Top-ranking adventurers who investigated found traces of the Ogres, and when they looked around, they saw the Ogre king in the distance.
I remember that the Ogre King was mentioned in the book as a monster strong enough to defeat several high-ranking adventurers.
I didn't look around where I went that time, but if I had lost there, I might have encountered Ogres or the Ogre King.
I look around the village and look at the surroundings.
The news about the Ogre King hasn't been announced, so it's relatively calm.
Some people seem to feel strange in the state of adventurers.
I returned to the adventurer's square, which I had used since last night.
There are cheap lodgings in this village, and the number of adventurers who use the square is small.
That helps a lot.
I can't rest when people are nearby.
I can sleep because I can reduce my vigilantness for monsters. Still, I sometimes awaken because of the presence of people.
I noticed it when I used the square in Ratto village, where many use it.
I'm not good with people.
I search for a place where there are no tents set up and take a rest.
My place is the farthest from the kitchen; hence, it was not popular.
Speaking of which, I was sleeping in a similar place in Ratto village.
Now, then, what should I do?
After refilling my stock of potions in Ratom village, I planned to go to the next village as soon as possible.
The village will be the safest place when the Ogre King comes out.
They were talking about gathering adventurers quickly, so the subjugation should start tomorrow or the day after.
Speaking of which, I heard that if there was an Ogre King, there might be an Ogre's nest around.
I felt that it was in the book….. but I forgot.
I'll check it later.
Should finding the nest take one or two days?
To get rid of them... Should I stay in Ratom village for about five days?
It's not a problem, but I can't sleep well because I have always been in the forest.
But there's a problem with Sora's food.
I need to find a place where there are no people in the village, but….. It might be difficult because of the number of people in this village.
At worst, Sora has to eat his from inside the bag.
Haa~ I was glad that I had unexpected income, but it's a shame that I couldn't go into the forest.
But safety is the most important.
I feel sorry for Sora, but I must give up this time.
In the evening, information on the monsters was announced to the village, and top-ranking adventurers were gathered.
Looking at the number, you can feel this village's size.
There are more top-ranking adventurers than I imagined.
However, looking at the number, the face of the man in the office is grim.
The Ogre King is a dangerous monster.
But I would have never imagined that I'd be staying in the village for ten days...
I was relieved that the Ogre's nest had collapsed and the Ogre king had been defeated.
During the Ogres' subjugations, the village entrance was closed because the danger of the forest increased.
Therefore, I can't get out of the village at all.
One day was enough to eliminate the fatigue of my journey, and I spent three days studying books.
Anyone who wants to work in the village must go through the guild.
That's why I couldn't do work, so I spent the rest of my days going around the village but was honestly bored.
Ten days was genuinely long.
The hardest thing was that I couldn't let Sora out freely.
Whenever I took Sora out, it was always in an empty area and only for a short time.
It was tough to look for that kind of place...
Nevertheless, searching for potions on the first day I arrived in this village was a good idea.
Otherwise, I would have needed more food for Sora.
Finally, the village entrance was opened, and the defeated Ogre King was brought into the village.
It was done to show the outdated Ogre King and to relieve their, but…..
I was surprised at the weird atmosphere.
I have seen Ogre, but not from this close because I escaped avoiding encountering it.
And above all, what was in front of me was the Ogre King.
A monster that stands at the top of the Ogre.
Even though I knew that it was dead, I still felt anxious.
Ogre meat is not delicious, so everything else is thrown away apart from its magic stone and horn.
I glance at the villagers and adventurers who gathered and headed to the dump.
I need to prepare for the journey and Sora's food.
I had finished all the preparations I needed while confined in the village.
All that remains is to replenish the missing items.
When the dump was near, I stopped my feet.
I feel the signs of many people from the dump.
That's right, they couldn't throw away their trash for ten days.
Many people may throw away their accumulated trash when the village entrance opens.
I should shift my time a little later.
So, I enter the forest to secure food other than dried meat.
I'm still anxious, but the subjugation was successful, and the village chief explained that the Ogre had been annihilated.
I aim for the river with my heart pounding.
There were many nuts in the river.
After refilling my water at the river, I find a tree with red fruit growing on top of it.
It's a fruit that I had previously picked on the previous river.
It was sweet and tasty, so I would like to gather some if the fruit is ripe.
As I approached the tree, Sora, who was at my feet, jumped and hit my feet.
I was surprised and stopped.
I felt something fly from the tree and inadvertently dodged but was hit on my arm.
In a moment, tremendous pain runs through my body.
When I looked at the tree….. it was moving.
It was not good; it was a tree monster.
The monster raises its roots out of the ground and approaches here.
I put Sora at my feet into the bag and held my aching arm.
Something slimy touches my hand, but I don't have time to check it.
It was so painful that I clenched my teeth and ran away from the river.
While running, I check behind me.
...I can't see the monster figure behind me.
I searched for its presence but couldn't find it for some reason.
The distance is still a long way, so I should be able to feel its presence.