11 values
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event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 15, flow_pkts_toclient: 13, flow_bytes_toserver: 2841, flow_bytes_toclient: 7514, flow_age: 8, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4264746, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: OU=Domain Control Validated, OU=Gandi Standard Wildcard SSL, CN=*.mediapostcommunication.net, tls_issuerdn: C=FR, ST=Paris, L=Paris, O=Gandi, CN=Gandi Standard SSL CA 2, tls_serial: 2D:F9:9F:27:74:F5:68:6E:20:05:1C:24:5A:58:C6:72, tls_fingerprint: 95:cf:35:89:aa:f0:8a:4a:3f:f7:e2:c2:2d:53:d8:43:a6:88:1f:40, tls_sni: av.mediapostcommunication.net, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2016-09-12T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2017-11-03T23:59:59
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event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 158, flow_bytes_toclient: 190, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 19267, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 5965, dns_rrname: redirector.gvt1.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 19268, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 5965, dns_rrname: redirector.gvt1.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 19271, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 5965, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: redirector.gvt1.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: redirector.gvt1.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 299, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 19272, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 5965, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: redirector.gvt1.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: redirector.gvt1.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 299, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 186, flow_bytes_toclient: 308, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 272946, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 52369, dns_rrname: _kerberos-master._udp.TESTBED1.CA, dns_rrtype: SRV, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 272947, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 52369, dns_rrname: _kerberos-master._udp.TESTBED1.CA, dns_rrtype: SRV, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 272948, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 52369, dns_flags: 8583, dns_qr: True, dns_aa: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: _kerberos-master._udp.TESTBED1.CA, dns_rrtype: SRV, dns_rcode: NXDOMAIN, dns_authorities_0_rrname: testbed1.ca, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 3600, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: dc.testbed1.ca, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: hostmaster.testbed1.ca, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 57, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 900, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 600, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 86400, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600 ; pcap_cnt: 272950, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 52369, dns_flags: 8583, dns_qr: True, dns_aa: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: _kerberos-master._udp.TESTBED1.CA, dns_rrtype: SRV, dns_rcode: NXDOMAIN, dns_authorities_0_rrname: testbed1.ca, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 3600, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: dc.testbed1.ca, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: hostmaster.testbed1.ca, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 57, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 900, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 600, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 86400, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600
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event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 156, flow_bytes_toclient: 212, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 3906418, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 19082, dns_rrname: www.tns-counter.ru, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 3906419, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 19082, dns_rrname: www.tns-counter.ru, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 3908045, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 19082, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: www.tns-counter.ru, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: www.tns-counter.ru, dns_answers_0_rrtype: AAAA, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1681, dns_answers_0_rdata: 2001:06d0:4001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002, dns_grouped_AAAA_0: 2001:06d0:4001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002 ; pcap_cnt: 3908046, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 19082, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: www.tns-counter.ru, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: www.tns-counter.ru, dns_answers_0_rrtype: AAAA, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1681, dns_answers_0_rdata: 2001:06d0:4001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002, dns_grouped_AAAA_0: 2001:06d0:4001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 148, flow_bytes_toclient: 180, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 4064492, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 56113, dns_rrname: www.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 4064493, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 56113, dns_rrname: www.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 4064494, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 56113, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: www.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: www.google.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 246, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 4064495, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 56113, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: www.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: www.google.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 246, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 1, flow_pkts_toclient: 1, flow_bytes_toserver: 88, flow_bytes_toclient: 104, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 73242, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 58507, dns_rrname: ocsp.comodoca.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 73244, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 58507, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: ocsp.comodoca.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: ocsp.comodoca.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 19, flow_pkts_toclient: 22, flow_bytes_toserver: 3519, flow_bytes_toclient: 11243, flow_age: 61, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 1457571, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=US, ST=New York, L=New York, O=AppNexus, Inc., OU=TechOps-EUC1OAS, CN=oasc-eu1.247realmedia.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3, tls_serial: 08:B6:72:AF:96:C4:8A:D5:D5:44:5A:3D:EB:AC:28:60, tls_fingerprint: b4:51:49:e4:75:80:bf:f7:d3:96:a7:02:f7:85:c0:e0:7e:d7:91:ad, tls_sni: openad.tf1.fr, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2017-04-10T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2017-10-26T23:59:59
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 14, flow_pkts_toclient: 9, flow_bytes_toserver: 1808, flow_bytes_toclient: 2110, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 6945732, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_session_resumed: True, tls_sni: ads.adaptv.advertising.com, tls_version: TLSv1
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 5, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 778, flow_bytes_toclient: 1198, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 74100, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname: ocsp.comodoca.com, http_url: /, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0, http_http_content_type: application/ocsp-response, http_http_method: POST, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 472 ; pcap_cnt: 74100, event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_hostname: ocsp.comodoca.com, http_url: /, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0, http_http_content_type: application/ocsp-response, http_http_method: POST, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 472, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 84, fileinfo_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 74146, event_type: fileinfo, proto: TCP, http_hostname: ocsp.comodoca.com, http_url: /, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0, http_http_content_type: application/ocsp-response, http_http_method: POST, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 472, app_proto: http, fileinfo_filename: /, fileinfo_gaps: False, fileinfo_state: CLOSED, fileinfo_stored: False, fileinfo_size: 472, fileinfo_tx_id: 0
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 8, flow_bytes_toserver: 1177, flow_bytes_toclient: 5907, flow_age: 22, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 6761729, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: OU=Domain Control Validated, CN=*.connexity.net, tls_issuerdn: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=GoDaddy.com, Inc., OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, tls_serial: 00:DB:BC:F9:17:59:FD:74:B9, tls_fingerprint: 77:66:a1:d8:9c:43:1e:c2:14:06:cf:2f:86:22:00:ab:6d:3f:a7:a7, tls_sni: pxl.connexity.net, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2016-08-30T21:07:38, tls_notafter: 2017-08-30T21:07:38
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 21, flow_pkts_toclient: 17, flow_bytes_toserver: 2095, flow_bytes_toclient: 5803, flow_age: 181, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8042236, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Mountain View, O=Google Inc, CN=*.google.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=Google Inc, CN=Google Internet Authority G2, tls_serial: 0C:C5:FF:9E:7F:90:1B:22, tls_fingerprint: 71:65:fd:90:6f:e3:b4:f0:80:72:2e:3d:c1:2e:0a:c7:fd:84:88:49, tls_sni: www.gstatic.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2017-06-28T09:26:00, tls_notafter: 2017-09-20T09:26:00
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 988, flow_bytes_toclient: 603, flow_age: 10, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 5796760, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_session_resumed: True, tls_sni: dtm.advertising.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 0, flow_bytes_toserver: 138, flow_bytes_toclient: 0, flow_age: 0, flow_state: new, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 5991868, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 49955, dns_rrname: http-s.ws, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 5991869, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 49955, dns_rrname: http-s.ws, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 17, flow_pkts_toclient: 24, flow_bytes_toserver: 2103, flow_bytes_toclient: 26895, flow_age: 3, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 97469, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=FR, OID(, ST=Paris, L=Paris, OID( rue d'Athènes, O=Blogmusik, OU=Deezer, OU=Gandi Pro Wildcard SSL, CN=*.deezer.com, tls_issuerdn: C=FR, ST=Paris, L=Paris, O=Gandi, CN=Gandi Pro SSL CA 2, tls_serial: 5A:8C:B3:2E:DD:09:0A:D9:61:1D:7E:C9:6A:7F:B4:AD, tls_fingerprint: bc:fe:37:93:4f:25:a6:52:c3:f8:05:8f:b1:b6:19:16:1e:86:7b:c7, tls_sni: www.deezer.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2016-06-29T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2019-08-04T23:59:59
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 168, flow_bytes_toclient: 290, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 26685, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 14667, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 26686, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 14667, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 26699, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 14667, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname:, dns_answers_0_rrtype: PTR, dns_answers_0_ttl: 56, dns_answers_0_rdata: ec2-52-43-87-30.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com, dns_grouped_PTR_0: ec2-52-43-87-30.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com ; pcap_cnt: 26700, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 14667, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname:, dns_answers_0_rrtype: PTR, dns_answers_0_ttl: 56, dns_answers_0_rdata: ec2-52-43-87-30.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com, dns_grouped_PTR_0: ec2-52-43-87-30.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 35, flow_pkts_toclient: 33, flow_bytes_toserver: 5552, flow_bytes_toclient: 11229, flow_age: 185, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, metadata_flowbits_0: ETPRO.Lazarus1, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 3614787, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, metadata_flowbits_0: ETPRO.Lazarus1, tls_subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Mountain View, O=Google Inc, CN=www.google.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=Google Inc, CN=Google Internet Authority G2, tls_serial: 01:18:F0:44:A8:F3:18:92, tls_fingerprint: de:9a:96:cf:4a:cc:52:a3:d6:3d:3d:f4:5c:33:ef:27:31:5b:71:32, tls_sni: www.google.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2017-06-28T10:07:46, tls_notafter: 2017-09-20T09:27:00
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 1, flow_pkts_toclient: 1, flow_bytes_toserver: 82, flow_bytes_toclient: 258, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6585560, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 49688, dns_rrname: e.nexac.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6585773, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 49688, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: e.nexac.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: e.nexac.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 12, dns_answers_0_rdata: gtm02.nexac.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: gtm02.nexac.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_1_ttl: 18, dns_answers_1_rdata: aws-p-or-dc-redirect-service-1099716482.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: gtm02.nexac.com, dns_grouped_CNAME_1: aws-p-or-dc-redirect-service-1099716482.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com, dns_authorities_0_rrname: us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 9, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns-332.awsdns-41.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 1, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 7200, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 900, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 1209600, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 60
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 3, flow_pkts_toclient: 3, flow_bytes_toserver: 301, flow_bytes_toclient: 398, flow_age: 51, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6041206, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 29473, dns_rrname: static.hotjar.netdna-cdn.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6041213, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 37707, dns_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 6041224, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 29473, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: static.hotjar.netdna-cdn.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: netdna-cdn.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 3594, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: dns1.p04.nsone.net, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: hostmaster.nsone.net, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 1499086047, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 600, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 180, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 1209600, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600 ; pcap_cnt: 6041243, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 37707, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 6060201, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 56623, dns_rrname: ssl-google-analytics.l.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 4 ; pcap_cnt: 6060212, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 56623, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: ssl-google-analytics.l.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: ssl-google-analytics.l.google.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 110, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 8, flow_bytes_toserver: 852, flow_bytes_toclient: 6550, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 3777179, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_session_resumed: True, tls_sni: x.bidswitch.net, tls_version: TLS 1.2
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 2604, flow_bytes_toclient: 3832, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 6179582, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: OU=GT17523708, OU=See www.rapidssl.com/resources/cps (c)15, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), CN=*.adsafeprotected.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3, tls_serial: 06:FE:62, tls_fingerprint: ed:e4:68:fa:6e:3c:f1:0e:45:3e:a7:5c:15:8e:36:eb:2e:ca:2a:65, tls_sni: pixel.adsafeprotected.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2015-09-16T18:54:07, tls_notafter: 2018-09-18T19:15:05
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 876, flow_bytes_toclient: 3525, flow_age: 5, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 7757709, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_sni: media.wnyc.org, tls_version: UNDETERMINED
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 158, flow_bytes_toclient: 190, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 5655282, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 54591, dns_rrname: servers1.adriver.ru, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 5655283, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 54591, dns_rrname: servers1.adriver.ru, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 5655284, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 54591, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: servers1.adriver.ru, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: servers1.adriver.ru, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 874, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 5655285, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 54591, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: servers1.adriver.ru, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: servers1.adriver.ru, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 874, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 184, flow_bytes_toclient: 302, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6171877, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 10725, dns_rrname: cdnlastmodified.scribblelive.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6171878, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 10725, dns_rrname: cdnlastmodified.scribblelive.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 6171893, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 10725, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: cdnlastmodified.scribblelive.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: cdnlastmodified.scribblelive.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 24, dns_answers_0_rdata: d3l6k1iwkdpvmd.cloudfront.net, dns_answers_1_rrname: d3l6k1iwkdpvmd.cloudfront.net, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 59, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: d3l6k1iwkdpvmd.cloudfront.net ; pcap_cnt: 6171894, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 10725, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: cdnlastmodified.scribblelive.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: cdnlastmodified.scribblelive.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 24, dns_answers_0_rdata: d3l6k1iwkdpvmd.cloudfront.net, dns_answers_1_rrname: d3l6k1iwkdpvmd.cloudfront.net, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 59, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: d3l6k1iwkdpvmd.cloudfront.net
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 1, flow_pkts_toclient: 1, flow_bytes_toserver: 113, flow_bytes_toclient: 195, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 66476, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 40431, dns_rrname: xs2-1096111735.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 66510, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 40431, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: xs2-1096111735.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 8, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns-1119.awsdns-11.org, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 1, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 7200, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 900, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 1209600, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 60
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event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 168, flow_bytes_toclient: 246, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 368508, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 50089, dns_rrname: vast.bp3859006.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 368509, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 50089, dns_rrname: vast.bp3859006.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 368528, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 50089, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: vast.bp3859006.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: vast.bp3859006.btrll.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 756, dns_answers_0_rdata: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 58, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: geo-rtas.btrll.com ; pcap_cnt: 368529, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 50089, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: vast.bp3859006.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: vast.bp3859006.btrll.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 756, dns_answers_0_rdata: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 58, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_grouped_A_0:
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event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 174, flow_bytes_toclient: 256, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 5186701, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 54984, dns_rrname: googleads.g.doubleclick.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 5186702, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 54984, dns_rrname: googleads.g.doubleclick.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 5186703, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 54984, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: googleads.g.doubleclick.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: googleads.g.doubleclick.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 229, dns_answers_0_rdata: pagead46.l.doubleclick.net, dns_answers_1_rrname: pagead46.l.doubleclick.net, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 229, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: pagead46.l.doubleclick.net ; pcap_cnt: 5186704, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 54984, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: googleads.g.doubleclick.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: googleads.g.doubleclick.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 229, dns_answers_0_rdata: pagead46.l.doubleclick.net, dns_answers_1_rrname: pagead46.l.doubleclick.net, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 229, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: pagead46.l.doubleclick.net
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 156, flow_bytes_toclient: 316, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 5725139, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 43277, dns_rrname: acuityplatform.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 5725140, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 43277, dns_rrname: acuityplatform.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 5725141, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 43277, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: acuityplatform.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: acuityplatform.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 492, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns1.p12.dynect.net, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: himanshu.malani.acuityads.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 244, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 3600, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 600, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 604800 ; pcap_cnt: 5725142, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 43277, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: acuityplatform.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: acuityplatform.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 492, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns1.p12.dynect.net, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: himanshu.malani.acuityads.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 244, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 3600, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 600, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 604800
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 9, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 895, flow_bytes_toclient: 4004, flow_age: 5, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 770779, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_sni: content-signature.cdn.mozilla.net, tls_version: UNDETERMINED
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 1, flow_pkts_toclient: 1, flow_bytes_toserver: 96, flow_bytes_toclient: 152, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6668801, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 4481, dns_rrname: e6913.dscx.akamaiedge.net, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6668938, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 4481, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: e6913.dscx.akamaiedge.net, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: e6913.dscx.akamaiedge.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: AAAA, dns_answers_0_ttl: 19, dns_answers_0_rdata: 2001:0418:143c:0185:0000:0000:0000:1b01, dns_answers_1_rrname: e6913.dscx.akamaiedge.net, dns_answers_1_rrtype: AAAA, dns_answers_1_ttl: 19, dns_answers_1_rdata: 2001:0418:143c:018b:0000:0000:0000:1b01, dns_grouped_AAAA_0: 2001:0418:143c:0185:0000:0000:0000:1b01, dns_grouped_AAAA_1: 2001:0418:143c:018b:0000:0000:0000:1b01
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 148, flow_bytes_toclient: 260, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6575881, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 588, dns_rrname: cm.ctnsnet.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6575883, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 588, dns_rrname: cm.ctnsnet.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 6575975, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 588, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: cm.ctnsnet.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: ctnsnet.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 270, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns1vwx.name.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: support.name.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 1498694400, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 10800, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 3600, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600 ; pcap_cnt: 6575976, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 588, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: cm.ctnsnet.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: ctnsnet.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 270, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns1vwx.name.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: support.name.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 1498694400, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 10800, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 3600, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 16, flow_pkts_toclient: 14, flow_bytes_toserver: 2109, flow_bytes_toclient: 7006, flow_age: 61, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4505558, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_session_resumed: True, tls_sni: s-jp.acxiomapac.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 144, flow_bytes_toclient: 176, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 5305554, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 30929, dns_rrname: cma.jword.jp, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 5305555, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 30929, dns_rrname: cma.jword.jp, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 5305556, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 30929, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: cma.jword.jp, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: cma.jword.jp, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 58, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 5305557, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 30929, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: cma.jword.jp, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: cma.jword.jp, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 58, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 11, flow_pkts_toclient: 9, flow_bytes_toserver: 3241, flow_bytes_toclient: 4526, flow_age: 5, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 6480758, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Redwood City, O=Turn Inc., CN=*.turn.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA, tls_serial: 0D:D5:CD:72:94:88:20:3E:E4:55:7F:00:31:F3:BD:6A, tls_fingerprint: c3:f2:f2:8b:30:d3:85:59:58:0b:f2:c7:44:91:10:21:2b:49:9c:9f, tls_sni: d.turn.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2016-12-21T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2018-01-30T12:00:00
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 12, flow_pkts_toclient: 9, flow_bytes_toserver: 1236, flow_bytes_toclient: 5055, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4519097, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: OU=Domain Control Validated, CN=*.dropbox.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=GoDaddy.com, Inc., OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, tls_serial: 50:3E:D9:8A:B4:E3:31:16, tls_fingerprint: 84:a5:a3:6e:ff:68:ca:05:c6:30:13:82:9b:e8:ba:d2:e5:ab:4a:7a, tls_sni: photos-5.dropbox.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2016-11-08T20:53:38, tls_notafter: 2017-12-11T01:49:46
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: http, flow_pkts_toserver: 5, flow_pkts_toclient: 5, flow_bytes_toserver: 783, flow_bytes_toclient: 492, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 4504631, event_type: http, proto: TCP, tx_id: 0, http_hostname: ads.yahoo.com, http_url: /pixel?id=2155814&t=2&piggyback=http%3A%2F%2Fads.yahoo.com%2Fcms%2Fv1%3Fesig%3D1~862d802dd86fb59368388ad078a7f298ddbbd0b7%26nwid%3D10000424978%26sigv%3D1, http_http_user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0, http_http_method: GET, http_protocol: HTTP/1.1, http_status: 200, http_length: 0
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 158, flow_bytes_toclient: 238, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 3715528, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 32592, dns_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 3715529, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 32592, dns_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 3715532, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 32592, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 28, dns_answers_0_rdata: clients.l.google.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: clients.l.google.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 119, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: clients.l.google.com, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 3715533, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 32592, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 28, dns_answers_0_rdata: clients.l.google.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: clients.l.google.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 119, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: clients.l.google.com
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 150, flow_bytes_toclient: 356, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6505535, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 64943, dns_rrname: c.go-mpulse.net, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6505536, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 64943, dns_rrname: c.go-mpulse.net, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 6505540, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 64943, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: c.go-mpulse.net, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: c.go-mpulse.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 183, dns_answers_0_rdata: c.go-mpulse.net.cdn.cloudflare.net, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: c.go-mpulse.net.cdn.cloudflare.net, dns_authorities_0_rrname: cloudflare.net, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 570, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns1.cloudflare.net, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: dns.cloudflare.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 2025061052, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 10000, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 2400, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600 ; pcap_cnt: 6505541, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 64943, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: c.go-mpulse.net, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: c.go-mpulse.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 183, dns_answers_0_rdata: c.go-mpulse.net.cdn.cloudflare.net, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: c.go-mpulse.net.cdn.cloudflare.net, dns_authorities_0_rrname: cloudflare.net, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 570, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns1.cloudflare.net, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: dns.cloudflare.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 2025061052, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 10000, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 2400, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 0, flow_bytes_toserver: 138, flow_bytes_toclient: 0, flow_age: 0, flow_state: new, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6510691, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 19593, dns_rrname: http-s.ws, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6510692, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 19593, dns_rrname: http-s.ws, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 1
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 130, flow_bytes_toclient: 130, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 329277, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 18149, dns_rrname: macpc, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 329278, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 18149, dns_rrname: macpc, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 329281, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 18149, dns_flags: 8182, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: macpc, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: SERVFAIL ; pcap_cnt: 329282, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 18149, dns_flags: 8182, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: macpc, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: SERVFAIL
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 178, flow_bytes_toclient: 294, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 4408612, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 306, dns_rrname: stubhub-app.quantummetric.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 4408613, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 306, dns_rrname: stubhub-app.quantummetric.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 4408616, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 306, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: stubhub-app.quantummetric.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: quantummetric.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 870, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ian.ns.cloudflare.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: dns.cloudflare.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 2025093277, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 10000, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 2400, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600 ; pcap_cnt: 4408617, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 306, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: stubhub-app.quantummetric.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: quantummetric.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 870, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ian.ns.cloudflare.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: dns.cloudflare.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 2025093277, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 10000, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 2400, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 604800, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 3600
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event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 156, flow_bytes_toclient: 188, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6510527, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 34765, dns_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6510528, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 34765, dns_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 6510529, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 34765, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 0, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 6510530, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 34765, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: geo-rtas.btrll.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 0, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 16, flow_pkts_toclient: 15, flow_bytes_toserver: 1932, flow_bytes_toclient: 4744, flow_age: 31, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 5645106, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=US, ST=California, L=San Francisco, O=New Relic, Inc., CN=*.nr-data.net, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3, tls_serial: 6B:32:1C:59:1A:7C:30:65:C1:92:82:7C:63:9E:E6:63, tls_fingerprint: ed:85:13:52:fa:2d:e2:7c:25:1b:84:a6:4c:57:83:04:bf:96:fe:95, tls_sni: bam.nr-data.net, tls_version: TLSv1, tls_notbefore: 2016-03-17T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2018-03-17T23:59:59
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 168, flow_bytes_toclient: 264, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 5815736, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 48352, dns_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 5815737, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 48352, dns_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 5815738, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 48352, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 83, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_answers_1_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 83, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_answers_2_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_answers_2_rrtype: A, dns_answers_2_ttl: 83, dns_answers_2_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_A_1:, dns_grouped_A_2: ; pcap_cnt: 5815739, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 48352, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 83, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_answers_1_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 83, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_answers_2_rrname: ap-sonar.sociomantic.com, dns_answers_2_rrtype: A, dns_answers_2_ttl: 83, dns_answers_2_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_A_1:, dns_grouped_A_2:
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 10, flow_bytes_toserver: 2176, flow_bytes_toclient: 1716, flow_age: 1, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: last_ack ; pcap_cnt: 2199903, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_session_resumed: True, tls_sni: simage2.pubmatic.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 1, flow_pkts_toclient: 1, flow_bytes_toserver: 90, flow_bytes_toclient: 130, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6930609, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 14891, dns_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6930610, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 14891, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: clients1.google.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 298, dns_answers_0_rdata: clients.l.google.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: clients.l.google.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 298, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: clients.l.google.com, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 158, flow_bytes_toclient: 288, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 5863266, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 4720, dns_rrname: image2.pubmatic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 5863267, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 4720, dns_rrname: image2.pubmatic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 5863416, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 4720, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: image2.pubmatic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: image2.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1, dns_answers_0_rdata: pug44000nc.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: pug44000nc.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_1_ttl: 81, dns_answers_1_rdata: pug44000n.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_2_rrname: pug44000n.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_2_rrtype: A, dns_answers_2_ttl: 81, dns_answers_2_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: pug44000nc.pubmatic.com, dns_grouped_CNAME_1: pug44000n.pubmatic.com ; pcap_cnt: 5863417, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 4720, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: image2.pubmatic.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: image2.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1, dns_answers_0_rdata: pug44000nc.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_1_rrname: pug44000nc.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_1_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_1_ttl: 81, dns_answers_1_rdata: pug44000n.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_2_rrname: pug44000n.pubmatic.com, dns_answers_2_rrtype: A, dns_answers_2_ttl: 81, dns_answers_2_rdata:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: pug44000nc.pubmatic.com, dns_grouped_CNAME_1: pug44000n.pubmatic.com, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 1, flow_pkts_toclient: 1, flow_bytes_toserver: 85, flow_bytes_toclient: 166, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 53574, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 1653, dns_rrname: cm.netseer.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 53575, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 1653, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: cm.netseer.com, dns_rrtype: AAAA, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_authorities_0_rrname: netseer.com, dns_authorities_0_rrtype: SOA, dns_authorities_0_ttl: 201, dns_authorities_0_soa_mname: ns-855.awsdns-42.net, dns_authorities_0_soa_rname: awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com, dns_authorities_0_soa_serial: 1, dns_authorities_0_soa_refresh: 7200, dns_authorities_0_soa_retry: 900, dns_authorities_0_soa_expire: 1209600, dns_authorities_0_soa_minimum: 86400
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 10, flow_pkts_toclient: 11, flow_bytes_toserver: 2436, flow_bytes_toclient: 7019, flow_age: 11, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1a, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: fin_wait1 ; pcap_cnt: 6010830, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Redwood City, O=Rocket Fuel Inc., OU=Ground Control, CN=*.rfihub.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA, tls_serial: 0E:37:A1:1D:E2:2E:C2:5E:00:97:33:C1:5B:27:40:22, tls_fingerprint: 8a:03:1b:0e:48:af:e5:5f:4e:52:e5:95:64:3a:b1:8d:8f:6b:56:3a, tls_sni: a.rfihub.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2016-07-20T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2019-09-03T12:00:00
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 20, flow_pkts_toclient: 19, flow_bytes_toserver: 3222, flow_bytes_toclient: 5353, flow_age: 34, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1f, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1f, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_rst: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 6733597, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Pasadena, O=OpenX Technologies, CN=*.openx.net, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., CN=GeoTrust SSL CA - G3, tls_serial: 20:93:29:23:A1:76:77:CF:EE:80:7A:5B:40:EF:8B:E2, tls_fingerprint: c9:d4:3d:a9:5a:0d:19:7d:93:e3:ca:4c:f1:4a:db:63:0d:90:9a:c2, tls_sni: us-u.openx.net, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2017-05-11T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2020-07-09T23:59:59
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 7, flow_pkts_toclient: 7, flow_bytes_toserver: 752, flow_bytes_toclient: 4178, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 2656575, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: C=US, ST=CA, L=Sunnyvale, O=Yahoo! Inc., CN=*.btrll.com, tls_issuerdn: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www.digicert.com, CN=DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA, tls_serial: 0F:E9:A8:BE:6F:FE:7D:F2:EE:20:7C:13:F1:B1:D6:81, tls_fingerprint: 75:e8:09:d6:3e:e9:d9:21:81:32:5d:ca:ec:5d:0c:b1:ad:a9:70:ea, tls_sni: vast.bp3871512.btrll.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2017-04-26T00:00:00, tls_notafter: 2017-10-26T12:00:00
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 160, flow_bytes_toclient: 256, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 4051586, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 32723, dns_rrname: connect.facebook.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 4051587, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 32723, dns_rrname: connect.facebook.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 4051624, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 32723, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: connect.facebook.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: connect.facebook.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1041, dns_answers_0_rdata: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net, dns_answers_1_rrname: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 1, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 4051625, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 32723, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: connect.facebook.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: connect.facebook.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: CNAME, dns_answers_0_ttl: 1041, dns_answers_0_rdata: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net, dns_answers_1_rrname: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net, dns_answers_1_rrtype: A, dns_answers_1_ttl: 1, dns_answers_1_rdata:, dns_grouped_CNAME_0: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 172, flow_bytes_toclient: 248, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 3959082, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 31355, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 3959084, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 31355, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 3959086, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 31355, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname:, dns_answers_0_rrtype: PTR, dns_answers_0_ttl: 22113, dns_answers_0_rdata: lga34s14-in-f1.1e100.net, dns_grouped_PTR_0: lga34s14-in-f1.1e100.net ; pcap_cnt: 3959087, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 31355, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname:, dns_rrtype: PTR, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname:, dns_answers_0_rrtype: PTR, dns_answers_0_ttl: 22113, dns_answers_0_rdata: lga34s14-in-f1.1e100.net, dns_grouped_PTR_0: lga34s14-in-f1.1e100.net
event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 22, flow_pkts_toclient: 23, flow_bytes_toserver: 2278, flow_bytes_toclient: 6164, flow_age: 117, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 3672408, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_subject: OU=Domain Control Validated, CN=oxp.mxptint.net, tls_issuerdn: C=US, ST=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=Starfield Technologies, Inc., OU=http://certs.starfieldtech.com/repository/, CN=Starfield Secure Certificate Authority - G2, tls_serial: 1B:B3:63:49:9F:9E:E6:6E, tls_fingerprint: 92:b9:c4:dc:62:ac:1e:52:42:9a:03:90:43:c3:d5:37:5d:61:c5:80, tls_sni: oxp.mxptint.net, tls_version: TLS 1.2, tls_notbefore: 2015-10-21T15:44:38, tls_notafter: 2018-10-21T15:44:38
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 146, flow_bytes_toclient: 178, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 4219703, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 47661, dns_rrname: f.top4top.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 4219704, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 47661, dns_rrname: f.top4top.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 4219842, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 47661, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: f.top4top.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: f.top4top.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 299, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 4219843, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 47661, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: f.top4top.net, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: f.top4top.net, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 299, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
event_type: flow, proto: UDP, app_proto: dns, flow_pkts_toserver: 2, flow_pkts_toclient: 2, flow_bytes_toserver: 174, flow_bytes_toclient: 206, flow_age: 0, flow_state: established, flow_reason: timeout ; pcap_cnt: 6614883, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 16578, dns_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 0 ; pcap_cnt: 6614884, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_type: query, dns_id: 16578, dns_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_tx_id: 1 ; pcap_cnt: 6614885, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 16578, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 14, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0: ; pcap_cnt: 6614886, event_type: dns, proto: UDP, dns_version: 2, dns_type: answer, dns_id: 16578, dns_flags: 8180, dns_qr: True, dns_rd: True, dns_ra: True, dns_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_rrtype: A, dns_rcode: NOERROR, dns_answers_0_rrname: star-mini.c10r.facebook.com, dns_answers_0_rrtype: A, dns_answers_0_ttl: 14, dns_answers_0_rdata:, dns_grouped_A_0:
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event_type: flow, proto: TCP, app_proto: tls, flow_pkts_toserver: 8, flow_pkts_toclient: 9, flow_bytes_toserver: 2637, flow_bytes_toclient: 1186, flow_age: 0, flow_state: closed, flow_reason: timeout, tcp_tcp_flags: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_ts: 1b, tcp_tcp_flags_tc: 1b, tcp_syn: True, tcp_fin: True, tcp_psh: True, tcp_ack: True, tcp_state: closed ; pcap_cnt: 8311543, event_type: tls, proto: TCP, tls_session_resumed: True, tls_sni: iad-usadmm.dotomi.com, tls_version: TLS 1.2
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