8 values
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
judging from previous posts this used to be a good place , but not any longer .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['not', 'any', 'longer'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
we , there were four of us , arrived at noon - the place was empty - and the staff acted like we were imposing on them and they were very rude .
(['staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['rude'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
they never brought us complimentary noodles , ignored repeated requests for sugar , and threw our dishes on the table .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food was lousy - too sweet or too salty and the portions tiny .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['lousy']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['too', 'sweet']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['too', 'salty']); (['portions'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, negative, ['tiny'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
after all that , they complained to me about the small tip .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['complained'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
avoid this place !
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['avoid'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i have eaten at saul , many times , the food is always consistently , outrageously good .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['outrageously', 'good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
saul is the best restaurant on smith street and in brooklyn .
(['saul'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['best'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the duck confit is always amazing and the foie gras terrine with figs was out of this world .
(['foie', 'gras', 'terrine', 'with', 'figs'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['out', 'of', 'this', 'world']); (['duck', 'confit'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['amazing'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the wine list is interesting and has many good values .
(['wine', 'list'], DRINKS#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['interesting']); (['wine', 'list'], DRINKS#PRICES, positive, ['good', 'values'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
for the price , you can not eat this well in manhattan .
(None, RESTAURANT#PRICES, positive, ['well']); (None, FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['well'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i was very disappointed with this restaurant .
(['restaurant'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['disappointed'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
ive asked a cart attendant for a lotus leaf wrapped rice and she replied back rice and just walked away .
(['cart', 'attendant'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i had to ask her three times before she finally came back with the dish ive requested .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
food was okay , nothing great .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, neutral, ['okay']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, neutral, ['nothing', 'great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
chow fun was dry ; pork shu mai was more than usually greasy and had to share a table with loud and rude family .
(['chow', 'fun'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['dry']); (['pork', 'shu', 'mai'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['greasy']); (None, AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['loud']); (None, AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['rude'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i / we will never go back to this place again .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['never', 'go', 'back'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
went on a 3 day oyster binge , with fish bringing up the closing , and i am so glad this was the place it o trip ended , because it was so great !
(['fish'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['great']); (None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['glad'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
service was devine , oysters where a sensual as they come , and the price ca n ' t be beat ! ! !
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['devine']); (['oysters'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['sensual']); (None, RESTAURANT#PRICES, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
you ca n ' t go wrong here .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
every time in new york i make it a point to visit restaurant saul on smith street .
(['restaurant', 'saul'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
everything is always cooked to perfection , the service is excellent , the decor cool and understated .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['excellent']); (['decor'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['cool']); (['decor'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['understated']); (None, FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['perfection'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i had the duck breast special on my last visit and it was incredible .
(['duck', 'breast', 'special'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['incredible'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
and i hate to say this but i doubt i ' ll ever go back .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['doubt'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food is very average . . . the thai fusion stuff is a bit too sweet , every thing they serve is too sweet here .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['average']); (['thai', 'fusion', 'stuff'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['too', 'sweet']); (None, FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['too', 'sweet'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the only thing i moderately enjoyed was their grilled chicken special with edamame puree .
(['grilled', 'chicken', 'special', 'with', 'edamame', 'puree'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['enjoyed'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i had never had edamame pureed before but i thought it was innovative and tasty ( could ' ve used a bit more salt ) .
(['edamame', 'pureed'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['tasty']); (['edamame', 'pureed'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['innovative'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the decor is night tho . . . but they really need to clean that vent in the ceiling . . . its quite un - appetizing , and kills your effort to make this place look sleek and modern .
(['place'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['sleek']); (['place'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['modern']); (['decor'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['night']); (['vent'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['un', '-', 'appetizing'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
we went around 9 : 30 on a friday and it had died down a bit by then so the service was great !
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the perfect spot .
(['spot'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['perfect'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
food - awesome .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, neutral, ['awesome'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
service - friendly and attentive .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['friendly']); (['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['attentive'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
ambiance - relaxed and stylish .
(['ambiance'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['relaxed']); (['ambiance'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['stylish'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
do n ' t judge this place prima facie , you have to try it to believe it , a home away from home for the literate heart .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food is decent .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, neutral, ['decent'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
however , it ' s the service that leaves a bad taste in my mouth .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['bad', 'taste'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i happen to have a policy that goes along with a little bit of self - respect , which includes not letting a waiter intimidate me , i . e . make me feel bad asking for trivialities like water , or the check .
(['waiter'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['bad'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i know , you were too busy showing off your vintage tee shirt and looking bored , but my agenda is i ' m here to eat and enjoy the company of friends , seeking a pleasant experience .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
well , i did n ' t find it there , and trust , i have told everyone i can think of about my experience .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the last time i walked by it looked pretty empty . hmmm .
(None, RESTAURANT#MISCELLANEOUS, negative, ['empty'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i had a great experience .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
food is great .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
service is top notch .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['top', 'notch'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i have been going back again and again .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
it melted in my little mouth and the perfect consistency - not too fishy , creamy , and slightly buttery .
(None, FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['perfect', 'consistency'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the sushi seemed pretty fresh and was adequately proportioned .
(['sushi'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['fresh']); (['sushi'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['proportioned'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the rice to fish ration was also good - - they did n ' t try to overpack the rice .
(['rice', 'to', 'fish', 'ration'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
we took advanatage of the half price sushi deal on saturday so it was well worth it .
(['half', 'price', 'sushi', 'deal'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['worth'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
surprisingly nothing could be further from the truth .
(None, RESTAURANT#MISCELLANEOUS, positive, ['surprisingly'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
in the evening , this place attracted a well dressed , with it , ny crowd .
(['crowd'], RESTAURANT#MISCELLANEOUS, positive, ['attracted'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food was well prepared and the service impecable .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['well', 'prepared']); (['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['impecable'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i ' m going back .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
quite simply it ' s like stepping out of manhattan and into a haven of tranquility .
(None, AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['tranquility'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i will be going back and heartily recommend it !
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['recommend'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
it is terrific , as is the value .
(None, FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['terrific']); (None, FOOD#PRICES, positive, ['terrific'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
$ 6 and there is much tasty food , all of it fresh and continually refilled .
(['food'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['refilled']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['tasty']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['fresh']); (['food'], FOOD#PRICES, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i am not a vegetarian but , almost all the dishes were great .
(['dishes'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
go hungry and enjoy .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['enjoy'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i like the somosas , chai , and the chole , but the dhosas and dhal were kinda disappointing .
(['somosas'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['like']); (['chai'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['like']); (['chole'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['like']); (['dhosas'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['disappointing']); (['dhal'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['disappointing'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the service varys from day to day - sometimes they ' re very nice , and sometimes not .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['varys'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the kitchen however , is almost always slow .
(['kitchen'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['slow'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
if you ' ve ever been along the river in weehawken you have an idea of the top of view the chart house has to offer .
(['view'], LOCATION#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
add to that great service and great food at a reasonable price and you have yourself the beginning of a great evening .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['great']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great']); (['food'], FOOD#PRICES, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the lava cake dessert was incredible and i recommend it .
(['lava', 'cake', 'dessert'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['incredible']); (['lava', 'cake', 'dessert'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['recommend'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
once you step into cosette , you ' re miraculously in a small , off - the - beaten path parisian bistro .
(['cosette'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['off', '-', 'the', '-', 'beaten'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this tiny restaurant is as cozy as it gets , with that certain parisian flair .
(['restaurant'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['tiny']); (['restaurant'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['cozy'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food was average to above - average ; the french onion soup filling yet not overly impressive , and the desserts not brilliant in any way .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['average', 'to', 'above', '-', 'average']); (['french', 'onion', 'soup'], FOOD#QUALITY, neutral, ['not', 'overly', 'impressive']); (['desserts'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['not', 'brilliant'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
however , go for the ambience , and consider the food just a companion for a trip across the world !
(['ambience'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, None); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the pizza was delivered cold and the cheese was n ' t even fully melted !
(['pizza'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['cold']); (['cheese'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['was', 'n', "'", 't', 'even', 'fully', 'melted'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
it looked like shredded cheese partly done - still in strips .
(None, FOOD#QUALITY, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this has got to be one of the most overrated restaurants in brooklyn .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['overrated'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the pizza is overpriced and soggy .
(['pizza'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['soggy']); (['pizza'], FOOD#PRICES, negative, ['overpriced'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
yes , they use fancy ingredients , but even fancy ingredients do n ' t make for good pizza unless someone knows how to get the crust right .
(['ingredients'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['fancy']); (['pizza'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['good']); (['crust'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
a big disappointment , all around .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['disappointment'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i think i ' ve had some the best meals of my life at minnow .
(['meals'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['best'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the seafood is amazing , there ' s a good wine list , and the ever - changing menu always offers some great surprises .
(['seafood'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['amazing']); (['wine', 'list'], DRINKS#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['good']); (['menu'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['ever', '-', 'changing']); (['menu'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['great', 'surprises'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the combination of super - fresh ingredients in the dishes are unusual but really delicious .
(['ingredients'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['super', '-', 'fresh']); (['ingredients'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['unusual']); (['ingredients'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['delicious'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
worth the trip from manhattan .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['worth'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
best pastrami i ever had and great portion without being ridiculous .
(['pastrami'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['best']); (['portion'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
my wife had the fried shrimp which are huge and loved it .
(['fried', 'shrimp'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['huge']); (['fried', 'shrimp'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['loved'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
as a japanese native , i ' ve lived in the tristate area for over 8 years , but i was just so amazed at this place .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['amazed'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this place is the most japanese it can ever get .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#MISCELLANEOUS, positive, ['japanese'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the signs , the specials menus , food , and even all the waitstaff are all totally japanese .
(['signs'], RESTAURANT#MISCELLANEOUS, positive, ['japanese']); (['specials', 'menus'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['japanese']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['japanese']); (['waitstaff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['japanese'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this place is worth an one - hour drive .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['worth'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i am so coming back here again , as much as i can .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
leon is an east village gem : casual but hip , with well prepared basic french bistro fare , good specials , a warm and lively atmosphere .
(['leon'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['casual']); (['leon'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['hip']); (['specials'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good']); (['atmosphere'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['warm']); (['atmosphere'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['lively']); (['french', 'bistro', 'fare'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['well', 'prepared'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
my wife and i always enjoy the young , not always well trained but nevertheless friendly , staff , all of whom have a story .
(['staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['enjoy']); (['staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['friendly'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
decent wine at reasonable prices .
(['wine'], DRINKS#QUALITY, neutral, ['decent']); (['wine'], DRINKS#PRICES, positive, ['reasonable'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
our teenage kids love it , too .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['love'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
everytime i decide to try another place on the ues , i get angry that i did n ' t just go to zucchero pomodori .
(['zucchero', 'pomodori'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this is by far my favorite place in the neighborhood .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['favorite'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the service is excellent , the decor is great , and the food is delicious and comes in large portions .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['excellent']); (['decor'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['great']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['delicious']); (['portions'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['large'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i ' m partial to the gnocchi .
(['gnocchi'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['partial'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this place is incredibly tiny .
(['place'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['tiny'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
they refuse to seat parties of 3 or more on weekends .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['refuse'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the hostess is rude to the point of being offensive .
(['hostess'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['rude']); (['hostess'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['offensive'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food was bland oily .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['bland', 'oily'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i just do n ' t understand all the hype . . .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['hype'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
we have been to this place many times , and always have great food , wine , and service .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great']); (['wine'], DRINKS#QUALITY, positive, ['great']); (['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
we were worried we would have trouble getting in , but somehow managed to have a short wait .
(['wait'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['short'])

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