put a resume up on CL not too long ago and every single damn one of the 30+ emails I got in response were sugar daddies or people trying to pay me to cuddle/wear lingerie/shit on their kitchen table. Cool to know that if I ever *really* need to make money in a pinch that I have options, but until I'm literally starving to death, I think good ol' Craig and I need some space. Edited because "I'm ooooooool' Craaaaaaig! Sorry. I had to.
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> pick a shaman deck Why doesn't he just kill himself, then? Saves him the cancer spreading
Fair warning the first week is legend players making the climb back and a lot of aggro Usually week 2 is a good time to start climbing But pick a shaman deck, learn it in and out and your opponents and get hearthstone deck tracker for your PC so you can look at your stats
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I don't agree with this at all and I find it odd how readily you dissociate culture and religion. Muslims constantly contradict each other because there doesn't exist a single interpretation of Islamic beliefs and laws, and there never will. It's impossible to deduce a pefect interpretation of axioms and laws as poorly formed as they are within Islam. Unless you actually believe in their god you can't have any other interpretation really. The reality is women are persecuted and treated horribly in many muslim societies and arguing that only koranists of one particular type are the only true scotsman is a no go.
So if some white Christian fundamentalist preacher rando said the same thing, could I say the same thing about all Christians? Islam and feminism are completely compatible. I'm very tired of having to explain this. The problem is culture, old traditions passed on from generation to generation by word of mouth, a lot of them with no basis in religious text but passed on as a thing required by the religion anyway. It's really important that Islamic communities have this type of discourse, without people like this commentor barging in and telling everyone they're all backwards. We want progress. This doesn't help.
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It gets confusing sometimes. Watermarking is not a bad idea at all. Also, looks good! Funny how we're (or I guess you) are using fairly advanced engines and whatnot to do... Pixel graphics
What a shitstorm with the stolen OC... Jeeeez the internet is scary!
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He posts to r/the_donald and r/dickgirls. That's a weird mix for how much t_d hates ts
He's a troll. Look at the list of subreddits he moderates. RapeWorthy_Feminists is one of them. Vile person.
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THAT'S the fanfic I want.
Then he kisses him on the lips, real slow like.
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I'm so doing this flair thing permanently now
I mean, I get it that some of us are more notorious for making the assertion that sometimes an Alabama turd may not in fact smell like roses, but those were some pretty extreme reactions [lol](
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Honestly, it just sounds utterly disgusting.
I can't see any difference between soaking up blood and soaking up semen. The dangers with tampons come with length of use. One would be in for a much shorter time after sex. I've done this if I have to go somewhere and really don't want to deal with any leakage.
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If I had an attention span I wouldn't need breaks on Reddit to finish a book. Those trips through la la land keep me going.
I click on these links to find out what people think. Invariably and almost immediately someone thinks of something **HILARIOUS** to themselves, they post it and the thread goes on a skipping trip through la la land.
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`set transaction isolation level committed to asylum;`
*set transaction level uncommited*
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Similar questions are asked semi-regularly on /r/artificial and /r/agi. I typically recommend to check out the [AGI Society's resources](, their [journal](, and [YouTube channel]( with videos from conferences and the [2013 summer school]( I would also recommend reading Ben Goertzel's 2014 [overview paper]( and Pei Wang's [Gentle Introduction to AGI]( Here are some education plans that AGI researchers have listed: * [Suggested Education for Future AGI Researchers]( by Pei Wang * [Sketch of an AGI Curriculum]( by Ben Goertzel * [Marcus' AI Recommendation Page]( by Marcus Hutter If you want to get involved long-term, you will probably just have to start out "regularly" with degrees in AI (or CS, ML, CogSci, math, maybe philosophy...) to learn the basics before being able to *really* dive into AGI. > What long term efforts in this area are ongoing? Ben Goertzel mentions quite a few in the paper I linked and I once posted an incomplete list [here](
In October, the White House released [The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan](, in which a desire for funding sustained research in General AI is expressed. How would you suggest a researcher should get involved in such research? What long term efforts in this area are ongoing?
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It irritates me how much distance Wisconsin drivers leave between vehicles, either when they come up to pass or after they pass and merge back into the lane. Just lemme get some double sided tape and we'll save a little gas here, ya fucks. As a FIB transplant, though, I love the passing lanes wisconsin puts near all the left hand turns. Fucking beautiful.
I've been living in Wisconsin for just over a year now and goddamn does it annoy me how many people travel in the left lane on two lane highways. Fuck.
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Easier yes, but that doesn't mean it's not still damned difficult in the scheme of things. It's not the ones you can see you have to worry about.
That doesn't change the fact that big asteroids that might threaten our species are a lot easier to detect than ones like Chelybanisk and we are getting better at detecting smaller ones all the time.
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Okay, what I said goes for the whole game, you only got one TD
Not a credit to your d but credit poor time management
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Yep! It's Vivillon, all right.
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Sure, though in the case of Gadafi, sure we armed him and out him in power. He did what we needed him to do but then he started going off script and being a demented ass dictator. Eventually he pushed enough buttons to warrant his removal. Mubarak as well. But for a long time they were allies. Not sure what happened with the Mujahideen though.
Rule of thumb: if we arm them and then abandon them as soon as they're not useful anymore... they'll be tomorrow's enemy.
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Inman, Enunwa, Garcon, Boldin are all available. Any of those seem worth grabbing? Or I could pick up Gilli to handcuff my McCoy.
Probably. Pcl injuries linger with effect. Who can you pick up when you drop him?
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Hey, if it makes you feel better to drastically oversimplify things, then go right ahead. This isn't about policing people's habits. It's about making sure social welfare achieves what it is intended for. The state owes you a basic standard of living that includes the necessities. Vice and luxury are not included. Like everyone else, you should pay for those with your own money. Food stamps fail to achieve their purpose by providing for luxury. It's ass backwards. Everyone is entitled to the necessities, but not luxury. It's completely equal. Also, it's not like one can't have an ideological view without agreeing on some issues with others across the aisle. It's because people like you don't understand how that's possible that we have such rancorous discord in political debate forums.
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Yeah, Baylor has such a great fucking track record, especially with your men's basketball and football teams...
Of course you don't, which is way you're not in charge of squat.
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Committed relationship: sure, if everyone is in the mood, why not. Rando at the bar: no way in hell.
I'm 32, and if you think I'm fucking a one night stand on her period you're out your damn mind
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Jeff! Check him out on Instagram @jeffthecorgi
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, he says looking into the mirror.
That's a very poorly informed opinion, you don't know what you're talking about and you add nothing to the discussion
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Nope, just a really really old EZ checking.
Citi gold?
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The alt right doesn't believe in a 'forwards' or 'backwards'. That is an ideal of Whiggism and such related ideologies. The alt right bases its views on what best suits human nature.
I really can't believe some people still think this way today, how does that even happen? How are some people going *backwards*? I'm from a country where women (along with many more minorities like LGBTQ, etc) have it hard, really hard. And we're trying so hard to make it better and more equal **in** third world countries, so when I see that many people in Europe and the US still think like that, that really depresses me, makes working for it here even harder.
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Quality shitpost
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Not nearly Nazi enough... I think you mean *Tiwazday*, after a proper *Germanic* God.
Not weird at all if you are a white supremacist. That's just called Tuesday.
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I'd burn their place down.
I recently heard much the same from my cousin. Yelp sales people called him & hinted if he didn't pay for some vague service he may incur less favorable reviews of his small business. He told them to "f*ck off". Within a month bad reviews of his business started appearing... many which discribed service he doesn't recall doing... He got another sales call... this time asking if he'd like to reconsider the yelp service he'd previously turned down... he emailed me asking about all this & doing a web search I found YELPs been investigated twice but no charges were filed because either the threats sre too vague or could not be proven.
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Agree, know that's not really Godzilla but seriously wish that was how it was done. Well not terrorizing humanity really but wish it was more of a horror.
The trailers were epic, but then it was disappointing how Muto seemed to get more attention in the movie. Personally I was hoping it would be a movie about Godzilla terrorizing humanity with humanity having no way to stop him. What it really was was Godzilla fighting Muto completely indifferent to humanity. I guess I was looking for Cloverfield with Godzilla.
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Hello /r/all! Please read the sidebar, and take note that we are an explicitly anticapitalist sub. This sub is for *socialists*. If you are a liberal and want to get involved with this sub, please do some basic reading first. We recommend starting with these short texts: [The Principles of Communism, Friedrich Engels]( [Why Socialism?, Albert Einstein]( [The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism, Vladimir Lenin]( [The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx]( [Combat Liberalism, Mao Tse-tung]( [Anarchism: What it Really Stands For, Emma Goldman]( In addition, it is recommended you visit /r/communism101, /r/socialism_101, or /r/anarchy101. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/socialism) if you have any questions or concerns.*
I don't undestand the "defend ourselves" argument in the US. (From either left or right-wing gun supporters) Even if you have the biggest small-arms arsenal ever, they're still small-arms. The US military can murder a whole batallion of rebels with a drone piloted by someone who doesn't even step out of their reinforced bunker.
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Too many feelings. Separate feelings from facts. You can feel any way you choose, but post, I assume looking for feedback, and your feelings are hurt by people on the Internet?? You care way too much about what other people think. You need to make YOUR life. When you're doing you, you don't have time to worry about what everyone else thinks. I clean toilets, don't wear makeup, sometimes don't look in the mirror for days, yes I do shower. I don't get any ones approval before I pay my mortgage or my electric every month. The only way someone can hurt my feelings is by telling me something I know to be true, but don't want hear, and still that is more guilt, I wouldn't be upset with the person. I worked for everything I have and none of it was easy, still isn't, but when you have your own place and your own garden and you can see the fruits of your labor, well, you keep going, because the other choice is to be a person like you, my mom, my sister, my friend, that just moan and whine and say they can't. I'm being honest man, I'm not trying to be harsh. Stop looking for approval and start finding something that makes you feel like you accomplished something. Good luck! Xoxo
You called me privileged because I chose to leave an abusive home and stay in college, and then said I was terminally immature when I was hurt by it. Are you a sociopath or something?? Also idk who's down voting you but it's not me, I haven't downvoted or upvoted anyone lol
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Someone posted it above
Who got a rip for the song?
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Can I come too? Don't have a starship.
Welp, that thread was the final straw. It's time. I'm calling up Judith Butler, Jason Momoa, and my cats right now and we're all blasting off into space in my rad starship, Full Transsexualism. Farewell, cis hell orb. I would say it's been fun, but it really, really hasn't.
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Thanks for letting me now how you're doing. I'm glad to hear you're doing a little better today, and that you've spoken to your parents. Being open with them about how you're feeling sounds like a very positive step. Do you feel that talking to them helped at all? You are not obliged to respond, so only respond if you'd like to continue talking. In any case, I'll be wishing you the best.
Not really. My parents just rarely seem happy with me. But I'm doing better today, and I've talked to them about it. Thanks for replying.
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Not rude at all. I was just thinking of "smaller" as non-Great Houses, but I suppose "vassal houses" would have been more accurate.
Not to be rude but the Mallisters are not a "smaller" house. They are actually the 2nd most powerful House in the Riverlands under House Frey.
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counterquestion can you answer my question instead of asking a unnecessary question?
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That's stereotyping. Their cultural thing that has women giggling and looking/acting like little girls is annoying. Physically I'm not attracted to flat faces or hooded eyelids on any race of person. If it's racist, I guess I'm racist. It's not a turn on for me, sorry.
I'm sorry... all Asians are annoying? Yeah that's definitely racist.
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Thanks for taking the time! Ill definitely be checking those out when I get home from work! :)
Your comment just made me want to reach out. I have suffered from depression for 17 years. The point is that at some point you taught yourself to follow every crap thought down the rabbit hole. (if you're anything like me you can however drop every good thought, every achievement, every hopeful moment like it's hot) To get out of that you have to relearn thinking and feeling to an extent. As mentioned countless times above, mindfulness is a very helpful tool. I do a guided five minute meditation ([this one]( but there's a buttload of them around) when I get anxious or sad or otherwise overwhelmed. It helps me get back in the watcher position and off the bad emotion ride. (it's normal to struggle during meditation, accepting that is part of the growth process and kind of the point). You can learn to just forget it. I never felt like I had an option in what to feel or what to think, especially not if it was about negative thoughts or feelings. I identified entirely with my mind. Realizing that I'm neither my feelings nor my thoughts was very freeing (Eckhart Tolle has a good explanation [here, 16 min in to however long you can take^^]( )
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Probably very nice hotel when they knowingly insult their customers.
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OK, I didn't offer an opinion so much as state why I didn't vote. I'll just take your refusal to answer the questions as your admission that you were talking out of your ass.
I don't care about your opinions.
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You suck, pure and simple. That's fine, most people suck at this game. But stop acting like you are good when you can't even play something properly and have to cheese it and cheat to beat it. You suck, you are awful at the game, and you know this is true. If you didn't agree with me subconsciously, you wouldn't keep responding, but inside, you know that I am right. Listen, I know a lot about being bad at this game, I can spot someone who is bad a mile away, and you are pinging my radar hard. Strive for greatness, set a record without cheesing, show people how to play the game the skilled way instead of being a lazy shit sack. Then you might find the respect and admiration that you can't even find inside yourself.
You keep finishing the raid in an hour and a half, while I finish it in 31:10. Your definitions of what is greatness and mediocre are funny. I would say finishing the raid 3x faster than you is better. I have said this multiple times, but since you asked again... > Why cheese if you are so skilled? **Because it is faster** That is all I care about at this point. Getting the raid done fast.
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Why is that a bad thing that there are no games with blood and face punching ? I am very tired of these gritty, adult, pseudo badass looking games.... they are so generic nowadays. Respect other people and if they enjoy something you don't well... good for them, no ?
Nope. Nintendo has never even tried to be better than the competition in terms of performance, graphics, controls, etc. They only focus on simple easily learned gimmicks designed to keep little johnny quietly sitting in the corner while the grown ups talk. Well that and their entire catalogue seems to consist of family friendly drivel that has no blood or proper face punching.
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didn't get anything
Check PM
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But somehow they find enough ugly men.
Yeah but... people would find it cruel to tell a woman, "Okay, you're playing the *ugly* girl because you're ugly." Right? That's why I always assumed these decently attractive people are always playing the "ugly" or "different" girl. If they had a casting call that said "ugly girls wanted for *the ugly girl* roles", I'd imagine whatever studio would do this would get quite the load of crap on their doorstep. So what are they supposed to do?
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No, the fact that your parents didn't want to talk to you for a month...
It was a joke. I was 12 so i was old enough not to make a scene in public and my mom came out like ten seconds later
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Obama abused executive power left and right.
>im abusing mod powers Next 4 years in a nutshell.
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Is "hating" the same as "don't give a shit" in your homosocialist redefinition dictionaries?
Can't be that proud if he's hanging out with people that hate him. The GOP has become an LGBT hate group
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Damn you're petty as fuck cunt
Who cares learn how to check properly before u post a trade :p
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Given that you're sitting there agitating for a war to kill all the muslims, that's some hypocrisy you're wearing.
So moderate, so compatible with civilized nations.
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Seriously? I replied to a comment about violent abusers and discussed a violent abuser.
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שאלת הדרוזים בסוריה כישות עצמאית הועלתה, באופן זמני, ב־1967 על ידי יגאל אלון, אז שר בכיר בממשלה. במהלך מלחמת ששת הימים הציע אלון תוכנית להקמת מדינה דרוזית בג׳בל א־דרוז. אלון ניסה לשכנע את משה דיין ואת מפקדי פיקוד הצפון לפנות את כוחות צה״ל, שזה עתה כבשו את רמת הגולן, דרומה לעבר ג׳בל א־דרוז במקום צפונה לעבר דמשק. בזיכרונות שהקליט אלון לפני מותו בשנת 1980 הוא אמר: ״ביקרתי בסווידא כמה פעמים וחלמתי את חלום הרפובליקה הדרוזית, שתשתרע על פני דרום סוריה, כולל הגולן, בברית צבאית עם ישראל. בניתי הרבה גם על העדה הדרוזית בארץ, שהייתה מאורגנת כבר בצה״ל, שהם יכולים לשמש גשר בינינו לבין הדרוזים האחרים״. כיום איש כבר לא חולם חלומות
They're literally destroying other country's rockets. That's despicable.
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tape what? i don't have a vhs nor audio cassette recorder nor even some sellotape. i used to have [one of these]( but not anymore.
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fuck you, a snob to you is probably anyone with actual taste. drink ur swill and kys
I agree, coffee and beer snobs both suck.
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Cool, il add you! Just to confirm, are we doing Mew+Genesect for Xerneas+Darkrai?
yea that's fine
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<3 Be strong.
thank you.
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He's awful in his own special way
I really wish everyone would stop saying that Pence is the same. I hate Mike Pence but stop pretending that he's the same as Trump.
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Ha ha ha, with the little trees! I'm dying!
[ What is this..... a wall for ants? ](
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