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0704.1321 | Reversed flow at low frequencies in a microfabricated AC electrokinetic
pump | Reversed flow at low frequencies in a microfabricated AC electrokinetic pump
Misha Marie Gregersen, Laurits Højgaard Olesen, Anders Brask, Mikkel Fougt Hansen, and Henrik Bruus
MIC – Department of Micro and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark
DTU bldg. 345 east, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
(Dated: 29 Marts 2007)
Microfluidic chips have been fabricated to study electrokinetic pumping generated by a low voltage
AC signal applied to an asymmetric electrode array. A measurement procedure has been established
and followed carefully resulting in a high degree of reproducibility of the measurements. Depending
on the ionic concentration as well as the amplitude of the applied voltage, the observed direction
of the DC flow component is either forward or reverse. The impedance spectrum has been thor-
oughly measured and analyzed in terms of an equivalent circuit diagram. Our observations agree
qualitatively, but not quantitatively, with theoretical models published in the literature.
The recent interest in AC electrokinetic micropumps
was initiated by experimental observations by Green,
Gonzales et al. of fluid motion induced by AC electroos-
mosis over pairs of microelectrodes [1, 2, 3] and by a the-
oretical prediction by Ajdari that the same mechanism
would generate flow above an electrode array [4]. Brown
et al. [5] demonstrated experimentally pumping of elec-
trolyte with a low voltage, AC biased electrode array,
and soon after the same effect was reported by a num-
ber of other groups observing flow velocities of the order
of mm/s [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. Several theoretical
models have been proposed parallel to the experimental
observations [14, 15, 16]. However, so far not all aspects
of the flow-generating mechanisms have been explained.
Studer et al. [10] made a thorough investigation of flow
dependence on electrolyte concentration, driving voltage
and frequency for a characteristic system. In this work
a reversal of the pumping direction for frequencies above
10 kHz and rms voltages above 2 V was reported. For
a travelling wave device Ramos et al. [12] observed re-
versal of the pumping direction at 1 kHz and voltages
above 2 V. The reason for this reversal is not yet fully
understood and the goal of this work is to contribute
with further experimental observations of reversing flow
for other parameters than those reported previously.
An integrated electrokinetic AC driven micropump has
been fabricated and studied. The design follows Studer
et al. [10], where an asymmetric array of electrodes covers
the channel bottom in one section of a closed pumping
loop. Pumping velocities are measured in another sec-
tion of the channel without electrodes. In this way elec-
trophoretic interaction between the beads used as flow
markers and the electrodes is avoided. In contrast to the
soft lithography utilized by Studer et al., we use more
well-defined MEMS fabrication techniques in Pyrex glass.
This results in a very robust system, which exhibits sta-
ble properties and remains functional over time periods
extending up to a year. Furthermore, we have a larger
electrode coverage of the total channel length allowing
for the detection of smaller pumping velocities. Our im-
proved design has led to the observation of a new phe-
nomenon, namely the reversing of the flow at low voltages
and low frequencies. The electrical properties of the fab-
ricated microfluidic chip have been investigated to clarify
whether these reflect the reversal of the flow direction. In
accordance with the electrical measurements we propose
and evaluate an equivalent circuit diagram. Supplemen-
tary details related to the present work can be found in
Ref. [17].
A. System design
The microchip was fabricated for studies of the basic
electrokinetic properties of the system. Hence, a simple
microfluidic circuit was designed to eliminate potential
side-effects due to complex device issues. The chip con-
sists of two 500 µm thick Pyrex glass wafers anodically
bonded together. Metal electrodes are defined on the bot-
tom wafer and channels are contained in the top wafer, as
illustrated schematically in Fig. 1(a). This construction
ensures an electrical insulated chip with fully transparent
An electrode geometry akin to the one utilized by
Brown et al. [5] and Studer et al. [10] was chosen. The
translation period of the electrode array is 50 µm with
electrode widths of W1 = 4.2 µm and W2 = 25.7 µm,
and corresponding electrode spacings of G1 = 4.5 µm
and G2 = 15.6 µm, see Fig. 1(d). Further theoretical
investigations have shown that this geometry results in
a nearly optimal flow velocity [16]. The total electrode
array consists of eight sub-arrays each having their own
connection to the shared contact pad, Fig. 1(b). This
construction makes it possible to disconnect a malfunc-
tioning sub-array. The entire electrode array has a width
of 1.3 mm ensuring that the alignment of the electrodes
and the 1.0 mm wide fluidic channels is not critical.
A narrow side channel, Fig. 1(b), allows beads to be in-
troduced into the part of the channel without electrodes,
where a number of ruler lines with a spacing of 200 µm
enable flow measurements by particle tracing, Fig. 1(c).
An outer circuit of valves and tubes is utilized to con-
FIG. 1: (a) Sketch of the fabricated chip consisting of two
Pyrex glass wafers bonded together. The channels are etched
into the top wafer, which also contains the fluid access ports.
Flow-generating electrodes are defined on the bottom wafer.
(b) Micrograph of the full chip containing a channel (white)
with flow-generating electrodes (black) and a narrow side
channel for bead injection (upper right corner). During flow
measurements the channel ends marked with an asterisk are
connected by an outer tube. The electrode array is divided
into eight sub arrays, each having its own connection to the
electrical contact pad. (c) Magnification of the framed area
in panel (b) showing the flow-generating electrodes to the left
and the measurement channel with ruler lines to the right. (d)
Close up of an electrode array section with electrode transla-
tion period of 50 µm.
trol and direct electrolytes and bead solutions through
the channels. During flow-velocity measurements, the
inlet to the narrow side channel is blocked and to elimi-
nate hydrostatic pressure differences the two ends of the
main channel are connected by an outer teflon tube with
an inner diameter of 0.5 mm. The hydraulic resistance of
this outer part of the pump loop is three orders of mag-
nitude smaller than the on-chip channel resistance and is
thus negligible.
The maximal velocity of the Poiseuille flow in the
measurement channel section is denoted vpois, and the
average slip velocity generated above the electrodes by
electroosmosis is denoted vslip. To obtain a measurable
vpois at as low applied voltages as possible, the electrode
coverage of the total channel length is made as large
Channel height H 33.6 µm
Channel width w 967 µm
Channel length Ltot 40.8 mm
Channel length with electrodes Lel 16.0 mm
Width of electrode array wel 1300 µm
Narrow electrode gap G1 4.5 µm
Wide electrode gap G2 15.6 µm
Narrow electrode width W1 4.2 µm
Wide electrode width W2 25.7 µm
Electrode thickness h 0.40 µm
Electrode surface area ([W1 + 2h]w) A1 4.84 × 10
−9 m2
Electrode surface area ([W2 + 2h]w) A2 25.63 × 10
−9 m2
Number of electrode pairs p 312
Electrode resistivity (Pt) ρ 10.6 × 10−8 Ωm
Electrolyte conductivity (0.1 mM) σ 1.43 mS/m
Electrolyte conductivity (1.0 mM) σ 13.5 mS/m
Electrolyte permittivity ǫ 80 ǫ0
Pyrex permittivity ǫp 4.6 ǫ0
TABLE I: Dimensions and parameters of the fabricated mi-
crofluidic system.
as possible. In our system the total channel length is
Ltot = 40.8 mm and the section containing electrodes
is Lel = 16.0 mm, which ensures a high Poiseuille flow
velocity, vpois = (3/4)(Lel/Ltot)vslip = 0.29 vslip [17].
The microfluidic chip has a size of approximately
16 mm × 28 mm and is shown in Fig. 1, and the device
parameters are listed in Table I.
B. Chip fabrication
The flow-generating electrodes of e-beam evaporated
Ti(10 nm)/Pt(400 nm) were defined by lift-off in 1.5 µm
thick photoresist AZ 5214-E (Hoechst) using a negative
process. The Ti layer ensures good adhesion to the Pyrex
substrate. Platinum is electrochemically stable and has
a low resistivity, which makes it suitable for the applica-
tion. By choosing an electrode thickness of h = 400 nm,
the metallic resistance between the contact pads and the
channel electrolyte is at least one order of magnitude
smaller than the resistance of the bulk electrolyte cover-
ing the electrode array.
In the top Pyrex wafer the channel of width w =
967 µm and height H = 33.6 µm was etched into the
surface using a solution of 40% hydrofluoric acid. A
100 nm thick amorphous silicon layer was sputtered onto
the wafer surface and used as etch mask in combination
with a 2.2 µm thick photoresist layer. The channel pat-
tern was defined by a photolithography process akin to
the process used for electrode definition, and the wafer
backside and edges were protected with a 70 µm thick
etch resistant PVC foil. The silicon layer was then etched
away in the channel pattern using a mixture of nitric
acid and buffered hydrofluoric acid, HNO3:BHF:H2O =
20:1:20. The wafer was subsequently baked at 120◦C to
harden the photoresist prior to the HF etching of the
channels. Since the glass etching is isotropic, the chan-
nel edges were left with a rounded shape. However, this
has only a minor impact on the flow profile, given that
the channel aspect ratio is w/H ≈ 30. The finished wafer
was first cleaned in acetone, which removes both the pho-
toresist and the PVC foil, and then in a piranha solution.
After alignment of the channel and the electrode array,
the two chip layers were anodically bonded together by
heating the ensemble to 400◦C and applying a voltage
difference of 700 V across the two wafers for 10 min.
During this bonding process, the previously deposited
amorphous Si layer served as diffusion barrier against the
sodium ions in the Pyrex glass. Finally, immersing the
chip in DI-water holes were drilled for the in- and outlet
ports using a cylindrical diamond drill with a diameter
of 0.8 mm.
C. Measurement setup and procedures
Liquid injection and electrical contact to the microchip
was established through a specially constructed PMMA
chip holder, shown in Fig. 2. Teflon tubing was fitted
into the holder in which drilled channels provided a con-
nection to the on-chip channel inlets. The interface from
the chip holder to the chip inlets was sealed by O-rings.
Electrical contact was obtained with spring loaded con-
tact pins fastened in the chip holder and pressed against
the electrode pads. The inner wires of thin coax cables
were soldered onto the pins and likewise fastened to the
The pumping was induced by electrolytic solutions
of KCl in concentrations ranging from c = 0.1 mM to
1.0 mM. The chip was prepared for an experiment by
careful injection of this electrolyte into the channel and
tubing system, after which the three valves to in- and
outlets were closed. The electrical impedance spectrum
of the microchip was measured before and after each
series of flow measurements to verify that no electrode
damaging had occurred during the experiments. If the
Top PMMA plate
Bottom PMMA plate
Contact pins
Aluminum holder
Coax cables
FIG. 2: Chip holder constructed to connect external tubing
and electrical wiring with the microfluidic chip.
impedance spectrum had changed, the chip and the se-
ries of performed measurements were discarded. Veloc-
ity measurements were only carried out when the tracer
beads were completely at rest before biasing the chip,
and it was always verified that the beads stopped mov-
ing immediately after switching off the bias. The steady
flow was measured for 10 s to 30 s. After a series of mea-
surements was completed, the system was flushed thor-
oughly with milli-Q water. When stored in milli-Q water
between experiments the chips remained functional for
at least one year.
D. AC biasing and impedance measurements
Using an impedance analyzer (HP 4194 A), electrical
impedance spectra of the microfluidic chip were obtained
by four-point measurements, where each contact pad was
probed with two contact pins. Data was acquired from
100 Hz to 15 MHz. To avoid electrode damaging by
application of a too high voltage at low frequencies, all
impedance spectra were measured at Vrms = 10 mV.
The internal sinusoidal output signal of a lock-in am-
plifier (Stanford Research SR830DSP) was used for AC
biasing of the electrode array during flow-velocity mea-
surements. The applied rms voltages were in the range
from 0.5 V to 2 V and the frequencies between 0.5 kHz
and 100 kHz. A current amplification was necessary to
maintain the correct potential difference across the elec-
trode array, since the overall chip resistance could be
small (∼ 0.1 kΩ to 1 kΩ) when frequencies in the given in-
terval were applied. The current through the microfluidic
chip was measured by feeding the output signal across a
small series resistor back into the lock-in amplifier.
The lock-in amplifier was also used for measuring
impedance spectra for frequencies below 100 Hz, which
were beyond the span of the impedance analyzer.
E. Flow velocity measurements
After filling the channel with an electrolyte and ac-
tuating the electrodes, the flow measurements were per-
formed by tracing beads suspended in the electrolyte.
Fluorescent beads (Molecular Probes, FluoSpheres F-
8765) with a diameter of 1 µm were introduced into
the measurement section of the channel and used as
flow markers for the velocity determination. A stereo
microscope was focused at the beads, and with an at-
tached camera pictures were acquired with time intervals
of ∆t = 0.125 s to 1.00 s depending on the bead velocity.
Subsequently, the velocity was determined by averaging
over a distance of ∆x = 200 µm, i.e., v = ∆x/∆t. Only
the fastest beads were used for flow detection, since these
are assumed to be located in the vertical center of the
channel. It should be noted that the use of fluorescent
particles prevented an introduction of significant illumi-
nation heating of the sample.
1 10 100
f [kHz]
1.0 V
1.5 V (Day 1)
1.5 V (Day 4)
1.5 V (Day 12)
FIG. 3: Reproducible flow-velocities induced in a 0.1 mM
KCl solution and observed at different days as a function of
frequency at a fixed rms voltage of 1.5 V. A corresponding
series was measured at Vrms = 1.0 V. Lines have been added
to guide the eye.
The limited number of acquired pictures led to an un-
certainty of 5% in the determination of flow velocities,
which corresponds to the movement of the tracer beads
within 0.5 to 1 frame. Additionally, there is a statistical
uncertainty on the vertical particle position in the chan-
nel, which is estimated to introduce up to 10% error on
the determined bead velocity. It is then assumed that the
fastest beads are positioned within H/3 of the maximum
of the Poiseuille flow profile.
In the parameter ranges corresponding to those pub-
lished in the literature, our flow velocity measurements
are in agreement with previously reported results. Us-
ing a c = 0.1 mM KCl solution and driving voltages
of Vrms = 1.0 V to 1.5 V over a frequency range of
f = 1.1 kHz to 100 kHz, we observed among other mea-
surement series the pumping velocities shown in Fig. 3.
The general tendencies were an increase of velocity to-
wards lower frequencies and higher voltages, and absence
of flow above f ∼ 100 kHz. The measured velocities cor-
responded to slightly more than twice those measured
by Studer et al. [10] due to our larger electrode cover-
age of the total channel. We observed damaging of the
electrodes if more than 1 V was applied to the chip at
a driving frequency below 1 kHz, for which reason there
are no measurements at these frequencies. It is, however,
plausible that the flow velocity for our chip peaked just
below f ∼ 1 kHz.
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Vrms [V]
s] 0.1 mM
0.4 mM
0.4 mM
0.5 mM
0.5 mM
f = 1.0 kHz
f [kHz]
Vrms = 0.8 V
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Vrms [V]
c = 0.4 mM
2.30 µF
2.30 µF
0.55 µF
10 30
f [kHz]
f = 1.0 kHz
f = 12.5 kHz
f = 21.0 kHz
Vrms = 0.8 V
FIG. 4: (a) Reversed flow observed for repeated measure-
ments of two concentrations of KCl at 1.0 kHz. The inset
shows that for a 0.4 mM KCl solution at a fixed rms volt-
age of 0.8 V the flow direction remains negative, but slowly
approaches zero for frequencies up to 50 kHz. (b) The theo-
retical model presented in Ref. [19] predicts the trends of the
experimentally observed velocity curves. The depicted graphs
are calculated for a c = 0.4 mM solution and parameters cor-
responding to the experiments (Table III) with ζeq = 160 mV.
Additional curves have been plotted for slightly different pa-
rameter values in order to obtain a closer resemblance to the
experimental graphs, see Sec. IV.
A. Reproducibility of measurements
Our measured flow velocities were very reproducible
due to the employed MEMS chip fabrication techniques
and the careful measurement procedures described in
Sec. II. This is illustrated in Fig. 3, which shows three
velocity series recorded several days apart. The mea-
surements were performed on the same chip and for the
same parameter values. Between each series of measure-
ments, the chip was dismounted and other experiments
0.1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
f [Hz]
|Z| (meas)
|Z| (fit)
θ (meas)
θ (fit)
|Z| ✲θ✛
FIG. 5: Bode plot showing the measured amplitude |Z|
(right ordinate axis) and phase θ (left ordinate axis) of the
impedance as a function of frequency over eight decades from
0.2 Hz to 15 MHz. The voltage was Vrms = 10 mV and the
electrolyte concentration c = 1.0 mM KCl. The measure-
ments are shown with symbols while the curves of the fitted
equivalent diagram are represented by dashed lines. The mea-
surement series obtained with the Impedance Analyzer consist
of 400 very dense points while the series measured using the
lock-in amplifier contains fewer points with a clear spacing.
performed. However, it should be noted that a very slow
electrode degradation was observed when a dozen of mea-
surement series were performed on the same chip over a
couple of weeks.
B. Low frequency reversed flow
Devoting special attention to the low-frequency (f <
20 kHz), low-voltage regime (Vrms < 2 V), not studied
in detail previously, we observed an unanticipated flow
reversal for certain parameter combinations. Fig. 4(a)
shows flow velocities measured for a frequency of 1.0 kHz
as a function of applied voltage for various electrolyte
concentrations. It is clearly seen that the velocity series
of c = 0.1 mM exhibits the known exclusively forward
and increasing pumping velocity as function of voltage,
whereas for slightly increased electrolyte concentrations
an unambiguous reversal of the flow direction is observed
for rms voltages below approximately 1 V.
This reversed flow direction was observed for all fre-
quencies in the investigated spectrum when the elec-
trolyte concentration and the rms voltage were kept con-
stant. This is shown in the inset of Fig. 4(a), where a
velocity series was obtained over the frequency spectrum
for an electrolyte concentration of 0.4 mM at a constant
rms voltage of 0.8 V. It is noted that the velocity is nearly
constant over the entire frequency range and tends to zero
above f ∼ 20 kHz.
✻log |Z|
Rb Rel
(a) (b)
FIG. 6: (a) Equivalent circuit diagram. (b) Sketch of the
impedance amplitude curve of the equivalent diagram. It con-
sists of three plateaus, and four characteristic frequencies ωx,
ω0, ωD and ωel (see Table II) that characterize the shape and
may be utilized to estimate the component values.
C. Electrical characterization
To investigate whether the flow reversal was connected
to unusual properties of the electrical circuit, we care-
fully measured the impedance spectrum Z(f) of the mi-
crofluidic system. Spectra were obtained for the chip
containing KCl electrolytes with the different concentra-
tions c = 0.1 mM, 0.4 mM and 1.0 mM.
Fig. 5 shows the Bode plots of the impedance spec-
trum obtained for c = 1.0 mM. For frequencies between
f ∼ 1 Hz and f ∼ 103 Hz the curve shape of the
impedance amplitude |Z| is linear with slope −1, after
which a horizontal curve section follows, and finally the
slope again becomes−1 for frequencies above f ∼ 106 Hz.
Correspondingly, the phase θ changes between 0◦ and
90◦. From the decrease in phase towards low frequen-
cies it is apparent that |Z| must have another horizontal
curve section below f ∼ 1 Hz. When the curve is hori-
zontal and the phase is 0◦ the system behaves resistively,
while it is capacitively dominated when the phase is 90◦
and the curve has a slope of −1.
Debye length λD
Total electrode resistance Rel
Total bulk electrolyte resistance Rb
Total faradaic (charge transfer) resistance Rct
Internal resistance in lock-in amplifier R
Total measured resistance for ω → 0 Rx
Total electrode capacitance Cel
Total double layer capacitance Cdl
Debye layer capacitance CD
Surface capacitance Cs
Debye frequency ωD
Inverse ohmic relaxation time ω0
Inverse faradaic charge transfer time (primarily) ωx
Characteristic frequency of electrode circuit ωel
TABLE II: List of the symbols used in the equivalent circuit
Rb Rb Rel Rel Rct Cdl Cdl Cel Cel ωD ωD ω0 ω0
mod meas mod meas meas mod meas mod meas mod meas mod meas
[kΩ] [kΩ] [Ω] [Ω] [MΩ] [µF] [µF] [nF] [nF] [M rad s−1] [k rad s−1]
0.1 mM (A) 2.0 1.0 7.6 5 1.0 0.50 0.50 0.28 0.30 2.0 3.3 1.0 2.0
1.0 mM (A) 0.21 0.17 7.6 6 1.0 0.56 0.55 0.28 0.29 19.1 20.6 8.5 10.7
0.1 mM (B) 2.0 1.4 7.6 6 − 0.50 0.51 0.28 0.29 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.4
0.4 mM (B) 0.52 0.41 7.6 7 − 0.54 0.53 0.28 0.28 7.7 9.3 3.6 4.6
1.0 mM (B) 0.21 0.17 7.6 8 − 0.56 0.55 0.28 0.26 19.1 22.6 8.5 10.5
TABLE III: Comparison of measured (meas) and modeled (mod) values of the components in the equivalent diagram, Fig. 6.
The measured values are given by curve fits of Bode plots, Fig. 5, obtained on two similar chips labeled A and B, respectively.
The modeled values are estimated on basis of Table I and a particular choice of the parameters ζeq and Cs. This choice is not
unique since different combinations can lead to the same value of Cdl.
D. Equivalent circuit
In electrochemistry the standard way of analyzing such
impedance measurements is in terms of an equivalent
circuit diagram [20]. The choice of diagram is not un-
ambiguous [3]. We have chosen the diagram shown in
Fig. 6(a) with the component labeling listed in Table II.
Charge transport through the bulk electrolyte is repre-
sented by an ohmic resistance Rb, accumulation of charge
in the double layer at the electrodes by a capacitance Cdl,
and faradaic current injection from electrochemical reac-
tions at the electrodes by another resistance, the charge-
transfer resistance Rct [16, 20]. Moreover, we include the
ohmic resistance of the metal electrodes Rel, the mutual
capacitance between the narrow and wide electrodes Cel,
and a shunt resistance R
′ = 10 MΩ to represent the
internal resistance of the lock-in amplifier.
Finally, in electrochemical experiments at low fre-
quency, the electrical current is often limited by diffusive
transport of the reactants in the faradaic electrode reac-
tion to and from the electrodes. This can be modeled
by adding a frequency dependent Warburg impedance
in series with the charge transfer resistance [20]. How-
ever, because the separation between the electrodes is so
small and the charge transfer resistance is so large, we
are unable to distinguish the Warburg impedance in the
impedance measurements and leave it out of the equiva-
lent diagram.
By fitting the circuit model to the impedance mea-
surements we extract the component values listed in Ta-
ble III. On the chip labeled B we were unable to measure
the charge transfer resistance due to a minor error on the
chip introduced during the bonding process. Fig. 6(b) il-
lustrates the relation between component values and the
impedance amplitude curve through four characteristic
angular frequencies ω = 2πf . The inverse frequency
Cdl primarily expresses the characteristic time
for the faradaic charge transfer into the Debye layer. The
characteristic time for charging the Debye layer through
the electrolyte is given by ω−10 = Rb Cdl. The Debye fre-
quency is ωD = 1/(RbCel), and finally ωel = 1/(RelCel)
simply states the characteristic frequency for the on-chip
electrode circuit in the absence of electrolyte. It is noted
that the total DC-limit resistance R
corresponds to the
parallel coupling between R
′ and Rct.
In the following we investigate to which extent the gen-
eral theory of induced-charge (AC) electroosmosis can ex-
plain our observations and experimental data. We first
use the equivalent circuit component values extracted
from the impedance measurements to estimate some im-
portant electrokinetic parameters based on the Gouy–
Chapman–Stern model [20], namely, the Stern layer ca-
pacitance Cs, the intrinsic zeta potential ζeq on the elec-
trodes and the charge transfer resistance Rct. Then
we use this as input to the weakly nonlinear electro-
hydrodynamic model presented in Ref. [19], which is an
extension of the model in Ref. [16]. We compare theoret-
ical values with experimental observations, and discuss
the experimentally observed trends of the flow velocities.
A. Impedance analysis
The impedance measurements are performed at a low
voltage of Vrms = 10 mV so it might be expected that
Debye–Hückel linear theory applies (V . 25 mV). How-
ever, since we only measure the potential difference be-
tween the electrodes and we do not know the potential of
the bulk electrolyte, we cannot say much about the exact
potential drop across the double layer. Many electrode-
electrolyte systems posses an intrinsic zeta potential at
equilibrium ζeq of up to a few hundred mV. Indeed, the
measured Cdl is roughly 10 times larger than predicted by
Debye–Hückel theory, which indicates that the intrinsic
zeta potential is at least ±125 mV.
According to Gouy–Chapman–Stern theory the Cdl
can be expressed as a series coupling of the compact Stern
layer capacitance Cs and the differential Debye-layer ca-
pacitance CD,
, (1)
where the two double-layer capacitances of an elec-
trode pair are coupled in series through the electrolyte,
and since the p electrode pairs are coupled in parallel,
the effective area of the total double layer is Aeff =
pA1A2/(A1+A2). A1 and A2 are the total surface areas
exposed to the electrolyte of a narrow and wide electrode,
respectively. For simplicity Cs is often assumed constant
and independent of potential and concentration, while
CD is given by the Gouy–Chapman theory as
. (2)
Unfortunately, it is not possible to estimate the exact
values of both Cs and ζeq from a measurement of Cdl,
because a range of parameters lead to the same Cdl. We
can, nevertheless, state lower limits as Cs ≥ 0.39 F/m
and |ζeq| ≥ 175 mV for c = 0.1 mM or Cs ≥ 0.43 F/m
and |ζeq| ≥ 125 mV at c = 1.0 mM.
For the model values in Table III we used Eq. (1) with
Cs = 1.8 F/m
2 and ζeq = 190 mV, 160 mV and 140 mV
at 0.1 mM, 0.4 mM and 1.0 mM KCl, respectively, in ac-
cordance with the trend often observed that ζeq decreases
with increasing concentration, [21]. The bulk electrolyte
resistance can be expressed as
, (3)
where σ is the conductivity, w is the width of the elec-
trodes and p is the number of electrode pairs, see Table I,
and 0.85 is a numerical factor computed for our particular
electrode layout using the finite-element based program
Comsol Multiphysics. Similarly, the mutual capaci-
tance between the electrodes can be calculated as
Cel =
ǫw + ǫp(2wel − w)
, (4)
and the resistance Rel of the electrodes leading from the
contact pads to the array is simply estimated from the
resistivity of platinum and the electrode geometry.
At frequencies above 100 kHz the impedance is dom-
inated by Rb, Cel and Rel, and the Bode plot closely
resembles a circuit with ideal components, see Fig. 5.
Around 1 kHz we observe some frequency dispersion
which could be due to the change in electric field line
pattern around the inverse RC-time ω0 = 1/(RbCdl) [19].
Finally, below 1 kHz where the impedance is dominated
by Cdl, the phase never reaches 90
◦ indicating that the
double layer capacitance does not behave as an ideal ca-
pacitor but more like a constant phase element (CPE).
This behavior is well known experimentally, but not fully
understood theoretically [22].
B. Flow
The forward flow velocities measured at c = 0.1 mM as
a function of frequency, Fig. 3, qualitatively exhibit the
trends predicted by standard theory, namely, the pump-
ing increases with voltage and falls off at high frequency
[4, 14].
More specifically, the theory predicts that the pumping
velocity should peak at a frequency around the inverse
RC-time ω0, corresponding to f ≈ 0.3 kHz, and decay as
the inverse of the frequency for our applied driving volt-
ages, see Fig. 11 in Ref. [16]. Furthermore, the velocity
is predicted to grow like the square of the driving volt-
age at low voltages, changing to V log V at large voltages
[16, 19].
Experimentally, the velocity is indeed proportional to
ω−1 and the peak is not observed within the range
1.1 kHz to 100 kHz, but it is likely to be just below
1 kHz. However, the increase in velocity between 1.0 V
and 1.5 V displayed in Fig. 3 is much faster than V 2.
That is also the result in Fig. 4(a) for c = 0.1 mM where
no flow is observed below Vrms = 0.5 V, while above that
voltage the velocity increases rapidly. For c = 0.4 mM
and c = 0.5 mM the velocity even becomes negative at
voltages Vrms ≤ 1 V. This cannot be explained by the
standard theory and is also rather different from the re-
verse flow that has been observed by other groups at
larger voltages Vrms > 2 V and at frequencies above the
inverse RC-time [10, 12, 13].
The velocity shown in the inset of Fig. 4(a) is re-
markable because it is almost constant between 1 kHz
and 10 kHz. This is unlike the usual behavior for AC
electroosmosis that always peaks around the inverse RC-
time, because it depends on partial screening at the elec-
trodes to simultaneously get charge and tangential field
in the Debye layer. At lower frequency the screening is
almost complete so there is no electric field in the elec-
trolyte to drive the electroosmotic fluid motion, while at
higher frequency the screening is negligible so there is no
charge in the Debye layer and again no electroosmosis.
One possible explanation for the almost constant veloc-
ity as a function of frequency could be that the amount of
charge in the Debye layer is controlled by a faradaic elec-
trode reaction rather than by the ohmic current running
through the bulk electrolyte. Our impedance measure-
ment clearly shows that the electrode reaction is negli-
gible at f = 1 kHz and Vrms = 10 mV bias, but since
the reaction rate grows exponentially with voltage in an
Arrhenius type dependence, it may still play a role at
Vrms = 0.8 V. However, previous theoretical investiga-
tions have shown that faradaic electrode reactions do not
lead to reversal of the AC electroosmotic flow or pumping
direction [16].
Due to the strong nonlinearity of the electrode reaction
and the asymmetry of the electrode array, there may also
be a DC faradaic current running although we drive the
system with a harmonic AC voltage. In the presence of
an intrinsic zeta potential ζeq on the electrodes and/or
the glass substrate this would give rise to an ordinary
DC electroosmotic flow. This process does not necessar-
ily generate bubbles because the net reaction products
from one electrode can diffuse rapidly across the narrow
electrode gap to the opposite electrode and be consumed
by the reverse reaction.
To investigate to which extent this proposition ap-
plies, we used the weakly nonlinear theoretical model pre-
sented in [19]. The model extends the standard model for
AC electroosmosis by using the Gouy–Chapman–Stern
model to describe the double layer, and Butler–Volmer
reaction kinetics to model a generic faradaic electrode
reaction [20]. The concentration of the oxidized and re-
duced species in the diffusion layer near the electrodes is
modeled by a generalization of the Warburg impedance,
while the bulk concentration is assumed uniform, see
Ref. [19] for details.
The model parameters are chosen in accordance with
the result of the impedance analysis, i.e., Cs = 1.8 F/m
Rct = 1 MΩ, ζeq = 160 mV, as discussed in Sec. IVA.
Further we assume an intrinsic zeta potential of ζeq =
−100 mV on the borosilicate glass walls [21], and
choose (arbitrarily) an equilibrium bulk concentration of
0.02 mM for both the oxidized and the reduced species in
the electrode reaction, which is much less than the KCl
electrolyte concentration of c = 0.4 mM.
The result of the model calculation is shown in
Fig. 4(b). At 1 kHz the fluid motion is dominated by
AC electroosmosis which is solely in the forward direc-
tion. However, at 12.5 kHz the AC electroosmosis is
much weaker and the model predicts a (small) reverse
flow due to the DC electroosmosis for Vrms < 1 V.
Fig. 4(b) shows that the frequency interval with reverse
flow is only from 30 kHz down to 10 kHz, while the mea-
sured velocities remain negative down to at least 1 kHz.
The figure also shows results obtained with a lower Stern
layer capacitance Cs = 0.43 F/m
2 in the model, which
turns out to enhance the reverse flow.
In both cases, the reverse flow predicted by the theoret-
ical model is weaker than that observed experimentally
and does not show the almost constant reverse flow pro-
file below 10 kHz. Moreover, the model is unable to ac-
count for the strong concentration dependence displayed
in Fig. 4(a).
According to Ref. [18], steric effects give rise to a sig-
nificantly lowered Debye layer capacitance and a poten-
tially stronger concentration dependence when ζ exceeds
10 kBT/e ∼ 250 mV, which roughly corresponds to a
driving voltage of Vrms ∼ 0.5 V. Thus, by disregarding
these effects we overestimate the double layer capacitance
slightly in the calculations of the theoretical flow velocity
for Vrms = 0.8 V. This seems to fit with the observed ten-
dencies, where theoretical velocity curves calculated on
the basis of a lowered Cdl better resemble the measured
Finally, it should be noted that several electrode reac-
tions are possible for the present system. As an example
we mention 2H2O(l) +O2(aq) + 4e
− ⇋ 4OH−
. This re-
action is limited by the amount of oxygen present in the
solution, which in our experiment is not controlled. If
this reaction were dominating the faradaic charge trans-
fer, the value of Rct could change from one measurement
series to another.
We have produced an integrated AC electrokinetic mi-
cropump using MEMS fabrication techniques. The re-
sulting systems are very robust and may preserve their
functionality over years. Due to careful measurement
procedures it has been possible over weeks to reproduce
flow velocities within the inherent uncertainties of the
velocity determination.
An hitherto unobserved reversal of the pumping direc-
tion has been measured in a regime, where the applied
voltage is low (Vrms < 1.5 V) and the frequency is low
(f < 20 kHz) compared to earlier investigated parameter
ranges. This reversal depends on the exact electrolytic
concentration and the applied voltage. The measured
velocities are of the order −5 µm/s to −10 µm/s. Previ-
ously reported studies of flow measured at the same pa-
rameter combinations show zero velocity in this regime
[10]. The reason why we are able to detect the flow
reversal is probably our design with a large electrode
coverage of the channel leading to a relative high ratio
vpois/vslip = 0.29.
Finally, we have performed an impedance character-
ization of the pumping devices over eight frequency
decades. By fitting Bode plots of the data, the measured
impedance spectra compared favorably with our model
using reasonable parameter values.
The trends of our flow velocity measurements are ac-
counted for by a previously published theoretical model,
but the quantitative agreement is lacking. Most impor-
tant, the predicted velocities do not depend on electrolyte
concentration, yet the concentration seems to be one of
the causes of our measured flow reversal, Fig. 4(a). This
shows that there is a need for further theoretical work on
the electro-hydrodynamics of these systems and in partic-
ular on the effects of electrolyte concentration variation.
We would like to thank Torben Jacobsen, Department
of Chemistry (DTU), for enlightening discussions about
electrokinetics and the interpretation of impedance mea-
surements on electrokinetic systems.
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0704.1322 | Energy of 4-Dimensional Black Hole, etc | Energy of 4-Dimensional Black Hole
Dmitriy Palatnik ∗
August 10, 2021
In this letter I suggest possible redefinition of mass density or stress-energy for a particle. Introducing
timelike Killing vector and using Einstein identity E = mc
, I define naturally density of mass for general
case and calculate energy of black hole.
1 Introduction
Standard definition of density [1], [3], [4], µ, for mass,
γµ , (1)
where γ is determinant of metric for spacial line element, lacks manifest dependence on speed of motion, v,
or on gravitational interaction with other masses. Since this dependence is important in what follows below, I
should redefine the mass density. Consider, first, flat spacetime with Cartesian coordinates. Matter distribution
is specified by {µ;Ua}, field of density and field of 4-velocity, respectively. According to Einstein’s formula,
m = m∗
, (2)
for the mass field variation, δm, moving with speed, v, one may write,
δm = δm∗
; (3)
Consider smooth distribution of 3-velocity, v, and assume that measuring of density takes place in frame in
which matter locally at rest, i.e. v = 0. For differential of mass element measured experimentally by using
Newton formula f = ma, one obtains,
dm = dV
1− v2
; (4)
here µ∗ is density of mass, measured at rest. Formula (4) may be rewritten as
dm = µ∗dV
; (5)
where dΩ = cdtdV is 4-dimensional volume and ds2 = gabdx
adxb. In third line of (5) I’ve transfered to general
coordinate system with metric gab. There is an ambiguity in (5) because one might put there
−g in stead of√
γ as well. As it’s shown below,
−g seems to be more correct after accepting (with no proof) formula (15)
for stress-energy; in order to get standard formula (10) for stress-energy, I take (5) as is.
∗The Waterford, 7445 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60626-1818 [email protected]
By definition (5) µ∗ is a (non-scalar) field independent of speed in difference with standard density of mass,
µ, (1), which depends on speed and also not a scalar. Suppose, now, that mass, dm, is at rest in gravitational
field g00 = 1 + 2
, where φ(x) is gravitational potential. From (5) it follows then,
dm = µ∗
γdV , (7)
where from (1), (7) follows µ∗ = µ
g00. Using standard technique, i.e. formula
δSm = (2c)
−g Tbcδgbc , (8)
Sm = −mc
ds ; (9)
is action of matter, one obtains stress-energy for distribution of masses [1],
. (10)
Connection between standard density of mass and density measured at rest is
µ = µ∗
. (11)
Timelike Killing vector field, ξa, satisfies equations,
∇bξa +∇aξb = 0 ; (12)
suppose, that spacetime is asymptotically flat and ξcξc → 1 on spacial infinity. If solution to (12) does exist,
then, due to stress-energy symmetry T bc = T (bc) and conservation ∇cT bc = 0, current Jc = T cbξb conserves
too: ∇c{T cbξb} = 0. Then, due to Gauss theorem conserving energy integral does exist,
−gT 0bξb . (13)
Accepting Einstein rule, E = mc2, as axiom, one might define mass element according to (13), as
−gT 0cξc . (14)
From (1), (10), (14) it follows formula for standard mass density:
µ = µ∗
· U cξc ,
which in general case depends on additional factor U cξc. One might attempt to find another action rather than
Sm = −mc
ds, because as one observes, stress-energy should be taken as
T ab = µ∗c
, (15)
in stead of (10), otherwise using (10) in (13) one would obtain infinite energy-mass for black hole. Besides,
formulae (8), (9), (14) lead to inconsistent algebraic equation for stress-energy:
T ab = T 0cξc
UaU b
It is most natural to change action (9), rather than formulae (8), (14). For case of Sz metric below, ξcU
Note, that in formula (15) µ∗ is genuine scalar density of mass; for the element of mass (14) one would obtain,
dm = µ∗
· U cξc . (16)
In order to obtain (15) one should consider actions of type Sm = −mc
Lm(α)ds, where Lm(α) is analog of
lagrangian, depending only on α = U cξc.
2 Energy of Sz Black Hole
Consider Schwarzschild solution,
ds2 =
1− 2kM
c2dt2 −
1− 2kM
dr2 − r2(dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2) . (17)
Solving (12) for metric (17), one obtains timelike Killing vector,
1− 2kM
, 0, 0, 0
. (18)
Substituting (14), (15), (17), (18) in (13), and using dV = drdθdφ, one gets,
E = c2
r2dr sin θdθdφµ∗(r, θ, φ) . (19)
Transfering to Cartesian coordinates, (r, θ, φ) → (x1, x2, x3), and introducing density of mass,
µ∗ = Mδ(x
1)δ(x2)δ(x3) , (20)
one obtains necessary expression for energy of black hole, E = Mc2. Note, that the same result could be derived
by using formula (16).
3 Modification of Killing Equation
Solutions to Killing eqs (12) do exist for restricted class of gravitational configurations; indeed, 4 components of
Killing vector should satisfy 10 equations. Idea of following (i.e. formula (22) bellow) belongs to Boris Tsirelson.
Consider, again, continuous matter distribution, specified by {µ∗ ; U c0}, scalar mass density field, µ∗(xc1), and
4-velocity field, U c0(xc1). Assume, that all other than matter fields are absent and only contribution of stress-
energy is (15). Due to equations of motion of matter, stress-energy is divergence-free, ∇c0T c0c1 = 0, and
symmetric. Then, current Jc0 = T c0c1ξc1 does have vanishing divergence, if
T c0c1 [∇c0ξc1 +∇c1ξc0 ] = 0 . (21)
From conservation of current, ∇c0Jc0 = 0, follows conservation of mass-energy (13). In stead of demanding
implementation of Killing eqs (12) in order to have (21) satisfied, consider expression (15) and demand that
Killing vector field satisfies following 4 equations:
U c1 [∇c0ξc1 +∇c1ξc0 ] = 0 . (22)
For Sz metric (17), solution to (22) with
2 , 0, 0, 0
, (23)
is (18). Is it true that solving eqs (22) for empty space one may consider limit µ∗ → 0 with (23)? One could
use (16) for computing mass-energy of black hole; result is same as above. One might find solution to (22) for
Kerr black hole with metric [1],
ds2 =
1− rgr
dt2 +
sin2 θdtdφ − ρ
dr2 − ρ2dθ2
r2 + a2 +
sin2 θ
sin2 θdφ2 ; (24)
gab∂a∂b =
r2 + a2 +
sin2 θ
∂t∂φ −
2 − 1
∆ sin2 θ
1− rgr
2 , (25)
ρ2 = r2 + a2 cos2 θ ; (26)
∆ = r2 + a2 − rgr , (27)
and using expression for 4-velocity,
U c =
g00 + 2φ̇g03 + (φ̇)2g33
, 0, 0,
g00 + 2φ̇g03 + (φ̇)2g33
; (28)
here φ̇ ≡ dφ
. That is, if to demand ξ1 = ξ2 = 0, then eqs (22) are equivalent to
∂rξ0 − 2Γ001ξ0 − 2Γ301ξ3 + φ̇{∂rξ3 − 2Γ013ξ0 − 2Γ313ξ3} = 0 ; (29)
∂θξ0 − 2Γ002ξ0 − 2Γ302ξ3 + φ̇{∂θξ3 − 2Γ023ξ0 − 2Γ323ξ3} = 0 . (30)
Set of non-zero Christoffel symbols for metric (24) is
Γ001, Γ
02, Γ
13, Γ
23, Γ
00, Γ
03, Γ
11, Γ
12, Γ
22, Γ
Γ200, Γ
03, Γ
11, Γ
12, Γ
22, Γ
33, Γ
01, Γ
02, Γ
13, Γ
−g = ρ2 sin θ . (31)
The solutions of (29), (30) are,1
ξ(1)c0 = (g00, 0, 0, g03) ; ξ
= (1, 0, 0, 0) ; (32)
ξ(2)c0 = (g03, 0, 0, g33) ; ξ
= (0, 0, 0, 1) ; (33)
g00 = 1−
; g03 =
sin2 θ ; g33 = −
2 + a2 +
sin2 θ
sin2 θ
For energy of Kerr black hole use eqs (13), (15), (32); the result is
E = c2
dr sin θdθdφµ∗(r; θ)
g00 + φ̇g03
g00 + 2φ̇g03 + (φ̇)2g33
. (34)
Transferring to Cartesian coordinates in case φ̇ = 0, according to transformation of spheroidal coordinates to
Cartesian, specified in [5], (r, θ, φ) → (x, y, z), where
r2 + a2 sin θ cosφ ; y =
r2 + a2 sin θ sinφ ; z = r cos θ ; (35)
and using (20), one recovers anew E = Mc2. Using second Killing vector, (33), one obtains conserving integral,
Q = c2
dr sin θdθdφµ∗(r; θ)
g03 + φ̇g33
g00 + 2φ̇g03 + (φ̇)2g33
. (36)
4 A Simple Theorem About Killing Vectors
Here I should specify a theorem, claiming that if metric of spacetime doesn’t depend on coordinate xj , then
spacetime has respective Killing vector ξc = gjc; number of Killing vectors for spacetime is equal to number of
coordinates on which metric coefficients don’t depend. Proof. Rewrite Killing eqs (12) in form,
∂aξb + ∂bξa − 2Γcabξc = 0 . (37)
Substitute ξc = gjc for specific j. Then eq (37) reads
∂jgab = 0 . (38)
In case of eqs (22) one would have in stead of (38) equation Ua∂jgab = 0. One might even go step back and
use eqs (21) then one would obtain equation UaU b∂jgab = 0 in stead of (38). 4-velocity, U
a, should be taken
along the trajectory of a particle. It’s understandable that if metric doesn’t depend on coordinate(s) xj , then
does exist translational symmetry of the physical system in direction specified by that (or these) coordinate(s),
which means that respective charges (energy, momenta) do conserve.
1 They are also solutions of original Killing eqs (12).
5 Acknowledgement
I wish to thank Christian Network and Boris Tsirelson professor of Tel-Aviv University.2 I’m grateful for spirit
of support from Catholic Church and Lubavich synagogue F.R.E.E.
[1] L D Landau E M Lifshits The Classical Theory of Fields Pergamon Press 1975
[2] L A Khalfin B S Tsirelson Foundations of Physics vol 22 No 7 1992
[3] Robert M Wald General Relativity U of Chicago Press 1984
[4] S Weinberg Gravitation and Cosmology John Wiley and Sons Inc NY 1972
[5] A Anabalon et al. arXiv: gr-qc/1009.3030v1
2 See, e.g. [2]
1 Introduction
2 Energy of Sz Black Hole
3 Modification of Killing Equation
4 A Simple Theorem About Killing Vectors
5 Acknowledgement
0704.1323 | Multi-Higgs U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions | Multi-Higgs U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions
Tomoyoshi Ono and Ikuo Ichinose
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering,
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, 466-8555 Japan
Tetsuo Matsui
Department of Physics, Kinki University, Higashi-Osaka, 577-8502 Japan
(Dated: September 19, 2021)
We study the three-dimensional compact U(1) lattice gauge theory with N Higgs fields numeri-
cally. This model is relevant to multi-component superconductors, antiferromagnetic spin systems
in easy plane, inflational cosmology, etc. For N = 2, the system has a second-order phase transition
line c̃1(c2) in the c2(gauge coupling)−c1(Higgs coupling) plane, which separates the confinement
phase and the Higgs phase. For N = 3, the critical line is separated into two parts; one for c2 . 2.25
with first-order transitions, and the other for c2 & 2.25 with second-order transitions.
PACS numbers: 11.15.Ha, 05.70.Fh, 74.20.-z, 71.27.+a, 98.80.Cq
There are many interesting physical systems involving
multi-component (N -component) matter fields. Some-
times they are associated with exact or approximate sym-
metries like “flavor” symmetry. In some cases, the large-
N analysis[1] is applicable and it gives us useful informa-
tion. But the properties of the large-N systems may dif-
fer from those at medium values of N that one actually
wants to know. Study of the N -dependence of various
systems is certainly interesting but not examined well.
Among these “flavor” physics, the effect of matter
fields upon gauge dynamics is of quite general inter-
est in quantum chromodynamics, strongly correlated
electron systems, quantum spins, etc.[2] In this let-
ter, we shall study the three-dimensional (3D) U(1)
gauge theory with multi-component Higgs fields φa(x) ≡
|φa(x)| exp(iϕa(x)) (a = 1, · · · , N). This model is of gen-
eral interest, and knowledge of its phase structure, order
of its phase transitions, etc. may be useful to get better
understanding of various physical systems. These sys-
tems include the following:
N -component superconductor: Babaev[3] argued that
under a high pressure and at low temperatures hydro-
gen gas may become a liquid and exhibits a transition
from a superfluid to a superconductor. There are two
order parameters; φe for electron pairs and φp for pro-
ton pairs. They may be treated as two complex Higgs
fields (N = 2). In the superconducting phase, both φe
and φp develop an off-diagonal long-range order, while
in the superfluid phase, only the neutral order survives;
lim|x|→∞〈φe(x)φp(0)〉 6= 0.
p-wave superconductivity of cold Fermi gas: Each
fermion pair in a p-wave superconductor has angular mo-
mentum J = 1 and the order parameter has three com-
ponents, Jz = −1, 0, 1. They are regarded as three Higgs
fields (N = 3). As the strength of attractive force be-
tween fermions is increased, a crossover from a super-
conductor of the BCS type to the type of Bose-Einstein
condensation is expected to take place[4].
Phase transition of 2D antiferromagnetic(AF) spin
models: In the s = 1/2 AF spin models, a phase tran-
sition occurs from the Neel state to the valence-bond
solid state as parameters are varied. Senthil et al.[5]
argued that the effective theory describing this transi-
tion take a form of U(1) gauge theory of spinon (CP 1)
field za(x) (|z1|2 + |z2|2 = 1). In the easy-plane limit
(Sz = 0), |z1|2 = |z2|2 = 1/2 and so they are expressed
by two Higgs fields as za = exp(iϕa)/
2 (N = 2)[6].
Effects of doped fermionic holes (holons) to this AF
spins are also studied extensively. The effective theory
obtained by integrating out holon variables may be a
U(1) gauge theory with N = 2 Higgs fields (with non-
local gauge interactions). Kaul et al.[7] predicts that
such a system exhibits a second-order transition, while
numerical simulations of Kuklov et al.[8] exhibit a weak
first-order transition. This point should be clarified in
future study.
Inflational cosmology: In the inflational cosmology[9],
a set of Higgs fields is introduced to describe a phase
transition and inflation in early universe. Plural Higgs
fields are necessary in a realistic model[10].
The following simple consideration “predicts” the
phase structure of the system. Among N phases ϕa(x)
of the Higgs fields, the sum ϕ̃+ ≡
a ϕa couples to the
gauge field and describes charged excitations, whereas
the remaining N − 1 independent linear combinations
ϕ̃i(i = 1, · · · , N − 1) describe neutral excitations. The
latter N − 1 modes may be regarded as a set of N − 1
XY spin models. As the N = 1 compact U(1) Higgs
model stays always in the confinement phase[11], we ex-
pect N − 1 second-order transitions of the type of the
XY model.
Smiseth et al.[12] studied the noncompact U(1) Higgs
models. A duality transformation maps the charged sec-
tor into the inverted XY spin model. Thus they pre-
dicted that the system exhibits a single inverted XY
transition and N − 1 XY transitions. Their numerical
study confirmed this prediction for N = 2.
For N = 2, Kragset et al.[13] studied the effect
of Berry’s phase term in the N = 2 compact Higgs
model. They reported that Berry’s phase term sup-
0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 c
1 -1-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
FIG. 1: (a) System-size dependence of specific heat C for
N = 2 at c2 = 0.4. (b) Scaling function η(x) for Fig.1(a).
presses monopoles (instantons) and changes the second-
order phase transitions to first-order ones.
In this letter, we shall study the multi-Higgs models
by Monte Carlo simulations. We consider the simplest
form, i.e., the 3D compact lattice gauge theory without
Berry’s phase; the Higgs fields φxa are treated in the
London limit, |φxa| = 1. The action S consists of the
Higgs coupling with its coefficient c1a (a = 1, . . . , N) and
the plaquette term with its coefficient c2,
x+µ,aUxµφxa +H.c.
(U †xνU
x+ν,µUx+µ,νUxµ + H.c), (1)
where Uxµ[= exp(iθxµ)] is the compact U(1) gauge field,
µ, ν(= 1, 2, 3) are direction indices (we use them also as
the unit vectors).
We first study the N = 2 case with symmetric cou-
plings c11 = c12 ≡ c1. We measured the internal energy
E ≡ −〈S〉/L3 and the specific heat C ≡ 〈(S − 〈S〉)2〉/L3
in order to obtain the phase diagram and determine the
order of phase transitions, where L3 is the size of the
cubic lattice with the periodic boundary condition.
In Fig.1(a), we show C at c2 = 0.4 as a function
of c1. The peak of C develops as the system size
is increased. The results indicate that a second-order
phase transition occurs at c1 ≃ 0.91. By applying the
finite-size-scaling (FSS) hypothesis to C in the form of
C(c1, L) = L
σ/νη(L1/νǫ), where ǫ = (c1 − c1∞)/c1∞ and
c1∞ is the critical coupling at L → ∞, we obtained
ν = 0.67, σ = 0.16, and c1∞ = 0.909. In Fig.1(b) we
plot η(x), which supports the FSS.
The above results for N = 2 are consistent with the
“prediction” given above. The sum ϕ̃x+ ≡ ϕx1+ϕx2 cou-
ples with the compact gauge field and generates no phase
transition[11], while the difference ϕ̃x− ≡ ϕx1 − ϕx2 be-
haves like the angle variable in the 3D XY model. The
3D XY model has a second-order phase transition with
the critical exponent ν = 0.666...[14]. Our value of ν
obtained above is very close to this value. However, it
should be remarked that the simple separation of vari-
ables in terms of ϕ̃± is not perfect due to the higher-
order terms in the compact gauge theory. Nonetheless,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
FIG. 2: Instanton density ρ for N = 2 at c2 = 0.4 as a
function of c1.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 c
�Fsecond order
FIG. 3: Phase diagram for N = 2. There are two phases, con-
finement and Higgs, separated by second-order phase transi-
tion line. There also exists a crossover line in the confinement
phase separating dense and dilute instanton-density regions.
our numerical studies strongly suggests that the phase
transition for N = 2 belongs to the universality class of
the 3D XY model.
It is instructive to see the behavior of the instanton
density ρ. We employ the definition of ρ in the 3D
U(1) compact lattice gauge theory given by DeGrand and
Toussaint[15]. ρ in Fig.2 decreases very rapidly near the
phase transition point. This indicates that a “crossover”
from dense to dilute instanton “phases” occurs simulta-
neously with the phase transition. In other words, the
observed phase transition can be interpreted as a con-
finement(small c1)-Higgs(large c1) phase transition.
In Fig.3, we present the phase diagram forN = 2 in the
c2-c1 plane. There exists a second-order phase transition
line separating the confinement and the Higgs phases.
There also exists a crossover line similar to that in the
3D N = 1 U(1) Higgs model[11].
Let us turn to the N = 3 case. Among many pos-
sibilities of three c1a’s, we first consider the symmetric
case c11 = c12 = c13 ≡ c1. One may expect that there
are two (N − 1 = 2) second-order transitions that may
coincide at a certain critical point. Studying the N = 3
case is interesting from a general viewpoint of the critical
phenomena, i.e., whether coincidence of multiple phase
transitions changes the order of the transition. We stud-
ied various points in the c2 − c1 plane and found that
the order of transition changes as c2 varies. In Fig.4, we
show E and ρ along c2 = 1.5 as a function of c1. Both
quantities show hysteresis loops, which are signals of a
first-order phase transition. In Fig.5, we present C at
c2 = 3.0. The peak of C at around c1 ∼ 0.48 develops
as L is increased, whereas E shows no discontinuity and
hysteresis. Therefore, we conclude that the phase transi-
tion at (c2, c1) ∼ (3.0, 0.48) is second order. In Fig.6(a),
we present the phase diagram of the symmetric case for
0.548 0.55 0.552 0.554 0.556 c
1 0.548 0.55 0.552 0.554 0.556
(a) (b)
FIG. 4: (a) Internal energy E and (b) instanton density ρ for
N = 3 at c2 = 1.5 and L = 16. Both exhibit hysteresis loops
indicating a first-order phase transition at c1 ≃ 0.551.
0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 c
1 0.475 0.48 0.485 0.49 0.495
(a) (b)
FIG. 5: (a) Specific heat for N = 3 at c2 = 3.0. (b) Close-up
view near the peak. The peak develops as L increases.
N = 3, where the order of transition between the confine-
ment and Higgs phases changes from first (smaller c2) to
second order (larger c2). In Fig.6(b) we present C along
c1 = 0.2, which shows a smooth nondeveloping peak. ρ
decreases smoothly around this peak. These results in-
dicate crossovers at c2 ≃ 1.5.
Then it becomes interesting to consider asymmetric
cases, e.g., c11 6= c12 = c13. This case is closely related to
a doped AF magnet. φ2 and φ3 correspond there to the
CP 1 spinon field in the deep easy-plane limit, whereas
φ1 corresponds to doped holes. This case is also relevant
to cosmology because the order of Higgs phase transition
in the early universe is important in the inflational cos-
mology. Furthermore, one may naively expect that once
a phase transition to the Higgs phase occurs at certain
temperature T , no further phase transitions take place at
lower T ’s even if the gauge field couples with other Higgs
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
�Fsecond order
�Ffirst order
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
c2 c10
(a) (b)
FIG. 6: (a) Phase diagram for the N = 3 symmetric case.
The phase transitions are first order in the region c2 . 2.25,
whereas they are second order in the region c2 & 2.25.
There exists a tricritical point at around (c2, c1) ∼ (2.25, 0.5).
Crosses near c2 = 1.5 line show crossovers. (b) Specific heat
for N = 3 at c1 = 0.2. It has a system-size independent
smooth peak at which a crossover takes place.
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 c
0.34 0.345 0.35 0.355
c11 0.460.48 0.5 0.520.540.56
(b) (c)
FIG. 7: (a) Specific heat of the c1 = (1, 2, 2) model (N=3) at
c2 = 1.0. (b,c) Close-up views of C near (b) c11 ∼ 0.35 and
(c) c11 ∼ 0.52.
bosons. However, our investigation below will show that
this is not the case.
Let us consider the case c12 = c13 = 2c11, which we call
the c1 = (1, 2, 2) model, and focus on the case c2 = 1.0.
As shown in Fig.7(a), C exhibits two peaks at c11 ∼ 0.35
and 0.52. Figs.7(b),(c) present the detailed behavior of C
near these peaks, which show that the both peaks develop
as L is increased. We conclude that both of these peaks
show second-order transitions. This result is interpreted
as the first-order phase transition in the symmetricN = 3
model is decomposed into two second-order transitions in
the c1 = (1, 2, 2) model.
Let us turn to the opposite case, c12 = c13 = 0.5c11,
i.e., the c1 = (2, 1, 1) model at c2 = 1.0. One may expect
that two second-order phase transitions appear as in the
previous c1 = (1, 2, 2) model. However, the result shown
in Fig.8 indicates that there exists only one second-order
phase transition near c11 ∼ 1.08. The broad and smooth
peak near c11 ∼ 0.85 shows no L dependence and we
conclude that it is a crossover. This crossover is similar
to that in the ordinary N = 1 gauge-Higgs system as we
shall see by the measurement of ρ below.
The orders of these transitions are understood as fol-
lows: In the c1 = (1, 2, 2) model, as we increase c11,
the two modes φxa(a = 2, 3) with larger c1a firstly be-
come relevant and the model is effectively the symmetric
N = 2 model. The peak in Fig.7(b) is interpreted as the
second-order peak of this model. For higher c11’s, the
gauge field is negligible due to small fluctuations, and
the effective model is the N = 1 XY model of φx1. It
gives the second-order peak in Fig.7(c). Similarly, in the
c1 = (2, 1, 1) model, φx1 firstly becomes relevant. The ef-
fective model is the N = 1 model, which gives the broad
peak in Fig.8 as the crossover[11]. For higher c11’s, the
effective model is the N = 2 symmetric model of φx2, φx3
and Uxµ, giving the sharp second-order peak in Fig.8.
In Fig.9, we present ρ of the c1 = (1, 2, 2) and (2, 1, 1)
models as a function of c11. ρ of the c1 = (1, 2, 2) model
decreases very rapidly at around c11 ∼ 0.35, which is the
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
FIG. 8: Specific heat of the c1 = (2, 1, 1) model at c2 = 1.0.
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55
c110 0.5 1 1.5
(a) (b)
FIG. 9: Instanton density ρ at c2 = 1.0 in the (a) c1 = (1, 2, 2)
model and (b) c1 = (2, 1, 1) model.
phase transition point in lower c11 region. On the other
hand, at the higher phase transition point, c11 ∼ 0.52, ρ
shows no significant changes. This observation indicates
that the lower-c11 phase transition is the confinement-
Higgs transition, whereas the higher-c11 transition is a
charge-neutral XY -type phase transition.
On the other hand, ρ of the c1 = (2, 1, 1) model de-
creases rapidly at around c11 ∼ 0.85, where C exhibits a
broad peak. This indicates that the crossover from the
dense to dilute-instanton regions occurs there just like in
the N = 1 case[11]. No “anomalous” behavior of ρ is ob-
served at the critical point c11 ∼ 1.1, and therefore the
phase transition is that of the neutral mode.
We have also studied the symmetric case for N = 4, 5
at c2 = 0. Both cases show clear signals of first-order
transitions at c1 ≃ 0.89(N = 4), 0.86(N = 5). On the
other hand, at c2 = ∞, the gauge dynamics is “frozen” to
Uxµ = 1 up to gauge transformations, so there remain N -
fold independent XY spin models, which show a second-
order transition at c1 ≃ 0.46. Thus we expect a tricritical
point for general N > 2 at some finite c2 separating first-
order and second-order transitions.
Let us summarize the results. ForN = 2 there is a crit-
ical line c̃1(c2) of second-order transitions in the c2 − c1
plane, which distinguishes the Higgs phase (c1 > c̃1) and
the confinement phase (c1 < c̃1). This result is consis-
tent with Kragset et al.[13]. For N = 3 there is a similar
transition line, but the region 0 < c2 < c2c ≃ 2.25 is of
second-order transitions while the region c2c < c2 is of
first-order transitions. To study the mechanism of gener-
ation of these first-order transitions, we studied the asym-
metric cases and found two second-order transitions [in
the c1 = (1, 2, 2) model] or one crossover and one second-
order phase transition [in the c1 = (2, 1, 1) model]. The
former case implies that two simultaneous second-order
transitions strengthen the order to generate a first-order
transition. Chernodub et al.[16] reported a similar gen-
eration of an enhanced first-order transition in a related
3D Higgs model with singly and doubly charged scalar
fields. We stress that the above change of the order is
dynamical because (1) It depends on the value of c2, (2)
Related 3D models, the CPN−1 and N -fold CP 1 gauge
models, exhibit always second-order transitions (See the
last reference of Ref.[2]).
We thank Dr.K. Sakakibara for useful discussion.
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bridge University Press 1985).
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ered the SU(N) Hubbard model to describe the super-
conductivity of fermionic atoms, which has a N = 2J+1-
component order parameter. At large repulsion U and at
the filling factor n = 1/N , the model becomes the U(1)
gauge model with CPN−1 spins. A CPN−1 variable is
parametrized as za = ρa exp(iϕa) with
ρ2a = 1.
In the symmetric limit, which is the easy-plane limit for
N = 2, ρ2a = 1/N and za becomes a Higgs field.
[7] R. K. Kaul, A. Kolezhuk, M. Levin, S. Sachdev, and T.
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0704.1324 | Identifying Dark Matter Burners in the Galactic center | Identifying Dark Matter Burners in the Galactic center
Igor V. Moskalenko∗,† and Lawrence L. Wai∗∗,†
∗Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
†Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309
∗∗Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Abstract. If the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of our Galaxy grew adiabatically, then a dense "spike" of dark
matter is expected to have formed around it. Assuming that dark matter is composed primarily of weakly interacting massive
particles (WIMPs), a star orbiting close enough to the SMBH can capture WIMPs at an extremely high rate. The stellar
luminosity due to annihilation of captured WIMPs in the stellar core may be comparable to or even exceed the luminosity
of the star due to thermonuclear burning. The model thus predicts the existence of unusual stars, i.e. "WIMP burners",
in the vicinity of an adiabatically grown SMBH. We find that the most efficient WIMP burners are stars with degenerate
electron cores, e.g. white dwarfs (WD) or degenerate cores with envelopes. If found, such stars would provide evidence for
the existence of particle dark matter and could possibly be used to establish its density profile. In our previous paper we
computed the luminosity from WIMP burning for a range of dark matter spike density profiles, degenerate core masses, and
distances from the SMBH. Here we compare our results with the observed stars closest to the Galactic center and find that
they could be consistent with WIMP burners in the form of degenerate cores with envelopes. We also cross-check the WIMP
burner hypothesis with the EGRET observed flux of gamma-rays from the Galactic center, which imposes a constraint on the
dark matter spike density profile and annihilation cross-section. We find that the EGRET data is consistent with the WIMP
burner hypothesis. New high precision measurements by GLAST will confirm or set stringent limits on a dark matter spike at
the Galactic center, which will in turn support or set stringent limits on the existence of WIMP burners at the Galactic center.
Keywords: black hole physics, dark matter, elementary particles, stellar evolution, white dwarfs, infrared, gamma rays
PACS: 14.80.Ly, 95.30.Cq, 95.35.+d, 97.10.Cv, 97.10.Ri, 97.20.Rp, 98.35.Jk, 98.38.Jw, 98.70.Rz
The highest density “free space” dark matter regions occur for dark matter particles captured within the gravitational
potential of adiabatically grown SMBHs. Any star close enough to such a SMBH can capture a large number of
WIMPs during a short period of time. Annihilation of captured WIMPs may lead to considerable energy release in
stellar cores thus affecting the evolution and appearance of such stars. Such an idea has been first proposed in [1] and
further developed in [2] who applied it to main-sequence stars. An order-of-magnitude estimate of the WIMP capture
rates for stars of various masses and evolution stages [3] lead us to the conclusion that WDs, fully burned stars without
their own energy supply, are the most promising candidates to look for. WIMP capture by WDs or degenerate cores
with envelopes located in a high density dark matter region has been discussed in detail in [4].
A high WIMP concentration in the stellar interior may affect the evolution and appearance of a star. The effects of
WIMPs can be numerous, here we list only a few. The additional source of energy from WIMP pair-annihilation may
cause convective energy transport from the stellar interior when radiative transport is not effective enough. In turn,
this may inflate the stellar radius. On the other hand, WIMPs themselves may provide energy transport and suppress
convection in the stellar core; this would reduce the replenishment of the thermonuclear burning region with fresh fuel.
The appearance of massive stars and the bare WDs should not change, however. The former are too luminous, L∗ ∝ M4∗ ,
while the energy transport in the latter is dominated by the degenerate electrons. Here we discuss observational features
of DM burners, and GLAST’s role in checking this hypothesis.
There several possible ways to identify the DM burners:
• The bare WDs burning DM should be hot, with luminosity maximum falling into the UV or X-ray band. The
number of very hot WDs in the SDSS catalog [5] is small, just a handful out of 9316. This means that observation
of a concentration of very hot WDs at the GC would be extremely unlikely unless they are “DM burners.”
• Identification of DM burners may be possible by combining the data obtained by several experiments:
– GLAST γ-ray measurements from the GC can be used to identify a putative DM spike at the SMBH, and
also measure the annihilation flux from the spike. Identification of the DM spike requires a detection of a
1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
power-law index
-3 s
103 104 105 106
Teff (K)
FIGURE 1. Left: γ-ray flux vs. the DM central spike power-law index. The lines are shown for a series of annihilation cross
sections 〈σv〉. Right: The visual K-band magnitude of DM burners at the GC without extinction vs. the effective surface temperature.
point source at the GC (i.e. not extended) centered on the SMBH (i.e. with no offset), and a source spectrum
matching a WIMP of a particular mass, which agrees with the “universal” WIMP mass as determined by
any other putative WIMP signals (i.e. from colliders, direct detection, other indirect detection).
– Direct measurement of the WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section fixes the WIMP capture rate and thus the
WIMP burner luminosity for a given degenerate core.
– Determination of stellar orbits would allow a calculation of the WIMP burning rate by a particular star and,
therefore, the proportion of its luminosity which is coming from the WIMP burning.
– LHC measurements may provide information about the WIMP mass and interaction cross-sections.
Figure 1 (left) shows the DM annihilation γ-ray flux from the central spike vs. DM density power-law index
assuming 10γ’s above 1 GeV per annihilation and WIMP mass mχ = 100 GeV. The EGRET γ-ray flux from the
GC Fγ(> 1 GeV) = 5× 10
−7 cm−2 s−1 [6].
Advances in near-IR instrumentation have made possible observations of stars in the inner parsec of the Galaxy
[7, 8, 9]. The apparent K-band brightness of these stars is 14–17 mag while the extinction may be as large as 3.3 mag
[10]. Assuming a central spike with index 7/3, the K-band brightness for bare Oxygen WDs with Teff ∼ 100,000 K
and R∗/R⊙ ∼ 0.01 is about 22–23 mag not including extinction. A WIMP burning degenerate core with envelope may
be cold enough to produce most of its emission in the IR band (Figure 1, right). For a given luminosity, the colder
stars should necessarily have larger outer radii. A DM burner (w/envelope) with effective temperature Teff < 10,000 K
and radius > 5R⊙ could have visual K-band magnitude mag > 10 (without extinction) and be visible with the current
techniques. The horizontal dotted line (mag = 14) show the dimmest stars currently observed in the GC.
I. V. M. acknowledges partial support from a NASA APRA grant. A part of this work was done at Stanford Linear
Accelerator Center, Stanford University, and supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC03-768SF00515.
1. P. Salati, and J. Silk, ApJ 338, 24–31 (1989).
2. A. Bouquet, and P. Salati, ApJ 346, 284–288 (1989).
3. I. V. Moskalenko, and L. L. Wai, arXiv: astro-ph/0608535 (2006).
4. I. V. Moskalenko, and L. L. Wai, ApJ 659, L29–L32 (2007).
5. D. J. Eisenstein et al., ApJS 167, 40–58 (2006).
6. H. A. Mayer-Hasselwander et al., Astron. Astrophys. 335, 161–172 (1998).
7. R. Genzel et al., Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 317, 348–374 (2000).
8. A. M. Ghez et al., ApJ 586, L127–L131 (2003).
9. A. M. Ghez et al., ApJ 620, 744–757 (2005).
10. G. H. Rieke, M. J. Rieke, and A. E. Paul, ApJ 336, 752–761 (1989).
0704.1325 | Instabilities in the time-dependent neutrino disc in Gamma-Ray Bursts | Instabilities in the time-dependent neutrino disc in Gamma-Ray
A. Janiuk1,2, Y. Yuan3, R. Perna4 & T. Di Matteo5
We investigate the properties and evolution of accretion tori formed after the coalescence of
two compact objects. At these extreme densities and temperatures, the accreting torus is cooled
mainly by neutrino emission produced primarily by electron and positron capture on nucleons
(β reactions). We solve for the disc structure and its time evolution by introducing a detailed
treatment of the equation of state which includes photodisintegration of helium, the condition of
β-equilibrium, and neutrino opacities. We self-consistently calculate the chemical equilibrium in
the gas consisting of helium, free protons, neutrons and electron-positron pairs and compute the
chemical potentials of the species, as well as the electron fraction throughout the disc. We find
that, for sufficiently large accretion rates (Ṁ & 10M⊙/s), the inner regions of the disk become
opaque and develop a viscous and thermal instability. The identification of this instability might
be relevant for GRB observations.
Subject headings: accretion, accretion discs – black hole physics – gamma rays: bursts – neutrinos
1. Introduction
Gamma-Ray Bursts are commonly thought to
be produced in relativistic ejecta that dissipate en-
ergy by internal shocks however alternative ideas
based on the Poynting flux dominated jets are also
being proposed (for a review see e.g. Piran 2005;
Meszaros 2006; Zhang 2007).
The enormous power released during the gamma-
ray burst explosion indicates that a relativistic
phenomenon must be involved in creating GRBs
(Narayan et al. 1992). The merger of two neutron
stars or of a neutron star and a black hole (e.g. NS-
NS or NS-BH) has been invoked e.g. by Paczyński
(1986); Eichler et al. (1989); Paczyński (1991);
1Copernicus Astronomical Center, Bartycka 18, 00-716
Warsaw, Poland
2Present address: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505
Maryland Pkwy, NV89154, USA
3 Center for Astrophysics, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China
4JILA and Department of Astrophysical and Planetary
Sciences, University of Colorado, 440 UCB, Boulder, CO
80309, USA
5Physics Department, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000
Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
Narayan, Paczyński & Piran (1992), as well as the
collapse of a massive star, the so called “collap-
sar” scenario (e.g., Woosley 1993 and Paczyński
1998). In both cases a dense, hot accretion disk
is likely to form around a newly born black hole
(Witt et al. 1994). In the collapsar scenario, the
collapsing envelope of the star accretes onto the
newly formed black hole, while a transient debris
disk is formed when the NS-NS or NS-BH binary
merges (see e.g. Ruffert et al. 1997 for numerical
The durations of GRBs, which range from mil-
liseconds to over a thousand of seconds, are dis-
tributed in two distinct peaks defining two main
GRB classes: short (≤ 2 sec) and long (& 2 sec)
bursts (Kouvelietou et al. 1993). For some long
bursts, signatures of an accompanying supernova
explosion have been detected in the afterglow spec-
tra (Stanek et al. 2003; Hjorth et al. 2003), which
strongly favors the “collapsar” interpretation for
their origin. Furthermore, the GRB positions in-
ferred from the afterglow observations are consis-
tent with the GRBs being associated with the star
forming regions in their host galaxies. For short
bursts, several pieces of evidence from the analy-
sis of the Swift satellite and follow-up observations
(Gehrels et al. 2005; Fox et al. 2005; Villasenor et
al. 2005) argue in favor of a binary merger model
(Hjorth et al. 2005; Berger et al. 2005).
In the merger scenario, the duration of the
burst is comparable to the viscous timescale of the
accretion disc whereas in the collapsar scenario,
the external reservoir of stellar matter can feed
the accretion torus for a much longer timescale.
In general, accretion discs powering GRBs are ex-
pected to have typical densities of the order of
1010−12 g cm−3 and temperatures of 1011 K within
10−20 Schwarzschild radii (RS = 2GM/c2). Thus,
accretion proceeds with rates of a fraction to sev-
eral solar masses per second. In this “hyper-
accreting” regime, photons become trapped and
are not efficient at cooling the disc. Neutrinos,
however, are produced by weak interactions in the
dense and hot plasma, releasing the gravitational
energy of the accretion flow. These discs go under
the name of “neutrino-dominated accretion flows”,
or NDAFs.
Over the last several years a number of stud-
ies have investigated the structure of these discs
(Popham, Woosley & Fryer 1999; Narayan, Piran
& Kumar 2001; Kohri & Mineshige 2002; Di Mat-
teo, Perna & Narayan 2002; Surman & McLaugh-
lin 2004; Kohri, Narayan & Piran 2005; Chen &
Beloborodov 2006; Gu, Liu & Lu 2006; Liu, Gu
& Lu 2007). These models have employed the
customary approximation of one-dimensional hy-
drodynamics (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973), where
the effects of MHD viscous stresses are described
by the dimensionless parameter α, but have been
limited to the steady-state approximation of con-
stant Ṁ . Such an assumption is a good approx-
imation when considering the collapsar scenario,
where the burst duration is much longer than the
viscous time, due to the continuous replenishing of
the disc by the collapsing star envelope. However,
even in this scenario, recent observations suggest
that that engines are “long-lived” (past the torus
feeding phase), requiring a time-dependent com-
putation. In the merger scenario, on the other
hand, a time-dependent calculation is necessary
even for modeling the prompt phase of the burst,
since the duration is set by the viscous timescale
of the disc.
Recently, a fully time-dependent calculation of
the structure of such accretion discs has been pre-
sented by Janiuk et al. (2004). The model was
suitable for the torus being a results of either the
gravitational collapse of a massive stellar core or
the compact binary merger. However the struc-
ture and evolution of the disk (like in many of the
early calculations) was calculated under a num-
ber of simplifying assumptions for the composition
and the equation of state of the accreting matter.
In this paper we improve upon our earlier results
in several ways. Besides the requirement of time-
dependent calculations, the high density and tem-
perature regime in which the accreting gas lies, im-
plies that both multi-dimensional numerical and
semi-analytic calculations for such flows need to
include the detailed microphysics. This includes
photodisintegration of nuclei, the establishment
of statistical equilibrium, neutronization, and the
effects of neutrino opacities in the inner regions.
Here, we introduce a detailed treatment of the
equation of state, and calculate self-consistently
the chemical equilibrium in the gas that consists
of helium, free protons, neutrons and electron-
positron pairs. We compute the chemical poten-
tials of the species, as well as the electron fraction
throughout the disk using the assumption of the
equilibrium between the beta processes. Our EOS
equations include, self-consistently, the contribu-
tion of the neutrino trapping to the beta equilib-
rium. Another important addition compared to
our previous work (Janiuk et al. 2004) is the inclu-
sion of photodisintegration of helium. The pres-
ence of this term can affect the energy balance in
the inner, opaque (to neutrinos as well as pho-
tons) region of the flow and, as it will be shown, it
eventually produces a thermal and viscous insta-
bility in those regions. This is especially relevant
since the GRB phenomenology requires a variable
energy output.
Other time-dependent disc studies of binary
mergers or collapsars have been performed in
2D using hydrodynamical simulations (e.g. Mac-
Fadyen & Woosley 1999; Ruffert & Janka 1999;
Lee et al. 2002; Rosswog et al. 2004; Lee,
Ramirez-Ruiz & Page 2005) and, most recently,
in 3-D simulations (Setiawan et al. 2005). Also,
MHD simulations of the GRB central engine have
been performed, showing that the magnetic field
possibly plays an important role in the genera-
tion of a GRB jet (Proga et al. 2003; Fujimoto
et al. 2006). The advantage of our calculations
is that, whilst including all the relevant physics
to calculate the equation of state, the structure
and stability of the accretion disc, we are able to
study a much larger range of parameter space and
allow our calculations to evolve beyond what can
be reached in higher dimensional calculation and
comparable to at least the short-burst durations.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec-
tion 2 we describe the basic assumptions of the
model and the method used in the initial sta-
tionary and subsequent time-dependent numerical
simulations. In Section 3 we discuss the structure
of the hyperaccreting disc for various values of the
initial accretion rate, and study the time evolu-
tion of its density and temperature, as well as the
resulting neutrino lightcurve. We also discuss the
physical origin of the instabilities in the disc, and
we compare our model and results with the recent
2D and 3D simulations. We summarize our results
in Section 4.
2. Neutrino-cooled accretion disks
In this Section, we describe how we improve
upon our previous time-dependent calculation (Ja-
niuk et al. 2004) by computing self-consistently
the equation of state of the extremely dense mat-
ter by solving the balance of the β reaction rates.
This allows us to determine the chemical poten-
tials of electrons, protons and neutrons, as well as
the electron fraction, in the initial disc configura-
tion and throughout its evolution.
2.1. Initial disc configuration: 1-D Hydro-
We start by considering a steady-state model
of an accretion disc around a Schwarzschild black
hole - formed as a remnant structure either after
a compact binary merger, or in a collapsar after
the birth of a black hole (for a recent calculation
in Kerr spacetime see Chen & Beloborodov 2006).
Throughout our calculations we use the vertically
integrated equations and hence derive a vertically
averaged disc structure. We write the surface den-
sity of the disk as Σ = Hρ, where ρ is the density
and where the disk half thickness (or disk height)
is given by H = cs/ΩK . Here the sound speed
is defined by cs =
P/ρ and ΩK =
is the Keplerian angular velocity with P the to-
tal pressure. We note that, at very high accretion
rates, the disc becomes moderately geometrically
thick (H ∼ 0.5r) in regions where neutrino cooling
becomes inefficient and advection dominates. Our
’slim disk’ approximation neglects terms ∼ (H/r)2
and assumes that the fluid is in Keplerian rota-
tion. For the disc viscous stress we use the stan-
dard α viscosity prescription of Shakura & Sun-
yaev (1973) where the stress tensor is proportional
to the pressure:
τrϕ = −αP. (1)
We adopt a value of α = 0.1
We set the inner radius of the disc at 3 RS, while
the outer radius is at 50 RS. The initial mass of
such a disc is about 0.35M⊙ for an accretion rate
Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s. Throughout the calculations we
adopt a black hole mass of M = 3M⊙.
2.2. The equation of state
We assume that the torus consists of helium,
electron-positron pairs, free neutrons and protons.
The total pressure is contributed by all particle
species in the disc, and the fraction of each species
is determined by self-consistently solving the bal-
ance of the beta reaction rates. In the equation
of state we take into account the pressure due to
the free nuclei and pairs, helium, radiation and the
trapped neutrinos:
P = Pnucl + PHe + Prad + Pν . (2)
The component Pnucl includes free neutrons, pro-
tons, and the electron-positron pair gas in beta
Pnucl = Pe− + Pe+ + Pn + Pp (3)
F3/2(ηi, βi) +
βiF5/2(ηi, βi)
where Fk are the Fermi-Dirac integrals of the or-
der k, and ηe, ηp and ηn are the reduced chemi-
cal potentials of electrons, protons and neutrons
in units of kT , respectively (where ηi = µi/kT ,
also known as the degeneracy parameter, where µi
the standard chemical potential) calculated from
the chemical equilibrium condition (§ 2.3). The
reduced chemical potential of positrons is ηe+ =
−ηe − 2/βe and the relativity parameters of the
species i are defined as βi = kT/mic
Under the physical conditions in the torus,
helium is generally non-relativistic and non-
degenerate; therefore, its pressure is given by:
PHe = nHekT, (5)
where nHe is the number density of helium. This
is defined as:
nHe =
nb(1 −Xnuc) , (6)
and the fraction of free nucleons is given by
Xnuc = 295.5ρ
11 exp(−0.8209/T11), (7)
with T11 the temperature in unit of 10
11 K (e.g.
Qian & Woosley 1996; Popham et al. 1999).
The radiation pressure is given by:
Prad =
(kT )4
. (8)
When neutrinos become trapped in the disc, the
neutrino pressure is non-zero. Following the treat-
ment of photon transport under the two-stream
approximation (Popham & Narayan 1995; Di Mat-
teo et al. 2002), we have
(kT )4
(τa,νi + τs) +
(τa,νi + τs) +
(kT )4
b, (9)
where τs is the scattering optical depth due to
the neutrino scattering on free neutrons and pro-
tons and τa,νe and τa,νµ are the absorptive opti-
cal depths for electron and muon neutrinos, re-
spectively (see§2.3). The contribution from tau
neutrinos is the same as that from muon neutri-
nos. These optical depths and neutrino absorption
processes (which are the reverse of the emission
processes) are discussed in more detail in the Ap-
In the disc we have to consider both the neu-
trino transparent and opaque regions, as well as
the transition between the two. In the trans-
parent case, the neutrinos are not thermalized
and the chemical potential of neutrinos is negli-
gible. On the other hand, when neutrinos are
totally trapped, the chemical equilibrium condi-
tion yields: µe + µp = µn + µν . The chemi-
cal potential of neutrinos is a parameter depend-
ing on how much neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are
trapped, and assuming that the number densities
of the trapped neutrinos and anti-neutrinos are
the same, µν can be set to zero. In order to de-
termine the distribution function of the partially
trapped neutrinos, in principle one should solve
the Boltzmann equation. To simplify this prob-
lem, we use here a ”gray body” model, and we
introduce a blocking factor b =
i=e,µ,τ bi to de-
scribe the extent to which neutrinos are trapped
(see e.g. Sawyer 2003). In terms of this factor, we
write the distribution function of neutrinos as
f̃νi(p) =
exp(pc/kT ) + 1
= bifνi , (0 ≤ bi ≤ 1).
This simplified assumption is consistent with the
two-stream approximation which we adopt here
(Eq. 9).
2.3. Composition and chemical equilib-
The equilibrium state of the gas in the accret-
ing torus is completely determined by the chem-
ical potentials of neutrons, protons and electrons
(ηn, ηp, ηe), and the trapping factor of neutrinos
(b) which is related to the optical depths of neu-
trinos (cf. Eq. 9). For a given baryon number
density, nb, temperature T , and a value for accre-
tion rate Ṁ and viscous constant α, the chemical
potentials, or equivalently the ratio of free protons
x = np/nb, are determined from the condition of
equilibrium between the transition reactions from
neutrons to protons and from protons to neutrons.
These reactions are:
p + e− → n + νe (11)
p + ν̄e → n + e+ (12)
p + e− + ν̄e → n (13)
n + e+ → p + ν̄e (14)
n → p + e− + ν̄e (15)
n + νe → p + e− (16)
Therefore we have to calculate the ratio of protons
that will satisfy the balance:
np(Γp+e−→n+νe + Γp+ν̄e→n+e+ + Γp+e−+ν̄e→n)
= nn(Γn+e+→p+ν̄e + Γn→p+e−+νe + Γn+νe→p+e−) .(17)
The reaction rates are the sum of forward and
backward rates and are given in the Appendix (see
also Kohri, Narayan and Piran 2005).
These are supplemented by two additional con-
ditions: the conservation of the baryon number,
nn +np = nb×Xnuc, and charge neutrality (Yuan
ne = ne− − ne+ = np + n0e , (18)
which says that the net number of electrons is
equal to the number of free protons plus the num-
ber of protons in helium:
n0e = 2nHe = (1 −Xnuc)
. (19)
The number density of fermions under arbitrary
degeneracy is determined by the following equa-
F1/2(ηi, βi) + βiF3/2(ηi, βi)
Finally, the electron fraction is defined as:
ne− − ne+
(Note that this is different from Ye = 1/(1 +
nn/np), which is only valid for free n-p-e gas.)
2.4. Neutrino cooling
The processes that are responsible for the neu-
trino emission in the disc are electron-positron pair
annihilation (e− + e+ → νi + ν̄i), bremsstrahlung
(n + n → n + n + νi + ν̄i), plasmon decay (γ̃ →
νe + ν̄e) and URCA process (reactions 11, 14 and
15). The first two processes produce neutrinos of
all flavors, while the other produce only electron
neutrinos and anti-neutrinos.
The cooling rate due to pair annihilation is ex-
pressed as:
qe+e− = qνe + qνµ + qντ (22)
where the cooling rates for all three neutrino fla-
vors are calculated by means of Fermi-Dirac inte-
grals and are given in the Appendix.
The cooling rate due to nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung
(in erg/cm3/s) is given by:
qbrems = 3.35 × 1027ρ210T 5.511 , (23)
where ρ10 is the baryon density in units of 10
g/cm3 and T11 is temperature in units of 10
11 K.
The cooling rate due to the plasmon decay (in
erg/cm3/s) is:
qplasmon = 1.5×1032T 911γ6pe−γp(1+γp)
1 + γp
where γp = 5.565 × 10−2
(π2 + 3(µe/kT )2)/3.
The cooling rate due to the URCA reactions is
given by the three emissivities:
qurca = qp+e−→n+νe + qn+e+→p+ν̄e + qn→p+e−+ν̄e .
The emissivities are given in the Appendix.
Note that the blocking factor of the trapping
neutrinos is used only for the emissivities of the
URCA reactions. For simplicity, we neglect the
blocking effects of neutrinos when calculating the
emissivities for the electron-positron pair annihi-
lation. Two reasons make this approximation rea-
sonable: the emissivities for the electron-positron
pair annihilation is much smaller than those of the
URCA reactions, and the electron-positron pair
annihilation does not change the electron fraction
which sensitively affects the EOS.
Each of the above neutrino emission process has
a reverse process, which leads to neutrino absorp-
tion. These are given by Equations 12, 13 and
16. Therefore we introduce the absorptive optical
depths for neutrinos given by:
τa,νi =
qa,νi (26)
where absorption of the electron neutrinos is de-
termined by:
qa,νe = q
+ qurca + qplasm +
qbrems (27)
and for the muon neutrinos:
qa,νµ = q
qbrems . (28)
In addition, the free escape of neutrinos from
the disc is limited by scattering. The scattering
optical depth is given by:
τs = τs,p + τs,n (29)
= 24.28 × 10−5
H (Cs,pnp + Cs,nnn)
where Cs,p = (4(CV − 1)2 + 5α2)/24, Cs,n = (1 +
5α2)/24, CV = 1/2 + 2 sin
2 θC, with α = 1.25 and
sin2 θC = 0.23.
The neutrino cooling rate is then given by
Q−ν =
. (30)
2.5. Energy and momentum Conservation
The hydrodynamic equations we solve to cal-
culate the disc structure are the standard mass,
energy and momentum conservation.
Making use of the standard disk equations, the
vertically integrated viscous heating rate (per unit
area) over a half thickness H is given by:
Ftot =
f(r) (31)
where the Newtonian boundary condition is as-
sumed: f(r) = 1 −
rmin/r. Note that in the
time-dependent calculations, instead of Eq. 31, we
will solve the viscous diffusion equation (Eq. 44).
Using mass and momentum conservation Ṁ =
4πρRHvr ≈ 6πνρH where vr ≈ (3ν)/(2r) and
ν = (2Pα)/(3ρΩ) is the kinematic viscosity. The
viscous heating rate can be written in terms of α,
Q+visc =
αΩHP. (32)
Cooling in the disc is due to advection, radia-
tion and neutrino emission. The advective cooling
in a stationary disc is determined approximately
= ΣvrT
= qadv
S , (33)
where qadv ∝ d lnS/d ln r ∝ (d lnT/d ln r − (Γ3 −
1)d ln ρ/d ln r) ≈ const and we adopt the value
of 1.0. The entropy density S is the sum of four
S = Snucl + SHe + Srad + Sν . (34)
The entropy density of the gas of free protons,
neutrons and electron-positron pairs is given by:
Snucl = Se− + Se+ + Sp + Sn (35)
(ǫi + Pi) − niηi (36)
F3/2(ηi, βi) + βiF5/2(ηi, βi)
is the energy density of electrons, positrons, pro-
tons or neutrons, Pi is their pressure, given by
Equation 4, ni are the number densities and ηi are
the chemical potentials.
The entropy density of helium is given by:
SHe = nHe
− lognHe)
for nHe > 0.
The entropy density of radiation is
Srad = 4
, (39)
while for neutrinos we have
Sν = 4
. (40)
In the initial disc configuration we assume that
qadv is approximately constant and of order of
unity, but in the subsequent time-dependent evo-
lution the advection term is calculated with the
appropriate radial derivatives.
For the case of photon and electron-positron
pairs in the plasma the radiative cooling is equal
11σT 4
where we adopt the Rosseland-mean opacity κ =
0.4 + 0.64 × 1023ρT−3 [cm2g−1].
An important term in the cooling and heating
balance in the disc is due to photodisintegration
of α particles, with rate:
Qphoto = qphotoH (42)
qphoto = 6.28 × 1028ρ10vr
and Xnuc is given by Equation 7. Finally, in order
to calculate the initial stationary configuration, we
solve the energy balance: Ftot = Q
+ Q−ν + Qphoto.
2.6. Time evolution
After solving for the initial disc configuration,
we allow the density and temperature to vary with
time. We solve the time-dependent equations of
mass and angular momentum conservation in the
and the energy equation:
4 − 3χ
12 − 9χ
12 − 9χ
(Q+ −Q−).
where χ = (P − Prad)/P . The cooling term Q−
consists of radiative and neutrino cooling, given by
Equations (41) and (30). Advection is included in
the energy equation via the radial derivatives. The
cooling term due to photodisintegration of helium
now must be proportional to the full time deriva-
tive of Xnuc (cf. Eq. 43) :
Qphoto ∝ vr
. (46)
2.7. Numerical method
The initial configuration of the disc is calcu-
lated by means of the Newton-Raphson method,
iterated with the hydrostatic equilibrium condi-
tion. We interpolate over the matrix of pre-
calculated results for the equation of state (pres-
sure and entropy) and neutrino cooling rate (
the number of points is 1024x1024). The Fermi-
Dirac integrals are calculated using the mixture of
Gauss-Legendre and Gauss-Laguerre quadratures
(Aparicio 1998).
Having determined the initial radial profiles of
density and temperature, as well as the other
quantities at time t = 0, we start the time evolu-
tion of the disc. We solve the set of Equations (44),
(46) and (46) using the convenient change of vari-
ables y = 2r1/2 and Ξ = yΣ, at fixed radial grid,
equally spaced in y (see Janiuk et al. 2002 and ref-
erences therein). The number of radial zones is set
to 200, which we found to be an adequate resolu-
tion. After determining the solutions for the first
100 time steps by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta
method, we use the Adams-Moulton predictor-
corrector method with an adaptive time step. The
code used an explicit communication model that
is implemented with the standardized MPI com-
munication interface and can be run on multipro-
cessor machines.
We choose the no-torque inner boundary con-
dition, Σin = Tin = 0 (see Abramowicz & Kato
1989). The outer boundary of the disc is done by
adding an extra “dead-zone” to the computational
domain, which accounts for the disk expansion and
conservation of angular momentum.
3. Results
We first analyze the pressure, entropy and neu-
trino cooling rate distributions for a given tem-
perature and baryon density in the gas. Then,
we show the disc structure for a converged static
disc model and finally we show examples of time
evolution of the neutrino luminosity, density, tem-
perature and electron fraction for given sets of pa-
3.1. EOS solutions for a given tempera-
ture and density
In Figure 1 and 2 we plot the results of the nu-
merically calculated equation of state for the hot
and dense matter. The plots show the dependence
of the electron fraction, pressure, entropy and neu-
trino cooling rate on temperature and density, re-
In the upper panels, we show the neutrino cool-
ing rate. At low temperatures, below T = mec
5 × 109K, there are almost no positrons and free
nucleons. Therefore the neutrino emission pro-
cesses switch off, and the cooling of the gas is
either due to advection, or, when the matter be-
comes transparent to photons, radiative cooling
overtakes. For larger temperatures, the neutrino
emission rate increases up to the temperature of
about ∼ 5 × 1011 K. For very high tempera-
tures, the optical depths for neutrinos increase
very rapidly (τ ∝ T 5, see Eq. (7) in Di Matteo
et al. 2002). Therefore the neutrino cooling rate
decreases at high temperatures (Eq. 30). On the
other hand, for a given temperature (e.g. T ∼ 1011
K), the neutrino cooling rate does not sensitively
depend on density. It varies by one order of magni-
tude in the range of 108 ≤ ρ ≤ 1014 g/cm3, where
the optical depth is τ ∼ 100. The middle panels
of Figures 1 and 2, show the entropy and pressure
as a function of temperature and density. At low
temperatures, the entropy of gas is not important.
The highly degenerate electrons do not give contri-
bution to the entropy, while they are a dominant
term in the pressure, which is therefore indepen-
dent of temperature up to T ∼ 5 × 1010 K. When
the temperature increases, helium becomes disin-
tegrated into free nucleons at energy comparable
to the binding energy of helium, and after that the
radiation (including photons and electron-positron
pairs) contributes mainly to the total entropy and
pressure. Therefore, both these quantities rise
with temperature. At high densities, the entropy
is dominated by neutrons. Finally, the electron
fraction is shown in the bottom panel of Figures 1
and 2. At low temperatures, the electron fraction
is equal to 0.5, it then decreases sharply as the
helium nuclei become disintegrated. As the tem-
perature further increases, positrons appear as the
electrons become non-degenerate. The positron
capture again increases the electron fraction (see
The electron fraction changes significantly as
a function of density for T > 1010K (in Fig.2,
T = 1011K). At low densities, the torus consists
of free neutrons and protons and Ye is close to 0.5
(see also Eq. 7). As density increases, Ye decreases
to satisfy the beta-equilibrium among the free n-p-
e gas. Above some density (when the temperature
is high enough, e.g. for Fig. 2, ρHe ≈ 1013g cm−3)
helium starts forming. Therefore Ye has a kink
and stars rising steeply, asymptotically approach-
ing 0.5 as the torus consists of plenty of ionized
helium and some electrons to keep charge neutral-
3.2. The steady-state disc structure
In Figures 3 and 4 we show the profiles of den-
sity and temperature in the stationary accretion
disk model for three accretion rates: 1 M⊙/s,
10 M⊙/s and 12 M⊙/s. In general, the temper-
ature and density profiles both increase inward.
However, for Ṁ = 12M⊙/s, a distinct branch of
solutions is reached, which appears different than
the so-called “NDAF” branch (see Kohri & Mi-
neshige 2002). The density and temperature pro-
files for this high accretion rate differ also from
what was found in previous work (Di Matteo et
al. 2002; Janiuk et al. 2004). Due to a more
detailed equation of state, in which we allow for
Fig. 1.— The dependence of the electron frac-
tion (bottom), pressure (middle bottom), en-
tropy (middle upper) neutrino cooling rate (up-
per panel) on temperature, for the constant den-
sity ρ = 1012 g/cm3. The accretion rate is Ṁ =
1 M⊙/s. The pressure and neutrino cooling are in
cgs units and the entropy is in units of kB cm
Fig. 2.— The dependence of the electron frac-
tion (bottom), pressure (middle bottom), entropy
(middle upper) and neutrino cooling rate (upper
panel) on density, for the constant temperature
T = 1011 K. The accretion rate is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s.
The pressure and neutrino cooling are in cgs units
and the entropy is in units of kBcm
a partial degeneracy of nucleons and electrons as
well as neutrino trapping, our solutions reach den-
sities as high as 1012 g/cm3 in the innermost radii
of the disc. The temperature in this inner disc part
is in the range 4×1010−1.25×1011 K, depending
on the accretion rate. For the hottest disk model,
a local peak in the density forms around 7 − 8RS,
while below that radius the density decreases. Be-
tween ∼ 3.5 and 7 RS, the plasma becomes much
hotter and less dense than outside of this region.
This means that the macroscopic state of the sys-
tem is different here due to an abrupt change in
the heat capacity. In order to check what is the
reason for this transition, we investigate the pres-
sure distribution in the disk.
The profile of the pressure is shown in Fig. 5.
The dominant term in the total pressure is due
to the nucleons, while the radiation pressure (in-
cluding electron-positron pairs) is always several
orders of magnitude smaller. The neutrino pres-
sure is large in the inner disc, once it gets opti-
cally thick to neutrinos (i.e. for Ṁ ≥ 10M⊙/s).
A significant contribution to the pressure is due
to helium at densities high enough for helium to
form, albeit at temperatures low enough such that
its nuclei are not fully disintegrated. For the
largest accretion rate shown, in the region of the
temperature excess and inverse density gradient
(3.5 − 7RS), the total pressure distribution flat-
tens. The helium pressure is now vanishingly small
due to the complete photodisintegration, and the
nuclear pressure is slightly decreased due to the
composition change: smaller number density of
neutrons and larger number density of protons.
The substantial contribution to the pressure is now
given by the neutrinos (large optical depths; see
below) and radiation pressure (increased number
of electron-positron pairs). From the comparison
of Figures 3, 4 and the bottom panel of Figure
5, it can be seen that the total pressure becomes
locally correlated with temperature and anticor-
related with density, thus consituting an unstable
In Figure 6 we show the neutrino optical depths
due to scattering and absorption. The total opti-
cal depth in the outer disc is typically dominated
by scattering processes, while in the inner disc ab-
sorption processes take over for very high accre-
tion rates. For Ṁ = 1M⊙/s only the very in-
ner disk radii have optical depth close to 1. For
Fig. 3.— The baryon density as a function of
the disc radius, calculated in the stationary so-
lution. The accretion rate is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s (solid
line), Ṁ = 10 M⊙/s (long dashed line) and Ṁ =
12 M⊙/s (short dashed line) .
Fig. 4.— The temperature as a function of the disc
radius, calculated in the stationary solution. The
accretion rate is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s (solid line), Ṁ =
10 M⊙/s (long dashed line) and Ṁ = 12 M⊙/s
(short dashed line) .
Fig. 5.— The pressure components as a func-
tion of the disc radius, calculated in the station-
ary solution for the three accretion rate values:
Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s (upper panel), Ṁ = 10 M⊙/s (mid-
dle panel) and Ṁ = 12 M⊙/s (bottom panel)
. The total pressure is marked by the solid
line, and its components are: nuclear (gas) pres-
sure (long dashed line), radiation pressure (short
dashed line), helium pressure (dotted line) and
neutrino pressure (dot-dashed line).
Fig. 6.— The neutrino optical depths due to scat-
tering (τs, solid line) and absorption (τa,e for elec-
tron neutrinos, long dashed line, and τa,µ for muon
neutrinos, short dashed line) as a function of ra-
dius for Ṁ = 1M⊙/s (upper panel), Ṁ = 10M⊙/s
(middle panel) and for Ṁ = 12M⊙/s (bottom
panel). The sum of the three quantities is the
total optical depth (τtot, dotted line).
Ṁ = 12M⊙/s, in the radial strip of ∼ 3.5 − 7RS
the disk is optically thick with absorptive optical
depth for electron neutrinos exceeding the scatter-
ing term and reaching values of the order of 100.
3.2.1. Composition and Chemical potentials
In Figure 7 we show the distribution of the
reduced chemical potentials of protons, electrons
and neutrons throughout the disc. Reduced elec-
tron chemical potentials much larger than unity
(indicating strong electron degeneracy) are found
in the inner disc parts for Ṁ = 10M⊙/s and
Ṁ = 12M⊙/s, whereas for 1 M⊙/s electrons are
only slightly degenerate. For the highest accretion
rate, the maximum degeneracies correspond to the
radius of the local peak in the density (cf. Fig. 3)
and the excess of helium number density (cf. Fig.
8). Below this radius, the species become non-
degenerate again, contributing to the increase of
the electron fraction (cf. Fig. 9). In Figure 8 we
plot the mass fraction of free nucleons as a function
of radius for Ṁ = 12M⊙/s, 10 and 1M⊙/s. As the
Figure shows, in the outer regions, Xnuc increases
as the radius decreases, while the temperature and
density increase (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). Consistent
with the behavior of Ye (Fig.2), Xnuc subsequently
turns around (decreases) at radii where the den-
sity is high enough for significant helium forma-
tion. This trend is reversed sharply for highest
accretion rates, when the temperature in the disk
is high enough (Fig.4) for helium to be fully dis-
sociated. In consequence, the number density of
alpha particles increases at ∼ 7−12RS and sharply
decreases at lower radii. A similar, but far less pro-
nounced fluctuation in Xnuc is seen at smaller radii
for the case of Ṁ = 10M⊙/s. For smallest accre-
tion rate, 1M⊙/s, there is no helium throughout
the disk.
In Figure 9 we show the radial distribution of
the electron fraction throughout the disc for 1,
10 and 12 M⊙/s. For the case of 1 M⊙/s (solid
line), the electron fraction decreases inward in the
disc as the electrons are captured by protons (in
neutronization reactions). Once the electrons be-
come non-degenerate, positrons appear, and the
positron capture by neutrons again increases the
electron fraction. For the hotter plasma (accre-
tion rate of 10 M⊙/s, dashed line), consistently
with the behavior discussed for Xnuc, helium nu-
clei form as the density becomes high enough be-
Fig. 7.— The chemical potentials of neutrons
(ηn, solid line), electrons (ηe, dashed line) and
protons (ηp, dotted line) as a function of the
disc radius, calculated in the stationary solution.
The accretion rate is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s (triangles),
Ṁ = 10 M⊙/s (squares) and Ṁ = 12 M⊙/s (cir-
Fig. 8.— The mass fraction of free nucleons
as a function of radius for Ṁ = 1M⊙/s (solid
line), Ṁ = 10M⊙/s (long dashed line) and Ṁ =
12 M⊙/s (short dashed line).
low ∼ 20RS and Ye increases. For the accretion
rate of 12 M⊙/s there is the sharp decrease in Ye,
at ∼ 7−8RS, due to the sudden dissociation of he-
lium. As helium is fully photo-dissociated, there is
an almost equal number of neutrons and protons
due to the balance of the electron and positron
capture. This implies an electron fraction of 0.5.
At the innermost radius, the temperature and den-
sity drop due to the boundary condition, which
affects the behaviour of both Ye and Xnuc.
3.2.2. Cooling and heating rates
In Figure 10 we plot the rates of viscous heat-
ing, advection and cooling due to neutrino emis-
sion and photo-dissociation in the stationary disc.
The accretion rates are Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s (upper
panel), Ṁ = 10 M⊙/s (middle panel), and Ṁ =
12 M⊙/s (lower panel). For the highest accretion
rates, in the innermost disc the neutrino cooling
rate decreases substantially with respect to the
cooling by photodissociacion. This is because the
neutrinos are trapped in the disc due to a large
opacity The smaller the accretion rate, the less
important is the neutrino trapping effect. This
implies that for an accretion rate of ≤ 10 M⊙/s
neutrinos can escape from the innermost disc.
The advective term is a couple orders of magni-
tude smaller than the other terms. The photodis-
sociacion term is negligible for an accretion rate of
1 M⊙/s, since there is no helium in the whole disc,
and Qphoto is equal to zero by definition. For an
accretion rate of 10 M⊙/s there is very little he-
lium down to about 15-20 RS, and therefore Qphoto
is much smaller than other terms. For the accre-
tion rate of 12 M⊙/s , down to 6 − 10RS in the
region of the disc of high density and maximum
degeneracy, helium nuclei form. The nucleosyn-
thesis of alpha particles leads to the plasma heat-
ing instead of cooling, and therefore the relevant
term in the energy balance has a negative value.
Outward, above ∼ 10RS, there is some fraction
of helium which can be photo-dissociated, so the
cooling term due to this reaction is also important
in the total energy balance. In the inner region
helium is fully dissociated and Qphoto is equal to
zero, increasing again only near the inner bound-
ary due to the local density increase and decrease
of temperature.
Fig. 9.— The electron fraction as a function
of the disc radius, calculated in the stationary
solution. The accretion rate is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s
(solid line), Ṁ = 10 M⊙/s (long dashed line) and
Ṁ = 12 M⊙/s (short dashed line).
Fig. 10.— The heating and cooling rates due
to photodissociation and neutrino emission (solid
lines) as a function of radius for Ṁ = 1M⊙/s (up-
per panel), Ṁ = 10M⊙/s (middle panel) and for
Ṁ = 12M⊙/s (bottom panel). The other terms
are: cooling rate due to advection (long dashed
line) and viscous heating rate (short dashed line).
3.3. Stability analysis: instabilities at
The disc is thermally unstable if d logQ+/d logT >
d logQ−/d logT . Then any small increase (de-
crease) in temperature leads to a heating rate
which is more (less) than the cooling rate, and
as a consequence a further increase (decrease) of
the temperature. The viscous instability, which
appears when ∂Ṁ
∂Σ |Q+=Q− < 0, manifests itself
in a faster (slower) evolution of an underdense
(overdense) region. The instabilities can be con-
veniently located in the surface density - temper-
ature diagrams, in which the branch of thermal
equilibrium solutions with a negative slope is not
only unstable to the perturbations in the surface
density, but it is also thermally unstable.
In Figure 11 we show such stability curves for
several radii in the disc. The criterion for a vis-
cously stable disc is generally satisfied through-
out the whole disc for Ṁ ≤ 10M⊙/s. How-
ever, for larger accretion rates, there are unstable
branches at the smallest radii. For Ṁ = 10M⊙/s,
the disc becomes unstable below 5 RS, while for
Ṁ = 12M⊙/s the instability strip is up to ∼ 7RS.
Here helium is almost completely photodisinte-
grated while the electrons and protons become
non-degenerate again. For this high accretion rate,
the electron fraction rises inward in the disc. Un-
der these conditions, the energy balance is affected
leading to the thermal and viscous instability, as
demonstrated by the stability curves. This insta-
bility will be discussed in more detail in Section
3.4. Time dependent solutions
In this Section, we discuss how the tempera-
ture, density, electron fraction and disk luminosity
evolve with time. In Figures 12 and 13 we show the
time evolution of density and temperature, when
the initial accretion rate is 1 M⊙/s. These quan-
tities exponentially decrease with time:
ρ = ρ0(r) exp(−at) , (47)
T = T0(r) exp(−bt) (48)
where a ≈ 1.9 and b ≈ 0.085. The normalization
of these relations depends on the radius, and for
example for r = 6RS it is ρ0 = 2.2 × 1011 and
T0 = 3.5× 1010. The exponential behaviour arises
from the nature of energy equation (45).
In Figure 14 we show the electron fraction as
a function of time for several exemplary radial lo-
cations in the disc, for the disc evolving from a
starting accretion rate of 1M⊙/s. The fraction Ye
is smaller in the inner disc radii, while outward,
the electron fraction is over half an order of mag-
nitude higher. Altogether, during the evolution
of the system, the electron fraction constantly in-
creases with time throughout the disc.
The time-dependent neutrino luminosity of the
disc is given by:
Lν(t) =
∫ Rmax
Q−ν (t)2πrdr (49)
where Q−ν is given by Equation (30).
In Figure 15 we show an example of such a
lightcurve, for our standard model parameters
(M = 3M⊙, α = 0.1), and Rmax = 50RS. The
starting accretion rate was Ṁstart = 1 M⊙/s. At
this accretion rate neutrinos can already escape
from the accretion disc at the beginning of the
evolution. For higher initial accretion rates, e.g
10 − 12M⊙/s, neutrinos are trapped in the inner-
most disc, and, as a consequence, the neutrino
luminosity is lower at the initial stages of disc
evolution until the accretion rate drops to about
∼ 1M⊙/s. This result is qualitatively similar, al-
beit it differs quantitatively, from what was ob-
tained in Di Matteo et al. (2002) and Janiuk et
al. (2004): in those calculations neutrino trap-
ping was far more substantial even for a ’mod-
erate’ accretion rate of Ṁ & 1M⊙/s. The differ-
ence arises from the fact that here we calculate the
neutrino opacities using the β reaction efficiencies,
self-consistently with the equation of state.
For an accretion rate of 1M⊙/s, the solution
does not reach the viscously unstable branch. Ini-
tially, the disc contains almost no alpha particles
(cf. Fig. 8), which appear later on during the evo-
lution and cooling of the plasma. The dynamical
balance between the photodisintegration of helium
and nucleosynthesis leads to an additional non-
zero cooling/heating term in the energy equation
and to only small amplitude flickering at the early
stages of time-evolution.
The situation is much more dramatic when the
starting accretion rate is 12M⊙/s. In this case a
Fig. 11.— The stability curves on the accretion
rate vs. surface density plane, for several chosen
radii in the disc: 3.39RS (solid line), 3.81RS (dot-
ted line), 4.25RS (short dashed line), 5.19RS (long
dashed line) and 8.60RS (dot-dashed line).
Fig. 12.— The density as a function of time, for
several chosen disc radii: 4.01, 6.04, 10.13, 20.7,
35.02, and 45.19 RS. The initial accretion rate is
Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s.
Fig. 13.— The temperature as a function of time,
for several chosen disc radii: 4.01, 6.04, 10.13,
20.7, 35.02, and 45.19 RS. The initial accretion
rate is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s.
Fig. 14.— The electron fraction as a function
of time, for several chosen disc radii: 4.01, 6.04,
10.13, 20.7, 35.02, and 45.19 RS. The initial ac-
cretion rate is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s.
large disc strip is viscously and thermally unstable
and the most violent instability takes place around
and below 7 − 12RS.
In Figure 16 we show the behavior of the lo-
cal accretion rate in the unstable disc, at sev-
eral chosen locations within the instability strip.
Near ∼ 12RS, the accretion rate varies due to
the large and rapidly changing photodisintegra-
tion term (locally, it can become larger than the
neutrino cooling rate).
This radius corresponds to the largest local
value of the density of helium (cf. Figure 8 show-
ing its starting model distribution), which is then
being photodissociated. The photodissociacion
process is the cause of the local rapid accretion
rate changes. Then, inside from this highly vari-
able strip, the accretion rate grows too fast to pre-
serve the disc structure. This kind of behaviour
occurs in the locally hotter and less dense region
visible in the starting configuration e.g. in Figures
3 and 4, between 3.5 and 7 RS. In this region the
helium is already totally photodissociated. Due
to the growing accretion rate all the material is
rapidly accreted onto the black hole and the in-
nermost strip of the disc empties.
After the inner strip is destroyed, the outer
parts can still accrete onto the center. As they
approach the black hole, their temperature and
density grow and the above situation can repeat
several times, until the whole disc is completely
broken into rings and destroyed. These later in-
jections of energy, with timescales dictated by the
viscous timescale of each ring, can produce en-
ergy flares following the main GRB activity. Our
results therefore provide another physical mech-
anism1 for the flare model recently proposed by
Perna et al. (2006).
In Figure 17 we show the neutrino lightcurve of
the unstable disc. The instabilities due to photo-
disintegration are reflected in oscillations of vari-
able amplitude and millisecond timescale. This is
of a particular interest if the neutrino annihila-
tion provides the energy input for GRBs, however
it should be pointed out that the oscillations ap-
pearing in the presented lightcurve have a much
1In addition to the gravitational instability in the outer parts
of the disk, which was hinted by the calculations of Di
Matteo et al. (2002) and confirmed by those of Chen &
Beloborodov (2006).
Fig. 15.— The neutrino lightcurve, integrated
over the disc surface. The initial accretion rate
is Ṁ = 1 M⊙/s.
Fig. 16.— The local accretion rate, as a function of
time, for several chosen radial locations in the disc:
6.86, 7.73 and 12.85 RS. The starting accretion
rate is Ṁ = 12 M⊙/s.
smaller amplitude than the observed gamma ray
4. Discussion
4.1. The unstable neutrino-opaque disc
In our calculations we have shown that, for
large accretion rates, the accreting torus becomes
viscously and thermally unstable. We now discuss
the physical origin of the instability.
The unstable branch appears both in the
steady-state solutions and in the subsequent time-
dependent evolutions. In the steady-state case,
for a chosen value of a constant accretion rate,
this can be seen for instance by plotting the ra-
dial profiles of density and temperature (cf. Figs.
3 and 4, where the distinct branch is found for
the innermost radii), as well as by looking at the
stability curves for a range of accretion rates at
a chosen disc radius (cf. Fig. 11, where the un-
stable inner disc radii exhibit a negative slope in
the curve). In the time-dependent simulations,
the unstable behavior is manifested by the highly
variable accretion rate in certain strips of the disk
and by the subsequent breaking of the disk inside
from these variable strips (cf. Fig. 16). The in-
stability arises from the fact that the accretion
rate rises locally too fast to prevent the disc strip
from emptying, as the material is supplied from
outer strips at much slower rate than it is accreted
inwards. The disc evolves unstably on a viscous
timescale, τvisc = 1/(αΩ) × (r/H)2; for the radii
shown in Figure 16, it is τvisc ≈ 0.05 s (note that
the disc is rather thick, r/H ∼ 2.5, and therefore
the viscous and thermal timescales are close to
each other). Theoretically, in order to find again
a stable solution, the disc would have to increase
the local accretion rate up to about several tens
of M⊙/s within one viscous timescale. However,
this may not be possible if there is not enough
material in the system to support much higher
accretion rates during such violent oscillations.
Therefore the system is unable to be stabilized
and gets broken after a fraction of τvisc . In addi-
tion, the dynamical instability is the source of the
flickering of the local accretion rate at the edge of
the unstable strip.
Let us now discuss in more detail the physical
reason driving this instability. In the inner part of
the disc (below r ∼ 10RS for Ṁ = 12M⊙/s) there
Fig. 17.— The neutrino luminosity, as a func-
tion of time The starting accretion rate is Ṁ =
12 M⊙/s.
Fig. 18.— The total pressure, as a function of
time, for the chosen radial locations in the disc:
7.73 and 6.86 RS. The starting accretion rate is
Ṁ = 12 M⊙/s.
are two important processes, both of which are
incorporated in our equation of state: photodisin-
tegration of helium and neutrino trapping. As it
was already mentioned in Sec. 3.2.1 and can be
seen from Fig. 8, below ∼ 7 − 8RS helium in this
disc is completely photodisintegrated. This part
of the disc is also opaque to neutrinos, as we show
in Fig. 6.
These two mechanisms competitively influence
the electron fraction in the disc (cf. Sec. 3.2, Fig.
6 and Fig. 9). Well outside the unstable strip,
above ∼ 20RS, the electron fraction smoothly de-
creases inwards as positrons appear because of the
neutronization process. Then the scattering opti-
cal depth for neutrinos becomes τs > 1, and the
electron fraction increases again. After photodis-
integration, the electron fraction decreases signif-
icantly from almost 0.3 to much less than 0.1 due
to electron capture. But again, when the disc
becomes optically thick to absorption of electron
neutrinos, the electron fraction gets higher and ap-
proaches almost 0.5.
The total pressure of sub-nuclear matter (cf.
Fig 5) is mainly contributed by electrons, and
therefore it is influenced by the changes in the
electron fraction. In the narrow range of radii
(6.8 < r/RS < 7.8), the pressure decreases due
to photodisintegration. The sudden decrease of
the pressure might drive the dynamical instabil-
ity. (This picture is somewhat similar to that of
the iron core collapse in the core collapse super-
nova explosions: electron capture consumes most
of the electrons and makes the EOS softer, conse-
quently, it triggers the collapse of the iron core.)
However, the transition from neutrino transpar-
ent to opaque disc, and the increase of the elec-
tron fraction due to the beta equilibrium (see also
Yuan & Heyl 2005), are the reason for a steeper
increase of the total pressure of the system.
The same effect can also be observed in the
time-dependent plot (Fig. 18), in which we show
the pressure changes in the characteristic radii
of the unstable part of the disc (cf. Fig. 16).
The pressure decreases with time up to a radius
R = 6.8RS, since the temperature and density
gradually drop, as well as the neutrino opacities,
so the electron fraction gets smaller. Then, in a
strip between ∼ 6.8 and 12 RS, the pressure rises
with time: in fact, when α particles appear, the
electron fraction rises and matter locally piles up,
thus increasing the pressure.
At the border of these radii the disc breaks up,
when the thermal-viscous instability induces an
avalanche-like increase of the local accretion rate
below ∼ 8RS. This happens because the increase
in the pressure causes an excess in the local energy
dissipation rate and the disc heats up, while at ad-
jacent radii the pressure decreases and heating is
insufficient. The system tries to compensate these
temperature gradients by decreasing/ increasing
the temperature in the outer/inner radius, respec-
tively. But since in the unstable mode of the ther-
mal balance this causes a further increase/decrease
of density, the pressure drops further and the disc
heats up in the outer radius, while cools down in
the inner one. As long as it cannot find any sta-
ble track of evolution, the emptying of the inner
strip continues and finally the whole material is
accreted towards the black hole or blown out.
The radial extent of the unstable part depends
on the initial accretion rate and in our model for
Ṁ = 12M⊙/s it is up to ∼ 8RS, for Ṁ = 10M⊙/s
it is up to ∼ 5RS, while for Ṁ = 1M⊙/s it is below
∼ 3.5RS. In the latter case, since the inner radius
is located at ∼ 3RS, the instability hardly affects
the disc. The extension of the instability strip de-
pends also on the mass of the accreting compact
object, and since for lower mass black holes the ac-
cretion disc is generally denser, it reaches a density
∼ 1012 g/cm3 around ∼ 15RS.
Above 25-30 RS, where the plasma is already
optically thin and the evolution is stable, both
the pressure and the accretion rate smoothly drop
with time. The dominant source of cooling of the
disc in this region is the neutrino emission (ad-
vective cooling decreases as the disc transits from
neutrino opaque to transparent). The photodis-
integration term (if non-zero), is usually by 1-2
orders of magnitudes smaller than neutrino cool-
ing, and in the inner disc, up to about 6.8 RS,
there are no helium nuclei and the photodisinte-
gration term is negligible, while at 7.5 RS it has
a value of about Qphoto ∼ 1038 erg/s/cm2 with
rapid fluctuations. These fluctuations induce the
local accretion rate flickering (cf. Fig. 16), on
a timescale and amplitude much smaller than for
the viscous instability.
4.2. Comparison with previous work
The neutrino dominated accretion flow has al-
ready been studied in a number of papers, includ-
ing both 1-D models and multi-D simulations. The
steady-state 1-D models (e.g Popham et al. 1999;
Kohri & Mineshige 2002) assumed the disk opti-
cally thin to neutrinos, and neglected photodis-
integration cooling. Di Matteo et al. (2002) took
these two effects into account, and showed that the
trapped neutrinos dominate the pressure in the
inner region of the hyperaccreting disc, however
their equation of state did not include the numeri-
cal calculation of chemical equilibrium and did not
incorporate the opacities directly in the EOS itera-
tions (see also the time-dependent model of Janiuk
et al. 2004). Kohri, Narayan & Piran (2005) con-
sidered the neutrino opaque disk and the equilib-
rium between neutrons and protons and calculated
the number densities of species by numerically in-
tegrating their distribution functions. However,
these authors calculated the gas pressure from the
ideal gas approximation, and neglected the contri-
bution of helium to the pressure. In all of these
papers the disc occurred to be stable against any
kind of instability.
On the other hand, in their recent work, Chen &
Beloborodov (2006) find that the outskirts of the
disk are gravitationally unstable. The approach
used by these authors provides a detailed treat-
ment of the microphysics which is very similar to
ours; however, some differences between our work
and theirs must be crucial to the development of
viscous and thermal instabilities. One difference
deals with the approximation made for the treat-
ment of transition region between the neutrino-
opaque and the transparent matter. In our work,
we adopted a gray body model, i.e., we introduced
the b factor to describe the distribution function
(c.f. Eq. 10). This assumption is consistent with
the two fluids approximation we have made, which
has recently been studied numerically by Sawyer
(2003), and shown to be appropriate for the con-
ditions of these disks. On the other hand, Chen
& Beloborodov (2006) smoothly connect the opti-
cally thin and thick regimes by means of interpo-
lation. A further difference lies in the description
of the mass fraction of free nucleons. In this work
we use an expression for Xnuc developed by Qian
et al (1996), while in Chen & Beloborodov (2006)
Xnuc is a function of Ye, which couples the nucle-
osynthesis to the electron fraction.
In our calculations we reach the range of densi-
ties and temperatures where the nucleons start to
become partially degenerate. This is accompanied
by the neutrinos being more and more trapped in
the gas and helium being destroyed by photodisso-
ciation. As a result of these calculations, we found
an additional, unstable branch of solutions for the
disc thermal balance.
This supports the recent results of 2-D simu-
lations by Lee, Ramirez-Ruiz & Page (2005), who
found the disc opaque to neutrinos to be thermally
unstable. Their simulations showed that large cir-
culations develop in the accretion flow. Setiawan,
Ruffert and Janka (2005) found small fluctuations
of the accretion rate and neutrino luminosity on
the dynamical timescale, after the 10-20 msec of
relaxation period (note, that in our calculations we
start from the steady-state disc model at a given
accretion rate, thus having no need for a relaxation
to the quasi-steady configuration). The equation
of state used in their work (see also Janka et al.
1999) is based on the work of Lattimer & Swesty
(1991). Given the electron fraction, this EOS as-
sumes the condition of nuclear statistical equilib-
rium without neutrino trapping, but the evolution
of the electron fraction is affected by the asym-
metric neutrino emission from the hot and dense
matter, which is called ‘neutrino leakage scheme’.
The neutrino leakage scheme focuses on the ef-
fects of the neutrino trapping on the net neutrino
emissivities, not on the nuclear statistical equilib-
rium. The equation of state used in the work of
Rosswog et al. (2004) is temperature and compo-
sition dependent, based on the relativistic mean
field theory (Shen et al. 1998a,b), and the neu-
trino cooling is accounted for by the multiflavor
scheme (Rosswog & Liebendoerfer 2003).
In our work, we use an equation of state based
on the β equilibrium, including the contribution
from the trapped neutrino, and neutrino trapping
effects are accounted for by the appropriate opac-
ities. It should be emphasized that most previous
multi-D simulations neglected the effects of neu-
trino trapping on the β equilibrium, as well as the
contribution of the trapped neutrinos to the ther-
modynamical properties of the dense matter. An-
other difference between our treatment of the EOS
and the previous numerical simulations is that we
include the cooling of the photodisintegration of
helium. Even though the original EOS of Lattimer
& Swesty (1991) can provide detailed information
about the composition of the dense matter, this
information was not considered in order to keep
the table of the EOS as small as possible (see e.g.
Ruffert et al. 1996) just for numerical reasons. In
this way, the disintegration cooling had not been
investigated without the information on the com-
position. Our results indicate that photodisinte-
gration significantly affects the energy balance.
4.3. Limitations of our model
We find the thermal-viscous instability to be an
intrinsic property of the disc for extremely large
torus densities (about 1012g cm−3) and high ac-
cretion rates (Ṁ ≥ 10M⊙/s). This is seen both
in the steady-state results (radial profiles of den-
sity and temperature) and in the subsequent time
Thermal and viscous instabilities have been
studied in the case of standard accretion discs
around compact objects (Lightman & Eardley
1974; Pringle 1977; Shakura & Sunyaev 1976).
Two main physical processes that lead to disc
instabilities were invoked to explain the time-
dependent behavior of various objects: partial
ionization of hydrogen in the discs of Dwarf No-
vae (e.g. Meyer & Meyer-Hofmeister 1981; Smak
1984) and domination of radiation pressure in the
X-ray transients (e.g Taam & Lin 1984). Such in-
stabilities do not have to lead to a total disc break-
down, but rather to a limit-cycle behavior, if only
an additional (i.e. upper) stable branch of solu-
tions can be found. This might be a hot state with
a temperature above 104 K, or a slim disc, domi-
nated by advection (Abramowicz et al. 1988). In
our 1-D calculation the disc in the GRB central en-
gine is not stabilized but rather breaks down into
rings, as no stable solutions are reached (possibly,
for even higher accretion rates again a stable part
near the black hole could be formed - but these
extremely high accretion rates would not be pro-
duced by any compact merger scenario). There-
fore, instead of a limit-cycle activity, what we
find here are several dramatic accretion episodes
on the viscous timescale. The remaining parts of
the torus will subsequently accrete and, while ap-
proaching the central black hole, will get hotter
and denser, breaking at ∼ 7RS.
Of course, it would be interesting to study
whether such a violent instability would occur also
in the 2D or 3D simulations. This is indeed likely
to be the case, since as the multi-dimensional sim-
ulations of accretion discs show, the instabilities
derived first in 1D are still present in the hydro-
dynamical simulations of flows with non-Keplerian
velocity fields (e.g. Agol et al. 2001; Turner
2004; Ohsuga 2006). Possibly, the instability re-
gion would be located at other (larger) radii if
the calculations included the vertical structure of
the disc: this is dependent on temperature and
density, which above the meridional plane may be
larger than the mean value considered in the ver-
tically averaged model.
We need to note that our 1D calculations do
not take into account the possible effects of non-
radial velocity components in the fluid. For exam-
ple, the inverse composition gradient that leads
to the disk instability, might be stabilized by ro-
tation (e.g. Begelman & Meier 1982; Quataert &
Gruzinov 2000). In the 2-D simulation of Lee et al
(2005) the neutrino opaque disk exhibits circula-
tions in the r-z direction. Such meridional circula-
tions are known to be present in the Keplerian ac-
cretion disks (e.g. Siemiginowska 1988), however
it is unclear if they could always provide a stabiliz-
ing mechanism for the thermal-viscous instability.
Possibly, if the nonradial motions of the flow pro-
vided a stronger stabilizing effect, the disk would
exhibit oscillations in the viscous timescale, with-
out breaking, similarly to the outbursts of Dwarf
Nova disks.
The assumption of the β equilibrium (justified,
as the mixture of protons, electrons, neutrons and
positrons is able to achieve the equilibrium con-
ditions) might also have an effect on this result,
as the equilibrium conditions reduce the heating
and entropy in the gas. In fact, the β equilibrium
condition which is satisfied in the innermost part
of a hyperaccreting disc that is optically thick to
neutrinos, is µn = µp +µe. Once the disc becomes
transparent in its outer part, this condition is no
longer valid. Analytically, it has been derived by
Yuan (2005) that the condition for β equilibrium
in this case is µn = µp + 2µe.
4.4. Observational consequences
Our findings might be relevant for interpret-
ing some recent observations. The flickering due
to the photodisintegration of alpha particles may
lead to a variable energy output on small (millisec-
ond) timescales. The consequence of this may be
variability in the gamma ray luminosity, although
the changes in the local accretion rate may be
spread by viscous effects (in the lightcurve Lν(t)
integrated over the whole surface of the disc, the
millisecond variability is somewhat smeared, and
the amplitudes are not very large). Therefore the
mass accreted by the black hole may not be vary-
ing substantially, while some irregularity in the
overall outflow could help produce internal shocks.
The thermal-viscous instability, if accompa-
nied by the disc breaking, may lead to the sev-
eral episodic accretion events and several re-
brightenings of the central engine on longer
timescales, possibly detected in the later stages
of the evolution. A similar kind of a long-term
activity is possible also if the disk was not com-
pletely broken, but exhibited some large accretion
rate fluctuations on the viscous timescale.
We thank Bożena Czerny, Pawe l Haensel and
Daniel Proga for helpful discussions. We also
thank the anonymous referee for detailed reports
which helped us to improve our model and its
presentation. This work was supported in part
by grant 1P03D 00829 of the Polish State Com-
mittee for Scientific Research and by NASA un-
der grant NNG06GA80G. Y.-F. Y. is partially
supported by Program for New Century Excel-
lent Talents in University, and the National Natu-
ral Science Foundation (10233030,10573016). RP
acknowledges support from NASA under grant
NNG05GH55G, and from the NSF under grant
AST 0507571.
A. Appendix
The neutrino absorption and production rates in the beta processes for all participating particles at
arbitrary degeneracy have been obtained in the previous works (Reddy, Prakash & Lattimer 1998; Yuan
2005). In the subnuclear dense matter with high temperatures, the nucleons are generally nondegenerate,
therefore, the transition reaction rates from neutrons to protons and from protons to neutrons can be
simplified as follows:
Γp+e−→n+νe =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Ee −Q)2fe(1 − befνe), (A1)
Γp+e−←n+νe =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Ee −Q)2(1 − fe)befνe , (A2)
Γn+e+→p+ν̄e =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Ee + Q)
2fe+(1 − befν̄e), (A3)
Γn+e+←p+ν̄e =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Ee + Q)
2(1 − fe+)befν̄e , (A4)
Γn→p+e−+ν̄e =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Q− Ee)2(1 − fe)(1 − befν̄e), (A5)
Γn←p+e−+ν̄e =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Q− Ee)2febefν̄e . (A6)
Here Q = (mn −mp)c2, |M |2 is the averaged transition rate which depends on the initial and final states
of all participating particles, for nonrelativistic noninteracting nucleons, |M |2 = G2F cos2 θC(1 + 3g2A), here
GF ≃ 1.436×10−49 erg cm3 is the Fermi weak interaction constant, θC (sin θC = 0.231) is the Cabibbo angle,
and gA = 1.26 is the axial-vector coupling constant. fe,νe are the distribution functions for electrons and
neutrinos, respectively. The “chemical potential” of neutrinos is generally assumed to be zero. The factor
be reflects the percentage of the partially trapped neutrinos. When neutrinos completely trapped, be = 1.
The corresponding neutrino emissivities for the URCA reactions are given by:
qp+e−→n+νe =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Ee −Q)3fe(1 − befνe), (A7)
qn+e+→p+ν̄e =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Ee + Q)
3fe+(1 − befν̄e), (A8)
qn→p+e−+ν̄e =
|M |2
dEeEepe(Q− Ee)3(1 − fe)(1 − befν̄e). (A9)
The emissivities due to the electron-positron pair annihilation, following the notation of Yakovlev et al
(2001), is written as:
qe−+e+→νi+ν̄i =
C2+νi [8(Φ1U2 + Φ2U1) − 2(Φ−1U2 + Φ2U−1) + 7(Φ0U1 + Φ1U0)
+ 5(Φ0U−1 + Φ−1U0)] + 9C
−νi [Φ0(U1 + U−1) + (Φ−1 + Φ1)U0]
, (A10)
= 1.023 × 1023 erg cm−3 s−1, (A11)
C+νi = C
+ C2Ai and C−νi = C
− C2Ai , here CVi and CAi are the vector and axial-vector constants for
neutrinos (CV e = 2 sin
2 θC + 0.5, CAe = 0.5, CV µ = CV τ = 2 sin
2 θC − 0.5 and CAµ = CAτ = −0.5). The
dimensionless functions Uk and Φk (k= −1, 0, 1, 2) in the above equation can be expressed in terms of the
Fermi-Dirac functions:
U−1 =
β3/2F1/2(ηe, βe) (A12)
β3/2[F1/2(ηe, βe) + βeF3/2(ηe, βe)] (A13)
β3/2[F1/2(ηe, βe) + 2βeF3/2(ηe, βe) + β
eF5/2(ηe, βe)] (A14)
β3/2[F1/2(ηe, βe) + 3βeF3/2(ηe, βe) + 3β
eF5/2(ηe, βe) + β
eF7/2(ηe, βe)]. (A15)
Replacing ηe with ηe+ in Uk, we get the corresponding expressions for Φk.
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This 2-column preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX
macros v5.2.
Neutrino-cooled accretion disks
Initial disc configuration: 1-D Hydrodynamics
The equation of state
Composition and chemical equilibrium
Neutrino cooling
Energy and momentum Conservation
Time evolution
Numerical method
EOS solutions for a given temperature and density
The steady-state disc structure
Composition and Chemical potentials
Cooling and heating rates
Stability analysis: instabilities at high-"705FM
Time dependent solutions
The unstable neutrino-opaque disc
Comparison with previous work
Limitations of our model
Observational consequences
0704.1326 | Complete integrable systems with unconfined singularities | Complete integrable systems with unconfined singularities
V́ıctor Mañosa∗
Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada III,
Control, Dynamics and Applications Group (CoDALab)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Colom 1, 08222 Terrassa, Spain
[email protected]
April 10th, 2007
We prove that any globally periodic rational discrete system in Kk (where K denotes
either R or C,) has unconfined singularities, zero algebraic entropy and it is complete
integrable (that is, it has as many functionally independent first integrals as the dimen-
sion of the phase space). In fact, for some of these systems the unconfined singularities
are the key to obtain first integrals using the Darboux-type method of integrability.
PACS numbers 02.30.Ik, 02.30.Ks, 05.45.-a, 02.90.+p, 45.05.+x.
Keywords: Singularity confinement, first integrals, globally periodic discrete systems, com-
plete integrable discrete systems, discrete Darboux–type integrability method.
Singularity confinement property in integrable discrete systems was first observed by
Grammaticos, Ramani and Papageorgiou in [1], when studying the propagation of singu-
larities in the lattice KdV equation xi+1j = x
j − 1/x
j+1, an soon it was adopted as
a detector of integrability, and a discrete analogous to the Painlevé property (see [2, 3] and
references therein). It is well known that some celebrated discrete dynamical systems (DDS
from now on) like the McMillan mapping and all the discrete Painlevé equations satisfy the
singularity confinement property [1, 4]. In [5, p. 152] the authors write: “Thus singularity
confinement appeared as a necessary condition for discrete integrability. However the suf-
ficiency of the criterion was not unambiguously established”. Indeed, numerical chaos has
been detected in maps satisfying the singularity confinement property [6]. So it is common
knowledge that singularity confinement is not a sufficient condition for integrability, and
some complementary conditions, like the algebraic entropy criterion have been proposed to
ensure sufficiency [7, 8].
Corresponding Author: Phone: 00-34-93-727-8254; Fax: 00-34-93-739-8225.
On the other hand a DDS can have a first integral and do not satisfy the singularity
confinement property, as shown in the following example given in [9]: Indeed, consider
the DDS generated by the map F (x, y) = (y, y2/x) which has the first integral given by
I(x, y) = y/x. Recall that a first integral for a map F : dom(F ) ∈ Kk → Kk, is a K–valued
function H defined in U , an open subset of dom(F ) ∈ Kk, satisfying H(F (x)) = H(x) for
all x ∈ U .
The above example shows that singularity confinement is not a necessary condition for
integrability if “integrability” means the existence of a first integral. The first objective
of this letter is to point out that more strong examples can be constructed if there are
considerd globally periodic analytic maps. A map F : U ⊆ Kk → U is globally p–periodic if
F p ≡ Id in U . Global periodicity is a current issue of research see a large list of references
in [10, 11].
Indeed there exist globally periodic maps with unconfined singularities, since global
periodicity forces the singularity to emerge after a complete period. However from [10,
Th.7] it is know that an analytic and injective map F : U ⊆ Kk → U is globally periodic if
and only if it is complete integrable, that is, there exist k functionally independent analytic
first in U). Note that there is a difference between the definition of complete integrable DDS
and the definition of complete integrable continuous DS: For the later case the number of
functionally independent first integrals has to be just k− 1, which is the maximum possible
number; see [13]. This is because the foliation induced by the k−1 functionally independent
first integrals generically have dimension 1 (so this fully determines the orbits of the flow).
Hence, to fully determine the orbits of a DDS, the foliation induced by the first integrals
must have dimension 0, i.e. it has to be reduced to a set of points, so we need an extra first
In this letter we only want to remark that there exist complete integrable rational
maps with unconfined singularities and zero algebraic entropy (Proposition 1), and that
these unconfined singularities and its pre–images (the forbidden set) in fact play a role in
the construction of first integrals (Proposition 2) for some globally periodic rational maps.
Prior to state this result we recall some definitions. In the following F will denote a rational
Given F : U ⊆ Kk → U , with F = (F1, . . . , Fk), a rational map, denote by
S(F ) = {x ∈ Kk such that den(Fi) = 0 for some i ∈ {1, . . . , k}},
the singular set of F . A singularity for the discrete system xn+1 = F (xn) is a point
x∗ ∈ S(F ). The set
Λ(F ) = {x ∈ Kk such that there exists n = n(x) ≥ 1 for which Fn(x) ∈ S(x)},
is called the forbidden set of F , and it is conformed by the set of the preimages of the
singular set. If F is globally periodic, then it is bijective on the good set of F , that is
G = Kk \ Λ(F ) (see [11] for instance). Moreover G is an open full measured set ([12]).
A singularity is said to be confined if there exists n0 = n0(x∗) ∈ N such that lim
exists and does not belong to Λ(F ). This last conditions is sometimes skipped in the
literature, but if it is not included the “confined” singularity could re–emerge after some
steps, thus really being unconfined.
Rational maps on Kk extend to homogeneous polynomial maps on KP k, acting on
homogeneous coordinates. For instance, the Lyness’ Map F (x, y) = (y, (a + y)/x), associ-
ated to celebrated Lyness’ difference equation xn+2 = (a + xn+1)/xn, extends to KP
Fp[x, y, z] = [xy, az
2 + yz, xz]. Let dn denote the degree of the n–th iterate of the extended
map once all common factors have been removed. According to [7], the algebraic entropy
of F is defined by E(F ) = lim
log (dn)/n.
The first result of the paper is
Proposition 1. Let F : G ⊆ Kk → G be a globally p–periodic periodic rational map. Then
the following statements hold.
(a) F has k functionally independent rational first integrals (complete integrability).
(b) All the singularities are unconfined.
(c) The algebraic entropy of F is zero.
Proof. Statement (a) is a direct consequence of [10, Th.7] whose proof indicates how to
construct k rational first integrals using symmetric polynomials as generating functions.
(b) Let x∗ ∈ S(F ), be a confined singularity of F (that is, there exists n0 ∈ N such that
x{n0,∗} := limx→x∗ F
n0(x∗) exists and x{n0,∗} /∈ Λ(F )). Consider ǫ ≃ 0 ∈ K
k, such that
x∗ + ǫ /∈ Λ(F ) (so that it’s periodic orbit is well defined). Set x{n0,∗,ǫ} := F
n0(x∗ + ǫ). The
global periodicity in Kk \Λ(F ) implies that there exists l ∈ N such that F lp−n0(x{n0,∗,ǫ}) =
F lp(x∗ + ǫ) = x∗ + ǫ, hence
F lp−n0(x{n0,∗,ǫ}) = lim
x∗ + ǫ = x∗.
But on the other hand
F lp−n0(x{n0,∗,ǫ}) = F
Therefore x{n0,∗} ∈ Λ(F ), which is a contradiction.
(c) Let F̄ denote the extension of F to KP k. F̄ is p–periodic except on the set of pre–
images of [0, . . . , 0] (which is not a point of KP k), hence dn+p = dn for all n ∈ N (where
dn denote the degree of the n–th iterate once all factors have been removed). Therefore
E(F ) = limn→∞ log (dn)/n = 0.
As an example, consider for instance the globally 5–periodic map F (x, y) = (y, (1+y)/x),
associated to the Lyness’ difference equation xn+2 = (1 + xn+1)/xn, which is posses the
unconfined singularity pattern {0, 1∞,∞, 1}. Indeed, consider an initial condition x0 =
(ε, y) with |ε| ≪ 1, and y 6= −1, y 6= 0 and 1 + y + ε 6= 0 (that is, close enough to the
singularity, but neither in the S(F ) nor in Λ(F )). Then x1 = F (x0) = (y, (1 + y)/ε),
x2 = F (x1) = ((1 + y)/ε, (1 + y + ε)/(εy)), x3 = F (x2) = ((1 + y + ε)/(εy), (1 + ε)/y),
and x4 = F (x3) = ((1 + ε)/y, ε), and finally x5 = F (x4) = x0. Therefore the singularity is
unconfined since it propagates indefinitely.
But the Lyness’ equation is complete integrable since it has the following two functionally
independent first integrals [10]:
H(x, y) =
xy4 + p3(x)y
3 + p2(x)y
2 + p1(x)y + p0(x)
I(x, y) =
(1 + x)(1 + y)(1 + x+ y)
Where p0(x) = x
3 + 2x2 + x, p1(x) = x
4 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1, p2(x) = x
3 + 5x2 + 3x + 2,
p3(x) = x
3+x2+2x+1. The extension of F to CP 2 is given by F̄ [x, y, z] = [xy, z(y+z), xz],
which is again 5–periodic, hence dn = dn+5 for all n ∈ N, and the algebraic entropy is
E(F ) = limn→∞ log (dn)/n = 0.
More examples of systems with complete integrability, zero algebraic entropy and un-
confined singularities, together with the complete set of first integrals can be found in [10].
The second objective of this letter is to notice that the unconfined singularities can even
play an essential role in order to construct a Darbouxian–type first integral of some DDS,
since they can help to obtain a closed set of functions for their associated maps. This is the
case of some rational globally periodic difference equations, for instance the ones given by
xn+2 =
1 + xn+1
, xn+3 =
1 + xn+1 + xn+2
, and xn+3 =
−1 + xn+1 − xn+2
, (1)
To show this role we apply the Darboux–type method of integrability for DDS (developed
in [14] and [15, Appendix]) to find first integrals for maps.
Set F : G ⊆ Kk → Kk. Recall that a set of functions R = {Ri}i∈{1,...,m} is closed under
F if for all i ∈ {1, . . . ,m}, there exist functions Ki and constants αi,j, such that
Ri(F ) = Ki
j 6= 1. Each function Ki is called the cofactor of Ri. Very briefly, the method
works as follows: If there exist a closed set of functions for F , say R = {Ri}i∈{1,...,m}, it can
be tested if the function H(x) =
i (x) gives a first integral for some values βi, just
imposing H(F ) = H.
In this letter, we will use the unconfined singularities of the maps associated to equations
in (1) and its pre–images to generate closed set of functions.
Proposition 2. Condider the maps F1(x, y) =(y, (1 + y)/x), F2(x, y, z) =(y, z, (1 + y + z)/x),
and F3(x, y, z) =(y, z, (−1 + y − z)/x) associated to equations in (1) respectively. The fol-
lowing statements hold:
(i) The globally 5–periodic map F1 has the closed set of functions R1 = {x, y, 1 + y, 1+ x+
y, 1 + x}, which describe Λ(F1), and generates the first integral
I1(x, y) =
(1 + x)(1 + y)(1 + x+ y)
(ii) The globally 8–periodic map F2 has the closed set of functions R2 = {x, y, z, 1 + y +
z, 1 + x+ y + z + xz, 1 + x+ y}, which describe Λ(F2), and generates the first integral
I2(x, y, z) =
(1 + y + z)(1 + x+ y)(1 + x+ y + z + xz)
(iii) The map F3 has the closed set of functions R3 = {x, y, z,−1 + y − z, 1 − x − y + z +
xz,−1 + x− z − xy − xz + y2 − yz, 1− x+ y + z + xz,−1 + x− y}, which describe Λ(F3),
and generates the first integral
I3(x, y, z) = (−1 + y − z)(1 − x− y + z + xz)(1− x+ y + z + xz)(−1 + x− z − xy − xz +
y2 − yz)(x− y − 1)/(x2y2z2).
Proof. We only proof statement (ii) since statements (i) and (iii) can be obtained in the
same way. Indeed, observe that {x = 0} is the singular set of F2. We start the process of
characterizing the pre–images of the singular set by setting R1 = x as a “candidate” to be
a factor of a possible first integral. R1(F2) = y, so {y = 0} is a pre–image of the singular
set {R1 = 0}. Set R2 = y, then R2(F2) = z in this way we can keep track of the candidates
to be factors of I4. In summary:
R1 := x ⇒ R1(F2) = y,
R2 := y ⇒ R2(F2) = z,
R3 := z ⇒ R3(F2) = (1 + y + z)/x = (1 + y + z)/R1,
R4 := 1 + y + z ⇒ R4(F2) = (1 + x+ y + z + xz)/x = (1 + x+ y + z + xz)/R1,
R5 := 1 + x+ y + z + xz ⇒ R5(F2) = (1 + y + z)(1 + x+ y)/x = R4(1 + x+ y)/R1,
R6 := 1 + x+ y ⇒ R6(F2) = 1 + y + z = R4.
From this computations we can observe that R2 = {Ri}i=1,...,6 is a closed set under F2.
Hence a natural candidate to be a first integral is
I(x, y) = xαyβzδ(1 + y + z)γ(1 + x+ y)σ(1 + x+ y + z + xz)τ
Imposing I(F2) = I, we get that I is a first integral if α = −τ , β = −τ , δ = −τ , γ = τ , and
σ = τ . Taking τ = 1, we obtain I2.
A complete set of first integrals for the above maps can be found in [10].
As a corollary of both the method and Proposition 2 we re–obtain the recently discovered
second first integral of the third–order Lyness’ equations (also named Todd’s equation). This
“second” invariant was already obtained independently in [10] and [16], with other methods.
The knowledge of this second first integral has allowed some progress in the study of the
dynamics of the third order Lyness’ equation [17].
Proposition 3. The set of functions R = {x, y, z, 1+ y+ z, 1+x+ y, a+x+ y+ z+xz} is
closed under the map Fa(x, y, z) = (y, z, (a + y + z)/x) with a ∈ R, which is associated to
the third order Lyness’ equation xn+3 = (a+ xn+1 + xn+2)/xn. And gives the first integral
Ha(x, y, z) =
(1 + y + z)(1 + x+ y)(a+ x+ y + z + xz)
Proof. Taking into account that from Proposition 2 (ii) when a = 1, I2 is a first integral for
F{a=1}(x, y, z), it seem that a natural candidate to be a first integrals could be
Hα,β,γ(x, y, z) =
(α+ y + z)(β + x+ y)(γ + x+ y + z + xz)
for some constants α, β and γ. Observe that
R1 := x ⇒ R1(Fa) = y,
R2 := y ⇒ R2(Fa) = z,
R3 := z ⇒ R3(Fa) = (a+ y + z)/x = K3/R1, where K3 = a+ y + z,
at this point we stop the pursuit of the pre–images of the singularities because they grow
indefinitely, and this way doesn’t seem to be a good way to obtain a family of functions
closed under Fa. But we can keep track of the rest of factors in Hα,β,γ.
R4 := α+ y + z ⇒ R4(Fa) = (a+ αx+ y + z + xz)/x,
R5 := β + x+ y ⇒ R5(Fa) = β + y + z,
R6 := γ + x+ y + z + xz ⇒ R6(Fa) = (γ + y + z)x+ (a+ y + z)(1 + y)/x.
Observe that if we take α = 1, β = 1, and γ = a, we obtain R4(Fa) = R6/R1, R5(Fa) = R4
and R6(Fa) = K3(R5/R1). Therefore {Ri}i=1,...,6 is closed under Fa, furthermore Ha =
(R4R5R6)/(R1R2R3) is such that Ha(Fa) = Ha
In conclusion, singularity confinement is a feature which is present in many integrable
discrete systems but the existence of complete integrable discrete systems with unconfined
singularities evidences that is not a necessary condition for integrability (at least when
“integrability” means existence of at least an invariant of motion, a first integral). However
it is true that globally periodic systems are themselves “singular” in the sense that they are
sparse, typically non–generic when significant classes of DDS (like the rational ones) are
Thus, the large number of integrable examples satisfying the the singularity confinement
property together with the result in [9, p.1207] (where an extended, an not usual, notion
of the singularity confinement property must be introduced in order to avoid the periodic
singularity propagation phenomenon reported in this letter -see the definition of periodic
singularities in p. 1204-) evidences that singularity confinement still can be considered
as a good heuristic indicator of “integrability” and that perhaps there exists an interesting
geometric interpretation linking both properties. However, although some alternative direc-
tions have been started (see [18] for instance), still a lot of research must to be done in order
to understand the role of singularities of discrete systems, their structure and properties in
relation with the integrability issues.
Acknowledgements. The author is partially supported by CICYT through grant DPI2005-
08-668-C03-01. CoDALab group is partially supported by the Government of Catalonia
through the SGR program. The author express, as always, his deep gratitude to A. Cima
and A. Gasull for their friendship, kind criticism, and always good advice.
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0704.1327 | On the largest prime factor of the Mersenne numbers | 7 On the largest prime factor of the Mersenne
Kevin Ford
Department of Mathematics
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana
Champaign, IL 61801, USA
[email protected]
Florian Luca
Instituto de Matemáticas
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
C.P. 58089, Morelia, Michoacán, México
[email protected]
Igor E. Shparlinski
Department of Computing
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
[email protected]
Let P (k) be the largest prime factor of the positive integer k. In
this paper, we prove that the series
(log n)α
P (2n − 1)
is convergent for each constant α < 1/2, which gives a more precise
form of a result of C. L. Stewart of 1977.
1 Main Result
Let P (k) be the largest prime factor of the positive integer k. The quantity
P (2n− 1) has been investigated by many authors (see [1, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 14,
15, 16]). For example, the best known lower bound
P (2n − 1) ≥ 2n+ 1, for n ≥ 13
is due to Schinzel [14]. No better bound is known even for all sufficiently
large values of n.
C. L. Stewart [15, 16] gave better bounds provided that n satisfies certain
arithmetic or combinatorial properties. For example, he showed in [16], and
this was also proved independently by Erdős and Shorey in [4], that
P (2p − 1) > cp log p
holds for all sufficiently large prime numbers p, where c > 0 is an absolute
constant and log is the natural logarithm. This was an improvement upon a
previous result of his from [15] with (log p)1/4 instead of log p. Several more
results along these lines are presented in Section 3.
Here, we continue to study P (2n − 1) from a point of view familiar to
number theory which has not yet been applied to P (2n − 1). More precisely,
we study the convergence of the series
P (2n − 1)
for some real parameter α.
Our result is:
Theorem 1. The series σα is convergent for all α < 1/2.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We introduce some notation
in Section 2. In Section 3, we comment on why Theorem 1 is interesting and
does not immediately follow from already known results. In Section 4, we
present a result C. L. Stewart [16] which plays a crucial role in our argument.
Finally, in Section 5, we give a proof of Theorem 1.
2 Notation
In what follows, for a positive integer n we use ω(n) for the number of distinct
prime factors of n, τ(n) for the number of divisors of n and ϕ(n) for the Euler
function of n. We use the Vinogradov symbols ≫, ≪ and ≍ and the Landau
symbols O and o with their usual meaning. The constants implied by them
might depend on α. We use the letters p and q to denote prime numbers.
Finally, for a subset A of positive integers and a positive real number x we
write A(x) for the set A∩ [1, x].
3 Motivation
In [16], C. L. Stewart proved the following two statements:
A. If f(n) is any positive real valued function which is increasing and f(n) →
∞ as n → ∞, then the inequality
P (2n − 1) >
n(log n)2
f(n) log log n
holds for all positive integers n except for those in a set of asymptotic
density zero.
B. Let κ < 1/ log 2 be fixed. Then the inequality
P (2n − 1) ≥ C(κ)
ϕ(n) logn
holds for all positive integers n with ω(n) < κ log log n, where C(κ) > 0
depends on κ.
Since for every fixed ε > 0 we have
log logn
n(log n)1+ε
the assertion A above, taken with f(n) = (log n)ε for fixed some small posi-
tive ε < 1− α, motivates our Theorem 1. However, since C. L. Stewart [16]
gives no analysis of the exceptional set in the assertion A (that is, of the size
of the set of numbers n ≤ x such that the corresponding estimate fails for a
particular choice of f(n)), this alone does not lead to a proof of Theorem 1.
In this respect, given that the distribution of positive integers n having a
fixed number of prime factorsK < κ log log n is very well-understood starting
with the work of Landau and continuing with the work of Hardy and Ramanu-
jan [6], it may seem that the assertion B is more suitable for our purpose.
However, this is not quite so either since most n have ω(n) > (1−ε) log logn
and for such numbers the lower bound on P (2n − 1) given by B is only
of the shape ϕ(n)(log n)1−(1−ε) log 2 and this is not enough to guarantee the
convergence of series (1) even with α = 0.
Conditionally, Murty and Wang [11] have shown the ABC-conjecture
implies that P (2n − 1) > n2−ε for all ε > 0 once n is sufficiently large with
respect to ε. This certainly implies the conditional convergence of series (1)
for all fixed α > 0. Murata and Pomerance [10] have proved, under the
Generalized Riemann Hypothesis for various Kummerian fields, that the in-
equality P (2n − 1) > n4/3/ log logn holds for almost all n, but they did not
give explicit upper bounds on the size of the exceptional set either.
4 Main Tools
As we have mentioned in Section 3, neither assertion A nor B of Section 3
are directly suitable for our purpose. However, another criterion, implicit in
the work of C. L. Stewart [16] and which we present as Lemma 2 below (see
also Lemma 3 in [10]), plays an important role in our proof.
Lemma 2. Let n ≥ 2, and let d1 < · · · < dℓ be all ℓ = 2
ω(n) divisors of n
such that n/di is square-free. Then for all n > 6,
#{p | 2n − 1 : p ≡ 1 (mod n)} ≫
log logP (2n − 1)
∆(n) = max
The proof of C. L. Stewart [16] of Lemma 2 uses the original lower bounds
for linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers due to Baker. It is
interesting to notice that following [16] (see also [10, Lemma 3]) but us-
ing instead the sharper lower bounds for linear forms in logarithms due to
E. M. Matveev [9], does not seem to lead to any improvement of Lemma 2.
Let 1 = d1 < d2 < · · · < dτ(n) = n be all the divisors of n arranged in
increasing order and let
∆0(n) = max
Note that ∆0(n) ≤ ∆(n).
We need the following result of E. Saias [13] on the distribution of positive
integers n with “dense divisors”. Let
G(x, z) = {n ≤ x : ∆0(n) ≤ z}.
Lemma 3. The bound
#G(x, z) ≍ x
log z
log x
holds uniformly for x ≥ z ≥ 2.
Next we address the structure of integer with ∆0(n) ≤ z. In what follows,
as usual, an empty product is, by convention, equal to 1.
Lemma 4. Let n = pe11 · · · p
k be the prime number factorization of a positive
integer n, such that p1 < · · · < pk. Then ∆0(n) ≤ z if and only if for each
i ≤ k, the inequality
pi ≤ z
Proof. The necessity is clear since otherwise the ratio of the two consecutive
j and pi
is larger than z.
The sufficiency can be proved by induction on k. Indeed for k = 1 it
is trivial. By the induction assumption, we also have ∆(m) ≤ z, where
m = n/pe11 . Remarking that p1 ≤ z, we also conclude that ∆(n) ≤ z.
5 Proof of Theorem 1
We put E = {n : τ(n) ≥ (log n)3}. To bound #E(x), let x be large and
n ≤ x. We may assume that n > x/(log x)2 since there are only at most
x/(log x)2 positive integers n ≤ x/(log x)2. Since n ∈ E(x), we have that
τ(n) > (log(x/ log x))3 > 0.5(log x)3 for all x sufficiently large. Since
τ(n) = O(x log x)
(see [7, Theorem 320]), we get that
#E(x) ≪
(log x)2
By the Primitive Divisor Theorem (see [1], for example), there exists a prime
factor p ≡ 1 (mod n) of 2n − 1 for all n > 6. Then, by partial summation,
(log n)α
P (2n − 1)
(log n)α
≤ 1 +
(log t)α
≤ 1 +
#E(t)(log t)α
≪ 1 +
t(log t)2−α
(log n)α
P (2n − 1)
< ∞. (2)
We now let F = {n : P (2n − 1) > n(log n)1+α(log log n)2}. Clearly,
P (2n − 1)
n logn(log logn)2
< ∞. (3)
From now on, we assume that n 6∈ E ∪ F . For a given n, we let
D(n) = {d : dn+ 1 is a prime factor of 2n − 1},
D+(n) = max{d ∈ D(n)}.
Since P (2n − 1) ≥ d(n)n+ 1, we have
D+(n) ≤ (log n)
(log logn)2. (4)
Further, we let xL = e
L. Assume that L is large enough. Clearly, for
n ∈ [xL−1, xL] we have D
+(n) ≤ L1+α(logL)2. We let Hd,L be the set of
n ∈ [xL−1, xL] such thatD
+(n) = d. We then note that by partial summation
n 6∈E∪F
(log n)α
P (2n − 1)
nd+ 1
We now estimate #Hd,L. We let ε > 0 to be a small positive number
depending on α which is to be specified later. We split Hd,L in two subsets
as follows:
Let Id,L be the set of n ∈ Hd,L such that
#D(n) >
(log log n)2 >
where M = M(ε) is some positive integer depending on ε to be determined
later. Since D+(n) ≤ L1+α(logL)2, there exists an interval of length L1−ε
which contains at least M elements of D(n). Let them be d0 < d1 < · · · <
dM−1. Write ki = di − d0 for i = 1, . . . ,M − 1. For fixed d0, k1, . . . , kM−1, by
the Brun sieve (see, for example, Theorem 2.3 in [5]),
#{n ∈[xL−1, xL] : din + 1 is a prime for all i = 1, . . . ,M}
i=1 di
i=1 di
xL(log logL)
where we have used that ϕ(m)/m ≫ 1/ log log y in the interval [1, y] with
y = yL = L
1+α(logL)2 (see [7, Theorem 328]). Summing up the inequality (6)
for all d0 ≤ L
1+α(logL)2 and all k1, . . . , kM−1 ≤ L
1−ε, we get that the number
of n ∈ Id,L is at most
#Id,L ≪
. (7)
We now choose M to be the least integer such that (M − 1)ε > 2 + α, and
with this choice of M we get that
#Id,L ≪
. (8)
We now deal with the set Jd,L consisting of the numbers n ∈ Hd,L with
#D(n) ≤ M−1 (log n)
(log log n)2. To these, we apply Lemma 2. Since
τ(n) < (logn)3 and P (2n − 1) < n2 for n ∈ Hd,L, Lemma 2 yields
log∆(n)/ log logn ≪ #D(n) ≪ (log n)
(log log n)2.
log∆(n) ≪ (logn)
(log logn)3
≪ (log xL)
(log log xL)
3 ≪ Lα+ε(logL)3.
∆0(n) ≤ ∆(n) ≤ zL,
zL = exp(cL
and c > 0 is some absolute constant.
We now further split Jd,L into two subsets. Let Sd,L be the subset of
n ∈ Jd,L such that P (n) < x
1/ logL
L . From known results concerning the
distribution of smooth numbers (see the corollary to Theorem 3.1 of [2],
or [8], [17], for example),
#Sd,L ≤
L(1+o(1)) log logL
. (9)
Let Td,L = Jd,L\Sd,L. For n ∈ Td,L, we have n = qm, where q > x
1/ logL
L is a
prime. Fix m. Then q < xL/m is a prime such that qdm+1 is also a prime.
By the Brun sieve again,
#{q ≤ xL/m : q, qdm+ 1 are primes}
where in the above inequality we used the minimal order of the Euler function
in the interval [1, xLL
1+α(logL)2] together with the fact that
log(xL/m) ≥
log xL
We now sum up estimate (10) over all the allowable values for m.
An immediate consequence of Lemma 4 is that since ∆0(n) ≤ zL, we also
have ∆0(m) ≤ zL for m = n/P (n). Thus, m ∈ G(xL, zL). Using Lemma 3
and partial summation, we immediately get
d(#G(t, zL))
#G(xL, zL)
#G(t, zL)
log zL
+ log zL
t log t
≪ log zL log log xL ≪ L
as L → ∞. Thus,
#Td,L ≪
, (11)
when L is sufficiently large. Combining estimates (8), (9) and (11), we get
#Hd,L ≤ #Jd,L +#Sd,L +#Td,L ≪
. (12)
Thus, returning to series (5), we get that
Since α < 1/2, we can choose ε > 0 such that 2− 2α− 2ε > 1 and then the
above arguments show that
(log n)α
P (2n − 1)
≪ 1 +
which is the desired result.
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ory , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995.
Main Result
Main Tools
Proof of Theorem ??
0704.1328 | Developing the Galactic diffuse emission model for the GLAST Large Area
Telescope | Developing the Galactic diffuse emission model for the
GLAST Large Area Telescope
Igor V. Moskalenko∗,†, Andrew W. Strong∗∗, Seth W. Digel‡,† and Troy A. Porter§
∗Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
†Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94309
∗∗Max-Plank-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Postfach 1312, D-85741 Garching, Germany
‡Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025
§Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Abstract. Diffuse emission is produced in energetic cosmic ray (CR) interactions, mainly protons and electrons, with the
interstellar gas and radiation field and contains the information about particle spectra in distant regions of the Galaxy. It may
also contain information about exotic processes such as dark matter annihilation, black hole evaporation etc. A model of
the diffuse emission is important for determination of the source positions and spectra. Calculation of the Galactic diffuse
continuum γ-ray emission requires a model for CR propagation as the first step. Such a model is based on theory of particle
transport in the interstellar medium as well as on many kinds of data provided by different experiments in Astrophysics and
Particle and Nuclear Physics. Such data include: secondary particle and isotopic production cross sections, total interaction
nuclear cross sections and lifetimes of radioactive species, gas mass calibrations and gas distribution in the Galaxy (H2, H I,
H II), interstellar radiation field, CR source distribution and particle spectra at the sources, magnetic field, energy losses,
γ-ray and synchrotron production mechanisms, and many other issues. We are continuously improving the GALPROP model
and the code to keep up with a flow of new data. Improvement in any field may affect the Galactic diffuse continuum γ-ray
emission model used as a background model by the GLAST LAT instrument. Here we report about the latest improvements
of the GALPROP and the diffuse emission model.
Keywords: gamma rays, cosmic rays, diffuse background, interstellar medium, gamma ray telescope
PACS: 95.55.Ka, 95.85.Pw, 98.35.-a, 98.38.-j, 98.38.Cp, 98.58.Ay, 98.70.Sa, 98.70.Vc
We give a very brief summary of GALPROP; for details we refer to the relevant papers [1]-[6] and a dedicated
website. The propagation equation is solved numerically on a spatial grid, either in 2D with cylindrical symmetry in
the Galaxy or in full 3D. The boundaries of the model in radius and height, and the grid spacing, are user-definable.
Parameters for all processes in the propagation equation can be controlled on input. The distribution of CR sources can
be freely chosen, typically to represent supernova remnants. Source spectral shape and isotopic composition (relative
to protons) are input parameters. Cross-sections are based on extensive compilations and parameterizations [7]. The
numerical solution is evolved forward in time until a steady-state is reached; a time-dependent solution is also an
option. Starting with the heaviest primary nucleus considered (e.g., 64Ni) the propagation solution is used to compute
the source term for its spallation products, which are then propagated in turn, and so on down to protons, secondary
electrons and positrons, and antiprotons. In this way secondaries, tertiaries, etc., are included. Primary electrons are
treated separately. The proton, helium, and electron spectra are normalized to data; all other isotopes are determined
by the source composition and propagation. γ-rays and synchrotron emission are computed using interstellar gas data
(for pion-decay and bremsstrahlung) and the interstellar radiation field (ISRF) model (for inverse Compton). The
computing resources required by GALPROP are moderate by current standards.
Recent extensions to GALPROP include
• new detailed calculation of the ISRF [8, 9]
• proper implementation of the anisotropic inverse Compton scattering using new ISRF (Figure 1, left)
• interstellar gas distributions based on current HI and CO surveys [10, 11]
• new parameterization of the π0 production in pp-collisions [12] which includes the diffraction dissociation
• non-linear MHD wave – particle interactions (wave damping) [6] are included as an option
• the kinetic energy range is now extended down to ∼1 keV
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Galactic latitude, degrees
intermediate latitudes
Eγ=2 GeV
FIGURE 1. Left: The ratio of anisotropic IC to isotropic IC for Galactic longitudes l = 0◦ and 180◦ vs. Galactic latitude. Right:
γ-ray spectrum of inner Galaxy (330◦ < l < 30◦, |b| < 5◦) for an optimized model. Vertical bars: COMPTEL and EGRET data,
heavy solid line: total calculated flux. This is an update of the spectrum shown in [5].
• the γ-ray calculations extend from keV to tens of TeV (e.g., Figure 1, right), and produce full sky maps as a
function of energy; the output is in the FITS-format
• gas mass calibration (XCO-factors) which can vary with position
• a dark matter package to allow for propagation of the WIMP annihilation products and calculation of the
corresponding synchrotron and γ-ray skymaps
• GALPROP–DarkSUSY interface (together with T. Baltz) will become publicly available soon
• a dedicated website has been developed (
The GALPROP code [1] was created with the following aims: (i) to enable simultaneous predictions of all relevant
observations including CR nuclei, electrons and positrons, γ-rays and synchrotron radiation, (ii) to overcome the
limitations of analytical and semi-analytical methods, taking advantage of advances in computing power, as CR, γ-
ray and other data become more accurate, (iii) to incorporate current information on Galactic structure and source
distributions, (iv) to provide a publicly-available code as a basis for further expansion. The first point is the most
important: all data relating to the same system, the Galaxy, must have an internal consistency. For example, one cannot
allow a model which fits secondary/primary ratios while not fitting γ-rays or not being compatible with the known
interstellar gas distribution. There are many simultaneous constraints, and to find one model satisfying all of them is a
challenge, which in fact has not been met up to now. Upcoming missions will benefit: GALPROP has been adopted as
the standard for diffuse Galactic γ-ray emission for NASA’s GLAST γ-ray observatory, and is also made use of by the
ACE, AMS, HEAT and Pamela collaborations.
IVM is supported in part by NASA APRA grant, TAP is supported in part by the US Department of Energy.
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5. A. W. Strong, I. V. Moskalenko, and O. Reimer, ApJ 613, 962–976 (2004).
6. V. S. Ptuskin et al, ApJ 642, 902–916 (2006).
7. S. G. Mashnik et al., Adv. Space Res. 34, 1288–1296 (2004).
8. I. V. Moskalenko, T. A. Porter, and A. W. Strong, ApJ 640, L155–L158 (2006).
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Discussion and Results
0704.1329 | Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts | Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1–?? (2007) Printed 30 October 2018 (MN LATEX style file v2.2)
Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray
Nayantara Gupta⋆ and Bing Zhang†
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA
Accepted 2007; Received 2007; in original form 2007
Within the internal shock scenario we consider different mechanisms of high energy
(> 1 MeV) photon production inside a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) fireball and derive
the expected high energy photon spectra from individual GRBs during the prompt
phase. The photon spectra of leptonic and hadronic origins are compared within dif-
ferent sets of parameter regimes. Our results suggest that the high energy emission
is dominated by the leptonic component if fraction of shock energy carried by elec-
trons is not very small (e.g. ǫ
−3). For very small values of ǫ
the hadronic
emission component could be comparable to or even exceed the leptonic component
in the GeV-TeV regime. However, in this case a much larger energy budget of the
fireball is required to account for the same level of the observed sub-MeV spectrum.
The fireballs are therefore extremely inefficient in radiation. For a canonical fireball
bulk Lorentz factor (e.g. Γ = 400), emissions above ∼ 10 GeV are attenuated by
two-photon pair production processes. For a fireball with an even higher Lorentz fac-
tor, the cutoff energy is higher, and emissions of 10 TeV - PeV due to π0-decay can
also escape from the internal shocks. The flux level is however too low to be detected
by current TeV detectors, and these photons also suffer attenuation by external soft
photons. GLAST LAT can detect prompt emission of bright long GRBs above 100
MeV. For short GRBs, the prompt emission can be only barely detected for nearby
bright ones with relatively “long” durations (e.g. ∼ 1 s). With the observed high
energy spectrum alone, it appears that there is no clean picture to test the leptonic
vs. hadronic origin of the gamma-rays. Such an issue may be however addressed by
collecting both prompt and afterglow data. A moderate-to-high radiative efficiency
would suggest a leptonic origin of high energy photons, while a GRB with an ex-
tremely low radiative efficiency but an extended high energy emission component
would be consistent with (but not a proof for) the hadronic origin.
Key words: Gamma Rays, Gamma Ray Bursts.
The study of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) has been one of the most interesting areas in astrophysics in the past few years. Ongoing
observational and theoretical investigations are disclosing the physical origin, characteristics of these objects as well as bringing
new puzzles to us. EGRET detected high energy photons from five GRBs coincident with triggers from the BATSE instrument
(Jones et al. 1996). GRB 940217 was detected by EGRET independent of BATSE trigger, which has extended emission and with
the highest energy photon of 18GeV (Hurley et al. 1994). Gonzalez et al. (2003) discovered a distinct high energy component up to
⋆ [email protected]
† [email protected]
c© 2007 RAS
2 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
200 MeV in GRB 941017 that has a different temporal evolution with respect to the low energy component. Although even higher
energy gamma rays/neutrinos have not been firmly detected from GRBs yet, Atkins et al. (2000) have provided tentative evidence
of TeV emission from GRB 970417A. For a long time, GRBs have been identified as potential sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic
rays (Waxman 1995; Vietri 1997). Within the standard fireball picture (e.g. Mészáros 2006), there are about a dozen mechanisms
that can produce GeV-TeV gamma-rays from GRBs (e.g. Zhang 2007). More theoretical and observational efforts are needed to
fully understand high energy emission from GRBs. From the theoretical aspect, it is essential to investigate the relative importance
of various emission components to identify the dominant mechanisms under certain conditions.
The high energy photon spectra expected from GRBs during the prompt and the afterglow phases have been derived
by various groups. In the scenario of external shock model the high energy photon spectra during the early afterglow phase
due to synchrotron and synchrotron self Compton (SSC) emission by shock accelerated relativistic electrons and protons
have been studied (Mészáros et al. 1994; Mészáros & Rees 1994; Panaitescu & Mészáros 1998; Wei & Lu 1998; Totani 1998;
Chiang & Dermer 1999; Dermer et al. 2000a,b; Panaitescu & Kumar 2000; Sari & Esin 2001; Zhang & Mészáros 2001; Fan et al.
2007; Gou & Mészáros 2007). In the case of a strong reverse shock emission component, the SSC emission in the reverse shock
region or the crossing inverse Compton processes between the forward and reverse shock regions are also important (Wang et al.
2001a,b; Pe’er & Waxman 2005). The discovery of X-ray flares in early afterglows in the Swift era (Burrows et al. 2005) also
opens the possibility that scattering of the flaring photons from the external shocks can give strong GeV emission (Wang et al.
2006; Fan & Piran 2006). The effect of cosmic infrared background on high energy delayed γ-rays from GRBs has been also
widely discussed in the literature (Dai & Lu 2002; Stecker 2003; Wang et al. 2004; Razzaque et al. 2004; Casanova et al 2007;
Murase et al. 2007). The most important high energy emission component is believed to be emitted from the prompt phase. Swift
early X-ray afterglow data suggest that the GRB prompt emission is of “internal” origin, unlike the external-origin afterglow emis-
sion (Zhang et al. 2006, cf. Dermer 2007). The most widely discussed internal model of prompt emission is the internal shock model
(Rees & Mészáros 1994). Within the internal shock model the spectrum of high energy photons expected during the prompt phase
has been studied (Pilla & Loeb 1998; Fragile et al. 2004; Bhattacharjee & Gupta 2003; Razzaque et al. 2004; Pe’er & Waxman
2004; Pe’er et al. 2006). The various processes of high energy photon production in the internal shocks are electron synchrotron
emission, SSC of electrons, synchrotron emission of protons, photon production through π0 decay produced in proton photon
(pγ) interactions and radiations by secondary positrons produced from π+ decays. In this paper we consider all these processes
self-consistently with a semi-analytical approach and study the relative importance of each component within the internal shock
scenario. The derived photon spectra are corrected for internal optical depth for pair production, which is energy-dependent and also
depends on various other parameters of GRBs e.g. their variability times, luminosities, the low energy photon spectra inside GRBs,
and photon spectral break energies. If the electrons cool down by synchrotron and SSC emission to trans-relativistic energies, then
they accumulate near a value of Lorentz factor of around unity. The accumulated electrons affect the high energy photon spectrum
by direct-Compton scattering and other processes, which make the spectrum significantly different from the broken power laws
considered in this work, see (Pe’er et al. 2005, 2006) for detailed discussions. In any case, for the values of parameters considered
in the present paper this effect is not significant.
GLAST’s (Gehrels & Michelson 1999) burst monitor (GBM) will detect photons in the energy range of 10keV to 25MeV and
large area telescope (LAT) will detect photons in the energy range of 20MeV and 1000GeV. With a large field of view (> 2 sr
for LAT), GLAST will detect high energy photons from many GRBs and open a new era of studying GRBs in the high energy
regime. This is supplemented by AGILE (Longo et al. 2002), which is designed to observe photons in the energy range of 10-40
keV and 30MeV-50GeV and also has a large field of view. There are several other ground based detectors e.g. Whipple/VERITAS
(Horan et al. 2007), Milagro (Atkins et al. 2004), which have been searching or will search for ∼ TeV photons from GRBs. De-
tections or non-detections of high energy gamma rays from GRBs with space-based and ground-based detectors in the near future
would make major steps in revealing the physical environment, bulk motion, mechanisms of particle acceleration and high energy
photon production, photon densities, etc., of GRBs.
We define three reference frames: (i) the comoving frame or the wind rest frame is the rest frame of the outflowing ejecta expanding
with a Lorentz factor Γ with respect to the observer and the central engine; (ii) the source rest frame is attached to the GRB
central engine at a redshift z; and (iii) the observer’s frame is the reference frame of the observer on earth, which is related to the
source rest frame by the redshift correction factor. We denote the quantities measured in the comoving frame with primes. The
shock accelerated relativistic electrons lose energy by synchrotron radiation and SSC in the shock region. Assuming a power law
distribution of fresh electrons accelerated from the internal shocks and considering a continuous injection of electrons during the
propagation of the shocks, the relativistic primary electron number distribution in the comoving frame can be expressed as a broken
power law in energy (Sari et al. 1998)
c© 2007 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–??
Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts 3
E′e,m < E
e < E
E′e,c < E
in the case of slow cooling, where E′e,m is the minimum injection energy of electrons and E
e,c is the energy of an electron that loses
its energy significantly during the dynamic time scale, known as the cooling energy of the electrons. If the electrons are cooling
fast so that even the electrons with the minimum injection energy have cooled during the dynamical time scale, by considering
continuous injection of electrons from the shock the comoving electron number distribution can be expressed as
E′e,c < E
e < E
E′e,m < E
If the electrons cool down to sub-relativistic energies then they accumulate near electron Lorentz factor γ′e ∼ 1. This effect may
distort the high energy photon spectrum by direct-Compton scattering (Pe’er et al. 2005, 2006), and we focus on the parameter
regime where this effect is not significant. The energies in the source rest frame and the comoving frame are related as Ee ≃ ΓE
where Γ is the average bulk Lorentz factor of the GRB fireball in the prompt phase. The expression for the minimum injection
energy of electrons in the comoving frame is E′e,m = mec
, where g(p) = p−2
for p >> 2 and g(p) ∼ 1/6
for p = 2 (Razzaque & Zhang 2007), mp, me are the masses of proton and electron, respectively, and γ̄′pmpc
2 is the average
internal energy of protons in the comoving frame. We have assumed γ̄′p to be of the order of unity (in principle γ̄′p could be smaller
than unity). The total internal energy is distributed among electrons, protons and the internal magnetic fields within the internal
shocks. The fractions of the total energy carried by electrons, protons and internal magnetic fields are represented by ǫe, ǫp and ǫB ,
respectively, where ǫe + ǫp + ǫB = 1. We have assumed that all the electrons and protons are accelerated in internal shocks. In
reality, the shock accelerated particles may be only a fraction of the total population and additional fractional parameters (ξe, ξp)
may be introduced (e.g. Bykov & Mészáros 1996). In such a case, the following treatments are still generally valid by re-defining
ǫ′e = ǫe/ξe and ǫ
p = ǫp/ξp, while the relation ǫe + ǫp + ǫB = 1 still holds.
The relativistic electrons lose their energy by synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering (Panaitescu & Mészáros
1998; Sari & Esin 2001; Zhang & Mészáros 2001). The comoving cooling break energy in the relativistic electron spectrum can be
derived by comparing the cooling and the dynamical time scales. The comoving cooling time scale t′cool of electrons is a convolution
of the cooling time scales for synchrotron radiation t′syn and for inverse Compton (IC) scattering t
. (3)
We denote U as the internal energy density of the internal shock, and Ue, UB as the energy densities of electrons and magnetic
fields, respectively. The energy density of the synchrotron radiation is Ue,syn =
(Sari & Esin 2001), where the
radiation efficiency of electrons is ηe = [(E
2−p, 1] for slow and fast cooling, respectively, and
1 + 4ηeǫe/ǫB
denotes the relative importance between the IC and the synchrotron emission components1. Le,IC and Le,syn are the luminosities
of radiations emitted in SSC and synchrotron emission of relativistic electrons respectively. The inverse of the cooling time scale
of electrons can be expressed by the power divided by energy (E′e = meγ
(UB + Ue,syn) =
(1 + Ye) , (5)
where σe,T is Thomson cross-section of electrons, βe
≃ 1 is the dimensionless speed of the relativistic electrons. The comoving
dynamical time scale is t′dyn ≃ Γtv , where Γ is the average Lorentz factor of the GRB, and tv is the variability time in the source
rest frame of the GRB, which denotes the variability time scale of the central engine. Throughout the paper, we assume that electron
synchrotron radiation from the internal shocks is the mechanism that power the prompt gamma-ray emission in the sub-MeV band.
However, for standard parameters within this scenario the cooling time scale of electrons is much shorter than the dynamical time
scale of GRBs. As a result the flux density
below the cooling break energy is proportional to E
γ,s and cannot
explain the harder spectral indices observed in many GRBs (Ghisellini et al. 2000). If the magnetic field created by internal shocks
decays on a length scale much shorter then the comoving width of the plasma, then the resulting synchrotron radiation can explain
1 Strictly speaking, such a treatment is valid for the IC process in the Thomson regime. However, this is also a reasonable approximation if the
peak of the spectral energy distribution of the IC component is in the Thomson regime, which is generally the case for the calculations performed
in this paper.
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4 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
some of the broadband GRB spectra observed by Swift (Pe’er & Zhang 2006). In this case the effective dynamical time scale is
shorter by a factor of fc than its actual value. Hence, the ratio of the cooling and the dynamical time scale can be expressed as
= fc (6)
at the cooling energy E′e = E
e,c. The expression of the electron cooling energy in the comoving frame can be written as
e,c = γ
= mec
2 3mec
4Γtvσe,T cUǫB(1 + Ye)
= 530keV
Liso,51ǫB,−1(1 + Ye)
. (7)
Here and throughout the text the convention Qx = Q/10
x is adopted in cgs units. In the above expression Liso is the luminosity
corresponding to the energy Eiso carried by all particles and the magnetic fields in the shocks. It is a fraction of the wind (outflow)
luminosity Liso ∼ ηLw, where η is the efficiency of converting the kinetic energy of the wind to the shock internal energy.
The luminosity Liso and internal energy U are related as U = Liso/(4πΓ
2c), where ris = Γ
2ctv is the internal shock
radius. The synchrotron spectrum is a multi-segment broken power law (Sari et al. 1998) separated by several breaks, including
the emission frequency from electrons with the minimum injection energy, the cooling break frequency, and the synchrotron self-
absorption frequency (Rybicki & Lightman 1979). In the internal shocks, the magnetic field in the comoving frame can be expressed
as (Zhang & Mészáros 2002)
≃ 4.4× 10
2 = 1.5× 10
where ξ is the compression ratio, which is about 7 for strong shocks. The synchrotron self absorption energy (Essa) in internal
shocks can be expressed as (Li & Song 2004; Fan et al. 2005; cf. Pe’er & Waxman 2004)
Essa ≃ 0.24 keVL
is,13 B
= 0.69 keVL
v,−2 Γ2
1 + Ye
where Lγ,s = Lisoǫeηe/(1 + Ye) is the isotropic gamma-ray luminosity due to synchrotron radiation. The cooling break energy
E′e,c and the minimum injection energy E
e,m of the electrons define two break energies in the synchrotron photon spectrum. The
cooling break energy in the photon spectrum in the source rest frame is
Eγ,c = Γ
)2 eB′c
≃ 1.9 × 10
Liso,51ǫB(1 + Ye)
5 = 2.8eVtv,−2
1 + Ye
Notice that Eγ,c very sensitively depends on Γ and some other parameters so that it could become a large value when parameters
change. For example, for B′ = 104G, Γ = 400, fc = 500, Liso = 10
51erg s−1, tv = 0.01s and ǫB = 0.1 we get Eγ,c ∼ 1.9
MeV. The break energy in the photon spectrum due to the minimum electron injection energy is
Eγ,m = Γ
)2 eB′c
≃ 0.58 MeVΓ2
5 = 8.5MeV
−1 (11)
Assuming Essa < Eγ,m,s < Eγ,c,s the photon energy spectrum from synchrotron radiation of slow-cooling relativistic electrons
is as follows
γ,s Essa < Eγ,s ≤ Eγ,m,s
γ,m,s E
γ,s Eγ,m,s < Eγ,s ≤ Eγ,c,s
γ,m,s E
γ,s Eγ,c,s ≤ Eγ,s
In the case of slow-cooling electrons for very small values of ǫe (e.g. ∼ 10
−3, which is relevant when the hadronic emission
component becomes important), the break in the photon spectrum due to the minimum injection energy of electrons goes below
the synchrotron self absorption energy. The order in the spectral break energies becomes Eγ,m,s < Essa < Eγ,c,s, and the
spectrum is also modified. The spectral indices of the electron synchrotron spectrum for different ordering of the spectral break
energies are derived by Granot & Sari (2002). For Eγ,m,s < Eγ,s < Essa the spectral index of E
is 7/2, and for
Eγ,s < Eγ,m,s the spectral index is 3. The indices of the spectrum between Essa, Eγ,c,s and above Eγ,c,s remain as −(p− 3)/2
and −(p − 2)/2, respectively. When Essa is greater than both Eγ,m,s and Eγ,c,s their relative ordering becomes unimportant. In
that case the spectral indices of E2γ,s
are 7/2 between Eγ,m,s and Essa, and −(p− 2)/2 above Essa. Below Eγ,m,s
the index is 3.
For fast-cooling electrons the synchrotron photon energy spectrum for Essa < Eγ,c,s < Eγ,m,s is
γ,s Essa < Eγ,s ≤ Eγ,c,s
γ,s Eγ,c,s < Eγ,s ≤ Eγ,m,s
γ,m,s E
γ,s Eγ,m,s ≤ Eγ,s
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Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts 5
When the ordering of break energies in the photon spectrum becomes Eγ,c,s < Essa < Eγ,m,s the photon energy spectrum is
γ,s Essa < Eγ,s ≤ Eγ,c,s
γ,s Eγ,c,s < Eγ,s ≤ Eγ,m,s
γ,m,s E
γ,s Eγ,m,s ≤ Eγ,s
The total energy emitted in synchrotron radiation by relativistic electrons is Eisoηeǫe/(1+Ye). The normalisation constant for the
synchrotron photon energy spectrum can be calculated from
∫ Eγ,max
dEγ,s = Eiso
(1 + Ye)
The maximum electron energy Ee,max can be calculated by equating the acceleration time and the shorter of the dynamical
and cooling time scales of the relativistic electrons. The expression of the acceleration time scale is t′acc = 2πζrL(E
e)/c =
′c. Here rL(E
e) is the Larmor radius of an electron of energy E
e in a magnetic field B
′, ζ can be expressed as
ζ ∼ βsh
−2y, where βsh is the velocity of the shock in the comoving frame of the unshocked medium and y is the ratio of diffusion
coefficient to the Bohm coefficient Rachen & Mészáros (1998). In ultra-relativistic shocks βsh ≈ 1 and numerical simulations for
both parallel and oblique shocks gives ζ ∼ 1. With
acc = min[t
cool, t
dyn] , (16)
one can derive the maximum comoving electron energy
e,max = min
Liso,51ǫB(1 + Ye)
, 14.3× 10
GeV (17)
For electrons, the cooling term (first term in the bracket) always defines the maximum electron energy. The maximum synchrotron
photon energy in the source rest frame can be then derived as
Eγ,max = Γ
)2 eB′c
= 0.48GeV
Liso,51ǫB,−1(1 + Ye)
= 102GeV
1 + Ye
This is used in eqn.(15) to define the normalization of the spectrum. The result has a very steep dependence on Γ. We also notice that
B′ is not an independent parameter, but can be calculated from other parameters according to eqn.(8). For example, for Γ = 400,
Liso = 10
51erg/s, tv = 0.01s and ǫB , ǫe ∼ 0.1, the magnetic field is of the order of 10
4G and the maximum photon energy
becomes a few hundred GeV.
The relativistic electrons can be inverse Compton scattered by low energy synchrotron photons inside the GRB fireball and transfer
their energy to high energy photons. Below, we derive the IC photon spectrum using the electron and synchrotron photon spectra.
dEe ×
dEγ,s (19)
The electron Lorentz factor (γe
′), IC and synchrotron photon energies (Eγ,i, Eγ,s) are related as Eγ,i ∼ γ
Eγ,s, this can be used
to simplify the above equation. The final expression for the IC photon spectrum considering slow cooling of electrons is
γ,i Essa,i < Eγ,i ≤ Eγ,m,i
γ,m,i E
γ,i Eγ,m,i < Eγ,i ≤ Eγ,c,i
γ,m,i E
γ,i Eγ,c,i < Eγ,i ≤ Eγ,K
γ,m,i E
γ,K E
γ,i Eγ,K < Eγ,i
Here Essa,i = γ
Essa, Eγ,m,i = γ
Eγ,m,s, and Eγ,c,i = γ
Eγ,c,s, where γ
e,m = E
g(p)(mp/me)(ǫe/ǫp), γ
e,c = E
2 are Lorentz factors corresponding to the minimum injection energy of electrons and
the cooling break energy of electrons. In the case of fast cooling Eγ,m,i > Eγ,c,i and the IC photon spectrum has to be modified
γ,i Essa,i < Eγ,i ≤ Eγ,c,i
γ,i Eγ,c,i < Eγ,i ≤ Eγ,m,i
γ,m,i E
γ,i Eγ,m,i < Eγ,i ≤ Eγ,K
γ,m,i E
γ,K E
γ,i , Eγ,K < Eγ,i
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6 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
In eqn.(21) the expressions for Essa,i, Eγ,c,i and Eγ,m,i are Essa,i = γ
Essa, Eγ,c,i = γ
Eγ,c,s and Eγ,m,i =
Eγ,m,s. When EeEγ,s >> Γ
4 the cross section for IC scattering decreases as the scattering enters the Klein Nishina
(KN) regime. A break in the photon spectrum at Eγ,i = Eγ,K appears when the Klein Nishina effect becomes important. We define
a parameter κ =
, where Eγ,peak = max[Eγ,c,s;Eγ,m,s]. The KN regime starts when κ = 1 (e.g. Fragile et al. 2004),
Eγ,K =
= 2.5 GeV
In the KN regime the emissivity of electrons decreases by κ2, and the photon energy spectral index simply follows the electron
energy spectral index, i.e. −(p− 2). The IC photon spectrum in eqn.(20) can be normalised as
∫ Eγ,max,i
dEγ,i = Eiso
1 + Ye
, (23)
where Eγ,max,i = ΓE
e,max due to the KN effect.
Relativistic protons lose energy by synchrotron radiation and photo-pion (π0, π+) production inside GRBs. They interact with the
low energy photons in the GRB environment and pions are produced. There is a threshold energy for this interaction (pγ) to happen,
EpEγ ≥ 0.3GeV
2Γ2, where Ep and Eγ are proton, photon energy in the source rest frame respectively. The π
0s decay to a pair of
high energy photons, while the π+s decay to neutrinos and leptons. The threshold condition therefore suggests that the photon-pion
related high energy spectrum is typically more energetic than the electron IC spectrum. We assume that the proton spectrum in the
internal shocks can be expressed as a power law in proton energy. We consider a proton spectral index similar to electrons for our
present discussion. Since protons are poor emitters, we only consider the scenario of slow-cooling in the comoving proton spectrum
E′p,m < E
p < E
E′p,c < E
where E′p,m is the minimum injection energy of the protons and E
p,c is break energy in the spectrum due to proton cooling. The
minimum injection energy E′p,m = γ̄
2g(p), where g(p) = p−2
for p ≫ 2 and g(p) ∼ 1/6 for p = 2. The cooling break
energy can be derived by comparing the comoving and the cooling time scales. The inverse of the cooling time scale t′cool of a
proton is
The photo-pion cooling time scale t′π has been derived earlier in the context of estimation of neutrino fluxes from GRBs
(Waxman & Bahcall 1997; Gupta & Zhang 2007). If fπ is the fraction of proton energy going to pion production in the ∆ res-
onance of pγ interactions one has 1/t′π ∼ fπ/t
dyn where the comoving time scale is
2 t′dyn = Γtv. The peak value of pγ
interaction cross section at the ∆ resonance is σpγ = 5 × 10
−28cm2. This is much higher than the Thomson cross section for
protons σp,T =
σe,T , where σe,T = 6.625 × 10
−25cm2. We therefore neglect the IC process of protons. Substituting for
t′syn and t
π in eqn.(25), we get
where, β′p is dimensionless speed of relativistic protons. We use the general expression for fπ from Gupta & Zhang (2007)
fπ(Ep) = f0
)α2−1 Ep < Epb
)α1−1 Ep > Epb
1 + Ye
. (28)
2 In this definition, on average protons loose ∼ 20% energy in the time scale of t′π . Although it is not strictly the e-folding timescale usually used
to define cooling, for order-of-magnitude estimates this is good enough.
c© 2007 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–??
Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts 7
In our present discussion α2 = (p + 2)/2 and α1 = (p + 1)/2. Eγ,peak,MeV is the peak energy in the electron synchrotron
photon spectrum expressed in MeV, and Liso,51 is the GRB luminosity in unit of 10
51 erg s−1, which is the typical value for GRB
luminosities. Epb = 0.3Γ
2/Eγ,peak,GeV GeV is the threshold proton energy for interaction with photons of energy Eγ,peak,GeV .
For typically observed values of GRB parameters one has Epb ∼ 1 PeV. The break energy in the proton spectrum due to proton
cooling can be calculated by comparing the comoving and cooling time scales of protons as discussed in the case of electrons in §2.
We assume β′p ∼ 1 then for Ep < Epb the expression of cooling break energy in the comoving frame is
p,c =
2 cUǫB
α2 + 1
α2 + 1
where fc =
. The synchrotron photon spectrum from relativistic protons is
γ,ps Eγ,m,ps < Eγ,ps ≤ Eγ,c,ps
γ,ps Eγ,c,ps < Eγ,ps
The minimum injection energy in the photon spectrum from proton synchrotron radiation is related to that from electron synchrotron
radiation as (Zhang & Mészáros 2001)
The cooling break energy in the photon spectrum from proton synchrotron radiation is the characteristic synchrotron photon energy
for proton energy E′p,c. To normalize the proton synchrotron spectrum, it is important to find out the relative importance between
proton synchrotron radiation and pγ interactions. Similar to the treatment of electrons, one can define
Ye . (32)
where, Lp,pγ and Lp,syn are the luminosities of radiations emitted in pγ interactions and synchrotron emission of protons respec-
tively. Notice that protons interact with the synchrotron emission of the electrons, so that Ye enters the problem. Eqn. (32) suggests
that Yp is usually much greater than unity since σpγ ≫ σp,T . As a result, most of the proton energy is lost through pγ interaction
rather than proton synchrotron radiation.
The proton synchrotron photon spectrum can be normalised as
∫ Eγ,max,ps
dEγ,ps = Eiso
1 + Yp
, (33)
where ηp =
. The maximum proton synchrotron photon energy is derived by Eγ,max,ps =
, where E′p,max is again defined by comparing the comoving acceleration time with the shorter of the co-
moving dynamical and cooling times scales
p,max = min
Liso,51ǫB(1 + Yp)
, 1.4 × 10
TeV . (34)
p,max = min
)1/2 Γ32tv,−2
1 + Yp
TeV . (35)
5 π0 DECAY
The relativistic protons interact with the low energy photons and photo-pions (π0,π+) are produced as a result. The probabilities
of π0 and π+ production are 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. Pions subsequently decay, i.e. π0 → γγ and π+ → µ+νµ → νµν̄µνee
As the cross section for the γγ interactions is much higher than the peak value of pγ interaction cross section, above the threshold
energy of pair production γγ interactions are expected to dominate over pγ interactions. If the photon energy is 2mec
∼ 1 MeV in
the comoving frame, then in the source rest frame it is of the order of a few hundred MeV as the Lorentz factors are typically of the
order of few hundred for canonical GRBs. For example, for Γ = 400 the photons of energy 400 MeV can produce photo-pions by
interaction with protons of minimum energy Ep ∼ 120 TeV. The π
0 typically carries 20% of the proton’s energy and the photons
produced in π0 decay share its energy equally. Hence, the minimum energy of the photons produced from π0 decay is expected to
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8 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
be ∼ 10%Ep ∼ 12 TeV. The photon spectrum produced from π
0 decay has been derived below using the proton spectrum defined
in eqn.(24) and assuming the fraction fπ/3 of protons’ energy goes to π
Eγ,π0 ≤ Eγ,π0,c
Eγ,π0 > Eγ,π0,c
where, Eγ,π0,c = 0.1Ep,c. For the expression for fπ , see eqn.(27), which contains a break energy. The break energy in the photon
spectrum contained within fπ is Eγ,π0,b = 0.03Γ
2/ǫbr,GeV GeV assuming 10% of the proton’s energy goes to the photon produced
via π0 decay. ǫbr is the break energy in the low energy photon spectrum (in the scenario of slowly cooling electrons it is the cooling
break energy in the photon spectrum and for fast cooling electrons it is the photon energy corresponding to the minimum injection
energy of electrons). The photon flux can be normalised in the following way
dEγ,π0 =
1 + Yp
where Eγ,π0,min = 30Γ GeV and Eγ,π0,max = 0.1Ep,max. Although high energy photons (∼ TeV) are absorbed by lower
energy photons and e+e− pairs are produced, at extreme energies the pair production cross section decreases with increasing energy
(Razzaque et al. 2004). Hence, ultrahigh energy photons can escape from the internal shocks for suitable parameters depending on
the values of their various parameters and the low energy photon spectra.
The shock accelerated protons may interact with the low energy photons to produce π+s along with π0s as discussed in the
previous section. The π+s subsequently decay to muons and neutrinos. The energetic muons decay to positrons and neutrinos
(pγ → π+ → µ+νµ → e
+νµν̄µνe). The charged pions, muons and the positrons are expected to lose energy through synchrotron
radiation and IC inside the shock region. As the Thomson cross section for positrons is much larger than pions or muons, they
are expected to emit much more radiation compared to the heavier charged particles. On the other hand, since these positrons are
very energetic, most IC processes happen in the Klein Nishina regime. We therefore neglect the contribution of the positron IC
processes. The positron synchrotron spectrum produced in pγ interactions can be derived in the following way. The fraction of the
protons’ energy tranferred to pions is denoted by fπ (eqn[27]). If we assume that the final state leptons share the pion’s energy
equally then one fourth of the pion’s energy goes to the positron. The energy of the positron spectrum
at the energy Ee+
can be expressed using the proton spectrum defined in eqn.(24)
Ee+ ≤ Ee+,c
Ee+ > Ee+,c
where, Ee+,c is the cooling break energy in the positron specrum and
fπ(Ee+) = f0
)α2−1 Ee+ < Ee+b
)α1−1 Ee+ > Ee+b
where f0 has been defined in eqn.(28), Ee+b = 0.05Epb , Epb = 0.3 GeVΓ
2/ǫbr,GeV , and ǫbr,GeV is the break energy in the
photon spectrum as defined earlier. The positron spectrum in eqn.(38) can be normalised using the total energy carried by the
dEe+ =
1 + Yp
The maximum and minimum positron energies are Ee+,max = 0.05Ep,max and Ee+,min = 15Γ GeV (which is ∼ 6TeV for
Γ = 400). The synchrotron photon spectrum from the positrons can be subsequently derived using the same treatment for primary
electrons as discussed in §2. The IC emission is in the KN regime and therefore not important. Also, photons having energies
above a few hundred GeV are annihilated by lower energy photons as discussed in the following section. The relativistic muons
produced in π+ decay lose energy by synchrotron radiation. We compare the decay and synchrotron energy loss time scales of the
high energy muons. The maximum energies of positrons can be calculated in this way. If the muons decay before losing energy
significantly high energy positrons are produced carrying approximately 5% of the initial proton’s energy. On the otherhand if
the muons lose energy before they decay lower energy positrons are produced. These positrons radiate energy and produce lower
energy photons. The muons initially carry approximately 10% of the relativistic protons’ energy hence, we expect the low energy
photon flux produced by cooling of positrons is lower than that produced by relativistic electrons if ǫe and ǫp are comparable.
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Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts 9
Inside GRBs high energy photons interact with low energy photons to produce electron-positron pairs (e.g. Baring & Harding 1997;
Lithwick & Sari 2001). The optical depth depends on the values of various parameters of the GRB fireball. We follow the approach
discussed in Bhattacharjee & Gupta (2003) to derive internal optical depths of GRBs in detail. For two photons (a high energy
photon γh and a low energy photon γl), the pair production cross section depends on the energies of the photons and the angle
between their directions of propagation. The cross section is (Berestetskii et al. 1982)
σγhγl (E
, θ) =
σT (1− β
(3− β
1 + β′
1− β′
(2− β
where σT is the Thomson cross section, and β
′ = [1 − (E′γl,th/E
)]1/2 is the center of mass dimensionless speed of the pair
produced. The threshold energy of pair production with a high energy photon of energy E′γh is
E′γh(1− cosθ)
For the photons with energy higher than the threshold energy, the pair production cross section decreases with increasing photon
energy (Jauch & Rohrlich 1955; Razzaque et al. 2004). In the present work we calculate internal optical depths in different energy
regimes using the cross sections with different energy dependences. The mean free path for γh γl interactions lγhγl can be calculated
using the low energy photon spectrum.
, θ) =
σγhγl (E
, θ) (43)
d(cosθ)(1− cosθ)l
, θ) (44)
is the specific number density of low energy photons inside the GRB. The low energy photon spectrum is ob-
servationally known, as revealed by gamma-ray detectors such as BATSE and Swift. Theoretically, it corresponds to the electron
synchrotron component as discussed in §2, which is a broken power law spectrum separated by the synchrotron self absorption
break, the minimum injection break and the cooling break. The low energy photon flux is related to the observed luminosity
∫ E′γl,max
dnγl (E
= Uγ =
where Lγ,iso is the isotropic γ-ray luminosity. We have taken it to be equal to the luminosity of the synchrotron photons emitted by
electrons: Lγ,iso = Le,syn =
. In eqn.(44) we have three variables: angle θ and photon energies E′γl , E
. To simplify
the integration in eqn.(44) we transform the integral with a new variable following Gould & Schreder (1967)
(1− cosθ)
= s0Θ (46)
with s0 =
, and Θ = 1
(1− cosθ). As β′ = (1− 1/s)1/2, the pair production cross section can be expressed as a function
of the new variable s. It is then possible to write eqn.(44) as
−2 dnγl (E
)] (47)
∫ s0(E
sσ(s)ds , (48)
and σ(s) = 16
. For moderate values of s we use σ(s) ≃ 1 and for s >> 1 it can be approximated as σ(s) ≃ ln(s)/s.
The expressions for Q[s0(E
)] are (s20 − 1)/2 and s0(ln s0 − 1), respectively, in the two cases. Substituting for Q[s0(E
)] in
eqn.(47) we derive the final expression for l−1γhγl (E
). The internal optical depth τint(E
) is the ratio of comoving time scale
and the mean time between two pair production interactions.
c© 2007 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–??
10 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
) (49)
The final photon energy spectrum to be observed on Earth from nearby GRBs (neglecting further attenuations with the infrared
background and cosmic microwave background) can be obtained by correcting the original flux for the internal optical depth and
the redshift z of the source
4πd2z(1 + z)
exp(−τint(Eγ)) , (50)
ΩΛ +Ωm(1 + z′)3
is the comoving distance of the source, H0 = 71km s
−1 Mpc−1 is the Hubble constant, and ΩΛ = 0.73 and Ωm = 0.27 are
adopted in our calculations.
The secondary pairs carry a significant fraction of energy in the primary spectrum, and this energy is re-radiated and converted
to photons. A more realistic treatment should consider a photon-pair cascade process, which requires numerical calculations
(Pe’er & Waxman 2004; Pe’er et al. 2006). Here instead we estimate the emission from the secondary pairs. We first calculate
the photon energy spectra generated by different physical processes as discussed earlier. The photon spectra are then corrected
for internal optical depths and subsequently the total energies carried by these photons are calculated by integrating the corrected
photon energy spectra over photon energies. If we subtract the total energies carried by these high energy photons from their intial
energies before including the effects of internal optical depths, we get the energies of the secondary e− and e+ produced in γγ in-
teractions. These pairs are expected to have spectral indices similar to the high energy photons. With the knowledge of their spectral
indices and the total energies carried by them the synchrotron photon spectra radiated by these secondary leptons are calculated.
For the parameters adopted in this paper, it turns out that the emission contribution from the secondaries is below the emission level
of the primaries, and hence, does not significantly modify the observed the spectrum. We therefore do not include this component
in Figs.1-5, but caution that such a feedback process could be potentially important for the parameter regimes with high opacity.
We refer to Pe’er & Waxman (2004) and Pe’er et al. (2006) for more detailed treatments of such cases.
Using the procedure delineated above, we have calculated the broad-band emission spectrum from internal shocks for a wide range
of parameter regimes. In particular we focus on the various high energy emission components discussed above and their relative
significance. Our results are presented in Fig.1-5. In each set of calculations we have presented the internal optical depth after the
final photon energy spectrum. For particles accelerated by ultra-relativistic shocks the spectral index is expected to be about 2.26
Lemoine & Pelletier (2003). Afterglow modeling suggests a larger scatter of p values for relativistic shocks, but p = 2.3 is close the
mean value of the data (Panaitescu & Kumar 2002). In all our calculations, the spectral indices of relativistic electrons and protons
are both assumed as p = 2.3.
Figures 1-4 are the calculations for a typical long GRB with duration T90 = 20 s at redshift z = 1 (10 s in the source
rest frame). Since we do not know the physical condition of the internal shocks from the first principles, we vary the parameter
regime in a wide range. In each set of calculations, we design the parameters to make the electron synchrotron emission peaking
at the sub-MeV range (∼ 0.36 MeV, 0.13 MeV, 0.6 MeV, 0.25 MeV for Figs.1-4, respectively), as suggested by the data. The
global energetics of the GRB is also adjusted so that the gamma-ray luminosity in the sub-MeV range is about 1051 ergs s−1 as
suggested by the observations. The variability time scale for these calculations is taken as tv = 0.01 s. The bulk Lorentz factor
is adopted as Γ = 400 in Fig.1-3, as suggested by the recent early optical afterglow observations (Molinari et al. 2006). In order
to check how Γ affects the spectra, we also calculate the case of Γ = 1000 for the parameter set of Fig.1, which is presented in
Fig.4. In all the figures, the different components of the photon energy spectrum from a GRB for both electrons (e) and protons
(p) are displayed with different line styles/colours. The observed energy fluxes E2γ,ob
in unit of ergs/cm2sec are
plotted against the observed photon energy Eγ,ob(eV ). The green long dashed curves represent the synchrotron emission from the
relativistic electrons. The short dashed curves (blue) represent the IC spectrum from energetic electrons; the dash-dotted curves
(light blue) represents the synchrotron emission of the relativistic protons; the triple short dashed curves (orange) represent for the
synchrotron emission of the relativistic positrons produced in π+ decays; the ultrahigh energy emission component from π0 decays
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Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts 11
is shown by the double short dashed curves (black) in the extremely high energy regime. The thin black solid lines represent the
synthesized spectra of various components without including the effect of pair production attenuation. Depending on parameters,
the pair opacity becomes important in the GeV - TeV range. The thick black solid lines represent the final photon spectrum after
including the internal optical depths. In order to check whether the predicted high energy components are detectable by GLAST,
we also plot an indicative GLAST sensitivity threshold in the 100 MeV - 100 GeV energy range. The GLAST sensitivity estimate
is based on the criterion of detecting at least a few photons in the band based on the average effective area and photon incoming
zenith angle of LAT. Background is negligible for GRB detections. This gives a rough fluence threshold of ∼ 2× 10−7 erg cm−2
(B. Dingus, 2007, personal communication). The flux thresholds adopted in all the figures are therefore derived from the observed
durations. For T90 = 20 s, this gives a flux threshold of ∼ 10
−8 erg cm−2 s−1. The sensitivity of VERITAS to photon above
energy 200GeV has also been shown in our figures with pink dotted line. It is 2 × 10−8erg cm−2 s−1 (D. Horan, 2007, personal
Figure 1 is a standard “slow-cooling” leptonic-dominant case. The shock equipartition parameters are ǫe = 0.4 and ǫB = 0.2.
The isotropic shock luminosity is Liso = 10
52 erg s−1. The slow cooling factor fc = 2500 is adopted, which suggests that the
post-shock magnetic field decays on a length scale shorter than the comoving scale (Pe’er & Zhang 2006). The thick black line
shown on the right side around 1015eV is the π0 component after including the effect of absorption due to pair production, indicating
the reduction of pair opacity at high energies (Fig.1b, see also Razzaque et al. 2004). In this figure the break energies in the photon
energy spectrum appear in the order of Essa < Eγ,m < Eγ,c in the electron synchrotron and IC spectral components. The spectral
index of the photon energy spectrum is 4/3 between Essa and Eγ,m, −(p− 3)/2 between Eγ,m and Eγ,c, and −(p− 2)/2 above
Eγ,c. Since ǫe is large, the leptonic components are many orders of magnitude stronger than the hadronic components. The value
of Yp is much larger than 1, so that the proton synchrotron component is below the components due to π
0 decay and positron
synchrotron radiation.
We vary the values of the equipartition parameters (ǫe, ǫB , ǫp) and study the variations in the photon energy fluxes generated
by various processes. The emission level of the electron IC spectral component decreases with decreasing ǫe (fixing ǫB) since Ye
is decreasing. Moreover, as we decrease ǫe the minimum injection energy of electrons Eγ,m also decreases. In the slow cooling
regimes, it is Eγ,c that defines the peak energy in the electron synchrotron spectrum, which could be adjusted to the sub-MeV range
by adopting a suitable fc value. The change of Eγ,m therefore mainly affects the calculated internal optical depth.
By lowering ǫe, we check the parameter regime where the hadronic component becomes comparable. Since eletrons are much
more efficient emitters than protons, the parameter regime for the hadronic component to be comparable to the leptonic component
in the high energy regime is ǫe/ǫp ∼ me/mp < 10
−3.3 A similar conclusion has been drawn for the external shocks (Zhang &
Mészáros 2001). In Fig.2, with ǫe = 10
−3, ǫB = 0.05 and ǫp = 0.849. In order to adjust Eγ,c to the sub-MeV range, fc = 50000
is needed. In order to match the observed MeV emission flux by electron synchrotron, a large energy budget is needed due to a
small ǫe: Eiso = 10
56 ergs and Liso = 10
55 erg s−1. Such a large energy budget has been suggested before (Totani 1998), but
afterglow observations and modeling in the pre-Swift era have generally disfavored such a possibility (Panaitescu & Kumar 2002).
In the Swift era, however, a large afterglow kinetic energy for some GRBs is not ruled out. For example, the bright afterglow
of GRB 061007 demands a huge kinetic energy if the afterglow is produced by isotropic external shocks (Mundell et al. 2007;
Schady et al. 2007). Modeling some X-ray afterglows below the cooling frequency requires a low ǫB and/or a large afterglow
kinetic energy at least for some GRBs (Zhang et al. 2007). We therefore still consider such a possibility. In Fig.2, the break energy
in the photon energy spectrum due to the minimum injection energy of electrons is below the synchrotron self absorption energy.
The break energies appear in the order of Eγ,m < Essa < Eγ,c in the synchrotron and IC electron spectra. The spectral index of
the photon energy flux is 7/2 between Eγ,m and Essa, −(p− 3)/2 between Essa and Eγ,c, and −(p− 2)/2 above Eγ,c. We can
see that in the TeV energy regime beyond the maximum electron synchrotron energy, the positron synchrotron emission from π+
decay becomes dominant. Moreover, when ǫe is small, Ye is small, hence Yp becomes small. In this case the proton synchrotron
component becomes comparable to the spectral components due to synchrotron radiation of the secondary positrons and π0 decays.
The internal optical depth is plotted in Fig.2b, which peaks at a higher energy than that in Fig.1b.
If the post shock magnetic field does not decay within a short distance (fc = 1), internal shocks are in the standard fast-cooling
regime. We calculate such a case in Fig.3. The shock parameters are ǫe = 0.6, ǫB = 0.2, Liso = 10
52 erg s−1, Eiso = 10
53 erg.
In this case the break energies appear as in the order of EC < Essa < Em. The photon energy spectral indices are 13/8, 1/2 and
−(p− 2)/2, respectively, in the three energy regimes.
The pair opacity depends on the bulk Lorentz factor. When Γ is large enough, the ultra-high energy photons would have lower
3 Proton energy loss and their contribution to high energy photon emission in the early afterglow phase has been studied earlier by Pe’er & Waxman
(2005). Our results for the prompt emission phase are generally consistent with them. In order for the proton synchrotron component to be significant,
even smaller ǫe (than 10−3) is demanded. Considering that photon-pion emission is more efficient than proton synchrotron emission, the condition
ǫe/ǫp ∼ me/mp < 10
−3 can allow the hadronic components to be comparable to (but not dominant over) the leptonic components.
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12 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
Figure 1. A leptonic-component-dominated slow cooling spectrum. (a) The different components of the photon energy spectrum from the internal
shocks for the following parameters in the slow-cooling regime: Eiso = 10
53erg, Liso = 10
52erg/s, tv = 0.01s and fc = 2500. The thick solid
black curve represents the final spectrum after including the effect of internal optical depths. The thin solid black curve represents the synthesized
spectrum before including the effect of internal opical depths. The long dashed (green) curve is the electron synchrotron component; the short dashed
(blue) curve is the electron IC component; the double short dashed (black) curve on the right side is for π0 decay component; the triple short dashed
(orange) line represents the synchrotron radiation produced by positrons generated in π+ decays; the dash-dotted (light blue) line represents the
proton synchrotron component. The tiny red horizontal line between 108 and 1011eV represents GLAST’s threshold. The pink dotted horizontal
line above 2 × 1011eV represents the sensitivity of VERITAS experiment (b) Internal optical depths plotted against energy for the parameters
adopted in (a).
internal optical depth and may escape from the internal shocks (Razzaque et al. 2004). To test this, in Fig.4, we re-calculate with the
parameter set for Fig.1, but increase Γ to 1000. The slow-cooling parameter fc is adjusted to 50 to maintain the sub-MeV energy
peak. The results indeed suggest that the attenuation of the high energy photons is weaker.
The observational breakthough in 2005 suggests that at least some short GRBs are low-fluence, nearby events that have a
distinct progenitor than long GRBs (Gehrels et al. 2005; Bloom et al. 2006; Fox et al. 2005; Villasenor et al. 2005; Barthelmy et al.
2005; Berger et al. 2005). To check the prospect of detecting short GRB prompt emission with high energy detectors such as GLAST,
we perform a calculation for the parameters of a short GRB in Fig.5. Due to their short durations, short GRB detections are favorable
for high luminosity and relatively “long durations”. We therefore take an optimistic set of parameters with Liso = 10
51 erg s−1,
T90 = 1 s, and z = 0.1. Other parameters include: Γ = 800, tv = 1 ms, ǫe = 0.4, ǫB = 0.2, ǫp = 0.4, fc = 50. The photon
flux from synchrotron radiation of electrons peaks at 0.1MeV. Fig.5a suggests that the high energy component of such a burst is
barely detectable by GLAST. The internal optical depth of this set of parameters does not grow to very large values (maximum 10),
so that the attenuation signature is not significant in Fig.5a. The dip around several 1013 eV corresponds to the optical depth peak,
above which the attenuated flux starts to rise. The abrupt drop at several 1014 eV corresponds to the disappearance of the electron
IC component at high energies.
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Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts 13
Figure 2. A slow-cooling spectrum with significant hadronic contribution (a) The spectra of various components. Parameters: ǫe = 10−3,
ǫB = 0.05, ǫp = 0.849, tv = 0.01s, fc = 50000, Eiso = 10
56erg and Liso = 1055erg/s. Same line styles have been used as in Fig.1. (b) The
corresponding internal optical depths.
We have calculated the broad-band spectrum of GRBs from internal shocks for a wide range of parameter regimes. We did not
take into account the external attenuation of TeV photons by the infrared radiation background and that of the PeV photons by the
cosmic microwave background. These external processes would further attenuate our calculated spectrum in high energy regimes,
and reprocess the energy to delayed diffuse emission (Dai & Lu 2002; Stecker 2003; Wang et al. 2004; Razzaque et al. 2004;
Casanova et al 2007; Murase et al. 2007). Such processes are not relevant for most of the calculations presented, however, since the
internal attenuation already cuts the observed spectrum below TeV. They are however important for high Lorentz factor cases in
which more high energy photons are leaked out of the internal shock region. The external attenuation is also prominant for high
energy emission from the external reverse/forward shocks and the external IC processes related to X-ray flares. These processes
have been extensively discussed in other papers (referenced in Introduction) and they are not discussed in this paper. For nearby
GRBs (e.g. z < 0.3), TeV emission is transparent. It is possible that ground-based Cherenkov detectors such as VERITAS, Milagro
would detect TeV gamma-rays from nearby energetic GRBs.
In previous treatments of hadronic components from internal shocks (Fragile et al. 2004; Bhattacharjee & Gupta 2003), the
shock accelerated protons are assumed to carry mp/me times more energy than electrons. This effectively fixed ǫe ∼ me/mp,
which is not justified from the first principle. In this paper we have taken all the equipartition parameters ǫe, ǫp and ǫB as free
parameters, and explore the relative importance of various components in different parameter regimes. The dominant hadronic
c© 2007 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–??
14 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
Figure 3. A leptonic-component-dominated fast-cooling spectrum. (a) The spectra of various components. Parameters: ǫe = 0.6, ǫB = 0.2,
ǫp = 0.2, tv = 0.01s, fc = 1, Eiso = 1053erg and Liso = 1052erg/s. Same line styles have been used as in Fig.1. (b) The corresponding
internal optical depths.
component emission becomes interesting only when ǫe is extremely small. Given the same observed level of sub-MeV spectrum,
the total energy budget of the GRB needs to be very large. Inspecting the calculated spectra for different parameter sets (Figs.1-4),
one finds that there is no clean picture to test the leptonic vs. hadronic origin of the gamma-rays. Such an issue may be however
addressed by collecting both prompt and afterglow data. A moderate-to-high radiative efficiency would suggest a leptonic origin
of high energy photons, while a GRB with an extremely low radiative efficiency but an extended high energy emission component
would be consistent with (but not a proof for) the hadronic origin.
The prompt emission produced by leptons including the effect of pair production has been discussed by Pe’er & Waxman
(2004); Pe’er et al. (2006). They calculated the emergent photon spectra for GRBs located at z = 1. The lower cut-off energy in
the photon flux produced by leptons is determined by the synchrotron self absorption energy, the minimum injection energy or the
cooling energy depending on the values of the various GRB parameters. Our leptonic-component-dominated cases are consistent
with their results, although we do not explore cases with very high compactness. If the electrons cool down to trans-realtivistic
energies then their high energy spectrum significantly deviates from broken power law (Pe’er et al. 2006, 2005). For our choice
of values of the GRB parameters this effect is not important. Razzaque et al. (2004) estimated the internal optical depth for pair
production and showed that at PeV energies the optical depth decreases with increasing photon energies. We have rederived the
optical depths for values of GRB parameters. The results are generally consistent with (Razzaque et al. 2004) except that the growth
of optical depth with increasing energy is more gradual before the optical depth peak. This is a result of including the whole low
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Prompt Emission of High Energy Photons from Gamma Ray Bursts 15
Figure 4. The case of a higher Lorentz factor. (a) The spectra of various components. Parameters: Γ = 1000 and fc = 50. All the other parameters
are the same as in Fig.1. (b) The corresponding internal optical depths.
energy photon spectrum (rather than the threshold energy photons) for calculating the pair production optical depth. The optical
depths depend on the cross section of γγ interactions, the low energy photon spectra, the various break energies in those spectra,
luminosities, variability times and the GRB Lorentz factors. A change in values of any of these parameters may affect the values
of the optical depths at various energies. For high bulk Lorentz factors, the π0 component may appear in the final spectra due to
the reduced optical depths around PeV energy. However, these ultra-high energy photons will be immediately absorbed in the GRB
neighborhood by cosmic microwave photons (Stecker 2003). The reradiated energy by the e+e− pairs would nonetheless contribute
to the diffuse high energy γ-ray background (Casanova et al 2007).
Upcoming γ-ray detectors have a good chance of detecting prompt emission from GRBs and reveal their physical nature
during the prompt phase. Detection of the hadronic components is difficult but it would be possible to infer the dominance of these
components by a coordinated broadband observational campaign if they are indeed important. More generally, detection or non
detection of high energy photons in the prompt phase would constrain the values of various GRB parameters. In particular, the pair
attenuation feature would help to constrain the bulk Lorentz factor of the fireball. Compared with EGRET, GLAST has a 10 times
larger collecting area and a larger field of view. It is expected that GLAST LAT would detect high energy emission from a large
number of bursts (mostly long GRBs and some bright, relatively “long” short GRBs), which will open a new era of studying GRBs
in the GeV-TeV regime. On the other hand, it is difficult for VERITAS to detect prompt high energy gamma-rays even under the
most optimistic conditions. High energy emissions from the external shock at the early afterglow phase for nearby GRBs may be
c© 2007 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1–??
16 Nayantara Gupta and Bing Zhang
Figure 5. An energetic short GRB. (a) The spectra of various components. Parameters: ǫe = 0.4, ǫB = 0.2, ǫp = 0.4, tv = 0.001s, Γ = 800,
fc = 50, Eiso = 1051erg and Liso = 1051erg/s. Same line styles have been used as in Fig.1. (b) The corresponding internal optical depths.
the better targets for VERITAS and other TeV detectors.
We thank Brenda Dingus, Deirdre Horan, Enwei Liang, Peter Mészáros, Jay Norris, Asaf Pe’er, Soeb Razzaque, and Dave
Thompson for useful discussion/comments and/or technical support. We also thank the anonymous referee for a detailed report
with important suggestions and comments. This work is supported by NASA under grants NNG05GC22G, NNG06GH62G and
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0 Decay
Synchrotron Radiation of Positrons Produced in + decay
0704.1330 | On the classification of Floer-type theories | To my son Philippe for his unbounded energy and optimism.
On the classification of Floer-type theories.
Nadya Shirokova.
In this paper we outline a program for the classification of Floer-type theories, (or defining
invariants of finite type for families). We consider Khovanov complexes as a local system on the
space of knots introduced by V. Vassiliev and construct the wall-crossing morphism. We extend
this system to the singular locus by the cone of this morphism and introduce the definition of
the local system of finite type. This program can be further generalized to the manifolds of
dimension 3 and 4 [S2], [S3].
1. Introduction.
2. Vassiliev’s and Hatcher’s theories.
2.1. The space of knots, coorientation.
2.2. Vassiliev derivative.
2.3. The topology of the chambers of the space of knots.
3. Khovanov homology.
3.1. Jones polynomial as Euler characterictics. Skein relation.
3.2. Reidemeister and Jacobsson moves.
3.3. Wall-crossing morphisms.
3.4. The local system of Khovanov complexes on the space of knots.
4. Main definition, invariants of finite type for families.
4.1. Some homological algebra.
4.2. Space of knots and the classifying space of the category.
4.3. Vassiliev derivative as a cone of the wall-crossing morphism.
4.4. The definition of a theory of finite type.
5. Theories of finite type. Further directions.
5.1. Examples of combinatorially defined theories.
5.2. Generalizations to dimension 3 and 4.
5.3. Further directions.
6. Bibliography.
1. Introduction.
Lately there has been a lot of interest in various categorifications of classical scalar invariants,
i.e. homological theories, Euler characteristics of which are scalar invariants. Such examples
include the original instanton Floer homology, Euler characteristic of which, as it was proved by
C.Taubes [T], is Casson’s invariant. Ozsvath-Szabo [OS] 3-manifold theory categorifies Turaev’s
torsion, the Euler characteristic of their knot homologies [OS] is the Alexander polynomial. The
theory of M. Khovanov categorifies the Jones polynomial [Kh] and Khovanov-Rozhansky theory
categorifies the sl(n) invariants [KR] .
The theory that we are constructing will bring together theories of V. Vassiliev, A. Hatcher
and M. Khovanov, and while describing their results we will specify which parts of their con-
structions will be important to us.
The resulting theory can be considered as a ”categorification of Vassiliev theory” or a clas-
sification of categorifications of knot invariants. We introduce the definition of a theory of
finite type n and show that Khovanov homology theory in a categorical sense decomposes into
a ”Taylor series” of theories of finite type.
The Khovanov functor is just the first example of a theory satisfying our axioms and we
believe, that all theories mentioned above will fit into our template.
Our main strategy is to consider a knot homology theory as a local system, or a constructible
sheaf on the space of all objects (knots, including singular ones), extend this local system to
the singular locus and introduce the analogue of the ”Vassiliev derivative” for categorifications.
By studying spaces of embedded manifolds we implicitly study their diffeomorphism groups
and invariants of finite type. In his seminal paper [V] Vassiliev introduced finite type invariants
by considering the space of all immersions of S1 into R3 and relating the topology of the singular
locus to the topology of its complement via Alexander duality. He resolved and cooriented the
discriminant of the space and introduced a spectral sequence with a filtration, which suggested
the simple geometrical and combinatorial definition of an invariant of finite type, which was
later interpreted by Birman and Lin as a ”Vassiliev derivative” and led to the following skein
If λ be an arbitrary invariant of oriented knots in oriented space with values in some Abelian
group A. Extend λ to be an invariant of 1-singular knots (knots that may have a single
singularity that locally looks like a double point ), using the formula
λ( ) = λ(!) − λ(")
Further extend λ to the set of n-singular knots (knots with n double points) by repeatedly
using the skein relation.
Definition We say that λ is of type n if its extension to (n + 1)-singular knots vanishes
identically. We say that λ is of finite type if it is of type n for some n.
Given the above formula, the definition of an invariant of finite type n becomes similar to
that of a polynomial: its (n+1)st Vassiliev derivative is zero.
It was shown that all known invariants are either of finite type, or are infinite linear combi-
nations of those, e.g. in [BN1] it was shown that the nth coeffitient of the Conway polynomial
is a Vassiliev invariant of order ≤ n.
In this paper we are working with Khovanov homology, which will be our main example,
however the latest progress in finding the combinatorial formula for the differential of the
Ozsvath-Szabo knot complex [MOS], makes us hopeful that more and more examples will be
For the construction of the local system it is important to understand the topological type
of the base. The topology of the connected components of the complement to the discriminant
in the space of knots, called chambers, was studied by A. Hatcher and R.Budney [H], [B].
They introduced simple homotopical models for such spaces. Recall that the local system is
well-defined on a homotopy model of the base, so Hatcher’s model is exactly what is needed to
construct the local system of Khovanov complexes.
Throughout the paper the following observation is the main guideline for our constructions:
local systems of the classifying space of the category are functors from this category to the
triangulated category of complexes.
It would be very interesting to understand the relation between the Vassiliev space of knots
is the classifying space of the category, whose objects are knots and whose morphisms are knot
Our construction provides a Khovanov functor from the category of knots into the triangu-
lated category of complexes.
This allows us to translate all topological properties of the space of knots and Khovanov
local system on it into the language of homological algebra and then use the methods of
triangulated categories and homological algebra to assign algebraic objects to topological ones
(singular knots and links).
Recall that in his paper [Kh] M.Khovanov categorified the Jones polynomial, i.e. he found
a homology theory, the Euler characteristics of which equals the Jones polynomial. He starts
with a diagram of the knot and constructs a bigraded complex, associated to this diagram,
using two resolutions of the knot crossing:
0-resolution 1-resolution
The Khovanov complex then becomes the sum of the tensor products of the vector space
V, where the homological degree is given by the number of 1’s in the complete resolution of
the knot. The local system of Khovanov homologies on the Vassiliev’s space of knots can be
considered as invariants of families of knots.
The discriminant of Vassiliev’s space corresponds to knots with transversal self-intersection,
i.e. moving from one chamber to another we change overcrossing to undercrossing by passing
through a knot with a single double point. We study how the Khovanov complex changes under
such modification and find the corresponding morphism.
After defining a wall-crossing morphism we can extend the invariant to the singular locus
by the cone of a morphism which is our ”categorification of the Vassiliev derivative”. Then we
introduce the definition of a local system of finite type: the local system is of finite type n if for
any selfintersection of the discriminant of codimension n, its n’th cone is an acyclic complex.
The categorification of the Vassiliev derivative allows us to define the filtration on the Floer
- type theories for manifolds of any dimension.
In [S4] we prove the first finiteness result:
Theorem [S4]. Restricted to the subcategory of knots with at most n crossing, Khovanov
local system is of finite type n, n ≥ 3 and of type zero n = 0, 1, 2.
This definition can be generalized to the categorifications of the invariants of manifolds of
any dimension: we construct spaces of 3 and 4-manifolds by a version of a Pontryagin-Thom
construction, consider homological invariants of 3 and 4-manifolds as local systems on these
spaces and extend them to the discriminant.
In subsequent papers our main example will be the Heegaard Floer homology [OS], the Euler
characteristic of which is Turaev’s torsion. We show that local systems of such homological
theories on the space of 3 - manifolds [S1] will carry information about invariants of finite type
for families and information about the diffeomorphism group. We also have a construction [S2]
for the refined Seiberg-Witten invariants on the space of parallelizable 4-manifolds.
Acknowledgements. My deepest thanks go to Yasha Eliashberg for many valuable discus-
sions, for inspiration and for his constant encouragement and support. I want to thank Maxim
Kontsevich who suggested that I work on this project, for his attention to my work during my
visit to the IHES and for many important suggestions.
I want to thank graduate students Eric Schoenfeld and Isidora Milin for reading the paper
and making useful comments.
This paper was written during my visits to the IAS, IHES, MPIM and Stanford and I am
grateful to these institutions for their exceptional hospitality. This work was partially supported
by the NSF grant DMS9729992.
2. Vassiliev theory, invariants of finite type.
2.1. The space of knots, coorientation
Vassiliev considered the space of all maps E = f : S1 → R3. This space is a space of
functions, so it is an infinite-dimensional Euclidean space. It is linear, contractible, and consists
of singular (D) and nonsingular(E - D) knots. The discriminant D forms a singular hypersurface
in E and subdivides into chambers, corresponding to different isotopy types of knots. To move
from one chamber to another one has to change one overcrossing to undercrossing, passing
through a singular knot with one double point.
The discriminant of the space of knots is a real hypersurface, stratified by the number of the
double points, which subdivides the infinite-dimensional space into chambers, corresponding
to different isotopy types of knots.
Vassiliev resolved and cooriented the discriminant, so we can assume that all points of
selfintersection are transversal, with 2n chambers adjacent to a point of selfintersection of the
discriminant of codimension n.
To study the topology of the complement to the discriminant, Vassiliev wrote a spectral
sequence, calculating the homology of the discriminant and then related it to the homology of
its complement via Alexander duality. His spectral sequence had a filtration, which suggested
the simple geometrical and combinatorial definition of an invariant of finite type: an invariant
is of type n if for any selfintersection of the discriminant of codimension (n+1) its alternated
sum over the 2n+1 chambers adjacent to a point of selfintersection is zero.
For our constructions it will be very important to have a coorientation of the discriminant,
which was introduced by Vassiliev.
Definition. A hypersurface in a real manifold is said to be coorientable if it has a non-zero
section of its normal bundle, i.e. if there exists a continuous vector field which is not tangent
to the hypersurface at any point and doesn’t vanish anywhere.
So there are two sides of the hypersurface : one where this vector field is pointing to and
the other is where it is pointing from. And there are two choices of such vector field. The
coorientation of a coorientable hypersurface is the choice of one of two possibilities.
For example, Mobius band in R3 is not coorientable.
Vassiliev shows [V] that the discriminant of the space of knots has a coorientation, the
conistent choice of normal directions.
Recall that the nonsingular point ψ ∈ D of the discriminant is a map S1 → R3, gluing to-
gether 2 distinct points t1, t2 of S
1, s.t. derivatives of the map ψ at those points are transversal.
Coorientation of the discriminant. Fix the orientation of R3 and choose positively
oriented local coordinates near the point ψ(t1) = ψ(t2). For any point ψ1 ∈ D close to ψ define
the number r(ψ1) as the determinant:
|t2, ψ1(t1)− ψ1(t2))
with respect to these coordinates. This determinant depends only of the pair of points t1, t2,
not on their order. A vector in the space of functions at the point ψ ∈ D, which is transversal
to the discriminant, is said to be positive, if the derivative of the function r along this vector
is positive and negative, if this derivative is negative.
This rule gives the coorientation of the hypersurface D at all its nonsingular points and also
of any nonsingular locally irreducible component of D at the points of selfintersection of D.
The consistent choice of the normal directions of the walls of the discriminant will give the
”directions” of the cobordisms (which are embedded into E× I) between knots of the space E.
Note. It is interesting to compare this construction with the result of E.Ghys [Gh], who
introduced a metric on the space of knots and 3-manifolds.)
2.3. The topology of the chambers of the space of knots.
The study of the topology of the chambers of the space of knots was started by A. Hatcher
[H], who found a simple homotopy models for these spaces.
The main result is based on an earlier theorem regarding the topology of the classifying
space of diffeomorphisms of an irreducible 3-manifold with nonempty boundary.
In the following theorem A. Hatcher and D. McCullough answered the question posed by M.
Kontsevich [K], regarding the finiteness of the homotopy type of the classifying space of the
group of diffeomorphisms [HaM]:
Theorem [HaM]. Let M be an irreducible compact connected orientable 3-manifold with
nonempty boundary. Then BDiff(M, rel∂) has the homotopy type of a finite aspherical CW-
The proof of this theorem uses the JSJ-decomposition of a 3-manifold.
When applied to knot complements, the JSJ-decomposition defines a fundamental class
of links in S3, the ”knot generating links” (KGL). A KGL is any (n + 1)-component link
L = (L0, L1, · · · , Ln) whose complement is either Seifert fibred or atoroidal, such that the
n-component sub-link (L1, L2, · · · , Ln) is the unlink. If the complement of a knot f contains
an incompressible torus, then f can be represented as a ‘spliced knot’ f = J�L in unique way,
where L is an (n + 1)-component KGL, and J = (J1, · · · , Jn) is an n-tuple of non-trivial long
The spliced knot J�L is obtained from L0 by a generalized satellite construction. For any
knot there is a representation of a knot as an iterated splice knot of atoroidal and hyperbolic
KGLs. The order of splicing determines the ”companionship tree” of f , Gf , and is a complete
isotopy invariant of long knots.
Given a knot f ∈ K, denote the path-component of K containing f by Kf . The topology
of the chambers Kf was further studied by R. Budney The main result of his paper [Bu] is
the computation of the homotopy type of Kf if f is a hyperbolically-spliced knot ie: f = J�L
where L is a hyperbolic KGL.
The combined results can be summarized in the following theorem:
Theorem [Bu, H].
If f = J�L where L is an (n+ 1)-component hyperbolic KGL, then
Kf ⋍ S
SO2 ×Af
Af is the maximal subgroup of BL such that induced action of Af on K
n preserves
i=1KLi .
The restriction map Af → Diff(S
3, L0) → Diff(L0) is faithful, giving an embedding Af →
SO2, and this is the action of Af on SO2.
This result completes the computation of the homotopy-type of K since we have the prior
H1 If f is the unknot, then Kf is contractible.
H2 If f is a torus knot, then Kf ≃ S
H3 If f is a hyperbolic knot, then Kf ⋍ S
1 × S1
H4 If a knot f is a cabling of a knot g then Kf ⋍ S
1 ×Kg.
B5 If the knot f is a connected sum of n ≥ 2 prime knots f1, f2, · · · , fn then Kf ⋍
i=1Kfi) /Σf . Here Σf ⊂ Sn is a Young subgroup of Sn, acting on C2(n)
by permutation of the labellings of the cubes, and similarly by permuting the factors
of the product
i=1Kfi . The definition of Σf ⊂ Sn is that it is the subgroup of Sn
that preserves a partition of {1, 2, · · · , n}, the partition being given by the equivalence
relation i ∼ j ⇐⇒ Kfi = Kfj .
B6 If a knot has a non-trivial companionship tree, then it is either a cable, in which case
H4 applies, a connect-sum, in which case B5 applies or is hyperbolically spliced. If
a knot has a trivial companionship tree, it is either the unknot, in which case H1
applies, or a torus knot in which case H2 applies, or a hyperbolic knot, in which case
H3 applies. Moreover, every time one applies one of the above theorems, one reduces
the problem of computing the homotopy-type of Kf to computing the homotopy-type
of knot spaces for knots with shorter companionship trees, thus the process terminates
after finitely-many iterations.
For constructing a local system we need only the homotopy type of the chamber. The
theorem of Hatcher and Budney provides us with a complete classification of homotopy types
of chambers, corresponding to all possible knot types.
3. Khovanov’s categorification of Jones polynomial.
3.1. Jones polynomial as Euler characterictics. Skein relation.
In his paper [Kh] M. Khovanov constructs a homology theory, with Euler characteristics
equal to the Jones polynomial.
He associated to any diagram D of an oriented link with n crossing points a chain complex
CKh(D) of abelian groups of homological length (n+1), and proved that for any two diagrams
of the same link the corresponding complexes are chain homotopy equivalent. Hence, the
homology groups Kh(D) are link invariants up to isomorphism.
His construction is as follows: given any double point of the link projection D, he allows two
0-resolution 1-resolution
If the the diagram has n double points, there are 2n possible resolutions. The result of each
complete smoothing is the set of circles in the plane, labled by n-tuples of 1’s and 0’s:
CKh(©, ...,©
︸ ︷︷ ︸
) = V ⊗n
The cobordisms between links, i.e., surfaces embedded in R3 × [0, 1], should provide maps
between the associated groups. A surface embedded in the 4-space can be visualized as a
sequence of plane projections of its 3-dimensional sections (see [CS]). Given such a presentation
J of a compact oriented surface S properly embedded in R3 × [0, 1] with the boundary of S
being the union of two links L0 ⊂ R
3 × {0} and L1 ⊂ R
3 × {1}, , Khovanov associates to J a
map of cohomology groups
θJ : Kh
i,j(D0) → Kh
i,j+χ(S)(D1), i, j ∈ Z
The differential of the Khovanov complex is defined using two linear maps m : V ⊗ V → V
and ∆ : V → V ⊗ V given by formulas :
V ⊗ V
v+ ⊗ v− 7→ v− v+ ⊗ v+ 7→ v+
v− ⊗ v+ 7→ v− v− ⊗ v− 7→ 0
→ V ⊗ V
v+ 7→ v+ ⊗ v− + v− ⊗ v+
v− 7→ v− ⊗ v−
The differential in Khovanov complex can be informally described as ”all the ways of changing
0-crossing to 1-crossing”.
Homological degree of the Khovanov complex in the number of 1’s in the plane diagram
resolution. The sum of ”quantum” components of the same homological degree i gives the ith
component of the Khovanov complex.
One can see that the i-th differential di is the sum over ”quantum” components, it will
map one of the quantum components in homological degree i to perhaps several quantum
components of homological degree i+1.
Khovanov theory can be considered as a (1+1) dimensional TQFT. The cubes, that are
used in it’s definition come from the TQFT corresponding to the Frobenius algebra defined
by V,m,∆. As we will see later, our constructions will give the interpretation of Khovanov
local system as a topological D-brane and will suggest to study the structure of the category
of topological D-branes as a triangulated category.
We prove the following important property of the Khovanov’s complex:
Theorem 1. Let k denote the kth crossing point of the knot projection D, then for any k
the Khovanov’s complex C decomposes into a sum of two subcomplexes C = Ck0 ⊕ C
1 with
matrix differential of the form
d0 d0,1
Proof. Let Ck0 denote the subcomplex of C, consisting of vector spaces, which correspond
to the complete resolutions of D, having 0 on the kth place. The differential d0 obtained by
restricting d only to the arrows between components of Ck0 . We define C
1 the same way, by
restricting to the complete resolutions of D, having 1 on the kth place.
The only components of the differential, which are not yet used in our decomposition, are
the ones which change 0-resolution on the kth place of Ck0 to 1 on the kth place in C
1 , we
denote them d0,1.
One can easily see from the definition of the Khovanov’s differential (which can be intuitivly
described as ”all the ways to change 0-resolution in the ith component of the complex to the
1-resolution in the (i+1)st component”), that there is no differential mapping ith component
of Ck1 to the (i+1)st component of C
Mirror images and adjoints. Taking the mirror image of the knot will dualize Khovanov
complex. So if we want to invert the cobordism between two knots, we should consider the
”dual” cobordism between mirror images of these knots.
3.2. Reidemeister and Jacobsson moves.
A cobordism (a surface S embedded into R3 × [0, 1]) between knots K0 and K1 provide a
morphism between the corresponding cohomology:
FS : Kh
i,j(D0) → Kh
where D0 and D1 are diagrams of the knots K0 and K1 and χ(S) is the Euler characteristic
of the surface.
We will distinguish between two types of cobordisms - first, corresponding to the wall crossing
(and changing the type of the knot). And second, corresponding to nontrivial loops in chambers
which will reflect the dependence of Khovanov homologies on the selfdiffeomorphisms of the
knot, similar to the Reidemeister moves. In this paragraph we will discuss the second type of
By a surface S in R4 we mean an oriented, compact surface S, possibly with boundary,
properly embedded in R3 × [0, 1]. The boundary of S is then a disjoint union
∂S = ∂0S ⊔ −∂1S
of the intersections of S with two boundary components of R3 × [0, 1]:
∂0S = (S ∩R
3 × {0})
−∂1S = (S ∩R
3 × {1})
Note that ∂0S and ∂1S are oriented links in R
The surface S can be represented by a sequence J of plane diagrams of oriented links where
every two consecutive diagrams in J are related either by one of the four Reidemeister moves
or by one of the four moves birth, death, fusion described by Carter-Saito [CS].
To each Reidemeister move between diagrams D0 and D1 Khovanov [Kh] associates a quasi-
isomorphism map of complexes C(D0) → C(D1).
Given a representation J of a surface S by a sequence of diagrams, we can associate to J a
map of complexes
ϕJ : C(J0) → C(J1)
Any link cobordism can be described as a one-parameter family Dt, t ∈ [0, 1] of planar dia-
grams, called a movie. The Dt are link diagrams, except at finitely many singular points which
correspond to either a Reidemeister move or a Morse modification. Away from these points
the diagrams for various t are locally isotopic . Khovanov explained how local moves induce
chain maps between complexes, hence homomorphisms between homology groups. The same is
true for planar isotopies. Hence, the composition of these chain maps defines a homomorphism
between the homology groups of the diagrams of links.
In his paper [Ja] Jacobsson shows that there are knots, s.t. a movie as above will give a
nontrivial morphism of Khovanov homology:
Theorem [Ja] For oriented links L0 and L1, presented by diagrams D0 and D1, an oriented
link cobordism Σ from L0 to L1, defines a homomorphism H(D0) → H(D1), invariant up
to multiplication by -1 under ambient isotopy of Σ leaving ∂Σ setwise fixed. Moreover, this
invariant is non-trivial.
Jacobsson constructs a family of derived invariants of link cobordisms with the same source
and target, which are analogous to the classical Lefschetz numbers of endomorphisms of man-
The Jones polynomial appears as the Lefschetz polynomial of the identity cobordism.
From our perspective the Jacobsson’s theorem shows that the Khovanov local system will
have nontrivial monodromies on the chambers of the space of knots.
3.3. Wall-crossing morphisms.
In 3.2 we described what kind of modifications can occur in the cobordism, when we consider
the ”movie” consisting only of manifolds of the same topological type. These modifications
implied corresponding monodromies of the Khovanov complex.
However, morphisms that are the most important for Vassiliev-type theories are the ”wall-
crossing” morphisms. We will define them now (locally).
Consider two complexes A• and B• adjacent to the generic wall of the discriminant. Recall,
that the discriminant is cooriented ( 2.2). If B• is ”right” via coorientation (or ”further in the
Ghys metric form the unknot) of A•, then we shift B•’s grading up by one and consider B•[1]:
Note. In general, and this will be very important for us in subsequent chapters, if the complex
K• is n steps (via the coorientation) away from the unknot, we shift its grading up by n.
Thus adjacent complexes will have difference in grading by one (as above), defined by the
Now we want to understand what happens to the Khovanov complex when we change the
kth over-crossing (in the knot diagram D) to an under-crossing.
We will illustrate these changes on one of the Bar-Natan’s trademark diagrams (with his
By ”I” we mark the arrow , connecting components of the complex which will exchange
places under wall-crossing morphisms when we change over-crossing to under-crossing for the
self-intersection point 1. By ”II” when we do it for point 2 and ”III” when we do it for 3:
2 V {1}
V ⊗2{2}
V {1}
V ⊗2{2}
V ⊗3{3}
V {1}
V ⊗2{2}
d0 // J&K1
d1 // J&K2
d2 // J&K3
Now recall the theorem proved in (3.1): for any k, where k is the number of crossings of the
diagram D, the Khovanov complex can be split into the sum of two subcomplexes with the
uppertriangular differential.
Notice from the diagram above that when we change kth overcrossing to an undercrossing,
0 and 1-resolutions are exchanged , so A• = A•0 ⊕ A
•[1] = B•0 [1] ⊕ B
1 [1], thus for every k
we can define the wall-crossing morphism ω as follows:
Theorem 2. The map defined as the identity on A•0 and as a trivial map on A
ω : A•0
Id // B•0 [1]
ω : A•1
∅ // B•1 [1]
is the morphism of complexes.
Proof. From the Theorem 1 we know that for any crossing k the Khovanov complex can be
decomposed as a direct sum with uppertriangular differential:
d0 d0,1
It is an easy check that the wall-crossing morphism defined as above is indeed a morphism
of complexes (i.e. it commutes with the differential):
ω // B•
ω // B•
Since we defined the morphism as 0 on A•1, the diagram above becomes the following com-
mutative diagram:
Id // B•0 [1]
Id // B•0 [1]
3.4. The local system of Khovanov complexes on the space of knots.
In this paragraph we introduce the Khovanov local system on the space of knots.
Definition. A local system on the locally connected topological space M is a fiber bundle
over M, the sections of which are abelian groups. The fiber of the bundle depend continuously
on the point of the base (such that the group structure on the set of fibers can be extended
over small domains in the base).
Any local system on M with fiber A defines a representation π1(M) → Aut(A). To any loop
there corresponds a morphism of the fibers of the bundle over the starting point of the loop.
The set of isomorphism classes of local systems with fiber A are in one-to-one corresondence
with the set of such representations up to conjugation. For example any representation of an
arbitrary group π in Aut(A) uniquely (up to isomorphism) defines a local system on the space
K(π, 1) [GM].
Morphisms of local systems are morphisms of fiber bundles, preserving group structure in
the fibers. Thus introducing the continuation functions (maps between fibers) over paths in
the base will define a local system over the manifold M.
Next we set up the Khovanov complexes as a local system on the space of knots. If we
were doing it ”in coordinates”, we would introduce charts on the chambers of the space of
knots and define our local system via transition maps, starting with some ”initial” point . This
would be a very interesting and realistic approach, since the homotopy models for chambers
are understood [H], [B], e.g. we would have just one chart for the chamber, containing the
unknot (since that chamber is contractible), two for a torus knot, four for a hyperbolic one,
etc. Then monodromies of the Khovanov local system along nontrivial loops in the chamber
will be given via Jacobsson movies.
It would be also very interesting to find a unique special point in every chamber of the space
E and study monodromies of the local system with respect to this point.
The candidate for such point is introduced in the works of J. O’Hara, who studied the minima
of the electrostatical energy function of the knot [O’H]:
E(K) =
|(x− y)|−2dxdy
It was shown that under some assumptions and for perturbation of the above functional, its
critical points on the space of knots will provide a ’distinguished” point in the chamber.
The first natural question for this setup is: which nontrivial loops in the chamber EK ,
corresponding to the knot K are distinguised by Khovanov homologies and which are not?
However, assuming Khovanov’s theorem [Kh] (that his homology groups are invariants of
the knot, independent on the choices made) and assuming also the results of Jacobsson [J] , it
is enough for us to introduce the continuation maps, along any path γ in the chamber of the
space of knots.
These methods were developed by several authors (see [Hu]):
Let K1 and K2 be two knots in the same chamber of the space E, let Ki be generic, and let
γ = {Kt | t ∈ [0, 1]} be any path of equivalent objects in E from K1 to K2. Then a generic
path γ
induces a chain map
F (γ) : CKh∗(K1)−→CKh∗(K2)
called the “continuation” map, which has the following properties:
• 1)Homotopy A generic homotopy rel endpoints between two paths γ1 and γ2 with
associated chain maps F1 and F2 induces a chain homotopy
H : HKh∗(K1)−→HKh∗+1(K2)
∂H +H∂ = F1 − F2
• 2)Concatenation If the final endpoint of γ1 is the initial endpoint of γ2, then F (γ2γ1)
is chain homotopic to F (γ2)F (γ1).
• 3)Constant If γ is a constant path then F (γ) is the identity on chains.
These three properties imply that ifK1 andK2 are equivalent, thenHKh∗(K1) ≃ HKh∗(K2).
(Khovanov’s theorem).
This isomorphism is generally not canonical, because different homotopy classes of paths
may induce different continuation isomorphisms on Khovanov homology (Jacobsson moves).
However, since the loop is contractible, we do know that HKh∗(K) depends only on K, so we
denote this from now on by HKh∗(K).
We now define the restriction of the Khovanov local system to finite-dimensional subspaces
of the space of knots.
Note that in the original setting our complexes may have had different length. For example,
the complex corresponding to the standard projection of the unknot will have length 1, however,
we can consider very complicated ”twisted” projections of the unknot with an arbitrary large
number of crossing points. The corresponding complexes will be quasiisomorphic to the original
This construction resembles the definition of Khovanov homology introduced in [CK], [W].
They define Khovanov homology as a relative theory, where homology groups are calculated
relative to the twisted unknots.
When considering the restrictions of the Khovanov local system to the subcategories of knots
with at most n crossings, we would like all complexes to be of length n+ 1.
This can be achieved by ”undoing” the local system, starting with the knots of maximal
crossing number n and then using the wall-crossing morphisms, define complexes of length
(n + 1), quasiisomorphic to the original ones, in all adjacent chambers. We continue this
process till it ends, when we reach the chamber containing unknot.
Recall that Khovanov homology is defined for the knot projection (though is independent
of it by Khovanov’s theorem). So we will consider a ramification of Vassiliev space, a pair, the
embedding of the circle into R3 and its projection on (x,y)-plane. Then each chamber will be
subdivided into ”subchambers” corresponding to nonsingular knot projections and the ”sub-
discriminant” will consist of singular projections of the given knot. The local system, defined
on such ramification will live on the universal cover of the base, the original Hatcher chamber
corresponding to knot K and morphisms of the local system between ”subchambers” are given
by Reidemaister moves. The composition of such moves may constitute the Jacobsson’s movie
and will give nontrivial monodromies of the local system within the original chamber.
Note. As we will see later, if one assines cones of Reidemeister morphisms to the walls of
the ”subdiscriminant”, all such cones will be acyclic complexes. This statement in a different
form was proved in the original Khovanov [Kh] paper.
4. The main definition, invariants of finite type for families.
4.1. Some homological algebra.
We describe results and main definitions from the category theory and homological algebra
which will be used in subsequent chapters. The standard references on this subject are [GM],
By constructing the local system of (3.4) we introduced the derived category of Khovanov
complexes. The properties of the derived category are summarized in the axiomatics of the
triangulated category, which we will discuss in this chapter.
Definition. An additive category is a category A such that
• Each set of morphisms Hom(A,B) forms an abelian group.
• Composition of morphisms distributes over the addition of morphisms given by the
abelian group structure, i.e. f ◦ (g + h) = f ◦ g + f ◦ h and (f + g) ◦ h = f ◦ h+ g ◦ h.
• There exist products (direct sums) A×B of any two objects A,B satisfying the usual
universal properties.
• There exists a zero object 0 such that Hom(0, 0) is the zero group (i.e. just the identity
morphism). ThusHom(0, A) = 0 = Hom(A, 0) for all A, and the unique zero morphism
between any two objects is the one that factors through the zero object.
So in an abelian category we can talk about exact sequences and chain complexes, and
cohomology of complexes. Additive functors between abelian categories are exact (respectively
left or right exact) if they preserve exact sequences (respectively short exact sequences 0 →
A→ B → C or A→ B → C → 0).
Definition. The bounded derived category Db(A) of an abelian category A has as objects
bounded (i.e. finite length) A-chain complexes, and morphisms given by chain maps with quasi-
isomorphisms inverted as follows. We introduce morphisms f for every chain map between
complexes f : Xf → Yf , and g
−1 : Yg → Xg for every quasi-isomorphism g : Xg
→ Yg. Then
form all products of these morphisms such that the range of one is the domain of the next.
Finally identify any combination f1f2 with the composition f1 ◦ f2, and gg
−1 and g−1g with
the relevant identity maps idYg and idXg .
Recall that a triangulated category C is an additive category equipped with the additional
Definition. Triangulated category is an additive category with a functor T : X → X[1]
(where Xi[1] = Xi+1) and a set of distinguished triangles satisfying a list of axioms.
The triangles include, for all objects X of the category:
1) Identity morphism
X → X → 0 → X[1],
2) Any morphism f : X → Y can be completed to a distinguished triangle
X → Y → C → X[1],
3) There is also a derived analogue of the 5-lemma, and a compatibility of triangles known
as the octahedral lemma, which can be understood as follows:
If we naively interprete property 1) as the difference X −X = 0, property 2) as C = X −Y ,
then the octahedron lemma says:
(X − Y )− Z = C − Z = X − (Y − Z)
When topological spaces considered up to homotopy there is no notion of kernel or cokernel.
The cylinder construction shows that any map f : X → Y is homotopic to an inclusion
X → cyl (f) = Y ⊔ (X × [0, 1])/f(x) ∼ (x, 1), while the path space construction shows it is also
homotopic to a fibration.
The cone Cf on a map f : X → Y is the space formed from Y ⊔ (X × [0, 1]) by identifying
X × {1} with its image f(X) ⊂ Y , and collapsing X × {0} to a point.
It can be considered as a cokernel, i.e. if f : X → Y
is an inclusion, then Cf is homotopy equivalent to Y/X.
Taking the ith cohomologyHi of each term, and using the suspension isomorphismHi(ΣX) ∼=
Hi−1(X) gives a sequence
Hi(X) → Hi(Y ) → Hi(Y,X) → Hi−1(X) → Hi−1(Y ) → . . .
which is just the long exact sequence associated to the pair X ⊂ Y .
Up to homotopy we can make this into a sequence of simplicial maps, so that taking the
associated chain complexes we get a lifting of the long exact sequence of homology to the level
of complexes. It exists for all maps f , not just inclusions, with Y/X replaced by Cf .
If f is a fibration, Cf can act as the “kernel” or fibre of the map. If f : X →point, then
Cf = ΣX, the suspension of the fibre X.
Thus Cf acts as a combination of both cokernel and kernel, and if f : X → Y is a map
inducing an isomorphism of homology groups of simply connected spaces then the sequence
Hi(X) → Hi(Y ) → Hi(Cf ) → Hi−1(X) → Hi−1(Y ) → . . .
implies H∗(Cf )=0. Then Cf homotopy equivalent to a point. Thus we can give the following
Definition. If X and Y are simplicial complexes, then a simplicial map f : X → Y ,
defines (up to isomorphism) an object in triangulated category, called the cone of morphism
f, denoted Cf .
C•X ⊕ C
Y [1] with differential dCf =
0 dY [1]
where [n ] means shift a complex n places up.
Thus we can define the cone Cf on any map of chain complexes f : A
• → B• in an abelian
category A by the above formula, replacing C•X by A
• and C•Y by B
•. If A• = A and B• = B
are chain complexes concentrated in degree zero then Cf is the complex {A
→ B}. This has
zeroth cohomology h0(Cf ) = ker f , and h
1(Cf ) = coker f , so combines the two (in different
degrees). In general it is just the total complex of A• → B•.
So what we get in a derived category is not kernels or cokernels, but “exact triangles”
A• → B• → C• → A• [ 1 ].
Thus we have long exact sequences instead of short exact ones; taking ith cohomology hi of
the above gives the standard long exact sequence
hi(A•) → hi(B•) → hi(C•) → hi+1(A•) → . . .
The cone will fit into a triangle:
u // B
The “[1]” denotes that the map w increases the grade of any object by one.
4.2. Space of knots as a classifying space of the category.
In this paragraph we will construct the Khovanov functor from the category of knots into
the triangulated category of Khovanov complexes.
Definition. The category of knots K is the category, the objects of which are knots,
S1 → S3, morphisms are cobordisms, i.e. surfaces Σ properly embedded in R3 × [0, 1] with the
boundary of Σ being the union of two knots K1 ⊂ R
3 × {0} and K2 ⊂ R
3 × {1}.
We denote Kn the subcategory of knots with at most n crossings.
(Recall that a knot’s crossing number is the lowest number of crossings of any diagram of
the knot. )
Note that our cobordisms (morphisms in the category of knots) are directed via the coori-
entation of the discriminant of the space of knots.
Note that to reverse cobordism, we can consider the same cobordism between mirror images
of the knots.
Definition. The nerveN (C) of a category C is a simplicial set constructed from the objects
and morphisms of C, i.e. points of N (C) are objects of C, 1-simplices are morphisms of C,
2-simplices are commutative triangles, 3-simplices are commutative tetrahedrons of C, etc.
N (C) = (limN i(C))
The geometric realization of a simplicial set N (C) is a topological space, called the classi-
fying space of the category C, denoted B(C).
The following observation is the main guideline for our constructions: sheaves on the classi-
fying space of the category are functors on that category [Wi].
Once we prove that the Vassiliev space of knots is a classifying space of the category K, our
local system will provide a representation of the Khovanov functor.
Let C be a category and let Set be the category of sets. For each object A of C let Hom(A,)
be the hom functor which maps objects X to the set Hom(A,X).
Recall that a functor F : C → Set is said to be representable if it is naturally isomorphic
to Hom(A, ) for some object A of C. A representation of F is a pair (A,Ψ) where
Ψ : Hom(A, ) → F
is a natural isomorphism.
If E - the space of knots, denote KE the category of knots, whose objects are points in E
and morphisms Mor(x, y) = {γ : [0, 1] → X; s.t.γ(0) = x, γ(1) = y} and KK - subcategory
corresponding to knots of the same isotopy type K.
Proposition. The chamber EK of the space of long knots forK - unknot, torus of hyperbolic
knot is the classifying space of the category KK .
Proof. By Hatcher’s theorem [H] the chambers of the space of knots EK , corresponding to
unknot, torus or hyperbolic knot are K(π, 1).
By definition the space of long knots is E = {f : R1 → R3}, nonsingular maps which are
standard outside the ball of large radius. If f1, f2 are vector equations giving knots K1,K2,
then tf1 + (1 − t)f2 is a path in the mapping space, defining a knot for each value of t. The
cobordism between two embeddings is given by equations in R3× I. All higher cobordisms can
be contracted, since there are no higher homotopy groups in EK . So both the classifying space
of the category and the chamber of the space of knots are K(π, 1) with the same π. They are
the same as simplicial complexes.
Note, that in the case of hyperbolic knots one can choose the distinguished point in the
chamber - corresponding to the hyperbolic metric on the complement to the knot.
4.3. Vassiliev derivative as a cone of the wall-crossing morphism.
To be able to construct a categorification of Vassiliev theory, we have to extend the local
system, which we defined on chambers, to the discriminant of the space of knots.
Recall that according to the axiomatics of the triangulated category, described in (4.1), we
assign an new object to every morphism in the category:
for a complex X = (Xi, dix) define a complex
X[1] by
(X[1])i = Xi+1, dX[1] = −dX
For a morphism of complexes f : X → Y let f [1] : X[1] → Y [1] coincide with f component-
Let f : X → Y be a wall-crossing morphism. The cone of f is the following complex C(f):
X → Y → Z = C(f) → X[1]
C(f)i = X[1]i ⊕ Y i, dC(f)(x
i+1, yi) = (−dXx
i+1, f(xi+1)− dY y
Recall, that we set up the local system on the space of knots (3.4) s.t. if the complex X• is n
steps (via the coorientation) away from the unknot, we shift its grading up by n. So complexes
in adjacent chambers will have difference in grading by one, defined by the coorientation.
Thus, given a bigraded complex, associated to the generic wall of the discriminant, we get
two natural specialization maps into the neighbourhoods, containing X• and Y •:
So with any morphism f we associate the triangle:
// Y •
With any commutative cube
u // •
u // •
(in the space of knots the above picture corresponds to the cobordism around the self-
intersection of the discriminant of codimension two), we associate the map between cones,
corresponding to the vertical and horisontal walls, and assign it to the point of their intersec-
Cuω // Cω
Lemma. Given four chambers as above, the order of taking cones of morphisms is irrelevant,
Cuω = Cωu.
Proof. see [GM].
Consider a point of selfintersection of the discriminant of codimension n. There are 2n
chambers adjacent to this point. Since the discriminant was resolved by Vassiliev [V], this
point can be considered as a point of transversal selfintersection of n hyperplanes in Rn, or an
origin of the coordinate system of Rn.
Now our local system looks as follows. On chambers of our space we have the local system of
Khovanov complexes, to any point t of the generic wall between chambers containing X• and
Y • (corresponding to a singular knot), we assign the cone of the morphism X• → Y • (with
the specialization maps from the cone to the small neighborhoods of t containing X• and Y •).
To the point of codimention n we assign the nth cone, 2n-graded complex, etc.
Definition. The Khovanov homology of the singular knot (with a single double point ) is a
bigraded complex
X• ⊕ Y •[1] with the matrix differential dCω =
0 dY [1]
where X• is Khovanov complex of the knot with overcrossing, Y • is the Khovanov complex of
the knot with undercrossing and ω is the wall-crossing morphism.
In [S4] we give the geometric interpretation of the above definition.
4.4. The definition of a theory of finite type.
Once we extended the local system to the singular locus, it is natural to ask if such an
extension will lead to the categorification of Vassiliev theory.
The first natural guess is that the theory, set up on some space of objects, which has quasi-
isomorphic complexes on all chambers is a theory of order zero. Such theory will consist of
trivial distinguished triangles as in (a) of the axiomatics of the triangulated category. When
complexes, corresponding to adjacent chambers are quasiisomorphic, the cone of the morphism
is an acyclic complex.
Baby example of a theory of order 0.
Let M be an n-dimensional compact oriented smooth manifold. Consider the space of func-
tions on M. This is an infinite-dimensional Euclidean space. The chambers of the space will
correspond to Morse functions on M, the walls of the discriminant - to simple degenerations
when two critical points collide, etc. Let’s consider the Morse complex, generated by the crit-
ical points of a Morse function on M. As it was shown by many authors, such complex is
isomorphic to the CW complex, associated with M. Since we are calculating the homology of
M via various Morse functions, complexes may vary, but will have the same homology and
Euler characteristics.
Then we can proceed according to our philosophy and assign cones of morphisms to the
walls and selfintersections of the discriminant. Since complexes on the chambers of the space
of functions are quasiisomorphic, all cones are acyclic.
Now we can introduce the main definition of a Floer-type theory being of finite type n:
Main Definition. The local system of (Floer-type) complexes, extended to the discriminant
of the space of manifolds via the cone of morphism, is a local system of order n if for any
selfintersection of the discriminant of codimension (n + 1), its (n+1)st cone is an acyclic
How one shows that an 2n-graded complex is acyclic? For example, if one introduces inverse
maps to the wall-crossing morphisms and construct the homotopy H, s.t.:
dH−Hd = I
It is easy to check that the existence of such homotopy H implies, that the complex doesn’t
have homology. Suppose dc = 0, i.e. c is a cycle, then:
dHc−Hdc = dHc = I
Example. Suppose some local system is conjectured to be of finite type 3. How one would
check this? By our definition, we should consider 23 chambers adjacent to the every point
of selfintersection of the discriminant of codimension 3, and 8 complexes, representing the
local system in the small neighbourhood of this point. This will correspond to the following
commutative cube:
}}}}}}}} g
l // G•
m // H•
Let’s write the homotopy equation in the matrix form.
Consider dual maps f∗, g∗, ..., w∗. Then we get formulas for d and H as 8× 8 matrices:
dA f g 0 a 0 0 0
0 dB 0 h 0 b 0 0
0 1 dD w 0 0 e 0
0 0 1 dC 0 0 0 c
0 0 0 0 dE k m 0
0 0 0 0 1 dF 0 l
0 0 0 0 0 1 dH n
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 dG
dA 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
f∗ dB 0 0 0 0 0 0
g∗ 0 dD 0 0 0 0 0
0 h∗ w∗ dC 0 0 0 0
a∗ 0 0 0 dE 0 0 1
0 b∗ 0 0 k∗ dF 0 0
0 0 e∗ 0 m∗ 0 dH 0
0 0 0 c∗ 0l∗ h∗ dG
After substituting these matrices into the equation dH − Hd = I we obtain the diagonal
matrix which must be homotopic to the identity matrix:
ff∗ + gg∗ + aa∗ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 −”− 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 −”− 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 −”− 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 −”− 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 −”− 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 −”− 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cc∗ + nn∗ + ll∗
Thus the condition for the local to be of finite type n can be interpreted as follows. For
any selfintersection of the discriminant of codimension n + 1 consider 2n complexes, forming
a commutative cube (representatives of the local system in the chambers adjacent to the self-
intersection point). Then the naive geometrical interpretation of the local system being of
finite type n is the following: each complex can be ”split” into n+1 subcomplexes, which map
quasiisomorphically to n+ 1 neighbours, at least no homologies die or being generated.
5. Knots: theories of finite type. Further directions.
5.1. Examples of combinatorially defined theories.
In the following table we give the examples of theories, which are the categorifications of
classical invariants. All these theories fit into our framework and may satisfy the finitness
λ λ = χH∗(M)
Jones polynomial Khovanov homology [Kh]
Alexander polynomial Ozsvath-Szabo knot homology [OS2]
sl(n) invariants Khovanov - Rozhansky homology [KhR]
Casson invariant Instanton Floer homology [F]
Turaev’s torsion Ozsvath-Szabo 3 manifold theory [OS1]
Vafa invariant Gukov-Witten categorification [GW]
Note, that the only theory which is not combinatorially defined is the original Instanton
Floer homology [F]. The fact that it’s Euler characteristics is Casson’s invariant was proved by
C.Taubes [T].
5.2. Generalization to dimension 3 and 4.
In our paper [S1] we generalized Vassiliev’s construction to the case of 3-manifolds. In [S2]
we construct the space of parallelizable 4-manifolds and consider the paramentrized version of
the Refined Seiberg-Witten invariant [BF].
a). The space of 3-manifolds and invariants of finite type.
Note that all 3-manifolds are parallelizable and therefore carry spin-structures.
Following Vassiliev’s approach to classification of knots, we constructed spaces E1 and E2
of 3-manifolds by a version of the Pontryagin-Thom construction.
Our main results are as follows:
Theorem [S1]. In E1 − D each connected component corresponds to a homeomorphism
class of 3-dimensional framed manifold. For any connected framed manifold as above there is
one connected component of E1 −D giving its homeomorphism type.
Theorem [S1]. In E2 − D each connected component corresponds to a homeomorphism
class of 3-dimensional spin manifold. For any connected spin manifold there is one connected
component of E2 −D giving its homeomorphism type.
By a spin manifold we understand a pair (M,θ) where M is an oriented 3-manifold, and θ
is a spin structure on M . Two spin manifolds (M,θ) and (M ′, θ′) are called homeomorphic, if
there exists a homeomorphism M →M ′ taking θ to θ′.
The construction of the space naturally leads to the following definition:
Definition. A map I : (M,θ) → C is called a finite type invariant of (at most) order k if it
satisfies the condition:
I(ML′) = 0
where L′ is a framed sublink of link L with even framings, L corresponds to the self-intersection
of the discriminant of codimension k+1, #L′ - the number of components of L′, ML′ - spin
3-manifold obtained by surgery on L′.
We introduced an example of Vassiliev invariant of finite order. Given a spin 3-manifold
M3 we consider the Euler characteristic of spin 0-cobordism W . Denote by I(M,spin) =
(sgn(W, spin) − 1)(mod2).
Theorem [S1]. Invariant I(M,spin) is finite type of order 1.
The construction of the space of 3-manifolds chambers of which correspond to spin 3-
manifolds is important for understanding, which additional structures one needs in order to
build the theory of finite-type invariants for homologically nontrivial manifolds. It suggests
that one should consider spin ramifications of known invariants.
In the following paper we will generalize our constructions and the main definition to the
case of 3-manifolds. We will construct a local system of Ozsvath-Szabo homologies, extend it
to the singular locus via the cone of morphism and find examples of theories of finite type.
b). Stably parallelizable 4-manifolds.
In this section we modify the previous construction [S1] to get the space of parallelizable
By the definition the manifold is parallelizable if it admits the global field of frames, i.e. has
a trivial tangent bundle. In the case of 4-manifolds this condition is equivalent to vanishing of
Euler and the second Stieffel-Whitney class. In particular signature and the Euler characterictic
of such manifolds will be 0.
We will use the theorem of Quinn:
Theorem Any punctured 4-manifold posesses a smooth structure.
Recall also the result of Vidussi, which states that manifolds diffeomorphic outside a point
have the same Seiberg-Witten invariants,so one cannot use them to detect eventual inequivalent
smooth structures. Thus for the purposes of constructing the family version of the Seiberg-
Witten invariants, it will be sufficient for us to consider “asymptotically flat” 4-manifolds, i.e.
such that outside the ball BR of some large radius R they will be given as the set of common
zeros of the system of linear equations (e.g. fi(x1, ...xn+4) = xi for i = 1, ...n.)
By Gromov’s h-principle any smooth 4-manifold (with all of its smooth structures and met-
rics) can be obtained as a common set of zeros of a system of equations in RN for sufficiently
large N.
Theorem [S2]. Any parallelizable smooth 4-manifold can be obtained as a set of zeros
of n functions on the trivial (n+4)-bundle over Sn. Each manifold will be represented by
3(M,Z)| chambers.
There is a theory which also fits into our template - Ozsvath-Szabo homologies for 3-
manifolds, Euler characteristic of which is Turaev’s torsion. It would be interesting to show
that this theory is also of finite type or decomposes as the Khovanov theory.
c). Ozsvath-Szabo theory as triangulated category.
In [S3] we put the theory developed by P.Ozsvath and Z. Szabo into the context of homo-
logical algebra by considering a local system of their complexes on the space of 3-manifolds
and extending it to the singular locus. We show that for the restricted category the Heegaard
Floer complex CF∞ is of finite type one. For other versions of the theory we will be using the
new combinatorial formulas, obtained in [SW].
Recall that the categorification is the process of replacing sets with categories, functions
with functors, and equations between functions by natural isomorphisms between functors.
On would hope that after establishing this correspondence, homological algebra will provide
algebraic structures which one should assign to geometrical objects without going into the
specifics of a given theory. One can see that this approach is very useful in topological category,
in particular we will be getting knot and link invariants of Ozsvath and Szabo after setting up
their local system on the space of 3-manifolds.
Note Floer homology can be also considered as invariants for families, so it would be in-
teresting to connect our work to the one of M.Hutchings [H]. His work can be interpreted as
construction of local systems corresponding to various Floer-type theories on the chambers of
our spaces. Then we extend them to the discriminant and classify according to our definition.
6.3. Further directions.
1. There is a number of immediate questions from the finite-type invariants story:
a). What will substitute the notion of the chord diagram? What is the ”basis ” in the
theories of finite type?
b). What are the ”dimensions” of the spaces of theories of order n?
2. What is the representation-theoretical meaning of the theory of finite type?
a). Is it possible to construct a ”universal” knot homology theory in a sense of T.Lee [L] ?
b). Is it possible to rise such a ”universal” knot homology theory to the Floer-type theory
of 3-manifolds?
3. There are ”categorifications” of other knot invariants: Alexander polynomial [OS], HOM-
FLY polynomial [DGR ]. These theories also fit into our setting and it will interesting to show
that they decompose into the series of theories of finite type or that their truncations are of
finite type.
4. The next step in our program [S3] is the construction of the local system of Ozsvath-Szabo
homologies on the space of 3-manifolds introduced in [S1]. We also plan to raise Khovanov
theory to the homological Floer-type theory of 3-manifolds.
5. It should be also possible to generalize our program to the study of the diffeomorphism
group of a 4-manifold by considering Gukov-Witten [GW] categorification of Vafa invariant on
the moduli space constructed in [S2].
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[email protected]
0704.1331 | Siegel's theorem for Drinfeld modules | SIEGEL’S THEOREM FOR DRINFELD MODULES
Abstract. We prove a Siegel type statement for finitely generated φ-
submodules of Ga under the action of a Drinfeld module φ. This provides
a positive answer to a question we asked in a previous paper. We also
prove an analog for Drinfeld modules of a theorem of Silverman for
nonconstant rational maps of P1 over a number field.
1. Introduction
In 1929, Siegel ([Sie29]) proved that if C is an irreducible affine curve
defined over a number field K and C has at least three points at infinity,
then there are at most finitely many K-rational points on C that have
integral coordinates. The proof of this famous theorem uses diophantine
approximation along with the fact that certain groups of rational points are
finitely generated; when C has genus greater than 0, the group in question
is the Mordell-Weil group of the Jacobian of C, while when C has genus 0,
the group in question is the group of S-units in a finite extension of K.
Motivated by the analogy between rank 2 Drinfeld modules and elliptic
curves, the authors conjectured in [GT06] a Siegel type statement for finitely
generated φ-submodules Γ of Ga (where φ is a Drinfeld module of arbitrary
rank). For a finite set of places S of a function field K, we defined a notion of
S-integrality and asked whether or not it is possible that there are infinitely
many γ ∈ Γ which are S-integral with respect to a fixed point α ∈ K. We
also proved in [GT06] a first instance of our conjecture in the case where Γ
is a cyclic submodule and α is a torsion point for φ. Our goal in this paper
is to prove our Siegel conjecture for every finitely generated φ-submodule
of Ga(K), where φ is a Drinfeld module defined over the field K (see our
Theorem 2.4). We will also establish an analog (also in the context of
Drinfeld modules) of a theorem of Silverman for nonconstant morphisms of
P1 of degree greater than 1 over a number field (see our Theorem 2.5).
We note that recently there has been significant progress on establish-
ing additional links between classical diophantine results over number fields
and similar statements for Drinfeld modules. Denis [Den92a] formulated
analogs for Drinfeld modules of the Manin-Mumford and the Mordell-Lang
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11G50, Secondary 11J68, 37F10.
Key words and phrases. Drinfeld module, Heights, Diophantine approximation.
[email protected]; [email protected]
conjectures. The Denis-Manin-Mumford conjecture was proved by Scan-
lon in [Sca02], while a first instance of the Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture
was established in [Ghi05] by the first author (see also [Ghi06b] for an ex-
tension of the result from [Ghi05]). The authors proved in [GT07] several
other cases of the Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture. In addition, the first au-
thor proved in [Ghi06a] an equidistribution statement for torsion points of a
Drinfeld module that is similar to the equidistribution statement established
by Szpiro-Ullmo-Zhang [SUZ97] (which was later extended by Zhang [Zha98]
to a full proof of the famous Bogomolov conjecture). Breuer [Bre05] proved a
special case of the André-Oort conjecture for Drinfeld modules, while special
cases of this conjecture in the classical case of a number field were proved
by Edixhoven-Yafaev [EY03] and Yafaev [Yaf06]. Bosser [Bos99] proved a
lower bound for linear forms in logarithms at an infinite place associated to
a Drinfeld module (similar to the classical result obtained by Baker [Bak75]
for usual logarithms, or by David [Dav95] for elliptic logarithms). Bosser’s
result was used by the authors in [GT06] to establish certain equidistribution
and integrality statements for Drinfeld modules. Moreover, Bosser’s result
is believed to be true also for linear forms in logarithms at finite places for a
Drinfeld module (as was communicated to us by Bosser). Assuming this last
statement, we prove in this paper the natural analog of Siegel’s theorem for
finitely generated φ-submodules. We believe that our present paper provides
additional evidence that the Drinfeld modules represent a good arithmetic
analog in characteristic p for abelian varieties in characteristic 0.
The basic outline of this paper can be summarized quite briefly. In Sec-
tion 2 we give the basic definitions and notation, and then state our main
results. In Section 3 we prove these main results: Theorems 2.4 and 2.5.
2. Notation
Notation. N stands for the non-negative integers: {0, 1, . . . }, while N∗ :=
N \ {0} stands for the positive integers.
2.1. Drinfeld modules. We begin by defining a Drinfeld module. Let p
be a prime and let q be a power of p. Let A := Fq[t], let K be a finite
field extension of Fq(t), and let K be an algebraic closure of K. We let τ
be the Frobenius on Fq, and we extend its action on K. Let K{τ} be the
ring of polynomials in τ with coefficients from K (the addition is the usual
addition, while the multiplication is the composition of functions).
A Drinfeld module is a morphism φ : A→ K{τ} for which the coefficient
of τ0 in φ(a) =: φa is a for every a ∈ A, and there exists a ∈ A such that
φa 6= aτ
0. The definition given here represents what Goss [Gos96] calls a
Drinfeld module of “generic characteristic”.
We note that usually, in the definition of a Drinfeld module, A is the ring
of functions defined on a projective nonsingular curve C, regular away from
a closed point η ∈ C. For our definition of a Drinfeld module, C = P1
and η
is the usual point at infinity on P1. On the other hand, every ring of regular
functions A as above contains Fq[t] as a subring, where t is a nonconstant
function in A.
For every field extension K ⊂ L, the Drinfeld module φ induces an action
on Ga(L) by a∗x := φa(x), for each a ∈ A. We call φ-submodules subgroups
of Ga(K) which are invariant under the action of φ. We define the rank of
a φ-submodule Γ be
dimFrac(A) Γ⊗A Frac(A).
As shown in [Poo95], Ga(K) is a direct sum of a finite torsion φ-submodule
with a free φ-submodule of rank ℵ0.
A point α is torsion for the Drinfeld module action if and only if there
exists Q ∈ A \ {0} such that φQ(α) = 0. The monic polynomial Q of
minimal degree which satisfies φQ(α) = 0 is called the order of α. Since each
polynomial φQ is separable, the torsion submodule φtor lies in the separable
closure Ksep of K.
2.2. Valuations and Weil heights. Let MFq(t) be the set of places on
Fq(t). We denote by v∞ the place in MFq(t) such that v∞(
) = deg(g) −
deg(f) for every nonzero f, g ∈ A = Fq[t]. We letMK be the set of valuations
on K. ThenMK is a set of valuations which satisfies a product formula (see
[Ser97, Chapter 2]). Thus
• for each nonzero x ∈ K, there are finitely many v ∈ MK such that
|x|v 6= 1; and
• for each nonzero x ∈ K, we have
|x|v = 1.
We may use these valuations to define a Weil height for each x ∈ K as
(2.0.1) h(x) =
max log(|x|v , 1).
Convention. Without loss of generality we may assume that the nor-
malization for all the valuations of K is made so that for each v ∈ MK , we
have log |x|v ∈ Z.
Definition 2.1. Each place in MK which lies over v∞ is called an infinite
place. Each place in MK which does not lie over v∞ is called a finite place.
2.3. Canonical heights. Let φ : A → K{τ} be a Drinfeld module of rank
d (i.e. the degree of φt as a polynomial in τ equals d). The canonical height
of β ∈ K relative to φ (see [Den92b]) is defined as
ĥ(β) = lim
Denis [Den92b] showed that a point is torsion if and only if its canonical
height equals 0.
For every v ∈MK , we let the local canonical height of β ∈ K at v be
(2.1.1) ĥv(β) = lim
log max(|φtn(β)|v , 1)
Furthermore, for every a ∈ Fq[t], we have ĥv(φa(x)) = deg(φa) · ĥv(x) (see
[Poo95]). It is clear that ĥv satisfies the triangle inequality, and also that∑
ĥv(β) = ĥ(β).
2.4. Completions and filled Julia sets. By abuse of notation, we let
∞ ∈ MK denote any place extending the place v∞. We let K∞ be the
completion of K with respect to | · |∞. We let K∞ be an algebraic closure
of K∞. We let C∞ be the completion of K∞. Then C∞ is a complete,
algebraically closed field. Note that C∞ depends on our choice for ∞ ∈MK
extending v∞. However, each time we will work with only one such place
∞, and so, there will be no possibility of confusion.
Next, we define the v-adic filled Julia set Jφ,v corresponding to the Drin-
feld module φ and to each place v of MK . Let Cv be the completion of an
algebraic closure of Kv. Then | · |v extends to a unique absolute value on
all of Cv. The set Jφ,v consists of all x ∈ Cv for which {|φQ(x)|v}Q∈A is
bounded. It is immediate to see that x ∈ Jφ,v if and only if {|φtn(x)|v}n≥1
is bounded.
One final note on absolute values: as noted above, the place v ∈ MK
extends to a unique absolute value | · |v on all of Cv. We fix an embedding
of i : K −→ Cv. For x ∈ K, we denote |i(x)|v simply as |x|v , by abuse of
2.5. The coefficients of φt. Each Drinfeld module is isomorphic to a Drin-
feld module for which all the coefficients of φt are integral at all the places
inMK which do not lie over v∞. Indeed, we let B ∈ Fq[t] be a product of all
(the finitely many) irreducible polynomials P ∈ Fq[t] with the property that
there exists a place v ∈MK which lies over the place (P ) ∈MFq(t), and there
exists a coefficient of φt which is not integral at v. Let γ be a sufficiently
large power of B. Then ψ : A → K{τ} defined by ψQ := γ
−1φQγ (for each
Q ∈ A) is a Drinfeld module isomorphic to φ, and all the coefficients of ψt
are integral away from the places lying above v∞. Hence, from now on, we
assume that all the coefficients of φt are integral away from the places lying
over v∞. It follows that for every Q ∈ A, all coefficients of φQ are integral
away from the places lying over v∞.
2.6. Integrality and reduction.
Definition 2.2. For a finite set of places S ⊂MK and α ∈ K, we say that
β ∈ K is S-integral with respect to α if for every place v /∈ S, and for every
morphisms σ, τ : K → K (which restrict to the identity on K) the following
are true:
• if |ατ |v ≤ 1, then |α
τ − βσ|v ≥ 1.
• if |ατ |v > 1, then |β
σ|v ≤ 1.
We note that if β is S-integral with respect to α, then it is also S′-integral
with respect to α, where S′ is a finite set of places containing S. Moreover,
the fact that β is S-integral with respect to α, is preserved if we replace
K by a finite extension. Therefore, in our results we will always assume
α, β ∈ K. For more details about the definition of S-integrality, we refer the
reader to [BIR05].
Definition 2.3. The Drinfeld module φ has good reduction at a place v if
for each nonzero a ∈ A, all coefficients of φa are v-adic integers and the
leading coefficient of φa is a v-adic unit. If φ does not have good reduction
at v, then we say that φ has bad reduction at v.
It is immediate to see that φ has good reduction at v if and only if all
coefficients of φt are v-adic integers, while the leading coefficient of φt is a
v-adic unit.
We can now state our Siegel type result for Drinfeld modules.
Theorem 2.4. With the above notation, assume in addition K has only
one infinite place. Let Γ be a finitely generated φ-submodule of Ga(K), let
α ∈ K, and let S be a finite set of places in MK . Then there are finitely
many γ ∈ Γ such that γ is S-integral with respect to α.
As mentioned in Section 1, we proved in [GT06] that Theorem 2.4 holds
when Γ is a cyclic φ-module generated by a nontorsion point β ∈ K and
α ∈ φtor(K) (see Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 5.6 of [GT06]). Moreover,
in [GT06] we did not have in our results the extra hypothesis from Theo-
rem 2.4 that there exists only one infinite place in MK . Even though we
believe Theorem 2.4 is true without this hypothesis, our method for proving
Theorem 2.4 requires this technical hypothesis. On the other hand, we are
able to prove the following analog for Drinfeld modules of a theorem of Sil-
verman (see [Sil93]) for nonconstant morphisms of P1 of degree greater than
1 over a number field, without the hypothesis of having only one infinite
place in MK .
Theorem 2.5. With the above notation, let β ∈ K be a nontorsion point,
and let α ∈ K be an arbitrary point. Then there are finitely many Q ∈ A
such that φQ(β) is S-integral for α.
As explained before, in [GT06] we proved Theorem 2.5 in the case α is a
torsion point in K.
3. Proofs of our main results
We continue with the notation from Section 2. In our argument, we will
be using the following key fact.
Fact 3.1. Assume ∞ ∈ MK is an infinite place. Let γ1, . . . , γr, α ∈ K.
Then there exist (negative) constants C0 and C1 (depending only on φ,
γ1, . . . , γr, α) such that for any polynomials P1, . . . , Pr ∈ A (not all con-
stants), either φP1(γ1) + · · ·+ φPr(γr) = α or
log |φP1(γ1) + · · · + φPr(γr)− α|∞ ≥ C0 +C1 max
(deg(Pi) log deg(Pi)).
Fact 3.1 follows easily from the lower bounds for linear forms in logarithms
established by Bosser (see Théorème 1.1 in [Bos99]). Essentially, it is the
same proof as our proof of Proposition 3.7 of [GT06] (see in particular the
derivation of the inequality (3.7.2) in [GT06]). For the sake of completeness,
we will provide below a sketch of a proof of Fact 3.1.
Proof of Fact 3.1. We denote by exp∞ the exponential map associated to
the place ∞ (see [Gos96]). We also let L be the corresponding lattice for
exp∞, i.e. L := ker(exp∞). Finally, let ω1, . . . , ωd be an A-basis for L of
“successive minima” (see Lemma (4.2) of [Tag93]). This means that for
every Q1, . . . , Qd ∈ A, we have
(3.1.1) |Q1ω1 + · · ·+Qdωd|∞ =
Let u0 ∈ C∞ such that exp∞(u0) = α. We also let u1, . . . , ur ∈ C∞
such that for each i, we have exp∞(ui) = γi. We will find constants C0
and C1 satisfying the inequality from Fact 3.1, which depend only on φ and
u0, u1, . . . , ur.
There exists a positive constant C2 such that exp∞ induces an isomor-
phism from the ball B := {z ∈ C∞ : |z|∞ < C2} to itself (see Lemma 3.6 of
[GT06]). If we assume there exist no constants C0 and C1 as in the conclu-
sion of Fact 3.1, then there exist polynomials P1, . . . , Pr, not all constants,
such that
φPi(γi) 6= α
and |
i=1 φPi(γi) − α|∞ < C2. Thus we can find y ∈ B such that |y|∞ =
i=1 φPi(γi)− α|∞ and
(3.1.3) exp∞(y) =
φPi(γi)− α.
Moreover, because exp∞ is an isomorphism on the metric space B, then for
every y′ ∈ C∞ such that exp∞(y
i=1 φPi(γi)−α, we have |y
′|∞ ≥ |y|∞.
But we know that
(3.1.4) exp∞
Piui − u0
φPi(γi)− α.
Therefore |
i=1 Piui − u0|∞ ≥ |y|∞. On the other hand, using (3.1.3) and
(3.1.4), we conclude that there exist polynomials Q1, . . . , Qd such that
Piui − u0 = y +
Hence |
i=1Qiωi|∞ ≤ |
i=1 Piui − u0|∞. Using (3.1.1), we obtain
|Qiωi|∞ ≤
Piui − u0
≤ max
≤ C3 ·
where C3 is a constant depending only on u0, u1, . . . , ur. We take logarithms
of both sides in (3.1.5) and obtain
degQi ≤
degPi + logC3 −
log |ωi|∞
degPi + C4,
where C4 depends only on φ and u0, u1, . . . , ur (the dependence on the ωi is
actually a dependence on φ, because the ωi are a fixed basis of “successive
minima” for φ at ∞). Using (3.1.6) and Proposition 3.2 of [GT06] (which is a
translation of the bounds for linear forms in logarithms for Drinfeld modules
established in [Bos99]), we conclude that there exist (negative) constants C0,
C1, C5 and C6 (depending only on φ, γ1, . . . , γr and α) such that
φPi(γi)− α
= log |y|∞
= log
Piui − u0 −
≥ C5 + C6
degPi + C4
(degPi + C4)
≥ C0 + C1
(degPi) ,
as desired. �
In our proofs for Theorems 2.5 and 2.4 we will also use the following state-
ment, which is believed to be true, based on communication with V. Bosser.
Therefore we assume its validity without proof.
Statement 3.2. Assume v does not lie above v∞. Let γ1, . . . , γr, α ∈
K. Then there exist positive constants C1, C2, C3 (depending only on v,
φ, γ1, . . . , γr and α) such that for any P1, . . . , Pr ∈ Fq[t], either φP1(γ1) +
· · ·+ φPr(γr) = α or
log |φP1(γ1) + · · ·+ φPr(γr)− α|v ≥ −C1 − C2 max
Statement 3.2 follows after one establishes a lower bound for linear forms
in logarithms at finite places v. In a private communication, V. Bosser told
us that it is clear to him that his proof ([Bos99]) can be adapted to work
also at finite places with minor modifications.
We sketch here how Statement 3.2 would follow from a lower bound for
linear forms in logarithms at finite places. Let v be a finite place and let
expv be the formal exponential map associated to v. The existence of expv
and its convergence on a sufficiently small ball Bv := {x ∈ Cv : |x|v < Cv}
is proved along the same lines as the existence and the convergence of the
usual exponential map at infinite places for φ (see Section 4.6 of [Gos96]).
In addition,
(3.2.1) | expv(x)|v = |x|v
for every x ∈ Bv. Moreover, at the expense of replacing Cv with a smaller
positive constant, we may assume that for each F ∈ A, and for each x ∈ Bv,
we have (see Lemma 4.2 in [GT06])
(3.2.2) |φF (x)|v = |Fx|v .
Assume we know the existence of the following lower bound for (nonzero)
linear forms in logarithms at a finite place v.
Statement 3.3. Let u1, . . . , ur ∈ Bv such that for each i, expv(ui) ∈ K.
Then there exist positive constants C4, C5, and C6 (depending on u1, . . . , ur)
such that for every F1, . . . , Fr ∈ A, either
i=1 Fiui = 0, or
≥ −C4 − C5
As mentioned before, Bosser proved Statement 3.3 in the case v is an
infinite place (in his result, C6 = 1 + ǫ and C4 = Cǫ for every ǫ > 0).
We will now derive Statement 3.2 assuming Statement 3.3 holds.
Proof. (That Statement 3.3 implies Statement 3.2.) Clearly, it suffices to
prove Statement 3.2 in the case α = 0. So, let γ1, . . . , γr ∈ K, and assume
by contradiction that there exists an infinite sequence {Fn,i} n∈N∗
such that
for each n, we have
(3.3.1) −∞ < log
< logCv.
For each n ≥ 1, we let Fn := (Fn,1, . . . , Fn,r) ∈ A
r. We view Ar as
an r-dimensional A-lattice inside the r-dimensional Frac(A)-vector space
Frac(A)r. In addition, we may assume that for n 6= m, we have Fn 6= Fm.
Using basic linear algebra, because the sequence {Fn,i} n∈N∗
is infinite, we
can find n0 ≥ 1 such that for every n > n0, there exist Hn, Gn,1, . . . , Gn,n0 ∈
A (not all equal to 0) such that
(3.3.2) Hn · Fn =
Gn,j · Fj.
Essentially, (3.3.2) says that F1, . . . ,Fn0 span the linear subspace of Frac(A)
generated by all Fn. Moreover, we can choose theHn in (3.3.2) in such a way
that degHn is bounded independently of n (e.g. by a suitable determinant
of some linearly independent subset of the first n0 of the Fj). Furthemore,
there exists a constant C7 such that for all n > n0, we have
degGn,j < C7 +
i=1 φFn,i(γi)
< Cv, equation (3.2.2) yields
= |Hn|v ·
Using (3.3.2), (3.3.4), and the fact that |Hn|v ≤ 1, we obtain
i=1 φFj,i(γi)
< Cv for all 1 ≤ j ≤ n0, there exist u1, . . . , un0 ∈ Bv
such that for every 1 ≤ j ≤ n0, we have
expv(uj) =
Then Statement 3.3 implies that there exist constants C4, C5, C6, C8, C9 (de-
pending on u1, . . . , un0), such that
= log
≥ −C4 − C5
≥ −C8 − C9
where in the first equality we used (3.2.1), while in the last inequality we
used (3.3.3). Equations (3.3.5) and (3.3.6) show that Statement 3.2 follows
from Statement 3.3, as desired. �
Next we prove Theorem 2.5 which will be a warm-up for our proof of
Theorem 2.4. For its proof, we will only need the following weaker (but also
still conjectural) form of Statement 3.2 (i.e., we only need Statement 3.3 be
true for non-homogeneous 1-forms of logarithms).
Statement 3.4. Assume v does not lie over v∞. Let γ, α ∈ K. Then there
exist positive constants C1, C2 and C3 (depending only on v, φ, γ and α)
such that for each polynomial P ∈ Fq[t], either φP (γ) = α or
log |φP (γ)− α|v ≥ −C1 − C2 deg(P )
Proof of Theorem 2.5. The following Lemma is the key to our proof.
Lemma 3.5. For each v ∈MK , we have ĥv(β) = limdegQ→∞
log |φQ(β)−α|v
qd degQ
Proof of Lemma 3.5. Let v ∈ MK . If β /∈ Jφ,v, then |φQ(β)|v → ∞, as
degQ → ∞. Hence, if degQ is sufficiently large, then |φQ(β) − α|v =
|φQ(β)|v = max{|φQ(β)|v , 1}, which yields the conclusion of Lemma 3.5.
Thus, from now on, we assume β ∈ Jφ,v. Hence ĥv(β) = 0, and we need
to show that
(3.5.1) lim
log |φQ(β)− α|v
Also note that since β ∈ Jφ,v, then |φQ(β) − α|v is bounded, and so,
lim supdegQ→∞
log |φQ(β)−α|v
qd degQ
≤ 0. Thus, in order to prove (3.5.1), it suf-
fices to show that
(3.5.2) lim inf
log |φQ(β)− α|v
If v is an infinite place, then Fact 3.1 implies that for every polynomial Q
such that φQ(β) 6= α, we have log |φQ(β)−α|∞ ≥ C0+C1 deg(Q) log deg(Q)
(for some constants C0, C1 < 0). Then taking the limit as degQ → ∞, we
obtain (3.5.2), as desired.
Similarly, if v is a finite place, then (3.5.2) follows from Statement 3.4. �
Theorem 2.5 follows easily using the result of Lemma 3.5. We assume
there exist infinitely many polynomials Qn such that φQn(β) is S-integral
with respect to α. We consider the sum
log |φQn(β) − α|v
Using Lemma 3.5, we obtain that Σ = ĥ(β) > 0 (because β /∈ φtor).
Let T be a finite set of places consisting of all the places in S along with
all places v ∈MK which satisfy at least one of the following conditions:
1. |β|v > 1.
2. |α|v > 1.
3. v is a place of bad reduction for φ.
Therefore by our choice for T (see 1. and 3.), for every v /∈ T , we have
|φQn(β)|v ≤ 1. Thus, using also 2., we have |φQn(β) − α|v ≤ 1. On the
other hand, φQn(β) is also T -integral with respect to α. Hence, because of
2., then for all v /∈ T , we have |φQn(β) − α|v ≥ 1. We conclude that for
every v /∈ T , and for every n, we have |φQn(β) − α|v = 1. This allows us
to interchange the summation and the limit in the definition of Σ (because
then Σ is a finite sum over all v ∈ T ). We obtain
Σ = lim
log |φQn(β)− α|v = 0,
by the product formula applied to each φQn(β)−α. On the other hand, we
already showed that Σ = ĥ(β) > 0. This contradicts our assumption that
there are infinitely many polynomials Q such that φQ(β) is S-integral with
respect to α, and concludes the proof of Theorem 2.5. �
Before proceeding to the proof of Theorem 2.4, we prove several facts
about local heights. In Lemma 3.10 we will use the technical assumption of
having only one infinite place in K.
From now on, let φt =
i=0 aiτ
i. As explained in Section 2, we may
assume each ai is integral away from v∞. Also, from now on, we work under
the assumption that there exists a unique place ∞ ∈MK lying above v∞.
Fact 3.6. For every place v of K, there exists Mv > 0 such that for each
x ∈ K, if |x|v > Mv, then for every nonzero Q ∈ A, we have |φQ(x)|v > Mv.
Moreover, if |x|v > Mv, then ĥv(x) = log |x|v +
log |ad|v
Fact 3.6 is proved in Lemma 4.4 of [GT06]. In particular, Fact 3.6 shows
that for each v ∈ MK and for each x ∈ K, we have ĥv(x) ∈ Q. Indeed, for
every x ∈ K of positive local canonical height at v, there exists a polynomial
P such that |φP (x)|v > Mv. Then ĥv(x) =
bhv(φP (x))
qd degP
. By Fact 3.6, we already
know that ĥv(φP (x)) ∈ Q. Thus also ĥv(x) ∈ Q.
Fact 3.7. Let v ∈MK \{∞}. There exists a positive constant Nv, and there
exists a nonzero polynomial Qv, such that for each x ∈ K, the following
statements are true
(i) if |x|v ≤ Nv, then for each Q ∈ A, we have |φQ(x)|v ≤ |x|v ≤ Nv.
(ii) either |φQv(x)|v ≤ Nv, or |φQv(x)|v > Mv.
Proof of Fact 3.7. This was proved in [Ghi07b]. It is easy to see that
Nv := min
satisfies condition (i), but the proof of (ii) is much more complicated. In
[Ghi07b], the first author proved that there exists a positive integer dv such
that for every x ∈ K, there exists a polynomial Q of degree at most dv such
that either |φQ(x)|v > Mv, or |φQ(x)|v ≤ Nv (see Remark 5.12 which is
valid for every place which does not lie over v∞). Using Fact 3.6 and (i), we
conclude that the polynomial Qv :=
deg P≤dv
P satisfies property (ii). �
Using Facts 3.6 and 3.7 we prove the following important result valid for
finite places.
Lemma 3.8. Let v ∈ MK \ {∞}. Then there exists a positive integer Dv
such that for every x ∈ K, we have Dv · ĥv(x) ∈ N. If in addition we assume
v is a place of good reduction for φ, then we may take Dv = 1.
Proof of Lemma 3.8. Let x ∈ K. If ĥv(x) = 0, then we have nothing to
show. Therefore, assume from now on that ĥv(x) > 0. Using (ii) of Fact 3.7,
there exists a polynomial Qv (depending only on v, and not on x) such
that |φQv(x)|v > Mv (clearly, the other option from (ii) of Lemma 3.7 is
not available because we assumed that ĥv(x) > 0). Moreover, using the
definition of the local height, and also Fact 3.6,
(3.8.1) ĥv(x) =
log |φQv(x)|v +
log |ad|v
Because both log |φQv(x)|v and log |ad|v are integer numbers, (3.8.1) yields
the conclusion of Lemma 3.8 (we may take Dv = q
ddegQv(qd − 1)).
The second part of Lemma 3.8 follows immediately from Lemma 4.13 of
[Ghi07b]. Indeed, if v is a place of good reduction for φ, then |x|v > 1
(because we assumed ĥv(x) > 0). But then, ĥv(x) = log |x|v (here we use
the fact that v is a place of good reduction, and thus ad is a v-adic unit).
Hence ĥv(x) ∈ N, and we may take Dv = 1. �
The following result is an immediate corollary of Fact 3.8.
Corollary 3.9. There exists a positive integer D such that for every v ∈
MK \ {∞}, and for every x ∈ K, we have D · ĥv(x) ∈ N.
Next we prove a similar result as in Lemma 3.8 which is valid for the only
infinite place of K.
Lemma 3.10. There exists a positive integer D∞ such that for every x ∈ K,
either ĥv(x) > 0 for some v ∈MK \ {∞}, or D∞ · ĥ∞(x) ∈ N.
Before proceeding to its proof, we observe that we cannot remove the
assumption that ĥv(x) = 0 for every finite place v, in order to obtain the
existence of D∞ in the statement of Lemma 3.10. Indeed, we know that
in K there are points of arbitrarily small (but positive) local height at ∞
(see Example 6.1 from [Ghi07b]). Therefore, there exists no positive integer
D∞ which would clear all the possible denominators for the local heights at
∞ of those points. However, it turns out (as we will show in the proof of
Lemma 3.10) that for such points x of very small local height at ∞, there
exists some other place v for which ĥv(x) > 0.
Proof of Lemma 3.10. Let x ∈ K. If x ∈ φtor, then we have nothing to
prove (every positive integer D∞ would work because ĥ∞(x) = 0). Thus,
we assume x is a nontorsion point. If ĥv(x) > 0 for some place v which
does not lie over v∞, then again we are done. So, assume from now on that
ĥv(x) = 0 for every finite place v.
By proceeding as in the proof of Lemma 3.8, it suffices to show that there
exists a polynomial Q∞ of degree bounded independently of x such that
|φQ∞(x)|∞ > M∞ (with the notation as in Fact 3.6). This is proved in
Theorem 4.4 of [Ghi07a]. The first author showed in [Ghi07a] that there
exists a positive integer L (depending only on the number of places of bad
reduction of φ) such that for every nontorsion point x, there exists a place
v ∈ MK , and there exists a polynomial Q of degree less than L such that
|φQ(x)|v > Mv . Because we assumed that ĥv(x) = 0 for every v 6= ∞, then
the above statement yields the existence of D∞. �
We will prove Theorem 2.4 by showing that a certain lim sup is positive.
This will contradict the existence of infinitely many S-integral points in a
finitely generated φ-submodule. Our first step will be a result about the
lim inf of the sequences which will appear in the proof of Theorem 2.4.
Lemma 3.11. Suppose that Γ is a torsion-free φ-submodule of Ga(K) gener-
ated by elements γ1, . . . , γr. For each i ∈ {1, . . . , r} let (Pn,i)n∈N∗ ⊂ Fq[t] be
a sequence of polynomials such that for each m 6= n, the r-tuples (Pn,i)1≤i≤r
and (Pm,i)1≤i≤r are distinct. Then for every v ∈MK , we have
(3.11.1) lim inf
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
Proof. Suppose that for some ǫ > 0, there exists a sequence (nk)k≥1 ⊂ N
such that
i=1 φPnk,i
(γi) 6= α and
log |
i=1 φPnk,i
(γi)− α|v
i=1 q
ddeg Pnk,i
< −ǫ,
for every k ≥ 1. But taking the lower bound from Fact 3.1 or Statement 3.2
(depending on whether v is the infinite place or not) and dividing through
i=1 q
ddeg Pnk,i , we see that this is impossible. �
The following proposition is the key technical result required to prove
Theorem 2.4. This proposition plays the same role that Lemma 3.5 plays
in the proof of Theorem 2.5, or that Corollary 3.13 plays in the proof of
Theorem 1.1 from [GT06]. Note that is does not provide an exact formula
for the canonical height of a point, however; it merely shows that a certain
limit is positive. This will suffice for our purposes since we only need that a
certain sum of limits be positive in order to prove Theorem 2.4.
Proposition 3.12. Let Γ be a torsion-free φ-submodule of Ga(K) generated
by elements γ1, . . . , γr. For each i ∈ {1, . . . , r} let (Pn,i)n∈N∗ ⊂ Fq[t] be a
sequence of polynomials such that for each m 6= n, the r-tuples (Pn,i)1≤i≤r
and (Pm,i)1≤i≤r are distinct. Then there exists a place v ∈MK such that
(3.12.1) lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
Proof. Using the triangle inequality for the v-adic norm, and the fact that
qddeg Pn,i = +∞,
we conclude that proving that (3.12.1) holds is equivalent to proving that
for some place v, we have
(3.12.2) lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
We also observe that it suffices to prove Proposition 3.12 for a subsequence
(nk)k≥1 ⊂ N
We prove (3.12.2) by induction on r. If r = 1, then by Corollary 3.13 of
[GT06] (see also our Lemma 3.5),
(3.12.3) lim sup
deg P→∞
log |φP (γ1)|v
= ĥv(γ1)
and because γ1 /∈ φtor, there exists a place v such that ĥv(γ1) > 0, thus
proving (3.12.2) for r = 1. Therefore, we assume (3.12.2) is established for
all φ-submodules Γ of rank less than r and we will prove it for φ-submodules
of rank r.
In the course of our argument for proving (3.12.2), we will replace several
times a given sequence with a subsequence of itself (note that passing to a
subsequence can only make the lim sup smaller). For the sake of not cluster-
ing the notation, we will drop the extra indices which would be introduced
by dealing with the subsequence.
Let S0 be the set of places v ∈MK for which there exists some γ ∈ Γ such
that ĥv(γ) > 0. The following easy fact will be used later in our argument.
Fact 3.13. The set S0 is finite.
Proof of Fact 3.13. We claim that S0 equals the finite set S
0 of places v ∈
MK for which there exists i ∈ {1, . . . , r} such that ĥv(γi) > 0. Indeed, let
v ∈ MK \ S
0. Then for each i ∈ {1, . . . , r} we have ĥv(γi) = 0. Moreover,
for each i ∈ {1, . . . , r} and for each Qi ∈ Fq[t], we have
(3.13.1) ĥv(φQi(γi)) = deg(φQi) · ĥv(γi) = 0.
Using (3.13.1) and the triangle inequality for the local canonical height, we
obtain that
This shows that indeed S0 = S
0, and concludes the proof of Fact 3.13. �
If the sequence (nk)k≥1 ⊂ N
∗ has the property that for some j ∈ {1, . . . , r},
we have
(3.13.2) lim
qddeg Pnk,j
i=1 q
ddeg Pnk,i
then the inductive hypothesis will yield the desired conclusion. Indeed, by
the induction hypothesis, and also using (3.13.2), there exists v ∈ S0 such
(3.13.3) lim sup
log |
i 6=j φPnk,i
i=1 q
ddeg Pnk,i
If ĥv(γj) = 0, then
is bounded as k → ∞. Thus, for large
enough k, ∣∣∣∣∣
i 6=j
and so, (3.13.3) shows that (3.12.2) holds.
Now, if ĥv(γj) > 0, then we proved in Lemma 4.4 of [GT06] that
(3.13.4) log |φP (γj)|v − q
ddeg P ĥv(γj)
is uniformly bounded as degP → ∞ (note that this follows easily from
simple arguments involving geometric series and coefficients of polynomials).
Therefore, using (3.13.2), we obtain
(3.13.5) lim
i=1 q
ddeg Pnk,i
Using (3.13.3) and (3.13.5), we conclude that for large enough k,
i 6=j
and so,
(3.13.6) lim sup
i=1 φPnk,i
i=1 q
ddeg Pnk,i
as desired. Therefore, we may assume from now on that there exists B ≥ 1
such that for every n,
max1≤i≤r q
min1≤i≤r q
≤ B or equivalently,
(3.13.8) max
degPn,i − min
degPn,i ≤
logq B
We will prove that (3.12.2) holds for some place v by doing an analysis
at each place v ∈ S0. We know that |S0| ≥ 1 because all γi are nontorsion.
Our strategy is to show that in case (3.12.2) does not hold, then we can
find δ1, . . . , δr ∈ Γ, and we can find a sequence (nk)k≥1 ⊂ N
∗, and a sequence
of polynomials (Rk,i) k∈N∗
such that
(γi) =
φRk,i(δi) and
ĥv(δi) <
ĥv(γi) and
(3.13.11) 0 < lim inf
i=1 q
i=1 q
≤ lim sup
i=1 q
i=1 q
< +∞.
Equation (3.13.9) will enable us to replace the γi by the δi and proceed with
our analysis of the latter. Inequality (3.13.10) combined with Corollary 3.9
and Lemma 3.10 will show that for each such v, in a finite number of steps we
either construct a sequence δi as above for which all ĥv(δi) = 0, or (3.12.2)
holds for δ1, . . . , δr and the corresponding polynomials Rk,i, i.e.
(3.13.12) lim sup
log |
i=1 φRk,i(δi)|v∑r
i=1 q
Equation (3.13.11) shows that (3.12.2) is equivalent to (3.13.12) (see also
We start with v ∈ S0 \ {∞}. As proved in Lemma 4.4 of [GT06], for each
i ∈ {1, . . . , r} such that ĥv(γi) > 0, there exists a positive integer di such
that for every polynomial Qi of degree at least di, we have
(3.13.13) log |φQi(γi)|v = q
log |ad|v
qd − 1
We know that for each i, we have limn→∞ degPn,i = +∞ because of (3.13.8).
Hence, for each n sufficiently large, and for each i ∈ {1, . . . , r} such that
ĥv(γi) > 0, we have
(3.13.14) log |φPn,i(γi)|v = q
ddeg Pn,iĥv(γi)−
log |ad|v
qd − 1
We now split the problem into two cases.
Case 1. There exists an infinite subsequence (nk)k≥1 such that for every
k, we have
= max
For the sake of not clustering the notation, we drop the index k from
(3.13.15) (note that we need to prove (3.12.2) only for a subsequence). At
the expense of replacing again N∗ by a subsequence, we may also assume
that for some fixed j ∈ {1, . . . , r}, we have
∣∣φPn,j (γj)
for all n ∈ N∗. Because we know that there exists i ∈ {1, . . . , r} such that
ĥv(γi) > 0, then for such i, we know |φPn,i(γi)|v is unbounded (as n → ∞).
Therefore, using (3.13.16), we conclude that also |φPn,j (γj)|v is unbounded
(as n→ ∞). In particular, this means that ĥv(γj) > 0.
Then using (3.13.14) for γj, we obtain that
lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
= lim sup
log |φPn,j (γj)|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
= lim sup
qddegPn,j ĥv(γj)−
log |ad|v
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
= lim
qddeg Pn,j ĥv(γj)−
log |ad|v
qddeg Pn,j
· lim sup
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
qddeg Pn,j ĥv(γj)−
log |ad|v
= ĥv(γj) > 0 and
lim sup
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
> 0 because of (3.13.8).
Case 2. For all but finitely many n, we have
< max
Using the pigeonhole principle, there exists an infinite sequence (nk)k≥1 ⊂
N∗, and there exist j1, . . . , js ∈ {1, . . . , r} (where s ≥ 2) such that for each
k, we have
(γj1)|v = · · · = |φPnk,js
(γjs)|v > max
Again, as we did before, we drop the index k from the above subsequence of
N∗. Using (3.13.19) and the fact that there exists i ∈ {1, . . . , r} such that
ĥv(γi) > 0, we conclude that for all 1 ≤ i ≤ s, we have ĥv(γji) > 0. Hence,
using (3.13.14) in (3.13.19), we obtain that for sufficiently large n, we have
(3.13.20) qddeg Pn,j1 ĥv(γj1) = · · · = q
ddeg Pn,js ĥv(γjs).
Without loss of generality, we may assume ĥv(γj1) ≥ ĥv(γji) for all i ∈
{2, . . . , s}. Then (3.13.20) yields that degPn,ji ≥ degPn,j1 for i > 1. We
divide (with quotient and remainder) each Pn,ji (for i > 1) by Pn,j1 and for
each such ji, we obtain
(3.13.21) Pn,ji = Pn,j1 · Cn,ji +Rn,ji ,
where degRn,ji < degPn,j1 ≤ degPn,ji . Using (3.13.8), we conclude that
degCn,ji is uniformly bounded as n→ ∞. This means that, at the expense
of passing to another subsequence of N∗, we may assume that there exist
polynomials Cji such that
Cn,ji = Cji for all n.
We let Rn,i := Pn,i for each n and for each i ∈ {1, . . . , r} \ {j2, . . . , js}.
Let δi for i ∈ {1, . . . , r} be defined as follows:
δi := γi if i 6= j1; and
δj1 := γj1 +
φCji (γji).
Then for each n, using (3.13.21) and the definition of the δi and Rn,i, we
φPn,i(γi) =
Using (3.13.8) and the definition of the Rn,i (in particular, the fact that
Rn,j1 = Pn,j1 and degRn,ji < degPn,j1 for 2 ≤ i ≤ s), it is immediate to see
(3.13.23) 0 < lim inf
i=1 q
i=1 q
≤ lim sup
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
i=1 q
< +∞.
Moreover, because of (3.13.22) and (3.13.23), we get that
(3.13.24) lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
if and only if
(3.13.25) lim sup
log |
i=1 φRn,i(δi)|v∑r
i=1 q
We claim that if ĥv(δj1) ≥ ĥv(γj1), then (3.13.25) holds (and so, also
(3.13.24) holds). Indeed, in that case, for large enough n, we have
log |φRn,j1 (δj1)|v = q
ddegRn,j1 ĥv(δj1)−
log |ad|v
qd − 1
≥ qddeg Pn,j1 ĥv(γj1)−
log |ad|v
qd − 1
= log |φPn,j1 (γj1)|v
log |φRn,ji (γji)|v,
where in the last inequality from (3.13.26) we used (3.13.20) and (3.13.14),
and that for each i ∈ {2, . . . , s} we have degRn,ji < degPn,ji . Moreover,
using (3.13.26) and (3.13.19), together with the definition of the Rn,i and
the δi, we conclude that for large enough n, we have
= log
∣∣∣φRn,j1 (δj1)
= qddeg Pn,j1 ĥv(γj1)−
log |ad|v
qd − 1
Because Rn,j1 = Pn,j1 , equations (3.13.8) and (3.13.23) show that
(3.13.28) lim sup
i=1 q
Equations (3.13.27) and (3.13.28) show that we are now in Case 1 for the
sequence (Rn,i) n∈N∗
. Hence
(3.13.29) lim sup
log |
i=1 φRn,i(δi)|v∑r
i=1 q
as desired.
Assume from now on that ĥv(δj1) < ĥv(γj1). Because v ∈ MK \ {∞},
using Corollary 3.9 and also using that if i 6= j1, then δi = γi, we conclude
ĥv(δi) ≥
Our goal is to prove (3.13.24) by proving (3.13.25). Because we replace
some of the polynomials Pn,i with other polynomials Rn,i, it may very well
be that (3.13.8) is no longer satisfied for the polynomials Rn,i. Note that
in this case, using induction and arguing as in equations (3.13.2) through
(3.13.6), we see that
lim sup
log |
j=1 φRn,j (δj)|w∑r
j=1 q
for some place w. This would yield that (see (3.13.22) and (3.13.23))
lim sup
log |
j=1 φPn,j (γj)|w∑r
j=1 q
ddeg Pn,j
as desired. Hence, we may assume again that (3.13.8) holds.
We continue the above analysis this time with the γi replaced by δi.
Either we prove (3.13.25) (and so, implicitly, (3.13.24)), or we replace the
δi by other elements in Γ, say βi and we decrease even further the sum of
their local heights at v:
ĥv(βi) ≥
The above process cannot go on infinitely often because the sum of the local
i=1 ĥv(γi) is decreased each time by at least
. Our process ends
when we cannot replace anymore the eventual ζi by new βi. Thus, at the
final step, we have ζ1, . . . , ζr for which we cannot further decrease their sum
of local canonical heights at v. This happens either because all ζi have
local canonical height equal to 0, or because we already found a sequence of
polynomials Tn,i for which
(3.13.30) lim sup
log |
i=1 φTn,i(ζi)|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Tn,i
φPn,i(γi) =
this would imply that (3.12.2) holds, which would complete the proof. Hence,
we may assume that we have found a sequence (ζi)1≤i≤r with canonical local
heights equal to 0. As before, we let the (Tn,i) n∈N∗
be the corresponding
sequence of polynomials for the ζi, which replace the polynomials Pn,i.
Next we apply the above process to another w ∈ S0 \{∞} for which there
exists at least one ζi such that ĥw(ζi) > 0. Note that when we apply the
above process to the ζ1, . . . , ζr at the place w, we might replace (at certain
steps of our process) the ζi by
φCj (ζj) ∈ Γ.
Because for the places v ∈ S0 for which we already completed the above
process, ĥv(ζi) = 0 for all i, then by the triangle inequality for the local
height, we also have
φCj (ζj)
= 0.
If we went through all v ∈ S0 \ {∞}, and if the above process did not
yield that (3.13.24) holds for some v ∈ S \ {∞}, then we are left with
ζ1, . . . , ζr ∈ Γ such that for all i and all v 6= ∞, we have ĥv(ζi) = 0. Note
that since ĥv(ζi) = 0 for each v 6= ∞ and each i ∈ {1, . . . , r}, then by the
triangle inequality for local heights, for all polynomials Q1, . . . , Qr, we have
(3.13.33) ĥv
= 0 for v 6= ∞.
Lemma 3.10 and (3.13.33) show that for all polynomials Qi,
(3.13.34) D∞ · ĥ∞
We repeat the above process, this time for v = ∞. As before, we conclude
that either
(3.13.35) lim sup
log |
i=1 φTn,i(ζi)|∞∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Tn,i
or we are able to replace the ζi by some other elements βi (which are of the
form (3.13.32)) such that
ĥ∞(βi) <
Using (3.13.34), we conclude that
ĥ∞(βi) ≥
Therefore, after a finite number of steps this process of replacing the ζi must
end, and it cannot end with all the new βi having local canonical height 0,
because this would mean that all βi are torsion (we already knew that for
v 6= ∞, we have ĥv(ζi) = 0, and so, by (3.13.33), ĥv(βi) = 0). Because the
βi are nontrivial “linear” combinations (in the φ-module Γ) of the γi which
span a torsion-free φ-module, we conclude that indeed, the βi cannot be
torsion points. Hence, our process ends with proving (3.13.35) which proves
(3.13.24), and so, it concludes the proof of our Proposition 3.12. �
Remark 3.14. If there is more than one infinite place in K, then we cannot
derive Lemma 3.10, and in particular, we cannot derive (3.13.36). The idea is
that in this case, for each nontorsion ζ which has its local canonical height
equal to 0 at finite places, we only know that there exists some infinite
place where its local canonical height has bounded denominator. However,
we do not know if that place is the one which we analyze at that particular
moment in our process from the proof of Proposition 3.12. Hence, we would
not necessarily be able to derive (3.13.36).
Now we are ready to prove Theorem 2.4.
Proof of Theorem 2.4. Let (γi)i be a finite set of generators of Γ as a module
over A = Fq[t]. At the expense of replacing S with a larger finite set of places
of K, we may assume S contains all the places v ∈MK which satisfy at least
one of the following properties:
1. ĥv(γi) > 0 for some 1 ≤ i ≤ r.
2. |γi|v > 1 for some 1 ≤ i ≤ r.
3. |α|v > 1.
4. φ has bad reduction at v.
Expanding the set S leads only to (possible) extension of the set of S-integral
points in Γ with respect to α. Clearly, for every γ ∈ Γ, and for every v /∈ S
we have |γ|v ≤ 1. Therefore, using 3., we obtain
γ ∈ Γ is S-integral with respect to α⇐⇒ |γ − α|v = 1 for all v ∈MK \ S.
Moreover, using 1. from above, we conclude that for every γ ∈ Γ, and for
every v /∈ S, we have ĥv(γ) = 0 (see the proof of Fact 3.13).
Next we observe that it suffices to prove Theorem 2.4 under the assump-
tion that Γ is a free φ-submodule. Indeed, because A = Fq[t] is a principal
ideal domain, Γ is a direct sum of its finite torsion submodule Γtor and a
free φ-submodule Γ1 of rank r, say. Therefore,
γ + Γ1.
If we show that for every γ0 ∈ Γtor there are finitely many γ1 ∈ Γ1 such
that γ1 is S-integral with respect to α − γ0, then we obtain the conclusion
of Theorem 2.4 for Γ and α (see (3.14.1)).
Thus from now on, we assume Γ is a free φ-submodule of rank r. Let
γ1, . . . , γr be a basis for Γ as an Fq[t]-module. We reason by contradiction.
φPn,i(γi) ∈ Γ
be an infinite sequence of elements S-integral with respect to α. Because of
the S-integrality assumption (along with the assumptions on S), we conclude
that for every v /∈ S, and for every n we have
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
Thus, using the product formula, we see that
lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
= lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
On the other hand, by Proposition 3.12, there is some place w ∈ S and
some number δ > 0 such that
lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|w∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
= δ > 0.
So, using Lemma 3.11, we see that
lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
v 6=w
lim inf
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|v∑r
i=1 q
ddeg Pn,i
+ lim sup
log |
i=1 φPn,i(γi)− α|w∑r
i=1 q
≥ 0 + δ
Thus, we have a contradiction which shows that there cannot be infinitely
many elements of Γ which are S-integral for α. �
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Dragos Ghioca, Department of Mathematics, McMaster University, 1280
Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1,
E-mail address: [email protected]
Thomas Tucker, Department of Mathematics, Hylan Building, University
of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627,
E-mail address: [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Notation
2.1. Drinfeld modules
2.2. Valuations and Weil heights
2.3. Canonical heights
2.4. Completions and filled Julia sets
2.5. The coefficients of t
2.6. Integrality and reduction
3. Proofs of our main results
0704.1332 | On the Exponential Decay of the n-point Correlation Functions and the
Analyticity of the Pressure | On the Exponential Decay of the n-Point
Correlation Functions and the Analyticity of the
Assane Lo
April 1st, 2007
The goal of this paper is to provide estimates leading to a direct proof
of the exponential decay of the n-point correlation functions for certain
unbounded models of Kac type. The methods are based on estimating
higher order derivatives of the solution of the Witten Laplacian equation
on one forms associated with the hamiltonian of the system. We also
provide a formula for the Taylor coefficients of the pressure that is suitable
for a direct proof the analyticity.
1 Introduction
In recent publications [66] we have given a generalization to the higher dimen-
sional case of the exponential decay of the two-point correlation functions for
models of Kac type. In this paper, we shall establish a weak exponential decay
of the n-point correlation functions, and provide an exact formula suitable for
a direct proof the analyticity of the pressure.
Let Λ be a finite subset of Zd, and consider a Hamiltonian Φ of the phase
space RΛ. We shall focus on the case where Φ = ΦΛ is given by
ΦΛ(x) =
+ Ψ(x), (1)
under suitable assumptions on Ψ.
Recall that if 〈f〉 denote the mean value of f with respect to the Gibbs
the covariance of two functions g and h is defined by
cov(g, h) = 〈(g − 〈g〉)(h− 〈h〉)〉 . (2)
If one wants to have an expression of the covariance in the form
cov(g, h) = 〈∇h ·w〉L2(Rn,Rn;e−Φdx) , (3)
for a suitable vector field w we get, after observing that ∇h = ∇(h− 〈h〉), and
integrating by parts,
cov(g, h) =
(h− 〈h〉)(∇Φ−∇) ·we−Φ(x)dx. (4)
(Here we have assumed that g and h are functions of polynomial growth ).
This leads to the question of solving the equation
g − 〈g〉 = (∇Φ−∇) ·w. (5)
Now, trying to solve this above equation with w = ∇f, we obtain the equation
g − 〈g〉 = (−∆+∇Φ ·∇) f
〈f〉 = 0.
The existence and smoothness of the solution of this equation were established
in [8] (see also [66]) under certain assumptions on Φ. Now taking gradient on
both sides of (6), we get
∇g = [(−∆+∇Φ ·∇)⊗ Id+HessΦ]∇f. (7)
We then obtain the emergence of two differential operators:
Φ := −∆+∇Φ ·∇ (8)
Φ := A
Φ ⊗ Id+HessΦ. (9)
Here the tensor notation means that A
Φ acts diagonally on the vector field
solution to produce a system of equations.
cov(g, h) =
Φ ∇g ·∇h
dx. (10)
The operators A
Φ and A
Φ are called the Helffer-Sjöstrand’s operators. These
are unbounded operators acting on the weighted spaces
L2(RΛ, e−Φdx) and L2(RΛ,RΛ, e−Φdx)
The formula (10) was introduced by Helffer and Sjöstrand and in some sense
is a generalization of Brascamp-Lieb inequality as already pointed out in [1].
The unitary transformation
UΦ : L
2(RΛ) → L2(RΛ, e−Φdx)
u 7−→ e
will allow us to work with the unweighted spaces L2(RΛ) and L2(RΛ,RΛ) by
converting the operators A
Φ and A
Φ into equivalent operators
Φ = −∆+
⊗ I+HessΦ. (12)
The equivalence can be seen by observing that
Φ = e
−Φ/2 ◦A
Φ ◦ e
. (13)
The operators W
Φ and W
Φ are unbounded operators acting on
2(RΛ) and L2(RΛ,RΛ)
respectively. These are in fact, the euclidean versions of the Laplacians on zero
and one forms respectively, already introduced by E. Witten [18] in the context
Morse theory.
The equivalence between the operators A
Φ and Witten’s Laplacians was
first observed by J. Sjöstrand [13] in 1996.
2 Higher Order Exponential Estimates
We shall consider a Hamiltonian of the form
Φ(x) = ΦΛ(x) =
+ Ψ(x), x ∈ RΛ.
|∂α∇Ψ| ≤ Cα, ∀α ∈ N
. (14)
g will denote a smooth function on RΓ with lattice support Sg = Γ (& Λ) . We
shall identify g with g̃ defined on RΛ and shall assume that
|∂α∇g| ≤ Cα ∀α ∈ N
|Γ|. (15)
As in [66] , we shall momentarily assume that Ψ is compactly supported in RΛ
and g is compactly supported in RΓ but these assumptions will be relaxed later
Let M be the diagonal matrix
M = (δijρ(i))i,j∈Λ
where ρ is a weight function on Λ satisfying
e−λ ≤
ρ (i)
≤ eλ, if i ∼ j for some λ > 0. (16)
Assume also that for every M as above, there exists δo ∈ (0, 1) such that
−1HessΦ(x)Ma, a
≥ δoa
, ∀x ∈ RΛ, ∀a ∈ RΛ. (17)
For instance, the d−dimensional nearest neighbor Kac model
ΦΛ(x) =
ln cosh
(xi + xj)
satisfies this assumption for ν small enough. See [66] for details.
The following theorem has been proved in [66]:
Theorem 1 (A. Lo [66]) Let g be a smooth function with compact support on
RΓ satisfying
|∂α∇g| ≤ Cα ∀α ∈ N
|Γ| (18)
and Φ is as above. If f is the unique C∞−solution of the equation
−∆f +∇Φ ·∇f = g − 〈g〉
〈f〉L2(µ) = 0,
then ∑
2κd(i,Sg) ≤ C ∀x ∈ RΛ.
κ and C are positive constants. C could possibly depend on the size of the
support of g but does not depend on Λ and f.
We now propose to generalize this theorem to higher order derivatives.
Proposition 2 If in addition to the assumptions of theorem 1, Φ satisfies the
following growth condition: for κ > 0 as above,
Φ2xjxi1 ...xik
(x)e2κd({i1,...,ik},Sg) ≤ Ck ∀x ∈ R
Λ, for k ≥ 2 (19)
for some Ck > 0 not dependent on Λ and f , then for any k ≥ 1, f satisfies
f2xi1 ...xik
(x)e2κd({i1,...,ik},Sg) ≤ Ck,g ∀x ∈ R
Λ (20)
where Ck,g > 0 is a constant that depends on the size of the support of g but not
on Λ and f.
The case k = 1 being theorem 1, we assume for induction that the result is
true when k is replaced by k̂ < k with k̂ ≥ 2.
For k ≥ 2(see [8] for details), we have
g, t1 ⊗ ...⊗ tk
= (∇Φ ·∇−∆)
f, t1 ⊗ ...⊗ tk
f, t1 ⊗ ...⊗HessΦtj ⊗ ...⊗ tk
〈tA(∂x)∇Φ, tB(∂x)∇f〉 .
In the right hand side of this last above equality, we have used the notation
tJ(∂x)u :=
u, t1 ⊗ ...⊗ t#J
Now fix i2, ..., ik ∈ Λ. Because ∇
f(x) → 0 as |x| → ∞ (see [66]), we consider
xo ∈ R
Λ that maximizes
x 7−→
f2xi1 ...xik
ρ2(i1, ..., ik)
ρ(i1, ..., ik) = e
Observe here that xo could possibly depend on i2, ..., ik ∈ Λ.
ρ(i1, ..., ik)fxi1 ...xik (xo)
tj = eij if j = 2, ..., k
Let M1 be the diagonal matrix
M1 = (δsi1ρ(i1, ..., ik))si1
Mj = I if j 6= 1 (21)
in particular, we have
g,M1t1 ⊗ ...⊗Mktk
= (∇Φ ·∇−∆)
f,M1t1 ⊗ ...⊗Mktk
f,M1t1 ⊗ ...⊗HessΦMjtj ⊗ ...⊗Mktk
〈tMA(∂x)∇Φ, tMB(∂x)∇f〉
tMA(∂x)u :=
f,M1tij1 ⊗ ...⊗M#Atij#A
, ji ∈ A.
As in [66], the function
x 7−→
f(x),M1t1 ⊗ ...⊗Mktk
achieves its maximum at xo. Using the notation ΦxiA = Φxiℓ1 ...xiℓr
if A =
{ℓ1, ...ℓr} ⊂ {1, ...k} , we therefore have
gxi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2fxi1 ...xik
fxi1 ...xik
(xo)fxsxi2 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxi1 (xo)
fxi1 ... xs
(xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxij (xo)
∇ΦxiA fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
,∇fxiB (xo)
∇ΦxiA ,
∇fxiB (xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
gxi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2fxi1 ...xik
fxi1 ...xik
(xo)fxs...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxi1 (xo)
fxi1 ... xs
(xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxij (xo)
ΦxiAxsfxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
ΦxiAxsfxiBxs(xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
Now taking summation over i2, ..., ik, we get
gxi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2fxi1 ...xik
fxi1 ...xik
(xo)fxs...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxi1 (xo)
fxi1 ... xs
(xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxij (xo)
ΦxiAxsfxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
ΦxiAxsfxiBxs(xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
Next, we propose to estimate each term of the right hand side of this above
fxi1 ...xik
(xo)fxs...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxi1 (xo)
∇fxi2 ...xik
M1∇fxi2 ...xik
1 HessΦM1t1
1 HessΦM1t1
f2xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
Similarly, it is easy to see that
fxi1 ... xs
(xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2Φxsxij (xo)
≥ (k − 1)δ0
f2xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
To estimate the last two terms, we have
∣ΦxiAxsfxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
f2xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
∣ΦxiAxsρ(i1, ..., ik)fxiBxs(xo)
To estimate the second factor of the right hand side of this last above inequality,
we have
∣ΦxiAxs(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)fxiBxs(xo)
ΦxiAxs(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)fxiBxs(xo)
2(i1, ..., ik)
ρ2(i1, ..., ik)f
2κd({ij :j∈A},Sg)
e2κd({ij :j∈B}∪{s},Sg)f2xiBxs
≤ Ck.
This last inequality above follows from the induction assumption and that of
ΦxiAxsfxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
≥ −Ck
f2xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
Similarly, we have
ΦxiAxsfxiBxs(xo)fxi1 ...xik (xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
≥ −Ck
f2xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
We then finally get
gxi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2fxi1 ...xik
≥ kδo
f2xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
2 = 0
then there is nothing to prove, otherwise we have, after using Cauchy-Schwartz
and dividing by
f2xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
xi1 ...xik
(xo)ρ(i1, ..., ik)
g2xi1 ...xik
+ Ck,g
≤ Ck,g. �
3 Relaxing the Assumptions of Compact sup-
As in [8], we consider the family cutoff functions
χ = χε (22)
(ε ∈ [0, 1]) in C∞o (R) with value in [0, 1] such that
χ = 1 for |t| ≤ ε−1
∣ ≤ Ck
for k ∈ N .
We then introduce
Ψε(x) = χε(|x|)Ψ(x) x ∈ R
Λ (23)
gε(x) = χε(|x|)g(x) x ∈ R
. (24)
A straightforward computation (see [66]) shows that Ψε(x) and gε(x).satisfy
|∂α∇Ψε| ≤ Cα +Oα,Λ(ε), ∀α ∈ N
|Λ|. (25)
|∂α∇gε| ≤ Cα +Oα,Λ(ε), ∀α ∈ N
, (26)
and that
M−1HessΦε(x)M ≥ δ
, 0 < δ′ < 1. in the sense of (17) (27)
It then only remains to check that
Ψ2εxjxi1 ...xik
(x)e2κd({i1,...,ik},Sg) ≤ Ck + Ok,Λ(ε) ∀x ∈ R
Λ, ∀k ≥ 2
where Ck is a positive constant that does not depend on f and Λ.
Ψε(x) = χε(r)Ψ(x)
Let α be such that |α| ≥ 3. Using Leibniz’s formula, we have
|∂αΨε| ≤
∣ (29)
≤ |∂αχε(r)Ψ|+ |∂
β 6=0
∣ . (30)
Assuming that Ψ(0) = 0 and write
Ψ(x) =
x ·∇Ψ(sx)ds
|∂αχε(r)Ψ(x)| ≤
αχε(r)Ψxj1 (sx)
≤ C |r∂αχε(r)| .
Now using the fact that
χε(r) = Oα(ε),
we have
|∂αχε(r)Ψ(x)| = Oα,Λ(ε).
Finally, using the fact that
χε(r) = Oβ(ε) for every |β| ≥ 1, (31)
it is then easy to see that
β 6=0
= Oα,Λ(ε). (32)
Ψ2εxjxi1 ...xik
(x)e2κd({i1,...,ik},Sg) ≤ Ck,g+ Ok,Λ(ε) ∀x ∈ R
Λ, ∀k ≥ 2.
Now using the arguments developed in [8] (see also [66]) about the conver-
gence of the corresponding solutions as ε → 0, we obtain:
Proposition 3 If g(0) = Ψ(0) = 0, then Proposition 2 holds without the as-
sumptions of compact support on Ψ and g.
4 The n-Point Correlation Functions
The higher order correlation is defined as
〈g1, ..., gk〉 := 〈(g1 − 〈g1〉) ... (gk − 〈gk〉)〉 . (34)
For simplicity we shall take k = 3 and Φ is as in proposition 2.
Let g1, g2, and g3 be smooth functions satisfying (15) and fi i = 1, 2, 3 shall
denote the unique solution of the system
−∆fi +∇Φ ·∇fi = gi − 〈gi〉
〈fi〉L2(µ) = 0.
Recall that
∇fi = A
Φ ∇gi.
For an arbitrary smooth function c, it is easy to see that
〈c(x) (gi − 〈gi〉)〉 = 〈∇fi ·∇c〉 .
A direct computation shows that
〈g1, g2,g3〉 = 〈∇f3 · (Hessf1)∇g2〉+ 〈∇f3 · (Hessg2)∇f1〉
+ 〈∇f2 · (Hessf1)∇g3〉+ 〈∇f2 · (Hessg3)∇f1〉 .
Let us now estimate each term of the right and side of this equality.
Using Cauchy-Schwartz, and proposition 2, it is easy to see that
|〈∇f3 · (Hessf1)∇g2〉| ≤ Ce
−κ1d(Sg2 ,Sg1)
|〈∇f3 · (Hessg2)∇f1〉| ≤ Ce
−κ1d(Sg2 ,Sg1),
|〈∇f2 · (Hessf1)∇g3〉| ≤ Ce
−κ1d(Sg3 ,Sg1)
|〈∇f2 · (Hessg3)∇f1〉| ≤ Ce
−κ1d(Sg3 ,Sg1)
Here the constants C only depends on the size of the support of the gi’s. and
κ1 > 0.
|〈g1, g2,g3〉| ≤ C
−κ1d(Sg2 ,Sg1) + e−κ1d(Sg3 ,Sg1)
If g1 = xi, g2 = xj , and g3 = xk, we obtain
|〈(xi − 〈xi〉) (xj − 〈xj〉) (xk − 〈xk〉)〉| ≤ C
e−κ1d(i,j) + e−κ1d(i,k)
Thus if d > 1, we obtain this weak exponential decay of the truncated correla-
tions in the sense that the exponential decay occurs as you simultaneously pull
the spins away from a fixed one. Note that in the one dimensional case, we
obtain a stronger exponential decay due to the fact that
i ≤ j ≤ k =⇒ d(i, k) = d(i, j) + d(j, k).
This was already pointed out in [8].
5 The Analyticity of the Pressure
In this section, we attempt to study a direct method for the analyticity of the
pressure for certain classical convex unbounded spin systems. It is central in
Statistical Mechanics to study the differentiability or even the analyticity of the
pressure with respect to some distinguished thermodynamic parameters such as
temperature, chemical potential or external field. In fact the analytic behavior of
the pressure is the classical thermodynamic indicator for the absence or existence
of phase transition. The most famous result on the analyticity of the pressure
is the circle theorem of Lee and Yang [28]. This theorem asserts the following:
consider a {−1, 1}−valued spin system with ferromagnetic pair interaction and
external field h and regard the quantity z = eh as a complex parameter, then all
zeroes of all partition functions (with free boundary condition), considered as
functions of z lie in the complex unit circle. This theorem readily implies that
the pressure is an analytic function of h in the region h > 0 and h < 0. Heilmann
[29] showed that the assumption of pair interaction is necessary. A transparent
approach to the circle theorem was found by Asano [30] and developed further by
Ruelle [31],[32], Slawny [33], and Gruber et al [34]. Griffiths [35] and Griffiths-
Simon [36] found a method of extending the Lee-Yang theorem to real-valued
spin systems with a particular type of a priory measure. Newman [37] proved
the Lee-Yang theorem for every a priory measure which satisfies this theorem in
the particular case of no interaction. Dunlop [38],[39] studied the zeroes of the
partition functions for the plane rotor model. A general Lee-Yang theorem for
multicomponent systems was finally proved by Lieb and Sokal [40]. For further
references see Glimm and Jaffe [41].
The Lee-Yang theorem and its variants depend on the ferromagnetic char-
acter of the interaction. There are various other way of proving the infinite
differentiability or the analyticity of the pressure for (ferromagnetic and non
ferromagnetic) systems at high temperatures, or at low temperatures, or at
large external fields. Most of these take advantage of a sufficiently rapid decay
of correlations and /or cluster expansion methods. Here is a small sample of rele-
vant references. Bricmont, Lebowitz and Pfister [42], Dobroshin [43], Dobroshin
and Sholsman [44],[45], Duneau et al [46],[47],[48], Glimm and Jaffe [41],[49], Is-
rael [50], Kotecky and Preiss [51], Kunz [52], Lebowitz [53],[54], Malyshev [55],
Malychev and Milnos [56] and Prakash [57]. M. Kac and J.M. Luttinger [58]
obtained a formula for the pressure in terms of irreducible distribution functions.
We propose a new way of analyzing the analyticity of the pressure for certain
unbounded models through a representation by means of the Witten Laplacians
of the coefficients in the Taylor series expansion. The methods known up to
now rely on complicated indirect arguments.
6 Towards the analyticity of the Pressure
Let Λ be a finite domain in Zd (d ≥ 1) and consider the Hamiltonian of the
phase space given by,
Φ(x) = ΦΛ(x) =
+ Ψ(x), x ∈ RΛ. (36)
|∂α∇Ψ| ≤ Cα, ∀α ∈ N
|Λ|, (37)
HessΦ(x) ≥ δo, 0 < δo < 1. (38)
Let g is a smooth function on RΓ with lattice support Sg = Γ. We identified
with g̃ defined on RΛ by
g̃(x) = g(xΓ) where x = (xi)i∈Λ and xΓ = (xi)i∈Γ (39)
and satisfying
|∂α∇g| ≤ Cα ∀α ∈ N
|Γ| (40)
Under the additional assumptions that Ψ is compactly supported in RΛ and g is
compactly supported in RΓ, it was proved in [66] (see also [8]) that the equation
−∆f +∇Φ ·∇f = g − 〈g〉
〈f〉L2(µ) = 0
has a unique smooth solution satisfying ∇kf(x) → 0 as |x| → ∞ for every
k ≥ 1.
Recall also that ∇f is a solution of the system
(−∆+∇Φ ·∇)∇f +HessΦ∇f = ∇g in RΛ. (41)
As in [66] and [8], these assumptions will be relaxed later on.
ΦtΛ(x) = Φ(x) − tg(x), (42)
where x = (xi)i∈Λ, and assume additionally that g satisfies
Hessg ≤ C. (43)
We consider the following perturbation
θΛ(t) = log
. (44)
Denote by
Λ(x) (45)
< · >t,Λ=
· dxe−Φ
. (46)
7 Parameter Dependency of the Solution
From the assumptions made on Φ and g, it is easy to see that there exists T > 0
such that or every t ∈ [0, T ), ΦtΛ(x) satisfies all the assumptions required for the
solvability, regularity and asymptotic behavior of the solution f(t) associated
with the potential ΦtΛ(x). Thus, each t ∈ [0, T ) is associated with a unique
C∞−solution, f(t) of the equation
f(t) = g − 〈g〉
〈f(t)〉L2(µ) = 0.
v(t) = ∇g (47)
where v(t) = ∇f(t). Notice that the map
t 7−→ v(t)
is well defined and
{v(t) : t ∈ [0, T )}
is a family of smooth solutions on RΛ satisfying
∂αv(t) → 0 as |x| → ∞ ∀α ∈ N|Λ| and for each t ∈ [0, T )
and corresponding to the family of potential
ΦtΛ : t ∈ [0, T )
. (48)
Let us now verify that v is a smooth function of t ∈ (0, T ).We need to prove
that for each t ∈ (0, T ), the limit
v(t+ ε)− v(t)
exists. Let
vε(t) =
v(t + ε)− v(t)
We use a technique based on regularity estimates to get a uniform control of
vε(t) with respect to ε.
With ε small enough, we have
0 = −∆
v(t+ ε)− v(t)
∇Φt+ε ·∇v(t+ ε)−∇Φt ·∇v(t)
HessΦt+εv(t+ ε)−HessΦtv(t)
v(t + ε)− v(t)
∇Φt+ε ·∇ [v(t + ε)− v(t)]
v(t + ε)− v(t)
HessΦt+ε −HessΦt
∇Φt+ε −∇Φt
= Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)
−∆vε(t) +∇Φt+ε ·∇vε(t) +HessΦt+εvε(t)
= Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)
Let w(t) be the unique C∞−solution of the system
−∆w(t) +∇Φt ·∇w(t) +HessΦtw(t) = Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t). (49)
Recall that the unitary transformation UΦt+ε, allows us to reduce
−∆vε(t) +∇Φt+ε ·∇vε(t) +HessΦt+εvε(t)
= Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)
into (
Vε +HessΦt+εVε =
[Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
where Vε = vε(t)e−Φ
Remark 4 This unitary transformation already mentioned in the introduction
was introduced in the proof of the existence of solution (see [66] ) to avoid work-
ing with the weighted spaces L2(RΛ,RΛ, e−Φdx). The proof was based on Hilbert
space method. The method consists of determining an appropriate function space
and an operator which is a natural realization of the problem. In this particular
problem, the function spaces to be considered are the Sobolev spaces BkΦ(R
defined by
u ∈ L2(RΛ) : ZℓΦ∂
αu ∈ L2(RΛ) ∀ ℓ+ |α| ≤ k
These are subspaces of the well known Sobolev spaces W k,2(RΛ), k ∈ N.
Taking scalar product with Vε on both sides of (51), we get
HessΦt+εVε ·Vεdx =
[Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
t+ε/2 ·Vεdx.
Now using the uniform strict convexity on the left hand side and Cauchy-
Schwartz on the right hand side, we obtain
‖Vε‖B0 ≤ Ct for small enough ε. (54)
We then deduce that
Vε = q̃ε (55)
q̃ε = [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e
Vε −HessΦt+εVε (56)
is bounded in B0 uniformly with respect to ε for ε small enough.
Taking again scalar product with Vε on both sides of (55) and integrating
by parts, we obtain
≤ ‖q̃ε‖L2 ‖V
ε‖L2 (57)
It follows that Vε is uniformly bounded with respect to ε in B1
for ε small
Next, observe that
Vε = q̂ε (58)
q̂ε = q̃ε −
|∇Φt+ε −∇Φt|
(∇Φt+ε −∇Φt) ·∇Φt
Vε (59)
= q̃ε −
ε2 |∇g|
ε∇g ·∇Φt
Vε (60)
is uniformly bounded in B0 with respect to ε for small enough ε. Using regu-
larity, it follows that for small enough ε, Vε is uniformly bounded in B2Φt with
respect to ε.This implies that q̂ε is uniformly bounded in B
Φt for ε small enough.
Again, we can continue by a bootstrap argument to consequently get that for ε
small enough, Vε is uniformly bounded in BkΦt with respect to ε for any k.
V = w(t)e−Φ
We have (
V +HessΦtV
= [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
. (61)
Now combining this equation with (51), we obtain
(Vε −V) +HessΦt (Vε −V)
= − [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
t/2 + [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
+(HessΦt −HessΦt+ε)Vε.
Now let us check that for small enough ε, the right hand side of (62) is O(ε)
in B0.
For the first term, we have
− [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
t/2 + [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
= [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
eεg/2 − 1
[Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] ge−Φ
Thus for ε small enough
∥− [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e
−Φt/2 + [Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)] e−Φ
≤ Cε.
For the second term, we have
∣+ ε |∇g|
Using now the fact that Vε is uniformly bounded in BkΦt with respect to ε
for any k, we see that the second term of the right hand side of (62) is O(ε)
in B0Φt . The last two terms of the right hand side of (62) are obviously O(ε) in
B0Φt .
From the same regularity argument as above, we get that Vε −V is O(ε) in
B2Φt . Again iterating the regularity argument, we obtain that for small enough
ε, Vε −V is O(ε) in BkΦt for every k. We have proved:
Proposition 5 Under the above assumptions on Φ and g, there exists T > 0
so that for each t ∈ (0, T ), vε(t) converges to w(t) in C∞.
Remark 6 The proposition establishes that v(t) is differentiable in t and
is given by the unique C∞−solution w(t) of the system
−∆w(t) +∇Φt ·∇w(t) +HessΦtw(t) = Hessgv(t)−∇g ·∇v(t). (63)
Iterating this argument, we easily get that, v(t) is smooth in t ∈ (0, T ).
Now we are ready for the following:
8 A Formula for the Taylor Coefficients
First observe that for an arbitrary suitable function f(t) = f(t, w)
< f(t) >t,Λ=< f
′(t) >t,Λ +cov(f, g). (64)
< f(t) >t,Λ=< f
′(t) >t,Λ + < A
(∇f) ·∇g >t,Λ . (65)
Agf := A
(∇f) ·∇g. (66)
< f(t) >t,Λ=<
f >t,Λ . (67)
The linear operator
+Ag will be denoted by Hg.
To obtain a formula for the coefficients in the Taylor expansion of
θΛ(t) = log
, (68)
we first the derivatives of θΛ(t) in terms of Hg
Λ(t) =< g >t,Λ=<
g >t,Λ=< H
gg >t,Λ;
Λ(t) =
< g >t,Λ=< A
(∇g) ·∇g >t,Λ=<
g >t,Λ;
Λ (t) =
(∇g) ·∇g >t,Λ=<
(∇g) ·∇g
(∇g) ·∇g
·∇g >t,Λ
g >t,Λ .
By induction it is easy to see that
Λ (t) =<
g >t,Λ=< H
g g >t,Λ (∀n ≥ 1)
Next, we propose to find a simpler formula for θ
Λ (t) that only involves Ag.
Hgg = A
Φt (∇g) ·∇g
= Agg
∇f ·∇g +
Φt (∇g) ·∇g
·∇g (69)
where f satisfies the equation
∇f = A
(∇g) . (70)
With v(t) = ∇f, as before, we get
∇f ·∇g = A
Φt (Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)) ·∇g
and H2g becomes
H2gg = A
(Hessgv(t) +∇g ·∇v(t)) +∇
(∇g) ·∇g
2∇ (Agg) ·∇g
= 2A2gg.
Proposition 7 If
θΛ(t) = log
Φt(x) = ΦΛ(x)− tg(x)
is as above then θ
Λ (t), the nth− derivative of θΛ(t) is given by the formula
Λ(t) =< g >t,Λ,
and for n ≥ 1
Λ (t) = (n− 1)! < A
g g >t,Λ .
Proof. We have already established that
Λ (t) =< H
g g >t,Λ for n ≥ 1.
It then only remains to prove that
Hn−1g g = (n− 1)!A
g g for n ≥ 1.
The result is already established above for n = 1, 2, 3, . By induction, assume
Hn−1g g = (n− 1)!A
g g .
if n is replaced by ñ ≤ n.
g g =
(n− 1)!An−1g g
= (n− 1)!
An−1g g +A
An−1g g =
An−2g g
= ∇ϕn ·∇g
∇ϕn =
We obtain,
∇ϕn = A
∇An−2g g +Hessg∇ϕn +∇g ·∇ (∇ϕn)
We then have
An−1g g =
∇ϕn ·∇g
∇An−2g g +Hessg∇ϕn +∇g ·∇ (∇ϕn)
∇An−2g g +∇ (∇ϕn ·∇g)
An−2g g +Ag
An−2g g
= AgHg
= AgHg
(n− 2)!
H(n−2)g g
(from the induction hypothesis)
(n− 2)!
(n− 2)!
(n− 1)!An−1g g
(still by the induction hypothesis)
= (n− 1)Ang g.
Hng g = (n− 1)! (n− 1 + 1)A
= n!Ang g
Proposition 8 If g(0) = 0, then the formula
Λ (t) = (n− 1)! < A
g g >t,Λ, n ≥ 2
still holds if we no longer require Ψ and g to be compactly supported in RΛ.
Proof. As in [8], consider the family cutoff functions
χ = χε (71)
(ε ∈ [0, 1]) in C∞o (R) with value in [0, 1] such that
χ = 1 for |t| ≤ ε−1
∣ ≤ Ck
for k ∈ N
We could take for instance
χε(t) = f(ε ln |t|)
for a suitable f .
We then introduce
Ψε(x) = χε(|x|)Ψ, x ∈ R
Λ (72)
gε(x) = χε(|x|)g x ∈ R
Γ (73)
One can check that both Ψε(x) and gε(x) satisfies the assumptions made above
on Ψ and g. Now consider the equation
−∆fε +∇Φ
ε ·∇fε = gε− < gε >t,Λ. (74)
which implies
−∆+∇Φtε ·∇
⊗ vε +HessΦ
εvε = ∇gε (75)
vε= ∇fε
It was proved in [8] that vε = A
∇gε converges in C
∞ to A
∇g as
ε → 0.
Proposition 9 Let
PΛ(t) =
be the finite volume Pressure.
Denote by an (n ≥ 2) the nth Taylor coefficient. We have
< An−1g g >Λ
n |Λ|
Remark 10 This formula for an gives a direction towards proving the analytic-
ity of the pressure in the thermodynamic limit. In fact one only needs to provide
a suitable Cn estimate for < An−1g g >Λ .
9 Some Consequences of the Formula for nth−Derivative
of the Pressure.
In the following, we shall additionally assume that
∇g(0) = 0, and
∇ΦtΛ(0) = 0 for all t ∈ [0, T ).
When n = 1, we recall that A0gg = g,
Λ(t) =< g >t,Λ
and if
v(t) = ∇f = A
then we have
−∆+∇ΦtΛ ·∇
⊗ v(t) +HessΦtΛv(t) = ∇g
Again the tensor notation means that (−∆+∇ΦtΛ ·∇) acts diagonally on the
components of v(t).
As in [8] v(t) is a solution of the equation
g =< g >t,Λ +v(t) ·∇Φ
Λ − divv(t). (76)
Using the assumptions above, we have
Λ(t) = < g >t,Λ
= divv(t)(0).
Similarly, the formula
Λ (t) = (n− 1)! < A
g g >t,Λ,
implies that
Λ (t) = (n− 1)!divvn(t)(0),
vn(t) = A
An−1g g
Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Professor. Haru Pinson and Pro-
fessor. Tom Kennedy for accepting to discuss with me the ideas developed in
this paper. I also would like to acknowledge Professor Bruno Nachtergaele for
his constructive suggestions and all members of the mathematical physics group
at the University of Arizona for their support.
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Higher Order Exponential Estimates
Relaxing the Assumptions of Compact support
The n-Point Correlation Functions
The Analyticity of the Pressure
Towards the analyticity of the Pressure
Parameter Dependency of the Solution
A Formula for the Taylor Coefficients
Some Consequences of the Formula for nth-Derivative of the Pressure.
0704.1333 | A dynamical version of the Mordell-Lang conjecture for the additive
Abstract. We prove a dynamical version of the Mordell-Lang conjecture in
the context of Drinfeld modules. We use analytic methods similar to the
ones employed by Skolem, Chabauty and Coleman for studying diophantine
1. Introduction
Faltings proved the Mordell-Lang conjecture in the following form (see [Fal94]).
Theorem 1.1 (Faltings). Let G be an abelian variety defined over the field of
complex numbers C. Let X ⊂ G be a closed subvariety and Γ ⊂ G(C) a finitely
generated subgroup of G(C). Then X(C)∩Γ is a finite union of cosets of subgroups
of Γ.
In particular, Theorem 1.1 says that an irreducible subvariety X of an abelian
variety G has a Zariski dense intersection with a finitely generated subgroup of
G(C) only if X is a translate of an algebraic subgroup of G. We also note that
Faltings result was generalized to semiabelian varieties G by Vojta (see [Voj96]),
and then to finite rank subgroups Γ of G by McQuillan (see [McQ95]).
If we try to formulate the Mordell-Lang conjecture in the context of algebraic
subvarieties contained in a power of the additive group scheme Ga, the conclusion
is either false (in the characteristic 0 case, as shown by the curve y = x2 which
has an infinite intersection with the finitely generated subgroup Z × Z, without
being itself a translate of an algebraic subgroup of G2a) or it is trivially true (in
the characteristic p > 0 case, because every finitely generated subgroup of a power
of Ga is finite). Denis [Den92a] formulated a Mordell-Lang conjecture for powers
of Ga in characteristic p in the context of Drinfeld modules. Denis replaced the
finitely generated subgroup from the usual Mordell-Lang statement with a finitely
generated φ-submodule, where φ is a Drinfeld module. He also strengthened the
conclusion of the Mordell-Lang statement by asking that the subgroups whose cosets
are contained in the intersection of the algebraic variety with the finitely generated
φ-submodule be actually φ-submodules. The first author proved several cases of the
Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture in [Ghi05] and [Ghi06b].
In the present paper we investigate other cases of the Denis-Mordell-Lang con-
jecture through methods different from the ones employed in [Ghi05]. In partic-
ular, we prove the Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture in the case where the finitely
generated φ-module is cyclic and the Drinfeld modules are defined over a field of
transcendence degree equal to one (this is our Theorem 2.5). Note that [Ghi05] and
Key words and phrases. Drinfeld module, Polynomial Dynamics.
The second author was partially supported by National Security Agency Grant 06G-067.
[Ghi06b] treat only the case where the transcendence degree of the field of definition
is greater than one. One of the methods employed in [Ghi05] (and whose outcome
was later used in [Ghi06b]) was specializations; hence the necessity of dealing with
fields of transcendence degree greater than one. By contrast, the techniques used
in this paper are more akin to those used in treating diophantine problems over
number fields (see [Cha41], [Col85], or [BS66, Chapter 4.6], for example), where
such specialization arguments are also not available. So, making a parallel between
the classical Mordell-Lang conjecture and the Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture, we
might say that the papers [Ghi05] and [Ghi06b] deal with the “function field case”,
while our present paper deals with the “number field case” of the Denis conjecture.
Moreover, using specializations (as in [Hru98] and [Ghi05]), our Theorem 2.5 can be
extended to Drinfeld modules defined over fields of arbitrary finite transcendence
We also note that recently there has been significant progress on establishing ad-
ditional links between classical diophantine results over number fields and similar
statements for Drinfeld modules. The first author proved in [Ghi06a] an equidis-
tribution statement for torsion points of a Drinfeld module, which is similar to the
equidistribution statement established by Szpiro-Ullmo-Zhang [SUZ97] (which was
later extended by Zhang [Zha98] to a full proof of the famous Bogomolov conjec-
ture). Bosser [Bos99] proved a lower bound for linear forms in logarithms at an
infinite place associated to a Drinfeld module (similar to the classical result obtained
by Baker [Bak75] for usual logarithms, or by David [Dav95] for elliptic logarithms).
Bosser’s result was used by the authors in [GT06a] to establish certain equidistribu-
tion and integrality statements for Drinfeld modules. Moreover, Bosser’s result is
quite possibly true also for linear forms in logarithms at finite places for a Drinfeld
module. Assuming this last statement, the authors proved in [GT06b] the analog of
Siegel’s theorem for finitely generated φ-submodules. We believe that our present
paper provides an additional proof of the fact that the Drinfeld modules represent
the right arithmetic analog in characteristic p for abelian varieties in characteristic
The idea behind the proof of our Theorem 2.5 can be explained quite simply.
Assuming that an affine variety V ⊂ Gga has infinitely many points in common with
a cyclic φ-submodule Γ, we can find then a suitable submodule Γ0 ⊂ Γ whose coset
lies in V . Indeed, applying the logarithmic map (associated to a suitable place
v) to Γ0 yields a line in the vector space C
v. Each polynomial f that vanishes
on V , then gives rise to an analytic function F on this line (by composing with
the exponential function). Because we assumed there are infinitely many points in
V ∩ Γ, the zeros of F must have an accumulation point on this line, which means
that F vanishes identically on the line. This means that there is an entire translate
of Γ0 contained in the zero locus of f . The inspiration for this idea comes from
the method employed by Chabauty in [Cha41] (and later refined by Coleman in
[Col85]) to study the intersection of a curve C of genus g, embedded in its Jacobian
J , with a finitely generated subgroup of J of rank less than g. Our technique also
bears a resemblance to Skolem’s method for treating diophantine equations (see
[BS66, Chapter 4.6]).
Alternatively, our results can be interpreted purely from the point of view of
polynomial dynamics, as we describe the intersection of affine varieties with the
iterates of a point in the affine space under polynomial actions on each coordinate.
In this paper we will treat the case of affine varieties embedded in Gga, while the
polynomial action (on each coordinate of Gga) will always be given by Drinfeld
modules. The more general problem of studying intersections of affine varieties with
the iterates of a point in affine space under polynomial actions over number fields or
function fields appears to be quite difficult. To our knowledge, very little about this
question has been proven except in the case of multiplication maps on semiabelian
varieties (see [Voj96] and [McQ95]). We refer the reader to Section 4 of Zhang’s
notes [Zha06] for a number of algebraic dynamical conjectures that would generalize
well-known arithmetic theorems for semiabelian varieties. Although these notes do
not contain a dynamical analog of the Mordell-Lang conjecture, Zhang has indicated
to us that it might be reasonable to conjecture that if ψ : Y −→ Y is a suitable
morphism of a projective variety Y (one that is “polarized”, to use the terminology
of [Zha06]), then the intersection of the ψ-orbit of a point β with a subvariety V
must be finite if V does not contain a positive dimensional preperiodic subvariety.
We briefly sketch the plan of our paper. In Section 2 we set the notation, describe
the Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture, and then state our main result. In Section 3
we prove this main result (Theorem 2.5), while in Section 4 we prove a couple of
extensions of it (Theorems 4.1 and 4.2).
2. Notation and statement of our main result
All subvarieties appearing in this paper are closed.
2.1. Drinfeld modules. We begin by defining a Drinfeld module. Let p be a
prime and let q be a power of p. Let A := Fq[t], let K be a finite field extension of
Fq(t), and let K be an algebraic closure of K. Let K
sep be the separable closure of
K inside K. We let τ be the Frobenius on Fq, and we extend its action on K. Let
K{τ} be the ring of polynomials in τ with coefficients from K (the addition is the
usual addition, while the multiplication is the composition of functions).
A Drinfeld module is a morphism φ : A → K{τ} for which the coefficient of τ0
in φ(a) =: φa is a for every a ∈ A, and there exists a ∈ A such that φa 6= aτ
The definition given here represents what Goss [Gos96] calls a Drinfeld module of
“generic characteristic”.
We note that usually, in the definition of a Drinfeld module, A is the ring of
functions defined on a projective nonsingular curve C, regular away from a closed
point η ∈ C. For our definition of a Drinfeld module, C = P1
and η is the usual
point at infinity on P1. On the other hand, every ring of regular functions A as
above contains Fq[t] as a subring, where t is a nonconstant function in A.
For every field extension K ⊂ L, the Drinfeld module φ induces an action on
Ga(L) by a∗x := φa(x), for each a ∈ A. We call φ-submodules subgroups of Ga(K)
which are invariant under the action of φ. We define the rank of a φ-submodule Γ
dimFq(t) Γ⊗A Fq(t).
If φ1 : A→ K{τ}, . . . , φg : A→ K{τ} are Drinfeld modules, then (φ1, . . . , φg) acts
on Gga coordinate-wise (i.e. φi acts on the i-th coordinate). We define as above the
notion of a (φ1, . . . , φg)-submodule of G
a; same for its rank.
A point α is torsion for the Drinfeld module action if and only if there exists
Q ∈ A \ {0} such that φQ(α) = 0. The set of all torsion points is denoted by φtor.
2.2. Valuations. Let MFq(t) be the set of places on Fq(t). We denote by v∞ the
place in MFq(t) such that v∞(
) = deg(g) − deg(f) for every nonzero f, g ∈ A =
Fq[t]. We let MK be the set of valuations on K. Then MK is a set of valuations
which satisfies a product formula (see [Ser97, Chapter 2]). Thus
• for each nonzero x ∈ K, there are finitely many v ∈MK such that |x|v 6= 1;
• for each nonzero x ∈ K, we have
|x|v = 1.
Definition 2.1. Each place in MK which lies over v∞ is called an infinite place.
Each place in MK which does not lie over v∞ is called a finite place.
By abuse of notation, we let ∞ ∈MK denote any place extending the place v∞.
For v ∈MK we let Kv be the completion of K with respect to v. Let Cv be the
completion of an algebraic closure of Kv. Then | · |v extends to a unique absolute
value on all of Cv. We fix an embedding of i : K −→ Cv. For x ∈ K, we denote
|i(x)|v simply as |x|v, by abuse of notation.
2.3. Logarithms and exponentials associated to a Drinfeld module. Let
v ∈ MK . According to Proposition 4.6.7 from [Gos96], there exists an unique
formal power series expφ,v ∈ Cv{τ} such that for every a ∈ A, we have
(2.1.1) φa = expφ,v a exp
In addition, the coefficient of the linear term in expφ,v(X) equals 1. We let logφ,v
be the formal power series exp−1
, which is the inverse of expφ,v.
If v = ∞ is an infinite place, then expφ,∞(x) is convergent for all x ∈ C∞ (see
Theorem 4.6.9 of [Gos96]). There exists a sufficiently small ball B∞ centered at
the origin such that expφ,∞ is an isometry on B∞ (see Lemma 3.6 of [GT06a]).
Hence, logφ,∞ is convergent on B∞. Moreover, the restriction of logφ,∞ on B∞ is
an analytic isometry (see also Proposition 4.14.2 of [Gos96]).
If v is a finite place, then expφ,v is convergent on a sufficiently small ball Bv ⊂ Cv
(this follows identically as the proof of the analyticity of expφ,∞ from Theorem 4.6.9
of [Gos96]). Similarly as in the above paragraph, at the expense of replacing Bv by
a smaller ball, we may assume expφ,v is an isometry on Bv. Hence, also logφ,v is
an analytic isometry on Bv.
For every place v ∈ MK , for every x ∈ Bv and for every polynomial a ∈ A, we
have (see (2.1.1))
(2.1.2) a logφ,v(x) = logφ,v(φa(x)) and expφ,v(ax) = φa(expφ,v(x)).
By abuse of language, expφ,∞ and expφ,v will be called exponentials, while logφ,∞
and logφ,v will be called logarithms.
2.4. Integrality and reduction.
Definition 2.2. A Drinfeld module φ has good reduction at a place v if for each
nonzero a ∈ A, all coefficients of φa are v-adic integers and the leading coefficient
of φa is a v-adic unit. If φ does not have good reduction at v, then we say that φ
has bad reduction at v.
It is immediate to see that φ has good reduction at v if and only if all coefficients
of φt are v-adic integers, while the leading coefficient of φt is a v-adic unit. All
infinite places of K are places of bad reduction for φ.
2.5. The Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture. Let g be a positive integer.
Definition 2.3. Let φ1 : A→ K{τ}, . . . , φg : A→ K{τ} be Drinfeld modules. An
algebraic (φ1, . . . , φg)-submodule of G
a is an irreducible algebraic subgroup of G
invariant under the action of (φ1, . . . , φg).
Denis proposed in Conjecture 2 of [Den92a] the following problem, which we call
the full Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture because it asks for the description of the
intersection of an affine variety with a finite rank φ-module (as opposed to only
a finitely generated φ-module). Recall that a φ-module M is said to be a finite
rank φ-module if it contains a finitely generated φ-submodule such that M/M ′ is
a torsion φ-module.
Conjecture 2.4 (The full Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture). Let φ1 : A→ K{τ}, . . . , φg :
A → K{τ} be Drinfeld modules. Let V ⊂ Gga be an affine variety defined over K.
Let Γ be a finite rank (φ1, . . . , φg)-submodule of G
a(K). Then there exist algebraic
(φ1, . . . , φg)-submodules B1, . . . , Bl of G
a and there exist γ1, . . . , γl ∈ Γ such that
V (K) ∩ Γ =
(γi +Bi(K)) ∩ Γ.
In [Den92a], Denis showed that under certain natural Galois theoretical assump-
tions, Conjecture 2.4 would follow from the weaker conjecture which would describe
the intersection of an affine variety with a finitely generated φ-module.
Since then, the case Γ is the product of the torsion submodules of each φi was
proved by Scanlon in [Sca02], while various other instances of Conjecture 2.4 were
worked out in [Ghi05] and [Ghi06b]. We note that Denis asked his conjecture also
for t-modules, which includes the case of products of distinct Drinfeld modules
acting on Gga.
For the sake of simplifying the notation, we denote by φ the action of (φ1, . . . , φg)
on Gga. We also note that if V is an irreducible affine subvariety of G
a which has a
Zariski dense intersection with a finite rank φ-submodule Γ of Gga, then the Denis-
Mordell-Lang conjecture predicts that V is a translate of an algebraic φ-submodule
of Gga by a point in Γ. In particular, if V is an irreducible affine curve, which is not
a translate of an algebraic φ-submodule, then its intersection with any finite rank
φ-submodule of Gga should be finite.
In [Ghi05], the first author studied the Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture for Drin-
feld modules whose field of definition (for their coefficients) is of transcendence
degree at least equal to 2. The methods employed in [Ghi05] involve specializa-
tions, and so, it was crucial for the φ there not to be isomorphic with a Drinfeld
module defined over Fq(t). In the present paper we will study precisely this case
left out in [Ghi05] and [Ghi06b]. Our methods depend crucially on the hypothesis
that the transcendence degree of the field generated by the coefficients of φi is one,
since we use the fact that at each place v, the number of residue classes in the ring
of integers at v is finite.
The main result of our paper is describing the intersection of an affine subvariety
V ⊂ Gga with a cyclic φ-submodule Γ of G
Theorem 2.5. Let K be a function field of transcendence degree equal to one. Let
φ1 : A→ K{τ}, . . . , φg : A→ K{τ} be Drinfeld modules. Let (x1, . . . , xg) ∈ G
and let Γ ⊂ Gga(K) be the cyclic (φ1, . . . , φg)-submodule generated by (x1, . . . , xg).
Let V ⊂ Gga be an affine subvariety defined over K. Then V (K) ∩ Γ is a finite
union of cosets of (φ1, . . . , φg)-submodules of Γ.
Using an idea from [Ghi06b], we are able to extend the above result to (φ1, . . . , φg)-
submodules of rank 1 (see our Theorem 4.2) in the special case where V is a curve.
3. Proofs of our main results
We continue with the notation from Section 2. Hence φ1, . . . , φg are Drinfeld
modules. We denote by φ the action of (φ1, . . . , φg) on G
a. Also, let (x1, . . . , xg) ∈
a(K) and let Γ be the cyclic φ-submodule of G
a(K) generated by (x1, . . . , xg).
Unless otherwise stated, V ⊂ Gga is an affine subvariety defined over K.
We first prove an easy combinatorial result which we will use in the proof of
Theorem 2.5.
Lemma 3.1. Let Γ be a cyclic φ-submodule of Gga(K). Let Γ0 be a nontrivial φ-
submodule of Γ, and let S ⊂ Γ be an infinite set. Suppose that for every infinite
subset S0 ⊂ S, there exists a coset C0 of Γ0 such that C0 ∩ S0 6= ∅ and C0 ⊂ S.
Then S is a finite union of cosets of φ-submodules of Γ.
Proof. Since S is infinite, Γ is infinite, and thus Γ is torsion-free. Therefore, Γ is an
infinite cyclic φ-module, which is isomorphic to A (as a module over itself). Hence,
via this isomorphism, Γ0 is isomorphic to a nontrivial ideal I of A. Since A/I is
finite (recall that A = Fq[t]), there are finitely many cosets of Γ0 in Γ. Thus, S
contains at most finitely many cosets of Γ0.
Now, let {yi+Γ0}
i=1 be all of the cosets of Γ0 that are contained in S. Suppose
(3.1.1) S0 := S \
(yi + Γ0) is infinite.
Then using the hypotheses of this Lemma for S0, we see that there is a coset of
Γ0 that is contained in S but is not one of the cosets (yi + Γ0) (because it has a
nonempty intersection with S0). This contradicts the fact that {yi + Γ0}
i=1 are
all the cosets of Γ0 that are contained in S. Therefore S0 must be finite. Since
any finite subset of Γ is a finite union of cosets of the trivial submodule of Γ, this
completes our proof. �
We will also use the following Lemma in the proof of Theorem 2.5.
Lemma 3.2. Let θ : A → K{τ} and ψ : A → K{τ} be Drinfeld modules. Let
v be a place of good reduction for θ and ψ. Let x, y ∈ Cv. Let 0 < rv < 1,
and let Bv := {z ∈ Cv | |z|v < rv} be a sufficiently small ball centered at the
origin with the property that both logθ,v and logψ,v are analytic isometries on Bv.
Then for every polynomials P,Q ∈ A such that (θP (x), ψP (y)) ∈ Bv × Bv and
(θQ(x), ψQ(y)) ∈ Bv ×Bv, we have
logθ,v(θP (x)) · logψ,v(ψQ(y)) = logθ,v(θQ(x)) · logψ,v(ψP (y)).
Proof. Since v is a place of good reduction for θ, all the coefficients of θQ are v-adic
integers and thus, |θQ(θP (x))|v ≤ |θP (x)|v < rv (we use the fact that |θP (x)|v <
rv < 1, and so, each term of θQ(θP (x)) has its absolute value at most equal to
|θP (x)|v). Using (2.1.2), we conclude that
Q · logθ,v(θP (x)) = logθ,v(θQP (x)) = logθ,v(θPQ(x)) = P · logθ,v(θQ(x)).
Similarly we obtain that Q · logψ,v(ψP (x)) = P · logψ,v(ψQ(x)). This concludes the
proof of Lemma 3.2. �
The following result is an immediate corollary of Lemma 3.2.
Corollary 3.3. With the notation as in Theorem 2.5, assume in addition that
x1 /∈ (φ1)tor. Let v be a place of good reduction for each φi. Suppose Bv is a small
ball (of radius less than 1) centered at the origin such that each logφi,v is an analytic
isometry on Bv. Then for each i ∈ {2, . . . , g}, the fractions
λi :=
logφi,v ((φi)P (xi))
logφ1,v ((φ1)P (x1))
are independent of the choice of the nonzero polynomial P ∈ A for which φP (x1, . . . , xg) ∈
Bgv .
The following simple result on zeros of analytic functions can be found in [Gos96,
Proposition 2.1, p. 42]. We include a short proof for the sake of completeness.
Lemma 3.4. Let F (z) =
i=0 aiz
i be a power series with coefficients in Cv that
is convergent in an open disc B of positive radius around the point z = 0. Suppose
that F is not the zero function. Then the zeros of F in B are isolated.
Proof. Let w be a zero of F in B. We may rewrite F in terms of (z−w) as a power
series F (z) =
i=1 bi(z−w)
i that converges in a disc Bw of positive radius around
w. Let m be the smallest index n such that bn 6= 0.
Because F is convergent in Bw, then there exists a positive real number r such
that for all n > m, we have
∣∣∣ bnbm
< rn−m. Then, for any u ∈ Bw such that
0 < |u − w|v <
, we have |bm(u − w)
m|v > |bn(u − w)
n|v for all n > m. Hence
|F (u)|v = |bm(u − w)
m|v 6= 0. Thus F (u) 6= 0, and so, F has no zeros other than
w in a nonempty open disc around w. �
We are ready to prove Theorem 2.5.
Proof of Theorem 2.5. We may assume V (K) ∩ Γ is infinite (otherwise the conclu-
sion of Theorem 2.5 is obvisouly satisfied). Assuming V (K) ∩ Γ is infinite, we will
show that there exists a nontrivial φ-submodule Γ0 ⊂ Γ such that each infinite sub-
set of points S0 in V (K)∩Γ has a nonempty intersection with a coset C0 of Γ0, and
moreover, C0 ⊂ V (K) ∩ Γ. Then Lemma 3.1 will finish the proof of Theorem 2.5.
First we observe that Γ is not a torsion φ-submodule. Otherwise Γ is finite,
contradicting our assumption that V (K) ∩ Γ is infinite. Hence, from now on, we
assume (without loss of generality) that x1 is not a torsion point for φ1.
We fix a finite set of polynomials {fj}
j=1 ⊂ K[X1, . . . , Xg] which generate the
vanishing ideal of V .
Let v ∈MK be a place of K which is of good reduction for all φi (for 1 ≤ i ≤ g).
In addition, we assume each xi is integral at v (for 1 ≤ i ≤ g). Then for each
P ∈ A, we have
φP (x1, . . . , xg) ∈ G
where ov is the ring of v-adic integers in Kv (the completion of K at v). Because
ov is a compact space (we use the fact that K is a function field of transcendence
degree 1 and thus has a finite residue field at v), we conclude that every infinite
sequence of points φP (x1, . . . , xg) ∈ V (K)∩Γ contains a convergent subsequence in
v. Using Lemma 3.1, it suffices to show that there exists a nontrivial φ-submodule
Γ0 ⊂ Γ such that every convergent sequence of points in V (K)∩Γ has a nonempty
intersection with a coset C0 of Γ0, and moreover, C0 ⊂ V (K) ∩ Γ.
Now, let S0 be an infinite subsequence of distinct points in V (K) ∩ Γ which
converges v-adically to (x0,1, . . . , x0,g) ∈ o
v, let 0 < rv < 1, and let Bv := {z ∈ Cv |
|z|v < rv} be a small ball centered at the origin on which each of the logarithmic
functions logφi,v is an analytic isometry (for 1 ≤ i ≤ g). Since (x0,1, . . . , x0,g) is the
limit point for S0, there exists a d ∈ A and an infinite subsequence {φd+Pn}n≥0 ⊂ S0
(with Pn = 0 if and only if n = 0), such that for each n ≥ 0, we have
∣∣(φi)d+Pn (xi)− x0,i
for each 1 ≤ i ≤ g.
We will show that there exists an algebraic group Y0, independent of S0 and in-
variant under φ, such that φd(x1, . . . , xg) + Y0 is a subvariety of V containing
φd+Pn(x1, . . . , xg) for all Pn. Thus the submodule Γ0 := Y0(K) ∩ Γ will satisfy the
hypothesis of Lemma 3.1 for the infinite subset V (K) ∩ Γ ⊂ Γ; this will yield the
conclusion of Theorem 2.5.
Using (3.4.1) for n = 0 (we recall that P0 = 0), and then for arbitrary n, we see
∣∣(φi)Pn (xi)
for each 1 ≤ i ≤ g.
Hence logφi,v is well-defined at (φi)Pn (xi) for each i ∈ {1, . . . , g} and for each n ≥ 1.
Moreover, the fact that
(φi)Pn+d (xi)
converges to a point in ov means that(
(φi)Pn (xi)
converges to a point which is contained in Bv (see (3.4.2)).
Without loss of generality, we may assume
(3.4.3) | logφ1,v
(φ1)P1 (x1)
| logφi,v
(φi)P1 (xi)
Using the result of Corollary 3.3, we conclude that for each i ∈ {2, . . . , g}, the
following fraction is independent of n and of the sequence {Pn}n:
(3.4.4) λi :=
(φi)Pn (xi)
(φ1)Pn (x1)
Note that since x1 is not a torsion point for φ1, the denominator of λi (3.4.4) is
nonzero. Because of equation (3.4.3), we may conclude that |λi|v ≤ 1 for each i.
The fact that λi is independent of the sequence {Pn}n will be used later to show
that the φ-submodule Γ0 that we construct is independent of the sequence {Pn}n.
For each n ≥ 1 and each 2 ≤ i ≤ g, we have
(3.4.5) logφi,v
(φi)Pn (xi)
= λi · logφ1,v
(φ1)Pn (x1)
For each i, applying the exponential function expφi,v to both sides of (3.4.5) yields
(3.4.6) (φi)Pn (xi) = expφi,v
λi · logφ1,v
(φ1)Pn (x1)
Since φd+Pn (x1, . . . , xg) ∈ V (K), for each j ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ} we have
(3.4.7) fj (φd+Pn(x1, . . . , xg)) = 0 for each n.
For each j ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ} we let fd,j ∈ K[X1, . . . , Xg] be defined by
(3.4.8) fd,j (X1, . . . , Xg) := fj (φd(x1, . . . , xg) + (X1, . . . , Xg)) .
We let Vd ⊂ G
a be the affine subvariety defined by the equations
fd,j(X1, . . . , Xg) = 0 for each j ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ}.
Using (3.4.7) and (3.4.8), we see that for each j ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ} we have
(3.4.9) fd,j (φPn(x1, . . . , xg)) = 0
for each n, and so,
(3.4.10) φPn(x1, . . . , xg) ∈ Vd(K).
For each j ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ}, we let Fd,j(u) be the analytic function defined on Bv by
Fd,j(u) := fd,j
u, expφ2,v
λ2 logφ1,v(u)
, . . . , expφg ,v
λg logφ1,v(u)
We note, because of (3.4.3), and the fact that logφ1,v is an analytic isometry on
Bv, that for each u ∈ Bv, we have
(3.4.11) |λi · logφ1,v(u)|v = |λi|v · | logφ1,v(u)|v ≤ |u|v < rv.
Equation (3.4.11) shows that λi · logφ1,v(u) ∈ Bv, and so, expφi,v
λi · logφ1,v(u)
Using (3.4.6) and (3.4.9) we obtain that for every n ≥ 1, we have
(3.4.12) Fd,j
(φ1)Pn (x1)
(φ1)Pn (x1)
is a sequence of zeros for the analytic function Fd,j which
has an accumulation point in Bv. Lemma 3.4 then implies that Fd,j = 0, and so,
for each j ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ}, we have
(3.4.13) fd,j
u, expφ2,v
λ2 logφ1,v(u)
, . . . , expφg,v
λg logφ1,v(u)
For each u ∈ Bv, we let
Zu :=
u, expφ2,v
λ2 logφ1,v(u)
, . . . , expφg,v
λg logφ1,v(u)
∈ Gga(Cv).
Then (3.4.13) implies that
(3.4.14) Zu ∈ Vd for each u ∈ Bv.
Let Y0 be the Zariski closure of {Zu}u∈Bv . Then Y0 ⊂ Vd. Note that Y0 is inde-
pendent of the sequence {Pn}n (because the λi are independent of the sequence
{Pn}n, according to Corollary 3.3).
We claim that for each u ∈ Bv and for each P ∈ A, we have
(3.4.15) φP (Zu) = Z(φ1)P (u).
Note that for each u ∈ Bv, then also (φ1)P (u) ∈ Bv for each P ∈ A, because each
coefficient of φ1 is a v-adic integer. To see that (3.4.15) holds, we use (2.1.2), which
implies that for each i ∈ {2, . . . , g} we have
λi logφ1,v ((φ1)P (u))
= expφi,v
λi · P · logφ1,v(u)
= expφi,v
P · λi logφ1,v(u)
= (φi)P
λi logφ1,v(u)
Hence, (3.4.15) holds, and so, Y0 is invariant under φ. Furthermore, since all of the
expφi,v and logφi,v are additive functions, we have Zu1+u2 = Zu1 + Zu2 for every
u1, u2 ∈ Bv. Hence Y0 is an algebraic group, which is also a φ-submodule of G
Moreover, Y0 is defined independently of Γ.
Let Γ0 := Y0(K)∩Γ. Because Y0 is invariant under φ, then Γ0 is a submodule of
Γ. Because Y0 ⊂ Vd, it follows that the translate φd(x1, . . . , xg)+Y0 is a subvariety
of V which contains all {φd+Pn(x1, . . . , xg)}n. In particular, the (infinite) translate
C0 of Γ0 by φd(x1, . . . , xg) is contained in V (K)∩Γ. Hence, every infinite sequence
of points in V (K)∩Γ has a nontrivial intersection with a coset C0 of (the nontrivial
φ-submodule) Γ0, and moreover, C0 ⊂ V (K)∩Γ. Applying Lemma 3.1 thus finishes
the proof of Theorem 2.5. �
In the course of our proof of Theorem 2.5 we also proved the following statement.
Theorem 3.5. Let Γ be an infinite cyclic φ-submodule of Gga. Then there exists
an infinite φ-submodule Γ0 ⊂ Γ such that for every affine subvariety V ⊂ G
a, if
V (K) ∩ Γ is infinite, then V (K) ∩ Γ contains a coset of Γ0.
Proof. Let v be a place of good reduction for φ; in addition, we assume the points
in Γ are v-adic integers. Suppose that V (K) ∩ Γ is infinite. As shown in the proof
of Theorem 2.5, there exists a positive dimensional algebraic group Y0, invariant
under φ, and depending only on Γ and v (but not on V ), such that a translate of Y0
by a point in Γ lies in V . Moreover, Γ0 := Y0(K) ∩ Γ is infinite. Hence Γ0 satisfies
the conclusion of Theorem 3.5. �
4. Further extensions
We continue with the notation from Section 3: φ1, . . . , φg are Drinfeld modules.
As usual, we denote by φ the action of (φ1, . . . , φg) on G
a. First we prove the
following consequence of Theorem 2.5.
Theorem 4.1. Let V ⊂ Gga be an affine subvariety defined over K. Let Γ ⊂ G
be a finitely generated φ-submodule of rank 1. Then V (K) ∩ Γ is a finite union of
cosets of φ-submodules of Γ. In particular, if V is an irreducible curve which is not
a translate of an algebraic φ-submodule, then V (K) ∩ Γ is finite.
Proof. Since A = Fq[t] is a principal ideal domain, Γ is the direct sum of its finite
torsion submodule Γtor and a free submodule Γ1, which is cyclic because Γ has rank
1. Therefore
γ + Γ1,
and so,
V (K) ∩ Γ =
V (K) ∩ (γ + Γ1) =
(γ + (−γ + V (K)) ∩ Γ1) .
Using the fact Γtor is finite and applying Theorem 2.5 to each intersection (−γ + V (K))∩
Γ1 thus completes our proof. �
We use the ideas from [Ghi06b] to describe the intersection of a curve C with a
φ-module of rank 1. So, let (x1, . . . , xg) ∈ G
a(K), let Γ be the cyclic φ-submodule of
a(K) generated by (x1, . . . , xg), and let Γ be the φ-submodule of rank 1, containing
all (z1, . . . , zg) ∈ G
a(K) for which there exists a nonzero polynomial P such that
φP (z1, . . . , zg) ∈ Γ.
Since all polynomials φP (for P ∈ A) are separable, we have Γ ⊂ G
With the notation above, we prove the following result; this may be viewed
as a Drinfeld module analog of McQuillan’s result on semiabelian varieties (see
[McQ95]), which had been conjectured by Lang.
Theorem 4.2. Let C ⊂ Gga be an affine curve defined over K. Then C(K) ∩ Γ is
a finite union of cosets of φ-submodules of Γ.
Before proceeding to the proof of Theorem 4.2 we first prove two facts which will
be used later. The first fact is an immediate consequence of Theorem 1 of [Sca02]
(the Denis-Manin-Mumford conjecture for Drinfeld modules), which we state below.
Theorem 4.3 (Scanlon). Let V ⊂ Gga be an affine variety defined over K. Then
there exist algebraic φ-submodules B1, . . . , Bℓ of G
a and elements γ1, . . . , γℓ of φtor
such that
V (K) ∩ φtor =
γi +Bi(K)
∩ φtor.
Moreover, in Remark 19 from [Sca02], Scanlon notes that his proof of the Denis-
Manin-Mumford conjecture yields a uniform bound on the degree of the Zariski
closure of V (K)∩φtor, depending only on φ, g, and the degree of V . In particular,
one obtains the following uniform statement for translates of curves.
Fact 4.4. Let C ⊂ Gga be an irreducible curve which is not a translate of an
algebraic φ-module of Gga. Then there exists a positive integer N such that for
every y ∈ Gga(K), the set
y + C(K)
∩ φtor has at most N elements.
Proof. The curve C contains no translate of a positive dimensional algebraic φ-
submodule of Gga, so for every y ∈ G
a(K), the algebraic φ-modules Bi appear-
ing in the intersection
y + C(K)
∩ φtor are all trivial. In particular, the set(
y + C(K)
∩φtor is finite. Thus, using the uniformity obtained by Scanlon for his
Manin-Mumford theorem, we conclude that the cardinality of
y + C(K)
∩ φtor is
uniformly bounded above by some positive integer N . �
We will also use the following fact in the proof of our Theorem 4.2.
Fact 4.5. Let φ : A→ K{τ} be a Drinfeld module. Then for every positive integer
D, there exist finitely many torsion points y of φ such that [K(y) : K] ≤ D.
Proof. If y ∈ φtor, then the canonical height ĥ(y) of y (as defined in [Den92b])
equals 0. Also, as shown in [Den92b], the difference between the canonical height
and the usual Weil height is uniformly bounded on K. Then Fact 4.5 follows by
noting that there are finitely many points of bounded Weil height and bounded
degree over the field K (using Northcott’s theorem applied to the global function
field K). �
We are now ready to prove Theorem 4.2.
Proof of Theorem 4.2. Arguing as in the proof of Theorem 2.5, it suffices to show
that if C is an irreducible affine curve (embedded in Gga), then C(K)∩ Γ is infinite
only if C is a translate of an algebraic φ-submodule (because any translate of an
algebraic φ-module intersects Γ in a coset of some φ-submodule of Γ). Therefore,
from now on, we assume C is irreducible, that C(K) ∩ Γ is infinite, and that C is
not a translate of an algebraic φ-submodule. We will derive a contradiction.
Let z ∈ C(K) ∩ Γ. For each field automorphism σ : Ksep → Ksep that restricts
to the identity on K, we have zσ ∈ C (Ksep) (because C is defined over K). By
the definition of Γ, there exists a nonzero polynomial P ∈ A such that φP (z) ∈ Γ.
Since φP has coefficients in K, we obtain
φP (z
σ) = (φP (z))
= φP (z).
The last equality follows from the fact that φP (z) ∈ Γ ⊂ G
a(K). We conclude that
φP (z
σ − z) = 0, and, thus, we have
Tz,σ := z
σ − z ∈ φtor.
Moreover, Tz,σ ∈ (−z+C(K))∩φtor (because z
σ ∈ C). Using Fact 4.4 we conclude
that for each fixed z ∈ C(K)∩Γ, the set {Tz,σ}σ has cardinality bounded above by
some number N (independent of z). In particular, this implies that z has finitely
many Galois conjugates, so [K(z) : K] ≤ N . Similarly we have [K(zσ) : K] ≤ N ;
thus, we may conclude that
(4.5.1) [K (Tz,σ) : K] ≤ [K(z, z
σ) : K] ≤ N2.
As shown by Fact 4.5, there exists a finite set of torsion points w for which [K(w) :
K] ≤ N2. Hence, recalling that N is independent of z, we see that the set
(4.5.2) H := {Tz,σ} z∈C(K)∩Γ
is finite.
Now, since H is a finite set of torsion points, there must exist a nonzero poly-
nomial Q ∈ A such that φQ(H) = {0}. Therefore, φQ(z
σ − z) = 0 for each
z ∈ C(K)∩Γ and each automorphism σ. Hence φQ(z)
σ = φQ(z) for each σ. Thus,
we have
(4.5.3) φQ(z) ∈ G
a(K) for every z ∈ C(K) ∩ Γ.
Let Γ1 := Γ ∩ G
a(K). Since Γ is a finite rank φ-module and G
a(K) is a tame
module (i.e. every finite rank submodule is finitely generated; see [Poo95] for a
proof of this result), it follows that Γ1 is finitely generated. Let Γ2 be the finitely
generated φ-submodule of Γ generated by all points z ∈ Γ such that φQ(z) ∈
Γ1. More precisely, if w1, . . . , wℓ generate the φ-submodule Γ1, then for each i ∈
{1, . . . , ℓ}, we find all the finitely many zi such that φQ(zi) = wi. Then this finite set
of all zi generate the φ-submodule Γ2. Thus Γ2 is a finitely generated φ-submodule,
and moreover, using equation (4.5.3), we obtain C(K) ∩ Γ = C(K) ∩ Γ2. Since Γ2
is a finitely generated φ-submodule of rank 1 (because Γ2 ⊂ Γ and Γ has rank 1),
Theorem 4.1 finishes the proof of Theorem 4.2. �
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E-mail address: [email protected]
Dragos Ghioca, Department of Mathematics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street
West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1,
E-mail address: [email protected]
Thomas Tucker, Department of Mathematics, Hylan Building, University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY 14627
1. Introduction
2. Notation and statement of our main result
2.1. Drinfeld modules
2.2. Valuations
2.3. Logarithms and exponentials associated to a Drinfeld module
2.4. Integrality and reduction
2.5. The Denis-Mordell-Lang conjecture
3. Proofs of our main results
4. Further extensions
0704.1334 | Fabrication of Analog Electronics for Serial Readout of Silicon Strip
Sensors | Fabrication of Analog Electronics for Serial Readout of Silicon
Strip Sensors
E. Won,∗ J. H. Choi, and H. Ha
Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea
H. J. Hyun, H. J. Kim, and H. Park
Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea
(Received January 5 2006)
A set of analog electronics boards for serial readout of silicon strip sensors was fabricated. A
commercially available amplifier is mounted on a homemade hybrid board in order to receive
analog signals from silicon strip sensors. Also, another homemade circuit board is fabricated in
order to translate amplifier control signals into a suitable format and to provide bias voltage to the
amplifier as well as to the silicon sensors. We discuss technical details of the fabrication process
and performance of the circuit boards we developed.
PACS numbers: 83.85.Gk, 84.30.Le, 84.30.Sk
Keywords: amplifier,electronics, ASIC
∗Electronic address: [email protected]; Fax: +82-2-927-3292
mailto:[email protected]
Over the last thirty years, there have been impressive developments in silicon strip sen-
sors and their readout electronics in the field of elementary particle physics. They were
first used more than twenty years ago for heavy flavour searches in fixed target experi-
ments [1]. In particular, their potential use as high precision vertex detectors around high
energy colliders, both for electron-positron and proton-antiproton machines, has initiated
further development of high performance semiconductor detectors till now [2, 3, 4]. Sub-
sequently, it became clear that much higher density electronics was required and it drove
the construction of integrated circuit amplifiers in metal-oxide-silicon technology. Therefore,
application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) technology has been heavily used in designing
readout electronics for silicon sensors in the particle physics experiments [5, 6]. The inter-
face electronics board between silicon sensors and readout ASIC chips is traditionally called
hybrid boards and the experiment-specific hybrid boards have been produced for various
experiments [6, 7, 8]. The design of such hybrid boards should consider cooling system for
collider experiments and low electrical noise performance for detecting small signals.
Recently, research activities on the high density readout electronics have been extended
to the field of high resolution medical imaging [9] as well as charged particle trackers in
the future particle physics program [10]. Therefore, it becomes clear that the knowledge
and experience in fabricating hybrid board and reading out analog signals from it may be
one of important items for the participation to such programs. In this respect, we discuss
development of several different types of hybrid boards and related electronics board with
the technology available domestically. Section II describes our first prototype hybrid board.
The fabrication of detector bias and dc voltage delivery for the operation of ASIC chip, and
the control logic translator system is described in section III. We also fabricated a specialized
hybrid board in order to test the ASIC amplifier itself and it is described in section IV. Our
latest design that mounts a 17 channel single-side silicon detector is described in section V.
In this section, we discuss the development of our first prototype of the hybrid board that
mounts a commercially available high density ASIC amplifier, the VA chip [11, 12, 13]. It
has in total 128 analog channels and each channel contains a charge-sensitive preamplifier,
a shaper, a track-and-hold, and multiplexing capacity. In order to communicate to the VA
chip, one has to wire-bond approximately 30 lines of various analog and digital signals from
the VA chip to the hybrid board. Since the width of the VA chip is 5 mm, the layout
size of 30 pads on the printed circuit board (PCB) also should be in the similar size in
order to make good electric connections to the VA chip. It turns out that a pad width and
the pitch of pads both should be on the order of 100 µm on the PCB in order to make a
good ultrasonic wire-bonding to the VA chip. However, most of domestic, small-size vendors
expressed difficulty in fabricating such fine structure PCB layout with their facility. Figure 1
shows our first attempt to fabricate high density pads on the PCB from a domestic vendor.
A large rectangular hole is made on the left corner of the board where the sensor is to be
mounted. This hole is placed in order to minimize the material for the future radioactive
source or beam tests. The PCB is made with four layers where analog and digital grounds
are routed in the same layer. One can also see a smaller, horizontally long rectangular pad
(labeled as U2) near to the place for the VA chip (labeled as U1). This rectangular pad is for
the R/C chip [14] as the detector to be mounted at the design stage is a dc-type sensor [15].
This complicates the detector biasing method quite significantly because the R/C chip we
use is known to break down at 70 V and therefore a voltage division is made to provide full
depletion bias voltage to sensors.
A tin-lead alloy was used in order to cover all copper pads on the PCB. Later we realized
that in some countries there are at least directives restricting the use of lead for such purpose
and therefore we abandoned the use of tin-lead alloy completely. The use of tin-lead alloy
resulted in significantly bad quality in the layout of the pad outlines. A microscope picture
of the pads in Fig. 2 (a) illustrates the situation. The three horizontal lines in the figure
represent bonding pads on the hybrid PCB. The average width of pads (thickness in vertical
direction) is always less than 15 µm and is too narrow for any practical use. We labeled
this first PCB board as the version 0.9. There is another problem in the version 0.9. The
board was not flat and it prevented us from mounting silicon sensors as it does not provide
mechanically stable configuration. This situation is also shown in Fig. 2 (c). After the
fabrication of the version 0.9, there has been series of discussion with technicians from
the vendor in order to identify source of these two problems. The problem with the poor
quality of the pad outline is partially solved by modifying one of chemical etching processes
in their PCB fabrication. We also use gold to cover all copper pads on the PCB and it
partially helped in improving the quality of the bonding pad. The source of the non-flat
structure of the board was due to improper handing of the PCB during the cooling process.
After identifying sources of troubles mentioned above, we fabricated our second prototype
hybrid board with minor modification as far as the design is concerned. A placeholder for
a lemo connection to the analog signal output is made for debugging purpose in the second
prototype. Figure 2 (b) shows the quality of the pitch for the second prototype board.
Measurements showed that the width of pads is 110 µm which satisfies our specification.
The trouble with the non-flatness of the board is also disappeared in the second prototype
and it is clearly shown in Fig. 2 (d). We label the second prototype as the hybrid version
1.0. We note that in order this to be used in the real collider environment, it has to deal
with the heat generated during the collision. One of solutions is to make the PCB with
ceramic material but we did not investigate the possibility of making ceramic PCB at this
time for a quick development of the board.
There are in total twenty passive surface-mounted components soldered on the hybrid
board. All components are a F -class which has ±1 % tolerance from their specification
values. A conductive epoxy from Chemtronics CW2400 [16] is tested for a good ohmic
contact with the gold pad on the hybrid board and is used in order to mount the VA
chip on the hybrid board, as the bottom plate of the VA chip requires an electric contact.
After through electrical tests, assembled hybrid boards are shipped to a local company [17]
for an ultrasonic wire-bonding between the VA chip and the hybrid board. After the wire-
bonding, the hybrid boards are delivered back to the laboratory and a readout setup is made
to communicate with the hybrid board. A dc power supply is connected to a homemade
electronics board in order to provide voltage and current sources to the hybrid board. We
discuss the detailed design of this second homemade board in the following section. The
control signals are generated from a commercially available field programmable gate array
(FPGA) test board from Xilinx [18]. It has a SPARTAN XC3S200 on the board and a very
high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL) firmware is written
by us in order to generate LVCMOS control logic signals to be sent to the VA chip. The
detailed time structure of these control signals may be found from the reference [12]. The
indication of a successful communication with the VA chip may be the presence of a return
signal from the VA chip. To be more specific, when all 128 channels are serially read out,
there is a signal coming from the VA chip, indicating a serial data readout is completed.
In the reference [12], it is referred as shift out and we confirmed that we were able to see
this line became active-low, immediately after all 128 channels were read out. Figure 3 (a)
and (b) show the behavior of the analog output and the shift out signals, captured in an
oscilloscope from a commercially available VA evaluation board [13] that was tested by us,
and from our homemade hybrid board version 1.0. The well-like signals in Fig. 3 (a) and
(b) show the analog outputs from the evaluation board and our hybrid board version 1.0,
respectively. Since the evaluation board we purchased has two VA chips on the board, the
width of the well from the evaluation board in Fig. 3 (a) is twice larger than the width
from the hybrid board version 1.0 in Fig. 3 (b). At this stage, both boards have no sensors
mounted and therefore the analog outputs are pedestals only. The other signals in Fig. 3
(a) and (b) are shift out and should be active-low at the end of the serial readout of the VA
chip. Such behavior can be clearly seen from the zoomed view in Fig. 3 (c) for the evaluation
board and (d) for the hybrid board version 1.0, respectively. It appears that cross-talk from
the clock signal at the edge to the analog output signal is somewhat worse in the hybrid
board 1.0, as indicated in Fig. 3 (c) and (d). We attribute that it is originated from the
ground routing issues in the PCB design or imperfect impedance matching but no conclusive
statement can made at this moment without further study.
In order to operate the VA chip, one has to provide several voltage and current sources,
and non-standard control logic signals for serial readout and calibration purposes. Also,
bias voltage for the silicon sensors has to be provided as well. In order to provide power,
logic translators, and current sources (PLC), we developed another homemade electronics
called PLC board. We started with a hand-soldered prototype which is shown in Fig. 4.
There are four dc power lines connected to the PLC board: ±6.6 V for the main power
that operates components mounted, +4 V for the sensor bias voltage, and +16 V for the
extra bias for p-stop in the sensor we were planning to mount at the design stage. In order
to bias the silicon sensors, a dc to dc converter is designed using the EMCO high voltage
chip Q01-05 [19]. This model was chosen in order to provide positive and negative voltages
simultaneously due to the fact that the R/C chip was used in the hybrid side. The VA chip
control signals are originally generated from the outside of the PLC board and are fed into
the PLC board as LVCMOS logic. The PLC receives the control signals and translate them
into a new logic with logical one begin +1.5 V and zero −2.0 V. Once it is done, signals
are transferred to the hybrid board. Another functionality in the PLC board is that the
differential analog output from the VA chip is changed to a single-ended signal through an
analog receiver. This may be the source of the noise that appears in following sections.
After careful studies on this prototype, a PCB is fabricated and a picture of it is shown
in Fig. 5. It has 6 layers and most of the components are chosen to be surface mountable
type, in order to reduce the size of the board. The physical dimension is 84×84 mm. The
analog and digital powers are now separated in the PCB version of the PLC board and it
enables us to reduce the noise due to the digital clock. There are two square layouts on the
PCB which are left blank in Fig. 5. Two EMCO high voltage chips are mounted on the back
side of the board due to the mistakes in the design of the PCB.
With this PLC board, the VA chip is tested in a calibration mode. An external coupling
capacitor is connected to the calibration input and test pulses are generated in order to
store electric charge to the capacitor. The channel to be tested is selected prior to the
charge injection and the amplified signal comes out without serialization of the data. In this
sense, the calibration is somewhat different from the serial signal readout from the sensor.
Figure 6 shows the response of the VA chip for different test pulse values in mV. In this
test, one MIP corresponds to 3 mV. A good linearity is achieved up to 7 MIPs, indicating
a good performance of the VA chip with our assembled electronics. According to the VA
chip specification, the dynamic range reaches to ± 10 MIPs but the goal of our study is to
develop the electronic boards and therefore we did not test the full dynamic range of the
VA chip in this study.
Due to the fact that the delivery of sensors are behind the schedule, we decided to design
another hybrid board that allows us to test the readability of the VA chip without real
sensors. We label this one as VA-test hybrid board. In this board, the rectangular hole for
the sensor mounting is removed, as indicated in Fig. 7. Instead, we place a set of wire-bond
pads on the board near to the input sides of the VA chips to be mounted. One may see such
configuration in Fig. 7, left side from the layouts for the VA chips. And then, direct wire-
bonding from these pads to the input pads on the VA chip is made in order to inject electric
charges to the VA chip. This is practically same method as the charge injection using the
real sensor attached to the VA chip. This method is however somewhat different from the
calibration mode mentioned in the previous section because in the calibration process, there
is no holding of the charge inside of the VA chip and no serialization of the data is carried
out. A lemo connector is prepared in order to inject electric charges using an external pulse
generator and channel selection is made through hand-soldering to the pads to be tested,
one at the time. Using this technique, one MIP “signal” is generated and the measured
voltage output is shown in Fig. 8. The bump on the left corresponds to the pedestal of the
entire electronics and the other bump on the right is one MIP signal. The measurement
was done directly from the oscilloscope by measuring the voltage outputs from the hybrid
board. From the fits to two bumps, the signal-to-noise ratio was measured to be 14. This
is worse than the nominal values one may get with the silicon sensors. One of the reasons
may be due to the fact that the electronics noise is larger. We discuss it in detail in the
next section. The equivalent noise charge (ENC) is measured to be 1740 e− ENC with an
1 pF coupling capacitor and again this is a significantly worse value than the value in the
specification, 180 + 7.5/pF e− ENC [13]. We discuss a possible reason for this in the next
In this VA-test board, we also tested serial readout of multiple VA chips. For this test, two
VA chips are daisy-chained and in total 256 channels are read out. We confirmed that the
analog output behaves similar to described in Fig. 3 (a) where two VA chips were mounted
on the evaluation board that we tested. We also injected a test pulse to the second VA chip
and successfully read out signals from it.
Based on the experience gained from studies described in previous sections, we designed
our hybrid board version 2.0, shown in Fig. 9. This time, a 17 channel single-sided silicon
detector (SSD) [15] is mounted. Also, in order to avoid the complexity in biasing the detector
due to the R/C chip, we decide to make an array of surface-mount resistors and capacitors
to compensate leakage current. The version 2.0 has in total 6 layers in the PCB including a
power and a ground plane. One VA chip is hand-mounted with the conductive epoxy in the
laboratory and all necessary wire-bonding processes are done from the company [17]. Note
that there are only 17 channels that are wire-bonded from the sensor to the VA chip. All
electrical tests are carried out and show no trouble.
In order to measure real signal from the charged particle, a beam test is carried out at
Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Science (KIRAMS). A small proton cyclotron
with an energy of 35 MeV is used for the test with the beam current ranging from 0.3 nA to
10 nA. Here, we discuss the performance of the electronics only and detailed performance
of the sensor will be addressed in a separate paper. First, the width of the pedestal we
measured at the laboratory is similar to the level at KIRAMS when the proton beam is
present, indicating the electronics does not become noisy in environment such as the beam
area. Then the detector is fully biased and the signal is read out using the data acquisition
system we prepared. A trigger signal comes from a 30 ml liquid scintillator that is made of 10
% of BC501A and 90 % of mineral oil loading [21]. A 12 bit 40 MHz Versamodule Eurocard
(VME) flash analog-to-digital converter (FADC) is used to digitize the analog output signal
from the hybrid board. A VME CPU running a linux operating system collects data stored in
a 4K word long buffer inside of the FADC. The ROOT [20] package is interfaced with a VME
device driver that controls VME slave boards and the data are stored in a ROOT format
for offline analysis. A clocked raw output from the hybrid board is shown in Fig. 10 (a). It
has two sharp peaks and their positions correspond to the channels that were wire-bonded
to the VA chip. These two peaks may correspond to the proton beams detected by the
silicon strip sensor. However, we observe undershooting of the clocked analog outputs. The
zoomed view of the peak is in Fig. 10 (b) with the clock signal shown in Fig. 10 (c). A clear
undershooting exists over a clock period. It appears that the source of the undershooting
may be from the driver chip on the PLC board that converts differential analog output from
the VA chip to single-ended signal. It turns out that the speed of the driver chip was much
slower than the clock speed of the VA chip operation which was 4 MHz for the beam test.
This may explain a larger noise observed in the signal-to-ratio measurement shown in the
previous section.
A series of electronics boards are fabricated in order to serially read out small analog
signals from high density sensors such as silicon strip detectors. A commercially available
amplifier is mounted on a homemade hybrid board in order to receive analog signals from the
detectors. Fabrication of the board, micro-patterning of pads for ultrasonic wire-bonding,
and necessary wire-bonding on the hybrid board are carried out and tests show a good per-
formance of the fabricated board. Also, a compact electronics board that provides necessary
current, voltage source, and control logic is fabricated in order to communicate with the
hybrid board. The linearity of the VA chip is studied in the calibration mode and a good
response is achieved up to 7 MIPs. A VA-test hybrid board is fabricated and the signal-to-
ratio is measured with somewhat worse ENC value then the specification value. We expose
the electronics and silicon sensors in the proton beams and verified a good performance of
the electronics in the beam environment. However, the noise value is higher than the nomi-
nal value and there is undershooting in the analog output signal. It turns out that the speed
of the driver chip on the PLC board may be too slow for our application. These problems
will be examined in future and will be addressed in a separate paper. The electronics boards
discussed in the paper may be used in applications including medical imaging and charged
particle tracking system with no thermal dissipation is required. Fabrication of the hybrid
board with a ceramic PCB will be studied in future.
This work is supported by grant No. R01-2005-000-10089-0 from the Basic Research Pro-
gram of the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation and supported by the Korea Research
Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOEHRD) (KRF-2006-C00258 and
KRF-2005-070-C00032). EW is partially supported by a special startup grant from SK
Corporation and by a Korea University Grant.
[1] Proc. 3rd, 4th and 5th Europ. Symp. on Semiconductor Detectors, Munich, Nucl. Instr. and
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[2] F. Bedeschi, F. Bedeschi, S. Belforte, G. Bellettini, L. Bosisio, F. Cervelli, G. Chiarelli, R.
DelFabbro, M. Dellorso, A. DiVirgillo, and E. Focardi, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-33 (1986).
[3] M. Hazumi, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 379, 390 (1996).
[4] A. Sill, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 447, 1 (2000).
[5] G. Hall, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 541, 248 (2005).
[6] M. Feuerstack-Raible, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 447, 35 (2000).
[7] M. Tanaka, M. Hazumi, J. Ryuko, K. Sumisawa, and D. Marlow, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A
432, 422 (1999).
[8] A. Rahimi, K. E. Arms, K. K. Gan, M. Johnson, H. Kagan, C. Rush, S. Smith, R. Ter-
Antonian, M. M. Zoeller, A. Ciliox, M. Holder, S. Nderitu, and M. Ziolkowski, International
Journal of Modern Physics A, 20, 3805 (2005).
[9] G. J. Royle, A. Papanestis, R. D. Speller, G. Hall, G. Iles, M. Raymond, E. Corrin, P. F. van
der Stelt, N. Manthos, and F. A. Triantis, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 493, 176 (2002).
[10] E. Won, H. Ha, S. K. Park, and Y. I. Kim, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 49, 52 (2006).
[11] E. Nygard, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 301, 506 (1991).
[12] O. Toker, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 340, 572 (1994).
[13] IDEAS, Snaroya, Norway.
[14] J. Fast for the CLEO collaborations, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 435, 9 (1999).
[15] J. Lee, Dong Ha Kah, Hong joo Kim, Hwan Bae Park, and Jung Ho So, J. Korean Phys. Soc.
48, 850 (2006).
[16] Chemtronics, Kennesaw, GA, USA.
[17] LP electronics, Seoul, Korea.
[18] Xilinx Corporation, San Jose, CA, USA.
[19] EMCO High Voltage Corporation, Sutter Creek, CA, USA.
[20] R. Brun and F. Rademakers, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 389, 81 (1997).
[21] Private communication with H. J. Kim.
FIG. 1: A picture of the hybrid board version 0.9. A large rectangular hole on left is prepared for
future beam or radioactive source tests when a sensor is mounted on the hybrid board. U1 is the
pad for the VA chip and U2 is for the R/C chip.
FIG. 2: Zoomed views of hybrid board version 0.9 and version 1.0. Microscope picture of the
bonding pad on the board is shown in (a) for the version 0.9 and in (b) for the version 1.0. They
are in same scale and clear improvement in the quality of the layout can be seen in (b). Side views
of the boards are shown in (c) for the version 0.9 and in (d) for the version 1.0.
FIG. 3: Analog and digital output signals from the VA chip captured in the oscilloscope. A
distorted well-shape signal in (a) and (b) are the analog outputs from the evaluation board provided
by the company and from our hybrid board version 1.0, respectively. The evaluation board houses
two VA chips and the width of the well in (a) reflects it. The other line in each figure is the digital
control signal (shift out) indicating the end of the serial readout. (c) and (d) are zoomed views of
(a) and (b) at the rising edge of the analog out.
FIG. 4: A picture of the PLC board prototype with hand-wirings. A micro-connector at the
bottom right is for the hybrid board, the one on the top-right is for the commercial evaluation
board with a FPGA, and the one on the top left is for dc power connection.
FIG. 5: A picture of the PLC board fabricated with a standard PCB process. The physical size
is 84 × 84 mm. A micro-connector at the bottom right is for the hybrid board, the one on the
top is for the commercial evaluation board with a FPGA, and the one on the left is for dc power
connection. All the components are chosen to be surface mountable in order to reduce the size of
the board.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Input Pulse (mV)
FIG. 6: A response of the VA chip and hybrid board version 1.0 on test pulses when the VA chip
is in the calibration mode. Here, an input test pulse of 3 mV corresponds to 1 MIP signal.
FIG. 7: A picture of the VA-test board. This board is designed to mount in total four VA chips.
Selected channels in the VA side can be wire-bonded to pads on the PCB for a direct delivery of
current signals from an external pulse generator.
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 400
Volt (mV)
FIG. 8: Distribution of the measured analog output from the VA-test board when a test pulse of
one MIP signal is injected. The signal distribution is on the right and the pedestal peak is shown
on the left. The measurement was done directly from the oscilloscope by measuring the voltage
outputs from the hybrid board.
FIG. 9: A picture of the hybrid board version 2.0. A 17 channel single-sided silicon sensor is
mounted on the left side. Surface-mounted resistor and capacitor arrays are placed in order to
compensate dc current in order to replace the R/C chip.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (25 ns)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (25 ns)
FIG. 10: Analog output and clock signals from the hybrid board. The analog output from the
VA chip over 128 channels is shown in (a) where the readout clock starts at 100 and ends at 950
counts in the horizontal axis. A zoomed view of the first peak in (a) is shown in (b) where an
undershooting is clearly visible. The time synchronized clock signal fed into the VA chip is also
shown in (c).
0704.1335 | On the reductive Borel-Serre compactification: $L^p$-cohomology of
arithmetic groups (for large $p$) | arXiv:0704.1335v1 [math.AG] 11 Apr 2007
On the reductive Borel-Serre compactification:
Lp-cohomology of arithmetic groups (for large p)
Steven Zucker1
Department of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 USA2
The main purpose of this article is to give the proof of the following theorem, as
well as some applications of the result.
Theorem 1. Let M be the quotient of a non-compact symmetric space by an
arithmetically-defined group of isometries, and MRBS its reductive Borel-Serre
compactification. Then for p finite and sufficiently large there is a canonical iso-
H•(p)(M) ≃ H
Here, the left-hand side is the Lp-cohomology of M with respect to a (locally)
invariant metric. Though it would be more natural to allow p =∞ in Theorem 1,
this is not generally possible (see (3.2.2)). On the other hand, there is a natural
mapping H•
(M) → H•
(M) when p < ∞, because M has finite volume. The
definition of MRBS is recalled in (1.9).
Theorem 1 can be viewed as an analogue of the so-called Zucker conjecture (in
the case of constant coefficients), where p = 2:
Theorem [L], [SS]. Let M be the quotient of a Hermitian symmetric space of non-
compact type by an arithmetically-defined group of isometries, i.e., a locally sym-
metric variety; let MBB its Baily-Borel Satake compactification. Then there is a
canonical isomorphism
H•(2)(M) ≃ IH
where the right-hand side denotes the middle intersection cohomology of MBB.
However, Theorem 1 is not nearly so difficult to prove, once one senses that it is
true; it follows without much ado from the methods in [Z3] (the generalization to
Lp, p 6= 2, of those of [Z1] for L2).
As far as I know, the reductive Borel-Serre compactification was first used in
[Z1,§4] (where it was called Y ). This space, a rather direct alteration of the
manifold-with-corners constructed in [BS], was introduced there to facilitate the
study of the L2-cohomology of M . It also plays a central role as the natural set-
ting for the related weighted cohomology of [GHM]. It is a principal theme that
MRBS is an important space when M is an algebraic variety over C, despite the
1Support in part by the National Science Foundation, through Grant DMS9820958
2e-mail address: [email protected]
fact that MRBS is almost never an algebro-geometric, or even complex analytic,
compactification of M .
This work had its origin in my wanting to understand [GP]. It is convenient to
formulate the latter before continuing with the content of this article. Let Y be
a Hausdorff topological space. For any complex vector bundle E on Y , one has
its Chern classes ck(E) ∈ H
2k(Y,Z). If we further assume that Y is connected,
compact, stratified and oriented, then Hd(Y,Z) ≃ Z, where d is the dimension of
Y ; the orientation picks out a generator ζY for this homology group, known as the
fundamental class of Y . We shall henceforth assume that d is even, and we write
d = 2n. Then, if one has positive integers ki for 1 ≤ i ≤ ℓ such that
ki = n, one
can pair ck1(E) ∪ · · · ∪ ckℓ(E) with ζY , and obtain what is called a characteristic
number, or Chern number, of E.
When Y is a C∞ manifold and E is a C∞ vector bundle, the Chern classes
modulo torsion can be constructed from any connection ▽ in E, whereupon they
get represented, via the de Rham theorem, by the Chern forms ck(E,▽) in H
2k(Y ).
(For convenience, we will use and understand C-coefficients here and throughout
the sequel unless it is specified otherwise.) If Y is compact, the Chern numbers can
be computed by integrating ck1(E,▽) ∧ . . . ∧ ckℓ(E,▽) over Y .
For stratified spaces Y , there is a lattice of intersection (co)homology theories,
with variable perversity p as parameter, as defined by Goresky and MacPherson
[GM1]. These range from standard cohomology as minimal object, to standard
homology as maximal, and all coincide when Y is a manifold. They can all be
defined as cohomology with values in some constructible sheaf whose restriction to
the regular locus Y reg of Y is just CY reg . With mappings going in the direction of
increasing perversity, we have the basic diagram
H•(Y ) → . . . → IH•p(Y ) → . . . → H•(Y )
↓ ↑ ↑
H•(Y reg) ←− H•c (Y
reg) ≃ H•(Y
When Y is compact, ζY lifts to a generator of IH
(Y ) for all p.
From now on, we writeM for Y reg, and start to view the situation in the opposite
way, regarding Y as a topological compactification of the manifold M . For any
vector bundle E on M , and bundle extension of E to E on Y , the functoriality of
Chern classes imply that c•(E) 7→ c•(E) under the restriction mapping H
•(Y )
H•(M). One might think of this as lifting the Chern class of E to the cohomology
of Y , but one should be aware that ρ might have non-trivial kernel, so the lift may
depend on the choice of E.
The case where E = TM , the tangent bundle ofM , is quite fundamental. Finding
a vector bundle on Y that extends TM is not so natural a question when Y has sin-
gularities, and one is often inclined to forget about bundles and think instead about
just lifting the Chern classes. When Y is a complex algebraic variety, one considers
the complex tangent bundle T ′M of M . It is shown in [M] that for constructible Z-
valued functions F on Y , there is a natural assignment of Chern homology classes
c•(Y ;F ) ∈ H•(Y ), such that c•(Y, 1) recovers the usual Chern classes when Y is
smooth. There has been substantial interest in lifting these classes to the lower
intersection cohomology (as in the top row of (0.1)), best to cohomology (the most
difficult lifting problem) for the reason mentioned earlier.
Next, take for M a locally symmetric variety. For Y we might consider any
of the interesting compactifications of M , which include: MBB , the Baily-Borel
Satake compactification ofM as an algebraic variety [BB];MΣ, the smooth toroidal
compactifications of Mumford (see [Mu]); MBS , the Borel-Serre manifold-with-
corners [BS]; MRBS , the reductive Borel-Serre compactification. These fit into a
diagram of compactifications:
MΣ −→ M
If one tries to compare MBS and MΣ, one sees that there is a mapping (of
compactifications of M) MBS → MΣ only in a few cases (e.g., G = SU(n, 1)).
However, by a result of Goresky and Tai [GT, 7.3], (if Σ is sufficiently fine) there are
continuous mappingsMΣ −→M
RBS (seldom a morphism of compactifications) such
that upon inserting them in (0.2), the obvious triangle commutes in the homotopy
category. One thereby gets a diagram of cohomology mappings
H•(M) ←− H•(MRBS)
↑ ւ ↑
H•(MΣ) ←− H
also, the fundamental classes inHd(MΣ,Z) andHd(M
RBS ,Z) are mapped to ζMBB .
Let E be a (locally) homogeneous vector bundle onM (an example of which is the
holomorphic tangent bundle T ′M ). There always exists an equivariant connection
on E, whose Chern forms are L∞ (indeed, of constant length) with respect to the
natural metric on M . In [Mu], Mumford showed that the bundle E has a so-called
canonical extension to a vector bundle EΣ on MΣ, such that these Chern forms,
beyond representing the Chern classes of E in H•(M), actually represent the Chern
classes of EΣ inH
•(MΣ) (see our (3.2.4)). That served the useful purpose of placing
these classes in a ring with Poincaré duality, and implied Hirzebruch proportionality
for M .
In [GP], Goresky and Pardon lift these classes to the cohomology of MBB , min-
imal in the lattice of interesting compactifications of M , so these can be pulled
back to the other compactifications in (0.2). (On the other hand, the bundles
do not extend to MBB in any obvious way.) They achieve this by constructing
another connection in E (see our (5.3.3)), one that has good properties near the
singular strata of MBB , using features from the work of Harris and Harris-Zucker
(see [Z5,App.B]). With this done, the Chern forms lie in the complex of controlled
differential forms on MBB , whose cohomology groups give H•(MBB). In the case
of the tangent bundle, the classes map to one of the MacPherson Chern homology
classes in H•(M
BB), viz., c•(M
BB;χM ), where χM denotes the characteristic (i.e.,
indicator) function of M ⊂MBB [GP, 15.5].
In [GT, 9.2], an extension of E to a vector bundle ERBS toMRBS is constructed;
this does not require M to be Hermitian. There, one finds the following:
Conjecture A [GT, 9.5]. Let MΣ → M
RBS be any of the continuous mappings
constructed in [GT]. Then the canonical extension EΣ is isomorphic to the pullback
of ERBS.
In the absence of a proof of Conjecture A, we derive the “topological” analogue
of Mumford’s result as a consequence of Theorem 1:
Theorem 2. LetM be an arithmetic quotient of a symmetric space of non-compact
type. Then the Chern forms of an equivariant connection onM represent c•(E
in H•(MRBS).
We point out that (0.3) and Conjecture A suggest that this is more basic in the
Hermitian setting than Mumford’s result.
Goresky and Pardon predict further:
Conjecture B [GP]. The Chern classes of ERBS are the pullback of the classes
in H•(MBB) constructed in [GP] via the quotient mapping MRBS →MBB.
Our third main result is the proof of Conjecture B.
The material of this article is organized as follows. In §1 we give a canon-
ical construction of the bundle ERBS along the lines of [BS]. We next discuss
Lp-cohomology, both in general in §2, then on arithmetic quotients of symmetric
spaces in §3, achieving a proof of Theorem 1. We make a consequent observation
in (3.3) that shows how Lp-cohomology can be used to provide definitions of map-
pings between topological cohomology groups when it is unclear how to define the
mappings topologically. In §4, we treat connections and the notion of Chern forms
for a natural class of vector bundles on stratified spaces; this allows for the proof
in §5 of both Theorem 2 and Conjecture B.
This article was conceived while I was spending Academic Year 1998–99 on sabbatical at the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. I wish to thank Mark Goresky and John Mather for
helpful discussions.
1. The Borel-Serre construction for homogeneous vector bundles
In this section, we make a direct analogue of the Borel-Serre construction for the
total space of a homogeneous vector bundle on a symmetric space, and then for any
neat arithmetic quotient MΓ thereof. It defines a natural extension of the vector
bundle to the Borel-Serre compactification of the space. That the bundle extends
is clear, for attaching of a boundary-with-corners does not change homotopy type.
Our construction retains at the boundary much of the group-theoretic structure.
The construction is shown to descend to the reductive Borel-Serre compactification
MRBSΓ , reproving [GT, 9.2].
(1.0) Convention. Whenever H is an algebraic group defined over Q, we also let
H denote H(R), taken with its topology as a real Lie group, if there is no danger
of confusion.
(1.1) Standard notions. Let G be a semi-simple algebraic group over Q, and K a
maximal compact subgroup of G, and X = G/K. (Note that this implies a choice
of basepoint for X , namely the point x0 left fixed by K.)
Let E = G ×K E be the homogeneous vector bundle on X determined by the
representation of K on the vector space E. The natural projection π : E → X =
G×K{0} is induced by the projection E → {0}, and isG-equivariant. For Γ ⊂ G(Q)
a torsion-free arithmetic subgroup, letMΓ = Γ\X . Then Γ\E is the total space of a
vector bundle EΓ overMΓ. (The subscript “Γ” was suppressed in the Introduction.)
If P is any Q-parabolic subgroup of G, the action of P on X is transitive. Thus,
one can also describe E → X as P ×KP E → P ×KP {0}, where KP = K ∩ P .
(1.2) Geodesic action. Let UP denote the unipotent radical of P , and AP the lift
to P associated to x0 of the connected component of the maximal Q-split torus Z
of P/UP . Define the geodesic action of AP on E by the formula:
(1.2.1) a ◦ (p, e) = (pa, e)
whenever p ∈ P , e ∈ E and a ∈ AP ; this is well-defined because for k ∈ KP ,
(1.2.2) a ◦ (pk−1, ke) = (pk−1a, ke) = (pak−1, ke),
as AP and KP commute. The geodesic action of AP commutes with the action of
P on E , and it projects to the geodesic action of AP on X as defined in [BS, §3] (in
[BS], the geodesic action is expressed in terms of Z, but the definitions coincide).
(1.2.3) Remark. By taking E to be of dimension zero, the construction of Borel-
Serre can be viewed as a case of ours above. As such, there is no real need to recall
it separately. Conversely, a fair though incomplete picture of our construction can
be seen by regarding E as simply a thickened version of X .
(1.3) Corners. The simple roots occurring in UP set up an isomorphism AP ≃
(0,∞)r(P ), where r(P ) denotes the parabolic Q-rank of P . Let AP be the en-
largement of AP obtained by transport of structure from (0,∞)
r(P ) ⊂ (0,∞]r(P ).
Define the corner associated to P : E(P ) = E×AP AP . There is a canonical mapping
π(P ) : E(P )→ X(P ) = X ×AP AP .
(1.3.1) Remark. ThoughX(P ) is contractible, and hence E(P ) is trivial, (1.2.1) does
not yield a canonical trivialization of E(P ) over X(P ), because of the equivalence
relation (1.2.2) determined by KP .
Let ∞P denote the zero-dimensional AP -orbit in AP , which corresponds to
(∞, ...,∞) ∈ (0,∞]r(P ). The face of E(P ) associated to P is
(1.3.2) E(P ) = E ×AP {∞P} ≃ E/AP .
It maps canonically to X/AP ≃ e(P ) ⊂ X(P ) (from [BS, 5.2]). There are geodesic
projections implicit in (1.3.2), given by the rows of the commutative diagram
E(P )
−−−−→ E(P )
X(P )
−−−−→ e(P )
(1.4) Structure of E(P ). There is a natural P -action on E(P ), with AP acting
trivially, projecting to the action of P on e(P ). We know that e(P ) is homogeneous
under 0P (as in [BS, 1.1]), isomorphic to P/AP , which contains KP . We see that
E(P ) is isomorphic to the homogeneous vector bundle on e(P ) determined by the
representation of KP on E.
(1.5) Compatibility. For Q ⊂ P , there is a canonical embedding of E(P ) in E(Q),
given as follows. As in [BS, 4.3], write AQ = AP × AQ,P , with AQ,P ⊂ AQ de-
noting the intersection of the kernels of the simple roots for AP . Then there is an
E(P ) = E ×AP AP ≃ (E ×AQ,P AQ,P )×AP AP
⊂ (E ×AQ,P AQ,P )×AP AP ≃ E ×AQ AQ = E(Q).
Moreover, this projects to X(P ) ⊂ X(Q) via π(Q).
(1.6) Hereditary property. If Q ⊂ P again, one can view E(Q) as part of the
boundary of E(P ), in the same way that e(Q) is part of the boundary of e(P ). This
is achieved by considering the geodesic action of AQ,P on E(P ) (AP acts trivially),
and carrying out the analogue of (1.3). Thus, E(Q) ≃ E(P )/AQ,P = E(P )/AQ.
(1.7) The bundle with corners. Using the identifications given in (1.5), we recall
that one puts
(1.7.1) X =
X(P ) =
e(P ),
with P ranging over all parabolic subgroups of G/Q, including the improper one
(G itself). With X endowed with the weak topology from the X(P )’s, this is the
manifold-with-corners construction of Borel-Serre for X (see [BS, §7]). As such, it
has a tautological stratification, with the e(P )’s as strata.
We likewise put E =
E(P ), with incidences given by (1.5), and endow it with
the weak topology. There is an obvious projection onto X. Then E is a vector
bundle over X that is stratified by the homogeneous bundles E(P ), given as in
(1.8) Quotient by arithmetic groups. We can see that G(Q) acts as vector bundle
automorphisms on E over its action as homeomorphisms of X (given in [BS, 7.6]);
also, as it is so for X , the action on E of any neat arithmetic subgroup Γ of G(Q)
is proper and discontinuous (cf. [BS, 9.3]). Then EΓ = Γ\E is a vector bundle over
MBSΓ = Γ\X .
Let ΓP = Γ∩P . The action of ΓP (which is contained in
0P of (1.4)) commutes
with the geodesic action of AP . The faces of EΓ are of the form E
′(P ) = ΓP \E(P ),
and are vector bundles over the faces e′(P ) = ΓP \e(P ) of M
Γ . By reduction
theory [BS, §9] (but see also [Z5,(1.3)]), there is a neighborhood of e′(P ) in MBSΓ
on which geodesic projection πP (from (1.3.3)) descends. The same is true for π̃P
and E′(P ) (also from (1.3.3)).
(1.9) The reductive Borel-Serre compactification. We recall the quotient space
XRBS of X. With X given as in (1.7) above, one forms the quotient
(1.9.1) XRBS =
XP , (where XP = UP \e(P )) ,
where UP is, as in (1.2), the unipotent radical of P , and endows it with the quotient
topology from X. Because UQ ⊃ UP whenever Q ⊂ P , X
RBS is a Hausdorff space
(see [Z1,(4.2)]). There is an induced action of G(Q) on XRBS , for which (1.9.1)
is a G(Q)-equivariant stratification; G(Q) takes the stratum XP onto that of a
conjugate parabolic subgroup, with P (Q) preserving XP . For any arithmetic group
Γ ⊂ G(Q), one has a quotient mapping
(1.9.2) q :MBSΓ →M
Γ = Γ\X
M̂P ,
with M̂P = ΓP \XP .
(1.10) Descent of E to XRBS. Analogous to the description of X in (1.7), we have
(1.10.1) E =
E(P ) =
E(P ),
and the corresponding quotient
(1.10.2) ERBS =
(UP \E(P )) .
We verify that ERBS is a vector bundle on XRBS . Since {X(P )} is an open cover
of X (see (1.7.1)), it suffices to verify this for E(P )→ X(P ) for each P separately.
Note that UP acts on E(P ) by the formula: u · (p, e, a) = (up, e, a), and this
commutes with the action of KP ·AP . It follows that there is a canonical projection
(1.10.3) UP \E(P )→ UP \X(P ).
This gives a vector bundle on UP \X(P ) because UP ∩ (KP ·AP ) = {1}.
Let XRBS(P ) be the image of X(P ) in XRBS , and ERBS(P ) be the image of
E(P ) in ERBS . These differ from (1.10.3), for the UP quotient there is too coarse
(for instance, there are no identifications on X or E in ERBS → XRBS). Rather,
the pullback of (1.10.3) to XRBS(P ) is ERBS(P ).
When Γ is a neat arithmetic group, ERBSΓ = Γ\E
RBS is a vector bundle on
MRBSΓ . This is verified in the same manner as (1.8).
2. Lp-cohomology
By now, the notion of Lp-cohomology, with 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, is rather well-established.
The case of p = ∞, though, is visibly different from the case of finite p, and was
neglected in [Z4]. Morally, Theorem 1 is about L∞-cohomology, but for technical
reasons we will have to settle for Lp-cohomology for large finite p. It is our first
goal to prove Theorem 1.
(2.1) Preliminaries. Let M be a C∞ Riemannian manifold. For any C∞ dif-
ferential form φ on M , its length |φ| is a non-negative continuous function on M .
This determines a semi-norm:
(2.1.1) ||φ||p =
|φ(x)|p dVM (x)
p if 1 ≤ p <∞;
sup {|φ(x)| : x ∈M} if p =∞,
where dVM (x) denotes the Riemannian volume density of M . One says that φ is
Lp if ||φ||p is finite.
(2.1.2) Definitions. Let w be a positive continuous real-valued function on the
Riemannian manifold M .
i) The [smooth] Lp de Rham complex with weight w is the largest subcomplex of
the C∞ de Rham complex of M consisting of forms φ such that wφ is Lp, viz.
( A•(p)(M ;w) = {φ ∈ A
•(M) : wφ and wdφ are Lp}.
ii) The [smooth] Lp-cohomology of M with weight w is the cohomology of
(M ;w). It is denoted H•
(M ;w).
We note that in the above, there is a difference with the notation used elsewhere:
for p 6=∞, w might be replaced with w
p in (
When w = 1, one drops the symbol for the weight. Note that the complex
depends on w only through rates of the growth or decay of w at infinity. When
M has finite volume, there are inclusions A•
(M) →֒ A•
(M) whenever 1 ≤ p <
p′ ≤ ∞. The preceding extends to metrized local systems (cf. [Z1, §1]). Smooth
functions are dense in the Banach space Lp for 1 ≤ p <∞, but not in L∞.
We next recall the basic properties of Lp-cohomology. Let M be a compact
Hausdorff topological space that is a compactification ofM . One defines a presheaf
on M by the following rule (cf. [Z4, 1.9]): to any open subset V of M , one assigns
(V ∩M ;w). Because M is compact (see (2.1.5, ii) below), the associated sheaf
(M ;w) satisfies
(2.1.3) A•(p)(M ;w)
−→Γ(M,A•(p)(M ;w)).
It follows from the definition that whenever q : M
→ M is a morphism of com-
pactifications of M , one has for all p:
(2.1.4) q∗A
;w) ≃ A•(p)(M ;w).
(2.1.5) Remarks. i) It is easy to see that the complex A•
(M ;w) consists of fine
sheaves if and only if for every covering of MBS there is a partition of unity subor-
dinate to that covering consisting of functions f whose differential lies in A1
i.e., |df | is a bounded function on M . Thus, (2.1.4) is for q∗ (as written), not for
Rq∗ in general.
ii) Note that in general, the space of global sections of A•
(M ;w), defined in the
obvious way (or equivalently the restriction of A•
(M ;w) toM) is A•
(M ;w) =
A•(M). Without a compact boundary, there is no place to store the global bound-
edness condition.
The following fact makes for a convenient simplification:
(2.1.6) Proposition. LetM be the interior of a Riemannian manifold-with-corners
M (i.e., the metric is locally extendable across the boundary). Let A
(p)(M ;w) be the
sub-complex of A•
(M ;w) consisting of forms that are also smooth at the boundary
of M . Then the inclusion
(p)(M ;w) →֒ A
(p)(M ;w)
is a quasi-isomorphism. �
In other words, one can calculate H•
(M ;w) using only forms with the nicest
behavior along ∂M . Moreover, A
(p)(M ;w) admits a simpler description; for that
and the proof of (2.1.6), see (2.3.7) and (2.3.9) below.
(2.2) The prototype. We compute a simple case of Lp-cohomology, one that will
be useful in the sequel.
(2.2.1) Proposition [Z4, 2.1]. Let R+ denote the positive real numbers, and t the
linear coordinate from R. For a ∈ R, let wa(t) = e
at. Then
i) H0
(R+;wa) ≃
0 if a > 0,
C if a ≤ 0.
ii) H1
(R+;wa) = 0 for all a 6= 0.
Proof. Again, we carry this out here only for p =∞. First, (i) is obvious: it is just
an issue of whether the constant functions satisfy the corresponding L∞ condition.
To get started on (ii), proving that a complex is acyclic can be accomplished by
finding a cochain homotopy operator B (lowering degrees by one), such that φ =
dBφ + Bdφ. For the cases at hand (1-forms on R+), this equation reduces to
φ = dBφ.
When a < 0, one takes
(2.2.2) B(φ)(t) = −
when φ = g(t)dt (placing the basepoint at ∞ is legitimate, as g decays exponen-
tially). We need to check that (2.2.2) lies in the L∞ complex. By hypothesis,
|g(t)| ≤ Cw−a(t)
for some constant C. This implies that
|B(φ)(t)| ≤
|g(x)|dx ≤ C
w−a(x)dx ∼ w−a(t)
as t→∞. In other words, B(φ)(t)wa(t) ∼ 1, which is what we wanted to show.
When a > 0, one takes instead
(2.2.3) B(φ)(t) =
and shows that |B(φ)|(t) ∼ w−a(t), yielding the same conclusion about B(φ) as
before. �
(2.2.4) Remark. One can see that for a = 0, one is talking about H1
(R+), which
is not even finite-dimensional (cf. [Z1, (2.40)]); H1
(R+) contains the linearly in-
dependent cohomology classes of t−νdt, for all 0 ≤ ν ≤ 1. What was essential in
the proof of (2.2.1) was that wa and one of its anti-derivatives had equal rates of
growth or decay when a 6= 0. That is, of course, false for a = 0.
(2.3) Further properties of Lp-cohomology. We begin with
(2.3.1) Proposition (A Künneth formula for Lp-cohomology). Let I be the unit
interval [0, 1], with the usual metric. Then for any Riemannian manifold N and
weight w, the inclusion π∗ : A•
(N ;w) →֒ A•
(I×N ; π∗w) is a quasi-isomorphism;
H•(p)(I ×N ; π
∗w) ≃ H•(p)(N ;w).
Proof. The argument is fairly standard. The formula (2.2.3) defines an operator
on forms on I. Because I has finite length, one has now
(2.3.2) φ = Hφ+ dBφ+Bdφ,
where H is—well—harmonic projection: zero on 1-forms, mean value on 0-forms.
The differential forms on a product of two spaces decompose according to bidegree.
On I ×N , denote the bidegree by (eI , eN ) (thus, for a non-zero form, eI ∈ {0, 1}).
The exterior derivative on I×N can be written as d = dI+σIdN , where σI is given
by (−1)eI . The operators in (2.3.2) make sense for Lp forms on I ×N , taking, for
each q, forms of bidegree (1, q) to forms of bidegree (0, q), and we write them with
a subscript “I”; thus, we have the identity
(2.3.3) φ = HIφ+ dIBIφ+BIdIφ.
It is clear that BIφ is L
p whenever φ is. Note that σI anticommutes with BI . We
can therefore write (2.3.3) as
φ = HIφ+ dBIφ− σIdNBIφ+BIdφ−BIσIdNφ(2.3.4)
= (HIφ+ dBIφ+BIdφ)− (σIdNBIφ+BIσIdNφ).
Since σI and dN commute, the subtracted term equals (σIBI +BIσI)dNφ = 0, so
(2.3.4) is just φ = (HIφ + dBIφ + BIdφ). This implies first that dBIφ is L
p and
then our assertion. �
We next use a standard smoothing argument in a neighborhood of 0 ∈ R. To
avoid unintended pathology, we consider only monotonic weight functions w. Given
a smooth function ψ on R of compact support, let
(2.3.5) (Ψf)(t) = (ψ ∗ f)(t) =
ψ(x)f(t− x)dx =
ψ(t− x)f(x)dx,
defined for those t for which the integral makes sense. The discussion separates
into two cases:
i) w(t) is a bounded non-decreasing function of t. In this case, take ψ to be
supported in R−.
ii) Likewise, when w(t) blows up as t → 0+ take ψ to be supported in R+, and
set f(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0.
(2.3.6) Lemma. If f ∈ Lp(R+, w) (and ψ is chosen as above), then Ψf is also in
Lp(R+, w).
Proof. For p <∞, see [Z4, 1.5]. When p =∞, we consider each of the above cases.
In case (i), we have:
w(t)Ψf(t) =
ψ(t− x)w(t)f(x)dx =
ψ(t− x)w(x)f(x){w(t)w(x)−1}dx.
By hypothesis, the integral involves only those x for which t < x, and there
w(t)w(x)−1 ≤ 1. It follows that w(t)Ψf(t) is uniformly bounded. In case (ii),
when w(t) blows up as t→ 0+ the argument is similar and is left to the reader. �
We use (2.3.6) to prove:
(2.3.7) Proposition. With w restricted as above, let A
(p)(I;w) denote the sub-
complex of A•
(I;w) consisting of forms that are smooth at 0. Then the inclusion
(p)(I;w) →֒ A
is a quasi-isomorphism, with Ψ providing a homotopy inverse.
Proof. There is a well-known homotopy smoothing formula, which is at bottom a
variant of (2.3.2). We use the version given in [Z4,1.5], valid on the level of germs
at 0:
1−Ψ = dE + Ed, E = (1−Ψ)B,
with B as above. Our assertions follow immediately. �
The behavior of w forces the value f(0) of a function f ∈ L∞(I;w)∩A(I) to be
0 precisely in case (ii) above. Thus we have:
(2.3.8) Corollary. Write I for the closed interval [0, 1]. For the two cases pre-
ceding (2.3.6),
A•(∞)(I;w) ≈
A•(I) in case (i),
A•(I, 0) in case (ii).
There are several standard consequences and variants of (2.3.7) in higher dimen-
sion. The simplest to state are (2.1.6) and its corollary; we now give the latter:
(2.3.9) Proposition. LetM be the interior of a Riemannian manifold-with-corners
M , and let A•
(M) be the subcomplex of A•
(M) consisting of forms that are
smooth at the boundary. Then the inclusion
A•(p)(M) →֒ A
induces an isomorphism on cohomology. Thus the Lp-cohomology of M can be
computed as the cohomology of A•
(M), i.e., H•
(M) ≃ H•(M). �
Finally, we will soon need the following generalization of (2.3.1):
(2.3.10) Proposition. Let wM and wN be positive functions on the Riemannian
manifolds M and N respectively. Suppose that on the Riemannian product M ×N ,
one has in the sense of operators on Lp that d = dM ⊗ 1N + σM ⊗ dN , and that
(N ;wN) is finite-dimensional. Then
H•(p)(M ×N ;wM × wN ) ≃ H
(p)(M ;wM)⊗H
(p)(N ;wN ).
Remarks. i) The condition on M × N is asserting that the forms on M ×N that
have separate Lp exterior derivatives along M and along N are dense in the graph
norm (cf. [Z1, pp.178–181] for some discussion of when this condition holds.)
ii) When p = 2, the above proposition recovers only a special case of what is
in [Z1, pp.180–181]; however, the full statement of the latter does generalize to all
values of p, by a parallel argument.
Proof of (2.3.10). The argument is similar to what one finds in [Z1,§2], which
is for the case p = 2, though we cannot use orthogonal projection here. Let
h• = h•p(N ;wN) be any space of cohomology representatives for H
(N ;wN ); by
hypothesis, h• is a finite-dimensional Banach space. It suffices to show that the
( A•(p)(M ;wM )⊗ h
p(N ;wN)
→֒ A•(p)(M ×N ;wM × wN )
induces an isomorphism on cohomology.
For each i, let Zi denote the closed forms in Ai = Ai
(N ;wN). Then D
dAi−1 is a complement to hi in Zi; it is automatically closed because of the finite-
dimensionality of hi. By the Hausdorff maximal principle, there is a closed linear
complement Ci to Zi in Ai (canonical complements exist when p = 2). Then the
open mapping theorem of functional analysis (applied for the Lp graph norm on
Ai), gives that the direct sum of Banach spaces,
( hi ⊕Di ⊕ Ci,
is boundedly isomorphic to Ai. With respect to this decomposition of Ai, dN breaks
into the 0-mapping on Zi and an isomorphism di : Ci → Di+1.
We can now obtain a cochain homotopy for A•. Let Bi denote the inverse of
di−1, and B and d the respective direct sums of these. One calculates that dB+Bd
is equal to 1− q, where q denotes projection onto h• with respect to (
Adapting this formula to M × N runs a standard course. First, B defines an
operator BN = 1M ⊗ B on M × N , and likewise does q. We have the identity
1− qN = dNBN +BNdN . Noting that dN commutes with σM and that σ
M = 1M ,
we obtain
(1− qN ) = σMdN (σMBN ) + (σMBN )σMdN ,
and likewise dM (σMBN ) + (σMBN )dM = 0. Adding, we get 1 − qN = dB̃ + B̃d,
with B̃ = σMBN , and this gives what we wanted to know about (, so we
are done. �
3. Lp cohomology on the reductive Borel-Serre compactification
In this section, we determine the cohomology sheaves of A•
(MRBS) for large
finite values of p, and compare the outcome to that of related calculations.
(3.1) Calculations for MRBS , and the proof of Theorem 1. We first observe that
(MRBS) is a complex of fine sheaves, for the criterion of (2.1.5, i) was verified
in [Z1]. (The analogous statement on MBS is false unless M is already compact;
indeed, this is why the space MRBS was introduced.)
Let y ∈ UP \e(P ) ⊂ M
RBS . The issue is local in nature, so it suffices to work
with q̃ : MBSΓUP
→ XRBS , and therefore we lift y to ỹ ∈ XRBS . The fiber q̃−1(ỹ) is
the compact nilmanifold NP = ΓUP \UP . Since NP is compact, neighborhoods of ỹ
in XRBS give, via q̃−1, a fundamental system of neighborhoods of NP in M
As in [Z1,(3.6)], the intersection with MΓUP of such a neighborhood is of the
(3.1.1) A+
× V ×NP ,
where A+P ≃ (R
+)r(P ) and V is a coordinate cell on M̂P (notation as in (1.9)). After
taking the exponential of the A+
-variable, the metric is given, up to quasi-isometry,
dt2i + dv
where α runs over the roots in UP . By the Künneth formula (2.3.1), we may replace
V by a point in (3.1.2); we are reduced to determining H•
(A+P ×NP ), where the
metric is
dt2i +
The means of computing this runs parallel to the discussion in [Z1,(4.20)]. We
consider the inclusions of complexes
P ;wβ)⊗H
β(uP ,C)
P ;wβ)⊗ ∧
β(uP )
≃ A•(p)(A
P ×NP )
UP →֒ A•(p)(A
P ×NP ).
Here, uP denotes the Lie algebra of UP , and
(3.1.4) wβ(a) = a
pβa−δ = apβ−δ = a
p(β− δ
(ai = e
where δ denotes the sum of the positive Q-roots (cf. (3.1.9, ii) below). We can see
that the contribution of δ (which enters because of the weighting of the volume
form of NP ) is non-zero yet increasingly negligible as p→∞.
The second inclusion in (3.1.3) is that of the “UP -invariant” forms. Note that
this reduces considerations onNP to a finite-dimensional vector space, viz. ∧
•(uP )
Here, one is invoking the isomorphism
(3.1.5) H•(NP ) ≃ H
•(uP , C)
for nilmanifolds, which is a theorem of Nomizu [N]. The exterior algebra decomposes
into non-positive weight spaces for aP , which we write as
(3.1.6) ∧•(uP )
∧•β(uP )
The first inclusion in (3.1.3) is given by Kostant’s embedding [K,(5.7.4)] ofH•(uP ,C)
in ∧•(uP )
∗ as a set of cohomology representatives, and it respects aP weights. Our
main Lp-cohomology computation is based on:
(3.1.7) Proposition. For all p ≥ 1, the inclusions in (3.1.3) are quasi-isomorphisms.
Proof. This is asserted in [Z1,(4.23),(4.25)] for the case p = 2. The proof given
there was presented with p = 2 in mind, though there is no special role of L2 in it
(cf. [Z3,(8.6)]). We point out that [Z1,(4.25)] is about the finite-dimensional linear
algebra described above, and that the proof (4.23) of [Z1] goes through because the
process of averaging a function over a circle (hence a nilmanifold, by iteration) is
bounded in Lp-norm. As such, one sees rather easily that the proof carries over
verbatim for general p, and (3.1.7) is thereby proved. �
Remark. We wish to point out and rectify a small mistake in the argument in
[Z1, §4], one that “corrects itself”. It is asserted that the second terms in (4.37) and
(4.41) there vanish by Uj−1-invariance. This is false in general. However, the two
expressions actually differ only by a sign, and they cancel, yielding the conclusion
of (4.41).
We next show how (3.1.7) yields the determination of H•
(A+P × NP ). We
may use the first complex in (3.1.3) for this purpose. The weights in (3.1.6) are
non-positive, and (3.1.4) shows that once p is sufficiently large, wβ blows up expo-
nentially in some direction whenever β 6= 0, and decays exponentially when β = 0.
Applying (2.2.1) and the Künneth theorem, we obtain:
(3.1.8) Corollary. For sufficiently large p < ∞, H•
(A+P ×NP ) ≃ H
0(uP ,C) ≃
(3.1.9) Remark. i) We can specify what “sufficiently large” means, using (3.1.4).
Write δ as a (non-negative) linear combination of the simple Q-roots: δ =
Then we mean to take p > max{cβ}.
ii) When p = ∞, one runs into trouble with the infinite-dimensionality of the
unweighted H1
(R+) (see (2.2.4)). By using instead large finite p, we effect a
perturbation away from the trivial weight, thereby circumventing the problem.
There is a straightforward globalization of (3.1.8), which we now state:
(3.1.10) Theorem. For sufficiently large p, the inclusion
BS) ≃ A•(p)(M
is a quasi-isomorphism. �
From this follows Theorem 1:
(3.1.11) Corollary. For sufficiently large finite p, H•
(M) ≃ H•(MRBS).
(3.2) An example (with enhancement). Take first G = SL(2). Then M is a
modular curve. There are only two distinct interesting compactifications (those in
(0.2)): one is MBS , and the other is MRBS (which is homeomorphic to MBB and
MΣ). A deleted neighborhood of a boundary point (cusp) of M
BB is a Poincaré
punctured disc ∆∗R = {z ∈ C : 0 < |z| < R}, with R < 1, with metric given in
polar coordinates by ds2 = (r | log r|)−2(dr2 + (rdθ)2). Because R < 1, the metric
is smooth along the boundary circle |z| = R. Setting u = log | log r| converts the
metric to ds2 = du2+e−2udθ2 (recall (3.1.3)). One obtains from (2.3.1) and (3.1.7):
(3.2.1) Proposition. Write ∆R for ∆
R ∪ {0}. Then for the Poincaré metric on
R) ≃ H
•(∆R) ≃ C whenever 1 < p <∞. �
(3.2.2) Remark. When p = 1, H2
(∆∗R) is infinite-dimensional, as is H
this follows from (2.2.4) and (3.1.7). By using a Mayer-Vietoris argument, in the
same manner as [Z1,§5], we get that when M is a modular curve, we see that
(M) is likewise infinite-dimensional. Thus the assertion in (3.1.11) fails to
hold for p =∞, already when G = SL(2).
Using the Künneth formula (2.3.10), it is easy to obtain the corresponding as-
sertion for (∆∗R)
(3.2.3) Corollary. For the Poincaré metric on (∆∗R)
n) ≃ H•(∆nR) ≃ C whenever 1 < p <∞. �
Now, let M be an arbitrary locally symmetric variety. The smooth toroidal
compactifications MΣ are constructed so that they are complex manifolds and the
boundary is a divisor with normal crossings onMΣ. The local pictures ofM →֒MΣ
are (∆∗)k × ∆n−k →֒ ∆n, for 0 ≤ k ≤ n. The invariant metric of M is usually
not Poincaré in these coordinates, not even asymptotically. However, it is easy to
construct other metrics which are. We will use a subscript “P” to indicate that
one is using such a metric instead of the invariant one. We note that such a metric
depends on the choice of toroidal compactification. The global version of (3.2.3)
follows by standard sheaf theory:
(3.2.4) Proposition. For a metric on M that is Poincaré with respect to MΣ,
H•(p),P(M) ≃ H
•(MΣ) whenever 1 < p <∞. �
The above proposition actually gives a reinterpretation of the method in [Mu].
There, Mumford decided to work in the rather large complex of currents that also
gives the cohomology of MΣ. However, he shows that the connection and Chern
forms involved are “of Poincaré growth”, and that is equivalent to saying that
they are L∞ with respect to any metric that is asymptotically Poincaré near the
boundary of MΣ. One thereby sees that his argument for comparing Chern forms
([Mu, p.243], based on (4.3.4) below) in the complex of currents actually takes place
in the subcomplex of Poincaré L∞ forms on M .
Remark. For a convenient exposition of the growth estimates in the latter, see
[HZ2,(2.6)]. Since there is in general no morphism of compactifications between
MRBS and MΣ, the reader is warned that the comparison of their boundaries is a
bit tricky (see [HZ1,(1.5),(2.7)] and [HZ2,(2.5)]).
(3.3) On defining morphisms via Lp-cohomology. We give next an interesting
consequence of Theorem 1. The space M has finite volume, so there is a canonical
morphism (see (2.1))
(3.3.1) H•(p)(M)→ H
whenever p > 2. For p sufficiently large, the left-hand side of (3.3.1) is naturally
isomorphic to H•(MRBS). For p = 2, there is an analogous assertion: by the
Zucker conjecture, proved in [L] and [SS] (see [Z2]), the right-hand side is naturally
isomorphic to IH•m(M
BB), intersection cohomology with middle perversity m of
[GM1]. These facts transform (3.3.1) into the diagram
H•(MBB) → IH•m(M
In other words,
(3.3.3) Proposition. The mapping in (3.3.1) defines a factorization of the canon-
ical mapping
H•(MBB) −→ IH•m(M
through H•(MRBS).
A related assertion had been conjectured by Goresky-MacPherson and Rapoport,
and was proved recently by Saper:
(3.3.4) Proposition. Let h : MRBS → MBB be the canonical quotient mapping.
Then there is a quasi-isomorphism
RBS ,Q) ≈ IC•m(M
where IC denotes sheaves of intersection cochains.
This globalizes to an isomorphism IH•m(M
BB,Q), which un-
derlies (3.3.3), enlarging the triangle into a commutative square defined over Q:
H•(MRBS) −−−−→ IH•m(M
H•(MBB) −−−−→ IH•m(M
4. Chern forms for vector bundles on stratified spaces
In this section, we will treat the de Rham theory for stratified spaces that will
be needed for the proof of Theorem 2. We also develop the associated treatment of
Chern classes for vector bundles.
(4.1) Differential forms on stratified spaces. Let Y be a paracompact space
with an abstract prestratification (in the sense of Mather) by C∞ manifolds. Let
S denote the set of strata of Y . If S and T are strata, one writes T ≺ S whenever
T 6= S and T lies in the closure S of S.
The notion of a prestratification specifies a system C of Thom-Mather control
data (see [GM2, p. 42],[V1],[V2]), and that entails the following. For each stratum
S of Y , there is a neighborhood NS of S in Y , a retraction πS : NS → S, and a
continuous “distance function” ρS : NS → [0,∞) such that ρ
(0) = S, subject to:
(4.1.1) Conditions. Whenever T � S, put NT,S = NT ∩ S, πT,S = πT |NT,S ,
and ρT,S = ρT |NT,S . Then:
i) πT (y) = πT,S(πS(y)) whenever both sides are defined, viz., for y ∈ NT ∩
−1NT,S; likewise ρT (y) = ρT,S(πS(y)).
ii) The restricted mapping πT,S×ρT,S : N
T,S → T×R
+, where N◦T,S = NT,S−T ,
is a C∞ submersion.
(The above conditions will be relaxed after (4.1.4) below.) A prestratified space is,
thus, the triple (Y,S, C).
Let Y ◦ denote the open stratum of Y . One understands that when S = Y ◦,
one has NS = Y
◦, πS = 1Y ◦ and ρS ≡ 0. From (4.1.1), it follows that for all
S ∈ S, πT,S|N◦
is a submersion; moreover, the closure S of S in Y is stratified by
{T ∈ S : T � S}, and CS = {(πT,S, ρT,S) : T ≺ S} is a system of control data for
We also recall the following (see [V2,Def. 1.4]):
(4.1.2) Definition. A controlled mapping of prestratified spaces, f : (Y,S, C) →
(Y ′,S′, C′), is a continuous mapping f : Y → Y ′ satisfying:
i) If S ∈ S, there is S′ ∈ S′ such that f(S) ⊆ S′, and moreover, f |S is a smooth
mapping of manifolds.
ii) For S and S′ as above, f ◦ πS = πS′ ◦ f in a neighborhood of S.
iii) For S and S′ as above, ρS′ ◦ f = ρS in a neighborhood of S.
Let j : Y ◦ →֒ Y denote the inclusion. A subsheaf A•Y,C of j∗A
Y ◦ , the complex of
C-controlled C-valued differential forms on Y , is the sheafification of the following
presheaf: for V open in Y , put
(4.1.3) A•Y,C(V ) = {ϕ ∈ A
•(V ∩ Y ◦) : ϕ|NS∩V∩Y ◦ ∈ imπ
S for all S ∈ S}.
(4.1.4) Remark. From (4.1.1, i), one concludes that the condition in (4.1.3) for T
implies the same for S whenever S ≻ T , as (πT )
∗ϕ = (πS)
We observe that the definition of A•Y,C is independent of the distance functions
ρS . Indeed, all that we will need from the control data for most purposes is the
collection of germs of πS along S. We term this weak control data (these are the
equivalence classes implicit in [V2,Def. 1.3]). In this spirit, one has the notion of a
weakly controlled mapping, obtained from (4.1.2) by discarding item (iii); cf. (5.2.2).
The main role that ρS plays here is to specify a model for the link of S:
(4.1.5) LS = π
(s0) ∩ ρ
for any s0 ∈ VS and sufficiently small ε > 0, but the link is also independent of C;
besides, we will not need that notion in this paper.
The following is well-known:
(4.1.6) Lemma. Let Y be a space with prestratification. For any open covering
V of Y , there is a partition of unity {fV : V ∈ V} subordinate to V that consists
of C-controlled functions. �
This is used in [V1, p. 887] to prove the stratified version of the de Rham theorem:
(4.1.7) Proposition. Let C be a system of (weak) control data on Y . Then the
complex A•Y,C is a fine resolution of the constant sheaf CY. �
(4.1.8) Corollary. A closed C-controlled differential form on Y determines an
element of H•(Y ). �
(4.2) Controlled vector bundles. We start with a basic notion.
(4.2.1) Definition. A C-controlled vector bundle on Y is a topological vector
bundle E, given with local trivializations for all V in some open covering V of Y ,
such that the entries of the transition matrices are C-controlled.
It follows from the definition that a C-controlled vector bundle determines a Cech
1-cocycle forV with coefficients inGL(r,A0Y,C). It thereby yields a cohomology class
in H1(Y,GL(r,A0Y,C)). The latter has a natural interpretation:
(4.2.2) Proposition. The set H1(Y,GL(r,A0Y,C)) is in canonical one-to-one cor-
respondence with the set of isomorphism classes of vector bundles E of rank r on
Y with ES = E|S smooth for all S ∈ S, together with a system {φS : S ∈ S},
{φT,S : S, T ∈ S} of germs of isomorphisms of vector bundles (total spaces) along
each T ∈ S:
i) φT : (πT )
∗ET = ET ×T NT
−→E|NT ,(
ii) φT,S : (πT,S)
∗ET = ET ×T NT,S
whenever T ≺ S, satisfying the compatibility conditions φT = φS ◦ φT,S.
( Remark. Condition (ii) above is, of course, the restriction of (i) along S.
If we use {ET : T ∈ S}, the stratification of E induced by S, then the natural
projection ET ×T NT → ET gives weak control data for E. Thus we obtain from
(4.2.3) Corollary. A vector bundle E on Y is C-controlled (as in (4.2.1)) if and
only if E admits weak control data such that the bundle projection E → Y is a
weakly controlled mapping (as in (4.1)). �
Proof of (4.2.2). Let ξ be a 1-cocycle for the open covering V of Y , with coefficients
in GL(r,A0Y,C). Since the functions in A
Y,C are continuous, ξ determines a vector
bundle of rank r in the usual way; putting E0 for C
r, one takes
E = Eξ =
{(E0 × Vα) : Vα ∈ V}
modulo the identifications on Vαβ = Vα ∩ Vβ :
E0 × Vαβ →֒ E0 × Vα
E0 × Vαβ →֒ E0 × Vβ
It is a tautology that there exist isomorphisms ( locally on the respective
bases (Y ◦ or S), but we want it to be specified globally.
Next, let
( VS = {V ∈ V : V ∩ S 6= ∅}, V(S) = {V ∩ S : V ∈ VS}.
Then V(S) is an open cover of S. By refining V, we may assume without loss
of generality that ξαβ ∈ im (πS)
∗ on Vαβ ∩ NS whenever Vα, Vβ ∈ VS , and write
ξαβ = (πS)
∗ ξSαβ. The bundle ES = E|S is constructed from the 1-cocycle ξ
S. Let
N ′S = NS ∩
{V : V ∈ VS}.
The relation ξ = (πS)
∗ξS onN ′S determines a canonical isomorphism φS : E|N ′S
∗ES ,
for the local ones patch together; it is smooth on each stratum R ≻ S. One produces
φS,T by doing the above for the restriction of E to S, along its stratum T .
The consistency condition, φT = φS ◦ φT,S whenever T ≺ S, holds because of
(4.1.4). Replacing V by any refinement of it, only serves to make N ′S smaller, so
the germs of the pullback relations do not change. Also, we must check that the
isomorphisms above remain unchanged when we replace ξ by an equivalent cocycle.
Let ξ′αβ = ψβξαβψ
α , where ψ is a 0-cochain for V with coefficients in GL(r,A
Without loss of generality again, we assume that ψ is of the form (πS)
∗ψS on N ′S.
The isomorphism E(ξ′S) ≃ E(ξS) induced by ψ
S then pulls back to the same for
the restrictions of E(ξ′) and E(ξ) to N ′S, respecting the compatibilities.
Thus, we have constructed a well-defined mapping from H1(Y,GL(r,A0Y,C)) to
isomorphism classes of bundles on Y with pullback data along the strata. We wish
to show that it is a bijection.
Actually, we can invert the above construction explicitly. Given E, φT , etc., as
in (, let, for each T ∈ S, VT be a covering of T that gives a 1-cocycle ξ
T for
ET (as a smooth vector bundle on T ); N
T a neighborhood of T , contained in NT , on
which the isomorphisms φT and φT,S (for all S ≻ T ) are defined; V(T ) = π
the corresponding covering of N ′S, on which (πT )
∗ξT is a cocycle giving E|N ′
. Then
{VT : T ∈ S}
is a covering of Y , such that for all V ∈ V, E|V has been trivialized.
We claim that the 1-cocycle for E, with respect to these trivializations, has
coefficients in GL(r,A0Y,C). For Vα and Vβ in the same VT , we have seen already
that ξαβ is in im(πT )
∗. Suppose, then, that T ≺ S, and that Vα ∈ VT and Vβ ∈ VS
have non-empty intersection. Then ξαβ is actually in im(πS)
∗, which one sees is a
consequence of the compatibility conditions for (, and our claim is verified.
That we have described the inverse construction is easy to verify. �
(4.3) Controlled connections on vector bundles. When we speak of a connection
on a smooth vector bundle over a manifold, and write the symbol ▽ for it, we mean
foremost the covariant derivative. Then, the difference of two connections is a 0-th
order operator, given by the difference of their connection matrices with respect to
any one frame.
We can define the notion of a connection on a C-controlled vector bundle:
(4.3.1) Definition. Let E be a C-controlled vector bundle on Y . A C-controlled
connection on E is a connection ▽ on E|Y ◦ for which there is a covering V of Y
such that for each V ∈ V, there is a frame of E|V such that the connection forms
lie in A1V,C ⊗ End(E).
Remark [added]. It is more graceful to define a controlled connection so as to be in
accordance with ( it is a system of connections {(ET ,▽T )}, with germs of
(▽S)|NT,S = (πT,S)
▽T whenever T ≺ S.
One sees that (4.1.1) and (4.3.1) imply that a C-controlled connection on E
defines a usual connection on E|S for every S ∈ S. The next observation is evident
from the definition:
(4.3.2) Lemma. The curvature form Θ ∈ j∗(A
Y◦ ⊗ End(E|Y◦)) of a C-controlled
connection ▽ lies in A2Y,C ⊗ End(E). �
It is also obvious that A•Y,C is closed under exterior multiplication. One can thus
define for each k the Chern form ck(E,▽), a closed C-controlled 2k-form on Y , by
the usual formula:
ck(E,▽) = Pk(Θ, . . . ,Θ),
where Pk is the appropriate invariant polynomial of degree k. By (4.1.8), ck(E,▽)
defines a cohomology class in H2k(Y ).
(4.3.3) Proposition. i) Every C-controlled vector bundle E on Y admits a C-
controlled connection.
ii) The cohomology class of ck(E,▽) in H
2k(Y ) is independent of the C-controlled
connection ▽ on E.
Proof. Let {φT , φT,S : T ≺ S} be the data defining a C-controlled vector bundle, as
in (, and N ′T ⊂ NT a domain for the isomorphisms involving ET . For each
T , let ▽T be any smooth connection on ET , and (πT )
T the pullback connection
on E|N ′
. Then V = {N ′T : T ∈ S} is an open covering of Y . Apply (4.1.6) to get
a C-controlled partition of unity {fT } subordinate to V. Then ▽ =
V is a
C-controlled connection on E. This proves (i).
The argument for proving (ii) is the standard one. For two connections on a
smooth manifold, such as Y ◦, there is an identity:
(4.3.4) ck(E,▽1)− ck(E,▽0) = dηk,
( ηk = k
Pk(ω,Θt, . . . ,Θt)dt,
ω = ▽1−▽0, ▽t = (1− t)▽0+ t▽1, and Θt denotes the curvature of ▽t. Now, if ▽0
and ▽1 are both C-controlled, one sees easily that ω and ▽t are likewise, and then
so is ηk. It follows that (4.3.4) is an identity in A
Y,C, giving (ii).
We have been leading up to the following:
(4.3.5) Theorem. Let E be a C-controlled vector bundle on the stratified space
Y . Then the cohomology class in (4.3.3, ii) gives the topological Chern class of E
in H2k(Y ); in particular, it is independent of the choice of C.
Proof. This argument, too, follows standard lines. We start by proving the assertion
when E is a line bundle L. On Y , there is the short exact exponential sequence (of
( 0→ ZY → A
Y,C → (A
∗ → 1.
The Chern class of L, c1(L), is then the image of any controlled Cech cocycle that
determines L, under the connecting homomorphism
( H1(Y, (A0Y )
∗) −→ H2(Y,Z).
To prove the theorem for line bundles, it is convenient to work in the double
complex C•(A•Y,C), where C
• denotes Cech cochains. It has differential D = δ + σd
(i.e., Cech differential plus a sign σ = (−1)a times exterior derivative, where a is
the Cech degree). On a sufficiently fine covering of Y we have a cochain giving L,
ξ ∈ C1((A0Y,C)
∗) (if eα is the specified frame for L on the open subset Vα of Y , one
has on Vα ∩ Vβ that eα = ξαβeβ), with δξ = 1, the connection forms ω ∈ C
and λ = log ξ in C1(A0Y,C). We know by ( above that δλ gives c1(L). The
change-of-frame formula for connections gives δω + dλ = 0. Finally, the curvature
(for a line bundle) is Θ = dω, so we wish to show that dω and δλ are cohomologous
in the double complex. By definition, Dλ = δλ−dλ, and Dω = δω+dω = dω−dλ.
This gives δλ− dω = D(λ− ω), and we are done.
To get at higher-rank bundles, we invoke a version of the splitting principle. Let
p : F(E)→ Y be the bundle of total flags for E. As E is locally the product of Y
and a vector space, F(E) is locally on Y just Fr×Y , where Fr is a (smooth compact)
flag manifold. As such, F(E) is a stratified space that is locally no more complicated
than Y ; we take as the set of strata S̃ = p−1(S) = {p−1S : S ∈ S}. For weak control
data, we deduce it from C in the same way it is done for E (see ( we take
NFT = F(E|N ′T ), and use the natural projection F(E|N
) → F(ET ) induced by
It is standard that the vector bundle p∗E on F(E) decomposes (non-canonically)
into a direct sum of line bundles: p∗E =
1≤j≤r Λj . (p
∗E is canonically filtered:
Λ1 = F1 ⊂ F2 . . . Fr = p
∗E, with Λj ≃ Fj/Fj−1.) To obtain this, one starts by
taking Λ1 to be the line bundle given at each point of F(E) by the one-dimensional
subspace from the corresponding flag. Then, one splits the exact sequence
( 0→ Λ1 → p
∗E → p∗E/Λ1 → 0,
using a controlled metric on E. By that, we mean a metric that is a pullback via the
isomorphisms (; these can be constructed by the usual patching argument,
using controlled partitions of unity (4.1.6). One obtains Λj , for j > 1, by recursion.
We need a little more than that:
(4.3.6) Lemma. i) The vector bundle p∗E is, in a tautological way, a controlled
vector bundle on F(E).
ii) The line bundles Λj are controlled subbundles of p
Proof. We have that p∗E = E ×Y F, and its strata are (p
∗E)FT = ET ×T FT , for
all T ∈ S. There is natural weak control data for p∗E that we now specify. By
construction, we have a retraction
π(p∗ET ) : (p
∗E)|NFT = (p
∗E)|F|NT ≃ E|NT ×NT F|NT → ET ×T FT = (p
∗E)FT ,
induced by the weak control data for E (and thus also F), and likewise for the
restriction to (p∗E)|NFT ,FS , when S ≻ T . These provide φFT and φFT ,FS (from
( respectively for p∗E, and (i) is proved.
We show that Λ1 is preserved by φFT and φFT ,FS . (As before, we explain this
only for the former, the other being its restriction to the strata.) Let pT : FT → T
denote the restriction of p to FT . Since pT gives the flag manifold bundle associated
to ET , (p
TET ) contains a tautological line bundle, which we call Λ1,T . We have
from the control data that (Λ1)|NFT ≃ (φFT )
∗Λ1,T .
We claim further that ( takes Λ1|NFT to Λ1,T , as desired. The explicit
formula for (, obtained by unwinding the fiber products, is as follows. Let
e be in the vector space ET,t, the fiber of ET over t ∈ T , and f a point the flag
manifold of ET,t. Also, let n ∈ (πT )
−1(t). Then π(p∗ET )(e, f, n) = (e, f), which
implies (ii) for j = 1. The assertion for j > 1 is obtained recursively. �
We return to the proof of (4.3.5). Let ▽0 be the direct sum of C̃-controlled
connections on each Λj ; and take ▽1 = p
▽, where ▽ is a C-controlled connection
on E. Both ▽0 and ▽1 are C̃-controlled connections on F(E). By construction,
∗E,▽0) represents the k-th Chern class of p
∗E in H2k(F(E)). We then apply
(4.3.3, ii) to obtain that ck(p
∗E,▽1) = p
∗ck(E,▽) represents p
∗ck(E) ∈ H
Since p∗ : H2k(Y ) −→ H2k(F(E)) is injective, it follows that ck(E,▽) represents
ck(E) in H
2k(Y ), and (4.3.5) is proved. �
5. Proofs of Theorem 2 and Conjecture B
In this section, we apply the methods of §4 in the case Y =MRBSΓ .
(5.1) Control data for a manifold-with-corners. Let Y be a manifold-with-
corners, with its open faces as strata. For each codimension one boundary stratum
S, let
φS : [0, 1]× S → Y
define the collar NS of S in Y , so that {0} × S is mapped identically onto S.
This determines partial control data (that is, without distance functions) for Y as
As NS , one takes φ([0, 1) × S), and as πS projection onto S. For a general
boundary stratum T , write
{S : S of codimension one, T ≺ S}.
Let NT =
{NS : S of codimension one, T ≺ S}; given the φS ’s above, this set
is canonically diffeomorphic to [0, 1]r × T , where r is the codimension of T . Then
NT is the subset of NT corresponding to [0, 1)
r × T , in which terms πT is simply
projection onto T .
(5.2) Compatible control data. The existence of natural (partial) control data
for MRBSΓ is, in essence, well-known, as is compatible control data for M
Γ in the
Hermitian case. We give a brief presentation of that here. This will enable us to
determine that Conjecture B is true.
The relevant notions are variants of (4.1.2).
(5.2.1) Definition (see [GM2, 1.6]). Let Y and Y ′ be stratified spaces. A proper
smooth mapping f : Y → Y ′ is said to be stratified when the following two condi-
tions are satisfied:
i) If S′ is a stratum of Y ′, then f−1(S′) is a union of connected components of
strata of Y ;
ii) Let T ⊂ Y be a stratum component as in (i) above. Then f |T : T → S
′ is a
It follows that a stratified mapping f is, in particular, open. We assume henceforth,
and without loss of generality, that all strata are connected.
(5.2.2) Definition (cf. [V1: 1.4]). Let f : Y → Y ′ be a stratified mapping, with
(weak) control data C for Y , and C′ for Y ′. We say that f is weakly controlled if
for each stratum S of Y , the equation πS′ ◦ f = f ◦ πS holds in some neighborhood
of S (here f maps S to S′).
(5.2.3) Remark. Note that there is no mention of distance functions in (5.2.2). This
is intentional, and is consistent with our stance in (4.1).
(5.2.4) Lemma. Let f : Y → Y ′ be a stratified mapping. Given partial control
data C for Y , there is at most one system of germs of partial control data C′ for Y ′
such that f becomes weakly controlled. Such C′ exists if and only if for all strata S
of Y , there is a neighborhood of S (contained in NS) in which f(y) = f(z) implies
f(πS(y)) = f(πS(z)). �
When the condition in (5.2.4) is satisfied, one uses the formula
πS′(f(y)) = f(πS(y))
to define C′, and we then write C′ = f∗C. In the usual manner, the mapping f
determines an equivalence relation on Y , viz., y ∼ z if and only if f(y) = f(z). The
condition on C thereby becomes:
(5.2.5) y ∼ z ⇒ πS(y) ∼ πS(z) (near S).
We will use the preceding for the stratified mappings MBSΓ →M
Γ in general,
and MRBSΓ →M
Γ in the Hermitian case. The reason for bringing inM
Γ is that
it is a manifold-with-corners, and it also has natural partial control data.
The boundary strata of X , the universal cover of MBSΓ , are the sets e(P ) of
(1.3), as P ranges over all rational parabolic subgroups of G. Those of MBSΓ itself
are the arithmetic quotients e′(P ) of e(P ), with P ranging over the finite set of
Γ-conjugacy classes of such P . There are projections X → X/AP = e(P ), defined
by collapsing the orbits of the geodesic action of AP to points. This extends to a
P -equivariant smooth retraction (geodesic projection), given in (1.3.3):
(5.2.6) X(P )
−−→ X(P )/AP = e(P ).
Recall from (1.8) that there is a neighborhood of e′(P ) inMBSΓ on which geodesic
projection onto e′(P ), induced by (5.2.6), is defined. We take the restriction of this
geodesic projection over e′(P ) as the definition of πP in our partial control data C
for MBSΓ . We have been leading up to:
(5.2.7) Proposition. The quotient mapping MBSΓ →M
Γ satisfies (5.2.5).
Proof. The mappings e(P ) → e(P )/UP , as P varies, induce the mapping M
MRBSΓ . It is a basic fact ([BS, 4.3]) that for Q ⊂ P , AQ ⊃ AP and πQ ◦ πP = πQ.
This gives e(P )→ e(P )/UP . Since it is also the case that Q ⊂ P implies UQ ⊃ UP ,
we see that (5.2.5) is satisfied. �
Only a little more complicated is:
(5.2.8) Proposition. In the Hermitian case, the quotient mapping MRBSΓ →
MBBΓ satisfies (5.2.5).
Proof. When the symmetric space X is Hermitian, the P -stratum of XRBS , for
each P , decomposes as a product:
( e(P )/UP ≃ Xℓ,P ×Xh,P .
This is induced by a decomposition of reductive algebraic groups over Q:
P/UP = Gℓ,P ·Gh,P
(cf. [Mu, p. 254]). Fixing Gh, one sees that the set of Q with Gh,Q = Gh (if non-
empty) is a lattice, whose greatest element is a maximal parabolic subgroup P of
G. The lattice is then canonically isomorphic to the lattice of parabolic subgroups
R of Gℓ,P , whereby Q/UQ ≃ (R/UR)×Gh,P . (Thus Gh,Q = Gh,P . In the language
of [HZ1,(2.2)] such Q are said to be subordinate to P .)
The mapping MRBSΓ →M
Γ is induced, in terms of (, by
( e(Q)/UQ → Xh,Q,
for all Q; perhaps more to the point, the terms can be grouped by lattice, yielding
( Xℓ,P ×Xh,P → Xh,P →֒ (Xh,P )
for P maximal (see [GT, 2.6.3]). One sees that (5.2.5) is satisfied. �
We have thereby reached the conclusion:
(5.2.9) Corollary. The natural partial control data for MBSΓ induces compatible
partial control data for MRBSΓ and M
Γ . �
(5.3) Conjecture B. Let EΓ be a homogeneous vector bundle on MΓ, and E
its extension to MRBSΓ from [GT] that was reconstructed in our §1. We select
as partial control data C for MRBSΓ that given in (5.2.9). It is essential that the
following hold:
(5.3.1) Proposition. ERBSΓ is a controlled vector bundle on M
Γ , with the π̃P ’s
of (1.3.3) providing the weak control data.
Proof. This is almost immediate from the construction in §1. Recall that the weak
control data for MRBSΓ consists of the geodesic projections πP , defined in a neigh-
borhood of M̂P . The vector bundle E
Γ also gets local geodesic projections π̃P ,
induced from those of EBS, that are compatible with those of MRBSΓ because of
(1.2). The same holds within the strata of these spaces, by (1.6). We see that the
criterion of (4.2.3) is satisfied. �
We proceed with a treatment of ▽GP, the connection on EΓ constructed in [GP].
For each maximal Q-parabolic subgroup of G, letMP be the corresponding stratum
of MBB ; it is a locally symmetric variety for the group Gh,P . We also use “P” to
label the strata: thus, we have for (4.1.2), πP : NP → MP , etc. Then ▽
GP can be
defined recursively, starting from the strata of lowest dimension (Q-rank zero), and
then increasing the Q-rank by one at each step.
There is, first, the equivariant Nomizu connection for homogeneous vector bun-
dles, whose definition we recall. Homogeneous vector bundles are associated bundles
of the principal K-bundle:
(5.3.2) κ : Γ\G −→MΓ.
When we write the Cartan decomposition g = k ⊕ p, we note that (5.3.2) has
a natural equivariant connection whose connection form lies in the vector space
Hom(g, k); it is given by the projection of g onto k (with kernel p). This is known
as the Nomizu connection. The homogeneous vector bundle EΓ onMΓ is associated
to the principal bundle (5.3.2) via the representation K → GL(E). The connection
induced on EΓ via k → gl(E) = End(E) is also called the Nomizu connection (of
EΓ), and will be denoted ▽
No; its connection form is denoted θ ∈ g∗ ⊗ End(E).
A K-frame for EΓ on an open subset O ⊂ MΓ is given by a smooth cross-section
σ : O → κ−1(O) of κ; the resulting connection matrix is the pullback of θ via σ∗,
an element of A1(O,End(E)).
With that stated, we can start to describe ▽GP. For any maximal Q-parabolic
P , one will be taking expressions of the form
(5.3.3) ▽P = ψPP▽
P,No +
Q,P (▽
[GP, 11.2]. Here, ▽P,No is the Nomizu connection for the homogeneous vector bundle
onMP determined by the restrictionKh,P →֒ K → GL(E), and the functions {ψ
Q � P} form a partition of unity onMP of a selected type, given in [GP, 3.5, 11.1.1];
the function ψ
P is a cut-off function for a large relatively compact open subset VQ,P
of MQ in M
P , with ⋃
and can be taken to be supported inside the neighborhood NQ,P of the partial
control data when Q 6= P .
Next, Φ∗Q,P indicates the process of parabolic induction from MQ to NQ,P , by
means of πQ,P . It is defined as follows. Fix a maximal parabolic Q and a rep-
resentation K → GL(E). The latter restricts, of course, to KQ = Kh,Q × Kℓ,Q,
but through the Cayley transform, this actually extends to a representation λ of
Kh,Q × Gℓ,Q. That allows one to define an action of all of Q on Eh,Q [GP, 10.1],
which induces a Q-equivariant mapping
(5.3.4) E = Q×KQ E −→ Gh,Q ×Kh,Q E = Eh,Q,
given by (q, e) 7→ (gh, λ(gℓ)e) for q = ughgℓ ∈ UQGh,QGℓ,Q = Q. That in turn
defines a UQ-invariant isomorphism of vector bundles homogeneous under Q:
E ≃ π∗Q(Eh,Q).
One then takes ▽GP to be ▽G in (5.3.3). Given any connection ▽h,Q on Eh,Q,
the pullback connection ▽ = π∗Q(▽
h,Q) satisfies the same relation for its curvature
form, viz.,
(5.3.5) Θ(▽) = π∗QΘ(▽
It follows that the Chern forms of ▽GP are controlled on MBBΓ [GP, 11.6]. On the
other hand, the connection itself is not. To proceed, weaker information about ▽GP
(5.3.6) Proposition. With an appropriate choice of the functions ψ
, the con-
nection ▽GP is a controlled connection when viewed on MRBSΓ .
Proof. TRBS1-2 his is not difficult. Recall from (4.3.1) that the issue is the exis-
tence of local frames at each point of MRBSΓ , with respect to which the connection
matrix is controlled. For each rational parabolic subgroup Q of G, we work in the
corner X(Q). By (5.3.4), one gets local frames for E(Q), the restriction of E to
X(Q) ⊂ X, from local frames for Eh,Q. We can write E(Q) as:
( E(Q) ≃ UQ × AQ ×MQ ×KQ E.
This also provides good variables for calculations. We note that Φ∗Q,P is independent
of the UQ-variable. Likewise, ψ
can be chosen to be a function of only (a,mKQ),
constant on the compact nilmanifold fibers NP (i.e., the image of the UP -orbits).
It follows by induction that ▽GP is controlled on MRBSΓ . �
As we said, the Chern forms of ▽GP are controlled differential forms for MBBΓ ,
so are a fortiori controlled for MRBSΓ . It follows from (4.3.5) that
(5.3.7) Proposition. c•(E
GP) represents c•(E
Γ ) ∈ H
•(MRBSΓ ). �
Thereby, Conjecture B is proved.
(5.4) Theorem 2. Let ▽ctrl be any C-controlled connection on ERBSΓ , and ▽
No the
equivariant Nomizu connection on EΓ. By (4.3.5) we know that ck(▽
ctrl) represents
Γ ); we want to conclude the same for ck(▽
No). Toward that, we recall the
standard identity on M satisfied by the Chern forms:
(5.4.1) ck(▽
No)− ck(▽
ctrl) = dηk,
which is a case of (4.3.4). The following is straightforward:
(5.4.2) Lemma. i) A•
is contained in A•
ii) A G-invariant form on MΓ is L
Proof. In terms of (3.1.1), a controlled differential form on MRBSΓ is one that is,
for each given P , pulled back from V ⊂ M̂P . Such forms are trivially weighted by
in the metric (3.1.2). It follows that a controlled form is locally L∞ on MRBSΓ .
This proves (i). As for (ii), an invariant form has constant length, so is in particular
L∞. �
(5.4.3) Proposition. The closed forms ck(▽
No) and ck(▽
ctrl) represent the same
class in H2k
Proof. Since MRBSΓ is compact, a global controlled form on M
Γ is globally L
As such, (5.4.2) gives that the Chern forms for both ▽ctrl and ▽No are in the
complex L•
(MΓ). It remains to verify that ηk in (5.4.1) is likewise L
∞, for then
the relation (5.4.1) holds in the L∞ de Rham complex A•
(MΓ), so ck(▽
No) and
ctrl) are cohomologous in the L∞ complex.
By (, it suffices to check that the difference ω = ▽No−▽ctrl is L∞. That
can be accomplished by taking the difference of connection matrices with respect
to the same local frame of ERBS , and for that purpose we use, for each Q, frames
pulled back from M̂Q. For that, it is enough to verify the boundedness for ω in
a neighborhood of every point of the boundary of MRBSΓ , and we may as well
calculate on XRBS .
Consider a point in the Q-stratum XQ of X
RBS . As in (3.1.1), we can take as
neighborhood base, intersected with X , sets that decompose with respect to Q as
( NQ × A
Q × V,
with V open in XQ. In these terms, πQ is just projection onto V . As in (3.1.2) and
(3.1.4), we use as coordinates (uα, a, v). We also decompose (see the end of (1.1)),
( E ≃ Q×KQ E ≃ UQ ×A
Q ×XQ ×KQ E.
We obtain a canonical isomorphism E ≃ π∗QEQ, with EQ a homogeneous vector
bundle on XQ. By (5.4.2, ii), the connection matrix of a connection that is pulled
back from XQ, with respect to a local frame pulled back from XQ is L
∞, so we
wish to do the same for the Nomizu connection.
First, we have:
( Lemma. Let Q̂ = Q/AQUQ and consider the diagram
Q −−−−→ Q̂
−−−−→ XQ.
Then Q ≃ Q̂×XQ X, the pullback of Q̂ with respect to πQ.
Proof. We note that both Q̂ and Q are exhibited as principal KQ-bundles. To
prove our assertion, it is simplest use the Langlands decomposition (of manifolds)
Q ≃ Q̂ × AQ × UQ to yield the decomposition X ≃ XQ × AQ × UQ (cf. (
Q̂×XQ X ≃ Q̂×AQ × UQ ≃ Q. �
It follows that if σ : O ⊆ XQ → Q̂ gives a local KQ-frame, then σ̃ : π
Q (O) ⊆
X → Q ≃ Q̂ ×XQ X , defined by σ̃(x) = (σ(πQ(x)), x), gives the pullback frame
π∗Qσ. In other words, π
Qσ takes values in the principal KQ-bundle Q→ X that is
the restriction of structure group of (5.3.2) from K to KQ.
Let ▽No be the Nomizu connection on E . Recall that this is determined by
( TX
−→ g −→ k −→ End(E).
As such, ▽No is not a KQ-connection. However, a frame for the restriction to X of
the canonical extension E can be taken to be of the form σ̃ as above (cf. (1.10)). It
follows that for x ∈ π−1
(O), the Nomizu connection is given by
( TX,x
→֒ q −→ k −→ End(E),
where q denotes the Lie algebra of Q. This is a mapping that is of constant norm
along the fibers of πQ. It follows that the connection matrix is L
∞. Therefore, we
( Proposition. The connection difference ω is L∞. �
This finishes the proof of (5.4.3).
(5.4.4) Remark. The reader may find it instructive to compare, in the case of
G = SL(2), the above argument to the one used in [Mu, pp. 259–260]. The two
discussions, seemingly quite different, are effectively the same.
We now finish the proof of Theorem 2 by demonstrating:
(5.4.5) Proposition. ck(▽
No) and ck(▽
ctrl) represent the same class in H2k(MRBSΓ ).
Proof. Because MΓ has finite volume, there is a canonical mapping
H•(∞)(MΓ)→ H
for all p (see (3.3.1)). It follows from (5.4.3) that ck(▽
No) and ck(▽
ctrl) represent
the same class in H2k
(MΓ) for all p. Taking p sufficiently large, we apply Theo-
rem 1 (i.e., (3.1.11)) to see that ck(▽
No) and ck(▽
ctrl) represent the same class in
H2k(MRBSΓ ). �
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0704.1336 | The $^4$He total photo-absorption cross section with two- plus
three-nucleon interactions from chiral effective field theory | 7 The
4He total photo-absorption cross section with two- plus three-nucleon
interactions from chiral effective field theory
Sofia Quaglioni, Petr Navrátil
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-414, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94551, USA
The total photo-absorption cross section of 4He is evaluated microscopically using two- (NN) and three-nucleon (NNN) interactions
based upon chiral effective field theory (χEFT). The calculation is performed using the Lorentz integral transform method along
with the ab initio no-core shell model approach. An important feature of the present study is the consistency of the NN and NNN
interactions and also, through the Siegert theorem, of the two- and three-body current operators. This is due to the application
of the χEFT framework. The inclusion of the NNN interaction produces a suppression of the low-energy peak and enhancement
of the high-energy tail of the cross section. We compare to calculations obtained using other interactions and to representative
experiments. The rather confused experimental situation in the giant resonance region prevents discrimination among different
interaction models.
Key words:
PACS: 25.20.Dc, 21.30.-x, 21.60.Cs, 27.10.+h
Interactions among nucleons are governed by quantum
chromodynamics (QCD). In the low-energy regime rele-
vant to nuclear structure and reactions, this theory is non-
perturbative, and, therefore, hard to solve. Thus, theory
has been forced to resort to models for the interaction,
which have limited physical basis. New theoretical develop-
ments, however, allow us to connect QCD with low-energy
nuclear physics. Chiral effective field theory (χEFT) [1,2]
provides a promising bridge to the underlying theory, QCD.
Beginning with the pionic or the nucleon-pion system [3]
one works consistently with systems of increasing number
of nucleons [4]. One makes use of spontaneous breaking of
chiral symmetry to systematically expand the strong in-
teraction in terms of a generic small momentum and takes
the explicit breaking of chiral symmetry into account by
expanding in the pion mass. Nuclear interactions are non-
perturbative, because diagrams with purely nucleonic in-
termediate states are enhanced [1,2]. Therefore, the chiral
perturbation expansion is performed for the potential. The
χEFT predicts, along with the nucleon-nucleon (NN) inter-
action at the leading order, a three-nucleon (NNN) interac-
tion at the next-to-next-to-leading order or N2LO [2,5,6],
and even a four-nucleon (NNNN) interaction at the fourth
Email addresses: [email protected] (Sofia Quaglioni),
[email protected] (Petr Navrátil).
order (N3LO) [7]. The details of QCD dynamics are con-
tained in parameters, low-energy constants (LECs), not
fixed by the symmetry, but can be constrained by exper-
iment. At present, high-quality NN potentials have been
determined at N3LO [8]. A crucial feature of χEFT is the
consistency between the NN, NNN and NNNN parts. As a
consequence, at N2LO and N3LO, except for two parame-
ters assigned to two NNN diagrams, the potential is fully
constrained by the parameters defining the NN interaction.
The full interaction up to N2LO was first applied to the
analysis of nd scattering [6] and later the N3LO NN poten-
tial was combinedwith the availableNNN atN2LO to study
the 7Li structure [9]. In a recent work [10] the NN potential
at N3LO of Ref. [8] and the NNN interaction at N2LO [5,6]
have been applied to the calculation of various properties
of s- and mid-p-shell nuclei, using the ab initio no-core shell
model (NCSM) [11,12], up to now the only approach able to
handle the chiral NN+NNN potentials for systems beyond
A = 4. In that study, a preferred choice of the two NNN
LECs was found and the fundamental importance of the
chiral NNN interaction was demonstrated for reproducing
the structure of light nuclei. In the present work, we ap-
ply for the first time the same χEFT interactions to the ab
inito calculation of reaction observables involving the con-
tinuum of the four-nucleon system. In particular, we study
Preprint submitted to Elsevier 30 October 2018
the 4He total photo-absorption cross section.
Experimental measurements of the α particle photo-
disintegration suffer from a recurrent history of large
discrepancies in the near-threshold region, where the
4He(γ, p)3H and the 4He(γ, n)3He break-up channels dom-
inate the total photo-absorption cross section (we refer the
reader to the reviews of available data in Refs. [13,14,15]).
The latest examples date back to the past two years [15,16].
Of particular controversy is the height of the cross section
at the peak, alternatively found to be either pronounced
or suppressed with differences up to a factor of 2 between
different experimental data. With the exception of [17],
early evaluations of the 4He photo-disintegration [18,19,14]
showed better agreement with the high-peaked experi-
ments, and, ultimately, with those of Ref. [16]. The in-
ability of these calculations to reproduce a suppressed
cross section at low energy was often imputed to the semi-
realistic nature of the Hamiltonian and, in particular, to
the absence of the NNN force. The introduction of NNN in-
teractions leads, indeed, to a reduction of the peak height,
as it was recently shown in a calculation of the photo-
absorption cross section with the Argonne V18 (AV18)
NN potential augmented by the Urbana IX (UIX) NNN
force [20]. A damping of the peak was also found using the
correlated AV18 potential constructed within the unitary
correlation operator method (UCOM) [21]. In both cases,
however, the suppression is not sufficient to reach the low-
lying data, and in particular those of Ref. [15]. The latter
calculations represent a substantial step forward in the
study of the 4He photo-disintegration. However, they still
present a residual degree of arbitrariness in the choice of
the NNN force to complement AV18 in the first case, or
in the choice of the unitary transformation leading to the
non-local phase-equivalent interaction in the second case.
We note that the Illinois potential models have been found
to be more realistic NNN partners of AV18 in the repro-
duction of the structure of light p-shell nuclei [22]. From
a fundamental point of view, it is therefore important to
calculate the 4He photo-absorption cross section in the
framework of χEFT theory, where NN and NNN potentials
are derived in a consistent way and their relative strengths
is well established by the order in the chiral expansion.
When the wavelength of the incident radiation is much
larger than the spatial extension of the system under con-
sideration, the nuclear photo-absorption process can be de-
scribed in good approximation by the cross section
σγ(ω) = 4π
ωR(ω) , (1)
where ω is the incident photon energy and the inclusive
response function
R(ω) =
〈Ψf | D̂ |Ψ0〉
δ(Ef − E0 − ω) (2)
is the sum of all the transitions from the ground state
|Ψ0〉 to the various allowed final states |Ψf 〉 induced by the
dipole operator:
riY10(r̂i) . (3)
In the above equations ground- and final-state energies are
denoted by E0 and Ef , respectively, whereas τ
i and r i =
rir̂i represent the isospin third component and center of
mass frame coordinate of the ith nucleon. This form of
the transition operator includes the leading effects of the
meson-exchange currents through the Siegert’s theorem.
Additional contributions to the cross section (due to retar-
dation, higher electric multiples, magnetic multiples) not
considered by this approximation are found to be negligi-
ble in the A = 2 [23] and A = 3 [24] nuclei, in particular
for ω . 40 MeV. A similar behavior can be expected from
a system of small dimensions like the 4He.
Denoting by Ĥ the full Hamiltonian of the system,
p i − p j
V NNij +
V NNNijk , (4)
wherem is the nucleon mass, V NNij is the sum of N
and Coulomb interactions, and V NNNij is the N
force, we i) solve the many-body Schrödinger equation for
the ground state |Ψ0〉, ii) obtain the response (2) by eval-
uation [25,26] and subsequent inversion [27] of an integral
transform with a Lorentzian kernel of finite width σI ∼
10−20 MeV (z = E0 + σR + iσI),
L(σR, σI) =−
z − Ĥ
(ω − σR)2 + σ
dω , (6)
and iii) calculate the photo-absorption cross section in the
long wave-length approximation using Eq. (1). Following
these steps, a fully microscopic result for the 4He photo-
absorption cross section can be reached through the use
of efficient expansions over localized many-body states. In-
deed, in the technique summarized by Eqs. (5-6) and known
as Lorentz integral transform (LIT) method [28], the con-
tinuum problem is mapped onto a bound-state-like prob-
The present calculations are performed in the framework
of the ab initio NCSM approach [11]. This method looks
for the eigenvectors of Ĥ in the form of expansions over a
complete set of harmonic oscillator (HO) basis states up
to a maximum excitation of Nmax~Ω above the minimum
energy configuration, where Ω is the HO parameter. The
convergence to the exact results with increasing Nmax is
accelerated by the use of an effective interaction derived,
in this case, from the adopted NN and NNN χEFT po-
tentials at the three-body cluster level [12]. The reliabil-
ity of the NCSM approach combined with the LIT method
was validated by comparing to the results obtained with
the effective-interaction hyper-spherical harmonics (EIHH)
technique [29] in a recent benchmark calculation [30]. A
complete description of the NCSM approachwas presented,
e.g., in Refs. [11,12]. Here, we emphasize some of the as-
pects involved in a calculation of the effective interaction
at the three-body cluster level in presence of a NNN poten-
tial. We use the Jacobi coordinate HO basis antisymmen-
trized according to the method described in Ref. [31]. The
NCSM calculation proceeds as follows. First, we diagonalize
the Hamiltonian with and without the NNN interaction in
a three-nucleon basis for all relevant three-body channels.
Second, we use the three-body solutions from the first step
to derive three-body effective interactions with and without
the NNN interaction. By subtracting the two effective in-
teractions we isolate the NN and NNN contributions. This
is needed due to a different scaling with particle number of
the two- and the three-body interactions. The 4He effective
interaction is then obtained by adding the two contribu-
tions with the appropriate scaling factors [12]. Note that
our effective interaction is model-space dependent. Conse-
quently, we need both the effective interaction for the 4He
ground state (JπT = 0+0), and the one for the 1−1 states,
entering the LIT calculation. Indeed, due to the change of
parity, the model-space size changes (Nmax → Nmax + 1).
With the effective interactions replacing the interactions in
the Hamiltonian (4), the four-nucleon calculations proceed
as described in the text following Eq. (4).
We start our discussion presenting the results obtained
for the ground state of the α particle using two different
values of the HO parameter, namely ~Ω = 22 and 28 MeV.
This choice for the HO frequencies is driven by our final
goal of evaluating the 4He photo-absorption cross section
and providing an estimate for its theoretical uncertainty.
Indeed, in the particular case of the 4He nucleus, frequen-
cies in the range 12 ≤ ~Ω ≤ 28MeV allow to achieve a good
description of both ground state and complex energy con-
tinuum, as required in a calculation of response functions
with the LIT method [30].
For all of the three observables examined in Fig. 1 the
χEFT NN and NN+NNN interactions lead to very sim-
ilar and smooth convergence patterns. In particular, an
accurate convergence is reached starting from Nmax = 18,
as we find independence from both model space and fre-
quency. Although χEFT forces are known to present a
relatively soft core, the use of effective interactions for both
the NN and NNN forces is the essential key to this remark-
able result. The summary of the extrapolated ground-sate
properties is presented in Table 1. The present results
for ground-state energy and point-proton radius with the
N3LONN interaction are consistent with a previous NCSM
evaluation (E0 = −25.36(4) MeV, 〈r
2 = 1.515(10) fm)
obtained using a two-body effective interaction in a model
space up to Nmax = 18 [35] and with that obtained by
the hyper-spherical harmonic variational calculation of
Ref. [36] (E0 = −25.38 MeV, 〈r
2 = 1.516 fm ) and
by the Faddeev-Yakubovsky method [37] (E0 = −25.37
MeV). Finally, with the present choice for the LECs [10]
the calculated binding-energy with inclusion of the NNN
force is within few hundred KeV of experiment. This leaves
room for additional effects expected from the inclusion
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
PSfrag replacements
h̄Ω = 22 MeV
h̄Ω = 28 MeV
Fig. 1. (Color online) The 4He ground-state energy E0 [panel a)],
point-proton root-mean-square radius 〈r2p〉
2 [panel b)] and total
dipole strength 〈Ψ0|D̂
†D̂|Ψ0〉 [panel c)] obtained with the χEFT
NN and NN+NNN interactions. Convergence pattern with respect
to the model space truncation Nmax for ~Ω = 22 and ~Ω = 28 MeV.
of the here missing N3LO NNN (not yet available) and
NNNN interaction terms [38].
At the ground-state level, the inclusion of the NNN force
affects mostly the energy, providing 3.21 MeV additional
binding, while only a weak suppression of about 3.8% is
found for the point-proton radius. That the total dipole
strength follows the same pattern as the radius and is re-
duced of 7.9% is not so surprising considering the approxi-
mate relation between them [39]:
†D̂|Ψ0〉 ≃
3(A− 1)
〈r2p〉 . (7)
The latter expression, which is exact for the deuteron and
the triton and for ground-state wave functions symmetric
under exchange of the spatial coordinates of any pair of nu-
cleons, represents a quite reasonable approximation for the
α-particle and is found to be within 9% off our calculations
with both the NN and NN+NNN χEFT potentials. As we
Table 1
Calculated 4He ground-state energy E0, point-proton root-mean-
square radius 〈r2p〉
2 , and total dipole strength 〈Ψ0|D̂
†D̂|Ψ0〉 ob-
tained using the χEFT NN and NN+NNN interactions compared
to experiment. The experimental value of the point-proton radius is
deduced from the measured alpha-particle charge radius, 〈r2c〉
1.673(1) fm [32], proton charge radius, 〈R2p〉
2 = 0.895(18) fm [33],
and neutron mean-square-charge radius, 〈R2n〉 = −0.120(5) fm
2 [34].
E0 [MeV] 〈r
2 [fm] 〈Ψ0|D̂
†D̂|Ψ0〉 [fm
NN -25.39(1) 1.515(2) 0.943(1)
NN+NNN -28.60(3) 1.458(2) 0.868(1)
Expt. -28.296 1.455(7) -
10 20 30 40 50 60
100 150 200
0 40 80 120 160 200
PSfrag replacements
σR [MeV]
σI = 20 MeV
Nmax = 18/19
h̄Ω = 22 MeV
h̄Ω = 22 MeV
h̄Ω = 28 MeV
h̄Ω = 28 MeV
h̄Ω = 28 MeV
Fig. 2. (Color online) The LIT of the 4He dipole response as a func-
tion of σR at σI = 20 MeV. Convergence pattern of the NN+NNN
calculation with respect to the model-space truncation Nmax for
~Ω = 28 MeV (upper panel), and frequency dependence of the best
(Nmax = 18/19) results with and without inclusion of the NNN force
(lower panel).
will see later, this also implies rather weak NNN effects on
the 4He photo-absorption cross section at low energy.
We turn now to the second part of our calculation, for
which the ground state is an input. The actual evaluation
of Eq. (5) is performed by applying the Lanczos algorithm
to the Hamiltonian of the system, using as starting vector
|ϕ0〉 = 〈Ψ0|D̂
2 D̂|Ψ0〉 [26,30]. Indeed, the LIT can
be written as a continued fraction of the elements of the
resulting tridiagonal matrix, the so-called Lanczos coeffi-
cients an and bn:
L(σ) =
(z − a0)−
. (8)
Due to the selection rules induced by the dipole opera-
tor (3), for a given truncationNmax in the 0
+0 model space
used to expand the ground state, a complete calculation
of Eq. (8) requires an expansion of |ϕ0〉 over a 1
−1 space
up to Nmax + 1. This is the oriigin of the even/odd no-
tation for Nmax introduced to describe the convergence of
the LIT in Fig. 2. The LITs obtained using the NN and
NN+NNN χEFT interactions show, once again, conver-
gence patterns very similar to each other. As an example,
in the upper panel of Fig. (2) we show the model-space de-
pendence of the LIT including the NNN force at ~Ω = 28
MeV. Thanks to the use of three-body effective interaction
for both the NN and NNN terms of the potential, a sta-
ble position and height of the peak in the low-σR region
and satisfactory quenching of the oscillations in the tail are
found for Nmax = 18/19. In this regard, our approach dif-
20 25 30 35
40 60 80 100 120
20 40 60 80 100 120
PSfrag replacements
ω [MeV]
Nmax = 18/19
h̄Ω = 22 MeV
h̄Ω = 22 MeV
h̄Ω = 28 MeV
h̄Ω = 28 MeV
h̄Ω = 28 MeV
Fig. 3. (Color online) The 4He photo-absorption cross section as
a function of the excitation energy ω. Convergence pattern of the
NN+NNN calculation with respect to the model-space truncation
Nmax for ~Ω = 28 MeV (upper panel), and frequency dependence
of the best (Nmax = 18/19) results with and without inclusion of
the NNN force (lower panel).
fers from the one of Ref. [20], where the effective interaction
(at the two-body cluster level) is constructed only for the
NN potential, while the NNN force is taken into account
as bare interaction. The bottom panel of Fig. 2 indicates
that for Nmax = 18/19 we find also a fairly good agree-
ment between the ~Ω = 22 and ~Ω = 28 MeV calculations,
in particular below σR = 60 MeV, where for both NN and
NN+NNN interactions the two curves are within 0.5% of
each other. At higher σR the ~Ω = 22 MeV results present
a weak oscillation (less than 5% in the range 60 ≤ σR ≤
140 MeV) around the ~Ω = 28 MeV curves, and the dis-
crepancy between the two frequencies becomes larger be-
yond σR = 140 MeV, where the absolute value of the LIT
is small. As we will see later, this small discrepancy will
be propagated to the cross section by the inversion proce-
dure [27], giving rise to the uncertainty of our calculations.
As for the NNN effects at the level of the LIT, the shift
of about 3 MeV in the position of the peak is due to the
different ground-state energies for the NN and NN+NNN
potentials. In addition one can notice a quenching of about
13% of the peak height.
In analogy with Fig. 2, Fig. 3 shows the convergence be-
havior of our results for the cross section. Starting from
Nmax = 14/15 the calculated LIT’s are accurate enough to
find stable inversions for the response function, and hence
deriving the corresponding results for the cross section. The
curves obtained for the NN+NNN interaction at the HO
frequency value of ~Ω = 28 MeV are shown in the upper
panel: the model space dependence is weak and the differ-
ence between Nmax = 16/17 and 18/19 never exceeds 5%
in the range from threshold to ω = 120 MeV. A somewhat
larger discrepancy (less than 7%) is found by comparing
the best results (Nmax = 18/19) for ~Ω = 22 MeV and 28
MeV. As with the LIT, the first oscillates slightly around
the second, particularly in the tail of the cross section. We
will use this discrepancy as an estimate for the theoretical
uncertainty of our calculations. Note that both the NN and
NN+NNN calculated cross sections are translated to the
experimental threshold for the 4He photo-disintegration,
Eth = 19.8 MeV (ω → ω+∆Eth, with ∆Eth being the dif-
ference of the calculated and experimental thresholds). The
same procedure will be applied later in the comparisonwith
experimental data and different potential models. Under
this arrangement, the position of the peak is not affected
by the inclusion of the NNN force, while the relative differ-
ence between the NN and NN+NNN cross sections varies
almost linearly from −10% at threshold to about +25% at
ω = 120 MeV. In particular, the peak height undergoes a
9% suppression and the two curves cross around ω = 40
MeV. In view of the inverse-energy-weighted integral of the
cross-section (1),
dω = 4π2
†D̂|Ψ0〉 , (9)
the mildness of the NNN force effects in the peak region
is a consequence of the small reduction found for the total
dipole strength. Considering in addition the approximate
relation (7), we can infer a weak sensitivity of the cross
section at low energy with respect to variations of the LECs
in the NNN force, for which we have embraced the preferred
choice suggested in Ref. [10].
We compare to experimental data in the region ω < 40
MeV, where corrections to the unretarded dipole approxi-
mation are expected to be largely negligible and the relative
uncertainty of our calculations is minimal. The data sets
from Nilsson et al. [16] and Shima et al. [15] are chosen here
as the latest examples of controversial experiments charac-
terizing the 4He photo-effect since the 50’s (see reviews of
available data in Refs. [13,14] and [15]). Note that in the
upper panel of Fig. 4, we estimate the total cross section
from the 4He(γ, n) measurements of Ref. [16] by assuming
σγ(ω) ≃ 2σγ,n(ω). The latter assumption, which relies on
the similarity of the (γ, p) and (γ, n) cross sections, pro-
vides a sufficiently safe estimate of the total cross section
below the three-body break-up threshold (ω = 26.1 MeV).
At higher energies it represents a lower experimental bound
for the total cross section, as in the energy range considered
here the data of Nillsson et al. do not contain the contribu-
tions of the 4He(γ, np)d and four-body break-up channels.
Shima et al. [15] provide total photo-disintegration data
obtained by simultaneous measurements of all the open
channels. Finally, we show also an indirect determination
of the photo-absorption cross section deduced from elas-
tic photon-scattering on 4He by Wells et al. [40]. We find
an overall good agreement with the photo-disintegration
data from bremsstrahlung photons [16], which are consis-
tent with the indirect measurements of Ref. [40], while we
20 25 30 35
20 25 30 35
PSfrag replacements
4He+γ →X
ω [MeV]
Nilsson (‘07)
Shima (‘05)
Wells (‘92)
Fig. 4. (Color online) The 4He photo-absorption cross section as a
function of the excitation energy ω. Present NCSM results obtained
using the χEFT NN and NN+NNN interactions compared to: (upper
panel) the 4He(γ, n) data of Nilsson et al. [16] multiplied by a factor
of 2, the total cross section measurements of Shima et al. [15], the
total photo-absorption at the peak derived from Compton scattering
via dispersion relations from Wells et al. [40]; (lower panel) the EIHH
predictions for AV18, AV18+UIX [20] and UCOM [21]. The widths of
the χEFT NN and χEFT NN+NNN curves reflect the uncertainties
in the calculations (see text).
reach only the last of the experimental points of Ref. [15].
The lower panel of Fig. 4 compares our present results
with the prediction for the 4He photo-absorption cross sec-
tion obtained in the framework of the EIHH approach [29]
using the AV18, AV18+UIX [20] and UCOM [21] interac-
tions. Interestingly, both the results with AV18 and χEFT
NN interactions and those with AV18+UIX and χEFT
NN+NNN forces show similar peak heights (∼ 3.2 mb and
∼ 3.0mb respectively), but different peak positions (partic-
ularly for the first case) with an overall better agreement of
the second set of curves. In this regard we notice that the α-
particle ground-state properties obtained with AV18+UIX
and the χEFT NN+NNN are very close to each other and
to experiment. On the contrary, already at the ground-state
level the two NN interactions are less alike as the 4He with
the AV18 potential is more than 1 MeV less bound than
with the N3LO NN potential, while they still yield to the
same point-proton radius. A somewhat larger discrepancy
is found close to threshold between the cross sections ob-
tained with the χEFT NN+NNN and UCOM interactions.
Beyond ω = 80 MeV, in the range not shown in the Fig-
ure, the χEFT NN+NNN force leads to larger cross section
values than AV18+UIX or UCOM, which yield to similar
results in the region 45 ≤ ω ≤ 100 MeV. Keeping in mind
that at such high energies the cross section is small and the
uncertainty in our calculation larger, this effect can be re-
lated in part to differences in the details and interplay of
tensor and spin-orbit forces in the considered interaction
models. At the same time corrections to the unretarded
dipole operator play here a more important role.
In conclusion we summarize our work. We have calcu-
lated the total photo-absorption cross section of 4He us-
ing the potentials of χEFT at the orders presently avail-
able, the NN at N3LO and the NNN at N2LO. The micro-
scopic treatment of the continuum problem was achieved
by means of the LIT method, applied within the NCSM
approach. Accurate convergence in the NCSM expansions
is reached thanks to the use of three-body effective interac-
tions. Our result shows a peak around ω = 27.8 MeV, with
a cross section of 3 mb. The NNN force induces a reduction
of the peak and an enhancement of the tail of the cross sec-
tion. The fairly mild NNN effects are far from explaining
the low-lying experimental data of Ref. [15] while moder-
ately improve the agreement of the calculated cross section
with the measurements of Nilsson et. al. [16]. In view of the
overall good agreement between the χEFT NN+NNN and
AV18+UIX calculations, the photo-absorption cross sec-
tion at low energy appears to be more sensitive to change
in the α-particle size, than to the details of the spin-orbit
component of the NNN interaction. In this regard, a more
substantial role of the NNN force can be expected in the
photo-disintegration of p-shell nuclei, for which differences
in the spin-orbit strength have crucial effects on the spec-
trum [41,10]. Finally, the rather contained width of the the-
oretical band embracing the χEFT NN+NNN, AV18+UIX
and UCOM results within 15 MeV from threshold is re-
markable compared to the large discrepancies still present
among the different experimental data. Hence the urgency
for further experimental activity to help clarify the situa-
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Winfried Lei-
demann for supplying us with the computer code for the
inversion of the LIT. We are also thankful to Giuseppina
Orlandini and Sonia Bacca for useful discussions, and to Ian
Thompson for critical reading of the manuscript. This work
was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department
of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Liv-
ermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-
Eng-48. Support from the LDRD contract No. 04–ERD–
058 and from U.S. DOE/SC/NP (Work Proposal Number
SCW0498) is acknowledged.
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0704.1337 | Comment on "Mass and Width of the Lowest Resonance in QCD" | Comment on “Mass and Width of the Lowest
Resonance in QCD”
In a recent Letter [1], in which no use is made of QCD,
I. Caprini, G. Colangelo, and H. Leutwyler (CCL) re-
peated an unmentioned analysis of ππ scattering from
1973 [2], based on the Roy equations (REs), to make
out a case for the existence of a scalar I = 0 reso-
nance f0(441), listed in the PDG tables [3] as f0(600)
and known as σ-meson. The primary aspect result-
ing of the CCL analysis is the claimed model- and
parametrization-independent determination of a σ-pole
mass of (441+16
i 544+18
) MeV implying unprece-
dented small error bars. Moreover, the latter result is
incompatible with very recent experimental findings, i.e.,
(500±30− i (264±30)) MeV [4] and (541±39− i (252±
42)) MeV [5, 6], as well as with a combined theoretical
analysis yielding ((476–628)− i (226–346)) MeV [7]. The
present comment will be devoted to complement a re-
cent experimental discussion [4] of short-comings in the
CCL analysis, by presenting theoretical arguments point-
ing at a serious flaw in the theoretical formalism used
by CCL, and also at the unlikeliness of their tiny er-
ror bars in the σ mass and width. The simplest way to
identify this flaw in Ref. [1] also present in the corre-
sponding results [8] of S. Descotes-Genon and B. Mous-
sallam (DM) on the scalar meson K∗0 (800) in the con-
text of Roy-Steiner equations (RSEs), is to recall a warn-
ing statement by G.F. Chew and S. Mandelstam (CM)
from 1960 (see footnote 6 of Ref. [9]). CM state that
if a strongly interacting particle with the same quantum
numbers as a pair of pions should be found, then corre-
sponding poles must be added to the double-dispersion
representation, whether or not the new particle is inter-
preted as a two-pion bound state. It should be empha-
sized that this statement does not only apply to possi-
ble bound-state (BS) poles of the S- or T-matrix in the
physical sheet (PS) of the complex s-plane, but also to
any kind of virtual BS poles and resonance poles in the
unphysical sheet (US). This is justified from first princi-
ples by reviewing briefly how dispersion relations (DRs)
are to be derived on the basis of Cauchy’s integral for-
mula t(s) = (2πi)−1
dz t(z)/(z − s) which holds for
a function t(s) analytic in the domain encirculated by
the closed integration contour. As the so-called “match-
ing point” of CCL (and DM) is located in the US, the
closed integration contour yielding the REs/RSEs must
extend also to the US where the S- and T-matrix poles
for scalar isoscalar ππ-scattering are found. Excluding
these poles situated at sj (j = 1, . . . , n) from the inte-
gration contour and assuming t(s → ∞) → 0 sufficiently
fast one obtains the well known (here) unsubtracted DRs
t(s) =
rj/(s− sj)−
dz Im[t(z)]/(s− z + iε),
where L/R denotes the left-/right-hand cut, and rj is the
residue of t(s) at the corresponding pole sj . According
to CCL, REs/RSEs are twice-subtracted DRs yielding
t(s) = t(s0) + (s− s0) t
′(s0) +
(s0 − s)
(s0 − sj)2(s− sj)
(s0 − s)
2 Im[t(z)]
(s0 − z + iε)2(s− z + iε)
, (1)
where the subtraction point s0 used by CCL appears to
be the ππ threshold, as CCL perform the identification
t(s0) = a
0 and t
′(s0) = (2a
π) with a
0 being
S-wave scattering lengths for isospin I = 0, 2. It is now
easy to see that the REs/RSEs considered by CCL and
DM disregard the pole terms (PTs) in the DRs (yielding
rj = 0), despite the presence of poles in the US that are
claimed to exist by observing respective S-matrix zeros
in the PS. As the s-dependence of the disregarded σ- and
f0(980)-PTs in the vicinity of the ππ- and KK-theshold
is clearly non-linear, it is to be expected on grounds of
dispersion theory that the S-matrix poles predicted by
CCL will not coincide with the actual ones to be deter-
mined yet by CCL for self-consistency reasons. An anal-
ogous statement applies to the results of DM. Moreover
will the inclusion of PTs in REs/RSEs not only reinstate
dispersion theoretic self-consistency, yet also yield a sig-
nificant change in the resulting σ- andK∗
(800)-pole posi-
tions, which unfortunately will enter now via the PTs as
unknown parameters the REs/RSEs to be solved. Hence
the inclusion of PTs in REs/RSEs will yield an uncer-
tainty of pole positions which is likely to be of the order
of the one estimated in Ref. [4] and therefore much larger
than the error bars presently claimed by CCL and DM
being even without taking into account PTs for at least
two reasons clearly parametrization-dependent: (1) the
extrapolation of the two particle phase space to the com-
plex s-plane and below threshold invoked by CCL and
DM is known to be speculative and even unphysical as
it yields e.g. in the approach of DM scattering below
the pseudo-threshold; (2) standard chiral perturbation
theory (ChPT) disregarding (yet) non-perturbative PTs
relates claimed values for scalar scattering lengths and
their (too) tiny error bars entering REs/RSEs lacking
(yet) PTs to scalar square radii
the presently used
(too) high values of which yield chiral symmetry breaking
(ChSB) of the order of 6-8% being much larger than 3%
as observed in Nature. A revision of the analysis of CCL
and DM by taking into account PTs in REs/RSEs and
ChPT would be highly desirable to reconcile their results
with Refs. [4]-[7] and to improve the poor description of
the resonance K∗(892) in the approach of DM.
Frieder Kleefeld 1,2,3
1 Present address: Pfisterstr. 31, 90762 Fürth, Germany
2 Doppler & Nucl. Physics Institute (Dep. Theor. Phys.),
Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic; collaborator of
the CFIF, Instituto Superior Técnico, LISBOA, Portugal
3 Electronic address: [email protected]
[1] I. Caprini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 132001 (2006).
[2] M. R. Pennington et al., Phys. Rev. D 7, 1429,2591 (1973).
[3] W. M. Yao et al. [PDG], J. Phys. G 33, 1 (2006).
[4] D. V. Bugg, J. Phys. G 34, 151 (2007).
[5] M. Ablikim et al. [BES], Phys. Lett. B 598, 149 (2004).
[6] D. V. Bugg, AIP Conf. Proc. 814, 78 (2006).
[7] E. van Beveren et al., Phys. Lett. B 641, 265 (2006).
[8] S. Descotes-Genon et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 48, 553 (2006).
[9] G. F. Chew, S. Mandelstam, Phys. Rev. 119, 467 (1960).
This work has been supported by the FCT of the
Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
of Portugal, under contracts POCI/FP/63437/2005,
PDCT/FP/63907/2005 and the Czech project LC06002.
Conversations with E. van Beveren, D. V. Bugg,
J. Fischer, A. Moussallam, G. Rupp, M. D. Scadron and
M. Znojil are gratefully acknowledged.
0704.1338 | True and Apparent Scaling: The Proximity of the Markov-Switching
Multifractal Model to Long-Range Dependence | True and Apparent Scaling: The Proximity of
the Markov-Switching Multifractal Model to
Long-Range Dependence
Ruipeng Liu a,b, T. Di Matteo b, Thomas Lux a
aDepartment of Economics, University of Kiel, 24118 Kiel, Germany
bDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Research School of Physical Sciences and
Engineering, The Australian National University, 0200 Canberra, Australia
In this paper, we consider daily financial data of a collection of different stock
market indices, exchange rates, and interest rates, and we analyze their multi-scaling
properties by estimating a simple specification of the Markov-switching multifractal
model (MSM). In order to see how well the estimated models capture the temporal
dependence of the data, we estimate and compare the scaling exponents H(q) (for
q = 1, 2) for both empirical data and simulated data of the estimated MSM models.
In most cases the multifractal model appears to generate ‘apparent’ long memory
in agreement with the empirical scaling laws.
Key words: scaling, generalized Hurst exponent, multifractal model, GMM
1 Introduction
The scaling concept has its origin in physics but it is increasingly applied
outside its traditional domain. In the literature ([1,2,3]) different methods have
been proposed and developed in order to study the multi-scaling properties of
financial time series. For more details on scaling analysis see [4].
Going beyond the phenomenological scaling analysis, the multifractal model
of asset returns (MMAR) introduced by Mandelbrot et. al [5] provides a the-
oretical framework that allows to replicate many of the scaling properties
of financial data. While the practical applicability of MMAR suffered from
its combinatorial nature and its non-stationarity, these drawbacks have been
overcome by the introduction of iterative multifractal models (Poisson MF or
Preprint submitted to Elsevier
Markov-switching multifractal model (MSM) [6,7,8]) which preserves the hi-
erarchical, multiplicative structure of the earlier MMAR, but is of much more
‘well-behaved’ nature concerning its asymptotic statistical properties. The at-
tractiveness of MF models lies in their ability to mimic the stylized facts of
financial markets such as outliers, volatility clustering, and asymptotic power-
law behavior of autocovariance functions (long-term dependence). In contrast
to other volatility models with long-term dependence [9], MSM models allow
for multi-scaling rather than uni-scaling with varying decay exponents for all
powers of absolute values of returns. One may note, however, that due to the
Markovian nature, the scaling of the Markov-Switching MF model only holds
over a limited range of time increments depending on the number of hierar-
chical components and this ‘apparent’ power-law ends with a cross-over to an
exponential cut-off.
With this proximity to true multi-scaling, it seems worthwhile to explore how
well the MSM model could reproduce the empirical scaling behaviour of finan-
cial data. To this end, we estimate the parameters of a simple specification of
the MSM model for various financial data and we assess its ability to replicate
empirical scaling behaviour by also computing H(q) by means of the gener-
alized Hurst exponent approach ([4,10,11]) and H by means of the modified
R/S method [12] for the same data sets. We then proceed by comparing the
scaling exponents for empirical data and simulated time series based on our
estimated MSM models. As it turns out, the MSM model with a sufficient
number of volatility components generates pseudo-empirical scaling laws in
good overall agreement with empirical results.
The structure of the paper is as follows: In Section 2 we introduce the multi-
fractal model, the Generalized Hurst exponent (GHE) and the modified R/S
approaches. Section 3 reports the empirical and simulation-based results. Con-
cluding remarks and perspectives are given in Section 4.
2 Methodology
2.1 Markov-switching multifractal model
In this section, we shortly review the building blocks of the Markov-switching
multifractal process (MSM). Returns are modeled as [7,8]:
rt = σt · ut (1)
with innovations ut drawn from a standard Normal distribution N(0, 1) and
instantaneous volatility being determined by the product of k volatility com-
ponents or multipliers M
t , M
t ..., M
t and a constant scale factor σ:
σ2t = σ
t , (2)
In this paper we choose, for the distribution of volatility components, the
binomial distribution: M
t ∼ [m0, 2 −m0] with 1 ≤ m0 < 2. Each volatility
component is renewed at time t with probability γi depending on its rank
within the hierarchy of multipliers and it remains unchanged with probability
1− γi. The transition probabilities are specified by Calvet and Fisher [7] as:
γi = 1− (1− γk)
i = 1, . . . k, (3)
with parameters γk ∈ [0, 1] and b ∈ (1,∞). Different specifications of Eq. (3)
can be arbitrarily imposed (cf. [8] and its earlier versions). By fixing b = 2
and γk = 0.5, we arrive a relatively parsimonious specification:
γi = 1− (1− γk)
(2i−k) i = 1, . . . k. (4)
This specification implies that replacement happens with probability of one
half at the highest cascade level. Various approaches have been employed to
estimate multifractal models. The parameters of the combinatorial MMAR
have been estimated via an adaptation of the scaling estimator and Legendre
transformation approach from statistical physics [13]. However, this approach
has been shown to yield very unreliable results [14]. A broad range of more
rigorous estimation methods have been developed for the MSM model. Calvet
and Fisher (2001) ([6]) propose maximum likelihood estimation while Lux
([8]) proposes a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach, which
can be applied not only to discrete but also to continuous distributions of the
volatility components. In this paper, GMM is used to estimate the two MSM
model parameters in Eq. (2), namely: σ̂ and m̂0.
2.2 Estimation of scaling exponents
Our analysis of the scaling behaviour of both empirical and simulated data
uses two refined methods for estimating the time-honored Hurst coefficient:
the estimation of generalized Hurst exponents from the structure function of
various moments [4] and Lo’s modified R/S analysis that allows to correct for
short-range dependence in the temporal evolution of the range [12].
2.2.1 Generalized Hurst exponent approach
The generalized Hurst exponent (GHE) method extends the traditional scal-
ing exponent methodology, and this approach provides a natural, unbiased,
statistically and computationally efficient estimator able to capture very well
the scaling features of financial fluctuations ([10,11]). It is essentially a tool
to study directly the scaling properties of the data via the qth order moments
of the distribution of the increments. The qth order moments appear to be
less sensitive to the outliers than maxima/minima and different exponents q
are associated with different characterizations of the multi-scaling behaviour
of the signal X(t).
We consider the q-order moment of the distribution of the increments (with
t = v, 2v, ..., T ) of a time series X(t):
Kq(τ) =
〈| X(t+ τ)−X(t) |q〉
〈| X(t) |q〉
, (5)
where the time interval τ varies between v = 1 day and τmax days. The gener-
alized Hurst exponent H(q) is then defined from the scaling behavior of Kq(τ),
which can be assumed to follow the relation:
Kq(τ) ∼
. (6)
Within this framework, for q = 1, H(1) describes the scaling behavior of the
absolute values of the increments; for q = 2,H(2) is associated with the scaling
of the autocorrelation function.
2.2.2 Lo’s modified R/S analysis
Lo’s modified R/S analysis uses the range of a time series as its starting point:
Formally, the range R of a time series {Xt}, t = 1, . . . , T is defined as:
RT = max
(Xt − X̄)− min
(Xt − X̄). (7)
Here, X̄ is the standard estimate of the mean. Usually the range is rescaled by
the sample standard deviation (S), yielding the famous R/S statistic. Though
this approach found wide applications in diverse fields, it turned out that no
asymptotic distribution theory could be derived for H itself. Hence, no explicit
hypothesis testing can be performed and the significance of point estimates
H > 0.5 or H < 0.5 rests on subjective assessment. Luckily, the asymptotic
distribution of the rescaled range itself under a composite null hypothesis
excluding long-memory could be established by Lo (1991) [12]. Using this
distribution function and the critical values reported in his paper, one can
test for the significance of apparent traces of long memory as indicated by
H 6= 0.5. However, Lo also showed that the distributional properties of the
rescaled range are affected by the presence of short memory and he devised
a modified rescaled range Qτ which adjusts for possible short memory effects
by applying the Newey-West heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent
estimator in place of the sample standard deviation S:
(Xt − X̄)− min
(Xt − X̄)
, (8)
S2τ =S
(Xi − X̄)(Xi−j − X̄)
ωj(τ) = 1−
τ + 1
Under the null of no long term memory the distribution of the random variable
VT = T
−0.5Qτ converges to that of the range of a so-called Brownian bridge.
Critical values of this distribution are tabulated in Lo (1991, Table II).
3 Results
In this paper, we consider daily data for a collection of stock exchange indices:
the Dow Jones Composite 65 Average Index (Dow) and NIKKEI 225 Av-
erage Index (Nik) over the time period from January 1969 to October 2004,
foreign exchange rates: British Pound to US Dollar (UK), and Australian
Dollar to US Dollar (AU) over the period from March 1973 to February 2004,
and U.S. 1 year and 2 years treasury constant maturity bond rates (TB1 and
TB2, respectively) in the period from June 1976 to October 2004. The daily
prices are denoted as pt, and returns are calculated as rt = ln(pt) − ln(pt−1)
for stock indices and foreign exchange rates and as rt = pt−pt−1 for TB1 and
We estimate the MSM model parameters introduced in Section 2 with a bi-
nomial distribution of volatility components, that is M
t ∼ [m0, 2−m0] and
1 ≤ m0 < 2 in Eq 2. This estimation is repeated for various hypothetical
numbers of cascade levels (k = 5, 10, 15, 20). Table 1 presents these results
for parameters m̂0 and σ̂.
1 Our estimation is based on the GMM approach
1 Note that the data have been standardized by dividing the sample standard de-
viation which explains the proximity of the scale parameter estimates to 1.
proposed by Lux [8] using the same analytical moments as in his paper. The
numbers within the parentheses are the standard errors. We observe that the
results for k > 10 are almost identical. In fact, analytical moment conditions
in Lux [8] show that higher cascade levels make a smaller and smaller con-
tribution to the moments so that their numerical values would stay almost
constant. If one monitors the development of estimated parameters with in-
creasing k, one finds strong variations initially with a pronounced decrease
of the estimates which become slower and slower until, eventually a constant
value is reached somewhere around k = 10 depending on individual time series.
Based on the estimated parameters, we proceed with an analysis of simulated
data from the pertinent MSM models.
We first calculate the GHE for the empirical time series as well as for 100
simulated time series of each set of estimated parameters for q = 1 and q = 2.
The values of the GHE are averages computed from a set of values corre-
sponding to different τmax (between 5 and 19 days). The stochastic variable
X(t) in Eq. (5) is the absolute value of returns, X(t) = |rt|. The second and
seventh columns in Table 2 report the empirical GHEs, and values in the other
columns are the mean values over the corresponding 100 simulations for dif-
ferent k values: 5, 10, 15, 20, with errors given by their standard deviations.
Boldface numbers are those cases which fail to reject the null hypothesis that
the mean of the simulation-based Generalized Hurst exponent values equals
the empirical Generalized Hurst exponent at the 5% level. We find that the
exponents from the simulated time series vary across different cascade levels
k. In particular, we observe considerable jumps from k = 5 to k = 10 for
these values. In particular for the stock market indices, we find coincidence
between the empirical series and simulation results for the scaling exponents
H(2) for Dow and H(1) for Nik when k = 5. For the exchange rate data,
we observe the simulations successfully replicate the empirical measurements
of AU for H(1) when k = 10, 15, 20 and H(2) when k = 5; In the case of
U.S. Bond rates, we find a good agreement for H(1) when k = 5 and for all
k for TB1, and H(2) for TB2 when k = 5. Apparently, both the empirical
data and the simulated MSM models are characterized by estimates of H(1)
and H(2) much larger than 0.5 which are indicative of long-term dependence.
While the empirical numbers are in nice agreement with previous literature, it
is interesting to note that simulated data with k ≥ 10 have a tendency towards
even higher estimated Hurst coefficients than found in the pertinent empir-
ical records. 2 Since we know that the MSM model only has pre-asymptotic
scaling, these results underscore that with a high enough number of volatility
cascades, it would be hard to distinguish the MSM model from a ‘true’ long
2 We have checked if the generalized Hurst exponents approach is biased by com-
puting H(1) and H(2) for random values generated by different random generators
[11] with T = 9372 data points. We have found that H(1) = 0.4999 ± 0.009 and
H(2) = 0.4995 ± 0.008.
memory process.
We have also performed calculations using the modified Rescaled range (R/S)
analysis introduced by Lo [12,15,16,17,18,19,20], 3 whose results are reported
in Tables 3 to 5. Table 3 presents Lo’s test statistics for both empirical and
1000 simulated time series for different values of k and for different trunca-
tion lags τ = 0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100. 4 We find that the values are varying with
different truncation lags, and more specifically, that they are monotonically
decreasing for both the empirical and simulation-based statistics. Table 4 re-
ports the number of rejections of the null hypothesis of short-range dependence
based on 95% and 99% confidence levels. The rejection numbers for each sin-
gle k are decreasing as the truncation lag τ increases, but the proportion of
rejections remains relatively high for higher cascade levels, k = 10, 15, 20. The
corresponding Hurst exponents are given in Table 5. The empirical values of
H are decreasing when τ increases. A similar behaviour is observed for the
simulation-based H for given values of k. We also observe that the Hurst expo-
nent values are increasing with increasing cascade level k for given τ . Boldface
numbers are those cases which fail to reject the null hypothesis that the mean
of the simulation-based Hurst exponent equals the empirical Hurst exponent
at the 5% level. There are significant jumps between the values for k = 5 and
k = 10 as reported in previous tables.
Overall, the following results stand out: (1) There seems to be a good overall
agreement between the empirical and simulated data for practically all series
for levels k ≥ 10, while with a smaller number of volatility components (k = 5)
the simulated MSM models have typically smaller estimated Hs than the
corresponding empirical data, (2) the modified R/S approach would quite
reliably reject the null of long memory for k = 5, but in most cases it would
be unable to do so for higher numbers of volatility components, even if we
allow for large truncation lags up to τ = 100. Results are also much more
uniform than with the generalized Hurst technique which had left us with
a rather mixed picture of coincidence of Hurst coefficients of empirical and
simulated data. The fact, that according to Table 5, MSM model with 15 or
more volatility components did always produce ‘apparent’ scaling in agreement
with that of empirical data, is particular encouragingly. It contrasts with the
findings reported in [19] on apparent scaling of estimated GARCH models
whose estimated exponents did not agree with the empirical ones.
3 We also did a Monte Carlo study with 1000 simulated random time series in order
to assess the bias of the pertinent estimates of H: for random numbers with sample
size T = 9372 (comparable to our empirical records) we obtained a slight negative
bias: H = 0.463 ± 0.024.
4 For τ = 0 we have the classical R/S approach.
4 Concluding Remarks
We have calculated the scaling exponents of simulated data based on esti-
mates of the Markov-switching multifractal (MSM) model. Comparing the
generalized Hurst exponent values as well as Lo’s Hurst exponent statistics
of both empirical and simulated data, our study shows that the MSM model
captures quite satisfactorily the multi-scaling properties of absolute values of
returns for specifications with a sufficiently large number of volatility compo-
nents. Subsequent work will explore whether this encouraging coincidence of
the scaling statistics for the empirical and synthetic data also holds for other
candidate distributions of volatility components and alternative specifications
of the transition probabilities.
T. Di Matteo acknowledges the partial support by ARC Discovery Projects:
DP03440044 (2003) and DP0558183 (2005), COST P10 “Physics of Risk”
project and M.I.U.R.-F.I.S.R. Project “Ultra-high frequency dynamics of fi-
nancial markets”, T. Lux acknowledges financial support by the European
Commission under STREP contract No. 516446.
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[10] T. Di Matteo, T. Aste, and M. Dacorogna, Physica A 324, 183–188, (2003).
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Table 1
GMM estimates of MSM model for different values of k.
k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20
m̂0 σ̂ m̂0 σ̂ m̂0 σ̂ m̂0 σ̂
Dow 1.498 0.983 1.484 0.983 1.485 0.983 1.487 0.983
(0.025) (0.052) (0.026) (0.044) (0.026) (0.042) (0.027) (0.044)
Nik 1.641 0.991 1.634 0.991 1.635 0.991 1.636 0.991
(0.017) (0.036) (0.013) (0.028) (0.017) (0.036) (0.017) (0.037)
UK 1.415 1.053 1.382 1.057 1.381 1.056 1.381 1.058
(0.033) (0.026) (0.029) (0.027) (0.036) (0.027) (0.038) (0.026)
AU 1.487 1.011 1.458 1.013 1.457 1.014 1.458 1.014
(0.034) (0.066) (0.034) (0.061) (0.034) (0.066) ( 0.034) (0.065)
TB1 1.627 1.041 1.607 1.064 1.607 1.064 1.606 1.067
(0.021) (0.032) (0.025) (0.024) (0.028) (0.024) (0.025) (0.024)
TB2 1.703 1.040 1.679 1.068 1.678 1.079 1.678 1.079
(0.015) (0.036) (0.014) (0.029) (0.015) (0.032) (0.015) (0.034)
Note: All data have been standardized before estimation.
Table 2
H(1) and H(2) for the empirical and simulated data.
H(1) H(2)
Emp sim1 sim2 sim3 sim4 Emp sim1 sim2 sim3 sim4
Dow 0.684 0.747 0.849 0.868 0.868 0.709 0.705 0.797 0.813 0.812
(0.034) (0.008) (0.015) (0.021) (0.024) (0.027) (0.009) (0.015) (0.019) (0.022)
Nik 0.788 0.801 0.894 0.908 0.908 0.753 0.736 0.815 0.824 0.824
(0.023) (0.008) (0.013) (0.019) (0.028) (0.021) (0.008) (0.013) (0.018) (0.024)
UK 0.749 0.709 0.799 0.825 0.821 0.735 0.678 0.764 0.785 0.783
(0.023) (0.010) (0.018) (0.025) (0.026) (0.026) (0.010) (0.016) (0.021) (0.022)
AU 0.827 0.746 0.837 0.860 0.857 0.722 0.705 0.790 0.808 0.808
(0.017) (0.009) (0.016) (0.022) (0.021) (0.024) (0.009) (0.015) (0.018) (0.018)
TB1 0.853 0.856 0.909 0.915 0.911 0.814 0.783 0.826 0.832 0.829
(0.022) (0.035) (0.023) (0.026) (0.026) (0.027) (0.028) (0.020) (0.020) (0.020)
TB2 0.791 0.866 0.920 0.924 0.919 0.778 0.781 0.823 0.827 0.822
(0.025) (0.029) (0.021) (0.022) (0.026) (0.029) (0.022) (0.017) (0.022) (0.023)
Note: Emp refers to the empirical exponent values, sim1, sim2, sim3 and sim4 are
the corresponding exponent values based on the simulated data for k = 5, k = 10,
k = 15 and k = 20 respectively. The stochastic variable Xt is defined as |rt|.
Bold numbers show those cases for which we cannot reject identity of the Hurst
coefficients obtained for empirical and simulated data, i.e. the empirical exponents
fall into the range between the 2.5 to 97.5 percent quantile of the simulated data.
Table 3
Lo’s R/S statistic for the empirical and simulated data.
τ = 0 τ = 5 τ = 10
Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20
Dow 3.005 1.712 5.079 6.640 6.704 2.661 1.481 4.060 5.211 5.263 2.427 1.376 3.574 4.537 4.582
(0.381) (1.300) (1.769) (1.839) (0.329) (1.017) (1.333) (1.387) (0.305) (0.884) (1.133) (1.179)
Nik 7.698 1.840 4.898 6.154 6.152 6.509 1.540 3.817 4.747 4.742 5.836 1.416 3.343 4.132 4.133
(0.425) (1.195) (1.520) (1.584) ( 0.355) (0.918) (1.147) (1.193) (0.325) (0.798) (0.984) (1.023)
UK 6.821 1.544 4.599 6.047 6.175 5.912 1.370 3.815 4.918 5.008 5.333 1.286 3.405 4.337 4.408
(0.350) (1.200) (1.748) (1.848) (0.310) (0.972) (1.352) (1.417) (0.290) (0.854) (1.157) (1.207)
AU 7.698 1.687 4.962 6.348 6.434 6.731 1.463 4.001 5.024 5.090 6.103 1.361 3.531 4.387 4.443
(0.386) (1.257) (1.742) (1.790) (0.333) (0.989) (1.315) (1.352) (0.309) (0.861) (1.117) (1.149)
TB1 8.845 1.826 4.644 5.915 6.041 7.109 1.524 3.629 4.564 4.582 6.110 1.400 3.184 4.415 4.530
(0.398) (1.141) (1.425) (1.380) (0.330) (0.875) (1.074) (1.040) (0.302) (0.759) (0.921) (0.891)
TB2 7.295 1.855 4.347 5.853 5.907 6.083 1.531 3.391 4.207 4.349 5.330 1.404 2.985 4.025 4.158
(0.413) (1.031) (1.215) (1.227) (0.339) (0.795) (0.928) (0.930) (0.310) (0.694) (0.804) (0.803)
τ = 25 τ = 50 τ = 100
Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20
Dow 2.042 1.237 2.877 3.580 3.616 1.736 1.153 2.385 2.909 2.941 1.464 1.098 1.965 2.338 2.366
(0.272) (0.694) (0.857) (0.893) (0.250) (0.560) (0.668) (0.696) (0.233) (0.443) (0.508) (0.530)
Nik 4.760 1.260 2.692 3.285 3.279 3.941 1.169 2.246 2.701 2.698 3.220 1.113 1.868 2.204 2.203
(0.286) (0.631) (0.761) (0.788) (0.263) (0.514) (0.604) (0.623) (0.245) (0.412) (0.468) (0.482)
UK 4.348 1.170 2.782 3.469 3.515 3.575 1.099 2.322 2.837 2.868 2.871 1.053 1.922 2.289 2.306
(0.262) (0.678) (0.876) (0.909) (0.244) (0.549) (0.680) (0.702) (0.228) (0.434) (0.513) (0.528)
AU 5.035 1.224 2.848 3.474 3.516 4.130 1.142 2.362 2.830 2.861 3.281 1.089 1.947 2.280 2.302
(0.275) (0.676) (0.842) (0.866) (0.252) (0.544) (0.654) (0.672) (0.232) (0.429) (0.496) (0.508)
TB1 4.580 1.245 2.571 2.961 2.971 3.514 1.156 2.148 2.442 2.449 2.649 1.101 1.790 2.004 2.006
(0.265) (0.598) (0.711) (0.685) (0.242) (0.484) (0.564) (0.542) (0.223) (0.384) (0.440) (0.417)
TB2 4.129 1.249 2.432 2.762 2.786 3.250 1.162 2.052 2.305 2.320 2.502 1.109 1.731 1.915 1.921
(0.272) (0.554) (0.632) (0.630) (0.249) (0.456) (0.511) (0.507) (0.230) (0.369) (0.403) (0.398)
Note: Emp stands for the empirical Lo’s statistic, k = 5, k = 10, k = 15 and k = 20 refer to the mean and standard deviation of Lo’s statistics based
on the corresponding 1000 simulated time series with pertinent k.
Table 4
Number of rejections for Lo’s R/S statistic test.
τ = 0 τ = 5 τ = 10
k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20
† ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡
Dow 311 151 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 121 46 999 991 999 998 1000 1000 69 22 990 968 998 997 1000 995
Nik 433 253 1000 999 1000 1000 1000 1000 176 74 993 985 998 997 1000 999 98 36 983 963 997 991 999 993
UK 167 77 998 995 1000 999 999 998 74 22 991 976 998 997 998 997 41 7 982 943 996 990 997 992
AU 301 142 1000 999 999 999 1000 1000 116 39 997 990 998 994 1000 999 58 23 990 966 993 989 999 995
TB1 428 227 1000 1000 1000 999 999 999 146 55 993 976 997 991 998 996 75 24 976 934 990 970 996 989
TB2 453 256 999 995 998 997 1000 999 159 60 987 959 994 982 996 986 86 21 958 899 985 961 985 960
τ = 25 τ = 50 τ = 100
k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20
† ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡ † ‡
Dow 24 5 939 858 990 964 985 966 9 3 807 677 940 887 948 872 4 1 566 381 811 669 808 686
Nik 34 5 920 809 982 848 977 930 11 2 764 581 914 831 897 812 4 1 485 281 750 582 742 575
UK 11 1 929 843 982 942 979 953 4 1 789 630 919 840 926 843 1 1 541 327 783 632 774 640
AU 23 5 931 860 983 949 983 956 6 2 816 666 921 852 931 846 4 1 561 353 776 648 786 649
TB1 25 4 876 765 946 870 965 893 5 1 698 519 822 711 846 712 1 1 418 230 627 415 604 400
TB2 21 6 844 696 933 851 928 859 10 3 627 446 798 638 807 657 3 1 368 167 534 312 544 336
Note: k = 5, k = 10, k = 15 and k = 20 refer to the number of rejections at 95% (†) and 99% (‡) confidence levels (these intervals are given by [0.809, 1.862] and [0.721, 2.098],
respectively) for the 1000 simulated time series.
Table 5
Lo’s modified R/S Hurst exponent H values for the empirical and simulated data.
τ = 0 τ = 5 τ = 10
Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20
Dow 0.620 0.556 0.674 0.703 0.704 0.607 0.540 0.650 0.677 0.678 0.597 0.532 0.636 0.662 0.663
(0.024) (0.029) (0.030) (0.031) (0.024) (0.028) (0.029) (0.030) (0.024) (0.028) (0.028) (0.029)
Nik 0.723 0.564 0.670 0.695 0.695 0.705 0.544 0.643 0.667 0.667 0.693 0.535 0.629 0.652 0.651
(0.025) (0.027) (0.028) (0.029) (0.025) (0.027) (0.028) (0.029) (0.025) (0.027) (0.027) (0.028)
UK 0.712 0.545 0.665 0.694 0.696 0.696 0.532 0.644 0.672 0.673 0.685 0.525 0.632 0.658 0.660
(0.025) (0.030) (0.033) (0.036) (0.025) (0.029) (0.032) (0.035) (0.025) (0.029) (0.031) (0.034)
AU 0.726 0.555 0.673 0.700 0.701 0.711 0.539 0.650 0.674 0.676 0.700 0.531 0.636 0.660 0.661
(0.025) (0.029) (0.032) (0.032) (0.025) (0.028) (0.031) (0.031) (0.025) (0.028) (0.030) (0.030)
TB1 0.746 0.565 0.670 0.689 0.691 0.721 0.547 0.642 0.660 0.661 0.704 0.535 0.627 0.644 0.645
(0.024) (0.028) (0.031) (0.029) (0.024) (0.028) (0.030) (0.028) (0.024) (0.028) (0.029) (0.028)
TB2 0.724 0.567 0.662 0.679 0.680 0.704 0.545 0.634 0.650 0.652 0.689 0.536 0.620 0.636 0.637
(0.025) (0.028) (0.028) (0.028) (0.025) (0.027) (0.028) (0.028) (0.024) (0.027) (0.028) (0.027)
τ = 25 τ = 50 τ = 100
Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20 Emp k = 5 k = 10 k = 15 k = 20
Dow 0.578 0.521 0.612 0.636 0.637 0.560 0.513 0.592 0.614 0.615 0.542 0.508 0.571 0.590 0.591
(0.024) (0.027) (0.027) (0.028) (0.023) (0.026) (0.026) (0.027) (0.023) (0.025) (0.025) (0.026)
Nik 0.671 0.522 0.605 0.627 0.626 0.650 0.514 0.586 0.606 0.605 0.628 0.509 0.566 0.584 0.583
(0.025) (0.026) (0.027) (0.027) (0.024) (0.026) (0.026) (0.026) (0.024) (0.025) (0.024) (0.025)
UK 0.662 0.515 0.610 0.634 0.635 0.641 0.508 0.590 0.612 0.613 0.617 0.503 0.569 0.589 0.589
(0.025) (0.028) (0.029) (0.032) (0.024) (0.027) (0.028) (0.030) (0.024) (0.026) (0.026) (0.028)
AU 0.679 0.520 0.612 0.634 0.635 0.657 0.512 0.592 0.612 0.613 0.631 0.507 0.571 0.588 0.589
(0.025) (0.027) (0.029) (0.029) (0.024) (0.026) (0.027) (0.027) (0.023) (0.025) (0.026) (0.026)
TB1 0.672 0.522 0.603 0.619 0.621 0.642 0.514 0.583 0.597 0.598 0.610 0.509 0.563 0.575 0.576
(0.024) (0.027) (0.028) (0.027) (0.024) (0.026) (0.027) (0.026) (0.023) (0.025) (0.026) (0.024)
TB2 0.661 0.520 0.597 0.611 0.612 0.633 0.514 0.578 0.591 0.592 0.604 0.509 0.559 0.571 0.571
(0.024) (0.027) (0.027) (0.027) (0.024) (0.026) (0.026) (0.026) (0.023) (0.025) (0.025) (0.024)
Note: Emp stands for the empirical value of Lo’s Hurst exponent, k = 5, k = 10, k = 15 and k = 20 refer to the mean and standard deviation of Lo’s Hurst
exponent based on the corresponding 1000 simulated time series with different k. Boldface numbers are those cases in which empirical Hs fall into the
corresponding 2.5 to 97.5 percent quantiles of the 1000 simulation-based values of H.
Markov-switching multifractal model
Estimation of scaling exponents
Concluding Remarks
0704.1339 | SkyMapper and the Southern Sky Survey - a resource for the southern sky | SkyMapper and the Southern Sky Survey
a resource for the southern sky
Stefan C. Keller, Brian P. Schmidt and Michael S. Bessell1
Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Cotter Rd., Canberra, ACT
2611, Australia [email protected]
Summary. SkyMapper is amongst the first of a new generation of dedicated, wide-
field survey telescopes. The 1.3m SkyMapper telescope features a 5.7 square degree
field-of-view Cassegrain imager and will see first light in late 2007. The primary
goal of the facility is to conduct the Southern Sky Survey a six colour, six epoch
survey of the southern sky. The survey will provide photometry for objects between
8th and 23rd magnitude with global photometric accuracy of 0.03 magnitudes and
astrometry to 50 mas. This will represent a valuable scientific resource for the south-
ern sky and in addition provide a basis for photometric and astrometric calibration
of imaging data.
1 The SkyMapper Telescope
The SkyMapper telescope is a 1.3m telescope currently under construction
by the Australian National University’s Research School of Astronomy and
Astrophysics in conjunction with Electro Optic Systems of Canberra, Aus-
tralia. The telescope will reside at Siding Spring Observatory in central New
South Wales, Australia.
The telescope is a modified Cassegrain design with a 1.35m primary and a
0.7m secondary. Corrector optics are of fused silica construction for maximum
UV throughput and a set of six interchangeable filters can be placed in the
optical path. The facility will operate in an automated matter with minimal
operator support. Further details on all aspects of our programme can be
found in [2].
2 Detectors and Filters
The focal plane is comprised of 32 2k×4k CCDs from E2V, UK. Each CCD
has 2048 × 4096, 15 micron square pixels. The devices are deep depleted,
backside illuminated and 3-side buttable. They possess excellent quantum
efficiency from 350nm-950nm (see Figure1), low read noise and near perfect
2 Stefan C. Keller, Brian P. Schmidt and Michael S. Bessell
Wavelength (Angstroms)
Fig. 1. Spectral response of SkyMapper CCDs as measured in the laboratory. The
shaded area encloses the range in response exhibited.
4000 6000 8000
Wavelength (Å)
Fig. 2. The predicted throughput of the Southern Sky Survey filter set, excluding
atmospheric absorption.
The SkyMapper imager will utilise the recently developed STARGRASP
controllers developed for the Pan-STARRS project by Onaka and Tonry et
al. of the University of Hawaii [6]. Twin 16-channel controllers enable us to
read out the array in 12 seconds with ∼4−5 electron read noise.
Figure 2 shows the expected normalised throughput of our system. The
filter set is based upon the Sloan Digital Sky Survey filter set with three
important modifications:- the movement of the red edge of the u filter to
the blue, the blue edge of the g filter to the red, and the introduction of an
intermediate band v filter ( essentially a DDO38 filter ). At this time coloured
glass fabrication of filters of these bandpasses offers the best solution for
spatial uniformity compared to the competing interference film technology.
Our filters are sourced from MacroOptica of Russia.
SkyMapper 3
3 The Southern Sky Survey
Performing the Southern Sky Survey is the primary preoccupation of the
SkyMapper telescope. The survey will cover the 2π steradians of the southern
hemisphere reaching g=23 at a signal-to-noise of 5 sigma. For stars brighter
than g=18 we require global accuracy of 0.03 magnitudes and astrometry to
better than 50 milli arc seconds.
The survey’s six epochs are designed to capture variability on the time
scales of days, weeks, months and years over the five year expected lifetime
of the survey. The 5 sigma limits attained after one 110 second epoch and
after the full six epochs are given in Table 1. In all bands we attain limits
slightly deeper (∼ 0.5mag) than the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Table 1. Southern Sky Survey limits (5 sigma) in AB magnitudes from multiple
110 second exposures
u v g r i z
1 epoch 21.5 21.3 21.9 21.6 21.0 20.6
6 epochs 22.9 22.7 22.9 22.6 22.0 21.5
4 Global Photometric Calibration
The greatest impediment to deriving accurate photometry from wide field
imaging cameras is the accurate description of the illumination correction.
The illumination correction corrects for geometry of the optics and inclusion
of scattered light in the system (see Patat and Freudling these proceedings).
During commissioning we will develop an illumination correction for each
filter via dithered observations of a field. We will then rotate the instrument
and repeat the dithered observations to ensure we rigourously understand the
illumination correction for the system. We will establish six such reference
fields at declinations of around -25◦ and spaced in right ascension. Each field
will be 4.6 degrees square following the dither pattern.
During the first year of operation we will perform the Five-Second Survey,
a rapid survey in photometric conditions to provide all-sky standards between
8-16th magnitude. The Five-Second Survey will consist of a set of at least
three images of a field in all filters.
During Five-Second observing we will observe the two highest of our six
reference fields every ninety minutes. This will ensure photometry is obtained
on a highly accurate standard instrumental system. The Five-Second Survey
will provide a network of photometric and astrometric standards to anchor
the deeper main survey images. Furthermore, it enables the main survey to
proceed in non-photometric conditions.
4 Stefan C. Keller, Brian P. Schmidt and Michael S. Bessell
We will establish the six reference fields to include stars with photometry
in the Walraven system [4]. As demonstrated by Pel & Lub (ibid), the Wal-
raven system zeropoint is highly accurate: the closure solution over 2π in right
ascension has rms of less than 1 millimag. In addition, the Walraven stars we
have selected are spectrophotometric standards from the work of Gregg et al.
[5]. The use of these standards will provide absolute flux calibration for our
5 A Filter Set for Stellar Astrophysics
The majority of science goals identified for SkyMapper are based on the iden-
tification of stellar populations. It was therefore fundamental to the science
output of the telescope that we choose a filter set that offers optimal diagnos-
tic power for the important stellar characteristics of effective temperature,
surface gravity and metallicity. Below I will discuss some specific examples.
Through an exploration of colour parameter space derived from model
stellar atmospheres and filter bandpasses we arrived at the filter set shown
in Figure 2. The filter set possesses two filters, u and v, distinctly either side
of the Balmer Jump feature at 3646Å.
Fig. 3. Precision of determined surface gravity from our filter set as a function of
temperature and surface gravity (error bars show estimated uncertainties at each
point for photometric uncertainties of 0.03mag in each filter).
SkyMapper 5
5.1 Blue Horizontal Branch Stars
In Figure 3 we show the uncertainty in the derived stellar surface gravity as
a function of temperature for a range of surface gravities with photometric
uncertainties of 0.03mag. per filter. In the case of A-type stars we expect
to determine surface gravity to ∼ 10%. The sensitivity to surface gravity
arises from the u−v colour which measure the Balmer Jump and the effect
of H− opacity, both of which increase with surface gravity. It is at these
temperatures that we find blue horizontal branch stars (BHBs). Due to their
characteristic absolute magnitude BHBs are standard candles for the Galactic
A line of sight through the halo inevitably contains a mixture of local
main-sequence A-type and blue straggler stars. However as is shown in Figure
3 the SkyMapper filter set enables us to clearly distinguish the BHBs of
interest on the basis of their lower surface gravity. Simulations show that
we will be able to derive a sample of BHBs to 130kpc with less than 5%
5.2 Extremely Metal-Poor Stars
In the case of cooler stars (F0 and cooler) the u and v filters indicate the level
of metal line blanketing blueward of ∼ 4000Å. Figure 4 shows the v−g, g−i
colour-colour diagram for a range of metallicities and surface gravities. The
v−g colour has a strong dependency on the metallicity and little dependency
on the surface gravity hotter than K0 (g−i ∼ 1.7).
Solar, logg=2
-5.4 Frebel et al. 2006
Fig. 4. v−g vs. g−i for stars of solar metallicity (dashed lines) and for a range of
surface gravity (solid lines). Open circles are stars from the sample of [1] and the
star symbol is HE1327-2326 from [3].
6 Stefan C. Keller, Brian P. Schmidt and Michael S. Bessell
This enables us to cleanly separate the extremely metal-poor stars in the
halo from the vast bulk of the halo at [Fe/H]<-2. Our simulations show we
should find of order 100 stars with [Fe/H]<-5.
6 Data Products and Their Possible Application to ESO
The first SkyMapper data product will be the Five-Second Survey of 8-16th
magnitude stars in the southern hemisphere. Two main survey data releases
will follow. The first data release will occur when three images in each filter
have been reduced for a field and the second (reaching 23rd magnitude in g)
when the full set of six have been obtained and undergone quality control.
The survey will provide sufficient density and spectral sampling of stan-
dard stars to enable photometric calibration of any field imaged in any broad-
band filter in the southern hemisphere. The largest source of dispersion in
transformations between photometric systems is due to the lack of knowl-
edge of the surface gravity and metallicity of the sample. The SkyMapper
photometric system provides a prior on both these points of uncertainty.
Consequently we will be able to provide improved transformations from our
photometric system to any other system. Scheduled observations on, for in-
stance VLT or VST, may then dispense with photometric standards and also
proceed under non-photometric conditions.
1. Cayrel, R. et al. A&A 416, 1117 (2004)
2. Keller, S. et al. PASA in press, astro-ph/0702511 (2007)
3. Frebel, A. et al. Nature 434, 871 (2005)
4. J.W. Pel & J. Lub: The Walraven System. In: The Future of Photometric,
Spectrophotometric and Polarmetric Standardization, PASP in press
5. M. Gregg: Next Generation Spectral Library. In:
6. P. Onaka & J. Tonry: StarGrasp - Detector Controllers for Science and As-
tronomy. In:
SkyMapper and the Southern Sky Survey a resource for the southern sky
Stefan C. Keller, Brian P. Schmidt and Michael S. Bessell
0704.1340 | Tautological classes on moduli spaces of curves with linear series and a
push-forward formula when $\rho=0$ | TAUTOLOGICAL CLASSES ON MODULI SPACES OF CURVES
WHEN ρ = 0
Abstract. We define tautological Chow classes on the moduli space Gr
triples consisting of a curve C, a line bundle L on C of degree d, and a linear
system V on L of dimension r. In the case where the forgetful morphism
to Mg has relative dimension zero, we describe the images of these classes
in A1(Mg). As an application, we compute the (virtual) slopes of several
different classes of divisors on Mg.
1. Introduction 1
2. Statement of Theorem 3
2-A. A limit linear series moduli stack 3
2-B. Tautological Classes 4
2-C. A Push-Forward Formula 5
3. Applications 5
3-A. The Gieseker-Petri Divisor 5
3-B. Hypersurface Divisors 6
3-C. Syzygy Divisors 7
3-D. Secant Plane Divisors 9
4. Special Families of Curves 10
4-A. Definitions of Families 10
4-B. Computations on the Special Families 11
4-C. Pull-Back Maps on Divisors 11
5. Proofs of Lemmas 13
6. Appendix 21
References 25
1. Introduction
The cone of effective divisors on a projective variety plays an important rôle in
the understanding of its birational geometry. In the case of the moduli space Mg
of genus-g curves, it has become apparent that the most interesting effective divisor
classes are those that arise from the extrinsic geometry of curves in projective space.
Indeed, in their pioneering work, Harris and Mumford [20] considered divisors of
curves admitting a degree-d branched cover of P1, where d = (g + 1)/2. More
Date: October 24, 2018.
recently, work of Cukierman [2], Farkas-Popa [11], Khosla [21], and Farkas [10] [9]
has found effective divisor classes of smaller slope that those considered by Mumford
and Harris, and some of these classes have been used to improve on the best known
bounds on n for which Mg,n is of general type for fixed g [9].
Although all of these divisors are described by conditions on the space of em-
beddings of a curve in projective space, the techniques used to deal with them have
been varied. In this paper, we put all of the above calculations into a unified frame-
work and lay the ground for future work on the effective cone of Mg. Specifically
we consider the moduli stack Grd(Mg) of genus-g curves together with a g
d (linear
series). The set of C-valued points consists of triples (C,L, V ), where C is a genus-g
curve, L is a degree-d line bundle on C, and V ⊂ H0(L) is an (r + 1)-dimensional
subspace. The forgetful morphism
η : Grd(Mg) → Mg
is representable, proper, and generically smooth of relative dimension
ρ(g, r, d) = g − (r + 1)(g − d+ r)
[23], [16], [5], [6] [14], [7], [25], [13]. (When ρ < 0, then η is not dominant.)
If g, r, and d are chosen so that ρ = −1, then the image of η has a component of
codimension 1, and it is this divisor that Eisenbud and Harris use to show that Mg
is of general type when g ≥ 24 and g+1 is composite [8]. The closure of this divisor
in the moduli space Mirrg of irreducible nodal curves may also be interpreted as the
image of the virtual fundamental class of Grd(M
g ) under the proper push-forward
η∗ : A∗(G
g )) → A∗(M
where Grd(M
g ) is a partial compactification of G
d(Mg) using torsion-free sheaves.
If we now choose g, r, and d so that ρ = 0, we are led to the “second generation”
of effective divisors on Mg. In this case, the morphism η : G
d(Mg) → Mg is
generically finite. Since the work of Cukierman [2], every interesting effective divisor
class on Mg has been realized as the image under η of a divisor on G
d(Mg). For
example, the K3 locus in M10 [2], which was the first counterexample [11] to the
Harris-Morrison slope conjecture [19], can be interpreted as the image under η of
the divisor in G412(M10) of g
12’s which do not lie on a quadric. Again, the class of
its closure in Mirr10 may be realized as the proper push-forward of the corresponding
class in G412(M
10) under the morphism
η∗ : A∗(G
10)) → A∗(M
This latter class, in turn, is easily computed to be
2α− β − 6γ + η∗λ,
where α, β, and γ are certain tautological classes defined on Grd(M
g ). (See Sec-
tions 2-B and 3-C.)
In Section 2, we introduce a partial compactification Grd(M̃g) of G
d(Mg), which is
proper over an open substack M̃g of Mg that contains Mg and whose complement
in Mg has codimension 2. We define tautological virtual codimension-1 Chow
classes α, β, and γ on Grd(M̃g) and, in the case where ρ = 0, compute their images
under the proper push-forward morphism
η∗ : A3g−2(G
d(M̃g)) → A3g−2(M̃g) = A
This allows one to completely mechanically compute the slopes of all of the divisor
classes on Mg that have thus far been studied. As examples, in Section 3 we study
syzygy divisors, hypersurface divisors, Gieseker-Petri divisors, and secant plane
In Section 4 we give the statements of a series of calculuations over special
families of stable curves. These calculations assemble to give the main result.
Finally Section 5 is devoted to the proofs of the lemmas stated in Section 4.
This work was carried out for my doctoral thesis under the supervision of Joe
Harris. I would like to thank Ethan Cotterill, Gavril Farkas, Johan de Jong, Martin
Olsson, Brian Osserman, and Jason Starr for helpful conversations.
2. Statement of Theorem
2-A. A limit linear series moduli stack.
Definition 2.1 ([24]). Let S be any scheme, and let g and n be non-negative
integers. An n-pointed stable curve of genus g over S is a proper flat morphism
π : X → S together with sections σ1 . . . , σn : S → X . Each geometric fiber Xs̄ must
be a reduced, connected, 1-dimensional scheme such that
(a) Xs̄ has only ordinary double points;
(b) Xs̄ intersects the sections σ1 . . . , σn at distinct points p1, . . . pn that lie on
the smooth locus of Xs̄;
(c) the line bundle ωXs̄(p1 + · · ·+ pn) is ample;
(d) dimH1(OXs̄) = g.
Theorem 2.2 ([3],[24]). Let g and n be non-negative integers such that 2g − 2 +
n > 0. The category Mg,n of families of n-pointed stable curves of genus g is an
irreducible Deligne-Mumford stack that is proper, smooth, and of finite type over
Definition 2.3 ([3]). Let k be an algebraically closed field, and let X be an n-
pointed stable curve of over k. The dual graph ΓX of X is the following unoriented
(a) the set of vertices of ΓX is the set Γ
X of irreducible components of X ;
(b) the set of edges of ΓX is the set Γ
X which is the union of the singular and
marked points of X ;
(c) an edge x ∈ Γ1X has for extremities the irreducible components on which x
Definition 2.4. An n-pointed stable curve X → S is tree-like if the dual graph of
each geometric fiber is a tree.
Proposition 2.5 ([22]). The category M̃g,n of families of tree-like curves is an
open substack of Mg,n, whose complement has codimension 2.
Definition 2.6. Let π : X → S be a smooth genus-g curve. A grd on X is the data
of a line bundle L→ X of relative degree d together with a rank-r vector subbundle
V of π∗L [26, Definition 4.2].
Proposition 2.7. Let π : X → S be a smooth genus-g curve. The étale sheafifica-
tion of the functor
(Sch/S) → (Sets)
given by
T 7→ {grd’s on XT → T}
is represented by a scheme Grd(X/S), proper over S. If Z is an irreducible compo-
nent of Grd(X/S), then
(1) dimZ ≥ dimS + ρ(g, r, d)
In this way, one can construct a Deligne-Mumford stack Grd , representable and
proper over Mg. In [22], Osserman and the author extend this construction to
families of tree-like stable curves. That is, for X a tree-like stable curve over S of
genus g, they construct an algebraic space Grd(X/S), proper over S and satisfying
the same dimension lower bound (1). In addition, they prove that if S = Spec k,
where k is an algebraically closed field, then there is an open substack of Grd(X/k)
isomorphic to the space of refined limit linear series onX . In this way they construct
a representable and proper Deligne-Mumford stack Grd over M̃g and hence over
M̃g,n by pulling back.
2-B. Tautological Classes.
Definition 2.8. Let g and n be as in Theorem 2.2 and let r and d be non-negative
integers for which ρ(g, r, d) = 0. Let U ⊂ M̃g,n be the open substack over which
η : Grd → M̃g,n is flat. Let [G
d ] ∈ A3g−3+n+ρ(G
d) be the class of the closure of
η−1(U). Similarly, let [Crd] ∈ A3g−2+n+ρ(C
d) be the class of the closure of (η ◦
π)−1(U) in the universal curve π : Crd → G
In the following we work over M̃g,1 in order to be able to consistently define the
universal line and vector bundles. There is a universal pointed quasi-stable curve
Yrd → G
d whose stabilization is the universal stable curve C
d → G
d . Let σ : G
d → Y
be the marked section. There is a universal line bundle L → Yrd of relative degree
d together with a trivialization σ∗L ∼= OGr
. On each geometric fiber, L has degree
1 on every exceptional curve, degree d on the pre-image of the component of stable
curve containing the marked point, and degree 0 on the pre-image of all other
components of the stable curve. There is a sub-bundle
V →֒ π∗L
which, over each point in Grd , is equal to the aspect of the limit linear g
d on the
component containing the marked point.
Remark 2.9. By a theorem of Harer [17], for g ≥ 3,
A3g−3(M̃g,1)Q = PicMg,1 ⊗Q = Qλ⊕Qδ0 ⊕Qδ1 ⊕ · · · ⊕Qδg−1 ⊕Qψ
where λ and ψ are the first Chern classes of the Hodge and tautological bundles
respectively, δ0 is the divisor of irreducible nodal curves, and δi is the divisor of
unions of curves of genus i and g− i, where the marked point lies on the component
of genus i.
Definition 2.10. We define “codimension-1” cycle classes in A3g−3+ρ(G
d) as fol-
α = π∗
2 ∩ [Yrd ]
β = π∗
c1(L) · c1(ω) ∩ [Y
γ = c1(V) ∩ [G
2-C. A Push-Forward Formula. We now state our main result.
Theorem 2.11. Let g ≥ 1, and r, d ≥ 0, be integers for which
ρ = g − (r + 1)(g − d+ r) = 0,
and consider the map
η : Grd → M̃g,1
η∗ : A3g−3(G
d) → A3g−3(M̃g,1)
is the proper push-forward morphism on corresponding Chow groups, then
6(g − 1)(g − 2)
η∗α = 6(gd− 2g
2 + 8d− 8g + 4)λ
+ (2g2 − gd+ 3g − 4d− 2)δ0
(g − i)(gd+ 2ig − 2id− 2d)δi
− 6d(g − 2)ψ,
2(g − 1)
η∗β = 12λ− δ0 + 4
(g − i)(g − i− 1)δi − 2(g − 1)ψ,
2(g − 1)(g − 2)
η∗γ =
−(g + 3)ξ + 5r(r + 2)
λ− d(r + 1)(g − 2)ψ
(g + 1)ξ − 3r(r + 2)
(g − i)
iξ + (g − i− 2)r(r + 2)
1! · 2! · 3! · · · r! · g!
(g − d+ r)!(g − d+ r + 1)! · · · (g − d+ 2r)!
ξ = 3(g − 1) +
(r − 1)(g + r + 1)(3g − 2d+ r − 3)
g − d+ 2r + 1
3. Applications
In this section, we will apply Theorem 2.11 to various classes of divisors on
g ), where g, r, d are chosen so that ρ(g, r, d) = 0. We can parameterize such
choices using integers r, s ≥ 1 and setting g = (r + 1)(s+ 1) and d = r(s+ 2).
3-A. The Gieseker-Petri Divisor. Petri’s theorem [14] states that if C is a gen-
eral curve, then for all line bundles L on C, the natural map
H0(L)⊗H0(KC ⊗ L
∨) → H0(KC)
is injective. This implies that if g, r, and d are chosen so that ρ = 0, and (C,L) is
a grd on a general curve C, then the natural map
V ⊗H0(KC ⊗ L
∨) → H0(KC)
is an isomorphism. Away from a subset of codimension greater than 1, the sheaf
π∗(ω ⊗ L
∨) on Grd(M
g,1) is locally free, and the degeneracy locus of the map of
vector bundles
V ⊗ π∗(ω ⊗ L
∨) → π∗(ω)
defines the Gieseker-Petri divisor in Grd . We compute its class as follows. By
c1(π∗(ω)) = λ.
By Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch,
c1(π∗L)− c1(R
1π∗L) = π∗
ch(L) · tdCr
1 + c1(L) +
2 + κ
c1π∗(ω ⊗ L
∨) = −c1(R
1π∗L) =
− γ + λ.
It follows that our degeneracy locus in Grd(M
g,1) has class
r + 1
(−α+ β) + (d+ 1− g)γ − rλ.
It is easy to see that the slope of the image divisor in Mirrg,1 will be symmetric
in r and s. Letting x = (r + 1) + (s + 1) and y = (r + 1)(s + 1) and applying
Theorem 2.11, we find that the slope of the Gieseker-Petri divisor in Mirrg is
6(2x+ 7y2 + 7xy + xy2 + 12y + y3)
y (4 + y) (y + 1 + x)
3-B. Hypersurface Divisors. Another natural substack in Grd is the locus of g
which lie on a hypersurface of degree k; that is, grd’s (L, V ) for which the restriction
Symk V → H0(L⊗k)
has a non-trivial kernel. If ρ = 0 and the above two vector spaces have the same
dimension, then this defines a virtual divisor in Grd . Namely, we look at the degen-
eracy locus of the map of vector bundles
Symk V → π∗(L
Note that if d > g − 1, then Lk is always non-special when k ≥ 2.
To compute the class of the degeneracy locus, observe first that
k V) =
r + k
k − 1
By Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch,
⊗k) = π∗
ch(L⊗k) · tdCr
1 + kc1(L) +
2 + κ
β + λ.
Applying Theorem 2.11, the image divisor in Mirrg has slope
f(k, r, s)
g(k, r, s)
where f and g are (rather large) polynomials in k, r, and s, which are, in turn,
related by the identity
r + k
= kr(s + 2)− (r + 1)(s+ 1) + 1.
3-C. Syzygy Divisors. Consider a basepoint-free grd (C,L, V ), so there is a map
f : C → PV ∨. On PV ∨, we have the tautological sequence
0 → OPV ∨(−1) → V
∨ ⊗OPV ∨ → Q→ 0.
For any i, consider the restriction map to C:
H1(∧iQ∨ ⊗OPV ∨(2)) → H
0(∧if∗Q∨ ⊗ L⊗2).
According to [10, Proposition 2.5], the map f fails Green’s property (Ni) if and
only if this restriction map degenerates to a certain rank. In the case where the
two vector spaces have the same dimension, f fails property (Ni) exactly when the
restriction map is not an isomorphism.
To globalize this, consider the tautological sequence on u : PV∨ → Grd :
0 → OPV∨(−1) → u
∗V∨ → Q→ 0.
We will remove from Grd the closed substack, isomorphic to C
d−1, of g
ds with
a basepoint, which has codimension greater than 1. Then there is a morphism
f : Yrd → PV
∨ commuting with the projection to Grd .
✲ PV∨
Our restriction map now globalizes to
i Q∨ ⊗OPV∨(2) → π∗ ∧
i f∗Q∨ ⊗ L⊗2.
Note also that all the higher direct images of these two bundles vanish [10, Propo-
sition 2.1].
Using the exact sequence
0 → ∧i+1Q∨ ⊗OPV∨(j) → ∧
i+1u∗V ⊗OPV∨(j) → ∧
iQ∨ ⊗OPV∨(j + 1) → 0
for j = 0, 1, we have
iQ∨ ⊗OPV∨(2))) = ch(∧
i+1V ⊗ V)− ch∧i+2V
r + 1
(r + 1)−
r + 1
(r + 1) +
r + 1
γ + · · ·
= (i+ 1)
r + 2
+ (r + 2)
γ + · · ·
Applying Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch to π, we obtain that
if∗Q∨ ⊗ L⊗2) = π∗
f∗ ch∧iQ∨ exp(2c1(L)) · tdYr
f∗ ch∧iQ∨ exp(2c1(L)) · tdCr
One computes
ch∧iQ∨ =
r − 1
(u∗γ − ζ)
r − 2
ζu∗γ +
r − 2
r − 2
ζ2 + · · · ,
where ζ = c1(OPV∨(1)). It follows that
if∗Q∨ ⊗ L⊗2) = (2d+ 1− g)
r − 1
r − 1
r − 2
r − 2
r − 1
(2d+ 1− g)
r − 1
r − 2
In order for the two vector bundles to have the same dimension, therefore, we need
(i+ 1)
r + 2
= (2d+ 1− g)
r − 1
which is achieved by setting r = (i + 2)s + 2(i + 1). The class of our degeneracy
locus in Grd is
r − 1
r − 2
r − 2
r − 1
−(r + 2)
+ (2d+ 1− g)
r − 1
r − 2
In Section 6 we prove that this locus is an actual effective divisor when i = 0 and
0 ≤ s ≤ 2. By Theorem 2.11 it follows that the slope of the image locus in Mirrg is
6f(i, t)
t(i− 2)g(i, t)
f(i, t) = (24i2 + i4 + 16 + 32i+ 8i3)t7 + (4i3 + i4 − 16i− 16)t6
+ (−13i2 − 7i3 + 12− i4)t5 + (−i2 − 14i− i4 − 24− 2i3)t4
+ (2i2 + 2i3 − 6i− 4)t3 + (17i2 + i3 + 50i+ 41)t2
+ (7i2 + 9 + 18i)t+ 2 + 2i,
g(i, t) = (12i+ i3 + 8 + 6i2)t6 + (−4i+ i3 − 8 + 2i2)t5
+ (−2− 11i− i3 − 7i2)t4 + (−i3 + 5i)t3
+ (5i+ 1 + 4i2)t2 + (7i+ 11 + i2)t+ 2 + 4i,
and t = s+ 1.
3-D. Secant Plane Divisors. Given a curve C in Pr, we can ask whether there
is a k-plane meeting C in e points—that is, an e-secant k-plane. For example, an
m-secant 0-plane is just an m-fold point of C.
If (C,L, V ) is the associated grd, then this condition is described by saying that
there is an effective divisor E on C of degree e such that the restriction map
V → H0(LE)
has a kernel of dimension at least r − k.
To globalize this over Mirrg,1, we consider the relative Hilbert scheme of points on
a family of curves. For a stable curve X over S, the functor
(Sch/S) → (Sets)
T 7→ {subschemes Σ ⊂ XT , finite of degree e over T}
is represented by a scheme Hilbe(X/S), proper over S.
Now let H
d = Hilb
d), and consider the projection
p : H
d → G
Σ ⊂ H
d ×Grd C
be the universal subscheme. The is a natural map of vector bundles
p∗V → (π1)∗π
d , and we are looking for the rank-(k+1) locus of this map. The class of the
virtual degeneracy locus in Grd is, therefore, given by the Porteous formula as
(3) p∗∆e−k−1,r−k
In order to get a locus of expected codimension one in Grd , we need that
(e − k − 1)(r − k) = e+ 1
or ρ(e, r−k−1, r) = −1. Cotterill [1, Theorem 1] has proved that, in this case, one
obtains an actual effective divisor on Grd . The computation (3) can, in principle,
be carried out using the techniques in [28]. Cotterill [1] has made some progress
towards an explicit calculation; there remains, however, some work to be done. The
final answer will have the form
Pαα+ Pββ + Pγγ + Pλλ+ Pδ0δ0,
where the coeffcients are rational functions in Q(r, s, e, k).
4. Special Families of Curves
Our strategy for proving Theorem 2.11 will be to pull back to various families of
stable curves over which the space of linear series is easier to analyze. In Section
4-A we define three families of pointed curves, and in Section 4-B we compute η∗
for these special families. In Section 4-C we compute the pull-backs of the standard
divisor classes on M̃g,1 to the base spaces of each of our families. Assembling the
results of these three sections, we compute η∗ over the whole moduli space.
4-A. Definitions of Families.
Definition 4.1. Let i : M0,g →֒ M̃g,1 be the family of marked stable curves defined
by sending a g-pointed stable curve
(C, p1, . . . , pg)
of genus 0 to the stable curve
Ei, p0
of genus g, where Ei are fixed non-isomorphic elliptic curves, attached to C at the
points pi, and p0 ∈ E1 is fixed as well.
E1 E2 E3 Eg· · ·
· · ·
Figure 1. i(C, p1, . . . , pg)
Definition 4.2. Let j : M̃2,1 →֒ M̃g,1 be the family of curves defined by sending
a marked curve (C, p) to the marked stable curve
(C ∪ C′, p0)
where (C′, p′, p0) is a fixed Brill-Noether-general curve in M̃g−2,2, attached nodally
to (C, p) at p′.
C C′•
Figure 2. j(C, p)
Definition 4.3. Fix Brill-Noether general curves
(C1, p1) ∈ Mh,1
(C2, p2) ∈ Mg−h,1
and let C = C1 ∪C2 be their nodal union along the pi. Let kh : C1 →֒ M̃g,1 be the
map sending p ∈ C1 to the marked curve (C, p).
4-B. Computations on the Special Families.
Lemma 4.4. For the family
i : M0,g →֒ M̃g,1
we have
η∗α = η∗β = η∗γ = 0
Lemma 4.5. For the family
j : M̃2,1 →֒ M̃g,1
we have
η∗α =
2dN(d− 2g + 2)
3(g − 1)
(3ψ − λ− δ1) +
g − 1
(λ+ δ1 − 4ψ)
η∗β =
g − 1
(λ+ δ1 − 4ψ)
η∗γ =
3(g − 1)
(3ψ − λ− δ1),
where N and ξ are defined in the statement of Theorem 2.11.
Lemma 4.6. For the family
kh : C1 →֒ M̃g,1
we have
deg η∗α = −d
deg η∗β = −
2(g − h)− 1
deg η∗γ = −
r(r + 1)
4-C. Pull-Back Maps on Divisors.
Lemma 4.7. Let ǫi be the class of the closure of the locus on M0,g of stable curves
with two components, the component containing the first marked point having i
marked points.
(a) The classes ǫi are independent in H
(b) For the family
i : M0,g →֒ M̃g,1
we have the following pull-back map on divisor classes.
i∗λ = i∗ψ = i∗δ0 = 0
i∗δi = ǫi for i = 2, 3, . . . , g − 2
i∗δ1 = −
(g − i)(g − i− 1)
(g − 1)(g − 2)
i∗δg−1 = −
(g − i)(i− 1)
g − 2
Lemma 4.8. For the family
j : M̃2,1 →֒ M̃g,1
we have the following pull-back map on divisor classes.
j∗λ = λ j∗ψ = 0
j∗δ0 = δ0 j
∗δi = 0 i = 1, 2, . . . , g − 3
j∗δg−2 = −ψ j
∗δg−1 = δ1
Lemma 4.9. For the family
kh : C1 →֒ M̃g,1
we have the following pull-back map on divisor classes.
deg k∗hλ = 0 deg k
hψ = 2h− 1
deg k∗hδh = −1 deg k
hδg−h = 1
deg k∗hδi = 0 i 6= h, g − h
Proof of Theorem 2.11. Theorem 2.11 is now a consequence of the above lemmas.
The main point is that the pull-backs of the classes η∗α, η∗β, and η∗γ to our special
families coincide with the classes computed in Section 4-B. For example, to see this
for j∗η∗γ, form the fiber the fiber square
✲ Grd
✲ M̃g,1.
Notice that although j is a regular embedding, j′ need not be. Nonetheless, ac-
cording to Fulton [12, Chapter 6], there is a refined Gysin homomorphism
j! : Ak(G
d) → Ak−l(j
where l is the codimension of j, which commutes with push-forward:
! = j∗η∗.
We need to check that
j!c1(V) ∩ [G
d ] = c1(j
′∗V) ∩ [j∗Grd ].
j!c1(V) ∩ [G
d ] = c1(j
′∗V) ∩ j![Grd ]
[12, Proposition 6.3], it is enough to check that
j![Grd ] = [j
∗Grd ].
Generalizing the dimension upper bound in [27, Corollary 5.9] to the multi-component
case [22], we obtain
dim j∗Grd = dimM̃2,1.
This implies that the codimension of j′ is equal to that of j, so the normal cone of
j′ is equal to the pull-back of the normal bundle of j, and the result follows.
Now, for example, to compute η∗γ, write
η∗γ = aλ−
biδi + cψ
Our goal is to solve for a, b0, b1, . . . , bg−1, c. Using Lemmas 4.6 and 4.9, we may solve
for c and write bg−i in terms of bi. From Lemmas 4.4 and 4.7, we may further solve
for b1, b2, . . . , bg−2 in terms of bg−1. It remains to determine a, b0, and bg−1. This
is done by pulling back to M̃2,1, which has Picard number 3, and using Lemmas
4.5 and 4.8. The other push-forwards are computed similarly. �
5. Proofs of Lemmas
In this section, we give proofs of the lemmas stated in Sections 4-B and 4-C.
Proof of Lemma 4.4. If C0,g → M0,g is the universal stable curve, then i
∗C̃g,1 is
formed by attaching M0,g ×Ei to C0,g along the marked sections σi : M0,g → C0,g.
We have the following fiber square.
✲ i∗C̃g,1
✲ M0,g
By the Plücker formula for P1, given [C] ∈ M0,g, a limit linear series on i(C)
must have the aspect
(d− r − 1)pi + |(r + 1)pi|
on each Ei. The line bundle L → i
∗Crd is, therefore, the pull-back from i
∗C̃g,1 of the
bundle which is given by
on M0,g ×E1 and is trivial on all other components. Thus α = β = 0. The vector
bundle V ⊂ π∗L is trivial with fiber isomorphic to
H0(OE1(r + 1)p) ⊂ H
so γ = 0 as well. �
Before proving Lemma 4.5 we state an elementary result in Schubert calculus.
Lemma 5.1. [16, p. 266] For integers r and d with 0 ≤ r ≤ d, let
X = G(r,Pd)
be the Grassmannian of r-planes in Pd. For integers
0 ≤ b0 ≤ b1 ≤ · · · ≤ br ≤ d− r,
let σb = σbr ,...,b0 be the corresponding Schubert cycle of codimension
bi. Let
ζ = σ1,1,...,1,0 be the special Schubert cycle of codimension r. If k is an integer for
bi = dimX = (r + 1)(d− r),
then ∫
ζk · σb =
i=0(k − d+ r + ai)!
(aj − ai),
where ai = bi + i.
Proof of Lemma 4.5. Since M2,1 is a smooth Deligne-Mumford stack, it is enough,
by the moving lemma, to prove Lemma 4.5 for a family over a complete curve
B →֒ M̃2,1
which intersects the boundary and Weierstrass divisors transversally. If π : C → B
is the universal stable genus-2 curve and σ : B → C is the marked section, then
j∗C̃g,1 is formed by attaching C to B×C
′ along the marked section Σ = σ(B) ⊂ C.
We begin by assuming that B is disjoint from the closure of the Weierstrass locus
W . In this case we claim that
j∗Grd → B
is a trivial N -sheeted cover of the form B × X , where is X a zero-dimensional
scheme of length N . Indeed, for any curve (C, p) in M̃2,1 \W there are two (limit
linear) grds on C with maximum ramification at p; the vanishing sequences are
a1 = (d− r − 2, d− r − 1, . . . , d− 4, d− 3, d),
a2 = (d− r − 2, d− r − 1, . . . , d− 4, d− 2, d− 1).
If C is smooth, the two linear series are
(d− r − 2)p+ |(r + 2)p|
(d− r − 2)p+ |rp+KC |.
There are analogous series on nodal curves outside the closure of the Weierstrass
locus. In the case of irreducible nodal curves, the sheaves are locally free.
For each of the two grds on C with maximum ramification at p, there are finitely
many grds on C
′ with compatible ramification. Specifically, there are
(2g − 2− d)N
2(g − 1)
of type a1 and
2(g − 1)
of type a2, for total of N limit linear series counted with multiplicity. Since C
fixed, the cover j∗Grd → B is a trivial N -sheeted cover.
Consider a reduced sheet B1 ≃ B of type a1. (We assume for simplicity that
the sheet is reduced—the computation is the same in the general case.) Then the
universal line bundle L on j∗Crd is given as
OC on C
π∗2L1 on B1 × C
for some line bundle L1 on C
′ of degree d. It follows that α = β = γ = 0 on B1.
Next consider a sheet B2 ≃ B of type a2. Over B2×C
′ the universal line bundle
L is isomorphic to π∗2L2 for some L2 of degree d on C
′. It remains to determine
L over C. Now ωC(−2p) gives the correct line bundle for all [C] ∈ B2; however,
it has the wrong degrees on the components of the singular fibers. As our first
approximation to L on C we take
Let ∆ ⊂ C be the pull-back of the divisor on C of curves of the form C1 ∪C2, where
the Ci have genus one, and the marked points lie on different components. Then
ωC/B2(−2Σ +∆)
has the correct degree on the irreducible components on each fiber. It remains
only to normalize our line bundle by pull-backs from the base B2. In this case,
L|C is required to be trivial along Σ since L is a pull-back from C
′ on the other
component. If σ : B2 → C is the marked section, we let
Ψ = σ∗ωC/B2
be the tautological line bundle on B2. Then
σ∗OC∆ ∼= OB2
σ∗OCΣ ∼= Ψ
It follows that on C,
ωC/B2(−2Σ +∆)⊗ π
∗Ψ⊗−3 on C
π∗2L2 on B2 × C
Thus, if we let
ω = c1(ωC/B2)
σ = c1(OCΣ)
δ = c1(OC∆)
on C and let
ψ = c1(Ψ)
on B2, then
c1(L) =
ω − 2σ + δ − 3π∗ψ on C
dπ∗2p on B2 × C
For the relative dualizing sheaf ω
j∗ eCg,1/B2
, we have
c1(ωj∗C/B2) =
ω + σ on C
(2(g − 2)− 1)π∗2p on B2 × C
Figure 3. The morphism C → B2.
To compute the products of these classes on j∗Crd , recall the following formulas on
π : C2,1 → M2,1
π∗ω = 2 π∗δ = 0 π∗σ = 1
2 = 12λ− δ0 − δ1 π∗σ
2 = −ψ π∗δ
2 = −δ1
π∗(δ.σ) = 0 π∗(ω.δ) = δ1 π∗(σ.ω) = ψ.
Then we compute
α = π∗
= 12λ− δ0 − 8ψ
β = π∗
c1(L) · c1(ω)
= 12λ− δ0 − 8ψ
on B2. Since the marked point lies on C
′, V is trivial on B2, so γ = 0 on B2.
Finally we consider the case where B (transversally) intersects the Weierstrass
locus. In this case
η : j∗Grd → B
is the union of a trivial N -sheeted cover of B and a 1-dimensional scheme lying
over each point of the divisor W . It will suffice to compute α and γ on
Grd(j[C, p])
where C is a smooth genus-2 curve, and p ∈ C is a Weierstrass point. (Note that
β is automatically zero.)
There is a single grd on C with maximal ramification at p, namely
(d− r − 2)p+ |(r + 2)p|,
which has vanishing sequence
(d− r − 2, d− r − 1, . . . , d− 4, d− 2, d).
We claim that we only need to consider components of Grd(C ∪C
′) with this aspect
on C. Indeed, any grd on C with ramification 1 less at p is still a subseries of
|dp|. There will be finitely many corresponding aspects on C′ so that, as before,
α = β = γ = 0 on these components.
It remains to consider the components of Grd(C ∪ C
′) where the aspect on C′
has ramification (0, 1, 2, 2, . . . , 2) or more at p′. We are reduced to studying the
one-dimensional scheme
S = Grd(C
′; p′, (0, 1, 2, 2, . . . , 2)).
To simplify computations we specialize C′ to a curve which is the union of P1
with g− 2 elliptic curves E1, . . . , Eg−2 attached at general points p1, . . . , pg−2, and
where the marked point p0 lies on E1, and the point of attachment p
′ lies on the
P1. There will be two types of components of S: those on which the aspects on the
E1 E2 Eg−2
· · ·
· · ·
Figure 4. The curve C′.
Ei are maximally ramified at pi, and those on which the aspect on one Ei varies.
Again, as in the proof of Lemma 4.4, we need only consider the latter case.
Assume that for some i, the ramification at pi of the g
d on Ei is one less than
maximal. There are two possibilities: either the series is of the form
(d− r − 1)pi + |rpi + q| for q ∈ Ei,
which for q 6= pi imposes on the P
1 the ramification condition
(1, 1, . . . , 1),
or the grd is a subseries of
(d− r − 2)pi + |(r + 2)pi|
(d− r)pi + |rpi|,
which generically imposes on the P1 the ramification condition
(0, 1, 1, . . . , 1, 2).
In the first case the components are parameterized by Ei, and we compute that
α = −2 on each such irreducible component, irrespective of whether i = 1 or not.
By Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch, γ = −1 when i = 1 and is zero otherwise. In the
second case the grds are parameterized by a P
1. Because the line bundle is constant,
α = 0. On each such P1, the vector bundle V may be viewed as the tautological
bundle of rank r+1 on the Grassmannian of vector subspaces of a fixed vector space
of dimension r+2 containing a subspace of dimension r. It follows that γ = −1 on
each P1.
Let X = G(r,Pd) be the Grassmannian of r-planes in Pd. Let
ζ = σ1,1,...,1,0
be the special Schubert cycle of codimension r. Collecting our calculations, we have
that on Grd(C ∪ C
α = −2(g − 2)
σ2,2,...,2,1,0 · σ1,1,...,1 · ζ
= −2(g − 2)
σ3,3,...,3,2,1 · ζ
γ = −
σ2,2,...,2,1,0 · (σ1,1,...,1 + σ2,1,1,...,1,0) · ζ
σ2,2,...,2,1,0 · (σ1,0,0,...,0 · ζ) · ζ
(σ3,2,2,...,2,1,0 + σ2,2,...,2,0 + σ2,2,...,2,1,1) · ζ
(σ3,2,2,...,2,1,0 + ζ
2) · ζg−2
σ3,2,2,...,2,1,0 · ζ
g−2 −
From Lemma 5.1 we compute,
−2d(2g − 2− d)N
3(g − 1)
3(g − 1)
Since the class of the Weierstrass locus in M̃2,1 is 3ψ−λ−δ1, the lemma follows. �
Proof of Lemma 4.6. Because the curves (Ci, pi) are Brill-Noether general, k
a trivial N -sheeted cover of C1 of the form C1 ×X , where X is a zero-dimensional
scheme of length N . Fix a sheet G ∼= C1 in k
d ; this choice corresponds to aspects
Vi ⊂ H
0(Ci, Li)
where Li are degree-d line bundles on Ci. If (a0, a1, . . . , ar) is the vanishing sequence
of V1 at p1, then we know that
0 = ρ(h, r, d)−
(ai − i)
= (r + 1)(d− r)− hr −
r(r + 1),
ai = (r + 1)d−
r(r + 1)− hr.
Let C1 be the blow-up of C1 × C1 at (p1, p1), E the exceptional divisor, and e its
first Chern class. We may construct the universal curve k∗hC̃g,1 → C1 by attaching
C1 × C2 to C1 along C1 × {p2} and the proper transform of C1 × {p1}. Over the
sheet G, the universal line bundle L on k∗hC
π∗2L1 ⊗OC1−dE ⊗ π
1 (dp1)
on C1 and
π∗2L2(−dp2)⊗ π
on C1 × C2. Thus
c1(L) =
dπ∗2p− de on C1
−dπ∗1p on C1 × C2.
The relative dualizing sheaf ω
is isomorphic to
π∗2ωC1 ⊗OCE ⊗ π
on C1 and
on C1 × C2. We have
c1(ω) =
−π∗1p+ (2h− 2)π
2p+ e on C1
(2(g − h)− 1)π∗2p on C1 × C2.
Thus, on G,
degα = c1(L)
2 = −d2
deg β = c1(L) · c1(ω) = −d
2(g − j)− 1
The formulas for η∗α and η∗β now follow.
To calculate γ on G, notice that it suffices to compute c1(V
′), where
V ′ = V ⊗ L1(−dp1)
is a sub-bundle of
We claim there is a bundle isomorphism
OC1(aj − d)p1
−→ V ′
To describe the map, pick a basis (σ0, σ1, . . . , σr) of V1 ⊂ H
0(L1) with σi vanish-
ing to order ai at p1. Given local sections τi of OC1(ai − d)p1, let the image of
(τ0, τ1, . . . , τr) be the section
of V ′. This is clearly an isomorphism away from p1 and is checked to be an isomor-
phism over p1 as well. Using (4), we have that on G,
deg γ = deg V ′ =
(ai − d)
r(r + 1)− rh
which finishes the proof of the lemma. �
Proof of Lemma 4.7. To prove the independence of the ǫi, consider the curves
Bj →֒ M0,g
for j = 2, 3, . . . , g−3 given by taking a fixed stable curve in ǫj and moving a marked
point on the component with g − j marked points. Let B1 →֒ M0,g be the curve
given by moving the first marked point along a fixed smooth curve.The intersection
(ǫi · Bj)
g − 1 0 0 0 · · · 0 0 0
−1 1 0 0 · · · 0 0 g − 3
0 −1 1 0 · · · 0 0 g − 4
. . .
0 0 0 0 · · · −1 1 3
0 0 0 0 · · · 0 −1 2
where the rows correspond to the Bj for j = 1, 2, . . . , g − 3, and the columns to
the ǫi for i = 2, 3, . . . , g − 2. Since this matrix is non-singular, the first part of the
lemma follows.
To derive the formula for the pull-back, we follow Harris and Morrison [19,
Section 6.F]. Let B be a smooth projective curve, π : C → B a 1-parameter family
of curves in M0,g transverse to the boundary strata. Then π has smooth total
space, and the fibers of π have at most two irreducible components. Let
σi : B → C
be the marked sections. Denote by Σi the image curve σi(B) in C. Then on B,
δ1 = Σ
δg−1 =
Σ2j ,
where we are using D2 to denote π∗(D
2) for a divisor D on C. We now contract the
component of each reducible fiber which meets the section Σ1. If Σj is the image
of Σj under this contraction, then we have
Σ21 = Σ
Σ2j =
(i − 1)ǫi
The Σj are sections of a P
1-bundle, so
0 = (Σj − Σk)
2 = Σ
k − 2Σj · Σk
(g − 2)
k) = 2
Σj · Σk
It follows that
δg−1 =
(i − 1)(i− 2)
g − 2
− (i− 1)
(i− 1)(i− g)
g − 2
Similarly, we can show that
δ1 + δg−1 =
i(i− g)
g − 1
so the formula for δ1 follows as well. �
The proofs of Lemmas 4.8 and 4.9 are straightforward, so we omit them.
6. Appendix
In this section, we prove that the locus in Section 3-C defined for i = 0 and s = 2
is, in fact, a divisor in G624(M21). The case s = 1 is similar, and s = 0 is clear.
We first establish the following result.
Lemma 6.1. The space G624(M21) is irreducible.
Proof. Note that a g624 is residual to a g
16; that is
L ∈W 624(C) ⇐⇒ KC ⊗ L
∗ ∈W 216(C)
for any smooth curve C of genus 21. Thus there is a dominant rational map
V16,21 −→ G
from the Severi variety of irreducible plane curves of degree 16 and genus 21. Since
V16,21 is irreducible [18] and maps dominantly to G
24, so G
24 is irreducible. �
Proposition 6.2. The substack Ẽ of G624(M21) defined in Section 3-C has codi-
mension 1.
Proof. Since G624(M21) is irreducible, it suffices to exhibit a smooth curve with a
24 not lying on a quadric. Let
S = Bl21 P
be the blow-up of P2 at 21 general points, and consider the linear system
∣∣∣13H − 2
Ej − 3
on S, where H is the hyperplane class and Ei are the exceptional divisors. A
calculation using Macaulay 2 (see Proposition 6.3) shows that a general member C
of ν is irreducible and smooth of genus 21. The series
∣∣∣6H −
embeds S in P6 as the rank-2 locus of general 3×6 matrix of linear forms [4, Section
20.4]. The ideal of S is therefore generated by cubics, so S does not lie on quadric.
It follows that C, which embeds in P6 in degree 24, does not lie on a quadric.
Proposition 6.3. Let Σ be a set of 21 general points in P2 and let S = BlΣP
be the blow-up of P2 at Σ. If H is the line class on S and E1, . . . , E21 are the
exceptional divisors, then the linear system
∣∣∣13H − 2
Ej − 3
on S contains a smooth connected curve.
Proof. We begin by showing that it is enough to exhibit a single set of 21 points
over a finite field for which the above statement is true.
Let Hilb
2 be the Hilbert scheme of k points in P2, and let
Σk ⊂ Hilb
2 ×P2
be the universal subscheme. Let
B ⊂ Hilb9Z P
2 ×Hilb12Z P
be the irreducible open subset over which the composition
Σ = π−11 Σ9 ∪ π
2 Σ12
✲ Hilb9ZP
2 ×Hilb12Z P
2 ×P2
2 ×Hilb12Z P
is étale, where π1 and π2 are the obvious projections. Let
π : S = BlΣ P
B → B
be the smooth surface over B whose fibers are blow-ups of P2 at 21 distinct points.
If E9 and E12 are the exceptional divisors, let
L = OS13H − 2E9 − 3E12.
We may further restrict B to an open over which π∗L is locally free of rank at least
C ⊂ Pπ∗L ×B S
is the universal section, then the projection
C → Pπ∗L
is flat, so it suffices to find a single smooth fiber in order to conclude that the
general fiber is smooth. To this end we use Macaulay 2 [15] and work over a finite
i1 : S = ZZ/137[x,y,z];
Following Shreyer and Tonoli [29], we realize our points in P2 as a determinental
i2 : randomPlanePoints = (delta,R) -> (
if k-2*eps>=0
then minors(k-eps,
else minors(eps,
i3 : distinctPoints = (J) -> (
singJ = minors(2, jacobian J) + J;
codim singJ == 3);
Let Σ9 and Σ12 be our subsets of 9 and 12 points, respectively.
i4 : Sigma9 = randomPlanePoints(9,S);
o4 : Ideal of S
i5 : Sigma12 = randomPlanePoints(12,S);
o5 : Ideal of S
i6 : (distinctPoints Sigma9, distinctPoints Sigma12)
o6 = (true, true)
o6 : Sequence
Their union is Σ.
i7 : Sigma = intersect(Sigma9, Sigma12);
o7 : Ideal of S
i8 : degree Sigma
o8 = 21
Next we construct the 0-dimensional subscheme Γ whose ideal consists of curves
double through points of Σ9 and triple through points of Σ12.
i9 : Gamma = saturate intersect(Sigma9^2, Sigma12^3);
o9 : Ideal of S
Let us check that Γ imposes the expected number of conditions (9 · 3+ 12 · 6 = 99)
on curves of degree 13.
i10 : hilbertFunction (13, Gamma)
o10 = 99
Pick a random curve C of degree 13 in the ideal of Γ.
i11 : C = ideal (gens Gamma
* random(source gens Gamma, S^{-13}));
o11 : Ideal of S
We check that C is irreducible.
i12 : # decompose C
o12 = 1
To check smoothness, let Csing be the singular locus of C.
i13 : Csing = (ideal jacobian C) + C;
o13 : Ideal of S
i14 : codim Csing
o14 = 2
A double point will contribute 1 to the degree of Csing if it is transverse and
more otherwise. Similarly, a triple point will contribute 4 to the degree of Csing if it
is transverse and more otherwise. So for C to be smooth in the blow-up, we must
have that
degCsing = 9 + 4 · 12 = 57
i15 : degree Csing
o15 = 57
Definition 6.4. Let E be the effective codimension-1 Chow cycle which is the
image of Ẽ under the map
η : G624 → M
Proposition 6.5. The class of E ⊂ Mirr21 is given as
[E] = 2459λ− 377δ0.
Proof. Applying Equation (2) from Section 3-C,
[E] = η∗[Ẽ] = η∗(2α− β + λ− 8γ)
where N is the degree of η. �
Corollary 6.6. The slope conjecture is false in genus 21.
Proof. Since
< 6 +
this is an immediate consequence of [11, Corollary 1.2]. �
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Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station
C1200, Austin, Texas 78712, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Statement of Theorem
2-A. A limit linear series moduli stack
2-B. Tautological Classes
2-C. A Push-Forward Formula
3. Applications
3-A. The Gieseker-Petri Divisor
3-B. Hypersurface Divisors
3-C. Syzygy Divisors
3-D. Secant Plane Divisors
4. Special Families of Curves
4-A. Definitions of Families
4-B. Computations on the Special Families
4-C. Pull-Back Maps on Divisors
5. Proofs of Lemmas
6. Appendix
0704.1341 | Equivariant symmetric bilinear torsions | Equivariant symmetric bilinear torsions ∗
Guangxiang Su †
We extend the main result in the previous paper of Zhang and the au-
thor relating the Milnor-Turaev torsion with the complex valued analytic
torsion to the equivariant case.
1 Introduction
Let F be a unitary flat vector bundle on a closed Riemannian manifold X.
In [RS], Ray and Singer defined an analytic torsion associated to (X,F ) and
proved that it does not depend on the Riemannian metric on X. Moreover,
they conjectured that this analytic torsion coincides with the classical Reide-
meister torsion defined using a triangulation on X (cf. [Mi]). This conjecture
was later proved in the celebrated papers of Cheeger [C] and Müller [Mu1].
Müller generalized this result in [Mu2] to the case where F is a unimodular
flat vector bundle on X. In [BZ1], inspired by the considerations of Quillen
[Q], Bismut and Zhang reformulated the above Cheeger-Müller theorem as an
equality between the Reidemeister and Ray-Singer metrics defined on the de-
terminant of cohomology, and proved an extension of it to the case of general
flat vector bundles over X. The method used in [BZ1] is different from those of
Cheeger and Müller in that it makes use of a deformation by Morse functions
introduced by Witten [W] on the de Rham complex.
On the other hand, Turaev generalizes the concept of Reidemeister torsion
to a complex valued invariant whose absolute value provides the original Reide-
meister torsion, with the help of the so-called Euler structure (cf. [T], [FT]). It
is natural to ask whether there exists an analytic interpretation of this Turaev
Recently, Burghelea and Haller [BH1, BH2], following a suggestion of Müller,
define a generalized analytic torsion associated to a nondegenerate symmetric
bilinear form on a flat vector bundle over a closed manifold and make an explicit
conjecture between this generalized analytic torsion and the Turaev torsion.
Later this conjecture was proved by Su and Zhang [SZ]. Also Burghelea and
Haller [BH3], up to a sign, proved this conjecture for odd dimensional manifolds,
and comments were made how to derive the conjecture in full generality in their
∗This work was partially supported by the Qiushi Foundation.
†Chern Institute of Mathematics & LPMC, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R. China.
([email protected])
In this paper, we will extend the main result in [SZ] to the equivariant case,
which is closer in spirit to the approach developed by Bismut-Zhang in [BZ2].
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we construct the
equivariant symmetric bilinear torsions associated with equivariant nondegen-
erate symmetric bilinear forms on a flat vector bundle. In Section 3, we state
the main result of this paper. In Section 4, we provide a proof of the main
result. Section 5 is devoted to the proofs of the intermediary results stated in
Section 4.
Since we will make substantial use of the results in [BZ1, BZ2, SZ], we will
refer to [BZ1, BZ2, SZ] for related definitions and notations directly when there
will be no confusion.
2 Equivariant symmetric bilinear torsions associated
to the de Rham and Thom-Smale complexes
In this section, for a G-invariant nondegenerate bilinear symmetric form on
a complex flat vector bundle over an oriented closed manifold, we define two
naturally associated equivariant symmetric bilinear forms on the equivariant
determinant of the cohomology H∗(M,F ) with coefficient F . One constructed
in a combinatorial way through the equivariant Thom-Smale complex associated
to a equivariant Morse function, and the other one constructed in an analytic
way through the equivariant de Rham complex.
2.1 Equivariant symmetric bilinear torsion of a finite dimensional
Let (C, ∂) be a finite cochain complex
(C, ∂) : 0 −→ C0 ∂0−→ C1 ∂1−→ · · · ∂n−1−→ Cn −→ 0,(2.1)
where each Ci, 0 ≤ i ≤ n, is a finite dimensional complex vector space.
Let each Ci, 0 ≤ i ≤ n, admit a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form bi.
We equip C with the nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form bC =
i=0 bi.
Let G be a compact group. Let ρ : G → End(C) be a representation of G,
with values in the chain homomorphisms of C which preserve the bilinear form
bC . In particular, if g ∈ G, ρ(g) preserves the Ci’s.
Let Ĝ be the set of equivalence classes of complex irreducible representations
of G. An element of Ĝ is specified by a complex finite dimensional vector space
W together with an irreducible representation ρW : G→ End(W ).
For W ∈ Ĝ, set
CiW = HomG(W,C
CW = HomG(W,C)⊗W.(2.3)
Let ∂W be the map induced by ∂ on CW . Then
(CW , ∂W ) : 0 −→ C0W
∂0,W−→ C1W
∂1,W−→ · · ·
∂n−1,W−→ CnW −→ 0(2.4)
is a chain complex. Thus we obtain the isotypical decomposition,
(C, ∂) =
W∈ bG
(CW , ∂W ),(2.5)
and the decomposition (2.5) is orthogonal.
If E is a complex finite dimensional representation space for G, let χ(E) be
the character of the representation. Put
χ(C) =
e(C) =
e(CW ) =
(−1)idim(CiW ).(2.6)
By (2.5), we get
χ(C) =
W∈ bG
e(CW )
χ(W )
rk(W )
If λ is a complex line, let λ−1 be the dual line. If E is a finite dimensional
complex vector space, set
detE = Λmax(E).(2.8)
detC =
detCW =
By (2.5), we obtain
detC =
W∈ bG
detCW .(2.10)
For 0 ≤ i ≤ n, CiW is a vector subspace of Ci. Let bCiW be the induced
symmetric bilinear form on CiW . let bdetCi
be the symmetric bilinear form on
detCiW induced by bCi
, and let b(detCi
)−1 be the dual symmetric bilinear form
on (detCiW )
−1. Also we have symmetric bilinear forms bdetCW on detCW and
bdetC on detC.
det(C,G) =
W∈ bG
detCW .(2.11)
Definition 2.1. We introduce the formal product
bdet(C,G) =
W∈ bG
(bdetCW )
χ(W )
rk(W ) .(2.12)
For W ∈ Ĝ, let xW , yW ∈ detCW , xW 6= 0, yW 6= 0. Set x = ⊕W∈ bGxW ,
y = ⊕
W∈ bGyW ∈ det(C,G). Then by definition,
bdet(C,G)(x, y) =
W∈ bG
(bdetCW (xW , yW ))
χ(W )
rk(W ) .(2.13)
Tautologically, (2.13) is an identity of characters on G. In particular
bdet(C,G)(x, y)(1) =
W∈ bG
bdetCW (xW , yW ).(2.14)
In fact (2.14) just says that
bdet(C,G)(1) = bdetC .(2.15)
Of course, using the orthogonality of the χW ’s, knowing the formal product
bdet(C,G) is equivalent to knowing the symmetric bilinear forms bdetCW .
H(CW , ∂W ) = HomG(W,H(C, ∂)) ⊗W,
H(C, ∂) =
W∈ bG
H(CW , ∂W ).(2.16)
For W ∈ Ĝ, we define detH(CW , ∂W ) as in (2.9). Set
det(H(C, ∂), G) =
W∈ bG
detH(CW , ∂W ).(2.17)
For W ∈ Ĝ, there is a canonical isomorphism (cf. [KM] and [BGS, Section
detCW ≃ detH(CW , ∂W ).(2.18)
From (2.18), we get
det(C,G) ≃ det(H(C, ∂), G).(2.19)
Let bdetH(CW ,∂W ) be the symmetric bilinear form on detH(CW , ∂W ) corre-
sponding to bdetCW via the canonical isomorphism (2.18).
Definition 2.2. we introduce the formal product
bdet(H(C,∂),G) =
W∈ bG
bdetH(CW ,∂W )
)χ(W )
rkW .(2.20)
Tautologically, under the identification (2.19),
bdet(C,G) = bdetH((C,∂),G).(2.21)
By an abuse of notation, we will call the formal product bdet(C,G) a sym-
metric bilinear form on det(C,G).
2.2 The Thom-Smale complex of a gradient field
Let M be a closed smooth manifold, with dimM = n. For simplicity, we make
the assumption that M is oriented.
Let (F,∇F ) be a complex flat vector bundle overM carrying the flat connec-
tion ∇F . We make the assumption that F carries a nondegenerate symmetric
bilinear form bF .
Let (F ∗,∇F ∗) be the dual complex flat vector bundle of (F,∇F ) carrying
the dual flat connection ∇F ∗.
Let f : M → R be a Morse function. Let gTM be a Riemannian metric on
TM such that the corresponding gradient vector field −X = −∇f ∈ Γ(TM)
satisfies the Smale transversality conditions (cf. [Sm]), that is, the unstable
cells (of −X) intersect transversally with the stable cells.
B = {x ∈M ;X(x) = 0}.(2.22)
For any x ∈ B, let W u(x) (resp. W s(x)) denote the unstable (resp. stable)
cell at x, with respect to −X. We also choose an orientation O−x (resp. O+x ) on
W u(x) (resp. W s(x)).
Let x, y ∈ B satisfy the Morse index relation ind(y) = ind(x) − 1, then
Γ(x, y) =W u(x)∩W s(y) consists of a finite number of integral curves γ of −X.
Moreover, for each γ ∈ Γ(x, y), by using the orientations chosen above, on can
define a number nγ(x, y) = ±1 as in [BZ1, (1.28)].
If x ∈ B, let [W u(x)] be the complex line generated by W u(x). Set
u, F ∗) =
[W u(x)]⊗ F ∗x ,(2.23)
u, F ∗) =
x∈B, ind(x)=i
[W u(x)]⊗ F ∗x .(2.24)
If x ∈ B, the flat vector bundle F ∗ is canonically trivialized on W u(x). In
particular, if x, y ∈ B satisfy ind(y) = ind(x) − 1, and if γ ∈ Γ(x, y), f∗ ∈ F ∗x ,
let τγ(f
∗) be the parallel transport of f∗ ∈ F ∗x into F ∗y along γ with respect to
the flat connection ∇F ∗.
Clearly, for any x ∈ B, there is only a finite number of y ∈ B, satisfying
together that ind(y) = ind(x)− 1 and Γ(x, y) 6= ∅.
If x ∈ B, f∗ ∈ F ∗x , set
∂(W u(x)⊗ f∗) =
y∈B, ind(y)=ind(x)−1
nγ(x, y)W
u(y)⊗ τγ(f∗).(2.25)
Then ∂ maps Ci(W
u, F ∗) into Ci−1(W
u, F ∗). Moreover, one has
∂2 = 0.(2.26)
That is, (C∗(W
u, F ∗), ∂) forms a chain complex. We call it the Thom-Smale
complex associated to (M,F,−X).
If x ∈ B, let [W u(x)]∗ be the dual line to W u(x). Let (C∗(W u, F ), ∂) be
the complex which is dual to (C∗(W
u, F ∗), ∂). For 0 ≤ i ≤ n, one has
Ci(W u, F ) =
x∈B, ind(x)=i
[W u(x)]∗ ⊗ Fx.(2.27)
Let G be a compact group acting on M by smooth diffeomorphisms. we
assume that the action of G lifts to F and preserves the flat connection of
F . Then G acts naturally on H∗(M,F ). We assume that f and gTM are G-
invariant. Then −X = −∇f is also G-invariant. We assume that it verifies the
smale transversality conditions.
Clearly B is G-invariant. Also if x ∈ B, g ∈ G,
g (W u(x)) = ǫg(x)W
where ǫg(x) = +1 if g(W
u(x)) has the same orientation as W u(gx), ǫg = −1
if not. Clearly g acts as a chain homomorphism on (C∗(W
u, F ∗), ∂). The
corresponding dual action of g on (C∗(W u, F ), ∂) is such that
g (W u(x)∗) = ǫg(x)W
Then g acts as a chain homomorphism on (C∗(W u, F ), ∂). Therefore g acts on
H∗(C∗(W u, F ), ∂).
2.3 Equivariant Milnor symmetric bilinear torsion
For x ∈ B, let bFx be a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form on Fx. We
assume that the bFx’s are G-invariant, i.e. for g ∈ G, x ∈ B
= bFg(x).(2.28)
The symmetric bilinear forms bFx ’s determine a G-invariant symmetric bilin-
ear form on C∗(W u, F ) =
x∈B [W
u(x)]∗⊗Fx, such that the various [W u(x)]∗⊗
Fx are mutually orthogonal in C
∗(W u, F ), and that if x ∈ B, f, f ′ ∈ Fx,
W u(x)∗ ⊗ f,W u(x)∗ ⊗ f ′
f, f ′
We construct the equivariant symmetric bilinear form bdet(C∗(Wu,F ),G) on
det(C∗(W u, F ), G) as in Definition 2.1.
Definition 2.3. The symmetric bilinear form on the determinant line of the
cohomology of the Thom-Smale cochain complex (C∗(W u, F ), ∂), in the sence
of Definition 2.2, is called the equivariant Milnor symmetric bilinear torsion
and is denoted by b
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G).
Take g ∈ G. Set
Mg = {x ∈M, gx = x}.(2.30)
Since G is a compact group, Mg is a smooth compact submanifold of M . Let
N be the normal bundle to Mg in M . By [BZ2, Proposition 1.13], we know
that f |Mg is a Morse function on Mg, and X|Mg is a smooth section of TMg.
For g ∈ G, set
Bg = B ∩Mg.(2.31)
Then Bg is the set of critical points of f |Mg .
Definition 2.4. If x ∈ Bg, let indg(x) be the index of f |Mg at x.
Let now bFx , b′Fx (x ∈ B) be two G-invariant nondegenerate symmetric
bilinear forms on Fx. Let b
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G), b
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G) be the corresponding
equivariant Milnor symmetric bilinear torsions. By [BZ2, Theorem 1.15] and
[SZ, Proposition 2.5], we have the following theorem.
Theorem 2.5. For g ∈ G, the following identity holds
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)(g) = b
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)(g)
g log
2.4 Equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear torsion
We continue the discussion of the previous subsection. However, we do not use
the Morse function and make transversality assumptions.
For any 0 ≤ i ≤ n, denote
Ωi(M,F ) = Γ
Λi(T ∗M)⊗ F
, Ω∗(M,F ) =
Ωi(M,F ).(2.33)
Let dF denote the natural exterior differential on Ω∗(M,F ) induced from ∇F
which maps each Ωi(M,F ), 0 ≤ i ≤ n, into Ωi+1(M,F ).
The group G acts naturally on Ω∗(M,F ). Namely, if g ∈ G, s ∈ Ω∗(M,F ),
gs(x) = g∗s(g
−1x), x ∈M.
Let gF be a G-invariant Hermitian metric on F . The G-invariant Rieman-
nian metric gTM and gF determine a natural inner product 〈 , 〉g (that is, a
pre-Hilbert space structure) on Ω∗(M,F ) (cf. [BZ1, (2.2)] and [BZ2, (2.3)]).
Let dF∗g be the formal adjoint of d
F with respect to 〈 , 〉g and Dg = dF +dF∗g .
On the other hand gTM and the G-invariant symmetric bilinear form bF
determine together a G-invariant symmetric bilinear form on Ω∗(M,F ) such
that if u = αf , v = βg ∈ Ω∗(M,F ) such that α, β ∈ Ω∗(M), f, g ∈ Γ(F ), then
〈u, v〉b =
(α ∧ ∗β)bF (f, g),(2.34)
where ∗ is the Hodge star operator (cf. [Z]).
Consider the de Rham complex
Ω∗(M,F ), dF
: 0 → Ω0(M,F ) d
→ Ω1(M,F ) → · · ·
dF→ Ωn(M,F ) → 0.
Let dF∗b : Ω
∗(M,F ) → Ω∗(M,F ) denote the formal adjoint of dF with
respect to G-invariant the symmetric bilinear form in (2.34). That is, for any
u, v ∈ Ω∗(M,F ), one has
dFu, v
u, dF∗b v
Db = d
F + dF∗b , D
dF + dF∗b
= dF∗b d
F + dF dF∗b .(2.37)
Then the Laplacian D2b preserves the Z-grading of Ω
∗(M,F ).
As was pointed out in [BH1] and [BH2], D2b has the same principal symbol
as the usual Hodge Laplacian (constructed using the inner product on Ω∗(M,F )
induced from (gTM , gF )) studied for example in [BZ1].
We collect some well-known facts concerning D2b as in [BH2, Proposition
4.1], where the reference [S] is indicated.
Proposition 2.6. The following properties hold for the Laplacian D2b :
(i) The spectrum of D2b is discrete. For every θ > 0 all but finitely many
points of the spectrum are contained in the angle {z ∈ C| − θ < arg(z) < θ};
(ii) If λ is in the spectrum of D2b , then the image of the associated spectral
projection is finite dimensional and contains smooth forms only. We refer to
this image as the (generalized) λ-eigen space of D2b and denote it by Ω
{λ}(M,F ).
There exists Nλ ∈ N such that
D2b − λ
Ω∗{λ}(M,F )
= 0.(2.38)
We have a D2b -invariant 〈 , 〉b-orthogonal decomposition
Ω∗(M,F ) = Ω∗{λ}(M,F )⊕ Ω
{λ}(M,F )
The restriction of D2b − λ to Ω∗{λ}(M,F )
⊥ is invertible;
(iii) The decomposition (2.39) is invariant under dF and dF∗b ;
(iv) For λ 6= µ, the eigen spaces Ω∗{λ}(M,F ) and Ω
{µ}(M,F ) are 〈 , 〉b-
orthogonal to each other.
For any a ≥ 0, set
Ω∗[0,a](M,F ) =
Ω∗{λ}(M,F ).(2.40)
Let Ω∗
(M,F )⊥ denote the 〈 , 〉b-orthogonal complement to Ω∗[0,a](M,F ).
Obviously, each Ω∗{λ}(M,F ) is a G-invariant subspace.
By [BH2, (29)] and Proposition 2.6, one sees that (Ω∗
(M,F ), dF ) forms a
finite dimensional complex whose cohomology equals to that of (Ω∗(M,F ), dF ).
Moreover, the G-invariant symmetric bilinear form 〈 , 〉b clearly induces a
nondegenerate G-invariant symmetric bilinear form on each Ωi
(M,F ) with
0 ≤ i ≤ n. By Definition 2.2 one then gets a symmetric bilinear torsion
(M,F )),G)
on detH∗(Ω∗
(M,F ), dF ) = detH∗(Ω∗(M,F ), dF ).
For any 0 ≤ i ≤ n, let D2b,i be the restriction of D2b on Ωi(M,F ). Then it is
shown in [BH2] (cf. [S, Theorem 13.1]) that for any a ≥ 0, g ∈ G the following
is well-defined,
(g) = exp
(M,F )⊥
Definition 2.7. If g ∈ G, set
bRSdet(H∗(M,F ),G)(g) = b
(M,F )),G)(g)
by [BH2, Proposition 4.7], we know that bRS
det(H∗(M,F ),G) does not depend on the
choice of a ≥ 0, and is called the equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear
torsion on detH∗(Ω∗(M,F ), dF ).
2.5 An anomaly formula for the equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric
bilinear torsion
We continue the discussion of the above subsection.
Definition 2.8. Let θg(F, b
F ) be the 1-form on Mg
θg(F, b
F ) = Tr
g(bF )−1∇F bF
ClearlyMg is a totally geodesic submanifold ofM . Let g
TMg be the Rieman-
nian metric induced by gTM on TMg. Let ∇TMg be the Levi-Civita connection
on (TMg, g
TMg ).
Let e(TMg,∇TMg) be the Chern-Weil representative of the rational Euler
class of TMg, associated to the metric preserving connection ∇TMg . Then
e(TMg,∇TMg) = Pf
if dimMg is even,(2.44)
0 if dimMg is odd.
Let g′TM be another G-invariant metric and let ∇′TMg be the correspond-
ing Levi-Civita connection on TMg. Let ẽ(TMg,∇TMg ,∇′TMg) be the Chern-
Simons class of dimMg − 1 forms on Mg, such that
TMg,∇TMg ,∇′TMg
Let b′F be another G-invariant nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form on
Let b′RS
det(H∗(M,F ),G) denote the equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear
torsion associated to g′TM and b′F .
By [SZ, Remark 6.4] and [BZ2, Theorem 2.7], we have the following exten-
sion of the anomaly formula of [SZ, Theorem 2.9].
Theorem 2.9. If bF , b′F lie in the same homotopy class of nondegenerate
symmetric bilinear forms on F , then for g ∈ G the following identity holds,
det(H∗(M,F ),G)
det(H∗(M,F ),G)
(g) = exp
g log
· exp
θg(F, b
′F )ẽ
TMg,∇TMg ,∇′TMg
Proof. Let bFl is a smooth one-parameter family of fiber wise non-degenerate
symmetric bilinear forms on F and (gTMl , g
l ) be a smooth family of metrics on
TM,F .
By [SZ, (6.4)], we have
b = e−tD
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tk+1tD
gdt1 · · · dtk
+ (−1)n+1tn+1
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tn+2tD
bdt1 · · · dtn+1,
where ∆k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n+1, is the k-simplex defined by t1+ · · ·+ tk+1 = 1, t1 ≥ 0,
· · · , tk+1 ≥ 0 and Bb,g is defined in [SZ, (6.3)].
Proceeding as in [BZ1, Section 4], we first calculate the asymptotics as t→ 0
of Trs[g(b
−1 ∂bFl
exp(−tD2bl)]. Here the metric g
TM will be fixed.
By the same proof in [SZ, proposition 6.1], we have that as t→ 0+,
g(bFl )
−1 ∂b
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tn+2tD
dt1 · · · dtn+1 → 0.
Also, by [SZ, (6.22)], we have that for 1 ≤ k ≤ n, (t1, · · · , tk+1) ∈ ∆k,
g(bFl )
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tk+1tD
= 0.(2.49)
So that by (2.47)-(2.49) we have that
g(bFl )
−1 ∂b
= lim
g(bFl )
−1 ∂b
Now we assume that the nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form on F is
fixed, and the metric gTMl on TM depends on l.
Let ∗l be the Hodge star operator associated to gTMl .
By [BZ1, (4.70), (4.74)], analogues of [SZ, (6.5), (6.24), (6.26), (6.27)] re-
placing N by ∗−1l
and [BGV, Chapter 6], we have that
g ∗−1
= lim
g ∗−1
i, j=1
ei ∧ êj
F (ej)
ωF , ω̂Fg − ω̂F
)−1 ∂gTMl
ei, ej
ei ∧ êj
− Ṙl
= lim
g ∗−1l
∇TMl ϕTr
)−1 ∂gTMl
ei, ej
ei ∧ êj
− Ṙl
)−1 ∂gTMl
ei, ej
ei ∧ êj
· exp
− Ṙl
∧ ϕθg
F, bF
From (2.50), (2.51) and the calculations in [BZ1, Section 4], we get (2.46).
The proof of Theorem 2.9 is completed. Q.E.D.
3 A formula relating equivariant Milnor and equiv-
ariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear torsions
In this section, we state the main result of this paper, which is an explicit
comparison result between the equivariant Milnor symmetric bilinear torsion
and equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear torsion.
We assume that we are in the same situation as in Sections 2.2-2.4. By a
simple argument of Helffer-Sjöstrand [HS, Proposition 5.1] (cf. [BZ1, Section
7b)]), we may and we well assume that gTM there satisfies the following property
without altering the Thom-Smale cochain complex (C∗(W u, F ), ∂),
(*): For any x ∈ B, there is a system of coordinates y = (y1, · · · , yn)
centered at x such that near x,
gTM =
∣∣2 , f(y) = f(x)− 1
∣∣2 + 1
∣∣2 .(3.1)
By a result of Laudenbach [L], {W u(x) : x ∈ B} form a CW decomposition
of M .
For any x ∈ B, F is canonically trivialized over each cell W u(x).
Let P∞ be the de Rham map defined by
α ∈ Ω∗(M,F ) → P∞α =
W u(x)∗
α ∈ C∗(W u, F ).(3.2)
By the Stokes theorem, one has
∂P∞ = P∞d
F .(3.3)
Moreover, it is shown in [L] that P∞ is a Z-graded quasi-isomorphism, inducing
a canonical isomorphism
PH∞ : H
∗ (Ω∗(M,F ), dF
→ H∗ (C∗ (W u, F ) , ∂) ,(3.4)
which in turn induces a natural isomorphism between the determinant lines,
P detH∞ : detH
∗ (Ω∗ (M,F ) , dF
→ detH∗ (C∗ (W u, F ) , ∂) .(3.5)
Also by [BZ2, Theorem 1.11], we know that P∞ commutes with G, and P
is the canonical identification of the corresponding cohomology groups as G-
Now let hTM be an arbitrary smooth metric on TM .
By Definition 2.7, one has an associated equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric
bilinear torsion bRS
det(H∗(M,F ),G) on detH
∗(Ω∗(M,F ), dF ). From (3.5), one gets
a well-defined equivariant symmetric bilinear form
P detH∞
bRSdet(H∗(M,F ),G)
on detH∗(C∗(W u, F ), ∂).
On the other hand, by Definition 2.3, one has a well-defined equivariant Mil-
nor symmetric bilinear torsion b
det(H∗(M,F ),G) on detH
∗(C∗(W u, F ), ∂), where
X = ∇f is the gradient vector field of f associated to gTM .
Let Mg = ∪mj=1Mg,j be the decomposition of Mg into its connected compo-
nents. Clearly TrF [g] is constant on each Mg,j .
Let N be the normal bundle to Mg in M . We identify N to the orthogonal
bundle to TMg in TM |Mg .
Take x ∈ Bg. Then g acts on TxM as a linear isometry. Also
TMg = {Y ∈ TM |Mg , gY = Y }.
Moreover g acts on N . Let e±iβ1 , · · · , e±iβq (0 < βj ≤ π) be the locally constant
distinct eigenvalues of g|N . Then N splits orthogonally as
Nβj .
For 1 ≤ j ≤ q, g acts on Nβj as an isometry, with eigenvalues e±iβj . In
particular, if e±iβj 6= −1, Nβj is even dimensional.
Take x ∈ Bg. Since f is g-invariant, d2f(x) is also g-invariant. Therefore
the decomposition
TxM = TxMg ⊕
is orthogonal with respect to d2f(x). On TxMg, the index of d
was already denoted indg(x). Let n+(βj)(x) (resp. n−(βj)(x)) be the num-
ber of positive (resp. negative) eigenvalues of d2f(x)|
βj . Then if e
±iβj 6=
−1, n±(βj)(x) is even.
Let ψ(TMg,∇TMg) be the Mathai-Quillen current ([MQ]) over TMg, asso-
ciated to hTM , defined in [BZ1, Definition 3.6]. As indicated in [BZ1, Remark
3.8], the pull-back current X∗ψ(TMg,∇TMg ) is well-defined over Mg.
The main result of this paper, which generalizes [SZ, Theorem 3.1] to the
equivariant case.
Theorem 3.1. For g ∈ G, the following identity in C holds,
P detH∞
det(H∗(M,F ),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
(g) = exp
θg(F, b
F )X∗ψ
· exp
(n+(βj)(x)− n−(βj)(x))
1− βj
− 2Γ′(1)
· Tr [g|Fx ]
Remark 3.2. By proceeding similarly as in [BZ2, Section 5b)], in order to prove
(3.7), we may well assume that hTM = gTM . Moreover, we may assume that
bF , as well as the Hermitian metric hF on F , are flat on an open neighborhood
of the zero set B of X. From now on, we will make these assumptions.
4 A proof of Theorem 3.1
We assume that the assumptions in Remark 3.2 hold.
For any T ∈ R, let bFT be the deformed symmetric bilinear form on F defined
bFT (u, v) = e
−2TfbF (u, v).(4.1)
Let dF∗bT be the associated formal adjoint in the sense of (2.36). Set
DbT = d
F + dF∗bT , D
dF + dF∗bT
= dF∗bT d
F + dF dF∗bT .(4.2)
Let Ω∗
(M,F ) be defined as in (2.40) with respect to D2bT , and let
(M,F )⊥ be the corresponding 〈 , 〉bT -orthogonal complement.
Let P
T be the orthogonal projection from Ω
∗(M,F ) to Ω∗
(M,F )
with respect to the inner product determined by gTM and gFT = e
−2TfgF . Set
T = Id− P
Following [BZ2, (5.9)-(5.10)], we introduce the notations
χg(F ) =
TrF |Mg,j
χ̃′g(F ) =
TrF |Mg,j
s [f ] =
TrF |Mg,j
Let N be the number operator on Ω∗(M,F ) acting on Ωi(M,F ) by multi-
plication by i.
By the technique developed in [SZ] and the corresponding results in [BZ2],
we easily get the following intermediate results. The sketch of the proofs will
be outlined in Section 5.
Theorem 4.1. (Compare with [BZ2, Theorem 5.5] and [SZ, Theorem 3.3]) Let
T be the restriction of P∞ on Ω
(M,F ), let P
T be the induced
isomorphism on cohomology, then the following identity holds,
(M,F )),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
χg(F )−eχ′g(F )
s [f ]T
Theorem 4.2. (Compare with [BZ2, Theorem 5.7] and [SZ, Theorem 3.4]) For
any t > 0,
gN exp
= 0.(4.5)
Moreover, for any d > 0 there exist c > 0, C > 0 and T0 ≥ 1 such that for any
t ≥ d and T ≥ T0,
gN exp
]∣∣∣ ≤ c exp(−Ct).(4.6)
Theorem 4.3. (Compare with [BZ2, Theorem 5.8] and [SZ, Theorem 3.5]) For
T ≥ 0 large enough, then
= χ̃′g(F ).(4.7)
= 0.(4.8)
For the next results, we will make use the same notation for Clifford multi-
plications and Berezin integrals as in [BZ1, Section 4].
Theorem 4.4. (Compare with [BZ2, Theorem 5.9] and [SZ, Theorem 3.6]) As
t→ 0, the following identity holds,
gN exp
χg(F ) +O(t) if n is even,(4.9)
TrF [g]
L exp
if n is odd.
Theorem 4.5. (Compare with [BZ2, Theorem A.1] and [SZ, Theorem 3.7])
There exist 0 < α ≤ 1, C > 0 such that for any 0 < t ≤ α, 0 ≤ T ≤ 1
, then
gN exp
− (tDb + T ĉ(∇f))2
TrF [g]
L exp (−BT 2)
F, bF
) ∫ B
d̂f exp (−BT 2)−
χg(F )
∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ Ct.
Theorem 4.6. (Compare with [BZ2, Theorem A.2] and [SZ, Theorem 3.8])
For any T > 0, the following identity holds,
(4.11) lim
gN exp
tDb +
g|F |Mg,j
1− e−2T
(1 + e−2T
(−1)indg(x)indg(x)− dimMg,je−2Tχ(Mg,j)
g|F |Mg,j
sinh(2T )
cosh(2T )− cos(βk)
g|F |Mg,j
sinh(2T )
cosh(2T ) − cos(βk)
Theorem 4.7. (Compare with [BZ2, Theorem A.3] and [SZ, Theorem 3.9])
There exist α ∈ (0, 1], c > 0, C > 0 such that for any t ∈ (0, α], T ≥ 1, then
gN exp
tDb +
− χ̃′g(F )
∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ c exp(−CT ).(4.12)
Clearly, we may and we will assume that the number α > 0 in Theorems
4.5 and 4.7 have been chosen to be the same.
Next, we use above theorems to give a proof of Theorem 3.1. Since the
process is similar to it in [SZ], so we refer to it for more details.
First of all, by the anomaly formula (2.46), for any T ≥ 0, g ∈ G, one has
(M,F ),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
(M,F )⊥∩Ωi(M,F )
P detH∞
det(H∗(M,F ),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
(g) exp
TrF [g]fe
From now on, we will write a ≃ b for a, b ∈ C if ea = eb. Thus, we can
rewrite (4.13) as
P detH∞
det(H∗(M,F ),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
≃ log
(M,F ),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
(−1)ii log
(M,F )⊥∩Ωi(M,F )
TrF [g]fe
Let T0 > 0 be as in Theorem 4.2. For any T ≥ T0 and s ∈ C with
Re(s) ≥ n+ 1, set
θg,T (s) =
gN exp
By (4.6), θg,T (s) is well defined and can be extended to a meromorphic function
which is holomorphic at s = 0. Moreover,
(−1)ii log
(M,F )⊥∩Ωi(M,F )
≃ − ∂θg,T (s)
Let d = α2 with α being as in Theorem 4.7. From (4.15) and Theorems
4.2-4.4, one finds that
∂θg,T (s)
= lim
gN exp
− a−1√
χg(F )
− 2a−1√
Γ′(1)− log d
χg(F )− χ̃′g(F )
To study the first term in the right hand side of (4.17), we observe first that
for any T ≥ 0, one has
e−TfD2bT e
Tf = (Db + T ĉ(∇f))2 .(4.18)
Thus, one has
N exp
= Trs
N exp
−t (Db + T ĉ(∇f))2
By (4.19), one writes
gN exp
− a−1√
χg(F )
∫ √dT
gN exp
Db + t
T ĉ(∇f)
a−1 −
χg(F )
gN exp
− (tDb + tT ĉ(∇f))2
− a−1
χg(F )
In view of Theorem 4.5, we write
gN exp
− (tDb + tT ĉ(∇f))2
− a−1
χg(F )
gN exp
− (tDb + tT ĉ(∇f))2
TrF [g]
L exp
(tT )2
F, bF
) ∫ B
d̂f exp
−B(tT )2
χg(F )
TrF [g]
L exp
(tT )2
− a−1
F, bF
) ∫ B
d̂f exp
−B(tT )2
By [BZ1, Definitions 3.6, 3.12 and Theorem 3.18], one has, as T → +∞,
F, bF
) ∫ B
d̂f exp
−B(tT )2
F, bF
From [BZ1, (3.54)], [SZ, (3.35)] and integration by parts, we have
TrF [g]
L exp
(tT )2
− a−1
TrF [g]
L exp (−BT ) +
Ta−1 − T
TrF [g]f
exp (−BT )
TrF [g]f
exp (−B0) .
From Theorems 4.5, 4.6, [BZ1, Theorem 3.20], [BZ1, (7.72) and (7.73)] and the
dominate convergence, one finds that as T → +∞,
gN exp
− (tDb + tT ĉ(∇f))2
TrF [g]
L exp
(tT )2
F, bF
) ∫ B
d̂f exp
−B(tT )2
χg(F )
gN exp
Db + t
T ĉ(∇f)
TrF [g]
L exp
F, bF
) ∫ B
d̂f exp
χg(F )
g|F |Mg,j
1− e−2t2
1 + e−2t
(−1)indg(x)indg(x)− dimMg,je−2t
g|F |Mg,j
cosh(2t2)− cos(βk)
g|F |Mg,j
cosh(2t2)− cos(βk)
g|F |Mg,j
(−1)indg(x) (dimMg,j − 2indg(x))−
χg(F )
g|F |Mg,j
1 + e−2t
1− e−2t −
g|F |Mg,j
cosh(2t)− cos(βk)
On the other hand, by Theorems 4.6, 4.7 and the dominate convergence, we
have that as T → +∞,
∫ √Td
gN exp
Db + t
T ĉ(∇f)
a−1 −
χg(F )
∫ √Td
gN exp
Db + t
T ĉ(∇f)
− χ̃′g(F )
χ̃′g(F ) log (Td) + a−1
χg(F ) log (Td)
g|F |Mg,j
1− e−2t2
1 + e−2t
(−1)indg(x)indg(x)− dimMg,je−2t
g|F |Mg,j
cosh(2t2)− cos(βk)
g|F |Mg,j
cosh(2t2)− cos(βk)
dimNβkχ(Mg,j)− χ̃′g(F )
χ̃′g(F ) log (Td) + a−1
χg(F ) log (Td) + o(1)
g|F |Mg,j
1− e−2t
g|F |Mg,j
cosh(2t)− cos(βk)
χ̃′g(F )−
χg(F )
log(Td) +
Ta−1 + o(1).
Combining (4.4), (4.14) and (4.20)-(4.25), one deduces, by setting T → +∞,
(4.26) log
P detH∞
det(H∗(M,F ),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
− 2TrBgs [f ]T +
χ̃′g(F )−
χg(F )
log T −
χ̃′g(F )−
χg(F )
log π
F, bF
TrF [g]
L exp (−BT )−2
TrF [g]f
exp (−BT )
TrF [g]f
exp (−B0)
g|F |Mg,j
1 + e−2t
1− e−2t −
1− e−2t
g|F |Mg,j
cosh(2t)− cos(βk)
cosh(2t)− cos(βk)
χ̃′g(F )−
χg(F )
log(Td)− 2a−1√
TrF [g]fe
Γ′(1)− log d
χ̃′g(F )−
χg(F )
By [BZ1, Theorem 3.20] and [BZ1, (7.72)], one has
(4.27) lim
TrF [g]f
exp(−BT )− 2TTr
s [f ]
g|F |Mg,j
(4.28) lim
TrF [g]
L exp(−BT )
g|F |Mg,j
On the other hand, by [BZ1, (7.93)] and [BZ2, (5.55)], one has
1 + e−2t
1− e−2t −
2 e−2t
1− e−2t
= 1− log π − Γ′(1),(4.29)
cosh(2t)− cos(βk)
cosh(2t)− cos(βk)
= − log(π)− 1
1− βk
Also, by [BZ2, (5.64)], if x ∈ B ∩Mg,
− n−(βk)(x)
[n+(βk)(x)− n−(βk)(x)] .(4.31)
From (4.26)-(4.31), we get (3.7), which completes the proof of Theorem 3.1.
5 Proofs of the intermediary Theorems
The purpose of this section is to give a sketch of the proofs of the intermediary
Theorems. Since the methods of the proofs of these theorems are essentially the
same as the corresponding theorem in [SZ], so we will refer to [SZ] for related
definitions and notations directly when there will be no confusion, such as Bb,g,
Ab,t,T , Ag,t,T , Ct,T , · · · .
5.1 Proof of Theorem 4.1
From Theorem 2.5 and [SZ, (4.44)] which in our situation we also have that
P∞,T commutate with g ∈ G, one finds
(M,F )),G)
det(H∗(Wu,F ),G)
(g) =
(M,F )
From [SZ, Propositions 4.4 and 4.5], one deduces that as T → +∞,
(5.2) det
(M,F )
= det
(M,F )
(g) · det−1
(M,F )
= det
(P∞,T eT )
P∞,T eT
Ci(Wu,F )
(g) · det−1
Ci(Wu,F )
= det
))# ( π
Ci(Wu,F )
· det−1
Ci(Wu,F )
From (5.1) and (5.2), one gets (4.4) immediately.
The proof of Theorem 4.1 is completed. Q.E.D.
5.2 Proof of Theorem 4.2
The proof of Theorem 4.2 is the same as the proof of [SZ, Theorem 3.4] given
in [SZ, Section 5].
5.3 Proof of Theorem 4.3
Recall that the operator eT : C
∗(W u, F ) → Ω∗
(M,F ) has been defined
in [SZ, (4.38)], and in the current case, we also have that eT commute with
G. So by [SZ, Proposition 4.4], we have that for T ≥ 0 large enough, eT :
C∗(W u, F ) → Ω∗
(M,F ) is an identification of G-spaces. So (4.7) follows.
Also (4.8) was already proved in [SZ, Theorem 3.5].
5.4 Proof of Theorem 4.4
In this section, we provide a proof of Theorem 4.4, which computes the asymp-
totic of Trs[gN exp(−tD2bT )] for fixed T ≥ 0 as t → 0. The method is the
essentially same as it in [SZ].
By [SZ, (6.4)], we have
b = e−tD
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tk+1tD
gdt1 · · · dtk
+ (−1)n+1tn+1
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tn+2tD
bdt1 · · · dtn+1,
where ∆k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n+1, is the k-simplex defined by t1+ · · ·+ tk+1 = 1, t1 ≥ 0,
· · · , tk+1 ≥ 0. Also, by the same proof of [SZ, Proposition 6.1], we have the
following result.
Proposition 5.1. As t→ 0+, one has
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tn+2tD
dt1 · · · dtn+1 → 0.
By [SZ, (6.22) and (6.23)], we have that for any 1 < k ≤ n, (t1, · · · , tk+1) ∈
−t2tD2g · · ·Bb,ge−tk+1tD
= 0,(5.5)
while for k = 1, 0 ≤ t1 ≤ 1,
(5.6) lim
= lim
i, j=1
ei ∧ êj
F (ej)
ωF , ω̂Fg − ω̂F
· L exp
So by [BZ2, (2.13)], and proceed as in [SZ, (6.26)-(6.28)], we have
= 0.(5.7)
From (5.3), (5.4), (5.5), (5.7) and [BZ2, Theorem 5.9], one gets (4.9).
The proof of Theorem 4.4 is completed. Q.E.D.
5.5 Proof of Theorem 4.5
In order to prove (4.10), one need only to prove that under the conditions of
Theorem 4.5, there exists constant C ′′ > 0 such that
gN exp
− (tDb + T ĉ(∇f))2
− Trs
gN exp
− (tDg + T ĉ(∇f))2
F, bF
F, gF
)) ∫ B
d̂f exp (−BT 2)
∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ C
By [SZ, (7.8)], we have
(5.9) e
b,t,T = e
−t1A2g,t,TCt,T e
−t2A2g,t,T · · ·Ct,T e−tk+1A
g,t,T dt1 · · · dtk
+ (−1)n+1
−t1A2g,t,TCt,T e
−t2A2g,t,T · · ·Ct,T e−tn+2A
b,t,T dt1 · · · dtn+1.
By the same proof of [SZ, (7.21)], we have that there exists C1 > 0 such that
for any t > 0 small enough and T ∈ [0, 1
−t1A2g,t,TCt,T e
−t2A2g,t,T · · ·Ct,T e−tn+2A
dt1 · · · dtn+1
∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ C1t.
Also by the same proof of [SZ, (7.23)], we have that there exists C2 > 0,
0 < d < 1 such that for any 1 < k ≤ n, 0 < t ≤ d, T ≥ 0 with tT ≤ 1,
−t1A2g,t,TCt,T e
−t2A2g,t,T · · ·Ct,T e−tk+1A
dt1 · · · dtk
∣∣∣∣ ≤ C2t,
while for k = 1 one has for any 0 < t ≤ d, T ≥ 0 with tT ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ t1 ≤ 1,
by [BZ2, Proposition 9.3], we have
−t1A2g,t,TCt,T e
gωF (∇f)
L exp (−BT 2)
≤ C2t.
Now similar as [SZ, (7.25)], we have
gωF (∇f)
L exp (−BT 2)
F, gF
F, bF
)) ∫ B
∇̂f exp (−BT 2) .
From (5.9)-(5.13), we get (5.8), which completes the proof of Theorem 4.5.
5.6 Proof of Theorem 4.6
In order to prove Theorem 4.6, we need only to prove that for any T > 0,
gN exp
gN exp
= 0.(5.14)
By [SZ, (8.2) and (8.4)], there exists 0 < C0 ≤ 1, such that when 0 < t ≤ C0,
one has the absolute convergent expansion formula
(5.15) e
b,t, T
t − e
g,t, T
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
t dt1 · · · dtk,
and that
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
t dt1 · · · dtk(5.16)
is uniformly absolute convergent for 0 < t ≤ C0.
Proceed as in [SZ, Section 8], one has that for any (t1, · · · , tk+1) ∈ ∆k \
{t1 · · · tk+1 = 0},
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
≤ C3tk (t1 · · · tk)−
g,t, T
g,t, T
for some positive constant C3 > 0.
Also, by [SZ, (8.4)], (5.17) and the same assumption in [SZ] that tk+1 ≥ 1k+1 ,
one gets
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
dt1 · · · dtk
≤ C4tk−n
g,t, T
for some constant C4 > 0.
From (5.15), (5.16), (5.18), [SZ, (8.9) and (8.10)] and the dominate conver-
gence, we get (5.14), which completes the proof of Theorem 4.6. Q.E.D.
5.7 Proof of Theorem 4.7
In order to prove Theorem 4.7, we need only to prove that there exist c > 0,
C > 0, 0 < C0 ≤ 1 such that for any 0 < t ≤ C0, T ≥ 1,
gN exp
− Trs
gN exp
)]∣∣∣ ≤ c exp(−CT ).(5.19)
First of all, one can choose C0 > 0 small enough so that for any 0 < t ≤ C0,
T > 0, by (5.15), we have the absolute convergent expansion formula
(5.20) e
b,t, T
t − e
g,t, T
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
t dt1 · · · dtk,
from which one has
(5.21) Trs
gN exp
− Trs
gN exp
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
dt1 · · · dtk.
Thus, in order to prove (5.19), we need only to prove
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
dt1 · · · dtk
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
dt1 · · · dtk
≤ c exp(−CT ).
By [SZ, (8.6)], we have for any t > 0, T ≥ 1, (t1, · · · , tk+1) ∈ ∆k \
{t1 · · · tk+1 = 0},
(5.23) Trs
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
= Trs
g,t, T
t Ct,T
g,t, T
t Ct,T
· · ·ψe
g,t, T
t Ct,T
From (5.23), [SZ, (9.18) and (9.19)], one sees that there exists C5 > 0,
C6 > 0 and C7 > 0 such that for any k ≥ 1,
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
dt1 · · · dtk
≤ C5 (C6t)k
from which one sees that there exists 0 < c1 ≤ 1, C8 > 0, C9 > 0 such that for
any 0 < t ≤ c1 and T ≥ 1, one has
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
dt1 · · · dtk
≤ C8 exp (−C9T ) .
On the other hand, for any 1 ≤ k < n, by proceeding as in (5.18), one has
that for any 0 < t ≤ c1, T ≥ 1,
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
dt1 · · · dtk
≤ C10tk−n
g,t, T
for some constant C10 > 0.
From (5.26) and [SZ, (9.23)], one sees immediately that there exists C11 > 0,
C12 > 0 such that for any 1 ≤ k ≤ n− 1, 0 < t ≤ c1 and T ≥ 1, one has
g,t, T
g,t, T
t · · ·C
g,t, T
dt1 · · · dtk
≤ C11e−C12T .
From (5.21), (5.25) and (5.27), one gets (5.19).
The proof of Theorem 4.7 is completed. Q.E.D.
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Equivariant symmetric bilinear torsions associated to the de Rham and Thom-Smale complexes
Equivariant symmetric bilinear torsion of a finite dimensional complex
The Thom-Smale complex of a gradient field
Equivariant Milnor symmetric bilinear torsion
Equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear torsion
An anomaly formula for the equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear torsion
A formula relating equivariant Milnor and equivariant Ray-Singer symmetric bilinear torsions
A proof of Theorem 3.1
Proofs of the intermediary Theorems
Proof of Theorem ??
Proof of Theorem ??
Proof of Theorem ??
Proof of Theorem ??
Proof of Theorem ??
Proof of Theorem ??
Proof of Theorem ??
0704.1342 | Two-pion-exchange contributions to the pp\to pp\pi^0 reaction | Two-pion-exchange contributions to
the pp→ ppπ0 reaction
Y. Kim(a,b), T. Sato(c), F. Myhrer(a) and K. Kubodera(a)
(a) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South
Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA
(b) School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul
130-012, Korea
(c) Department of Physics, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka
560-0043, Japan
Our previous study of the near-threshold pp → ppπ0 reaction based on
a hybrid nuclear effective field theory is further elaborated by examining the
momentum dependence of the relevant transition operators. We show that the
two-pion exchange diagrams give much larger contributions than the one-pion
exchange diagram, even though the former is of higher order in the Weinberg
counting scheme. The relation between our results and an alternative counting
scheme, the momentum counting scheme, is also discussed.
In the standard nuclear physics approach (SNPA), a nuclear reaction amplitude
is calculated with the use of the transition operator derived from a phenomenological
Lagrangian and nuclear wave functions generated by a high-precision phenomenolog-
ical NN potential. SNPA has been enormously successful in explaining a vast range
of nuclear phenomena. Meanwhile, a nuclear chiral perturbation approach based on
heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory (HBχPT) is gaining ground as a powerful
tool for addressing issues that cannot be readily settled in SNPA. HBχPT is a low-
energy effective field theory of QCD, based on a systematic expansion in terms of the
expansion parameter ǫ ≡ Q/Λχ ≪ 1, where Q is a typical energy-momentum involved
in a process under study or the pion mass mπ, and the chiral scale Λχ ≃ 4πfπ ≃ 1
GeV. HBχPT has been applied with great success to low-energy processes includ-
ing e.g., pion-nucleon scattering and electroweak reactions on a nucleon and in few-
nucleon systems. Our present work is concerned with a HBχPT study of the near-
threshold pp→ppπ0 reaction. A motivation of this study may be stated in reference
to the generic NN→NNπ processes near threshold. Although HBχPT presupposes
the small size of its expansion parameter Q/Λχ, the pion-production reactions involve
somewhat large energy- and three-momentum transfers even at threshold. Therefore
the application of HBχPT to the NN→NNπ reactions may involve some delicate
aspects, but this also means that these processes may serve as a good test case for
probing the limit of applicability of HBχPT. Apart from this general issue to be
investigated, a specific aspect of the pp→ppπ0 reaction makes its study particularly
interesting. For most isospin channels, the NN→NNπ amplitude near threshold is
dominated by the pion rescattering diagram where the πN scattering vertex is given
by the Weinberg-Tomozawa term, which represents the lowest chiral order contri-
bution. However, a quantitatively reliable description of the NN→NNπ reactions
obviously requires detailed examinations of the corrections to this dominant ampli-
tude. Meanwhile, since the Weinberg-Tomozawa vertex does not contribute to the
pion-nucleon rescattering diagram for pp→ppπ0, this reaction is particularly sensi-
tive to higher chiral-order contributions and hence its study is expected to provide
valuable information to guide us in formulating a quantitative description of all the
NN→NNπ reactions (including the channels that involve a deuteron).
The first HBχPT-based study of the near-threshold pp→ppπ0 reaction was made
in Refs. [1, 2]. In HBχPT one naturally expects a small cross section for this reac-
tion since, for s-wave pion production, the pion-nucleon vertex in the impulse ap-
proximation (IA) diagram and the pion-rescattering vertex in the one-pion-exchange
rescattering (1π-Resc) diagram arise from the next-to-leading-order (NLO) chiral la-
grangian. A remarkable feature found in Refs. [1, 2] is that a drastic cancellation
between the IA and 1π-Resc amplitudes leads to the suppression of the pp→ppπ0
amplitude far beyond the above-mentioned naturally expected level. This destruc-
tive interference is in sharp contrast with the constructive interference reported in
SNPA-based calculations [3, 4]. It is to be recalled that the pp→ppπ0 cross section
obtained in Refs. [3, 4] was significantly smaller (by a factor of ∼5) than the experi-
mental value [5]. The drastic cancellation between the IA and 1π-Resc terms found
in the HBχPT calculations [1, 2] leads to even more pronounced disagreement be-
tween theory and experiment. In this connection it is worth noting that, according
to Lee and Riska [6], the heavy-meson (σ and ω) exchanges can strongly enhance
the pp→ppπ0 amplitude. It is also to be noted that σ-meson-exchange introduced
in many NN potentials is more properly described by correlated two-pion-exchange
(see e.g., Refs. [7, 8]), and that there have been substantial developments in deriving
a two-pion exchange NN potential using HBχPT, see e.g. [9]. These developments
were conducive to a HBχPT study of two-pion-exchange (TPE) contributions to the
pp→ppπ0 reaction [10, 11]. In the plane-wave approximation it was found [10] that
TPE contributions are indeed very large (as compared to the 1π-Resc amplitude), a
result that is in line with the finding in Ref.[6]. A subsequent DWBA calculation [11]
indicates that this feature remains essentially unchanged when the initial- and final-
state interactions are taken into account. More recent investigations [12, 13, 14, 15],
however, have raised a number of important issues that call for further investigations,
and the purpose of our present note is to address these issues.
In Ref. [10], to be referred to as DKMS, were derived all the transition operators
for pp→ppπ0 belonging to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in the Weinberg
counting, and these operators were categorized into Types I ∼ VII, according to the
patterns of the corresponding Feynman diagrams; see Figs. 2 - 5 in DKMS. Types I,
II, III and IV belong to diagrams of the two-pion exchange (TPE) type, while Types
V, VI and VII arise from diagrams of the vertex correction type. A notable feature
pointed out in DKMS is that the contributions of Types II ∼ IV are by far the largest,
and that they even exceed those of the 1π-Resc amplitude, which is formally of lower
chiral order. On the other hand, the possibility of strong cancellation among the TPE
diagrams was pointed out in Refs. [12, 13]. This motivates us to make here a further
study of the behavior of the TPE diagrams.1
A remark is in order here on a counting scheme to be used. At the NN→NNπ
threshold the nucleon three-momentum must change from the initial value p ∼√
mπmN to zero, entailing a rather large momentum transfer. To take this large
1For a brief report on this study, see Ref. [16].
momentum transfer into account, Cohen et al. [2] proposed a new counting scheme,
to be called the momentum counting scheme (MCS); see Ref. [13] for a detailed
review. In MCS the expansion parameter is ǫ̃ ≡ p/mN ≃ (mπ/mN)1/2, which is
larger than the usual HBχPT expansion parameter ǫ ≃ mπ/mN . A study based
on MCS [13] indicates that the 1π-Resc diagram for pp→ppπ0 is higher order in ǫ̃
(and hence less important) than a certain class of TPE diagrams, called “leading
order loop diagrams”, and that MCS is consistent with the estimates of the TPE and
other diagrams reported in DKMS. Furthermore, according to Hanhart and Kaiser
(HK) [12], the “leading parts” (see below) of these MCS “leading order” diagrams
exhibit exact cancellation among themselves;2 see also Lensky et al. [14]. Although
these studies are illuminating, we consider it important to examine the behavior of
the “sub-leading” parts (in MCS counting) of these TPE diagrams in order to see
whether they can be still as large as indicated by the phenomenological success of the
Lee-Riska heavy-meson exchange mechanism. In what follows we shall demonstrate
that this is indeed the case.
Analytic expressions for the pp→ppπ0 transition operators to NNLO in HBχPT
were given in DKMS. Although these expressions are valid for arbitrary kinematics,
we find it illuminating to concentrate here on their simplified forms obtained with
the use of fixed kinematics approximation (FKA), wherein the energies associated
with particle propagators are “frozen” at their threshold values. In FKA, the TPE
operator corresponding to each of the above-mentioned Types I ∼ IV can be written
~Σ · ~k
t(p, p′, x) (1)
where ~p (~p ′) is the relative three-momentum in the initial (final) pp state (~p1−~p2 = 2~p,
~p ′1 − ~p ′2 = 2~p ′), ~k ≡ ~p − ~p ′, x = p̂ · p̂′, and ~Σ = 12(~σ1 − ~σ2). The function t(p, p
′, x)
diverges as k → ∞, and it is useful to decompose t(p, p′, x) into terms that have
definite k-dependence as k → ∞. It turns out [18] that t(p, p′, x) can be expressed as
t(p, p′, x)
k→∞∼ t1
|~k|+ t2
+ t3 + δt(p, p
′, x), (2)
where t3 is asymptotically k-independent, and δt(p, p
′, x) is O(k−1). For each of
Types I ∼ IV, analytic expressions for ti’s (i = 1, 2, 3) can be extracted [18] from
the amplitudes T given in DKMS [10]. The first term with t1 in eq.(2) is the leading
2HK [12] pointed out that the sign of the contribution of Type II in Ref. [10] should be reversed;
we have confirmed the necessity of this correction.
part in MCS discussed by HK [12], whereas the remaining terms, which we refer to as
the “sub-leading” terms, were not considered by HK. The study of these sub-leading
terms is an important theme in what follows. Table 1 shows the value of t1 for Type
K (K= I ∼ IV) extracted from the results given in DKMS. The third row in Table 1
gives the ratio RK = TK/TResc, where TK is the plane-wave matrix element of T in
eq.(1) for Type K (K=I ∼ IV) normalized by TResc, the plane-wave matrix element of
the 1π-Resc diagram. The fourth row in Table 1 gives R ⋆K = T
K/TResc, where T
the plane-wave matrix element of T with the t1 term in eq.(2) subtracted. We can see
from the table that the most divergent t1 terms of the TPE diagrams add up to zero,
confirming the result of Ref. [12]. However, this does not necessarily mean that the
TPE diagrams are unimportant, because we still need to examine the contributions
of the “sub-leading” terms (the t2, t3 and δt terms) in eq.(2). Comparison of RK
and R ⋆K indicates that the subtraction of the t1 term reduces the magnitude of TK
drastically (except for Type I which has no t1 term), but the fact that |R ⋆K | is of the
order of unity (Types I, II and IV) or larger than 1 (Type III) suggests that the TPE
contributions can be quite important. The sum of the contributions of Types I ∼ IV
R ⋆K (=
RK) = −4.65 , (3)
which indicates that, at least in plane-wave approximation, the TPE contributions
are more important than the 1π-Resc contribution.
Table 1: For the four types of TPE diagrams, K= I, II, III and IV, the
second row gives the value of t1 defined in eq.(2), and the third row gives
the ratio RK = TK/TResc, where TK is the plane-wave matrix element of
T in eq.(1) for Type K, and TResc is the 1π-Resc amplitude. The last row
gives R ⋆K = T
K /TResc, where T
K is the plane-wave matrix element of T in
eq.(1) with the t1 term in eq.(2) subtracted.
Type of diagrams : K = I II III IV
(t1)K 0 1 1/2 −3/2
RK −.70 −6.54 −6.60 9.19
R ⋆K −.70 −0.82 −3.73 0.61
Next we investigate the behavior of the TPE diagrams as we go beyond the plane-
wave approximation by using distorted waves (DW) for the initial- and final-state
NN wave functions. For formal consistency we should use the NN potential derived
from HBχPT, but we adopt here a “hybrid EFT” approach and use phenomenological
potentials. A conceptual problem in adopting this hybrid approach is that, whereas
the TPE transition operators derived in HBχPT are valid only for a momentum range
sufficiently lower than Λχ∼1 GeV, a phenomenological NN potential can in principle
contain any momentum components.3 To stay close to the spirit of HBχPT, we
therefore introduce a Gaussian momentum regulator, exp(−p2/Λ2G), in the initial and
final distorted wave integrals, suppressing thereby the high momentum components
of the phenomenological NN potentials; this is similar to the MEEFT method used in
Ref.[19]. ΛG should be larger than the characteristic momentum scale of the pp→ppπ0
reaction, p ≃ √mNmπ ≃ 360 MeV/c, but it should not exceed the chiral scale Λχ;
in the present study we shall consider the range, 500 MeV< ΛG <1 GeV. As high-
precision phenomenological NN potentials, we consider the Bonn-B potential [20],
the CD-Bonn potential [21], and the Nijm93 potential of the Nijmegen group [22].
It is worth noting here that several groups [23, 24] have developed a systematic
approach to construct from a phenomenological potential an effective NN potential,
called Vlow−k, that resides within a model space which only contains momentum
components below a specified cutoff scale Λlow−k. In this work we will use Vlow−k as
derived by the Stony Brook group [24]. It is conceptually natural to use Vlow−k in
conjunction with transition operators derived from HBChPT [25]. A problem however
is Vlow−k [24], primarily meant for describing sub-pion-threshold phenomena, was
obtained with the use of a rather low cutoff, Λlow−k ∼ 2 fm−1. This cutoff is perhaps
too close to the characteristic momentum scale p ∼ 360 MeV/c for the pion production
reaction. It therefore seems worthwhile to “rederive” Vlow−k employing a momentum
cut-off higher than 2 fm−1 and use it in the present DWBA calculation. Below we
will use Vlow−k generated from the CD-Bonn potential for Λlow−k= 4 and 5 fm
−1. We
remark that, as is well known, Vlow−k’s generated from any realistic phenomenological
potentials lead to practically equivalent half-off-shell NN K-matrices and hence the
same NN wave function.
We evaluate the TPE contributions in DWBA for a typical case of Tlab = 281
MeV. Since the t1 terms in eq.(2) add up to zero, we drop the t1 terms in our cal-
culation.4 Thus, in eq.(1), we use t⋆(p, p′, x) instead of t(p, p′, x), where t⋆(p, p′, x) is
3 A pragmatic problem associated with this conceptual issue is that, in a momentum-space calcu-
lation of the matrix elements of the TPE operators sandwiched between distorted pp wave-functions
generated by a phenomenological NN potential, the convergence of momentum integrations is found
to be extremely slow [17, 18].
4 Removing the t1 term lessens the severity of the convergence problem in our momentum inte-
obtained from t(p, p′, x) by suppressing the t1 term. The partial-wave projected form
of t⋆(p, p′, x) in a DWBA calculation is written as:
J = −
p2dp p′ 2dp′
dx ψ1S0(p
′) t⋆(p, p′, x) (p− p′x)ψ3P0(p) (4)
Here ψα(p) is a distorted two-nucleon relative wave function in the α partial-wave
(1S0 for the initial state and
3P0 for the final state) given by
ψα(p) = cos(δα)
δ(p− pon)/p2 + P
Kα(p, pon)
(E − Ep)
, (5)
where δα is the phase-shift for the α partial wave, and Kα(p, pon) is the partial-
wave K-matrix pertaining to the asymptotic on-shell momentum pon. The plane-wave
approximation corresponds to the use of the wave functions of the generic form:
ψ(p) = δ(p− pon)/p2 . (6)
We show in Table 2 the values of J , eq.(4), for the TPE operators of Types I ∼ IV,
calculated at Tlab = 281 MeV, with the use of the Nijm93 potential of the Nijmegen
group [22]5 and Vlow−k. For the Nijm93 potential case, we present the results for five
different values of ΛG between 500 and 1000 MeV/c. For the Vlow−k case, the results
for two choices of Λlow−k are shown: Λlow−k = 4 fm
−1 and 5 fm−1. For comparison, the
values of J corresponding to plane-wave approximation are also shown (bottom row).
From Table 2 we learn the following: (1) The results for the Nijm93 potential with the
gaussian cutoff ΛG are stable against the variation of ΛG within a reasonable range
(500 - 1000 MeV/c); (2) There is semi-quantitative agreement between the results for
the Nijm93 potential and those for Vlow−k; (3) A semi-quantitative agreement is also
seen between the DWBA and PWBA calculations; (4) The feature found in the plane-
wave approximation that the contributions of the TPE diagrams are more important
than the 1π-Resc contribution remains unchanged in the DWBA calculation; the
summed contribution of the TPE operators is larger (in magnitude) than that of
1π-Resc by a factor of 2∼3.5.
gration mentioned in footnote 3.
5 We have checked the results obtained using the Bonn-B and CD-Bonn NN potentials are very
similar to those for the Nijm93 potential case, which we show here as a representative case.
Table 2: The values of J , eq.(4), corresponding to the TPE diagrams of
Types I ∼ IV, evaluated in a DWBA calculation for Tlab = 281 MeV. The
column labeled “Sum” gives the combined contributions of Types I ∼ IV,
and the last column gives the value of J for 1π-Resc. For the Nijm93
potential case, the results for five different choices of ΛG are shown. For the
case with Vlow−k, CD-4 (CD-5) represents Vlow−k generated from the CD-
Bonn potential with a momentum cut-off Λlow−k = 4 fm
−1 (5 fm−1). The
last row gives the results obtained in plane-wave approximation.
I II III IV Sum 1π−Resc
VNijm : ΛG = 500MeV/c −0.11 −0.12 −0.55 0.08 −0.70 0.18
VNijm : ΛG = 600MeV/c −0.12 −0.12 −0.57 0.07 −0.74 0.20
VNijm : ΛG = 700MeV/c −0.12 −0.11 −0.57 0.06 −0.74 0.21
VNijm : ΛG = 800MeV/c −0.12 −0.11 −0.55 0.04 −0.74 0.22
VNijm : ΛG = 1000MeV/c −0.12 −0.10 −0.52 0.03 −0.71 0.23
Vlow−k (CD−4) −0.12 −0.09 −0.46 0.03 −0.65 0.23
Vlow−k (CD−5) −0.09 −0.06 −0.30 −0.01 −0.46 0.22
Plane−wave −0.06 −0.07 −0.30 0.05 −0.37 0.080
We now discuss the above results in the context of MCS [13]. A subtlety in MCS is
that a loop diagram of a given order ν in ǫ̃ not only contains a contribution of order ν
(“leading part”) but, in principle, can also involve contributions of higher orders in ǫ̃
(“sub-leading part”) due to the non-analytic functions generated by the loop integral.
As mentioned, however, HK [12] considered only the leading part, which correspond
to the t1 term in eq.(2). According to MCS, for the reaction pp → ppπ0, the loop
diagrams corresponding to our Type II, III and IV diagrams belong to NLO in the
ǫ̃ parameter, whereas those corresponding to Type I and the 1π-Resc tree diagram
are next order in ǫ̃ (NNLO); see Table 11 in Ref. [13]. Meanwhile, as discussed
earlier, the sum of the “leading parts” of the NLO diagrams vanishes, and therefore,
in calculating J ’s in Table 2, we have dropped the t1 term contribution, retaining only
the “sub-leading” parts of these NLO diagrams. This means that all the entries in
Table 2 represent “sub-leading contributions” (NNLO) in MCS. If we look at Table 2
from this perspective, we note that the order-of-magnitude behavior of our numerical
results is in rough agreement with MCS, although Type IV tends to be rather visibly
smaller (in magnitude) than the others. However, it is striking that J for Type III
is significantly (if not by an order of magnitude) larger than the other sub-leading
contributions. (A similar feature was also seen in R⋆ in Table 1.) In view of the fact
that Type III arises from crossed-box TPE diagrams [10], there is a possibility that
the enhancement of the Type III diagrams may be related to the strong attractive
scalar NN potential that is known to arise from TPE crossed-box-diagrams [7, 8].
We have studied the “sub-leading” parts, which are of NNLO in the momentum
counting scheme (MCS) [13], of the TPE amplitudes for the pp→ppπ0 reaction in both
PWBA and DWBA calculations. We have shown in fixed kinematics approximation
(FKA) that, even though the leading parts of the TPE amplitudes cancel among
themselves [12, 14], the contributions of the sub-leading parts are quite significant.
They are in general comparable to the 1π-Resc amplitude, and the sub-leading part
of the Type III diagrams is even significantly larger than the 1π-Resc diagram. The
total contribution of the TPE diagrams is larger (in magnitude) than that of the
1π-Resc diagram by a factor of ∼5 (PWBA) or 2∼3 (DWBA). We have focused here
on the TPE loop diagrams but, to obtain theoretical cross section for pp→ppπ0 that
can be directly compared with the experimental value, we must consider the other
diagrams discussed in DKMS as well as the relevant counter terms. These will be
discussed in a forthcoming article [26] .
The authors are indebted to Christoph Hanhart and Anders G̊ardestig for useful
discussions. A helpful communication from Ulf Meissner is also grateful acknowl-
edged. This work is supported in part by the US National Science Foundation, Grant
No. PHY-0457014, and by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-
Aid for Scientific Research (C) No.15540275 and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
on Priority Areas (MEXT), No. 18042003.
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0704.1343 | Hardy and Rellich type inequalities with remainders for Baouendi-Grushin
Abstract. In this paper we study Hardy and Rellich type inequalities for Baouendi-
Grushin vector fields : ∇γ = (∇x, |x|
2γ∇y) where γ > 0, ∇x and ∇y are usual gradient
operators in the variables x ∈ Rm and y ∈ Rk, respectively. In the first part of the paper,
we prove some weighted Hardy type inequalities with remainder terms. In the second part,
we prove two versions of weighted Rellich type inequality on the whole space. We find
sharp constants for these inequalities. We also obtain their improved versions for bounded
1. Introduction
This paper is concerned with Hardy and Rellich type inequalities with remainder terms
for Baouendi-Grushin vector fields. Let x ∈ Rm, y ∈ Rk, γ > 0 and n = m + k, with
m, k ≥ 1. Then the following Hardy type inequality for Baouendi-Grushin vector fields has
been proved by Garofalo [G],
2 + |x|2γ |∇yφ|
dxdy ≥
|x|2+2γ + (1 + γ2)2|y|2
where φ ∈ C∞0 (R
m ×Rk \ {(0, 0)}) and Q = m+(1+ γ)k. Here, ∇xφ and ∇yφ denotes the
gradients of φ in the variables x and y, respectively. A similar inequality with the same
sharp constant (Q−2
)2 holds if Rn replaced by Ω and Ω contains the origin [D]. If γ = 0
then it is clear that the inequality (1.1) recovers the classical Hardy inequality in Rn
|∇φ(z)|2dz ≥
where z = (x, y) ∈ Rm×Rk and the constant (n−2
)2 is sharp. There exists a large literature
concerning with the Hardy inequalities and, in particular, sharp inequalities as well as their
improved versions which have attracted a lot of attention because of their application to
singular problems (See [BG], [PV], [BV], [GP], [CM], [VZ], [K1] and references therein).
A sharp improvement of the Hardy inequality (1.2) was discovered by Brezis and Vázquez
[BV]. They proved that for a bounded domain Ω ⊂ Rn
|∇φ(z)|2dz ≥
dz + µ
where φ ∈ C∞0 (Ω), ωn and |Ω| denote the n-dimensional Lebesgue measure of the unit
ball B ⊂ Rn and the domain Ω respectively. Here µ is the first eigenvalue of the Laplace
Date: April 09, 2007.
Key words and phrases. Hardy inequality, Rellich inequality, Best constants, Baouendi-Grushin vector
AMS Subject Classifications: 26D10, 35H20.
operator in the two dimensional unit disk and it is optimal when Ω is a ball centered at
the origin. In a recent paper Abdelloui, Colorado and Peral [ACP] obtained, among other
things, the following improved Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality
|∇φ(z)|2|z|−2adz ≥
n− 2a− 2
dz + C
where φ ∈ C∞0 (Ω), −∞ < a <
, 1 < q < 2 and C = C(q, n,Ω) > 0. Motivated
by these results, our first goal is to find improved weighted Hardy type inequalities for
Baouendi-Grushin vector fields.
It is well known that an important extension of Hardy’s inequality to higher-order deriva-
tives is the following Rellich inequality
|∆φ(z)|2dz ≥
n2(n− 4)2
where φ ∈ C∞0 (R
n \ {0}), n 6= 2 and the constant
is sharp. Davies and Hinz [DH],
among other results, obtained sharp weighted Rellich inequalities of the form
dz ≥ C
for suitable values of α, β, p and φ ∈ C∞0 (R
n \ {0}). In a recent paper, Tertikas and Zo-
graphopoulos [TZ], among other results, obtained the following new Rellich type inequalities
that connects first to second order derivatives:
|∆φ|2dz ≥
where φ ∈ C∞0 (R
n \ {0}) and the constant n
is sharp. Recently, Kombe [K2] obtained
analogues of (1.6) and (1.7), and their improved versions on Carnot groups. Motivated by
the above results, our second goal is to find sharp weighted Rellich type inequalities and
their improved versions for Baouendi-Grushin vector fields in that they do not arise from
any Carnot group. We should also mention that Kombe and Özaydin [KÖ] obtained (under
some geometric assumptions) improved Hardy and Rellich inequalities on a Riemannian
manifold that does not recover our current results. Analogue inequalities for the Greiner
vector fields will be given in a forthcoming paper [K3].
2. Notations and Back ground material
In this section, we shall collect some notations, definitions and preliminary facts which
will be used throughout the article. The generic point is z = (x1, ..., xm, y1, ..., yk) = (x, y) ∈
m × Rk with m, k ≥ 1, m + k = n. The sub-elliptic gradient is the n dimensional vector
field given by
(2.1) ∇γ = (X1, · · · , Xm, Y1, · · · , Yk)
(2.2) Xj =
, j = 1, · · · , m, Yj = |x|
, j = 1, · · · , k.
The Baouendi-Grushin operator on Rm+k is the operator
(2.3) ∆γ = ∇γ · ∇γ = ∆x + |x|
where ∆x and ∆y are Laplace operators in the variables x ∈ R
m and y ∈ Rk, respectively
(see [B], [G1], [G2]). If γ is an even positive integer then ∆γ is a sum of squares of C
∞ vector
fields satisfying Hörmander finite rank condition: rank Lie [ X1, · · · , Xm, Y1, · · · , Yk] = n.
The anisotropic dilation attached to ∆γ is given by
δλ(z) = (λx, λ
γ+1y), λ > 0, z = (x, y) ∈ Rm+k.
The change of variable formula for the Lebesgue measure gives that
d ◦ δλ(x, y) = λ
Q = m+ (1 + γ)k
is the homogeneous dimension with respect to dilation δλ. For z = (x, y) ∈ R
m × Rk, let
(2.4) ρ = ρ(z) :=
|x|2(1+γ) + (1 + γ)2|y|2
By direct computation we get
|∇γρ| =
Let f ∈ C2(0,∞) and define u = f(ρ) then we have the following useful formula
(2.5) ∆γu =
f ′′ +
We let Bρ = {z ∈ R
n | ρ(z) < r}, Bρ̃ = {z ∈ R
n | ρ̃(z, 0) < r} and call these sets,
respectively, ρ-ball and Carnot-Carathéodory metric ball centered at the origin with radius
r. The Carnot-Carathéodory distance ρ̃ between the points z andz0 is defined by
ρ̃(z, z0) = inf{length(η) | η ∈ K}
where the set K is the set of all curves η such that η(0) = z, η(1) = z0 and η̇(t) is
in span{X1(η(t)), ..., Xm(η(t)), Y1(η(t)), ..., Yk(η(t))}. If γ is a positive even integer then
Carnot-Carathéodory distance of z from the origin ρ̃(z, 0) is comparable to ρ(z). ( See
[FGW] and [Be] for further details.)
It is well known that Sobolev and Poincaré type inequalities are important in the study
of partial differential equations, especially in the study of those arising from geometry
and physics. In[FGW], Franchi, Gutierrez and Wheeden obtained the following Sobolev-
Poincaré inequality for metric balls associated with Baouendi-Grushin type operators:
where φ ∈ C∞0 (B) and the weight functions w1 and w2 satisfies some certain conditions.
Here, c is independent of φ and B, 1 ≤ p ≤ q <∞ and w(B) =
w(z)dz. If w1 = w2 = 1
then Monti [M] obtained the following sharp Sobolev inequality
2 + |x|2γ|∇yφ|
where C = C(m, k, α) > 0.
3. Improved Hardy-type inequalities
In this section we study improved Hardy type inequalities. These inequalities plays key
role in establishing improved Rellich type inequalities. In the various integral inequalities
below (Section 3 and Section 4), we allow the values of the integrals on the left-hand sides
to be +∞. The following theorem is the first result of this section.
Theorem 3.1. Let γ be an even positive integer, α ∈ R, −m
< t < m
, and Q+α− 2 > 0.
Then the following inequality is valid
Q+ α− 2
α |∇γρ|
for all compactly supported smooth function φ ∈ C∞0 (Bρ).
Proof. Let φ = ρβψ ∈ C∞0 (Bρ) and β ∈ R \ {0}. A direct calculation shows that
2dz = β2
tψ∇γρ · ∇γψdz
ρα+2β |∇γρ|
Applying integration by parts to the middle term and using the following fact
= (Q+ α + 2β − 2)ρα+2β−2|∇γρ|
2dz = f(β)
t+2ψ2dz +
ρα+2β |∇γρ|
where f(β) = −β2 − β(α + Q − 2). Note that f(β) attains the maximum for β = 2−α−Q
and this maximum is equal to CH = (
)2. Therefore we have the following
dz = CH
It is easy to show that the weight functions w1 = w2 = ρ
t satisfies the Mucken-
houpt A2 condition for −
< t < m
. Therefore weighted Poincaré inequality holds (see
[FGW], [Lu], [FGaW]) and we have
2dz ≥
where C is a positive constant and r2 is the radius of the ball Bρ.
We now obtain the desired inequality
2dz ≥ CH
t+2φ2dz +
Using the same method, we have the following weighted Hardy inequality which has a
logarithmic remainder term. Similar results in the Euclidean setting can be found in [FT],
[AR], [WW], [ACP].
Theorem 3.2. Let α ∈ R, t ∈ R, Q+ α− 2 > 0. Then the following inequality is valid
2dz ≥ CH
t+2φ2dz +
t+2 φ
(ln r
for all compactly supported smooth function φ ∈ C∞0 (Bρ).
Proof. We have the following result from (3.4):
2dz = CH
t+2φ2dz +
Let ϕ ∈ C∞0 (Bρ) and set ψ(z) = (ln
)1/2ϕ(z). A direct computation shows that
2dz ≥
t+2 ψ
(ln r
t+2 φ
(ln r
Substituting (3.8) into (3.7) which yields the desired inequality (3.6). �
We now first prove the following weighted Lp-Hardy inequality which plays an important
role in the proof of Theorem 3.3, Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.5.
Theorem 3.3. Let Ω be either bounded or unbounded domain with smooth boundary which
contains origin, or Rn. Let α ∈ R, t ∈ R, 1 ≤ p < ∞ and Q + α − p > 0. Then the
following inequality holds
pdz ≥
Q+ α− p
t |∇γρ|
for all compactly supported smooth functions φ ∈ C∞0 (Ω).
Proof. Let φ = ρβψ ∈ C∞0 (Ω) and β ∈ R− {0}. We have
βψ)| = |βρβ−1ψ∇γρ+ ρ
We now use the following inequality which is valid for any a, b ∈ Rn and p > 2,
|a+ b|p − |a|p ≥ c(p)|b|p + p|a|p−2a · b
where c(p) > 0. This yields
t|∇φ|p ≥ |β|pρβp−p+α|∇γρ|
p+t|ψ|p + p|β|p−2βρα+βp+1−p|∇γρ|
p+t−2|ψ|p−2ψ∇ρ · ∇ψ.
Integrating over the domain Ω gives
t|∇φ|pdx ≥ |β|p
p+t−2|ψ|p−2ψ∇ρ · ∇ψdz.
Applying integration by parts to second integral on the right-hand side of (3.10) and using
the fact that ∇γ(|∇γρ|) · ∇γρ = 0 then we get
t|∇φ|pdx ≥
|β|p − |β|p−2β(βp− p+ α +Q)
We now choose β = p−Q−α
to get the desired inequality
t|∇φ|pdz ≥
Q+ α− p
t |∇γρ|
Theorem (3.3) also holds for 1 < p < 2 and in this case we use the following inequality
|a+ b|p − |a|p ≥ c(p)
(|a|+ |b|)2−p
+ p|a|p−2a · b
where c(p) > 0 (see [L]). �
We now have the following improved Hardy inequality which is inspired by recent result
of Abdellaoui, Colorado and Peral [ACP]. It is clear that if γ = t = 0 then our result
recovers the inequality (1.4).
Theorem 3.4. Let Ω ⊂ Rn be a bounded domain with smooth boundary which contains
origin, 1 < q < 2, Q + α − 2 > 0, Q = m + (1 + γ)k and φ ∈ C∞0 (Ω) then there exists a
positive constant C = C(Q, q,Ω) such that the following inequality is valid
2dz ≥ CH
φ2dz + C
where CH =
Proof. Let φ ∈ C∞0 (Ω) and ψ = ρ
β where β ∈ R \ {0}. Then straightforward computation
shows that
2 −∇γ(
) · ∇γψ =
2 −∇γ(
) · ∇γψ
tdz =
2 |∇γρ|
where we used the Jensen’s inequality in the last step. Applying integration by parts, we
2 −∇γ(
) · ∇γψ
tdz =
α + β
+ β(α+ β +Q− 2)
Therefore we have
2dz ≥ −β(α + β +Q− 2)
2 |∇γρ|
We can use the following inequality which is valid for any w1, w2 ∈ R
n and 1 < q < 2
(3.14) c(q)|w2|
q ≥ |w1 + w2|
q − |w1|
q − q|w1|
q−2〈w1, w2〉.
Using the inequality (3.14), Young’s inequality and the weighted Lp-Hardy inequality (3.9),
we get
2 |∇γρ|
2 dz ≥ C
2 |∇γρ|
where C > 0. Substituting (3.15) into (3.13) then we obtain
2dz ≥ −β(α+β+Q−2)
2 |∇γρ|
Now choosing β = 2−α−Q
then we have the following inequality
2dz ≥
Q + α− 2
2 |∇γρ|
4. Sharp Weighted Rellich-type inequalities
The main goal of this section is to find sharp analogues of (1.6) and (1.7) for Baouendi-
Grushin vector fields. We then obtain their improved versions for bounded domains. The
proofs are mainly based on Hardy type inequalities. The following is the first result of this
Theorem 4.1. (Rellich type inequality I) Let φ ∈ C∞0 (R
m+k \ {(0, 0)}), Q = m+ (1 + γ)k
and α > 2. Then the following inequality is valid
2dz ≥
(Q+ α− 4)2(Q− α)2
Moreover, the constant
is sharp.
Proof. A straightforward computation shows that
(4.2) ∆γρ
α−2 = (Q+ α− 4)(α− 2)ρα−4|∇γρ|
Multiplying both sides of (4.2) by φ2 and integrating over Rn, we obtain
α−2dz =
ρα−2(2φ∆γφ+ 2|∇γφ|
α−2dz = (Q+ α− 4)(α− 2)
(4.3) (Q+ α− 4)(α− 2)
2φ2dz − 2
ρα−2φ∆γφdx = 2
Applying the weighted Hardy inequality (3.9) to the right hand side of (4.3), we get
(4.4) −
ρα−2φ∆γφdz ≥ (
Q+ α− 4
We now apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to obtain
(4.5) −
ρα−2φ∆γφdz ≤
Substituting (4.5) into (4.4) yields the desired inequality
2dz ≥
(Q+ α− 4)2(Q− α)2
It only remains to show that the constant C(Q,α) =
is the best constant
for the Rellich inequality (4.1), that is
(Q+ α− 4)2(Q− α)2
= inf
|∆γf |
f 2dz
, f ∈ C∞0 (R
n), f 6= 0
Given ǫ > 0, take the radial function
(4.7) φǫ(ρ) =
+ 1 if ρ ∈ [0, 1],
+ǫ) if ρ > 1,
where ǫ > 0. In the sequel we indicate B1 = {ρ(z) : ρ(z) ≤ 1} ρ-ball centered at the origin
in Rn with radius 1.
By direct computation we get
= A(Q,α, ǫ) +B(Q,α, ǫ)
B(Q,α, ǫ) = (
Q+ α− 4
+ ǫ)2(
− ǫ)2.
φ2dz =
φ2dz +
= C(Q,α, ǫ) +
Since Q+α−4 > 0 then A(Q,α, ǫ), and C(Q,α, ǫ) are bounded and we conclude by letting
ǫ −→ 0. �
Using the same argument as above and improved Hardy inequality (3.1), we obtain the
following improved Rellich type inequality.
Theorem 4.2. Let φ ∈ C∞0 (Bρ), Q = m+(1+γ)k and 4−Q < α < Q. Then the following
inequality is valid
2dz ≥
(Q+ α− 4)2(Q− α)2
(Q+ α− 4)(Q− α)
Proof. We have the following fact from (4.3):
(4.11) (Q+ α− 4)(α− 2)
2φ2dz − 2
ρα−2φ∆γφdx = 2
Applying the improved Hardy inequality (3.1) on the right hand side of (4.11), we get
(Q + α− 4)(α− 2)
2φ2dz − 2
Q+ α− 4
2φ2dz +
Now it is clear that,
ρα−2φ∆γφdz ≥ (
Q + α− 4
Next, we apply the Young’s inequality to the expression −
ρα−2φ∆φdz and we obtain
(4.13) −
ρα−2φ∆γφdz ≤ ǫ
2φ2dz +
where ǫ > 0. Combining (4.13) and (4.12), we obtain
−4ǫ2− (Q+α−4)(Q−α)ǫ
Note that the quadratic function −4ǫ2 − (Q + α − 4)(Q − α)ǫ attains the maximum for
and this maximum is equal to
. Therefore we obtain the
desired inequality
2dz ≥
(Q+ α− 4)2(Q− α)2
(Q+ α− 4)(Q− α)
Arguing as above, and using the improved Hardy inequalities (3.2) and (3.4) we obtain
the following Rellich type inequalities.
Theorem 4.3. Let φ ∈ C∞0 (R
m+k \ {(0, 0)}), Q = m+(1+ γ)k and 4−Q < α < Q. Then
the following inequality is valid
2dz ≥
(Q+ α− 4)2(Q− α)2
(Q+ α− 4)(Q− α)
ln( r
Theorem 4.4. Let φ ∈ C∞0 (R
m+k \ {(0, 0)}), Q = m+(1+ γ)k and 4−Q < α < Q. Then
the following inequality is valid
2dz ≥
(Q+ α− 4)2(Q− α)2
C(Q− α)(Q+ 3α− 8)
where Ω ⊂ Rn is a bounded domain with smooth boundary.
We now have the following Rellich type inequality that connects first to second order
derivatives. It is clear that if α = γ = 0 then our result covers the inequality (1.7).
Theorem 4.5. (Rellich type inequality II) Let φ ∈ C∞0 (R
m+k \ {(0, 0)}), Q = m+(1+ γ)k
and 2 < α < Q. Then the following inequality is valid
(Q− α)2
Furthermore, the constant C(Q,α) =
is sharp.
Proof. The proof of this theorem is similar to the proof Theorem (4.1). Using the same
argument as above, we have the following from (4.3)
(4.18) −
ρα−2φ∆γφdx =
(Q + α− 4)(α− 2)
It is clear that (Q+ α− 4)(α− 2) > 0 and using the Hardy inequality (3.9) (p = 2, t = 0)
we get
(4.19) −
ρα−2φ∆γφdz ≥
Q+ α− 4
Let us apply Young’s inequality to expression −
ρα−2φ∆γφ dz and we obtain
φ∆γφdz ≤ ǫ
α |∆γφ|
Q + α− 4
α |∆γφ|
where ǫ > 0 and will be chosen later. Substituting (4.20) into (4.19) and rearranging terms,
we get
(Q+ α− 4)2
( Q− α
Q+ α− 4
Choosing ǫ = 1
(Q− α)(Q+ α− 4) which yields the desired inequality
α |∆γφ|
(Q− α)2
α |∇γφ|
To show that constant
is sharp, we use the same sequence of functions (4.7) and
we get
(Q− α
as ǫ −→ 0.
Now, using the same argument as above and improved Hardy inequalities (3.1), (3.6)
and (3.7) we obtain the following improved Rellich type inequalities.
Theorem 4.6. Let φ ∈ C∞0 (Bρ), Q = m + (1 + γ)k and 2 < α < Q. Then the following
inequality is valid
(Q− α)2
(Q− α)(Q+ 3α− 8)
where C > 0 and r is the radius of the ball Bρ.
Theorem 4.7. Let Ω be a bounded domain with smooth boundary ∂Ω. Let φ ∈ C∞0 (Ω),
Q = m+ (1 + γ)k and 2 < α < Q. Then the following inequality is valid
dz ≥ (
dz + C̃
where C̃ =
and C > 0.
Theorem 4.8. Let φ ∈ C∞0 (Bρ), Q = m + (1 + γ)k and 2 < α < Q. Then the following
inequality is valid
(Q− α)2
dz + C(Q,α)
(ln r
where C(Q,α) =
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Ismail Kombe, Mathematics Department, Dawson-Loeffler Science &Mathematics Bldg,
Oklahoma City University, 2501 N. Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, OK 73106-1493
E-mail address : [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Notations and Back ground material
3. Improved Hardy-type inequalities
4. Sharp Weighted Rellich-type inequalities
0704.1344 | Resummation Effects in the Search of SM Higgs Boson at Hadron Colliders | UCRHEP-T428
Resummation E�e
ts in the Sear
h of SM Higgs Boson
at Hadron Colliders
Qing-Hong Cao
Department of Physi
s and Astronomy,
University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521
Chuan-Ren Chen
Department of Physi
s and Astronomy,
higan State University, E. Lansing, MI 48824
We examine the soft-gluon resummation e�e
ts, in
luding the exa
t spin
orrelations among
the �nal state parti
les, in the sear
h of the Standard Model Higgs boson, via the pro
gg → H → WW/ZZ → 4 leptons, at the Tevatron and the LHC. A
omparison between the
resummation and the Next-to-Leading order (NLO)
ulation is performed after imposing various
uts suggested in the literature for the Higgs boson sear
h. For the H → ZZ mode, the
resummation e�e
ts in
rease the a
e of the signal events by about 25%, as
ompared to the
NLO predi
tion, and dramati
ally alter various kinemati
s distributions of the �nal state leptons.
For the H → WW mode, the a
e rates of the signal events predi
ted by the resummation
and NLO
ulations are almost the same, but some of the predi
ted kinemati
al distributions are
quite di�erent. Thus, to pre
isely determine the properties of the Higgs boson at hadron
the soft-gluon resummation e�e
ts have to be taken into a
address: q
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
Although Standard Model (SM) explains su
essfully all
urrent high energy physi
experimental data, the me
hanism of ele
toweak spontaneous symmetry breaking, arising
from the Higgs me
hanism, has not yet been tested dire
tly. Therefore, sear
hing for the
Higgs boson (H) is one of the most important tasks at the
urrent and future high energy
s experiments. The negative result of dire
t sear
h at the LEP2, via the Higgsstrahlung
ess e+e− → ZH , poses a lower bound of 114.1GeV on the SM Higgs boson mass
(MH) [1℄. On the other hand, global �ts to ele
troweak observables prefer MH . 200GeV at
the 95%
e level [2℄, while the triviality arguments put an upper bound ∼ 1TeV [3℄.
There is
urrently an a
tive experimental program at the Tevatron to dire
tly sear
h for
the Higgs boson. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, s
heduled to operate in late
2007, is expe
ted to establish the existen
e of Higgs boson if the SM is truly realized in
Nature. At the LHC, the SM Higgs boson is mainly produ
ed through gluon-gluon fusion
ess indu
ed by a heavy (top) quark loop. On
e being produ
ed, it will de
ay into a
fermion pair or ve
tor boson pair. The strategy of sear
hing for the Higgs boson depends
on how it de
ays and how large the de
ay bran
hing ratio is. If the Higgs boson is lighter
than 130GeV, it mainly de
ays into a bottom quark pair (bb̄). Unfortunately, it is very
ult to sear
h for the Higgs boson in this mode due to the extremely large Quantum
s (QCD) ba
kground at the LHC. However, the H → γγ mode
an be used
to dete
t a Higgs boson with the mass below 150 GeV [4, 5℄ though the de
ay bran
ratio of this mode is quite small, ∼ O(10−3). If the Higgs boson mass (MH) is in the region
of 130GeV to 2MZ (MZ being the mass of Z boson), the H → ZZ∗ mode is very useful
ause of its
ollider signature of four isolated
harged leptons. The H → WW (∗)
mode is also important in this mass region be
ause of its large de
ay bran
hing ratio. When
MH > 2MZ , the de
ay mode H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− is
onsidered as the �gold-plated� mode
h is the most reliable way to dete
t the Higgs boson up to MH ∼ 600GeV be
ause the
kgrounds are known rather pre
isely and the two on-shell Z bosons
ould be re
experimentally. For MH > 600GeV, one
an dete
t the H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ de
in whi
h the signal appears as a Ja
obian peak in the missing transverse energy spe
The dis
overy of the Higgs boson relies on how well we understand the signals and its
kgrounds, be
ause one needs to impose optimal kinemati
uts to suppress the huge
kgrounds and enhan
e the signal to ba
kground ratio (S/B). Many works have been
done in the literature to
ulate the higher order QCD
tions to the dominant pro-
tion pro
ess of the Higgs boson gg → H [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18℄. In
addition to determine the in
lusive produ
tion rate of the Higgs boson, an a
urate predi
tion of kinemati
s of the Higgs boson is very essential for the Higgs boson sear
h. However,
a �x order
annot reliably predi
t the transverse momentum (QT ) distribution
of Higgs boson for the low QT region where the bulk events a
umulate. This is be
of large
tions of the form ln(Q2/Q2T ) due to non-
ellations of soft and
ollinear singularities between virtual and real
ontributions, where Q is the invariant mass
of the Higgs boson. Therefore, one needs to take into a
ount the e�e
ts of the initial state
multiple soft-gluon emissions in order to make a reliable predi
tion on the kinemati
butions of the Higgs boson. One approa
h to a
hieve this is to in
lude parton showering [19℄
h resums the universal leading logs in Monte Carlo event generators, e.g. HERWIG [20℄
and PYTHIA [21℄, whi
h are
ommonly used by experimentalists. The showering pro
just depends on the initial state parton and the s
ale of the hard pro
ess being
The advantage is that it
ould be in
orporated into various physi
s pro
esses. Re
an approa
h to mat
h NLO matrix element
ulation and parton showing Monte Carlo
generators, MC�NLO [22, 23℄, has been proposed. Another approa
h is to in
the soft-gluon e�e
ts is to
ulate an analyti
al result by using the Collins-Soper-Sterman
(CSS) resummation formalism [24, 25, 26, 27℄ to resum these large logarithmi
tions to
all order in αs. However, in pra
e the power of logarithms in
luded in Sudakov exponent
depends on whi
h level the �xed order
ulation has been performed [28, 29, 30, 31, 32℄.
It is very interesting to
ompare the predi
tions between parton showering and resumma-
ulation and detailed
omparisons have been presented in Ref. [28, 33, 34, 35, 36℄
luded that all of the distributions are basi
onsistent with ea
h other, ex
PYTHIA in the small QT region and HERWIG in the large QT region.
In addition, the spin
orrelation among the Higgs de
ay produ
ts has been proved to
ial to suppress the ba
kgrounds [37, 38℄. Hen
e, an a
urate theoreti
al predi
h in
orporates the initial state soft-gluon resummation e�e
ts and the spin
among the Higgs de
ay produ
ts, is needed. In this paper, we present su
h a
and study the soft-gluon resummation (RES) e�e
ts on various kinemati
s distributions
of �nal state parti
les. Furthermore, we examine the impa
t of the RES e�e
ts on the
Figure 1: Tree level Feynman diagram of pro
ess gg → H → V1(→ ℓ1ℓ̄2)V2(→ ℓ3ℓ̄4).
e rate of the signal events with various kinemati
uts (whi
h were suggested in
the literature [37, 39℄ for Higgs sear
h) and
ompare them with the leading order (LO) and
NLO predi
The paper is organized as follows. In Se
. II, we present our analyti
al formalism of
the CSS resummation. In Se
. III, we present the in
ross se
tion of the signal
ess for several ben
hmark masses of the Higgs boson. In Se
. IV, we study the pro
gg → H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ for MH = 140GeV at the Fermilab Tevatron and for MH =
170GeV at the LHC. In Se
. V, we examine the pro
ess gg → H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− for
MH = 140GeV and 200GeV, respe
tively, and the pro
ess gg → H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ for
MH = 600GeV, at the LHC. Our
lusions are given in Se
. VI.
At the hadron
olliders, the SM Higgs boson is mainly produ
ed via gluon-gluon fusion
ess through a heavy quark triangle loop diagram,
f. Fig 1, in whi
h the e�e
t of the
triangle loop is repla
ed by the e�e
tive ggH
oupling (denoted as the bold dot). Taking
advantage of the narrow width of the Higgs boson, we
an fa
torize the Higgs boson pro-
tion from its sequential de
ay. The resummation formula was already presented in Ref.
The NLO Quantum Ele
s (QED) and ele
troweak (EW)
tions to the Higgs de
ay pro
H → WW/ZZ → 4ℓ were
ulated in Ref. [40℄ and Ref. [41℄, respe
tively. Re
ently, the NLO QCD
tion to the Higgs boson de
ays H → WW/ZZ → 4q with hadroni
four-fermion �nal states was
ulated in Ref. [42℄. Sin
e the higher order
tions for Higgs produ
tion are dominated by the
initial state soft-gluon resummation e�e
ts, we fo
us our attention on the RES e�e
ts in this work. It is
worth mentioning that the NLO QED
tions to the Higgs boson de
ay H → WW/ZZ → 4ℓ have
been implemented in ResBos [43℄ program, and the phenomenologi
al study of the
ombined RES e�e
and the QED
tion will be presented elsewhere.
[28℄. Here, we list some of the relevant formulas as follows, for
dσ(h1h2 → H(→ V V → ℓ1ℓ2ℓ3ℓ4)X)
= σ0(gg → H)
(Q2 −m2H)2 + (Q2ΓH/mH)2
M(H → V1V2 → ℓ1ℓ2ℓ3ℓ4)
d2b eiQT ·bW̃gg(b∗, Q, x1, x2, C1,2,3)W̃
gg (b, Q, x1, x2) + Y (QT , Q, x1, x2, C4)
where Q, QT , y, and φH are the invariant mass, transverse momentum, rapidity, and az-
imuthal angle of the Higgs boson, respe
tively, de�ned in the lab frame, and dΠ4 represents
the four-body phase spa
e of the Higgs boson de
ay, de�ned in the Collin-Soper frame [44℄.
In Eq. (1), |M(· · · )|2 denotes the matrix element square of the Higgs boson de
ay and reads
M(H → V1V2 → ℓ1ℓ2ℓ3ℓ4)
(q21 −m2V )2 +m2V Γ2V
(q22 −m2V )2 +m2V Γ2V
C+(p1 · p3)(p2 · p4) + C−(p1 · p4)(p2 · p3)
where mV is the ve
tor boson mass, qi(pi) denotes the momentum
of the ve
tor boson Vi
(the lepton ℓi), and GF is the Fermi
onstant. Here,
a212 + b
a234 + b
± 4a12b12a34b34,
where a12 and b12 respe
tively denote the ve
tor and axial ve
omponents of the V ℓ1ℓ2
oupling, while a34 and b34 are the ones for V ℓ3ℓ4. For the W boson, mV = mW , and
a = b =
while for the Z boson, mV = mZ , and
a = 4 sin θ2W − 1, b = −1 for Z → ℓ+ℓ−,
a = 1, b = 1 for Z → νν̄,
The dire
tion of momentum pi is de�ned to be outgoing from the mother parti
where θW is the weak mixing angle. In Eq. (1), the fun
tion W̃gg sums over the soft gluon
ontributions that grow as Q−2T × [1 or ln(Q2T/Q2)] to all order in αS, whi
ontains the
singular part as QT → 0. The
ontribution whi
h is less singular than those in
luded in W̃gg
ulated order-by-order in αS and is in
luded in the Y term. Therefore, we
an obtain
the NLO results by expending the above resummation formula, i.e. Eq. (1), to the α3S order.
More details
an be found in Ref. [43℄. In our
ulation, σ0 in
ludes the
omplete LO
ontribution with �nite quark mass e�e
ts [45, 46, 47, 48℄. It has been shown [9℄ that this
ription approximates well the exa
t NLO in
lusive Higgs produ
tion rate.
For the numeri
al evaluation, we
hose the following set of SM input parameters [49℄:
GF = 1.16637× 10−5GeV−2, α = 1/137.0359895,
mZ = 91.1875GeV, αs(mZ) = 0.1186,
me = 0.5109997MeV, mµ = 0.105658389GeV.
Following Ref. [50℄, we derive the W boson mass as mW = 80.385GeV. Thus, the square
of the weak gauge
oupling is g2 = 4
2m2WGF . In
luding the O(αs) QCD
tions to
W → qq̄′, we obtain the W boson width as ΓW = 2.093GeV and the de
ay bran
ratio of Br(W → ℓν) = 0.108 [51℄. In order to in
lude the e�e
ts of the higher order
tions, we also adapt the e�e
tive Born approximation in the
ulation of
the H → ZZ → 4 leptons mode by repla
ing the sin2 θW in the Zℓℓ
oupling by the e�e
sin2 θ
W = 0.2314,
ulated at the mZ s
For the mass of the Higgs boson being within the intermediate mass range, it will prin
pally de
ay into two ve
tor bosons whi
h sequentially de
ay into either lepton or quark pairs.
Leptons are the obje
ts whi
an be easily identi�ed in the �nal state, so the di-lepton de
mode is regarded as the �golden
hannel� due to its
lean signature and well-known ba
ground. The drawba
k is that the di-lepton mode su�ers from the small de
ay bran
ratio for the ve
tor boson de
ay (V → ℓℓ̄). For example, the bran
hing ratio of Z → ℓ+ℓ−
is only about 3.4%. Due to the huge QCD ba
kgrounds, the purely hadroni
ay modes
are not as useful for dete
ting the Higgs boson.
In this paper, we fo
us on the purely leptoni
ays of the ve
tor bosons in the H →
Table I: In
ross se
tions of gg → H → V V → 4ℓ at the Tevatron Run 2 and the LHC in
the unit of fb, i.e. σ(gg → H)×Br(H → V V )×Br(V → ℓ1ℓ2)×Br(V → ℓ3ℓ4) for various Higgs
boson masses. Here, ℓ and ℓ′ denote either e or µ.
WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄(=
MH 140GeV 170GeV 140GeV 200GeV 600GeV
RES 13.1 891.1 11.0 17.7 6.3
NLO 11.5 848.9 10.5 16.4 5.6
LO 4.0 405.3 5.1 8.0 2.4
WW (∗) and H → ZZ(∗) modes. To
over the intermediate mass range, we
onsider the
following ben
ases: (i) H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ (ℓ, ℓ′ = e or µ) for MH = 140GeV
at the Femilab Tevatron Run 2 (a 1.96 TeV pp̄
ollider), and for MH = 170GeV at the LHC
(a 14 TeV pp
ollider); (ii) H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− (ℓ, ℓ′ = e or µ) for MH = 140 and
200GeV at the LHC; (iii) H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ for MH = 600GeV at the LHC, where ℓ = e
or µ, and ν = νe, νµ or ντ . All the numeri
al results are
ulated by using ResBos [43℄. We
adapt CTEQ6.1L parton distribution fun
tion in the LO
ulation and CTEQ6.1M parton
distribution fun
tion [52℄ in the NLO and RES
ulations. The renormalization s
ale (µR)
and fa
torization s
ale (µF ) are
hosen to be the Higgs boson mass in our
ulations, i.e.
µR = µF = MH .
The in
ross se
tions for those ben
hmark masses of the Higgs boson are sum-
marized in Table I where di�erent sear
hannels are
onsidered. For
omparison, we
show the QT distributions
ulated by using the RES and NLO
ulations in Fig. 3(a).
ulation is similar to that presented in Ref. [28, 29℄ with the known A and
B [53, 54, 55, 56, 57℄, but with A
g in
luded, where [58℄
A(3)g =
+ C3A(
) , (2)
where CA = 3, CF = 4/3, Nf = 5 and the Riemann
onstant ζ(3) = 1.202... . We also
use the modi�ed parton momentum fra
tions x1 and x2 to take into a
ount the kinemati
tions due to the emitted soft gluons [28℄, with x1 = mT e
S and x2 = mT e
0 50 100 150 200
= 140 GeV
= 170 GeV
= 200 GeV
= 600 GeV
Figure 2: Normalized distributions of transverse momentum of Higgs boson predi
ted by RES
ulation at the LHC.
where mT =
Q2T +Q
S is the
enter-of-mass energy of the hadron
ollider. We
also adopt the mat
hing pro
edure des
ribed in the Ref. [43℄ and the non-perturbation
tribution W̃NP of BLNY form in the Ref. [59℄. In Fig. 2, we show the transverse momentum
distributions of Higgs boson predi
ted by RES
ulation at the LHC. As we see that the
peak position is shifted to larger QT region and the shape be
omes broader when the mass
of Higgs be
omes heavier.
It is
lear that the predi
tion of NLO
ulation blows up in the QT → 0 region and the
RES e�e
ts have to be in
luded to make a reliable predi
tion on event shape distributions.
In the NLO
ulation, it is ambiguous to treat the singularity of the QT distribution near
QT = 0, see the dashed
urve in Fig. 3(a). Before presenting our numeri
al results, we
shall explain how we deal with the singularity in the NLO
ulation when QT ∼ 0. In
ResBos, we divide the QT phase spa
e with a separation s
ale Q
T . We
ulate the QT
singular part of real emission and virtual
tion diagrams analyti
ally and integrate the
sum of these two parts up to Q
T . By this pro
edure, it yields a �nite NLO
ross se
for integrating QT from 0 up to Q
T , whi
h is put into the QT = 0 bin of the NLO QT
distribution (for bin width larger than Q
T ). Sin
e the separation s
ale Q
T is introdu
in the theoreti
ulation for te
al reasons only and is not a physi
al observable, the
sum of both
ontributions from QT > Q
T and QT < Q
T should not depend on Q
T . As
shown in Fig. 3(b), the NLO total
ross se
tion indeed does not depend on the
e of
0 50 100 150 200
0 2 4 6 8
σ ( Q
σ ( Q
)(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Distribution of transverse momentum of Higgs boson, and (b) NLO total produ
ross se
tion of Higgs boson via gluon gluon fusion as MH = 170GeV at the LHC.
T as long as it is not too large. We refer the readers to the Se
. 3 and the Appendix
of Ref. [43℄ for more details. In this study, we
hoose Q
T = 0.96GeV in our numeri
As mentioned in the Introdu
tion, MC�NLO, whi
h mat
hes NLO
ulations and par-
ton showering Monte Carlo event generators, not only predi
ts a reliable QT of the Higgs
boson but also in
ludes spin
orrelations among the Higgs de
ay produ
ts. Therefore it is in-
teresting to
ompare the QT predi
tions between MC�NLO and RES
ulations. In order
ompare the di�eren
es in shape more pre
isely, we show the QT distributions predi
by MC�NLO and ResBos in Fig. 4 for MH = 140( 170, 200, 600)GeV. All distributions
are normalized by the total
ross se
tions for the
orresponding Higgs boson masses. The
bottom part of ea
h QT distribution plot presents the ratio between MC�NLO and ResBos.
We note that for a light Higgs boson the distributions are
onsistent in the peak region
[34, 36℄, where the di�eren
e is about 10%, but they are quite di�erent in the large QT
region, say QT & 100GeV. For a heavy Higgs boson, e.g. MH = 600GeV, these two dis-
tributions are very di�erent in the small QT region, and MC�NLO tends to populate more
events in the small QT region, as
ompared to ResBos. Sin
e the Higgs boson is a s
alar, the
distributions of Higgs boson de
ay produ
ts just depend upon the Higgs boson's kinemati
Therefore, the di�eren
e in the QT distribution predi
tions between MC�NLO and ResBos
may prove to be
ial for the pre
ision measurements of the Higgs boson's properties. A
further detailed study of the impa
t of the QT di�eren
e on the Higgs boson sear
h is in
0 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
= 140 GeV
= 200 GeV
= 170 GeV
= 600 GeV
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4: Comparison of the QT distributions between ResBos and MC�NLO.
order and will be presented elsewhere.
In the sear
h for SM-like Higgs boson via H → WW (∗) mode, two s
enarios of W boson
ay were
onsidered in the literature [60, 61, 62℄: one is that both W bosons de
ally, another is that one W boson de
ays leptoni
ally and another W boson de
ally. Throughout this paper, we only
entrate on the di-lepton de
ay mode, i.e.
H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ , at the Tevatron and the LHC. The
ollider signature, therefore,
is two isolated opposite-sign
harged leptons plus large missing transverse energy ( 6ET ) whi
originates from the two neutrinos. In this se
tion, we �rst examine the RES e�e
ts on various
s distributions, and then show the RES e�e
ts on the Higgs mass measurement.
Finally, we study the RES e�e
ts on the a
es of the kinemati
uts suggested in the
literature for Higgs sear
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: Kinemati
on�gurations of Higgs de
ay (H → WW → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄) in the rest frame of H:
(a) H → W++W
+ , (b) H → W
− and (
) H → W
0 . Here, +(−, 0) denotes the right-handed
(left-handed, longitudinal) polarization state of the W boson. The long arrows denote the moving
tions of the �nal-state leptons. The short bold arrows denote the parti
les' spin dire
A. Basi
s distributions
For a heavy Higgs boson, the two ve
tor bosons, whi
h are generated from the spin-0 Higgs
boson de
ay, are predominantly longitudinally polarized, while the longitudinal and trans-
verse polarization states are demo
ally populated when the Higgs boson mass is near the
threshold for de
aying into the ve
tor boson pair [63, 64℄. When 140GeV ≤ MH ≤ 170GeV,
the transverse polarization modes
ontribute largely. The two
harged leptons in the �nal
state have di�erent kinemati
s be
ause of the
onservation of angular momentum,
f. Fig.
5, therefore, one
harged lepton is largely boosted and its momentum be
omes harder while
another be
omes softer. Making use of these di�eren
es, one
an impose asymmetri
verse momentum (pT )
uts on the two
harged leptons to suppress the ba
kground. On the
event-by-event basis, we arrange the two
harged leptons in the order of transverse momen-
tum: pLmaxT denotes the larger pT between the two
harged leptons while p
T is the smaller
one. Fig. 6 shows the distributions of pLmaxT , p
T and missing energy (6ET ) for MH = 140GeV
at the Tevatron (�rst row) and for MH = 170GeV at the LHC (se
ond row). Furthermore,
in Fig. 7 we show the distributions of cos θLL, φLL and ∆YLL without imposing any kinemat-
ut, where cos θLL is the
osine of the opening angle between the two
harged leptons,
φLL is the azimuthal angle di�eren
e between the two
harged leptons on the transverse
plane, and ∆YLL is the rapidity di�eren
e of two
harged leptons in the lab frame. Sin
we are mainly interested in the shapes of the kinemati
s distributions, the
urves shown in
the �gures are all normalized by the
orresponding total
ross se
tions. The solid
present the distributions in
luding the RES e�e
ts, the dashed and dotted
urves present
0 20 40 60 80 100
max (GeV)
0 20 40 60 80
0 20 40 60 80 100
/ET (GeV)
0 20 40 60 80 100
max (GeV)
0 50 100
0 50 100 150 200
/ET (GeV)
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 6: Normalized distributions of the leading transverse momentum pLmax
, softer transverse
momentum pLT of the leptons, and the missing energy 6ET in gg → H → WW → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ . The
panels (a) to (
) are for MH = 140GeV at the Tevatron, and (d) to (f) are for MH = 170GeV at
the LHC.
the distributions
ulated at the NLO and LO, respe
We note that the pT distributions of the
harged leptons and the missing energy distri-
butions are modi�ed largely by the RES e�e
ts. This
an be understood as follows. The
harged leptons prefer to move in the same dire
tion due to the spin
orrelation among
the de
ay produ
ts of the Higgs boson,
f. the distributions of cos θLL in Figs. 7(a) and (d).
e, one
an approximately treat the Higgs boson de
ay as �two-body� de
ay, i.e. de
ing into two
lusters as H → (ℓ+ℓ′−) (νℓν̄ℓ′). This is in analogy to the W boson produ
and de
ay in the Drell-Yan pro
ess, ud̄ → W+ → ℓ+ν, whi
h has been shown in Ref. [51℄
that the transverse momentum of lepton (pℓT ) is very sensitive to the transverse momentum
of the W boson. The same sensitivity also applies to 6ET . As shown in Figs. 6(
) and (f), the
lear Ja
obian peak of the 6ET distribution around MH/2 in the LO
ulation is smeared
in the NLO and RES
ulations. Furthermore, the 6ET distribution in the NLO and RES
ulations has a long tail due to the non-zero transverse momentum of the Higgs boson.
e the RES
ulation in
ludes the e�e
ts from multiple soft-gluon radiation, the 6ET
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
0 1 2 3
-4 -2 0 2 4
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
0 1 2 3
-4 -2 0 2 4
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 7: Normalized distributions of cos θLL, φLL and ∆YLL in gg → H → WW → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ :
The panels (a) to (
) are for MH = 140GeV at the Tevatron and (d) to (f) are for MH = 170GeV
at the LHC.
distribution near the Ja
obian peak is further smeared in the RES
ulation as
to the NLO
ulation. When MH = 140GeV, only one W boson is on-shell and the two
harged leptons do not move as
lose as they do in the
ase of MH = 170GeV (in whi
ase, both W bosons are on-shell). However the parallel
on�guration is still preferred.
The dominant ba
kgrounds of the H → WW (∗) mode are from the W boson pair pro-
tion and top quark pair produ
tion. The latter, as the redu
ible ba
an be
suppressed with suitable
uts su
h as jet-veto, but the former, as the irredu
ible ba
ground, still remains even after imposing the basi
uts. In order to redu
e this
kground, one needs to take advantage of the
orrelations of
harged leptons in the H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ de
ay. For example, the distribution of
the di�eren
e in azimuthal angles of the
harged leptons peaks at smaller value (
f. Figs. 7(b)
and (e)) for the signal than that for the WW
ontinuum produ
tion ba
kground [60, 62℄.
We note that the RES e�e
ts do not a�e
t the cos θLL and φLL distributions very mu
h, as
shown in Figs. 7(a), (b), (d) and (e).
losely examine the di�eren
e in their predi
tions, we also present the ratio of the RES
10 20 30 40 50 60
max (GeV)
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
/ET (GeV)
10 20 30 40 50 60
max (GeV)
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 20 40 60 80
/ET (GeV)
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 8: Ratio of the Resummation
ontribution to NLO and LO
ontributions in gg → H →
WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ . The panels (a) to (
) are for MH = 140GeV at the Tevatron while (d) to (f)
are for MH = 170GeV at the LHC.
ontribution to the NLO and LO
ontributions in Fig. 8. We note that the ratio is about one
below the peak regions of pLmaxT , p
T and 6ET , and be
omes larger than one above the peak
region, where both the LO and NLO
ontributions drop faster than the RES
does, whi
h is
onsistent with the results shown in Fig. 6. This uneven behavior indi
that one
annot simply use the leading order kinemati
s with the
onstant K-fa
tor in
to mimi
the higher order quantum
tions. We should stress that even though the NLO
and RES
ulations in
lude the same
ontributions of the hard gluon radiation from initial
states, the e�e
ts of the multiple soft-gluon radiation
ause more than 25% di�eren
between RES and NLO predi
tions in the large pT and 6ET region.
B. Higgs mass measurement
In order to identify the signal events
learly, it is
ial to re
t the invariant mass
of the Higgs boson. Unfortunately, one
annot dire
tly re
t the MH distribution in
the H → WW mode due to the two neutrinos in the �nal state. Instead, both the transverse
mass MT and the
luster transverse mass MC [65℄, de�ned as
2pLLT 6ET (1− cos∆φ(pLLT , 6ET )),
LL+ 6ET , (3)
yield a broad peak near MH . In Eq. (3), p
T (mLL) denotes the transverse momentum
(invariant mass) of the two
harged lepton system, and ∆φ(pLLT , 6ET ) is the di�eren
e in
azimuthal angles between pLLT and 6ET on the transverse plane. We note that the upper
endpoint of MT distribution
learly re�e
t the mass of Higgs boson,
f. Figs. 9(a) and
). MT is insensitive to QT be
ause it depends on QT in the se
ond order,
f. Eq. (3).
Therefore, the position of the endpoint is only subje
t to MH and ΓH . The latter e�e
be safely ignored be
ause ΓH is very small (less than about 1.5GeV), for the Higgs boson
mass less than 200GeV. The
luster transverse mass MC also exhibits a
lear Ja
obian peak
with a
lear edge at MH ,
f. Figs. 9(b) and (d). But both the line shape and the Ja
peak of MC distribution are modi�ed by the RES e�e
ts be
ause MC is dire
tly related to
6ET whi
h depends on QT in the �rst order. We suggest that one should use MT to extra
the mass of Higgs in H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ mode be
ause the upper endpoint of the
MT distribution is insensitive to high order
C. A
e study
In order to separate the signal from its
opious ba
kgrounds, one needs to impose optimal
uts to suppress ba
kgrounds and enhan
e the signal to ba
kground ratio (S/B ) simulta-
neously. The sele
tion of the optimal
uts highly depends on how well we understand the
s of the signal and ba
kground pro
esses. As shown above, the RES e�e
ts modify
the distributions of transverse momentum of the
harged leptons and the missing energy
largely, therefore, it is important to study the RES e�e
ts on the a
es of the kine-
uts. Here, we impose a set of kinemati
uts used by experimental
olleagues in
Refs. [37, 39℄. The
orresponding a
es are summarized in Table II.
• For the sear
h for a 140 GeV Higgs boson at the Tevatron, we impose the following
pLmaxT > 15GeV , p
T > 10GeV,
|YL| < 2.0 , 6ET > 20GeV, (4)
0 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9: Normalized distributions of the transverse mass MT and the
luster mass MC in gg →
H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ : (a) and (b) are for MH = 140GeV at the Fermilab Tevatron while (
and (d) are for MH = 170GeV at the LHC.
and the optimal
uts as follows:
mLL <
< MT < MH − 10GeV
φLL < 2.0 rad ,
+ 20GeV < HT < MH (5)
where YL denotes the rapidity of
harged lepton, and HT denotes the s
alar sum of
the transverse momenta of �nal state parti
les, i.e. HT ≡ |peT | + |p
T | + | 6ET |. The
overall e�
y of the
uts is about 68% , 69% and 70% after imposing the basi
(Eq. (4)) for RES, NLO and LO
ulations, respe
tively, and about 44% for both
ulations and 46% for LO
ulation after imposing the optimal
uts (Eq. (5)).
• For the sear
h of a 170 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC, we require the following basi
pLmaxT > 20GeV , p
T > 10GeV,
|YL| < 2.5 , 6ET > 40GeV, (6)
Table II: A
e of gg → H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ′−νℓν̄ℓ′ events after imposing the basi
uts and
the optimal
uts for MH = 140GeV at the Tevatron and MH = 170GeV at the LHC.
MH = 140GeV MH = 170GeV
(Eq. (4)) optimal (Eq. (5)) basi
(Eq. (6)) optimal (Eq. (7))
RES 0.68 0.44 0.61 0.19
NLO 0.69 0.44 0.61 0.19
LO 0.70 0.46 0.63 0.20
and the optimal
mLL < 80.0GeV , MH − 30.0GeV < MT < MH ,
φLL < 1.0 rad , θLL < 0.9 rad , |∆YLL| < 1.5 , (7)
ut e�
y is about 61% for both RES and NLO
ulations, but about 63%
for LO
ontribution after imposing the basi
ut (Eq. (6)). After imposing the optimal
uts (Eq. (7)), the a
es of RES and NLO are about 19%, while LO is 20%.
In the sear
h for the SM Higgs boson, the H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− is an important
hannel for a wide range of Higgs boson mass. The appearan
e of four
leptons with large transverse momenta is an attra
tive experimental signature. This so-
alled �gold-plated� mode provides not only a
lean signature to verify the existen
e of the
Higgs boson but also an ex
ellent pro
ess to explore its spin and CP properties [66℄. In
this se
tion, we study three mass values of MH (140, 200 and 600GeV) at the LHC. For
MH = 140GeV and 200GeV, we require the two Z bosons both de
ay into
harged leptons;
for MH = 600GeV, we require one Z boson de
ays into a
harged lepton pair and another Z
boson de
ays into a neutrino pair, i.e. ℓ+ℓ−νν̄. In this se
tion we �rst study the RES e�e
on various kinemati
s distributions and then examine the RES e�e
ts on the a
es of
the kinemati
0 20 40 60 80 100
max (GeV)
0 20 40 60 80
0 50 100 150
max (GeV)
0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10: Normalized distributions of pLmax
and pLT in gg → H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−: (a) and (b)
are for MH = 140GeV; (
) and (d) are for MH = 200GeV at the LHC.
A. gg → H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−
Similar to the H → WW (∗) mode, we also arrange the four
harged leptons of the
H → ZZ(∗) mode in the order of transverse momentum. We denote pLmaxT as the largest
pT of the four
harged leptons while p
T the se
ond leading pT . In Fig. 10, we show the
distributions of pLmaxT and p
T for MH = 140 and 200GeV, respe
tively. Due to the similar
s dis
ussed in the H → WW (∗) mode, the shapes of the distributions of pLmaxT
and pLT are
hanged signi�
antly by the RES e�e
ts. The typi
al feature is that the RES
ts shift the pT of the
harged lepton to the larger pT region and, therefore, in
rease the
es of the kinemati
uts. The numeri
al results will be shown later.
Although one
an measure the Higgs boson mass by re
ting the invariant mass of
the four
harged leptons, one still needs to re
t the Z bosons in order to suppress
the ba
kgrounds. The re
tion of the Z boson depends on the lepton �avors in the
�nal state. In this study, we
onsider two s
enarios: di�erent �avor
harged lepton pairs,
i.e. H → 2e2µ, and four same �avor
harged leptons, i.e. H → 4e( or 4µ). Hen
e, we have
two methods for re
ting the Z bosons:
1. Di�erent �avor
harged lepton pairs (2e2µ):
In this
ase, it is easy to re
t the Z bosons be
ause both ele
tron and muon
lepton �avors
an be tagged. Using the �avor information, the Z bosons
an be
ted by summing over the same �avor opposite-sign leptons in the �nal state.
2. Four same �avor
harged leptons (4e/4µ):
If the �avors of four leptons are all the same, one needs to pursue some algorithms
to re
t the Z boson mass. In our analysis, we �rst pair up the leptons with
harge. We require the pair whose invariant mass is
losest to MZ to be
the one generated from the on-shell Z boson, and the other pair is the one generated
from another Z boson, whi
ould be on-sell or o�-shell. We name it as the minimal
deviation algorithm (MDA) in this paper.
In Fig. 11, we show the pT distributions of the re
ted Z boson for 140 and 200GeV,
tively. When the �nal state lepton �avors are di�erent, one
an re
ted the Z
boson perfe
tly by mat
hing the lepton �avor. For the same �avor leptons, the re
Z boson distributions in the MDA are shown as the solid, dashed and dot-dashed
urves for
RES, NLO and LO, respe
tively. Some points are worthy to point out as follow:
• We note that the MDA
an perfe
tly re
t the distributions of true Z bosons,
irregardless whether these two Z bosons are both on-shell or only one of them is
• When MH = 200GeV, both Z bosons are produ
ed on-shell and boosted. The peak
position of the transverse of momentum pZT is around
2 −m2Z ∼ 41GeV. For
all the
ases, the RES e�e
hange the shape of pZT largely and shift the p
T to the
larger value region.
It has been shown in Ref. [67℄ that angular
orrelation between the two Z bosons from
the Higgs de
an be used to suppress the intrinsi
kground from ZZ pair produ
iently. One of the useful angular variables is the polar angle (θ∗Z) of the (ba
Z boson momenta in the rest frame of the Higgs boson [67℄. As shown in Fig. 12, in the rest
frame of Higgs boson, the ba
k Z bosons like to lie in the dire
tion perpendi
ular to
the z−axis, whi
h is the moving dire
tion of the Higgs boson in the lab frame. After being
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 11: Normalized transverse momentum of Z boson in gg → H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− at the
LHC: (a) is the pT distributions of o�-shell Z boson for MH = 140GeV, (b) is the pT distributions
of on-shell Z boson for MH = 140GeV and (
) is the pT distributions of on-shell Z boson for
MH = 200GeV.
0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
(a) (b)M
= 140 GeV M
= 200 GeV
Figure 12: Normalized polar angle of the (ba
k) Z boson momenta distributions in the rest
frame of the Higgs boson in gg → H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− at the LHC: (a) is for MH = 140GeV
, (b) is for MH = 200GeV.
boosted to the lab frame, two Z bosons will move
lose to ea
h other,
.f. Fig. 13(b), where
θZZ is the opening angle between the two Z bosons in the lab frame. Another interesting
angular variable is the angle between the two on-shell Z boson de
ay planes (φDP ) in the rest
frame of the Higgs boson, whi
h is shown in Fig. 13(a). The two Z bosons are re
as explained above. Sin
e the angle θ∗Z and φDP are de�ned in the rest frame of the Higgs
boson, the non-zero transverse momentum of the Higgs boson does not a�e
t these two
variables. Therefore, as
learly shown in the �gures, all the distributions of the angular
variables mentioned above are the same for the RES, NLO and LO
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
cos φ
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
cos θ
(a) (b)
Figure 13: Normalized distributions of cosφDP and cos θZZ in the rest frame of the Higgs boson
with mass 200GeV in gg → H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− at the LHC.
B. gg → H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄
Although the �gold-plated� mode, H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−, is
onsidered to be the most
hannel for the SM Higgs boson dis
overy at the LHC, it su�ers from the small
ay bran
hing of Z → ℓ+ℓ−. Moreover, the larger the Higgs mass be
omes, the smaller
the produ
tion rate is. When the Higgs boson mass is larger than 600 GeV, the H →
ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄
hannel may be
ome important be
ause the de
ay bran
hing ratio (Br) of
H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ is six times of the Br of H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−. The drawba
k is that
annot re
t the Higgs mass from the �nal state parti
les due to the presen
e of
two neutrinos. In this dis
hannel, the missing transverse energy ( 6ET ) is
ial to
suppress the ba
kground [37℄. The 6ET distribution is shown in Fig. 14(a) whi
h exhibits a
obian peak around MH/2, and the soft-gluon resummation e�e
ts smear the Ja
peak and shift more events to the larger 6ET region. Similar to the H → WW mode, the
s of this
hannel is similar to the W boson produ
tion and de
ay in the Drell-Yan
ess, therefore the shape of 6ET distribution
hange signi�
antly by the RES
The Higgs boson mass
an be measured from the peaks of the distributions of the transverse
mass MT and the
luster mass MC ,
f. Eq. (3), as shown in Fig. 14(b) and (
). Although
the upper endpoint of MT is insensitive to high order
tions as we mentioned in the
study of H → WW (∗) mode, the Ja
obian peak is smeared out by the width (ΓH) e�e
of the Higgs boson. For MH = 600GeV, the total de
ay width of the Higgs boson is about
0 100 200 300 400 500
/ET (GeV)
0 200 400 600 800
0 200 400 600 800
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 14: Normalized distributions of 6ET , MT and MC in gg → H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν
hannel with
MH = 600GeV at the LHC.
Table III: A
e of the pro
ess gg → H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− for MH = 140 (200)GeV and
the pro
ess gg → H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ for MH = 600GeV after imposing
MH = 140GeV MH = 200GeV MH = 600GeV
(Eq. 8) optimal (Eq. 9) basi
(Eq. 8) optimal (Eq. 9) basi
(Eq. 10)
RES 0.53 0.15 0.67 0.14 0.55
NLO 0.54 0.12 0.67 0.11 0.56
LO 0.53 0 0.67 0 0.58
120 GeV, whi
h is quite sizable and generates a noti
eable smearing e�e
t on the Ja
C. A
e study
The dis
overy potential of the H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− and H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ modes
has been studied in Ref. [37℄ after imposing the following
• For MH = 140GeV and 200GeV, the intermediate mass range, we impose the basi
pET > 7.0GeV, |YL| < 2.5, pLT > 20GeV, (8)
and the optimal
, (9)
where pET and YL are the transverse momentum and rapidity of ea
harged lepton,
tively, and p
T is the pT of the harder Z boson.
• For MH = 600GeV, we require:
pLT > 40GeV, |YL| < 2.5 ,
pLLT > 200GeV, 6ET > 150GeV, (10)
where pLLT is the transverse momentum of the two
harged lepton system. The numeri-
al results of the a
es of the various
uts are summarized in Table III. For the
H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− mode, the RES and NLO
ontributions have almost the same
es after imposing the basi
uts. However, after imposing the optimal
uts the
e of the RES
ontribution is larger than the one of the NLO
ontribution by 25%,
and the LO
ontribution is largely suppressed. For the H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ mode, the
es of the RES and NLO
ulations are similar to ea
h other.
The sear
h for the SM Higgs boson is one of the major goals of the high energy physi
experiments at the LHC, and the ve
tor boson de
ay modes, H → WW (∗) or H → ZZ(∗),
provide powerful and reliable dis
hannels. The LHC has a great potential to dis-
over the Higgs boson even with low luminosity (∼ 30 fb−1) during the early years of run-
ning [37, 38, 68℄. In order to extra
t the signal from huge ba
kground events, we should
have better theoreti
al predi
tions of the signal events as well as ba
kground events. In
this paper, we examine the soft gluon resummation e�e
ts on the sear
h of SM Higgs boson
via the dominant produ
tion pro
ess gg → H at the LHC and dis
uss the impa
ts of the
resummation e�e
ts on various kinemati
s variables whi
h are relevant to the Higgs sear
omparison between the resummation e�e
ts and the NLO
ulation is also presented.
For H → WW (∗) → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ mode, we study MH = 140GeV at the Tevatron and
MH = 170GeV at the LHC. Due to the spin
orrelations between the �nal state parti
this pro
ess is similar to the W boson produ
tion and de
ay in the Drell-Yan pro
The shapes of the kinemati
s distributions are modi�ed signi�
antly by RES e�e
ts. For
example, the e�e
ause ∼ 50% di�eren
ompared to NLO
ulation in the
transverse momentum distribution of the leading lepton (p
T ), when MH = 170GeV. The
Higgs boson mass
annot be re
ted dire
tly from the �nal state parti
les be
ause of
two neutrinos. Therefore, the upper endpoint in the transverse mass distribution
an be
used to determine the mass of the Higgs boson, and we found that it is insensitive to the
RES e�e
ts. After imposing various kinemati
uts, the LO, NLO and RES
yield similar a
e of the signal events.
For the H → ZZ(∗) → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− mode, the so-
alled �gold-plated� mode, we study
MH = 140GeV and MH = 200GeV at the LHC in this paper. We pursue an algorithm,
alled minimal deviation algorithm in this paper, to re
t the two Z bosons when the
harged leptons in the �nal state have the same �avors. The RES e�e
hange the
shapes of kinemati
s signi�
antly, e.g. pLmaxT and p
T distributions. However, the variables
φDP and θ
Z , de�ned in the Higgs rest frame, are insensitive to RES e�e
ts. After imposing
the optimal kinemati
uts, the RES e�e
ould in
rease the a
e by 25%
to that of NLO
ulation while the LO
ontribution is largely suppressed. When the Higgs
boson is heavy (600GeV), we
onsider the H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−νν̄ mode be
ause of its larger
ay bran
hing ratio, as
ompared to the H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− mode. The shape of 6ET
distribution, whi
h is
ial to suppress the ba
kgrounds, is largely modi�ed be
ause it is
sensitive to the transverse momentum of the Higgs boson.
In summary, we have presented a study of initial state soft-gluon resummation e�e
on the sear
h for the SM Higgs boson via gluon-gluon fusion at the LHC. The e�e
ts not
only signi�
antly modify some of the kinemati
distributions of the �nal state parti
les, as
ompared to the NLO and LO predi
tions, but also enhan
e the a
e of the signal
events after imposing the kinemati
uts to suppress the large ba
kground events. Therefore,
lude that the initial state soft-gluon resummation e�e
ts should be taken into a
as sear
hing for the Higgs boson at the LHC. In addition, we note that the spin
among the �nal state leptons
ould be modi�ed by the ele
tions to the Higgs
boson de
ay. Therefore, we have implemented the NLO QED
tion in the ResBos
and the phenomenologi
al study will be presented in the forth
oming paper.
We thank Professor C.-P. Yuan for a
al reading and useful suggestions. We also
thank Dr. Kazuhiro Tobe for useful dis
ussions. Q.-H. Cao is supported in part by the U.S.
Department of Energy under grant No. DE-FG03-94ER40837. C.-R. Chen is supported in
part by the U.S. National S
e Foundation under award PHY-0555545.
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Transverse momentum resummation formalism
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Higgs mass measurement
Acceptance study
Phenomenological study of the HZZ mode
Acceptance study
0704.1345 | Triquark structure and isospin symmetry breaking in exotic Ds mesons | Triquark structure and isospin symmetry breaking in
exotic Ds mesons
S. Yasui and M. Oka
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Tokyo 152-8551, Japan
January 14, 2019
The color anti-triplet triquark qq̄q̄ is considered as a compact component in the
tetraquark structure cqq̄q̄ of exotic Ds mesons. We discuss the mass spectrum and
the flavor mixing of the triquarks by using the instanton induced interaction and
the one-gluon exchange potentials. As a characteristic property of the triquark, we
investigate the isospin violation. It is shown that the flavor 3 (isosinglet) and 6
(isotriplet) states may be strongly mixed and then are identified with Ds(2632).
1 Introduction
Exotic Ds mesons attract much attention recently. The BaBar Collaboration [1] first
announced the Ds(2317) with J
π = 0+, whose mass lies approximately 160 MeV below
the constituent quark model predictions [2, 3]. The decay width is less than 4.6 MeV.
This state was confirmed by CLEO [4] and Belle [5]. It was followed by Ds(2460) with
1+, reported by CLEO [4], and Ds(2632) by SELEX [6]. At the same time, a charmonium
candidate X(3872) was reported by Belle [7] and the other groups. These new mesons are
novel because they do not fit to the quark model expectations and have caused further
studies and speculations on their structures. In particular, it has been proposed that some
of them are excited two-quark states [8, 9], chiral doublets in heavy quark limit [10], the
molecular bound states [11, 12] or tetraquarks cqq̄q̄ (q = u, d and s) [13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19].
Here we briefly review the previous researches about the molecular and tetraquark
pictures. Some suggest that the Ds(2317) may be a DK molecule state, and the Ds(2460)
a D∗K molecule. Indeed the masses of the Ds(2317) and Ds(2460) are slightly below the
thresholds of theD+K andD∗+K, respectively. The mass splitting 140 MeV between Ds
and D∗s is almost the same as that between the Ds(2317) and Ds(2460). The ground state
of Ds is the Ds(1969) with 0
− and the Ds(2112) with 1
−. Therefore, the Ds(2317) can
be assigned to be the ground state in the 0+ sector, while the Ds(2460) can be identified
also as a ground state in the 1+ sector. These properties are also explained in the chiral
effective theory [10].
One of the prominent properties of the exotic Ds mesons is the isospin violating decay
process Ds(2317) → Dsπ0 [1]. This process is considered to be realized by the virtual η
emission and the η − π mixing, since the Ds(2317) is supposedly an isosinglet state.1 An
anomalous branching ratio Γ(Ds(2632) → D0K+)/Γ(Ds(2632) → Dsη) ≃ 0.16 ± 0.06 [6]
is also a very interesting problem. In the conventional cs̄ picture, the decay to the D0K+
is favored as compared with the decay to Dsη, since uū or dd̄ creation would be easier
than ss̄. Maiani et al. [17] considered the tetraquark state cs̄dd̄, in which the isospin is
maximally violated. This state has decay modes of [cs̄][dd̄] (Dsη) and [cd̄][ds̄] (D
while the D0K+ decay is suppressed by the OZI forbidden process dd̄→ uū. This picture
was also applied to study of the isospin violation in the decay process of X(3872) [18].
On the other hand, Chen and Li considered cs̄ss̄ [14]. They discussed that the decay to
Dsη is dominant, while the decay to D
0K+ is suppressed by 1/Nc due to the OZI rule and
the reduction of the amplitude due to the color matching to create a color singlet state.
Liu and Zhu discussed that the Ds(2632) is assigned as an isosinglet member in flavor 15
Let us see the possibility of the isospin violated eigenstates [17, 18]. When the quarks
have sufficiently large momenta, the asymptotic freedom suppresses the qq̄ creation pro-
cess, and the flavor mixing interaction is less important. Then, the alignment in the
diagonal components in the mass matrix realizes uū and dd̄ separately as eigenstates,
which are mixed states of isosinglet and isotriplet states. In general, however, the flavor
mixing term is in the order of ∼100 MeV [20, 21, 22, 23, 24], and much larger than the
mass difference between u and d quarks, |mu −md| <∼ 5 MeV. Therefore, it is expected
that the isospin breaking effect is too small to separate uū and dd̄.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the microscopic mechanism of the isospin viola-
tion of the tetraquark for the open charm system, cqq̄q̄. It is noticed that the interaction
between the light quarks q and the c quark is suppressed in the heavy quark limit. Thus,
it is natural to consider that, in the first approximation, three light quarks are decoupled
from the heavy quark. Therefore we consider states compound by the u, d and s quarks
as triquarks or color non-singlet baryons. Here it must be noticed such a state cannot
exist as an asymptotic state, but only in the bound state.
We here consider a simple model with non-relativistic valence quarks under the influ-
ence of the one-gluon exchange (OGE) and the instanton induced interaction (III). The
mass spectroscopy of the triquark was first discussed in the diquark-triquark picture in the
literature of the pentaquark [25, 26, 27], and further investigated in details in the OGE in-
teraction [28, 29, 30]. Furthermore, the ’t Hooft interaction induced by the instanton was
also used [31, 32, 33]. However, the effective interaction employed in [31, 32, 33] operates
only in spin singlet and isosinglet channel in qq̄ pair, while the effective interaction used
in [20, 21, 22, 23, 24] operates, not only in spin singlet and isosinglet channel, but also in
spin triplet and isotriplet channel. It is known that the difference causes a discrepancy in
1Hayashigaki and Terasaki considers a possibility of the isotriplet state for Ds(2317) [16].
the meson mass spectrum [34]. Therefore it is an interesting problem to investigate the
isospin violation of the triquark by using the effective interaction in [20, 21, 22, 23, 24].
The content of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, the flavor representation of the
triquark, the III and OGE potential and the mass matrix are discussed. In Section 3, the
isospin mixing is investigated by considering the ud quark mass difference. In Section 4,
our discussion is summarized.
2 Quark model
In the tetraquark picture of the exotic Ds mesons, the triquark is considered as a bound
state composed by three light flavor quarks. The hamiltonian of the triquark is obtained
only in light flavors space, since the interaction between the light and heavy quarks
is suppressed in the OGE potential. This is also the case for the instanton induced
interaction, since the heavy quark has no zero mode and free from the instanton vacuum
[36, 37]. The flavor SU(3) multiplets of the triquark state qq̄q̄ are given as
3⊗ 3⊗ 3 = 3S ⊕ 3A ⊕ 6A ⊕ 15S.
We write the subscripts of S and A according to the symmetry under the exchange of two
anti-quarks. In Fig. 1, we show the weight diagrams of these multiplets. It is assumed
that all the quarks and anti-quarks occupy the lowest energy single particle orbital, the
s-wave orbital. In the following, we omit the subscripts in 6A and 15S for simplicity.
The exotic states reported in experiments have the strangeness S = +1. Then, the
isospin for each flavor multiplet is as follows; isosinglet for 3A, 3S and 15
, and isotriplet
for 6 and 15
. Here the isospin components of 15 are distinguished by the superscript. It
is straightforward to write down the flavor wavefunctions of these multiplets for S = +1.
|3A〉 = 12
u(s̄ū− ūs̄)− d(d̄s̄− s̄d̄)
|3S〉 = 12√2
2ss̄s̄+ u(s̄ū+ ūs̄) + d(d̄s̄+ s̄d̄)
|150〉 = 1
2ss̄s̄− u(s̄ū+ ūs̄)− d(d̄s̄+ s̄d̄)
|6〉 = 1
u(s̄ū− ūs̄) + d(d̄s̄− s̄d̄)
|151〉 = 1
u(s̄ū+ ūs̄)− d(d̄s̄+ s̄d̄)
In the following discussion, we consider only the S = +1 sector.
The triquark must belong to the color anti-triplet state, 3
S and 3
A, so that the
tetraquark is a color singlet state. Then, the spin and color combination of the tri-
quark is restricted by the Pauli principle. For example, the spin and color basis for the
flavor 3A and 6 states with the spin J = 1/2 is {|λX〉, |ρY 〉}. Here, λ and ρ stands for
the mixed states with λ- and ρ-symmetry in spin 1/2, and X and Y for color 3
S and 3
3 6 15
Figure 1: The weight diagram of the flavor SU(3) multiplets of the triquark qq̄q̄.
respectively. On the other hand, the basis for the flavor 3S and 15 states with spin 1/2 is
{|ρX〉, |λY 〉}. For spin J=3/2 state, we have |J=3/2 X〉 for 3A and 6, and |J =3/2 Y 〉
for 3S and 15.
Now we discuss the hamiltonian of the triquark. The instanton induced interaction
(III) has played very important role in the QCD vacuum in accompany with dynamical
chiral symmetry breaking [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. It induces the Kobayashi-Kondo-Maskawa-
’t Hooft (KKMT) interaction [35, 36, 37], which is given as 2Nf point-like vertex with
the flavor anti-symmetric channel. In the quark model, the instanton effect has been
discussed in the non-relativistic limit in the KKMT interaction. The OGE potential is
also often used as an effective interaction [38]. Here we consider a hybrid model of the III
and OGE potentials [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. The hamiltonian is
H = K + pIII
+ (1− pIII)VOGE +Mmass + Vconf , (2)
with the kinetic term K, the instanton induced interaction H
III (i = 2 and 3 for the two-
and three-body interactions), the OGE potential VOGE, the mass matrix Mmass and the
confinement potential Vconf . The parameter pIII controls the ratio of the III and the OGE
potentials. In the present discussion, we are interested in the isospin symmetry breaking,
and not involved with the absolute masses of the tetraquarks. Therefore, we pick up only
the III and OGE terms and the mass matrix;
H̃ = pIII
+ (1− pIII)VOGE +Mmass. (3)
Since we do not solve the quark confinement dynamically, we just use a quark wave
function from the harmonic oscillator potential with frequency ω.
Concerning the III potential, the three body force in the three quark state, q1q2q3, is
given in the flavor diagonal form as
~λ1 ·~λ2 + ~λ2 ·~λ3 + ~λ3 ·~λ1
~σ1 ·~σ2~λ1 ·~λ2 + ~σ2 ·~σ3~λ2 ·~λ3 + ~σ3 ·~σ1~λ3 ·~λ1
0 −〈ψ̄ψ〉 mq ω αs
-0.2564 [GeV fm3] (0.25)3 [GeV3] 0.3837 [GeV] 0.5 [GeV] 1.319
Table 1: The parameter set from [21].
3 (~σ1 ·~σ2 + ~σ2 ·~σ3 + ~σ3 ·~σ1)
δ(3)(~r1 − ~r2)δ(3)(~r2 − ~r3),
with a coupling constant V
0 and the delta functions as a point-like three body interaction.
We can deduce the two body instanton induced force,
~λi ·~λj +
~σi ·~σj~λi ·~λj
δ(3)(~ri − ~rj),
using the quark condensate 〈ψ̄ψ〉, where the coupling constant V (2)0 is given as
〈ψ̄ψ〉V (3)0 .
The interactions in the q1q̄2q̄3 state are also obtained in a straightforward way.
The OGE potential between the q1q2 pair is given as
VOGE = 4παS
~λ1 ·~λ2
− ~σ1 ·~σ2
with a coupling constant αS. The first term is the electric interaction, and the second the
magnetic interaction with spin dependence. However, we neglect the electric interaction,
since in general it is sufficiently small as compared with the magnetic interaction. It should
be noted that the magnetic interaction is switched off with a suppression of 1/mQ for the
heavy-light quark pair (Qq) in the limit of the heavy mass. Therefore, it is understood
that the triquark qq̄q̄ may exist as a compound unit in the tetraquark structure. As a
summary, our interaction is sketched in Fig. 2. The parameter set in our interaction [21]
is summarized in Table 1.
From the III and OGE potentials, the energy spectrum of the triquark is obtained
in the following way. By using the basis of the spin and color, {|λX〉, |ρY 〉, |ρX〉, |λY 〉},
we obtain the hamiltonian in matrix forms for flavor 3A, 3S, 6 and 15 representations,
First we consider the III potential. For the flavor 3A and 3S states, the hamiltonian
is given in the basis {|λX〉, |ρY 〉, |ρX〉, |λY 〉} by
HIII(3) =
0 3 −3
0 I2 +
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 I3, (4)
(c) qq
(d) qq
(e) qq (annihilation)
(a) two-body (qq)
(b) three-body (qqq)
Figure 2: The diagram contributions for the III and OGE potentials. III: (a) the two-body
interaction for qq̄ and (b) the three body interaction for qq̄q̄. OGE: (c) qq̄, (d) q̄q̄ and (e) qq̄
where I2 and I3 are the expectation values of the delta function for the point-like inter-
I2 = 〈Ψ|δ(3)(r1 − r2)|Ψ〉 =
for the two-body interaction, and
I3 = 〈Ψ|δ(3)(r1 − r2)δ(3)(r2 − r3)|Ψ〉 =
for the three-body interaction with the triquark spatial wavefunction Ψ. It should be
mentioned that the 3A and 3S states are mixed due to the off-diagonal element in the two-
body interaction in the III potential, since {|λX〉, |ρY 〉} belongs to 3A and {|ρX〉, |λY 〉}
to 3S. Therefore, we may denote the mixed state as 3 in the following discussion. In the
similar way, for the flavor 6 state, the basis {|λX〉, |ρY 〉} gives the matrix
HIII(6) =
0 I2 +
0 I3, (7)
and for the flavor 15 state, the basis {|ρX〉, |λY 〉} gives
HIII(15) =
0 I2. (8)
Second we consider the OGE potential. For the 3 state, we obtain the matrix in the
basis of {|λX〉, |ρY 〉, |ρX〉, |λY 〉},
VOGE(3) =
I2. (9)
Furthermore, for the 6 state, we obtain in the basis {|λX〉, |ρY 〉}
VOGE(6) =
I2, (10)
and for the 15 state
VOGE(15) =
I2, (11)
in the basis {|ρX〉, |λY 〉}.
The mass differences among u, d and s quarks induce mixings between the flavor
representations. In the basis of the flavor representation, {|3A〉, |3S〉, |15
0〉, |6〉, |151〉}, we
easily obtain the mass part of the hamiltonian for S = +1 sector, as
Mmass =
mu +md +ms 0 0 mu −md 0
0 mu+md
+ 2ms −mu+md2 +ms 0
0 −mu+md
+ms 0 0 −mu−md√2
mu −md 0 0 mu +md +ms 0
0 mu−md√
The diagonal elements are isosinglet and isotriplet components, while the off-diagonal
elements induce mixings between them. Note that the flavor representations with the
same symmetry (A or S) are mixed. The 3A and 15
states are mixed with each other
by the SU(3) symmetry breaking ( mu = md < ms). We also note that the isosinglet
states (3A, 3S, 15
) and the isotriplet states (6, 15
) are also mixed due to the isospin
symmetry breaking (mu < md)
2. We consider this interaction as a driving force for the
isospin symmetry breaking in the next section. It should be noted that the Coulomb or
electromagnetic interaction may also break isospin symmetry, which is not considered in
this study.
3 Isospin mixing
In general, the u − d quark mass difference is sufficiently small as compared with the
energy splitting between the isosinglet and isotriplet states, and the isospin breaking can
2In the works in [31, 32, 33], the 3A and 6 states are mixed due to the mu = md 6= ms. As long as
the isospin symmetry is not violated, however, we have no mixing between the 3A and 6 states.
be neglected. However, in the triquark, we see that the isosinglet and isotriplet states
sometimes happen to be degenerate and thus a large isospin mixing can occur. In this
section, we investigate the mixing of the isosinglet and isotriplet states. For this purpose,
we calculate the eigenenergies, E, of the hamiltonian (3). We choose the s quark mass
ms = 0.48 GeV and the strength of the harmonic potential ω = 0.50 GeV in the following
discussion. We take the parameter pIII as a free parameter.
We present the binding energy spectrum of the triquark, ∆E = E − (mu +md +ms),
for the OGE (pIII = 0) and III (pIII = 1) potentials in Fig. 3. The isosinglet and isotriplet
states are shown by the solid and dashed lines, respectively. As the J = 3/2 states are
heavier than J = 1/2, in the following discussion, we pay attention to the ground states
with the spin J=1/2, the 3 and 6 multiplets.
Let us see the result by the III potential. In SU(3) symmetric case, the ground state
is the 3 state, which contains mainly the 3A component rather than the 3S component.
On the other hand, the 3S component is mixed in the excited state in the 3 state. Now
we break the SU(3) symmetry with keeping the isospin symmetry; mu = md < ms. The
ground state is still the 3 state, and the first excited state is the 15
state, followed by
the 15
and 6 states. The splitting between the 15
and 15
states makes the former
lifted up as compared with the latter. This splitting comes from the fact that the mass
matrix (12) mixes the 3S and 15
states. The same mixing pushes the 3 upward.
On the other hand, in the OGE potential, the ground state is the 6 state, followed by
the 3, 15
, and 15
states. It should be noticed that the flavor multiplets are different
in the III and the OGE potentials. Especially the change of the ground state flavor is
important for the isospin symmetry breaking as we see below.
The reason that the 6 state is the ground state in the OGE can be understood by
examining the annihilation diagram in Fig. 2(e). It vanishes for the usual color singlet
meson qq̄, since the gluon (g) contained in the process qq̄ → g → qq̄ is a color octet state.
In the triquark, however, the annihilation diagram does not vanish. This is because the
gq̄ state contained in the process qq̄q̄ → gq̄ → qq̄q̄ remains color anti-triplet 3c due to the
color decomposition,
c ⊗ 3c = 3c ⊕ 6c ⊕ 15c.
Note that the initial and final qq̄q̄ states are also color anti-triplet. The annihilation term
increases the energy of the flavor 3 state, while it does not operate for the 6 state (see Eq.
(1) ). Consequently, the 3 state is about 50 MeV above the 6 state in the OGE potential.
Let us return to the discussion of the isospin symmetry breaking. We recall that the
3 state is isosinglet and the 6 state is isotriplet. Thus the mixing of the flavor multiplets
are directly related to the isospin mixing. Explicitly, we plot the binding energies of the
flavor multiplets as functions of the parameter pIII in Fig. 4. The solid lines indicate the
isosinglet states, and the dashed lines the isotriplet states. We find that the isosinglet
and isotriplet states become degenerate at A (pIII = 0.18) and B (pIII = 0.82).
Now let us introduce the isospin symmetry breaking, namely the ud quark mass differ-
ence, ∆m = md −mu ≃ 0.005 GeV [39]. The ∆m is comparable to the energy difference
between the isosinglet and isotriplet states at A and B. There, the two degenerate states
ΔE [GeV]
(p =0)
(p =1)
Figure 3: The binding energies of the triquarks with J = 1/2 for the OGE (pIII = 0) and III
(pIII = 1) potentials.
0 0.5 1
I=0 (3bar, 15bar)
I=1 (6)
I=1 (15bar)
Figure 4: The binding energies of the various flavor multiplets with SU(3) breaking as functions
of the parameter pIII . The bold-solid line indicates the isosinglet (3 and 15
) states, the bold-
dashed line isotriplet (6), and the thin-dashed line the isotriplet (15
) states. Cf. Fig. 3.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 5: The ratios of the isosinglet (bold-solid line) and isotriplet (bold-dashed line) states
as functions of the parameter pIII . (a) and (b) corresponds to the state A and B, respectively,
in Fig. 4. The ratios of the uū (thin-solid line), dd̄ (thin-dashed line) and ss̄ (thin-dot-dashed
line) are also shown.
will split into two isospin mixed states which are orthogonal to each other. Here we choose
one state at A. The ratios of isosinglet and isotriplet components are plotted as functions
of the parameter pIII in Fig. 5(a). In the range of 0.16 < pIII < 0.20, we see a rapid
change of the isosinglet (bold-solid line) and the isotriplet (bold-dashed line) components,
hence the isospin is strongly mixed. In the same way at B, we also see an isospin mixing
at pIII = 0.82 as shown in Fig. 5(b). However, in contrast to the case A, the isospin
mixing at B occurs in a small range of the parameter pIII . This is understood from the
mass matrix (12). At A, the isosinglet state is almost the 3A multiplet, while the isotriplet
state is purely the 6 multiplet (see Fig.3). The mass matrix (12) induces the 3A and 6
multiplet mixing, namely the isospin violation, by mu−md. On the other hand, at B, the
isosinglet state is changed to be the 15
state, while the isotriplet state is the same. In the
mass matrix (12), however, there is no direct mixing between the 15
and 6 multiplets.
They are mixed indirectly through the multi-step mixings of the 6 − 3A, 3A − 3S, and
3S − 15
. Therefore the isospin mixing at B is suppressed as compared to that at A.
Here we recall the isospin violation in experimental observations. Maiani et al. con-
sider Ds(2632) as the cs̄dd̄ state, which is an isospin mixed state [17]. In our analysis, the
isospin mixing at A induces a mixing between the isosinglet (mostly 3A) and isotriplet (6)
states. Hence, from Eq. (1), the mixed wavefunction, |3A〉 − |6〉 = −d(d̄s̄− s̄d̄), contains
only the dd̄ component. On the other hand, at B, there is a mixing between the isosinglet
(mostly 15
) and the isotriplet (6) states. There, from Eq. (1), the mixed wavefunction
|150〉 − |6〉 contains both of the uū and dd̄ components with the same fraction. Conse-
quently, we see that the isospin mixed states, cs̄uū and cs̄dd̄, become separate eigenstates
by the 3− 6 mixing rather than the 150 − 6 mixing.
We also understand this result explicitly by looking at the fraction of uū, dd̄ and ss̄
components at A and B in Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively. In Fig. 5(a), the dd̄ fraction
(thin-dashed line) is overwhelming as compared with the uū fraction (thin-solid line)
around pIII = 0.18. In contrast, in Fig. 5(b), the fraction of the uū and dd̄ components
are almost the same at pIII = 0.82. Therefore, the isospin mixed state at A gives the
cs̄dd̄, while the state at B does not. Thus, the discussion by Maiani et al. in [17] is proven
to be possible as the the 3− 6 mixing.
So far, we have discussed the isospin mixing by using the isospin basis of isosinglet
and isotriplet. However, the isospin mixing is also investigated by basis {uū, dd̄}. Then
the hamiltonian is generally given by
(uū dd̄
uū m δ
dd̄ δ m+ 2∆m
. (13)
The uū and dd̄ are eigenstates of this hamiltonian, if the flavor mixing term δ is much
smaller than ∆m, and only the diagonal component is dominant. However, in general, δ
is in the order of hundred MeV in the vacuum as we see the mass splitting of π − η.
For the triquark with J = 1/2, due to the combination of spin and color, we have four
uū-like states and also four dd̄-like states. In this basis, the hamiltonian is given by
uū dd̄
m1 0 δ11 δ12 δ13 δ14
m2 δ21 δ22 δ23 δ24
m3 δ31 δ32 δ33 δ34
0 m4 δ41 δ42 δ43 δ44
δ11 δ12 δ13 δ14 m1+2∆m 0
δ21 δ22 δ23 δ24 m2+2∆m
δ31 δ32 δ33 δ34 m3+2∆m
δ41 δ42 δ43 δ44 0 m4+2∆m
where the diagonal uū−uū and dd̄−dd̄ parts are diagonalized in the spin and color spaces.
The diagonalized energy, m1, m2, m3 and m4, are plotted as functions of the parameter
pIII in Fig. 6(a). If the flavor mixing strength δij (i, j = 1, · · · , 4) are sufficiently small,
the lowest uū- and dd̄-like states become eigenstates. As shown in Fig. 6(b), δ11 is so
small as compared with ∆m around pIII = 0.18. There, the eigenstate become uū- and
dd̄-like states, hence the isosinglet and isotriplets states are ideally mixed. This result is
consistent with our discussion that the isospin mixing is caused by the 3−6mixing around
pIII = 0.18. It should be noted that the contribution from the higher states is suppressed
since the mixing is in the order of δij/(mk−m1) ≃ 0.1 (k ≥ 2) in the perturbation theory.
Therefore the first order perturbation is sufficient for the present discussion.
Lastly, we discuss the parameter dependence of the isospin mixing. We employ several
free parameters, the s quark mass ms, the harmonic oscillator potential frequency ω and
the parameter pIII for the OGE and III potentials. They may have some uncertainty due
to the lack of the experimental information. However, one sees that the results are not
0 0.5 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Figure 6: (a) The diagonal components of the uū − dd̄ matrix as functions of the parameter
pIII . (b) δ11 as a function of pIII . Note the energy unit is given by MeV in (b). See the text.
modified qualitatively by parameter change. As an example, we plot the size parameter
b = 1/
mqω of the triquark wavefunction, which causes the 3 − 6 mixing at A, as a
function of the parameter pIII for ms = 0.48 GeV and 0.58 GeV. We see that the b comes
within a reasonable range 0.4 < b < 0.6 fm, and is not far from b = 0.5 fm [21]. This
range is little affected by ms.
Concerning the range of the parameter pIII , the obtained value pIII = 0.18 is smaller
than the conventionally used value pIII ≃ 0.4 in hadron spectroscopy [21]. This observa-
tion indicates that the OGE is more dominant than the instanton induced interaction in
tetraquarks. It is noticed that the value pIII = 0.18 is not obtained dynamically, since the
quark wave function is assumed to be Gaussian. The present study suggests that there
would exist an essential mechanism to choose such pIII in charmed tetraquark.
When the linear potential is used as a confinement potential, the quark wave function
is modified from that of the harmonic oscillator potential, and the absolute values of
the OGE and the instanton induced interaction are also modified. However, the ratio of
both interactions is not changed, since both of the potentials are point-like interactions.
In the present discussion, the isospin symmetry breaking is induced by the ratio of two
interactions. Therefore our conclusion is not modified qualitatively.
4 Conclusion
Possibility of isospin violation in the Ds tetraquark systems is examined in this paper.
Tetraquarks are candidates of the exotic Ds mesons recently reported in experiment. We
consider the energy spectrum of the triquark by using the non-relativistic quark model
with the instanton induced interaction and the one-gluon exchange potentials. With
taking the SU(3) symmetry breaking into account for S = +1 sector, we show that the
flavor 3 (isosinglet) and the flavor 6 (isotriplet) representations form the ground states.
Considering the isospin symmetry breaking by the quark mass difference, mu < md, it is
0 0.5 1
ms=0.48 [GeV]
ms=0.58 [GeV]
Figure 7: The b− pIII relation for the 3− 6 mixing. ms = 0.48 GeV (solid line) and 0.58 GeV
(dashed line). See the text.
shown that the 3 (isosinglet) and 6 (isotriplet) states may be mixed strongly with some
range of the parameter pIII . There the isosinglet and the isotriplet states are ideally
mixed, and one of the eigenstates is dominated by the dd̄ component. This result is
also investigated by looking at the off-diagonal components in the uū − dd̄ matrix. Our
conclusion supports the discussion given in [17, 18].
How do we experimentally confirm the picture given in this paper? The present
mechanism of the isospin symmetry violation relies on the suppression of the flavor mixing
interaction. Thus, at the ideal (maximal) mixing, the uū- and dd̄-like states are split by
the diagonal part of the mass matrix, namely by 2∆m ∼ 10 MeV. Therefore the two states
are expected to come close to each other. So far, due to the experimental restriction, only
a few charged decay modes are observed, and they suggest a dd̄-like state, D+s (2630/cs̄dd̄),
where its main decay mode is D+s (2630) → Dsη, while D+s (2630) → D0K+ is suppressed.
The corresponding uū-like state will show different decay patterns. Therefore careful
analyses of different charged modes of decays will reveal the nature of the isospin breaking.
In particular, the decays into Dsπ
0 and D+K0 are two interesting modes.
The present study suggests the possibility of the triquark à la “color non-singlet
baryon”, which is a color non-singlet particle composed by three quarks. Although the
triquark itself cannot exist asymptotically, it may appear as an effective degree of freedom
in the exotic heavy mesons in heavy quark mass limit. It is considered in general that
the color non-singlet light quark systems may exist by color neutralization with heavy
quark spectator [30]. The triquark is a possible candidate among the color non-singlet
quark systems, which can be examined by studying the tetraquark structure of exotic
open charm mesons. The triquark would be also an interesting object in the lattice QCD
simulation. Furthermore the triquark may be a relevant degree of freedom as a color non-
singlet compound particle in the deconfinement phase such as the quark-gluon plasma and
the quark matter. In order to understand such states in many aspects, it is important to
study several properties, such as masses, decay widths and so forth.
We express our thanks to Dr. T. Shinozaki and Prof. S. Takeuchi for discussions. This
work is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Priority Areas, MEXT
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) with No. 17070002.
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Quark model
Isospin mixing
0704.1346 | Prediction of future fifteen solar cycles | Prediction of future fifteen solar cycles
K. M. Hiremath
Indian Institute of astrophysics, Bangalore-560034, India
[email protected]
In the previous study (Hiremath 2006a), the solar cycle is modeled as a forced
and damped harmonic oscillator and from all the 22 cycles (1755-1996), long-
term amplitudes, frequencies, phases and decay factor are obtained. Using these
physical parameters of the previous 22 solar cycles and by an autoregressive
model, we predict the amplitude and period of the future fifteen solar cycles.
Predicted amplitude of the present solar cycle (23) matches very well with the
observations. The period of the present cycle is found to be 11.73 years. With
these encouraging results, we also predict the profiles of future 15 solar cycles.
Important predictions are : (i) the period and amplitude of the cycle 24 are 9.34
years and 110 (±11), (ii) the period and amplitude of the cycle 25 are 12.49 years
and 110 (± 11), (iii) during the cycles 26 (2030-2042 AD), 27 (2042-2054 AD),
34 (2118-2127 AD), 37 (2152-2163 AD) and 38 (2163-2176 AD), the sun might
experience a very high sunspot activity, (iv) the sun might also experience a very
low ( around 60) sunspot activity during cycle 31 (2089-2100 AD) and, (v) length
of the solar cycles vary from 8.65 yrs for the cycle 33 to maximum of 13.07 yrs
for the cycle 35.
Subject headings: sunspots – solar cycle – prediction
1. Introduction
Owing to proximity, the sun influences the earth’s climate and environment. Over-
whelming evidence is building up that the solar cycle and related activity phenomena are
correlated with the earth’s global climate and temperature, the sea surface temperatures of
the three (Atlantic, Pacific and Indian) main ocean basins, the earth’s albedo, the galactic
cosmic ray flux that in turn is correlated with the earth’s cloud cover and, Indian monsoon
rainfall (Hiremath and Mandi 2004 and references there in; Georgieva et. al. 2005; Hire-
math 2006b). The transient parts of the solar activity such as the flares and the coronal
– 2 –
mass ejections that are directed towards the earth create havoc in the earth’s atmosphere by
disrupting the global communication, reducing life time of the earth bound satellites and,
keep in dark places of the earth that are at higher latitudes by breaking the electric power
grids. Owing to sun’s immense influence of space weather effects on the earth’s environment
and climate, it is necessary to predict and know in advance different physical parameters
such as amplitude and period of the future solar cycles.
There are many predictions in the literature (Ohl 1966; Feynman 1982; Feynman and
Gu 1986; Kane 1999; Hathaway, Wilson and Reichmann 1999; Badalyan, Obrido and Sykora
2001; Duhau 2003 Sello 2003; Maris, Poepscu and Besliu 2003; Euler and Smith 2004; Maris,
Poepscu and Besliu 2004; Kaftan 2004; Echer et. al. 2004; Gholipour et. al., 2005; Schatten
2005; Li, Gao and Su 2005; Svaalgaard, Cliver and Kamide 2005; Chopra and Dabas 2006;
Dikpati, Toma and Gilman 2006; Du 2006; Hathaway and Wilson 2006; Clilverd et. al., 2006;
Tritakis and Vasilis 2006; Lantos 2006; Lundstedt 2006; Wang and Sheeley 2006; Choudhuri,
Chatterjee and Jiang 2007; Javaraiah 2007) on the previous and future 24th solar cycles and
beyond. Most of these studies mainly concentrate on prediction of the amplitude (maximum
sunspot number during a cycle). However, prediction of period (length) of a solar cycle is
also very important parameter and the present study fills that gap.
Recently we modeled the solar activity cycle as a forced and damped harmonic oscillator
that consists of both the sinusoidal and transient parts (eqn 1 of Hiremath 2006a). From
the 22 cycles (1755-1996) sunspot data, the physical parameters (amplitudes, frequencies,
phases and decay factors) of such a harmonic oscillator are determined. The constancy of the
amplitudes and the frequencies of the sinusoidal part and a very small decay factor from the
transient part suggests that the solar activity cycle mainly consists of persistent oscillatory
part that might be compatible with long-period (∼ 22 yrs) Alfven oscillations. In the present
study, with an autoregressive model and by using the physical parameters of 22 cycles, we
predict the amplitudes and periods of future 16 solar cycles. Thus prediction from this study
can be considered as a physical and precursor method.
A Pth order autoregressive model relates a forecasted value xt of the time series X =
[x0, x1, x2, ..., xt−1], as a linear combination of P past values xt = φ1xt−1 + φ2xt−2 + ...... +
φpxt−p +Wt , where the coefficients φ1, φ2, ..., φp are calculated such that they minimize the
uncorrelated random error terms, Wt. The routine is available in IDL software. Important
condition for using an autoregressive model is that the series must be stationary such that
it’s mean and standard deviation do not vary much with time. Hence, one can not apply
autoregressive model directly to the observed sunspot series as it consists of near sinusoidal
trends whose amplitudes and the standard deviations entirely different for different solar
cycles. On the other hand, the derived physical parameters of the forced and damped
– 3 –
harmonic oscillator (Hiremath 2006a) for all the 22 solar cycles are stationary and, hence in
the following, we use an autoregressive model to predict the future 15 solar cycles.
The solution of the forced and damped harmonic oscillator (see the equation 1 of Hir-
math 2006a) of the solar cycle consists of two parts : (i) the sinusoidal part that determines
the amplitude and period of the solar cycle and, (ii) the transient part that dictates decay
of the solar cycle from the maximum year and also determines bimodal structure of the
sunspot cycle around the maximum years for some cycles. In the present study, we use
physical parameters of the sinusoidal part only to predict amplitude and period of future
2. Results and conclusion
Using past 22 cycles’ physical parameters, we construct the next (23rd) solar cycle
and presented in Fig 1. Except decaying part of the solar cycle, one can notice that the
predicted curve exactly matches with the observed curve. With this encouragement and from
an autoregressive model, the physical parameters of future 16 solar cycles are computed and
reconstructed solar cycles are presented in Fig 2. For the coming cycles 24-38, the results are
summarized in Table 1. In Table 1, the first column represents the cycle number, the second
column represents the year from minimum-minimum, the third column represents the period
(length) of the solar cycle and, the last column represents the maximum sunspot number
during a cycle. It is interesting to note that the amplitude of the cycle 24 is low compared
to the amplitude of cycle 23 and is almost similar to average value computed from all of
the predicted models ( Other interesting
predictions are : (i) during the cycles 26, 27, 34. 37 and 38, the sun will experiences a very
high solar activity, (ii) during cycle 31 (2087-2099 AD) the sun will experiences a very low
sunspot activity and, (iii) length of the solar cycles vary from 8.65 yrs for the cycle 33 to
maximum of 13.07 yrs for cycle 25.
To conclude, the solar cycle is modeled as a forced and damped harmonic oscillator.
From the previous 22 cycles sunspot data, the physical parameters such as the amplitudes,
the frequencies and phases of such a harmonic oscillator are determined. The sinusoidal
part of the forced and damped harmonic oscillator of previous solar cycles is considered
for the prediction of future 16 cycles. With an autoregressive model and using previous 22
cycles parameters, coming 16 solar cycles are reconstructed from the predicted parameters.
Important results of this prediction are : the amplitude of coming solar cycle 24 will be
smaller than the present cycle 23 and around 2087-2099 AD, the sun will experiences a very
low sunspot activity.
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The author is thankful to Dr. Luc Dame and Dr. Javaraiah for the useful discussions.
Badalyan, O. G., Obrido, V. N & Sykora, J. 2001, solar physics, 199, 421
Chopra, P & Dabas, R. S. 2006, in the Cospar Proceedings, Beijing
Choudhuri, A. R., Chatterjee, P & Jiang, J. 2007, astro-ph/0701527
Clilverd, M. A., Clarke, E., Ulich, T., Rishberth, H & Jarvis, M. J., 2006. Space Weather,
vol 4, S09005
Dikpati, M., Toma, G. D & Gilman, P. 2006, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05102
Du, Z. L. 2006, A&A, 457, 309
Duhau, S. 2003, Sol. Phys., 213, 203
Echer, E., Rigozo, N. R., Nordemann, D. J. R & Vieira, I. E. A. 2004, Annales Geophysicae,
22, 2239
Feynman, J. 1982, JGR, 87, 6153
Feynman, J & Gu, X. Y. 1986, Rev. Geophys., 24, 650
Georgieva, K., Kiro, B., Javaraiah, J & Krasteva, R. 2005, Planet. Space. Sci., 53, 197
Gholipour, A., Lucas, C., Arabi, B. N & Shafiee, M. 2005, Solar. Terr. Phys, 67, 595
Javaraiah, J. 2007, MNRAS LETTERS, DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-3933.2007.00298.x
Hathaway, D., Wilson, R. M & Reichmann, J. 1999, JGR, 104, 375
Hathaway, D & Wilson, R. M. 2006, Geophys. res. lett., 33, L18101
Hiremath, K, M & Mandi, P. I. 2004, New Astronomy, 9, 651
Hiremath, K. M. 2006a, A&A, 452, 591
Hiremath, K. M. 2006b, ILWS Workshop, Goa, India, Edts : Gopalswamy, N and Bhat-
tacharya, A., p. 178
Kaftan, V. 2004, in the proceedings of IAU symp 223, p. 111
– 5 –
Kane, R. P. 1999, Sol. Phys., 189, 217
antos, S. 2006, Sol. Phys., 236, 399
undstedt, H. 2006, Advance. Space. Res., 38, 862
Mari, S. G., Popescu, M. D., & Besliu, D. 2003, Romanian. Astron. Journ., 13, 139
Mari, S. G., Popescu, M. D., & Besliu, D. 2004, in the proceedings of IAU Symp 233
Li, K.J., Gao, P. X & Su, T.w. 2005, Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys., vol 5, No 5, 539
Ohl, A. I. 1966, Sol. Dannye, No. 12, 84
Sello, S. 2003, A & A, 410, 691
Schatten, K. 2005, Geophys. Res. Let, 32, L21106
Svalgaard, L., Cliver, E. W & Kamide, Y. 2005, Geophysical. Res. Let, 32, L001104
Vasilis, T., Helen, M & George, G. 2006, in the proceedings of AIP conference, 848, 154
ang, Y. M & Sheeley, Jr, N. R. 2006, Nature Phys, vol 2, Issue 6, 367
This preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2.
– 6 –
Fig. 1.— Prediction of the future solar cycles. (a) The left plot illustrates the predicted (red
continuous) curve over plotted on the observed (blue curve) sunspot cycle 23. The dashed
red curves represent uncertainty in the Prediction. (b) The right plot illustrates predicted
future 15 solar cycles. The red numbers over different solar cycle maximum are the cycle
– 7 –
Table 1. Predicted sunspot cycles
Cycle Year Period Maximum
Number Min-Min (Years) Number
23 1996.00-2007.73 11.73 136±14
24 2007.73-2017.07 9.34 110±11
25 2017.07-2029.56 12.49 110±11
26 2029.56-2041.50 11.94 157±16
27 2041.50-2053.51 12.00 180±18
28 2053.51-2064.30 10.80 140±14
29 2064.30-2075.01 10.71 149±15
30 2075.01-2086.79 11.78 118±12
31 2086.79-2097.95 11.16 63±6
32 2097.95-2108.84 10.89 108±11
33 2108.84-2117.49 8.65 128±13
34 2117.49-2126.92 9.43 170±17
35 2126.92-2139.99 13.07 139±14
36 2139.99-2151.74 11.75 159±16
37 2151.74-2163.19 11.45 187±19
38 2163.19-2175.48 12.29 187±19
Results and conclusion
0704.1347 | Comparaison entre cohomologie cristalline et cohomologie \'etale
$p$-adique sur certaines vari\'et\'es de Shimura | COMPARAISON ENTRE COHOMOLOGIE CRISTALLINE ET
Sandra Rozensztajn
Résumé. — Soit X un modèle entier en un premier p d’une variété de Shimura de
type PEL, ayant bonne réduction associée à un groupe réductif G. On peut associer
aux Zp-représentations du groupe G deux types de faisceaux : des cristaux sur la fibre
spéciale de X, et des systèmes locaux pour la topologie étale sur la fibre générique.
Nous établissons un théorème de comparaison entre la cohomologie de ces deux types
de faisceaux.
Abstract (Comparison between crystalline cohomology and p-adic étale
cohomology on certain Shimura varieties)
Let X be an integral model at a prime p of a Shimura variety of PEL type having
good reduction, associated to a reductive group G. To Zp reprsententations of the
group G can be associated two kinds of sheaves : crystals on the special fiber of X,
and locally constant étale sheaves on the generic fiber. We establish a comparison
between the cohomology of these two kinds of sheaves.
1. Introduction
Considérons X un modèle entier d’une variété de Shimura de type PEL, défini
sur une extension de Zp. Cette variété de Shimura correspond à un groupe réductif
G, défini sur Z(p). On peut associer aux Z(p)-représentations du groupe G différents
faisceaux : des systèmes locaux en Zp-modules sur la fibre générique de X , et des
cristaux sur sa fibre spéciale. Nous établissons une comparaison entre la cohomologie
étale du système local d’une part, et la cohomologie log-cristalline d’une extension
du cristal à une compactification appropriée de X , pour une même représentation V
du groupe G. Nous traitons ici le cas des variétés de Shimura unitaires et de celles
de type Siegel. Dans le cas unitaire, nous obtenons un résultat qui tient compte de
la torsion (théorème 6.3), dans le cas Siegel les résutats sont moins précis et ne sont
valables qu’après tensorisation par Qp (théorème 6.4). L’intérêt de cette comparaison
est que nous pouvons obtenir des renseignements sur le côté cristallin : des techniques
de type complexe BGG, décrites par exemple dans [3], chapitre VI, permettent d’avoir
des renseignements sur la filtration de Hodge. On déduit alors des informations sur le
côté étale, vu comme représentation galoisienne.
La théorie de Hodge p-adique nous donne de tels théorèmes de comparaison entre
cohomologie étale p-adique et log-cristalline dans le cas des coefficients constants, pour
des schémas propres et possédant certaines propriétés de lissité. Ces résultats sont dûs
entre autres à Tsuji ([15]) pour le cas où l’on considère les groupes de cohomologie
après tensorisation par Qp, et à Tsuji et Breuil pour le cas où l’on tient compte de la
torsion ([16] et [2], il y a alors des restrictions sur le degré des groupes de cohomologie
que l’on peut étudier). Ces théorèmes sont rappelés dans le paragraphe 6.1.
Le principe de notre méthode est de considérer la cohomologie à coefficients constants
de la variété abélienne universelle sur X et de ses puissances, et d’en déduire la com-
paraison qui nous intéresse en découpant les groupes de cohomologie des faisceaux
considérés dans les groupes de cohomologie à coefficients constants à l’aide de cer-
taines correspondances algébriques.
Le premier problème est que de tels théorèmes de comparaison n’étant valables
que sur des schémas propres, nous devons supposer l’existence (prouvée dans certains
cas seulement) de compactifications non seulement de X , mais aussi des variétés de
Kuga-Sato, et plus précisément un système projectif de telles compactifications. La
partie 2 explique précisément dans quelle situation nous nous pla cons, ainsi que les
propriétés des compactifications que nous utilisons.
Le deuxième problème est que toutes les représentations de G ne donnent pas
des faisceaux dont la cohomologie puisse être découpée par des correspondances
algébriques dans la cohomologie de la variété abélienne universelle. On détermine
dans la partie 3 quelles sont les représentations de G qui donnent des faisceaux que
l’on peut atteindre de cette fa con, qui sont les seuls pour lesquels nous obtenons
un résultat. Cette partie utilise fortement la structure des représentations du groupe
réductif G, ce qui explique que l’on soit obligé de faire une description cas particulier
par cas particulier.
Nous expliquons la construction des faisceaux ainsi que l’action de ces correspon-
dances algébriques dans la partie 4.
Enfin l’énoncé et la preuve du théorème principal occupent la partie 6. C’est ici
qu’apparâıt une différence entre les cas unitaire et Siegel : en effet le point-clé de
la preuve est la compatibilité de l’action des correspondances algébriques que nous
considérons avec les théorèmes de comparaison à coefficients constants. Le cas Siegel
utilise la compatibilité de cet isomorphisme de comparaison avec les structures produit
sur les groupes de cohomologie, ce qui n’est démontré que dans le cas rationnel et non
dans le cas de torsion.
2. Les objets considérés
2.1. Variétés de Shimura de type PEL. —
2.1.1. Les données. — On se donne B une Q-algèbre simple finie, munie d’une invo-
lution positive notée ∗ (c’est-à-dire que trB/Q(xx
∗) > 0 pour tout x non nul de B),
V un module de type fini sur B, muni d’une forme bilinéaire (, ) telle que pour tous
v et w dans V, et tout b dans B on ait (bv, w) = (v, b∗w). On notera 2g la dimension
de V sur Q.
On fixe dans toute la suite un nombre premier p, et on fera l’hypothèse que p > 2g.
Le rôle de cette hypothèse est expliqué au paragraphe 4.3.1.
On suppose que B est non ramifié en p, c’est-à-dire que BQp est un produit
d’algèbres de matrices sur des extensions non ramifiées de Qp.
On se donne un Z(p)-ordre OB dans B qui devient un ordre maximal de BQp après
tensorisation par Zp, et stable par l’involution de B.
On se donne aussi V un OB-réseau de V autodual. Le fait que V soit autodual
implique en particulier que la forme bilinéaire induite sur V est non dégénérée.
Soit C l’anneau des endomorphismes B-linéaires de V.
On définit le groupe G par G(R) = {g ∈ (C ⊗ R)∗, ∃µ ∈ R∗, ∀v, w ∈ V ⊗
R, (gv, gw) = µ(v, w)}, pour toute Z(p)-algèbre R.
On se donne un R-homomorphisme d’algèbres h : C → C∞ = C ⊗Q R tel que
h(z)∗ = h(z̄), et la forme (v, h(i)w) soit définie positive sur V∞ = V⊗QR. On associe
à h le morphisme µh : C
∗ → GC, qui définit la filtration de Hodge sur VC, c’est-à-dire
la décomposition V = Vz ⊕V1, où µh(z) agit par z sur Vz et par 1 sur V1.
Le corps dual associé à ces données est le corps E(G, h) qui est le corps de définition
de la classe d’isomorphisme de Vz comme B-représentation. C’est le sous-corps de C
engendré par les tr(b), b ∈ B agissant sur Vz.
2.1.2. Deux cas particuliers. — Dans la suite nous nous intéresserons uniquement
à deux cas particuliers : le cas Siegel et le cas unitaire. Le cas Siegel correspond à
la situation où B est réduit à Q. La variété de Shimura associée est alors la variété
modulaire de Siegel. Le cas unitaire correspond au cas où B est une extension qua-
dratique imaginaire de Q. La forme alternée (, ) est alors la partie imaginaire d’une
forme hermitienne sur V, qu’on peut voir comme un B-espace vectoriel de dimension
2.1.3. Le problème de modules. — On peut associer aux données de Shimura prcédentes
un problème de modules, tel que décrit dans [10], dont on rappelle ici l’essentiel.
Fixons Kp un sous-groupe compact ouvert de G(A
f ). On considère le foncteur des
OE(G,h) ⊗ Z(p)-schémas dans les ensembles, qui à S associe l’ensemble à équivalence
près des quadruplets (A, λ, i, η), où A est un schéma abélien A sur S, muni d’une
polarisation λ première à p, et d’une flèche i : OB → End(A) ⊗ Z(p) qui est un
morphisme d’algèbres à involution, l’involutin sur End(A) ⊗ Z(p) étant l’involution
de Rosati donnée par λ, et η est une structure de niveau. Enfin on suppose que OB
agit sur Lie(A) comme sur Vz, c’est-à-dire que det(b,Lie(A)) = det(b,Vz) pour tout
b ∈ OB . La structure de niveau consiste en ce qui suit : on considère le A
f -module
de Tate de A, c’est un A
f -faisceau lisse sur S. Soit s un point géométrique de S, une
structure de niveau consiste en une Kp-orbite η d’isomorphismes VAp
→ H1(As,A
de B-modules munis d’une forme alternée, et qui soit fixée par π1(S, s).
Deux quadruplets (A, λ, i, η) et (A′, λ′, i′, η′) sont dit équivalents s’il existe une
isogénie première à p de A vers A′, commutant à l’action de OB, transformant η en
η′, et λ en un multiple scalaire (dans Z∗(p)) de λ
Ce foncteur est représentable, par un schéma quasi-projectif et lisse M sur OE ⊗
Z(p) pourvu que l’on choisisse K
p suffisamment petit.
Notons A le schéma abélien universel sur M.
Pour les cas Siegel et unitaire, on a le résultat suivant (lemme 7.2 de [10]) :
Lemme 2.1. — OM ⊗ V et H
1(A/M)∨ sont localement isomorphes comme OB-
modules munis d’une forme alternée.
2.1.4. La situation géométrique considérée. — On obtient alors la situation suivante :
NotonsK le complété en une place v|p de E(G, h), etO son anneau des entiers. Notons
On = O/̟
n+1, où ̟ est une uniformisante de O. C’est l’anneau des vecteurs de Witt
de longueur n sur le corps résiduel de O puisque p est non ramifié dans E(G, h).
Posons S = SpecO, et Sn = SpecOn. D’une fa con générale, on notera avec un indice
n la réduction d’un O-schéma modulo ̟n+1
On notera X = MO, c’est donc un schéma lisse sur S, muni d’un schéma abélien
A, provenant du schéma abélien universel sur la variété de Shimura. De plus, on a
un morphisme OB → End(A) ⊗Z Z(p). On note f : A → X , et fs : A
s → X les
morphismes structuraux.
2.2. Existence de compactifications. — Nous aurons besoin d’utiliser aussi des
compatifications de X , ainsi que du schéma abélien universel A et de ses puissances.
Ces compactifications ont été décrites en détail dans le cas Siegel ([3]), pour le cas
unitaire la construction détaillée n’est écrite que pour GU(2, 1), c’est-à-dire les sur-
faces modulaires de Picard (voir [11] pour la compactification de la base et [14] pour
celle du schéma abélien universel), même si leur existence dans le cas unitaire général
ne pose pas de problèmes. Nous résumons dans ce paragraphe les seules propriétés de
ces compactifications que nous utilisons.
2.2.1. Compactifications de la base. — Nous avons besoin tout d’abord de compactifi-
cation du modèle entier de la variété de Shimura. En considérant des compactifications
toröıdales (décrites dans [3], chapitre IV pour le cas Siegel, et dans [11] pour le cas
de GU(2, 1)), on obtient l’existence d’un schéma X vérifiant la propriété suivante :
Propriété 1. — il existe un schéma X propre et lisse sur S, contenant X comme
ouvert dense, tel que le complémentaire de X dans X est un diviseur à croisements
normaux relatifs.
On fixera dans la suite une fois pour toute une telle compactificationX . On peut re-
marquer que les résultats ne dépendent en fait pas du choix de X parmi l’ensemble des
compactifications toröıdales : deux compactifications toröıdales sont toujours compa-
rables, au sens où il existe une troisième qui les domine toutes les deux, ce qui permet
de voir que les groupes de cohomologie décrits en 5.2.5 ne dépendent pas de ce choix
de compactification.
2.2.2. Compactifications du schéma abélien universel. — On se donne X propre lisse
sur S, muni d’un diviseur à croisements normaux relatifs D, et on note X l’ouvert
complémentaire. Pour chaque s, on appelle bonne compactification de As une com-
pactification As de As, telle que f−1s (X \X) est un diviseur à croisements normaux
Considérons la des compactifications toröıdales « lisses » des As (voir [3] dans le
cas Siegel, [14] dans le cas de GU(2, 1)), on obtient pour tout s ≥ 1, une famille de
bonnes compactifications As de As, vérifiant les deux propriétés suivantes :
Propriété 2. — 1. Pour toute isogénie u de As, il existe deux bonnes compacti-
fications As1 et As2, et un morphisme As1 → As2 prolongeant u.
2. Étant donné deux bonnes compactificationsAs1 etAs2, il en existe une troisième
As3 et des X-morphismes As3 → As1 et As3 → As2 induisant l’identité sur A
Dans le cas Siegel, nous utiliserons encore une propriété supplémentaire de la famille
des compactifications toröıdales :
Propriété 3. — Si L est un faisceau symétrique sur As, il existe des entiers a et b, et
une compactification de la famille As tels que le faisceau (O(2)⊗a ⊗L)⊗b se prolonge
en un faisceau sur As. De plus, on peut choisir a et b premiers à p.
Cette construction fait l’objet du chapitre VI du livre [3]. Elle n’est détaillée que
pour le cas où le faisceau symétrique ample considéré est O(2), mais cela s’adapte
au cas d’un faisceau symétrique ample quelconque, pour lequel on prendra donc
O(2)⊗a ⊗ L, avec a assez grand pour que le faisceau soit ample.
3. Représentations de G
3.1. Z(p)-représentations. — On note Rep(G) la catégorie des représentations de
G sur un Z(p)-module libre de type fini, et RepQ(G) celles des représentations de G
sur un Q-espace vectoriel de dimension finie.
Notons V0 ∈ Rep(G) la duale de la représentation standard de G, c’est-à-dire la
duale du réseau V défini au paragraphe 2.1.1.
3.2. L’algèbre des endomorphismes. — Les représentations de G de la forme
∧•Vs0 , pour s ≥ 1, jouent un rôle particulier : les faisceaux que nous allons leur
associer dans la section 4 ont une interprétation géométrique. Nous définissons une
sous-algèbre de l’algèbre End(∧•Vs0 ) des endomorphismes G-linéaires de ∧
•Vs0 , formé
de morphismes ayant aussi une interprétation géométrique qui sera décrite dans le
paragraphe 4.2.1. L’objectif est de pouvoir découper dans les ∧•Vs0 des représentations
irréductibles de G à l’aide de cette algèbre d’endomorphismes, en s’inspirant des
constructions de Weyl.
Dans le cas unitaire, on définit pour tout s ≥ 1 une sous-Z(p)-algèbre E(A)s de
End(∧•Vs0). C’est l’algèbre engendrée par l’action de Ms(Z) sur V
0 , muni de la mul-
tiplication opposée, et par l’action de OB sur V0.
Dans le cas Siegel, on note E(C)s la sous-Z(p)-algèbre de End(∧
•Vs0) engendrée
par l’action de Ms(Z) sur V
0 , et par les opérations suivantes. On note Z(p)(1) la
représentation du groupe symplectique correspondant à l’action du groupe sur Z(p)
par le multiplicateur. Observons que V0 = V(−1).
On note u ∈ ∧2V20 (1) l’élément provenant de la forme bilinéaire sur V, et pour tous
1 ≤ i < j ≤ s, on note ui,j l’image de u par l’application ∧
2V20 (1) → ∧
2Vs0(1) induite
par l’application V20 → V
0 consistant à placer les deux facteurs V0 aux places i et j.
Le cup-produit par ui,j définit une application ϕi,j : ∧
•Vs0(−1) → ∧
•Vs0 qui envoie
chaque ∧kVs0(−1) dans ∧
k+2Vs0 .
L’application duale de ϕi,j permet de définir une application ψi,j : ∧
•Vs0 → ∧
•Vs0 (−1).
Enfin on note θi,j = ϕi,j ◦ ψi,j , qui est donc un endomorphisme de ∧
•Vs0 .
On définit alors E(C)s comme l’algèbre engendrée par l’action deMs(Z) et les θi,j ,
1 ≤ i < j ≤ s.
On notera Es pour désigner indifféremment E(A)s et E(C)s. On dira que u ∈ Es
est un projecteur homogène (de degré t) si son image est contenue dans ∧tVs0 ⊂ ∧
•Vs0 .
On donne des définitions similaires pour les éléments de Es ⊗ Q agissant sur
∧•(V0 ⊗Q)
3.3. Représentations atteignables. — On note Repa(G) la sous-catégorie de
Rep(G) formée des représentations isomorphes à une somme directe de représentations
de G de la forme im q, où q est un projecteur homogène de Es agissant sur un ∧
•Vs0 .
Si V ∈ Repa(G), on note t(V ) le plus grand degré des projecteurs homogènes qui
apparaissent dans la définition de V .
On définit de fa con similaire RepaQ(G).
Comme nous n’obtenons des résultats que pour les représentations de G qui sont
dans Repa(G), il va s’agir de voir que cette sous-catégorie n’est pas trop petite, et qu’il
n’est donc pas trop restrictif de s’y limiter. C’est l’objet des paragraphes suivants.
3.4. Poids p-petits. — Supposons notre groupe réductif G déployé sur un certain
corps E. Les représentations irréductibles de G sur E sont paramétrées par l’ensemble
des poids dominants, une fois fixé un tore maximal et un système de racines positives.
Si a est un poids dominant, on note VE(a) la représentation irréductible de G sur E
de plus haut poids a.
On définit comme dans [9], II.3.15 ce qu’est un poids dominant p-petit. La propriété
qui nous intéresse ici est la propriété suivante (voir [13], 1.9) : si le poids a est p-petit,
alors il existe à homothétie près un unique réseau dans VE(a) qui est stable sous
l’action de Dist(G), l’algèbre des distributions de G sur OE,(v), pour v une place de E
divisant p. Cela a donc un sens de définir V (a) comme la représentation irréductible
de G sur OE,(v) de plus haut poids a.
3.5. Description de Repa(G) dans le cas unitaire. — On se place ici dans le cas
unitaire. Le groupe G est alors un groupe unitaire relatif à un corps E quadratique
imaginaire, qui correspond à l’algèbre B du paragraphe 2.1.1, donc G est de la forme
GU(g), et il est déployé sur E. On a donc GE
−→ GL(g)E ⊗Gm,E .
L’ensemble des représentations sur E irréductibles de G est paramétré par les g+1-
uplets (a1, . . . , ag; c) d’entiers, avec a1 ≥ · · · ≥ ag et
ai = c (mod 2), une fois choisi
un isomorphisme entre GE et GL(g)E ×Gm,E. Notons i et j les deux morphismes de
E dans E, le choix de l’isomorphisme revient à en privilégier un des deux.
La représentation V0⊗E correspond à la somme de deux représentations irréductibles
V1 et V2, V1 de plus haut poids (1, 0, . . . , 0; 1) et V2 de plus haut poids (0, . . . , 0,−1; 1).
V1 est l’espace propre associé à la valeur propre i(x) de l’endomorphisme u(x), pour
tout x dans E, et V2 est l’espace propre associé à la valeur propre j(x).
3.5.1. Description de RepaQ(G). — Notons Rep
E(G) l’ensemble des V ⊗QE, où V ∈
RepaQ(G), et V0 = V0 ⊗ E.
Proposition 3.1. — RepaE(G) contient toutes les représentations qui sont de la forme
V (a)⊕V (a∗), où V (a) est la représentation irréductible de plus haut poids (a1, . . . , ag; c)
avec ag ≥ 0 et c =
ai = s, et a
∗ est le poids (−ag, . . . ,−a1; c).
Lemme 3.2. — Soit a = (a1, . . . , ag; c) un poids dominant de G, tel que ag ≥ 0 et
ai, et V (a) la représentation irréductible associée. Alors il existe un élément
Ca de QSs (où s =
ai) tel que V (a) = CaV
1 et V (a
∗) = CaV
Démonstration. — Regardons d’abord V (a) comme une représentation de GLg, en
oubliant l’action du multiplicateur. Comme expliqué dans [6], 15.5, il existe un Ca ∈
QSs idempotent tel que V (a) = CaV
1 , V (a) et V1 étant vues toutes deux comme des
représentations deGLg. Il faut voir ensuite que l’égalité tient aussi comme représentations
de GL(g)E × Gm,E, donc que le multiplicateur agit de la même fa con sur les deux.
Or il agit par x 7→ xc sur V (a), et par x 7→ xs sur V ⊗s1 , et on a s = c.
Lemme 3.3. — Soit s ≥ 0. Il existe un projecteur q dans E(A)s ⊗ Q commutant à
l’action du groupe des permutations Ss tel que l’image de q agissant sur ∧
•V s0 est
V ⊗s0 .
Démonstration. — ∧•V s0 = ⊕0≤i1≤2g,...,0≤is≤2g ∧
i1 V0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ∧
Considérons un entier m non nul, vj la matrice diagonale [(1, . . . , 1,m, 1, . . . )] avec
un m en j-ème position. L’espace propre correspondant à la valeur propre m est la
somme des termes pour lesquels ij = 1. Soit pj le projecteur sur cet espace propre.
Les pj commutent, leur produit est donc un projecteur q sur l’intersection des images,
c’est-à-dire les termes pour lesquels chaque ij est égal à 1, c’est-à-dire V
0 . De plus,
q commute bien à l’action de Ss.
Enfin on utilise que V0 = V1 ⊕ V2, V
0 est donc égal à une somme de termes de la
forme V ⊗x1 ⊗ V
2 avec x+ y = s.
Lemme 3.4. — Il existe un élément q′ dans le centre de E(A)s⊗Q dont la restriction
de l’action à V ⊗s0 est un projecteur sur V
1 ⊕ V
Démonstration. — Fixons z ∈ OE . z agit par i(z) sur V1 et par j(z) sur V2. Notons
i(z) = a et j(z) = b. Choisissons z de sorte que les axby soient tous distincts. Alors
V ⊗x1 ⊗ V
2 est (dans V
0 ) l’espace propre associé à la valeur propre a
Soit P le polynôme Πr+t=s(X − a
rbt). Il est à coefficients entiers, et c’est le po-
lynôme minimal de l’action de u(z) sur V ⊗s0 . Soit Q = Πr+t=s,r 6=0,t6=0(X−a
rbt). Alors
P = QT où T = (X − as)(X − bs), et Q et T sont premiers entre eux. Il existe donc
des polynômes U et V (à coefficients rationnels), tels que UQ+V T = 1. Alors l’action
de u(1− UQ)(z) sur V ⊗s0 est un projecteur sur V
1 ⊕ V
2 , qu’on note q
On peut maintenant prouver la proposition : soit a comme dans l’énoncé, et s =
ai. Posons P = Caq
′q, alors P ∧• V s0 est la représentation V (a) ⊕ V (a
∗). En
effet, notons que Ca, q
′ et q commutent par construction, donc P est un projecteur.
On a q ∧• V s0 = V
0 , q
′q ∧• V s0 = V
1 ⊕ V
2 , Caq
′q ∧• V s0 = CaV
1 ⊕ CaV
2 . Or
1 = V (a), et CaV
2 = V (a
Une fois décrites les représentations qui sont dans RepaE(G), il faut maintenant
retrouver quelle est la Q-forme de ces représentations qui est dans RepaQ(G). V1 et V2
sont naturellement isomorphes, et Gal(E/Q) agit sur V0 = V1⊕V2 par (x, y) 7→ (ȳ, x̄).
Son action sur V (a)⊕V (a∗) peut être décrite par la même formule, ce qui nous permet
d’obtenir les représentations qui sont dans RepaQ(G).
3.5.2. Description de Repa(G). —
Proposition 3.5. — Repa(G) contient toutes les représentations qui sont de la forme
(V (a)⊕ V (a∗))Gal(E/Q), où V (a) est la représentation irréductible de plus haut poids
(a1, . . . , ag; c) avec ag ≥ 0 et c =
ai = s, et a
∗ est le poids (−ag, . . . ,−a1; c), a et
a∗ sont p-petits, et 2g < p, et Gal(E/Q) agit sur (V (a) ⊕ V (a∗)) comme décrit au
paragraphe précédent.
Il suffit de voir que si les conditions données sont vérifiées, on peut prendre des
dénominateurs premiers à p dans les lemmes du paragraphe 3.5.1.
Lemme 3.6. — On se place comme dans le lemme 3.2. Alors si
ai < p, Ca est
dans Z(p)Ss.
Démonstration. — Ca est de la forme (1/n)C
a, où C
a est dans ZSs, et n est l’entier
tel que C′a
= nC′a. Or n divise s! (voir [6], 4.2), donc 1/n ∈ Z(p) si s < p.
Lemme 3.7. — Dans le cadre du lemme 3.3, on peut choisir q dans E(A)s dès que
p > 2g.
Démonstration. — Lorsque on écrit pj comme un polynôme en vj , les dénominateurs
qui apparaissent sont les différences entre les valeurs propres de vj , qui sont les m
pour 0 ≤ i ≤ 2g. Si 2g < p, on peut prendre un m dont l’image dans Z/pZ est un
générateur de Z/pZ∗, de sorte que les mi −mi
sont tous premiers à p.
Lemme 3.8. — Dans le lemme 3.4, on peut prendre q′ dans E(A)s dès que p > s.
Démonstration. — Écrivons donc UQ+V T = c, avec U et V à coefficients entiers et
c entiers, et étudions les facteurs premiers de c. On obtient c = Q(as)Q(bs). Il s’agit
donc de trouver z ∈ OE tel que c soit premier à p (et que aucun des a
rbt, r > 0, t >
0, r + t = s ne soit égal à as ou à bs).
On a Q(as) = as(s−1)/2Π1≤t≤s−1(a
t − bt), et Q(bs) = bs(s−1)/2Π1≤t≤s−1(b
t − at).
Supposons d’abord que p est inerte dans E. Alors OE/p est isomorphe à Fp2 . La
conjugaison dans OE se traduit par x 7→ x
p dans OE/p. Choisissons donc x un
générateur de F∗
, alors un z relevant x convient.
Supposons maintenant p décomposé dans E. Alors OE/p est égal à Fp × Fp, et la
conjugaison dans OE échange les deux facteurs dans OE/p. Choisissons un x dans F
tel que xi 6= 1 pour tout i entre 1 et s, et prenons u et v dans F∗p tels que u/v = x.
Alors si z est un relèvement de (u, v), il convient.
3.6. Description de Repa(G) dans le cas Siegel. — Dans le cas Siegel, la descrip-
tion de Repa(G) est faite dans l’article [12], 5.1. On obtient toutes les représentations
de plus haut poids p-petit, à l’action du centre près.
4. Les faisceaux
4.1. Constructions fonctorielles. —
4.1.1. Cas étale. — Soit x un point géométrique de XK . À chaque représentation
du groupe fondamental de la variété π1(XK , x) correspond un système local sur XK .
Considérons le faisceau constant Zp sur A, et F = R
1fK∗Zp(1), où fK : AK → XK
est le morphisme structural. F correspond à la représentation standard de G sur
Zp, autrement dit à un morphisme π1(XK , x) → G(Zp). On peut donc associer par
composition un système local à toute représentation sur Zp de G, et ceci de fa con
fonctorielle. On note F(V ) le système local associé à la représentation V . On définit
de même le foncteur Fn(V ), qui à V associe un fibré en Z/p
nZ-modules, vérifiant
F(V )⊗Zp Z/p
nZ = Fn(V ).
On observe que F(V0) = R
1f∗Zp, et plus généralement F(∧
tVs0) = R
tfs,K∗Zp, où
fs,K est le morphisme structural A
K → XK .
4.1.2. Cas des fibrés à connexion. —
Proposition 4.1. — Il existe un foncteur F de Rep(G) dans l’ensemble des OX-
modules à connexion intégrable sur X, et pour tout n un foncteur Fn de Rep(G) dans
l’ensemble des OXn -modules à connexion intégrable sur Xn, ces deux foncteurs étant
Ici compatible, signifie que Fn(V/̟
n+1) = F(V )/̟n+1. On ne va faire la construc-
tion que sur OX , la construction sur OXn s’obtenant par des méthodes similaires.
Notons H1(A) = (R
)∨. Introduisons T = Isom(OX ⊗ V ,H1(A)), les iso-
morphismes devant respecter la structure de B-module et la forme alternée à une
constante près. C’est un torseur sur X sous l’action (à droite) de G, en effet les deux
faisceaux en question sont localement isomorphes, comme expliqué dans le lemme 2.1.
Soit V ∈ Rep(G), on note F(V ) le faisceau des sections du fibré T ×G V . C’est un
faisceau deOX -modules quasi-cohérent. De même un morphisme entre représentations
se transforme en morphisme entre faisceaux.
Ce fibré est muni d’une connexion qui provient de la connexion de Gauss-Manin
sur H1(A).
Notons Hi(As) = Rifs∗Ω
, on a alors F(∧tVs0) = H
t(As). De même on notera
Hi(Asn) = R
4.2. Action de Es. —
4.2.1. Traduction géométrique. — Comme Es est une sous-algèbre de End(∧
par fonctorialité de F et F , on a donc aussi des morphismes de Z(p)-algèbres Es
End(R•fs,∗Zp) et Es
→ End(H•(As)). On va donner une interprétation géométrique
de ces deux morphismes.
Soit G ⊂ Es la partie formée des éléments suivants : les matrices de déterminant non
nul, dans le cas unitaire les éléments non nuls de OB, dans le cas Siegel les opérations
θi,j , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ s définies au paragraphe 3.2. L’ensemble G, qu’on appellera ensemble
des éléments géométriques de Es, engendre Es comme Z(p)-algèbre.
Soit u ∈ G qui provient d’une matrice ou, dans le cas unitaire, d’un élément de OB .
Alors u provient d’un élément de End(Vs0), qui agit naturellement sur A
s/X , donc
sur R•fs,∗Zp et H
•(As) par aét(u) et acris(u) respectivement.
Soit P le faisceau de Poincaré sur A × A, pour 1 ≤ i < j ≤ s on note Pi,j le
faisceau sur As obtenu en tirant P par le morphisme de projection sur les i-ièmes et
j-ièmes facteurs As → A×A. Alors l’opération consistant à faire le cup-produit par
la première classe de Chern de Pi,j correspond à aét(ψi,j) et acris(ψi,j), l’opération
duale correspond à aét(ϕi,j) et acris(ϕi,j), comme expliqué dans [12].
Par fonctorialité des constructions précédentes, on a, pour une représentation V
de la forme V = q(∧•Vs0), q étant un projecteur de Es : F(V ) = aét(q)R
•fs,K∗Zp, et
F(V ) = acris(q)H
On notera encore acris et aét les morphismes naturels de Es vers End(H
•(Asn)) et
nZ) respectivement.
4.2.2. Conséquence sur les faisceaux à connexion. —
Lemme 4.2. — Pour tout V ∈ Repa(G) la connexion sur F(V ) et sur Fn(V ) est
Démonstration. — Notons que les opérations élémentaires commutent à la connexion
sur H•(As) induite par la connexion de Gauss-Manin, de sorte que, en reprenant
les notations précédentes, F(V ) est stable par la connexion de H•(As). Comme la
connexion de Gauss-Manin sur H•(As) est quasi-nilpotente, c’est aussi le cas pour la
connexion sur F(V ).
Comme X est lisse sur S, chaque Xn est un relèvement de X0 qui est lisse sur
Sn. Les faisceaux Fn(V ), qui sont des OXn -modules cohérents munis d’une connexion
intégrable et quasi-nilpotente, définissent donc des cristaux sur (X0/Sn)cris, ainsi que
dans (Xm/Sn)cris pour tout m ≤ n. On peut donc voir Fn comme un foncteur de
Repa(G) vers la catégorie des cristaux sur (X0/Sn)cris. Avec cette interprétation les
Hi(Asn) s’identifient aux R
/Sn .
Lemme 4.3. — Pour tout V ∈ Repa(G), les faisceaux F(V ) et Fn(V ) sont locale-
ment libres sur X et Xn respectivement.
En effet c’est le cas pour les Hn(As).
4.3. Prolongement des cristaux. — L’objectif est de construire un foncteur F
de Repa(G) vers l’ensemble des fibrés localement libres munis d’une connexion à pôles
logarithmiques le long de X \X intégrable et quasi-nilpotente, qui prolonge F .
4.3.1. Unicité du prolongement. —
Lemme 4.4. — Soit E un fibré localement libre sur X muni d’une connexion intégrable
et quasi-nilpotente.
S’il existe un prolongement de E en un fibré localement libre sur X muni d’une
connexion à pôles logarithmiques le long de X \X intégrable et quasi-nilpotente, alors
il est unique, et de plus tout prolongement de E en un fibré cohérent sur X muni
d’une connexion ayant les mêmes propriétés est aussi localement libre (et donc égal
au prolongement précédent).
De plus, si E1 et E2 sont deux tels faisceaux admettant des prolongements, et u :
E1 → E2 est un morphisme horizontal, u admet un unique prolongement horizontal
entre les prolongements des faisceaux.
Démonstration. — Soit E un tel prolongement cohérent. Regardons tout d’abord EK .
D’après [4], il existe au plus un prolongement de EK en un fibré muni d’une connexion
à pôles logarithmiques, qui est l’extension canonique de Deligne, ce prolongement est
donc nécessairement EK .
Le faisceau E est alors uniquement déterminé. En effet, notons X ′ la réunion de
X et XK dans X, j l’inclusion de X
′ dans X, et E ′ le faisceau qui cöıncide avec E
sur X et avec EK sur XK . Alors pour des raisons de codimension, et le faisceau E
étant cohérent, E = j∗(E
′). En particulier, tous les prolongements cohérents munis de
connexion sont égaux en tant que faisceaux, donc si l’un est localement libre, tous le
Enfin, E étant localement libre, sa connexion est entièrement déterminée par sa
restriction à EK .
Pour l’existence du prolongement des morphismes, cela provient de la fonctorialité
de l’extension canonique de Deligne.
Corollaire 4.5. — Le fibré Hi(As), muni de la connexion de Gauss-Manin, ne
dépend pas du choix de la compactification As. De plus, étant données deux compac-
tifications A de A et As de As, pour tout i, Hi(As) et ∧iH1(A)s sont égaux comme
sous-faisceaux de (X → X)∗H
i(As) munis d’une connexion à pôles logarithmiques.
Démonstration. — En effet, il suffit pour pouvoir appliquer le lemme précédent de
vérifier que les ∧iH1(A)s sont localement libres, il suffit donc de voir que H1(A) est
localement libre. Cela se déduit des résultats de [8], qu’on peut appliquer car on a
supposé que dimX A < p. Le cas général se déduit de l’identité précédente.
On notera H
(As) ce faisceau à connexion.
Lemme 4.6. — Hi(Asn) est localement libre sur Xn, et ne dépend pas de la com-
pactification As.
Démonstration. — En effet, le faisceau H
(Asn) est obtenu à partir de H
(As) par
changement de base.
On notera dans la suite H
(Asn) pour ce faisceau.
4.3.2. Prolongement de l’action de Es. — Il s’agit maintenant de prolonger le mor-
→ End(H•(As)) en un morphisme de Z(p)-algèbresEs
→ End(H
La restriction res : End(H
(As)) → End(H•(As)) est injective. Pour construire
alog-cris, il suffit donc de vérifier que l’image de acris est contenue dans l’image de res.
Comme acris est un morphisme de Z(p)-algèbres, il suffit de vérifier que l’image par
acris d’une partie génératrice de Es est contenue dans l’image de res. Il s’agit donc de
vérifier que l’action des éléments de G sur les H•(As) se prolonge en une action sur
les H
Soit u ∈ G. Supposons d’abord que u soit une matrice, ou (dans le cas unitaire)
un élément de OB . Alors u agit sur A
s par une isogénie. D’après la propriété 2,
il existe donc deux compactifications As1 et As2, et un morphisme u
′ : As1 → As2
prolongeant l’action de u. Alors u′ fournit l’élément de End(H
(As)) voulu. Supposons
maintenant qu’on est dans le cas Siegel et que u est de la forme θi,j . Il suffit de
montrer que les morphismes acris(ϕi,j) et acris(ψi,j) se prolongent en éléments de
(As)). Il existe, d’après la propriété 3, une compactification As telle que le
faisceau (O(2)⊗a⊗Pi,j)
⊗b se prolonge en un faisceau L surAs, avec a et b premiers à p.
Il existe aussi une compactification As
telle que le faisceau O(2)⊗c se prolonge en un
faisceau L′ sur As
, avec c premier à p. Alors l’action de 1
(cL)) est dans End(H
l’action de − a
′)) aussi, et l’action de 1
(c1(L)) −
′)) prolonge celle de
acris(ϕi,j). Pour acris(ψi,j), on fait le même raisonnement, en utilisant la dualité de
On note encore alog-cris pour le morphismeEs → End(H
(Asn)) obtenu par réduction.
4.3.3. Définition de F . — Si V ∈ Repa(G), on veut définir F(V ) comme le faisceau
localement libre muni d’une connexion à pôles logarithmiques intégrable et quasi-
nilpotente sur X prolongeant F(V ).
Au vu du paragraphe 4.3.1, il suffit de montrer l’existence de ce prolongement, son
unicité et le fait que la construction est fonctorielle étant alors automatiques. Soit V =
q(∧•Vs0), où q est un projecteur de Es. Il suffit de poser F(V ) = alog-cris(q)(H
On note Fn(V ) la réduction modulo ̟
n+1 de F(V ). Munissons Sn de la log-
structure triviale, et Xn de la log-structure provenant du diviseur à croisements nor-
maux (X\X)n. Alors Fn définit un foncteur de Rep
a(G) vers la catégorie des cristaux
sur (X0/Sn)
cris, en effet cette catégorie est équivalente à celle des OXn -modules munis
d’une connexion à pôles logarithmiques intégrable et quasi-nilpotente, Xn étant un
relèvement de X0 log-lisse sur Sn.
5. Structures sur les groupes de cohomologie
5.1. Cas étale. — Notons K la clôture algébrique de K, et Γ = Gal(K/K). Le
groupe Hmét (XK ,Fn(V )) est naturellement muni d’une action de Γ car le faisceau
Fn(V ) est défini sur XK .
On aura besoin du lemme suivant pour comparer l’action de Galois surHmét (XK ,Fn(V ))
et sur la cohomologie de As
Lemme 5.1. — Soit f : Z → T un morphisme de schémas, F un faisceau constant
sur Z (Z/pnZ ou Zp). Soit q agissant sur H
•(Z) = R•f∗F et sur H
•(Z, F ) de fa con
compatible avec la suite spectrale de Leray. On suppose que q agit comme un projec-
teur, dont l’image est entièrement contenue dans Hs(Z). Notons V = qH•(Z), alors
pour tout m on a Hm(T, V ) = qHm+s(Z, F ).
Démonstration. — En effet considérons la suite spectrale de Leray pour calculer la
cohomologie de F sur Z. On lui applique q, on obtient toujours une suite spectrale
convergente car q est un projecteur. D’autre part qHm(T,Hi(Z)) = Hm(T, qHi(Z)),
toujours parce que q est un projecteur. La suite spectrale obtenue a une seule colonne
non nulle, dont les termes sont les Hm(T, qHs(Z)), et aboutit à qHm+s(Z, F ), d’où
le résultat.
Notons encore aét les morphismesEs → End(H
,Zp)) et Es → End(H
Supposons que V = q(∧•Vs0), q étant un projecteur homogène de degré t, alors on
a Hmét (XK ,Fn(V )) = aét(q)H
ét (A
,Z/pnZ). Comme Es agit par des correspon-
dances algébriques définies sur K sur la cohomologie de As, l’action de Γ commute à
l’action de Es, et la structure galoisienne obtenue sur H
ét (XK ,Fn(V )) est compatible
à celle sur la cohomologie de As
5.2. Cas cristallin. —
5.2.1. Les modules de Fontaine-Laffaille. — On note MF
tor la catégorie suivante.
Les objets sont les O-modules M de longueur finie, muni d’une filtration FiliM
décroissante, telle que Fil0M =M et Filp−1M = 0, et pour tout i, un φi : Fil
iM →M
O-semi-linéaire, vérifiant φi|Fili+1M = pφi+1, et
i imφi = M . Les morphismes res-
pectent la filtration et commutent aux φi.
5.2.2. La catégorie MF (φ). — On introduit la catégorieMF (φ) des K-espaces vec-
toriels munis d’une filtration décroissante et d’un Frobenius. Les objets sont les K-
espaces vectoriels de dimension finie M , muni d’une filtration décroissante Fil
et de l’action d’un Frobenius φ semi-linéaire par rapport au Frobenius σ de K. Les
morphismes doivent commuter au Frobenius, et respecter la filtration.
5.2.3. Calculs dans un cas particulier. — On se place dans le cas suivant : on a un
log-schéma Z qui est propre, et lisse sur S muni de la log-structure triviale.
Soit n un entier positif. On note Sn = SpecOn, muni de la log-structure triviale.
Si (Z,M) est un schéma sur SpecO, on note (Zn,Mn) le changement de base à
Sn. Si E est un cristal sur le site ((Zm,Mm)/Sn))
cris, on noteraH
cris((Zm,Mm)/Sn, E)
cris, E), etH
cris((Zm,Mm)/Sn) pourH
On omettra la mention de la log-structure si cela ne cause pas de confusion. Re-
marquons que pour tout m ≤ n, les Hicris((Zm,Mm)/Sn) ne dépendent pas de m,
on notera Hicris((Z,M)/Sn) leur valeur commune. Enfin on note H
cris((Z,M)/S) =
On a les deux résultats suivants :
Proposition 5.2. — Pour tout 0 ≤ i ≤ p − 2, Hicris((Z,M)/Sn) est un module de
Fontaine-Laffaille. Pour tout i ≥ 0, Hicris((Z,M)/S)⊗K est un élément de MF (φ).
Démonstration. — La preuve de la première partie de la proposition est identique à
celle de l’article [5], qui traite le cas où Z est muni de la log-structure triviale.
Notons S′n le log-schéma dont le schéma sous-jacent est le même que Sn, et dont la
log-structure provient de N → On, 1 7→ 0. Il s’agit de la même log-structure que celle
définie dans [7], paragraphe 3.4. Notons (Z ′,M ′) le log-schéma déduit de (Z,M) par
le changement de base S′n → Sn. Alors H
cris((Z,M)/Sn) et H
′,M ′)/S′n) sont
canoniquement isomorphes pour tout i. Les Hicris((Z
′,M ′)/S′n) sont munis d’un Fro-
benius et d’un opérateur de monodromie, définis dans [7], paragraphe 3. L’opérateur
de monodromie est ici nul, (Z ′,M ′) provenant par changement de base de (Z,M) qui
est log-lisse sur Sn. H
′,M ′)/S′) ⊗ K, et donc aussi Hicris((Z,M)/S) ⊗ K est
ainsi naturellement muni d’une structure d’élément de MF (φ).
5.2.4. Action des endomorphismes sur le prolongement des cristaux. — NotonsH
la limite des Hicris(A
n/Sn), pour les As de notre famille de compactifications. Alors :
Proposition 5.3. — Le morphisme Hicris(A
n/Sn) → H
(As/Sn) est un isomor-
phisme pour toute compactification As et pour tout n.
Démonstration. — Il suffit pour cela de voir que tout morphisme entre compactifica-
tions qui est l’identité sur As induit un isomorphisme entre les groupes de cohomolo-
Considérons la suite spectrale de Leray : E
2 = H
i(Xn/Sn, R
jfscris∗OAsn/Sn) ⇒
Un morphisme entre deux compactifications induit un morphisme de suites spec-
trales, qui est un isomorphisme sur les E
2 , donc aussi sur l’aboutissement.
On cherche à définir un morphisme de Z(p)-algèbres Es → End(H
On a la suite spectrale suivante, qu’on appellera encore suite spectrale de Leray,
qui provient de n’importe quelle compactification As de As :
2 = H
(Asn)) ⇒ H
Proposition 5.4. — Il existe un unique morphisme alog-cris de Z(p)-algèbres Es →
(As/Sn)) tel que l’action de Es sur les H
(Asn) et sur les H
(As/Sn) donnée
par alog-cris soit compatible à la suite spectrale de Leray.
Démonstration. — On commence par définir l’image de l’ensemble G des éléments
géométriques de Es, et on montre ensuite que l’on peut prolonger en un morphisme
de Z(p)-algèbres.
Pour définir l’image d’un élément de G, on fait exactement comme dans le pa-
ragraphe 4.3.2. Il faut voir que le choix fait est unique. Cela provient du fait que
l’action de u ∈ G sur les termes E
2 de la suite spectrale ne dépend pas des choix
faits, comme expliqué en 4.3.2, et de la compatibilité de l’action du prolongement à
la suite spectrale de Leray.
Il reste à voir que l’action des éléments de G se prolonge en un morphisme d’algèbres
Es → End(H
(As/Sn)). Cela provient encore une fois de la compatibilité avec la
suite spectrale de Leray, et du fait que Es → End(H
(As/Sn)) est un morphisme
5.2.5. La cohomologie des cristaux. — PosonsHicris(X/S,F(V )) = lim←−
Hicris(Xn/Sn,Fn(V )).
On a le résultat suivant :
Proposition 5.5. — Pour tout V ∈ Repa(G), pour tout i, Hicris(X/S,F(V )) ⊗ K
est un élément de MF (φ).
Pour tout V ∈ Repa(G) homogène de degré t, pour tout i tel que i+ t ≤ p−2, pour
tout n, Hicris(Xn/Sn,Fn(V )) est un élément de MF
Démonstration. — En effet, soit V = q(∧•Vs0), avec q homogène de degré t, on a alors
de fa con similaire au lemme 5.1 les égalitésHicris(X/S,F(V ))⊗K = acris(q)H
K et Hicris(Xn/Sn,Fn(V )) = acris(q)H
n/Sn). Il reste à voir que l’action de Es
par alog-cris respecte les structures d’élément de MF (φ), et que l’action de E(A)s
respecte les structures de module de Fontaine-Laffaille, ce qui se voir sur les éléments
6. Théorème de comparaison
6.1. Le cas des faisceaux constants. — Notons RepZp(Γ) la catégorie des Zp-
représentations de type fini de Γ = Gal(K/K). Nous avons un foncteur contrava-
riant et pleinement fidèle : Vcris : MF
tor → RepZp(Γ) qui est défini par Vcris(M) =
Hom(M,Acris,∞). L’anneau Acris est défini dans [1], 6.3, et Acris,∞ = Acris ⊗ Qp/Zp.
L’anneau Acris est muni d’une filtration décroissante et d’un Frobenius, et les homo-
morphismes que l’on considère doivent être compatibles à la filtration et à l’action du
Soit Z un schéma propre et lisse sur SpecOK , et D un diviseur à croisements
normaux relatifs de Z, U l’ouvert complémentaire de D. On munit Z de la log-
structure M définie par le diviseur D, et SpecOK de la log-structure triviale.
Proposition 6.1. — Pour 0 ≤ m ≤ p− 2, on a un isomorphisme canonique compa-
tible à l’action de Galois :
cris((Z,M)/Sn)) = H
ét (UK ,Z/p
Proposition 6.2. — Pour tout m, il existe un isomorphisme canonique qui respecte
l’action de Γ, la filtration et le Frobenius :
γm : Bcris ⊗O H
−→ Bcris ⊗Qp H
ét (UK ,Qp)
Démonstration. — Le résultat de la proposition 6.1 provient de travaux de Breuil
([2]) et Tsuji ([16]). Ces résultats s’appliquent dans un cadre beaucoup plus général
que celui considéré ici, et décrivent une comparaison entre la cohomologie étale de UK
et la cohomologie de (Z ′,M ′)/En. Ici (Z
′,M ′) est obtenu comme dans le paragraphe
5.2.3 par changement de base de (Z,M) de Sn à S
n. En est le log-schéma dont le
schéma sous-jacent est SpecOn〈u〉, l’enveloppe à puissances divisées de l’algèbreOn[u]
des polynômes en l’indéterminée u, muni de la log-structure associée à N → On〈u〉,
1 7→ u. Dans notre cas particulier, on a une relation simple entre la cohomologie
de (Z ′,M ′)/En et celle de (Z
′,M ′)/S′n, donnée par H
′,M ′)/En) = On〈u〉 ⊗
′,M ′)/S′n), qui nous permet d’obtenir le résultat de la proposition 6.1.
Pour la version rationnelle 6.2, le résultat provient de résultats de Tsuji ([15], voir
aussi [17]). Comme dans le cas de torsion, la situation se simplifie par rapport au cas
général, du fait qu’ici la monodromie agissant sur Hmcris((Z,M)/S)⊗K est nulle.
6.2. Les théorèmes. —
Théorème 6.3. — Dans le cas unitaire, soit V ∈ Repa(G), et m tel que m+ t(V ) ≤
(XK ,Fn(V )) est muni d’une action du groupe de Galois Γ,H
cris(Xn/Sn,Fn(V ))
est muni d’une structure de module de Fontaine-Laffaille, et on a un isomorphisme :
cris(Xn/Sn,Fn(V ))) = H
ét (XK ,Fn(V ))
Notons qu’on peut déduire de ce théorème comme dans l’article [2], paragraphe 4.2,
une comparaison entre les parties de torsion de lim
Hmét (XK ,Fn(V )) et de lim←−
Hmcris(Xn/Sn,Fn(V )),
ainsi qu’une comparaison entre leurs parties libres.
Théorème 6.4. — Dans le cas unitaire et Siegel, soit V ∈ Repa(G), il existe un
γ : Bcris ⊗O H
log-cris(X/S,F(V ))
−→ Bcris ⊗Zp H
ét (XK ,F(V ))
Le point essentiel de la preuve dans les deux cas est le résultat suivant :
Lemme 6.5. — Soit u ∈ E(A)s. u agit sur H
(As/Sn) et sur H
(m ≤ p − 2) de fa con compatible avec l’isomorphisme Vcris. Soit u ∈ Es, u agit sur
(As/S)⊗Q et sur Hmét (A
,Qp) de fa con compatible avec l’isomorphisme γm du
théorème 6.2.
Démonstration. — Il suffit de montrer la compatibilité des actions pour l’ensemble
des éléments géométriques G de Es, puisqu’ils engendrent Es comme Z(p)-algèbre.
Soit u un élément de Es provenant d’une matrice de déterminant non nul, ou
d’un élément non nul de OB. Son action sur la cohomologie provient d’une isogénie
de As, qu’on notera encore u. D’après la propriété 2 u se prolonge en un mor-
phisme entre deux compactifications u : As1 → As2. D’où par fonctorialité de
Vcris, Vcris(u : H
2)n/Sn) → H
1)n/Sn) = (u
∨ : Hmét (A
,Z/pnZ)∨ →
Hmét (A
,Z/pnZ)∨), ce qui est bien la compatibilité voulue. De même, on a aussi la
compatibilité pour l’action sur Hmét (UK ,Qp) et H
Dans le cas Siegel, il faut aussi considérer les éléments de la forme θi,j . Il s’agit
donc de voir que l’action des ϕi,j et des ψi,j sur H
ét (UK ,Qp) et H
est compatible. Cela provient du fait que l’isomorphisme de comparaison 6.2 fait
correspondre les classes de Chern ([15]) et est compatible aux structures produit sur
les groupes de cohomologie et à la dualité de Poincaré ([17]).
Démonstration des théorèmes 6.3 et 6.4. — Montrons le théorème 6.3. Soit V ∈ Repa(G),
on peut supposer qu’il existe un entier s, et un projecteur q dans E(A)s de degré t,
tels que V = q(∧•Vs0). Le théorème de comparaison s’applique car m+ t ≤ p− 2, et
nous donne un isomorphisme Vcris(H
(As/Sn)) = H
ét (A
Appliquons q : comme l’action de E(A)s commute à Vcris on a donc un isomor-
phisme : Vcris(alog-cris(q)H
(As/Sn)) = (aét(q)H
ét (A
D’après le lemme 5.1, cela donne : Vcris(H
log-cris(X,Fn(V ))) = H
ét (XK ,Fn(V ))
La preuve du théorème 6.4 est identique.
Remarque 6.6. — On voit apparâıtre dans le lemme 6.5 le point qui explique pour-
quoi on n’a pas de résultats de comparaison prenant en compte la torsion pour le
cas Siegel : la compatibilité de l’isomorphisme de comparaison à coefficients constants
avec la dualité de Poincaré et les structures produits n’est actuellement montrée que
dans le cas rationnel (même s’il est vraisemblable qu’elle soit vraie aussi dans le cas
de torsion, en introduisant des limitations sur le degré des groupes de cohomolo-
gie considérés). Enfin on peut remarquer que si on se limite aux représentations qui
peuvent être obtenues à l’aide uniquement des éléments de Es provenant de Ms(Z),
on peut prendre en compte la torsion pour le cas Siegel.
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Sandra Rozensztajn, IRMA, Université Louis Pasteur, 7 rue René-Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg
Cedex, France • E-mail : [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Les objets considérés
3. Représentations de G
4. Les faisceaux
5. Structures sur les groupes de cohomologie
6. Théorème de comparaison
0704.1348 | Large portfolio losses: A dynamic contagion model | Large portfolio losses: A dynamic contagion model
The Annals of Applied Probability
2009, Vol. 19, No. 1, 347–394
DOI: 10.1214/08-AAP544
c© Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2009
By Paolo Dai Pra, Wolfgang J. Runggaldier,
Elena Sartori and Marco Tolotti
University of Padova, University of Padova, University of Padova, and
Bocconi University and Scuola Normale Superiore
Using particle system methodologies we study the propagation of
financial distress in a network of firms facing credit risk. We investi-
gate the phenomenon of a credit crisis and quantify the losses that
a bank may suffer in a large credit portfolio. Applying a large devi-
ation principle we compute the limiting distributions of the system
and determine the time evolution of the credit quality indicators of
the firms, deriving moreover the dynamics of a global financial health
indicator. We finally describe a suitable version of the “Central Limit
Theorem” useful to study large portfolio losses. Simulation results are
provided as well as applications to portfolio loss distribution analysis.
1. Introduction.
1.1. General aspects. The main purpose of this paper is to describe prop-
agation of financial distress in a network of firms linked by business rela-
tionships. Once the model for financial contagion has been described, we
quantify the impact of contagion on the losses suffered by a financial insti-
tution holding a large portfolio with positions issued by the firms.
A firm experiencing financial distress may affect the credit quality of
business partners (via direct contagion) as well as of firms in the same sector
(due to an information effect).
We refer to direct contagion when the actors on the market are linked by
some direct partner relationship (e.g., firms in a borrowing-lending network).
Reduced-form models for direct contagion can be found—among others—in
Jarrow and Yu [27] for counterparty risk, Davis and Lo [13] for infectious
Received March 2007; revised April 2008.
AMS 2000 subject classifications. 60K35, 91B70.
Key words and phrases. Credit contagion, credit crisis, interacting particle systems,
large deviations, large portfolio losses, mean field interaction, nonreversible Markov pro-
cesses, phase transition.
This is an electronic reprint of the original article published by the
Institute of Mathematical Statistics in The Annals of Applied Probability,
2009, Vol. 19, No. 1, 347–394. This reprint differs from the original in pagination
and typographic detail.
default, Kiyotaki and Moore [28], where a model of credit chain obligations
leading to default cascade is considered and Giesecke and Weber [23] for a
particle system approach. Concerning the banking sector, a microeconomic
liquidity equilibrium is analyzed by Allen and Gale [1].
Information effects are considered in information-driven default models;
here the idea is that the probability of default of each obligor is influenced
by a “not perfectly” observable macroeconomic variable, sometimes also
referred to as frailty. This dependence increases the correlation between the
default events. For further discussions on this point see Schönbucher [33] as
well as Duffie et al. [16] and Collin-Dufresne et al. [7].
1.2. Purpose and modeling aspects. We propose in this paper a direct
contagion model which is constructed in a general modeling framework
where information effects could also be included. In addition to modeling
contagion, with the approach that we shall develop we intend also to find
a way to explain what is usually referred to as the clustering of defaults
(or credit crises), meaning that there is evidence—looking at real data—of
periods in which many firms end up in financial distress in a short time.
A standard methodology to reproduce this real-world effect is to rely on
macroeconomic factors as indicators of business cycles. These factor models
seem to explain a large part of the variability of the default rates. What
these models do not explain is above all clustering: as Jarrow and Yu in
[27] argue, “A default intensity that depends linearly on a set of smoothly
varying macroeconomic variables is unlikely to account for the clustering of
defaults around an economic recession.”
A second issue that we would like to capture is—in some sense—more
“fundamental” and refers to the nature of a credit crisis. We shall propose a
model where the general “health” of the system is described by endogenous
financial indicators, endogenous in the sense that its dynamics depends on
the evolution of the variables of the system. Our aim is to show how a credit
crisis can be described as a “microeconomic” phenomenon, driven by the
propagation of the financial distress through the obligors.
Our model is to be considered within the class of reduced-form models
and is based on interacting intensities. The probability of having a default
somewhere in the network depends also on the state of the other obligors.
The first papers on interacting intensities appear to be those by Jarrow and
Yu [27], and Davis and Lo [13] on infectious default.
In our perspective the idea of a network where agents interact leads natu-
rally to the literature of particle systems used in statistical mechanics. This
point of view is quite new in the world of financial mathematics especially
when dealing with credit risk management. Among some very recent papers
we would like to mention the works by Giesecke and Weber [23], and [24]
for an interacting particle approach, the papers by Frey and Backhaus [19]
on credit derivatives pricing and Horst [26] on cascade processes. More de-
veloped is the use of particle and dynamical systems in the literature on
financial market modeling. It has been shown that some of these models
have “thermodynamic limits” that exhibit similar features compared to the
limiting distributions (in particular when looking at the tails) of market
returns time series. For a discussion on financial market modeling see the
survey by Cont [9] and the paper by Föllmer [18] that contains an inspiring
discussion on interacting agents.
Another reason to focus on particle systems is that they allow to study
a credit crisis as a microeconomic phenomenon and so provide the means
to explain phenomena such as default clustering that are difficult to explain
by other means. In fact, interacting particle systems may exhibit what is
called phase transition in the sense that in the limit, when the number N of
particles goes to infinity, the dynamics may have multiple stable equilibria.
The effects of phase transition for the system with finite N can be seen
on different time-scales. On a long time-scale we expect to observe what
is usually meant by metastability in statistical mechanics: the system may
spend a very long time in a small region of the state space around a stable
equilibrium of the limiting dynamics and then switch relatively quickly to
another region around a different stable equilibrium. This switch, of which
the rigorous analysis will be postponed to future work, occurs on a time-scale
proportional to ekN for a suitable k > 0, that could be unrealistic for financial
applications. The model we propose exhibits, however, a different feature
that can be interpreted as a credit crisis. For certain values of the initial
condition the system is driven toward a symmetric equilibrium, in which half
of the firms are in good financial health. After a certain time that depends
on the initial state, the system is “captured” by an unstable direction of this
symmetric equilibrium, and moves toward a stable asymmetric equilibrium;
during the transition to the asymmetric equilibrium, the volatility of the
system increases sharply, before decaying to a stationary value. All this
occurs at a time-scale of order O(1) (i.e., the time-scale does not depend
on N ).
1.3. Financial application. As already mentioned in Section 1.1, the ap-
plied financial aim of this paper is to quantify the impact of contagion on
the losses suffered by a financial institution holding a large portfolio with
positions issued by the firms. In particular, we aim at obtaining a dynamic
description of a risky portfolio in the context of our contagion model. The
standard literature on risk management usually focuses on static models
allowing to compute the distribution of a risky portfolio over a given fixed
time-horizon T . For a recent paper that introduces a discussion relating to
static and dynamic models see Dembo, Deuschel and Duffie [14].
We shall consider large homogeneous portfolios. Attention to large ho-
mogeneous portfolios becomes crucial when looking at portfolios with many
small entries. Suppose a bank is holding a credit portfolio with N = 10,000
open positions with small firms; it is quite costly to simulate the dynamics
of each single firm, taking into account all business ties. If the firms are
supposed to be exchangeable, in the sense that the losses that they may
cause to the bank in case of financial distress depend on the single firm only
via its financial state indicator, it is worth evaluating a homogeneous model
where N goes to infinity and then to look for “large-N” approximations.
This apparently restrictive assumption may be easily relaxed by considering
many homogeneous groups within the network (in this context see also [19]).
We shall provide formulas to compute quantiles of the probability of excess
losses in the context of our contagion model; we shall in fact determine the
entire portfolio loss distribution. Other credit risk related quantities can also
be computed, as we shall briefly mention at the end of Section 4.
We conclude this section by noticing that in recent years the challenging
issue of describing the time evolution of the loss process connected with port-
folios of many obligors has received more and more attention. Applications
can be found, for example, in the literature dealing with pricing and hedging
of risky derivatives such as CDOs, namely Collateralized Debt Obligations
(see, e.g., the papers by Frey and Backhaus [20], Giesecke and Goldberg [22]
and Schönbucher [34]).
We believe that our paper may be considered as an original contribution
to the modeling of portfolio loss dynamics: to our knowledge, this is the first
attempt to apply large deviations on path spaces (i.e., in a dynamic fashion)
for finance or credit management purposes. For a survey on existing large
deviations methods applied to finance and credit risk see Pham [31].
1.4. Methodology. Our interacting particle system, which describes the
firms in the network, will be Markovian, but nonreversible. Usually, when
the dynamics admit a reversible distribution, this distribution can be found
explicitly by the detailed balance condition [see (6) below]. In the model we
propose in this paper, and that will be introduced in Section 2, no reversible
distribution exists. This makes it difficult to find an explicit formula for the
stationary distribution. For this reason we have not pursued the “static”
approach consisting in studying the N → +∞ asymptotics of the stationary
distribution. We shall rather proceed in a way that in addition allows to
obtain nonequilibrium properties of the system dynamics. First we study the
N →∞ limiting distributions on the path space. To this effect we shall derive
an appropriate law of large numbers based on a large deviations principle.
We then study the possible equilibria of the limiting dynamics. This study
leads to considering different domains of attraction corresponding to each
of the stable equilibria. Finally, we study the finite volume approximations
(for finite but large N ) of the limiting distribution via a suitable version of
the Central Limit Theorem that allows to analyze the fluctuations around
this limit. As a consequence of the different domains of attraction of the
limiting dynamics one obtains for finite N and on ordinary time-scales an
interesting behavior of the system that has an equally interesting financial
interpretation, which was already alluded to at the end of Section 1.2. This
behavior will also be documented by simulation results.
Our interaction model is characterized by two parameters indicating the
strength of the interactions. Phase transition occurs in an open subset of the
parameter space, whose boundary is a smooth curve (critical curve) that we
determine explicitly. We shall derive the Central Limit Theorem in a fixed
time-interval [0, T ] for every value of the parameters. We do not consider in
this paper the Central Limit Theorem in the case when the time-horizon T
depends on N itself; it will be dealt with elsewhere. When T grows with N
we expect the behavior to depend more strongly on the parameters. In the
case when the parameters belong to the uniqueness region (the complement
of the closure of the region where phase transition occurs) we believe that
the Central Limit Theorem should be uniform in time, while in the phase
transition region the Central Limit Theorem should extend to any time-scale
strictly smaller than the metastability scale (which grows exponentially in
N ). On the critical curve one expects a critical time-scale (of order
N ) at
which large and non-Gaussian fluctuations are observed.
For real applications the interaction parameters have to be calibrated
to market data. In this paper we do not consider the issue of calibration
but rather present some simulation results of the loss behavior for different
values of the parameters.
The outline of the paper is as follows. The more detailed description of
the model will be given in Section 2. Section 3 is devoted to stating the
main limit theorems on the stochastic dynamics, in particular a law of large
numbers and a central limit theorem. The financial application, in particular
to large portfolio losses with specific examples, will be described in Section
4. Section 5 contains the proofs of the results stated in Sections 3 and 4. A
Conclusions section completes the paper.
2. The model.
2.1. A mean-field model. In this section we describe a mean-field interac-
tion model. What characterizes a mean-field model—within the large class
of particle systems—is the absence of a “geometry” in the configuration
space, meaning that each particle interacts with all the others in the same
way. This “homogeneity” assumption is clearly rather restrictive; neverthe-
less this kind of framework has been proposed by authors in different fields.
Among the others we quote Frey and Backhaus [19] for a credit risk model
and Brock and Durlauf [4] for their contribution to the Social Interaction
models. These models are used to capture the interaction of agents when
facing any kind of decision problems. As pointed out in [19], if we are con-
sidering a large group of firms belonging to the same sector (e.g., the energy
sector), then the ability of generating cash flows and the capacity of rais-
ing capital from financial institutions may be considered as “homogeneous”
characteristics within the group (and this assumption is quite common in
practice); we moreover recall that the final aim of this work is to study ag-
gregate quantities for a large economy such as the expected global health
of the system and large portfolio losses as well as related quantities. These
considerations allow us to avoid the (costly) operation of modeling a fully
heterogeneous set of firms.
Other approaches, different from the mean-field one, have also been pro-
posed in the literature: Giesecke and Weber have chosen a local-interaction
model (the Voter model1) assuming that each particle interacts with a fixed
number d of neighbors; it may be argued that the hypothesis that each firm
has the same (constant) number of partners is rather unrealistic. Cont and
Bouchaud (see [10]) suggest a random graph approach, meaning that the
connections are randomly generated with some distribution functions.
The philosophy behind our model can be summarized as follows:
• We introduce only a small number of variables that, however, have a
simple economic interpretation.
• We define dynamic rules that describe interaction between the variables.
• We keep the model as simple as possible; in particular, as we shall see,
we define it in such a way that it has some symmetry properties. On one
hand this may make the model less adherent to reality; on the other it
leads to exact computations and still allows to show what basic features
of the model produce phenomena such as clustering of defaults, phase
transition, etc. More generally, it allows to show how, contrary to most
models relying on macroeconomic factors, the “health” of the system can
here be described by endogenous financial indicators so that a credit crisis
can be viewed as a microeconomic phenomenon.
Consider a network of N firms. The state of each firm is identified by two
variables, that will be denoted by σ and ω [(σi, ωi) is the state of the ith
firm]. The variable σ may be interpreted as the rating class indicator : a low
value reflects a bad rating class, that is, a higher probability of not being
able to pay back obligations. The variable ω represents a more fundamental
indicator of the financial health of the firm and is typically not directly
1The Voter model assumes—roughly speaking—that the variable σi ∈ {−1,1} is more
likely to take a positive value if the majority of the nearest neighbors of i are in a positive
state and vice versa.
observable. It could, for example, be a liquidity indicator as in Giesecke
and Weber [23] or the sign of the cash balances as in Çetin et al. [5]. The
important fact is that, while there is usually a strong interaction between
σi and ωi, the nonobservability of ω makes it reasonable to assume that ωi
cannot directly influence the rating indicators σj for j 6= i.
In this paper we assume that the two indicators σi, ωi can only take two
values, that we label by 1 (“good” financial state) and −1 (financial distress).
In the case of portfolios consisting of defaultable bonds, we may then refer to
the rating class corresponding to σ = −1 also as “speculative grade” and that
corresponding to σ = +1 as “investment grade.” Although the restriction to
only two possible values may appear to be unrealistic, we believe that many
aspects of the qualitative behavior of the system do not really depend on
this choice. On the other hand, modulo having more complex formulae, the
results below can be easily extended to the case when these variables take
an arbitrary finite number of values.
In our binary variable model we are naturally led to an interacting in-
tensity model, where we have to specify the intensities or rates (inverse of
the average waiting times) at which the transitions σi 7→ −σi and ωi 7→ −ωi
take place. If we neglect direct interactions between the ωi’s, and we make
the mean-field assumption that the interaction between different firms only
depends on the value of the global financial health indicator
we are led to consider intensities of the form
σi 7→ −σi with intensity a(σi, ωi,mσN ),
ωi 7→ −ωi with intensity b(σi, ωi,mσN ),
where a(·, ·, ·) and b(·, ·, ·) are given functions. Since both financial health
and distress tend to propagate, we assume that a(−1, ωi,mσN ) is increasing
in both ωi and m
N , and a(1, ωi,m
N ) is decreasing. Similarly, b(σi,−1,m
and b(σi,1,m
N ) should be respectively increasing and decreasing in their
The next simplifying assumption is that the intensity a(σi, ωi,m
N) is
actually independent of m
N , that is, of the form a(σi, ωi). Although this
assumption amounts to a rather mild computational simplification, it allows
to show that aggregate behavior (phase transition, etc.) may occur even in
absence of a direct interaction between rating indicators.
Although a model of this generality could be fully analyzed, we make the
following choice of the intensities, inspired by spin-glass systems, to make
the model depend on only a few parameters:
σi 7→ −σi with intensity e−βσiωi ,
ωi 7→ −ωi with intensity e−γωim
Here β and γ are positive parameters which indicate the strength of the
corresponding interaction. Put differently, we are considering a continuous-
time Markov chain on {−1,1}2N with the following infinitesimal generator:
Lf(σ,ω) =
e−βσiωi∇σi f(σ,ω) +
N∇ωj f(σ,ω),(3)
where ∇σi f(σ,ω) = f(σi, ω) − f(σ,ω) (analogously for ∇ωi ), and where the
jth component of σi is
σij =
σj , for j 6= i,
−σi, for j = i.
The rest of the paper is devoted to a detailed analysis of the above model.
We conclude this subsection with some general remarks on the model we
have just defined.
Remark 2.1.
• We have viewed the variable σ as a rating class indicator. Contrary to
the standard models for rating class transitions, our rating indicator σ
is not Markov by itself, but it is Markov only if paired with ω. This
property is in line with empirical data and with recent research in the
field of credit migration models. It is in fact well documented that real
data of credit migration between rating classes exhibit a “non-Markovian”
behavior. For a discussion on this topic see, for example, Christensen et
al. [6]. In that paper the authors propose a hidden Markov process to
model credit migration. The basic criticism to Markovianity is the fact
that the probability of being downgraded is higher for firms that have
been just downgraded. In order to capture this issue, the authors consider
an “excited” rating state (e.g., B∗ from which there is a higher probability
to be downgraded compared to the standard state B). This point of view is
not far from ours, even though the mechanism of the transition is different.
The downgrade to σ = −1 is higher when (σ = 1, ω = −1) compared to
(σ = 1, ω = 1).
• In our model, unlike other rating class models, we do not introduce a de-
fault state for firms; it could be identified as a value for the pair (σ,ω) for
which the corresponding intensities are identically zero, that is, a(σ,ω,m
N ) =
N ) = 0 for all values of m
N . This would have the effect of intro-
ducing a “trap state” for the system, changing drastically the long-time
behavior. Even in case of defaultable firms, however, our model could be
meaningful up to a time-scale in which the fraction of defaulted firms is
• With a choice of the intensities as in (2) we introduce a form of symmetry
in our model, whereby the values σ = −1 and σ = +1 for the rating indica-
tor turn out to be equally likely. One could, however, modify the model in
order to make the value σ = −1 less (more) likely than the value σ = +1
and this could, for example, be achieved by letting the intensity for ωi
be of the form eωiφ(m
), where φ is an increasing, nonlinear and noneven
function. A possible “prototype” choice would be φ(x) = γ(x−K)+ + δ
with γ, δ > 0 and K ∈ (0,1). Note that with this latter choice we have
φ≥ 0 so that the value ωi = +1 (and hence also σi = +1) becomes more
likely. Such an asymmetric setup might be more realistic in financial appli-
cations but, besides leading to more complicated derivations, it depends
also on the specific application at hand. Since, as already mentioned, we
want to study a model that is as simple as possible and yet capable of
producing the basic features of interest, in this paper we concentrate on
the “symmetric choice” in (2). The large deviation approach to the Law
of Large Numbers developed in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 can be adapted to
the asymmetric setup (see Remark 3.5) with no essential difference. On
the other hand, our proof of the Central Limit Theorem in Section 3.3
may require more regularity on the function φ above. We leave this point
for further investigation.
2.2. Invariant measures and nonreversibility. Mean-field models as the
one we propose in this paper have already appeared, mostly in the statistical
mechanics literature (see in particular [12] and [8], from which we borrow
many of the mathematical tools). However, unlike what happens for the
models in the cited references, we now show that our model is nonreversible.
This implies that an explicit formula for the stationary distribution and its
N →∞ asymptotics is not available. It is thus appropriate to follow a more
specifically dynamic approach to understand the long-time behavior of the
system. As already mentioned, we shall thus first study the N →∞ limit of
the dynamics of the system, obtaining limit evolution equations. Then we
study the equilibria of these equations. This is not necessarily equivalent to
studying the N →∞ properties of the stationary distribution µN . However,
as we shall show later in this paper, this provides rather sharp information
on how the system behaves for t and N large.
The operator L given in (3) defines an irreducible, finite-state Markov
chain. It follows that the process admits a unique stationary distribution
µN , that is, a distribution such that, for each function f on the configuration
space of (σ,ω),
µN (σ,ω)Lf(σ,ω) = 0.(4)
This distribution reflects the long-time behavior of the system, in the
sense that, for each f and any initial distribution,
E[f(σ(t), ω(t))] =
µN (σ,ω)f(σ,ω).
The stationarity condition (4) is equivalent to
[µN (σ
i, ω)eβσiωi − µN (σ,ω)e−βσiωi ]
[µN (σ,ω
N − µN (σ,ω)e−γωim
N ] = 0
for every σ,ω ∈ {−1,1}N .
Simpler sufficient conditions for stationarity are the so-called detailed bal-
ance conditions. We say that a probability ν on {−1,1}2N satisfies the de-
tailed balance condition for the generator L if
ν(σi, ω)eβσiωi = ν(σ,ω)e−βσiωi and
N = ν(σ,ω)e−γωim
for every σ,ω. When the detailed balance conditions (6) hold, we say the sys-
tem is reversible: the stationary Markov chain with generator L and marginal
law ν has a distribution which is left invariant by time-reversal. In the case
(6) admits a solution, they usually allow to derive the stationary distribution
explicitly. This is not the case in our model. We have in fact:
Proposition 2.2. The detailed balance equations (6) admit no solution,
except at most for one specific value of N .
Proof. By way of contradiction, assume a solution ν of (6) exists. Then
one easily obtains
∇σi log ν(σ,ω) = −2βσiωi,
∇ωi log ν(σ,ω) = −2γωim
which implies
∇ωi ∇σi log ν(σ,ω) = 4βσiωi,
∇σi ∇ωi log ν(σ,ω) = 4N−1γωiσi.
This is not possible since ∇ωi ∇σi log ν(σ,ω)≡∇σi∇ωi log ν(σ,ω). �
3. Main results: law of large numbers and Central Limit Theorem. In
this section we state the results concerning the dynamics of the system
(σi[0, T ], ωi[0, T ])
i=1 in the limit as N → ∞. Note that for each value of
N we are considering a Markov process with generator (3). Thus, it would
be more accurate to denote by (σ
i [0, T ], ω
i [0, T ]) the trajectories of the
variables related to the ith firm in the system with N firms. For convenience,
we consider a fixed probability space (Ω,F , P ) where all D([0, T ])-valued
processes σ
i [0, T ], ω
i [0, T ] are defined, and the following conditions are
• for each N ≥ 1 the processes (σ(N)i [0, T ], ω
i [0, T ])
i=1 are Markov pro-
cesses with infinitesimal generator (3);
• for each N ≥ 1 the {−1,1}2-valued random variables (σ(N)i (0), ω
i (0))
are independent and identically distributed with an assigned law λ.
This last assumption on the initial distribution is stronger than what we
actually need to prove the results below; however, it allows to avoid some
technical aspects in the proof, that we consider not essential for the purposes
of the paper. The other point, concerning the fact of realizing all processes
in the same probability space, is not a restriction; we are not making any
assumption on the dependence of processes with different values of N , so
this joint realization is always possible. Its main purpose is to allow to state
a strong law of large numbers.
Our approach proceeds according to the following three steps, to which
correspond the three subsections below, namely:
(i) look for the limit dynamics of the system (N →∞);
(ii) study the equilibria of the limiting dynamics;
(iii) describe the “finite volume approximations” (for large but finite N )
via a central limit-type result.
3.1. Deterministic limit: large deviations and law of large numbers. In
what follows D([0, T ]) denotes the space of right-continuous, piecewise con-
stant functions [0, T ] → {−1,1}, endowed with the Skorohod topology (see
[17]). Let (σi[0, T ], ωi[0, T ])
i=1 ∈D([0, T ])2N denote a path of the process in
the time-interval [0, T ] for a generic T > 0. If f(σi[0, T ], ωi[0, T ]) is a function
of the trajectory of the variables related to a single firm, one is interested in
the asymptotic behavior of empirical averages of the form
f(σi[0, T ], ωi[0, T ]) =:
f dρN ,
where ρN is the sequence of empirical measures
δ(σi[0,T ],ωi[0,T ]).
We may think of ρN as a (random) element of M1(D([0, T ]) × D([0, T ])),
the space of probability measures on D([0, T ])×D([0, T ]) endowed with the
weak convergence topology.
Our first aim is to determine the limit of
f dρN as N →∞, for f con-
tinuous and bounded; in other words we look for the weak limit limN ρN
in M1(D([0, T ]) × D([0, T ])). This corresponds to a law of large numbers
with the limit being a deterministic measure. This limit, being an element
of M1(D([0, T ])×D([0, T ])), can be viewed as a stochastic process, and rep-
resents the dynamics of the system in the limit N →∞. The fluctuations of
ρN around this deterministic limit will be studied in Section 3.3 below, and
this turns out to be particularly relevant in the risk analysis of a portfolio
(Section 4).
The result we actually prove is a large deviation principle, which is much
stronger than a law of large numbers. We start with some preliminary no-
tions letting, in what follows, W ∈M1(D([0, T ])×D([0, T ])) denote the law
of the {−1,1}2-valued process (σ(t), ω(t)) such that (σ(0), ω(0)) has distri-
bution λ, and both σ(·) and ω(·) change sign with constant intensity 1. For
Q ∈M1(D([0, T ])×D([0, T ])) let
H(Q|W ) :=
dQ log
, if Q≪W and log dQ
+∞, otherwise,
denote the relative entropy between Q and W . Moreover, ΠtQ denotes the
marginal law of Q at time t, and
t := γ
σΠtQ(dσ, dτ).
For a given path (σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ]) ∈D([0, T ]) ×D([0, T ]), let Nσt (resp. Nωt )
be the process counting the jumps of σ(·) [resp. ω(·)]. Define
F (Q) =
(1− e−βσ(t)ω(t))dt+
(1− e−ω(t)γ
t )dt
σ(t)ω(t−)dNσt +
(NσT +N
T )dQ<+∞,
and F (Q) = 0 otherwise. Finally let
I(Q) :=H(Q|W )− F (Q).
We remark that, if
(NσT +N
T )dQ = +∞, then H(Q|W ) = +∞ (this will
be shown in Section 5, Lemma 5.4) and thus also I(Q) = +∞.
Proposition 3.1. For each Q ∈ M1(D([0, T ]) × D([0, T ])), I(Q) ≥ 0,
and I(·) is a lower-semicontinuous function with compact level-sets [i.e., for
each k > 0 one has that {Q : I(Q) ≤ k} is compact in the weak topology].
Moreover, for A,C ⊆M1(D([0, T ])×D([0, T ])) respectively open and closed
for the weak topology, we have
lim inf
logP (ρN ∈A) ≥− inf
lim sup
logP (ρN ∈C) ≤− inf
This means that the distributions of ρN obey a large deviation principle
(LDP) with rate function I(·) (see, e.g., [15] for the definition and funda-
mental facts on LDP).
The proof of Proposition 3.1 is given in Section 5 and follows from ar-
guments similar to those in [12]. Various technical difficulties are due to
unboundedness and noncontinuity of F , which are related to the nonre-
versibility of the model.
The key step to derive a law of large numbers from Proposition 3.1 is
given in the following result, whose proof is also given in Section 5. In what
follows, for q ∈M1({−1,1}2) a probability on {−1,1}2, we define
mσq :=
that can be interpreted as the expected rating under q.
Proposition 3.2. The equation I(Q) = 0 has a unique solution Q∗.
Moreover, if qt ∈M1({−1,1}2) denotes the marginal distribution of Q∗ at
time t, then qt is the unique solution of the nonlinear (McKean–Vlasov)
= Lqt, t∈ [0, T ],
q0 = λ,
Lq(σ,ω) = ∇σ[e−βσωq(σ,ω)] +∇ω[e−γωmσq q(σ,ω)](11)
with (σ,ω) ∈ {−1,1}2.
From Propositions 3.1 and 3.2, it is easy to derive the following strong
law of large numbers.
Theorem 3.3. Let Q∗ ∈ M1(D([0, T ]) × D([0, T ])) be the probability
given in Proposition 3.2. Then
ρN → Q∗ almost surely
in the weak topology.
Proof. Let Q∗ be the unique zero of the rate function I(·) as given by
Proposition 3.2. Let BQ∗ be an arbitrary open neighborhood of Q
∗ in the
weak topology. By the upper bound in Proposition 3.1, we have
logP (ρN /∈BQ∗)≤− inf
I(Q)< 0,
where the last inequality comes from lower semicontinuity of I(·), com-
pactness of its level sets and the fact that I(Q) > 0 for every Q 6=Q∗. In-
deed, if infQ/∈BQ∗ I(Q) = 0, then there exists a sequence Qn /∈BQ∗ such that
I(Qn) → 0. By the compactness of the level sets there exists then a sub-
sequence Qnk → Q̄ /∈BQ∗ . By lower semicontinuity it then follows I(Q̄) ≤
lim inf I(Qnk) = 0 which contradicts I(Q)> 0 for q 6=Q∗. By the above in-
equality we thus have that P (ρN /∈BQ∗) decays to 0 exponentially fast. By
a standard application of the Borel–Cantelli lemma, we obtain that ρn →Q∗
almost surely. �
3.2. Equilibria of the limiting dynamics: phase transition. Equation (10)
describes the dynamics of the system with generator (3) in the limit as N →
+∞. In this section we determine the equilibrium points, or stationary (in t)
solutions of (10), that is, solutions of Lqt = 0 and, more generally, the large
time behavior of its solutions. First of all, it is convenient to reparametrize
the unknown qt in (10).
Let q be a probability on {−1,1}2. Note that each f :{−1,1}2 → R can
be written in the form f(σ,ω) = aσ + bω + cσω + d. It follows that q is
completely identified by the expectations
mσµ :=
mωµ :=
mσωµ :=
In particular, if q = qt, the marginal of Q
∗ appearing in Proposition 3.2, then
we write mσt for m
, and similarly for mωt ,m
t . In order to rewrite (10) in
terms of the new variables mσt ,m
t , observe that
ṁσ =
σq̇t(σ,ω) =
On the other hand, a straightforward computation shows that, for every
probability q,
σLq = 2sinh(β)mωq − 2cosh(β)mσq ,
ṁσt = 2sinh(β)m
t − 2cosh(β)mσt .
By making similar computations for mωt ,m
t , it is shown that (10) can be
rewritten in the following form:
ṁσt = 2sinh(β)m
t − 2cosh(β)mσt ,
ṁωt = 2sinh(γm
t )− 2cosh(γmσt )mωt ,(13)
ṁσωt = 2sinh(β) + 2sinh(γm
t − 2(cosh(β) + cosh(γmσt ))mσωt ,
with initial condition mσ0 =m
λ , m
λ . Note that m
t does
not appear in the first and in the second equation in (13); this means that
the differential system (13) is essentially two-dimensional: first one solves
the two-dimensional system (on [−1,1]2)
(ṁσt , ṁ
t ) = V (m
t ),(14)
with V (x, y) = (2 sinh(β)y − 2cosh(β)x,2 sinh(γx)− 2y cosh(γx)), and then
one solves the third equation in (13), which is linear in mσωt . Note also
that to any (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ) satisfying V (m
∗ ) = 0, there corresponds a unique
mσω∗ :=
sinh(β)+mσ∗ sinh(γm
cosh(β)+cosh(γmσ∗ )
such that (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ) is an equilibrium (stable
solution) of (13). Moreover, ifmσt →mσ∗ as t→ +∞, then mσωt →mσω∗ . Thus,
to discuss the equilibria of (13) and their stability, it is enough to analyze
(14) and for this we have the following proposition, where by “linearly stable
equilibrium” we mean a pair (x̄, ȳ) such that V (x̄, ȳ) = 0, and the linearized
system (ẋ, ẏ) =DV (x̄, ȳ)(x− x̄, y − ȳ) is stable, that is, the eigenvalues of
the Jacobian matrix DV (x̄, ȳ) have all negative real parts.
Theorem 3.4. (i) Suppose γ ≤ 1
. Then (14) has (0,0) as a unique
equilibrium solution, which is globally asymptotically stable, that is, for every
initial condition (mσ0 ,m
0 ), we have
(mσt ,m
t ) = (0,0).
(ii) For γ < 1
the equilibrium (0,0) is linearly stable. For γ = 1
the linearized system has a neutral direction, that is, DV (0,0) has one zero
(iii) For γ > 1
the point (0,0) is still an equilibrium for (14), but
it is a saddle point for the linearized system, that is, the matrix DV (0,0)
has two nonzero real eigenvalues of opposite sign. Moreover (14) has two
linearly stable solutions (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ), (−mσ∗ ,−mω∗ ), where mσ∗ is the unique
strictly positive solution of the equation
x= tanh(β) tanh(γx),(15)
mω∗ =
mσ∗ .(16)
(iv) For γ > 1
, the phase space [−1,1]2 is bipartitioned by a smooth
curve Γ containing (0,0) such that [−1,1]2 \ Γ is the union of two disjoint
sets Γ+,Γ− that are open in the induced topology of [−1,1]2. Moreover
(mσt ,m
t ) =
(mσ∗ ,m
∗ ), if (m
0 ) ∈ Γ+,
(−mσ∗ ,−mω∗ ), if (mσ0 ,mω0 ) ∈ Γ−,
(0,0), if (mσ0 ,m
0 ) ∈ Γ.
Proof. See Section 5. �
Remark 3.5. The results in this section are specific to our model with
the symmetry properties as induced by the specification of the intensities
in (2). With an asymmetric setup such as described in Remark 2.1, (15)
x= tanh(β) tanh(φ(x))
thus allowing more flexibility in the position of the equilibria. In particular,
by letting φ(x) = γ(x−K)+ + δ, while still having three equilibria, we may
choose their relative position by suitably choosing the values for γ,K, δ.
Notice that in this way we also increase the number of parameters in our
3.3. Analysis of fluctuations: Central Limit Theorem. Having established
a law of large numbers ρN →Q∗, it is natural to analyze fluctuations around
the limit, that is, the rate at which ρN converges to Q
∗ and the asymptotic
distribution of ρN −Q∗.
To study the asymptotic distribution of ρN −Q∗ there are at least the
following two possible approaches:
(i) An approach based on a functional central limit theorem using a
result in [2] that relates large deviations with the Central Limit Theorem
(see [35], Chapter 3, for some results in this direction).
(ii) A weak convergence-type approach based on uniform convergence of
the generators (see [17]).
In this paper we shall follow an approach of the second type; more pre-
cisely we shall provide a dynamical interpretation of the law of large numbers
discussed in Theorem 3.3. Let ψ :{−1,1}2 → R, and define ρN (t) by
ψdρN (t) :=
ψ(σi(t), ωi(t)).
In other words, ρN (t) is the marginal of ρN at time t and we also have
N (t) =m
ρN (t)
. Note that, for each fixed t, ρN (t) is a probability on {−1,1}2,
and so, by the considerations leading to (12), it can be viewed as a three-
dimensional object. Thus (ρN (t))t∈[0,T ] is a three-dimensional flow. A simple
consequence of Theorem 3.3 is the following convergence of flows:
(ρN (t))t∈[0,T ] → (qt)t∈[0,T ] a.s.,(17)
where the convergence of flows is meant in the uniform topology. Since the
flow of marginals contains less information than the full measure of paths,
the law of large numbers in (17) is weaker than the one in Theorem 3.3.
However, the corresponding fluctuation flow
N(ρN (t)− qt))t∈[0,T ]
is also a finite-dimensional flow, and it allows for a very explicit characteriza-
tion of the limiting distribution. The following theorem gives the asymptotic
behavior of this fluctuation flow; its proof is given in Section 5.
Theorem 3.6. Consider the following three-dimensional fluctuation pro-
xN (t) :=
N(mσρN (t) −m
yN (t) :=
N(mωρN (t) −m
zN (t) :=
N(mσωρN (t) −m
Then (xN (t), yN (t), zN (t)) converges as N →∞, in the sense of weak con-
vergence of stochastic processes, to a limiting three-dimensional Gaussian
process (x(t), y(t), z(t)) which is the unique solution of the following linear
stochastic differential equation:
where B1,B2,B3 are independent, standard Brownian motions,
A(t) = 2
− cosh(β)
−γmωt sinh(γmσt ) + γ cosh(γmσt )
sinh(γmσt ) + γm
t cosh(γm
t )− γmσωt sinh(γmσt )
sinh(β) 0
− cosh(γmσt ) 0
0 −(cosh(β) + cosh(γmσt ))
−mσωt sinh(β) + cosh(β) 0
0 −mωt sinh(γmσt ) + cosh(γmσt )
−mσt sinh(β) +mωt cosh(β) mσt cosh(γmσt )−mσωt sinh(γmσt )
−mσt sinh(β) +mωt cosh(β)
mσt cosh(γm
t )−mσωt sinh(γmσt )
−mσωt sinh(β) + cosh(β)−mω sinh(γmσt ) + cosh(γmσt )
and (x(0), y(0), z(0)) have a centered Gaussian distribution with covariance
1− (mσλ)2 mσωλ −mσλmωλ mωλ −mσλmσωλ
mσωλ −mσλmωλ 1− (mωλ)2 mσλ −mσωλ mωλ
mωλ −mσλmσωλ mσλ −mσωλ mωλ 1− (mσωλ )2
Theorem 3.6 guarantees that, for each t > 0, the distribution of (xN (t),
yN (t), zN (t)) is asymptotically Gaussian, and provides a method to compute
the limiting covariance matrix. Indeed, denote by Σt the covariance matrix
of (x(t), y(t), z(t)). A simple application of Itô’s rule to (18) shows that Σt
solves the Lyapunov equation
=A(t)Σt + ΣtA(t)
∗ +D(t)D∗(t).(20)
In order to solve (20), it is convenient to interpret Σ as a vector in R3×3 =
3⊗R3. To avoid ambiguities, for a 3×3 matrix C we write vec(C) whenever
we interpret it as a vector. It is easy to check that (20) can be rewritten as
= (A(t)⊗ I + I ⊗A(t)) vec(Σt) + vec(D(t)D∗(t)),(21)
where “⊗” denotes the tensor product of matrices. Equation (21) is linear,
so its solution can be given an explicit expression and can be computed after
having solved (13). More importantly, the behavior of Σt for large t can be
obtained explicitly as follows.
A. Case γ < 1
. In this case we have shown in Theorem 3.4 that the
solution (mσt ,m
t ) of (13) converges to (0,0, tanh(β)) as t→ +∞.
In particular, one immediately obtains the limits
A := lim
A(t), DD∗ := lim
A direct inspection (see the Appendix) shows that A has three real strictly
negative eigenvalues. Moreover, the eigenvalues of the matrix A × I +
I × A are all of the form λi + λj where λi and λj are eigenvalues of
A, and therefore they are all strictly negative. It follows from (21) that
limt→+∞ Σt = Σ where
vec(Σ) = −(A⊗ I + I ⊗A)−1 vec(DD∗).(23)
B. Case γ > 1
. Also in this case, by Theorem 3.4, the limit
(mσt ,m
exists. Disregarding the exceptional case in which the initial condition of
(13) belongs to the stable manifold Γ introduced in Theorem 3.4(iv), the
limit above equals either (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ), or (−mσ∗ ,−mω∗ ,mσω∗ ), depending
on the initial condition, where (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ) are obtained by Theorem
3.4(iii). In both cases one obtains as in (22) the limits A and DD∗, and
we show in the Appendix that also in this case the eigenvalues of A are
real and strictly negative, so that limt→+∞ Σt = Σ is obtained as in (23).
C. Case γ = 1
. In this case, as shown in the Appendix, the limiting
matrix A is singular; it follows that the limit limt→+∞ Σt does not exist,
as one eigenvalue of Σt grows polynomially in t. This means that, for
critical values of the parameters, the size of normal fluctuations around
the deterministic limit grows in time. Similarly to what is done in [8]
for reversible models, it is possible to determine the critical long-time
behavior of the fluctuation by a suitable space–time scaling in the model,
giving rise to nonnormal fluctuations. More precisely, one can show the
following convergence in distribution:
N1/4(m·ρN (
N→∞−→ Z
where Z is non-Gaussian. This result is contained in [32].
We now state an immediate corollary of Theorem 3.6 concerning the fluc-
tuations of the global health indicator; this will be used in the next section
on large portfolio losses.
Corollary 3.7. As N →∞ we have that
N [mσρN (t) −m
converges in law to a centered Gaussian random variable Z with variance
V (t) = Σ11(t),(24)
where Σ(t) solves (20) and mσt solves (13).
We conclude this section with the following:
Remark 3.8. The evolution equation (20) for the covariance matrix Σt
is coupled with the McKean–Vlasov equation (13), and their joint behavior
exhibits interesting aspects even before the system gets close to the stable
fixed point. In particular, in the case γ > 1
, if the initial condition is
sufficiently close to the stable manifold Γ, the system (13) spends some time
close to the symmetric equilibrium (0,0) before drifting to one of the stable
equilibria. A closer look at (20) shows that when the system is close to
the neutral equilibrium, the covariance matrix Σ grows exponentially fast in
time, causing sharp peaks in the variances. This is related to the credit crisis
mentioned in the Introduction. A more detailed discussion on this point is
given in the next section, in relation with applications to portfolio losses.
4. Portfolio losses. We address now the problem of computing losses in
a portfolio of positions issued by the N firms. A rather general modeling
framework is to consider the total loss that a bank may suffer due to a
risky portfolio at time t as a random variable defined by LN (t) =
Different specifications for the single (marginal) losses Li(t) can be chosen
accounting for heterogeneity, time dependence, interaction, macroeconomic
factors and so on. A punctual treatment of this general modeling framework
can be found in the book by McNeil, Frey and Embrechts [29]. For a com-
parison with the most widely used industry examples of credit risk models
see Frey and McNeil [21], Crouhy, Galai and Mark [11] or Gordy [25]. The
same modeling insights are also developed in the most recent literature on
risk management and large portfolio losses analysis; see [14, 19, 23, 26] for
different specifications.
In this paper we adopt the point of view of Giesecke and Weber [23]. The
idea is to compute the aggregate losses as a sum of marginal losses Li(t),
of which the distribution is supposed to depend on the realization of the
variable σi, that is, on the rating class. In particular, conditioned on the
realization of σ, the marginal losses will be assumed to be independent and
identically distributed (the independence condition can be weakened; see
Example 4.4 below). More precisely, we assume given a suitable conditional
distribution function Gx, x ∈ {−1,1}, namely
Gx(u) := P (Li(t) ≤ u|σi(t) = x)(25)
where the first and second moments are well defined, namely
l1 :=E(Li(t)|σi(t) = 1)<E(Li(t)|σi(t) = −1) =: l−1(26)
v1 := Var(Li(t)|σi(t) = 1), v−1 := Var (Li(t)|σi(t) = −1).(27)
The inequality in (26) specifies that we expect to lose more when in financial
The aggregate loss of a portfolio of volume N at time t is then defined as
LN (t) =
We recall the definition of the global health indicatorsm
N (t) :=
i=1 σi(t),
and mσt :=
σ dqt where qt solves the McKean–Vlasov equation [see (10)].
We also introduce a deterministic time function, which will be seen to
represent an “asymptotic” loss when the number of firms goes to infinity,
L(t) =
(l1 − l−1)
mσt +
(l1 + l−1)
We state now the main result of this section.
Theorem 4.1. Assume Li(t) has a distribution of the form (25). Then
for t ∈ [0, T ] with generic T > 0 and for any value of the parameters β > 0
and γ > 0, we have
LN (t)
→ Y ∼N(0, V̂ (t))
in distribution, where L(t) has been defined in (28) and
V̂ (t) =
(l1 − l−1)2V (t)
(1 +mσt )v1
(1−mσt )v−1
with V (t) as defined in (24).
Proof. See Section 5. �
Remark 4.2. The Gaussian approximation in Theorem 4.1 leads in
particular to
P (LN (t) ≥ α) ≈N
V̂ (t)
By the symmetry of the model, the above Gaussian approximation for the
losses is appropriate for a wide (depending on N ) range of values of α. If we
modify the model to become asymmetric as discussed in Remark 2.1 and,
more precisely, we modify it so that σ = −1 becomes much less likely than
σ = +1, then for a “realistic” value of N , the number of firms with σi = −1
could be too small for the Gaussian approximation to be sufficiently precise.
One could then rather consider a Poisson-type approximation instead.
We shall now provide examples illustrating possible specifications for the
marginal loss distributions where, without loss of generality, we assume a
unitary loss (e.g., loss due to a corporate bond) when a firm is in the bad
We start with a very basic example where we assume that the marginal
losses (when conditioned on the value of σ) are deterministic. This means
that the riskiness of the loss portfolio is related only to the number of firms
in financial distress and so we can use directly the results of Section 3, in
particular of Corollary 3.7.
Example 4.3. Suppose that marginal losses are described as follows:
Li(t) =
1, if σi(t) = −1,
0, if σi(t) = 1.
On the other hand
LN (t) =
1− σi(t)
Recalling that m
N (t) =
i σi(t), by Corollary 3.7 [see also (30)], we can
compute various risk measures related to the portfolio losses such as the
following Var-type measure:
P (LN (t) ≥ α) = P
N −NmσN (t)
N (t) ≤
N − 2α
(−2α+ (1−mσt )N√
V (t)
(−2α+ 2L∞(t)N√
V (t)
where L∞(t) := limN→∞
LN (t)
= limN→∞
Fig. 1. Excess loss in a large portfolio (N = 10,000) for different values of the parameters
γ and β compared with the independence case.
Looking at a portfolio of N = 10,000 small firms, we compute the excess
loss probability for different values of the parameters β,γ comparing them
with the benchmark case where there is no interaction at all, that is, where
β = γ = 0 (“independence case”). In Figure 1 we show the cumulative prob-
ability of having excess losses for the same portfolios. In this figure we see
that, when the dependence increases, variance and risk measures increase as
More general specifications are already suggested in the existing literature.
For example, one could consider the losses to depend also on a random
exogenous factor Ψ; more precisely, the marginal losses Li(t) are independent
and identically distributed conditionally to the realizations of the σi(t)’s and
of Ψ. The conditional distributions
Gx(u) := P (Li(t) ≤ u|σi(t) = x,Ψ)
are random variables, as well as the corresponding moments l1, l−1, v1, v−1.
In particular in the following example we apply our approach to a very
tractable class of models, the “Bernoulli mixture models.” This kind of mod-
eling has been used in the context of cyclical correlations, that is in models
where exogenous factors are supposed to characterize the evolution of the in-
dicator of defaults (the classical factor models). In the context of contagion-
based models this class was first introduced by Giesecke and Weber in [23].
Example 4.4 (Bernoulli mixture models). Assume that the marginal
losses Li(t) are Bernoulli mixtures, that is,
Li(t) =
1, with probability P (σi(t),Ψ),
0, with probability 1−P (σi(t),Ψ),
where the mixing derives not only from the rating class indicator σi(t) of firm
i, but also from an exogenous factor Ψ ∈ Rp that represents macroeconomic
variables that reflect the business cycle and thus allow for both contagion
and cyclical effects on the rating probabilities.
Notice that, with the above specification, the quantities defined in (26)
and (27) now depend on the random factor Ψ, that is,
l1 = P (1,Ψ), v1 = P (1,Ψ)(1−P (1,Ψ)) and analogously for l−1, v−1.
Consequently, the asymptotic loss function L(t) as well as the variance of the
Gaussian approximation V̂ (t) defined in (28) and (29) are also functions of
Ψ. With a slight abuse of notation we shall write Lψ(t) [respectively V̂ψ(t)]
for the asymptotic loss (variance) at time t given that Ψ = ψ.
Next we give a possible expression for the mixing distribution for P (σ,Ψ)
that is in line with existing models on contagion. Let a and bi, i= 1,2, be
nonnegative weight factors. Let us assume for simplicity that Ψ ∈ R is a
Gamma distributed random variable. Define then
P (σ,Ψ) = 1− exp
−aΨ− b1
This specification follows the CreditRisk+ modeling structure, even though
in the standard industry examples direct contagion is not taken into account.
Notice that the factor 1−σ
increases the probability of default for the firms
in the bad rating class (σ = −1). Using (30) we have that
P (LN (t) ≥ α) ≈
where fΨ is the density function of the Gamma random variable Ψ.
In Figure 2 we plot the excess loss probability in the case where a= 0.1,
b1 = 1, b2 = 0.5 and β = 1.5 is supposed to be fixed. We compare different
specifications for Ψ and γ. In particular we consider the following cases:
Ψ = 4.5, γ = 0.6; Ψ = 4.5, γ = 1.1;
Ψ ∼ Γ(2.25,2), γ = 1.1.
The shape of the excess losses suggests that the loss may be sensibly higher
in the case of high uncertainty about the value of the macroeconomic factor
[Ψ ∼ Γ(2.25; 2)] and in the case of high level of contagion (γ = 1.1). Notice
that in all three situations we are in the subcritical case, since the critical
value for γ is γc = 1/ tanh(β) ≃ 1.105. This also implies that the equilibrium
value is the same in the three situations and depends only on Ψ.
Fig. 2. Loss amount in a large portfolio (N = 10,000) in the case of marginal losses
which (depending on the rating class) are distributed as Bernoulli random variables for
which the parameter depends on Ψ.
Remark 4.5. Notice that the asymptotic loss distribution in the above
Bernoulli mixture model does not only depend on a mixing parameter as
in standard Bernoulli mixture models but, via L(t), it depends also on the
value mσt of the asymptotic average global health indicator. Moreover, com-
pared to Giesecke and Weber [23], we are able to quantify the time-varying
fluctuations of the global indicator mσ
ρN (t)
. We shall see that this may sen-
sibly influence the distribution of losses in particular when looking at two
different time horizons T1 and T2 before and after a credit crisis.
Remark 4.6. Further examples may be considered, in particular when
the distribution of the marginal losses Li(t) depends on the entire past
trajectory of the rating indicator σi, taking, for example, into account how
long the firm has been in the bad state. Instead of depending simply on
σi(t), the distribution of Li(t) could then be made dependent on Si(t) :=
with δ ∈ (0,1), which is equal to 1 if firm i has spent
a fraction δ of time in the bad state. Corresponding to (32) we would then
Li(t) =
1, with probability P (Si(t),Ψ),
0, with probability 1− P (Si(t),Ψ).
This model is not a straightforward extension of Example 4.4. In fact the
theory developed above, in particular the Central Limit Theorem result in
Section 3.3, does not appear to be strong enough to handle it. For this
purpose an approach based on a functional central limit theorem that was
alluded to at the beginning of Section 3.3 would be more appropriate. This,
however, goes beyond the scope of the present paper.
Let us point out that in the examples above we have considered only the
problem of computing large portfolio losses which led to examples where we
computed (approximately) the quantiles P (LN (t) ≥ α) where α is a (large)
integer. From here, one could then compute the probability that the loss
LN (t)
belongs to a given interval and this would then allow to compute
(approximately) for our contagion model also other quantities in a risk-
sensitive environment. In any case notice that Theorem 4.1 provides the
entire asymptotic distribution for the portfolio losses.
In the previous examples we have described large portfolio losses at a
predetermined time horizon T for different specifications of the conditional
loss distribution. In what follows, we shall describe in more detail how the
phenomenon of a credit crisis may be explained in our setting and how this
issue may influence the quantification of losses. This dynamic point of view
on risk management that accounts for the possibility of a credit crisis in the
market, is one of the main contributions of this work.
As one could expect, the possibility of having a credit crisis is related
to the existence of particular conditions on the market, more precisely to
certain levels of interaction between the obligors (i.e., the parameters β and
γ) and certain values of the state variables describing the rating classes and
the fundamentals (i.e., σ and ω).
4.1. Simulation results. To illustrate the situation we shall now present
some simulation results. We shall proceed along two steps: the first one
relates more specifically to the particle system, the second to the portfolio
Step 1 (Domains of attraction). In Section 3.2 we have characterized all
the equilibria of the system depending on the values of the parameters. In
particular we have shown that for supercritical values, by which we mean
γ > 1
, there are two asymmetric equilibrium configurations in the space
(mσ,mω) that, for our symmetric model, are symmetric to one another and
are defined as (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ) and (−mσ∗ ,−mω∗ ).
In particular, Theorem 3.4 allows to characterize their domains of at-
traction, that is, the sets of initial conditions that lead the trajectory to
one of the equilibria, and we shall denote them by Γ+ and Γ−. Numerical
simulations provide diagrams as in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. Domains of attraction Γ+ for (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ) and Γ
− for (−mσ∗ ,−m
∗ ) and
their boundary Γ for β = 1 and varying γ. Here the critical value for γ is
γc := 1/ tanh(β) ≃ 1.313.
Step 2 (Credit crises). We show results from numerical simulations that
detect the crises when the values of the parameters are supercritical and the
initial conditions are “near” the boundary of the domains of attraction, that
is, near Γ. Given the symmetry of our model, the behavior of the system will
be perfectly symmetric when starting in either Γ+ or Γ−, but the typical
credit crisis corresponds to what happens in Γ−, so that below we shall
illustrate this latter case. The analysis in an asymmetric model would be
In Figure 4 we have plotted a trajectory starting in (mσ0 ,m
0 ) ∈ Γ− but
near the boundary. It can be seen that the path moves toward (mσ,mω) =
(0,0) and then leaves it decaying to the stable equilibrium.
Concerning the time evolution, we see in Figure 5 that, for an initial
condition in Γ− and near the boundary, the variable mσt (the same would
happen also with mωt that for clarity is not plotted) is first attracted to the
unstable value zero, around which it spends a long time before moving to
the stable equilibrium value mσ∗ . This can be explained, in financial terms,
as follows:
Suppose that at the initial time the market conditions are such that
(mσ,mω) are in Γ− but close to the curve Γ. Then for a while the system
moves close to the stable manifold Γ toward (0,0), until it gets “captured”
Fig. 4. Domains of attraction Γ+ for (mσ∗ ,m
∗ ) and Γ
− for (−mσ∗ ,−m
∗ ) and phase dia-
gram of (mσt ,m
t ) with initial conditions (m
0 ) = (0.6,−0.85) when β = 1 and γ = 2.3
[here γc = 1/ tanh(β) ≃ 1.313].
by the unstable direction of the equilibrium point (0,0). Since the system
configuration belongs to Γ−, the new stable equilibrium that the system is
attracted to is given by (−mσ∗ ,−mω∗ ).
This situation represents (in a stylized manner) what we intend as a
credit crisis: the state (0,0) may be considered as a “credit bubble,” the
decay toward the stable equilibrium mimics a credit crisis (i.e., a crash in
the credit market).
As soon as the system moves away from (0,0), the uncertainty (volatility)
increases quickly and the credit quality indicators move to the stable con-
figuration changing completely the picture of the market (the speed of the
convergence depends on the level of interaction).
This situation is also well illustrated by the loss probability computed
before and after the crisis (i.e., in certain time instants T1 and T2). In Figure
6 we see the excess probability of suffering a loss larger than x for the
case of Example 4.4 with an exogenous parameter Ψ ∼ Γ(2.25; 2). One can
see that before the crisis both the expected loss and the variance may be
underestimated as well as the corresponding risk measures. Put differently,
a model that does not distinguish between stable and unstable equilibria
Fig. 5. Trajectory of mσt and V (t) with initial conditions m
0 =−0.5, m
0 = 0.395 when
β = 1.5 and γ = 2.1 [here γc = 1/ tanh(β) ≃ 1.105]. We have marked by (∗) the time hori-
zons T1 = 2 and T2 = 10 before and after the crisis where in Figure 6 we shall compute the
excess loss probabilities.
(does not take credit crises into account) may underestimate the excess loss
probability, since it does not recognize in the given situation the possibility
of a sudden crash.
Finally we mention the fact that for different levels of interaction we can
distinguish between a smoothly varying business cycle and a crisis. When
β and γ, the parameters describing the level of interaction, are sufficiently
small, the business cycle (described in our simple model by the proportion of
firms in the rating classes) evolves smoothly and the induced variance (level
of uncertainty about the number of bad rated firms) is lower compared to
the crisis case. In Figure 7 we show this fact for two levels of β and γ, both
5. Proofs.
5.1. Proofs of Propositions 3.1 and 3.2. One of the main tools in this
proof is the Girsanov formula for Markov chains. Since a Markov chain is a
functional of the multivariate point process that counts the jumps between
all pairs of states, this formula can be derived from the corresponding Gir-
sanov formula for point processes (see, e.g., [3], Section 4.2). We state it here
for completeness.
Fig. 6. Excess probability of losses in a portfolio of N = 10,000 obligors, β = 1.5 and
γ = 2.1 computed in T1 = 2 and T2 = 10, namely before and after the crisis in the case of
Example 4.4 with Ψ ∼ Γ(2.25; 2) [here γc = 1/ tanh(β) ≃ 1.105].
Fig. 7. Trajectories of mσt and V (t) for different levels of interaction, that is, letting β
and γ vary. In the case of higher values we really see a crisis and a corresponding peak in
the uncertainty in the market. In the case of smaller values the number of bad rated firms
decreases smoothly to a new equilibrium, that is, toward a bad business cycle. The critical
values for γ are, respectively, 1/ tanh(1.5) ≃ 1.105 and 1/ tanh(0.9) ≃ 1.396.
Proposition 5.1. Let S be a finite set, and (X(t))t∈[0,T ], (Y (t))t∈[0,T ]
two S-valued Markov chains with infinitesimal generators, respectively,
Lf(x) =
y 6=x
Lx,y[f(y)− f(x)],
Mf(x) =
y 6=x
Mx,y[f(y)− f(x)].
Assume X(0) and Y (0) have the same distribution, and denote by PX and
PY the law of the two processes on the appropriate set of trajectories in
the time-interval [0, T ]. Assume that whenever Mx,y = 0 also Lx,y = 0. Then
PX ≪ PY , and
(x([0, T ]))
= exp
y 6=x(t)
(Mx(t),y −Lx(t),y)dt+
where x(t−) := lims↑t x(s), log
= 1 and Nt is the counting process that
counts the jumps of the trajectory x([0, T ]).
In what follows we denote by PN the law on the path space of (σ[0, T ],
ω[0, T ]) ∈ (D([0, T ]))2N under the interacting dynamics, with initial condi-
tions such that (σ
i (0), ω
i (0))
i=1 are independent and identically dis-
tributed with an assigned law λ (see beginning of Section 3). As in Section
3.1 we let W ∈ M1(D([0, T ]) × D([0, T ])) denote the law of the {−1,1}2-
valued process (σ(t), ω(t)) such that (σ(0), ω(0)) has distribution λ, and
both σ(·) and ω(·) change sign with constant rate 1. By W⊗N we mean the
product of N copies of W . We begin with some preliminary lemmas.
Lemma 5.2.
dW ⊗N
(σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ]) = exp[NF (ρN (σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ]))],(33)
where F is the function defined in (7).
Proof. Let (N
t (i))
i=1 be the multivariate counting process which counts
the jumps of σi for i= 1, . . . ,N , and (N
t (i))
i=1 be the multivariate counting
process which counts the jumps of ωi for i= 1, . . . ,N . Since each jump of the
trajectory (σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ]) is counted by exactly one of the above counting
processes, Proposition 5.1 applied to this case yields
dW ⊗N
(σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ])
= exp
(1− e−βσi(t)ωi(t))dt+
log e−βσi(t
−) dN
t (i)
(1− e−γωi(t)m
ρN (t))dt
log e
ρN (t
−) dN
t (i)
Since, with probability 1 with respect to W ⊗N , there are no simultaneous
jumps, we have
log e−βσi(t
−) dN
t (i)=
−β (−σi(t))ωi(t)dNσt (i)
log e
ρN (t
−) dN
t (i)=
−γ (−ωi(t))mσρN (t) dN
t (i),
from which (33) follows easily after having observed that, W⊗N almost
(NσT +N
T )dρN <+∞,
and that simultaneous jumps of σ and ω do not occur under dW ⊗N . �
The main problem in the proof of Proposition 3.1 is related to the fact
that the function F in (7) is neither continuous nor bounded. The following
technical lemmas have the purpose of circumventing this problem. In what
follows, we let
Q ∈M1(D[0, T ]2) :
(NσT +N
T )dQ<+∞
We first define, for r > 0 and Q∈ I ,
Fr(Q) =
(r− e−βσ(t)ω(t))dt+
(r− e−ω(t)γ
t )dt
(βσ(t)ω(t−)− log r)dNσt(35)
− log r)dNωt
Note that F = F1. Moreover, Lemma 5.2 can be easily extended to show
dW ⊗Nr
(σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ]) = exp[NFr(ρN (σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ]))],(36)
where Wr is the law of the {−1,1}2-valued process σ(t), ω(t) such that (σ(0),
ω(0)) has distribution λ, and both σ(·) and ω(·) change sign with constant
rate r.
Lemma 5.3. For 0< r ≤ min(e−β , e−γ), Fr is lower semicontinuous on
I . For r ≥max(eβ, eγ), Fr is upper semicontinuous.
Proof. By definition of weak topology the fact that the map
(r− e−βσ(t)ω(t))dt+
(r− e−ω(t)γ
t )dt
is continuous is rather straightforward (since Q-expectations of bounded
continuous functions in D([0, T ]) are continuous in Q). Thus we only have
to deal with the term
(βσ(t)ω(t−)− log r)dNσt
− log r)dNωt
We show that for 0< r≤ min(e−β , e−γ) the expression in (37) is lower semi-
continuous in Q ∈ I . This shows that Fr is lower semicontinuous. The case
r ≥max(eβ, eγ) is treated similarly.
For ε > 0 consider the function ϕε :D[0, T ]→ R defined by
ϕε(η) :=
, if η(t) jumps for some t ∈ (0, ε],
0, otherwise.
Given η ∈ D([0, T ]) we define η(s) for s > T by letting η(s) ≡ η(T ). Then,
letting θt denote the shift operator, we have that, for t ∈ [0, T ], θtη is the
element of D([0, T ]) given by θtη(s) := η(t+ s). Consider now two functions
f, g :{−1,1}2 → R, and define fε, gε :D[0, T ]2 → R by
fε(σ[0,T ], ω[0,T ]) := inf{f(σ(t), ω(t)) : t ∈ (0, ε)},
and similarly for gε. Then define
Φε(σ[0,T ], ω[0,T ]) :=
fε(θtσ, θtω)ϕε(θtσ)dt+
gε(θtσ, θtω)ϕε(θtω)dt.
The key to the continuation of the proof below are the following two proper-
ties of Φε. These properties are essentially straightforward, and their proofs
are omitted:
• Φε is continuous and bounded on {(σ[0,T ], ω[0,T ]) :NσT +NωT <+∞}.
• Suppose f, g ≥ 0. Then, assuming σ[0,T ], ω[0,T ] have a finite number of
jumps, Φε(σ[0,T ], ω[0,T ]) increases when ε ↓ 0 to
f(σt− , ωt−)dN
g(σt− , ωt−)dN
Therefore by monotone convergence
f(σt− , ωt−)dN
g(σt− , ωt−)dN
= sup
Φε(σ[0,T ], ω[0,T ])dQ.
In particular, the map
f(σt− , ωt−)dN
g(σt− , ωt−)dN
is lower semicontinuous on I .
Now, for r≤ min(e−β , e−γ), the function f(σ,ω) =−βσω− log r is nonnega-
tive. As for the function g, that should be −ω(t)γQt − log r, we notice that it
is not a function of (σ,ω), but rather a function of (σ,ΠtQ), thus depending
explicitly on t and Q. However, due to its boundedness and the fact that γ
is continuous in Q uniformly in t, σ, the argument above applies with minor
modifications thus leading to the conclusion of the proof. �
Lemma 5.4. Let Q∈M1(D([0, T ])2) be such that H(Q|W )<+∞. Then
Q ∈ I . The same result applies if Wr replaces W .
Proof. By the entropy inequality (see (6.2.14) in [15])
NσT dQ≤ log
T dW +H(Q|W ).
But NσT has Poisson distribution under W , so
T dW <+∞. By applying
the same argument to NωT , the proof is completed. This proof extends with
no modifications to the case r 6= 1. �
Lemma 5.5. The function
I(Q) :=H(Q|W )−F (Q)
is lower semicontinuous on M1(D[0, T ]2).
Proof. It is well known (see [15], Lemma 6.2.13) that the entropy
H(Q|W ) is lower semicontinuous in Q in all of M1(D([0, T ])2). Moreover,
by definition, F (Q) < +∞ for every Q, and so we have H(Q|W ) = I(Q)
whenever H(Q|W ) = +∞. Since, by Lemma 5.4, H(Q|W ) = +∞ for Q /∈ I ,
we are left to prove the following two statements:
(i) I(Q) is lower semicontinuous in I .
(ii) If H(Q|W ) = +∞ and Qn →Q weakly, then I(Qn)→ +∞.
The following key identity, which holds for r > 0, is a simple consequence
of the definition of relative entropy and of the Girsanov formula for Markov
H(Q|Wr) =H(Q|W ) +
=H(Q|W ) + 2T (r− 1) + log r
(NσT +N
T )dQ.
In particular, by Lemma 5.4, we have that H(Q|W )<+∞ ⇐⇒ H(Q|Wr)<
+∞. A simple consequence of (38) is then the following:
I(Q) =H(Q|Wr)− Fr(Q),(39)
where the difference in (39) is meant to be +∞ whenever H(Q|Wr) = +∞
[which is equivalent to H(Q|W ) = +∞].
We are now ready to prove (i) and (ii). To prove (i) it is enough to choose
r ≥max(eβ , eγ) and use Lemma 5.3. Moreover, for the same choice of r, the
stochastic integrals in (35) are nonpositive, so Fr(Q) ≤ 2Tr. Therefore, if
H(Q|W ) = +∞ and Qn→Q,
lim inf I(Qn) ≥ lim infH(Qn|Wr)− 2Tr = +∞,
where the last equality follows from lower semicontinuity of H(·|Wr) and
H(Q|Wr) = +∞. Thus (ii) is proved. �
Lemma 5.6. The function I(Q) has compact level sets, that is, for every
k > 0 the set {Q : I(Q) ≤ k} is compact.
Proof. Choosing, as above, r ≥max(eβ , eγ), we have that Fr(Q) ≤ 2Tr
for every Q. Thus, by (39),
{Q : I(Q) ≤ k} ⊆ {Q :H(Q|Wr)≤ k+ 2Tr}.
Since (see [15], Lemma 6.2.13) the relative entropy has compact level sets,
{Q : I(Q) ≤ k} is contained in a compact set. Moreover, by lower semiconti-
nuity of I , {Q : I(Q)≤ k} is closed, and this completes the proof. �
Lemma 5.7. For every r > 0 there exists δ > 1 such that
lim sup
exp[δNFr(ρN )]dW
r <+∞.
Proof. We give the proof for r = 1; the modifications for the general
case are obvious. The proof consists of rather simple manipulations. The idea
can be summarized as follows. If δ = 1, then by Lemma 5.2, exp[δNF (ρN )]
is the Radon–Nikodym derivative of PN with respect to W
⊗N , and therefore
has expectation 1. For δ > 1, we write δF (ρN ) = F1(ρN ) +F2(ρN ) in such a
way that F2 is bounded and exp[NF1(ρN )] is a Radon–Nikodym derivative
of a probability with respect to W⊗N . More specifically, observe that, using
δNF (ρN ) =
(δ − δe−βσi(t)ωi(t))dt+
t (i)
(δ − δe−γωi(t)m
ρN (t))dt
ρN (t
−) dN
t (i)
(1− e−δβσi(t)ωi(t))dt+
t (i)
(1− e−δγωi(t)m
ρN (t))dt+
ρN (t)
t (i)
(δ − δe−βσi(t)ωi(t) − (1− e−δβσi(t)ωi(t)))dt
(δ − δe−γωi(t)m
ρN (t) − (1− e−δγωi(t)m
ρN (t)))dt
=NF1(ρN ) +NF2(ρN ),
NF1(ρN ) :=
(1− e−δβσi(t)ωi(t))dt+
t (i)
(1− e−δγωi(t)m
ρN (t))dt+
ρN (t)
t (i)
NF2(ρN ) :=
(δ − δe−βσi(t)ωi(t) − (1− e−δβσi(t)ωi(t)))dt
(δ − δe−γωi(t)m
ρN (t) − (1− e−δγωi(t)m
ρN (t)))dt.
Note that exp[NF1(ρN )] has the same form of exp[NF (ρN )] after having
replaced β by δβ. In particular,
exp[NF1(ρN )]dW
⊗N = 1. Moreover, it is
easy to see that
F2(ρN )≤ T (2δ − δ(e−β + e−γ)− 2 + eδβ + eδγ).
Putting all together, we obtain
exp[δNF (ρN )]dW
≤ exp[NT (2δ − δ(e−β + e−γ)− 2 + eδβ + eδγ)]
exp[NF1(ρN )]dW
= exp[NT (2δ − δ(e−β + e−γ)− 2 + eδβ + eδγ)],
from which the conclusion follows easily. �
Completing the proof of Proposition 3.1. It remains to show
the upper and the lower bounds (9) and (8). We prove them separately; our
main tool is the Varadhan Lemma in the version in [15], Lemmas 4.3.4 and
We deal first with the upper bound (9). Take r≥ max(eβ , eγ), so that the
function Fr in (35) is upper semicontinuous. Denote by PN the distribution
of ρN under PN , and by WN its distribution under W⊗Nr . By (36)
(Q) = exp[NFr(Q)].(40)
By Sanov’s theorem (Theorem 6.2.10 in [15]), the sequence of probabilities
WN satisfies a large deviation principle with rate function H(Q|Wr). Since
Fr is upper semicontinuous and satisfies the superexponential estimate in
Lemma 5.7, we can apply Lemma 4.3.6 in [15], together with identity (39),
to obtain the upper bound (9). The lower bound (8) is proved similarly,
by taking 0< r≤ min(e−β , e−γ), so that Fr becomes lower semicontinuous,
using (40) again and Lemma 4.3.4 in [15]. �
The remaining part of this section is devoted to the proof of Proposition
3.2. It mainly consists in giving an alternative representation of the rate
function I(Q).
Let now Q ∈M1(D([0, T ]) ×D([0, T ])). We associate with Q the law of
a time-inhomogeneous Markov process on {−1,1}2 which evolves according
to the following rules:
with intensity e−βσω,
with intensity exp
σΠtQ(σ, τ)
ΠtQ = e−γ
and with initial distribution λ. We denote by PQ the law of this process. In
other words, PQ is the law of the Markov process on {−1,1}2 with initial
distribution λ and time-dependent generator
LQt f(σ,ω) = e−βσω∇σf(σ,ω) + e
Lemma 5.8. For every Q ∈M1(D([0, T ])×D([0, T ])) such that I(Q)<
+∞, we have
I(Q) =H(Q|PQ).
Proof. We begin by observing that, since by assumption I(Q) <∞,
we have H(Q|W )<+∞ and so by Lemma 5.4 it follows that Q ∈ I , which
implies that the integrals below are well defined. Using again Girsanov’s
formula for Markov chains in Proposition 5.1, we obtain
(σ[0, T ], ω[0, T ])dQ
(1− e−βσ(t)ω(t))dt+
(1− e−γω(t)
σΠtQ(dσ, dτ))dt
σΠt−Q(dσ, dτ)
(1− e−βσ(t)ω(t))dt+
(1− e−γω(t)
σ(t)ω(t)dNσt + γ
σΠtQ(dσ, dτ)
(1− e−βσ(t)ω(t))dt+
(1− e−ω(t)γ
t )dt
σ(t)ω(t)dNσt +
= F (Q).
Finally, just observe that
I(Q) =
dQ log
dQ log
dQ log
=H(Q|PQ). �
Completing the proof of Proposition 3.2. By properness of the
relative entropy [H(µ|ν) = 0 ⇒ µ = ν], from Lemma 5.8 we have that the
equation I(Q) = 0 is equivalent to Q= PQ. Suppose Q∗ is a solution of this
last equation. Then, in particular, qt := ΠtQ
∗ = ΠtP
Q∗ . The marginals of a
Markov process are solutions of the corresponding forward equation that,
in this case, leads to the fact that qt is a solution of (10). This differential
equation, being an equation in finite dimension with locally Lipschitz coeffi-
cients, has at most one solution in [0, T ]. Since PQ
is totally determined by
the flow qt, it follows that equation Q= P
Q has at most one solution. The
existence of a solution follows from the fact that I(Q) is the rate function
of a LDP, and therefore must have at least one zero, indeed, by (8) with
A= M1(D[0, T ] ×D[0, T ]), we get infQ I(Q) = 0. Since I is lower semicon-
tinuous, this inf is actually a minimum. �
5.2. Proof of Theorem 3.4. We first observe that the square [−1,1]2
is stable for the flow of (14), since the vector field V (x, y) points inward
at the boundary of [−1,1]2. It is also immediately seen that the equation
V (x, y) = 0 holds if and only if x= tanh(β) tanh(γx) and y = 1
x. More-
over a simple convexity argument shows that x= tanh(β) tanh(γx) has x= 0
as unique solution for γ ≤ 1
, while for γ > 1
a strictly positive so-
lution, and its opposite, bifurcate from the null solution. We have therefore
found all equilibria of (14).
We now remark that (14) has no cycles (periodic solutions). Indeed, sup-
pose (xt, yt) is a cycle of period T . Then by the Divergence Theorem
[V1(xt, yt)ẋt + V2(xt, yt)ẏt]dt=
divV (x, y)dxdy,(41)
where V1, V2 are the components of V and C is the open set enclosed by the
cycle. But a simple direct computation shows that divV (x, y)< 0 in all of
[−1,1]2, so that (41) cannot hold.
It follows by the Poincaré–Bendixon theorem that every solution must
converge to an equilibrium as t→ +∞. This completes the proof of (i). The
matrix of the linearized system is
DV (0,0) =
−2cosh(β) 2 sinh(β)
2γ −2
from which also (ii) and (iii) are readily shown. It remains to show (iv).
For γ > 1
, we let vs be an eigenvector of the negative eigenvalue of
DV (0,0). By the Stable Manifold Theorem (see Section 2.7 in [30]), the
set of initial conditions that are asymptotically driven to (0,0) form a one-
dimensional manifold Γ that is tangent to vs at (0,0). Since any solution
converges to an equilibrium point, and solutions starting in Γc cannot cross
Γ (otherwise uniqueness would be violated), the remaining part of statement
(iv) follows.
5.3. Proof of Theorem 3.6.
Proof. One key remark is the fact that the stochastic process (mσ
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
) is a sufficient statistic for our model; in this context this
means that its evolution is Markovian. This can be proved by checking that
if we apply the generator L in (3) to a function of the form ϕ(mσ
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
), then we obtain again a function of (mσ
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
). A long
but straightforward computation actually gives
Lϕ(mσρN (t),m
ρN (t)
,mσωρN (t)) = [KNϕ](m
ρN (t)
,mωρN (t),m
ρN (t)
KNϕ(ξ, η, θ)
[jξ + kη + jkθ + 1]
ξ − 2
j,η, θ − 2
− ϕ(ξ, η, θ)
+ e−γξk
ξ, η− 2
k,θ− 2
− ϕ(ξ, η, θ)
This implies that KN is the infinitesimal generator of the three-dimensional
Markov process (mσ
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
). Note now that (xN (t), yN (t), zN (t))
is obtained from (mσ
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
ρN (t)
) through a time dependent, linear
invertible transformation. We call Tt this transformation, that is,
Tt(ξ, η, θ) = (
N(ξ −mσt ),
N(η −mωt ),
N(θ −mσωt ))
(the dependence onN of Tt is omitted in the notation). Therefore (xN (t), yN (t),
zN (t)) is itself a (time-inhomogeneous) Markov process, whose infinitesimal
generator HN,t can be obtained from (42) as follows:
HN,tf(x, y, z) =KN [f ◦ Tt](T−1t (x, y, z)) +
[f ◦ Tt](T−1t (x, y, z)).
A simple computation gives then
HN,tf(x, y, z)
+ jmσt + km
t + jkm
t + 1
e−βj k
x− 2√
j, y, z − 2√
− f(x, y, z)
+ e−γ(x/
x, y− 2√
k,z − 2√
−f(x, y, z)
Nṁσt fx(x, y, z)−
Nṁωt fy(x, y, z)−
Nṁσωt fz(x, y, z),
where fx stands for
, and similarly for the other derivatives. At this
point we compute the asymptotics of HN,tf(x, y, z) as N → +∞, assum-
ing f :R3 → R a C3 function with compact support. First of all we make a
Taylor expansion of terms like
x− 2√
j , y, z − 2√
− f(x, y, z)
= − 2√
fx(x, y, z)−
fz(x, y, z)(44)
fxx(x, y, z) +
fzz(x, y, z) +
fxz(x, y, z) + o
N) = 1− γ
Note that, since all derivatives of f are bounded, the remainder in (44) is
) uniformly in (x, y, z) ∈ R3. Moreover, the remainder in (45) is o( 1√
uniformly for x in a compact set. Therefore, since f has compact support,
when we use (44) and (45) to replace the corresponding terms in (43), we
obtain remainders whose bounds are uniform in R3. When (44) and (45) are
plugged into (43), all terms of order
N coming from the sum over (j, k) ∈
{−1,1}2 are canceled by the terms
Nṁσt fx(x, y, z) −
Nṁωt fy(x, y, z) −√
Nṁσωt fz(x, y, z). It follows then by a straightforward computation that
t∈[0,T ]
|HN,tf(x, y, z)−Htf(x, y, z)|= 0,
Htf(x, y, z) = 2{fx[−x cosh(β) + y sinh(β)]
+ fy[−γxmωt sinh(γmσt ) + γx cosh(γmσt )− y cosh(γmσt )]
+ fz[x sinh(γm
t ) + γxm
t cosh(γm
− γxmσωt sinh(γmσt )− z cosh(β)− z cosh(γmσt )]
+ fxx[−mσωt sinh(β) + cosh(β)]
+ fyy[−mωt sinh(γmσt ) + cosh(γmσt )]
+ fzz[−mσωt sinh(β) + cosh(β)
−mωt sinh(γmσt ) + cosh(γmσt )]
+ 2fxz[−mσt sinh(β) +mωt cosh(β)]
+ 2fyz[m
t cosh(γm
t )−mσωt sinh(γmσt )]}
is the infinitesimal generator of the linear diffusion process (18). Using Theo-
rem 1.6.1 in [17], the proof is completed if we show that (xN (0), yN (0), zN (0))
converges as N → +∞, in distribution to (x(0), y(0), z(0)). This last state-
ment follows by the standard Central Limit Theorem for i.i.d. random vari-
ables; indeed, by assumption, (σi(0), ωi(0)) are independent with law λ,
and (19) is just the covariance matrix under λ of (σ(0), ω(0), σ(0)ω(0)). It
should be pointed out that Theorem 1.6.1 in [17] does not deal explicitly
with time-dependent generators, as is the case here. To fix this point it
is enough to introduce an additional variable, τ(t) := t, and consider the
process α(t) := (x(t), y(t), z(t), τ(t)), whose generator is time-homogeneous.
This argument, together with the fact that the convergence of HN,tf(x, y, z)
to Htf(x, y, z) is uniform in both (x, y, z) and t, completes the proof. �
5.4. Proof of Theorem 4.1. We start with a technical lemma.
Lemma 5.9. For t∈ [0, T ] we have the convergence in distribution
j lσj(t)
→X ∼N
(l1 − l−1)2V (t)
where L(t) is defined in (28) and V (t) in (24).
Proof. Define, for x ∈ {−1,1}, the quantity ANx (t) as the number of σi
that, at a given time t, are equal to x. We may then write
AN1 (t)
. Recall moreover that for N →∞, mσN (t) →mσt . We
then have
j lσj(t)
1 (t) + l−1A
N (t)
+ l−1
1−mσN (t)
(l1 + l−1)
(l1 − l−1)
N (t)−
(l1 − l−1)
mσt −
(l1 + l−1)
(l1 − l−1)
N (t)−m
→X ∼N
(l1 − l−1)2V (t)
where the last convergence follows from Corollary 3.7 noticing that m
N (t) =
ρN (t)
Proof of Theorem 4.1. We have to check that
LN (t)
→ Y ∼N(0, V̂ (t)),
where V̂ (t) is defined in (29).
Separating the firms according to whether their σj(t) is +1 or −1,
j Lj(t)
Lj(t) +
We then add and subtract
j lσj(t) to obtain
(Lj(t)− l1)
j:σj(t)=−1(Lj(t)− l−1)
j lσj(t)
Since we have only independence conditionally on σ(t), we need to check
whether the CLT still applies. Let us show the convergence of the corre-
sponding characteristic functions:
LN (t)−NL(t)√
(Lj(t)− l1)√
j:σj(t)=−1(Lj(t)− l−1)√
j lσj(t) −NL(t)√
The last of the three terms is measurable with respect to the sigma algebra
generated by σ(t) so that we can take it out from the inner expectation. Be-
cause of the conditional independence we can separate the remaining terms
in the product of conditional expectations:
(Lj(t)− l1)√
j:σj(t)=−1(Lj(t)− l−1)√
By conditional independence,
(Lj(t)− l1)√
AN1 (t)
Lj(t)− l1√
1− v1
)]AN1 (t)
where the last equality follows because l1 and v1 are the first two conditional
moments of Lj(t).
Recalling that
AN1 (t)
converges almost surely to
we have
1− v1
)]AN1 (t)
= lim
1− v1
AN1 (t)
AN1 (t)
)]AN1 (t)
= exp
1 +mσt
The same argument holds for the terms where σj(t) = −1. Since
, we have
1− v−1
= exp
Finally, recall from Lemma 5.9 that
lσj (t)
converges to X ∼N(0,
(l1−l−1)2V (t)
), so that
j lσj(t) −NL(t)√
= exp
(l1 − l−1)2V (t)
Thus, denoting by E[· · · |σ(t)] the inner conditional expectation in (48), we
have shown that
E[· · · |σ(t)] = exp
(l1 − l−1)2V (t)
1 +mσt
× exp
= exp
V̂ (t)
By the Dominated Convergence Theorem, taking the limit as N → +∞ in
(48), we can interchange the limit with the outer expectation, and the proof
is completed. �
6. Conclusions and possible extensions. In this paper we have described
propagation of financial distress in a network of firms linked by business
We have proposed a model for credit contagion, based on interacting par-
ticle systems, and we have quantified the impact of contagion on the losses
suffered by a financial institution holding a large portfolio with positions
issued by the firms.
Compared to the existing literature on credit contagion, we have proposed
a dynamic model where it is possible to describe the evolution of the indica-
tors of financial distress. In this way we are able to compute the distribution
of the losses in a large portfolio for any time horizon T , via a suitable version
of the central limit theorem.
The peculiarity of our model is the fact that the changes in rating class
(the σ variables) are related to the degree of health of the system (the
global indicator mσ). There is a further characteristic of the firms that is
summarized by a second variable ω (a liquidity indicator) and that describes
the ability of the firm to act as a buffer against adverse news coming from
the market. The evolution of the pair (σ,ω) depends on two parameters β
and γ, which indicate the strength of the interaction.
The fact that our model leads to endogenous financial indicators that de-
scribe the general health of the systems has allowed us to view a credit crisis
as a microeconomic phenomenon. This has also been exemplified through
simulation results.
The model we have proposed in this paper exhibits some phenomena
having interesting financial interpretation. There are many extensions that
could make the model more flexible and realistic, allowing also calibration to
real data. One of them, concerning the symmetry of the model, has already
been mentioned in Remark 2.1. Other more substantial extensions are the
• In real applications, the variable σ denoting the rating class is not binary;
one could extend the model by taking σ to be valued in a finite, totally
ordered set.
• One could assume the fundamental values ωi to be R+-valued, and evolv-
ing according to the stochastic differential equation
dωi(t) = ωi(t)[f(m
N (t))dt+ g(m
N (t))dBi(t)] + dJi(t),
where f and g are given functions, the Bi(·) are independent Brownian
motions, and Ji(·) is a pure jump process whose intensity is a function of
ωi(t) and m
N (t).
• An interesting extension of the above model consists in letting the func-
tions a(·, ·, ·) and b(·, ·, ·) in (1) be random rather than deterministic;
in particular they may depend on (possibly time-dependent) exogenous
macroeconomic variables.
• The mean-field assumption may be weakened by assuming that the rate
at which ωi changes depends on an i-dependent weighted global health of
the form
N,i :=
where J : [0,1]2 → R is a function describing the interaction between pairs
of firms. In other words, the ith firm “feels” the information given by the
rating of the other firms in a nonuniform way.
Other generalizations could be useful, in particular to introduce inhomogene-
ity in the model. In principle, the extensions listed above could be treated
by the same techniques used in this paper.
We begin by writing down explicitly the limit matrix A:
− cosh(β)
−γ sinh(γm
cosh(γmσ∗ )
sinh(γmσ∗ ) + γ cosh(γm
sinh(γmσ∗ ) + γm
∗ cosh(γm
∗ ) + γ
sinh(β) +mσ∗ sinh(γm
cosh(β) + cosh(γmσ∗ )
sinh(γmσ∗ )
sinh(β) 0
− cosh(γmσ∗ ) 0
0 −(cosh(β) + cosh(γmσ∗ ))
where for the first term in the second row we have used (16). By direct
computation, one shows that the eigenvalues of A are given by the following
λ1 = −2(cosh(β) + cosh(γmσ∗ )),
λ2 = −
cosh(β) + cosh(γmσ∗ )
(cosh(β)− cosh(γmσ∗ ))
cosh(γmσ∗ )
λ3 = −
cosh(β) + cosh(γmσ∗ )
(cosh(β)− cosh(γmσ∗ ))
cosh(γmσ∗ )
Note that these eigenvalues are all real, and that clearly λ1, λ2 < 0. Moreover,
λ3 < 0 if and only if
< cosh2(γmσ∗ )(50)
where γc =
(a) If γ < γc, then by part (i) in Theorem 3.4 we have m
∗ = 0. In this
case (50) holds, because
< 1 = cosh2(γ · 0).
In this case the matrix A has three different real eigenvalues, all strictly
(b) If γ = γc, we still have m
∗ = 0, but it is immediately seen that λ3 = 0.
(c) Finally, if γ > γc, set y = γm
∗ ; by (15) we have
mσ∗ =
tanh(γmσ∗ ) ⇔ y =
Then (50) is equivalent to showing that
< cosh2(y)(52)
and from (51) we obtain
cosh(y)< cosh(y)< cosh2(y)
because y/ sinh(y)< 1 and cosh(y)< cosh2(y), since y = γmσ∗ > 0 if γ > γc.
Then, in this case too, the matrix A has three different real eigenvalues, all
strictly negative.
Acknowledgment. The authors would like to acknowledge the extremely
careful reading of the paper and the useful suggestions made by an anony-
mous referee.
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P. Dai Pra
W. J. Runggaldier
E. Sartori
Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
University of Padova
63, Via Trieste
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
M. Tolotti
Istituto di Metodi Quantitativi
Bocconi University
25, Via Sarfatti
I-20136 Milano
Scuola Normale Superiore
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Venice
E-mail: [email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
General aspects
Purpose and modeling aspects
Financial application
The model
A mean-field model
Invariant measures and nonreversibility
Main results: law of large numbers and Central Limit Theorem
Deterministic limit: large deviations and law of large numbers
Equilibria of the limiting dynamics: phase transition
Analysis of fluctuations: Central Limit Theorem
Portfolio losses
Simulation results
Proofs of Propositions 3.1 and 3.2
Proof of Theorem 3.4
Proof of Theorem 3.6
Proof of Theorem 4.1
Conclusions and possible extensions
Appendix: The eigenvalues of the matrix A in Theorem 3.6
Author's addresses
0704.1349 | Carleman estimates and unique continuation for second order parabolic
equations with nonsmooth coefficients | CARLEMAN ESTIMATES AND UNIQUE CONTINUATION
Abstract. In this work we obtain strong unique continuation results for
variable coefficient second order parabolic equations. The coefficients in
the principal part are assumed to satisfy a Lipschitz condition in x and a
Hölder C
3 condition in time. The coefficients in the lower order terms, i.e.
the potential and the gradient potential, are allowed to be unbounded and
required only to satisfy mixed norm bounds in scale invariant L
x spaces.
1. Introduction
The evolution of the understanding of the strong unique continuation prob-
lem for second order parabolic equations mirrors and is closely related to the
corresponding strong unique continuation problem for second order elliptic
equations. Consequently, we begin with a brief overview of the latter problem.
To a second order elliptic operator ∆g = ∂ig
ij∂j and potentials V , W in R
we associate the elliptic equation
(1.1) −∆gu = W∇u+ V u
Given a function u ∈ L2loc(Rn) and x0 ∈ Rn we say that u vanishes of infinite
order at x0 if there exists R so that for each integer N we have
|u|2 dx ≤ c2Nr2N , r < R
The elliptic strong unique continuation property ESUCP has the form
Let u be a solution to (1.1) which vanishes of infinite order
at x0. Then u(x) = 0 for x in a neighborhood of x0.
ESUCP type results go back to the pioneering work of Carleman [5] in
dimension n = 2, later extended to higher dimension in by Aronszajn and
collaborators [3], [4]. Their results apply to Lipschitz metrics g but only mildly
unbounded potentials V and W . A key ingredient in their approach was
to obtain a class of weighted L2 estimates which were later called Carleman
estimates. The simplest Carleman estimate has the form
‖|x|−τu‖L2 . ‖|x|2−τ∆u‖L2
The first author was supported in part by the DFG grant KO1307/5-3. The second
author was supported in part by the NSF grant DMS-0301122. Part of the work was done
while the first author was supported by the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science.
and holds uniformly for τ away from ±(n−2
+ N). This restriction is related
to the spectrum of the spherical Laplacian.
Adding some extra convexity to the |x|−τ weight makes the above estimate
more robust and allows one to also use it in the variable coefficient case. The
role played by the convexity was further clarified and explained by Hörmander
[12], [13], who introduced the pseudoconvexity condition for weights as an
almost necessary and sufficient condition in order for the Carleman estimates
to hold.
The problem becomes more difficult if one seeks to work with unbounded
potentials V in or near the scale invariant L
2 space. There the L2 Carle-
man estimates are insufficient. Instead the key breakthrough was achieved
in Jerison-Kenig [15], where the L2 Carleman estimates are replaced by Lp
estimates of the form
. ‖|x|−τ∆u‖
Relevant to the present paper is also the alternative proof of this result which
was given by Jerison [14], taking advantage of Sogge’s [25] spectral projection
bounds for the spherical Laplacian. In the case of operators with smooth
variable coefficients Lp Carleman estimates were first obtained by Sogge [26],
Working with gradient potentials in the scale invariant space W ∈ Ln intro-
duces an added layer of difficulty. There not even the Lp Carleman estimates
can hold. Wolff’s solution to this in [29] is a weight osculation argument, which
allows one to taylor the weight in the Carleman estimate to the solution u,
producing estimates of the form
+ ‖e−τφ(x)W∇u‖
. ‖eτφ(x)∆u‖
where the choice of φ depends on both u, W and τ .
Finally, the authors’s article [17] combines the ideas above into a nearly
optimal scale invariant ESUCP result for the elliptic problem, with (i) a
Lipschitz metric g, (ii) an L
2 potential V , and (iii) an almost Ln gradient
potential W . The present paper is the counterpart of [17] for the parabolic
strong unique continuation problem.
We consider the second order backwards parabolic operator
(1.3) P = ∂t + ∂kg
kl(t, x)∂l
in R × Rn and potentials V,W1,W2. To these we associate the parabolic
(1.4) Pu = V u+W1∇xu+∇x(W2u)
Given a function u ∈ L2loc and (t0, x0) ∈ R × Rn we say that u vanishes of
infinite order at (t0, x0) if there exists R so that for each integer N we have
|u|2 dxdt ≤ c2Nr2N , r < R
Alternatively we may only require that x→ u(t0, x) vanishes of infinite order
at x0, i.e.
|u(t0, x)|2 dx ≤ c2Nr2N , r < R
The two conditions (1.5) and (1.6) are largely equivalent provided that the
coefficients gkl have some uniform regularity as t → t0. However, our as-
sumptions in this article are not strong enough to guarantee this, therefore we
consider the two separate cases.
Now we can define the strong unique continuation property SUCP(I) :
Let u be a solution to (1.4) which vanishes of infinite order
at (t0, x0). Then u(t0, x) = 0 for x in a neighborhood of x0.
and the slightly stronger variant
Let u be a solution to (1.4) so that x→u(t0, x) vanishes of infinite
order at x0. Then u(t0, x) = 0 for x in a neighborhood of x0.
The study of unique continuation for parabolic equations began with early
work of Mizohata [21] and Yamabe [30], followed by Saut-Scheurer [23]; Lp
Carleman estimates were first obtained by Sogge [24].
The study of the parabolic strong unique continuation problem began with
work of Lin [20] who considered SUCP(II) for the heat equation with W = 0
and V bounded and time independent. This continued with work of Chen [6]
and Poon [22]. Fernández [11], and Escauriaza, Fernández and Vessella [7] con-
sidered SUCP(II) under various assumptions on the coefficients and pointwise
bounds for W = 0 and V . It is a consequence of Alessandrini and Vessella [1]
that SUCP(I) andSUCP(II) are equivalent under weak assumptions on the
coefficients, and they derived SUCP(II) in [2] for bounded W and V .
The article of Poon [22] contributed to clarifying the correct form of the
L2 Carleman estimates for the parabolic strong unique continuation problem
in Escauriaza and Fernández’s work [9]. In the simplest form, these have the
8t u‖L2 . ‖t−τ+
8t (∂t +∆)u‖L2
and hold uniformly with respect to τ away from (2n + N)/4. This restriction
is connected with the spectral properties of the Hermite operator.
The Lp spectral projection bounds for the Hermite operator were indepen-
dently obtained by Thangavelu [28] and Kharazdhov [16]; see also the sim-
plified proof in the authors’s paper [19]. These bounds were essential in the
proof of Lp Carleman inequalities for the heat operator of Escauriaza [8] and
Escauriaza and Vega [10] which yield SUCP(I) when g = In, W = 0 and
V ∈ L1L∞ + L∞Ln/2.
Our aim is to prove that SUCP(I) respectively, SUCP(II) hold under
sharp scale invariant assumptions on the metric g and Lp conditions on the
potentials V and W1,W2. The contribution of this work is comparable to [17]
for the elliptic problem: We study almost optimal conditions on
(1) the coefficients g
(2) the potential V
(3) the gradient potentials Wj
The combination of rough variable coefficients and Lp conditions on the po-
tential seems to be new. Also, to the best of our knowledge this is the first
result on unique continuation for parabolic problems under Lp conditions on
the coefficients of the gradient term.
For simplicity we always assume that t0 = 0, x0 = 0. For SUCP(I) it is
natural1 to consider a larger class of operators P which have the form
(1.7) P =
+ ∂kg
kl∂l +
dkl∂l + ∂ld
where (gkl), (dkl) and (ekl) are real valued and (gkl) and (ekl) are symmetric.
Then simple scale invariant assumptions for the coefficients would be
(1.8) ‖d‖L∞ + ‖(t+ x2)
2∂xd‖L∞ + ‖t∂td‖L∞ ≪ 1
Here and in the sequel d stands for a generic coefficient of the form gkl − δkl,
dkl and ekl. For V and W1,2 we could consider conditions of the form
(1.9) ‖V ‖L1L∞+L∞Ln/2 ≪ 1,
(1.10) ‖W1,2‖L2L∞+L∞Ln ≪ 1.
Here and in the sequel we use the notation LpLq = L
The situation is however more complex and we may take (1.8) to (1.10)
only as guidelines. We will have to strengthen (1.8) to include some dyadic
summability. on the other hand we are able to weaken the time differentiability
to a C
3 Holder condition on small time scales.
We are also able to slightly weaken (1.9) almost to uniform bounds on
dyadic sets. However, we are unable to use mixed norms for W1 and W2, and
we restrict ourselves to a summable Ln+2 norm in dyadic sets.
To state our assumptions on g, V , W1 and W2 we consider a double infinite
dyadic partition of the space,
(1.11) R+ × Rn =
(1.12) Aij = {(t, x) ∈ R+ ×Rn | e−4i−4 ≤ t ≤ e−4i, ej ≤ 1+ 2|x|t−
2 ≤ ej+1}.
Consider the subset of indices
(1.13) A = {(i, j) : j ≤ 2i+ 2}
defining a partition of the cylinder
Q = [0, 1]× B(0, 1)
1This becomes clearer later on after a change of coordinates and conjugation with respect
to a Gaussian weight
(1.14) A(τ) = {(i, j) ∈ A : 4i ≥ ln τ + 1, j ≤ 1
ln τ + 2}
which corresponds to a partition of the cut parabola
Qτ = {(t, x) : |x|2 ≤ τt ≤ 1}.
t = τ−1
|x| = 1
Figure 1. The cut parabola
We also consider a decomposition of Q into dyadic time slices
Ai = [e
−4i−4, e−4i]× B(0, 1)
and a similar partition of the cut parabola Qτ into the sets
Aτi = Ai ∩Qτ
Given a function space X and 1 ≤ q < ∞ we introduce the Banach spaces
lq(A, X) with norms
‖V ‖q
‖V ‖q
In a similar manner we define the spaces l∞(A, X).
Within the sets Aij we define the modulus of continuity (mij) in time
mij(ρ) = e
4iρ+ e
and denote by C
t the space of continuous functions with finite seminorm
= sup
|u(t1, x)− u(t2, x)|
mij(|t1 − t2|)
For the reader’s convenience we note that within Aij we have e
4i ≈ t−1 and
(2i−j) ≈ (t+ |x|2)− 13 .
For the coefficients of the operator P in (1.7) we change the condition (1.8)
(1.15) sup
‖d‖L∞(Aij) + ej−2i‖d‖Lipx(Aij) + ‖d‖Cmijt (Aij) ≪ 1.
where we note that ej−2i ≈ (t + x2) 12 in Aij .
The pointwise bound for g − In in (1.15), namely
(1.16) sup
‖g − In‖l1(A(τ),L∞) ≪ 1
is not really needed for our results. It can be always obtained from the other
bounds after a change of coordinates. This is discussed in the appendix.
The assertion (1.15) is satisfied for g ∈ Lipx∩C
t provided that g(0, 0) = In.
Indeed by scaling we may assume that the Lipx ∩ C
t norm is small therefore
it suffices to compute
‖(t + |x|2)
3‖l1(A(τ),L∞) ≤
i≥ln τ
(j−2i) . 1.
For the potential V we consider:
‖V ‖l∞(A,L1L∞+L∞Ln/2) ≪ 1 for n > 2
‖V ‖l∞(A,L1L∞+LpLp′ ) ≪ 1 for n > 2, 1 ≤ p <∞,
‖V ‖l∞(A,L1L∞+L2L1) ≪ 1 for n = 1
where p′ in the second line is the dual exponent. In addition we require that
(1.18) sup
‖χiV ‖L1L∞+L∞Ln/2 ≪ 1 n > 2
with the obvious modifications for n = 1, 2, where χi is the characteristic
function of the set
{(t, x) : e−4i−4 ≤ t ≤ e−4i, t−1/2|x| ≤ i}.
Both (1.17) and (1.18) are fulfilled if V ∈ L1L∞ + L∞Ln/2 with small norm.
Finally for the gradient potentials W1,2 we introduce the summability con-
dition with respect to time slices
(1.19) sup
) ≪ 1.
As a consequence of this we note the uniform bound
(1.20) sup
‖W1,2‖Ln+2(Ai) ≪ 1.
Now we can state our main results.
Theorem 1. Let P be as in (1.7) with coefficients satisfying (1.15). As-
sume that the potentials V and W1,2 satisfy (1.17), (1.18) and (1.19). Then
SUCP(I) holds at (0, 0) for H1 functions u satisfying (1.4).
It is part of the conclusion that the trace of u at t = 0 exists near x = 0.
The assumptions on the operator seem to be too weak to imply existence of a
trace in general. More precisely shall prove
‖u(t, .)‖L2(B(0,1/8)) . e−
for some δ > 0.
The C
3 Hölder regularity in time for the metric g seems so be new, improv-
ing the C
2 Hölder regularity in [9]. It is not clear to the authors whether this
condition is optimal or not.
We may replace the assumptions by stronger translation invariant assump-
(1.21) ‖g‖Lipx + ‖g‖
(1.22) ‖V ‖L1L∞+L∞Ln/2 ≪ 1
‖W1,2‖Ln+2(Ai) . 1
Then we also obtain a stronger conclusion.
Theorem 2. Let P be as in (1.3) with coefficients as in (1.21). Assume that
the potentials V and W satisfy (1.22) respectively (1.23). Then SUCP(II)
holds at (0, 0) for H1 functions u satisfying (1.4).
We remark that the condition (1.21) is really too strong, and that with some
additional work (see Remark 2.3) one can bring it almost to the level of (1.15).
Precisely, it suffices to replace (1.15) by
(1.24) sup
‖d‖L∞(Aij) + ej−2i‖d‖Lipx(Aij) + ‖d‖
t (Aij)
where the slightly stronger time continuity modulus m2ij is given by
m2ij(ρ) = e
4i−2jρ+ e
However, we cannot keep the additional terms in (1.7), because we need to
be able to meaningfully talk about the trace of the solution at time t = 0.
Both theorems are consequences of quantitative estimates, which also imply
weak unique continuation under the assumptions of Theorem 2:
Let u be a solution to (1.4) for which u(t0, .) vanishes in
the closure of an open set. Then (u(t0, .) vanishes in a
neighborhood of the closure.
If u satisfies the assumptions and vanishes in an open set U , then it vanishes
in the time slices t = t0 in an open neighborhood of the closure of Ut0 = {(x :
(t, x) ∈ U}.
Theorems 1 and 2 are nontrivial consequences of a Carleman inequality. To
state a first version of the Carleman inequality we introduce an additional fam-
ily B(τ) of sets which is a partition of the cylinder [0, τ−1)×B(0, 1), consisting
(1.25) Aij , ln τ ≤ 4i ≤ τ 1/2, 0 ≤ j ≤ ln τ/2 + 2,
(1.26) [e−4i−4, e−4i]× B(0, e−2iτ 1/2), 4i > τ
(1.27) Aij , ln τ ≤ 4i, ln τ/2 ≤ j ≤ 2i.
This partition is coarser than the partition of the same cylinder into the sets
Aij . This is the reason why we need the assumption (1.18). More precisely
Assumptions (1.17) and (1.18) imply
(1.28) ‖V ‖l∞(B(τ),L1L∞+L∞Ln/2) ≪ 1.
Theorem 3. Let τ0 ≫ 1, ε > 0 and P as in (1.7) with coefficients satisfying
(1.15). Suppose that W1,2 satisfY (1.19) with constants depending on ε and
τ0. Then there exists C > 0 such that for all τ ≥ τ0 the following is true:
Suppose that v ∈ L2(H1) is compactly supported in [0, 8τ−1) × B(0, 2) and
that it vanishes of infinite order near (0, 0). Then we can find a function
φ ∈ C∞([0, 8τ−1]×B(0, 1)\{0, 0}) and h ∈ C∞(R+) which satisfy
(1.29) τ ≤ h′ ≤ (1 + ε)τ
∣∣∣∣φ(x, t)−
h(− ln t)− x
)∣∣∣∣ ≤ ε
such that
n−2 ))
≤ C‖eφ(P +W1∇ +∇W2)v‖
n+2 )
for n ≥ 3, respectively
‖eφv‖l2(B(τ),L∞L2∩Lp′Lq′ ) ≤ C‖e
φ(P +W1∇+∇W2)v‖l2(B(τ),L1L2+LpLq),
for n = 2, 1
, 2 < p, and
‖eφv‖l2(B(τ),L∞L2∩L4L∞) ≤ C‖eφ(P +W1∇ +∇W2)v‖l2(B(τ),L1L∞+L4/3L1)
for n = 1.
The statement of the Carleman inequality is involved for several reasons.
The weight t−τe−|x|
2/8t, which works for the constant coefficient case, has to be
modified so that it has more convexity in order to handle variable coefficients,
spatial localization and the gradient potential. However the polynomial growth
in time (imposed by the assumption of vanishing of infinite order) limits the
available amount of convexity; this is the origin of the l1 summability in (1.16),
(1.20), and to a lesser extend of (1.18).
If W = 0 then the Carleman inequality holds for a large explicit class
of weights eφ. This cannot be possibly true for general gradient potentials.
Instead, we are only able to prove that there exists some weight function φ,
which now depends on τ , u andW , for which the uniform Carleman inequality
holds. This strategy goes back to the seminal work of T. Wolff [29] and has
been used by the authors for the elliptic problem [17].
The partition Aij is much finer than the dyadic decomposition in t only,
which would correspond to the dyadic decomposition in the elliptic case. We
are only able to localize the estimates to the sets Aij if we make the weight
function sufficiently convex. We can do this for many Aij, but not for all of
them. The sets (1.26) correspond directly to the assumption (1.18). We need
to have control of the L1L∞+L∞Ln/2 norm of V in sets which are not smaller
than those of the partition in (1.25), (1.26) and (1.27).
We have stated Theorem 3 in a simpler form which suffices to derive Theo-
rem 1 and Theorem 2. However the full estimate we prove is stronger in that
it also contains precise L2 bounds. These are essential for the localization and
perturbations techniques we use.
The strategy of the proof is the same as in [17]:
(1) We construct families of pseudoconvex weights and derive L2 Carle-
man inequalities. The convexity of weights determines the space-time
localization scales and the admissible size of perturbations.
(2) We enhance the above L2 Carleman inequalities to include Lp esti-
mates. Due to the L2 localization it suffices to do this in small sets.
This allows us to use perturbation arguments starting from the case of
the heat equation with the weight t−τe−|x|
(3) Lp estimates for the spectral projections to spherical harmonics im-
ply the Lp Carleman inequalities in the elliptic case. Here spectral
projection for the Hermite operator play a similar role.
(4) Finally we include Wolff’s osculating argument into the scheme in order
to handle the gradient potentials. The efficiency of this part depends
on the flexibility in the choice of the weight functions.
The complexity of the weights and the L2 Carleman estimates comes mainly
from the geometry of the classical harmonic oscillator. Orbits are contained in
a sphere in R2n. The projection down in the x space is a ball, where frequency
variables have a different behavior in radial and angular directions and near
the boundary of the the ball. It turns out that our analytic estimates reflect
these features.
2. Proof of Theorem 1 and 2
In this section we prove Theorem 1 and 2 assuming Theorem 3. The relation
between Carleman estimates and unique continuation is fairly straightforward
in the elliptic case. In the parabolic situation the argument is less direct due
to the more complex geometry of the level sets of the weight functions.
It is a standard consequence of a localized energy inequality that for the
parabolic equation (1.4) u(t) and its gradient can be controlled by L2 norms
of u.
Proposition 2.1. Let n ≥ 3 and suppose that v solve the parabolic equation
vt + ∂ka
kl∂lv =W1∇v +∇(W2v) + V v
on the space-time cylinder Q = [0, 2]×B(0, 2) with a ∈ Lip uniformly elliptic
‖W1,2‖Ln+2(Q) + ‖V ‖L1L∞+L∞Ln/2 ≪ 1
F extτ
F intτ
Figure 2. The sets Eδ, F
τ and F
‖v(t)‖L2(B(0,1)) + ‖∇xv‖L2([0,1]×B(0,1)) . ‖v‖L2(Q).
If n = 2 then the same statement is true with L∞Ln/2 replaced by LpLq with
1 ≤ p < ∞, 1 < q ≤ ∞ and 1
= 1. Similarly, if n = 1 we have to replace
it by L4L∞.
Given our assumptions (1.15), (1.17), (1.18), (1.19) and (1.20) we can apply
Proposition 2.1 rescaled in sets of the form [t0, 2t0] × B(x0, t1/20 ), which are
subsets of the Aij. Summing up with respect to such sets contained in a
parabolic cube
Qr = [0, r
2]×B(0, r)
we obtain the following consequence.
Corollary 2.2. The following estimate holds under the assumptions of Theo-
rem 1
2u‖L∞L2(Qr) + ‖t
2∇u‖L2(Qr) . ‖u‖L2(Q2r)
Proof of Theorem 1. We choose τ ≥ τ0 and 0 < δ ≪ τ−1/2 and introduce the
[0, 2δ2]×B(0, 2δ)
[0, δ2]× B(0, δ)
F extτ =
[0, 2/τ ]×B(0, 2)
[0, 1/τ ]×B(0, 1)
F intτ =[1/32τ, 1/16τ ]× B(0, 1/4)
Our strategy will be to truncate u in Eδ and F
τ and to apply Theorem 3
to the truncated function in order to obtain a good bound on u in F intτ .
Let η be a cutoff function supported in [0, 2)× B(0, 2) and identically 1 in
[0, 1]×B(0, 1). For δ ≪ τ−1/2 we define
vδ(t, x) = (1− η(t/δ2, x/δ))η(τt/8, x)u(x, t)
which satisfies
(P +W∇)vδ = V vδ − [P +W∇, η(t/δ2, x/δ)]u+ [P +W∇, η(τt/8, x)]u.
The second term on the right hand side is supported in Eδ and the third one
in F extτ .
We apply Theorem 3 to vδ. One should keep in mind that the corresponding
weight φ depends on δ but that the bounds we prove are uniform with respect
to δ. We normalize the function h by h(0) = 0. We have to control the size of
φ in the sets Eδ, F
τ and F
τ . Due to (1.29) we have
τs ≤ h(s) ≤ 2τs, s ≥ 0
By (1.30) we obtain a rough polynomial bound in δ
(2.1) eφ ≤ t−2τe−
) ≤ t1/2c(τ)δ−4τ−1 in Eδ.
M = sup{eh(− ln(t))e−
) : (t, x) ∈ F extτ }
By (1.29) the supremum is attained at a point (t0, x0) with
≤ 8τt0 ≤ 1 and
|x0| = 1. A simple computation also shows that
sup{t−1/2eh(− ln(t))e−
) : (t, x) ∈ F extτ } . τ 1/2M.
Then M dominates eφ in F extτ :
(2.2) eφ ≤M, t−1/2eφ . τ 1/2M in F extτ .
Next we need to bound eφ from below in F intτ in terms of M ,
(2.3) inf
F intτ
eφ ≥ e
To see this we compute for (t, x) ∈ F intτ and sufficiently small ε:
φ(t, x)− φ(t0, x0) ≥ h(− ln t)− h(− ln t0) +
− 2ε(τ + 1
− 20ε)τ ≥ 1
and use (2.1) and (2.2).
Theorem 3 applied to vδ yields
n−2 ∩L∞L2)
.‖eφV vδ‖
+ ‖eφ[P +W∇, η(t/δ2, x/δ)]u‖
+ ‖eφ[P +W∇, η(τt, x)]u‖
n+2 +L1L2)
By Hölder’s inequality we have
‖eφV vδ‖
.‖V ‖l∞(B(τ),L1L∞+L∞Ln/2)‖eφvδ‖
n−2 ∩L∞L2)
Due to the smallness in (1.28) we can absorb this term on the left hand side
of the inequality.
We calculate the first commutator
fδ = [P +W∇, η(t/δ2, x/δ)]u
+ ∂kg
kl∂l + 2
dkl∂l +W∇)η(t/δ2, x/δ)
+ 2δ−1gkl(∂kη)(t/δ
2, x/δ)∂lu
By (2.1) we have
n+2 +L1L2)
. c(τ)δ−4τ−1‖t
2 fδ‖
n+2 +L1L2)
For the W term we use (1.19) and Holder’s inequality. For term involving
dkl we bound the L1L2 norm in terms of an L∞L2 norm, using (1.15) which
implies that the pointwise bound for dkl is summable with respect to dyadic
time regions. For the remaining terms we simply bound the L1L2 norm in
terms of the L2 norm. This yields
.c(τ)δ−4τ−2(‖u‖L2(Eδ) + ‖(∂xη)(t/δ
2, x/δ)t
+ ‖(∂xη)(t/δ2, x/δ)t
Then we can apply a straightforward modification of Corollary 2.2 on the Eδ
scale to finally obtain
‖eφ[P +W∇, η(t/δ2, x/δ)]u‖
n+2 +L1L2)
. c(τ)δ−4τ−2‖u‖L2(Eδ).
Similarly we can estimate the second commutator
‖eφ[P +W∇, η(τt, x)]u‖
n+2 +L1L2)
.Mτ 1/2‖u‖L2(F extτ ).
Hence by inequality (2.4) we get
(2.5) ‖eφvδ‖
. Mτ 1/2‖u‖L2(F extτ ) + c(τ)δ
Within F intτ we have vδ = u. Then by (2.3) we obtain
(2.6) ‖u‖L∞L2(F intτ ) . τ
τ‖u‖L2(F extτ ) + c(τ)δ
Also by the vanishing of infinite order the second term tends to zero as δ → 0.
Hence as δ → 0 we obtain
(2.7) ‖u‖L∞L2(F intτ ) . τ
τ‖u‖L2(F extτ )
For 0 < t≪ 1 we choose τ = 1
to obtain
‖u(t, .)‖L2(B(0,1/4)) . t−1/2e−
32t .
This completes the proof of Theorem 1. �
Proof of Theorem 2. We extend the potentials V and W by zero to negative
time, and gkl(t, x) = gkl(0, x) for t < 0. By definition, possibly after rescaling,
we have u(0, .) ∈ L2(B(0, 2)). We now solve the mixed problem
(2.8) ut + ∂kg
kl∂lu = 0 for t < 0 and |x| ≤ 2
with the boundary condition
u(t, x) = 0 if |x| = 2 and t < 0
and the obvious initial condition to obtain an extension of u to negative. The
heat kernel for (2.8) satisfies Gaussian estimates. In particular we obtain from
(1.6) for all positive integers N with a constant cN possibly differing from (1.6)
|u|2dxdt . c2Nr2N .
We seek to prove that the bound (2.7) still holds in this context. The
difficulty is that we only know that u vanishes of infinite order at (0, 0) for
negative time. To account for this we shift the time up, t→ t+2δ. Arguing as
in the previous proof we obtain (2.6) with u replaced by u(t+ 2δ, x). Letting
δ → 0 by (2.9) we obtain (2.7) and conclude as above.
Remark 2.3. If one wants to prove Theorem 2 under the weaker assumptions
on g in (1.24) then the origin needs to be avoided in the above argument. Hence
the time translation needs to be accompanied by a spatial translation, namely
uδ(t, x) = u(t+ 2δ
2, x− 8τδe1)
This translation places the image of the origin, or better of the cube [0, τδ2]×
B(0, 4τδ), within the region {τt < x2}. But in this region the conjugated
operator Pψ, introduced later, is elliptic so only pointwise bounds for g are
needed for the Carleman estimates.
3. L2 bounds in the flat case and the Hermite operator
In this section we prove the simplest possible L2 Carleman estimate for the
constant coefficient backward parabolic equation
∂tu+∆xu = f
This serves as a good pretext to introduce the class of weight functions which
is later modified for the variable coefficient case.
We also describe the change of coordinates which turns the backward par-
abolic operator into a forward parabolic equation for the Hermite operator
H . In this way we are able to relate the L2 Carleman estimates for the heat
operator to spectral information for H .
Proposition 3.1. Let u ∈ L2 with compact support away from 0. Then
(3.1) ‖t−τ−
8t u‖L2 ≤ ‖t−τ+
8t (∂t +∆)u‖L2
uniformly with respect to τ away from (2n+ N)/4.
Proof. In R+ × Rn we introduce new coordinates (s, y) ∈ R× Rn defined by
t = e−4s
x = 1
= −4e−4s
− e−2sy
Hence in the new coordinates our operator becomes
4t(∂t +∆x) = −
− 2y ∂
If we conjugate it by tn/4e−
8t = e−nse−
2 we obtain
8t (∂t +∆x)t
8t = − ∂
+∆y − y2 =: −∂s −H =: −P0
where H is the Hermite operator
H = −∆y + y2
Then it is natural to define the new functions
v(s, y) = e−nse−
2 u(e4s,
e2sy), g(s, y) = e(−n−4)se−
2 f(e4s,
which are related by
P0v = g ⇐⇒ (∂t +∆)u = f
In the new coordinates, the bound (3.1) becomes
(3.3) ‖e4τsv‖L2 . ‖e4τsP0v‖L2.
Denoting w = e4τsv, we conjugate
e4τsP0v = e
−4τsw = (−∂s −H + 4τ)w
and the above bound becomes
(3.4) ‖w‖L2 . ‖(−∂s −H + 4τ)w‖L2.
Since ∂s and H − 4τ commute we expand
‖(−∂s −H + 4τ)w‖2L2 = ‖∂sw‖2L2 + ‖(H − 4τ)w‖2L2 ≥ d(4τ, n+ N)2‖w‖2L2.
Note the spectral gap, which is essential in order to obtain strong unique
continuation results. �
For later use we also record the following slight generalization of the above
result. For expediency this is stated in the (y, s) coordinates, i.e. in the form
of an analogue of (3.3).
Proposition 3.2. Let h be an increasing, convex, twice differentiable function
so that
d(h′,N) + h′′ ≥ 1
‖(1 + h′′)1/2eh(s)v‖L2 +
(1 + h′′)1/2
1 + h′
. ‖eh(s)(∂s −H)v‖L2
for all compactly supported v ∈ L2.
Proof. After the substitution w = eh(s)v the bound (3.5) becomes
‖(1 + h′′)1/2w‖2L2 +
(1 + h′′)1/2
1 + h′
. ‖(∂s −H + h′(s))w‖2L2.
and we obtain the L2 estimate through expanding the term on the right hand
side with respect to its selfadjoint and skewadjoint part:
‖(∂s −H + h′(s))w‖2L2 =‖∂sw‖2L2 + ‖(−H + h′)w‖2L2 + ‖(h′′)1/2w‖2L2
(d(h′,N)2 + h′′)‖w(s)‖2L2ds
To complete the proof we observe that for each s we have
‖Hw(s)‖L2 . ‖(−H + h′)w(s)‖L2 + h′(s)‖w(s)‖L2
4. Resolvent bounds for the Hermite operator
As seen in the previous section, the spectral properties of the Hermite op-
erator play an essential role even in the simplest L2 Carleman estimates for
the heat equation. In this section we take a look at L2 and Lp bounds for its
spectral projectors and its resolvent.
The spectrum of H is n+ 2N, and its eigenfunctions are the Hermite func-
tions defined by
uα = cα(∂y − y)αe−
2 , Huα = (n+ 2|α|)uα
As |α| increases, so does the multiplicity of the eigenvalues. We denote the
spectral projectors by Πλ for λ ∈ n + 2N. We consider both the spectral
projectors and the resolvent of H and obtain both Lp and localized L2 bounds.
4.1. Weighted L2 bounds. We consider two parameters
1 ≤ d, R . λ
We denote
BR = {y : |y| < R}, , Bjd = {y : |yj| < d}, j = 1, ..., n
By χR, respectively χ
d we denote bump functions in BR, respectively B
d which
are smooth on the corresponding scales.
Proposition 4.1. The spectral projectors Πλ satisfy the localized L
2 bounds
(4.1) R−
4‖χRΠλf‖L2 +R−
4‖χR∇Πλf‖L2 . ‖f‖2L2,
(4.2) d−
dΠλf)‖L2 . ‖f‖L2
Proof. The inequality (4.1) is trivial unless R ≪ λ 12 . To prove it in dimension
n = 1 we only need to consider the case when f is a Hermite function,
f = Πλf = hλ
in which case it follows from the pointwise bound
4 |h′λ(x)|+ λ
4 |hλ(x)| . ‖hλ‖L2, |x| ≤
In dimension n = 1 (4.2) follows by interpolation from (4.1) with R = d.
This extends trivially to higher dimension by separation of variables.
It remains to prove (4.1) in higher dimensions. Summing up (4.2) with
d = R over j we obtain the bound
2χRΠλf‖L2 . ‖f‖2L2
For |x| . R ≪ λ 12 we have |ξ|2 ≈ λ in the characteristic set ofH−ℜz, therefore
the above norm should essentially control the left hand side of (4.1). For later
use we prove a slightly more general result, which in particular concludes the
proof of (4.1).
(4.3) λ
4‖∇v‖L2. ‖|D|
2 v‖L2+‖|y|
2 v‖L2+‖(H−λ)v‖
Indeed the norm on the right is equivalent to
4v‖L2 + ‖(H + λ)−
2 (H − λ)v‖L2 & λ
4‖v‖L2 + λ−
In our case we apply (4.3) to v = R−
2χRΠλf . Then
2 v‖L2 . ‖Πλf‖L2
(H − λ)v = 2R−
2∇(∇χRΠλf) +R−
which yields
‖(H − λ)v‖
To state the corresponding resolvent bounds we define the spaces X̃2(z) by
‖u‖X̃2(z) = (1+ |ℑz|)
and the corresponding dual spaces X̃∗2 (z). These spaces are larger than the
corresponding “elliptic” spaces,
(4.4) ‖v‖X2(z) . |z|
2‖v‖L2 + ‖yv‖L2 + ‖∇v‖L2
On the other hand by extending the bound (4.3) to complex λ we obtain a
counterpart of (4.1), namely
(4.5) R−
4‖χRu‖L2 +R−
4‖χR∇u‖L2 . ‖u‖X2(z)
Finally, the result of (4.2) can be written in the following dual forms
(4.6) ‖Πλf‖X2(λ) . ‖f‖L2, ‖Πλf‖L2 . ‖f‖X∗2 (λ)
The localized L2 resolvent bounds have the form
Proposition 4.2. Let n ≥ 2, z ∈ C with dist(z, n + 2N) & 1, and 1 ≤ d ≤
R ≪ ℜz. Then
(4.7) ‖u‖X̃2(z) . ‖(H − z)f‖X̃∗2 (z)
where the d component of norms is omitted in dimension n = 1.
Proof. We first note that the bounds (4.6) almost imply (4.7) up to a loga-
rithmic divergence. They do imply easily a bound for higher powers of the
resolvent for z away from the spectrum of H ,
(4.8) ‖(H − z)−1−kf‖X̃2(z) . (1 + |ℑz|)
−k‖f‖X̃∗2 (z), k ≥ 1.
as well as
(4.9) ‖u‖L2 . (1 + |ℑz|)−
2‖(H − z)u‖X̃∗2 (z).
Hence it remains to show that
(4.10) ‖u‖X̃2(z) . (1 + |ℑz|)
2‖u‖L2 + ‖(H − z)u‖X̃∗2 (z).
Using a positive commutator technique we first prove a one dimensional
estimate. For this we define the one dimensional skewadjoint pseudodifferential
Qr = iOp
where χ is a mollified signum function which satisfies
χ′(x) =
, |x| ≤ 2
Its properties are summarized in the following
2As defined the symbol of Q is not smooth at 0. However, any smooth modification in
the ball {x2 + ξ2 < r2} will do.
Lemma 4.3. a) Qr is bounded in L
p for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ uniformly for r ≥ 1.
b) Qr is also bounded in X̃2(z) uniformly with respect to z ∈ C and r ≥ 1.
c) Qr satisfies the commutator estimate
(4.11) r−1‖|D|
2χru‖2L2 . (1 + |ℑz|)‖u‖2L2 + 〈(H − z)u,Qu〉
Proof. a) The Lp boundedness is straightforward and is left for the reader.
b) For the X̃2(z) boundedness we consider first the d terms, which without
any loss in generality we can write in the form
2‖(d2 +D2)
Since Q is bounded in L2 it suffices to prove the commutator bound
‖[Qr, (d2 +D2)
4χd]u‖L2 . ‖u‖L2
But this is easily verified using the pdo calculus.
Next we consider the term
‖(H − z)u‖
for which it suffices to prove the commutator bound
‖[Qr, H ]u‖
. ‖u‖L2
or equivalently, by duality,
‖[Qr, H ]u‖L2 . ‖yu‖L2 + ‖∇u‖L2 + ‖|z|
This follows again from the pseudodifferential calculus.
c) Since Qr is skewadjoint we have the identity
〈(H − z)u,Qru〉 = 〈[H,Qr]u, u〉+ ℑz〈iQru, u〉
therefore it suffices to insure that
(4.12) 〈[H,Qr]u, u〉 & ‖u‖2X̄2(r) +O(‖u‖
For this we compute the commutator [H,Q],
[H,Q] = Opw({ξ21 + y21, χ(y1r−1)χ(ξ1|y1|−1)}) +O(1)L2→L2
= Opw(2r−1χ′(y1r
−1)ξ1χ(ξ1|y1|−1)) +O(1)L2→L2
2(ξ21 + r
2 . r−1χ′(y1r
−1)ξ1χ(ξ1|y1|−1) + 1
and the conclusion follows by Garding’s inequality. �
We return to the proof of the proposition. By separation of variables the
bound (4.11) extends to higher dimensions and gives
2χjru‖2L2 . (1 + |ℑz|)‖u‖2L2 + 2ℜ〈(H − z)u,Qjru〉
where Qjr the higher dimensional analogue of Qr with respect to the j variable.
TheX2(z) boundedness ofQr also extends easily to higher dimension. Hence
by Cauchy-Schwartz we obtain
2χjru‖2L2 . (1 + |ℑz|)‖u‖2L2 + ‖(H − z)u‖X∗2 (z)‖u‖X2(z)
To conclude the proof of the estimate (4.10) it remains to show that
‖(H − z)u‖
. ‖(H − z)u‖X∗2 (z)
which follows by duality from (4.4).
The final step in the L2 resolvent bounds is to replace the y′ derivatives by
angular derivatives. Let ∇⊥ = y|y| ∧∇ be the angular derivative and |D⊥|
the corresponding fractional derivative.
We split the coordinates into y = (y1, y
′) and use the notation ′ for coordi-
nates and derivatives in the obvious sense. For 1 ≤ d ≤ R ≤
λ we define the
BR,d = {R < |y1| < 2R, |y′| ≤ d}
and χR,d a bump function inBR,d. Then we define the function spaceX2(λ,R, d)
‖u‖2X2(λ,R,d) = ‖u‖
L2 +R
+ R−1/2λ1/4‖χR,du‖2L2 + d−1/2‖|D⊥|
and X∗2 (λ,R, d) as its dual.
Lemma 4.4. Suppose that n ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ d ≤ R. Then
‖u‖X2(λ,R,d) ≈ R−
4‖χR,du‖L2 +R−
4‖∇χR,du‖L2 + d−
Proof. Within BR,d the angular derivatives are close to the y
′ derivatives,
|D⊥u| . |D′u|+
|∇u|, |D′u| . |D⊥u|+
This implies the corresponding bounds for L2 norms, and the conclusion follows
by interpolation. �
¿From the above lemma we obtain
‖u‖X2(λ,R,d) . ‖u‖X̃2(λ,R,d)
Hence, we may replace X̃2 by X2 in (4.7) and (4.6):
Corollary 4.5. a) For λ in the spectrum of H we have
(4.13) ‖Πλf‖X2(λ,R,d) . ‖f‖L2, ‖Πλf‖L2 . ‖f‖X∗2 (λ,R,d)
b) For z away from the spectrum of H and 1 ≤ d ≤ R . ℜz we have
(4.14) ‖(H − z)−1−kf‖X2(λ,R,d) . (1 + |ℑz|)−k‖f‖X∗2 (λ,R,d), k ≥ 0
4.2. The Lp bounds of the resolvent. The Lp bounds for the spectral
projectors and the resolvent were proved in [16], [28] (see also [10]). For the
sake of completeness we also present them here in a simpler manner following
the approach in [19]. We refer the reader to the same paper for further results.
We consider pairs of exponents satisfying
where the range for p is
(4.16) p ≥ 4 for n = 1, p > 2 for n = 2, p ≥ 2 for n ≥ 3.
This leads to the following range3 for q:
q ∈ [2,∞] for n = 1, q ∈ [2,∞) for n = 2, q ∈ [2, 2n
] for n ≥ 3.
The dual exponents are denoted by p′ and q′ as usual.
Proposition 4.6. Let q be as in (4.17). Then
a) The spectral projectors Πλ satisfy
‖Πλ‖Lq′→L2 . 1, ‖Πλ‖L2→Lq . 1, n ≥ 2
‖Πλ‖Lq′→L2 . λ
p , ‖Πλ‖L2→Lq . λ−
p , n = 1
b) For z away from n+ N the resolvent (H − z)−1 satisfies
‖(H − z)−1‖Lq′→Lq . (1 + |ℑz|)
p′ , n ≥ 1(4.19)
Outline. To revisit the Lp bounds associated to the spectral projectors we recall
the approach in [19]. The first step there is to establish pointwise bounds for
the Schrödinger evolution4
(4.20) ‖eitH‖L1→L∞ . (sin t)−
This immediately (see also [18]) leads to Strichartz estimates for the solution
to the inhomogeneous equation
ivt −Hv = g, v(0) = v0
(4.21) ‖v‖Lp([0,2π];Lq) . ‖v0‖L2 + ‖g‖Lp′([0,2π];Lq′)
where (p, q) are as described in (4.15), (4.16).
To obtain (4.18) we apply (4.21) to v = e−iλtΠλu, which yields L
2 → Lp
bounds, and hence by duality and selfadjointness all estimates of (4.18) for
3The exponent q = ∞ is actually allowed in the spectral projection bounds in dimension
n = 2. However, it is not allowed in any of the resolvent bounds.
4These bounds are very robust and are in effect established in [19] for a much larger class
of operators
n ≥ 2. The case n = 1 can be dealt with directly using the pointwise bounds
for the Hermite functions.
We note a consequence of the bounds (4.18), namely
(4.22) ‖(H − z)−1−k‖Lq′→Lq . (1 + |ℑz|)
, n ≥ 2, k ≥ 1
which is obtained by interpolating between q = 2 and q = 2n
Similarly we get
(4.23) ‖(H − z)−1‖Lq′→L2 . (1 + |ℑz|)
p′ , n ≥ 2.
Then we apply (4.21) to
v(x, t) = χ(t)e−iztu(x), g = χ′(t)e−iztu(x) + χ(t)e−izt(H − z)u
where χ is a unit bump function on an interval of size (1+ |ℑz|)−1. This yields
‖u‖Lq . (1 + |ℑz|)
p‖u‖L2 + (1 + |ℑz|)
p′ ‖(H − z)u‖Lq′ . ‖(H − z)u‖Lq′ .
concluding the proof of (4.19) for n ≥ 2. The case n = 1 is a variation on the
same theme. �
4.3. Combining the estimates. Here we combine the L2 and the Lp com-
ponents in the resolvent bounds:
Proposition 4.7. For z away from n+ 2N the resolvent (H − z)−1 satisfies
‖(H − z)−1‖Lq′→X2(ℜz,R,d) . (1 + |ℑz|)
2 , n ≥ 2, (n, q) 6= (2,∞)
with the obvious modification for n = 1.
Proof of Proposition 4.7. Taking into account the bounds (4.19) and (4.23), it
remains to prove the estimate
‖u‖X̃2(ℜz,R,d) .(1 + |ℑz|)
p′ ‖(H − z)u‖Lq′
+ (1 + |ℑz|)
p‖u‖Lq + (1 + |ℑz|)
But this follows from (4.12) in the same way as for Proposition 4.2 since the
operator Q is bounded in Lq. �
5. Lp estimates in the flat case and parametrix bounds
In this section we begin with the mixed norm LpLq Carleman estimates
in the simplest case, i.e. with constant coefficients and a polynomial weight.
These were proved in [8] except for the endpoint which was obtained later in
[10] .
After a conformal change of coordinates and conjugation with respect to the
exponential weight the Carleman estimates reduce to proving LpLq estimates
for a parametrix K for ∂t −H + τ . In this article we need a stronger version
of these bounds, where we add in localized L2 norms.
In a simplified form, Escauriaza-Vega’s result in [10] has the form:
Theorem 4. [10] Let p and q be as above. Then
8t u‖L∞(L2)∩Lp(Lq) ≤ ‖t−τe−
8t (∂t +∆)u‖L1(L2)+Lp′(Lq′ ),
for all u with compact support in Rn × [0,∞) vanishing of infinite order at
(0, 0) uniformly with respect to 4τ with a positive distance from integers.
One can write the estimate in the (s, y) coordinates using the same trans-
formation as in Section 3:
(5.1) ‖eτsv‖L∞(L2)∩Lp(Lq) . ‖eτs(∂s +H)v‖L1(L2)+Lp′ (Lq′ )
Setting w = eτsv this becomes
(5.2) ‖w‖L∞(L2)∩Lp(Lq) . ‖(∂s +H − τ)w‖L1(L2)+Lp′ (Lq′ )
Denoting by Πλ the spectral projection onto the λ eigenspace ofH we obtain
a parametrix K for (∂t −H + τ),
K(∂t +H − τ) = I
where the s-translation invariant kernel of K is
K(s) =
Since w decays at ±∞ we have
w = K(∂s +H − τ)w
therefore (5.2) can be rewritten in the form
(5.3) ‖Kf‖L∞(L2)∩Lp(Lq) . ‖f‖L1(L2)+Lp′ (Lq′ )
The main result of this section is an improvement of (5.2), namely
Proposition 5.1. Assume that τ is away from n + N and that
1 ≤ d ≤ R . τ
(5.4) ‖Kf‖L∞(L2)∩Lp(Lq)∩L2X2(τ,R,d) . ‖f‖L1(L2)+Lp′ (Lq′ )+L2X∗2 (τ,R,d)
Proof. We work in dimension n ≥ 2; some obvious adjustments are needed in
dimension n = 1, which is slightly easier. We consider four endpoints:
A: The L1L2 → L∞L2 bound follows easily since the projectors Πλ are L2
B: The L1L2 → LpLq bound. Here it suffices to prove
‖K(.)f‖LptLqx . ‖f‖L2
Splitting f into spectral projections and using (4.18) we obtain
‖K(t)f‖Lq .
For |t| ≥ 1 we can use Cauchy-Schwartz to obtain
‖K(t)f‖Lq∩X2(R,d) . e−c|t|‖f‖L2
which suffices for all q. For |t| ≤ 1 we consider the most difficult case p = 2
and compute
‖K(t)f‖2L2([−1,1],Lq) .
|λ− τ | + |µ− τ |
|λ−τ |≈2i
|µ−τ |≈2i+j
|λ−τ |≈2i
|µ−τ |≈2i+j
C: The L1L2 → X2(τ, R, d) bound for K follows in the same way from
‖Πu‖X2(τ,R,d) . ‖u‖L2.
D: The Lp
+ L2X∗2 (τ, R, d) → L∞L2 bound for K is equivalent to the
L1L2 → LpLq ∩X2(τ, R, d) bound for K∗. By reversing time this is seen to be
the same as the L1L2 → LpLq bound for K.
E: The Lp
+ L2(X∗2 (R, d)) → LpLq ∩ L2X2(R, d) bound. Using (4.18)
and (4.13) directly yields
n+2+X∗2 (R,d)→L
n−2 ∩X2(R,d)
e|s(τ−λ)| . s−1e−cs
Similarly we obtain
n−2 ∩X2(R,d)
2 e−cs, ‖K(s)‖
2 e−cs
Interpolation with the L2 estimate gives
‖K(s)‖Lq′→Lq . s
‖K(s)‖Lq′→X2(R,d) . s
2 , ‖K(s)‖X∗2 (R,d)→Lq . s
If p > 2 then the Hardy-Littlewood Sobolev inequality implies
‖K ∗ f‖LpLq . ‖f‖Lp′Lq′ .
‖K ∗ f‖L2X2(R,d) . ‖f‖Lp′Lq′ , ‖K ∗ f‖LpLq . ‖f‖L2X∗2 (R,d).
With obvious changes the analysis is similar if n = 1, 2.
It remains to prove the L2 → L2 type bounds, namely
‖Kf‖L2X2(R,d) . ‖f‖L2X∗2 (R,d) (n = 1, 2)
n−2 )
. ‖f‖
L2(X∗2 (R,d)+L
n+2 )
(n > 2)
For this, following an idea in [10], we consider a dyadic frequency decompo-
sition in time. By the Littlewood-Paley theory it suffices to prove the bound
for a single dyadic piece at frequency 2j, namely
(5.5) ‖Sj(Ds)Kf‖
n−2 )
. ‖f‖
L2(X∗2 (R,d)+L
n+2 )
(n > 2)
and its one and two dimensional counterpart.
Taking a time Fourier transform we can write (for f ∈ S(Rn))
ŜjK(σ)f = s(2
λ− τ − iσ
Πλf = s(2
−jσ)(H − τ − iσ)−1f
therefore by the inversion formula
(SjK)(t)f =
eitσs(2−jσ)(H − τ − iσ)−1fdσ
=− t−2
(s(2−jσ)(H − τ − iσ)−1)fdσ
Hence using the resolvent bounds (4.19) and (4.22) and the first line for |t| ≤
2−j and the second line for |t| ≥ 2−j we obtain
n−2 ∩X2(R,d)
1 + 22jt2
and the similar estimate in one and two dimensions. The bound on the right
is integrable in t, therefore (5.5) follows. �
6. Modified weights and pseudoconvexity
The main result of this section, Theorem 5 is a considerable improvement
of Section 3. The weights t−τ in Section 3, while easy to use, satisfy merely
a degenerate pseudoconvexity condition, in the sense that the selfadjoint and
the skewadjoint parts of the operator in (3.4) commute. This is in contrast to
strong pseudoconvexity where one obtains better L2 bounds from the positivity
of the commutator. A perturbation argument easily implies an L2 Carleman
estimate for variable coefficients as soon as g = In+O(t). However, even arbi-
trarily small perturbations of g from In at t = 0 destroy the pseudoconvexity.
To obtain results for general variable coefficients we need a more robust
weight with additional convexity. A good way of doing this is by adding
convexity in t and by using a weight of the form
eh(− ln t)
with a convex function h. Then we obtain for the heat operator the strength-
ened L2 estimates of Proposition 3.2. The assumption of vanishing of infinite
order forces us to work with functions h with at most linear growth at infinity.
This in turn limits the convexity of h, and hence the gain from the convexity
in the L2 bounds.
These Carleman inequalities with the weight e−h(ln t) are more stable with
respect to perturbations. They can be obtained for coefficients satisfying
(6.1) |g − In|+ (t + |x|2)|∂tg|+ (t+ |x|2)1/2|∇g| . (t+ |x|2)ε.
with suitable functions h. It is not difficult to weaken (6.1) almost to our condi-
tions (1.15) and (1.16). This venue was pursued by Escauriaza and Fernández
In this paper we seek to obtain Lp Carleman inequalities and also to handle
Lp gradient potentials. Both require good spatial and temporal localization,
which depends on the strength of the L2 estimates. The weights eh(− ln t) seem
to be insufficient for this purpose.
Consequently we consider a larger class of weights of the form
eh(− ln t)+φ(xt
−1/2,− ln(t))
having some additional convexity in y = xt−1/2. Here we think of φ essen-
tially as a function of y with a milder dependence on s = − ln t. Obtaining
pseudoconvexity is not entirely straightforward because the Hamilton flow for
the Hermite operator H is periodic so no nonconstant function of y can be
convex along its orbits. We note that the projection of the orbits to the y
space are ellipses of size O(
τ ) where τ is the energy, centered at 0. Hence
we can choose φ to be convex in y for |y| ≪
τ . We compensate the lack of
convexity of φ when |y| ≈
τ by the s convexity of h. To elaborate this idea
we explain the precise setup.
Let δ1 be small positive constant. We begin with constants {αij}A (see (1.13)
and (1.14) for the notation) which control the regularity of the coefficients5
gkl − δkl, dkl and ekl of P given by (1.7) as in (1.15).
(6.2) δ1αij = ‖d‖L∞(Aij) + ej−2i‖d‖Lipx(Aij) + ‖d‖Cmijt (Aij).
The condition (1.15) guarantee that for all τ ≥ 1
(6.3) ‖αij‖l1(A(τ)) ≤ 1. ‖αij‖l∞(A) ≤ 1.
We first adjust the αij ’s upward so that they vary slowly and do not con-
centrate in irrelevant regions. This readjustment depends on the choice of the
parameter τ .
Lemma 6.1. Let αij be a sequence satisfying (6.3). Then for each τ ≫ 1
there exists a double sequence (εij)A(τ) with the following properties:
5denoted generically by d here and later
(1) For each (i, j) ∈ A(τ)
αij ≤ εij
(2) We have εij ∈ l1(A(τ)),
‖εij‖l1(A(τ)) . 1.
(3) The sequence εij is slowly varying,
| ln εi1j1 − ln εi2j2| ≤
(|i1 − i2|+ |j1 − j2|), (i1, j1), (i2, j2) ∈ A(τ).
(4) The sequence (εi) defined by
εij, i ≥ ln τ.
has the following properties
(6.4) | ln εi1 − ln εi2 | ≤
|i2 − i1|, εij . εi, εi[ln τ/2]+2 ≈ εi
(5) For each i ≥ ln τ there exists an unique 0 ≤ j(i) ≤ [ln τ/2]+2 with the
following properties:
(6.5) εij(i) ≈ εi.
εij ≤ e−jτ−1/2 if 0 ≤ j ≤ j(i), j(i) 6= 0
εij > e
−jτ−1/2 if j(i) < j ≤ [ln τ/2] + 2.
We shall see that j(i) is an important threshold. If j ≥ j(i) then we can
localize our estimates to the corresponding Aij and even to smaller sets. On
the other hand, we cannot localize to sets smaller than
(6.7) Bi0 =
Proof. To fulfill the conditions (1)-(4) we simply mollify the αij,
ε̃ij = max
(|i−k|+|j−l|), ε̃i =
[ln τ/2]+2∑
For the last part of (4) we redefine
ε̃ij := ε̃ij + e
|j−([ln τ/2]+2)|ε̃i
This also increases ε̃i by a fixed factor.
For (5) we begin with a preliminary guess for j(i) which we call j0(i) ∈ R+.
We consider three cases.
j0(i) =
ln τ/2 if ε̃i < τ
− ln(ε̃iτ 1/2) if τ−1 ≤ ε̃i < τ−1/2,
0 if τ−1/2 ≤ ε̃i.
We define
(6.8) εij := max{ε̃ij, 2e−
which is still slowly varying because ε̃i is slowly varying.
We define j(i) according to (6.6). It is uniquely determined since the se-
quence εij is slowly varying compared to e
2 . Since ε̃ij is slowly varying we
must have ε̃ij ≤ ε̃i/2. This allows us to conclude that for j close to j0(i), the
second term in (6.8) is larger than the first one,
εij = 2e
|j−j0(i)|ε̃i for |j − j0(i)| ≤ 2.
If j0(i) = 0 then εi0 = 2ε̃i ≥ 2τ−1/2 and hence j(i) = 0. If 0 < j0(i) < ln τ/2
then for |j − j0(i)| ≤ 2 we have
εij = 2e
therefore j0(i)− 2 < j(i) ≤ j0(i). If j0(i) = ln τ/2 then for |j − j0(i)| ≤ 2 we
εij ≤ 2e−
and we arrive again at j0(i)−2 ≤ j(i). In all three cases we have |j0(i)−j(i)| ≤
2 therefore (6.5) holds. We observe that εi . ε̃i. �
The sequence (εij)A(τ) is used to describe the amount of spatial convexity
needed in the region Aij , which will be reflected in the construction of φ below.
The partial sums εi measure the amount of s-convexity needed in [i, i+1]. The
purpose of part (5) above is to correlate the two amounts in a region where
they have the same strength (where j is close to j(i)).
Our weights have the form
(6.9) ψ(s, y) = h(s) + φ(s, y)
Their choice is described in the next two lemmas:
Lemma 6.2. Let τ and (εi) be as in Lemma 6.1. Then there is a convex
function h with the following properties:
(1) h′ ∈ [τ, 2τ ].
(2) h′′(s) + dist(h′(s),N) > 1
(3) εiτ . h
′′(s) . εiτ + 1 for s ∈ [i, i+ 1].
(4) |h′′′| . h′′.
The proof of the lemma is fairly straightforward and uses only the fact that
(εi) is slowly varying and summable. The second part is needed in order to
avoid the eigenvalues of the Hermite operator.
Lemma 6.3. Let τ , (εij) and (εi) be as in Lemma 6.1. Then there exists a
smooth spherically symmetric function
φ : R× Rn → R
with the following properties:
(1) (Bounds) The function φ is supported in |y| ≤ 2τ 1/2 and satisfies
(6.10) 0 ≤ φ(s, y) . εiτ, |∂sφ(s, y))|+ |∂2sφ(s, y)| . εiτ
(1 + |y|)k|D1+ky ∂lsφ| . ǫiτ 1/2 for i ≤ s ≤ i+ 1,
(2) (Monotonicity)
(6.12) ∂rφ(s, y) ≈ εiτ
2 for (s, y) ∈ Aij , (i, j) ∈ A(τ), j ≥ j(i) + 1
(3) (Convexity)
(6.13) (1 + |y|)∂2rφ(s, y) ≈ εijτ
2 in Aij, (i, j) ∈ A(τ).
Proof. Let
φj(y) =
e2j + |y|2, j ≥ 0.
We fix a smooth partition of unity 1 =
η(s− i) and define
ln aj(s) =
η(s− i) ln εij .
These functions satisfy the bounds
(6.14) aj(s) ≈ εij, i ≤ s ≤ i+ 1, |a′j |, |a′′j |, |a′′′j | . aj.
Their sum satisfies
a(s) :=
[ln τ/2]+2∑
aj(s) ≈ εi, i ≤ s ≤ i+ 1.
We define
φ(s, y) = τ
[ln τ/2]+2∑
where χ is a smooth function supported in [−2, 2] and identically 1 in [−3
We verify the properties:
0 ≤ φ(s, y) . a(s)τ . εiτ, i ≤ s ≤ i+ 1.
The remaining part of (6.10) follows from (6.14). Estimate (6.11) is a conse-
quence of (6.14) and
|(1 + |y|)kDk+1φj(y)| . 1, 0 ≤ k ≤ 3.
The upper bound from (6.12) is covered by (6.11) and the lower one follows
∂rφ(s, y) & τ
aj ≈ τ 1/2
εij ∼ εiτ 1/2
in Aij with j ≥ j(i) where we use εij(i) ≈ εi. The assertion (6.13) follows from
immediate bounds on second derivatives of the φj. �
Our aim in this section is to prove L2 Carleman estimates for the variable
coefficient operator P with the exponential weight
ψ(− ln t
ψ(s, y) = h(s) + δ2φ(s, y).
where δ2 is a small constant and h and φ are as in in Lemma 6.2 and 6.3.
The calculations are involved. For a first orientation we outline the key part
of the argument for the constant coefficient heat equation. Using the change
of coordinates of Section 3 we transform the problem to weighted estimates for
the operator P0 = ∂s +H and the exponential weight e
ψ(s,y). This translates
to obtaining bounds from below for the conjugated operator
P0,ψ = e
Lemma 6.4. Let τ be large enough. Let ψ be as in (6.9) with h, φ as in the
above two Lemmas 6.2,6.3 with δ2 ≪ 1 . Then the operator P0,ψ satisfies the
bound from below
2 v‖2 + δ2τ−1(‖a2int∇v‖2 + ‖a2⊥∇⊥v‖2) . ‖P0,ψv‖2L2
for all functions v supported in {|y|2 ≤ 9τ} where the weights aint, a⊥ are
defined by
a4int = εij(1 + |y|)−1τ
2 , a4⊥ = 1j≥j(i)εi(1 + |y|)−1τ
2 in Aij .
Proof. We decompose P0,ψ into its selfadjoint and its skewadjoint part
P0,ψ = L
0,ψ + L
(6.15) Lr0,ψ := −∆y + y2 − ψs − ψ2y , Li0,ψ := ∂s + ψy∂ + ∂ψy.
Expansion of the norm gives
(6.16) ‖(Lr0.ψ + Li0,ψ)v‖2L2 = ‖Lr0,ψv‖2L2 + ‖Li0,ψv‖2L2 + 〈[Lr0,ψ, Li0,ψ]v, v〉
The conclusion of the lemma follows from the commutator bound
(6.17) 〈[Lr0,ψ, Li0,ψ]v, v〉 & ‖(h′′)
2 v‖2 + δ2τ−1(‖a2int∇v‖2 + ‖a2⊥∇⊥v‖2)
The commutator is explicitly computed
[Lr0,ψ, L
0,ψ] = ψss + 4ψyψyyψy − 4∂ψyy∂ − 4yψy + 4ψyψsy −∆2ψ
Since δ2 ≪ 1 the first term has size h′′(s). The second one is nonnegative since
ψ is convex for |y|2 < 9τ .
The Hessian of the radial function ψ can be written in the form
(6.18) ψyy = ψrr
One can see that the radial and angular derivatives carry different weights.
Our construction of φ guarantees that
ψrr .
, ψyy & ψrrIn
hence the weight ψrr can be used for all derivatives. For the size of the two
weights we have
ψrr ≈ a4int,
& a4⊥
This gives the last two terms in (6.17).
It remains to see that the remaining terms in the commutator are negligible
compared to the first term on the right hand side of (6.17). For this we use
the bound (6.11) to conclude that in Aij we have
| − 4yψy + 4ψyψsy −∆2ψ| . δ2εiτ . δ2h′′
To switch to operators with variable coefficients it is convenient to extend
the weights to the full space and to regularize them. Precisely we shall assume
a4int(s, y) ≈ εiτ in Aij if |y|2 ≥ τ
a4int(s, y) ≈ εij(1 + |y|)−1τ
2 in Aij if |y|2 ≤ τ.
Observe that the two cases above match since εi ≈ εij in the region where
y2 ≈ τ . We also introduce a modification a of aint which is used to include the
effect of the spectral gap in regions where we have very little convexity:
a4(s, y) ≈ 1 + εiτ in Aij if |y|2 ≥ τ
a4(s, y) ≈ 1 + εij(1 + |y|)−1τ
2 in Aij if |y|2 ≤ τ.
Finally we choose a⊥ with the properties
supp a⊥ ⊂
{Aij : j(i)− 1 ≤ j ≤
ln τ}
a4⊥(s, y) .εi(1 + |y|)−1τ
2 in Aij
a4⊥(s, y) ≈εi(1 + |y|)−1τ
2 in Aij if j(i) ≤ j ≤
ln τ − 1
The bounds for the weights from above are assumed to remain true after
applying powers of the differential operators ∂s, ∂y and y∂y to them.
Consider now a the more general class of operators P with real variable
coefficients given by (1.7). We repeat the change of coordinates and write in
the (s, y) coordinates:
4e−4sP = − ∂
− 2y ∂
+ ∂ig
ij∂j + yid
ij∂j + ∂id
ijyj + yie
This further leads to
2 Pens+
2 = −P̃
where P̃ is given by
− ∂igij∂j − yi(gij − 2δij + 2dij + eij)yj
− yi(gij − δij + dij)∂j − ∂i(gij − δij)yj
We rewrite it in the generic form
P̃ = P0 − ∂d∂ − ydy − yd∂ − ∂dy
with P0 = ∂s +H .
To simplify as much as possible the proof of the main L2 Carleman estimate
we introduce a stronger condition on the regularity of the coefficients:
|d|+ 〈y〉(|dy|+ τ−
2 |dyy|+ τ−1|dyyy|+ τ−
2 |ds|) . δ1εij in Aij
|d|+ 〈y〉(|dy|+ τ−
2 |dyy|+ τ−1|dyyy|+ τ−
2 |ds|) . δ1
This improved regularity will be gained later on by regularizing the coefficients.
We are now in the position to formulate the Carleman estimate.
Proposition 6.5. Let τ be large enough and δ1 ≪ δ2 ≪ 1. Let ψ be as in
(6.9) with h, φ as in Lemmas 6.2,6.3. Assume that the coefficients g − In, d
and e satisfy (6.22). Then the following L2 Carleman estimate holds for all
functions u supported in {y ≤ 9τ}:
2‖a2eψDju‖+ τ− 12‖a2⊥eψD⊥u‖
. ‖eψP̃ u‖.(6.23)
Proof. After conjugation
Pψ := e
ψ(s,y)P̃ e−ψ(s,y)
we decompose Pψ into its selfadjoint and its skewadjoint part
Pψ = L
ψ + L
which for y2 < 9τ can be expressed in the generic form (see also (6.15)):
Lrψ = L
0,ψ + ∂d∂ + τd
Liψ = L
0,ψ + τ
2 (d∂j + ∂jd)
with d satisfying (6.22). Then (6.23) follows from
τ−j(δ2‖a2intDjv‖2 + 〈h′′〉
2Djv‖2) + δ2τ−1‖a2⊥∇⊥v‖2 . ‖P̃ψv‖2.
The proof will consist of three steps.
Step 1: First we show that for v supported in {|y|2 ≤ 9τ} we have
2v‖2+‖Lrψv‖2 . ‖P̃ψv‖2+ δ1‖a2intv‖2
We compute
‖Pψv‖2L2 = ‖Lrψv‖2L2 + ‖Liψv‖2L2 + 〈[Lrψ, Liψ]v, v〉
We expand the commutator
[Lrψ, L
ψ] = [L
0,ψ, L
0,ψ] + [∂d∂ + τd, L
0,ψ] + τ
2 [Lrψ, d∂j + ∂jd]
The main contribution in (6.25) comes from the first commutator, for which
we use (6.17) to obtain the terms on the left side of (6.25).
The second commutator is estimated by
|〈[M r, Li0,ψ]v, v〉| . δ1(‖a2intv‖2 + τ−1‖a2int∇v‖2)
and the second term on the right is negligible since δ1 ≪ δ2. Indeed, we write
[∂d∂ + τd, Li0,ψ] = −∂kqkl∂l + r
where the coefficients q, r have the generic form
q = ds + ψydy + ψyyd+ dψyy, r = ∂d∂∆ψ + τ(ds + ψydy)
Using the bounds (6.22) for d and (6.11) for φ we estimate
|q| . δ1τ−1a4int, |r| . δ1a4int.
Finally, the third commutator is estimated in a similar fashion. We write it
in the form
2 [Lrψ, d∂j + ∂jd] = −∂kqkl∂l + r
where the coefficients q, r have the generic form
q = τ
2 (dy + ddy), r = τ
2 (∆dy + ∂d∂dy + dψys + dψyyψy + τddy)
Using (6.22) and (6.11) we obtain the same bounds for q and r as in the
previous case. This concludes the proof of (6.25).
Step 2: We use an elliptic estimate to show that for functions v supported
in {|y|2 ≤ 9τ} we have
(6.26) δ2
2v‖2+‖Lrψv‖2L2 . ‖P̃ψv‖2
The elliptic bound
‖D2v‖+ τ‖v‖ . τ
2‖Dv‖+ ‖(−∆− h′(s))v‖
can easily proven by a Fourier transform. It implies
‖D2v‖+ τ‖v‖ . τ
2‖Dv‖+ ‖(H − h′(s))v‖+ ‖y2v‖,
We can replace H − h′(s) by Lrψ due to the pointwise estimate
|(Lrψ − (H − h′(s)))v| . δ1(|D2v|+ τ
2 |Dv|+ τ |v|)
Then (6.26) follows from (6.25).
Step 3: Here we use the spectral gap condition to improve our bound when
h′′ ≪ 1 and show that (6.26) implies (6.23). It suffices to show that if h′′(s) < 1
‖v‖L2 + τ−1‖D2v‖ . ‖Lrψv‖L2
Indeed, let s ∈ [i, i + 1] so that h′′(s) < 1
. Then h′ has a positive distance
from the integers. Also εi . 1 which implies that at time s we must have
|g − In| . δ1τ−1, |Dg| . δ1τ−1, |ψr| . δ2τ−
Hence we may think of Lrψ as a small perturbation of H − h′(s) and compute
‖v‖+ τ−1‖D2v‖ . ‖(H − h′(s))v‖ . ‖Lrv‖+ (δ1 + δ22)‖v‖+ δ1τ−1‖D2v‖
where the last two terms on the right are negligible compared to the left hand
side. The proof of the proposition is concluded.
We want to reformulate the previous result in a more symmetric fashion.
To do this we weaken the estimates slightly by using a coarser partition of the
space. We distinguish three cases for i corresponding to the value of j(i) in
Lemma 6.1 (v).
Definition 6.6. We define the partition Bij as follows.
(1) If j(i) = 0 (which corresponds to εi & τ
2 ) we set
Bij = Aij, b ≈ a, b⊥ ≈ a⊥
(2) If 0 < j(i) < [ln τ/2+2] (which corresponds to τ−1 . εi . τ
2 ) we set
Bij = Aij, b ≈ a, b⊥ = a⊥ j ≥ j(i)
Bi0 =
Aij , b ≈ a|Aij(i) b⊥ = 0 on Bi0
(3) If j(i) = [ln τ/2 + 2] (which corresponds to τ−1 . εi) we set
Bi0 =
[ln τ/2]+2⋃
Aij, b = 1, b⊥ = 0 on Bi0.
Heuristically the definition of the Bij partition is motivated by the fact that
in regions Aij with j < j(i) the weight φ is ineffective, i.e. it changes by at
most O(1). Thus the convexity there is useless, and instead we rely directly
on localized bounds for the Hermite operator.
Since the εij are slowly varying b . a and b⊥ . a⊥ and we may replace the
a’s by b’s in the above proposition.
To provide some bounds on the size of b and b⊥ we introduce a function
1 ≤ r(s) ≤ τ 12 which is smooth and slowly varying on the unit scale in s so
r(s) ≈ ej(i) s ∈ [i, i+ 1]
This describes the region where b is tapered off and b⊥ = 0. Precisely, consider
two cases corresponding to the three cases above.
(1) If r(s) ≈ 1 then we have the bounds
Mτ(1 + r)−
2 . b4(r, s) .Mτ(1 + r)−1
b4⊥(r, s) .Mτ(1 + r)
where the parameter M ≥ 1 is defined by M ≈ ε(s)τ 12 .
(23) If r(s) ≫ 1 then
2 (r(s) + r)−
2 . b4(r, s) . τr(s)−1(r(s) + r)−1
b4⊥(r, s) . τr(s)
−1(r(s) + r)−1
with approximate equality when r . r(s) and approximate equality on the
right when r = τ
By slightly changing b and b⊥ we may and do assume that the functions b
and b⊥ are smooth with controlled derivatives. Thus b and b⊥ are smooth on
the unit scale in s and on the dyadic scale in y, and their derivatives satisfy
the bounds
(6.29) |bs|+ (rs + r)|br|+ (rs + r)2|brr| . b, r2 < 9τ
(6.30) |b⊥s|+ (rs + r)|b⊥r|+ (rs + r)2|b⊥rr| . b⊥ + b r2 < 9τ
In addition we have
(6.31) supp b⊥r ⊂ {r > rs}
Using the functions b and b⊥ we define the Banach space X
2 with norm
= ‖bv‖2L2 + τ−1/2‖b⊥D
Then the symmetrized version of Proposition 6.5 has the form
Proposition 6.7. Assume that the coefficients of P satisfy (6.22). Let ψ be
as in (6.9) with h, φ as in Lemmas 6.2,6.3. Then the following L2 Carleman
estimate holds for all functions u supported in {y ≤ 9τ}:
(6.32) ‖eψ(s,y)u‖X02 . ‖e
ψ(s,y)Pu‖(X02 )∗
Proof. Conjugating with respect to the exponential weight, the bound (6.32)
is rewritten in the form
(6.33) ‖v‖X02 . ‖Pψv‖(X02 )∗
Observing that
D2⊥ = −y−2∆Sn−1
we introduce the operator
Q = Q(|y|, (−∆Sn−1)
2 ), q(r, λ) = (b4(r) + r−2τ−1b4⊥(r)λ
Then the inequality (6.33) can be written as
‖Qv‖L2 . ‖Q−1Pψv‖L2
whereas inequality (6.23) implies
‖Q2w‖L2 . ‖Pψw‖L2.
Hence it is natural to apply (6.23) to the function w = Q−1v, which solves
Pψw = Q
−1Pψv +Q
Thus (6.33) would follow provided that the commutator term is small,
‖Q−1[Q,Pψ]w‖L2 ≪ ‖b2w‖L2 + τ−1/2‖b2∇w‖L2 + τ−1‖b2D2yw‖L2
Unfortunately a direct computation shows that the smallness fails when j is
close to j(i) even in the flat case, i.e. with Pψ replaced by
P0,ψ = ∂s −∆+ y2 − ψs − ψ2y
To remedy this we introduce an additional small parameter δ and use it to
define a modification Qδ of Q. We modify r(s) to rδ(s) defined by
−2 = δ8r(s)−2 + δ2τ−1
and use it to define the function
bδ(r, s)
4 = δ−12τ(r2 + rδ(s)
We can still compare it with b,
bδ(r, s)
4 . δ−4b(r, s)4
Its usefulness lies in the fact that it is larger than b exactly in the region where
the commutator term above is not small.
The modification Qδ of Q has symbol
qδ(r, s, λ) = q(r, s, λ) + bδ(r, s) = (b
4(r, s) + r−2τ−1b4⊥(r, s)λ
4 + bδ(r, s)
which satisfies
(6.34) q ≤ qδ . δ−1q
We claim that it satisfies the bound
(6.35) ‖Q−1δ [Qδ, Pψ]w‖L2 . (δ + c(δ)δ1)
Suppose this is true. Then we fix δ sufficiently small, and for δ1 small enough
we apply (6.23) to w = Q−1δ v. By (6.35) he commutator term in the equation
for w can be neglected, and we obtain
‖Q2w‖L2 . ‖Q−1δ Pψv‖L2
which by (6.34) implies that
‖Qv‖L2 . δ−1‖Q−1Pψv‖L2
It remains to prove (6.35).
I. We first calculate the commutator in the flat case, i.e. with Pψ replaced
by P0,ψ. Due to the spherical symmetry the only contribution comes from the
radial part of the Laplacian and the s derivative. Hence using polar coordinates
we compute
Q−1δ [Qδ, P0,ψ] = Q
Qδrr +
Qδr + 2Qδr∂r −Qδs
Then is suffices to verify that on the symbol level we have
(6.36) |qδrr|+ r−1|qδr|+ |qδs|+ τ 1/2|qδr| . δqδb2(1 + τ−1r−2λ2)
I.(1). We begin with the q component of qδ. Using (6.29) and (6.30) one
|qrr|+ r−1|qr|+ |qs|+ τ 1/2|qr| . (r(s) + r)−1τ
Thus it remains to show that
(r(s) + r)−1τ
2 q . δqδb
2(1 + τ−1r−2λ2)
Optimizing with respect to λ it suffices to consider the cases λ = 0 respectively
λ = rτ
2 , where the above inequality becomes
(r(s) + r)−1τ
2 (b+ b⊥) . δ(bδ + b)b
or equivalently
(b+ b⊥)b
1 . δ(bδ + b)b
which is true since by (6.27) and (6.28) we have b⊥b1 . b
1 while b1 . δbδ.
I.(2). Next we consider the bδ component of qδ, for which it suffices to prove
(6.37) |bδrr|+ r−1|bδr|+ |bδs|+ τ 1/2|bδr| . δbδb2
I.(2).(a). For the s derivative we compute
r2 + r2δ(s)
therefore we want to show that
(r2δ(s))s . δ(r
2 + r2δ(s))b
We optimize the right hand side with respect to r. The minimum is attained
when r2 = min{r2δ(s), τ}. We need to consider two cases:
I.(2).(a).(i). If rδ(s) . τ
2 then r2δ(s) ≈ δ−8r2(s) and τ > δ−8r2(s). Hence
using the estimate from below in (6.27) and (6.28) we obtain b4(rδ) & δ
Then the above bound for r = rδ follows since |(rδ(s)−2)s| . rδ(s)−2.
I.(2).(a).(ii). If rδ(s) & τ
2 then by6 (6.28) we evaluate b2(τ
2 ) ≈ τ 14 r(s)− 12 .
Then the above bound becomes
δ8(r(s)−2)s . δr
4 r(s)−
Since |(r(s)−2)s| . r(s)−2 it suffices to show that
δ8r(s)−2 . δr−2δ τ
4 r(s)−
The worst case is r(s)2 = δ6τ , rδ(s) = δ
−2τ when it is verified directly.
I.(2).(b). For the r derivatives the last term is the worst. Since
r2 + r2δ(s)
we want to show that
2 r . δ(r2 + r2δ(s))b
Optimizing with respect to r the worst case is when r2 = min{r2δ(s), τ}.
I.(2).(b).(i). If r2δ(s) . τ then rδ(s) ≈ δ−4r(s) therefore for r = rδ(s) the
above relation becomes
2 . δ−3r(s)b2(rδ(s))
which follows from the bound from below in (6.27) and (6.28).
I.(2).(b).(ii). If r2δ(s) & τ then as before we evaluate b
2 ) ≈ τ 14 r(s)− 12 and
rewrite the above bound as
τ . δr2δ(s)τ
4 r(s)−
The right hand side is smallest either when rδ(s) = τ
2 and r(s) = δ4τ
when rδ(s) = δ
2 and r(s) = τ
2 . In both cases the inequality is easily
II. Now we deal with the general case, which we treat as a perturbation.
Since we do not care about the dependence of the constants on δ to keep the
notations simple we include bδ in b and work with Q instead of Qδ. Thus in
the computations below we allow the implicit constants to depend on δ.
Suppose that A is a pseudodifferential operator of order 1 and let η be any
Lipschitz function. Then
(6.38) ‖[A, η]f‖L2 . ‖f‖L2.
We write
q(λ) = b+ (b4 + r−2b4⊥λ
4 − b =: b+ q1(λ).
Even though q1 has order
, we treat it as an operator of order 1 and estimate
〈λ〉k−1|q1(k)(λ)| .
6the equality holds on the right when r2 = τ
Hence, for each r we obtain the bound on the sphere Sn−1
(6.39) ‖[Q, η]f‖L2 .
As a consequence, it also follows that
(6.40) ‖[Q, η∇jθ]f‖L2 .
where ∇θ stands for the vector fields xi∂j − xj∂i generating the tangent space
of Sn−1.
To use these bounds we write the difference Pψ − P 0ψ in polar coordinates,
Pψ − P 0ψ = P 0θ ∂2r + P 1θ ∂r + P 2θ
where P
θ are spherical differential operators of order j. Modulo zero homoge-
neous coefficients which are polynomials in xr−1 we can write
P 0θ = d, P
θ = dr
−1∇θ + τ
2d+ dy
P 2θ = dr
−2∇2θ + (τ
2d+ dy)r
−1∇θ + τd + τ
where d stands for coefficients satisfying (6.22). In the support of b⊥ we have
a ≈ b therefore our regularity assumptions on d show that for fixed r we have
‖d‖L∞ + ‖d‖Lip(Sn−1) . δb4τ−1
The coefficients involving dy satisfy better Lipschitz bounds and are neglected
in the sequel.
We expand the commutator
[Q,Pψ] =
r + P
θ (Qrr + 2Qr∂r) + P
Using the trivial b−1 bound for Q−1 and (6.17), (6.40) we estimate the first
‖Q−1[Q,P jθ ]∂
r w‖L2 . b−1δb4τ−1
This is bounded by the right hand side in (6.35) since
b2⊥ . rτ
The second term in the commutator is estimated by
‖Q−1P 0θ (Qrr + 2Qr∂r)w‖L2 . δ(‖Qrrw‖L2 + ‖Qr∂rw‖L2)
This is bounded by the right hand side in (6.35) provided that
|qrr|+ τ−
2 |qr| . b2(1 + τ−
2 r−1λ)
which follows from (6.36). The third term in the commutator is treated simi-
larly. This concludes the proof of the proposition. �
To conclude our study of the L2 Carleman estimates we need to also pay
some attention to elliptic estimates. The conjugated operator Pψ is elliptic in
the region {y2+ ξ2 ≥ 4τ}. Precisely, in this region we have the symbol bound
|Lrψ(s, y, ξ)| & y2 + ξ2
Consequently, we can improve our estimates in this region. We consider a
smooth symbol ae(y, ξ) with the following properties
supp ae ⊂ {y2 + ξ2 ≥ 8τ}
ae(y, ξ) = (y
2 + ξ2)
2 in {y2 + ξ2 ≥ 9τ}
We define the space X2 with norm
(6.41) ‖v‖2X2 = ‖v‖
+ ‖awe (y,D)v‖2
The dual space X∗2 has norm
(6.42) ‖f‖2X∗2 = inf{‖f1‖
(X02 )
∗ + ‖f2‖2; f = f1 + awe (y,D)f2}
We note that due to the elliptic bound for high frequencies, we also have the
dual bounds
(6.43) τ−
2‖bDv‖ . ‖v‖X2 , ‖∇f‖X∗2 . ‖b
Then our final L2 Carleman estimate is
Theorem 5. Assume that the coefficients of P satisfy (6.22). Let ψ be as
in (6.9) with h, φ as in Lemmas 6.2,6.3. Then the following L2 Carleman
estimate holds for all functions u for which the right hand side is finite:
(6.44) ‖eψ(s,y)u‖X2 . ‖eψ(s,y)Pu‖X∗2
Proof. We first prove the result using the stronger assumption (6.22) on the
coefficients. After conjugation we have to show that
(6.45) ‖v‖X02 . ‖Pψv‖X∗2
We consider two overlapping smooth cutoff symbols χi = χi(y
2 + ξ2) and
χe = χε(y
2+ξ2). The interior one χi is supported in {y2+ξ2 ≤ 7τ} and equals
1 in {y2 + ξ2 ≥ 6τ}. The exterior one χe is supported in {y2 + ξ2 ≥ 4τ} and
equals 1 in {y2 + ξ2 ≤ 5τ}. We need the following bounds for χi and χe:
Lemma 6.8. a) The operator χi(x,D) satisfies the bound
(6.46) ‖χi(x,D)f‖(X02 )∗ . ‖f‖X∗2
b) The operators χi(x,D) and χ
e (x,D) satisfy the following commutator
(6.47) ‖b−1[χi(x,D), Pψ]v‖ . τ−
4‖bv‖+ ‖χev‖
(6.48) ‖[χwe , Pψ]v‖ . τ
Proof. a) By duality the bound (6.46) is equivalent to
‖χi(x,D)v‖X2 . ‖v‖X02
We have
‖ae(x,D)χi(x,D)v‖ . τ−N‖f‖
since the supports of the symbols (1 − χe(x, ξ)) and ae(x, ξ) are O(τ
2 ) sepa-
rated. Then it remains to show that
‖χi(x,D)v‖X02 . ‖v‖X02
which is fairly straightforward and is left for the reader.
b) We now consider the bound (6.47). Commute first χi with ∂s+H−h′(s).
We have
[χi(x,D), ∂s +H − h′(s)] = [χi(x,D), H ]
Since χe = 1 in the support of ∇x,ξχi and the Poisson bracket of χi and x2+ξ2
vanishes, by standard pdo calculus we obtain
‖[χi(x,D), ∂s +H − h′(s)]v‖ . ‖χev‖+ τ−N‖v‖
The difference Pψ − (∂s +H − h′(s)) can be expressed in the form
Pψ − (∂s +H − h′(s)) = ∂g∂ + τ
2 (g∂ + ∂g) + τg
where the function g satisfies the bounds
|g|+ 〈y〉|gy|+ 〈y〉|gyy| . εi
These lead to an estimate for fixed s ∈ [i, i+ 1],
‖b−1[χi(x,D), Pψ − (∂s +H − h′(s))]v‖ . εiτ
Then (6.47) follows since
2 〈y〉−1 . τ−
Finally, the proof of the estimate (6.48) is similar but simpler.
We continue with the proof of the proposition. For the nonelliptic part we
apply (6.32) to the function χi(x,D)v which is supported in {y2 < 9τ}. This
‖χi(x,D)v‖X02 . ‖χi(x,D)Pψv‖(X02 )∗ + ‖[χi(x,D), Pψ]v‖L2
For the first term on the right we use the bound (6.46) while for the second
we use (6.47). This yields
(6.49) ‖χi(x,D))v‖X02 . ‖Pψv‖X∗2 + τ
4‖bv‖+ ‖χev‖
On the other hand for the estimate in the elliptic region we compute
(6.50) 〈(χwe )2v, Pψv〉 = 〈χwe v, Lrψχwe v〉+ 〈χwe v, [χwe , P rψ]v〉
For the first term we split Lrψ into H−h′ plus a perturbation. Using pointwise
bounds for the coefficients of Pφ we obtain
|Lrψv − (H − h′)v| . δ1((τ + y2)|v|+ τ
2 |Dv|+ |D2v|)
which shows that
〈χwe v, Lrψχwe v〉 = 〈χwe v, (H − h′)χwe v〉+O(δ1〈χwe v, (H + τ)χwe v〉)
The symbol of H − h′ is elliptic in the support of χe, therefore a standard
elliptic argument yields
〈χwe v, (H + τ)χwe v〉 . 〈χwe v, (H − h′)χwe v〉+ Cτ−N‖v‖2
for a large constant C. This further gives
〈χwe v, (H + τ)χwe v〉 . 〈χwe v, Lrψχwe v〉+ Cτ−N‖v‖2
Returning to (6.50), we obtain
c〈χwe v, (H + τ)χwe v〉 ≤ −〈(χwe )2v, Pψv〉+ 〈χwe v, [χwe , P rψ]v〉+ Cτ−N‖v‖2
We use (6.48) and then the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality to obtain
〈χwe v, (H + τ)χwe v〉 . ‖(H + τ)−
2Pψv‖2 + τ−
The first term on the right is properly controlled due to the straightforward
‖(H + τ)−
2f‖ . ‖f‖X∗2
Hence combining the above inequality with (6.49) we obtain
‖χ(ix,D))v‖X02 + ‖(H + τ)
2χwe (x,D)v‖ . ‖Pψv‖X∗2 + τ
4‖bv‖+ ‖χwe (x,D)v‖
The last two terms on the right are negligible compared to the left hand side,
therefore we obtain
(6.51) ‖v‖X02 + ‖(H + τ)
2χwe (x,D)v‖ . ‖Pψv‖X∗2
Then (6.45) follows since χe = 1 in the support of ae.
It remains to show that the assumption (6.22) on the coefficients for (6.7)
can be replaced by the weaker condition (1.15). This is a direct consequence
of (6.43) combined with the following regularization result:
Lemma 6.9. Let d be a function which satisfies (1.15). Then there is an
approximation g1 of it satisfying (6.22) so that
|g − g1| . b2τ−1
Proof. First we transfer (1.15) to the (s, y) coordinates. A short computation
yields the equivalent form
(6.52) ‖d‖L∞(Aij) + ej‖d‖Lipy(Aij) + ‖g‖Cmijt (Aij) . εij
where the new continuity modulus m̃ij is given by
m̃ij(ρ) = ρ+ e
Within Aij we regularize d in y on the δy = τ
2 scale and in s on the
δs = e
4 scale,
d1 = S
These localized regularizations are assembled together using a partition of unit
corresponding to Aij. In Aij we compute
|d− d1| . εij(e−jδy +mij(δs)) ≈ εij(e−jτ−
2 + e−
4 ) . ε
4 . b2τ−1
|∂sg1| . εij
≈ εije−jτ
The bounds for higher order derivatives of g1 follow trivially due to the fre-
quency localization. �
7. Lp Carleman estimates for variable coefficient operators
The variable coefficient counterpart of Proposition 4 uses the more convex
weights constructed in Section 6. For convenience we write it in the (s, y)
coordinates. Let τ >> 1 and B(τ) be as in (1.25),(1.26) and (1.27).
We define the function space X through its norm
(7.1) ‖v‖X := ‖v‖X2 + ‖v‖l2(B(τ);L∞t L2x) + ‖v‖l2(B(τ);LptLqx)
where (p, q) is an arbitrary Strichartz pair, with X2 as defined in (6.41).
Its (pre)dual space has the norm
‖f‖X∗ = inf
‖f1‖X∗2 + ‖f2‖L1L2 + ‖f3‖Lp′Lq′(7.2)
Then we have the following improvement of Theorem 5.
Theorem 6. There exists ψ as in (6.9) with h and φ as in Lemma 6.2 and
6.3. Then the following estimate holds for all compactly supported sufficiently
regular functions u.
(7.3) ‖eψu‖X . ‖eψP̃ u‖X∗
The relation between ψ and the partition B(τ) remains a bit mysterious at
this level. If we replace it by the empty partition then the statement remains
true for all ψ with h and φ as in Lemma 6.2. The same is true for a partition
into time slices of size 1. The convexity properties of φ allow a localization
to the finer partition Bij as in 6.6 (and, as we shall soon see, to an even finer
partition). q It is possible to choose φ and h so that the partition (Bij) is
finer than the one defined by B(τ). We assume in the sequel that ψ has been
chosen with these properties.
Proof. As usual this is equivalent to proving a bound from below for the con-
jugated operator,
(7.4) ‖v‖X . ‖Pψv‖X∗
The main step in the proof is to produce a parametrix for Pψ. The key
point is that the parametrix is allowed to have a fairly large L2 error. This
is because L2 errors can be handled by Theorem 5. The advantage in having
a large L2 error is that it permits to localize the parametrix construction to
relatively small sets, on which we can freeze the coefficients and eventually
reduce the problem to the case of the Hermite operator. The properties of the
parametrix are summarized in the following
Proposition 7.1. a) Under the assumptions of the theorem there exists a
parametrix T for Pψ with the following properties:
(7.5) ‖Tf‖X . ‖f‖X∗
(7.6) ‖PψTf − f‖X∗2 . ‖f‖X∗
b) The same result holds with Pψ replaced by P
We first use the proposition to conclude the proof of the Theorem. Let
Pψv = f + g, ‖f‖X∗2 + ‖g‖L1L2+Lp′Lq′ ≈ ‖Pψv‖X∗
With T as in part (a) of the proposition we set
w = v − Tg, Pψw = f + g − PψTg
By (7.5) we can bound Tg in X , therefore it suffices to bound w in X . On the
other hand by (7.6) we obtain
‖Pψw‖X∗2 . ‖f‖X∗2 + ‖g − PψTg‖X∗2 . ‖Pψv‖X∗
It remains to show that
‖w‖X . ‖Pψw‖X∗2
By Theorem 5 we can estimate the X2 norm of w and replace this with the
weaker bound
(7.7) ‖w‖L∞L2∩LpLq . ‖w‖X2 + ‖Pψw‖X∗2
This is proved using a duality argument and the parametrix T for P ∗ψ given
by part (b) of the proposition. For f ∈ X∗ we write
〈w, f〉 =〈w, P ∗ψTf〉+ 〈w, f − P ∗ψTf〉
=〈Pψw, Tf〉+ 〈w, f − P ∗ψTf〉
Using both (7.5) and (7.6) with Pψ replaced by P
ψ we obtain
|〈w, f〉| . (‖Pψw‖X∗2 + ‖w‖X2)‖f‖X∗
and (7.7) follows. This concludes the proof of Theorem 6. �
It remains to prove the Proposition 7.1.
Proof of Proposition 7.1. The strategy for the proof is simple: On sufficiently
small sets we can approximate the problem by one with constant coefficients
and the properties of the parametrix follow from Section 4. We use a partition
of unity to construct a global parametrix from local ones. We obtain L2 errors
(1) Commuting cutoff functions with the operator. Hence the partition
has to be sufficiently coarse.
(2) Approximating the variable coefficient operator by constant coefficient
operators. Hence the partition has to be sufficiently fine.
To elaborate on this we define the notion of a local parametrix:
Definition 7.2 (Local parametrix). Given a convex set B we call T a (B-)
local parametrix for Pψ if for all f supported in B
(7.8) ‖Tf‖X . ‖f‖X∗ ,
(7.9) ‖PψTf − f‖X∗2 . ‖f‖X∗
and Tf is supported in 2B.
If T is a parametrix and η is supported on 2B, η = 1 on B then ψT is a
local parametrix, but with constants depending on the commutator of Pψ and
η. Vice verse, if (Bj) is a covering, (ηj) a subordinate partition of 1 and Tj
are local parametrices then
is a global parametrix, because (7.8) is obtained by summation, and
Tj(ηjf)− f =
(PψTjηjf − ηjf
provided ∑
‖ηjf‖2X∗ . ‖f‖2X∗
and its adjoint
‖u‖2X .
‖ηju‖2X .
This is obvious for the L2 part and has to be checked for the other part. This
strategy of constructing local parametrices leads, if it is possible, to estimates
which are stronger than in Proposition 7.1 and Theorem 6, because we may
replace the function space X by l2X(Bj) respectively. l
In the first part of the proof we study the localization, and in the second
part we provide the local parametrices.
7.1. Localization scales. Here we introduce a localization scale which is finer
than the Bij partition of the space, and show that it suffices to construct the
parametrix in each of these smaller sets. Precisely, the sets Bkij introduced
below are the smallest sets to which one can localize the L2 estimates for the
operator Pψ. The choice of their size is not yet apparent at this point, but
will become clear in the very last step of the proof, where we estimate the
commutator of Pψ with cutoff functions on such sets. We consider three cases
depending on the size of εi.
(1) If εi ≤ τ−1 then we use Bi0 as it is.
(2) If τ−1 ≤ εi ≤ τ−
2 then we partition the set Bi0 into time slices B
i0 of
δs = b−2i0 .
(3) If τ−1 ≤ εi and j 6= 0 then we partition Bij into subsets Bkij which have
the time scale, radial scale and angular scale given by
δs = b−2ij , δy = τ
2 b−2ij , δy
⊥ = τ
2 b−2ij,⊥
This gives a decomposition of the space
R× Rn =
We also consider a subordinated partition of unity
Suppose that in each set Bkij we have a parametrix T
ij satisfying (7.5) and
(7.6). Then we define the global parametrix T by
T kijχ
We have by an iterated application of Minkowski’s inequality
‖χkijf‖l2(L1L2+Lp′Lq′) . ‖f‖L1L2+Lp′Lq′
and the dual bound
T kijχ
ijf‖L∞L2∩LpLq . ‖T kijχkijf‖l2(L∞L2∩LpLq).
Hence (7.5) for T would follow if we proved that
vkij‖X2 . ‖vkij‖l2X2
where vkij = T
ijf are supported in B
ij . This is trivial by orthogonality for
the L2 component of the X2 norm. It is also straightforward for the elliptic
part since the kernel of the operator in the following sense: Let χ0 ∈ C∞(R)
be supported in [−3/2, 3/2], identically 1 in [−1, 1]. We define χe(x, ξ) =
χ0(5− (x2 + ξ2)/τ 2). Then
χwe v
ij‖X2 . ‖χwe vkij‖l2X2
and the adjoint estimate holds since the kernel of χwe is rapidly decreasing
beyond the τ−
2 scale, which is much smaller than the smallest possible spatial
size for Bkij, namely δy & τ
It remains to consider the angular part of the X2 norm, which is best de-
scribed using the spherical multiplier Q appearing in Proposition 6.7. The
symbol of Q is smooth with respect to λ on the τ
2 rb2b−2⊥ scale therefore its
kernel is rapidly decaying on the angular scale δθ = τ−
2 r−1b−2b2⊥ which cor-
responds to δy⊥ = τ
2 b2⊥b
−2. But by (3) and (6.5) this can be no larger than
8 which is again much smaller than the smallest possible spatial size for Bkij .
Thus orthogonality arguments still apply.
Then we have
[P0, χ
ij]u = 2χijy uy + χ
yyu+ χ
We claim that the right hand side is negligible in the estimate. For this it
suffices to verify that
|χijy | ≪ τ−
2 b2ij , |χijyy| ≪ b2ij , |χijs | ≪ b2ij
The last relation is trivial. For the first two we consider three cases.
(1) If j = 0 and εj < Cτ
−1 then we need no spatial truncation. We are
allowed to truncate at |y| > Cτ 12 to separate the elliptic region, though.
(2) If j = 0 and εj > Cτ
−1 then
|χijy | . e−j(i), |χijyy| . e−2j(i)
b4i0 = a
ij(i) = εij(i)τ
2 e−j(i) ≈ Ce−2j(i)τ
(3) Otherwise,
|χijy | . e−j , |χijyy| . e−2j
b4ij = a
ij = εijτ
2 e−j & Ce−2j(i)τ
The results can be summarized by saying that it suffices to construct local
parametrices in the sets Bkij.
7.2. Freezing coefficients. Our first observation is that restricting the result
in the proposition to a single region Bkij allows us to freeze the weights b, b⊥
in the X2 norms.
Next we are interested in freezing the coefficients of P . We consider the
same three cases as above:
The case εi ≤ τ−1. In this case we are localized to
Bi0 = [i, i+ 1]× Rn
and we have
bi0 ≈ 1, εij . τ−1
By (6.2) the second relation leads to
|d| . τ−1
Then using also (6.43) we can estimate the terms involving d in the expression
(6.22) for Pψ,
(7.10) ‖∂d∂v‖X∗2 + τ‖dv‖X∗2 + τ
2‖(d∂ + ∂d)v‖X∗2 . ‖v‖X2
Hence without any restriction of generality we can assume that d = 0 in Pψ,
which corresponds to taking g = In.
We also observe that in this case we have
|φ| . 1, |φy| . τ−
Then we can also drop the φ component of ψ. Finally, since
|hss| . 1
we can replace h by its linearization at some point in the corresponding s
Conclusion: It suffices to prove the result when d = 0, ψ(y, s) = τs.
We note that the separation of τ from integers is no longer needed due to
the localization to unit s intervals.
The case τ−1 ≤ εi. In this case we are localized to a region of the form
Bki0 = [s0, s0 + e
2 ]×B(0, ej(i))
and we have
b4i0 ≈ τe−2j(i), εij . e−j(i)τ−
The second relation leads to
|d| . e−j(i)τ−
Then (7.10) is still valid, so we can assume again that d = 0 in Pψ.
We also observe that in this case we have
|φ| . 1, |φy| . e−j(i)
Then we can also drop the φ component of ψ. Finally, since
|hss| . e−j(i)τ−
we can replace h by its linearization at some point in the corresponding s
Conclusion: It suffices to prove the result when d = 0, ψ(y, s) = τs.
The case τ−1 ≤ εi. In this case we are localized to a region of the form
Bkij = [s0, s0 + τ
ij ]× B(y0, τ−
ij ), |y0| ≈ ej
and we have
b2ij ≈ ε
Using (6.2) it follows that
|g(s, y)− g(s0, y0)| . ε
Arguing as before, this allows us to freeze d within Bkij. However, we note that
we are no longer allowed to replace d by 0.
Next we turn our attention to the weight function ψ. First we have
|hss| . εjτ . εijτ
2 e−j
which allows us to replace h by its linearization in s at s0.
Secondly, we claim that we can replace φ by its linearization at y0. In the
radial direction we have weaker localization but a stronger bound
|φrr| . εijτ
2 e−j
In the transversal direction we have better localization but a weaker bound,
|φyy| . εiτ
2 e−j .
The first bound allows us to obtain the relation
|φ2y(y, s)− φ2y(y0, s0)| . ε
2 ≈ b2ij
Using also the second bound we can write
(φy(y, s)− φy(y0, s0))∂y = νr∂r + ν⊥∂⊥
where the coefficients νr and ν⊥ are smooth on the B
ij scale and satisfy the
|νr| . τ−
2 b2ij , |νr| . τ−
2 b2ij,⊥
Conclusion: It suffices to prove the result when d = g(s0, y0), ψ(y, s) =
τs + cy, |c| . εiτ
Additional simplification in the highly localized case. Given the above simpli-
fications we need to work with a constant coefficient operator Pψ which has
the form
Pψ = −∂t +H − τ + ∂d∂ + c∂, |d| . εij, |c| ≤ εi
We diagonalize the second order part with a linear change of variables to obtain
Pψ = −∂t +H − τ + c∂ +O(εij)y2
We can freeze the last term at y0 and add it into τ . To deal with c we make
the change of variable
y → y − (s− s0)c
Then our operator becomes
P̃ψ = −∂t +∆− (y − c(s− s0))2 + τ
and the s− s0 terms are negligible due to the s localization.
Conclusion: We can assume without any restriction in generality that g = In
and ψ = τs.
7.3. The localized parametrix. We begin with the global parametrix K
constructed in Section 5. Then we define the parametrix TB in B by
TB = χ2BK, B = B
and show that it satisfies (7.8) and (7.9).
The Lp part of (7.8) follows directly from (5.4). It remains to prove the X2
‖TBf‖X2 . ‖f‖L1L2+Lp′Lq′
The elliptic part of the X2 bound, namely
‖awe (x,D)χ2BKf‖L2 . ‖f‖L1L2+Lp′Lq′ ,
is obtained by an argument which is similar to the one beginning with (6.50).
For the rest we consider two cases.
i) If j = 0 then B is a ball, and we can use (5.4) directly with R = d.
ii) If j > 0 then B is contained in a sector B ⊂ BR,d but may be shorter
than R. This is why we can use (5.4) for the angular part of the X2 norm, but
not for the L2 part. However, the L2 part can be always obtained by taking
advantage of the time localization,
‖bijTBf‖L2 . ‖TBf‖L∞L2 . ‖f‖L1L2+Lp′Lq′
It remains to consider the error estimate (7.9). We have
f − (∂s −H + τ)TBf = [χ2B, ∂s −H + τ ]Kf = [χ2B, ∂s −H + τ ]χ4BKf
But arguing as above χ4BK0f satisfies the same X2 bound as χ2BK0f . Hence
it suffices to show that
[χ2B , ∂s −H + τ ] : X2 → X∗2
This is where the dimensions of the set B are essential; they are chosen to be
minimal so that the above property holds. We have
[χ2B, ∂s −H + τ ] = −∂sχ2B + (∂yχ2B)∂y + ∂y(∂yχ2B)
= −∂sχ2B + (∂rχ2Br)∂r + ∂r(∂rχ2Br) + (∂⊥χ2By)∂⊥ + ∂⊥(∂⊥χ2B)
For the first factor we use the bound
|∂sχ2B| . b2ij
For the radial derivatives of χ2B we combine (6.43) with
|∂rχ2B| . τ−
2 b2ij
Finally, for the angular derivatives we use the angular H
2 norm in X2 and the
|∂rχ2B| . τ−
2 b2ij⊥
8. The gradient term
In this section we consider the full problem, i.e. involving also the gradient
potential W . Ideally one might want to have a stronger version of Theorem 6
which includes additional bounds for the gradient, more precisely for
But such bounds cannot hold, for this would imply that one can improve the
Lp indices in a restriction type theorem. To overcome this difficulty we proceed
as in [17], using Wolff’s osculation Lemma. Wolff’s idea is that by varying the
weight one can ensure concentration in a sufficiently small set, in which the
gradient potential term is only as strong as the potential term. Thus we still
obtain a one parameter family of Carleman estimates, but with the weight
depending not only on the parameter but also on the function we apply the
estimate to.
Given a gradient potential W satisfying (1.19), we first readjust the param-
eters εij, εi constructed in Lemma 6.1 in order to insure that we have the
additional condition
‖W‖Ln+2(Aτi ) ≪ εi
Then we begin with the spherically symmetric weights ψ constructed in Sec-
tion 6 and modify them as follows:
(8.1) Ψ(s, y) = ψ(s, y) + δk(s, y)
where the perturbation k is supported in {|y| ≤ 9τ} and is subject to the
following conditions:
(8.2) |∂αs ∂βy ∂
⊥k(s, y)| . εiτ
2 s ∈ [i, i+ 1]
Here δ is a sufficiently small parameter.
In order to prove the strong unique continuation result in the presence of
the gradient potential W we need the following modification of Theorem (6):
Theorem 7. Assume that (1.15) holds. Then for each τ > 0 and W subject
‖W‖Ln+2(Aτi ) ≤ εi
and each function u vanishing of infinite order at (0, 0) and ∞ there exists a
perturbation k as in (8.2) so that
(8.3) ‖eΨu‖X+‖eΨW∇u‖X∗+‖eΨ∇(Wu)‖X∗+τ
2‖eΨWu‖X∗ . ‖eΨ(x)P̃ u‖X∗
Here and in the sequel we will omit indices for W . After returning to the
(x, t) coordinates and taking (1.19) into account this implies Theorem 3. The
reader should note that the choice of φ depends on both u and W . This is
essential since for fixed φ (8.3) cannot hold uniformly for all u and W .
Proof. Up to a point the proof follows the steps which were discussed in detail
before. We outline the main steps:
STEP 1: Show that the L2 Carleman estimate (6.23) holds with ψ replaced
by Ψ for all perturbations k as in (8.2). The new conjugated operator PΨ is
obtained from Pψ after conjugating with respect to the weight e
k(y,s). This
adds a few extra components to the selfadjoint and skewadjoint parts,
LrΨ = L
ψ + k
y + ks + 2ky(ψy + d)
LiΨ = L
ψ − ky(1 + d)∂ − ∂ky(1 + d)
Observing that we can write
k2y + ks + 2ky(ψy + d) = τd, ky(1 + d) = τ
with d as in (6.22) we conclude that the conjugated operator PΨ retains the
same form as Pψ, therefore the proof of (6.23) rests unchanged.
STEP 2: Show that the symmetric L2 Carleman estimate (6.23) holds with
ψ replaced by Ψ for all perturbations k as in (8.2). Since PΨ has the same
form as Pψ, this argument is identical.
STEP 3: Show that the symmetric mixed L2 ∩ Lp Carleman estimate in
Theorem 6 holds with ψ replaced by Ψ for all perturbations k as in (8.2).
Since PΨ has the same form as Pψ, this argument is also identical.
STEP 4: Decompose W into a low and a high Hermite-frequency part,
W =Wlow +Whigh, Wlow = χ
i (x,D)W
where the smooth symbol χ1i (x, ξ) is supported in {x2 + ξ2 ≤ 81τ} and equals
1 in the region {x2 + ξ2 ≤ 64τ}. Then we show that the high frequency part
of W satisfies the desired estimates for all perturbations k as in (8.2), namely
(8.4) ‖eΨWhigh∇v‖X∗ +‖∇Whighv‖X∗ + τ
2‖eΨWhighv‖X∗ . ‖eΨu‖X‖W‖Ln+2
After conjugation this becomes
‖Whigh∇v‖X∗ + ‖∇Whighv‖X∗ + τ
2‖Whighv‖X∗ . ‖v‖X‖W‖Ln+2
We only consider the first term on the left. The second one is equivalent
by duality, and the third one is similar but simpler. We divide v into two
v = (1− χ1e)v + χ1ev
where the smooth symbol χ1e(x, ξ) is supported in {x2 + ξ2 ≥ 9τ} and equals
1 in the region {x2 + ξ2 ≥ 10τ}.
For the high frequency component of v we use the H1 part of the X2 norm
to estimate
. ‖Whigh‖Ln+2‖∇χ1ev‖L2 . ‖W‖Ln+2‖v‖X
For the low frequency component of v it is still possible to estimate directly
the high frequency of the output,
‖χ1e(Whigh∇(1− χ1e)v)‖H−1 .τ−
2‖Whigh∇(1− χ1e)v‖L2
2‖∇(1− χ1e)v‖
Finally, the last remaining part has a much better L2 estimate,
‖(1− χ1e)(Whigh∇(1− χ1e)v)‖ . τ−N‖W‖Ln+2‖v‖
which is due to the unbalanced frequency localizations of the two factors.
Due to the estimate (8.4), it suffices to prove (8.3) withW replaced byWlow.
This allows us to replace the term ∇(Wlowv) by
∇(Wlowv) =Wlow∇v + (∇Wlow)v
where we can estimate
‖∇Wlow‖Ln+2 . τ
Hence without any restriction in generality we can drop the third term in (8.3)
and show that we can choose the perturbation k so that
(8.5) ‖eΨW∇u‖X∗ + τ
2‖eΨWu‖X∗ . ‖eΨ(x)P̃ u‖X∗
STEP 5: Show that, given u and W , we can choose the perturbation k
so that (8.5) holds. At this stage we no longer need the full X∗ norm for
the W terms, it suffices instead to consider the L
n+4 norm. Begin with the
unperturbed integral
Fψdxdt, Fψ = |eψW∇u|
n+4 + |τ
2 eψWu|
We can select a subset I of R consisting of time intervals of length 1 with unit
separation at least 8 so that
Fψdxdt .
By a small abuse of notation we label
Ii, Ii ⊂ [i− 1, i+ 1]
We define a family of perturbations k depending on parameters bi, σi by
k(y, s) =
100χ3τIi + χ2Iiχ|y|2≤τ (biy + σi(s− i))
|bi| ≤ τ
2 , |σi| ≤ τ
Due to the choice of the intervals Ii it is easy to see that after changing the
weight ψ to Ψ we retain the concentration to a dilate of I,
FΨdxdt .
The choice of the parameters bi, σi can be made independently for each i.
We consider two cases.
i) Suppose εi . τ
2 . Then the choice of the parameters is irrelevant since
in 3Ii we can estimate
. ‖W‖Ln+2(‖eΨ∇u‖L2 + τ
. (τ−1/2‖eΨ∇u‖L2 + ‖eΨu‖L2)
. ‖u‖X2
ii) Suppose εi ≫ τ−
2 . Then we need to choose the parameters bi, σi in a
favorable manner. This choice is made using Wolff’s Lemma:
Lemma 8.1 (Wolff’s Lemma [29]). Let µ be a measure in Rn and B a convex
set. Then one can find bk ∈ B and disjoint convex sets Ek ⊂ Rn so that the
measures exbkµ are concentrated in Ek,∫
exbkdµ &
and ∑
|Ek|−1 & |B|
We apply the lemma for the measures
dµi = 13IiFψ
In our case we have
Bi = δεi
[−τ, τ ]×B(0, τ
, |Bi| ≈ εn+1i τ
Hence we can find parameters bki and σ
i and convex sets E
i ⊂ 3Ii×B(0, 3τ
so that the corresponding measures FΨk are concentrated in E
i with
|Eki |−1 & εn+1i τ
At the same time we have
|W |n+2dxdt . εn+2i
Hence we can choose k so that∫
|W |n+2dxdt . εiτ−
2 |Eki |−1
which by Holder’s inequality leads to
(8.6) ‖W‖
2 (Eki )
Denoting this index k by k(i) we can write
‖eΨW (∇, τ
2 )u‖
. ‖eΨW (∇, τ
2 )u‖
n+4 (Ii)
. ‖eΨW (∇, τ
2 )u‖
n+4 (E
. ‖W (∇, τ
2 )(eΨu)‖
n+4 (E
Decomposing the function v = eΨu into low and high frequencies we further
‖eΨW (∇, τ
2 )u‖
. ‖W (∇, τ
2 )(1− χ1i (x,D))(eΨu)‖
n+4 (Ii)
+ ‖W (∇, τ
2 )χ1i (x,D)(e
n+4 (E
The first term on the right is estimated as in Step 4,
‖W (∇, τ
2 )(1− χ1i (x,D))(eΨu)‖
n+4 (Ii)
. ‖W‖l∞Ln+2‖(1− χ1i (x,D))(eΨu)‖H1
. ‖W‖l∞Ln+2‖eΨu‖X
It is only for the second term on the right that we need to use (8.6):
‖W (∇, τ
2 )χ1i (x,D)(e
n+4 (E
. ‖W‖
l∞i L
‖(∇, τ
2 )χ1i (x,D)(e
n+4 (E
. ‖eΨu‖
. ‖eΨu‖X
The proof of the Theorem is concluded. �
Appendix A. The change of coordinates
Suppose that the coefficients g satisfy (1.15). In this section we verify that
we can change coordinates so that (1.15) and (1.16) are both satisfied. Due
to the anisotropic character of the equation we must leave the time variable
unchanged and consider changes of coordinates which have the form
(t, x) → (s, y), s = t, y = χ(t, x).
The expression for the operator P in the new coordinates is
P = ∂t + ∂kg̃
kl(t, y)∂l +
where the new coefficients g̃, d̃ are computed using the chain rule,
g̃kl =
d̃kl =
There is a price to pay for this, namely in the new coordinates we obtain
lower order terms which cannot be treated perturbatively. Instead we obtain
coefficients d̃k which have the same regularity and size as g1 − In.
The Lipschitz condition (1.15) ensures that g has a limit at (0, 0) so we
assume that g is continuous. After a linear change of coordinates we may and
do choose g with g(0, 0) = In. Again by (1.15) this implies
(A.1) |g(t, x)− In| ≪ 1.
Proposition A.1. Let g be a metric which satisfies (1.15) with g(0, 0) = In.
Then there is change of coordinates (t, y) = (t, χ(t, x)) which is close to the
(A.2) ‖∂xχ− In‖L∞ ≪ 1
and has regularity
‖(t+ x2)−1/2(t∂t)α((t+ x2)1/2∂x)βχ‖l1(A(τ);L∞) ≪ 1, 2 ≤ 2α + |β| ≤ 4
so that in the new coordinates both functions g̃ and d̃ satisfy (1.15), while g̃−In
and d̃ satisfy (1.16).
Proof. Consider the covering of the [0, 2]× B(0, 2) = ∪Aij with an associated
smooth partition of unity ηij . We can assume that the functions ηij satisfy
(A.4) |∂αt ∂βxηij | . cαβt−α(t + x2)−
We choose the points
(ti, xij) = (e
−4i, e−2i+j) ∈ Aij.
and insure that ηij = 1 near (ti, xij). By (1.15) we have
(A.5) sup
|g(ti, xij)−g(ti, xi,(j−1))|+ |g(ti, xij)−g(ti+1, x(i+1),j)| ≪ 1.
Within a fixed set Aij we consider the linear map defined by the matrix
χij = g
−1/2(ti, xij).
It transforms the coefficients at (ti, xij) to the identity and has the desired
properties within Aij . We assemble the maps defined by χij using the partition
of unity,
χ(t, x) =
ηij(t, x)χijx.
∇χ(t, x)− In =
(∇ηij)χijx+ ηij(χij − In),
Let (t, x) ∈ Ai0,j0. Since
∇ηij = 0 we have
∇xχ(t, x)− In =
∇xηij(t, x)(χij − χi0,j0) + ηij(χij − In).
The first term on the right hand is small by (A.5) (for χij) and the second one
by (A.1) therefore the smallness of ∇χ− In follows.
For the second order spatial derivatives we write
D2xχ(t, x) =
D2ηij(t, x)χijx+ 2Dxηij(t, x)χij
D2xηij(t, x)(χij − χi0,j0)x+ 2Dxηij(χij − χi0,j0).
Hence by (A.4) and (A.5) (again for χij) we obtain
‖(|x|2 + t)1/2D2xχ‖l1(A(τ);L∞) ≪ 1.
∂tχ(t, x) =
∂tηij(χij − χi0j0)x
gives the desired bound for the time derivative. A similar computation yields
the bound for the higher order derivatives in (A.3).
Consider now the new metric g̃. Since both Dχ and (Dχ)−1 are Lipschitz on
the dyadic scale with l1(A(τ)) summability, from (1.15) for g we easily obtain
(1.15) for g̃. In addition, our construction insures that g̃(ti, xij) = In. This in
turn leads to the bound
‖g̃ − In‖L∞(Aij) . ‖g̃‖Lipx(Aij) + ‖g̃‖Cmijt (Aij)
which shows that (1.15) for g̃ implies (1.16) for g̃ − In.
It remains to consider the lower order terms. From ∂tχ we obtain coefficients
d̃ of the form
d̃ = t
Within Ai0,j0 this gives
d̃ = t
∂tηij(t, x)(χij − χi0j0)
The functions t∂tηij(t, x) are bounded and smooth on the dyadic scale, while
the l1(A(τ)) summability comes from the χij−χi0j0 factor due to (A.5). Hence
both (1.15) and (1.16) are satisfied.
The contribution of ∂2xχ to d̃ has the form
There is no singularity at x = 0 since χ is linear in x for x2 ≪ t. Then from
(A.2) and (A.3) we obtain
|d̃| .
with added l1(A(τ)) summability inherited from ∂2xχ. This is better than
(1.16), and in effect this term can be included inW and treated perturbatively.
The bound (1.16) is also easy to obtain from the similar bounds for g and
derivatives of χ.
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Mathematisches Institut der Universität Bonn, Beringstr.1, 53115 Bonn,
E-mail address : [email protected]
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
E-mail address : [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Proof of Theorem 1 and 2
3. L2 bounds in the flat case and the Hermite operator
4. Resolvent bounds for the Hermite operator
4.1. Weighted L2 bounds
4.2. The Lp bounds of the resolvent
4.3. Combining the estimates
5. Lp estimates in the flat case and parametrix bounds
6. Modified weights and pseudoconvexity
7. Lp Carleman estimates for variable coefficient operators
7.1. Localization scales.
7.2. Freezing coefficients
7.3. The localized parametrix.
8. The gradient term
Appendix A. The change of coordinates
0704.1350 | Specialized computer algebra system for application in general
relativity | Specialized computer algebra system
for application in general relativity
S.I. Tertychniy
Abstract: A brief characteristic of the specialized computer algebra
system GRGEC intended for symbolic computations in the field of
general relativity is given.
The code GRGEC constitute a full-fledged programming system intended
for application in the field of the general relativity and adjacent areas of the
differential geometry and the classical field theory. Written mostly in the lisp
dialect known as standard lisp, it is realized, structurally, as the top layer
upon the universal computer algebra system Reduce. The latter is utilized
as the primary tool for execution of the general kind symbolic mathematical
calculations. The code infrastructure includes, in particular, the user inter-
face based on the interpreter of the so called language of problem specification
which models the natural language in its simplified version adapted to the
description of the notions and relationships taking place in the application
field. The collection of algorithms implementing the set of data objects and
the rules of operations with them models the most important notions and
relationships (equations) established in the relevant areas of the physics and
the geometry. One could note in this respect implementation of the calcu-
lus of exterior forms, the spinor algebra tools, the major elements of the
tensor calculus. (All these techniques operate with separate object compo-
nents, no abstract index methods have been implemented). The application
specific algorithms enable one, in particular, to handle various bases in folia-
tions of exterior forms connected with the metric structure, the connection,
the curvature with its irreducible constituents and invariants, the equations
connecting the above objects such as Cartan equations, Bianchi equations,
various algebraic identities, the field equations of the gravity theory (Ein-
stein equations). The handling of a number of the classical field has been
implemented including electromagnetic field, massless spinor field, massive
spinor fields, massless scalar field, conformally invariant scalar field, massive
scalar field and others. It is worth noting also the feasibility to manipu-
late with Newman-Penrose spin coefficients, Lanczos representation of the
conformal curvature, Rainich theory of the coupling of electromagnetic and
gravitational fields, Killing vectors and more.
GRGEC is currently available free of charge at
0704.1351 | Rigidly rotating dust solutions depending upon harmonic functions | Rigidly rotating dust solutions depending upon
harmonic functions
Stefano Viaggiu
Dipartimento di Matematica,
Universitá di Roma “Tor Vergata”,
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1, I-00133 Roma, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
(or: [email protected])
August 4, 2021
We write down the relevant field equations for a stationary axially
symmetric rigidly rotating dust source in such a way that the general
solution depends upon the solution of an elliptic equation and upon
harmonic functions. Starting with the dipole Bonnor solution, we built
an asymptotically flat solution with two curvature singularities on the
rotational axis with diverging mass. Apart from the two point singu-
larities on the axis, the metric is regular everywhere. Finally, we study
a non-asymptotically flat solution with NUT charge and a massless
ring singularity, but with a well-defined mass-energy expression.
PACS numbers: 04.20.-q, 04.20.Jb, 04.40.Nr
The problem of building a physically admissible metric for an isolated ro-
tating body is still long an unresolved problem [1, 9]. In fact, in order to
obtain a physically reasonable source, many restrictions must be imposed
(energy conditions, regularity, reasonable equation of state). In particular,
Einstein’s equations for a rotating body with a perfect fluid source seem
not to be integrable. A remarkable exception is given by dust pressureless
stationary axially symmetric spacetimes. In a remarkable paper [10], Wini-
cour showed that Einstein’s equations for a stationary axially symmetric
dust source with differential rotation can be reduced to quadratures. These
equations contain as a subclass the van Stockum one [11] of rigidly rotating
matter. The first asymptotically flat solution of the van Stockum class can
be found in [12]. The author in [12] shows that the van Stockum class of
solutions that are not cylindrically symmetric cannot exsist in the Newto-
nian theory. The solution in [12] has a curvature singularity with diverging
mass. Further, the technique named ”displace, cut, reflect” [13] to obtain
rotating discs immersed in rotating dust must be noted. Unfortunately, this
method generates distributional exotic matter on the z = 0 plane.
In this paper, starting from the Lewis [14, 15] form of the metric, we write
down the equations for stationary axially symmetric rigidly rotating space-
times in a co-moving reference frame in such a way that the general solution
depends upon the solution of an elliptic equation and upon harmonic func-
tions. The class of solutions contains the van Stockum line element for a
suitable choice of the harmonic function.
In this context, starting from the dipole Bonnor solution [12], we obtain an
asymptotically flat solution with two curvature singularities on the rotation
axis and showing simalar properties to the Bonnor solution.
In section 1 we derive the basic equations. In section 2 we present our
solution. Section 3 collects some final remarks and conclusions. In the ap-
pendix we derive a non asymtotically flat solution with a NUT charge and
a well-defined mass-energy expression.
1 Basic Equations
Our starting point is the Lewis [14] line element for a stationary axisym-
metric space-time:
ds2 = ev(ρ,z)
dρ2 + dz2
+ L(ρ, z)dφ2 + 2m(ρ, z)dtdφ − f(ρ, z)dt2, (1)
where x4 = t is the time coordinate, x1 = ρ is the radial coordinate in
a cylindrical system, x2 = z is the zenithal coordinate and x3 = φ is the
azimuthal angular coordinate on the plane z = 0. Also,
t ∈ (−∞,∞) , ρ ∈ (0,∞) , z ∈ (−∞,∞) , φ ∈ [0, 2π). (2)
Further, the root square of the determinant of the 2-metric spanned by the
Killing vectors ∂t, ∂φ is
|det g(2)| =
fL+m2 = W (ρ, z). (3)
Expression (3) characterizes the measure of the area of the orbits of the
isometry group. In the vacuum, the field equations for (1) imply thatW (ρ, z)
is harmonic, i.e. W,α,α = 0, where subindices denote partial derivative and
a summation with respect to α = ρ, z is implicit. Therefore, the function
W (ρ, z) can be chosen as a coordinate. Looking for regular solutions on the
axis, the simplest assumption can be made by setting W = ρ. In this way,
the van Stockum line element emerges by taking a dust source. However,
this is not the most general choice. Thanks to the gauge freedom, we can
fL+m2 = ρ2H(ρ, z), (4)
where H(ρ, z) is a sufficiently regular function to be specified by the field
We consider a perfect fluid Tµν = (E + P )uµuν + Pgµν , with E being the
mass-energy density , P the hydrostatic pressure and uµ the 4-velocity of
the fluid. We consider a co-moving reference frame:
, uφ = uρ = uz = 0. (5)
Denoting with Rµν the Ricci tensor, the relevant field equations are
Rzz −Rρρ = 0, (6)
Rρρ +Rzz = (P − E)ev , (7)
Rρz = 0, (8)
Rφφ =
T − Tφφ
, (9)
Rtφ =
T − Ttφ
, (10)
Rtt = −
T + Ttt
, (11)
where T = 3P − E. Equation (9) involves a second-order partial equation
for L(ρ, z), while (10) and (11) give second order equations for m(ρ, z) and
f(ρ, z) respectively. Thanks to (4), equations (9)-(11) are not independent.
Therefore, from (4), we can express L(ρ, z) in terms of (f,m,H). Putting
this expression in (9) and using equations (10) and (11), we obtain the
following compatibility equation:
4HPev = H,α,α −
H,ρ. (12)
In what follows we study dust solutions for which P = 0. Setting ρ2H = F 2,
equation (12) becomes F,α,α = 0. Thus the compatibility condition for (9)-
(11) requires that F (ρ, z) be a harmonic function. Conversely, with F (ρ, z)
no more harmonic, the line element (1) is appropriate to describe spacetimes
with non-vanishing pressure P . For F = ρ the van Stockum line element is
regained together with the Papapetrou form of the metric [15]. Equations (6)
and (8) are linear first-order equations involving v,ρ and v,z and they permit
us to calculate v,ρ, v,z in terms of (f,m,F ). By applying the integrability
condition (v,ρ,z = v,z,ρ) for the equations so obtained, we read
f,zF,ρ = F,zf,ρ. (13)
Finally, when expressions for v,ρ, v,z are put in (7), we obtain
F,zf,z = −f,ρF,ρ. (14)
Excluding the case F = const (it can be see that this leads to the trivial
solution E = 0), we have f = const. We naturally choose f = 1. Therefore
our system of equations is
F,α,α = 0, (15)
m,α,α −
= 0, (16)
, (17)
v,ρ =
m2zF,ρ −m2,ρF,ρ + 4FF,zF,z,ρ − 4FF,ρF,z,z − 2m,ρm,zF,z
2FF 2,α
v,z =
4FF,zF,z,z + 4FF,ρF,z,ρ − F,zm2,z + F,zm2,ρ − 2m,ρm,zFρ
2FF 2,α
L+m2 = F 2. (20)
First of all, for non-expanding spacetimes, the shear qik =
[ui;k + uk;i]
vanishes identically for (15)-(20), and therefore our system of equations de-
scribes rigidly rotating sources in a co-moving reference frame. When F = ρ,
equation (16) is invariant under the transformation z → z+a (a a constant)
and a solution can be expanded as
i m(ρ, z + ai). Setting F 6= ρ, if
F (ρ, z),m(ρ, z) are solutions, then also F (ρ, z+a),m(ρ, z+a) are, and thus
the solutions cannot be expanded.
Note that we have identified (ρ, z) with the radial and the zenithal coordinate
respectively in a cylindrical coordinate system. According to this assump-
tion, some conditions must be imposed. Firstly, by setting E = 0, the metric
must reduce to the standard flat expression ds2 = dρ2 + dz2 + ρ2dφ2 − dt2.
Therefore, limE→0 F = ρ. Further, looking for regular spacetimes on the
rotation axis , the norm of the space-like Killing vector ∂φ must be van-
ishing (except at isolated points) at ρ = 0, i.e. limρ→0 L = 0. Finally, for
asymptotically flat spacetimes, at spatial infinity F (ρ, z) looks as follows:
F = ρ+ o(1).
2 Generating an asymptotically flat solution
Our starting point is the Bonnor dipole solution [12] F = ρ,m =
We can obtain a solution of (16) by taking the map ρ → F (ρ, z), z → G(ρ, z),
where F = ρ
1 + bc
, G = z
1− bc
with c ≥ 0, being b a
constant. Therefore we get the solution
F = ρ
(ρ2 + z2)
, (21)
cρ2[ρ2 + z2 + bc]
ρ2 + z2[(ρ2 + z2)
+ 2bcρ2 + b2c2 − 2bcz2]
v = ln(α) +
γ(ρ2 + z2 + bc)
[(ρ2 + z2)
+ 2ρ2bc+ b2c2 − 2z2bc]4
[(ρ2 + z2)
+ 2ρ2bc+ b2c2 − 2z2bc]4
β = α(ρ2 + z2)
= (ρ2 + z2)
+ c2b2 − 2ρ2cb+ 2z2cb,
γ = (ρ2 − 8z2)(ρ2 + z2)2 + 2ρ4cb+ 18ρ2z2bc+ ρ2c2b2 + 16z4bc− 8z2c2b2,
∆ = (ρ2 + 4z2)(ρ2 + z2)
2 − 8z4cb+ 4z2c2b2 − 6ρ2z2cb+ ρ2c2b2 + 2ρ4cb.
Solution (21) is asymptotically flat. Note that the map ρ → F (ρ, z) , z →
G(ρ, z) is not bijective, i.e. is not a diffeomorphism. Concerning the features
of (21), they depend on the sign of the constant b.
For b > 0, apart from ρ = 0, z = ±
bc, our solution is regular everywhere.
At these two points, we have curvature singularities with properties close
to the ρ = 0, z = 0 singularity of the dipole Bonnor solution (see [12]). In
particular, the mass-energy diverges at these points. Otherwise, the energy
density E(ρ, z) is integrable. For b = 0, we regain the Bonnor solution.
Finally, for b < 0, the two point singularities disappear, but emerges a
curvature ring singularity for z = 0, ρ =
|b|c with diverging mass. Inde-
pendently on the parameter b, at spatial infinity the metric reduces to the
standard expression in asymptotical cylindrical coordinates, and so also by
setting c = 0 (E = 0). Note that, because of the non-invertibility of the map
between the Bonnor solution and solution (21), the curvature singularity at
the origin of [12] is shifted in the two curvature singularities of (21) (for
b > 0) on the rotation axis. As a final consideration, it must be noted that
there exists for (21) a finite non singular region about the origin. Thus,
our solution could be matched, in principle, with some asymptotically flat
vacuum solution. We do not enter in this discussion, but only mention this
3 Conclusions and final remarks
We have studied stationary axially symmetric rigidly rotating dust space-
times in terms of harmonic functions. In [16] Bonnor found the general
solution for charged dust with zero Lorentz force in terms of harmonic func-
tions. However, the use of such kind of functions in [16] is different from
the one in our paper. In fact, in our paper harmonic functions appear in
equation (4) thanks to the gauge freedom, while in [16] the function F (ρ, z)
is chosen to be the cylindrical polar coordinate ρ. In the Bonnor paper,
harmonic functions arise in order to obtain the most general solution for
equation (16) with F = ρ. In this case, all the solutions of the equation
m,α,α − 1ρm,ρ = 0 are given by taking a generic harmonic function η(ρ, z),
with m = ρηρ. In a similar way, another harmonic function is introduced
when charged dust comes in action. Therefore, a direct relation between
does not exist between the harmonic function F (ρ, z) and η(ρ, z) of [16].
Also, the paper [17] must be noticed in which charged dust solutions are
given in terms of Bessel functions of first and second kind and hyperbolic
functions. Also in the paper [17] the condition F = ρ is retained.
In this paper, section two, starting with the dipole Bonnor solution, we
build a class of asymptotically flat solutions containing the Bonnor one as a
subclass by a suitable choice of the functions F (ρ, z), G(ρ, z). Obviously, it
must be noted that not all the harmonic functions generate physically sen-
sible solutions. For a physically sensible solution we mean a regular (apart
from isolated singularities) asymptotically flat solution. Generally, it is a
simple matter to verify that, if F (ρ, z) = ρ,m(ρ, z) is a regular differen-
tiable solution for (16), then also m(F (ρ, z), G(ρ, z)) is a solution for (16)
with F (ρ, z) harmonic being G(ρ, z) the harmonic conjugate to F (ρ, z) i.e.
Fρ = Gz, Fz = −Gρ. Further, in order to generate a new asymptotically
flat and regular solution on the axis starting with a seed solution with these
two properties, we must build a non-bijective (not a diffeomorphism) map
ρ → F (ρ, z), z → G(ρ, z) such that limE→0 F = ρ , limE→0G = z, and
limρ→0 L = limρ→0 F = 0 (apart from isolated points) and such that at spa-
tial infinity the functions F (ρ, z), G(ρ, z) look as follows: F = ρ+o(1) , G =
z + o(1). Concerning isolated singularities, no general conclusions can be
made. The functions F (ρ, z), G(ρ, z) of section two satisfy all the conditions
mentioned above.
Finally, in the appendix we present a non-asymptotically flat solution not
obtained from a seed solution with the technique discussed above and there-
fore it represents an ad hoc solution. In particular, it is possible to build ad
hoc solutions for (16) by setting F (ρ, z) = ρ(1 + c
) (with c a constant)
and m(ρ, z) a homogeneous function such that m,α,α − m,ρρ = 0.
We consider the following solution:
F = ρ
ρ2 + z2
, m = c
ρ2 + z2
, (22)
ln[ρ4 − 2cρ2 + 2ρ2z2 + c2 + z4 + 2cz2]
ln[c+ ρ2 + z2]− 2 ln[ρ2 + z2] , E =
[c+ ρ2 + z2]
with c a constant. When c > 0, the solution (22) has a curvature ring sin-
gularity when (ρ, z) = (
c, 0) The axis is regular for z > 0, while it shows a
conical (no curvature) singularity when z ≤ 0. Further, for z < 0 there is a
region where closed time-like curves (CTC) appear resulting in a vioaltion of
causality. However, it is possible to take a simple coordinate transformation
found in [18], i.e. τ = t+ 2cφ giving the whole rotational axis free of coni-
cal singularities. Unfortunately, we are forced to introduce a periodic time
coordinate τ and therefore once again CTC appear. Therefore, the problem
of violation of causality cannot be avoided with an opportune coordinate
The spacetime asymptotically reads the expression appropriate for asymp-
totic NUT metrics [19, 20] with NUT charge q given by c = 2q. We can
estimate the mass inside an infinite cylinder of radius R by means of the
M(R) =
EFevdφ. (23)
The integral (23) is well defined everywhere. Thus, for the mass we get the
M(R) = 2π2c2
1 +R−
R2 + 1
. (24)
Because of the non-asymptotical flatness, the solution (22) is not interesting
in an astrophysical context. However, the natural arena for this solution is in
the extra relativistic context given by non-Abelian gauge theories or in the
low energy string theory [21, 22] where, in order to obtain supersymmetries,
NUT charge comes in action.
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Basic Equations
Generating an asymptotically flat solution
Conclusions and final remarks
0704.1352 | The Green function estimates for strongly elliptic systems of second
Abstract. We establish existence and pointwise estimates of fundamental so-
lutions and Green’s matrices for divergence form, second order strongly elliptic
systems in a domain Ω ⊆ Rn, n ≥ 3, under the assumption that solutions of
the system satisfy De Giorgi-Nash type local Hölder continuity estimates. In
particular, our results apply to perturbations of diagonal systems, and thus
especially to complex perturbations of a single real equation.
1. Introduction
In this article, we study Green’s functions (or Green’s matrices) of second order,
strongly elliptic systems of divergence type in a domain Ω ⊂ Rn with n ≥ 3.
In particular, we treat the Green matrix in the entire space, usually called the
fundamental solution. We shall prove that if a given elliptic system has the property
that all weak solutions of the system are locally Hölder continuous, then it has the
Green’s matrix in Ω. (For example, if coefficients of the system belong to the
space of VMO introduced by Sarason [19], then it will enjoy such a property). For
such elliptic systems, we study standard properties of the Green’s matrix including
pointwise bounds, Lp and weak Lp estimates for Green’s matrix and its derivatives,
For the scalar case, i.e., a single elliptic equation, the existence and properties
of Green’s function was studied by Littman, Stampacchia, and Weinberger [14]
and Grüter and Widman [11]. In this article, we follow the approach of Grüter
and Widman in constructing Green’s matrix. The main technical difficulties arise
from lack of Harnack type inequalities and the maximum principle for the systems.
The key observation on which this article is based is that even in the scalar case,
one can get around Moser’s Harnack inequality [18] or maximum principle but
instead rely solely on De Giorgi-Nash type oscillation estimates [5] in constructing
and studying properties of Green’s functions. From this point of view, this article
provides a unified approach in studying Green’s function for both scalar and systems
of equations. We should point out that there has been some study of Green’s matrix
for systems with continuous coefficients, notably by Fuchs [7] and Dolzmann-Müller
[6]. Our existence results and interior estimates of Green’s function will include
theirs, since as is well known, weak solutions of systems with uniformly continuous
(or VMO) coefficients enjoy local Hölder estimates. On the other hand, we have
not attempted to replicate their boundary estimates, which depend in particular on
having a C1 boundary. Our method does not require boundedness of the domain
nor regularity of the boundary in constructing Green’s matrices, while the methods
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35A08, 35B45; Secondary 35J45.
Key words and phrases. Green’s function, fundamental solution, second order elliptic system.
of Fuchs [7] and Dolzmann-Müller [6] require both boundedness and regularity of
the domain at the very beginning. We note that a scalar elliptic equation with
complex coefficients can be identified as an elliptic system with real coefficients
satisfying a special structure, and thus our results apply in particular to complex
perturbations of a scalar real equation. In the complex coefficients setting, the main
results of Section 3 in our paper can be also obtained by following the method of
Auscher [2]. The estimates of the present paper will be applied to the development
of the layer potential method for equations with complex coefficients in [1].
The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we define the prop-
erty (H), which is essentially equivalent to De Giorgi’s oscillation estimates in the
scalar case, and introduce a function space Y
0 (Ω) which substitutes W
0 (Ω) in
constructing Green’s functions; they are identical if Ω is bounded but in general,
0 (Ω) is a larger space and is more suitable for our purpose. In Section 3, we
study Green’s functions defined in the entire space, which are usually referred to
as the fundamental solutions. The main result is that for a system whose coeffi-
cients are close to those of a diagonal system, the fundamental solution behaves
very much like that of a single equation. In Section 4, we study Green’s matrices in
general domains, including unbounded ones. We also study the boundary behav-
ior of Green’s matrices when the boundary of domain satisfies a measure theoretic
exterior cone condition, called the condition (S). We prove in particular that if the
coefficients of the system are close to those of a diagonal system, then again the
boundary behavior of its Green’s function is much like that of a single equation.
In section 5, we discuss the Green’s matrices of the strongly elliptic systems with
VMO coefficients. By following the same techniques already developed in the pre-
vious two sections, we construct the Green’s matrix in general domains including
the entire space. One subtle difference is that in this VMO coefficients case, one
should play with a localized version of property (H) since basically, the regularity of
weak solutions of the systems with VMO coefficients is inherited from the systems
with constant coefficients when the scale is made small enough. Therefore, all the
estimates for the Green’s matrix stated in this section are only meaningful near a
Finally, we would like to mention that when n = 2, the method used in this
article breaks down in several places and for that reason we plan to treat the two
dimensional case in a separate paper.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Strongly elliptic systems. Throughout this article, the summation con-
vention over repeated indices shall be assumed. Let L be a second order elliptic
operator of divergence type acting on vector valued functions u = (u1, . . . , uN )T
defined on Rn (n ≥ 3) in the following way:
(2.1) Lu = −Dα(A
αβ Dβu),
where Aαβ = Aαβ(x) (α, β = 1, . . . , n) are N by N matrices satisfying the strong
ellipticity condition, i.e., there is a number λ > 0 such that
(2.2) A
ij (x)ξ
α ≥ λ |ξ|
2, ∀x ∈ Rn
We also assume that A
ij are bounded, i.e., there is a number Λ > 0 such that
ij (x)|
2 ≤ Λ2, ∀x ∈ Rn.
If we write (2.1) component-wise, then we have
(2.4) (Lu)i = −Dα(A
ij Dβu
j), ∀i = 1, . . . , N.
The transpose operator of tL of L is defined by
(2.5) tLu = −Dα(
where tAαβ = (Aβα)T (i.e., tA
ij = A
ji ). Note that the coefficients
ij satisfy
(2.2), (2.3) with the same constants λ,Λ.
In the sequel, we shall use the notation −
f := 1
f (assuming 0 < |S| < ∞),
where S is a measurable subset of Rn and |S| denotes the Lebesgue measure of
measurable S.
Definition 2.1. We say that the operator L satisfies the property (H) if there exist
µ0, H0 > 0 such that all weak solutions u of Lu = 0 in BR = BR(x0) satisfy
, 0 < r < s ≤ R.
Similarly, we say that the transpose operator tL satisfies the property (H) if corre-
sponding estimates hold for all weak solutions u of tLu = 0 in BR.
Lemma 2.2. Let (aαβ(x))nα,β=1 be coefficients satisfying the following conditions:
There are constants λ0,Λ0 > 0 such that for all x ∈ R
(2.7) aαβ(x)ξβξα ≥ λ0 |ξ|
, ∀ξ ∈ Rn;
≤ Λ20.
Then, there exists ǫ0 = ǫ0(n, λ0,Λ0) such that if
(2.8) ǫ2(x) :=
ij (x) − a
< ǫ20, ∀x ∈ R
then the operator L associated with the coefficients A
ij satisfies the condition (H)
with µ0 = µ0(n, λ0,Λ0), H0 = H0(n,N, λ0,Λ0) > 0.
Proof. See e.g., [12, Proposition 2.1]. �
Lemma 2.3. Suppose that the operator L satisfies the following Hölder property
for weak solutions: There are constants µ0, C0 > 0 such that all weak solutions u
of Lu = 0 in B2R = B2R(x0) satisfy the estimate
(2.9) [u]Cµ0 (BR) ≤ C0R
where [f ]Cµ(Ω) denotes the usual C
µ(Ω) semi-norm of f ; see [10] for the definition.
Then, the operator L satisfies the property (H) with µ0 and H0 = H0(n,N, λ,Λ, C0).
Proof. We may assume that r < s/4; otherwise, (2.6) is trivial. Denote ur = −
We may assume, by replacing u by u − us, if necessary, that us = 0. From the
Caccioppoli inequality, (2.9), and then the Poincaré inequality, it follows
≤ Cr−2
|u− u2r|
≤ Cr−2
|u(x) − u(y)|
dy dx
≤ Cr−2[u]2Cµ0 (B2r)(2r)
2µ0 |B2r| ≤ Cr
n−2+2µ0 [u]2Cµ0(Bs/2)
≤ C(r/s)n−2+2µ0s−2
≤ C(r/s)n−2+2µ0
The proof is complete. �
Lemma 2.4. Assume that the operator L satisfies the property (H). Then, the
operator L satisfies the Hölder property (2.9). Moreover, for any p > 0, there
exists Cp = Cp(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0, p) > 0 such that all weak solutions u of Lu = 0
in BR = BR(x0) satisfy
(2.10) ‖u‖L∞(Br) ≤
(R− r)n/p
‖u‖Lp(BR) , ∀r ∈ (0, R).
Proof. From a theorem of Morrey [17, Thoerem 3.5.2], the property (H), and the
Caccioppoli inequality, it follows that
(2.11) [u]2Cµ0(BR) ≤ CR
2−n−2µ0 ‖Du‖
≤ CR−n−2µ0 ‖u‖
Then, by a well known averaging argument (see e.g., [12]) we derive
(2.12) ‖u‖L∞(BR/2) ≤ C
where C = C(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0) > 0. For the proof that (2.12) implies (2.10), we
refer to [9, pp. 80–82]. �
2.2. Function spaces Y 1,2(Ω) and Y
0 (Ω).
Definition 2.5. For an open set Ω ⊂ Rn (n ≥ 3), the space Y 1,2(Ω) is defined as
the family of all weakly differentiable functions u ∈ L2
(Ω), where 2∗ = 2n
, whose
weak derivatives are functions in L2(Ω). The space Y 1,2(Ω) is endowed with the
‖u‖Y 1,2(Ω) := ‖u‖L2∗ (Ω) + ‖Du‖L2(Ω) .
We define Y
0 (Ω) as the closure of C
c (Ω) in Y
1,2(Ω), where C∞c (Ω) is the set of
all infinitely differentiable functions with compact supports in Ω.
We note that in the case Ω = Rn, it is well known that Y 1,2(Rn) = Y
see e.g., [15, p. 46]. By the Sobolev inequality, it follows that
(2.13) ‖u‖L2∗ (Ω) ≤ C(n) ‖Du‖L2(Ω) , ∀u ∈ Y
0 (Ω).
Therefore, we have W
0 (Ω) ⊂ Y
0 (Ω) and W
0 (Ω) = Y
0 (Ω) when Ω has finite
Lebesgue measure.
From (2.13), it follows that the bilinear form
(2.14) 〈u,v〉
defines an inner product on H := Y
0 (Ω)
N . Also, it is routine to check that H
equipped with the inner product (2.14) is a Hilbert space.
Definition 2.6. We shall denote by H the Hilbert space Y
0 (Ω)
N with the inner
product (2.14). We denote
:= 〈u,u〉
= ‖Du‖L2(Ω) .
We also define the bilinear form associated to the operator L as
B(u,v) :=
ij Dβu
By the strong ellipticity (2.2), it follows that the bilinear form B is coercive; i.e,
(2.15) B(u,u) ≥ λ 〈u,u〉
3. Fundamental matrix in Rn
Throughout this section, we assume that the operators L and tL satisfy the
property (H). The main goal of this section is to construct the fundamental matrix
of the the operator L in the entire Rn, where n ≥ 3. Since Y 1,2(Rn) = Y
we have, as in Definition 2.5,
‖u‖L2∗ (Rn) ≤ C(n) ‖Du‖L2(Rn) , ∀u ∈ Y
We note that W 1,2(Rn) ⊂ Y 1,2(Rn) ⊂ W
loc (R
n). Unless otherwise stated, we
employ the letter C to denote a constant depending on n, N , λ, Λ, µ0, H0, and
sometimes on an exponent p characterizing Lebesgue classes. It should be under-
stood that C may vary from line to line.
3.1. Averaged fundamental matrix. Our approach here is based on that in
[11]. Let y ∈ Rn and 1 ≤ k ≤ N be fixed. For ρ > 0, consider the linear functional
u 7→ −
uk. Since
≤ Cρ(2−n)/2 ‖u‖L2∗(Rn) ≤ Cρ
(2−n)/2 ‖u‖
Lax-Milgram lemma implies that there exists a unique vρ = vρ;y,k ∈ H such that
ij Dβv
ρ Dαu
i = −
uk, ∀u ∈ H.
Note that (2.15), (3.2), and (3.1) imply that
λ ‖vρ‖
≤ B(vρ,vρ) ≤ Cρ
(2−n)/2 ‖vρ‖H ,
and thus we have
(3.3) ‖Dvρ‖L2(Rn) = ‖vρ‖H ≤ Cρ
We define the “averaged fundamental matrix” Γρ( · , y) = (Γ
jk( · , y))
j,k=1 by
(3.4) Γ
jk( · , y) = v
ρ = v
Note that we have
ij DβΓ
jk( · , y)Dαu
i = −
uk, ∀u ∈ H,
and equivalently (α ↔ β , i ↔ j).
ij Dβu
ik( · , y) = −
uk, ∀u ∈ H.
In the sequel, we shall denote by L∞c (Ω) the family of all L
∞ functions with
compact supports in Ω. For a given f ∈ L∞c (R
n)N consider a linear functional
(3.7) w 7→
f ·w,
which is bounded on H since
≤ ‖f‖
n+2 (Rn)
n−2 (Rn)
≤ C ‖f‖
n+2 (Rn)
Therefore, by Lax-Milgram lemma, there exists u ∈ H such that
ij Dβu
f iwi, ∀w ∈ H.
In particular, if we set w = vρ in (3.9), then by (3.6), we have
ik( · , y)f
i = −
Moreover, by setting w = u in (3.9), it follows from (3.8) that
(3.11) ‖Du‖L2(Rn) ≤ C ‖f‖L2n/(n+2)(Rn) .
3.2. L∞ estimates for averaged fundamental matrix. Let u ∈ H be given as
in (3.9). We will obtain local L∞ estimates for u in BR(x0), where x0 ∈ R
n and
R > 0 are fixed but arbitrary.
Fix x ∈ BR(x0) and 0 < s ≤ R. We decompose u as u = u1 + u2, where
u1 ∈ W
N is the weak solution of tLu1 = 0 in Bs(x) satisfying u1 = u on
∂Bs(x); i.e., u1 − u ∈ W
0 (Bs(x)). Then, for 0 < r < s, we have
Since u2 ∈ W
0 (Bs(x))
N is a weak solution of tLu2 = f in Bs(x), we have
≤ C ‖f‖
For given p > n/2, choose p0 ∈ (n/2, p) such that µ1 := 2− n/p0 < µ0. Then
(3.12) ‖f‖
n+2 (Bs(x))
≤ ‖f‖
1+2/n−2/p0 ≤ C ‖f‖
Lp0(Rn) s
n−2+2µ1 .
Therefore, after combining the above inequalities, we have for all r < s ≤ R
+ Csn−2+2µ1 ‖f‖
Lp0(Rn) .
By a well known iteration argument (see e.g., [8, Lemma 2.1, p. 86]), we have
+ Crn−2+2µ1 ‖f‖
+ Crn−2+2µ1 ‖f‖
Lp0(Rn) ,
for all 0 < r < R and x ∈ BR(x0). From (3.13) it follows (see, e.g. [12])
(3.14) [u]2Cµ1 (BR(x0)) ≤ C
R−(n−2+2µ1) ‖Du‖
L2(Rn) + ‖f‖
Note that since u ∈ H, we have
≤ ‖u‖
≤ CR2 ‖Du‖
L2(Rn) .
Consequently, we have
≤ CR2µ1 [u]2Cµ1 (BR(x0)) + CR
−n ‖u‖
R2−n ‖Du‖
L2(Rn) +R
2µ1 ‖f‖
+ CR2−n ‖Du‖
≤ CR2−n ‖f‖
L2n/(n+2)(Rn) + CR
2µ1 ‖f‖
Lp0(Rn) ,
where we used the inequality (3.11) in the last step.
Therefore, if f is supported in BR(x0), then (3.12) yields (recall µ1 = 2− n/p0)
(3.15) ‖u‖L∞(BR/2(x0)) ≤ CR
2−n/p0 ‖f‖Lp0(BR(x0)) ≤ CR
2−n/p ‖f‖Lp(BR(x0)) .
Now, (3.10) implies that for ρ < R/2, we have, by setting x0 = y in (3.15),
ik( · , y)f
|u| ≤ CR2−n/p ‖f‖Lp(BR(y)) , ∀p > n/2
provided that f is supported in BR(y). Therefore, by duality, we see that
(3.17) ‖vρ‖Lq(BR(y)) ≤ CR
2−n+n/q, ∀q ∈ [1, n
), ∀ρ ∈ (0, R/2),
where vρ = vρ;y,k is as in (3.4).
Fix x 6= y and let r := 2
|x− y|. If ρ < r/2, then since vρ ∈ W
N and
satisfies Lvρ = 0 weakly in Br(x), it follows from Lemma 2.4 that
(3.18) |vρ(x)| ≤ Cr
−n ‖vρ‖L1(Br(x)) ≤ Cr
−n ‖vρ‖L1(B3r(y)) ≤ Cr
Since ρ, y, k are arbitrary, we have obtained the following estimates.
(3.19) |Γρ(x, y)| ≤ C |x− y|
, ∀ρ < |x− y| /3.
3.3. Uniform weak-L
n−2 estimates for Γ
ρ( · , y). We claim that the following
estimate holds:
|Γρ( · , y)|
n−2 ≤ CR−n, ∀R > 0, ∀ρ > 0.
If R > 3ρ, then by (3.19) we have
|Γρ(x, y)|
n−2 dx ≤ C
|x− y|
dx ≤ CR−n.
Next, we consider the case R ≤ 3ρ. Let vTρ be the k-th column of the averaged
fundamental matrix Γρ( · , y) as in (3.4). From (3.3), we see that
‖vρ‖L2∗ (Rn\BR(y)) ≤ ‖vρ‖L2∗ (Rn) ≤ ‖Dvρ‖L2(Rn) ≤ Cρ
and thus (3.20) also follows in the case when R ≤ 3ρ.
Now, let At = {x ∈ R
n : |Γρ(x, y)| > t} and choose R = t−1/(n−2). Then,
|At \BR(y)| ≤ t
|Γρ( · , y)|
n−2 ≤ Ct−
n−2 t
n−2 = Ct−
n−2 .
Obviously, |At ∩BR(y)| ≤ CR
n = Ct−
n−2 . Therefore, we obtained that for all
t > 0, we have
(3.21) |{x ∈ Rn : |Γρ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀ρ > 0.
3.4. Uniform weak-L
n−1 estimates for DΓρ( · y). Let vρ be as before. Fix a
cut-off function η ∈ C∞(Rn) such that η ≡ 0 on BR/2(y), η ≡ 1 outside BR(y),
and |Dη| ≤ C/R. If we set u := η2vρ, then by (3.2)
ij Dβv
ij Dβv
which together with (3.19) implies that if R > 6ρ, then
≤ CR−2
≤ CR2−n.
On the other hand, if R ≤ 6ρ, then (3.3) again implies
≤ Cρ2−n ≤ CR2−n.
Therefore, we have
|DΓρ( · , y)|
≤ CR2−n, ∀R > 0, ∀ρ > 0.
Next, let At = {x ∈ R
n : |DxΓ
ρ(x, y)| > t} and choose R = t−1/(n−1). Then
|At \BR(y)| ≤ t
|DΓρ( · , y)|
≤ Ct−
and |At ∩BR(y)| ≤ CR
n = Ct−
n−1 . We have thus find that for all t > 0, we have
(3.23) |{x ∈ Rn : |DxΓ
ρ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−1 , ∀ρ > 0.
3.5. Construction of the fundamental matrix. First, we claim
(3.24) ‖DΓρ( · , y)‖Lp(BR(y)) ≤ CpR
1−n+n/p, ∀ρ > 0, ∀p ∈ (0, n
Let vρ be as before. Note that
≤ τp |BR|+
By using (3.23), we estimate
ptp−1 |{|Dvρ| > max(t, τ)}| dt
≤ Cτ−
ptp−1 dt+ C
ptp−1−n/(n−1) dt
1− p/(p− n
By optimizing over τ , we get
≤ CR(1−n)p+n,
from which (3.24) follows.
If we utilize (3.21) instead of (3.23), we obtain a similar estimates for Γρ( · , y)
(3.26) ‖Γρ( · , y)‖Lp(BR(y)) ≤ CpR
2−n+n/p, ∀ρ > 0, ∀p ∈ (0, n
Let us fix q ∈ (1, n
). We have seen that for all R > 0, there exists some
C(R) < ∞ such that
‖Γρ( · , y)‖W 1,q(BR(y)) ≤ C(R), ∀ρ > 0.
Therefore, by a diagonalization process, we obtain a sequence {ρµ}
and Γ( · , y)
loc (R
n)N×N such that limµ→∞ ρµ = 0 and that
(3.27) Γρµ( · , y) ⇀ Γ( · , y) in W 1,q(BR(y))
N×N , ∀R > 0,
where we recall that ⇀ denotes weak convergence. Then, for any φ ∈ C∞c (R
n)N ,
it follows from (3.5)
ij DβΓjk( · , y)Dαφ
i = lim
ij DβΓ
jk ( · , y)Dαφ
= lim
Bρµ (y)
φk = φk(y).
Let vTρ be the k-th column of Γ
ρ( · , y) as before, and let vT be the corresponding
k-th column of Γ( · , y). Then, for any g ∈ L∞c (BR(y))
N , (3.26) yields
v · g
= lim
vρµ · g
≤ CpR
2−n+n/p ‖g‖Lp′(BR(y)) ,
where p′ denotes the conjugate exponent of p ∈ [1, n
). Therefore, we obtain
(3.30) ‖Γ( · , y)‖Lp(BR(y)) ≤ Cp R
2−n+n/p, ∀p ∈ [1, n
By a similar reasoning, we also have by (3.24)
(3.31) ‖DΓ( · , y)‖Lp(BR(y)) ≤ Cp R
1−n+n/p, ∀p ∈ [1, n
Also, with the aid of (3.20) and (3.22), we obtain
|Γ( · , y)|
≤ CR−n,(3.32)
|DΓ( · , y)|
≤ CR2−n.(3.33)
In particular, (3.32), (3.33) imply that
(3.34) ‖Γ( · , y)‖Y 1,2(Rn\Br(y)) ≤ Cr
1−n/2, ∀r > 0.
Moreover, arguing as before, we see that the estimates (3.32) and (3.33) imply
|{x ∈ Rn : |Γ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀t > 0(3.35)
|{x ∈ Rn : |DxΓ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct
n−1 ∀t > 0.(3.36)
Next, we turn to pointwise bounds for Γ( · , y). Let vT be the k-th column of
Γ( · , y). For each x 6= y, denote r = 2
|x− y|. Then, it follows from (3.34) and
(3.28) that v is a weak solution of Lv = 0 in Br(x). Therefore, by Lemma 2.4 and
(3.30) we find
(3.37) |v(x)| ≤ Cr−n ‖v‖L1(Br(x)) ≤ Cr
−n ‖v‖L1(B3r(y)) ≤ Cr
from which it follows
(3.38) |Γ(x, y)| ≤ C |x− y|
, ∀x 6= y.
3.6. Continuity of the fundamental matrix. From the property (H), it follows
that Γ( · , y) is Hölder continuous in Rn \ {y}. In fact, (2.11) together with (3.28)
and (3.33) implies
(3.39) |Γ(x, y)− Γ(z, y)| ≤ C |x− z|
µ0 |x− y|
2−n−µ0 if |x− z| < |x− y| /2.
Moreover, by the same reasoning, it follows from (2.11) and (3.22) that for any
given compact set K ⋐ Rn \ {y}, the sequence {Γρµ( · , y)}
µ=1 is equicontinuous on
K. Also, by Lemma 2.4 and (3.20), we find that there are CK < ∞ and ρK > 0
such that
(3.40) ‖Γρ( · , y)‖L∞(K) ≤ CK ∀ρ < ρK for any compact K ⋐ R
n \ {y} .
Therefore, we may assume, by passing if necessary to a subsequence, that
(3.41) Γρµ( · , y) → Γ( · , y) uniformly on K, for any compact K ⋐ Rn \ {y} .
We will now show that Γ(x, · ) is also Hölder continuous in Rn \ {x}. Denote
by tΓσ( · , x) the averaged fundamental matrix associated to tL, the transpose of L.
Since each column of Γρ( · , y) and tΓσ( · , x) belongs to H, we have by (3.5),
tΓσkl( · , x) =
ij DβΓ
jk( · , y)Dα
tΓσil( · , x)
ji Dα
tΓσil( · , x)DβΓ
jk( · , y) = −
lk( · , y).
By the same argument as appears in Sec. 3.5, we obtain a sequence {σν}
ν=1 tending
to 0 such that tΓσν ( · , x) converges to tΓ( · , x) uniformly on any compact subset of
n \ {x}, where tΓ( · , x) is a fundamental matrix for tL satisfying all properties
stated in Sec. 3.5. By (3.42), we find that
gklµν := −
Bρµ (y)
tΓσνkl ( · , x) = −
Bσν (x)
lk ( · , y).
From the continuity of Γ
lk ( · , y), it follows that for x, y ∈ R
n with x 6= y, we have
gklµν = lim
Bσν (x)
lk ( · , y) = Γ
lk (x, y)
and thus by (3.41) we obtain
gklµν = lim
lk (x, y) = Γlk(x, y).
On the other hand, (3.27) yields
gklµν = lim
Bρµ (y)
tΓσνkl ( · , x) = −
Bρµ (y)
tΓkl( · , x)
and thus it follows from the continuity of tΓkl( · , x) that
gklµν = lim
Bρµ (y)
tΓkl( · , x) =
tΓkl(y, x).
We have thus shown that
Γlk(x, y) =
tΓkl(y, x), ∀k, l = 1, . . . , N, ∀x 6= y,
which is equivalent to say
(3.43) Γ(x, y) = tΓ(y, x)T , ∀x 6= y.
Therefore, we have proved the claim that Γ(x, · ) is Hölder continuous in Rn \ {x}.
So far, we have seen that there is a sequence {ρµ}
tending to 0 such that
ρµ( · , y) → Γ( · , y) in Rn \ {y}. However, by (3.42), we obtain
lk(x, y) = limν→∞
Bσν (x)
lk( · , y) = limν→∞
tΓσνkl ( · , x)
tΓkl( · , x) = −
Γlk(x, · ),
i.e., we have the following representation for the averaged fundamental matrix:
(3.45) Γρ(x, y) = −
Γ(x, z) dz.
Therefore, by the continuity, we obtain
(3.46) lim
ρ(x, y) = Γ(x, y), x 6= y.
3.7. Properties of fundamental matrix. We record what we obtained so far in
the following theorem:
Theorem 3.1. Assume that operators L and tL satisfy the property (H). Then,
there exists a unique fundamental matrix Γ(x, y) = (Γij(x, y))
i,j=1 (x 6= y) which is
continuous in {(x, y) ∈ Rn × Rn : x 6= y} and such that Γ(x, · ) is locally integrable
in Rn for all x ∈ Rn and that for all f = (f1, . . . , fN)T ∈ C∞c (R
n)N , the function
u = (u1, . . . , uN )T given by
(3.47) u(x) :=
Γ(x, y)f (y) dy
belongs to Y 1,2(Rn)N and satisfies Lu = f in the sense
ij Dβu
f iφi, ∀φ ∈ C∞c (R
n)N .
Moreover, Γ(x, y) has the property
ij DβΓjk( · , y)Dαφ
i = φk(y), ∀φ ∈ C∞c (R
n)N .
Furthermore, Γ(x, y) satisfies the following estimates:
‖Γ( · , y)‖Y 1,2(Rn\Br(y)) + ‖Γ(x, · )‖Y 1,2(Rn\Br(x)) ≤ Cr
2 , ∀r > 0,(3.50)
‖Γ( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) + ‖Γ(x, · )‖Lp(Br(x)) ≤ Cpr
2−n+ n
p , ∀p ∈ [1, n
‖DΓ( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) + ‖DΓ(x, · )‖Lp(Br(x)) ≤ Cpr
1−n+ n
p , ∀p ∈ [1, n
|{x ∈ Rn : |Γ(x, y)| > t}|+ |{y ∈ Rn : |Γ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 ,(3.53)
|{x ∈ Rn : |DxΓ(x, y)| > t}|+ |{y ∈ R
n : |DyΓ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct
n−1 ,(3.54)
|Γ(x, y)| ≤ C |x− y|
, ∀x 6= y,(3.55)
|Γ(x, y)− Γ(z, y)| ≤ C |x− z|
µ0 |x− y|
2−n−µ0 if |x− z| < |x− y| /2,(3.56)
|Γ(x, y)− Γ(x, z)| ≤ C |y − z|
µ0 |x− y|
2−n−µ0 if |y − z| < |x− y| /2,(3.57)
where C = C(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0) > 0 and Cp = Cp(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0, p) > 0.
Proof. Let Γρ(x, y) and Γ(x, y) be constructed as above. We have already seen
that Γ is continuous in {(x, y) ∈ Rn × Rn : x 6= y} and satisfies all the properties
(3.49) – (3.57). By using the Lax-Milgram lemma as in Sec. 3.1, we find that for
all f ∈ C∞c (R
n)N , there is a unique u ∈ Y 1,2(Rn)N satisfying
ij Dβu
f ivi, ∀v ∈ Y 1,2(Rn)N .
If we set vi = Γ
ki(x, · ) above, then (3.5) together with (3.43) implies that
ki(x, · )f
ji Dα
ik( · , x)Dβu
j = −
Assume that f is supported in BR(x) for some R > 0. Then, by (3.27) and (3.43)
we have
ki(x, · )f
i = lim
ki(x, · )f
Γki(x, · )f
By the same argument which lead to (3.14) in Section 3.2, we find that u is Hölder
continuous. Therefore, (3.47) follows by taking the limits in (3.58).
Now, it only remains to prove the uniqueness. Assume that Γ̃(x, y) is another ma-
trix such that Γ̃ is continuous on {(x, y) ∈ Rn × Rn : x 6= y} and such that Γ̃(x, · )
is locally integrable in Rn for all x ∈ Rn and that for all f ∈ C∞c (R
n)N ,
ũ(x) :=
Γ̃(x, y)f (y) dy
belongs to Y 1,2(Rn) and satisfies Lu = f in the sense of (3.48). Then by the
uniqueness in H = Y 1,2(Rn)N , we must have u = ũ. Therefore, for all x ∈ Rn we
(Γ− Γ̃)(x, ·)f = 0, ∀f ∈ C∞c (R
n)N ,
and thus we have Γ ≡ Γ̃ in {(x, y) ∈ Rn × Rn : x 6= y}. �
Theorem 3.2. Assume that the operators L and tL satisfy the property (H). If
f ∈ (L
n+2 (Rn) ∩ L
n))N for some p > n/2, then there exists a unique u in
Y 1,2(Rn)N such that
ij Dβu
f ivi, ∀v ∈ Y 1,2(Rn)N .
Moreover, u is continuous and has the following representation:
(3.60) uk(x) =
Γki(x, y)f
i(y) dy, k = 1, . . . , N,
where (Γki(x, y))
k,i=1 is the fundamental matrix of L.
Proof. Since f ∈ L
n+2 (Rn)N , the same argument as appears in Sec. 3.1 implies
that there is u ∈ Y 1,2(Rn)N satisfying (3.59). If we set vi = Γ
ki(x, · ) in (3.59),
then (3.2) implies that
ki(x, · )f
ji Dα
ik( · , x)Dβu
j = −
Next, note that (3.20), (3.26), and the assumption f i ∈ L
n+2 (Rn) ∩ L
n) for
some p > n/2, imply that
ki(x, · )f
i = lim
ki(x, · )f
ki(x, · )f
Γki(x, · )f
Γki(x, · )f
Γki(x, · )f
Finally, by the same argument which lead to (3.14) in Sec. 3.2, we find that u is
Hölder continuous, and thus (3.60) follows from (3.61) and (3.62). �
Corollary 3.3. Suppose that f = (f1, . . . , fN )T has a bound
(3.63) |f(x)| ≤ C(1 + |x|)−(1+n/2+ǫ) ∀x ∈ Rn for some ǫ > 0.
Then, u = (u1, . . . , uN)T given by (3.60) is a unique Y 1,2(Rn)N solution of Lu = f
in Rn in the sense of (3.59).
Proof. Note that (3.63) implies f ∈ (L
n+2 (Rn) ∩ Lp(Rn))N . �
Theorem 3.4. Assume that L and tL satisfy the property (H). If f ∈ Y 1,2(Rn)N
satisfies Df ∈ L
n)N×n for some p > n, then
(3.64) fk(x) =
DαΓki(x, · )A
ij Dβf
j , k = 1, . . . , N,
where (Γki(x, y))
k,i=1 is the fundamental matrix of L.
Proof. We denote by tΓρ the averaged fundamental matrix of tL. Recall that
columns of tΓρ belong to H. Then, by (3.5) we have
ji Dα
ik( · , x)Dβf
j = −
As in (3.62), the assumption Df ∈ L
n)N for p > n, together with (3.22) and
(3.24) yields
fk = lim
ji Dα
ik( · , x)Dβf
ji Dα
tΓik( · , x)Dβf
ij DαΓki(x, · )Dβf
where we used (3.43) in the last step. By the Morrey’s inequality [17], f is contin-
uous and thus (3.64) follows from (3.65). �
Corollary 3.5. Assume that L, tL, L̃, and tL̃ satisfy the property (H). Denote by
Γ and Γ̃ the fundamental matrices of L and L̃, respectively. If the coefficients A
of L and Ã
ij of L̃ are Hölder continuous, then
(3.66) Γ̃lm(x, y) = Γlm(x, y) +
DαΓli(x, · )(A
ij − Ã
ij )DβΓ̃jm( · , y), x 6= y.
Proof. We denote by Γρ and Γ̃ρ (ρ < |x− y| /4) the averaged fundamental matrices
of L and L̃ respectively. Recall that columns of Γρ and Γ̃ρ belong to H. Moreover,
since we assume that the coefficients are Hölder continuous, the standard elliptic
theory, (3.38), and (3.45) implies thatDΓρ(x, · ) andDΓ̃ρ( · , y) are locally bounded.
Therefore, by setting f j = Γ̃
jm( · , y) in (3.64) we have
(3.67) Γ̃
lm(x, y) =
DαΓli(x, · )A
ij DβΓ̃
jm( · , y),
Next, set f j = Γ
lj(x, · ) and apply (3.64) with L replaced by
tL̃ to get
lm(x, y) =
t̃Γmi(y, · )
ij DβΓ
lj(x, · ).
By using (3.43) and interchanging indices (α ↔ β, i ↔ j), we obtain
(3.68) Γ
lm(x, y) =
li(x, · )Ã
ij DβΓ̃jm( · , y).
Now, set r = |x− y| /4 and split the integral (3.67) into three pieces (recall ρ < r)
DαΓli(x, · )A
ij DβΓ̃
jm( · , y).
Since we assume that the coefficients are Hölder continuous, it follows from the stan-
dard elliptic theory that DΓ(x, · ) and DΓ̃( · , y) are continuous (and thus bounded)
on Br(y) and Br(x) respectively. Moreover, (3.45) implies
DΓ̃ρ( · , y) → DΓ̃( · , y) uniformly on Br(x) as ρ → 0.
Therefore, as in (3.65), we may take the limit ρ → 0 in (3.67) to get
Γ̃lm(x, y) =
DαΓli(x, · )A
ij DβΓ̃jm( · , y),
Similarly, by taking the limit ρ → 0 in (3.68), we obtain
Γlm(x, y) =
DαΓli(x, · )Ã
ij DβΓ̃jm( · , y).
The proof is complete. �
Remark 3.6. We note that in terms of matrix multiplication (3.60) is written as
u(x) =
Γ(x, y)f (y) dy,
where both u,f are understood as column vectors. Also, (3.66) reads
Γ̃(x, y) = Γ(x, y) +
DαΓ(x, · )(A
αβ − Ãαβ)DβΓ( · , y).
4. Green’s matrix in general domains
4.1. Construction of Green’s matrix. In this section, we shall construct the
Green’s matrix in any open, connected set Ω ⊂ Rn, where n ≥ 3. To construct the
Green’s matrix in Ω, we need to adjust arguments in Section 3.
Henceforth, we shall denote Ωr(y) := Ω ∩Br(y) and dy := dist(y, ∂Ω). Also, as
in Section 3, we use the letter C to denote a constant depending on n, N , λ, Λ, µ0,
H0, and sometimes on an exponent p characterizing Lebesgue classes.
It is routine to check that for any given y ∈ Ω and 1 ≤ k ≤ N , the linear
functional u 7→ −
uk is bounded on H = Y
0 (Ω)
N . Therefore, by Lax-Milgram
lemma, there exists a unique vρ = vρ;y,k ∈ H such that
ij Dβv
ρ Dαu
i = −
uk, ∀u ∈ H.
Note that as in (3.3), we have
(4.2) ‖Dvρ‖L2(Ω) = ‖vρ‖H ≤ C |Ωρ(y)|
We define the “averaged Green’s matrix” Gρ( · , y) = (G
jk( · , y))
j,k=1 by
jk( · , y) = v
ρ = v
Note that as in (3.5), we have
ij DβG
jk( · , y)Dαu
i = −
uk, ∀u ∈ H.
Next, observe that as in (3.7)–(3.10), for any given f ∈ L∞c (Ω)
N , there exists a
unique u ∈ H such that
ik( · , y)f
i = −
Moreover, as in (3.11), we have
‖Du‖L2(Ω) ≤ C ‖f‖L2n/(n+2)(Ω) .
Also, by following the argument as appears in Section 3.2, we find that if f is
supported in BR(y), then we have
‖u‖L∞(BR/4(y)) ≤ CR
2−n/p ‖f‖Lp(BR(y)) , ∀R < dy, ∀p > n/2.
Therefore, as in (3.16), for any f ∈ L∞c (BR(y)), R < dy, we have
ik( · , y)f
≤ CR2−n/p ‖f‖Lp(BR(y)) , ∀ρ < R/4, ∀p > n/2.
Therefore, as in (3.17), we see that if R < dy, then
‖Gρ( · , y)‖Lq(BR(y)) ≤ CR
2−n+n/q, ∀ρ < R/4, ∀q ∈ [1, n
Then, by following the lines in (3.18)–(3.19), we obtain
|Gρ(x, y)| ≤ C |x− y|
if |x− y| < dy/2, ∀ρ < |x− y| /3.
Next, we shall derive an estimate corresponding to (3.22). Let η ∈ C∞(Rn) be
a cut-off function such that 0 ≤ η ≤ 1, η ≡ 1 outside BR/2(y), η ≡ 0 on BR/4(y),
and |Dη| ≤ C/R, where R ≤ dy . By setting u = η
2vρ ∈ H in (4.1), we obtain
η2 |Dvρ|
≤ CR−2
≤ CR−2
|x− y|
= CR−2R4−n = CR2−n, ∀ρ < R/12.
Therefore, we have (r = R/2)
|DGρ( · , y)|
≤ Cr2−n, ∀ρ < r/6, ∀r < dy/2.
On the other hand, (4.2) implies that if ρ ≥ r/6, then
|DGρ( · , y)|
|DGρ( · , y)|
≤ C |Ωρ(y)|
n ≤ Cr2−n.
Therefore, by combining (4.5) and (4.6), we obtain
|DGρ( · , y)|
≤ Cr2−n, ∀r < dy/2, ∀ρ > 0.
From the estimate (4.7), which corresponds to (3.22), we can derive an estimate
corresponding to (3.24) as follows. By following the lines between (3.22) and (3.23),
we obtain
(4.8) |{x ∈ Ω : |DxG
ρ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−1 , ∀ρ > 0 if t > (dy/2)
Then, by following lines (3.24)–(3.25), we find (set τ = (R/2)1−n)
|DGρ( · , y)|
≤ CRp(1−n)+n, ∀R < dy, ∀ρ > 0, ∀p ∈ (0,
Now, we will derive estimates corresponding (3.20) and (3.26). Let η be the
same as in (4.4). Note that (4.4) and (4.7) implies that for R < dy,
η2 |Dvρ|
≤ CR2−n, ∀ρ < R/12.
Since ηvρ ∈ H = Y
0 (Ω), it follows from (4.10) and (2.13) that
2∗ ≤ Cr−n, ∀r < dy/2, ∀ρ < r/6.
On the other hand, if ρ ≥ r/6, then (4.2) implies
2∗ ≤ C
≤ C |Ωρ|
≤ Cr−n.
Therefore, by combining (4.11) and (4.12), we obtain
|Gρ( · , y)| 2
≤ Cr−n, ∀r < dy/2, ∀ρ > 0.
As in Section 3.3, the above estimate (4.13) yields
(4.14) |{x ∈ Ω : |Gρ(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀ρ > 0 if t > (dy/2)
Then, as we argued in (4.9), we find (set τ = (R/2)2−n)
|Gρ( · , y)|
≤ CRp(2−n)+n, ∀R < dy, ∀ρ > 0, ∀p ∈ (0,
Now, observe that (4.9) and (4.15) in particular imply that
(4.16) ‖Gρ( · , y)‖W 1,p(Bdy (y))
≤ C(dy) for some p ∈ (1,
), uniformly in ρ.
Therefore, from (4.16) together with (4.7) and (4.13), it follows that there exist a
sequence {ρµ}
tending to 0 and functions G( · , y) and G̃( · , y) such that
ρµ( · , y) ⇀ G( · , y) in W 1,p(Bdy (y))
N×N and(4.17)
ρµ( · , y) ⇀ G̃( · , y) in Y 1,2(Ω \Bdy/2(y))
N×N as µ → ∞.(4.18)
Since G( · , y) ≡ G̃( · , y) on Bdy(y) \Bdy/2(y), we shall extend G( · , y) to entire Ω
by setting G( · , y) = G̃( · , y) on Ω \ Bdy(y) but still call it G( · , y) in the sequel.
Moreover, by applying a diagonalization process and passing to a subsequence, if
necessary, we may assume that
(4.19) Gρµ( · , y) ⇀ G( · , y) in Y 1,2(Ω \Br(y))
N×N as µ → ∞, ∀r < dy.
We claim that the following holds:
ij DβGjk( · , y)Dαφ
i = φk(y), ∀φ ∈ C∞c (Ω)
To see (4.20), write φ = ηφ+(1− η)φ, where η ∈ C∞c (Bdy (y)) is a cut-off function
satisfying η ≡ 1 on Bdy/2(y). Then, (4.3), (4.17), and (4.19) yield
φk(y) = lim
Ωρµ (y)
ηφk + lim
Ωρµ (y)
(1 − η)φk
= lim
ij DβG
jk (·, y)Dα(ηφ
i) + lim
ij DβG
jk (·, y)Dα((1− η)φ
ij DβGjk( · , y)Dα(ηφ
ij DβGjk( · , y)Dα((1 − η)φ
ij DβGjk( · , y)Dαφ
i as desired.
Next, we claim thatG( · , y) = 0 on ∂Ω in the sense that for all η ∈ C∞c (Ω) satisfying
η ≡ 1 on Br(y) for some r < dy, we have
(1− η)G( · , y) ∈ Y
0 (Ω)
N×N .
To see this, it is enough to show that
(4.21) (1 − η)Gρµ( · , y) ⇀ (1− η)G( · , y) in Y 1,2(Ω)N×N as µ → ∞,
for (1 − η)Gρµ( · , y) ∈ Y
0 (Ω)
N×N for all µ ≥ 1 and Y
0 (Ω) is weakly closed in
Y 1,2(Ω) by Mazur’s theorem. To show (4.21), we note that (4.19) yields
(1− η)Gkl( · , y)φ =
Gkl( · , y)(1− η)φ = lim
kl ( · , y)(1− η)φ
= lim
(1− η)G
kl ( · , y)φ, ∀φ ∈ L
n+2 (Ω),
D((1 − η)Gkl( · , y)) · ψ = −
Gkl( · , y)Dη ·ψ +
DGkl( · , y) · (1 − η)ψ
= − lim
kl ( · , y)Dη · ψ + limµ→∞
kl ( · , y) · (1− η)ψ
= lim
D((1 − η)G
kl ( · , y)) · ψ, ∀ψ ∈ L
2(Ω)N .
By using the same duality argument as in (3.29), we derive the following esti-
mates that correspond to (3.30)–(3.36):
‖G( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) ≤ Cp r
2−n+n/p, ∀r < dy, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖DG( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) ≤ Cp r
1−n+n/p, ∀r < dy, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖G( · , y)‖Y 1,2(Ω\Br(y)) ≤ Cr
1−n/2, ∀r < dy/2,(4.24)
|{x ∈ Ω : |G(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀t > (dy/2)
|{x ∈ Ω : |DxG(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct
n−1 , ∀t > (dy/2)
Also, we obtain pointwise bound and Hölder continuity estimate for G( · , y)
corresponding to (3.38) and (3.39), respectively, as follows. Denote by vT the k-th
column of G( · , y) and set R := d̄x,y/2, where
(4.27) d̄x,y := min(dx, dy, |x− y|).
Since v is a weak solution of Lu = 0 in B3R/2(x) ⊂ Ω \ BR/2(y), it follows from
(2.10) and (4.24) that
|v(x)| ≤ CR(2−n)/2 ‖v‖L2∗(Ω\BR/2(y)) ≤ CR
which in turn implies that
(4.28) |G(x, y)| ≤ Cd̄2−nx,y , where d̄x,y := min(dx, dy, |x− y|).
In particular, we have
(4.29) |G(x, y)| ≤ C |x− y|
if |x− y| < dx/2 or |x− y| < dy/2.
Similarly, it follows from (2.11) and (4.24) that
(4.30) [v]2Cµ0(BR(x)) ≤ CR
≤ CR2(2−n−µ0).
Therefore, we find that
(4.31) |G(x, y)−G(z, y)| ≤ C |x− z|
µ0 d̄2−n−µ0x,y if |x− z| < d̄x,y/2,
where d̄x,y is given by (4.27).
Denote by tGσ( · , x) the averaged Green’s matrix of tL in Ω with a pole at x ∈ Ω.
Observe that we have an identity corresponding to (3.42).
(4.32) −
tGσkl( · , x) = −
lk( · , y).
Let tG( · , x) be a Green’s matrix of tL in Ω with a pole at x ∈ Ω that is obtained
by a sequence {σν}
ν=1 tending to 0. Then, by a similar argument as appears in
Section 3.6, we obtain
(4.33) Glk(x, y) =
tGkl(y, x), ∀k, l = 1, . . . , N, ∀x, y ∈ Ω, x 6= y,
which is equivalent to say
(4.34) G(x, y) = tG(y, x)T , ∀x, y ∈ Ω, x 6= y.
Using (4.34), we find that G(x, · ) satisfies the estimates corresponding to (4.22)–
(4.26) and (4.31). Moreover, by following the lines (3.44)–(3.45) and using (4.32)
we obtain
(4.35) Gρ(x, y) = −
G(x, z) dz.
Therefore, by the continuity, we find
(4.36) lim
ρ(x, y) = G(x, y), ∀x, y ∈ Ω, x 6= y.
Finally, we summarize what we obtained so far in the following theorem.
Theorem 4.1. Let Ω be an open connected set in Rn. Denote dx := dist(x, ∂Ω)
for x ∈ Ω; we set dx = ∞ if Ω = R
n. Assume that operators L and tL satisfy the
property (H). Then, there exists a unique Green’s matrix G(x, y) = (Gij(x, y))
(x, y ∈ Ω, x 6= y) which is continuous in {(x, y) ∈ Ω× Ω : x 6= y} and such that
G(x, · ) is locally integrable in Ω for all x ∈ Ω and that for all f = (f1, . . . , fN)T ∈
C∞c (Ω)
N , the function u = (u1, . . . , uN )T given by
(4.37) u(x) :=
G(x, y)f (y) dy
belongs to Y
0 (Ω)
N and satisfies Lu = f in the sense
ij Dβu
f iφi, ∀φ ∈ C∞c (Ω)
Moreover, G(x, y) has the properties that
ij DβGjk( · , y)Dαφ
i = φk(y), ∀φ ∈ C∞c (Ω)
and that for all η ∈ C∞c (Ω) satisfying η ≡ 1 on Br(y) for some r < dy,
(4.40) (1− η)G( · , y) ∈ Y
0 (Ω)
N×N .
Furthermore, G(x, y) satisfies the following estimates:
‖G( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) ≤ Cp r
2−n+n/p, ∀r < dy, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖G(x, · )‖Lp(Br(x)) ≤ Cp r
2−n+n/p, ∀r < dx, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖DG( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) ≤ Cp r
1−n+n/p, ∀r < dy, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖DG(x, · )‖Lp(Br(x)) ≤ Cp r
1−n+n/p, ∀r < dx, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖G( · , y)‖Y 1,2(Ω\Br(y)) ≤ Cr
1−n/2, ∀r < dy/2,(4.45)
‖G(x, · )‖Y 1,2(Ω\Br(x)) ≤ Cr
1−n/2, ∀r < dx/2,(4.46)
|{x ∈ Ω : |G(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀t > (dy/2)
|{y ∈ Ω : |G(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀t > (dx/2)
|{x ∈ Ω : |DxG(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct
n−1 , ∀t > (dy/2)
|{y ∈ Ω : |DyG(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct
n−1 , ∀t > (dx/2)
(4.51) |G(x, y)| ≤ Cd̄2−nx,y , where d̄x,y := min(dx, dy, |x− y|),
|G(x, y)−G(z, y)| ≤ C |x− z|
µ0 d̄2−n−µ0x,y if |x− z| < d̄x,y/2,(4.52)
|G(x, y)−G(x, z)| ≤ C |y − z|
µ0 d̄2−n−µ0x,y if |y − z| < d̄x,y/2,(4.53)
where C = C(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0) > 0 and Cp = Cp(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0, p) > 0.
Proof. LetGρ(x, y) andG(x, y) be constructed as above. We have already seen that
G is continuous on {(x, y) ∈ Ω× Ω : x 6= y} and satisfies all the properties (4.39)
– (4.53). Also, as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we find that for all f ∈ C∞c (Ω)
there is a unique u ∈ (Y
0 (Ω) ∩ C(Ω))
N satisfying
ij Dβu
f ivi, ∀v ∈ Y
0 (Ω)
If we set vi = G
ki(x, · ) above, then by (4.3) and (4.34), we find
ki(x, · )f
ji Dα
ik( · , x)Dβu
j = −
Fix r < dx/2. By (4.17), (4.18), and (4.34), we have
ki (x, · )f
i = lim
ki (x, · )f
ki (x, · )f
Gki(x, · )f
Gki(x, · )f
Gki(x, · )f
Therefore, (4.37) follows by taking the limits in (4.54). By proceeding as in the
proof of Theorem 3.1, we also derive the uniqueness of Green’s matrix in Ω. �
4.2. Boundary regularity. Let Σ be any subset of Ω and u be aW 1,2(Ω) function.
Then we shall say u = 0 on Σ (in the sense of W 1,2(Ω)) if u is a limit in W 1,2(Ω)
of a sequence of functions in C∞c (Ω \ Σ).
We shall denote ΣR(x) := ∂Ω ∩ BR(x) for any R > 0. We shall abbreviate
ΩR = ΩR(x) and ΣR = ΣR(x) if the point x is well understood in the context.
Lemma 4.2 (Boundary Poincaré inequality). Assume that |BR \ Ω| ≥ θ |BR| for
some θ > 0. Then, for any u ∈ W 1,2(ΩR) satisfying u = 0 on ΣR, we have the
following estimate:
(4.55) ‖u‖L2(ΩR) ≤
R ‖Du‖L2(ΩR) .
Proof. Since u = 0 in ΣR, we may extend u to a W
1,2(BR) function by setting
u = 0 in S := BR \Ω. Note that Du = 0 in S. Then the lemma follows from (7.45)
in [10, p. 164]. �
Lemma 4.3 (Boundary Caccioppoli inequality). Let the operator L satisfy condi-
tions (2.2), (2.3). Suppose u is a W 1,2(ΩR)
N solutions of Lu = 0 in ΩR satisfying
u = 0 on ΣR. Then, we have
(4.56) ‖Du‖L2(Ωr) ≤
‖u‖L2(ΩR) , ∀0 < r < R,
where C = C(n,N, λ,Λ) > 0.
Proof. It is well known. �
Definition 4.4. We say that Ω satisfies the condition (S) at a point x̄ ∈ ∂Ω if
there exist θ > 0 and Ra ∈ (0,∞] such that
(4.57) |BR(x̄) \ Ω| ≥ θ |BR(x̄)| , ∀R < Ra.
We say that Ω satisfies the condition (S) uniformly on Σ ⊂ ∂Ω if there exist θ > 0
and Ra such that (4.57) holds for all x̄ ∈ Σ.
Definition 4.5. Let Ω satisfy the condition (S) at x̄ ∈ ∂Ω. We shall say that
an operator L satisfies the property (BH) if there exist µ1, H1 > 0 such that if
u ∈ W 1,2(ΩR(x̄))
N is a weak solution of the problem, Lu = 0 in ΩR(x̄) and u = 0
on ΣR(x̄), where R < Ra, then u satisfies the following estimates:
, ∀0 < r < s ≤ R.
Lemma 4.6. There exists ǫ0 = ǫ0(n, λ0,Λ0) > 0 such that if the coefficients of the
operator L in (2.1) satisfies (2.8) in Lemma 2.2, then L satisfies the property (BH)
with µ1 = µ1(n, λ0,Λ0, θ) > 0 and H1 = H1(n,N, λ0,Λ0, θ) > 0.
Proof. Throughout the proof, we shall abbreviate Ωr = Ωr(x̄) for any r > 0,
Σr = Σr(x̄), the point x̄ ∈ ∂Ω to be understood. For any s ≤ R < Ra, let
vi (i = 1, . . . , N) be a unique W 1,2(Ωs) solution of L0v
i = 0 in Ωs satisfying
vi − ui ∈ W
0 (Ωs), where L0v
i = −Dα(a
We claim that there exist µ2(n, λ0,Λ0, θ) > 0 and C(n, λ0,Λ0, θ) > 0 such that
the following estimate holds:
, ∀0 < r < s.
We first note that we may assume that r ≤ s/8; otherwise (4.59) becomes trivial.
Since each vi satisfies vi = 0 on Σs, it follows from Theorem 8.27 [10, pp. 203–204]
and Theorem 8.25 [10, pp. 202–203] that there is µ2 = µ2(n, λ0,Λ0, θ) > 0 and
C = C(n, λ0,Λ0, θ) > 0 such that
(4.60) osc
vi ≤ Crµ2s−µ2 sup
|vi| ≤ Crµ2s−µ2−n/2‖vi‖L2(Ωs/2).
In particular, the estimate (4.60) implies vi(x̄) = lim
vi(x) = 0. Then, Lemma 4.3
and Lemma 4.2 imply that for all i = 1, . . . , N (recall r < s/8)
≤ Cr−2
|vi|2 = Cr−2
|vi − vi(x̄)|2
≤ Crn−2
and thus we have proved the claim.
Next, note that w := u− v belongs to W
0 (Ωs)
N and thus it satisfies
(aαβδij −A
ij )Dβu
Therefore, we have
≤ (λ−1 ‖ǫ‖L∞)
where ǫ(x) is as defined in (2.8). By combining (4.59) and (4.61), we obtain
+ C0 ‖ǫ‖
, ∀0 < r < s.
Now, choose a µ1 ∈ (0, µ2). Then, from a well known iteration argument (see, e.g.,
[8, Lemma 2.1, p. 86]), it follows that there is ǫ0 such that if ‖ǫ‖L∞ < ǫ0, then
(4.58) holds. �
Theorem 4.7. Let the operator L satisfy the properties (H) and (BH). Assume
that Ω satisfies the condition (S) at x̄ ∈ ∂Ω with parameters θ,Ra. Let x ∈ Ω such
that |x− x̄| = dx ≤ R/2, where R < Ra is given. Then, any weak solution u of
Lu = 0 in ΩR(x̄) satisfying u = 0 on ΣR(x̄), we have
(4.62) |u(x)| ≤ CdµxR
1−n/2−µ ‖Du‖L2(ΩR(x̄)) , dx := dist(x, ∂Ω),
where C = C(n,N, λ,Λ, θ, µ0, µ1, H0, H1) > 0 and µ = min(µ0, µ1).
Proof. The proof is an adaptation of a technique due to Campanato [4]. In this
proof, we shall use the notation ux,r := −
u. Also, we shall abbreviate d = dx.
Observe that
(4.63) Ωd(x) = Bd(x) ⊂ Ω2d(x) ∩Ω2d(x̄).
We may assume that R > 3d so that Ω2d(x) ⊂ ΩR(x̄); otherwise 2d ≤ R ≤ 3d and
(4.62) follows from Lemma 2.4. We estimate u(x) by
|u(x)| ≤ |u(x)− ux,2d|+ |ux,2d − ux̄,2d|+ |ux̄,2d| := I + II + III.
We shall estimate I first. For any r1 < r2 ≤ 2d, we estimate
(4.64) |ux,r1 − ux,r2 |
≤ 2 |u(z)− ux,r1|
+ 2 |u(z)− ux,r2 |
Note that since Bd(x) ⊂ Ω, we have
|Ωr(x)| ≥ Cr
n, ∀r ≤ 2d.
Therefore, by integrating (4.64) over Ωr1(x) with respect to z, we estimates
(4.65) |ux,r1 − ux,r2 |
≤ Cr−n1
|u− ux,r1 |
|u− ux,r2 |
Since u = 0 on ΣR(x̄), we may extend u to BR(x̄) as a W
1,2 function by setting
u = 0 on BR(x̄) \Ω. Therefore, by a version of Poincaré inequality (see, e.g. (7.45)
in [10, p. 164]), we have for all r ≤ 2d,
|u− ux,r|
|u− ux,r|
≤ Cr2
= Cr2
Therefore, by (4.65) and (4.66), we obtain
(4.67) |ux,r1 − ux,r2 |
≤ Cr−n1
+ r22
Ωr2 (x)
Next, we claim that the following estimate holds:
, ∀r ≤ 2d.
We first consider the case when r ≤ d. Note that in this case, we have Ωr(x) = Br(x)
and Ωd(x) = Bd(x). Since L satisfies (H), it follows from (4.63) that
On the other hand, since L satisfies (BH), it follows from (4.58) that
)n−2+2µ ∫
By combining (4.69) and (4.70), we obtain (4.68). Next, consider the case when
d < r. In this case, we have Ωr(x) ⊂ Ω2r(x̄), and thus it follows from (4.58)
We proved the claim (4.68).
Now, by using (4.68), we estimates (4.67) as follows (recall r1 < r2 ≤ 2d):
(4.71) |ux,r1 − ux,r2 |
≤ Cr−n1 (r
1 + r
For any r ≤ 2d, set r1 = r2
−(i+1) and r2 = r2
−i in (4.71) to get
∣ux,r2−(i+1) − ux,r2−i
≤ Cr2µ2−2µ(i+1)R2−n−2µ
Therefore, for 0 ≤ j < k, we obtain
∣ux,r2−k − ux,r2−j
∣ux,r2−(i+1) − ux,r2−i
≤ Crµ
R1−n/2−µ ‖Du‖L2(ΩR(x̄))
= C2−jµrµR1−n/2−µ ‖Du‖L2(ΩR(x̄)) .
By setting r = 2d, j = 0, and letting k → ∞ in (4.72), we obtain
(4.73) I = |u(x) − ux,2d| ≤ Cd
µR1−n/2−µ ‖Du‖L2(ΩR(x̄)) .
Next, we estimate III. Since |Br(x̄) ∩Bd(x)| ≥ Cr
n for r ≤ 2d, we have
(4.74) |Ωr(x̄)| ≥ Cr
n, ∀r ≤ 2d.
Also, as in (4.66), we have for all r ≤ 2d (recall u ≡ 0 on BR(x̄) \ Ω)
|u− ux̄,r|
|u− ux̄,r|
≤ Cr2
= Cr2
Therefore, as in (4.67) we have for r1 < r2 ≤ 2d,
|ux̄,r1 − ux̄,r2 |
≤ Cr−n1
+ r22
Ωr2 (x̄)
Then, by using the property (BH), we obtain (c.f. (4.72), (4.73))
(4.76) |û(x̄)− ux̄,2d| ≤ Cd
µR1−n/2−µ ‖Du‖L2(ΩR(x̄)) ,
where û(x̄) := limk→∞ ux̄,2−kr. (note that (4.72) implies û(x̄) exists). It follows
from (4.74), (4.55), and (4.58) that for any r ≤ 2d, we have
≤ Cr−n
≤ Cr2−n
≤ Cr2−n
= Cr2µR2−n−2µ
and thus that û(x̄) = 0. Therefore, by (4.76) we obtain
(4.77) III = |ux̄,2d| = |û(x̄)− ux̄,2d| ≤ Cd
µR1−n/2−µ ‖Du‖L2(ΩR(x̄)) .
Finally, we estimate II.
(4.78) |ux,2d − ux̄,2d|
≤ 2 |u(z)− ux,2d|
+ 2 |u(z)− ux̄,2d|
By integrating (4.78) over Bd(x) ⊂ Ω2d(x) ∩Ω2d(x̄) with respect to z, we estimate
|ux,2d − ux̄,2d|
≤ Cd−n
|u− ux,2d|
|u− ux̄,2d|
≤ Cd2−n
≤ Cd2µR2−n−2µ
where we have used (4.66), (4.75), (4.68), and (4.58). Therefore, by combining
(4.73), (4.77), and (4.79), we obtain (4.62). �
Theorem 4.8. Let the operators L, tL satisfy the properties (H) and (BH). Assume
that Ω satisfies the condition (S) uniformly on ∂Ω with parameters θ,Ra. Denote
Rx,y := min(|x− y| , 4Ra).
Then the Green matrix G(x, y) satisfies
|G(x, y)| ≤ CdµxR
x,y d
y if dx ≤ Rx,y/8,(4.80)
|G(x, y)| ≤ CdµyR
x,y d
x if dy ≤ Rx,y/8,(4.81)
where C = C(n,N, λ,Λ, θ, µ0, µ1, H0, H1) > 0 and µ = min(µ0, µ1). As a conse-
quence, we have G( · , y) = 0, G(x, · ) = 0 on ∂Ω in the usual sense.
Proof. We only need to prove (4.80), for (4.81) will then follow from (4.34). Set
R = Rx,y/4, r = dy/2, and choose x̄ ∈ ∂Ω such that |x− x̄| = dx. Then, since
dy ≤ |x− y|+ dx ≤
|x− y| ,
we have
|y − x̄| ≥ |x− y| − dx ≥
|x− y| ≥ R+ r,
and thus, ΩR(x̄) ⊂ Ω\Br(y). Now, we apply Theorem 4.7 with u = G( · , y). Then,
by (4.62) and (4.24), we obtain
|G(x, y)| ≤ CdµxR
1−n/2−µ ‖DG( · , y)‖L2(Ω\Br(y)) ≤ Cd
x,y d
The proof is complete. �
Remark 4.9. We note that in the scalar case, the maximum principle yields (see
[11, Theorem 1.1])
(4.82) G(x, y) ≤ C |x− y|
, ∀x 6= y ∈ Ω.
Then, by the boundary Caccioppoli inequality, we have (c.f. (4.4)–(4.7))
|DG( · , y)|
≤ Cr2−n, ∀r > 0.
Therefore, in the scalar case we don’t need to require that r < dy/2 (or r < dx/2)
in the proof of Theorem 4.8 and we may as well set r = |x− y| /2 to get
G(x, y) ≤ CdµxR
x,y |x− y|
if dx ≤ Rx,y/8,
G(x, y) ≤ CdµyR
x,y |x− y|
if dy ≤ Rx,y/8.
In particular, if G(x, y) is the Green’s function on Rn+, then we obtain
G(x, y) ≤ Cdµx |x− y|
if dx ≤ |x− y| /8,
G(x, y) ≤ Cdµy |x− y|
if dy ≤ |x− y| /8,
for ∂Rn+ satisfies the condition (S) with θ = 1/2 and Ra = ∞.
5. Remarks on VMO coefficients case
Definition 5.1 (Sarason [19]). For a measurable function f defined on Rn, we
shall denote fx,r = −
f and for 0 < δ < ∞ we define
(5.1) Mδ(f) := sup
∣f − fx,r
∣ ; M0(f) := lim
We shall say that f belongs to VMO if M0(f) = 0.
Definition 5.2. We say that the operator L satisfies the property (H)loc if there
exist µ0, H0, Rc > 0 such that all weak solutions u of Lu = 0 in BR = BR(x0) with
R ≤ Rc satisfy
, 0 < r < s ≤ R.
Similarly, we say that the transpose operator tL satisfies the property (H)loc if
corresponding estimates hold for all weak solutions u of tLu = 0 in BR with R ≤ Rc.
Lemma 5.3. Let the coefficients of the operator L in (2.1) satisfy the conditions
(2.2) and (2.3). If the coefficients belong to VMO in addition, then L satisfies the
property (H)loc.
Proof. It is well known that if the coefficients are uniformly continuous, then L
satisfies the property (H)loc; see e.g. [8, pp. 87–89]. Essentially, the same proof
carries over to the VMO coefficients case. One only needs to make a note of the
following two facts. First, a theorem of Meyers [16] implies that there is some
p = p(n,N, λ,Λ) > 2 such that if u is a weak solution of Lu = 0 in BR(x), then
, ∀r < R/2.
Secondly, note that the John-Nirenberg theorem [13] implies that
∣f − fr,x
≤ C(n, q)Mδ(f), ∀r < c(n)δ, ∀q ∈ (0,∞),
where Mδ(f) is defined as in (5.1). For the details, we refer to [3, pp. 47–48]. �
In the rest of this section, we shall assume that the operators L and tL satisfy
the property (H)loc with parameters µ0, H0, Rc. We shall denote
(5.3) rx := min(dx, Rc), r̄x,y := min(d̄x,y, Rc),
where dx = dist(x, ∂Ω) and d̄x,y is as in (4.28). It is routine to check that all
estimates appearing in Section 4.1 remain valid if dx, d̄x,y are replaced by rx, r̄x,y,
respectively. Therefore, we have the following theorem:
Theorem 5.4. Let Ω be an open connected set in Rn. Denote dx := dist(x, ∂Ω) for
x ∈ Ω; we set dx = ∞ if Ω = R
n. Assume that operators L and tL satisfy the prop-
erty (H)loc. Then, there exists a unique Green’s matrix G(x, y) = (Gij(x, y))
(x, y ∈ Ω, x 6= y) which is continuous in {(x, y) ∈ Ω× Ω : x 6= y} and such that
G(x, · ) is locally integrable in Ω for all x ∈ Ω and that for all f = (f1, . . . , fN)T ∈
C∞c (Ω)
N , the function u = (u1, . . . , uN )T given by
(5.4) u(x) :=
G(x, y)f (y) dy
belongs to Y
0 (Ω)
N and satisfies Lu = f in the sense
ij Dβu
f iφi, ∀φ ∈ C∞c (Ω)
Moreover, G(x, y) has the properties that
ij DβGjk( · , y)Dαφ
i = φk(y), ∀φ ∈ C∞c (Ω)
and that for all η ∈ C∞c (Ω) satisfying η ≡ 1 on Br(y) for some r < dy,
(5.7) (1− η)G( · , y) ∈ Y
0 (Ω)
N×N .
Furthermore, G(x, y) satisfies the following estimates: For rx, ry, r̄x,y as in (5.3),
‖G( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) ≤ Cp r
2−n+n/p, ∀r < ry, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖G(x, · )‖Lp(Br(x)) ≤ Cp r
2−n+n/p, ∀r < rx, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖DG( · , y)‖Lp(Br(y)) ≤ Cp r
1−n+n/p, ∀r < ry , ∀p ∈ [1,
‖DG(x, · )‖Lp(Br(x)) ≤ Cp r
1−n+n/p, ∀r < rx, ∀p ∈ [1,
‖G( · , y)‖Y 1,2(Ω\Br(y)) ≤ Cr
1−n/2, ∀r < ry/2,(5.12)
‖G(x, · )‖Y 1,2(Ω\Br(x)) ≤ Cr
1−n/2, ∀r < rx/2,(5.13)
|{x ∈ Ω : |G(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀t > (ry/2)
|{y ∈ Ω : |G(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct−
n−2 , ∀t > (rx/2)
|{x ∈ Ω : |DxG(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct
n−1 , ∀t > (ry/2)
|{y ∈ Ω : |DyG(x, y)| > t}| ≤ Ct
n−1 , ∀t > (rx/2)
(5.18) |G(x, y)| ≤ Cr̄2−nx,y , ∀x, y ∈ Ω,
|G(x, y)−G(z, y)| ≤ C |x− z|
µ0 r̄2−n−µ0x,y if |x− z| < r̄x,y/2,(5.19)
|G(x, y)−G(x, z)| ≤ C |y − z|
µ0 r̄2−n−µ0x,y if |y − z| < r̄x,y/2,(5.20)
where C = C(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0) > 0 and Cp = Cp(n,N, λ,Λ, µ0, H0, p) > 0.
Remark 5.5. Dolzmann-Müller [6] derived a global estimate
(5.21) |G(x, y)| ≤ C |x− y|
∀x, y ∈ Ω, x 6= y,
assuming that Ω is a bounded C1 domain. We have not attempted to derive the
corresponding estimate here. However, we would like to point out that the constant
C in their estimate depends on the domain (e.g., the diameter of the domain and
also some characteristics of ∂Ω) while our interior estimate (5.18) does not.
[1] Alfonseca, A.; Auscher, P.; Axelsson, A.; Hofmann, S.; Kim, S. Analyticity of layer
potentials and L2 Solvability of boundary value problems for divergence form elliptic equations
with complex L∞ coefficients. preprint.
[2] Auscher, P. Regularity theorems and heat kernel for elliptic operators. J. London Math. Soc.
(2) 54 (1996), no. 2, 284–296.
[3] Auscher, P.; Tchamitchian, Ph. Square root problem for divergence operators and related
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[4] Campanato, S. Equazioni ellittiche del II◦ ordine espazi L(2,λ). (Italian) Ann. Mat. Pura
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[5] De Giorgi, E. Sulla differenziabilità e l’analiticità delle estremali degli integrali multipli re-
golari. (Italian) Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. (3) 3 (1957), 25–43.
[6] Dolzmann, G.; Müller, S. Estimates for Green’s matrices of elliptic systems by Lp theory.
Manuscripta Math. 88 (1995), no. 2, 261–273.
[7] Fuchs, M. The Green matrix for strongly elliptic systems of second order with continuous
coefficients. Z. Anal. Anwendungen 5 (1986), no. 6, 507–531.
[8] Giaquinta, M. Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations and nonlinear elliptic systems.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1983.
[9] Giaquinta, M. Introduction to regularity theory for nonlinear elliptic systems. Birkhäuser
Verlag, Basel, 1993.
[10] Gilbarg, D.; Trudinger, N. S. Elliptic partial differential equations of second order, Reprint
of the 1998 ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
[11] Grüter, M.; Widman, K.-O. The Green function for uniformly elliptic equations.
Manuscripta Math. 37 (1982), no. 3, 303–342.
[12] Hofmann, S.; Kim, S. Gaussian estimates for fundamental solutions to certain parabolic
systems. Publ. Mat. Vol. 48 (2004), pp. 481-496.
[13] John, F.; Nirenberg, L. On functions of bounded mean oscillation. Comm. Pure Appl.
Math. 14 (1961) 415–426.
[14] Littman, W.; Stampacchia, G.; Weinberger, H. F. Regular points for elliptic equations
with discontinuous coefficients. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa (3) 17 (1963) 43–77.
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[16] Meyers, N. G. An Lp-estimate for the gradient of solutions of second order elliptic diver-
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[17] Morrey, C. B., Jr. Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations. Springer-Verlag New
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[18] Moser, J. On Harnack’s theorem for elliptic differential equations. Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
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[19] Sarason, D. Functions of vanishing mean oscillation. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 207 (1975),
(S. Hofmann) Mathematics Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
65211, United States of America
E-mail address: [email protected]
(S. Kim) Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, The Australian National
University, ACT 0200, Australia
E-mail address: [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Strongly elliptic systems
2.2. Function spaces Y1,2() and Y1,20()
3. Fundamental matrix in Rn
3.1. Averaged fundamental matrix
3.2. L estimates for averaged fundamental matrix
3.3. Uniform weak-Lnn-2 estimates for bold0mu mumu (,y)
3.4. Uniform weak-Lnn-1 estimates for Dbold0mu mumu (y)
3.5. Construction of the fundamental matrix
3.6. Continuity of the fundamental matrix
3.7. Properties of fundamental matrix
4. Green's matrix in general domains
4.1. Construction of Green's matrix
4.2. Boundary regularity
5. Remarks on VMO coefficients case
0704.1353 | Supporting Knowledge and Expertise Finding within Australia's Defence
Science and Technology Organisation | Supporting Knowledge and Expertise Finding within Australia's Defence Science and Technology Organisation
Supporting Knowledge and Expertise Finding within Australia's Defence Science
and Technology Organisation
Paul Prekop
DSTO Fern Hill, Department of Defence, Canberra ACT 2600
[email protected]
This paper reports on work aimed at supporting
knowledge and expertise finding within a large
Research and Development (R&D) organisation. The
paper first discusses the nature of knowledge
important to R&D organisations and presents a
prototype information system developed to support
knowledge and expertise finding. The paper then
discusses a trial of the system within an R&D
organisation, the implications and limitations of the
trial, and discusses future research questions.
1. Introduction
This paper describes work undertaken to support
knowledge and expertise finding within Australia's
Defence Science and Technology Organisation
(DSTO). DSTO is a government funded research and
development (R&D) organisation, with a very broad,
applied R&D program focused primarily within the
defence and national security domains. DSTO employs
approximately 1900 engineers and scientists across a
wide range of academic disciplines (about 30% of staff
hold PhDs), within seven sites throughout Australia.
Like most other large R&D organisations [1, 2] and
professional services firms, DSTO is a project-centric
organisation; projects are formed to address specific
questions or problems, or to develop specific products.
The nature of the outcomes of the projects undertaken
by DSTO varies considerably, and can range from
academic papers and technical reports, through to
prototype and working system development, and to
professional services and consulting engagements.
The work described in this paper is part of an
ongoing knowledge management improvement
program aimed at exploring:
Methods to allow staff to build and maintain
wide and detailed awareness of DSTO's past,
current and planned projects;
Methods to enable staff to locate other staff
with relevant skills, interests, abilities or
Low cost (in terms of time and effort) methods
to support the development of communities of
interest, and less-formal collaboration and
sharing within the organisation;
Organisational cultural and behavioural issues
that may act as barriers to effective knowledge
and expertise sharing.
A prototype information system, the Automated
Research Management System (ARMS), was
developed to explore approaches to addressing these
Section 2 discusses the nature of knowledge and
knowledge management within the R&D environment,
and describes the types of support for knowledge and
expertise-finding needed within organisations such as
DSTO. Section 3 describes ARMS and how it supports
knowledge and expertise finding within DSTO.
Section 4 outlines the ARMS trial and trial
methodology, and Section 5 discusses the results of
two studies undertaken as part of the ARMS trial.
Finally, Section 6 discusses the implications and
limitations of the work undertaken so far and describes
potential areas for future work.
2. The Nature of Knowledge and Expertise
within R&D Organisations
2.1. Theoretical Background
The main theoretical idea underpinning this work is
that the knowledge important to an organisation, or
that makes it unique or gives it a competitive
advantage, is embedded in key elements that make up
the organisation [3–5].
According to [3], this knowledge is embedded in
three key organisational elements – the members of the
organisation, the tools used within the organisation,
and the tasks performed by the organisation. For many
©1530-1605/07 $20.00 Commonwealth of Australia 2007
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
organisations, organisationally important knowledge is
embedded within skills, experiences, expertise and
competencies of the individuals that make up the
organisation [1, 3, 6]. This is particularly true for R&D
organisations [1] and other professional services
organisations [5]. As well as people, significant
organisational knowledge is embedded within the tools
the organisation uses, including specialised physical
hardware used as part of a manufacturing process, for
example, through to conceptual or intellectual tools
such as consulting or analysis frameworks [3, 7]. The
third key element identified by [3] is the tasks
performed by the organisation. Tasks reflect an
organisation's goals, intention and purpose [3, 5, 7].
For R&D, engineering and other professional
services organisations, key knowledge is also
embedded within the products or other kinds of
outcome the organisation produces. The development
of products or other kinds of outcome uniquely
combines together the organisation's staff, tools and
tasks to address a particular question or problem, or to
develop some kind of product, and can be seen as
uniquely embedding the application of the
organisation's collective knowledge, skills, experiences
and expertise within a particular domain, to address a
particular question or problem or to develop some kind
of product [1, 7, 9, 10].
As discussed in [11], knowledge management is
centred on two, potentially limiting, philosophical
foundations. The first is the idea that tacit and explicit
knowledge are two distinctly different forms or types
of knowledge, rather than simply being a dimension
along which all knowledge exists. The underlying
assumption that tacit and explicit knowledge are
different leads to the conclusion that a key goal of
knowledge management is the codification of tacit
knowledge into explicit knowledge [12]. However, as
[11] points out, not all knowledge can (or should) be
codified, and any knowledge management approaches
that rely on the codification of knowledge are likely to
fail. The second philosophical foundation that
knowledge management rests on is the data –
information – knowledge continuum: the idea that
information is in some way better data and that
knowledge is in some way better information. As
discussed in [11], this leads to knowledge management
approaches that focus only on capturing and managing
some form of codified knowledge [13], while ignoring
data and information that could provide equal or even
greater value to users.
However, the view that knowledge important to an
organisation is embedded in the key elements that
make up the organisation potentially provides an
approach to knowledge management that doesn't rest
on these two potentially limiting foundations. The
focus of a knowledge management approach that
accepts the embeddedness of knowledge as important
becomes one of finding and devising methods, systems
and approaches that in some way index and expose the
core entities within the organisation that hold the
embedded knowledge, rather than focusing on
codification and managing the codified knowledge.
The importance of the knowledge embedded in the
different organisational entities will vary with the
nature of the organisation and the nature of the work
performed by the organisation. The following section
discusses the kinds of knowledge important within an
industrial R&D organisation, and the kinds of entities
the knowledge is likely to be embedded within.
2.2. Knowledge and Expertise within R&D
For industrial R&D organisations (and many other
knowledge intensive firms [14]), the key knowledge
that makes the organisation unique is embedded in the
experience, expertise and competencies of the
engineers and scientists that make up the organisation
and the organisation's collective project history – the
past products the organisation has developed, or the
past problems or questions it has addressed [1, 10].
Within most industrial R&D organisations, the
products developed or projects undertaken require the
application of collective individual knowledge, skills,
experience and expertise in unique ways. As a result,
products and projects can be seen as an embedding the
application of the organisation's collective knowledge,
skills, experience and expertise, within a particular
domain, to address a particular question or problem [1,
The information and knowledge created as part of
past projects can provide important insights into
finding solutions to current problems, or gaining an
understanding of how similar problems have been
solved in the past. Project histories can also support
problem reformulation, and can offer some help in
validating proposed solutions [15]. Past projects are
also important because they can provide a link back to
the staff who contributed. This in turn can provide
valuable insight into the knowledge, experience and
expertise that individual staff may have [1, 8, 15].
Colleagues act not only as important sources of
information, and pointers to other sources of
information [16], but most importantly they provide an
interactive think along function [17, 18].
As discussed previously, the goal of this work was
to develop ways of improving knowledge and
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
expertise finding. The approach taken by the work
described in the following section was to develop an
information system (ARMS) to act as a rich,
interactive model of the embedded knowledge within
the organisation – in particular, the current and past
projects within the organisation, and the expertise,
skills and experience of the staff that make up the
3. The ARMS Prototype
The Automated Research Management System
(ARMS) is a prototype, web based, information system
developed to explore approaches to supporting
knowledge and expertise finding within DSTO.
ARMS holds information about the key R&D
entities relevant to DSTO – staff and projects, as well
as formal and informal project outputs (academic
papers, technical reports, design documents, data
collections, and so on). Within ARMS, these entities
are organised around the organisation's hierarchical
structure, and around Themes – collections of
taxonomic descriptors used to describe the client and
scientific domains that DSTO works within. The key
R&D entities and their relationships are shown in
Figure 1.
Author Of
Created ForDescribed By
Manager Of
Contributes To
Described By
Interested In
Located At
Exists In
Exists In
Role In
Head Of
Role InMember Of
Figure 1. Conceptual domain model
3.1. The Users' Perspective
As discussed in Section 2, the key knowledge,
experience, expertise and competency of an industrial
R&D organisation exists in its project history and the
collective expertise, skills, experience and knowledge
of its scientists and engineers. ARMS supports
knowledge and expertise finding by exposing both
projects (and the outputs associated with projects) and
staff as richly interlinked first class objects (unlike
many similar systems [19], where staff are either not
included, or simply included as author labels
associated with the entities held by the system).
From a user’s perspective, ARMS exists as a
collection of dynamically generated web pages, with
each R&D entity having its own web page that pulls
together all the information related to that entity.
Staff pages contain basic staff information,
including: contact information, site location and
organisational affiliation, and descriptions and links to
the projects and project outputs the staff member has
contributed to. This information is drawn from existing
organisational information systems. Staff pages can
also contain optional information, including staff
descriptions of current and past project work, staff
photo and basic biographical information, and current
interests and work.
Project pages contain project descriptions (abstract,
overview, background, themes, etc), project
milestones, planned deliverables, information about the
project's relationship to other past current and planned
projects, and the project's status. Project pages also
contain information and links to the staff that have
contributed to the project, as well as information about
and links to the project's outputs. All this information
is obtained from existing information systems. End
users are also able to add richer project description
information, as well as any kinds of additional outputs
to the project's home page.
Output pages contain basic metadata describing the
output (title, abstract, publication details, document
type and so on) and the documents that make up the
output (for example MS-Word files, data files, image
files, etc). Output pages contain information and links
to the staff who contributed to the output, as well as
information and links to the project the output was
developed for. Output information contained within
ARMS is extracted from an existing publication
management system. End users are also able to add
additional project outputs to any project page.
ARMS provides multiple entry points into the data.
Users can access staff, project and output entities
directly via the staff, project and output browsing
pages. Each of these pages provides filterable lists of
the staff, project and output entities contained within
In addition to the browsing pages, users can also
enter ARMS via a representation of the organisation's
structure (the Unit entities shown in Figure 1), or via
descriptions of the organisation's R&D program (the
Themes entities shown in Figure 1).
Each DSTO unit has a corresponding unit page that
holds basic contact information for the unit, the unit’s
head, administrative contacts for the unit, and the
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
unit’s structure (for example the groups within a
branch), the staff who are members of that unit, and
the tasks associated with that unit. This information is
extracted from several different existing information
systems. In addition, end users can optionally insert
additional information describing units. Units can be
directly entered via the unit browse page, an
interactive form of the organisation’s hierarchical
DSTO's R&D program is represented as a
collection of Themes, a combination of taxonomy
descriptors (based around DEFTEST [20]) that cover
the core science and technology (S&T) areas of DSTO,
and taxonomy descriptors that cover the key client
areas DSTO works within. S&T and client Themes are
used to describe the staff, project and output
information held within ARMS. Each Theme has an
automatically generated home page that aggregates all
the projects, staff and outputs described by the Theme.
In many ways the Theme home pages can be seen as
aggregating everything the organisation 'knows' about
a particular Theme area – that is all the staff, projects
and outputs related to that Theme. Themes can be
directly entered via the Theme browse page, an
interactive and structured collection of the Themes
held by ARMS.
An important part of ARMS is rich hyperlinking
between the various entities that contextualises the
information held by ARMS. Staff, for example, are
contextualised by the projects they contribute (or have
contributed) to and the outputs they have contributed
to. Projects are contextualised by the staff that
contribute to them, and the part of the organisation
they were performed by. The intent of the
contextualisation is to allow users to infer richer
meanings based on explicit relationships present in the
data. The utility of this approach, especially in terms of
expertise finding, is discussed in Section 5.2.
In addition to the browsing functions, ARMS also
includes a search function that support free text
searching over all the information held by ARMS
(fields associated with each entity as well as full
document text), field searching (for example, searching
explicitly by unit name, or project number), as well as
Theme searching. The different search types can be
combined with Boolean operators (AND and OR) to
form complex queries.
3.2. Technical Perspective
From a technical perspective, ARMS consists of a
centralised repository that holds information extracted
from existing corporate information systems, as well as
a small amount of information specifically created to
support ARMS. Access to the information and
functions provided by ARMS is via a web based
interface that supports the functions described in
Section 3.1, as well as a Web Services1 interface that
provides dynamic programmatic access to the core
functions and information (see Figure 2). The Web
Services interface was provided to support dynamic
access to by ARMS by specialised applications, such
as collaborative Microsoft SharePoint portals [22] and
other specialised web sites.
Domain Logic
Sem i-structured
Search Engine
W eb Interface W eb Services Interface
W rapperW rapper W rapper
W eb Sites
S&T Staff M anager
Figure 2. ARMS logical architecture
Almost all of the information used by ARMS was
drawn from existing corporate information systems as
well as less-formal corporate information collections
such as spreadsheets and intranet sites. The re-used
corporate information generally needed to be cleaned
and reformatted before it could be used. Most of the
data cleaning issues encountered were common to
other data warehousing projects [23], and included a
lack of common record identifiers across the different
systems, conflicting data values across the different
systems, missing and erroneous data, and name and
type conflicts. The data cleaning and re-formatting
functions were encapsulated in series of customer
wrappers that were developed for each of the core
corporate applications and other corporate information
As discussed in Section 3.1, ARMS provided a
search function over all the information held. The
search engine combined free text searching over the
unstructured information held by ARMS (generally
reports, papers, presentation and other project
outcomes) with searching over the structured and
1 An overview of Web Services can be found in [21].
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
semi-structured information held. Free text search was
provided by a commercially available text search
engine; searching over structured and semi-structured
information was provided by a custom developed
search engine.
4. The ARMS Trial
To validate the concepts underpinning ARMS and
its utility in supporting expertise and knowledge
finding within DSTO, a prototype version of the
system was evaluated within two DSTO divisions from
June until November 2004.
The ARMS prototype (as described in [24]) was
fully developed and fully populated with relevant staff,
project and output information. The data held by
ARMS was kept up-to-date throughout the trial period.
During the trial period ARMS was made available to
staff within the two divisions selected (Division A and
Division B). These divisions were selected because
together they reflect a good cross section of the staff,
organisational structures, and research programs within
Division A was split across five sites, and generally
had a multi-disciplinary, professional services focus.
At the time of the trial it contained approximately 80
Division B was split across three sites, and
generally had a computer science/software engineering
base, with a strong R&D focus. At the time of the trial,
it contained approximately 110 staff.
Table 1. ARMS Trial Studies
Study Date Collection Methods
Study One:
Organisational Wide
Focus Groups
May Focus Groups
Study Two: Stake-
holder Interviews
June/July Unstructured and
Study Three: Concept
and Implementation
July Survey questions
Study Four: Project
Seeking Experiment
September Data seeking
Study Five: Utility of
Usage Study
November Semi-structured
interviews and
survey questions
Over the trial period, five different studies were
undertaken (see Table 1). Each of the studies aimed to
explore the utility of ARMS from various perspectives.
This paper discusses two of the key studies, Study
Three and Study Five, both of which measured the
utility of ARMS from the perspective of R&D staff.
The Concept and Implementation Survey (Study
Three) was undertaken after ARMS had been available
in the two trial divisions for approximately 1½ months.
The survey was sent to all staff in the two trial
divisions who had used ARMS at least once during the
trial period. Of the 75 divisional staff who had used
ARMS at least once, 23 staff responded.
Respondents were spread across three sites; 40%
from Site A, 52% from Site B, and 8% from Site C.
The respondents represented a good cross section of
the organisation’s management structure, with 17% of
respondents holding organisational unit management
positions (group or branch), and 40% of respondents
having project management responsibility. Overall the
sample reflected a good cross-section of the
organisation, with slight over-sampling of respondents
from Site B. The results of this study are discussed in
Section 5.
The Utility of Usage Study (Study Five) was
undertaken towards the end of the ARMS trial. The
most frequent users of ARMS were identified, and
invited to participate in the study. Of the users
selected, 10 agreed to participate. Study respondents
were spread across three sites; 70% from Site A, 20%
from Site B and 10% from Site C. Around half of the
respondents held project management responsibility.
Overall, the sample in this study reflected a good cross
section of the organisation, except for the lack of
respondents holding organisational unit management
positions, and an over-sampling of respondents from
Site A.
Study Five was run as a set of survey questions and
semi-structured interviews. Participants were asked to
list the functions they used ARMS to perform over the
previous month. The interviews discussed how
participants used ARMS, its utility to them, and how
ARMS compared to alternative approaches they may
have tried. The interviews were recorded, and the
recordings transcribed. The interviews ran for an
average of 50 minutes each.
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. ARMS Usage
Studies Three and Five recorded how ARMS was
used by participants over the previous month. Table 2,
below, lists the functions ARMS was used to perform
and the percentage of users who used ARMS to
perform the listed function.
One of the most striking features of Table 2 is the
dramatic changes in some of the ways ARMS was used
over the trial period. (Study Three was undertaken
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
after ARMS had been available for 1½ months; Study
Five was undertaken toward the end of the 6 month
Table 2. Overall ARMS Usage
Use of ARMS
1. Exploring the system; for example
seeing what information it holds and
exploring how I could use it.
96% 20%
2. Building an awareness of DSTO's
projects and staff; for example seeing
what work a group is doing, or what
work is going on within a Work Area,
or seeing what a particular person has
been working on recently.
61% 10%
3. Finding out about a particular project;
for example who is working on it,
who the project manager is, or finding
the various papers, reports and other
outputs associated with the project.
56% 40%
4. Finding out about a person; for
example their contact information,
what they are working on, what
papers and reports they have written
or what outputs they have been
involved in, or finding out about their
interests or experience.
52% 50%
5. Finding out about a particular
research area; for example who is
interested in the area, which tasks
contribute to the research area, or
what work has been produced in the
research area.
35% 20%
6. Finding out about a particular
organisational unit; for example who
is in the unit, what tasks the unit is
responsible for, or finding contact
information for the unit.
30% 0%
7. Finding out about a particular Client
Area; for example who is working in,
which tasks contribute to the Client
Area, or what work has been
produced for the Client Area.
22% 0%
8. Finding a particular formal or
informal output.
13% 30%
9. Searching for a person with particular
skills, interests, experience or
13% 10%
10. Other 4% 0%
The largest change was the drop in exploratory use
of ARMS between the two studies. This change is
likely to be a result of users building an understanding
of the functions and features of ARMS as the study
progressed. Once an understanding of ARMS (based
on exploring the system) was developed they either
moved to non-use, if they felt ARMS provided no
value, or they moved to using specific features and
functions of ARMS.
Using ARMS to build and maintain an awareness of
the work being performed within DSTO (Question 2),
and using ARMS to find out about particular
organisational units (Question 6) and client areas
(Question 7) also dropped over the study period. The
drop in using ARMS to perform these functions is
likely to be due to two key factors. The semi-structured
interviews undertaken as part of Study Five revealed
that awareness (Question 2) is something that is built
for a specific purpose, for example moving to a new
organisational unit or moving into a new research area,
and then is maintained by actively being involved in
the organisational unit or research area. Once an
overall awareness has been built, it is maintained by
more direct information seeking activities, for example
finding out about a staff member, or a project, or
hunting up specific project outputs.
The changes in the results for Questions 6 and 7 are
due to similar reasons, with participants initially using
ARMS to build a general awareness of organisational
units and client areas, and then maintaining that
awareness by more direct information seeking
The second factor likely to affect the use of ARMS
to build and maintain awareness is a fundamental limit
inherent within the ARMS trial. As discussed
previously, ARMS was fully populated and maintained
with data drawn from only two trial divisions, not the
whole organisation. As a result the value of ARMS in
providing a rich awareness to participants was limited
to only the two trial divisions. This limitation and its
likely impact on the overall trial result is discussed in
more detail in Section 6.1.
5.2. Finding People, Projects and Outputs
One set of functions that ARMS was regularly used
to perform over the study period was finding people,
projects and outputs (Questions 3, 4 and 8
As shown by Table 2, finding people was
constantly the most frequently used function of
ARMS. The semi-structured interviews undertaken as
part of Study Five revealed that participants who used
ARMS to find people were generally looking for
colleagues who have similar research interests or
worked in similar areas. The semi-structured
interviews revealed that users who employed ARMS in
this way, were, in general, seeking out connections
with other colleagues in order to share ideas, discuss
problems/issues, have work reviewed, gain insights and
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
different perspectives on a common/shared problems,
and perhaps even re-use and build on the work already
completed by colleagues.
These findings confirm much of the previous
research (described in Section 2) describing the
information seeking behaviours and needs of scientists
and engineers.
Overall, participants reported that the information
available via ARMS in most cases allowed them to
identify colleagues they felt would be worth
contacting. However, there were some limitations in
the data ARMS provided. One key limitation was the
scope of the information available via ARMS. As
discussed previously, ARMS only contained
information for the two trial divisions. This limited the
number of colleagues users could learn about. The
second key limitation with the staff data available via
ARMS was that individual staff expertise, experience
and research interests, in general, could only be
derived by understanding the context surrounding the
staff member (this is discussed in Section 5.3). While
in most cases the surrounding context provided users
with sufficient information to infer a staff member's
expertise, experience and research interests, it did
mean that users were generally unable to directly
search for staff with particular expertise, experience
and research interests but instead had to search for staff
via outputs or projects, and infer staff relevance based
on the relationships between staff and the projects and
outputs they contributed to.
An interesting question explored as part of the semi-
structured interviews was the relationship between the
kinds of information available via ARMS, and the
kinds of information available via the user's social
networks. Most respondents acknowledged the
importance their social network plays in being able to
find colleagues with specific expertise, experience and
research interests. However, they generally found that
there were limits in the coverage of their social
network; in particular many respondents felt their
social network often didn't extend into other
organisational sites, or into other organisational units.
In comparison, they felt that the information held by
ARMS was more complete and offered greater
coverage of all parts of the organisation, and they
viewed ARMS as a way of filling gaps in their social
The second key group of functions regularly used
throughout the trial was finding projects and outputs.
The semi-structured interviews revealed that when
searching for projects and outputs, participants were
generally looking either to find relevant and useful
colleagues, or were explicitly looking for information
related to past projects. As discussed in Section 2, for
engineers in particular, descriptions of past projects
and the formal and informal products of projects
(reports, papers, designs, data sets, meeting minutes,
and so on) are important because they offer insights
and approaches to solving past problems that may be
useful for solving current problems. The semi-
structured interviews revealed that participants were
using ARMS in this way.
As well as ARMS, participants could obtain project
and formal publication information from two existing
organisational information systems, a Project
Management System (PMS) and a Publications
Repository (PR). The basic project and publication
information held by ARMS was obtained from these
two systems, and in most cases ARMS held little
additional information. The key value added by ARMS
was the rich contextualisation of the information,
together with existing staff information to provide
multiple entry point into the information sought, and to
allow rich relationships and deeper meaning of the
information to be inferred. This is discussed in more
detail in the following section.
5.3. Contextualisation and Navigation
As shown by Figure 1, the information contained
within ARMS is richly interlinked. The rich
interlinking helps to contextualise this information,
making it easier for ARMS users to develop a deeper
understanding of the information held within ARMS,
as well as providing users with multiple entry points
into the information, and a navigation model drawn
from the users' domains.
The semi-structured interviews undertaken as part
of Study 5 showed that by knowing, for example, the
background of key staff involved in a project, users are
able to infer more about the likely directions,
perspectives or methodologies a project may use. Or
by knowing about the project that created a particular
output, users are able to build a richer understanding of
the output's meaning.
The rich interlinking within ARMS also provided
users with multiple entry points into the information
held by ARMS, and provided them with natural
navigation paths drawn from their domain. The semi-
structured interviews revealed that almost all users
reported that the richly contextualised nature of ARMS
helped them navigate ARMS, allowing them to enter
ARMS from many different directions, often using
only incomplete information as a starting point.
For example, several users reported browsing
ARMS by starting with a vague awareness that a staff
member may be doing work that might be interesting
or relevant to them. By using ARMS, they were able to
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
move from the individual's staff page to their project
pages – to find out about the work being performed.
From project pages, they would move to output pages,
to gain a deeper insight of the work being performed,
or they would move to Theme pages, to find related
work, staff or outputs. Other users reported a similar
approach using projects as a starting point to find
people or to find other related projects.
This form of navigation also allows for far richer
forms of accidental information discovery [25], and
provides users with the ability to develop rich mental
models of the organisation's past, planned and current
work program.
5.4. Cultural Impact
As discussed in Section 1, one of the goals of the
work described in this paper was to address potential
barriers to information sharing within DSTO,
including behavioural and cultural issues, as well as a
lack of low cost methods, systems or processes to
support information sharing within DSTO. Both Study
Three and Study Five attempted to measure the likely
influence ARMS would have on these barriers. The
results are shown in Table 3; questions were measured
on a 7 point, end anchored scale, with 1 meaning
strongly disagree, and 7 meaning strongly agree.
Table 3. Cultural Impact
Question Study Three Study Five
If ARMS held information about everyone in the DSTO and
all DSTO's past, current and planned work:
1. It would be easy to find
out what is going on in
x = 5.55
s = .80
x = 6.11
s = .78
2. It would encourage
people to work together
rather than compete with
one another?
x = 4.61
s = 1.16
x = 4.58
s = .88
3. It would encourage
people to share the
information they have,
or their knowledge and
x = 4.83
s = 1.07
x = 4.67
s = .87
The most interesting insight from Table 3 is the
different perceptions respondents had of the role
ARMS could play in lowering the cost of sharing
within the organisation (Question 1), versus the ability
of ARMS (or any information system) to influence the
behavioural and cultural issues that affect information
and knowledge sharing within the organisation
(Questions 2 and 3).
As discussed previously, almost all of the
information included within ARMS was drawn from
existing organisational information systems. As a
result, users were able to build a basic understanding
of the past, current and planned work within the
organisation, and the skills, interests and experience of
staff without requiring the staff described by ARMS to
actively make the information available. The strong
results for Question 1 across both studies, and the
positive insights gathered by the semi-structured
interviews, show that, within the trial organisation, the
approach of populating ARMS with existing corporate
information did lower one of the barriers to sharing by
providing a low cost method for 'finding out what is
going on in the organisation'.
However, the semi-structured interviews
undertaken as part of Study Five revealed that, while
being able to find out what was going on in the
organisation is a necessary first step towards
supporting sharing and collaboration, by itself, it isn't
sufficient [14] to significantly impact existing
behavioural and cultural issues affecting sharing within
DSTO. Many factors affect sharing, including:
organisational incentives (for example, rewards, time,
encouragement) and disincentives; individual
behaviours; the need to derive value from sharing and
collaborating; organisational structures; and
administrative barriers.
6. Conclusions
This paper has described ARMS, an information
system aimed at supporting knowledge and expertise
finding within DSTO. ARMS was trialled within two
divisions of DSTO over a six month period. During
this time, five different studies were undertaken; this
paper has reported on two of the key studies aimed at
measuring the utility of ARMS from the perspective of
R&D staff.
The work described in this paper has three key
implications. The first is that, within the trial
organisation, ARMS provided considerable value in
supporting the information and knowledge
management needs of R&D staff. In particular, ARMS
provided a mechanism by which R&D staff could find
colleagues that had similar research interests, or had
expertise or insights that could help with a particular
problem. ARMS also provided a rich corporate
memory function, allowing R&D staff to browse the
organisation’s previous work. As discussed in the
literature (see Section 2), finding staff, and finding
previous work are two key information and knowledge
needs for staff within industrial R&D organisations.
The rich interlinking of the information held by
ARMS helped to improve the usability of the
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2007
information held by providing multiple entry points
into the information, and intuitive navigations paths
that matched the user's model of the domain. The rich
interlinking also allowed users to see the information
held by ARMS in a wider context, and this often
enabled them to build a much richer understanding of
the information.
By reusing existing corporate information, and not
requiring R&D staff to add information to ARMS to
expose their skills, expertise or experience, or to
expose the past and current work within the
organisation, ARMS helped overcome one of the key
cultural and behavioural barriers toward sharing within
DSTO. While ARMS provided the necessary first step
towards improving such sharing, ARMS (or any IT
system) is still likely to have a limited impact on
entrenched organisational cultural and behavioural
barriers [26].
6.1. Limitations
The work described in this paper has been applied
only within one R&D organisation. While much of the
data collected suggests that the information and
knowledge seeking needs of DSTO's scientists and
engineers is similar to other R&D organisations
reported in the literature, the information and
knowledge management problems faced by DSTO
may be relatively unique, and as a result, the value of
an information system like ARMS to other R&D
organisations may be different.
A second key limitation of this work was the scope
of the information made available within ARMS over
the trial period. As discussed previously, only the
information related to the two trial divisions was made
available within ARMS. The data collected as part of
the studies showed that, in many ways, this limited the
overall utility of ARMS, especially in supporting
information seeking outside of the two divisions.
6.2. Future Work
A significant feature the current implementation of
ARMS lacks is automatically generated, easy to
navigate descriptions that describe the skills, expertise
and experience of individual staff. While ARMS users
were generally able to infer and derive the likely skills,
expertise and experience of individual staff (as
described Section 5.3), the lack of automatically
derived descriptions of skills, expertise and experience
of individual staff limited the ability of users to
directly search and browse for staff by skills, expertise
and experience. Previous work [27, 28] has shown
positive results in deriving descriptions of individual's
expertise from descriptions of the work they perform,
or the roles they hold. Given that ARMS already
strongly relates well described projects and outputs to
individual staff, it would be possible to automatically
derive or infer descriptions of individual staff expertise
from the information already contained within ARMS.
By drawing together staff, projects and outputs,
Theme pages act as a potential community of practice
hub because they provide wide awareness of an
individual's particular expertise or interests, and
provide resources relevant to that particular area
(projects and outputs and their descriptions).
Potentially, the Theme home pages could be expanded
to include additional functions to encourage the
creation of community – for example, via richer
resources, and richer interaction methods (cf. [14]).
However, due to time constraints imposed on the
development of the ARMS prototype, this approach
has not yet been explored.
7. Acknowledgements
The author acknowledges the valuable assistance of
Dr Mark Burnett, Mr Chris Chapman, Ms Phuong La,
and Ms Jemma Nguon, in developing the ARMS
prototype, and further acknowledges the assistance of
Mr Justin Fidock with some of the evaluation studies.
8. References
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0704.1354 | Reply to Comment on ``An Improved Experimental Limit on the Electric
Dipole Moment of the Neutron'' | Reply to Comment on “An Improved Experimental Limit on the Electric Dipole
Moment of the Neutron”
C.A. Baker,1 D.D. Doyle,2 P. Geltenbort,3 K. Green,1, 2 M.G.D. van der Grinten,1, 2 P.G. Harris,2 P.
Iaydjiev∗,1 S.N. Ivanov†,1 D.J.R. May,2 J.M. Pendlebury,2 J.D. Richardson,2 D. Shiers,2 and K.F. Smith2
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UK
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
(Dated: December 11, 2018)
PACS numbers: 13.40.Em, 07.55.Ge, 11.30.Er, 14.20.Dh
Our Letter [1] places a new experimental limit on the
electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron. The Com-
ment [2] points out that we did not explicitly include
in our analysis the effect of the Earth’s rotation, which
shifts all of the frequency ratio measurements Ra to lower
(higher) values by 1.3 ppm when the B0 field is upwards
(downwards). However, this effect is essentially indis-
tinguishable from other effects that can shift Ra, and
all such shifts were compensated for in [1] by using ex-
perimentally determined values of Ra0 (which we call
Ra0↓ and Ra0↑, respectively, for the two polarities of B0),
where 〈∂Bz/∂z〉V = 0.
We turn now to the details. Naively, one would ex-
pect that the crossing point of the lines in Fig. 2 of [1]
(which lies at Ra − 1 = 5.9 ± 0.8 ppm) would have
〈∂Bz/∂z〉V = 0, with its ordinate yielding the true
EDM. However, what were referred to in [1] as horizon-
tal quadrupole fields (involving ∂Bx/∂y etc.) shift these
lines towards the right. A difference in the strengths
of these quadrupolar fields upon B0 reversal leads to a
differential shift in Ra, and thus to a vertical displace-
ment of the crossing point. The Earth’s rotation mim-
ics this behavior precisely, by moving the B0-down (-
up) line leftwards (rightwards). Thus, where quadrupole
fields are mentioned in [1], one might better read this as
“quadrupole fields and Earth-rotation effects combined”.
The “quadrupole shift” listed in Table 1 of [1] simply rep-
resents the move from the crossing point to the average
of the EDM values determined (independently) by the
measured Ra0↓ and Ra0↑ values.
The shift measurements are described (rather than just
“mentioned”) in [1]. First, the strongest constraint arises
from a study of the depolarization of the neutrons as a
function of Ra, and thus, effectively, as a function of
〈∂Bz/∂z〉V . Neutrons of different energies have different
heights of their centers of mass, and thus the T2 spin re-
laxation is maximized when〈(∂Bz/∂z)
2〉V is minimized.
The values of Ra−1 at which the polarization product α
was found to peak were (5.7± 0.2, 5.9± 0.2) ppm for B0
∗On leave from Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Sofia, Bulgaria
†On leave from Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
up, down respectively. In the presence of the dipole in the
region of the door of the storage chamber [1], the point
for B0 down (up) at which 〈(∂Bz/∂z)
2〉V is minimized
is 0.2 ppm higher (lower) than the point Ra0↓ (Ra0↑).
These data provide direct, independent measurements
for each B0 polarity of the actual values Ra0 at which
〈∂Bz/∂z〉V = 0, taking into account any and all shift
mechanisms, known or unknown, acting on Ra. Since
these depolarization results are drawn from the EDM
data themselves, they cannot be described as “ex post
facto”. We conclude from our data that the differen-
tial quadrupole shift and Earth rotation effect cancel to
within 15% in our apparatus. The fact that the resulting
dn values ((−0.6 ± 2.3,−0.9 ± 2.3) × 10
−26 e cm for B0
up, down respectively) agree so well with each other gives
added confidence in the experimental results overall.
Second, after about 60% of the data had been taken, a
bottle of variable height was used to measure the profile
of the magnetic field within the storage volume. Ex-
trapolation of these data to the EDM bottle (which does
include a small correction due to Earth’s rotation) yields
Ra0↑ −Ra0↓ = (1.5± 1.0) ppm.
Our data show no evidence for changes in the relevant
long-term B-field properties from the periodic disassem-
bly of the magnetic shields.
Since the publication of [1], we have improved our fit-
ting procedure to take full account of correlations be-
tween the quadrupole and dipole corrections, and to in-
clude explicitly the effect of the Earth’s rotation. The
results yield new net shifts (to be compared with those
listed in Table 1 of [1]) for the dipole and combined
quadrupole/Earth rotation effects of (−0.46,+0.30) ×
10−26 e cm respectively, with a net uncertainty of 0.37×
10−26 e cm for both. In combination with the other ef-
fects discussed in [1] this yields an overall systematic cor-
rection to the crossing point of (0.20±0.76)×10−26 e cm
for the second analysis of [1]. The final value for the EDM
from this analysis is then (−0.4± 1.5(stat)± 0.8(syst))×
10−26 e cm, implying |dn| < 2.8× 10
−26 e cm (90% CL),
identical to the previous limit from this analysis.
The Comment asserts incorrectly that the Ra−1 values
averaged to zero in the first analysis of [1]. By choice of
the applied ∂Bz/∂z, they averaged to 8.9 ppm for both
B0 polarities. Since any net differential shifts in Ra have
been shown to be small, this analysis need not be altered.
In conclusion, the overall limit of |dn| < 2.9 × 10
−26 e cm (90% CL) remains unchanged.
[1] C. Baker et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 131801 (2006).
[2] S.K. Lamoreaux and R. Golub, Phys. Rev. Lett., 98,
149101, (2007).
0704.1355 | Lowest Landau Level of Relativistic Field Theories in a Strong
Background Field | Lowest Landau Level of Relativistic Field Theories in a
Strong Background Field
Xavier Calmet1 a and Martin Kober2
1 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Physique Théorique, CP225, Boulevard du Triomphe (Campus plaine),
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
2 Institut für Theoretische Physik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Max-von-Laue-Straße 1, D-60438 Frankfurt
am Main, Germany.
Abstract. We consider gauge theories in a strong external magnetic like field. This situation can
appear either in conventional four-dimensional theories, but also naturally in extra-dimensional the-
ories and especially in brane world models. We show that in the lowest Landau level approximation,
some of the coordinates become non-commutative. We find physical reasons to formal problems
with non-commutative gauge theories such as the issue with SU(N) gauge symmetries. Our con-
struction is applied to a minimal extension of the standard model. It is shown that the Higgs sector
might be non-commutative whereas the remaining sectors of the standard model remain commuta-
tive. Signatures of this model at the LHC are discussed. We then discuss an application to a dark
matter sector coupled to the Higgs sector of the standard model and show that here again, dark
matter could be non-commutative, the standard model fields remaining commutative.
PACS. 11.10.Nx – 12.60.Fr
Gauge theories formulated on non-commutative
spaces have received a lot of attention over the last
decade. The main reason is that they were discov-
ered to appear in a certain limit of string theory[1,2,
3]. Non-commuting coordinates do appear generically
whenever one studies a physical system in an exter-
nal background field in the first Landau level approx-
imation. This phenomenon was discovered by Landau
in 1930 [4]. A textbook example is an electron in a
strong magnetic field. In the framework of string the-
ory, the effective low energy four dimensional theory
describing strings ending on a brane in the presence
of a strong external background field is shown to be
It is notoriously difficult to construct a
non-commutative version of the standard model. There
are different approaches in the literature [5,6]. The
main difficulty is to obtain the right gauge symme-
tries i.e. SU(N) groups necessary to describe the stan-
dard model. The issue here is that the commutator of
two non-commutative Lie algebra valued gauge trans-
formations is not a gauge transformation unless one
chooses U(N) Yang-Mills symmetries and the funda-
mental, anti-fundamental or adjoint representations.
This no-go theorem can be avoided if one considers
the enveloping algebra. However this may not seem
very natural. This is the motivation for the present
work. We shall study relativistic field theories in a
strong external potential to identify the physical rea-
a Email: [email protected]
son for this technical problem. We shall start from clas-
sical gauge theories formulated on a regular space-time
which are perfectly well behaved and renormalizable
theories and consider them in a strong external field,
then we shall consider their first Landau Level. Differ-
ent field theories have been considered in the lowest
Landau level approximation leading to more or less
exotic non-commutative gauge theories, see e.g. [7] or
[8]. However, we wish to consider physical situations
which lead to the kind of non-commutative gauge the-
ories found in [1,2,3] to understand the physical reason
for some of the pathologies of these theories. Further-
more our construction allows us to consider models
where only certain sectors of the theory are noncom-
Let us first consider a charged scalar field in a
strong magnetic field. The action is given by
∗(D̄µφ) − V (φ∗φ) (1)
F̄µν F̄
where D̄µ = ∂µ + iqAµ and F̄µν = −i[D̄µ, D̄ν]. This
theory is gauge invariant under U(1) gauge transfor-
mations and is renormalizable. Let us now study this
theory in the limit of a strong external magnetic field.
We consider quantum fluctuations Aµ aroundCµ which
is the background field which corresponds to the con-
stant magnetic field. We then have D̄µ = ∂µ + iqAµ +
Alternatives Parallel
iqCµ = Dµ + iqCµ and the action becomes
∗(Dµφ)− V (φ∗φ) (2)
−iqφ∗CµDµφ+ iq(Dµφ)∗Cµφ+ q2φ∗CµCµφ
µν − 1
µν − 1
where Cµν = ∂µCν − ∂νCµ. To be more specific we
shall pick Cµ = (0,
, 0) which leads to a con-
stant magnetic field of magnitude B in the z-direction.
Note that a strong external magnetic like field does not
imply that the quantum fluctuation is strongly cou-
pled to the scalar field. The action (2) has a remaining
gauge invariance: δφ = iαφ, δAµ = ∂µα and the back-
ground field is kept invariant. The classical canonical
momenta of the center of mass of particle φ is given
by πµ = pµ + qAµ + qCµ.
The first quantization of the classical Hamiltonian
implies that the coordinates and the spatial compo-
nents of the canonical momentum do not commute:
[xi, πj ] = ih̄δij . (3)
We now express the canonical momentum in terms of
the kinematical one and find [xi, pj+qAj+qBǫjkxk] =
ih̄δij for i, j ∈ {1, 2}. Let us now consider the limit√
B ≫ m and |Cµ| ≫ |Aµ|. In this limit the terms
involving the kinematical momentum pj and the po-
tential Aj can be neglected:
[xi, xj ] = ih̄
ǫij ≡ iθij . (4)
This means that the scalar field is non-commutative
in the x − y plane. It should be noted that our re-
sult is not a gauge artifact, the very same result would
be obtained if we had chosen e.g. the Landau gauge
Cµ = (0, By, 0, 0). Furthermore, it is easy to see that
since Lorentz covariance is explicitly broken by the
background field new Lorentz violating vertices involv-
ing the gauge boson Aµ will be generated through
its interaction with the background field. In particu-
lar three gauge bosons and four gauge bosons vertices
which are typical of non-commutative gauge theories
are generated. We have just shown that in the limit
B, the coordinates x and y of the scalar field
do not commute, let us rename them x̂ and ŷ. In the
limit m ≪
B, local gauge transformations of the
scalar field involve non-commuting coordinates: δαφ =
iα(t, x̂, ŷ, z)φ(t, x̂, ŷ, z), in order to build a gauge in-
variant action, the gauge boson has to transform ac-
cording to δαAµ(x̂) = ∂µα(x̂)+i[α(x̂), Aµ(x̂)]. The low
energy action is then given by
∗(Dµφ(x̂))− V (φ(x̂)∗φ(x̂))(5)
Fµν (x̂)F
with Fµν = −i[Dµ(x̂), Dν(x̂)]. Using the Weyl quanti-
zation procedure, it is easy to replace the
non-commuting coordinates in the argument of the
field φ by commuting ones
∗ ⋆ (Dµφ)− V (φ∗ ⋆ φ) (6)
Fµν ⋆ F
where the star product is given by f ⋆ g = fei∂iθ
with θij = h̄
ǫij for i, j ∈ {1, 2} and θµν = 0 in the
time and z-directions.
It should be noted to our derivation that it is not
specific to a scalar field theory since the important
point comes from the equations of motion which are
the Klein-Gordon equations. Since every component of
a spinor field satisfies the Klein-Gordon equations, our
result applies to spinor field as well. Our first result is
that the action (2) is very identical to a U(1) non-
commutative gauge theory with a non-commutativity
in the x − y plane. We find that a non-commutative
gauge theory is very closely related to a commutative
gauge theory in a strong external field in the limit
that the mass of the particle is small compared to the
external background field. It is well known that the ac-
tion we started from is well behaved at the quantum
level and in particular that it is renormalizable. On
the other hand the non-commutative action (6) is not
renormalizable and suffers from UV/IR mixing. This
is a strong hint that the issues with the quantum field
calculations involving the action (6) should disappear
in the limit where more and more Landau levels are
included in the calculations. However, we should point
out that the naive limit B → 0 which would corre-
spond to a vanishing external field implies an infinite
non-commutative parameter. The limits B → 0 and√
B ≫ m do not commute. This is clearly another kind
of UV/IR mixing and probably the origin of UV/IR
mixing in the quantized version of the theory.
We can now push our analysis further and consider
Yang-Mills theories instead of a simple U(1) theory.
To be very concrete let us consider a SU(2) Yang-
Mills theory. In that case there are three gauge po-
tentials B1µ, B
µ and B
µ. We see that the same pro-
cedure as the one outlined in this work leads to two
canonical momenta, one for each of the components
of the doublet φ = (φ1, φ2). To be very precise let us
consider the canonical momentum πi
of the particle
described by the field φ1 and π
which corresponds
to the particle φ2. It is clear that it only depends on
B3µ since the generator T
3 is the only diagonal one.
However T 1 and T 2 are not diagonal and thus B1µ
and B2µ do not contribute to the canonical momenta.
One finds πi
+ gB3i + gD3i, where B3i is the
fluctuation around the strong external field D3i and
−gB3i−gD3i. Let us now assume that the non-
vanishing components of the strong external field D3i
are given by Eǫijx
j , we find [xi, pj+gB
j +gEǫjkx
ih̄δij and [xi, pj − gB3j − gEǫjkxk] = ih̄δij for i, j ∈
{1, 2} let us now consider the limit
E ≫ m and
X. Calmet and M. Kober Lowest Landau Level of Relativistic Field Theories in a Strong Background Field
|D3j | ≫ |B3j | one finds [xi, xj ] = ih̄ 1gE ǫ
ij and simul-
taneously [xi, xj ] = −ih̄ 1
ǫij which is clearly incon-
sistent. In other words, there is no non-commutative
SU(2) theory equivalent to a SU(2) gauge theory re-
stricted to its first Landau Level. However if we had
started from a U(N) gauge group, one of the generators
would be proportional to the identity matrix and we
could have chosen the strong external field in the direc-
tion of the identity matrix and obtained a consistent
non-commutative algebra. In that case the first Lan-
dau level of a gauge theory can be described in terms
of a dual non-commutative gauge theory as long as the
external strong field is chosen in the direction of the
identity matrix. This is the physical origin of the for-
mal problem with SU(N) gauge invariance mentioned
at the beginning of this work.
Furthermore, it should be stressed that the commu-
tative action (2) is not gauge invariant under regular
gauge transformations for U(N) (N>1) gauge groups
unless the background field transforms as well: δAµ =
∂µα + i[α,Aµ] and δCµ = i[α,Cµ]. Note that we are
using a different convention than in the background
quantization technique where the background field trans-
forms as a gauge field whereas the quantum fluctuation
transforms homogeneously [9]. The subtlety only ap-
pears for N>1. This suggests a generalization of non-
commutative gauge transformations to
δAµ = ∂µα+ iα ⋆ Aµ − iAµ ⋆ α (7)
δCµ = iα ⋆ Cµ − iCµ ⋆ α, (8)
where we set g = 1. It is also suggestive that the
background field which is closely related to the non-
commutative parameter through an equation such as
eq. (4) should be introduced in the action:
† ⋆ (Dµφ)− V (φ† ⋆ φ) (9)
−iφ† ⋆ Cµ ⋆ Dµφ+ i(Dµφ)† ⋆ Cµ ⋆ φ
+φ† ⋆ Cµ ⋆ C
µφ− 1
Fµν ⋆ F
µν − 1
Cµν ⋆ C
Fµν ⋆ C
µν − 1
Cµν ⋆ F
In the sequel we shall however restrict our consider-
ations to U(1) gauge theories where this subtlety is
Let us now apply this idea to physics beyond the
standard model. If the U(1) external field we are con-
sidering couples only to one specie of particle we would
have a reason to explain why only a certain sector of
the model is non-commutative. It is tempting to iden-
tify the scalar field we have introduced with the Higgs
field of the standard model. However, the Higgs field
of the standard model is charged under SU(2) × U(1)
and this would lead to a SU(2) non-commutative the-
ory which is as explained previously not consistent for
fields which are Lie algebra valued. Furthermore, it is
not possible to gauge the standard model Higgs dou-
blet under a new U(1) without affecting its charge as-
signment under the standard model gauge group. How-
ever, there has been a growing interest [10,11,12,13,
14,15,16] for particles which are not charged under the
gauge group of the standard model or almost decou-
pling from the action of the standard model. Further-
more, scalar singlets are interesting dark matter candi-
dates [17] and could explain why the Higgs boson of the
standard model has not yet been discovered [18]. Let us
consider the coupling of the action (1) to the standard
model and we assume that φ is a SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)Y
singlet, but that it is charged under a new U(1)E gauge
group under which standard model particles are sin-
glets. We shall call this new particle the e-photon. Let
us assume that the e-photon has a vacuum expecta-
tion which fills the universe which will single out a
preferred direction in space-time. There are different
model building options which will affect the precise
form of the non-commutative tensor θµν . For exam-
ple, the e-photon and φ could for example be living in
extra-dimensions and the standard model confined to
a brane in which case the non-commutativity could be
in three dimensions. If the new degrees of freedom are
confined to live in four dimensions then we would have
non-commutativity in only two-dimension in the plane
perpendicular to the direction of the external strong
Let us consider the scalar sector of the theory. We
∗(D̄µφ)−m2φφ∗φ (10)
−λφ(φ∗φ)2 + (DµH)†(DµH)
−m2HH†H − λH(H†H)2 + λφ∗φH†H
where H is the Higgs doublet of the standard model
and φ is the new scalar singlet charged under the new
U(1)E interaction. The SU(2)× U(1) symmetry of the
standard model has to be spontaneously broken, i.e.
the doublet acquires a vacuum expectation value and
using the unitary gauge, one has H = (0, h+ v) where
v2 = −m2H/(2λH). However, we have two options for
the U(1)E gauge symmetry. Let us first consider the
case where the extra U(1) is not spontaneously bro-
ken, in other words φ does not acquire a vacuum ex-
pectation value. In that case the scalar potential is
given by V [h, φφ∗] = −2m2Hh2 + λH(h + v)4 + λ(h +
∗φφ∗. It is easy to show that the
e-photon and the usual photon do not mix. Further-
more there is no coupling between the e-photon and
the fermions of the standard model. This new long
range force is thus not in conflict with experiments.
The new charged scalars are protected by the exact
U(1)E symmetry and thus dark matter candidates.
Furthermore, although the carrier of the new force in
the dark matter sector are massless, the bounds on a
fifth force in the dark matter sector [19] do not ap-
ply to our model because the e-photon does not cou-
ple to regular matter. Let us now assume that the e-
photon has some vacuum expectation value such that
it correspond to a strong magnetic-type field in the
z-direction and consider this model in the first Lan-
dau Level approximation. We find that the scalars φ
have non-commuting coordinates in that limit. The
Alternatives Parallel
non-commuting coordinates can be removed at the
expense of introducing a star product V [h, φ ⋆ φ∗] =
−2m2Hh2 +λH(h+ v)4 +λ(h+ v)2φ ⋆ φ∗ +m2φφ ⋆φ∗ +
∗⋆φ⋆φ∗, i.e. the only non-commutative interac-
tion are those which involve the field φ and obviously
the e-photon. If its mass is low enough, this dark mat-
ter candidate could be produced at the LHC through
the decomposition of a Higgs boson. The decay rate
Γ (Higgs → φφ∗) = 1
is basically
commutative. However, the self-interaction of the φ-
mesons and of the e-photon are non-commutative and
the non-commutative nature of this sector could be
checked by searching for the usual characteristic non-
commutative self-interactions of the e-photon. The cross
section for the dark matter candidate at the Tevatron
and LHC corresponds to the one of a singlet added
to the standard model in the commutative case and
there should thus be a clear signal. However, detecting
the non-commutative nature of the dark matter sector
at a hadron collider will be a difficult task since one
would have to search for the typical self-interactions
of the e-photon. However, one would expect that the
background field will impact the distribution of dark
matter in our universe which would allow to identify
a preferred direction in space-time.
Another option is to assume that the remaining
U(1)E is spontaneously broken by a vacuum expecta-
tion value of the φ-mesons in which case the e-photon
acquires a mass. In that scenario, the φ-mesons are not
dark matter candidates. However, the residual degree
of freedom after U(1)E symmetry breaking, which we
call σ, will mix with the standard model Higgs bo-
son. One finds: hphys = cosα h + sinα σ, σphys =
cosα σ − sinα h where α, the mixing angle, is de-
termined by the scalar potential. When we consider
the model in a strong external potential correspond-
ing to a strong magnetic-like field in the z-direction
and in the lowest Landau level limit, we find that
both scalar fields are non-commuting in the x − y
plane whereas the remaining fields of the standard
model are commutative. In that case the only sector
of the theory which would exhibit a non-commutative
nature is the scalar potential sector. The new non-
commutative operators are vhh ⋆ φ ⋆ φ, vφh ⋆ h ⋆ φ and
h ⋆ h ⋆ φ ⋆ φ. Because of the trace property of the star
product (
d4xf ⋆g =
d4xg⋆f =
d4xfg), the inter-
actions of the two scalar degrees of freedom with the
fermions and gauge bosons of the standard model are
Conclusions: We have shown that the phenomenon
discovered by Landau in 1930 appears in relativistic
field theories. We find physical reasons to the formal
problems with non-commutative gauge theories such
as the issue with SU(N) gauge symmetries. We apply
our construction to a minimal extension of the stan-
dard model and show that the Higgs sector might be
non-commutative whereas the remaining sectors of the
standard model remain commutative. We discuss the
signatures of this model at the LHC. We then dis-
cuss an application to a dark matter sector coupled to
the Higgs sector of the standard model and show that
here again, dark matter could be non-commutative,
the standard model fields remaining commutative.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part
by the IISN and the Belgian science policy office (IAP
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0704.1356 | Mechanical and dielectric relaxation spectra in seven highly viscous
glass formers | Mechanical and dielectric relaxation spectra in seven highly viscous glass formers
U. Buchenau∗
Institut für Festkörperforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Postfach 1913, D–52425 Jülich, Federal Republic of Germany
(Dated: April 2, 2007)
Published dielectric and shear data of six molecular glass formers and one polymer are evaluated
in terms of a spectrum of thermally activated processes, with the same barrier density for the
retardation spectrum of shear and dielectrics. The viscosity, an independent parameter of the fit,
seems to be related to the high-barrier cutoff time of the dielectric signal, in accordance with the
idea of a renewal of the relaxing entities after this critical time. In the five cases where one can fit
accurately, the temperature dependence of the high-barrier cutoff follows the shoving model. The
Johari-Goldstein peaks, seen in four of our seven cases, are describable in terms of gaussians in
the barrier density, superimposed on the high-frequency tail of the α-process. Dielectric and shear
measurements of the same substance find the same peak positions and widths of these gaussians,
but in general a different weight.
PACS numbers: 64.70.Pf, 77.22.Gm
The publications of Kia Ngai deal with more sub-
stances and more measurement techniques than the work
of any other scientist in the field of undercooled liquids.
Within the past three decades, whenever a new develop-
ment appeared, he was the quickest to appreciate it, ana-
lyze it and bring it to the general attention, thus speeding
up the progress substantially.
Many scientists in the field share his conviction that
the flow process in highly viscous liquids can only be
understood by combining all possible techniques for its
study1,2,3,4,5,6. The present paper evaluates recently
published7,8 broadband shear and dielectric relaxation
data on seven glass formers. The mechanical shear data
were obtained with a new technique9 which allows to
cover a large dynamical range. Samples for dielectric and
shear measurements were taken from the same charge,
and the temperature sensors of both measurements were
calibrated to each other.
The data show a striking similarity of G′′(ω) and ǫ′′(ω)
on the right hand side of the α-peak, a similarity which is
sometimes perturbed by the secondary Johari-Goldstein
peak10,11. The similarity suggests a common origin of the
α-peak in dielectrics and shear. The fact that the shear
peak appears at a higher frequency than the dielectric
peak is explainable in terms of the viscosity, which in a
compliance treatment12 is a free parameter.
In order to identify the elementary processes with ther-
mally activated jumps over an energy barrier V , one can
use a recent translation13 of the textbook12 retardation
spectrum L(ln τ) into a barrier density function l(V ). We
will argue that the compliance barrier density of the shear
equals the electric dipole moment barrier density lǫ(V )
of the dielectric data.
The next section (section II) explains and motivates
this approach in more detail. The results of the data
treatment are described in section III. They are discussed
and compared to other approaches in section IV. Section
V summarizes and concludes the paper.
The choice of a retardation spectrum for the shear is
motivated by a surprising coincidence, which is more or
less visible in the data of all seven substances. We show
the two examples where it is most clearly seen in Fig. 1
and Fig. 2.
Fig. 1 compares G′′(ω) and −ǫ′′(ω) at the same tem-
perature for the type-A glass former PPE. PPE, 1,3-
Bis(3-phenoxyphenoxy)benzene, is a diffusion pump oil
with the commercial name Santovac-5P, a molecule con-
sisting of five phenyl rings connected by four oxygens to
form a short chain. In terms of the classification proposed
by the Bayreuth group14, it is a type-A glass former, a
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- " scaled
Santovac-5P (PPE)
254 K
log( /s-1)
FIG. 1: Comparison of G′′(ω) to a properly scaled −ǫ′′(ω) in
a double-log scale for PPE at 254 K.
glass former which shows no or at least no pronounced
secondary Johari-Goldstein peak. The (negative) ǫ′′(ω)-
data have been scaled to coincide with the G′′(ω)-data
on the right hand side of the peak. One finds good agree-
ment betweenG′′(ω) and−ǫ′′(ω) as soon as the frequency
is two decades higher than the one of the peak in G′′(ω).
In addition, Fig. 1 shows a change of slope of the α-
tail, from an ω−1/2- to an ω−1/3-behavior. The tendency
is seen most clearly in the dielectric data, but it is also in
the shear data; their fit improves markedly if one allows
for a ω−1/3-component. This might be the influence of a
hidden Johari-Goldstein peak, an explanation which has
been favored for glycerol on the basis of pressure, aging
and chemical series measurements (for a review, see Ngai
and Paluch15). But there is also impressive experimen-
tal evidence for a limiting ω−1/3-behavior in shear com-
pliance data of type-A molecular glass formers16, which
show the so-called Andrade17 creep, J(t) ∼ t1/3, in the
short-time limit. Therefore we will fit our data in terms
of a sum of an ω−β-term (with β as fit parameter) and
an ω−1/3-term, dominating at high frequency.
Toward lower frequency, the common slope terminates
for the shear data already at a higher frequency (a shorter
time) than for the dielectric data. The natural explana-
tion for this is that the parallel between dielectrics and
shear is in fact between shear compliance and dielectric
susceptibility. In a comparison of these two quantities,
the shear compliance starts to deviate from the dielectric
susceptibility as soon as the viscous flow sets in. This
suggests a treatment of the shear data in terms of a re-
tardation spectrum, with the viscosity as an independent
The good agreement at the right-hand side of the α-
peak is found to be a general feature of all seven mea-
sured substances, as long as there is no disturbing in-
fluence from the secondary Johari-Goldstein peak10,11.
This is seen in Fig. 2, which shows that the good
agreement between G′′ and −ǫ′′ disappears as the peaks
merge. The substance, tripropylene glycol (TPG),
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 G'' 188 K
G'' 192 K
- " 188 K scaled
- " 192 K scaled
tripropylene glycol (TPG)
log( /s-1)
FIG. 2: Comparison of G′′(ω) to a properly scaled −ǫ′′(ω) in
a double-log scale for TPG at 188 and 192 K.
C6H20O4, is still a molecule and not yet a polymer (the
whole series from the small molecule propylene glycol to
long-chain polypropylene glycol is well-investigated by
dielectrics18,19,20). TPG itself has been studied under
aging21 and under pressure22. It consists of three con-
nected propylene groups, with a large dielectric moment
and a pronounced Johari-Goldstein peak (which is absent
or at least much less pronounced in propylene glycol18).
Fig. 2 shows another tendency which will be evaluated
quantitatively in this paper, namely a much stronger in-
crease of the imaginary quantities in the α-peak region
with temperature than in the Johari-Goldstein peak re-
If one wants to decompose a measured relaxation into
a spectrum of exponential decays in time, one can choose
between two equivalent possibilities12, the relaxation
spectrum in which the elementary exponential relaxators
add to decrease the modulus or the retardation spectrum
in which they add to increase a susceptibility. In princi-
ple, the choice is not crucial, because the two spectra can
be calculated from each other. Here, we choose the retar-
dation spectrum, with the viscosity η as an independent
For this choice, one has the textbook expressions12 for
the real and imaginary parts of the complex frequency-
dependent shear compliance
J ′(ω) = Jg +
L(ln τ)
1 + ω2τ2
d(ln τ) (1)
J ′′(ω) =
L(ln τ)
1 + ω2τ2
d(ln τ) +
, (2)
where τ is the relaxation time and L(ln τ) is the weight of
this relaxation time in the retardation spectrum. Jg, the
glass compliance, is the inverse of the infinite frequency
modulus G∞.
In an energy landscape picture23, one reckons with
thermally activated jumps over the energy barrier be-
tween two neighboring minima. In fact, one very of-
ten finds a broad secondary relaxation peak (the Johari-
Goldstein peak10,11) below the α-peak of the flow pro-
cess. This peak follows the Arrhenius relation in the
glass phase, indicating that it stems from local thermally
activated jumps. For a jump over an energy barrier of
height V , the Arrhenius relation for the relaxation time
τV reads
τV = τ0e
V/kBT , (3)
where τ0 = 10
−13 s and T is the temperature.
For a spectrum of thermally activated jumps, one
defines13 the barrier density function ls(V )
ls(V ) =
L(V/kBT + ln τ0). (4)
The index s stands for the shear. With this definition, the
complex shear compliance equations (1) and (2) trans-
form into
J ′(ω) = Jg + Jg
ls(V )
1 + ω2τ2V
dV (5)
J ′′(ω) = Jg
ls(V )
1 + ω2τ2V
. (6)
The dielectric susceptibility can also be described24,25
in terms of a dielectric barrier density function lǫ(V )
ǫ′(ω)− ǫ∞
ǫ(0)− ǫ∞
lǫ(V )
1 + ω2τ2V
dV (7)
ǫ(0)− ǫ∞
lǫ(V )
1 + ω2τ2V
dV. (8)
Here ǫ(0) is the static dielectric susceptibility, ǫ∞ is the
real part of ǫ(ω) in the GHz range (larger than n2, the
square of the refractive index, because of vibrational
The above definitions of eqs. (5-8) imply a normaliza-
tion of both ls(V ) and lǫ(V ) with
ls(V )dV =
J0e − Jg
, (9)
where J0e is the recoverable compliance of the steady-
state flow12, and
lǫ(V )dV = 1. (10)
The dielectric α-peak occurs always at a lower fre-
quency than the shear one and seems to coincide
with the heat capacity and the structural relaxation
peaks1,2,3,4,5,6. Below, we will adopt the view that the
left side of the dielectric peak marks the disappearance
and renewal of the relaxing entities.
In order to describe this decay, one needs to multiply
the barrier density of the energy landscape with an ap-
propriate cutoff function at a cutoff barrier Vc. Here, we
will assume that the relaxing entities decay exponentially
in time with the critical relaxation time τc. With the Ar-
rhenius relation τc = τ0 exp(Vc/kBT ), this translates into
a double-exponential cutoff
c(V ) = exp(− exp((V − Vc)/kBT )). (11)
Equations (6) and (8) show that a Johari-Goldstein
peak in G′′(ω) or ǫ′′(ω) at the peak frequency ω1 cor-
responds to a peak in l(V ) at a peak barrier V1 =
kBT ln(1/ω1τ0). We will see that the Johari-Goldstein
peaks are reasonably well described by gaussians in l(V ).
To describe both the α-peak and the Johari-Goldstein-
peak in terms of a barrier density, ls(V ) and lǫ(V ) will
be fitted by the form
l(V ) = (aβe
βV/kBT + a1/3e
V/3kBT + a1e
)c(V ).
The first two terms describe the high-frequency tail of
the α-process, the third term the Johari-Goldstein peak
(if there is one; in three of our seven examples, it is not
needed). The dimensionless parameter β determines the
slope ω−β at the beginning of the α-tail in the double-log
plot of Fig. 1.
Instead of using the three prefactors aβ , a1/3 and a1
as fit parameters, it is better to use the correspond-
ing weights wβ , w1/3 and w1 in the integral over the
barriers, equs. (9) and (10). A type-A glass former
without Johari-Goldstein peak with w1 = 0 is char-
acterized by the two dimensionless parameters β and
b2 = w1/3/(wβ + w1/3), at least as far as the form of
its spectrum is concerned. β and b2 have the advantage
to be reasonably temperature-independent.
With this prescription, one can fit the ǫ′′(ω) of a type-A
glass former with two temperature-independent parame-
ters, β and b2, and two temperature-dependent parame-
ters, ∆ǫ = ǫ(0)− ǫ∞ and Vc. Their temperature depen-
dence is a decrease with increasing temperature, which
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
log( /s-1)
254 K
262 K
274 K
FIG. 3: (a) Data and fit of ǫ′′(ω) in a double-log scale for
TPE between 254 and 274 K (b) the same for G(ω).
is well fitted by an appropriate power law
∆ǫ(T ) = ∆ǫ(Tg)
, (13)
where Tg is the glass temperature. Similarly, one de-
scribes the decrease of Vc with the exponent γV and the
one of G∞ with γG.
The strategy of our evaluation is to fit l(V ) to the
dielectric data, and then use the same spectral form
to describe the shear. The fit of the shear data re-
quires three additional temperature-dependent parame-
ters, Jg, J
e and η. Again, it is worthwhile to look for
combinations which might turn out to be temperature-
independent. One of them is the ratio
J0e − Jg
, (14)
which appears in the normalization of the shear spec-
trum, eq. (9). A second interesting possibility is not to
fit the viscosity η, but the ratio
fjc =
, (15)
where τc is the Arrhenius relaxation time of the terminal
barrier Vc. As we will show in the discussion, one can
argue that the ratio fjc should be 2 for a renewal of the
relaxing entities within the critical time τc.
In the case of a type-B glass former, Fig. 2 shows that
one needs another dimensionless parameter, because the
weight of the Johari-Goldstein peak is different in the
two quantities. In Fig. 2, the Johari-Goldstein peak is
more prominent in the shear signal, but this varies from
substance to substance.
205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240
fit data
from V
temperature (K)
FIG. 4: Fit values of G∞ in DC704 as a function of tem-
perature. The continuous line is the temperature dependence
Vc/∆v (with ∆v = 0.057 nm
3) expected from the shoving
A. The three type-A glass formers
Three of our seven substances, TPE, DC704 and PPE,
happen to have no or at least only a rather weak Johari-
Goldstein peak. Let us begin with TPE. TPE stands
for triphenylethylene, C20H16, a rather flexible molecule
with three phenyl rings attached to a central C = C
double bond. Fig. 3 (a) shows data and fit for ǫ′′(ω)
in a double-log plot, Fig. 3 (b) the ones for G(ω). The
dielectric data in Fig. 3 (a) are well fitted with only the
first two terms of eq. (12), without any Johari-Goldstein
peak. β and b2 turn out to be temperature-independent
within experimental accuracy.
One gets a good fit for the shear data in Fig. 3 (b), tak-
ing over β, b2 and the cutoff barrier Vc from the fit of the
dielectric data at the given temperature and fitting G∞,
f0 and fjc. G∞ is temperature-dependent, but f0 and
fjc are again temperature-independent within the exper-
imental accuracy, thus justifying our choice of variables.
The parameters and their temperature dependence are
listed in Table I.
The temperature exponents γV and γG of the critical
barrier Vc and the infinite frequency shear modulus G∞
are the same within their error bars (about 5 % for γV
and about 10 % for γG). This shows the validity of the
shoving model26, according to which the energy barrier
of the α-process should be proportional to the infinite
frequency shear modulus G∞. The shoving model postu-
lates that the α-process happens when the local energy
concentration exceeds the product G∞∆v, where ∆v is a
volume expansion.
The same results, maybe even a bit clearer because of
the stronger dielectric signals, are obtained for the two
other type-A glass formers PPE and DC704. Again, the
fit parameters are listed in Table I. In particular, the
ω−1/3-contribution is much better seen, as illustrated
in Fig. 1 for PPE. In DC704, again a diffusion pump
oil (1,3,3,5-tetramethyl-1,1,5,5-tetraphenyl-trisiloxane, a
rather large molecule) we have the additional advan-
tage of a large temperature range of the measurement,
from 209 to 239 K. As in TPE, we find temperature-
independent parameters β, b2, f0 and fjc. Again, we
find the shoving model26 confirmed in both glass form-
ers. In DC704, one even sees the curvature of both curves
(see Fig. 4), which justifies our temperature exponent
Ansatz, eq. (13).
Table I comprises the fit parameters for these three
type-A glass formers. Note that our formalism allows to
describe both shear and dielectric data over the whole
temperature range with eleven temperature-independent
glass former TPE DC704 PPE
Tg (K) 249 211 244
∆ǫ 0.0491 0.257 2.011
γǫ 1.85 2.26 1.90
β 0.77 0.85 1.04
b2 0.18 0.27 0.215
Vc(Tg) (eV) 0.767 0.639 0.755
γV 4.3 4.6 4.6
G∞(Tg) (GPa) 1.38 1.80 1.27
γG 4.7 4.2 4.7
f0 1.65 2.38 2.22
fjc 2.5 2.45 2.05
TABLE I: Parameters of the three type-A glass formers. Up-
per part ǫ(ω), lower part G(ω).
B. The four type-B glass formers
In the type-B glass formers DHIQ, PB20, Squalane and
TPG, one needs to fit a Johari-Goldstein peak on top of
the high-frequency tail of the α-process. This is illus-
trated in Fig. 5 for our first type-B example, squalane.
Squalane, C30H62, is a short chain molecule with 24
carbon atoms in the backbone and 6 attached CH3-
groups, rather polymerlike. It has a strong and well-
separated Johari-Goldstein peak (see Fig. 5), much bet-
ter visible in the shear data than in the dielectric data.
The dielectric dipole moment is very weak. Nevertheless,
it is possible to fit both sets of data with the same retar-
dation spectrum, attaching a substantially higher weight
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
168 K
174 K
180 K
log( /s-1)
FIG. 5: Data and fits of (a) ǫ′′(ω) (b) G(ω) in squalane.
to the Johari-Goldstein peak in the shear (see Table II).
In this substance, it is not possible to fit the shear data
with a temperature-independent parameter f0; one has
to postulate a rather strong increase of f0 with increasing
f0(T ) = f0(Tg) + f
0(T − Tg), (16)
but one can keep the parameter fjc constant (see Table
PB20 is a true polymer, relatively short (5000 g/mol),
composed of 80 % 1,4-polybutadiene monomers and 20
% 1,2-polybutadiene monomers. The results look very
similar to those of squalane, and the resulting fit param-
eters in Table II are in fact close to those of squalane.
Even more than squalane, it has the polymer feature of
a relatively slow decrease of ǫ′′(ω) at low frequency, ex-
plainable in terms of chain modes with long relaxation
times12. This is illustrated in Fig. 6, which shows the
deviation between fit and data at low frequency. As a
consequence, the resulting parameters have a larger er-
ror bar in squalane and polybutadiene than in the two
molecular substances TPG and DHIQ. In particular, the
deviations between γV and γG do not demonstrate a fail-
ure of the shoving model.
TPG is a much more favorable case, with a very large
dipole moment and no problems at the cutoff barrier. As
Fig. 7 (a) shows, our spectrum of eq. (12) provides beau-
tiful fits over a large temperature range. One needs to
take the temperature dependence of the Johari-Goldstein
peak position V1 into account. Our fit found
V1 = 0.295
, (17)
a bit smaller shift than the one found in aging
Fig. 7 (b) shows that the shear data are well described
in terms of the dielectric retardation spectrum. There is
a small temperature dependence of f0, but fjc is again a
temperature-independent constant. The shoving model
is found to be well fulfilled (see Fig. 8).
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
polybutadiene 180 K
log( /s-1)
FIG. 6: Data and fit of ǫ′′(ω) in polybutadiene at 180 K.
Finally, DHIQ, decahydroisoquinoline, C9H17N , is
best described as two cyclohexanol rings sharing one
C−C-bond, one of the two rings having anNH replacing
a CH2-group. In this case, the Johari-Goldstein peak is
very prominent in the dielectric data27,28, comparable to
the one in G(ω). The dipole moment is large; both Vc
and G∞ can be determined with high accuracy. Again,
their temperature exponents γV and γG agree within the
error bars (see Table II), in agreement with the shov-
ing model26. Since both are exceptionally large (DHIQ
is very fragile, m=158 in Angell’s scheme29), their good
agreement provides a strong argument for the validity of
the model.
In Table II, the Johari-Goldstein peak is characterized
by the weight of the peak
w(T ) = a1
(π/γ1) = a1FWHM
(π/4 ln 2) (18)
which shows a Boltzmann factor behavior
w(T ) = w(Tg) exp(−Ea(1/kBT − 1/kBTg)), (19)
with a formation energy Ea which is on the average 2/3
of the peak position V1.
The preceding section presented a quantitative descrip-
tion of the α- and the β-process in dielectrics and shear
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
182 K
188 K
194 K
200 K
206 K
212 K
218 K
224 K
fits TPG
log( /s-1)
FIG. 7: Data and fits of (a) ǫ′′(ω) (b) G(ω) in TPG.
glass former Squalane PB20 TPG DHIQ
Tg (K) 167 176 184 175
∆ǫ(Tg) 0.0155 0.132 23.3 1.707
γǫ 2.1 0.0 1.51 0.0
β 0.6 0.44 0.85 0.4
b2 0.2 0.2 0.22 0.2
Vc(Tg) (eV) 0.517 0.54 0.63 0.635
γV 3.2 3.8 3.0 6.4
G∞(Tg) (GPa) 1.33 1.63 2.69 3.1
γG 2.5 2.7 2.8 6.3
f0(Tg) 2.4 3.25 6.7 1.56
f ′0 (1/K) 0.4 0.41 -0.04 0.25
fjc 2.7 2.4 2.5 2.0
V1 (eV) 0.27 0.28 0.32* 0.32
FWHM(eV) 0.135 0.170 0.154 0.16
ws(Tg) 0.56 0.55 0.15 0.50
wǫ(Tg) 0.03 0.23 0.02 0.48
Ea (eV) 0.25 0.12 0.19 0.25
*average value, see eq. (17)
TABLE II: Parameters of the four type-B glass formers. Up-
per part G(ω), middle part ǫ(ω), lower part Johari-Goldstein
peak parameters for both.
for seven different glass formers, a description which is
based on the concept of isolated and independent ther-
mally activated jumps in the energy landscape. The de-
scription allows for a reasonable fit of the temperature
dependence in terms of temperature-independent param-
eters. The number of parameters is not small; one needs
eleven or twelve parameters for a type-A glass former
(depending on whether f0 is temperature-independent or
not, see Table I and II) and five additional parameters
for the description of the β- or Johari-Goldstein peak (see
Table II).
Nevertheless, the exercise is not completely meaning-
less. One does indeed get meaningful quantitative in-
formation, which is impossible to obtain otherwise. The
180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230
fit data
from V
temperature (K)
FIG. 8: Fit values ofG∞ in TPG as a function of temperature.
The continuous line is the temperature dependence Vc/∆v
(with ∆v = 0.037 nm3) expected from the shoving model26.
first and rather important one is the probable equality of
the retardation spectra of shear and dielectrics (but with
a different weight of the Johari-Goldstein peak), an infor-
mation which one can guess from the raw data (see Figs.
1 and 2), but which requires a full fit for its quantitative
The second and equally important quantitative infor-
mation concerns the dimensionless ratio fjc between the
terminal dielectric relaxation time τc and the product
of the viscosity with the total retardation compliance,
eq. (15). The seven fitted values lie between 2 and 2.7
(average value 2.37). This indicates a general relation
between the dielectric terminal time and the viscosity.
Since the dielectric terminal time seems to coincide with
the structural lifetime5, it is probably also the lifetime of
the double-well potentials which are responsible for the
retardation spectrum.
Question: What do we expect for the ratio fjc if this
is indeed the case? To answer this question, consider
a constant applied shear stress. After the time τc, all
the double-well potentials of the spectrum would have
reached thermal equilibrium, giving their full contribu-
tion to the compliance. From this consideration, if we
renew them at the time τc, we would naively expect them
to be able to give their contribution again after this time,
yielding fjc = 1.
But this answer is not correct. To get the correct an-
swer, one must consider the difference between energy
and free energy in these double-well potentials. To keep
the argument simple, let us restrict ourselves to the spe-
cial case of a symmetric double-well; it applies as well to
the asymmetric case.
If the double-well is initially symmetric and if it couples
to the shear stress σ with a coupling constant v (the
coupling constant has the dimension of a volume), then
the asymmetry ∆ under the stress is σv. One well has
the energy −σv/2, the other has the energy +σv/2.
In thermal equilibrium, the population of the two wells
is given by their Boltzmann factors. It is easy to calculate
the energy U of the equilibrated system in the limit of a
small stress
U = −
. (20)
This is the energy transported to the heat bath in the
equilibration of the relaxing entity after switching on the
The free energy F is
F = −
, (21)
only half of the energy itself. If one thinks about it, the
reason is clear: spending the energy, one has spanned an
entropic spring by the population difference in the two
wells. If one removes the stress slowly, one gets half the
energy back. But if the double-well potential decays, one
gets nothing back.
The contribution of the relaxing entity to the compli-
ance is given by the second derivative of the free energy
with respect to the stress. But if we now deal with the
effect of a renewal of the double-well potential on the vis-
cosity, we have to count the energy. This means we spend
twice as much energy under a constant stress as the one
calculated above in our first oversimplified picture. And
this means the viscosity must be a factor of 2 smaller,
which implies fjc = 2. This is reasonably close to the
fitted values in Table I and II.
A third quantitative conclusion of the present study
is a surprising agreement with the conclusions of Plazek
et al16 from their recoverable shear compliance experi-
ments. If one takes the parameters of Table I to calculate
the recoverable compliance, one gets curves which closely
resemble those reported by them. Obviously, it is exper-
imentally much easier to detect the Andrade creep17 in
creep experiments than in dynamical ones. If one calcu-
lates f0 from their data, one finds values between 1.5 and
2.3, similar to those in Table I.
Here, however, a word of caution is in place. Our data,
taken as they are, do not imply a limited recoverable
shear compliance. In fact, they are well fitted by the BEL
model30, which has a divergent recoverable compliance.
The values in the two tables stem from the assumption
that the two retardation spectra of dielectrics and shear
(at least as far as the α-peak is concerned) are the same.
The same is true for the fourth conclusion, the valid-
ity of the shoving model26. The fitted G∞-values were
obtained under the same assumption.
Finally, the Johari-Goldstein peak increases its height
with increasing temperature. The increase follows a
Boltzmann factor, with a formation energy of about two
thirds of the barrier height at the center of the peak.
Dielectric and shear relaxation data in seven highly
viscous liquids, most of them molecular liquids, were
evaluated in terms of a barrier density of independent
thermally activated relaxation centers. Three of the sub-
stances are type-A glass formers without or with only a
very small Johari-Goldstein peak, four of them show a
pronounced Johari-Goldstein peak.
The most important conclusion is the probable equal-
ity of the dielectric and shear retardation spectra,
guessed from the raw data and confirmed by a quanti-
tative fit. The difference in the peak positions is due to
the influence of the viscosity. The Johari-Goldstein peak
has different weight in dielectrics and shear.
The second important conclusion concerns the viscos-
ity. It seems probable that the viscosity results from
the constant renewal of the double-well potentials in the
sample within the terminal dielectric relaxation time.
Our data support earlier recovery compliance results
by Plazek et al16, according to which one has an
Andrade17 creep J ∼ t1/3 at short times in type-A glass
formers (glass formers without Johari-Goldstein peak).
They further support the shoving model26, which pos-
tulates a proportionality between the infinite frequency
shear modulus and the Arrhenius barrier of the terminal
relaxation time.
Acknowledgement: The author is deeply thankful to
Kristine Niss and Bo Jakobsen for communicating their
beautiful data to him, to Niels Boye Olsen and Tage
Christensen for enlightening discussions and to Jeppe
Dyre for constant encouragement and a lot of helpful
∗ Electronic address: [email protected]
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mailto:[email protected]
0704.1357 | Computational and experimental imaging of Mn defects on GaAs (110)
cross-sectional surface | Computational and experimental imaging of Mn defects
on GaAs (110) cross-sectional surface
A. Stroppa,1, 2, ∗ X. Duan,1, 2, † M. Peressi,1, 2, ‡ D. Furlanetto,3, 4 and S. Modesti3, 4
1Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Università di Trieste,
Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy
2CNR-INFM DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center,
via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste, Italy
3CNR-INFM TASC National Laboratory,
Area Science Park, 34012 Trieste, Italy
4Dipartimento di Fisica and Center of Excellence for Nanostructured Materials, CENMAT,
Università di Trieste, via A. Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy
(Dated: August 10, 2021)
We present a combined experimental and computational study of the (110) cross-sectional surface
of Mn δ-doped GaAs samples. We focus our study on three different selected Mn defect configu-
rations not previously studied in details, namely surface interstitial Mn, isolated and in pairs, and
substitutional Mn atoms on cationic sites (MnGa) in the first subsurface layer. The sensitivity of
the STM images to the specific local environment allows to distinguish between Mn interstitials
with nearest neighbor As atoms (IntAs) rather than Ga atoms (IntGa), and to identify the finger-
print of peculiar satellite features around subsurface substitutional Mn. The simulated STM maps
for IntAs, both isolated and in pairs, and MnGa in the first subsurface layer are consistent with
some experimental images hitherto not fully characterized.
PACS numbers: 73.20.-r,73.43.Cd,68.37.Ef
Mn-doped GaAs1,2,3,4 has attracted considerable attention among the diluted magnetic
semiconductors for its possible application in the emerging field of spintronic.5,6,7 Although
other materials such as ferromagnetic metals and alloys, Heusler alloys, or magnetic oxides
seem to be promising candidates for spintronic devices, the diluted magnetic semiconduc-
tors and Mn-doped GaAs in particular are of tremendous interest in that they combine
magnetic and semiconducting properties and allow an easy integration with the well es-
tablished semiconductor technology. Besides possible spintronic applications, characterizing
and understanding the properties of Mn defects in GaAs is a basic research problem which
is still debated.
The growth conditions and techniques affect the solubility of Mn in GaAs, which is in
general rather limited, and its particular defect configurations, thus determining the mag-
netic properties of the samples.8,9,10,11,12 The highest Curie temperature Tc reachable for
Mn-doped GaAs up to few years ago was 110 K,13 rather low for practical technological
purposes. Intense efforts have been pursued in the last years in order to understand the
physics of this material and to improve its quality and efficiency. Out-equilibrium growth
techniques1,5 have enabled to increase the solubility of Mn and the Curie temperature;
post-growth annealing of epitaxial samples at temperatures only slightly above the growth
temperature has been particularly successfull.9,10,14 Nowadays, δ-doping is used as an al-
ternative to the growth of bulk MnxGa1−xAs,
15,16 allowing to obtain locally high dopant
concentrations and, remarkably, an important enhancement of Tc, up to about 250 K.
For further improvements it is essential to investigate the different configurations of Mn
impurities and their effect on the magnetic properties of the system. The most common
and widely studied Mn configuration is substitutional in the cation sites (MnGa), with Mn
acting as a hole-producing acceptor.17 To a less extent, Mn can also occupy interstitial sites,
in particular tetrahedral ones. In such a case, it is expected to strongly modify the magnetic
properties, acting as an electron-producing donor and hence destroying the free holes and
hindering ferromagnetism.19
Interstitials have not been fully characterized up to now, although their existence has been
suggested in different situations.8,9,10,11,14,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 For instance, the enhancement of
the Curie temperature after post-growth annealing has been attributed to the reduction of
interstitial defects with their out diffusion towards the surface.11 It has been suggested that
interstitial sites are highly mobile and could be immobilized when adjacent to substitutional
MnGa, thus forming compensated pairs with antiferromagnetic coupling.
27 A first identifi-
cation of interstitial Mn dates back to almost fifteen years ago by electron paramagnetic
resonance (EPR).20 Very recently EPR spectra from variously doped and grown samples of
Mn-doped epitaxial GaAs have allowed to identify the presence of ionized Mn interstitials
at concentrations as low as 0.5%, although not providing details about the specific local en-
vironment of the interstitial site.28 Recent X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES)
and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra in Mn δ-doped GaAs samples
suggest that Mn occupy not only substitutional Ga sites but also interstitial sites, mainly
in case of Be co-doping.29
Cross-sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (XSTM) allows a direct imaging of the
electronic states and can be used to characterize the impurities near the cleavage surface.30
In recent years several XSTM studies of Mn-doped GaAs samples have been performed but
without a complete consensus on the defects characterization.22,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38 We stress
that most of XSTM studies mainly concern MnxGa1−xAs alloys and have identified mainly
substitutional Mn defects. δ-doped samples have been investigated by Yakunin et al.,35 who
pointed out the advantage that in such samples it is easy to discriminate Mn related defects
from other defects.
From the theoretical point of view, numerical works have been also focused mainly on the
simulation of XSTM images of substitutional impurities on uppermost surface layers.31,33,34,35
A complete and detailed investigation of interstitial impurities as they can appear on the
exposed cleaved surface is still lacking thus preventing the possibility of a comprehensive
interpretation of all the available experimental XSTM images.
Mn δ-doped (001) GaAs samples recently grown at TASC Laboratory in Trieste and
analyzed with XSTM on the (110) cleavage surface have shown several Mn related features
(see Fig. 1). Some of them have already be studied by other groups, like the asymmetric
cross-like (or butterfly-like) structures marked by A in Fig. 1(a), attributed to Mn acceptors
a few atomic layers below the surface.34 Some other features, such those marked by B, or
those of Fig 1(b), have not been yet assigned to specific Mn configurations. In order to
identify the kind of Mn defects that cause them we have performed new density functional
simulation of cross-sectional XSTM images focusing on three selected defect configurations
not yet fully studied, but whose presence cannot be excluded in real samples. In particular,
we focus our attention on interstitial surface configurations, both individual as well as in
pairs. We have also considered MnGa on the first layer below the surface and compared all
the simulations with the experimental maps.
Mn δ-doped samples were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) in a facility
which includes a growth chamber for III-V materials and a metallization chamber. After the
growth of a Be doped buffer at 590oC and of an undoped GaAs layer 50 nm thick at 450oC
with an As/Ga beam pressure ratio of 15, the samples were transferred in the metallization
chamber where a submonolayer-thick Mn layer was deposited at room temperature at the
rate of 0.003 monolayer/s. An undoped GaAs cap layer was subsequently grown at 450oC.
This procedure was repeated in order to have three δ-doped Mn layer of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.2
monolayers in the same sample. During the transfers and the Mn deposition the vacuum
was always better than 2×10−8 Pa. The 0.1 mm thick wafers containing the Mn layers were
cleaved in situ in a ultra high vacuum STM system immediately prior to image acquisition
to yield atomically flat, electronically unpinned {110} surfaces containing the [001] growth
direction and the cross section of the δ-doped layer. The XSTM image presented in Fig. 1
and the others shown in this paper have been acquired from a δ-doped Mn layer of 0.2
monolayers with W tips.
The densities of the features observed by XSTM near each Mn layer were approximately
proportional to the Mn coverage of the δ-doped layer in the range 0.01-0.2 monolayer. No
trace of contaminants was observed by in situ x-ray photoemission spectroscopy after the
transfer in the metallization, after the Mn deposition, and after the transfer in the growth
chamber. For these two reasons we attribute the features observed by XSTM to the Mn
atoms, and not to defects or contaminants caused by the growth interruption and transfers
between the chambers. The density of the defects caused by these steps should not depend
on the Mn coverage, contrary to what we observe. Moreover, a sample was grown with the
same procedure described above, including the transfers between the chambers, but without
the Mn deposition. The photoluminescence spectra of this sample are undistinguishable from
that of a good undoped GaAs epitaxial layer grown without transfers between the chambers.
This confirms that the transfers do not introduce an appreciable amount of defects.
Our numerical approach is based on spin-resolved Density Functional Theory (DFT) using
the ab-initio pseudopotential plane-wave method PWscf code of the Quantum ESPRESSO
distribution.39 Cross-sectional surfaces are studied using supercells with slab geometries,
according to a scheme previously used,40 with 5 atomic layers and a vacuum region equivalent
to 8 atomic layers. Mn dopants are on one surface, whereas the other is passivated with
hydrogen. For a single Mn impurity we use a 4×4 in-plane periodicity corresponding to
distances between the Mn atom and its periodic images of 15.7 Å along the [11̄0] and 22.2
Å along [001]. No substantial changes in the XSTM images have been found using a 6×4
periodicity, which has been instead routinely used when considering interstitial complexes.
Other details on technicalities can be found in Ref. 41.
In our study, we have mainly focused on the Local Spin Density Approximation (LSDA)
for the exchange-correlation functional. An ultrasoft pseudopotential is used for Mn atom,
considering semicore 3p and 3s states kept in the valence shell while norm-conserving pseu-
dopotentials have been considered for Ga and As atoms. The 3d-Ga electrons are considered
as part of core states.42,43
Tests beyond LSDA (with Generalized Gradient Correction and LSDA+U methods) have
not shown any substantial difference in the features of the XSTM maps. As a further check,
we have also simulated ionized substitutional MnGa (with charge state equal to 1−) on
surface and in the first subsurface layer as well as ionized interstitial Mn (with charge state
equal to 2+) on surface layer. Neither the former nor the latter simulated XSTM maps show
significant differences with respect to the neutral cases. We address the reader to a future
pubblication for details.44
The XSTM images are simulated using the model of Tersoff-Hamann,45,46 where the
tunneling current is proportional to the Local Density of States (LDOS) at the position of
the tip, integrated in the energy range between the Fermi energy Ef and Ef + eVb, where
Vb is the bias applied to the sample with respect to the tip. The position of the Fermi level
is relevant for the XSTM images. In general, Ef strongly depends on the concentration of
dopants: this is contrivedly large in our simulations even in the case of a single Mn dopant
per supercell. Therefore to overcome this problem we fix Ef according to the experimental
indications: in order to account for the p-doping in the real samples, we set Ef close to
the Valence Band Maximum (VBM). The VBM in the DOS of the Mn-doped GaAs can be
exactly identified by aligning the DOS projected onto surface atoms far from the impurity
with the one of the clean surface. In any case, the comparison between experiments and
simulations must be taken with some caution, due to the possible differences in the details
entering in the determination of the XSTM image, such as tip-surface separation, precise
value of the bias voltage and position of Ef , surface band gap.
We first focus on interstitial dopant configurations, IntAs and IntGa. Throughout this
work we have considered only tetrahedral interstitial position, since it is known from bulk
calculations that the total energy corresponding to the hexagonal interstitial site is higher
by more than 0.5 eV.11,48,49 The tetrahedral interstitial site in the ideal geometry has four
nearest-neighbor (NN) atoms at a distance equal to the ideal host bond length d1 and six
next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) atoms at the distance d2 =
d1, which are As(Ga) atoms for
IntGa(As), respectively. At the ideal truncated (110) surface, the numbers of NNs and NNNs
reduce to three (2 surface atoms and 1 subsurface atom) and four (2 surface atoms and 2
subsurface atoms) instead of four and six respectively.
In the uppermost panels of Fig. 2 we show a ball and stick side and top view of the
relaxed IntAs and IntGa configurations. In the relaxed structure, due to symmetry breaking
because of the surface and the consequent buckling of the outermost surface layers, the NN
and NNN bond lengths are no longer equal. Furthermore, some relaxed NNs bond lengths
turn out to be longer than NNNs ones. In the following, we do not distinguish among NN
and NNN atoms: they are simply referred as neighbor surface or subsurface atoms, as shown
in the Figure.
The two relaxed configurations slightly differ in energy, by ∼ 130 meV/Mn atom, in
favour of IntGa. This is at variance with the bulk case studied in the literature, where it
has been found that IntAs is favoured: for neutral state, the energy difference is actually so
small (5 meV/Mn atom)48 that it is not meaningful, but it goes up to 350 meV in case of
interstitial Mn with 2+ charge state.11
After optimization of the atomic positions, sizeable displacements from the ideal zinc
blende positions occur for the Mn impurities and their surface and subsurface neighbors;
small relaxations effects are still present in the third layer, in both configurations. In IntAs,
with respect to the ideal (110) surface plane, Mn relaxes outward by ∼ 0.06 Å and Assurf
(Assubsurf) move upwards (downwards). On the other hand, the Ga atoms (both on surface
and subsurface) are shifted towards the bulk. In IntGa, Mn relaxes inward by ∼ 0.32 Å; the
Gasurf and Gasubsurf atoms are displaced downwards and the Assurf (Assubsurf) atom moves
upwards (downwards). The interatomic distances between Mn and the nearest atoms are in
general longer by more than 2-3 % than ideal values (details in Ref. 41).
The simulated XSTM images of IntAs (left) and IntGa (right) configurations at negative
and positive bias voltages (from − 2.0 V to +2.0 V) are shown in the lower panels of Fig. 2.
In IntAs, Mn appears as an additional bright spot at negative bias voltage (Vb=−1 V),
slightly elongated in the [001] direction and located near the center of the surface unit cell
identified by surface As atoms. The Assurf atoms close to Mn appear less bright than the
others. These features are similar changing Vb from −1 to −2 V.
In the empty states image at Vb=1 V Mn appears again as an elongated bright spot. The
underlying cation lattice is only barely visible at this bias voltage. The very bright XSTM
feature originates from the Mn d minority states and a strong peak of Gasurf majority
states.50 At Vb=2 V, this feature is still well visible, as well as another region brighter
than the underlying cationic sublattice in correspondence of Assurf atoms neighbor to Mn,
suggesting a contribution coming from the hybridization between Mn-d and Assurf -p states.
In IntGa configuration, at negative voltage, Mn appears as an almost circular bright spot
located in between two surface As atoms adjacent along the [001] direction. At positive bias
voltages, the two Gasurf atoms neighbor to Mn appear very bright with features extending
towards Mn in a “v”-shaped form and the atoms in the neighborhood also look brighter
than normal. These features remain visible by increasing the positive bias voltage up to 2
eV. Remarkably the empty states images of Mn are quite different for the two interstitial
configurations, making them clearly distinguishable by XSTM analysis. Some features in
the experimental XSTM images appear as bright spots both at positive and negative bias
voltages. These spots lie along the [001] Ga rows and between the [1-10] Ga columns at
positive bias voltage (see Fig. 1(b)). Their location with respect to the surface Ga lattice
and the comparison with the simulated images allow to identify them as IntAs Mn atoms.
The numerical simulation gives easily informations on the magnetic properties of the
system. The total and absolute magnetization, calculated from the spatial integration of
the difference and the absolute difference respectively between the majority and minority
electronic charge distribution, are different in the two configurations: 4.23 and 4.84 µB
for IntAs and 3.41 and 4.71 µB for IntGa respectively. These differences indicate in both
cases the presence of region of negative spin-density and a clear dependence of the induced
magnetization on the local Mn environment. The individual atomic magnetic moments
can be calculated as the difference between the majority and minority atomic-projected
charges. In IntAs, Mn magnetic moment is 3.96 µB, almost integer, corresponding to the
presence of a gap in the Mn-projected minority density of states. Mn magnetization is
slightly lower in IntGa (3.67 µB). In both cases they are significantly larger compared to
the bulk case, indicating a surface induced enhancement. The analysis of spin-polarization
induced by interstitial Mn on its nearest neighbors shows in both cases an antiferromagnetic
Mn–Ga coupling and a smaller ferromagnetic Mn–As coupling: more precisely, the magnetic
moments induced on surface Ga atoms neighbors to Mn are equal to −0.14 and −0.17 µB
in IntAs and IntGa respectively, whereas those induced on surface or subsurface As atoms
neighbors to Mn are positive and at most equal to 0.05 µB. We address the reader to Ref.
for further details.
In the experimental images of Mn δ-doped GaAs samples we often observe two spots
close one each other at a distance of about 8 Å, as reported in Fig. 3 (larger panel). The
simulated image of two IntAs atoms separated by a clean surface unit cell along (110),
partially superimposed, reproduces the main features of this experimental image, and it is
basically a superposition of images of individual IntAs (elongated bright spot each one, with
major axis along the [001] direction, and a surrounding darker region).
Another typical feature present in the experimental XSTM maps is a bright spot visible
at positive bias voltages with two satellite features forming a triangular structure, as shown
in Fig. 1(a) (feature B) and in Fig. 4 in the lower panels. This feature seems similar to
that caused by the arsenic antisite defect (As on Ga) in GaAs.51,52 However in the arsenic
antisite defects the satellites are visible only at negative sample bias, while the defect that we
observe in the Mn layers shows satellite only in the positive bias images. On the other hand
there is a clear resemblance of the defect B (Fig. 1(a) and Fig. 4) with the simulated image
of a substitutional MnGa atom in the first subsurface layer shown in the panels partially
superimposed to the experimental images. It can be seen at Vb < 0 a deformation of the
surface As rows in correspondence of the Mn impurity below, and, even more remarkably,
the peculiar satellite bright features on two neighboring surface As stoms at Vb > 0 giving
rise to a triangular-shaped image. Therefore we attribute the defect B to substitutional Mn
Ga atoms in the first subsurface layer.
Finally, we discuss our findings in comparison with some relevant results present in the
literature. The comparison of our simulations with those of Sullivan et al.33 is possible only
for the isolated MnGa in the first subsurface layer at negative bias voltage: in such a case
the simulated images show similar features. The corresponding image at positive bias is not
reported and other configurations are not comparable.
The XSTM imaging of substitutional Mn is reported with more details by Mikkelsen et
al.,31,32 where both the simulated maps for surface and subsurface MnGa and the experimental
ones attributed to this impurity configuration are shown at negative and positive bias, thus
allowing for a more complete comparison. The images for MnGa in the first subsurface layer
have a good resemblance with ours, a part from the satellite features that we have identified
at positive bias on neighbor As atoms which are not present in their images, neither in
the simulated nor in the experimental one. More precisely, we notice that their simulated
surface area is too small to make such satellite features visible. The simulated images for
surface MnGa are also similar to ours and, like ours, not corresponding to any experimental
feature.44 This leads to the conclusion that the presence of substitutional Mn in the first
layer of the exposed surface is very unlikely.
Mikkelsen et al. reported also the simulation of surface interstitial Mn in their Fig.
3(d),32 that according to our understanding on the basis of the symmetry planes should
correspond to IntGa, although not explicitely indicated. Their images are similar to ours for
the same configuration. They rule out the presence of interstitials since these images are
not compatible with experiments, at variance with our findings concerning IntAs. It should
be noted however that we observe the IntAs features in the experimental samples only in the
first few hours after the sample cleavage. They disappear for longer times, probably because
of surface contamination or diffusion.
Kitchen et al.36,37 report experimental images for Mn adatoms at the GaAs (110) surface
with highly anisotropic extended star-like feature, attributed to a single surface Mn acceptor.
Interestingly, these images are compatible with our simulated surface MnGa, not show here.
A resemblance with our empty state image for IntAs (see Fig. 2 at Vb=+2 V) is instead only
apparent because the mirror symmetry plane is different.
An anisotropic, crosslike feature in XSTM image is reported also Yakunin et al.34 and,
from comparison with an envelope-function, effective mass model and a tight-binding model,
it is attributed to a hole bound to an individual Mn acceptor lying well below the surface.
We observe similar feature of different sizes (see Fig. 1), the smallest of them are those
reported in Fig. 4, that we identify as MnGa in the first subsurface layer.
A part from different details, our simulated images for surface and subsurface MnGa
are compatible with such crosslike features, although experimental and simulated images
reported therein concern substitutional impurities located more deeply subsurface than those
we have considered. Crosslike features are observed even at very short Mn-Mn spatial
We have reported a combined experimental and first-principles numerical study of XSTM
images of the (110) cross-sectional surfaces of Mn δ-doped GaAs samples. We suggest
an identification of three typical configurations observed in the experimental sample on
the basis of a comparison of numerical prediction and observed images both at negative
and positive applied bias. (i) Some structures observed can be identified as surface Mn
interstitial with As nearest neighbors, on the basis of their position with respect to the
surface lattice and the comparison with the simulated images. At variance, there is no
evidence in the experimental samples of Mn interstitial with Ga nearest neighbors, whose
XSTM imaging according to our numerical simulations would correspond to very different
features. (ii) Besides isolated configurations, also pairs of Mn interstitials with As nearest
neighbors are clearly observed and identified. (iii) Subsurface substitutional MnGa atoms in
the first subsurface layer can also be unambigously identified in the experimental images by
a main bright spot corresponding to the dopant and from peculiar satellite features on two
neighboring As atoms which are clearly observed in the experimental images and predicted
by simulations.
Computational resources have been partly obtained within the “Iniziativa Trasversale di
Calcolo Parallelo” of the Italian CNR-Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia (CNR-
INFM) and partly within the agreement between the University of Trieste and the Consorzio
Interuniversitario CINECA (Italy). We thank A. Franciosi, S. Rubini and coworkers for the
preparation of the sample and fruitful comments and discussions; A. Debernardi for his help
in the pseudopotential generation and for useful discussions. Ball and stick models and
simulated images are obtained with the package XCrySDen.53
∗ Electronic address: [email protected]; Presently at: Institute of Material Physics, University
of Vienna, Sensengasse 8/12, A-1090 Wien, Austria and Center for Computational Materials
Science (CMS), Wien, Austria
† Presently at School of Physics, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia
‡ Electronic address: [email protected]
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FIG. 1: (a) Experimental (110) XSTM image of a 0.2 monolayer Mn δ-doped layer in GaAs at a
sample bias voltage of 1.7 eV. This image has not been corrected for the drift of the sample. (b)
XSTM image of a Mn related structure at the bias voltage of −1.4 eV (left) and +1.9 eV (right).
The white lines show the [001] Ga atomic rows.
FIG. 2: Isolated Mn interstitial dopants on GaAs(110) surface, with As nearest neighbors (IntAs,
left) and Ga nearest neighbors (IntGa, right). Upper panels: ball-and-stick model of the relaxed
surface, top and side view. Only the three topmost layers are shown in the side view. Black spheres
are Mn, white spheres are As, grey spheres are Ga. Lower panels: simulated XSTM images at
occupied states and empty states respectively, for different bias voltages.
FIG. 3: Smaller superimposed panel: simulated XSTM image of a pair of IntAs on GaAs(110)
surface with a relative distance of ∼ 8 Å along the [11̄0] direction at a bias voltage Vb=−2 V. The
larger panel shows an experimental image compatible with the simulation.
FIG. 4: Upper smaller superimposed panels simulated XSTM image of a subsurface MnGa on
GaAs(110) at negative (left) and positive (right) bias voltages. The lower panels show correspond-
ing experimental images of the structure B (see Fig. 1(a)) taken at sample bias voltages of −1.4
V (left) and +1.8 V (right) that are compatible with the simulations, performed with voltages of
−1 V and +1 V.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Experimental details
Theoretical approach
Surface Mn interstitials
Substitutional Mn defects in the first subsurface layer
0704.1358 | Distance preserving mappings from ternary vectors to permutations | Distance preserving mappings from ternary
vectors to permutations
Jyh-Shyan Lin, Jen-Chun Chang, Rong-Jaye Chen,∗Torleiv Kløve †
November 2, 2018
Distance-preserving mappings (DPMs) are mappings from the set
of all q-ary vectors of a fixed length to the set of permutations of
the same or longer length such that every two distinct vectors are
mapped to permutations with the same or even larger Hamming dis-
tance than that of the vectors. In this paper, we propose a construc-
tion of DPMs from ternary vectors. The constructed DPMs improve
the lower bounds on the maximal size of permutation arrays.
Key words: distance-preserving mappings, distance-increasing mappings,
permutation arrays, Hamming distance
1 Introduction
A mapping from the set of all q-ary vectors of length m to the set of all
permutations of {1, 2, . . . , n} is called a distance-preserving mapping (DPM)
if every two distinct vectors are mapped to permutations with the same or
even larger Hamming distance mutual than that of the vectors. A distance-
increasing mapping (DIM) is a special DPM such that the distances are
strictly increased except when that is obviously not possible. DPMs and
∗Jyh-Shyan Lin, Jen-Chun Chang, and Rong-Jaye Chen are with the Dept. of Com-
puter Science and Inform. Engineering, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan.
†Torleiv Kløve is with the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Bergen,
DIMs are useful for the construction of permutation arrays (PAs) which are
applied to various applications, such as trellis code modulations and power
line communications [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [13], [21], [22], [23], [24]. All
DPMs and DIMs proposed so far are from binary vectors: [2], [3], [4], [5],
[6], [12], [14], [15], [16], [17], [19], [20]. In this paper we propose a general
construction method to construct DPMs or DIMs from ternary vectors. By
using this method, we construct DIMs for n = m + 2 for m ≥ 3, DPMs for
n = m+ 1 for m ≥ 9, and DPMs for n = m for m ≥ 13.
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we introduce some
notations and state our main results. In Section 3 we introduce a general
recursive construction of DPMs and DIMs. In Sections 4 and 5 we introduce
mappings that can be used to start the recursion in the three cases we con-
sider. Finally, in an appendix, we give explicit listings of the values of some
mappings that are used as building blocks to construct the mappings given
in Sections 4 and 5.
2 Notations and main results
Let Sn denote the set of all n! permutations of Fn = {1, 2, . . . , n}. A per-
mutation π : Fn → Fn is represented by an n-tuple π = (π1, π2, . . . , πn)
where πi = π(i). Let Z
denote the set of all ternary vectors of length
n. The Hamming distance between two n-tuples a = (a1, a2, . . . , an) and
b = (b1, b2, . . . , bn) is denoted by dH(a,b) and is defined as
dH(a,b) = |{j ∈ Fn : aj 6= bj}|.
Let Fn,k be the set of injective functions from Z
to Sn+k. Note that Fn,k
is empty if (n + k)! < 3n.
For k ≥ 0, let Pn,k be the set of functions in Fn,k such that
dH(f(x), f(y)) ≥ dH(x,y)
for all x,y ∈ Zn
. These mappings are called distance preserving mappings
For k ≥ 1, let In,k be the set of functions in Fn,k such that
dH(f(x), f(y)) > dH(x,y) (1)
for all distinct x,y ∈ Zn
. These mappings are called distance increasing
mappings (DIM).
Our main result is the following theorem.
Theorem 1 a) In,2 is non-empty for n ≥ 3.
b) Pn,1 is non-empty for n ≥ 9.
c) Pn,0 is non-empty for n ≥ 13.
The proof of the theorem is constructive. A relatively simple recursive
method is given (in the next section) to construct a mapping of length n+1
from a mapping of length n. Explicit mappings that start the recursion in
the three cases are given in last part of the paper, including the appendix.
An (n, d) permutation array (PA) is a subset of Sn such that the Hamming
distance between any two distinct permutations in the array is at least d. An
(n, d; q) code is a subset of vectors (codewords) of length n over an alphabet
of size q and with distance at least d between distinct codewords. One
construction method of PAs is to construct an (n, d′)-PA from an (m, d; q)
code using DPMs or DIMs. More precisely, if C is an (m, d; q) code and there
exists an DPM f from Zmq to Sn, then f(C) is an (n, d) PA. If f is DIM, then
f(C) is an (n, d+1) PA. This has been a main motivation for studying DPMs.
Let P (n, d) denote the largest possible size of an (n, d)-PA. The exact value
of P (n, d) is still an open problem in most cases, but we can lower bound
this value by the maximal size of a suitable code provided a DPM (or DIM)
is known. Let Aq(n, d) denote the largest possible size of an (n, d) code over
a code alphabet of size q. In [5], Chang et al. used this approach to show
that for n ≥ 4 and 2 ≤ d ≤ n, we have P (n, d) ≥ A2(n, d − 1). In [17],
Chang further improved the bound to P (n, d) ≤ A2(n, d− δ) for n ≥ nδ and
δ + 1 ≤ d ≤ n where δ ≥ 2 and nδ is a positive integer determined by δ, e.g.
n2 = 16.
From Theorem 1 we get the following bounds.
Theorem 2 a) For n ≥ 5 and 2 ≤ d ≤ n, we have
P (n, d) ≥ A3(n− 2, d− 1).
b) For n ≥ 10 and 2 ≤ d ≤ n, we have
P (n, d) ≥ A3(n− 1, d).
c) For n ≥ 13 and 2 ≤ d ≤ n, we have
P (n, d) ≥ A3(n, d).
Bounds on A2(n, d) and A3(n, d) have been studied by many researchers,
see e.g. [18, Ch.5] and [1]. In general, the lower bounds on P (n, d) obtained
from use of ternary codes are better than those obtained from binary codes.
For example, using Chang’s bound [17], we get P (16, 5) ≥ A2(16, 3) ≥ 2720,
whereas Theorem 2 gives P (16, 5) ≥ A3(16, 5) ≥ 19683. Similarly, we get
P (16, 9) ≥ A2(16, 7) ≥ 36 and P (16, 9) ≥ A3(16, 9) ≥ 243.
3 The general recursive construction.
For any array u = (u1, u2, . . . , un), we use the notation ui = ui.
We start with a recursive definition of functions from Zn
to Sn+k. For
f ∈ Fn,k, define g = H(f) ∈ Fn+1,k as follows. Let x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn) ∈ Z
and f(x) = (ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . , ϕn+k). Suppose that the element n+ k− 4 occurs in
position r, that is ϕr = n + k − 4. Then
g(x|0)n+k+1 = n+ k + 1,
g(x|0)i = ϕi otherwise;
g(x|1)r = n+ k + 1,
g(x|1)n+k+1 = n+ k − 4,
g(x|1)i = ϕi otherwise;
if n is odd or xn < 2, then
g(x|2)n+k = n + k + 1,
g(x|2)n+k+1 = ϕn+k,
g(x|2)i = ϕi otherwise;
if n is even and xn = 2, then
g(x|2)n+k−1 = n+ k + 1,
g(x|2)n+k+1 = ϕn+k−1,
g(x|2)i = ϕi otherwise.
We note that g(x|a)i 6= f(x)i for at most one value of i ≤ n+ k.
For f ∈ Fm,k, we define a sequence of functions f ∈ Fn,k, for all n ≥ m,
recursively by
fm = f and fn+1 = H(fn) for n ≥ m.
Theorem 3 If fm ∈ Pm,k where k ≥ 0, m is odd, and
fm(x)m+k 6∈ {m+ k − 4, m+ k − 3} for all x ∈ Z
then fn ∈ Pn,k for all n ≥ m.
Theorem 4 If fm ∈ Im,k, where k > 0 and m is odd, and
fm(x)m+k 6∈ {m+ k − 4, m+ k − 3} for all x ∈ Z
then fn ∈ In,k for all n ≥ m.
Proof: We prove Theorem 4; the proof of Theorem 3 is similar (and a little
simpler). The proof is by induction. First we prove that g = fm+1 ∈ Im+1,k.
Let x,y ∈ Zm
f(x) = (ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . , ϕm+k), ϕr = m+ k − 4,
f(y) = (γ1, γ2, . . . , γm+k), γs = m+ k − 4.
We want to show that
dH(g(x|a), g(y|b)) > dH((x|a), (y|b))
if (x|a) 6= (y|b).
First, consider x = y and a 6= b. Since ϕm+k 6= m + k − 4, it follows
immediately from the definition of g that
dH(g(x|a), g(x|b)) ≥ 2 > 1 = dH((x|a), (x|b)).
For x 6= y, we want to show that
dH(g(x|a), g(y|b))− dH(f(x), f(y)) ≥ dH(a, b) (2)
for all a, b ∈ Z3 since this implies
dH(g(x|a), g(y|b)) ≥ dH(f(x), f(y)) + dH(a, b)
> dH(x,y) + dH(a, b)
= dH((x|a), (y|b)).
The condition (2) is equivalent to the following.
(∆g,i −∆f,i) ≥ dH(a, b), (3)
∆g,i = dH(g(x|a)i, g(y|b)i)
∆f,i = dH(f(x)i, f(y)i),
and where, for technical reasons, we define
∆f,n+k+1 = 0.
The point is at most three of the terms ∆g,i − ∆f,i are non-zero. We look
at one combination of a and b in detail as an illustration, namely a = 1 and
b = 2. Then g(x|a)i = f(x)i and g(y|b)i = f(y)i and so ∆g,i = ∆f,i for all
i ≤ m+ k + 1, except in the following three cases
i f(x)i f(y)i g(x|a)i g(y|b)i)
r m+ k − 4 γr m+ k + 1 γr
m+ k ϕm+k γm+k ϕm+k m+ k + 1
m+ k + 1 − − m+ k − 4 γm+k
i ∆f,i ∆g,i ∆g,i −∆f,i
r 0 or 1 1 0 or 1
m+ k 0 or 1 1 0 or 1
m+ k + 1 0 1 1
Note that we have used the fact that γm+k 6= m + k − 4. We see that∑
(∆g,i −∆f,i) ≥ 1 = dH(a, b).
The other combinations of a and b are similar. This proves that fm+1 =
g ∈ Im+1,k.
Now, let h = H(g) = fm+2. A similar analysis will show that h ∈ Im+2,k.
We first give a table of the last three symbols in h(x|a1a2) as these three
symbols are the most important in the proof. Let ϕs = m + k − 3. By
assumption, s < m+ k.
a1a2 h(x|a1a2)m+k h(x|a1a2)m+k+1 h(x|a1a2)m+k+2
00 ϕm+k m+ k + 1 m+ k + 2
10 ϕm+k m+ k − 4 m+ k + 2
20 m+ k + 1 ϕm+k m+ k + 2
01 ϕm+k m+ k + 1 m+ k − 3
11 ϕm+k m+ k − 4 m+ k − 3
21 m+ k + 1 ϕm+k m+ k − 3
02 ϕm+k m+ k + 2 m+ k + 1
12 ϕm+k m+ k + 2 m+ k − 4
22 m+ k + 2 ϕm+k m+ k + 1
In addition,
h(x|1a2)r = m+ k + 1 and h(x|a11)s = m+ k + 2.
Note that we have used the fact that ϕm+k 6= m + k − 3 here, since if we
had ϕm+k = m+ k − 3, then we would for example have had h(x|01)m+k =
m+ k + 2. From the table we first see that
dH(h(x|a1a2), h(x|b1b2)) > dH(a1a2, b1b2)
if a1a2 6= b1b2. For example h(x|10) and h(x|21) differ in positions r, s, m+k,
m+ k+ 1 and m+ k+ 2. As another example, h(x|02) and h(x|22) differ in
positions m+ k and m+ k + 1.
Next, consider dH(h(x|a1a2), h(y|b1b2)) for x 6= y. We see that
dH(h(x|a1a2)i, h(y|b1b2)i) ≥ dH(f(x)i, f(y)i)
for i < m+ k: from the table above, we can see that
≥ dH(ϕm+k, γm+k) + dH(a1a2, b1b2).
As an example, let a1a2 = 10 and b1b2 = 02. Then
h(x|10)m+k, h(x|10)m+k+1, h(x|10)m+k+2
= ϕm+k, m+ k − 4, m+ k + 2
h(y|02)m+k, h(y|02)m+k+1, h(y|02)m+k+2
= γm+k, m+ k + 2, m+ k + 1.
The distance between the two is 2 (if ϕm+k = γm+k) or 3 (otherwise). The
other combinations of a1a2 and b1b2 are similar. From this we can conclude
that h ∈ Im+2,k in a similar way we showed that g ∈ Im+1,k above.
Further, we note that
h(x|a1a2)m+k+2 6∈ {(m+ 2) + k − 4, (m+ 2) + k − 3}.
Therefore, we can repeat the argument and, by induction, obtain fn ∈ In,k
for all n ≥ m.
A function F is given by an explicit listing in the appendix. It belongs
to I3,2 and satisfy F (x)5 6∈ {1, 2}. This, combined with Theorem 4, proves
Theorem 1 a).
4 Proof of Theorem 1, second part
To prove Theorem 1 b), using Theorem 3, we need some f ∈ P9,1 such that
f(x)10 6∈ {6, 7} for all x ∈ Z
. (4)
An extensive computer search has been unsuccessful in coming up with such a
mapping. However, an indirect approach has been successful. The approach
is to construct f from two simpler mappings found by computer search.
For a vector ρ = (ρ1, ρ2, . . . , ρn) and a set X ⊂ {1, 2, . . . , n}, let ρ\X
denote the vector obtained from ρ by removing the elements with subscript
in X . For example,
(ρ1, ρ2, ρ3, ρ4, ρ5, ρ6)\{1,5} = (ρ2, ρ3, ρ4, ρ6).
By computer search we have found mappings G ∈ F5,2 and H ∈ F4,2 that
satisfy the following conditions
a) for every x ∈ Z5
, 6 ∈ {G(x)1, G(x)2, G(x)3},
b) for every x ∈ Z5
, 7 ∈ {G(x)4, G(x)5, G(x)6},
c) for every distinct x,y ∈ Z5
dH(G(x)\{7}, G(y)\{7}) ≥ dH(x,y),
d) for every u ∈ Z4
, 1 ∈ {H(u)1, H(u)2, H(u)3},
e) for every distinct u,v ∈ Z4
dH(H(u)\{5,6}, H(v)\{5,6}) ≥ dH(u,v).
The mappings G and H are listed explicitly in the appendix. We will now
show how these mappings can be combined to produce a mapping f ∈ P9,1
satisfying (4).
Let x ∈ Z9
. Then x = (xL,xR), where xL ∈ Z
and xR ∈ Z
. Let
(ϕ1, ϕ2, ϕ3, ϕ4, ϕ5, ϕ6, ϕ7) = G(xL),
(γ1, γ2, γ3, γ4, γ5, γ6) = H(xR) + (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4).
We note that Condition d) implies that γ5 ≥ 6 and γ6 ≥ 6. Similarly,
Conditions a) and b) imply that ϕ7 ≤ 5.
Define ρ = (ρ1, ρ2, . . . , ρ10) as follows.
ρi = γ5 if 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 and ϕi = 6,
ρi = γ6 if 4 ≤ i ≤ 6 and ϕi = 7,
ρi = ϕi if 1 ≤ i ≤ 6 and ϕi ≤ 5,
ρi = ϕ7 if 7 ≤ i ≤ 9 and γi−6 = 5,
ρi = γi−6 if 7 ≤ i ≤ 10 and γi−6 ≥ 6.
In ρ, swap 1 and 6 and also swap 2 and 7, and let the resulting array be
denoted by π. More formally,
πi = 1 if ρi = 6,
πi = 2 if ρi = 7,
πi = 6 if ρi = 1,
πi = 7 if ρi = 2,
πi = ρi otherwise.
Then define
f(x) = π.
We will show that f has the stated properties. We first show that π ∈ S10.
We have ϕ ∈ S7 and γ is a permutation of (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). In particular, 5,6,
and 7 appear both in ϕ and γ. The effect of the first line in the definition of ρ
is to move another elements (γ5) into the position where ϕ has a 6. Similarly,
the second line overwrites the 7 in ρ, and the fourth line overwrites the 5 in
γ. The definition of ρ is then the concatenation of the six first (overwritten)
elements of ϕ and the five first (overwritten) elements of γ. Therefore, ρ
contains no duplicate elements, that is, ρ ∈ S10.
The element 1 in ρ must be either in one of the first six positions, coming
from ϕ, or in one of the positions 7− 9 (if ϕ7 = 1). Similarly, the element 2
must be in one of the first nine positions of ρ. Therefore, both 6 and 7 must
be among the first nine elements of π, that is π10 6∈ {6, 7}.
Finally, we must show that f is distance preserving. Let x 6= x′, and let
the arrays corresponding to x′ be denoted by ϕ′, γ′, ρ′ and π′. By assumption,
′) = dH(xL,x
L) + dH(xR,x
≤ dH(ϕ\{7}, ϕ
\{7}) + dH(γ\{5,6}, γ
\{5,6}). (5)
For 1 ≤ i ≤ 6 we have
dH(ϕi, ϕ
i) ≤ dH(ρi, ρ
i). (6)
If ϕi = ϕ
i this is obvious. Otherwise, we may assume without loss of gener-
ality that ϕ′i < ϕi and we must show that ρi 6= ρ
i. If ϕi ≤ 5, then
ρ′i = ϕ
i < ϕi = ρi.
If ϕi = 6, then
ρ′i = ϕ
i ≤ 5 and ρi = γ5 ≥ 6.
If ϕi = 7, then 4 ≤ i ≤ 6 and so ϕ
i 6= 6. Hence
ρ′i = ϕ
i ≤ 5 and ρi = γ6 ≥ 6.
This completes that proof of (6). A similar arguments show that for 7 ≤ i ≤
10 we have
dH(γi−6, γ
i−6) ≤ dH(ρi, ρ
i), (7)
and that for 1 ≤ i ≤ 10 we have
dH(ρi, ρ
i) ≤ dH(πi, π
i). (8)
Combining (5)–(8), we get
′) ≤ dH(ϕ\{7}, ϕ
\{7}) + dH(γ\{5,6}, γ
≤ dH(ρ, ρ
′) ≤ dH(π, π
Hence, f is distance preserving.
5 Proof of Theorem 1, last part
The construction of a mapping f ∈ P13,0 which proves Theorem 1 c) is similar
to the construction in the previous section. However, the construction is more
involved and contains several steps. We will describe the constructions and
properties of the intermediate mappings. The details of proofs are similar to
the proof in the previous section and we omit these details.
We start with three mappings R, S ∈ F3,2 and T ∈ F4,2. These were
found by computer search and are listed explicitly in the appendix. They
have the following properties:
• for every x ∈ Z3
, 1 ∈ {R(x)1, R(x)2, R(x)3},
• for every x ∈ Z3
, R(x)5 6= 5,
• for every distinct x,y ∈ Z3
dH(R(x)\{4,5}, R(y)\{4,5}) ≥ dH(x,y),
• for every x ∈ Z3
, 2 ∈ {S(x)1, S(x)2, S(x)3},
• for every x ∈ Z3
, S(x)5 6= 1,
• for every distinct x,y ∈ Z3
dH(S(x)\{4,5}, S(y)\{4,5}) ≥ dH(x,y),
• for every x ∈ Z4
, 2 ∈ {T (x)1, T (x)2, T (x)3},
• for every x ∈ Z4
, T (x)6 6= 1,
• for every distinct x,y ∈ Z4
dH(T (x)\{5,6}, T (y)\{5,6}) ≥ dH(x,y).
These mappings are used as building blocks similarly to what was done in
the previous section.
Construction of U ∈ F6,2
Let x ∈ Z6
and let
(ϕ1, ϕ2, ϕ3, ϕ4, ϕ5) = R(x1, x2, x3),
(γ1, γ2, γ3, γ4, γ5) = S(x4, x5, x6) + (3, 3, 3, 3, 3).
Define ρ = (ρ1, ρ2, . . . , ρ8) as follows.
ρi = γ5 if 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 and ϕi = 5,
ρi = ϕi if 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 and ϕi 6= 5,
ρi = ϕ5 if 5 ≤ i ≤ 8 and γi−4 = 4,
ρi = γi−4 if 5 ≤ i ≤ 8 and γi−4 6= 4.
In ρ, swap 1 and 7 and also swap 5 and 8, and let the resulting array be
U(x). It has the following properties:
• for every x ∈ Z6
, 7 ∈ {U(x)1, U(x)2, U(x)3},
• for every x ∈ Z6
, 8 ∈ {U(x)5, U(x)6, U(x)7},
• for every distinct x,y ∈ Z6
dH(U(x)\{4,8}, U(y)\{4,8}) ≥ dH(x,y).
Construction of V ∈ F7,2
Let x ∈ Z7
and let
(ϕ1, ϕ2, ϕ3, ϕ4, ϕ5) = R(x1, x2, x3),
(γ1, γ2, γ3, γ4, γ5, γ6) = T (x4, x5, x6, x7) + (3, 3, . . . , 3).
Define ρ = (ρ1, ρ2, . . . , ρ8, ρ9) as follows.
ρi = γ6 if 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 and ϕi = 5,
ρi = ϕi if 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 and ϕi 6= 5,
ρi = ϕ5 if 5 ≤ i ≤ 9 and γi−4 = 4,
ρi = γi−4 if 5 ≤ i ≤ 9 and γi−4 6= 4.
In ρ, swap 2 and 5, and let the resulting array be V (x). It has the
following properties:
• for every x ∈ Z7
, 1 ∈ {V (x)1, V (x)2, V (x)3},
• for every x ∈ Z7
, 2 ∈ {V (x)5, V (x)6, V (x)7},
• for every distinct x,y ∈ Z7
dH(V (x)\{4,9}, V (y)\{4,9}) ≥ dH(x,y).
Construction of f ∈ P13,0
Let x ∈ Z13
and let
(ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . , ϕ8) = U(x1, x2, . . . , x6),
(γ1, γ2, . . . , γ9) = V (x7, x8, . . . , x13) + (4, 4, . . . , 4).
Define ρ = (ρ1, ρ2, . . . , ρ13) as follows.
ρi = γ4 if 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 and ϕi = 7,
ρi = ϕi if 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 and ϕi 6= 7,
ρi = γ9 if 4 ≤ i ≤ 6 and ϕi+1 = 8,
ρi = ϕi+1 if 4 ≤ i ≤ 6 and ϕi+1 6= 8,
ρi = ϕ4 if 7 ≤ i ≤ 9 and γi−6 = 5,
ρi = γi−6 if 7 ≤ i ≤ 9 and γi−6 6= 5,
ρi = ϕ8 if 10 ≤ i ≤ 13 and γi−5 = 6,
ρi = γi−5 if 10 ≤ i ≤ 13 and γi−5 6= 6.
In ρ, swap 1 and 9 and also swap 2 and 10, and let the resulting array be
f(x). Then
f ∈ P13,0 and f(x)13 6∈ {9, 10}.
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Listing of the elements x ∈ Z3
and the corresponding values of F (x) ∈ S5.
(0,0,0)(1,2,3,4,5), (0,0,1)(1,2,5,4,3), (0,0,2)(1,2,3,5,4),
(0,1,0)(4,2,3,1,5), (0,1,1)(4,2,5,1,3), (0,1,2)(5,2,3,1,4),
(0,2,0)(1,4,3,2,5), (0,2,1)(1,4,5,2,3), (0,2,2)(1,5,3,2,4),
(1,0,0)(2,3,1,4,5), (1,0,1)(2,5,1,4,3), (1,0,2)(2,3,1,5,4),
(1,1,0)(2,3,4,1,5), (1,1,1)(2,5,4,1,3), (1,1,2)(2,3,5,1,4),
(1,2,0)(4,3,1,2,5), (1,2,1)(4,5,1,2,3), (1,2,2)(5,3,1,2,4),
(2,0,0)(3,1,2,4,5), (2,0,1)(5,1,2,4,3), (2,0,2)(3,1,2,5,4),
(2,1,0)(3,4,2,1,5), (2,1,1)(5,4,2,1,3), (2,1,2)(3,5,2,1,4),
(2,2,0)(3,1,4,2,5), (2,2,1)(5,1,4,2,3), (2,2,2)(3,1,5,2,4)
Listing of the elements x ∈ Z5
and the corresponding values of G(x) ∈ S7.
(0,0,0,0,0)(6,1,2,7,3,4,5), (0,0,0,0,1)(6,3,2,7,1,5,4),
(0,0,0,0,2)(6,3,2,7,4,5,1), (0,0,0,1,0)(6,2,1,7,5,3,4),
(0,0,0,1,1)(6,1,2,7,5,3,4), (0,0,0,1,2)(6,3,2,7,5,4,1),
(0,0,0,2,0)(6,1,2,7,3,5,4), (0,0,0,2,1)(6,3,1,7,2,5,4),
(0,0,0,2,2)(6,3,1,7,4,5,2), (0,0,1,0,0)(6,2,5,7,1,4,3),
(0,0,1,0,1)(6,2,5,7,3,4,1), (0,0,1,0,2)(6,3,5,7,4,1,2),
(0,0,1,1,0)(6,2,5,7,1,3,4), (0,0,1,1,1)(6,5,1,7,2,3,4),
(0,0,1,1,2)(6,2,5,7,4,3,1), (0,0,1,2,0)(6,4,5,7,1,3,2),
(0,0,1,2,1)(6,2,4,7,1,5,3), (0,0,1,2,2)(6,1,5,7,4,2,3),
(0,0,2,0,0)(6,4,2,7,3,1,5), (0,0,2,0,1)(6,3,4,7,2,1,5),
(0,0,2,0,2)(6,3,2,7,4,1,5), (0,0,2,1,0)(6,4,1,7,5,3,2),
(0,0,2,1,1)(6,5,4,7,2,3,1), (0,0,2,1,2)(6,5,2,7,4,3,1),
(0,0,2,2,0)(6,4,1,7,5,2,3), (0,0,2,2,1)(6,5,4,7,3,2,1),
(0,0,2,2,2)(6,5,3,7,4,2,1), (0,1,0,0,0)(6,1,3,2,7,5,4),
(0,1,0,0,1)(6,3,2,4,7,5,1), (0,1,0,0,2)(6,3,2,5,7,4,1),
(0,1,0,1,0)(6,4,2,5,7,3,1), (0,1,0,1,1)(6,2,1,5,7,3,4),
(0,1,0,1,2)(6,5,2,1,7,4,3), (0,1,0,2,0)(6,2,1,3,7,5,4),
(0,1,0,2,1)(6,3,1,4,7,5,2), (0,1,0,2,2)(6,5,2,3,7,4,1),
(0,1,1,0,0)(6,3,5,2,7,1,4), (0,1,1,0,1)(6,2,3,5,7,4,1),
(0,1,1,0,2)(6,3,5,2,7,4,1), (0,1,1,1,0)(6,2,5,4,7,3,1),
(0,1,1,1,1)(6,2,5,1,7,3,4), (0,1,1,1,2)(6,3,5,1,7,4,2),
(0,1,1,2,0)(6,2,5,3,7,1,4), (0,1,1,2,1)(6,5,1,3,7,2,4),
(0,1,1,2,2)(6,4,5,3,7,2,1), (0,1,2,0,0)(6,5,4,2,7,1,3),
(0,1,2,0,1)(6,4,3,2,7,1,5), (0,1,2,0,2)(6,5,3,2,7,4,1),
(0,1,2,1,0)(6,4,2,1,7,3,5), (0,1,2,1,1)(6,5,4,1,7,3,2),
(0,1,2,1,2)(6,3,4,5,7,2,1), (0,1,2,2,0)(6,5,4,3,7,1,2),
(0,1,2,2,1)(6,5,4,3,7,2,1), (0,1,2,2,2)(6,4,3,1,7,2,5),
(0,2,0,0,0)(6,4,1,5,3,7,2), (0,2,0,0,1)(6,3,2,4,1,7,5),
(0,2,0,0,2)(6,3,2,5,4,7,1), (0,2,0,1,0)(6,1,4,2,5,7,3),
(0,2,0,1,1)(6,2,4,1,5,7,3), (0,2,0,1,2)(6,3,2,1,5,7,4),
(0,2,0,2,0)(6,4,2,3,5,7,1), (0,2,0,2,1)(6,1,2,3,5,7,4),
(0,2,0,2,2)(6,3,1,5,4,7,2), (0,2,1,0,0)(6,3,5,2,1,7,4),
(0,2,1,0,1)(6,5,1,4,2,7,3), (0,2,1,0,2)(6,3,5,2,4,7,1),
(0,2,1,1,0)(6,1,5,4,2,7,3), (0,2,1,1,1)(6,2,5,1,3,7,4),
(0,2,1,1,2)(6,4,5,1,2,7,3), (0,2,1,2,0)(6,2,5,3,1,7,4),
(0,2,1,2,1)(6,5,1,3,2,7,4), (0,2,1,2,2)(6,3,5,1,4,7,2),
(0,2,2,0,0)(6,5,3,4,1,7,2), (0,2,2,0,1)(6,5,1,4,3,7,2),
(0,2,2,0,2)(6,5,3,2,4,7,1), (0,2,2,1,0)(6,4,2,1,3,7,5),
(0,2,2,1,1)(6,5,4,1,3,7,2), (0,2,2,1,2)(6,5,3,1,4,7,2),
(0,2,2,2,0)(6,5,4,3,1,7,2), (0,2,2,2,1)(6,5,4,3,2,7,1),
(0,2,2,2,2)(6,5,2,3,4,7,1), (1,0,0,0,0)(2,6,1,7,3,5,4),
(1,0,0,0,1)(1,6,3,7,2,5,4), (1,0,0,0,2)(3,6,2,7,1,4,5),
(1,0,0,1,0)(4,6,1,7,5,3,2), (1,0,0,1,1)(4,6,2,7,5,3,1),
(1,0,0,1,2)(1,6,2,7,5,3,4), (1,0,0,2,0)(4,6,1,7,5,2,3),
(1,0,0,2,1)(4,6,1,7,3,2,5), (1,0,0,2,2)(3,6,4,7,1,2,5),
(1,0,1,0,0)(2,6,5,7,4,1,3), (1,0,1,0,1)(2,6,3,7,1,4,5),
(1,0,1,0,2)(1,6,3,7,5,4,2), (1,0,1,1,0)(2,6,5,7,1,3,4),
(1,0,1,1,1)(4,6,5,7,2,3,1), (1,0,1,1,2)(1,6,2,7,4,3,5),
(1,0,1,2,0)(4,6,5,7,1,2,3), (1,0,1,2,1)(4,6,5,7,3,2,1),
(1,0,1,2,2)(1,6,5,7,4,3,2), (1,0,2,0,0)(2,6,4,7,3,1,5),
(1,0,2,0,1)(5,6,3,7,2,1,4), (1,0,2,0,2)(5,6,3,7,4,1,2),
(1,0,2,1,0)(2,6,4,7,5,1,3), (1,0,2,1,1)(2,6,4,7,5,3,1),
(1,0,2,1,2)(5,6,3,7,4,2,1), (1,0,2,2,0)(3,6,1,7,5,2,4),
(1,0,2,2,1)(1,6,5,7,3,2,4), (1,0,2,2,2)(5,6,1,7,4,2,3),
(1,1,0,0,0)(3,6,5,4,7,1,2), (1,1,0,0,1)(3,6,2,5,7,4,1),
(1,1,0,0,2)(3,6,5,2,7,4,1), (1,1,0,1,0)(4,6,1,2,7,3,5),
(1,1,0,1,1)(3,6,2,4,7,5,1), (1,1,0,1,2)(4,6,3,1,7,5,2),
(1,1,0,2,0)(4,6,1,2,7,5,3), (1,1,0,2,1)(4,6,1,3,7,5,2),
(1,1,0,2,2)(4,6,2,3,7,5,1), (1,1,1,0,0)(4,6,5,2,7,1,3),
(1,1,1,0,1)(5,6,2,4,7,1,3), (1,1,1,0,2)(4,6,3,5,7,1,2),
(1,1,1,1,0)(5,6,2,1,7,3,4), (1,1,1,1,1)(4,6,5,1,7,3,2),
(1,1,1,1,2)(3,6,4,1,7,5,2), (1,1,1,2,0)(4,6,5,3,7,1,2),
(1,1,1,2,1)(4,6,5,3,7,2,1), (1,1,1,2,2)(5,6,1,3,7,4,2),
(1,1,2,0,0)(5,6,3,2,7,1,4), (1,1,2,0,1)(5,6,3,4,7,1,2),
(1,1,2,0,2)(5,6,3,2,7,4,1), (1,1,2,1,0)(5,6,4,1,7,3,2),
(1,1,2,1,1)(5,6,3,4,7,2,1), (1,1,2,1,2)(5,6,4,1,7,2,3),
(1,1,2,2,0)(5,6,4,2,7,3,1), (1,1,2,2,1)(5,6,4,3,7,1,2),
(1,1,2,2,2)(5,6,4,3,7,2,1), (1,2,0,0,0)(3,6,5,4,1,7,2),
(1,2,0,0,1)(4,6,1,5,3,7,2), (1,2,0,0,2)(3,6,5,2,4,7,1),
(1,2,0,1,0)(4,6,1,2,5,7,3), (1,2,0,1,1)(4,6,2,1,5,7,3),
(1,2,0,1,2)(4,6,3,1,5,7,2), (1,2,0,2,0)(4,6,1,3,5,7,2),
(1,2,0,2,1)(4,6,2,3,5,7,1), (1,2,0,2,2)(5,6,1,3,4,7,2),
(1,2,1,0,0)(4,6,5,2,1,7,3), (1,2,1,0,1)(5,6,2,4,1,7,3),
(1,2,1,0,2)(4,6,3,5,1,7,2), (1,2,1,1,0)(5,6,2,1,3,7,4),
(1,2,1,1,1)(4,6,5,1,3,7,2), (1,2,1,1,2)(5,6,2,1,4,7,3),
(1,2,1,2,0)(4,6,5,3,1,7,2), (1,2,1,2,1)(4,6,5,3,2,7,1),
(1,2,1,2,2)(5,6,2,3,4,7,1), (1,2,2,0,0)(5,6,3,2,1,7,4),
(1,2,2,0,1)(5,6,3,4,1,7,2), (1,2,2,0,2)(5,6,3,2,4,7,1),
(1,2,2,1,0)(5,6,4,1,3,7,2), (1,2,2,1,1)(5,6,3,4,2,7,1),
(1,2,2,1,2)(5,6,4,1,2,7,3), (1,2,2,2,0)(5,6,4,2,3,7,1),
(1,2,2,2,1)(5,6,4,3,1,7,2), (1,2,2,2,2)(5,6,4,3,2,7,1),
(2,0,0,0,0)(2,1,6,7,3,5,4), (2,0,0,0,1)(1,5,6,7,3,4,2),
(2,0,0,0,2)(2,3,6,7,4,5,1), (2,0,0,1,0)(2,4,6,7,3,5,1),
(2,0,0,1,1)(4,2,6,7,5,3,1), (2,0,0,1,2)(3,1,6,7,2,4,5),
(2,0,0,2,0)(4,1,6,7,5,2,3), (2,0,0,2,1)(4,1,6,7,3,2,5),
(2,0,0,2,2)(3,1,6,7,5,4,2), (2,0,1,0,0)(3,2,6,7,4,1,5),
(2,0,1,0,1)(4,2,6,7,3,1,5), (2,0,1,0,2)(3,2,6,7,1,4,5),
(2,0,1,1,0)(2,5,6,7,1,3,4), (2,0,1,1,1)(4,5,6,7,2,3,1),
(2,0,1,1,2)(2,3,6,7,5,4,1), (2,0,1,2,0)(4,5,6,7,1,2,3),
(2,0,1,2,1)(4,5,6,7,3,2,1), (2,0,1,2,2)(3,1,6,7,4,2,5),
(2,0,2,0,0)(2,5,6,7,4,1,3), (2,0,2,0,1)(5,3,6,7,2,1,4),
(2,0,2,0,2)(5,3,6,7,4,1,2), (2,0,2,1,0)(3,4,6,7,2,1,5),
(2,0,2,1,1)(3,4,6,7,2,5,1), (2,0,2,1,2)(5,3,6,7,4,2,1),
(2,0,2,2,0)(3,4,6,7,5,1,2), (2,0,2,2,1)(3,4,6,7,5,2,1),
(2,0,2,2,2)(5,1,6,7,4,2,3), (2,1,0,0,0)(3,5,6,4,7,1,2),
(2,1,0,0,1)(4,1,6,5,7,3,2), (2,1,0,0,2)(3,5,6,2,7,4,1),
(2,1,0,1,0)(4,1,6,2,7,5,3), (2,1,0,1,1)(4,2,6,1,7,5,3),
(2,1,0,1,2)(4,3,6,1,7,5,2), (2,1,0,2,0)(4,1,6,3,7,5,2),
(2,1,0,2,1)(4,2,6,3,7,5,1), (2,1,0,2,2)(5,1,6,3,7,4,2),
(2,1,1,0,0)(4,5,6,2,7,1,3), (2,1,1,0,1)(5,2,6,4,7,1,3),
(2,1,1,0,2)(4,3,6,5,7,1,2), (2,1,1,1,0)(5,2,6,1,7,3,4),
(2,1,1,1,1)(4,5,6,1,7,3,2), (2,1,1,1,2)(5,2,6,1,7,4,3),
(2,1,1,2,0)(4,5,6,3,7,1,2), (2,1,1,2,1)(4,5,6,3,7,2,1),
(2,1,1,2,2)(5,2,6,3,7,4,1), (2,1,2,0,0)(5,3,6,2,7,1,4),
(2,1,2,0,1)(5,3,6,4,7,1,2), (2,1,2,0,2)(5,3,6,2,7,4,1),
(2,1,2,1,0)(5,4,6,1,7,3,2), (2,1,2,1,1)(5,3,6,4,7,2,1),
(2,1,2,1,2)(5,4,6,1,7,2,3), (2,1,2,2,0)(5,4,6,2,7,3,1),
(2,1,2,2,1)(5,4,6,3,7,1,2), (2,1,2,2,2)(5,4,6,3,7,2,1),
(2,2,0,0,0)(3,5,6,4,1,7,2), (2,2,0,0,1)(4,1,6,5,3,7,2),
(2,2,0,0,2)(3,5,6,2,4,7,1), (2,2,0,1,0)(4,1,6,2,5,7,3),
(2,2,0,1,1)(4,2,6,1,5,7,3), (2,2,0,1,2)(4,3,6,1,5,7,2),
(2,2,0,2,0)(4,1,6,3,5,7,2), (2,2,0,2,1)(4,2,6,3,5,7,1),
(2,2,0,2,2)(5,1,6,3,4,7,2), (2,2,1,0,0)(4,5,6,2,1,7,3),
(2,2,1,0,1)(5,2,6,4,1,7,3), (2,2,1,0,2)(4,3,6,5,1,7,2),
(2,2,1,1,0)(5,2,6,1,3,7,4), (2,2,1,1,1)(4,5,6,1,3,7,2),
(2,2,1,1,2)(5,2,6,1,4,7,3), (2,2,1,2,0)(4,5,6,3,1,7,2),
(2,2,1,2,1)(4,5,6,3,2,7,1), (2,2,1,2,2)(5,2,6,3,4,7,1),
(2,2,2,0,0)(5,3,6,2,1,7,4), (2,2,2,0,1)(5,3,6,4,1,7,2),
(2,2,2,0,2)(5,3,6,2,4,7,1), (2,2,2,1,0)(5,4,6,1,3,7,2),
(2,2,2,1,1)(5,3,6,4,2,7,1), (2,2,2,1,2)(5,4,6,1,2,7,3),
(2,2,2,2,0)(5,4,6,2,3,7,1), (2,2,2,2,1)(5,4,6,3,1,7,2),
Listing of the elements x ∈ Z4
and the corresponding values ofH(x) ∈ S6.
(0,0,0,0)(1,2,3,4,5,6), (0,0,0,1)(1,2,3,6,4,5),
(0,0,0,2)(1,2,3,5,4,6), (0,0,1,0)(1,4,2,6,5,3),
(0,0,1,1)(1,4,2,3,6,5), (0,0,1,2)(1,4,2,5,6,3),
(0,0,2,0)(1,3,4,6,5,2), (0,0,2,1)(1,3,4,5,6,2),
(0,0,2,2)(1,3,4,2,6,5), (0,1,0,0)(1,5,3,4,6,2),
(0,1,0,1)(1,2,5,3,4,6), (0,1,0,2)(1,5,3,2,4,6),
(0,1,1,0)(1,5,2,4,6,3), (0,1,1,1)(1,5,2,3,4,6),
(0,1,1,2)(1,4,5,2,6,3), (0,1,2,0)(1,3,5,4,6,2),
(0,1,2,1)(1,5,4,3,6,2), (0,1,2,2)(1,5,4,2,6,3),
(0,2,0,0)(1,6,3,4,5,2), (0,2,0,1)(1,2,6,3,4,5),
(0,2,0,2)(1,6,3,2,4,5), (0,2,1,0)(1,6,2,4,5,3),
(0,2,1,1)(1,6,2,3,4,5), (0,2,1,2)(1,4,6,2,5,3),
(0,2,2,0)(1,3,6,4,5,2), (0,2,2,1)(1,6,4,3,5,2),
(0,2,2,2)(1,6,4,2,5,3), (1,0,0,0)(4,1,3,5,6,2),
(1,0,0,1)(4,1,3,6,5,2), (1,0,0,2)(4,1,3,2,6,5),
(1,0,1,0)(3,1,2,4,6,5), (1,0,1,1)(3,1,2,6,4,5),
(1,0,1,2)(3,1,2,5,4,6), (1,0,2,0)(2,1,4,5,6,3),
(1,0,2,1)(2,1,4,3,6,5), (1,0,2,2)(2,1,4,6,5,3),
(1,1,0,0)(6,1,3,4,5,2), (1,1,0,1)(4,1,5,3,6,2),
(1,1,0,2)(6,1,3,2,4,5), (1,1,1,0)(3,1,5,4,6,2),
(1,1,1,1)(6,1,5,3,4,2), (1,1,1,2)(6,1,5,2,4,3),
(1,1,2,0)(2,1,5,4,6,3), (1,1,2,1)(6,1,4,3,5,2),
(1,1,2,2)(6,1,4,2,5,3), (1,2,0,0)(5,1,3,4,6,2),
(1,2,0,1)(4,1,6,3,5,2), (1,2,0,2)(5,1,3,2,4,6),
(1,2,1,0)(5,1,2,4,6,3), (1,2,1,1)(5,1,6,3,4,2),
(1,2,1,2)(5,1,6,2,4,3), (1,2,2,0)(2,1,6,4,5,3),
(1,2,2,1)(5,1,4,3,6,2), (1,2,2,2)(5,1,4,2,6,3),
(2,0,0,0)(4,2,1,5,6,3), (2,0,0,1)(4,2,1,3,6,5),
(2,0,0,2)(4,2,1,6,5,3), (2,0,1,0)(3,4,1,5,6,2),
(2,0,1,1)(3,4,1,6,5,2), (2,0,1,2)(3,4,1,2,6,5),
(2,0,2,0)(2,3,1,4,6,5), (2,0,2,1)(2,3,1,6,4,5),
(2,0,2,2)(2,3,1,5,4,6), (2,1,0,0)(6,2,1,4,5,3),
(2,1,0,1)(6,2,1,3,4,5), (2,1,0,2)(4,5,1,2,6,3),
(2,1,1,0)(3,5,1,4,6,2), (2,1,1,1)(6,4,1,3,5,2),
(2,1,1,2)(6,5,1,2,4,3), (2,1,2,0)(6,3,1,4,5,2),
(2,1,2,1)(2,5,1,3,4,6), (2,1,2,2)(6,3,1,2,4,5),
(2,2,0,0)(5,2,1,4,6,3), (2,2,0,1)(5,2,1,3,4,6),
(2,2,0,2)(4,6,1,2,5,3), (2,2,1,0)(3,6,1,4,5,2),
(2,2,1,1)(5,4,1,3,6,2), (2,2,1,2)(5,6,1,2,4,3),
(2,2,2,0)(5,3,1,4,6,2), (2,2,2,1)(2,6,1,3,4,5),
Listing of the elements x ∈ Z3
and the corresponding values of R(x) ∈ S5.
(0,0,0)(1,2,3,5,4), (0,0,1)(1,4,3,5,2), (0,0,2)(1,5,3,4,2),
(0,1,0)(1,2,4,5,3), (0,1,1)(1,4,2,5,3), (0,1,2)(1,5,4,3,2),
(0,2,0)(1,2,5,4,3), (0,2,1)(1,4,5,3,2), (0,2,2)(1,3,5,4,2),
(1,0,0)(4,1,3,5,2), (1,0,1)(5,1,3,4,2), (1,0,2)(2,1,3,5,4),
(1,1,0)(3,1,4,5,2), (1,1,1)(5,1,4,3,2), (1,1,2)(2,1,4,5,3),
(1,2,0)(4,1,5,3,2), (1,2,1)(5,1,2,4,3), (1,2,2)(2,1,5,4,3),
(2,0,0)(4,2,1,5,3), (2,0,1)(5,4,1,3,2), (2,0,2)(2,5,1,4,3),
(2,1,0)(3,2,1,5,4), (2,1,1)(3,4,1,5,2), (2,1,2)(3,5,1,4,2),
(2,2,0)(4,3,1,5,2), (2,2,1)(5,3,1,4,2), (2,2,2)(2,3,1,5,4)
Listing of the elements x ∈ Z3
and the corresponding values of S(x) ∈ S5.
(0,0,0)(2,1,3,4,5), (0,0,1)(2,4,3,1,5), (0,0,2)(2,5,3,1,4),
(0,1,0)(2,1,4,5,3), (0,1,1)(2,4,1,5,3), (0,1,2)(2,5,4,1,3),
(0,2,0)(2,1,5,4,3), (0,2,1)(2,4,5,1,3), (0,2,2)(2,3,5,1,4),
(1,0,0)(4,2,3,1,5), (1,0,1)(5,2,3,1,4), (1,0,2)(1,2,3,5,4),
(1,1,0)(3,2,4,1,5), (1,1,1)(5,2,4,1,3), (1,1,2)(1,2,4,5,3),
(1,2,0)(4,2,5,1,3), (1,2,1)(5,2,1,4,3), (1,2,2)(1,2,5,4,3),
(2,0,0)(4,1,2,5,3), (2,0,1)(5,4,2,1,3), (2,0,2)(1,5,2,4,3),
(2,1,0)(3,1,2,5,4), (2,1,1)(3,4,2,1,5), (2,1,2)(3,5,2,1,4),
(2,2,0)(4,3,2,1,5), (2,2,1)(5,3,2,1,4), (2,2,2)(1,3,2,5,4)
Listing of the elements x ∈ Z4
and the corresponding values of T (x) ∈ S6.
(0,0,0,0)(2,4,3,1,5,6), (0,0,0,1)(2,4,3,6,1,5),
(0,0,0,2)(2,4,3,5,1,6), (0,0,1,0)(2,1,4,6,5,3),
(0,0,1,1)(2,1,4,3,6,5), (0,0,1,2)(2,1,4,5,6,3),
(0,0,2,0)(2,3,1,6,5,4), (0,0,2,1)(2,3,1,5,6,4),
(0,0,2,2)(2,3,1,4,6,5), (0,1,0,0)(2,5,3,1,6,4),
(0,1,0,1)(2,4,5,3,1,6), (0,1,0,2)(2,5,3,4,1,6),
(0,1,1,0)(2,5,4,1,6,3), (0,1,1,1)(2,5,4,3,1,6),
(0,1,1,2)(2,1,5,4,6,3), (0,1,2,0)(2,3,5,1,6,4),
(0,1,2,1)(2,5,1,3,6,4), (0,1,2,2)(2,5,1,4,6,3),
(0,2,0,0)(2,6,3,1,5,4), (0,2,0,1)(2,4,6,3,1,5),
(0,2,0,2)(2,6,3,4,1,5), (0,2,1,0)(2,6,4,1,5,3),
(0,2,1,1)(2,6,4,3,1,5), (0,2,1,2)(2,1,6,4,5,3),
(0,2,2,0)(2,3,6,1,5,4), (0,2,2,1)(2,6,1,3,5,4),
(0,2,2,2)(2,6,1,4,5,3), (1,0,0,0)(1,2,3,5,6,4),
(1,0,0,1)(1,2,3,6,5,4), (1,0,0,2)(1,2,3,4,6,5),
(1,0,1,0)(3,2,4,1,6,5), (1,0,1,1)(3,2,4,6,1,5),
(1,0,1,2)(3,2,4,5,1,6), (1,0,2,0)(4,2,1,5,6,3),
(1,0,2,1)(4,2,1,3,6,5), (1,0,2,2)(4,2,1,6,5,3),
(1,1,0,0)(6,2,3,1,5,4), (1,1,0,1)(1,2,5,3,6,4),
(1,1,0,2)(6,2,3,4,1,5), (1,1,1,0)(3,2,5,1,6,4),
(1,1,1,1)(6,2,5,3,1,4), (1,1,1,2)(6,2,5,4,1,3),
(1,1,2,0)(4,2,5,1,6,3), (1,1,2,1)(6,2,1,3,5,4),
(1,1,2,2)(6,2,1,4,5,3), (1,2,0,0)(5,2,3,1,6,4),
(1,2,0,1)(1,2,6,3,5,4), (1,2,0,2)(5,2,3,4,1,6),
(1,2,1,0)(5,2,4,1,6,3), (1,2,1,1)(5,2,6,3,1,4),
(1,2,1,2)(5,2,6,4,1,3), (1,2,2,0)(4,2,6,1,5,3),
(1,2,2,1)(5,2,1,3,6,4), (1,2,2,2)(5,2,1,4,6,3),
(2,0,0,0)(1,4,2,5,6,3), (2,0,0,1)(1,4,2,3,6,5),
(2,0,0,2)(1,4,2,6,5,3), (2,0,1,0)(3,1,2,5,6,4),
(2,0,1,1)(3,1,2,6,5,4), (2,0,1,2)(3,1,2,4,6,5),
(2,0,2,0)(4,3,2,1,6,5), (2,0,2,1)(4,3,2,6,1,5),
(2,0,2,2)(4,3,2,5,1,6), (2,1,0,0)(6,4,2,1,5,3),
(2,1,0,1)(6,4,2,3,1,5), (2,1,0,2)(1,5,2,4,6,3),
(2,1,1,0)(3,5,2,1,6,4), (2,1,1,1)(6,1,2,3,5,4),
(2,1,1,2)(6,5,2,4,1,3), (2,1,2,0)(6,3,2,1,5,4),
(2,1,2,1)(4,5,2,3,1,6), (2,1,2,2)(6,3,2,4,1,5),
(2,2,0,0)(5,4,2,1,6,3), (2,2,0,1)(5,4,2,3,1,6),
(2,2,0,2)(1,6,2,4,5,3), (2,2,1,0)(3,6,2,1,5,4),
(2,2,1,1)(5,1,2,3,6,4), (2,2,1,2)(5,6,2,4,1,3),
(2,2,2,0)(5,3,2,1,6,4), (2,2,2,1)(4,6,2,3,1,5),
Notations and main results
The general recursive construction.
Proof of Theorem ??, second part
Proof of Theorem ??, last part
0704.1359 | Hamiltonian Quantum Dynamics With Separability Constraints | Hamiltonian Quantum Dynamics With
Separability Constraints
Nikola Burić ∗
Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 57, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia.
November 9, 2018
Schroedinger equation on a Hilbert space H, represents a linear
Hamiltonian dynamical system on the space of quantum pure states,
the projective Hilbert space PH. Separable states of a bipartite quan-
tum system form a special submanifold of PH. We analyze the Hamil-
tonian dynamics that corresponds to the quantum system constrained
on the manifold of separable states, using as an important example
the system of two interacting qubits. The constraints introduce non-
linearities which render the dynamics nontrivial. We show that the
qualitative properties of the constrained dynamics clearly manifest the
symmetry of the qubits system. In particular, if the quantum Hamil-
ton’s operator has not enough symmetry, the constrained dynamics is
nonintegrable, and displays the typical features of a Hamiltonian dy-
namical system with mixed phase space. Possible physical realizations
of the separability constraints are discussed.
PACS: 03.65.-w
∗e-mail: [email protected]
1 Introduction
Classical and quantum descriptions of a physical system that is considered
as composed of interacting subsystems have radically different features. The
typical feature of quantum dynamics is the creation of specifically quantum
correlations, the entanglement, among the subsystems. On the other hand,
the typical property of classical description is the occurrence of chaotic or-
bits and fractality of the phase space portrait, which can be considered as
typically classical type of correlations between the subsystems. The type
of correlations introduced by the dynamical entanglement does not occur in
the classical description, and likewise, the type of correlations introduced
by the chaotic orbits with fractal structures does not occur in the quantum
description. This intriguing complementarity of the two descriptions repre-
sents a problem that is expected to be solved by a detailed formulation of
the correspondence principle.
Comparison of typical features of classical and quantum mechanics is fa-
cilitated if the same mathematical framework is used in both theories. It is
well known, since the work of Kibble [1],[2],[3], that the quantum evolution,
determined by the linear Schroedinger equation, can be represented using the
typical language of classical mechanics, that is as a Hamiltonian dynamical
system on an appropriate phase space, given by the Hilbert space geometry
of the quantum system. This line of research was later developed into the
full geometric Hamiltonian representation of quantum mechanics. [4]-[12].
Such geometric formulation of quantum mechanics has recently inspired nat-
ural definitions of measures of the entanglement [13], and has been used to
model the spontaneous collapse of the state vector [14],[15], and dynamics of
decoherence [16].
It is our goal to use the geometric Hamiltonian formulation of quantum
mechanics to study the relation between the dynamical entanglement and
typical qualitative properties of Hamiltonian dynamics. Motivated by the
fact that the Schroedinger equation can always be considered as a Hamil-
tonian dynamical system, and that for Hamiltonian systems the definitions
and properties of the dynamical chaos are well understood, we shall seek
for a formal condition that when imposed on the Hamiltonian system repre-
senting the Schroedinger equation of the compound quantum system renders
the Hamiltonian dynamics nonintegrable and chaotic. It is well known that
the linear Schroedinger equation of quantum mechanics represents always
an integrable Hamiltonian dynamical system, irrespective of the dynamical
symmetries of the system. This is in sharp contrast with the Hamiltonian
formulation of classical systems, where enough symmetry implies integrabil-
ity and the lack of it implies the chaotic dynamics. Linearity of the quantum
Hamiltonian dynamics, and the consequent integrability, is introduced in the
Hamiltonian formulation by a very large dimensionality of the phase space of
the quantum system. This high dimensionality can be considered as a conse-
quence of two reasons. For a single quantum system, say a one dimensional
particle in a potential, linear evolution and with it the principle of state
superposition require infinite dimensional phase space of the Hamiltonian
formulation. If the classical mechanical model is linear, say the harmonic os-
cillator, the quantum Hamiltonian dynamics can be exactly describe on the
reduced finite-dimensional phase space, the real plane in the case of the har-
monic oscillator. The other related reason that increases the dimensionality
of the quantum phase space compared to the classical model is in the way
the state space of the compound systems are formed out of the components
state spaces in the two theories. In order to represents the entangled states as
points of the quantum phase space the dimensionality of the quantum phase
space is much larger than just the sum of the dimensions of the components
phase spaces. The points in the Cartesian product of the components phase
spaces represent the separable quantum states and form a subset of the full
quantum phase space. Needles to say, although the separable states are the
most classical-like states of the compound system, they still are quantum
states with nonclassical properties like nonzero dispersion of some subsys-
tem’s variables. Our main result will be that when the quantum dynamics,
represented as a Hamiltonian system, is constrained on the manifold of sepa-
rable quantum states the relation between the symmetry and the qualitative
properties of the dynamics such as integrability or chaotic motion is reestab-
lished. Thus, suppression of dynamical entanglement is enough to enable
manifestations of the qualitative differences in dynamics of quantum systems
and the relation between integrability and symmetry, traditionally related
with classical mechanical models.
In order to study the relation between the dynamical entanglement, sep-
arability and the properties of Hamiltonian formulation of the quantum dy-
namics we shall use, in this paper, the simplest quantum system that displays
the dynamical entanglement, that is a system of two interacting qubits:
H = ωσ1 + ωσ2 + µxσx
2 + µyσy
2 + µzσz
2, (1)
where σx,y,z
i are the three Pauli matrices of the i-th qubit, and satisfy the
usual SU(2) commutation relations. In particular we shall compare the dy-
namics of the system (1) in the case µz 6= 0, µx = µy = 0 with the case
when µx 6= 0, µz = µy = 0. The former case is symmetric with respect to
SO(2) rotations around z-axis and the later lacks this symmetry. Besides
its simplicity, the systems of the form (1) are of considerable current interest
because the hamiltonian of the universal quantum processor is of this form
Various lines of research, during the last decade, improved the under-
standing of the relation between dynamical entanglement and properties of
the dynamics. Strong impetus to the study of all aspects of quantum entan-
glement came from the theory of quantum computation [18]. Quantization
of classical non-integrable systems, and various characteristic properties of
resulting quantum systems, have been studied for a long time [19]. The de-
pendence of the dynamical entanglement, between a quantum system and its
environment, on the qualitative properties of the dynamics of the system was
studied indirectly, within the theory of environmental decoherence [20]. The
relation between the rates of dynamical entanglement and the qualitative
properties of the dynamics in the semi-classical regime was initiated in the
reference [21] and various aspects of this relations have been studied since
[22]-[31]. The relation between the symmetry of the genuinely quantum sys-
tem (1) and the degree of dynamical entanglement was studied in reference
[32]. As we shall see, our present analyzes is related to the quoted works,
but the relation between the dynamical entanglement and symmetry is here
approached from a very different angle
The structure of the paper is as follows. We shall first recapitulate the
necessary background such as: the complex symplectic and Riemannian ge-
ometry of CP n; Hamiltonian formulation on CP n of the quantum dynamics;
geometric formulation of the set of separable pure states and Hamiltonian for-
mulation of the constrained dynamics. In parallel with the general reminder,
the explicit formulas for the system of two interacting qubits will be given.
These are then applied, in section 3, to the study the qualitative properties
of the separability constrained dynamics for the qubits systems. The main
results are summarized and discussed in section 4. There we also discuss a
model of an open quantum system with dynamics that clearly differentiates
between the symmetric and the nonsymmetric systems.
2 Geometry of the state space CP n
Hamiltonian formulation of quantum mechanics is based on the fact that the
scalar product of vectors |ψ > in the Hilbert space of a quantum system can
be used to represent the linear Schroedinger equation of quantum mechanics
in the form of Hamilton’s equations. The canonical phase space structure of
this equations is determined by the imaginary part of the scalar product, and
the Hamilton’ s function is given by the quantum expectation < ψ|H|ψ > of
the quantum hamiltonian.
However, due to phase invariance and arbitrary normalization the proper
space of pure quantum states is not the Hilbert space used to formulate the
Schroedinger equation, but the projective Hilbert space which is the manifold
to be used in the Hamiltonian formulation of quantum mechanics. In general,
the resulting Hamiltonian dynamical system is infinite-dimensional, but we
shall need the general definitions only for the case of quantum system with
finite-dimensional Hilbert space, like the finite collection of qubits, in which
case the quantum phase space is also finite-dimensional. We shall first review
the definition of the complex projective space CP n, and then briefly state
the basic definitions and recapitulate the formulas which are needed for the
Hamiltonian formulation of the quantum dynamics on the state space and
its restriction on the separable state subset. The general reference for the
mathematical aspects of complex differential geometry is [33]. All concepts
and formulas will be illustrated using the system of two interacting qubits.
Differential geometry of the state space CP n is discussed by viewing it
as a real 2n dimensional manifold endowed with complex, Riemannian and
symplectic structure. In the case ofCP n this three structures are compatible.
2.1 Definition and intrinsic coordinates of CP n
States of a collection of N = n + 1 qubits are represented using normalized
vectors of the complex Hilbert space CN . Since all quantum mechanical
predictions are given in terms of the Hermitian scalar product on CN , and
this is invariant under multiplication by a constant (vector independent)
phase factor, the states of the quantum system are actually represented by
equivalence classes of vectors in CN . Two vectors ψ1 and ψ2 are equivalent:
ψ2 ∼ ψ1 if there is a complex scalar a 6= 0 such that ψ2 = aψ1. This set of
equivalence classes defines the complex projective space: CP n :≡ (Cn+1 −
0)/ ∼. It is the state space of the system of N qubits. Global coordinates
(c1, . . . cN) of a vector in CN that represent an equivalence class [ψ], that
is an element of CP n, are called homogeneous coordinates on CP n. The
complex projective space is topologically equivalent to S2n+1/S1, where the
2n+ 1-dimensional sphere comes from normalization and the circle S1 takes
care of the unimportant overall phase factor.
The projective space CP n is locally homeomorphic with Cn. Intrinsic
coordinates on CP n are introduced as follows. A chart Uµ consists of equiv-
alence classes of all vectors in (Cn+1 − 0) such that cµ 6= 0. In the chart Uµ
the local ( so called inhomogeneous) coordinates ζν, ν = 1, 2 . . . n are given
ζν = ξν (ν ≤ µ− 1), ζν = ξν+1 (ν > µ), (2)
ξν = cν/cµ ν = 1, 2, . . . µ− 1, µ+ 1, . . . n+ 1. (3)
The coordinates ζνµ(c) and ζ
µ′(c) of a point c which belongs to the domain
where two charts Uµ and Uµ′ overlap are related by the following holomorphic
ζνµ′(c) = (c
)ζνµ(c) (4)
As an illustration consider the system of two qubits. The Hilbert space
is H = H1
⊗H2 = C2 ⊗ C2 = C4. As a basis we can choose the set
of separable vectors | ↑↑>, | ↑↓>, | ↓↑>, | ↓↓> or any other four orthogonal
vectors. The coordinates of a vector in C4 with respect to a basis are denoted
(c1, c2, c3, c4). The corresponding projective space is CP 3 ≡ S7/S1. At
least two charts are needed to define the intrinsic coordinates over all CP 3.
Consider first all vectors with a nonzero component along |1 >= | ↑↑> that
is c1 6= 0, i.e. all vectors except the vector | ↓↓>. Then the numbers ξν1
are defined as ξ11 = c
1/c1 = 1, ξ21 = c
2/c1, ξ31 = c
3/c1, ξ41 = c
4/c1 and
finally the three intrinsic coordinates (ζ11 , ζ
1 , ζ
1 ) are given by relabelling of
ξν1 : ζ
1 = ξ
1 , ζ
1 = ξ
1 , ζ
1 = ξ
1. To coordinatize the vector |4 >= | ↓↓> we
need another chart.
Quantum mean values of linear operators on C4 are indeed reduced to
functions on CP 3. For example, consider the following Hamiltonian operator
H = ωσz ⊗ 1+ ω1⊗ σz + µσx ⊗ σx (5)
In the separable bases the normalized quantum expectation < ψ|H|ψ > / <
ψ|ψ > is given by the following function of (c1, c2 . . . , c̄4)
2ω(c1c̄1 − c4c̄4) + µ(c̄2c3 + c̄3c2 + c̄1c4 + c̄4c1)
c1c̄1 + c2c̄2 + c3c̄3 + c4c̄4
. (6)
In the intrinsic coordinates ζ1, ζ2, ζ3 and their conjugates this expression is
given by
2ω(1− ζ3ζ̄3) + µ(ζ̄1ζ2 + ζ̄2ζ1 + ζ3 + ζ̄3)
1 + ζ1ζ̄1 + ζ2ζ̄2 + ζ3ζ̄3
. (7)
We shall also analyze the following Hamiltonian
H = ωσz ⊗ 1+ ω1⊗ σz + µσz ⊗ σz , (8)
whose normalized mean value is given by
2ω(c1c̄1 − c4c̄4) + µ(c1c̄1 + c4c̄4 − c2c̄2 − c3c̄3)
c1c̄1 + c2c̄2 + c3c̄3 + c4c̄4
. (9)
The corresponding function on CP 3 is, in the intrinsic coordinates, given by
ω(1− ζ3ζ̄3) + µ(1 + ζ3ζ̄3 − ζ1ζ̄1 − ζ2ζ̄2)
1 + ζ1ζ̄1 + ζ2ζ̄2 + ζ3ζ̄3
. (10)
2.1.1 Submanifold of separable states
Consider two quantum systems A and B with the corresponding Hilbert
spaces HA and HB. Taken together, the systems A and B form another
quantum system. The statistics of measurements that could be performed
on this compound system requires that the Hilbert space of the compound
system is given by the direct product HAB = HA ⊗ HB. The space of pure
states of the compound system is the projective Hilbert space PHAB. In the
case of finite dimensional state spaces PHn+1A = CP n and PHm+1A = CPm the
state space of the compound system is CP (m+1)(n+1)−1. Vectors inHAB of the
form ψA ⊗ ψB where ψA/B ∈ HA/B are called separable. The corresponding
separable states form the (m + n)-dimensional submanifold CPm × CP n
embedded in CP (m+1)(n+1)−1.
In the case of two qubits the submanifold of the separable states CP 1 ×
CP 1 forms a quadric in the full state space CP 3, given in terms of the
homogeneous coordinates (c1, c2, c3, c4) of CP 3 by the following formula
c1c4 = c2c3. (11)
In terms of the intrinsic coordinates ζ1, ζ2, ζ3, in the chart with c1 6= 0, i.e.
ξ1 = 1, the equation (11) is
ζ1ζ2 = ζ3. (12)
2.2 Complex structure on CP n
Consider a complex manifold M with complex dimension dimC M = n (in
particular CP n ). We can look at M as a real manifold with dimR M = 2n.
The real coordinates (x1, . . . x2n) are related to the holomorphic (ζ1, . . . ζn)
and anti-holomorphic (ζ̄1, . . . ζ̄n) coordinates via the following formulas:
(xν + ıxν+n)/
2 = ζν, ν = 1, 2, . . . n,
(xν − ıxν+n)/
2 = ζ̄ν, ν = 1, 2, . . . n, (13)
qν ≡ xν = (ζν + ζ̄ν)/
2, ν = 1, 2, . . . n,
pν ≡ xν+n = (ζ̄ν − ζ̄ν)/
2, ν = 1, 2, . . . n. (14)
The tangent space TxM is spanned by 2n vectors:
, . . .
, . . .
} (15)
or by the basis
, . . .
, . . .
}. (16)
An almost complex structure on a real 2n-dimensional manifold is given
by a (1, 1) tensor J satisfying J2 = 1, i.e. Jac J
b = −δab . Locally, the almost
complex structure J is given in the real coordinates by the following matrix
, (17)
where 1 is n-dimensional unit matrix. If the real 2n manifold is actually a
complex manifold, like in our case, the almost complex structure is defined
globally and is called the complex structure.
2.3 Riemannian structure on CP n
Hermitian scalar product induces a complex Euclidean metric on CN . The
metric induced on CP n is the Fubini-Study metric, and is given, in (ζ, ζ̄)
coordinates, using an n× n matrix with following entries
gµ,ν̄(ζ, ζ̄) =
δµ,ν(1 + ζζ̄)− ζµζ̄ν
(1 + ζζ̄)2
, µ, ν = 1, 2 . . . n, (18)
where ζζ̄ ≡ ∑nµ ζµζ̄µ.
The Fubini-Study metric in (ζ, ζ̄) coordinates is then given by 2n × 2n
G(ζ, ζ̄) = 1
0 gµ,ν̄
gµ̄,ν 0
. (19)
In the real coordinates the Fubini-Study metric is given by the standard
transformation formulas
Gi,j(q, p̄) = Gk,l(ζ(q, p), ζ̄(q, p))
, (20)
where we used Z = (ζ1, . . . ζ̄n and X = (q
1 . . . pn).
In the example of two qubits the Fubini-Study metric on CP 3 is
0 0 0
0 0 0 −ζ
0 0 0 −ζ
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Transformation to the real coordinates, by application of the formula (20),
0 −p1p3−q1q3
a = (p1)2+(p2)2+(p3)2+(q1)2+(q2)2+(q3)2+2, b = (p1)2+(p3)2+(q1)2+(q3)2+2.
Obviously, G is positive definite and symmetric.
2.4 Symplectic structure on CP n
The Hermitian scalar product on CN is also used to define the symplectic
structure on CN and this induces the symplectic structure on CP n. The
symplectic structure is the closed nondegenerate two form Ω on CP n, which
is, in (ζ, ζ̄) coordinates given by
ω = ıg(ζ, ζ̄)µ,ν̄dζ
µ ∧ ζ̄ν (23)
where gµ,ν̄ is the Fubini-Study metric (18). In real coordinates, the symplectic
structure is given by Ω(q, p) = JG(q, p) where G(q, p) is given by (20) and J
by (17).
The symplectic form on the two qubits state space is in the real bases
given by the product of matrices (17) and (22). The results is
3 Quantum Hamiltonian dynamical system
on CP n
The Schroedinger equation on CN is in some basis {|ψi >, i = 1, 2 . . .N}
given by:
=< ψj |H|ψi > cj. (25)
In the real coordinates this equation assumes the form of a Hamiltonian
dynamical system on R2N with a global gauge symmetry corresponding to
the invariance |ψ >→ exp(ix)|ψ >. Reduction with respect to this symmetry
results in the Hamiltonian system onCP n, considered as a real manifold with
the symplectic structure given by (23). The Hamilton equation on CP n, that
are equivalent to the Schroedinger equation (25), are
= 2Ωl,k∇kH(x), (26)
where Ωl,k is the inverse of the symplectic form, and H(x) is given by the
normalized quantum expectation of the Hamilton’s operator < ψ|H|ψ >
/ < ψ|ψ > expressed in terms of the real coordinates (14). For example,
the hamiltonian (7) is given in terms of the real coordinates qi ≡ xi, pi ≡
xi+n, i = 1, . . . n by
[2− (p3)2 − (q3)2] + µ
(p1p2 + q1q2 +
2q3). (27)
and the symmetric hamiltonian (9) is given by
[(p1)2+(p2)2+(q1)2+(q2)2−(p3)2−(q3)2−2] (28)
The Hamilton’s equations (26) with the hamiltonian (27) and the sym-
plectic form (24) assume the following form
q̇1 = −2ωp1 + µp2 − µ(p3q1 + p1q3)/
q̇2 = −2ωp2 + µp2 − µ(p3q2 + p2q3)/
q̇3 = −4ωp3 −
ṗ1 = 2ωq1 − µq2 + µ(q3q1 − p1p3)/
ṗ2 = 2ωq2 − µq1 + µ(q3q2 − p2p3)/
ṗ3 = 4ωq3 + µ((q3)2 − (p3)2 − 2)/
2. (29)
The equations of motion with the symmetric hamiltonian (28) on CP 3
are quite simple
q̇1 = −2(ω + µ)p1
q̇2 = −2(ω + µ)p2
q̇2 = −4ωp3
ṗ1 = 2(ω + µ)q1
ṗ2 = 2(ω + µ)q1
ṗ3 = 4ωq3. (30)
3.1 Quantum Hamiltonian system with imposed sep-
arability constraints
Dynamics of a constrained Hamiltonian system is usually described by the
method of Lagrange multipliers [34],[35]. Consider a Hamiltonian system
given by a symplectic manifold M with the symplectic form Ω and the
Hamilton’s function H on M. Suppose that besides the forces described
by H the dynamics of the system is affected also by forces whose sole effect
is to constrain the motion on a submanifold N ∈ M determined by a set
functional relations
f1(q, p) = . . . fk(q, p) = 0 (31)
The method of Lagrange multiplies assumes that the dynamics on N is de-
termined by the following set of differential equations
Ẋ = Ω(∇X,∇H ′), H ′ = H +
, λjfj (32)
which should be solved together with the equations of the constraints (31).
The Lagrange multipliers λj are functions of (p, q) that are to be determined
from the following, so called compatibility, conditions.
ḟl = Ω(∇fl,∇H ′) (33)
onN . The equations (33) uniquely determine the functions λ1(p, q), . . . λk(p, q)
if and only if the matrix of Poison brackets {fi, fj} = Ω(∇fi,∇fj) is nonsin-
gular. If this is the case then all constraints (31) are called primary, and N
is symplectic manifold with the symplectic structure determined by the so
called Dirac-Poison brackets
{F1, F2}′ = {F1, F2}+
{fi, F1}{fi, fj}−1{fj, F2} (34)
As we shall see, this is the case in the examples of pairs of interacting qubits
constrained on the manifold of separable states that we shall analyze. On the
other hand, if some of the compatibility equations do not contain multipliers,
than for that constrain ḟj = {fj, H} = 0, which represents an additional
constraint. These are called secondary constraints, and they must be added
to the system of original constraints (31). If this enlarged set of constraints
is functionally independent one can repeat the procedure. At the end one
either obtains a contradiction, in which case the original problem has no
solution, or one obtains appropriate multipliers λk such that the system (33)
is compatible. In the later case the solution for λk might not be unique in
which case the orbits of (32) and (31) are not uniquely determined by the
initial conditions.
Let us apply the formalism of Lagrange multipliers on the system of
two interacting qubits additionally constrained to remain on the manifold
of separable pure state. The real and imaginary parts of (12) give the two
constraints in terms of real coordinates (q1, q2, q3, p1, p2, p3)
f1 = p
1p2 − q1q2 +
2q3, f2 =
2q3 − p2q1 − p1q2 (35)
The compatibility conditions (33) assume the following form
ḟ1 = Ω(∇f1,∇H) + λ2Ω(∇f1,∇f2) = 0,
ḟ2 = Ω(∇f2,∇H) + λ1Ω(∇f2,∇f1) = 0. (36)
where Ω is the symplectic form (24) and Ω(∇f1,∇H) = Ωa,b∇af1∇bH .
The matrix of Poisson brackets {fi, fj} on N is
0 [2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2][2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]/8
−[2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2][2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]/8 0
and is nonsingular. Thus the compatibility conditions can be solved for the
Lagrange multipliers λ1(q, p), λ2(q, p),
λ1 = 4µ
4p1p2q1q2 + [(q1)2 − 2][2 + (p2)2 − (q2)2] + (p1)2[(q2)2 − (p2)2 − 2]
[2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2)2(2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]2
λ2 = 8µ
(p1)2p2q2 − p2q2[(q1)2 − 2] + p1q1[2 + (p2)2 − (q2)2]
[2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2)2(2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]2
Finally, the dynamics of the constrained system is described by the equa-
tions (32) and (31) with λ1(q, p), λ2(q, p) and f1(q, p), f2(q, p) given by (38)
and (35). For the Hamiltonian (27) the resulting equations of motion for
q1, q2, p1, p2 are
q̇1 = −4µp
1q1q2 + 2ωp1[2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]
2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2
q̇2 = −4µp
2q1q2 − 2ωp2[2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2]
2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2
ṗ1 =
2µq2[(q1)2 − (p1)2 − 2] + 2ωq1[2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]
2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2
ṗ2 =
2µq1[(q2)2 − (p2)2 − 2] + 2ωq2[2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2]
2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2
. (39)
The same procedure for the symmetric hamiltonian (28) results with the
following equations of motion
q̇1 =
2µp1[(p2)2 + (q2)2 − 2)]− 2ωp1[2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]
2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2
q̇2 =
2µp2[(p1)2 + (q1)2 − 2]− 2ωp2[(2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2]
2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2
ṗ1 =
−2µq1[(q2)2 + (p2)2 − 2] + 2ωq1[2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2]
2 + (p2)2 + (q2)2
ṗ2 =
−2µq2[(q1)2 + (p1)2 − 2] + 2ωq2[2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2]
2 + (p1)2 + (q1)2
. (40)
There are also the equations expressing q̇3 and ṗ3 in terms of q1, q2, p1, p2,
but the solutions of these are already given by the constraints.
3.2 Qualitative properties of the constrained dynam-
ics of two interacting qubits
In this section we present the results of numerical analyzes of the qualita-
tive properties of the dynamics generated by the constrained equations (40)
and (39), corresponding to the quantum Hamiltonians (28) with the SO(2)
symmetry and (27) without such symmetry.
It is well known that any quantum system is integrable when considered
as the Hamiltonian dynamical system on the symplectic space H, and that
the reduction on the symplectic manifold PH preserves this property. This is
simply a consequence of the form of the quantum Hamiloton’s function, which
is always defined as the mean value of the Hamiltonian operator. Contrary
to the case of classical Hamiltonian systems, the symmetry of the physical
system has no relevance for the property of integrability in the Hamiltonian
formulation of the Schroedinger equation. We illustrate this fact, in figures
-1.50 -0.75 0.00 0.75 1.50
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
-0.30 -0.15 0.00 0.15 0.30
-0.30 -0.15 0.00 0.15 0.30
Figure 1: Projections on (q1, p1) plane of a typical orbit for the hamiltonian
systems (28) (a) and (27) (b) on CP 3 and on the submanifold of separable
states (c) for (40) and d for (39). The values of the parameters are ω = 1
and µ = 1.7
1a,b, by projections on (q1, p1) plane of a typical orbit for the symmetric and
nonsymmetric hamiltonians of the pair of qubits. The motion on CP 3 in
the symmetric case has further degeneracy compared with the nonsymmetric
case, but both cases generate integrable, regular Hamiltonian dynamics.
On the other hand, the qualitative properties of the dynamics constrained
by the separability conditions, are quite different. Typical orbits in the sym-
metric and nonsymmetric cases are illustrated in figure 1c,d. Symmetric
dynamics constrained by separability is still regular, while the nonsymmetric
Hamiltonian generates the constrained dynamics with typical chaotic orbits.
This is further illustrated in figures 2, where we show Poincaré surfaces of
section, defined by q2 = 0, p2 > 0 and H(p1, q1, p2, q2) = h for different values
of the coupling µ. Obviously, the constrained system displays the transition
from predominantly regular to predominantly chaotic dynamics, with all the
intricate structure of the phase portrait, characteristic for typical Hamilto-
nian dynamical systems. Thus, we can conclude that the quantum system
constrained on the manifold of separable state behaves as typical classical
Hamiltonian systems. If there is enough symmetry, i.e. enough integrals of
motion, the constrained dynamics is integrable, otherwise the constrained
quantum dynamics is that of typical chaotic Hamiltonian system.
-0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
-0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
Figure 2: Poincaré sections for the separability constrained non-symmetric
quantum dynamics (39). The parameters are ω = 1, h = 1.5 and (a) µ = 1.3,
(b) µ = 1.7
4 Summary and discussion
We have studied Hamiltonian formulation of quantum dynamics of two in-
teracting qubits. Hamiltonian dynamical system on the state space CP 3
as the phase space, is integrable irrespective of the different symmetries of
the quantum system. We have then studied the dynamics of the quantum
Hamiltonian system constrained on the manifold of separable states. The
main result of this analyzes, and of the paper, is that the quantum Hamilto-
nian system without symmetry generates nonintegrable chaotic dynamics on
the set of separable states, while the constrained symmetric dynamics gives
an integrable system. It is important to bare on mind that neither the system
nor the separable states that lie on an orbit of the constrained system have
an underlining classical mechanical model. Thus, forcing a non-degenerate
quantum system to remain on the manifold of separable states is enough to
generate a dynamical system with typical properties of Hamiltonian chaos.
Our analyzes of the separability constrained quantum dynamics has been
rather formal. In order to inquire into possible interpretation of our results we
need a model of a physical realization of the separability constraints. To this
end we consider an open quantum system of two interacting qubits, whose
dynamics satisfies the Markov assumption [36], and we choose a Hermitian
Lindblad operator of the following form
L = l11σ
⊗ σ2+σ2− + l12σ1+σ1− ⊗ σ2−σ2+ + l21σ1−σ1+ ⊗ σ2+σ2− + l22σ1−σ1+ ⊗ σ2−σ2+
li,j|i >< j|1 ⊗ |i >< j|2 (41)
where |1 >≡ | ↑> and |2 >≡ | ↓>.
The dynamics of a pure state of the open system under the action of a
Hamiltonian H and the Linblad γL is described by the following stochastic
nonlinear Schroedinger equation [36],[37]
|dψ > = −iH|ψ > dt+ γ
(L− < ψ|L|ψ >)2|ψ > dt
+ γ(L− < ψ|L|ψ >)|ψ > dW, (42)
where dW is the increment of complex Wiener c-number process W (t).
The equation (42) represent a diffusion process on a complex Hilbert
space, and is central in the ”Quantum State Diffusion” (QSD) theory of
open quantum systems [37]. It has been used to study the systems of in-
teracting qubits in various environments for example in [32],[38], and the
effect of the Linblad operator (41) on the entanglement between two qubits
was considered in [16]. The influence of the non-Hamiltonian terms of drift
(proportional to γ2) and the diffusion (proportional to γ)), with the Linblad
operator of the form (41), is to drive an entangled state towards one of the
separable states with the corresponding probability. This process occurs on
the time scale proportional to γ−1. So, for large γ there occurs an almost
instantaneous collapse of an entangled state into a separable one. We believe
that with a proper choice of the parameters li,j the long term dynamics of
a pure state described by (42) can have the same qualitative properties as
the separability constrained quantum dynamics. In particular, the difference
between the qualitative properties of symmetric and nonsymmetric systems,
reflected in the constrained Hamiltonian system, should also manifest in the
dynamics of (42) for a proper choice of li,j. This expectations are supported
by figures 3, which illustrate the dynamics of (< σ1x >,< σ
y >) for the Hamil-
tonian operators (5) and (8) as calculated using the constrained Hamiltonian
equations (39) and (40) (figures 3b and 3a ), or the QSD equation (42) (fig-
ures 3d and 3c) for a particular choice of li,j and large γ = 5. Of course, the
choice of optimal values for li,j should be according to some criterion, which
is the problem we are currently investigating.
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
1.0 d)
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Figure 3: Figures illustrate the dynamics of (< σx >,< σy >) for the
constrained Hamiltonian systems (40) (a) and (39) (b) and for the stochastic
Schroedinger equation (42) with the Linblad (41) and the hamiltonians (8) (c)
and (5) (d). the parameters are ω = 1, µ = 1.7, γ = 5 and l1,1 = 0.21, l1, 2 =
0.21, l2,1 = 0.215, l2,2 = 0.205.
The pair of coupled qubits, analyzed in this paper, is the simplest quan-
tum system exhibiting dynamical entanglement. We intend to investigate
the effects of suppression of the dynamical entanglement in systems with
spacial degrees of freedom, obtained by quantization of classically chaotic
systems, for example a pair of coupled nonlinear oscillators. In this case,
the Hamiltonian formulation of the quantum dynamics requires an infinite-
dimensional phase space, and the analyzes of the separability constrained
dynamics is more complicated. However, it wold be interesting to compare
the dynamics obtained by separability constraints with that of some more
standard semi-classical approximation.
Acknowledgements This work is partly supported by the Serbian Min-
istry of Science contract No. 141003. I should also like to acknowledge the
support and hospitality of the Abdus Salam ICTP.
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[29] X. Wang, S. Ghose, B.C. Sanders and B. Hu, Phys.Rev.E, 70 (2004)
[30] F. Mintert, A. R.R. Carvalho, M. Kuś and A. Buchleitner, Phys.Rep.
415 (2005) 207.
[31] M. Novaes, Ann. Phys. (NY), 318 (2005) 308.
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[33] S. Kobajayashi and K. Nomizu K, Foundations of Differential Geometry,
Wiley, New York, 1969.
[34] P.A.M. Dirac, Can.J.Math. 2 (1950) 129.
[35] V.I. Arnold, V.V. Kozlov and A.I. Neisthadt, Dynamical Systems III,
Springer, Berlin, 1988.
[36] H.-P. Breuer and F. Petruccione, The Theory of Open Quantum Sys-
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[37] I.C. Percival, 1999. Quantum State Difussion, Cambridge Uni. Press,
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Figure 1 Projections on (q1, p1) plane of a typical orbit for the hamil-
tonian systems (28) (a) and (27) (b) on CP 3 and on the submanifold of
separable states (c) for (40) and d for (39). The values of the parameters are
ω = 1 and µ = 1.7
Figure 2 Poincaré sections for the separability constrained non-symmetric
quantum dynamics (39). The parameters are ω = 1, h = 1.5 and (a)µ = 1.1,
(b) µ = 1.3, (c) µ = 1.5 and (d) µ = 1.7
Figure 3 Figures illustrate the dynamics of (< σx >,< σy >) for the
constrained Hamiltonian systems (40) (a) and (39) (b) and for the stochastic
Schroedinger equation (42) with the Linblad (41) and the hamiltonians (8) (c)
and (5) (d). the parameters are ω = 1, µ = 1.7, γ = 5 and l1,1 = 0.21, l1, 2 =
0.21, l2,1 = 0.215, l2,2 = 0.205.
Geometry of the state space CPn
Definition and intrinsic coordinates of CPn
Submanifold of separable states
Complex structure on CPn
Riemannian structure on CPn
Symplectic structure on CPn
Quantum Hamiltonian dynamical system on CPn
Quantum Hamiltonian system with imposed separability constraints
Qualitative properties of the constrained dynamics of two interacting qubits
Summary and discussion
0704.1360 | Planck Length and Cosmology | November 27, 2018 16:18 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE procCOSPAcal-
Modern Physics Letters A
c© World Scientific Publishing Company
Planck Length and Cosmology
Xavier Calmet
Service de Physique Théorique, CP225
Boulevard du Triomphe
B-1050 Brussels
[email protected]
Received (Day Month Year)
Revised (Day Month Year)
We show that an unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity implies that
there is a fundamental length in Nature in the sense that no operational procedure would
be able to measure distances shorter than the Planck length. Furthermore we give an
explicit realization of an old proposal by Anderson and Finkelstein who argued that a
fundamental length in nature implies unimodular gravity. Finally, using hand waving
arguments we show that a minimal length might be related to the cosmological constant
which, if this scenario is realized, is time dependent.
Keywords: General Relativity; Quantum Mechanics; Cosmology.
PACS Nos.: 98.80.-k, 04.20.-q.
1. Introduction
The idea that a unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity implies
the notion of a fundamental length is not new1. However, it has only recently
been established that no operational procedure could exclude the discreteness of
space-time on distances shorter than the Planck length2. This makes the case for
a fundamental length of the order of the Planck length much stronger. It seems
reasonable to think that any quantum description of general relativity will have to
include the fact that measurement of distance shorter than the Planck length are
forbidden. It is notoriously difficult to build a quantum theory of gravity. Besides
technical difficulties the lack of experimental guidance, the Planck length being
so miniscule lP ∼ 10−33cm, is flagrant. In this work we shall however argue that
a fundamental length in nature, even if it is as small as the Planck scale may
have dramatic impacts on our universe. In particular, we will argue that it may be
related to the vacuum energy, i.e. dark energy and thus account for roughly 70% of
the energy of the universe.
We shall first present our motivation for a minimal length which follows from
quantum mechanics, general relativity and causality. We will then argue that a fun-
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2 Xavier Calmet
damental length in nature may lead to unimodular gravity. If this is the case, the
cosmological constant is an integration parameter and is thus arbitrary. Finally, we
shall consider argument based on spacetime quantization to argue that the cosmo-
logical constant might not be actually constant but might be time dependent.
2. Minimal Length from Quantum Mechanics and General
We first review the results obtained in ref.2. We show that quantum mechanics
and classical general relativity considered simultaneously imply the existence of a
minimal length, i.e. no operational procedure exists which can measure a distance
less than this fundamental length. The key ingredients used to reach this conclusion
are the uncertainty principle from quantum mechanics, and gravitational collapse
from classical general relativity.
A dynamical condition for gravitational collapse is given by the hoop
conjecture3: if an amount of energy E is confined at any instant to a ball of size
R, where R < E, then that region will eventually evolve into a black hole. We use
natural units where ~, c and Newton’s constant (or lP ) are unity. We also neglect
numerical factors of order one.
From the hoop conjecture and the uncertainty principle, we immediately deduce
the existence of a minimum ball of size lP . Consider a particle of energy E which
is not already a black hole. Its size r must satisfy
r ∼> max [ 1/E , E ] , (1)
where λC ∼ 1/E is its Compton wavelength and E arises from the hoop conjecture.
Minimization with respect to E results in r of order unity in Planck units or r ∼ lP .
If the particle is a black hole, then its radius grows with mass: r ∼ E ∼ 1/λC . This
relationship suggests that an experiment designed (in the absence of gravity) to
measure a short distance l << lP will (in the presence of gravity) only be sensitive
to distances 1/l.
Let us give a concrete model of minimum length. Let the position operator
x̂ have discrete eigenvalues {xi}, with the separation between eigenvalues either of
order lP or smaller. For regularly distributed eigenvalues with a constant separation,
this would be equivalent to a spatial lattice. We do not mean to imply that nature
implements minimum length in this particular fashion - most likely, the physical
mechanism is more complicated, and may involve, for example, spacetime foam or
strings. However, our concrete formulation lends itself to detailed analysis. We show
below that this formulation cannot be excluded by any gedanken experiment, which
is strong evidence for the existence of a minimum length.
Quantization of position does not by itself imply quantization of momentum.
Conversely, a continuous spectrum of momentum does not imply a continuous spec-
trum of position. In a formulation of quantum mechanics on a regular spatial lattice,
with spacing a and size L, the momentum operator has eigenvalues which are spaced
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Xavier Calmet 3
by 1/L. In the infinite volume limit the momentum operator can have continuous
eigenvalues even if the spatial lattice spacing is kept fixed. This means that the
displacement operator
x̂(t)− x̂(0) = p̂(0) t
does not necessarily have discrete eigenvalues (the right hand side of (2) assumes
free evolution; we use the Heisenberg picture throughout). Since the time evolu-
tion operator is unitary the eigenvalues of x̂(t) are the same as x̂(0). Importantly
though, the spectrum of x̂(0) (or x̂(t)) is completely unrelated to the spectrum of
the p̂(0), even though they are related by (2). A measurement of arbitrarily small
displacement (2) does not exclude our model of minimum length. To exclude it, one
would have to measure a position eigenvalue x and a nearby eigenvalue x′, with
|x− x′| << lP .
Many minimum length arguments are obviated by the simple observation of the
minimum ball. However, the existence of a minimum ball does not by itself preclude
the localization of a macroscopic object to very high precision. Hence, one might
attempt to measure the spectrum of x̂(0) through a time of flight experiment in
which wavepackets of primitive probes are bounced off of well-localised macroscopic
objects. Disregarding gravitational effects, the discrete spectrum of x̂(0) is in princi-
ple obtainable this way. But, detecting the discreteness of x̂(0) requires wavelengths
comparable to the eigenvalue spacing. For eigenvalue spacing comparable or smaller
than lP , gravitational effects cannot be ignored, because the process produces min-
imal balls (black holes) of size lP or larger. This suggests a direct measurement of
the position spectrum to accuracy better than lP is not possible. The failure here
is due to the use of probes with very short wavelength.
A different class of instrument, the interferometer, is capable of measuring dis-
tances much smaller than the size of any of its sub-components. Nevertheless, the
uncertainty principle and gravitational collapse prevent an arbitrarily accurate mea-
surement of eigenvalue spacing. First, the limit from quantum mechanics. Consider
the Heisenberg operators for position x̂(t) and momentum p̂(t) and recall the stan-
dard inequality
(∆A)2(∆B)2 ≥ − 1
(〈[Â, B̂]〉)2 . (3)
Suppose that the position of a free mass is measured at time t = 0 and again at a
later time. The position operator at a later time t is
x̂(t) = x̂(0) + p̂(0)
. (4)
We assume a free particle Hamiltonian here for simplicity, but the argument can be
generalized2. The commutator between the position operators at t = 0 and t is
[x̂(0), x̂(t)] = i
, (5)
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4 Xavier Calmet
so using (3) we have
|∆x(0)||∆x(t)| ≥ t
. (6)
We see that at least one of the uncertainties ∆x(0) or ∆x(t) must be larger than
of order
t/M . As a measurement of the discreteness of x̂(0) requires two position
measurements, it is limited by the greater of ∆x(0) or ∆x(t), that is, by
t/M ,
∆x ≡ max [∆x(0),∆x(t)] ≥
, (7)
where t is the time over which the measurement occurs andM the mass of the object
whose position is measured. In order to push ∆x below lP , we take M to be large. In
order to avoid gravitational collapse, the size R of our measuring device must also
grow such that R > M . However, by causality R cannot exceed t. Any component of
the device a distance greater than t away cannot affect the measurement, hence we
should not consider it part of the device. These considerations can be summarized
in the inequalities
t > R > M . (8)
Combined with (7), they require ∆x > 1 in Planck units, or
∆x > lP . (9)
Notice that the considerations leading to (7), (8) and (9) were in no way specific
to an interferometer, and hence are device independent. In summary, no device
subject to quantum mechanics, gravity and causality can exclude the quantization
of position on distances less than the Planck length.
3. Minimal Length and Unimodular Gravity
General relativity is a scaleless theory:
−gR(g) (10)
varying this action with respect to the metric gµν leads to the well-known Einstein
equations. The action (10) is invariant under general coordinate transformations
and this may seem at odd with the notation of a minimal or fundamental length
in nature. This may suggest that a quantum mechanical description of general
relativity will fix the measure of Einstein-Hilbert action
−g to some constant
linked to the fundamental length. In that case one is led to unimodular gravity:
d4xR(g) (11)
with the constraint
−g = constant which implies that only variation of the metric
which respect this contraint may be considered. This is basically the argument made
by Anderson and Finkelstein 4 in favor of a unimodular theory of gravity.
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Xavier Calmet 5
There may be different ways to implement a minimal length in a theory, but
we shall concentrate on one approach based on a noncommutative spacetime which
indeed leads to a unimodular theory of gravity. Positing a noncommutative relation
between e.g. x and y implies ∆x∆y ≥ |θxy| ∼ l2, with [x̂, ŷ] = iθxy and where l
is the minimal length introduced in the theory. This also implies that a spacetime
volume is quantized ∆V ≥ l4.
One of the motivations to consider a noncommutative spacetime is that the non-
commutative relations for the coordinates imply the existence of a minimal which
can be thought of being proportional to the square root of the vacuum expecta-
tion value of θµν i.e. lmin ∼
θ. If this length is fundamental it should not de-
pend on the observer. Assuming the invariance of this fundamental length, one can
show that there is a class of spacetime symmetries called noncommutative Lorentz
transformations5 which preserve this length. It has recently been shown6, that there
are also general coordinate transformations ξµ(x̂) that leave the canonical noncom-
mutative algebra invariant and thus conserve the minimal length:
[x̂µ, x̂ν ] = iθµν , (12)
where θµν is constant and antisymmetric. They are of the form: ξµ(x̂) = θµν∂νf(x̂),
where f(x̂) is an arbitrary field. The Jacobian of these restricted coordinate trans-
formations is equal to one. This implies that the four-volume element is invariant:
d4x′ = d4x. These noncommutative transformations correspond to volume preserv-
ing diffeomorphisms which preserve the noncommutative algebra. A canonical non-
commutative spacetime thus restricts general coordinate transformations to volume
preserving coordinate transformations. These transformations are the only coordi-
nate transformations that leave the canonical noncommutative algebra invariant.
They form a subgroup of the unimodular transformations of a classical spacetime.
The version of General Relativity based on volume-preserving diffeomorphism
is known as the unimodular theory of gravitation7. Unimodular gravity here ap-
pears as a direct consequence of spacetime noncommutativity defined by a constant
antisymmetric θµν . One way to formulate gravity on a noncommutative spacetime
has been presented in refs.6. Our approach might not be unique, but if the non-
commutative model is reasonable, it must have a limit in which one recovers the
commutative unimodular gravity theory in the limit in which θµν goes to zero. For
small θµν we thus expect
d4xR(gµν) +O(θ), (13)
where R(gµν) is the usual Ricci scalar Once matter is included, one finds the fol-
lowing equations of motion:
Rµν −
gµνR = −8πG(T µν −
gµνT λλ) +O(θ). (14)
These equations do not involve a cosmological constant and the contribution of
vacuum fluctuations automatically cancel on the right-hand side of eq.(14). As done
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6 Xavier Calmet
in e.g. ref.13 we can use the Bianchi for R and the equations of motion for T =
−8πGT λλ and find:
Dµ(R+ T ) = 0 (15)
which can be integrated easily and give R + T = −Λ, where Λ is an integration
constant. It can then be shown that the differential equations (14) imply
Rµν − 1
gµνR− Λgµν = −8πGT µν −O(θ), (16)
i.e. Einstein’s equations20 of General Relativity with a cosmological constant Λ
that appears as an integration constant and is thus uncorrelated to any of the
parameters of the action (13). As we have shown, one needs to impose energy
conservation and the Bianchi identities to derive eq.(16) from eq.(14). Because any
solution of Einstein’s equations with a cosmological constant can, at least over any
topologically R4 open subset of spacetime, be written in a coordinate system with
g = −1, the physical content of unimodular gravity is identical at the classical level
to that of Einstein’s gravity with some cosmological constant13.
4. Cosmological implications of spacetime quantization
We now come to the link between a fundamental length and cosmology and rephrase
the arguments developed in refs.14,15,16,17,18 within the framework of a fundamen-
tal length. It has been shown that the quantization of an unimodular gravity action
proposed by Henneaux and Teitelboim12, which is an extension of the action de-
fined in eq. (13), leads to an uncertainty relation between the fluctuations of the
volume V and those of the cosmological constant Λ: δV δΛ ∼ 1 using natural units,
i.e. ~ = lp = c = mp = 1. Now if spacetime is quantized, as it is the case for
noncommuting coordinates, we expect the number of cells of spacetime to fluctu-
ate according to a Poisson distribution, δN ∼
N , where N is the number of
cells. This is however obviously an assumption which could only be justified by a
complete understanding of noncommutative quantum gravity. It is then natural to
assume that the volume fluctuates with the number of spacetime cells δV = δN .
One finds δV ∼
V and thus Λ ∼ V − 12 , i.e., we obtain an effective cosmological
constant which varies with the four-volume as obtained in a different context in
refs.19,14,15,16. In deriving this result, we have assumed as in refs.14,15 that the
fluctuation are around zero as explained below. A minimal length thus leads leads
to a vacuum energy density ρ
ρ ∼ 1√
. (17)
Here we assume that the scale for the quantization of spacetime is the Planck
scale. A crucial assumption made in refs.14,15,16 as well is that the value of cosmo-
logical constant fluctuates around zero. This was made plausible by Baum21 and
Hawking22 using an Euclidean formulation of quantum gravity.
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Xavier Calmet 7
Now the question is really to decide what we mean by the four-volume V . If
this is the four-volume related to the Hubble radius RH as in refs.
14,15,16 then this
model predicts ρ ∼ (10−3eV )4 which is the right order for today’s energy density, it
is however not obvious what is the equation of state for this effective cosmological
constant. The choice V = R4H might be ruled out because of the equation of state
of such a dark energy model as shown in ref.23 in the context of holographic dark
energy which leads to similar phenomenology. However if we assume that the four-
volume is related to the future event horizon as suggested by M. Li24, again in
the context of holographic dark energy, then we get an equation of state which is
compatible with the data w = −0.903 + 1.04z which is precisely the equation of
state for the holographic dark energy obtained in ref.24. Details will appear in a
forthcoming publication.
5. Conclusions
We have argued that an unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity
implies that there is a fundamental length in Nature in the sense that no opera-
tional procedure would be able to measure distances shorter than the Planck length.
Further we give an explicit realization of an old proposal by Anderson and Finkel-
stein who had argued that a fundamental length in nature would imply unimodular
gravity. Finally, using hand waving arguments we show that a minimal length might
be related to the cosmological constant, which if this scenario is realized, is time
dependent and thus only effectively a constant. Much more work remains to be
done to establish this connection. It would be interesting to related the time de-
pendence of the cosmological constant to that of other parameters of the standard
model such as the fine-structure constant. Indeed as argued in refs.25 if one of the
parameters of the standard model, such as a gauge coupling, a mass term or any
other cosmological parameter, is time dependent, it is quite natural to expect that
the remaining parameters of the theory will be time dependent as well.
I would like to thank Professor Xiao-Gang He and the Physics Department of the
National Taiwan University for their hospitality during my stay at NTU. I am
grateful to Professors Xiao-Gang He and Pauchy W-Y. Hwang for their invitation
to present this work at the CosPA 2006 meeting. This work was supported in part
by the IISN and the Belgian science policy office (IAP V/27).
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2. X. Calmet, M. Graesser and S. D. H. Hsu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 211101 (2004); Int. J.
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3. K. S. Thorne, Nonspherical gravitational collapse: A short review, in J. R . Klauder,
Magic Without Magic, San Francisco 1972, 231–258.
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4. J. L. Anderson and D. Finkelstein, Am. J. Phys. 39, 901 (1971), see also D. R. Finkel-
stein, A. A. Galiautdinov and J. E. Baugh, J. Math. Phys. 42, 340 (2001).
5. X. Calmet, Phys. Rev. D 71, 085012 (2005).
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047702 (2006); X. Calmet, arXiv:hep-th/0510165, to appear in Europhys.Lett.
7. A. Einstein, Siz. Preuss. Acad. Scis., (1919); “Do Gravitational Fields Play an essential
Role in the Structure of Elementary Particle of Matter,” in The Principle of Relativity:
A Collection of Original Memoirs on the Special and General Theory of Relativity by
A. Einstein et al (Dover, New York, 1923), pp. 191–198, English translation.
8. J. J. van der Bij, H. van Dam and Y. J. Ng, Physica 116A, 307 (1982).
9. M. Henneaux and C. Teitelboim, Phys. Lett. B 143, 415 (1984).
10. F. Wilczek, Phys. Rept. 104, 143 (1984).
11. W. Buchmuller and N. Dragon, Phys. Lett. B 207, 292 (1988).
12. M. Henneaux and C. Teitelboim, Phys. Lett. B 222, 195 (1989).
13. W. G. Unruh, Phys. Rev. D 40, 1048 (1989).
14. Y. J. Ng and H. van Dam, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 10, 49 (2001).
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17. R .D. Sorkin, in Relativity and Gravitation: Classical and Quantum (Proceedings of
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18. R. D. Sorkin, Int. J. Th. Phys. 36: 2759–2781 (1997).
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21. E. Baum, Phys. Lett. B 133, 185 (1983).
22. S. W. Hawking, Phys. Lett. B 134, 403 (1984).
23. S. D. H. Hsu, Phys. Lett. B 594, 13 (2004).
24. M. Li, Phys. Lett. B 603, 1 (2004).
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0704.1361 | A Dynamic Algorithm for Blind Separation of Convolutive Sound Mixtures | A Dynamic Algorithm for Blind Separation of
Convolutive Sound Mixtures
Jie Liu
, Jack Xin∗, and Yingyong Qi †
We study an efficient dynamic blind source separation algorithm of
convolutive sound mixtures based on updating statistical information
in the frequency domain, and minimizing the support of time domain
demixing filters by a weighted least square method. The permutation
and scaling indeterminacies of separation, and concatenations of signals
in adjacent time frames are resolved with optimization of l1× l∞ norm
on cross-correlation coefficients at multiple time lags. The algorithm is
a direct method without iterations, and is adaptive to the environment.
Computations on recorded and synthetic mixtures of speech and music
signals show excellent performance.
Keywords: Convolutive Mixtures, Indeterminacies,
Dynamic Statistics Update, Optimization,
Blind Separation.
∗Department of Mathematics, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA.
Qualcomm Inc, 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121, USA.
1 Introduction
Blind source separation (BSS) methods aim to extract the original source sig-
nals from their mixtures based on the statistical independence of the source
signals without knowledge of the mixing environment. The approach has
been very successful for instantaneous mixtures. However, realistic sound
signals are often mixed through a media channel, so the received sound
mixtures are linear convolutions of the unknown sources and the channel
transmission functions. In simple terms, the observed signals are unknown
weighted sums of the signals and its delays. Separating convolutive mixtures
is a challenging problem especially in realistic settings.
In this paper, we study a dynamic BSS method using both frequency and
time domain information of sound signals in addition to the independence
assumption on source signals. First, the convolutive mixture in the time
domain is decomposed into instantaneous mixtures in the frequency domain
by the fast Fourier transform (FFT). At each frequency, the joint approx-
imate diagonalization of eigen-matrices (JADE) method is applied. The
JADE method collects second and fourth order statistics from segments of
sound signals to form a set of matrices for joint orthogonal diagonalization,
which leads to an estimate of de-mixing matrix and independent sources.
However, there remain extra degrees of freedom: permutation and scaling of
estimated sources at each frequency. A proper choice of these parameters is
critical for the separation quality. Moreover, the large number of samples of
the statistical approach can cause delays in processing. These issues are to
be addressed by utilizing dynamical information of signals in an optimiza-
tion framework. We propose to dynamically update statistics with newly
received signal frames, then use such statistics to determine permutation in
the frequency domain by optimizing an l1 × l∞ norm of channel to channel
cross-correlation coefficients with multiple time lags. Though cross channel
correlation functions and related similarity measure were proposed previ-
ously to fix permutation [13], they allow cancellations and may not measure
similarity as accurately and reliably as the norm (metric) we introduced
here. The freedom in scaling is fixed by minimizing the support of the esti-
mated de-mixing matrix elements in the time domain. An efficient weighted
least square method is formulated to achieve this purpose directly in con-
trast to iterative method in [17]. The resulting dynamic BSS algorithm is
both direct and adapted to the acoustic environment. Encouraging results
on satisfactory separation of recorded sound mixtures are reported.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, a review is presented
on frequency domain approach, cumulants and joint diagonalization prob-
lems, and indeterminacies. Then the proposed dynamic method is presented,
where objective functions of optimization, statistics update and efficient
computations are addressed. Numerical results are shown and analyzed to
demonstrate the capability of the algorithm to separate speech and music
mixtures in both real room and synthetic environments. Conclusions are in
section 3.
2 Convolutive Mixture and BSS
Let a real discrete time signal be s(k) = [s1(k), s2(k), · · · , sn(k)], k a discrete
time index, such that the components si(k) (i = 1, 2, · · · , n), are zero-mean
and mutually independent random processes. For simplicity, the processing
will divide s into partially overlapping frames of length T each. The in-
dependent components are transmitted and mixed to give the observations
xi(k) =
aij(p) sj(k − p), i = 1, 2, · · · , n; (2.1)
where aij(p) denote mixing filter coefficients, the p-th element of the P -
point impulse response from source i to receiver j. The mixture in (2.1)
is convolutive, and an additive Gaussian noise may be added. The sound
signals we are interested in are speech and music, both are non-Gaussian
[1]. We shall consider the case of equal number of receivers and sources,
especially n = 2.
An efficient way to decompose the nonlocal equation (2.1) into local ones
is by a T-point discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [2], Xj(ω, t) =
τ=0 xj(t+
τ) e−2π Jωτ , where J =
−1, ω is a frequency index, ω = 0, 1/T, · · · , (T −
1)/T , t the frame index. Suppose T > P , and extend aij(p) to all p ∈
[0, T − 1] by zero padding. Let Hij(ω) denote the matrix function obtained
by T-point DFT of aij(p) in p, Sj(ω, t) the T-point DFT of sj(k) in the t-th
frame. If P ≪ T , then to a good approximation [17]:
X(ω, t) ≈ H(ω)S(ω, t), (2.2)
where X = [X1, · · · ,Xn]Tr, S = [s1, · · · , sn]Tr, Tr is short for transpose.
The components of S remains independent of each other, the problem is
converted to a blind separation of instantaneous mixture in (2.2). Note
that P is on the order of 40 to 50 typically, while T is 256 or 512, so the
assumption P ≪ T is reasonable.
2.1 Instantaneous Mixture and JADE
Let us briefly review an efficient and accurate method, so called joint approx-
imate diagonalization eigen-matrices (JADE) [6] for BSS of instanteneous
mixture. There are many other approaches in the literature [4], e.g. info-
max method [1] which is iterative and based on maximizing some informa-
tion theoretical function. JADE is essentially a direct method for reducing
covariance. We shall think of S as a random function of t, and suppress ω de-
pendence. First assume that by proper scaling E[|Sj(t)|2] = 1, j = 1, · · · , n.
It follows from independence of sources that (′ conjugate transpose):
] = In, RX ≡ E[X(t)X(t)
] = HH
, (2.3)
the latter identity is a factorization of the Hermitian covariance matrix of
the mixture. However, there is non-uniqueness in the ordering and phases
of columns of H. Suppose that (1) the mixing matrix H is full rank; (2) the
Sj(t)’s are independent at any t; (3) the process S(t) is stationary. Let W
be a matrix such that In = WRXW
= WHH ′W ′, W is called a whitening
matrix. Then WH is an orthogonal matrix, denoted by U . Multiplying W
from the left onto (2.2), one finds that:
Z(t) ≡ WX(t) = US(t). (2.4)
The 4th order statistics are needed to determine U . The 4th-order cumulant
of four mean zero random variables is:
Cum[a, b, c, d] = E(abcd)−E(ab)E(cd)−E(ac)E(bd)−E(ad)E(bc), (2.5)
which is zero if a, b, c, d split into two mutually independent groups. For
source vector S, Cum[Si, Sj, Sk, Sl] = kurti δijkl, kurti = Cum[Si, Si, Si, Si]
is the kurtosis. If kurti 6= 0, the i-th source is called kurtic. Kurtosis is zero
for a mean zero Gaussian random variable. The last assumption of JADE
is that (4) there is at most one non-kurtic source.
Define cumulant matrix set QZ(M) from Z in (2.4) as the linear span of
the Hermitian matrices Q = (qij) satisfying (∗ complex conjugate):
qij =
Cum(Zi, Z
j , Zk, Z
l )mlk, 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, (2.6)
where matrix M = (mij) = ele
k, el being the unit vector with zero com-
ponents except the l-th component equal to one. Equations (2.4) and (2.6)
imply that (up is the p-th column of U):
(kurtp u
p, ∀ M, (2.7)
or Q = UDU
, D = diag(kurt1u
1Mu1, · · · , kurtnu
nMun). Hence, U is the
joint diagonalizer of the matrix set QZ(M). Once U is so determined, the
mixing matrix H = W−1U . It can be shown [6] using identity (2.7) that the
joint diagonalizer of QZ(M) is equal to U up to permutation and phase, or
up to a matrix multiplier P where P has exactly one unit modulus entry in
each row and column. Such a joint diagonalizer is called essentially equal to
The algorithm of finding the joint diagonalizer is a generalization of
Jacobi method or Givens rotation method [9]. As the cumulant matri-
ces are estimated in practice, exact joint diagonalizer may not exist, in-
stead, an approximate joint diagonalizer, an orthogonal matrix V , is sought
to maximize the quantity: C(V,B) =
r=1 |diag(V ′Br V )|2, where B =
{B1, B2, · · · , Bn2} is a set of basis (or eigen) matrices of QZ(M), |diag(A)|2
is the sum of squares of diagonals of a matrix A. Maximizing C(V,B) is
same as minimizing off diagonal entries, which can be achieved in a finite
number of steps of Givens rotations. The costs of joint diagonalization is
roughly n2 times that of diagonalizing a single Hermitian matrix.
Though stationarity is assumed for the theoretical analysis above, JADE
turns out to be quite robust even when stationarity is not exactly satisfied
for signals such as speech or music.
2.2 Dynamic Method of Separating Convolutive Mixture
For each frequency ω, equation (2.2) is a BSS problem of instantaneous
mixtures. The speech or music signals in reality are stationary over short
time scales and nonstationary over longer time scales, which depend on the
production details. For speech signals, human voice is stationary for a few
10 ms, and becomes non-stationary for a time scale above 100 ms due to
envelope modulations [8, 13]. The short time stationarity permits FFT to
generate meaningful spectra in equation (2.2) within each frame. For a
sampling frequency of 16,000 Hertz, each frame of 512 points lasts 32 ms.
The mixing matrix H may depend on t over longer time scales, denoted by
H = H(ω, t), unless the acoustic environment does not change as in most
synthetic mixing. A demixing method with potential real time application
should be able to capture the dynamic variation of mixing.
Our approach consists of four steps. Step I is to find an initialization
for H(ω, t). After receiving the initial nT frames of mixtures, compute their
FFT and obtain X(ω, t), t = 1, 2, · · · , nT , to collect nT samples at each
discrete frequency. For each ω, perform JADE, and estimate the mixing
matrix denoted by H0(ω). To ensure a good statistical estimate, nT is on
the order of 80 to 100, and may be properly reduced later.
Step I gives separated components of signals over all frequencies. How-
ever, such JADE output has inderterminacies in amplitude, order and phase.
This benign problem for instantaneous mixtures becomes a major issue when
one needs to assemble the separated individual components. For example,
the permutation mismatches across frequencies can degrade the quality of
separation seriously.
Step II is to use nonstationarity of signals to sort out a consistent
order of separated signals in the frequency domain. Such a method for
batch processing was proposed in [13]. A separation method requiring
the entire length of the signal is called batch processing. The sorting al-
gorithm of [13] proceeds as follows. (1) Estimate the envelope variation
by a moving average over a number of frames (beyond stationarity time
scale) for each separated frequency component. The envelope is denoted
by Env(ω, t, i), where i is the index of separated components. (2) Com-
pute a similarity measure equal to the sum of correlations of the envelopes
of the separated components at each frequency. The similarity measure
is sim(ω) =
i 6=j ρ(Env(ω, t, i),Env(ω, t, j)), where ρ(·, ·) is the normal-
ized correlation coefficients (see (2.9)) involving time average over the en-
tire signal length to approximate the ensemble average so the t dependence
drops out. (3) Let ω1 be the one with lowest similarity value where sep-
aration is the best. The ω1 serves as a reference point for sorting. (4)
At other frequencies ωk (k = 2, 3, · · ·), find a permutation σ to maxi-
i=1 ρ(Env(ωk, t, σ(i)),
j=1 Envs(ωj, t, i)), among all permutations
of 1, 2, · · · , n. Here Envs denotes the sorted envelopes in previous frequen-
cies. (5) Permute the order of separated components at the k-th frequency
bin according to σ in step (4), and define Envs(ωk, t, i). Repeat (4) and (5)
until k = T .
We shall modify the above sorting method in three aspects. The first is
to use segments of signal instead of the entire signal to compute statistics
(correlations) to minimize delay in processing. The second is to use correla-
tion coefficients of separated signals at un-equal times or multiple time lags
in step (2) to better characterize the degree of separation. Moreover, we no-
tice that the similarity measure of [13] as seen above is a sum of correlation
coefficients of potentially both signs, and so can be nearly zero due to can-
cellations even though each term in the sum is not small in absolute value.
We introduce an l1 × l∞ norm below to characterize more accurately chan-
nel similarity by taking sum of absolute values of correlation coefficients and
maximum of time lags. The third is to simplify the maximization problem
on σ to avoid comparing correlations with summed envelopes at all previ-
ous frequencies. We also do not use envelopes of signals inside correlation
functions. The reason is that the smoothing nature of envelope operation
reduces the amount of oscillations in the signals and may yield correlation
values less accurate for capturing the degree of independence. Specifically,
let ŝi(ω, t) = ai(ω, t) e
jφi(ω,t) be the i-th separated signal at frequency ω,
where ai(ω, t) = |ŝi(ω, t)|, φi the phase functions, t the frame index. The
correlation function of two time dependent signals over M frames is:
cov(a(ω, t), b(ω′, t)) = M−1
a(ω, t)b∗(ω′, t)−M−2
a(ω, t)
b∗(ω′, t),
and the (normalized) correlation coefficient is:
ρ(a(ω, t), b(ω′, t)) =
cov(a(ω, t), b(ω′, t))
cov(a(ω, t), a(ω, t)) cov(b(ω′, t), b(ω′, t))
. (2.9)
From speech production viewpoint, frequency components of a speech signal
do not change drastically in time, instead are similarly affected by the motion
of the speaker’s vocal chords. The correlation coefficient is a natural tool for
estimating coherence of frequency components of a speech signal. A similar
argument may be applied to music signals as they are produced from cavities
of instruments.
Now with M = nT in (2.8), define
C(ω) =
i 6=j
|ρ(|ŝi(ω, t)|, |ŝj(ω, t− k)|)|, for ω ∈ [ωL, ωU ]
with some positive integer K0. Find ω1 between ωL and ωU to minimize
C(ω). With ω1 as reference, at any other ω, find the permutation σ to
σ = argmax
|ρ(|ŝi(ω1, t)|, |ŝσ(i)(ω, t− k)|)|. (2.11)
Notice that the objective functions in (2.10)-(2.11) are exactly the l1 × l∞
norms over the indices i(j) and k. Multiple time lag index k is to accomodate
the translational invariance of sound quality to the ear. Maximizing over k
helps to capture the correlation of the channels, and sum of i (j) reflects the
total coherence of a vector signal.
Step III fixes the scaling and phase indeterminacies in ŝ(ω, t). Each row
of the de-mixing matrix H−10 (ω) may be multiplied by a complex number
λi(ω) (i = 1, 2 · · · , n) before inverse FFT (ifft) to reconstruct demixing ma-
trix h(0)(τ) in the time domain. The idea is to minimize the support of
each row of the inverse FFT by a weighted least square method. In other
words, we shall select λi’s so that the entries of ifft(H
0 )(τ) ≡ h(0)(τ) are
real and nearly zero if τ ≥ Q for some Q < T , Q as small as possible, T
being the length of FFT. Smaller Q improves the local approximation, or
accuracy of equation (2.2). To be more specific, using H−10,i (ω) to denote the
i-th row vector of H−10 (ω), we can explicitly write the equation to shorten
the support of inverse FFT:
0,i (ω))(τ) = 0 (2.12)
in terms of the real and imaginary parts of λi(ω) for ω = 0, 1/T, ..., (T−1)/T .
Those real and imaginary parts are the variables and the equations are linear.
Now, we let τ run from q to T − 1. If we want small support, q should be
small, then there are more equations than unkowns. So we multiply a weight
to each equation and minimize in the least square sense. Equation (2.12)
for larger τ is multiplied by a larger weight in the hope that the value of the
left hand side of (2.12) will be closer to zero during the least square process.
If we choose the weighting function to be the exponential function βτ for
some β > 1, then the above process can be mathematically written as
[λi(0), ..., λi((T − 1)/T )] = argmin
|βτ ifft(λi(ω)H−10,i (ω))(τ)|
2 (2.13)
where H−10,i (ω) is the i-th row vector of H
0 (ω).
A few comments are in order. First, since the mixing matrix H0(ω) is the
FFT of a real matrix, we impose that H0(ω) = H0(1−ω)∗. So, supposing T
is even, we only need to apply JADE to obtain H0(ω) for ω = 0, 1/T, ..., 1/2;
H0(0) and H0(1/2) will automatically be real. When fixing the freedom of
scaling in each ω, we choose λ(0) and λ(1/2) real, and λ(ω) = λ(1−ω)∗ for
other ω. Second, to fix the overall scaling and render the solution nontrivial,
we set λ(0) = 1. Third, the weighted least square problem (2.13) can be
solved by a direct method or matrix inversion (chapter 6 in [9]).
Note that when n = 2, among the 2(T − q) equations from (2.12) with
τ = q, ..., T − 1, there are T − 1 variables including λi(1/2), the real and
imaginary parts of λi(ω) for ω = 1/T, ..., 1/2−1/T . So, we can make roughly
half of h
i (τ) ≈ 0, the best one can achieve in general. Separated signals,
denoted by s̃(0)(t), are then produced, for t ∈ [0, nT ], t the frame index.
The last step IV is to update h(0)(τ) when δnT ≪ nT many new frames
of mixtures arrive. The steps I to III are repeated using frames from δnT +1
to δnT + nT , to generate a new time domain demixing matrix h
(1)(τ), τ ∈
[0, T − 1], and separated signal s̃(1)(τ), τ ∈ [T (nT −∆nT ) + 1, T (nT + δnT )]
with T the size of one frame. We use τ here instead of t because in the
most part of the paper, t is the frame index. Now, s̃(1)(τ) and s(0)(τ) share
a common interval of size T∆nT . On this common interval, s̃
(1)(τ) and
s(0)(τ) will be the same if we are doing a perfect job and if the ordering
of s̃(1) is consistent with that of s(0). In order to determine the ordering
of s̃(1)(τ), we compute ρ
i (τ), s
j (τ − k)
on this common interval with
different k and i, j = 1, ..., n. Then we determine the permutation σ of the
components of s̃(1)(t) by minimization:
σ = argmax
i (τ), s̃
(τ − k)
∣ (2.14)
with some constant K1. After doing the necessary permutation of s̃
(1), the
separated signals are then extended to the extra frames δnT +nT by concate-
nating the newly separated δnT many frames of s̃
(1) with those of s̃(0). The
continuity of concatenation is maintained by requiring that maxτ |h(k)ii (τ)|’s
(i = 1, 2, · · · , n) are invariant in k, where k = 1, 2, · · ·, labels the updated
filter matrix in time. The procedure repeats with the next arrival of mixture
data, and is a direct method incorporating dynamic information.
Because sorting order depends only on the relative values of channel correla-
tions, we observed in practice that the maxk∈{−K.,...,K.} in equations (2.10),
(2.11), (2.14) may be replaced by
, with a different choice of K.
value. The maxk∈{−K.,...,K.} is a more accurate characterization however.
2.3 Adaptive Estimation and Cost Reductions
Cumulants and moments are symmetric functions in their arguments [15].
For example when n = 2, there are 16 joint fourth order cumulants from
(2.5), however, only six of them need to be computed, the others follow from
symmetry. Specifically, among the 16 cumulants:
Q(1) = Cum(y1, y
1 , y
1 , y1), Q(2) = Cum(y1, y
1 , y
1, y2)
Q(3) = Cum(y1, y
1 , y
2 , y1), Q(4) = Cum(y1, y
1 , y
2, y2)
Q(5) = Cum(y1, y
2 , y
1 , y1), Q(6) = Cum(y1, y
2 , y
1, y2)
Q(7) = Cum(y1, y
2 , y
2 , y1), Q(8) = Cum(y1, y
2 , y
2, y2)
Q(9) = Cum(y2, y
1 , y
1 , y1), Q(10) = Cum(y2, y
1 , y
1, y2)
Q(11) = Cum(y2, y
1 , y
2 , y1), Q(12) = Cum(y2, y
1 , y
2, y2)
Q(13) = Cum(y2, y
2 , y
1 , y1), Q(14) = Cum(y2, y
2 , y
1, y2)
Q(15) = Cum(y2, y
2 , y
2 , y1), Q(16) = Cum(y2, y
2 , y
2, y2)
we have the relations: Q(2) = Q(3)∗ = Q(5)∗ = Q(9), Q(4) = Q(6) =
Q(11) = Q(13), Q(7) = Q(10)∗, Q(8) = Q(15) = Q(12)∗ = Q(14)∗, where ∗
is complex conjugate. For N samples, we only need to compute the following
six 1×N vectors
Y1 = (y
1, ..., y
1 ), Y2 = (y
2, ..., y
Y3 = (y
2, ..., y
2 ), Y4 = (y
1 , ..., y
Y5 = (y
2 , ..., y
2 ), Y6 = (y
2 , ..., y
then all the 4th order and 2nd order statistical quantities can be recon-
structed. For example,
Q(1) =
Y4·Y Tr4 −
(2 sum(Y4) sum(Y4) + sum(Y1) (sum(Y1)
∗)) (2.15)
where sum(Yi) is the summation of the N components of Yi.
As formula (2.5) suggests, cumulants are updated through moments
when δnT early samples are replaced by the same number of new samples.
As δnT is much less than the total number of terms nT in the empirical
estimator of expectation, the adjustment costs 2δnT flops for each second
moments and 6δnT flops for each joint fourth order moment. The con-
tributions of the early samples are subtracted from the second and fourth
moments, then the contributions of the new samples are added. The cu-
mulant update approach is similar to cumulant tracking method of moving
targets ([12] and references therein).
Due to dynamical cumulants update, the prewhitening step at each fre-
quency is performed after cumulants are computed from X(ω). This is dif-
ferent from JADE [6] where the prewhitening occurs before computing the
commulants. This way, it is more convenient to make use of the previous
cumulant information and updated X(ω). Afterward, we use the multilin-
earity of the cummulants to transform them back to the commulants of the
prewhitened X(ω), before joint diagonalization.
It is desirable to decrease nT to lower the number of samples for cu-
mulants estimation. However, this tends to increase the variance in the
estimated cumulants, and render estimation less stable in time. Numeri-
cal experiments indicated that with nT as low as 40, the separation using
overlapping frames is still reliable with reasonable quality.
It is known [8] that the identity of a speaker is carried by pitch (per-
ception of the fundamental frequency in speech production) which varies in
the low frequency range of a few hundred Hertz. We found that instead of
searching among all frequencies for the reference frequency ω1 in step II, it is
often sufficient to search in the low frequency range. The smaller searching
range alleviates the workload in sorting and permutation correcting. This
is similar to a feature oriented method, see [16, 18, 3] among others.
2.4 Experimental Results
The proposed algorithm with adaptivity and cost reduction considerations
was implemented in Matlab. The original code of JADE by J.-F. Cardoso
is obtained from a open source (∼paris/ ) main-
tained by P. Smaragdis. Separation results with both dynamic and batch
processing of three different types of mixtures are reported here:
(1) real room recorded data;
(2) synthetic mixture of speech and music;
(3) synthetic mixture of speech and speech noise.
They will be called case (1), (2) and (3) in the following discussion.
The values of the parameters used in the three cases are listed in Table 1.
In the table, ”nT (dyn.)” is the initial value of nT in dynamic processing
and ”nT (bat.)” is the nT in batch processing. Other than nT , dynamic and
batch process share the same parameters. The frame size is T , ”overlap”
is the overlapping percentage between two successive frames, δnT and ∆nT
are as in step IV, K0 and K1 are from (2.11) and (2.14), β is in (2.13), and
q is the lower limit of τ in (2.12).
Note that the values of ωL and ωU from (2.10) are not listed in the table.
In our computation, we use the following two choices
(A) ωL = 0, ωU = 1/2.
(B) ωL = ωU = 4/T , namely fixing reference frequency ω1 = 4/T .
For the three cases reported in this paper, both choices work and generate
very similar results. As a consequence, we will only plot the results of the
first choice. The first choice is more general while the second is motivated
by the pitch range of speech signal and is computationally more favorable.
However, we do not know precisely the robustness of the latter.
case T overlap nT δnT ∆nT K0 K1 β q nT
(dyn.) (bat.)
(1) 512 0% 100 20 30 4 10 1.04 2 200
(2) 256 50% 100 20 40 15 20 1.04 2 160
(3) 256 50% 100 20 40 10 20 1.04 2 160
Table 1: Parameters used in both dynamic and batch processing.
For a quantitative measure of separation in all three cases, we compute
the maximal correlation coefficient over multiple time lags:
ρ̄(a, b) = max
|ρ(a(τ), b(τ + k))| (2.16)
with ρ defined in (2.9). The ρ̄ is computed for the mixtures, the sources and
the separated signals for both batch and dynamic processing. An exception
is the lack of sources in case (1). We choose K2 = 20 in all the computations.
The results are listed in Table 2 which shows that the ρ̄ values of the mixtures
are much larger than those of the dynamically separated signals, which are
on the same order as the ρ̄ values of the batch separated signals. In the
synthetic cases (2) and (3), the ρ̄ values of the batch separated signals are
on the same order of the ρ̄ values of the source signals or 10−2. In cases (2)
and (3), we use the ratio ρ̄(x, s1)/ρ̄(x, s2) to measure the relative closeness
of a signal x to source signals s1 and s2. Table 3 lists these ratios for x
being the separated signals by dynamic and batch methods with A and B
denoting the two ways of setting the reference frequency ω1. The outcomes
are similar no matter x = s̃1 or x = s̃2 (first or second separated signal)
in either dynamic or batch cases and either way of selecting the reference
frequency ω1.
In case (1), the recorded data [13] consists of 2 mixtures of a piece of mu-
sic (source 1) and a digit (one to ten) counting sentence (source 2) recorded
in a normal office size room. The sampling frequency is 16 kHz, and 100
k data points are shown in Fig. 1. The signals last a little over 6 seconds.
The result of dynamic BSS algorithm is shown in Fig 2. As a comparison,
we show in Fig. 3 result of batch processing of steps I to III of the algorithm
ρ̄(·, ·) of 3 cases mixture dyn. separation bat. separation sources
(1)-A 0.8230 0.0269 0.0160 N/A
(1)-B 0.8230 0.0225 0.0159 N/A
(2)-A 0.6240 0.0503 0.0673 0.0201
(2)-B 0.6240 0.0182 0.0600 0.0201
(3)-A 0.4613 0.0351 0.0378 0.0243
(3)-B 0.4613 0.0267 0.0677 0.0243
Table 2: Values of the correlation coefficient ρ̄(x, y), (x, y) being either the
two mixtures or the two sources or the two separated signals by dynamic and
batch methods. The A and B in the first column denote the two different
ways of selecting the reference frequency ω1.
ρ̄(x, s1)/ρ̄(x, s2) case(2) case(3)
x= dyn. s̃1(A) 4.5899 4.5096
x= dyn. s̃2(A) 0.1086 0.2852
x= dyn. s̃1(B) 5.3083 5.8411
x= dyn. s̃2(B) 0.0494 0.2799
x= bat. s̃1(A) 15.0912 1.4632
x= bat. s̃2(A) 0.0760 0.1665
x= bat. s̃1(B) 6.2227 25.8122
x= bat. s̃2(B) 0.0636 0.1719
Table 3: Ratios of ρ̄(x, s1) and ρ̄(x, s2), x being a separated signal on the
first column by dynamic or batch method, s1 and s2 are source signals. The
ratio measures the relative closeness of x to s1 and s2. If the ratio is larger
(smaller) than one, x is closer to s1 (s2). The A and B in the first column
denote the two different ways of selecting ω1.
with nT = 200. The batch processing gives a clear separation upon listen-
ing to the separated signals. The dynamic processing is comparable. The
filter coefficients in the time domain hij(τ) at the last update of dynamic
processing are shown in Fig. 4. Due to weighted least square optimization
in step III, they are localized and oscillatory with support length Q close to
half of the FFT size T .
For cases (2) and (3), we show the envelopes of the absolute values of the
mixtures or the separated signals. The signal envelope was computed using
the standard procedure of amplitude demodulation, i.e., lowpass filtering
the rectified signal. The filter was an FIR filter with 400 taps and the
cutoff frequency was 100 Hz. Signal envelopes help to visualize and compare
source and processed signals. We have normalized all the envelopes so that
the maximum height is 1. The values of aij in (2.1), which are used to
synthetically generate the mixtures, are shown in Fig. 5 (see [19, (8)]). Fig. 6
and Fig. 7 show the mixtures and separated signals of case (2). Fig. 8 and
Fig. 9 show the mixtures and separated signals of case (3). In view of these
plots, Table 2 and Table 3, separation is quite satisfactory, which is also
confirmed by hearing the separated signals.
The processing time in MATLAB on a laptop can be a factor of 5 to
8 above the real time signal duration, however, the time is expected to
be closer to real time with the computation is executed by Fortran or C
directly or with additional cost reduction techniques. A breakdown of time
consumption in the algorithm shows that 40% of the processing is spent on
computing cumulants, 30 % on sorting in frequency and time domains, 15%
on fixing scaling functions, 3% on joint diagonalization, the rest on other
operations such as computing lower order statistics, FFT, IFFT etc.
3 Conclusions
A dynamic blind source separation algorithm is proposed to track the time
dependence of signal statistics and to be adaptive to the potentially time
varying environment. Besides an efficient updating of cumulants, the method
made precise the procedure of sorting permutation indeterminacy in the fre-
quency domain by optimizing a metric (the l1 × l∞ norm) on multiple time
lagged channel correlation coefficients. A direct and efficient weighted least
square approach is introduced to compactify the support of demixing fil-
ter to improve the accuracy of frequency domain localization of convolutive
mixtures. Experimental results show robust and satisfactory separation of
real recorded data and synthetic mixtures. An interesting line of future work
will be concerned with various strategies to reduce computational costs.
4 Acknowledgements
The work was partially supported by NSF grants ITR-0219004, DMS-0549215,
NIH grant 2R44DC006734; the CORCLR (Academic Senate Council on Re-
search, Computing and Library Resources) faculty research grant MI-2006-
07-6, and a Pilot award of the Center for Hearing Research at UC Irvine.
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Figure Captions
Fig 1: Case (1), two recorded signals in a real room where a speaker was
counting ten digits with music playing in the background.
Fig 2: Case (1) with choice A, separated digit counting sentence (bottom)
and background music (top) by the proposed dynamic method. Choice B
gives similar results.
Fig 3: Case (1) with choice A, separated digit counting sentence (bottom)
and background music (top) by batch processing using the proposed steps I
to III. Choice B gives similar results.
Fig 4: Case (1) with choice A, the localized and oscillatory filter coefficients
in the time domain at the last frame of dynamic processing. Choice B gives
similar results.
Fig 5: The weights aij used in generating synthetic mixtures of cases (2)
and (3), as proposed in [19].
Fig 6: Case (2), the synthetic mixtures are generated by a female voice and
a piece of instrumental music.
Fig 7: Case (2) with choice A, the envelopes of the separated signals from
mixtures whose envelopes are in Fig. (6). The small amplitude portion of
the music is well recovered. Choice B gives similar results.
Fig 8: Case (3), the synthetic mixtures of a female voice and a speech noise
with signal to noise ratio equal to −3.8206 dB. The x1 plot shows a speech in
a strong noise, the valley structures in the speech signal are filled by noise.
Fig 9: Case (3) with choice A, the envelopes of the separated signals, noise
(top) and speech (bottom). The envelopes of the two mixtures are in Fig. 8.
The strongly noisy x1 in Fig. 8 has been cleaned, the valleys in the envelope
re-appeared. Choice B gives an even better result.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Recorded mixture signals in a real room
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 1:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Separated source of background music by proposed dynamic method
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Separated source of counting digits (1 to 10) by proposed dynamic method
Figure 2:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Separated source of background music by the batch method
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Separated source of counting digits (1 to 10) by the batch method
Figure 3:
0 100 200 300 400 500
τ = 1:512
0 100 200 300 400 500
τ = 1:512
0 100 200 300 400 500
τ = 1:512
0 100 200 300 400 500
τ = 1:512
Figure 4:
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
Figure 5:
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
envelopes of the two components of the sound mixture
Figure 6:
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Figure 7:
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
envelopes of the two components of the sound mixture
Figure 8:
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Figure 9:
Convolutive Mixture and BSS
Instantaneous Mixture and JADE
Dynamic Method of Separating Convolutive Mixture
Adaptive Estimation and Cost Reductions
Experimental Results
0704.1362 | Fast recursive filters for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems | Fast recursive filters for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems
J. H. van Hateren
[email protected]
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Amsterdam, and Institute for Mathematics and Computing Science, University of Groningen,
The Netherlands
A fast and accurate computational scheme for simulating nonlinear dynamic systems is
presented. The scheme assumes that the system can be represented by a combination of
components of only two different types: first-order low-pass filters and static nonlinearities.
The parameters of these filters and nonlinearities may depend on system variables, and the
topology of the system may be complex, including feedback. Several examples taken from
neuroscience are given: phototransduction, photopigment bleaching, and spike generation
according to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The scheme uses two slightly different forms of
autoregressive filters, with an implicit delay of zero for feedforward control and an implicit
delay of half a sample distance for feedback control. On a fairly complex model of the
macaque retinal horizontal cell it computes, for a given level of accuracy, 1-2 orders of
magnitude faster than 4th-order Runge-Kutta. The computational scheme has minimal
memory requirements, and is also suited for computation on a stream processor, such as a
GPU (Graphical Processing Unit).
1 Introduction
Nonlinear systems are ubiquitous in neuroscience, and simulations of concrete neural systems
often involve large numbers of neurons or neural components. In particular if model
performance needs to be compared with and fitted to measured neural responses, computing
times can become quite restrictive. For such applications, efficient computational schemes are
necessary. In this article, I will present such a highly efficient scheme, that has recently been
used for simulating image processing by the primate outer retina (van Hateren 2006, 2007).
The scheme is particularly suited for data-driven applications, where the time step of
integration is dictated by the sampling interval of the analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog
conversion. It assumes that the system can be decomposed into components of only two
types: static nonlinearities and first-order low-pass filters. Interestingly, these components are
also the most common ones used in neuromorphic VLSI circuits (Mead 1989). In the scheme
presented here, the components need not have fixed parameters, but are allowed to depend on
the system state. They are arranged in a possibly complex topography, typically involving
several feedback loops. The efficiency of the scheme is produced by using very fast recursive
filters for the first-order low-pass filters. I will show that it is best to use slightly different
forms of the filter algorithm for feedforward and feedback processing loops.
No attempt is made to rigorously analyze convergence or optimality of the scheme, which
would anyway be difficult to do for arbitrary nonlinear systems. The scheme should therefore
be viewed as a practical solution, that works well for the examples I give in this article, but
may need specific testing and benchmarking on new problems.
The scheme I present here can be efficiently implemented on stream processors. Recently
there has been growing interest in using such processors for high performance computing
(e.g., Göddeke et al. 2007, Ahrenberg et al. 2006, Guerrero-Rivera et al. 2006). In particular
the arrival of affordable graphical processing units (GPUs) with raw computating power more
than an order of magnitude higher than that of CPUs is driving this interest (see Current GPUs typically have about 100 processors that can work in
parallel on data in the card’s memory. Once the data and the (C-like) programs are loaded into
the card, the card computes essentially independently of the CPU. Results can subsequently
be uploaded to the CPU for further processing. GPUs are especially suited for simulating
problems, such as in retinal image processing, that can be written as parallel, local operations
on a two-dimensional grid.
Stream processors are, unlike CPUs, data driven and not instruction driven. They process the
incoming data as it becomes available, and therefore usually need algorithms with fixed, or at
least predictable computing times. The processing scheme I present in this article has indeed a
fixed computing time. Moreover, it has low computational cost and low memory
requirements, because it only deals with current and previous values of input, state variables,
and output. The output is produced without delays that are not part of the model, that is, at the
same time step as the current input, and the scheme is thus also suited for real-time
The article is organized as follows. First, I will present a fairly complete overview of methods
to simulate a first-order low-pass filter with a minimal recursive filter. Subsequently, I will
give several examples of how specific neural systems - in particular several subsystems of
retinal processing and spike generation following the Hodgkin-Huxley equations - can be
decomposed into suitable components. Computed results of the various forms of recursive
filters are compared with benchmark calculations using a standard Matlab solver. It is shown
that for a practical, fairly complex model the most efficient algorithm (modified Tustin)
outperforms a conventional 4th-order Runge-Kutta integration by 1-2 orders of magnitude.
Finally, I will discuss the merits and limits of the approach taken here.
2 Discrete simulation of a first-order low-pass filter
Much of the material presented in this section is not new. However, I found that most of it is
scattered throughout the literature, and I will therefore give a fairly complete overview. Table
1 summarizes the filters and their properties.
In the continuous time domain, the equation
=+ , (1)
describes a first-order low-pass filter transforming an input function x(t) into an output
function y(t), where τ is the time constant, and the coefficient in front of x is chosen such that
the filter has unit DC gain: y=x if the input is a constant. In the examples below, I will usually
write this equation in the standard form
yxy −=ɺτ . (2)
Fourier transforming this equation gives as the transfer function of this filter
)( , (3)
where the tilde denotes Fourier transforms. The impulse response of the filter is
.0for 0
teth t τ
τ (4)
We will assume now that )(tx is only available at discrete times ∆= ntn , as )( ∆= nxxn , and
that we only require )(ty at the same times, as )( ∆= nyyn . Here ∆ is the time between
samples. Conforming with the most common integration schemes, we will further assume that
for calculating the current value of the output only the current value of the input, the previous
value of the output, and possibly the previous value of the input are available. We therefore
seek real coefficients a1, b0, and b1 such that
11011 −− ++−= nnnn xbxbyay (5)
produces an output close to that expected from Eq. (2). The indices and signs of the
coefficients are chosen here in such a way that they are consistent with common use in the
digital processing community for describing IIR (infinite impulse response) or ARMA (auto-
regressive, moving average) filters that relate the z-transforms of input and output
(Oppenheim and Schafer 1975). I will not use the z-transform formalism here, but only note
that Fourier transforming Eq. (5) and using the shift theorem gives
∆−∆− ++−= ωω inn
nn exbxbeyay
101 , (6)
and therefore a transfer function
nω , (7)
where the operator )exp(1 ∆−=− ωiz represents a delay of one sample.
The coefficients a1, b0, and b1 are not independent because of the additional constraint that the
filter of Eq. (2) has unit DC gain. A constant input c must then produce a constant output c,
thus Eq. (5) yields cbcbcac 101 ++−= and therefore
1101 =++− bba . (8)
Because representing a general continuous system as in Eq. (2) by a discrete system as in Eq.
(5) can only be approximate (note that Eqs. 3 and 7 cannot be made identical), there is no
unique choice for the coefficients a1, b0, and b1. Below I will give an overview of several
possibilities, mostly available in the literature, and discuss their appropriateness for the
computational scheme to be presented below. The first three methods discussed below,
forward Euler, backward Euler, and the Trapezoidal rule, are derived from general methods
for approximating derivatives. The further methods discussed are more specialized, dealing
specifically with Eq. (2) and differing with respect to how the input signal is assumed to
behave between the sampled values.
2.1 Forward Euler
Forward Euler (Press et al. 1992) is quite often used in neural simulations. Applied to Eq. (2)
it amounts to the approximation
τ/)( 11111 ∆−+=∆+≈ −−−−− nnnnnn yxyyyy ɺ , (9)
hence we get the recurrence equation
./' with
)'/1()'/11( 11
+−= −−
ττ nnn xyy (10)
Here as well as below I will use 'τ , which is τ normalized by the sample distance, to keep
the equations concise. Eq. (10) suffers from two major problems: first, it is not very accurate,
and even unstable for small 'τ (Press et al. 1992), and second, it produces an implicit delay of
2/∆ for centered samples. The second problem is illustrated in Fig. 1. Figure 1A shows a
starting sinusoid, where the filled circles give the function values at the sampling times. The
continuous function of Fig. 1A can subsequently be filtered by Eq. (2) using a standard
integration routine (Matlab ode45) at a time resolution much better than ∆ (obviously, in this
simple case the result could have been obtained analytically, but we will encounter other
examples below where this is not possible). Fig. 1B shows the result (continuous line). When
the samples of the sinusoid are processed by Eq. (10), the result lags by half a sampled
distance (red open circles in Fig. 1B).
2.2 Backward Euler
Backward Euler (Press et al. 1992) applied to Eq. (1) yields
τ/)(11 ∆−+=∆+≈ −− nnnnnn yxyyyy ɺ , (11)
nnn xyy )]1'/(1[)]1'/('[ 1 +++= − τττ . (12)
Backward Euler is stable (Press et al. 1992) and slightly more accurate than forward Euler,
but suffers from the problem that it produces an implicit delay of 2/∆− for centered
samples, that is, a phase advance. Fig. 1C illustrates this, where the continous curve is the
correct result (identical curve as the black curve in Fig. 1B), and the red open circles give the
result of applying Eq. (12).
2.3 Trapezoidal rule
The trapezoidal rule (also known as Crank-Nicholson, Rotter and Diesmann 1999) is
equivalent to the bilinear transformation and Tustin’s method in digital signal processing
(Oppenheim and Schafer 1975). It combines forward and backward Euler:
τ/)()( 112
1 ∆−+−+=∆++≈ −−−−− nnnnnnnnn yxyxyyyyy ɺɺ , (13)
and leads to
11 )]5.0'/(5.0[)]5.0'/(5.0[)]5.0'/()5.0'[( −− +++++−= nnnn xxyy ττττ . (14)
The method is stable, accurate, and produces a negligible implicit delay (Fig. 1D).
Figure 1. (A) Starting sinusoid (continuous line) and function values at the sample times (filled
circles, 16 samples per period). The function equals 1 at times earlier than shown. (B) Continuous
line: sinusoid of (A) filtered by Eq. (2) with τ'=16, computed with Matlab ode45; red open circles:
result of filtering the samples of (A) with Eq. (10), the recurrence equation that follows from
forward Euler. Output samples lag by approximately half a sample distance. (C) As (B), for
backward Euler (Eq. (12)). Output samples lead by approximately half a sample distance. (D) As
(B), for Trapezoidal (Eq. (14)).
2.4 Exponential Euler
A method that has gained some popularity in the field of computational neuroscience (for
example in the simulation package Genesis, Bower and Beeman 1998) is sometimes called
Exponential Integration (MacGregor 1987, Rotter and Diesmann 1999) or Exponential Euler
(Moore and Ramon 1974, Rush and Larsen 1978, Butera and McCarthy 2004). It assumes that
the input is approximately constant, namely equal to 1−nx , on the interval from ∆− )1(n to
∆n . Equation (1) then has the exact solution (see e.g. appendix C.6 of Rotter and Diesmann
'/1 )1( −
− −+= nnn xeyey
ττ . (15)
This method is closely related to forward Euler, as a comparison of Eqs. (10) and (15) shows:
for large 'τ (time constant large compared with the sample distance), the factors
'/11)'/1exp( ττ −≈− and '/1)'/1exp(1 ττ ≈−− approximate those of forward Euler. The
exponential Euler method is stable, and more accurate than forward Euler for small 'τ .
However, it has the same implicit delay of 2/∆ as forward Euler (not shown).
2.5 Zero-Order Hold (ZOH)
When using analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, a choice has to be made for the
assumed signal values between the sample times. A simple practical choice is to keep the
value of the last sample until a new sample arrives. This is called a zero-order hold (ZOH),
and for a sampled sinusoid it assumes the continuous line shown in Fig. 2A. It involves an
implicit delay of 2/∆ . Digitally filtering the samples of a ZOH system can compensate for
this delay by assuming that a unit sample at 0nn = (black line and filled circle in Fig. 2B)
represents a block as shown by the dashed red line in Fig. 2B. The coefficients a1, b0, and b1
for approximating Eq. (2) by Eq. (5) can be readily obtained from the response to this pulse;
these coefficients then also apply to an arbitrary input signal, because the filter is linear and
time-invariant. For samples 20 +≥ nn , the present and previous input are zero, thus the terms
with b0 and b1 do not contribute. Because Eq. (4) shows that the output must decline
exponentially, we find '/1/1
ττ −∆− ==− eea . For sample 0nn = , the previous input and
output are zero, thus the terms with a1 and b1 do not contribute. We then find b0 from the
Figure 2. (A) Zero-Order Hold sampling model, where the sample values (dots) taken from a
function (dashed line) are hold until a new sample arrives (continuous line). (B) A unit sample
(black line and filled circle) is assumed here to represent a block in the previous inter-sample
interval (red dashed line) (C) Continuous line: sinusoid of Fig. 1A filtered by Eq. (2) with τ'=16,
computed with Matlab ode45; red open circles: result of filtering the samples of Fig. 1A with Eq.
(17), the recurrence equation that follows from the ZOH processing scheme (i.e., assumed pulse
shape of (B)).
convolution of the block s(t) (dashed line in Fig. 2B) with the pulse response h(t) of the filter,
evaluated at sample 0nn =
−=−=′⋅=′′−′= ∫∫
0 111
eetdetdttpthb t
. (16)
With Eq. (8) we then find 01 011 =−+= bab . The recurrence equation therefore is
nnn xeyey )1(
'/1 ττ −
− −+= . (17)
Note that the difference with Eq. (15) is that here the current input sample, xn, is used, where
in Eq. (15) it is the previous input sample, xn-1. Whereas Eq. (15) implies a delay of 2/∆ , the
present scheme has a delay of 2/∆− , i.e., a phase advance (see Fig. 2C).
The filter in Eq. (17) is a special case of a general scheme of representing linear filters by
using the matrix exponential (e.g., Rotter and Diesmann 1999, where it is called Exact
Integration). Such filters are consistent with assuming a ZOH, and therefore imply a delay of
2/∆− . Although Rotter and Diesmann (1999) do not use a ZOH but a function
representation using Dirac δ-functions, a delay is implied by the choice of integration interval
in their Eq. (3), which excludes the previous input sample and fully includes the present input
sample. Had the integration interval been chosen symmetrical, the δ-functions at the previous
and present input samples would each have contributed by one half, leading to a scheme with
)(5.0 1 nn xx +− as input, and therefore an implicit delay of 0.
2.6 First-Order Hold (FOH)
Another choice for the assumed function values between samples is the first-order hold
(FOH), where sample values are connected by straight lines. It assumes that a unit sample at
0nn = (black line and filled circle in Fig. 3A) represents a triangular pulse as shown by the
dashed red line in Fig. 3A. The method is also called the triangular or ramp-invariant
approximation, and is in fact equivalent to assuming that a function can be represented by B-
splines of order one (Unser 1999, 2005). A general derivation of the recurrence relation, also
valid for the more general lead-lag system xxyy xy +=+ ɺɺ ττ of which Eq. (2) is a special
case, is given by Brown (2000). A simple, alternative derivation goes similarly as given above
for the ZOH. For samples 20 +≥ nn , the present and previous input are zero, and we again
Figure 3. (A) A unit sample (black line and filled circle) is assumed here to represent linear
interpolation in the previous and next inter-sample intervals (red dashed line) (B) Continuous line:
sinusoid of Fig. 1A filtered by Eq. (2) with τ'=16, computed with Matlab ode45; red open circles:
result of filtering the samples of Fig. 1A with Eq. (19), the recurrence equation that follows from
the FOH processing scheme (i.e., assumed pulse shape of (A)).
find '/11
τ−=− ea . For sample 0nn = , the previous input and output are zero, and now b0
ττ ττ
−=′′−′= ∫∫
0 1)1(
etdttpthb t
. (18)
With Eq. (8) we then find )/1exp()1(1 011 τττ ′−′+−′=−+= bab . The recurrence equation
therefore is
'/1 ))1(()1( −
− ′+−′+′+′−+= nnnn xexeyey
τττ ττττ . (19)
Fig. 3B illustrates that the FOH has a negligible implicit delay.
2.7 Centered Step-Invariant
The centered step-invariant approximation (e.g., Thong and McNames 2002) is not often
used, and is given here only for completeness; its performance is similar to that of FOH and
Trapezoidal. It assumes that a unit sample at 0nn = represents a block that is, contrary to the
regular zero-order hold, centered on the sample time. This is equivalent to assuming that a
function can be represented by B-splines of order zero (Unser 1999). As before, we must have
τ−=− ea , and for b0 we get
−=′⋅=′′−′= ∫∫ etdetdttpthb
. (20)
With Eq. (8) we then find )/1exp()2/(1exp(1 011 ττ ′−−′−=−+= bab . The recurrence
equation therefore is
'/1 )()1( −
− −+−+= nnnn xeexeyey
ττττ . (21)
This method also has a negligible implicit delay (not shown).
2.8 Modified Tustin’s method
Below I will show that for implementing nonlinear feedback systems, a delay of 2/∆− is in
fact favourable. One possibility is to use the ZOH for obtaining such a delay, but a
modification of Tustin’s method (the Trapezoidal rule discussed above) is at least as good,
and has coeffients that are simpler to compute. Whereas the Trapezoidal rule has no
appreciable implicit delay, because it weighs the present and previous inputs equally (b0=b1),
it can be given a 2/∆− delay by combining these weights to apply to the present input only:
nnn xyy )]5.0'/(1[)]5.0'/()5.0'[( 1 +++−= − τττ . (22)
The method is evaluated along with the other methods in the remainder of this article, and
will be shown to work very well for feedback systems. To my knowledge, this modification
of Tustin’s method has not been described in the literature before.
3 Relationship between recursive schemes for first-order low-pass filters
A Taylor expansion of the various forms of 1a− gives
FOHand ZOH, Euler,lexponentiafor ...
1 +′′
−==− ′−
τea , (23)
, Euler forwardfor
11 τ ′
−=− a (24)
Eulerbackwardfor ...
τττa , (25)
Tustin. modified and lTrapezoidafor ...
) ...
Compared to the theoretical exponential decline, Eq. (4), the exponential Euler, ZOH, and
FOH are fully correct, the forward and backward Euler schemes are correct only up to the
factor with )/1( τ ′ , whereas Trapezoidal and modified Tustin are correct up to the factor with
2)/1( τ ′ . The accuracy of the latter is related to the fact that )5.0'/()5.0'( +− ττ is a first-order
Padé approximation of )'/1exp( τ− (Bechhoefer 2005). Note that in the limit of ∆>>τ , all
algorithms use approximately the same weight for the previous output sample, namely
τ ′− /11 .
With respect to the weights acting on the input, the algorithms presented above can be divided
into three groups, depending on the implicit delay they carry (see Table 1). If only the
previous input sample is used (forward and exponential Euler), there is a delay of 2/∆ , if
only the present input sample is used (backward Euler, ZOH, and modified Tustin’s method)
there is a delay of 2/∆− , and if both the previous and present input samples are used
(Trapezoidal and FOH), there is no delay. Below we will only analyze the groups with delays
2/∆− and 0.
The coeffients b0 of the group with the phase advance (delay 2/∆− ) can be expanded as
ZOHfor ...
=−= ′−
τeb , (27)
Eulerbackwardfor ...-
320 τττττ
=+=b , (28)
Tustin, modifiedfor ... -
) ... -
where we find that ZOH and modified Tustin are more similar to each other than to backward
Finally, the coeffients of the FOH can be compared with those of Trapezoidal:
for FOH ...
−′+′−=′+′−= −
ττττ τeb
lTrapezoidafor ...
) ...
for FOH ...
−′+−′=′+−′= −
ττττ τeb
lTrapezoidafor ...
τb (33)
The coefficients start to differ in the factor with 2)/1( τ ′ . We will see in the examples below
that FOH and Trapezoidal perform very similarly on concrete problems.
4 Examples of nonlinear dynamic systems
In this section I will provide several examples of nonlinear dynamic systems that are well
suited to be simulated using autoregressive filters of the type discussed above. I will show for
these examples how the systems can be rearranged to contain only static nonlinearities and
first-order low-pass filters. Furthermore, I will compare the results of several of the
algorithms presented above with an accurate numerical benchmark, and discuss the speed and
accuracy of the various possibilities.
4.1 Phototransduction: coupled nonlinear ODEs
An example of a system where coupled nonlinear differential equations can be represented by
a feedback system is the phototransduction system in the cones of the vertebrate retina. I will
concentrate here on the main mechanism, which provides gain control and control of temporal
bandwidth (van Hateren 2005). For the present purpose, a suitable form is given by
XCX β−+= )1/(1 4ɺ (34)
CCXC τ/)( −=ɺ . (35)
The variable β is linearly related to the light intensity, and can be considered as the input to
the system. The variable X represents the concentration of an internal transmitter of the cone,
and can be considered as the output of the system because it regulates the current across the
cone’s membrane. The variable C is an internal feedback variable, proportional to the
intracellular Ca2+ concentration.
We will now rewrite the equations such that they get the form of Eq. (2):
/1 and /1 with
)1/( 4
. CXCC −=ɺτ (37)
By defining a time constant βτ (actually not a constant, because it varies with β ) and an
auxiliary variable q, we see that both equations formally take a form similar to Eq. (2), where
q now has the role of input to Eq. (36), with the factor )1/(1 4C+ as a gain. We can thus
represent these equations by the system diagram shown in Fig. 4A. The boxes containing a τ
there represent unit-gain first-order low-pass filters. From the system diagram it is clear that
the divisive feedback uses its own result after that has progressed through two low-pass filters
and a static nonlinearity. The following describes the algorithm associated with Fig. 4A:
• assume an initial steady state with 0ββ = , and obtain initial values of all variables
by solving (analytically or numerically) Eqs. (36) and (37) for 0=Xɺ and 0=Cɺ
• repeat for each time step
o read β as input
o compute a1, b0, and b1 for βτ β /1= , and update X by low-pass
filtering it, taking )1/()/1( 4C+β as input to the filter
o use a precomputed a1, b0, and b1 for Cτ to update C by low-pass
filtering it, taking X as input to the filter
o write X as output
/β τ =1/β
C1+ τC
/β τ =1/β
C1+ τC
0 100 200
time (ms)
10 100 1000
forward Euler
exponential Euler
First-Order Hold
backward Euler
Zero-Order Hold
modified Tustin
1/ [(ms) ]∆ -1
Figure 4. (A) System diagram of Eqs. (36) and (37). Boxes containing a ‘τ’ are unit-gain first-order
low-pass filters, possibly depending on input or state variables (e.g., βτ depends on β). The other
boxes represent static nonlinearities given by the function definition inside the box. (B) Scheme
equivalent to (A), where the required phase advance of one sample distance ( ∆ ) for the feedback is
obtained by using two low-pass filters of type −τ that each provide a 2/∆− delay (i.e., a 2/∆
phase advance). The box to the right represents a 2/∆ delay to compensate for the phase advance of
βτ . (C) Thin black line: response X of Eqs. (36) and (37), using τC=3 ms, to
))2sin(9.01(0 tfπββ += for t≥0 and β= β0 for t<0, with β0=0.025 (ms)
-1 and f=10 Hz, computed
with Matlab ode45; dashed red line: result of filtering with the scheme of (B), with ∆=1 ms and
using the modified Tustin’s method for −τ . (D) Root-mean-square (rms) error between the output
when using the various recursive filters for the scheme of (B) and the result of ode45 at its maximum
accuracy setting. Input as in (C). The thin straight lines are an aid for judging the scaling behaviour of
the various methods, and have slopes of -1 and -2 in double-logarithmic coordinates.
Note that βτ is obtained from the current value of β . In principle, it might have been based
partly on the previous value of β as well, because β changes in the interval between
previous and current sample. However, for βτ significantly larger than ∆ , this is expected to
be a second-order effect, and the changing time constant is therefore treated in the simplest
possible way, as described in the algorithm above.
Because at each time step only the result of C that was obtained at the previous time step can
be used in the division by )1( 4C+ , the feedback path would effectively get an (implicit)
extra delay of ∆ if calculated following this scheme. Such an extra delay will affect the
results (and in extreme cases may lead to spurious oscillations), which can only be minimized
by choosing ∆ rather small. However, there is a way to alleviate this problem. As we have
seen above, several of the autoregressive schemes have an implicit delay of 2/∆− . Because
there are two low-pass filters concatenated in the feedback loop, using such a scheme will
produce a total delay of ∆− , exactly compensating for the implicit delay ∆ of the feedback.
In other words, the divisor used at the point of divisive feedback will have the correct, current
time. Because the forward low-pass filter, βτ , has a delay of 2/∆− , we need to compensate
that if we require that the output of the system has the right phase. (This may not always be
necessary, especially not when the system is part of a larger system, where it would be more
convenient to correct the sum of all delays at the final output.) The required delay of 2/∆ can
be approximated by linear interpolation, i.e., a recurrence equation nnn xxy 5.05.0 1 += − . The
linear interpolation implies a slight low-pass filtering of the signal, and is therefore only
accurate if the sampling rate is sufficiently high compared with the bandwidth of the signal.
We can then replace the scheme of Fig. 4A by the one of Fig. 4B, where the symbol −τ
indicates that we are using filters with a 2/∆− delay (see Table 1).
How well do the recursive schemes of Section 2 perform on this problem? To evaluate that,
the thin black line in Fig. 4C shows the response X of Eqs. (36) and (37) to a sinusoidal
modulation of β , computed using the Matlab routine ode45 at high time resolution and high
precision settings. The dashed red line shows the result when using the scheme of Fig. 4B
with the modified Tustin’s method used for −τ with ∆=1 ms. How the accuracy depends on
∆ is evaluated in Fig. 4D, which shows the rms (root-mean-square) deviation from the ode45
benchmark as a function of ∆ , not only for the modified Tustin’s method, but also for most
of the other schemes. To get a fair comparison, the diagram of Fig. 4A was used for schemes
with implicit delays 0 and 2/∆ , where for the latter an explicit delay of 2/∆− was added as
a final stage. As is clear, the ZOH and especially the modified Tustin’s method are superior.
They scale more favourably as a function of 1/∆, and for a given level of accuracy it is
sufficient to use a ∆ at least an order of magnitude larger than for the other schemes. They
compute therefore at least an order of magnitude faster. Because of the simplicity and speed
of computing the coefficients of the modified Tustin’s method, this appears to be the scheme
to be recommended for this type of feedback system. Note, however, that this scheme is only
accurate when τ is at least a few times larger than ∆ (Eqs. 26 and 29), and breaks down
completely for 1<′τ (with -a1 even becoming negative for 5.0<′τ ).
4.2 Photopigment bleaching: dynamics on different time scales
For an example of a stiff set of differential equations, we will look at the dynamics of
photopigment bleaching in human cones (Mahroo and Lamb 2004, Lamb and Pugh 2004, van
Hateren and Snippe 2007). For the present purpose, a suitable form of the equations is
RRRBIR τ/])1([ −−−=ɺ (38)
RB ττ /
−=ɺ . (39)
Here I is a (scaled) light intensity, R is the (normalized) amount of photopigment excited by
light, and B the (normalized) amount of bleached photopigment. The rate by which excited
pigment is bleached is governed by first-order kinetics ( Rτ/1 ), whereas the reconversion of
bleached pigment to excitable pigment is governed by rate-limited dynamics (Mahroo and
Lamb 2004): the second term in the right-hand-side of Eq. (39) is consistent with first-order
kinetics for small B, but saturates for large B. Eqs. (38) and (39) form a stiff set of equations,
because the time constants s104.3 3−⋅=Rτ and s25=Bτ differ substantially. Through the
factor )1( RB −− , bleaching provides a slow gain control, controlling the sensitivity of the
eye in bright light conditions.
Rewriting the equations into the form of Eq. (2) gives
RRBIRR −−−= )1(ɺτ (40)
. / and
with RbBBb
This processing scheme is depicted in Fig. 5A, where bτ and Bg at time nt are derived from
B at time 1−nt . Note that the phase advance of
−τ is sufficient for the loop involving bτ , but
only provides half of the required phase advance for the direct loop. Fig. 5B shows a
0 500 1000
time (ms)
forward Euler
exponential Euler
First-Order Hold
backward Euler
Zero-Order Hold
modified Tustin
10 100 10001
1/ [(ms) ]∆ -1
Figure 5. (A) System diagram of Eqs. (40) and (41). (B) Thin black line: response R of Eqs. (40) and
(41), using τR=3.4 ms and τB=25 s, to ))2sin(9.01(10
3 tfI π+= − for t≥1 ms, I=10-5 for t<0, and
I=10-5+(10-3-10-5)t for 0≤t<1 ms, with f=10 Hz, computed with Matlab ode45; dashed red line: result
of filtering with the scheme of (A), with ∆=1 ms and using the modified Tustin’s method for −τ . (C)
Root-mean-square (rms) error between the various recursive filters used for the scheme of (A) and the
result of ode45 at its maximum accuracy setting. Input as in (B). The thin straight line has a slope of
-1 in double-logarithmic coordinates.
benchmark calculation using ode45, and the result of using the scheme of Fig 5A with the
modified Tustin’s method. The stimulus I steps at t=0 from 10-5 to a sinusoidal modulation
around 10-3. Because an instantaneous step contains considerable power in its high-frequency
components, using a recursive filter with a rather course ∆ causes significant aliasing, which
in this particular example would noticeably affect the response right after the step. To reduce
the effect of aliasing, the step was assumed here to take 1 ms, that is, there is a linear taper
between t=0 and 1 ms. Fig. 5C compares the rms error of the various schemes as a function of
∆ . Again, the ZOH and the modified Tustin’s method perform best, despite the fact that there
is no complete compensation of the feedback delay.
4.3 Spiking neurons: Hodgkin-Huxley equations
As a final example of a highly nonlinear system with fast dynamics, we will look at the
Hodgkin-Huxley equations for spike generation (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952). Following the
formulation by Gerstner and Kistler (2002, Chapter 2.2) these equations are given by Eqs.
IEugEungEuhmguC +−−−−−−= )()()( LLK
Naɺ , (42)
where u is the membrane potential (in mV, defined relative to the resting potential), C the
membrane capacitance (taken as 1 µF/cm2), the input variable I is externally applied current,
and the other terms represent membrane currents (consisting of a sodium, potassium, and
leakage current). The membrane currents are given by the reversal potentials for the ions (in
mV, defined relative to the resting potential: 115Na =E , 12K −=E , and 6.10L =E ), by
conductances (in mS/cm2, 120Na =g , 36K =g , and 3.0L =g ), and by variables n, m, and h,
describing the gating of the ion channels by the membrane potential
nnn nn βα −−= )1(ɺ (43)
mmm mm βα −−= )1(ɺ (44)
. )1( hhh hh βα −−=ɺ (45)
The rate constants α and β are functions of u, the form of which was determined
empirically by Hodgkin and Huxley (1952): ]1)1.01/[exp()01.01.0( −−−= uunα ,
]80/exp(125.0 un −=β , ]1)1.05.2/[exp()1.05.2( −−−= uumα , ]18/exp(4 um −=β ,
)20/exp(07.0 uh −=α , and ]1)1.03/[exp(1 +−= uhβ .
Rewriting the equations into the form of Eq. (2) gives
and )/(1
)/( and )/(1 with
)/( and )/(1 with
)/( and )/(1 with
This processing scheme is depicted in Fig. 6A. The feedback is partly additive (through the
gated current eI , which acts as a strong positive feedback during the rising phase of the
spike, and as a negative feedback during the potassium-driven after-hyperpolarization), partly
multiplicative (through the input resistance eR , which drops considerably during the spike,
and is the main cause of the absolute refractory period of the neuron), and partly through the
time constant eτ , causing fast dynamics during the spike. Note that the system contains, for
each of the three feedback variables, two low-pass filters in series ( eτ and the one belonging
to either n, m, or h), thus we can fully utilize the phase advance of −τ as in the example on
phototransduction. Figures 6C and D show a benchmark calculation using ode45 of the
response (black line) to a current input as shown in Fig. 6B. This stimulus is again tapered at
the beginning to reduce aliasing. Some tapering is realistic, because normally the axon of a
spiking neuron (where spiking starts) will not be driven by instantaneous current steps, but
only by band-limited currents because of low-pass filtering by the cell body and dendrites.
Figure 6C shows the result of using the scheme of Fig. 6A with Trapezoidal (obviously
without the 2/∆ processing block), and Fig. 6D with the modified Tustin’s method. Fig. 6E
compares the rms error of the various schemes as a function of ∆ . Again, the ZOH and the
R (n,m,h)[I+I (n,m,h)]e e
(u )- (u )-h∞
(u )- (u )-m∞
(u )- (u )-n∞
n m h -
forward Euler
exponential Euler
First-Order Hold
backward Euler
Zero-Order Hold
modified Tustin
10 100 10001
1/ [(ms) ]∆ -1
0 100 200
time (ms)
0 100 200
time (ms)
0 100 200
time (ms)
Figure 6. (A) System diagram of Eqs. (46) - (49). (B) Driving current density I, with I=0 for t<0,
)/5.0(sin 0
0 ttII π= for 0≤t<t0 ms, and )))(5.0(sin5.01( 0
0 ttfII −−= π for t≥t0, with t0=10 ms a
taper, f=10 Hz, and I0=12 µA/cm
2. (C) Thin black line: response u of Eq. (46) to the stimulus defined
at (B), computed with Matlab ode45; dashed red line: result of filtering with the scheme of (A), with
∆=1/32 ms and using Trapezoidal for τ . (D) Thin black line: as in (C); dashed red line: result of
filtering with the scheme of (A), with ∆=1/32 ms and using the modified Tustin’s method for −τ . (E)
Root-mean-square (rms) error between the various recursive filters used for the scheme of (A) and
the result of ode45 at its maximum accuracy setting. Input as in (B). The thin straight lines have
slopes of -1 and -2 in double-logarithmic coordinates.
modified Tustin’s method perform best. In particular the modified Tustin’s method provides
accurate results: even at a course ∆=1/2 ms it misses no spikes in the example of Fig. 6, and
the timing precision of the spikes is in the order of 0.1∆. This contrasts with, for instance, a
scheme like Trapezoidal, which needs ∆ at least as small as 1/32 ms in order not to miss
spikes, and has a timing precision of the spikes in the order of 10∆.
4.4 When to use −τ or 0τ
Two of the examples given above involve feedback with exactly two low-pass filters in the
forward and backward branches of the feedback loop. For these schemes low-pass filters with
phase advance are clearly useful. However, for other topologies this is not necessarily the
case. Fig. 7 shows a few examples. When concatenating low-pass filters and static
nonlinearities (Fig. 7A), zero-delay filters 0τ may be used, as an alternative to using −τ and
performing delay correction at a later stage. In a feedforward structure as shown in Fig. 7B, a
zero-delay filter must be used. Similarly, if a feedback scheme contains more than two low-
pass filters, some of the filters need to be zero-delay (Fig. 7C).
If a system contains a feedback loop with only one low-pass filter in either the feedforward or
feedback branch, a filter −τ can only provide half of the required phase advance. In those
situations, as in the example on photopigment bleaching given above, it is still helpful to use
−τ , in addition to making ∆ sufficiently small. In principle, a phase advance (a delay of
2/∆− ) might be added by implementing it as a linear extrapolation 15.05.1 −−= nnn xxy .
However, I have not tested such a scheme, which might have stability problems.
Finally, if a feedback loop contains no low-pass filters at all, it is in fact identical to a static
nonlinearity, and can usually be treated analytically, or via a precomputed look-up table.
4.5 Comparison with a 4th-order Runge-Kutta integration scheme
Although the present article focusses on simple autoregressive filters working on data with a
given step size, it is interesting to compare the performance of the scheme with a standard
integration method, such as 4th-order Runge-Kutta (RK4; Press et al. 1992). Figure 8 shows
the results for RK4 and the modified Tustin’s method, applied to a fairly complex model of
the macaque retinal horizontal cell (van Hateren 2005). This model consists of cones
connected to horizontal cells in a feedback circuit, and constitutes a cascade of a static
nonlinearity, two nonlinear (divisive) feedback loops, and a subtractive feedback loop. All
1 NL1 τ2 NL2
NL τ0
NL τ1
Figure 7. (A) Concatenation of low-pass filters and nonlinearities (NL), where zero-delay low-pass
filters can be used. (B) In a feedforward loop as shown, a zero-delay low-pass filter should be used.
(C) In a feedback loop, the total delay compensation needs to match the implicit delay ∆ of the
computational feedback scheme.
loops contain, in various configurations, low-pass filters and static nonlinearities. For details,
such as parameter values and the differential equations involved, see van Hateren (2005).
The inset in Fig. 8A shows the response of the model horizontal cell to a 40 ms light flash
(horizontal bar) of contrast 2 given on a background of 100 td (see van Hateren 2005 for
details on the stimulus). The vertical scale bar denotes 2 mV. This model was computed either
using modified Tustin for the components (as in the examples in this article), or using RK4
for the entire set of differential equations. It should be stressed that this use of RK4 is
different from the use of integrators, such as forward Euler, earlier in this article, where each
low-pass filter was integrated separately. Here the RK4 algorithm is used, in the conventional
way, on the entire model at once. All root-mean-square (rms) errors are calculated relative to
the result of modified Tustin at a step size of 0.1 µs. Identical results were obtained when
calculating all errors relative to RK4 at 0.1 µs, be it that errors then saturate at (i.e., do not go
below) 4.7·10-6 because of the limited accuracy of RK4 at 0.1 µs. Figure 8A shows the rms
error of RK4 and modified Tustin. For all step sizes shown, modified Tustin outperforms
RK4. The different scaling behaviour is indicated by the two lines with slopes of -1 and -2 on
the double-logarithmic coordinates.
As argued by Morrison et al. (2007), in many situations the most interesting measure of
performance of an integration method is the computing time required to achieve a given
accuracy. This is shown in Fig. 8B for the two methods considered here. For this calculation
the step size of modified Tustin was adjusted such that the accuracy of the result matched one
of the RK4 calculations, and the corresponding computing times of the methods are plotted.
Depending on accuracy, modified Tustin is typically 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than RK4.
It should be noted that the calculation at the largest rms error already required a step size for
modified Tustin (2.5 ms) that brought it well out of the range where the condition that the step
modified Tustin
modified Tustin
1/ [(ms) ]∆ -1
102 103 104101
rms error (mV)
10-110-5 10-3
Figure 8. (A) Root-mean-square (rms) error of computing the response (inset, vertical bar = 2 mV) to
a 40 ms light flash (horizontal bar inset) of the macaque retinal horizontal cell model of van Hateren
(2005). Both a 4th-order Runge-Kutta scheme (RK4, fixed time step, routines rkdumb/rk4 of
Numerical Recipes, Press et al. 1992; the input is an analytical block function according to the
horizontal bar) and modified Tustin were implemented in a double-precision Fortran90 program
(Intel compiler, Linux, 3.0 GHz Xeon). Errors are calculated relative to the result of modified Tustin
at a time step ∆=0.1 µs. The straight lines have slopes of -1 and -2 on double-logarithmic coordinates.
(B) Computing times for RK4 and modified Tustin at matched rms error. For the four sets of data
points the time steps ∆ for (RK4, modified Tustin) are (1 µs, 70 µs), (10 µs, 230 µs), (0.1 ms, 0.7 ms),
and (1 ms, 2.5 ms). Ratios of computing times are 250, 70, 20, and 6. The straight lines have slopes of
-1 and -0.5 on double-logarithmic coordinates.
size should be a few times smaller than τ (Eqs. 26 and 29) is valid, because the fastest low-
pass filters in the model have time constants of 3-4 ms (van Hateren 2005). Nevertheless,
even under these conditions modified Tustin is approximately 6 times faster than RK4 at the
same accuracy.
5 Discussion
The fast recursive scheme presented in this article is particularly suited for situations where
computing time is restrictive, for example when large arrays of neurons need to be computed.
The scheme is fast, because each component is updated at each time step with only a few
floating point operations. The examples given show that it is already quite accurate with fairly
large time steps. It accomplishes this by computing feedback in a way that makes use of the
fact that several autoregressive implementations of first-order low-pass filters produce an
implicit phase advance of half a sample distance. The computational scheme is associated
with a simple diagrammatic representation, that makes it relatively easy to get an intuitive
understanding of the dynamics and of the processing flow, and allows for convenient
symbolic manipulation (e.g., rearranging modules into equivalent schemes).
Because the τ of the low-pass filters may depend on input and system variables, the filter
coefficients may require updating at each time step. This may constitute a significant part of
the computational load. Fortunately, the coefficients for the Trapezoidal rule (for 0τ ) and the
modified Tustin’s method (for −τ ) can be obtained with only a few floating-point operations.
These schemes also give results at least as accurate as any of the other schemes, and therefore
should be considered as first choice.
The present scheme is primarily intended for nonlinear filtering. It could be used for arbitrary
linear filtering as well, because any linear filter can be approximated by a parallel
arrangement of a number of low-pass filters with different weights and time constants.
However, I have not tested how well the present scheme performs on such arrangements, and
it seems likely that there are better ways to deal with arbitrary linear filters. One possibility is
to use the matrix exponential (Rotter and Diesmann 1999), which is particularly suited when
the signal consists of (or can be approximated by) point processes, as is common in
calculating networks of spiking neurons. The matrix exponential can also be viewed as
equivalent to a ZOH model and then needs a ∆/2 compensation depending on whether it is
used in a feedforward branch or is used as part of a nonlinear feedback branch. Another
possibility is to use canned routines, like c2d in Matlab, that provide coefficients for a
recursive discrete system corresponding to any rational continuous transfer function. For a
linear filter that is part of a nonlinear feedforward loop, the c2d routines using FOH or
Tustin’s method are required, whereas ZOH is required when the linear filter is part of a
feedback loop and a phase advance is wanted.
All calculations presented in this article were done with double precision arithmetic. For
strongly stiff problems, such a precision is indeed necessary because of the large difference in
time constants; the time step needs to be small enough to accommodate the shortest time
constant, but such a short time step results in considerable error build-up in the processing of
the largest time constant if single-precision arithmetic is used. However, I found that for the
examples discussed in this article, single precision arithmetic already gives quite accurate
results. This is of interest, because using single precision may accelerate computation,
depending on processor architecture. Moreover, stream processors such as present-day GPUs
may not yet support double-precision arithmetic (although double precision can be readily
emulated, Göddeke et al. 2007, and GPUs with double precision are announced for the end of
I found that simulating the response of a large array of cones using the cone model of van
Hateren and Snippe (2007), of which the examples of Sections 4.1 and 4.2 are part, provides
performance one to two orders of magnitude higher on current GPUs than on current CPUs.
Such performance is of interest for developing and testing models of the human retina (van
Hateren, 2007) and also for using light adaptation in human cones as an algorithm for
rendering and compression high-dynamic range video (van Hateren, 2006).
I thank Sietse van Netten and Herman Snippe for comments on the manuscript.
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Table 1 Autoregressive filters approximating yxy −=ɺτ by 11011 −− ++−= nnnn xbxbyay , with sample distance ∆ , and ∆≡′ /ττ
Scheme forward Euler backward Euler Trapezoidal rule exponential
Zero-Order Hold First-Order Hold modified
Tustin’s method
also known as • Tustin’s method
• Bilinear
• Crank-Nicholson
• exponential
• step-invariant
• Exact
• ramp-invariant
• triangular rule
(weight of yn-1,
previous output)
)'/11( τ− )1'/(' +ττ )5.0'/()5.0'( +− ττ '/1 τ−e '/1 τ−e '/1 τ−e )5.0'/()5.0'( +− ττ
(weight of xn,
present input)
- )1'/(1 +τ )5.0'/(5.0 +τ - '/11 τ−− e '/11 τττ −′+′− e )5.0'/(1 +τ
(weight of xn-1,
previous input)
'/1 τ - )5.0'/(5.0 +τ '/11 τ−− e - '/1)1( τττ −′+−′ e -
implicit delay 2/∆ 2/∆− 0 2/∆ 2/∆− 0 2/∆−
symbol 0τ −τ
remarks can be unstable preferred choice
for feedforward
preferred choice
for feedback
0704.1363 | Spectra and symmetric eigentensors of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian on
$S^n$ | arXiv:0704.1363v1 [math.DG] 11 Apr 2007
7 Spectra and symmetric eigentensors of the
Lichnerowicz Laplacian on Sn
M. Boucetta
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
BP 549 Marrakech
Email: [email protected] ∗
Abstract. We compute the eigenvalues with multiplicities of the Lichnerow-
icz Laplacian acting on the space of symmetric covariant tensor fields on the
Euclidian sphere Sn. The spaces of symmetric eigentensors are explicitly
Mathematical Subject Classification (2000):53B21, 53B50, 58C40
Key words: Lichnerowicz Laplacian
1 Introduction
Let (M, g) be a Riemannian n-manifold. For any p ∈ IN, we shall denote
by Γ(⊗pT ∗M), Ωp(M) and SpM the space of covariant p-tensor fields on M ,
the space of differential p-forms on M and the space of symmetric covariant
p-tensor fields on M , respectively. Note that Γ(⊗0T ∗M) = Ω0(M) = S0M =
C∞(M, IR), Ω(M) =
Ωp(M) and S(M) =
Let D be the Levi-Civita connection associated to g; its curvature tensor
field R is given by
R(X, Y )Z = D[X,Y ]Z − (DXDY Z −DYDXZ) ,
∗Recherche menée dans le cadre du Programme Thématique d’Appui à la Recherche
Scientifique PROTARS III.
and the Ricci endomorphism field r : TM −→ TM is given by
g(r(X), Y ) =
where (E1, . . . , En) is any local orthonormal frame.
For any p ∈ IN, the connectionD induces a differential operatorD : Γ(⊗pT ∗M) −→
Γ(⊗p+1T ∗M) given by
DT (X, Y1, . . . , Yp) = DXT (Y1, . . . , Yp) = X.T (Y1, . . . , Yp)−
T (Y1, . . . , DXYj , . . . , Yp).
Its formal adjoint D∗ : Γ(⊗p+1T ∗M) −→ Γ(⊗pT ∗M) is given by
D∗T (Y1, . . . , Yp) = −
DEiT (Ei, Y1, . . . , Yp),
where (E1, . . . , En) is any local orthonormal frame.
Recall that, for any differential p-form α, we have
dα(X1, . . . , Xp+1) =
(−1)j+1DXjα(X1, . . . , X̂j, . . . , Xp+1). (1)
We denote by δ the restriction of D∗ to Ω(M) ⊕ S(M) and we define δ∗ :
Sp(M) −→ Sp+1(M) by
δ∗T (X1, . . . , Xp+1) =
DXjT (X1, . . . , X̂j, . . . , Xp+1).
Recall that the operator trace Tr : Sp(M) −→ Sp−2(M) is given by
TrT (X1, . . . , Xp−2) =
T (Ej, Ej , X1, . . . , Xp−2),
where (E1, . . . , En) is any local orthonormal frame.
The Lichnerowicz Laplacian is the second order differential operator
∆M : Γ(⊗
pT ∗M) −→ Γ(⊗pT ∗M)
given by
∆M(T ) = D
∗D(T ) +R(T ),
where R(T ) is the curvature operator given by
R(T )(Y1, . . . , Yp) =
T (Y1, . . . , r(Yj), . . . , Yp)
{T (Y1, . . . , El, . . . , R(Yi, El)Yj, . . . , Yp) + T (Y1, . . . , R(Yj, El)Yi, . . . , El, . . . , Yp)} ,
where (E1, . . . , En) is any local orthonormal frame and, in
T (Y1, . . . , El, . . . , R(Yi, El)Yj, . . . , Yp),
El takes the place of Yi and R(Yi, El)Yj takes the place of Yj.
This differential operator, introduced by Lichnerowicz in [15] pp. 26, is self-
adjoint, elliptic and respects the symmetries of tensor fields. In particular,
∆M leaves invariant S(M) and the restriction of ∆M to Ω(M) coincides with
the Hodge-de Rham Laplacian, i.e., for any differential p-form α,
∆Mα = (dδ + δd)(α). (2)
We have shown in [6] that, for any symmetric covariant tensor field T ,
∆M (T ) = (δ ◦ δ
∗ − δ∗δ)(T ) + 2R(T ). (3)
Note that if T ∈ S(M) and gl denotes the symmetric product of l copies of
the Riemannian metric g, we have
(Tr ◦∆M)T = (∆M ◦ Tr)T, (4)
∆M(T ⊙ g
l) = (∆MT )⊙ g
l, (5)
where ⊙ is the symmetric product.
The Lichnerowicz Laplacian acting on symmetric covariant tensor fields is of
fundamental importance in mathematical physics (see for instance [9], [20]
and [22]). Note also that the Lichenrowicz Laplacian acting on symmetric
covariant 2-tensor fields appears in many problems in Riemannian geometry
(see [3], [5], [19]...).
On a Riemannian compact manifold, the Lichnerowicz Laplacian ∆M has
discrete eigenvalues with finite multiplicities. For a given Riemannian com-
pact manifold, it may be an interesting problem to determine explicitly the
eigenvalues and the eigentensors of ∆M on M .
Let us enumerate the cases where the spectra of ∆M was computed:
1. ∆M acting on C
∞(M, |C): M is either flat toris or Klein bottles [4], M
is a Hopf manifolds [1];
2. ∆M acting on Ω(M): M = S
n or P n( |C) [10] and [11], M = |CaP 2
or G2/SO(4) [16] and [18], M = SO(n + 1)/SO(2) × SO(n) or M =
Sp(n+ 1)/Sp(1)× Sp(n) [21];
3. ∆M acting on S
2(M) and M is the complex projective space P 2( |C)
4. ∆M acting on S
2(M) and M is either Sn or P n( |C) [6] and [7];
5. Brian and Richard Millman give in [2] a theoretical method for com-
puting the spectra of Lichnerowicz Laplacian acting on Ω(G) where G
is a compact semisimple Lie group endowed with the Killing form;
6. Some partial results where given in [12]-[14].
In this paper, we compute the eigenvalues and we determine the spaces of
eigentensors of ∆M acting on S(M) in the case where M is the Euclidian
sphere Sn.
Let us describe our method briefly. We consider the (n+ 1)-Euclidian space
IRn+1 with its canonical coordinates (x1, . . . , xn+1). For any k, p ∈ IN, we
denote by SpHδk the space of symmetric covariant p-tensor fields T on IR
1. T =
Ti1,...,ipdxi1⊙. . .⊙dxip where Ti1,...,ip are homogeneous
polynomials of degree k;
2. δ(T ) = ∆IRn+1(T ) = 0.
The n-dimensional sphere Sn is the space of unitary vectors in IRn+1 and the
Euclidian metric on IRn+1 induces a Riemannian metric on Sn. We denote
by i : Sn →֒ IRn+1 the canonical inclusion.
For any tensor field T ∈ Γ(⊗pT ∗IRn+1), we compute i∗(∆IRn+1T )−∆Sn(i
and get a formula (see Theorem 2.1). Inspired by this formula and having
in mind the fact that i∗ :
SpHδk −→ S
pSn is injective and its image is
dense in SpSn (see [10]), we give, for any k, a direct sum decomposition of
SpHδk composed by eigenspaces of ∆Sn. Thus we obtain the eigenvalues and
the spaces of eigentensors with its multiplicities of ∆Sn acting on S(S
n) (see
Section 4).
Note that the eigenvalues and the eigenspaces of ∆Sn acting on Ω(S
n) was
computed in [10] by using the representation theory. In [11], I. Iwasaki and K.
Katase recover the result by a method using the restriction of harmonic tensor
fields and a result in [8]. The formula obtained in Theorem 2.1 combined
with the methods developed in [10] and [11] permit to present those results
in a more precise form (see Section 3).
2 A relation between ∆IRn+1 and ∆Sn
We consider the Euclidian space IRn+1 endowed with its canonical coordinates
(x1, . . . , xn+1) and its canonical Euclidian flat Riemannian metric < , >. We
denote by D be the Levi-Civita covariant derivative associated to < , >. We
consider the radial vector field given by
−→r =
For any p-tensor field T ∈ Γ(⊗pT ∗IRn+1) and for any 1 ≤ i < j ≤ p, we
denote by i−→r ,jT the (p− 1)-tensor field given by
i−→r ,jT (X1, . . . , Xp−1) = T (X1, . . . , Xj−1,
−→r ,Xj, . . . , Xp−1),
and by Tri,jT the (p− 2)-tensor field given by
Tri,jT (X1, . . . , Xp−2) =
T (X1, . . . , Xi−1, El, Xi, . . . , Xj−2, El, Xj−1, . . . , Xp−2),
where (E1, . . . , En+1) is any orthonormal basis of IR
n+1. Note that Tri,jT = 0
if T is a differential form and Tri,jT = TrT if T is symmetric.
For any permutation σ of {1, . . . , p}, we denote by T σ the p-tensor field
T σ(X1, . . . , Xp) = T (Xσ(1), . . . , Xσ(p)).
For 1 ≤ i < j ≤ p, the transposition of (i, j) is the permutation σi,j of
{1, . . . , p} such that σi,j(i) = j, σi,j(j) = i and σi,j(k) = k for k 6= i, j. Let
T denote the set of the transpositions of {1, . . . , p}.
The sphere i : Sn →֒ IRn+1 is endowed with the Euclidian metric.
Theorem 2.1 Let T be a covariant p-tensor field on IRn+1. Then,
i∗(∆IRn+1T ) = ∆Sni
∗T + i∗
p(1− p)T + (2p− n + 1)L−→r T − L−→r ◦ L−→r T
T σ +O(T )
where O(T ) is given by
O(T )(X1, . . . , Xp) = 2
< Xi, Xj > Tri,j(X1, . . . , X̂i, . . . , X̂j, . . . , Xp)
DXj(i−→r ,jT )(X1, . . . , X̂j, . . . , Xp),
where X̂ designs that X is deleted.
Proof. The proof is a massive computation in a local orthonormal frame
using the properties of the Riemannian embedding of the sphere in the Eu-
clidian space.
We choose a local orthonormal frame of IRn+1 of the form (E1, . . . , En, N)
such that Ei is tangent to S
n for 1 ≤ i ≤ n and N = 1
−→r where r =
x21 + . . .+ x
For any vector field X on IRn+1, we have
(X− < X,N > N) , (6)
DNX = [N,X ] +
(X− < X,N > N). (7)
Let ∇ be the Levi-Civita connexion of the Riemannian metric on Sn. We
have, for any vector fields X, Y tangent to Sn,
DXY = ∇XY− < X, Y > N. (8)
Let T be a covariant p-tensor field on IRn+1 and (X1, . . . , Xp) a family of
vector fields on IRn+1 which are tangent to Sn. A direct calculation using
the definition of the Lichnerowicz Laplacian gives
∆IRn+1(T )(X1, . . . , Xp) = D
∗D(T )(X1, . . . , Xp)
−EiEi.T (X1, . . . , Xp) + 2
Ei.T (X1, . . . , DEiXj, . . . , Xp)
+DEiEi.T (X1, . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . , DDEiEiXj , . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , DEiDEiXj, . . . , Xp) −2
T (X1, . . . , DEiXl, . . . , DEiXj, . . . , Xp)
−N.N.T (X1, . . . , Xp) + 2
N.T (X1, . . . , DNXj , . . . , Xp)
+DNN.T (X1, . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . , DDNNXj , . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , DNDNXj, . . . , Xp)− 2
T (X1, . . . , DNXl, . . . , DNXj , . . . , Xp).
(6)-(8) make it obvious that
DDEiEiXj = ∇∇EiEiXj− < ∇EiEi, Xj > N − [N,Xj ] (9)
(Xj− < Xj, N > N),
DEiDEiXj = ∇Ei∇EiXj − (< Ei,∇EiXj > +Ei. < Ei, Xj >)N
< Ei, Xj > Ei, (10)
DNDNX = [N, [N,X ]] +
[N,X ] + (
)(X− < X,N > N)
N. < X,N > N. (11)
By (8)-(10), we get easily, in restriction to Sn,
Ei.T (X1, . . . , DEiXj , . . . , Xp) +DEiEi.T (X1, . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , DDEiEiXj, . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . , DEiDEiXj , . . . , Xp)
Ei.T (X1, . . . ,∇EiXj , . . . , Xp) +∇EiEi.T (X1, . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . ,∇∇EiEiXj, . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . ,∇Ei∇EiXj , . . . , Xp)
Xj .T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp) + p(n + 1)T (X1, . . . , Xp)− nLNT (X1, . . . , Xp).
On other hand, also by using (8), we have
T (X1, . . . , DEiXl, . . . , DEiXj, . . . , Xp) =
T (X1, . . . , DEiXl, . . . ,∇EiXj, . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . , DXjXl, . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp) =
T (X1, . . . ,∇EiXl, . . . ,∇EiXj, . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . ,∇XlXj, . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , DXjXl, . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp) =
T (X1, . . . ,∇EiXl, . . . ,∇EiXj , . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , DXjXl, . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . , DXlXj , . . . , Xp)
< Xl, Xj > T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp).
So we get, in restriction to Sn, since DNN = 0
∆IRn+1(X1, . . . , Xp)−∇
∗∇T (X1, . . . , Xp) =
p(n + 1)T (X1, . . . , Xp)− nLNT (X1, . . . , Xp)− 2
DXj(iN,jT )(X1, . . . , X̂j, . . . , Xp)
< Xl, Xj > T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp)−N.N.T (X1, . . . , Xp)
N.T (X1, . . . , DNXj, . . . , Xp)−
T (X1, . . . , DNDNXj , . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , DNXi, . . . , DNXj, . . . , Xp).
Remark that, in restriction to Sn, the following equality holds
DXj (iN,jT )(X1, . . . , X̂j, . . . , Xp) =
DXj (i−→r ,jT )(X1, . . . , X̂j, . . . , Xp).
Now by using (7) and (11) and by taking the restriction to Sn, we have
N.T (X1, . . . , DNXj, . . . , Xp) =
N.T (X1, . . . , [N,Xj], . . . , Xp) + 2
)T (X1, . . . , Xj, . . . , Xp)
N.T (X1, . . . , Xj, . . . , Xp)− 2
N(< Xj , N >)T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp) =
N.T (X1, . . . , [N,Xj], . . . , Xp)− 2pT (X1, . . . , Xp) + 2pN.T (X1, . . . , Xj, . . . , Xp)
N(< Xj , N >)T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp).
T (X1, . . . , DNDNXj, . . . , Xp) =
T (X1, . . . , [N, [N,Xj], . . . , Xp)− 2
N(< Xj, N >)T (X1, . . . ,
N , . . . , Xp).
T (X1, . . . , DNXi, . . . , DNXj, . . . , Xp) =
T (X1, . . . , [N,Xi], . . . , [N,Xj ], . . . , Xp) +
p(p− 1)
T (X1, . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , Xi, . . . , [N,Xj], . . . , Xp) +
T (X1, . . . , [N,Xi], . . . , Xj , . . . , Xp).
So we get, in restriction to Sn
−N.N.T (X1, . . . , Xp) + 2
N.T (X1, . . . , DNXj , . . . , Xp)
T (X1, . . . , DNDNXj, . . . , Xp)− 2
T (X1, . . . , DNXi, . . . , DNXj, . . . , Xp) =
−LN ◦ LNT (X1, . . . , Xp) + 2pLNT (X1, . . . , Xp)− p(1 + p)T (X1, . . . , Xp).
The curvature of Sn is given by
R(X, Y )Z =< X, Y > Z− < Y,Z > X and r(X) = (n− 1)X.
Hence, a direct computation gives that the curvature operator is given by
R(T )(X1, . . . , Xp) = p(n− 1)T (X1, . . . , Xp) + 2
T σ(X1, . . . , Xp)
< Xi, Xj > T (X1, . . . , El, . . . , El, . . . , Xp).
Finally, we get
i∗(∆IRn+1T ) = ∆Sni
∗T + i∗ (p(1− p)T + (2p− n)LNT − LN ◦ LNT
T σ +O(T )
One can conclude the proof by remarking that
i∗(LNT ) = i
∗(L−→r T ) and i
∗(LN ◦LNT ) = −i
∗(L−→r T )+ i
∗(L−→r ◦L−→r T ).
Corollary 2.1 Let α be a differential p-form on IRn+1. Then
i∗(∆IRn+1α) = ∆Sni
∗α + i∗
(2p− n+ 1)L−→r α− L−→r ◦ L−→r α− 2di−→r α
Corollary 2.2 Let T be a symmetric p-tensor field on IRn+1. Then
i∗(∆IRn+1T ) = ∆Sni
∗T + i∗
2p(1− p)T + (2p− n + 1)L−→r T − L−→r ◦ L−→r T
− 2δ∗(i−→r T ) + 2Tr(T )⊙ <,>
where ⊙ is the symmetric product.
3 Eigenvalues and eigenforms of ∆Sn acting
on Ω(Sn)
In this section, we will use corollary 2.1 and the results developed in [10] to
deduce the eigenvalues and the spaces of eigenforms of ∆Sn acting on Ω
We recover the results of [10] and [11] in a more precise form.
Let ∧pHk be the space of all coclosed harmonic homogeneous p-forms of
degree k on IRn+1. A differential form α belongs to ∧pHk if δ(α) = 0 and α
can be written
αi1...ipdxi1 ∧ . . . ∧ dxip ,
where αi1...ip are harmonic polynomial functions on IR
n+1 of degree k. For
any α ∈ ∧pHk, we have
L−→r α = di−→r α + i−→r dα = (k + p)α. (12)
We have (see [10]),
∧pHk −→ Ω
is injective and its image is dense.
For any α ∈ ∧pHk, we put
ω(α) = α−
di−→r α. (13)
Lemma 3.1 We get a linear map ω : ∧pHk −→ ∧
pHk which is a projector,
i.e., ω ◦ ω = ω. Moreover,
Kerω = d(∧p−1Hk+1), Imω = ∧
pHk ∩Keri−→r ,
and hence
∧pHk = ∧
pHk ∩Keri−→r ⊕ d(∧
The following lemma is an immediate consequence of Corollary 2.1 and (12).
Lemma 3.2 1. For any α ∈ ∧pHk ∩Keri−→r , we have
∗α = (k + p)(k + n− p− 1)i∗α.
2. For any α ∈ d(∧p−1Hk+1), we have
∗α = (k + p)(k + n− p+ 1)i∗α.
Remark 3.1 We have
(k+ p)(k+n− p− 1) = (k′ + p)(k′ +n− p+1) ⇔ k = k′ +1 and n = 2p.
The following Table gives explicitly the spectra of ∆Sn and the spaces of
eigenforms with its multiplicities . The multiplicity was computed in [11].
Table I
p The eigenvalues The space of eigenforms Multiplicity
p = 0 k(k + n− 1), k ∈ IN ∧0Hk
1 ≤ p ≤ n, (k + p)(k + n− p− 1), ω(∧pHk)
n 6= 2p k ∈ IN∗
(k + p)(k + n− p+ 1), d(∧p−1Hk+1)
k ∈ IN
1 ≤ p ≤ n, (k + p)(k + p+ 1)
n = 2p k ∈ IN ω(∧pHk+1)⊕ d(∧
4 Eigenvalues and eigentensors of ∆Sn acting
on S(Sn)
This section is devoted to the determination of the eigenvalues and the spaces
of eigentensors of ∆Sn acting on S(S
Let SpPk be the space of T ∈ S
p(IRn+1) of the form
Ti1...ipdxi1 ⊙ . . .⊙ dxip,
where Ti1...ip are homogeneous polynomials of degree k. We put
SpHδk = S
pPk ∩Ker∆IRn+1 ∩Kerδ and S
pHδ0k = S
pHδk ∩KerTr.
In a similar manner as in [10] Lemma 6.4 and Corollary 6.6, we have
SpPk = S
pHδk ⊕ (r
2SpPk−2 + dr
2 ⊙ Sp−1Pk−1), (14)
SpHδk −→ S
is injective and its image is dense in SpSn.
Now, for any k ≥ 0, we proceed to give a direct sum decomposition of SpHδk
consisting of eigenspaces of ∆Sn and, hence, we determine completely the
eigenvalues of ∆Sn acting on S
p(Sn). This will be done in several steps.
At first, we have the following direct sum decomposition:
SpHδk = S
pHδ0k ⊕
Sp−2lHδ0k ⊙ <,>
l, (15)
where <,>l is the symmetric product of l copies of <,>.
The task is now to decompose SpHδ0k as a sum of eigenspaces of ∆Sn and
get, according to (5), all the eigenvalues. This decomposition needs some
Lemma 4.1 Let T ∈ SpPk and h ∈ IN
∗. Then we have the following formu-
1. δ∗(i−→r T )− i−→r δ
∗(T ) = (p− k)T ;
2. δ∗(h)(i−→r T )− i−→r δ
∗(h)(T ) = h(p− k + h− 1)δ∗(h−1)(T );
3. δ∗(i−→r
hT )− i−→r
hδ∗(T ) = h(p− k − h+ 1)i−→r
where i−→r
︷ ︸︸ ︷
i−→r ◦ . . . ◦ i−→r and δ
∗(h) =
︷ ︸︸ ︷
δ∗ ◦ . . . ◦ δ∗ .
Proof. The first formula is easily verified and the others follow by induction
on h. Q.E.D.
Now, we will construct two linear maps pδ∗ : S
pPk −→ S
pPk for k ≤ p, and
p−→r : S
pPk −→ S
pPk for k ≥ p satisfying:
1. pδ∗ ◦ pδ∗ = pδ∗ , Kerpδ∗ = i−→r (S
p+1Pk−1), Impδ∗ = Kerδ
∗ ∩ SpPk;
2. p−→r ◦ p−→r = p−→r , Kerp−→r = δ
∗(Sp−1Pk+1), Imp−→r = Keri−→r ∩ S
The procedure is to put, for T ∈ SpPk,
pδ∗(T ) =
sδ∗(s)(T ), and p−→r (T ) =
sT ),
and find (α0, . . . , αk) and (β0, . . . , βp) such that the required properties are
A straightforward computation using Lemma 4.1 gives
δ∗(pδ∗(T )) =
(αs − (s+ 1)(k − p− s− 2)αs+1)i−→r
sδ∗(s+1)(T ),
i−→r (p−→r (T )) =
(βs − (s+ 1)(p− k − s− 2)βs+1)δ
s+1T ).
Hence, we define pδ∗ and p−→r as follows:
pδ∗(T ) =
sδ∗(s)(T )
α0 = 1 and αs − (s+ 1)(k − p− s− 2)αs+1 = 0 for 1 ≤ s ≤ k − 1;
p−→r (T ) =
β0 = 1 and βs − (s+ 1)(p− k − s− 2)βs+1 = 0 for 1 ≤ s ≤ p− 1.
From this definition and by using Lemma 4.1, one can check easily that pδ∗
and p−→r satisfy the required properties.
On other hand, it is easy to check that we have, for any symmetric tensor
field T on IRn+1,
∆IRn+1(i−→r T ) = i−→r ∆IRn+1(T ) + 2δT, (16)
δ(i−→r T ) = i−→r δ(T )− Tr(T ), (17)
Tr(δ∗(T )) = −2δ(T ) + δ∗(Tr(T )), (18)
Tr(i−→r T ) = i−→r Tr(T ). (19)
From these formulas and from (3), one deduce easily that pδ∗(S
pHδ0k ) ⊂
SpHδ0k and p−→r (S
pHδ0k ) ⊂ S
pHδ0k and thus one get the following direct sum
SpHδ0k = S
pHδ0k ∩Kerδ
∗ ⊕ i−→r
, if k ≤ p, (20)
SpHδ0k = S
pHδ0k ∩Keri−→r ⊕ δ
, if k ≥ p. (21)
These decompositions are far for being sufficient and, in order to obtain
a more sharp direct sum decompositions of SpHδ0k , we need the following
Lemma 4.2 1. For k < p, i−→r : S
pPk −→ S
p−1Pk+1 is injective.
2. For k > p, δ∗ : SpPk −→ S
p+1Pk−1 is injective.
3. For k = p, Kerδ∗ = Keri−→r .
1. Let T ∈ SpPk such that i−→r T = 0. The second formula in Lemma 4.1
gives, for any h ≥ 1,
i−→r δ
∗(h)(T ) = −h(p− k + h− 1)δ∗(h−1)(T ).
Since δ∗(h)(T ) = 0 for h ≥ k + 1 and h(p − k + h − 1) 6= 0 for any
h ≥ 1, we get form this relation that δ∗(h−1)(T ) = 0 for any h ≥ 1, in
particular for h = 1, we get T = 0.
2. The same argument as 1. using the third formula in Lemma 4.1.
3. Let T ∈ SpPp such that i−→r T = 0. From Lemma 4.1, we get i−→r δ
∗(T ) =
0. Since δ∗(T ) ∈ Sp+1Pp−1 and from 1. we deduce that δ
∗(T ) = 0 and
hence Keri−→r ⊂ Kerδ
∗. The same argument using Lemma 4.1 and 2.
will give the other inclusion. Q.E.D.
By combining (20) and (21) with Lemma 4.2, we obtain the following lemma.
Lemma 4.3 We have:
1. if k < p
SpHδ0k =
Sp+lHδ0k−l ∩Kerδ
2. if k > p
SpHδ0k =
Sp−lHδ0k+l ∩Keri−→r
3. If k = p, for any 0 ≤ l ≤ p,
Sp+lHδ0p−l ∩Kerδ
= δ∗l
Sp−lHδ0p+l ∩Keri−→r
SpHδ0p =
Sp+lHδ0p−l ∩Kerδ
Sp−lHδ0p+l ∩Keri−→r
Now, we use Corollary 2.2 to show that the decompositions of SpHδ0k given
in Lemma 4.3 are composed by eigenspaces of ∆Sn.
Theorem 4.1 We have:
1. If k ≤ p, for any 0 ≤ q ≤ k and any T ∈ i−→r
Sp+k−qHδ0q ∩Kerδ
∗T = ((k + p)(n + p+ k − 2q − 1) + 2q(q − 1)) i∗T ;
2. If k ≥ p, for any 0 ≤ q ≤ p and for any T ∈ δ∗(p−q)
SqHδ0k+p−q ∩Keri−→r
∗T = ((k + p)(n+ p+ k − 2q − 1) + 2q(q − 1)) i∗T.
1. Let T = i−→r
(k−q)(T0) with T0 ∈ S
p+k−qHδ0q ∩ Kerδ
∗. We have from
Corollary 2.2
∗T = i∗
2p(p− 1)T + (n− 2p− 1)L−→r T + L−→r ◦ L−→r T
+2δ∗(i−→r T )− 2Tr(T )⊙ <,>
We have
TrT = 0, L−→r = (k + p)T and L−→r ◦ L−→r T = (k + p)
Moreover, by using Lemma 4.1, we have
2δ∗(i−→r T ) = 2δ
= 2(k − q + 1)(p+ k − q − q − k + q − 1 + 1)i−→r
= 2(k − q + 1)(p− q)T.
∗T = (2p(p−1)+(n−2p−1)(k+p)+(k+p)2+2(p−q)(k−q+1))i∗T.
One can deduce the desired relation by remarking that
2p(p− 1) + 2(p− q)(k − q + 1) = 2(k + p)(p− q) + 2q(q − 1).
2. This follows by the same calculation as 1. Q.E.D.
From the fact that
SpHδk −→ S
is injective and its image is dense in SpSn, from (15), and from Lemma 4.3
and Theorem 4.1, note that we have actually proved that the eigenvalues of
∆Sn acting on S
pSn belongs to
{(k + p− 2l)(n+ p+ k − 2l − 2q − 1) + 2q(q − 1),
k ∈ IN, 0 ≤ l ≤ [
], 0 ≤ q ≤ min(k, p− 2l)
Our next goal is to sharpen this result by computing dimSpHδ0k ∩Kerδ
k ≤ p and dimSpHδ0k ∩Keri−→r if k ≥ p.
Lemma 4.4 We have the following formulas:
1. dimSpHδk = dimS
pPk − dimS
pPk−2 − dimS
p−1Pk−1 + dimS
2. dimSpHδ0k = dimS
pHδk − dimS
p−2Hδk ,
3. dim(SpHδ0k ∩Kerδ
∗) = dimSpHδ0k − dimS
p+1Hδ0k−1 (k ≤ p),
4. dim(SpHδ0k ∩Keri−→r ) = dimS
pHδ0k − dimS
p−1Hδ0k+1 (k ≥ p).
Note that we use the convention that SpPk = S
pHδk = S
pHδ0k = 0 if k < 0 or
p < 0.
1. The formula is a consequence of (14), the relation
(r2SpPk−2) ∩ (dr
2 ⊙ Sp−1Pk−1) = r
2(dr2 ⊙ Sp−1Pk−3)
and the fact that dr2 ⊙ . : SpPk −→ S
p+1Pk+1 is injective.
2. The formula is a consequence of (15).
3. The formula is a consequence of (20) and Lemma 4.2.
4. The formula is a consequence of (21) and Lemma 4.2. Q.E.D.
A straightforward calculation using Lemma 4.4 and the formula
dimSpPk =
(n+ p)!
(n+ k)!
gives dimSpHδ0k ∩ Kerδ
∗ if k ≤ p and dimSpHδ0k ∩ Keri−→r if k ≥ p. We
summarize the results on the following Table.
Table II
Space Dimension Conditions on k and p
S0Hδ0k ∩Keri−→r
(n+ k − 2)!(n+ 2k − 1)
k!(n− 1)!
k ≥ 0
SpHδ00 ∩Kerδ
(n+ p− 2)!(n+ 2p− 1)
p!(n− 1)!
p ≥ 0
S1Hδ0k ∩Keri−→r
(n + k − 3)!k(n + 2k − 1)(n+ k − 1)
(n− 2)!(k + 1)!
k ≥ 1
SpHδ01 ∩Kerδ
(n + p− 3)!p(n+ 2p− 1)(n+ p− 1)
(n− 2)!(p+ 1)!
p ≥ 1
SpHδ0k ∩Kerδ
(n + k − 4)!(n+ p− 3)!(n+ p+ k − 2)
k!(p+ 1)!(n− 1)!(n− 2)!
(n− 2)(n+ 2k − 3)(n+ 2p− 1)(p− k + 1) 2 ≤ k ≤ p
SpHδ0k ∩Keri−→r
(n + k − 3)!(n+ p− 4)!(n+ p+ k − 2)
(k + 1)!p!(n− 1)!(n− 2)!
(n− 2)(n+ 2k − 1)(n+ 2p− 3)(k − p+ 1) k ≥ p ≥ 2
Remark 4.1 Note that, for n = 2, we have
dim(SpHδ0k ∩Kerδ
∗) = 0 for 2 ≤ k ≤ p,
dim(SpHδ0k ∩Keri−→r ) = 0 for k ≥ p ≥ 2.
For simplicity we introduce the following notations.
(k, l, q) ∈ IN3, 0 ≤ l ≤ [
], 0 ≤ k ≤ p− 2l, 0 ≤ q ≤ k
(k, l, q) ∈ IN3, 0 ≤ l ≤ [
], k > p− 2l, 0 ≤ q ≤ p− 2l
V kq,l = i−→r
Sp−2l+k−qHδ0q ∩Kerδ
⊙ <,>l for (k, l, q) ∈ S0,
W kq,l = δ
SqHδ0p−2l+k−q ∩Keri−→r
⊙ <,>l for (k, l, q) ∈ S1.
Let us summarize all the results above.
Theorem 4.2 1. For n = 2, we have:
(a) The set of the eigenvalues of ∆S2 acting on S
pS2 is
(k + p− 2l)(p+ k − 2l + 1), k ∈ IN, 0 ≤ l ≤ [
(b) The eigenspace associated to the eigenvalue λ(k, l) = (k + p −
2l)(k + p− 2l + 1) is given by
Vλ(k,l) =
min(l,[ k
V k−2a0,l−a ⊕ V
if 0 ≤ k ≤ p− 2l
min(l,[ k
W k−2a0,l−a ⊕W
if k > p− 2l;
(c) The multiplicity of λ(k, l) is given by
m(λ(k, l)) = 2(min(l, [
]) + 1)(1 + 2p+ 2k − 4l).
2. For n ≥ 3, we have:
(a) The set of the eigenvalues of ∆Sn acting on S
pSn is
{(k + p− 2l)(n + p+ k − 2l − 2q − 1) + 2q(q − 1),
k ∈ IN, 0 ≤ l ≤ [
], 0 ≤ q ≤ min(k, p− 2l)
(b) The space
SpHδk = (
V kq,l)⊕ (
W kq,l)
is dense in SpSn and, for any (k, q, l) ∈ S0 (resp. (k, q, l) ∈ S1),
V kq,l (resp. W
q,l) is a subspace of the eigenspace associated to the
eigenvalue (k + p− 2l)(n+ p+ k − 2l − 2q − 1) + 2q(q − 1);
(c) The dimensions of V kq,l and W
q,l are given in Table II since
dimV kq,l = dim
Sp−2l+k−qHδ0q ∩Kerδ
for (k, l, q) ∈ S0,
dimW kq,l = dim
SqHδ0p−2l+k−q ∩Keri−→r
for (k, l, q) ∈ S1.
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0704.1364 | CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters | Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. 6588 c© ESO 2018
October 23, 2018
CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters
G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski
Centrum Astronomii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, ul. Gagarina 11, Pl-87100 Toruń, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
Received 10 January 2006 / Accepted 10 January 2006
Aims. We present results of a photometric survey whose aim was to derive structural and astrophysical parameters for 42 open clusters. While
our sample is definitively not representative of the total open cluster sample in the Galaxy, it does cover a wide range of cluster parameters and
is uniform enough to allow for simple statistical considerations.
Methods. BV wide-field CCD photometry was obtained for open clusters for which photometric, structural, and dynamical evolution
parameters were determined. The limiting and core radii were determined by analyzing radial density profiles. The ages, reddenings, and
distances were obtained from the solar metallicity isochrone fitting. The mass function was used to study the dynamical state of the systems,
mass segregation effect and to estimate the total mass and number of cluster members.
Results. This study reports on the first determination of basic parameters for 11 out of 42 observed open clusters. The angular sizes for
the majority of the observed clusters appear to be several times larger than the catalogue data indicate. The core and limiting cluster
radii are correlated and the latter parameter is 3.2 times larger on average. The limiting radius increases with the cluster’s mass, and
both the limiting and core radii decrease in the course of dynamical evolution. For dynamically not advanced clusters, the mass function
slope is similar to the universal IMF slope. For more evolved systems, the effect of evaporation of low-mass members is clearly visible.
The initial mass segregation is present in all the observed young clusters, whereas the dynamical mass segregation appears in clusters older
than about log(age) = 8. Low-mass stars are deficient in the cores of clusters older than log(age) = 8.5 and not younger than one relaxation time.
Key words. open clusters and associations: general; stars: evolution
1. Introduction
Open clusters are not trivial stellar systems, and their dynami-
cal evolution is not yet fully understood. Most of them are not
very populous assemblages of a few hundred stars. The least
massive clusters do not last longer than a few hundred Myr
(Bergond et al. 2001). The dynamics of more massive and pop-
ulous clusters is driven by internal forces to considerable de-
gree, which leads to evaporation of low-mass members and to
a mass segregation effect. Moreover, cluster member stars in-
cessantly evolve along stellar evolution paths, which makes an
open cluster a vivid system evolving in time; hence, star clus-
ters are considered excellent laboratories of stellar evolution
and stellar-system dynamics (Bonatto & Bica 2005).
To obtain a complete picture of a cluster, it is necessary to
study not only its most dense region (center) but also the ex-
panded and sparse coronal region (halo). As wide-field CCD
imaging of open clusters is usually difficult, the majority of
studies published so far are based on observations of the cen-
tral, most populous, and relatively dense core region. Nilakshi
et al. (2002) have presented the first, to our knowledge, results
of an extensive study of spatial structure of 38 rich open clus-
Send offprint requests to: G. Maciejewski
ters based on star counts performed on images taken from the
Digital Sky Survey (DSS). Bonatto & Bica (2005) and Bica &
Bonatto (2005) analyzed over a dozen open clusters in detail
using 2MASS photometry. In the former paper, the possible
existence of a fundamental plane of several open clusters pa-
rameters was suggested. More recently, Sharma et al. (2006)
published results of studies concerning cores and coronae evo-
lution of nine open clusters based on projected radial profiles
In this paper a sample of 42 northern open clusters of linear
diameters, distances, ages, and number of potential members
from a wide range is investigated in detail based on wide-field
BV CCD photometry. The basic parameters and CCD photom-
etry of 11 clusters were obtained for the first time.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 the sample
selection, observations, and data reduction are described. In
Sect. 3 the radial structure of clusters under investigation is
presented based on star counts. Results of color-magnitude-
diagram fitting are given in Sect. 4. The mass functions of tar-
get clusters are analyzed in Sect. 5. The obtained photometric
parameters for individual clusters under investigation and the
reliability of the results are discussed in Sect. 6, while in Sect. 7
2 G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters
Table 1. List of observed open clusters with redetermined
equatorial and Galactic coordinates.
Name Coordinates J2000.0 l b
(hhmmss±ddmmss) (◦) (◦)
King 13 001004+611215 117.9695 −1.2683
King 1 002204+642250 119.7626 1.6897
King 14 003205+630903 120.7486 0.3612
NGC 146 003258+632003 120.8612 0.5367
Dias 1 004235+640405 121.9639 1.2130
King 16 004345+641108 122.0949 1.3263
Berkeley 4 004501+642305 122.2377 1.5216
Skiff J0058+68.4 005829+682808 123.5814 5.6060
NGC 559 012935+631814 127.2008 0.7487
NGC 884 022223+570733 135.0659 −3.5878
Tombaugh 4 022910+614742 134.2071 1.0815
Czernik 9 023332+595312 135.4172 −0.4869
NGC 1027 024243+613801 135.7473 1.5623
King 5 031445+524112 143.7757 −4.2866
King 6 032750+562359 143.3584 −0.1389
Berkeley 9 033237+523904 146.0621 −2.8275
Berkeley 10 033932+662909 138.6158 8.8785
Tombaugh 5 034752+590407 143.9374 3.5924
NGC 1513 040946+492828 152.5955 −1.6243
Berkeley 67 043749+504647 154.8255 2.4896
Berkeley 13 045552+524800 155.0851 5.9244
Czernik 19 045709+284647 174.0986 −8.8321
Berkeley 15 050206+443043 162.2580 1.6187
NGC 1798 051138+474124 160.7028 4.8463
Berkeley 71 054055+321640 176.6249 0.8942
NGC 2126 060229+495304 163.2169 13.1294
NGC 2168 060904+241743 186.6426 2.2061
NGC 2192 061517+395019 173.4298 10.6469
NGC 2266 064319+265906 187.7759 10.3003
King 25 192432+134132 48.8615 −0.9454
Czernik 40 194236+210914 57.4762 −1.1003
Czernik 41 195101+251607 62.0054 −0.7010
NGC 6885 201140+263213 65.5359 −3.9766
IC 4996 201631+373919 75.3734 1.3158
Berkeley 85 201855+374533 75.7257 0.9812
Collinder 421 202310+414135 79.4299 2.5418
NGC 6939 203130+603922 95.8982 12.3012
NGC 6996 205631+443549 85.4401 −0.5039
Berkeley 55 211658+514532 93.0267 1.7978
Berkeley 98 224238+522316 103.8561 −5.6477
NGC 7654 232440+613451 112.7998 0.4279
NGC 7762 234956+680203 117.2100 5.8483
the relations between structural and dynamical parameters are
presented and discussed. Sect. 8 contains the final conclusions.
2. Observations and reduction
In this survey the cluster diameter and location on the sky were
the main criteria of target selection. In the first step we need
the New catalog of optically visible open clusters and candi-
dates by Dias et al. (2002) to select Galactic clusters with ap-
parent diameters ranging from 5 to 20 arcmin and a declina-
tion larger than +10◦. The former limitation guaranteed that
the entire cluster with its possible extended halo would fit in
the instrument’s field of view. The latter one comes from the
observatory location and eliminates potential targets that can-
not be observed at elevations higher than 45◦. We found 295
open clusters fulfilling these criteria.
In the second step, all small and relatively populous clusters
were rejected from the sample. In these clusters stellar images
are blended, making some portion of stars undetectable due to a
considerable seeing of about 5′′(FWHM) at the observing loca-
tion. To avoid poorly populated objects, hardly distinguishable
from the stellar background, the minimal number of potential
cluster members was set for 20. Moreover, to obtain at least 2
mag of the main sequence coverage, only clusters for which the
brightest stars were brighter than 16 mag in V were selected,
since the limiting magnitude was estimated as 18.5–19.5 mag.
All of the selected clusters were also visually inspected on DSS
Finally, the sample of 62 open clusters was adopted. We
preferred previously unstudied open clusters, for which no ba-
sic parameters were available in the literature, and these clus-
ters were observed with higher priority. In this paper we present
results for 42 open clusters, which are listed in Table 1.
The collected photometric data for 20 unstudied clusters
deny their cluster nature, suggesting that they constitute only an
accidental aggregation of stars on the sky. These objects will be
discussed in a forthcoming paper (Maciejewski & Niedzielski
2007, in preparation) where extensive, detailed analysis of ev-
ery object will be presented.
2.1. Observations
Observations were performed with the 90/180 cm Schmidt-
Cassegrain Telescope located at the Astronomical Observatory
of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Piwnice near Toruń,
Poland. A recently upgraded telescope was used in Schmidt
imaging mode with a correction plate with a 60 cm diameter
and a field-flattening lens mounted near the focal plane to com-
pensate for the curvature typical of Schmidt cameras.
The telescope was equipped with an SBIG STL-11000
CCD camera with a KAI-11000M CCD detector (4008 × 2672
pixels × 9 µm). The field of view of the instrument was 72 ar-
cmin in declination and 48 arcmin in right ascension with the
scale of 1.08 arcsec per pixel. The camera was equipped with a
filter wheel with standard UBVR Johnson-Cousins filters. The
2 × 2 binning was used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio.
Observations were carried out between September 2005
and February 2006 (see Table 2 for details). A set of 4 expo-
sures in B and V filters was acquired for each program field:
2 long (600 s) and 2 short (60 s) exposures in every filter. For
open clusters containing very bright stars, 2 extra very short
(10 s) exposures in each filter were obtained. One of Landolt’s
(1992) calibration fields was observed several times during
each night, at wide range of airmasses. The field was observed
between succeeding program exposures, in practice every hour.
G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters 3
Table 2. Calibration (aV , aB, bV , bB, a(V−B), and b(V−B)) and
atmospheric extinction (kV and kB) coefficients for individual
Date kV aV aB a(B−V)
kB bV bB b(B−V)
05.09.2005 0.3072 -0.0922 0.1876 1.2799
0.4648 20.4407 20.5982 0.1573
06.09.2005 0.4614 -0.0886 0.1825 1.2694
0.6387 20.4518 20.5750 0.1230
07.09.2005 0.5689 -0.0782 0.1775 1.2579
0.6790 20.5841 20.5501 -0.0349
08.09.2005 0.5346 -0.0997 0.1752 1.2749
0.7134 20.5139 20.6531 0.1394
04.10.2005 0.1804 -0.1030 0.1754 1.2784
0.3136 20.1073 20.2526 0.1452
05.10.2005 0.2448 -0.0990 0.1946 1.2935
0.3767 20.2757 20.3897 0.1140
06.10.2005 0.3447 -0.0911 0.1682 1.2593
0.4640 20.4129 20.4985 0.0855
07.10.2005 0.3621 -0.0975 0.2251 1.3227
0.4879 20.4133 20.3996 -0.0137
08.10.2005 0.1810 -0.0830 0.1906 1.2736
0.3014 20.1319 20.2151 0.0832
23.02.2006 0.3968 -0.1023 0.1458 1.2642
0.7820 20.9667 20.7216 0.5354
26.02.2006 0.1911 -0.1281 0.1142 1.2512
0.3658 21.0104 21.2547 0.2419
2.2. Data reduction and calibration
The collected observations were reduced with the software
pipeline developed for the Semi-Automatic Variability Search1
sky survey (Niedzielski et al. 2003, Maciejewski & Niedzielski
2005). CCD frames were processed with a standard proce-
dure including debiasing, subtraction of dark frames, and flat-
The instrumental coordinates of stars were transformed into
equatorial ones based on positions of stars brighter than 16 mag
extracted from the Guide Star Catalog (Lasker et al. 1990). The
instrumental magnitudes in B and V bands were corrected for
atmospheric extinction and then transformed into the standard
The preliminary analysis, including determining the width
of stellar profiles, calculating of the atmospheric extinction co-
efficients in both filters, and determining the transformation
equations between instrumental magnitudes and the standard
ones, was performed based on observations of Landolt fields.
The mean FWHM of the stellar profiles was calculated for each
Landolt field frame acquired during one night. The aperture ra-
dius used for photometric measurements was calculated as 3σ
of the maximum mean FWHM obtained from the Landolt field
observed during a night, and in practice it was between 6 and 8
The atmospheric extinction coefficients kV and kB were de-
termined for each night from 6–8 observations of the adopted
Landolt field at airmasses X between 1.6 and 3.2. Typically
more than 1000 stars in V and 750 in B were detected in ev-
ery Landolt field frame and the extinction coefficient in a given
filter was determined for each star from changes in its raw in-
strumental magnitudes with X. The median value was taken as
the one best representing a night. The values of the atmospheric
extinction coefficients for individual nights are listed in Table 2.
The raw instrumental magnitudes braw, vraw of stars in the
Landolt field were corrected for the atmospheric extinction, and
instrumental magnitudes outside the atmosphere b, v were cal-
culated as
b = braw − kbX , (1)
v = vraw − kvX . (2)
Next, the mean values of instrumental magnitudes outside the
atmosphere were calculated for every star. In every Landolt
field there were about 30 standard stars that were used to deter-
mine coefficients in the calibration equations of the form:
V − v = aV(b − v) + bV , (3)
B − b = aB(b − v) + bB , (4)
B − V = a(V−B)(b − v) + b(V−B) , (5)
where B, V are standard magnitudes and b, v are the mean in-
strumental ones corrected for the atmospheric extinction. The
detailed list of transformation coefficients for each night is pre-
sented in Table 2.
The final list of stars observed in all fields contains equa-
torial coordinates (J2000.0), V magnitude, and (B–V) color in-
dex. The files with data for individual open clusters are avail-
able on the survey’s web site2.
3. Radial structure
Analysis of the radial density profiles (RDP) is a commonly
used method for investigating cluster structure. It loses infor-
mation on 2-dimensional cluster morphology but it provides a
uniform description of its structure with a few basic parameters
instead. Defining the cluster’s center is essential for the RDP
analysis. Since the coordinates of clusters as given in Dias et
al. (2002) were found in several cases to be different from the
actual ones, we started with redetermination of the centers for
all the open clusters in our sample.
3.1. Redetermination of central coordinates
Our algorithm for redetermining the central coordinates started
with the approximated coordinates taken from the compilation
by Dias et al. (2002) or from a tentative approximate position
when the catalogue data were found to be inconsistent with the
cluster position as seen on DSS charts.
To determine the center position more accurately, two per-
pendicular stripes (20 arcmin long and 3–6 arcmin wide, de-
pending on cluster size) were cut along declination and right as-
cension starting from the approximate cluster center, and stars
were counted within every stripe. The histogram of star counts
4 G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters
Table 3. Structural parameters obtained from the King profile
Name rlim rcore f0 fbg
(′) (′)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
King 13 11.8 3.3±0.3 5.02±0.27 3.09±0.11
King 1 12.3 2.1±0.1 5.16±1.92 1.76±0.05
King 14 9.0 2.3±0.4 2.84±0.31 4.97±0.09
NGC 146 2.7 1.2±0.3 5.61±0.80 4.87±0.16
Dias 1 2.3 0.3±0.1 13.29±6.33 2.96±0.07
King 16 8.8 1.9±0.2 4.70±0.27 3.25±0.06
Berkeley 4 3.1 1.3±0.3 2.84±0.40 3.57±0.09
Skiff J0058+68.4 10.9 3.8±0.4 3.66±0.20 2.04±0.09
NGC 559 14.5 2.3±0.2 6.72±0.32 2.38±0.09
NGC 884 10.1 5.8±1.3 1.08±0.11 0.94±0.09
Tombaugh 4 5.6 1.1±0.1 12.91±0.53 1.62±0.07
Czernik 9 3.3 0.8±0.1 6.36±0.59 1.43±0.08
NGC 1027 10.3 3.3±0.5 1.63±0.13 0.81±0.05
King 5 10.9 2.4±0.2 5.81±0.29 1.96±0.09
King 6 10.9 3.6±0.4 1.55±0.09 0.62±0.04
Berkeley 9 7.3 1.2±0.1 3.88±0.18 1.16±0.03
Berkeley 10 8.3 1.3±0.1 6.36±0.39 1.28±0.07
Tombaugh 5 11.8 2.2±0.4 3.75±0.35 2.41±0.10
NGC 1513 9.2 3.7±0.6 2.47±0.20 1.04±0.09
Berkeley 67 5.2 1.9±0.1 3.53±0.16 0.92±0.04
Berkeley 13 6.1 1.4±0.1 5.20±0.32 2.13±0.06
Czernik 19 5.5 1.4±0.2 4.12±0.30 1.41±0.07
Berkeley 15 7.6 1.4±0.1 5.74±0.28 1.53±0.05
NGC 1798 9.0 1.3±0.1 9.55±0.28 3.14±0.05
Berkeley 71 3.3 1.2±0.2 6.04±0.58 1.99±0.09
NGC 2126 10.0 1.9±0.3 1.78±0.15 0.93±0.04
NGC 2168 9.8 4.8±0.5 2.27±0.16 1.03±0.08
NGC 2192 4.6 1.4±0.2 2.19±0.18 0.57±0.04
NGC 2266 5.9 1.2±0.1 7.69±0.50 2.32±0.08
King 25 6.3 2.3±0.3 4.93±0.34 1.36±0.13
Czernik 40 8.5 2.3±0.3 8.44±0.53 3.40±0.18
Czernik 41 5.6 1.7±0.2 3.96±0.28 1.65±0.09
NGC 6885 8.6 2.4±0.3 2.74±0.21 2.66±0.08
IC 4996 2.2 1.2±0.4 3.27±0.58 4.61±0.14
Berkeley 85 5.0 1.5±0.2 4.84±0.43 2.94±0.09
Collinder 421 6.1 1.1±0.3 2.67±0.46 0.93±0.07
NGC 6939 15.2 2.2±0.1 6.92±0.22 2.62±0.06
NGC 6996 2.1 0.9±0.3 3.58±0.78 3.66±0.10
Berkeley 55 6.0 0.7±0.1 7.63±0.67 1.45±0.04
Berkeley 98 4.6 2.1±0.3 4.00±0.30 5.40±0.08
NGC 7654 11.2 5.0±0.5 4.39±0.21 3.36±0.20
NGC 7762 9.5 2.4±0.2 5.06±0.29 1.45±0.08
was built along each stripe with a bin size of 1.0 arcmin for the
cluster with a diameter larger than 10 arcmin and 0.5 arcmin
for the smaller ones. The bin with the maximum value in both
coordinates was taken as the new cluster center. This proce-
dure was repeated until the new center position became stable,
usually a few times. The accuracy of the new coordinates was
determined by the histogram’s bin size and was assumed to be 1
arc min typically. The new equatorial and Galactic coordinates
are listed in Table 1.
3.2. Analysis of radial density profiles
The RDPs were built by calculating the mean stellar surface
density in concentric rings, 1 arcmin wide, centered on the re-
determined cluster center. If Ni denotes the number of stars
counted in the ith ring of the inner radius Ri and outer Ri+1
the stellar surface density ρi can be expressed as
π(R2i+1 − R
. (6)
The density uncertainty in each ring was estimated assuming
the Poisson statistics. The basic structural parameters were de-
rived by least-square fitting the two-parameter King (1966) sur-
face density profile
ρ(r) = fbg +
, (7)
where f0 is the central density, fbg the density of the stellar
background in a field, and rcore the core radius defined as the
distance between the center and the point where ρ(r) becomes
half of the central density.
The RDPs and the fitted King profiles are shown in Fig. 1
where the densities were normalized (after background density
subtraction) to the central value. As one can note, all clusters
can be described by the King profile reasonably well, and even
for relatively small objects, no significant systematic deviation
is noticeable. The RDP of Berkeley 67 indicates the presence
of a strong background gradient, so the background level was
artificially straightened for the profile fitting procedure. In sev-
eral cases (NGC 146, Dias 1, Berkeley 4, and NGC 7654), the
RDPs were cut off at r smaller than expected. That is because
these clusters were located in a field centered on another open
cluster and were observed serendipitously.
The RDPs were also used to determine the limiting radius
rlim, the radius where cluster’s outskirts merge with the stellar
background. This is not a trivial task and properly determin-
ing rlim is important for further investigations. Therefore a uni-
form algorithm was developed and applied to all clusters. In its
first step the boundary density level ρb was calculated for every
RDP as
ρb = fbg + 3σbg , (8)
where σbg denotes the background density error derived from
the King profile fit. Next, moving from the cluster center (r = 0
arcmin) outwards, the first point below ρb was sought. When
this ith point was encountered, the algorithm was checked to
see if farther-out points were also located below ρb. If this con-
dition was fulfilled, the limiting radius was interpolated as the
crossing point between the boundary density level ρb and the
line passing through the (i–1)th and ith points. When farther-
out (at least two) points following the ith point were located
above the boundary density level ρb, the algorithm skipped the
ith point and continued seeking the next point located below
ρb, and the procedure was repeated. As the formal error of rlim
determination, one half of RDP bin size was taken, i.e. 0.5 arc
min. Due to the limited field of view for several clusters (for
instance King 13, King 16, NGC 884, NGC 1027, King 6,
G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters 5
1 King 13
r (arcmin)
King 1
r (arcmin)
King 14
r (arcmin)
NGC 146
r (arcmin)
Dias 1
r (arcmin)
King 16
r (arcmin)
1 Berkeley 4
r (arcmin)
Skiff J0058+68.4
r (arcmin)
NGC 559
r (arcmin)
NGC 884
r (arcmin)
Tombaugh 4
r (arcmin)
Czernik 9
r (arcmin)
1 NGC 1027
r (arcmin)
King 5
r (arcmin)
King 6
r (arcmin)
Berkeley 9
r (arcmin)
Berkeley 10
r (arcmin)
Tombaugh 5
r (arcmin)
1 NGC 1513
r (arcmin)
Berkeley 67
r (arcmin)
Berkeley 13
r (arcmin)
Czernik 19
r (arcmin)
Berkeley 15
r (arcmin)
NGC 1798
r (arcmin)
1 Berkeley 71
r (arcmin)
NGC 2126
r (arcmin)
NGC 2168
r (arcmin)
NGC 2192
r (arcmin)
NGC 2266
r (arcmin)
King 25
r (arcmin)
1 Czernik 40
r (arcmin)
Czernik 41
r (arcmin)
NGC 6885
r (arcmin)
IC 4996
r (arcmin)
Berkeley 85
r (arcmin)
Collinder 421
r (arcmin)
0 10 20
NGC 6939
r (arcmin)
0 10 20
NGC 6996
r (arcmin)
0 10 20
Berkeley 55
r (arcmin)
0 10 20
Berkeley 98
r (arcmin)
0 10 20
NGC 7654
r (arcmin)
0 10 20
NGC 7762
r (arcmin)
Fig. 1. Radial density profiles normalized to the central value after background level subtraction.
NGC 1513, NGC 2168, NGC 6885, NGC 6939, NGC 7654,
and NGC 7762) our determination of rlim may in fact represent
a lower limit. The results of the RDP analysis (limiting radius
rlim, core radius rcore, central density f0, and background level
fbg) are listed in Table 3 in Cols. 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
4. The color–magnitude diagrams
The collected V and (B−V) data allowed us to construct color–
magnitude diagrams (CMDs) for all observed clusters. Since
the field of view was wide and the majority of clusters oc-
curred relatively small, the CMD for the cluster region could
be decontaminated for the field stars’ contribution. While in
general it is impossible to point out individual cluster members
based only on photometry, the contribution from field stars can
be removed from the cluster CMD in a statistical manner. The
algorithm applied to our data was based on ideas presented in
Mighell et al. (1996) and discussed in Bica & Bonato (2005).
Two separate CMDs were built: one for the cluster and one
for an offset field. The offset field was defined as a ring of the
inner radius rlim+1 arcmin and the outer radius was set as large
as possible to fit within the observed CCD frame but avoiding
contribution from other clusters, typically 15–19 arcmin. Both
CMDs were divided into 2-dimensional bins of ∆V = 0.4 mag
and ∆(B − V) = 0.1 mag size (both values being fixed after
a series of tests, as a compromise between resolution and the
star numbers in individual boxes). The number of stars within
each box was counted. Then the cleaned cluster CMD was built
by subtracting the number of stars from the corresponding off-
set box from the number of stars in a cluster box. The latter
number was weighted with the cluster to offset field surface ra-
tio. Knowing the number of cluster stars occupying any given
box on clean CMD, the algorithm randomly chose the required
number of stars with adequate V magnitude and B − V color
index from the cluster field. Finally, the list of stars in aech
6 G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters
Table 4. Astrophysical parameters obtained from isochrone fitting.
Name log(age) E(B − V) (M − m) d Rlim Rcore
(mag) (mag) (kpc) (pc) (pc)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
King 13 8.4 0.86+0.14
−0.12 15.49
−0.58 3.67
−1.30 12.6
−4.5 3.54
King 1 9.6 0.76+0.09
−0.09 12.53
−0.51 1.08
−0.33 3.9
−1.2 0.67
King 14 7.0 0.58+0.10
−0.10 13.75
−0.73 2.46
−0.94 6.5
−2.5 1.62
NGC 146 7.6 0.56+0.07
−0.07 13.97
−0.61 2.80
−0.89 2.2
−0.7 0.94
Dias 1 7.1 1.08+0.13
−0.11 14.49
−0.57 1.69
−0.58 1.2
−0.4 0.17
King 16 7.0 0.89+0.10
−0.13 14.18
−0.87 1.92
−0.85 4.9
−2.2 1.09
Berkeley 4 7.1 0.83+0.08
−0.08 14.53
−0.69 2.46
−0.86 2.2
−0.8 0.94
Skiff J0058+68.4 9.1 0.85+0.12
−0.13 13.48
−0.49 1.48
−0.50 4.7
−1.6 1.63
NGC 559 8.8 0.68+0.11
−0.12 13.79
−0.66 2.17
−0.82 9.2
−3.5 1.48
NGC 884 7.1 0.56+0.06
−0.06 14.08
−0.57 2.94
−0.87 8.6
−2.5 5.00
Tombaugh 4 9.0 1.01+0.08
−0.10 14.81
−0.37 2.17
−0.58 3.5
−1.0 0.67
Czernik 9 8.8 1.05+0.12
−0.14 14.35
−0.76 1.66
−0.70 1.6
−0.7 0.39
NGC 1027 8.4 0.41+0.12
−0.11 11.34
−0.53 1.03
−0.34 3.1
−1.0 1.00
King 5 9.1 0.67+0.09
−0.10 13.82
−0.61 2.23
−0.77 7.1
−2.4 1.56
King 6 8.4 0.53+0.12
−0.11 11.17
−0.47 0.80
−0.25 2.6
−0.8 0.85
Berkeley 9 9.6 0.79+0.08
−0.08 12.03
−0.52 0.82
−0.25 1.7
−0.5 0.29
Berkeley 10 9.0 0.71+0.10
−0.08 13.46
−0.40 1.79
−0.46 4.3
−1.1 0.70
Tombaugh 5 8.4 0.80+0.08
−0.10 13.10
−0.40 1.33
−0.37 4.6
−1.3 0.85
NGC 1513 7.4 0.76+0.13
−0.18 12.96
−1.16 1.32
−0.72 3.5
−1.9 1.41
Berkeley 67 9.0 0.90+0.09
−0.08 13.86
−0.37 1.64
−0.41 2.5
−0.6 0.90
Berkeley 13 9.0 0.66+0.15
−0.14 14.01
−0.80 2.47
−1.07 4.4
−1.9 1.02
Czernik 19 7.4 0.67+0.08
−0.08 14.07
−0.56 2.50
−0.78 4.0
−1.2 1.05
Berkeley 15 8.7 1.01+0.15
−0.16 15.28
−0.46 2.69
−0.96 6.0
−2.1 1.12
NGC 1798 9.2 0.37+0.10
−0.09 13.90
−0.63 3.55
−1.22 9.3
−3.2 1.36
Berkeley 71 9.0 0.81+0.08
−0.08 15.08
−0.30 3.26
−0.73 3.1
−0.7 1.11
NGC 2126 9.1 0.27+0.11
−0.12 11.02
−1.03 1.09
−0.52 3.2
−1.5 0.61
NGC 2168 7.9 0.28+0.15
−0.16 10.49
−1.00 0.84
−0.42 2.4
−1.2 1.12
NGC 2192 9.3 0.04+0.11
−0.14 12.11
−0.42 2.50
−0.81 3.3
−1.1 1.02
NGC 2266 9.0 0.00+0.09
−0.09 12.24
−0.30 2.81
−0.66 4.8
−1.1 0.95
King 25 8.8 1.36+0.11
−0.13 15.03
−0.93 1.45
−0.67 2.7
−1.2 0.99
Czernik 40 8.9 0.99+0.13
−0.14 15.52
−0.38 3.09
−0.97 7.7
−2.4 2.03
Czernik 41 8.7 1.28+0.14
−0.17 14.64
−0.87 1.36
−0.65 2.2
−1.1 0.69
NGC 6885 7.1 0.66+0.14
−0.25 12.06
−1.48 1.01
−0.65 2.5
−1.6 0.69
IC 4996 7.0 0.58+0.05
−0.07 12.86
−0.64 1.63
−0.53 1.1
−0.3 0.57
Berkeley 85 9.0 0.77+0.14
−0.15 13.61
−0.85 1.76
−0.80 2.5
−1.2 0.76
Collinder 421 8.4 0.64+0.11
−0.12 12.08
−0.48 1.05
−0.34 1.8
−0.6 0.33
NGC 6939 9.1 0.38+0.18
−0.10 12.15
−0.72 1.56
−0.59 6.9
−2.6 0.98
NGC 6996 8.3 0.84+0.10
−0.12 13.49
−0.66 1.50
−0.57 0.9
−0.4 0.40
Berkeley 55 8.5 1.74+0.10
−0.11 15.81
−0.51 1.21
−0.39 2.1
−0.7 0.26
Berkeley 98 9.4 0.13+0.11
−0.11 13.26
−0.38 3.73
−1.05 5.0
−1.4 2.29
NGC 7654 7.0 0.73+0.14
−0.16 13.11
−1.12 1.48
−0.78 4.8
−2.5 2.13
NGC 7762 9.3 0.66+0.08
−0.09 11.52
−0.75 0.78
−0.30 2.2
−0.8 0.54
cleaned cluster box was saved and used for constructing the
decontaminated CMD.
The photometric parameters, such as distance modulus,
reddening, and age of the target clusters, were derived by fit-
ting a set of theoretical isochrones of sollar metallicity (Bertelli
at al. 1994) to the decontaminated CMDs. For every isochrone
of a given age, a grid of χ2 was calculated for a number of ob-
served distance moduli and reddenings in steps of 0.01 mag.
The isochrone with the lowest χ2 value was chosen as the final
The resolution of the isochrone set was assumed to be the
cluster age uncertainty, i.e. 0.1 in log(age). A map of scaled
chi-square statistics ∆χ2 for the best-fit isochrone was prepared
to estimate the uncertainties of E(B − V) and (M − m). Here,
∆χ2 was defined as
χ2 − χ2min
, (9)
where χ2min is the minimum χ
2 and ν the number of degrees of
freedom (equal 2 in this case, Burke at al. 2004). The projection
of the ∆χ2 = 1.0 contour on the parameter axes was taken as
the 1-σ error.
The decontaminated CMDs for individual clusters are pre-
sented in Fig. 2 where the best-fit isochrones are also shown.
The parameters such as log(age), reddening, and distance mod-
ulus obtained for investigated clusters are listed in Table 4 in
G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters 7
King 13
B-V (mag)
King 1
B-V (mag)
King 14
B-V (mag)
NGC 146
B-V (mag)
Dias 1
B-V (mag)
King 16
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 4
B-V (mag)
Skiff J0058+68.4
B-V (mag)
NGC 559
B-V (mag)
NGC 884
B-V (mag)
Tombaugh 4
B-V (mag)
Czernik 9
B-V (mag)
NGC 1027
B-V (mag)
King 5
B-V (mag)
King 6
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 9
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 10
B-V (mag)
Tombaugh 5
B-V (mag)
NGC 1513
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 67
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 13
B-V (mag)
Czernik 19
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 15
B-V (mag)
NGC 1798
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 71
B-V (mag)
NGC 2126
B-V (mag)
NGC 2168
B-V (mag)
NGC 2192
B-V (mag)
NGC 2266
B-V (mag)
King 25
B-V (mag)
Czernik 40
B-V (mag)
Czernik 41
B-V (mag)
NGC 6885
B-V (mag)
IC 4996
B-V (mag)
Berkeley 85
B-V (mag)
Collinder 421
B-V (mag)
0 1 2
NGC 6939
B-V (mag)
0 1 2
NGC 6996
B-V (mag)
0 1 2
Berkeley 55
B-V (mag)
0 1 2
Berkeley 98
B-V (mag)
0 1 2
NGC 7654
B-V (mag)
0 1 2
NGC 7762
B-V (mag)
Fig. 2. Decontaminated CMDs for individual clusters. The best-fitted isochrones are drawn with solid lines.
Cols. 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The distances were calculated
under the assumption of the total-to-selective absorption ratio
of R = 3.1 and are listed in Col. 5. The linear sizes of limiting
radii Rlim and core radii Rcore are also listed in Cols. 6 and 7,
5. Mass functions
The first step towards deriving the cluster mass function (MF)
was to build the cluster’s luminosity functions (LF) for the core,
halo, and overall regions separately. We used 0.5 mag bins.
Another LF was built for an offset field starting at r = rlim + 1
arcmin and extending to the edge of the clean field on a frame.
The LF of the offset field was subtracted, bin by bin, from every
region LF, taking the area proportion into account, and this way
the decontaminated LF was derived. The resulting LFs were
converted into MFs using the respective isochrone. The derived
mass functions φ(m) for the overall cluster region, defined as
the number of stars N per mass unit, are plotted as functions
8 G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters
Table 5. Astrophysical parameters obtained from the mass function analysis.
Name χ χcore χhalo Nevolved Mturno f f Ntot Mtot Ncore Mcore
(stars) (M⊙) (stars) (M⊙) (stars) (M⊙)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
King 13 2.23 ± 1.23 0.63 ± 1.62 2.57 ± 1.02 14 3.36 44538 15598 1178 757
King 1 2.43 ± 1.56 −3.46 ± 0.44 3.58 ± 1.81 45 1.16 10520 3305 188 177
King 14 1.16 ± 0.38 0.63 ± 0.17 1.35 ± 0.63 0 14.77 1436 906 316 244
NGC 146 1.16 ± 0.66 − − 0 7.71 1066 624 − −
Dias 1 1.07 ± 0.38 − − 0 5.27 426 248 − −
King 16 1.12 ± 0.37 0.66 ± 0.27 1.26 ± 0.39 0 11.90 1084 709 244 261
Berkeley 4 0.75 ± 0.54 − − 0 12.81 479 467 − −
Skiff J0058+68.4 −0.38 ± 0.66 −0.85 ± 1.54 0.36 ± 0.86 76 1.79 1053 851 232 214
NGC 559 1.31 ± 0.43 0.02 ± 0.33 2.09 ± 0.66 28 1.97 7286 3170 585 395
NGC 884 −0.05 ± 0.28 −0.81 ± 0.23 0.49 ± 0.22 1 15.24 341 1103 104 732
Tombaugh 4 0.53 ± 2.51 −6.03 ± 2.95 2.42 ± 0.47 6 1.75 3407 1744 102 164
Czernik 9 1.71 ± 1.58 − − 7 2.38 1424 559 − −
NGC 1027 1.51 ± 0.36 0.47 ± 0.80 1.83 ± 0.39 0 3.34 1946 833 127 89
King 5 1.52 ± 0.30 0.06 ± 0.09 1.77 ± 0.42 22 1.88 5933 2313 417 227
King 6 1.74 ± 0.39 1.44 ± 0.32 1.58 ± 0.47 0 3.35 1172 465 321 141
Berkeley 9 1.94 ± 1.27 −5.58 ± 1.85 3.40 ± 2.05 4 1.24 2097 697 10 14
Berkeley 10 1.27 ± 0.55 −0.66 ± 0.75 2.45 ± 0.69 12 1.97 2641 1121 67 61
Tombaugh 5 1.31 ± 0.38 0.65 ± 0.27 1.82 ± 0.22 7 3.33 2750 1287 257 163
NGC 1513 1.55 ± 0.20 0.54 ± 0.36 1.27 ± 0.20 0 9.16 2813 1317 365 295
Berkeley 67 −1.66 ± 1.43 −2.61 ± 0.86 −1.02 ± 3.31 6 1.86 112 140 31 43
Berkeley 13 1.87 ± 0.96 1.67 ± 2.72 2.84 ± 1.29 7 1.92 1960 717 983 370
Czernik 19 1.14 ± 0.18 0.48 ± 0.18 0.87 ± 0.22 0 9.76 811 502 186 171
Berkeley 15 1.10 ± 1.09 0.00 ± 1.67 1.43 ± 1.30 12 2.21 2574 1230 170 124
NGC 1798 3.13 ± 0.57 −1.13 ± 1.43 4.69 ± 1.29 28 1.74 23209 6932 202 229
Berkeley 71 −1.06 ± 1.83 − − 9 1.92 232 256 − −
NGC 2126 1.14 ± 0.41 0.73 ± 0.86 1.20 ± 0.57 10 1.82 901 395 223 106
NGC 2168 0.93 ± 0.20 0.82 ± 0.51 0.89 ± 0.16 0 4.25 1421 849 339 216
NGC 2192 −4.59 ± 2.12 −9.50 ± 3.35 −3.12 ± 1.14 23 1.54 78 107 5 8
NGC 2266 1.58 ± 0.91 0.15 ± 0.52 2.28 ± 0.96 12 1.93 3570 1392 312 167
King 25 1.73 ± 1.00 0.43 ± 1.38 2.62 ± 1.84 9 2.31 6075 2336 467 278
Czernik 40 2.41 ± 0.62 0.49 ± 1.28 3.37 ± 1.13 71 2.13 47503 15790 1066 597
Czernik 41 0.77 ± 0.70 −2.22 ± 2.83 2.72 ± 0.54 5 2.56 1161 635 24 44
NGC 6885 1.68 ± 0.27 0.70 ± 0.38 1.66 ± 0.42 0 6.78 711 1641 250 141
IC 4996 0.87 ± 0.45 − − 0 14.47 347 304 − −
Berkeley 85 1.50 ± 0.73 −1.86 ± 0.99 1.99 ± 0.79 10 1.94 4082 1618 40 54
Collinder 421 1.04 ± 0.37 0.97 ± 0.42 1.32 ± 0.36 6 3.14 424 233 153 81
NGC 6939 0.96 ± 0.46 0.19 ± 0.48 1.56 ± 0.44 48 1.80 5154 2363 786 391
NGC 6996 1.73 ± 0.57 − − 3 3.72 664 277 − −
Berkeley 55 0.91 ± 1.54 −1.53 ± 0.81 2.34 ± 2.00 4 3.00 1466 795 45 85
Berkeley 98 2.52 ± 1.18 0.94 ± 2.60 3.22 ± 1.35 29 1.41 6158 1967 1024 421
NGC 7654 1.42 ± 0.15 1.11 ± 0.13 1.89 ± 0.37 0 9.23 6163 3133 2351 1491
NGC 7762 −0.12 ± 0.33 −0.35 ± 0.78 0.24 ± 0.36 28 1.47 1106 616 186 113
of stellar mass m in Fig. 3, where the standard relations of the
logφ(m) = log
= −(1 + χ) log m + b0 , (10)
fitted to the data for each cluster, are also shown. The error bars
were calculated assuming the Poisson statistics. The values of
the MF slope parameters χ for overall clusters regions are listed
in Col. 2 of Table 5.
This procedure was applied to objects with rlim > 4
′. For
smaller ones, core and halo regions were not separated to avoid
small number statistics. The resulting fit parameters χcore and
χhalo are collected in Table 5 in Cols. 3 and 4, respectively.
The completeness of our photometry was estimated by
adding a set of artificial stars to the data. It was defined as a
ratio of the number of artificial stars recovered by our code and
the number of artificial stars added. To preserve the original
region crowding, the number of artificial stars was limited to
10% of the number of actually detected stars found in the orig-
inal images within a given magnitude bin. The completeness
factor was calculated for every magnitude bin. The obtained
completeness factor was close to 100% for stars brighter than
17 mag in all clusters and decreased for fainter stars more or
less rapidly depending on the stellar density in a given field.
The faint limit of the LM was set individually for each field af-
G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters 9
King 13
log (m)
King 1
log (m)
King 14
log (m)
NGC 146
log (m)
Dias 1
log (m)
King 16
log (m)
Berkeley 4
log (m)
Skiff J0058+68.4
log (m)
NGC 559
log (m)
NGC 884
log (m)
Tombaugh 4
log (m)
Czernik 9
log (m)
NGC 1027
log (m)
King 5
log (m)
King 6
log (m)
Berkeley 9
log (m)
Berkeley 10
log (m)
Tombaugh 5
log (m)
NGC 1513
log (m)
) Berkeley 67
log (m)
) Berkeley 13
log (m)
) Czernik 19
log (m)
) Berkeley 15
log (m)
) NGC 1798
log (m)
Berkeley 71
log (m)
NGC 2126
log (m)
NGC 2168
log (m)
NGC 2192
log (m)
NGC 2266
log (m)
King 25
log (m)
Czernik 40
log (m)
Czernik 41
log (m)
NGC 6885
log (m)
IC 4996
log (m)
Berkeley 85
log (m)
Collinder 421
log (m)
0 0.5 1
NGC 6939
log (m)
0 0.5 1
NGC 6996
log (m)
0 0.5 1
Berkeley 55
log (m)
0 0.5 1
Berkeley 98
log (m)
0 0.5 1
NGC 7654
log (m)
0 0.5 1
NGC 7762
log (m)
Fig. 3. The mass functions for individual clusters with the standard relation (Eq. 10) fitted (solid lines).
ter careful inspection of the observed faint-end range (typically
18–19 mag) with the completeness factor lower than 50%.
The derived cluster parameters allowed us to estimate the
total mass Mtot, total number of stars Ntot, core mass Mcore,
and the number of stars within the core Ncore for each cluster.
These quantities were calculated by extrapolating the MF from
the turnoff down to the H-burning mass limit of 0.08 M⊙ using
the method described in Bica & Bonatto (2005). If the value of
χ was similar or greater than that of the universal initial mass
function (IMF), χIMF = 1.3±0.3 (Kroupa 2001), the mass func-
tion was extrapolated with given χ to the mass of 0.5 M⊙ and
then with χ = 0.3 down to 0.08 M⊙. For the lower actual values
of χ, the MFs were extrapolated with the actual value within
the entire range from the turnoff mass down to 0.08 M⊙. The
contribution of the evolved stars was included in the cluster’s
total mass by multiplying their actual number Nevolved (Col. 5
in Table 5) by the turnoffmass Mturno f f (Col. 6 in Table 5). The
total number of cluster’s stars Ntot, total cluster’s mass Mtot,
number of stars in the core Ncore, and the core mass Mcore are
given in Cols. 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Table 5, respectively.
To describe the dynamical state of a cluster under investi-
gation, the relaxation time was calculated in the form
trelax =
8 ln N
tcross , (11)
where tcross = D/σV denotes the crossing time, N is the total
number of stars in the investigated region of diameter D, and
σV is the velocity dispersion (Binney & Tremaine 1987) with
a typical value of 3 km s−1 (Binney & Merrifield 1998). The
calculations were performed separately for the overall cluster
and core region.
The cluster dynamic evolution was described by the
dynamical-evolution parameter τ, defined as
, (12)
which was calculated for the core and the overall cluster sep-
arately. The difference between MF slopes of the core and
corona ∆χ = χhalo−χcore can be treated as the mass segregation
measure. These quantities were used for a statistical description
of the cluster’s sample properties.
10 G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters
7 8 9
log (age)
0 0.5 1
E(B-V) (mag)
10 12 14 16
(M-m) (mag)
0 5 10 15
r (arcmin)
Fig. 4. Reliability of the obtained results. The data obtained in
this paper (vertical axes) are plotted versus the literature ones
(horizontal axes).
6. Reliability of results and comparison with
previous studies
To test the reliability of the results of age, reddening, distance
modulus, and apparent diameter determination presented in this
paper, we compared them with the available catalogue data
taken from the WEBDA3 open cluster data base (Mermilliod
1996). Our determinations of basic cluster parameters are plot-
ted against the results of the previous studies of 30 clusters in
Fig. 4. The ages of clusters show excellent agreement with the
literature data. The least-square-fitted linear relation for the 30
clusters is
log(ageour) = (0.993 ± 0.009) log(age) (13)
with a correlation coefficient of 0.90 and fits the perfect match
line within the error.
As shown in Fig. 4b, satisfactory reliability of our E(B−V)
determination was also achieved. Only two clusters come sig-
nificantly off the line of perfect match. The least-square-fitted
linear relation for the 28 clusters is
E(B − V)our = (0.99 ± 0.04)E(B− V) (14)
with a correlation coefficient of 0.88. The distance moduli de-
termined in this study, Fig. 4c, are very similar to the literature
data as well. The best-fit linear relation for the 27 clusters is
(M − m)our = (0.99 ± 0.01)(M − m) (15)
with the correlation coefficient of 0.90. All three relations prove
that our results are reliable.
As displayed in Fig. 4d, the literature values of apparent
radii of open clusters are considerably (4–5 times) lower for
the majority of the clusters under investigation.
3 http:///
0 1 2 3 4 5
Rcore (pc)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Rcore (pc)
Fig. 5. Relation between limiting and core radii. See text for
7. Statistical considerations
The sample of 42 open clusters studied in detail within this sur-
vey is by no means complete. Since it was defined by celestial
coordinates, estimated sizes, and richness of potential objects,
as well as non-availability of previous CCD studies, it is defini-
tively not representative of the total open cluster sample in the
Galaxy. However the sample covers quite a wide range of clus-
ters parameters and is uniform enough to perform simple sta-
tistical analysis.
Even though 20 clusters out of 62 covered by this sur-
vey were found not to be real does not necessarily mean that
∼30% of clusters in Dias et al. (2002) are doubtful. Such a
high frequency of accidental star density fluctuations is defi-
nitely caused by our selection criteria.
7.1. Limiting and core radii
From their analysis based on DSS images of 38 open clus-
ters Nilakshi et al. (2002) concluded that the angular size of
the coronal region is about 5 times the core radius, hence
Rlim ≈ 6Rcore. Bonatto & Bica (2005) reported a similar re-
lation between the core and limiting radii based on their study
of 11 open clusters. Bica & Bonatto (2005) used data for 16
clusters to find that Rlim = (1.05 ± 0.45) + (7.73 ± 0.66)Rcore.
More recently, Sharma et al. (2006) determined core and limit-
ing radii of 9 open clusters using optical data and presented the
relation Rlim = (3.1 ± 0.5)Rcore with the correlation coefficient
of 0.72. The best fit obtained using the data reported in this
study gives Rlim = (3.1 ± 0.2)Rcore with the correlation coeffi-
cient of 0.74 (Fig. 5 a). Although the correlation is quite strong,
Rlim may vary for individual clusters between about 2Rcore and
7Rcore (Fig. 5a).
The obtained relation is quite different from the one ob-
tained in the papers mentioned above, except for Sharma et
al. (2006) who used observations gathered with a wide-field
Schmidt telescope similar to ours. The field of view in sur-
veys by Nilakshi et al. (2002), Bonatto & Bica (2005), and Bica
& Bonatto (2005) was wider with a radius of 1–2◦. That sug-
gests that our determinations of the limiting radius for some
extensive clusters are underestimated due to a limited field of
view (see Sect. 3.2). However, it has to be pointed out that the
methods of determining the cluster limiting radius differ con-
siderably, and sometimes the adopted definition is not clear.
G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters 11
We also note that our open clusters’ size determinations differ
from many in the literature at the level of angular diameters
(Fig. 4d). One of the reasons for such an inconsistency may
be the difference in the content of the cluster samples used by
different authors who frequently use non uniform photometric
data. Finally, as Sharma et al. (2006) notes, open clusters ap-
pear to be larger in the near-infrared than in the optical data.
To illustrate the difference between results, we again plot
our data in Fig. 5b as in Fig. 5a, together with the literature
determinations taken from the following papers: open squares
denote results from Bica & Bonatto (2005) and Bonatto & Bica
(2005), open circles those of Nilakshi et al. (2002), and open
triangles Sharma et al. (2006). It is clear that data coming from
optical investigations fit each other. We also note that the litera-
ture data contain no determination of sizes for clusters smaller
than 2 pc.
7.2. Structural parameters
The data gathered within this survey show that the limiting ra-
dius correlates with the cluster’s total mass (Fig. 6a). We ob-
tained the relation log Rlim = (0.39±0.07) log Mtot − (0.6±0.2)
with a moderate correlation coefficient of 0.70. This result indi-
cates that clusters with large diameters and small total masses
do not form bound systems. On the other hand, small massive
clusters are dissolved by the internal dynamics (Bonatto & Bica
2005). As one could expect, the core radius is also related to the
cluster’s total mass (Fig. 6b). The obtained least-square linear
relation is log Rcore = (0.32±0.08) log Mtot − (0.99±0.25) with
a weak correlation coefficient of 0.53.
As shown in Figs. 6c and d, both radii tend to decrease
in the course of the dynamical evolution. For the limiting ra-
dius, the obtained relation is log Rlim = (−0.13 ± 0.04) logτ +
(0.66 ± 0.05) with a weak correlation coefficient of 0.47. This
suggests that dynamical evolution makes a cluster smaller due
to dissolving coronae. The dynamical evolution of the core ra-
dius is more visible. The least-square fitted linear relation is
log Rcore = (−0.16 ± 0.04) logτ + (0.10 ± 0.05) with a corre-
lation coefficient of 0.51. Moreover, the core radius is mod-
erately correlated with the dynamical-evolution parameter of
the core τcore. The obtained relation, plotted in Fig. 6e, is
log Rcore = (−0.15 ± 0.03) logτcore + (0.36 ± 0.08) with a cor-
relation coefficient of 0.66. The last two relations indicate that
the dynamical evolution of both, overall cluster and core, tends
to reduce the core radius. No relation of Rlim and Rcore with
cluster age or mass segregation was noted in the investigated
To investigate the relative size of halos, the concentration
parameter c, defined as c = (Rlim/Rcore), was plotted against
other parameters. The concentration parameter seems to be re-
lated to cluster age, as shown in Fig. 6f. For clusters younger
than about log(age) = 9, it tends to increase with cluster age
(log c = (0.11 ± 0.03) log(age) − (0.38 ± 0.23) with a correla-
tion coefficient of 0.56). Nilakshi et al. (2002) notes a decrease
in the size of halos for older systems.
In Fig. 6g the concentration parameter is plotted against
mass segregation parameter ∆χ. As no relation is seen, one can
2 3 4
log Mtot
2 3 4
log Mtot
-1 0 1 2 3
log τ
-1 0 1 2 3
log τ
0 1 2 3 4 5
log τcore
7 8 9
log (age)
0 2 4 6 8
Fig. 6. Relations between structural parameters with each other.
See text for details.
conclude that there is no low concentrated clusters with log c <
0.5 with a high value of ∆χ > 3.
7.3. Mass function slopes
The mass function slopes of the overall cluster, core, and halo
were sought for relations with other parameters. As displayed
in Fig. 7a, the mass function slope of the overall cluster re-
gion and the cluster age are not strictly related. However,
a deficit in low-mass members occurs in clusters older than
log(age) = 9.0. We also investigated relations between the
mass function slopes and the dynamical-evolution parameter τ
– Fig. 7b. Bonatto & Bica (2005) report a relation between the
overall χ and τ in the form of χ(τ) = χ0 − χ1 exp(−τ0/τ), sug-
gesting that the MF slopes decrease exponentially with τ. Our
results confirm this relation, and the least-square fit was ob-
12 G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters
7 8 9
log (age)
-1 0 1 2 3
log τ
7 8 9
log (age)
-1 0 1 2 3
log τ
0 1 2 3 4 5
log τcore
0 2 4 6 8
7 8 9
log (age)
-1 0 1 2 3
log τ
Fig. 7. Relations between mass function slopes and other clus-
ters parameters. See text for details.
tained with χ0 = 1.34±0.13, χ1 = 9.9±2.3, and τ0 = 450±130
(a correlation coefficient was 0.81). It is worth noting that the
obtained value of χ0 is almost identical to χIMF .
In Fig. 7c the relation between χcore and the log(age) is
presented. It is clear that χcore decreases rapidly with cluster
age for clusters older than log(age) = 8.5. This suggests that
evaporation of the low-mass members from cluster cores does
not occur in clusters younger than log(age) = 8.5. The cores of
clusters older than log(age) = 8.5 are dynamically evolved and
deprived of low-mass stars.
As one can see in Fig. 7d, χcore does not correlate with τ.
However, χcore tends to decrease with τ, which indicates that
low-mass-star depleted cores appear in dynamically evolved
clusters with log τ > 1.
In Fig. 7e we show that χcore and τcore are related, and the
relation is similar to the one for χ and τ – χcore = (0.44 ±
0.27) − (8.1 ± 1.1) exp(− 2790±630
). Such an evolution of χcore
was also reported by Bica & Bonatto (2005). Our fit indicates,
however, that the initial χcore(0) = 0.44 ± 0.27 is much lower
than the value of 1.17 ± 0.23 obtained by these authors. This
suggests that χcore is significantly lower than χIMF for dynami-
cally young systems.
As displayed in Fig. 7f, χcore is correlated with the
mass segregation parameter ∆χ. The least-square-fitted relation
χcore = (−0.83 ± 0.10)∆χ + (1.33 ± 0.33) with the correlation
coefficient of −0.83 indicates that – as one could expect – χcore
decreases with the increase in mass segregation.
Finally, in Figs. 7g and h relations between χhalo and
log(age) or τ were plotted, respectively. The MF slopes of the
coronal regions of clusters younger than log(age) = 8.9 tend
to increase with age. That relation was marked with the least-
square-fitted dashed line for which the correlation coefficient
is 0.61. Bifurcation occurs for older clusters and χhalo becomes
either very high or low as compared to the mean value. This
suggests that the clusters were observed in different stages of
dynamical evolution. In clusters with higher values of χhalo,
the mechanism of dynamical mass segregation is more effi-
cient than the evaporation of low-mass members from halos.
Clusters with low values of χhalo are dynamical evolved sys-
tems devoid of low-mass stars in the overall volume. Then,
χhalo seems to decrease with τ for log τ > 2. That suggests that
in general the dynamical evolution of a cluster halo is driven
by the dynamical evolution of the overall system (we obtained
χhalo = (2.0±0.2)− (12.3±6.5) exp(−
) with the correla-
tion coefficient of 0.69). It is also worth noting that the average
χhalo for dynamically not evolved clusters is larger than χIMF .
7.4. Mass segregation
The mass segregation ∆χ is most prominent for clusters older
than about log(age) = 8 (Fig. 8a). The mean values of χhalo
and χcore differ significantly for clusters with log(age) < 8,
and ∆χ , 0 even for very young clusters. This suggests the
existence of the initial mass segregation within the protostellar
gas cloud.
We plotted ∆χ in Fig. 8b as a function of the dynamical-
evolution parameter τ. No relation can be seen. However,
one can note that strong mass segregation occurs in cluster
older then their relaxation time, i.e. log τ > 0. As displayed
in Fig. 8c, mass segregation seems to be related to the core
dynamical-evolution parameter τcore. Although a strict rela-
tion is not present, one can see that clusters with dynamically
evolved cores (log τcore > 3) reveal a strong mass segregation
8. Conclusions
Wide-field CCD photometry in B and V filters was collected
for 42 open clusters and the basic structural and astrophysical
parameters were obtained. Eleven cluster under investigation
were studied for the first time.
G. Maciejewski and A. Niedzielski: CCD BV survey of 42 open clusters 13
7 8 9
log (age)
-1 0 1 2 3
log τ
0 1 2 3 4 5
log τcore
Fig. 8. Evolution of the mass segregation measure in time. See
text for details.
A simple statistical analysis of our sample of open clusters
leads to the following conclusions:
– The angular sizes of most of the observed open clusters ap-
peared to be several times larger than the catalogue data
– A correlation exists between core and limiting radii of open
clusters. The latter seem to be 2-7 times larger, with average
ratio of 3.2. The limiting radius tends to increase with the
cluster’s mass. Both limiting and core radii decrease in the
course of the dynamical evolution. Moreover, core radius
decreases with the core dynamical-evolution parameter.
– The relative size of a cluster halo (in units of the core ra-
dius) tends to increase with cluster age for systems younger
than log(age) = 9. Among clusters with a strong mass-
segregation effect, there are no systems with small halos.
– The MF slope of the overall cluster region is related to the
dynamical-evolution parameter with the relation found in
Bica & Bonatto (2005). For clusters with log τ < 2, the
MF slope is similar to the slope of the universal IMF. For
clusters with log τ > 2 (older than about log(age) = 9), the
results of evaporation of the low-mass members are seen,
and χ reaches an extremely low value for clusters with log
τ = 3.
– The MF slope of the core region is smaller than the uni-
versal value even for very young clusters, while the mass
function slope of the corona is larger. This indicates the ex-
istence of the initial mass segregation. The dynamical mass
segregation appears in clusters older than about log(age) =
– A strong deficiency of low-mass stars appears in cores of
clusters older than log(age) = 8.5 and not younger than
one relaxation time.
Acknowledgements. We thank the anonymous referee for remarks
that significantly improved the paper. This research is partially sup-
ported by UMK grant 369-A and has made use of the WEBDA data
base operated at the Institute for Astronomy of the University of
Vienna, SIMBAD data base, as well as The Guide Star Catalogue-
II, which is a joint project of the Space Telescope Science Institute
and the Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino. Space Telescope
Science Institute is operated by the Association of Universities for
Research in Astronomy, for the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration under contract NAS5-26555. The participation of
the Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino is supported by the Italian
Council for Research in Astronomy. Additional support is provided
by the European Southern Observatory, Space Telescope European
Coordinating Facility, the International GEMINI project, and the
European Space Agency Astrophysics Division.
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Mermilliod, J. C. 1996, in The Origins, Evolution and Destinies of
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Observations and reduction
Data reduction and calibration
Radial structure
Redetermination of central coordinates
Analysis of radial density profiles
The color–magnitude diagrams
Mass functions
Reliability of results and comparison with previous studies
Statistical considerations
Limiting and core radii
Structural parameters
Mass function slopes
Mass segregation
0704.1365 | Geometry and Dynamics of Quantum State Diffusion | Geometry and Dynamics of Quantum State
Nikola Burić ∗
Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 57, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia.
November 26, 2018
Riemannian metric on real 2n-dimensional space associated with
the equation governing complex diffusion of pure states of an open
quantum system is introduced and studied. Examples of a qubit under
the influence of dephasing and thermal environments are used to show
that the curvature of the diffusion metric is a good indicator of the
properties of the environment dominated evolution and its stability.
PACS: 03.65.Yz
∗e-mail: [email protected]
1 Introduction
The states of an open quantum system are commonly described by a density
matrix ρ̂. In many cases, the evolution of ρ̂(t) is governed by a master
equation of the Linblad form [1],[2] for the density matrix ρ̂(t)
= −i[Ĥ, ρ̂] + 1
[L̂lρ̂, L̂
l ] + [L̂l, ρ̂L̂
l ], (1)
where the Linblad operators L̂l describe the influence of the environment.
The equation (1) represents the general form of an evolution equation for a
quantum system which satisfies Markov property.
However, this theoretical approach to the dynamics of open quantum
systems is not unique. In real experiments it is often useful to understand and
model the dynamics of pure quantum states [3],[4],[5]. Indeed, the evolution
of an open system can be described directly in terms of the dynamics of the
system’s pure state. The corresponding evolution equation is a stochastic
modification of the unitary Schroedinger equation. In fact, the density matrix
ρ̂ can be written, in different but equivalent ways, as a convex combination
of pure states. Each of these results in a stochastic differential equation for
|ψ(t) > in the Hilbert spaceH. Such stochastic Schroedinger equations (SSE)
are called stochastic unravelling [6],[7],[2] of the Linblad master equation for
the reduced density matrix ρ̂(t). There are many different forms of nonlinear
and linear SSE that have been used in the context of open systems [8],[3],
[2],[6], [7] or suggested as fundamental modifications of the Schroedinger
equation [9] [10],[11],[6] [12],[13]. They are all consistent with the requirement
that the solutions of (1) and of SSE satisfy
ρ̂(t) = E[|ψ(t) >< ψ(t)|]. (2)
where E[|ψ(t) >< ψ(t)|] is the expectation with respect to the distribution
of the stochastic process |ψ(t) >. The advantages of the description in terms
of the pure states and SSE over the description by ρ̂ are twofold. On the
practical side, the computations are much more practical, as soon as the size
of the Hilbert space is moderate or large [14]. On the theoretical side, the
stochastic evolution of pure states provides valuable insides which can not
be inferred from the density matrix approach [15],[16],[6],[2],[5],[17].
There are two main approaches to the unravelling of the Linblad master
equation: the method of quantum state diffusion [6] and the relative state
method [3], [2], with specific advantages associated with each of the methods.
The relative state method is usually used do describe the situations when the
measurement is the dominant interaction with the environment. The method
offers particular flexibility in that the master equation can be unravelled into
different stochastic equations conditioned on the results of measurement.
On the other hand the correspondence between the QSD equations and the
Linblad master equations is unique, and is not related to a particular mea-
surement scheme, or the form of the Markov environment. The resulting
SSE is always of the form of a diffusion process on the Hilbert space of pure
states, which is its main property to be explored in this paper.
We shall concentrate on the unique unravelling of the master equation
given by the quantum state diffusion equation, and explore the fact that it
represents a diffusion process. QSD equation is the unique unravelling of (1)
which preserves the norm of the state vector and has the same invariance as
(1) under the unitary transformations of the environment operators {L̂l}, [6].
The equation is given by the following formula:
|dψ > = −iĤ|ψ > dt
2 < L̂
l > L̂l − L̂
l L̂l− < L̂
l >< L̂l >
|ψ(t) > dt
(L̂l− < Ll >)|ψ(t) > dWl (3)
where <> denotes the quantum expectation in the state |ψ(t) > and dWl are
independent increments (indexed by l) of complex Wiener c-number processes
The equation (3) represent a diffusion process on a complex vector space.
We shall utilize the diffusion matrix of this process to define a Riemannian
metric on the corresponding real space. We shall then study the properties of
this diffusion metric as a field fixed by the environment and in relation to the
stochastic evolution of the state vector, for different types of the environment.
It will be shown, using examples of the dephasing and thermal environments
and the measurement of an observable, that the curvature of the diffusion
metric is a good indicator of the properties of the environment dominated
evolution and its stability. We shall see that the curvature maxima of the
diffusion metric coincide with the states that are preferred by the particular
type of the environment. Furthermore, if the maxima are sharp and positive
the stochastic dynamics governed by the environment and a Hamiltonian
perturbation that does not commute with L̂l, is likely to be attracted to the
state with the maximal (positive) curvature. On the other hand the states
that correspond to the negative values of the curvature are unstable. Our
analyzes of the QSD equation, and the results, are strictly related to the
fact that the equation represent a norm-preserving diffusion process, and in
this sense are applicable to the stochastic modifications of the Schroedinger
equation that describe a norm-preserving diffusion on the Hilbert space of
pure states, like the QSD equation and, for example, the equations of the
spontaneous collapse models [13].
The structure of the paper is as follows. We shall first discuss, in the next
section, a way to relate a Riemannian metric on a real space R2n to a complex
diffusion process on Cn. Then, in section 3, we shall apply this procedure to
define the Riemannian metric associated with QSD, and than the properties
of this metric for various types of environments will be studied. Finally, in
section 4, we shall summarize and discuss our results.
2 Riemannian metric of a complex diffusion
Using the following notation
f(|ψ >) = −iĤ |ψ > (4)
2 < ψ|L̂†l |ψ > L̂l − L̂
l L̂l− < ψ|L̂
l |ψ >< ψ|L̂l|ψ >
|ψ >,
B(|ψ >)dW =
(L̂l− < ψ|Ll|ψ >)|ψ > dWl. (5)
the QSD equation (3) assumes the standard form of a stochastic differen-
tial equation (SDE) for an n-dimensional autonomous (stationary) complex
diffusion process:
d|ψ >= f(|ψ >)dt+B(|ψ >)dW. (6)
|ψ(t) > and f(|ψ(t) >) are complex vectors of complex dimension n, and dW
are differential increments of an m-dimensional complex Wiener process:
E[dWl] = E[dWldWl′ ] = 0,
E[dWldW̄ l′ ] = δl,l′dt,
l = 1, 2 . . .m, (7)
where E[·] denotes the expectation with respect to the probability distribu-
tion given by the (m-dimensional) process W , and W̄l is the complex conju-
gate of Wl. B(|ψ >) is n × m matrix, where m is at most n2 − 1, and the
diffusion matrix is
G = BB†. (8)
Thus, G(|ψ >) is Hermitian and nonnegative-definite. Notice that, unlike the
case of a general SDE, the dissipative part of the drift (4) and the diffusion
term (5) are determined by the same operators L̂l, and related in such a way
that the diffusion equation preserves the norm of the state vector.
The complex n-dimensional equation (3) generates 2n-dimensional real
diffusion. Let us introduce the following real n dimensional vectors
(ψ̄ − ψ), q =
(ψ̄ + ψ)
(q + ip), ψ̄ =
(q − ip), (9)
and a 2n dimensional vector X = (q, p). Similarly, we introduce real and
imaginary parts of the vector f and order them as components of a 2n real
vector F = (fR, f I), and introduce real and imaginary parts of the incre-
ments of the complex m-dim Wiener process dW by
dWi = (dW
i + idW
2, i = 1, 2, . . .m (10)
It is easily checked that the real and the imaginary parts are increments
of a real 2m-dimensional process, i.e.
E(dWRi dW
j ) = E(dW
j ) = δi,jdt, E(dW
j ) = 0. (11)
With this notation we have
dψ̄ + dψ
dψ̄ − dψ
. (12)
Substitution of the complex equation (3) and its complex conjugate, leads to
the following 2n dimensional real SDE:
fR(p, g)
f I(p, q)
, (13)
The matrix B of dimension 2n× 2m
B = 1√
, (14)
(B)ij = (B
R)ij + i(B
I)ij (15)
gives the diffusion matrix G for the real 2n dimensional diffusion described
by the process (13)
G = BBT = 1
(BR)(BR)T + (BI)(BI)T (BR)(BI)T − (BI)(BR)T
(BI)(BR)T − (BR)(BI)T (BI)(BI)T + (BR)(BR)T
We can write the matrix G in terms of real and imaginary components of
the n× n complex matrix G = BB† as follows
G = 1
where −GI = (GI)T , since the matrix G is Hermitian. Furthermore, one
can see that, besides the equalities between the entries corresponding to the
symmetry of the matrix, there are other equalities
(G)i,j = (G)i+n,j+n, i, j = 1, 2 . . . n (18)
The matrix G is symmetric and nonnegative, but it could be singular.
However, the matrix Diag{1/2, 1/2, . . . , 1/2}+ G gives a Riemannian metric
on the real 2n dimensional vector space. The factor 1/2 of the Euclidian
part is chosen in order that the Euclidian norm of a vector corresponding to
a complex n-vector of unit norm is also unity.
Once the diffusion metric Diag{1/2, 1/2, . . . , 1/2} + G is calculated the
standard formulas [18] give the connection coefficients Γkµν of the Levi-Civita
connection for this metric in terms of the coefficients gµν = δµν/2 + (G)µν
Γkµν =
gkλ(∂µgλν + ∂νgλµ − ∂λgµν) (19)
Curvature tensor, Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature of the diffusion metric
are also given by the standard formulas [18]:
Rkλµν = ∂µΓ
νλ − ∂νΓkµλ + Γ
µη − Γ
νη, (20)
Ricµν = R
µλν , R = gµνRicµν . (21)
Before we present the results of calculations of the diffusion metric and
its curvature for different types of environments, we would like to consider
briefly real representation of the QSD equation in the case when the Linblad
operators are Hermitian. This includes, for example, the dephasing environ-
ment or measurement, or the primary QSD [19], [6] and other fundamental
stochastic modifications of the Schroedinger equation [9],[10],[12]. The goal
of this digression is to point out to the connection between the general QSD
equation (3) and some other stochastic modifications of the Schroedinger
equation that have the form of a norm-preserving diffusion equation, and
that consequently the construction of the diffusion metrics and its proper-
ties are applicable to these equations also. In the case of Hermitian Linblad
operators the real representation of (3) assumes a specially simple and illumi-
nating form. Applying the same derivation as from equation (9) to equation
(13) one obtains the following:
dpi = −Hijqjdt+ (2 < L > Lij − (L2)ij− < L2 > δij)pjdt
(Lij− < L > δij)pjdWR +
(Lij− < L > δij)qjdW I , (22)
where we have, for reasons of simplicity, included only one Linblad operator
and the summation over repeated indexes is assumed. Noticing that for an
arbitrary linear operator B
Bijqj = δij
∂ < B >
, Bijpi = δij
∂ < B >
equation (23) becomes
dpi = −
∂ < H >
∂ < L >
dWR +
∂ < L >
, (24)
where ∆2L =< L2 > − < L >2. There is an analogous equation for dqi. The
two sets of equations represent a diffusion process on R2n, consisting of the
drift given by a Hamiltonian dynamical system on R2n with the Hamilton’s
function < H > and the dissipative part determined by ∆2L =< L2 > − <
L >2 and the diffusion term determined by< L >. The drift and the diffusion
are such that the norm of the vectors in R2n is preserved. Furthermore, the
equations are invariant under a global gauge transformation corresponding
to the multiplication of vectors |ψ > by a phase factor. Takeing into the
account the norm invariance and the global phase symmetry the equations
can be written as a diffusion equation on the phase space S2n−1/S1 of the
following form
dX = Ω∇ < H > dt+∇(∆2L)dt+ 1√
∇ < L > dW (25)
where ∇ and Ω∇ are the gradient and the skew gradient on S2n−1/S1, and X
denotes the set of 2n− 2 coordinates on the reduced phase space S2n−1/S1.
Equations like (25) have been analyzed as candidates for a description of the
spontaneous state reduction in [13], or in the case L̂ = Ĥ in [12].
3 QSD metric and qualitative properties of
Application of formula (16) gives for the case (5) of the QSD equation an
explicit procedure for calculation of the diffusion metric coefficients gij, in
terms of the coefficients of the Linblad operators and the coefficients of the
state ψ > in some bases |ψ >= ∑i ci|i >. The components of the diffusion
matrix G = BB† are given by
Bkk′(c, c̄) =
(Ll− < Ll > 1)kj(Ll†− < Ll† > 1)k′j′cj c̄′j (26)
where: < Ll >=
ss′ Lss′c
sc̄s. Expressing ci, c̄i in terms of x1 . . . x2n
xi = (c̄i + ci)/
2 i = 1, . . . n
−1(c̄i − ci)/
2 i = n+ 1, . . . 2n, (27)
separating of GR and GI and substituting in (16) finally gives the 4n2 entries
of the real matrix G.
We shall study the diffusion metric for the following three types of envi-
ronments: (a) dephasing environment; (b) the environment corresponding to
measurement of an observable and (c) thermal environment. The first two
are represented by Hermitian and the third one by a non-Hermitian Linblad
operators. The main geometrical object which we shall study are the diffusion
metric norm of a state vector and its scalar curvature. In order to illustrate
how these objects depend on the environment we shall use the simplest but
important quantum system, namely a single qubit. The system operators
can be expressed as combinations of the Pauli sigma matrices σ̂x, σ̂y, σ̂z, a
state |ψ > of unit norm is determined by < σ̂x >,< σ̂y >,< σ̂z > or by the
spherical angles (θ, φ) given by
< σ̂z > = cos(θ)
< σ̂x > = sin(θ) cos(φ)
< σ̂y > = sin(θ) sin(φ), (28)
The environment operators are [20],[3]
L̂ = µσ̂+σ̂− (29)
for the dephasing and
L̂ = µ1σ̂+ + µ2σ̂− (30)
for the thermal environment, with µ1 and µ2 proportional to the temperature,
and finally for the measurement of, say, σ̂z the Linblad operator is just
L̂ = µσ̂z. (31)
The formulas for the entries gij of the diffusion metrics in terms of the
coordinates x1, x2, x3, x4 in the three considered cases can be conveniently
written using the following notation:
s = x1x2 + x3x4, a = x1x4 − x2x3. (32)
Because many of the metric entries are repeated, it is more convenient to
present them in a list rather than to write down the corresponding matrices.
Using the notation (32), the entries of the metrics in the three considered
cases are: For dephasing:
g11 = 1/2 + (µ
(2 + d2
)2, g12 = (µ
(2 + d2
), g13 = 0
g14 = (µ
(2 + d2
), g22 = 1/2 + (µ
, g23 = −g14
g24 = 0, g33 = g11, g34 = g21, g44 = g22; (33)
For the thermal environment:
g11 = 1/2 + d
+ (2 + d2
g12 = s[d
(2 + d2
)µ1 + (2 + d
µ2]/16, g1,3 = 0
g14 = a[d
(2 + d2
)µ1 + (2 + d
g22 = 1/2 + d
+ (2 + d2
g13 = 0, g23 = −g14, g24 = 0, g33 = g11, g34 = g21, g44 = g22; (34)
3,0 1
3,0 1
3,0 1
3,0 1
3,0 1
3,0 1
Figure 1: Poincaré sections for the separability constrained non-symmetric
quantum dynamics (39). The parameters are ω = 1, h = 1.5 and (a) µ = 1.3,
(b) µ = 1.7
and for the measurement of σ̂z
g11 = 1/2 + (g
2/16)d12(2 + d2
g12 = (g
− 2)(d2
+ 2), g13 = 0
g14 = a(d
), g22 = 1/2 + (g
(2 + d2
g23 = −g14, g24 = 0, g33 = g11, g34 = g21, g44 = g22. (35)
These formulas are used to compute the diffusion metric norm and the
scalar curvature as functions of the state parameters θ and φ. We shall first
consider the dependence of the stated properties of the diffusion metric on
the type of the environment and the coupling strengths µ, µ1, µ2 and then
analyze the relation between these properties and the stochastic dynamics of
the state vectors.
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
D (c)
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Figure 2: Poincaré sections for the separability constrained non-symmetric
quantum dynamics (39). The parameters are ω = 1, h = 1.5 and (a) µ = 1.3,
(b) µ = 1.7
In Figures 1 and 2 we illustrate the diffusion metric norm and curva-
ture considered as functions on the sphere of states fixed by the type of
environment and the value of the corresponding coupling µ, µ1, µ2. Consider
first Figure 1. The first row (fig. (a),(c),(e)) represent the diffusion metric
norm and the second row (fig. (b),(d),(f)) the curvature for the three types
of the environments and for some typical fixed values of the corresponding
coupling strengths. The curvature is not constant, and can be positive or
negative depending on the state vector and on the coupling strength. The
maxima of the curvature can be sharp like in the cases of the dephasing and
measurement of σz. On the other hand, in the thermal case the maxima is
surrounded by a large neighborhood of states with almost maximal value of
the curvature. Thus, the curvature has a sharp maxima only at the states
which are clearly favored by the environment. If there are no such states
the curvature maximum differs very little from the neighboring values. The
curvature minima are at the states that are like repellers for the environment
dominated dynamics.
Dependence of the curvature maxima and the norm on the coupling
strength is illustrated in Figure 2 for the dephasing and the thermal en-
vironments. The most important information from these Figures is that in
the dephasing and measurement ( not shown) cases there are clearly sharp
values of corresponding coupling strength where the curvature maxima goes
from negative to positive values. Also, we see that the curvature minima are
negative for all values of the coupling strength.
We shall now study the relation between the sign of the curvature maxima
and a stability of the stochastic dynamics of the state vector. The relation
will not be analyzed in a mathematically rigorous way using an appropriate
notion of the stochastic stability and considering the evolution of the met-
ric as a stochastic process governed by the process |ψ(t) >. Instead, our
strategy is to compute the curvature along different sample paths and see
if the path remains near the state corresponding to the curvature maxima.
We do such computations for the evolution governed by the environment and
an additional fixed small hamiltonian, and we pay special attention to the
case when the Linblad operators and the hamiltonian do not commute. The
computations are repeated for the values of the coupling to the environment
slightly above and below the critical value when the curvature maxima is
zero. If the Hamiltonian perturbation is zero the sample paths that started
near a maximum of the curvature remain near this maximum. For very
small added Hamiltonian part and for a fixed value of the coupling to the
environment, the sample paths of the system could wonder away from the
maximum or could remain near it. In the former case we shall say that the
stochastic dynamics is unstable and in the later case it is stable. The relevant
computations are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4.
In the case of the dephasing environment (or the measurement of σ̂z),
when the maxima of the curvature are sharply picked, Figures 3 clearly illus-
trate that positive curvature maxima correspond to the stability and negative
to instability in the above mentioned sense. On the other hand, in the ther-
mal case, the dynamics is always unstable even if there is no Hamiltonian
perturbation. This is illustrated in Figure 4. We can conclude that the dif-
fusion metric curvature provides us with a clear picture of the qualitative
properties of the system’s dynamics under strong influence of the environ-
It is well known that if the Linblad operators are Hermitian and commute
with the hamiltonian, than the attractors of the stochastic QSD dynamics
are the common eigenstates of the Hamiltonian and the Linblad operators
[6],[13]. The curvature maxima coincide with the eigenstates of the Linblad
1,0 -1,0
0 400 800 1200
0 400 800 1200
1,0 -1,0
σ yσx
Figure 3: Poincaré sections for the separability constrained non-symmetric
quantum dynamics (39). The parameters are ω = 1, h = 1.5 and (a) µ = 1.3,
(b) µ = 1.7
1.0 -1.0
0 200 400 600 800 100012001400
Figure 4: Poincaré sections for the separability constrained non-symmetric
quantum dynamics (39). The parameters are ω = 1, h = 1.5 and (a) µ = 1.3,
(b) µ = 1.7
operators, and consequently with the eigenstates of the hamiltonian. The
probability of convergence to one of the attractors is, in this case, determined
solely by the distance of the initial state from the attractor eigenstate, that
is by the quantum mechanical transition probability, and does not depend
on the parameters of the Hamiltonian and stochastic terms. The sign of the
curvature maxima has no effect on this probability. This is the reason why
we expected that the relevance of the sign of the curvature maxima on the
stochastic stability is manifested if the Linblad operator and the Hamiltonian
perturbation do not commute. This expectation is qualitatively confirmed,
as we described and illustrated in Figures 3 and 4, by numerical computa-
tions. Observations of numerical sample paths, when the Linblad and the
Hamiltonian operators do not commute, are enough to establish the quali-
tative connection between the maxima of the curvature and the stability of
small domains near the maxima.
Finally, our treatment of the relation between the geometry of the dif-
fusion and the stability of the stochastic dynamics is rather heuristic. We
treated the diffusion metric as a given field on R2n (determined by the Lin-
blad operators), and we numerically studied the paths of the stochastic pro-
cess |ψ(t) > in relation to the sign of the curvature maxima. However, the
problem of stability versus the properties of the diffusion metric should be
formulated and studied using the appropriate notions of stochastic stability
[21],[22]. Nevertheless, we think that the numerical evidence strongly indi-
cates that there is a clear relation between the sign and the shape of the
curvature maxima and the systems dynamical stability.
4 Summary and discussion
According to the view of QSD theory, evolution of a state of an open quan-
tum system is a diffusion process governed by a complex stochastic differen-
tial equation on the Hilbert space of the system. The diffusion term of the
QSD evolution equation explicitly depends on the operators modelling the
environment and on the current state vector of the system. We have stud-
ied the Riemannian metric associated with the diffusion term in the QSD
equation. The metric is defined on the real 2n-dimensional space (here n is
the complex dimension of the Hilbert space) and is directly related to the
properties of the Linblad operators of the environment. We have shown that
the scalar curvature of the metric has local maxima at states that are favored
by the corresponding environment. The curvature at different points, and
in particular its local maxima, can be be negative or positive depending on
the strength of the coupling to the environment. Also, the sharpness of the
curvature maxima reflects the type of the environment. We have shown that
there is a sense in which the sign of the curvature maxima is related to the
stability of the corresponding state under the addition of a small perturba-
tion that does not commute with the considered Linblad operator. If the
environment type and the coupling strength are such that the curvature has
sharp positive maxima, than the corresponding state is likely to attract the
states of the system whose evolution is governed by the environment and a
Hamiltonian that do not necessarily commute. On the other hand, if the
curvature maxima are negative, the corresponding states are dynamically
unstable under a small Hamiltonian perturbation that does not commute
with the Linblad operators. In conclusion, the curvature of the diffusion
metric is a relatively easy to calculate, and a very good indicator of what the
environment dominated dynamics of the system would look like.
The QSD equation describes the evolution of a pure quantum state using
the Hilbert space of the quantum system, but, because it is norm-preserving,
it gives also an equation on the state space, namely on the space of rays of
the Hilbert space. The Riemannian metric associated with the diffusion on
R2n gives a Hermitian modification of the Fubini-Study metric on CP n−1. It
is common to consider the complex projective manifold with the associated
Fubini-Study metric as the proper framework for the geometry of quantum
states [23],[24], so the modification of the metric due to the diffusion should
also be formulated within this framework.
The examples that we have analyzed in this paper are restricted on a
single qubit under the influence of various types of environments. It would
be interesting to analyze the properties of the diffusion metric in the case of
coupled gubits, and in particular to see what is the curvature at the entangled
states. Probably the proper framework for such analyzes is the formulation
on CP n−1, mentioned in the previous paragraph, because the entangled states
then have characteristic geometric interpretation [23].
Acknowledgements This work is partly supported by the Serbian Min-
istry of Science contract No. 141003. I should also like to acknowledge the
support and hospitality of the Abdus Salam ICTP.
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Figure 1 Diffusion metric norm (a,c,e) and curvature (b,d,f) as functions
of state parametrized by (θ, φ), for dephasing environment with µ = 0.6
(a,b); measurement of σ̂z with µ = 1. (c,d) and thermal environment with
µ1 = 2, µ2 = 1 (e,f).
Figure 2 Diffusion metric norm (a,c) and curvature (b,d) as functions of
θ for different values of the parameters µ or µ1, µ2, and the maximum over
(θ, φ) of the curvature as a function of µ (e) or µ1 = 2µ2 = 2µ(f) . Figures
a,b,e corespond to the dephasing and c, d, f to the thermal environment.
Figure 3Diffusion metric curvature (a,c) along the corresponding stochas-
tic path illustrated in b,d for the dephasing environment and µ = 0.3 when
maxR < 0 (a,b), and µ = 0.5 when maxR > 0(c,d). The small Hamiltonian
perturbation is 0.01σ̂x.
Figure 4 Diffusion metric curvature (a) along a stochastic path (b) for
the thermal environment and µ1 = 2µ2 = 1.6. The Hamiltonian part is zero.
Riemannian metric of a complex diffusion
QSD metric and qualitative properties of dynamics
Summary and discussion
0704.1366 | Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates from the MACHO
survey | Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. macho c© ESO 2018
November 8, 2018
Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates from the
MACHO survey⋆
S. D. Hügelmeyer1, S. Dreizler1, D. Homeier1, and A. Reiners1,2
1 Institut für Astrophysik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
2 Hamburger Sternwarte, Universität Hamburg, Gojenbergsweg 112, 21029 Hamburg, Germany
Received <date> / Accepted <date>
Context. Planets outside our solar system transiting their host star, i. e. those with an orbital inclination near 90◦, are of special
interest to derive physical properties of extrasolar planets. With the knowledge of the host star’s physical parameters, the planetary
radius can be determined. Combined with spectroscopic observations the mass and therefore the density can be derived from Doppler-
measurements. Depending on the brightness of the host star, additional information, e. g. about the spin-orbit alignment between the
host star and planetary orbit, can be obtained.
Aims. The last few years have witnessed a growing success of transit surveys. Among other surveys, the MACHO project provided
nine potential transiting planets, several of them with relatively bright parent stars. The photometric signature of a transit event is,
however, insufficient to confirm the planetary nature of the faint companion. The aim of this paper therefore is a determination of the
spectroscopic parameters of the host stars as well as a dynamical mass determination through Doppler-measurements.
Methods. We have obtained follow-up high-resolution spectra for five stars selected from the MACHO sample, which are consistent
with transits of low-luminosity objects. Radial velocities have been determined by means of cross-correlation with model spectra.
The MACHO light curves have been compared to simulations based on the physical parameters of the system derived from the radial
velocities and spectral analyses.
Results. We show that all transit light curves of the exoplanet candidates analysed in this work can be explained by eclipses of stellar
objects, hence none of the five transiting objects is a planet.
Key words. Stars: planetary systems - Eclipses - Techniques: radial velocities
1. Introduction
After the first detections of planets outside our solar system
(Wolszczan & Frail 1992; Mayor & Queloz 1995), an inten-
sive search with various methods began (see Schneider 2002,
for an overview) resulting in currently more than 200 planets
( Most of these exoplanet detections have
been performed via the radial velocity (RV) method where the
“wobble” of the parent star caused by the planet is measured by
spectral line shifts. Since these effects are very small for low-
mass planets in orbits of tens to hundreds of days, the determi-
nation of orbital period, phase, inclination, eccentricity, and RV
amplitude demands RV accuracies of a few meters per second
(Marcy et al. 2000).
Meanwhile, alternative methods for planet detections have
also been successfully applied. The first four microlensing plan-
ets have been detected (Bond et al. 2004; Udalski et al. 2005;
Beaulieu et al. 2006; Gould et al. 2006), possible first direct im-
ages of extra-solar planets were published (Chauvin et al. 2004,
2005a,b; Neuhäuser et al. 2005; Biller et al. 2006), and the num-
ber of detections due to transit searches is steadily increasing
(McCullough et al. 2006; Bakos et al. 2007; O’Donovan et al.
2006; Collier Cameron et al. 2007).
The transit method is of special interest, since it permits
the derivation of additional physical parameters of the planet,
e. g. the radius can be measured either indirectly via the ra-
⋆ Based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla
or Paranal Observatories under programme ID 075.C-0526(A)
dius of the host star or directly via detection of the sec-
ondary eclipse as observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope
(Charbonneau et al. 2005; Deming et al. 2005). If combined
with a radial velocity variation measurement, the mass and mean
density can be determined, revealing constraints for the plane-
tary structure. Furthermore, transiting systems allow us to inves-
tigate the atmospheres of the planets (Charbonneau et al. 2002;
Vidal-Madjar et al. 2004) as well as the spin-orbit-alignment be-
tween the rotational axis of the host star and the planetary orbit
(Wolf et al. 2007; Gaudi & Winn 2007; Winn et al. 2006).
Drake & Cook (2004, hereafter DC) published a list of
nine restrictively selected, transiting planet candidates from the
MACHO project (Alcock et al. 1992). Only transit light curves
with no indication of gravitational distortion and only those with
clear U-shaped transit events were considered. De-reddened
colours as well as light curve fitting provide a good estimate
of the companion radius. Only companions below 3 Jupiter radii
were selected.
Based on high-resolution spectra, the orbital velocities of
five potential host stars of exoplanet candidates have been
measured. We analysed the RV measurements together with
MACHO transit light curves in order to determine the system
parameters complemented by a spectral analysis.
The paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we
shortly describe the spectroscopic observations and the spectral
analysis as well as the Doppler-measurements. In section 3, we
describe the results of the individual systems and summarise in
section 4.
2 S. D. Hügelmeyer et al.: Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates
Table 1. Orbital elements, rotation velocities, and stellar parameters for all five analysed systems. Components c and d of MACHO
118.18272.189 and component b of MACHO 120.22041.3265 are not visible in the spectra. PMACHO is taken from Drake & Cook
(2004) and P denotes the period derived using the light curves and RV measurements. K is the semi-amplitude of the RV variations,
V0 the system velocity, and i the orbital inclination. In case of systems with elliptical orbits, e is the eccentricity and ω the longitude
of the periastron. Furthermore, the mass MRV is given in cases where the RV amplitude of two components is known. Then T RVeff
and R are calculated for zero- and terminal-age main sequence models. T SAeff is the effective temperature derived from the spectral
analyses. In cases where just T SAeff from the spectral analyses is known, M
SA and R are derived masses and radii from evolution
models. All values in this table relate to the assumption of zero-age main sequence stars.
RV T RVeff T
eff M
[days] [days] [km s−1] [km s−1] [◦] [◦] [M⊙] [K] [K] [M⊙] [R⊙]
118.18272.189 a – 1.9673 0.00 −25.51± 0.03 – – – – – 5800 – –
b – – 0.00 +05.46± 0.03 – – – – – 5800 – –
c 3.9346 – – – (90.0) – – 0.41 3730 – – 0.38
d 3.9346 – – – – – 0.41 3730 – – 0.38
118.18407.57 a 4.7972 2.3986 78.84± 0.10 −20.48± 0.07 84.0 – – 1.27 6430 6200 – 1.23
b – – 0.00 −08.39± 0.03 – – – – 6600 – –
c 4.7972 2.3986 89.68± 0.09 −20.48± 0.06 – – 1.11 5980 6200 – 1.04
118.18793.469 a 4.0744 2.0372 75.81± 0.18 −56.30± 0.11 85.6 0.041 89.94 0.90 5140 5400 – 0.81
b 4.0744 2.0372 83.67± 0.25 −56.30± 0.14 0.82 5070 5400 – 0.76
120.22041.3265 a 5.4083 5.4083 22.18± 0.06 −24.00± 0.04 89.8 0.108 19.98 – – 6200 1.19 1.15
b 5.4083 5.4083 114.90 −24.00± 0.04 – – (3340) (0.23) 0.28
402.47800.723 a 8.5496 4.2748 75.91± 0.04 +00.40± 0.04 85.8 – – 1.26 6400 6400 – 1.22
b – – 0.00 −26.40± 0.04 – – – – 5800 – –
c 8.5496 4.2748 68.09± 0.07 +00.40± 0.07 – – 1.40 6820 6400 – 1.37
2. Observations and analyses
In period 75 we secured three spectra for each of the five
brightest candidates. We used ESO’s Fibre-fed Extended Range
Échelle Spectrograph (FEROS) mounted on the 2.2 m telescope
at La Silla, Chile. The spectrograph provides a spectral resolu-
tion of R ∼ 48 000 and covers a wavelength range from 3500 Å
to 9200 Å. The instrumental specifications list a RMS velocity
error of ∼ 25 m s−1. This is sufficient to detect faint low-mass
star companions and distinguish them from sub-stellar compan-
ions, which was the primary aim of the observations. The sec-
ondary aim is to use the spectra for a spectral analysis in order
to derive the stellar parameters of the host stars.
The observations of the five targets have been performed
between August 19 and September 16, 2005. For each object
we have obtained three spectra with exposure times between
2400 s and 3500 s, depending on the brightness of the object.
The signal-to-noise ratio is ∼ 10.
The data were reduced using the FEROS Data Reduction
System (DRS). The échelle spectra were bias and flat field cor-
rected and wavelength calibrated. The latter calibration was ad-
ditionally quality checked by cross-correlating the observation
with a sky line spectrum. The spectra were then corrected by ap-
plying relative wavelength shifts. Barycentric and Earth rotation
velocity influences to the wavelengths are accounted for auto-
matically by the DRS.
For the determination of the radial velocities we used the
extracted FEROS spectra and synthetic spectra of main se-
quence model stars calculated from LTE model atmospheres us-
ing PHOENIX (Hauschildt et al. 1999) version 14.2. Both spectra
were normalised and relative fluxes were interpolated on a log-
arithmic wavelength scale. A cross-correlation (CC) between a
model with Teff = 5600 K and observation was performed be-
tween 5000 Å and 7000 Å. The CC was implemented using a
grid with 200 steps of ∆ log
= 2.2 · 10−6 in each di-
rection. This method turned out to be robust against the use of
different model spectra. We could identify up to three spectro-
scopic components in our data. Each of the peaks in the CC was
then fitted by a Gaussian and the position of the maximum of the
fit gives the radial velocity. The errors of the RV measurements
were calculated from the standard deviation of the Gaussian plus
the accuracy limit of FEROS of 25 m s−1. These RV errors are
in the range between 50 and 350 m s−1.
The CC function was also used to determine the projected
rotation velocities of the stars. We therefore applied a solar spec-
trum as template convolved with rotational profiles following
Gray (2005). This method allows to derive stellar radii in bi-
naries, assuming a synchronised orbit. In this analysis, the deter-
mined rotational velocity v sin i is of the order of the uncertainty
in most cases, which, due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, is
about 5 km s−1. These derived radii are consistent with the ones
obtained from main sequence models (see Table 1). Additional
constraints for the radii of the binary components visible in the
spectra can therefore not be derived.
In order to spectroscopically identify the components of the
analysed systems, we again used the PHOENIXmodel grid which
ranges from 4000 K to 6800 K in Teff and from −1.5 to 0.0 in
relative solar metallicity [Fe/H]. It should be noted that this is
not sufficient for a detailed abundance determination, which was
not the aim of this work. The surface gravity is kept constant at
log g = 4.5. Knowing the RV of the individual components of a
system, the models were gauss-folded to the resolution of the ob-
servation and shifted to their position in the observed spectrum.
Depending on the number of spectral components, all possible
combinations of model spectra were tested for each observed
spectrum. A χ2-test was used to identify the best fitting models.
Given the low signal-to-noise ratio of the spectra, we estimate
an uncertainty of about 400 K in effective temperature.
In cases where we know the RV amplitudes for two compo-
nents (MACHO 118.1407.57, 118.18793.469, 402.47800.723),
S. D. Hügelmeyer et al.: Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates 3
M sin i is known for both components. Assuming i = 90◦ for
the first iteration, we determined radii and effective tempera-
tures (T RVeff in Table 1) from interpolation of the Geneva model
tracks (Schaerer et al. 1993) assuming zero-age main sequence
(ZAMS) or terminal-age main sequence (TAMS) stars. We then
applied the eclipsing binary simulation software Nightfall1
with the derived stellar and orbital parameters from the previous
step as input and calculated a best model fit to the R-band light
curve and radial velocity measurements simultaneously. We used
the third light contribution and the inclination as free parameters
and calculated χ2-values for the light curve fits assuming ZAMS
and TAMS stars. In a second iteration, we repeated the fit with
the now known inclination (see Fig. 3). For these three systems
the so derived effective temperature can be compared to the one
of the spectral analyses (T SAeff in Table 1). Deviations are within
our estimated uncertainties and show the overall consistency of
our main-sequence solution.
In the other two cases (MACHO 120.22041.3265 and
MACHO 118.18272.189), the effective temperature from the
spectral analysis was used to derive masses and radii of each
components, again assuming ZAMS and TAMS stars. In the
light curve simulations for the MACHO R-band photometry we
varied the inclination and the radius R2 of the potential transiting
object, assuming ZAMS and TAMS primary stars.
3. Results
We will present results for the five targeted MACHO objects for
which we found an orbital solution that explains the detected
transits and the measured radial velocities. In Fig. 1 we show fit-
ted light curves to the photometric MACHO data (bottom pan-
els in the plots) and RV curve fits to the Doppler-measurements
(asterisks in the top panel of the plots). The dashed lines are
for circular orbits and the solid lines show a best fit ellipti-
cal orbit. Fig. 2 again shows Nightfall light curve solutions
to the photometric data as well as the RV fits to the Doppler-
measurements. Here circular orbits reproduce the observations
best. All stars were assumed to be on the ZAMS for the fits in
Figs. 1 and 2. χ2-contour plots for both ZAMS and TAMS stars
are depicted in Fig. 3. The inclination of the orbital plane and
the third light contribution (bottom three plots) and the radius
R2 (top two plots) of the potential transiting objects were treated
to vary. A list of the orbital parameters PMACHO (period given by
Drake & Cook 2004), the derived period P in our analyses, the
RV amplitude K, the system velocity V0, the orbital inclination
i, and in cases of systems with elliptical orbits, e the eccentric-
ity and ω the longitude of the periastron as well as the mass,
effective temperature, and radius is shown in Table 1.
MACHO 120.22041.3265
MACHO 120.22041.3265 is the only system in our sample with
just one component visible in the spectra. Spectral analysis
yields Teff = 6200 K and indicates a low metallicity ([Fe/H] =
−1.0). The fit of a sinusoidal to the RVs folded to a period of
5.4083 d (DC, dashed curve in Fig. 1) differs from the RV mea-
surement at a phase of 0.87 by ∼ 10 km s−1. A better fit is pro-
vided by an elliptical orbit with an eccentricity of e = 0.108,
a longitude of periastron of ω = 19.98, and an orbital semi-
amplitude of K = 22.18 km s−1. For such a system the radius
and mass of the secondary is R2 = 0.3 R⊙ and M2 = 0.23 M⊙
for a ZAMS and R2 = 0.5 R⊙ and M2 = 0.25 M⊙ for a TAMS
Fig. 1. Radial velocity and light curve fits for systems with ellip-
tical orbits. The dashed lines show best-fit sinusoidals while the
solid lines show best-fit eccentric orbits. Component a is plotted
in black, component b in grey. The system velocity for the circu-
lar orbit is shown by the thin line, and for the elliptical orbit by
the thick dotted line. The solutions shown are calculated assum-
ing ZAMS stars. The error bars for the RV measurements are of
the size of the symbols.
primary (see Fig. 3), clearly indicating an M dwarf companion.
With these parameters, the system is very similar to OGLE-TR-
78 (Pont et al. 2005).
We used equation (6.2) of Zahn (1977) to calculate an esti-
mate for the circularisation time of the system. Due to the low
mass ratio q = M2/M1, we find a circularisation time of the order
of the Hubble time even for this close binary system.
MACHO 118.18793.469
Two spectral components could be identified, each with Teff =
5400 K and a highly subsolar ([Fe/H] = −1.5) metallicity. For
the light curve and RV fits with Nightfall we used the RV
amplitudes of the two stars to derive masses by the procedure
described in the previous section. A reasonable fit to the RV
measurements folded to twice the period of DC can be achieved
with sinusoidals (dashed curves in Fig. 1), i. e. assuming a cir-
cular orbit for the two components. However, an improved fit
can be achieved by fitting the light curve and radial veloci-
ties in Nightfall at the same time to an elliptical orbit (solid
4 S. D. Hügelmeyer et al.: Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates
Fig. 2. Radial velocity and light curve fits for systems with cir-
cular orbits. Component a is plotted in black, component b in
grey, and component c in a lighter grey. The solutions shown
are calculated assuming ZAMS stars. The error bars for the RV
measurements are of the size of the symbols.
curves in Fig. 1). The best fit is achieved with a small eccen-
tricity of e = 0.041 and a periastron longitude of ω = 89.94◦.
By varying the third light and the inclination, we construct the
χ2-map shown in Fig. 3. As suggested by the spectral analysis of
MACHO 118.18793.469, the lowest χ2-value is found for a third
light of zero. The inclination is 85.6◦ for the ZAMS and 82.2◦
for the TAMS. The low depths of the transit is therefore due to
a grazing eclipse. This is also supported by the V-shape of the
best-fit model.
The best-fit light curve model shows different transit depths.
This is an indicator for two transits in one orbital period caused
by two stars of slightly different size.
MACHO 118.18407.57
Three components are visible in the CCs of the three spectra,
one of which shows RV variations below 1 km s−1. Therefore,
this component is a third component, either in a wider orbit or
physically unrelated to the other two. Component a and c show
RV changes of over 100 km s−1. They can be well fitted with
sinusoidals of twice the period given by DC, i. e. 4.7972 d. If
the photometric data are phased accordingly, we then see both
transits where the transit depths are reduced due to third light of
component b.
For the light curve simulation we once more used the RV
amplitudes of a and c to get the masses and varied the incli-
nation and third light coming from component b. The effective
temperatures and radii of the components are interpolated from
the Geneva evolution tracks assuming young stars on the ZAMS
and older stars on the TAMS. The contribution of component b
meets the expectations from the spectral analyses (Teff = 6200 K
for components a and c and Teff = 6600 K for component b, also
see Fig. 3). The inclination of the system is 84◦ assuming that
the stars are on the ZAMS and 79.5◦ for the TAMS. The system
shows different transit depths, as MACHO 118.18793.469 does.
MACHO 402.47800.723
The second brightest object in the sample shows three compo-
nents in the spectra. Components a and c are best fitted by a
model with Teff = 6400 K, b has Teff = 5800 K. As in the case
of MACHO 118.18407.57, the masses are derived from the ra-
dial velocities. The RV measurements of a and c are well fitted
assuming a circular orbit with twice the period of DC. The third
component only shows small RV variations and therefore seems
to have a larger period than the other two. The fractional third
light contribution for this component is ∼ 1/3 and an inclination
of the eclipsing system is 85.8◦ assuming stars on the ZAMS and
82.3◦ for the TAMS (see Fig. 3). We again see transit depth dif-
ferences. Due to the high signal-to-noise ratio of the light curve,
these are quite obvious and amount to ∆R = 0.015. This observa-
tion is also expected from the orbital semi-amplitude differences.
MACHO 118.18272.189
Each of the three FEROS spectra displays two components. The
spectral analysis reveals that both components have a similar ef-
fective temperature (Teff = 5800 K) and a subsolar metallicity
of [Fe/H] = −0.5. The cross-correlation shows that component
b has a constant RV of ∼ 5.46 km s−1 within the above men-
tioned statistical errors. Component a shows RV variations of
∼ 3.5 km s−1. Folding the RV measurements to the orbital pe-
riod given by DC, one sees that the two components visible in
the spectrum cannot be responsible for the transit in the light
curve since one RV point is very close to the transit. However,
here the two components should almost have the same RV. This
is clearly not present in the data. The same is the case if we dou-
ble the period (see Fig. 2). Thus, we exclude the scenario that
the two visible components are responsible for the transit.
S. D. Hügelmeyer et al.: Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates 5
In another plausible scenario, we treat component b as third
light and assume that component a is eclipsed by a low mass
object not visible in the spectra. However, if we fit a sinusoidal
to the RV points, in our solution the star would move away from
the observer after the transit while it should do the opposite. We
can therefore discard this scenario.
One could argue that the variations in RV measured for com-
ponent a is just caused by systematic errors and that the eclipse
visible in the light curve is caused by a planet orbiting a with-
out causing any noticeable RV changes. We have fitted this sce-
nario taking the light from component b into account and found
a radius of R2 = 0.25 R⊙ assuming that a is on the ZAMS and
R2 = 0.35 R⊙ for a being on the TAMS (see Fig. 3). These val-
ues, however, seem unrealisticly high for planets and we can re-
ject the 3-body scenario.
Finally, one scenario that can explain both the transit light
curve and the measured RVs is a four body system consisting
of the two G stars which are visible in the spectra and two M
dwarfs invisible in the spectra. Here the two faint components or-
bit each other in twice the period from DC and eclipse each other
twice. We assume an inclination of 90◦ and two low-mass stars
of equal size. The effective temperature of the eclipsing bodies
was derived from the transit depth of the MACHO R-band light
curve using blackbody fluxes for all four components. The tran-
sit depth is reduced by the light of components a and b. The
RV variations of component a can in this scenario be explained
by the reflex motion of a to the orbit of the binary M star system
with a much larger period. We therefore do not observe a correla-
tion between the transits and the RV. This scenario is underlined
by the fact that the two RV measurements in Fig. 2 at periods of
∼ 1.0 and ∼ 1.3, which have approximately the same RVs, are
from two spectra only taken one day apart, while the third RV
value comes from a spectrum 26 days later. Component b would
be in a very wide orbit or physically unrelated to the other three
4. Summary
For none of the five analysed MACHO-candidates a planetary or
brown dwarf companion could be identified. We therefore con-
firm the speculation of DC that due to the depths of the transits in
the photometric data the objects would be low-mass stars rather
than sub-stellar objects. From the five candidates, we found
one grazing eclipse of two nearly identical G stars (MACHO
118.18793.469), two blends of deep eclipses of G stars with a
significant third light contribution (MACHO 118.18407.57 and
MACHO 402.47800.723), one binary star with a G type primary
and an M dwarf secondary (MACHO 120.22041.3265) and one
rather complicated, blended system with four stars, of which
each two are nearly identical (G and M type). With this work
we could show that also for deep transit surveys for extrasolar
planets, follow-up observations to weed out false positives are
efficiently possible with moderate effort.
After all, our results once again underline the need for spec-
troscopic follow-up of transit planet candidates as already shown
by Bouchy et al. (2005) and Pont et al. (2005) for the OGLE sur-
vey and Torres et al. (2004) in the case of a blend scenario.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the referee for very useful com-
S.D.H. gratefully acknowledges the support of the German-Israeli Foundation
for Scientific Research and Development grant I-788-108.7/2003.
A.R. has received research funding from the European Commission’s Sixth
Framework Programme as an Outgoing International Fellow (MOIF-CT-2004-
This paper utilizes public domain data obtained by the MACHO Project, jointly
funded by the US Department of Energy through the University of California,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48,
by the National Science Foundation through the Center for Particle Astrophysics
of the University of California under cooperative agreement AST-8809616, and
by the Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatory, part of the Australian
National University.
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6 S. D. Hügelmeyer et al.: Investigation of transit-selected exoplanet candidates
Fig. 3. χ2-contour plots for all analysed systems. In the left column we assume that the stars are on the zero-age main sequence and
in the right column on the terminal-age main sequence. The bottom three plots show the χ2-contours for third light and inclination
as fitted parameters. For the top two the radius of the eclipsing component and the inclination have been varied. The crosses mark
best-fit values.
Observations and analyses
0704.1367 | On families of rational curves in the Hilbert square of a surface (with
t. Under natural hypotheses we give an upper bound on the dimension of families of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations on a surfa
e S with pg > 0 via the study of the
iated families of rational
urves in S
. We use this result to prove the existen
e of nodal
of geometri
genus 3 with hyperellipti
normalizations, on a general K3 surfa
e, thus obtaining
2-dimensional families of rational
urves in S
. We give two in�nite series of examples
of general, primitively polarized K3s su
h that their Hilbert squares
ontain a P
or a threefold
birational to a P
-bundle over a K3. We dis
uss the
es on the Mori
one of the Hilbert
1. Introdu
For any smooth surfa
e S, the Hilbert s
heme S[n] parametrizing 0-dimensional length n sub-
hemes of S is a smooth 2n-dimensional variety whose inner geometry is naturally related to that
of S. For instan
e, if ∆ ⊂ S[n] is the ex
eptional divisor, that is, the ex
eptional lo
us of the
Hilbert-Chow morphism µ : S[n] → Symn(S), then irredu
ible (possibly singular) rational
ontained in ∆ roughly
orrespond to irredu
ible (possibly singular)
urves on S with a g1n′ on
their normalizations, for some n′ ≤ n (see � 2.1 for the pre
e when n = 2). One
of the features of this paper is to show how ideas and te
hniques from one of the two sides of the
e makes it possible to shed light on problems naturally arising on the other side.
If S is a K3 surfa
e, S[n] is a hyperkähler manifold (
f. [31, 2.2℄) and rational
urves play a
fundamental r�le in the study of the (birational) geometry of S[n]. Indeed a result due to Huybre
and Bou
ksom [32, 11℄ implies in parti
ular that these
urves govern the ample
one of S[n] (we will
all the pre
ise statement below and in � 6.1). The presen
e of a Pn ⊂ S[n] gives rise to a birational
map (the so-
alledMukai �op [41℄) to another hyperkähler manifold and, for n = 2, all birational maps
between hyperkähler fourfolds fa
tor through a sequen
e of Mukai �ops [12, 30, 60, 62℄. Moreover, as
shown by Huybre
hts [32℄, uniruled divisors allow to des
ribe the birational Kähler
one of S[n] (see
� 7 for the pre
ise statement). For hyperkähler fourfolds pre
ise numeri
al and geometri
of the rational
urves that are extremal in the Mori
one have been
tured by Hassett and
hinkel [25℄.
The s
ope of this paper, and the stru
ture of it as well, is twofold: we �rst devise general methods
and tools to study families of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations on a surfa
e S, mostly under
the additional hypothesis that pg(S) > 0, in � 2-� 4. Then we apply these to obtain
rete results
in the
ase of K3 surfa
es, in � 5-� 7. In parti
ular, we have tried to develop a systemati
way to
2000 Mathemati
s Subje
t Classi�
ation : Primary 14H10, 14H51, 14J28. Se
ondary 14C05, 14C25, 14D15, 14E30.
(*) and (***) Member of MIUR-GNSAGA at INdAM "F. Severi".
(**) Resear
h supported by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship within the 6th European Community Frame-
work Programme.
(***) During the last part of the work the author bene�tted from an "a
ueil en délégation au CNRS".
e rational
urves on S[2] by showing the existen
e of nodal
urves on S with hyperellipti
To give an overview of the paper, we
hoose to start with the se
ond part.
Let (S,H) be a general, smooth, primitively polarizedK3 surfa
e of genus p = pa(H) ≥ 2. We have
[2])R ≃ R[Y ]⊕ R[P1∆], where P1∆ is the
lass of a rational
urve in the ruling of the ex
divisor ∆ ⊂ S[2], and Y := {ξ ∈ S[2]|Supp(ξ) = {p0, y}, with p0 ∈ S and y ∈ C ∈ |H|}, where
p0 and C are
hosen. One has that P
∆ lies on the boundary of the Mori
one and by the result of
hts and Bou
ksom [32, 11℄ mentioned above, if the Mori
one is
losed, then also the other
boundary is generated by the
lass of a rational
urve. If X ∼alg aY − bP1∆ is an irredu
in S[2], di�erent from a �ber of ∆, then we de�ne a/b to be the slope of the
urve. Thus, the lower
the slope is, the
loser is X to the boundary of the Mori
one. Des
ribing the Mori
one NE(S[2])
amounts to
slope(NE(S[2])) := inf
slope(X) | X is an irredu
urve in S[2]
and, if the Mori
one is
losed, then slope(NE(S[2])) = sloperat(NE(S
[2])), where
[2])) := inf
slope(X) | X is an irredu
ible rational
urve in S[2]
(See � 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 for further details.)
If now C ∈ |mH| is an irredu
urve of geometri
genus pg(C) ≥ 2 and with hyperellipti
normalization, let g0(C) ≥ pg(C) be the arithmeti
genus of the minimal partial desingularization of
C that
arries the g12 (see � 2.1 and � 6.2). By the uni
ity of the g
2, C de�nes a unique irredu
urve RC ⊂ S[2] with
lass RC ∼alg mY − (g0(C)+12 )P
f. (6.11). (This formula is also
valid if RC is asso
iated to a given g
2 on the normalization of an irredu
ible rational or ellipti
C.) Thus, the higher g0(C) (or pg(C)) is, and the lower m is, the lower is the slope of RC . This
motivates the sear
h for
urves on S with hyperellipti
normalizations of high geometri
genus, thus
ted� from Brill-Noether theory.
It is well-known that there exist �nitely many (nodal) rational
urves, a one-parameter family
of (nodal) ellipti
urves, and a two-dimensional family of (nodal)
urves of geometri
genus 2 in
|H| (see � 5). Every su
h family yields in a natural way a two-dimensional family of irredu
urves in S[2],
f. � 2. Also note that, by a result of Ran [46℄, the expe
ted dimension of
a family of rational
urves in a symple
fourfold, when
e a posteriori also of a family of
with hyperellipti
normalizations lying on a K3, equals two (
f. Lemma 5.1). In [22, Examples
2.8 and 2.10℄ we found two-dimensional families of nodal
urves of geometri
genus 3 in |H| having
normalizations when pa(H) = 4 or 5. In this paper we generalize this:
Theorem 5.2. Let (S,H) be a general, smooth, primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of genus p =
pa(H) ≥ 4. Then the family of nodal
urves in |H| of geometri
genus 3 with hyperellipti
izations is nonempty, and ea
h of its irredu
omponents is two-dimensional.
The proof takes the whole � 5 and relies on a general prin
iple of
urves with hy-
normalizations on general K3s outlined in Proposition 5.11: �rst
t a marked K3
e (S0,H0) of genus p su
h that |H0|
ontains a family of dimension ≤ 2 of nodal (possibly
urves with the property that a desingularization of some δ > 0 of the nodes is a limit of a
urve in the moduli spa
e Mp−δ of stable
urves of genus p−δ and su
h that this family
is not
ontained in a higher-dimensional su
h family. Then
onsider the parameter spa
e Wp,δ of
pairs ((S,H), C), where (S,H) is a smooth, primitively marked K3 surfa
e of genus p and C ∈ |H|
is a nodal
urve with at least δ nodes. Now map (the lo
al bran
hes of) Wp,δ into Mp−δ by partially
normalizing the
urves at δ of the nodes and mapping them to their respe
lasses. The existen
of the parti
ular family in |H0| ensures that the image of this map interse
ts the hyperellipti
Hp−δ ⊂ Mp−δ. A dimension
ount then shows that the dimension of the parameter spa
e I ⊂ Wp,δ
onsisting of ((S,H), C) su
h that a desingularization of some δ > 0 of the nodes of C is a limit
of a hyperellipti
urve is at least 21. Now the dominan
e on the 19-dimensional moduli spa
e of
primitively marked K3 surfa
es of genus p follows as the dimension of the spe
ial family on S0 was
The te
al di�
ulties in the proof of Proposition 5.11 mostly arise be
ause the
urves in the
ial family on S0 may be redu
ible (in fa
t, as in all arguments by degeneration, in pra
ations they will very often be). Therefore we need to partially desingularize families of nodal
urves, and this tool is provided in Appendix A by E. Sernesi. Moreover, we need a
areful study of
the Severi varieties of redu
ible nodal
urves on K3s, and here we use results of Tannenbaum [55℄.
Given Proposition 5.11, the proof of Theorem 5.2 is then a
omplished by
ting a suitable
(S0,H0) in Proposition 5.19 with |H0|
ontaining a desired two-dimensional family of spe
with δ = p− 3, and then showing that the
urves in the spe
ial family on S0 in fa
t deform to
with pre
isely δ nodes on the general S in Lemma 5.20. As will be dis
ussed below, showing that
the spe
ial family on S0 is not
ontained in a family of higher dimension of
urves with the same
property, is quite deli
We also show that the asso
iated rational
urves in S[2]
over a threefold,
f. Corollary 5.3, and
that g0 = pg = 3,
f. Remark 5.23. Turning ba
k to the des
ription of NE(S
[2]), this shows that the
lass of the asso
iated rational
urves in S[2] is Y − 3
P1∆, so that we obtain (
f. Corollary 6.27):
(6.28) sloperat(NE(S
[2])) ≤ 1
In Propositions 7.2 and 7.7 we present two in�nite series of examples of general primitively polarized
K3 surfa
es (S,H) of in�nitely many degrees su
h that S[2]
ontains either a P2 (these examples
were shown to us by B. Hassett) or a threefold birational to a P1-bundle over a K3 and �nd the
two-dimensional families of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations in |H|
orresponding to the lines
and the �bres respe
tively. In parti
ular, these examples show that the bound (6.28)
an be improved
for in�nitely many degrees of the polarization. Namely, for any n ≥ 6 and d ≥ 2, we get:
(7.4) sloperat(NE(S
[2])) ≤ 2
2n−9 if p = pa(H) = n
2 − 9n+ 20;
(7.9) sloperat(NE(S
[2])) ≤ 1
if p = pa(H) = d
Nevertheless, to our knowledge, (6.28) is the �rst non-trivial bound valid for any genus p of the
The proofs of Propositions 7.2 and 7.7 are again by deformation, but unlike the proof of Proposition
5.11, we now deform S
0 of a spe
ial K3 surfa
e S0. The idea is to start with a spe
ial quarti
S0 ⊂ P3 su
h that S[2]0
ontains a P2 or a threefold birational to a P1-bundle over itself, perform
the standard involution on S
0 to produ
e a new su
h and then deform S
0 keeping the new one by
keeping a suitable polarization on the surfa
e that is di�erent from OS0(1). Here we use results on
deformations of symple
fourfolds by Hassett and Ts
hinkel [25℄ and Voisin [57℄.
By a result proved in [22℄, any irredu
urve C ∈ |H| with hyperellipti
normalization must
satisfy g0(C) ≤ p+22 , where p = pa(H) (
f. Theorem 6.16 and (6.17)). It is then natural to ask
whether this inequality a
tually ensures the existen
e of su
urves. We
all this �The hyperellipti
e problem� and we see that a positive solution to this problem would yield a bound on the
slope of rational
urves that is mu
h stronger than the ones obtained above,
f. (6.25). In this sense,
Theorem 5.2 is hopefully only the �rst step towards stronger existen
e results.
The study of
urves on S with hyperellipti
normalizations is not the only way to obtain bounds
on the slope of the Mori
one of S[2]. In fa
t, an irredu
urve C ∈ |mH| with a singular point x
of multipli
ity multx(C) yields an irredu
urve in S
lass mY − (1/2)multx(C) (see the
proof of Theorem 6.18). In parti
ular, if p = pa(H), one has the bound (
f. Theorem 6.21)
(6.22) slope(NE(S[2])) ≤
p−1 ,
obtained by using well-known results on Seshadri
onstants on S. This bound is stronger than
(6.28) but weaker than the bounds on the slope of the Mori
one obtained from (7.4) and (7.9).
Moreover, one relatively easily sees that the best bound one
an obtain by Seshadri
onstants is in
ase weaker than (7.4) and (7.9) and also weaker than the ones one
ould obtain by solving �The
e problem�,
f. (6.25). In any
ase, note that (6.22), (7.4) and (7.9) show that
the bounds tend to zero as the degree of the polarization tends to in�nity, that is,
(6.23) inf
slope(NE(S[2])) | S is a proje
tive K3 surfa
and likewise for sloperat(NE(S
All the families of
urves in |H| with hyperellipti
normalizations we have seen above have in fa
dimension equal to two, the expe
ted one. Moreover, a
ial point in the proof of Theorem 5.2
is to bound the dimensions of families of irredu
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations on the
ial K3 surfa
e S0. This brings us over to the des
ription of the �rst part of this paper.
The problem of bounding the dimension of spe
ial families of
urves on surfa
es, like in our
ase of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations, is interesting in its own, may be studied for larger
lasses of
es, and may lead to further appli
ations in other
ontexts. Whereas methods from adjun
theory have proved very useful for the study of smooth hyperellipti
urves on surfa
es [51, 53, 10℄,
these methods do not extend to the
ase of singular
urves, where in fa
t very little seems to be
known. Even in the relevant
ase of nodal
urves on smooth surfa
es, whose parameter spa
es (the
alled Severi varieties) have re
eived mu
h attention over the years and have been studied also
in relation with moduli problems (see e.g. [49℄ for P2 and [21℄ for surfa
es of general type), the
dimension of their sublo
onsisting of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations is not determined.
The pre
ise question we address is whether there exists an upper bound on the dimension of families
of irredu
urves on a proje
tive surfa
e with hyperellipti
normalizations. One easily sees that,
if the
al system of the surfa
e is birational, then no
urve with hyperellipti
an move,
f. e.g. [33℄. On the other hand, taking any surfa
e S admitting a (generi
ally) 2 : 1 map
onto a rational surfa
e R and pulling ba
k the families of rational
urves on R, we obtain families of
arbitrarily high dimensions of
urves on S having hyperellipti
normalizations. Moreover, the in�nite
series of examples in Proposition 7.2 of general, primitively polarized K3 surfa
es (S,H) su
h that
ontains a P2 shows that one
annot even hope, in general, to �nd a bound in the simplest
of Pi
ard number one: in fa
t, the (3m− 1)-dimensional family of rational
urves in |OP2(m)| yields
a (3m− 1)-dimensional family of irredu
urves in |mH| having hyperellipti
� 7.1. Nevertheless, for a large
lass of surfa
es, it is possible to derive a geometri
e on
the family V , when its dimension is greater than two:
Theorem 4.6'. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e with pg(S) > 0. Let V be a redu
ed and
ible s
heme parametrizing a �at family of irredu
urves on S with hyperellipti
izations (of genus ≥ 2) su
h that dim(V ) ≥ 3. Then the algebrai
lass [C] of the
parametrized by V has a de
omposition [C] = [D1] + [D2] into algebrai
ally moving
lasses su
that [D1 + D2] ∈ V . Moreover the rational
urves in S[2]
orresponding to the irredu
parametrized by V
over only a (rational) surfa
e R ⊂ S[2].
In fa
t we prove a stronger result,
f. Theorem 4.6, that in parti
ular relates the de
[C] = [D1] + [D2] to the g
2s on the normalizations of the
urves parametrized by V . This additional
point will in fa
t be the
ial one in our appli
ation in the proof of Theorem 5.2. An immediate
orollary is that the �naïve� dimension bound one may hope for, thinking about the fa
t that rational
urves in S[2] arising from
urves on S of geometri
genera ≤ 2 move in dimension at most two, is
in fa
t true under additional hypotheses on V ,
f. Corollary 4.7. These are satis�ed if e.g. the
Néron-Severi group of S is of rank 1 and generated by the
lass of a
urve in V , and seem quite
natural, taking into a
ount the examples of large families mentioned above.
The idea of the proof of Theorem 4.6 is rather simple and geometri
and illustrates well the ri
interplay between the properties of
urves on S and those of subvarieties of S[2]. The proof relies on
the following two fundamental results:
The �rst is Mori's bend-and-break te
hnique (see Lemma 2.10 for the pre
ise version we need),
h gives a breaking into redu
ible members of a family of rational
urves of dimension ≥ 3
a surfa
The se
ond is a suitable version of Mumford's well-known theorem on 0-
les on surfa
es with
pg > 0 (
f. Corollaries 3.2 and 3.4). The
e of parti
ular interest to us is that any threefold
in S[2]
an only
arry a two-dimensional
overing family of rational
urves when pg(S) > 0,
Proposition 3.6.
Combining those two ingredients, we see that any family satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem 4.6
yields a family of rational
urves in S[2] of the same dimension ≥ 3, that
an therefore only
a surfa
e in S[2], on whi
h we
an apply bend-and-break to produ
e a redu
ible member. Then we
have to show that we
an also produ
e a de
omposition of the
urves on S into algebrai
ally moving
lasses, and this is
arried out in Proposition 4.3.
Beside the appli
ation in the proof of Theorem 5.2, we hope that Theorem 4.6 and the ideas behind
its proof will �nd more appli
ations. One is a Reider-like result for families of singular
urves with
normalizations obtained in [33℄, where also more examples are given.
The paper is organized as follows. We go from the more general results to those pe
uliar to the
ase of K3 surfa
es. We start in � 2 with the
e between
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations on any smooth surfa
e S and rational
urves on S[2] and prove other preliminary
results, before turning to the bend-and-break lemma for families of rational
overing a surfa
in S[2]. The version of Mumford's theorem we need for our purposes is proved in � 3, and then
rephrased in terms of rational quotients. Then we prove (a stronger version of) Theorem 4.6' in � 4.
We then turn to K3 surfa
es and prove Theorem 5.2 along the lines of the degeneration argument
hed above. Se
tion 6, apart from some known fa
ts on the Hilbert s
heme of points on a K3
ontains the
omputation of the
lasses of rational
urves in S[2] asso
iated to
urves in S
with rational, ellipti
or hyperellipti
normalizations, as explained in � 2.1. The relation between the
e of su
h a
urve, its singular Brill-Noether number (an invariant introdu
ed in [22℄) and the
slope of the Mori
one of S[2] is also dis
ussed, as well as the relation between the slope of the Mori
one and Seshadri
onstants. We end the paper presenting the two series of examples of general K3
es whose Hilbert square
ontains a P2 (respe
tively a threefold birational to a P1-bundle over
a K3) and dis
ussing the numeri
al properties of a line (respe
tively a �bre) in it, as well as those of
the asso
iated singular
urves in S with hyperellipti
normalizations. In Appendix A by E. Sernesi
the reader will �nd a general result about partial desingularizations of families of nodal
knowledgements. The authors thank L. Caporaso, O. Debarre, A. Iliev and A. Verra for useful
ussions related to these problems. We are extremely grateful to: C. Ciliberto, for many valuable
onversations and helpful
omments on the subje
t and for having pointed out some mistakes in a
preliminary version of this paper; B. Hassett, for having pointed out the examples behind Proposition
7.2; E. Sernesi, for many helpful
onversations and for his Appendix A. We �nally express our
gratitude to the Department of Mathemati
s, Università "Roma Tre" and to the Institut de Re
Mathématique Avan
ée, Université L. Pasteur et CNRS, where parts of this work have been done,
for the ni
e and warm atmosphere as well as for the kind hospitality.
2. Rational
urves in S[2]
Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e. In this se
tion we gather some basi
results that will be
needed in the rest of the paper. We �rst des
ribe the natural
e between rational
in S[2] and
urves on S with rational, ellipti
or hyperellipti
normalizations. Then, in � 2.2, we
apply Mori's bend-and-break te
hnique to rational
urves in Sym2(S)
overing a surfa
all that we have the natural Hilbert-Chow morphism µ : S[2] → Sym2(S) that resolves
Sing(Sym2(S)) ≃ S. The µ-ex
eptional divisor ∆ ⊂ S[2] is a P1-bundle over S. The Hilbert-
Chow morphism gives an obvious one-to-one
e between irredu
urves in S[2] not
ontained in ∆ and irredu
urves in Sym2(S) not
ontained in Sing(Sym2(S)). We will therefore
often swit
h ba
k and forth between working on S[2] and Sym2(S).
2.1. Irredu
ible rational
urves in S[2] and
urves on S. Let T ⊂ S × S[2] be the in
variety, with proje
tions p2 : T → S[2] and pS : T → S. Then p2 is �nite of degree two, bran
along ∆ ⊂ S[2]. (In parti
ular, T is smooth as ∆ is.)
Let X ⊂ S[2] be an irredu
ible rational
urve not
ontained in ∆. We will now see how X is
equivalent to one of three sets of data on S.
Let νX : X̃ ≃ P1 → X be the normalization and set X ′ := p−12 (X) ⊂ T . By the universal property
of blowing up, we obtain a
ommutative square:
(2.1) C̃X
// X,
de�ning the
urve C̃X , ν̃X and f . In parti
ular, ν̃X is birational and C̃X admits a g
2 (i.e., a 2 : 1
morphism onto P1, given by f ), but may be singular, or even redu
ible. Set ν̃ := pS |X′ ◦ν̃X : C̃X → S.
Assume �rst that C̃X is irredu
We set CX := ν̃(C̃X) ⊂ S. Sin
e X 6⊂ ∆, CX is a
urve. As C̃X
arries a g12, it is easily seen that
also the normalization of CX does, that is, CX has rational, ellipti
or hyperellipti
Moreover, it is easily seen that ν̃ : C̃X → CX is generi
ally of degree one. Indeed, for general x ∈ CX ,
as x 6∈ pS(p−12 (∆)), we
an write (pS |X′)−1(x) = {(x, x+ y1), . . . , (x, x+ yn)}, where n := deg ν̃. By
de�nition of p2, and sin
e X
′ = p−12 (X), we must have that ea
h (yi, x + yi) ∈ X ′, for i = 1, . . . , n,
and ea
ouple ((x, x+yi), (yi, x+yi)) is the pushdown by ν̃X of an element of the g
2 on C̃X . Hen
ouple (x, yi) is the pushdown by the normalization morphism of an element of the indu
ed g
on the normalization of CX . Sin
e x has been
hosen general, x 6∈ Sing(CX), so that we must have
n = 1, as
In parti
ular, by
tion, ν̃ : C̃X → CX is a partial desingularization of CX , in fa
t, it is the
minimal partial desingularization of CX
arrying the g
2 in question (whi
h is unique, if pg(CX) ≥ 2).
We have therefore obtained:
(I) the data of an irredu
urve CX ⊂ S together with a partial normalization ν̃ : C̃X → CX
with a g
2 on C̃X (unique, if pg(CX) ≥ 2), su
h that ν̃ is minimal with respe
t to the existen
of the g
Next we treat the
ase where C̃X is redu
ible. In this
ase, it must
onsist of two irredu
smooth rational
omponents, C̃X = C̃X,1 ∪ C̃X,2, that are identi�ed by f .
If ν̃ does not
t any of the
omponents, set CX,i := ν̃(C̃X,i) ⊂ S and nX,i := deg ν̃| eCX,i , for
i = 1, 2. We therefore obtain:
(II) the data of a
urve CX = nX,1CX,1 + nX,2CX,2 ⊂ S, with nX,i ∈ N, CX,i an irredu
urve, a morphism ν̃ : C̃X = C̃X,1 ∪ C̃X,2 → CX,1 ∪ CX,2 (resp. ν̃ : C̃X → CX,1 if
CX,1 = CX,2) that is nX,i : 1 on ea
omponent and where C̃X,i is the normalization of CX,i,
and an identi�
ation morphism f : C̃X,1 ∪ C̃X,2 ≃ P1 ∪ P1 → P1.
If ν̃
ts one of the two
omponents of C̃X , say C̃X,2, to a point xX ∈ S (it is easily seen
that it
t both), then µ(X) ⊂ Sym2(S) is of the form {xX + CX}, for an irredu
urve CX ⊂ S, whi
h is ne
essarily rational. It is easily seen that CX = ν̃(C̃X,1) and deg ν̃| eCX,1 = 1,
so that we obtain:
(III) the data of an irredu
ible rational
urve CX ⊂ S together with a point xX ∈ S.
Note that in all
ases (I)-(III), the support of the
urve CX on S is simply
(2.2) Supp(CX) = one-dimensional part of {x ∈ S | x ∈ Supp(ξ) for some ξ ∈ X}
and the set is already purely one-dimensional pre
isely unless we are in
ase (III) with xX 6∈ C.
Conversely from the data (I), (II) or (III) one re
overs an irredu
ible rational
urve in S[2] not
ontained in ∆. Indeed, in
ase (I) (resp. (II)), the g12 on C̃X (respe
tively, the identi�
ation f )
es a P1 ⊂ Sym2(C̃X) and this is mapped to an irredu
ible rational
urve in Sym2(S) by the
omposed morphism
// Sym2(CX)
// Sym2(S).
The irredu
ible rational
urve X ⊂ S[2] is the stri
t transform by µ of this
urve. In
ase (III),
X ⊂ S[2] is the stri
t transform by µ of {xX + CX} ⊂ Sym2(S).
We see that the data (III)
orrespond pre
isely to rational
urves of type {x0 + C} ⊂ Sym2(S),
where x0 ∈ S is a point and C ⊂ S is an irredu
ible rational
urve. Moreover, it is easily seen that
the data (II)
orrespond pre
isely to the images by
α : C̃1 × C̃2 ≃ P1 × P1 −→ C1 + C2 ⊂ Sym2(S),
α : Sym2(C̃) ≃ P2 −→ Sym2(C) ⊂ Sym2(S),
of irredu
ible rational
urves in |n1F1 + n2F2| for n1, n2 ∈ N, resp. |nF | for an integer n ≥ 2, where
Pic(C̃1 × C̃2) ≃ Z[F1] ⊕ Z[F2], resp. Pic(Sym2(C̃)) ≃ Z[F ], and C1, C2, resp. C, are irredu
urves on S and �˜� denotes normalizations. The data of type (II) will however not be
studied more in this paper, where we will fo
us on the other two, mostly on (I).
Note that an irredu
ible rational
urve X ⊂ Sym2(S) arising from rational (resp. ellipti
C as in
ase (I) moves in Sym2(C), whi
h is a surfa
e birational to P2 (resp. an ellipti
ruled surfa
and a
urve X ⊂ Sym2(S) of the form {xX +C} moves in the threefold {S +C}, whi
h is birational
to a P1-bundle over S, and
ontains Sym2(C).
At the same time, it is well-known that if kod(S) ≥ 0, then rational
urves on S do not move and
urves move in at most one-dimensional families. This follows for instan
e from the following
general result (that we will later need in the
ase pg = 2).
Lemma 2.3. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e with kod(S) ≥ 0
ontaining an n-dimensional
ible family of irredu
urves of geometri
genus pg. Then n ≤ pg and if equality o
then either the family
onsists of a single smooth rational
urve; or kod(S) ≤ 1 and n ≤ 1; or
kod(S) = 0.
Proof. This is �folklore�. For a proof see [33℄. �
As a
e, if kod(S) ≥ 0, then rational
urves in Sym2(S) arising from rational or ellipti
urves on S move in families of dimension at most two in Sym2(S).
On the other hand, irredu
ible rational
urves X ⊂ Sym2(S) arising from
urves on S with
normalizations of geometri
genus pg ≥ 2 (ne
essarily of type (I)), move in a family
whose dimension equals that of the family of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations in whi
h C ⊂ S
moves (by uni
ity of the g
2). Apart from some spe
ases, it is easy to see that the
onverse is
also true:
Lemma 2.4. Let {Xb}b∈B be a one-dimensional irredu
ible family of irredu
ible rational
urves in
overing a (dense subset of a) proper, redu
ed and irredu
ible surfa
e Y ⊂ Sym2(S) that
does not
ide with Sing(Sym2(S)) ∼= S.
Then C = CXb in S for every b ∈ B (notation as above) if and only if either Y = Sym2(C0), with
either C0 ⊂ S an irredu
ible rational
urve and C ≡ nC0 for n ≥ 1, or C0 = C ⊂ S an irredu
urve; or Y = C + C ′ := {p + p′ | p ∈ C, p′ ∈ C ′}, with C an irredu
ible rational
and C ′ ⊂ S any irredu
urve; or Y = C1 + C2, with C1, C2 ⊂ S irredu
ible rational
urves and
C = n1C1 + n2C2 for n1, n2 ∈ N.
Proof. The "if" part is immediate. For the
onverse, we treat the three
ases (I)-(III) separately.
If C is as in (I), then
learly Y ⊂ Sym2(C), so that Y = Sym2(C) and C must be either rational
or ellipti
, as Y is uniruled.
If C = n1C1 + n2C2 as in (II), then either C1 = C2 =: C0 and again Y = Sym
2(C0), or C1 6= C2
and Y = C1 + C2.
Finally, if C is as in (III), then, for every b ∈ B, we have {Xb}b∈B = {xb+C}b∈B for some xb ∈ S,
and the {xb}b∈B de�ne the desired
urve C ′.
We note that by Lemma 2.3 also the rational
urves in Sym2(S) arising from singular
urves of
genus 2 on S move in at most two-dimensional families. We will see below that this is a
general phenomenon, under some additional hypotheses. We will fo
us our attention on
urves with
normalizations (of genus pg ≥ 2) in Se
tions 4-7.
2.2. Bend-and-break in Sym2(S). Let V ⊆ Hom(P1,Sym2(S)) be a redu
ed and irredu
ible sub-
heme (not ne
omplete). We
onsider the universal map
(2.5) PV := P
1 × V
// Sym2(S)
and assume that the following two
onditions hold:
(2.6) For any v ∈ V, ΦV (P1 × v) 6⊆ Sing(Sym2(S)) ≃ S; and
(2.7) ΦV is generi
ally �nite
(the latter just means that V indu
es a �at family of rational
urves in Sym2(S) of dimension
dim(V )). Set
(2.8) RV := im(ΦV ),
the Zariski
losure of im(ΦV ) in Sym
2(S). It is the (irredu
ible) uniruled subvariety of Sym2(S)
overed by the
urves parametrized by V . In the language of [35, Def. 2.3℄, RV is the
losure of the
us of the family ΦV . Note that dim(RV ) ≥ 2 if dim(V ) ≥ 1 by (2.7). Moreover (
f. e.g. [24, Prop.
(2.9) dim(RV ) ≤ 3 if kod(S) ≥ 0.
When RV is a surfa
e, using Mori's bend-and-break te
hnique we obtain the following result. In
the statement we underline the fa
t that the breaking
an be made in su
h a way that, for general
ξ, η ∈ RV , two
omponents of the redu
ible (or non-redu
ed) member at the border of the family
pass through ξ and η, respe
tively. This will be
entral in our appli
ations (Proposition 4.3 and � 5,
where we prove Theorem 5.2). We give the proof be
ause we
ould not �nd in literature pre
the statement we will need.
Lemma 2.10. Assume that dim(V ) ≥ 3 and dim(RV ) = 2.
Let ξ and η be any two distin
t general points of RV . Then there is a
urve Yξ,η in RV su
h that
Yξ,η is algebrai
ally equivalent to (ΦV )∗(P
v) and either
(a) there is an irredu
ible nonredu
omponent of Yξ,η
ontaing ξ and η; or
(b) there are two distin
t, irredu
omponents of Yξ,η
ontaing ξ and η, respe
Proof. Sin
e dim(V ) ≥ 3 by assumption, by (2.7) we
an pi
k a one-dimensional smooth subs
B = Bξ,η ⊂ V parametrizing
urves in V su
h that (ΦV )∗(P1 × v)
ontains both ξ and η, for every
v ∈ B. We therefore have a family of rational
(2.11) ΦB := (ΦV )|B : P1 ×B −→ RV .
and two marked (distin
t) points x, y ∈ P1 su
h that ΦB(x×B) = ξ and ΦB(y ×B) = η, su
h that
h ΦB(P
1 × v) is non
onstant, for any v ∈ B; in parti
ular ΦB(P1 ×B) is a surfa
As in the proofs of [36, Lemma 1.9℄ and [35, Cor. II.5.5℄, let B be any smooth
of B. Consider the surfa
e P1 × B. Let 0 ∈ B denote a point at the boundary, P10 the �bre over 0
of the proje
tion onto the se
ond fa
tor and x0, y0 ∈ P10 ⊂ P1 ×B the
orresponding marked points.
By the Rigidity Lemma [36, Lemma 1.6℄, ΦB
annot be de�ned at the point x0, as in the proof of
[36, Cor. 1.7℄, and the same argument works for y0.
Therefore, to resolve the indetermina
ies of the rational map ΦB : P
1 × B − − → RV , we must
at least blow up P1 × B at the points x0 and y0. Now let W be the blow-up of P1 × B su
h that
ΦB : W −→ RV is an extension of ΦB , that is, we have a
ommutative diagram
P1 ×B
//___ RV .
Let Ex0 := π
−1(x0) and Ey0 := π
−1(y0). Note that neither of these
an be
ted by ΦB , for
otherwise ΦB itself would be de�ned at x0 or y0.
Therefore the
urve ΦB(Ex0) has an irredu
omponent Γξ
ontaining ξ and the
urve ΦB(Ey0)
has an irredu
omponent Γη
ontaining η and by
tion, Γξ+Γη ⊆ ΦB∗(π−1(P1× 0)) and
the latter is the desired
urve Yξ,η. The two
ases (a) and (b) o
ur as Γξ = Γη or Γξ 6= Γη,
tively. �
3. Rationally equivalent zero-
les on surfa
es with pg > 0
In this se
tion we extend to the singular
ase a
e of Mumford's result on zero-
on surfa
es with pg > 0 (
f. [42, Corollary p. 203℄) and reformulate the results in terms of rational
3.1. Mumford's Theorem. The main result of this subse
tion, whi
h we prove in detail for the
e, relies on the following generalization of Mumford's result (
f. [58, Chapitre 22℄
and referen
es therein, for a detailed a
Theorem 3.1. (see [58, Prop. 22.24℄) Let T and Y be smooth proje
tive varieties. Let Z ⊂ Y × T
be a
le of
odimension equal to dim(T ). Suppose there exists a subvariety T ′ ⊂ T of dimension k0
h that, for all y ∈ Y , the zero-
le Zy is rationally equivalent in T to a
le supported on T ′.
Then, for all k > k0 and for all η ∈ H0(T,ΩkT ), we have
[Z]∗η = 0 in H0(Y,ΩkY )
where, as
ostumary, [Z]∗η denotes the di�erential form indu
ed on Y by the
e Z.
Mumford's original �symple
� argument and the theorem above yield the following result (see
[42, Corollary p. 203℄).
Corollary 3.2. Let S be a smooth, irredu
ible proje
tive surfa
e with pg(S) > 0 and Σ ⊂ S[n] a
ed, irredu
ible (possibly singular)
omplete subs
heme su
h that µ(Σ) 6⊂ Sing(Symn(S)), where
µ : S[n] → Symn(S) is the Hilbert-Chow morphism.
If there exists a subvariety Γ ⊂ Symn(S) su
h that dim(Γ) ≤ 1, Γ 6⊂ Sing(Symn(S)) and all
the zero-
les parametrized by µ(Σ) are rationally equivalent to zero-
les supported on Γ, then
dim(Σ) ≤ n.
Proof. Let π : Σ̃ → Σ ⊂ S[n] be the desingularization morphism of Σ. Let Z = Λπ ⊂ Σ̃× S[n] be the
graph of π. Then Z ∼= Σ̃, so that codim(Z) = dim(S[n]), as in Theorem 3.1. By assumption, µ(Σ)
parametrizes zero-
les of length n on S that are all rationally equivalent to zero-
les supported on
Γ, with dim(Γ) ≤ 1. Sin
e µ(Σ) is not
ontained in Sing(Symn(S)) by assumption, µ|Σ : Σ → µ(Σ)
is birational. If Γ′ denotes the stri
t transform of Γ under µ, we get that dim(Γ′) ≤ 1.
an apply Theorem 3.1 with Z = Y = Σ̃, T = S[n] and T ′ = Γ′. Thus, for ea
h k > 1 and for
h η ∈ H0(Ωk
), [Z]∗η = 0 in H0(Σ̃,Ωk
Let ω ∈ H0(S,KS) be a non-zero 2-form on S. As in [42, Corollary℄, we de�ne:
ω(n) :=
p∗i (ω) ∈ H0(Sn,Ω2Sn)
where Sn is the nth-
artesian produ
t and pi is the natural proje
tion onto the i
tor, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
The form ω(n) is Sym(n)-invariant and, sin
e we have that µ is surje
tive, this indu
es a
2-form ω
µ ∈ H0(S[n],Ω2S[n]) (see [42, �1℄, where ω
µ = ηµ in the notation therein). From what we
observed above, [Z]∗(ω
µ ) = 0 as a form in H
). Consider
(Symn(S))0 :=
xi | xi 6= xj , 1 ≤ i 6= j ≤ n and such that ω(xi) ∈ Ω2S,xi is not 0
Then (Symn(S))0 ⊂ Symn(S) is an open dense subs
heme that is isomorphi
to its preimage via µ
in S[n]. For ea
h ξ ∈ (Symn(S))0, ξ is a smooth point and
πn : S
n → Symn(S)
is étale over ξ. Thus, the 2-form ω(n) ∈ H0(Sn,Ω2Sn) is non-degenerate on the open subset (Sn)0 of
points in the preimage of (Symn(S))0, i.e. it de�nes a non-degenerate skew-symmetri
form on the
tangent spa
e of (Sn)0.
Let π0n := πn|(Sn)0 ; sin
e π0n : (Sn)0 → (Sym
n(S))0 is étale, there exists a 2-form
0 ∈ H0((Symn(S))0,Ω2(Symn(S))0)
h that ω(n) = π∗n(ω
0 ) and ω
0 is also non-degenerate. Therefore, the maximal isotropi
0 (ξ) are n-dimensional.
Now Σ ⊂ S[n] and Σ ∩ µ−1((Symn(S))0) 6= ∅, sin
e µ(Σ) 6⊂ Sing(Symn(S)) by assumption. Sin
Σ is redu
ed, let ξ ∈ Σ ∩ µ−1((Symn(S))0) be a smooth point. Then, sin
e Σsmooth = π−1(Σsmooth),
by abuse of notation we still denote by ξ ∈ Σ̃ the
orresponding point. We know that [Z]∗ω[n]µ (ξ) = 0
in the tangent spa
e Tξ(Σ̃). Sin
ξ ∈ Σsmooth ∩ µ−1((Symn(S))0) ⊂ (Symn(S))0,
then [Z]∗(ω
µ ) = ω
0 |Σsmooth∩µ−1((Symn(S))0). This implies dim(Σ) ≤ n. �
3.2. The property RCC and rational quotients. Re
all that a variety T (not ne
essarily proper
or smooth) is said to be rationally
ted (RCC, for brevity), if for ea
h pair of very general
points t1, t2 ∈ T there exists a
urve Λ ⊂ T su
h that t1, t2 ∈ Λ and ea
h irredu
omponent of Λ is rational (see [35℄). Furthermore, by [16, Remark 4.21(2)℄, if T is proper and RCC,
then ea
h pair of points
an be joined by a
hain of rational
Also re
all that, for any smooth variety T , there exists a variety Q,
alled the rational quotient of
T , together with a rational map
(3.3) f : T −− → Q,
whose very general �bres are equivalen
lasses under the RCC-equivalen
e relation (see, for in-
e, [16, Theorem 5.13℄ or [35, IV, Thm. 5.4℄).
In this language, an equivalent statement of Corollary 3.2 is:
Corollary 3.4. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e with pg(S) > 0. If Y ⊂ S[n] is a
subvariety of dimension > n not
ontained in Exc(µ), then any desingularization of Y has a rational
quotient of dimension at least two.
Proof. Let Ỹ be any desingularization of Y and Q its rational quotient. Up to resolving the indeter-
ies of f : Ỹ −− → Q, we may assume that f is a proper morphism whose very general �bre is
a RCC-equivalen
lass, so that in parti
ular ea
h �bre is RCC (see [35, Thm. 3.5.3℄).
If dim(Q) = 0, it follows that Ỹ (so also Y ) is RCC,
ting Corollary 3.2.
If dim(Q) = 1, then by
utting Ỹ with dim(Y )− 1 general very ample divisors, we get a
urve Γ′
that interse
ts every �bre of f . Every point of Ỹ is
ted by a
hain of rational
urves to some
point on Γ′. We thus obtain a
tion by Corollary 3.2 (with Γ the image of Γ′ in Sym2(S)). �
Let now RV be the variety
overed by a family of rational
urves in Sym
2(S) parametrized by V ,
as de�ned in (2.8), R̃V be any desingularization of RV and QV be the rational quotient of R̃V . Of
ourse dim(QV ) ≤ dim(RV )− 1, as RV is uniruled by
Lemma 3.5. If dim(V ) ≥ dim(RV ), then dim(QV ) ≤ dim(RV )−2 (for any desingularization R̃V of
RV ). In parti
ular, if dim(V ) ≥ 2 and dim(RV ) = 2, then any desingularization of RV is a rational
Proof. With notation as in � 2.2, we have dim(PV ) ≥ dim(RV ) + 1, so that the general �bre of ΦV
is at least one-dimensional,
f. (2.5). This means that, if ξ is a general point of RV , there exists a
family of rational
urves in RV passing through ξ, of dimension ≥ 1. Of
ourse the same is true for
a general point of R̃V . Thus, the very general �bre of f in (3.3) has dimension at least two, when
dim(QV ) ≤ dim(RV ) − 2. The last statement follows from the fa
t that any smooth surfa
e that is
RCC is rational (
f. [35, IV.3.3.5℄). �
Combining Corollary 3.4 and Lemma 3.5, we then get:
Proposition 3.6. If pg(S) > 0 and dim(V ) ≥ 2, then either
(i) RV is a surfa
e with rational desingularization; or
(ii) dim(V ) = 2, RV is a threefold and any desingularization of RV has a two-dimensional rational
Proof. By (2.9), dim(RV ) = 2 or 3. If dim(RV ) = 2, then (i) holds by Lemma 3.5. If dim(RV ) = 3,
then dim(QV ) = 2 by Corollary 3.4. Hen
e dim(V ) = 2 by Lemma 3.5 and (ii) holds. �
Remark 3.7. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e with pg(S) > 0 and let Y ⊂ S[2] be a uniruled
threefold di�erent from Exc(µ), where µ : S[2] → Sym2(S) is the Hilbert-Chow morphism.
Take a
overing family {Cv}v∈V of rational
urves on Y . By Corollary 3.4 the family must be
two-dimensional (see Lemma 3.5). Then the
urves in the
overing family yield, via the
e des
ribed in � 2.1,
urves on S with rational, ellipti
or hyperellipti
normalizations, and the
e is one-to-one in the hyperellipti
ase. We therefore see that we must be in one of
the following
(a) S
ontains an irredu
ible rational
urve Γ and
Y = {ξ ∈ S[2] | Supp(ξ) ∩ Γ 6= ∅};
(b) S
ontains a one-dimensional irredu
ible family {E}v∈V of irredu
ible ellipti
urves and
Y = {ξ ∈ E[2]v }v∈V ;
) S
ontains a two-dimensional, irredu
ible family of irredu
urves with hyperellipti
malizations, not
ontained in a higher dimensional irredu
ible family, and Y is the lo
overed by the
orresponding rational
urves in S[2].
(Note that in fa
ase (b)
an only o
ur for kod(S) ≤ 1 by Lemma 2.3 and
ase (
) only when |KS |
is not birational. The latter fa
t is easy to see,
f. e.g. [33℄.)
In the
ase of K3 surfa
es, uniruled divisors play a parti
ularly important r�le [32, �5℄,
f. � 7.
Now all
ases (a)-(
) above o
ur on a general, proje
tive K3 surfa
e with a polarization of genus
≥ 6. In fa
ases (a) and (b) o
ur on any proje
tive K3 surfa
e sin
e it ne
ontains a
one-dimensional family of irredu
ible, ellipti
urves and a zero-dimensional family of rational
by a well-known theorem of Mumford (see the proof in [38, pp. 351-352℄ or [2, pp. 365-367℄). Case
) o
urs on a general primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of genus p ≥ 6 by Corollary 5.3 below with
a family of
urves of geometri
genus 3. In addition to this, in Proposition 7.7 we will see that there
is another threefold as in (
) arising from
urves of geometri
genus > 3 in the hyperplane linear
system on general proje
tive K3 surfa
es of in�nitely many degrees.
Moreover, there is not a one-to-one
e between families as in (a), (b) or (
) above
and uniruled threefolds in S[2]. In fa
t, in Proposition 7.2 we will see that there is a two-dimensional
family of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations, as in (
), in the hyperplane linear systems on
general K3 surfa
es of in�nitely many degrees whose asso
iated rational
over only a P2 in
4. Families of
urves with hyperellipti
The purpose of this se
tion is to study the dimension of families of
urves on a smooth proje
e S with hyperellipti
We �rst remark that it is not di�
ult to see that if |KS | is birational, then the dimension of su
a family is for
ed to be zero (see e.g. [33℄). At the same time it is easy to �nd obvious examples
of surfa
es, even with pg(S) > 0, with large families of
urves with hyperellipti
namely surfa
es admitting a �nite 2 : 1 map onto a rational surfa
e. (For examples of su
see e.g. [26, 27, 28, 29, 48, 51, 53, 10℄ to mention a few.) In these
ases one
an pull ba
k the
families of rational
urves on the rational surfa
e to obtain families of
urves on S with hyperellipti
normalizations of arbitrarily high dimensions. Moreover, in Proposition 7.2 below we will see that
even a general, primitively polarized K3 surfa
e (S,H), for in�nitely many degrees,
ontains a P2
in its Hilbert square, whi
h is not
ontained in ∆ (but the surfa
e is not a double
over of a P2,
by generality). Therefore, by the
e in � 2.1, S
ontains large families of
urves with
normalizations. One
an see that in all these examples of large families the algebrai
lass of the members breaks into nontrivial e�e
tive de
ompositions. For example, in the
mentioned K3
ase of Proposition 7.2, we will see that the
urves in |OP2(n)| in P2 ⊂ S[2]
urves in |nH|. In this se
tion we will see that this is a general phenomenon, with the help of
Lemma 2.10.
To this end, let V be a redu
ed and irredu
ible s
heme parametrizing a �at family of
urves on S
all having
onstant geometri
genus pg ≥ 2 and hyperellipti
normalizations. Let ϕ : C → V be the
universal family. Normalizing C we obtain, possibly restri
ting to an open dense subs
heme of V , a
�at family ϕ̃ : C̃ → V of smooth hyperellipti
urves of genus pg ≥ 2 (
f. [56, Thm. 1.3.2℄). Let ωeC/V
be the relative dualizing sheaf. As in [37, Thm. 5.5 (iv)℄,
onsider the morphism γ : C̃ → P(ϕ̃∗(ωeC/V ))
over V . This morphism is �nite and of relative degree two onto its image, whi
h we denote by PV .
We thus obtain a universal family ψ : PV → V of rational
urves mapping to Sym2(S), as in (2.5),
satisfying (2.6) and (2.7). (Stri
tly speaking, (2.5) denoted a universal family of maps, whereas it
now denotes a universal family of
urves.) To summarize, re
alling (2.8), we have
(4.1) C̃
// PV
// RV
Also note that (4.1) is
ompatible with the
e of
ase (I) in � 2.1, in the sense that,
for general v ∈ V , we have (using the same notation as in � 2.1)
(4.2) π(ϕ̃−1(v)) = pS(p
2 Xv) = (pS)∗(p
2 Xv) = CXv , with Xv = µ
ΦV (ψ
⊂ S[2],
where µ is the Hilbert-Chow morphism (in parti
ular, pS and p2 are the �rst and se
ond proje
tively, from the in
e variety T ⊂ S × S[2]). Note that the se
ond equality in (4.2) follows
as pS is generi
ally one-to-one on the
urves in question, as we saw in � 2.1. This will be
entral in
the proof of the next result.
We now apply Lemma 2.10 to �break� the
urves on S.
Proposition 4.3. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e and V and RV as above. Assume that
dim(V ) ≥ 3 and dim(RV ) = 2 and let [C] be the algebrai
lass of the members
parametrized by V .
Then there is a de
omposition into two e�e
tive, algebrai
ally moving
[C] = [D1] + [D2]
h that, for general ξ, η ∈ RV , there are e�e
tive divisors D′1 ∼alg D1 and D′2 ∼alg D2 su
h that
ξ ⊂ D′1 and η ⊂ D′2 and [D′1 +D′2] ∈ V , where V is the
losure of V in the
omponent of the Hilbert
heme of S
ontaining V .
Proof. For general ξ, η ∈ RV , both being supported at two distin
t points on S, let B = Bξ,η ⊂ V be
as in the proof of Lemma 2.10 and B be any smooth
ation of B. By abuse of notation,
we will
onsider ξ and η as being points in S[2]. By (the proof of) Lemma 2.10, using the Hilbert-
Chow morphism, there is a �at family {Xb}b∈B of
urves in the surfa
e µ−1∗ (RV ) ⊂ S[2] (where µ
is the Hilbert-Chow morphism as usual) parametrized by B, su
h that, for general b ∈ B, Xb is an
ible rational
urve and
(4.4) CXb = (pS)∗(p
2 (Xb)) = π(ϕ̃
with notation as in � 2.1 (
f. (4.2)). In parti
ular, {CXb}b∈B is a one-dimensional nontrivial subfamily
of the family {CXv}v∈V given by V . Moreover, for some b0 ∈ B \B, we have Xb0 ⊇ Yξ + Yη, where
Yξ and Yη are irredu
ible rational
urves (possibly
iding) su
h that ξ ∈ Yξ and η ∈ Yη. Also
note that Yξ, Yη 6⊂ ∆ ⊂ S[2].
Pulling ba
k to the in
e variety T ⊂ S × S[2], we obtain a �at family {X ′b := p
2 (Xb)}b∈B of
urves in T , su
h that
(4.5) X ′b0 := p
2 (Xb) ⊇ p
2 (Yξ) + p
2 (Yη) =: Y
ξ + Y
Note that the family {X ′b}b∈B is in fa
t a family of
urves in the in
e variety T0 ⊂ S×µ−1∗ (RV ),
h is a surfa
ontained in T . Sin
e pS maps this family to a family of
overing (an open
dense subset of) S, by (4.4), we see that (pS)|T0 is surje
tive, in parti
ular generi
ally �nite. Thus,
hoosing ξ and η general enough, we
an make sure they lie outside of the images by p2 of the �nitely
ted by (pS)|T0 . Hen
e q
−1(Yξ) and q
−1(Yη) are not
ted by pS .
Therefore, re
alling (4.4) and (4.5) and letting b′ ∈ B be a general point, we get
C ∼alg (pS)∗X ′b′ ∼alg (pS)∗X ′b0 ⊇ (pS)∗Y
ξ + (pS)∗Y
η ⊇ Dξ +Dη,
where Dξ := p(q
−1Yξ) and Dη := p(q
tion we have Dξ ⊃ ξ and Dη ⊃ η, viewing ξ and η as length-two subs
hemes of S.
(Note that Dξ and Dη are not ne
essarily distin
t.) Possibly after adding additional
omponents to
Dξ and Dη , we
an in fa
t assume that
C ∼alg (pS)∗X ′b′ = Dξ +Dη,
with Dξ and Dη not ne
essarily redu
ed and irredu
ible. Sin
e this
an be repeated
for general ξ, η ∈ RV and the set {x ∈ S | x ∈ Supp(ξ) for some ξ ∈ RV } is dense in S, as the
urves parametrized by V
over the whole surfa
e S, the obtained
urves Dξ and Dη must move in
an algebrai
system of dimension at least one.
tion, Dξ + Dη lies in the border of the family ϕ : C → V of
urves on S, and as
h, [Dξ +Dη ] lies in the
losure of V in the
omponent of the Hilbert s
heme of S
ontaining V .
Moreover, as the number of su
h de
ompositions is �nite (as S is proje
tive and the divisors are
tive), we
an �nd one de
omposition [C] = [D1] + [D2] holding for general ξ, η ∈ RV . �
The next two results are immediate
Theorem 4.6. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e with pg(S) > 0. Then the following
are equivalent:
(i) S[2]
ontains an irredu
ible surfa
e R with rational desingularization, su
h that R 6= µ−1∗ (C1+
C2), µ
∗ (Sym
2(C)) for rational
urves C,C1, C2 ⊂ S and R 6⊂ Exc(µ), where µ : S[2] →
Sym2(S) is the Hilbert-Chow morphism;
(ii) S
ontains a �at family of irredu
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations of geometri
genus pg ≥ 3, parametrized by a redu
ed and irredu
ible s
heme V su
h that dim(V ) ≥ 3.
Furthermore, if any of the above
onditions holds, then
(a) the rational
urves in S[2] that
orrespond to the irredu
urves parametrized by V ,
only the surfa
e R in S[2]; and
(b) the algebrai
lass [C] of the
urves parametrized by V has an e�e
tive de
position [C] = [D1] + [D2] into algebrai
ally moving
lasses su
h that, for general ξ, η ∈ R,
there are e�e
tive divisors D′1 ∼alg D1 and D′2 ∼alg D2 su
h that ξ ⊂ D′1, η ⊂ D′2 and
[D′1 + D
2] ∈ V , where V is the
losure of V in the
omponent of the Hilbert s
heme of S
ontaining V .
Proof. Assume (ii) holds. By Proposition 3.6 we have that RV ⊂ Sym2(S) is a surfa
e with rational
desingularization, so that (i) holds.
Assume now that (i) holds. Then R
arries a family of rational
urves of dimension n ≥ 3. By
Lemma 2.4 and the assumptions in (i), this yields an n-dimensional family of
urves on S that have
rational, ellipti
or hyperellipti
normalizations. From Lemma 2.3, we get (ii).
Finally, assume that these
onditions hold. Then (a) follows from Proposition 3.6 again, where R
is the proper transform via µ of the surfa
e RV therein; �nally, (b) follows from Proposition 4.3. �
Corollary 4.7. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive surfa
e with pg(S) > 0 and V be a redu
ed, irredu
heme parametrizing a �at family of irredu
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations (of geometri
genus ≥ 2). Denote by [C] the algebrai
lass of the members of V .
If [C] has no de
omposition into e�e
tive, algebrai
ally moving
lasses, then dim(V ) ≤ 2.
In parti
ular, Corollary 4.7 holds when e.g. NS(S) = Z[C].
The examples with the double
overs of smooth rational surfa
es and the result in Proposition 7.2
mentioned above, show that the results above are natural.
The statement in Theorem 4.6(b) shows that in fa
t the length-two zero-dimensional s
hemes on
urves in the family
orresponding to the elements of the g
2s on their normalization, are in fa
ut out� by moving divisors in a �xed algebrai
omposition of the
lass of the members
in the family. This reminds of the nowadays well-known results of Reider and their generalizations
[47, 8, 9℄. In fa
t, Theorem 4.6(b)
an be used to prove a Reider-like result involving the arithmeti
and geometri
genera of the
urves in the family,
f. [33℄. Moreover, the pre
ise statement in Theorem
4.6(b) will be
ial in the next se
tion, where we will prove existen
e of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations by degeneration methods.
5. Nodal
urves of geometri
genus 3 with hyperellipti
normalizations on K3
In the rest of the paper we will fo
us on the existen
e of
urves with �Brill-Noether spe
normalizations (i.e. of geometri
genera > 2) and in this se
tion we will see that
Theorem 4.6(b) is parti
ularly suitable to prove existen
e results by degeneration arguments.
To do this and to dis
uss some
es on S[2], we will in the rest of the paper fo
us on K3
es, whi
h in fa
t were one of our original motivations for this work.
We start with the following observation
ombining a result of Ran, already mentioned in the
tion, with the results from the previous se
Lemma 5.1. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive K3 surfa
e and L be a globally generated line bundle of
tional genus p ≥ 2 on S. Let |L|hyper ⊆ |L| be the subs
heme parametrizing irredu
urves in
|L| with hyperellipti
Then, any irredu
omponent of |L|hyper has dimension ≥ 2, with equality holding if L has no
omposition into moving
Proof. Any n-dimensional
omponent of |L|hyper yields an n-dimensional family of irredu
ible rational
urves in S[2]. By [46, Cor. 5.1℄, we have n ≥ 2. The last statement follows from Corollary 4.7. �
The main aim of this se
tion is to apply Theorem 4.6(b) to prove:
Theorem 5.2. Let (S,H) be a general, smooth, primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of genus p =
pa(H) ≥ 4. Then the family of nodal
urves in |H| of geometri
genus 3 with hyperellipti
izations is nonempty, and ea
h of its irredu
omponents is two-dimensional.
In [22℄ we studied whi
h linear series may appear on normalizations of irredu
urves on K3
es. To do so, we introdu
ed a singular Brill-Noether number ρsing(pa, r, d, pg) whose negativity,
when Pic(S) ≃ Z[H], ensures non-existen
e of
urves in |H|, with pa = pa(H) and of geometri
pg, having normalizations admitting a g
d (we will return to this in � 6.3 below). Moreover, in [22,
Examples 2.8 and 2.10℄, we already gave examples of nodal
urves with hyperellipti
with geometri
genus 3 and arithmeti
genus 4 or 5. Theorem 5.2 shows that this is a general
phenomenon. The proof will be given in the remainders of this se
tion. Moreover, we will also
determine the dimension of the lo
overed in S[2] by the rational
urves asso
iated to
urves in a
omponent of the family:
Corollary 5.3. Let (S,H) be a general, smooth, primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of genus p =
pa(H) ≥ 6. Then the subs
heme of |H| parametrizing nodal
urves of geometri
genus 3 with hyper-
ontains a two-dimensional
omponent V su
h that dim(RV ) = 3.
orollary in parti
ular shows that all three
ases in Remark 3.7 o
ur on a general K3 surfa
In � 6.2-6.3 we will both
ompute the
lasses of the
orresponding rational
urves in S[2] (see (6.26))
and dis
uss some of the
es of Theorem 5.2 on the Mori
one of S[2].
Before starting on the proof of Theorem 5.2, we re
all that, for any smooth surfa
e S and any
line bundle L on S, su
h that |L|
ontains smooth, irredu
urves of genus p := pa(L), and any
positive integer δ ≤ p, one denotes by V|L|,δ the lo
losed and fun
torially de�ned subs
of |L| parametrizing the universal family of irredu
urves in |L| having δ nodes as the only
singularities and,
onsequently, geometri
genus pg := p − δ. These are
alled Severi
varieties of irredu
ible, δ-nodal
urves on S in |L|.
It is nowadays well-known, as a dire
e of Mumford's theorem on the existen
e of nodal
urves on K3 surfa
es (see the proof in [38, pp. 351-352℄ or [2, pp. 365-367℄) and standard
results on Severi varieties, that if (S,H) is a general, primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of genus p ≥ 3,
then the Severi variety V|H|,δ is nonempty and regular, i.e. it is smooth and of the expe
ted dimension
p− δ, for ea
h δ ≤ p (
f. [55, Lemma 2.4 and Theorem 2.6℄; see also e.g. [15, 20℄).
The regularity property follows from the fa
t that, sin
e by de�nition V|L|,δ parametrizes irredu
urves, the nodes of these
urves impose independent
onditions on |L| (
f. [15, 20℄ and [55, Remark
2.7℄). From equisingular deformation theory, this implies that suitable obstru
tions to some lo
trivial deformations are zero. In other words, it implies �rst that, for any δ′ > δ, V|L|,δ′ ⊂ V |L|,δ (see
[52, Anhang F℄, [59℄ and [50, Thm. 4.7.18℄ for P2 and [55, � 3℄ forK3s). Furthermore, if [C] ∈ V|L|,δ+k,
k > 0, is a general point of an irredu
omponent, the fa
t that the nodes impose independent
onditions allows to
learly des
ribe what V |L|,δ looks like lo
ally around the point [C]: it is the
union of
smooth bran
hes through [C], ea
h bran
orresponding to a
e of δ "marked"
(or "assigned") nodes among the δ+ k nodes of C, and these bran
hes interse
t transversally at [C];
moreover, the other k "unassigned" nodes of C disappear when one deforms [C] in the
h of V |L|,δ (see [52, Anhang F℄, [59℄ and [49, � 1℄ for P
and [55, � 3℄ for K3s).
The situation is slightly di�erent for redu
ible, nodal
urves in |L|. Sin
e they appear in the proof
of Theorem 5.2, we also have to take
are of this
ase. To this end, we de�ne the �degenerated�
version of V|L|,δ by
W|L|,δ :=
C ∈ |L| | C, not ne
essarily irredu
ible, has only nodes(5.4)
as singularities and at least δ nodes
For the same reasons as above, W|L|,δ is a lo
losed subs
heme of |L|. Note that
(5.5) W|L|,δ = ∪δ′≥δV|L|,δ′ if all the
urves in |L| are irredu
h is a partial
ation of V|L|,δ.
Let [C] ∈ W|L|,δ. Choosing any subset {p1, . . . , pδ} of δ of its nodes, one obtains a pointed
(C; p1, . . . , pδ), where p1, . . . , pδ are also
alled themarked (or assigned) nodes of C (
f. [55, De�nitions
3.1-(ii) and 3.6-(i)℄).
all that there exists an algebrai
heme, whi
h we denote by
(5.6) B(C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ),
losed in |L|, representing the fun
tor of in�nitesimal deformations of C in |L| that preserve
the marked nodes, i.e. the fun
tor of lo
ally trivial in�nitesimal deformations of the pointed
(C; p1, . . . , pδ) (
f. [55, Proposition 3.3℄, where we have identi�ed the s
hemes therein with their
tions into the linear system |L|). In other words, B(C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ) is the lo
al bran
h of
W|L|,δ around [C] ∈W|L|,δ,
orresponding to the
e of the δ marked nodes. We have:
Theorem 5.7. (
f. [55, Theorem 3.8℄) Let (C; p1, . . . , pδ) be as above. Assume that the general
element of |L| is a smooth, irredu
urve and that the partial normalization of C at the δ marked
nodes p1, . . . , pδ is a
Then B(C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ) is smooth at the point [(C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ)] of dimension dim(|L|)− δ.
Proof. This follows from [55, Theorem 3.8℄ sin
e, by our assumptions, the pointed
urve (C; p1, . . . , pδ)
is virtually
ted in the language of [55, De�nition 3.6℄. �
For the proof of Theorem 5.2 we need to re
all other fundamental fa
ts. We �rst de�ne, for any
globally generated line bundle L of se
tional genus p := pa(L) ≥ 2, on a K3 surfa
e S, and any
integer δ su
h that 0 < δ ≤ p− 2, the lo
us in the Severi variety V|L|,δ,
(5.8) V
|L|,δ :=
C ∈ V|L|,δ | its normalization is hyperellipti
Observe that in parti
ular, for any p ≥ 3, one always has V hyper|L|,p−2 = V|L|,p−2 6= ∅ and, by regularity
of V|L|,p−2, this is smooth and of dimension two.
Let Mg be the moduli spa
e of smooth
urves of genus g, whi
h is quasi-proje
tive of dimension
3g−3 for g ≥ 2. Denote by Mg its Deligne-Mumford
ation. Then Mg is the moduli spa
of stable, genus g
urves. Let Hg ⊂ Mg denote the lo
us of hyperellipti
urves, whi
h is known to
be an irredu
ible variety of dimension 2g − 1 (see e.g. [1℄) and Hg ⊂ Mg be its
Moreover, re
all from [23, Def.(3.158)℄ that a nodal
urve C (not ne
essarily irredu
ible) is stably
equivalent to a stable
urve C ′ if C ′ is obtained from C by
ting to a point all smooth rational
omponents of C meeting the other
omponents in only one or two points.
As above, we de�ne the degenerated version of V
|L|,δ by
|L|,δ :=
C ∈W|L|,δ | there exists a desingularization C̃ of δ of the(5.9)
nodes of C, su
h that C̃ is stably equivalent to a
urve C ′ with [C ′] ∈ Hpa(L)−δ
Note that, by de�nition, any su
h C̃ is
ted. Similarly as in (5.5), we have:
(5.10) W
|L|,δ = ∪δ′≥δV
|L|,δ if all the
urves in |L| are irredu
Theorem 5.2 will be a dire
e of the next three results, Propositions 5.11 and 5.19 and
Lemma 5.20. The
entral degeneration argument is given by the following:
Proposition 5.11. Let p ≥ 3 and δ ≤ p− 2 be positive integers. Assume there exists a smooth K3
e S0 with a globally generated, primitive line bundle H0 on S0 with pa(H0) = p and su
h that
|H0|,δ (S0) 6= ∅ and dim(W
|H0|,δ (S0)) ≤ 2.
Then, on the general, primitively marked K3 surfa
e (S,H) of genus p, W
|H|,δ (S) is nonempty
and equidimensional of dimension two.
Proof. Let Bp be the moduli spa
e of primitively marked K3 surfa
es of genus p. It is well-known
that Bp is smooth and irredu
ible of dimension 19,
f. e.g. [2, Thm.VIII 7.3 and p. 366℄. We let
b0 = [(S0,H0)] ∈ Bp. Similarly as in [5℄,
onsider the s
heme of pairs
(5.12) Wp,δ :=
(S,C) | [(S,H)] ∈ Bp and [C] ∈W|H|,δ(S)
and the natural proje
(5.13) π : Wp,δ −→ Bp.
(The fa
t that Wp,δ is a s
heme, in fa
t a lo
losed s
heme, follows from the already mentioned
proof of Mumford's theorem on the existen
e of nodal rational
urves as in [38, pp. 351-352℄ or [2,
pp. 365-367℄.)
Note that for general [(Sb,Hb)] = b ∈ Bp we have
π−1(b) = ∪δ′≥δV|Hb|,δ′(Sb)
by (5.5) (as Pic(Sb) ≃ Z[Hb]), so that π−1(b) is nonempty, equidimensional and of dimension g :=
p− δ, by the regularity property re
alled above. In parti
ular, π is dominant. Observe that Wp,δ is
singular in
odimension one, so in parti
ular it is not normal.
For brevity, let W := Wp,δ and let C
f→ W be the universal
urve. As in Theorem A.1, (i) and (ii),
in Appendix A, there exists a
ommutative diagram
// W,
where α is a �nite, unrami�ed morphism de�ning a marking of all the δ-tuples of nodes of the �bres
of f (
f. Theorem A.1, with V = W, E(δ) = W(δ)). Pre
isely, by using notation as in Theorem A.1,
if for w ∈ W the
urve C(w) has δ + τ nodes, τ ∈ Z+, α−1(w)
onsists of
elements, sin
e any
ηw ∈ α−1(w) parametrizes an unordered, marked δ-tuple of the δ + τ nodes of C(w).
Let ηw ∈ W(δ). Then ηw is represented by a pointed
urve (C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ), where (S,C) ∈ W
and where p1, p2, . . . , pδ are δ marked nodes on C.
Let W(S,H) (resp. W(δ)(S,H)) be the �bre of π (resp. of α ◦ π) over [(S,H)] ∈ Bp, and let
α(S,H) : W(δ)(S,H) −→ W(S,H)
be the indu
ed morphism. For ηw ∈ W(δ)(S,H) as above, we have
(5.14) T[ηw](W(δ)(S,H))
∼= T[(C;p1,p2,...,pδ)](B(C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ)),
where B(C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ) is as in (5.6). Indeed, sin
e α is �nite and unrami�ed, then also α(S,H)
is. Therefore, it su�
es to
onsider the image of the di�erential dα(S,H)[ηw ]. The latter is given by
�rst-order deformations of C in S (equivalently in |H|) that are lo
ally trivial at the δ marked nodes;
these are pre
isely given by T[(C;p1,p2,...,pδ)](B(C; p1, p2, . . . , pδ)) (
f. [55, Remark 3.5℄).
Let W̃(δ) be the smooth lo
us of W(δ). By Theorem 5.7 and by (5.14), together with the fa
t that
Bp is smooth, W̃(δ)
ontains all the pairs (S,C) with δ marked nodes on C, su
h that |C| is globally
generated (i.e. its general element is a smooth, irredu
urve) and the partial normalization of
C at these marked nodes is a
urve. More pre
isely, by the proof of Mumford's theorem
on the existen
e of nodal rational
urves on K3 surfa
es, as in [38, pp. 351-352℄ or [2, pp. 365-367℄),
any irredu
omponent of W(δ) has dimension ≥ 19 + p − δ = 19 + g; furthermore, by (5.14),
dim(T[ηw ](W(δ)(S,H))) = g, where ηw represents (S,C) with C with the δ marked nodes. It also
follows that W(δ) is smooth, of dimension 19 + g at these points.
If we restri
t C
to W̃(δ), from Theorem A.1, (iv) and (v), we have a
ommutative diagram
// W,
where α̃ = α|fW(δ) and where f̃ is the �at family of partial normalizations at δ nodes of the
parametrized by α(W̃(δ)) (in the notation of Theorem A.1 in Appendix A, f̃ = f in (v) and C̃ = C
in (iii) and (iv)).
There is an obvious rational map
//___ Mg,
de�ned on the open dense subs
heme W̃
⊂ W̃(δ) su
h that, for ηw ∈ W̃0(δ), C̃(ηw) is stably equivalent
to a stable
urve of genus g.
Set ψ := c|fW0
. By de�nition, for any ηw ∈ W̃0(δ), the map ψ
ts all possible smooth rational
omponents of C̃(ηw) meeting the other
omponents in only one or two points and maps the resulting
urve into its equivalen
lass in Mg.
k any C0 ∈ W hyper|H0|,δ (S0) and let w0 = [(S0, C0)] ∈ W be the
orresponding point. Now |H0| is
globally generated and the normalization of C0 at some δ nodes satisfying the
onditions in (5.9) is
urve. Therefore, letting ηw0 ∈ α−1(w0) be the point
orresponding to marking these δ
nodes, we have that ηw0 ∈ W̃0(δ) and the map c is de�ned at ηw0 .
Let Ṽ ⊆ W̃0
be the irredu
ontaining ηw0 ; then, as proved above, dim(Ṽ) = 19+g.
By assumption, ψ(Ṽ) ∩Hg 6= ∅. Hen
e, for any irredu
omponent K ⊆ ψ(Ṽ) ∩Hg, we have
(5.15) dim(K) ≥ dim(ψ(Ṽ)) + dim(Hg)− dim(Mg) = dim(ψ(Ṽ)) + 2− g.
k any K
ontaining ψ(ηw0) and let I ⊆ ψ−1|eV (K) be any irredu
ontaining ηw0 .
e the general �bre of ψ|eV
has dimension dim(Ṽ)− dim(ψ(Ṽ)) = 19 + g − dim(ψ(Ṽ)), from (5.15)
we have
dim(I) = dim(K) + 19 + g − dim(ψ(Ṽ))(5.16)
≥ dim(ψ(Ṽ)) + 2− g + 19 + g − dim(ψ(Ṽ)) = 21.
Consider now
(5.17) π ◦ (α̃|I) : I −→ Bp.
e, by assumption, the �bre over b0 = [(S0,H0)] is at most two-dimensional, we
lude from
(5.16) that π◦(α̃|I) is dominant, that all the �bres are pre
isely two-dimensional and that dim(I) = 21.
This shows that W
|H|,δ 6= ∅ for general [(S,H)] ∈ Bp and Lemma 5.1 implies that in fa
t any
omponent of W
|H|,δ (S) has dimension two. �
Remark 5.18. In parti
ular, Lemma 5.1, Proposition 5.11 and [22, Examples 2.8 and 2.10℄ prove
Theorem 5.2 for p = 4 and 5.
We next
t the desired spe
ial primitively marked K3 surfa
Proposition 5.19. Let d ≥ 2 and k ≥ 1 be integers. There exists a K3 surfa
e S0 with
Pic(S0) = Z[E]⊕ Z[F ]⊕ Z[R]
and interse
tion matrix
E2 E.F E.R
F.E F 2 F.R
R.E R.F R2
0 d k
d 0 k
k k −2
and su
h that the following
onditions are satis�ed:
(a) |E| and |F | are ellipti
(b) R is a smooth, irredu
ible rational
) H0 := E +F +R is globally generated, in parti
ular the general member of |H0| is a smooth,
urve of arithmeti
genus p := 2k + d;
(d) the only e�e
tive de
ompositions of H0 are
H0 ∼ E + F +R ∼ (E + F ) +R ∼ (E +R) + F ∼ (F +R) + E.
Proof. Sin
e the latti
e has signature (1, 2), then, by a result of Nikulin [43℄ (see also [39, Cor.
2.9(i)℄), there is a K3 surfa
e S0 with that as Pi
ard latti
e. Performing Pi
hetz re�e
on the latti
e, we
an assume that H0 is nef, by [2, VIII, Prop. 3.9℄. Straightforward
ulations on
the Pi
ard latti
e rules out the existen
e of e�e
tive divisors Γ satisfying Γ2 = −2 and Γ.E < 0 or
Γ.F < 0, or Γ2 = 0 and Γ.H0 = 1. Hen
e (a) and (
) follow from [48, Prop. 2.6 and (2.7)℄. Similarly
omputes that if Γ > 0, Γ2 = −2 and Γ.R < 0, then Γ = R, proving (b).
Similarly, (d) is proved by dire
ulations using the nefness of E, F and H0 and re
alling that
by Riemann-Ro
h and Serre duality a divisor D on a K3 surfa
e is e�e
tive and irredu
ible only if
D2 ≥ −2 and D.N > 0 for some nef divisor N . �
The following result, together with (5.10) and Proposition 5.11, now
ludes the proof of Theo-
rem 5.2 and Corollary 5.3. From Remark 5.18, we need only
onsider p ≥ 6.
Lemma 5.20. Let p ≥ 6 be an integer. There exists a smooth K3 surfa
e S0 with a globally generated,
primitive line bundle H0 on S0 with p = pa(H0) su
h that
(a) W
|H0|,p−3(S0) 6= ∅;
(b) dim(W
|H0|,p−3(S0)) = 2;
) there exists a
omponent of W
|H0|,p−3(S0) whose general member deforms to a
urve [Ct] ∈
|Ht|,p−3(St), for general [(St,Ht)] ∈ Bp;
(d) for general [(St,Ht)] ∈ Bp, the two-dimensional irredu
omponent Vt ⊆ V hyper|Ht|,p−3(St)
given by (
), satis�es dim(RVt) = 3 (with notation as in � 2.2).
Proof. Set k = 1 if p is even and k = 2 if p is odd and let d := p− 2k ≥ 2. Consider the marked K3
e (S0,H0) in Proposition 5.19.
We will
onsider two general smooth ellipti
urves E0 ∈ |E| and F0 ∈ |F | and
urves of the form
C0 := E0 ∪ F0 ∪R,
with transversal interse
tions and a desingularization
(5.21) C̃0 = Ẽ0 ∪ F̃0 ∪ R̃→ C0
of the δ := p − 3 = d + 2k − 3 nodes marked in Figure 1 below, that is, all but one of ea
h of the
tion points E0 ∩ F0, E0 ∩R and F0 ∩R.
E 0 F 0
E 0 F 0
k points k points
k=1,2 k=1,2
d points
Figure 1. The
urves C0 and C̃0
Then [C0] ∈W hyper|H0|,p−3, as C̃0 is stably equivalent to a union of two smooth ellipti
urves interse
in two points (
f. [23, Exer
ise (3.162)℄), proving (a). Clearly the
losure of the family we have
ted is isomorphi
to |E| × |F | ≃ P1 × P1, and is therefore two-dimensional. Denote by
W0 ⊂W hyper|H0|,p−3 this two-dimensional subs
We will now show that any irredu
omponent W of W
|H0|,p−3 has dimension ≤ 2.
entral observation, whi
h will be used together with Theorem 4.6(b), will be that, with the
es of k, we have
(5.22) E.H0 = F.H0 = d+ k = p− k is odd.
We start by
onsidering families of redu
urves. These are all
lassi�ed in Proposition 5.19(d).
If the general element in W is of the form D ∪R, for D ∈ |E +F |, then in order to have a partial
desingularization D̃ ∪ R̃ to be (degenerated) hyperellipti
, we must have deg(D̃ ∩ R̃) = 2, so that we
must desingularize 2(k − 1) of the interse
tion points of D ∩R. Finally, as pa(D̃ ∪ R̃) = 3, we must
have pa(D̃) = 2. Therefore W ⊆ WD × {R} ≃ WD, where WD ⊂ |D| is a subfamily of irredu
urves of geometri
genus ≤ 2. It follows that dim(W ) ≤ dim(WD) ≤ 2, by Lemma 2.3.
If the general element in W is of the form D ∪ E, for D ∈ |F + R|, then in order to have a
partial desingularization D̃ ∪ R̃ that is (degenerated) hyperellipti
, we must have deg(D̃ ∩ Ẽ) = 2.
If the proje
tion W → |E| is dominant, this means that g12(D̃) ⊆ |f∗E|| eD, where f : S̃ → S
denotes the
omposition of blow-ups of S that indu
es the partial desingularization D̃∪ R̃→ D∪R.
But this would mean that |f∗E|| eD, whi
h is base point free on D̃, is
omposed with the g
2(D̃), a
tion, as deg(O eD(f
∗E)) = E.D = E.H0 is odd by (5.22). Therefore, the proje
tion W → |E|
is not dominant, when
e dim(W ) ≤ dim(|D|) = 1
D2+1 = k ≤ 2, as desired. By symmetry, the
where the general element in W is of the form D ∪ F , for D ∈ |E +R| is treated in the same way.
Finally, we have to
onsider the
ase of a family W ⊆ |H0| of irredu
In this
ase assume dim(W ) ≥ 3, and let C be a general
urve parametrized by W . Then by
Theorem 4.6 (b), there exists an e�e
tive de
omposition into moving
lasses H0 ∼M +N su
h that
2(C̃) ⊆ |f∗M || eC , |f
∗N || eC ,
where f : S̃ → S denotes the su
ession of blow ups of S that indu
es the normalization C̃ → C.
From Proposition 5.19(d) we see that we must have
2(C̃) ⊆ |f∗E|| eC , or |f
∗F || eC ,
h means that either |f∗E|| eC or |f
∗F || eC is
omposed with the g
2(C̃), again a
tion, as
both have odd degree by (5.22). We have therefore proved (b).
To prove (
) we will show that any [C0] ∈W hyper|H0|,p−3 in the two-dimensional, irredu
onsidered above in fa
t deforms to a
urve [Ct] ∈W hyper|Ht|,p−3(St), for general [(St,Ht)] ∈ Bp, that
has pre
isely δ = p− 3 nodes (
f. (5.10)).
To this end, denote by S → Bp the universal family of K3 surfa
es, f̃ : C̃ → W̃(δ) and I ⊂ W̃(δ) as
in the proof of Proposition 5.11, and let ϕ : C̃I → I be the restri
tion of f̃ .
e the �ber over [(S0,H0)] of I → Bp as in (5.17)
ontains an open, dense subset of P1 × P1,
an �nd a smooth, irredu
urve B ⊂ I satisfying: for x ∈ B general, ϕ−1(x) is a (partial)
desingularization of δ = p−3 of the nodes of a
urve in W|Ht|,δ(St) (
f. (5.4)), for general [(St,Ht)] ∈
Bp, and ϕ
−1(x) ∈ H3 ⊂ M3; moreover B
ontains a point x0 ∈ I su
h that ϕ−1(x0) is C̃0 as in
(5.21), for C0 general in W0.
Let ϕB : C̃B → B be the indu
ed universal
urve. Sin
e the dualizing sheaf of ϕ−1B (x0) = C̃0 is
globally generated (as ea
omponent interse
ts the others in two points), we in fa
t have, possibly
after substituting B with an open neighbourhood of x0, a morphism γB : C̃B → P(ϕ̃∗(ωeC/B)) over
B that is 2 : 1 on the general �bre ϕ−1B (x) and
ts the rational
omponent R̃ of ϕ
B (x0) and
maps the two ellipti
urves Ẽ0 and F̃0 ea
h 2 : 1 onto (di�erent) P
s (
f. (5.21) and Figure 1).
Let ν : C̃′B → C̃B be the normalization and
// P(ϕ̃∗(ωeCB/B
the Stein fa
torization of γB ◦ ν. In parti
ular, γ2 is �nite of degree two onto its image. Moreover,
ν◦ϕB : C̃′B → B is a �at family whose general �ber (ν◦ϕB)−1(x) is a desingularization of ϕ
B (x) ∈ C̃B.
Let pg be the geometri
genus of this general �bre.
Let D ⊂ C̃′B be the stri
t transform via γ1 of the
losure of the bran
h divisor of γ2 on the
smooth lo
us of C̃
B . By Riemann-Hurwitz, for general x ∈ B, we have D.ϕ
B (x) = 2pg + 2,
whereas D.ϕ−1B (x0) ≥ 8, as the
urve γ1(ϕ
B (x0))
ontains two smooth ellipti
urves, ea
h being
mapped 2 : 1 by γ2 onto (di�erent) P
s. This implies pg = 3. Sin
e, for general x ∈ B, we have
pg ≤ pa(ϕ−1B (x)) = p − δ = 3, we �nd that ϕ
B (x) is smooth. This means that the general
urve in
W|Ht|,δ(St), for (St,Ht) ∈ Bp general, has pre
isely δ = p− 3 nodes, proving (
To prove (d), again we
onsider the morphism (up to possibly restri
ting I as above)
γI : CI → P(ϕ∗(ωCI/I))
over I whi
h, apart some possible
tions of rational
omponents in spe
ial �bres over I, is
relatively 2 : 1 onto its image. We have a natural morphism h : CI → S, indu
ing a natural map
Φ : im(γI)−− → Sym2(S),
whose domain has nonempty interse
tion with every �bre over Bp.
Let R := im(Φ). Then R ∩ Sym2(St) = RVt , for general [(St,Ht)] ∈ Bp. One easily sees that
{Sym2(E′)}E′∈|E| ∪ {Sym2(F ′)}F ′∈|F | ⊆ R ∩ Sym2(S0).
e the two varieties on the left are threefolds, we have dim(Φ−1(ξ0)) = 0 for general ξ0 ∈ R ∩
Sym2(S0) ⊂ R. Therefore, for general ξ ∈ R, we have dim(Φ−1(ξ)) = 0, so that dim(R) = dim(CI) =
dim(I) + 1 = 22, when
e dim(RVt) = 22− dim(Bp) = 3. �
Remark 5.23. For general [(St,Ht)] ∈ Bp the obtained
urves in the last proof have in fa
t δ = p−3
non-neutral nodes (
f. [22, �3℄). In fa
t a desingularization of less than p− 3 nodes of Ct admits no
2s, as
learly a desingularization of less than p − 3 nodes of C0 is not stably equivalent to a
in the hyperellipti
us H3 ⊂ M3.
6. On the Mori
one of the Hilbert square of a K3 surfa
In this se
tion we �rst summarize
entral results on the Hilbert square of a K3 surfa
e and show
how to
ompute the
lass of a rational
urve in S[2]. Then we dis
uss the relations between the
e of
urves on S and the slope of the Mori
one of S[2], that is, the
one of e�e
in N1(S
[2])R. In parti
ular, we show how to dedu
e the bound (6.28) from Theorem 5.2 and (6.22)
from known results about Seshadri
onstants. Finally, we dis
uss the relation between the existen
of a
urve on S with given singular Brill-Noether number and the slope of the Mori
one of S[2].
6.1. Preliminaries on S[2] for a K3 surfa
e. Re
all that for any smooth surfa
e S we have
(6.1) H2(S[2],Z) ≃ H2(S,Z)⊕ Ze,
where ∆ := 2e is the
lass of the divisor parametrizing 0-dimensional subs
hemes supported on a
single point (see [7℄). So we may identify a
lass in H2(S,Z) with its image in H2(S[2],Z). When
S is a K3 surfa
e the
ohomology group H2(S[2],Z) is endowed with a quadrati
form q,
the Beauville-Bogomolov form, su
h that its restri
tion to H2(S,Z) is simply the
up produ
t on
S, the two fa
tors H2(S,Z) and Ze are orthogonal with respe
t to this form and q(e) = −2. The
omposition (6.1) indu
es an isomorphism
(6.2) Pic(S[2]) ≃ Pic(S)⊕ Z[e],
and ea
h divisor D on S
orresponds to the divisor on S[2], by abuse of notation also denoted by D,
onsisting of length-two subs
hemes with some support on D.
Given a primitive
lass α ∈ H2(S[2],Z), there exists a unique
lass wα ∈ H2(S[2],Q) su
h that
α.v = q(wα, v), for all v ∈ H2(S[2],Z), and one sets
(6.3) q(α) := q(wα).
We denote also by ρα ∈ H2(S[2],Z) the
orresponding primitive (1, 1)-
lass su
h that ρα = cwα, for
some c > 0 (for further details, we refer the reader to [25℄).
If now Pic(S) = Z[H], then the Néron-Severi group of S[2] has rank two. We may take as generators
of N1(S
[2])R the
lass P
∆ of a rational
urve in the ruling of the ex
eptional divisor ∆ ⊂ S[2], and
lass of the
urve in S[2] de�ned as follows
{ξ ∈ S[2]|Supp(ξ) = {p0, y} | y ∈ Y },
where Y is a
urve in |H| and p0 is a �xed point on S. By abuse of notation, we still denote the
of the
urve in S[2] by Y . Note that we always have that
(6.4) P
∆ lies on the boundary of the Mori
Indeed, the
urve P1∆ is
ted by the Hilbert-Chow morphism S
[2] → Sym2(S), so that the
k of an ample divisor on Sym2(S) is nef, but zero along P1∆.
Therefore, des
ribing the Mori
one NE(S[2]) amounts, by (6.4), to
(6.5) slope(NE(S[2])) := inf
| aY − bP1∆ ∈ N1(S[2]) is e�e
tive, a, b ∈ Q+
We will also
all the (possibly in�nite) number a/b asso
iated to an irredu
urve X ∼alg aY −bP1∆
with a > 0 and b ≥ 0, the slope of the
urve X and denote it by slope(X). Thus, the smaller slope(X)
is, the nearer is X to the boundary of NE(S[2]).
By a general result due to Huybre
hts [32, Prop. 3.2℄ and Bou
ksom [11℄, a divisor D on S[2] is
ample if and only if q(D) > 0 and D.R > 0 for any (possibly singular) rational
urve R ⊂ S[2]. As
e, if the Mori
one is
losed then the boundary (whi
h remains to be determined) is
generated by the
lass of a rational
urve (the other boundary is generated by P1∆, by (6.4)). This
means that one would have slope(NE(S[2])) = sloperat(NE(S
[2])), where
[2])) := inf
| aY − bP1∆ ∈ N1(S[2]) is the
lass of a rational
urve, a, b ∈ Q+
(A priori, one only has slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ sloperat(NE(S[2])).)
Hassett and Ts
hinkel [25℄ make a pre
ise predi
tion on the geometri
and numeri
al properties of
h extremal rational
urves in S[2]. Indeed, a
ording to their
tures [25, p. 1206 and Conj.
3.6℄, the extremal ray R has to be generated either by the
lass of a line inside a P2, su
h that
q(R) = −5
as in (6.3), or by the
lass of a rational
urve that is a �bre of a P1-bundle over a K3
e and su
h that q(R) = −2 or −1
6.2. The
lasses of rational
urves in S[2]. Assume that Pic(S) = Z[H] with pa(H) = pa ≥ 2.
Let X ⊂ S[2] be an irredu
ible rational
urve. Let CX ⊂ S be the
urve as in � 2.1
and assume that CX ∈ |mH| with m ≥ 1. (In parti
ular, m ≥ 2 if we are in
ase (II)). We
an write
X ∼alg a1Y + a2P1∆.
e X.H = m(2pa − 2), Y.H = 2pa − 2 and P1∆.H = 0 by the very de�nition of H as a divisor in
S[2], and Y.e = 0 and P1∆.e = −2, we obtain, de�ning g0(X) := X.e − 1,
(6.7) X ∼alg mY −
(g0(X) + 1
ompute g0(X),
onsider the diagram (2.1). Sin
e ν
XOX(∆) ≃ (ν∗XOX(e))⊗2, the double
f is de�ned by ν∗XOX(∆). By Riemann-Hurwitz we therefore get
(6.8) g0(X) = pa(C̃X).
Note that in the
ases (II) and (III) in the
e in � 2.1, X.e = g0(X) + 1 is pre
the length of the interse
tion s
heme C̃X,1 ∩ C̃X,2, where C̃X = C̃X,1 ∪ C̃X,2. In
ase (III), sin
ν̃ : C̃X → S
ts one of the two
omponents of C̃X to a point xX ∈ S, we obtain that
(6.9) g0(X) = multxX (CX)− 1 (if CX is of type (III)).
k that for all divisors D in S[2] one has X.D = q(wX ,D) with
(6.10) wX := mH −
(g0(X) + 1
e ∈ H2(S[2],Q).
In parti
ular, 2wX ∈ H2(S[2],Z).
From (6.5) and (6.7) we see that sear
hing for irredu
ible rational
urves in (or at least �near�) the
boundary of the Mori
one of S[2], or with negative square q(X), amounts to sear
hing for irredu
urves in |mH| with (partial) hyperellipti
normalizations of high genus (
ase (I)), or to irredu
urves in |mH| with high multipli
ity at a point (
ase (III)), or to irredu
ible rational
on S with some
e between some
overings of their normalizations (
ase (II)). Moreover,
we should sear
h for
urves with as low m as possible. Now m ≥ 2 in
ase (II), as remarked above.
Moreover, any rational
urve in |H| on a general S is nodal, by a result of Chen [13, Thm. 1.1℄ (the
same is also
tured for rational
urves in |mH| for m > 1, see [14, Conj. 1.2℄), so that g0(X) ≤ 1
if CX is of type (III) in these
ases, by (6.9). Hen
e, we see that the most natural
andidates are
urves in |H| with hyperellipti
By the above, an irredu
urve C ∈ |mH| with hyperellipti
normalization de�nes, by the
ity of the g
2, a unique irredu
ible rational
urve X = RC ⊂ S[2] with
(6.11) RC ∼alg mY −
(g0(C) + 1
where g0(C) := g0(RC) is well-de�ned as
(6.12) g0(C) := the arithmeti
genus of a minimal partial desingularization of C admitting a g
(For example, if C is nodal, then we simply take the desingularization of the non-neutral nodes of C,
f. [22, �3℄). From (6.5) we then get
(6.13) slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ 2m
g0(C) + 1
pg(C) + 1
, if there exists a C ∈ |mH| with hyp. norm.
and, by (6.3) and (6.10),
(6.14) q(RC) = 2m
2(pa − 1)−
(g0(C) + 1)
≤ 2m2(pa − 1)−
(pg(C) + 1)
In parti
ular, the higher g0(C) (or pg(C)) is - thus the more �unexpe
ted� the
urve on S is from a
Brill-Noether theory point of view - the lower is the bound on the slope of NE(S[2]) and the more
negative is the square q(RC) in S
6.3. The invariant ρsing, Seshadri
onstants, the �hyperellipti
e problem� and
the slope of the Mori
one. In [22℄ we introdu
ed a singular Brill-Noether invariant
(6.15) ρsing(pa, r, d, g) := ρ(g, r, d) + pa − g,
in order to study linear series on the normalization of singular
urves. Pre
isely, we proved
Theorem 6.16. Let S be a K3 surfa
e su
h that Pic(S) ≃ Z[H] with pa := pa(H) ≥ 2. Let C ∈ |H|
and C̃ → C be a partial normalization of C, su
h that g := pa(C̃).
If ρsing(pa, r, d, g) < 0, then C̃
arries no g
Proof. One easily sees that the proof of [22, Thm. 1℄ also holds for a partial normalization of C. �
For r = 1 and d = 2, we have
(6.17) ρsing(pa, 1, 2, g) < 0 ⇔ g >
pa + 2
In parti
ular, a
e of Theorem 6.16 is the following:
Theorem 6.18. Let S be a smooth, proje
tive K3 surfa
e with Pic(S) ≃ Z[H] and pa := pa(H) ≥ 2.
Let Y and P1∆ be the generators of N1(S
[2])R with notation as in � 6.1.
If X ∈ N1(S[2])Z with X ∼alg Y − kP1∆, then k ≤
Proof. We
an assume thatX is an irredu
urve. Then, pre
isely as in the
ase of a rational
orresponds either to the data of an irredu
urve C ∈ |H| on S, with a partial normalization
C̃ admitting a 2 : 1 morphism onto the normalization X̃ of X, or to the data of an irredu
C ∈ |H| on S together with a point x0 := xX ∈ S. (The
orresponding to
ase (II) in � 2.1 does
not o
ur, sin
e the
ient of Y is one, pre
isely as in the
ase of a rational X explained above.)
In the latter
ase µ(X) = {x0 + C} ⊂ Sym2(S), where µ : S[2] → Sym2(S) is the Hilbert-Chow
morphism as usual, and one easily
omputes k = (1/2)multx0(C) as in the rational
ase above. Sin
learly multx0(C) ≤ 2 if pa = 2 and multx0(C) ≤ 3 if pa = 3, we have k ≤
in these two
If pa ≥ 4, then from dim |H| − 3 − (pa − 4) = 1 and the fa
t that being singular at a given point
imposes at most three independent
onditions on |H|, we
an �nd an irredu
urve C ′ ∈ |H|,
di�erent from C, singular at x0, and passing through at least pa − 4 points of C. Therefore
2pa − 2 = H2 = C ′.C ≥ multx0(C ′) ·multx0(C) + pa − 4 ≥ 2multx0(C) + pa − 4,
e multx0(C) ≤ (pa + 2)/2, so that k ≤ (pa + 2)/4.
In the �rst
ase, then, pre
isely as in the rational
ase above,
(6.19) k =
pa(C̃) + 1
− pg(X)
from Riemann-Hurwitz. By Brill-Noether theory on X̃ , it follows that C̃
arries a g1d, with
d ≤ 2⌊pg(X) + 3
By Theorem 6.16 we have ρsing(pa(C), 1, d, pa(C̃)) ≥ 0, when
e pa(C̃) ≤ d−1+pa(C)/2. The desired
result now follows. �
By the proof of Theorem 6.18 we see that if C ∈ |mH| is an irredu
urve and x0 ∈ C, then
lass of the
urve µ−1∗ {x0+C} ⊂ S[2] is given by mY − (1/2)multx0(C)P1∆. Hen
slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ inf
= inf
It follows that
(6.20) slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ ε(H)
pa − 1
ε(H) := inf
(and the in�mum is taken over all irredu
urves C ⊂ S passing through x) is the (global) Seshadri
onstant of H (
f. [17, � 6℄, [18℄ or [4℄). These
onstants are very di�
ult to
ompute. The only
where they have been
omputed on general K3 surfa
es is the
ase of quarti
es, where one
has ε(H) = 2 by [3℄, yielding the bound slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ 1. As a
omparison, the bound one gets
from (6.13) using the singular
urves of genus two in |H| is slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ 2/3. However, it is
well-known that ε(H) ≤
H2 on any surfa
e, see e.g. [54, Rem. 1℄. Hen
e, by (6.20) we obtain
Theorem 6.21. Let (S,H) be a primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of genus pa := pa(H) ≥ 2 su
that Pic(S) ≃ Z[H]. Then (
f. (6.5))
(6.22) slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ ε(H)
pa − 1
pa − 1
In parti
ular, (6.22) shows that there is no lower bound on the slope of the Mori
one of S[2] of
K3 surfa
es, as the degree of the polarization tends to in�nity, that is,
(6.23) inf
slope(NE(S[2])) | S is a proje
tive K3 surfa
The same fa
t about sloperat(NE(S
[2])) will follow from (7.4) and (7.9) below.
Note that one always has ε(H) > ⌊
H2⌋ − 1 under the hypotheses of Theorem 6.21. Indeed, if
ε(H) <
H2, then there is an x ∈ S and an irredu
urve C su
h that ε(H) = C.H
, see e.g.
[44, Cor. 2℄. Sin
e one easily
omputes dim |H ⊗ I(⌊
x | ≥ 2, we
an �nd a D ∈ |L| su
h that
D 6⊇ C, multx(D) ≥ ⌊
H2⌋ − 1 and D passes through at least one additional point of C. Thus
ε(H) =
≥ multx(C) ·multx(D) + 1
> multx(D) ≥ ⌊
H2⌋ − 1,
as desired. It follows that
pa − 1
2pa − 2⌋ − 1
pa − 1
, for (S,H) as in Theorem 6.21,
showing that there is a natural limit to how good a bound one
an get on slope(NE(S[2])) by using
The bound in (6.22) is not (ne
essarily) obtained by rational
urves in S[2]. However, the presen
of pg(X) in (6.19) above tends to indi
ate that the better bounds will be obtained by rational
in S[2]. (Of
ourse, if the Mori
one is
losed, then the bound will indeed be obtained by rational
urves, as explained at the end of � 6.1.) In fa
t, the bound (6.22) above will be improved, for
in�nitely many values of H2, in Propositions 7.2 and 7.7 below by rational
We now return to the study of irredu
ible rational
urves in S[2] and to sloperat(NE(S
Given Theorem 6.16 and (6.17), a natural question to ask is the following:
e problem (HEP). For 3 ≤ pg ≤ pa+22 , does there exist a singular
in |H| with hyperellipti
normalization of geometri
genus pg?
By (6.13) we have that
a positive solution to (HEP) for �maximal� pg = ⌊
pa + 2
⌋ =⇒(6.25)
[2])) ≤
if pa is even;
if pa is odd
and, by (6.14), the q-square of the asso
iated rational
urves would be mu
h less than what predi
by Hassett and Ts
hinkel [25, Conj. 3.1℄. Moreover, the bounds in (6.25) would be mu
h stronger
than the bound given by the right hand inequality in (6.22), and even stronger than the best bounds
ould obtain from Seshadri
onstants (
ompare the left hand side inequality in (6.22) with (6.24)).
It is natural to try to solve (HEP) using nodal
urves, as one has better
ontrol of their deformations
and their parameter spa
es (the Severi varieties
onsidered in � 5). After the positive answer to the
e problem for the spe
values pg = 3 and pa = 4, 5 in [22, Examples 2.8 and
2.10℄, Theorem 5.2 gives the �rst examples, at least as far as we know, of positive answers to the
e problem for primitively polarized K3 surfa
es of any degree.
In Remark 5.23 we showed that pg(C) = g0(C) = 3 for these
urves C ∈ |H| (
(6.12)), so that the
lasses of the asso
iated rational
urves RC ⊂ S[2] are, using (6.10),
(6.26) wRC = H − 2e,
q(wRC ) = q(RC) = 2p− 10 ≥ −2.
Moreover, using (6.13), Theorem 5.2 yields (
f. (6.6)):
Corollary 6.27. Let (S,H) be a general, primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of genus pa(H) ≥ 4. Then
(6.28) sloperat(NE(S
[2])) ≤ 1
Note that the existen
e of nodal
urves of geometri
genus 2 in |H|, whi
h was already known and
followed from the nonemptiness of the Severi varieties on general K3 surfa
es, as explained in the
beginning of � 5, leads to the less good bound of
. Therefore, again as far as we know, (6.28) is the
�rst �nontrivial� bound on the slope of rational
urves holding for all degrees of the polarization. As
already mentioned, for in�nitely many degrees of the polarization we will in fa
t improve this bound
in Propositions 7.2 and 7.7 below.
Remark 6.29. One may also look for irredu
ible singular
urves with hyperellipti
in |mH|, m ≥ 2. In [22, Corollary 4℄, we also proved that, apart from some spe
ial numer-
ases (where we were not able to
lude), the negativity of ρsing(pa(mH), 1, 2, g) implies
the non-existen
e of irredu
ible nodal
urves in |mH| with hyperellipti
normalizations. A posi-
tive solution to the hyperellipti
e problem for singular
urves in |mH| would then pro-
vide an even better bound on the slope of the Mori
one. Namely, one would for instan
e get
slope(NE(S[2])) ≤ 4/[m(pa(H) + 4)] for even pa. Whereas we tend to believe that the nonnegativity
of ρsing should imply existen
e of
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations for the spe
values of
pa and g in a primitive linear system |H| on a general K3, we are not sure what to expe
t for
in |mH| when m > 1. For instan
e, the degeneration methods to prove existen
e as in the proof of
Theorem 5.2 will
ertainly get more di�
ult, be
ause the irredu
ibility of the obtained
urves after
deformation is not automati
ally ensured.
Remark 6.30. We do not know whether there will always be
omponents in |H|hyper (whenever
nonempty) of singular
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations su
h that the singularities of the
general member are as ni
e as possible, that is, all nodes and all non-neutral [22, �3℄.
7. P2s and threefolds birational to P1-bundles in the Hilbert square of a general
K3 surfa
We now give an in�nite series of examples of general, primitively polarized K3 surfa
es (S,H), of
in�nitely many degrees su
h that S[2]
ontains either a P2 or a threefold birational to a P1-bundle,
thus showing both possibilities o
urring in Proposition 3.6.
Both series of examples are similar to Voisin's
tions in [57, � 3℄. The idea is to start with
a smooth quarti
e S0 su
h that S
ontains an �obvious� P
or threefold birational to a P1-
bundle over S0, use the involution on the quarti
to produ
e another su
h P
or uniruled threefold,
and then deform S0 keeping the latter one and loosing the �rst one in the Hilbert square.
We remark that the question of existen
e of P2s in S[2] when S is K3 is a very interesting problem
ause of the following fa
t: a P2 in S[2] gives rise to a birational map from S[2] onto another
hyperkähler fourfold, and
onversely any birational transformation X −− → X ′ between proje
an be fa
torized into a �nite sequen
e of Mukai �ops (
f. [41, Thm. 0.7℄), by
[60, Thm. 2℄, see also [12, 30, 62℄. Therefore, in the
ase of a K3 surfa
e, if S[2]
ontains no P2s,
then S[2] admits no other birational model than itself.
Also uniruled divisors have an in�uen
e on the birational geometry of a hyperkähler manifold X.
Indeed, Huybre
hts proved in [32, Prop. 4.2℄ that a
lass α in the
losure of the positive
one CX lies
in the
losure of the birational Kähler
one BKX if and only if q(α,D) ≥ 0, for all uniruled divisors
D ⊂ X. (Re
all that the positive
one CX is the
omponent of {α ∈ H1,1(X,R) : q(α) ≥ 0}
ontaining the
one KX of all Kähler
lasses of X, and the birational Kähler
one BKX equals by
de�nition ∪f :X−−→X′f∗KX′ , where f is a bimeromorphi
map onto another hyperkähler manifold
X ′).
7.1. P2s in S[2]. The �rst nontrivial
ase, the
ase of degree 10, is parti
ularly easy, so we begin
with that one.
Example 7.1. (Hassett) Let S ⊂ P6 be a general K3 surfa
e of degree 10. By [40℄ the surfa
e S is
omplete interse
tion S = G ∩ T ∩ Q, where G := Grass(2, 5) is the Grassmannian of lines in P4
embedded in P9 by its Plü
ker embedding, T is a general 6-dimensional linear subspa
e of P9, and Q
is a hyperquadri
in P9. Set Y := G∩T . Then Y is a Fano 3-fold of index 2. Let F (Y ) be its variety
of lines. It is
ally known (see e.g. [19℄ for a modern proof) that F (Y ) ∼= P2. Then we may
embed this plane in S[2] by mapping the point
orresponding to a line [ℓ] to ℓ ∩Q. By generality, S
does not
ontain any line, so that this map is a morphism.
tion behind the following result, generalizing the previous example, was shown to us
by B. Hassett.
Proposition 7.2. Let (S,H) be a general primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of degree H2 = 2(n2 −
9n+ 19), for n ≥ 6. Then S[2]
ontains a P2.
lass wℓ ∈ H2(S[2],Q)
orresponding to a line ℓ ⊂ P2 is
(7.3) wℓ = H −
2n − 9
In parti
(7.4) sloperat(NE(S
[2])) ≤ 2
2n− 9 .
Moreover the
urves C ⊂ S with hyperellipti
normalizations asso
iated to the lines ℓ ⊂ P2 ⊂ S[2]
lie in |H|, have geometri
genus pg = 2n− 10, and ρsing(pa(C), 1, 2, pg) = n(n− 13) + 42 ≥ 0.
Proof. Consider the latti
e ZF ⊕ ZG with interse
tion matrix
F 2 F.G
G.F G2
, n ≥ 6.
e it has signature (1, 1), then, by a result of Nikulin [43℄ (see also [39, Cor. 2.9(i)℄), there is an
K3 surfa
e S0 with the given Pi
ard latti
e. Performing Pi
hetz re�e
tions on the
e, we
an assume that G is nef, by [2, VIII, Prop. 3.9℄. By Riemann-Ro
h and Serre duality, we
have G > 0 and F > 0. Straightforward
omputations on the Pi
ard latti
e rules out the existen
of divisors Γ satisfying Γ2 = −2 and Γ.F ≤ 0 or Γ.G ≤ 1; or Γ2 = 0 and Γ.F = 1 or Γ.G = 1, 2.
By [48℄ it follows that both |F | and |G| are base point free, ϕ|F | : S0 → P2 is a double
over and
ϕ|G| : S0 → P3 is an embedding onto a smooth quarti
ontaining lines. As explained in � 4, S
ontains a P2 arising from the double
If ℓ0 is a line on the P
, the
lass in H2(S
0 ,Q) is wℓ0 = 2F − 3e, whi
with the
orresponding integral
lass ρℓ0 (
f. [25, Example 5.1℄).
As S0 is a quarti
e not
ontaing lines, S
0 admits an involution
ι : S
0 → S
0 ; ξ 7→ (ℓξ ∩ S0) \ ξ,
by [6, Prop. 11℄, where ℓξ is the line determined by ξ, and the sign \ means that we take the residual
heme. The
orresponding involution on
ohomology is given by (
f. e.g. [45, (4.1.6)-(4.1.7)℄)
v 7→ q(G− e, v) · (G− e)− v.
The involution sends the P2 into another P2, and the
lass asso
iated to a line on it is
(7.5) q(G− e, 2F − 3e) · (G− e)− (2F − 3e) = 2((n − 3)G− F )− (2n− 9)e.
In order to obtain a generalK3 with the desired property we now deform S
0 . Pre
isely, we
onsider a
general deformation of S
0 su
h that (i) e remains algebrai
and (ii) ι(P
2) is preserved. Deformations
satisfying (i) form a
ountable union of hyperplanes in the deformation spa
e of S
0 , whi
h is smooth
and of dimension 21, and may be
terized as those of the form S[2], where S is a K3 surfa
e (see
[7, Thm. 6 and Rem. 2℄). Deformations preserving ι(P2)
an be
terized as those preserving
the image in H2(S[2],Z) of the
lass of the line in ι(P2) as an algebrai
lass (see [25, Thm. 4.1 and
Cor. 4.2℄ or [57℄), that is, using (7.5), those deformations keeping H := (n− 3)G−F ∈ Pic(S[2]0 ), or,
equivalently, H ∈ Pic(S), by (6.2). As H2 = [(n− 3)G−F ]2 = 2(n2 − 9n+19) ≥ 2 for n ≥ 6 and H
is primitive, those deformations form a divisor in the 20-dimensional spa
e of deformations keeping
e algebrai
, by [34, Thm. 14℄.
We therefore obtain a 19-dimensional spa
e of deformations of S
0 , whose general member is S
where (S,H) is a general primitively polarized (algebrai
) K3 surfa
e of degree H2 = 2(n2−9n+19),
n ≥ 6, and S[2]
ontains a plane.
lass wℓ ∈ H2(S[2],Q)
orresponding to the line ℓ is as in (7.3), yielding (7.4).
As S is general, it does not
ontain smooth rational
urves, so that the P2 is not of the form
C [2], for a smooth rational
urve C on S. By Lemma 2.4, the lines in the P2 in S[2] give rise to
a two-dimensional family V of
urves on S with hyperellipti
normalizations, so that RV = µ(P
where µ : S[2] → Sym2(S) is the Hilbert-Chow morphism. By (7.3) we have ℓ.H = H2, so that, by
the very de�nition of the divisor H in H2(S[2],Z), the lines in the P2
orrespond to
urves C ∈ |H|.
Comparing (6.10) and (7.3), we see that g0(C) = 2n − 10,
f. (6.12). Now we note that the general
line in the P2 is not tangent to ∆ = 2e. (Indeed, this follows by deformation sin
e in S
0 we have
that ι(P2) ∩ ∆ is a smooth plane sexti
, sin
e we have a
omposite map S0 → P2 → ι(P2) that is
�nite of degree two, when
e rami�ed along a smooth sexti
, as S0 is a smooth K3.) Therefore we
have pg(C) = 2n− 10. We
ompute ρsing = n(n− 13) + 42 ≥ 0 (re
all that n ≥ 6). �
The examples
ontained in the above proposition is interesting in several regards.
e �rst that q(ℓ) = −5/2,
f. (6.3), in a
e with the predi
tion in [25, Conj. 3.6℄.
The proposition shows in parti
ular that the
e in Remark 3.7 is not one-to-one and
also shows that the
ase dim(V ) = dim(RV ) = 2 of Proposition 3.6 a
tually o
The result also gives nontrivial examples of
urves in |H| with hyperellipti
normalizations and
positively answers the hyperellipti
e problem for pa = n
2−9n+20 and pg = 2n−10, n ≥ 6.
Moreover (7.4) shows that there is no lower bound on sloperat(NE(S
[2])) as the degree of the
polarization tends to in�nity. The same follows from (7.9) in Proposition 7.7 below. Both the
bounds (7.4) and (7.9) below in fa
t yield better bounds on slope(NE(S[2])) than (6.22).
Finally, the
s on the P2 give a �ve-dimensional family V (2) of irredu
urves with hyperel-
normalizations on S. Of
ourse this family has obvious non-integral members,
orresponding to
s. More generally, for any m ≥ 3, the (3m−1)-dimensional family of nodal rational
urves in |OP2(m)| (
f. [15, Thm. 1.1℄) yields
orresponding families V (m) of
urves in |mH| with
normalizations with dimV (m) = 3m − 1 ≥ 5 and dim(RV ) = 2, showing in parti
that the
ase dim(V ) > dim(RV ) = 2 of Proposition 3.6 a
tually o
In the
ase of the
s, we
ompute pg = 4n− 19 as above and as pa(2H) = 4n2 − 36n+ 77, we
get ρsing = 4n(n− 11) + 117 ≥ −3 in these
ases. This does not
t [22, Thm. 1℄.
7.2. Threefolds birational to P1-bundles in S[2]. We start with an expli
it example in the spe
ase of a quarti
Example 7.6. In the
ase of a general quarti
S in P3 we
an �nd a P1-bundle over S in S[2], arising
from the two-dimensional family of hyperplane se
tions of geometri
genus two. In fa
t, taking the
tangent plane through the general point of S we get a nodal
urve of geometri
genus 2. We obtain in
this way a family V of nodal
urves with hyperellipti
normalizations in the hyperplane linear system.
This family is parametrized by an open subset of S, and the lo
us in S[2]
overed by the asso
urves is birational to a P1-bundle over this open subset. To see this, set Cp := (S ∩ TpS),
and let C̃p be the normalization of Cp. Note that the g
2 on C̃p, viewed on Cp, is given by the pen
of lines in TpS through the node p. If, for two distin
t points p, q ∈ S, the g12s on C̃p and C̃q had two
ommon points, say x and y (so that the map ΦV in (2.5) sends (p, x+ y) and (q, x+ y) to the same
point x+ y in Sym2(S)), then the line TpS ∩ TqS, whi
h is bitangent to S, would also pass through
x and y. This is absurd, as deg(S) = 4.
By (6.10), the
lass w ∈ H2(S[2],Q)
orresponding to the
urves of geometri
genus 2 is w = H− 3
e q(w) = −1/2, as predi
ted by [25, Conj. 3.6℄. Moreover, performing the usual involution on
the quarti
, we send the
ted uniruled threefold to another one, with
orresponding �bre
given by e, so that it simply is the P1-bundle ∆ over S. This shows that also our original threefold
was smooth, so in fa
t a P1-bundle over S.
We now give an in�nite series of examples of general K3s whose Hilbert squares
ontain threefolds
birational to P1-bundles.
Proposition 7.7. Let (S,H) be a general primitively polarized K3 surfa
e of degree H2 = 2(d2−1),
for d ≥ 2. Then S[2]
ontains a threefold birational to a P1-bundle over a K3 surfa
lass wf ∈ H2(S[2],Q)
orresponding to a �bre is
(7.8) wf = H − de ∈ H2(S[2],Z).
In parti
(7.9) sloperat(NE(S
[2])) ≤ 1
Moreover the
urves C ⊂ S with hyperellipti
normalizations asso
iated to the �bres of the threefold
lie in |H|, have geometri
genus pg = 2d− 1, and ρsing(pa(C), 1, 2, pg) = d(d − 4) + 4 ≥ 0.
Proof. This time we start with the latti
e ZF ⊕ ZG with interse
tion matrix
F 2 F.G
G.F G2
, d ≥ 2.
As in Proposition 7.2 one easily shows that there is an algebrai
K3 surfa
e S0 with Pic(S0) =
ZF ⊕ ZG and that ϕ|G| : S0 → P3 is an embedding onto a smooth quarti
ontaining lines and
F is a smooth, irredu
ible rational
urve. (Note that F [2] = P2 and performing the same pro
on this plane as in the proof of Proposition 7.2, one gets pre
isely the same series of examples as
We now
onsider the divisor F ⊂ S[2]0 , de�ned as the length-two s
hemes with some support along
F . One easily sees that this is a threefold birational to a P1-bundle over S0 and that the
lass in
0 ,Z)
orresponding to the �bres f is ρf = F ,
f. [25, Example 4.6℄.
The involution on the quarti
sends this threefold to another threefold birational to a P1-bundle
over S0 and the
lass of the �bres is
(7.10) q(G− e, F ) · (G− e)− F = dG− F − de.
Note that this threefold satis�es the
onditions in [25, Thm. 4.1℄ by [25, Example 4.6℄, so that,
as in the previous example, we
an deform S
0 , keeping e algebrai
and H := dG − F . We thus
obtain a 19-dimensional spa
e of deformations of S
0 , whose general member is S
, where (S,H) is
a general, primitively polarized (algebrai
) K3 surfa
e of degree H2 = 2(d2−1) ≥ 6 and S[2]
a threefold birational to a P1-bundle, again over a K3 surfa
e (see also [25, Thm. 4.3℄).
The unique
lass wf ∈ H2(S[2],Q)
orresponding to a �bre f is as in (7.8) and yields (7.9).
By (7.8) we have f.H = H2, so that, by the very de�nition of the divisorH inH2(S[2],Z), the �bres
f of Y
orrespond to
urves C ∈ |H|. Comparing (6.10) and (7.8), we see that g0(C) = 2d − 1 ≥ 3,
f. (6.12). As in the proof of Proposition 7.2, one
an see that the general �bre of Y is not tangent
to ∆ = 2e, so that in fa
t we have pg(C) = 2d−1. In parti
ular, Y is not one of the obvious uniruled
threefolds arising from the rational
urves on S, or the one-dimensional families of ellipti
urves on
S. A
omputation shows that ρsing = d(d − 4) + 4 ≥ 0. �
Again, a few
omments are in order.
The square of the
lass of the �bres of the uniruled threefolds
ted above is q(f) = −2, as
ted in [25, Conj. 3.6℄.
The obtained family V of
urves on S with hyperellipti
normalizations has dim(V ) = 2 and
dim(RV ) = 3, showing that also this
ase of Proposition 3.6 a
tually o
urs. This family gives
nontrivial examples of
urves in |H| with hyperellipti
normalizations and positively answers the
e problem for pa = 2(d
2 − 1) and pg = 2d − 1 for every d ≥ 2. Note that the
ase d = 2 is the
ase des
ribed in [22, Example 2.8℄.
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a Pa
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Appendix A.
In this Appendix we show how to
t simultaneous partial desingularizations of families
of nodal
urves, generalizing a well known pro
edure of simultaneous total desingularization, as
ribed in [4℄.
We work over an algebrai
losed �eld k of
0. For every morphism X → Y , and
for every y ∈ Y , we denote by X(y) the s
�bre of y.
Theorem A.1. Let
f : C // V
be a �at proje
tive family of
urves, with C and V algebrai
hemes, su
h that all �bres have at most
ordinary double points (nodes) as singularities. Let δ ≥ 1 be an integer. Then there is a
with the following properties:
(i) α is �nite and unrami�ed, the square is
artesian, and q is an étale
over of degree δ.
(ii) The left triangle de�nes a marking of all δ-tuples of nodes of �bres of f . In parti
ular f ′
parametrizes all
urves of the family f having ≥ δ nodes and, for ea
h η ∈ E(δ), Dδ(η) ⊂ C′(η)
is a set of δ nodes of the
urve C′(η).
(iii) The diagram is universal with respe
t to properties (i) and (ii). Pre
isely, if
Ẽ ×V C
is a diagram having the properties analogous to (i) and (ii), then there is a unique fa
// E(δ)
h that q̃ and f̃ are obtained by pulling ba
k q and f ′ by ϕ.
If moreover E(δ) is normal, then the above diagram
an be enlarged as follows:
Work done during a visit to the Institut Mittag-Le�er (Djursholm, Sweden), whose support is gratefully a
edged. I am grateful to F. Flamini, A. L. Knutsen and G. Pa
ienza for a
epting this note as an Appendix to their
paper, and to F. Flamini for some useful remarks.
(iv) β is a birational morphism su
h that, for ea
h η ∈ E(δ), the restri
β(η) : C(η) // C′(η)
is the partial normalization at the nodes Dδ(η).
(v) The
omposition f̄ := f ′ ◦ β is �at.
Proof. Consider the �rst relative
otangent sheaf T
. Sin
e all �bres of f are nodal, T1
with base
hange ([3, Lemma 4.7.5℄ or [5℄), thus on every �bre C(v), v ∈ V , it restri
ts to T1
, whi
is the stru
ture sheaf of the s
heme of nodes of C(v). It follows that we have
C/V = OE
for a
losed subs
heme E ⊂ C supported on the nodes of the �bres of f . Consider the
fE : E ⊂ C
tion it follows that fE is �nite and unrami�ed. Now �x δ ≥ 1 and
onsider the �bre
E ×V · · · ×V E︸ ︷︷ ︸
e fE is �nite and unrami�ed, it follows from [1, Exp.1, Prop. 3.1℄, and by indu
tion on δ (see [3,
Lemma 4.7.11(i)℄), that we have a disjoint union de
E ×V · · · ×V E = ∆
where ∆ is the union of all the diagonals, and Eδ
onsists of all the ordered δ-tuples of distin
t points
of E mapping to the same point of V ; moreover the natural proje
tion morphism
Eδ // V
is �nite and unrami�ed.
There is a natural a
tion of the symmetri
group Σδ on Eδ that
ommutes with the proje
tion to
V . We denote the quotient Eδ/Σδ by E(δ). Sin
e the
Eδ // E(δ) // V
is �nite and unrami�ed and the �rst morphism is an étale
over, the morphism α : E(δ) → V is �nite
and unrami�ed. Note that if, for a
losed point v ∈ V , C(v) has δ+ t nodes as the only singularities,
with t > 0, then α−1(v) has degree
. Now let
Dδ = {(η, e) : e ∈ Supp(η)} ⊂ E(δ) ×V E
Then the �rst proje
tion de�nes the tautologi
al family:
(A.2) Dδ
⊂ E(δ) ×V E ⊂ E(δ) ×V C
h is an étale
over of degree δ. The �bre Dδ(η) is the δ-tuple parametrized by η, for ea
η ∈ E(δ)2. We therefore have the following diagram:
where we have denoted by C
′ = E(δ) ×V C. The �bres of f ′ are all the
urves of the family f having
≥ δ nodes. For ea
h η ∈ E(δ) the divisor Dδ(η) ⊂ C′(η) marks the set of δ nodes parametrized by η.
This proves (i) and (ii).
(iii) follows from the fa
t that α : E(δ) → V is the relative Hilbert s
heme of degree δ of fE : E → V ,
and (A.2) is the universal family.
Assume that E(δ) is normal. Then we
an normalize C
ally around Dδ as in [4, Theorem 1.3.2℄,
to obtain a birational morphism β having the required properties (iv) and (v). �
A typi
al example of the situation
onsidered in the theorem is when V parametrizes a
linear system of
urves on an algebrai
e. If the morphism fE is self-transverse of
1 (see [3, De�nition 4.7.13℄) then the Severi variety of irredu
ible δ-nodal
urves is nonsingular and
odimension δ, and E(δ) is nonsingular (see [3, Lemma 4.7.14℄), so that the theorem applies and
the simultaneous partial desingularization exists. This happens for example for the linear systems of
urves [3, Proposition 4.7.17℄.
[1℄ Revêtements étales et groupe fondamentale, Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois Marie 1960-61
(SGA1), Le
ture Notes in Math. 224. Springer, Berlin, 1971.
[2℄ R. Hartshorne, Algebrai
Geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathemati
s 52. Springer-Verlag, New York-
Heidelberg, 1977.
[3℄ E. Sernesi, Deformations of Algebrai
hemes, Grundlehren der Mathematis
hen Wissens
haften 334.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
[4℄ B. Tessier, Résolution simultanée I, II. Le
ture Notes in Math. 777, 71�146. Springer, Berlin, 1980.
[5℄ J. Wahl, Deformations of plane
urves with nodes and
usps, Amer. J. of Math. 96 (1974), 529�577.
Edoardo Sernesi, Dipartimento di Matemati
a, Università di Roma Tre, Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1,
00146, Roma, Italy. e-mail sernesi�
If δ = 1 then E(1) = E and D1 ⊂ E ×V E is the diagonal.
1. Introduction
2. Rational curves in S[2]
2.1. Irreducible rational curves in S[2] and curves on S
2.2. Bend-and-break in Sym2(S)
3. Rationally equivalent zero-cycles on surfaces with pg>0
3.1. Mumford's Theorem
3.2. The property RCC and rational quotients
4. Families of curves with hyperelliptic normalizations
5. Nodal curves of geometric genus 3 with hyperelliptic normalizations on K3 surfaces
6. On the Mori cone of the Hilbert square of a K3 surface
6.1. Preliminaries on S[2] for a K3 surface
6.2. The classes of rational curves in S[2]
6.3. The invariant sing, Seshadri constants, the ``hyperelliptic existence problem'' and the slope of the Mori cone
7. P2s and threefolds birational to P1-bundles in the Hilbert square of a general K3 surface
7.1. P2s in S[2]
7.2. Threefolds birational to P1-bundles in S[2]
Appendix A.
0704.1368 | Anisotropy and Magnetic Field Effects on the Genuine Multipartite
Entanglement of Multi-Qubit Heisenberg {\it XY} Chains | Anisotropy and Magnetic Field Effects on the Genuine
Multipartite Entanglement of Multi-Qubit Heisenberg XY Chains
Chang Chi Kwong and Ye Yeo
Department of Physics, National University of Singapore,
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260, Singapore
It has been shown that, for the two-qubit Heisenberg XY model, anisotropy and magnetic field
may together be used to produce entanglement for any finite temperature by adjusting the external
magnetic field beyond some finite critical strength. This interesting result arises from an analysis
employing the Wootters concurrence, a computable measure of entanglement for two-qubit states.
Recently, Mintert et al. proposed generalizations of Wootters concurrence for multipartite states.
These MKB concurrences possess a mathematical property that enables one to understand the
origin of this characteristic behavior. Here, we first study the effect of anisotropy and magnetic
field on the multipartite thermal entanglement of a four-qubit HeisenbergXY chain using the MKB
concurrences. We show that this model exhibits characteristic behavior similar to that of the two-
qubit model. In addition, we show that this can again be understood using the same mathematical
property. Next, we show that the six-qubit Heisenberg XY chain possesses properties necessary for
it to have the characteristic behavior too. Most importantly, it is possible to directly measure the
multipartite MKB concurrences of pure states. This may provide an experimental verification of
our conjecture that for a Heisenberg XY chain of any even number of qubits, it is always possible
to obtain non-zero genuine multipartite entanglement at any finite temperature by applying a
sufficiently large magnetic field.
PACS numbers: 03.67.Mn, 03.65.Ud
The one-dimensional Heisenberg models have been extensively studied in solid state
physics (see references in [1]). Interest in these models has been revived lately by sev-
eral proposals for realizing quantum computation [2] and information processing [3] using
quantum dots (localized electron spins) as qubits. An intriguing phenomenon in such quan-
tum systems with more than one component is entanglement. It refers to the non-classical
correlations that exist among these components. Due to this nature, quantum entanglement
has recently been recognized as an indispensable physical resource for performing classically
impossible information processing tasks; such as quantum computation, teleportation [4],
key distribution [5] and superdense coding [6]. In any physically realistic consideration of
quantum-information-processing device, it is important to take into account the fact that it
would be in thermal contact with some heat bath. Consequently, entanglement in interacting
Heisenberg spin systems at finite temperatures has been investigated by a number of authors
(see, e.g., Ref.[7] and references therein). The state of a typical solid state system at thermal
equilibrium (temperature T ) is χ = e−βH/Z, where H is the Hamiltonian, Z = tr e−βH is the
partition function, and β = 1/kT , where k is the Boltzmann’s constant. The entanglement
associated with the thermal state χ is referred to as the thermal entanglement [1].
To achieve a quantitative understanding of the role of entanglement in the field of quan-
tum information science, it is necessary to quantify the amount of entanglement that is
associated with a given state. Several entanglement measures have been proposed. One
famous example is the Wootters concurrence [8]. Consider a two-qubit state ρ, the Wootters
CW [ρ] ≡ max{λ1 − λ2 − λ3 − λ4, 0}, (1)
where λk (k = 1, 2, 3, 4) are the square roots of the eigenvalues in decreasing order of
magnitude of the spin-flipped density-matrix operator R = ρ(σy⊗σy)ρ∗(σy⊗σy), the asterisk
indicates complex conjugation. Wootters concurrence is closely related to the entanglement
of formation [9]. It appears as an auxillary function that has to be evaluated when computing
the entanglement of formation. Recently, Mintert, Kús and Buchleitner (MKB) [10, 11]
proposed generalizations of Wootters concurrence for multipartite quantum systems, which
can be evaluated efficiently for arbitrary mixed states. This is an extremely important
development in our investigation of multipartite entanglement, a subject we have yet to
achieve a complete understanding.
With the availability of such a good and computable measure of entanglement for systems
of two qubits, many thoroughly analyzed the thermal entanglement in two-qubit Heisenberg
models in terms of thermal concurrence [1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. The recent breakthroughs
in the experimental physics of double quantum dot (see, e.g., Ref.[18]) shows that these
studies are worthwhile pursuits. Interestingly, Kamta et al. [15] showed that the anisotropy
and the magnetic field may together be used to control the extent of thermal concurrence
in a two-qubit Heisenberg XY model and, especially, to produce entanglement for any
finitely large T , by adjusting the external magnetic field beyond some finitely large critical
strength. Such robustness is absent in the case of two-qubit Heisenberg XX model. A
natural question is whether thermal entanglement of a Heisenberg XY chain with more
qubits has similar behavior. This question is not only of practical importance but also of
fundamental importance (see, for instance, Ref.[19]). In this paper, we provide answers for
Heisenberg XY chains with any even number of qubits by analyzing the MKB concurrences
associated with their thermal states.
Our paper is organized as follows. Since the results of MKB [10, 11] is crucial to our
analysis, we will present them in the following section. However, we do so explicitly in the
context of direct relevance to our paper, i.e., n-qubits. Specifically, when n = 2, the MKB
concurrence coincides with the Wootters concurrence. It thus allows us to understand the
special property of the thermal entanglement of the two-qubit Heisenberg XY model, in
the light of a mathematical property of the MKB concurrences (see Eq.(11)). This together
with a discussion of the two-qubit Heisenberg XY model [15] will be given in Section III.
We show, in Section IV, that the thermal entanglement of the four-qubit Heisenberg XY
chain has behavior similar to the two-qubit case. Namely, anisotropy and magnetic field
may together be used to produce genuine multipartite entanglement [20, 21] for any finitely
large T by adjusting the external magnetic field beyond some finitely large critical strength.
This can again be understood in the light of the same mathematical property of MKB con-
currences. Our results agree with those in Ref.[22], which employed bipartite entanglement
measure. In general, it is not sufficient to only consider bipartite entanglement. For instance,
the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state [23] is a state with genuine multipartite en-
tanglement but yields zero entanglement between one particle and any other particle. On
the other hand, the W state [24] is one where every particle is entangled with every other
particle, but it has no genuine multipartite entanglement [10, 20]. Multipartite entangle-
ment surely is more interesting. Therefore, our study complements theirs. However, we
must emphasize that our analysis more importantly demonstrates that the thermal entan-
glement of the Heisenberg XY chains have the characteristic behavior due to two reasons.
First, in the presence of a finitely large external magnetic field, the ground state of the
model has non-zero genuine multipartite entanglement. Second, for non-zero temperatures,
this ground state is the highest weight state (with weight ≈ 1, i.e., the thermal state is
almost a pure state) when a finitely large enough magnetic field is applied. In Section V,
we show that this is indeed the case for the six-qubit Heisenberg XY chain. We thus have
firm mathematical basis (Eq.(11)) to establish that the thermal entanglement in this case
will exhibit similar characteristic behavior. Most important of all, the MKB concurrences
may be directly measured for multipartite pure states [25, 26]. It is thus possible to experi-
mentally verify our conjecture that for any even n, it is always possible to obtain non-zero
genuine multipartite entanglement at any finite temperature by applying a sufficiently large
magnetic field. Further discussions of this possibility and a summary of our results will be
presented in the concluding Section VI.
Consider an n-qubit pure state |ψ〉 ∈ H1⊗H2⊗· · ·⊗Hn, the MKB concurrence is defined
as the expectation value of a Hermitean operator A that acts on two copies of the state [10]:
C[|ψ〉〈ψ|] ≡
〈ψ| ⊗ 〈ψ|A|ψ〉 ⊗ |ψ〉. (2)
In general, A could have the form
ps1is2i ···sniP
⊗ P (2)s2i ⊗ · · · ⊗ P
, (3)
where ps1is2i ···sni ≥ 0,
(Π+0 +Π
Π−1 (4)
are projectors onto the symmetric and antisymmetric subspaces of Hj ⊗ Hj. Here, Π±0 ≡
(|00〉 ± |11〉)(〈00| ± 〈11|), Π±1 ≡ (|01〉 ± |10〉)(〈01| ± 〈10|) and {|0〉, |1〉} is an orthonormal
basis of Hj. The summation in Eq.(3) is performed over the set {sji = ±}+, which contains
all n-long strings of +’s and −’s with even number of −’s. The superscript + indicates that
the string with n +’s is not included in the sum. This is because for separable states, its
expectation value in the symmetric twofold copy is non-zero. Terms with odd number of
− ’s are naturally excluded in the sum since their expectation values in the twofold copy
states is always zero.
By choosing the value of all the ps1is2i ···sni ’s in Eq.(3) to be 4, an entanglement monotone
Cn can be obtained. The resulting operator An can equivalently be written as 4(I − P (1)+ ⊗
+ ⊗ · · ·⊗P
+ ) [26]. The concurrence Cn of an n-qubit pure state |ψ〉 can then be written
Cn[|ψ〉〈ψ|] = 21−n/2
(2n − 2)〈ψ|ψ〉 −
Trρ2i . (5)
The above summation runs over all (2n − 2) reduced density operators ρi of the state |ψ〉.
Cn accounts for all possible types of entanglement in a state and takes the value zero if and
only if the state is fully separable.
For even number n of qubits, it is possible to define an MKB concurrence C(n) that detects
multipartite entanglement, by choosing the operator A = A(n) ≡ 2nP (1)− ⊗ P
− ⊗ · · · ⊗ P
We note that when n = 2,
C(2)[|ψ〉〈ψ|] = |〈ψ∗|σy ⊗ σy|ψ〉| = CW [|ψ〉〈ψ|]. (6)
That is, the MKB concurrence C(2) coincides with the Wootters concurrence. And, for n = 4,
we have
C(4)[|ψ〉〈ψ|] = |〈ψ∗|σy ⊗ σy ⊗ σy ⊗ σy|ψ〉|, (7)
which is also an entanglement monotone [11]. There is obviously no equivalent definition
for the case of odd number of qubits since the expectation value of A(n) are always zero for
odd n.
The MKB concurrence for a mixed state ρ of n qubits can be obtained via the convex
roof construction:
C[ρ] ≡ inf
piC[|ψi〉〈ψi|], ρ =
, (8)
where the infimum is taken over all possible pure state decompositions of ρ. To evaluate
C[ρ], consider the spectral decompositions ρ =
i |φ̃i〉〈φ̃i| and A =
α |χ̃α〉〈χ̃α|, where the
eigenstates |φ̃i〉 and |χ̃α〉 are subnormalized such that their norms squared are the eigenvalues
corresponding to the states. If r is the rank of the operator A, it is possible to define r
complex symmetric matrices T α with elements T αjk ≡ 〈φ̃j| ⊗ 〈φ̃k|χ̃α〉. And, Eq.(8) becomes
C[ρ] = inf
|[V T αV T ]ii|2 (9)
where the infimum is now taken over the set of left unitary matrices V .
It can be shown that the following inequality holds [10]:
C[ρ] ≥ inf
|[V τV T ]ii|. (10)
Here, the matrix τ is defined to be
α zαT
α in terms of arbitrary complex numbers zα
satisfying only the condition that
α |zα|2 = 1. An algebraic solution of the inequality
Eq.(10) is given in Ref.[10] to be max{0, λ1 −
j>1 λj} where λi’s are singular values of τ
written in decreasing order. For C(n), when A = A(n) is of rank 1, T 1 = τ and the lower
bound in Eq.(10) turns out to be the exact value of C(n).
In general, an optimization over zα is also necessary to obtain the optimal lower bound
for C[ρ]. However, it is possible to obtain a good approximation to C[ρ] by approximating τ
with a matrix whose elements [10]
τij ≈
〈φ̃1| ⊗ 〈φ̃1|A|φ̃i〉 ⊗ |φ̃j〉
〈φ̃1| ⊗ 〈φ̃1|A|φ̃1〉 ⊗ |φ̃1〉
, (11)
where |φ̃1〉 is the eigenstate of ρ with the largest eigenvalue. This is the mathematical
property of MKB concurrences that will play a critical role in our understanding of the
characteristic behavior of the thermal entanglement of Heisenberg XY models. We will first
illustrate this explicitly with the two-qubit Heisenberg XY chain in the next section.
The Hamiltonian H2 for the anisotropic two-qubit Heisenberg XY model in an external
magnetic field Bm ≡ ηJ (η is a real number) along the z axis is
(1 + γ)Jσx1 ⊗ σx2 +
(1− γ)Jσy1 ⊗ σ
1 ⊗ I2 + I1 ⊗ σz2), (12)
where Ij is the identity matrix and σ
j , σ
j , σ
j are the Pauli matrices at site j = 1, 2. The
parameter −1 ≤ γ ≤ 1 measures the anisotropy of the system and equals 0 for the isotropic
XX model [12] and ±1 for the Ising model [14]. (1 + γ)J and (1 − γ)J are real coupling
constants for the spin interaction. The model is said to be antiferromagnetic for J > 0
and ferromagnetic for J < 0. The thermal concurrence associated with the thermal state
χ2, Eq.(16), can be derived from Eq.(17). It is invariant under the substitutions η −→ −η,
γ −→ −γ, and J −→ −J . Therefore, we restrict our considerations to η ≥ 0, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1,
and J > 0.
The eigenvalues and eigenkets of H2 are given by [15]
H2|Φ0〉 = B|Φ0〉,
H2|Φ1〉 = J |Φ1〉,
H2|Φ2〉 = −J |Φ2〉,
H2|Φ3〉 = −B|Φ3〉, (13)
where B ≡
B2m + γ
2J2 =
η2 + γ2J ,
|Φ0〉 =
(B +Bm)2 + γ2J2
[(B +Bm)|00〉+ γJ |11〉],
|Φ1〉 = 1√
[|01〉+ |10〉],
|Φ2〉 =
[|01〉 − |10〉],
|Φ3〉 = 1√
(B − Bm)2 + γ2J2
[(B − Bm)|00〉 − γJ |11〉]. (14)
The Wootters concurrence associated with the eigenkets, |Φ0〉 and |Φ3〉, are given by γ√
Hence, they represent entangled states when γ 6= 0. We note that when η = 0, |Φ0〉 and
|Φ3〉 reduce to (|00〉 + |11〉)/
2 and (|00〉 − |11〉)/
2 respectively, so that the eigenstates
are the four maximally entangled Bell states: |Ψ0Bell〉, |Ψ1Bell〉, |Ψ2Bell〉, and |Ψ3Bell〉. And, in
the limit of large η,
CW [|Φ0〉〈Φ0|] = CW [|Φ3〉〈Φ3|] ≈ γη−1, (15)
only going to zero asympotically when η is infinitely large. In contrast, when γ = 0,
|Φ0〉 = |00〉 and |Φ3〉 = |11〉 are product states with eigenvalues ηJ and −ηJ respectively,
though |Φ1〉 and |Φ2〉 remain the same [12].
For the above system in thermal equilibrium at temperature T , its state is described by
the density operator
[e−βB|Φ0〉〈Φ0|+ e−βJ |Φ1〉〈Φ1|+ eβJ |Φ2〉〈Φ2|+ eβB|Φ3〉〈Φ3|], (16)
where the partition function Z2 = 2 cosh βB + 2 cosh βJ , the Boltzmann’s constant k ≡ 1
from hereon, and β = 1/T . After some straightforward algebra, we obtain
eβJ ,
e−βJ ,
sinh2 βB + 2γJ
sinh2 βB sinh βB,
sinh2 βB − 2γJ
sinh2 βB sinh βB. (17)
In the zero-temperature limit, i.e., β −→ ∞, at which the system is in its ground state,
Eq.(16) reduces to the following three possibilities.
(a) 0 ≤ η <
1− γ2:
[eβJ |Φ2〉〈Φ2|+ eβB|Φ3〉〈Φ3|] −→ |Φ2〉〈Φ2|, (18)
with Z2 = e
βJ+eβB. Equation (17) gives CW [χ2] = 1, its maximum value, in agreement
with the fact that |Φ2〉 is a maximally entangled Bell state.
(b) η =
1− γ2:
χ2 −→
[|Φ2〉〈Φ2|+ |Φ3〉〈Φ3|]. (19)
From Eq.(17), the above equally weighted mixture has
CW [χ2] =
(1− γ). (20)
(c) η >
1− γ2:
χ2 −→ |Φ3〉〈Φ3|, (21)
and Eq.(17) yields accordingly
CW [χ2] =
η2 + γ2
. (22)
Therefore, for a given γ, ηcritical =
1− γ2 marks the point of quantum phase transition
(phase transition taking place at zero temperature due to variation of interaction terms in
the Hamiltonian of a system [1]). For values of γ other than γ = 1
, there is a sudden increase
or decrease in C[χ2] at ηcritical, depending on whether γ > 13 or γ <
, before decreasing to
zero asymptotically, as η is increased beyond the critical value ηcritical [15]. Here, we focus
on the behavior of the model at non-zero temperatures and subject to magnetic field of
appropriate strengths.
At non-zero temperatures, due to mixing, CW [χ2] decreases to zero as the temperature T
is increased beyond some critical value. In fact, as T → ∞, the statistical weights wi → 1/4
for all i and CW [χ2] → 0. However, for a large but finite T ,
1 + e−2βB + e−β(B−J) + e−β(B+J)
can always be made as close to unity as possible by increasing the strength η of the external
magnetic field. That is, when η is large enough, only |Φ3〉 contributes significantly to the
thermal state χ2. The η required for this to occur depends on T , larger η for higher T . This
is always possible for finite T .
Next, we note that in the limit of large η,
λ1 ≈ λ2 ≈ 0 ≈ λ4, λ3 ≈ γη−1. (24)
It follows that
CW [χ2] ≈ γη−1 ≈ CW [|Φ3〉〈Φ3|]. (25)
Hence, for a finitely large T , the thermal concurrence of the system in a large enough
magnetic field is very well approximated by the concurrence of |Φ3〉 in the same magnetic
field. In other words, the entanglement associated with the thermal state χ2 in this case is
mainly due to that associated with the eigenstate |Φ3〉.
In summary, for any non-zero T and an appropriate η, |Φ3〉 is the highest weight eigen-
state. It follows from Eq.(11) that this is the state which will mainly contribute to the MKB
concurrence C(2)[χ2] or equivalently the Wootters concurrence (see Eq.(6)). An important
point to note here is that |Φ3〉 has non-zero concurrence as long as η is finite (see Eq.(15)).
Another is that γ 6= 0, otherwise |Φ3〉 will be a product state with no entanglement. These
clearly explain the characteristic robustness of the thermal entanglement of the two-qubit
Heisenberg XY model described in Ref[15] - the system at finite T can always be entangled
provided large enough magnetic field is applied. They also identify the necessary character-
istic features for a model to exhibit such behavior. We shall illustrate that this is indeed
the case for the four-qubit Heisenberg XY chain in the next section.
The Hamiltonian Hn for an anisotropic n-qubit Heisenberg XY chain in an external
magnetic field Bm = ηJ along the z-axis is
[(1 + γ)σxj σ
j+1 + (1− γ)σ
j+1 + ησ
j ], (26)
where the periodic boundary condition σαn+1 = σ
1 (α = x, y, z) applies. Like in the two-qubit
model, we consider the case when η ≥ 0, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1, and J > 0.
In this section, we consider n = 4. After some straightforward algebra, we obtain the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H4. Firstly, we present
H4|Φ15〉 = −ω+J |Φ15〉, (27)
[η2 + 2(1 + γ2)]±
[η2 + 2(1 + γ2)]2 − 8η2, (28)
|Φ15〉 = N−Ω (Ω
1 |0000〉+ Ω−2 |0011〉+ Ω−3 |0101〉+ Ω−2 |0110〉
+Ω−2 |1001〉+ Ω−3 |1010〉+ Ω−2 |1100〉+ |1111〉), (29)
with N±Ω ≡ 1/
1 + (Ω±1 )
2 + 4(Ω±2 )
2 + 2(Ω±3 )
Ω±1 =
(2η ± ω+)(ω+2 − 8)− 8γ2(η ± ω+)
Ω±2 =
2η ± ω+
Ω±3 = ±
2η ± ω+
. (30)
|Φ0〉, which can be obtained from |Φ15〉 by substituting Ω−i (i = 1, 2, 3) with Ω+i or Ω−i → Ω+i ,
satisfies H4|Φ0〉 = ω+J |Φ0〉. The MKB concurrences, as defined in Section II, for |Φ15〉 are
given by
C(4)[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|] = 2 Ω
1 + 2(Ω
2 + (Ω−3 )
1 + (Ω−1 )
2 + 4(Ω−2 )
2 + 2(Ω−3 )
C4[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|] =
7[2(Ω−2 )
2 + (Ω−3 )
2]2 + 2[4(Ω−1 )
2 − Ω−1 + 4][2(Ω−2 )2 + (Ω−3 )2] + 7(Ω−1 )2
1 + (Ω−1 )
2 + 4(Ω−2 )
2 + 2(Ω−3 )
In the limit of large η,
ω+ ≈ 2η + 2γ
4γ2 − γ4
Ω−1 ≈
2γ2 − γ4
Ω−2 ≈ −
γ3 − 4γ
Ω−3 ≈
4γ − 3γ3
. (32)
It follows that
C(4)[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|] ≈
8γ2 − 4γ4
, (33)
C4[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|] ≈
24γ − 9γ3
. (34)
We note that |Φ15〉 is a state with genuine four-partite entanglement [27], which remains
non-zero even for large η and going to zero only in the asymptotic limit of infinite magnetic
Secondly, we have
H4|Φ14〉 = −[(α+ + α−)γ + 2]J |Φ14〉,
H4|Φ13〉 = −[(α+ + α−)γ − 2]J |Φ13〉, (35)
η2 + 4γ2 ± η
, (36)
|Φ14〉 =
1 + (α−)2
(−α−|0001〉+ α−|0010〉 − α−|0100〉+ |0111〉
+α−|1000〉 − |1011〉+ |1101〉 − |1110〉),
|Φ13〉 = 1
1 + (α−)2
(−α−|0001〉 − α−|0010〉 − α−|0100〉+ |0111〉
−α−|1000〉+ |1011〉+ |1101〉+ |1110〉). (37)
Corresponding to these states are |Φ1〉 and |Φ2〉, which can be derived from |Φ14〉 and |Φ13〉
respectively by −α− → α+. They satisfy H4|Φ1,2〉 = [(α+ + α−)γ ± 2]J |Φ1,2〉. The MKB
concurrences for |Φ14〉 are given by
C(4)[|Φ14〉〈Φ14|] = 2α
1 + (α−)2
C4[|Φ14〉〈Φ14|] =
1 + (α−)2
3 + 8(α−)2 + 3(α−)4
. (38)
Hence, |Φ14〉 is also a state with genuine four-partite entanglement [20, 21]. It reduces to a
W state when γ = 0.
Thirdly, we have H4|Φ3,4〉 = ηJ |Φ3,4〉 and H4|Φ11,12〉 = −ηJ |Φ11,12〉, where
|Φ3,4〉 = 1
(|0001〉 ± |0010〉 − |0100〉 ∓ |1000〉),
|Φ11,12〉 = 1
(|0111〉 ± |1011〉 − |1101〉 ∓ |1110〉). (39)
These states belong to the family of W states which are entangled but do not contain genuine
four-partite entanglement [20]. Fourthly, by substituting ω+ in Eq.(30) with ω− we obtain
the corresponding ∆±1 , ∆
2 and ∆
3 in terms of which we express
|Φ10,11〉 = N±∆(∆
1 |0000〉+∆±2 |0011〉+∆±3 |0101〉+∆±2 |0110〉
+∆±2 |1001〉+∆±3 |1010〉+∆±2 |1100〉+ |1111〉). (40)
Here, N±∆ ≡ 1/
1 + (∆±1 )
2 + 4(∆±2 )
2 + 2(∆±3 )
2. They satisfy H4|Φ10,11〉 = ±ω−J |Φ10,11〉.
Lastly, we have the following four degenerate eigenstates with eigenvalue zero:
|Φ6〉 = 1√
(|0011〉 − |1100〉) ,
|Φ7〉 = 1√
(|0101〉 − |1010〉) ,
|Φ8〉 =
(|0110〉 − |1001〉) ,
|Φ9〉 = 1
(|0011〉 − |0110〉 − |1001〉+ |1100〉) . (41)
The eigenstates |Φ6,7,8〉 belong to the family of GHZ states that contain only genuine four-
partite entanglement, while |Φ9〉 is a product state of two Bell states.
As in the case of the two-qubit model, we construct the thermal state of the four-qubit
Heisenberg XY chain as follows:
wi|Φi〉〈Φi| =
e−βH4 . (42)
Here, the partition fuction
Z4 = 4 + 4 cosh βηJ + 2 cosh β[(α
+ + α−)γ + 2]J
+2 cosh β[(α+ + α−)γ − 2]J + 2 cosh βω+J + 2 cosh βω−J. (43)
At non-zero temperatures the state of the system becomes a mixture of the energy eigenstates
with statistical weights
w15 =
, w14 =
, · · · (44)
A. Zero Temperature
In the β → ∞ limit,
++α−)γ+2]J |Φ14〉〈Φ14|+ eβω+J |Φ15〉〈Φ15|], (45)
with Z4 = e
β[(α++α−)γ+2]J + eβω
+J . Like in the 2-qubit Heisenberg XY model, there are thus
two possible lowest energy states, namely |Φ14〉 or |Φ15〉, depending on the strength of the
applied magnetic field. As η is increased from zero, there are in general two instances when
(α+ + α−)γ + 2 = ω+. We let η1 and η2 denote the solutions. Their dependence on the
anisotropy of the system are plotted in Fig. 1. As γ is increased from zero, both η1 and η2
become smaller and converge to zero when γ = 1. In fact, for the Ising model (γ = 1), both
|Φ14〉 and |Φ15〉 are the lowest energy states of the system. The system state is an equal
mixture of both states:
[|Φ14〉〈Φ14|+ |Φ15〉〈Φ15|]. (46)
But, once the external magnetic field is turned on, |Φ15〉 becomes the only ground state of
the model regardless of the strength of the field.
It follows that for 0 < γ < 1, depending on η we have the density operator of the system
|Φ15〉〈Φ15| 0 ≤ η < η1
[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|+ |Φ14〉〈Φ14|] η = η1
|Φ14〉〈Φ14| η1 < η < η2
[|Φ14〉〈Φ14|+ |Φ15〉〈Φ15|] η = η2
|Φ15〉〈Φ15| η > η2
FIG. 1: The two transition η’s for the system at zero temperature plotted against the anisotropy
We can therefore calculate the MKB concurrrences of the system at zero temperature (β →
∞) for the different regions of magnetic field strength. Plots of C(4) and C4 against magnetic
field for different values of anisotropy γ are shown in Fig. 2 and 3. For both concurrences,
there are sharp changes at the transition magnetic fields due to quantum phase transition.
FIG. 2: The MKB concurrence C(4), which is an entanglement monotone, plotted against magnetic
field η for different values of anisotropy γ. In general, there are sharp changes in C(4) at the two
transition fields η1 and η2.
B. Non-zero Temperatures
In general, as the temperature of a system is increased, its density operator becomes
closer to the maximally mixed state, 1
I, where n is the dimension of the Hilbert space
FIG. 3: The MKB concurrence C4 plotted against η for different values of γ. Similar to Fig.2, there
are sharp changes of the concurrence at the two transition magnetic fields.
and I is the identity operator. There thus exist critical temperatures Tc beyond which
the MKB concurrences of the system become zero, like in the two-qubit case (see Fig. 4).
The existence of Tc’s is guaranteed by the fact that a state becomes separable when it is
sufficiently close to 1
I [28].
FIG. 4: The points where the MKB concurrence C(4) equals zero are plotted for two different values
of γ. The region above each curve is the region where C(4) = 0.
On the other hand, it can also be seen from Fig. 4 that it is always possible to have
non-zero entanglement in the system by applying a sufficiently large magnetic field to it.
In particular, even when T > Tc, one could reintroduce entanglement into the system by
increasing η. This is always possible for finite temperatures as long as γ 6= 0. Hence, the
thermal entanglement associated with the four-qubit Heisenberg XY model exhibits the
same characteristic robustness as in the two-qubit case. We note that, in contrast to the
two-qubit case (see Fig. 3 in Ref.[15]), each of our graphs in Fig. 4 has two “singular
turning points”. This is due to the fact that there are two transition η’s instead of one in
the two-qubit model.
In order to understand this robustness, we draw inspiration from the two-qubit case. We
observe that for any finite temperature T , the statistical weight w15 when η is large enough,
is given by
w15 =
exp βω+J =
where ξ ≡ 1 + e−2βω+J + 4e−βω+J + 4e−βω+J cosh βηJ + 2e−βω+J cosh β[(α+ + α−)γ + 2]J +
+J cosh β[(α+ + α−)γ − 2]J + 2e−βω+J cosh βω−J . It can be shown that the large η
behavior of w15 is independent of γ. Furthermore, by increasing η appropriately, ξ can be
made to be as close as possible to unity. This results in |Φ15〉 being the only state that
significantly contributes to the thermal state χ4. In the light of Eq.(11), we may conclude
C(4)[χ4] ≈ C(4)[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|]. (49)
That this is indeed the case has been established numerically (see Table I). Since the MKB
concurrence C(4) can be determined exactly, it is calculated for states χ4 and |Φ15〉 under
different combinations of η and T (some results are shown in Table I). The two values for
each combination of η and T are then compared. For a given temperature, the two values,
C(4)[χ4] and C(4)[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|], agree when large enough magnetic field is applied.
Hence, for γ 6= 0, the revival and robustness of entanglement in the Heiseberg four-qubit
model can be understood, as in the two-qubit case, in terms of the large η behaviors of both
the MKB concurrence C(4)[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|] (Eq.(15)) and the statistical weight w15 (Eq.(48)). We
may conclude, when w15 ≈ 1, that the entanglement associated with χ4 is of the genuine four-
partite kind [20, 21]. The total entanglement as measured by C4 thus also undergoes revival
since genuine four-partite entanglement is only one kind of the entanglement measured by
C4. In contrast, for γ = 0 and large η, the ground state is the product state |1111〉. This is an
important distinction between the four-qubit XX model and the XY model. Consequently,
T η =0 η =100 η =1000
χ4 |Φ15〉〈Φ15| χ4 |Φ15〉〈Φ15| χ4 |Φ15〉〈Φ15|
1 0 1 0.0000180069 0.0000180069 1.79177×10−7 1.79177×10−7
5 0 1 0.0000180068 0.0000180069 1.79177×10−7 1.79177×10−7
10 0 1 0.0000174316 0.0000180069 1.79177×10−7 1.79177×10−7
50 0 1 0 0.0000180069 1.79175×10−7 1.79177×10−7
100 0 1 0 0.0000180069 1.07513×10−7 1.79177×10−7
TABLE I: A comparison between C(4)[χ4] and C(4)[|Φ15〉〈Φ15|] for some combinations of η and T .
no revival of entanglement is observed for the case of four-qubit isotropic Heisenberg XX
We may apply the above analysis employing C(n) to study Heisenberg XY chains with
even number n of qubits. Firstly, we determine if the ground state |Φg〉 remains genuinely
multipartite entangled at large η. Secondly, we determine if the ground state statistical
weight wg can be made very close to 1 at large η. Through Eq.(11), these two properties
together imply that for any finite temperature, nonzero genuine multipartite entanglement
can always be obtained by applying a large enough magnetic field. We show that the six-
qubit Heisenberg XY chain has both properties in the next section.
In this section, we show that the six-qubit Heisenberg XY chain (with γ 6= 0) does
indeed possess the characteristic properties, which enable the model to have non-zero thermal
entanglement at any given finite temperature when subject to an external magnetic field of
appropriate strength. To this end, we determine the eigenstate |Φg〉 of H6 whose eigenvalue
Eg = −λJ is the minimum when η is large. Here,
3(2 + 2γ2 + η2) + 2κ+ 2
(4γ2 + η2)((3 + γ2 + η2) + κ) (50)
with κ ≡
γ4 + (−3 + η2)2 + 2γ2(3 + η2). And,
|Φg〉 = N(|000000〉Θ1 + |000011〉Θ2 + |000101〉Θ3 + |000110〉Θ4 + |001001〉Θ4 + |001010〉Θ3
+|001100〉Θ2 + |001111〉Θ5 + |010001〉Θ3 + |010010〉Θ4 + |010100〉Θ3 + |010111〉Θ6
+|011000〉Θ2 + |011011〉Θ7 + |011101〉Θ6 + |011110〉Θ5 + |100001〉Θ2 + |100010〉Θ3
+|100100〉Θ4 + |100111〉Θ5 + |101000〉Θ3 + |101011〉Θ6 + |101101〉Θ7 + |101110〉Θ6
+|110000〉Θ2 + |110011〉Θ5 + |110101〉Θ6 + |110110〉Θ7 + |111001〉Θ5 + |111010〉Θ6
+|111100〉Θ5 + |111111〉Θ8) (51)
{24J2 − (λ− 3Jη)(λ− Jη)}Θ8 + 2J2(λ− Jη)ζ + 8J2τ
2Jγ(λ+ 3Jη)
Θ2 = −
(λ + 3Jη)Θ1
Θ3 = −
(λ + 3Jη)Θ8 + (λ− Jη)τ + 2J2ζ
3(2− γ2)Θ8 + (λ− Jη)ζ + 2τ
Θ5 = −
(λ− 3Jη)Θ8
3Θ8 + τ
Θ7 = −
(λ− 3Jη)Θ8 − 2J2ζ
Θ8 = λ
4 − 2J2λ2(2 + 2γ2 + η2) + J4{η2(η2 − 12) + 4γ2(η2 + 4)},
Θ21 +Θ
8 + 3(2Θ
2 + 2Θ
4 + 2Θ
5 + 2Θ
, (52)
τ = −8Jλη{λ2 − J2(6− 2γ2 + η2)}, (53)
ζ = 4λ{λ2(γ2 − 1)− J2(4γ4 − 9η2 − 4γ2 + γ2η2)}. (54)
The MKB concurrence C(6) is calculated for this state, giving
C(6)[|Φg〉〈Φg|] = 2N2|Θ1Θ8 + 6Θ2Θ5 + 6Θ3Θ6 + 3Θ4Θ7|. (55)
In the limit of large η,
C(6)[|Φg〉〈Φg|] ≈ 2γ3η−3. (56)
It can again be shown that |Φg〉 is a genuine six-partite entangled state [20, 21]. In addition,
the statistical weight wg of the ground state |Φg〉 can be shown numerically to be close
to unity when an appropriately large magnetic field is applied. The ground state |Φg〉
therefore possesses the two desired properties for the system to have non-zero genuine six-
partite entanglement at any finite temperature, provided an appropriate magnetic field is
applied. We conjecture that the robustness of genuine multipartite entanglement is a general
property of Heisenberg XY chain with even number of particles. This conjecture can be
experimentally tested, as will be discussed in the next section.
In this study, we have investigated in detail the origin of the robustness of genuine mul-
tipartite entanglement in two-, four-, and six-qubit Heisenberg XY models. Two important
properties possessed by the ground states |Φg〉 of these models, which enable them to ex-
hibit the characteristic robustness, were identified. The first property, namely the statistical
weight wg associated with |Φg〉 can be made very close to unity by applying a large enough
magnetic field, allows us to use Eq.(11) and conclude that the MKB concurrence of the
thermal state χ equals that of the ground state. It follows that we could obtain fairly ac-
curately the MKB concurrence of χ (a mixed state) by calculating the MKB concurrence
of |Φg〉 (a pure state) in this case. The second property being that |Φg〉 remains genuinely
multipartite entangled under such a magentic field, then guarantees that there is non-zero
genuine multipartite entanglement for any finite temperature as long as sufficiently large
magnetic field is applied. These properties allow us to extend our study to XY chains with
any even number of qubits. Heisenberg XY chains with odd number of qubits were not
considered in this study because C(n) = 0 for odd n. However, one could similarly study the
robustness of other kinds of entanglement employing the other MKB concurrences.
In fact, the applicability of our analysis is not only restricted to the Heisenberg XY
chains. As long as the ground state of a system can be made to dominate the thermal state
at any finite temperature by adjusting some parameters of the system Hamiltonian, Eq.(11)
tells us that the MKB concurrence of the thermal state is given by that of the ground state.
So, if in addition, the ground state remains multipartite entangled under these conditions,
similar robustness of multipartite entanglement is expected to be observed. Therefore, our
analysis can be used to identify possible candidates for realization of quantum computation
at finite temperatures.
The MKB concurrences C(n) and Cn can be directly measured for pure states, if two
copies of the states are available [25, 26]. This is obviously due to the fact that the MKB
concurrences are defined in terms of expectation values of Hermitean operators. Indeed,
this has lead to the direct measurement of Wootters concurrence, previously thought to be
not directly measurable, for pure states in laboratory [25]. Since we are interested in the
region where the ground state |Φg〉 is the only state that contributes significantly to the
thermal state χ, the state χ is “almost pure” and therefore it is possible to measure the
MKB concurrences of χ with a high degree of success. The results obtained here can thus
be experimentally verified.
In conclusion, we have established a rather general method of identifying systems that
exhibit robustness of multipartite entanglement at finite temperatures. Our analysis rest on
the mathematical property of the MKB concurrences, namely Eq.(11). The MKB concur-
rences can be directly measured and therefore experiments can be carried out to verify the
results of any analysis.
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The MKB Concurrences
Two-qubit Heisenberg XY Model
Four-qubit Heisenberg XY model
Zero Temperature
Non-zero Temperatures
Six-qubit Heisenberg XY model and beyond
0704.1369 | Double Helicity Asymmetry of Inclusive pi0 Production in Polarized pp
Collisions at sqrt(s)=62.4GeV | Double Helicity Asymmetry of Inclusive π0
Production in Polarized pp Collisions at√
s = 62.4 GeV
K. Aoki for the PHENIX Collaboration
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 606-8502
Abstract. The proton spin structure is not understood yet and there has remained large uncertainty
on ∆g, the gluon spin contribution to the proton. Double helicity asymmetry (ALL) of π0 production
in polarized pp collisions is used to constrain ∆g. In this report, preliminary results of ALL of π0
in pp collisions at
s = 62.4 GeV measured by PHENIX experiment in 2006 is presented. It can
probe higer x region than the previously reported π0ALL at
s = 200 GeV thanks to the lower center
of mass energy.
Keywords: Spin, Proton spin structure
PACS: 14.20.Dh, 13.85.Ni
The so-called “proton spin crisis,” initiated by the results from the polarized deep
inelastic scattering experiments, has triggered wide effort towards the understanding
of proton spin. Despite the wide efforts, there has remained large uncertainty on ∆g,
the gluon spin contribution to the proton. RHIC, the world’s first polarized proton-
proton collider, provides us an opportunity to directly probe gluons in the proton.
Double helicity asymmetry (ALL) of inclusive π0 production in polarized pp collisions
is sensitive to ∆g because π0 production is dominated by gluon-gluon and quark-gluon
interactions in the measured pT range. PHENIX has previously reported π0ALL in pp
collisions at
s = 200 GeV [1] which is based on the data taken in 2005 (Run5) and
it indicates that ∆g is not large.[2] But a large uncertainty remains for large Bjorken
x (> 0.1) and more statistics are needed. During the run in 2006 (Run6), one-week data
taking was performed at
s = 62.4 GeV. Spin rotator commissioning was successful
and we had longitudinally polarized collisions. [3] Even in this short data taking with a
small integrated luminosity of 60 nb−1 and the average polarization of 48%, the data has
a big advantage to cover the larger x region thanks to the lower center of mass energy.
According to a pertubative QCD (pQCD) calculation, collisions at
s = 62.4 GeV has
∼ 300 times larger cross-section than that at
s = 200 GeV at fixed xT = 2pT/
s. It
corresponds to 10 times larger statistics than the previously reported π0ALL which is
based on the integrated luminosity of 1.8 pb−1 with average polarization of 47%.
ALL is defined as
where σ++(+−) is the production cross-section in like (unlike) helicity collisions. Ex-
perimentally, ALL is calculated as
|PB||PY |
, R =
where PB(Y ) denotes the beam polarization, N
++(+−) is the π0 yield and L++(+−) is the
luminosity in like (unlike) helicity collisions. R is the relative luminosity.
The stable polarization direction of RHIC beam is transverse. Then it is rotated to get
longitudinally polarized collisions just before the PHENIX interaction point. PHENIX
local polarimeter[3] confirms that the beam is longitudinal by measuring AN of forward
PHENIX has Beam-Beam Counter (BBC) which covers 3.0 < |η| < 3.9 and Zero
Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) which covers very forward angle (±2mrad).[4] These two
detectors serve as independent luminosity measure. We used BBC counts to measure
relative luminosity R in equation (2) and its uncertainty is estimated by comparing to
ZDC counts. It is found to be δR = 1.3×10−3. This corresponds to δALL = 2.8×10−3
which is less than the statistical uncertainty.
PHENIX has the ability to clearly identify π0 through its gamma decay by using
an Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (EMCal) which covers the central rapidity region
(|η| < 0.35) and half in azimuth angle. [4] PHENIX also has an excellent gamma
triggering capability (the threshold is 0.8 GeV or 1.4 GeV) which makes high-statistics
π0 measurement feasible.[5] EMCal based trigger without coincidence with BBC is used
because the collision trigger efficiency based on BBC is low at
s = 62.4 GeV.
The systematic uncertainty is evaluated by the bunch shuffling technique,[6] and it is
found to be negligible.
π0ALL (Aπ
LL) is calculated by subtracting A
LL from A
LL . A
LL is the asymmetry
for the diphoton invariant-mass range of 112 MeV/c2-162 MeV/c2 (under the π0 peak).
ABGLL is the asymmetry for the range of 177 MeV/c
2-217 MeV/c2 (higher side band).
Figure 1 shows the diphoton invariant mass spectra. The lower mass peak corresponds
to background from hadrons and cosmic particles, which induce EMCal clusters with
more complicated structure, each of them are then splitted on several ones. This peak
roughly corresponds to two EMCal cell separation between two clusters, which moves
to higher mass with increasing cluster pair pT . Since we used EMCal based trigger
without coincidence with collision trigger at
s = 62.4 GeV, the cosmic background is
prominent unlike in data at
s = 200 GeV. The contribution of such background under
π0 peak is negligible in the measured pT range. Since it does affect the lower side band,
the Aπ
LL estimation was done based only on the higher side band. The subtraction is
FIGURE 1. Diphoton invariant mass spectra.
done by using the following formula.
where r is the background fraction.
Figure 2 shows the Run 6 results of π0ALL as a function of pT . ALL is consistent with
zero over the measured pT region. Detailed offline analysis on beam polarization is not
provided yet by the RHIC polarimeter group. Thus online values are used and systematic
uncertainty of 20% is assigned for a single beam polarization measurement. It introduces
scaling uncertainty of 40% on ALL. Theory curves based on pQCD using four proton
spin models are also shown.[7] The theory is based on pQCD; thus it is important to test
pQCD applicability at
s = 62.4 GeV. To test pQCD applicability, analysis on π0 cross-
section is on-going. With our cross section result, we will be able to discuss our ALL
result further by comparing with pQCD calculations. Figure 3 shows the Run 6 results
of π0ALL as a function of xT together with Run 5 results. A clear statistical improvement
can be seen in the large xT region.
During the RHIC run in 2006, π0ALL at
s= 62.4 GeV was measured with the PHENIX
detector. Preliminary results of π0ALL at
s = 62.4 GeV with integrated luminosity of
60 nb−1 and the average polarization of 48% are presented. There is a clear statistical
improvement in the large xT regin compared to the Run5 preliminary results at
200 GeV with integrated luminosity of 1.8pb−1 and the average polarization of 47%.
To extract the gluon spin contribution to the proton, it is important to test pQCD
applicability at
s = 62.4 GeV. Analysis on cross-section is on-going to test pQCD
at this energy. With our cross section result, we will be able to discuss our ALL result
further by comparing with pQCD calculations.
FIGURE 2. π0ALL as a function of pT . The error bar denotes statistical uncertainty. Gray band denotes
systematic error from relative luminosity.
FIGURE 3. π0ALL as a function of xT .
1. K. Boyle, AIP Conf. Proc. 842, 351–353 (2006), nucl-ex/0606008.
2. M. Hirai, S. Kumano, and N. Saito, Phys. Rev. D74, 014015 (2006), hep-ph/0603213.
3. M. Togawa, et al., RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. to be published 40 (2007).
4. K. Adcox, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A499, 469–479 (2003).
5. K. Okada, et al., RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 36, 248 (2003).
6. S. S. Adler, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 202002 (2004), hep-ex/0404027.
7. B. Jager, A. Schafer, M. Stratmann, and W. Vogelsang, Phys. Rev. D67, 054005 (2003),
ALL calculation
0704.1370 | Time dependence of joint entropy of oscillating quantum systems | Time dependence of joint entropy of oscillating quantum systems
Özgür ÖZCAN,1, ∗ Ethem AKTÜRK,2, † and Ramazan SEVER3, ‡
1Department of Physics Education, Hacettepe University, 06800, Ankara,Turkey
2Department of Physics, Hacettepe University, 06800, Ankara,Turkey
3Department of Physics, Middle East Technical University, 06531, Ankara,Turkey
The time dependent entropy (or Leipnik’s entropy) of harmonic and damped harmonic oscillators
is extensively investigated by using time dependent wave function obtained by the Feynman path
integral method. Our results for simple harmonic oscillator are in agrement with the literature.
However, the joint entropy of damped harmonic oscillator shows remarkable discontinuity with time
for certain values of damping factor. According to the results, the envelop of the joint entropy
curve increases with time monotonically. This results is the general properties of the envelop of
the joint entropy curve for quantum systems.
Keywords: Path integral, joint entropy, simple harmonic oscillator, damped harmonic oscillator,
negative joint entropy
PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 05.30.-d, 31.15.Kb, 03.65.Ta
∗E-mail: [email protected]
†E-mail: [email protected]
‡E-mail: [email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
The investigation of time dependent entropy of the quantum mechanical systems attracts
much attention in recent years. For both open and closed quantum systems, the different
information-theoretic entropy measures have been discussed [2, 3, 4]. In contrast, the
joint entropy [5, 6] can also be used to measure the loss of information, related to evolving
pure quantum states [7]. The joint entropy of the physical systems which are named MACS
(maximal classical states) were conjectured by Dunkel and Trigger [8]. According to Ref. [8],
the joint entropy of the quantum mechanical systems increase monotonically with time but
this results are not sufficient for simple harmonic oscillator [9].
The aim of this study is to calculate the complete joint entropy information analytically
for simple harmonic and damped harmonic oscillator systems.
This paper is organized as follows. In section II, we explain fundamental definitions
needed for the calculations. In section III, we deal with calculation and results for harmonic
oscillator systems. Moreover, we obtain the analytical solution of Kernel, wave function in
both coordinate and momentum space and its joint entropy. We also obtain same quantities
for damped harmonic oscillator case. Finally, we present the conclusion in section IV.
We deal with a classical system with d = sN degrees of freedom, where N is the particle
number and s is number of spatial dimensions [8]. We assume that the density function
g(x, p, t) = g(x1, ..., xd, p1, ..., pd, t) which is the non-negative time dependent phase space
density function of the system has been normalized to unity,
dxdpg(x, p, t) = 1. (1)
The Gibbs-Shannon entropy is described by
S(t) = − 1
dxdpg(x, p, t)ln(hdg(x, p, t)), (2)
where h = 2πh̄ is the Planck constant. Schrödinger wave equation with the Born interpre-
tation [10] is given by
= Ĥψ. (3)
The quantum probability densities are defined in position and momentum spaces as |ψ(x, t)|2
and |ψ̃(p, t)|2, where |ψ̃(p, t)|2 is given as
ψ̃(p, t) =
ψ(x, t). (4)
Leipnik proposed the product function as [8]
gj(x, p, t) = |ψ(x, t)|2|ψ̃(p, t)|2 ≥ 0. (5)
Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (2), we get the joint entropy Sj(t) for the pure state ψ(x, t)
or equivalently it can be written in the following form [8]
Sj(t) = −
dx|ψ(x, t)|2 ln |ψ(x, t)|2 −
dp|ψ̃(p, t)|2 ln |ψ̃(p, t)|2 −
− ln hd. (6)
We find time dependent wave function by means of the Feynman path integral which has
form [11]
K(x′′, t′′; x′, t′) =
∫ x′′=x(t′′)
∫ x′′
L[x,ẋ,t]dt. (7)
The Feynman kernel can be related to the time dependent Schrödinger’s wave function
K(x′′, t′′; x′, t′) =
′, t′)ψn(x
′′, t′′). (8)
The propagator in semiclassical approximation reads
K(x′′, t′′; x′, t′) =
′′, t′′; x′, t′)
′′,t′′;x′,t′). (9)
The prefactor is often referred to as the Van Vleck-Pauli-Morette determinant [12, 13]. The
F (x′′, t′′; x′, t′) is given by
F (x′′, t′′; x′, t′) =
′′, t′′; x′, t′)
. (10)
A. Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO)
To get the path integral solution for the SHO, we must calculate its action function. The
Lagrangian of the system is given by
L(x, ẋ, t) =
(ẋ2 − 1
ω2x2) (11)
Following a straightforward calculation, it is given by:
′′), xcl(t
′)) =
2 sinωt
[(x′′2cl + x
cl) cosωt− 2x′clx′′cl] (12)
with t = t′′ − t′ and x′cl = x0, x′′cl = x. Substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (7), we obtain the
Feynman kernel [11]:
K(x, x0; t) = (
2πh̄i sinωt
2 exp{−mω
[(x2 + x0
2) cotωt− 2x0x
]}. (13)
By the use of the Mehler-formula
)2Hn(x)Hn(y) =
1− z2
4xyz − (x2 + y2)(1 + z2)
2(1− z2)
] (14)
where Hn is Hermite polynomials, we can write the Feynman kernel defining x ≡
mω/h̄x and z = e−iωT
K(x, x0; t) =
e−itEn/h̄Ψ∗(x0)Ψ(x) (15)
with energy-spectrum and wave-functions:
En = h̄ω(n+
), (16)
Ψn(x) = (
x) exp(−
x2). (17)
Time dependent wave function of the SHO is defined as
Ψ(x, t) =
K(x, x0; t)Ψ(x0, 0)dx0. (18)
It can be written as
Ψ(x, t) =
− iωt
e−2iωt + αᾱe−iωt
where x̄ or ᾱ is mean of the Gaussian curve. The probability density has
|Ψ(x, t)|2 =
− (α− ᾱ cosωt)2
where α =
x. Thus it can be written as
|Ψ(x, t)|2 =
(x− x̄ cosωt)2
This has been shown in Fig.1. In momentum space, the probability density has the form
|ψ̃(p, t)|2 =
[ −p2
cos 2ω(t)− 1
− 2px̄
. (22)
The joint entropy of harmonic oscillator becomes
Sj(t) = ln
x̄2 sin2 ω(t). (23)
In Fig.2, the joint entropy of this system was plotted by using Mathematica in three dimen-
sion. As known from fundamental quantum mechanics and classical dynamics, displacement
of simple harmonic oscillator from equilibrium depends on harmonic functions (e.g sine or
cosine function). Therefore, other properties of the SHO systems indicate the same har-
monic behavior. If the frequency of the SHO is sufficiently small, the system shows the
same behavior as the free particle[8]. As seen from Fig.3 and Fig.4, envelop of the sinusoidal
curve is also monotonically increase with omega and constant with time at constant omega,
respectively. When the frequency increases, the joint entropy of this system indicates a fluc-
tuation with increasing amplitude with time. If t goes to zero, it is important that Eq.(20)
is in agreement with following general inequality for the joint entropy:
Sj(t) ≥ ln(
) (24)
originally derived by Leipnik for arbitrary one-dimensional one-particle wave functions.
B. Damped Harmonic Oscillator (DHO)
The DHO is very important physical system in all physical systems defining an interaction
with its environment. The Lagrangian of the DHO is given by
L(x, ẋ, t) = eγt
ẋ2 − m
ω2x2 + j(t)x)
. (25)
Damped free particle kernel is
K(x, t; x0, 0) =
( γmeγt/2
4πih̄ sinh 1
( iγmeγt/2
4h̄ sinh 1
(x− x0)2
. (26)
The DHO kernel has the form [14]
K(x, t; x0, 0) =
( mωeγt/2
2πih̄ sinhωt
Scl(x, x0, t)
, (27)
or explicitly
K(x, t; x0, 0) =
( mωeγt/2
2πih̄ sinωt
(ax2 + 2bx20 + 2xx0c+ 2xd+ 2x0e− f)
. (28)
Where the coefficients a, b, c, d, f are [14]
a = (−γ
+ ω cotωt)eγt, (29)
b = (
+ ω cotωt), (30)
c = (−
eγt), (31)
m sinωt
′/2 sinωt′dt′, (32)
m sinωt
′/2 sinω(t− t′)dt′, (33)
′/2) sinω(t− t′) sinωsdsdt′. (34)
The wave function ψn(x, 0) and energy eigenvalues become
ψn(x, 0) = N0Hn(α0x) exp
h̄ω0 (36)
where Hn(x) is the Hermite polynomial of order n and the coefficients are
α0 = (
)1/2, N0 =
. (37)
The time dependent wave function is obtained as [14]
ψn(x, t) =
dx0K(x, t; x0, 0)ψ(x, 0)
+ cotωt+ f
exp[−(Ax2 +
+ 2Bx)]Hn[D(x− E)]. (38)
To simplify the evaluation, we set j(t) = 0. Such that kernel and wave function of the DHO
[15] become
K(x, t; x0, 0) =
( mωeγt/2
2πih̄ sinωt
γ(x20 − eγtx2) +
× [(x20 + x2eγt) cosωt− 2eγt/2xx0]
where ω = (ω20 − γ2/4)1/2 and
ψn(x, t) =
+ cotωt
Hn[Dx] exp[−Ax2]. (40)
Where D, A and N are
D(t) =
η(t) sinωt
, (41)
η2(t) =
cosωt+ csc2 ωt, (42)
A(t) =
η2(t) sin2 ωt
− cotωt+ γ/2ω + cotωt
η2 sin2 ωt
, (43)
N(t) =
)1/4 exp(γt
. (44)
The ground state wave function is given by
ψ0(x, t) = N(t) exp
+ cotωt
exp[−A(t)x2]. (45)
So the probability distribution in coordinate space becomes
|ψ0(x, t)|2 = N(t)2 exp[−2A′(t)x2] (46)
where A′ is defined by
A′(t) =
η2(t) sin2 ωt
. (47)
The probability density in coordinate space is shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6 for the different
values of γ. The probability density in momentum space can be written easily
|ψ0(p, t)|2 =
. (48)
The time dependent joint entropy can be obtained from Eq. (2) as
Sj(t) = N(t)
(lnN(t)2 −
− ln 2π.(49)
The joint entropy depends on damping factor γ. When γ → 0, all the above results
are converged to simple harmonic oscillator. However, when the γ 6= 0, the joint entropy
has remarkably different features of the SHO. As can be seen in Fig.7 and Fig.8, the joint
entropy of the DHO has very interesting properties. One of the most important properties
of the joint entropy is the probability of taking values for small γ values. As we know
from literature the joint entropy must be positive and monotonically increase.However, this
system has different properties from literature because of periodically discontinuity of the
joint entropy. On the other hand, envelop of this curve is also monotonically increase with
time for large γ. As can be shown these results, the envelop of the joint entropy curves
has general properties as monotonically increase for quantum systems. Thus, we have found
that the joint entropy is depend on properties of investigated system.
We have investigated the joint entropy for explicit time dependent solution of one-
dimensional harmonic oscillators. We have obtained the time dependent wave function by
means of Feynmann Path integral technique. Our results show that in the simple harmonic
oscillator case, the joint entropy fluctuated with time and frequency. This result indicates
that the information periodically transfer between harmonic oscillators.
On the other hand, in the DHO case, the joint entropy shows a remarkable smooth
discontinuities with time. It also depends on choice of initial values of parameter i.e. ω.
These results can be explained as the information exchange between harmonic oscillator
and system which is supplied damping. But the information exchange appears in certain
values of time for damping. If the damping factor increases, the information entropy has
not periodicity anymore. Moreover, for certain values of the damping factor, the transfer of
information between systems is exhausted.
This research was partially supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Coun-
cil of Turkey.
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FIG. 1: |Ψ(x, t)|2 versus time and coordinate
0 0.05
0.1 0.15
S jHtL
FIG. 2: The 3D graph of joint entropy of simple harmonic oscillator.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FIG. 3: The joint entropy of simple harmonic oscillator versus ω .
0 5 10 15 20
FIG. 4: The joint entropy of simple harmonic oscillator versus time.
FIG. 5: The probability function as a function of time and coordinate at γ = 0.1.
FIG. 6: The probability function as a function of time and coordinate at γ = 0.5.
FIG. 7: The 3D graph of the joint entropy of damped harmonic oscillator for damping factor(γ)
at ω0 = 2.
FIG. 8: The 3D graph of the joint entropy of damped harmonic oscillator for damping factor(γ)
at ω0 = 1.
Fundamental Definitions
Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO)
Damped Harmonic Oscillator (DHO)
0704.1371 | Tight bound on coherent states quantum key distribution with heterodyne
detection | info.eps
Tight bound on coherent states quantum key distribution with heterodyne detection
Jérôme Lodewyck1, 2 and Philippe Grangier2
Thales Research and Technologies, RD 128, 91767 Palaiseau Cedex, France
Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique, CNRS UMR 8501,
Campus Universitaire, bâtiment 503, 91403 Orsay Cedex, France
We propose a new upper bound for the eavesdropper’s information in the direct and reverse
reconciliated coherent states quantum key distribution protocols with heterodyne detection. This
bound is derived by maximizing the leaked information over the symplectic group of transformations
that spans every physical Gaussian attack on individual pulses. We exhibit four different attacks
that reach this bound, which shows that this bound is tight. Finally, we compare the secret key
rate obtained with this new bound to the homodyne rate.
Continuous variable quantum key distribution
(CVQKD) is an alternative to single photon “discrete”
QKD that encodes key information in variables with
a continuum of degrees of freedom. Such variables
include the quadratures X and P of a mode of the
electromagnetic field. A CVQKD protocol using these
quadratures has been introduced in [1]. It consists in
sending a train of pulsed coherent states modulated in
X and P with a Gaussian distribution (Alice’s module),
and in quadrature measurements with an homodyne
detection upon reception (Bob’s module). Then, Bob’s
continuous data are used as the basis for constructing
a secret binary encryption key, in a classical informa-
tion process called “reverse reconciliation” (RR). The
security of the RRCVQKD homodyne protocol has first
been proven against individual Gaussian attacks [1], and
later extended to individual or finite-size non-Gaussian
attacks [2]. More recently, new security proofs covering
collective, Gaussian and non-Gaussian attacks [3, 4]
have appeared.
In the homodyne protocol [1], Bob randomly chooses
to measure either X or P , and then announces his choice.
Another possible approach, proposed in [5] by Weed-
brook and co-workers, is that Bob measures both X and
P quadratures of each incoming coherent state, by sepa-
rating them on a 50-50 beam-splitter TB. This detection,
called “heterodyne” is represented in Fig. 1. Notably, in
this protocol, Bob does not need to randomly switch his
measurement basis.
FIG. 1: Heterodyne protocol. Bob measure both quadratures
X and P of the incoming mode B′. A generic eavesdropping
strategy involves a transformation S on Alice’s mode and two
vacuum ancillary modes.
In [5], the authors proposed a bound on the informa-
tion acquired by the eavesdropper (Eve) in the hetero-
dyne protocol, under the hypothesis of individual Gaus-
sian attacks. They also considered a possible attack
based on feed-forward (see below for details), that they
however found to be suboptimal with respect to their
proposed bound. Therefore, a gap remained between the
apparently most stringent bound and the best known at-
tack, which is surprising in the simple scenario of individ-
ual Gaussian attacks. Later on, in [6], the same authors
conjectured that their proposed attack is indeed optimal,
and so that tighter bounds should apply to Eve’s infor-
mation. However, no such tighter bound was proposed
so far.
In this article, we propose a new bound for individual
Gaussian attacks on the CVQKD heterodyne protocols,
tighter than the bound of [5]. In addition, we explic-
itly present a series of attacks which are optimal with
respect to this bound, closing the gap between the best
known attacks and the tightest known bound. The ar-
ticle is organized as follows: after introducing notations
in section II, the new bounds are derived in section III.
In section IV, we extend the technique used to estab-
lish these bounds to obtain new results about the homo-
dyne protocols. Specifically, we will show that any ho-
modyne attack using quantum memory is optimal, and
that in some cases this optimality can be reached without
quantum memory. Section V is devoted to another tech-
nique, based on symplectic invariants, which allows us
to derive again the new heterodyne bounds from another
point of view. Then section VI describes four optimal
attacks with respect to the new heterodyne bound, and
section VII concludes our study by discussing practical
advantages of the heterodyne protocol.
In the case of Gaussian attacks, the channel linking
Alice to Bob is fully characterized by its transmission in
intensity T (possibly greater than 1 for amplifying chan-
nels), and its excess noise ǫ above the shot noise level [7],
such that the total noise measured by Bob is (1+T ǫ)N0,
where N0 is the shot noise variance appearing in the
Heisenberg relation 〈X2〉〈P 2〉 ≥ N20 . Alternatively we
will make use of the total added noise referred to the in-
put χ defined by χ = 1/T+ǫ−1. These parameters might
depend on the quadrature considered, in which case we
will add a subscript indicating this quadrature (e.g. χP ).
The quantum channel is considered to be probed
by Eve with the help of ancillary modes. To index
these modes, we will note XM and PM the quadra-
tures of mode M , and write down the 2n quadra-
tures of n modes M1, . . . ,Mn by the vector Q =
(XM1 , . . . , XMn , PM1 , . . . , PMn). The total Gaussian
state of the system is then represented by its covariance
matrix γ of components γi,j = 〈QiQj〉.
In the heterodyne protocol, we note B the modes mea-
sured by Bob, and B′ the incoming beam, on which we
will base our demonstrations. This mode is coupled with
two ancillas on which Eve respectively measures X and
P (Fig. 1). In [5], the authors bounded the conditional
variance VXB′ |XE1 and VPB′ |PE2 of the mode B
′ knowing
Eve’s measurement results by
V minB′|E =
T (1 + χV )
N0, (1)
where (V − 1)N0 is Alice’s modulation variance. This
is basically the homodyne RR bound derived in [1, 8]
applied to each quadrature X and P .
Assuming that Eve does not control the beam-splitter
TB, this bound then leads to the minimal conditional
variance of mode B knowing Eve’s measurement by
adding the shot noise unit and the intensity decrease in-
troduced by the beam-splitter TB:
VB|E =
VB′|E +N0
. (2)
Then the information acquired by Eve results from VB|E :
IBE = 2×
with VB =
T (V + χ) + 1
where the factor 2 reflects the double quadrature mea-
surement. A similar reasoning on IAB finally gives the
secret rate ∆I = IAB − IBE . This rate is shown to be
greater than the homodyne rate for any channel parame-
ter, giving advantage to the heterodyne detection scheme.
Several explicit attacks against the heterodyne proto-
col have been considered. In [5], the authors propose
an eavesdropping strategy based on heterodyne measure-
ment and feed-forward (Fig. 2-1), which they numeri-
cally show to be suboptimal with respect to bound (1).
In [9], Namiki et al. introduce an eavesdropping strat-
egy against the homodyne RRCVQKD protocol based
on a cloning machine (Fig. 2-2). In this attack, Eve
can measure both X and P quadratures of each coher-
ent state, then requiring no quantum memory. The price
to pay is that this attack is no more optimal with re-
spect to the homodyne bound (1). In fact, the search
for quantum-memory-less homodyne attacks is very sim-
ilar to finding attacks on the heterodyne protocol because
Alice Bob
EPR pair
EPR pair
FIG. 2: Our general results are illustrated by considering four
optimal attacks against the heterodyne protocol. In the feed-
forward attack (1), Eve taps a fraction 1 − TE of the signal
on which she makes an heterodyne measurement. Then she
translates Bob’s quadratures according to her measurement
results modified by a gain gE. In the cloning attack (2), Eve
amplifies the signal sent by Alice with a phase insensitive am-
plifier, and taps the amplified beam. Quantum teleportation
(3) consist in a making the incoming beam interfere with a
part of an EPR pair. X and P are measured in the output
arms of the interferometer. Bob’s quadratures are then trans-
lated according to Eve’s results. Finally, in the entangling
cloner attack (4), Eve tap a fraction 1 − TE of the incoming
signal, while introducing some excess noise with the help of
an EPR pair. The joint measurement of the tapped signal
and the other part of the EPR pair optimally exploits both
tapped signal and EPR noise correlations.
both schemes require that Eve measuresX and P on each
channel symbol. Therefore, the cloning attack is yet an-
other sub-optimal attack against the heterodyne protocol
when considering bound (1). We shall prove in this ar-
ticle that these two attacks are optimal with respect to
the new bounds we derive for the heterodyne protocol, as
well as two other attacks based on EPR entanglement.
To derive the new bounds on heterodyne detection pro-
tocols, we will use the symplectic formalism which de-
scribes all physically possible Gaussian individual trans-
formations on a set of n modes. The real symplectic
group is defined by the set of linear transformations of
the quadrature vectorQ, which 2n×2nmatrix S satisfies
SβST = β, with β =
−In 0
, (3)
where In is the n × n identity matrix. The main idea
of our demonstration is to use a proper parameterization
that spans all symplectic transformations applied to the
modes going through the quantum channel, hence all pos-
sible attacks, and to compute the best information Eve
can obtain when these parameters vary.
The real symplectic group is a n(2n + 1) parameters
space for which various parameterizations – or decom-
positions – exist. We choose the Iwasawa decomposi-
tion [10], which uniquely factorizes any 2n× 2n symplec-
tic matrix S as the product of 3 special matrices:
0 D−1
where B + iF is a n × n unitary matrix, D is diagonal
with strictly positive components, A is lower triangular
with all diagonal terms set to 1, and ATC is symmetric.
In our study, we consider 3 modes, depicted in Fig. 1.
The first one, noted B′ is send from Alice to Bob, who
performs an heterodyne measurement upon reception.
Eve makes this mode interact with two ancillary modes
E1 and E2 initially in the vacuum state, and then mea-
sures X on E1, and P on E2. To respect the symmetry
of this problem, we only consider symplectic transforma-
tions S that do not mix X and P quadratures:
. (5)
As B, D and A are invertible, expanding S yields F =
C = 0, and B orthogonal. We recall that the columns
of the orthogonal matrix B, as well as its rows, form an
orthonormal basis. With this form, the Iwasawa decom-
position has a physical meaning in terms of linear optical
components. Namely, any symplectic transformation is
composed of an orthogonal transformation which is it-
self a composition of rotations (i.e. beam-splitters) and
reflections (i.e. π-phase shifts), 1-mode squeezers, and
Finally, we can write the Iwasawa decomposition cor-
responding to our attack model:
1 0 0
a 1 0
b c 1
s1 0 0
0 s2 0
0 0 s3
b1 b2 b3
b4 b5 b6
b7 b8 b9
1 −a δ
0 1 −c
0 0 1
s−11 0 0
0 s−12 0
0 0 s−13
b1 b2 b3
b4 b5 b6
b7 b8 b9
with δ = ac − b. The orthogonal matrix B can be pa-
rameterized by 3 real parameters (Euler angles) plus a
binary parameter (the sign of the determinant). This
leaves 9 real and one discrete symplectic parameters to
characterize the matrix S. By expanding S and using
orthogonality properties of B, we can express channel
parameters as functions of these symplectic parameters:
TX = t
X with tX = S1,1 = s1b1
TP = t
P with tP = S4,4 =
− ab4
2 + S1,3
2 + S4,6
We note that s1 and b1 are equivalent to channel pa-
rameters TX and χX. As we are looking for the best
attack for given channel parameters, we will consider s1
and b1 fixed. Our attacks are then characterized by 7
real and one discrete parameters.
The input covariance matrix γi is diagonal with di-
agonal terms (V, 1, 1, V, 1, 1)N0. The output covariance
matrix is expressed as γ = SγiST. From S and γ, we
obtain Eve’s noises and conditional variances
2 + S2,3
r2 + 1
(rb1 + b4)2
2 + S6,6
1− b21 − b24
= γ1,1 −
r2 + 1
(V χPE2
+ 1)(χXE1
(V + χXE1
= γ4,4 −
r2 + 1
(V χXE1
+ 1)(χPE2
(V + χPE2
where r = as1/s2. All these quantities only depend on
parameters r and b4: our parameter space drops to 2
Then, we will require that the attack leaves channel
parameters symmetric in X and P , i.e. TX = TP ≡ T
and χX = χP ≡ χ. The former relation univocally fixes
δ = s3(b1(s
1 − 1)/s1 + ab4/s2)/b7, and the later fixes r:
b1b4(1 − s21) + σ
(1− b21 − b24)ρ
1− b21
. (9)
where σ = ±1 and ρ = (s21 − 1)(1 − s21(2b21 − 1)). In
terms of channel parameters, ρ = (Tχ)2 − (1− T )2. For
a symmetric channel, the Heisenberg inequality requires
that ρ ≥ 0 [11], therefore r is well defined for any attack
that can be made symmetric. Finally, we are left with
only one parameter, b4, such that b
4 < 1−b21 = χ/(1+χ),
and the sign σ.
For RR, the information Eve acquires is given by
IBE is maximum when (VXB′ |XE1 + 1)(VPB′ |PE2 + 1) is
minimum. For direct reconciliation (DR), for which the
key is distilled from Alice’s data, the information Eve
acquires is given by the Shannon formula:
V + χXE1
1 + χXE1
V + χPE2
1 + χPE2
We find that both mutual informations IAE and IBE
have an extremum at
b4 = σ
1− s21(2b21 − 1)−
1 − 1)
s21 + 1
We check numerically that in the quantum regime de-
fined by ǫ ≤ 2, this extremum is indeed the absolute
maximum. For this value of b4, we compute Eve’s noise
and conditional variance as functions of channel param-
= χPE2
≡ χmin
T (2− ǫ)2
2− 2T + T ǫ+
+1 (11)
VXB′ |XE1 = VPB′ |PE2 ≡ V
B′|E =
V χE + 1
V + χE
N0 (12)
These expressions form the new bounds for direct and
reverse reconciliated heterodyne protocols. As they are
obtained for the same value of b4, any attack that reaches
bound (11) (i.e. optimal for DR) also reaches bound (12)
(i.e. optimal for RR).
In this section, we will show that bound (1) on the
homodyne protocol can also be derived from the Iwa-
sawa symplectic decomposition. In the homodyne pro-
tocol, Eve stores the quantum states of mode E1 and
mode E2 in quantum memories, waiting for Bob’s mea-
surement basis disclosure. After this, Eve can measure
the same quadrature Q = X or P chosen by Bob on
both modes. The information acquired by Eve in the RR
homodyne protocol is deduced from the conditional vari-
ance on Bob’s measurement knowing the quadrature Q
of modes E1 and E2, which can be computed from the
output covariance matrix γ:
VQB′ |QE1 ,QE2 =
, (13)
where γQ is the restriction of γ to the quadrature Q, and
γE is the restriction of γ to the quadrature Q of Eve’s
modes E1 and E2. By expanding the Iwasawa decompo-
sition of the symplectic transformation S decribing the
attack, and by using orthogonality properties of matrix
B, we can express this conditional variance as:
VQB′ |QE1 ,QE2 =
TQ′(V χQ′ + 1)
N0, (14)
where Q′ = P or X is the quadrature not measured by
Bob. This conditional variance coincides with the homo-
dyne bound (1). It is important to note that contrary
to the heterodyne conditional variance which depends
on symplectic parameters r and b4 as shown by equa-
tions (8), the homodyne conditional variance (14) only
depends on channel parameters, but no other symplectic
parameter characterizing the attack
The DR case is treated similarly, by considering the
covariance matrix γAE that gathers the modulation value
chosen by Alice (XA, PA) and modes E1 and E2 owned
by Eve. By expanding the Iwasawa decomposition of S,
we find
VQA|QE1 ,QE2 =
det(γAEQ )
(V − 1)(1 + χQ′)
V χQ′ + 1
N0, (15)
which yields
(V − 1)N0
V + χhom
1 + χhom
with χhom
= 1/χQ′. This expression matches the highest
bound for the information acquired by Eve in the DR
homodyne protocol established in [12]. It depends only
on channel parameters, and not on the other symplectic
Therefore, we have shown any attack against the DR
or RR homodyne protocols
1. that do not mix quadratures X and P
2. that can be performed with two ancillary modes
3. in which all ancillas are initially vacuum states
4. in which Eve measures the same quadrature as Bob
on all of her ancillary modes with the help of quan-
tum memories
is optimal for the channel parameters it can reproduce.
In particular, the entangling cloner attack introduced
in [1] and the assymetric cloning attack studied in [9]
are optimal homodyne attacks ; for channels with no ex-
cess noise (ǫ = 0), the beam-splitting attack is optimal.
Equations (14) and (15) show that the optimality of any
attack that verify conditions 1–4 holds even for attacks
yielding dissymmetric channel parameters (i.e. TX 6= TP
and χX 6= χP ).
In fact, conditions 1–3 do not hamper the generality
of the attacks we consider. Indeed, condition 1. is not
restrictive as one can reduce any symplectic matrix to
the block diagonal form (5) by means of local Gaussian
operations [13]. We will see in section VII that numerical
simulations show that condition 2. is in fact not neces-
sary. Finally, condition 3. is also not restrictive because
one can include the preparation of a non-vacuum initial
state from vacuum states inside the symplectic transfor-
mation describing the attack, eventually by making use
of extra ancillary modes.
The fact that the heterodyne attack scheme breaks
condition 4. is the reason why, in general, the hetero-
dyne bound (12) is higher than the homodyne bound (1),
thus imposing more stringent constraints on Eve’s infor-
mation. However, for some particular values of the chan-
nel parameters, these two bounds coincide. Namely, this
happens when χ =
1− T + T/V 2/T − 1/V for RR.
For DR, bound (11) is equal to its homodyne counterpart
= 1/χ when χ =
1− 1/T with T ≥ 1. For these
channel parameters, an optimal heterodyne attack is also
an optimal homodyne attack, but without the need for
quantum memories, therefore lowering the technological
requirements for the eavesdropper.
We recall that like all the results presented in this pa-
per, the optimality of any homodyne attack is to be un-
derstood in the context of individual Gaussian attacks.
However, since the homodyne bound (1) is proven secure
against the larger class of individual and finite-size Gaus-
sian and non-Gaussian attacks [2], we can say that any
Gaussian individual attack that fulfills conditions 1–4 is
optimal among that extended class of attacks. Security
proofs of the homodyne protocol against collective at-
tacks require the use of the Holevo entropy [3, 4], then
the results presented here do not apply to this general
class of attacks.
It is possible to derive the heterodyne bound (12)
from another technique that does not require the Iwa-
sawa decomposition. This technique is based on the fact
that the output covariance matrix γ issues from some
symplectic transformation S applied to the initial co-
variance matrix γi. Since γi is diagonal with diagonal
terms (V, 1, 1, V, 1, 1)N0, this property simply states that
(V, 1, 1)N0 are the symplectic eigenvalues of the output
covariance matrix γ. In other word, finding the best at-
tack for RR amounts to minimizing the conditional vari-
ance of Bob’s measurement knowing Eve’s measurement
over the set of covariance matrices with symplectic eigen-
values (V, 1, 1)N0. In terms of symplectic transforma-
tions, Heisenberg relations on the three modes we con-
sider require that all symplectic eigenvalues are greater
than N0. Therefore, covariance matrices with eigenval-
ues (V, 1, 1)N0 are covariance matrices that are compat-
ible with Heisenberg relations and an input modulation
of variance V N0.
Since symplectic eigenvalues are usually hard to ex-
press analytically, we will rather use symplectic invari-
ants, which are totally equivalent to symplectic eigenval-
ues. For a three mode state, there exist three symplectic
invariants ∆j,3 with j = 1, 2, 3 defined as the sum of the
determinant of all 2j × 2j sub-matrices of γ which diag-
onal is on the diagonal of γ [14]. Applied to the input
covariance matrix γi, these invariants read
∆1,3 = V
2 + 2 (16)
∆2,3 = 2V
2 + 1 (17)
∆3,3 = V
2 (18)
We will now express the symplectic invariants as func-
tions of the components of the output covariance matrix
γ. For this purpose, we write this matrix as
VB′ cm cn 0 0 0
cm VEm c 0 0 0
cn c VEn 0 0 0
0 0 0 VB′ cn cm
0 0 0 cn VEn c
0 0 0 cm c VEm
N0 (19)
where m stands for “measured” and n for “not mea-
sured”, and VB′ = T (V + χ). This notation assumes
that the attack does not mix quadratures X and P , and
that swapping measurements of modes E1 and E2 would
not change Eve’s information. The later assumption is
backed by results of section III where we found that the
optimal heterodyne attack yields to equal variances for
X and P measurements. From equation (19) we can
compute symplectic invariants as
∆1,3 = 2c
2 + V 2B′ + 4x+ 2y
∆2,3 = c
4 + 2c2V 2B′ + 4c
2x− 4cVB′x+ 4x2 − 2c2y
+2V 2B′y + 4xy + y
2 − 4cz − 2VB′z
∆3,3 = (−2cx+ VB′(c2 − y) + z)2,
where we introduced variables
x = cmcn, y = VEmVEn, z = VEmc
n + VEnc
With these variables, Eve’s conditional variance yields
VB′|E =
VB′ −
VB′ −
z + σ′
z2 − 4yx2
N0, σ
′ = ±1
Since y > 0, we will only consider σ′ = 1 because it
gives more information to Eve. Using the invariance of
symplectic invariants, we univocally fix x and z
2(1− c2 − y) + V 2 − V 2B′
z = VB′y − V − c2(VB′ + c) +
2(1− y) + V 2 − V 2B′
as well as c, as a function of channel parameters
V − VB′
. (20)
Consequently, the heterodyne conditional variance VB′|E
only depends on channel parameters and y. Then, we
notice that y appears in the homodyne conditional vari-
VB′|E1,E2 =
y − c2
N0. (21)
Therefore, the homodyne bound (1) contraints y by
c2 ≤ y ≤ c2 + T (V χ+ 1) (22)
We numerically find that VB′|E is a decreasing function
of y, therefore the highest value for y must be considered
to bound Eve’s information. In fact, using the results
of section IV stating that any attack on the homodyne
protocole is optimal (the covariance matrix (19) fulfills
conditions 1–4), we can say that the only possible value
for y is indeed c2+T (V χ+1). Now, VB′|E only depends
on channel parameters, and we can check that it coincides
with bound (12).
In conclusion, we have shown another technique for de-
riving bound (12). This technique is slightly less general
than the Iwasawa decomposition because it assumes that
the optimal attack respects the symmetry of the prob-
lem. Furthermore, it does not cover the DR protocol.
Yet, it enables to find bound (12) from more fundamen-
tal Heisenberg-like properties.
We shall now exhibit four optimal attacks against the
heterodyne protocol with repect to bounds (11) and (12),
depicted in Fig. 2. The existence of such optimal attacks
show that the bounds we derived are tight: it is not pos-
sible to further reduce the estimation Alice and Bob can
make about Eve’s information. The first optimal attack
we consider is the feed forward attack introduced in [5].
The symplectic matrix associated with this attack is
1 gE 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 −1√
1−TE 0√
0 0 1
and S
is obtained from S
by replacing the first line
in the leftmost matrix by [1, 0,−gE]. Using equations (7)
which link coefficients of the symplectic transformation
matrix to channel parameters T and ǫ, we can see that to
faithfully reproduce these channel parameters, Eve must
g2E = ǫT, TE = 4
ǫ(2− 2T + T ǫ))
(2 + T ǫ)2/T
(2− ǫ)
(2 + T ǫ)
With these parameters, we can check from the compo-
nents of S
injected in equations (8) that this attack
reaches bounds (11) and (12).
Quantum teleportation is represented by the symplec-
tic matrix
1 gE 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
with SEPRX =
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 s−1 0
0 0 s
Here, S
is obtained by using [1, 0, gE] as the first line of
the leftmost matrix, and changing s → 1/s. The second
from left matrix simply swaps the 1st and 3rd modes to
respect our mode order convention. Channel parameters
fix s and gE :
g2E = 2T, s
1− T + T ǫ−
T ǫ(2− 2T + T ǫ)
and noise computation shows that this attack is optimal.
Then, the entangling cloner attack is represented by
the symplectic matrix
SecX =
1 0 0
1−TE 0√
0 0 1
To fake channel parameters, Eve must choose
TE = T and
s4 + 1
Once again, noise and conditional variance computations
from the components of this matrix yield bounds (11)
and (12).
Finally, the cloning attack studied in [9] is also op-
timal. This can be checked by verifying that the con-
ditional variance of equation (44) in [9] coincides with
bound (12). For this attacks, the authors show that in
order to reproduce channel parameters, Eve must choose
TE = T (1− ǫ/2) and G =
1− ǫ/2
For no excess noise (ǫ = 0), all these attacks are equiv-
alent to beam-splitting attacks.
We first discuss the generality of the model shown on
Fig. 1, on which we built our proofs. This model assumes
that Eve’s attack only involves two modes, but one can
imagine that Eve could use and measure more modes,
also carrying some information about Alice and Bob’s
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
β = 0.87
Previous heterodyne
New heterodyne
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
β = 1.0
Previous heterodyne
New heterodyne
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
FIG. 3: Effective information rate for typical experimental
parameters: V = 11, ǫ = 0.02 and a perfect error correction
β = 1 (top) or a constant reconciliation efficiency β = 0.87
(bottom). The new bound on heterodyne protocol provides
more secret information than the homodyne protocol or the
previous heterodyne bound. We can see from the bottom
graph inlet that with these parameters, the new heterodyne
provides secret information for every channel transmission.
However, in practice, the reconciliation efficiency β drops as
the distance rises, then limiting the range of the protocol.
transmission. To tackle this problem, we can imagine
that Eve concentrates all the information her modes bear
into a single mode for each quadratures, by iterative con-
structive interferences between her modes using beam-
splitters. Since local operations using beam-splitters on
Eve’s modes do not alter the conditional variance VB′|E ,
any attack on n modes for each quadrature X and P can
be mapped to an equivalent attack, where Eve only needs
to measure one mode for each quadrature. Therefore, it
seems reasonable to assess that it is useless for Eve to
introduce extra modes that in the end do not provide
any information about Alice and Bob’s data. This tech-
nique is illustrated in [9], where the authors consider the
interference of the two modes owned by Eve in the assy-
metric attack against the homodyne protocol, and show
that this interference enables Eve to measure only one
mode without loosing information.
To back this argument, we performed numerical sim-
ulations that give 2n modes to Eve, with n = 1, 2, 5.
In these simulations, 107 attacks are tested by generat-
ing random symplectic transformations parameterized by
the Iwasawa decomposition. It shows that the two main
results of this paper hold with more that two modes for
Eve, namely that any attack using quantum memories on
the homodyne protocol is optimal, and that the informa-
tion Eve can get on the heterodyne protocol is bounded
by (12).
We complete our study by discussing practical ad-
vantages of the heterodyne scheme over the homodyne
scheme, when considering that a classical error correction
with limited efficiency β has to be applied to experimen-
tal data to obtain a secret key [15]. In this picture, the
practical key rate becomes ∆Ieff = βIAB − IBE , result-
ing in a bit loss of ∆I −∆Ieff = (1− β)IAB . Because for
a given efficiency β the mutual information IAB of the
heterodyne scheme is higher, this protocols suffers from
greater key loss than the homodyne scheme. When con-
sidering bound (1), this loss was rapidly fatal. However,
with the new bound (12), we can see from Fig. 3 that the
heterodyne scheme recovers its advantage.
Still, there are two other practical drawbacks to the
heterodyne protocol. First, for a given distance, the sig-
nal to noise ratio (SNR) of the transmission is lower be-
cause of Bob’s heterodyning beam-splitter. Since the rec-
onciliation efficiency is an increasing function of the SNR,
this effect lowers the final key rate. Because of this, both
heterodyne and homodyne protocols feature an equiva-
lent key rate. For example, for T = 0.25 (corresponding
to 25 km), ǫ ≃ 0, 02 and V ≃ 11N0 [16], the homodyne
scheme achieves β = 0.87 and the heterodyne scheme
β = 0.80, both yielding to a few 0.01 bits per symbol.
Second, Alice and Bob need to reconcile twice as much
data as for the homodyne case. This effect also low-
ers the final key rate when, as experimentally observed,
computing speed limits the experimental repetition rate.
However, on-going work on reconciliation at low SNR
may take advantage of the high effective key rate of the
heterodyne protocol.
In conclusion, we have derived new bounds for individ-
ual attacks on the direct and reverse reconciliated QKD
protocols with heterodyne detection. These new bounds
offer a higher secret key rate than previous bounds. We
have shown that the feed-forward attack, the cloning
attack, the quantum teleportation and the entangling
cloner all achieve these bounds, then closing the gap be-
tween best known bounds and best known attacks. On
the other hand, the behaviour of these new bounds with
respect to non-Gaussian [2] and collective attacks [3, 4]
remains an open question.
We thank Frédéric Grosshans, Raul Garćıa-Patrón and
Nicolas Cerf for fruitfull discussions. We acknowledge
support from the SECOQC European Integrated Project.
J.L. acknowledges support from IFRAF.
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0704.1372 | Gaussian estimates for fundamental solutions of second order parabolic
systems with time-independent coefficients | GAUSSIAN ESTIMATES FOR FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS OF
Abstract. Auscher, McIntosh and Tchamitchian studied the heat kernels
of second order elliptic operators in divergence form with complex bounded
measurable coefficients on Rn. In particular, in the case when n = 2 they
obtained Gaussian upper bound estimates for the heat kernel without imposing
further assumption on the coefficients. We study the fundamental solutions of
the systems of second order parabolic equations in the divergence form with
bounded, measurable, time-independent coefficients, and extend their results
to the systems of parabolic equations.
1. Introduction
In 1967, Aronson [1] proved Gaussian upper and lower bounds for the fundamen-
tal solutions of parabolic equations in divergence form with bounded measurable
coefficients. To establish the Gaussian lower bound Aronson made use of the Har-
nack inequality for nonnegative solutions which was proved by Moser in 1964 (see
[17]). Related to Moser’s parabolic Harnack inequality, we should mention Nash’s
earlier paper [18] where the Hölder continuity of weak solutions to parabolic equa-
tions in divergence form was established. In 1985, Fabes and Stroock [10] showed
that the idea of Nash could be used to establish a Gaussian upper and lower bound
on the fundamental solution. They showed that actually such Gaussian estimates
could be used to prove Moser’s Harnack inequality. We note that Aronson also ob-
tained Gaussian upper bound estimates of the fundamental solution without using
Moser’s Harnack inequality.
In [2], Auscher proposed a new proof of Aronson’s Gaussian upper bound esti-
mates for the fundamental solution of second order parabolic equations with time-
independent coefficients. His method relies crucially on the assumption that the
coefficients are time-independent and thus it does not exactly reproduce Aronson’s
result, which is valid even for the time-dependent coefficients case. However, his
method is interesting in the sense that it carries over to equations with complex
coefficients provided that the complex coefficients are a small perturbation of real
coefficients. Along with this direction, Auscher, McIntosh and Tchamitchian also
showed that the heat kernel of second order elliptic operators in divergence form
with complex bounded measurable coefficients in the two dimensional space has a
Gaussian upper bound (see [3] and also [5]).
We would like to point out that a parabolic equation with complex coefficients
is, in fact, a special case of a system of parabolic equations. From this point of
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35A08, 35B45; Secondary 35K40.
Key words and phrases. Gaussian estimates, a priori estimates, parabolic system.
view, Hofmann and the author showed that the fundamental solution of a parabolic
system has an upper Gaussian bound if the system is a small perturbation of a di-
agonal system, which, in particular, generalized the result of Auscher mentioned
above to the time-dependent coefficients case (see [12]). However, the above men-
tioned result of Auscher, McIntosh and Tchamitchian regarding the heat kernel of
two dimensional elliptic operators with complex coefficients does not follow directly
from our result.
One of the main goals of this article is to provide a proof that weak solutions of
the parabolic system of divergence type with time-independent coefficients associ-
ated to an elliptic system in two dimensions enjoy the parabolic local boundedness
property and to show that its fundamental solution has a Gaussian upper bound.
More generally, we show that if weak solutions of an elliptic system satisfy Hölder
estimates at every scale, then weak solutions of the corresponding parabolic system
with time-independent coefficients also satisfies similar parabolic Hölder estimates
from which, in particular, the parabolic local boundedness property follows easily.
Also, such an argument allows one to derive Hölder continuity estimates for weak
solutions of parabolic equations with time-independent coefficients directly from
De Giorgi’s theorem [7] on elliptic equations, bypassing Moser’s parabolic Harnack
inequality. In fact, this is what Auscher really proved in the setting of complex
coefficients equations by using a functional calculus method (see [2] and also [4],
[5]). Even in those complex coefficients settings, we believe that our approach is
much more straightforward and thus appeals to wider readership.
Finally, we would like to point out that in this article, we are mainly interested
in global estimates and that we do not attempt to treat, for example, the systems
with lower order terms, etc. However, let us also mention that, with some extra
technical details, our methods carry over to those cases as well as to the systems
of higher order; see e.g. [4], [5] for the details, and also Remark 3.5.
The remaining sections are organized in the following way. In Section 2 we give
notations, definitions, and some known facts. We state the main results in Section 3
and give the proofs in Section 4.
2. Notation and definitions
2.1. Geometric notation.
(1) Rn = n-dimensional real Euclidean space.
(2) x = (x1, · · · , xn) is an arbitrary point of R
(3) X = (x, t) denotes an arbitrary point in Rn+1, where x ∈ Rn and t ∈ R.
(4) Br(x) = {y ∈ R
n : |y − x| < r} is an open ball in Rn with center x and
radius r > 0. We sometimes drop the reference point x and write Br for
Br(x) if there is no danger of confusion.
(5) Qr(X) =
(y, s) ∈ Rn+1 : |y − x| < r and t− r2 < s < t
. We sometimes
drop the reference point X and write Qr for Qr(X).
(6) Q∗r(X) =
(y, s) ∈ Rn+1 : |y − x| < r and t < s < t+ r2
(7) Qr,s(X) = {(y, s) ∈ Qr(X)}; i.e., Qr,s(X) = Br(x) × {s} if s ∈ (t − r
2, t)
and Qr,s(X) = ∅ otherwise. We sometimes drop the reference point X and
write Qr,s for Qr,s(X).
(8) For a cylinder Q = Ω× (a, b) ⊂ Rn+1, ∂PQ denotes its parabolic boundary,
namely, ∂PQ = ∂Ω × (a, b) ∪ Ω × {a}, where ∂Ω is the usual topological
boundary of Ω ⊂ Rn and Ω is its closure.
2.2. Notation for functions and their derivatives.
(1) For a mapping from Ω ⊂ Rn to RN , we write f(x) = (f1(x), . . . , fN (x))T
as a column vector.
(2) fQ =
f , where |Q| denotes the volume of Q.
(3) ut = ∂u/∂t.
(4) Dxiu = Diu = uxi = ∂u/∂xi.
(5) Du = (ux1 , . . . , uxn)
T is the spatial gradient of u = u(x, t).
(6) For f = (f1, . . . , fN )T , Df = (Df1, . . . , DfN); that is Df is the n × N
matrix whose i-th column is Df i.
2.3. Function spaces.
(1) For Ω ⊂ Rn and p ≥ 1, Lp(Ω) denotes the space of functions with the
following norms:
‖u‖Lp(Ω) =
and ‖u‖L∞(Ω) = ess supΩ |u| .
(2) Cµ(Ω) denotes the space of functions that are Hölder continuous with the
exponent µ ∈ (0, 1], and
[u]Cµ(Ω) = sup
x 6=x′∈Ω
|u(x)− u(x′)|
|x− x′|
µ < ∞.
(3) The Morrey space M2,µ(Ω) is the set of all functions u ∈ L2(Ω) such that
‖u‖M2,µ(Ω) = sup
(4) C
P (Q) denotes the space of functions defined on Q ⊂ R
n+1 such that
(Q) = sup
X 6=X′∈Q
|u(X)− u(X ′)|
dP (X,X ′)µ
where dP (X,X
′) = max
|x− x′| ,
|t− t′|
2.4. Elliptic and parabolic systems and their adjoints.
Definition 2.1. We say that the coefficients A
ij (x) satisfy the uniform ellipticity
condition if there exist numbers ν0,M0 > 0 such that for all x ∈ R
n we have
αβ(x)ξβ , ξα
≥ ν0 |ξ|
αβ(x)ξβ ,ηα
≤ M0 |ξ| |η| ,
where we used the following notation.
(1) For α, β = 1, . . . , n, Aαβ(x) are N ×N matrices with (i, j)-entries A
ij (x).
(2) ξα = (ξ
α, · · · , ξ
T and |ξ|
αβ(x)ξβ ,ηα
ij (x)ξ
We emphasize that we do not assume that the coefficients are symmetric.
Definition 2.2. We say that a system of N equations on Rn
ij (x)Dxβu
j) = 0 (i = 1, . . . , N)
is elliptic if the coefficients satisfy the uniform ellipticity condition. We often write
the above system in a vector form
(2.2) Lu :=
αβ(x)Dβu) = 0, u = (u
1 . . . , uN )T .
The adjoint system of (2.2) is given by
(2.3) L∗u :=
where (Aαβ)∗ = (Aβα)T , the transpose of Aβα.
Definition 2.3. We say that a system of N equations on Rn+1
uit −
ij (x)Dxβu
j) = 0 (i = 1, . . . , N)
is parabolic if the (time-independent) coefficients satisfy the uniform ellipticity
condition. We often write the above system in a vector form
(2.4) ut − Lu := ut −
αβ(x)Dβu) = 0.
The adjoint system of (2.4) is given by
(2.5) ut + L
∗u := ut +
where (Aαβ)∗ = (Aβα)T , the transpose of Aβα.
2.5. Weak solutions. In this article, the term “weak solution” is used in a rather
abusive way. To avoid unnecessary technicalities, we may assume that all the coef-
ficients involved are smooth so that all weak solutions are indeed classical solutions.
However, this extra smoothness assumption will not be used quantitatively in our
estimates. This is why we shall make clear the dependence of constants.
(1) We say that u is a weak solution of (2.2) in Ω ⊂ Rn if u is a (classical)
solution of (2.2) in Ω and u, Du ∈ L2(Ω).
(2) We say that u is a weak solution of (2.4) in a cylinder Q = Ω×(a, b) ⊂ Rn+1
if u is a (classical) solution of (2.2) in Q and u, Du ∈ L2(Q), u(·, t) ∈ L2(Ω)
for all a ≤ t ≤ b, and supa≤t≤b ‖u(·, t)‖L2(Ω) < ∞.
2.6. Fundamental solution. By a fundamental solution (or fundamental matrix)
Γ(x, t; y) of the parabolic system (2.4) we mean anN×N matrix of functions defined
for t > 0 which, as a function of (x, t), is a solution of (2.4) (i.e., each column is a
solution of (2.4)), and is such that
Γ(x, t; y)f(y) dy = f(x)(2.6)
for any bounded continuous function f = (f1, . . . , fN)T , where Γ(x, t; y)f (y) de-
notes the usual matrix multiplication.
2.7. Notation for estimates. We employ the letter C to denote a universal con-
stant usually depending on the dimension and ellipticity constants. It should be
understood that C may vary from line to line. We sometimes write C = C(α, β, . . .)
to emphasize the dependence on the prescribed quantities α, β, . . ..
2.8. Some preliminary results and known facts.
Lemma 2.4 (Energy estimates). Let u be a weak solution of (2.4) in QR = QR(X).
Then for 0 < r < R, we have
|u(·, s)|
(R− r)2
Proof. See e.g., [14, Lemma 2.1, p. 139]. �
Lemma 2.5 (Parabolic Poincaré inequality). Let u be a weak solution of (2.4) in
QR = QR(X). Then there is some constant C = C(n,M0) such that
|u− uQR |
≤ CR2
Proof. See e.g., [19, Lemma 3]. �
Lemma 2.6. Let Q2R = Q2R(X0) be a cylinder in R
n+1. Suppose u ∈ L2(Q2R)
and there are positive constants µ ≤ 1 and M such that for any X ∈ QR and any
r ∈ (0, R) we have
∣u− uQr(X)
≤ M2rn+2+2µ.
Then u is Hölder continuous in QR with the exponent µ and [u]Cµ
(QR) ≤ C(n, µ)M .
Proof. See e.g., [15, Lemma 4.3, p. 50]. �
Definition 2.7 (Local boundedness property). We say that the system (2.4) sat-
isfies the local boundedness property for weak solutions if there is a constant M
such that all weak solutions u of (2.4) in Q2r(X) satisfy the estimates
|u| ≤ M
Similarly, we say that the adjoint system (2.5) satisfies the local boundedness prop-
erty if the corresponding estimates hold for weak solutions u of (2.5) in Q∗2r(X).
Theorem 2.8 (Theorem 1.1, [12]). Assume that the system (2.4) and its adjoint
system (2.5) satisfy the local boundedness property for weak solutions. Then the
fundamental solution of the system (2.4) has an upper bound
(2.7) |Γ(x, t; y)|op ≤ C0t
−n/2 exp
k0 |x− y|
where |Γ(x, t; y)|op denotes the operator norm of the fundamental matrix Γ(x, t; y).
Here, C0 = C0(n, ν0,M0,M) and k0 = k0(ν0,M0).
3. Main results
Definition 3.1. We say that an elliptic system (2.2) satisfies the Hölder estimates
for weak solutions at every scale if there exist constants µ0 > 0 and H0 such that
all weak solutions u of the system in B2r = B2r(x0) satisfy the following estimates
(3.1) [u]Cµ0 (Br) ≤ H0r
−(n/2+µ0) ‖u‖L2(B2r) .
Similarly, we say that a parabolic system (2.4) satisfies Hölder estimates for weak
solutions at every scale if there exist constants µ1 > 0 and H1 such that all weak
solutions u of the system in Q2r = Q2r(X0) satisfy the following estimates
(3.2) [u]Cµ1
≤ H1r
−(n/2+1+µ1) ‖u‖L2(Q2r) .
Remark 3.2. Elliptic systems with constant coefficients satisfy the above property,
and in that case, the ellipticity condition (2.1) can be weakened and replaced by the
Legendre-Hadamard condition. De Giorgi’s theorem [7] states that the property is
satisfied if N = 1. The property is also satisfied if n = 2 and it is due to Morrey
(see Corollary 3.6). Some other examples include, for instance, a certain three
dimensional elliptic system which was studied by Kang and the author in [13].
We shall prove the following main results in this paper:
Theorem 3.3. If an elliptic system (2.2) satisfies the Hölder estimates for weak
solutions at every scale, then the corresponding parabolic system (2.4) with time-
independent coefficients also satisfies the Hölder estimates for weak solutions at
every scale.
Theorem 3.4. Suppose that the elliptic system (2.2) and its adjoint system (2.3)
defined on Rn both satisfy the Hölder estimates for weak solutions at every scale
with constants µ0, H0. Let Γ(x, t; y) be the fundamental solution of the parabolic
system (2.4) with the time-independent coefficients associated to the elliptic system
(2.2). Then Γ(x, t; y) has an upper bound
(3.3) |Γ(x, t; y)|op ≤ C0t
−n/2 exp
k0 |x− y|
where C0 = C0(n, ν0,M0, µ0, H0) and k0 = k0(ν0,M0). Here, |Γ(x, t; y)|op denotes
the operator norm of fundamental matrix Γ(x, t; y).
Remark 3.5. We would like to point out that (3.3) is a global estimate. Especially,
the bound (3.3) holds for all time t > 0. Suppose that the elliptic system (2.2) and
its adjoint system (2.3) enjoy the Hölder estimates for weak solutions up to a fixed
scale R0; that is, there is a number R0 > 0 such that if u is a weak solution of
either (2.2) or (2.3) in Br = Br(x) with 0 < r ≤ R0, then u is Hölder continuous
and satisfies
[u]Cµ0 (Br) ≤ H0r
−(n/2+µ0) ‖u‖L2(B2r) .
Then, the statement regarding the bound (3.3) for the fundamental solution should
be localized as follows: For any given T > 0, there are constants k0 = k0(ν0,M0)
and C0 = C0(n, ν0,M0, µ0, H0, R0, T ) such that (3.3) holds for 0 < t ≤ T .
Corollary 3.6. Let Γ(x, t; y) be the fundamental solution of the parabolic system
(2.4) with time-independent coefficients associated to an elliptic system (2.2) defined
on R2. Then Γ(x, t; y) has an upper bound (3.3) with the constants C0, k0 depending
only on the ellipticity constants ν0,M .
Proof. First, let us recall the well known theorem of Morrey which states that any
two dimensional elliptic system (2.2) with bounded measurable coefficients satisfies
the Hölder estimates for weak solutions at every scale, with the constants µ0, H0
depending only on the ellipticity constants (see, [16, pp. 143–148]). Next, note that
the ellipticity constants ν0,M0 in (2.1) remain unchanged for Ã
ij (x) = A
ji (x).
Therefore, the corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.4. �
Remark 3.7. In fact, the converse of Theorem 2.8 is also true (see [12, Theorem 1.2]).
Therefore, in order to extend the above corollary to the parabolic system with
time-dependent coefficients, one needs to show that the system satisfies the local
boundedness property for weak solutions. Unfortunately, we do not know whether
it is true or not if the coefficients are allowed to depend on the time variable. If
n ≥ 3, it is not true in general, even for the time-independent coefficients case since
there is a famous counter-example due to De Giorgi (see [8]).
4. Proof of Main Results
4.1. Some technical lemmas and proofs.
Lemma 4.1. If u is a weak solution of the parabolic system with time-independent
coefficients (2.4) in QR = QR(X0), then ut ∈ L
2(Qr) for r < R and satisfies the
(4.1) ‖ut‖L2(Qr) ≤ C(R − r)
−1 ‖Du‖L2(QR) .
In particular, if u is a weak solution of (2.4) in Q2r, then the above estimates
together with the energy estimates yield
(4.2) ‖ut‖L2(Qr) ≤ Cr
−2 ‖u‖L2(Q2r) .
Proof. We first note that if the coefficients are symmetric, (i.e., A
ij = A
ji ) this
is a well known result; a proof for such a case is found, for example, in [14, pp.
172–181] or in [9, pp. 360–364]. However, the standard proof does not carry over to
the non-symmetric coefficients case and for that reason, we provide a self-contained
proof here.
Fix positive numbers σ, τ such that σ < τ ≤ R. Let ζ be a smooth cut-off
function such that ζ ≡ 1 in Qσ, vanishes near ∂PQτ , and satisfies
0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 and |ζt|+ |Dζ|
≤ C(τ − σ)−2.
Note that on each slice Qτ,s, we have
ut −Dα(A
· ζ2ut
ζ2 |ut|
αβDβu, Dαut
αβDβu, Dαζut
Therefore, we find by using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that
ζ2 |ut|
ζ2 |Du| |Dut|+ C
ζ |Du| |Dζ| |ut|
ζ2 |Dut|
ζ2 |Du|
ζ2 |ut|
Thus we have
ζ2 |ut|
ζ2 |Dut|
ζ2 |Du|
Since ut also satisfies (2.4), the energy estimates yield
ζ2 |Dut|
(τ − σ)2
This is the part where we exploit the assumption that the coefficients are time-
independent. Combining (4.3) and (4.4), we have
(τ − σ)2
(τ − σ)2
If we set ǫ = (τ − σ)2/2C0, we finally obtain
(τ − σ)2
Here, we emphasize that C is a constant independent of σ, τ . Then by a standard
iteration argument (see e.g. [11, Lemma 3.1, pp. 161]), we have
(R− r)2
for 0 < r < R.
The proof is complete. �
Lemma 4.2. If u is a weak solution of the parabolic system with time-independent
coefficients (2.4) in Q2r = Q2r(X0), then Du(·, s),ut(·, s) ∈ L
2(Qr,s) for all s ∈
[t0 − r
2, t0], and satisfy the following estimates uniformly in s ∈ [t0 − r
2, t0].
‖Du(·, s)‖L2(Qr,s) ≤ Cr
−2 ‖u‖L2(Q2r) ,(4.6)
‖ut(·, s)‖L2(Qr,s) ≤ Cr
−3 ‖u‖L2(Q2r) .(4.7)
Proof. By the energy estimates applied to ut we obtain
(4.8) sup
|ut(·, s)|
On the other hand, the estimates (4.5) and the energy estimates (this time, applied
to u itself) yield
Combining (4.8) and (4.9) together, we have the estimates (4.7).
Next, assume that u is a weak solution of (2.4) in Q4r = Q4r(X0). Let ζ be a
smooth cut-off function such that ζ ≡ 1 in Qr, vanishes near ∂PQ2r, and satisfies
(4.10) 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 and |ζt|+ |Dζ|
≤ Cr−2.
Note that on each slice Q2r,s, we have
ut −Dα(A
· ζ2u
ζ2ut · u+
αβDβu, Dαu
αβDβu, Dαζu
Using the ellipticity condition and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we find
ζ2 |Du|
ζ2 |ut| |u|+ C
ζ |Du| |Dζ| |u|
ζ2 |ut|
ζ2 |u|
ζ2 |Du|
Then by (4.10), (4.7), and the energy estimates, for all s ∈ [t0 − r
2, t0], we have
If we set ǫ = r2, then the above estimates (4.11) now become
from which the estimates (4.6) follows by a well known covering argument. �
Lemma 4.3. Assume that the elliptic system (2.2) satisfies the Hölder estimates
for weak solutions at every scale with constants µ0, H0. Let u be a weak solution of
the inhomogeneous elliptic system
(4.12) Dα(A
αβ(x)Dβu) = f in B2 = B2(x0),
where f belongs to the Morrey space M2,λ(B2) with λ ≥ 0. Then, for any γ ≥ 0
with γ < γ0 = min(λ + 4, n + 2µ0) (we may take γ = γ0 if γ0 < n) there exists
C = C(n, ν0,M0, µ0, H0, λ, γ) such that u satisfies the following local estimates
+ rγ−2 ‖f‖
uniformly for all x ∈ B1 = B1(x0) and 0 < r ≤ 1. Moreover, if γ < n, then u
belongs to the Morrey space M2,γ(B1) and
(4.14) ‖u‖M2,γ (B1) ≤ C
‖u‖L2(B2) + ‖Du‖L2(B2) + ‖f‖M2,λ(B2)
Proof. First, we note that the property (3.1) implies that for all 0 < ρ < r and
x ∈ Rn, we have
≤ C ·H0
In the light of the above observation, the estimates (4.13) is quite standard and is
found, for example, in [11, Chapter 3]. Then, by Poincaré inequality we have
∣u− uBr(x)
≤ Crγ
+ ‖f‖
uniformly for all x ∈ B1 = B1(0) and 0 < r ≤ 1. It is well known that if γ < n,
then the estimates (4.15) yield (4.14) (see e.g. [11, Chapter 3]). �
4.2. Proof of Theorem 3.3. Let u be a weak solution of (2.4) in a cylinder
Q4 = Q4(0). We rewrite (2.4) as Lu = ut. By Lemma 4.2, we find that ut(·, s) is
in L2(Q2,s) and satisfies
‖ut(·, s)‖L2(Q2,s) ≤ C ‖u‖L2(Q4) for all − 4 ≤ s ≤ 0.
Therefore, we may apply Lemma 4.3 with f = ut and λ = 0, and then apply
Lemma 4.2 to find that for all x ∈ B1(0) and 0 < r ≤ 1, we have
|Du(·, s)|
≤ Crγ−2
‖Du(·, s)‖
+ ‖ut(·, s)‖
≤ Crγ−2 ‖u‖
uniformly in s ∈ [−4, 0]
for all γ < min(4, n+ 2µ0).
By Lemma 2.5 and then by (4.16) we find that for all X = (x, t) ∈ Q1 and r ≤ 1
∣u− uQr(X)
≤ Cr2
|Du(y, s)|
dy ds
≤ Cr2+γ ‖u‖
Note that if n ≤ 3, then we may write γ = n + 2µ for some µ > 0. In that case,
(4.17) now reads
∣u− uQr(X)
≤ Crn+2+2µ ‖u‖
for all X ∈ Q1 and r ≤ 1. Therefore, if n ≤ 3, then Lemma 2.6 yields the estimates
(4.19) [u]Cµ
≤ C ‖u‖L2(Q4) .
We have thus shown that in the case when n ≤ 3, any weak solution u of (2.4) in a
cylinder Q4 = Q4(0) satisfies the above a priori estimates (4.19) provided that the
associated elliptic system satisfies the Hölder estimates for weak solutions at every
scale. The general case is recovered as follows. For given X0 = (x0, t0) and r > 0,
let us consider the new system
(4.20) ut − L̃u := ut −
αβ(x)Dβu) = 0,
where Ãαβ(x) = Aαβ(x0 + rx). Note that the associated elliptic system L̃u = 0
also satisfies the Hölder estimates for weak solutions at every scale. Moreover, the
ellipticity constants ν0,M0 remain the same for the new coefficients Ã
αβ . Let u be
a weak solution of (2.4) in Q4r(X0). Then ũ(X) = ũ(x, t) := u(x0 + rx, t0 + r
is a weak solution of (4.20) in Q4(0) and thus ũ satisfies the estimates (4.19). By
rescaling back to Q4r(X0), the estimates (4.19) become
(4.21) [u]Cµ
≤ Cr−(n/2+1+µ) ‖u‖L2(Q4r) .
Thus, when n ≤ 3, the theorem now follows from a well known covering argument.
In the case when n ≥ 4, we invoke a bootstrap argument. For the sake of
simplicity, let us momentarily assume that 4 ≤ n ≤ 7. Let u be a weak solution
of (2.4) in Q8 = Q8(0). Let us fix X0 = (x0, t0) ∈ Q2(0) and observe that ut also
satisfies the system (2.4) in Q4(X0). Thus, by a similar argument that led to (4.16),
we find that for all x ∈ B1(x0) and 0 < r ≤ 1 we have
|Dut(·, s)|
≤ Crγ−2 ‖ut‖
uniformly in s ∈ [t0 − 4, t0],
for all γ < 4 (we may take γ = 4 if n > 4). Then, by (4.14) in Lemma 4.3,
Lemma 4.1, and Lemma 4.2 we conclude that
(4.23) ‖ut(·, s)‖M2,γ (B1(x0)) ≤ C ‖u‖L2(Q8(0)) for all s ∈ [t0 − 4, t0].
Since the above estimates (4.23) hold for all X0 = (x0, t0) ∈ Q2(0), we find that, in
particular, ut(·, s) belongs to M
2,γ(B2(0)) for all −4 ≤ s ≤ 0, and satisfies
(4.24) ‖ut(·, s)‖M2,γ (B2(0)) ≤ C ‖u‖L2(Q8(0)) for all s ∈ [−4, 0],
where we also used (4.7) of Lemma 4.2.
The above estimates (4.24) for ut now allows us to invoke Lemma 4.3 with f = ut
and λ = γ. Then, by Lemma 4.3 and Lemma 4.2, we find that for all x ∈ B1(0)
and 0 < r ≤ 1, we have
|Du(·, s)|
≤ Crγ−2 ‖u‖
uniformly in s ∈ [−4, 0]
for all γ < min(γ+4, n+2µ0). Since we assume that n ≤ 7, we may write γ = n+2µ
for some µ > 0. By the exactly same argument we used in the case when n ≤ 3,
we derive the estimates
≤ C ‖u‖L2(Q8) ,
and the theorem follows as before.
Finally, if n ≥ 8, we repeat the above process; if u is a weak solution of (2.4) in
Q16(0), then ut(·, s) is in M
2,γ(B1(0)) for all γ < 8 and so on. The process cannot
go on indefinitely and it stops in k = [n/4] + 1 steps. The proof is complete. �
4.3. Proof of Theorem 3.4. The proof is based on Theorem 2.8, the proof of
which, in turn, is found in [12]. By Theorem 2.8, we only need to establish the
local boundedness property for weak solutions of the parabolic system (2.4) and for
those of its adjoint system (2.5).
From the hypothesis that the elliptic system (2.2) satisfies the Hölder estimates
for weak solutions at every scale, we find, by Theorem 3.3, that the parabolic
system (2.4) with the associated time-independent coefficients also satisfies the
Hölder estimates for weak solutions at every scale; that is, there exist some constants
µ > 0 and C, depending on the prescribed quantities, such that if u is a weak
solution of (2.4) in Q4r(X), then it satisfies the estimates
(Q2r) ≤ Cr
−(n/2+1+µ) ‖u‖L2(Q4r) .
Let us fix Y ∈ Qr = Qr(X). Then, for all Z ∈ Qr(Y ) ⊂ Q2r(X), we have
(4.25) |u(Y )| ≤ |u(Z)|+dP (Y, Z)
µ · [u]Cµ
(Q2r) ≤ |u(Z)|+Cr
−(n/2+1) ‖u‖L2(Q4r) .
By averaging (4.25) over Qr(Y ) with respect to Z, we derive (note |Qr| = Cr
|u(Y )| ≤ Cr−(n+2) ‖u‖L1(Qr(Y )) + Cr
−(n/2+1) ‖u‖L2(Q4r) .
Since Y ∈ Qr is arbitrary, we find, by Hölder’s inequality, that u satisfies
‖u‖L∞(Qr) ≤ Cr
−(n/2+1) ‖u‖L2(Q4r)
for some constant C = C(n, ν0,M0, µ0, H0).
To finish the proof, we also need to show that if u is a weak solution of the adjoint
system (2.5) in Q∗4r = Q
4r(X), then it satisfies the local boundedness property
(4.26) ‖u‖L∞(Q∗r)
≤ Cr−(n/2+1) ‖u‖L2(Q∗
The verification of (4.26) requires only a slight modification of the previous argu-
ments (mostly, one needs to replace Qr by Q
r and so on), but it is rather routine
and we skip the details. �
1. Aronson, D. G. Bounds for the fundamental solution of a parabolic equation. Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc. 73 (1967) 890–896.
2. Auscher, P. Regularity theorems and heat kernel for elliptic operators. J. London Math. Soc.
(2) 54 (1996), no. 2, 284–296.
3. Auscher, P.; McIntosh, A.; Tchamitchian, Ph. Heat kernels of second order complex elliptic
operators and applications. J. Funct. Anal. 152 (1998), no. 1, 22–73.
4. Auscher, P.; Qafsaoui, M. Equivalence between regularity theorems and heat kernel estimates
for higher order elliptic operators and systems under divergence form. J. Funct. Anal. 177
(2000), no. 2, 310–364.
5. Auscher, P.; Tchamitchian, Ph. Square root problem for divergence operators and related
topics. Astérisque No. 249 (1998)
6. Davies, E. B. Explicit constants for Gaussian upper bounds on heat kernels, Amer. J. Math.
109 (1987), no. 2, 319–333.
7. De Giorgi, E. Sulla differenziabilità e l’analiticità delle estremali degli integrali multipli
regolari. (Italian) Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. (3) 3 (1957), 25–43.
8. De Giorgi, E. Un esempio di estremali discontinue per un problema variazionale di tipo
ellittico. (Italian) Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. (4) 1 (1968), 135–137.
9. Evans, L. C. Partial differential equations. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI,
10. Fabes, E. B.; Stroock, D. W. A new proof of Moser’s parabolic Harnack inequality using the
old ideas of Nash. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 96 (1986), no. 4, 327–338.
11. Giaquinta, M. Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations and nonlinear elliptic systems.
Princeton University Press:Princeton, NJ, 1983.
12. Hofmann, S.; Kim, S. Gaussian estimates for fundamental solutions to certain parabolic
systems. Publ. Mat. 48 (2004), 481–496.
13. Kang, K.; Kim, S. On the Hölder continuity of solutions of a certain system related to
Maxwell’s equations. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 34 (2002), no. 1, 87–100 (electronic).
14. Ladyženskaja, O. A.; Solonnikov, V. A.; Ural’ceva, N. N. Linear and quasilinear equations of
parabolic type. American Mathematical Society: Providence, RI, 1967.
15. Lieberman, G. M. Second order parabolic differential equations. World Scientific Publishing
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16. Morrey, C. B., Jr. Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations. Springer-Verlag New York,
Inc., New York, 1966
17. Moser, J. A Harnack inequality for parabolic differential equations. Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
17 (1964) 101–134; Correction: Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 20 (1967) 231–236.
18. Nash, J. Continuity of solutions of parabolic and elliptic equations. Amer. J. Math. 80 (1958)
19. Struwe, M. On the Hölder continuity of bounded weak solutions of quasilinear parabolic sys-
tems. Manuscripta Math. 35 (1981), no. 1-2, 125–145.
Mathematics Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211
E-mail address: [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Notation and definitions
2.1. Geometric notation
2.2. Notation for functions and their derivatives
2.3. Function spaces
2.4. Elliptic and parabolic systems and their adjoints
2.5. Weak solutions
2.6. Fundamental solution
2.7. Notation for estimates
2.8. Some preliminary results and known facts
3. Main results
4. Proof of Main Results
4.1. Some technical lemmas and proofs
4.2. Proof of Theorem ??
4.3. Proof of Theorem ??
0704.1373 | A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of Network
Application Protocol Implementations | appor t
de r ech er ch e
Thème COM
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the
Robustness of Network Application Protocol
Laurent Burgy — Laurent Réveillère — Julia Lawall — Gilles Muller
N° ????
Février 2007
Unité de recherche INRIA Futurs
Parc Club Orsay Université, ZAC des Vignes,
4, rue Jacques Monod, 91893 ORSAY Cedex (France)
Téléphone : +33 1 72 92 59 00 — Télécopie : +33 1 60 19 66 08
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of
Network Application Protocol Implementations
Laurent Burgy , Laurent Réveillère , Julia Lawall , Gilles Muller
Thème COM — Systèmes communicants
Projets Phoenix et Obasco
Rapport de recherche n° ???? — Février 2007 — 16 pages
Abstract: The secure and robust functioning of a network relies on the defect-free implementation of network
applications. As network protocols have become increasingly complex, however, hand-writing network message
processing code has become increasingly error-prone.
In this paper, we present a domain-specific language, Zebu, for describing protocol message formats and
related processing constraints. From a Zebu specification, a compiler automatically generates stubs to be used
by an application to parse network messages. Zebu is easy to use, as it builds on notations used in RFCs to
describe protocol grammars. Zebu is also efficient, as the memory usage is tailored to application needs and
message fragments can be specified to be processed on demand. Finally, Zebu-based applications are robust,
as the Zebu compiler automatically checks specification consistency and generates parsing stubs that include
validation of the message structure. Using a mutation analysis in the context of SIP and RTSP, we show that
Zebu significantly improves application robustness.
Key-words: Langage métier, protocoles réseau, analyze de mutation
Une approche langage pour améliorer la robustesse de
l’implémentation de protocoles réseaux applicatifs
Résumé : Pour être sûr et robuste, le fonctionnement d’un réseau doit reposer sur des implémentations
d’applications sans faille. Les protocoles réseau étant de plus en plus complexes, écrire manuellement le code
qui prend en charge leurs messages devient de plus en plus difficile et sujet à erreurs.
Dans ce papier, nous présent un langage métier, Zebu, pour décrire le format des messages d’un protocole
réseau et les contraintes de traitement associées. D’une spécification Zebu, un compilateur génère automati-
quement des talons à utiliser par une application pour l’analyze grammaticale de messages réseau. Zebu is
simple d’usage, utilisant les mêmes notations que celles utilisées dans les RFCs pour décrire les grammaires
de protocoles. Zebu est efficace, l’implantation mémoire étant calquée sur les besoins de l’application et les
fragments du message pouvant être traités à la demande. Enfin, les applications basées sur Zebu sont robustes,
le compilateur vérifiant la consistence de la spécification et les talons générés étant incluant la validation de la
structure du message. En utilisant une analyze de mutation dans le contexte de SIP et RTSP, nous montrons
que Zebu améliore de manière significative la robustesse des applications.
Mots-clés : DSL, network protocols, mutation analysis
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of Network Application Protocol Implementations 3
1 Introduction 3
2 Issues in developing network protocol
parsers 4
2.1 ABNF formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Hand-writing parsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Using parser generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Integrating a parser with an
application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Robust Parser Development with Zebu 7
3.1 Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Annotating an ABNF specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 The Zebu compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Developing an application with Zebu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Experiments 10
4.1 Robustness evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Related Work 14
6 Conclusion 14
1 Introduction
In the Internet era, many applications, ranging from instant messaging clients and multimedia players to HTTP
servers and proxies, involve processing network protocol messages. A key part of this processing is to parse
messages as they are received from the network. As message parsing represents the front line of interaction
between the application and the outside world, the correctness of the parser is critical; any bugs can leave the
application open to attack [24]. In the context of in-network application such as proxies, where achieving high
throughput is essential, parsing must also be efficient.
Implementing a correct and efficient network protocol message parser, however, is a difficult task. The
syntax of network protocol messages is typically specified in a RFC (Request for Comments) using a variant
of BNF known as ABNF (Augmented BNF ) [6]. Such a specification amounts to a state machine, which for
efficiency is often implemented in an unstructured way using gotos. The resulting code is thus error-prone and
difficult to maintain. Furthermore, some kinds of message processing may not use all fragments of the message.
For example, a router normally only uses the header fields that describe the message destination, and ignores
the header fields that describe properties of the message body [23]. It is thus desirable, for efficiency, to defer
the parsing of certain message fragments to when their values are actually used. In this case, complex parsing
code may end up scattered throughout the application.
In the programming languages community, parsers have long been constructed using automated parser
generators such as yacc [15]. Nevertheless, such tools are not suitable for generating parsers for network
protocol messages, as the grammars provided in RFCs are often not context free, and such tools provide no
support for deferring the parsing of some message fragments. Thus, parsers for network protocol messages have
traditionally been implemented by hand. This situation, however, is becoming increasingly impractical, given
the variety and complexity of protocols that are continually being developed. For example, the Gaim instant
messaging client parses more than 10 different instant messaging protocols [10]. The message grammar in the
IMAP RFC is about 500 lines of ABNF, and includes external references to others RFCs. SIP (Session Initiation
Protocol) [26], which is mainly used in telephony over IP, has a multitude of variants and extensions, implying
that SIP parsers must be tolerant of minor variations in the message structure and be extensible. Incorrect or
inefficient parsing makes the application vulnerable to denial of service attacks, as illustrated by the “leading
slash” vulnerability found in the Flash HTTP Web server [24]. In our experiments (Section 4), we have crashed
the widely used SER parser [23] for SIP via a stream of 2416 incorrect messages, sent within 17 seconds.
RR n° 0123456789
4 Burgy, Réveillère, Lawall & Muller
To address the growing complexity of network protocol messages and the inadequacy of standard tools, some
parser generators have recently been developed that specifically target the kinds of complex data layouts found
in network protocol messages. These tools include DATASCRIPT [3] and PacketTypes [18] for binary protocols,
and PADS [9], GAPA [5] and binpac [22] for both binary and text-based protocols. However, none of these
approaches accepts ABNF as the input language, and thus, the RFC specification must be translated to another
formalism, which is tedious and error prone. Furthermore, such approaches have mainly targeted application
protocol analyzers, which parse a fixed portion of the message and then proceed to some analysis phase. Thus,
they do not provide fine-grained control over the time when parsing occurs. While these approaches relieve
some of the burden of implementing a network protocol message parser, there still remains a gap between these
tools and the needs of applications.
We propose to directly address the issues of correctness and efficiency at the parser generator level. To
this end, we present a domain-specific language, Zebu, for describing HTTP-like text-based protocol message
formats and related processing constraints. Zebu is an extension of ABNF, implying that the programmer can
simply copy a network protocol message grammar from an RFC to begin developing a parser. Zebu extends
ABNF with annotations indicating which message fields should be stored in data structures, and other semantic
information, such as the type of the value expressed by a field, constraints on the range of its value, and whether
certain fields are mandatory or optional. Fields can additionally be declared as lazy, which gives control over
the time when the parsing of a field occurs. A Zebu specification is then processed by a compiler that generates
stubs to be used by an application to process network messages. Based on the annotations, the Zebu compiler
implements domain-specific optimizations to reduce the memory usage of a Zebu based application. Besides
efficiency, Zebu also addresses robustness, as the compiler performs many consistency checks, and generates
parsing stubs that validate the message structure.
This paper In this paper, we present the Zebu language and an assessment of its performance and robustness
in the context of the SIP and RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol [27]) network protocols. Our contributions
are as follows:
� We introduce a declarative language, named Zebu, for describing protocol message formats and related
processing constraints. Zebu builds on the ABNF notation typically used in RFCs to describe protocol
� We have defined a test methodology based on a mutation analysis for evaluating the robustness improve-
ment induced by Zebu.
� We have applied our test methodology existing and Zebu-based SIP and RTSP parsers. While the Zebu-
based parsers reject 100% of the invalid mutated messages, none of the existing parsers that we have
tested detects more than about 25% of the injected mutants.
� Finally, we show that the added safety and robustness provided by Zebu does not significantly impact
performance. Indeed, our performance evaluation shows that a Zebu-based parser can be as efficient on
average as a hand-crafted one.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses specific characteristics of network protocol
message parsing code, illustrating its inherent complexity. Section 3 introduces the Zebu language, and describes
the verification of specifications and the generation of parsing stub functions. Section 4 assesses the robustness
and performance of Zebu-based parsers. Section 5 described related work and Section 6 concludes.
2 Issues in developing network protocol
To illustrate the growing complexity of network protocol messages and the inadequacy of existing approaches
to creating the associated parsers, we consider the SIP protocol [26]. The SIP message syntax is similar to that
of other recent text-based protocols such as HTTP and RTSP. A SIP message begins with a line indicating
whether the message is a request (including a protocol method name) or a response (including a return code). A
sequence of required and optional headers then follows. Finally, a SIP message can include a body containing the
payload. Widely used SIP parsers include that of the SIP Express Router (SER) [23] and the oSIP library [20]
used e.g., in the open PBX Asterisk [29]. Both parsers are hand-written.
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of Network Application Protocol Implementations 5
Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP SIP-Version CRLF 1
Method = INVITEm / ACKm / OPTIONSm / BYEm 2
/ extension-method 4
INVITEm = %x49.4E. ; INVITE in caps 5
Request-URI = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI 6
SIP-Version = "SIP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT 7
extension-method = token 8
CSeq = "CSeq" HCOLON 1*DIGIT LWS Method 10
LWS = [*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP ; linear whitespace 11
SWS = [LWS] ; sep whitespace 12
HCOLON = *( SP / HTAB ) ":" SWS 13
Figure 1: Extract of the ABNF of the message syntax from the SIP RFC 3261
We first present an extract of the ABNF specification of the SIP message grammar, and then describe
the difficulty of hand-writing the corresponding parser. We next consider to what extent these difficulties are
addressed by existing parser generation tools, and describe the issues involved in integrating a parser with a
network application.
2.1 ABNF formalism
An extract of the ABNF specification of the SIP message grammar is shown in Figure 1. Lines 1 to 8 define the
structure of a request line, which appears at the beginning of a message, and lines 10 to 13 define the structure
of the CSeq header field, which is used to identify the collection of messages making up a single transaction.
An ABNF specification consists of a set of derivation rules, each defining a set of alternatives, separated by
/. An alternative is a sequence of terminals and nonterminals. Among the terminals, a quoted string is case
insensitive. Case sensitive strings must be specified as an explicit sequence of character codes, as in the INVITEm
rule (line 5). ABNF includes a general form of repetition, n*m X, that indicates that at least n and at most
m occurrences of the terminal or nonterminal X must be present. ABNF also defines shorthands such as n* for
n*∞, *n for 0*n, * for 0*∞ and n for n*n. Therefore, 1*DIGIT in the CSeq rule (line 10) represents a sequence
of digits of length at least 1. Brackets are used as a shorthand for 0*1.
2.2 Hand-writing parsers
The specification of the CSeq header in Figure 1 amounts to only four lines of ABNF. However, implementing
parsing based on such an ABNF specification efficiently in a general-purpose language such as C or C++ often
requires many lines of code. For example, SER and oSIP contain about 200 and 340 lines of C and C++
code, respectively, specifically for parsing the CSeq header. This CSeq-specific code includes operations for
reading individual characters from the message, operations for transitioning in a state machine according to the
characters that are read, calls to various generic header parsing operations, and error checking code. Among the
complexities encountered is the fact that, as shown in Figure 1, a CSeq header value can stretch over multiple
lines if the continuation line begins with a space or horizontal tab (WSP).
In addition to the constraints described by the ABNF specification, the parser developer has to take into
account constraints on the message structure that are informally specified in the text of the RFC. For example,
the CSeq header includes a CSeq number expressed as any sequence of at least one digit (1*DIGIT) and a CSeq
method (Method). The SIP RFC states that the CSeq number must be an unsigned integer that is less than
231 and that the CSeq method must be the same as the method specified in the request line. However, existing
hand-written implementations do not always check all these requirements. For example, oSIP converts the
CSeq number to an integer without performing any verification. If the CSeq number contains any non-numeric
characters, the result is a meaningless value.
2.3 Using parser generators
PADS and binpac use a type-declaration like format for specifying message grammars, while GAPA uses a
BNF-like format. Both of these formats require reorganizing the information in the ABNF specification. We
take PADS as a concrete example. Figure 2 shows a PADS specification corresponding to the four lines of
ABNF describing the CSeq header. This specification is in the spirit of the HTTP specification provided by the
PADS developers [21].
RR n° 0123456789
6 Burgy, Réveillère, Lawall & Muller
bool chkCseqMethod (request_line_t r, Cseq_t c) { 1
return ( r.method == c.method ); 2
Ptypedef Puint16_FW(:3:) Cseq_number_t : 5
CSeq_t x => { 100 <= x && x < 699 }; 6
Pstruct wsp_crlf_t { 8
PString_ME(:"(\\s|\\t)* \\r\\n":) wsp; 9
}; 10
POpt wsp_crlf_t o_wsp_crlf_t; 12
Pstruct lws_t { 14
o_wsp_crlf_t wsp_crlf; 15
PString_ME(:"(\\s|\\t)+":) wsp; 16
}; 17
POpt lws_t sws_t; 19
Pstruct hcolon_t { 21
PString_ME(:"(\\s|\\t)*":) sp_or_htab; 22
’:’; sws_t sws; 23
}; 24
Pstruct CSeq_t { 26
PString_ME(:"[Cc][Ss][Ee][Qq]":) name; 27
hcolon_t hcolon; 28
CSeq_number_t number; 29
lws_t lws; 30
method_t method; 31
}; 32
Precord Pstruct SIP_msg { 34
request_line_t request_line; 35
CSeq_t cseq: checkCSeqMethod(request_line,cseq); 37
}; 39
Figure 2: PADS specification of the SIP RFC 3261
A PADS specification describes both the grammar and the data structures that will contain the result of
parsing the message. Thus, the rules of the ABNF specification are translated into what amount to structure
declarations in PADS. As a PADS structure must be declared before it is used, the rule ordering is often
forced to be different than that of the ABNF specification. For example, in the ABNF specification, the CSeq
nonterminal is defined before the LWS, SWS, and HCOLON nonterminals, while in the PADS specification, the
structure corresponding to the CSeq nonterminal is defined afterwards (line 26). PADS also does not implement
the same default parsing strategies as ABNF, and thus e.g., case insensitive strings must be specified explicitly
using regular expressions (line 27). Similarly, translating SIP whitespace into PADS requires writing many lines
of specifications (lines 8-19), including regular expressions. Finally, the PADS specification must express the
various constraints contained in the RFC text. Although PADS allows the developer to define constrained types
(lines 5 to 6), which are used here in the case of the CSeq number (line 29), non-type constraints such as the
relationship between the method mentioned in the request line and the method mentioned in the CSeq header
must be implemented by arbitrary C code (lines 1 to 2 and line 37).
Of these issues, probably the most difficult for the programmer is to convert ABNF specifications to regular
expressions. Regular expressions for even simple ABNF specifications are often complex and voluminous. For
example, a regular expression for a URI has been published that is 45 lines of code [1]. While a tool has
been developed to convert an ABNF specification to a regular expression [1], in the PADS, GAPA, and binpac
specifications that we have seen, the regular expressions appear to have been written by hand, and sometimes
do not capture all of the constraints specified by the RFC.
2.4 Integrating a parser with an
The ease of integrating a parser with an application depends on whether the parser parses the fields needed by
the application, and whether the result of this parsing is stored in appropriate data structures. We consider the
issues that arise when using the handwritten oSIP and SER parsers, and when using a parser generated by a
tool such as PADS.
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of Network Application Protocol Implementations 7
oSIP parses the fixed set of required SIP header fields, and separates the rest of the message into pairs of a
header field name and the corresponding raw unparsed data. Applications that do not use all of the information
in the required header fields incur the time cost of parsing this information and the space cost of storing the
result (see Section 4). Applications that use the many SIP extensions must parse these header fields themselves.
The former increases the application time and space requirements, which can be critical in the case of in-network
applications such as proxies, while the latter leaves the application developer on his own to develop complex
parsing code.
SER provides more fine-grained parsing than oSIP, as it parses only those header fields that are requested
by the application. By default, however, SER only gives direct access to the top-level subfields of a header,
such as the complete URI. To extract, e.g., only the host portion of a URI, the programmer must intervene.
One approach is for an application built using SER to reparse the subfield, to obtain the desired information.
SER applications are written using a domain-specific language targeted towards routing, which does not provide
string-matching facilities. Nevertheless, SER provides an escape from this language, allowing a SER application
to invoke an arbitrary shell script. A SER application can thus invoke a script written in a language such as Perl
to extract the desired information. This approach, however, incurs a high performance penalty for forking a
new process, as we show in Section 4, and compromises the safety benefits of using the SER language. Another
approach is to use the SER extension framework, which, à la Apache [2], allows integrating new modules into
the parsing process. Although efficient, this approach requires the programmer to write low level C code that
conforms to rather contorted requirements. Again, incorrect behavior inside a module may compromise the
robustness of the whole application.
Finally, parser generators such as PADS allow the developer to construct the parser such that it parses
only as much of the message as is needed. However, the generated data structures directly follow the specified
parsing rules, implying that accessing message fields often requires long chains of structure field references.
Furthermore, all of the parsed data is stored, which increases the memory footprint.
3 Robust Parser Development with Zebu
We now present the Zebu language for describing HTTP-like text-based protocol message formats and related
processing constraints. Zebu is based on ABNF, as found in RFCs, and extends it with annotations indicating
which message fields should be stored in data structures and other semantic attributes. These annotations ex-
press both constraints derived from the protocol RFC and constraints that are specific to the target application.
From a Zebu specification, a compiler automatically generates stubs to be used by the application to process
network messages.
The features of Zebu are driven by the kinds of information that an application may want to extract from
a network protocol message. We first consider the features that are needed to do this processing robustly
and efficiently, and then present the corresponding annotations that the programmer must add to the ABNF
specification so that the Zebu compiler can generate the appropriate stub functions. Finally, we describe
the Zebu compiler, which performs both verification and code generation, and the process of constructing an
application with Zebu.
3.1 Issues
A HTTP-like text-based network message consists of a command line, a collection of header fields, and a
message body. The command line indicates whether the message is a request or a response, and identifies basic
information such as the version of the protocol and the method of a request message. A header field specifies
a protocol-specific key and an associated value, which may be composed of a number of subfields. Finally, the
message body consists of free text whose structure is typically not specified by the protocol. Thus, decomposing
it further falls out of the scope of Zebu.
From the contents of a message, an application may need to determine whether the message is a request
or a response, to detect the presence of a particular header field, or to extract command line or header field
subfields. Each of these operations involves retrieving a command line or header field, and potentially accessing
its contents. In a HTTP-like text-based protocol, each command line or header field normally occupies one
or more complete lines, where each line after the first begins with a special continuation character. Thus, as
exemplified by the very efficient SIP parser SER, a parser can be constructed in two levels: a top-level parser that
simply scans each line of the message until it reaches the desired command line or header field, and a collection
of dedicated parsers that process each type of command line or header field. The dedicated parsers must respect
RR n° 0123456789
8 Burgy, Réveillère, Lawall & Muller
message sip3261 { 1
request { 2
; Request only 3
requestLine = Method:method SP Request-URI:uri SP SIP-Version 4
; Constraints that apply only for the CSeq of a request 6
header CSeq { CSeq.method == requestLine.method } 7
; Constraints that apply only for the Max-Forwards of a request 9
header Max-Forwards { mandatory } 10
response { 14
; Response only 15
statusLine = SIP-Version SP Status-Code:code SP Reason-Phrase:rphrase 16
[...] 17
enum Method = INVITEm / ACKm / OPTIONSm / BYEm / CANCELm / REGISTERm / extension-method 20
extension-method = token 21
INVITEm = %x49.4E. ; INVITE in caps 22
[...] 23
struct Request-URI = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI { lazy } 25
[...] 26
uint16 Status-Code = Informational / Redirection / Success / Client-Error / Server-Error 28
/ Global-Failure / extension-code 29
uint16 Global-Failure = "600" ; Busy Everywhere 30
/ "603" ; Decline 31
/ "604" ; Does not exist anywhere 32
/ "606" ; Not Acceptable 33
uint16 extension-code = 3DIGIT { extension-code >= 100 && extension-code <= 699 } 34
[...] 35
; Header CSeq 37
header CSeq = 1*DIGIT:number as uint32 LWS Method:method 38
; Header Max-Forwards 40
header Max-Forwards = 1*DIGIT:value as uint32 { mandatory } 41
; Header To 43
header To { "to" / "t" } = ( name-addr / addr-spec:uri ) *( SEMI to-param ) { mandatory 44
name-addr = [ display-name ] LAQUOT addr-spec:uri RAQUOT 45
struct addr-spec = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI { lazy } 46
[...] 48
Figure 3: Excerpt of the Zebu Specification for the SIP protocol
both the ABNF specification and any constraints specified informally in the RFC. To avoid reparsing already
parsed message elements for each requested parsing operation, the parser should save all parsed data in data
structures for later use, ideally in the format desired by the application.
This analysis suggests that to enable the Zebu compiler to generate a useful and efficient parser, the pro-
grammer must annotate the ABNF specification obtained from an RFC with the following information: (1) An
indication of the nonterminal representing the entry point for parsing each possible command line and header
field. (2) A specification of any constraints on the message structure that are informally described by the
RFC. (3) An indication of the message subfields that will be used by the application. The first two kinds of
annotations are generic to the protocol, and can thus be reused in generating parsers for multiple applications.
The third kind of annotation is application-specific. This kind of annotation can be viewed as a simplified form
of the action that can be specified when using yacc and other similar parser generators, in that it allows the
programmer to customize the memory layout used by the parser to the specific needs of the application.
3.2 Annotating an ABNF specification
We present the three kinds of annotations required by Zebu, using as an example an extract of the Zebu
specification of a SIP parser, as shown in Figure 3.
Parser entry points The Zebu programmer annotates the rule for parsing the command line of a request
message with requestLine, the rule for parsing the command line of a response message with statusLine, and
the rules for parsing each kind of header with header. Because a command line or header field cannot contain
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of Network Application Protocol Implementations 9
another command line or header field, the nonterminals for these lines are no longer useful. In the case of a
command line, the nonterminal is simply dropped. Thus, for example, the ABNF rule for the Request-Line
nonterminal (Figure 1, line 1) is transformed into the following Zebu rule (c.f., Figure 3, line 4):
requestLine = Method SP Request-URI SP SIP-Version
In the case of a header field, the description of the key is moved from the right-hand side of the rule to the
left, where it replaces the nonterminal, resulting in a rule whose structure is suggestive of a key-value pair. For
example, the ABNF CSeq rule on line 10 of Figure 1 is reorganized into the following Zebu rule (c.f., Figure 3,
line 38)
header CSeq = 1*DIGIT LWS Method
(The delimiter HCOLON is also dropped, as it is a constant of the protocol). Some header fields, such as the SIP
To header field, can be represented by any of a set of keys. In this case, the header is given a name, which is
followed by the ABNF specification of the possible variants, in braces, as shown in line 44 of Figure 3. As in
ABNF, the matching of the header key, and any other string specified by a Zebu grammar, is case insensitive.
RFC constraints The text of the RFC for a protocol typically indicates how often certain header fields may
appear, whether header fields can be modified, and various constraints on the values of the header subfields.
The Zebu programmer must annotate the corresponding ABNF rules with these constraints. Constraints are
specified in braces at the end of a grammar rule. Possible atomic constraints are that a header field is mandatory
(mandatory) and that a header field can appear more than once in a message (multiple). For example, in the
SIP specification, the header To is specified to be mandatory and read-only (line 44). More complex constraints
can be expressed using C-like boolean expressions. For example, in Section 2.2, we noted that in a request
message, the method mentioned in the command line must be the same as the method mentioned in the CSeq
header. This constraint is described in line 7.
Some constraints on header fields are specific to either request or response messages. Accordingly, the Zebu
programmer must group the request line and its associated constraints in a request block, and the status line
and its associated constraints in a response block. In the case of SIP, the request block (lines 2-12) indicates
that for the CSeq header the method must be the same as the method in the request line (line 7), and that the
Max-Forwards header is mandatory (line 10). The constraints in the response block (lines 14-18) have been
Subfields used by the application The parsing functions generated by the Zebu compiler create a data
structure for each command line or header field that is parsed. By default, this data structure contains only
the type of the command line or header field and a pointer to its starting point in the message text. When
the application will use a certain subfield of the command line or message header, the Zebu programmer can
annotate the nonterminal deriving this subfield with an identifier name. This annotation causes the Zebu
compiler to create a corresponding entry in the enclosing command line or header field data structure. For
example, in line 4, the Zebu programmer has indicated that the application needs to use the method in the
command line, which is given the name method, and the URI, which is given the name uri.
By default, a subfield is just represented as a pointer to the start of its value in the message text. This is
the case of method and uri in our example. Often, however, the application will need to use the value in some
other form, such as an integer. The Zebu programmer can additionally specify a type for a named value, either
at the nonterminal reference or at its definition. For example, in line 38 the CSeq number is specified as being
a uint32. Nonterminals can also be specified as structures (struct), unions (union), and enumerations (enum).
A structure collects all derived named subfields. As illustrated in the case of Request-URI (line 25), a structure
may even be used in the case of an alternation, when the application does not need to know from what element
of the alternation a named entry is derived. A union, in contrast, records which alternation was matched and
in each case only includes subfields derived from the given alternation. Finally, an enumeration is a special case
of union in which the only information that is recorded is the identity of the matching alternation; the matched
data is not stored. In line 20, for example, Method is specified as being an enumeration, because the application
only needs to know whether the method of the message is one of the standard ones or an extension method,
but does not need to know the identity of the extension method in the latter case.
An application may use the information in certain subfields only in some exceptional cases. The Zebu
constraint lazy allows the programmer to specify that a specific subfield should not be parsed until requested
by the application. For example, in the SIP specification, Request-URI has this annotation (line 25).
RR n° 0123456789
10 Burgy, Réveillère, Lawall & Muller
3.3 The Zebu compiler
The Zebu compiler verifies the consistency of the ABNF specification and the annotations added by the pro-
grammer, and then generates stub functions allowing an application to parse the command line and header
fields and access information about the parsed data. The Zebu compiler is around 3700 lines of OCaml code.
A run-time environment defining various utility functions is also provided, and amounts to around 700 lines of
C code.
Verifications Although RFCs are widely published and form the de facto standard for many protocols, we
have found some errors in RFC ABNF specifications. These are simple errors, such as typographical errors, but
still they complicate the process of translating an ABNF specification into code, whether done by hand or using
a parser generator. The Zebu compiler thus checks basic consistency properties of the ABNF specification: that
there is no omission (i.e., each referenced rule is defined), that there is no double definition, and that there are
no cycles.
Additionally, the annotations provided by the Zebu programmer must be consistent with the ABNF specifica-
tion. For example, in line 30, the nonterminal Global-Failure is annotated with uint16. This non-terminal is
specified to be an alternation of strings, and thus the Zebu compiler checks that each element of this alternation
represents an unsigned integer that is less than 216.
Code generation An application does not use the data structures declared in a Zebu specification directly,
but instead uses stub functions generated by the Zebu compiler. The use of stub functions allows parsing to be
carried out lazily, so that only as much data is parsed as is needed to fulfill the request of a given stub function
call. As illustrated in Figure 4a, stub functions are generated for determining the type of a message (request
or response), for parsing the command line and the various headers, for accessing individual header subfields,
and for managing the parsing of subfields designated as lazy. The names of these stub functions depend on the
specific structure of the grammar, but follow a well-defined schema that facilitates their use by the application
The parsing functions generated by the Zebu compiler use the two-level parsing strategy described in Sec-
tion 3.1. Header-specific parsers use the PCRE [12] library for matching the regular expression of a header value
that has been derived from the ABNF specification. The parsing functions contain run-time assertions that
check the constraints specified in the RFC. Once a header is parsed and checked, its named subfields, if any,
are converted to the specified types and stored in the data structure associated with the header. The values of
the named subfields can then be accessed using the “get” stub functions.
3.4 Developing an application with Zebu
The developer defines the application logic as an ordinary C program, using the stub functions to access
information about the message content. Figure 4b illustrates the implementation of an application that extracts
the host information from the URI stored in the From header field of an INVITE message. This kind of operation
is useful in, e.g. an intrusion detection system, which searches for certain patterns of information in network
The application uses the stubs generated from the SIP message grammar specification to access the re-
quired information. The application initially uses the functions sip3261_Method_getType and sip3261_-
RequestLine_getMethod to determine whether the current message is an INVITE request (line 6). If so, it uses
the function sip3261_parse_headers to parse the From header field (line 8), and then the functions sip3261_-
header_From_getUri and sip3261_get_header_From to extract the URI (line 9). Line 46 of the Zebu SIP
specification indicates that the parsing of the URI should be lazy, so the function sip3261_Lazy_Addr_spec_-
getParsed is used to force the parsing of this subfield (line 10). After a check that the host name is present
(line 13), its value is extracted using the function sip3261_Option_Str_getVal in line 14.
Overall, due to the annotations in the Zebu specification, stub functions are available to access exactly the
message fragments needed by the application. Similarly, memory usage is limited to the application’s declared
4 Experiments
A robust network application must accept valid messages, to provide continuous service, and reject invalid
network messages, to avoid corrupting its internal state. As the parser is the front-line in the treatment of
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of Network Application Protocol Implementations11
// Init
extern sip3261 sip3261_init();
// Top level parser
extern void sip3261_parse(sip3261, char *, int);
// Generic parser for headers
extern void sip3261_parse_headers(sip3261, E_Headers);
// Dedicated parser for addr-spec
extern void sip3261_parse_addr_spec(T_Lazy_addr_spec);
// Accessors
extern T_bool sip3261_isRequest(sip3261);
extern T_bool sip3261_isResponse(sip3261);
extern T_RequestLine sip3261_get_RequestLine(sip3261);
extern T_header_From sip3261_get_header_From(sip3261);
extern T_Method sip3261_RequestLine_getMethod(T_RequestLine);
extern T_MethodEnum sip3261_Method_getType(T_Method);
extern T_Str sip3261_Method_getValue(T_Method);
extern T_Lazy_addr_spec sip3261_header_From_getUri(T_header_From);
extern T_addr_spec sip3261_Lazy_Addr_spec_getParsed(T_Lazy_addr_spec);
extern T_Option_Str sip3261_Addr_spec_gethost(T_addr_spec);
extern T_Str sip3261_Option_Str_getVal(T_Option_Str);
[...] 4a. Generated stubs
sip3261 msg = sip3261_init();
sip3261 msg = sip3261_parse(msg, buf, len); 1
// Process only request messages 2
if (sip3261_isRequest(msg)) { 3
// Filter INVITE methods 4
T_RequestLine requestLine = sip3261_get_RequestLine(msg); 5
if (sip3261_Method_getType(sip3261_RequestLine_getMethod(requestLine)) == E_INVITEm) { 6
// We parse only the header From 7
sip3261_parse_headers(msg, E_HEADER_FROM); 8
T_Lazy_addr_spec l_addr_spec = sip3261_header_From_getUri(sip3261_get_header_From(msg)); 9
sip3261_parse_addr_spec(l_addr_spec); 10
T_Option_Str host = sip3261_Lazy_Addr_spec_getParsed(l_addr_spec); 11
// host may be undefined in some cases, check it and log its value 12
if (sip3261_Option_Str_isDefined(host)) { 13
mylog(sip3261_Option_Str_getVal(host)); 14
}}} 15
4b. Application logic
Figure 4: Fragment of a Zebu-based SIP message statistics reporting application
network messages, it has a key role to play in providing this robustness. In this section, we evaluate the
robustness improvement offered by Zebu, by comparing the reaction of Zebu-based parsers and a variety of
existing parsers to valid and invalid network messages. Our experiments are based on a mutation analysis
For SIP, we compare with the oSIP and SER parsers previously described in Section 2. For RTSP, we
use the parser in the widely used VLC media player and streaming server [32], and the parser provided by the
LiveMedia library 1. Figure 5 shows the sizes of the ABNF and Zebu specifications of the message grammars for
SIP and RTSP. The Zebu specification is longer, because it includes rules that are mentioned only by reference
to another RFC in the original SIP and RTSP specifications. Figure 5 also shows the number of lines of code
in the oSIP, SER, VLC, and LiveMedia parser implementations.
Protocol ABNF size Zebu spec size Parser Parser size
SIP 700 (approx) 1081 oSIP 11982
SER 13277
RTSP 200 (approx) 330 VLC 1200 (approx)
LiveMedia 1000 (approx)
Figure 5: The sizes of the SIP and RTSP message grammars, and the sizes of existing parsers. Sizes in lines of
In the rest of this section, we first introduce mutation analysis, and then compare the robustness of existing
SIP and RTSP parsers with that of the corresponding Zebu-based parsers. Finally, we evaluate the performance
of Zebu, showing that Zebu-based parsers are often as efficient as hand-written ones.
1LiveMedia: Streaming Media,
RR n° 0123456789
12 Burgy, Réveillère, Lawall & Muller
4.1 Robustness evaluation
Mutation analysis is a fault-based testing technique for unit-level testing [7]. Traditional mutation testing
involves introducing small changes, i.e., mutations, in program source code, to determine whether a given test
suite is sufficient to distinguish between correct and incorrect programs. In our case, however, we are interested
in assessing the robustness of the program, i.e., the parser, and thus we introduce mutations into the test data,
i.e., the network messages, rather than into the program source code. We use mutation rules both to generate
invalid messages and to generate valid messages that have properties that are known to be challenging for
network protocol message parsers. A robust parser should reject the invalid messages and accept the valid ones.
To generate invalid messages, we have defined a set of mutation rules for messages based on ABNF structure:
� Mutations on the characters set. Message literals are derived from a fixed set of possible characters. The
first, middle, or last character of a message literal is replaced with any character outside the valid set.
� Mutations on repetitions. As described in Section 2.1, ABNF offers a generic mechanism of repetition.
Mutants are chosen to describe an invalid number of repetitions.
� Mutations based on constraints. Protocol specifications include additional constraints not specified in the
message grammar about the values of header subfields. For example, the response code of a SIP response
is not only an unsigned integer of three digits, but its value must also be less than 699 (see Figure 3).
Mutants are chosen that violate these constraints.
To generate valid but problematic messages, we have extended our character set mutation rule to create
messages of the form suggested by the SIP Torture Test Message RFC [28]. This RFC describes a set of valid
SIP messages that test corner cases in SIP implementations.
To compare the robustness of Zebu-based applications to applications based on hand-crafted parsers, we
consider the parsing of the principal fields of a network protocol message. For SIP, these fields are the command
line and the six mandatory header fields, while for RTSP they are the command line and the header fields
Transport, CSeq and UserAgent. We drive each of the parsers listed in Figure 5 using minimal applications
that request access to these fields. The Zebu-based applications log-Zebu-SIP and log-Zebu-RTSP, for SIP
and RTSP respectively, consist of a few lines of C code that log statistical information about incoming messages.
These applications use the stubs generated by the Zebu compiler to access network messages, analogous to the
code illustrated in Figure 4b. The SER application, log-SER is written using the SER configuration language
to access the information in the various fields. The other applications, log-oSIP using oSIP, log-VLC using
VLC, and log-LiveMedia using LiveMedia, are written in C using the appropriate API functions provided by
the given parser.
Invalid messages In our first set of tests, we apply our mutation rules to SIP and RTSP messages, generating
a stream of invalid messages, which we then send to each of the SIP and RTSP applications, respectively. As
shown in Figure 6, while the Zebu-based applications detect every mutant as representing an invalid message,
none of the hand-crafted parsers detects more than about 25% of the injected mutants. This situation may have
a critical impact. In the case of SIP for example, we have crashed SER via a stream of 2416 incorrect messages,
sent within of 17 seconds. Because SER is widely used for telephony, which is a critical service, the ability to
crash the server is unacceptable.
% detected
log-Zebu-SIP 5976 100.0%
SIP log-oSIP 81 5976 1020 17.1%
log-SER 1512 25.3%
log-Zebu-RTSP 2730 100.0%
RTSP log-VLC 19 2730 4 0.1%
log-LiveMedia 748 27.4%
Figure 6: Mutation coverage for invalidSIP and RTSP messages
Valid messages While message parsers should detect erroneous messages as early as possible to preserve the
robustness of the applications that use them, they also must correctly parse valid messages. The SIP Torture
Test Message RFC [28] describes a set of valid SIP messages that test corner cases in SIP implementations.
Guided by this RFC, we have extended our character set mutation rule to generate mutants that are valid SIP
messages but are designed to torture a SIP implementation. Figure 7 shows that up to about 4% of the valid
A Language-Based Approach for Improving the Robustness of Network Application Protocol Implementations13
% rejected
log-Zebu-SIP 0 0.0%
SIP log-oSIP 18 549 21 3.9%
log-SER 2 0.4%
Figure 7: Mutation coverage for valid SIPmessages
messages are rejected by hand-crafted SIP parsers. By comparison, the Zebu-based SIP parser strictly follows
the message grammar.
We have tried an analogous experiment with the RTSP applications, but the VLC and LiveMedia parsers
are quite lax in their parsing of the message elements, such as the URI, that are covered by the SIP Torture
Test RFC, and thus all three applications accept all of the mutated messages.
4.2 Performance Evaluation
We now compare the performance of Zebu-based parsers to that of hand-crafted ones. Our results are only
for SIP, which is the most demanding in terms of performance. For our experiments, we have implemented
four versions of the SIP message statistics reporting application described in Section 3.4. In each case, the
application records the host information of the URI stored in the From header field of an INVITE message. The
first version (inv-SER-module) is implemented as a dedicated SER module to obtain full access to the internal
data structures of SER. The second version (inv-SER-exec) is written using the configuration language of SER
and relies on the escape mechanism provided by SER to invoke sed to extract the host information, as described
in Section 2.4. The third version (inv-oSIP) is implemented using a few lines of C code on top of the oSIP SIP
stack. The last version (inv-Zebu) is the Zebu-based application depicted in Figure 4b.
Our application illustrates the case where an application such as a intrusion detection system needs to
access a fragment of a header subfield. To explore the effect that various kinds of messages have on the parsing
performance for such an application, we consider a collection of INVITE messages, which are relevant to our
application, and an example of a non-INVITE message, which is not. Among the INVITE messages, in INVITE1
the From header field contains only the URI subfield and an required tag subfield; all of the other subfields,
which are optional, are omitted. This entails the minimal processing for a message that is relevant to the
application. The remaining INVITE messages, INVITE2 and INVITE3, show the effect of varying the position of
the From header field. In INVITE2, the From header field is the first of 34 header fields, while in INVITE2 it is
the last of 34 header fields. The non-INVITE message is a BYE and has 7 headers.
inv-SER-module inv-SER-exec inv-oSIP inv-Zebu
Message size Cycles Ratio Cycles Ratio Cycles Ratio Cycles Ratio
INVITE1 697 13 788 1 7 593 550 551 182 703 13 51 054 4
INVITE2 1 734 13 595 1 8 803 456 648 276 275 20 80 270 6
INVITE3 1 734 32 045 1 10 015 827 313 - - 133 164 4
BYE 334 10 252 1 10 765 1 105 773 10 6 037 0.6
Figure 8: Performance of SIP applications (time in cycles, ratio as compared to inv-SER-module)
Our experiments were performed using a Pentium III (1GHz) as the server, which is stressed by a bi-processor
Xeon 3.2Ghz client. Figure 8 compares the parsing time for each of the applications to that of SER-module,
which has the fastest parser among the existing parsers that we tested.
SER uses the efficient two-level parsing strategy described in Section 3.1, to parse only the header fields that
are relevant to the application. The parsing done by inv-SER-module is particularly efficient in the case of
INVITE messages, as the information required by the application is already available in the SER internal data
structures. The parsing done by inv-SER-exec is roughly as efficient as that done by inv-SER-module for the
non-INVITE message. The parsing done by inv-SER-exec for the INVITE messages, on the other hand, is up
to 648 times slower, because it forks a sed process. Despite the bad performance in this case, the use of the
configuration language of SER remains relevant, because it provides ease of programming and safety, which are
not provided by the use of a SER module.
The parsing done by inv-oSIP is over 13 times slower than the parsing done by inv-SER-module for INVITE
messages and over 10 times slower for the non-INVITE message. In both cases, oSIP parses the six required
SIP headers (plus two more required headers in the case of a REGISTER message) and stores pointers to the
starting point of each sub-field. As the application requests information about the INVITE header field, oSIP
RR n° 0123456789
14 Burgy, Réveillère, Lawall & Muller
additionally copies the subfields into a data structure that is provided to the application, roughly doubling the
execution time. No results are presented for inv-oSIP for INVITE3, because oSIP crashes on this message.
Finally, while Zebu follows the same two-level parsing strategy as SER, the parsing done by inv-Zebu is
significantly slower than the parsing done by inv-SER-module for the INVITE messages, because Zebu checks
the URI more rigorously than SER. On the other hand, Zebu is significantly more efficient than SER for the
non-INVITE messages. SER is directed towards routing applications, and thus it always parses the Via header,
which is essential in the routing process, although irrelevant to our application. Thus, Zebu provides better
performance in such cases by being more closely tailored to the needs of the application, and retains safety,
which is lost in SER when using the module approach.
5 Related Work
Parser generators such as DATASCRIPT [3], PacketTypes [18], PADS [9], GAPA [5] and binpac [22] have been
recently developed to address the growing complexity of network protocol messages. However, as described
in Section 2, these tools do not fulfill all the requirements of network application developers. APG [17] is a
parser generator that accepts ABNF directly. Semantic actions are specified via callback functions rather than
annotations on the grammar. We have found the use of such callback functions to be somewhat heavyweight,
in our experience in using APG. Furthermore, APG is not specific to HTTP-like text-based protocols, and
thus cannot implement the two-level parsing strategy outlined in Section 3.1, which we have found (Section 4)
essential to obtaining good performance.
Domain-specific languages have been used successfully in various application domains including operating
systems [16, 19] and networks [11, 13]. Several of these languages have explicitly targeted improving system
robustness. The Devil language, in the domain of device-driver development, provides high-level abstractions for
specifying the code for interacting with the device, and performs a number of compile-time and (optional) run-
time verifications to check that the specifications are consistent [25]. The language Promela++ for specifying
network protocols, can be translated automatically both into the model checking language Promela [14] and
into efficient C code, thus easing the development of a protocol implementation that is both verified and efficient
Mutation analysis has been used to test the robustness of other software components, such as operating
systems [8], network intrusion detection systems [31], and databases [30]. Our work is most similar to the work
on network intrusion detection systems, which also mutates network protocol messages.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we have presented the Zebu declarative language for describing protocol message formats and
related processing constraints. Zebu builds on the ABNF notations typically used in RFCs to describe protocol
grammars. In evaluating Zebu, we have particularly focused on analyzing the improvement in robustness that
it provides. For this, we have defined a test methodology based on a mutation analysis that injects errors into
network messages. We have applied our test methodology to SIP and RTSP servers by comparing existing
parsers with Zebu-generated ones.
The results of our experiments show that nearly 4 times more erroneous messages are detected by the Zebu-
based parser than by widely-used hand-written parsers. In the case of SIP, we were able to crash the widely
used SER parser [23] via a stream of 2416 incorrect messages, sent within a space of 17 seconds. Because SER
is used for telephony, which is a critical service, the ability to crash the server is unacceptable. We have also
found valid messages that are not accepted by the SER and oSIP parsers, which can similarly have a critical
impact. Finally, we have shown that the added safety and robustness provided by Zebu does not significantly
impact performance. In the case of SIP, in micro-benchmarks, we have found that a Zebu-based parser is often
as efficient as a hand-crafted one.
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Unité de recherche INRIA Futurs
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ISSN 0249-6399
Issues in developing network protocol parsers
ABNF formalism
Hand-writing parsers
Using parser generators
Integrating a parser with an application
Robust Parser Development with Zebu
Annotating an ABNF specification
The Zebu compiler
Developing an application with Zebu
Robustness evaluation
Performance Evaluation
Related Work
0704.1374 | A Close Look at Star Formation around Active Galactic Nuclei | A Close Look at Star Formation around Active Galactic Nuclei
R. I. Davies, F. Mueller Sánchez, R. Genzel, L.J. Tacconi, E.K.S. Hicks, S. Friedrich,
Max Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Postfach 1312, 85741, Garching, Germany
A. Sternberg
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
We analyse star formation in the nuclei of 9 Seyfert galaxies at spatial resolutions down
to 0.085′′, corresponding to length scales of order 10 pc in most objects. Our data were taken
mostly with the near infrared adaptive optics integral field spectrograph SINFONI. The stellar
light profiles typically have size scales of a few tens of parsecs. In two cases there is unambiguous
kinematic evidence for stellar disks on these scales. In the nuclear regions there appear to have
been recent – but no longer active – starbursts in the last 10-300Myr. The stellar luminosity
is less than a few percent of the AGN in the central 10 pc, whereas on kiloparsec scales the
luminosities are comparable. The surface stellar luminosity density follows a similar trend in all
the objects, increasing steadily at smaller radii up to ∼ 1013 L⊙ kpc
−2 in the central few parsecs,
where the mass surface density exceeds 104 M⊙ pc
−2. The intense starbursts were probably
Eddington limited and hence inevitably short-lived, implying that the starbursts occur in multiple
short bursts. The data hint at a delay of 50–100Myr between the onset of star formation and
subsequent fuelling of the black hole. We discuss whether this may be a consequence of the role
that stellar ejecta could play in fuelling the black hole. While a significant mass is ejected by OB
winds and supernovae, their high velocity means that very little of it can be accreted. On the
other hand winds from AGB stars ultimately dominate the total mass loss, and they can also be
accreted very efficiently because of their slow speeds.
Subject headings: galaxies: active — galaxies: nuclei — galaxies: Seyfert — galaxies: starburst
— infrared: galaxies
1. Introduction
During recent years there has been increasing evidence for a connection between active galactic nuclei
(AGN) and star formation in the vicinity of the central black holes. This subject forms the central topic of
this paper, and is discussed in Sections 4 and 5.
A large number of studies have addressed the issue of star formation around AGN. Those which have
probed closest to the nucleus, typically on scales of a few hundred parsecs, have tended to focus on Seyferts
– notably Seyfert 2 galaxies – since these are the closest examples (Sarzi et al. 2007; Asari et el. 2007;
1Based on observations at the European Southern Observatory VLT (60.A-9235, 070.B-0649, 070.B-0664, 074.B-9012, 076.B-
– 2 –
González Delgado, et al. 2005; Cid Fernandes et al. 2004; González Delgado, et al. 2001; Gu et al. 2001;
Joguet et al. 2001; Storchi-Bergmann et al. 2001; Ivanov et al. 2000). The overall conclusion of these studies
is that in 30–50% cases the AGN is associated with young (i.e. age less than a few 100 Myr) star formation.
While this certainly implies a link, it does not necessarily imply any causal link between the two phenomena.
Instead, it could more simply be a natural consequence of the fact that both AGN and starburst require gas
to fuel them. And that in some galaxies this gas has fallen towards the nucleus, either due to an interaction
or secular evolution such as bar driven inflow.
One aspect which must be borne in mind when interpreting such results, and which has been pointed
out by Knapen (2004), is the discrepancy in the scales involved. AGN and starburst phemonena occur on
different temporal and spatial scales; and observations are sensitive to scales that are different again. For
example, star formation has typically been studied on scales of several kiloparsecs down to a few hundred
parsecs. In contrast, accretion of gas onto an AGN will occur on scales much less than 1 pc. Similarly, the
shortest star formation timescales that most observations are sensitive to are of order 100 Myr to 1 Gyr. On
the other hand, in this paper we show that the active phase of star formation close around a black hole is
typically rather less than 100 Myr. Correspondingly short accretion timescales for black holes are reflected
in the ages of jets which, for a sample of radio galaxies measured by Machalski et al. (2007), span a range
from a few to 100 Myr. In Seyfert galaxies the timescales are even shorter, as typified by NGC 1068 for which
Capetti et al. (1999) estimate the age of the jets to be only ∼ 0.1 Myr. That the putative causal connection
between AGN and starbursts might occur on relatively small spatial scales and short timescales can help us
to understand why no correlation has been found between AGN and (circum-)nuclear starbursts in general.
It is simply that the circumnuclear activity on scales greater than a few hundred parsecs is, in most cases,
too far from the AGN to influence it, or be strongly influenced by it (cf Heckman et al. 1997).
In this paper we redress this imbalance. While the optical spectroscopy pursued by many authors
allows a detailed fitting of templates and models to the stellar features, we also make use of established
star formation diagnostics and interpret them using starburst population synthesis models. Observing at
near infrared wavelengths has brought two important advantages. The optical depth is 10 times less than at
optical wavelengths, and thus our data are less prone to the effects of extinction which can be significant in
AGN. And we have employed adaptive optics to reach spatial resolutions of 0.1–0.2′′, bringing us closer to the
nucleus. Applying these techniques, we have already analysed the properties of the nuclear star formation in
a few objects (Davies et al. 2004a,b, 2006; Mueller Sánchez et al. 2006). Here we bring those data together
with new data on 5 additional objects. Our sample enables us to probe star formation in AGN from radii
of 1 kpc down to less than 10 pc. Our aim is to ascertain whether there is evidence for star formation on
the smallest scales we can reach; and if so, to constrain its star formation history. Ultimately, we look at
whether there are indications that the nuclear starburst and AGN are mutually influencing each other.
In §2 we describe the sample selection, observations, data reduction, PSF estimation, and extraction of
the emission and absorption line morphologies and kinematics. In §3 we discuss the observational diagnostics
and modelling tools. Brief analyses of the relevant facets of our new data for the individual objects are
provided in Appendix A, where we also summarise results of our previously published data, re-assessing
them where necessary to ensure that all objects are analysed in a consistent manner. The primary aims of
our paper are addressed in §4 and §5. In §4 we discuss global results concerning the existence and recent
history of nuclear star formation for our whole sample. In §5 we discuss the implications of nuclear starbursts
on the starburst-AGN connection. Finally, we present our conclusions in §6.
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2. Sample, Observations, Data Processing
2.1. Sample Selection
The AGN discussed in this paper form a rather heterogeneous group. They include type 1 and type 2
Seyferts, ULIRGs, and even a QSO, and do not constitute a complete sample. In order to maximise the size
of the sample, we have combined objects on which we have already published adaptive optics near infrared
spectra with new observations of additional targets.
Source selection was driven largely by technical considerations for the adaptive optics (AO) system,
namely having a nucleus bright and compact enough to allow a good AO correction. This is actually a
strength since it means that 7 of the 9 AGN are in fact broad line objects – as given either by the standard
type 1 classification or because there is clear broad (FWHM > 1000km s−1) Brγ emission in our spectra.
Fig. 1 shows broad Brγ in K-band spectra of 3 AGN that are not usually classified as broad line galaxies.
This is in contrast to most other samples of AGN for which star formation has been studied in detail, and
avoids any bias that might arise from selecting only type 2 Syeferts. That there may be a bias arises from the
increasing evidence that the obscuration in perhaps half of type 2 AGN lies at kpc scales rather than in the
nucleus, which may be caused by spatially extended star formation in the galaxy disk (Brand et al. 2007;
Martinez-Sansigre et al. 2006; Rigby et al. 2006). Such AGN do not fit easily into the standard unification
scheme (and perhaps should not really be considered type 2 objects). Because broad lines can be seen in
the infrared, we know that we are seeing down to the nuclear region and hence our results are not subject
to any effects that this might otherwise introduce.
It is exactly broad line AGN for which little is known about the nuclear star formation, because the glare
of the AGN swamps any surrounding stellar light in the central arcsec. As a result, most studies addressing
star formation close to AGN have focussed on type 2 Seyferts. Adaptive optics makes it possible to confine
much of the AGN’s light into a very compact region, and to resolve the stellar continuum around it. The
use of adaptive optics does give rise to one difficulty when attempting to quantify the results in a uniform
way, due to the different resolutions achieved – which is a combination of both the distance to each object
(i.e. target selection) and the AO performance. As a result, the standard deviation around the logarithmic
mean resolution of our sample (excluding NGC 2992, see Section A) of 22 pc is a factor of 3. However, this
has enabled us to study the centers of AGN across nearly 3 orders of magnitude in spatial scale, from 1 kpc
in the more distant objects to only a few parsecs in the nearby objects with the best AO correction.
2.2. Observations & Reduction
A summary of our observations is given in Table 1. A description of observations and processing of the
new data is given below.
Data for IRAS 05189-2524 and NGC 1068 were taken in December 2002 at the VLT with NACO, an
adaptive optics near infrared camera and long slit spectrograph (Lenzen et al. 2003; Rousset et al. 2003).
Since IRAS 05189-2524 is nearly face on, there is no strongly preferred axis and the slit was oriented north-
south; for NGC 1068 two orientations were used, north-south and east-west. In all cases the slit width was
0.086′′, yielding a nominal resolution of R ∼ 1500 with the wide-field camera (pixel scale 0.054′′) and medium
resolution grism. The galaxy was nodded back and forth along the slit by 10′′ to allow sky subtraction. For
IRAS 05189-2524, 12 integrations of 300 sec were made; for NGC 1068 12 integrations of 300 sec were made
at one position angle, and 14 frames of 200 sec at the other. All data were reduced and combined, using
– 4 –
standard longslit techniques in IRAF, to make the final H-band spectrum.
Data for NGC 7469, NGC 2992, NGC 1097, NGC 1068, and NGC 3783 were taken during 2004–2005 at
the VLT with SINFONI, an adaptive optics near infrared integral field spectrograph (Eisenhauer et al. 2003;
Bonnet et al. 2004). Data were taken with various gratings covering the H and K bands either separately
(R ∼ 4000) or together (R ∼ 1500). The pixel scales were 0.125′′×0.25′′ or 0.05′′×0.1′′, depending on the
trade-offs between field of view, spatial resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio. Individual exposure times are in
the range 50–300 sec depending on the object brightness. Object frames were interspersed with sky frames,
usually using the sequence O-S-O-O-S-O, to facilitate background subtraction. The data were processed
using the dedicated spred software package (Abuter et al. 2006), which provides similar processing to that
for longslit data but with the added ability to reconstruct the datacube. The data processing steps are
as follows. The object frames are pre-processed by subtracting sky frames, flatfielding, and correcting bad
pixels (which are identified from dark frames and the flatfield). The wavemap is generated, and edges and
curvature of the slitlets are traced, all from the arclamp frame. The arclamp frame is then reconstructed
into a cube, which is checked to ensure that the calibration is good. The pre-processed object frames are
then also reconstructed into cubes, spatially shifted to align them using the bright nucleus as a reference,
and combined. In some cases the final cube was spatially smoothed using a 3 × 3 median filter. Estimation
of the spatial resolution (see below) was always performed after this stage.
In some cases, the strong near-infrared OH lines did not subtract well. With longer exposure times this
is to be expected since the timescale for variation of the OH is only 1–2 mins. If visual inspection of the
reconstructed cubes showed signs of over- or under-subtraction of the OH lines, these cubes were reprocessed
using the method described in Davies (2007a).
Standard star frames are similarly reconstructed into cubes. Telluric correction and flux calibration were
performed using B stars (K-band) or G2V stars (H-band). In addition, flux calibration was cross-checked in
3′′ apertures using 2MASS data, and in smaller 1–3′′ apertures using broad-band imaging from NACO or
HST NICMOS. Agreement between cubes with different pixel scales, and also with the external data, was
consistent to typically 20%.
2.3. PSF Estimation
There are a multitude of ways to derive the point spread function (PSF) from adaptive optics data,
five of which are described in Davies (2007b). With AGN, it is usually possible to estimate the PSF from
the science data itself, removing any uncertainty about spatial and temporal variations of the PSF due to
atmospheric effects. Typically one or both of the following methods are employed on the new data presented
here. If a broad emission line is detected, this will always yield a measure of the PSF since the BLR of
Seyfert galaxies has a diameter that can be measured in light days. Alternatively, the non-stellar continuum
will provide a sufficiently good approximation in all but the nearest AGN since at near infrared wavelengths
it is expected to originate from a region no more than 1–2 pc across.
In every case we have fit an analytical function to the PSF. Since the Strehl ratio achieved is relatively
low, even a Gaussian is a good representation. We have used a Moffat function, which achieves a better fit
because it also matches the rather broad wings that are a characteristic of partial adaptive optics correction.
The PSF measured for NGC 3227, which is shown in Fig. 1 of Davies et al. (2006), can be considered typical.
If one applies the concept of ‘core plus halo’ to this PSF, then the Gaussian fit would represent just the core
while the Moffat fit the entire ‘core plus halo’. Integrating both of these functions indicates that about 75%
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of the flux is within the ‘core’, and it is thus this component which dominates the PSF. In this paper, a more
exact representation of the PSF is not needed since we have not performed a detailed kinematic analysis,
and we have simply used the Moffat to derive a FWHM for the spatial resolution. The resolutions achieved
are listed in Table 1.
2.4. Emission/Absorption Line Characterisation
The 2D distribution of emission and absorption features has been found by fitting a function to the
continuum-subtracted spectral profile at each spatial position in the datacube. The function was a convolu-
tion of a Gaussian with a spectrally unresolved template profile – in the case of emission lines it was an OH
sky emission line, and for stellar absorption features we made use of template stars observed in the same con-
figuration (pixel scale and grism). A minimisation was performed in which the parameters of the Gaussian
were adjusted until the convolved profile best matched the data. During the minimisation, pixels in the data
that consistently deviated strongly from the data were rejected. The uncertainties were boot-strapped using
Monte Carlo techniques, assuming that the noise is uncorrelated and the intrinsic profile is well represented
by a Gaussian. The method involves adding a Gaussian with the derived properties to a spectral segment
that exhibits the same noise statistics as the data, and refitting the result to yield a new set of Gaussian
parameters. After repeating this 100 times, the standard deviation of the center and dispersion were used
as the uncertainites for the velocity and line width.
The kinematics were further processed using kinemetry (Krajnović et al. 2006). This is a parameteri-
sation (i.e. a mathematical rather than a physical model) of the 2D field. As such, beam smearing is not
a relevant issue to kinemetry, which yields an analytical expression for the observed data. Of course, when
the coefficients of this expression are interpreted or used to constrain a physical model, then beam smearing
should be considered. Mathematically, the kinemetry procedure fits the data with a linear sum of sines and
cosines with various angular scalings around ellipses at each radius. We have used it for 3 purposes: to de-
termine the best position angle and axis ratio for the velocity field, to remove high order noise from the raw
kinematic extraction, and to recover the velocity and dispersion radial profiles. In all of the cases considered
here, the kinematic centre of the velocity field was assumed to be coincident with the peak of the non-stellar
continuum. In addition, the uniformity of the velocity field permitted us to make the simplifying assumption
of a single position angle and axis ratio – i.e. there is no evidence for warps or twisted velocity contours.
We then derived the position angle and inclination of the disk by minimising the A1 and B3 parameters
respectively (see Krajnović et al. 2006 for a description of these). The rotation curves were recovered by
correcting the measured velocity profile for inclination. We have assumed throughout the paper that the
dispersion is isotropic, and hence no inclination correction was applied to the dispersion that was measured.
The innermost parts of the kinematics derived as above are of course still affected by beam smearing.
In general, the central dispersion cannot necessarily be taken at face value since it may either be artificially
increased by any component of rotation included within the beam size, or decreased if neighbouring regions
within the beam have a lower dispersion. In the galaxies we have studied, there are two aspects which
mitigate this uncertainty: the rotation speed in the central region is much less than the dispersion and so
will not significantly alter it; and when estimating the central value we consider the trend of the dispersion
from large radii, where the effect of the beam is small, to the center. For the basic analyses performed here,
we have therefore adopted the central dispersion at face value. More detailed physical models for the nuclear
disks, which properly account for the effects of beam smearing, will be presented in future publications.
Lastly, we emphasize that the impact of the finite beam size on the derived rotation curve does not affect
– 6 –
our measurement of the dynamical mass. The reason is that, for all the dynamical mass estimates we make,
the mass is estimated at a radius much large than the FWHM of the PSF – as can be seen in the relevant
3. Quantifying the Star Formation
In this section we describe the tools of the trade used to analyse the data, and which lead us to the
global results presented in Section 4. Specific details and analyses for individual objects can be found in
Appendix A. We use the same methods and tools for all the objects to ensure that all the data are analysed
in a consistent manner.
Perhaps the most important issue is how to isolate the stellar continuum, which is itself a powerful
diagnostic. In addition, we use three standard and independent diagnostics to quantify the star formation
history and intensity in the nuclei of these AGN. These are the Brγ equivalent width, supernova rate, and
mass-to-light ratio. Much of the discussion concerns how we take into account the contribution of the AGN
when quantifying these parameters. We also consider what impact an incorrect compensation could have on
interpretation of the diagnostics.
We model these observational diagnostics using the stellar population and spectral synthesis code STARS
(e.g. Sternberg 1998; Sternberg et al. 2003; Förster Schreiber et al. 2003; Davies et al. 2003, 2005). This code
calculates the distribution of stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as a function of age for an assumed
star formation history. We usually assume an exponentially decaying star formation rate, which has an
associated timescale τSF. Spectral properties of the cluster are then computed given the stellar population
present at any time. We note that the model output of STARS is quantitatively similar to that from
version 5.1 of Starburst99, which unlike earlier versions does include AGB tracks (Leitherer et al. 1999;
Vazquez & Leitherer 2005). As discussed in detail below, particular predictions of STARS include, for ages
greater than 10 Myr: equivalent widths of WCO2−0 ∼ 12Å and WCO6−3 ∼ 4.5Å, and H-K color of 0.15 mag.
The equivalent quantities predicted by Starburst99 v5.1 are WCO2−0 ∼ 11Å and WCO6−3 ∼ 5Å, and H-K
color of 0.2 mag.
3.1. Isolating the stellar continuum
For small observational apertures a significant fraction of the K-band (and even H-band) continuum
can be associated with non-stellar AGN continuum. The AGN contribution can be estimated from a simple
measurement of the equivalent width of a stellar absorption feature. We use CO 2-0 2.29µm in the K-band or
CO 6-3 1.62µm in the H-band. Although the equivalent widths WCO2−0 and WCO6−3 vary considerably for
individual stars, the integrated values for stellar clusters span only a rather limited range. This was shown
by Oliva et al. (1995) who measured these values for elliptical, spiral, and star-forming (Hii) galaxies. We
have plotted their measurements of these two absorption features in the left-hand panel of Fig. 2, together
with the equivalent widths of giant and supergiant stars from Origlia et al. (1993).
In STARS we use empirically determined equivalent widths from library spectra (Förster Schreiber
2000) to compute the time-dependent equivalent width for an entire cluster of stars. Results for various star
formation histories are shown in the centre and right panels of Fig. 2, for WCO6−3 and WCO2−0 respectively.
Typical values are WCO6−3 = 4.5Å and WCO2−0 = 12Å. The dashed box in the left panel shows that the
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locus of 20% deviation from each of these computed values is consistent with observations. That the Hii
galaxies have slightly higher WCO2−0 can be understood because these are selected to have bright emission
lines and hence are strongly biassed towards young stellar ages – often corresponding to the maximum depth
of the stellar features that occurs at 10 Myr due to the late-type supergiant population. It may be this
bias for galaxies selected as ‘starbursts’, and the similarity of the CO depth for starbursts of all other ages,
that led Ivanov et al. (2000) to conclude that there is no evidence for strong starbursts in Seyfert 2 galaxies.
Similarly, an estimate of the dilution can be found from the Nai 2.206µm line. Fig. 7 of Davies et al. (2005)
shows that for nearly all star formation histories the value WNa I remains in the range 2–3Å.
Our conclusion here is that within a reasonable uncertainty of ±20% (see Fig. 2), one can assume that
the intrinsic equivalent width of the absorption – most notably CO – features of any stellar population that
contains late-type stars is independent of the star formation history and age. For a stellar continuum diluted
by additional non-stellar emission, the fraction of stellar light is
fstellar = Wobs/Wint
where Wobs and Wint are the observed and intrinsic equivalent widths of the CO features discussed above.
Thus, we are able to correct the observed continuum magnitude for the contribution associated with the
3.2. Stellar colour and luminosity
Our data cover both the H and K-bands – hence the reason for using both WCO6−3 and WCO2−0. In
order to homogenize the dataset, we need to convert H-band stellar magnitudes to K-band. The STARS
computation in Fig. 3 shows that this conversion is also independent of the star formation history, being
close to H −K = 0.15 mag (no extinction) for all timescales and ages. This result is supported empirically
by photometry of elliptical and spiral galaxies performed by Glass (1984). For ellipticals H −K ∼ 0.2–0.25,
and for spirals H − K ∼ 0.2–0.3. Some of the difference between the data and models could be due to
extinction since H −K = (H −K)0 + (AH −AK); and for AV = 1, AH −AK = 0.08. However, at the level
of precision required here, the 5–10% difference between model and data can be considered negligible.
To convert from absolute magnitude to luminosity we use the relation
MK = −0.33 − 2.5 logLK
where LK is the total luminosity in the 1.9–2.5µm band in units of bolometric solar luminosity (1L⊙ =
3.8 × 1026 W), and as such different from the other frequently used monochromatic definition with units of
the solar K-band luminosity density (2.15 × 1025 Wµm−1). We then use STARS to estimate the bolometric
stellar luminosity Lbol. The relation between Lbol and LK is shown in the right panel of Fig. 3. The
dimensionless ratio Lbol/LK depends on the age and the exponential decay timescale of the star formation.
However, the range spanned is only 20–200 for ages greater than 10 Myr. Thus even if the star formation
history cannot be constrained, a conversion ratio of Lbol/LK ∼ 60 will have an associated uncertainty of
only 0.3 dex. In general we are able to apply constraints on the star formation age, and so our errors will be
accordingly smaller.
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3.3. Specific Star Formation Diagnostics
Graphs showing how the diagnostics vary with age and star formation timescale are shown in Fig. 4.
3.3.1. Brγ equivalent width
Once the stellar continuum luminosity is known, an upper limit to the equivalent width of Brγ asssociated
with star formation can be found from the narrow Brγ line flux. In some cases it is possible to estimate what
fraction of the narrow Brγ might be associated with the AGN. This can be done both morphologically, for
example if the line emission is extended along the galaxy’s minor axis; and/or kinematically, for example if
the line shows regions that are broader, perhaps with FWHM a few hundred km s−1, suggestive of outflow.
Even if acounting for the AGN contribution is not possible, one may be able to set interesting upper limits or
even rule out continuous star formation scenarios, and put a constraint on the time since the star formation
was active. This can be seen in the lefthand panel of Fig. 4, which shows for example that for ages less than
109 yrs, continuous star formation scenarios will always have WBrγ > 12 Å.
3.3.2. Supernova rate
We estimate the type ii (core collapse) supernova rate νSN from the radio continuum using the relation
(Condon 1992):
LN (W Hz
−1) = 1.3 × 1023 ν−α(GHz) νSN (yr
where LN is the non-thermal radio continuum luminosity, ν is frequency of the observation and α ∼ 0.8 the
spectral index of the non-thermal continuum. This relation was derived for Galactic supernova remnants;
but a similar one, differing only in having a coefficient of 1.1 × 1023, was derived by Huang et al. (1994) for
M 82. For the 5 GHz non-thermal radio continuum luminosity of Arp 220 (176 mJy, Anantharamaiah et al.
2000) it would lead to a supernova rate of 2.9 yr−1, comfortably within the 1.75–3.5yr−1 range estimated by
Smith et al. (1998) based on the detection of individual luminous radio supernovae. This, therefore, seems
a reasonable relation to apply to starbursts.
We have to be careful, however, to take into account any contribution from the AGN to the radio
continuum. Our premise for the nuclei of Seyfert galaxies is that if the nuclear radio continuum is spatially
resolved (i.e. it has a low brightness temperature) and does not have the morphology of a jet, it is likely
to originate in extended star formation. At the spatial scales of a few parsec or more that we can resolve,
emission from the AGN will be very compact. As a result, we can use the peak surface brightness to
estimate the maximum (unresolved) contribution from an AGN. Wherever possible, we use radio continuum
observations at a comparable resolution to our data to derive the extended emission; and observations at
higher resolution to estimate the AGN contribution. Details of the data used in each case are given in
the relevant sub-sections for each object in Appendix A. In addition, we exclude any emission obviously
associated with jets, for example as in NGC 1068.
To use νSN as a diagnostic, we normalise it with respect to the stellar K-band luminosity. This gives
the ratio 1010νSN/LK , for which STARS output is drawn in Fig. 4.
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3.3.3. Mass-to-light ratio
Models indicate that the ratio M/LK of the stellar mass to K-band luminosity should be an excellent
diagnostic since, for ages greater than 10 Myr, it increases monotonically with age as shown in Fig. 4.
However, in practice estimating the stellar mass is not entirely straightforward. In many cases it is only
practicable to derive the dynamical mass. It may be possible to estimate and hence correct for the molecular
gas mass based on millimetre CO maps, but these are scarce at sufficiently high spatial resolution and are
associated with their own CO-to-H2 conversion uncertainties. We also note that it is often not possible to
separate the ‘old’ and ‘young’ stellar populations. The best one can do is estimate the overall mass-to-light
ratio, and argue that this is an upper limit to the true ratio for the young population. While there inevitably
remains uncertainty on the true ratio, the limit is often sufficient to apply useful constraints on the age of
the ‘young’ population.
Our estimates of the dynamical mass are based wherever possible on the stellar kinematics, since the gas
kinematics can be perturbed by warps, shocks, and outflows. We begin by estimating the simple Keplerian
mass assuming that the stars are supported by ordered rotation at velocity Vrot = Vobs/ sin i in a thin plane.
However, the stellar kinematics in all the galaxies exhibit a significant velocity dispersion indicating that a
considerable mass is supported by random rather than ordered motions. Thus the simple Keplerian mass
is very much an underestimate, and any estimate of the actual mass is associated with large uncertainties
– see for example Bender et al. (1992), who derive masses of spheroidal systems. As stated in Section 2,
we assume that the random motions are isotropic. Our relation for estimating the mass enclosed within a
radius R is then
M = (V 2rot + 3σ
where σ is the observed 1-dimensional velocity dispersion.
We note that when taking rotation into account in estimating the masses of spheroids with various
density profiles, Bender et al. (1992) also use a factor 3 between the V and σ terms in their Appendix B.
Despite the complexities involved, within the unavoidable uncertainties (a factor 2–3), their relation gives
the same mass as that above. Although this uncertainty appears to be quite large, it does not impact the
results and conclusions in this paper since we are concerned primarily with order-of-magnitude estimates
when considering mass surface densities.
4. Properties of Nuclear Star Formation
In the following section we bring to together the individual results (detailed in Appendix A) to form a
global picture. It is possible to do this because all the data have been analysed in a consistent manner, using
the tools described in Section 3 to compare in each object the same diagnostics to the same set of stellar
evolutionary synthesis models.
We note that the discussion that follows is based on results for 8 of the AGN we have observed. As
explained in Appendix A we exclude NGC 2992 because we are not able to put reliable constraints on the
properties of the nuclear star formation. Despite this, there are indications that at higher spatial resolution
one should expect to find a distinct nuclear stellar population as has been seen in other AGN.
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Size scale Tracing the stellar features rather than the broad-band continuum, we have in all cases resolved
a stellar population in the nucleus close around the AGN. While this should not be unexpected if the stellar
distribution follows a smooth r1/4 or exponential profile, we have in several cases been able to show that on
scales of < 50 pc there is in fact an excess above what one would expect from these profiles. This suggests
that in general we are probing an inner star forming component.
Fig. 5 shows normalised azimuthally averaged stellar luminosity profiles for the AGN. These have not
been corrected for a possible old underlying population, nor has any deconvolution with the PSF been
performed. Nevertheless, it is still clear that the stellar intensity increases very steeply towards the nucleus.
In 6 of the 8 galaxies shown, the half-width at half-maximum is less than 50 pc. The remaining 2 galaxies
are the most distant in the sample, and the spatial resolution achieved does not permit a size measurement
on these scales. We may conclude that the physical radial size scale of the nuclear star forming regions in
Seyfert galaxies does not typically exceed 50 pc.
Stellar Age For 8 of the AGN studied here, we have been able to use classical star formation diagnostics
based on line and continuum fluxes as well as kinematics to constrain the ages of the inner star forming
regions. The resulting ages should be considered ‘characteristic’, since in many cases there may simultane-
ously be two or more stellar populations that are not co-eval. For example, if a bulge population exists on
these small spatial scales, it was not usually possible to account for the contamination it would introduce.
While this would have little effect on WBrγ , it could impact on M/LK more strongly, increasing the inferred
age. The ages we find lie in the range 10–300Myr, compelling evidence that it is common for there to be
relatively young star clusters close around AGN.
Intriguingly, we also find rather low values of WBrγ : typically WBrγ . 10 Å (see Table 3). This indicates
directly that there is currently little or no on-going star formation. Coupled with the relatively young ages,
we conclude that the star formation episodes are short-lived. One may speculate then that the star formation
is episodic, recurring in short bursts. The scale of the bursts and time interval between them would certainly
have an impact on the fraction of Seyfert nuclei in which observational programmes are able to find evidence
for recent star formation.
Nuclear Stellar Disks The first evidence for nuclear stellar disks came from seeing limited optical
spectroscopy, for which a slight reduction in σ∗ was seen for some spiral galaxies (Emsellem et al. 2001;
Márquez et al. 2003; Shapiro et al. 2003). And there is now a growing number of spiral galaxies – more than
30 – in which the phenomenon has been observed, suggesting that they might occur in 30% or more of disk
galaxies (Emsellem 2006c). The σ∗-drop has been interpreted by Emsellem et al. (2001) as arising from a
young stellar population that is born from a dynamically cold gas component, and which makes a significant
contribution to the total luminosity. This appears to be borne out by N-body and SPH simulations of iso-
lated galaxies (Wozniak et al. 2003), which suggest that although the entire central system will slowly heat
up with time, the σ∗-drop can last for at least several hundred Myr. Indeed, preliminary analysis of optical
integral field data for NGC 3623 suggest that the stellar population responsible for the σ∗-drop cannot be
younger than 1 Gyr (Emsellem 2006b).
Our results provide strong support for the nuclear disk interpretation. In previous work (Davies et al.
2006; Mueller Sánchez et al. 2006), we had argued that in both Circinus and NGC 3227 the inner distributions
were disk-like, albeit thickened. We have now found much more direct evidence for this phenomenon in
NGC 1097 and NGC 1068. In both of these galaxies, we have spatially resolved a σ∗-drop and an excess
– 11 –
stellar continuum over the same size scales. In NGC 1097 this size was ∼0.5′′, corresponding to about 40 pc.
For NGC 1068 these effects were measured out to ∼1′′, equivalent to 70 pc. These are not the scale lengths
of the disks, but simply the maximum radius to which we can detect them. In both cases the mean mass
surface densities are of order Σ =(1-3)×104 M⊙ pc
−2. For an infinitely large thin self gravitating stellar disk,
one can use the expression σ2z = 2πGΣz0 to estimate the scale height. Although this may not be entirely
appropriate, we use it here to obtain a rough approximation to the scale heights, which are 5–20 pc. Thus
while the disks appear to be flattened, they should still be considered thick since the radial extent is only a
few times the scale height.
The impact of nuclear starbursts on the central light profile of galaxies was considered theoretically more
than a decade ago by Mihos & Hernquist (1994). They performed numerical simulations of galaxy mergers
to study the mass and luminosity profiles of the remnants, taking gas into account, and estimating the star
formation rate using a modified Schmidt law. They found that there should be a starburst in the nucleus
which would give rise to an excess stellar continuum above the r1/4 profile of the older stars in the merged
system. Several years ago, compact nuclei were found to be present in a significant fraction of spiral galaxies
(Balcells et al. 2003) as well as Coma cluster dwarf ellipticals (Graham & Guzmán 2003). More recently,
nuclei with a median half-light radius of 4.2 pc have been found in the majority of early-type members of
the Virgo Cluster (Côté et al. 2006); and traced out to ∼1′′, equivalent to ∼ 100 pc, in some of the ‘wet’
merger remnants in that cluster (Kormendy et al. 2007). While the nuclear starbursts in these latter cases
are caused by a merger event, whereas those we are studying arise from secular evolution as gas from the
galaxy disk accretes in the nucleus, there appear to be many parallels in the phenomenology of the resulting
Star Formation Rate It is possible to estimate the bolometric luminosity Lbol∗ of the stars from their K-
band luminosity LK even if one knows nothing about the star formation history. As discussed in Section 3,
this would result in an uncertainty of about a factor 3. The diagnostics in Table 3 and discussions in
Appendix A enable us to apply some constraints to the characteristic age of the star formation. Because
continuous star formation is ruled out by the low WBrγ , we have assumed exponential decay timescales of
τSF = 10–100Myr. We have then used STARS to estimate the average star formation rates. In order to
allow a meaningful comparison between the objects, the rates have been normalised to the same area of
1 kpc2. These are the rates given in Table 3. They are calculated simply as the mass of stars produced
divided by the entire time since the star forming episode began. Because τSF is shorter than the age, the
average includes both active and non-active phases of the starburst. Indeed, for τSF = 10 Myr one would
expect the star formation rate during the active phases to be at least a factor of a few, and perhaps an
order of magnitude, greater. The table shows that on scales of a few hundred parsecs one might expect a
few ×10 M⊙ yr
−1 kpc−2, while on scales of a few tens of parsecs mean rates reaching ∼ 100 M⊙ yr
−1 kpc−2
should not be unexpected; and correspondingly higher – up to an order of magnitude, see Fig. 6 – during
active phases.
An obvious question is why there should be such vigorous star formation in these regions. Star formation
rates of 10–100M⊙ yr
−1 kpc−2 are orders of magnitude above those in normal galaxies and comparable to
starburst galaxies. The answer may lie in the Schmidt law and the mass surface densities we have estimated
in Table 3. Fig. 7 shows these surface densities at the radii over which they were estimated, revealing a trend
towards higher densities on smaller scales and values of a few times 104 M⊙ pc
−2 in the central few tens of
parsecs. The global Schmidt law, as formulated by Kennicutt (1998), states that the star formation rate
depends on the gas surface density as ΣSFR ∝ Σ
gas. If one assumes that 10–30% of the mass in our AGN is
– 12 –
gas, then this relation would predict time-averaged star formation rates in the range 10–100M⊙ yr
−1 kpc−2,
as have been observed. That the high star formation rates may simply be a consequence of the high mass
surface densities is explored futher by Hicks et al. (in prep.).
Stellar Luminosity As a consequence of the high star formation rates, the stellar luminosity per unit area
close around the AGN is very high in these objects. Despite this, because the star formation is occurring
only in very small regions, the absolute luminosities are rather modest. This can be seen in Fig. 8 which
shows the bolometric luminosity of the stars as a fraction of the entire bolometric luminosity of the galaxy.
We have calculated a range for the ratio Lbol∗/LK appropriate for each galaxy based on the ages in Table 3
for different τSF. Because we assume that all the K-band stellar continuum is associated with the young
stars, we have adopted the lower end of each range in an attempt to minimise possible overestimation of
Lbol∗. The resulting values for the ratio used span 30–130, within a factor of 2 of the ‘baseline’ value of 60
given in Section 3. In the central few tens of parsecs, young stars contribute a few percent of the total. But
integrated over size scales of a few hundred parsecs, this fraction can increase to more than 20%. On these
scales, the star formation is energetically significant when compared to the AGN. Such high fractions imply
that on the larger scales the extinction to the young stars must be relatively low. On the other hand, on the
smallest scales where in absolute terms the stellar luminosity is small, there could in general be considerable
extinction even at near infrared wavelengths. In this paper we have not tried to account for extinction since
it is very uncertain. The primary effect of doing so would simply be to increase the stellar luminosity above
the values discussed here.
Fig. 9 shows the stellar bolometric luminosity Lbol∗ integrated as a function of radius. All the curves
follow approximately the same trend, with the luminosity per unit area increasing towards smaller scales and
approaching 1013 L⊙ kpc
−2 in the central few parsecs. This appears to be a robust trend and will not change
significantly even with large uncertainties of a factor of a few. It is remarkable that the luminosity density
of 1013 L⊙ kpc
−2 is that estimated by Thompson et al. (2005) for ULIRGs, which they modelled as optically
thick starburst disks. The main difference between the ULIRG model and the starbursts close around AGN
is the spatial scales on which the starburst occurs.
Based on this model, they argued that ULIRGs are radiating at the Eddington limit for a starburst,
defined as when the radiation pressure on the gas and dust begins to dominate over self-gravity. The limiting
luminosity-to-mass ratio was estimated to be ∼ 500 L⊙/M⊙ by Scoville (2003). He argued that in a star
cluster, once the upper end of the main sequence was populated, the radiation pressure would halt further
accretion on to the star cluster and hence terminate the star formation. Following Thompson et al. (2005),
we apply this definition to the entire disk rather than a single star cluster. For the 1013 L⊙ kpc
−2, this implies
a mass surface density of 2 × 104 M⊙ pc
−2. Comparing these quantities to the AGN we have observed, we
find that on scales of a few tens of parsecs they are an order of magnitude below the Eddington limit. On
the other hand, we have already seen that the low WBrγ indicates that there is little on-going star formation
and hence that the starbursts are short-lived. This is important because short-lived starbursts fade very
quickly. As shown in Fig. 6, for a decay timescale of τSF = 10 Myr, Lbol∗ will have decreased from its peak
value by more than an order of magnitude at an age of 100 Myr. Thus it is plausible – and probably likely
– that while the star formation was active, the stellar luminosity was an order of magnitude higher. In this
case the starbursts would have been at, or close to, their Eddington limit at that time.
The luminosity-to-mass ratio of 500 L⊙/M⊙ associated with the Eddington limit is in fact one that all
young starbursts would exceed if, beginning with nothing, gas was accreted at the same rate that it was
converted into stars. That, however, is not a realistic situation. A more likely scenario, shown in Fig. 10, is
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that the gas is already there in the disk. In this case, a starburst with a star-forming timescale of 100 Myr
could never exceed 100 L⊙/M⊙. To reach 500 L⊙/M⊙, the gas would need to be converted into stars on a
timescale . 10 Myr. This timescale is independent of how much gas there is. Thus, for a starburst to reach
its Eddington limit, it must be very efficient, converting a significant fraction of its gas into stars on very
short ∼ 10 Myr timescales. This result is consistent with the prediction of the Schmidt law, which states that
disks with a higher gas surface density will form stars more efficiently. The reason is that the star formation
efficiency is simply SFE = ΣSFR/Σgas ∝ Σ
gas. Thus, from arguments based solely on the Schmidt law and
mass surface density, one reaches the same conclusion that the gas supply would be used rather quickly and
the lifetime of the starburst would be relatively short.
Summarising the results above, a plausible scenario could be as follows. The high gas density leads to
a high star formation rate, producing a starburst that reaches its Eddington limit for a short time. Because
the efficiency is high, the starburst can only be active for a short time and then begins to fade. Inevitably,
one would expect that the starburst is then dormant until the gas supply is replenished by inflow. This
picture appears to be borne out by the observations presented here.
5. Starburst-AGN Connection
In the previous sections we have presented and discussed evidence that in general there appears to have
been moderately recent star formation on small spatial scales around all the AGN we have observed. Fig. 11
shows the first empirical indication of a deeper relationship between the star formation and the AGN. In this
figure we show the luminosity of the AGN, both in absolute units of solar luminosity and also in relative units
of its Eddington luminosity LEdd, against the age of the most recent known nuclear star forming episode.
Since the AGN luminosity is not well known, we have made the conservative assumption that it is equal to
half the bolometric luminosity of the galaxy – as may be the case for NGC 1068 (Pier et al. 1994, but see
also Bland-Hawthorne et al. 1997). To indicate the expected degree of uncertainty in this assertion we have
imposed errorbars of a factor 2 in either direction, equivalent to stating that the AGN luminosity in these
specific objects is likely to be in the range 25–100% of the total luminosity of the galaxy. The Eddington
luminosity is calculated directly from the black hole mass, for which estimates exist for these galaxies from
reverberation mapping, the MBH − σ∗ relation, maser kinematics, etc. These are listed in Table 2. For the
age of the star formation, we have plotted the time since the most recent known episode of star formation
began, as given in Table 3. For galaxies where a range of ages is given, we have adopted these to indicate
the uncertainty; the mean of these, ∼ ±30%, has been used to estimate the uncertainty in the age for the
rest of the galaxies. We note that these errorbars reflect uncertainties in characterising the age of the star
formation from the available diagnostics and also in the star formation timescale τSF. However, there are still
many implicit assumptions in this process, and we therefore caution that the actual errors in our estimation
of the starburst ages may be larger than that shown.
Conceding this, we do not wish to over-interpret the figure. Keeping the uncertainties in mind, Fig. 11
shows the remarkable result that AGN which are radiating at lower efficiency . 0.1 L/LEdd are associated
with younger . 50–100Myr starbursts; while those which are more efficient & 0.1 L/LEdd have older &
50–100Myr starbursts. If one were to add to this figure the Galactic Centre – which is known to have
an extremely low luminosity (L/LEdd < 10
−5; Ozernoy & Genzel 1996; Baganoff et al. 2003) and to have
experienced a starburst 6 ± 2 Myr ago (Paumard et al. 2006) – it would be consistent with the categories
above. The inference is that either there is a delay between the onset of starburst activity and the onset of
AGN activity, or star formation is quenched once the black hole has become active.
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In Section 4 we argued that the starbursts are to some extent self-quenching: that very high star forma-
tion efficiencies are not sustainable over long periods. In addition, an intense starburst will provide significant
heat input to the gas, which is perhaps partially responsible for the typically high gas velocity dispersions
in these regions (Hicks et al., in prep.). This itself could help suppress further star formation. Heating by
the AGN could also contribute to this process, and has been proposed as the reason why the molecular
torus is geometrically thick (Pier & Krolik 1992; Krolik 2007). It is also used to modulate star formation (at
least on global scales) in semi-analytic models of galaxy evolution (Granato et al. 2004; Springel et al. 2005).
While this is certainly plausible, it does not explain either why the star formation in some galaxies with a
lower luminosity AGN has already ceased, nor why none of the AGN associated with younger starbursts are
accreting efficiently.
Instead we argue for the former case above, that efficient fuelling of a black hole is associated with a
starburst that is at least 50–100Myr old. It may be because of such a delay between AGN and starburst
activity that recent star formation is often hard to detect close to AGN: the starburst has passed its most
luminous (very young) age, and is in decline while the AGN is in its most active phase (see Fig. 6). This
does not necessarily imply that the a priori presence of a starburst is required before an AGN can accrete
gas – although it seems inevitable that one will occur as gas accumulates in the nucleus. Nor does it imply
that all starbursts will result in fuelling a black hole; indeed it is clear that there are many starbursts not
associated with AGN. As we argue below, the crucial aspect may be the stellar ejecta associated with the
starburst; and in particular, not just the mass loss rate, but the speed with which the mass is ejected.
Winds from OB stars In the Galactic Center, Ozernoy & Genzel (1996) proposed that it is the recent
starburst there that is limiting the luminosity of the black hole. In this scenario, mechanical winds from
young stars – both the outflow and the angular momentum of the gas (which is a consequence of the angular
momentum of the stars themselves) – hinder further inflow. The authors argued that almost none of the
gas flowing into the central parsec reached the black hole because of outflowing winds from IRS 16 and He i
stars in that region. Detailed modelling of the Galactic Center region as a 2-phase medium was recently
performed by Cuadra et al. (2006). They included both the fast young stellar winds with velocities of
700 km s−1 (Ozernoy et al. 1997) and the slower winds of ∼ 200 km s−1 (Paumard et al. 2001); and also took
into account the orbital angular momentum of the stars (Paumard et al. 2001; Genzel et al. 2003), which
had a strong influence on reducing the accretion rate. They found that the average accretion rate onto
the black hole was only ∼ 3 × 10−6 M⊙ yr
−1, although an intermittent cold flow superimposed considerable
variability onto this. In contrast, the hypothetical luminosity Ozernoy & Genzel (1996) estimate that Sgr A∗
would have if it could accrete all the inflowing gas, would be 5 × 1043 erg s−1, typical of Seyfert galaxies.
In principle this process could be operating in other galaxy nuclei where there has been a starburst which
extends to less than 1 pc from the central black hole. However, it cannot explain the timescale of the delay we
have observed, which is an order of magnitude greater than the main sequence lifetime of OB and Wolf-Rayet
Winds from AGB stars Stars of a few (1–8 M⊙) solar masses will evolve on to the asymptotic giant
branch (AGB) at the end of their main sequence lifetimes. The timescale for stars at the upper end of this
range to reach this phase is ∼ 50 Myr, comparable to the delay apparent in Fig. 9. Since AGB stars are known
to have high mass-loss rates, of order 10−7–10−4 M⊙ yr
−1 at velocities of 10–30km s−1 (Winters et al. 2003),
they may be prime candidates for explaining the delay between starburst and AGN activity. To quantify
this, we consider how much of the mass in the wind could be accreted by the central supermassive black
– 15 –
The Bondi parameterisation of the accretion rate onto a point particle for a uniform spherically sym-
metric geometry is given by (Bondi 1952)
2πG2 M2 ρ
(V 2 + c2s)
where M is the mass of the point particle moving through a gas cloud, V is the velocity of the particle with
respect to the cloud, ρ is the density of the cloud far from the point particle, and cs is the sound speed.
This approximation is still used to quantify accretion on to supermassive black holes in models of galaxy
evolution (Springel et al. 2005), even though it may be significantly inaccurate for realistic (e.g. turbulent)
media (Krumholz et al. 2006). Here, it is sufficient to provide an indication of the role that stellar winds
may play in accretion onto a central black hole. The density of the stellar wind at a distance R from the
parent star is given by
ρwind =
4R2 Vwind
In our case, R is the distance from the star to the black hole. One would therefore expect that the accretion
rate on to the black hole could be written as (see also Melia 1992)
G2 M2BH Ṁwind
+ c2s)
3/2 Vwind R2
This equation shows that ṀBH ∝ V
. We have implicitly assumed that Vwind is greater than the orbital
velocity Vorb of the star from which it originates. This is not the case for AGB winds, and so one reaches
the limiting case of ṀBH ∝ V
, where for the galaxies we have observed Vorb ∼ 50–100km s
−1. This is still
at least an order of magnitude less than the winds from OB and Wolf-Rayet stars. Thus, even though the
mass loss rates from individual OB and Wolf-Rayet stars are similar to those of AGB stars, the AGB winds
will fuel a black hole much more efficiently. However, for slow stellar winds that originate close to a 107 M⊙
black hole, the equation breaks down because the conditions of uniformity and spherically symmetry are
strongly violated. Indeed, the apparent accretion rate exceeds the outflow rate – implying that essentially
the entire wind can be accreted. For AGB wind velocities of 10–30 km s−1, the maximum radius at which
the entire wind from a star in Keplerian orbit around a 107 M⊙ black hole will not exceed the escape velocity
from that orbit (i.e. Vwind + Vorb < Vesc) is around 10–70pc. We adopt the middle of this range, 40 pc, as
the characteristic radius within which it is likely that a significant fraction, and perhaps most, of the AGB
winds are accreted onto the black hole. Fig. 9 indicates that the stellar luminosity within this radius is
∼ 2 × 109 L⊙. It is this luminosity that has been used to scale the STARS model (for τSF = 10 Myr and an
age of 100 Myr) in Fig. 6, and so one can also simply read off the mass loss from the figure. The mass loss
rate for such winds peaks at about 0.1 M⊙ yr
−1 and then tails off proportionally to the K-band luminosity,
leading to a cumulative mass lost of 2× 107 M⊙ after 1 Gyr (although most of the loss occurs actually occurs
within half of this timespan). This mass loss rate is sufficient to power a Seyfert nucleus for a short time. A
typical Seyfert with MBH ∼ 10
7 M⊙ requires 0.02 M⊙ yr
−1 to radiate at the Eddington limit. Even for the
short bursts we have modelled, Fig. 6 shows that this can be supplied by AGB winds for starburst ages in
the range 50–200Myrs.
We note that taking an AGB star luminosity of 104 L⊙ (which is at the high end of the likely average,
Nikolaev & Weinberg 1997) we then find that there are ∼ 2 × 105 AGB stars close enough to the black hole
to contribute to accretion. In order to provide at least 0.02 M⊙ yr
−1, the typical mass loss rate per star must
– 16 –
exceed 10−7 M⊙ yr
−1, which is the lower limit of the range measured for Galactic AGB stars given above.
Thus the mass losses and rates estimated here appear to be plausible.
The low speed of these winds means they will not create much turbulence. We quantify this by consid-
ering their total mechanical energy 1
mv2 integrated over the same timespan, which is ∼ 1045 J. These two
quantities – gas mass ejected and mechanical energy – are compared to those for supernovae below.
Supernovae Type ii supernovae are the stellar outflows most able to create turbulence in the interstellar
medium, since they typically eject masses of ∼ 5 M⊙ at velocities of ∼ 5000 km s
−1 (Chevalier 1977). Each
supernova therefore represents a considerable injection of mechanical momentum and energy into the local
environment. A large number of compact supernova remnants are known, for example in M 82 and Arp 220,
and are believed to have expanded into dense regions with nH ∼ 10
3–104 cm−3 (Chevalier & Fransson 2001).
These authors argue that such remnants become radiative when they reach sizes of ∼ 1 pc, at which point
the predicted expansion velocity will have slowed to ∼ 500 km s−1. By this time, the shock front will have
driven across ∼ 1000 M⊙ of gas. When integrated over the age of the starburst, even for low supernova
rates – e.g. the current rate within 30 pc of the nucleus of NGC 3227 is ∼ 0.01 yr−1 (Davies et al. 2006)
– this represents a substantial mass of gas that has been affected by supernova remnants. The STARS
model we have constructed in Fig. 6 indicates that typically one could expect ∼ 106 supernovae to occur as
a result of one of the short-lived starbursts; and that most of these will occur around 10–50Myr after the
beginning of the starburst. For a decay timescale of the star formation rate that is longer than τSF = 10 Myr,
this timespan will increase. Hence, supernovae may also play a role in causing the observed delay between
starburst and AGN activity.
STARS calculates the mass loss and mass loss rates using a very simple scheme, assuming that a star
ejects all of its lost mass at the end of its life on a stellar track. Thus, it does not calculate the mass lost
from supernovae explicitly, rather the combined mass lost from OB winds and supernovae which is much
higher. We therefore adopt the ∼ 5 M⊙ per supernova given above, which yields a total ejected mass of
∼ 8 × 106 M⊙. This is about 40% of that released by AGB winds. However, since this gas is ejected at high
speed and ṀBH ∝ V
, the efficiency with which it can be accreted onto the black hole is extremely low.
This can also be seen in the total mechanical energy of ∼ 1050 J, which is several orders of magnitude greater
than for AGB winds. In fact the total mechanical energy exceeds the binding energy of the nuclear region,
which is of order 1048 J (assuming 108 M⊙ within 40 pc). As a result, it is highly likely that supernova cause
some fraction of the gas to be permanently expelled. Indeed, superwinds driven by starbursts are well known
in many galaxies. This is not important as long as sufficient gas either remains to fuel the AGN, or more is
produced by stellar winds – which, as we have argued above, appears to be the case for AGB stars.
6. Conclusions
We have obtained near infrared spectra of 9 nearby active galactic nuclei using adaptive optics to achive
high spatial resolution (in several cases better than 10 pc). For 7 of these, integral field spectroscopy with
SINFONI allows us to reconstruct the full 2-dimensional distributions and kinematics of the stars and gas.
Although the individual AGN are very varied, we have analysed them in a consistent fashion to derive: the
stellar K-band luminosity, the dynamical mass, and the equivalent width of the Brγ line. We have combined
these with radio continuum data from the literature, which has been used to estimate the supernova rate.
We have used these diagnostics to constrain STARS evolutionary synthesis models and hence characterize
– 17 –
the star formation timescales and ages of the starbursts close around AGN. Our main conclusions can be
summarised as follows:
• The stellar light profiles show a bright nuclear component with a half-width at half-maximum of
less than 50 pc. In a number of cases these nuclear components clearly stand out above an inward
extrapolation of the profile measured on larger scales. In addition, there are 2 cases which show
kinematical evidence for a distinct stellar component, indicating that the nuclear stellar populations
most probably exist in thick nuclear disks. The mean mass surface densities of these disks exceeds
104 M⊙ pc
• There is abundant evidence for recent star formation in the last 10–300Myr. But the starbursts are no
longer active, implying that the star formation timescale is short, of order a few tens of Myr. While the
starbursts were active, the star formation rates would have been much higher than the current rates,
reaching as high as 1000 M⊙ kpc
−2 in the central few tens of parsecs (comparable to ULIRGs, but on
smaller spatial scales). These starbursts would have been Eddington limited. Due to the very high star
forming efficiency, the starbursts would have also exhausted their fuel supply on a short timescale and
hence have been short-lived. It therefore seems likely that nuclear starbursts are episodic in nature.
• There appears to be a delay of 50–100Myr (and in some cases perhaps more) between the onset of star
formation and the onset of AGN activity. We have interpreted this as indicating that the starburst
has a significant impact on fuelling the central black hole, and have considered whether outflows from
stars might be responsible. While supernovae and winds from OB stars eject a large mass of gas, the
high velocity of this gas means that its accretion efficiency is extremely low. On the other hand, winds
from AGB stars ultimately dominate the total mass ejected in a starburst; and the very slow velocities
of these winds mean they can be accreted onto the black hole very efficiently.
The authors thank all those who assisted in the observations, and also the referee for a thorough review
of the paper. This work was started at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at Santa Barabara and
as a result was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY05-51164. RD
aknowledges the interesting and useful discussions he had there with Eliot Quartaert, Norm Murray, Julian
Krolik and Todd Thompson.
Facilities: Keck:II (NIRSPAO, NIRC2), VLT:Yepun (NACO, SINFONI).
A. Individual Objects
This appendix contains specific details on the individual objects. We summarize our published results
from near infrared adaptive optics spectroscopy of individual objects, and present a brief analysis of the
new data for several other objects. The aim of re-assessing the data for Mkn 231 that has already been
published is to ensure that it is analysed using STARS in a manner that is consistent with the new data. For
NGC 7469, we make a significant update of the analysis using new data from integral field spectroscopy. In
general, for objects with new data, we provide only the part of the analysis relevant to understanding star
formation around the AGN. Our intention is that a complete analysis for each object will be presented in
future publications.
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Our analyses are restricted to the nuclear region. Since there is no strict universal definition of what
comprises the ‘nuclear region’, we explicitly state in Table 3 the size of the region we study in each galaxy.
The table also presents a summary of the primary diagnostics. The way in which these have been derived,
and their likely uncertainties, has been discussed in some detail already in Section 3. As such, the description
of these methods is not repeated, and in this Section we discuss only issues that require special attention.
A.1. Summary of Star Forming Properties of Galaxies already Studied
A.1.1. Mkn 231
A detailed analysis of the star formation in the nucleus of Mkn 231 at a resolution of about 0.18′′ (150 pc)
was given in Davies et al. (2004b). Here we summarize only the main points; no new data is presented, but
the analysis is updated using STARS to make it consistent with the other objects studied in this paper.
The presence of stellar absorption features across the nucleus demonstrates the existence of a significant
population of stars. The radial distribution and kinematics indicate they lie, like the gas (Downes & Solomon
1998), in a nearly face-on disk. Davies et al. (2004b) found that the dynamical mass imposed a strong
constraint on the range of acceptable starburst models, yielding an upper limit to the age of the stars of
around 120 Myr. Re-assessing the mass-to-light ratio using STARS models suggests that for the increased
mass required by a more face-on orientation (i = 10◦) an upper age of 250 Myr is also possible, depending
on the star formation timescale. However, either a small change of only a few degrees to the inclination (to
i = 15◦), or a relatively short star formation timescale of 10 Myr would reduce the limit to the ∼100 Myr
previously estimated. This is more consistent with the extremely high supernova rate.
The stellar luminosity, found from the dilution of the CO absorption (Davies et al. 2004b), indicates
that stars within 1′′ (800 pc) of the nucleus contribute 25–40% of the bolometric luminosity of the galaxy.
Similarly, within 200 pc, stars comprise 10–15% of Lbol. The age, star formation rate, and size scale (disk
scale length of 0.18–0.2′′) are all consistent with high resolution radio continuum imaging (Carilli et al. 1998).
A.1.2. Circinus
Star formation in the central 16 pc of Circinus was addressed by Mueller Sánchez et al. (2006). The
diagnostics given in Table 3 are taken from this reference. We used the depth of the CO 2-0 bandhead to
estimate the stellar luminosity, combined with the narrow Brγ flux (which we argued originated in star
forming regions rather than the AGN narrow line region) and the radio continuum, to constrain starburst
models. The conclusion was that the starburst was less than 80 Myr old and was already decaying. On
these scales it contributes 1.4% of Lbol, or more if extinction is considered. A similar nuclear star formation
intensity was estimated by Maiolino et al. (1998), who were also able to study Circinus on larger scales.
They found that the luminosity of young stars within 200 pc of the AGN was of order 1010L⊙, and hence
comparable to the AGN.
– 19 –
A.1.3. NGC 3227
An analysis similar to that for Circinus was performed on NGC 3227 by Davies et al. (2006), and the
diagnostics given in Table 3 are taken from this reference. In this case we were able to make estimates of
and correct for contributions of: (1) the narrow line region to Brγ, because there were clear regions along
the minor axis that had higher dispersion; (2) the AGN to the radio continuum, by estimating the maximum
contribution from an unresolved source; and (3) the bulge stars to the stellar luminosity, by extrapolating
the radial profile of the bulge to the inner regions. The STARS models yielded the result that in the nucleus,
star formation began approximately 40 Myr ago and must have already ceased. At the resolution of 0.085′′,
the most compact component of stellar continuum had a measured FWHM of 0.17′′, suggesting an intrinsic
size scale of ∼ 12 pc. Young stars within 30 pc of the AGN (i.e. more than just the most compact region)
have a luminosity of ∼ 3 × 109L⊙, which is ∼ 20% of the entire galaxy.
A.2. Star Forming Properties of Galaxies with New Data
A.2.1. NGC 7469
Star formation on large scales in NGC 7469 has been studied by Genzel et al. (1995). They found that
within 800 pc of the nucleus, a region that includes the circumnuclear ring, the luminosity from young stars
was ∼ 3 × 1011L⊙, about 70% of the galaxy’s bolometric luminosity. This situation is similar to that in
Mkn 231. On smaller scales, the nuclear star formation in NGC 7469 was directly resolved by Davies et al.
(2004a) on a size scale of 0.15–0.20′′ (50–65 pc) FWHM. An analysis of the longslit data, similar to that
for Mkn 231, was made – making use of stellar absorption features, kinematics, and starburst models. We
estimated that the age of this region was no more than 60 Myr under the assumption that the fraction of
stellar light in the K-band in the central 0.2′′ was 20–30%. Our new integral field SINFONI observations of
NGC 7469 at a spatial resolution of 0.15′′ (measured from both the broad Brγ and the non-stellar continuum
profiles, see Section 2) are used here to make a more accurate estimate of the nuclear K-band luminosity.
They enable us to provide a short update to the detailed analysis in Davies et al. (2004a).
The SINFONI data show that the equivalent width of the 2.3µm CO 2-0 is WCO2−0 = 1.8Å in a 0.8
aperture and 0.9Å in a 0.2′′ aperture. The corresponding K-band magnitudes are K = 10.4 and K = 11.8
respectively. If one takes the intrinsic equivalent width of the 2.3µm CO 2-0 bandhead to be 12Å (see
Section 3), one arrives at a more modest value of 8% for the stellar fraction of K-band continuum in the
0.2′′ aperture. The stellar K-band luminosity in this region is then 6 × 107 L⊙. Comparing this to the
dynamical mass in Davies et al. (2004a) yields a mass-to-light ratio of M/LK ∼ 0.6 M⊙/L⊙. Previously,
extrapolation from a 37 mas slit to a filled aperture had led to an underestimation of the total magnitude
but an overestimation of the stellar contribution. Fortuitously, these uncertainties had compensated each
other. The same analysis for the 0.8′′ aperture yields a K-band stellar luminosity of 3 × 108 L⊙ and hence
M/LK ∼ 1.6 M⊙/L⊙.
The K-band datacube yields estimates of the upper limit to WBrγ of 17Å and 11Å in 0.2
′′ and 0.8′′
apertures respectively. This has been corrected for dilution of the stellar continuum (as described in Section 3)
but not for a possible contribution to the narrow Brγ from the AGN. Hence the actual WBrγ corresponding
to only the stellar line and continuum emission will be less than these values – indicating that the star
formation is unlikely still to be on-going.
We estimate the age of the star formation using the STARS models in Fig. 4. Within the 0.2′′ aperture
– 20 –
this gives 100 Myr, comparable to our original estimate. Such a young age is supported by radio continuum
measurements. With a 0.2′′ beam, Colina et al. (2001) reported that the unresolved core flux in NGC 7469
was 12 mJy at 8.4 GHz. With much higher spatial resolution of 0.03′′, Sadler et al. (1995) reported an upper
limit to the unresolved 8.4 GHz continuum of 7 mJy. We assume that the difference of 5 mJy is due to
emission extended on scales of 10–60 pc which is resolved out of one beam but not the other. As discussed
in Section 3, star formation is a likely candidate for such emission. In this case, we would estimate the
supernova rate to be ∼ 0.1 yr−1 and the ratio 1010 νSN/LK ∼ 3. This is likely to be a lower limit since there
was only an upper limit on the core radio flux density. For a ratio of this order, even allowing for some
uncertainty, Fig 4 implies an age consistent with no more than 100 Myr.
Within the 0.8′′ aperture, which we adopt in Table 3, continuous star formation is inconsistent with
WBrγ . For a star formation timescale of τSF = 100 Myr, the mass-to-light ratio implies an age of 190 Myr,
just consistent with the measured value of WBrγ = 11Å. If some of the narrow Brγ is associated with the
AGN rather than star formation, then a shorter star formation timescale is required. For τSF = 10 Myr, the
ratio M/LK yields an age of 110 Myr.
A.2.2. IRAS 05189-2524
Fig. 12 shows the H-band spectrum integrated across two segments of the NACO slit, located on either
side of the nucleus. It shows that even away from the nucleus, the depth of the stellar absorption features
is only a few percent. We have therefore decomposed the data into the stellar and non-stellar parts using
both the stellar absorption features and the spectral slope of the continuum. The latter method has been
shown to work for well sampled data by Davies et al. (2004a). The rationale is that the hot dust associated
with the AGN will be much redder than the stellar continuum. An AGN component is also expected to be
unresolved for a galaxy at the distance (170 Mpc) of IRAS 05189-2524. The spectral slope was determined
by fitting a linear function to the spectrum at each spatial position along the slit. It is plotted as a function
of position in Fig. 13, showing a single narrow peak. A Gaussian fit to this yields a spatial resolution of 0.12′′
(100 pc) FWHM. The stellar continuum, also shown in Fig. 13, has been determined by summing the four
most prominent absorption features: CO 4-1, Si I, CO 5-2, CO 6-3. While a Gaussian is not an optimal fit to
this profile, it does yield an aproximate size scale, which we find to be 0.27′′ FWHM. Quadrature correction
with the spatial resolution yields an intrinsic size of 0.25′′ (200 pc). As a cross-check, in the figure we have
compared the sum of these two components to the full continuum profile. The good match indicates that
the decomposition appears to be reasonable.
Remarkably, the 200 pc size of the nuclear stellar light is very similar to that of the 8.44 GHz radio con-
tinuum map of Condon et al. (1991). With a beam size of 0.50′′×0.25′′, they resolved the nuclear component
to have an intrinsic size of 0.20′′×0.17′′. In constrast to radio sources which are powered by AGN and have
brightness temperatures Tb ≫ 10
5 K, the emission here is resolved and has a low brightness temperature
of ∼ 4000 K. This implies a star forming origin. Using their scaling relations further suggests that the flux
density corresponds to a supernova rate of ∼ 1 yr−1.
As described in Section 3, we have estimated the stellar luminosity by comparing the H-band spectrum
to a template star to correct for dilution. We used HR 8465 a K 1.5 I star for which the equivalent width
of CO 6-3 is 4.2Å, within the 4–5Å range predicted by STARS in Fig. 2. By extrapolating from the spatial
profiles along the slit we have estimated the integrated equivalent width within a 1.1′′ aperture, for which
Scoville et al. (2000) gave an H-band magnitude of 11.83. Using all four features above we find for the
– 21 –
template W = 14.4Å and for IRAS 05189-2524 WCO6−3 = 6.7Å. This implies that in the central 1.1
approximately 45% of the H-band continuum originates in stars. Using the colour conversion H −K = 0.15
from Fig. 3 (see Section 3) we find a K-band magnitude for the stars of 12.55 mag and hence a K-band stellar
luminosity of 2×109 L⊙. Putting these results together we derive a ratio of supernova rate to K-band stellar
luminosity of νSN[yr
−1]/LK [10
10L⊙] ∼ 5. Applying corrections for extinction and an AGN contribution
would tend to decrease this ratio.
As a second diagnostic we use WBrγ . We estimate the dilution of the K-band continuum via two
methods. Firstly, we measure WNaI = 0.3Å, indicating a stellar fraction of 0.10–0.15. A consistency check is
provided by the H-band dilution, which we extrapolate to the K-band using blackbody functions for the stars
and dust assuming characteristic temperatures of 5000 K and 1000 K respectively. This method suggests the
K-band stellar fraction is around ∼ 0.14. Hence correcting the directly measured equivalent width of the
narrow Brγ for the non-stellar continuum yields WBrγ = 4–5Å.
Since IRAS 05189-2524 is close to face-on (Scoville et al. 2000), it is not straightforward to make a
reliable estimate of the dynamical mass. Nevertheless, requiring νSN/LK to be high while WBrγ is low
already puts significant constraints on the star formation history. Thus, although the star formation has
probably ended, the age is unlikely to be greater than 100 Myr, and could be as low as 50 Myr where νSN/LK
peaks. For such ages the ratio Lbol/LK is in the range 100–150. Hence for the young stars within 0.55
(450 pc) of the nucleus we find Lbol ∼ (2–3) × 10
11 L⊙, about 20% of Lbol for the galaxy.
A.2.3. NGC 2992
The spatial resolution of the K-band data for NGC 2992 has been estimated from both the broad Brγ
and the non-stellar continuum (see Section 2 and 3). The two methods yield symmetric PSFs, with FWHMs
of 0.32′′ and 0.29′′ respectively, corresponding to 50 pc.
The CO 2-0 equivalent width of ∼ 3Å implies a stellar fraction of ∼ 0.25 within a radius of 0.4′′, and
hence a stellar luminosity of LK = 3.5 × 10
7 L⊙.
Unlike IRAS 05189-2524, the radio continuum in NGC 2992 is quite complex. Much of the extended
emission on scales of a few arcsec appears to originate from a superbubble, driven either by the AGN or
by a nuclear starburst. On the other hand, most of the nuclear emission seems to be unresolved. With a
beam size of 0.34′′×0.49′′, Wehrle & Morris (1988) measured the unresolved flux to be 7 mJy at 5 GHz. At
a resolution better than 0.1′′, Sadler et al. (1995) reported a 2.3 GHz flux of 6 mJy. Based on this as well as
non-detections at 1.7 GHz and 8.4 GHz, they estimated the core flux at 5 GHz to be <6 mJy. Taking a flat
spectral index, as indicated by archival data (Chapman et al. 2000), one might expect the 5 GHz core flux
to be not much less than 6 mJy, leaving room for only ∼ 1 mJy in extended emission in the central 0.5′′. If
we assume this difference can be attributed to star formation, it implies a supernova rate of ∼ 0.003 yr−1
and hence 1010 νSN/LK ∼ 1. Fig. 4 shows that a ratio of this order is what one might expect for ages up to
200 Myr. However, given the uncertainty it does not impose a significant constraint.
It is also difficult to quantify what fraction of the narrow Brγ is associated with star formation. This is
made clear in Fig. 14 which shows that the morphology of the line (centre left panel) does not follow that of
the stars (far left). In addition, particularly the south-west side is associated with velocities that are bluer
than the surrounding emission, indicative of motion towards us. The western edge also exhibits high velocity
dispersion. Taken together, these suggest that we may be seeing outflow from the apex of an ionisation cone
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with a relatively large opening angle. This interpretation would tend to support the hypothesis that the
radio bubble has been driven by the AGN.
The stellar continuum appears to trace an inclined disk, the north west side of which is more obscured
(Fig. 14). However, the velocity dispersion is high, exceeding 150 km s−1 across the whole field (Fig. 15). This
is similar to the 160 km s−1 reported by Nelson & Whittle (1995) from optical spectroscopy, and suggests
that we are seeing bulge stars. To analyse the radial luminosity profile we have fitted it with both an r1/4
law and exponential profile. The fits in Fig. 16 were optimised at radii r > 0.5′′ and then extrapolated
inwards, convolved with the PSF. Whether one could claim that there is excess continuum in the nucleus
depends on the profile fitted. The r1/4 law provides a stronger constraint since it is more cuspy, and suggests
there is no excess. Although this evidence is inconclusive, Fig. 15 suggests that there is some kinematic
evidence favouring the existence of a distinct nuclear stellar population. This comes in the form of a small
unresolved drop in dispersion at the centre, similar to those in NGC 1097 and NGC 1068. While the evidence
in NGC 2992 is not compelling, the dispersion is consistent with there being an equivalent – but fainter –
nuclear disk on a scale of less than our resolution of 50 pc. In general it seems that the K-band light we are
seeing is dominated by the bulge, and we are therefore unable to probe in detail the inner region where it
seems that more recent star formation has probably occurred.
Thus, although the available data suggest there has likely been recent star formation in the nucleus of
NGC 2992, the only strong constraint we can apply is that continuous star formation in the central arcsec
over the last Gyr can be ruled out since it would require WBrγ > 10–15Å. We therefore omit NGC 2992 from
the discussion and analysis in Sections 4 and 5.
A.2.4. NGC 1097
In NGC 1097, the first evidence for recent star formation near the nucleus was in the form of a reduction
in the stellar velocity dispersion. Emsellem et al. (2001) proposed this could be explained by the presence of
a dynamically cold nuclear disk that had recently formed stars. Direct observations of a spiral structure in
the central few arcsec, from K-band imaging (Prieto et al. 2005) and [N ii] streaming motions (Fathi et al.
2006), have since confirmed this idea. However, some issues remain open, such as why there are three spiral
arms rather than the usual two, and why gas along one of them appears to be outflowing.
Our data, at a resolution of 0.25′′ measured from the H-band non-stellar continuum, also reveal the
same spiral structure. Indeed, we find that it is traced by the morphology of the CO bandhead absorption as
well as by the 2.12µm H2 1-0 S(1) line. Interestingly, 1-0 S(1) emission is stronger where the stellar features
are weaker. This suggests that obscuration by gas and dust plays an important role. Fig. 18 shows that an
r1/4 law, typical of stellar bulges, with effective radius Reff = 0.5
′′ is a good fit to the stellar radial profile
at 0.5′′ < r < 1.8′′. It therefore seems reasonable to argue that at these radii it is only the gas that lies in a
disk. In this picture the spiral structure in the stellar continuum arises solely due to extinction of the stars
behind the disk. Extrapolating this fit, convolved with the PSF, to the nucleus indicates that at r < 0.5′′
there is at least 25% excess stellar continuum. There could be much more, given that it coincides with a
change in the dominant kinematics.
For NGC 1097 we parameterized the kinematics of the gas and stars quantitatively using kinemetry.
Based on the uniformity of the velocity field, we made the simplifying assumption that across the central 4′′
the gas lies in a single plane whose centre is coincident with the peak of the non-stellar emission. We were then
able to derive the position angle and inclination of the disk (see Section 2). The 2D kinematics of the stars
– 23 –
is traced via the CO2-0 absorption bandhead, and that of the gas through the 1-0S(1) emission line. These
independently yielded similar parameters: both gave a position angle of −49◦ and their inclinations were 43◦
and 32◦ respectively. These are fully consistent with values found by other authors (Storchi-Bergmann et al.
2003; Fathi et al. 2006). The resulting rotation curves and velocity dispersions are shown in Fig. 19. The
residuals, which can be seen in the velocity field of the gas but not the stars, and their relation to the spiral
structure described above will be discussed elsewhere (Davies et al. in prep). The important result here is
that at our spatial resolution, we find that the central stellar dispersion is σ∗ = 100 km s
−1, less than the
surrounding 150 km s−1 and also less than that in the seeing limited spectra of Emsellem et al. (2001). In
the same region we find that the rotation velocity of the gas starts to decrease rapidly, and its dispersion
increases from σgas ∼ 40 km s
−1 to ∼ 80 km s−1.
Fig. 19 also shows that while the kinematics of the stars and gas are rather different at large (> 0.5′′)
radii, they are remarkably similar at radii < 0.5′′. This certainly provides a strong indication that in the
nuclear region the stars and gas are coupled, most likely in a (perhaps thick) disk; and that the stars in this
disk, which are bright and hence presumably young, give rise to the excess stellar continuum observed.
Evidence for a recent starburst has been found by Storchi-Bergmann et al. (2005) through optical and
UV spectra. They argued that a number of features they observed could only arise from an 106 M⊙ instanta-
neous starburst, which occurred a few Myr ago and is reddened by AV = 3 mag of extinction. Using STARS
we have modeled this starburst as a 106 M⊙ burst beginning 8 Myr ago with an exponential decay timescale
of 1 Myr. The age we have used is a little older to keep the Brγ equivalent width low; and at this age, the
model predicts WBrγ = 4Å. As Fig. 20 shows, the observed Brγ is weak, although perhaps slightly resolved.
Corrected for the non-stellar continuum, we measure only WBrγ ∼ 1Å. However, the bulge population may
account for a significant fraction of the K-band stellar continuum. Correcting also for this could increase
WBrγ to 2–5Å, consistent with that of the model – assuming that the Brγ is associated with the starburst
rather than the AGN. To within a factor of a few, the scale of the model starburst is also consistent with
that measured: In the central 0.5′′ we measure a Brγ flux of 2 × 10−19 W m−2, compared to that predicted
by the model of 5× 10−19 W m−2. Given the uncertainties – factors of a few – both in the parameters of the
starburst model and also in the corrections we have applied to the data, we consider this a good agreement.
We cannot constrain the starburst further due to its compactness. Storchi-Bergmann et al. (2005) found
that it was occurring in the central 0.2′′, whereas our resolution is only 0.25′′. The Brγ emission is confined
to the central 0.4–0.5′′, although its size is hard to measure due to its weakness with respect to the stellar
absorption features. In this region the K-band stellar luminosity is 4.5× 106 L⊙. To estimate the dynamical
mass we use the mean kinematics of the stars and gas, i.e. Vrot = 40 km s
−1 (corrected for inclination) and
σ = 90 km s−1 (this is the central value, which is least biassed by bulge stars), yielding 1.4× 108 M⊙. This is
actually dominated by the black hole, which has a mass of (1.2±2)×108 M⊙ (Lewis & Eracleous 2006). The
difference between these implies a mass of gas and stars of ∼ 2× 107 M⊙, although with a large uncertainty.
The associated mass-to-light ratio is M/LK ∼ 4. On its own, this implies that over the relatively large area
that it encompasses, the maximum characteristic age for the star formation is a few hundred Myr. If one
speculates that star formation has been occurring sporadically for this timescale, then the starburst seen by
Storchi-Bergmann et al. (2005) is the most recent active episode.
In order to make a rough estimate of the supernova rate in the central region we make use of measure-
ments reported by Hummel et al. (1987). They find an unresolved component (size < 0.1′′) with 5 GHz flux
density 3.5 ± 0.3 mJy, but at lower resolution there is a 4.1 ± 0.3 mJy component of size 1′′. As discussed
in Section 3 we assume that the difference – albeit with only marginal significance – of 0.6 ± 0.4 mJy is
due to star formation in the central region, which implies a supernova rate of 6 × 10−4 yr−1 and hence
– 24 –
1010 νSN/LK ∼ 1.3, a value consistent with rather more recent star formation. Indeed, when compared to
Fig. 4, this and the low WBrγ imply a young age and short star formation timescale. For τSF = 10 Myr
the age is 60–70 Myr; for an instantaneous burst of star formation, the age would be ∼ 10 Myr, broadly
consistent with that of Storchi-Bergmann et al. (2005).
Thus, although our data do not uniquely constrain the age of the starburst in the nucleus of NGC 1097,
they do indicate that recent star formation has occurred; and they are consistent with a very young compact
starburst similar to that derived from optical and UV data.
A.2.5. NGC 1068
Evidence for a stellar core in NGC 1068 with an intrinsic size scale of ∼ 45 pc was first presented by
Thatte et al. (1997). Based on kinematics measured in large (2–4′′) apertures, they assumed the core was
virialized and estimated a mass-to-light ratio based on this assumption leading to an upper limit on the
stellar age of 1600Myr. Making a reasonable correction for an assumed old component lead to a younger
age of 500 Myr.
Stellar kinematics from optical integral field spectra (Emsellem et al. 2006a; Gerssen et al. 2006) show
evidence for a drop in the stellar velocity dispersion in the central few arcsec to σ∗ ∼ 100 km s
−1, inside a
region of higher 150–200km s−1 dispersion (presumably the bulge). Our near infrared adaptive optics data
are able to fully resolve the inner region where σ∗ drops, as shown in Fig. 21. As for NGC 1097, the velocity
distribution of the stars was derived through kinemetry, again making use of the uniformity of the stellar
velocity field to justify the simplifying assumption that the position angle and inclination do not change
significantly in the central 4′′. The derived inclination of 40◦ and position angle of 85◦ are quantitatively
similar to those found by other authors in the central few to tens of arcseconds (Emsellem et al. 2006a;
Gerssen et al. 2006; Garćıa-Lorenzo et al. 1999). The uniformity of the stellar kinematics is in contrast to
molecular gas kinematics, as traced via the 1-0 S(1) line, which are strongly perturbed and show several
distinct structures superimposed. These are too complex to permit a comparably simple analysis and will
be discussed, together with the residuals in the stellar kinematics in a future work (Mueller Sánchez et al.
in prep).
The crucial result relevant here is that at our H-band resolution of 0.10′′ we find that σ∗ reduces from
130 km s−1 at 1–2′′ to only 70 km s−1 in the very centre. That there is in the same region an excess in the
stellar continuum is demonstrated in Fig. 22. Here we show the radial profile of the stellar continuum from
both SINFONI integral field spectra out to a radius of 2′′ and NACO longslit spectra out to 5′′ (350 pc).
At radii 1–5′′, corresponding roughly to the region of high stellar dispersion measured by Emsellem et al.
(2006a), the profile is well matched by an r1/4 law, as one might expect for a bulge. At radii r < 1′′ – the
same radius at which we begin to see a discernable reduction in the stellar dispersion – the stellar continuum
increases by as much as a factor 2 above the inward extrapolation of the profile, indicating that there is extra
emission. As for NGC 1097, the combined signature of dynamically cool kinematics and excess emission is
strong evidence for a nuclear disk which has experienced recent star formation.
We can make an estimate of the characteristic age of the star formation in the central arcsec based on
the mass-to-light ratio in a similar way to Thatte et al. (1997). Because the stars appear to lie in a disk,
we estimate the dynamical mass as described in Section 3 from the stellar kinematics, using the rotation
velocity and applying a correction for the dispersion. The stellar rotation curve is essentially flat at 0.1–0.5′′,
with V∗ = 45 km s
−1 (corrected for inclination). We also take σ∗ = 70 km s
−1, which is the central value and
– 25 –
hence least biassed by the high dispersion bulge stars. These lead to a mass of 1.3× 108 M⊙ within r = 0.5
(35 pc), and a mean surface density of 3×104 M⊙ pc
−2. Correcting for the non-stellar continuum, the H-band
magnitude (which the behaviour of σ∗ indicates is dominated by the disk emission) in the same region is
11.53 mag. For H − K = 0.15 mag (Fig. 4), we find LK = 4.3 × 10
7 L⊙ and hence M/LK = 3 M⊙/L⊙.
If no star formation is on-going, this implies a characteristic age of 200–300Myr fairly independent of the
timescale (for τSF . 100 Myr, see Fig. 4) on which stars were formed. We note that this is significantly
younger than the age estimated by Thatte et al. (1997) primarily because their mass was derived using a
higher σ∗ corresponding to the bulge stars.
The assumption of no current star formation is clearly demonstrated by the Brγ map in Fig. 23. Away
from the knots of Brγ, which are associated with the coronal lines and the jet rather than possible star
formation, the equivalent width is WBrγ ∼ 4Å. This is significantly less than that for continuous star
formation of any age. Thus, while it seems likely that star formation has occurred in the last few hundred
Myr, it also seems an unavoidable conclusion that there is no current star formation.
To complete our set of diagnostics for NGC 1068, we consider also the radio continuum. This is clearly
dominated by phenomena associated with the AGN and jets, and our best estimate of the flux density away
from these features is given by the lowest contour in maps such as Figure 1 of Gallimore et al. (2004). From
this we estimate an upper limit to the 5 GHz continuum associated with star formation of 128 mJy within
r < 0.5′′. However, converting to a supernova rate and comparing to the K-band stellar luminosity yields a
limit that is not useful, being an order of magnitude above the largest expected values.
A.2.6. NGC 3783
At near infrared wavelengths, the AGN in NGC 3783 is remarkably bright. Integrated over the central
0.5′′ less than 4% of the K-band continuum is stellar. In addition, the broad Brackett lines are very strong
and dominate the H-band. Both of these phenomena are immediately clear from the H- and K-band spectra
in Fig. 24. However, it does mean that the spatial resolution can be measured easily from both the non-stellar
continuum and the broad emission lines (see Section 2). We find the K-band PSF to be symmetrical with a
FWHM of 0.17′′.
Due to the ubiquitous Brackett emission in the H-band we were unable to reliably trace the stellar
absorption features and map out the stellar continuum. Instead we have used the CO 2-0 bandhead at
2.3µm even though the dilution at the nucleus itself is extreme. The azimuthally averaged radial profile
is shown in Fig. 25 together with the PSF for reference. At radii from 0.2′′–1.6′′ (the maximum we can
measure) the profile is well fit by an r1/4 de Vaucouleurs law with Reff = 0.6
′′ (120 pc). As has been the case
previously, at smaller radii we find an excess that here is perhaps marginally resolved. Thus a substantial
fraction of the near infrared stellar continuum in the central region is likely to originate in a population of
stars distinct from the bulge.
We were unable to measure the stellar kinematics due to the limited signal-to-noise. Instead, we used
the molecular gas kinematics to estimate the dynamical mass. As before, we used kinemetry to derive the
position angle of −14◦ and the inclination in the range 35–39◦. This orientation is consistent with the
larger (20′′) scale isophotes in the J-band 2MASS image and implies that in NGC 3783 there is no significant
warp on scales of 50 pc to 4 kpc. A small inclination is also consistent with its classification as a Seyfert 1.
Adopting these values, the resulting rotation curve is shown in Fig. 26. At very small radii the rising rotation
curve may be the result of beam smearing across the nucleus. At r > 0.2′′, the falling curve suggests that
– 26 –
the rotation is dominated by the central (r < 0.2′′) mass, perhaps the supermassive black hole. We estimate
the dynamical mass within a radius of 0.3′′ (60 pc), corresponding to the point where the excess continuum
begins and also where the rotation curve appears to be unaffected by beam smearing.
Taking Vrot = 60 km s
−1 and σ = 35 km s−1 we derive a dynamical mass of Mdyn = 1.0 × 10
8 M⊙. The
black hole mass of 3 × 107 M⊙ (from reverberation mapping, Peterson et al. 2004) is only 30% of this, and
so cannot be dominating the dynamics on this scale unless its mass is underestimated. With respect to this,
we note that Peterson et al. (2004) claim the statistical uncertainty in masses derived from reverberation
mapping is about a factor 3. Alternatively, there may be a compact mass of gas and stars at r < 0.3′′.
However, including σ in the mass estimate implicitly assumes that the dispersion arises from macroscopic
motions. On the other hand, because we are observing only the hot H2, it is possible that the dispersion is
dominated by turbulence arising from shocks or UV heating of clouds that generate the 1-0 S(1) emission –
issues that are discussed in more detail by Hicks et al. (in prep.). In this case we will have overestimated
the dynamical mass. Excluding σ from the mass estimation yields Mdyn = 5 × 10
7 M⊙. We consider these
two estimates as denoting the maximum range of possible masses. Subtracting MBH then gives a mass
of stars and gas in the range (2–7)×107 M⊙, implying a mass surface density of 1700–6000M⊙ pc
−2 and
M/LK = 0.6–2.1M⊙/L⊙. Based on these ratios alone, Fig 4 indicates that the characteristic age of the star
formation may be as low as ∼ 70 Myr, although it could also be an order of magnitude greater. Without
additional diagnostics we cannot discriminate further.
We are unable to use Brγ as an additional constraint on the star formation history. Its morphology and
velocity field are similar to that of [Sivi], and rather different from the 1-0 S(1). It shows an extension to the
north which appears to be outflowing at > 50 km s−1 (Fig 27) – perhaps tracing an ionisation cone. Since
the Brγ resembles the [Sivi], it is reasonable to conclude that it too is associated with the AGN rather than
star formation. Thus the equivalent width of Brγ (with respect to the stellar continuum) of WBrγ = 30Å
represents an upper limit to that associated with star formation.
The radio continuum in the nucleus of NGC 3783 has been measured with several beam sizes at 8.5 GHz.
For a beam of 1.59′′ × 0.74′′, Morganti et al. (1999) found it was unresolved with a flux density of 8.15 ±
0.24 mJy. With a smaller ∼ 0.25′′ beam, Schmitt et al. (2001) measured a total flux density of 8.0 mJy
dominated by an unresolved component of 7.7± 0.05mJy. At smaller scales still of ∼ 0.03′′ corresponding to
6 pc, Sadler et al. (1995) placed an upper limit on the 8.5 GHz flux density of 7 mJy. Taken together, these
results imply that there is some modest 8.5 GHz radio continuum of 0.7–1 mJy extended on scales of 0.3–1′′.
Based on this we estimate a supernova rate as described in Section 3 of ∼ 0.007 yr−1, and hence a ratio
1010 νSN/LK ∼ 2. Given that the unresolved radio continuum on the smallest scales is an upper limit, the
extended component may be stronger and hence the true νSN/LK ratio may be greater than that estimated
here. Fig 4 then puts a relatively strong limit of ∼ 50 Myr on the maximum age of the star formation.
This age is fully consistent with that above associated with our lower mass estimate. The value of
WBrγ < 30Å above does not impose additional constraints, although we note that if the Brγ flux associated
with star formation is only a small fraction of the total then it would imply that the timescale over which
the star formation was active is no longer than a few times ∼ 10 Myr. Therefore in the nucleus (r < 0.3′′) of
NGC 3783 we adopt 50–70Myr as the age of the star formation and Mdyn = 2 × 10
7 M⊙ as the dynamical
mass excluding the central supermassive black hole.
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Table 1. Table of Observations
Object Banda Res.b (′′) Date Instrument
Mkn 231c H 0.176 May ’02 Keck, NIRC2
NGC 7469c K 0.085 Nov ’02 Keck, NIRSPAO
K 0.15 Jul ’04 VLT, SINFONI
Circinusc K 0.22 Jul ’04 VLT, SINFONI
NGC 3227c K 0.085 Dec ’04 VLT, SINFONI
IRAS 05189-2524 H 0.12 Dec ’02 VLT, NACO
NGC 2992 K 0.30 Mar ’05 VLT, SINFONI
NGC 1097 H 0.245 Oct ’05 VLT, SINFONI
NGC 1068 H 0.10 Oct ’05 VLT, SINFONI
H 0.13 Dec ’02 VLT, NACO
NGC 3783 K 0.17 Mar ’05 VLT, SINFONI
aBand used for determining the quantitative star formation proper-
ties. NGC 1097, NGC 1068, and NGC 3783 were actually observed in H
and K bands.
bSpatial resolution (FWHM) estimated from the data itself, using the
methods described in Section 2.
cReferences to detailed studies of individual objects: Mkn 231
(Davies et al. 2004b), NGC 7469 (Davies et al. 2004a), Circinus,
(Mueller Sánchez et al. 2006), NGC 3227 (Davies et al. 2006).
– 33 –
Table 2. Summary of basic data for AGN
Object Classificationa Distance logLbol
b logMBH
Mpc for MBH
Mkn 231 ULIRG, Sy 1, QSO 170 12.5 7.2 1
NGC 7469 Sy 1 66 11.5 7.0 2
Circinus Sy 2 4 10.2 6.2 3
NGC 3227 Sy 1 17 10.2 7.3 4
IRAS 05189-2524 ULIRG, Sy 1 170 12.1 7.5 1
NGC 2992 Sy 1 33 10.7 7.7 5
NGC 1097 LINER, Sy 1 18 10.9 8.1 6
NGC 1068 Sy 2 14 11.5 6.9 7
NGC 3783 Sy 1 42 10.8 7.5 2
a Classifications are taken primarily from the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. In
addition, we have labelled as Seyfert 1 those for which we have observed broad (i.e. FWHM
> 1000 km s−1) Brγ; see also Fig 1.
b Calculated in the range 8–1000µm from the IRAS 12–100µm flux densities; with an
additional correction for optical and near-infrared luminosity in cases where appropriate.
c References for black hole masses: (1) Dasyra et al. (2006); (2) Peterson et al.
(2004); (3) Greenhill et al. (2003); (4) Davies et al. (2006); (5) Woo & Urry (2002); (6)
Lewis & Eracleous (2006); (7) Lodato & Bertin (2003)
Table 3. Measured & Derived Properties of the Nucleia
Object radius logLK∗
Σdyn WBrγ Mdyn/LK 10
10νSN/LK age 〈SFR〉
′′ pc 104M⊙ pc
−2 Å M⊙/L⊙ yr
Myr M⊙ yr
−1 kpc−2
Mkn 231b 0.6 480 9.3 9.8 0.9 — 3.1 20 120–250 25–50
NGC 7469 0.4 128 8.5 8.7 1.0 11 1.6 3 110–190 50–100
Circinus 0.4 8 6.2 7.5 17 30 23 1.5 80 ∼ 70
NGC 3227c 0.4 32 7.8 8.0 3.7 4 1.9 2.2 40 ∼ 380
IRAS 05189-2524 0.55 450 9.3 — — 4 — 5 50–100 30–70
NGC 2992d 0.4 64 7.5 — — <12 — 1 — —
NGC 1097e 0.25 22 6.7 8.2 1.3 1 4.5 1.4 8 ∼ 80
NGC 1068 0.5 35 7.6 8.1 3.4 4 3.0 <20 200–300 90–170
NGC 3783f 0.3 60 7.5 7.3 0.2 <30 0.6 2 50–70 30–60
a The methods used to measure these quantities (within the radii given) are described in Section 3. Specific issues associated with
individual objects are discussed in Appendix A.
b Mdyn depends strongly on even small changes to the inclination; here it is given for i = 10
◦. Correcting Mdyn for an estimate of the gas
mass given in Downes & Solomon (1998) yields M/LK = 2.3M⊙/L⊙.
c The best star formation models indicate that M/LK is much less than the limit given here using the dynamical mass.
d It is likely that much of the narrow Brγ in the nuclear region here is associated with an ionisation cone. In addition, the high stellar
velocity dispersion, even on the smallest scales we have been able to measure, suggests that the K-band light is dominated by the bulge.
e Correcting WBrγ for the old stellar population would probably yield a value in the range 2–5Å. Even on this scale the dynamical mass
is dominated by the supermassive black hole. Both Σdyn and M/LK are estimated after subtracting MBH.
f Much of the Brγ here is outflowing and hence associated with the AGN. Mdyn is derived from gas kinematics as described in the text.
Both Σdyn and M/LK are estimated after subtracting MBH.
– 35 –
Fig. 1.— K-band spectra showing broad Brγ emission in 3 AGN which are not usually classified as Seyfert 1.
Top: NGC 3227 (0.25′′ aperture); Middle: IRAS 05189−2524 (1′′ aperture); Bottom: NGC 2992 (0.5′′ aper-
ture). The most prominent emission and absorption features are marked.
Fig. 2.— Left: equivalent width of the CO 2-0 and CO 6-3 features for various stars and galaxies. The late-
type supergiant stars (skeletal star shapes) and giant stars (open star shapes) are taken from Origlia et al.
(1993). The galaxies (denoted ‘E’ for elliptical, ‘S’ for spiral, and ‘H’ for star forming Hii galaxy) are from
Oliva et al. (1995). The dashed box encloses the region for which there is no more than 20% deviation
from each of the values WCO2−0 = 12Å and WCO6−3 = 4.5Å. Centre and right: calculated WCO6−3 and
WCO2−0 respectively from STARS for several different star formation histories. Each line is truncated when
the cluster luminosity falls below 1/15 of its maximum. In each case, the dashed lines show typical values
adopted, and the dotted lines denote a range of ±20%.
– 36 –
Fig. 3.— Left: H-K colour of star clusters with different star formation timescales and ages, as calculated by
STARS. Right: Ratio of bolometric to K-band luminosity. Although the range of 20–200 initially appears
large, the uncertainty on an intermediate value of 60 is only 0.3 dex. This is small compared to the range
of interest in the paper, which is several orders of magnitude.
Fig. 4.— Various diagnostics calcuated with STARS for several star formation timescales, as functions of
age: Brγ equivalent width, supernova rate, and mass-to-light ratio. Note that all are normalised to the
K-band stellar continuum; and that LK is the total luminosity in the 1.9–2.5µm band in units of bolometric
solar luminosity (1Lbol = 3.8 × 10
26 W ), rather than the other frequently used monochromatic definition
which has units of the solar K-band luminosity density.
– 37 –
Fig. 5.— Size scales of nuclear star forming regions. The profile has been determined from the CO absorption
features in the H or K band, which are approximately independent of star formation history (see text for
details). For longslit data, spatial profiles have been averaged; for integral field data, azimuthally averaged
proifles are shown. For NGC1068, data at two different pixel scales are shown (corresponding to the solid
and dashed brown lines). The horizontal dotted line is drawn at half-maximum height, to assist in estimating
size scales by eye.
– 38 –
Fig. 6.— A STARS star formation model based on the main characteristics of the observed starbursts,
which is illustrative of a ‘typical’ nuclear starburst that we have observed. The scaling is fixed as 2× 109 M⊙
(typical of that within a 30 pc radius; Fig. 9) at an age of 100 Myr (the typical age in Table 3). The star
formation timescale is τSF = 10 Myr to reproduce a low Brγ equivalent width. The panels are, from top left:
(a) star formation rate (SFR); (b) number of ionising photons (QLyc, proportional to the Brγ luminosity);
(c) supernova rate (SNR); (d) bolometric luminosity (Lbol); (e) K-band luminosity (LK); (f) cumulative
number of supernovae; (g) cumulative mass that has been recycled back into the ISM by supernovae and
winds; (h) mass loss rate from stars; (i) rate at which the lost mass can in principle be accreted onto a central
supermassive black hole (due to its outflow speed; see text for details). In the last two panels, the mass loss
is split into that due to OB and Wolf-Rayet stars and supernovae (dotted lines), and that due to late-type
and AGB stars (dashed lines). Stellar mass loss in STARS is accounted for at the end of each star’s life as
the difference in mass between the original (ZAMS) stellar mass and the remnant mass as the end-product
of its stellar evolution, as described in Sternberg (1998). For this reason, the mass loss rates from OB and
Wolf-Rayet stars do not appear explicitly in panel (h) at very young cluster ages.
– 39 –
Fig. 7.— Mean enclosed mass surface density as a function of radius. The points are from data given
in Table 3; the dashed lines represent the mass models derived for NGC 7469 and Mkn 231 (Davies et al.
2004a,b). The galaxies all follow the same trend towards increasing densities in the central regions.
Fig. 8.— Integrated bolometric luminosity of the young stars Lbol∗ as a fraction of that of the galaxy
Lbol−galaxy, plotted as a function of radius. Lbol∗ is calculated from the stellar LK or LH assuming that,
on the generally small scales here, all the near infrared stellar continuum originates in the young stars. On
10 pc scales the contribution of young stars is at most a few percent of the galaxy’s total luminosity, while
on kpc scales it may be significant and hence comparable to the AGN luminosity. For NGC 1068, data at
two different pixel scales are shown (corresponding to the solid and dashed brown lines).
– 40 –
Fig. 9.— Integrated bolometric luminosity of young stars Lbol∗ (see Fig. 8) as a function of radius. For
comparison, the dotted line has constant surface brightness. For NGC 1068, data at two different pixel scales
are shown (corresponding to the solid and dashed brown lines).
Fig. 10.— Luminosity to mass ratio calculated by STARS as a function of age for different star formation
timescales. The dotted lines show how the ratio would vary if gas were fed in to a cluster at the same rate
as it was converted into stars. The solid lines assume that the gas is present at the start, but at the end has
all been processed in stars. A cluster can only exceed 500 L⊙/M⊙ for a timescale of ∼ 10 Myr.
– 41 –
Fig. 11.— Graph showing how the luminosity of an AGN might be related to the age of the most recent
episode of nuclear star formation. On the left is shown the luminosity in solar units; on the right, it is with
respect to the Eddington luminosity for the black hole. Generally the luminosity of the AGN is not well
known and so we have approximated it by 0.5Lbol, and adopted an uncertainty of a factor 2. The starburst
age refers to our best estimate of the most recent episode of star formation within the central 10–100pc, as
given in Table 3. See the text for details of the adopted uncertainties.
– 42 –
Fig. 12.— Spectrum (in grey) of IRAS 05189-2524, integrated over two 0.22′′ wide sections centered ±0.27′′
either side of the nucleus, and which have been shifted to match their velocities. Overplotted in black is
a fit to the continuum, comprising spectra of various supergiant stars. The main absorption and emission
features have been identified.
Fig. 13.— Spatial profiles of non-stellar (left), stellar (centre), and total (right) continuum for IRAS 05189-
2524 (1′′ = 800 pc). The first two have been derived at each point along the spatial extent of the slit from
the spectral slope and the stellar absorption features respectively. A comparison of their sum (dashed line
in right panel) to the total continuum indicates that the decomposition appears to be reasonable.
– 43 –
Fig. 14.— Maps of NGC 2992 (1′′ = 160 pc). From left to right: stellar continuum, narrow Brγ, Brγ velocity
(−150 to +150 km s−1), and Brγ dispersion (0 to 200 km s−1). For reference, on each panel are superimposed
contours of the Brγ flux (8, 16, 32, and 64% of the peak). The symbol plotted on the map of the line flux
indicates the centre of the broad Brγ and non-stellar emission. The narrow Brγ emission extends far more
to the north west than the stellar continuum. And, particularly on the south western edge, it exhibits a
blue shifted velocity and high dispersion. All these are consistent with an interpretation as the apex of an
ionisation cone.
Fig. 15.— Radial profiles of velocity and dispersion for the stars in NGC 2992 (1′′ = 160 pc). The 2D maps
were analysed using the kinemetric technique described by Krajnović et al. (2006) which yielded a position
angle of 24◦ and an inclination of ∼ 40◦, not dissimilar to the isophotal values of 30◦ and 50◦ respectively.
The rotation curve has been corrected for the inclination.
– 44 –
Fig. 16.— Radial profile of the stellar continuum in NGC 2992 (1′′ = 160 pc), derived from isophotal analysis.
Solid circles denote the stellar continuum (i.e. already corrected for the non-stellar component). Overplotted
with triangles are an r1/4 law (top panel) and an exponential profile (bottom panel). The profiles were fitted
at radii r > 0.5′′ and extrapolated inwards, convolved with the PSF which is shown as open squares. Both
fits are equally good at r > 0.5′′, but only the exponential suggests there might be excess continuum at the
centre, arising from a distinct stellar population. This is therefore inconclusive.
– 45 –
Fig. 17.— Spectrum of NGC 1097 (thick grey line), extracted within an aperture of radius 0.2′′ and scaled
arbitrarily. Overdrawn (thin black line) is a match to the stellar continuum constructed from template
spectra of several late-type supergiant stars and a blackbody function representing the non-stellar component.
Notably, Brγ in the nucleus is extremely weak even in the nucleus.
Fig. 18.— Radial profile of the stellar continuum in NGC 1097 (1′′ = 80 pc). The solid circles denote the
stellar continuum (i.e. already corrected for the non-stellar component). The triangles denote an r1/4 profile
fitted to radii r > 0.5′′ and extrapolated inwards. This model has been convolved with the PSF, shown as
open squares for comparison. Note that even though an exponential profile might match the data equally
well, an r1/4 profile provides a stronger constraint on whether there is excess continuum at the centre.
– 46 –
Fig. 19.— Radial profiles of velocity and dispersion for the gas and stars in NGC 1097 (1′′ = 80 pc). The 2D
maps were created by convolving template spectra (i.e unresolved line profile for the gas, stellar template
for the stars) with a Gaussian and minimising the difference with respect to the galaxy spectrum at each
spatial pixel. These were then analysed using the kinemetric technique described by Krajnović et al. (2006)
which yielded the same position angle of −49◦ for the gas and stars, and similar inclinations of 32◦ and 43◦
respectively. The rotation curve has been corrected for the inclination.
Fig. 20.— Maps of K-band non-stellar continuum (left), stellar continuum (centre), and Brγ line flux (right)
for the central few arcsec of NGC 1097 (1′′ = 80 pc). In each case, the centre (as defined by the non-stellar
continuum) is marked by a crossed circle. The colour scale is shown on the right, as percentage of the peak
in each map.
– 47 –
Fig. 21.— Radial profiles of velocity and dispersion for stars in NGC 1068 (1′′ = 70 pc). The 2D maps were
then analysed using kinemetry Krajnović et al. (2006), yielding an inclination of 40◦ and a position angle of
85◦. The rotation curve has been corrected for the inclination. Also plotted for comparison are azimuthally
averaged radial profiles of the H-band stellar luminosity and the PSF.
Fig. 22.— Radial profiles of the H-band stellar luminosity in NGC 1068 (1′′= 70 pc) from NACO longslit
data at position angle 0◦ and 90◦ (green and red symbols; squares and triangles deonte opposite sides of the
nucleus). To trace the profile to larger radius, open symbols are each the mean of 9 points. Superimposed
are SINFONI data from Fig. 21 (blue crosses, flux scaled to match). The dashed line denotes an r1/4 law
with Reff = 1.5
′′ to match the outer profile. At r < 1′′, the stellar continuum reveals an excess above the
inward extrapolation of this profile.
– 48 –
Fig. 23.— Maps of the central few arcsec of NGC 1068 (1′′ = 70 pc): H-band non-stellar continuum (far left)
and stellar continuum (centre left); also Brγ line flux (center right) and Brγ equivalent width (far right).
In each case, the centre (as defined by the non-stellar continuum) is marked by a crossed circle. The colour
scale is shown on the right, as percentage of the peak in each map (and also as WBrγ in Å).
– 49 –
Fig. 24.— H- and K-band spectra of the central 1′′ of NGC 3783, with the prominent emission and absorption
features labelled. In the H-band it is challenging to measure the stellar absorption due to the very strong
brackett emission from the AGN’s broad line region. Instead we have used the K-band CO 2-0 bandhead
even though the dilution at this wavelength is extreme.
– 50 –
Fig. 25.— Radial profile of the stellar continuum in NGC 3783 (1′′ = 200 pc). The solid circles denote the
stellar continuum (i.e. already corrected for the non-stellar component). The triangles denote an r1/4 profile
fitted to radii 0.2 < r < 1.6′′ and extrapolated inwards. This model has been convolved with the PSF, shown
as open squares for comparison. Note that even though an exponential profile might match the data equally
well, an r1/4 profile provides a stronger constraint on whether there is excess continuum at the centre.
Fig. 26.— Rotation curve derived from the the H2 1-0 S(1) velocity field in NGC 3783 (1
′′ = 200 pc).
Also shown is the dispersion as a function of radius. The velocity field was analysed using kinemetry
(Krajnović et al. 2006) which yielded a major axis of about −14◦ and an inclination in the range 35–39◦.
The drop in velocity at r < 0.15′′ maybe due to beam smearing across the nucleus.
– 51 –
Fig. 27.— Images of the central 2′′ of NGC 3783 (1′′ = 200 pc). Top row from left: non-stellar continuum,
H2 1-0 S(1) line flux, H2 1-0 S(1) velocity. Bottom row from left: narrow Brγ line flux, [Sivi] line flux, [Sivi]
velocity. The Brγ velocity field is similar to that of [Sivi] and shows an outflow of >50 km s−1 to the north.
This is in contrast to the 1-0 S(1) velocity field which traces rotation.
Sample, Observations, Data Processing
Sample Selection
Observations & Reduction
PSF Estimation
Emission/Absorption Line Characterisation
Quantifying the Star Formation
Isolating the stellar continuum
Stellar colour and luminosity
Specific Star Formation Diagnostics
Br equivalent width
Supernova rate
Mass-to-light ratio
Properties of Nuclear Star Formation
Starburst-AGN Connection
Individual Objects
Summary of Star Forming Properties of Galaxies already Studied
Mkn 231
NGC 3227
Star Forming Properties of Galaxies with New Data
NGC 7469
IRAS 05189-2524
NGC 2992
NGC 1097
NGC 1068
NGC 3783
0704.1375 | Decrease of entanglement by local operations in the D\"ur-Cirac method | Decrease of entanglement by local operations in the Dür–Cirac method
Yukihiro Ota,1, 2, ∗ Motoyuki Yoshida,1, † and Ichiro Ohba1, 2, 3, ‡
Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo 169–8555, Japan
Advanced Research Institute for Science and Technology, Waseda University, Tokyo 169–8555, Japan
Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Material Science and Technology, Waseda University, Tokyo 169–0051, Japan
(Dated: October 27, 2018)
One cannot always obtain information about entanglement by the Dür–Cirac (DC) method. The
impracticality is attributed to the decrease of entanglement by local operations in the DC method.
We show that, even in 2–qubit systems, there exist states whose entangled property the DC method
never evaluates. The class of such states in 2–qubit systems is completely characterized by the value
of the fully entangled fraction. Actually, a state whose fully entangled fraction is less than or equal
is always transformed into a separable state by local operations in the DC method, even if it
has negative partial transposition.
PACS numbers: 03.67.–a, 03.67.Mn, 03.65.Ca
Quantum mechanics has a quite different mathemati-
cal and conceptual structure from that of classical me-
chanics. Quantum entanglement vividly illustrates this
point [1]. Investigation into the character of entangle-
ment is necessary for not only the deep understanding of
quantum theory but also its application. Indeed, entan-
glement is regarded as a key concept of quantum infor-
mation processing [2].
The classification and quantification of bipartite entan-
glement (i.e., entanglement between two subsystems in a
total quantum system) are well established [3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10]. In particular, the positive partial transposition
criterion (PPT) [3, 4, 5, 6] is very useful, because one
can readily obtain a sufficient condition for an entangled
state, a necessary condition for a separable state (i.e., a
state with no quantum correlation) [11], or a necessary
condition for a distillable state [10], by linear algebra.
The situation becomes more complicated as the num-
ber of subsystems in a total system increases. In 3–qubit
systems, for example, there are two inequivalent classes
of entanglement. By stochastic local operations and clas-
sical communication [12], a Greenberger–Horn–Zeilinger
(GHZ) state cannot be transformed into a W state, and
vice versa [13]. However, multiparticle entanglement can
play an important role in quantum protocol (e.g., quan-
tum telecloning [14]) and quantum computing. More-
over, its classification will be useful for deeply under-
standing quantum phase transitions in condensed mat-
ter physics [15]. Thus, research into multiparticle entan-
glement is a crucial and popular issue in both quantum
physics and quantum information theory.
Various attempts to classify and quantify multiparti-
cle entanglement have been made [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
∗Electronic address: [email protected]
†Electronic address: [email protected]
‡Electronic address: [email protected]
22, 23]. Among them, Dür and Cirac [17] proposed a
systematic way of classifying multiparticle entanglement
in N–qubit systems. Hereafter, we call it the Dür–Cirac
(DC) method. The main idea is that, using a sequence of
local operations, one can transform an arbitrary density
matrix of an N–qubit system into a state whose entan-
gled property is easily examined. It should be noted that
entanglement cannot increase through local operations.
Accordingly, if the density matrix transformed by local
operations is entangled, then the original density matrix
represents an entangled state.
However, one cannot always obtain an entangled prop-
erty by the DC method. In our previous paper [24], we
suggested that there exists an impracticality in the DC
method through an example.
In this letter, we reveal the possibility that one can-
not obtain the desired information on entanglement by
the DC method, though it is a very simple and effec-
tive method for examining multiqubit entanglement. We
show that there is such a possibility even in 2–qubit
systems. The most important quantity in our discus-
sion is a fully entangled fraction [7, 10]. Our main re-
sult is that, in 2–qubit systems, one can never determine
whether a quantum state is entangled or not through the
DC method if the fully entangled fraction is less than or
equal to 1
. Then, we completely characterize the class
of the state in 2–qubit systems whose entangled property
is never obtained by the DC method. The impracticality
of the DC method is due to the decrease of entanglement
by local operations in the DC method. Additionally, we
investigate what parts of the local operations reduce the
entanglement in 2–qubit system.
The letter is organized as follows. We briefly review
the DC method in section II. Then, we illustrate the
impracticality of the DC method through an example
in a 2–qubit system, and show the relation to the local
operations in section III. After that, we show our main
results in section IV. Our results are shown only in 2–
qubit systems, but they clearly reveal the limitation of
the DC method. Section V is devoted to a summary.
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]
We briefly review the DC method [16, 17, 18, 19]. Its
main idea is that, using a sequence of local operations,
one can transform an arbitrary density matrix of an N–
qubit system into a state whose property of entanglement
is easily examined.
First, we explain how to specify a bipartition of the
system concerned. We divide an N–qubit system into
two subsystems, system A and system B, as follows. Let
us consider a set of binary numbers, {ki}Ni=1 (ki = 0, 1).
When ki is equal to 0 (1), the ith qubit is in system
A (B). We always set k1 = 0; the first qubit is al-
ways in system A. Representing the number by a binary,
i=2 ki2
i−2, a partition is specified in the N–qubit
system if an integer k(∈ [1, 2N−1 − 1]) is chosen; we call
such a partition the bipartition k.
The authors in Ref. [16, 17, 18, 19] introduced a special
family of density matrices as follows:
ρN = λ
0 〉〈Ψ
0 |+ λ
0 〉〈Ψ
|Ψ+j 〉〈Ψ
j |+ |Ψ
j 〉〈Ψ
, (1)
where the coefficients λ±0 and λj are real and positive,
and λ+0 +λ
j=1 λj = 1 because trρN = 1. These
coefficients are related to the information on an arbitrary
density matrix of an N–qubit system, as shown below.
The generalized GHZ state [16, 17, 18, 19] in an N–qubit
system |Ψ±j 〉 is defined as follows:
|Ψ±j 〉 =
(|0j〉 ± |1̄〉) (0 ≤ j ≤ 2N−1 − 1), (2)
where j ≡
i=2 ji2
i−2 for the binary number ji (= 0, 1),
|0j〉 ≡ |0〉1 ⊗
i=2 |ji〉i and |1̄〉 ≡ |1〉1 ⊗
i=2 |1− ji〉i.
The symbol ̄ means a bit–flip of j: ̄ = 2N−1−1− j. We
write the computational basis for the ith qubit as |0〉i and
|1〉i ( i〈0|0〉i = 1, i〈1|1〉i = 1, and i〈0|1〉i = 0). The sub-
scription i(= 1, 2, . . .N) is the label of the qubit. We can
easily find the generalized GHZ states are the elements
of an orthonormal basis of the Hilbert space correspond-
ing to the N–qubit system. Note that the convention of
generalized GHZ states (2) is slightly different from the
corresponding one in Ref. [16, 17, 18, 19], but such a dif-
ference doesn’t matter in our discussion.
We summarize the several useful properties of ρN . The
compact consequences for partial transposition with re-
spect to any bipartition are known [16, 17, 18, 19]. First,
ρN has positive partial transposition (PPT) with re-
spect to a bipartition k if and only if ∆ ≤ 2λk, where
∆ = |λ+0 − λ
0 |. On the other hand, ρN has negative
partial transposition (NPT) with respect to a biparti-
tion k if and only if ∆ > 2λk. Furthermore, the authors
in Ref. [17, 18] proved the theorems about multiparticle
entanglement. Among them, we explain an important
one [17]. We concentrate on two qubits, for example the
ith and jth qubits, in an N–qubit system. Let us con-
sider all possible bipartitions, Pij under which the ith
and jth qubits belong to different parties. The theorem
is that ρN has NPT with respect to
∀k ∈ Pij if and only
if the maximal entangled states between the ith and jth
qubits can be distilled.
The most important result in Ref. [16, 17] is that an
arbitrary density matrix, ρ of an N–qubit system, can
be transformed into ρN by local operations, and local
operations cannot increase entanglement. Accordingly, if
ρN is an entangled state with respect to a bipartition,
ρ is also such a state. Moreover, according to the theo-
rem explained at the end of the above paragraph, if ρN
has NPT with respect to ∀k ∈ Pij , the maximal entan-
gled state between the ith and jth qubits can be distilled
from ρN . Then, one should be able to distill the max-
imal entangled state between such qubits from ρ. This
result implies that one can know the sufficient condition
for the distillability of ρ for an arbitrary N . Note that,
through the PPT criterion, one can only obtain the neces-
sary condition for the distillability in an N -qubit system
when N > 2 [6].
Under the local operations, the coefficients λ±0 and λj
of ρN are given by the following relations:
0 = 〈Ψ
0 |ρ|Ψ
0 〉, 2λj = 〈Ψ
〉. (3)
Consequently, one can systematically treat the evalua-
tion of multiparticle entanglement as a task for bipar-
tite entanglement, because it is only necessary to cal-
culate some specific matrix elements of ρ. In addition,
this point will be useful for investigating entanglement in
experiments [19].
As shown in the previous section, one can readily evalu-
ate the information of multiparticle entanglement by the
DC method. However, the desired information about en-
tanglement isn’t always obtained. Let us illustrate such
an impractical case by an example in a 2–qubit system.
One can easily find that, by the PPT criterion, the fol-
lowing density matrix has NPT (i.e., entangled):
|Ψ+0 〉〈Ψ
|Ψ+1 〉〈Ψ
|Ψ−1 〉〈Ψ
|Ψ+1 〉〈Ψ
1 |+ |Ψ
1 〉〈Ψ
. (4)
One needs only to calculate ∆ and 2λ1 to apply the DC
method to a 2–qubit system. According to Eq. (3), one
can readily obtain the following results for ρf : ∆ =
2λ1 =
. Then, it is not possible to determine whether
ρf is entangled or not, because ∆ = 2λ1.
We will show that the above problem should be at-
tributed to the decrease of entanglement by local opera-
tions in the DC method. Let us explain Dür and Cirac’s
explicit expressions to clarify this point. The local oper-
ations in the DC method are sequence of the following
three steps. First, we perform the following probabilistic
unitary operator on an arbitrary density operator of an
N–qubit system:
L1ρ =
1 , (5)
where W1 =
i=1 σ
x and σ
x = |0〉i〈1|+ |1〉i〈0|. Note
j, j′=0
|Ψ+j 〉〈Ψ
|+ µ+−
|Ψ+j 〉〈Ψ
|Ψ−j 〉〈Ψ
|+ µ−−
|Ψ−j 〉〈Ψ
where µσσ
jj′ s are the matrix elements of ρ for the gener-
alized GHZ states (σ, σ′ = ±). As a result of this opera-
tion, the terms corresponding to |Ψ+j 〉〈Ψ
| and |Ψ−j 〉〈Ψ
are vanishing because W1|Ψ±j 〉 = ±|Ψ
The following probabilistic unitary operators are nec-
essary for the second step:
Llρ =
(l = 2, 3, . . . , N), (7)
where Wl = σ
z ⊗σ(l)z and σ(i)z = |0〉i〈0|− |1〉i〈1|. Equa-
tion (7) is a local operation with respect to the first and
lth qubit. Note that we abbreviate the identity opera-
tors for the other qubits in Wl. In the second step, we
l=2 Ll on the result of the first step. By this
operation, the terms corresponding to |Ψ±j 〉〈Ψ
| (j 6= j′)
are vanishing because Wl|Ψ±j 〉 = (−1)jl |Ψ
j 〉. In this
stage, the resultant state is a diagonal form with respect
to the generalized GHZ states.
Finally, we perform the local random phase–shift, Lr
on the result of the second step:
Lrρ =
2π δ(Φ− 2π)Rφ ρR†φ, (8)
where Rφ =
i=1 R
(i)(φi), R
(i)(φi)|0〉i = eiφi |0〉i,
R(i)(φi)|1〉i = |1〉i, and Φ =
i=1 φi. Note
that Lr |Ψ±0 〉〈Ψ
0 | = |Ψ
0 〉〈Ψ
0 | and Lr |Ψ
j 〉〈Ψ
j | =
(|0j〉〈0j| + |1̄〉〈1̄|) (j 6= 0). After the final step, we
can find that the resultant state is equivalent to Eq. (1).
Now, let us go back to Eq. (4). We only need to per-
form L1 on ρf to transform it into the form of Eq. (1):
L1ρf = 12 |Ψ
0 〉〈Ψ
0 | + 14 |Ψ
1 〉〈Ψ
1 | + 14 |Ψ
1 〉〈Ψ
1 |. Obvi-
ously, the resultant state is separable. It implies that
the entanglement decreases by the local operation L1. In
the subsequent section, we will characterize the class of
the quantum states in a 2–qubit system whose entangled
property is not obtained by the DC method due to its
decrease by the local operations.
We attempt to reveal the class of the quantum states
whose entangled property is not obtained by the DC
method. In this section, we focus on the case N = 2
because its entanglement structure is well known.
Let us first introduce an important quantity for our
F(ρ) = max
〈Ψ+0 |(U ⊗ V ) ρ (U ⊗ V )
†|Ψ+0 〉, (9)
where U and V are unitary operators on the Hilbert
spaces for the first and second qubits, respectively. Equa-
tion (9) is called a fully entangled fraction [7, 10].
We show that the value of a fully entangled fraction
plays an important role in determining whether the DC
method works or not. According to the DC method, the
sufficient condition for an entangled state in a 2–qubit
system is ∆ > 2λ1. Using trρ = 1 and Eq. (3), we readily
obtain the following relation:
∆ > 2λ1 ⇐⇒ 〈Ψ+0 |ρ|Ψ
0 〉 >
or 〈Ψ−0 |ρ|Ψ
0 〉 >
The right–hand side of Eq. (10) implies F(ρ) > 1
. Note
that |Ψ−0 〉 = (I(1) ⊗ σ
z )|Ψ+0 〉, where I(1) = |0〉1〈0| +
|1〉1〈1|. Summarizing the above argument, we obtain the
following statements:
∆ > 2λ1 =⇒ F(ρ) >
, (11)
F(ρ) ≤ 1
=⇒ ∆ ≤ 2λ1. (12)
Accordingly, we obtain the following conclusion. Let us
consider the density matrix in a 2–qubit system which
has NPT; it is an entangled state. However, if its fully
entangled fraction is less than or equal to 1
, then it is not
possible to determine whether such a state is entangled
or not by the DC method. Actually, Eq. (4) is just such
an example.
Next, we investigate the density matrix ρ whose fully
entangled fraction is greater than 1
. In general, the con-
dition F(ρ) > 1
does not imply 〈Ψ±0 |ρ|Ψ
0 〉 > 12 . How-
ever, the following statement is always true:
∃Ũ ⊗ Ṽ s.t. |Ψ+0 〉 = Ũ ⊗ Ṽ |ψ̃〉, (13)
where Ũ and Ṽ are unitary operators on the Hilbert
spaces for the first and second qubits, respectively,
and |ψ̃〉 is the maximally entangled state that satisfies
〈ψ̃|ρ|ψ̃〉 = F(ρ). Consequently, using the above local
unitary operator, we obtain
〈Ψ+0 |ρ̃|Ψ
0 〉 >
, (14)
ρ̃ = (Ũ ⊗ Ṽ ) ρ (Ũ ⊗ Ṽ )†. (15)
According to Eqs. (11) and (14), we obtain the following
F(ρ) > 1
=⇒ ∃Ũ ⊗ Ṽ s.t. ∆̃ ≡ |λ̃+0 − λ̃
0 | > 2λ̃1,
where λ̃±0 = 〈Ψ
0 |ρ̃|Ψ
0 〉 and 2λ̃1 = 〈Ψ
1 |ρ̃|Ψ
1 〉 +
〈Ψ−1 |ρ̃|Ψ
1 〉. The local unitary transformed state ρ̃ is en-
tangled if ∆̃ > 2λ̃1; one can obtain the entangled prop-
erty of ρ̃ by the DC method. On the other hand, the
original density matrix ρ is related to ρ̃ through the local
unitary operator Ũ⊗ Ṽ from Eq. (15); ρ̃ is equivalent to ρ
with respect to entanglement. Therefore, one can obtain
the entangled property of a density matrix whose fully
entangled fraction is greater than 1
by the DC method
with a suitable local unitary operator. Let us show an
example for such a case. We consider a Bell–diagonal
state. Such a state is defined by as follows:
ρBD =
|+ µ−
, (17)
where µ±j ≥ 0 and
j + µ
j ) = 1. Note that our
example in Ref. [24] was a special case of Eq. (17). We
can show that ρBD has NPT if and only if
|µ+0 − µ
0 | > µ
1 + µ
1 or |µ
1 − µ
1 | > µ
0 + µ
0 . (18)
According to tr ρBD = 1 and Eq. (18), if one of µ
j s (σ =
±) is at least greater than 1
, then ρBD has NPT, and
vice versa. In addition, we easily obtain the following
F(ρBD) = max
σ=±, j=0, 1
µσj . (19)
Then, if ρBD is entangled, F(ρBD) is greater than 12 . In
this case, we can obtain the information of the entangle-
ment for the Bell–diagonal state in a 2–qubit system by
the DC method with a suitable local operator. Note that
one only needs to use Lr to transform ρBD into ρN .
Finally, we consider whether, through the DC method
with appropriate local unitary operators, we can obtain
the entangled property of the quantum state whose fully
entangled fraction is less than or equal to 1
. It should
be noted that the converse statement of Eq. (16) can be
easily shown. Therefore, we conclude that one never ob-
tains the entangled property for a density matrix whose
fully entangled fraction is less than or equal to 1
by the
DC method, even if one uses local unitary operators.
In summary, we have completely classified the states
in 2–qubit systems whose entangled property is not ob-
tained by the DC method, or by the DC method with lo-
cal unitary operators. The limitation of the method is de-
termined by the value of the fully entangled fraction. If it
is greater than 1
, we can always obtain the desired infor-
mation on entanglement by the DC method with suitable
local unitary operators. Otherwise, we never obtain it.
The impracticality of the DC method is attributed to the
decrease of entanglement by the local operations. Note
that the Bell–diagonal state is entangled if F(ρBD) > 12 .
Moreover, we can easily find L1 ρBD = L2 ρBD = ρBD
and LrρBD = ρN . Accordingly, in 2–qubit systems, the
crucial decrease of entanglement occurs in L1 and L2.
We have shown that one cannot always obtain an en-
tangled property by the DC method, even in 2–qubit
systems. The most important quantity in our discussion
is a fully entangled fraction. One can never determine
whether a quantum state is entangled or not through the
DC method, if the fully entangled fraction is less than
or equal to 1
. On the other hand, one can make such a
determination by the DC method with suitable local uni-
tary operators, if the fully entangled fraction is greater
than 1
The impracticality of the DC method is attributed to
the decrease of entanglement by the local operations. Ac-
tually, from Eqs. (4) and (5), we have easily shown that
L1ρf is separable, even if ρf is entangled. The Bell–
diagonal state (17) is invariant under L1 and L2; we only
need to use Lr for transforming it into the form of Eq. (1).
In addition, the Bell–diagonal state which is entangled
has a fully entangled fraction greater than 1
. Therefore,
the crucial decrease of entanglement for examining it by
the DC method occurs in L1 and L2 in 2–qubit systems.
Finally, we would like to comment on the case of mul-
tiqubit systems. The DC method has been proposed as
a systematic estimation of multiparticle entanglement.
Therefore, it is necessary to study the limitation of the
method in N–qubit systems when N > 2. However, the
situation will be more complicated in this case. Nev-
ertheless, the results in this letter can hint at a solu-
tion. Namely, we will consider the following question: (i)
Is it possible to obtain the entangled property of Bell–
diagonal states in N–qubit systems,
ρBD =
j 〉〈Ψ
j |+ µ
j 〉〈Ψ
, (20)
by the DC method with suitable local unitary operators?
(ii) How are fragile quantum states with respect to en-
tanglement, for example ρf , under the local operations
characterized in N–qubit systems? We think the above
questions are related to the decrease of quantum entan-
glement under local operations and decoherence. In ad-
dition, our examination of the above questions will lead
to the understanding of the structure of quantum states
in N–qubit systems.
The authors acknowledge H. Nakazato for valu-
able discussions. This research is partially supported
by a Grant–in–Aid for Priority Area B (No. 763),
MEXT, by the 21st Century COE Program (Physics of
Self-Organization Systems) at Waseda University from
MEXT, and by a Waseda University Grant for Special
Research Projects (Nos. 2004B–872 and 2007A–044).
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0704.1376 | Compton-thick AGN and the Synthesis of the Cosmic X-ray Background: the
Suzaku Perspective | Compton-thick AGN and the Synthesis of the Cosmic X-ray
Background: the Suzaku Perspective
Roberto Gilli1,∗), Andrea Comastri1, Cristian Vignali2
and Günther Hasinger3
1INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
2Dipartimento di Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
3Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany
(Received )
We discuss the abundance of Compton-thick AGN as estimated by the most recent
population synthesis models of the cosmic X-ray background. Only a small fraction of these
elusive objects have been detected so far, in line with the model expectations. The advances
expected by the broad band detectors on board Suzaku are briefly reviewed.
§1. Introduction
Despite extensive observational efforts, the population of heavily obscured, Compton-
thick AGN remains elusive, especially at high redshifts, preventing a complete census
of accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs). While Compton-thick (CT) nuclei
were shown to hide in about half of local Seyfert 2 galaxies (Risaliti et al. 1999,
Guainazzi et al. 2005), observations of heavily obscured objects beyond z ∼ 0.1
are very sparse (see Comastri 2004 for a review) and their abundance can be con-
strained only by indirect arguments. One argument is the comparison between the
mass function of local SMBHs with the one expected if they accreted most of their
mass during past AGN phases (Marconi et al. 2004). Another, and probably more
stringent, argument is the residual emission at 30 keV in the spectrum of the cos-
mic X-ray background (XRB), which is left after removing the contribution from
the better known population of less obscured, Compton-thin AGN. The residual 30
keV XRB emission can indeed be modeled by assuming a population of CT AGN
as large as that of moderately absorbed ones over a broad range of redshifts and
luminosities (see Gilli, Comastri & Hasinger 2007, hereafter GCH07, for a recent
work). In particular, this residual emission is mostly filled by “mildly” CT objects
(defined as those with 1024 < NH < 10
25 cm−2) in which the direct, primary emis-
sion is visible above ∼ 10 keV, rather than by “heavily” CT objects (NH > 10
cm−2), in which only reflected radiation is visible at high energy, and are therefore
significantly less luminous than the formers at 30 keV. As a consequence, the number
of heavily CT AGN is poorly constrained even by population synthesis models and
is generally assumed to be similar (equal in GCH07) to that of mildly CT objects,
as suggested by the results of Risaliti et al. (1999). Because of the strong selection
effects due to absorption, only a small percentage of CT sources have been observed
∗) E-mail: [email protected]
typeset using PTPTEX.cls 〈Ver.0.9〉
2 R. Gilli, A. Comastri, C. Vignali and G. Hasinger
Fig. 1. Left : The fractions of CT AGN in the GCH07 baseline model as a function of the 2-10 keV
and 15-200 keV limiting fluxes compared to those observed in the CDFS (Tozzi et al. 2006) and
in the Swift/BAT catalog (Markwardt et al. 2005). The upper Swift/BAT point is corrected
for incompleteness. Note the steep increase expected at fluxes below the current sensitivities
and the identical CT fraction in the two bands at extremely faint fluxes, where all AGN should
be detected. Right : The predicted 20-40 keV AGN counts (see Section 2) normalized to
an Euclidean Universe and compared with those measured by INTEGRAL (Beckmann et al.
in current X-ray surveys. In the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS) only about
5% of the detected AGN have been identified as CT candidates (Tozzi et al. 2006).
In the recent INTEGRAL/IBIS and Swift/BAT surveys performed above 10 keV,
where the absorption bias is less effective, a higher fraction is observed (∼ 10− 15%,
Markwardt et al. 2006, Beckmann et al. 2006). This is already remarkable, if one
bears in mind that X-ray surveys above 10 keV are still limited to very bright fluxes
(∼ 10−11 erg cm−2 s−1). As shown in Fig. 1 left, these small observed fractions are
in good agreement with those expected if CT AGN are intrinsically as abundant as
moderately obscured ones (see GCH07), and are predicted to increase dramatically
at fluxes below the current sensitivity limits.
§2. Uncertainties on the number of Compton-thick AGN
Since the overall abundance of CT AGN is estimated by subtracting from the
XRB spectrum the contribution of Compton-thin sources, it is imperative to estimate
the latter at the best of present knowledge. The modeling presented in GCH07
took into account a detailed characterization of the average AGN X-ray spectra,
including dispersion, and cosmological evolution, but is nonetheless worth exploring
the parameter space to some extent and check how different assumptions may affect
the estimated CT number. In the baseline model presented by GCH07, a Gaussian
distribution in the AGN primary continuum was considered, with average spectral
Compton-thick AGN and the Synthesis of the Cosmic X-ray Background 3
Fig. 2. The spectrum of the X-ray background. Most of the datapoints are described in GCH07.
Here we add the recent 5-200 keV measurement by INTEGRAL (Churazov et al. 2007) and
the 1-7 keV measurement by Chandra (Hickox & Markevitch 2006). Model curves based on
GCH07 are also plotted: the upper magenta curves show the total contribution from AGN (plus
galaxy clusters), according to different assumptions on the average AGN spectral slope and
number of CT objects as labeled (see text); the lower black curves represent the corresponding
CT contribution.
slope and dispersion of 〈Γ 〉 = 1.9 and σΓ = 0.2, respectively, in agreement with the
observed distributions (Mateos et al. 2005). In Fig. 2 we show the effects of assuming
an average spectral index 〈Γ 〉 = 1.8 with the same dispersion. A sligthly harder
average spectral powerlaw is in principle sufficient to saturate the XRB emission
with Compton-thin AGN, leaving little room for CT sources. Indeed, when adding
as many CT AGN as in the baseline model, the 30 keV XRB emission measured
by HEAO-1, and recently confirmed within 10% by INTEGRAL (Churazov et al.
2007), is exceeded if 〈Γ 〉 = 1.8. Furthermore, the baseline model appears to be in
much better agreement with other observational constraints, such as the spectral
distributions observed in different AGN samples and the observed numbers of CT
AGN (see GCH07). The model predictions have been further compared with the
AGN counts in the 20-40 keV band recently estimated by Beckmann et al. (2006).
The situation (Fig. 1 right) is similar to that shown in Fig.2 for the XRB, although
the constraints are less stringent. While a model with 〈Γ 〉 = 1.8 would imply a small
number of CT AGN, the baseline model provides a good match to the data with a
relative ratio of one between Compton-thick and Compton-thin AGN at all redshifts.
4 R. Gilli, A. Comastri, C. Vignali and G. Hasinger
This assumed ratio appears more in line with current observations both in the local
(Risaliti et al. 1999) and in the distant Universe (Martinez-Sansigre et al. 2006).
§3. The Suzaku perspective
To date, about 40 local AGN have been shown to be CT through X-ray obser-
vations (Comastri 2004) and their number is expected to increase significantly in
the next future. Indeed, CT AGN candidates in current INTEGRAL and Swift
surveys can be easily flagged as such if their X-ray flux above 10 keV is much larger
than their soft X-ray flux, which is often available from archival X-ray data. Like
BeppoSAX in the past years, Suzaku is now carrying on board detectors which are
sensitive in the broad 0.5-50 keV band and are therefore the ideal instruments to
determine the X-ray spectral energy distribution of bright, nearby CT objects. In
EAO-1 we have obtained Suzaku observations of 2 CT candidates selected from the
INTEGRAL and Swift AGN catalogs (two further candidates will be observed in
EAO-2). One of the two objects indeed proved to be CT, while the other turned out
to be heavily obscured but still Compton thin (see Comastri et al. this volume, for a
more detailed discussion). Suzaku observations of additional CT candidates selected
above 10 keV are being performed by other groups (e.g. Ueda et al., this volume).
Eventually, once these programs are put together to get sufficient object statistics,
the fraction of CT AGN in the local Universe will be determined to better accuracy.
In particular, new mildly CT AGN should be revealed in significant numbers, and
a few spectra of heavily CT AGN, which went undetected by BeppoSAX, may be
also obtained.
We are grateful to Mike Revnivtsev and Volker Beckmann for providing the
INTEGRAL XRB spectrum and 20-40 keV AGN counts, respectively. RG, AC and
CV acknowledge financial support from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) under the
contract ASI–INAF I/023/05/0.
1) V. Beckmann, et al., ApJ 652 (2006), 126.
2) E. Churazov, et al., A&A (2007), in press (astro-ph/0608250).
3) A. Comastri, Supermassive Black Holes in the Distant Universe (A.J. Barger, Dordrecht,
2004), p. 245.
4) R. Gilli, A. Comastri and G. Hasinger, A&A 463 (2007), 79. (GCH07)
5) M. Guainazzi, et al., A&A 444 (2005), 119
6) R. Hickox & M. Markevitch, ApJ 645 (2006), 95.
7) A. Marconi, et al., MNRAS 351 (2004), 169.
8) C.B. Markwardt, et al., ApJ 633 (2005), L77.
9) A. Martinez-Sansigre, et al., MNRAS 370 (2006), 1479
10) S. Mateos, et al., A&A 444 (2005), 79.
11) G. Risaliti, R. Maiolino and M. Salvati, ApJ 522 (1999), 157.
12) P. Tozzi, et al., A&A 451 (2006), 457.
Uncertainties on the number of Compton-thick AGN
The Suzaku perspective
0704.1377 | Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a quenched ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein
condensate | Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a quenched ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate
Hiroki Saito1, Yuki Kawaguchi2, and Masahito Ueda2,3
Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan
Macroscopic Quantum Control Project, ERATO, JST, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
(Dated: October 31, 2018)
The spin vortices are shown to be created through the Kibble-Zurek (KZ) mechanism in a quantum
phase transition of a spin-1 ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate, when the applied magnetic field
is quenched below a critical value. It is shown that the magnetic correlation functions have finite
correlation lengths, and magnetizations at widely separated positions grow in random directions,
resulting in spin vortices. We numerically confirm the scaling law that the winding number of spin
vortices is proportional to the square root of the length of the closed path, and for slow quench,
proportional to τ
with τQ being the quench time. The relation between the spin conservation
and the KZ mechanism is discussed.
PACS numbers: 03.75.Mn, 03.75.Lm, 73.43.Nq, 64.60.Ht
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a phase transition
produces local domains of an order parameter. If do-
mains are separated by such a long distance that they
cannot exchange information, local domains grow ini-
tially with random phases and eventually give rise to
topological defects when they overlap. This scenario
of topological-defect formation in continuous-symmetry
breaking is known as the Kibble-Zurek (KZ) mecha-
nism [1, 2], which originally predicted the cosmic-string
and monopole formation in the early Universe [1], and
has since been applied to a wide variety of systems. Ex-
perimentally, the KZ mechanism has been examined in
liquid crystals [3, 4], superfluid 4He [5] and 3He [6, 7],
an optical Kerr medium [8], Josephson junctions [9, 10],
and superconducting films [11].
Recently, spontaneous magnetization in a spinor Bose-
Einstein condensate (BEC) has attracted much interest
as a new system for studying the KZ mechanism [12, 13,
14, 15]. In the experiment performed by the Berkeley
group [12], a BEC of F = 1 87Rb atoms are prepared in
the m = 0 state, where F is the hyperfine spin and m
is its projection on the direction of the magnetic field.
By quench of the magnetic field, say in the z direction,
magnetization appears in the x-y plane. Since the spinor
Hamiltonian is axisymmetric with respect to the z axis,
the magnetization in the x-y direction breaks the U(1)
symmetry in the spin space. Thus, local domain forma-
tion is expected to lead to topological defects — spin
vortices — through the KZ mechanism.
However, the origin of the spin vortices observed after
the quench in the Berkeley experiment [12] cannot be at-
tributed to the KZ mechanism. In fact, in Ref. [12], the
spin correlation extends over the entire system (at least
in the x direction) and the domains are not independent
with each other. We have shown in Ref. [13] that the ori-
gin of the observed spin vortices is initial spin correlation
due to the residual m = ±1 atoms, which forms domain
structure followed by spin vortex creation [16]. In order
to realize the KZ mechanism in this system, i.e., in order
to ensure that the magnetic domains grow independently,
the size of the system must be much larger than the spin
correlation length and the long-range correlation in the
initial spin state must be absent. The aim of the present
paper is to show that under these conditions spin vortices
are generated through the KZ mechanism.
In the present paper we will consider 1D-ring and 2D-
disk geometries. We will show that in the 1D ring the
average spin winding number after the quench is propor-
tional to the square root of the system size, which is in
agreement with the KZ prediction [2]. In 2D the winding
number along a path with radius R is also proportional
to R1/2 as long as R is much larger than the vortex spac-
ing, while it is proportional to R for small R. When
the magnetic field is quenched slowly, the winding num-
ber is shown to be proportional to τ
Q with τQ being
the quench time. This power law can be understood by
Zurek’s simple discussion [2].
The spinor BEC is different from the other systems in
which the KZ mechanism has been observed, in that the
total spin is conserved when the quadratic Zeeman en-
ergy q is negligible. This fact is seemingly incompatible
with the KZ postulate, since the magnetic domains must
be correlated with each other so that the total magnetiza-
tion vanishes. We will show that for q = 0 small magnetic
domains are aligned to cancel out the local spin averaged
over the correlation length, and that they are indepen-
dent with each other over a greater length scale; the spin
conservation is thus compatible with the KZ mechanism.
The present paper is organized as follows. Section II
analyzes spontaneous magnetization of a spin-1 BEC and
the resultant magnetic correlation functions using the
Bogoliubov approximation. Section III performs numeri-
cal simulations of the dynamics of quenched BECs in 1D
and 2D, and shows that the KZ mechanism does emerge
in the present system. Section IV provides conclusions.
A. Hamiltonian for the spin-1 atoms
We consider spin-1 bosonic atoms with mass M con-
fined in a potential Vtrap(r). The noninteracting part of
the Hamiltonian is given by
Ĥ0 =
2 + Vtrap(r)
where ψ̂m(r) annihilates an atom in magnetic sublevel m
of spin at a position r.
The interaction between atoms with s-wave scattering
is described by
Ĥint =
2(r) + c1F̂
:, (2)
where the symbol :: denotes the normal order and
ρ̂(r) =
ψ̂†m(r)ψ̂m(r), (3)
F̂ (r) =
ψ̂†m(r)fmm′ ψ̂m′(r), (4)
with f = (fx, fy, fz) being the spin-1 matrices. The in-
teraction coefficients in Eq. (2) are given by
a0 + 2a2
, (5a)
a2 − a0
, (5b)
where aS is the s-wave scattering lengths for two colliding
atoms with total spin S.
When magnetic field B is applied, the linear Zeeman
effect rotates the spin around the direction of B at the
Larmor frequency. Since Ĥ0 and Ĥint are spin-rotation
invariant and we assume the uniform magnetic field, the
linear Zeeman term has only a trivial effect on spin dy-
namics — uniform rotation of spins about B — which is
therefore ignored. The quadratic Zeeman effects for an
F = 1 87Rb atom is described by
Ĥq =
(B · f)2
ψ̂m′(r), (6)
where µB is the Bohr magneton and Ehf > 0 is the hy-
perfine splitting energy between F = 1 and F = 2. The
total Hamiltonian is given by the sum of Eqs. (1), (2),
and (6),
Ĥ = Ĥ0 + Ĥq + Ĥint. (7)
B. Time evolution in the Bogoliubov
In the initial state, all atoms are prepared in them = 0
state. We study the spin dynamics of the system using
the Bogoliubov approximation with respect to this initial
state. For simplicity, we assume Vtrap = 0 in this section.
In the Bogoliubov approximation, the BEC part in the
field operator is replaced by a c-number. In the present
case, we write the m = 0 component of the field operator
ψ̂0(r) = e
n+ δψ̂0(r)
, (8)
where n is the atomic density. We expand ψ̂±1(r) as
ψ̂±1(r) = e
eik·r â±1,k, (9)
where V is the volume of the system and â±1,k is the
annihilation operator of an atom in the m = ±1 state
with wave vector k. Keeping only up to the second order
of δψ̂0(r) and ψ̂±1(r) in the Hamiltonian, we obtain the
Heisenberg equation of motion for â±1,k as
= (εk + q + c1n)â±1,k(t) + c1nâ
where εk = h̄
2k2/(2M) and q = µ2BB
2/(4Ehf). The mag-
netic field is assumed to be applied in the z direction. The
solution of Eq. (10) is obtained as
â±1,k(t) =
− i εk + q + c1n
∓1,−k(0), (11)
(εk + q)(εk + q + 2c1n). (12)
When Ek is imaginary, the corresponding modes are
dynamically unstable and grow exponentially. Since c1 <
0 and q > 0 for F = 1 87Rb atoms, the exponential
growth occurs for
q < 2|c1|n ≡ qc. (13)
This critical value of q agrees with the phase boundary
between the polar phase and the broken-axisymmetry
phase [17, 18]. When q ≤ qc/2, the wave number of
the most unstable mode is
kmu = ±
, (14)
and when qc/2 < q < qc, kmu = 0.
C. Fast quench
We consider the situation in which q is much larger
than the other characteristic energies for t < 0, and q is
suddenly quenched below qc at t = 0. During t < 0, the
time evolution in Eq. (11) is â±1,k(t) ≃ e−iqt/h̄â±1,k(0),
and the m = ±1 state remains in the vacuum state. For
t > 0, we obtain the time evolution of the density of the
m = ±1 component as
±1(r, t)ψ̂±1(r, t)
where the expectation value is taken with respect to the
vacuum state of the m = ±1 component. In the sec-
ond line of Eq. (15), we have kept the unstable modes
alone with k < kc ≡
2M(qc − q)/h̄ by assuming that
|Ek|t/h̄ ≫ 1. This result indicates that the m = ±1
components grow exponentially after the quench.
Since the operator ψ̂0 in Eq. (4) is replaced by
the Bogoliubov approximation, the magnetization oper-
ator F̂+ = F̂
− = F̂x + iF̂y has the form,
F̂+(r) =
1(r) + ψ̂−1(r)
. (16)
Using Eq. (11), the time evolution of the correlation func-
tion is calculated to be
F̂+(r, t)F̂−(r
′, t)
εk + q
qc − q − εk
′), (17b)
where in the second line we have kept the unstable modes
From the exponential factor in Eq. (17b), we see that
the sum is contributed mostly from k around the mode
with maximum |Ek|. The denominator in the summand
of Eq. (17b) is much smoother than the exponential fac-
tor if q is not close to qc, and then we approximate εk
with εmu = h̄
2k2mu/(2M) in the denominator. We expand
2|Ek|t/h̄ around kmu in the exponent as
ξ2∆k2 − 1
where ∆k = k − kmu. It is clear that τ sets the time
scale for the exponential growth. The magnetization is
observed when it sufficiently grows, i.e., t ∼ τ . Replacing
the summation with the Gaussian integral in Eq. (17b),
we find that ξ represents the correlation length. For q <
qc/2, kmu is given by Eq. (14), and
, (19)
qc − 2q
. (20)
For qc/2 < q < qc, kmu = 0 and
q(qc − q)
, (21)
2q − qc
q(qc − q)
. (22)
At q = qc/2, Eqs. (20) and (22) vanish, and the ∆k
4 term
in Eq. (18) becomes important, with
Ξ = 4
. (23)
We first consider a 1D system with the periodic bound-
ary condition, i.e., the 1D ring geometry. We assume that
the radius of the ring R is much larger than the domain
size, and the curvature of the ring does not affect the
For q < qc/2, the magnetic correlation function is cal-
culated to be
F̂+(θ, t)F̂−(θ
′, t)
cos[kmuR(θ − θ′)]
2(θ−θ′)2/(tξ2), (24)
where τ and ξ are given by Eqs. (19) and (20), and θ and
θ′ are azimuthal angles. For qc/2 < q < qc, we obtain
F̂+(θ, t)F̂−(θ
′, t)
qc − q
with Eqs. (21) and (22). At q = qc/2, the correlation
function reads
F̂+(θ, t)F̂−(θ
′, t)
qc − q
τR4(θ − θ′)4
R2(θ − θ′)2
τR4(θ − θ′)4
where Γ is the Gamma function and
0F2(a, b, z) =
Γ(a+ j)Γ(b + j)
is the generalized hypergeometric function. Equa-
tion (26) is shown in Fig. 2(a), where Ξ gives a char-
acteristic width of the correlation function.
Next, we consider the 2D geometry. For qc/2 < q <
qc, and then kmu = 0, the integral can be performed
analytically, giving
F̂+(r, t)F̂−(r
′, t)
qc − q
et/τ−τ |r−r
where τ and ξ are given in Eqs. (21) and (22). For other
q, we can perform only the angular integral as
F̂+(r, t)F̂−(r
′, t)
qc − q − εmu
kJ0(k|r − r′|)e2|Ek|t/h̄dk,
where J0 is the Bessel function. If the exponential factor
is much sharper than the Bessel function around kmu,
the correlation function (29) is approximated to be ∝
J0(kmu|r − r′|) [14, 15].
As shown above, the correlation function (17b) has a
finite correlation length, and the magnetization at posi-
tions widely separated from each other grow with inde-
pendent directions in the x-y plane. Thus, the growth
of the magnetic domains is expected to leave topological
defects through the KZ mechanism.
D. Slow quench
In the previous sections, we have assumed that the
magnetic field is suddenly quenched to the desired value
at t = 0 and q is held constant for t > 0. We assume here
that for t > 0 the magnetic field is gradually quenched
q(t) = qc
. (30)
The magnetic correlation can be estimated to be
F̂+(r, t)F̂−(r
′, t)
dk exp
dt+ ik · (r − r′)
. (31)
Since we are interested in the vicinity of the critical
point where correlation starts to grow, we expand |Ek(t)|
around kmu = 0 and keep the terms up to the order of
k2. For the 1D ring, we obtain
F̂+(θ, t)F̂−(θ
′, t)
∝ ef(t)−R
2(θ−θ′)2/ξ2Q , (32)
and for the 2D geometry,
F̂+(r, t)F̂−(r
′, t)
∝ ef(t)−|r−r
Q , (33)
f(t) =
τQ − t
1− 2t
, (34)
t(τQ − t)
. (35)
For t≪ τQ, f(t) can be expanded as
f(t) =
, (36)
and from f(t) ∼ 1, the time scale for magnetization is
given by
Q . (37)
Substitution of tQ into Eq. (35) yields
Q . (38)
The same power law is obtained in Ref. [14].
It is interesting to note that the results (37) and
(38) are easily obtained also by the simple discussion by
Zurek [2]. Since q(t) depends on time, τ and ξ given in
Eqs. (21) and (22) are time dependent, and hence they
are regarded as the growth time and correlation length
at each instant of time. The local magnetization is de-
veloped after a time tQ has elapsed such that
τ(tQ) ∼ tQ. (39)
τ(t) =
t(τQ − t)
, (40)
we obtain tQ in Eq. (37). Substituting this tQ into
ξ2(t) =
τQ − 2t
t(τQ − t)
yields Eq. (38).
A. Gross-Pitaevskii equation with quantum
The multicomponent Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation
is obtained by replacing the field operators ψ̂m with the
macroscopic wave function ψm in the Heisenberg equa-
tion of motion:
∇2 + Vtrap + q + c0ρ
F∓ψ0 ± Fzψ±1
, (42a)
∇2 + Vtrap + c0ρ
(F+ψ1 + F−ψ−1) , (42b)
where ρ and F are defined using ψm instead of ψ̂m in
Eqs. (3) and (4). The wave function is normalized as
|ψm|2 = N, (43)
with N being the number of atoms in the condensate.
Suppose that all atoms are initially in the m = 0 state.
It follows then from Eq. (42a) that ψ±1 will remain zero
in the subsequent time evolution. This is because quan-
tum fluctuations in the transverse magnetization that
trigger the growth of magnetization are neglected in the
mean-field approximation. We therefore introduce an ap-
propriate initial noise in ψ±1 so that the mean-field ap-
proximation reproduces the quantum evolution.
Let us write the initial state as
ψ±1(r) =
eik·ra±1,k(0), (44)
where a±1,k are c-numbers. We assume that the c-
number amplitudes a±1,k(0) are stochastic variables
whose average values vanish,
〈a±1,k(0)〉avg = 0, (45)
where by 〈· · · 〉avg we denote the statistical average over
an appropriate probability distribution. The linear ap-
proximation of the GP equation with respect to a±1,k
gives the same time evolution as Eq. (11), in which the
operators are replaced by the c-numbers. We thus obtain
F+(r, t)F−(r
′, t) =
εk + q
. (46)
Comparing Eq. (46) with Eq. (17a), we find that they
have the same form if the variance of a±1,k(0) satisfies
〈|a±1,k(0)|2〉avg =
for all k.
0 100 200 300
t [ms]
0 π 2π
|F+| /ρ arg F+
q=qc/ 20
0 π 2π
|F+| /ρ arg F+
(b) (c)
FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) Time evolution of the auto cor-
relation function given in Eq. (49) for the 1D ring geometry.
(b) Magnitude of the normalized magnetization |F+|/ρ (solid
curve, left axis) and direction of the magnetization argF+
(dashed curve, right axis) at t = 70 ms for q = 0 and (c) for
q = qc/2. The radius of the ring is R = 50 µm, the atomic
density is n = 2.8 × 1014 cm−3, and the number of atoms is
N = 106.
In the following, we will perform numerical simulation
of spontaneous magnetization using the GP equation and
show that the ensuing dynamics exhibits defect formation
similar to the KZ mechanism. As the initial state of the
m = ±1 wave functions, we use Eq. (44) with
a±1,k(0) = αrnd + iβrnd, (48)
where αrnd and βrnd are random variables following the
normal distribution p(x) =
2/π exp(−2x2). Equation
(48) then satisfies Eqs. (45) and (47).
B. 1D ring geometry
Let us first investigate the 1D ring system. Experi-
mentally this geometry can be realized, e.g., by an opti-
cal trap using a Laguerre-Gaussian beam [19]. We reduce
the GP equation (42) to 1D by assuming that the wave
function ψm depends only on the azimuthal angle θ. The
average density of atoms is assumed to be n = 2.8× 1014
cm−3. When the radius of the ring is R = 50 µm and
the radius of the small circle is 2 µm, the total number
of atoms is N ≃ 106.
Figure 1 illustrates a single run of time evolution for
an initial state given by Eqs. (44) and (48). Figure 1
(a) shows time evolution of the auto correlation function
defined by
F̄ (t) =
|F+(θ, t)|2
ρ2(θ, t)
. (49)
For both q = 0 and q = qc/2, the transverse magneti-
zation grows exponentially with a time constant ∼ τ =
h̄/qc ≃ 8 ms. Snapshots of the transverse magnetization
at t = 70 ms are shown in Figs. 1 (b) and 1 (c) for q = 0
and q = qc/2, respectively. We define the spin winding
number as
, (50)
which represents the number of rotation of the spin vector
in the x-y plane along the circumference, and of course
w is an integer. The spin winding numbers are w = 7 in
Fig. 1 (b) and w = −1 in Fig. 1 (c).
Figure 2 (a) shows the ensemble average of the nor-
malized correlation function,
〈Fcorr(δθ)〉avg =
dθF+(θ)F−(θ + δθ)
dθρ(θ)ρ(θ + δθ)
, (51)
at t = 70 ms. For q = qc/2, the correlation function has
the characteristic width of ∼ Ξ in Eq. (23), indicating
that the ring is filled with magnetic domains with an av-
erage size of ∼ Ξ. According to the KZ theory, the mag-
netic domains with random directions give rise to the spin
winding, which is estimated to be w ∼ (R/Ξ)1/2. This R
dependence of w is clearly seen in Fig. 2 (b). The ensem-
ble average of the winding number, 〈w〉avg , vanishes due
to the random nature of the initial noise, and the square
root of its variance, 〈w2〉1/2avg, should be regarded as a typ-
ical winding number. The variance is expected to obey
the χ2 distribution with 1000 degrees of freedom, and
hence we show the 95% confidence interval to estimate
the statistical errors in Fig. 2. As shown in the inset of
Fig. 2 (b), the typical winding number changes in time,
since the ferromagnetic energy is converted to the kinetic
energy and the system exhibits complicated dynamics.
The situation is different for q = 0, in which the cor-
relation function oscillates with a Gaussian envelope as
shown in Fig. 2 (a). This form of the correlation function
gives us the answer to the question as to how the KZ
mechanism manifests itself in spin conserving systems.
The finite correlation length for q = 0 indicates that the
spin is conserved not only globally but also locally, that
is, the locally integrated spin over the correlation length
F (r + δr)dδr, (52)
is held to be zero for any r. This local spin conservation
is due to formation of staggered domain or helical spin
structures whose periodic length is much smaller than
−π/2 0 π/2
10 100 1000
R [µm]
0 100
t [ms]
FIG. 2: (Color online) (a) Numerically obtained correlation
function given in Eq. (51) at t = 70 ms (solid curves), and
theoretical fits (dashed curves) from Eqs. (24) and (26). Other
parameters are the same as those in Fig. 1. (b) R dependence
of the variance of the spin winding number, where the number
of atoms is related to R as N = 106×R [µm] /50. The dashed
lines are semi-log fits to the numerical data. The inset shows
the time dependence of 〈w2〉avg for R = 50 µm. The data
in (a) and (b) are averages over 1000 runs of simulations for
different initial states produced by random numbers. The
error bars in (b) represent the 95% confidence interval of the
χ2 distribution.
ξ. Thus, the neighboring domains tend to have opposite
magnetizations to cancel out the spin locally, and the
domains far from each other grow independently; the spin
conservation and the KZ mechanism are thus compatible.
The oscillation in the correlation function originates
from the fact that the most unstable modes have nonzero
wave numbers ±kmu. Each correlated region of size ∼
ξ = [8h̄2/(Mqc)]
1/2 contains spin waves of eikmuRθ and
e−ikmuRθ. If there is an imbalance between these modes,
the winding number monotonically increases or decreases
in each region of ∼ ξ. This is the reason why 〈w2〉avg is
larger for q = 0 than for q = qc/2 in Fig. 2 (b). It follows
from this consideration that for kmuξ ≫ 1 the winding
0.1 1
slope = 3/2
FIG. 3: (Color online) Dependence of the variance of the
spin winding number on q. Except for q, the parameters are
the same as those in Fig. 1. The dashed line is proportional
to (1−2q/qc)
3/2. The plots show the averages over 1000 runs
of simulations for different initial states produced by random
numbers. The error bars represent the 95% confidence inter-
val of the χ2 distribution.
number is proportional to
w ∼ kmuξ
= kmu
1− 2q
, (53)
where Eqs. (14) and (20) are used. Figure 3 shows the
averaged variance of the winding number versus 1−2q/qc.
For small q, 〈w2〉avg is proportional to (1 − 2q/qc)3/2, in
agreement with Eq. (53). When q is close to qc/2, the
spin winding within the correlated region, kmuξ, becomes
small, and then the winding number reduces to the value
shown in Fig. 2 (b), i.e., 〈w2〉avg ≃ 4.
We next discuss the results of simulations of slow
quench as in Eq. (30). Since the winding number for
the slow quench is small compared with the fast quench,
we take a large ring of R = 400 µm. Figure 4 shows
the variance of the winding number as a function of the
quench time. We can clearly see that 〈w2〉avg has a power
law of τ
Q within the statistical error, which is in agree-
ment with ξ−1Q ∼ τ
Q , with ξQ being given in Eq. (38).
Thus, the present system follow the quench-time scaling
of Zurek [2]. We note that, in the slow quench, the wind-
ing number converges to an almost constant value for
varying quench time τQ, as shown in the inset of Fig. 4.
This is because little excess energy other than for exciting
spin vortices is available for the slow quench.
C. 2D disk geometry
When the confinement in the z direction is tight, the
system is effectively 2D. For simplicity, we ignore the den-
sity dependence in the z direction, and assume that the
0 100 200 300 400
t [ms]
0.8 s
1.6 s
3.2 s
6.4 s
FIG. 4: (Color online) Dependence of the variance of the spin
winding number at t = 400 ms on the quench time τQ, where q
is varied as in Eq. (30). The radius of the ring is R = 400 µm,
the atomic density is n = 2.8 × 1014 cm−3, and the number
of atoms is N = 8 × 106. The dashed line is proportional
. The inset shows time evolution of 〈w2〉avg. The
data are averages over 1000 runs of simulations for different
initial states produced by random numbers. The error bars
represent the 95% confidence interval of the χ2 distribution.
2D GP equation has the same form as Eq. (42). We as-
sume that the wave function vanishes at the wall located
at (x2 + y2)1/2 = Rw = 100 µm, and that the potential
is flat inside of the wall. Then the density n = 2.8× 1014
cm−3 is almost constant except within the healing length
{3/[8πn(a0 + 2a2)]}1/2 ≃ 0.16 µm near the wall. When
the thickness in the z direction is ≃ 1 µm, the number of
atoms is N ≃ 107. Such a system will be realized using
an optical sheet and a hollow laser beam.
The initial state of ψ0 is a stationary solution of the GP
equation, and the initial state of ψ±1 is given by Eq. (44)
with random variables (48). Figure 5 (a) shows time
evolution of the autocorrelation function of the transverse
F̄ (t) =
|F+(r, t)|2
ρ2(r, t)
, (54)
which grows exponentially with the same time constant
as that in Fig. 1, and saturates for t >∼ 100 ms.
Snapshots of |F+(r)| and argF+(r) at t = 100 ms are
shown in Figs. 5 (b) and 5 (c). We see that |F+(r)|
at t >∼ 100 ms contains many holes, around which the
spin direction rotates by 2π. Since this topological spin
structure consists of singly-quantized vortices in the m =
±1 states filled by atoms in the m = 0 state, it is called
the “polar-core vortex.” We can estimate the spin healing
length ξs by equating the kinetic energy h̄
2/(2Mξ2s ) with
0 100 200 300
t [ms]
q=0 q=qc/2
(c) q = q / 2
(b) q = 0
t = 50 ms t = 100 mst = 75 ms t = 200 ms
t = 50 ms t = 100 mst = 75 ms t = 200 ms
FIG. 5: (Color) (a) Time evolution of the autocorrelation function given in Eq. (54) for the 2D disk geometry. The radius of
the disk is Rw = 100 µm, the atomic density is n = 2.8× 10
14 cm−3, and the number of atoms is N = 107. (b) Profiles of the
magnetization |F+| (upper) and its direction argF+ (lower) for q = 0 and (c) for q = qc/2. The size of each panel is 200 µm
×200 µm.
the energy of magnetization |q − qc|, giving
2M |q − qc|
. (55)
This length scale is ξs ≃ 1.7 µm for q = 0 and ξs ≃ 2.4
µm for q = qc/2, which are in good agreement with the
sizes of the vortex cores in Figs. 5 (b) and 5 (c).
In 2D, the correlation function is defined by
〈Fcorr(δr)〉avg =
drF+(r)F−(r + δr)
drρ(r)ρ(r + δr)
, (56)
which are shown in Figs. 6 (a) and 6 (b). We find that as
in the 1D case the most unstable wave length is reflected
in the shape of the spin correlation function (56), and the
characteristics of these correlation functions in the ra-
1 10 100
R [µm]
(a) q = 0 (b) q = q / 2c
-50 500
x [µm]
FIG. 6: (Color) (a) Spin correlation function defined in
Eq. (56) at t = 100 ms for q = 0 and (b) for q = qc/2.
(c) The variance of the winding number along the circumfer-
ence of the circle of radius R. The dashed lines and dotted
lines are proportional to R and R2, respectively. In (a)-(c)
the parameters are the same as those in Fig. 5, and the data
are averages over 1000 runs of simulations for different initial
states produced by random numbers. The error bars in (c)
represent the 95% confidence interval of the χ2 distribution.
dial direction are similar to those in 1D shown in Fig. 2.
For q = 0, the mean distance between spin vortices in
Fig. 5 (b) is not determined by the correlation length
(the whole width of the concentric pattern in Fig. 6 (a))
but by ∼ k−1mu, i.e., the width of the concentric rings in
Fig. 6 (a). On the other hand, for q = qc/2, the density
of spin vortices is determined by the correlation length,
i.e., the size of the blue circle ≃ 30 µm in Fig. 6 (b). The
staggered concentric correlation for q = 0 suggests that
the spin is conserved locally within the region of the cor-
relation length, and domains at a distance larger than the
correlation length grow independently, while conserving
the total spin.
The spin winding number for 2D is defined as
w(R) =
(F−∇F+ − F+∇F−) · dr,
where C(R) is a circle with radius R < Rw located at the
center of the system. Figure 6 (c) shows the R depen-
dence of the ensemble average of w2(R), where the radius
of the system is fixed to Rw = 100 µm and the data are
taken at t = 100 ms. It should be noted that 〈w2(R)〉avg
is proportional to R for large R, as expected from the
KZ theory [2], while it is proportional to R2 for small R.
This R2 dependence is due to the fact that the probabil-
ity P for a spin vortex to be in the circle is proportional
to πR2. The variance of the winding number is therefore
0(1−P )+12P/2+(−1)2P/2 ∝ R2, if the probability that
two or more vortices enter the circle is negligible. This
condition is met when the density of spin vortices times
πR2 is much smaller than unity, and hence the radius
R at which the crossover from 〈w2(R)〉avg ∝ R to ∝ R2
occurs is larger for q = qc/2 than for q = 0. As in 1D,
nonzero kmu enhances the winding of magnetization, and
the winding number is larger for q = 0 than for q = qc/2.
Figures 5 (b) and 5 (c) obviously show that the density
of spin vortices is uniform when the size of the system is
large enough. The number of spin vortices in a radius R
is therefore proportional to R2. If the topological charge
of each spin vortex, +1 or −1, was chosen at random,
the net winding number along the circle of radius R, i.e.,
the difference between the numbers of +1 and −1 vor-
tices would be proportional to R. However, from Fig. 6
(c), the winding number is proportional to R1/2 for large
R, consistent with the KZ mechanism. The topological
charge of each spin vortex is thus not at random but
anticorrelated to each other to reduce the net winding
Figure 7 shows the result of the slow quench for 2D,
where q(t) is given by Eq. (30). The winding number fol-
lows the scaling law, 〈w2〉avg ∝ τ−1/3Q , as predicted from
Eq. (38), indicating that Zurek’s discussion is applicable
also to 2D. In order to obtain this scaling law, we must
specify the time at which the winding number is taken,
since the spin winding number decays in time, as shown
in the inset of Fig. 7. From the scaling law in Eq. (37),
we specify the time to take the winding number as
= const., (58)
which is indicated by the arrows in the inset of Fig. 7.
In this paper, we have studied the dynamics of a spin-1
BEC with a ferromagnetic interaction after quench of the
applied magnetic field in an attempt to investigate spon-
taneous defect formation in the spinor BEC. We have
analyzed the magnetization triggered by quantum fluc-
tuations using the Bogoliubov approximation, and per-
formed numerical simulations of the GP equation with
initial conditions that simulate quantum fluctuations.
We have shown that the correlation functions of the
magnetization have finite correlation lengths (Figs. 2, 6
(a), and 6 (b)), and therefore magnetic domains far from
τQ [s]
slope = -1/3
0 100 200 300 400
t [ms]
τQ=1 2 4 8 [s]
FIG. 7: (Color online) (a) Variance of the spin winding num-
ber versus the quench time τQ for the 2D disk geometry, where
q is varied as in Eq. (30). The inset shows time evolution of
〈w2〉avg. The plots are taken at the times when t/τ
constant is satisfied, which are shown by the arrows in the
inset. The dashed line is proportional to τ
. The radius
of the disk is Rw = 400 µm and the closed path for taking
the winding number is R = 320 µm. The atomic density is
n = 2.8×1014 cm−3 and the number of atoms is N = 1.6×108.
The data are averages over 1000 runs of simulations for dif-
ferent initial states produced by random numbers. The error
bars represent the 95% confidence interval of the χ2 distribu-
each other grow in random directions. We find that topo-
logical defects — spin vortices — emerge through the KZ
mechanism. We have confirmed that the winding num-
ber along the closed path is proportional to the square
root of the length of the path (Figs. 2 (b) and 6 (c)),
indicating that the topological defects are formed from
domains with random directions of magnetizations.
Even when the total magnetization is conserved for
q = 0, the winding number has the same dependence on
the length of the path (Fig. 2 (b)). This is due to the
fact that domains within the correlation length tend to
be aligned in such a manner as to cancel out local mag-
netization, and consequently the total magnetization is
conserved. Thus, the neighboring domains have local cor-
relation, while domains far from each other are indepen-
dent, which makes the KZ mechanism compatible with
the total spin conservation. The formation of the local
correlation also creates topological defects as well as the
KZ mechanism, and the winding number exhibits the q
dependence as shown in Fig. 3.
When the magnetic field is quenched in finite time τQ
as in Eq. (30), the winding number has been shown to
be proportional to τ
Q (Figs. 4 and 7). This τQ depen-
dence of the winding number can be understood from
Zurek’s simple discussion [2]: the domains are frozen at
which the spin relaxation time becomes the same order
of elapsed time.
In the Berkeley experiment [12], the system is an elon-
gated quasi-2D geometry, and not suitable for testing
the KZ mechanism. The KZ mechanism should apply
to the system in which the size of the system in the x
direction is made much larger. In this case, the har-
monic potential may affect the scaling law, which mer-
its further study. Moreover in the experiment, from the
analysis in Ref. [13], there are some initial atoms in the
m = ±1 components with long-range correlation, which
play a role of seeds for large domains and hinder the ob-
servation of the KZ mechanism. If the residual atoms in
the m = ±1 components is eliminated completely, mag-
netization is triggered by quantum fluctuations as shown
in the present paper. Another way to remove the effect
of the residual atoms may be applying random phases to
the m = ±1 states to erase the initial correlation.
Note added. After our work was completed, the
preprint by Damski and Zurek [20] appeared, which per-
forms 1D simulations of the quench dynamics of a spin-1
This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scien-
tific Research (Grant Nos. 17740263 and 17071005) and
by the 21st Century COE programs on “Coherent Op-
tical Science” and “Nanometer-Scale Quantum Physics”
from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology of Japan. MU acknowledges support by
a CREST program of the JST.
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0704.1378 | Triangulated categories without models | TRIANGULATED CATEGORIES WITHOUT MODELS
Abstract. We exhibit examples of triangulated categories which are neither
the stable category of a Frobenius category nor a full triangulated subcategory
of the homotopy category of a stable model category. Even more drastically,
our examples do not admit any non-trivial exact functors to or from these
algebraic respectively topological triangulated categories.
Introduction. Triangulated categories are fundamental tools in both algebra and
topology. In algebra they often arise as the stable category of a Frobenius cat-
egory ([Hel68, 4.4], [GM03, IV.3 Exercise 8]). In topology they usually appear
as a full triangulated subcategory of the homotopy category of a Quillen stable
model category [Hov99, 7.1]. The triangulated categories which belong, up to
exact equivalence, to one of these two families will be termed algebraic and topo-
logical, respectively. We borrow this terminology from [Kel06, 3.6] and [Sch06].
Algebraic triangulated categories are generally also topological, but there are many
well-known examples of topological triangulated categories which are not algebraic.
In the present paper we exhibit examples of triangulated categories which are
neither algebraic nor topological. As far as we know, these are the first examples
of this kind. Even worse (or better, depending on the perspective), our examples
do not even admit non-trivial exact functors to or from algebraic or topological
triangulated categories. In that sense, the new examples are completely orthogonal
to previously known triangulated categories.
Let (R,m) be a commutative local ring with m = (2) 6= 0 and m2 = 0. Examples
of this kind of rings are R = Z/4, or more generally R = W2(k) the 2-typical
Witt vectors of length 2 over a perfect field k of characteristic 2. There are also
examples which do not arise as Witt vectors, for instance the localization of the
polynomial ring Z/4[t] at the prime ideal (2). We denote by F(R) the category of
finitely generated free R-modules.
Theorem 1. The category F(R) has a unique structure of a triangulated category
with identity translation functor and such that the diagram
is an exact triangle.
Given an object X in an algebraic triangulated category T and an exact triangle
−→ A −→ C −→ ΣA,
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 18E30, 55P42.
Key words and phrases. Triangulated category, stable model category.
The first author was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
under MEC-FEDER grants MTM2004-01865 and MTM2004-03629, the postdoctoral fellowship
EX2004-0616, and a Juan de la Cierva research contract.
the equation 2 · 1C = 0 holds, compare [Kel06, 3.6] and [Sch06]. Since the ring
R satisfies 2 · 1R 6= 0, the triangulation of the category F(R) is not algebraic. We
cannot rule out the possibility of a topological model for F(R) as easily: the classical
example of A = S the sphere spectrum in the stable homotopy category shows that
the morphism 2 · 1C can be nonzero in this more general context.
Nevertheless, F(R) is not topological either, which follows from Theorem 2. Here
we call an exact functor between triangulated categories trivial if it takes every
object to a zero object.
Theorem 2. Every exact functor from F(R) to a topological triangulated category
is trivial. Every exact functor from a topological triangulated category to F(R) is
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Bernhard Keller for helpful conversations
on the results of this paper, and to Amnon Neeman, who suggested the possibility
of constructing a triangulated structure on F(Z/4) by using Heller’s theory [Hel68].
In the original version of this note the first author alone constructed the tri-
angulation of the category F(Z/4) and proved that it does not admit any model.
The second author joined the project later by providing a simpler and more general
proof that the triangulation is not topological. The third author’s contribution
was an old preprint on the example considered in Remark 8, which provided some
guidance for the other results.
The triangulated categories. Let T be an additive category and let Σ: T
be a self-equivalence that we call translation functor. A candidate triangle (f, i, q)
in (T,Σ) is a diagram
(3) A
−→ ΣA,
where if , qi, and (Σf)q are zero morphisms. A morphism of candidate triangles
(α, β, γ) : (f, i, q) → (f ′, i′, q′) is a commutative diagram
// B′
// C′
// ΣA′
The category of candidate triangles is additive. The mapping cone of the morphism
(α, β, γ) is the candidate triangle
B ⊕A′
β f ′
// C ⊕B′
// ΣA⊕ C′
−Σf 0
Σα q′
// ΣB ⊕ ΣA′.
A homotopy (Θ,Φ,Ψ) from (α, β, γ) to (α′, β′, γ′) is given by morphisms
// B′
// C′
// ΣA′
such that
β′ − β = Φi+ f ′Θ, γ′ − γ = Ψq + i′Φ, Σ(α′ − α) = Σ(Θf) + q′Ψ.
We say in this case that the morphisms are homotopic. The mapping cones of
two homotopic morphisms are isomorphic. A contractible triangle is a candidate
triangle such that the identity is homotopic to the zero morphism. A homotopy
(Θ,Φ,Ψ) from 0 to 1 is called a contracting homotopy. Any morphism from or to
a contractible triangle is always homotopic to zero.
A triangulated category is a pair (T,Σ) as above together with a collection of
candidate triangles, called distinguished or exact triangles, satisfying the follow-
ing properties. The family of exact triangles is closed under isomorphisms. The
candidate triangle
(4) A
−→ A −→ 0 −→ ΣA,
is exact. Any morphism f : A → B in T can be extended to an exact triangle like
(3). A candidate triangle (3) is exact if and only if its translate
−→ ΣA
−→ ΣB,
is exact. Any commutative diagram
// ΣA
// B′
// C′
// ΣA′
whose rows are exact triangles can be extended to a morphism whose mapping
cone is also exact. This non-standard set of axioms for triangulated categories is
equivalent to the classical one, see [Nee01], and works better for the purposes of
this paper.
Now we are ready to prove Theorem 1.
Proof of Theorem 1. Given an object X in F(R) we consider the candidate triangle
X2 defined as
(5) X
−→ X.
We are going to prove that the category F(R) has a triangulated category struc-
ture with identity translation functor where the exact triangles are the candidate
triangles isomorphic to the direct sum of a contractible triangle and a candidate
triangle of the form (5).
The family of exact triangles is closed under isomorphisms by definition. The
candidate triangle (4) is contractible, and hence exact. The ring R is a quotient of a
discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal generated by 2, see [Coh46, Corollary 3];
therefore any morphism f : A→ B in F(R) can be decomposed up to isomorphism
1 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 0
: A =W ⊕X ⊕ Y −→W ⊕X ⊕ Z = B.
Then f is extended by the direct sum of (5) and the contractible triangle
W ⊕ Y
// W ⊕ Z
// Y ⊕ Z
// W ⊕ Y.
The translate of a contractible triangle is also contractible, and the triangle (5) is
invariant under translation. This proves that the translate of an exact triangle is
exact. Translating a candidate triangle six times yields the original one, therefore
if a candidate triangle has an exact translate then the original candidate triangle
is also exact.
We say that a candidate triangle A
→ A is a quasi-exact triangle if
−→ B,
is an exact sequence of R-modules. The exact triangles are all quasi-exact.
Now we are going to show that any diagram of candidate triangles
(6) A
// B′
// C′
// A′
with exact rows can be completed to a morphism with exact mapping cone.
Suppose that the upper row in (6) is contractible and the lower row is quasi-
exact. Since f ′α = βf then f ′αq = 0; since C is projective, there exists γ′ : C → C′
such that q′γ′ = αq. Let (Θ,Φ,Ψ) be a contracting homotopy for the upper row.
Then γ = γ′ + (i′β − γ′i)Φ completes (6) to a morphism of candidate triangles.
If the upper row in (6) is quasi-exact and the lower row is contractible then
(6) can also be completed to a morphism. This can be shown directly, but it also
follows from the previous case since we have a duality functor
HomR(−, R) : F(R)
−→ F(R)op,
which preserves contractible triangles and quasi-exact triangles. Here we use that
R is injective as an R-module, see [Lam99, Example 3.12].
If the upper and the lower rows in (6) areX2 and Y2, respectively, then γ = β+2δ
extends (6) to a morphism of candidate triangles for any δ : X → Y .
This proves that any diagram like (6) with exact rows can be completed to a
morphism ϕ = (α, β, γ). Now we have to check that the completion can be done
in such a way that the mapping cone is exact. Suppose that the upper and the
lower rows are X2 ⊕ T and Y2 ⊕ T
′, respectively, with T and T ′ contractible. The
morphism ϕ is given by a matrix of candidate triangle morphisms
ϕ11 ϕ12
ϕ21 ϕ22
: X2 ⊕ T −→ Y2 ⊕ T
where ϕij = (αij , βij , γij). Here ϕ12, ϕ21 and ϕ22 are homotopic to 0 since either the
source or the target is contractible, therefore the mapping cone of ϕ is isomorphic
to the mapping cone of
ϕ11 0
: X2 ⊕ T −→ Y2 ⊕ T
which is the direct sum of the mapping cone of ϕ11 and two contractible triangles,
T ′ and the translate of T .
We can suppose that
α11 =
1 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 0
: X = L⊕M ⊕N −→ L⊕M ⊕ P = Y.
Moreover, as we have seen above we can take γ11 = β11 + 2δ for
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
: X = L⊕M ⊕N −→ L⊕M ⊕ P = Y.
We have 2β11 = 2α11, therefore β11 = α11 + 2Φ for some Φ: X → Y . Now we
observe that (δ,Φ, 0) is a homotopy from ϕ11 to ζ = (α11 + 2δ, α11 + 2δ, α11 + 2δ),
so the mapping cone of ϕ11 is isomorphic to the mapping cone of ζ.
The mapping cone of ζ is clearly the direct sum of five candidate triangles, namely
M2, N2, M2 (once again), P2, and the mapping cone of the identity 1 : L2 → L2,
which is contractible. Therefore the mapping cone of ζ is exact, and also the
mapping cone of ϕ11, ψ and ϕ.
It remains to show the uniqueness claim in Theorem 1. In any triangulation, all
contractible candidate triangles are exact [Nee01, 1.3.8]. The triangle X2 is a finite
direct sum of copies of R2. Hence every triangulation of (F(R), Id) which contains
R2 contains all the exact triangles which we considered above. Two triangulations
with the same translation functor necessarily agree if one class of triangles is con-
tained in the other, so there is only one triangulation in which R2 is exact. This
completes the proof. �
Remark 7. The exact triangles in F(R) can be characterized more intrinsically as
follows. Let T be a quasi-exact triangle, which we can regard as a Z/3-graded chain
complex of free R-modules with H∗(T ) = 0. As T is free we have a short exact
2T →֒ T
։ 2T,
and the resulting long exact sequence in homology reduces to an isomorphism
σ : H∗(2T ) → H∗−1(2T ). As the grading is 3-periodic we can regard σ
3 as an
automorphism of H∗(2T ). We claim that T is exact if and only if σ
3 = 1. One
direction is straightforward: if T is contractible then H∗(2T ) = 0, and if T = X2
then Hi(2T ) = 2X for all i and σ is the identity. The converse is more fiddly and
we will not go through the details. It would be nice to give a proof of Theorem 1
based directly on this definition of exactness, but we do not know how to do so.
Remark 8. Let k be a field of characteristic 2. The same arguments as in the proof
of Theorem 1 show that the category F(k[ε]/ε2) of finitely generated free modules
over the algebra k[ε]/ε2 of dual numbers admits a triangulation with the identity
translation functor and such that the diagram
−→ k[ε]/ε2
−→ k[ε]/ε2
−→ k[ε]/ε2
is an exact triangle. However, this triangulated category is both algebraic and
topological, and hence, from our current perspective, less interesting.
Indeed F(k[ε]/ε2) is an algebraic and topological triangulated category for any
field k. The translation functor Σ = τ∗ is the restriction of scalars along the
k-algebra automorphism τ : k[ε]/ε2 → k[ε]/ε2 with τ(ε) = −ε, and
(9) k[ε]/ε2
−→ k[ε]/ε2
−→ k[ε]/ε2
−→ τ∗k[ε]/ε2
is an exact triangle. An algebraic model for this triangulated category was obtained
by Keller in [Kel05]. Keller’s model is a differerential graded (dg) k-category. Here
we exhibit an alternative model, which is a dg k-algebra A such that F(k[ε]/ε2) is
exact equivalent to the category of compact objects in the derived categoryD(A) of
dg (right) A-modules. This shows that F(k[ε]/ε2) is both algebraic and topological.
Let A = k〈a, u, v, v−1〉/I be the free graded k-algebra generated by a, u, v and
v−1 in degrees |a| = |u| = 0 and |v| = −1 modulo the two-sided homogeneous ideal
I generated by
a2, au+ ua+ 1, av + va and uv + vu.
The differential d : A→ A is determined by
d(a) = u2v, d(u) = 0, d(v) = 0,
and the Leibniz rule. The ungraded algebra H0(A) is isomorphic to the dual num-
bers k[ε]/ε2, where ε = [u] is the homology class of the cycle u. The graded algebra
H∗(A) is determined by this isomorphism since [v] is a unit in degree −1 such that
ε · [v] + [v] · ε = 0.
We claim that the 0-dimensional homology functor
H0 : D
c(A) −→ F(k[ε]/ε2)
is an equivalence of categories, where the left hand side is the full subcategory of
those dg A-modules whose H0 is finitely generated over k[ε]/ε
Let M be any dg A-module and let [x] ∈ H0(M) be a homology class with
[x] · ε = 0. We choose a representing cycle x and an element y with d(y) = xu; then
the element z = yuv−xa is a cycle with x = zu−d(ya), so [x] = [z] ·ε in homology.
So every homology class which is annihilated by ε is also divisible by ε, which proves
that H0(M) is a free k[ε]/ε
2-module. Moreover, the translation functor in D(A) is
the usual shift of complexes M 7→M [1] and the natural isomorphism
τ∗H0(M) ∼= H0(M [1]) = H−1(M)
is given by [x] 7→ [xv].
The universal case of this is M = A{x, y}, the free graded right module over
the underlying graded algebra of A with |x| = 0 and |y| = 1. We can endow M
with a dg A-module structure with d(x) = 0 and d(y) = xu, so that M is just the
mapping cone of the chain map A
→ A. The cycle z = yuv − xa ∈ M gives a
quasiisomorphism A→M . Using this, we obtain an exact triangle
−→ A[1]
in Dc(A) which maps to the exact triangle (9). The rest of the proof that H0 is
an exact equivalence from Dc(A) to F(k[ε]/ε2) is relatively straightforward, and we
omit it.
We still owe the proof that the triangulated category F(R) does not admit non-
trivial exact functors to or from a topological triangulated category. For this pur-
pose we introduce two intrinsic properties that an object A of a triangulated cate-
gory may have.
A Hopf map for an object A is a morphism η : ΣA → A which satisfies 2η = 0
and such that for some (hence any) exact triangle
(10) A
−→ ΣA
we have iηq = 2 · 1C . An object which admits a Hopf map will be termed hopfian.
We note that the class of hopfian objects is closed under isomorphism, suspension
and desuspension. If F is an exact functor with natural isomorphism τ : ΣF ∼= FΣ
and η : ΣA → A a Hopf map for A, then the composite F (η)τ : ΣF (A) −→ F (A)
is a Hopf map for F (A).
We call an object E exotic if there exists an exact triangle
(11) E
−→ ΣE
for some morphism h : E → ΣE. We note that the class of exotic objects is
closed under isomorphism, suspension and desuspension. Every exact functor takes
exotic objects to exotic objects. Every object of the triangulated category F(R) of
Theorem 1 is exotic.
We remark without proof that the morphism h which makes (11) exact is unique
and natural for morphisms between exotic objects. We show below that h is of the
form h = 2ψ for an isomorphism ψ : E → ΣE.
Remark 12. The integer 2 plays a special role in the definition of exotic objects,
which ultimately comes from the sign which arises in the rotation of a triangle. In
more detail, suppose that there is an exact triangle
(13) E
−→ ΣE
for some integer n. We claim that if E is nonzero, then n ≡ 2 mod 4 and 4 ·1E = 0,
so that the triangle (13) equals the ‘exotic’ triangle (11) with n = 2. Indeed, we
can find a morphism ψ : E → ΣE which makes the diagram
// ΣE
// ΣE
commute, and ψ is an isomorphism. We have nψ = h = −nψ which gives 2nψ = 0.
Since ψ is an isomorphism, this forces 2n · 1E = 0. Exactness of (13) lets us choose
a morphism f : E → E with 2 · 1E = n · f . But then 4 · 1E = n
2f2 = 0. So if n
is divisible by 4, then E = 0. If n is odd, then E is anhihilated by 4 and the odd
number n2, so also E = 0.
Hopf maps are incompatible with the property of being exotic in the sense that
these two classes of objects are orthogonal.
Proposition 14. Let T be a triangulated category, A a hopfian object and E an
exotic object. Then the morphism groups T(A,E) and T(E,A) are trivial. In par-
ticular, every exotic and hopfian object is a zero object.
Proof. Let η : ΣA → A be a Hopf map. Given any morphism f : E → A there
exists g : E → C such that (f, f, g) is a morphism from (11) to (10), and hence
if = 2g = iηqg = iη(Σf)h = iη(Σf)2ψ = 0. Here we use the notation of Remark
12 for n = 2 and the fact that 2η = 0. Moreover, (10) is exact, so f = 2f ′ for some
f ′ : E → A. This equation follows for any morphism f : E → A, hence f is divisible
by any power of 2, but 4 · 1E = 0, so f = 0.
The proof of T(A,E) = 0 is similar. Alternatively, we can reduce this statement
to the previous one by observing that the properties of being exotic and hopfian
are self-dual. In other words, an object E is exotic in a triangulated category T if
and only if E is exotic as an object of the opposite category Top with the opposite
triangulation, and similarly for Hopf maps. �
Proposition 15. Every object of a topological triangulated category is hopfian.
Proof. We can assume that the topological triangulated category is HoM for a
stable model category M. We use that for every object A of HoM there exists an
exact functor F : HoSp → HoM from the stable homotopy category which takes
the sphere spectrum to an object isomorphic to A. Here Sp is the category of
‘sequential spectra’ of simplicial sets with the stable model structure of Bousfield
and Friedlander [BF78, Sec. 2]. To construct F we let X be a cofibrant-fibrant
object of the model category M which is isomorphic to A in the homotopy category
HoM. The universal property of the model category of spectra [SS02, Thm. 5.1
(1)] provides a Quillen adjoint functor pair
whose left adjoint X∧ takes the sphere spectrum S to X , up to isomorphism. The
left derived functor of the left Quillen functor X ∧ − : Sp → M is exact and can
serve as the required functor F .
Since exact functors preserve Hopf maps it thus suffices to treat the ‘universal
example’, i.e., to exhibit a Hopf map for the sphere spectrum as an object of the
stable homotopy category. The stable homotopy class η : ΣS → S of the Hopf map
from the 3-sphere to the 2-sphere precisely has this property, hence the name. In
more detail, we have an exact triangle
−→ S/2
−→ ΣS
in the stable homotopy category, where S/2 is the mod-2 Moore spectrum; then
the morphism 2 · 1S/2 factors as iηq, and moreover 2η = 0. �
In topological triangulated categories, something a little stronger than Proposi-
tion 15 is true in that Hopf maps can be chosen naturally for all objects. However,
we don’t need this and so we omit the details. Now we can give the
Proof of Theorem 2. Every object of the triangulated category F(R) is exotic and
every object of a topological triangulated category is hopfian. So an exact functor
from one type of triangulated category to the other hits objects which are both
exotic and hopfian. But such objects are trivial by Proposition 14. �
Remark 16. The only special thing we use in the proof of Theorem 2 about topolog-
ical triangulated categories is that therein every object has a Hopf map. Hopf maps
can also be obtained from other kinds of structure that were proposed by different
authors in order to ‘enrich’ or ‘enhance’ the notion of a triangulated category. So
our argument also proves that the triangulated category F(R) of Theorem 1 does
not admit such kinds of enrichments, and every exact functors to or from such
enriched triangulated categories is trivial. For example, if T is an algebraic trian-
gulated category, then for some (hence any) exact triangle (10) we have 2 · 1C = 0;
so the zero map is a Hopf map.
Another example of such extra structure is the notion of a triangulated derivator,
due to Grothendieck [Gro90], and the closely related notions of a stable homotopy
theory in the sense of Heller [Hel88, Hel97] or a system of triangulated diagram
categories in the sense of Franke [Fra96]. In each of these settings, the stable
homotopy category is the underlying category of the free example on one gener-
ator (the sphere spectrum). We do not know a precise reference of this fact for
triangulated derivators, but we refer to [Cis02, Cor. 4.19] for the ‘unstable’ (i.e.,
non-triangulated) analog. In Franke’s setting the universal property is formulated
as Theorem 4 of [Fra96]. These respective universal properties in the enhanced
context provide, for every object A, an exact functor (Ho Sp)cp → T which takes
the sphere spectrum S to A, up to isomorphism. This functors sends the classical
Hopf map for the sphere spectrum to a Hopf map for A.
Another kind of structure which underlies many triangulated categories is that of
a stable infinity category as investigated by Lurie in [Lur06]. The appropriate uni-
versal property of the infinity category of spectra is established in [Lur06, Cor. 17.6],
so again every object of the homotopy category of any stable, presentable infinity
category has a Hopf map.
[BF78] A. K. Bousfield and E. M. Friedlander, Homotopy theory of Γ-spaces, spectra, and bisim-
plicial sets, Geometric applications of homotopy theory (Proc. Conf., Evanston, Ill.,
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[Cis02] D.-C. Cisinski, Propriétés universelles et extensions de Kan dérivées, Preprint (2002).
[Coh46] I. S. Cohen, On the structure and ideal theory of complete local rings, Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 59 (1946), 54–106.
[Fra96] J. Franke, Uniqueness theorems for certain triangulated categories possessing an Adams
spectral sequence, K-theory Preprint Archives #139 (1996).
[GM03] S. I. Gelfand and Y. I. Manin, Methods of homological algebra, second ed., Springer
Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
[Gro90] A. Grothendieck, Dérivateurs, manuscript, around 1990, partially available from
[Hel68] A. Heller, Stable homotopy categories, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1968), 28–63.
[Hel88] A. Heller, Homotopy theories, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 71 (1988), no. 383, vi+78 pp.
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[Hov99] M. Hovey, Model categories, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 63, American
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The triangulated categories
0704.1379 | U-max-Statistics | U -max-Statistics
W. Lao∗ and M. Mayer†
In 1948, W. Hoeffding introduced a large class of unbiased estima-
tors called U -statistics, defined as the average value of a real-valued
k-variate function h calculated at all possible sets of k points from a
random sample. In the present paper we investigate the corresponding
extreme value analogue, which we shall call U -max-statistics. We are
concerned with the behavior of the largest value of such function h in-
stead of its average. Examples of U -max-statistics are the diameter or
the largest scalar product within a random sample. U -max-statistics
of higher degrees are given by triameters and other metric invariants.
Keywords: random diameter, triameter, spherical distance, extreme
value, U -statistics, Poisson approximation
1 Introduction
U -statistics form a very important class of unbiased estimators for distri-
butional properties such as moments or Spearman’s rank correlation. A
U -statistic of degree k with symmetric kernel h is a function of the form
U(ξ1, . . . , ξn) =
h(ξi1 , · · · , ξik),
where the sum stretches over J = {(i1, . . . , ik) : 1 ≤ i1 < · · · < ik ≤ n},
ξ1, . . . , ξn are random elements in a measurable space S and h is a real-valued
Borel function on Sk, symmetric in its k arguments. In his seminal paper,
Hoeffding [8] defined U -statistics for not necessarily symmetric kernels and for
∗Institute of Stochastics, University of Karlsruhe, Englerstrasse 2, Karlsruhe, 76128
†Department of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Bern,
Sidlerstrasse 54, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. Supported by Swiss National Foundation
Grant No. 200021-103579
random points in d-dimensional Euclidean space Rd. Later the concept was
extended to arbitrary measurable spaces. Since 1948, most of the classical
asymptotic results for sums of i.i.d. random variables have been formulated
in the setting of U -statistics, such as central limit laws, strong laws of large
numbers, Berry-Esséen type bounds and laws of the iterated logarithm.
The purpose of this article is to investigate the extreme value analogue
of U -statistics, i.e.
Hn = max
h(ξi1, . . . , ξik).
A typical example of such U -max-statistic is the diameter of a sample of
points in a metric space, obtained by using the metric as kernel. Grove and
Markvorsen [6] introduced an infinite sequence of metric invariants general-
izing the notion of diameter to “triameter”, “quadrameter”, etc. on com-
pact metric spaces. Their k-extent is the maximal average distance between
k points, which is an example for a U -max-statistic of arbitrary degree k.
Other examples are the largest surface area or perimeter of a triangle formed
by point triplets, or the largest scalar product within a sample of points in
The key to our results is the observation that for all z ∈ R, the U -max-
statistic Hn does not exceed z if and only if Uz vanishes, where
1{h(ξi1, . . . , ξik) > z}.
The random variable Uz counts the number of exceedances of the threshold
z and is a normalized U -statistic in the usual sense. We approximate its
distribution with the help of a Poisson approximation result for the sum of
dissociated random indicator kernel functions by Barbour et al. [3], which
enables us to determine the distribution ofHn up to some known error. In or-
der to deduce the corresponding limit law for Hn, the behavior of the upper
tail of the distribution of h must be known, which often requires compli-
cated geometric computations. Denote by ‖ · ‖ the Euclidean norm. The
general results are used to derive limit theorems for the following settings:
largest interpoint distance and scalar product of a sample of points in the
d-dimensional closed unit ball Bd = {x ∈ Rd : ‖x‖ ≤ 1}, where the directions
of the points have a density on the surface Sd−1 of Bd and are independent of
the norms; smallest spherical distance of a sample of points with density on
d−1; largest perimeter of all triangles formed by point triplets in a sample
of uniformly distributed points on the unit circle S.
2 Poisson approximation for U-max-statistics
The following result is easily derived from Theorem 2.N for dissociated indi-
cator random variables from Barbour et al. [3]. We use the convention that
improper sums for k = 1 equal zero.
Theorem 2.1. Let ξ1, . . . , ξn be i.i.d. S-valued random elements and
h : Sk → R a symmetric Borel function. Putting
pn,z = P {h(ξ1, . . . , ξk) > z} ,
λn,z =
τn,z(r) = p
n,zP {h(ξ1, . . . , ξk) > z, h(ξ1+k−r, ξ2+k−r, . . . , ξ2k−r) > z} ,
we have, for any n ≥ k and any z ∈ R,
|P {Hn ≤ z} − exp{−λn,z}| (2.1)
≤ (1− exp{−λn,z})
k − r
Clearly the result can be reformulated as well for the minimum value of
the kernel by replacing h with −h. One of the main applications of this
theorem consists in determining a suitable sequence of transformations
zn : T → R with T ⊂ R, such that both the right hand side of (2.1) converges
to zero as n→ ∞ for all z = zn(t), t ∈ T , and the limits of exp{−λn,zn(t)}
are non-trivial for all t ∈ T . The usual choice is T = [0,∞). One way to
achieve this goal is based on the following two remarks and will eventually
lead to the well known Poisson limit theorem of Silverman and Brown [12],
originally proved by a suitable coupling.
Remark 1. As already Silverman and Brown [12] stated,
pn,z ≤ τn,z(1) ≤ · · · ≤ τn,z(k) = 1.
Remark 2. If the sample size n tends to infinity, then the error (2.1) is
k−1 +
and for k > 1 the sum is dominating, see [3, p. 35].
Remark 3. The symmetry condition on h can be avoided if h is symmetrized
h∗(x1, . . . , xk) = max
h(xj1 , . . . , xjk),
where the maximum is taken over all permutations of 1, . . . , k.
The conditions stated in [12] suffice to ensure that Theorem 2.1 provides
a non-trivial Weibull limit law.
Corollary 2.2 (Silverman-Brown limit law [12]). In the setting of Theo-
rem 2.1, if for some sequence of transformations zn : T → R with T ⊂ R, the
λn,zn(t) = λt > 0 (2.2)
n2k−1pn,zn(t)τn,zn(t)(k − 1) = 0 (2.3)
hold for all t ∈ T , then
P {Hn ≤ zn(t)} = exp{−λt} (2.4)
for all t ∈ T .
Remark 4. Condition (2.2) implies pn,zn(t) = O(n−k) and by Remarks 1 and
2 we obtain for (2.4) the rate of convergence
n−1 +
with upper bound
O(n2k−1pn,zn(t)τn,zn(t)(k − 1)). (2.5)
If k > 2, it is sometimes useful to replace (2.3) by the weaker requirement
n2k−rpn,zn(t)τn,zn(t)(r) = 0 (2.6)
for each r ∈ {1, . . . , k−1}, a fact that follows immediately from Theorem 2.1
and Remark 2.
Appel and Russo [2] obtained a Weibull limit law similar to Corollary 2.2
for bivariate h. They assume that the upper tail of the distribution of h(ξ1, x)
does not depend on x for almost all x ∈ S, which implies that (2.2) and (2.3)
hold. However, this condition is fulfilled only in very rare settings, e.g. for
uniformly distributed points on Sd−1.
3 Largest interpoint distance
The asymptotic behavior of the range of a univariate sample can be deter-
mined by classical extreme value theory, see e.g. [5, Sec. 2.9]. The largest
interpoint distance
Hn = max
‖ξi − ξj‖
within a sample of points in Rd is a natural and consistent generalization
of the range to spatial data. Matthews and Rukhin [10] derived its limiting
behavior for a normal sample, a work which has been generalized by Henze
and Klein [7] to a sample of points with symmetric Kotz distribution. Appel
et al. [1] found corresponding limit laws in the setting of uniformly distributed
points in 2-dimensional compact sets, which are not too smooth near the
endpoints of their largest axes. They also provided bounds for the limit
law of the diameter of uniformly distributed points in ellipses and the unit
disk. The exact limit distribution for the disk and in more general settings
was found independently by Lao [9] and Mayer and Molchanov [11]. Lao
[9] used Theorem A of [12] to obtain the exact limit law for the diameter
of a uniform sample in Bd. The results in [11] rely on a combination of
geometric considerations and blocking techniques and yield e.g. the special
case of Theorem 3.1 for spherically symmetric distributions.
In what follows, we denote by 〈·, ·〉 the scalar product, by µd−1 the (d−1)-
dimensional Hausdorff measure and by Γ and B the complete Gamma and
Beta functions.
Theorem 3.1. Let ξ1, ξ2, . . . be i.i.d. points in B
d, d ≥ 2, such that
ξi = ‖ξi‖Ui, i ≥ 1, where Ui and ‖ξi‖ are independent and Ui ∈ Sd−1. Assume
that the distribution function F of 1− ‖ξ1‖ satisfies
s−αF (s) = a ∈ (0,∞)
for some α ≥ 0. Further assume that U1 has a density f with respect to µd−1
and that
f(x)f(−x)µd−1(dx) ∈ (0,∞). Then
n2/γ(2−Hn) ≤ t
= 1− exp
for t > 0, where
γ = (d− 1)/2 + 2α
2 a2Γ2(α + 1)
+ 2α)
The rate of convergence for t < ∞ is O(n−
d−1+4α ).
Remark 5. Spherically symmetric distributed points have independent and
uniformly distributed directions and hence [11, Th. 4.2] follows immediately
from Theorem 3.1 with
f(x)f(−x)µd−1(dx) =
The special case α = 1 and a = d yields the limit law for the diameter of a
sample of uniformly distributed points in Bd, see [9] or [11].
Remark 6. If ‖ξi‖ = 1 almost surely, then α = 0 and a = 1. For instance, if
Ui are uniformly distributed on S
d−1, then for t > 0
n4/(d−1)(2−Hn) ≤ t
= 1− exp
see [2] or [11]. Another example appears if Ui has the von Mises-Fisher
distribution of dimension d ≥ 2 with density
fF (x) = Cd(κ) exp {κ〈µ, x〉}
for x ∈ Sd−1, where µ ∈ Sd−1 represents the mean direction and κ > 0 is the
concentration parameter. The normalizing constant Cd(κ) is given by
Cd(κ) =
where Iν denotes the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order ν.
fF (x)fF (−x)µd−1(dx) = C2d(κ)
the corresponding limit law follows immediately.
A key part of the proof of Theorem 3.1 is the asymptotic tail behavior of
the distribution of the distance between two i.i.d. points.
Lemma 3.2. If the conditions of Theorem 3.1 hold, then
s−γP {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ ≥ 2− s} = σ1.
Proof. Let η1 and η2 be independent random variables with distribution F
and denote by βx the smaller central angle between U2 and x ∈ Sd−1. The
cosine theorem yields
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ ≥ 2− s} = P
‖ξ1‖2 + ‖ξ2‖2 + 2‖ξ1‖‖ξ2‖ cos β−U1 ≥ (2− s)2
cos β−U1 ≥
(2− s)2 − (1− η1)2 − (1− η2)2
2(1− η1)(1− η2)
and by expansion of cos β−U1 about 0 we obtain for sufficiently small s
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ ≥ 2− s} = P
|β−U1| ≤ 2(s̃− η1 − η2)
2 , η1 + η2 ≤ s̃
, (3.1)
where |s̃ − s| ≤ C1s2 for some finite C1, thus s̃/s → 1 as s ↓ 0. Lebesgue’s
differentiation theorem (see e.g. [4, Th. 2.9.5]) implies that
|β−x| ≤ 2(s̃− y)
(4(s̃− y)) d−12
= µd−1(B
d−1)f(−x) = π
f(−x) (3.2)
for µd−1-almost every x ∈ Sd−1 and any y ∈ [0, s̃]. Integration over all
x ∈ Sd−1 with respect to f yields
(s̃− y)−
|β−U1| ≤ 2(s̃− y)
and hence with (3.1)
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ ≥ 2− s}
(s̃− η1 − η2)
2 1{η1 + η2 ≤ s̃}
) = c.
If α = 0, then P {ηi = 0} = a, i = 1, 2, and thus
s̃−γP {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ ≥ 2− s} = ca2 = σ1.
If α > 0,
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ ≥ 2− s}
∫ s̃−y1
(s̃− y1 − y2)
2 dF (y2)dF (y1)
and substituting vi = yi/s̃, i = 1, 2, yields
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ ≥ 2− s}
= ca2α2
∫ 1−v1
(1− v1− v2)
2 (v1v2)
By Dirichlet’s Formula, the double integral equals
+ 2α)
and the proof is complete.
Proof of Theorem 3.1. Plugging the transformation zn(t) = 2− tn−2/γ , t > 0
into Corollary 2.2 and using the tail probabilities given in Lemma 3.2, we
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ > zn(t)} =
tγ , t > 0.
Hence condition (2.2) holds for all t > 0. The more extensive part of the
proof aims to show that (2.3) holds. Let βx and β
x be the smaller central
angles between U2 and x ∈ Sd−1 and between U3 and x ∈ Sd−1. Further
let η1, η2 and η3 be independent random variables with distribution F . Put
sn = tn
−2/γ . Following the proof of Lemma 3.2
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ > zn(t), ‖ξ1 − ξ3‖ > zn(t)}
|β−U1| ≤ 2s
n , |β ′−U1| ≤ 2s
n , ηi ≤ sn, i = 1, 2, 3
|β−x| ≤ 2s
f(x)µd−1(dx)1{ηi ≤ sn, i = 1, 2, 3}
≤ CE(sd−1n 1{ηi ≤ sn, i = 1, 2, 3}), (3.3)
where the last step follows from (3.2) and C is a suitable finite positive
constant. If α = 0, then P {ηi = 0} = a, i = 1, 2, 3, and we obtain
n3P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ > zn(t), ‖ξ1 − ξ3‖ > zn(t)}
≤ Ca3 lim
n3sd−1n = Ca
3td−1 lim
n−1 = 0.
If α > 0, we derive from (3.3) that
P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ > zn(t), ‖ξ1 − ξ3‖ > zn(t)}
sd−1n dF (y3)dF (y2)dF (y1)
and substituting vi = yi/sn, i = 1, 2, 3, yields
n3P {‖ξ1 − ξ2‖ > zn(t), ‖ξ1 − ξ3‖ > zn(t)}
≤ Ca3 lim
sd−1+3αn = Ca
3td−1+3α lim
d−1+4α = 0.
The rate of convergence is determined via (2.5).
4 Largest scalar product
Besides the Euclidean metric, the scalar product is another symmetric kernel
on Rd × Rd. The behavior of its largest value
Hn = max
〈ξi, ξj〉
within a sample of points in Bd is determined in the next result.
Theorem 4.1. Let ξ1, ξ2, . . . be i.i.d. points in B
d, d ≥ 2, such that
ξi = ‖ξi‖Ui, i ≥ 1, where Ui and ‖ξi‖ are independent and Ui ∈ Sd−1. Assume
that the distribution function F of 1− ‖ξ1‖ satisfies
s−αF (s) = a ∈ (0,∞)
for some α ≥ 0. Further assume that U1 has a square-integrable density f
on Sd−1 with respect to µd−1. Then
n2/γ(1−Hn) ≤ t
= 1− exp
for t > 0, where
γ = (d− 1)/2 + 2α
2 a2Γ2(α + 1)
+ 2α)
f 2(x)µd−1(dx).
The rate of convergence for t < ∞ is O(n−
d−1+4α ).
Lemma 4.2. If the conditions of Theorem 4.1 hold, then
s−γP {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ 1− s} = σ2.
Proof. If βx is the smaller central angle between U2 and x ∈ Sd−1 and η is
distributed as 1− ‖ξ1‖‖ξ2‖, then
P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ 1− s} = P {cos βU1 ≥ (1− s)/(1− η), η ≤ s} .
Expanding cos βU1 about 0 yields for all sufficiently small s
P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ 1− s} = P
|βU1| ≤ (2(s̃− η))
2 , η ≤ s̃
, (4.1)
where |s̃−s| ≤ C1s2 for some finite C1, and thus s̃/s → 1 as s ↓ 0. Lebesgue’s
differentiation theorem (see e.g. [4, Th. 2.9.5]) implies that
|βx| ≤ (2(s̃− y))
(2(s̃− y)) d−12
= µd−1(B
d−1)f(x) =
f(x). (4.2)
for µd−1-almost every x ∈ Sd−1 and any y ∈ [0, s̃]. Integration over all
x ∈ Sd−1 with respect to f yields
(s̃− y)−
|βU1| ≤ (2(s̃− y))
f 2(x)µd−1(dx),
and by (4.1) we obtain
P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ 1− s}
(s̃− η)
2 1{η ≤ s̃}
If α = 0, then P {η = 0} = a2 and hence
s−γP {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ 1− s} = ca2 = σ2.
If α > 0, then P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ 1− s} equals asymptotically, as s ↓ 0, to
(s̃− 1 + y1y2)
2 dF (1− y2)dF (1− y1).
By substituting v1 = (1− y1)/s̃ and v2 = (1− y2)/(1− (1− s̃)/y1)) the last
expression equals asymptotically, as s ↓ 0, to
1− v1
1− s̃v1
s̃− 1 + (1− s̃v1)(1− s̃v2
1− v1
1− s̃v1
vα−11 v
2 dv2dv1.
s−γP {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ 1− s}
= ca2α2
(1− v1)
+αvα−11 dv1
(1− v2)
2 vα−12 dv2
= ca2α2B((d+ 1)/2 + α, α)B((d+ 1)/2, α) = σ2.
Proof of Theorem 4.1. An application of Corollary 2.2 yields, together with
the transformation zn = 1− tn−2/γ , t > 0, and Lemma 4.2 the limit
P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ zn(t)} =
hence (2.2) holds for any t > 0 and it remains to check (2.3). Put sn = tn
and let βx and β
x be the smaller central angles between U2 and x ∈ Sd−1 and
between U3 and x. Following the proof of Lemma 4.2
P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ zn(t), 〈ξ1, ξ3〉 ≥ zn(t)}
|βU1 | ≤ (2sn)
2 , |β ′U1| ≤ (2sn)
2 , ‖ξi‖ ≥ zn(t), i = 1, 2, 3
|βx| ≤ (2sn)
f(x)µd−1(dx)1{‖ξi‖ ≥ zn(t), i = 1, 2, 3}
≤ CE(sd−1n 1{‖ξi‖ ≥ zn(t), i = 1, 2, 3}), (4.3)
where the last step follows from (4.2) and C is a suitable finite positive
constant. If α = 0, then P {‖ξi‖ = 1} = α, i = 1, 2, 3, and hence
n3P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ zn(t), 〈ξ1, ξ3〉 ≥ zn(t)}
≤ Ca3 lim
n3sd−1n = Ca
3td−1 lim
n−1 = 0.
If α > 0, then (4.3) is bounded from above by
sd−1n dF (y3)dF (y2)dF (y1)
and substituting vi = yi/sn, i = 1, 2, 3, yields finally
n3P {〈ξ1, ξ2〉 ≥ zn(t), 〈ξ1, ξ3〉 ≥ zn(t)}
≤ Ca3 lim
sd−1+3αn = Ca
3td−1+3α lim
d−1+4α = 0,
and the rate of convergence is determined via (2.5).
5 Smallest spherical distance
A nice application of Theorem 4.1 comes from the field of directional statis-
tics. The following theorem determines the limiting behavior of the smallest
spherical distance
Sn = min
within i.i.d. points U1, U2, . . . on S
d−1, where βi,j denotes the smaller of the
two central angles between Ui and Uj . In other words, Sn equals the smallest
central angle formed by point pairs within the sample.
Theorem 5.1. Let U1, U2 . . . be i.i.d. points on S
d−1, d ≥ 2, having square-
integrable density f on Sd−1 with respect to µd−1. Then
n2/(d−1)Sn ≤ t
= 1− exp
for any t > 0, where
f 2(x)µd−1(dx)
The rate of convergence is O(n− 12 ) for finite t.
If the points are uniformly distributed on Sd−1, then Theorem 5.1 applies
f 2(x)µd−1(dx) =
If the points on Sd−1 follow the von Mises-Fisher distribution as introduced
in Section 3, then
f 2F (x)µd−1(dx) = C
In dimension 2, Sn equals the minimal spacing, i.e. the smallest arc length
between the “order” statistics.
Proof of Theorem 5.1. Clearly, the relation cos βi,j = 〈Ui, Uj〉 holds for all
pairs of i and j between 1 and n. Since the cosine function is continuous and
monotone strictly decreasing on (0, π) and by the fact that
2 arccos(1− s) =
it follows that
n2/(d−1)Sn ≤ t
= lim
βi,j ≤ tn−2/(d−1)
= lim
βi,j ≤ arccos
1− t2n−4/(d−1)/2
= lim
〈Ui, Uj〉 ≥ 1− t2n−4/(d−1)/2
Theorem 4.1 yields the proof with α = 0 and a = 1.
6 Largest perimeter
Finally we present a result for a U -max-statistic of degree 3, namely the limit
law for the largest value
peri(Ui, Uj , Uℓ)
of the perimeter peri(Ui, Uj , Uℓ) of all triangles formed by triplets of indepen-
dent and uniformly distributed points U1, U2, . . . on the unit circle S. The
random triameter (see [6]) of the sample is the largest perimeter up to a
factor 3, hence the limit law for the triameter of U1, U2, . . . can be derived
Theorem 6.1. If U1, U2, . . . are independent and uniformly distributed points
on S, then
3−Hn) ≤ t
= 1− exp
for all t > 0 and for finite t the rate of convergence is O(n− 12 ).
Lemma 6.2. If U1, U2, U3 are independent and uniformly distributed points
on S, then
peri(U1, U2, U3) ≥ 3
Proof. Clearly, peri(x1, x2, x3) is maximal for x1, x2, x3 being the vertices of
an equilateral triangle on S, which has perimeter 3
3. If β1 and β2 are the
angles (measured counter-clockwise) between U1 and U2 and between U2 and
U3 respectively. By rotational symmetry, β1 and β2 are independent and
uniformly distributed on [0, 2π]. The cosine theorem yields for sufficiently
small s
peri(U1, U2, U3) ≥ 3
(2− 2 cosβ1)
2 + (2− 2 cosβ2)
+ (2− 2 cos(2π − β1 − β2))
2 ≥ 3
3− s, β1, β2 ∈ [2π/3± cs]
, (6.1)
where cs = C1
s and C1 is a suitable finite positive constant. If η1 and η2 are
independent and uniformly distributed on [−cs, cs], then the last expression
(2− 2 cos(2π/3 + η1))
2 + (2− 2 cos(2π/3 + η2))
+ (2− 2 cos(2π/3− η1 − η2))
2 ≥ 3
P {β1 ∈ [2π/3± cs]}2 .
By series expansion, (6.1) equals
η21 + η
2 + (η1 + η2)
2 ≤ 8s̃/
= 2(cs/π)
−η1/2± (4s̃/
3− 3η21/4)
= π−2
3− 3y2/4)
2dy =
where |s̃ − s| ≤ C2s3/2 for some finite C2, and the proof follows by the fact
that s̃/s → 1 as s ↓ 0.
Proof of Theorem 6.1. Plugging into Corollary 2.2 the transformation
zn(t) = 3
3− tn−3 together with the result of Lemma 6.2 yields
P {peri(U1, U2, U3) > zn(t)} =
hence (2.2) is satisfied for all t > 0. Condition (2.3) does not hold, so we use
the weaker requirement (2.6) to replace (2.3), i.e. we need to show that
n5P {peri(U1, U2, U3) > zn(t), peri(U1, U4, U5) > zn(t)} = 0 (6.3)
n4P {peri(U1, U2, U3) > zn(t), peri(U1, U2, U4) > zn(t)} = 0. (6.4)
For (6.3), we follow the proof of Lemma 6.2. In addition, denote by β ′1 and β
the random angles between U1 and U4 and between U4 and U5 respectively.
It follows immediately by rotational symmetry, that β1, β2, β
1 and β
2 are in-
dependent and uniformly distributed on [0, 2π]. With the help of Lemma 6.2
we check (6.3) by
n5P {peri(U1, U2, U3) > zn(t), peri(U1, U2, U4) > zn(t)}
≤ C1 lim
n5P {peri(U1, U2, U3) > zn(t)}2 = C2t2 lim
n−1 = 0,
where C1 and C2 are suitable finite positive constants. To show (6.4) we
follow the proof of Lemma 6.2 and introduce the random variable η3, which is
independent of η1 and η2 and uniformly distributed on [−cs, cs]. For suitable
finite positive constants C3, C4 and C5
P {peri(U1, U2, U3) > zn(t), peri(U1, U2, U4) > zn(t)}
≤ C3c3sP
η2, η3 ∈
−η1/2± (4s̃/
3− 3η21/4)
= C4c
−y/2± (4s̃/
3− 3y2/4)
dy = C5s̃
and with s = tn−3 and s/s̃ → 1 as s → 0
n4P {peri(U1, U2, U3) > zn(t), peri(U1, U2, U4) > zn(t)}
≤ C5t3/2 lim
2 = 0.
Hence (6.4) holds and the rate of convergence is determined by Remark 2.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. N. Henze and Prof. Dr. I. Molchanov
for their invaluable help concerning this and many other problems.
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Poisson approximation for U-max-statistics
Largest interpoint distance
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0704.1380 | Dependence of exciton transition energy of single-walled carbon
nanotubes on surrounding dielectric materials | Dependence of exciton transition energy of single-walled carbon nanotubes on
surrounding dielectric materials
Y. Miyauchia, R. Saitob, K. Satob, Y. Ohnoc, S. Iwasakic, T. Mizutanic, J. Jiangd, S. Maruyamaa∗
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Department of Physics, Tohoku University and CREST, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Department of Quantum Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan and
Center for High Performance Simulation and Department of Physics,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7518, USA
(Dated: November 19, 2018)
We theoretically investigate the dependence of exciton transition energies on dielectric constant
of surrounding materials. We make a simple model for the relation between dielectric constant of
environment and a static dielectric constant describing the effects of electrons in core states, σ bonds
and surrounding materials. Although the model is very simple, calculated results well reproduce
experimental transition energy dependence on dielectric constant of various surrounding materials.
PACS numbers: 78.67.Ch; 78.67.-n; 71.35.-y
Photoluminescence (PL) of single-walled carbon nan-
otubes (SWNTs) has been intensively studied for elu-
cidating their unusual optical and electronic properties
due to one dimensionality1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16.
Since both of electron-electron repulsion and electron-
hole binding energies for SWNTs are considerably large
compared with those for conventional three-dimensional
materials, the Coulomb interactions between electron-
electron and electron-hole play an important role in
optical transition of SWNTs17,18,19,20,21,22. Optical
transition energies of SWNTs are strongly affected
by the change of environment around SWNTs such
as bundling23, surfactant suspension7,14,24 and DNA
wrapping25. Lefebvre et al.7 reported that the tran-
sition energies for suspended SWNTs between two pil-
lars fabricated by the MEMS technique are blue-shifted
relative to the transition energies for micelle-suspended
SWNTs. Ohno et al.14 have compared the PL of sus-
pended SWNTs directly grown on a grated quartz sub-
strate using alcohol CVD technique6 with SDS-wrapped
SWNTs2. The energy differences between air-suspended
and SDS-wrapped SWNTs depend on (n,m) and type of
SWNTs [type I ((2n+m) mod 3 = 1) or type II ((2n+m)
mod 3 = 2)26,27,28].
Recently, Ohno et al. studied E11 transition energies of
SWNTs in various surrounding materials with different
dielectric constant, κenv
29. Observed dependence of E11
on κenv for a (n,m) nanotube showed a tendency that
can be roughly expressed as
E11 = E
11 +A
env (1)
where E∞11 denotes a transition energy when κenv is in-
finity, Aexpnm is the maximum value of an energy change
∗Corresoponding author. FAX: +81-3-5841-6421.
E-mail: [email protected] (S. Maruyama)
of E11 by κenv, and α is a fitting coefficient in the or-
der of 1, respectively. At this stage, the reason why the
experimental curve follows Eq.(1) is not clear.
In the previous theoretical studies of excitonic transi-
tion energies for SWNTs17,19,21,22, a screening effect of a
surrounding material is mainly described using a static
dielectric constant κ. However, since κ consists of both
κenv and screening effect by nanotube itself, κtube, ex-
perimental dependence of transition energies on dielectric
constants of environment can not directly compared with
calculations17,19,21,22 using the static dielectric constant
κ. In this study, we make a simple model for the relation
between κenv and κ. The calculated results of excitons
for different κenv reproduced well the experimental tran-
sition energy dependence on dielectric constant of various
surrounding materials.
A. Exciton transition energy
Within the extended tight-binding model21,22,28, we
calculated transition energies from the ground state to
the first bright exciton state by solving the Bethe-
Salpeter equation,
[E(kc)− E(kv)]δ(k
Ψn(kckv) = ΩnΨ
where kc and kv denote wave vectors of the conduc-
tion and valence energy bands and E(kc) and E(kv)
are the quasi-electron and quasi-hole energies, respec-
tively. Ωn is the energy of the n-th excitation of the
exciton (n = 0, 1, 2, · · · ), and Ψn(kckv) are the excitonic
wavefunctions. The kernel K(k
v,kckv) describes the
Coulomb interaction between an electron and a hole. De-
tails of the exciton calculation procedure is the same as
presented in Refs21,22,28.
The exciton wavefunction |Ψnq > with a center-of-mass
momentum q(= kc − kv) can be expressed as
|Ψnq >=
c(k−q)v|0 >, (3)
where Zn
kc,(k−q)v is the eigenvector of the n-th (n =
0, 1, 2, · · · ) state of the Bethe-Salpeter equation, and |0〉
is the ground state. Due to momentum conservation, the
photon-excited exciton is an exciton with q ≈ 0 for par-
allel excitations to the nanotube axis. In this Letter, we
calculate the n = 0 state of q = 0 exciton for each (n,m)
B. Dielectric screening effect
In our calculation, the unscreened Coulomb potential
V between carbon π orbitals is modeled by the Ohno
potential19. We consider the dielectric screening effect
within the random phase approximation (RPA). In the
RPA, the static screened Coulomb interaction W is ex-
pressed as17
W = V/κǫ(q), (4)
where ǫ(q) is the dielectric function describing effects of
the polarization of the π bands. κ is a static dielec-
tric constant describing the effects of electrons in core
states, σ bonds, and surrounding materials. In the cal-
culation, we directly calculate only the polarization for
the π band, and the effects of electrons in core states,
σ bands, and surrounding materials are represented by
a single constant κ. In the most accurate expression,
the inhomogeneous and nonlocal dielectric response of
the nanotube itself and the surrounding materials should
be considered. However, it is not easy within extended
tight binding method. In this study, instead of treating
the complicated dielectric response including surround-
ing materials, we make a simple model for a relation be-
tween the static dielectric constant κ and κenv to obtain
the E11 dependence on κenv.
C. Relationship between κ and κenv
Figure 1 shows a schematic view for the model relation-
ship between κ and κenv. Here we consider the screening
effect related to κ as a linear combination of the screening
of nanotube itself and the surrounding material
, (5)
where κtube is the dielectric constant within a nanotube
except for the π bands, and Ctube and Cenv are coef-
ficients for the inside and outside of a nanotube, re-
spectively. As shown in Eq.(1), the transition energies
observed in the experiment29 indicate that there is a
FIG. 1: Schematic of the connection of the net dielectric con-
stant κ and the dielectric constant of the surrounding material
κenv and the nanotube itself κtube
limit value19 when κenv → ∞. Hence, when κenv →
∞, Cenv/κenv can be removed from Eq.(5), and 1/κ is
expressed by the limit value as
, (κenv → ∞) (6)
where κ∞tube is the limit value of the net dielectric con-
stant κ when κenv is infinity. Since electric flux lines
through inside of the nanotube remain even when κenv
→ ∞, we assume there is a certain value of κ (κ∞tube)
that corresponds to the situation when dielectric screen-
ing by surrounding material is perfect and only dielectric
response of the nanotube itself contributes to the net
screening effect.
Replacing Ctube/κtube by κ
tube, Eq.(5) is modified as
. (7)
Next, we imagine that the SWNT is placed in the vac-
uum, which corresponds to κ = κvac and κenv = 1, and
then Cenv can be expressed as
Cenv =
, (8)
where κvac is the static dielectric constant not for the vac-
uum, but for the situation that the nanotube is placed
in the vacuum. We now express κ as a function of κenv
through two parameters κ∞tube and κ
vac, whose values can
be estimated from the following discussions. In the pre-
vious papers17,19,21,22, κ value is put around 2 to obtain a
0 20 40
0 50 100
1 2 3
FIG. 2: (a) The E11 energy for a (9, 8) SWNT as a function
of κ. (b) δE11 dependence on κenv. Inset in (a) shows the E11
dependence up to κ = 100. In (b), circles denote the experi-
mental data and solid curves denote the calculated results of
Eq.(10) for κvac = 1.0 (black), 1.5 (red) and 2.0 (blue).
good fit with experiments for SWNTs with surrounding
materials. Jiang et al.21 have compared the calculated
results with the results for the two photon absorption
experiments10, and obtained the best fit using κ = 2.22
for SWNTs in a polymer matrix. Here, since κvac is for
nanotubes without surrounding materials, κvac should be
less than about 2 and close to 1 due to vacancy of inside
of the tubes. With regard to κ∞tube, according to the ex-
perimental results7,14,29, transition energy change due to
change of surrounding materials is at most 30-100meV.
Fig.2(a) shows the calculated E11 energy dependence on
κ for a (9,8) SWNT in a small κ region, while the inset
shows the E11 dependence up to κenv = 100. As shown
in Fig.2(a), variation of κ that yields the transition en-
ergy change of 30 to 100 meV is about 1 to 3 when κ is
around 2. Therefore, the value of κ∞tube should be around
2 to 3 and that of κvac should be around 1 to 2.
D. Dependence of excitation energy on κenv
As shown in Fig.2(a), the calculated E11 energies de-
crease with increasing κ. This is mainly due to the fact
that the self energy (e-e repulsion) always exceeds to
the e-h binding energy and that the both interactions
(e-e and e-h) decrease with increasing κ. The E11 al-
most linearly depends on κ around the small κ region.
We checked that the linear dependence is universal for
all (n,m)’s for diameters more than 0.7 nm. Assuming
the linear dependence, variation of the excitation energy
δE11 ≡ E11 − E11(κenv = 1) for the small κ region is
approximated by
δE11 = −Anm(κ− κ
vac), (9)
where Anm is the gradient of δE11 near the small κ region
for each (n,m) type. After we transform κ using the
relationship of Eq.(5), Eq.(9) is modified as
δE11 = −Anm(κ
tube − κ
κenv − 1
κenv + (κ
tube − κ
tube − κ
vac) corresponds to the maximum value
of δE11 when κenv → ∞, which corresponds to the value
of coefficient Aexpnm in the fitting curve of Eq.(1). For
(9, 8) SWNT, the fitted value to the calculated results
for Anm is 33 meV and A
nm obtained by the fit to the
experiment29 using Eq.(1) is 36 meV, and κ∞tube − κ
should be around 1. The values for κ∞tube and κ
are consistent with the values conventionally used for
SWNTs in dielectric materials17,19,21,22.
Figure 2(b) compares δE11 for a (9,8) SWNT depend-
ing on κenv by the experiment (solid circles) and the cal-
culated results (lines) for κvac = 1, 1.5, 2.0 using Eq.(10).
As shown in Fig.2(b), the qualitative shape of theoretical
curves are in good agreement with the experiment and
not affected so much by the change of κvac. Since the ex-
act value of κvac is unknown, we hereafter set κ
vac = 1.5
for each (n,m) SWNT. For the (9, 8) SWNT in Fig.2(b),
κ∞tube = 2.7 and κ
vac = 1.5 are fitting values. These
values are consistent with the discussion in the previous
section. After setting κvac = 1.5, Eq.(10) turns to be
δE11 =
−Anm(κenv − 1)
tube − κ
vac) + 1/1.5
. (11)
Thus, we express δE11 as a function of κenv with one
parameter (κ∞tube − κ
Figure 3(a) shows the calculated values of Anm for each
(n,m)’s. Family pattern of (2n + m = const.) family
is drawn with the 2n + m values by dotted lines. We
found a slight diameter dependence and relatively large
chiral angle dependence of Anm for type II SWNTs (blue)
compared with type I SWNTs (red). The type II SWNTs
with larger chiral angles tend to have larger value of Anm.
For a convenient use of Eq.(10), we give a fitting function
of Anm meV as
Anm = A+Bdt + (C +D/dt) cos 3θ, (12)
which gives the average (maximum) error of
±2meV(8meV) for type I, and ±2meV(5meV) for
type II SWNTs. The fit curve is shown in Fig.3(a) by
solid lines. Here dt (nm) is the diameter of nanotube
and θ is the chiral angle26. The values of (A, B, C, D)
are (36, -4, 0, 0) and (33, -3, 6, 7) for type I and for type
II SWNTs, respectively.
In order to expand our result to many (n,m) SWNTs,
we need a function to describe (κ∞tube−κ
vac). It is impor-
tant to note that κ∞tube should depend on the diameter.
0 0.5 1
FIG. 3: (a) Calculated values of Anm for each (n,m) SWNT.
Open (red) and solid (blue) circles correspond to type I and
type II SWNTs, respectively. Solid lines denote the fit curve
by Eq.(12). (b) κ∞tube−κ
vac vs 1/d2t . The values of κ
are obtained by the fit of Eq.(10) to the experimental data
for each (n,m).
An exact function should be calculated by taking into ac-
count the Coulomb interaction considering induced sur-
face charge at the boundary of the nanotube and sur-
rounding materal for an e-e or e-h pair for each (n,m)
SWNT. Instead of calculating this complicated function,
here we roughly estimate the (κ∞tube − κ
vac) as a simple
function of diameter dt, since (κ
vac) should depend
on the cross section of a SWNT. As shown in Fig.3(b),
(κ∞tube − κ
vac) is roughly proportional to 1/d2t ,
(κ∞tube − κ
vac) =
, (13)
with the coefficient E = 1.5±0.3 nm2. Here (κ∞tube−κ
is obtained by the fit using Eq.(10) and Anm calculated
for each chirality. Fig.3(b) clearly shows that our cal-
culated Anm well describes the chiral angle dependence
of δE11 and that the remaining diameter dependence is
understood by (κ∞tube − κ
vac) through 1/d2t . This 1/d
dependence implies that κ∞tube depends on the volume of
inner space of the nanotube. Although the number of
experimental data available for the fit is small and se-
lection of this function is arbitrary to some extent, it is
reasonable that 1/κ∞tube increase with the increase of the
diameter, since 1/κ∞tube corresponds to the Coulomb in-
teraction through the inner space of the nanotube. In
order to find an accurate form of the function, future ex-
periments and theoretical studies are definitely needed.
Figure 4 shows δE11 as a function of κenv for (a) the ex-
periment and (b) the calculation using Eq.(11) and (13).
Fig.4(c) compares δE11 for the experiment and that for
the calculation with the same κenv values. The same sym-
bols for an (n,m) are used in three figures of Fig.4. De-
tails of experimental data will be published elsewhere29.
Although our treatment is very simple, the calculated
(a) (b)
60 40 20 0
δE11(theory) (meV)
- - -0 20 40
0 20 40
FIG. 4: The transition energy dependence plotted as a func-
tion of κenv. (a) experiment and (b) calculated results are
indicated by (a) symbols and (b) solid curves. In (b), (n,m)
for each curve is indicated by a symbol on the curve. (c)
Comparison of δE11 for the experiment (δE11(experiment))
and calculation (δE11(theory)). A dotted line indicates the
line of δE11(experiment) = δE11(theory). Open (red) and
solid (blue) symbols correspond to type I and type II SWNTs,
respectively. The data in the dotted circle are the data for
κenv = 1.9
29 (see text).
curves for various (n,m) SWNTs well reproduce the ex-
perimentally observed tendency for each (n,m) SWNT,
and the degree of difference between each (n,m) type is
also in good agreement with the experiment. As shown
in Fig.4(c), δE11(theory) is in a good agreement with
δE11(experiment) except for several points indicated by
a dotted circle in the figure, which correspond to a case
for the smallest κenv = 1.9 (hexane) except for κenv = 1
(air) in the experimental data29. The value of κenv = 1.9
for hexane is adopted as the dielectric constant for the
material, in which the dipole moments of liquid hexane
are not aligned perfectly even in the presence of the elec-
tric field. Since κenv = 1.9 is a macroscopic value, a local
dielectric response might be different from the averaged
macroscopic response. If the local dielectric constant
near SWNTs becomes large (for example, κenv ≈ 3), the
fitting of Fig.4(c) becomes better. We expect that the
dipole moments of a dielectric material might be aligned
locally for a strong electric field near an exciton, which
makes the local dielectric constant relatively large. This
will be an interesting subject for exciton PL physics.
Since the difference of Anm between each (n,m) type de-
creases with increasing the diameter, it is predicted that
the amount of variation due to the change of κenv mostly
depend on diameter in the larger diameter range. Thus a
PL experiment for nanotubes with large diameters would
be desirable for a further comparison.
In summary, the dependence of exciton transition en-
ergies on dielectric constant of surrounding materials are
investigated. We proposed a model for the relation be-
tween dielectric constant of the environment and a static
dielectric constant κ in the calculation. Although the
model is quite simple, calculated results well reproduce
the feature of experimentally observed transition energy
dependence on dielectric constant of various surrounding
materials, and various dt and θ.
Y.M. is supported by JSPS Research Fellowships for
Young Scientists (No. 16-11409). R.S. acknowledges a
Grant-in-Aid (No. 16076201) from the Ministry of Edu-
cation, Japan.
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0704.1381 | Mpemba effect and phase transitions in the adiabatic cooling of water
before freezing | Mpemba effect and phase transitions in the adiabatic cooling of water before freezing
S. Esposito∗, R. De Risi, and L. Somma
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università di Napoli “Federico II” and
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Napoli
Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, Via Cinthia, I-80126 Napoli, Italy
An accurate experimental investigation on the Mpemba effect (that is, the freezing of initially
hot water before cold one) is carried out, showing that in the adiabatic cooling of water a relevant
role is played by supercooling as well as by phase transitions taking place at 6 ± 1oC, 3.5 ± 0.5oC
and 1.3 ± 0.6oC, respectively. The last transition, occurring with a non negligible probability of
0.21, has not been detected earlier. Supported by the experimental results achieved, a thorough
theoretical analysis of supercooling and such phase transitions, which are interpreted in terms of
different ordering of clusters of molecules in water, is given.
A well-known phenomenon such as that of the freezing of
water has attracted much interest in recent times due to
some counter-intuitive experimental results [1] and the
apparent lacking of a generally accepted physical inter-
pretation of them [2], [4], [3], [5]. These results consist
in the fact that, many times, initially hot water freezes
more quickly than initially cold one, a phenomenon which
is now referred to as the Mpemba effect (for a short his-
torical and scientific survey see the references in [3]). The
observations sound counter-intuitive when adopting the
naive, simple view according to which initially hot water
has first to cool down to the temperature of the initially
cold one, and then closely follow the cooling curve of
the last one. The effect takes place even for not pure
water, with solutions or different liquids (the original
Mpemba observation occurred when he tried to make an
ice cream).
Several possible physical phenomena, aimed to explain
such observations, have been proposed in the literature,
mainly pointing out that some change in water should
occur when heated [2] [5].
However, such explanations cannot be applied if some
precautions are taken during the experiments (whilst the
Mpemba effect has been observed even in these cases)
and, in any case, calculations do not seem to support
quantitatively the appearance of the effect (see references
in [3]).
Some novel light has been introduced in the discussion,
in our opinion, in Ref. [3], where the Mpemba effect
has been related to the occurrence of supercooling both
in preheated and in non-preheated water. Initially hot
water seems to supercool to a higher local temperature
than cold water, thus spontaneously freezing earlier. As
a consequence, such a scenario, apparently supported by
experimental investigations, points toward a statistical
explanation of the effect, neither the time elapsed nor
the effective freezing temperature being predictable.
Here, we prefer to face the problem by starting from
∗Corresponding author, [email protected]
what is known about the freezing process, rather than
the cooling one.
In general it is known that, for given values of the ther-
modynamic quantities (for example the volume and the
energy), a physical system may exist in a state in which
it is not homogeneous, but it breaks into two or more
homogeneous parts in mutual equilibrium between them.
This happens when stability conditions are not fulfilled,
so that a phase transition occurs; it is, for example, just
the case of water that, at the pressure p of 1 atm and at
temperature T of 0oC, becomes unstable.
When liquid water is cooled, the average velocities of
its molecules decreases but, even if the temperature goes
down to 0oC (the fixed temperature where liquid and
solid phases coexist) or lower, this is not a sufficient con-
dition for freezing to start. In fact, in order that ice
begins to form, first of all some molecules of the liquid
water should arrange in a well-defined order to form a
minimum crystal and this, in the liquid state, may hap-
pen only randomly. Second, such starting nucleus has
to attract further molecules in the characteristic loca-
tions of the crystalline structure of ice, by means of the
interaction forces of the nucleus with the non-ordered
molecules in the liquid. Nucleation and crystal growth
processes are both favored at temperatures lower than
0oC, so that supercooling of liquid water is generally re-
quired before its effective freezing. In fact, in pure water,
only molecules in the liquid with statistically lower veloci-
ties can arrange the initial nucleus and, furthermore, only
slow moving molecules are able to join that cluster and
put their kinetic energies into potential energy of bond
formation. When ice begins to form, these molecules are
removed from those attaining to the given Maxwell dis-
tribution for the liquid water, so that the average speed
becomes larger, and the temperature of the system rises
to 0oC (obviously, the temperature is set at the value
where the continuing exchange of molecules is equal in
terms of those joining and those leaving the formed crys-
tal surface).
Thus supercooling is, de facto, a key ingredient in the
freezing process, although supercooled water exists in a
state of precarious equilibrium (water is in a metastable
state). Minor perturbations such as impurities or other
can trigger the sudden appearance of the stable crys-
talline phase for the whole liquid mass, again with the
release of the entire crystallization heat (melting heat)
which increases the temperature of the freezing liquid to
the normal 0oC one.
In general, when a system is in a metastable state,
sooner or later it will pass to another stable state. In
water, density and entropy fluctuations favor the forma-
tion of crystallization nuclei but, if the liquid constitutes
a stable state, such nuclei are always unstable and will
disappear with time being. However, since the fluctua-
tions become more pronounced the lower the tempera-
ture, if water is supercooled, for sufficiently large nuclei
they will result to be stable and grew with time, becom-
ing freezing centers. The starting of the phase transition
is thus determined by the probability of appearance of
those nuclei, and the reported Mpemba effect could be
simply a manifestation of this process.
We have calculated just this probability P as function
of the absolute temperature T of the metastable phase
(the one at which the nucleus is in equilibrium with the
liquid), obtaining the following result [11]:
(T − T∗)2
. (1)
Here T∗ is the equilibrium temperature of the liquid-solid
phase, α is a dimensionless normalization factor and β is
a constant whose expression is given by
, (2)
where τ is the surface tension, v the molecular volume
of the crystallization nucleus, Q the molecular heat of
the transition from the metastable phase to the nucleus
phase, and k is the Boltzmann constant. Just to give
an idea of the macroscopic value of the constant β, let
us note that τ3v2 = W 3
is the cube of the work done
by the surface forces, and by assuming that Q ∼ kT∗ we
may write:
, (3)
that is the constant β is ruled by the ratio Wsurf/Q.
The probability P has a minimum at the liquid-solid
equilibrium temperature T∗ and increases for decreasing
temperature, as expected. From the formulae above it
is clear that the probability for nucleation, and thus the
onset of the freezing process as well, is enhanced if the
work done by the surface forces (or the surface tension
itself) is lowered in some way. In normal daily conditions
when a commercial refrigerator is employed, this is eas-
ily induced in two simple ways: either by the presence
of impurities, when solutions (such as an ice cream so-
lution, as in the Mpemba case) are used as the freezing
V= 20 cm3 V= 50 cm3 V= 65 cm3 V= 80 cm3
PSC 1 0.28 0 0.46
Tc = −8
oC Tc = −14
oC Tc = −22
oC Tc = −26
PSC 0.75 0.50 0 0.11
TABLE I: Probabilities for the occurrence of supercooling for
different volumes V of the sample and different temperatures
of the cryostat Tc.
liquid instead of pure water, or by fluctuations of the ex-
ternal pressure or temperature, caused in the commercial
refrigerator itself. This explains why no appreciable su-
percooling is observed in normal situations. Obviously,
the most direct way to induce freezing in supercooled
water is to introduce an external body in it, in order to
directly lower the surface tension.
We have thus performed an accurate experimental in-
vestigation, accounting for a total of about one hundred
runs, aimed to clarify the phenomenology of the Mpemba
effect and its interpretation. In the first part of our ex-
periments we have tested all the above qualitative pre-
dictions about supercooling, by studying the cooling and
freezing of tens of cm3 of normal water in a commer-
cial refrigerator, in daily operation conditions. The key
point, in fact, is not to obtain the most favorable physical
conditions, employing sophisticated setups, but rather
to reproduce the Mpemba conditions, that is adiabatic
cooling (with commercial refrigerators) of not extremely
small quantities of water. We have used an Onofri re-
frigerator for the cooling of double distilled water and a
NiCr-Ni thermocouple as a temperature sensor (Leybold
666193), interfaced with a Cassy Lab software for data
For fixed temperatures of the cryostat we have indeed
observed supercooling in our samples, with the freezing
occurring just along the lines predicted above. In par-
ticular, during the supercooling phase we have induced
a number of small perturbations in our samples, namely,
variations of external pressure or temperature, mechan-
ical perturbations or introduction of an external macro-
scopic body (a glass thermometer held at the same tem-
perature of the sample). In all these cases we have regis-
tered the sudden interruption of the supercooling phase
and a practically instantaneous increase of the temper-
ature to the value of 0oC, denoting the starting of the
freezing process. Conversely, if no perturbation is in-
duced (or takes places) the water reached an equilibrium
with the cryostat at temperatures up to about −30oC
(lasting also for several thousands of seconds).
We have then verified that when the freezing process
started from the supercooling phase, the Mpemba effect
took place with a probability in agreement with that re-
ported in Ref. [3].
In about half (with a total probability of 0.47) of the
runs performed we have detected a supercooling phase.
FIG. 1: Left: Cooling curves for V = 20 cm3 and Tc = −8
Right: The fitted time duration of the phase transition at
3.5oC as function of the volume V of the samples, for different
temperatures Tc of the cryostat.
In Table I we report the observed probability PSC for
the occurrence of supercooling for different volumes V of
the water sample and for different temperatures Tc of the
cryostat. We find the data to be fitted by a straight line,
denoting (in the range considered) a linear decreasing
of PSC for decreasing temperatures of the cryostat and
for increasing volumes of the samples, this probability
reaching the maximum PSC = 1 for Tc = 0
oC (and V =
An interesting feature of what we have observed is the
sensible appearance of iced water in our samples. In fact,
when supercooling did not occur, the ice started to form
around the walls of the beaker, while the inner parts were
still in a liquid form, as usually expected. Instead the im-
mediate freezing of supercooled water involved the whole
sample, this showing a very peculiar symmetric form.
We have used cylindrical beakers with the temperature
sensor in their periphery, near the walls; the observed
structure was a pure radial (planar) one, with no liquid
water and radial filaments of ice from the center of the
beakers to the walls (in one case we have been also able
to take a low resolution picture of this, before its destruc-
tion outside the refrigerator).
However, although supercooling plays a relevant role in
the manifestation of the Mpemba effect, the things are
made more complicated by the occurrence of other statis-
tical effects before the temperature of the water reaches
the value of 0oC. This comes out when an accurate mea-
surement of the cooling curves is performed (some exam-
ples of what we have obtained during the second part of
our experiments are reported in Fig. 1).
According to a simple naive model, the heat exchange
from the water sample (at initial temperature T0) to the
cryostat (at fixed temperature Tc) is described by the
C dT = δ (Tc − T0) dt, (4)
where C and δ are the thermal capacity and the heat
conductivity of the water, respectively. Thus by solving
the differential equation in (4), the following expression
Tc = −8± 2
V= 20 cm3 V= 50 cm3 V= 65 cm3 V= 80 cm3
∆t1 (s) 7± 1
∆t2 (s) 11± 6 220± 100 500± 170 630 ± 160
∆t3 (s) 12± 6 70± 30
Tc = −14± 2
V= 20 cm3 V= 50 cm3 V= 65 cm3 V= 80 cm3
∆t1 (s) 37± 1
∆t2 (s) 8± 3 130 ± 80 480± 160 500± 60
∆t3 (s) 7± 4
Tc = −22± 1
V= 20 cm3 V= 50 cm3 V= 65 cm3 V= 80 cm3
∆t1 (s) 63 ± 1 7± 1
∆t2 (s) 170± 100 130± 70
∆t3 (s)
Tc = −26± 1
V= 20 cm3 V= 50 cm3 V= 65 cm3 V= 80 cm3
∆t1 (s) 3.5± 0.7
∆t2 (s) 3± 1 320 ± 70 210 ± 170
∆t3 (s) 200 ± 70 1± 1
TABLE II: Time duration of the phase transitions at 6oC
(∆t1), 3.5
oC (∆t2) and 1.3
oC (∆t3) for different volumes V
of the sample and different temperatures of the cryostat Tc.
for the temperature as function of time t is obtained:
T = Tc − (Tc − T0) e
−t/τ , (5)
where τ = C/δ is a time constant measuring the cool-
ing rate of the sample. However, although the overall
dependence of T on time is that expressed by Eq. (5),
our experimental data clearly reveal the presence of three
transition points before freezing (or supercooling), where
τ changes its value. This transitions occur at tempera-
tures T1 = 6±1
oC, T2 = 3.5±0.5
oC and T3 = 1.3±0.6
with a probability of P1 = 0.11, P2 = 0.84 and P3 = 0.21,
respectively. The time duration ∆t of each phase tran-
sition, during which the temperature keeps practically
constant [12], depends on the volume of the sample and
on the temperature of the cryostat. The data we have
collected are summarized in Table II. For the phase
transition at T2 these data show a linear increase of
∆t2 with Tc and a quadratic one with V ; in Fig. 1 we
give the fitting curves corresponding to best fit function
∆t2 = (a+bTc)V
2. Instead, for the other two phase tran-
sitions no sufficient data are available in order to draw
any definite conclusion on the dependence on V and Tc,
though ∆t1 and ∆t3 appear to be shorter than ∆t2.
The occurrence of these phase transitions is likely re-
lated to the formation of more or less ordered structures
in water, resulting from the competition between long-
range density ordering and local bond ordering maxi-
mizing the number of local bonds [8]. The anomalous
density maximum at about 4oC (which we observe here
at T2 = 3.5 ± 0.5
oC) is, for example, explained just in
Tc = −8
oC Tc = −14
oC Tc = −22
oC Tc = −26
τ1 (s) 600± 110 680± 100 1000 ± 110 950 ± 190
τ2 (s) 1080 ± 260 1060 ± 170 530± 90 570± 3
τ3 (s) 1590 ± 930 1520 ± 730 270± 50 220 ± 80
τ4 (s) 620± 480 500± 180 150± 30 640 ± 490
TABLE III: Time constants τ1 (T < T1), τ2 (T1 < T < T2),
τ3 (T2 < T < T3), τ4 (T > T3) of the cooling curves before
and after the three phase transitions detected, for different
temperatures of the cryostat Tc.
term of this: as water is cooled, the local specific volume
increases due to the progressive increase in tetrahedral
order, so that the entropy, that always decreases upon
cooling, at 4oC becomes anticorrelated with the volume,
resulting in an inversion (from positive to negative) of
the thermal expansion coefficient and a corresponding
density maximum [9]. Similar explanations in terms of
different ordering could apply also to the other two tran-
sitions we have observed, but an exhaustive discussion
of them, which would require more experimental data,
is beyond the scope of this Letter. We only note that,
while the first transition at T1 = 6 ± 1
oC seems related
to the effect observed in Ref. [10] at 8oC, to the best of
our knowledge no other author has reported the one at
T3 = 1.3 ± 0.6
oC (which, as mentioned, occurs with an
appreciable probability of 0.21).
The observed mean values of the four time constants
of the cooling curves, before and after the three phase
transitions, are reported in Table III for different val-
ues of Tc. All the time constants are approximately in-
dependent on the volume V, in disagreement with the
naive model discussed above which predicts an increase
of τ with the thermal capacity. Instead they depend lin-
early on Tc, showing a negative slope for τ1 and positive
ones for τ2, τ3, τ4 and a finite value for Tc = 0
oC. Note
that (in the naive model) the ratios of the different time
constants, at fixed volumes, give the (inverse) ratios of
the heat conductivities in the different ordered phases
(all these ratios decrease with the cryostat temperature),
which are directly related to microscopic quantities like
the size and average velocity of the ordered clusters of
molecules in water.
Coming back to the Mpemba effect, it is easy to see
that Eq. (5) predicts that, for constant τ , initially hot
water reaches the freezing point later than initially cold
water. However, from what just discussed, in general this
could be no longer true if the time constant changes its
value during the cooling process (the slope of the cooling
curves changes), or phase transitions before freezing oc-
cur (with time durations sufficiently long/short). In ad-
dition to these effects, the reaching of the freezing point
does not automatically guarantees the effective starting
of the freezing process, since relevant supercooling may
take place, thus statistically causing the freezing of ini-
tially hot water before cold one.
From the data we have collected we have verified that,
for given V and Tc, in many cases no inversion between
the cooling curves happens before the freezing point, ir-
respective of the change in the value of τ or the time
duration of the phase transitions. Nevertheless we have
as well realized that this is mainly due to the not very
large difference between the initial temperatures of the
samples, and in few cases (among those studied by our-
selves) it cannot be applied, the largest effect causing the
inversion being the phase transition at T2.
In conclusion our experimental results, and their in-
terpretation reported here, clearly point out the statisti-
cal nature of the Mpemba effect (as already realized in
[3]), whose explanation is given in terms of transitions
between differently ordered phases in water and super-
cooling. The very detection of such phenomena seems
to require the cooling to be adiabatic (as fulfilled in our
experiment, as well as in those performed by other au-
thors [3]), since for non adiabatic processes (for example,
in fused salt) the coexistence of local solid nuclei in the
liquid phase has been observed [13].
An unexpected novel transition at T3 = 1.3 ± 0.6
has been as well detected with a non negligible proba-
bility, calling for further accurate investigation in order
to achieve a more complete understanding of the unique
properties of water.
Acknowledgements: Interesting discussions with G.
Salesi and M. Villa are kindly acknowledged.
[1] E.B. Mpemba, Cool. Phys. Educ. 4, 172 (1969).
[2] G.S. Kell, Am. J. Phys. 37, 564 (1969)
[3] D. Auerbach, Am. J. Phys. 63, 882 (1995).
[4] B. Wojciechowski, I. Owczarek and G. Bednarz, Crystatl.
Res. Tech. 23, 843 (1988).
[5] J.I. Katz, preprint arXiv:physics/0604224.
[6] See, for example, H.B. Callen, Thermodynamics (Wiley,
New York, 1960).
[7] L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics (Perg-
amon, Oxford, 1980).
[8] H. Tanaka, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5750 (1998).
[9] P.G. Debenedetti and H.E. Stanley, Physics Today, June
2003, 40.
[10] K. Kotera, T. Saito and T. Yamanaka, Phys. Lett. A
345, 184 (2005).
[11] We do not give the details of such calculations; the inter-
ested reader may follow those reported in section 162 of
Ref. [7] for a similar case.
[12] In some cases we have been able to observe also a van
der Waals-like profile of T (t) at the transition point
(metastable state), instead of only the mean constant
value of T .
[13] We are indebted with M. Villa for having pointed out
this to us.
0704.1382 | Effects of atomic interactions on Quantum Accelerator Modes | Effects of atomic interactions on Quantum Accelerator Modes.
Laura Rebuzzini,1, 2, ∗ Roberto Artuso,1, 3, 4 Shmuel Fishman,5 and Italo Guarneri1, 2, 3
Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems and Dipartimento di Fisica e Matematica,
Università dell’Insubria, Via Valleggio 11, 22100 Como, Italy.
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pavia, Via Ugo Bassi 6, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, Unità di Como, Via Valleggio 11, 22100 Como, Italy.
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Milano, Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano, Italy.
Physics Department, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel.
We consider the influence of the inclusion of interatomic interactions on the δ-kicked accelerator
model. Our analysis concerns in particular quantum accelerator modes, namely quantum ballistic
transport near quantal resonances. The atomic interaction is modelled by a Gross-Pitaevskii cubic
nonlinearity, and we address both attractive (focusing) and repulsive (defocusing) cases. The most
remarkable effect is enhancement or damping of the accelerator modes, depending on the sign of
the nonlinear parameter. We provide arguments showing that the effect persists beyond mean-field
description, and lies within the experimentally accessible parameter range.
PACS numbers: 05.45.Mt, 03.75.-b, 42.50.Vk
Quantum Accelerator Modes (QAMs) are a manifesta-
tion of a novel type of quantum ballistic transport (in mo-
mentum), that has been recently observed in cold atom
optics [1]. In these experiments, ensembles of about 107
cold alkali atoms are cooled in a magnetic-optical trap
to a temperature of a few microkelvin. After releasing
the cloud, the atoms are subjected to the joint action of
the gravity acceleration and a pulsed potential periodic
in space, generated by a standing electromagnetic wave,
far-detuned from any atomic transitions. The external
optical potential is switched on periodically in time and
the period is much longer than the duration of each pulse.
For values of the pulse period near to a resonant integer
multiple of half of a characteristic time TB (the Talbot
time [2]), typical of the kind of atoms used, a consider-
able fraction of the atoms undergo a constant accelera-
tion with respect to the main cloud, which falls freely
under gravity and spreads diffusively.
The non-interacting model is a variant of the well-
known quantum kicked rotor (KR) [3], in which the ef-
fects of a static force, produced by the earth gravitational
field, are taken into account. The linear potential term
breaks invariance of the KR hamiltonian under space
translations. Such an invariance may be recovered by
moving to a temporal gauge, where momentum is mea-
sured w.r.t. the free fall: this transformation gets rid of
the linear term and the new hamiltonian, expressed in
dimensionless units, reads
Ĥ(t′) =
(p̂+ gt′)2 + k cos(x̂)
δ(t′ − tτ). (1)
where p̂ and x̂ are the momentum and position opera-
tor, k and τ are the strength and the temporal period of
the external kicking potential, g is the gravity accelera-
tion. The relationship between the rescaled parameters
and the physical ones, denoted by primes, is k = k′/~,
-500 0 500 1000
600 800 1000
-1000 0 1000 2000 3000
2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
FIG. 1: (Color online) The probability distribution at times
t = 25 (1st row) and 45 (2nd row). ((Red) line: lin-
ear case (u = 0), (purple) triangles/(green) circles: focus-
ing/defocusing nonlinearity (u = ∓1.25)). In the right col-
umn enlargements of mode are shown; the position of the
mode, predicted by (2) is marked by the (blue) vertical dot-
ted line.
τ = ~τ ′G2/M = 4πτ ′/TB, η = Mg
′τ ′/~G and g = η/τ ,
where η is the momentum gain over one period, G is
twice the angular wavenumber of the standing wave of
the driving potential and M is the mass of the atom.
Symmetry recovery allows to decompose the
wavepacket into a bundle of independent rotors
(whose space coordinate is topologically an angle): this
Bloch-Wannier fibration plays an important role in the
2000 2500 3000
2000 2500 3000
2000 2500 3000
FIG. 2: (Color online) The Husimi function of the QAM at
time t = 45, in the repulsive (a), linear (b) and attractive case
theory of QAMs [4].
QAMs appear when the time gap between kicks ap-
proaches a principal quantum resonance, i.e. τ = 2πl+ǫ,
with l integer and |ǫ| small. The key theoretical step
is that in this case the quantum propagator may be
viewed as the quantization of a classical map, with |ǫ|
playing the role of an effective Planck’s constant [4]:
QAMs are in correspondence with stable periodic orbits
of such pseudo-classical area-preserving map. We refer
the reader to the original papers for a full account of the
theory, we just mention a few remarkable points: stable
periodic orbits are labelled by their action winding num-
ber w = j/q, which determines the acceleration of the
QAM w.r.t. the center of mass distribution
. (2)
The modes are sensitive to the quasimomentum (Bloch
index induced by spatial periodicity), being enhanced at
specific, predictable values [4]; also the size of the elliptic
island around the pseudoclassical stable orbit plays an
important role (if the size is small compared to |ǫ| the
mode is not significant [4]).
We consider in this letter the role of atomic interactions
in such a system; namely evolution is determined by a
nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a cubic nonlinearity:
iψ̇(x, t′) =
Ĥ(t′) + u|ψ(x, t′)|2
ψ(x, t′), (3)
where u is the rescaled nonlinear parameter, whose sign
describes an attractive (negative)/repulsive (positive)
atomic interaction. We will come back to its connec-
tion with physical units in the end of the paper. The
-2.5 0 2.5
-2.5 0 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
FIG. 3: (Color online) Maximum height reached by the mode
at time t = 45 as a function of u in position (a) and momen-
tum (b) representation. In the inset the exponential decrease
of hmax for positive u in shown in a semi-logarithmic plot.
condensate wave function is normalized to unity. The
dynamics does not only acquire in this way a qualitative
novel form, but, due to the nonlinear term, Bloch de-
composition into independent rotors breaks down. The
main scope of this letter will be to numerically scrutinize
how QAMs are still present in the modified system, and
explore how nonlinearity modifies their features. In the
end we will briefly comment upon some stability issues,
by showing that a more refined description, including loss
of thermalized particles, does not destroy the scenario we
get from a mean field description.
Our analysis will be restricted to QAMs correspond-
ing to fixed points of period q = 1 of the pseudoclassical
map; the numerical analysis of nonlinear evolution has
been performed by using standard time-splitting spec-
tral methods [5]. There are several physical parameters
characterizing the system: g, τ , k and u. Here we mainly
address the role of nonlinearity u: we fix k = 1.4, l = 1,
ǫ = −1, τη ≃ 0.4173, and choose as the initial state
a symmetric coherent state centered in the stable fixed
point of the pseudoclassical map (x0 ≃ 0.3027, p0 = 0),
whose corresponding winding number is zero.
A quite remarkable feature appears when we com-
pare results for opposite nonlinearity signs (keeping the
strength |u| fixed), see fig.(1). As in the linear system, the
wave packet splits into two well-separated components:
the accelerator mode (whose acceleration is still compati-
ble with (2)) and the remaining part, which moves under
two competitive contributions, the free fall in the gravi-
tation field, and the recoil against the accelerating part.
Note that for the present choice of the parameters, the
former contribution is negligible compared to the second.
We remark some features, that are common to what
we observed for a choice of other parameter values: the
distribution around the accelerator mode is more peaked
and narrower in the presence of attractive nonlinearity;
the opposite happens in the case of a repulsive interac-
2 (b)
-3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
FIG. 4: (Color online) The probability distribution at t = 45
for strong nonlinearity (u = ±3); the initial states (see text)
are shown in the insets (line and symbols as in fig.1).
tion. This can also be appreciated from a Husimi repre-
sentation of the modes (see fig.(2)).
While for repulsive interactions the spreading of the
distribution, together with peak damping, seems to de-
pend monotonically on the nonlinearity strength, the
attractive case exhibits more complicated features (see
fig.(3)). Enhancement of the accelerator mode is only
observed for small nonlinearities, while a striking feature
appears at larger values of |u|, namely the accelerator
mode is suppressed (see fig.(4a)). The intuitive expla-
nation of this result is that strong focusing nonlinearity
opposes to the separation of the wave packet into two
parts; indeed, in the case of exact resonance (namely
τ = 2π), the mode is absent, so the whole wave freely
falls without splitting and then the maximum height of
the wave, plotted vs u as in fig.(3a), is found to mono-
tonically increase to the left towards a saturation value.
While the behavior shown in fig.(3) has been observed
for a variety of other parameter choices, we mention that
more complex, strongly fluctuating behaviour was some-
times observed at large focusing nonlinearities. In all
such cases a bad correspondence between the quantum
and the pseudoclassical dynamics was also observed, al-
ready in the linear case.
We remark that the mode damping is sensitive to the
choice of the initial state, as shown in fig.(4). While
a gaussian initial wave packet leads to the mentioned
QAM suppression, we may tailor a QAM enhancing ini-
tial condition as follows: we take the quasimomentum
β0 that in the linear case dominates the mode (here
β0 = π/τ−η/2 ≃ 0.5551 [4]) and we drop from the initial
0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
FIG. 5: (Color online) The quasi-momentum distribution
function (thick line) for |u| = 0.5 (a) and |u| = 3 (b) at
different times (1)t = 5, (2)t = 25 and (3)t = 45. Pur-
ple(dark)/green(light) lines refer to attractive/repulsive in-
gaussian all components with |β − β0| > 0.15. As quasi-
momentum is the fractional part of momentum, this leads
to the comb like state of fig.(4b). Even through quasimo-
mentum is not conserved due to nonlinearity, the QAM
is strongly enhanced with respect to the linear case and
the recoiling part is almost cancelled.
Another way of looking at the nonlinear evolution with
techniques that are proper in the linear setting is to con-
sider the distribution function over quasimomenta, de-
fined by
f(β, t) =
|〈n+ β|ψ(t)〉|
. (4)
This distribution is stationary under linear evolution, its
shape being determined by the choice of the initial state.
We consider the evolution of a gaussian wave packet
(for which the linear f is essentially a constant - the hor-
izontal red line of fig.(5)), and probe the effect of nonlin-
earities of both signs. Typical results are as in fig.(5): the
effect of attractive (repulsive) nonlinearity is to enhance
(lower) the distribution around a value β̄ ≃ 0.4. No devi-
ation occurs for quasimomentum β0 (marked by vertical
lines), whose wave function, according to fig.(4b), closely
follows the linear pseudo-classical island. Again the β̄
peak of the focusing case is suppressed for large focusing
To make sure that our findings may be experimentally
significant we discuss some stability issues: the first con-
cerns decay properties of the QAMs. It is known that
linear modes decay due to quantum tunnelling out of
pseudoclassical islands [6]: we checked that, on the avail-
0 20 40
0 10 20 30
FIG. 6: (Color online) (a) Probability inside the island for
|u|=3 (symbols and line as in fig.(1)). (b) The mean number of
non-condensed particles vs the number of kicks, for u equal to
0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10 (starting from below); 12 terms
in the sum (5) are considered.
able time scale, the nonlinear decay behaves in a similar
way. In fig.(6a) the probability inside the classical is-
land is shown as a function of time for the initial state
of fig.(4b); it has been calculated integrating the Husimi
distribution of each β-rotor fiber over the island area and
summing the contributions of different rotors.
However in the condensate regime there is another pos-
sible mechanism that might completely modify the for-
mer picture, namely depletion of the condensate due to
proliferation of noncondensed, thermal particles. A stan-
dard technique to estimate the growth of the number of
thermal particles is provided by the formalism of Castin
and Dum [7], which has been employed in similar con-
texts in [8]. To the lowest order in the perturbation ex-
pansion and in the limit of zero temperature T → 0, the
number of non-condensed particles is given by:
〈δN̂(t)〉 =
〈vk(t)|vk(t)〉 (5)
where vk(t) is one of the mode functions of the system.
The modal functions (uk(t), vk(t)) are pairs of functions
that represent the time-dependent coefficients of the de-
composition, in terms of annihilation and creation op-
erators, of the equation of motion for the field operator
describing the thermal excitations above the condensate.
They describe the spatial dependence of these excitations
and propagate by modified Bogoliubov equations.
Our findings (see fig.(6b)) are consistent with a poly-
nomial growth of noncondensed particles, namely in our
parameter region (and within the time scale we typically
consider) no exponential instability takes place. This is
consistent with recent experimental work [9], where 87Rb
atom condensate has been used to explore QAMs. In [9],
a condensate of 50000 Rb atoms with repulsive interac-
tions is realized. In the case of a ”cigar shaped” trap, the
relationship between the number of atoms in the conden-
sate N and the effective 1-d nonlinear coupling constant
u is, in our units, N = ua2
/2a0 [10], where a0 is the
3-dimensional scattering length and a⊥ ≫ a0 is the ra-
dial extension of the wave function. Using the parameter
values of the experiment [9], one finds N ≃ 105 ·u and so
N ∼ 50000 corresponds to u ∼ 0.5. Therefore our range
of parameters includes the experimental accessible one.
We have investigated effects of atomic interactions, in
the form of a cubic nonlinearity, on the problem of quan-
tum accelerator modes: in particular we have charac-
terized the consequences of both attractive and repul-
sive interaction; we have also provided evidences that
the modes are not strongly unstable when reasonable pa-
rameters are chosen.
We thank G. S. Summy for providing us with details
of his work. This work has been partially supported by
the MIUR-PRIN 2005 project ”Transport properties of
classical and quantum systems”. S.F. acknowledges sup-
port by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), by the US-
Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), by the Min-
erva Center of Nonlinear Physics of Complex Systems,
by the Shlomo Kaplansky academic chair. I.G. acknowl-
edges hospitality by the Institute of Theoretical Physics
at the Technion where part of this work was done.
∗ Electronic address: [email protected]
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mailto:[email protected]
0704.1383 | How far is it to a sudden future singularity of pressure? | How far is it to a sudden future singularity of pressure?
Mariusz P. Da̧browski∗
Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland
Tomasz Denkiewicz†
Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin, Wielkopolska 15, 70-451 Szczecin, Poland and
Fachbereich Physik, Universität Rostock, Universitätsplatz 3, D-18051 Rostock, Germany
Martin A. Hendry‡
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
(Dated: November 12, 2018)
We discuss the constraints coming from current observations of type Ia supernovae on cosmo-
logical models which allow sudden future singularities of pressure (with the scale factor and the
energy density regular). We show that such a sudden singularity may happen in the very near
future (e.g. within ten million years) and its prediction at the present moment of cosmic evolution
cannot be distinguished, with current observational data, from the prediction given by the standard
quintessence scenario of future evolution. Fortunately, sudden future singularities are characterized
by a momentary peak of infinite tidal forces only; there is no geodesic incompletness which means
that the evolution of the universe may eventually be continued throughout until another “more
serious” singularity such as Big-Crunch or Big-Rip.
PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq; 98.80.Hw
Over the past decade observations of high-redshift
Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) have provided strong evi-
dence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating,
driven in the standard paradigm by some form of dark
energy[1, 2]. Current data[2] continue to leave open the
possibility that dark energy exists in the form of phan-
tom energy, which may violate all energy conditions [3]:
the null (̺c2 + p ≥ 0), weak (̺c2 ≥ 0 and ̺c2 + p ≥ 0),
strong (̺c2 + p ≥ 0 and ̺c2 + 3p ≥ 0), and dominant
energy (̺c2 ≥ 0, −̺c2 ≤ p ≤ ̺c2) conditions (where
c is the speed of light, ̺ is the mass density in kgm−3
and p is the pressure). Phantom matter may dominate
the universe in the future and drive it towards a Big-Rip
(BR) singularity in which all matter will be dissociated
by gravity [4]. This is dramatically different from the
standard picture of future cosmic evolution which sug-
gests an asymptotically empty de-Sitter state driven by
the cosmological constant or quintessence [5] and leading
to the violation of the strong energy condition only.
Phantom-driven scenarios have encouraged the study
of other exotic possibilities for the future evolution of
the universe. One of these possibilities appears in those
models which do not assume any explicit form for the
equation of state p = p(̺), leaving the evolution of the
energy density and pressure unconstrained. This free-
dom may result in a so-called sudden future singularity
(SFS) of pressure [6] which violates only the dominant
energy condition. The nature of a sudden future singu-
larity is different from that of a standard Big-Bang (BB)
singularity, and also from a Big-Rip singularity, in that it
does not exhibit geodesic incompletness and the cosmic
evolution may eventually be extended beyond it [7, 8].
The only physical characteristic of these singularities is
a momentarily infinite peak of the tidal forces in the uni-
verse. In more general models this peak may also appear
in the derivatives of the tidal forces. It is interesting to
note that these types of singularity are in a way simi-
lar to yet another type, which were termed finite density
singularities [9]. However, the crucial difference is that
finite density singularities occur as singularities in space
rather than in time, which means that even at the present
moment of cosmic evolution they could exist somewhere
in the Universe [10]. We will not discuss in detail finite
density singularities in this paper since they basically ap-
pear in cosmological models without homogeneity. On
the other hand, it is worth mentioning that the sudden
future singularities are quite generic since they may arise
in both homogeneous [11] and inhomogeneous [12] mod-
els of the universe.
In order to obtain a sudden future singularity consider
the simple framework of an Einstein-Friedmann cosmol-
ogy governed by the standard field equations
, (1)
p = − c
, (2)
where the energy-momentum conservation law
˙̺ = −3 ȧ
, (3)
is trivially fulfilled due to the Bianchi identity. Here a(t)
is the scale factor, G is the gravitational constant, and
the curvature index k = 0,±1. What is crucial to ob-
tain a sudden future singularity is that no link between
the energy density and pressure (the equation of state) is
specified. This allows us to integrate (3) only by quadra-
tures as
̺a3 = exp
ln a(t′)
ln a(t′)dt′
Of course (4) reduces to the standard expression for
energy conservation, ̺a3(w+1) = const., provided a
barotropic equation of state, p = w̺c2 for constant w,
is assumed. (The condition for phantom models, for ex-
ample, is w < −1).
From equations (1)-(2) one can easily see that a pres-
sure singularity p → ∓∞ occurs when the acceleration
ä → ±∞, no matter that the value of the energy density
̺ and the scale factor a(t) are regular. Since in that case
| p |> ̺, it is clear that the dominant energy condition
is violated. This condition can be achieved if the scale
factor takes the form [6]
a(t) = as [1 + (1− δ) ym − δ (1− y)n] , y ≡
with the appropriate choice of the constants δ, ts, as,m, n.
Moreover, we can see that the r-th derivative of the scale
factor (5) is given by
a(r) = as
m(m− 1)...(m− r + 1)
(1− δ) ym−r
+ (−1)r−1δ
n(n− 1)...(n− r + 1)
(1− y)n−r
and is related to the appropriate pressure derivative
p(r−2). Thus, in general, it is possible that one has a
pressure derivative p(r−2) singularity which accompanies
the blow-up of the r-th derivative of the scale factor a(r).
Observationally this could be manifested in, for example,
the blow-up of the characteristics known as statefinders ,
such as jerk, snap etc. [14]. The pressure derivative sin-
gularity p(r−2) appears when
r − 1 < n < r r = integer , (7)
and for any r ≥ 3 it fulfills all energy conditions. These
singularities are called generalized sudden future singu-
larities (GSFS) and are possible, for example, in theories
with higher-order curvature quantum corrections [13].
Let us now return to the case of r = 2, for which 1 <
n < 2 and we obtain sudden future singularity models
of pressure (and obviously all of its higher derivatives)
which lead to violation of the dominant energy condition.
In such models, expressed in terms of the scale factor (5),
the evolution begins with the standard BB singularity at
t = 0 for a = 0, and finishes at SFS for t = ts where a =
as ≡ a(ts) is a constant. (Note that we have changed the
original parametrization of Ref. [6] for the scale factor
(5) using A = δas).
The standard Friedmann limit (i.e. models without an
SFS) of (5) is achieved when δ → 0; hence δ becomes
the “non-standardicity” parameter of SFS models. Ad-
ditionally, notwithstanding Ref. [6] and in agreement
with the field equations (1)-(2), we assume that δ can be
both positive and negative leading to a deceleration or
an acceleration (cf. (6)) of the universe, respectively.
It is important to our discussion that the asymptotic
behaviour of the scale factor (5) close to the BB singu-
larity at t = 0 is given by a simple power-law aBB = y
simulating the behaviour of flat k = 0 barotropic fluid
models with m = 2/[3(w+1)] . This allows us to preserve
all the standard observed characteristics of early universe
cosmology – such as the cosmic microwave background,
density perturbations, nucleosynthesis etc. – provided we
choose an appropriate value of m. On the other hand,
close to an SFS the asymptotic behaviour of the scale
factor is non-standard, aSFS = as [1− δ (1− y)n ], show-
ing that aSFS = as for t = ts (i.e. y = 1) at the SFS.
Notice that one does not violate the energy conditions if
the parameter m lies in the range
0 < m ≤ 1 (w ≥ −1/3), (8)
This range of values is, in fact, equivalent to a standard
(neither quintessence-like nor phantom-like) evolution of
the universe. However, with no adverse impact on the
field equations (1)-(2), one could also extend the val-
ues of m to lie in the complementary ranges [7] m > 1
(i.e. −1 < w < −1/3) for quintessence, and m < 0 (i.e.
w < −1) for phantom, although these ranges may lead
to violation of the strong and weak energy conditions
We will next calculate the luminosity distance as a
function of redshift, and hence the redshift-magnitude
relation, for SFS models. This will allow us to estab-
lish whether these models are a realistic possibility for
the future evolution of the universe, and more specifi-
cally whether current cosmological observations of high
redshift supernovae are consistent with values of the con-
stant n in the range 1 < n < 2, as required in order that
the scale factor will display an SFS (or, more generally,
a GSFS for r − 1 < n < r). We will then explore the
range of values for the other SFS model parameters which
are consistent with current observational constraints on
standard cosmology, and thus determine limits on how
far into the future an SFS might occur. In fact, as we
will see below, we need to consider only two further pa-
rameters: δ and y0 = t0/tS , where t0 is the current age
of the Universe in the SFS model. Notice that, in view of
(8), it is reasonable to take m = 2/3 as for the standard
dust-dominated evolution. This implies that, at early
times, our SFS model reduces to the Einstein-de-Sitter
We proceed within the framework of Friedmann cos-
mology, and consider an observer located at r = 0 at
coordinate time t = t0. The observer receives a light ray
emitted at r = r1 at coordinate time t = t1. We then
have a standard null geodesic equation
1− kr2
, (9)
with the scale factor a(t) given by (5). Using (5) again,
the redshift is given by
1 + z =
δ + (1− δ) ym0 − δ (1− y0)
δ + (1− δ) ym1 − δ (1− y1)
n , (10)
where y0 = y(t0) and y1 = y(t1). The luminosity distance
is defined as
DL = r1a(t0) (1 + z) . (11)
Neglecting extinction and k−corrections, the observed
and absolute magnitudes of a source at redshift z and
luminosity distance DL are related by
m(z) = M − 5 log10 H0 + 25 + 5 log10 DL(z), (12)
which, with the help of the equation (9), (10) and (11),
allows a redshift-magnitude relation for SFS cosmologi-
cal models to be constructed. It is obvious that equation
(9) has to be integrated numerically in order to estab-
lish the relation between t0 and t1, which can then be
inserted into (10) and (11) to constrain the SFS model
parameters. As a first step we determine the dependence
on the SFS model parameters of the Hubble law, which
replaces equation (12) for z ≈ 0, i.e. cz ≈ H0DL, where
Mpc−1) =
3.09× 1019
m (1− δ) ym−10 + nδ (1− y0)
δ + (1− δ) ym0 − δ (1− y0)
is the present value of the Hubble parameter, which we
can take as 72kms−1Mpc−1 [1].
Similarly we could derive an expression, in terms of
the SFS model parameters, for the deceleration param-
eter q0 = −(äa/ȧ2)0. However, in order to search the
parameter space for models which are admissible by cur-
rent observations, we write the product of H0 and q0 as
q0H0 = −
= (14)
m(m− 1)(1− δ)ym−20 − δn(n− 1) (1− y0)
m(1− δ)ym−10 + nδ (1− y0)
In order to obtain an accelerated universe at the present
moment of the evolution, this product should be nega-
tive. Fig. 1 shows an example plot of the product H0q0
as a function of δ and y0, with the other parameters fixed
atm = 2/3, n = 1.9993, t0 = 13.2457 Gyr. From the plot
we see that there are large regions of the parameter space
which admit cosmic acceleration. We have explored the
parameter space further with various configurations of
m,n, δ, y0, t0, q0, and H0, and obtained the general con-
clusion that there is a large class of SFS models which
are compatible with current acceleration.
FIG. 1: Parameter space (H0q0, δ, y0) for fixed values of
m = 2/3, n = 1.9993, t0 = 13.3547 Gyr of the sudden future
singularity models. There are large regions of the parameter
space which admit cosmic acceleration.
Out of these admissible models we then searched for
those which are compatible with the redshift-magnitude
relation (12) observed for recent SNIa data [2], and hence
with the derived parameters of the standard ‘Concor-
dance cosmology’ (CC). We were able to identify SFS
models that are in remarkably tight agreement with cur-
rent SNIa data. As an illustrative example Fig. 2 shows
luminosity distance as a function of redshift for the CC
model with H0 = 72kms
−1Mpc−1, Ωm0 = 0.26 and
ΩΛ0 = 0.74, and an SFS model with parametersm = 2/3,
y0 = 0.99936, δ = −0.471, n = 1.9999. We see that the
SFS model mimics the CC model very closely over a wide
range of redshifts. In particular, it is clear that recent
SNIa data from the Tonry at al. ‘Gold’ sample [1] and
SNLS sample [2] cannot yet discriminate between the CC
and SFS models.
Taking the current age of the universe in the SFS model
to be equal to the age of the CC model, i.e. t0 = 13.6Gyr,
we find that the time to the sudden singularity is ts−t0 ≈
8.7Myr, which is amazingly close to the present epoch.
In that context there is no wonder that these singularities
are called “sudden”. We have also checked that the larger
the value of r in (7) the later in future a GSFS appears.
It means that the strongest of these singularities which
violates the dominant energy condition (i.e. an SFS) is
more likely to become reality.
Our remark about the effect of the sudden pressure
singularity seems in agreement with the result of Ref.
FIG. 2: The distance modulus µL = m − M for the con-
cordance cosmology (CC) model with H0 = 72kms
Ωm0 = 0.26, ΩΛ0 = 0.74 (dashed curve) and sudden fu-
ture singularity (SFS) model for m = 2/3, n = 1.9999, δ =
−0.471, y0 = 0.99936 (solid curve). Also shown are the ‘Gold’
(open circles) and SNLS (filled circles) SNIa data. Taking the
age of the SFS model to be equal to that of the CC model,
i.e. t0 = 13.6 Gyr, one finds that an SFS is possible in only
8.7 million years.
[16] which showed that the dominant energy condition is
now violated and that it became violated quite recently
(at redshift z ∼ 0.2). Of course this violation may also
be due to phantom energy [3].
In conclusion, we have shown that a sudden future
singularity may happen in the comparatively near fu-
ture (e.g. within ten million years) and its prediction
at the present moment of cosmic evolution cannot be
distinguished, with current observational data, from the
prediction given by the standard quintessence scenario
of future evolution in the Concordance Model. Fortu-
nately, sudden future singularities are characterized by a
momentary peak of infinite tidal forces only; there is no
geodesic incompletness which means that the evolution
of the universe may eventually be continued beyond the
SFS until another “more serious” singularity such as a
Big-Crunch or a Big-Rip. One could then consider, more
generally, a scale factor of the form [7, 15]
a(t) = A+ [(as −A)−D(tr − ts)p − Etos] ym (15)
− (A+Dtpr) (1− y)n +D(tr − tsy)p + Etosyo ,
where the constants m, o, p, A,D,E are chosen so that
the universe begins with a Big-Bang at t = 0 where a = 0,
next faces a sudden future singularity at t = ts where
a(ts) = as, and then eventually continues to a Big-Rip
at t = tr where a(tr) → ∞. All of the matter sources
may be involved since the constants in (15) can be taken
as: 0 < m ≤ 1 (quintessence), p < 0 (phantom), and
o > 1 (standard positive matter pressure).
Whether the universe will end in a Big-Rip or a Big-
Crunch is an open question. Moreover, unlike a sudden
future singularity, both a Big-Rip and Big-Crunch sin-
gularity would represent the real end of the universe.
Fortunately, as was shown in Refs. [4, 17], a Big-Rip
singularity is not possible in the very near future: in or-
der to reach it one must wait about the same time as
the current age of the universe. Apart from that, it is
still possible to avoid it due to a negative tension brane
contribution in a turnaround cyclic cosmology [18].
M.P.D. and T.D. acknowledge the support of the Polish
Ministry of Education and Science grant No 1 P03B 043
29 (years 2005-2007).
∗ Electronic address: [email protected]
† Electronic address: [email protected]
‡ Electronic address: [email protected]
[1] J.L. Tonry et al., Astroph. J. 594, 1 (2003); M. Tegmark
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0704.1384 | Generalizing circles over algebraic extensions | 7 Generalizing circles over algebraic extensions
T. Recio∗ J.R. Sendra∗† L.F. Tabera∗‡ C. Villarino∗†
August 29, 2021
This paper deals with a family of spatial rational curves that were
introduced in [4], under the name of hypercircles, as an algorithmic
cornerstone tool in the context of improving the rational parametriza-
tion (simplifying the coefficients of the rational functions, when pos-
sible) of algebraic varieties. A real circle can be defined as the image
of the real axis under a Moebius transformation in the complex field.
Likewise, and roughly speaking, a hypercircle can be defined as the
image of a line (“the K-axis”) in a n-degree finite algebraic extension
K(α) ≈ Kn under the transformation at+b
: K(α) → K(α).
The aim of this article is to extend, to the case of hypercircles,
some of the specific properties of circles. We show that hypercircles
are precisely, via K-projective transformations, the rational normal
curve of a suitable degree. We also obtain a complete description of
the points at infinity of these curves (generalizing the cyclic structure
at infinity of circles). We characterize hypercircles as those curves of
degree equal to the dimension of the ambient affine space and with
infinitely many K-rational points, passing through these points at in-
finity. Moreover, we give explicit formulae for the parametrization
and implicitation of hypercircles. Besides the intrinsic interest of this
very special family of curves, the understanding of its properties has
a direct application to the simplification of parametrizations problem,
as shown in the last section.
∗The authors are partially supported by the project MTM2005-08690-CO2-01/02 “Min-
isterio de Educación y Ciencia”.
†Partially supported by CAM-UAH2005/053 “Dirección General de Universidades de
la Consejeŕıa de Educación de la CAM y la Universidad de Alcalá”.
‡L.F.Tabera also supported by a FPU research grant.
1 Introduction
The problem of obtaining a real parametrization of a rational planar curve
given by a complex parametrization has been studied –from an algorithmic
point of view– in [9]. There, the problem is reduced to determining that a
certain curve obtained after manipulating the given parametrization is a real
line or a real circle. From a real parametrization of this circle (or line), a real
parametrization of the original curve is then achieved. This auxiliary circle is
found by an analogous to Weil descente’s method [16] applied to the complex
parametrization of the originally given curve. In [4], the same approach has
been extended to the general case of planar or spatial rational curves C given
by a parametrization over K(α), where α is an algebraic element over K. In
order to obtain, whenever possible, a parametrization over K of C, another
rational curve, with remarkable properties, is associated to C. In [4] it is
shown that this associated curve is, in the relevant cases, a generalization of
a circle, in the sense we will discuss below, deserving to be named hypercircle.
The simplest hypercircles should be the circles themselves. We can think
of the real plane as the field of complex numbers C, an algebraic extension
of the reals R of degree 2. Analogously, we can consider a characteristic zero
base field K and an algebraic extension of degree n, K(α). Let us identify
K(α) as the vector space Kn, via the choice of a suitable base, such as the
one given by the powers of α. This is the framework in which hypercircles
are defined.
Now let us look to the different, equivalent, ways of defining a common
circle on the real plane, with the purpose of taking the most convenient one
for generalization. The first definition of a circle is the set of points in the
real plane that are equidistant from a fixed point. This approach does not
extend well to more general algebraic extensions, because we do not have an
immediate notion of metric over Kn. On the other hand, algebraically, a real
planar circle is a conic such that its homogeneous degree two form is x2 + y2
and such that it contains an infinite number of real points. Even if we will
prove in Section 6 that we can show an analogous definition for a hypercircle,
this is not an operative way to start defining them.
Finally, from another point of view, we see that circles are real rational
curves. This means that there are two real rational functions (φ1(t), φ2(t))
whose image cover almost all the points of the circle. For instance, the circle
x2+y2 = 1 is parametrized by φ(t) = ( t
). Every proper (almost one-
to-one [14]) rational parametrization of a circle verifies that φ1(t) + iφ2(t) =
∈ C(t) \ C, which defines a conformal mapping u : C → C. Moreover,
if we identify C with R2, the image of the real axis (t, 0) under u is exactly
the circle parametrized by φ(t). Conversely, let u(t) = at+b
∈ C(t) be a unit
of the near-ring C(t) under the composition operator (see [17]). If c 6= 0
and d/c /∈ R then, the closure of the image by u of the real axis is a circle.
Otherwise, it is a line. This method to construct circles generalizes easily
to algebraic extensions. Namely, let u(t) = at+b
be a unit of K(α)(t) (i.e.
verifying that ad − bc 6= 0). Let us identify K(α) with Kn and let u be the
u : K(α) ≈ Kn → K(α) ≈ Kn
t 7→ u(t)
Then, the Zariski-closure of the image of the axis (t, 0, . . . , 0) under the map
u is a rational curve in Kn. These curves are, by definition, our hypercircles.
Roughly speaking, it happens (see [4]) that a parametrization over K of
the hypercircle associated to a given rational curve C (whose parametrization
we want to simplify) can be used to get –in a straightforward manner– a
parametrization of C over K. As pointed in [4], it seems that, due to the
geometric properties of hypercircles, it is algorithmically simpler to obtain
such parametrization for this type of curves than it is for C. In fact, it is
shown in [10] how to get this in some cases. Therefore, the reparametrization
problem is behind our increasing interest in the study of hypercircles on its
The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we formally intro-
duce the notion of hypercircle. We study the influence on a hypercircle when
adding and multiplying the defining unit u(t) by elements of K(α), reduc-
ing the affine classification of hypercircles to those defined by some simpler
units. Next we characterize the units associated to lines. In Section 3 we
show how to transform, projectively, a hypercircle into the rational normal
curve (see [6]). From this, we derive the main geometric properties of hy-
percircles (smoothness, degree, affine equivalence, etc.) and we reduce the
study of hypercircles to the subclass of primitive hypercircles (See Definition
3.5). In Section 4 the behavior of hypercircles at infinity is analyzed, showing
its precise and rich structure. In Section 5, exploiting the stated geometric
features, we present ad hoc parametrization and implicitization methods for
hypercircles. In Section 6 we characterize hypercircles among curves of de-
gree equal to the dimension of the ambient affine space, passing through
the prescribed points of infinity described in Section 4 and having infinitely
many rational points. Finally, Section 7 is devoted to show how the insight
gained throughout this paper can be applied to derive heuristics for solving
the problem of simplifying the parametrization of curves with coefficients
involving algebraic elements.
Throughout this paper the following notation and terminology will be
• K will be a field of characteristic zero, K ⊆ L a finite algebraic extension
of degree n and F the algebraic closure of K.
• α will be a primitive element of L over K.
• u(t) will be a unit under composition of L(t). That is, u(t) = at+b
ad− bc 6= 0. Its inverse −dt+b
is denoted by v(t).
• For u(t) = at+b
and c 6= 0, M(t) = tr + kr−1t
r−1 + · · · + k0 ∈ K[t]
denotes the minimal polynomial of −d/c over K.
• We will denote as m(t) the polynomial obtained by dividing M(t) by
ct+ d. That is, m(t) =
ct+ d
= lr−1t
r−1 + lr−2t
r−2 + · · ·+ l0 ∈ L[t].
• Sometimes we will represent u(t) as
u(t) =
(at+ b)m(t)
p0(t) + p1(t)α + · · ·+ pn−1(t)α
where pi(t) ∈ K[t].
• By {σ1 = Id, σ2, . . . , σs}, s ≥ n we will denote the group of K-
automorphisms of the normal closure of K ⊆ L.
• We will represent by {α1 = α, . . . , αn} the conjugates of α. We assume
without loss of generality that σi(α) = αi for i = 1, . . . , n.
2 Definition and First Properties
In this section we begin with the formal definition of a hypercircle.
Definition 2.1. Let u(t) be a unit in L(t), where L = K(α). Let
u(t) =
where φi(t) ∈ K(t), for i = 0, . . . , n − 1. The α-hypercircle U generated by
u(t) is the rational curve in Fn parametrized by φ(t) = (φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)).
Observe that the expansion of u(t) in powers of α is unique, because
{1, α, . . . , αn−1} is a basis ofK(α)(t) as aK(t)−vector space. The parametriza-
tion can be obtained by rationalizing the denominator as follows: suppose
given the unit u(t) = at+b
, c 6= 0 (remark that, if c = 0, it is straightforward
to obtain φ(t)), and the extension K ⊆ K(α). Let M(t) be the minimal
polynomial of −d/c over K. Compute the quotient m(t) =
∈ K(α)[t]
and develop the unit as
at+ b
ct+ d
(at+ b)m(t)
p0(t) + p1(t)α + · · ·+ pn−1(t)α
where pi(t) ∈ K[t]. From this, φ(t) =
, . . . ,
is the parametriza-
tion associated to u(t). Remark that gcd(p0(t), . . . , pn−1(t),M(t)) = 1. More-
over, it is clear that F(φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) = F(t). So this parametrization is
proper in F, and it follows from the results in [1] that alsoK(φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) =
Example 2.2. Let us consider the algebraic extension Q ⊆ Q(α), where
α3 + 2α+ 2 = 0. The unit t−α
has an associated hypercircle parametriced by
φ(t) =
t3 + 2t+ 2
t3 + 2t− 2
t3 + 2t− 2
t3 + 2t− 2
A picture of the spatial real curve is shown in Figure 1
As it stands, the definition of a hypercircle U depends on a given unit
u(t) ∈ L(t) and on a primitive generator α of an algebraic extension L. In
what follows we will analyze the effect on U when varying some of these
items, searching for a simple representation of a hypercircle to ease studying
its geometry.
First notice that, given a unit u(t) ∈ L(t) and two different primitive
elements α and β of the extension K ⊆ L, we can expand the unit in
Figure 1: A hypercircle in R3
two different ways u(t) =
i=0 α
iφi(t) =
i=0 β
iψi(t). The hypercircles
Uα ≃ (φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) and Uβ ≃ (ψ0(t), . . . , ψn−1(t)) generated by u(t)
are different curves in Fn, see Example 2.3. Nevertheless, let A ∈ Mn×n(K)
be the matrix of change of basis from {1, α, . . . , αn−1} to {1, β, . . . , βn−1}.
Then, A(φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t))
t = (ψ0(t), . . . , ψn−1(t))
t. That is, it carries one
of the curve onto the other. Thus, Uα and Uβ are related by the affine trans-
formation induced by the change of basis and, so, they share many important
geometric properties.
In the sequel, if there is no confusion about the algebraic extension and
the primitive element, we will simply call U a hypercircle.
Example 2.3. Let us consider the algebraic extension Q ⊆ Q(α), where
α4 + 1 = 0. Let us take the unit u(t) = t−α
. By normalizing u(t), we obtain
the parametrization φ(t) associated to u(t):
φ(t) =
t4 − 1
t4 + 1
t4 + 1
t4 + 1
t4 + 1
This hypercircle Uα is the zero set of {X1X2 − X3X0 − X3, X
1 + X
2X2, X1X0+X2X3−X1, X
0 +X3X1− 1}. Now, we take β = α
3+1, instead
of α, as the primitive element of Q(α) = Q(β). The same unit u(t) generates
the β-hypercircle Uβ parametrized by
ψ(t) =
t4 + 2t3 − 2t2 + 2t− 1
t4 + 1
−6t3 + 4t2 − 2t
t4 + 1
6t3 − 2t2
t4 + 1
t4 + 1
which is different to Uα; note that ψ(1) = (1,−2, 2,−1) that does not satisfy
the equation X20 +X3X1 − 1 = 0 of Uα.
On the other hand it is well known that a given parametric curve can be
parametrized over a given field S by different proper parametrizations, pre-
cisely, those obtained by composing to the right a given proper parametriza-
tion by a unit in S(t). In this way, we have a bijection between α-hypercircles
and the equivalence classes of units of K(α)(t) under the equivalence relation
“u ∼ v iff u(t) = v(τ(t)) for a unit τ(t) ∈ K(t)” (fixing the correspondence,
between a unit in K(α)(t) and a hypercircle, by means of the expansion of
the unit in terms of powers of α).
More interesting is to analyze, on a hypercircle defined by a unit u(t),
the effect of composing it to the left with another unit τ(t) ∈ K(α)(t), that
is, of getting τ(u(t)). For instance, τ(t) could be τ(t) = t + λ or τ(t) = λt,
or τ(t) = 1/t, with λ ∈ K(α)∗. Every unit is a sequence of compositions of
these three simpler cases, for instance, when c 6= 0, we have
t 7−→ ct 7−→ ct + d 7−→
ct + d
bc− ad
ct+ d
bc− ad
ct+ d
at + b
ct+ d
= u(t).
Therefore, studying their independent effect is all we need to understand
completely the behavior of a hypercircle under left composition by units.
For circles, adding a complex number to the unit that defines the circle
correspond to a translation of the circle. Multiplying it by a complex number
acts as the composition of a rotation and a dilation. And the application
τ(t) = 1/t gives an inversion. The following lemma analyzes what happens
in the general case.
Lemma 2.4. Let U be the α-hypercircle generated by u(t), and λ =
i ∈ K(α)∗,
where λi ∈ K. Then,
1. λ + u(t) is a unit generating the hypercircle obtained from U by the
translation of vector (λ0, . . . , λn−1).
2. λu(t) is a unit generating the hypercircle obtained from U by the affine
transformation over K given by the matrix of change of basis from
B⋆ = {λ, λα, . . . , λαn−1} to B = {1, α, . . . , αn−1}.
Proof. To prove (1), let φ(t) = (φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) ∈ K(t)
n be the parametriza-
tion of U obtained from u(t). Then, λ+u(t) =
i=0 (λi +φi(t))α
i generates
the hypercircle parametrized by (λ0 + φ0(t), . . . , λn−1 + φn−1(t)) ∈ K(t)
which is the translation of U of vector (λ0, . . . , λn−1). For the second asser-
tion, let φ⋆(t) ∈ K(t)n be the parametrization of the hypercircle associated
to the unit λu(t). The rational coordinates φ⋆i (t) of φ
⋆(t) are obtained from
the matrix A = (ai,j) ∈ Mn×n(K) of change of basis from B
⋆ to B, for
i, j = 0, . . . , n− 1. Indeed,
λu(t) =
Then φ⋆(t)t = A φ(t)t.
Finally, the following lemma uses the previous results to transform affinely
one hypercircle into another one whose unit is simpler.
Lemma 2.5. Let u(t) = at+b
be a unit and U its associated hypercircle.
1. If c = 0 then U is affinely equivalent over K to the line generated by
u⋆(t) = t.
2. If c 6= 0 then U is affinely equivalent over K to the hypercircle U⋆
generated by u⋆(t) = 1
Proof. This lemma follows from Lemma 2.4, taking into account that u(t) is
obtained from u⋆(t) by the following composition:
u⋆(t) 7→ λ1u
⋆(t) 7→ λ1u
⋆(t) + λ2 = u(t)
with suitable λ1, λ2, u
⋆. If c = 0, then λ1 =
6= 0 and λ2 =
for u⋆(t) = t.
Analogously, if c 6= 0, then u(t) is obtained from u⋆(t) = 1
taking λ1 =
6= 0 and λ2 =
Therefore the (affine) geometry of hypercircles can be reduced to those
generated by a unit of type 1
(then we say the unit is in reduced form).
The simplest hypercircle of this kind is given by 1
, when d ∈ K. It is the
line parametrized by ( 1
, 0, . . . , 0). In the complex case, Moebius transfor-
mations defining lines are precisely those given either by a polynomial unit
in t (i.e. a unit without t at the denominator) or by a unit such that the root
of the denominator is in R. The same property holds for hypercircles.
Theorem 2.6. Let U be the α-hypercircle associated to u(t). Then, the
following statements are equivalent:
1. U is a line.
2. U is associated to a polynomial unit.
3. The root of the denominator of every non polynomial unit generating
U belongs to K.
4. U is polynomially parametrizable (over F).
5. U has one and only one branch (over F ) at infinity.
6. U is polynomially parametrizable over K.
7. U has one and only one branch (over K ) at infinity.
Proof. (1)⇔ (2). By definition, we know that hypercircles have a parametriza-
tion overK. Thus, if U is a line, it can be parametrized as (a0t+b0, . . . , an−1t+
bn−1), where ai , bi ∈ K. Therefore, u(t) =
i=0 aiα
i=0 biα
i is a
polynomial unit associated to U . Conversely, let u(t) = at+ b ∈ L(t), a 6= 0,
be a polynomial unit associated to U . Then U is the line parametrized
by P(t) = (a0t + b0, . . . , an−1t + bn−1) ∈ K[t]
n, where a =
i=0 ai α
i and
i=0 bi α
(2) ⇔ (3). Let u(t) = at+b be a polynomial unit associated to U , and let
u⋆(t) be another non polynomial unit associated to U . Then, u⋆(t) = u(τ(t)),
where τ(t) is a unit of K (t). Therefore, the root of u⋆(t) belongs to K.
Conversely, by Lemma 2.5, (3) implies (1), and we know that (1) implies (2).
(3) ⇔ (4). Indeed, (3) implies (2) and therefore (4). Conversely, let u(t)
be a non-polynomial unit generating U , and let φ(t) = (φi)i=1,...,n ∈ K(t)
the associated parametrization of U . Then, φ(t) is proper, φi(t) =
deg(pi) ≤ deg(M) and gcd(p0(t) . . . pn−1(t),M(t)) = 1. Thus, the fact that
U admits a polynomial parametrization, implies, by Abhyankar-Manocha-
Canny’s criterion of polynomiality (see [8]), that the denominator M(t) is
either constant or has only one root. Now, M(t) can not be constant, since
it is a minimal polynomial. Thus, M has only one root, and since it is
irreducible, it must be linear. Moreover, since M ∈ K[t], its root is an
element in K.
(4) ⇔ (5) This is, again, the geometric version of Abhyankar-Manocha-
Canny’s criterion. Same for (6) ⇔ (7).
(4) ⇔ (6) Obviously (6) implies (4). Conversely, if we have a polynomial
parametrization over F, it happens [2] that any proper parametrization must
be either polynomial or in all its components the degree of the numerator
must be smaller or equal than the degree of the denominator and, then, this
denominator has only one single root over F. So, since the parametrization
φ(t) induced by the unit is proper, and by hypothesis U is polynomial, then
φ(t) must be either polynomial (in which case we are done because φ(t) is
over K) or its denominator M(t) has a single root a ∈ F. Now, reasoning
as above one gets that a ∈ K. So, a change of parameter, such as t 7→ 1+as
turns φ(t) into a K-polynomial parametrization.
As a corollary of this theorem, we observe that a parabola can never be
a hypercircle, since it is polynomially parametrizable, but it is not a line.
Nevertheless, it is easy to check that the other irreducible conics are indeed
hypercircles for certain algebraic extensions of degree 2.
3 Main Geometric Properties.
This section is devoted to the analysis on the main geometric properties of
hypercircles. The key idea, when not dealing with lines, will be to use the
reduction to units of the form u(t) = 1
, where d /∈ K (see Lemma 2.5).
Theorem 3.1. Let U be the α-hypercircle associated to the unit u(t) = at+b
K(α)(t) and let r = [K(−d) : K]. Then,
1. there exists an affine transformation χ : Fn −→ Fn defined over K such
that the curve χ(U) is parametrized by
χ̃(t) =
, . . . ,
, 0, . . . , 0
2. there exists a projective transformation ρ : P(F)
−→ P(F)
, defined
over K, such that the curve ρ(U) is the rational normal curve of degree
r in P(F)
, parametrized by
ρ̃(t : s) = [sr : sr−1t : · · · : str−1 : tr : 0 : · · · : 0].
Proof. For the case of lines the result is trivial. By Lemma 2.5, we can
consider that U is the hypercircle associated to u(t) = 1
and r ≥ 2. Let
M(t) = tr + kr−1t
k−1 + · · ·+ k0 ∈ K[t], m(t) =
i=0 lit
i ∈ L[t], as indicated
in Section 1 and, since the numerator of u(t) is 1, it holds that m(t) =∑n−1
i=0 pi(t)α
i, pi(t) ∈ K[t]. Also, note that both M(t) and the denominator
of u(t) are monic, and hence lr−1 = 1. First of all, we prove that there
are exactly r polynomials in {pi(t), i = 0, . . . , n − 1} ⊂ K[t] being linearly
independent. For this purpose, we observe that the coefficients of m(t),
{1, lr−2, . . . , l0} ⊂ L, are linearly independent over K. Indeed, from the
equalityM(t) = (t+d)m(t), one has that lr−i = (−d)
i−1+(−d)i−2kr−1+· · ·+
kr−i+1, for i = 2, . . . , r. So, {1, lr−2, . . . , l0} ⊂ L are K–linearly independent,
since otherwise one would find a non-zero polynomial of degree smaller than
r vanishing at −d. Now, let ~li = (li,0, . . . , li,n−1)
t be the vector of coordinates
of li in the base {1, α, . . . , α
n−1}. Then, {~1,~lr−2, . . . ,~l0} ⊂ K
n are K–linearly
independent. Moreover, since (p0(t), . . . , pn−1(t))
t = ~1tr−1+~lr−2t
r−2+· · ·+~l0,
there are r polynomials pij , 0 ≤ i1 < · · · < ir ≤ n− 1, linearly independent.
By simplicity, we assume w.l.o.g. that the first r polynomials are linearly
independent. Observe that this is always possible through a permutation
matrix. The new curve, that we will continue denoting by U , is not, in
general, a hypercircle. In this situation, we proceed to prove (1) and (2).
In order to prove (1), let A ∈ Mn−r×r(K) be the matrix providing the
linear combinations of the n − r last polynomials in terms of the first r
polynomials; i.e. (pr(t), . . . , pn−1(t))
t = A(p0(t), . . . , pr−1(t))
t. Now, given
the bases B = {1, . . . , tr−1} and B⋆ = {p0(t), . . . , pr−1(t)}, let M ∈ Mr×r(K)
be the transpose matrix of change of bases from B to B⋆. Finally, the n× n
M Or,n−r
−A In−r
defines, under the previous assumptions, the affine transformation χ. Note
that if r = n then Q = M.
The proof of (2) is analogous to (1). Now, let consider the basis B =
{1, . . . , tr−1, tr} and B⋆ = {p0(t), . . . , pr−1(t),M(t)}. Let A ∈ Mn−r×r+1(K)
be the matrix providing the linear combinations of the n−r last polynomials
in terms of basis B⋆; i.e. (pr(t), . . . , pn−1(t))
t = A(p0(t), . . . , pr−1(t),M(t))
Let M ∈ Mr+1×r+1(K) be the transpose matrix of change of bases from B
to B⋆. Finally, the n + 1× n + 1 matrix
M Or+1,n−r
−A In−r
defines, under the previous assumptions, the projective transformation ρ.
Note that if r = n then Q = M.
As a direct consequence, we derive the following geometric properties of
Corollary 3.2. In the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1
1. U defines a curve of degree r.
2. U is contained in a linear variety of dimension r and it is not contained
in a variety of dimension r − 1.
3. U is a regular curve in P(F)
4. The Hilbert function of U is equal to its Hilbert polynomial and hU(m) =
mn+ 1.
Proof. All these properties are well known to hold for the rational normal
curve of degree r e.g. [6], [7], [15]).
In the following theorem, we classify the hypercircles that are affinely
equivalent over K. We will assume that the denominator of the generat-
ing units are not constant. The case where the units are polynomials are
described in Theorem 2.6.
Theorem 3.3. Let Ui, i = 1, 2, be α-hypercircles associated to ui(t) =
and let Mi(t) be the minimal polynomial of −di over K. Then, the following
statements are equivalent:
1. U1 and U2 are affinely equivalent over K.
2. There exists a unit τ(t) ∈ K(t) such that it maps a root (and hence all
roots) of M1(t) onto a root (resp. all roots) of M2(t).
Proof. First of all note that, because of Theorem 2.6, the result for lines
is trivial. For dealing with the general case, we observe that, by Lemma
2.5, we can assume that ui(t) = 1/(t + di). Next, suposse that U1 and U2
are affinely equivalent over K. By Theorem 3.1, statement (1), [K(d1) :
K] = [K(d2) : K] = r and the curves U
1 := χ(U1) and U
2 := χ(U2)
parametrized by χ̃1(t) = (
, . . . , t
) and χ̃2(t) = (
, . . . , t
respectively, are affinely equivalent over K; note that, for simplicity we
have omitted the last zero components in these parametrizations. There-
fore, there exists A = (ai,j) ∈ GL(r,K) and ~v ∈ Mr×1(K), such that
ϕ(t) := A χ̃1(t)
t+~v parametrizes U⋆2 . In consequence, since ϕ(t) and χ̃2(t) are
proper parametrizations of the same curve, there exists a unit τ(t) ∈ K(t)
such that ϕ(t) = χ̃2(τ(t)). Then, considering the first component in the
above equality, one gets that
(a1,1 + · · ·+ a1,rt
r−1 + v1M1(t))M2(τ(t)) =M1(t).
Now, substituting t by −d1, we obtain
(a1,1 + · · ·+ a1,r(−d1)
r−1 + v1M1(−d1))M2(τ(−d1)) =M1(−d1) = 0.
Note that a1,1 + · · ·+ a1,r(−d1)
r−1 6= 0, because [K(d1) : K] = r. Also, note
that τ(−d1) is well defined, because −d1 does not belong to K. This implies
that M2(τ(−d1)) = 0. So, τ(−d1) is a root of M2(t).
Conversely, let τ(t) = k1t+k2
∈ K(t) be a unit that maps the root γ of
M1(t) onto the root β of M2(t), i.e. τ(γ) = β. This relation implies that
K(γ) = K(β) and that deg (M1(t)) = deg (M2(t)) = r. Therefore, because
of Theorem 3.1, it is enough to prove that the curves U⋆1 := χ(U1) and
U⋆2 := χ(U2) are affinely equivalent over K. Recall that U
i is parametrized
by ϕi(t) := χ̃(t) =
, . . . , t
; here again, we omit the last zero
components of the parametrization. In order to prove the result, we find
an invertible matrix A ∈ GL(r,K) and a vector ~v ∈ Mr×1(K), such that
Aϕt1(t)+~v = ϕ
2(τ(t)). For this purpose, we consider the polynomialM(t) =
M2(τ(t))(k3t + k4)
r ∈ K[t]. Now, since τ(t) is a unit of K(t), and the roots
of M2(t) are not in K, one gets that deg(M) = deg(M2) = r. Moreover,
since γ is a root of M(t), and taking into account that M1(t) is the minimal
polynomial of γ over K and that deg(M) = r = deg(M1), one has that there
exists c ∈ K∗ such that M(t) = cM1(t). Now, in order to determine A and
~v, let us substitute τ(t) in the i-th component of ϕ2(t):
τ(t)i(k3t+ k4)
M2(τ(t))(k3t+ k4)r
(k1t + k2)
i(k3t+ k4)
Since numerator and denominator in the above rational function have the
same degree, taking quotients and remainders, ϕ2(t) can be expressed as
(ϕ2(τ(t)))i=1,...,r = (vi +
ai,1 + · · ·+ ai,rt
for some vi, ai,j ∈ K. Take A = (ai,j) and ~v = (vi). Then, A(ϕ1(t))
t + ~v =
t. Finally, let us see that A is regular. Indeed, suppose that
A is singular and that there exists a non trivial linear relation λ1F1 +
· · · + λrFr = ~0, where Fi denotes the i-th row of A. This implies that(
+ · · ·+ λr
◦ τ(t) = λ1v1 + · · · + λrvr is constant, which is
impossible because λ1+···+λrt
is not constant and τ(t) is a unit of K(t).
For two true circles, there is always a real affine transformation relating
them. We have seen that this is not the case of hypercircles. However, for
algebraic extensions of degree 2 (where the circle case fits), we recover this
property for hypercircles that are not lines.
Corollary 3.4. Let K(α) be an extension of degree 2. Then all α-hypercircles,
that are not lines, are affinely equivalent over K.
Proof. By Lemma 2.5, we may assume that the hypercircles are associated
to units of the form 1
. Now, we consider two α-hypercircles not being
lines, namely, let Ui be the α-hypercircle associated to
for i = 1, 2,
and di 6∈ K. Let di = λi + µiα, with λi, µi ∈ K and µi 6= 0. Then, the
unit τ(t) = τ0 + τ1t ∈ K[t] where τ0 =
and τ1 =
, verifies that
τ(−d1) = −d2. By Theorem 3.3, U1 and U2 are affinely equivalent over K.
In Corollary 3.2 we have seen that the degree of a hypercircle is given by
the degree of the field extension provided by the pole of any non polynomial
generating unit. Lines are curves of degree one, a particular case of this
phenomenon. Now, we consider other kind of hypercircles of degree smaller
than n. This motivates the following concept.
Definition 3.5. Let U be an α-hypercircle. If the degree of U is [K(α) : K],
we say that it is a primitive hypercircle. Otherwise, we say that U is a non-
primitive hypercircle.
Regarding the complex numbers as an extension of the reals, lines may
be considered as circles when we define them through a Moebius transforma-
tion. Lines are the only one curves among these such that its degree is not
[C : R]. The situation is more complicated in the general case. Apart from
lines, which have been thoroughly studied in Theorem 2.6, there are other
non-primitive hypercircles. This is not a big challenge because, as we will
see, non-primitive hypercircles are primitive on another extension. Moreover,
these cases reflect some algebraic aspects of the extension K ⊆ K(α) = L in
the geometry of the hypercircles. Actually, we will see that there is a cor-
respondence between non-primitive hypercircles and the intermediate fields
of K ⊆ L. More precisely, let U be a non-primitive hypercircle associated to
u(t) = 1
, where r = [K(d) : K] < [L : K] = n. In this case, we have the
algebraic extensions K ⊆ K(d) ( L. We may consider u(t) as a unit either
in the extension K ⊆ K(d) with primitive element d or in K(d) ( L with
primitive element α. In the first case, u(t) defines a primitive hypercircle in
Fr. In the second case, as u(t) is a K(d) unit, it defines a line. The analysis
of U can be reduced to the case of the primitive hypercircle associated to
u(t) in the extension K ⊆ K(d).
Theorem 3.6. Let U be the non-primitive hypercircle associated to u(t) =
∈ K(α)(t). Let V be the hypercircle generated by the unit 1
in the
extension K ⊆ K(d). Then, there is an affine inclusion from Fr to Fn,
defined over K, that maps the hypercircle V onto U .
Proof. Taking into account Lemma 2.5, we may assume that u(t) = 1
. Let
φ(t) = (φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) ∈ K(t)
n be the parametrization of U , obtained
from u(t), with respect to the basis B = {1, α, . . . , αn−1}. Similarly, let
ψ(t) = (ψ0(t), . . . , ψr−1(t)) ∈ K
r(t) be the parametrization of the hypercircle
V, associated to u(t), with respect to the basis B⋆ = {1, d, . . . , dr−1}, where
r = [K(d) : K]. The matrix D = (dji) ∈ Mn×r(K) whose columns are the co-
ordinates of di with respect to B induces a K-linear transformation χ : Fr 7→
Fn that maps V onto U . Indeed, as u(t) =
i=0 ψi(t)d
j=0 φj(t)α
j, one
has that
Then φ(t)t = D ψ(t)t. Moreover, χ is one to one, because rank(D) = r.
As a consequence of this theorem, every hypercircle is affinely equivalent,
over K, to a primitive hypercircle. Therefore, the study of hypercircles can
be reduced to the study of primitives hypercircles.
4 Properties at Infinity of a Hypercircle
Circles have a very particular structure at infinity, namely, they pass through
the cyclic points, i.e. [±i : 1 : 0], which are related to the minimal polynomial
defining the circle as a hypercircle as remarked in the introduction. In this
section, we will see that a similar situation occurs for more general primitive
hypercircles. More precisely, let U be the primitive hypercircle defined by the
unit u(t) = at+b
. By Corollary 3.2, U is a parametric affine curve of degree
n. So, there are at most n different points in the hyperplane at infinity. Let
φ(t) = (φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) be the parametrization of U generated by u(t);
recall that φi(t) =
. Thus, projective coordinates of the points attained
by φ(t) are given by [p0(t) : · · · : pn−1(t) : M(t)]. Now, substituting t by
every conjugate σ(−d) of −d, we obtain
[p0(σ(−d)) : · · · : pn−1(σ(−d)) : 0] = [σ(p0(−d)) : · · · : σ(pn−1(−d)) : 0]
We prove next that these points are the points of the hypercircle at infinity.
Lemma 4.1. Let U be a primitive hypercircle associated to the unit u(t) =
. The n points at infinity are
Pj = [σj(p0(−d)) : · · · : σj(pn−1(−d)) : 0], 1 ≤ j ≤ n
where σj are the K-automorphisms of the normal closure of L = K(α) over
Proof. First of all, observe that gcd(p0, . . . , pn−1,M) = 1, and hence Pj
are well defined. Moreover, pi(−d) 6= 0, for every i ∈ {0, . . . , n − 1},
since pi(t) ∈ K[t] is of degree at most n and, thus, if pi(−d) = 0, then
= c ∈ K and the hypercircle would be contained in a hyperplane.
But this is impossible since U is primitive (see Corollary 3.2). It remains
to prove that they are different points. Suppose that two different tuples
define the same projective point. We may suppose that P1 = Pj. P1
verifies that
i=0 pi(−d)α
i = (−ad + b)m(−d) 6= 0 and Pj verifies that∑n−1
i=0 pi(σj(−d))α
i = (aσj(−d) + b)m(σj(−d)) = 0. Thus, Pj is contained in
the projective hyperplane
i=0 α
iXi = 0, but not P1. Hence, P1 6= Pj.
Let us check that, as in the case of circles, the points at infinity of prim-
itive α-hypercircles do not depend on the particular hypercircle.
Theorem 4.2. For a fixed extension K ⊆ K(α) of degree n, the set of points
at the infinity P = {P1, . . . , Pn} of any primitive hypercircle does not depend
on the particular α-hypercircle U , but only on the algebraic extension and on
the primitive element α. Moreover, the set P is characterized by the following
{X0 + αjX1 + · · ·+ α
j Xn−1 = 0} ∩ U = P \ {Pj},
where αj = σj(α) are the conjugates of α in F, 1 ≤ j ≤ n, and U is the
projective closure of U .
Proof. Let U be the primitive α-hypercircle generated be a unit u(t) = at+b
U has the projective parametrization [p0(t) : · · · : pn−1(t) : M(t)]. Let
Pj = [σj(p0(−d)) : · · · : σj(pn−1(−d)) : 0]. Its evaluation in the equation of
hyperplane X0 + αkX1 + . . .+ α
k Xn−1, yields:
k = σk
σ−1k ◦ σj(pi(−d))α
(a(σ−1k ◦ σj(−d)) + b)m(σ
k ◦ σj(−d))
If j = k, the previous expression equals σk ((−ad + b)m(−d)) 6= 0. If j 6= k,
then σ−1k ◦ σj(−d) is a conjugate of −d, different from −d, because −d is a
primitive element. So m(σ−1k ◦ σj(−d)) = 0.
In order to show that this point does not depend on a particular hyper-
circle, take the n hyperplanes X0 + αkX1 + · · ·+ α
k Xn−1 = 0, k = 1 . . . n.
Every point at infinity of a hypercircle is contained in exactly n− 1 of those
hyperplanes. Also, any of these hyperplanes contains exactly n− 1 points at
infinity of the hypercircle. One point at infinity may be computed by solving
the linear system given by any combination of n−1 hyperplanes. The matrix
of the linear system is a Vandermonde matrix, each row depending on the
corresponding αk, so there is only one solution.
Remark 4.3. Notice that this theorem provides a n-simplex combinatorial
structure of the points at infinity of any primitive hypercircle.
The following result shows that the points at infinity can be read directly
from the minimal polynomial of α.
Proposition 4.4. Let Mα(t) be the minimal polynomial of α over K. Let
mα(t) =
i ∈ K(α)[t], where ln−1 = 1. Then, the points at
infinity of every primitive α-hypercircle are [l0 : l1 : · · · : ln−2 : ln−1 : 0] and
its conjugates.
Proof. We consider the symmetric polynomial r(x, y) =
. Substi-
tuting (x, y) by (t, α) we obtain that
r(t, α) =
= mα(t).
That is, mα(t) is symmetric in t and α. Take now the hypercircle induced
by the unit 1
. By Lemma 4.1, we already know that one point
at infinity is [p0(α) : · · · : pn−1(α) : 0], where mα(t) =
i. By
i=0 pi(t)α
i=0 pi(α)t
i. That is, pi(α) = li. Thus, the
points at infinity are [l0 : l1 : · · · : ln−2 : 1 : 0] and its conjugates.
Next result deals with the tangents of a hypercircle at infinity, and it
explains again why parabolas can not be hypercircles.
Proposition 4.5. The tangents to a primitive hypercircle at the points at
infinity are not contained in the hyperplane at infinity.
Proof. Let U be the primitive α-hypercircle generated by at+b
, and [p0(t) :
· · · : pn−1(t) :M(t)] the projective parametrization generated by the unit. In
the proof of Lemma 4.1, we have seen that pn−1(t) is not identically 0, because
pn−1(−d) 6= 0. So, we can dehomogenize w.r.t. the variable Xn−1, obtaining
the affine parametrization (
, . . . ,
) of U on another affine
chart. We have to check that the tangents to the curve at the intersection
points with the hyperplane Xn−1 = 0 are not contained in this hyperplane.
The points of C in the hyperplane Xn−1 = 0 are obtained by substituting t
by σ(−d). The last coordinate of the tangent vector is
M ′(t)pn−1(t)−M(t)p
We evaluate this expression at σ(−d). M(σ(−d)) = 0 and, as all its roots are
different in F, M ′(σ(−d)) 6= 0. We also know that σ(pn−1(−d)) 6= 0. Hence,
the last coordinate of the tangent vector is non-zero. Thus, the tangent line
is not contained in the hyperplane at infinity.
Finally, we present a property of hypercircles that can be derived from
the knowledge of its behavior at infinity. We remark a property of circles
stating that given three different points in the plane, there is exactly one
circle passing through them (which is a line if they are collinear). The result
is straightforward if we recall that there is only one conic passing throught
five points. In the case of circles, we have the two points at infinity already
fixed, so, given three points in the affine plane there will only be a conic
(indeed a circle if it passes through the cyclic points at infinity) through them.
Even if hypercircles are curves in n-space, surprisingly, the same occurs for
We are going to prove that, given 3 different points in Kn, there is ex-
actly one hypercircle passing through them. If the points are not in general
position, the resulting hypercircle needs not to be a primitive one. First, we
need a lemma that states what are the points over K of the hypercircle that
are reachable by the parametrization.
Lemma 4.6. Let U be the α–hypercircle, non necessarily primitive, associ-
ated to u(t) = at+b
with induced parametrization Φ(t). Φ(K) = U ∩Kn \ {ā}
with a =
i=0 aiα
i, ā = (a0, . . . , an−1).
Proof. We already know that Φ(t) is proper and, obviously, Φ(K) ⊆ U ∩Kn,
also, ā is not reachable by Φ(t), since otherwise one would have that a = u(λ)
for some λ, and this implies that ad − b = 0, which is impossible since u(t)
is a unit. In order to prove the other inclusion, write as before φi(t) =
where M(t) is the minimal polynomial of −d over K. Then, we consider the
ideal I over F[t, X̄ ] generated by (p0(t)−X0M(t), . . . , pn−1(t)−Xn−1M(t)),
where X̄ = (X0, . . . , Xn−1), and the ideal J = I + (ZM(t)− 1) ⊆ F[Z, t, X̄].
Let I1 be the first elimination ideal of I; i.e. I1 = I ∩ F[X̄ ] and let J2 be
the second elimination ideal of J ; i.e. J2 = J ∩ F[X̄]. Observe that I ⊆ J
and therefore I1 ⊆ J2. Note that U = V (J2); i.e. U is the variety defined
by J2 over F. Thus U ⊆ V (I1). Now, let us take x̄ ∈ (U ∩ K
n) \ {ā}.
Then x̄ ∈ V (I1). Observe that, by construction, the leading coefficient of
pi(t) − XiM(t) w.r.t. t is ai − Xi. Therefore, since x̄ 6= ā one has that at
least one of the leading coefficients of the polynomials in I w.r.t. t does
not vanish at x̄. Thus, applying the Extension Theorem (see Theorem 3,
pp. 117 in [5]), there exists t0 ∈ F such that (t0, x̄) ∈ V (I). This implies
that pi(t0) − xiM(t0) = 0 for i = 1 . . . n − 1. Let us see that M(t0) 6= 0.
Indeed, if M(t0) = 0 then pi(t0) is also zero for every index and therefore
gcd(p0(t), . . . , pn−1(t),M(t)) 6= 1, which is impossible. Hence Φ is defined at
t0 and Φ(t0) = x̄. To end up, we only need to show that t0 ∈ K. For this
purpose, we note that the inverse of Φ(t) is given by
P (X̄) =
i + b∑
Xiαi − a
Now, since x̄ 6= ā one deduces that P (x̄) is well defined, and the only pa-
rameter value generating x̄ is t0 = P (x̄). Hence, the gcd of the polynomi-
als pi(t) − xiM(t) is a power of (t − t0). Thus, taking into account that
pi,M ∈ K[t], one deduces that t0 ∈ K. Finally, it only remains to state that
ā is generated when t takes the value of the infinity of K. But this follows
taking Φ(1/t) and substituting by t = 0.
Proposition 4.7. Let Xi = (Xi0, . . . , Xi,n−1) ∈ K
n ⊆ Fn, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 be three
different points. Then, there exists only one α–hypercircle passing through
Proof. Let Yi =
j=0 Xijα
j ∈ K(α), 1 ≤ i ≤ 3. Consider the following
linear homogeneous system in a, b, c, d:
b = Y1d, a+ b = Y2(c+ d), a = Y3c
Observe that, if the three points are different, there is only one projective
solution, namely [a : b : c : d] where a = Y1Y3 − Y3Y2, b = Y1Y2 − Y1Y3,
c = Y1 − Y2, d = Y2 − Y3.
Take the unit u(t) = at+b
. It verifies that u(0) = Y1, u(1) = Y2, u(∞) =
Y3. Then, the hypercircle associated to u passes through X1, X2, X3. In
order to prove that this hypercircle is unique, let v be the unit associated to
a hypercircle passing through the three points and ψ(t) the parametrization
induced by v(t). By Lemma 4.6, as Xi ∈ K
n, the point Xi is reached for a
parameter value ti in K∪{∞}. So, there are three values t1, t2, t3 ∈ K∪{∞}
such that v(ti) = Yi. Let τ(t) ∈ K(t) be the unique unit associated to the
transformation of the projective line P(F) into itself given by τ(0) = t1,
τ(1) = t2, τ(∞) = t3. Then v(τ(t)) = u(t) and both units represents the
same hypercircle.
5 Parametrization and Implicitation of a Hy-
In this section, we will provide specific methods to parametrize and implic-
itate hypercircles. These methods show the power of the rich structure of
hypercircles, simplifying problems that are usually much harder in general.
Given a unit u(t) defining U , it is immediate to obtain a parametrization
of U (see Section 2). If U is given by implicit equations (as it is usually
the case in Weil’s descente method), the next proposition shows how to
parametrize it.
Proposition 5.1. The pencil of hyperplanes X0+X1α+ · · ·+Xn−1α
n−1 = t
parametrizes the primitive α–hypercircle U .
Proof. Let I be the implicit ideal of U . Note that, since U is K−rational it is
K-definable, and hence a set of generators of I can be taken inK[X0, . . . , Xn−1].
Let u(t) be any unit associated with U and (φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) the induced
parametrization. Let v(t) be the inverse unit of u(t), u(v(t)) = v(u(t)) = t.
Then (φ0(v(t)), . . . , φn−1(v(t))) = (ψ0(t), . . . , ψn−1(t)) = Ψ(t) is another
parametrization of U which is no more defined over K but over K(α). The
later parametrization is in standard form [10], that is
◦ v(t) = u ◦ v(t) = t.
This implies that the pencil of hyperplanes Ht ≡ X0+X1α+· · ·+Xn−1α
parametrizes U . Indeed, if Ψ(t) is defined, Ht ∩U consists in n− 1 points at
infinity of U (Theorem 4.2) and Ψ(t) itself. We deduce that ψi(t)−Xi belongs
to the ideal I +Ht, which has a set of generators in K(α)(t)[X0, . . . , Xn−1].
So, the parametrization Ψ(t) can be computed from I.
Notice that the obtained parametrization Ψ(t) has coefficients over K(α).
Thus, it is not the parametrization induced by any associated unit u(t).
The interest of obtaining a unit associated to a hypercircle is that it helps
us to solve the problem of reparametrizing a curve over an optimal field
extension of K, see [4]. There, it is shown that given a parametrization
Ψ(t) ∈ K(α)r of a curve there is a hypercircle associated to it. Any unit
associated to the hypercircle reparametrizes the original curve over K. To
get a parametrization φ(t) over K or, equivalently, a unit u(t) associated to
U , we refer to [10]. In addition, note that the proof of Proposition 4.7 shows
how to construct a unit associated to a hypercircle, when points over K are
known, and therefore a parametrization of it.
The inverse problem, computing implicit equations of a hypercircle from
the parametrization induced by an associated unit, can be performed using
classic implicitation methods. However, the special structure of hypercircles
provides specific methods that might be more convenient.
Proposition 5.2. Let U be a hypercircle associated to the unit u(t), and let
v(t) be the inverse of u(t). Let
ri(X0, . . . , Xn−1)
s(X0, . . . , Xn−1)
where ri, s ∈ K[X0, . . . , Xn−1]. Then, the ideal of U is the elimination ideal
with respect to Z:
I(U) = (r1(X̄), . . . , rn(X̄), s(X̄)Z − 1) ∩ F[X0, . . . , Xn−1].
Proof. Let u(t) = at+b
, then v(t) = −dt+b
. Now, consider
ξi(X0, . . . , Xn−1)α
ηi(X0, . . . , Xn−1)α
where ξi, ηj ∈ K(X0, . . . , Xn−1) and ηi =
. The map ξ : Fn −→
Fn, ξ = (ξ0, . . . , ξn−1) is birational and its inverse is η = (η0, . . . , ηn−1).
ηi(ξ0(X̄), . . . , ξn−1(X̄))α
i = v
is an equality in K(α)(X0, . . . , Xn−1). We deduce that
ξ0(X0, . . . , Xn−1), . . . , ξn−1(X0, . . . , Xn−1)
It is clear that U is the image of the line L ≡ {X1 = 0, . . . , Xn−1 = 0} under
the map ξ, U = ξ(L). The set of points where ξ is not defined is the union of
the hyperplanes
i=0 σj(α)
iXi + σj(d) = 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ n. The intersection of
these hyperplanes with L is the set of points (−σ(d)j, 0, . . . , 0), 1 ≤ j ≤ n.
Thus, for a generic p ∈ L, ξ(p) is defined and belongs to U . The result is
similar for the inverse map η. The set of points where η is not defined is the
union of the hyperplanes
i=0 σj(α)
iXi − σj(a) = 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ n. These n
hyperplanes intersect U in at most one affine point, see Proposition 5.1. So,
for a generic p ∈ U , η(p) is again defined and belongs to L. Let us compute
now the points X̄ such that η(X̄) is defined, but it does not belong to the
domain of ξ. If X̄ is such a point, then
iηi(X̄) + σj(d) = 0.
As ηi is defined over K, applying σj to the definition of η, we obtain that
= −σj(d)
But σj(v) =
−σj(d)t+σj (b)
. It follows from Lemma 4.6 that the value −σj(d)
cannot be reached, even in F. Thus, the image of η is contained in the domain
of ξ.
We are ready to prove the theorem, by verifying that the set U \ {s = 0},
which is just eliminating a finite number of points in U , is the set of points X̄
such that ri(X̄) = 0, i ≥ 1 and s(X̄) 6= 0. If X̄ ∈ U\{s = 0}, then η is defined
and η(X̄) = (η0(X̄), 0, . . . , 0). Hence ηi(X̄) = ri(X̄) = 0. Conversely, if X̄ is
a point such that ri(X̄) = 0 and s(X̄) 6= 0, then η(X̄) is defined and belongs
to L. It is proven that ξ is defined in η(X̄), so X̄ = ξ(η(X̄)) ∈ ξ(L) = U . The
thesis of the theorem follows taking the Zariski closure of U \ {s = 0}.
This method to compute the implicit equations of U is not free from
elimination techniques, as it has to eliminate the variable Z. However, it has
the advantage that it yields already an ideal in F[X0, . . . , Xn−1] defined over
K and such that it describes a non trivial variety containing the hypercircle.
Namely, (r1(X̄), . . . , rn−1(X̄)) are polynomials over K whose zero set contains
the hypercircle. The following example shows that the elimination step is
necessary in some cases.
Example 5.3. Let Q ⊆ Q(α) be the algebraic extension defined by α3+α2−
3 = 0. Let us consider the unit u(t) =
. Its inverse is v(t) =
A parametrization of U is
φ(t) =
2t3 + 6t2 + 7t+ 3
t3 + 4t2 + 5t− 1
t3 + 6t2 + 9t+ 2
t3 + 4t2 + 5t− 1
t2 + 4t+ 1
t3 + 4t2 + 5t− 1
A Gröbner basis of the ideal of the curve is
I := {x21 − x2x0 − x2x1 − x1 + x2, x0x1 − x2x0 − 3x
2 − 2x1 + 4x2,
x20 − 3x2x1 − 2x0 + 2x1 + 3x2 − 2}.
Then, proposition 5.2 states that this ideal is
I = (r1(x0, x1, x2), r2(x0, x1, x2), s(x0, x1, x2)Z − 1) ∩ F[x0, x1, x2]
r1 = 2 − 8x2 + 4x2x0 + 6x
2x0 + 17x2x1 + x2x
0 + 3x1 − 3x
1x2 + x
0 − x
0x1 +
4x0x1 − 12x
2 − 8x
1 + 9x
2 + 3x
1 − 3x
0 − 9x0x1x2,
r2 = −2 − 7x2 + 4x2x0 − x2x1 + 8x1 − 2x0 − 2x0x1 + 6x
2 − 2x
1 + x
s = 9x32 + 6x
2x0 − 12x
2 + 5x2x0 − 17x2 − 3x
1x2 − 9x0x1x2 + x2x
0 + 24x2x1 +
3x31 + 8x0 + 4x0x1 − 5x
0 − x
0x1 + 5x1 − 9x
1 − 7 + x
But, if we take J = (r1, r2), then J ( I. The saturation of J with respect to
I is J : I∞ = (x21 − x0x2 − x1x2 − 2x1 + 3x2 + 1, x0x1 − x0x2 − 3x
2 − x0 −
2x1 + 2x2 + 2, x
0 − 3x1x2 − 4x0 + 3x2 + 4)
This ideal corresponds to the union of the line
−αx0 +3x2 = −2α
(α + α2)x0 −3x1 = −3 + 2α + 2α
and its conjugates.
Next theorem shows an alternative method to implicitate a hypercircle
without using any elimination techniques. It is based on properties of the
normal rational curve of degree n.
Theorem 5.4. Let ϕ(t) = (
, . . . ,
) be a proper parametrization of
a primitive hypercircle U with coefficients in F. Let I be the homogeneous
ideal of the rational normal curve of degree n in P(F)
given by a set of
homogeneous generators h1(Ȳ ), . . . , hr(Ȳ ). Let Q ∈ Mn+1×n+1(F) be the
matrix that carries {q0(t), . . . , qn−1(t), N(t)} onto {1, t, . . . , t
n}. Let
fi(X̄) = hi
Q0jXj , . . . ,
, 1 ≤ i ≤ r.
Then {f1, . . . , fr} is a set of generators of the homogeneous ideal of U .
Proof. If the parametrization is proper, {q0(t), . . . , qn−1(t), N(t)} is a basis
of the polynomials of degree at most n. This follows from the fact shown in
Corollary 3.2 that a primitive hypercircle is not contained in any hyperplane.
Note that a projective point X̄ belongs to U if and only if Q(X̄) belongs to
the rational normal curve, if and only if hi(Q(X̄)) = 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ r.
Remark 5.5.
• It is well known that the set of polynomials {YiYj−1−Yi−1Yj | 1 ≤ i, j ≤
n} is a generator set of I (see [6]).
• Notice that it is straightforward to compute Q from the parametrization.
Therefore, we have an effective method to compute the implicit ideal of
the projective closure of U . The affine ideal of U can be obtained by
dehomogenization Xn = 1.
• If the parametrization is given by polynomials over an algebraic exten-
sion K(β) of K, then the coefficients of fi belongs to K(β). Moreover,
if we write fi(X̄) =
j=0 fij(X̄)β
j, with fij ∈ K[X̄ ], then, {fij} is a
set of generators over K of the hypercircle U .
• In practice, this method is much more suited to compute an implicita-
tion of a hypercircle than the method presented in Proposition 5.2.
Example 5.6. The implicit equations of a hypercircle can be computed by
classical implizitation methods, for example Gröbner basis or with the two
methods presented in Proposition 5.2 and Theorem 5.4. Here, we present two
cases that show the practical behavior of these methods. The first example
considers the algebraic extension Q ⊆ Q(α), where α4 + α2 − 3 and the unit
. The parametrization of the hypercircle is given by
t4 + 15t3 + 22t2 + 101t− 195
t4 + 10t3 − 17t2 − 366t+ 233
, φ1 =
−11t3 − 73t2 + 65t− 114
t4 + 10t3 − 17t2 − 366t+ 233
2t3 + 57t2 − 25t− 59
t4 + 10t3 − 17t2 − 366t+ 233
, φ3 =
−t4 − 6t3 + 4t2 + 17t− 56
t4 + 10t3 − 17t2 − 366t+ 233
The second example starts from the extension Q ⊆ Q(β), where β is such
that β4+3β+1 = 0. Here, the unit defining U is u =
and the
parametrization induced by u(t) is
t4 + 11t3 + 47t2 + 95t+ 72
t4 + 13t3 + 62t2 + 126t+ 81
, ψ1 =
t4 + 7t3 + 15t2 + 17t+ 9
t4 + 13t3 + 62t2 + 126t+ 81
−t4 − 10t3 − 31t2 − 23t
t4 + 13t3 + 62t2 + 126t+ 81
, ψ3 =
t3 + 13t2 + 42t+ 36
t4 + 13t3 + 62t2 + 126t+ 81
The running times for computing the implicit ideal (using a Mac Xserver
with 2 processors G5 2.3 GHz, 2 Gb RAM Maple 10) are
Example 1 Example 2
Gröbner basis method 0.411 0.332
Proposition 5.2 2.094 2.142
Theorem 5.4 0.059 0.021
We refer the interested reader to [11] for a brief discussion and compari-
son of the running times of these algorithms.
6 Characterization of Hypercircles
In the introduction, we defined algebraically a circle as the conic such that its
homogeneous part is x2 + y2 and contains an infinite number of real points.
The condition on the homogeneous part is equivalent to impose that the curve
passes through the points at infinity [±i : 1 : 0]. Analogously, hypercircles
are regular curves of degree n with infinite points over the base field passing
through the points at infinity described in Theorem 4.2. The following result
shows that this is a characterization of these curves.
Theorem 6.1. Let U ⊆ Fn be an algebraic set of degree n such that all whose
components are of dimension 1. Then, it is a primitive α-hypercircle if and
only if it has an infinite number of points with coordinates in K and passes
through the set of points at infinity characterized in Theorem 4.2.
Proof. The only if implication is trivial. For the other one, let U ⊆ Fn be
an algebraic set of pure dimension 1 and degree n passing through P =
{P1, . . . , Pn}, the n points at infinity of a primitive α-hypercircle. Suposse
that U has infinite points with coordinates in K. Then, we are going to prove
that U is irreducible. Let W be an irreducible component of U with infinite
points in K. Note that, since W is irreducible and contains infinitely many
points over K, the ideal I(W) over F is generated by polynomials over K
(see Lemma 2 in [3]). Let q be any point at infinity of W; then q ∈ P . As W
is K-definable it follows that W also contains all conjugates of q. Thus, P is
contained in the set of points at infinity of W. It follows that W is of degree
at least n; since W ⊆ U , U = W. Therefore, U is irreducible and I(U) is
generated by polynomials with coefficients over K. Now, consider the pencil
of hyperplanes Ht ≡ X0+X1α+· · ·+Xn−1α
n−1−t, where t takes values in F.
Notice that Ht ∩ P = {P2, . . . , Pn}. Thus, P1 ∈ U \Ht so, for all t, U 6⊆ Ht.
Moreover, for every point p = (p0, . . . , pn−1) ∈ U , t(p) =
i=0 piα
i ∈ F is
such thatH t(p)∩U = {p, P2, . . . , Pn}. The cardinal of {t(p) | t ∈ U} is infinite,
since otherwise, by the irreducibility of U , it would imply that there is a t0
such that U ⊆ Ht0 , which is impossible. So, for generic t, the intersection
is H t ∩ U = {p(t), P2, . . . , Pn}. Let us check that the coordinates of p(t) are
rational functions in K(α)(t). Take the ideal I(U) of U . The ideal of p(t)
(as a point in F(t)n) is I +Ht, defined over K(α)(t). The reduced Gröbner
basis of the radical I +Ht is of this kind (X0 − ψ0, . . . , Xn−1 − ψn−1) and it
is also defined over K(α)(t)[X0, . . . , Xn−1]. Hence, (ψ0, . . . , ψn−1) is a K(α)-
parametrization of U . Thus, since U is irreducible, it is rational. Moreover∑n−1
i=0 (ψi(t))α
i = t and the parametrization is proper. As the curve is rational
and has an infinite number of points over K, it is parametrizable over K (it
follows, for example from the results in [14]). Let u(t) be a unit such that
Ψ◦u(t) = (φ0(t), . . . , φn−1(t)) is a parametrization over K, where φi(t) ∈ K(t)
i=0 φi(t)α
i = u(t). We conclude that U is the hypercircle associated
to the unit u(t).
Remark that a parametric curve, definable over K and with a regular
point over K, is parametrizable over the same field; for this, it is enough to
K-birationally project the curve over a plane, such that the K-regular point
stays regular on the projection, and then apply the results in [14]. Then, a
small modification of the proof above, yields the following:
Theorem 6.2. Let U ⊆ Fn be a 1-dimensional irreducible algebraic set of
degree n, definable over K . Then, it is a primitive α-hypercircle if and only
if it has a regular point with coordinates in K and passes through the set of
points at infinity characterized in Theorem 4.2.
7 An Application
As mentioned in the introduction, hypercircles play an important role in the
problem of the optimal-algebraic reparametrization of a rational curve (see
[3], [4], [10] [12], [13] for further details). Roughly speaking, the problem
is as follows. Given a rational K–definable curve C by means of a proper
rational parametrization over K(α), decide whether C can be parametrized
over K and, in the affirmative case, find a change of parameter transforming
the original parametrization into a parametrization over K. In [4], a K–
definable algebraic variety in Fn, where n = [K(α) : K], is associated to
C. This variety is called the associated Weil (descente) parametric variety.
In [4], it is proved that this Weil variety has exactly one one-dimensional
component iff C is K–definable (which is our case) and, in this case, C can
be parametrized over K iff this one-dimensional component is a hypercircle.
Moreover, if it is a hypercircle a proper rational parametrization over K of
the hypercircle generates the change of parameter one is looking for; namely
its generating unit.
In the following example, we illustrate how to use the knowledge of the
geometry of hypercircles to help solving the problem. Suppose given the
parametric curve
C ≃ (η1(t), η2(t)) =
(−2t4 − 2t3)α− 2t4
6α2t2 + (4t3 − 2)α+ t4 − 8t
6α2t2 + (4t3 − 2)α + t4 − 8t
where α is algebraic over Q with minimal polynomial x3 + 2. We follow
Weil’s descente method presented in [4] to associate a hypercircle to C. The
method consists in writing ηi(
j=0 tjα
. In this situation
C is Q−definable if and only if
V = V (q11, q12, q21, q22) \ V (N)
is of dimension 1. Moreover, C is Q-parametrizable if and only if the one-
dimensional component of V is an α-hypercircle. For this example, the equa-
tions of V are:
V = V (2t30t2 − 4t
2 + 3t
1 + 2t
1t2 + 2t0t
2 + 2t
1t2 − t
0t1 + 6t0t1t
0t1t2 +
2, 12t
2t20t1t2 + 4t
2 − 4t0t
2, 9t0t
2 − 9t
2 − 2t
0t2 − 2t
1t2 + 6t0t1t
2 − 2t
2 + t
0t1 −
2, 6t
2, 6t
2, 18t2t
2, 6t0t
1t2+ t
2− 8t1t
2t0, 9t
36t42t1 − 4t
0t2 − 4t
1t2 + 12t0t1t
2 − 4t
2 + 2t
0t1 − 4t
1t2 − 4t0t
2, 6t
1 + 48t
2, 3t
2 + 2t0t
2, 27t
1 − 27t0t
2 − 9t
2 + 9t
2t1 − 2t
0t2 − 2t
1t2 + 6t0t1t
2 − 2t
t20t1 − 2t
1t2 − 2t0t
2, 6t
0 + 12t
2t1 − 5t0t1t
2 + 2t
2, t0t
2t1 + 2t
Thus the main point is to verify that this curve is a hypercircle. If V is a
hypercircle, then its points at infinity must be as in Theorem 6.1. So, let us
first of all check whether this is the case. The set of generators of the defining
ideal form a Gröbner basis with respect to a graded order, thus to compute
the points at infinity we take the set of leading forms of these polynomials.
Leading forms= {t40 − 2t0t
1 − 6t
0t1t2 − 12t
2 − 8t0t
2, 2t
0t2 − 4t
2 +3t
2t31t2 + 6t0t1t
2, 9t0t
2 − 9t
2, 12t
1 − 9t0t1t
2 + 6t
2, 6t
2 + 12t
2, 6t
2, 18t2t
2t1, t0t
2, 6t0t
2t0, 9t
2t1, 6t
2 − 36t
2t0, 3t
1t0 + 6t0t1t
2, 27t
1 − 27t0t
2, 6t
0 + 12t
The solutions of this system, after dehomogenizing {t2 = 1}, are t0 =
t21, t
1 + 2 = 0. That is, the points at infinity are of the form [α
i : αi : 1 : 0],
= x2 + αx + α2. Thus, by Proposition 4.4, the points at infinity of V
remind those of an α-hypercircle.
Now, following Proposition 5.1, we may try to parametrize V by the pencil
of hyperplanes t0 + αt1 + α
2t2 − t. Doing so, we obtain the parametrization
(α2 + 2αt+ t2)t
3αt+ α2 + 3t2
3αt+ α2 + 3t2
−1/2αt2(t+ α)
3αt+ α2 + 3t2
Remark that this parametrization can also be computed by means of inverse
computation techniques as described in [13]. Then, by direct computation, we
observe that the parametric irreducible curve defined by this parametrization
is of degree 3, passes through the point (0, 0, 0) and this point is regular.
Moreover, it is Q-definable, since it is the only 1-dimensional component of
V (see [4]), which is, by construction, a Q-definable variety. It follows from
6.2 that it is a hypercircle.
Then, from this parametrization, the algorithm presented in [10] com-
putes a unit u(t) = 2
associated to V. So, V is the hypercircle associated
to u(t) and C is parametrizable over Q. In particular, the parametrization
of V associated to u(t) is
. Moreover, the unit u(t) gives
the change of parameter we need to compute a parametrization of C over the
base field (see [4]), namely:
η (u(t)) =
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Definition and First Properties
Main Geometric Properties.
Properties at Infinity of a Hypercircle
Parametrization and Implicitation of a Hypercircle
Characterization of Hypercircles
An Application
0704.1385 | Decreasing families of dynamically determined intervals in the power-law
family | 7 Decreasing families of dynamically determined
intervals in the power-law family
Waldemar Pa luba∗
Institute of Mathematics
Warsaw University
Banacha 2
02-097 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
We study the rate of growth of ratios of intervals delimited by
the post-critical orbit of a map in the quasi-quadratic family x 7→
−|x|α+a. The critical order α is an arbitrary real number α > 1. The
range of the parameter a is confined to an interval (1, aα) of length
depending on the critical order. We prove that in every power-law
family there is a unique parameter pα corresponding to the kneading
sequence RLRRRLRC. Subsequently, we obtain monotonicity results
concerning ratios of all intervals labeled by infinite post-critical orbit
in the case of the kneading sequence RLRL... This extends the results
from [9], via refinement of the tools based on special properties of
power-law mappings in non-euclidean metric.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary 37D05.
1 Introduction
In this paper we continue our work done in [9] on families of unimodal quasi-
quadratic maps of the form fa(x) = −|x|
α + a, with a real parameter a and
an arbitrary – in general non-integer – fixed exponent α > 1 .
∗Partially supported by a KBN grant no. 2 PO3A 010 22.
The problem of monotone behaviour of the dynamics in such a family has
been first successfully solved for the strictly quadratic case α = 2 . The tools
initially developed for the quadratic case (see e.g [2], [6], [10], also [11], and
an independent attempt, partly relying on numerical evidence in [1]) were
broadly generalized in the work of Kozlovski-Shen-van Strien, see [3]. There
are also very interesting recent results by G.Levin, concerning uniqueness
of appearance of periodic orbits of given multiplier in the quadratic family
z2 + c. Not only was he able to give a simple proof of Douady-Hubbard-
Sullivan theorem (cf.[4]), but he could continue somewhat beyond the hyper-
bolic domains in the Mandelbrot set also, see [5]. In this work, we focus on
questions closely related to these of Levin’s, though only orbits of periods 2
or 4 appear here. In return, working with real variable tools, we can do all
critical degrees, integer or non-integer, indiscriminately.
Despite of a great deal of progress achieved in the aforementioned papers,
and in other works as well, virtually all those developments are inherently
limited to the case of integer critical degrees. Non-integers clearly require
a fresh and different approach. For any real number α > 1 the power-law
map x 7→ |x|α has negative Schwarzian derivative, and hence it expands the
non-euclidean lengths. This observation has long become one of the key tools
in one-dimensional dynamics. However, the power-law is not just a negative
Schwarzian map. It is a homogeneous map, and in the Poincaré metric with
the element dt
on the positive half-line (0,∞), it is nothing but a linear
map acting as multiplication by the coefficient α, once we set the origin of
the Poincaré coordinates at 1. This simple fact is rather hard to make use
of in a direct way, but carries some strong consequences that can be applied
in a dynamical setting.
In our previous paper on this subject (see [9]), we introduced the tech-
nique of indirect use of linearity of the power-law map in the non-euclidean
metric and exemplified its usefulness in dynamics. There, we studied maps
in the one-parameter quasi-quadratic family fa with the kneading sequence
RRR . . . , that is for the value of the parameter a smaller than 1 . For the
infinite decreasing family of intervals with endpoints labeled by the succes-
sive points of the post-critical orbit we proved that the ratio of any two such
intervals is a function monotone in parameter a . This means, we studied the
situation which arises before the orbit of the critical point becomes a super-
stable orbit of period 2 . It is clear that this period 2 super-sink situation
arises only once in our family.
In the current work, we further develop our tools in order to examine
the case of some parameters greater than 1, where the length of the interval
(1, aα) to which those parameters are confined depends on the critical order
α > 1 . In particular we shall be able to deal with kneading sequences of the
form RLRL . . . , proving monotonicity of the ratios, in the respective decreas-
ing families, of intervals delimited by the post-critical orbit. As a step in the
build-up of the above techniques, we shall also establish uniqueness of the
period 8 super-sink, corresponding to the kneading sequence RLRRRLRC,
in every power-law family (even when it does not admit a holomorphic ex-
tension!); uniqueness of the period 4 super-sink RLRC is elementary and
follows along the way.
2 Notation and preliminaries
To begin with, we set some notation in conformance with that of [9]. The
names non-euclidean and Poincaré we be used interchangeably.
The Poincaré coordinate of a point x in an oriented, open interval (p, q)
will be denoted by
pp,q(x) = ln
q − x
and respectively pp,∞(x) = ln(x− p); also pp,−∞(x) = ln |x− p|.
To single out the non-euclidean metric on the half-line, which turns the
mapping h into a linear map, we will coin the term nonlinearity of an interval
for the length of this interval measured in the Poincaré metric on (0,∞).
Under this convention, the integral of nonlinearity of h over an interval (p, q)
equals, up to a multiplicative constant, to the nonlinearity of the domain of
Given an orientation preserving homeomorphism ϕ : (p, q) → (r, s) we
shall observe the ‘bar’ notation for its counterpart in the non-euclidean co-
ordinates, i.e. the mapping ϕp,q : R → R defined by the formula
ϕp,q(t) = pr,s
The non-euclidean push of ϕ at a point x ∈ (p, q) is, by definition, the
pr,s (ϕ(x)) − pp,q(x) .
By the strength of a push we mean its absolute value.
By ϕ+p,q and ϕ
p,q we denote the finite or infinite limits
ϕ+p,q = lim
(ϕ(t) − t)
ϕ−p,q = lim
(ϕ(t) − t) ,
provided they exist.
When ϕ is the restriction of the homogeneous map h(x) = xα to an inter-
val (p, q) ⊆ (0,∞) we shall always put h or h in place of ϕ or ϕ respectively.
For a fixed exponent α > 1, let fa = −|x|
α + a , and the successive points
of the orbit of the critical point will simply be denoted by na = f
a (0) .
Moreover, homogeneity of the power-law map allows for the linear change
of coordinates, na 7→ na/1a , so that we can set 0a = 0, 1a = 1 and the
dependence on the parameter a turns into the dependence on the value of
2a in these new coordinates. For a > 1 this rescaled value of 2a is in the
interval (−1, 0) – so long as the post-critical orbit does not escape to infinity
– and the quantity p0,1(|2a|), which for obvious reason we will denote by ā , is
increasing simultaneously with a. Throughout this work, this very quantity
will be chosen as our new parameter, and it is always tacitly assumed that
the rescaling na 7→ na/1a has been done.
We now record several observations concerning one-dimensional non-euclidean
coordinates. Below, they are stated as propositions, verifiable by elementary
calculations derived directly from the definition of the Poincaré metric.
Proposition 2.1 For any x ∈ (−∞, 0) the following two Poincaré coordi-
nates coincide
p0,−∞(x) = px,1(0).
Proof. We have p0,−∞(x) = ln (−x) = ln
= px,1(0). �
Proposition 2.2 For any x ∈ (−1, 0) the following two Poincaré coordi-
nates coincide
p1,−1(x) = px,−x
p−1x,1 (p0,−1(x))
Proof. The identity in question is tantamount to ln x−1
= ln c−x
1 + x
x + c
, (2.1)
where c = p−1x,1(p0,−1(x)), i.e. px,1(c) = p0,−1(x). But this last equality means
, and further c = x2, so that (2.1) follows. �
Given a point x ∈ (−∞, 0), we then pick a point y ∈ (x, 0). We shall let
the point x vary, by which we mean a choice of another point x̃ ∈ (−∞, 0).
The discrepancy in the non-euclidean coordinate will be denoted by
∆ϑ = p0,−∞(x̃) − p0,−∞(x).
A broader version of Proposition 2.1 is the following
Proposition 2.3 In the above notation we have
p−1x̃,1 (px,1(y) + ∆ϑ)
− px,0(y) = p1,−∞(x̃) − p1,−∞(x).
Proof. We have ∆ϑ = ln x̃
and p1,−∞(x̃) − p1,−∞(x) = ln
. Denote
c = p−1x̃,1(px,1(y) + ∆ϑ), a point characterized by
c− x̃
1 − c
y − x
1 − y
. (2.2)
We will be done once we show c−x̃
= 1−x̃
c− x̃
y − x
1 − x
1 − x̃
. (2.3)
From (2.2) we get x̃
= 1−y
and (2.3) can now be checked im-
mediately. �
Proposition 2.1 is what we get of Proposition 2.3, in place of subtracting
two infinite terms, when we set y = 0. We generalize Proposition 2.2 in a
similar way. Suppose we are given a point x ∈ (−1, 0), and a point y ∈
(x,−x). Again, we let the point x vary by choosing a new point x̃ ∈ (−1, 0).
The discrepancies in the appropriate Poincaré coordinates of the two points
will be denoted by
∆t = p1,−1(x̃) − p1,−1(x) ,
and by
∆θ = p0,−1(x̃) − p0,−1(x)
respectively. A statement parallel to Proposition 2.3 is the following
Proposition 2.4 In the above notation we have
p−1x̃,1 (px,1(y) + ∆θ)
− px,−x(y) = ∆t.
Proof. The point c = p−1x̃,1(px,1(y) + ∆θ) satisfies
= y−x
· 1+x
, which
can be transformed into
c− x̃
1 − y
y − x
1 + x̃
1 − x̃
1 − x
1 − x̃
. (2.4)
We will be done if we show that c−x̃
· x+y
= x̃−1
· 1+x
, which is the same as
x̃ + c
c− x̃
y + x
y − x
1 + x̃
x̃− 1
1 + x
. (2.5)
Since x̃+c
= 1 + 2x̃
, equation (2.5) follows immediately from (2.4). �
Proposition 2.5 Suppose x, x′ ∈ (0, 1) and y ∈ (x, 1). Let y′ be such a point
in (x′, 1) that px′,1(y
′) = px,1(y). Then
′) − p1,0(x) = py′,0(x
′) − py,0(x). (2.6)
Proof. The point y′ is chosen in such a way that y
= y−x
, or 1−x
= 1−x
Identity (2.6) is now immediate. �
3 The period 4 super-sink
In this short section we describe the behavior of the point 4a when we let
the parameter ā vary in such a range, that 3a ∈ (0, 1) and the point 4a stays
within the interval (2a,−2a).
Let a positive number t be the Poincaré coordinate of 2a in the oriented
interval (1,−1), and we set
g(t) = p2a,−2a(4a).
The following theorem holds true.
Theorem 3.1 The inverse function g−1 : R → R+ is strictly increasing, and
g′(t) > 1. In particular, the value g(t) = 0, corresponding to the super-stable
orbit with the kneading sequence RLRC is assumed only once.
Proof. Consider a pair of admissible parameter values ā and ā′, i.e. such
that the orbits 2a, 3a, 4a (and respectively 2a′ , 3a′, 4a′) satisfy the restrains
on the dynamics we set above. Then
∆t = p1,−1(2a′) − p1,−1(2a), while ∆g = p2
(4a′) − p2a,−2a(4a). (3.1)
Applying Proposition 2.4 to this case we get
,1(p2a,1(4a) + (p0,−1(2a′) − p0,−1(2a)))) − p2a,−2a(4a) = ∆t, (3.2)
so, because of monotonicity of the coordinate functions, we only need to
establish that
,1(4a′) − p2a,1(4a) > p0,−1(2a′) − p0,−1(2a). (3.3)
This inequality becomes clear once we split the procedure leading from point
2a (respectively 2a′) to 4a (respectively to 4a′) into three steps. In the
first step, we act on the interval (0,−1) by the restriction of the power-law
map. Thus, due to negative Schwarzian derivative, the initial discrepancy
(p0,−1(2a′) − p0,−1(2a)) in the Poicaré coordinates gets increased. So we see
(3a′) − p1,2a(3a) ≥ p0,−1(2a′) − p0,−1(2a).
In the second step, we turn the interval (0,−1) over, onto the interval
(1, 2a), or onto (1, 2a′) respectively, and then we truncate the image at the
critical point 0. This cut-off only increases the Poincaré coordinate of ev-
ery point, which after the turnover landed in (1, 0), because we now read
the Poincaré coordinate in the interval (1, 0) rather than in a larger domain
(1, 2a), or (1, 2a′) respectively. Moreover, the increase in the Poincaré coordi-
nate inflicted by cutting the domain interval short, is in the case of point 3a
smaller then in the case of 3a′ . This is so, because the endpoint 2a is closer to
the critical point, while the endpoint 2a′ is further away to the left, so of two
corresponding points with identical Poincaré coordinate within the respec-
tive domain intervals (with the other endpoint at 1), the gain in the latter
situation is larger than in the former. But instead of equal coordinates, we
have even better inequality p1,2
(3a′) > p1,2a(3a), which further enlarges the
gain. Thus, in this second step, made of the turnover followed by truncation,
the initial discrepancy grows even further and so
p1,0(3a′) − p1,0(3a) > p1,2
(3a′) − p1,2a(3a).
In the last step, we again act by a negative Schwarzian map stretching
the discrepancy between the Poincaré coordinates yet further, and finally we
make the turnover onto (1, 2a), and respectively onto (1, 2a′), to arrive at
(3.3). Therefore ∆g > ∆t and the proof is complete. �
4 The period 8 super-sink
In the previous section we have established that, when we vary the param-
eter ā , the position of the point 4a within the interval (2a,−2a) changes
monotonically, with the derivative greater than 1. It clearly follows from the
proof, that this derivative actually stays bounded away from 1, in a way that
depends on the critical order α . In section 5 we will study in detail the case
of p2a,−2a(4a) < 0, and describe the behavior of the intervals delimited by the
post-critical orbit with the kneading sequence RLRL . . . .
In here, we will focus on these admissible parameters ā , for which
p2a,−2a(4a) > 0 and p4a,−4a(8a) ≤ 0 , i.e. we are past the (unique) parameter
corresponding to RLRC, but we do not cover the critical point yet another
time. From now on, we are making our choice of the parameter subject to
this restriction. We shall see that, as long as the above condition on the
dynamics is satisfied, the movement of the point 8a is also monotone in pa-
rameter, and in the non-euclidean metric in (4a,−4a) this point moves with
the derivative strictly positive. It will follow that the RLRRRLRC super-
stable orbit appears uniquely in every power-law family. It is a subject of an
ongoing work, that goes beyond the scope of this paper, to examine whether
a claim analogous to that of Theorem 3.1 can be fully extended to larger set
of parameters.
In our current case, the scheme of the argument we used to prove Theorem
3.1, alone will not suffice, and a more delicate technique must be employed.
Yet, some understanding of the way Poincaré coordinates vary remains an
important component. Since, due to the more intricate dynamics, the re-
quired property of the non-euclidean coordinates becomes less self-evident,
we state it as a separate lemma. The points x, y, z below will correspond
to the points 2a, 4a, 8a of the post-critical orbit. The origin of the sum-
mands, which do not have equivalent in the statement of Proposition 2.4 will
be explained later, in the course of the proof of Theorem 4.1 below. Here,
we only indicate that the last term has to do with the limit strength of a
non-euclidean push.
Lemma 4.1 Suppose we are given two triples of points, (x, y, z) and (x̃, ỹ, z̃),
satisfying the following conditions:
(i) x, x̃ ∈ (0,−1) and p0,−1(x̃) > p0,−1(x) ,
(ii) y ∈ (0,−x), ỹ ∈ (0,−x̃) and px̃,1(ỹ) ≥ px,1(y) + (p0,−1(x̃) − p0,−1(x)) ,
(iii) z ∈ (y, 0], z̃ ∈ (ỹ,−ỹ) and pỹ,x̃(z̃) ≥ py,x(z) + (p0,−x̃(ỹ) − p0,−x(y)) +
ln ỹ−x̃
− ((px̃,1(ỹ) − px,1(y)) − (p0,−1(x̃) − p0,−1(x))) .
Then pỹ,−ỹ(z̃) > py,−y(z) .
Proof. It is immediate to check that for arbitrary y, ỹ ∈ (0, 1) one has
pỹ,−1(0) = py,−1(0) + (p0,1(ỹ) − p0,1(y)) + ln
1 + ỹ
1 + y
− (p−1,1(ỹ) − p−1,1(y)) .
We now assume ỹ > y, and allowing z 6= 0 we verify, that for any z ∈ [0, y)
the following generalization of (4.1) holds
ỹ,−1(py,−1(z) + (p0,1(ỹ) − p0,1(y)) + ln
1 + ỹ
1 + y
−(p−1,1(ỹ) − p−1,1(y)))) ≥ py,−y(z). (4.2)
In order to see this, notice that
(p0,1(ỹ) − p0,1(y)) + ln
1 + ỹ
1 + y
− (p−1,1(ỹ) − p−1,1(y)) = ln
and denote c = p−1ỹ,−1(py,−1(z) + ln
), which means c−ỹ
= z−y
c− ỹ
1 + ỹ
1 + z
z − y
1 + ỹ
. (4.3)
We will be done if we show that c−ỹ
≥ z−y
, being equivalent to 2ỹ
+1 ≥ y+z
or ỹ
. The last inequality follows from (4.3), once we recall ỹ ≥ y.
In the next step we extend formula (4.2), allowing x̃ 6= −1. Assuming
1 > −x̃ > ỹ > y > z ≥ 0, we will now show that
ỹ,x̃(py,x̃(z) + (p0,−x̃(ỹ) − p0,−x̃(y))
ỹ − x̃
y − x̃
− (px̃,1(ỹ) − px̃,1(y)))) > py,−y(z). (4.4)
We emphasize that the inequality in formula (4.4) is always sharp, even for
z = 0.
This time, we set
c = py,x̃(z) + (p0,−x̃(ỹ) − p0,−x̃(y)) + ln
ỹ − x̃
y − x̃
− (px̃,1(ỹ) − px̃,1(y)), (4.5)
which means
c− ỹ
x̃− c
z − y
x̃− z
−x̃− ỹ
−x̃− y
1 − ỹ
1 − y
We transform this identity into
x̃− ỹ
c− ỹ
− 1 =
x̃− z
z − y
x̃ + ỹ
x̃ + y
1 − y
1 − ỹ
and further into
c− ỹ
x̃− ỹ
x̃− z
z − y
x̃ + ỹ
x̃ + y
1 − y
1 − ỹ
We will be done if we show pỹ,−ỹ(c) > py,−y(z), i.e.
> z−y
, which is
equivalent to ỹ
, and so it is enough to verify that
x̃− ỹ
x̃− z
z − y
x̃ + ỹ
x̃ + y
1 − y
1 − ỹ
z − y
This inequality can be rewritten as
x̃− z
z − y
x̃ + ỹ
x̃− ỹ
x̃ + y
1 − y
1 − ỹ
z − y
x̃− ỹ
or (recall that y < z, x̃ < 0, ỹ > 0)
(x̃− z)(x̃ + ỹ)y(1 − y) < (x̃ + y)(1 − ỹ)(yx̃− zỹ),
and further
x̃y(1 + x̃)(ỹ − y) < z(ỹ − y)(x̃ỹ + x̃y − x̃ + yỹ).
To conclude, we cancel out (ỹ − y), and observe that
x̃y + x̃ỹ − x̃ + yỹ > x̃(1 + x̃). (4.6)
This is so because (4.6) boils down to the inequality x̃2+x̃(2−y−ỹ)−yỹ < 0,
which is elementarily true for all x̃ ∈ (−1, 0) and y, ỹ ∈ (0, 1). For completion
of the proof we now consider an arbitrary point x ∈ (0, x̃), such that y < −x.
We consider the movement of x-variable from position x to x̃ and apply
Proposition 2.4 twice, first to the induced movement of y-variable, then to
the consequent movement of z-variable. By virtue of that Proposition, we
see that points ŷ and ẑ, determined by the identities
px̃,1(ŷ) = px,1(y) + (p1,−1(x̃) − p1,−1(x))
pŷ,x̃(ẑ) = py,x(z) + (p1,−1(x̃) − p1,−1(x))
satisfy ŷ < ỹ and pŷ,−ŷ(ẑ) = py,−y(z) + (p1,−1(x̃)− p1,−1(x)) > py,−y(z). Thus
obviously ln ỹ−x̃
> ln ỹ−x̃
If ẑ ≥ 0, i.e. pŷ,−ŷ(ẑ) ≤ 0, then keeping x̃ fixed, we then apply formula
(4.4) with ŷ, ẑ in place of y, z, to the effect of yet further increase of the
Poincaré coordinate of z̃ compared to that of ẑ (and so of z itself), measured
within respective symmetric y-domains. In case of pŷ,−ŷ(ẑ) > 0 the image of
point z has already past the midpoint of the (varying) symmetric y-domain
interval while y-variable has been changing from y to ŷ. Again, we then keep
x̃ fixed, to move the y-variable further, from ŷ to ỹ. This time, application
of formula (4.4) can induce some decrease in the Poincaré coordinate of the
outcome – the resulting point p−1ỹx̃ (c), with c as in (4.5), can divide the y-
domain interval (ỹ,−ỹ) in smaller proportion than ẑ did in (ŷ,−ŷ). Anyway,
due to sharp inequality in (4.4) for all z such that py,−y(z) < 0, the midpoint
could only be attained from the other side. In other words, inequality (4.4)
guarantees that the derivative of the induced z-movement, measured in the
respective Poincaré coordinates, is positive (and actually bounded away from
0) as long as the values assumed by the z-variable are non-positive. Thus, in
particular the value 0 can be attained only once, and so if we put a point ẑ
with py,−y(ẑ) > 0 into the formula at the left-hand side of inequality (4.4), we
necessarily end up with a point on the same side of 0. Because the starting
point z was on the other side, the lemma holds in this case too. �
With lemma 4.1 in place, we are in the position to state and prove the
main result of this section.
Theorem 4.1 In the power-law family fa : x 7→ −|x|
α +a, with α > 1, there
exists unique parameter a = a(α) corresponding to the kneading sequence
Proof. In the course of the proof we make use of the tools developed in
section 2 of [9], where we pointed to some consequences of homogeneity of
the power-law mappings. In particular, we had Lemma 2.1 there, asserting
that for any two points q, q̃ ∈ (0, 1) one has
q,1 − h
q̃,1 = (p0,1(h(q)) − p0,1(h(q̃))) − (p0,1(q) − p0,1(q̃)). (4.7)
Speaking colloquially, identity (4.7) tells, that when we move the endpoint
of an interval (1, q) in (1, 0) towards the critical point, then an extra gain in
the Poincaré coordinate, coming from the successive action of the power-law
map, is just enough to make up for the loss (measured in non-euclidean met-
ric in (1, q) and (1, q̃) respectively) suffered because of the simultaneously
increased strength of the limit non-euclidean push towards that moving end-
point. Other propositions and lemmas of section 2 of [9] served to establish,
that this limit situation, corresponding to Poincaré coordinate close to −∞,
is essentially the worst possible, and when we consider an interior point of
a definite Poincaré coordinate rather than the limit case, then the balance
of gains vs. losses is in our favor (”we are never in the red”). We will be
sending upon those properties when necessary, without reproducing them in
this paper.
Proceeding similarly to what we did in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we split
the procedure leading from 4a to 8a , and respectively from 4a′ to 8a′ , into
several steps. First, we increase ā to ā′. Theorem 3.1 yields, in particular,
that p0,−2
(4a′) − p0,−2a(4a) > 0. Next, we act upon 4a′ , and 4a, by the map
h, and under the action of h the above discrepancy gets enlarged. This is
so, because due to homogeneity, we may for the purpose of performing this
step, tentatively set each of the endpoints, −2a′ and respectively −2a, at 1.
Then each of the Poincaré coordinates p0,−2
(4a′), p0,−2a(4a), is transformed
by same, fixed negative Schwarzian map h0,1. In the following step, we
turn each of the intervals (0, h(2a′)), (0, h(2a)) over, and stretch them onto
(1, 3a′) and respectively (1, 3a). The image of 4a′ is 5a′ , and by the so far
described steps, it is clear that p1,3
(5a′)−p1,3−a(5a) > p0,−2
By the truncation argument from the proof of Theorem 3.1, we know that
p1,0(3a′) − p1,0(3a) > ā − a . In particular, the nonlinearity of the interval
(1, 3a′) is larger than that of (1, 3a). Now, we act by the homogeneous map
h again. Notice, that unlike in the case of h0,2
, this time the mapping h1,3
does not coincide with h1,3a . Anyway, we can still claim that in this step the
discrepancy of the respective Poincaré coordinates grows again, i.e
)(h(5a′)) − p1,h(3a)(h(5a)) > p1,3a′ (5a′) − p1,3a(5a) . (4.8)
To this end, we invoke Propositions 2.5 and 2.4 of [9]. From the former, it
follows that the strength of the non-euclidean push generated by h restricted
to some domain, is a monotone function of the nonlinearity of that domain,
when measured for a fixed Poincaré coordinate within the varying domain.
From the latter, we derive that when the domain stays fixed, the strength
of the non-euclidean push of h is monotone in the Poincaré coordinate of
the argument. We have noticed already that the nonlinearity of (1, 3a) is in-
creasing in parameter ā, and also that p1,3
(5a′) > p1,3a(5a) , so the principle
of monotone behaviour of the strength of non-euclidean push can be applied
to the triples of points we consider. This immediately implies the desired
increase in the discrepancy of appropriate Poincaré coordinates, as stated in
Making the next step, we turn the obtained triples (1, h(5a′), h(3a′)) and
(1, h(5a), h(3a)) over, onto (2a′, 6a′ , 4a′), and respectively onto (2a, 6a, 4a), and
then truncate them at the critical point 0. In the proof of Theorem 3.1, as
well as in a step above, we were satisfied to ascertain that this truncation
increases the Poincaré coordinates discrepancy, which in current step would
yield p2
,0(6a′) − p2a,0(6a) > p2a′ ,4a′ (6a′) − p2a,4a(6a), because by Theorem
3.1 we know that p2
(4a′) > p2a,−2a(4a). To proceed further, one more
observation is needed. It is fairly clear that we have following lower bound
on the increase of the Poincaré coordinates discrepancy, generated by the
cut-off at 0:
,0(6a′) − p2a,0(6a) > p2a′ ,4a′ (6a′) − p2a,4a(6a) + ln
4a′ − 2a′
4a − 2a
. (4.9)
The equality in (4.9) is the limit case, attained for infinitesimally short in-
tervals placed at the left-hand endpoints, i.e. when p2a,4a(6a) → −∞ and
simultaneously p2
(6a′) → −∞. For non-infinitesimal intervals satisfying
(6a′) > p2a,4a(6a), the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 3.1
obviously yields sharp inequality in (4.9), and so the growth of the discrep-
ancy gained in the cut-off step is strictly larger than the logarithmic term.
In the following step we once more act by homogeneous map h, and
because h0,2
coincides with h0,2a , the same argument as before gives
,0)(h(6a′)) − ph(2a),0(h(6a)) > p2a′ ,0(6a′) − p2a,0(6a) . (4.10)
This adds yet an extra amount to the discrepancy we consider. We again turn
the intervals (h(2a′), 0) and (h(2a), 0) over and stretch them onto (1, 3a′) and
(1, 3a), with 6a′ going onto 7a′ and 6a going onto 7a respectively. It remains to
examine what happens in the last step, when we act by the respective (non-
coinciding!) restrictions of h to the obtained intervals, before we eventually
return onto (2a′, 4a′) and onto (2a, 4a) by linear rescaling. This is what we
need Lemma 4.1 for. In what follows we verify its assumptions are fulfilled
in our setting.
In this last step we perform, the strength of the non-euclidean push
induced by h| (1,3
) , measured at 7a′ , can be greater than the respective
strength of h| (1,3a) at 7a. This means that the discrepancy accumulated in
all the so far steps can now diminish. However, the identity (4.7) provides a
bound from the above on the amount of possible loss. To see this, we recall
ā′ − ā = p0,−1(2a′) − p0,−1(2a) < p1,0(3a′) − p1,0(3a) , (4.11)
and according to 4.7 we have
,1(4a′) − p2a,1(4a)) − (p1,0(3a′) − p1,0(3a)) = (h
) (4.12)
We know that p3
,1(7a′) > p3a,1(7a) and the interval (1, 3a′) has larger non-
linearity than (1, 3a), so we are in a position to invoke Propositions 2.5 and
2.4 of [9] once more. By them we have
,1(7a′) − p3a,1(7a)) − (p4a′ ,2a′ (8a′) − p4a,2a(8a)) < (h
). (4.13)
The inequalities (4.9), (4.11) and (4.13) put together, provide for fulfillment
of condition (iii) of Lemma 4.1, with the points x, y and z assuming values
2a, 4a and 8a, as indicated before the statement of the lemma. Now the claim
of Theorem 4.1 follows directly from Lemma 4.1, and so we are done. �
We complete this section explicitly recording one extra property, which
we actually proved along the way. Denote the variable τ = p4a,−4a(8a) and
let γ = p2a,−2a(4a). From the proofs of Theorem 4.1 and Lemma 4.1 there
immediately follows
Corrolary 4.1 The function γ = γ(τ) : R− → R+ is strictly increasing in
τ , with the derivative γ′(τ) bounded away from 0 and +∞.
5 RLRLRLRL . . .
In this section we let the parameter ā vary in a range such that the kneading
sequence is RLRL . . . . From Theorem 3.1 it follows immediately that the
range of admissible ā’s is always a half-line (−∞, ā1), with the specific value
of ā1 depending on the critical order α. Upholding the normalization 0a = 0 ,
1a = 1 we have set before, this means the post-critical orbit begins with
2a ∈ (0,−1) , 3a ∈ (1, 0) and 4a ∈ (2a, 0). Then, we get two sequences of
nested intervals, the odds: (1, 3a), (3a, 5a), (5a, 7a) . . . , and the evens: (0, 2a),
(2a, 4a), (4a, 6a) . . . . In terms of multipliers, we either have a period 2 orbit
with negative multiplier, or this periodic orbit had turned into a repeller
and, by bifurcation, there was born a period 4 attracting periodic orbit with
positive multiplier. In what follows, we shall see that the ratios of consecutive
intervals within each of the two decreasing families are functions strictly
monotone in parameter ā. Moreover, the initial increase of the parameter,
i.e. ā′ − ā, does not eventually vanish, but a definite part of it is preserved
through all the steps. This will further provide, with some extra work, for
monotonicity of the multipliers, also in the case of repelling period 2 orbit.
This is a work in preparation. The remaining part of this paper is devoted
to the proof of the following claim.
Theorem 5.1 For ā ∈ (−∞, ā1) and for all non-negative integers n, the
ratio functions
rne =
|(2n + 4)a − (2n + 2)a|
|(2n + 2)a − (2n)a|
and rno =
|(2n + 5)a − (2n + 3)a|
|(2n + 3)a − (2n + 1)a|
are strictly increasing in ā.
Moreover, when the parameter increases from ā to ā′, then for every n ∈
Z+ the induced discrepancy of the Poincaré coordinates satisfies
((n + 4)a′) − p(n+2)a,na((n + 4)a) > (p1,−1(2
a) − p1,−1(2a)) . (5.2)
Proof. As before, we divide the procedure into steps. Once we cover the most
delicate step, which turns out to be the passage from (5a′ , 7a′) to (6a′ , 8a′),
we will be in a position to continue inductively. We begin by moving the
initial point 2a to a new position 2a′ , with ā
′ > ā. Then, by the truncation
argument from the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have
(p1,0(3a′) − p1,0(3a)) > ā
′ − ā = ∆ā > ∆t, (5.3)
where we denoted ∆t = (p1,−1(2
a) − p1,−1(2a)). Since we then act by the
homogeneous map h, by (4.7) we get
,1(4a′) − p2a,1(4a) = (p1,0(3a′) − p1,0(3a)) + (h
,1) . (5.4)
Passing from 3a′ to 4a′ , we cannot directly apply the truncation argument
again, because in this step the Poincaré coordinate p1,2
(0) of the cut-off
point decreases (cf. Proposition 2.1). That can be fixed by decomposing
the step in two, and simultaneous use of Proposition 2.4, identity (4.7) and
truncation. According to (5.3) and Proposition 2.4,
− p2a,−2a
> ∆t. (5.5)
Truncation at 0 obviously gives
− p2a,0
> ∆t. (5.6)
Then, to the Poincaré coordinate of the point (p−12
,1(p1,0(3a′)), read in the
domain (2a′ , 1), we add the extra gain of (h
,1). The non-euclidean
length of this same extra interval, read in the domain (2a′ , 0) rather than in
(2a′ , 1), is of course larger, because of truncation. Thus
,0(4a′) − p2a,0(4a) > ∆t + (h
,1) . (5.7)
Doing the homogeneous mapping again, by (4.7) and (5.7) we get
,1(5a′) − p3a,1(5a) = h2a′ ,0(p2a′ ,0(4a′)) − h2a,0(p2a,0(4a)) >
> ∆t + (h
,1) + (h
) . (5.8)
Now, similarly to the final step in the proof of Theorem 4.1, we can argue
that the so far acquired gain in the Poincaré coordinate is enough to make
up for possible losses in the next two steps. This is fairly clear. The interval
(3a′ , 1) has larger nonlinearity than (3a, 1), and p3
,1(5a′) > p3a,1(5a), so
Propositions 2.5 and 2.4 of [9] do apply when we act by h | (1,3
) and h | (1,3a).
Therefore, in this step the discrepancy (p3
,1(5a′) − p3a,1(5a)) can only be
diminished by an amount smaller than (h
,1), yielding
(6a′) − p4a,2a(6a) > ∆t + (h
), (5.9)
By (5.7), the nonlinearity of (4a′, 2a′) is larger than that of (4a, 2a), and also
(6a′) > p4a,2a(6a). Thus, when we act by h | (4
), and respectively by
h | (4a,2a), we certainly do not lose more than (h
) in the outgoing
discrepancy. Hence, by ( 5.9)
(7a′) − p5a,3a(7a) > ∆t. (5.10)
We can now make a shortcut towards completion of the current cycle. The
nonlinearity of (3a′ , 1) is larger than that of (3a, 1) and p3
,1(5a′) > p3a,1(5a),
which in turn gives that the nonlinearity of (5a′ , 3a′) is larger than that of
(5a, 3a). Also p5
(7a′) > p5a,3a(7a), so we can apply the argument about
monotonicity of the strength of the non-euclidean push, which we recalled in
the proof of Theorem 4.1, immediately arriving at
(8a′) − p6a,4a(8a) > p5a′ ,3a′ (7a′) − p5a,3a(7a) > ∆t. (5.11)
However, the above argument alone turns out to be insufficient, when we want
to do further iterates. To obtain an inequality which we could use inductively
at all steps, we need more subtle understanding at this particular stage of
our procedure. Here we go.
From (5.3) and Proposition 2.5 it follows that
(3a′) − p5a,0(3a) > ∆ā , (5.12)
so by p3
,1(5a′) > p3a,1(5a) we have
,0(3a′) − p5a,0(3a) > ∆ā. (5.13)
By the same argument applied to (5a′ , 3a′) rather than (1, 3a′), we get
(p5a,3a (7a)),0
(3a′) − p7a,0(3a) > ∆ā. (5.14)
Now we do the homogeneous mapping h, and rescale the image onto (1, 2a′).
The image of 3a′ is 4a′ , and by a version of the truncation argument alike
that used before in the step leading from (1, 3a′) to (2a′ , 4a′), we use
,1(p1,0(3a′))) − p2a,0(p
(p1,0(3a))) > ∆t (5.15)
and (5.14) to get
(p5a,3a (7a))))),0
(4a′) − p8a,0(4a) > ∆t. (5.16)
This is so, because (5.14) implies
(p5a,3a (7a))),0
(h(3a′)) − ph(7a),0(h(3a)) > ∆ā, (5.17)
and when we consider the interval (c, d), where d = p−12
1(p2a,1(4a)+∆ā), and
the point c is defined so that
pc,1(d) − p8a,1(4a) = ∆ā (5.18)
then, according to Proposition 2.5 applied to the domain (1, 2a′) in place of
(0, 1), and with the points d and c singled out, we see that point c divides the
interval (d, 2a′) at the same proportion as 8a divided (4a, 2a). Re-applying
Proposition 2.5 to the domain (0, 2a′) with the same singled out pair of points,
we further see that
pc,0(d) > p8a,0(4a) + ∆t, (5.19)
because by Proposition 2.4 p2
,0(d) − p2a,0(4a) > ∆t. Recalling (5.17) and
taking into account that p2
,1(4a′) > p2
,1(d), which in turn gives p1,4
(0) >
p1,d(0), we can now do the standard truncation argument, cutting-off at 0 to
arrive at (5.16).
This formula could do for the iterative procedure if we cared only for
some, indefinite growth. To obtain definite growth, claimed in the statement
of Theorem 5.1, we need to work harder.
In the next step of the proof, we will see that the extra amount of ∆t in
formula (5.16) allows us to move 7a towards the endpoint by at least that
much. To this end, we again consider the interval (5a′ , 3a′), but this time the
point within we single out, is point e determined by
(e) = p5a,3a(7a) + ∆t. (5.20)
From (5.14), using Proposition 2.1 with points 0, 3a′ and e in place of 1, 0
and x respectively, or by a direct check, one gets
pe,0(3a′) − p7a,0(3a) > ∆ā− ∆t. (5.21)
Doing the homogeneous mapping, we have
ph(e),0(h(3a′)) − ph(7a). 0(h(3a)) > ∆ā− ∆t. (5.22)
Again, we consider an interval (f, d), where d has same meaning as above,
and point f is defined by
pf,1(d) − p8a,1(4a) = ∆ā− ∆t. (5.23)
From (5.18) and (5.23), it follows by Proposition 2.1 that pd,−∞(c)−pd,−∞(f) =
∆t, and again by this same proposition pc,0(d) − pf,0(d) = ∆t. Hence, by
(5.19), we have pf,0(d) > p8a,0(4a). This, and (5.22) lead to
(p5a,3a (7a)+∆t)),0
(4a′) > p8a,0(4a). (5.24)
We can describe what we have found so far in the following way. We
move the parameter up, from ā to ā′. In the odd family, we see 3a moving
to 3′a by more than ∆ā. Consequently, the non-euclidean coordinate of 5a
vary, within its dynamically determined base interval, by at least ∆t, plus
an additional increment which is sufficient to make up for the increased –
due to larger nonlinearity of the new new domain intervals – strength of
the non-euclidean push backwards. In the next odd return we do not let 7a
move all the way to its new position 7a′ at once. Instead, we first only add
∆t to its Poincaré coordinate. This corresponds to starting from the point
e in the already fully enlarged domain (5a′ , 3a′), rather than from 7a′. We
have just seen that not only is the nonlinearity of (e, 3a′) larger than that
of (7a, 3a), but the nonlinearity of (ê, 4a′) is larger than that of (8a, 4a) also.
Here ê is the dynamical successor of e on the even side. This latter estimate
from the below on the the nonlinearity, turns out to be fundamental for the
prospective iterates.
Recall we defined e by (5.20) so as to have p5
(e) = p5a,3a(7a) + ∆t.
The same way we derived (5.11) from (5.10) we also get
(ê) − p6a,4a(8a) > ∆t. (5.25)
This will be needed, when it comes to definite growth in both odd and even
family. But now, for points e and ê we have stronger input: in both cases,
we know that the nonlinearity of the remaining part of the base interval in-
creased. Therefore, we will now be able to proceed pretty much like in the
initial step, that led from (1, 3a′) to (2a′ , 4a′), rather than use the earlier de-
scribed shortcut. Similarly to that initial step, we again want to know that
the surplus exceeding ∆t in (5.25) will make up for possible loss, inflicted by
increased nonlinearity of (5a′ , 7a′), upon next return to (5a′ , 7a′). However,
we have to overcome a serious obstacle. Formula (4.7) we previously used to
that goal, holds true only so long as the critical point is the endpoint corre-
sponding to non-euclidean +∞. This is of course not the case for (5a, 3a),
nor for all other intervals in our odd and even families, except for the initial
ones. For intervals not bounded by the critical point, we only know mono-
tonicity of the strength of non-eucliean push and this, in general, does not
give control over an amount of the gain in Poincaré coordinates discrepancy.
Composing h mappings over two arbitrary, successive domains, yet worsens
the the situation. Fortunately, all this can be fixed with (5.21) and (5.24) in
place. Increased nonlinearity of that part of a domain interval which bounds
us away from the endpoint, provides an effective replacement for the critical
endpoint. In particular, we will see that the gain in the non-euclidean coor-
dinates discrepancy is even better than that in formula (4.7) . This is why
we have striven for those nonlinearity inequalities. As soon as we are over
with the part which takes 7a to e, the remaining part, in which we move e
further to 7a′ , will require only an easy estimate. All the above holds true for
even successors, ê and eventually 8a′ , as well. With one extra observation
to make, we will be able to do arbitrarily long iterates, preserving the ∆t
discrepancy all along the way.
To carry out the above described strategy, we recall that in Proposition
2.2 of [9] we gave an explicite formula for the strength of non-euclidean push,
which turns out to be
|pr,s(ϕ(x)) − pp,q(x)| = |ϕ
x,q + ϕ
p,x| (5.26)
We also noticed there, that for the homogeneous mapping h restricted to
some interval, the quantities h
and h
depend solely on the nonlinearity of
that domain interval. By monotonicity of the strength of the non-euclidean
push as a function of the nonlineatity of the domain, also the limit values, h
and h
, behave monotonically. By all the above, taking (5.21) into account,
we have
(ê) − p6a,4a(8a) = h5a′ ,3a′ (p5a,3a(7a) + ∆t) − p6a,4a(8a) =
)(h(e)) − ph(5a),h(3a)(h(7a)) > ∆t + (h
,e − h
) (5.27)
The sign at the superscript of h in (5.27) depends only on an orientation
of the domain, so (5.27) provides a better estimate than we could derive
from (4.7), if the endpoint 3a′ coincided with the critical point. Doing the
successive h-map step on the even side, because of (5.24), we get in the same
)(h(ê))−ph(6a),h(4a)(h(8a)) > ∆t+ (h
) + (h
These are formulas analogous to (5.7) and (5.8), and what we want now, is
a similar estimate where the input is 7a′ and 8a′ , rather than e and ê. To
move from e to 7a′ we could simply invoke Lemma 2.4 of [9]. However, there
is no generalization of that lemma which could be used over two unrelated
domains. We need to be a bit more careful, and use the dynamical relation
between an interval and its image. Doing the mapping h, by homogeneity
and (4.7) we have
),0(h(7a′)) − ph(5
),0(h(e)) = (p5
,0(7a′) − p5
,0(e)) + (h
Before we do another mapping h, we take the image over onto (1,−∞), so
that h(3a′) goes onto (4a′), and cut off at 0. Because of this truncation
,0(8a′) − p6
,0(ê) > (p5
,0(7a′) − p5
,0(e)) + (h
,e). (5.30)
Now, acting by homogeneous map, we get
),0(h(8a′)) − ph(6
),0(h(ê)) > (p5
,0(7a′) − p5
,0(e)) +
,e) + (h
,ê) (5.31)
We neglect a positive summand (p5
,0(7a′)− p5
,0(e)) and truncate at h(4a′)
to arrive at
)(h(8a′)) − ph(6
)(h(ê)) > (h
,e) + (h
Similarly, neglecting a positive summand at (5.29), followed by cutting off at
h(3a′) leads to
)(h(7a′)) − ph(5
)(h(e)) > (h
,e). (5.33)
The inequalities (5.27) and (5.33), in conjunction with (5.28) and (5.32), give
)(h(7a′)) − ph(5a),h(3a)(h(7a)) > ∆t + (h
) (5.34)
and also
)(h(8a′))−ph(6a),h(4a)(h(8a)) > ∆t+(h
which are the desired estimates. Now, by the same argument which led from
(5.7) and (5.8), through (5.9) to (5.10), we can see that (5.34) and (5.35)
(11a′) − p9a,7a(11a) > ∆t. (5.36)
In the same way we obtained (5.11) from (5.10), we can also derive
(12a′) − p10a,8a(12a) > ∆t. (5.37)
We have completed the second cycle. Those were necessary to initialize the
inductive procedure. We are now in a position to do the final argument,
which can be used repeatedly. We believe that, because all the elaborate
notation of the first two cycles is already in place, it will be more instructive
to present this argument in detail as the next cycle, rather than in general
terms. It will be obvious that what we do, is tantamount to the inductive
We pick a point ǫ ∈ (9a′ , 7a′), such that
(ǫ) = p9a,7a(11a) + ∆t. (5.38)
We will prove that the nonlinearity of (ǫ, 7a′) is larger than that of (11a, 7a),
and simultaneously the nonlinearity of (ǫ̂, 8a′) is larger than that of (12a, 8a).
As before, ǫ̂ stands for the dynamical successor of ǫ on the even side. This
will permit to bypass the non-critical endpoint obstacle in the next cycle,
the way we did earlier, with e and ê. To show this nonlinearity increase, we
proceed in several steps. First, in (5a′ , e) we find a point β = p
Then, in (β, e) we find ε, such that pβ,e(ε) = p9a,7a(11a) + ∆t. We use the
the fact that Poincaré coordinate of the point e, compared to that of 7a, is
already moved by ∆t towards the endpoint, to ascertain that the nonlinearity
of (ε, e) is larger than nonlinearity of (11a, 7a). This is so, because according
to Proposition 2.5, pβ,3
(e) = p9a,3a(7a) + ∆t, and the nonlinearity of (e, 3a′)
is larger than nonlinearity of (7a, 3a); we have
|(β, e)|
|(e, 3a′)|
= (exp ∆t)
|(9a, 7a)|
|(7a, 3a)|
> (exp ∆t)
|(β, δ)|
|(δ, e)|
, (5.39)
where δ ∈ (β, e) is a point such that
. Thus, pe,β(ε) >
pe,β(δ), and consequently pε,3
(e) > pδ,3
(e) or, in other words,
. Since (e, 3a′) has larger nonlinearity than (7a, 3a), the nonlinearity
of (ε, e) must be larger than nonlinearity of (11a, 7a). Next, we do the map-
ping h and consider the situation on the even side. The interval (ε, 3a′) has
larger nonlinearity than (11a, 3a) and pε,3
(e) > p11a,3a(7a), so by principles
of monotonicity of the strength of non-euclidean push in nonlinearty of the
domain, as well as in the coordinate of the point, the action of hε,3
(ê) > p12a,4a(8a),
where ε̂ is the dynamic successor of ε. Because (ê, 4a′) has larger nonlinearity
than (8a, 4a), it follows that the nonlinearity of (ε̂, ê) is also larger than that
of (12a, 8a). By the same two principles applied to pβ,e(ε), we get pβ̂,ê(ε̂) >
p10a,8a(12a) + ∆t, but because of the proved nonlinearity increases, we can
also claim that
ph(β),h(e)(h(ε)) − ph(9a),h(7a)(h(11a)) > ∆t + (h
β,ε − h
) and
(h(ε̂))− ph(10a),h(8a)(h(12a)) > ∆t+ (h
β,ε − h
) + (h
β̂,ε̂− h
We are through with the first part of the inductive step. Now, our immediate
plan is to move e to 7a′ , then β up to 9a′ , and to replace ε by ǫ, keeping all the
above gains untouched, both on the odd and on the even side. Having done
all that, we will easily be able to move ǫ to 11a′, to complete the procedure.
Denote by λ the point determined by p5
(λ) = p5a,7a(9a), and let
τ ∈ (λ, 7a′) be such, that pλ,7
(τ) = p9a,7a(11a) + ∆t. The interval (5a′, 7a′)
has larger nonlinearity than (5a′ , e), so consequently (λ, 7a′) has larger non-
linearity than (β, e), and (τ, 7a′) has larger nonlinearity than (ε, e). Thus
(h(τ), h(7a′)) has larger nonlinearity than (h(ε), h(e)). The distance of 8a′
to the critical point 0 is smaller than similar distance for the point ê, so
the truncation argument after cutting of at 0, implies that (τ̂ , 8a′) has larger
nonlinearity than (ε̂, ê) and, in turn, larger than (12a, 8a). Again, we in-
crease the intervals in question, choosing 9a′ in place of λ, and replacing τ
by ǫ. Then, of course, (ǫ, 7a′) has yet larger nonlinearity, so (h(ǫ), h(7a′))
has larger nonlinearity than (h(τ), h(7a′)) and , after truncation, (ǫ̂, 8a′) has
larger nonlinearity than (τ̂ , 8a′). It immediately implies
)(h(ǫ)) − ph(9a),h(7a)(h(11a)) > ∆t + (h
,ǫ − h
), (5.40)
)(h(ǫ̂))−ph(10a),h(8a)(h(12a)) > ∆t+(h
This is what we aimed at. By the same argument that earlier let us replace e
by 7a′ and ê by 8a′ to derive formulas (5.34) and (5.35), we can now replace
ǫ by 11a′ and ǫ̂ by 12a′ , arriving at
)(h(11a′)) − ph(9a),h(7a)(h(11a)) > ∆t + (h
), (5.42)
)(h(12a′)) − ph(10a),h(8a)(h(12a)) >
∆t + (h
) + (h
). (5.43)
Similarly to (5.36) and (5.37), we also get
(15a′)−p13a ,11a(15a) > ∆t, and p14a′ ,12a′ (16a′)−p14a ,12a(16a) > ∆t.
This completes the inductive step. The claim of the theorem follows imme-
diately. �
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Notation and preliminaries
The period 4 super-sink
The period 8 super-sink
0704.1386 | Disorder effect on the Friedel oscillations in a one-dimensional Mott
insulator | Disorder effect on the Friedel oscillations in a one-dimensional Mott insulator
Y. Weiss, M. Goldstein and R. Berkovits
The Minerva Center, Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel
The Friedel oscillations resulting from coupling a quantum dot to one edge of a disordered one-
dimensional wire in the Mott insulator regime, are calculated numerically using the DMRG method.
By investigating the influence of the disorder on the Friedel oscillations decay we find that the effect
of disorder is reduced by increasing the interaction strength. This behavior is opposite to the recently
reported influence of disorder in the Anderson insulator regime, where disorder led to a stronger
decay of the Friedel oscillations.
PACS numbers: 73.21.Hb, 73.21.La, 71.45.Lr
Properties of one-dimensional systems incorporating
disorder and electron-electron interactions are the sub-
ject of many recent theoretical and experimental studies.
It is well known that when the interactions are not too
strong, the addition of disorder turns the metallic system
into an Anderson insulator (AI). However, for strong in-
teractions (i.e., when the clean system is a Mott insula-
tor) the exact effect of disorder depends on its strength,
and in general is not completely understood. While for
clean systems the Mott insulator (MI) phase is a well
studied problem1, the addition of disorder opens a few
questions, which have attracted several studies in the last
Specifically, since most studies on disordered one-
dimensional wires concentrate on either the AI or the MI
phases, a full comparison between the two regimes is still
lacking. Nevertheless, a qualitatively different behavior
between these two regimes was demonstrated in a few
cases. For example, the effect of interactions on the per-
sistent current in one-dimensional disordered rings was
calculated in previous works7,8, and an important differ-
ence between the AI and MI phases was found. While
for strong interactions and weak disorder (MI phase) the
persistent current was reduced, for strong disorder (AI
phase) an increase of the current was found. However,
the exact diagonalization techniques which were used in
these studies, are applicable only for very small system
The definition of a disordered MI phase should be re-
fined, since when the disorder is strong, i.e., when the
random potential felt by the electron is much larger than
any other energy scale in the problem, the MI state is
destroyed. For a weak disorder, however, it was shown
in several studies that the Mott energy gap vanishes only
when a finite disorder is introduced, so that below this
critical disorder the MI phase is stable9,10. Usually this
is not the case for a MI consisting of spinless particles,
since an Imry-Ma type of argument11 shows that the
long range order is destroyed even for an infinitesimal
disorder12. Yet, for a finite sized mesoscopic sample, the
Imry-Ma length scale might be a few orders of magnitude
larger than the sample’s size, so that the effective ground
state for a weak enough disorder remains a MI one. Such
finite one dimensional wires coupled to dots have been
recently manufactured, and signatures of a charge den-
sity wave in strong magnetic fields have been observed13.
Increasing the disorder above a critical strength changes
the MI state either to a Mott Glass or to an AI5,6.
In this paper we investigate the influence of interac-
tions on the Friedel oscillations (FO) in a disordered one-
dimensional wire, and compare this behavior between the
AI and the MI regimes. We study interacting spinless
electrons confined to a 1D wire which can be in either
its AI or MI phases. Without disorder, it is known that
in order to get a MI phase the repulsive e-e interactions
should be strong enough, while for weaker interactions
the wire is described by the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
(TLL) theory. The MI phase, for strong interactions,
appears for spinless 1D electrons as a 2kF charge den-
sity wave (CDW). When disorder is included, the TLL
phase switches into an AI state. However, the finite size
CDW state is expected, as noted above, to remain stable
against the application of a weak enough disorder, i.e.
to remain a MI state. For example, previous numerical
simulations have presented the long range order of such
a weakly disordered CDW2. In order to verify the exis-
tence of the CDW order in the presence of disorder for
the length scales considered, one should check the elec-
tron density of the entire system.
The behavior of the FO decay length in the presence
of disorder in the AI phase, were discussed in a recent
paper14. It was shown that the effect of disorder on
the FO decay length can be described by an additional
exponential term e−x/ξ, where ξ is a characteristic de-
cay length. For a constant strength of (weak) disorder
ξ decreases as the interactions increase, i.e. the disor-
der effect is enhanced with increasing interactions. Ar-
guing that ξ is a good approximation of the mobility
localization length, it was found that it is in good accor-
dance with theoretical predictions made using the TLL
framework15,16,17, which are suitable for the weak inter-
actions regime. However, for the CDW phase umklapp
processes are important, and the above considerations
are not applicable.
In order to calculate the decay length of the weakly dis-
ordered CDW wire, we use a method similar to the one
used for the TLL regime. We couple the wire to a quan-
tum dot with a single level from one end, and study the
electrons density change in the sites nearby. The density
change, which have shown Friedel oscillations with a 2kF
wave vector and a power law decay in the metallic case
(TLL), should now present 2kF oscillations with an expo-
nential decay, since the underlying lattice state (CDW)
is an insulator. For the clean case we will show that the
exponential decay length scales as the CDW correlation
length, ζ, as predicted18. However, in the disordered case
we find an additional decay factor due to the disorder, as
in the TLL case14. By calculating this decay length we
are able to present a clear picture of the dependence of
the decay length due to disorder on interactions, in both
the AI and MI regimes. While the decay length of the
FO due to disorder is monotonically decreasing as inter-
action increases for the AI phase, for the MI phase it
is monotonically increasing. The origin of the difference
between these two regimes will be explained.
The system under investigation is the strong electron
electron interactions regime of a one-dimensional wire
with disorder. The wire is modeled by a one-dimensional
lattice of spinless fermions, moving in a random on-site
potential, and experiencing nearest neighbor repulsive in-
teractions. The Hamiltonian is
Ĥwire =
ǫj ĉ
j ĉj − t
j ĉj+1 + h.c.) (1)
j ĉj −
j+1 ĉj+1 −
where ǫj are the random on-site energies, taken from a
uniform distribution in the range [−W/2,W/2], I is the
nearest neighbor interaction strength, and t, which is the
hopping matrix element between nearest neighbors, sets
the energy unit scale. ĉ
j (ĉj) is the creation (annihila-
tion) operator of a spinless electron at site j in the wire,
and a positive background is included in the interaction
term. Such a (clean) wire undergoes a phase transition
at I = 2t between TLL and CDW. In order to study the
CDW and the weakly disordered CDW phase the inter-
action strength is taken to be strong, i.e. I > 2t.
We now introduce a quantum dot with a single orbital
at one end of the wire, by adding the following term to
the Hamiltonian:
Ĥdot = ǫ0ĉ
0ĉ0 − V (ĉ
0ĉ1 + h.c.) (2)
0ĉ0 −
1ĉ1 −
where ǫ0 describes the dot energy level. As in Ref. 14,
we take ǫ0 ≫ W and V = t.
The Hamiltonian Ĥ was diagonalized using a finite-size
DMRG method14,19, and the occupation of the lattice
sites were calculated, for different values of W and I.
The dot energy level was taken to be ǫ0 = 10t. The size
of the wire was up to L = 300 sites, which is both long
enough due to the exponential decay of the calculated
quantities, and still short enough to maintain the CDW
order for the disorder strengths taken (W/t = 0.1 and
0.2). During the renormalization process the number of
particles in the system is not fixed, so that the results
describe the experimentally realizable situation of a finite
section of a 1D wire which is coupled to a dot and to an
external electron reservoir20. Yet, the calculated density
remains close to half filling in all the calculated scenarios
(even in the presence of disorder) since the interaction
term contains a positive background, and the calculation
is done for µ = 0.
We start with the case in which no disorder is consid-
ered (W = 0), so that the ground state of the CDW is
twofold degenerate. This degeneracy is broken, however,
once a pinning impurity, denoted by ǫ
0 → 0
+, is cou-
pled to one end of the wire, and the wire shows a 2kF
modulation20. The particle density of such a state, in the
j-th site of the wire, will be denoted by N0j . When the
pinning impurity is replaced by a dot level with ǫ0 ≫ ǫ
the particle density in the wire (to be denoted as Nj)
is changed by an oscillating 2kF term. 2kF oscillations
in the density difference were also obtained in the TLL
phase (Ref. 14), where the density without the quantum
dot is flat, and the deviation of the population from this
flat density once the lead is coupled to the dot shows
Friedel oscillations. Here one should notice that the ref-
erence state (without the dot) does not have a flat parti-
cle distribution, but rather has a CDW 2kF oscillations.
Coupling the dot results in a new CDW state, which has
also 2kF oscillations, but with a different amplitude. The
difference between these two states has a 2kF oscillation,
which has an exponential decay from its value at the edge
of the wire.
5 10 15 20 25 30
FIG. 1: Typical oscillations for a clean sample with L = 280
for a CDW with I/t = 2.5. The upper panel shows Nj (cir-
cles) and N0j (squares), and the lower panel presents their
difference ∆Nj .
In order to calculate the density difference between the
cases when the quantum dot is coupled or uncoupled to
the wire, one defines the density change in site j as
∆Nj = Nj −N
j , (3)
and studies the dependence of ∆Nj on j for different
parameters. A typical result of Nj vs. N
j , and the re-
sulting ∆Nj , showing the 2kF oscillations caused by the
dot orbital at j = 0, is presented in Fig. 1.
When W 6= 0, the CDW ground state is no longer de-
generate, and the infinitesimal pinning impurity is not
required. The disorder itself pins the CDW to different
places on the lattice, with the ability to break the long
range order of the clean CDW by localized solitons, with
a density which depends on the disorder strength2. Yet,
when a dot level with ǫ0 ≫ W is connected to one side of
the wire, the local effect in its vicinity is stronger than the
pinning caused by the disorder. This results in a change
of the particle density near the dot, and this change de-
creases with distance. It turns out that the definition of
∆Nj in Eq. (3) is suitable for the disordered case as well,
since it cancels out the disorder pinning effects which are
the same for the two cases, isolating the density fluctua-
tions created by the dot.
A typical picture of ∆Nj for a disordered CDW sample
is presented in Fig. 2. Whereas the upper panel shows the
density of the two similar systems, one which is coupled
to the quantum dot and the other is not, the lower panel
presents the difference between these two densities, and
the decay of the oscillations can be clearly seen.
5 10 15 20 25 30
FIG. 2: Typical oscillations for a single disordered sample
with L = 280, W = 0.1 and ǫ0 = 10, for a CDW with I = 3.
The upper panel shows Nj (circles) and N
j (squares), and
the lower panel presents their difference ∆Nj .
Since the CDW is an insulating phase, the decay of
the 2kF oscillations without disorder is supposed to be
exponential and the characteristic length is the CDW
correlation length2, i.e., ∝ exp(−x/ζ). In Fig. 3 such an
exponential decay of ∆Nj is shown on a semi-log scale
for various interaction strengths. An exact Bethe Ansatz
solution18 of our model gives the relation between the
correlation length and the interaction as
ζ ∼ exp(π/
I/(2t)− 1). (4)
The correlation lengths extracted from the DMRG re-
sults are presented with a fit to the exact formula in the
inset of Fig. 3. As can be seen, for I not very close to
the TLL-CDW transition point (which occurs at I = 2t),
the results fit the theory very well.
10 20 30 40j
2 3 4 5I
FIG. 3: The oscillations decay in the CDW regime for various
interaction strengths and without disorder (note the semi-log
scale). As the interaction increases, the correlation length
decreases and the decay is faster. Inset: the inverse correla-
tion length of the CDW state for various interaction strengths
(symbols) fitted to the theory prediction Eq. (4).
For W 6= 0, ∆Nj is averaged over 100 realizations,
for which we expect a sampling error of the order of one
percent. Assuming that the disorder adds another expo-
nential term to the oscillations decay, which is thus pro-
portional to exp(−x/ζ − x/ξ), there are two competing
length scales - the decay length due to disorder (ξ) vs.
the correlation length (ζ). For strong interactions and
weak disorder ζ ≪ ξ so that the disorder effect is hardly
seen, but increasing the disorder or decreasing the in-
teraction strength should result in a combination of the
two exponential decays. The DMRG results, presented
in Fig. 4, show the disorder effect on the oscillations de-
cay. For I = 2.5 and I = 3 one can see faster decay
for the disordered samples with W = 0.1. For stronger
interaction larger disorder is required in order to affect
the decay.
Similarly to the AI phase, the extra decay length can
be extracted by fitting, for each value of I, the W 6= 0
curve multiplied by ex/ξ to the W = 0 one. Such a
rescaling is presented in the inset of Fig. 4.
As can be seen in Fig. 5, the decay length extracted
for the disordered MI regime increases as a function of
the interaction strength (for 2t < I <∼ 3.5t), an opposite
behavior to the AI case (I < 2t). Results for stronger
values of I are not shown, since for too strong interactions
10 20 30 40j
10 20 30 40j
FIG. 4: The decay of the oscillations of a disordered CDW
with I = 2.5, 3 and 3.5 (top to bottom, note the semi-log
scale). The lines correspond to the clean sample result, and
the symbols to the averaged disordered data. For W = 0.1
(circles) the disorder effect is clearly seen for I = 2.5 and
I = 3 but not for I = 3.5 in which ξ is much larger than the
correlation length ζ. For W = 0.2 (squares) ξ is small enough
to affect the decay even for I = 3.5. Inset: multiplying ∆Nj
by ex/ξ collapses the disordered data on the clean curves.
0 1 2 3 4
300 300
600 600
900 900
1200 1200
1500 1500
2 2.5 3 3.5 4
FIG. 5: The decay length due to disorder (ξ) in the TLL
(I < 2t) and in the CDW (I > 2t) phases as a function of the
interaction strength. The data for the TLL phase was taken
from Ref. 14. Inset: zoom into the CDW regime.
the correlation length is very small, and thus the estimate
of ξ is less accurate.
These results point out that as the interaction strength
increases in the MI phase, the disorder effect decreases.
In the AI phase, on the other hand, the disorder effect
is enhanced with increasing interactions. The difference
between these two behaviors results from the difference
in the ground states of the two phases in the clean case.
In our model there is a competition between the kinetic
energy (the hopping term) and the potential (the inter-
action). The hopping term prefers the existence of a flat
particle distribution whereas the interaction term prefers
a CDW-like form. For different values of I the results
of that competition are different: for I < 2t (the TLL
phase) the hopping term wins, and the distribution is
flat, while for I > 2t (the CDW phase) a CDW starts to
Inside the clean TLL phase, as I increases, the CDW
fluctuations are stronger. Yet, the average density profile
in the ground state remains flat because of the hopping
term. But when disorder is introduced, the flat density
state becomes less favorable than a state with a fluctu-
ating density, the latter being preferred by both the dis-
order and the interactions. For a constant disorder, as
the interactions become stronger, these fluctuations are
enhanced, so the disorder effect increases.
In the CDW phase, on the other hand, without dis-
order, the interaction wins over the hopping, and the
ground state has a CDW form. Turning on the disorder
might change the particle distribution, e.g. by allowing
an electron to move into a site with lower on-site energy,
but this results in raising the interaction energy. As the
interaction strength gets stronger, the probability of such
a process decreases, so that the actual effect of the dis-
order is getting weaker.
In conclusion, while the decay length of the 2kF os-
cillations envelope due to disorder is monotonically de-
creasing in the AI phase, we have shown that it is mono-
tonically increasing in the disordered MI phase. The dif-
ference between these two regimes is explained by the
difference between the ground states of the clean sam-
ples in each case. In the AI phase the pure ground state
is flat, and both the disorder and the interactions try
to introduce fluctuations in it. In the MI phase, on the
other hand, the pure ground state oscillates with a 2kF
wave vector, and these oscillations are enhanced by the
interactions and reduced by the disorder. As a result,
the disorder effect (for a constant disorder strength) is
getting weaker as the interactions are enhanced.
Support from the Israel Academy of Science (Grant
877/04) is gratefully acknowledged.
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0704.1387 | Description of the Scenario Machine | DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENARIO MACHINE
V.M. Lipunov1, K.A. Postnov2, M.E. Prokhorov3, A.I. Bogomazov4
Sternberg astronomical institute, Universitetskij prospect, 13, 119992, Moscow, Russia
We present here an updated description of the “Scenario Machine” code. This tool is
used to carry out a population synthesis of binary stars. Previous version of the descrip-
tion can be found at∼mystery//articles/review/contents.html; see also
(Lipunov et al. 1996b,c).
Subject headings: binaries: close — binaries: general
1. Basic equations and initial distributions
We use the current scenario of evolution of bi-
nary stellar systems based upon the original ideas
that appeared in the papers by Paczyn’ski (1971);
Tutukov & Yungelson (1973),
van den Heuvel & Heise (1972) (see also re-
view by van den Heuvel (1994)). The sce-
nario for normal star evolution was joined with
the ideas of neutron star evolution (see pi-
oneer works by Shvartsman (1970, 1971a,b);
Illarionov & Sunyaev (1975); Shakura (1975);
Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Komberg (1976),
Lipunov & Shakura (1976),
Savonije & van den Heuvel (1977)). This joint
scenario has allowed to construct a two-dimensional
classification of possible states of binary systems
containing NS (Kornilov & Lipunov (1983a,b);
Lipunov (1992)). According to this classification,
we will distinguish four basic evolutionary stages
for a normal star in a binary system:
I — A main sequence (MS) star inside its Roche
lobe (RL);
II — A post-MS star inside its RL;
III — AMS or post-MS star filling its RL; the mass
is transferred onto the companion.
1E-mail: [email protected]
2E-mail: [email protected]
3E-mail: [email protected]
4E-mail: [email protected]
IV — A helium star left behind the mass-transfer
in case II and III of binary evolution; may
be in the form of a hot white dwarf (for M ≤
2.5M⊙), or a non-degenerate helium star (a
Wolf-Rayet-star in case of initial MS mass
> 10M⊙).
The evolution of single stars can be represented
as a chain of consecutive stages: I→ II→ compact
remnant; the evolution of the most massive single
stars probably looks like I → II → IV → compact
remnant. The component of a binary system can
evolve like I→ II→ III→ IV→ compact remnant.
In our calculations we choose the distributions
of initial binary parameters: mass of the primary
zero age main sequence component (ZAMS), M1,
the binary mass ratio, q = M2/M1 < 1, the orbital
separation a. Zero initial eccentricity is assumed.
The distribution of binaries by orbital separa-
tions can be taken from observations (Krajcheva et al.
1981; Abt 1983),
f(log a) = const,
max(10R⊙,RL[M1]) < a ≤ 106R⊙;
Especially important from the evolutionary point
of view is how different are initial masses of the
components (see e.g. Trimble (1983)). We have
parametrized it by a power-law shape, assuming
the primary mass to obey Salpeter’s power law:
f(M) = M−2.351 , 0.1M⊙ < M1 < 120M⊙, (2)
f(q) ∼ qαq , q = M2/M1 < 1; (3)
We should note that some apparently reason-
able distributions – such as both the primary and
secondary mass obeying Salpeter’s law, or “hier-
archical” distributions involving the assumption
that the total binary mass and primary’s mass are
distributed according to the Salpeter mass func-
tion – all yield essentially flat-like distributions by
the mass ratio (i.e. with our parameter αq ≃ 0).
We assume that the neutron star is formed
in the core collapse of the pre-supernova star.
Masses of the young neutron stars are randomly
distributed in the range MminNS – M
NS . Initial
NS masses are taken to be in the range MNS =
1.25 − 1.4M⊙. The range of initial masses of the
young NSs was based on the masses of the neu-
tron star in the B1913+16 binary system and of
the radio pulsar in the J0737-3039 binary. In the
B1913+16 system (the Hulse-Taylor pulsar, radio
pulsar + neutron star) the mass of the neutron
star, which is definitely not accreting matter from
the optical donor, is MNS = 1.3873 ± 0.0006M⊙
(Thorsett & Chakrabarty 1999; Wex et al. 2000;
Weisberg & Taylor 2003). The mass of the pul-
sar in the J0737-3039 system (radio pulsar + radio
pulsar), which likewise does not accrete from an
optical companion, is MPSR = 1.250 ± 0.010M⊙
(Lyne et al. 2004). The mass range of stars pro-
ducing neutron stars in the end of their evolution is
assumed to be Mn – Mb; stars with initial masses
M > Mb are assumed to leave behind black holes;
Mn is taken to be equal to 10M⊙ in most cases
(but in general this parameter is free). Note that
according to some stellar models, a very massive
star (≈ 50 − 100M⊙) can leave behind a neutron
star as a remnant due to very strong mass loss
via powerful stellar wind, so we account for this
possibility in the corresponding models.
We take into account that the collapse of mas-
sive star into a neutron star can be asymmetrical,
so that the newborn neutron star can acquire an
additional, presumably randomly oriented in space
kick velocity w (see Section 4 below for more de-
The magnetic field of rotating compact ob-
jects (neutron stars and white dwarfs) largely
define the evolutionary stage of the compact
object in a binary system (Shvartsman (1970);
Davidson & Ostriker (1973); Illarionov & Sunyaev
(1975)), so we use the general classification of mag-
netic rotating compact objects (see e.g. Lipunov
(1992)) in our calculations. The initial magnetic
dipole moment of the newborn neutron star is
taken according to the distribution
f(logµ) ∝ const,
1028 ≤ µ ≤ 1032G cm3, (4)
The initial rotational period of the newborn neu-
tron star is assumed to be ∼ 10 ms.
It is not definitely clear as yet whether the mag-
netic field of neutron stars decays or not (see for a
comprehensive review Chanmugam (1992)). We
assume that the magnetic fields of neutron stars
decays exponentially on a timescale of td (usually
we take this parameter to be equal to 108, 5 · 107
and 107 years). A radio pulsar is assumed to be
“switched on” until its period P (in seconds) has
reached the “death-line” defined by the relation
d = 0.4, where µ30 is the dipole magnetic
moment in units of 1030 G cm3.
We assumed that magnetic fields of neu-
tron stars decay exponentially to minimal value
Bmin = 8 · 107 G and do not decay further:
B0 exp(−t/td), t < td ln(B0/Bmin),
Bmin, t ≥ td ln(B0/Bmin).
Parameters B0 and td in equation (5) are the ini-
tial field strength and the field decay time.
We also assume that the mass limit for neutron
stars (the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit) is MOV =
2.0M⊙ (in general, it is a free parameter in the
code; it depends on equation of state of the mate-
rial of the neutron star).
The most massive stars are assumed to leave be-
hind black holes after the collapse, provided that
the progenitor mass before the collapse has a mass
Mcr. The masses of the black holes are calcu-
lated as Mbh = kbhMPreSN , where the parameter
kbh = 0.0 − 1.0, MPreSN is the mass of the pre-
supernova star.
We consider binaries with M1 ≥ 0.8M⊙ with a
constant chemical (solar) composition. The pro-
cess of mass transfer between the components is
treated as conservative when appropriate, that is
the total angular momentum of the binary system
is assumed to be constant. If the accretion rate
from one component to another is sufficiently high
(say, the mass transfer occurs on a timescale few
times shorter than the thermal Kelvin-Helmholtz
time for the normal companion) or a compact ob-
ject is engulfed by a giant companion, the com-
mon envelope stage of binary evolution can begin
(Paczynski 1976; van den Heuvel 1983).
Other cases of non-conservative evolution (for
example, stages with strong stellar wind or those
where the loss of binary angular momentum oc-
curs due to gravitational radiation or magnetic
stellar wind) are treated using the well known
prescriptions (see e.g. Verbunt & Zwaan (1981);
Rappaport et al. (1982); Lipunov & Postnov
2. Evolutionary scenario for binary stars
Significant discoveries in the X-ray astronomy
made during the last decades stimulated the as-
tronomers to search for particular evolutionary
ways of obtaining each type of observational ap-
pearance of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black
holes, the vast majority of which harbours in bi-
naries. Taken as a whole, these ways costitute a
general evolutionary scheme, or the “evolutionary
scenario”. We follow the basic ideas about stel-
lar evolution to describe evolution of binaries both
with normal and compact companions.
To avoid extensive numerical calculations in
the statistical simulations, we treat the continu-
ous evolution of each binary component as a se-
quence of a finite number of basic evolutionary
states (for example, main sequence, red super-
giant, Wolf-Rayet star, hot white dwarf, etc.), at
which stellar parameters significantly differ from
each other. The evolutionary state of the binary
can thus be determined as a combination of the
states of each component, and is changed once the
more rapidly evolving component goes to the next
evolutionary stage.
At each such stage, we assume that the star
does not change its physical parameters (mass, ra-
dius, luminosity, the rate and velocity of stellar
wind, etc.) that have effect on the evolution of
the companion (especially in the case of compact
magnetized stars). Every time the faster evolving
component passes into the next stage, we recalcu-
late its parameters. Depending on the evolution-
ary stage, the state of the slower evolving star is
changed or can remain unchanged. With some ex-
ceptions (such as the common envelope stage and
supernova explosion), states of both components
cannot change simultaneously. Whenever possible
we use analytical approximations for stellar pa-
Prior to describing the basic evolutionary states
of the normal component, we note that unlike
single stars, the evolution of a binary compo-
nent is not fully determined by the initial mass
and chemical composition only. The primary star
can fill its Roche lobe either when it is on the
main sequence, or when it has a (degenerate) he-
lium or carbon-oxygen core. This determines the
rate of mass transfer to the secondary compan-
ion and the type of the remnant left behind. We
will follow Webbink (1979) in treating the first
mass exchange modes for normal binary compo-
nents, whose scheme accounts for the physical
state of the star in more detail than the simple
types of mass exchange (A, B, C) introduced by
Kippenhahn & Weigert (1967). We will use both
notations A, B, C and D (for very wide systems
with independently evolving companions) for evo-
lutionary types of binary as a whole, and Web-
bink’s notations for mass exchange modes for each
component separately [Ia], [Ib], [IIa], [IIb], [IIIa],
3. Basic evolutionary states of normal
The evolution of a binary system consisting ini-
tially of two zero-age main sequence stars can be
considered separately for each components until a
more massive (primary) component fills its Roche
lobe. Then the matter exchange between the stars
The evolutionary states of normal stars will be
denoted by Roman figures (I-IV), whereas those
of compact stars will be marked by capital letters
(E, P, A, SA ...). We divide the evolution of a nor-
mal star into four basic stages, which are signifi-
cant for binary system evolution and bear a clear
physical meaning. We will implicitly express the
mass and radius of the star and the orbital semi-
major axis in solar units (m ≡ M/M⊙, r ≡ R/R⊙,
a ≡ A/R⊙), the time in million years, the lumi-
nosities in units of 1038 erg s−1, the wind velocities
in units of 108 cm s−1 and the accretion rates Ṁ
onto compact objects in units of 10−8M⊙ yr
unless other units are explicitely used.
3.1. Main sequence stars
At this stage, the star is on the zero-age main
sequence (ZAMS) and its size is much smaller than
the Roche lobe radius. The time the star spends
on the main sequence is the core hydrogen burning
time, tH , which depends on the stellar mass only
(Iben & Tutukov 1987):
1.0 + 0.95 79
, m ≥ 79.0,
103.9−3.8 logm+log
2 m, 79 > m ≥ 10,
2400m−2.16, 10 > m ≥ 2.3,
104m−3.5, m < 2.3,
The radius of the ZAMS star is assumed to be
100.66 logm+0.05, m > 1.12,
m, m ≤ 1.2, (7)
and its luminosity is
logL =
−5.032 + 2.65 logm, (α)
−4.253 + 4.8 logm, (β)
−4.462 + 3.8 logm, (γ)
−3.362 + 3.0 logm, (δ)
−3.636 + 2.7 logm, (ǫ)
here we assume the next indication: (α), m < 0.6;
(β), 0.6 ≤ m < 1.0; (γ), 1.0 ≤ m < 10.0; (δ),
10 ≤ m < 48.0; (ǫ), m ≥ 48.0.
The initial mass of the primary and the mode
of the first mass exchange (which is determined by
the initial orbital period and masses of the com-
ponents; see Webbink (1979)) determine the mass
and the type of the core that will be formed during
stage I. For example, for single stars and primaries
in “type C” binaries that fill its Roche lobe having
a degenerate core, we use the expressions
0.1mmax, (α)
0.446 + 0.106mmax, (β)
0.24m0.85max, (γ)
min(0.36m0.55max, 0.44m
max), (δ)
0.44m0.42max, (ǫ)
≈ MCh, (ζ)
0.1m1.4max, (η)
where mmax is the maximum mass the star had
during the preceding evolution. We assume the
next indication in this formula: (α), mmax < 0.8;
(β), 0.8 ≤ mmax < 2.3; (γ), 2.3 ≤ mmax < 4.0;
(δ), 4.0 ≤ mmax < 7.5; (ǫ), 7.5 ≤ mmax < 8.8;
(ζ), 8.8 ≤ mmax < 10.0; (η), mmax ≥ 10.0.
A main-sequience star accreting matter during
the first mass transfer will be treated as a rapidly
rotating “Be-star” with the stellar wind rate dif-
ferent from what is expected from a single star of
the same mass (see below).
3.2. Post main-sequence stars
The star leaves the main sequence and goes to-
ward the red (super)giant region. The star still
does not fill its Roche lobe. The duration of this
stage for a binary component is not any more a
function of the stellar mass only (as in the case
of single stars), but also depends on the initial
binary type (A, B, or C) (see Iben & Tutukov
(1985, 1987)):
tII =
0, (α),
2tKH , (β),
6300m−3.2, (γ),
tHe, (δ),
In type A systems, the primaries fill their Roche
lobes when they belong to the main sequence. We
assume the next indication in this formula: (α),
type A; (β), type B excluding mode [IIIA]; (γ),
types C, D and mode [IIIA], mmax < 5; (δ), types
C, D and mode [IIIA], mmax > 5.
The radius of the post-MS star rapidly increases
(on the thermal time scale) and reaches the char-
acteristic giant values. The star spends the most
time of helium burning with such large radius. In
the framework of our approximate description, we
take the radius of the giant star to be equal to
the maximum value, which depends strongly on
the mass of its core and is calculated according
to Webbink’s mass transfer modes as follows (see
also Iben & Tutukov (1985, 1987)):
rII =
3000m4c, (α)
1050(mc − 0.5)0.68, (β)
10m0.44c , (γ)
We assume the next indication in this formula:
(α), mode [IIIA] or [IIIB] with He core; (β),
mode [IIIB] with CO or ONeMg core; (γ), modes
[I] or [II]. Formula (11) depicts stars with mass
≤ 10M⊙.
This maximum radius can formally exceed the
Roche lobe size; in such cases we put it equal
to 0.9RL during the stage II. The most sensi-
tive to this crude approximation are binaries with
compact companions, which can lead, for exam-
ple, to the overestimation of the number of ac-
creting neutron stars observed as X-ray pulsars.
However, these stages are less important for our
analysis than the stages at which the optical star
fills its Roche lobe. A more detailed treatment
of normal star evolution (given, for example, by
Pols & Marinus (1994)) can reduce such uncer-
Luminosities of giants are taken from de Jager
log lII =
, (α)
10−4.462+3.8 logm, (β)
10−3.362+3.0 logm, (γ)
10−3.636+2.7 logm, (δ)
We assume the next indication in this formula:
(α), m < 23.7, mc < 0.7; (β), m < 23.7, mc > 0.7;
(γ), 48 > m > 23.7; (δ), m > 48.
Radii of (super)giants are determined by us-
ing the effective temperature Teff and luminosi-
ties. Typical effective temperatures are taken from
Allen (1973):
logTeff =
4.50, (α)
3.60, (β)
3.70, (γ)
We assume the next indication in this formula:
(α), m > 10.0; (β), m < 10.0, type C or D; (γ),
m < 10.0, type A or B. So, we calculate RII with
mass higher than 10M⊙ calculate using formula
rII = exp {2.3(0.5 log lii − 2 logTeff + 9.7)}.
3.3. Roche lobe overflow
At this stage the star fills its Roche lobe (RL)
and mass transfer onto the companion occurs.
The mass transfer first proceeds on the thermal
time scale (see extensive discussion of this approx-
imaiton in van den Heuvel (1994))
tKH ∼ 30m2r−1∗ (L/L⊙)−1, (15)
The common envelope stage (CE) may be
formed if the Roche lobe overflow occurs in the
type C system (where the primary has a well de-
veloped core) even for q < 1; otherwise (for type
B systems) we use the condition q ≤ qcr = 0.3 for
the CE stage to occur. Radius of the star at the
Roche lobe filling stage is taken to be that of the
equivalent Roche lobe radius (Eggleton 1983):
a(1− e)
0.6q2/3 + ln(1 + q1/3)
, (16)
Here a is the binary orbital separation and e is the
orbital eccentricity, q is the arbitrary mass ratio.
For q < 0.6 a more precise approximation can
be used:
= 0.4622
1 + q
. (17)
A star filling its Roche lobe has quite differ-
ent boundary conditions in comparison with sin-
gle stars. The stellar radius at this stage is limited
by the Roche lobe. If the stellar size exceeds the
Roche lobe, the star can lose matter on a time
scale close to the dynamical one until its radius
becomes smaller than the new Roche lobe size.
Now we consider how the RL-filling star loses
matter. Let the star be in equilibrium and
Req(M) = RL(M) at the initial moment of time.
When a fraction of mass δm is transported to the
companion, the mass ratio q and semi-major axis
a of the binary changes depending on the mass
transfer mode assumed (see below for details).
The RL size then becomes equal to RL(M − δm).
On the other hand, mass loss disturbs equi-
librium of the star (hydrodynamical and ther-
mal). The hydrodynamical equilibrium is restored
on the dynamical timescale td ∝
The stellar radius changes to a value Rad(M −
δm) (where “ad” means adiabatic), which can
be bigger or smaller than the equilibrium radius
Req(M − δm) of the star. The thermal equilib-
rium establishes on the thermal time scale TKH ≈
GM2/RL, so after that the stellar radius relaxes
to the equilibrium value Req(M − δm).
Relations RL(M − δm), Rad(M − δm) and
Req(M−δm) determine the mode of mass transfer
during the RL overflow stage. Following Webbink
(1985), one usually introduces the logarithmic
derivative ζ = d lnR/d lnM (R ∝ M ζ). It lo-
cally fits the real dependence R(M). Three values
of ζ are relevant:
d lnRL
d lnM
ζad =
d lnRad
d lnM
, (18)
ζeq =
d lnReq
d lnM
where “L”, “ad” and “eq” correspond to the values
of radii discussed above.
Three possible cases are considered depending
on ζi:
1. If ζad < ζL, the star cannot be inside its RL
regardless of the mass loss rate (dM/dt < 0).
Such stars lose their matter in hydrodynami-
cal time scale. Mass loss rate is limited only
by the speed of sound near the inner La-
grangian point L1. ζeq is unimportant be-
cause the size of the star becomes bigger and
bigger than RL. The equilibrium is impossi-
2. ζeq < ζL < ζad. The star losing mass cannot
be in thermal equilibrium, because otherwise
its size would exceed RL. Nevertheless, in
this case Rad < RL. So the hydrodynamical
equilibrium is established. As a result, the
star loses mass on thermal time scale.
3. ζL < ζad, ζeq . In this case the size of the star
losing mass becomes smaller than its RL.
The evolutionary expansion of the star or
the binary semi-major axis decrease due to
orbital angular momentum loss via magnetic
stellar wind (MSW) or gravitational radia-
tion (GW) support the permanent contact of
the star with RL. The star then loses mass
on a time scale dictated by ots own evolu-
tionary expansion or on a time scale corre-
sponding to the orbital angular momentum
For non-degenerate stars, Req increases mono-
tonically with M . On the other hand, the expo-
nent ζad is determined by the entropy distribution
over the stellar radius which is different for stars
with radiative and convective envelopes. It can be
shown that stars with radiative envelopes should
shrink in response to mass loss, while those with
convective envelopes should expand 5.
Therefore, stars with convective envelopes in bi-
naries should generally have a higher mass loss
rate than those with radiative envelopes under
other equal conditions. The next important fac-
tor is the dependence RL(M). It can found by
substituting one of the relations a(M) (see below)
into equation (16) or into equation (17) and dif-
ferentiating it with respect to M . For example,
assuming the conservative mass exchange when
the total mass and the orbital angular momen-
tum of the system do not change, one readily gets
that the binary semi-major axis decreases when
the mass transfer occurs from the more massive to
the less massive component; RL decreases of the
primary correspondingly. When the binary mass
ratio reaches unity, the semi-major axis takes on a
minimal value. In contrast, if the less massive star
loses its mass conservatively the system expands.
In that case the mass transfer can be stable.
If more massive component with radiative en-
velope fills its RL, the mass transfer proceeds on
thermal time scale until the masses of the compo-
nents become equal 6. The next stage of the first
mass exchange poceeds in more slower (nuclear)
time scale. If the primary has convective enve-
lope, the mass transfer can proceed much faster
on a time scale intermediate between the thermal
and hydrodynamical one, and probably on the hy-
drodynamical time scale. In that case the fast
stage of the mass exchange ends when the mass
of the donor decreases to ∼ 0.6 mass of the sec-
ondary companion (Tutukov & Yungelson 1973).
Further mass transfer should proceed on the evo-
lutionary time scale.
5The adiabatic convection in stellar envelope can be de-
scribed by the polytropic equation of state P ∝ ρ5/3, simi-
lar to non-relativistically degenerate white dwarfs. For such
equation of state the mass-radius relation becomes inverse:
R ∝ M−1/3. For non-degenerate stars with convective en-
velopes this relation holds approximately.
6The mass exchange can stop earlier if the entire envelope
is lost and the stellar core is stripped (the core has other
values ζad and ζeq).
The process of mass exchange strongly depends
on stellar structure at the moment of the RL over-
flow. The structure of the star in turn depends
on its age and the initial mass. The moment of
the RL overflow is determined by the mass of the
components and by the initial semi-major axis of
the system. to calculate a diagram in the M − a
(or M − Porb) plane which allows us to conclude
when the primary in a binary with given initial pa-
rameters fills its RL, what is its structure at that
moment and what type of the first mass exchange
is expected. We use the diagram calculated by
Webbink (1979) (see also the description of mod-
ern stellar wind scenarios below).
We distinguish different sub-stages of the RL
overflow according to the characteristic timescales
of the mass transfer:
stage III:
This is the most frequent case for the first mass
transfer phase. The primary fills its RL and the
mass transfer proceeds faster than evolutionary
time scale (if outer layers of the star are radia-
tive, then it is thermal time scale, if outer layers
are convective, then time scale is shorter, up to
hydrodynamical time scale). This stage comes to
the end when mass ratio in the system changes
(“role-to-role transition”), i.e. when the mass of
the donor (mass losing) star is equal to mass of
second companion (for radiative envelopes) or 0.6
of the mass of the second companion (for convec-
tive envelopes). This stage also stops if the donor
star totally lost its envelope.
stage IIIe:
This is the slow (evolutionary driven) phase of
mass transfer. We assume it to occur in short-
period binaries of type A. However, it is not ex-
cluded that it may occur after the mass reversal
during the first stage of mass exchange for binaries
of type B (see van den Heuvel (1994)), e.g. as in
wide low-mass X-ray binaries.
stage IIIs
This is the specific to super-accreting com-
pact companions substage of fast mass transfer at
which matter escapes from the secondary compan-
ion carrying away its orbital angular momentum.
Its duration is equal to
tIIIs = tKH
q(1 + q)
2− q − 2q2
, (19)
q = Ma/Md < 0.5,
here and below subscripts “a” and “d” refer to
the accreting and donating mass star, respectively.
For systems with small mass ratios, q < 0.5, this
timescale corresponds to an effective q-time short-
ening of the thermal time for the RL-overflowing
stages IIIm,g
At these stages, the mass transfer is controlled
by additional losses of orbital angular momentum
Jorb caused by magnetic stellar wind or gravita-
tional wave emission. The characteristic time of
the evolution is defined as τJ = −(Jorb/J̇orb),
and in the case of MSW is (see Verbunt & Zwaan
(1981); Iben & Tutukov (1987))
τMSW = 4.42
(m1 +m2)2m4op
, (20)
Here mop denotes mass of the low-mass optical
star (0.3 < m < 1.5) that is capable of producing
an effective magnetic stellar wind (because only
such stars have outer convective envelopes which
are prerequisit for effecftive MSW), λ is a numer-
ical parameter of order of unity. We have used
the mass-radius relation r ≈ m for main sequence
stars in deriving this formula. The upper limit
of the mass interval and empirical braking law for
main-sequence G-stars are taken from Skumanich
(1972), the lower limit is determined by absence of
cataclysmic variables with orbital periods Porb ≈
3h (Verbunt 1984; Mestel 1952; Kawaler 1988;
Tout & Pringle 1992; Zangrilli et al. 1997). We
use λ = 1 (see for details Kalogera & Webbink
The time scale of the gravitational wave emis-
sion is
τGW = 124.2
m1m2(m1 +m2)
× (21)
(1− e2)−7/2,
Wether the evolution is governed by MSW or
GW is decided by which time scale (τMSW or
τGW ) turns out to be the shortest among all ap-
propriate evolutionary time scales.
stage IIIwd
This is a special case where the white dwarf
overflows its RL. This stage is encountered for very
short period binaries (like Am CVn stars and low-
mass X-ray binaries like 4U 1820-30) whose evolu-
tion is controlled by GW or MSW. The mass trans-
fer is calculated using the appropriate time scale
(GW or MSW). The radius of the white dwarf in-
creases with mass RWD ∝ M−1/3. This fact, how-
ever, does not automatically imply that the mass
transfer is unstable, since the less massive WD
fills its RL first. It can be shown that the mass
exchange is always stable in such systems if the
mass ratio q < 0.8. This condition always holds
in WD+NS and WD+BH systems. WD loses its
matter until its mass decreases to that of a huge
Jupiter-like planet (∼ a few 10−3M⊙), where the
COulomb interaction reverses the mass-radius re-
lation R(M). Such a planet can approach the sec-
ondary companion of the system due to GW emis-
sion until the tidal forces destroy it completely.
The matter of the planet can fall onto the sur-
face of the second companion ir form a long-living
disk around it. If the second star is a neutron star
and its rotation had been spun up by accretion
such that a millisecond radio pulsar appeared, the
planet can be evaporated by relativistic particles
emmited by the pulsar (Paczynski & Sienkiewicz
1983; Joss & Rappaport 1983; Kolb et al. 1998;
Kalogera & Webbink 1998).
The mass loss rate at each of the III-stages is
calculated according to the relation
Ṁ = ∆M/τi, (22)
where ∆M is the a priori known mass to be lost
during the mass exchange phase (e.g. ∆M = M1−
(M1 +M2)/2 in the case of the conservative stage
III, or ∆M = M1−Mcore(M1) in case of III(e,m,g)
or CE) and τi is the appropriate time scale.
The radius of the star at stage III is assumed
to follow the RL radius:
Rdl (Md(t)) = Rd(Md(t)). (23)
3.4. Wolf-Rayet and helium stars
In the process of mass exchange the hydrogen
envelope of the star can be lost almost completely,
so a hot white dwarf (for m ≤ 2.5), or a non-
degenerate helium star (for higher masses) is left
as a remnant. The life-time of the helium star is
determined by the helium burning in the stellar
core (Iben & Tutukov 1985)
tHe =
1658m−2, (α)
1233m−3.8, (β)
0.1tH , (γ)
6913m−3.47, (δ)
≃ 10, (ǫ)
0.1tH , (ζ)
We assume the next indication in this formula:
(α), m < 1.1, modes [IIA-IIF]; (β), m > 1.1,
mmax < 10, modes [IIA-IIF]; (γ), mmax > 10,
modes [IIA-IIF]; (δ), mode [IIIA]; (ǫ), mode [IIIC];
(ζ), modes [IIIB,D,E] and type D.
If the helium (WR) star fills its Roche lobe
(a relatively rare so-called “BB” case of evolu-
tion; Delgado & Thomas (1981); see discussion in
van den Heuvel (1994)), the envelope is lost and
a CO stellar core is left with mass
1.3 + 0.65(m− 2.4),m ≥ 2.5,
0.83m0.36,m < 2.5,
The mass-radius dependence in this case is
(Tutukov & Yungelson 1973)
rWR = 0.2m
0.6. (26)
3.5. Stellar winds from normal stars
The effect of the normal star on the compact
magnetized component is largely determined by
the rate Ṁ and the velocity of stellar wind at in-
finity v∞, which is assumed to be
v∞ = 3vp ≈ 1.85
m/r, (27)
where vp is the escape velocity at the stellar sur-
For “Be-stars” (i.e. those stars at the stage “I”
that increased its mass during the first mass ex-
change), the wind velocity at the infinity is taken
to be equal to the Keplerian velocity at the stellar
GM/R ≈ 0.44
m/r . (28)
The lower stellar wind velocity leads to an effec-
tive increase of the captured mass rate by the sec-
ondary companion to such “Be-stars”.
The stellar wind mass loss rate at the stage “I”
is calculated as
(de Jager 1980)
ṁ = 52.3αwl/v∞, (29)
Here αw = 0.1 is a numerical coefficient (in gen-
eral, we can treat it as free parameter).
For giant post-MS stars (stage “II”) we assume
v∞ = 3vp and for massive star we take the max-
imum between the stellar wind rate given by de
Jager’s formula and that given by Lamers (1981)
ṁ = max(52.3αw
, 102.33
), (30)
M ≥ 10M⊙;
For red super-giants we use Reimers’s formula
(Kudritzki & Reimers 1978):
ṁ = max(52.3αw
, 1.0
), (31)
M ≥ 10M⊙;
For a Wolf-Rayet star the stellar wind loss rate
can significantly increase (up to 10−5M⊙ year
We parametrize it as
ṀWR = kWRMWR/tHe, (32)
where the numerical coefficient is taken to be
kWR = 0.3 (in general, it can be changed if nec-
essary). The mass loss in other stages (MS, (su-
per)giant) is assumed to be limited by 10% of the
mass of the star at the beginning of the stage.
3.6. Change of binary parameters: mass,
semi-major axis and eccentricity
The duration of any evolutionary stage is de-
termined by the more rapidly evolving compo-
nent ∆t = min(∆t1,∆t2). On the other hand,
based on the evolutionary considerations we are
able to calculate how the mass of the faster evolv-
ing star changes (e.g. due to the stellar wind or
RL overflow), that is we can estimate the quantity
∆M = Mi −Mf . Then we set the characteristic
mass loss rate at this stage as
Ṁo = ∆M/∆t, (33)
Next, we should calculate the change of mass for
the slower evolving companion, the orbital semi-
major axis and the eccentricity.
3.7. Mass change
The mass of the star loosing matter is calcu-
lated as
Mf = Mi − Ṁo ×∆t, (34)
Accordingly, the mass of the accreting star is
Mf = Mi + Ṁc ×∆t, (35)
where Ṁc is the accretion rate of the captured
For stages without RL overflow the accretion
rate of the captured stellar wind matter is
ṁc = 3.8×10−2
a(v2w + 0.19(m1 +m2)/a)
ṁo .
At stages where RL overflow ocurs and both
components are normal (non-degenerate), we will
assume that the accretor can accomodate mass at
the rate determined by its thermal time, i.e.
ṁc = ṁo
. (37)
This means that the evolution can not be
fully conservative, especially during the first mass
transfer where the primary component usually has
a shorter thermal time scale.
The mass increase rate by compact accretors
is assumed to be limited by the critical Edding-
ton luminosity (see, however, the possible hyper
accretion stage discussed below):
LEdd =
≈ 1.3 · 1038 ×m erg/s (38)
(σT is the Thomson cross-section) at the stopping
radius Rstop for the accreted matter (see, e.g., de-
tailed discussion in Lipunov (1992)). This corre-
sponds to the critical accretion rate
Ṁcr = Rstop
. (39)
Thus, the mass of the accreting compact star at
the end of the stage is determined by the relation
Mf = Mi +min(Ṁc, Ṁcr)×∆t . (40)
3.8. Semi-major axis change
The binary separation a changes differently for
various mass exchange modes. First, we introduce
a measure of non-conservativeness of the mass ex-
change as the ratio between the mass change of
the accretor and the donor:
β ≡ −(M iaccr −Mfaccr)/(M idonor −M
donor). (41)
If the mass exchange is conservative (β = 1,
i.e. Ma + Md = const) and one can neglect the
angular momenta of the components, the orbital
momentum conservation implies
M iaM
. (42)
In a more general case of quasi-conservative
mass transfer 0 ≤ β < 1, the orbital separation
changes differently depending on the specific an-
gular momentum carried away from the system by
the escaping matter (see van den Heuvel (1994)
for more detail). We treat the quasi-conservative
mass transfer by assuming the isotropic mass loss
mode in which the matter carries away the spe-
cific orbital angular momentum of the accreting
component (ja)
J̇out = (1− β)Ṁcja . (43)
From here we straightforwardly find
1 + qi
1 + qf
1 + β
1 + β
. (44)
In this formula q = Maccr/Mdonor and the
non-conservative parameter β is set to be the
minimal value between β = 1 and the ra-
tio TKH(donor)/TKH(accr) (TKH(donor) and
TKH(accr) is the thermal time of donor and ac-
cretor, respectively).
When no matter is captured by the secondary
companion without additional losses of angu-
lar momentum (the so-called “absolutely non-
conservative case”), which relates to the spherical-
symmetric stellar wind from one component, we
use another well-known formula
M i1 +M
. (45)
In this case the orbital separation always increases.
When the orbital angular momentum is carried
away by GW or MSW with no RL overflow, the
following approximate formulas are used:
(1−∆t/τMSW )1/4, for MSW,
(1−∆t/τGW )1/5, for GW,
In a special case of a white dwarf filling its
RL (stage “IIIwd” above), assuming a stable (i.e.
where d lnRwd/d lnM = d lnRRL/d lnM) conser-
vative mass transfer with account for the mass-
radius relation Rwd ∝ M−1/3wd , the orbital separa-
tion must increase according to the equation
, (47)
where mi is the initial mass of the WD donor and
mf is its mass at the end of the mass transfer.
3.9. The change of eccentricity
Tidal interaction between components, as well
as the orbital angular momentum loss due to MSW
or GR decrease the eccentricity of the binary sys-
tem. The tidal interaction is essential in very
close binaries or even during the common envelope
stage. MSW is effective only in systems with low-
mass late-type main sequence stars (see above),
GW losses become significant only in short-period
The tidal interaction conserves the orbital an-
gular momentum which implies the relation
a(1− e2) = const. (48)
It seems that the orbit becomes a circle faster
than major semi-axis of the orbit decreases during
common envelope stage. We suppose that tcyr =
1/3tCE. We accept that tcyr for RL-filling stars
is equal to its Kelvin-Helmholtz time. Detached
systems change their eccentricity during the next
character time (Zahn 1975; Press & Teukolsky
1977; Zahn 1989b; Zahn & Bouchet 1989b)
tcyr = tKH
1 + e
. (49)
here tKH ≈ GM2/RL is thermal time of the star,
R is radius of the star, RL is its RL size. For sys-
tems which consist of two normal stars we choose
minimal value of tcyr. Resonances at very high ec-
centricities are not taken into account (Mardling
Orbits of the systems with MSW become circu-
lar during tcyr = τMSW (see 46).
In case of GW analytical exact solutions were
obtained for a(t) and e(t) (Peters & Mathews
1963; Peters 1964).
4. Special cases: supernova explosion and
common envelope
Supernova explosion in a binary is treated as
an instantaneous mass loss of the exploding star.
The additional kick velocity can be imparted to
the newborn neutron star due the collapse asym-
metry (see below for discussion). In this case the
eccentricity and semi-major axis of the binary af-
ter the explosion can be straightforwardly calcu-
lated (Boersma 1961) (see necessary formulas also
in Grishchuk et al. 2001). Briefly, we use the fol-
lowing scheme.
1. First, velocities and locations of the compo-
nents on the orbit prior to the explosion are
2. then the mass of the exploding star Mpr -
Mremnant is changed and the arbitrarily di-
rected kick velocity w is added to its orbital
3. after that the transition to the new system’s
barycenter is performed (at this point the
spatial velocity of the new center of mass of
the binary is calculated);
4. in this new reference frame the new total en-
ergyE′tot and the orbital angular momentum
J ′orb are computed; if the new total energy is
negative, the new semi-major axis a′ and ec-
centricity e′ are calculated by using the new
J ′orb end E
tot; if the total energy is positive
(that is, the binary is unbound) spatial ve-
locities of each component are calculated.
The kick velocity w distribution is taken in the
Maxwellian form:
f(w) ∼ w
0 . (50)
We suppose that the absolute value of the ve-
locity that can be added during the formation of
a black hole depends on the mass loss by the col-
lapsing star, the value of the parameter w0 during
the BH formation is defined as
wbh0 = (1− kbh)w0. (51)
An effective spiral-in of the binary compo-
nents occurs during the common envelope (CE)
stage. This complicated process (introduced by
Paczynski (1976)) is not fully understood as yet,
so we use the conventional energy consideration
to find the binary system parameters after the CE
by introducing a parameter αCE = ∆Eb/∆Eorb,
where ∆Eb = Egrav − Ethermal is the binding en-
ergy of the ejected envelope matter and ∆Eorb is
the drop in the orbital energy of the system during
the spiral-in phase (van den Heuvel 1994). This
parameter measures the fraction of the system’s
orbital energy that comes during the spiral-in pro-
cess to the binding energy (gravitational minus
thermal) of the ejected common envelope. Thus
− GMaMd
GMd(Md −Mc)
where Mc is the mass of the core of the mass-
losing star with the initial mass Md and radius Rd
(which is simply a function of the initial separation
ai and the initial mass ratio Ma/Md, where Ma is
the mass of the accreting star).
On the CE stage the luminosity of the accret-
ing star can reach the Eddington limit so that the
further increase of the accretion rate can be pre-
vented by radiation pressure. This usually hap-
pens at accretion rates Ṁ ≃ 10−4−10−5M⊙ yr−1.
However, Chevalier (1993) suggested that when
the accretion rate is higher (Ṁ ≃ 10−2− 10−3M⊙
yr−1), the energy is radiated away not by high-
energy photons only, but also by neutrinos (see
also Zeldovich et al. (1972) and the next section).
On the typical time scale for the hyper accretion
stage of 102 yr, up to ∼ 1M⊙ of matter may be
incident onto the surface of the neutron star.
5. Three regimes of mass accretion by
neutron stars
A considerable fraction of observed neutron
stars have increased their masses in the course of
their evolution, or are still increasing their masses
(e.g., in X-ray sources). But how large can this
mass increase be? It is clear that the only origin
of a mass increase is accretion. It is evident that
the overall change in the mass of a neutron star
is determined not only by the accretion rate, but
also by the duration of the accretion stage:
Ṁdt = ṀTa, (53)
where Ṁ is the mean accretion rate and Ta is the
lifetime of the accretion stage. We emphasize that,
in the case under consideration, the accretion rate
is the amount of matter falling onto the surface
of the neutron star per unit time, and can differ
signifcantly from the values indicated by the clas-
sical Bondi-Hoyle formulas. Three regimes of ac-
cretion are possible in a close binary containing a
neutron star: ordinary accretion, super-accretion,
and hyper-accretion.
5.1. Ordinary accretion
The ordinary accretion regime is realized when
all matter captured by the gravitational field of the
neutron star falls onto its surface. This is possible
only if the radiation pressure and electromagnetic
forces associated with the magnetic field of the star
and its rotation are small compared to the gravita-
tional force. In this case, the increase in the mass
will be precisely determined by the gas dynamics
of the accretion at the gravitational-capture ra-
dius or, if the donor fills its Roche lobe, by the
binary mass ratio and the evolutionary status of
the optical component. In this case, the accretor
is observed as an X-ray source with luminosity
Lx = Ṁ
, (54)
where Mx and R∗ are the mass and radius of the
neutron star. The accretion rate Ṁ is determined
by the Bondi-Hoyle formula
Ṁ = πR2Gρv , (55)
where RG is the gravitational-capture radius of
the neutron star, v is the velocity of the gas flow
relative to the neutron star, and ρ is the density
of the gas.
The X-ray luminosity of the accretor Lx and
its other main parameters can be used to estimate
the mass ∆M accumulated during the accretion
, (56)
5.2. Super-accretion
Regime of super accretion was considered, for
instance, in paper Lipunov (1982d). Despite the
absence of detailed models for supercritical disk
accretion (supercritical accretion is realized pre-
cisely via an accretion disk), it is possible to esti-
mate the main characteristics of the process – the
accretion rate, magnetosphere radius, and evolu-
tion equations. Accretion is considered to be su-
percritical when the energy released at the radius
where the accretion exceeds the Eddington limit:
> LEdd = 1.38×1038(Mx/M⊙) erg s−1,
where Rstop is either the radius of the neutron star
or the magnetosphere radius RA.
For strongly magnetized neutron stars with
magnetic fields B ≫ 108 G, all matter arriving
at the magnetosphere is accreted onto the mag-
netic poles, where the corresponding gravitational
energy is released. If the black body temperature
T , roughly estimated as
SσT 4 = Ṁ
, (58)
is higher than 5 × 109 K (S is the area of the
base of the accretion column), most of the energy
will escape from the neutron star in the form of
neutrinos, and, hence, will not hinder accretion
(Zeldovich et al. 1972; Basko & Sunyaev 1975).
In this case, the rate at which the neutron star
accumulates mass will be
Ṁ ≃ Ṁcrit
≫ Ṁcrit, (59)
For lower temperatures there should be an up-
per limit on the accretion rate equal to the stan-
dard Eddington limit.
5.3. Hyper-accretion
A considerable fraction of neutron stars in bi-
nary systems pass through the common-envelope
stage in the course of their evolution. In this case,
the neutron star is effectively immersed in its opti-
cal companion, and for a short time (102-104 yrs)
spirals-in inside a dense envelope of the compan-
ion. The formal accretion rate estimated using
the Bondi-Hoyle formulas is four to six orders of
magnitude higher than the critical rate and, as
was suggested by Chevalier (1993), this may re-
sult in hyper-accretion, when all the energy is car-
ried away by neutrinos for the reasons described
above. There are currently no detailed theories
for hyper-accretion or the common-envelope stage.
The amount of matter accreted by the neutron
star can be estimated as
∫ Thyper
Ṁdt ≃ (60)
(Mopt −Mcore)
where Thyper is the duration of the hyper-accretion
stage, RG is the gravitational-capture radius of
the neutron star, a is the initial semi-major axis
of the close binary orbit, Mcore is the mass of the
core of the optical star, and Mopt and Mx are the
total masses of the optical star and of the neu-
tron star at the onset of the hyper-accretion stage.
The mass of the neutron star can increase during
the common envelope stage as much as ∼ 1M⊙
(Bogomazov et al. 2005), up to MOV . Such NSs
collapse into black holes.
6. Mass accretion by black holes
If the black hole has formed in the binary sys-
tem, its X-ray luminosity is
Lx = µṀc
2, (61)
where µ = 0.06 for Schwarzschild black hole and
µ = 0.42 (maximum) for extremal Kerr BH.
We use the Bondi-Hoyle formulas to estimate
the accretion rate onto BH.
Powerful X-ray radiation is able to originate
only if an accretion disc has formed around the
black hole (Karpov & Lipunov 2001). For spher-
ically symmetric accretion onto a black hole the
X-ray luminosity is insignificant. A very low stel-
lar wind velocity is necessary to form an accretion
disc (Lipunov 1992)
V < Vcr ≈ (62)
≈ 320(4η)1/4m3/8T−1/410 R
8 (1 + tan
2 β)−1/2,
where η is averaged over the z-coordinate dynamic
viscous coefficient, m = Mx/M⊙, Mx is the rela-
tivistic star mass, T10 = T/10, T is the orbital
period in days, R8 = Rmin/10
8cm, Rmin is the
minimal distance from the compact object up to
which free Keplerian motion is still possible and
β is the accretion disk axis inclination angle with
respect to the radial direction. For black holes
Rmin = 3Rg, where Rg = 2GMbh/c
7. Accretion induced collapse and com-
pact objects merging
WD and NS are degenerate configurations,
which have upper limit of their mass (the Chan-
drasekhar and Oppenheimer-Volkov limits corre-
spondingly). The Chandrasekhar limit depends
on chemical composition of the white dwarf
MCh =
1.44M⊙, He WD,
1.40M⊙, CO WD,
1.38M⊙, ONeMg WD,
If the mass of WD becomes equal to MCh,
the WD loses stability and collapses. The col-
lapse is accompanied by the powerful thermonu-
clear burst observed as a type Ia supernova. Col-
lapses of He and CO WDs leave no remnants
(Nomoto & Kondo 1991). The outcome of the
collapse of a ONeMg WD is not clear. It can lead
to the formation of a neutron star (the accretion
induced collapse, AIC). Some papers come to the
different conclusion about the result of AICs (see
e.g. Garcia-Berro & Iben (1994); Ritossa et al.
(1996)). The question about the NS formation
during the WD collapse remains undecided. Nev-
ertheless, some NSs could have been formed from
AIC WD (van Paradijs 1997). In the “Scenario
Machine” code the possibility of NS formation
during ONeMg WD is optional.
The merging of two compact objects in a binary
WD system (e.g., due to the GW losses) should
likely to be similar to AIC. During the merging
of two helium WDs, one object with a mass of
less than MCh (for example, 0.5M⊙ + 0.6M⊙ →
1.1M⊙) can form. At the same time, if the total
mass of the components exceeds 1.0 − 1.2M⊙, a
thermonuclear burning can happen. It is likely
that the merging of a ONeMg WD with another
WD can form a NS.
For the typical NS mass ≈ 1.4M⊙, the binary
NS+NS merging event can produce a black hole.
Massive (≈ 2.8M⊙) neutron star can be formed
only if the NS equation of state is very hard and
MOV ≃ 2.8− 3.0M⊙.
BH+BH merging should produce a rapidly ro-
tating black hole with the mass equal to the total
mass of the coalescing binary.
8. Additional scenarios of stellar wind
from massive stars
8.1. Evolutionary scenario B
In the end of 1980s and in the beginning of
1990s the series of new evolutionary tracks were
calculated. The authors used new tables of opaci-
ties (Rogers & Iglesias 1991; Kurucz 1991), new
cross-sections in nuclear reactions (Landre et al.
1990) and new parameters of convection in stars
(Stothers & Chin 1991). For stars with M <
10M⊙ those tracks proved to be almost coincident
with previous calculations. More massive stars
had much stronger stellar winds.
A massive star loses up to 90% of its ini-
tial mass in the main-sequence, supergiant, and
Wolf-Rayet stages via stellar wind. There-
fore, the presupernova mass in this case can
be ≈ 8 − 10M⊙, essentially independent of the
initial mass of the star (de Jager et al. 1988;
Nieuwenhuijzen & de Jager 1990; Schaller et al.
8.2. Evolutionary scenario C
The papers mentioned above were criticised and
in 1998 a new version of the evolutionary scenario
was developed (Vanbevern et al. 1998). The stel-
lar wind loss rates were corrected taking into ac-
count empirical data about OB and WR stars.
Here we list the main equations of this scenario
(all results concern only with the stars with initial
mass M0 > 15M⊙).
log Ṁ =
1.67 logL− 1.55 logTeff − 8.29, (α)
logL+ logR− logM − 7.5, (β)
0.8 logL− 8.7, (γ)
logL− 10, (δ)
We assume the next indication in this formula:
(α), H burning in the core; (β), giant, M0 ≥
40M⊙; (γ), giant, M0 < 40M⊙; (δ), Wolf-Rayet
Note that in this subsection we used the mass
M is in M⊙, the luminosity L is in L⊙ and the ra-
dius R is in R⊙. With these new calculations, the
Webbink diagram described above changed signif-
icantly Vanbevern et al. (1998).
In this scenario, the total mass loss by a star is
calculated using the formula
∆M = (M −Mcore), (65)
where Mcore is the stellar core mass (66). If the
maximum mass of the star (usually it is the initial
mass of a star, but the mass transfer in binary
systems is able to increase its mass above its initial
value) Mmax > 15M⊙, the mass of the core in the
main sequence stage is determined using (66α),
and in giant and supergiant stages using (66β). In
the Wolf-Rayet star stage (helium star), ifMWR <
2.5M⊙ and Mmax ≤ 20M⊙ it is described using
(66γ), if MWR ≥ 2.5M⊙ and Mmax ≤ 20M⊙ as
(66δ), if Mmax > 20M⊙ as (66ǫ)
mcore =
1.62m0.83opt (α)
10−3.051+4.21 lgmopt−0.93(lgmopt)
0.83m0.36WR (γ)
1.3 + 0.65(mWR − 2.4) (δ)
mcore = 3.03m
opt (ǫ)
These evolutionary scenarios have some pecu-
liar properties with respect to the classical sce-
nario. One of them is that the strong stellar wind
from massive stars leads to a rapid and significant
increase of the system’s orbit and such stars can-
not fill its RL at all.
There are three observational facts that conflict
with the strong stellar wind scenarios:
1. A very high Ṁ is a problem by itself. The
observers calculate this quantity for most
of OB and WR stars using the emission
measure EM ∝
n2edl. The estimate of
Ṁ using EM is maximal for homogenous
wind. However, there are evidences (see
e.g. Cherepashchuk et al. (1984)) that
stellar winds of massive stars are strongly
“clumpy”. In this case the real Ṁ must
be 3-5 times less. This note is especially
important for the scenario with high stellar
2. Very massive Wolf-Rayet stars do exist.
There are at least three double WR+OB sys-
tems including very massive WR-stars: CQ
Cep 40M⊙, HD 311884 48M⊙ and HD92740
77M⊙ (Cherepashchuk et al. 1996). Such
heavy WR stars are at odds with the as-
sumed high mass loss rate.
3. In the semi-detached binary system RY Sct
(W Ser type) the mass of the primary com-
ponent is ≈ 35M⊙ (Cherepashchuk et al.
1996). This mass is near the limit
(Vanbevern et al. 1998) beyond which the
star, according to the high mass loss sce-
nario, cannot fill its RL.
8.3. Evolutionary Scenario W
The evolutionary scenario W is based on the
stellar evolution calculations by Woosley et al.
(Woosley et al. (2002), Fig. 16), which repre-
sents the relationship between the mass of the
relativistic remnant and the initial mass of the
star. We included into population-synthesis code
two models with W-type stellar winds, which we
label Wb and Wc. In models Wb and Wc, the
mass-loss rates were computed as in scenario B
and scenario C, respectively. The use of these
models to calculate the wind rate in a scenario
based on Woosley’s diagram (Woosley et al.
(2002), Fig. 16) is justified by the fact that
scenarios B and C are based on the same nu-
merical expressions for the mass-loss rates from
Schaller et al. (1992); Vanbevern et al. (1998);
Nieuwenhuijzen & de Jager (1990) that were
used by Woosley et al. (2002).
9. The “Ecology” of Magnetic Rotators
One of the most important achievements in as-
trophysics in the end of the 1960s was the real-
ization that in addition to “ordinary” stars, which
draw energy from nuclear reactions, there are ob-
jects in the Universe whose radiation is caused by a
strong gravitational and magnetic field. The well-
known examples include neutron stars and white
dwarfs. The property that these objects have in
common is that their astrophysical manifestations
are primarily determined by interaction with the
surrounding matter.
In the early 1980s, this approach led to the cre-
ation of a complete classification scheme involv-
ing various regimes of interaction between neu-
tron stars and their environment, as well as to the
first Monte Carlo simulation of the NS evolution
(Lipunov 1984). In addition to NSs, this scheme
has been shown to be applicable to other types of
magnetized rotating stars.
By virtue of the relationship between the grav-
itational and electromagnetic forces, the NS in
various states can manifest itself quite differently
from the astronomical point of view. Accordingly,
this leads to the corresponding classification of NS
types and to the idea of NS evolution as a gradual
changing of regimes of interaction with the envi-
ronment. The nature of the NS itself turns out to
be important also when constructing the classifica-
tion scheme. This indicates that there should be a
whole class of quite different objects which have an
identical physical nature. To develop the theory
describing properties of such objects (in a sense, it
should establish “ecological” links between differ-
ent objects), it proved to be convenient to use sym-
bolic notations elaborated for the particular case
of NS. We start this subsection with recollecting
the magnetic rotator formalism (mainly according
to the paper Lipunov (1987)).
9.1. A Gravimagnetic Rotator
We call any gravitationally-bounded object
having an angular momentum and intrinsic mag-
netic field by the term “gravimagnetic rotator”
or simply, rotator. In order to specify the intrin-
sic properties of the rotator, three parameters are
sufficient – the mass M , the total angular mo-
mentum J = Iω (I is the moment of inertia and ω
is the angular velocity), and the magnetic dipole
moment µ. Given the rotator radius R0, one can
express the magnetic field strength at the poles
B0 by using the dipole moment B0 = 2µ/R
0. The
angle β between the angular moment J and the
magnetic dipole moment µ can also be of impor-
tance: β = arccos(Jµ).
9.2. The Environment of the Rotator
We assume that the rotator is surrounded by
an ideally conductive plasma with a density ρ∞
and a sound velocity a∞ at a sufficiently far dis-
tance from the rotator. The rotator moves rela-
tive to the environment with a velocity v∞. Un-
der the action of gravitational attraction, the sur-
rounding matter should fall onto the rotator. A
rotator without a magnetic field would capture a
stationary flow of matter, Ṁc, which can be es-
timated using the Bondy-Hole-Lyttleton formu-
lae (Bondi & Hole 1944; Bondi 1952; McCrea
Ṁc = δ
(a2∞ + v
ρ∞, (67)
where δ is a dimensionless factor of the order of
unity. When one of the velocities, a∞ or v∞, far
exceeds the other, the accretion rate is determined
by the dominating velocity, and can be written in
a convenient form as (55).
In the real astrophysical situation, the param-
eters of the surrounding matter at distances R ≫
RG can be taken as conditions at infinity
As already noted, the matter surrounding a
NS or a WD is almost always in the form of
a high-temperature plasma with a high conduc-
tivity. Such accreting plasma must interact effi-
ciently with the magnetic field of the compact star
(Amnuel’ & Guseinov 1968). Hence, the interac-
tion between the compact star and its surround-
ings cannot be treated as purely gravitational and
therefore the accretion is not a purely gas dynamic
process. In general, such interaction should be
described by the magneto hydrodynamical equa-
tions. This makes the already complicated pic-
ture of interaction of the compact star with the
surrounding medium even more complex.
The following classification of magnetic ro-
tators is based on the essential characteristics
7RG =
of the interaction of the plasma surrounding
them with their electromagnetic field. This
approach was proposed by Shvartsman (1970)
who distinguished three stages of interaction
of magnetic rotators: the ejection stage, the
propeller stage, which was later rediscovered
by Illarionov & Sunyaev (1975) and named as
such, and the accretion stage. Using this ap-
proach, Shvartsman (1971a) was able to pre-
dict the phenomenon of accreting X-ray pulsars
in binary systems. New interaction regimes dis-
covered later have led to a general classifica-
tion of magnetic rotators (Lipunov 1982a, 1984;
Kornilov & Lipunov 1983a).
It should be noted that the interaction of the
magnetic rotator with the surrounding plasma is
not yet understood in detail. However, even the
first approximation reveals a multitude of interac-
tion models. To simplify the analysis, we assume
the electromagnetic part of the interaction to be
independent of the accreting flux parameters, and
vice versa.
Henceforth, we shall assume in almost all cases
that the intrinsic magnetic field of a rotator is a
dipole field (Landau & Lifshiz 1971):
(1 + 3 sin2 θ)1/2, (68)
This is not just a convenient mathematical sim-
plification. We will show that the magnetoplasma
interaction takes place at large distances from the
surface of the magnetic rotator, where the dipole
moment makes the main contribution. Moreover,
the collapse of a star into a NS is known to
“cleanse” the magnetic field. Indeed, the conser-
vation of magnetic flux leads to a decrease of the
ratio of the quadrupole magnetic moment q to the
dipole moment µ in direct proportion to the radius
of the collapsing star, q/µ ∝ R.
It should be emphasized, however, that the con-
tribution of the quadrupole component to the field
strength at the surface remains unchanged.
The light cylinder radius is the first important
characteristric of the rotating magnetic field:
, (69)
where c is the speed of light.
A specific property of the field of the rotating
magnetic dipole in vacuum is the stationarity of
the field inside the light cylinder and formation of
magneto dipole radiation beyond the light cylin-
der. The luminosity of the magnetic dipole radia-
tion is equal to (Landau & Lifshiz 1971):
sin2 β = kt
ω, (70)
where kt =
sin2 β.
This emission exerts a corresponding braking
Km = −
µ2 sin2 β
ω3cω, (71)
leading to a spin down of the rotator. Although
magnetic dipole radiation from pulsars do not ex-
ists, almost all models predict energy loss quantity
near this value. At the same time we do not take
into account possibly complicated angular depen-
dence of such loss.
9.3. The Stopping Radius
Now we consider qualitatively the effect of the
electromagnetic field of a magnetic rotator on the
accreting plasma. Consider a magnetic rotator
with a dipole magnetic moment µ, , rotational fre-
quency ω, and mass M . At distances R ≫ RG
the surrounding plasma is characterized by the
following parameters: density ρ∞, sound veloc-
ity a∞ and/or velocity v∞ relative to the star.
The plasma will tend to accrete on to the star un-
der the action of gravitation. The electromagnetic
field, however, will obstruct this process, and the
accreting matter will come to a stop at a certain
Basically, two different cases can be considered:
• When the interaction takes place beyond the
light cylinder, Rstop > Rl. This case first
considered by Shvartsman (1970, 1971a). In
this case the magnetic rotator generates a
relativistic wind consisting of a flux of differ-
ent kinds of electromagnetic waves and rel-
ativistic particles. The form in which the
major part of the rotational energy of the
star is ejected is not important at this stage.
What is important is that both relativistic
particles and magnetic dipole radiation will
transfer their momentum and hence exert
pressure on the accreting plasma. Indeed,
random magnetic fields are always present
in the accreting plasma. The Larmor radius
of a particle with energy ≪ 1010 eV mov-
ing in the lowest interstellar magnetic field
∼ 10−6 G is much smaller than the charac-
teristic values of radius of interaction, so the
relativistic wind will be trapped by the mag-
netic field of the accreting plasma and thus
will transfer its momentum to it.
Thus, a relativistic wind can effectively im-
pede the accretion of matter. A cavern is
formed around the magnetic rotator, and the
pressure of the ejected wind Pm at its bound-
ary balances the ram pressure of the accret-
ing plasma Pa:
Pm(Rstop) = Pa(Rstop), (72)
This equality defines a characteristic size
of the stopping radius, which we call the
Shvartzman radius RSh.
• The accreting plasma penetrates the light
cylinder Rstop < Rl. The pressure of the ac-
creting plasma is high enough to permit the
plasma to enter the light cylinder. Since the
magnetic field inside the light cylinder de-
creases as a dipole field, the magnetic pres-
sure is given by
, (73)
Matching this pressure to the ram pressure
of the accreting plasma yields the Alfven ra-
dius RA.
The magnetic pressure and the pressure of
the relativistic wind can be written in the
following convenient form:
, R ≤ Rl,
, R > Rl,
We introduce a dimensionless factor kt such
that the power of the ejected wind is
Lm = kt
ω, (75)
Assuming kt = 1/2 we get for R = Rl a
continuous function Pm = Pm(R).
The accreting pressure of plasma outside the
capture radius is nearly constant, and hence
gravitation does not affect the medium pa-
rameters significantly. In contrast, at dis-
tances inside the gravitational capture ra-
dius RG the matter falls almost freely and
exerts pressure on the “wall” equal to the dy-
namical pressure. For spherically symmetric
accretion we obtain
, R > RG,
, R ≤ RG,
Here we used the continuity equation Ṁc =
4πR2Gρ∞v∞. When presented in this form,
the pressure Pa is a continuous function of
Summarizing, for the stopping radius we get
Rstop =
Ra, Rstop ≤ Rl,
RSh, Rstop > Rl,
The expressions for the Alfven radius are:
, RA > RG,
, RA ≤ RG,
and for the Shvartzman radius:
RSh =
, RSh > RG,
9.4. The Stopping Radius in the Super-
critical Case
The estimates presented above for the stopping
radius were obtained under the assumption that
the energy released during accretion does not ex-
ceed the Eddington limit, so we neglected the re-
verse action of radiation on the accretion flux pa-
Now, we turn to the situation where one can-
not neglect the radiation pressure. Consider this
effect after Lipunov (1982b). Suppose that the
accretion rate of matter captured by the magnetic
rotator is such that the luminosity at the stopping
radius exceeds the Eddington limit (see equation
We shall assume, following Shakura & Sunyaev
(1973), that the radiation sweeps away exactly
that amount of matter which is needed for the
accretion luminosity of the remaining flux to be
of the order of the Eddington luminosity at any
= Ledd, (80)
This yields
Ṁ(R) = Ṁc
, Rs =
Ṁc, (81)
where Rs is a spherization radius (where the accre-
tion luminosity first reaches the Eddington limit),
and κ designates the specific opacity of matter.
Using the continuity equation, the ram pressure of
the accreting plasma is now obtained as another
function of the radial distance
Pa ≈ ρv2 ≈
R−3/2, R ≤ Rs,
in contrast to the subcritical regime when Pa ∝
R−5/2. Matching Pa and Pm (see the previous
section) for the supercritical case gives
, (83)
RSh =
, (84)
The critical accretion rate Ṁcr is defined by the
boundary of the inequality
Ṁc ≥ Ṁcr, (85)
and, correspondingly, is
Ṁcr =
Rst. (86)
The dependence of the Alfven radius on the ac-
cretion rate is such that the Alfven radius (be-
yond the capture radius) slightly decreases with
increasing accretion rate as Ṁ−1/6, while it de-
cerases below the capture radius as Ṁ−2/7 and
attains its lowest value for the critical accretion
rate Ṁc > Ṁcr, beyond which it is independent of
the external conditions.
We also note that in the supercritical regime,
the pressure of the accreting plasma increases
more slowly (as R−3/2) when approaching the
magnetic rotator than the pressure of the relativis-
tic wind (as R−2) ejected by it. This means that
in the supercritical case a cavern may exist even
below the capture radius.
The estimates presented here, of course, are
most suitable for the case of disk accretion. In
fact, the supercritical regime seems to emerge
most frequently under these conditions. This can
be simply understood. Indeed, the accretion rate
is proportional to the square of the capture radius
Ṁc ∝ R2G. At the same time, the angular momen-
tum of the captured matter is also proportional to
R2G. Hence, at high accretion rates the formation
of the disk looks natural.
9.5. The Effect of the Magnetic Field
Apparently, the magnetic field of a star be-
comes significant only when the stopping radius
exceeds the radius of the star, Rst > Rx. We take
the Alfven radius RA for Rst, since it is the small-
est of the two quantities RA and RSh. Hence, we
can estimate the lowest value of magnetic field of
a star which will influence the flow of matter
µmin =
, RA > RG,
, RA ≤ RG
Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr,
, Ṁc > Ṁcr,
The case RA ≥ RG, Ṁc ≥ Ṁcr is considered
most frequently, and for this case we get the fol-
lowing numerical estimations
µmin = 10
x G cm
3, (88)
or, equivalently,
Bmin = 10
x G, (89)
Most presently observed NS have magnetic
fields ∼ 1012 G and dipole moments ∼ 1030 G
cm3, so the magnetic field must necessarily be
taken into account when considering interaction
of matter with these stars.
9.6. The Corotation Radius
The corotation radius is another important
characteristics of a magnetic rotator. Suppose
that an accreting plasma penetrates the light
cylinder and is stopped by the magnetic field at a
certain distance Rst given by the balance between
the static magnetic field pressure and the plasma
pressure. Suppose that the plasma is “frozen” in
the rotator’s magnetic field. This field will drag
the plasma and force it to rotate rigidly with the
angular velocity of the star. The matter will fall
on to the stellar surface only if its rotational ve-
locity is smaller than the Keplerian velocity at the
given distance Rst:
ωRst <
GMx/Rst, (90)
Otherwise, a centrifugal barrier emerges and
the rapidly rotating magnetic field impedes the ac-
cretion of matter (Shvartsman 1970; Pringle & Rees
1972; Davidson & Ostriker 1973; Lamb 1973;
Illarionov & Sunyaev 1975). The latter authors
assumed that if ωRst ≫
GMx/Rst, the mag-
netic field throws the plasma back beyond the
capture radius. They called this effect the “pro-
peller” regime. In fact, matter may not be shed
(Lipunov 1982a), but it is important to note that
a stationary accretion is also not possible.
The corotation radius is thus defined as
Rc = (GMx/ω
2)1/3 ∼ 2.8×108m1/3x (P/1s)2/3 cm,
where P is the rotational period of the star.
If Rst < Rc , rotation influences the accretion
insignificantly. Otherwise, a stationary accretion
is not possible for Rst > Rc.
9.7. Nomenclature
The interaction of a magnetic rotator with the
surrounding plasma to a large extent depends on
the relation between the four characteristic radii:
the stopping radius, Rst, the gravitational capture
radius, RG, the light cylinder radius, Rl, and the
corotation radius, Rc. The difference between the
interaction regimes is so significant that the mag-
netic rotators behave entirely differently in differ-
ent regimes. Hence, the classification of the inter-
action regimes may well mean the classification of
magnetic rotators. The classification notation and
terminology is described below and summarized in
Table 1, based on paper by Lipunov (1987).
Naturally, not all possible combinations of the
characteristic radii can be realized. For example,
the inequality Rl > Rc is not possible in princi-
ple. Furthermore, some combinations require un-
realistically large or small parameters of magnetic
rotators. Under the same intrinsic and external
conditions, the same rotator may gradually pass
through several interaction regimes. Such a pro-
cess will be referred to as the evolution of a mag-
netic rotator.
We describe the classification by considering an
idealized scenario of evolution of magnetic rota-
tors. Suppose the parameters ρ∞, v∞ and Ṁc of
the surrounding medium remain unchanged. We
shall also assume for a while a constancy of the ro-
tator’s magnetic moment µ. Let the potential ac-
cretion rate Ṁc at the beginning be not too high,
so that the reverse effect of radiation pressure can
be neglected, Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr. We also assume that
the star initially rotates at a high enough speed to
provide a powerful relativistic wind.
Ejectors (E). We shall call a magnetic rotator
an ejecting star (or simply an ejector E) if the pres-
sure of the electromagnetic radiation and ejected
relativistic particles is so high that the surround-
ing matter is swept away beyond the capture ra-
dius or radius of the light cylinder (if Rl > RG).
Ejector: RSh > max(Rl, RG), (92)
It follows from here that Pm ∝ R−2 while the
accretion pressure within the capture radius is
Pa ∝ R5/2 i.e. increases more rapidly as we ap-
proach an accreting star. Consequently, the radius
of a stable cavern must exceed the capture radius
(Shvartsman 1970).
It is worth noting that the reverse transition
from the propeller (P) stage to the ejector (E)
stage is non-symmetrical and occurs at a lower
period (see below). This means that to switch a
pulsar on is more difficult than to turn it off. This
is due to the fact that in the case of turning-on of
the pulsar the pressures of plasma and relativis-
tic wind must be matched at the surface of the
light cylinder, not at the gravitational capture ra-
dius. In fact, the reverse transition occurs under
the condition of equality of the Alfven radius to
the radius of the light cylinder (RA = Rl).
It should be emphasized that, as mentioned by
(Shvartsman 1970), relativistic particles can be
formed also at the propeller stage by a rapidly
rotating magnetic field (see also Kundt (1990)).
Propellers (P). After the ejector stage, the
propeller stage sets in under quite general condi-
tions, when accreting matter at the Alfven sur-
face is hampered by a rapidly rotating magnetic
field of the magnetic rotator. In this regime the
Alfven radius is greater than the corotation ra-
dius, RA > Rc. A finite magnetic viscosity causes
the angular momentum to be transferred to the
accreting matter so that the rotator spins down.
Until now, the propeller stage is one of the poorly
investigated phenomena. However, it is clear that
sooner or later the magnetic rotator is spin down
enough for the rotational effects to be of no im-
portance any longer, and the accretion stage sets
Accretors (A). In the accretion stage, the
stopping radius (Alfven radius) must be smaller
than the corotation radius RA < Rc. This is the
most thoroughly investigated regime of interac-
tion of magnetic rotators with accreting plasma.
Examples of such systems span a wide range of
bright observational phenomena from X-ray pul-
sars, X-ray bursters, low-mass X-ray binaries to
most of the cataclysmic variables and X-ray tran-
sient sources.
Georotators (G). Imagine that the star be-
gins rotating so slowly that it cannot impede
the accretion of plasma, i.e. all the conditions
mentioned in the previous paragraph are sat-
isfied. However, matter still can not fall on
to the rotator’s surface if the Alfven radius
is larger than the gravitational capture radius
(Illarionov & Sunyaev 1975; Lipunov 1982c).
This means that the attractive gravitational force
of the star at the Alfven surface is not signifi-
cant. A similar situation occurs in the interaction
of solar wind with Earth’s magnetosphere. The
plasma mainly flows around the Earth’s magne-
tosphere and recedes to infinity. This analogy ex-
plains the term “georotator” used for this stage.
Clearly, a georotator must either have a strong
Table 1: Classification of neutron stars and white dwarfs.
Abbrevi- Type Characteristic Accretion Well known
ation radii relation rate observational appearances
E Ejector Rst > RG Ṁ ≤ Ṁcr Radio pulsars
Rst > Rl
P Propeller Rc > Rst Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr ?
Rst ≤ RG
Rst ≤ Rl
A Accretor Rst ≤ RG Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr X-ray pulsars
Rst ≤ Rl
G Georotator RG ≤ Rst Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr ?
Rst ≤ Rc
M Magnetor Rst > a Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr AM Her, polars,
Rc > a ? soft gamma repeaters,
anomalous X-ray pulsars
SE Super- Rst > Rl Ṁc > Ṁcr ?
SP Super- Rc < Rst Ṁc > Ṁcr ?
propeller Rst ≤ Rl
SA Super- Rst ≤ Rc Ṁc > Ṁcr ?
accretor Rst ≤ RG
magnetic field or be embedded in a strongly rar-
efied medium.
Magnetors (M). When a rotator enters a bi-
nary system, it may happen that its magneto-
sphere engulfs the secondary star. Such a regime
was considered by Mitrofanov et al. (1977) for
WD in close binary systems called polars due to
their strongly polarized emission. In the case of
NS, magnetors M may be realized only under the
extreme condition of very close binaries with no
matter within the binary separation.
Supercritical interaction regimes. So far,
we have assumed that the luminosity at the stop-
ping surface is lower than the Eddington limit.
This is fully justified for G and M regimes since
gravitation is not important for them. For types
E, P, and especially A, however, this is not always
true. The critical accretion rate for which the Ed-
dington limit is achieved is
Ṁcr = 1.5× 10−6R8M⊙ yr−1, (93)
where R8 ≡ Rst/108 cm is the stopping radius
(Schwartzman radius or Alfven radius, see above).
We stress here that the widely used condition
of supercritical accretion rate
Ṁ & 10−8(M/M⊙)M⊙ yr
is valid only for the case of non-magnetic NS,
where Rst ≈ 10 km coincides with the stellar ra-
dius. In reality, for a NS with a typical magnetic
field of 1011 − 1012 G, the Alfven radius reaches
107 − 108 cm, so much higher accretion rates are
required for the supercritical accretion to set in.
The electromagnetic luminosity released at the NS
surface, however, will be restricted by Ledd, and
most of the liberated energy may be carried away
by neutrinos (Basko & Sunyaev 1975) (see also
section about hyper accretion).
Most of the matter in the dynamic model of
supercritical accretion forms an outflowing flux
covering the magnetic rotator by an opaque shell
(Shakura & Sunyaev 1973). The following three
additional types are distinguished, depending on
the relationship between the characteristic radii:
superejector (SE), superpropeller (SP) and super-
accretor (SA).
9.8. A Universal Diagram for Gravimag-
netic Rotators
The classification given above was based on re-
lations between the characteristic radii, i.e. quan-
tities which cannot be observed directly. This
drawback can be removed if we note that the light
cylinder radius Rl, Shvartzman radius RSh and
corotation radius Rc are functions of the well-
observed quantity, rotational period of the mag-
netor p. Hence, the above classification can be
reformulated in the form of inequalities for the ro-
tational period of a magnetic rotator.
One can introduce two critical periods pE and
pA such that their relationship with period p of a
magnetic rotator specifies the rotator’s type:
p < pE , → E or SE,
pE ≤ p < pA, → P or SP,
p > pA, → A, SA, G or M,
The values of pE and pA can be determined
from Table 2 which defines the basic nomencla-
ture, and are functions of the parameters v∞, Ṁc,
µ and Mx. The parameters p and µ character-
ize the electromagnetic interaction, while Ṁc de-
scribes the gravitational interaction. Instead of
Ṁc we introduce the potential accretion luminos-
ity L
L ≡ Ṁc
, (95)
The physical sense of the potential luminosity
is quite clear: the accreting star would be ob-
served to have this luminosity if the matter for-
mally falling on the gravitational capture cross-
section were to reach its surface.
Approximate expressions for critical periods
(Lipunov 1992) are:
38 s, (α)
38 s, (β)
1.4 · 10−2m−1/9µ4/930 s, (γ)
We assume the next indication in this formula:
(α), Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr, p ≤ pGL; (β), Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr, p >
pGL; (γ), Ṁc > Ṁcr.
38 , s, (α)
38 , s, (β)
30 , s, (γ)
We assume the next indication in this formula:
(α), Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr and RA > RG; (β), Ṁc ≤
Ṁcr and RA ≤ RG; (γ), Ṁc > Ṁcr.
Here a new critical period pGL was introduced
from the condition RG = Rl:
pGL =
≈ 500mxv−27 s, (98)
Treating the rotator’s magnetic dipole moment
µ and Mx as parameters, we find that an over-
whelming majority of the magnetor’s stages can
be shown on a “p-L” diagram (Lipunov 1982a).
The quantity L also proves to be convenient be-
cause it can be observed directly at the accretion
9.9. The Gravimagnetic Parameter
By expecting the expression for the stopping
radius in the subcritical regime (Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr) one
can note that the magnetic dipole moment µ and
the accretion rate Ṁc always appear in the same
, (99)
as was noticed by Davies & Pringle (1981). The
parameter y characterizes the ratio between the
gravitational and magnetic “properties” of a star
and will, therefore, be called the gravimagnetic pa-
rameter. Two magnetic rotators having quite dif-
ferent magnetic fields, subjected to different ex-
ternal conditions but with identical gravimagnetic
parameters, have similar magnetospheres, as long
as the accretion rate is quite low (Ṁc ≤ Ṁcr).
Otherwise, the flux of matter near the stopping
radius no longer depends on the accretion rate at
a large distance.
In fact, the number of independent parameters
can be further reduced (see e.g. Lipunov (1992))
by introducing the parameter
, (100)
Table 2: Parameter of the evolution equation of a magnetic rotators.
Parameter Regime
Ṁ 0 0 Ṁc Ṁc(RA/Rs) 0 Ṁc
κt ∼ 2/3 . 1/3 ∼ 1/3 ∼ 1/3 ∼ 1/3 ∼ 1/3
Rt Rl Rm Rc Rc RA a
Plotting the rotator’s period p versus Y -
parameter we can draw a somewhat less obvious
but more general classification diagram than the
“p-L” diagram discussed above. This permits us
to show on a single plot the rotators with key
parameters Ṁc, µ and v∞ spanning a very wide
In the case of supercritical accretion, another
characteristic combination is found in all the ex-
, (101)
In analog to the subcritical “p-Y” diagram, a
supercritical “p-Ys” diagram can be drawn.
10. Evolution of Magnetic Rotators
The evolution of a magnetic rotator, which de-
termines its observational manifestations, involves
the slow changing of the regimes of its interaction
with the surrounding medium. Such an approach
to the evolution was developed in the 1970s by
Shvartsman (1970); Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Komberg
(1976); Illarionov & Sunyaev (1975); Shakura
(1975); Wickramasinghe & Whelan (1975),
Savonije & van den Heuvel (1977) and others.
Three stages were mostly considered in these pa-
pers: ejector, propeller and accretor. All these
stages can be described by a unified evolutionary
10.1. The evolution equation
Analysis of the nature of interaction of a mag-
netized star with the surrounding plasma allows
us to write an approximate evolution equation for
the angular momentum of a magnetic rotator in
the general form (Lipunov 1982a):
= Ṁksu − κt
, (102)
where ksu is a specific angular momentum applied
by the accretion matter to the rotator. This quan-
tity is given by
ksu =
1/2, Keplerian disk accretion,
G, wind accretion in a binary,
∼ 0, a single magnetic rotator.
where Rd is the radius of the inner disk edge,
Ω is the rotational frequency of the binary sys-
tem, and ηt ≈ 1/4 (Illarionov & Sunyaev 1975).
The values of dimensionless factor κt, characteris-
tic radius Rt and the accretion rate Ṁ in different
regimes are presented in Table 2.
The evolution equation (102) is approximate.
In practice, the situation with propellers and su-
perpropellers is not yet clear. In Table 2 Rm is
the size of a magnetosphere whose value at the
propeller stage is not known accurately and which
may differ significantly from the standard expres-
sions for the Alfven radius.
10.2. The equilibrium period
The evolution equation presented above indi-
cates that an accreting compact star must en-
deavor to attain an equilibrium state in which the
resultant torque vanishes (Davidson & Ostriker
1973; Lipunov & Shakura 1976). This hypothe-
sis is confirmed by observations of X-ray pulsars.
By equating the right-hand side of equation
(103) to zero, we obtain the equilibrium period:
peq ≈ 7.8π
−5/7y−3/7 s, (α)
peq =
10 s, (β)
where A ≈ 5× 10−4(3κt)µ230I−145 m−1x s yr−1, and
Bw ≈ 5.2×10−6R26m
0 /(10
45 Ṁ−6η s yr
L37 = L/10
37, T10 = T/10 days; (α), disk accre-
tion; (β), quasi-spherical accretion.
peq ≈ 1.0L−3/737 µ
30 s, disk,
peq = 10η
×(m2/30 /(102/3m2x))−1/2×
×L−137 T
10 µ30 s, stellar wind,
Let us turn to the case of disk accretion. The
above model of the spin-up and spin-down torques
possesses an unexpected property. The equilib-
rium period obtained by setting the torque to zero
is connected with the critical period pA through a
dimensionless factor:
peq(A) = 2
pA, (106)
The parameters κt and ε must be such that
peq > pA. Since κt ≈ ε ≈ 1, the equilibrium period
in the case of disk accretion is close to the critical
period, pA, separating accretion stage A and the
propeller stage P . In the case of the supercritical
accretion the equilibrium period is determined by
(Lipunov 1982b):
peq(SA) ≃ 0.17µ2/330 m−1/9x s, (107)
10.3. Evolutionary Tracks
The evolution of NS in binaries must be stud-
ied in conjunction with the evolution of nor-
mal stars. This problem was discussed qualita-
tively by Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Komberg (1976);
Savonije & van den Heuvel (1977),
Lipunov (1982a) and other. We begin with the
qualitative analysis presented in the latter of these
The most convenient method of analysis of NS
evolution is using the ”p-L” diagram. It should
be recalled that L is just the potential accretion
luminosity of the NS. This quantity is equal to the
real luminosity only at the accretion stage.
In Figure 1 we show the evolutionary tracks of
a NS. As a rule, a NS in a binary is born when
the companion star belongs to the main sequence
(loop-like track). During the first 105 − 107 years,
the NS is at the ejector stage, and usually it is
not seen as a radiopulsar since its pulse radia-
tion is absorbed in the stellar wind of the normal
star. The period of the NS increases in accordance
with the magnetic dipole losses. After this, the
matter penetrates into the light cylinder and the
NS passes first into the propeller stage and then
into the accretor stage. By this time, the normal
star leaves the main sequence and the stellar wind
strongly increases. This results in the emergence
of a bright X-ray pulsar. The period of the NS
stabilizes around its equilibrium value. Finally,
the normal star fills the Roche lobe and the accre-
tion rate suddenly increases; the NS moves first
to the right and then vertically downward in the
”p-L” diagram. In other words, the NS enters the
supercritical stage SA (superaccretor) and its spin
period tends to a new equilibrium value (see equa-
tion (107)).
After the mass exchange, only the helium core
of the normal star is left (a WR star in the case
of massive stars), the system becomes detached
and the NS returns back to the propeller or ejec-
tor state. Accretion is still hampered by rapid NS
rotation. This is probably the reason underlying
the absence of X-ray pulsars in pairs with Wolf-
Rayet stars (Lipunov 1982c). Since the helium
star evolves on a rather short time-scale (≈ 105
yr), the NS does not have time to spindown con-
siderably: after explosion of the normal star, the
system can be disrupted leaving the old NS as an
ejector, i.e. as a high-velocity radio pulsar.
The “loop-shaped” track discussed above can
be written in the form:
• I+E → I+P → II+P → II+A → III+SA →
IV+P → E+E (recycled pulsar) → . . .
• I+E → I+P → II+A → III+SA → IV+E
→ (recycled ejector) → IV+P → E+E (re-
cycled pulsar) → . . .
• Another version of the evolutionary track of
a NS formed in the process of mass exchange
within a binary system is:
III+SE → III+SP → IV+P → E+E → . . .
The overall lifetime of a NS in a binary system
depends on the lifetime of the normal star and on
the parameters of the binary system. However,
Fig. 1.— Tracks of NS on the period (p) - gravimagnetic parameter (Y) diagram: track of a single NS
(vertical line) and of a NS in a binary system (looped line). For the second track, possible observational
appearances of the NS are indicated.
the number of transitions from one stage to an-
other during the time the NS is in the binary is
proportional to the magnetic field strength of the
Figure 2 demonstrates the effect of NS mag-
netic field decay (track (a) with and (b) without
magnetic field decay). The first track illustrates
the common path which results in the production
of a typical millisecond pulsar.
10.4. Evolution of Magnetic Rotators in
Non-circular Orbits
So far we have considered evolution of a mag-
netic rotator related to single rotators or those
entering binary system with circular orbits. This
approximation was appropriate for the gross anal-
ysis of binary evolutionary scenario performed
by Kornilov & Lipunov (1983a,b). This approx-
imation is further justified by the fact that the
tidal interaction in close binaries leads to or-
bital circularization in a short time (Hut 1981).
However, the more general case of a binary
with eccentric orbit must be considered for fur-
ther analysis. It is especially important because
many of the currently observed X-ray pulsars, as
well as radio pulsars with massive companions
PSR B1259-63 (Johnston et al. 1992) and PSR
B0042-73 (Kaspi et al. 1994), are in highly ec-
centric orbits around massive companions. Pre-
viously, such studies have been performed by
Gnusareva & Lipunov (1985); Prokhorov (1987).
Orbital eccentricity necessarily emerges after
the first supernova explosion and mass expulsion
from the binary system. In massive binaries with
long orbital periods & 10 days, the eccentricity
may be well conserved until the second episode of
mass exchange (Hut 1981). Here, we concentrate
on the evolutionary consequences of eccentricity.
10.5. Mixing types of E-P-A binary sys-
tems with non-zero orbital eccentric-
The impact of eccentricity on the observed
properties of X-ray pulsars has been consid-
ered in many papers (Amnuel’ & Guseinov 1971;
Shakura & Sunyaev 1973; Pacini & Shapiro 1975;
Lipunov & Shakura 1976). The most important
consequence of orbital eccentricity for the evolu-
tion of rotators can be understood without de-
tailed calculations, and suggests the existence of
two different types of binary systems separated by
a critical eccentricity, ecr (Gnusareva & Lipunov
Consider an ideal situation when a rotator en-
ters a binary system with some eccentricity. The
normal star (no matter how) supplies matter to
the compact magnetized rotator. We assume that
all the parameters of the binary system (binary
separation, eccentricity, masses, accretion rate,
etc.) are stationary and unchanged. Then a crit-
ical eccentricity ecr appears such that at e > ecr
the rotator is not able to reach the accretion state
in principle. Let the rotator be rapid enough ini-
tially to be at the ejector (E) state. With other
parameters constant, the evolution of such a star
is determined only by its spindown. The star will
gradually spindown to such a state that when pass-
ing close to the periastron where the density of
the surrounding matter is higher, the pulsar will
“choke” with plasma and pass into the propeller
regime. Therefore, for a small part of its life the ro-
tator will be in a mixed EP-state, being in the pro-
peller state at periastron and at the ejector state
close to apastron. The subsequent spindown of
the rotator leads most probably to the propeller
state along the entire orbit. This is due to the
fact that the pressure of matter penetrating the
light cylinder Rl increases faster than that caused
by relativistic wind and radiation, as first noted
by Shvartsman (1971a). So it proves to be much
harder for the rotator to pass from the P state to
the E state than from E to P state (see the follow-
ing section).
The rotator will spindown ultimately to some
period, pA, at which accretion will be possible dur-
ing the periastron passage. Accretion, in contrast,
will lead to a spin-up of the rotator, so that it
reaches some average equilibrium state character-
ized by an equilibrium period peq defined by the
balance of accelerating and decelerating torques
averaged over the orbital period. If the eccentric-
ity was zero, the rotator would be in the accretion
state all the time. By increasing the eccentricity
and keeping the periastron separation between the
stars unchanged, we increase the contribution of
the decelerating torque over the orbital period and
thus decrease peq. At some ultimate large enough
eccentricity ecr the equilibrium period will be less
than the critical period pA permitting the transi-
Fig. 2.— The period-gravimagnetic parameter diagram for NS in binary systems. (a) with NS magnetic
field decay (the oblique part of the track corresponds to “movement” of the accreting NS along the so-called
“spin-up” line), (b) a typical track of a NS without field decay in a massive binary system.
tion from the propeller state to the accretion state
at apastron to occur. The rotational torque ap-
plied to the rotator, averaged over orbital period,
vanishes, and in this sense the equilibrium state is
achieved, but the rotator periodically passes from
the propeller state to the accretion state.
Thus, X-ray pulsars with unreachable full-orbit
accretion state must exist. This means that from
the observational point of view such binaries will
be observed as transient X-ray sources with sta-
tionary parameters for the normal component.
Typically, the evolutionary track of a rotator in
an eccentric binary is
• E → PE → P → AP, e > ecr
• E → PE → P → AP → A, e < ecr
this may be the principal formation channel of
transient X-ray sources.
10.6. Ejector-propeller hysteresis
As mentioned earlier, the transition of the ro-
tator from the ejector state to the propeller state
is not symmetrical. Here we consider this effect in
more detail. In terms of our approach, we must
study the dependence of Rst on Ṁc. To find Rst,
we must match the ram pressure of the accreting
plasma with that caused by the relativistic wind or
by the magnetosphere of the rotator. This depen-
dence Rst(Ṁc) will be substantially different for
rapidly (Rl < RG) and slowly (Rl > RG) rotat-
ing stars (see Figure 3). One can see that in the
case of a fast rotator, an interval of Ṁc appears
where three different values of Rst are possible,
the upper value R1 corresponding to the ejector
state and the bottom value R3 to the propeller
state; the intermediate value R2 is unstable. This
means that the rotator’s state is not determined
solely by the value of Ṁc , but also depends on
previous behavior of this value.
Now consider a periodic changing of Ṁc caused,
for example, by the rotator’s motion along an ec-
centric orbit, and large enough for the rotator to
transit from the ejector state to the propeller state
and vice versa. Initially, the rotator is in the ejec-
tor state. By approaching the normal star, the
accretion rate Ṁc increases and reaches a criti-
cal value ṀEP , where the equilibrium points R1
(stable point corresponding to the ejector state)
and R2 (unstable) approach RG (upper kink),
where they merge (see Figure 2). After that only
one equilibrium point remains in the system, the
stopping radius Rst jumps from ≈ RG down to
Fig. 3.— Dependence of the stopping radius Rst on the modified gravimagnetic radius Ry for two possible
relations between the light cylinder radius Rl and the gravitation capture radius RG: Rl > RG (left-hand
panel) and Rl < RG (right-hand panel; here the ejector-propeller hysteresis becomes possible).
R3 < Rl, and the rotator changes to the propeller
As Ṁc decreases further along the orbit and
reaches the critical value ṀEP once again, the
reverse transition from propeller to ejector does
not occur. The transition only occurs when Ṁc
reaches another critical value, ṀPE < ṀEP ,
where the unstable point R2 meets the stable pro-
peller point R3, and the stopping radius Rst jumps
from ∼ Rl up to R1 > RG. It should be noted
that for fast enough rotators, a situation is pos-
sible when the step down from the ejector state
occurs in such a manner that the stopping ra-
dius Rst < Rc and the rotator passes directly to
the accretion state. The reverse transition always
passes through the propeller stage: A → P →
E. In principle, transitions from the ejector state
to supercritical states SP or SA are also possible
(Prokhorov 1987). In the case of slow rotators
(Rl > RB) ), the “E-P” hysteresis is not possible,
and transitions between these states are symmet-
10.7. E-P transitions for different orbits
Orbital motion of the rotator around the nor-
mal companion in an eccentric binary draws a hor-
izontal line on the ”p-Y” diagram, with the begin-
ning at a point corresponding to Ṁc(ap), and the
end at a point corresponding to Ṁc(aa) (here ap
and aa are the periasrton and apastron distances,
respectively). The length of this segment is de-
termined by the eccentricity. Since Y ∝ Ṁc , the
rotator moves along this segment from left to right
and back as it revolves from the apastron to the
periastron. At each successive orbital period, this
line slowly drifts up to larger periods. The evolu-
tion of this system is thus determined by the or-
der the critical lines on the diagram are crossed by
this “line”. It is seen from the ”p-Y” diagram that
the regions with and without hysteresis are sepa-
rated by a certain value of the parameter Y = Yk.
Since Y ∝ Ṁc ∝ 1/r2 , four different situations are
possible depending on the relationship of the bi-
nary orbital separation a with critical value acr,
corresponding to Yk (see e.g. Lipunov (1992);
Lipunov et al. (1996b)).
1. ap > acr. In this case no hysteresis oc-
curs and transitions E–P and the reverse
take place in symmetrical points of the orbit.
The rotator passes the following sequence of
stages: E → EP → P → . . . Here EP means
a mixed state of the rotator at which it is
in the ejector state during one part of the
orbit, and in the propeller state during the
rest of the orbital cycle.
2. aa > acr > ap. In this case, the hysteresis
occurs at the beginning of the mixed EP-
state (state EPh), but as the rotator slows
down the hysteresis gradually decays and
disappears. E-P transition for this system
is: E → EPh → EP → P → . . .
3. aa < acr. The hysteresis is possible in prin-
ciple, but the shape of the transition depends
on the eccentricity. Suppose a pulsar has
spun down so much that the first transition
from the ejector to the propeller occurred at
the periastron. If the eccentricity were smal
e < ecr, (do not confuse this ecr with the
critical eccentricity introduced in the pre-
vious section) the reverse transition to the
ejector state would not occur even at the
apastron, and the evolutionary path would
be E → P → . . .
4. If e > ecr , the track is E → EPh → P →
. . . It should be noted that just after the first
EP transition (as well as before the last), the
system spends a finite time in the E and P
states at every revolution.
The value of ecr can be expressed through the
orbital parameters as
ecr ≃
cr − a1/7a
cr + a
, (108)
To conclude, we note that the hysteresis during
the ejector-propeller transition may be possible for
single radio pulsars also. For example, when the
pulsar moves through a dense cloud of interstellar
plasma, the pulses can be absorbed. The radio
pulsar turns on again when it comes out from the
cloud. The hysteresis amplitude for single pulsars
can be high enough because of small relative ve-
locities of the interstellar gas and the pulsar, so
that RG ≫ Rl.
11. Summary
The “Scenario Machine” is the numerical code
for theoretical investigations of statistical proper-
ties of binary stars, i.e. this is population synthesis
code (Lipunov et al. 1996b). It includes the evo-
lution of normal stars and the evolution of their
compact remnants. This is especially important
for studies of the neutron stars (Lipunov 1992).
We always include the most important observa-
tional discoveries and theoretical estimations into
our code.
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This 2-column preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX
macros v5.2.
Basic equations and initial distributions
Evolutionary scenario for binary stars
Basic evolutionary states of normal stars
Main sequence stars
Post main-sequence stars
Roche lobe overflow
Wolf-Rayet and helium stars
Stellar winds from normal stars
Change of binary parameters: mass, semi-major axis and eccentricity
Mass change
Semi-major axis change
The change of eccentricity
Special cases: supernova explosion and common envelope
Three regimes of mass accretion by neutron stars
Ordinary accretion
Mass accretion by black holes
Accretion induced collapse and compact objects merging
Additional scenarios of stellar wind from massive stars
Evolutionary scenario B
Evolutionary scenario C
Evolutionary Scenario W
The ``Ecology'' of Magnetic Rotators
A Gravimagnetic Rotator
The Environment of the Rotator
The Stopping Radius
The Stopping Radius in the Supercritical Case
The Effect of the Magnetic Field
The Corotation Radius
A Universal Diagram for Gravimagnetic Rotators
The Gravimagnetic Parameter
Evolution of Magnetic Rotators
The evolution equation
The equilibrium period
Evolutionary Tracks
Evolution of Magnetic Rotators in Non-circular Orbits
Mixing types of E-P-A binary systems with non-zero orbital eccentricity
Ejector-propeller hysteresis
E-P transitions for different orbits
0704.1388 | Why do some intermediate polars show soft X-ray emission? A survey of
XMM-Newton spectra | Draft version October 29, 2018
Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 10/09/06
P.A. Evans
and Coel Hellier
Astrophysics Group, Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, UK
Draft version October 29, 2018
We make a systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton X-ray spectra of intermediate polars (IPs) and
find that, contrary to the traditional picture, most show a soft blackbody component. We compare the
results with those from AM Her stars and deduce that the blackbody emission arises from reprocessing
of hard X-rays, rather than from the blobby accretion sometimes seen in AM Hers. Whether an IP
shows a blackbody component appears to depend primarily on geometric factors: a blackbody is not
seen in those that have accretion footprints that are always obscured by accretion curtains or are only
visible when foreshortened on the white-dwarf limb. Thus we argue against previous suggestions that
the blackbody emission characterises a separate sub-group of IPs which are more akin to AM Hers,
and develop a unified picture of the blackbody emission in these stars.
Subject headings: accretion, accretion discs – novae, cataclysmic variables – X-rays: binaries.
Intermediate polars (IPs) – interacting binaries with a
magnetic white-dwarf primary – have traditionally been
noted for their hard X-ray emission. This arises as the
magnetic field of the white dwarf disrupts the accre-
tion disc and channels material towards the magnetic
polecaps. This material forms stand-off shocks, below
which it cools via free-free interactions, producing hard
X-rays. However, a growing number of systems have
been shown to emit a distinct blackbody component
in softer X-rays (e.g. Mason et al. (1992); Haberl et al.
(1994); de Martino et al. (2004)), reminiscent of the soft
component prominent in the X-ray spectra of many AM
Her stars (also known as polars). These systems are
similar to IPs but the white-dwarf has a magnetic field
strong enough to prevent an accretion disc from forming
at all. In these systems, the soft blackbody component
is though to arise from a heated polecap surrounding the
accretion column (See Warner (1985); Hellier (2001) for
a review of these objects).
Currently it is unclear why the blackbody component
is seen in some IPs and not others. Haberl & Motch
(1995) suggested that there are two distinct classes of IP,
with the ‘soft’ systems being evolutionary progenitors of
polars. They argued that the ‘hard IPs’ may have larger
and cooler polecaps, pushing the soft emission into the
EUV and explaining the difference in the spectra.
We present here a study of XMM-Newton X-ray data
of 12 IPs, aimed at discovering why some IPs show a
blackbody component while others don’t. Our method
is similar to that of Ramsay & Cropper (2004) (hereafter
RC04) who analysed the XMM-Newton data of twenty-
one polars, which enables us to compare the IPs with the
The XMM-Newton observatory (Jansen et al. 2001)
was launched in 1999, and we have obtained observa-
1 Current address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uni-
versity of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
The XMM observations of IPs analysed in this
Object ObsID Date References
AO Psc 0009650101 2001-06-09 1,2
EX Hya 0111020101 2000-07-01 1,2
0111020201 2000-07-01 1,2
FO Aqr 0009650201 2001-05-12 1,2,3
GK Per 0154550101 2002-03-09 2,4
HT Cam 0144840101 2003-03-24 2,5,6
PQ Gem 0109510301 2002-10-08 2,7
NY Lup 0105460301 2000-09-07 2,8
UU Col 0201290201 2004-08-21 9
V1223 Sgr 0145050101 2003-04-13 1,2
V405 Aur 0111180401 2001-10-05 2,10
V2400 Oph 0105460601 2001-08-30 2
WX Pyx 0149160201 2003-05-20 11
References. — (1) Cropper et al. (2002), (2)
Evans & Hellier (2005b), (3) Evans et al. (2004), (4)
Vrielmann et al. (2005) (5) de Martino et al. (2005),
(6) Evans & Hellier (2005a), (7) Evans, Hellier & Ram-
say (2006), (8) Haberl et al. (2002), (9) de Martino et
al. (2006) (10) Evans & Hellier (2004), (11) Schlegel
tions of twelve IPs from the public archive. We ana-
lyzed the data from the EPIC-MOS and pn instruments
(Turner et al. 2001; Strüder et al. 2001) which provide
high-throughput, medium-resolution spectroscopy across
the 0.2–12 keV energy range. The higher resolution RGS
instruments (den Herder et al. 2001) have only 20 per
cent of the effective area of the MOS cameras and the
data are not used here.
A summary of the observations used is given in Table 1.
We re-ran the pipeline processing for these observations
using xmm-sas v7.0.0. The observations of GK Per, NY
Lup and V2400 Oph suffered from pile-up, and thus only
the wings of the PSF were included in the source extrac-
tion. The MOS-1 observation of EX Hya was so badly
piled up that we excluded it from our analysis.
RC04 used only the EPIC-pn data as it was better cal-
ibrated than the EPIC-MOS data at soft energies. Us-
ing the better calibrations of xmm-sas v.7 we extracted
2 Evans & Hellier
spectra from all three EPIC instruments. Response ma-
trices were created for each spectrum, using the xmm-sas
rmfgen and arfgen tasks. We then modelled the spectra
using xspec v11. For each star, all model parameters
were tied between the EPIC instruments, except for the
normalisation which we allowed to vary in order to com-
bat the effects of cross-calibration uncertainties.
Although IP spectra can vary considerably over the
spin cycle, for the majority of the systems in this paper,
we do not have enough geometric information to identify
phase regions when the hard/soft components are best
presented to us (as RC04 did), so we extracted spectra
covering the entire observation. Note that the results of
our spectroscopy are thus weighted averages from across
the spin cycle; this was taken into account when inter-
preting our results .
To reproduce the hard component we used the strat-
ified accretion column model of Cropper et al. (1999).
This models the spectrum in terms of the white dwarf
mass (MWD) and specific accretion rate (i.e. accretion
rate per unit area, ṁ), from which it calculates the
temperature and density profile of the column. This is
then divided into 100 bins, evenly distributed in veloc-
ity space, each bin emitting as an optically thin plasma
(a mekal). To the stratified column model, we added
narrow Gaussians for the 6.4-keV iron fluorescence line
and the 0.547 keV Oxygen vii photoionisation line where
necessary. We then applied to this emission a simple pho-
toelectric absorber. For most systems this did not give
an acceptable fit, so we added either one or two partial-
covering absorbers as necessary.
Next, we added a blackbody component to the mod-
els. Since absorption at the densities of the partial-
covering components (typically ∼ 1023 cm−2) will com-
pletely smother any soft X-ray emission and thus be re-
dundant with model normalisation, the blackbody com-
ponent was absorbed only by the simple absorption,
which was of order 1019–1021 cm−2.
For some systems the addition of a blackbody did not
improve the fit. For these systems we manually raised the
blackbody normalisation until it significantly reduced the
fit quality, thus finding an upper limit. Since this will
be temperature dependent, we did this for blackbody
temperatures of 40, 60 and 80 eV.
We quote, in Table 2, the f-test statistic to judge
the the significance of adding the blackbody component.
However, this test will produce false positives in the pres-
ence of calibration systematics. We have thus estimated
the systematics by fitting a model optimised for the MOS
data to the pn data (allowing only the normalisation to
change) and recording the change in χ2(=∆χ2system). We
claim the presence of a blackbody only if it improves the
χ2 by more than ∆χ2system. This method is more con-
servative than using the f-test alone. We include this
estimate of the systematics in all the errors quoted in
this paper.
Details of the fits are given in Table 3. The ṁ was un-
constrained for every system, so is not given. We do not
quote errors on the partial-covering absorbers as they do
not affect the softness ratio. The ratio is sensitive, how-
ever, to the metal abundance in the column, as there is a
forest of iron L lines in the 0.5–1.2 keV range, affecting
the model fit at the soft end.
For all twelve systems we then calculated the flux from
the hard and soft components. Following RC04 we de-
fined the softness ratio as Fs/4Fh, where Fs and Fh are
the fluxes of the soft and hard components respectively.
The factor of four arises because the hard component is
optically thin and thus radiates isotropically, whereas the
hard component is optically thick. Where the blackbody-
emitting region is seen foreshortened, the observed ratio
will be an underestimate.
The softness ratios are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. We show
the observed ratio, the ratio of unabsorbed fluxes over
the 0.2–12 keV range, and the ratio of unabsorbed fluxes
calculated over all energies. These bolometric fluxes and
softness ratios are given in Table 4. For the systems
with no detectable soft component we show the upper
limit calculated for a 60-eV blackbody, and present the
fluxes and ratios for a range of blackbody temperatures
in Table ??.
We show the spectra for the systems with a blackbody
component in Fig. 3, and for those without in Fig. 4. For
the latter we have also shown the upper limit determined
for a 60-eV blackbody component.
For FO Aqr, AO Psc, V1223 Sgr and HT Cam
we found no evidence for a soft component, in agree-
ment with previous observations, (see Norton et al.
(1992); Hellier et al. (1996); Beardmore et al (2000);
Evans & Hellier (2005a) respectively).
3.1. V405 Aur
The XMM observation of V405 Aur contains system-
atic discrepancies between the two EPIC-MOS instru-
ments below 0.4 keV. However, when processed under
sas 7.0 these are at a much lower level than when
Evans & Hellier (2004) analysed the data, and we have
made no allowance for these discrepancies in the fit. Note
also that as there is no pn data for V405 Aur, we have
no estimate of the effects of systematics discussed in Sec-
tion 2, so our errors are likely to be underestimates.
The best-fitting blackbody temperature was kT =
−1.11 eV. This is significantly higher than the 40±4
eV reported by Evans & Hellier (2004) analysing the
same observation, however they used two mekals to
fit the hard component whereas we used the stratified
column model. Since the calibration has also changed
since Evans & Hellier (2004), we analysed our better-
calibrated data using their model, and found a fit in
agreement with theirs. This demonstrates that the re-
sults are somewhat model dependent; the stratified col-
umn model is likely to be the more physically realis-
tic. Fitting the hard component with a single, high
temperature plasma, Haberl et al. (1994) found a black-
body temperature of 49–64 eV (from ROSAT data) and
de Martino et al. (2004) found 73 ± 14 eV (using Bep-
poSAX ).
Our fitted hydrogen column of 3.46+0.41
−0.31 × 10
20 cm−2
agrees with that of de Martino et al. (2004) [(4±2)×1020
cm−2] but not with those of Haberl et al. (1994) or
Evans & Hellier (2004) who reported (5.7 ± 0.3) × 1020
and (10.6+0.9
−1.2) × 10
20 cm−2 respectively. However, the
fitted column will depend on the emission model used,
so some discrepancy is expected.
Soft X-rays from IPs 3
Fit statistics for each star with and without a blackbody.
Star χ2 (dof) χ2 (dof) (with bb) f-test ∆χ2system χ
(No bb) (with bb)
AO Psc 3372.74 (2888) 3772.71 (2884) 0.93 700 0.03
FO Aqr 1462 (1864) 1444 (1860) 1.6×10−4 168 18
HT Cam 1325 (1273) 1310 (1269) 4.1×10−3 79 16
V1223 Sgr 3840.8 (3128) 3840.6 (3124) 0.99 143 0.2
EX Hya 14045 (4876) 10158 (4873) < 10−99 1284 3887
GK Per 17040 (4079) 5024 (4075) < 10−99 84 12016
NY Lup 902 (699) 669 (695) 8×10−14 40 233
PQ Gem 20435 (2439) 2940 (2435) < 10−99 144 17495
UU Col 1676 (817) 910 (813) < 10−99 76 766
V2400 Oph 1019 (1003) 953 (999) 9×10−14 50 66.15
V405 Aur 17626 (997) 1146 (994) < 10−99 * 16480
WX Pyx 594 (477) 495 (473) 8×10−18 52 99
Note. — The f-test gives the probability that no blackbody is present, making no
allowance for systematics. The ∆χ2system is the change in χ
2 in fitting the same model
to the MOS and pn cameras, thus giving an estimate of the systematic errors. The last
column is the improvement in χ2 when a blackbody is added. We consider this significant if
it exceeds ∆χ2system.
∗ There was no pn data for V405 Aur, so ∆χ2system was not estimated.
Spectral components used in the fitted models.
Star wabs nH blackbody kT Part Abs (1) Part Abs (2) MWD Abundance
(1020cm−2) (eV) (nH , Cv Frc) (nH , Cv Frc) (M⊙) (solar)
V405 Aur 3.46 (+0.41, −0.31) 64.78 (+0.81, −1.11 ) 17, 0.49 3.0, 0.63 0.40 (+0.05, −0.06) 0.069 (+0.024, −0.021)
GK Per 23.3 (+2.0, −1.9) 62 (±2) 23, 0.74 4.7, 0.45 0.92 (+0.39, −0.13) 0.21 (+0.14, −0.07)
NY Lup 7.8 (±3.9) 104 (+21, −23) 14, 0.49 0.38, 0.71 0.96 (+0.40, −0.55) 0.68 (+0.51, −0.59)
V2400 Oph 7.0 (+2.9, −4.9) 117 (+33, −44) 11, 0.52 0.61, 0.53 0.69 (+0.06, −0.24) 0.33 (+0.12, −0.10)
PQ Gem 0 (+0.30) 47.6 (+2.9, −1.4) 42, 0.60 3.4, 0.56 0.70 (+0.16, −0.14) < 0.08
EX Hya 9.76 (+2.2, −0.86) 31.0 (+1.3, -2.4) 75, 0.35 4.0, 0.29 0.449 (+0.005, −0.013) 0.514 (+0.01, −0.0029)
UU Col 0 (+0.59) 73 (+20, −9) 10, 0.34 1.23 (+0.17, −0.29) 0.66 (+1.0, -0.62)
WX Pyx 8.4 (+3.8, −2.9) 82 (+11, −15) 1.4 (+0, −0.09) < 2.87
FO Aqr 0 (+2.1) 21, 0.80 6.4, 0.98 1.19 (+0.11, −0.31) 0.31 (+0.20, −0.23)
AO Psc 3.89 (+0.69, −1.44) 14, 0.62 1.8, 0.75 0.594 (+0.13, −0.040) 0.362 (+0.20, −0.064)
HT Cam 3.86 (+0.81, -0.88) 0.687 (+0.094, −0.061) 0.52 (+0.24, −0.11)
V1223 Sgr 1.03 (+0.36, −0.52) 13, 0.46 1.3, 0.63 1.046 (+0.049, −0.012) 0.398 (+0.090, -0.049)
Note. — The column density of the partial absorption is given in units of 1022 cm−2. Errors are quoted to the same power of ten as the corresponding
The unabsorbed, bolometric fluxes of the soft and hard components for those systems which
show blackbody emission.
Object Fh,bol Fs,bol Ratio
(erg s−1 cm−2) (erg s−1 cm−2)
V405 Aur 5.1× 10−11 (+3.6, −1.1) 4.3× 10−11 (+2.4, −1.2) 0.211 (+0.018, -0.038)
GK Per 1.20× 10−9 (+0.25, −0.06) 2.29× 10−10 (+0.95, −0.62) 4.8× 10−2 (+1.8, −1.3)
NY Lup 4.15× 10−11 (+12.7, −0.18) 4.3× 10−12 (+9.9, −1.4) 2.6× 10−2 (+1.6, −1.1)
V2400 Oph 9.2× 10−11 (+4.1, −1.9) 3.3× 10−12 (+2.1, −1.5) 8.9× 10−3 (+4.6, −2.8)
PQ Gem 1.07× 10−10 (+0.40, −0.23) 1.33× 10−11 (+0.13, −0.17) 3.11× 10−2 (+0.74, −0.83)
EX Hya 3.95× 10−10 (+0.26, −0.20) 1.59× 10−10 (+3.47, −0.62) 1.00 (+0.48, −0.20)
WX Pyx 7.51× 10−12 (+0.35, −0.93) 6.0× 10−13 (+5.9, −2.9) 2.00× 10−2 (+2.38, −0.93)
UU Col 6.81× 10−12 (+2.29, −0.80) 3.04× 10−13 (±0.98) 1.12× 10−2 (±0.45)
Note. — The ratio is defined as in Fig. 1. Errors are given to the same power of ten as the values.
4 Evans & Hellier
Fig. 1.— Softness ratios of the IPs observed with XMM, defined as Fs/4Fh, where Fs and Fh are the fluxes of the soft blackbody and
hard plasma components respectively, calculated over the 0.2–12 keV energy range covered by XMM. Upper panel : Ratios calculated from
the spectral fits. Lower panel : The ratios calculated from the spectral fits, after the absorption components were removed.
Fig. 2.— As for Fig. 1, but with the effects of absorption removed and Fs and Fh extended over all energies. The ratios for the polars
given in RC04 are also shown (hollow squares); RC04 did not quote errors. The uppermost six systems are the polars in which RC04 found
no blackbody component. We have found an upper limit for these systems as we did for the IPs. The dashed line corresponds to a softness
ratio of 0.5; systems with a higher softness ratio exhibit a ‘soft excess’.
Soft X-rays from IPs 5
The unabsorbed, bolometric fluxes from the systems with no detectable soft
X-ray component, and the upper limit of the softness ratio, for a range of
Object Fh,bol Ratio40eV Ratio60eV Ratio80eV
(erg s−1 cm−2)
FO Aqr 2.71× 10−10(+0.65, −0.18) < 4.6× 10−4 < 1.4× 10−4 < 8.0× 10−5
AO Psc 1.51× 10−10(+0.09, −0.11) < 4.3× 10−3 < 1.1× 10−3 < 6.2× 10−4
HT Cam 8.48× 10−12(+0.53, −0.38) < 2.5× 10−2 < 5.3× 10−3 < 2.6× 10−3
V1223 Sgr 2.96× 10−10( ±0.13) < 8.5× 10−4 < 3.5× 10−4 < 2.3× 10−4
3.2. GK Per
A soft blackbody component was necessary to model
the XMM spectrum of GK Per as previously found by
Vrielmann et al. (2005). They reported a blackbody
temperature of 59.6 ± 0.2 eV absorbed by a column of
(3.2±0.2)×1021 cm−2. Our temperature of 62±2 eV and
column of (2.3± 0.2) cm−2 are very similar, though not
formally in agreement. Note that Vrielmann et al. (2005)
parameterised the hard emission using a bremsstrahlung
component and a mekal, supporting our assertion above
that these results are model dependent.
3.3. NY Lup
Haberl et al. (2002) analysed this XMM observation
of NY Lup (=RXJ154814) and found a soft component
with a blackbody temperature of 84–97 eV and a column
density of (11.7–15.5)×1020 cm−2. Our values of kTbb =
−23 eV and nH = (7.8± 3.9)× 10
21 cm−2 agree.
3.4. V2400 Oph
V2400 Oph was identified as a soft IP by
de Martino et al. (2004), who analysed a BeppoSAX ob-
servation and reported a blackbody temperature of 103±
10 eV and absorption column (46+12
20 cm−2. We
find a blackbody temperature of 117+33
−44 eV, in agreement
with this result, but a slightly lower absorption column of
−4.9)× 10
20 cm−2. This is probably because de Mar-
tino used a single mekal and a single partial-covering
absorber to model the hard emission, whereas we used
the stratified column model and two partial covering ab-
3.5. PQ Gem
PQ Gem was the first IP found to have a soft-X-ray
component (Mason et al. 1992). This component was
also present in the XMM data, with a best-fitting black-
body temperature of 47.6+2.9
−1.4 eV, in agreement with the
−23 eV of Duck et al. (1994) from ROSAT data, and
−14 eV of de Martino et al. (2004) from BeppoSAX
data. The fitted column density goes to zero, which is
likely to be an artefact of fitting a complex absorption
with too simple a model. We quote an upper limit of
3× 1019 cm−2 based on the phase-resolved modelling of
Evans et al. (2006).
3.6. EX Hya
The best-fitting model for EX Hya used a blackbody
component, which has not been previously reported in
this system. However even with this component, the
procedure outlined in Section 2 resulted in a poor fit
=2.1). A possible reason for this is our choice of ab-
sorption model. We have used a cold absorber in our
models since the data do not warrant the extra param-
eters in ionised absorption models, even though one ex-
pects any absorbing material (e.g. the accretion curtains)
to be ionised. We therefore tried various ionised absorp-
tion models, but gained only a minor improvement to
the fit. We thus reverted to the cold absorber model for
consistency with the rest of this paper. We also tried us-
ing phase-resolved spectroscopy, in case the poor fit was
the result of averaging phase-variant parameters, how-
ever this still did not yield an acceptable fit. We have
nonethless included our results for EX Hya, for complete-
ness, but due to the poor fit, we do not much place much
weight on the EX Hya data when considering our results.
As the distance to EX Hya is known (64.5±1.2 pc:
Beuermann et al. (2003)), we can determine the size of
the accretion footprint from the soft X-ray flux. Table 4
gives this as (1.59+3.47
−0.62) × 10
−10 ergs cm−2 s−1 with a
temperature of 31.0+1.3
−2.4 eV, from which we compute an
emitting area (8.4+29.8
−4.2 ) × 10
13 cm2. Suleimanov et al
(2005) gave the mass of the white dwarf in EX Hya as
0.5±0.05M⊙, thus the observed blackbody emitting area
in EX Hya covers (7.3+29.3
−4.0 ) × 10
−4 of the white-dwarf
3.7. UU Col
UU Col was identified as a soft IP by Burwitz et al.
(1996). de Martino et al. (2006) have recently confirmed
this with a detailed analysis of the XMM observation.
They reported a blackbody temperature of 49.7+5.6
−2.9 eV,
which is lower than our value of 73+20
−9 eV, however in
their model the blackbody is absorbed by the partial cov-
ering absorber, and no simple absorber is present.
3.8. WX Pyx
The XMM observation of WX Pyx, the only X-ray
observation of this star to date, has a relatively low sta-
tistical quality. It was previously analysed by Schlegel
(2005) who did not report looking for a blackbody com-
ponent. However, we find that adding a blackbody does
significantly improve the fit.
3.9. Comparison with the polars
In Fig. 2 we have plotted the softness ratios of both the
IPs and the polars (from RC04). For the polars which
RC04 reported not to have a blackbody, we obtained the
spectra as extracted an calibrated by RC04 (Ramsay,
private communication), and fitted them in the same way
as the IPs (Section 2) to obtain an upper limit.
6 Evans & Hellier
Fig. 3.— The EPIC-pn spectra of the eight IPs for which the best-fitting models contain a blackbody component. The solid line shows
the hard component; the broken line the blackbody. For V405 Aur we have shown the MOS-1 spectrum, since the pn camera did not collect
any data.
The chief difference in the two distributions is that
while several polars show a softness ratio > 0.5, no IP
can be confirmed to do this, and it can be excluded for
all but EX Hya – for which our results are uncertain
(Section 3.6). The ‘soft excess’ in polars is believed to
arise due to ‘blobby accretion’ (e.g. Kuijpers & Pringle
(1982)). In this model, dense blobs of matter penetrate
into the white dwarf photosphere and the energy is ther-
malised to a blackbody.
Whether such accretion occurs in IPs has not been
widely discussed in the literature. Hellier & Beardmore
(2002) suggested that viscous interactions in an accre-
tion disc would destroy blobs, although Vrielmann et al.
(2005) interpreted flares in the lightcurve of GK Per as
resulting from the accretion of blobs. Our findings sug-
gest that blobby accretion is not significant in IPs.
The ‘polar’ class of magnetic cataclysmic variable has
long been known to be characterised by a soft black-
body component (e.g. King & Watson (1987)). This
Soft X-rays from IPs 7
Fig. 4.— The EPIC-pn spectra of the four IPs for which the best-fitting model does not contain a blackbody component. The solid line
shows the best-fitting model. The broken line shows the upper limit to a blackbody component, given a temperature of 60 eV. For FO Aqr
we show the MOS-1 data, as the signal-to-noise ratio of the pn data is worse.
is considered to arise from the white-dwarf surface,
heated either by reprocessing of hard X-rays from
the accretion column, or by thermalisation of blobs
of accretion (e.g. Kuijpers & Pringle (1982)). In con-
trast, IPs were thought to lack this component (e.g.
King & Lasota (1990)). However, observations with
ROSAT found a blackbody component in some IPs, lead-
ing Haberl & Motch (1995) to suggest that there were
two spectrally distinct classes of IP. This raised the ques-
tion of why.
To address this we have conducted a systematic survey
of the spectral characteristics of the IPs observed with
XMM-Newton, which has much greater spectral coverage
and throughput than ROSAT.
We find that, of twelve IPs analysed, eight show a soft
blackbody component while four do not. This suggests
that a blackbody is a normal component of IPs, and
hence of accretion onto magnetic white dwarfs, and that
the spectra differ only in degree.
We thus ask what causes the differing visibility
of the soft component. There does not appear to
be any correlation with the white-dwarf mass [see
Cropper et al. (1999); Ezuka & Ishida (1999); Ramsay
(2000); Suleimanov et al (2005) for mass estimates], nor
any obvious correlation with the orbital period.
In polars, systems with higher magnetic field strengths
appear to have higher softness ratios (e.g. Ramsay et al.
(1994)). Of the IPs in our sample showing polarisation,
and thus known to have a relatively strong field (5–20
MG), all (PQ Gem, V405 Aur and V2400 Oph) show
a blackbody component, while the four stars showing
no blackbody emission (FO Aqr, AO Psc, HT Cam &
V1223 Sgr) do not show polarisation. We give a possible
explanation for this after discussing the role of absorp-
We first consider the simple absorber, which is proba-
bly of interstellar origin. The detection of a blackbody
component in most systems shows that interstellar ab-
sorption is not sufficient to extinguish the soft emission.
Further, the systems with no detected blackbody compo-
nent do not have higher interstellar columns than those
with a blackbody (Table 3), so this absorption cannot
explain the differing visibility of the soft component.
We thus turn to the partial-covering absorption, which
in IPs is predominantly caused by the accretion cur-
tains crossing the line of sight. Here we find that
the systems where the lightcurves are dominated by
deep absorption dips owing to the accretion curtains
(FO Aqr, V1223 Sgr and AO Psc; see Beardmore et al.
(1998); Beardmore et al (2000); Hellier et al. (1991) re-
spectively) do tend to be those which lack a blackbody
component. In contrast, systems showing a blackbody
component, such as V405 Aur, NY Lup, EX Hya and
V2400 Oph, tend to be systems where the lightcurves
suggest that the accretion curtains do not hide the accre-
tion footprints (see Evans & Hellier (2004); Haberl et al.
(2002); Allan et al. (1998); Hellier & Beardmore (2002)
We thus suggest that the major reason why some IPs
don’t show a blackbody component is simply that the
heated region near the accretion footprint is hidden by
the accretion curtains, while in other IPs it is not, the
difference being the result of the system inclination and
the magnetic colatitude (see Fig. 5). Coupled with this is
8 Evans & Hellier
to foreshortening
No BB seen
BB seen
BB seen
Little BB owing
Fig. 5.— The factors that affect blackbody emission in an IP.
a) When the upper magnetic pole is on the visible face, blackbody
emission will only be seen if the inclination is such that the heated
accretion region is visible above the accretion curtains.
b) When the lower pole is on the visible face, it will likely be too
foreshortened for us to detect blackbody emission.
c) In UU Col the magnetic axis is highly inclined, so the foreshort-
ening seen in b) is reduced and blackbody emission is seen.
the effect of foreshortening, such that an optically thick
heated region will not produce much blackbody emission
if it is only seen while on the white-dwarf limb, rather
than in the middle of the face.
A proper investigation of this idea would need knowl-
edge of the size and location of the accretion footprints
and of the surrounding heated polecaps, so that we could
estimate the difference absorbing columns of different
spectral components, and how these vary with spin-cycle
phase. However, this information is not known for the
majority of IPs. The softness ratio might conceivably
also vary with parameters such as accretion rate and
white-dwarf mass, which are again only poorly known.
However, as a test of our ideas, we can outline how
they might apply to the remaining systems in our sam-
ple which we did not consider when forming the model,
namely HT Cam, GK Per, PQ Gem and UU Col.
In PQ Gem the accretion curtains do cause an ab-
sorption dip when they obscure the accretion footprints.
However, the geometry of this star is relatively well de-
termined (Potter et al. 1997; Mason 1997; Evans et al.
2006) and it appears that the heated polecap is graz-
ingly visible above the accretion curtain for part of the
cycle; thus it shows both an absorption dip and a soft
blackbody, and is on the boundary between the two cases
illustrated in the upper panel of Fig. 5.
UU Col also shows an absorption dip when the ac-
cretion curtains obscure the upper pole, and also shows
blackbody emission. de Martino et al. (2006) proposed
that the blackbody emission comes from the lower pole,
viewed when that pole is closest to us (lowest panel of
Fig. 5). We thus suggest that UU Col has an abnor-
mally high inclination of the magnetic dipole, such that
the lower pole is not foreshortened as much as in other
IPs where no blackbody component is seen. V405 Aur
is another system that appears to have a highly inclined
dipole, such that blackbody emission from the lower pole
is significant, leading in that system to a double-peaked
soft-X-ray lightcurve (Evans & Hellier 2004).
In contrast to all the other IPs, the XMM data of
GK Per reported here were collected during an outburst.
Fig. 6.— Schematic diagram of GK Per in outburst. Accretion
occurs from all azimuths, resulting in a circular blackbody-emitting
region (dark ring). As can be seen, even when the accretion cur-
tains lie across our line-of-sight, part of this region is unobscured.
Hellier et al. (2004) have argued that during outburst the
accretion occurs from all azimuths, forming a complete
accretion ring at the poles. As illustrated in Fig. 6, this
means that some portion of the heated polecap is likely
to be visible ‘behind’ the magnetic pole, where accretion
does not normally occur. Thus in GK Per in outburst we
see a system with both strongly absorbed X-ray emission
(from in front of the magnetic pole) and a blackbody
Lastly, we consider HT Cam. This shows very lit-
tle sign of absorption, and its lightcurve can explained
without any absorption effects (Evans et al. 2006). Yet
it shows no blackbody emission, in apparent contradic-
tion to our model. However, as previously suggested by
de Martino et al. (2006) and Evans et al. (2006), it ap-
pears that HT Cam has an exceptionally low accretion
rate (partly accounting for the lack of absorption). If so,
it could be that the blackbody component is simply too
cool to be detected in the XMM bandpass. We note that
the blackbody temperature in EX Hya, the other star in
our sample below the period gap, is lower than in the
others (Table 3), and that in HT Cam might be lower
We have analysed data from XMM observations of 12
intermediate polars and find that a soft blackbody com-
ponent is a common feature of their X-ray spectra. We
suggest that in the systems showing no blackbody emis-
sion the heated accretion polecaps are largely hidden by
the accretion curtains, or are only visible when on the
white dwarf limb and highly foreshortened. Thus IPs
with lightcurves dominated by absorption dips caused by
the passage of accretion curtains across the line of sight
tend to show no blackbody emission. Further, these are
also the systems least likely to show polarisation, since
the cyclotron-emitting column will also be obscured by
the accretion curtains, or would be beamed away from
us if the accretion region were on the white-dwarf limb.
After comparing the blackbody emission seen in IPs with
that seen in polars, we conclude that the blobby emis-
sion responsible for soft X-ray excesses in polars does not
occur in IPs.
We thank Gavin Ramsay for providing us with the
spectra of the polars with no detectable soft component.
Facilities: XMM ()
Soft X-rays from IPs 9
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0704.1389 | Gutzwiller description of non-magnetic Mott insulators: a dimer lattice
model | Gutzwiller description of non-magnetic Mott insulators: a dimer lattice model.
Michele Fabrizio,1,2
1 International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and CNR-INFM-Democritos
National Simulation Centre, Via Beirut 2-4, I-34014 Trieste, Italy
2 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), P.O. Box 586, I-34014 Trieste, Italy
(Dated: September 12, 2021)
We introduce a novel extension of the Gutzwiller variational wavefunction able to deal with
insulators that escape any mean-field like description, as for instance non-magnetic insulators. As
an application, we study the Mott transition from a paramagnetic metal into a non-magnetic Peierls,
or valence-bond, Mott insulator. We analyze this model by means of our Gutzwiller wavefunction
analytically in the limit of large coordination lattices, where we find that: (1) the Mott transition
is first order; (2) the Peierls gap is large in the Mott insulator, although it is mainly contributed by
the electron repulsion; (3) singlet-superconductivity arises around the transition.
PACS numbers: 71.10.-w, 71.10.Fd, 71.30.+h
Among the theoretical tools devised to deal with
strongly correlated metals close to a Mott metal-to-
insulator transition (MIT), the simplest one likely is
the variational approach introduced in the 60ths’ by
Gutzwiller1,2 to describe itinerant ferromagnetism and
narrow band conductors. In its original version, the
Gutzwiller variational wavefunction has the form
|ΨG〉 = P |φ〉 =
PR |φ〉, (1)
where |φ〉 is an uncorrelated wavefunction for which
Wick’s theorem holds, PR an operator at site R, and
both |φ〉 and PR have to be determined by minimizing
the variational energy. The role of the operator PR is to
modify, according to the on-site interaction, the weights
of the local electronic configurations with respect to their
values in the uncorrelated wavefunction.
In spite of its simplicity, the Gutzwiller wavefunction
is quite effective in capturing physical properties that
supposedly identify strongly correlated metals, as for in-
stance the large increase of the effective mass.3 However,
since the dependence upon the distance |R−R′| of inter-
site correlations are still determined by the uncorrelated
wavefunction, while the local operators PR just affect the
amplitudes, the Gutzwiller wavefunction can describe a
Mott insulator either if PR suppresses completely charge
fluctuations, that provides a very poor description of an
insulator, or if |φ〉 itself is insulating. The latter case
can be stabilized within the original Gutzwiller approach
only when |φ〉 is an admissible Hartree-Fock solution of
the Hamiltonian. As an example let us consider a sin-
gle band model at half-filling, for instance the Hubbard
H = −
tRR′ c
nR,↑ nR,↓,
where c
and c
creates and annihilates, respectively,
an electron with spin σ =↑, ↓ at site R and nR,σ =
. This Hamiltonian admits at the mean-field
level two possible phases, one paramagnetic, 〈nR,↑〉 =
〈nR,↓〉, and the other magnetic, 〈nR,↑〉 6= 〈nR,↓〉. The
latter is the only one that can eventually describe an
insulator. In the Hubbard model the action of the oper-
ator P is to increase the weight of singly occupied sites
at expenses of doubly occupied and empty sites, in or-
der to minimize the Coulomb repulsion U . Evidently,
even when the repulsion is very strong, hence the model
is a Mott insulator, a realistic wavefunction should still
allow for charge fluctuations responsible for the super-
exchange, that survives even deep inside the Mott phase.
However, any paramagnetic uncorrelated wavefunction,
for instance the Fermi sea, is unable to generate any
super-exchange and necessarily leads to a non-realistic
Mott insulator where configurations with empty or dou-
bly occupied sites are fully suppressed.3 The only way
to generate super-exchange is to assume a magnetically
ordered |φ〉, which is also the only insulating wavefunc-
tion accessible within Hartree-Fock. However a magnetic
state might not always be the right choice, especially if
magnetism is sufficiently frustrated.
Recently, an improved version of the Gutzwiller wave-
function has been proposed,4 in which additional inter-
site correlations are provided by density-density Jastrow
factors, namely
|ΨG〉 → exp
vR,R′ nR nR′
|ΨG〉, (2)
where nR is the site R occupation number and vR,R′
variational parameters. This novel class of wavefunctions
has the capability to disentangle charge from other de-
grees of freedom, hence is more suitable to capture Mott
localization, as it has indeed been shown.4,5,6 However,
unlike the conventional Gutzwiller wavefunction (1), the
Gutzwiller-Jastrow wavefunction (2) can only be dealt
with numerically by variational Monte Carlo, which is in-
herently limited to finite-size systems, albeit quite large.7
An alternative approach, that is closely related to
recently proposed extensions of Dynamical Mean Field
Theory (DMFT) from the original single-site formula-
tion8 to a cluster one9,10,11,12,13, is to consider a vari-
ational wavefunction of the same form as (1) but de-
fined on a lattice with non-primitive unit cells. In this
case, the operator PR acts on all the available electronic
configurations of the lattice sites belonging to the non-
primitive cell. The advantage is that in this way one may
include additional short-range correlations without losing
the property of the wavefunction to be analytically man-
ageable, at least in infinite-coordination lattices. The ob-
vious disadvantage is that this wavefunction could bias
the variational solution towards translational-symmetry
Within this scheme, the variational problem becomes
generically equivalent to optimize a Gutzwiller wave-
function for a multi-band Hamiltonian. There have
been recently an amount of attempts to extend the
Gutzwiller wavefunction to multi-orbital models that in-
clude further complications like for instance Coulomb ex-
change14,15,16,17. In this paper we introduce a further
extension that is capable to generate inter-site correla-
tions as the super-exchange for paramagnetic wavefunc-
tions, otherwise missed by the conventional Gutzwiller
approach. This novel class of wavefunctions also allows
to explore new kinds of variational solutions. Specifi-
cally, there are interesting examples of correlated models
where the Mott insulating phase escapes any Hartree-
Fock mean-field treatment, in other words can not be
represented by a single Slater determinant. A very sim-
ple case, that we will explicitly consider throughout this
work, is a Peierls insulator, namely a short-range valence-
bond crystal, in which pairs of nearest neighbor sites are
strongly bound into a singlet configuration, leading to a
state that is simply a collection of spin-singlets. Such a
Mott insulating state is not accessible by Hartree-Fock
theory, just because each singlet is itself not express-
ible as a Slater determinant, nor by the conventional
Gutzwiller approach, which, as mentioned, gives a poor
description of paramagnetic insulators.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we
present the variational wavefunction and discuss under
which conditions it can be deal with analytically. In Sec-
tion III we discuss how to build up the wavefunction in
the case in which the basic unit of the lattice model is
a dimer. Next, in Section IV, we solve the variational
problem for a specific lattice model of dimers. Conclu-
sions are given in Section V.
In this Section, we introduce an extension of the
Gutzwiller wavefunction (1) which is particularly con-
venient to perform analytical calculation in the limit of
infinite-coordination lattices.14 Let us consider a generic
multi-band Hamiltonian. Each lattice site R contains
several orbitals that give rise to a bunch of electronic con-
figurations which we denote individually as |Γ;R〉. The
most general operator PR can be chosen of the form:
λ(R)ΓΓ′ |Γ;R〉〈Γ′;R|, (3)
where λ(R)ΓΓ′ are variational parameters. In general PR
needs not to be hermitean, namely for Γ 6= Γ′ it is not
required that λ(R)∗ΓΓ′ = λ(R)Γ′Γ. Indeed, as we shall
see, the non-hermitean character plays a very important
role. We further assume that the Wick’s theorem holds
for the uncorrelated wavefunction, hence that |φ〉 is either
a Slater determinant or a BCS wavefunction.
It was realized by Bünemann, Weber and Gebhard14
that average values of operators on the Gutzwiller wave-
function (1) can be analytically computed in infinite co-
ordination lattices provided the following two constraints
are imposed on PR:
〈φ| P†
|φ〉 = 〈φ|φ〉 = 1, (4)
〈φ| P†
CR |φ〉 = 〈φ| CR |φ〉, (5)
where CR is the local single-particle density-matrix op-
erator, with elements c
R,α cR,β and c
R,α c
, α labeling
single-particle states, while c
and c
create and an-
nihilate, respectively, an electron at site R in state α.
The first constraint, Eq. (4), does not actually limit
the variational freedom, since PR is defined up to a nor-
malization factor. On the contrary, the latter constraint,
Eq. (5), may reduce the variational freedom, although it
seems not in a relevant manner, at least in all cases that
we have so far investigated. We notice that Eq. (5) is not
the same as imposing
〈φ| P†
CRPR |φ〉 = 〈φ| CR |φ〉, (6)
unless P
commutes with CR, which is a further con-
straint to be imposed on PR. This actually is the only
case that has been hitherto considered, see e.g. Refs. 14
and 15. However, as we shall see, there are interesting
models which force to abandon the supplementary con-
dition (6), which is anyway unnecessary.17
By means of Wick’s theorem, the left-hand side of (5)
includes a disconnected term
〈φ| P†
|φ〉 〈φ| CR |φ〉 = 〈φ| CR |φ〉,
where the right-hand side follows from (4), plus con-
nected terms that are obtained by selecting in all possible
ways a pair of single-fermion operators from P†
, av-
eraging on |φ〉 what remains, and finally averaging the
two single-fermion operators with those of CR. There-
fore, imposing (5) means that the sum of all connected
terms vanishes, whatever is the element of the single-
particle density-matrix. In other words, the operator
that is left after taking out from P†
any pair of single-
fermion operators has null average on |φ〉. In turns, this
also implies that, when averaging on |φ〉 P†
multi-particle operators at different sites, the only con-
nected terms that survive are those that involve four or
R’+ + . . .
=R’R R
FIG. 1: Graphical representation of the average on |φ〉 of
PR, drawn as a box, times a generic multi-particle oper-
ator at site R′, drawn as a circle. Lines that join the two
operators represent the average of two single-fermion opera-
tors, one at R and the other at R′. The dots include all terms
where the two sites are joined by more than four lines. The
important thing to notice is the absence of terms in which the
two sites are connected by two lines.
more single-fermion operators of P†
, that are repre-
sented graphically in Fig. 1 as lines coming out of P†
This property of PR turns out to be extremely useful
in infinite-coordination lattices. In this limit, the con-
tribution to the average value on |φ〉 of terms in which
more than two fermionic lines come out of P†
can be
shown to vanish14, which simplifies considerably all cal-
culations. For instance, the average value on (1) of any
local operator OR becomes
〈φ| P†OR P |φ〉 = 〈φ| P†R OR PR|φ〉, (7)
which also implies, taking OR = 1, that the variational
wavefunction (1) is normalized. In addition, the average
value of the inter-site single-particle density matrix turns
out to be
〈φ| P† c†
R,α cR′,β P |φ〉
= 〈φ| P†
Z(R)αγ Z(R′)
〈φ| c†
R,γ cR′,δ |φ〉
Z(R)αγ ∆(R′)
〈φ| c†
∆(R)αγ Z(R′)
〈φ| c
R,γ cR′,δ |φ〉
∆(R)αγ ∆(R′)
〈φ| c
|φ〉, (8)
〈φ| P† c†
P |φ〉
= 〈φ| P†
Z(R)αγ Z(R′)βδ 〈φ| c†R,γ c
Z(R)αγ ∆(R′)βδ 〈φ| c†R,γ cR′,δ |φ〉
∆(R)αγ Z(R′)βδ 〈φ| cR,γ c
∆(R)αγ ∆(R′)βδ 〈φ| cR,γ cR′,δ |φ〉, (9)
where the matrices Z and ∆ are determined by inverting
the following set of equations
〈φ| P†
R,α PR cR,β |φ〉 (10)
Z(R)αγ 〈φ| c†R,γ cR,β |φ〉
∆(R)αγ 〈φ| cR,γ cR,β |φ〉, (11)
〈φ| P†
|φ〉 (12)
Z(R)αγ 〈φ| c†R,γ c
∆(R)αγ 〈φ| cR,γ c
|φ〉, . (13)
Näıvely speaking, it is as if, when calculating the inter-
site density matrix, a fermionic operator transforms ef-
fectively into
Z(R)αβ c
∆(R)αβ cR,β, (14)
namely that a particle turns into a particle or a hole
with probabilities Z and ∆, respectively. Although all
the above expressions are strictly valid only in infinite-
coordination lattices, it is quite common to use the same
formulas also to evaluate average values on the Gutzwiller
wavefunction in finite-coordination lattices. This ap-
proximation is refereed to as the Gutzwiller approxima-
tion1,2,18,19,20, and is known to be equivalent to the sad-
dle point solution within the slave-boson technique.21
We conclude by noting that the constraint (5) turns
out to be useful also when the variational wavefunction
(1) is applied to Anderson impurity models. In this case
the operator P acts only on the electronic configurations
|Γ〉 of the impurity, namely
λΓΓ′ |Γ〉〈Γ′|.
If we impose
〈φ| P† P |φ〉 = 1, (15)
〈φ| P† P Cimp |φ〉 = 〈φ| Cimp |φ〉, (16)
where Cimp is the single-particle density matrix of the
impurity, then, for any operator of the conduction bath,
Obath, and because of (4) and (5), the following result
〈φ| P† Obath P |φ〉 = 〈φ| Obath |φ〉. (17)
A. Some formal definitions
In order to perform actual calculations, it is convenient
to introduce some notations. We define a matrix Fα with
(Fα)Γ1Γ2 = 〈Γ1;R| cR,α |Γ2;R〉,
as well as its hermitean conjugate, F †α, where we assumed
that the definition of the local configurations is the same
for all sites. It follows that
Fα = δαβ I,
Fα Fβ + Fβ Fα = 0,
where I is the identity. Next, we introduce the uncor-
related occupation-probability matrix, P0(R), with ele-
(P0(R))Γ1Γ2 = 〈φ|Γ1;R〉 〈Γ2;R|φ〉, (18)
that satisfies
1 = Tr (P0(R)) ,
〈φ| c†
R,α cR,β |φ〉 = Tr
〈φ| c†
|φ〉 = Tr
Analogously, the variational parameters that define P
λ(R)Γ1Γ2 , are interpreted as elements of a matrix λ(R).
With these definitions, Eqs. (4) and (5) become
〈φ| P†
|φ〉 = Tr
† λ(R)
〈φ| P†
|φ〉 = Tr
† λ(R)F †α Fβ
= 〈φ| c†
R,α cR,β |φ〉,
〈φ| P†
R,α c
|φ〉 = Tr
† λ(R)F †α F
= 〈φ| c†
that suggests to introduce a variational occupation-
probability matrix P (R) = P0(R)λ(R)
† λ(R) with ma-
trix elements
(P (R))Γ1Γ2 =
(P0(R))Γ1Γ3 λ(R)
λ(R)Γ4Γ2 ,
that must satisfy
Tr (P (R)) = 1, (20)
P (R)F †α Fβ
= 〈φ| c†
R,α cR,β |φ〉, (21)
P (R)F †α F
= 〈φ| c†
|φ〉, , (22)
Eqs. (20), (21) and (22) replace the constraints (4) and
(5). With these definitions, the matrices Z and ∆, see
Eqs. (11) and (13), are obtained by solving
† F †α λ(R)Fβ
Z(R)αγ Tr
∆(R)αγ Tr
P0(R)Fγ Fβ
, (23)
† F †α λ(R)F
Z(R)αγ Tr
∆(R)αγ Tr
P0(R)Fγ F
. (24)
The above equations simplify if one uses the natural
basis, namely the single-particle basis that diagonalizes
the density-matrix,
〈φ| c†
R,α cR,β|φ〉 = n(R)α δαβ ,
〈φ| c†
R,α c
|φ〉 = 0.
In this case
Z(R)αβ =
† F †α λ(R)Fβ
, (25)
∆(R)αβ =
† F †α λ(R)F
1− n(R)β
. (26)
Moreover, if one constructs the states |Γ;R〉 so that
P0(R) is diagonal
(P0(R))ΓΓ′ = δΓΓ′ P0(R; Γ),
(P (R))Γ1Γ2 = P0(R; Γ1)
λ(R)Γ3Γ2 , (27)
B. The variational problem
We are now in position to settle up the variational
problem. We consider a generic tight-binding Hamilto-
H = −
E(R)ΓΓ′ |Γ;R〉〈Γ′;R|, (28)
where α and β stem for spin, orbital and lattice site in
the chosen unit cell, and the hermitean matrix E(R) with
elements E(R)ΓΓ′ may be also unit-cell dependent. The
average value of this Hamiltonian on the Gutzwiller wave-
function (1) in the limit of infinite coordination lattices
or, in finite coordination ones, within the Gutzwiller ap-
proximation, is
Evar = −
Z(R)αγ Z(R′)
〈φ| c†
Z(R)αγ ∆(R′)
〈φ| c†
∆(R)αγ Z(R′)
〈φ| c
R,γ cR′,δ |φ〉
∆(R)αγ ∆(R′)
〈φ| c
† E(R)λ(R)
≡ Ehop + Eint. (29)
The last term depends only on the local properties of the
uncorrelated wavefunction |φ〉, specifically on the occupa-
tion probabilities P0(R). Therefore, for any given choice
of P0(R), the optimal |φ〉 that minimizes the variational
energy is the ground state of the Hamiltonian
Hvar = −
Z(R)αγ Z(R′)
Z(R)αγ ∆(R′)
∆(R)αγ Z(R′)
R,γ cR′,δ
∆(R)αγ ∆(R′)
µ(R)αβ c
ν(R)αβ c
, (30)
where the parameters µ(R)αβ and ν(R)αβ are Lagrange
multipliers to be determined by imposing that the ground
state has indeed the chosen P0(R). The last task is to
find the values of the variational parameters λ(R)ΓΓ′ as
well as of P0(R) for which the variational energy (29) is
minimum. We note that the variational Hamiltonian (30)
that has to be solved may include also inter-site pairing
terms, which are absent in the original Hamiltonian (28).
Analogously to other more conventional variational ap-
proaches, like Hartree-Fock theory, it is common to in-
terpret the single-particle spectrum of the variational
Hamiltonian (30) as an approximation of the true co-
herent spectrum of quasi-particles.22
Let us now apply the variational wavefunction to spe-
cific models that are inspired by the valence-bond crys-
tal example we mentioned in the introduction, and where
the off-diagonal elements of the operator PR as well as
its non-hermitean character do play an important role.
Since the operator PR is built out of purely local prop-
erties, namely the available on-site electronic configura-
tions plus a variational guess for the uncorrelated on-site
single-particle density-matrix, a lot of preliminary results
can be extracted without even specifying how lattice-sites
are coupled together. Therefore we start our analysis
from defining some local properties and later we will con-
sider a specific lattice model.
A. The isolated dimer
The basic unit of the model we are going to investigate
consists of a dimer with Hamiltonian
Hdimer = −t⊥
1σc2σ +H.c.
(ni − 1)2
≡ H⊥ +HU , (31)
where 1 and 2 refer to the two sites of the dimer and ni,
i = 1, 2, is the on-site occupation number.
It is more convenient to work in the basis of the even
(bonding) and odd (anti-bonding) combinations, defined
ceσ =
(c1σ + c2σ) , coσ =
(c1σ − c2σ) .
and use this basis to built the available electronic con-
figurations, which we will denote as |n,Γ〉, with n that
refers to the number of electrons. The empty and the
fourfold occupied dimer states are denoted as |0〉 and
|4〉, respectively, while the singly-occupied states as
|1, e(o), σ〉 = c†
and the states with 3 electrons as
|3, e(o), σ〉 = c†
o(e)↑ c
o(e)↓ |0〉.
There are six doubly-occupied configurations. Two are
spin-singlets with two electrons in the even or in the odd
orbital, |2, e〉 and |2, o〉, respectively. When each orbital
is singly occupied, the two electrons form either a spin
triplet, |2, 1, Sz〉 with Sz = −1, 0, 1, or a spin singlet,
|2, 0〉. Since we are not going to consider variational so-
lutions that break spin-SU(2) symmetry, it is convenient
to define the projector operators
|1, e(o)〉〈1, e(o)| =
|1, e(o), σ〉〈1, e(o), σ|,
|3, e(o)〉〈3, e(o)| =
|3, e(o), σ〉〈3, e(o), σ|,
|2, 1〉〈2, 1| =
|2, 1, Sz〉〈2, 1, Sz|.
The isolated-dimer ground state in the subspace with
two electrons is
|Ψ〉 = cos θ√
1↑c2↓ + c
sin θ√
1↑c1↓ + c
(cos θ + sin θ) |2, e〉
(cos θ − sin θ) |2, o〉,
where tan 2θ = 4t⊥/U and has energy
+ 4t2⊥. (32)
|Ψ〉 can be always rewritten in the form of a Gutzwiller
wavefunction. First of all, we needs to choose an uncor-
related wavefunction |φ〉. A natural choice might be the
ground state at U = 0, namely |2, e〉. Indeed |Ψ〉 can be
written as
|Ψ〉 = P |2, e〉,
P = |Ψ〉〈2, e| = 1√
(cos θ + sin θ) |2, e〉〈2, e|
(cos θ − sin θ) |2, o〉〈2, e|. (33)
and obviously satisfies both (4) and (5).
Another possibility, that we are also going to con-
sider in what follows, is to use an uncorrelated wavefunc-
tion that corresponds to a dimer in which the two sites
are only coupled by an intersite singlet-Cooper pairing,
namely with 〈c†1↑c
2↓〉 = 〈c
1↓〉 6= 0. In this case
|φ〉 = 1
|0〉+ |2, e〉 − |2, o〉 − |4〉
and, once again, the true ground state can be written as
|Ψ〉 = |Ψ〉〈φ| |φ〉 ≡ P |φ〉.
Already at this stage one can appreciate how important
is the role of the off-diagonal elements in P , especially
for large U/t⊥.
B. The non-isolated dimer: variational density
When the dimer is coupled to the rest of the system, in
order to built the operator P we need to specify an un-
correlated local single-particle density matrix based on a
variational guess of the uncorrelated wavefunction |φ〉. A
simple guess would be a magnetic wavefunction in which
the two sites of each dimer have opposite magnetization.
This choice is also the only one admitted by an Hartree-
Fock decomposition of the interaction term HU . How-
ever, a magnetic wavefunction is not the most suitable
choice to reproduce the limit of isolated dimers, which is
a collection of singlets.
Alternatively, one can consider a paramagnetic |φ〉 that
has built in the tendency of each dimer to lock into a
spin-singlet. This can be accomplished in two ways that
do not exclude each other. The first is to assume an
uncorrelated wavefunction with a huge splitting between
even and odd orbitals, namely with
〈φ| c†eσceσ |φ〉 ≫ no =
〈φ| c†oσcoσ |φ〉.
This implies that, among the doubly-occupied configura-
tions of each dimer, mainly the spin-singlet |2, e〉 survives
in the uncorrelated wavefunction. The latter can then be
turned into the isolated dimer configuration by an ap-
propriate Gutzwiller operator P , as shown before. The
other possibility is to include Cooper pairing correlations
in the singlet channel
∆SC = 〈φ| c†1↑c
2↓ + c
1↓ |φ〉.
In this case, the isolated dimer can be recovered by as-
suming a very strong pairing ∆SC ≃ 1 and suppressing,
through P , configurations with none or two singlet-pairs.
Note that both ne − no and ∆SC do not appear by a
mean-field decoupling of HU , so that a variational wave-
function with such correlations built in can not be sta-
bilized within Hartree-Fock theory. Here the role of P
becomes crucial.
Therefore, let us assume for |φ〉 a BCS-wavefunction
defined such that
〈φ| c†1σc1σ |φ〉 = 〈φ| c
2σc2σ |φ〉 =
, (34)
〈φ| c†1σc2σ |φ〉 = 〈φ| c
2σc1σ |φ〉 =
, (35)
〈φ| c†1↑c
2↓ |φ〉 = 〈φ| c
1↓ |φ〉 =
, (36)
with real ∆SC . In the even/odd basis this translates into
〈φ| c†eσceσ |φ〉 =
, (37)
〈φ| c†oσcoσ |φ〉 =
, (38)
〈φ| c†
e↓ |φ〉 = −〈φ| c
o↓ |φ〉 =
, (39)
where ne + no = n. As previously mentioned, the cal-
culations simplify considerably in the natural basis, that
is derived in the Appendix for this particular choice of
density matrices.
As a particular application, we assume hereafter that
the model is half-filled, namely ne +n0 = 2. The density
matrix of the operators in the natural basis, d
is, by Eqs. (A.3) and (A.4),
〈φ| d†
|φ〉 = 1
δ2 +∆2
. (40)
The two angles θe and θo, that are defined by Eq. (A.2)
and identify the unitary transformation from the original
to the natural basis, are given by θe = θ and θo = θ−π/2,
tan 2θ =
. (41)
We note that, for q → 1/2, the uncorrelated wavefunc-
tion describes an insulator where charge fluctuations are
completely suppressed since each natural orbital is fully
occupied. It is obvious that, if our choice of the varia-
tional wavefunction is correct, then the optimal uncor-
related wavefunction must asymptotically acquire
q = 1/2 for U → ∞.
The expression in the natural basis of the hopping,
Eq. (A.6), and interaction, Eq. (A.7), operators can be
derived through (A.5) and have a relatively simple ex-
pression at half-filling:
H⊥ = −t⊥
2 cos 2θ
|4̃〉〈4̃| − |0̃〉〈0̃|
+ cos 2θ
|3̃〉〈3̃| − |1̃〉〈1̃|
− sin 2θ
2 sin 2θ
|0̃〉〈2̃,+|+ |4̃〉〈2̃,+|+H.c.
|0̃〉〈0̃|+ |4̃〉〈4̃| − |0̃〉〈4̃| − |4̃〉〈0̃|
|2̃,+〉〈2̃,+|+ |2̃,−〉〈2̃,−|+ |2̃, 0〉〈2̃, 0|
|1̃〉〈1̃|+ |3̃〉〈3̃|
, (43)
where we have defined
|1̃(3̃)〉〈1̃(3̃)| = |1̃(3̃), e〉〈1̃(3̃), e|+ |1̃(3̃), o〉〈1̃(3̃), o|,
|1̃〉〈3̃| = |1̃, e〉〈3̃, e|+ |1̃, o〉〈3̃, o|,
|2̃,±〉 = 1√
|2̃, e〉 ± |2̃, o〉
and denoted the local configurations in the natural basis
as |ñ,Γ〉 to distinguish them from the analogous ones in
the original representation.
C. The Gutzwiller operator P
The most general Gutzwiller operator P should include
at least all the projectors |ñ,Γ〉〈ñ,Γ| as well as all the
off-diagonal operators |ñ,Γ〉〈ñ′,Γ′| that appear in the lo-
cal Hamiltonian, Eqs. (42) and (43). As we mentioned
before, our expectation is that the uncorrelated wave-
function which better connects to the large-U Mott in-
sulator should be identified by q → 1/2, in which locally
only the configurations |3̃〉 and |4̃〉 are occupied with non-
negligible probability. This suggests that P must include
at least those off-diagonal operators that would turn |4̃〉
into the isolated dimer ground state, namely |0̃〉〈4̃| and
|2̃,+〉〈4̃|. The latter forces to include also |1̃〉〈3̃|, as we
shall see.
Therefore we assume for P the following variational
λnΓ |ñ,Γ〉〈ñ,Γ|+ λ13 |1̃〉〈3̃|
+λ04 |0̃〉〈4̃|+ λ2+ 4 |2̃,+〉〈4̃|, (44)
with real λ’s. We define
P (n,Γ) = λ2nΓ P0(ñ,Γ), (45)
for all n 6= 3, 4, while, for n = 3, 4,
P (3) =
λ23 + λ
P0(3̃), (46)
P (4) =
λ24 + λ
04 + λ
P0(4̃). (47)
Then the conditions Eqs. (4) and (5) read
P (n,Γ) = 1, (48)
nP (n,Γ) = 2 + 4q, (49)
λ13 λ1
P0(3̃)P0(1̃) =
2λ2+ 4 λ2+
P0(4̃)P0(2̃,+). (50)
Here P0(ñ,Γ) are the occupation probabilities in the nat-
ural basis of the uncorrelated wavefunction. Specifically
P0(ñ,Γ) = gen,Γ
)en (
where gen,Γ is the degeneracy of the configuration.
Eq. (50) guarantees that the anomalous averages
〈φ| P† P d†
e(o)↓ |φ〉
vanish in the natural basis, and explains why we have
included |1̃〉〈3̃| in (44). It is convenient to rewrite
P (4)
ui for i = 4, 04, 2 + 4,
P (3)
ui for i = 3, 13,
where u23 + u
13 = 1, which can be satisfied by choosing
u3 = cosψ and u13 = sinψ, and u
2+4 = 1. The
latter parameters can be expressed by means of another
unit vector v = (v1, v2, v3), through
(u4 + u04) ,
cos 2θ√
(u4 − u04)− sin 2θ u2+4,
sin 2θ√
(u4 − u04) + cos 2θ u2+4,
In terms of all the variational parameters, the P (n,Γ)’s,
θ, q, ψ and v, the average values per dimer of the in-
teraction, HU , and intra-dimer hopping, H⊥, are readily
found to be
EU = 〈φ| P†HU P |φ〉 =
P (3) + P (1)
P (0) + U
P (2,+) + P (2,−) + P (2, 0)
v22 + v
P (4), (52)
E⊥ = 〈φ| P†H⊥ P |φ〉 = −2 t⊥ δ∗, (53)
where the actual correlated values of the hybridization
and of the anomalous average are
2 δ∗ = 〈φ| P (ne − no) P |φ〉
= 4 v1 v2 P (4) + cos (2θ + 2ψ) P (3)
−2 cos 2θ P (0)− cos 2θ P (1), (54)
2∆∗ = 〈φ| P
e↓ − c
o↓ +H.c.
P |φ〉
= 4 v1 v3 P (4) + sin (2θ + 2ψ) P (3)
−2 sin2θ P (0)− sin 2θ P (1), (55)
We note that δ∗ and ∆∗ are mutually exclusive, namely
the choice of parameters that maximizes one of the two,
makes the other vanishing.
Upon the action of P , the single fermion operators
in the Nambu spinor representation transform effectively
Z +∆ e−i β τ2
, (57)
where τi, i = 1, 2, 3, are the Pauli matrices that act on
the Nambu spinor components,
tanβ =
. (58)
and, finally,
〈φ| P† d†
1− 4q2
P (0)P (1) +
P (1)P (2,+)
P (1)P (2,−) + 1
P (1)P (2, 0)
P (1)P (2, 1) + cosψ
P (3)P (2, 1)
+ cosψ
P (3)P (2, 0) + cosψ
P (3)P (2,−)
+ cosψ
P (3)P (2,+)
v1 cosψ + v2 cos (2θ + ψ)
+ v3 sin (2θ + ψ)
P (4)P (3)
, (59)
〈φ| P† d†
e(o)↑ P d
e(o)↓ |φ〉
1− 4q2
P (3)P (2,−)
P (3)P (2,+)
P (3)P (2, 1)
P (3)P (2, 0)
v1 sinψ − v2 sin (2θ + ψ)
+v3 cos (2θ + ψ)
P (4)P (3)
, (60)
with real
Z and
∆. Therefore, if the dimers are cou-
pled one to another by the single particle hopping term
R 6=R′
τ3 ΨR′,j , (61)
R,i↑, cR,i↓),
and Ψ its hermitean conjugate, the uncorrelated wave
function |φ〉 minimizes the effective hopping
Tvar = (Z +∆)
R 6=R′
−2 i β τ2 Ψ
under the condition that the local density matrix satisfies
Eqs.(37)-(39). One can readily show that this amounts to
find the ground state |φ〉 of the variational Hamiltonian
Hvar = (Z +∆)
R 6=R′
τ3 ΨR′,j
R,e τ3 ΨR,e −Ψ
R,o τ3 ΨR,o
R,e τ1 ΨR,e −Ψ
R,o τ1 ΨR,o
, (63)
with µ3 and µ1 such that
〈φ| Hvar |φ〉 + 4q µ3 cos(2θ + 2β) + 4q µ1 sin(2θ + 2β),
is maximum.
Before we consider specific lattice models, it is worth
re-deriving within this variational scheme the isolated-
dimer ground-state energy (32) at half-filling. For that
purpose, we take all P (n,Γ) zero but P (4) = 1. The
variational energy is simply
Evar = EU + E⊥ = U
v22 + v
− 4 t⊥ v1 v2.
The minimum under the constraint v · v = 1 is obtained
for v3 = 0 and exactly reproduces (32). We note that
the minimum energy is independent on θ, namely there
exists a continuous family of variational solutions with
equal energy parametrized by θ. However, in spite of the
fact that the uncorrelated wavefunction may describe a
superconductor, the actual value of the anomalous aver-
age ∆∗ = 0.
As a particular application, let us consider the follow-
ing lattice model
H = −
tRR′ c
R,iσcR′,iσ +H.c.
(nR,i − 1)2
R,1σcR,2σ +H.c.
(ǫk − t⊥) c†k,eσck,eσ + (ǫk + t⊥) c
(nR,i − 1)2 , (64)
where nR,i =
and ǫk is the band dis-
persion induced by tRR′ , with half-bandwidth D. The
Hamiltonian (64) represents two Hubbard models cou-
pled by a single-particle hopping t⊥, each model being
defined on a lattice with coordination number z. As we
mentioned, the variational results that we have so far
derived are rigorous strictly speaking only if z → ∞,
although, in the spirit of the Gutzwiller approximation,
they can be used for generic z as well.
If U ≫ D, t⊥, (64) describes at half-filling a Mott insu-
lator which may be magnetic at t⊥ ≪ D, but is certainly
non-magnetic at t⊥ ≫ D, where the ground state reduces
essentially to a collection of singlets. For instance, in the
case of a Bethe lattice with nearest neighbor hopping,
the transition is at t⊥ = D/
8, value that is going to
decrease if frustration is included. If U is small and the
Fermi surface is not nested, then the model is metallic
for t⊥ ≤ D and is a band insulator otherwise. In fact,
in the absence of nesting there is generically a finite win-
dow of t⊥ values in which, upon increasing U , the model
undergoes a transition from a paramagnetic metal into a
non-magnetic Mott insulator, and this is just the case we
are going to consider in what follows. The same model
have been recently studied by Fuhrmann, Heilmann and
Monien using DMFT23 and by Kancharla and Okamoto24
using DMFT and cluster DMFT, respectively, that gives
us the opportunity to directly check the accuracy of our
The variational Hamiltonian (63) of the model (64) has
a very simple expression,
Hvar =
ǫk∗ − µ3
τ3 − µ1 τ1
ǫk∗ + µ3
τ3 + µ1 τ1
, (65)
ǫk∗ = (Z +∆) ǫk.
The variational single-particle spectrum has the conven-
tional BCS form with eigenvalues
Eek =
(ǫk∗ − µ3)2 + µ21, Eok =
(ǫk∗ + µ3)
+ µ21,
hence, for any µ1 6= 0, has a gap equal to 2µ1. On the
contrary, when µ1 = 0, the spectrum is gapless for |µ3| ≤
D, otherwise is gaped. The Lagrange multipliers µ1 and
µ2 are obtaining by maximizing
Ehop = −
Eek + Eok
+ 4q µ3 cos(2θ + 2β) + 4q µ1 sin(2θ + 2β). (66)
In terms of (66), (52) and (53) the variational energy is
Evar = Ehop + EU + E⊥, (67)
and depends on eight independent variational parame-
We have solved numerically the variational problem at
fixed t⊥/D = 0.5 as function of U/D. To simplify cal-
culations, we have assumed for the band dispersion ǫk
either a flat or a semi-circular density of states, although
both would give rise to nesting that could stabilize mag-
netic phases, which we do not take into account. How-
ever, from the point of view of the paramagnetic-metal
to paramagnetic-insulator transition, this choice is not
We find that the variational solution displays a first
order phase transition at Uc ≃ 2.05 D for a flat density
of states, as shown by the behavior of the variational en-
ergy in Fig. 2. This result agrees almost quantitatively
with the DMFT calculation23 obtained with a semicir-
cular density of states, that also predicts a first order
transition with a coexistence region between U ≃ 1.5 D
and 1.8 D at the same value of t⊥ = 0.5 D. We note that
the energy is everywhere finite and vanishes like 1/U for
large U , see the inset of Fig. 2. The asymptotic behavior
2 ∼ −7/6 is compatible with second order per-
turbation theory in t and t⊥ using as zeroth-order state
a collection of dimers, as explained below. In Fig. 3 we
show the behavior across the transition of the three con-
tribution to the energy, namely EU , E⊥ and Ehop. We
FIG. 2: Variational energy Evar in units of D and for a flat
non-interacting density of states, as function of U/D for t⊥ =
D/2. At Uc ≃ 2.05 D a first order transition occurs. The
inset shows the asymptotic value of UEvar/D
FIG. 3: The different contributions to the variational energy,
EU , E⊥ and Ehop.
find that the transition is accompanied by an energy loss
in Ehop, but a gain in both E⊥ and EU .
In order to characterize physically the two phases, in
Fig. 4 we plot the values of µ1 and µ3 across the tran-
sition. Since µ1 = 0, within our numerical accuracy,
and |µ3| < D, the phase at U < Uc is gapless hence
metallic, see the behavior of the density of states (DOS)
drawn in Fig. 5. On the contrary, on the U > Uc side
FIG. 4: The behavior of the parameters µ1 and µ3 in units of
D as function of U/D, see Eq. (65).
of the transition, µ1 6= 0, that implies a finite gap in the
single-particle variational spectrum, see Fig. 5. In the
gaped phase at U > Uc the spectrum looks like the one
of a Peierls insulator with a very large hybridization gap,
not consistent with the bare value of t⊥. In reality this
gap is, more properly, the Mott-Hubbard gap. Indeed
the DOS has weight both below and above the chemical
potential, suggestive of asymmetric Mott-Hubbard side-
bands. Moreover, as we are going to discuss below, the
actual difference between the occupations of the bond-
ing and anti-bonding bands, which we denoted as 2δ∗ in
Eq. (54), decreases with U , unlike the single-particle gap,
see Fig. 7. This behavior is reminiscent of what has been
found by Biermann et al.25 as an attempt to understand
the physics of VO2.
The other quantities that identify the variational spec-
trum are Z and ∆, shown in Fig. 6. We see that Z is
decreasing with U but reaches a finite value Z = 1/4 for
U → ∞. On the contrary, ∆ = 0 for U < Uc, while
∆ 6= 0 for U > Uc and increases monotonically to reach
asymptotically the same value 1/4 for large U .
Further insights can be gained by the average values of
the intra-dimer hopping and pairing, Eqs. (54) and (55),
drawn in Fig. 7. As we mentioned, the intra-dimer hy-
bridization 2δ∗ is monotonically decreasing with U , apart
from the jump at the first order transition. More inter-
estingly, around the transition the variational solution
is characterized by a sizeable BCS order parameter ∆∗,
which does not follow the behavior of the BCS coupling
µ1 present in the variational Hamiltonian. Indeed, while
µ1 is zero within our numerical accuracy for U < Uc,
yet a non negligible ∆∗ develops just before the transi-
tion, see Fig. 7. Moreover, although µ1 starts already
U/D = 2.0
U/D = 0
U/D = 2.05
U/D = 3.0
−2 0.5
FIG. 5: The variational single-particle spectrum for the even,
i.e. bonding, band, solid lines, and odd, i.e. anti-bonding,
one, dashed lines, across the transition for a non-interacting
semi-circular density of states.
large for U > Uc and increases monotonically with U ,
see Fig. 4, the actual order parameter ∆∗ is apprecia-
ble only near the transition and fastly decreases with
U to very tiny values. Also interesting is that, besides
the intra-dimer superconducting order parameter, also an
inter-dimer one arises, that can be for instance defined
∆̃∗ =
tRR′ 〈φ| P† Ψ†R,i τ1 ΨR′,i P |φ〉
FIG. 6: The behavior of the parameters Z and ∆.
FIG. 7: The average values of the intra-dimer hopping, δ∗,
and pairing, ∆∗.
where V is the number of sites. We find that ∆̃∗ has
actually the opposite sign of ∆∗, and both closely follow
each other, rapidly decreasing with U , see Fig. 8. Even
though ∆∗ and ∆̃∗ are everywhere finite for U > Uc, sug-
gestive of a superconducting phase that survives up to
very large U , we believe that superconductivity, it it oc-
curs at all, may appear only very close to the transition,
where the value of the order parameter is larger. Indeed,
FIG. 8: The intra-dimer, circles, and, with reversed sign, the
inter-dimer, triangles, superconducting order parameters.
the optimal solution with finite ∆∗ and ∆̃∗ and another
solution in which both are forced to be zero are practi-
cally degenerate within our numerical accuracy for large
U . Moreover, since the variational values of the order
parameter are extremely small but close to Uc, the in-
clusion of quantum fluctuations, for instance in the form
of a Jastrow factor as in Eq. (2), would likely suppress
superconductivity leading to a bona fide insulating wave-
Unfortunately, we can not compare this result with the
DMFT analyses of Refs. 23,24, where superconductivity
has not been looked for.26
A. Large U limit
In order to appreciate qualities and also single out
defects of the variational wavefunction, it is worth dis-
cussing the large-U solution. To leading order in 1/U ,
one can assume all P (n,Γ) = 0 but P (3) and P (4). The
two constraints Eqs. (48) and (49) can be solved by defin-
P (3) = 2− 4q ≡ 4d, P (4) = 1− 4d,
with d ≪ 1, namely q → 1/2, while Eq. (50) is already
satisfied since P (1) = P (2,+) = 0. Moreover, one readily
recognizes that the variational solution asymptotically
tends to acquire ψ ≃ β → π/4, θ → 0 and v1 ≫ v2, v3,
which is indeed what we find by numerical minimization.
It then follows that
∆ → 1
1− 4q2
4d(1− 4d) → 1
This implies that µ3 → 0, hence that µ1 is determined
by maximizing
Ehop = −
k∗ + µ
1 + 4q µ1,
which leads to µ1 =
ǫ2/4d and
Ehop = −4
ǫ2 d, (68)
At leading order, the variational energy per dimer is
Evar = −4
ǫ2 d− 4 t⊥ v1 v2 + U v22 + 2U d,
that is minimized by d = ǫ2/U
2, v1 ≃ 1 and v2 ≃ 2t⊥/U ,
and takes the value
Evar = −
= − 1
tRR′ tR′R
. (69)
In the case of a flat density of states
δ (ǫ− ǫk) =
θ (D − |ǫ|) ,
and with t⊥ = 0.5 D we recover the numerical result
Evar ≃ −7/6 D2/U , see Fig. 2.
We note that, in spite of the hybridization δ∗ ∼ t⊥/U
being small, the single-particle gap of the variational
spectrum 2µ1 ≃ U is large, as one should expect in a
Mott insulator.
Coming back to the large-U value of the variational
energy (69), one can readily realize that it coincides with
the second order correction in tRR′ to the energy of the
|Ψ〉 =
R,2↓ + c
which is just a collection of singlets. In other words, in
spite of being non-magnetic, our variational wavefunc-
tion is able to reproduce the correct super-exchange be-
tween dimers. This is a remarkable property that ac-
tually derives from the square-root dependence upon d
of Ehop, see Eq. (68). If we considered a more conven-
tional Gutzwiller operator P commuting with the single-
particle density matrix, that amounts to further impose
δ2∗ +∆
∗, we would find Ehop ∝ d, implying a
transition into an unrealistic insulator with d = 0 above
a critical U . The obvious defect of the wavefunction is
that, since it emphasizes strongly the role of individual
dimers, the hopping among dimers, although finite for
any U , is under-estimated with respect to the intra-dimer
one. Therefore we do not expect the wavefunction to be
particularly accurate for small t⊥/D.
FIG. 9: The non-interacting density of states of the lattice
of dimers. The bonding and anti-bonding state of each dimer
give rise to two bands that overlap, leading to a metallic phase
in the absence of interaction.
In this work we have proposed an extension of the
Gutzwiller variational approach to account for correlated
models which display metal-insulator transitions into
Mott insulators that escape any simple single-particle
descriptions, like the Hartree-Fock approximation. The
wavefunction has still the same form as the conventional
Gutzwiller wavefunction,
|ΨG〉 = P |φ〉 =
PR |φ〉,
with R identifying unit cells that may also be non-
primitive ones, with the novel feature that the opera-
tor PR is non-hermitean and does not commute with the
local single-particle density matrix. In essence, this prop-
erty realizes a variational implementation of a Schrieffer-
Wolff transformation27, although only restricted to the
lattice sites within each unit cell. We have shown that, by
slightly reducing the variational freedom, this wavefunc-
tion, like the conventional Gutzwiller wavefunction,14 al-
lows for an extension of the Gutzwiller approximation
to evaluate average values, approximation that becomes
exact in the limit of infinite coordination lattices.
As an application, we have considered the Mott tran-
sition into a Peierls, or valence-bond, insulator, namely
an insulator that is adiabatically connected to a collec-
tion of independent dimers. Such an insulator can not
be described by Hartree-Fock simply because the singlet
configuration of each dimer is not a Slater determinant.
Specifically, we have considered the hypothetical situa-
tion shown in Fig. 9, where the splitting between the
bonding and antibonding orbitals of each dimer is as-
sumed not to be sufficient to lead, in the absence of in-
teraction, to a band insulator. When interaction is taken
into account, in the form of an on-site repulsion U , one
expects, above a critical U , a transition from the metal
into a Mott insulator. If magnetism is prevented, for
instance by a sufficiently large splitting between bond-
ing and anti-bonding orbitals and/or by frustration, the
Mott insulator is non-magnetic. We have shown that
our wavefunction overcomes the difficulties of Hartree-
Fock theory and allows to study, albeit variationally, this
transition. In particular we find that:
(i) at the variational level the Mott transition is first
(ii) the variational spectrum inside the Mott insulator
looks similar to that of a Peierls insulator with a
large hybridization gap, namely a large splitting be-
tween bonding and anti-bonding bands. In reality
the gap is the Mott-Hubbard gap and the actual
difference between the occupations of the bonding
and anti-bonding bands, is small;
(iii) inter-site singlet-superconductivity appears around
the transition.
While (i) and (ii) are presumably true, as they have
been also found by more rigorous calculations23,25,28, the
emergence of superconductivity might be an artifact of
the variational wavefunction.26 Nevertheless, the possi-
ble occurrence of superconductivity is quite suggestive.
It is known for instance that two-leg Hubbard ladders
with nearest neighbor hopping display dominant super-
conducting fluctuations with the same symmetry that we
find variationally29, although at half-filling they always
describe non-magnetic spin-gaped insulators30,31 because
of nesting. Moreover, the uncorrelated wavefunction |φ〉
is quite similar to the wavefunctions used in Refs. 32,33
to simulate t-J ladders. It would be surprising and inter-
esting if this tendency towards superconductivity turned
into a true symmetry breaking instability in higher di-
mensionality, as suggested by our analysis, which we
think it is worth deserving further investigations.
Note added: During the completion of this work, we be-
came aware of a recent extension of slave-boson technique
whose saddle-point solution closely resembles our varia-
tional approach.34 Indeed the two conditions we impose
on the Gutzwiller operator, Eqs. (4) and (5), are in one-
to-one correspondence with the constraints identified in
Ref. 34 within the slave-boson formalism.
We are grateful to C. Castellani and E. Tosatti for their
helpful comments and suggestions. We also thanks A.
Georges for useful discussions in connection with Ref. 34.
Let us assume that, in the Nambu-spinor representa-
the uncorrelated wavefunction has the following density
Ĉe =
ne/2 ∆SC/2
∆SC/2 1− ne/2
, Ĉo =
no/2 −∆SC/2
−∆SC/2 1− no/2
The natural orbitals are obtained by the unitary trans-
e(o)↑ = cos θe(o) ce(o)↑ + sin θe(o) c
e(o)↓ = cos θe(o) ce(o)↓ − sin θe(o) c
tan 2θe =
ne − 1
, tan 2θo =
no − 1
, (A.2)
and posses a diagonal density matrix with the non-
vanishing elements given by
〈φ| d†
|φ〉 = 1
+ qe(o), (A.3)
qe(o) =
(ne(o) − 1)2 +∆2SC . (A.4)
In the natural basis we introduce states that have the
same formal expression as in the original basis but are
built with d-operators, and denote them as |ñ,Γ〉. The
transformation rules from these states to the original ones
|0〉 = cos θe cos θo|0̃〉+ sin θe sin θo |4̃〉
+cos θe sin θo |2̃, o〉+ sin θe cos θo |2̃, e〉,
|1, e(o), σ〉 = cos θo(e) |1̃, e(o), σ〉 + sin θo(e) |3̃, e(o), σ〉,
|2, e(o)〉 = cos θe cos θo |2̃, e(o)〉+ cos θe(o) sin θo(e) |4̃〉
− sin θe(o) cos θo(e) |0̃〉
− sin θe(o) sin θo(e) |2̃, o(e)〉,
|2, 1, Sz〉 = |2̃, 1, Sz〉, (A.5)
|2, 0〉 = |2̃, 0〉,
|3, e(o), σ〉 = cos θo(e) |3̃, e(o)〉 − sin θo(e) |1̃, e(o)σ〉,
|4〉 = cos θe cos θo|4̃〉+ sin θe sin θo |0̃〉
− cos θe sin θo |2̃, e〉 − sin θe cos θo |2̃, o〉.
The inverse transformation is obtained by letting θe(o) →
The hopping operator in the original representation
can be written as
H⊥ = −2t⊥
1σc2σ +H.c.
= −2t⊥
c†eσceσ − c†eσceσ
= −2t⊥
|3, o, σ〉〈3, o, σ| − |3, e, σ〉〈3, e, σ|
+|1, e, σ〉〈1, e, σ| − |1, o, σ〉〈1, o, σ|
+2 |2, e〉〈2, e| − 2 |2, o〉〈2, o|
, (A.6)
while the interaction operator as
(ni − 1)2 =
|0〉〈0|+ |4〉〈4|
|n, e, σ〉〈n, e, σ|+ |n, o, σ〉〈n, o, σ|
|2, e〉+ |2, o〉
〈2, e|+ 〈2, o|
+2 |2, 0〉〈2, 0|
. (A.7)
Their expression in the natural basis can be obtained by
the transformation rules (A.5).
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0704.1390 | Velocity oscillations in actin-based motility | Velocity oscillations in actin-based motility
Azam Gholami1, Martin Falcke1, Erwin Frey2
1Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Dept. Theoretical Physics, Glienicker Str. 100, 14109 Berlin, Germany
2Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics and Center of NanoScience,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Theresienstr. 37, 80333 München, Germany
(Dated: June 28, 2021)
We present a simple and generic theoretical description of actin-based motility, where polymer-
ization of filaments maintains propulsion. The dynamics is driven by polymerization kinetics at the
filaments’ free ends, crosslinking of the actin network, attachment and detachment of filaments to
the obstacle interfaces and entropic forces. We show that spontaneous oscillations in the velocity
emerge in a broad range of parameter values, and compare our findings with experiments.
PACS numbers: 05.20.-y, 36.20.-r, 87.15.-v
Force generation by semiflexible polymers is versatilely
used for cell motility. The leading edge of lamellipodia
of crawling cells [1] is pushed forward by a polymerizing
actin network and bacteria move inside cells by riding on
a comet tail of growing actin filaments [2, 3]. In vivo sys-
tems are complemented by in vitro assays using plastic
beads and lipid vesicles [4, 5, 6]. The defining feature of
semiflexible polymers is the order of magnitude of their
bending energy which is in the range of kBT . They un-
dergo thermal shape fluctuations and the force exerted
by the filaments against an obstacle arises from elastic
and entropic contributions [7, 8].
Mathematical models have quantified the force gener-
ated by actin filaments growing against obstacles [7, 8, 9].
The resisting force depends on the obstacle which is
pushed. In case of pathogens, it has a small com-
ponent from viscous drag of the moving obstacle but
consists mainly of the force exerted by actin filaments
bound to the surface of the bacteria and pulling it back-
wards [10, 11]. The tethered ratchet model [12] is a math-
ematical formulation of these experimental findings in
terms of the dynamics of the number of attached and de-
tached polymers. The starting point of our approach will
be the dynamics of the distributions of the free length of
both polymer populations.
Actin polymerization in living cells and extracts is con-
trolled by a complex molecular network [3]. Nucleation
of new filaments, capping of existing ones, exchange of
ADP for ATP on actin monomers, buffering of monomers
etc. all contribute to that control and have been modeled
[12, 13, 14]. Our goal is not to model the full complex-
ity of that biochemical network. Rather we focus on the
core process of force generation and force balance ensuing
from the interplay between bound pulling filaments and
polymerizing pushing filaments, the transition between
these two groups and the motion of the whole force gen-
erating configuration. This is motivated by recent ob-
servations of complex dynamics in simple reconstituted
systems: the velocity of beads or pathogens propelled
by actin polymerization may oscillate [16, 17, 18]. Our
goal is to describe the dynamics of such biochemically
under tension
cross-linked actin network
FIG. 1: (color online) Schematic representation of an ensem-
ble of actin filaments oriented at ϑ = 0 with respect to the
normal n̂ of an obstacle interface, which may either be a cell
membrane or a bacterium. While attached filaments are un-
der tension and pull the interface back, detached filaments
are compressed, elongate by polymerization with rate kon
and push the interface forward. All filaments in the brush
are firmly anchored in a cross-linked network, whose front
advances with velocity vg reducing the free length l of the
filaments. Attached filaments detach with stress dependent
rate kd and detached filaments attach with constant rate ka.
vo is the interface velocity in the extracellular medium, and
x is the distance between the front of the network and the
simpler systems and find a robust microscopic descrip-
tion for oscillation mechanisms, which may then be con-
trolled by higher order processes. Such a study is meant
to complement investigations based on a continuum ap-
proach [17, 18].
We consider a fixed number N of actin filaments [19]
firmly anchored into a rigid cross-linked network, which
advances with velocity vg; for an illustration see Fig. 1.
Filaments of variable length l are either attached to the
obstacle interface via a protein complex or detached from
it, with time-dependent number distributions denoted by
Na(l, t) and Nd(l, t), respectively. In the detached state,
filaments polymerize at a velocity vp(l, x), which depends
on both the polymer length l and the distance x between
rigid support and obstacle. Transitions between the two
filament populations occur with a constant attachment
rate ka and a stress-dependent detachment rate kd [20].
This results in the evolution equations
vg(l)− vp
Nd = −ka Nd + kd Na , (1a)
Na = ka Nd − kd Na . (1b)
The right hand side of Eq. 1 describes attachment and
detachment process. The second term on the left hand
side accounts for the gain and loss of attached and de-
tached polymers due to the dynamics of the polymer
mesh, growing with velocity vg, and the polymerization
kinetics of the filaments in the brush. The correction
factor l/x in front of vg is due to the fact that for bent
polymers the rigid network swallows by this amount more
in contour length than for straight filaments. This factor
is equal to 1 for l ≤ x.
Processes contributing to the growth of the rigid poly-
mer mesh are entanglement and crosslinking of filaments
in the brush. Both imply a vanishing vg for l → 0, since
short polymers do not entangle and crosslinking proteins
are unlikley to bind to them. At the same time vg can
not grow without bound but must saturate at some value
vmaxg due to rate limitations for crosslinker binding. This
suggests to take the following sigmoidal form
vg(l) = v
g tanh(l/l̄) , (2)
with a characteristic length scale l̄.
The polymerization rate is proportional to the prob-
ability of a gap of sufficient size d (≈ 2.7 nm) between
the polymer tip and the obstacle for insertion of an actin
monomer [7]. This implies an exponential dependence of
vp on the force Fd by which the polymer pushes against
the obstacle,
vp(l, x) = v
p exp [−d · Fd(l, x)/kBT ] . (3)
Here, vmaxp ≈ 500 nm s−1 [7] is the free polymerization
velocity. For the entropic force Fd we use the results ob-
tained in Ref. [8] for D = 2, 3 spatial dimensions, where
we take the accepted value of `p ≈ 15 µm [21] for the
persistence length of F-actin.
The dynamics of the distance x between grafted end
of the filament and the obstacle interface (see Fig. 1) is
given by the difference of the average vg and the velocity
of the obstacle
∂tx = −
dl vg(l) [Na(l, t) +Nd(l, t)] (4)
dl [Na(l, t) Fa(l, x) +Nd(l, t) Fd(l, x)] ,
where ζ is an effective friction coefficient of the obsta-
cle. The force Fa(l, x) acting on the obstacle interface
results from the compliance of the filaments attached
to it by some linker protein complex, which we model
as springs with spring constant kl and zero equilibrium
length. This complex has a nonlinear force-extension re-
lation which we approximate by a piece-wise linear func-
tion; for details see the supplementary material. Let
R‖ ≈ l[1− l(D− 1)/4`p] be the equilibrium length of the
filament. Then, the elastic response of filaments expe-
riencing small compressional forces (x ≤ R‖) is approxi-
mated by a spring constant k‖ = 12kBT `2p/(D−1)l4 [22].
For small pulling forces (x ≥ R‖), the linker-filament
complex acts like a spring with an effective constant
keff = klk‖/(kl + k‖). In the strong force regime, the
force-extension relation of the filament is highly nonlinear
and diverges close to full stretching [23]. Therefore, only
the linker will stretch out. The complete force-extension
relation is captured by
−k‖(x−R‖) , x ≤ R‖ ,
−keff(x−R‖) , R‖ < x < l ,
−kl(x− l)− keff(l −R‖) , x ≥ l .
Finally, we specify the force-dependence of the detach-
ment rate by
kd = k
d exp [−d · Fa(l, x)/kBT ] . (6)
Here, k0d ≈ 0.5 s
−1 [12] is the detachment rate in the
absence of forces and we have followed Ref. [20].
Eq. 1a has a singularity at vp(ls) = vg(ls)ls/x since
the coefficient of the derivative of Nd with respect to
l is zero at ls. To illustrate the key physical features
at that singularity, we start with the simple equation
∂tNd−∂l[vg(l)l/x−vp(l, x)]Nd = 0 with x kept constant.
Then those parts of the distribution of Nd with l < ls will
grow and catch up with ls since vg(l)l/x−vp(l, x) is posi-
tive there, while the parts with l > ls will shorten towards
ls. As a consequence the whole distribution will become
concentrated at ls. To quantify this heuristic argument
we expand vg(l)l/x − vp(l, x) up to linear order around
ls like v1(l− ls) and use the method of characteristics to
solve the equation. Starting initially with a Gaussian dis-
tribution we obtain Nd(l, t) = c(t) exp[−(l− l̄(t))2/w(t)2]
with c(t) = c0 exp(v1t), l̄(t) = ls + (l̄0 − ls) exp(−v1t)
and w(t) = w0 exp(−v1t). This shows that Nd evolves
to a monodisperse distribution which is localized around
ls. Its width decreases exponentially with time while its
height grows exponentially. The time scale for this con-
traction is given by [∂l(vgl/x− vp)]−1.
Since the same kind of singularity also occurs in the
full set of dynamic equations, Eqs. 1, we may readily
infer that Na and Nd evolve into delta-functions with
that dynamics. This is well supported by simulations,
and allows us to continue with the ansatz
Nd(l, t) = nd(t) δ(l − ld(t)) , (7a)
Na(l, t) = na(t) δ(l − la(t)) . (7b)
It defines the dynamic variables nd(t), ld(t), na(t) and
la(t). Upon inserting Eqs. 7 into Eqs. 1 and Eq. 4, we
obtain the following set of ordinary differential equations
∂tld(t) = vp(ld, x)−
vg(ld) + kd
(la − ld) , (8a)
∂tla(t) = −
vg(la) + ka
(ld − la) , (8b)
∂tna(t) = −kd(la, x) na(t) + ka nd(t) , (8c)
∂tx(t) =
[na(t) Fa(la, x) + nd(t) Fd(ld, x)]
[vg(la) na(t) + vg(ld) nd(t)] , (8d)
where nd(t) = N − na(t) since we keep the total number
of filaments fixed.
The values of many parameters in the dynamics can be
estimated using known properties of actin filaments. We
choose the linker spring constant kl ≈ 1 pN nm−1 [12]
and assume N = 200 [12] filaments to be crowded behind
the obstacle. A realistic value of the drag coefficient ζ is
10−3 pN s nm−1 but results did not change qualitatively
for a range from 10−5 pN s nm−1 to 1 pN s nm−1.
We have numerically solved Eqs. 8 in both D = 2
and D = 3 dimensions, and found the dynamic regimes
shown in Fig. 2: stationary states and oscillations. The
existence of an oscillatory regime is very robust against
changes of parameters within reasonable limits including
the spatial dimension. We checked robustness against
changes in the parameter values for the number of poly-
mers N , l̄ (see Eq. 2), kl, vmaxp and k
d, in addition to the
examples shown in Fig. 2. In general, we find that oscil-
lations occur for vmaxg . 500 nm s
−1 and within a range
of values for ka. Note that the oscillatory region in pa-
rameter space depends on the orientation ϑ of filaments
with respect to the obstacle surface, i.e. oscillating and
non-oscillating sub-populations of filaments may coexist
in the same network.
Oscillations appear with finite amplitude and period at
the lower boundary of the oscillatory region; compare the
example shown in Fig. 3a. The stationary state changes
stability slightly inside the oscillatory regime and oscil-
lations set in with a finite period. That is compatible
with oscillations appearing by a saddle node bifurcation
of limit cycles. The upper boundary of the oscillatory
region is determined by a Hopf bifurcation. An exam-
ple of an oscillation close to that bifurcation is shown
in Fig. 3b. More details on the phase diagram will be
published elsewhere [15].
We start with the description of oscillations in the
phase with vg > vp, i.e., decreasing lengths x, la and ld;
see Fig. 3. Then the magnitude of pulling and pushing
forces increases due to their length-dependence. When
the pushing force becomes too strong, an avalanche-like
detachment of attached filaments is triggered and the ob-
stacle jerks forward; compare the steep rise in ld, la and x
FIG. 2: (color online) Phase diagram of Eqs. 8a - 8d outlining
stationary and oscillatory regimes with ζ = 10−3 pN s nm−1
for (a-c) and (a) D = 2, ϑ = 0 , (b) D = 2, ϑ = π/4, (c)
D = 3, ϑ = 0 and (d) D = 3, ϑ = 0, ζ = 10−5 pN s nm−1.
l̄=100 nm, all other parameter values are specified in the text.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
time (s)
la(t) x(t)ld(t) (a)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
time (s)
la(t) x(t)ld(t) (b)
FIG. 3: (color online) x , la , ld (in nm) and na as a function
of time, as obtained from a numerical solutions of Eqs. 8a
- 8d with vmaxg = 300 nm s
−1 and (a) ka = 0.143 s
−1 (b)
ka = 3.49 s
−1. D = 3, l̄=100 nm in both panels.
shown in Fig. 3. That causes a just as sudden drop of the
pushing force. With low pushing force now, polymeriza-
tion accelerates and increases the length of detached fila-
ments. The restoring force of attached filaments is weak
in this phase due to their small number. Hence, despite
of not so strong pushing forces, the obstacle moves for-
ward. In the meantime, some detached filaments attach
to the surface such that the average length and number of
attached filaments increases as well. When the detached
filaments are long enough to notice the presence of the
obstacle interface, they start to buckle. This, in turn, in-
creases the pushing force and slows down the polymeriza-
tion velocity. Therefore, the graft velocity now exceeds
the polymerization velocity and the average lengths of
attached and detached filaments start to decrease again
and the cycle starts anew. The period of oscillations is
dependent on the parameter values. It reduces from 240 s
in Fig. 3a to 13 s in Fig. 3b as ka increases from 0.143 s−1
to 3.49 s−1 at vmaxg = 300 nm s
The oscillations in x correspond to the saltatory mo-
tion of the obstacle in the lab frame and the oscillations
of its velocity since vg stays essentially constant. An il-
lustration is shown in Fig. 4 for a given set of parameters
which leads to oscillations with periods of the order of
100 s and velocity of the order of 0.7 µm s−1. This is
in good agreement with the results of experiments on os-
cillatory Listeria propulsion [16]. The period of velocity
oscillations with beads propelled by actin polymerization
differs from those of Listeria by one order of magnitude
(8− 15 min [18]). Periods of that length can be obtained
within our model upon using values for ka close to the
lower boundary of the oscillatory regime.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
time (s)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
time (s)
FIG. 4: (color online) Velocity and displacement of the obsta-
cle as a function of time with (a) ka = 0.9 s
−1, (b) ka = 1 s
vmaxp = 750 nm s
−1, vmaxg = 75 nm s
−1, k0d = 0.1 s
l̄=100 nm ζ = 10−3 pN s nm−1 and D = 3 in both panels.
We have also studied the system when the network
is oriented at an angle ϑ = π/4. In this case, the spring
constant of the attached filaments parallel to n̂ for D = 2
reads k−1‖ (ϑ) = 4`
+ e−�/2 − 1 + cos 2ϑ( 1
e−2� −
e−�/2) − cos2 ϑ(e−�/2 − 1)2]/kBT , where � = l/lp and
R‖(ϑ) = l(1 − l/4`p) cosϑ [22]. For the pushing force
of a filament grafted at ϑ = π/4, we use the results of
the factorization approximation given in Ref. [8], which is
well valid for a stiff filament like actin. A numerical solu-
tion of Eqs. 8a-8d results in the phase diagram shown in
Fig. 2(b) with the adapted forms of Fd and Fa. The main
effect is that one needs higher values for the attachment
rates and lower values for vg to obtain oscillations.
In summary, we have presented a simple and generic
theoretical description of oscillations arising from the
interplay of polymerization driven pushing forces and
pulling forces due to binding of actin filaments to the
obstacle. The physical mechanism for such oscillations
relies on the load-dependence of the detachment rate and
the polymerization velocity, mechanical restoring forces
and eventually also on the cross-linkage and/or entangle-
ment of the filament network. The oscillations are very
robust with respect to changes in various parameters, i.e.
are generic in this model. Therefore, complex biochem-
ical regulatory systems supplementing the core process
described here may rather stabilize motion and suppress
oscillations than generate them.
Oscillations of the velocity were observed during
propulsion of pathogens by actin polymerization. There,
the core mechanism described here is embedded into a
more complex control of polymerization, which e.g. also
comprises nucleation of new filaments and capping of ex-
isting ones. Hence, the study presented here can not be
expected to fully capture all features of such processes.
Our results still agree well with respect to velocity spike
amplitudes and periods in Listeria experiments reported
in Refs. [16, 17]. The velocity in between spikes appears
to be smaller in experiments than in our simulations.
This may be accounted for in our model by including
capping of filaments upon dissociation from the obsta-
cle. Periods may also become longer when capping and
nucleation were included since it would take longer to
restore the pushing force after the avalanche like rup-
ture of attached filaments. Altogether, qualitative and
quantitative comparison with experiments suggests that
our model may be a promising candidate for a robust
mechanism of velocity oscillations in actin-based bacte-
ria propulsion.
We thank R. Straube and V. Casagrande for inspiring
discussions. E.F. acknowledges financial support of the
German Excellence Initiative via the program ”Nanosys-
tems Initiative Munich (NIM)”. A.G. acknowledges fi-
nancial support of the IRTG ”Genomics and Systems
Biology of Molecular Networks” of the German Research
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0704.1391 | Path integrals for stiff polymers applied to membrane physics | Path integrals for stiff polymers applied to membrane physics
D.S. Dean(1) and R.R. Horgan(2)
(1) IRSAMC, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université Paul Sabatier,
118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 04, France
(2) DAMTP, CMS, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0WA, UK
e-mail:[email protected], [email protected]
(Dated: 11 April 2007)
Path integrals similar to those describing stiff polymers arise in the Helfrich model for membranes.
We show how these types of path integrals can be evaluated and apply our results to study the ther-
modynamics of a minority stripe phase in a bulk membrane. The fluctuation induced contribution
to the line tension between the stripe and the bulk phase is computed, as well as the effective inter-
action between the two phases in the tensionless case where the two phases have differing bending
Recently their has been much interest in the effective interactions between components of membranes of different
composition. These effective interactions can be direct basic interactions such as electrostatic and van der Waals
forces. However the fact that the membrane fluctuates also leads to effective interactions which are due to how the
different components, or inclusions, alter the membrane fluctuations. Coarse grained models, based on the Helfrich
model[1, 2], of multicomponent membrane describes the membrane in terms local mechanical properties, for instance
the bending rigidity κb, the Gaussian rigidity κg or the spontaneous curvature [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. The
effective, fluctuation mediated, interaction between regions of differing rigidity can be computed using a cumulant
expansion giving the effective pair-wise component of the interaction between two regions. This term is of order
and is the analogue of the pair-wise component of van der Waals forces. However when |δκb/g| is large then
this two-body, or dilute, approximation will break down and a full N -body calculation is needed. We should expect
the dilute approximation to break down reasonably frequently as experimentally measured values of κb for commonly
occurring lipid types vary from 3 to 30kBT .
In this paper we show how the full N -body calculation for a system with spatially varying rigidity and elasticity,
can be carried out for stripe geometries of the type shown in Figure 1. Within this geometry we can compute
the contribution to the line tension between the two phases due to membrane fluctuations. This can be seen as a
renormalization of the line tension already present due to basic interactions such as van der Waals, electrostatic and
steric forces. In addition, in some cases, we can evaluate the effective interaction between the two interfaces as a
function of their separation l.
They key point in our calculation is that we convert the usual functional integral into a path integral where the
direction in which the physical parameters change is treated like a fictitious time variable within the path integral
formalism. The authors have already applied this approach to electrostatic problems where it has proved to be efficient
for carrying out computations for films [7], interfaces [8] and in cylindrical geometries such as lipid-tubules [9].
The paper is organized as follows. In section II we describe the model and show how it can be analyzed using path
integrals which are mathematically identical to those arising for stiff polymers. In section III we present the results of
our computations. We start with an analysis of bulk homogeneous membranes and show how some standard results
can be recovered using our path integral formalism and then how the method can be applied to a striped membrane
system. The formalism is then used to compute the membrane fluctuation–induced contribution to the line tension
between two phases. In section IV the fluctuation–induced Casimir force in a striped system is calculated for typical
physical situations. In section V we conclude with a discussion of our results. The generalized Pauli-van Vleck formula
used to evaluate the path integrals is described in detail in Appendix A. Some aspects of this approach have been
previously described in the literature [4, 5, 6], however our approach is slightly different and self-contained. Hence for
the sake of completeness (and because the results seem to be relatively unknown) we include this detailed description
of the approach.
κ µ κ µ κ µ0 0 0 0
FIG. 1: Schematic diagram of striped membrane configuration with mechanical parameters (rigidity and elasticity indicated.
In the Monge gauge the Helfrich model for a membrane whose height fluctuations are denoted by h is given by
+ µ (∇h)2
. (1)
In this model we have neglected the Gaussian rigidity κg and so for ease of notation we denote the bending rigidity
simply by κ. In this form of the Helfrich model there is no spontaneous curvature and it is implicitly assumed that
the fluctuations of h are small. The term µ can be interpreted as a local elastic or surface energy. When µ is constant
it can be interpreted as a surface tension. The integral in x = (z, y) in Equation (1) is over the projected are of
the membrane Ap. The physical area of the membrane is larger than Ap due to fluctuations and we denote it by
A = Ap + ∆A, where ∆A is the excess area due to fluctuations. In the limit of small height fluctuations (i.e. to
quadratic order in h) the excess area is given by
d2x (∇h)2 . (2)
The canonical partition function can be written as a functional integral over the height field h
d[h] exp(−βH), (3)
where β = 1/kBT , T is the canonical temperature and kB Boltzmann’s constant.
If the mechanical parameters κ and µ only vary with the coordinate z then we can express h in terms of its Fourier
decomposition in the direction y writing
h(z, y) =
h̃(z, k) exp(iky). (4)
We have imposed periodic boundary conditions in the y direction and thus have k = 2πn/L, where L is the width of
the system and n is an integer. Note that we are assuming that the interfaces between differing phases are straight and
and thus lie at constant values of z. This is a realistic assumption if the bare (in the absence of height fluctuations)
line tension γ0 is positive and large. We will in fact see that the renormalization of the line tension γ between phases
due to the height fluctuations is positive and thus this assumption remains valid (and is in fact reinforced) by height
In the limit of large L the sum over modes can be written as
. (5)
We now find that the Hamiltonian decomposes as
Hk, (6)
∂2h̃(z, k)
∂h̃(z, k)
+(µ(z)k2+κ(z))h̃(z, k)h̃(z,−k).
The field h is real and so we have the relation h̃(z, k) = h̃(z,−k). The full functional integral for the partition function
Z can then be written as
Θk, (8)
d[X ] exp
a2(k, t)
+ a1(k, t)
+ a0(k, t)
. (9)
In the above, the coefficients are given by
a2(k, t) = βκ(t)
a1(k, t) = β(2κ(t)k
2 + µ(t))
a0(k, t) = β(µ(t)k
2 + κ(t)), (10)
and l is the length of the system (in the z direction). The above path integral is that arising in an elastic model of
a semi-flexible polymer [3] (in one dimension) where κ = a2/β is the rigidity of the polymer, the term proportional
to a1 represents the elastic energy and the term proportional to a0 represents an external harmonic potential. In this
model the length of the polymer is not fixed, in contrast to the worm-like chain model where the magnitude of the
tangent vector is fixed. The method of evaluation of the above type of path integral is given in Appendix A and we
find that it takes the form
K(X,Y; t) = (2π)−
2 [det (B(t)))]
TAF (t)Y +X
, (11)
where the initial condition vector is X = (X,U) with X = X(0) and U = dX/ds|s=0, and the final condition vector
is Y = (Y, V ) with Y = X(t) and V = dX/ds|s=t. When the coefficients ak are independent of t the classical action
can be written as a combination of surface terms (using the equation of motion) as
Scl(X,Y) =
. (12)
The above expression is in general rather complicated but can be used to determine the matrices AF , AI and B. Also,
when the coefficients are independent of time, the time reversed trajectories have the same weight as the original
trajectories. Thus the path integral going from (X,U) to (Y, V ) in time t has the same value of the path integral
going from (Y,−V ) to (X,−U) in time t. Mathematically this means that
AF = SAIS, (13)
BT = SBS, (14)
0 − 1
. (15)
In the limit of large t the propagator K should factorize, as it is dominated by the lowest eigenfunction, and so we
should find that B(t) → 0 as t → ∞. This can be verified by explicit calculation in the cases considered here.
To start with we will show how the path integral formalism introduced here reproduces some standard results
concerning bulk systems. We consider a bulk system of projected length l and projected width L; we thus have a
projected area Ap = Ll. Periodic boundary conditions are imposed in both directions z and y. The free energy is
given by
F = −kBT
ln(Θk), (16)
dXKk(X,X, l). (17)
Using Equation (A17) and the notation developed in the appendix we find
Θk = det (B(k, l)))
2 det (AI(k, l) +AF (k, l)− 2B(k, l))−
2 . (18)
The classical equation of motion in this case has solutions
X(t) = a cosh(pt) + b sinh(pt) + c cosh(qt) + d sinh(qt), (19)
p = k, (20)
q = (k2 +m2)
2 , (21)
where we have defined
, (22)
and so m is an inverse length scale. The expressions for AF AI and B can be computed using computer algebra but
they simplify in the (thermodynamic) limit l → ∞. We define
A∗I/F = lim
AI/F , (23)
and find that
A∗I = βκ
pq(p+ q) pq
pq (p+ q)
. (24)
We also find that for large l B(l) → 0, and
det (B(l)) ≈ pq(p+ q)2 exp (−(p+ q)l) . (25)
The extensive part of the bulk free energy is thus
k + (k2 +m2)
, (26)
where we have introduced the ultra-violet cut-off length scale a which corresponds to the lipid size. The infra-red
cut-off scale (where needed) is given by L (the lateral size of the system). The excess area of the system is given by
, (27)
and in the tensionless limit where µ = 0 we find the well known result
. (28)
In the case where µ 6= 0 we find that
. (29)
This gives
≈ kBT
, (30)
when a ≪ 1/m.
For a striped geometry where the length of the bulk phase is l0, and large and that of the minority phase is l we
find that for this composite striped (hence the superscript s in what follow) system we have, as l0 → ∞,
k (l, l0) =
dXdYKk(X,Y, l)K
k (X,Y, l0)
F +AI(l)
)]− 1
I +AF (l)−B
T (l)(A
F +AI(l))
, (31)
where the superscript (0) refers to the bulk phase and the absence of this superscript refers to the minority phase. In
the limit l → ∞ the above expression simplifies giving
k (l, l0) ≈
, (32)
where we have used Equation (13). In order to compute the free energy cost of the interface between the two phases
we subtract the separate bulk free energies for large systems of size l0, corresponding to the bulk, and of size l,
corresponding to the minority phase, from that of a large striped system composed of length l0 of the bulk phase and
l of the minority phase. This free–energy difference is
∆F = −kBT
k (l, l0)
k (l0)Θk(l)
, (33)
which gives
∆F = −kBT
F ) det(A
I + A
. (34)
The above expression is in general quite complicated but when κ and κ0 are non-zero, then at large k the eigenvalues
q (given by Equation (21)) in the stripe phase becomes asymptotically equal to q0, the corresponding eigenvalue in
the bulk phase. We thus find that the sum in Equation (34) is ultra-violet divergent and is dominated by the term
, (35)
κ− κ0
κ+ κ0
. (36)
We may interpret this result as the existence of a height fluctuation induced line tension γhf between the two phases
(note the factor of a half as there are two interfaces) given by
γhf =
. (37)
Thus the dominant contribution to the fluctuation induced line tension between the two phases comes from the miss–
match in their bending rigidities. We also remark that it does not depend on m and is only dependent on κ and κ0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FIG. 2: The function I(∆) defined in Equation (38), where ∆ = (κ− κ0)/(κ+ κ0). Note that I(∆) = I(−∆).
through ∆2, which is a symmetric function of the two rigidities. As an example the fluctuation induced line tension
between two phases whose rigidity differs by a factor of 10 has an energy of about 0.5 kBT per lipid at the interface.
The correction terms to γhf are UV convergent and, after some manipulation, γ can be expressed as a power series
in ma/π as
γhf =
I(∆)− 1
. (38)
I(∆) is shown in Figure 2 for ∆ > 0 and is a non-negative function of ∆ with I(0) = 0 and I(∆) = I(−∆). From
Figure 2 we see that I(∆) has a maximum value I(∞) ∼ 0.04. For µ = 10−2N/m, κ = 25kBT ∼ 10−19J and
a = 10−9m, we find ma =
(µ/κ)a ∼ 0.32 and so ma/π ∼ 0.1. The correction to the leading term due to non-zero
µ is thus expected to be certainly less than O(1%).
In this section we discuss the application of the theory developed above to two cases in the system with a stripe
as shown in Figure 1. These cases are distinguished by the values of the masses in the two regions, m0 =
(µ/κ), which control the relationship of the surface to bending energies. In general, the boundary conditions
satisfied by the system will vary and will determine the precise way in which our formalism is applied and the form
taken by the relevant Helfrich action. We consider two cases that might be thought of as extreme situations and are
chosen to show how the results are markedly different depending on the exact situation. We concentrate on computing
the Casimir force across the stripe which can be interpreted as a force between the opposing interfaces. The Casimir
free energy, FC(l), is therefore normalized to F = 0 in the limit l → ∞. We have
FC(l) = F (l, l0) − lim
F (l, l0) |l+l0=constant , (39)
F (l, l0) = − kBT
k (l, l0)
, (40)
and Θ
k (l, l0) is defined in Equation (31). It is understood that the total volume of the system is held fixed by
imposing l + l0 = constant, and that l0 is large compared with any system-specific length scale.
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
FIG. 3: The function C(∆) defined in Equation (44), where ∆ = (κ− κ0)/(κ+ κ0). Note that C(∆) 6= C(−∆).
A. m0 = m = 0
This case corresponds to an untethered membrane which is tensionless, as is the case for a membrane in the presence
of the various lipid species in solution. Upon a change in the physical area of the membrane, A, lipid molecules can
leave or enter meaning that any area change costs no free energy.
Then we have µ0 = µ = 0. In this case, the choice for the general solution to the classical equations of motion is
not given by Equation (19) but by
X(t) = a cosh(pt) + b sinh(pt) + c t cosh(pt) + d t sinh(pt) . (41)
The method follows the manipulations of section III, and appendix A. We find that
FC(l,∆) =
1 + a2(l,∆)e
−2kl + a4(l,∆)e
, (42)
a2(l,∆) =
1 + ∆/2
a4(l,∆) =
. (43)
We note that all terms are invariant under ∆ → −∆ except the first term in a2(l), and hence the Casimir free
energy is not invariant under this transformation in this case. On dimensional grounds we have
FC(l,∆) =
, (44)
and C(∆) is shown in Figure 3. Since C(∆) < 0 for ∆ 6= 0, the Casimir force is attractive and is given by
fC(l,∆) = −
, (45)
with |C(∆)| / 0.4.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
FIG. 4: The function G(Γ) defined in Equation (48), where Γ = (µ− µ0)/(µ+ µ0). Note that G(Γ) = G(−Γ).
B. m0,m > 0
This case is for non-zero µ0 and µ. The projected area is constant but any change in the area results in a free
energy change. In practice, the typical observed values of µ give ma ∼ 0.3 (see section III) and consequently the
width of the stripe, l, satisfies l ≪ 1/m. As shown in section III the free energy has a contribution that corresponds
to the energy of the interfaces between the stripe and the bulk medium and includes the UV divergent part of the
sum over modes. The remaining, l-dependent, terms are UV convergent and are cut-off but exponential factors on a
scale k / 1/l. Thus, the Casimir free energy excluding the interface energy gets contributions only from low mode
number k ≪ 1/m and so we can approximate the eigenvalues in Equations (20) and (21) by
p = k , q = m . (46)
Also, only leading terms in eql will survive; the others will be suppressed by factors of e−ml. Following the derivation
of the previous subsection, we find a result that is independent of κ0 and κ, as one might expect on dimensional
grounds for µ ≫ κ/l2. We get
FG(l,Γ) =
1− Γ2e−2kl
, (47)
where Γ = (µ − µ0)/(µ + µ0). The leading corrections are suppressed by the factor (1/ml)2. For the values of m
considered this is of order (a/l)2 ∼ 1/N2, where N is the number of lipid molecules across the strip. Similarly to
before we may write
FG(l,Γ) =
. (48)
G(Γ) is symmetric under Γ → −Γ, and is shown in Figure 4. We see that |G(Γ)| / 0.2 and, being negative for Γ 6= 0,
gives rise to an attractive Casimir force of maximum magnitude 0.2kBT/l
The more general case where m ∼ 1/l is very much more complicated and the expressions cannot be presented here
but need to be investigated computationally in the three parameter µ, κ, l space. We have verified that this analysis
is feasible but complicated and so we have chosen not to present it in this paper. However, any more general result
for the Casimir force will interpolate between the two extremes presented here and so we would expect a leading
contribution to behave like −ckBT/l2 with c / 1.
In this paper we have shown how the formalism developed in earlier work [9] can be applied to the more general case
of higher derivative Gaussian energy functions such as apply to the path integral analysis of stiff polymers and the
Helfrich model for membranes. Some aspects of this approach have been previously described in the literature [4, 5, 6].
However, our approach is slightly different and self-contained. Hence, for the sake of completeness (and because the
results seem to be relatively unknown) we have included a detailed description of this approach. In particular, we
have shown how to generalize the Pauli-van Vleck formula for the evolution kernel of all theories of this type.
As a model system we have considered a toroidal lipid membrane with one very large circumference and the other
finite of length L, with a stripe of width l wrapped around the finite circumference and of different, minority, lipid
type to the bulk, majority, type. This is shown schematically in Figure 1. This geometry imposes periodic boundary
conditions on the system. We have shown how to compute, in general, two important energies in this system, namely
the energy, or line tension, associated with the lipid-lipid interface and the Casimir force between the interfaces, as a
function of width l. An important controlling parameter, m, has the dimensions of a mass and is given by m2 = µ/κ.
We have presented these calculations explicitly for the cases where m = 0 and ma ∼ 1, l ≫ 1/m, where a is the
inter-lipid spacing. These correspond, respectively, to the cases where the actual area, A, or the projected area, Ap,
is conserved. In the latter case, we calculate the mean excess area of the system ∆A/Ap in section III. In both cases,
the interface energy is positive and the Casimir force attractive as can be seen from Equations (35),(44), (48) and the
associated figures. Our general result is that in appropriate dimensionful units the energy coefficient is ckBT where, at
maximum, c ∼ 1. This is to be compared with the natural bending rigidity with lies in the range 5kBT ≤ κ ≤ 100kBT .
The general case where l ∼ 1/m is complicated and long, and although we have the results we have not presented
an explicit analysis in the µ, κ, l parameter space because of the complexity. However, there is no computational or
algebraic impediment to carrying this out.
In terms of relevance to the physical system we might consider two scenarios in the two-lipid model discussed here.
Either the minority lipid can be dissolved in the majority lipid to form a homogeneous phase for the mixture, or the
minority lipid can precipitate out of solution and form a pure minority phase, the stripe in our idealized case, within
the pure majority phase. Which situation is stable is, of course, decided by a competition between the free energies
of the configurations which is in turn dependent on the boundary conditions imposed. However, it is clear that the
attractive Casimir force will tend to reduce the stripe width l, presumably by evaporation of minority lipid from the
interface into solution. The interface energy is constant throughout such a process but will always tend to minimize
the interface length. A stability analysis, however, requires a computation of the free energy of the mixed phase which
our calculation does not address. However, as has been discussed in [16], the suppression of lipid mode fluctuations by
confining the membrane in a stack will change the free-energy of both configurations and so can affect their stability;
an effect which can be analyzed by our methods.
In this appendix we show how generalized quadratic path integrals can be evaluated giving a generalization of
the Pauli-van Vleck formula. The treatment is very close to that of [6] and is based on the Chapman-Kolmogorov
decomposition of the path integral. We consider the following path integral
K(X,Y; t) =
d[X ] exp (−S[X ]) , (A1)
where S is a quadratic action which will have the general form
S[X ] =
. (A2)
In general the coefficients ak can be time dependent but for the problems related to membranes studied here we will
only require the results for ak constant. The usual Wiener measure occurring in path integrals has N = 1 and the
corresponding path integral is that for standard Brownian motion, or a free particle, with a0 = 0. If a0 6= 0 in this
case, then the path integral corresponds to that of a simple harmonic oscillator with a0 = mω
2 and a1 = m thus
relating the coefficients ai, i = 0, 1 to the mass m and frequency of the oscillator. The path integrals arising in
section II are, of course, for the case N = 2 which, as mentioned above, also arises for the path integrals of stiff or
semi-flexible polymers. We also refer the reader to the approach of [4] which is based on an eigenfunction expansion
method for the case N = 2.
Now one must state how the initial and final points of the path integral should be specified. The presence of
the term
means that the paths that contribute to the path integral are ones where the derivatives
dN−1X/dsN−1 and lower must be continuous. The path integral should therefore be specified in terms of the vector
X = (X,X(1), X(2) · · ·X(N−1)) where we have used the notation X(k) = dkX/dsk. We can now decompose the path
integral using the Chapman-Kolmogorov formula
K(X,Z; t+ t′) =
dYK(X,Y; t)K(Y,Z; t′). (A3)
This decomposition ensures the continuity of the path X(t) up to its N − 1th derivative.
The classical path is given by the one that minimizes the action:
= 0, (A4)
with the boundary conditions on the end points X(0) = X and X(t) = Y. This gives a total of 2N boundary
conditions (N from each end). The equation for the classical path can be written as
′) = 0, (A5)
which is a linear differential equation of order 2N . For instance, when the ak are constant it reads
Xcl(s) = 0. (A6)
There are thus 2N linearly independent solutions to this equation and their coefficients are linearly related to the 2N
conditions for the end points. The classical action is a quadratic form in the initial and final condition vectors X and
Y and we can write
Scl(X,Y) =
TAF (t)Y − 2XTB(t)Y
, (A7)
where we have used the subscripts I and F to denote the initial and final coordinates. We now write the path X(s)
as X(s) = Xcl(s) + x(s), where the boundary conditions imply that x(0) = 0 and x(t) = 0. The path integral can
now be written as
K(X,Y; t) = exp (−Scl(X,Y))
d[x] exp
= Q(t) exp (−Scl(X,Y)) , (A8)
where we formally write can write
Q(t) = det
, 0 ≤ s, s′ ≤ t. (A9)
The above functional determinant can be evaluated using an eigenfunction expansion, however for higher order
operators this quickly becomes impractical. Instead, we return to the Chapman Kolmogorov formula Equation (A3)
and pursue its consequences using the formal result Equation (A8). Explicitly carrying out the intermediate integration
over Z, we find that
K(X,Z; t+ t′) = (2π)
2 Q(t)Q(t′) det (AI(t) +AF (t
AI(t)−B(t)(AI(t′) +AF (t))−1BT (t)
AF (t
′)− BT (t′)(AI(t′) +AF (t))−1B(t′)
′) +AF (t))
, (A10)
Now comparing the quadratic forms and prefactors we find the following relations:
AI(t+ t
′) = AI(t)−B(t)(AI(t′) +AF (t))−1BT (t) (A11)
AF (t+ t
′) = AF (t
′)−BT (t′)(AI(t′) +AF (t))−1B(t′) (A12)
B(t+ t′) = B(t)(AI(t
′) +AF (t))
−1B(t′) (A13)
Q(t+ t′) = (2π)
2 Q(t)Q(t′) det (AI(t) +AF (t
2 . (A14)
In [6] it is pointed out that relation Equation (A14) above can be used to derive a differential equation for Q. However,
a more rapid way of finding Q is to note that taking the determinant of both sides of Equation (A13) gives
det (B(t+ t′)) = det (B(t)) det (B(t′)) det (AI(t) +AF (t
, (A15)
and using this relation we find that by direct substitution into Equation (A14) that the solution for Q is
Q(t) = (2π)−
2 [det (B(t))]
2 . (A16)
The generalized form of the Pauli-van Vleck formula may thus be written in the familiar form (for N = 1 and its
generalization to higher dimensions)
K(X,Y; t) = (2π)−
2 det
exp (−Scl(X,Y)) . (A17)
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The model
Calculations for bulk and striped systems
m0,m > 0
The generalized Pauli-van Vleck formula
0704.1392 | Measuring CP violation in Bs->phi phi with LHCb | Measuring CP violation in B0
→ φφ with LHCb
J. F. Libby on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration∗
University of Oxford
Sensitivity studies to the CP -violating parameters of the decay B0s → φφ with the LHCb exper-
iment are presented. The decay proceeds via a b → sss̄ gluonic-penguin quark transition, which
is sensitive to contributions from beyond the Standard Model particles. A time-dependent angular
analysis of simulated data leads to an expected statistical uncertainty of 6◦ on any new physics
induced CP -violating phase for a sample corresponding to 2 fb−1 of integrated luminosity. The
expected precision on sin 2β from the related decay B0 → φK0S is also discussed.
The amplitude for the decay B0s → φφ is dominated
by gluonic-penguin quark transitions b → sss̄ (Fig. 1).
Gluonic-penguin processes are sensitive to beyond the
Standard Model particles that contribute within the loop.
The e+e− B-factories have measured sin 2β in nine B0
gluonic penguin decay modes, such as B0 → φK0S and
B0 → η′K0S [1]. All the measurements of sin 2β from
these modes have values below that measured in b →
cc̄s transitions, but no individual measurement shows a
significant deviation.
The decay B0s → φφ is predicted to have a CP -
violating phase less than 1◦ within the SM [2]. The
dependence on Vts in both the mixing and decay am-
plitudes leads to a cancellation of the B0s -mixing phase.
Therefore, if any significant CP -violation is measured
in B0s → φφ decays it is an unambiguous signature of
new physics. The decay is of a pseudoscalar meson to
two vector mesons, which leads to the final state being
a CP -even and CP -odd admixture. Therefore, a time-
dependent angular analysis is required to extract the CP -
violating parameters of the decay.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II contains a
brief description of the LHCb experiment. The predicted
event yields and background estimations are described
FIG. 1: The main diagram contributing to the decay B0s →
∗Electronic address: [email protected]
in Section III. The CP sensitivity study is presented in
Section IV. The LHCb prospects with the related mode
B0 → φK0S are discussed in Section V. The conclusions
are given in Section VI.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) collides protons
at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. The LHC pro-
duces 1012 bb̄ quark pairs per nominal year of data-taking
(107 s) when operating at an instantaneous luminosity of
2×1032 cm−2s−1.1 The LHCb spectrometer [3, 4] instru-
ments one forward region about the pp collision point.
The forward geometry captures approximately one-third
of all B hadrons produced and increases the probability
of both B hadrons from the bb̄ pairs being within the
acceptance, which improves the efficiency of flavour tag-
A silicon vertex detector, with sensors perpendicular to
the beam axis, is situated close to the interaction region
in a secondary vacuum. The detector provides accurate
determination of primary and secondary vertices leading
to a proper-time resolutions of approximately 40 fs in
hadronic B-decays such as B0s → φφ. Tracking stations
either side of a 1.2 T dipole magnet produce momentum
measurements with an accuracy of a few parts per mille.
There are two Ring-Imaging Čerenkov detectors, with 3
different radiators, that allow identification of K± from
π± over the momentum range 1 to 100 GeV/c.
In addition, the detector includes an electromagnetic
calorimeter, a hadron calorimeter and a muon detector.
These components are critical for identifying large trans-
verse momentum, pT , electrons, photons, hadrons and
muons from B-hadron decay in the initial hardware stage
(Level-0) of the LHCb trigger. The Level-0 trigger re-
duces the 40 MHz collision rate to 1 MHz. All data is
then transferred from the detector to a dedicated CPU
farm where the Higher Level Trigger (HLT) algorithms
are performed. Initially an association between the high
1 This luminosity optimises the number of single interactions per
bunch crossing.
mailto:[email protected]
Entries 4808
Mean 5.369
RMS 0.02572
Bs mass [GeV/c2]
4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Entries 4808
Mean 5.369
RMS 0.02572
m Bs true
FIG. 2: The B0s mass of candidates reconstructed in the signal
(blue) and inclusive bb̄ simulation samples (red) before trigger
selections. The normalisations are arbitrary.
pT objects that satisfy the Level-0 trigger and tracks with
large impact parameter to the primary vertex is sought.
If this is successful, exclusive and inclusive HLT algo-
rithms are executed resulting in a 2 kHz output rate to
The estimation of B0s → φφ yields and background
has been performed on simulated data. The simulation
of the pp collisions and subsequent hadronisation is per-
formed by the PYTHIA generator [5]. The decay of any
B hadrons produced is simulated by EVTGEN [6] and the
detector response is performed by GEANT4 [7]. The re-
sulting data are processed by the complete LHCb recon-
struction software. A dedicated sample containing events
with a B0s → φφ decay is used to evaluate the selection
efficiency. Minimum bias events are selected rarely by
the Level-0 trigger and the HLT. Therefore, an inclusive
sample of 34 million events containing bb̄ quark pairs is
used to estimate the background. Due to the very large
number of bb̄ pairs that will be produced at LHCb, the
inclusive bb̄ sample only corresponds to approximately
15 minutes of data taking at the nominal instantaneous
luminosity; this leads to large uncertainties on the back-
ground estimates.
The selection process begins with the identification of
φ candidates reconstructed from two oppositely charged
kaons. Particle identification and pT requirements are
placed on the K± and they must be consistent with pro-
duction at a common vertex. The mass of the K+K−
must be within 20 MeV/c2 of the φ mass; the mass in-
terval corresponds to approximately ±3σmφ , where σmφ
is the mass resolution.
B-meson candidates are reconstructed in events with
two or more φ candidates with a pT > 1.2 GeV/c
2. The
B-meson candidates must be consistent with production
at a common vertex and this vertex must be well sepa-
rated from the primary vertex. The B0s candidate mass
distribution is shown in Fig. 2 for signal and background
samples. Events within 40 MeV/c2 of the B0s mass are
considered as signal; the mass interval corresponds to
approximately ±3σmB , where σmB is the mass resolu-
tion. Once Level-0 and HLT trigger selections have been
applied there are 4000 signal events expected in every
2 fb−1 of integrated luminosity, which corresponds to
one nominal year of LHC operation. The event yield
is calculated assuming the measured branching fraction
B(B0s → φφ) = (14
−5(stat.) ± 6(syst.)) × 10
−6 [8]; the
measured value lies within theoretically predicted range
[9, 10]. The background remaining in the bb̄ inclusive
simulation sample is found to consist of combinatoric B0s
candidates. The background-to-signal ratio is bounded
to lie between 0.4 to 2.1 at the 90% confidence level,
with a central value of 0.9.
The magnitude of any new physics induced CP -phase,
φNP , is extracted from a time-dependent analysis of
the differential cross section with respect to the three
transversity angles defined in Fig 3. The amplitude for
the decay can be written in terms of three helicity am-
plitudes Hλ(t) where λ = 0,±1. The helicity amplitudes
are related to the transversity basis by A0(t) = H0(t),
A||(t) =
(H+1 +H−1) and A⊥(t) =
(H+1 −H−1).
The amplitudes A0 and A|| are CP even and A⊥ is CP
odd. The differential cross section is then given by:
dχd cos θ1d cos θ2
= |A0(t)|
2f1(χ, θ1, θ2)|A||(t)|
2f2(χ, θ1, θ2) + |A⊥(t)|
2f3(χ, θ1, θ2)
+ ℑ(A∗0(t)A⊥(t))f4(χ, θ1, θ2) + ℜ(A
0(t)A||(t))f5(χ, θ1, θ2) + ℑ(A
||(t)A⊥(t))f6(χ, θ1, θ2) (1),
where fi (i = 1 − 6) are even angular functions as re-
quired by Bose symmetry [11]. The time-dependent fac-
tors of these angular functions are sensitive to any CP -
violating phase. In principle the CP -violating phase can
χ=ϕ1+ ϕ2
FIG. 3: A schematic of the definition of the transversity angles
θ1, θ2 and χ.
Entries 4663
Mean 2.675
RMS 1.343
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Entries 4663
Mean 2.675
RMS 1.343
Proper time (ps)
FIG. 4: The variation of the acceptance as a function of the
proper-time, τ . The acceptance function fit to the simulated
data is ǫ(τ ) = 0.084τ
be different between the three transversity amplitudes.
However, to simplify the analysis it has been assumed
to be equal. Significant fine-tuning of the phases would
be required for no effects to be observed if new physics
induced phases are present. The time-dependent terms
also depend on the strong phase differences δ||,0 between
A(t)⊥ and A(t)||,0, the relative magnitudes of the three
amplitudes and the mass (lifetime) differences between
the B0s mass eigenstates, ∆ms (∆Γs).
Simulated data are generated to follow the differential
distribution given in Eqn. 1 with the value of φNP cho-
sen to be 0.2 rad. The strong phases are assumed to be
δ|| = 0 and δ0 = π; these values are motivated by näıve
factorization [12]. The magnitudes of the transversity
amplitudes are set to the values measured in the anal-
ogous channel for B0 decays B0 → K∗φ [13, 14]. The
value of ∆ms is taken to be 17 ps
−1 [15] and ∆Γs/Γ is
set to be 0.15, compatible with current experimental con-
straints [16] and theoretical expectations [17]. The signal
sample size has a mean of 4000 events corresponding to
an integrated luminosity of 2 fb−1.
The following experimental effects are also simulated.
• The background is assumed to be at level 90%
of the signal with flat transversity angle and mass
distributions, and an exponential lifetime distribu-
• The tagging power, ǫ(1− 2ω), where ǫ is the tag-
ging efficiency and ω is the mistag rate, is assumed
to be 9% which has been found in simulation stud-
ies of other B0s hadronic decays [18]. This is signif-
icantly better than that for B0 modes because the
kaon associated with the B0s hadronisation is also
• The proper-time acceptance measured from the
signal simulation sample is shown in Fig. 4. The
reduced acceptance for short lifetimes is the result
of trigger and selection requirements on the impact
parameters of the B daughters.
• The proper time and B0
mass resolutions are
estimated to be 40 fs and 12 MeV/c2, respectively.
These resolutions are estimated from the signal
simulation sample used for the selection studies.
• The angular acceptance and resolution are as-
sumed to be flat and to have negligible effect, re-
spectively; this assumption is motivated by the
studies of related channel B0s → Jψφ [19].
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Prob 1
Constant 1.373± 20.59
Mean 0.006382± 0.1941
Sigma 0.004403± 0.1002
Prob 1
Constant 1.373± 20.59
Mean 0.006382± 0.1941
Sigma 0.004403± 0.1002
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
A RooPlot of "phi_s"
φNP (rad)
FIG. 5: The distribution of fitted value of φNP for 500 simu-
lated B0s → φφ experiments.
Five-hundred samples of signal and background events
are generated and a maximum likelihood fit is performed
on each one. The parameters φNP , δ||, δ0 and the mag-
nitude of the transversity amplitudes are extracted from
the fit; all other parameters are fixed. The distribution
of the fitted value of φNP for these 500 experiments is
shown in Fig 5. The average error on φNP is 0.1 rad
(5.7◦). The pull distribution of the true value subtracted
from the fitted value divided by the uncertainty is nor-
Sets of 500 experiments are produced varying the input
parameters assumed. The variation of the uncertainty
on φNP as a function of the B(B
s → φφ), signal-to-
background ratio and ∆Γs/Γs is given in Table I. The
variation of the assumed B leads to the expected statisti-
cal scaling of the uncertainty. The uncertainty on φNP is
not degraded significantly until the background-to-signal
TABLE I: The variation of the uncertainty on φNP as a
function of the branching fraction, background-to-signal ra-
tio (B/S) and ∆Γs/Γs.
B (×10−5) σ(φNP )
0.35 13◦
0.7 8.1◦
1.4 5.7◦
2.1 4.6◦
B/S σ(φNP )
0 5.5◦
0.9 5.7◦
2 6.1◦
5 7.2◦
∆Γs/Γs σ(φNP )
0.05 7.2◦
0.15 5.7◦
0.05 4.9◦
ratio is greater than three. Increasing the value of ∆Γs/Γ
leads to a reduction in the uncertainty because enhanced
interference from the lifetime difference among the am-
plitudes increases the sensitivity to φNP . The values of
φNP , the proper-time resolution and the relative magni-
tudes of the transversity amplitudes are also varied; all
these had negligible effect on the sensitivity to φNP .
Simulation studies of the decay B0 → φK0S have also
been performed. The expected yield per 2 fb−1 of in-
tegrated luminosity is 800 events. These yields do not
include K0S daughters without measurements in the sili-
con vertex detector, approximately two-thirds ofK0S from
these decays, which are not reconstructed in the current
HLT algorithms. Algorithms to perform this reconstruc-
tion are currently being developed. The background-to-
signal ratio is estimated to be 2.4 from the bb̄ inclusive
A time-dependent analysis of the B0 → φK0S is re-
quired to extract the sensitivity to sin 2β. A toy sim-
ulation study is performed to extract the sensitivity to
sin 2β. The tagging power is assumed to be 5% and the
proper-time resolution is taken to be 60 fs from the simu-
lated signal sample. A 10% K+K− S-wave contribution
is also included in the fit. The uncertainty on sin 2β is
expected to be 0.32 for a data sample corresponding to
2 fb−1 of integrated luminosity.
Sensitivity studies to CP -violation in the decay B0s →
φφ have been presented. A sample of data corresponding
to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb−1 gives an uncertainty
of 6◦ on any new physics induced CP phase. Varying the
assumptions used within reasonable ranges changes the
predicted statistical uncertainty between 4◦ and 13◦. The
largest statistical uncertainty results from decreasing the
branching fraction by a factor of four. The measurement
of sin 2β from the B0 → φK0S has also been investigated.
The sensitivity is expected to be 0.32 with a data set
corresponding to 2 fb
of integrated luminosity; this is
of the same order as the current sensitivity of the e+e−
B-factories [20, 21]. Therefore, in conclusion, B0s → φφ
is the most sensitive mode with which to study gluonic-
penguin B decays with LHCb.
[1] E. Barberio et al. (Heavy Flavour Averaging Group), .
[2] M. Raidal, Phys. Rev. Lett 89, 231803 (2002).
[3] LHCb Technical Proposal, LHCb Collaboration,
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[4] LHCb Reoptimized Detector Design and Performance,
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[6] D. Lange, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A462 (2001) 152.
[7] S. Agostinelli et al. (GEANT4 Collaboration), Nucl. In-
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[8] D. Acosta et al. (CDF Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett.
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[11] B. de Paula et al., LHCb-2007-047.
[12] M. Bauer, B. Stech and M. Wirbel, Z. Phys. C 34, 103
[13] B. Aubert et al. (BABAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev.
Lett. 93 231804 (2004).
[14] K.-F. Chen et al. (Belle Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett.
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[15] A. Abulencia et al. (CDF Collaboration), Phys. Rev.
Lett. 97 242003 (2006).
[16] G. Weber, these proceedings.
[17] C. Tarantino, hep-ph/0702235.
[18] M. Calvi, O. Leroy and M. Musy, LHCb-2007-058.
[19] L. Fernandez, CERN-THESIS-2006-042.
[20] K.-F. Chen et al. (Belle Collaboration), hep-ex/0608039.
[21] B. Aubert et al. (BABAR Collaboration),
0704.1393 | A Panchromatic Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 1904. I: The Blue
Straggler Population | A Panchromatic Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 1904. I: The
Blue Straggler Population 1
B. Lanzoni1,2, N. Sanna3, F.R. Ferraro1, E. Valenti4, G. Beccari2,5,6, R.P. Schiavon7, R.T.
Rood7, M. Mapelli8, S. Sigurdsson9
1 Dipartimento di Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Bologna, via Ranzani 1, I–40127
Bologna, Italy
2 INAF–Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, via Ranzani 1, I–40127 Bologna, Italy
3 Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, via della Ricerca
Scientifica, 1, I–00133 Roma, Italy
4 European Southern Observatory, Alonso de Cordova 3107, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
5 Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Università degli Studi di Teramo, Italy
6 INAF–Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania, Via Mentore Maggini, I–64100 Teramo,
7 Astronomy Department, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400325, Charlottesville, VA,
8 University of Zürich, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057
9 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Pennsylvania State University, 525
Davey Lab, University Park, PA 16802
30 March, 07
By combining high-resolution (HST-WFPC2) and wide-field ground based
(2.2m ESO-WFI) and space (GALEX) observations, we have collected a multi-
wavelength photometric data base (ranging from the far UV to the near infrared)
of the galactic globular cluster NGC1904 (M79). The sample covers the entire
cluster extension, from the very central regions up to the tidal radius. In the
present paper such a data set is used to study the BSS population and its radial
distribution. A total number of 39 bright (m218 ≤ 19.5) BSS has been detected,
– 2 –
and they have been found to be highly segregated in the cluster core. No signifi-
cant upturn in the BSS frequency has been observed in the outskirts of NGC 1904,
in contrast to other clusters (M 3, 47 Tuc, NGC 6752, M 5) studied with the
same technique. Such evidences, coupled with the large radius of avoidance es-
timated for NGC 1904 (ravoid ∼ 30 core radii), indicate that the vast majority of
the cluster heavy stars (binaries) has already sunk to the core. Accordingly, ex-
tensive dynamical simulations suggest that BSS formed by mass transfer activity
in primordial binaries evolving in isolation in the cluster outskirts represent only
a negligible (0–10%) fraction of the overall population.
Subject headings: Globular clusters: individual (NGC1904); stars: evolution –
binaries: close - blue stragglers
Blue straggler stars (BSS) appear brighter and bluer than the Turn-Off (TO) point along
an extension of the Main Sequence in color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of stellar popula-
tions. Hence, they mimic a young stellar population, with masses larger than the normal
cluster stars (this is also confirmed by direct mass measurements; e.g. Shara, Saffer & Livio
1997). BSS are thought to be objects that have increased their initial mass during their
evolution, and two main scenarios have been proposed for their formation (e.g., Bailyn
1995): the collisional scenario suggests that BSS are the end-products of stellar mergers
induced by collisions (COL-BSS), while in the mass-transfer scenario BSS form by the
mass-transfer activity between two companions in a binary system (MT-BSS), possibly up
to the complete coalescence of the two stars (Mateo et al. 1990; Pritchet & Glaspey 1991;
Bailyn & Pinsonneault 1995; Carney Latham; Tian et al. 2006; Leigh, Sills & Knigge 2007).
Hence, understanding the origin of BSS in stellar clusters provides valuable insight both on
the binary evolution processes and on the effects of dynamical interactions on the (otherwise
normal) stellar evolution. The MT formation scenario has by recently received further sup-
port by high-resolution spectroscopic observations, which detected anomalous Carbon and
Oxygen abundances on the surface of a number of BSS in 47 Tuc (Ferraro et al. 2006a).
However the role and relative importance of the two mechanisms are still largely unknown.
1Based on observations with the NASA/ESA HST, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute,
which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. Also based on GALEX observations
(program GI-056) and WFI observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile,
within the observing programs 62.L-0354 and 64.L-0439.
– 3 –
To clarify the BSS formation and evolution processes we studying the BSS radial distri-
bution over the entire cluster extension in a number of galactic globular clusters (GCs). We
completed such studies in 5 GCs: M 3 (Ferraro et al. 1997), 47 Tuc (Ferraro et al. 2004),
NGC 6752 (Sabbi et al. 2004), ω Cen (Ferraro et al. 2006b), and M 5 (Lanzoni et al. 2007,
see also Warren, Sandquist & Bolte 2006). Apart from ωCen where mass segregation pro-
cesses have not yet played a major role in altering the initial BSS distribution, the BSS
are always highly concentrated in the cluster central regions. Moreover, in M 3, 47 Tuc,
NGC 6752, and M 5 the BSS fraction decreases at intermediate radii and rises again in the
outskirsts of the clusters, yielding a bimodal distribution. Preliminary evidences of such a
bimodality have been found also in M 55 by Zaggia, Piotto & Capaccioli (1997). Recent
dynamical simulations (Mapelli et al. 2004, 2006; Lanzoni et al. 2007) have been used to
interpret the observed trends and have shown that a significant fraction ( >∼ 50%) of COL-
BSS is required to account for the observed BSS central peaks. In addition, a fraction of
20-40% MT-BSS is needed to reproduce the outer increase observed in these clusters. The
case of ω Cen is reproduced by assuming that the BSS population in this cluster is com-
posed entirely of MT-BSS. These results demonstrate that detailed studies of the BSS radial
distribution within GCs are very powerful tools for better understanding the BSS formation
channels and for probing the complex interplay between dynamics and stellar evolution in
dense stellar systems.
In this paper we present multi-wavelength observations of NGC 1904. These observa-
tions are part of a coordinated project aimed at properly characterize the UV excess of old
stellar aggregates as globular clusters, in terms of their hot stellar populations, like Hori-
zontal Branch (HB) and Extreme HB stars, post-Asymptotic Giant Branch stars, BSS, etc.
From integrated light measurements obtained with UIT (see Dorman, O’Connell & Rood
1995), NGC 1904 was known to be relatively bright in the UV, and it was selected as a prime
target in both our high-resolution (using HST) and wide-field (using GALEX) UV surveys.
We have obtained a large set of data: (i) high-resolution ultraviolet (UV) and optical images
of the cluster center have been secured with the WFPC2 on board HST; (ii) complementary
wide-field observations covering the entire cluster extension have been obtained in the UV
and optical bands by using the far- and near-UV detectors on board the Galaxy Evolution
Explorer (GALEX) satellite and with ESO-WFI mounted at the 2.2m ESO telescope, re-
spectively. The combination of these datasets allowed a study of the structural properties
of NGC 1904 (thus leading to an accurate redetermination of the center of gravity and the
surface density profile), and of the radial distribution of the evolved stellar populations (in
particular the BSS and horizontal branch star distributions have been derived over the en-
tire cluster extension). While a companion paper (Schiavon et al. 2007, in preparation) will
focus on the morphology and the structure of the HB, the present paper is devoted to the
– 4 –
BSS population.
2.1. The data sets
The present study is based on a combination of different photometric data sets:
1. The high-resolution set – It consists of a series of UV, near UV and optical images
of the cluster center obtained with HST-WFPC2 with two different pointings. In both cases
the Planetary Camera (PC, the highest resolution instrument with 0.′′046 pixel−1) has been
pointed approximately on the cluster center to efficiently resolve the stars in the highly
crowded central regions; the three Wide Field Cameras (WFC with resolution 0.′′1 pixel−1)
have been used to sample the surrounding regions. Observations in Pointing A (Prop. 6607,
P.I. Ferraro) have been performed through filters F160BW (far-UV), F336W (approximately
an U filter) and F555W (V ), for a total exposure time texp = 3300, 4400, and 300 sec, respec-
tively. Pointing B is a set of public HST-WFPC2 observations (Prop. 6095, P.I. Djorgovski)
obtained through filters F218W (mid-UV), F439W (B) and F555W (V ). Because of the dif-
ferent orientations of the four cameras, this data set is complementary to the former (with
the PC field of view in common), thus offering full coverage of the innermost regions of
the cluster (see Figure 1). The combined photometric sample is ideal for efficiently studying
both the hot stellar populations (as the BSS and the HB stars) and the cool red giant branch
(RGB) population, and to guarantee a proper combination with the wide-field data set (see
The photometric reduction of both the high-resolution sets was carried out using RO-
MAFOT (Buonanno et al. 1983), a package developed to perform accurate photometry in
crowded fields and specifically optimized to handle under-sampled Point Spread Functions
(PSFs; Buonanno & Iannicola 1989), as in the case of the HST-WFC chips. The standard
procedure described in Ferraro et al. (1997, 2001) was adopted to derive the instrumen-
tal magnitudes and to calibrate them to the STMAG system by using the zero-points of
Holtzman et al. (1995). The magnitude lists were finally cross-correlated in order to obtain
a combined catalog.
2. The wide-field set - A complementary set of wide-field U, B, and I images was
secured by using the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the 2.2m ESO-MPI telescope, during
an observing run in January 1999 (Progr. ID: 062.L-0354, PI: Ferraro). A set of WFI V
images (Progr. ID: 064.L-0255) was also retrieved from the ESO-STECF Science Archive.
Additional deep wide-field images were obtained in the UV band with the satellite GALEX
– 5 –
(GI-056, P.I. Schiavon) through the FUV (1350–1750 Å) and NUV (1750–2800 Å) detectors.
With a global field of view (FoV) of 34′ × 34′, the WFI observations cover the entire cluster
extension. There is also full coverage of the cluster in the UV thanks to the large GALEX
FoV, which is approximately 1 deg in diameter and includes theWFI FoV (see Figure 2, where
the cluster is roughly centered on WFI CCD #2). However, because of the low resolution of
the instrument (4′′ and 6′′ in the FUV and NUV channels, respectively), GALEX data have
been used to sample only the external cluster regions not covered by HST.
The raw WFI images were corrected for bias and flat field, and the overscan regions were
trimmed using IRAF2 tools (mscred package). Standard crowded field photometry, including
PSF modeling, was carried out independently on each image using DAOPHOTII/ALLSTAR
(Stetson 1987). For each WFI chip a catalog listing the instrumental U, B, V, and I
magnitudes was obtained by cross-correlating the single-band catalogs. Several hundred
stars in common with Kravtsov et al. (1997), Stetson (2000), and Ferraro et al. (1992) have
been used to transform the instrumental U , B, V , and I magnitudes to the Johnson/Cousins
photometric system.
As for the WFI data, also for GALEX observations standard photometry and PSF fitting
were performed independently on each image using DAOPHOTII/ALLSTAR. A combined
FUV-NUV catalog was then obtained by cross-correlating the single-band catalogs.
2.2. Astrometry and homogenization of the catalogs
The HST, WFI, and GALEX catalogs have been placed on the absolute astrometric
system by adopting the procedure already described in Ferraro et al. (2001, 2003). The
new astrometric Guide Star Catalog (GSC-II3) was used to search for astrometric standard
stars in the WFI FoV, and a cross-correlation tool specifically developed at the Bologna
Observatory (Montegriffo et al. 2003, private communication) has been employed to obtain
an astrometric solution for each WFI chip. Several hundred GSC-II reference stars were
found in each chip, thus allowing an accurate absolute positioning of the stars. Then, we
used more than 3000 and 1500 bright WFI stars in common with the HST and GALEX
samples, respectively, as secondary astrometric standards, so as to place all the catalogs
on the same absolute astrometric system. We estimate that the global uncertainties in the
2IRAF is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, which is operated by the Associa-
tion of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science
3Available at
– 6 –
astrometric solution is of the order of ∼ 0.′′2, both in right ascension (α) and declination (δ).
Once placed on the same coordinate system, the catalogs have been cross-correlated and
the stars in common have been used to transform all the magnitudes in the same photometric
system. In particular, the HST STMAG magnitudes have been converted to the WFI ones
by using the stars in common between the two samples in the optical bands. Then, the
GALEX FUV and NUV instrumental magnitudes have been calibrated onto the HST m160
and m218 magnitudes, respectively using the stars in common between the GALEX and HST
At the end of the procedure a homogeneous master catalog of magnitudes and absolute
coordinates of all the stars included in the HST, WFI, and GALEX samples was finally
2.3. Center of gravity and definition of the samples
Once the absolute positions of individual stars have been obtained, the center of gravity
Cgrav of NGC 1904 has been determined by averaging the coordinates α and δ of all stars lying
in the PC FoV, following the iterative procedure described in Montegriffo et al. (1995, see
also Ferraro et al. 2003, 2004). In order to correct for spurious effects due to incompleteness
in the very inner regions of the cluster, we considered two samples with different limiting
magnitudes (V < 19 and V < 20), and we computed the barycenter of stars for each
sample. The two estimates agree within ∼ 1′′, setting Cgrav at α(J2000) = 05
h 24m 11.s09,
δ(J2000) = −24o 31′ 29.′′00. The newly determined center of gravity is located at ∼ 7′′ south-
est (∆α = 7.′′3, ∆δ = −2′′) from that previously derived by Harris (1996) on the basis of
the surface brightness distribution.
In order to reduce spurious effects in the most crowded regions of the cluster due to the
low resolution of the WFI and GALEX observations, we considered only the HST data for
the inner 85′′ from the center, this value being imposed by the geometry of the combined
WFPC2 FoVs (see Figure 1). Thus, in the following we define as HST sample the ensemble
of all the stars observed with HST at r ≤ 85′′ from Cgrav, and as External sample all the
stars detected with WFI and/or GALEX at r > 85′′, out to ∼ 1100′′ (see Figure 2). The
CMDs of the HST and External samples in the (V, B − V ) planes are shown in Figure 3.
Note that only the data suitable for the study of the BSS population will be considered
in the following, while those obtained through filters F160BW and FUV on board HST and
GALEX, respectively, will be used in a forthcoming paper specifically devoted to the analysis
the HB properties (Schiavon et al. 2007).
– 7 –
2.4. Density profile
Considering all the stars brighter than V = 20 in the combined HST+External catalog
(see Figure 3), we have determined the projected density profile of NGC 1904 by direct
star counts over the entire cluster extension. Following the procedure already described in
Ferraro et al. (1999a, 2004), we have divided the entire sample in 31 concentric annuli, each
centered on Cgrav and split in an adequate number of sub-sectors (quadrants for the annuli
totally sampled by the observations, octants elsewhere). The number of stars lying within
each sub-sector was counted, and the star density was obtained by dividing these values by
the corresponding sub-sector areas. The stellar density in each annulus was then obtained
as the average of the sub-sector densities, and the standard deviation was estimated from
the variance among the sub-sectors.
The radial density profile thus derived is plotted in Figure 4, and the average of the
three outermost (r > 8.′3) surface density measures has been adopted as the background
contribution (corresponding to 0.95 arcmin−2). Figure 4 also shows the mono-mass King
model that best fits the derived density profile, with the corresponding values of the core
radius and concentration being rc ≃ 9.
′′7 (with a typical error of ∼ ±2′′) and c = 1.71,
respectively (hence, the tidal radius is rt ≃ 500
′′ ≃ 50 rc). These values are in good agreement
with those quoted by Harris (1996, rc = 9.
′′6 and c = 1.72), Trager, Djorgovski & King
(1993, rc = 9.
′′55 and c = 1.72), and McLaughlin & van der Marel (2005, rc = 10.
′′3 and c =
1.68), derived from the surface brightness profile, and they confirm that NGC 1904 has not
yet experienced core collapse. By assuming a distance modulus (m−M)0 = 15.63 (distance
d ∼ 13.37 kpc, Ferraro et al. 1999b), the derived value of rc corresponds to ∼ 0.65 pc. By
summing the luminosities of stars with V ≤ 20 observed within ∼ 4′′, we estimate that the
extinction-corrected central surface brightness of the cluster is µV,0(0) ≃ 16.20 mag/arcsec
in good agreement with Harris (1996, µV,0 = 16.23), Djorgovski (1993, µV,0 = 16.15), and
McLaughlin & van der Marel (2005, µV,0 = 16.18). Following the procedure described in
Djorgovski (1993, see also Beccari et al. 2006), we derive log ν0 ≃ 3.97, where ν0 is the
central luminosity density in units of L⊙/pc
3 (for comparison, log ν0 = 4.0 in Harris 1996;
Djorgovski 1993; McLaughlin & van der Marel 2005).
3.1. BSS selection
At UV wavelengths BSS are among the brightest objects in a GC, and RGB stars are
particularly faint. By combining these advantages with the high-resolution capability of HST,
– 8 –
the usual problems associated with photometric blends and crowding in the high density
central regions of GCs are minimized, and BSS can be most reliably recognized and separated
from the other populations in the UV CMDs. For these reasons our primary criterion for
the definition of the BSS sample is based on the position of stars in the (m218, m218 − B)
plane (see also Ferraro et al. 2004, for a detailed discussion of this issue). In order to avoid
incompleteness bias and the possible contamination from TO and sub-giant branch stars,
we have adopted a limiting magnitude m218 = 19.5, roughly corresponding to 1 magnitude
brighter than the cluster TO. The resulting BSS selection box in the UV CMD is shown
in Figure 5. Once selected in the UV CMD, all the BSS lying in the field in common with
the optical-HST sample have been used to define the selection box in the (V, B − V ) and
(V, U − V ) planes. The limiting magnitude in the V band is V ≃ 18.9, and the adopted
BSS selection boxes in these planes are shown in Figures 3 and 6 (only stars not observed
in HST-Pointing B are shown in the latter).
With these criteria we have identified 39 BSS in NGC 1904: 37 in the HST sample
(32 from HST-Pointing B, and 5 from HST-Pointing A) and 2 in the External sample (r >
85′′), the most distant lying at r ≃ 270′′ (∼ 4.′5) from the cluster center (see Figure 2).
All candidate BSS have been confirmed by visual inspection, evaluating the quality and
the precision of the PSF fitting. This procedure significantly reduces the possibility of
introducing spurious objects, such as blends, background galaxies, etc., in the sample. The
coordinates and magnitudes of all the identified BSS are listed in Table 1.
In order to study the radial distribution of BSSs, one needs to compare their number
counts as a function of radius with those of a population assumed to trace the radial density
distribution of normal cluster stars. We chose to use HB stars for that purpose, given
their high luminosities and relatively large number. Thanks to the (essentially blue) HB
morphology, such a population can be easily selected in all CMDs, and the adopted selection
boxes, designed to include the bulk of HB and the few post-HB stars, are shown in Figures
5–6. In order to be conservative, a few stars lying within the adopted HB selection boxes
in the optical bands, but not detected in the UV filters (GALEX-NUV channel and HST-
F218W filter), have been excluded from the following analysis. However slightly different
boxes or the inclusion of these stars in the sample have no effects on the results. With these
criteria we have identified 249 HB stars (197 at r ≤ 85′′ from the HST sample, and 52 at
85′′ < r ≤ rt from the External sample).
– 9 –
3.2. BSS mass distribution
The position of BSS in the CMD can be used to derive a ”photometric ” estimate of their
masses through the comparison with theoretical isochrones. We did this in the (V, B − V )
plane, where 34 BSS (32 from the HST-Pointing B and 2 from the External sample) out of
the 39 identified in the cluster have been measured.
A set of isochrones of appropriate metallicity (Z = 6 × 10−4) has been extracted from
the data-base of Cariulo, Degl’Innocenti & Castellani (2003) and transformed into the ob-
servational plane by adopting a reddening E(B − V ) = 0.01 (Ferraro et al. 1999b). The 12
Gyr isochrone nicely reproduces the main cluster population, while the region of the CMD
populated by the BSS is well spanned by a set of isochrones with ages ranging from 1 to 6
Gyr (see Figure 7). Thus, the entire dataset of isochrones available in this age range (stepped
at 0.5 Gyr) has been used to derive a grid linking the BSS colors and magnitudes to their
masses. Each BSS has been projected on the closest isochrone and a value of its mass has
been derived. As shown in the lower panel of Figure 7, BSS masses range from ∼ 0.95 to
∼ 1.6M⊙, and both the mean and the median of distribution correspond to 1.2 M⊙. The
TO mass turns out to be MTO = 0.8M⊙.
3.3. The BSS radial distribution
The radial distribution of BSS identified in NGC 1904 has been studied following
the same procedure previously adopted for other clusters (see references in Ferraro 2006;
Beccari et al. 2006). In Figure 8 we compare the BSS cumulative radial distribution to that
of HB stars. The two distributions are obviously different, with the BSS being more centrally
concentrated than HB stars. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test gives a ∼ 7×10−4 probability that
they are extracted from the same population, i.e. the two populations are different at more
than 3σ level.
For a more quantitative analysis, the surveyed area has been divided into 6 concentric
annuli, the first roughly corresponding to the core radius (r = 10′′), and the others chosen
in order to sample approximately the same fraction of the cluster luminosity out to the tidal
radius (rt ≃ 500
′′). The luminosity in each annulus has been calculated by integrating the
surface density profile shown in Figure 4. The number of BSS and HB stars (NBSS and NHB,
respectively), as well as the fraction of sampled luminosity (Lsamp) measured in each annulus
are listed in Table 2 and have been used to compute the population ratio NBSS/NHB and the
– 10 –
specific frequencies (see Ferraro et al. 2003):
Rpop =
tot )
, (1)
with pop = BSS, HB.
The resulting radial trend of RHB over the surveyed area is essentially constant, with a
value close to unity (see Figure 9). This is just what expected on the basis of the stellar evolu-
tion theory, which predicts that the fraction of stars in any post-main sequence evolutionary
stage is strictly proportional to the fraction of the sampled luminosity (Renzini & Fusi Pecci
1988). In contrast the BSS show a completely different radial distribution: as shown in
Figure 9, the specific frequency RBSS is highly peaked at the cluster center decreases to a
minimum at r ≃ 12 rc and remains approximately constant outwards. The same behavior
is clearly visible also in Figure 10, where the population ratio NBSS/NHB is plotted as a
function of r/rc.
3.4. Dynamical simulations
Following the same approach as Mapelli et al. (2004, 2006) and Lanzoni et al. (2007),
we have used a Monte-Carlo simulation code (originally developed by Sigurdsson & Phinney
1995) in order to reproduce the observed radial distribution and to derive some clues about
the BSS formation mechanisms. Such a code follows the dynamical evolution of N BSS
within a background cluster, taking into account the effects of both dynamical friction and
distant encounters. Since stellar collisions are most probable in the central high-density
regions of the clusters, in the simulations we define COL-BSS those objects with initial
positions ri
∼ rc. Since primordial binaries most likely evolve in isolation if they orbit in
the cluster outskirts, we identify as MT-BSS those BSS having ri ≫ rc. Within these
defintions, in any given run we assume that a certain fraction of the N simulated BSS is
made of COL-BSS and the remaining fraction of MT-BSS. The initial positions ri of the
two types of BSS are randomly generated within the appropriate radial range (ri
∼ rc for
COL-BSS, and ri ≫ rc for the others) following a flat distribution, according to the fact
that the number of stars in a King model scales as dN = n(r) dV ∝ r−2πr2dr ∝ dr. Their
initial velocities are randomly extracted from the cluster velocity distribution illustrated
in Sigurdsson & Phinney (1995), and an additional natal kick is assigned to COL-BSS to
account for the recoil induced by the three-body encounters that trigger the merger and
produce the BSS (see, e.g., Sigurdsson, Davies & Bolte 1994; Davies, Benz & Hills 1994).
Each BSS has characteristic mass M and maximum lifetime tlast. We follow their dynamical
evolution in the (fixed) gravitational potential for a time ti (i = 1, N), where each ti is a
– 11 –
randomly chosen fraction of tlast. At the end of the simulation we register the final positions
of BSS, and we compare their radial distribution with the observed one. The percentage
of COL- and MT-BSS is changed and the procedure repeated until a reasonable agreement
between the simulated and the observed distributions is reached.
For a more detailed discussion of the procedure and the ranges of values appropriate for
the input parameters we refer to Mapelli et al. (2006). Here we only list the assumptions
made in the present study:
– the background cluster has been approximated with a multi-mass King model, deter-
mined as the best fit to the observed profile4. The cluster central velocity dispersion
is set to σ = 3.9 km s−1 (Dubath, Meylan & Mayor 1997), and, assuming 0.5M⊙ as
the average mass of the cluster stars, the central stellar density is nc = 3 × 10
4 pc−3
(Pryor & Meylan 1993);
– BSS masses have been fixed toM = 1.2M⊙ (see Section 3.2) and characteristic lifetimes
tlast ranging between 1.5 and 4 Gyr have been considered;
– COL-BSS have been distributed with initial positions ri ≤ rc and have been given a
natal kick velocity of 1× σ;
– initial positions ranging between 5 rc and rt have been considered for MT-BSS in dif-
ferent runs;
– in each simulation we have followed the evolution of N = 10, 000 BSS.
The simulated radial distribution that best reproduces the observed one (with a reduced
χ2 ≃ 0.1) is shown in Figure 10 and is obtained by assuming that the totality of BSS is
made of COL-BSS. In the best-fit case the BSS characteristic lifetime is tlast ≃ 1.5 Gyr,
but a variation between 1 and 4 Gyr of this parameter still leads to a very good agreement
(χ2 ≃ 0.2–0.3) with the observations. For the sake of comparison, in Figure 10 we also show
the results of the simulations obtained by assuming a percentage of MT-BSS ranging from
10% to 40% (see lower and upper boundaries of the gray region, respectively)5. As can be
4By adopting the same mass groups as those of Mapelli et al. (2006), the resulting value of the King
dimensionless central potential is W0 = 10
5Note that a population of 40% MT-BSS was needed in order to reproduce the bimodal distribution
observed in M 3, 47 Tuc and NGC 6752 (Mapelli et al. 2006), and 10% was found to be the appropriate
percentage of MT-BSS in the case of M 5 (Lanzoni et al. 2007).
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seen, while a population of 10% MT-BSS is still marginally consistent with the observations,
larger percentages systematically overestimate the BSS population at r >∼ 5 rc. Increasing
the BSS mass up to 1.5M⊙ does not change this conclusion.
By assuming 12 Gyr for the age of NGC 1904, we have used the simulations and the
dynamical friction timescale (from, e.g., Mapelli et al. 2006) for 1.2M⊙ stars to estimate
the radius of avoidance ravoid of the cluster, i.e., the radius within which all these stars are
expected to have already sunk to the cluster core because of mass segregation processes. We
find that ravoid ∼ 30 rc (i.e., ∼ 300
′′), which corresponds to a significant fraction of the entire
cluster extension. This evidence is consistent with the fact that the simulated MT-BSS
appear to be a negligible fraction of the overall BSS population.
We have studied the brightest portion (m218 ≤ 19.5) of the BSS population in NGC 1904.
We have found a total of 39 objects, with a high degree of segregation in the cluster center.
Approximately 38% of the entire BSS population is found within the cluster core, while only
∼ 13% of HB stars are counted in the same region. This indicates a significant overabundance
of BSS in the center, as also confirmed by the fact that the BSS specific frequency RBSS within
rc is roughly 3 times larger than expected for a normal (non-segregated) population on the
basis of the sampled light (see Figure 9). The peak value is in good agreement with what is
found in the case of M 3, 47 Tuc, NGC 6752 and M 5 (see Ferraro et al. 2004; Sabbi et al.
2004; Lanzoni et al. 2007). Unlike these clusters, no significant upturn of the distribution
at large radii has been detected in NGC 1904.
We emphasize that the absence of an external upturn in the BSS radial distribution is
not an effect of low statistics. In the case of NGC 6752, where a similar amount of BSS (34)
has been detected, the BSS radial distribution is clearly bimodal (Sabbi et al. 2004). This
can be seen also in Figure 11, where the two distributions are directly compared. They nicely
agree within r ∼ 12rc, but the fraction of BSS in NGC 6752 rises again at larger distances
from the center, despite the smaller number of BSS observed in this cluster compared to
NGC 1904.
Extensive dynamical simulations have been used to derive some hints about the BSS
formation mechanisms. Even if admittedly crude, this approach has been successfully used to
demonstrate that the external rising branch of the BSS radial distribution observed in M 3,
47 Tuc, NGC 6752 and M 5 cannot be due to COL-BSS originated in the core and then kicked
out in the outer regions: hence, a significant fraction (20-40%) of the overall population is
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required to be made of MT-BSS in these clusters (Mapelli et al. 2006; Lanzoni et al. 2007).
By using the same simulations to interpret the (flat) BSS radial distribution of NGC 1904,
we found that only a negligible percentage (0–10%) of MT-BSS is needed. However, we
emphasize that if a rising peripheral BSS frequency is absent (as in the case of NGC 1904)
our simple approach cannot distinguish between BSS created by MT (and then segregated
into the cluster core by the dynamical friction) and COL-BSS created by collisions inside
the core.
On the other hand, the negligible fraction of peripheral MT-BSS found in NGC 1904 is
in agreement with the quite large value of the radius of avoidance estimated for this cluster
(ravoid ≃ 30 rc), which indicates that all the heavy stars (binaries) within this radial distance
have had enough time to sink to the core and are therefore not expected in the cluster
outskirts. Such a radial distance corresponds to 0.6 rt, i.e., it represents a significant fraction
of the cluster extension (only 1% of the cluster light is contained between ravoid and rt),
and hence only a small fraction of the massive objects are expected to be unaffected by the
dynamical friction). In all the other studied cases, ravoid is significantly smaller: ravoid
∼ 0.2 rt
(Mapelli et al. 2006; Lanzoni et al. 2007). In turn, this suggests that at least a fraction of
the BSS population that we now observe in the cluster center are primordial binaries which
have sunk to the core because of the dynamical friction process, and mixed with those that
formed through stellar collisions.
Only systematic surveys of physical and chemical properties for a large number of BSS
in different environments (see examples in De Marco et al. 2005; Ferraro et al. 2006a) can
definitively identify the formation processes of these stars.
This research was supported by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana under contract ASI-INAF
I/023/05/0, by the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica under contract PRIN/INAF 2006, and
by the Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca. RTR is partially funded by
NASA through grant number HST-GO-10524 from the Space Telescope Science Institute.
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This preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2.
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Fig. 1.—Map of the combined HST sample. The light solid and dotted lines delimit the FoVs
of Pointing B and A, respectively. Star positions are plotted with respect to the center of
gravity Cgrav derived in Section 2.3: α(J2000) = 05
h 24m 11..s09, δ(J2000) = −24o 31′ 29.′′00.
The positions of all BSS identified in this sample are marked with heavy dots and the
concentric annuli used to study their radial distribution (cfr. Table 1) are also shown. The
inner and outer annuli correspond to r = rc = 10
′′ and r = 85′′, respectively.
– 18 –
Fig. 2.— Map of the External sample. The light solid and dotted lines delimit the WFI and
the GALEX FoVs, respectively. The two BSS detected in the External sample are marked
as heavy dots, and the concentric annuli used to study their radial distribution are shown
as heavy circles. The inner annulus is at 85′′ and corresponds to the most external one in
Figure 1. The heavy dashed circle marks the tidal radius of the cluster (rt ≃ 500
– 19 –
Fig. 3.— (V, B − V ) CMDs of the HST (Pointing B) and External samples. The hatched
regions (V ≥ 20) indicate the stars not used to derive the cluster surface density profile. The
adopted BSS and HB selection boxes are shown, and all the identified BSS are marked with
the empty circles.
– 20 –
Fig. 4.— Observed surface density profile (dots and error bars) and best-fit King model
(solid line). The radial profile is in units of number of stars per square arcsec. The dotted
line indicates the adopted level of the background, and the model characteristic parameters
(core radius rc, concentration c, dimensionless central potential W0), as well as the χ
2 value
of the fit are marked in the figure. The location of the cluster tidal radius is marked by the
arrow. The lower panel shows the residuals between the observations and the fitted profile
at each radial coordinate.
– 21 –
Fig. 5.— CMD of the ultraviolet (Pointing B) HST sample. The adopted magnitude limit
and selection box used for the definition of the BSS population (empty circles) are shown.
The two solid triangles correspond to BSS-38 and 39 found in the External Sample, with
UV magnitudes obtained through the GALEX NUV detector. The selection boxes adopted
for HB and post-HB stars are also shown.
– 22 –
Fig. 6.— (V, U − V ) CMD of the HST (Pointing A) sample (only stars not observed in
Pointing B are plotted). The adopted BSS and HB selection boxes are shown, and all the
identified BSS and HB stars are marked with the empty circles and squares, respectively.
– 23 –
Fig. 7.— Upper panel: zoomed (V, B − V ) CMD of the BSS region; the 34 BSS measured
in this plane are shown. The set of isochrones ranging from 1 to 6 Gyr (stepped by 0.5 Gyr)
from Cariulo, Degl’Innocenti & Castellani (2003) data base used to derive BSS masses is
also shown. Lower panel: derived mass distribution for the BSS shown in the upper panel.
– 24 –
Fig. 8.— Cumulative radial distribution of BSS (solid line) and HB (dashed line) stars as a
function of the projected distance from the cluster center for the combined HST+External
sample. The location of the cluster tidal radius is marked by the arrow.
– 25 –
Fig. 9.— Radial distribution of the BSS (dots) and HB (gray regions) specific frequencies,
as defined in equation (1), and as a function of the radial distance in units of the core radius.
The vertical size of the gray regions correspond to the error bars.
– 26 –
Fig. 10.— Radial distribution of the population ratio NBSS/NHB as a function of r/rc (dots
with error bars), compared with the simulated distribution (solid line and triangles) obtained
by assuming 100% of COL-BSS. The results of the simulations obtained by assuming a
percentage of MT-BSS ranging from 10% to 40% (lower and upper boundaries of the gray
region, respectively) are also shown.
– 27 –
Fig. 11.— Radial distribution of the population ratio NBSS/NHB for NGC 1904 (filled circles)
and NGC 6752 (open circles) plotted as a function of the radial distance in core radius units.
– 28 –
Table 1. The BSS population in NGC1904
Name RA DEC m218 U B V I
[degree] [degree]
BSS-1 81.048797100 -24.526391100 19.11 18.64 18.66 18.45 -
BSS-2 81.047782800 -24.526527400 18.65 18.12 18.21 17.94 -
BSS-3 81.047540400 -24.526005300 18.85 18.34 18.38 18.22 -
BSS-4 81.048954000 -24.525188200 17.94 17.75 17.87 17.78 -
BSS-5 81.047199200 -24.525797600 17.58 17.47 17.40 17.35 -
BSS-6 81.045528300 -24.525876800 18.64 18.24 18.28 18.12 -
BSS-7 81.044296100 -24.526362200 19.13 18.77 18.76 18.55 -
BSS-8 81.048506700 -24.524266800 19.18 18.55 18.64 18.39 -
BSS-9 81.041556100 -24.526972400 19.35 18.65 18.86 18.49 -
BSS-10 81.045827300 -24.525062700 18.06 17.35 17.17 16.96 -
BSS-11 81.045467700 -24.525147900 17.84 17.44 17.56 17.41 -
BSS-12 81.047088300 -24.524375900 18.80 18.20 18.01 17.80 -
BSS-13 81.046548400 -24.524483700 19.43 18.77 18.67 18.38 -
BSS-14 81.045121300 -24.524748300 19.28 18.33 18.65 18.21 -
BSS-15 81.045883300 -24.524278600 18.97 18.42 18.30 18.13 -
BSS-16 81.046164500 -24.522567300 18.41 17.72 17.63 17.42 -
BSS-17 81.044313700 -24.523304200 18.66 18.46 18.44 18.27 -
BSS-18 81.047157500 -24.521982700 18.49 18.45 18.41 18.32 -
BSS-19 81.043418100 -24.523247200 17.88 18.16 17.68 17.55 -
BSS-20 81.046665900 -24.520192000 19.49 18.71 18.92 18.60 -
BSS-21 81.044991400 -24.520127500 18.93 18.45 18.44 18.21 -
BSS-22 81.046157800 -24.519245100 19.49 18.92 19.06 18.74 -
BSS-23 81.049326100 -24.521621900 18.08 - 18.01 17.99 -
BSS-24 81.049155900 -24.520629500 18.41 - 17.98 17.87 -
BSS-25 81.047244500 -24.517052600 19.41 18.97 19.11 18.82 -
BSS-26 81.051592200 -24.523146600 18.67 - 18.33 18.21 -
BSS-27 81.050476100 -24.517107000 19.01 18.65 18.54 18.39 -
BSS-28 81.060767000 -24.520983900 18.92 - 18.59 18.45 -
BSS-29 81.068117100 -24.517558600 19.39 - 18.91 18.60 -
BSS-30 81.043233100 -24.533852000 17.34 - 16.75 16.65 -
BSS-31 81.044917900 -24.540315000 18.34 - 17.48 17.22 -
BSS-32 81.038520800 -24.540891600 17.77 17.46 17.30 17.20 -
BSS-33 81.045196533 -24.515874863 - 17.91 - 17.84 -
BSS-34 81.032196045 -24.512256622 - 18.75 - 18.41 -
BSS-35 81.037574768 -24.525493622 - 18.87 - 18.58 -
BSS-36 81.041069031 -24.518457413 - 18.80 - 18.64 -
BSS-37 81.045227051 -24.517648697 - 18.86 - 18.68 -
BSS-38 81.056510925 -24.449676514 19.04† 18.78 18.56 18.35 18.08
– 29 –
Table 1—Continued
BSS-39 81.058883667 -24.555763245 19.39† 19.14 19.05 18.73 18.34
Note. — † Note that, while the header of the column referes to HST-F218W
magnitudes, those of BSS-38 and -39 have been obtained with the NUV channel
of GALEX and transformed to the m218 scale as described in Section 2.2.
ri re NBSS NHB L
0 10 15 34 0.14
10 20 10 45 0.18
20 40 7 62 0.22
40 85 5 56 0.23
85 150 1 34 0.13
150 500 1 18 0.10
Table 2: Number of BSS and HB stars, and fraction of luminosity sampled in the 6 concentric
annuli used to study the BSS radial distribution of NGC 1904 (ri and re correspond to the
internal and external radius of each considered annulus, in arcsec).
The data sets
Astrometry and homogenization of the catalogs
Center of gravity and definition of the samples
Density profile
BSS selection
BSS mass distribution
The BSS radial distribution
Dynamical simulations
0704.1394 | Calculating Valid Domains for BDD-Based Interactive Configuration | Calculating Valid Domains for BDD-Based Interactive
Tarik Hadzic, Rune Moller Jensen, Henrik Reif Andersen
Computational Logic and Algorithms Group,
IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
Abstract. In these notes we formally describe the functionality of Calculating
Valid Domains from the BDD representing the solution space of valid configu-
rations. The formalization is largely based on the CLab [1] configuration frame-
1 Introduction
Interactive configuration problems are special applications of Constraint Satisfaction
Problems (CSP) where a user is assisted in interactively assigning values to variables by
a software tool. This software, called a configurator, assists the user by calculating and
displaying the available, valid choices for each unassigned variable in what are called
valid domains computations. Application areas include customising physical products
(such as PC’s and cars) and services (such as airplane tickets and insurances).
Three important features are required of a tool that implements interactive configu-
ration: it should be complete (all valid configurations should be reachable through user
interaction), backtrack-free (a user is never forced to change an earlier choice due to
incompleteness in the logical deductions), and it should provide real-time performance
(feedback should be fast enough to allow real-time interactions). The requirement of
obtaining backtrack-freeness while maintaining completeness makes the problem of
calculating valid domains NP-hard. The real-time performance requirement enforces
further that runtime calculations are bounded in polynomial time. According to user-
interface design criteria, for a user to perceive interaction as being real-time, system
response needs to be within about 250 milliseconds in practice [2]. Therefore, the cur-
rent approaches that meet all three conditions use off-line precomputation to generate
an efficient runtime data structure representing the solution space [3,4,5,6]. The chal-
lenge with this data structure is that the solution space is almost always exponentially
large and it is NP-hard to find. Despite the bad worst-case bounds, it has nevertheless
turned out in real industrial applications that the data structures can often be kept small
2 Interactive Configuration
The input model to an interactive configuration problem is a special kind of Constraint
Satisfaction Problem (CSP) [8,9] where constraints are represented as propositional
Definition 1. A configuration model C is a triple (X,D,F ) where X is a set of vari-
ables {x0, . . . , xn−1}, D = D0 × . . . × Dn−1 is the Cartesian product of their finite
domains D0, . . . , Dn−1 and F = {f0, ..., fm−1} is a set of propositional formulae over
atomic propositions xi = v, where v ∈ Di, specifying conditions on the values of the
Concretely, every domain can be defined as Di = {0, . . . , |Di| − 1}. An assign-
ment of values v0, . . . , vn−1 to variables x0, . . . , xn−1 is denoted as an assignment
ρ = {(x0, v0), . . . , (xn−1, vn−1)}. Domain of assignment dom(ρ) is the set of vari-
ables which are assigned: dom(ρ) = {xi | ∃v ∈ Di.(xi, v) ∈ ρ} and if dom(ρ) = X
we refer to ρ as a total assignment. We say that a total assignment ρ is valid, if it satisfies
all the rules which is denoted as ρ |= F .
A partial assignment ρ′, dom(ρ′) ⊆ X is valid if there is at least one total assign-
ment ρ ⊇ ρ′ that is valid ρ |= F , i.e. if there is at least one way to successfully finish
the existing configuration process.
Example 1. Consider specifying a T-shirt by choosing the color (black, white, red, or
blue), the size (small, medium, or large) and the print (”Men In Black” - MIB or ”Save
The Whales” - STW). There are two rules that we have to observe: if we choose the
MIB print then the color black has to be chosen as well, and if we choose the small size
then the STW print (including a big picture of a whale) cannot be selected as the large
whale does not fit on the small shirt. The configuration problem (X,D,F ) of the T-
shirt example consists of variables X = {x1, x2, x3} representing color, size and print.
Variable domains are D1 = {black ,white, red , blue}, D2 = {small ,medium , large},
and D3 = {MIB , STW }. The two rules translate to F = {f1, f2}, where f1 =
(x3 = MIB) ⇒ (x1 = black ) and f2 = (x3 = STW ) ⇒ (x2 6= small). There
are |D1||D2||D3| = 24 possible assignments. Eleven of these assignments are valid
configurations and they form the solution space shown in Fig. 1. ♦
(black , small ,MIB) (black , large, STW ) (red , large,STW )
(black ,medium,MIB) (white,medium,STW ) (blue,medium,STW )
(black ,medium,STW ) (white, large ,STW ) (blue, large, STW )
(black , large,MIB) (red ,medium,STW )
Fig. 1. Solution space for the T-shirt example
2.1 User Interaction
Configurator assists a user interactively to reach a valid product specification, i.e. to
reach total valid assignment. The key operation in this interaction is that of computing,
for each unassigned variable xi ∈ X \dom(ρ), the valid domainD
i ⊆ Di. The domain
is valid if it contains those and only those values with which ρ can be extended to be-
come a total valid assignment, i.e. Dρi = {v ∈ Di | ∃ρ
′ : ρ′ |= F ∧ρ∪{(xi, v)} ⊆ ρ
The significance of this demand is that it guarantees the user backtrack-free assignment
to variables as long as he selects values from valid domains. This reduces cognitive
effort during the interaction and increases usability.
At each step of the interaction, the configurator reports the valid domains to the
user, based on the current partial assignment ρ resulting from his earlier choices. The
user then picks an unassigned variable xj ∈ X \ dom(ρ) and selects a value from
the calculated valid domain vj ∈ D
j . The partial assignment is then extended to ρ ∪
{(xj , vj)} and a new interaction step is initiated.
3 BDD Based Configuration
In [5,10] the interactive configuration was delivered by dividing the computational ef-
fort into an offline and online phase. First, in the offline phase, the authors compiled a
BDD representing the solution space of all valid configurations Sol = {ρ | ρ |= F}.
Then, the functionality of calculating valid domains (CV D) was delivered online, by
efficient algorithms executing during the interaction with a user. The benefit of this ap-
proach is that the BDD needs to be compiled only once, and can be reused for multiple
user sessions. The user interaction process is illustrated in Fig. 2.
InCo(Sol, ρ)
1: while |Solρ| > 1
2: compute D
ρ = CVD(Sol, ρ)
3: report D
to the user
4: the user chooses (xi, v) for some xi 6∈ dom(ρ), v ∈ D
5: ρ← ρ ∪ {(xi, v)}
6: return ρ
Fig. 2. Interactive configuration algorithm working on a BDD representation of the so-
lutions Sol reaches a valid total configuration as an extension of the argument ρ.
Important requirement for online user-interaction is the guaranteed real-time expe-
rience of user-configurator interaction. Therefore, the algorithms that are executing in
the online phase must be provably efficient in the size of the BDD representation. This
is what we call the real-time guarantee. As the CV D functionality is NP-hard, and the
online algorithms are polynomial in the size of generated BDD, there is no hope of pro-
viding polynomial size guarantees for the worst-case BDD representation. However, it
suffices that the BDD size is small enough for all the configuration instances occurring
in practice [10].
3.1 Binary Decision Diagrams
A reduced ordered Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) is a rooted directed acyclic graph
representing a Boolean function on a set of linearly ordered Boolean variables. It has
one or two terminal nodes labeled 1 or 0 and a set of variable nodes. Each variable node
is associated with a Boolean variable and has two outgoing edges low and high. Given
an assignment of the variables, the value of the Boolean function is determined by a
path starting at the root node and recursively following the high edge, if the associated
variable is true, and the low edge, if the associated variable is false. The function value
is true, if the label of the reached terminal node is 1; otherwise it is false. The graph is
ordered such that all paths respect the ordering of the variables.
A BDD is reduced such that no pair of distinct nodes u and v are associated with the
same variable and low and high successors (Fig. 3a), and no variable node u has iden-
tical low and high successors (Fig. 3b). Due to these reductions, the number of nodes
u v u
x x x
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) nodes associated to the same variable with equal low and high successors
will be converted to a single node. (b) nodes causing redundant tests on a variable are
eliminated. High and low edges are drawn with solid and dashed lines, respectively
in a BDD for many functions encountered in practice is often much smaller than the
number of truth assignments of the function. Another advantage is that the reductions
make BDDs canonical [11]. Large space savings can be obtained by representing a col-
lection of BDDs in a single multi-rooted graph where the sub-graphs of the BDDs are
shared. Due to the canonicity, two BDDs are identical if and only if they have the same
root. Consequently, when using this representation, equivalence checking between two
BDDs can be done in constant time. In addition, BDDs are easy to manipulate. Any
Boolean operation on two BDDs can be carried out in time proportional to the product
of their size. The size of a BDD can depend critically on the variable ordering. To find
an optimal ordering is a co-NP-complete problem in itself [11], but a good heuristic for
choosing an ordering is to locate dependent variables close to each other in the order-
ing. For a comprehensive introduction to BDDs and branching programs in general, we
refer the reader to Bryant’s original paper [11] and the books [12,13].
3.2 Compiling the Configuration Model
Each of the finite domain variables xi with domain Di = {0, . . . , |Di| − 1} is encoded
by ki = ⌈log|Di|⌉ Boolean variables x
0, . . . , x
. Each j ∈ Di, corresponds to a
binary encoding v0 . . . vki−1 denoted as v0 . . . vki−1 = enc(j). Also, every combina-
tion of Boolean values v0 . . . vki−1 represents some integer j ≤ 2
ki − 1, denoted as
j = dec(v0 . . . vki−1). Hence, atomic proposition xi = v is encoded as a Boolean ex-
pression xi0 = v0 ∧ . . . ∧ x
= vki−1. In addition, domain constraints are added
to forbid those assignments to v0 . . . vki−1 which do not translate to a value in Di, i.e.
where dec(v0 . . . vki−1) ≥ |Di|.
Let the solution space Sol over ordered set of variables x0 < . . . < xk−1 be repre-
sented by a Binary Decision Diagram B(V,E,Xb, R, var), where V is the set of nodes
u, E is the set of edges e and Xb = {0, 1, . . . , |Xb| − 1} is an ordered set of variable
indexes, labelling every non-terminal node u with var(u) ≤ |Xb| − 1 and labelling
the terminal nodes T0, T1 with index |Xb|. Set of variable indexes Xb is constructed
by taking the union of Boolean encoding variables
i=0 {x
0, . . . , x
} and ordering
them in a natural layered way, i.e. xi1j1 < x
iff i1 < i2 or i1 = i2 and j1 < j2.
Every directed edge e = (u1, u2) has a starting vertex u1 = π1(e) and ending
vertex u2 = π2(e). R denotes the root node of the BDD.
Example 2. The BDD representing the solution space of the T-shirt example introduced
in Sect. 2 is shown in Fig. 4. In the T-shirt example there are three variables: x1, x2 and
x3, whose domain sizes are four, three and two, respectively. Each variable is repre-
sented by a vector of Boolean variables. In the figure the Boolean vector for the vari-
able xi with domain Di is (x
i , x
i , · · ·x
i ), where li = ⌈lg |Di|⌉. For example, in
the figure, variable x2 which corresponds to the size of the T-shirt is represented by the
Boolean vector (x02, x
2). In the BDD any path from the root node to the terminal node
1, corresponds to one or more valid configurations. For example, the path from the root
node to the terminal node 1, with all the variables taking low values represents the valid
configuration (black , small ,MIB). Another path with x01, x
1, and x
2 taking low values,
and x12 taking high value represents two valid configurations: (black ,medium,MIB)
and (black ,medium, STW ), namely. In this path the variable x03 is a don’t care variable
and hence can take both low and high value, which leads to two valid configurations.
Any path from the root node to the terminal node 0 corresponds to invalid configura-
tions. ♦
4 Calculating Valid Domains
Before showing the algorithms, let us first introduce the appropriate notation. If an
index k ∈ Xb corresponds to the j + 1-st Boolean variable x
j encoding the finite
domain variable xi, we define var1(k) = i and var2(k) = j to be the appropriate
mappings. Now, given the BDD B(V,E,Xb, R, var), Vi denotes the set of all nodes
u ∈ V that are labelled with a BDD variable encoding the finite domain variable xi, i.e.
Vi = {u ∈ V | var1(u) = i}. We think of Vi as defining a layer in the BDD. We define
Ini to be the set of nodes u ∈ Vi reachable by an edge originating from outside the Vi
layer, i.e. Ini = {u ∈ Vi| ∃(u
′, u) ∈ E. var1(u
′) < i}. For the root node R, labelled
with i0 = var1(R) we define Ini0 = Vi0 = {R}.
We assume that in the previous user assignment, a user fixed a value for a finite
domain variable x = v, x ∈ X , extending the old partial assignment ρold to the current
Fig. 4. BDD of the solution space of the T-shirt example. Variable xji denotes bit vj of
the Boolean encoding of finite domain variable xi.
assignment ρ = ρold ∪ {(x, v)}. For every variable xi ∈ X , old valid domains are
denoted as Dρoldi , i = 0, . . . , n− 1. and the old BDD B
ρold is reduced to the restricted
BDD, Bρ(V,E,Xb, var). The CV D functionality is to calculate valid domains D
for remaining unassigned variables xi 6∈ dom(ρ) by extracting values from the newly
restricted BDD Bρ(V,E,Xb, var).
To simplify the following discussion, we will analyze the isolated execution of the
CV D algorithms over a given BDD B(V,E,Xb, var). The task is to calculate valid
domains V Di from the starting domains Di. The user-configurator interaction can be
modelled as a sequence of these executions over restricted BDDs Bρ, where the valid
domains are Dρi and the starting domains are D
The CV D functionality is delivered by executing two algorithms presented in Fig.
5 and Fig. 6. The first algorithm is based on the key idea that if there is an edge e =
(u1, u2) crossing over Vj , i.e. var1(u1) < j < var1(u2) then we can include all the
values from Dj into a valid domain V Dj ← Dj .
We refer to e as a long edge of length var1(u2) − var1(u1). Note that it skips
var(u2)− var(u1) Boolean variables, and therefore compactly represents the part of a
solution space of size 2var(u2)−var(u1).
For the remaining variables xi, whose valid domain was not copied by CV D −
Skipped, we execute CV D(B, xi) from Fig. 6. There, for each value j in a domain D
we check whether it can be part of the domain Di. The key idea is that if j ∈ Di then
there must be u ∈ Vi such that traversing the BDD from u with binary encoding of j
CV D − Skipped(B)
1: for each i = 0 to n− 1
2: L[i]← i+ 1
3: T ← TopologicalSort(B)
4: for each k = 0 to |T | − 1
5: u1 ← T [k], i1 ← var1(u1)
6: for each u2 ∈ Adjacent[u1]
7: L[i1]← max{L[i1], var1(u2)}
8: S ← {}, s← 0
9: for i = 0 to n− 2
10: if i+ 1 < L[s]
11: L[s]← max{L[s], L[i+ 1]}
12: else
13: if s+ 1 < L[s] S ← S ∪ {s}
14: s← i+ 1
15: for each j ∈ S
16: for i = j to L[j]
17: V Di ← Di
Fig. 5. In lines 1-7 the L[i] array is created to record longest edge e = (u1, u2) orig-
inating from the Vi layer, i.e. L[i] = max{var1(u
′) | ∃(u, u′) ∈ E.var1(u) = i}.
The execution time is dominated by TopologicalSort(B) which can be implemented
as depth first search in O(|E|+ |V |) = O(|E|) time. In lines 8-14, the overlapping long
segments have been merged in O(n) steps. Finally, in lines 15-17 the valid domains
have been copied in O(n) steps. Hence, the total running time is O(|E|+ n).
CV D(B, xi)
1: V Di ← {}
2: for each j = 0 to |Di| − 1
3: for each k = 0 to |Ini| − 1
4: u← Ini[k]
′ ← Traverse(u, j)
6: if u
′ 6= T0
7: V Di ← V Di ∪ {j}
8: Return
Fig. 6. Classical CVD algorithm. enc(j) denotes the binary encoding of number j to ki
values v0, . . . , vki−1. If Traverse(u, j) from Fig. 7 ends in a node different then T0,
then j ∈ V Di.
will lead to a node other than T0, because then there is at least one satisfying path to T1
allowing xi = j.
Traverse(u, j)
1: i← var1(u)
2: v0, . . . , vki−1 ← enc(j)
3: s← var2(u)
4: if Marked[u] = j return T0
5: Marked[u]← j
6: while s ≤ ki − 1
7: if var1(u) > i return u
8: if vs = 0 u← low(u)
10: else u← high(u)
12: if Marked[u] = j return T0
13: Marked[u]← j
14: s← var2(u)
Fig. 7. For fixed u ∈ V, i = var1(u), Traverse(u, j) iterates through Vi and returns
the node in which the traversal ends up.
When traversing with Traverse(u, j) we mark the already traversed nodes ut with
j, Marked[ut] ← j and prevent processing them again in the future j-traversals
Traverse(u′, j). Namely, if Traverse(u, j) reached T0 node through ut, then any
other traversal Traverse(u′, j) reaching ut must as well end up in T0. Therefore, for
every value j ∈ Di, every node u ∈ Vi is traversed at most once, leading to worst case
running time complexity of O(|Vi| · |Di|). Hence, the total running time for all variables
is O(
i=0 |Vi| · |Di|).
The total worst-case running time for the two CV D algorithms is thereforeO(
i=0 |Vi|·
|Di|+ |E|+ n) = O(
i=0 |Vi| · |Di|+ n).
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Calculating Valid Domains for BDD-Based Interactive Configuration
Tarik Hadzic, Rune Moller Jensen, Henrik Reif Andersen
0704.1395 | Higgs and Z' Phenomenology in B-L extension of the Standard Model at LHC | arXiv:0704.1395v1 [hep-ph] 11 Apr 2007
Preprint typeset in JHEP style - HYPER VERSION
Higgs and Z ′ Phenomenology in B − L extension of
the Standard Model at LHC
W. Emam and S. Khalil
Center for Theoretical Physics at the British University in Egypt, Sherouk City, Cairo
11837, Egypt.
Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11566, Egypt.
Abstract: The phenomenology of the low scale U(1)B−L extension of the standard model
and its implications at LHC is presented. In this model, an extra gauge boson corresponding
to B−L gauge symmetry and an extra SM singlet scalar (heavy Higgs) are predicted. We
show a detailed analysis of both heavy and light Higgses decay and production in addition
to the possible decay channels of the new gauge boson. We find that the cross sections
of the SM-like Higgs production are reduced by ∼ 20% − 30%, while its decay branching
ratios remain intact. The extra Higgs has relatively small cross sections and the branching
ratios of Z ′ → l+l− are of order ∼ 20% compared to ∼ 3% of the SM resuls. Hence, the
search for Z ′ is accessible via a clean dilepton signal at LHC.
Keywords: Low scale B − L, Higgs production, Higgs decays, Z ′ gauge boson.
1. Introduction 1
2. B − L extension of the SM 2
2.1 Symmetry breaking 2
2.2 Higgs sector 3
3. Higgs Production and Decay at Hadron Colliders 5
3.1 Higgs Production 5
3.2 Higgs Decay 9
4. Z ′ decay in B − L extension of the SM 12
5. Light H ′ Scenario 14
6. Conclusions 14
1. Introduction
The Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles has been regarded only as a low energy
effective theory of the yet-more-fundamental theory. Several attempts have been proposed
to extend the gauge symmetry of the SM via one or more U(1) gauge symmetries beyond
the hypercharge gauge symmetry, U(1)Y [1–3]. The evidence for non-vanishing neutrino
masses, based on the apparent observation of neutrino oscillation, strongly encourages this
type of extensions. In this class of models [1, 2], three SM singlet fermions arise quite
naturally due to the anomaly cancellation conditions. These three particles are accounted
for right handed neutrinos, and hence a natural explanation for the seesaw mechanism is
A low scale B − L symmetry breaking, based on the gauge group GB−L ≡ SU(3)C ×
SU(2)L × U(1)Y × U(1)B−L, has been considered recently [2]. It was shown that this
model can account for the current experimental results of the light neutrino masses and
their large mixing. Therefore, it can be considered as one of the strong candidates for
minimal extensions of the SM. In addition, one extra neutral gauge boson corresponding
to B − L gauge symmetry and an extra SM singlet scalar (extra Higgs) are predicted.
In fact, the SM Higgs sector can be generally extended by adding extra singlet scalars
without enlarging its gauge symmetry group [4, 5]. In Ref.[2], it has been emphasized that
these new particles may have significant impact on the SM phenomenology, hence lead to
interesting signatures at Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
– 1 –
The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis for the phenomenology of
such TeV scale extension of the SM, and its potential discovery at the LHC. The production
cross sections and the decay branching ratios of the SM like Higgs, H, and the extra Higgs
boson H ′ are analyzed. We also consider the decay branching ratios of the extra gauge
boson, Z ′.
We show that the cross sections of the Higgs production are reduced by ∼ 20%− 30%
in the interesting mass range of ∼ 120− 250 GeV relative to the SM predictions. However,
its decay branching ratios remain intact. In addition, we find that the extra Higgs (∼
TeV) is accessible at LHC, although it has relatively small cross sections. We also examine
the availability of the decay channel H ′ → HH, which happens to have very small partial
decay width. Concerning the Z ′ gauge boson, the branching ratios of Z ′ → l+l− are found
to be of order ∼ 20% compared to ∼ 3% of the SM BR(Z → l+l−).
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we review the Higgs mechanism and
symmetry breaking within the minimal B − L extension of the SM. We also discuss the
mixing between the SM-like Higgs and the extra Higgs boson. Section 3 is devoted for
the phenomenology of the two Higgs particles. The production cross sections and decay
branching ratios of these Higgs particles at LHC are presented. In section 4 we study the
decay of the extra gauge boson Z ′. In section 5 we briefly discuss the scenario of very light
Higgs. Finally we give our concluding remarks in section 6.
2. B − L extension of the SM
2.1 Symmetry breaking
The fermionic and kinetic sectors of the Lagrangian in the case of B − L extension are
given by
LB−L = i l̄Dµγµl + i ēRDµγµeR + i ν̄RDµγµνR
µν − 1
µν − 1
µν . (2.1)
The covariant derivative Dµ is different from the SM one by the term ig
′′YB−LCµ, where g
is the U(1)B−L gauge coupling constant, YB−L is the B−L charge, and Cµν = ∂µCν−∂νCµ
is the field strength of the U(1)B−L. The YB−L for fermions and Higgs are given in Table 1.
particle l eR νR q φ χ
YB−L −1 −1 −1 1/3 0 2
Table 1: B − L quantum numbers for fermions and Higgs particles
The Higgs and Yukawa sectors of the Lagrangian are given by
LB−L = (Dµφ)(Dµφ) + (Dµχ)(Dµχ)− V (φ, χ)
λe l̄φeR + λν l̄φ̃νR +
λνR ν̄
RχνR + h.c.
. (2.2)
– 2 –
Here, λe, λν and λνR refer to 3 × 3 Yakawa matrices. The interaction terms λν lφ̃νR and
λνR ν̄
RχνR give rise to a Dirac neutrino mass term: mD ≃ λνv and a Majorana mass term:
MR = λνRv
′, respectively. The U(1)B−L and SU(2)L × U(1)Y gauge symmetries can be
spontaneously broken by a SM singlet complex scaler field χ and a complex SU(2) doublet
of scalar fields φ, respectively. We consider the most general Higgs potential invariant
under these symmetries, which is given by
V (φ, χ) = m21φ
†χ+ λ1(φ
†φ)2 + λ2(χ
†χ)(φ†φ), (2.3)
where λ3 > −2
λ1λ2 and λ1, λ2 ≥ 0, so that the potential is bounded from below. For
non-vanishing vacuum expectation values (vev’s), we require λ23 < 4λ1λ2 , m
1 < 0 and
m22 < 0. The vev’s, |〈φ〉| = v/
2 and |〈χ〉| = v′/
2, are then given by
1 − 2λ3m22
λ23 − 4λ1λ2
, v′2 =
−2(m21 + λ1v2)
Depending on the value of the λ3 coupling, one can have v
′ ≫ v or v′ ≈ v. Therefore, the
symmetry breaking scales, v and v′, can be responsible for two different symmetry breaking
scenarios. In our analysis we take v = 246 GeV and constrain the other scale, v′, by the
lower bounds imposed on the mass of the extra neutral gauge boson.
After the B−L gauge symmetry breaking, the gauge field Cµ (will be called Z ′ in the
rest of the paper) acquires the following mass:
m2Z′ = 4g
′′v′2. (2.4)
The experimental search for Z ′ at CDF experiment leads to mZ′ >∼ O(600) GeV. However,
the strongest limit comes from LEP II [6]:
′′ > 6TeV . (2.5)
This implies that v′ >∼ O(TeV). Moreover, if the coupling g
′′ is < O(1), one can still obtain
mZ′ >∼ O(600) GeV.
2.2 Higgs sector
In addition to the SM complex SU(2)L doublet, another complex scalar singlet arise in
this class of models. Out of these six scalar degrees of freedom, only two physical degrees
of freedom, (φ, χ), remain after the B − L and electroweak symmetries are broken. The
other four degrees of freedom are eaten by Z ′, Z and W± bosons.
The mixing between the two Higgs scalar fields is controlled by the coupling λ3. In
fact, one finds that for positive λ3 , the B−L symmetry breaking scale, v′, becomes much
higher than the electroweak symmetry breaking scale, v. In this case, the SM singlet
Higgs, φ, and the SM like Higgs, χ, are decoupled and their masses are given by
2λ1v, Mχ =
′. (2.6)
– 3 –
For negative λ3, however, theB−L breaking scale is at the same order of the the electroweak
breaking scale. In this scenario, a significant mixing between the two Higgs scalars exists
and can affect the SM phenomenology. This mixing can be represented by the following
mass matrix for φ and χ:
M2(φ, χ) =
vv′ λ2v
. (2.7)
Therefore, the mass eigenstates fields H and H ′ are given by
cos θ − sin θ
sin θ cos θ
, (2.8)
where the mixing angle θ is defined by
tan 2θ =
λ1v2 − λ2v′2
. (2.9)
The masses of H and H ′ are given by
m2H,H′ = λ1v
2 + λ2v
(λ1v2 − λ2v′2)2 + λ23v2v′2. (2.10)
We call H andH ′ as light and heavy Higgs bosons, respectively. In our analysis we consider
a maximum mixing between the two Higgs bosons by taking |λ3| ≃ λmax1 λmax2 , where λmax1
and λmax2 are given by
λmax1 =
m2H +m
+ 1 + 1
λmax2 =
m2H +m
+ 1− 1
, (2.11)
and the maximum mixing angle is then given by
tan 2θ =
λmax1 λ
λmax1 v
2 − λmax2 v′2
. (2.12)
By considering the maximum mixing and fixing v = 246 GeV and v′ = 1 TeV, we have
reduced the number of free parameters of this model into just two, namely mH and mH′ .
In Figure 1, we present the maximum mixing as a function of the light Higgs mass, mH
for mH′ = 500 GeV and 1 TeV.
Due to the mixing between the two Higgs bosons, the usual couplings among the SM-
like Higgs, H, and the SM fermions and gauge bosons are modified. In addition, there are
new couplings among the extra Higgs, H ′, and the SM particles:
gHff = i
cos θ, gH′ff = i
sin θ,
gHV V = −2i
cos θ, gH′V V = −2i
sin θ,
gHZ′Z′ = 2i
sin θ, gH′Z′Z′ = −2i
cos θ,
gHνRνR = −i
sin θ, gH′νRνR = i
cos θ. (2.13)
– 4 –
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Figure 1: H −H ′ mixing angle as function of mH for m′H = 500 GeV and 1 TeV.
The Higgs self couplings are give by
gH3 = 6i(λ1v cos
3 θ −
v′ cos2 θ sin θ),
gH′3 = 6i(λ2v
′ cos3 θ +
v cos2 θ sin θ),
gH4 = 6iλ1 cos
gH′4 = 6iλ2 cos
gHH′2 = 2i(
v cos3 θ + λ3v
′ cos2 θ sin θ − 3λ2v′ cos2 θ sin θ),
gH2H′ = 2i(
v′ cos3 θ − λ3v cos2 θ sin θ + 3λ1v cos2 θ sin θ),
gH2H′2 = iλ3 cos
4 θ. (2.14)
These new couplings lead to a different Higgs phenomenology from the well known
one, predicted by the SM. The detailed analysis of Higgs bosons in this class of models and
their phenomenological implications, like their productions and decays at the LHC, will be
discussed in the next section.
3. Higgs Production and Decay at Hadron Colliders
3.1 Higgs Production
At the LHC, two 7-TeV proton beams with a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV and a
luminosity of 1034cm−2s−1 will collide with each other. The machine is expected to start
running early 2008. The detection of the SM Higgs boson is the primary goal of the LHC
– 5 –
H, H ′
H, H ′
H, H ′
H, H ′
Figure 2: The dominant Higgs boson production mechanisms in hadronic collisions.
At hadron colliders, the two Higgs bosons couple mainly to the heavy particles: the
massive gauge bosons Z ′, Z and W± and the heavy quarks t, b. The main production
mechanisms for Higgs particles can be classified into four groups [7]: the gluon–gluon
fusion mechanism[8], the associated Higgs production with heavy top or bottom quarks[9],
the associated production with W/Z/Z ′ bosons[10], and the weak vector boson fusion
gg → H (3.1)
gg, qq̄ → QQ̄+H, (3.2)
qq̄ → V +H (3.3)
qq → V ∗V ∗ → qq +H. (3.4)
The Feynman diagrams of these processes are displayed in Figure 2. The cross sections
of the Higgs production in these four mechanisms are directly proportional to the the Higgs
couplings with the associated particles.
In case of the gluon–gluon fusion mechanism the Higgs production is mediated by
triangular loops of heavy quarks. Thus, the cross section of this process is proportional
to the Higgs coupling with the heavy quark mass. In case of B − L extension of the SM,
the production cross sections for the light Higgs, H, and the heavy Higgs, H ′, can be
approximated as
σH ∝ α2s
cos2 θ
, (3.5)
σH′ ∝ α2s
sin2 θ
, (3.6)
where the first bracket is due to the coupling QQH(H ′), while the second bracket corre-
sponds to an approximated loop factor. As can be seen from Equations 3.5 and 3.6, the
– 6 –
H, H ′
Figure 3: Feynman diagrams for Higgs production in association with heavy quarks in hadronic
collisions, pp → qq̄, gg → QQ̄H , at LO.
cross section of the light Higgs production is reduced respect to the SM one by the factor
of cos2 θ. On the other hand, the heavy Higgs production is suppressed by two factors: the
small sin θ, and the large mH′ . Therefore, the the heavy Higgs production is typically less
than that of the light Higgs by two orders of magnitudes, i.e.,
≃ sin θ
cos θ2
≃ O(10−2). (3.7)
Now, we consider the mechanism of Higgs production in association with heavy quark
pairs, Equation 3.2. In addition to the Feynman diagram shown in Figure 2, a set of other
diagrams that also contribute to this process is given in Figure 3. Note that although
this process shares the same coupling with the gluon-gluon fusion process, the leading
order expression of its cross section indicates that it is less by one order of magnitude, for
mH(H′) < 1 TeV. Furthermore, the typical ratio of σ(gg → H ′QQ̄) to σ(gg → HQQ̄) is of
order (sin θ/ cos θ)2 ≃ O(0.1).
Finally, we study the Higgs production in association with W/Z/Z ′ bosons and in the
weak vector boson fusion processes, Equations 3.3 and 3.4 respectively. In B−L extension
of the SM, the cross sections of these channels are proportional to the mass of the gauge
boson and the mixing angle θ of the two Higgs bosons:
V ≡ W/Z : σH ∝
cos2 θ ×
× Loop function, (3.8)
σH′ ∝
sin2 θ ×
× Loop function. (3.9)
In case of V ≡ Z ′, The production is enhanced by the HZ ′Z ′ coupling arising with
mZ′ . However, it is suppressed by a large value of v
′ and the mass of the virtual gauge
boson(s), mZ′ :
V ≡ Z ′ : σH ∝
sin2 θ ×
× Loop function, (3.10)
σH′ ∝
cos2 θ ×
× Loop function. (3.11)
From these equations, one can observe that the relative ratio between the light Higgs
production associated with W/Z and Z ′ gauge bosons is given by σH(W/Z)/σH(Z
– 7 –
Ht t→,ggqq
=14 TeVs
=1 TeVH’m
Figure 4: The cross sections of the light Higgs production as function of mH : 100 GeV ≤ mH ≤
1 TeV, for mH′ = 1 TeV.
cos2 θ/ sin2 θ×g′′2/g2(g′2). Therefore, σH(W/Z) can be larger than σH(Z ′) by one order of
magnitude at most. In contrary, the situation is reversed for the heavy Higgs production
and one finds that σ′H(Z
′) > σ′H(W/Z), which confirms our earlier discussion.
The cross sections for the Higgs bosons production in these channels (Equations 3.1-
3.4) have been calculated using the FORTRAN codes: HIGLU, HQQ, V2HV, and VV2HV,
respectively [12]. Extra subroutines have been added to these programs for the new cou-
plings associated with the two higgs scalars and the extra gauge boson [12]. As inputs, we
use v = 246 GeV, v′ = 1 TeV, and center of mass energy
s = 14 TeV. We also fix the
mass of the extra gauge boson at mZ′ = 600 GeV. The cross sections for the light Higgs
boson production are summarized in Figure 4. as functions of the light Higgs mass with
mH′ = 1 TeV. Figure 5, on the other hand, represents the heavy Higgs productions as
functions of mH′ with mH = 200 GeV.
As shown in Figure 4, the salient feature of this low scale B − L extension is that
all cross sections of the light Higgs production are reduced by about 25 − 35% in the
interesting mass range: mH < 250 GeV. As in the SM, the main contribution to the
production cross section comes from the gluon-gluon fusion mechanism with a few tens of
pb. The next relevant contribution is given by the Higgs production in the weak vector
boson mechanism, Equation 3.4. This contribution is at the level of a few pb, as estimated
above. Furthermore, the production associated with Z/W is dominant over the production
associated with Z ′ for mH < 300 GeV.
Now, we analyze the production of the heavy Higgs. It turns out that its cross sections
are smaller than the light Higgs ones. As shown in Figure 5, all these cross sections are
scaled down by factor O(10−2), which is consistent with the result obtained in Equation 3.7.
Unlike the light Higgs scenario, the production associated with Z ′ is dominant over the
– 8 –
H’t t→,ggqq
=14 TeVs
=200 GeVHm
Figure 5: The cross sections of the heavy Higgs production as function of mH′ : 300 GeV ≤ mH′ ≤
1 TeV, for mH = 200 GeV.
production associated with Z/W in agrement with our previous prediction.
3.2 Higgs Decay
The Higgs particle tends to decay into the heaviest gauge bosons and fermions allowed
by the phase space. The Higgs decay modes can be classified into three categories: Higgs
decays into fermions (Figure 6), Higgs decays into massive gauge bosons (Figure 7), and
Higgs decays into massless gauge bosons (Figure 8).
H, H ′
Figure 6: The Feynman diagram for the Higgs boson decays into fermions.
The decay widths into fermions are directly proportional to the Hff couplings
Γ(H −→ ff) ≈ mH
cos2 θ, (3.12)
Γ(H ′ −→ ff) ≈ mH′
sin2 θ. (3.13)
– 9 –
H, H ′ V
H, H ′
H, H ′
Figure 7: Diagrams for the Higgs boson decays into massive gauge bosons.
H, H ′
H, H ′
H, H ′
Figure 8: Loop induced Higgs boson decays into a) two photons (Zγ) and b) two gluons.
H, H ′
H, H ′ W
Figure 9: Diagrams for the three–body decays of the Higgs boson into tbW final states.
In case of the top quark, three-body decays into on-shell and off-shell states (Figure 9)
were taken into consideration.
On the the hand, the decay widths into massive gauge bosons V = Z ′, Z,W are directly
proportional to the HV V couplings. This includes two-body, three-body, and four-body
V ≡ W/Z : ΓH ≈
cos2 θ, ΓH′ ≈
sin2 θ, (3.14)
V ≡ Z ′ : ΓH ∝
sin2 θ, ΓH′ ∝
cos2 θ. (3.15)
As shown in Figure 8, the massless gauge bosons are not directly coupled to the Higgs
bosons, but they are coupled via W, charged fermions, and quark loops. This implies that
– 10 –
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Figure 10: The branching ratios of the light Higgs decay as function of mH for mH′ = 1 TeV.
the decay widths are in turn proportional to the HV V and Hff couplings, hence they are
relatively suppressed.
From the above Equations, one finds that all decay widths of the light Higgs are
proportional to cos2 θ, except the new decay mode of Z ′Z ′. Furthermore, this channel has
a very small contribution to the total decay width. Therefore, the light Higgs branching
ratios (the ratios between the partial decay widths and the total decay width) have small
dependence on the mixing parameter θ. Thus, it is expected to see no significant difference
between the results of the light Higgs branching ratios in this model of B − L extension
and the SM ones. On the other hand, the heavy Higgs branching ratios have relevant
dependence on θ.
The decay widths and branching ratios of the Higgs bosons in these channels have
been calculated using the FORTRAN code: HDECAY with extra subroutines for the new
couplings associated with the two higgs scalars and the extra gauge boson [12, 13]. As in
the Higgs production analysis, we use the following inputs: v = 246 GeV, v′ = 1 TeV,
mZ′ = 600 GeV, and c.m. energy
s = 14 TeV.
The decay branching ratios of the light and heavy Higgs bosons are shown in Figures 10
and 11, respectively, as functions of the Higgs masses. As expected, the branching ratios
of the light Higgs are very close to the SM ones. In the “low mass”range: 100 GeV
< MH < 130 GeV, the main decay mode is H → bb̄ with a branching ratio of ∼ 75 − 50%
. The decays into τ+τ−and cc̄ pairs come next with branching ratios of order ∼ 7 − 5%
and ∼ 3 − 2%, respectively. The γγ and Zγ decays are rare, with very small branching
ratios. In the “High mass ”range: mH > 130 GeV, the WW , ZZ, and to some extent
the tt̄ decays give the dominant contributions. The Z ′Z ′ decay arises for quite large Higgs
mass with a small branching ratio <∼ 1%.
– 11 –
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Figure 11: The branching ratios of the heavy Higgs decay as function of mH′ for mH = 200 GeV
Regarding the heavy Higgs decay branching ratio, one finds that H ′ → WW and ZZ
are the dominant decay modes, with a branching ratio of ∼ 70% and ∼ 20%, respectively.
To a lower extent, the tt̄ and Z ′Z ′ account for the remaining branching ratios. Note that
these two decay modes are in particular sensitive to the running mixing angles. Thus, they
have the behaviors shown in Figure 11. The other modes give very tiny contributions and
hence they are not shown in this figure.
It is useful to mention that the heavy Higgs may decay to a pair of the lighter Higgs.
The partial decay width of this channel, which can be expressed by
Γ(H ′ −→ HH) ≈
, (3.16)
is suppressed by the tiny gH2H′ coupling (Equation 2.14) and the relatively large mH′ . In
fact, the resulting branching ratio of this decay mode is at the level of 10−8, and hence
does not appear in Figure 11.
4. Z ′ decay in B − L extension of the SM
In this section we study the decay of the extra gauge boson predicted by the B−L extension
of the SM at LHC. In fact, there are many models which contain extra gauge bosons [6, 14].
These models can be classified into two categories depending on whether or not they arise
in a GUT scenario. In some of these models, the Z ′ and the SM Z are not true mass
eigenstates due to mixing. This mixing induces the couplings between the extra Z ′ boson
and the SM fermions. However, there is a stringent experimental limit on the mixing
parameter. In our model of B−L extension of the SM, there is no tree-level Z−Z ′mixing.
– 12 –
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
s,sc,cb b→Z’
t t→Z’
Figure 12: The decay branching ratios of the extra gauge boson Z ′ as function of mZ′ .
Nevertheless, the extra B − L Z ′ boson and the SM fermions are coupled through the
non-vanishing B − L quantum numbers.
The interactions of the Z ′ boson with the SM fermions are described by
LZ′int =
B−L g
′′ Z ′µ fγ
µf. (4.1)
The decay widths of Z ′ → f f̄ are then given by [6]
Γ(Z ′ → l+l−) ≈
(g′′Y lB−L)
Γ(Z ′ → qq̄) ≈
, q ≡ b, c, s
Γ(Z ′ → tt̄) ≈
Figures 12 shows the decay branching ratios of Z ′ as a function of mZ′ . Contrarily to
the SM Z decay, the branching ratios of Z ′ → l+l− are relatively high compared to Z ′ → qq̄.
This is due to the fact that |Y lB−L| = 3|Y
B−L|. Thus, one finds BR(Z ′ → l+l−) ≃ 20%
compared with BR(Z → l+l−) ≃ 3%. Therefore, searching for Z ′ can be easily accessible
via a clean dilepton signal, which can be one of the first new physics signatures to be
observed at the LHC.
– 13 –
5. Light H ′ Scenario
In this section we discuss the possibility of having mH′ <∼ mH and the phenomenological
implications of this scenario. As shown in section two, the mass of the non-SM Higgs mH′
receives a dominant contribution from the vev of the B − L symmetry breaking v′ and
the self coupling λ2. The Z
′ searches and the neutrino masses impose a lower limit on
v′: v′ >∼ 1 TeV. The self coupling λ2 is essentially unconstrained parameter. If λ2 ∼ O(1),
then mH′ is of order TeV as assumed in the previous sections.
There are two other interesting possibilities which have recently received some attention
in the literature. The first one corresponds to the case of λ1v
2 ∼ λ2v′2, i.e., λ2 ∼ O(10−2).
Therefore, one finds mH ∼ mH′ and the mixing angle is given by θ ∼ π/4. Hence, the
two Higgs H and H ′ couple similarly to the fermion and gauge fields, giving the same
production cross section and decay branching ratio. Therefore, the distinguish between H
and H ′ at LHC in this type of models is rather difficult. This scenario is usually known as
intense Higgs coupling [15].
The second possibility concerns the case of λ2 <∼ 10
−3, in which one obtains mH′ ≪
mH . In fact, LEP and Tevatron direct searches do not exclude a light Higgs boson with a
mass below 60 GeV. Such light Higgs may have escaped experimental detection due to the
suppression of its cross sections. Therefore, a window with a very light Higgs mass still
Having λ2 <∼ 10
−3 implies that λ3 is also less than 10
−3. In this respect, the Higgs
masses are approximately given by
λ1v, (5.1)
mH′ ≃ O
≃ O(10−2)GeV, (5.2)
and the coupling gHH′H′ in Equation 2.14 becomes very small. Thus, the decay H → H ′H ′
is not comparable to the decay into other SM particles. The phenomenology of this scenario,
derived from different SM extensions, has been studied in details [4],[16]. In addition, this
light scalar particle has been considered as an interesting candidate for dark matter [17].
6. Conclusions
In this paper we have considered the TeV scale B − L extension of the SM. We provided
a comprehensive analysis for the phenomenology of the SM like Higgs, the extra Higgs
scalar, and the extra gauge boson predicted in this model, with special emphasize on their
potential discovery at the LHC.
We have shown that the cross sections of the SM-like Higgs production are reduced
by ∼ 20% − 30% in the mass range of ∼ 120 − 250 GeV compared to the SM results.
On the other hand, the implications of the B − L extension to the SM do not change
the decay branching ratios. Moreover, we found that the extra Higgs has relatively small
cross sections, but it is accessible at LHC. Finally, we showed that the branching ratios
of Z ′ → l+l− are of order ∼ 20% compared to ∼ 3% of the SM BR(Z → l+l−). Hence,
searching for Z ′ is accessible via a clean dilepton signal at LHC.
– 14 –
This work is partially supported by the ICTP under the OEA-project-30.
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Rev. D 29, 876 (1984); D. A. Dicus and S. Willenbrock, Phys. Rev. D 39, 751 (1989).
[10] S. L. Glashow, D. V. Nanopoulos and A. Yildiz, Phys. Rev. D 18 (1978) 1724; J. Finjord,
G. Girardi and P. Sorba, Phys. Lett. B 89, 99 (1979); E. Eichten, I. Hinchliffe, K. D. Lane and
C. Quigg, Rev. Mod. Phys. 56, 579 (1984) [Addendum-ibid. 58, 1065 (1986)].
[11] D. A. Dicus and S. S. D. Willenbrock, Phys. Rev. D 32, 1642 (1985); R. N. Cahn and
S. Dawson, Phys. Lett. B 136, 196 (1984) [Erratum-ibid. B 138, 464 (1984)]; W. Kilian,
M. Kramer and P. M. Zerwas, Phys. Lett. B 373, 135 (1996) [arXiv:hep-ph/9512355].
[12] The FORTRAN codes: HIGLU, HQQ, V2HV, and VV2HV have been written by M. Spira
and can be found at The modefied version was
made by W. Emam and can be found at
[13] A. Djouadi, J. Kalinowski and M. Spira, Comput. Phys. Commun. 108, 56 (1998)
[14] J. L. Hewett and T. G. Rizzo, Phys. Rep. 183, 139 (1989); M. Cvetic and S. Godfrey,
arXiv:hep-ph/9504216; A. Leike, Phys. Rept. 317, 143 (1999).
[15] E. Boos, A. Djouadi, M. Muhlleitner and A. Vologdin, Phys. Rev. D 66, 055004 (2002)
[16] M. Krawczyk, P. Mattig and J. Zochowski, Eur. Phys. J. C 19, 463 (2001).
[17] C. Boehm, J. Orloff and P. Salati, Phys. Lett. B 641, 247 (2006) [arXiv:astro-ph/0607437].
– 15 –
0704.1396 | What Can be Learned Studying the Distribution of the Biggest Fragment ? | WHAT CAN BE LEARNED STUDYING THE
The INDRA and ALADIN Collaborations:
1Institut de Physique Nucléaire, CNRS/IN2P3, Université Paris-Sud 11, F-91406
Orsay-Cedex, France.
2GANIL, DSM-CEA/IN2P3-CNRS, B.P.5027, F14076 Caen-Cedex, France, France.
3LPC, IN2P3-CNRS, ENSICAEN et Université de Caen, F-14050 Caen-Cedex, France.
In the canonical formalism of statistical physics, a signature of a first order phase
transition for finite systems is the bimodal distribution of an order parameter.
Previous thermodynamical studies of nuclear sources produced in heavy-ion col-
lisions provide information which support the existence of a phase transition in
those finite nuclear systems. Some results suggest that the observable Z1 (charge
of the biggest fragment) can be considered as a reliable order parameter of the
transition. This talk will show how from peripheral collisions studied with the
INDRA detector at GSI we can obtain this bimodal behaviour of Z1. Getting
rid of the entrance channel effects and under the constraint of an equiprobable
distribution of excitation energy (E∗), we use the canonical description of a phase
transition to link this bimodal behaviour with the residual convexity of the en-
tropy. Theoretical (with and without phase transition) and experimental Z1 −E
correlations are compared. This comparison allows us to rule out the case without
transition. Moreover that quantitative conparison provides us with information
about the coexistence region in the Z1−E
∗ plane which is in good agreement with
that obtained with the signal of abnormal fluctuations of configurational energy
(microcanonical negative heat capacity).
1 Introduction
It is well known that a Liquid-Gas phase transition (PT) occurs in van der Waals fluids.
The similarity between inter-molecular and nuclear interactions leads to a qualitatively
similar equation of state which defines the spinodal and coexistence zones of the phase
diagram. That is why we expect a “Liquid-Gas like” PT for nuclei. The order parameter
is a scalar (one dimension) and is, in this case, the density of the system (more precisely
the density difference between the ordered and disordered phase). The energy is also an
order parameter because the PT has a latent heat.
When an homogeneous system enters the spinodal region of the phase diagram, its en-
tropy exhibits a convex intruder along the order parameter(s) direction(s). The system
becomes unstable and decomposes itself in two phases. For finite systems, due to surface
energy effects, we expect a residual convexity for the system entropy after the transition
leading directly to a bimodal distribution (accumulation of statistics for large and low
values) of the order parameter. The challenge is to select an observable connected to the
theoretical order parameter of the transition, and to explore sufficiently the phase dia-
gram to populate the coexistence region and its neighbourhood. Quasi-projectile sources
produced in (semi-)peripheral collisions cover a large range of dissipation and conse-
quently permit this sufficient exploration.
Several theoretical 1,2 and experimental works 3,4,5 show that the biggest fragment has
a specific behaviour in the fragmentation process. In particular its size is correlated to
the excitation energy (E∗) of the sources. We can reasonably explore whether the Z1-E
experimental plane shows a bimodal pattern. Other experimental signals obtained with
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 1
multifragmentation data can be correlated with the presence of a phase transition in
hot nuclei. Indeed, abnormal fluctuations of configurational energy (AFCE) 6,7 can be
related to the negative heat capacity signal 8, and the fossil signal of spinodal decom-
position 9 can illustrate the density fluctuations occurring when the nuclei pass through
the spinodal zone 10. These two signals are not direct ones and need some hypotheses
and/or high statistics. In this work we will present the study of the bimodality signal
which is expected to be more robust and direct. We will also show that its observation
reinforces the conclusions extracted from the two previous signals.
The idea is to show experimentally that the biggest fragment charge, Z1, can be
a reliable observable to the order parameter of the PT. After an introduction of the
canonical ensemble, we explain the procedure of renormalization which allows to get
rid of entrance channel and data sorting effects. Then, comparing experimental and
canonical (E,Z1) distributions, we will show that the observed signal of bimodality is
related to the abnormal convexity of the entropy of the system. At the end, we propose
a localisation of the coexistence zone deduced from a comparison between experimental
data and the canonical description of a PT.
2 Canonical description of first-order phase transition.
Let us consider an observable E, known on average, free to fluctuate. The least biased
distribution will be a Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution (def. 1) 11. If this observable is an
order parameter of the system we have to distinguish two cases: with and without phase
Pcanβ (E) =
e S(E)−βE with Zcanβ =
dE e S(E)−βE (1)
S (E) ∼ S (Eβ) + (E− Eβ)
(E− Eβ)
For a one phase system (PT is not present), the microcanonical entropy, S(E)=log W(E)
where W(E) is the number of microstates associated to the value of E, is concave every-
where. We can perform on it a saddle point approximation (eq. 2) around the average
value of E, Eβ , meaning that the canonical distribution has a simple gaussian shape
(eq. 3).
(E) =
(E− Eβ)
with σ2E = −
P(s.g.)(E∗,Z1) =
~xΣ−1~x, ~x =
E∗ − Eβ
Z1 − Zβ
, Σ =
σ2E ρ σEσZ
ρ σEσZ σ
The parameters of this gaussian are directly linked to the characteristics of the entropy.
In the same way we can define the minimum biased two dimensional distribution for the
(E∗,Z1) observables leading to a 2D simple gaussian distribution 12 (def. 4). Parameters
of this function gathered in the variance-covariance matrix are also deduced from the
curvature matrix of the 2D microcanonical entropy 12,13.
P(d.g.)(E∗,Z1) = Nliq × P
liq (E
∗,Z1) + Ngaz × P
gaz (E
∗,Z1) (5)
When a system passes through a phase transition and enters in the spinodal region, the
homogeneous system has a convex intruder in its microcanonical entropy along the order
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 2
parameter(s) direction(s) 14. Instabilities occur and, due to the finite size of the system,
the surface energy effects cause the non-additivity of the entropy leading at the end of
the PT to a residual convex entropy for the two-phase system even at equilibrium. We
cannot describe anymore the microcanonical entropy with a single saddle point approx-
imation but we can introduce a double saddle point approximation. In this case the
canonical distribution of the (E∗,Z1) observables can be described as the sum of two 2D
simple gaussian distributions, one for each phase (def. 5) 12,13.
In the canonical ensemble, the energy distribution P canβ (E
∗) as well as the two-
dimensional distribution P canβ (E
∗, Z1) are conditioned by the number of available states
expS with a Boltzmann factor ponderation. The convex intruder in S leads to a bi-
modality in the distribution 12. Experimentally, this relation is not so clear: the weight
of the different states has no reason to be exponential and the measured distribution
(E∗) is modified by a factor gexp(E
∗) which is determined in a large part by en-
trance channel effects and data sorting : P exp(E∗, Z1) = e
∗). The relative
population of the different values of the E∗ distribution looses its thermostatistic meaning
(P exp(E∗) ∝ gexp(E
∗)P canβ (E
). We cannot therefore directly compare experimen-
tal and canonical distributions and deduce entropy properties of the system.
Pexpω (E
∗,Z1) = ω(E)× P
exp(E∗,Z1) (6)
with ω(E∗) =
P(exp)(E∗,Z1) dZ1
2.1 Renormalization method.
In 12, a method was proposed to get rid of the experimental effects. Assuming that
the experimental bias gexp(E
∗) affects the Z1 distribution only through its correlation
with the deposited energy E∗ (phase space dominance), a renormalization of the (E∗,Z1)
distribution under the constraint of an equiprobable distribution of E∗ (eq. 6) allows to
be E∗-shape independent. If the system passes through a PT and the correlation between
E∗ and Z1 is not a one-to-one correspondence, it could reflect a residual convex intruder
of the entropy.
2.2 Spurious bimodality
In principle one can ask whether the renormalization procedure given by eq. 6 can create
spurious bimodality. This does not seem to be the case for different schematic models 12
but cannot be excluded a priori. Another ambiguity arises from the fact that a physical
bimodality can be hidden by the renormalization procedure if the correlation between Z1
and E∗ is too strong. Bimodality can be also difficult to spot if the energy interval is not
wide enough. For these reasons in the following we will compare the two canonical cases
(with and without transition) with the experimental distribution, to check the validity
of the obtained signal.
3 Data selection and first observation of Z1 distributions.
Data used in this present work are 80 MeV/A Au+Au reactions performed at the GSI
facility and detected with the INDRA 4π multidetector. We focus on peripheral and semi-
peripheral collisions to study quasi-projectile sources (forward part of each event). To
perform thermostatistical analyses, we select a set of events with a dynamically compact
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 3
20 40 60 80
2000 Source
(MeV/A) *E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(E (exp)P
(MeV/A) *E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(E (exp)ω P
(MeV/A) *E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 1. Upper part : left : experimental distribution of the argest size fragment (Z1) of source events;
right : experimental correlation between Z1 and the excitation energy (E
∗). Lower part : left : ex-
perimental reweighted correlation between Z1 and the excitation energy; right : excitation energy (E
experimental distribution of source events in black squares; the open red circles show this distribution
after the renormalization process. For this, we keep only E∗ bins with a statistics greater than 100.
configuration for fragments, to reject dynamical events which are always present in heavy-
ion reactions at intermediate energies. We require in addition a constant size of the
sources to avoid size evolution effects in the bimodality signal 13,15. We evaluate the
excitation energy using a standard calorimetry procedure 16,17. We compute the energy
balance event-by-event in the centre of mass of the QP sources calculated with fragments
only to minimize the effect of pre-equilibrium particles. Afterwards we keep only particles
emitted in the forward part of the QP sources and double their contribution, assuming
an isotropic emission. In figure 1 information on the experimental Z1 and E
∗ observables
is shown, the latter covering a range between roughly 1 and 8 MeV/A (lower-right part).
Spinodal zone limits obtained with the AFCE signal are around 2.5 and 5.8 MeV/A
for this set of data 13. The shape of the distribution P exp(E∗, Z1) (upper right part)
shows the dominance of low dissipation-large Z1 events and reflects the cross-section
distribution and data selection. If we look at the corresponding Z1 distribution (upper
left part) we do not see any clear signal of bimodality: a large part of statistics is around
65-70, and only a shoulder is visible around 30-40. This particular shape could reflect
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 4
the lack of statistics for the ”gas-like” events. If we apply the renormalization procedure
(eq. 6) we obtain (lower left part) a P expω (E,Z1) distribution which has a double humped
shape, tending to prove that this procedure can reveal bimodality.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
> 1 <Z
20 30 40 50 60 70
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
[1.25 , 3.00[
[3.00 , 6.25[
[6.25 , 9.75[
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
[3.00,6.25[∈ *E
Figure 2. Upper part: left: Largest size fragment (Z1) experimental reweighted distribution (black
squares with error bars); the blue dashed curve corresponds to the best solution obtained by comparing
data and a single gaussian function (concave entropy, no PT), the red continuous curve corresponds
to the best solution obtained by comparing data and a double gaussian function (convex entropy, PT);
right: microcanonical sampling (fixed E∗) of the mean, the RMS and the skewness of the Z1 distri-
butions. For each bin of E∗ (upper X axis), RMS (colored squares-left Y axis) and skewness (colored
triangles-right Y axis) are plotted as a function of the mean value (Z1-lower X axis); the two vertical
dashed lines delimit the evaluated experimental spinodal zone where a quantitative comparison between
data and PT case is performed. Lower part: left: same reweighted distribution of Z1 as above (black
curve); the three other distributions correspond to the three regions delimited by the vertical dashed lines
(from left to right E∈[1.25,3.00[,[3.00,6.25[ and [6.25,9.75[); right: best solutions obtained after the 2D
comparison between data and canonical PT case; results are plotted for the Z1 axis projection; the two
solutions correspond to two different ranges of Z1 where fits have been performed Z1∈[25,55] (dashed
curve) and Z1∈[10,79] (continuous curve). The corresponding parameter values are listed in table 1.
4 Canonical-Experimental comparisons.
To confirm that the two-hump distribution of Z1 signals a convex intruder in the under-
lying entropy, in this section we compare the experimental reweighted distributions with
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 5
Parameters [10,79] [25,55] Errors (%)
Ē∗liq 2,10 1,67 23
2,09 1,66 23
60,2 62,2 3
12,9 9,85 4
Ē∗gaz 7,11 6,81 4
3,07 2,97 3
21,1 23,8 12
15,2 18,8 2
ρ -0,906 -0,860 4
Nliq/Ngaz 1,12 0,66 52
Ndof 605 387 -
χ2 1488 646 -
χ2/Ndof 2,459 1,669 -
Table 1. Parameters values for the two best reproductions of data by the double gaussian function P
for two ranges in Z1 [10,79] (first column) et [25,55] (second column); the third column gives relative
errors computed with the previous values; Ē∗,Z̄1,σE∗ ,σZ1 stand respectively for centroids and RMS in
the two directions (E,Z1) of each phase (liquid and gas). The ρ parameter is the correlation factor
]-1,1[ between Z1 and E
∗ and the ratio Nliq/Ngaz indicates the repartition of statistics between the two
phases. The three last lines give the number of degrees of freedom and the absolute and normalized χ2
estimator values.
the analytic expectation for a system exhibiting or not a first order PT. We apply the
same renormalization to P
(E) and P
(E) and try to reproduce the data. We
focus on the projection on the Z1 axis to perform the fit. The results are shown in the
upper left part of fig. 2. The scatter points with errors bars correspond to the data; the
continuous (respectively dashed) curve corresponds to the best solution obtained for the
double (respectively simple) reweighted gaussian. We can clearly distinguish the two be-
haviours, the no-transition case can not curve itself in the Z1=40-50 region and can only
reproduce one phase. The fact that data are reproduced with the functional describing
a first order transition allows us to associate the experimental bimodality signal to a
genuine convexity of the system entropy. This confirms also that the Z1 observable is
linked to the order parameter of the transition. To obtain more quantitative information
we have to better localize the spinodal region. To do this, we look at the second and
third moments of the Z1 distribution for each bin of E
∗. Their evolution is plotted on
the upper right part of fig. 2 as a function of the mean value of Z1 (lower X axis) and E
(upper X axis). The squares (left Y axis) stand for the sigma (σ) of the distribution and
the triangles (right Y axis) for the skewness (skw). σ shows a maximum in the range
30-40 for < Z1 >. This maximum of fluctuations signs the core of the spinodal zone
which corresponds to the hole in P expω (E,Z1) distribution. All values of Z1, for a given
E∗, are more or less equivalent. In the same region the skewness changes sign, illustrat-
ing the change in the distribution of asymmetry, with a value close to zero when the
distribution approaches a normal one. The two vertical dashed lines on the plot delimit
three regions (E∈[1.25,3.00[,[3.00,6.25[ and [6.25,9.75[) and the three corresponding Z1
reweighted distributions are plotted in the lower left part of the same figure. The middle
one, flat and broad, is very close to the behavior expected for a critical distribution 2
and illustrates the effect of an energy constraint on the order parameter distribution. If
we had made a thinner range, we would have approached the microcanonical case. We
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 6
select the region E∈[3.00,6.25[ to compare the two reweighted distributions P expω (E,Z1)
and P
ω (E,Z1) (eq. 5). The best solutions obtained after this 2D fit procedure are
shown in the lower right part of figure 2 and table 1. They correspond to two ranges of
Z1 where fits are performed ([10,79] and [25,55]). These two best solutions are shown for
the projection on the Z1 axis.
(MeV/A) *E
2 4 6 8 10
2 / Tk
2σ> s<A
2 10×) s / Z max (Z
Figure 3. Microcanonical sample (fixed E∗) of the fluctuations of normalized FO kinetic energy (open
circles) and largest fragment charge (full squares). T, As and Zs stand respectively for the temperature,
the mass and charge of the source.
Using two different ranges for the Z1 range allows us to estimate the sensitivity of the
different parameters. The description of the two phases, given by a set of four parameters
for each phase, can be summarized as follows: the average characteristics of the phases,
given by Ē∗, Z̄1, are well defined. The ratio between the populations of the liquid and
gas phase strongly depends on the interval used to perform the fit. In the two cases
the normalized estimator, χ2, is good. Concerning the E∗ axis, the values obtained for
the liquid and gas phase centroids reflect the location of the coexistence zone, and are
consistent with the location of the spinodal zone obtained with the AFCE signal with the
same set of events 13,18. We can further explore the coherence between the two signals by
looking at the fluctuations associated to Z1 and to the Freeze-Out configurational kinetic
energy 8: we observe in fig. 3 that their evolution with excitation energy has a similar
behaviour and exhibits a maximum for E∼5MeV/A. This observation shows that we can
consistently characterize the core of the spinodal zone with the maximum fluctuations of
different observables connected to the order parameter of the phase transition.
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 7
5 Conclusion and outlook.
In this contribution we have shown that, taking into account the dynamics of the entrance
channel and sorting effects with a renormalization procedure, the distribution of the
largest size fragment (Z1) of each event shows a bimodal pattern. The comparison with
an analytical estimation assuming the presence (the absence) of a phase transition, shows
that the experimental signal can be unambiguously associated to the case where the
system has a residual convex intruder in its entropy. This link makes the Z1 observable a
reliable order parameter for the PT in hot nuclei. A bijective relation between the order
of the transition and the bimodality signal has been proposed in 12 and analyses on data
are in progress.
1. R. Botet et al., Phys. Rev. E 62 (2000) 1825.
2. F. Gulminelli et al., Phys. Rev. C 71 (2005) 054607.
3. J. D. Frankland et al. (INDRA and ALADIN collaborations), Phys. Rev. C 71
(2005) 034607.
4. J. D. Frankland et al. (INDRA and ALADIN collaborations), Nucl. Phys. A 749
(2005) 102.
5. M. Pichon et al. (INDRA and ALADIN collaborations), Nucl. Phys. A 279 (2006)
6. N. Le Neindre, thèse de doctorat, Université de Caen (1999),
7. M. D’Agostino et al., Phys. Lett. B 473 (2000) 219.
8. P. Chomaz et al., Nucl. Phys. A 647 (1999) 153.
9. G. Tăbăcaru et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 18 (2003) 103.
10. P. Chomaz et al., Phys. Rep. 389 (2004) 263 and references therein.
11. R. Balian, Cours de physique statistique de l’École Polytechnique, Ellipses (1983).
12. F. Gulminelli (2007), Nucl. Phys. A, in press.
13. E. Bonnet, thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-XI Orsay (2006),
14. D. H. E. Gross, Microcanonical Thermodynamics-Phase Transitions in “Small” Sys-
tems, Singapore-World Scientific, 2001.
15. E. Bonnet et al. (INDRA and ALADIN collaborations) (2007) in preparation.
16. D. Cussol et al., Nucl. Phys. A 561 (1993) 298.
17. E. Vient et al. (INDRA Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. A 700 (2002) 555.
18. N. Le Neindre et al. (INDRA and ALADIN collaborations), Nucl. Phys. A (2007)
Bormio 2007: XLV International winter meeting on Nuclear Physics 8
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0704.1397 | The p-adic generalized twisted (h,q)-euler-l-function and its
applications | The p-adic Generalized Twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-Function and
Its Applications
Mehmet Cenkci
Department of Mathematics, Akdeniz University, 07058-Antalya, Turkey
[email protected]
Abstract : The main purpose of this paper is to construct the p-adic twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-
function, which interpolates generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler numbers associated with a primitive
Dirichlet character χ. This is a partial answer for the open question which was remained in [13].
An application of this function leads general congruences systems for generalized twisted (h, q)-
Euler numbers associated with χ, in particular, Kummer-type congruences for these numbers are
Keywords : p-adic q-Volkenborn integration, Euler numbers and polynomials, Kummer con-
MSC 2000 : 11B68, 43A05, 11S80, 11A07.
1. Introduction
Let N, Z, Q, R and C denote, respectively, sets of positive integer, integer, rational, real and
complex numbers as usual. Let p be a fixed odd prime number and x ∈ Q. Then there exists
integers m, n and νp (x) such that x = p
νp(x)m/n and p does not divide either m or n. Let |·|p
be defined such that |x|p = p
−νp(x) and |0|p = 0. Then |·|p is a valuation on Q which satisfies the
non-Archimedean property
|x+ y|p 6 max
|x|p , |y|p
Completion ofQ with respect to |·|p is denoted by Qp and called the field of p-adic rational numbers.
But Qp itself is not complete with respect to |·|p. Cp is the completion of the algebraic closure of
Qp and Zp =
x ∈ Qp : |x|p 6 1
is called the ring of p-adic rational integers (see [14], [17]).
Let d be a fixed positive odd integer and let
X = Xd = lim←−
, X1 = Zp,
a+ dpNZp
a+ dpNZp =
x ∈ X : x ≡ a
where N ∈ N and a ∈ Z with 0 6 a < dpN ([1], [5], [12], [18]).
When talking about q-extensions, q can variously be considered as an indeterminate, a complex
number q ∈ C or a p-adic number q ∈ Cp. If q ∈ C, we normally assume that |q| < 1. If q ∈ Cp,
we assume that |1− q|p < p
−1/(p−1) so that for |x|p 6 1, we have q
x =exp(xlogq) ([1], [2], [5], [6],
[7]). We use the notations
[x]q =
1− qx
and [x]
1− (−q)
1 + q
We say that f is uniformly differentiable function at a point a ∈ X, and denote this property by
f ∈ UD (X), if the quotient of the differences
f (x)− f (y)
has a limit l = f ′ (a) as (x, y)→ (a, a). For f ∈ UD (X), the p-adic invariant q-integral on X was
defined by
Iq (f) =
f (t) dµq (t) = lim
[dpN ]q
f (a) qa
(cf. [5], [7]), where for any positive integer N
a+ dpNZp
[dpN ]q
(cf. [5], [6], [7]).
The concept of twisted has been applied by many authors to certain functions which interpolate
certain number sequences. In [15], Koblitz defined twisted Dirichlet L-function which interpolates
twisted Bernoulli numbers in the field of complex numbers. In [20], Simsek constructed a q-
analogue of the twisted L-function interpolating q-twisted Bernoulli numbers. Kim [12]
derived a p-adic analogue of the twisted L-function by using p-adic invariant integrals. By using
the definition of h-extension of p-adic q-L-function which is constructed by Kim [11], Simsek
[22, 23] and Jang [4] defined twisted p-adic generalized (h, q)-L-function. In [18], Satoh derived
p-adic interpolation function for q-Frobenius-Euler numbers. Simsek [21] gave twisted extensions
of q-Frobenius-Euler numbers and their interpolating function q-twisted l-series. In [1], Cenkci constructed generalized p-adic twisted l-function in p-adic number field. Recently, Kim and
Rim [13] defined twisted q-Euler numbers by using p-adic invariant integral on Zp in the fermionic
sense. In that paper, they raised the following question: Find a p-adic analogue of the q-twisted l-
function which interpolates E
n,ξ,q,χ, the generalized twisted q-Euler numbers attached to χ [8], [10].
In a forthcoming paper, Rim [16] answered this question by constructing partial (h, q)-zeta
function motivating from a method of Washington [24, 25].
In this paper, we construct p-adic generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function by employing p-adic
invariant measure on p-adic number field. This is the answer of the part of the question posed in
[13]. This way of derivation of p-adic generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function is different from
that of [16], and leads an explicit integral representation for this function. As an application of
the derived integral representation, we obtain general congruences systems for generalized twisted
q-Euler numbers associated with χ, containing Kummer-type congruences.
2. Generalized Twisted q-Euler Numbers
In this section, we give a brief summary of the concepts p-adic q-integrals and Euler numbers
and polynomials. Let UD (X) be the set of all uniformly differentiable functions on X. For any
f ∈ UD (X), Kim defined a q-analogue of an integral with respect to a p-adic invariant measure in
[5, 7] which was called p-adic q-integral. The p-adic q-integral was defined as follows:
Iq (f) =
f (t) dµq (t) = lim
[dpN ]q
f (a) qa.
Note that
I1 (f) = lim
Iq (f) =
f (t) dµ1 (t) = lim
f (a)
is the Volkenborn integral (see [17]).
The Euler zeta function ζE (s) is defined by means of
ζE (s) = 2
for s ∈ C with Re(s) > 1 (cf. [8]). For a Dirichlet character χ with conductor d, d ∈ N, d is odd,
the l-function associated with χ is defined as ([8])
l (s, χ) = 2
χ (k) (−1)
for s ∈ C with Re(s) > 1. This function can be analytically continued to whole complex plane,
except s = 1 when χ = 1; and when χ = 1, it reduces to Euler zeta function ζE (s). In [9],
(h, q)-extension of Euler zeta function is defined by
E,q (s, x) = [2]q
[k + x]
with s, h ∈ C, Re(s) > 1 and x 6=negative integer or zero. (h, q)-Euler polynomials are defined by
the p-adic q-integral as
E(h)n,q (x) =
q(h−1)t [t+ x]
q dµ−q (t) ,
for h ∈ Z. E
n,q (0) = E
n,q are called (h, q)-Euler numbers. In [9], it has been shown that for
n ∈ Z, n > 0
E,q (−n, x) = E
n,q (x) ,
thus we have
E(h)n,q (x) = [2]q
qhk [k + x]
from which the following entails:
E(h)n,q (x) =
(1− q)
1 + qh+j
In [8, 9], (h, q)-extension of the l-function associated with χ is defined by
l(h)q (s, χ) = [2]q
χ (k) (−1)
for h, s ∈ C with Re(s) > 1. The negative integer values of s are determined explicitly by
l(h)q (−n, χ) = E
for n ∈ Z, n > 0 where E
n,q,χ are the generalized (h, q)-Euler numbers associated with χ defined
E(h)n,q,χ =
χ (t) q(h−1)t [t]
q dµ−q (t)
= [2]q
χ (k) (−1)
qhk [k]
Now assume that q ∈ Cp with |1− q|p < 1. From the definition of p-adic invariant q integral on
X, Kim [8] defined the integral
I−1 (f) = lim
Iq (f) =
f (t) dµ−1 (t) (2.1)
for f ∈ UD (X). Note that
I−1 (f1) + I−1 (f) = 2f (0) , (2.2)
where f1 (t) = f (t+ 1). Repeated application of last formula yields
I−1 (fn) = (−1)
I−1 (f) + 2
f (j) , (2.3)
with fn (t) = f (t+ n).
Let Tp =
Cpn = lim
Z/pnZ, where Cpn =
w ∈ X : wp
is the cyclic group of order
pn. For w ∈ Tp, let φw : Zp → Cp denote the locally constant function defined by t→ w
For f (t) = φw (t) e
zt, we obtain
φw (t) e
ztdµ−1 (z) =
wez + 1
using (2.1) and (2.2), and
χ (t)φw (t) e
ztdµ−1 (t) = 2
χ (i)φw (i) e
wdedz + 1
using (2.1) and (2.3) (cf. [8]). As a consequence, the twisted Euler numbers and generalized twisted
Euler numbers associated with χ can respectively be defined by
wez + 1
, and 2
χ (i)φw (i) e
wdedz + 1
from which
tnφw (t) dµ−1 (t) = En,w, and
χ (t) tnφw (t) dµ−1 (t) = En,w,χ
Twisted extension of (h, q)-Euler zeta function is defined by
E,q,w (s, x) = [2]q
[k + x]
with h, s ∈ C, Re(s) > 1 and x 6=negative integer or zero. For n ∈ Z, n > 0 and h ∈ Z, this
function gives
E,q,w (−n, x) = E
n,q,w (x) ,
where E
n,q,w (x) are the twisted q-Euler polynomials defined as
E(h)n,q,w (x) =
q(h−1)tφw (t) [x+ t]
q dµ−q (t)
= [2]q
wkqhk [k + x]
by using p-adic invariant q-integral on X in the fermionic sense (cf. [13], [16]). The following
expressions for twisted (h, q)-Euler polynomials can be verified from the defining equalities:
E(h)n,q,w (x) =
(1− q)
1 + wqh+j
, (2.4)
E(h)n,q,w (x) =
qhawa (−1)
, (2.5)
where n, d ∈ N with d is odd. From (2.4), the twisted (h, q)-Euler polynomials can be determined
explicitly. A few of them are
0,q,w (x) =
1 + q
1 + wqh
1,q,w (x) =
1 + q
1 + wqh
1 + wqh+1
2,q,w (x) =
1 + q
(1− q)
1 + wqh
1 + wqh+1
1 + wqh+2
For x = 0, E
n,q,w (0) = E
n,q,w are called twisted (h, q)-Euler numbers. Thus we can write
E(h)n,q,w (x) =
qxj [x]
Let χ be a Dirichlet character of conductor d with d ∈ N and d is odd. Then the generalized
twisted (h, q)-Euler numbers associated with χ are defined as
E(h)n,q,w,χ =
χ (t) q(h−1)tφw (t) [t]
q dµ−q (t) .
These numbers arise at the negative integer values of the twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function which is
defined by
l(h)q,w (s, χ) = [2]q
χ (k) (−1)
with h, s ∈ C, Re(s) > 1. Indeed, for n ∈ Z, n > 0 and h ∈ Z, we have
l(h)q,w (−n, χ) = E
(cf. [13], [16]).
We conclude this section by stating the distribution property for generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler
numbers associated with χ, which will take a major role in constructing a measure in the next
For n, d ∈ N with d is odd, we have
E(h)n,q,w,χ =
qhawaχ (a) (−1)
3. p-adic Twisted (h, q)-l-Functions
In this section we first focus on defining a p-adic invariant measure, which is apparently an
important tool to construct p-adic twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function in the sense of p-adic invariant
q-integral. We afterwards give the definition of p-adic twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function, together with
Witt’s type formulas for twisted and generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler numbers.
Throughout, we assume that ξ is the rth root of unity with (r, pd) = 1, where p is an odd prime
and d is an odd natural number. If (r, pd) = 1, it has been known that |1− ξ|p > 1 (see [15], [19])
and ξ lies in the cyclic group Cpn =
w : wp
. The following theorem plays a crucial role in
constructing p-adic generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function on X.
Theorem 3.1 Let q ∈ Cp with |1− q|p < p
−1/(p−1) and ξ is the rth root of unity with |1− ξ|p > 1.
For N ∈ Z, n ∈ Z, n > 0, let µ
n,ξ,q be defined as
a+ dpNZp
Then µ
n,ξ,q extends uniquely to a measure on X.
Proof. In order to show that µ
n,ξ,q is a measure on X, we need to show that it is a distribution
and is bounded on X.
To show it is a distribution on X, we check the equality
a+ idpN + dpN+1Zp
a+ dpNZp
Beginning the calculation from right hand side yields
a+ idpN + dpN+1Zp
a+ idpN
ξaqha [p]
n,(qdpN )
,(ξdpN )
a+ dpNZp
where we have used (2.5).
To present boundedness, we use equation (2.4) to expand the polynomial E
so that
a+ dpNZp
(1− q)
n (−1)
1 + ξdp
Now, since d is an odd natural number and p is an odd prime, we have
1, so by induction on j, we obtain
a+ dpNZp
for a constant M . This is what we require, so the proof is completed.
Let χ be a Dirichlet character with conductor d. Then we can express the generalized twisted
(h, q)-Euler numbers associated with χ as an integral over X, by using the measure µ
Lemma 3.2 For n ∈ Z, n > 0, we have
χ (t) dµ
n,ξ,q (t) = E
Proof. From the definition of p-adic invariant integral, we have
χ (t) dµ
n,ξ,q (t) = lim
χ (c)
Writing c = a+ dm with a = 0, 1, . . . , d− 1 and m = 0, 1, 2, . . ., we get
χ (t) dµ
n,ξ,q (t) = [d]
χ (a) (−1)
× lim
= [d]
χ (a) (−1)
Assuming χ (0) = 0 and by the fact that χ (d) = 0, last expression equals E
n,ξ,q,χ, and the proof
is completed.
Since it is impossible to have a non-zero translation-invariantmeasure on X, µ
n,ξ,q is not invariant
under translation, but satisfies the following:
Lemma 3.3 For a compact-open subset U of X, we have
n,ξ,q (pU) = [p]
n,ξp,qp (U) .
Proof. Let U = a+ dpNZp be the compact-open subset of X. Then
n,ξ,q (pU) = µ
pa+ dpN+1Zp
a+ dpNZp
= [p]
n,ξp,qp (U) ,
which is the desired result.
Next, we give a relation between µ
n,ξ,q and µ−q.
Lemma 3.4 For any n ∈ Z, n > 0, we have
n,ξ,q (t) = q
(h−1)tξt [t]
q dµ−q (t) .
Proof. From the definition of µ
n,ξ,q and expansion of twisted (h, q)-Euler polynomials, we have
a+ dpNZp
(1− q)
n (−1)
1 + ξdp
By the same method presented in [7], we obtain
a+ dpNZp
(1− q)
n (−1)
1 + q
ξaq(h−1)a [a]
q (−1)
qa = q(h−1)aξa [a]
q lim
1−(−qdpN )
= q(h−1)aξa [a]
q lim
a+ dpNZp
We thus have
n,ξ,q (t) = q
(h−1)tξt [t]
q dµ−q (t) ,
the desired result.
Let ω denote the Teichmüller character mod p. For an arbitrary character χ and n ∈ Z, let
χn = χω
−n in the sense of product of characters. For t ∈ X∗ = X − pX, we set 〈t〉q = [t]q /ω (t).
〈t〉q − 1
< p−1/(p−1), 〈t〉
q is defined by exp
slogp 〈t〉q
for |s|p 6 1, where logp is the
Iwasawa p-adic logarithm function ([3]). For |1− q|p < p
−1/(p−1), we have 〈t〉
q ≡ 1
We now define p-adic generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function.
Definition 3.5 For s ∈ Zp,
p,q,ξ (s, χ) =
(h−1)tξtdµ−q (t) .
The values of this function at non-positive integers are given by the following theorem:
Theorem 3.6 For any n ∈ Z, n > 0,
p,q,ξ (−n, χ) = E
− χn (p) [p]
p,q,ξ (−n, χ) =
(h−1)tξtdµ−q (t) =
χn (t) [t]
(h−1)tξtdµ−q (t)
χn (t) dµ
n,ξ,q (t) =
χn (t) dµ
n,ξ,q (t)−
χn (t) dµ
n,ξ,q (t)
− χn (p) [p]
where Lemma 3.2, Lemma 3.3 and Lemma 3.4 are used.
This theorem will be mainly used in the next section, where certain applications of p-adic
generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function are given.
4. Kummer Congruences for Generalized Twisted (h, q)-Euler Numbers
This section is devoted to an application of the p-adic generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function
to an important number theoretic concept, congruences systems. In particular, we derive Kummer-
type congruences for generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler numbers by using p-adic integral representa-
tion of p-adic generalized twisted (h, q)-Euler-l-function and Theorem 3.6.
In the sequel, we assume that q ∈ Cp with |1− q|p < 1. Then q ≡ 1 (modZp). For t ∈ X
we have [t]q ≡ t (modZp), thus 〈t〉q ≡ 1 (modpZp). For a positive integer c, the forward difference
operator ∆c acts on a sequence {am} by ∆cam = am+c − am. The powers ∆
c of ∆c are defined
by ∆0c =identity and for any positive integer k, ∆
c = ∆c ◦∆
c . Thus
∆kcam =
For simplicity in the notation, we write
− χn (p) [p]
Theorem 4.1 For n ∈ Z, n > 0 and c ≡ 0 (mod (p− 1)), we have
Proof. Since ∆kc is a linear operator, by Theorem 3.6 we have
= ∆kc l
p,q,ξ (−n, χ) = ∆
(h−1)tξtdµ−q (t)
(h−1)tξtdµ−q (t)
q − 1
dµ−q (t) .
Now, 〈t〉q ≡ 1 (modpZp), which implies that 〈t〉
q ≡ 1 (modpZp) since c ≡ 0 (mod (p− 1)), and thus
q − 1
∆kc l
p,q,ξ (−n, χ) ≡ 0
from which the result follows.
Theorem 4.2 Let n and n′ be positive integers such that n ≡ n′ (mod (p− 1)). Then, we have
(modpZp) .
Proof. Without loss of generality, let n > n′. Then
p,q,ξ (−n, χ)− l
p,q,ξ (−n
′, χ) =
q − 1
dµ−q (t) .
Since n− n′ ≡ 0 (mod (p− 1)), we have 〈t〉
q − 1 ≡ 0 (modpZp), which entails the result.
Acknowledgment: This work was supported by Akdeniz University Scientific Research Projects
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Generalized Twisted q-Euler Numbers
p-adic Twisted ( h,q) -l-Functions
Kummer Congruences for Generalized Twisted ( h,q) -Euler Numbers
0704.1398 | Global coronal seismology | arXiv:0704.1398v1 [astro-ph] 11 Apr 2007
Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC), Department of Applied
Mathematics, University of Sheffield, Hounsfield Road, Hicks Building, Sheffield,
S3 7RH, U.K. ([email protected])
Received ; accepted
Following the observation and analysis of large-scale coronal wave-like distur-
bances, we discuss the theoretical progress made in the field of global coronal seismol-
ogy. Using simple mathematical techniques we determine average values for magnetic
field together with a magnetic map of the quiet Sun. The interaction between global
coronal waves and coronal loops allows us to study loop oscillations in a much wider
context, i.e. we connect global and local coronal oscillations.
Keywords: Sun: magnetic field, Sun: waves, Sun: coronal seismology
1. Introduction
The possibility of using waves propagating in solar atmospheric plas-
mas to infer quantities impossible to measure (magnetic field, trans-
port coefficients, fine structuring, etc.) became a reality after high
cadence observation of oscillatory motion was made possible by space
and ground-based telescopes. These observations combined with the-
oretical models allow to develop a new branch of solar physics called
coronal seismology. Pioneering studies by Uchida (1970), Roberts, Ed-
win and Benz (1984), Aschwanden et al. (1999) and Nakariakov et al.
(1999), have formed the basis of a very promising and exciting field of
solar physics.
Traditionally, the terminology of coronal seismology was used mainly
to describe the techniques involving waves propagating in coronal loops.
Since then, this word has acquired a much broader significance and
the technique is generalised to acquire information about the mag-
netic solar atmosphere (De Pontieu, Erdélyi and James, 2004; Erdélyi,
2006). Coronal seismology uses waves which are localized to a par-
ticular magnetic structures, therefore it would be necessary to label
these seismic studies as local coronal seismology. After the discovery
of large-scale wave-like disturbances, such as EIT waves, X-ray waves,
etc., it became necessary to introduce a new terminology, i.e. global
coronal seismology where the information is provided by global waves
propagating over very large distances, sometimes comparable to the
solar radius. Although this may seem a separate subject, in reality these
c© 2018 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
ballai_SP.tex; 27/10/2018; 6:13; p.1
two aspects of coronal seismology are very much linked. A global wave
generated by sudden energy releases (flares, CMEs) can interact with
active region loops or prominences and localized loop or prominence
waves and oscillations are emerging so, there must be a link between
the generating source and flare-induced waves in coronal loops.
Global waves have been known since the early 1960s. Although it is
still not known how the release of energy and energized particles will
transform into waves, today it is widely accepted that these distur-
bances are similar to the circularly expanding bubble-like shocks after
atomic bomb explosion or shock waves which follows the explosion of a
supernova. Thanks to the available observational facilities, global waves
were observed in a range of wavelengths in different layers of the solar
atmosphere. A pressure pulse can generate seismic waves in the solar
photosphere propagating with speeds of 200 – 300 kms−1 (Kosovichev
and Zharkova, 1998; Donea et al., 2006). Higher up, a flare generates
very fast super-alfvénic shock waves known as Moreton waves (Moreton
and Ramsey, 1960), best seen in the wings of Hα images, propagat-
ing with speeds of 1000 – 2000 kms−1. In the corona, a flare or CME
can generate an EIT wave (Thompson et al., 1999) first seen by the
SOHO/EIT instrument or an X-ray wave seen in SXT (Narukage et
al., 2002). There is still a vigourous debate how this variety of global
waves are connected (if they are, at all). Co-spatial and co-temporal
investigations of various global waves have been carried out but without
a final widely accepted result being reached. The present study deals
with the properties of EIT waves, therefore some characteristics of these
waves will be given below.
Unambiguous evidence for large-scale coronal impulses initiated dur-
ing the early stage of a flare and/or CME has been provided by the
Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) observations onboard SOHO
and by TRACE/EUV. EIT waves propagate in the quiet Sun with
speeds of 250 – 400 km s−1 at an almost constant altitude. At a later
stage in their propagation EIT waves can be considered a freely propa-
gating wavefront which is observed to interact with coronal loops (see,
e.g. Wills-Davey and Thompson, 1999). Using TRACE/EUV 195 Å
observations, Ballai, Erdélyi and Pintér (2005) have shown that EIT
waves (seen in this wavelength) are waves with average periods of the
order of 400 seconds. Since at this height, the magnetic field can be
considered vertical, EIT waves were interpreted as fast MHD waves.
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Global coronal seismology 3
2. Coronal Global EIT Waves and their Applications
The observations of EIT waves propagating in the solar corona allowed
us to shed light on some elementary properties of coronal global EIT
waves, however, the available observational precision does not permit
us yet to determine more characteristics of these waves.
One of the un-answered problems related to EIT waves is connected
to their propagation. The core of the problem resides in the lack of
detection of an EIT wave with every flare or CME. This could be
explained partly by the poor temporal resolution of the SOHO satellite
(the only satellite giving full-disk EUV images at the moment) where
frames are available with a low cadence, therefore EIT waves generated
near the limb simply cannot be recorded. In general, EIT waves seen
by SOHO are generated by sources which are located near the centre
of the solar disk. EUV images provided by TRACE are much better
to use, although the field of view of this instrument is limited. Since
EIT waves propagate over a large area of the solar surface (at a certain
altitude) they are dispersive. Other ingredients to be considered are the
stratification of the medium and the inhomogeneous character of the
plasma. All of these factors influence the propagation of coronal EIT
Another plausible explanation for the absence of EIT waves asso-
ciated with every flare or CME might be that EIT waves diffuse very
rapidly, i.e. they become evanescent in a short time after their launch.
This means that only those EIT waves could be observed which propa-
gate as guided (trapped) waves. The MHD equations in a gravitationally-
stratified plasma allows as a solution the magnetoacoustic/magnetogravitational
waves of growing amplitude with time (upward propagating waves)
and decreasing amplitude with time (downward propagating waves).
Trapped EIT waves might arise as a combination of magnetoacoustic
and magnetogravitational waves propagating in opposite directions.
Further investigations of the possibility of trapping spherical waves in
a dissipative medium are needed.
2.1. Interaction of EIT waves with other coronal
magnetic entities
In this subsection we enumerate a few possible phenomena arising from
the interaction of global EIT waves with coronal magnetic entities.
According to the classical picture, EIT waves collide with coronal loops
resulting in a multitude of modes generated in loops either in the form
of standing oscillations or propagating waves. Both types of waves have
the general property that they decay very rapidly in a few wavelengths
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or periods (see e.g. Nakariakov et al., 1999; Aschwanden et al., 2002).
This damping was later used to diagnose the magnetic field inside
coronal loops (Nakariakov et al., 1999), transport coefficients for slow
waves or global fast waves, sub-structuring, heating function, etc.
In coronal loops we consider only the transversal generation of waves,
i.e. waves and oscillations are triggered by the interaction of EIT waves
and coronal loops. From the EIT wave point of view, a coronal loop
(similar to an active region or coronal hole) is an entity with a stronger
magnetic field (at least one order of magnitude) than the medium in
which they propagate (quite Sun). Therefore, beside transferring energy
to coronal loops, EIT waves can be scattered, reflected, and refracted
(Terradas and Ofman, 2004). Without claiming completeness, we can
draw a few conditions that could influence the appearance of coronal
loop oscillations:
- height of the loop: since EIT waves propagate at certain heights in the
solar corona, it is likely that not all loops will interact with the global
waves. Schrijver, Aschwanden and Title (2002) pointed out that only
those loops will be affected by EIT waves whose heights exceed 60 – 150
Mm. This means that cool, low-lying loops will not interact with EIT
- the height of the interaction between EIT waves and coronal loops:
this factor simply means that it is easier to generate oscillations in a
loop if the interaction point between the EIT wave and coronal loop is
closer to the apex of the loop rather than the footpoint.
- Orientation of the loop: if the front of the EIT wave is perpendicular
to the plane of the coronal loop the interaction between the EIT waves
and the coronal loop occurs in two points at the same time. If the loop
is stiff enough, a standing oscillation can be easily excited. If the front
is not perpendicular, the collision between the EIT wave and loops
occurs in two points delayed in time by τ = s cosα/vEIT , where s is
the distance between the footpoints, α is the attack angle, and vEIT is
the propagation speed of the EIT wave. In this case, standing modes
can be excited only in very special cases. Another important element
is the orientation of the coronal loop with respect to the vertical axis
- distance between the flaring site and coronal loop (or energy of EIT
waves): During their propagation, EIT waves are losing energy due
to the geometrical damping (dilatation of the front) and due to some
physical damping effects. Therefore it might happen that the energy of
an EIT wave originating from a distant flare is not enough to dislocate
the loop.
- radius of the loop and the density contrast (or Alfvén speed contrast):
a massive loop is much harder to dislocate than a thin loop. The ratio
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Global coronal seismology 5
between the densities in the loop and its environment is known to
influence the amplitude of oscillations.
In order to describe quantitatively the interaction between EIT
waves and coronal loops, we suppose a medium in which the coronal
loop is situated, for simplicity, in a magnetic-free medium (in fact this
constraint can be relaxed and the result is obvious) retains its identity
and does not disperse or fragment. The tube is considered thin, i.e.
its radius is small relative to other geometrical scales of the problem.
During the wave propagation we suppose a quasi-static pressure balance
to be maintained at all times.
An EIT wave colliding with a coronal loop exerts a force which will
need to work against two forces, one being the elastic force of the tube
represented by the magnetic tension of the tube and inertia of the fluid
element which needs to be displaced.
The equilibrium of the tube is prescribed by the hydrostatic equi-
librium where pressure forces are in equilibrium with the gravitational
force and the lateral pressure balance pi+B
i /2µ = pe is satisfied, with
pi and pe being the kinetic (thermal) pressure inside the tube and the
environment, Bi the interior magnetic field and g is the gravitational
acceleration at the solar surface. If we denote by ρi and ρe the locally ho-
mogeneous densities inside and outside the tube and vA(= Bi/(µρi)
the Alfvén speed, then the equation describing the variation of dis-
placement of the fluid element, ξ(z, t), is (a similar equation has been
obtained by Ryutov and Ryutova (1975) in a different context)
ρi − ρe
ρi + ρe
ρi + ρe
. (1)
Let us introduce a new variable such that ξ(z, t) = Q(z, t) exp(λz),
where the value of λ is chosen such that the first-order derivatives with
respect to the coordinate z vanish. After a straightforward calculation
we obtain that the dynamics of generated waves in the coronal loop as a
result of the interaction of a global wave with coronal loop is described
− c2K
+ ω2CQ = 0, ωC =
g(d− 1)
d(d+ 1)
cK = vA
1 + d
with d = ρi/ρe being the filling factor. Equation (2) is the well-known
Klein-Gordon (KG) equation derived and studied earlier in solar MHD
wave context by, e.g. Rae and Roberts (1982), Hargreaves (2005), Bal-
lai, Erdélyi and Hargreaves (2006). The quantity cK is the kink speed
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of waves and it is regarded as a density-weighted Alfvén speed. The co-
efficient ωC is the cut-off frequency of waves and is a constant quantity
for an isothermal medium.
The waves corresponding to the Eq. (2) are dispersive, i.e. waves
with smaller wavelength (larger k) propagating faster. Waves with
smaller wave number will have smaller group speed, the maximum of
the group speed (at k → ∞) being cK . Another essential property of
the KG equation is that it describes waves which are able to propagate
if their frequency is larger than the cut-off frequency. For typical coro-
nal conditions (vA=1000 km s
−1, d = 10) we obtain that waves will
propagate if their frequency is greater than 0.11 mHz or their period is
smaller than 150 minutes.
For simplicity, let us suppose that the fast kink mode in the coronal
loop is generated by the interaction of an EIT wave with a loop and
the forcing term of the interaction is modelled by a delta-pulse, i.e. the
equation describing the dynamics of impulsively generated fast kink
mode is given by
− c2K
+ ω2CQ = δ(z)δ(t). (3)
This equation can be solved using standard Laplace transform tech-
nique to yield
Q(z, t) =
2 − z2
H(cKt− |z|), (4)
where J0(z) is the zeroth-order Bessel function and H(z) is the Heav-
iside function. The impulsive excitation of waves in a flux tube leads
to the formation of a pulse that propagates away with the speed cK ,
followed by a wake in which the flux tube oscillates with the frequency
ωC . A typical temporal variation of the amplitude of kink waves (keep-
ing the height constant) would show that the amplitude of the mode
decreases (even in the absence of dissipation) and an e-fold decay occurs
in about 400 seconds .
Recently Terradas, Oliver and Ballester (2005) have studied the
interaction between the coronal loops and EIT waves in the zero-beta
limit considering a spatial initial condition. They obtained that the
generated oscillations in the coronal loop decay asymptotically as t−1/2.
Kink oscillations are weakly affected by dissipation, therefore the con-
sideration of any non-ideal effect to supplement the KG equation would
not lead to a significant change. It is accepted that damping due to the
resonant absorption could explain the damping of kink oscillations in
coronal loops (Ruderman and Roberts, 2002; Goossens, Andries and
Aschwanden, 2002).
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Global coronal seismology 7
It can be shown that the consideration of resonant absorption as a
damping mechanism in the governing equation leads to a similar equa-
tion we would obtain taking into account dissipation. Ballai, Erdélyi
and Hargreaves (2006) showed that the evolution equation is modified
by an extra term forming a Klein-Gordon-Burgers (KGB) equation
− c2K
+ ω2CQ− ν
= 0, (5)
where ν is a coefficient which could play the role of any dissipative
mechanism or a factor which include the damping due to resonant
absorption (in fact ν is inversely proportional to the gradient of Alfvén
speed) and would describe the transfer of energy from large to small
scales (see, e.g. Ruderman and Goossens, 1993).
Waves in this approximation can have a temporal (keeping k real)
and spatial damping (keeping ω real), the decay rate and length, sup-
posing the ansatz Q(z, t) ∼ exp[i(ωt− kz)], are given by
, ki ≈ −
ω2 − ω2C
c4K + ν
. (6)
The KGB equation can be solved using initial/boundary conditions to
describe the evolution of kink modes for different kind of sources, e.g.
monochromatic source (A(t) = V0e
iΩt), delta-function pulse (A(t) =
V0δ(ωCt/2π)), etc. using numerical methods. Asymptotic analysis (t ≫
z/cK) shows that these waves decay as t
−3/2 (Ballai, Erdélyi and Har-
greaves, 2006).
Another important factor is the energy of EIT waves. Recently
Ballai, Erdélyi and Pintér (2005), using a simple energy conservation,
found the minimum energy an EIT wave should have to produce a loop
oscillation. Using their results we studied a few loop oscillation events
presented by Aschwanden et al. (2002) and the minimum energy of
EIT waves necessary to produce the observed oscillations are shown in
Table 1. The geometrical size of loops and the number densities given
by Aschwanden et al. (2002) have been used.
The obtained energies are in the range of 1016 − 1019 J with no par-
ticular correlation with the length and radius of the loop. Similar to
this approach we can estimate the minimum energy of an EIT wave
to produce a displacement of 1 pixel in TRACE/EUV 195 Å images
using the relation E = 1.66 × 106L
2 + ρe/λ
, (J) where L and
R are the length and radius of the loop, and λ−1e the decay length of
perturbations outside the cylinder given by
λ2e =
(c2Se − c
Ae − c
(c2Se + v
Te − c
k2, (7)
ballai_SP.tex; 27/10/2018; 6:13; p.7
Table I. The minimum energy of EIT waves which could produce the
loop oscillations studied by Aschwanden et al. (2002).
Date(yyyymmdd) L(Mm) R(Mm) n(×108 cm−3) E(J)
1998 Jul 14 168 7.2 5.7 2.2× 1017
1998 Jul 14 204 7.9 6.2 9.7× 1018
1998 Nov 23 190 16.8 3 1.3× 1019
1999 Jul 04 258 7 6.3 3.9× 1016
1999 Oct 25 166 6.3 7.2 1.6× 1018
2000 Mar 23 198 8.8 17 5.2× 1016
2000 Apr 12 78 6.8 6.9 2.5× 1016
2001 Mar 21 406 9.2 6.2 7.4× 1016
2001 Mar 22 260 6.2 3.2 1.9× 1016
2001 Apr 12 226 7 4.4 1.4× 1018
2001 Apr 15 256 8.5 5.1 1.4× 1016
2001 May 13 182 11.4 4 2.2× 1018
2001 May 15 192 6.9 2.7 1.6× 1019
2001 Jun 15 146 15.8 3.2 1.1× 1017
with cTe, cSe, and vAe being the cusp, sound and, Alfvén speeds in the
region outside the loop and k is the wavenumber. The energy range is
in the interval 3× 1017 − 3× 1018 J for loop lengths and radii varying
in the intervals 60 – 500 Mm and 1 – 10 Mm.
2.2. Determination of magnetic field values
Observations show that EIT waves propagate in every direction almost
isotropically on the solar disk, therefore we can reasonably suppose that
they are fast magnetoacoustic waves (FMWs) propagating in the quiet
Sun perpendicular to the vertical equilibrium magnetic field. The repre-
sentative intermediate line formation temperature corresponding to the
195 Å wavelength is 1.4×106 K. The sound speed corresponding to this
temperature is 179 km s−1. Since the FMWs propagate perpendicular
to the field, their phase speed is approximated by (c2S + v
The propagation height is an important parameter as a series of
physical quantities (density, temperature, etc.) in the solar atmosphere
have a height dependence. Given the present status of research on the
propagation of EIT waves, there is no accepted value for the propa-
gation height of these waves. For a range of the plasma parameters
we can derive average values for the magnetic field by considering
the propagational characters of EIT waves. Therefore, we study the
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Global coronal seismology 9
variation of various physical quantities with respect to the propagation
height of EIT waves.
We recall a simple atmospheric model developed by Sturrock, Wheat-
land and Acton (1996). The temperature profile above a region of the
quiet Sun, where the magnetic field is radial, is given by
T (x) =
. (8)
Here F0 is the inward heat flux (1.8× 10
5 erg cm−2 s−1), x is the nor-
malized height coordinate defined by x = r/R⊙, T0 is the temperature
at the base of the model (considered to be 1.3 × 106 K) and a is the
coefficient of thermal conductivity. The quantity a is weakly dependent
on pressure and atmospheric composition; for the solar corona a value
of 10−6 (in cgs units) is appropriate (Nowak and Ulmschneider, 1977).
Assuming a model atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium we obtain
that the number density, based on the temperature profile supposed in
Eq. (8), is
n(x) =
T (x)
exp[−δ(T (x)5/2 − T
0 )], δ =
, (9)
with G the gravitational constant, M⊙ the solar mass, kB is the Boltz-
mann’s constant; µ = 0.6 is the mean molecular weight; mp, proton
mass and n0 = 3.6 × 10
8 cm−3 the density at the base of corona.
Having the variation of density with height and the value of Alfvén
speed deduced from the phase speed of EIT waves, we can calculate
the magnetic field using B = vA(4πmpn)
1/2. Evaluating the relations
above, the variation of temperature, density, Alfvén speed and magnetic
field with height is shown in Table 2. Two cases are derived for EIT
waves propagating strictly perpendicular to the radial magnetic field
with a speed of (a) 250 km s−1 and, (b) 400 km s−1, respectively.
The values of the physical quantities show some change for a given
propagation speed but will have little effect on the final results.
For an average value of EIT wave speed of 300 km s−1 propagating
at 0.05 R⊙ above the photosphere we find that the magnetic field is
1.8 G. If we apply Br2 = const., i.e. the magnetic flux is constant,
we find that at the photospheric level the average magnetic field is
2.1 G which agrees well with the observed solar mean magnetic field
(Chaplin et al. 2003). EIT waves considered as fast MHD waves can also
be used to determine the value of the radial component of the magnetic
field at every location allowed by the observational precision. In this
way, using the previously cited TRACE observations we can construct
a magnetic map of the quiet Sun (see Figure 1), in other words EIT
ballai_SP.tex; 27/10/2018; 6:13; p.9
Table II. The variation of the temperature (in MK), den-
sity (in units of 108 cm−3), Alfvén and sound speeds (in
units of 107 cm s−1) and magnetic field (in G) with height
above the photosphere for an EIT wave propagating with a
speed of (a) 250 km s−1, and (b) 400 km s−1, respectively.
r/R⊙ T n cS v
B(a) v
1.00 1.30 3.60 1.72 1.81 1.57 3.61 3.13
1.02 1.41 3.30 1.80 1.73 1.44 3.57 2.97
1.04 1.50 3.10 1.85 1.67 1.34 3.54 2.85
1.06 1.58 2.95 1.90 1.61 1.27 3.51 2.76
1.08 1.64 2.83 1.94 1.57 1.21 3.49 2.69
1.10 1.70 2.73 1.97 1.52 1.15 3.47 2.63
Figure 1. Magnetic map of the quite Sun obtained using an EIT wave observed by
TRACE/EUV in 195 Å .
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Global coronal seismology 11
waves can serve as probes in a magnetic tomography of the quiet Sun.
If points are joined across the lines, we will obtain the location of the
EIT wavefront. Magnetic field varies between 0.47 and 5.62 G, however,
these particular values should be handled with care as the interpolation
will introduce spurious values at the two ends of the interval. It should
be noted that this result has been obtained supposing a single value
for density, in reality both magnetic field and density can vary along
the propagation direction, as well. The method we employed to find
this magnetic map (magnetic field derived via the Alfvén speed) means
that density and magnetic field cannot be determined at the same time.
Further EUV density sensitive diagnostics line ratio measurements are
required to establish a density map of the quiet Sun which will provide
an accurate determination of the local magnetic field.
In conclusion, EIT waves propagating in the solar corona exhibit
a wide range of applicabilities for plasma and field diagnostics. The
fact that during their propagation EIT waves cover a large area of the
solar surface (in the coronal) allows us to sample the magnetic field
in the quiet Sun. EIT waves could serve as a link between eruptive
events and localised oscillations, e.g. loop oscillations could be studied
in a much broader context. Using a simple model we found that the
minimum energy an EIT wave should have to produce a detectable loop
oscillation is in the range of 1016 − 1019 J.
Problems to be tackled in the future should include the study of at-
tenuation of EIT waves with the aim of providing information about the
magnitude of transport coefficients in the quiet Sun. The old problem
of connecting different global waves still remain to be addressed.
Despite of the lack of high precision observations, EIT waves show
a great potential for magneto-seismology of the solar corona.
The author acknowledges the financial support offered by the Nuffield
Foundation (NUF-NAL 04) and NFS Hungary (OTKA, T043741). The
help by B. Pintér and M. Douglas is appreciated.
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ballai_SP.tex; 27/10/2018; 6:13; p.12
0704.1399 | La formule de Lie-Trotter pour les semi-groupes fortement continus | MÉMOIRE DE RECHERCHE
de Mathématiques Pures
par Ludovic Dan LEMLE
sous la direction de Gilles CASSIER
Le 4 juillet 2001
Tout d’abord, je veux profiter de cette occasion pour présenter mes remer-
ciements à Monsieur Gilles Cassier de l’Université Claude Benard Lyon 1 pour
le choix du sujet de ce mémoire, ses suggestions et son aide constante. J’ai été très
enchanté de cette collaboration avec Monsieur Gilles Cassier.
De même, je veux exprimer ma reconnaissance à Monsieur Dan Timotin
de l’Institut de Mathématiques de l’Académie Roumaine de Bucharest pour ses
excellents conseils pendant son sejour à Lyon.
En même temps, il convient d’exprimer ma gratitude à Monsieur Dumitru
Gaşpar et à Monsieur Nicolae Suciu de l’Université de l’Ouest de Timişoara,
qui m’ont donné l’occasion d’étudier dans une très grande université européenne.
Finalement, je veux exprimer toute ma reconnaissance pour l’hospitalité et
l’amabilité avec lesquelles j’ai été accueilli par toutes les personnes que j’ai eu le
plaisir de connâıtre pendant mon stage à l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Ludovic Dan LEMLE
Facultatea de Inginerie
Str. Revoluţiei Nr. 5
COD 2750 Hunedoara
tel: +4 02 54 20 75 43
e-mail: [email protected]
Table des matières
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Préliminaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Les opérateurs dissipatifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Semi-groupes uniformément continus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.4 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2 Semi-groupes de classe C0 31
2.1 Définitions. Propriétés élémentaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2 Propriétés générales des C0-semi-groupes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3 Le théorème de Hille - Yosida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.4 La représentation de Bromwich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.5 Conditions suffisantes d’appartenances à GI(M, 0) . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.6 Propriétés spectrales des C0-semi-groupes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.7 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3 C0-semigroupes avec propriétés spéciales 87
3.1 C0-semi-groupes différentiables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.2 C0-semi-groupes analytiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.3 C0-semi-groupes de contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.4 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4 La formule de Lie - Trotter 113
4.1 Le cas des semi-groupes uniformément continus . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.2 Propriétés de convergence des C0-semi-groupes . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.3 Formule de Lie - Trotter pour les C0-semi-groupes . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.4 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Chapitre 1
1.1 Préliminaires
Dans la suite, nous noterons par E un espace de Banach sur le corps des
nombres complexes C et par B(E) l’algèbre de Banach des opérateurs linéaires
bornés dans E . Nous désignerons par I l’unité de B(E).
Pour un opérateur linéaire A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E nous noterons par:
Im A = {Ax |x ∈ D(A)}
l’image de A et par:
Ker A = {x ∈ D(A) |Ax = 0}
le noyau de A.
L’opérateur A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ Im A est surjectif. Si Ker A = {0}, alors A est
injectif. Pour un opérateur bijectif, on peut définir l’opérateur inverse:
A−1 : D
⊂ E −→ E
par A−1y = x si Ax = y. Evidemment D (A−1) = Im A. Dans la suite nous
noterons par GL(E) l’ensemble des éléments inversibles de B(E). L’ensemble GL(E)
est un ensemble ouvert dans B(E) ([Is’81, Theorem 4.1.13, pag. 145]).
Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E un opérateur linéaire. Pour tout n ∈ N, nous définissons:
n : D(An) −→ E
A0 = I , A1 = A , ..., An = A
D(An) =
x ∈ D(An−1)
x ∈ D(A)
quel que soit n ∈ N.
Lemme 1.1.1 Soit f : [a, b] → E une fonction continue. Alors:
f(s) ds = f(a) .
Preuve Nous avons:
f(s) ds − f(a)
[f(s) − f(a)] ds
≤ sup
‖f(s) − f(a)‖ .
L’égalité de l’énoncé résulte de la continuité de l’application f .
Lemme 1.1.2 Si A ∈ B(E) et ‖A‖ < 1, alors I − A ∈ GL(E) et:
(I − A)−1 =
Preuve Soit Yn = I + A + A
2 + . . . + An. Alors:
‖Yn+p − Yn‖ ≤
1 − ‖A‖ −→ 0 pour n → ∞.
Par conséquent, (Yn)n∈N est une suite Cauchy. Mais B(E) est une algèbre de
Banach. La suite (Yn)n∈N est donc convergente. Notons Y ∈ B(E) sa limite.
De l’égalité (I − A)Yn = I − An+1, il résulte que limn→∞(I − A)Yn = I, d’où
(I − A)Y = I.
Nous obtenons Y (I − A) = I de façon analogue.
Finalement, on voit que I − A ∈ GL(E) et que (I − A)−1 =
Remarque 1.1.3 Si ‖I − A‖ < 1, alors A ∈ GL(E) et A−1 =
(I − A)n.
Définition 1.1.4 L’ensemble:
ρ(A) =
λ ∈ C
∣(λI − A)−1 est inversible dans ∈ B(E)
s’appelle l’ensemble résolvant de A ∈ B(E).
Proposition 1.1.5 Soit A ∈ B(E). Alors ρ(A) est un ensemble ouvert.
Preuve Définissons l’application:
φ : C −→ B(E)
φ(λ) = λI − A .
Evidemment, φ est continue. Si λ ∈ ρ(A), alors λI − A ∈ GL(E) et par suite
ρ(A) = φ−1 (GL(E)). Comme GL(E) est un ensemble ouvert, on voit que ρ(A) est
Définition 1.1.6 L’application:
R( . ; A) : ρ(A) −→ B(E)
R(λ; A) = (λI − A)−1
s’appelle la résolvante de A.
Proposition 1.1.7 La résolvante d’un opérateur linéaire A ∈ B(E), a les pro-
priétés suivantes:
i) si λ, µ ∈ ρ(A), alors:
R(λ; A) − R(µ; A) = (µ − λ)R(λ; A)R(µ; A) ;
ii) R( . ; A) est une application analytique sur ρ(A);
iii) si λ ∈ C et |λ| > ‖A‖, alors λ ∈ ρ(A) et nous avons:
R(λ; A) =
iv) Nous avons:
R(λ; A) = (−1)nn!R(λ; A)n+1
quels que soient n ∈ N∗ et λ ∈ ρ(A).
Preuve i) Nous avons successivement:
R(λ; A) − R(µ; A) = (λI − A)−1 − (µI − A)−1 =
= (λI − A)−1 (µI − A − λI + A) (µI − A)−1 =
= (µ − λ)R(λ; A)R(µ; A)
quels que soient λ, µ ∈ ρ(A).
ii) Soit λ0 ∈ ρ(A). Notons D
le disque ouvert de centre λ0 et de
rayon 1
. Alors, pour λ ∈ D
, nous avons:
λI − A = [I − (λ0 − λ)R(λ0; A)] (λ0I − A) .
‖(λ0 − λ)R(λ0; A)‖ = |λ0 − λ|‖R(λ0; A)‖ < 1 .
Compte tenu du lemme 1.1.2, il résulte que:
I − (λ0 − λ)R(λ0; A) ∈ GL(E) ,
d’où λI − A ∈ GL(E) et:
(λI − A)−1 = (λ0I − A)−1[I − (λ0 − λ)R(λ0; A)]−1 =
= R(λ0; A)
(λ0 − λ)nR(λ0; A)n =
(−1)n(λ − λ0)nR(λ0; A)n+1 .
Donc R( . ; A) est analytique sur ρ(A).
iii) Soit λ ∈ C tel que |λ| > ‖A‖. Alors ‖λ−1A‖ < 1, d’où I − λ−1A ∈ GL(E). De
I − λ−1A
Par conséquent:
R(λ; A) = (λI − A)−1 = λ−1
I − λ−1A
L’assertion (iv) s’obtient par récurrence. Pour n = 1, nous avons:
R(λ; A) =
(λI − A)−1 = −(λI − A)−2 = R(λ; A)2 .
Supposons que pour k ∈ N, on ait:
R(λ; A) = (−1)kk!R(λ; A)k+1 .
Montrons que:
R(λ; A) = (−1)k+1(k + 1)!R(λ; A)k+2 .
Nous avons:
R(λ; A) =
R(λ; A)
(−1)kk!(λI − A)−k−1
= (−1)kk!(−k − 1)(λI − A)−k−2 = (−1)k+1(k + 1)!R(λ; A)k+2
et par conséquent:
R(λ; A) = (−1)nn!R(λ; A)n+1 , (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Remarque 1.1.8 Compte tenu de la proposition 1.1.7 (iii), il résulte que:
{λ ∈ C ||λ| > ‖A‖} ⊂ ρ(A).
Définition 1.1.9 L’ensemble σ(A) = C − ρ(A) s’appelle le spectre de A ∈ B(E).
Proposition 1.1.10 Soit A ∈ B(E). Alors:
i) σ(A) 6= ∅;
ii) σ(A) est un ensemble compact.
Preuve i) Supposons que σ(A) = ∅. Alors ρ(A) = C. Par conséquent, l’application
λ 7−→ (λI − A)−1 est définie sur C. De plus, pour |λ| > ‖A‖, nous avons:
R(λ; A) =
, (∀)λ ∈ ρ(A).
Il s’ensuit que:
R(λ; A) = 0.
Donc il existe M > 0 tel que ‖R(λ; A)‖ < M , (∀)λ ∈ C. Le théorème de Liouville
([DS’67, pag. 231]) implique que R(.; A) est constante sur C et que cette constante
ne peut être que 0. Donc (λI − A)−1 = 0 pour tout λ ∈ C, ce qui est absurde.
Par conséquent σ(A) 6= ∅.
ii) Compte tenu de la proposition 1.1.7 (iii), nous obtenons que:
σ(A) ⊂ {λ ∈ C ||λ| ≤ ‖A‖} .
L’ensemble σ(A) est donc borné. Comme nous avons vu que σ(A) est un ensemble
fermé, il est donc compact.
Définition 1.1.11 Pour un opérateur linéaire A ∈ B(E), le nombre
r(A) = sup
s’appelle le rayon spectral de A.
Remarque 1.1.12 Evidemment, pour un opérateur A ∈ B(E), σ(A) est contenu
dans l’intérieur du cercle de centre O et de rayon r(A). De plus, on peut montrer
r(A) = lim
et on voit que r(A) ≤ ‖A‖.
Par la suite, nous présenterons quelques problèmes concernant la théorie spec-
trale pour un opérateur linéaire fermé A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E .
Définition 1.1.13 L’ensemble:
ρ(A) = {λ ∈ C |λI − A : D(A) −→ E est opérateur bijectif}
s’appele l’ensemble résolvant de A.
Remarque 1.1.14 Il résulte du théorème du graphe fermé ([DS’67, Theorem
II.2.4, pag. 57]) que l’opérateur:
(λI − A)−1 : E −→ E
est continu dans E .
Définition 1.1.15 L’application:
R( . ; A) : ρ(A) −→ B(E)
R(λ; A) = (λI − A)−1 , (∀)λ ∈ ρ(A)
s’appelle la résolvante de A.
Proposition 1.1.16 Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E , un opérateur linéaire fermé.
i) ρ(A) est un ensemble ouvert et R( . ; A) est une application analytique sur ρ(A);
ii) si λ, µ ∈ ρ(A), alors:
R(λ; A) − R(µ; A) = (µ − λ)R(λ; A)R(µ; A) ;
iii) Nous avons:
R(λ; A) = (−1)nn!R(λ; A)n+1
quels que soient n ∈ N et λ ∈ ρ(A).
Preuve Elle est analogue à celle de la proposition 1.1.7.
Définition 1.1.17 L’ensemble σ(A) = C − ρ(A) s’appelle le spectre de A.
Remarque 1.1.18 σ(A) est un ensemble fermé.
Remarque 1.1.19 Il existe des opérateurs fermés qui ont un spectre non borné.
Exemple 1.1.20 Prenons E = C[0,1] et considérons l’opérateur:
D : C1[0,1] −→ E
défini par:
Df = f
Dans ce cas, nous avons σ(D) = C.
Définition 1.1.21 Soit D ⊂ C un ensemble ouvert. Une application analytique:
D ∋ λ 7−→ Rλ ∈ B(E)
qui vérifie la propriété:
Rλ − Rµ = (µ − λ)RλRµ , (∀)λ, µ ∈ D,
s’appelle une pseudo-résolvante.
Théorème 1.1.22 Soit D ∋ λ 7−→ Rλ ∈ B(E) une pseudo-résolvante. Alors:
i) RλRµ = RµRλ, (∀)λ, µ ∈ D;
ii) KerRλ et ImRλ ne dépendent pas de λ ∈ D;
iii) Rλ est la résolvante d’un opérateur linéaire A fermé et défini sur un sous
espace dense si et seulement si KerRλ = {0} et ImRλ = E .
Preuve i) Soient λ, µ ∈ D. Alors, nous avons:
Rλ − Rµ = (µ − λ)RλRµ
Rµ − Rλ = (λ − µ)RµRλ ,
0 = (µ − λ)RλRµ + (λ − µ)RµRλ .
Par suite, on a RλRµ = RµRλ.
ii) Soient µ ∈ D et x ∈ Ker Rµ. Alors Rµx = 0. Si λ ∈ D, on a:
Rλx − Rµx = (µ − λ)RλRµx .
Donc Rλx = 0. Par conséquent x ∈ Ker Rλ. Il s’ensuit que Ker Rλ ne dépend pas
de λ ∈ D.
Soient µ ∈ D et y ∈ Im Rµ. Alors il existe x ∈ E tel que Rµx = y. Si λ ∈ D,
nous avons:
Rλx − Rµx = (µ − λ)RλRµx .
Rλx − y = (µ − λ)Rλy ,
ou bien:
y = Rλ (x + (λ − µ)y) .
Donc il existe u = x + (λ− µ)y ∈ E tel que y = Rλu. Par conséquent y ∈ Im Rλ.
Il s’ensuit que Im Rλ ne dépend pas de λ ∈ D.
iii) =⇒ Si Rλ est une résolvante pour un opérateur linéaire A fermé et défini sur
un sous espace dense, alors Rλ est une application bijective, d’où Ker Rλ = {0}
et Rλ = (λI − A)−1. Par suite, Rλ−1 = λI − A et D
= D(A) = E . Par
conséquent Im Rλ = D
= E .
⇐= Soient D ∋ λ 7−→ Rλ ∈ B(E) une pseudo-résolvante et λ ∈ D tel que Ker Rλ =
{0}. Alors pour y ∈ Im Rλ, il existe un seul xλ ∈ E tel que y = Rλxλ. Mais pour
λ, µ ∈ D, on a:
Rλy − Rµy = (µ − λ)RλRµy .
D’autre part:
Rλy − Rµy = RλRµxµ − RµRλxλ =
= RλRµxµ − RλRµxλ = RλRµ (xµ − xλ) .
Donc xµ − xλ = (µ − λ)y, d’où λy − xλ = µy − xµ. Par conséquent, l’opérateur:
A : Im Rλ −→ E
Ay = λy − xλ = λy − Rλ−1y
est correctement défini (valeur indépendante de λ). De même D(A) = Im Rλ = E .
Puis que Rλ ∈ B(E), il résulte du théorème du graphe fermé ([DS’67, Theorem
II.2.4, pag. 57]) que R−1λ est un opérateur fermé. Donc A = λI − Rλ−1 est un
opérateur fermé. De plus, on a:
−1y = xλ = λy − Ay = (λI − A)y .
Par conséquent Rλ = (λI − A)−1 est la résolvante de A.
1.2 Les opérateurs dissipatifs
Dans la suite, nous notons par E∗ l’espace dual du E et par ‖ . ‖∗ sa norme.
Pour tout x ∈ E , nous désignerons par J (x) l’ensemble:
x∗ ∈ E∗
∣〈x, x∗〉 = ‖x‖2 = ‖x∗‖2∗
Définition 1.2.1 On dit que l’opérateur linéaire A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E est dissi-
patif si pour tout x ∈ D(A), il existe x∗ ∈ J (x) tel que Re〈Ax, x∗〉 ≤ 0.
Dans la proposition suivante nous présentons une caractérisation très utile pour
les opérateurs dissipatifs.
Proposition 1.2.2 Un opérateur linéaire A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E est dissipatif si et
seulement si pour tout α > 0 on a:
‖(αI − A)x‖ ≥ α‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Preuve =⇒ Supposons que A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E est un opérateur dissipatif. Pour
tout x ∈ D(A), il existe x∗ ∈ J (x) tel que Re〈Ax, x∗〉 ≤ 0. Si α > 0, alors nous
‖(αI − A)x‖ ‖x‖ = ‖(αI − A)x‖ ‖x∗‖∗ ≥
≥ |〈(αI − A)x, x∗〉| ≥ Re〈(αI − A)x, x∗〉 =
= Re〈αx, x∗〉 − Re〈Ax, x∗〉 ≥ α‖x‖2 ,
d’où il résulte l’inégalité de l’énoncé.
⇐= Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E tel que pour tout α > 0 et x ∈ D(A) on ait:
‖(αI − A)x‖ ≥ α‖x‖ .
Soit y∗α ∈ J ((αI − A)x). On a donc:
〈(αI − A)x, y∗α〉 = ‖(αI − A)x‖
= ‖y∗α‖
‖y∗α‖∗ = ‖(αI − A)x‖ ≥ α‖x‖ .
Nous définissons:
z∗α =
et désignons par B1(E∗) la boule unité de E∗ et par ∂B1(E∗) sa frontière. Il est
évident que z∗α ∈ ∂B1(E∗). De plus:
α‖x‖ ≤ ‖(αI − A)x‖ = 1‖y∗α‖∗
〈(αI − A)x, y∗α〉 =
= 〈(αI − A)x, z∗α〉
et par conséquent:
α‖x‖ ≤ Re〈(αI − A)x, z∗α〉 = Re〈αx, z∗α〉 − Re〈Ax, z∗α〉 ≤
≤ α |〈x, z∗α〉| − Re〈Ax, z∗α〉 ≤ α‖x‖ ‖z∗α‖∗ − Re〈Ax, z
= α‖x‖ − Re〈Ax, z∗α〉 .
Il s’ensuit que:
Re〈Ax, z∗α〉 ≤ 0 ,
−Re〈Ax, z∗α〉 ≤ |〈Ax, z∗α〉| ≤ ‖Ax‖ ‖z∗α‖∗ = ‖Ax‖
et par conséquent:
α‖x‖ ≤ αRe〈x, z∗α〉 + ‖Ax‖ .
Re〈x, z∗α〉 ≥ ‖x‖ −
‖Ax‖ .
D’autre part, en appliquant le théorème d’Alaoglu ([DS’67, Theorem V.4.2, pag.
424]), on voit que la boule unité B1(E∗) est faiblement compacte. Par conséquent,
il existe une sous suite
⊂ (z∗α)α>0 et il existe z∗ ∈ B1(E∗) tel que:
z∗β −→ z∗ si β → ∞
pour la topologie faible. Comme on a
Re〈Ax, z∗β〉 ≤ 0
Re〈x, z∗β〉 ≥ ‖x‖ −
‖Ax‖ ,
on obtient par passage à limite en β → ∞:
Re〈Ax, z∗〉 ≤ 0
Re〈x, z∗〉 ≥ ‖x‖ .
Mais comme:
Re〈x, z∗〉 ≤ |〈x, z∗〉| ≤ ‖x‖‖z∗‖∗ ≤ ‖x‖ ,
il s’ensuit que:
〈x, z∗〉 = ‖x‖ .
Si nous prenons x∗ = ‖x‖z∗, il vient:
〈x, x∗〉 = 〈x, ‖x‖z∗〉 = ‖x‖〈x, z∗〉 = ‖x‖2 .
Il en résulte que x∗ ∈ J (x). Finalement, on voit que Re〈Ax, x∗〉 ≤ 0, d’où l’on
tire que l’opérateur A est dissipatif.
Proposition 1.2.3 Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E un opérateur dissipatif. S’il existe
α0 > 0 tel que Im (α0I − A) = E , alors pour tout α > 0 on a Im (αI − A) = E .
Preuve Soient A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E un opérateur dissipatif et α0 > 0 tel que
Im (α0I − A) = E . Compte tenu de la proposition 1.2.2, on voit que:
‖(α0I − A)x‖ ≥ α0‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ D(A)
et comme Im (α0I − A) = E , il en résulte que α0I − A ∈ GL(E) et α0 appartient
donc bien à ρ(A). Soit (xn)n∈N ⊂ D(A) tel que xn −→ x et Axn −→ y si n → ∞.
Il est clair que:
(α0I − A)xn −→ α0x − y si n → ∞
et par conséquent:
xn = R(α0; A)(α0I − A)xn −→ R(α0; A)(α0x − y) si n → ∞.
Par suite, nous obtenons:
R(α0; A)(α0x − y) = x .
Comme Im R(α0; A) ⊂ D(A), on voit que x ∈ D(A). De plus:
(α0I − A)x = α0x − y ,
d’où il résulte que Ax = y. Par conséquent, A est un opérateur fermé.
Nous désignerons par A l’ensemble:
{α ∈]0,∞) |Im(αI − A) = E } .
Soit α ∈ A. Comme A est un opérateur dissipatif, on voit que:
‖(αI − A)x‖ ≥ α‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
d’où il résulte que α ∈ ρ(A). Puisque ρ(A) est un ensemble ouvert, il existe un
voisinage V de α contenu dans ρ(A). Comme V∩]0,∞) ⊂ A, on voit que A est un
ensemble ouvert.
Soit (αn)n∈N ⊂ A tel que αn −→ α si n → ∞. Comme Im (αnI − A) = E ,
(∀)n ∈ N, on observe que pour tout y ∈ E , il existe xn ∈ D(A) tel que:
(αnI − A)xn = y , (∀)n ∈ N,
et par suite, il existe C > 0 tel que:
‖xn‖ ≤
‖y‖ ≤ C , (∀)n ∈ N.
Par conséquent:
αn‖xn − xm‖ ≤ ‖(αmI − A)(xn − xm)‖ =
= ‖(αmI − A)xn − (αmI − A)xm‖ = ‖αmxn − Axn − y‖ =
= ‖αmxn − αnxn + αnxn − Axn − y‖ =
= ‖(αm − αn)xn + y − y‖ = |αm − αn|‖xn‖ ≤ C|αm − αn| ,
d’où il résulte que (xn)n∈N est une suite de Cauchy. Puisque E est un espace de
Banach, il s’ensuit que (xn)n∈N converge vers un point x ∈ E . Alors, on en déduit
Axn −→ αx − y si n → ∞
et comme A est un opérateur fermé, on obtient x ∈ D(A) et αx − Ax = y. Par
suite, Im (αI − A) = E et α ∈ A. Donc A est fermé dans ]0,∞) et comme il
existe α0 ∈ A, nous déduisons que A =]0,∞).
1.3 Semi-groupes uniformément continus
Dans la suite nous présenterons quelques problèmes concernant les semi-
groupes uniformément continus d’opérateurs linéaires bornés sur un espace de Ba-
nach E .
Définition 1.3.1 On appelle semi-groupe uniformément continu d’opérateurs li-
néaires bornés sur E une famille {T (t)}
t≥0 ⊂ B(E) vérifiant les propriétés sui-
i) T (0) = I;
ii) T (t + s) = T (t)T (s) , (∀)t, s ≥ 0;
iii) limtց0 ‖T (t) − I‖ = 0.
Définition 1.3.2 On appelle générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe uniformément
continu {T (t)}
t≥0 l’opérateur linéaire:
A : E −→ E ,
A = lim
T (t) − I
Lemme 1.3.3 Soit A ∈ B(E). Alors
est un semi-groupe uniformément
continu d’opérateurs linéaires bornés sur E dont le générateur infinitésimal est A.
Preuve Soit A ∈ B(E) et [0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) ∈ B(E) une application définie par:
T (t) = etA =
La série du membre de droite de l’égalité est convergente pour la topologie de la
norme de B(E). De plus, il est évident que T (0) = I et T (t + s) = T (t)T (s) quels
que soient t, s ≥ 0.
Compte tenu de l’inégalité:
‖T (t) − I‖ ≤ et‖A‖ − 1 , (∀)t ≥ 0,
il résulte:
‖T (t) − I‖ = 0 .
Donc la famille {T (t)}
t≥0 ⊂ B(E) est un semi-groupe uniformément continu.
D’autre part, puisque:
T (t) − I
etA − I − tA
− I − tA
I + tA +
− I − tA
1 + t‖A‖ +
− 1 − t‖A‖
et‖A‖ − 1 − t‖A‖
et‖A‖ − 1
t‖A‖ ‖A‖ − ‖A‖ −→ 0 si t ց 0,
nous obtenons:
T (t) − I
= A .
Le semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 admet donc pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur
Lemme 1.3.4 Etant donné un opérateur A ∈ B(E), il existe un unique semi-
groupe uniformément continu {T (t)}
t≥0 tel que:
T (t) = etA , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve Si {S(t)}
t≥0 est un autre semi-groupe uniformément continu engendré par
A, nous avons:
T (t) − I
S(t) − I
= A .
Par conséquent:
T (t) − S(t)
= 0 .
Pour a ∈]0,∞), nous considérons l’intervalle Ia = [0, a[. Comme {T (t)}t≥0 et
t≥0 sont des semi-groupes uniformément continus, nous voyons que les ap-
t 7−→ ‖T (t)‖
t 7−→ ‖S(t)‖
sont continues. Il existe ca ∈ [1,∞) tel que:
{‖T (t)‖, ‖S(t)‖} ≤ ca .
Si ε > 0, il existe t0 ∈ Ia, t0 > 0, tel que:
T (t) − S(t)
, (∀)t ∈]0, t0[.
Soit t ∈ Ia arbitrairement fixé et n ∈ N tel que tn ∈]0, t0[. Alors:
T (t) − S(t) =
(n − 1) t
(n − 1) t
(n − 2) t
(n − 2) t
− · · · − T
(n − k) t
(n − k − 1) t
(k + 1)
(n − k − 1) t
quel que soit t ∈ Ia.
De l’inégalité:
nous obtenons:
et par suite:
‖T (t) − S(t)‖ ≤
ca < ε , (∀)t ∈ Ia.
Puisque ε > 0 est arbitraire, il en résulte que T (t) = S(t), pour tout t ∈ Ia. Mais,
comme a ∈]0,∞) est aussi arbitraire, il s’ensuit que T (t) = S(t), (∀)t ∈ [0,∞).
Présentons maintenant la condition nécessaire et suffisante pour qu’un opérateur
soit le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe uniformément continu.
Théorème 1.3.5 Un opérateur A : E −→ E est le générateur infinitésimal d’un
semi-groupe uniformément continu si et seulement si A est un opérateur linéaire
Preuve =⇒ Soit A : E −→ E le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe uni-
formément continu {T (t)}
t≥0 ⊂ B(E). Alors:
‖T (t) − I‖ = 0 .
L’application [0,∞) ∋ t 7→ T (t) ∈ B(E) est continue et par suite
T (s) ds ∈ B(E).
Avec le lemme 1.1.1, on voit que:
T (s) ds = T (0) = I .
Il existe donc τ > 0 tel que:
T (t) dt − I
< 1 .
Compte tenu de la remarque 1.1.3, l’élément 1
T (t)dt est inversible, d’où il s’ensuit
T (t) dt est inversible. Nous avons:
T (h) − I
T (t) dt =
T (t + h) dt −
T (t) dt
T (u) du − 1
T (u) du .
Avec le lemme 1.1.1, nous obtenons:
T (h) − I
T (t) dt =
= lim
T (u) du − 1
T (u) du
= T (τ) − T (0) = T (τ) − I ,
T (h) − I
= [T (τ) − I]
T (t) dt
Par conséquent, le générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe uniformément continue
{T (t)}
t≥0 est l’opérateur:
A = [T (τ) − I]
T (t) dt
∈ B(E) .
⇐= Cette implication est évidente compte tenu du lemme 1.3.3 et du lemme 1.3.4.
Corollaire 1.3.6 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 un semi-groupe uniformément continu et A
son générateur infinitésimal. Alors:
i) il existe ω ≥ 0 tel que ‖T (t)‖ ≤ eωt , (∀)t ≥ 0;
ii) l’application [0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) ∈ B(E) est différentiable pour la topologie de
la norme et:
dT (t)
= AT (t) = T (t)A , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve i) Nous avons:
‖T (t)‖ =
∥ ≤ et‖A‖ , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Pour ω = ‖A‖, nous obtenons l’inégalité:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ eωt , (∀)t ≥ 0.
L’assertion (ii) provient des égalités suivantes:
A = lim
T (t) − I
= lim
T (t) − T (0)
t − 0 ,
nous en déduisons que l’application considérée est dérivable au point t = 0.
Soient t > 0 et h > 0. Alors:
T (t + h) − T (t)
− AT (t)
T (h) − I
‖T (t)‖ ≤
T (h) − I
et‖A‖ ,
T (t + h) − T (t)
− AT (t)
= 0 .
Par conséquent, l’application considérée dans l’énoncé est dérivable à droite et on
d+T (t)
= AT (t) , (∀)t > 0.
Soient t > 0 et h < 0 tel que t + h > 0. Alors:
T (t + h) − T (t)
− AT (t)
I − T (−h)
− AT (−h)
‖T (t + h)‖ ≤
T (−h) − I
−h − AT (−h)
e(t+h)‖A‖ ,
d’où il vient:
T (t + h) − T (t)
= AT (t) .
Par conséquent l’application considérée dans l’énoncé est dérivable à gauche et
nous avons:
d−T (t)
= AT (t) , (∀)t > 0.
Finalement on voit que l’application considérée dans l’énoncé est dérivable sur
[0,∞) et nous avons:
dT (t)
= AT (t) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
On vérifie que AT (t) = T (t)A , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Maintenant abordons quelques problèmes de théorie spectrale pour un semi-
groupe uniformément continu {T (t)}
t≥0 ayant pour le générateur infinitésimal
l’opérateur A ∈ B(E).
Théorème 1.3.7 Soient {T (t)}
un semi-groupe uniformément continu et A
son générateur infinitésimal. Si λ ∈ C tel que Reλ > ‖A‖, alors l’application:
Rλ : E −→ E ,
Rλx =
e−λtT (t)x dt
définit un opérateur linéaire borné, λ ∈ ρ(A) et Rλx = R(λ; A)x , pour tout x ∈ E .
Preuve Soit λ ∈ C avec Reλ > ‖A‖. Avec le corollaire 1.3.6 (i), on voit que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ e‖A‖t , (∀)t ≥ 0.
De même, nous avons:
∥e−λtT (t)x
∥ ≤ e−(Reλ−‖A‖)t‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E ,
e−(Reλ−‖A‖)t dt =
Reλ − ‖A‖ .
L’application Rλ est donc bornée et il est clair que Rλ est linéaire.
Pour x ∈ E , nous avons:
RλAx =
T (t)Ax dt =
−λt d
T (t)x dt =
= −x + λ
e−λtT (t)x dt = −x + λRλx ,
d’où x = Rλ(λI − A)x, pour tout x ∈ E . Par conséquent Rλ(λI − A) = I.
De même, nous avons:
ARλx = A
e−λtT (t)x dt =
e−λtAT (t)x dt =
e−λtT (t)Ax dt = RλAx , (∀)x ∈ E .
Par suite, on a ARλx = RλAx = −x + λRλx, pour tout x ∈ E . Il en résulte que
(λI − A)Rλ = I.
Par conséquent λ ∈ ρ(A) et Rλ = R(λ; A).
Définition 1.3.8 L’opérateur Rλ : E −→ E défini par:
Rλx =
e−λtT (t)x dt , λ ∈ C avec Reλ > ‖A‖,
s’appelle la transformée de Laplace du semi-groupe uniformément continu {T (t)}
ayant pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur A.
Remarque 1.3.9 On a:
{λ ∈ C |Reλ > ‖A‖} ⊂ ρ(A)
σ(A) ⊂ {λ ∈ C |Reλ ≤ ‖A‖} .
De même, nous obtenons:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ 1
Reλ − ‖A‖
pour tout λ ∈ C avec Reλ > ‖A‖.
Pour obtenir des représentations de type Riesz-Dunford et de type Bromwich,
on a besoin d’une classe spéciale de contours de Jordan.
Définition 1.3.10 Un contour de Jordan lisse et fermé qui entoure σ(A), s’appelle
un contour de Jordan A-spectral s’il est homotope avec un cercle Cr de centre O
et de rayon r > ‖A‖.
Théorème 1.3.11 (Riesz-Dunford) Soit A le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-
groupe uniformément continu {T (t)}
t≥0. Si ΓA est un contour de Jordan A-
spectral, alors nous avons:
T (t) =
eλtR(λ; A) dλ , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve Soit ΓA un contour de Jordan A-spectral. Alors ΓA est homotope avec
un cercle Cr de centre O et de rayon r > ‖A‖. Par conséquent, on a:
R(λ; A) dλ =
R(λ; A) dλ , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Compt tenu de la proposition 1.1.7 (iii), on voit que:
R(λ; A) =
uniformément par rapport à λ sur les sous-ensembles compacts de {λ ∈ C| |λ| >
‖A‖}, particulièrement sur le cercle Cr. On a:
R(λ; A) dλ =
Appliquons la formule de Cauchy ([DS’67, pag. 228]) avec la fonction f(λ) = eλt,
nous obtenons:
, (∀)n ∈ N .
Par conséquent:
eλtR(λ; A) dλ =
= etA = T (t) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Théorème 1.3.12 (Bromwich) Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 un semi-groupe uniformément
continu et A son générateur infinitésimal. Si a > ‖A‖, alors nous avons:
T (t) =
eztR(z; A) dz
et l’intégrale est uniformément convergente par rapport à t sur les intervalles com-
pacts de ]0,∞).
Preuve Soit a > ‖A‖, pour R > 2a nous considérons le contour de Jordan lisse
et fermé
ΓR = Γ
R ∪ Γ”R
R = {a + iτ |τ ∈ [−R, R]}
Γ”R =
a + R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)
Remarquons que pour z ∈ Γ′R on a:
|z| = |a + iτ | > a > ‖A‖ .
De même, si z ∈ Γ”R, alors nous avons:
|z| = |a + (cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)| = |a − [−R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)]| ≥
≥ ||a| − | − R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)|| = |a − R| = R − a > ‖A‖ .
Par conséquent, z ∈ ΓR implique z ∈ ρ(A). De plus, on voit que ΓR est homotope
au cercle C de centre O et de rayon R− a. Il s’ensuit donc que ΓR est un contour
de Jordan A-spectral et avec le théorème de Riesz-Dunford nous obtenons:
T (t) =
eztR(z; A) dz , (∀)t ≥ 0,
pour tout R > 2a. Il en résulte:
T (t) = I
t(R) + I
t (R) , (∀)t ≥ 0,
pour tout R > 2a, où nous avons noté
t(R) =
eztR(z; A) dz
I”t (R) =
eztR(z; A) dz .
Montrons que
eztR(z; A) dz = 0 , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Compte tenu de la proposition 1.1.7 (iii), on voit que:
R(z; A) =
la série de la partie droite de l’égalité étant uniformément convergente par rapport
à z sur les sous-ensembles compacts de {z ∈ C| |z| > ‖A‖}, particulièrement sur
Γ”R. Il s’ensuit que:
I”(R) =
An dz
, (∀)t ≥ 0,
pour tout R > 2a. Notons
At(R) =
Bt(R) =
Pour l’intégrale At(R), avec la paramétrisation suivante
z = a + R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ) , ϕ ∈
on obtient:
At(R) =
et(a+R cos ϕ+i sinϕ)
R(− sin ϕ + i cos ϕ) dϕ
etR cos ϕeitR sinϕ
(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ) dϕ
Il en résulte que:
‖At(R)‖ ≤
∣etR cos ϕ
∣eitR sin ϕ
|z| | cos ϕ + i sin ϕ| dϕ ≤
tR cos ϕ 1
R − a dϕ =
R − ae
etR cos ϕ dϕ
parce que z ∈ Γ”R implique
|z| = |a + R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)| > R − a
|z| <
R − a .
De l’inégalité R > 2a, on obtient 2R − 2a > R, d’où
R − a < 2 .
Par conséquent:
‖At(R)‖ ≤
etR cos ϕ dϕ , (∀)t ≥ 0,
pour tout R > 2a. Soient 0 ≤ t1 < t2 et t ∈ [t1, t2]. Pour tout R > 2a et tout
etR cos ϕ ≤ 1 .
etR cos ϕ = 0 ,
avec le théorème de la convergence bornée de Lebesgue il résulte que
etR cos ϕ dϕ = 0
et par conséquent
At(R) = 0
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [t1, t2].
Soit maintenant l’intégrale
Bt(R) =
Pour tout t ∈ [t1, t2] et tout R > 2a on a:
etR cos ϕ ≤ 1 , (∀)ϕ ∈
On voit que:
(R − a)n+1
etR cos ϕ dϕ ≤ πeta R
(R − a)n+1 .
Puisque R > 2a > a + ‖A‖, il vient:
‖Bt(R)‖ ≤
R − a
R − a
et comme
R − a < 1 ,
il en résulte que:
‖Bt(R)‖ ≤ eta
R − a
R − a − ‖A‖ ,
quel que soit R > 2a. Donc
Bt(R) = 0 ,
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [t1, t2]. Il s’ensuit donc que
I”t (R) = 0 ,
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [t1, t2].
Par conséquent:
T (t) = lim
eztR(z; A) dz =
Re λ+i∞∫
Re λ−i∞
eztR(z; A) dz ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de ]0,∞).
Nous finissons cette section avec le théorème spectral pour les semi-groupes
uniformément continus.
Théorème 1.3.13 (spectral mapping) Soit A le générateur infinitésimal du
semi-groupe uniformément continu {T (t)}
t≥0. Alors:
etσ(A) = σ (T (t)) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve Montrons que etσ(A) ⊂ σ (T (t)) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Soit ξ ∈ σ(A). Pour λ ∈ ρ(A), l’application:
gξ(λ) =
eξt − eλt
ξ − λ
est analytique dans un voisinage de σ(A). Compte tenu du théorème 1.3.11, on
voit que:
eξtI − eAt = (ξI − A)gξ(A) .
Si eξt ∈ ρ (T (t)), alors il existe Q =
eξtI − T (t)
∈ B(E). Par conséquent:
I = (ξI − A)gξ(A)Q ,
d’où il résulte que ξ ∈ ρ(A), ce qui est absurde. Donc eξt ∈ σ (T (t)) et par suite
etσ(A) ⊂ σ (T (t)).
Montrons que σ (T (t)) ⊂ etσ(A).
Soit µ ∈ σ (T (t)). Supposons par absurde que µ 6∈ etσ(A). Alors pour λ ∈ ρ(A),
h(λ) =
µ − eλt
est définie sur un voisinage du σ(A). Donc:
µI − etA
et il en résulte que µ ∈ ρ (T (t)) et cela est absurde. Par suite µ ∈ etσ(A), d’où
σ (T (t)) ⊂ etσ(A). Finalement on voit que:
etσ(A) = σ (T (t)) , (∀)t ≥ 0 .
1.4 Notes
Les notions préséntées dans cet chapitre se trouvent en majorité des travaux concernant les semi-
groupes d’opérateurs linéaires. Pour les propriétés de la pseudo-résolvante, on peut consulter
[Pa’83-1, pag. 36].
De même, on peut trouver les opérateurs dissipatifs dans [Pa’83-1, pag. 13], [Da’80,
pag. 52] et [Ah’91, pag. 30]. Une jolie généralisation pour ces opérateurs est donnée dans
[CHADP’87, pag. 61].
Le théorème 1.3.5 a été montré pour la première fois indépendemment par Yosida dans
[Yo’36] et par Nathan dans [Na’35]. Nous avons consulté aussi les preuves données par Pazy
dans [Pa’83-1, pag. 2], Ahmed dans [Ah’91, pag. 4] et Davies dans [Da’80, pag. 19]. Compte
tenu du ce théorème, on peut introduire la transformée de Laplace pour un semi-groupe uni-
formément continu et on peut montrer le théorème 1.3.11 et le théorème 1.3.13 comme des
applications du calcul fonctionnel de Dunford ([DS’67, pag. 568]). Pour le théorème 1.3.12 on
peut consulter [Pa’83-1, pag. 25].
Chapitre 2
Semi-groupes de classe C0
2.1 Définitions. Propriétés élémentaires
Dans le cadre de ce paragraphe, nous introduisons une classe plus générale
que la classe des semi-groupes uniformément continus et nous étudions leurs pro-
priétés élémentaires.
Définition 2.1.1 On appelle C0-semi-groupe (ou semi-groupe fortement continu)
d’opérateurs linéaires bornés sur E une famille {T (t)}
t≥0 ⊂ B(E) vérifiant les
propriétés suivantes:
i) T (0) = I;
ii) T (t + s) = T (t)T (s) , (∀)t, s ≥ 0;
iii) limtց0 T (t)x = x , (∀)x ∈ E .
Définition 2.1.2 On appelle générateur infinitésimal d’un C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0,
un opérateur A défini sur l’ensemble:
D(A) =
x ∈ E
T (t)x − x
Ax = lim
T (t)x − x
, (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Remarque 2.1.3 Il est clair que le générateur infinitésimal d’un C0-semi-groupe
est un opérateur linéaire.
Remarque 2.1.4 Puisque:
‖T (t)x − x‖ ≤ ‖T (t) − I‖ ‖x‖
pour tout x ∈ E et tout t ≥ 0, il en résulte que les semi-groupes uniformément
continus sont C0-semi-groupes. Mais il existe des C0-semi-groupes qui ne sont pas
uniformément continus, comme nous pouvons le voir dans les exemples suivants.
Exemple 2.1.5 Soit:
C[0,∞) = {f : [0,∞) → R| f est uniformément continue et bornée} .
Avec la norme ‖f‖C[0,∞) = supα∈[0,∞) |f(α)|, l’espace C[0,∞) devient un espace de
Banach. Définissons:
(T (t)f) (α) = f(t + α) , (∀)t ≥ 0 et α ∈ [0,∞).
Evidemment T (t) est un opérateur linéaire, et, en plus, on a:
i) (T (0)f) (α) = f(0 + α) = f(α). Donc T (0) = I;
ii) (T (t + s)f) (α) = f(t + s + α) = (T (t)f) (s + α) = (T (t)T (s)f) (α), (∀)f ∈
C[0,∞). Donc T (t + s) = T (t)T (s), (∀)t, s ≥ 0;
iii) limtց0 ‖T (t)f − f‖C[0,∞) = limtց0
supα∈[0,∞) |f(t + α) − f(α)|
= 0, (∀)f ∈
De même, nous avons:
‖T (t)f‖C[0,∞) = sup
|(T (t)f) (α)| = sup
|f(t + α)| =
= sup
|f(β)| ≤ sup
|f(β)| = ‖f‖C[0,∞) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Donc ‖T (t)‖ = 1, (∀)t ≥ 0. Par conséquent {T (t)}
t≥0 est un C0-semi-groupe
d’opérateurs linéaires bornés sur C[0,∞), nommé le C0-semi-groupe de translation
à droite.
Soit A : D(A) ⊂ C[0,∞) −→ C[0,∞) le générateur infinitésimal du C0-semi-groupe
{T (t)}
t≥0. Si f ∈ D(A), alors nous avons:
Af(α) = lim
T (t)f(α) − f(α)
= lim
f(α + t) − f(α)
= f ′(α) ,
uniformément par rapport à α. Par conséquent:
D(A) ⊂ {f ∈ C[0,∞) |f ′ ∈ C[0,∞)} .
Si f ∈ C[0,∞) tel que f ′ ∈ C[0,∞), alors:
T (t)f − f
− f ′
= sup
(T (t)f) (α) − f(α)
− f ′(α)
(T (t)f) (α) − f(α)
− f ′(α)
f(α + t) − f(α)
− f ′(α)
f(τ)|α+tα − f ′(α)
[f ′(τ) − f ′(α)] dτ
|f ′(τ) − f ′(α)| dτ −→ 0
uniformément par rapport à α pour t ց 0. Par suite:
T (t)f − f
− f ′
−→ 0 si t ց 0,
d’où f ∈ D(A) et:
{f ∈ C[0,∞) |f ′ ∈ C[0,∞)} ⊂ D(A) .
Par conséquent D(A) = {f ∈ C[0,∞) |f ′ ∈ C[0,∞)} et Af = f ′. Comme cet
opérateur est non borné, compte tenu du théorème 1.3.5, il ne peut pas engendrer
un semi-groupe uniformément continu.
Exemple 2.1.6 Considérons l’espace Lp]0,∞), 1 ≤ p < ∞, avec la norme:
‖f‖p =
|f(α)|p dα
Avec cette norme, Lp]0,∞), 1 ≤ p < ∞, est un espace de Banach. Définissons:
(T (t)f) (α) = f(t + α) , (∀)t ≥ 0 et α ∈]0,∞).
Nous avons:
‖T (t)f‖
|(T (t)f) (α)|p dα
|f(α + t)|p dα
|f(β)|p dβ
|f(β)|p dβ
= ‖f‖p .
Donc ‖T (t)‖ = 1, (∀)t ≥ 0.
Il est évident que T (0) = I et T (t + s) = T (t)T (s), (∀)t, s ≥ 0.
De plus, on a:
‖T (t)f − f‖
= lim
|(T (t)f) (α) − f(α)|p dα
= lim
|f(α + t) − f(α)|p dα
= 0 .
Par suite {T (t)}
t≥0 est un C0-semi-groupe d’opérateurs linéaires bornés sur Lp]0,∞).
Soit A : D(A) ⊂ Lp]0,∞) −→ Lp]0,∞) le générateur infinitésimal du C0-semi-
groupe {T (t)}
t≥0. Si f ∈ D(A), alors nous avons:
Af(α) = lim
T (t)f(α) − f(α)
= lim
f(α + t) − f(α)
= f ′(α)
uniformément par rapport à α. Par conséquent:
D(A) ⊂ {f ∈ Lp]0,∞) |f ′ ∈ Lp]0,∞)} .
Si f ∈ Lp]0,∞) tel que f ′ ∈ Lp]0,∞), alors on a:
T (t)f − f
− f ′
(T (t)f) (α) − f(α)
− f ′(α)
(T (t)f) (α) − f(α)
− f ′(α)
f(α + t) − f(α)
− f ′(α)
[f ′(τ) − f ′(α)] dτ
uniformément par rapport à α si t ց 0. Alors:
T (t)f − f
− f ′
−→ 0 si t ց 0
et on voit que:
{f ∈ Lp]0,∞) |f ′ ∈ Lp]0,∞)} ⊂ D(A) .
Par conséquent:
D(A) = {f ∈ Lp]0,∞) |f ′ ∈ Lp]0,∞)}
et Af = f ′.
Théorème 2.1.7 Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 ⊂ B(E) une famille ayant les propriétés:
i) T (0) = I;
ii) T (t + s) = T (t)T (s) , (∀)t, s ≥ 0.
Les affirmations suivantes sont équivalentes:
iii’) limtց0 T (t) = I dans la topologie forte;
iii”) limtց0 T (t) = I dans la topologie faible.
Preuve iii′) =⇒ iii′′) Cette implication est évidente.
iii′′) =⇒ iii′) Supposons que:
T (t) = I
dans la topologie faible. Alors, pour tout x ∈ E et tout x∗ ∈ E∗ on a:
〈T (t)x, x∗〉 = 〈x, x∗〉 .
Si t0 > 0, alors pour tout h > 0, nous obtenons:
|〈T (t0 + h)x, x∗〉 − 〈T (t0)x, x∗〉| =
= |〈T (t0)T (h)x, x∗〉 − 〈T (t0)x, x∗〉| =
= |〈T (t0)[T (h)x − x], x∗〉| −→ 0 si h ց 0,
quel que soit x ∈ E et x∗ ∈ E∗. Par suite, l’application:
[0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) ∈ B(E)
est faiblement continue à droite sur [0,∞) et on voit qu’elle est faiblement continue
sur ]0,∞). En particulier, elle est faiblement mesurable sur ]0,∞). Pour x ∈ E
arbitrairement fixé, considérons l’application:
[0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)x ∈ E
et désignons par:
Im T ( . )x = {T (t)x|t ∈ [0,∞)}
son image. Supposons que l’ensemble:
Kx = {T (q)x|q ∈ Q∗+} ⊂ Im T ( . )x
n’est pas dense dans Im T ( . )x. Alors, il existe t0 ∈ [0,∞) tel que T (t0)x ∈
Im T ( . )x et:
d (T (t0)x,Kx) > 0 .
En appliquant un corollaire du théorème de Hahn-Banach ([DS’67, Corollary
II.3.13, pag. 64]), on voit qu’il existe x∗0 ∈ E∗ tel que:
〈kn, x∗0〉 = 0 , (∀)kn ∈ Kx
〈T (t0)x, x∗0〉 = 1 .
Soit tn ∈ Q∗+ tel que limn→∞ tn = t0. Alors, compte tenu de la continuité faible de
l’application considérée, il vient:
0 = lim
〈T (tn) x, x∗0〉 = 〈T (t0)x, x∗0〉 = 1 ,
ce qui est absurde. Il s’ensuit que:
Kx = Im T ( . )x ,
pour tout x ∈ E . Par conséquent, l’application considérée a une image séparable.
En appliquant le théorème de Pettis ([Hi’48, Theorem 3.2.2, pag. 36]), il vient
que cette application est fortement mesurable sur ]0,∞). Alors, il résulte que pour
tout xn ∈ E avec ‖x‖ ≤ 1, l’application:
‖T ( . )‖ = sup
‖T ( . )xn‖ < ∞
est mesurable sur ]0,∞). Montrons que l’application ‖T ( . )‖ est bornée sur les
intevalles [α, β] ⊂]0,∞). Compte tenu du théorème de Banach-Steinhaus ([DS’67,
Theorem II.1.11, pag. 52]), il est suffisant de montrer que ‖T ( . )x‖ est bornée sur
les intervalles [α, β], pour tout x ∈ E . Soient α, β ∈]0,∞). Supposons qu’il existe
x0 ∈ E tel que pour tout M > 0 on puisse trouver s ∈ [α; β] tel que:
‖T (s)x0‖ > M .
Donc il existe tn ∈ [α, β], n ∈ N, tel que:
tn = τ ∈ [α, β]
‖T (tn)x0‖ > n , (∀)n ∈ N.
D’autre part, l’application ‖T ( . )x0‖ est mesurable sur ]0,∞). Donc il existe une
constante K > 0 et un ensemble mesurable F ⊂ [0, τ ] avec m(F) > τ
tel que:
‖T (t)x0‖ ≤ K .
Si nous considérons:
En = {tn − η|η ∈ F ∩ [0, tn]} ,
on voit que En est un ensemble mesurable et pour n suffisamment grand, nous
m(En) ≥
Alors, pour tout η ∈ F ∩ [0, tn], n ∈ N, nous avons:
n ≤ ‖T (tn)x0‖ ≤ ‖T (tn − η)‖ ‖T (η)x0‖ ≤ ‖T (tn − η)‖K ,
‖T (t)‖ ≥ n
, (∀)t ∈ En.
Si nous notons:
E = lim sup
alors on voit que:
m(E) ≥ τ
‖T (t)‖ = ∞ , (∀)t ∈ E
ce qui est absurde. Par conséquent, il existe M > 0 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ M , (∀)t ∈ [α, β].
Soient α, β, t, t0 ∈]0,∞) tel que:
0 < α < t < β < t0
et ε > 0 tel que β < t0 − ε. Alors pour tout x ∈ E , l’application:
[α, β] ∋ t 7−→ T (t0)x = T (t)T (t0 − t)x ∈ E
ne dépend pas de t, donc elle est Bôchner intégrable par rapport à t ∈ [α, β] et
pour tout x ∈ E on a:
(β − α) [T (t0 ± ε)x − T (t0)x] dt =
T (t) [T (t0 ± ε − t)x − T (t0 − t)x] dt ,
|β − α|‖T (t0 ± ε)x − T (t0)x‖ ≤
‖T (t)‖ ‖T (t0 ± ε − t)x − T (t0 − t)x‖ dt ≤
‖T (τ ± ε)x − T (τ)x‖ dτ −→ 0 si ε ց 0 ,
compte tenu de [Hi’48, théorème 3.6.3, pag.46]. Il s’ensuit que l’application:
[0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) ∈ B(E)
est fortement continue sur ]0,∞).
En particulier, pour x ∈ E arbitrairement fixé, l’ensemble:
X = {T (t)x|t ∈ [0, 1]}
est séparable. Donc il contient une partie dénombrable dense:
X0 = {T (tn)x|tn ∈]0, 1[, n ∈ N} .
Par conséquent, il existe une suite (xn)n∈N ⊂ X0 tel que:
‖xn − x‖ = lim
‖T (tn)x − x‖ = 0 .
‖T (t)x − x‖ ≤
≤ ‖T (t)x − T (t + tn)x‖ + ‖T (t + tn)x − T (tn)x‖ + ‖T (tn)x − x‖ ≤
≤ ‖T (t)‖ ‖x − T (tn)x‖ + ‖T (t + tn)x − T (tn)x‖ + ‖T (tn)x − x‖ ≤
‖T (t)‖ + 1
+ ‖T (t + tn)x − T (tn)x‖ ,
il vient:
T (t)x = x , (∀)x ∈ E
et par conséquent:
T (t) = I
dans la topologie forte.
Dans la suite, nous considérons la topologie forte pour étudier les propriétés
des C0-semi-groupes.
Théorème 2.1.8 Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 un C0-semi-groupe d’opérateurs linéaires bornés.
i) il existe τ > 0 et M ≥ 1 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ M , (∀)t ∈ [0, τ ];
ii) il existe ω ∈ R et M ≥ 1 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve i) Supposons que pour tout τ > 0 et tout M ≥ 1, il existe t ∈ [0, τ ] tel que
‖T (t)‖ > M . Pour τ = 1
et M = n ∈ N∗, il existe tn ∈
tel que ‖T (tn)‖ >
n. Donc la suite (‖T (tn)‖)n∈N∗ est non bornée. Si la suite (‖T (tn)x‖)n∈N∗ était
bornée pour tout x ∈ E , alors compte tenu du théorème de Banach-Steinhaus
([DS’67, Theorem II.1.11, pag. 52]), il en résulterait que (‖T (tn)‖)n∈N∗ serait
bornée, mais cela contredit l’affirmation précédente. Donc il existe x0 ∈ E tel que
(‖T (tn)x0‖)n∈N∗ soit non bornée. D’autre part, compte tenu de la définition 2.1.1
(iii), il résulte que limn→∞ ‖T (tn)x0‖ = x0 et cela est contradictoire.
ii) Pour h > 0 et t > h, nous noterons m =
∈ N∗. Compte tenu du théorème
de division avec reste, il existe r ∈ [0, h) tel que t = mh + r. Alors:
‖T (t)‖ = ‖T (mh)T (r)‖ ≤ ‖T (h)‖m ‖T (r)‖ ≤
≤ MmM ≤ Me th ln M .
L’inégalité de l’énoncé en résulte en prenant ω = 1
ln M .
Corollaire 2.1.9 Si {T (t)}
est un C0-semi-groupe, alors l’application:
[0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)x ∈ E
est continue sur [0,∞), quel que soit x ∈ E .
Preuve Soient t0, h ∈ [0,∞) et x ∈ E .
Si t0 < h, nous avons:
‖T (t0 + h)x − T (t0)x‖ ≤ ‖T (t0)‖ ‖T (h)x − x‖ ≤
≤ Meωt0 ‖T (h)x − x‖ .
Si t0 > h, nous obtenons:
‖T (t0 − h)x − T (t0)x‖ ≤ ‖T (t0 − h)‖ ‖T (h)x − x‖ ≤
≤ Meω(t0−h) ‖T (h)x − x‖ .
La continuité forte en t0 de l’application considérée dans l’énoncé est évidente.
Définition 2.1.10 On dit que le C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0 est uniformément borné
s’il existe M ≥ 1 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ M , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Théorème 2.1.11 Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 un C0-semi-groupe pour lequel il existe ω ∈ R
et M ≥ 1 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Alors la famille {S(t)}
t≥0 ⊂ B(E), où:
S(t) = e−ωtT (t) , (∀)t ≥ 0,
est un C0-semi-groupe ayant la propriété:
‖S(t)‖ ≤ M , (∀)t ≥ 0.
De plus, si A est le générateur infinitésimal du C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0, alors le
C0-semi-groupe {S(t)}t≥0 a pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur B = A−ωI.
Preuve Dans les conditions du théorème, il est évident que {S(t)}
t≥0 est un C0-
semi-groupe et:
‖S(t)‖ =
∥eωtT (t)
∥ ≤ e−ωtMeωt = M , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Donc {S(t)}
est un C0-semi-groupe uniformément borné. Soit A le générateur
infinitésimal du C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0. Si B est le générateur infinitésimal du
C0-semi-groupe {S(t)}t≥0, alors pour tout x ∈ D(A), nous avons:
S(h)x − x
= lim
e−ωhT (h)x − x
= lim
e−ωh − 1
T (h)x
+ lim
T (h)x − x
= −ωx + Ax = (A − ωI)x ,
d’où il résulte que x ∈ D(B) et Bx = (A − ωI)x. Soit x ∈ D(A). Alors, nous
T (h)x − x
= lim
eωhS(h)x − x
= lim
eωh − 1
+ lim
S(h)x − x
= (ωI + B)x ,
d’où il vient que x ∈ D(A) et Ax = (ωI + B)x. Par conséquent D(A) = D(B) et
B = A − ωI.
Remarque 2.1.12 Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 un C0-semi-groupe pour lequel il existe ω ∈ R
et M ≥ 1 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Si ω < 0, alors nous obtenons:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt ≤ M , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Par conséquent on peut considérer que ω ≥ 0.
Nous noterons par SG(M, ω) l’ensemble des C0-semi-groupes {T (t)}t≥0 ⊂ B(E)
pour lesquels il existe ω ≥ 0 et M ≥ 1 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0 .
Avec le théorème 2.1.11 nous voyons que le passage entre la classe SG(M, ω) avec
ω > 0 et la classe SG(M, 0) est très simple.
2.2 Propriétés générales des C0-semi-groupes
Proposition 2.2.1 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitési-
mal. Si x ∈ D(A), alors T (t)x ∈ D(A) et on a l’égalité:
T (t)Ax = AT (t)x , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve Soit x ∈ D(A). Alors pour tout t ≥ 0, nous avons:
T (t)Ax = T (t) lim
T (h)x − x
= lim
T (h)T (t)x − T (t)x
Donc T (t)x ∈ D(A) et on a T (t)Ax = AT (t)x , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Remarque 2.2.2 On voit que:
T (t)D(A) ⊆ D(A) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Théorème 2.2.3 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
Alors l’application:
[0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)x ∈ E
est dérivable sur [0,∞), pour tout x ∈ D(A) et nous avons:
T (t)x = T (t)Ax = AT (t)x , (∀)t ≥ 0;
ii) T (t)x − x =
T (s)Ax ds , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve i) Soient x ∈ D(A) , t ≥ 0 et h > 0. Alors:
T (t + h)x − T (t)x
− T (t)Ax
≤ ‖T (t)‖
T (h)x − x
≤ Meωt
T (h)x − x
Par conséquent:
T (t + h)x − T (t)x
= T (t)Ax ,
T (t)x = T (t)Ax , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Si t − h > 0, alors nous avons:
T (t − h)x − T (t)x
−h − T (t)Ax
≤ ‖T (t − h)‖
T (h)x − x
− Ax + Ax − T (h)Ax
≤ Meω(t−h)
T (h)x − x
+ ‖T (h)Ax − Ax‖
Par suite:
T (t − h)x − T (t)x
−h = T (t)Ax
T (t)x = T (t)Ax , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Il s’ensuit que l’application considérée dans l’énoncé est dérivable sur [0,∞), quel
que soit x ∈ D(A). De plus, on a l’égalité:
T (t)x = T (t)Ax = AT (t)x , (∀)t ≥ 0.
ii) Si x ∈ D(A), alors nous avons:
T (s)x = T (s)Ax , (∀)s ∈ [0, t] , t ≥ 0,
T (s)Ax ds =
T (s) ds = T (t)x − x , (∀)t ≥ 0.
On peut obtenir une formule de représentation de type Taylor pour les C0-
semi-groupes avec la généralisation du théorème 2.2.3 (ii).
Théorème 2.2.4 (Taylor) Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur
infinitésimal. Alors:
T (t)x =
Aix +
(n − 1)!
(t − u)n−1T (u)Anx du
quels que soient x ∈ D(An), t ≥ 0 et n ∈ N∗.
Preuve Compte tenu du théorème 2.2.3 (ii), pour x ∈ D(A) et t ≥ 0 on a:
T (t)x = x +
T (u)Ax du .
Supposons que pour t ≥ 0 et x ∈ D(Ak) nous ayons:
T (t)x =
(k − 1)!
(t − u)k−1T (u)Akx du .
Si x ∈ D(Ak+1), alors x ∈ D(Ak) et Akx ∈ D(A). Il en résulte que:
T (t)x =
(k − 1)!
(t − s)k−1T (s)Anx ds .
T (s)x = x +
T (u)Ax du .
Il vient:
(t − s)k−1T (s)Akx = (t − s)k−1Akx + (t − s)k−1
T (u)Ak+1x du
et par conséquent:
(t − s)k−1T (s)Akx ds =
(t − s)k−1Akx ds +
(t − s)k−1
T (u)Ak+1x du ds =
Akx +
(t − s)k−1T (u)Ak+1x ds du =
Akx +
(t − u)k
T (u)Ak+1x du .
Nous en déduisons que:
T (t)x =
Aix +
(k − 1)!
Akx +
(t − u)kT (u)Ak+1x du
(t − u)kT (u)Ak+1x du ,
d’où il résulte l’égalité considérée dans l’énoncé.
Lemme 2.2.5 Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 un C0-semi-groupe. Alors:
T (s)x ds = T (t)x
quels que soient x ∈ E et t ≥ 0.
Preuve L’égalité de l’énoncé résulte de l’évaluation:
T (s)x ds − T (t)x
(T (s) − T (t))x ds
≤ sup
‖T (s)x − T (t)x‖
et de la continuité de l’application [0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)x ∈ E .
Proposition 2.2.6 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
Si x ∈ E , alors
T (s)x ds ∈ D(A) et on a l’égalité:
T (s)x ds = T (t)x − x , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve Soient x ∈ E et h > 0. Alors:
T (h) − I
T (s)x ds =
T (s + h)x ds − 1
T (s)x ds =
T (u)x du − 1
T (s)x ds =
T (u)x du − 1
T (u)x du − 1
T (u)x du =
T (u)x du − 1
T (u)x du .
Par pasage à limite pour h ց 0 et compte tenu du lemme 2.2.5, nous obtenons:
T (s)x ds = T (t)x − x , (∀)t ≥ 0
T (s)x ds ∈ D(A).
Théorème 2.2.7 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
i) D(A) = E ;
ii) A est un opérateur fermé.
Preuve i) Soient x ∈ E et tn > 0 , n ∈ N, tel que limn→∞ tn = 0. Alors:
T (s)x ds ∈ D(A) , (∀)n ∈ N,
xn = lim
T (s)x ds = T (0)x = x .
Par conséquent D(A) = E .
ii) Soit (xn)n∈N ⊂ D(A) tel que limn→∞ xn = x et limn→∞ Axn = y. Alors:
‖T (s)Axn − T (s)y‖ ≤ ‖T (s)‖ ‖Axn − y‖ ≤ Meωt ‖Axn − y‖
quel que soit s ∈ [0, t]. Par suite T (s)Axn −→ T (s)y, pour n → ∞, uniformément
par rapport à s ∈ [0, t].
D’autre part, puisque xn ∈ D(A), nous avons:
T (t)xn − xn =
T (s)Axn ds ,
[T (t)xn − xn] = lim
T (s)Axn ds ,
ou bien:
T (t)x − x =
T (s)y ds .
Finalement, on voit que:
T (t)x − x
= lim
T (s)y ds = y .
Par suite x ∈ D(A) et Ax = y, d’où il résulte que A est un opérateur fermé.
Nous montrons maintenant un résultat qui concerne l’unicité de l’engendrement
pour les C0-semi-groupes.
Théorème 2.2.8 (l’unicité de l’engendrement) Soient deux C0-semi-groupes
{T (t)}
et {S(t)}
ayant pour générateur infinitésimal le même opérateur A.
T (t) = S(t) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve Soient t > 0 et x ∈ D(A). Définissons l’application:
[0, t] ∋ s 7−→ U(s)x = T (t − s)S(s)x ∈ D(A).
U(s)x =
T (t − s)S(s)x + T (t − s) d
S(s)x =
= −AT (t − s)S(s)x + T (t − s)AS(s)x = 0
quel que soit x ∈ D(A). Par suite U(0)x = U(t)x, pour tout x ∈ D(A), d’où:
T (t)x = S(t)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A) et t ≥ 0.
Puisque D(A) = E et T (t), S(t) ∈ B(E), pour tout t ≥ 0, il résulte que:
T (t)x = S(t)x , (∀)t ≥ 0 et x ∈ E ,
ou bien:
T (t) = S(t) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Théorème 2.2.9 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 un C0-semi-groupe, A son générateur infinité-
simal et F ∈ B(E). Alors T (t)F = FT (t) pour tout t ≥ 0 si et seulement si:
FD(A) ⊆ D(A)
FAx = AFx , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Preuve =⇒ Soit F ∈ B(E) tel que:
T (t)F = FT (t) , (∀)t ≥ 0
et x ∈ D(A). Alors, nous avons:
T (t)Fx − Fx
= lim
FT (t)x − Fx
= lim
T (t)x − x
Par conséquent Fx ∈ D(A) et on a AFx = FAx, pour tout x ∈ D(A).
⇐= Soit F ∈ B(E) tel que:
FD(A) ⊆ D(A)
AFx = FAx , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Pour tout t ≥ 0 et tout x ∈ D(A), définissons l’application:
[0, t] ∋ s 7−→ U(s)x = T (t − s)FT (s)x ∈ D(A) .
Alors nous avons:
U(s)x =
T (t − s)FT (s)x + T (t − s) d
FT (s)x =
= −AT (t − s)FT (s)x + T (t − s)FAT (s)x = 0 ,
compte tenu de la commutativité. Par conséquent:
U(0)x = U(t)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
d’où on obtient:
T (t)Fx = FT (t)x ,
pour tout t ≥ 0 et tout x ∈ D(A). Comme D(A) = E et T (t)F, FT (t) ∈ B(E)
pour tout t ≥ 0, nous obtenons:
T (t)Fx = FT (t)x ,
pour tout t ≥ 0 et tout x ∈ E .
Nous finissons cette section avec une généralisation du théorème 2.2.7.
Théorème 2.2.10 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
i) D(Ap) = E , quel que soit p ∈ N∗;
ii) Ap est un opérateur fermé, quel que soit p ∈ N∗;
iii) l’application:
‖ . ‖D(Ap) : D(Ap) −→ R+ ,
‖x‖D(Ap) =
est une norme avec laquelle D(Ap) devient un espace de Banach, pour tout p ∈ N∗.
Preuve i) Pour p = 1, compte tenu du théorème 2.2.7(i), il résulte que D(A) = E .
C∞0 = {ϕ :]0,∞) → E |ϕ indéfiniment dérivable avec un support compact} .
ϕ(t)T (t)x dt
x ∈ E , ϕ ∈ C∞0
Nous montrons que F ⊂ D(Ap) , (∀)p ∈ N.
Pour y ∈ F et h > 0, nous obtenons:
T (h) − I
ϕ(t)T (t + h)x dt −
ϕ(t)T (t)x dt
ϕ(u − h) − ϕ(u)
T (u)x du .
ϕ(u − h) − ϕ(u)
T (u)x −→ −ϕ(u)(1)T (u)x si h ց 0,
uniformément par rapport à u ∈ supp ϕ, en passant à limite pour h ց 0, nous
Ay = −
T (u)x du .
Donc y ∈ D(A). Il en résulte que F ⊂ D(A) et par récurrence on peut montrer
que F ⊂ D(Ap) et:
Apy = (−1)p
T (t)x dt
quel que soit p ∈ N∗.
Nous montrons maintenant que F est dense dans E .
Supposons que F n’est pas dense dans E . Alors il existe x0 ∈ E tel que d(x0,F) > 0.
En appliquant un corollaire du théorème de Hahn-Banach ([DS’67, Corollary
II.3.13, pag. 64]), on voit qu’il existe x∗0 ∈ E∗ tel que 〈x0, x∗0〉 = 1 et 〈y, x∗0〉 = 0,
pour tout y ∈ F . Alors:
ϕ(t)〈T (t)x, x∗0〉 dt =
ϕ(t)T (t)x dt, x∗0
= 0 , (∀)ϕ ∈ C∞0 et x ∈ E .
Par conséquent, pour tout x ∈ E , nous avons:
〈T (t)x, x∗0〉 = 0 , (∀)t ∈ [0,∞),
parce que dans le cas contraire, on peut trouver ϕ ∈ C∞0 tel que:
ϕ(t)〈T (t)x, x∗0〉 dt 6= 0
ce qui est contradictoire. Il s’ensuit que pour tout x ∈ E , on a:
〈T (t)x, x∗0〉 = 0 , (∀)t ∈ [0,∞),
〈x, x∗0〉 = 〈T (0)x, x∗0〉 = 0 , (∀)x ∈ E ,
ce qui est absurde. Finalement, on voit que F est dense dans E et donc D(An) = E .
ii) Compte tenu du théorème 2.2.7(ii), on voit que:
A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E
est un opérateur fermé. Supposons que:
Ak : D(Ak) ⊂ E −→ E
est un opérateur fermé et montrons que:
Ak+1 : D(Ak+1) ⊂ E −→ E
est un opérateur fermé.
Soit (xn)n∈N ⊂ D(Ak+1) tel que:
xn = x
Ak+1xn = y .
Mais xn ∈ D(Ak+1) est équivalent avec xn ∈ D(Ak) et Akxn ∈ D(A). Alors xn ∈
D(Ak), limn→∞ xn = x, comme Ak est un opérateur fermé, ceci implique x ∈ D(Ak)
et limn→∞ A
kxn = A
kx. Comme Akxn ∈ D(A), limn→∞ Akxn = Akx et A est un
opérateur fermé, il s’ensuit que Akx ∈ D(A) et limn→∞ A
. Nous
avons obtenu donc que x ∈ D(Ak+1), Akx ∈ D(A) et limn→∞ Ak+1xn = Ak+1x,
d’où il résulte que x ∈ D(Ak+1) et Ak+1x = y. Par conséquent Ak+1 est un
opérateur fermé, d’où on obtient (ii).
iii) Pour p = 1 on peut vérifier facilement les propriétés de norme de l’application:
‖ . ‖D(A) : D(A) −→ R+ ,
‖x‖D(A) = ‖x‖ + ‖Ax‖ .
Donc D(A) est un espace normé.
Soit (xn)n∈N∗ ⊂ D(A) tel que ‖xm − xn‖D(A) −→ 0 pour m, n → ∞. Alors:
‖xm − xn‖ + ‖Axm − Axn‖ −→ 0 pour m, n → ∞.
‖xm − xn‖ −→ 0 et ‖Axm − Axn‖ −→ 0 pour m, n → ∞.
Puis que E est un espace de Banach, il résulte que les suites (xn)n∈N et (Axn)n∈N
sont convergentes. Donc xn −→ x et Axn −→ y pour n → ∞. Comme A est un
opérateur fermé, il résulte que x ∈ D(A) et y = Ax. Par conséquent:
‖xn − x‖D(A) = ‖xn − x‖ + ‖Axn − Ax‖ −→ 0 pour n → ∞.
Donc la suite (xn)n∈N est convergente par rapport à la norme ‖ . ‖D(A). Il s’ensuit
que D(A) est un espace de Banach avec la norme ‖ . ‖D(A).
Supposons que l’application:
‖ . ‖D(Ak) : D(Ak) −→ R+ ,
‖x‖D(Ak) =
est une norme avec laquelle D(Ak) est un espace de Banach. Montrons que:
‖ . ‖D(Ak+1) : D(Ak+1) −→ R+ ,
‖x‖D(Ak+1) =
est une norme avec laquelle D(Ak+1) devient un espace de Banach. On peut vérifier
facilement les propriétés de norme de l’application ‖ . ‖D(Ak+1). Donc D(Ak+1) est
un espace normé. Soit (xn)n∈N ⊂ D(Ak+1) tel que:
‖xm − xn‖D(Ak+1) −→ 0 si m, n → ∞.
Alors nous avons:
xm − Aixn
∥ −→ 0 si m, n → ∞,
d’où il s’ensuit que:
∥Aixm − Aixn
∥ −→ 0 si m, n → ∞,
pour tout i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k + 1}. Mais E est un espace de Banach. Donc pour
tout i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k + 1}, les suites (Aixn)n∈N sont convergentes et comme les
opérateurs Ai sont fermés pour tout i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k + 1}, on voit que:
∥Aixn − Aix
∥ −→ 0 si n → ∞,
pour tout i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k + 1}. Par conséquent:
xn − Aix
∥ −→ 0 si n → ∞,
‖xm − x‖D(Ak+1) −→ 0 si n → ∞.
Finalement, on voit que D(Ak+1) est un espace de Banach et l’affirmation de
l’énoncé en résulte.
2.3 Le théorème de Hille - Yosida
Dans ce paragraphe nous présentons un résultat très important concernant
les semi-groupes de classe C0. Il s’agit du célèbre théorème de Hille-Yosida qui
donne une caractérisation pour les opérateurs qui sont générateurs de C0-semi-
groupes. Nous avons besoin de quelques résultats intermédiaires. Dans la suite,
pour ω ≥ 0 nous désignerons par Λω l’ensemble {λ ∈ C |Reλ > ω}.
Théorème 2.3.1 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
Si λ ∈ Λω, alors l’application:
Rλ : E −→ E ,
Rλx =
e−λtT (t)x dt
définit un opérateur linéaire borné sur E , λ ∈ ρ(A) et Rλx = R(λ; A)x , pour tout
x ∈ E .
Preuve Soit λ ∈ Λω. Puisque {T (t)}t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω), nous avons:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0
et on voit que:
∥e−λtT (t)x
∥ ≤ e−Reλt ‖T (t)‖ ‖x‖ ≤ Me−(Reλ−ω)t‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E .
Définissons l’application:
Rλ : E −→ E ,
Rλx =
T (t)x dt .
Il est clair que Rλ est un opérateur linéaire. De plus, on a:
‖Rλx‖ ≤
∥e−λtT (t)x
∥ dt ≤ M
Reλ − ω‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E ,
d’où il résulte que Rλ est un opérateur linéaire borné.
Si x ∈ E , alors nous avons:
T (h)Rλx − Rλx
e−λtT (t + h)x dt − 1
e−λtT (t)x dt =
e−λ(s−h)T (s)x ds − 1
e−λtT (t)x dt =
e−λsT (s)x ds − 1
e−λtT (t)x dt =
e−λsT (s)x ds −
e−λsT (s)x ds
e−λtT (t)x dt =
eλh − 1
e−λsT (s)x ds − e
e−λsT (s)x ds .
Par passage à limite, on obtient:
T (h)Rλx − Rλx
= λRλx − x .
Il en résulte que Rλx ∈ D(A) et
ARλx = λRλx − x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
ou bien
(λI − A)Rλx = x , (∀)x ∈ E .
Si x ∈ D(A), alors nous obtenons:
RλAx =
e−λtT (t)Ax dt =
T (t)x dt =
e−λtT (t)x
e−λtT (t)x dt = x + λRλx ,
Rλ(λI − A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Finalement, on voit que λ ∈ ρ(A) et Rλx = R(λ; A)x , pour tout x ∈ E .
Remarque 2.3.2 On voit que pour tout λ ∈ Λω on a:
Im R(λ; A) = Im Rλ ⊆ D(A)
R(λ; A)D(A) = RλD(A) ⊆ D(A) .
Définition 2.3.3 L’opérateur:
Rλ : E −→ E
Rλx =
e−λtT (t)x dt , λ ∈ Λω,
s’appelle la transformée de Laplace du semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω).
Remarque 2.3.4 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
Alors nous avons:
{λ ∈ C |Reλ > ω} ⊂ ρ(A).
σ(A) ⊂ {λ ∈ C |Reλ ≤ ω} .
Théorème 2.3.5 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
Pour tout λ ∈ Λω on a:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ M
(Reλ − ω)n , (∀)n ∈ N
Preuve Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) . Alors:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Compte tenu du théorème 2.3.1, si λ ∈ Λω, nous avons λ ∈ ρ(A) et:
R(λ; A)x = Rλx =
e−λtT (t)x dt , (∀)x ∈ E .
De plus:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ M
Reλ − ω .
Il est clair que:
R(λ; A)x = −
T (t)x dt , (∀)x ∈ E
et par récurrence on peut montrer que:
R(λ; A)x = (−1)n
tne−λtT (t)x dt , (∀)x ∈ E et n ∈ N∗.
D’autre part, avec la proposition 1.1.16 (iii) nous obtenons:
R(λ; A)x = (−1)nn!R(λ; A)n+1x , (∀)x ∈ E et n ∈ N∗.
Par suite, on a:
(−1)nn!R(λ; A)n+1x = (−1)n
T (t)x dt , (∀)x ∈ E et n ∈ N∗,
d’où il résulte que:
R(λ; A)
(n − 1)!
tn−1e−λtT (t)x dt , (∀)x ∈ E et n ∈ N∗.
De plus:
‖R(λ; A)nx‖ ≤ M‖x‖
(n − 1)!
tn−1e−(Reλ−ω)t dt =
(n − 1)!
n − 1
Reλ − ω
tn−2e−(Reλ−ω)t dt = · · · = M‖x‖
(Reλ − ω)n
quels que soient x ∈ E et n ∈ N∗. Par conséquent:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ M
(Reλ − ω)n , (∀)n ∈ N
Lemme 2.3.6 Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E un opérateur linéaire vérifiant les pro-
priétés suivantes:
i) A est un opérateur fermé et D(A) = E ;
ii) il existe ω ≥ 0 et M ≥ 1 tel que Λω ⊂ ρ(A) et pour λ ∈ Λω, on a:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ M
(Reλ − ω)n , (∀)n ∈ N
Alors pour tout λ ∈ Λω, nous avons:
λR(λ; A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ E .
De plus λAR(λ; A) ∈ B(E) et:
λAR(λ; A)x = Ax , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Preuve Soient x ∈ D(A) et λ ∈ C tel que Reλ > ω. Alors R(λ; A)(λI −A)x = x.
Si Reλ → ∞, nous avons:
‖λR(λ; A)x − x‖ = ‖R(λ; A)Ax‖ ≤ ‖R(λ; A)‖ ‖Ax‖ ≤
Reλ − ω‖Ax‖ −→ 0 ,
d’où il résulte que:
λR(λ; A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Soit x ∈ E , puisque D(A) = E , il existe une suite (xn)n∈N ⊂ D(A) telle que
xn −→ x si n → ∞. Nous avons:
‖λR(λ; A)x − x‖ ≤
≤ ‖λR(λ; A)x − λR(λ; A)xn‖ + ‖λR(λ; A)xn − xn‖ + ‖xn − x‖ ≤
≤ ‖λR(λ; A)‖ ‖x − xn‖ + ‖λR(λ; A)xn − xn‖ + ‖xn − x‖ ≤
≤ |λ|M
Reλ − ω‖x − xn‖ +
Reλ − ω‖Axn‖ + ‖xn − x‖ =
|λ|M + Reλ − ω
Reλ − ω ‖xn − x‖ +
Reλ − ω ‖Axn‖ .
Mais xn −→ x si n → ∞. Donc pour tout ε > 0 , il existe nε ∈ N tel que:
‖xnε − x‖ < ε
Reλ − ω
|λ|M + Reλ − ω .
Par conséquent:
‖λR(λ; A)x − x‖ < ε + M
Reλ − ω ‖Axnε‖ ,
lim sup
‖λR(λ; A)x − x‖ < ε , (∀)x ∈ E ,
ou bien:
λR(λ; A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ E .
De plus:
λAR(λ; A) = λ [λI − (λI − A)] R(λ; A) = λ [λR(λ; A) − I] = λ2R(λ; A) − λI.
Par suite, on a:
‖λAR(λ; A)x‖ = ‖λ [λR(λ; A) − I]x‖ ≤
≤ |λ| ‖λR(λ; A)x − x‖ ≤ |λ| (‖λR(λ; A)x‖ + ‖x‖) ≤
≤ |λ|
Reλ − ω + 1
‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E
et on voit que λAR(λ; A) ∈ B(E).
Si x ∈ D(A), alors nous avons:
λR(λ; A)Ax = λ2R(λ; A) − λI = λAR(λ; A) ,
d’où il résulte que:
λAR(λ; A)x = lim
λR(λ; A)Ax = Ax , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Remarque 2.3.7 On peut dire que les opérateurs bornés λAR(λ; A) sont des
approximations pour l’opérateur non borné A. C’est le motif pour lequel on intro-
duit la définition suivante.
Définition 2.3.8 La famille {Aλ}λ∈Λω ⊂ B(E), où Aλ = λAR(λ; A), pour tout
λ ∈ Λω, s’appelle l’approximation généralisée de Yosida de l’opérateur A.
Remarque 2.3.9 Evidemment, pour λ ∈ Λω, on voit que Aλ est le générateur
infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe uniformément continu
. Nous utiliserons
cette famille pour montrer l’existence d’un C0-semi-groupe engendré par A.
Lemme 2.3.10 Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E un opérateur linéaire vérifiant les
propriétés suivantes:
i) A est un opérateur fermé et D(A) = E ;
ii) il existe ω ≥ 0 et M ≥ 1 tel que Λω ⊂ ρ(A) et pour λ ∈ Λω, on a:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ M
(Reλ − ω)n , (∀)n ∈ N
Si {Aλ}λ∈Λω est l’approximation généralisée de Yosida de l’opérateur A, alors pour
tous α, β ∈ Λω nous avons:
∥etAαx − etAβx
∥ ≤ M2teωt ‖Aαx − Aβx‖ , (∀)x ∈ E et t ≥ 0.
Preuve Soient α, β ∈ Λω, v ∈ [0, 1] et x ∈ E . Alors:
evtAαe(1−v)tAβ x
= tAαe
vtAαe(1−v)tAβ x − tevtAαAβe(1−v)tAβ x .
On peut facilement vérifier que Aα, Aβ, e
vtAα et e(1−v)tAβ commutent quels que
soient α, β ∈ Λω et t ≥ 0. Nous obtenons:
evtAαe(1−v)tAβ x
(1−v)tAβ x − tevtAαAβe(1−v)tAβ x
evtAαe(1−v)tAβ x
tevtAαe(1−v)tAβ Aαx − tevtAαe(1−v)tAβ Aβx
ou bien:
etAαx − etAβx = t
evtAαe(1−v)tAβ (Aαx − Aβx) dv
quels que soient t ≥ 0 et x ∈ E . Nous en déduisons que:
∥etAαx − etAβx
∥ ≤ t
∥ ‖Aαx − Aβx‖ dv .
D’autre part, nous avons:
≤ e−Reαt
tkα2kR(α; A)
≤ e−Reαt
∥R(α; A)
≤ e−Reαt
k!(Reα − ω)k = Me
= Me−Reαte
Reα−ω = Me
quel que soient α ∈ Λω et t ≥ 0. Soit r > 1 tel que:
ωReα + Im2α
Reα − ω < ωr .
Alors, nous avons:
ωReα + Im2α < ωrReα − ω2r ,
ωReα < ωrReα − ω2r ,
ou bien:
ω2r < ω(r − 1)Reα .
Il en découle:
Reα >
r − 1ω .
Par conséquent, pour tout r > 1 et tout α ∈ Λω tel que Reα > rr−1ω, on obtient:
∥ ≤ Merωt , (∀)t ≥ 0
et par passage à limite pour r ց 1, nous obtenons:
∥ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0,
pour tout α ∈ Λω. Il vient:
∥etAαx − etAβx
∥ ≤ t
MeωvtMeω(1−v)t ‖Aαx − Aβx‖ dv =
= M2teωt ‖Aαx − Aβx‖
quels que soient x ∈ E et t ≥ 0.
Maintenant nous présentons une variante du célèbre théorème de Hille - Yosida
pour les semi-groupes de classe SG(M, ω).
Théorème 2.3.11 (Hille - Yosida) Un opérateur linéaire:
A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E
est le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) si et seule-
ment si:
i) A est un opérateur fermé et D(A) = E ;
ii) il existe ω ≥ 0 et M ≥ 1 tel que Λω ⊂ ρ(A) et pour λ ∈ Λω, on a:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ M
(Reλ − ω)n , (∀)n ∈ N
Preuve =⇒ On obtient cette implication en tenant compte du théorème 2.2.7 et
du théorème 2.3.5.
⇐= Supposons que l’opérateur A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E posséde les propriétés (i)
et (ii). Soit {Aλ}λ∈Λω , l’approximation généralisée de Yosida de l’opérateur A.
Compte tenu du lemme 2.3.6, il résulte que Aλ ∈ B(E) et:
Aλx = Ax , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Pour λ ∈ Λω, soit {Tλ(t)}t≥0 =
le semi-groupe uniformément continu
engendré par Aλ. Avec le lemme 2.3.10, on a:
‖Tα(t)x − Tβ(t)x‖ ≤ M2teωt ‖Aαx − Aβx‖ , (∀)α, β ∈ Λω, x ∈ D(A) et t ≥ 0.
Soient [D(A)] l’espace de Banach D(A) avec la norme ‖ . ‖D(A), et B([D(A)], E)
l’espace des opérateurs linéaires bornés définis sur [D(A)] avec valeur dans E , doté
de la topologie forte. Notons par C ([0,∞);B([D(A)], E)) l’espace des fonctions
continues définies sur [0,∞) à valeurs dans B([D(A)], E) doté de la topologie de
la convergence uniforme sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞). Si [a, b] ⊂ [0,∞),
alors pour tout x ∈ D(A) nous avons:
‖Tα(t)x − Tβ(t)x‖ ≤ M2beωb (‖Aαx − Ax‖ + ‖Aβx − Ax‖) −→ 0
si Reα,Reβ → ∞, d’où il résulte que
est une suite de Cauchy
dans C ([0,∞);B([D(A)], E)). Donc, il existe un unique T0 ∈ C ([0,∞);B(D(A), E))
tel que Tλ(t)x −→ T0(t)x, si Reλ → ∞, quel que soit x ∈ D(A), pour la topologie
de la convergence uniforme sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞). Puisque:
‖Tλ(t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0,
on obtient:
‖T0(t)x‖ ≤ Meωt‖x‖ , (∀)t ≥ 0 et x ∈ D(A)
Considérons l’application linéaire:
Θ0 : D(A) −→ C ([a, b]; E)
Θ0x = T0( . )x
quel que soit [a, b] ⊂ [0,∞). Comme nous avons:
‖Θ0x‖C([a,b];E) = sup
‖T0(t)x‖ ≤ Meωb‖x‖ ≤ Meωb‖x‖D(A) , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
on voit que Θ0 est une application continue et puisque D(A) = E , elle se prolonge
de façon unique en une application linéaire continue:
Θ : E −→ C ([a, b]; E)
telle que:
Θ|D(A) = Θ0
‖Θx‖C([a,b];E) ≤ Me
quel que soit x ∈ E . Par conséquent, il existe un seul opérateur T ∈ C ([a, b];B(E))
tel que:
Θx = T ( . )x , (∀)x ∈ E .
On peut répéter ce procédé pour tous les intervalles compacts de [0,∞) et on voit
qu’il existe un seul opérateur, noté aussi par T ∈ C ([0,∞);B(E)), tel que pour
tout x ∈ E on ait:
Tλ(t)x −→ T (t)x si Reλ → ∞,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞). De plus:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Il est évident que:
T (0)x = lim
Tλ(0)x = x , (∀)x ∈ E
T (t)x = lim
= lim
= x , (∀)x ∈ E .
Soient t, s ∈ [0,∞) et x ∈ E . Alors, nous avons:
‖T (t + s)x − T (t)T (s)x‖ ≤ ‖T (t + s)x − Tλ(t + s)x‖ +
+ ‖Tλ(t + s)x − Tλ(t)T (s)x‖ + ‖Tλ(t)T (s)x − T (t)T (s)x‖ ≤
≤ ‖T (t + s)x − Tλ(t + s)x‖ + ‖Tλ(t)‖ ‖Tλ(s)x − T (s)x‖ +
+ ‖Tλ(t) (T (s)x) − T (t) (T (s)x)‖ .
Puisque Tλ(t) −→ T (t), si Reλ → ∞, pour la topologie forte de B(E), il s’ensuit
que T (t + s)x = T (t)T (s)x, pour tout x ∈ E .
Par conséquent {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω).
Montrons que A est le générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe {T (t)}
Pour tout x ∈ D(A) on a:
‖Tλ(s)Aλx − T (s)Ax‖ ≤
≤ ‖Tλ(s)‖ ‖Aλx − Ax‖ + ‖Tλ(s)Ax − T (s)Ax‖ ≤
≤ Meωt ‖Aλx − Ax‖ + ‖Tλ(s)Ax − T (s)Ax‖ −→ 0
si Reλ → ∞, uniformément par rapport à s ∈ [0, t], d’où:
T (t)x − x = lim
[Tλ(t)x − x] = lim
Tλ(s)Aλx ds =
T (t)Ax ds
quels que soient x ∈ D(A) et t ≥ 0.
Soit B le générateur infinitésimal du C0-semigroupe {T (t)}t≥0. Si x ∈ D(A), alors:
T (t)x − x
= lim
T (s)Ax ds = Ax
et nous voyons que x ∈ D(B). Par conséquent D(A) ⊂ D(B) et B|
D’autre part, nous avons l’inégalité:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ Meωt , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Si λ ∈ Λω, alors λ ∈ ρ(A) ∩ ρ(B). Soit x ∈ D(B), on a donc (λI − B) x ∈ E
et comme l’opérateur λI − A : D(A) −→ E est bijectif, il existe x′ ∈ D(A) tel
que (λI − A) x′ = (λI − B)x. Puisque B|D(A) = A, il vient que (λI − B)x′ =
(λI − B) x et comme λ ∈ ρ(B), il en résulte que x′ = x. Par suite x ∈ D(A) et
donc D(B) ⊂ D(A).
Finalement on voit que D(A) = D(B) et A = B.
Nous avons montré donc que A est le générateur infinitésimal du C0-semi-groupe
{T (t)}
t≥0 et compte tenu du théorème de l’unicité de l’engendrement, il résulte
que {T (t)}
t≥0 est l’unique C0-semi-groupe engendré par A.
Corollaire 2.3.12 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) , A son générateur infinitésimal
et {Aλ}λ∈Λω l’approximation généralisée de Yosida de l’opérateur A. Alors:
T (t)x = lim
etAλx , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Preuve Elle résulte du théorème de Hille-Yosida.
Dans la suite nous noterons par GI(E) l’ensemble des opérateurs linéaires qui
sont des générateurs infinitésimaux de C0-semi-groupes sur l’espace de Banach E .
De même, pour ω ≥ 0 et M ≥ 1, nous noterons par GI(M, ω) l’ensemble des
générateurs infinitésimaux A ∈ GI(E) pour lesquels:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ M
(Reλ − ω)n (∀)λ ∈ Λω et n ∈ N
2.4 La représentation de Bromwich
Dans la section 1.3, avec le théorème 1.3.12 nous avons vu que pour les
semi-groupes uniformément continus on peut obtenir une représentation par la
transformée de Laplace inverse. Dans ce paragraphe nous montrerons qu’il existe
une représentation du même type pour les C0-semi-groupes. Nous commençons
avec quelques propriétés sur l’approximation généralisée de Yosida.
Lemme 2.4.1 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) , A son générateur infinitésimal et
{Aµ}µ∈Λω l’approximation généralisée de Yosida de l’opérateur A. Alors pour tout
µ ∈ Λω, il existe Ω > ω tel que ΛΩ ⊂ ρ(Aµ) et pour tout λ ∈ ΛΩ on a:
‖R(λ; Aµ)‖ ≤
Reλ − Ω .
De plus, pour ε > 0, il existe une constante C > 0 (qui dépend de M et ε) tel que:
‖R(λ; Aµ)x‖ ≤
|λ| (‖x‖ + ‖Ax‖) , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
quels que soient λ, µ ∈ C, avec Reλ > Ω + ε et Reµ > ω + |µ|
Preuve Soit µ ∈ Λω arbitrairement fixé. Nous avons vu que Aµ est le générateur
infinitésimal du semi-groupe uniformément continu
. En ce cas, nous
∥ ≤ Me
, (∀)t ≥ 0.
Si nous notons:
ωReµ + Im2µ
Reµ − ω ,
alors il est clair que:
Ω = ω +
ω2 + Im2µ
Reµ − ω > ω
et que ΛΩ = {λ ∈ C |Reλ > Ω} ⊂ ρ(Aµ). De plus, pour tout λ ∈ ΛΩ, nous avons:
‖R(λ; Aµ)‖ ≤
Reλ − Ω .
Si nous considérons λ ∈ C tel que Reλ > Ω + ε, où ε > 0, alors on voit que:
‖R(λ; Aµ)‖ ≤
D’autre part, pour x ∈ D(A) et µ ∈ Λω tel que Reµ > ω + |µ|2 , nous obtenons:
‖Aµx‖ = ‖µR(µ; A)Ax‖ ≤ |µ|‖R(µ; A)‖‖Ax‖ ≤
≤ |µ| M
Reµ − ω‖Ax‖ ≤ 2M‖Ax‖ .
De l’égalité:
(λI − Aµ)R(λ; Aµ) = I ,
il vient:
R(λ; Aµ) =
R(λ; Aµ)Aµ
et par conséquent:
‖R(λ; Aµ)x‖ ≤
|λ| (‖x‖ + ‖R(λ; Aµ)‖‖Aµx‖) ≤
≤ 1|λ|
‖x‖ + 2M
≤ C|λ| (‖x‖ + ‖Ax‖) , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
où la constante C ne dépend que de M et de ε.
Lemme 2.4.2 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) , A son générateur infinitésimal,
{Aµ}µ∈Λω l’approximation généralisée de Yosida de l’opérateur A et λ ∈ C tel que
Reλ > ω + ε, arbitrairement fixé pour ε > 0. Alors:
R(λ; Aµ)x = R(λ; A)x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à Imλ ∈ [−k, k], où k > 0.
Preuve Compte tenu du lemme 2.4.1, pour µ ∈ Λω, il existe Ω > ω tel que
ΛΩ ⊂ ρ(Aµ). Nous avons:
ωReµ + Im2µ
Reµ − ω .
Donc l’inégalité Reλ > Ω est équivalente avec:
Reλ > ω +
ω2 + Imµ
Reµ − ω .
Soit ε > 0. Si µ ∈ Λω tel que ω
< ε, alors Reλ > ω + ε implique Reλ > Ω.
Par suite, λ ∈ ρ(Aµ). Donc il existe R(λ; Aµ) et avec le lemme 2.4.1 on voit que:
‖R(λ; Aµ)‖ ≤
Reλ − ω .
D’autre part, nous avons:
λ + µ
λ − λ
λ + µ
= Reλ − Re λ
λ + µ
> ω + ε − Re λ
λ + µ
Etant donné k > 0 tel que |Imλ| ≤ k, il existe µ ∈ Λω tel que Re λ
s’ensuit que Re λµ
> ω + ε
. Par conséquent, λµ
∈ ρ(A) et donc R
existe bien. Nous avons:
λ + µ
(λI − Aµ)(µI − A)R
λ + µ
λ + µ
λI − µ2R(µ; A) + µI
(µI − A)R
λ + µ
µI − A − µ
λ + µ
λ + µ
λ + µ
I − A
λ + µ
= I .
Par un calcul analogue, on peut obtenir:
λ + µ
(µI − A)R
λ + µ
(λI − Aµ) = I .
Il s’ensuit que:
R(λ; Aµ) =
λ + µ
(µI − A)R
λ + µ
Par conséquent:
R(λ; Aµ) − R(λ; A) =
λ + µ
(µI − A)R
λ + µ
− R(λ; A) =
λ + µ
(µI − A)R
λ + µ
− (λ + µ)R(λ; A)
λ + µ
(µI − A)R
λ + µ
(µI − A)(λI − A) −
− (λ + µ)
λ + µ
I − A
R(µ; A)R(λ; A) =
λ + µ
(µI − A)R
λ + µ
A2R(µ; A)R(λ; A) =
λ + µ
λ + µ
R(λ; A)A2 .
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ M
et: ∥
λ + µ
Si x ∈ D(A2), alors on voit que:
‖R(λ; Aµ)x − R(λ; A)x‖ ≤
≤ 1|λ + µ|
λ + µ
‖R(λ; A)‖‖A2x‖ ≤
≤ 1|µ|
‖A2x‖ ≤ 1
‖A2x‖ .
Il s’ensuit que:
R(λ; Aµ)x = R(λ; A)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A2),
uniformément par rapport à Imλ ∈ [−k, k], où k > 0. Avec le théorème 2.2.10, on
sait que D(A2) = E . Comme R(λ; A) et R(λ; Aµ) sont uniformément bornés, on
R(λ; Aµ)x = R(λ; A)x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à Imλ ∈ [−k, k], où k > 0.
Théorème 2.4.3 Soit A le générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈
SG(M, ω) et λ ∈ Λω. Alors pour tout x ∈ D(A) on a:
T (s)x ds =
eztR(z; A)x
et l’intégrale de la partie droite de l’égalité est uniformément convergente par
rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de ]0,∞).
Preuve Soit {Aµ}µ∈Λω l’approximation généralisée de Yosida de l’opérateur A.
Soit µ ∈ Λω tel que Re µ > ω + |µ|2 . Avec le lemme 2.4.1, nous déduissons qu’il
existe Ω = ωReµ+Im
> ω tel que ΛΩ = {λ ∈ C|Re λ > Ω} ⊂ ρ(Aµ). Soit λ ∈ ΛΩ.
En utilisant le théorème 1.3.12, pour R > 2Re λ on peut considérer le contour de
Jordan Aµ-spectral
Γ1R = Γ
R ∪ Γ1
R = {Re λ + iτ |τ ∈ [−R, R]}
Re λ + R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)
Pour le semi-groupe uniformément continu
engendré par Aµ il en résulte:
etAµ = lim
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
eztR(z; Aµ) dz =
Re λ+i∞∫
Re λ−i∞
eztR(z; Aµ) dz ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞). Pour R >
2Re λ et x ∈ D(A) nous notons
IR(s) =
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
ezsR(z; Aµ)x dz .
Soient 0 < a < b. Pour tout t ∈ [a, b] nous obtenons:
IR(s) ds =
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
ezsR(z; Aµ)x dz ds =
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
ezs dsR(z; Aµ)x dz =
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
eztR(z; Aµ)x
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
R(z; Aµ)x
Montrons que pour l’intégrale
I(R) =
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
R(z; Aµ)x
I(R) = 0 .
Soit le contour de Jordan lisse et fermé
Γ2R = Γ
R ∪ Γ2
R = {Re λ + iτ |τ ∈ [−R, R]}
Re λ + R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)
Avec le théorème de Cauchy ([DS’67, pag. 225]), on voit que
R(z; Aµ)x
= 0 ,
ou bien
R(z; Aµ)x
R(z; Aµ)x
= 0 .
Soit z ∈ Γ2” . Compte tenu du lemme 2.4.1, il existe C > 0 tel que
‖R(z; Aµ)x‖ ≤
|z| (‖x‖ + ‖Ax‖) .
De plus, pour z ∈ Γ2”R on a:
|z| = |Re λ + R(cos ϕ + isinϕ)| = |Re λ − [−R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)]| ≥
≥ | |Re λ| − | − R(cos ϕ + i sin ϕ)| | = |Re λ − R| = R − Re λ ,
d’où il résulte
|z| ≤
R − Re λ .
Par conséquent, on a:
R(z; Aµ)x
‖R(z; Aµ)x‖
|z| ≤
|z|(‖x‖ + ‖Ax‖)
|z| |dz| ≤
‖x‖ + ‖Ax‖
(R − Re λ)2
|dz| =
(R − Re λ)2 (‖x‖ + ‖Ax‖) .
Il s’ensuit donc que:
R(z; Aµ)x
= 0 .
Par suite, on a:
R(z; Aµ)x
ou bien
I(R) = 0 .
Alors nous avons:
IR(s) ds = lim
Re λ+iR∫
Re λ−iR
eztR(z; Aµ)x
IR(s) ds =
Re λ+i∞∫
Re λ−i∞
eztR(z; Aµ)x
Avec le corollaire 2.3.12 et le lemme 2.4.2, on obtient:
T (s)x ds = lim
esAµx ds =
= lim
Re λ+i∞∫
Re λ−i∞
eztR(z; Aµ)x
Re λ+i∞∫
Re λ−i∞
eztR(z; A)x
et comme:
Ω = lim
ωReµ + Im2µ
Reµ − ω = ω ,
nous obtenons le résultat désiré.
Théorème 2.4.4 (Bromwich) Soit A le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe
{T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et λ ∈ Λω. Alors:
T (t)x =
eztR(z; A)x dz , (∀)x ∈ D(A2)
et pour tout δ > 0, l’intégrale est uniformément convergente par rapport à t ∈
Preuve Si x ∈ D(A2), alors Ax ∈ D(A). Compte tenu du théorème 2.4.3, on voit
T (s)Ax ds =
eztR(z; A)Ax
D’où il résulte que:
T (s)x − x = 1
eztR(z; A)Ax
De l’égalité:
R(z; A)(zI − A) = I ,
nous déduisons:
R(z; A)A = R(z; A) − 1
et par suite:
T (s)x − x = 1
eztR(z; A)x dz − 1
Compte tenu que:
et que pour tout δ > 0, l’intégrale est uniformément convergente par rapport à
, nous obtenons l’égalité de l’énoncé.
2.5 Conditions suffisantes d’appartenances à GI(M, 0)
Nous présentons dans la suite deux conditions suffisantes pour qu’un opérateur
soit le générateur infinitésimal d’un C0-semi-groupe uniformément borné.
Théorème 2.5.1 Soit A un opérateur linéaire fermé défini sur un sous espace
dense de E et vérifiant les propriétés suivantes:
i) il existe δ ∈
tel que:
ρ(A) ⊃ Σδ =
λ ∈ C
| arg z| < π
∪ {0};
ii) il existe une constante K > 1 tel que:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ K|λ| , (∀)λ ∈ Σδ − {0}.
Alors A est le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 pour lequel il
existe M > 1 tel que ‖T (t)‖ ≤ M , pour tout t ≥ 0.
De plus, pour tout ν ∈
et Γν = Γ
ν ∪ Γ(2)ν , où:
Γ(1)ν = {r(cos ν − i sin ν)| r ∈ [0,∞)}
Γ(2)ν = {r(cos ν + i sin ν)| r ∈ [0,∞)} ,
on a:
T (t) =
eztR(z; A) dz
et l’intégrale est uniformément convergente par rapport à t > 0.
Preuve Soit δ ∈
. Pour ν ∈
considérons le chemin d’intégration
Γν = Γ
ν ∪ Γ(2)ν , où:
Γ(1)ν = {r(cos ν − i sin ν)| r ∈ [0,∞)}
Γ(2)ν = {r(cos ν + i sin ν)| r ∈ [0,∞)} .
U(t) =
eztR(z; A) dz .
Compte tenu du (ii), on voit que l’intégrale est uniformément convergente par
rapport à t > 0. Pour R > 0, nous définissons le contour de Jordan lisse et fermé
Γν = Γ
R,ν ∪ Γ
R,ν ∪ Γ
R,ν où
R,ν = {r(cos ν − i sin ν)| r ∈ [0, R]} ,
R,ν = {R(cos ν + i sin ν)| θ ∈ [−ν, ν]} ,
R,ν = {r(cos ν + i sin ν)| r ∈ [0, R]} .
D’aprés le théorème de Cauchy ([DS’67, pag. 225]), on a
eztR(z; A) dz = 0 .
Par conséquent, on peut changer le chemin d’intégration Γν par Γt = Γ
r(cos ν − i sin ν)
∣ r ∈
(cos θ + i sin θ) | θ ∈ [−ν, ν]
r(cos ν + i sin ν)
U(t) =
eztR(z; A) dz +
eztR(z; A) dz +
eztR(z; A) dz
et si nous notons
U1(t) =
eztR(z; A) dz ,
U2(t) =
eztR(z; A) dz
U3(t) =
eztR(z; A) dz ,
il vient:
‖U(t)‖ ≤ ‖U1(t)‖ + ‖U2(t)‖ + ‖U3(t)‖ .
Comme ν ∈
, on en déduit que cos ν < 0. Avec le changement de variable
z = r(cos ν − i sin ν) , r ∈
nous avons:
‖U1(t)‖ =
eztR(z; A) dz
ert(cos ν−i sin ν)R(r(cos ν − i sin ν); A)(cos ν − isinν) dr
ert cos ν
e−rt(− cos ν)
s = rt(− cos ν) , s ∈ [− cos ν,∞),
il vient ds = −t cos νdr. Donc:
‖U1(t)‖ ≤
− cos ν
−t cos ν
−t cos ν ds =
− cos ν
− cos ν
− cos ν
De façon analogue, nous obtenons:
‖U3(t)‖ =
eztR(z; A) dz
ert(cos ν+i sin ν)R(r(cos ν + i sin ν); A)(cos ν + isinν) dr
ert cos ν
dr ≤ M ′ .
De même, pour l’intégrale U2(t), avec le changement de variable
(cos θ + i sin θ) , θ ∈ [−ν, ν],
(− sin θ + i cos θ) dθ
‖U2(t)‖ =
eztR(z; A) dz
(cos θ+i sin θ)R
(cos θ + i sin θ); A
(−sinθ + i cos θ) dθ
cos θ K
cos θ
dθ ≤ Ke
dθ = M” .
Par conséquent, il existe M ≥ 1 tel que:
‖U(t)‖ ≤ M , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Nous allons maintenant montrer que pour tout λ ∈ Λ0 = {λ ∈ C |Reλ > 0}, on a:
R(λ; A) =
e−λtU(t) dt .
Nous avons successivement:
e−λtU(t) dt =
e−(λ−z)tR(z; A) dzdt =
dtR(z; A) dz =
e(z−λ)τ − 1
z − λ R(z; A) dz =
z − λ R(z; A) dz +
R(z; A)
λ − z dz =
z − λ R(z; A) dz + (λI − A)
z − λ R(z; A) dz + R(λ; A) .
Par conséquent:
e−λtU(t) dt − R(λ; A)
z − λ R(z; A) dz
|e(z−λ)τ |
|z − λ| ‖R(z; A)‖ |dz| ≤
|z − λ|
|z| |dz| =
|z − λ|
|z| |dz| .
|z||z − λ| .
Pour z ∈ Γν on a |z| = r et
|z − λ| ≥ | |z| − |λ| | = |r − |λ| | .
τRez 1
|r − |λ||
r|r − |λ|| dr < ∞ .
Si nous notons
C = sup
alors nous obtenons:
e−λtU(t) dt − R(λ; A)
≤ Ce−τReλ .
En passant à limite pour τ → ∞, on obtient
R(λ; A) =
e−λtU(t) dt
pour tout λ ∈ Λ0. Comme ‖U(t)‖ ≤ M , pour tout t ≥ 0, par récurrence on peut
R(λ; A) = (−1)n−1
tn−1e−λtU(t) dt , (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Mais avec la proposition 1.1.16 (iii), on voit que:
R(λ; A) = (−1)n−1(n − 1)!R(λ; A)n , (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Par conséquent, nous obtenons:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ =
(n − 1)!
tn−1e−λtU(t) dt
(n − 1)!
tn−1e−Reλt dt =
(n − 1)!
n − 1
tn−2e−Reλt dt = · · · = M
pour tout n ∈ N∗. Avec le théorème de Hille-Yosida, on voit que l’opérateur A est
le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, 0).
Soit x ∈ D(A2) et λ ∈ Λ0. Compte tenu du théorème 2.4.4, nous avons:
T (t)x =
eλtR(λ; A)x dλ
et compte tenu du (ii) et du théorème de Cauchy, on peut remplacer le contour
d’intégration par Γν . Donc:
T (t)x =
R(λ; A)x dλ , (∀)x ∈ D(A2).
Comme D(A2) = E et l’intégrale
eλtR(λ; A)dλ est uniformément convergente,
nous obtenons:
T (t)x =
eλtR(λ; A)x dλ , (∀)x ∈ E ,
d’où il résulte l’affirmation de l’énoncé.
Théorème 2.5.2 Soit A un opérateur linéaire fermé défini sur un sous espace
dense de E et vérifiant les propriétés suivantes:
i) σ(A) ⊂ {z ∈ C|Rez ≤ 0};
ii) pour tout x ∈ E et tout x∗ ∈ E∗ on a:
R(λ; A)
x, x∗
∣ |dλ| < ∞ .
Alors A est le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, 0).
Preuve Pour γ > 0 arbitrairement fixé, l’application:
{z ∈ C|Rez > 0} ∋ z 7−→
R(z + γ; A)2x, x∗
se trouve dans l’espace de Hardy H1. Par conséquent elle admet un représentation
par une intégrale de Cauchy et en particulier pour α > 0 et γ ∈]0, α[, on a:
R(α; A)2x, x∗
〈R(λ; A)2x, x∗〉
α − λ dλ .
De plus, par récurrence on voit que:
R(α; A)2x, x∗
= (−1)n n!
〈R(λ; A)2x, x∗〉
(α − λ)n+1 dλ ,
pour tout n ∈ N∗. D’autre part, avec la proposition 1.1.16 (iii) il vient:
R(α; A) = (−1)nn!R(α; A)n+1 , (∀)n ∈ N∗
Par itération nous obtenons:
R(α; A)n+1x, x∗
〈R(λ; A)2x, x∗〉
(α − λ)n dλ ,
pour tout n ∈ N∗ et tout γ ∈]0, α[. Il s’ensuit que pour tout n ∈ N∗ on a:
R(α; A)n+1x, x∗
(α − γ)n
R(λ; A)2x, x∗
∣ |dλ| ≤
(α − γ)n , (∀)γ ∈]0, α[,
où la constante C ne dépend que de x ∈ E et de x∗ ∈ E∗. Si nous prenons:
n + 1
alors on voit que:
R(α; A)n+1x, x∗
∣ ≤ 1
α − α
1 − 1
n + 1
En appliquant le théorème de Banach-Steinhaus ([DS’67, Theorem II.1.11, pag.
52]), on obtient pour tout α > 0:
‖R(α; A)m‖ ≤ M
, (∀)m ∈ {2, 3, . . .}.
Prouvons que cette inégalité reste valable pour m = 1. On a:
R(τ ; A)2 dτ = −
R(τ ; A)2 dτ =
R(τ ; A) dτ = R(α; A) − R(β; A) , (∀)α, β > 0.
Comme pour m = 2 nous avons:
∥R(β; A)2
∥ ≤ M
on en déduit que la limite existe et on pose
R0x := lim
R(β; A)x , (∀)x ∈ E .
D’autre part, si x ∈ D(A), alors nous avons:
R(β; A)x = R(β; A)2(βI − A)x −→ 0 si β → ∞.
Comme D(A) = E , il s’ensuit que R0 = 0 et on voit que:
R(α; A) =
R(τ ; A)2 dτ .
Par conséquent:
‖R(α; A)m‖ ≤ M
, (∀)m ∈ N∗.
En appliquant le théorème de Hille-Yosida, on obtient le résultat désiré.
2.6 Propriétés spectrales des C0-semi-groupes
Nous terminons ce chapitre avec quelques propriétés spectrales pour les C0-
Lemme 2.6.1 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
Alors pour tout λ ∈ Λω et t > 0, l’application:
Bλ(t) : E −→ E
Bλ(t)x =
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds
définit un opérateur linéaire borné sur E vérifiant les propriétés suivantes:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ E
Bλ(t)(λI − A)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
De plus Bλ(t)T (t) = T (t)Bλ(t).
Preuve Pour tout x ∈ E nous avons successivement:
‖Bλ(t)x‖ =
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds
eReλ(t−s)‖T (s)‖‖x‖ ds ≤
≤ MeReλt‖x‖
e−(Reλ−ω)s ds < ∞ .
Comme la linéarité est évidente, il en résulte que Bλ(t) ∈ B(E), quels que soient
λ ∈ Λω et t > 0.
Si x ∈ E et h > 0, alors nous obtenons:
T (h) − I
Bλ(t)x =
T (h) − I
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds =
eλ(t−s)T (h + s)x ds − 1
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds =
eλ(t−τ+h)T (τ)x dτ − 1
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds =
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ − 1
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds =
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ −
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds =
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ − e
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ +
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ − 1
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds −
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ =
eλ(t−τ)T (τ)x dτ +
eλh − 1
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds −
T (τ)x dτ =
T (τ)x dτ +
eλh − 1
Bλ(t)x −
T (τ)x dτ .
En passant à limite, on a:
T (h)Bλ(t)x − Bλ(t)x
= T (t)x + λBλ(t)x − eλtx ,
d’où Bλ(t)x ∈ D(A) et:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ E .
Si x ∈ D(A), alors nous avons:
Bλ(t)Ax =
T (s)Ax ds =
T (s)x ds = T (t)x − eλtx + λBλ(t)x ,
d’où l’on tire:
Bλ(t)(λI − A)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
De plus, nous obtenons que:
Bλ(t)D(A) ⊆ D(A)
(λI − A)Bλ(t)x = Bλ(t)(λI − A)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A) ,
ABλ(t)x = Bλ(t)Ax , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Compte tenu du théorème 2.2.9, on voit que:
Bλ(t)T (t) = T (t)Bλ(t) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Théorème 2.6.2 (spectral mapping) Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son
générateur infinitésimal. Alors:
etσ(A) =
∣λ ∈ σ(A)
⊆ σ(T (t)) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Preuve Soit λ ∈ C tel que eλt ∈ ρ(T (t)).
Alors on peut considérer l’opérateur Q =
eλtI − T (t)
∈ B(E). Compte tenu
du lemme 2.6.1 (i), on a:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ E
Bλ(t)(λI − A)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Par multiplication avec Q à droite dans la première égalité et à gauche dans la
seconde, nous obtenons:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)Qx = x , (∀)x ∈ E
QBλ(t)(λI − A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Mais, avec le lemme 2.6.1, il en résulte que:
eλtI − T (t)
Bλ(t) = Bλ(t)
eλtI − T (t)
et nous voyons que QBλ(t) = Bλ(t)Q. Par conséquent:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)Qx = x , (∀)x ∈ E
Bλ(t)Q(λI − A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Il s’ensuit que λ ∈ ρ(A) et finalement on voit que:
ρ(T (t)) ⊂ etρ(A) , (∀)t ≥ 0,
ou bien:
etσ(A) ⊆ σ(T (t)) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Remarque 2.6.3 Nous avons vu que pour les semi-groupes uniformément conti-
nus on a l’égalité:
etσ(A) = σ(T (t)) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Mais il existe des C0-semi-groupes pour lesquels l’inclusion du théorème 2.6.2 est
Définition 2.6.4 On dit que le C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0 est nilpotent s’il existe
t0 > 0 tel que T (t) = 0, pour tout t > t0.
Proposition 2.6.5 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) un semi-groupe nilpotent et A
son générateur infinitésimal. Alors σ(A) = ∅.
Preuve Comme le C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0 est nilpotent, il existe t0 > 0 tel que
T (t) = 0, (∀)t > t0. Pour tout λ ∈ C et tout x ∈ E , on a:
∥e−λtT (t)x
∥ ≤ e−ReλtMeωt‖x‖ , (∀)t ∈ [0, t0]
et comme:
e−λtT (t)x dt = 0 ,
on peut définir la transformée de Laplace:
Rλ : E −→ E
Rλx =
e−λtT (t)x dt =
e−λtT (t)x dt
pour tout λ ∈ C. Avec le théorème 2.3.1, il vient λ ∈ ρ(A) et Rλx = R(λ; A)x,
pour tout x ∈ E . Donc ρ(A) = C, c’est-à-dire σ(A) = ∅.
Remarque 2.6.6 Pour un semi-groupe nilpotent {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) ayant
pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur A, l’inclusion du théorème 2.6.2 est stricte.
Théorème 2.6.7 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
σ(R(λ; A)) =
λ − ζ
ζ ∈ σ(A)
∪ {0}
quel que soit λ ∈ Λω.
Preuve Soient λ ∈ Λω et µ ∈ ρ(A), µ 6= λ. Définissons:
S : E −→ E
S = (λ − µ)(λI − A)R(µ; A).
Comme S est un opérateur fermé, avec le théorème du graphe fermé, on voit que
S ∈ B(E). De plus, pour tout x ∈ E nous avons:
SR(λ; A)x = (λ − µ)(λI − A)R(µ; A)R(λ; A)x =
= (λ − µ)(λI − A)R(λ; A)R(µ; A)x = (λ − µ)R(µ; A)x
R(λ; A)Sx = R(λ; A)(λ − µ)(λI − A)R(µ; A)x =
= (λ − µ)R(λ; A)(λI − A)R(µ; A)x = (λ − µ)R(µ; A)x .
Par conséquent SR(λ; A) = R(λ; A)S.
De même, pour x ∈ E on a:
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
= (λ − µ)(λI − A)R(µ; A)
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
= [(λI − A)R(µ; A) − (λ − µ)R(µ; A)]x =
= (λI − A − λI + µI)R(µ; A)x =
= (µI − A)R(µ; A)x = x .
De façon analogue, pour tout x ∈ E on peut montrer que:
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
Sx = x .
Par conséquent:
λ − µ ∈ ρ(R(λ; A)) ,
d’où: {
λ − µ
µ ∈ ρ(A)
⊂ ρ(R(λ; A)) .
Il s’ensuit que:
σ(R(λ; A)) ⊂
λ − ζ
ζ ∈ σ(A)
Réciproquement, soit λ ∈ Λω et µ ∈ C, µ 6= λ, tel que 1λ−µ ∈ ρ(R(λ; A)). Alors il
existe R
; R(λ; A)
∈ B(E) et pour tout x ∈ D(A) nous avons:
R(λ; A)R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
x = R(λ; A)
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
R(λ; A)−1
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
R(λ; A)
λ − µR(λ; A)
−1 − I
R(λ; A)
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
R(λ; A)x = R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
R(λ; A)x .
Q = R(λ; A)R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
Pour tout x ∈ D(A), nous avons:
(µI − A)Qx = (µI − λI + λI − A)R(λ; A)R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
= [(λI − A)R(λ; A) − (λ − µ)R(λ; A)]R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
= [I − (λ − µ)R(λ; A)]R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
= (λ − µ)
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
x = (λ − µ)x ,
d’où il résulte que:
λ − µ(µI − A)Qx = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
De même, nous obtenons:
Q(µI − A)x = R(λ; A)R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
(µI − A)x =
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
R(λ; A)(µI − λI + λI − A)x =
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
[R(λ; A)(λI − A) − R(λ; A)(λ − µ)] x =
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
[I − (λ − µ)R(λ; A)]x =
= (λ − µ)R
λ − µ ; R(λ; A)
λ − µI − R(λ; A)
x = (λ − µ)x ,
λ − µQ(µI − A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
2.7. NOTES 85
Par conséquent µ ∈ ρ(A). Il s’ensuit que:
ρ(R(λ; A)) ⊂
λ − µ
µ ∈ ρ(A)
ou bien:
λ − ζ
ζ ∈ σ(A)
⊂ σ(R(λ; A)) , (∀)λ ∈ C avec Reλ > ω.
Finalement, nous voyons que:
σ(R(λ; A)) =
λ − ζ
ζ ∈ σ(A)
, (∀)λ ∈ Λω.
Si 0 ∈ ρ(R(λ; A)), alors il existe (0I − R(λ; A))−1 ∈ B(E), d’où A ∈ B(E) ce qui
est absurde. Par conséquent 0 ∈ σ(R(λ; A)).
2.7 Notes
Les notions et les résultats de ce chapitre se trouvent dans les monographies concernant les C0-
semi-groupes d’opérateurs linéaires bornés. Le théorème 2.1.7 se trouve dans [Hi’48, pag.184],
mais une preuve élégante utilisant le théorème de Krein-Šmulian se trouve dans [Da’80, pag.
15]. De même, dans [Pa’83-1, pag. 43] on peut trouver une caractérisation du générateur
infinitésimal d’un C0-semi-groupe pour la topologie faible.
Pour le théorème de l’unicité de l’engendrement nous avons utilisé [Pa’83-1, pag. 6] et le
théorème 2.2.9 se trouve dans [Da’80, pag. 11].
Le résultat le plus important de ce chapitre est le théorème de Hille-Yosida. Il a été montré
pour la première fois indépendamment par Hille dans [Hi’48] et par Yosida dans [Yo’48] pour les
C0-semi-groupes de contractions. Quelques années plus tard, Feller dans [Fe’53], Miyadera dans
[Mi’52] et Phillips dans [Ph’52] donnent une preuve pour le cas général d’un C0-semi-groupe.
Nous avons utilisé les idées du livre de Pazy [Pa’83-1, pag. 8] pour obtenir une preuve dans le
cas le plus général, en utilisant l’approximation généralisée de Yosida que nous avons introduit
dans la définition 2.3.8.
Pour obtenir le représentation de Bromwich d’un C0-semi-groupe, nous avons utilisé aussi
les idées de Pazy de [Pa’83-1, pag. 29]. Une variante du lemme 2.4.1 se trouve dans [Le’00-2].
Pour le théorème 2.5.1 on peut consulter [Pa’83-1, pag. 30] ou bien [Ah’91, pag. 76]. Le
téorème 2.5.2 a été montré par Gomilko dans [Go’99].
Pour les propriétés spectrales des C0-semi-groupes on peut consulter [Pa’83-1, pag. 44] où
on peut trouver aussi des autres résultats sur cette problème. Finalement, pour le théorème 2.6.7
on pourra consulter [Da’80, pag. 39].
Chapitre 3
C0-semigroupes avec propriétés
3.1 C0-semi-groupes différentiables
Par la suite, nous étudierons les propriétés des C0-semi-groupes pour lesquels
l’application ]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)x ∈ E est différentiable, quel que soit x ∈ E .
Définition 3.1.1 On dit que {T (t)}
t≥0 est un C0-semi-groupe différentiable (et
notons {T (t)}
∈ SGD(M, ω)) si l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)x ∈ E
est différentiable, quel que soit x ∈ E .
Théorème 3.1.2 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
Les affirmations suivantes sont équivalentes:
i) {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SGD(M, ω) ;
ii) Im T (t) ⊂ D(A) , (∀)t > 0.
Preuve i) =⇒ ii) Soient x ∈ E et t, h > 0. Puisque l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)x ∈ E
est différentiable, la limite du rapport
T (t + h)x − T (t)x
lorsque h ց 0, existe et est égale par définition avec AT (t)x. Par conséquent,
T (t)x ∈ D(A).
ii) =⇒ i) Considérons x ∈ E et t, h > 0. Comme T (t)x ∈ D(A), nous avons:
d+T (t)x
= lim
T (t + h)x − T (t)x
= AT (t)x .
D’autre part, pour h ∈]0, t[ et δ ∈]0, t − h[ on a:
T (t − h)x − T (t)x
−h − AT (t)x
T (t − δ)T (δ)x − T (t − h − δ)T (δ)x
− AT (δ)T (t − δ)x
T (τ)T (δ)x dτ −
AT (δ)T (t − δ)x dτ
[AT (δ)T (τ) − AT (δ)T (t − δ)] x dτ
‖AT (δ)‖
‖T (τ) − T (t − δ)‖ dτ‖x‖ =
‖AT (δ)‖h ‖T (c) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ =
= ‖AT (δ)‖ ‖T (c) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ ,
où c ∈ [t − h − δ, t − δ]. Par conséquent:
d−T (t)x
= lim
T (t − h)x − T (t)x
−h = AT (t)x .
Donc {T (t)}
t≥0 est un C0-semi-groupe différentiable.
Proposition 3.1.3 Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SGD(M, ω) . Alors l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) ∈ B(E)
est continue pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme.
Preuve Soient x ∈ E et t1, t2 ∈]0,∞) tel que t1 < t2. Compte tenu du théorème
3.1.2, nous obtenons:
‖T (t1)x − T (t2)x‖ =
T (s)x ds
AT (t1)T (s − t1)x ds
≤ ‖AT (t1)‖
Me(s−t1)ω‖x‖ ds .
Par suite, nous avons:
‖T (t1) − T (t2)‖ ≤ ‖AT (t1)‖M
e(s−t1)ω ds ,
d’où résulte la continuité uniforme de l’application considérée dans l’énoncé.
Théorème 3.1.4 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SGD(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitési-
mal. Alors:
i) pour tout n ∈ N∗ et tout x ∈ E , on a T (t)x ∈ D(An) et:
AnT (t)x =
x , (∀)t > 0;
ii) pour tout n ∈ N∗ l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) : E → D(An)
est n fois différentiable pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme et:
T (t)
T (t) = AnT (t) ∈ B(E) , (∀)t > 0;
iii) pour tout n ∈ N∗ l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)(n) ∈ B(E)
est continue pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme.
Preuve Prouvons les affirmations de l’énoncé par récurrence.
i) Avec le théorème 3.1.2, on voit que pour tout x ∈ E on a T (t)x ∈ D(A) et:
AT (t)x =
x , (∀)t > 0.
Supposons que pour tout x ∈ E on ait T (t)x ∈ D(Ak) et:
T (t)x =
x , (∀)t > 0.
Soient x ∈ E et δ ∈]0, t[. On voit que T (t − δ)T (δ)x ∈ D(A) et:
AT (t)x = AT (t − δ)T (δ)x = T (t − δ)AT (δ)x ∈ D(Ak) .
Par conséquent T (t)x ∈ D(Ak+1), (∀)t > 0. De plus:
Ak+1T (t)x = A
AkT (t − δ)T (δ)
x = A
T (t − δ)AkT (δ)
= AT (t − δ)
Si δ = kt
, il vient:
Ak+1T (t)x =
k + 1
Finalement, nous obtenons (i).
ii) Pour n = 1, compte tenu du théorème 3.1.2 et de la proposition 3.1.3, il résulte
que l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) : E → D(A)
est différentiable pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme et:
T (t)
= AT (t) , (∀)t > 0.
Comme A est un opérateur fermé et T (t) ∈ B(E), il résulte que AT (t) est un
opérateur fermé défini sur E . Avec le théorème du graphe fermé ([DS’67, Theorem
II.2.4, pag. 57]), on voit que AT (t) ∈ B(E), (∀)t > 0. Supposons que l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) : E → D(Ak)
est k fois différentiable pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme et:
T (t)
= AkT (t) ∈ B(E) , (∀)t > 0.
De plus, avec la preuve précédente, on voit que T (t)x ∈ D
, pour tout t > 0.
Soient x ∈ E , ‖x‖ ≤ 1 et t > 0. Si h > 0 et δ ∈]0, t[, on a:
T (t + h)
x − T (t)(k)x
− Ak+1T (t)x
AkT (δ)T (t + h − δ)x − AkT (δ)T (t − δ)x
− Ak+1T (δ)T (t − δ)x
AkT (δ)
[T (t + h − δ) − T (t − δ)] x − Ak+1T (δ)T (t − δ)x
T (δ)
T (τ)x dτ − Ak+1T (δ) 1
T (t − δ)x dτ
AkT (δ)
AT (τ)x dτ − Ak+1T (δ) 1
T (t − δ)x dτ
Ak+1T (δ)
[T (τ) − T (t − δ)] x dτ
∥Ak+1T (δ)
‖T (τ) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ dτ =
∥Ak+1T (δ)
∥ ‖T (c) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ ,
où c ∈ [t − δ, t + h − δ]. Il s’ensuit que:
T (t + h)
(k) − T (t)(k)
− Ak+1T (t)
∥Ak+1T (δ)
∥ ‖T (c) − T (t − δ)‖ ,
où c ∈ [t − δ, t + h − δ]. Par conséquent:
T (t + h)
(k) − T (t)(k)
= Ak+1T (t) , (∀)t > 0.
Si h > 0 tel que t − h > 0 et δ ∈]0, t − h[, alors nous avons:
T (t − h)(k)x − T (t)(k)x
−h − A
k+1T (t)x
AkT (δ)T (t− δ)x − AkT (δ)T (t− h − δ)x
− Ak+1T (δ)T (t− δ)x
AkT (δ)
[T (t − δ) − T (t − h − δ)] x − Ak+1T (δ)T (t− δ)x
T (δ)
T (τ)x dτ − Ak+1T (δ) 1
T (t − δ)x dτ
AkT (δ)
AT (τ)x dτ − Ak+1T (δ) 1
T (t − δ)x dτ
Ak+1T (δ)
[T (τ) − T (t − δ)] x dτ
∥Ak+1T (δ)
‖T (τ) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ dτ =
T (δ)
∥ ‖T (c) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ ,
où c ∈ [t − h − δ, t − δ]. Il vient:
T (t − h)(k) − T (t)(k)
−h − A
k+1T (t)
∥Ak+1T (δ)
∥ ‖T (c) − T (t − δ)‖ ,
où c ∈ [t − h − δ, t − δ]. Par conséquent:
T (t − h)(k) − T (t)(k)
−h = A
T (t) , (∀)t > 0.
Il s’ensuit que T (t)
est différentiable pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme
T (t)
= T (t)
= Ak+1T (t) , (∀)t > 0.
Comme A est un opérateur fermé et AkT (t) ∈ B(E), il résulte que A
AkT (t)
est un opérateur fermé défini sur E . Avec le théorème du graphe fermé ([DS’67,
Theorem II.2.4, pag. 57]), on voit que T (t)
= Ak+1T (t) ∈ B(E), (∀)t > 0.
Finalement, on a obtenu (ii).
iii) Soient x ∈ E avec ‖x‖ ≤ 1 et t > 0. Pour h > 0 et δ ∈]0, t[ nous obtenons:
∥T (t + h)
x − T (t)′x
∥ = ‖AT (t + h)x − AT (t)x‖ ≤
≤ ‖AT (δ)‖ ‖T (t + h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ ,
d’où il résulte:
∥T (t + h)
′ − T (t)′
∥ ≤ ‖AT (δ)‖ ‖T (t + h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ .
De façon analogue, pour h > 0 et δ ∈]0, t − h[ nous obtenons:
∥T (t − h)′x − T (t)′x
∥ = ‖AT (t − h)x − AT (t)x‖ ≤
≤ ‖AT (δ)‖ ‖T (t − h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ ,
∥T (t − h)′ − T (t)′
∥ ≤ ‖AT (δ)‖ ‖T (t − h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ .
Il est clair que l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)′ ∈ B(E)
est continue pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme. Supposons que l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)(k) ∈ B(E)
est continue pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme. Si h > 0 et δ ∈]0, t[,
alors nous avons:
∥T (t + h)
x − T (t)(k+1)x
∥Ak+1T (t + h)x − Ak+1T (t)x
∥Ak+1T (δ)
∥ ‖T (t + h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖ ,
d’où il s’ensuit que:
∥T (t + h)
(k+1) − T (t)(k+1)
∥Ak+1T (δ)
∥ ‖T (t + h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ .
D’autre part, pour h > 0 et δ ∈]0, t − h[ nous obtenons:
∥T (t − h)(k+1)x − T (t)(k+1)x
T (t − h)x − Ak+1T (t)x
∥Ak+1T (δ)
∥ ‖T (t − h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ ‖x‖
et on voit que:
∥T (t − h)(k+1) − T (t)(k+1)
∥Ak+1T (δ)
∥ ‖T (t − h − δ) − T (t − δ)‖ .
Donc l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t)(k+1) ∈ B(E)
est continue pour la topologie de la convergence uniforme. La propriété (iii) en
découle immédiatement.
Remarque 3.1.5 Si {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SGD(M, ω) , alors l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) ∈ B(E)
est de classe C∞]0,∞).
Remarque 3.1.6 Si {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SGD(M, ω) , alors pour tout n ∈ N∗ on a:
T (t)
= AnT (t) =
, (∀)t > 0.
Nous finissons cette section avec le théorème spectral pour les C0-semi-groupes
différentiables. Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) . Pour tout λ ∈ C et tout t > 0, nous
avons défini l’opérateur linéaire borné:
Bλ(t) : E −→ E
Bλ(t)x =
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds
et nous avons étudié ses propriétés avec le lemme 2.6.1. Si le C0-semi-groupe
{T (t)}
t≥0 est différentiable, on peut montrer le résultat suivant.
Lemme 3.1.7 Soient {T (t)}
∈ SGD(M, ω) et A son générateur infinitésimal.
i) pour tout λ ∈ C et tout t > 0, l’opérateur Bλ(t) ∈ B(E) est indéfiniment
dérivable et:
Bλ(t) +
T (t)
, (∀)n ∈ N∗;
ii) pour tout λ ∈ C et tout t > 0 on a:
T (t)
= T (t)
, (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Preuve Montrons les affirmations de l’énoncé par récurrence.
i) Soient x ∈ E , λ ∈ C et t > 0. Alors:
x = λ
Bλ(t)x +
T (t)x
Supposons que:
x = λk
Bλ(t)x +
T (t)
λBλ(t)x + T (t)x +
T (t)
= λk+1
Bλ(t)x +
T (t)
et nous obtenons (i).
ii) Soient λ ∈ C et t > 0. Compte tenu du théorème 3.1.4, pour x ∈ E , on voit
que T (t)x ∈ D(An) et:
AnT (t)x = AnT
x = AnT
+ · · · + t
︸ ︷︷ ︸
n fois
= An T
· · ·T
︸ ︷︷ ︸
n fois
x = T
An = T (t)Anx , (∀)n ∈ N∗,
parce que le semi-groupe commute avec son générateur infinitésimal. De même,
avec le lemme 2.6.1 il résulte que:
Bλ(t)T (t) = T (t)Bλ(t) .
Alors pour x ∈ E , nous avons:
T (t)x = λn
Bλ(t) +
T (t)
T (t)x =
Bλ(t)T (t) +
AiT (t)T (t)
T (t)Bλ(t) +
T (t)AiT (t)
= T (t)λn
Bλ(t) +
T (t)
x = T (t)Bλ(t)
x , (∀)n ∈ N∗.
D’autre part, pour x ∈ D(A), nous avons:
Bλ(t)(λI − A)x = (λI − A)Bλ(t)x ,
d’où il résulte:
Bλ(t)Ax = ABλ(t)x .
Supposons que pour x ∈ D(Ak) nous avons:
kx = AkBλ(t)x .
Si x ∈ D(Ak+1), il vient:
k+1x = Bλ(t)A
k(Ax) = AkBλ(t)Ax = A
kABλ(t)x = A
Il s’ensuit donc que:
nx = AnBλ(t)x ,
pour tout x ∈ D(An) et tout n ∈ N∗. De même, si x ∈ D(An), on a:
Anx = λn
Bλ(t) +
T (t)
Anx =
AiT (t)An
AnBλ(t) +
AnAiT (t)
= Anλn
Bλ(t) +
T (t)
x = AnBλ(t)x , (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Finalement, pour x ∈ E nous obtenons:
T (t)
x = Bλ(t)
AnT (t)x = AnBλ(t)
T (t)x =
= AnT (t)Bλ(t)
x = T (t)
x , (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Théorème 3.1.8 (spectral mapping) Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SGD(M, ω) et A
son générateur infinitésimal. Alors pour tout n ∈ N∗ on a:
∣λ ∈ σ(A)
T (t)
, (∀)t > 0.
Preuve Pour λ ∈ C et t > 0, nous considérons l’opérateur:
Bλ(t) : E −→ E
Bλ(t)x =
eλ(t−s)T (s)x ds .
Avec le lemme 3.1.7, on déduit que l’opérateur Bλ(t) ∈ B(E) est indéfiniment
dérivable et:
Bλ(t) +
T (t)
, (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Compte tenu du lemme 2.6.1, il résulte que:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ E
et que:
Bλ(t)(λI − A)x = eλtx − T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Pour tout n ∈ N∗ il s’ensuit que:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)(n)x = λneλtx − T (t)(n)x , (∀)x ∈ E
(λI − A)x = λneλtx − T (t)(n)x , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Si λ ∈ C est tel que λneλt ∈ ρ
T (t)
, alors on peut considérer:
λneλtI − T (t)(n)
∈ B(E) ,
pour tout n ∈ N∗. Par conséquent:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)(n)Qx = x , (∀)x ∈ E
(λI − A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
pour tout n ∈ N∗. Mais, avec le lemme 3.1.7, il résulte:
T (t)
= T (t)
, (∀)n ∈ N∗.
λneλT Bλ(t)
(n) − Bλ(t)(n)T (t)(n) = λneλtBλ(t)(n) − T (t)(n)Bλ(t)(n)
λneλtI − T (t)(n)
λneλtI − T (t)(n)
pour tout n ∈ N∗. Par suite:
Q = QBλ(t)
, (∀)n ∈ N∗
et nous voyons que:
(λI − A)Bλ(t)(n)Qx = x , (∀)x ∈ E
Q(λI − A)x = x , (∀)x ∈ D(A) ,
d’où on obtient que λ ∈ ρ(A). Nous en déduisons que λ ∈ σ(A) implique λneλt ∈
T (t)
pour tout n ∈ N∗. Par conséquent:
∣λ ∈ σ(A)
T (t)
ou bien:
λ ∈ σ(A)
T (t)
et finalement:
T (t)
pour tout n ∈ N∗ et tout t > 0.
3.2 C0-semi-groupes analytiques
Par la suite nous étudions la possibilité d’étendre l’intervalle ]0,∞) à une
région du plan complexe, sans abandonner les propriétés de C0-semi-groupe. Nous
désignerons par ∆ l’ensemble:
{z ∈ C|Re z > 0 et ϕ1 < arg z < ϕ2 , ϕ1 < 0 < ϕ2}
Définition 3.2.1 On appelle C0-semi-groupe analytique une famille {T (z)}z∈∆ ⊂
B(E) vérifiant les propriétés suivantes:
i) T (0) = I;
ii) T (z1 + z2) = T (z1)T (z2), (∀)z1, z2 ∈ ∆;
iii) limz→0 T (z)x = x, (∀)x ∈ E , z ∈ ∆;
iv) l’application:
∆ ∋ z 7−→ T (z) ∈ B(E)
est analytique dans le secteur ∆.
Comme la multiplication par eωt n’a aucun effet sur la possibilité ou l’impossibilité
d’extension à un semi-groupe analytique, il est suffit de considérer seulement les C0-
semi-groupes uniformément bornés. Le théorème suivant donne une caractérisation
pour les C0-semi-groupes analytiques uniformément bornés.
Théorème 3.2.2 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, 0) et A son générateur infinitésimal
tel que 0 ∈ ρ(A). Les affirmations suivantes sont équivalentes:
i) il existe δ > 0 tel que {T (t)}
t≥0 peut être étendu à un semi-groupe analytique
dans le secteur:
∆δ = {z ∈ C|Re z > 0 et | arg z| < δ} , δ > 0
et {T (z)}
est uniformément borné dans tout sous secteur fermé ∆δ′ ⊂ ∆δ, où
δ′ ∈]0, δ[;
ii) il existe une constante C > 0 telle que pour tout γ > 0 et tout η 6= 0 on ait:
‖R(γ + iη; A)‖ ≤ C|η| ;
iii) il existe δ ∈
et K > 1 tel que:
ρ(A) ⊃ Σδ =
λ ∈ C
| arg λ| < π
∪ {0}
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ K|λ| , (∀)λ ∈ Σδ − {0};
iv) l’application:
]0,∞) ∋ t 7−→ T (t) ∈ B(E)
est différentiable et il existe une constante L > 0 tel que:
‖AT (t)‖ ≤ L
, (∀)t > 0.
Preuve i) =⇒ ii) Soit δ ∈
. Si δ′ ∈]0, δ[, il existe C ′ > 0 tel que:
‖T (z)‖ ≤ C ′
pour tout z ∈ ∆δ′ . Comme l’application:
∆δ ∋ z 7−→ T (z) ∈ B(E)
est analytique dans le sous secteur ∆δ′ , avec le théorème de Cauchy ([DS’67, pag.
225]), on voit que
T (z) dz = 0 ,
quel que soit le contour de Jordan lisse et fermé Γ ⊂ ∆δ′ . Par conséquent, dans
R(γ + iη; A)x =
e−(γ+iη)tT (t)x dt , γ > 0,
on peut changer le chemin d’intégration par:
Γθ = {r(cos θ + i sin θ)| 0 < r < ∞, |θ| ≤ δ′} .
Si η > 0, alors pour le chemin
Γ−δ′ = {r(cos δ′ − i sin δ′)| 0 < r < ∞} ,
nous obtenons:
‖R(γ + iη; A)x‖ =
e−(γ+iη)tT (t)x dt
−(γ+iη)r(cos δ′−i sin δ′)
T (r(cos δ′ − i sin δ′))x d(r(cos δ′ − i sin δ′))
∣e−(γ+iη)r(cos δ
′−i sin δ′)
∣ ‖T (r(cos δ′ − i sin δ′)‖ ‖x‖| cos δ′ − i sin δ′| dr ≤
≤ C ′‖x‖
−r(γ cos δ′+η sin δ′)
C ′‖x‖
γ cos δ′ + η sin δ′
η sin δ′
‖x‖ .
Si nous notons:
sin δ′
alors on obtient:
‖R(γ + iη; A)‖ ≤ C
Soit maintenant η < 0. Alors pour le chemin
Γδ′ = {r(cos δ′ + i sin δ′)| 0 < r < ∞} ,
nous avons:
‖R(γ + iη; A)x‖ =
e−(γ+iη)tT (t)x dt
e−(γ+iη)r(cos δ
′+i sin δ′)T (r(cos δ′ + i sin δ′))x d(r(cos δ′ + i sin δ′))
∣e−(γ+iη)r(cos δ
′+i sin δ′)
∣ ‖T (r(cos δ′ + i sin δ′)‖ ‖x‖| cos δ′ + i sin δ′| dr ≤
≤ C ′‖x‖
e−r(γ cos δ
′−η sin δ′) dr =
C ′‖x‖
γ cos δ′ − η sin δ′ ≤
−η sin δ′‖x‖ =
−η‖x‖ .
Par conséquent:
‖R(γ + iη; A)‖ ≤ C−η .
Finalement on voit que:
‖R(γ + iη; A)‖ ≤ C|η| .
ii) =⇒ iii) Comme {T (t)}
∈ SG(M, 0), avec le théorème de Hille-Yosida on
voit que:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ M
pour tout λ ∈ Λ0. Compte tenu du (ii), il existe C > 0 tel que:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ C|Imλ|
pour tout λ ∈ Λ0 avec Imλ 6= 0. Compte tenu des inégalités:
Reλ‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ M
|Imλ|‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ C ,
nous obtenons:
Re2λ‖R(λ; A)‖2 ≤ M2
Im2λ‖R(λ; A)‖2 ≤ C2 ,
d’où il résulte que:
Re2λ + Im2λ
‖R(λ; A)‖2 ≤ M2 + C2 .
Par conséquent, il existe une constante K1 =
M2 + C2 > 1 tel que:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ K1|λ| , (∀)λ ∈ Λ0.
Considérons λ ∈ C avec Reλ ≤ 0. Soit γ > 0 suffisamment petit et η 6= 0. Comme
l’application R( . ; A) est analytique sur ρ(A), pour tout λ = Reλ+ iη ∈ ρ(A) avec
Reλ ≤ 0, nous obtenons:
R(λ; A) =
(Reλ − γ)n
R(γ + iη; A)
Avec la proposition 1.1.16 (iii), on voit que:
R(γ + iη; A)
= (−1)nn!R(γ + iη; A)n+1 .
Alors il vient:
R(λ; A) =
(−1)n(Reλ − γ)nR(γ + iη; A)n+1
et cette série est uniformément convergente pour:
‖R(γ + iη; A)‖ |Reλ − γ| ≤ α < 1 .
Compte tenu de la propriété (ii), elle est convergente pour la topologie de la norme
si λ = Reλ + iη ∈ ρ(A) est tel que sa partie réelle vérifie Reλ ≤ 0 et
|Reλ − γ| ≤ α|η|
C’est-à-dire qu’il existe un voisinage Vε, ε = α|η|C , de γ + iη ∈ Λ0 contenu dans
ρ(A) lorsque γ > 0 est suffisamment petit. Dans ce voisinage Vε, il existe λ ∈ C
tel que Reλ ≤ 0 et λ ∈ ρ(A). Si nous définissons δ ∈
tel que:
tan δ =
|Imλ| =
|η| =
, α ∈]0, 1[,
δ = arctan
, α ∈]0, 1[,
alors on voit que:
ζ ∈ C
| arg ζ | < π
⊂ ρ(A) .
Nous désignerons par Σδ l’ensemble
λ ∈ C
∣| arg λ| < π
∪{0}, où δ ∈
Si λ ∈ Σδ − {0} et Reλ ≤ 0, alors nous avons:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤
∥R(γ + iη; A)
∥ |Reλ − γ|n ≤
1 − α
|Imλ| .
|Imλ| <
il vient:
|Imλ|2 <
+ 1 <
+ 1 .
Par conséquent
|Reλ|2 + |Imλ|2
|Imλ|2 <
1 + C2
|Imλ|2 <
1 + C2
Il s’ensuit donc que:
|Imλ| <
1 + C2
C|λ| .
Par suite:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤
1 + C2
(1 − α)|λ| , (∀)λ ∈ Σδ − {0}
et si nous notons
1 + C2
1 − α > 1 ,
alors il vient:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ K2|λ| , (∀)λ ∈ Σδ − {0}.
Finalement, on obtient qu’il existe K > 1 tel que:
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ K|λ| , (∀)λ ∈ Σδ − {0}.
iii) =⇒ iv) Supposons qu’il existe δ ∈
et K > 1 tel que:
λ ∈ C
∣| arg λ| <
∪ {0}
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ K|λ| , (∀)λ ∈ Σδ − {0}.
Compte tenu du théorème 2.5.1, on voit que l’opérateur A est le générateur in-
finitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 pour lequel il existe M > 1 tel que
‖T (t)‖ ≤ M , (∀)t ≥ 0.
De plus, pour ν ∈
on considère le chemin
Γν = Γ
ν ∪ Γ(2)ν ,
Γ(1)ν = {r(cos ν − i sin ν)| 0 < r < ∞}
Γ(2)ν = {r(cos ν + i sin ν)| 0 < r < ∞} ,
tel que
T (t) =
eztR(z; A) dz , (∀)t ≥ 0,
l’intégrale étant uniformément convergente par rapport à t > 0.
ϕ : [0,∞) × Σδ −→ B(E) ,
ϕ(t, z) = eztR(z; A) .
Il est clair que l’application ϕ est différentiable par rapport à t > 0 et:
∂ϕ(z, t)
= zeztR(z; A) .
De plus:
∂ϕ(z, t)
∥zeztR(z; A)
∥ ≤ K
∣ , (∀)t > 0.
Avec le théorème de dérivation de Lebesgue, on voit que l’application
]0,∞) ∋ t 7→ T (t) ∈ B(E) ,
T (t) =
eztR(z; A) dz , (∀)t ≥ 0,
est différentiable et on a:
T (t)′ =
zeztR(z; A) dz , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Comme ν ∈
, il vient cos ν < 0 et compte tenu que:
‖T (t)′‖ =
zeztR(z; A) dz +
zeztR(z; A) dz
rert cos ν‖R(z; A)‖ dr + 1
rert cos ν‖R(z; A)‖ dr ≤
e−rt(− cos ν) dr =
−t cos ν
, (∀)t > 0,
on déduit qu’il existe L = M
π(− cos ν)
> 0 tel que:
‖AT (t)‖ = ‖T (t)′‖ ≤ L
, (∀)t > 0.
iv) =⇒ i) Soit t0 > 0. Avec la formule de Taylor et compte tenu de la remarque
3.1.6, on a:
T (t) =
(t − t0)k
T (k)(t0) +
(n − 1)!
(t − u)n−1T (n)(u) du =
(t − t0)k
T (t0) +
(n − 1)!
(t − u)n−1AnT (u) du ,
pour tout n ∈ N∗.
Compte tenu du (iv) et de la remarque 3.1.6, on voit que:
(n − 1)!
(t − u)n−1AnT (u) du
(n − 1)!
(t − u)n−1
(n − 1)!
(t − u)n−1
du ≤ 1
(n − 1)!
)n t∫
(t − u)n−1 du =
(n − 1)!
)n t−t0∫
(t − t0)n .
Avec la formule de Stirling
n! = nn
12n , un ∈]0, 1[,
on obtient
n!en ≥ nn .
Par conséquent:
(n − 1)!
(t − u)n−1AnT (u) du
(t − t0)n
n!en =
t − t0
pour t ≥ t0 > 0 et n ∈ N∗ suffisamment grand.
Il en résulte que la série de Taylor est convergente vers T (t) si t− t0 < t0Le et on a:
T (t) =
(t − t0)n
T (t0) .
Il s’ensuit donc que pour z ∈ C vérifiant
Re z > 0 et |z − t0| <
on peut définir une fonction analytique
T (z) =
(z − t0)n
AnT (t0) .
La série de la partie droite de cette égalité est uniformément convergente par
rapport à z ∈ C vérifiant les conditions Re z > 0 et
|z − t0| < α
où α ∈]0, 1[.
Soit z ∈ C tel que Re z = t0 >. On voit que:
|Im z| = |z − t0| <
|Im z|
|Re z| <
ou encore
| arg z| ≤ arctan
En prenant
δ = arctan
nous obtenons que l’application
∆δ ∋ z 7→ T (z) ∈ B(E)
est analytique dans le secteur
∆δ = {z ∈ C| Re z > 0 et | arg z| < δ} .
De plus, si nous considérons z ∈ C avec les propriétés Re z > 0 et |z − t0| ≤ α t0Le ,
α ∈]0, 1[, alors nous déduisons que:
‖T (z)‖ ≤ ‖T (t0)‖ +
|z − t0|n
‖AnT (t0)‖ ≤
≤ ‖T (t0)‖ +
)n (Ln
≤ M +
αn = M +
1 − α .
Par conséquent, si nous notons
= arctan
, α ∈]0, 1[,
nous voyons que l’application
∆δ ∋ z 7→ T (z) ∈ B(E)
est uniformément bornée dans le sous secteur
∆δ′ = {z ∈ C| Re z > 0 et | arg z| ≤ δ
′} ⊂ ∆δ .
Il est évident que T (0) = I parce que {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, 0). De plus, pour tout
t > 0 et tout z ∈ ∆δ, il résulte que:
T (t)T (z) =
(z − t0)n
AnT (t0 + t) =
[(z + t) − (t0 + t)]n
AnT (t0 + t) = T (t + z) .
Alors, pour tous z1, z2 ∈ ∆δ, nous obtenons:
T (z1)T (z2) = T (z1)
(z2 − t0)n
AnT (t0) =
(z2 − t0)n
AnT (z1)T (t0) =
(z2 − t0)n
AnT (z1 + t0) =
[(z2 + z1) − (z1 + t0)]n
AnT (z1 + t0) = T (z1 + z2) .
T (t)E .
Nous prouvons que cet ensemble est dense dans E . Soient x ∈ E et tn > 0, n ∈ N,
tel que limn→∞ tn = 0. Alors pour xn = T (tn)x ∈ E0, n ∈ N, nous obtenons:
xn = lim
T (tn)x = x .
Par conséquent, E0 = E .
De plus, nous avons vu que {T (z)}
est uniformément borné dans tout sous
secteur fermé ∆δ′ . De même, pour x ∈ E on obtient T (t)x ∈ E0 et:
T (z)T (t)x = lim
T (z + t) = T (t)x .
Compte tenu du théorème de Banach-Steinhaus ([DS’67, Theorem II.1.11, pag.
52]), il en résulte que
T (z)x = x , (∀)x ∈ E , z ∈ ∆δ.
Finalement, on voit que {T (z)}
est un C0-semi-groupe analytique qui étend le
semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, 0).
3.3 C0-semi-groupes de contractions
Dans la suite nous présentons quelques problèmes concernant la classe du
C0-semi-groupes {T (t)}t≥0 vérifiant la propriété ‖T (t)‖ ≤ 1, pour tout t ≥ 0.
Définition 3.3.1 On dit que {T (t)}
est un C0-semi-groupe de contractions sur
l’espace de Banch E si {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(1, 0).
Lemme 3.3.2 Soit {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω). Alors, l’application:
||| . ||| : E −→ R+
|||x||| = sup
−ωt‖T (t)x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E ,
est une norme sur E équivalente avec la norme initiale ‖ . ‖.
Preuve Soit x ∈ E . Pour tout t ≥ 0, on a:
e−ωt‖T (t)x‖ ≤ e−ωt‖T (t)‖‖x‖ ≤ M‖x‖ .
En passant à la borne supérieure par rapport à t, on voit que:
|||x||| ≤ M‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E .
D’autre part, nous avons:
|||x||| = sup
e−ωt‖T (t)x‖ ≥ e−ω0‖T (0)x‖ = ‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E ,
d’où il résulte que:
‖x‖ ≤ |||x||| ≤ M‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E .
Par conséquent les normes ||| . ||| et ‖ . ‖ sont équivalentes.
Théorème 3.3.3 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω), A son générateur infinitésimal
S(t) = e−ωtT (t) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
i) {S(t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(1, 0);
ii) le C0-semi-groupe {S(t)}t≥0 a pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur B =
A − ωI.
Preuve i) Il est clair que la famille {S(t)}
t≥0 est un C0-semi-groupe. De plus,
pour tout t ≥ 0, on a:
|||S(t)x||| = sup
e−ωs‖T (s)e−ωtT (t)x‖ =
= sup
e−ωτ‖T (τ)x‖ ≤ sup
e−ωτ‖T (τ)x‖ = |||x||| , (∀)x ∈ E ,
d’où on obtient:
|||S(t)x||| ≤ |||x||| , (∀)x ∈ E et t ≥ 0.
Il s’ensuit que:
‖S(t)‖ ≤ 1 , (∀)t ≥ 0
et, par conséquent, {S(t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(1, 0).
ii) Elle est analogue à celle du théorème 2.1.11.
Pour les C0-semi-groupes de contractions, on peut formuler la version suivante
du théorème de Hille-Yosida.
Théorème 3.3.4 Un opérateur linéaire:
A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E
est le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
∈ SG(1, 0) si et seule-
ment si:
i) A est un opérateur fermé et D(A) = E ;
ii) Λ0 = {λ ∈ C |Reλ > 0} ⊂ ρ(A) et pour λ ∈ Λ0, on a:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ 1
, (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Preuve i) =⇒ ii) Comme {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(1, 0), nous avons:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ 1 , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Par suite, on peut prendre M = 1 et ω = 0. Avec le théorème de Hille-Yosida, il
résulte que:
(i) A est un opérateur fermé et D(A) = E ;
(ii) Λ0 = {λ ∈ C |Reλ > 0} ⊂ ρ(A) et pour λ ∈ Λ0, on a:
‖R(λ; A)n‖ ≤ 1
, (∀)n ∈ N∗.
ii) =⇒ i) Soit
A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E
un opérateur linéaire vérifiant les propriétés (i) et (ii) de l’énoncé. Avec le théorème
de Hille-Yosida, il en résulte que A est le générateur infinitésimal d’un C0-semi-
groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 pour lequel il existe M = 1 et ω = 0 tel que:
‖T (t)‖ ≤ 1 , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Donc A est le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe de contractions.
Une autre caractérisation très intéressante des C0-semi-groupes de contractions
est donnée par le fameux théorème de Lumer-Phillips, dans lequel interviennent
les opérateurs m-dissipatifs.
Définition 3.3.5 On appelle opérateur m-dissipatif un opérateur linéaire A :
D(A) ⊂ E −→ E vérifiant les propriétés suivantes:
i) A est opérateur dissipatif;
ii) il existe α0 > 0 tel que Im (α0I − A) = E .
Théorème 3.3.6 (Lumer - Phillips) Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E un opérateur
linéaire tel que D(A) = E .
L’opérateur A est le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(1, 0)
si et seulement si A est un opérateur m-dissipatif.
Preuve =⇒ Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe
{T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(1, 0). Si x ∈ D(A) et x∗ ∈ J (x), alors pour tout t ≥ 0 on voit
Re〈T (t)x − x, x∗〉 = Re〈T (t)x, x∗〉 − Re〈x, x∗〉 ≤
≤ |〈T (t)x, x∗〉| − Re〈x, x∗〉 ≤ ‖T (t)x‖‖x∗‖∗ − ‖x‖2 ≤
≤ ‖x‖2 − ‖x‖2 = 0 ,
Re〈T (t)x − x, x∗〉 ≤ 0 , (∀)t ≥ 0.
En passant à limite pour t ց 0, il vient:
Re〈Ax, x∗〉 ≤ 0
pour tout x ∈ E et tout x∗ ∈ J (x). Il s’ensuit donc que A est un opérateur
D’autre part, avec le théorème 3.3.4 , on voit que ]0,∞) ⊂ ρ(A). Donc αI − A ∈
GL(E), (∀)α ∈]0,∞). Par suite, Im (αI − A) = E pour tout α > 0 et finalement
on voit que A est un opérateur m-dissipatif.
ii) Soit A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E un opérateur m-dissipatif tel que D(A) = E . Alors, il
existe α0 ∈]0,∞) tel que Im (α0I − A) = E . En appliquant la proposition 1.2.3,
3.4. NOTES 111
on voit que Im (αI −A) = E , pour tout α ∈]0,∞). Il s’ensuit que ]0,∞) ⊂ ρ(A).
Comme A est un opérateur dissipatif, compte tenu de la proposition 1.2.2, il vient:
‖(αI − A)x‖ ≥ α‖x‖ , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
‖R(α; A)‖ ≤ 1
pour tout α ∈]0,∞). Avec le théorème 3.3.4, on voit que A est le générateur
infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(1, 0).
Proposition 3.3.7 Soit A ∈ B(E) tel que ‖A‖ ≤ 1. Alors
est un
semi-groupe uniformément continu de contractions.
Preuve Il est évident que
est un semi-groupe uniformément continu.
De plus:
∥ ≤ et‖A‖e−t ≤ 1 , (∀)t ≥ 0.
3.4 Notes
Pour les propriétés des C0-semi-groupes différentiables nous avons consulté [Pa’83-1, pag. 51],
[Ah’91, pag. 73] et [Da’80, pag. 28]. Le théorème 3.1.8 se trouve dans [Le’00-1].
Les propriétés des C0-semi-groupes analytiques uniformément bornés se trouvent dans [Pa’83-1,
pag. 60], [Ah’91, pag. 81] ou [Da’80, pag.59]. Une introduction très intéressante des C0-
semi-groupes analytiques, par la construction d’un calcul fonctionnel adéquat, est donné dans
[CHADP’87, pag. 121].
Le théorème 3.3.6 a été montré par Lummer et Phillips dans [LP’61].
Chapitre 4
La formule de Lie - Trotter
4.1 Le cas des semi-groupes uniformément con-
Dans cette section nous présentons la formule du produit de Lie-Trotter pour
les semi-groupes uniformément continus.
Théorème 4.1.1 Soient A le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe uniformé-
ment continu {T (t)}
t≥0 et
⊂ B(E) tel que:
‖An(t)‖ = 0 ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞). Alors:
T (t) = lim
(A + An(t))
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Preuve Soient 0 ≤ a < b. Si nous notons:
Vn(t) = I +
(A + An(t)) ,
alors, pour tout 0 ≤ k ≤ n, on a:
∥V kn (t)
(A + An(t))
(‖A‖ + ‖An(t)‖)
(‖A‖ + ‖An(t)‖)
ti (‖A‖ + ‖An(t)‖)i
ti (‖A‖ + ‖An(t)‖)i
ti (‖A‖ + ‖An(t)‖)i
= et(‖A‖+‖An(t)‖) ≤ M ,
cette dernière quantité etant uniformément bornée par rapport à t ∈ [a, b]. De
même, pour:
Un(t) = e
A , (∀)t ≥ 0,
nous obtenons:
Unn (t) = e
tA = T (t) , (∀)t ≥ 0
et pour tout 0 ≤ k ≤ n, nous avons:
∥ ≤ ektn ‖A‖ ≤ entn ‖A‖ ≤ et‖A‖ ≤ N ,
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [a, b]. Il vient:
V nn (t) − Unn (t) = V nn (t)U0n(t) − V n−1n (t)U1n(t) +
+ V n−1n (t)U
n(t) − V n−2n (t)U2n(t) +
+ V n−2n (t)U
n(t) − · · · − V 0n (t)Unn (t) =
V n−in (t)U
n(t) − V n−i−1n (t)U i+1n (t)
V n−i−1n (t) [Vn(t) − Un(t)] U in(t) .
Vn(t) − Un(t) = I +
An(t) − e
= I +
An(t) − I −
A − 1
A2 − · · · ,
il résulte que:
‖Vn(t) − Un(t)‖ ≤
‖An(t)‖ +
‖A‖2 + · · · .
Par conséquent:
‖V nn (t) − Unn (t)‖ ≤
‖An(t)‖ +
‖A‖2 + · · ·
t‖An(t)‖ +
‖A‖2 + · · ·
−→ 0 si n → ∞,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞), ce qui achève
la preuve.
Théorème 4.1.2 (la formule exponentielle) Soit A le générateur infinitési-
mal d’un semi-groupe uniformément continu {T (t)}
t≥0. Alors:
T (t) = lim
= lim
I − t
= lim
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Preuve La première égalité résulte du théorème 4.1.1 pour An(t) = 0, quels que
soient n ∈ N et t ≥ 0.
Soient 0 ≤ a < b. On a:
pour n suffisamment grand et t ∈ [a, b]. Avec le lemme 1.1.2, il vient:
I − t
A ∈ GL(E)
I − t
= I +
(A + An(t)) ,
An(t) =
A3 + · · ·
‖An(t)‖ = 0 ,
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [a, b]. Avec le théorème 4.1.1, on voit que:
T (t) = lim
(A + An(t))
= lim
I − t
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
La troisième égalité en résulte compte tenu que:
I − t
I − A
Théorème 4.1.3 (la formule de Lie-Trotter) Soit A1 le générateur infinité-
simal du semi-groupe uniformément continu {T1(t)}t≥0 et A2 le générateur in-
finitésimal du semi-groupe uniformément continu {T2(t)}t≥0, alors l’opérateur:
A : E −→ E ,
Ax = A1x + A2x
est le générateur infinitésimal d’un semi-groupe {T (t)}
t≥0 uniformément continu,
tel que:
T (t) = lim
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Preuve Nous avons successivement:
A21 +
A31 + · · ·
A22 +
A32 + · · ·
= I +
(A1 + A2) +
A21 + A1A2 +
+ · · · =
= I +
(A1 + A2) +
A21 + A1A2 +
+ · · ·
= I +
[A + An(t)] ,
où l’opérateur:
An(t) =
1 + A1A2 +
1A2 +
+ · · ·
a la propriété:
‖An(t)‖ ≤
A21 + A1A2 +
A31 +
A21A2 +
+ · · · −→ 0 si n → ∞ ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞). Avec le
théorème 4.1.1, on voit que:
T (t) = lim
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Remarque 4.1.4 Si A, B ∈ B(E), alors on a:
et(A+B) = lim
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
4.2 Propriétés de convergence des C0-semi-groupes
Dans cette section on introduit la topologie de la résolvante sur l’ensemble
GI(E) des générateurs infinitésimaux et on montre le théorème de Trotter - Kato.
Définition 4.2.1 On dit que la suite (An)n∈N∗ ⊂ GI(E) est convergente vers A ∈
GI(E) pour la topologie forte de la résolvante si pour tout λ ∈ ⋂
ρ(An) ∩ ρ(A),
on a:
R(λ; An)x −→ R(λ; A)x , si n → ∞ , (∀)x ∈ E .
De même, on dit que la suite (An)n∈N∗ ⊂ GI(E) est convergente vers A ∈ GI(E)
pour la topologie uniforme de la résolvante si pour tout λ ∈ ⋂
ρ(An) ∩ ρ(A), on
‖R(λ; An) − R(λ; A)‖ −→ 0 , si n → ∞.
Par la suite, nous supposerons que GI(E) est doté de la topologie forte de la
Lemme 4.2.2 Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 , {S(t)}t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et A, respectivement
B, leur générateurs infinitésimaux. Alors pour tout λ ∈ Λω et tout x ∈ E on a
R(λ; B) [T (t) − S(t)] R(λ; A)x =
S(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; B)]T (s)x ds
quel que soit t ≥ 0.
Preuve Soient x ∈ E et λ ∈ Λω. Alors R(λ; A)x ∈ D(A) et R(λ; B)x ∈ D(B).
[0, t] ∋ s −→ S(t − s)R(λ; B)T (s)R(λ; A)x ∈ E
est différentiable et pour s ∈ [0, t] et x ∈ E nous avons:
S(t − s) [R(λ; B)T (s)R(λ; A)x] =
= S(t − s)(−B)R(λ; B)T (s)R(λ; A)x + S(t − s)R(λ; B)T (s)AR(λ; A)x =
= S(t − s)(λI − B − λI)R(λ; B)T (s)R(λ; A)x +
+ S(t − s)R(λ; B)T (s)(−λI + A + λI)R(λ; A)x =
= S(t − s)T (s)R(λ; A)x− λS(t − s)R(λ; B)T (s)R(λ; A)x−
− S(t − s)R(λ; B)T (s)x + λS(t − s)R(λ; B)T (s)R(λ; A)x =
= S(t − s) [T (s)R(λ; A)x − R(λ; B)T (s)x] =
= S(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; B)]T (s)x
puisque la résolvante R(λ; A) commute avec T (t), (∀)t ≥ 0. Par conséquent:
S(t − s)R(λ; B)T (s)R(λ; A)x|t0 =
S(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; B)]T (s)x ds ,
ou encore:
R(λ; B)T (t)R(λ; A)x − S(t)R(λ; B)R(λ; A)x =
S(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; B)] T (s)x ds , (∀)x ∈ E .
Comme S(t)R(λ; B) = R(λ; B)S(t) pour tout t ≥ 0, on obtient finalement:
R(λ; B) [T (t) − S(t)] R(λ; A)x =
S(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; B)]T (s)x ds
pour tout x ∈ E .
Le théorème suivant présente une très jolie correspondance entre les C0-semi-
groupes d’opérateurs linéaires bornés et leur générateurs infinitésimaux.
Théorème 4.2.3 Soient
⊂ SG(M, ω) ayant pour générateurs
infinitésimaux les opérateurs (An)n∈N∗ ⊂ GI(M, ω) et {T (t)}t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) ayant
pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur A ∈ GI(M, ω).
Les affirmations suivantes sont équivalentes:
i) An −→ A, si n → ∞, pour la topologie forte de la résolvante;
ii) pour tout t0 ∈]0,∞) on a l’égalité:
‖Tn(t)x − T (t)x‖
= 0 , (∀)x ∈ E .
Preuve i) =⇒ ii) Supposons que An −→ A, si n → ∞, pour la topologie forte de
la résolvante. Pour tout λ ∈ Λω, nous avons:
R(λ; An)x −→ R(λ; A)x , si n → ∞ , (∀)x ∈ E .
Soient t0 ∈]0,∞), x ∈ E et λ ∈ Λω arbitrairement fixées. Puisque la résolvante
commute avec le semi-groupe associé, il résulte que:
[Tn(t) − T (t)] R(λ; A)x = Tn(t) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)] x +
+ R(λ; An) [Tn(t) − T (t)]x + [R(λ; An) − R(λ; A)] T (t)x.
Montrons que cette expression tend vers zero si n → ∞.
⊂ SG(M, ω), il est clair que:
‖Tn(t)‖ ≤ Meωt0 , (∀)t ∈ [0, t0].
Compte tennu de (i), on voit que le premier terme converge vers zero si n → ∞,
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [0, t0].
De même, la continuité de l’application t 7→ T (t)x sur l’intervalle compact [0, t0],
conduit au fait que l’ensemble {T (t)x |t ∈ [0, t0]} est compact, comme l’image d’un
compact par une fonction continue. On en déduit facilement que le troisième terme
est fortement convergent vers zero lorsque n → ∞ et cette convergence est uniforme
par rapport à t ∈ [0, t0].
Pour le deuxième terme, compte tenu du lemme 4.2.2, on a:
R(λ; An) [T (t) − Tn(t)] R(λ; A)x =
Tn(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)] T (s)x ds,
pour tout t ∈ [0, t0]. Si pour s ∈ [0, t0], on pose
ft,n(s)x = Tn(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)] T (s)x , 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ t0,
alors on voit que:
‖ft,n(s)x‖ = ‖Tn(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)] T (s)x‖ ≤
≤ ‖Tn(t − s)‖ ‖R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)‖ ‖T (s)‖ ‖x‖ ≤
≤ Meω(t−s) (‖R(λ; A)‖ + ‖R(λ; An)‖) Meωs‖x‖ ≤
≤ Meωt
Re λ − ω +
Re λ − ω
Meωt‖x‖ =
Re λ − ωe
2ωt‖x‖ .
De plus, compte tenu des inégalités:
‖ft,n(s)x‖ = ‖Tn(t − s) [R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)] T (s)x‖ ≤
≤ ‖Tn(t − s)‖ ‖R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)‖ ‖T (s)‖ ‖x‖ ≤
≤ Meω(t−s) ‖R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)‖Meωs‖x‖ ≤
≤ M2eωt ‖R(λ; A) − R(λ; An)‖ ‖x‖ ,
nous obtenons
‖ft,n(s)x‖ = 0 ,
quels que soient s ∈ [0, t] et t ∈ [0, t0]. Avec le théorème de la convergence dominée
de Lebesgue ([DS’67, Theorem III.3.7, pag. 124]) il résulte que:
‖ft,n(s)x‖ ds =
‖ft,n(s)x‖ ds ,
pour tout t ∈ [0, t0]. Il s’ensuit donc que:
‖R(λ; An) [T (t) − Tn(t)] R(λ; A)x‖ = 0 , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [0, t0]. Si nous notons y = R(λ; A)x ∈ D(A), on
voit que:
‖R(λ; An) [T (t) − Tn(t)] y‖ = 0 , (∀)y ∈ D(A),
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [0, t0]. Par conséquent, si x ∈ D(A), le deuxième
terme tend vers zero pour n → ∞, uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [0, t0].
Il s’ensuit que:
‖[Tn(t) − T (t)]R(λ; A)x‖
= 0 , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
d’où il résulte immédiatement:
‖[Tn(t) − T (t)] y‖
= 0 , (∀)y ∈ R(λ; A)D(A).
Comme R(λ; A)D(A) = D (A2), compte tenu du théorème 2.2.10 on voit que
R(λ; A)D(A) = E . Nous obtenons finalement:
‖Tn(t)x − T (t)x‖
= 0 , (∀)x ∈ E .
ii) =⇒ i) En appliquant le théorème 2.3.1, nous obtenons pour λ ∈ Λω:
[R(λ; An) − R(λ; A)] x =
e−λt [Tn(t) − T (t)] x dt , (∀)x ∈ E ,
d’où il résulte:
‖[R(λ; An) − R(λ; A)]x‖ ≤
e−Reλt ‖[Tn(t) − T (t)]x‖ dt , (∀)x ∈ E .
‖[Tn(t) − T (t)] x‖ ≤ 2Meωt‖x‖
quels que soient x ∈ E , t ≥ 0 et n ∈ N∗. Dans ce cas, en posant:
fn(t) = e
λt [Tn(t) − T (t)]x , (∀)t ≥ 0
on voit que:
‖fn(t)‖ ≤ 2Me−(Reλ−ω)t‖x‖ , (∀)t ≥ 0.
De plus, compte tenu de l’inégalité:
‖fn(t)‖ ≤ e−Reλt ‖[Tn(t) − T (t)]x‖ ,
nous obtenons:
‖fn(t)‖ = 0 , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Avec le théorème de la convergence dominée de Lebesgue ([DS’67, Theorem
III.3.7, pag. 124]), il vient:
‖[R(λ; An) − R(λ; A)] x‖ = 0
pour tout x ∈ E et tout λ ∈ Λω. Donc An −→ A, si n → ∞, pour la topologie
forte de la résolvante.
Une version intéressante du théorème 4.2.3 est le théorème suivant.
Théorème 4.2.4 Soient
⊂ SG(M, ω) ayant pour générateurs in-
finitésimaux les opérateurs (Aα)α>0 ⊂ GI(M, ω) et {T (t)}t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) ayant
pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur A ∈ GI(M, ω).
Les affirmations suivantes sont équivalentes:
i) pour tout x ∈ D(A), il existe xα ∈ D(Aα) tel que:
xα = x
Aαxα = Ax;
ii) pour tout λ ∈ Λω, on a:
R(λ; Aα)x = R(λ; A)x , (∀)x ∈ E ;
iii) pour tout t0 ∈]0,∞), nous avons:
‖Tα(t)x − T (t)x‖
= 0 , (∀)x ∈ E .
Preuve i) =⇒ ii) Soient λ ∈ Λω et x ∈ D(A). Alors il existe xα ∈ D(Aα), α > 0
tel que
xα = x
Aαxα = Ax .
Nous définissons
y = (λI − A)x ∈ (λI − A)D(A)
yα = (λI − Aα)xα ∈ (λI − Aα)D(Aα) , α > 0.
Il résulte que x = R(λ; A)y et xα = R(λ; Aα)yα. Compte tenu des égalités du (i),
nous obtenons:
R(λ; Aα)yα = R(λ; A)y
AαR(λ; Aα)yα = AR(λ; A)y .
On voit que cette dernière égalité devient:
(λI − λI + Aα)R(λ; Aα)yα = (λI − λI + A)R(λ; A)y
ou bien
λR(λ; Aα)yα − lim
(λI − Aα)R(λ; Aα)yα =
= λR(λ; A)y − (λI − A)R(λ; A)y .
Il vient:
λR(λ; A)y − lim
yα = λR(λ; A)y − y ,
yα = y .
D’autre part, pour tout α > 0 on a:
‖R(λ; Aα)‖ ≤
Reλ − ω
et pour y ∈ (λI − A)D(A) on voit que:
R(λ; Aα)y = R(λ; Aα)(y − yα + yα) = R(λ; Aα)(y − yα) + R(λ; Aα)yα .
Par suite:
‖R(λ; Aα)y − R(λ; A)y‖ ≤
≤ ‖R(λ; Aα)(y − yα)‖ + ‖R(λ; Aα)yα − R(λ; A)y‖ ≤
Reλ − ω‖y − yα‖ + ‖R(λ; Aα)yα − R(λ; A)y‖ ,
d’où il vient:
R(λ; Aα)y = R(λ; A)y ,
pour tout y ∈ (λI − A)D(A). Comme (λI − A)D(A) = E , on voit que:
R(λ; Aα)x = R(λ; A)x , (∀)x ∈ E .
ii) =⇒ i) Soient λ ∈ Λω et x ∈ E tel que:
R(λ; Aα)x = R(λ; A)x .
Si nous définissons:
yα = R(λ; Aα)x ∈ D(Aα)
y = R(λ; A)x ∈ D(A) ,
nous obtenons:
yα = y .
De plus:
Aαyα = lim
AαR(λ; Aα)x = lim
[λR(λ; Aα)x − x] =
= λR(λ; A)x − x = AR(λ; A)x = Ay .
ii) ⇐⇒ iii) Cette équivalence s’obtient avec une preuve analogue à celle du
théorème 4.2.3.
Corollaire 4.2.5 Soient
⊂ SG(M, ω) ayant pour générateurs in-
finitésimaux les opérateurs (Aα)α>0 ⊂ GI(M, ω) et {T (t)}t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) ayant
pour générateur infinitésimal l’opérateur A ∈ GI(M, ω). Supposons que pour
tout x ∈ D(A), il existe δ > 0 tel que pour tout α ∈]0, δ[ on ait x ∈ D(Aα) et
limαց0 Aαx = Ax. Alors, pour tout t0 ∈]0,∞) nous avons:
‖Tα(t)x − T (t)x‖
= 0 , (∀)x ∈ E .
Preuve Dans le théorème 4.2.4, nous pouvons prendre xα = x, (∀)α ∈]0, δ[.
Le théorème suivant montre que sous certaines conditions, GI(M, ω) est une
sous-classe fermée dans GI(E).
Théorème 4.2.6 Soient (An)n∈N∗ ⊂ GI(M, ω) et λ0 ∈ Λω tel que:
i) (R(λ0; An))n∈N∗ est fortement convergente vers Rλ0 ∈ B(E);
ii) Im Rλ0 = E .
Alors il existe un unique opérateur A ∈ GI(M, ω) tel que Rλ0 = R(λ0; A).
Preuve Nous notons:
λ ∈ Λω
∣(R(λ; An))n∈N∗ est fortement convergente
Montrons que S = Λω.
Prouvons que S est ensemble ouvert dans Λω. Soit µ ∈ S. Pour tout n ∈ N∗,
ρ(An) ∋ λ 7−→ R(λ; An) ∈ B(E)
est analytique et nous avons:
R(λ; An) =
(λ − µ)k
R(µ; An) =
(λ − µ)k
(−1)kk!R(µ; An)k+1 =
(µ − λ)kR(µ; An)k+1 .
Comme An ∈ GI(M, ω) implique:
∥R(µ; An)
∥ ≤ M
(Reµ − ω)k , (∀)k ∈ N
on voit que:
‖R(λ; An)‖ ≤
|µ − λ|k
∥R(µ; A)k+1
∥ ≤ M
Reµ − ω
|µ − λ|
Reµ − ω
La série de la partie droite de cette inégalité est convergente sur l’ensemble:
λ ∈ Λω
∣ |µ − λ|(Reµ − ω)−1 < 1
Il en résulte que la série:
R(λ; An) =
(µ − λ)kR(µ; An)k+1
est uniformément convergente sur les compacts
λ ∈ Λω
∣ |µ − λ|(Reµ − ω)−1 ≤ ν < 1
⊂ V .
‖R(λ; A)‖ ≤ M
Re µ − ω
on voit que la suite (R(λ; An))n∈N∗ est fortement convergente pour tout λ ∈ Vν .
Donc il existe un voisinage de µ contenu dans S. Par conséquent S est ensemble
ouvert dans Λω.
Maintenant, nous allons montrer que S est un ensemble relativement fermé dans
Λω. Soient (λm)m∈N ⊂ S et λ ∈ Λω tel que
λ = lim
Pour tout ν ∈]0, 1[, il existe λm,ν ∈ S tel que:
|λm,ν − λ| (Re λm,ν − ω)−1 ≤ ν < 1 .
Compte tenu de la première partie de la preuve, on voit que la série
R(λ; An) =
(λm,ν − λ)k R(λm,ν ; An)k+1
est uniformément convergente et que la suite (R(λ; An))n ∈ N∗ est fortement
convergente. Par conséquent, λ ∈ S et S est un ensemble relativement fermé dans
Λω. Comme λ0 ∈ S, nous voyons que S = Λω par connexité.
Pour λ ∈ Λω, définissons l’opérateur Rλ ∈ B(E) par:
Rλx = lim
R(λ; An)x , (∀)x ∈ E .
Soient λ , µ ∈ Λω arbitraires. On a:
(Rλ − Rµ) x = lim
[R(λ; An) − R(µ; An)]x =
= lim
(µ − λ)R(λ; An)R(µ; An)x =
= (µ − λ)RλRµx , (∀)x ∈ E .
Par conséquent Rλ est une pseudo-résolvante, quel que soit λ ∈ Λω. Comme il
existe λ0 ∈ Λω tel que Im Rλ0 = E , compte tenu du théorème 1.1.22 (ii), on
déduit que Im Rλ = E , quel que soit λ ∈ Λω. Avec l’inégalité:
‖R(λ; An)m‖ ≤
(Reλ − ω)m , (∀)λ ∈ Λω et m ∈ N
on voit que pour tout compact K ⊂ Λω, il existe MK > 0 tel que
‖R(λ; An)‖ ≤ MK ,
quel que soit n ∈ N∗. Avec le lemme de Montel ([GS’99, pag. 220]), on déduit
qu’il existe une sous-suite (R(λ; Ank))k∈N∗ telle que
Rλx = lim
R(λ; Ank)x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à λ sur les compacts de Λω. Comme R(λ; Ank) est un
opérateur injectif pour tout k ∈ N∗, avec le théorème de Hurwitz ([GS’99, pag.
193]) nous obtenons que Rλ est un opérateur injectif, donc Ker R(λ; An) = {0}.
En appliquant le théorème 1.1.22 (iii), on voit que pour tout λ ∈ Λω, il existe un
opérateur linéaire A : D(A) −→ E , A = λI − R−1λ fermé et défini sur un sous
espace dense tel que Rλ = R(λ; A), (∀)λ ∈ Λω. De plus:
‖R(λ; A)m‖ ≤ M
(Reλ − ω)m .
et le théorème de Hille - Yosida implique alors que A ∈ GI(M, ω).
Maintenant, nous avons toutes les conditions pour formuler un autre résultat
important concernant les C0-semi-groupes.
Théorème 4.2.7 (Trotter - Kato) Soit
⊂ SG(M, ω) ayant
pour générateurs infinitésimaux les opérateurs (An)n∈N∗ ⊂ GI(M, ω).
S’il existe λ0 ∈ Λω tel que:
i) (R(λ0; An))n∈N∗ est fortement convergente vers Rλ0 ∈ B(E);
ii) Im Rλ0 = E ,
alors il existe un unique opérateur A ∈ GI(M, ω) tel que Rλ = R(λ; A), (∀)λ ∈
Λω. De plus, si {T (t)}t≥0 est le C0-semi-groupe engendré par A, alors pour tout
t0 ∈]0,∞) on a:
‖Tn(t)x − T (t)x‖
= 0 , (∀)x ∈ E .
Preuve Les affirmations du théorème résultent du théorème 4.2.3 et du théorème
4.3 Formule de Lie - Trotter pour les C0-semi-
Dans la suite, nous montrons le théorème de représentation générale, la for-
mule exponentielle et la formule de Lie-Trotter pour les semi-groupes fortement
continus. Nous commençons par un résultat technique.
Lemme 4.3.1 Soient T ∈ B(E) et M, N ≥ 1 tel que:
∥ ≤ MNk , (∀)k ∈ N∗.
Alors, pour tout n ∈ N, nous avons:
∥en(T−I)x − T nx
∥ ≤ MNn−1e(N−1)n
n2(N − 1)2 + nN‖Tx − x‖
pour tout x ∈ E .
Preuve Soient k, n ∈ N tel que k ≥ n. Alors, nous avons:
∥T kx − T nx
T i+1x − T ix
∥ ‖Tx − x‖ ≤ ‖Tx − x‖
MN i ≤
≤ M‖Tx − x‖
Nk−1 = (k − n)MNk−1‖Tx − x‖ ≤
≤ |k − n|MNn+k−1‖Tx − x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E .
Compte tenu de la symétrie, il est clair que cette inégalité reste valable si nous
considérons n > k. Par suite, on voit que:
∥T kx − T nx
∥ ≤ |k − n|MNn+k−1‖Tx − x‖ , (∀)x ∈ E et n, k ∈ N.
Si t ≥ 0 et n ∈ N, alors nous avons:
∥et(T−I)x − T nx
T kx − T nx
≤ e−t
∥T kx − T nx
∥ ≤ MNn−1e−t‖Tx − x‖
|k − n| .
Avec l’inégalité de Cauchy-Schwartz, il vient:
|k − n| =
|k − n|
(k − n)2 = etN
(n − Nt)2 + Nt .
Il s’ensuit que:
∥et(T−I)x − T nx
∥ ≤ MNn−1e(N−1)t
(n − Nt)2 + Nt‖Tx − x‖
quel que soit x ∈ E . Finalement, en prenant t = n, nous obtenons l’inégalité
considérée dans l’énoncé.
Théorème 4.3.2 (de représentation générale) Soit {F (t)}
t≥0 ⊂ B(E) une famille
d’opérateurs linéaires bornés avec F (0) = I. Supposons qu’il existe ω ≥ 0 et M ≥ 1
tel que:
∥F (t)
∥ ≤ Mekωt , (∀)k ∈ N∗,
pour tout t ≥ 0.
Si A est le générateur infinitésimal d’un C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0 tel que:
F (t)x − x
= Ax , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
alors nous avons:
T (t)x = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Preuve Soient 0 ≤ a < b. Pour t ∈ [a, b], définissons:
, (∀)n ∈ N∗.
Il est clair que An ∈ B(E), (∀)n ∈ N∗, d’où il résulte que pour tout n ∈ N∗, An
est le générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe uniformément continu
de plus, nous avons:
Anx = Ax , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Avec le corollaire 4.2.5, nous voyons que:
etAnx = T (t)x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [a, b]. Compte tenu du lemme 4.3.1, si x ∈ D(A),
il vient:
tAnx −
n[F( tn)−I]x −
≤ Meω tn (n−1)e
n − 1
+ neω
x − x
n − 1
+ neω
x − x
(n−1)+ e
n − 1
x − x
etAnx −
−→ 0 si n → ∞,
pour tout x ∈ D(A), uniformément par rapport à t ∈ [a, b]. De plus, pour tout
x ∈ D(A), nous avons:
T (t)x −
∥T (t)x − etAnx
etAnx −
−→ 0 si n → ∞,
d’où l’on déduit que:
T (t)x = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ D(A),
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Comme D(A) = E et
∥ ≤ Meωt, on voit que:
T (t)x = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Théorème 4.3.3 (la formule exponentielle) Soient {T (t)}
t≥0 ∈ SG(M, ω) et
A son générateur infinitésimal. Alors:
T (t)x = lim
I − t
x = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intevalles compacts de [0,∞).
Preuve Pour A ∈ GI(M, ω) et t ∈
, nous définissons:
F (t) = (I − tA)−1 = 1
Compte tenu du théorème de Hille-Yosida, on voit que:
∥F (t)k
(1 − ωt)k .
(1 − ωt)k ≤ e
1−ωt ,
il vient:
∥F (t)k
∥ ≤ Me2kωt
pour t ∈
. D’autre part, avec le lemme 2.3.6 nous obtenons:
F (t)x − x
= lim
[F (t) − I] x = lim
AF (t)x =
= lim
= Ax , (∀)x ∈ D(A).
Compte tenu du théorème de représentation générale, on voit que:
T (t)x = lim
x = lim
I − t
= lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compactes de [0,∞).
Théorème 4.3.4 (la formule de Lie-Trotter) Soient A1 ∈ GI(M1, ω1) le générateur
infinitésimal du semi-groupe {T1(t)}t≥0 ∈ SG(M1, ω1), respectivement A2 ∈ GI(M2, ω2)
le générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe {T2(t)}t≥0 ∈ SG(M2, ω2). Supposons
qu’il existe ω ≥ 0 et M ≥ 1 tel que:
∥ ≤ Mekωt , (∀)k ∈ N∗.
Si l’opérateur
A : D(A) ⊂ E −→ E ,
défini par:
Ax = A1x + A2x , (∀)x ∈ D(A) = D(A1) ∩ D(A2),
est le générateur infinitésimal d’un C0-semi-groupe {T (t)}t≥0, alors:
T (t)x = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Preuve Soit:
F : [0,∞) −→ B(E)
F (t) = T1(t)T2(t) , (∀)t ≥ 0.
Il est évident que F (0) = I. De plus, pour x ∈ D(A), nous avons:
F (t)x − x
= lim
T1(t)T2(t)x − x
= lim
T1(t)T2(t)x − T1(t)x
+ lim
T1(t)x − x
= lim
T2(t)x − x
+ A1x = A1x + A2x = Ax .
Avec le théorème de représentation générale, on voit que:
T (t)x = lim
x = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
Remarque 4.3.5 Si A ∈ GI(M, ω), compte tenu de la formule exponentielle, on
peut définir:
etAx = lim
I − t
x = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞). Avec cette
notation, dans les hypothèses du théorème 4.3.4, nous obtenons pour la formule
de Lie-Trotter l’expression:
etAx = lim
x , (∀)x ∈ E ,
uniformément par rapport à t sur les intervalles compacts de [0,∞).
4.4 Notes
Pour les résultats de la section 4.1 on peut consulter [Ka’82, pag. 35].
Les propriétés de convergence pour les C0-semi-groupes ont été étudiées par Trotter dans
[Tr’58]. Pour les théorèmes 4.2.3, 4.2.6, 4.2.7 on peut consulter [Pa’83-1, pag. 84] ou [Ah’91,
pag. 131] et pour le théorème 4.2.4 nous avons utilisé [Da’80, pag. 80].
Le théorème 4.3.4 a été montré par Trotter dans [Tr’59] et a été étudié par Chernoff dans
[Ce’68]. Les résultats que nous avons présentés se trouvent dans [Pa’83-1, pag. 89]. Dans
[Da’80, pag. 90], on peut trouver ces problèmes pour les C0-semi-groupes de contractions.
[Ah’91] Ahmed, N.U. Semigroup theory with application to systems and control.
Logman Scientific & Tehnical, London, 1991.
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lishing Leyden, 1976.
[BB’67] Butzer, P.L., Berens,H. Semi-Groups of Operators and Approxima-
tions. Springer Verlag, New York Inc., 1967.
[Ca’01] Cassier, G. Semigroups in finite von Neumann algebras. Operator The-
ory: Adv. and Appl., 127, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2001, 145-162.
[Ce’68] Chernoff, P.R. Note on product formula for operator semi-groups. J.
Funct. Anal., 2(1968), 238-242.
[Ce’72] Chernoff, P.R. Perturbation of dissipative operators with relative
bound one. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 33(1972), 72-74.
[Ch’74] Chevalier, J. Semigroupes d’opérateurs et thèorie du contrôle optimal.
Liége, 1974.
[CHADP’87] Clément, P.H., Heijmans, H.J.A.M., Angenent, S., van
Duijn, C.J., de Patger, B. One-parameter Semigroups. CWI Monograph
5, North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, Tokyo, 1987.
[Da’80] Davies, E.B. One-parameter semigroups. Academic Press, London, New
York, Toronto, Sydney, San Francisco, 1980.
[DS’67] Dunford, N., Schwartz, J.T. Linear Operators. Part.I. Interscience
Publishers, Inc. New York, Wiley, 1967.
[Fe’53] Feller, W. On the generation of unbounded semigroups of bounded lin-
ear operators. Ann. of Math., 58(1953), 166-174.
[Ga’81] Gaşpar, D. Analiza funcţională. Ed. Facla, Timişoara, 1981.
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[Go’99] Gomilko, A.M. Conditions on the Generator of a Uniformly Bounded
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[HP’57] Hille, E., Phillips, R.S. Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups.
A.M.S., Providence, Rhode Island, 1957.
[Is’81] Istrăţescu, V.I. Introduction to Linear Operator Theory. Marcel
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[Ka’66] Kato, T. Perturbation theory for linear operators. Springer Verlag,
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[Le’00-1] Lemle, L.D. Asupra teoremei aplicaţiei spectrale pentru C0-
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Les opérateurs dissipatifs
Semi-groupes uniformément continus
Semi-groupes de classe C0
Définitions. Propriétés élémentaires
Propriétés générales des C0-semi-groupes
Le théorème de Hille - Yosida
La représentation de Bromwich
Conditions suffisantes d'appartenances à GI(M,0)
Propriétés spectrales des C0-semi-groupes
C0-semigroupes avec propriétés spéciales
C0-semi-groupes différentiables
C0-semi-groupes analytiques
C0-semi-groupes de contractions
La formule de Lie - Trotter
Le cas des semi-groupes uniformément continus
Propriétés de convergence des C0-semi-groupes
Formule de Lie - Trotter pour les C0-semi-groupes
0704.1400 | Reconstructing the Intrinsic Triaxial Shape of the Virgo Cluster | Reconstructing the Intrinsic Triaxial Shape of the Virgo Cluster
Bomee Lee and Jounghun Lee
Department of Physics and Astronomy, FPRD, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747,
[email protected], [email protected]
To use galaxy clusters as a cosmological probe, it is important to account for
their triaxiality. Assuming that the triaxial shapes of galaxy clusters are induced
by the tidal interaction with the surrounding matter, Lee and Kang recently
developed a reconstruction algorithm for the measurement of the axial ratio of
a triaxial cluster. We examine the validity of this reconstruction algorithm by
performing an observational test of it with the Virgo cluster as a target. We
first modify the LK06 algorithm by incorporating the two dimensional projec-
tion effect. Then, we analyze the 1275 member galaxies from the Virgo Cluster
Catalogue and find the projected direction of the Virgo cluster major axis by
measuring the anisotropy in the spatial distribution of the member galaxies in
the two dimensional projected plane. Applying the modified reconstruction al-
gorithm to the analyzed data, we find that the axial ratio of the triaxial Virgo
cluster is (1: 0.54 : 0.73). This result is consistent with the recent observational
report from the Virgo Cluster Survey, proving the robustness of the reconstruc-
tion algorithm. It is also found that at the inner radii the shape tends to be more
like prolate. We discuss the possible effect of the Virgo cluster triaxiality on the
mass estimation.
Subject headings: cosmology:theory — large-scale structure of universe
Galaxy clusters provide one of the most powerful tools to constrain the key cosmological
parameters. In the era of precision cosmology, it is important to determine their mass as
accurately as possible before using them as a cosmological probe. Any kind of simplified
assumption about the properties of galaxy clusters could cause substantial systematics in
the mass estimation. The triaxial shapes of galaxy clusters are one of such properties.
– 2 –
It has been long known both observationally and numerically that the galaxy clusters
are noticeably triaxial (e.g., Frenk et al. 1988; West 1989; Plionis et al. 1991; Warren et al.
1992). While plenty of efforts have been already made to take into account the triaxial shapes
of galaxy clusters (Jing & Suto 2002; Fox & Pen 2001; Suwa et al. 2003; Lee & Suto 2004;
Kasun & Evrard 2005; Hopkins et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2005; Smith & Watts 2005; Hayashi et al.
2007), previous studies have been largely focused on the statistical treatment of cluster tri-
axiality. For the measurement of the gas mass fraction of galaxy clusters that can pro-
vide powerful constraints on the density parameter and the dark energy equation of state
(White et al. 1993; Lubin et al. 1996; Cen 1997; Evrard 1997; Cooray 1998; Laroque et al.
2006; Ferramacho & Blanchard 2007), however, it is necessary to deal with the individual
clusters and their triaxial shapes.
The standard picture based on the cosmic web theory (Bardeen et al. 1986; Bond et al.
1996) explains that galaxy clusters are rare events corresponding to the local maxima of
the initial density field and form at the dense nodes of the local filaments in the cosmic
web through tidal interactions with the surrounding matter. The tidal effect from the sur-
rounding matter results in the deviation of cluster shapes from spherical symmetry as well
as the preferential alignments of cluster galaxies (or halos) with the major axes of their host
clusters (Binggeli 1982; Struble & Peebles 1985; Hopkins et al. 2005; Kasun & Evrard 2005;
Lee et al. 2005; Algood et al. 2006; Altay et al. 2006; Paz et al. 2006).
In the frame of this standard scenario, Lee & Kang (2006, hereafter, LK06) have re-
cently developed an analytic algorithm to reconstruct the triaxial shapes of individual clus-
ters. The key concept of the LK06 algorithm is that the two axial ratios of a triaxial cluster
are related to the eigenvalues of the local tidal shear tensor. By measuring the spatial align-
ment of the cluster galaxies with the major axis of their host cluster, one can determine the
eigenvalues of the local tidal tensor, which will in turn yields the two axial ratios of a triaxial
Testing their analytic model against high-resolution N-body simulations, LK06 have
shown that their algorithm works well within 20% errors. Now that the LK06 algorithm is
known to work in principle, it is time to test the algorithm against observations. Our goal
here is to apply the LK06 algorithm to real observational data and examine its validity in
practice. Here, we use the Virgo cluster as a target, whose triaxial shape has been very
recently measured observationally (Mei et al. 2007).
The organization of this paper is as follows. In §2, a brief overview of the LK06 algorithm
is provided and how to incorporate the two dimensional projection effect into the algorithm is
explained. In §3, the Virgo cluster data are analyzed and its triaxial shapes are reconstructed
using the LK06 algorithm. In §4, the results are summarized, and the advantages and the
– 3 –
caveats of our model are discussed.
2.1. Overview of the LK06 Algorithm
According to the LK06 algorithm, the cluster triaxial shape originates from its tidal
interaction with the surrounding matter distribution. This assumption has been verified from
high-resolution N-body simulation which demonstrated clearly that the tidal field elongates
the cluster shapes (e.g., Altay et al. 2006, and references therein). LK06 has shown that the
two axial ratios of a triaxial cluster are related to the three eigenvalues of the local tidal
tensor defined as the second derivative of the gravitational potential:
1− λ2
1− λ3
1− λ1
1− λ3
, (1)
where {a, b, c} (with a ≤ b ≤ c)are the three principal axis lengths of a cluster and {λ1, λ2, λ3}
(with λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ λ3) are the three eigenvalues of the local tidal tensor, T. According to this
formula, one can estimate the cluster axial ratios if λ1, λ2, λ3 is fixed by fitting the probability
density distribution, p(cos θ) analytically to the observational data. LK06 suggested that
the preferential locations of the cluster galaxies near the cluster major axes given the local
tidal tensor be described as
〈x̂ix̂j |T̂ 〉 =
δij + sT̂ikT̂kj. (2)
where x̂ ≡ (x̂i) is the unit position vector of a cluster galaxy, T̂ ≡ T/|T| is the unit tidal
shear tensor, and s ∈ [−1, 1] is the correlation parameter that represents the correlation
strength between x̂ and T̂. Under the assumption that the minor axis of the tidal shear
tensor is in the direction of the cluster major axis, equation (2) basically describes the
alignment between the position of a cluster galaxy and the major axis of its host cluster. If
s = −1, there is a maximum alignment. If s = 1, there is a maximum anti-alignment. The
case of s = 0 corresponds to no alignment.
Let θ3d be the angle between the host cluster major axis and the galaxy position vector.
Under the assumption that the cluster major axis is in the direction of the minor principal
axis of the tidal shear tensor, The probability density distribution of cos θ3d was derived by
LK6 as
p(cos θ3d) =
(x̂i ·M
ij · x̂j)
2 , (3)
– 4 –
where φ is an azimuthal angle of x̂ measured in an arbitrary coordinate system. Here,
covariance matrix M is defined as M ≡ 〈x̂ix̂j |T̂ 〉. Note that equation (3) holds good for any
arbitrary coordinate system in which the tidal shear tensor is not necessarily diagonal.
In the principal axis frame of the tidal tensor, equation (4) can be expressed only in
terms of the three eigenvalues of the tidal shear tensor as
p(cos θ) =
(1− s+ 3sλ̂2i )
sin2 θ cos2 φ
1− s+ 3sλ̂2
sin2 θ sin2 φ
1− s+ 3sλ̂2
cos2 θ
1− s+ 3sλ̂2
dφ, (4)
where {λ̂i}
i=1 are the eigenvalues of T̂, related to {λi}
i=1 as
λ̂1 + λ̂2 + λ̂3
, λ2 =
λ̂1 + λ̂2 + λ̂3
, λ3 =
λ̂1 + λ̂2 + λ̂3
, (5)
where δc ≈ 1.68 is the linear density threshold for a dark halo (Eke et al. 1996) satisfying
the following constraint of δc =
i=1 λi.
The key concept of LK06 algorithm is that by fitting equation (3) to the observed
probability distribution, one can find the best-fit values of λ1, λ2 and s, and then determine
the cluster axial ratios using equation (1). Although LK06 algorithm allows us in principle
to reconstruct the three dimensional intrinsic triaxial shapes of individual clusters, it is
restricted to the cases where the informations on the three dimensional positions of the
cluster galaxies in the cluster principal axis frame are given. Unfortunately, for most clusters,
these informations are not available but only two dimensional projected images of clusters.
In §2.2, we attempt to modify the LK06 algorithm in order to incorporate the two
dimensional projection effect.
2.2. Projection Effect
Let us suppose that the position vectors of the cluster galaxies are all projected along
the line of sight direction onto the plane of a sky. Unless the major axis of the host cluster is
perfectly aligned with the line-of-sight direction to the cluster center, one would expect that
the projected position vectors of the cluster galaxies should show a tendency to be aligned
with the projected major principal axes.
Let θ2d be the angle between the projected cluster major axis and galaxy position vector
in the plane of sky. The probability distribution can be calculated by integrating equation
– 5 –
(3) along the line of sight as
p(cos θ2d) =
(x̂i ·M
ij · x̂j)
2dx̂3, (6)
where (x̂3) is now chosen to be in the direction of the line of sight. In other words, we
consider a certain Cartesian coordinate system in which the x̂3 direction is parallel to the
line of the sight to the cluster center of mass. Note that in this coordinate system the tidal
tensor is not necessarily diagonal.
Through the similarity transformation
T̂ = Rt · Λ̂T ·R, (7)
λ̂1 0 0
0 λ̂2 0
0 0 λ̂3
, (8)
one can express the nondiagonal unit tidal tensor T̂ in terms of its eigenvalues.Here, the
rotation matrix R has the form of (Binney 1985)
− sinψ − cosψ cos ξ cosψ sin ξ
cosψ − sinψ cos ξ sinψ sin ξ
0 sin ξ cos ξ
, (9)
where (ξ, ψ) is the polar coordinate of the line-of-sight direction in the principal axis frame
of the cluster.
Through equations (6)-(9), we finally final an analytic expression for the probability
density distribution of cos θ2d in terms of {λ̂i}
i=1 and the correlation parameter s:
p(cos θ2d) =
(1 + s)2(1− 2s)
Q−3/2dx̂3, (10)
with the factor Q defined as
Q ≡ [(1 + s)2 − 3s(1 + s)](A1λ̂1 + A2λ̂2 + A3λ̂3)(1− x̂
+[(1 + s)2 − 3s(1 + s)](C1λ̂1 + C2λ̂2 + C3λ̂3)x̂
+6s(1 + s)(B1λ̂1 +B2λ̂2 +B3λ̂3)x̂3
1− x̂2
, (11)
where the coefficients {Ai}
i=1, {Bi}
i=1, {Ci}
i=1 are given as
A1 = cosψ cos θ2d(cosψ cos θ2d − 2 sinψ cos ξ sin θ2d) + sin
2 θ2d(sin
2 ψ + sin2 ξ cos2 ψ),
– 6 –
A2 = sinψ cos θ2d(sinψ cos θ2d + 2 cosψ cos ξ sin θ2d) + sin
2 θ2d(cos
2 ψ + sin2 ξ sin2 ψ),
A3 = cos
2 θ2d + cos
2 ξ sin2 θ2d,
B1 = − sin ξ cosψ(cos ξ sin θ2d cosψ + sinψ cos θ2d),
B2 = − sin ξ sinψ(cos ξ sin θ2d sinψ − cosψ cos θ2d),
B3 = cos ξ sin ξ sin θ2d,
C1 = sin
2 ψ + cos2 ξ cos2 ψ,
C2 = cos
2 ψ + cos2 ξ sin2 ψ,
C3 = sin
With this new modified algorithm in the two dimensional space, we can reconstruct the
intrinsic shape of a triaxial cluster halo from the observed two dimensional image.
3.1. Observational Data and Analysis
The Virgo cluster is the nearest richly populated cluster of galaxies whose properties
has been studied fruitfully for long (e.g., Bohringer et al. 1994; West & Blakeslee 2000, and
references therein). It is known to have approximately 1275 member galaxies (Binggeli et al.
1985) and located at a distance of approximately 16.1 Mpc from us (Tonry et al. 2001) with
the major axis inclined at an angle of approximately 10o with respect to the line of sight
(West & Blakeslee 2000).
Near the center of the Virgo cluster is located the large ellipticity galaxy M87 (or Virgo
A). The major axis of the Virgo cluster is found to be inclined approximately 10◦ with respect
to the line of sight direction to M87 (West & Blakeslee 2000). We use data from the Virgo
Cluster Catalogue (Binggeli et al. 1985) which compiles the equatorial coordinates of total
1275 member galaxies.
3.2. Coordinate Transformation and Projection Effect
Let r and (α, δ) represent the three dimensional distance to a member galaxy and its
equatorial coordinates, respectively. Under the assumption that the position of M87 is the
center of mass of the Virgo cluster, the Cartesian coordinate of a member galaxy in the
center of mass frame can be written as
x1 = r cosα cos δ − x1va
x2 = r sinα cos δ − x2va
– 7 –
x3 = r sin δ − x3va (12)
where (x1va, x2va, x3va) represents the position of M87. The equatorial coordinates of M87
is measured to be αva = 187.71
◦ and δva = 12.39
◦. The distance to Virgo A, rva, from us is
also known to be approximately 16.1Mpc (Tonry et al. 2001; SBF survey). Thus,we have a
full information on (x1va, x2va, x3va).
Now let us consider a coordinate system where the third axis is in in the direction of the
line of sight to M87. Let (u, ϑ, ϕ) be the spherical polar coordinate of the member galaxy
in this coordinate system. It can be found through coordinate transformation as
sin ξva cosψva cos ξva cosψva − sinψva
sin ξva sinψva cos ξva sinψva cosψva
cos ξva − sin ξva 0
where (ξva, ψva) is the polar coordinate of M87, so that ξva ≡ π/2− δva.
In the plane of sky projected along the line of sight direction, the spherical polar coordi-
nates of the member galaxy can be regarded as the Cartesian coordinates as r → 0, ϑ→ xl,
and φ → yl. Basically, it represents a two dimensional projected position of a Virgo cluster
member galaxy in the plane of sky with the position of M87 as a center.
For each member galaxy from the Virgo Cluster Catalogue, we have determined the two
dimensional projected position (xl, yl) using the given equatorial coordinates.
3.3. Virgo Cluster Reconstruction
To measure the alignments between the positions of the Virgo cluster galaxies and the
projected major axis of the Virgo cluster and compare the distribution of the alignment
angles with the analytic model (eq.[6]), it is necessary to find the direction of the projected
major axis in the coordinate system of (x1l, x2l). Equivalently, it is necessary to have an
information on the polar coordinates of the line of sight, (ξ, ψ) with respect to the three
dimensional principal axis of the Virgo cluster.
The seminal paper of West & Blakeslee (2000) provides us with the information on ξ
i.e., the angle between the three dimensional major axis of the Virgo cluster and the line of
sight direction as approximately 10◦. However, we still need the azimuthal angle ψ of the
major axis of the Virgo cluster.
To find the azimuthal angle ψ, we first let ξ = 10◦ and ψ = 0 in the analytic model
(eq.[6]). It implies that we choose a certain Cartesian coordinates (x1p, x2p) where the angle
– 8 –
ψ vanishes. Then, we transform the coordinate system of (x1l, x2l) into this new coordinate
system as
cosψ sinψ
− sinψ cosψ
. (14)
Here, note that (cosψ, sinψ) corresponds to the projected major axis of the Virgo cluster in
the (x1l, x2l) coordinate system. It is expected that in this new (x1p, x2p)-coordinate system
the the observationally measured distribution should fit the analytic model (eq.[6] best.
For a given ψ, we measure the alignment angle between the projected major axis and
position vector of each Virgo cluster galaxy as
cos θ2d = x̂1p cosψ + x̂2p sinψ, (15)
where x̂p ≡ xp/|xp|. Then, by counting the number of galaxies galaxy’s number density
as a function of cos θd, we can derive the probability distribution, p(cos θd). We fit this
observational distribution with the analytic model, adjusting the values of λ1, λ2 and s
through χ2-minimization. We repeart the whole process varying the value of ψ, and seek
for the value of ψ which yields the smallest χ2 value. As a final step, we determine the
corresponding best-fit values of λ1 and λ2.
Finally, we find the axial ratios of the Virgo cluster to be a/c = 0.54 and b/c = 0.73
by using equation (1) with the constraint of δc =
i=1 λi. The best-fit value of s is also
determined to be −0.25, indicating that the positions of the cluster galaxies are indeed
aligned with the major axes of the Virgo cluster. Figure [1] plots the two dimensional
projected positions of the Virgo cluster galaxies in the (x1p, x2p)-coordinate system. The
arrow represents the direction of the projected major axis determined from the chosen value
of ψ.
Figure 2 plots the probability distribution of the alignment angles for four different cases
of ψ. In each panel, the histogram with Poisson errors is the observational distribution while
the solid line represents the analytic fitting model. The dotted line stands for the case of no
alignment at all. The top left panel corresponds to the finally chosen value of ψ for which
the analytic fitting model and the observational result agree with each other best. The other
three panels show the three exemplary cases of ψ for which the analytic fitting model and
the observational result do not agree with each other well with relatively high χ2 value.
To investigate whether the reconstructed axial ratios of the Virgo cluster changes with
the radius from the center, we introduce a cut-off radius, Rcut, and remeasure the axial ratios
using only those galaxies located within Rcut from the center in the (x1p, x2p)- corrodinate
system. We repeat the same process but using four different values of Rcut. Table 1 lists the
values of the resulting best-fit axial ratios a/c and b/c, and the best-fit correlation parameter
– 9 –
for the four different cut-off radii of Rcut. As can be seen, at the inner radius smaller than
the maximum one, the shape tends to be more prolate-like, consistent with recent numerical
report (e.g., Hayashi et al. 2007). Note also that the value of s is consistently −0.25, which
implies the strength of the tidal interaction with surrounding matter is consistent.
Figure 3 plots the probability distributions for the four different cases of Rcut. The top
left panel shows the case of maximum cut-off radius. As can be seen, the agreements between
the analytic fitting model and the observational result are quite good even at inner radii.
We have modified the cluster reconstruction algorithm which was originally developed
by Lee & Kang (2006) to apply it to the two dimensional projected images of galaxy clusters
in practice. Assuming that unless the cluster major axes are in the line-of-sight direction,
we have found that the alignments between the galaxy positions and the projected major
axes can be used to reconstruct the two axial ratios of the triaxial clusters. We have applied
the modified algorithm to the observational data of the Virgo cluster and shown that the
reconstructed axial ratios of (1: 0.54 : 0.73) are in good agreement with the recent report
from the Virgo Cluster survey (Mei et al. 2007), which proves the validity and usefulness of
our method in practice.
Now that the Virgo cluster is found to be triaxial, let us discuss on the triaxiality
effect on the mass estimation. For simplification, let us assume that the Virgo cluster has a
uniform density. Then, the mass of the triaxial Virgo cluster with the axial ratios given as
(1 : 0.54 : 0.73) is estimated to be 2.6 times larger than the spherical case since the spherical
radius is close to the minor axis length of the Virgo cluster since the major axis of the Virgo
cluster is very well aligned with the line of sight direction. Therefore, it can cause maximum
∼ 50% errors to neglect the Virgo cluster triaxiality.
The most prominent merit of our method over the previous one is that it reconstructs
directly the intrinsic three dimensional structures of the underlying triaxial dark matter halo
using the fact that the cluster triaxiality originated from the tidal interaction. Convention-
ally, the triaxial shape of a cluster is found through calculating its inertia momentum tensor.
This conventional method, however, is unlikely to yield the intrinsic shape of the underlying
dark matter halo unless the target cluster is a well relaxed system. In addition, our method
does not resort to any simplified assumption like the axis-symmetry or the alignment with
the line-of-sight and etc.
Yet, it is worth mentioning here a couple of limitations of our method. First, it assumes
– 10 –
that the major axes of the clusters are not aligned with the line-of-sight direction so that
the alignments between the galaxy positions and the projected major axes can be measured.
Second, for the Virgo cluster, the crucial information on the angle ξ between the three
dimensional major axis and the line of sight has been already given West & Blakeslee (2000).
Which simplifies the whole of our method since it was only ψ that has to be determined.
For most clusters, however, this information is not given, so that both the values of ξ and ψ
have to be determined through fitting before finding the axial ratios.
Third, its success is subject to the validity of the LK06 algorithm. According to the
numerical test, the LK06 algorithm suffers approximately 20% errors for the case that the
number of the member galaxies is not high enough. It implies that the LK06 algorithm is
definitely restricted to the rich clusters with large numbers of galaxies. Therefore, it may be
necessary to refine and improve the LK06 algorithm itself for the application to poor cluster
samples. Our future work is in this direction.
This work is supported by the research grant No. R01-2005-000-10610-0 from the Basic
Research Program of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation.
– 11 –
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This preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2.
– 14 –
Fig. 1.— Positions of the Virgo member galaxies in the two dimensional projected space.
The arrow represents the direction of the projected major axes of the Virgo cluster.
– 15 –
Fig. 2.— Probability density distributions of the cosines of the angles between the position
vectors of the Virgo cluster galaxies and four different choices of the Virgo cluster major
axis in the two dimensional projected plane of sky. In each panel, the histogram with
Poisson errors represents the observational data points from the Virgo Catalog, the solid
line is the analytic fitting function based on the LK06 reconstruction algorithm, and the
dotted line corresponds to the case of no correlation. The top left panel corresponds to the
best-fit result according to which the major axes of the Virgo cluster in the two dimensional
projected plane is determined, while the other three panels show how the agreements between
the observational and the analytic results change if different directions other than the major
axes are used.
– 16 –
Fig. 3.— Comparison between the observational and the analytic results for the alignments
at different two dimensional cut-off radii (Rcut).
– 17 –
Table 1. The cut-off radius (Rcut) in the two dimensional projected space, the number of
the member galaxies enclosed within Rcut, the reconstructed two axial ratios, and the
best-fit value of the correlation parameter.
Rcut Ng a/c b/c s
2.24 1275 0.53 0.73 −0.25
1.68 1221 0.64 0.69 −0.25
1.49 1154 0.64 0.69 −0.25
1.12 902 0.64 0.69 −0.25
Overview of the LK06 Algorithm
Projection Effect
Observational Data and Analysis
Coordinate Transformation and Projection Effect
Virgo Cluster Reconstruction
0704.1401 | Flat Pencils of Symplectic Connections and Hamiltonian Operators of
Abstract. Bi-Hamiltonian structures involving Hamiltonian operators of de-
gree 2 are studied. Firstly, pairs of degree 2 operators are considered in terms
of an algebra structure on the space of 1-forms, related to so-called Fermionic
Novikov algebras. Then, degree 2 operators are considered as deformations of
hydrodynamic type Poisson brackets.
1. Introduction
Hamilton’s equations for a finite-dimensional system with position coordinates
qi and associated momenta pi,
are understood geometrically as describing the flow of a vector field XH which is
associated with the Hamiltonian function H(q1, . . . , qn, p1 . . . , pn) by the formula
XH(f) = {f,H}, where {·, ·} is the Poisson bracket:
{f, g} =
. (1)
More generally, one defines a Poisson bracket on an n-dimensional manifoldM as
a map C∞(M)× C∞(M) → C∞(M), (f, g) 7→ {f, g}, satisfying, for any functions
f, g, h on M :
(1) antisymmetry: {f, g} = −{g, f} ,
(2) linearity: {af + bg, h} = a{f, h}+ b{g, h} for any constants a, b ,
(3) product rule: {fg, h} = f{g, h}+ g{f, h} ,
(4) Jacobi identity: {{f, g}, h}+ {{g, h}, f}+ {{h, f}, g} = 0 .
The conditions 1-3 identify {·, ·} as a bivector: a rank two, antisymmetric, con-
travariant tensor field ω on M . It can therefore be represented, by introducing
coordinates {ui} on M , as a matrix of coefficients ωij , giving
ω = ωij
{f, g} = ωij
. (2)
The Jacobi identity places the following constraint on the components of ω:
+ ωjr
+ ωkr
= 0 . (3)
If the matrix ωij is non-degenerate, we may introduce its inverse ωij , satisfying
rj = δ
i . The Jacobi identity for ω
ij is equivalent to the closedness of ωij .
Date: April 11, 2007.
We refer to a closed non-degenerate two-form as a symplectic form, and a mani-
fold equipped with one as a symplectic manifold. Darboux’s theorem asserts that
on any 2n-dimensional symplectic manifold there exists a set of local coordinates
{q1, . . . , qn, p1 . . . , pn} in which the Poisson bracket takes the form (1); i.e. the
components of ωij , and so those of ωij , are constant.
One may also introduce Poisson brackets on infinite-dimensional manifolds. The
loop space of a finite-dimensional manifold M , L(M), is the space of smooth maps
u : S1 →M . Poisson brackets relating Hamiltonians to flows in L(M) will therefore
act on functionals mapping L(M) → R. In [5],[6] Dubrovin and Novikov studied
the so-called Poisson brackets of differential-geometric type, which are of the form
{f, g} =
dx (4)
where ui are coordinates on the target space M , and x is the coordinate on S1.
P ij is a matrix of differential operators (in d
), with no explicit dependence on x,
which is assumed to be polynomial in the derivatives uix, u
xx, . . . . If {·, ·} defines a
Poisson bracket on the loop space then P is referred to as a Hamiltonian operator.
There is a grading on such operators, preserved by diffeomorphisms of M , given
by assigning degree 1 to d
, and degree n to the nth x-derivative of each field ui. An
important class is the hydrodynamic type Poisson brackets, which are homogeneous
of degree 1:
P ij = gij(u)
(u)ukx .
According to the programme set out by Novikov [15], differential-geometric type
Poisson brackets on L(M) should be studied in terms of finite-dimensional differ-
ential geometry on the target space M . When expanded as a polynomial in d
the field derivatives, the coefficients, which are functions of the fields ui alone, can
often be naturally related to known objects of differential geometry, or else used to
define new ones. In the hydrodynamic case, for instance, with gij non-degenerate,
P is Hamiltonian if and only if gij is a flat metric on M and Γkij = −girΓ
j are the
Christoffel symbols of its Levi-Civita connection.
In [7] Dubrovin considered the geometry of bi-Hamiltonian structures of Hy-
drodynamic operators, that is pairs of such operators compatible in the sense of
[13], that every linear combination of them also determines a Poisson bracket. In
particular, he introduced a multiplication of covectors on M and expressed the
compatibility of the operators in terms of a quadratic relations on this algebra.
This paper is principally concerned with Hamiltonian operators which are ho-
mogeneous of degree 2. Section 2 presents the differential geometry of such op-
erators, and in particular relates the subclass which can be put into a constant
form by a change of coordinates on M to symplectic connections. Section 3 then
considers pairs of operators from this subclass, and the algebraic constraints their
compatibility places upon the associated multiplication. In section 4 inhomoge-
neous bi-Hamiltonian structures consisting of a degree 1 and a degree 2 operator
are studied.
2. Hamiltonian Operators of Degree 2
We begin with a review of known results on Hamiltonian operators of degree 2:
ij = aij
x + c
xx, (5)
in which the matrix aij is assumed to be non-degenerate. Such operators have been
considered already in, for example, [17], [14], [4], [15], in which the (conditional)
Darboux theorem has been discussed. In preparation for the bi-Hamiltonian theory
we present these results without the use of special coordinates.
Under the change of coordinates ũi = ũi(up) the coefficients in P ij transform as
bpqr − 2
apq ,
cpqr −
apq ,
cpqrs +
bpqr +
, (6)
where the brackets denote symmetrisation. So in particular aij transforms as a
rank 2 contravariant tensor on the target space and b
and c
are related to
Christoffel symbols of connections by b
= −2airΓ̄
and c
= −airΓ
. Call
these connections ∇̄ and ∇ respectively.
The transformation rules for c
are not determined uniquely by those for P ,
since (5) sees only the part symmetric in k and l. To fix c
, we always assume the
antisymmetric part is zero. Denote by aij the inverse of a
ij defined by aira
rj = δ
The condition that the operation defined in (4) is skew-symmetric and satisfies
the Jacobi identity places constraints on the coefficients appearing in (5).
Theorem 2.1. The operator P in equation (5) defines a Poisson bracket by equa-
tion (4) if and only if
(A) aij = −aji ,
(B) ∇ka
ij = b
(C) air
bjkr − 2c
= akr
bijr − 2c
(D) ∇ is flat (zero torsion, zero curvature) ,
(E) c
− aprc
Proof. [14] states that, by virtue of being Hamiltonian, the operator (5) can be put
in the form
P ij = aij
, (7)
by a change of coordinates ui = ui(ũ), and that for an operator of this shorter form
to be Hamiltonian is equivalent to the three conditions
(a) aij = −aji ,
(b) aij ,k = b
(c) airbjkr = a
jrbkir .
We first assume that P is a Poisson bracket, so there exists the special coordinates
in which P takes the form (7) and (a)-(c) hold. By reversing the change of variables
as ũi = ũi(u), conditions (A)-(C) of Theorem 2.1 are Mokhov’s three conditions
converted to tensorial identities. That ∇ is flat follows from its Christoffel symbols,
Γkij = −airc
j , being zero in the u coordinates.
The formula in condition (E) is derived from the transformation rules above. In
changing from flat coordinates ui to coordinates ũi they give:
bpqr +
apq ,
apq ,
apq ,
where the last line has used the identity
= 0 ,
which is a differential consequence of ∂ũ
= δij .
from which we see
apq .
This last term can be seen to be
(k c̃
Conversely, if (A)-(E) hold, the flatness of ∇ asserts the existence of coordinates
in which c
= 0, and condition (E) then asserts that c
= 0 in these coordinates.
If we take, as a simple case, an operator P as in (5) with b
and assume c
to be defined by (E), then P is Hamiltonian if and only if aij =
uk + A
0 where A
0 are constants with A
, Airl c
r = A
cikr ,
Air0 c
r = A
r and c
rk + cikr c
If we take an algebraA with basis {e1, . . . , en}, n = dimM, and use c
and A
define a multiplication, ◦ , and skew-symmetric bilinear form, 〈·, ·〉, by ei◦ej = cijr e
and 〈ei, ej〉 = A
0 , then we may rewrite these conditions as
ei ◦ ej − ej ◦ ei = Aijr e
(I ◦ J) ◦K = −(I ◦K) ◦ J , (8)
Λ(I, J,K) = Λ(J, I,K) , (9)
and 〈I, J ◦K〉 = 〈J, I ◦K〉 ,
for all I, J,K ∈ A, where Λ is the associator of ◦ : Λ(I, J,K) = (I◦J)◦K−I◦(J◦K).
Algebras satisfying conditions (8) and (9) have appeared before in [18], in the
context of linear hydrodynamic Hamiltonian operators taking values in a completely
odd superspace, where the following definition was proposed:
Definition 2.2. An algebra (A, ◦) satisfying conditions (8) and (9) is called a
Fermionic Novikov algebra.
In [1] Fermionic Novikov algebras in dimensions 2-5 were studied, and the listing
therein provides a source of examples of Hamiltonian operators of degree two.
Example 2.3.
0 0 0 a
0 0 −a −b− (t− 1)u1
0 a 0 c− u2
−a b+ (t− 1)u1 −c+ u2 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 u1x
0 0 −u1x 0
0 τu1x u
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 (u1x)
0 0 −(u1x)
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 u1x
0 0 −u1xx 0
0 τu1xx u
is Hamiltonian for all values of the constants a, b, c and τ with a 6= 0. This is the
most general Hamiltonian operator associated in the manner discussed above to the
algebra designated (44)τ in [1].
Returning to the general Hamiltonian operator (5), it can be seen from conditions
(B) and (E) in Theorem 2.1 that the coefficients b
and c
in (5) are completely
determined by aij and c
. Thus the Hamiltonian operator on L(M) is represented
uniquely on M by only these latter two objects.
Theorem 2.4. There is a one-to-one correspondence between Hamiltonian opera-
tors of the form (5) on L(M) and pairs (a,∇) on M consisting of a non-degenerate
bivector aij and a torsion-free connection ∇ satisfying two conditions: firstly, that
the curvature of ∇ vanishes, and secondly,
jk = ajr∇ra
ki . (10)
The Christoffel symbols, Γkij , of ∇ are related to c
= −airΓ
. We then
= ∇ka
ij + 2c
− aprc
With this, we may verify the following facts [17],[14]:
Corollary 2.5. For P in (5) a Hamiltonian operator we have
1. Γ is the symmetric part of Γ̄,
2. Let T̄ kij = Γ̄
ij − Γ̄
ji be the torsion of ∇̄. Then T̄ijk = airT̄
jk is skew
symmetric and the forms T̄ = 1
i ∧ duj ∧ duk and a = 1
i ∧ duj
are related by 3T̄ = da.
Proof. We begin by noting that equation (10) is equivalent to the condition
∇kaij = ∇iajk (11)
on the two-form aij .
In terms of covariant Christoffel symbols, Theorem 2.4 gives
Γ̄kij =
akr∇raij + Γ
ij , (12)
from which it is clear that Γ̄k
= Γkij .
We therefore also have
∇kaij = Γ̄ijk − Γijk ,
where Γ̄ijk = airΓ̄
jk and Γijk = airΓ
jk. Because ∇ is torsion-free we have
T̄ijk = Γ̄ijk − Γ̄ikj ,
= Γ̄ijk − Γijk − Γ̄ikj + Γikj ,
∇kaij −
∇jaik ,
= ∇kaij ,
= ∇[kaij] ,
(da)ijk .
Lemma 2.6. For a Hamiltonian operator of the form (5), the following three state-
ments, presented in both covariant and contravariant forms, are equivalent:
1. The 2-form a is closed (and so symplectic), or equivalently aij satisfies
equation (3) (and so defines a Poisson bracket on M by equation (2));
2. ∇ka
ij = 0, i.e. ∇kaij = 0;
, i.e. Γkij = Γ̄
Proof. We see, from the characterisation of Hamiltonian operators given in Theorem
aij is Poisson ⇐⇒ airajk,r + a
jraki,r + a
kraij,r = 0
⇐⇒ air∇ra
jk + ajr∇ra
ki + akr∇ra
ij = 0
⇐⇒ 3akr∇ra
ij = 0
⇐⇒ ∇ka
ij = 0 ,
Lemma 2.6 therefore tells us that in the special case where the leading coefficient
in P is the inverse of a symplectic form, the pair (a,∇) defining P can be thought
of as containing the symplectic form aij , and a torsionless connection compatible
with it (in the sense that ∇a = 0); that is, a symplectic connection. More precisely
(see e.g. [3]):
Definition 2.7. A symplectic connection on a symplectic manifold (M,ω) is a
smooth connection ∇ which is torsion-free and compatible with the symplectic form
ω, i.e.
∇XY −∇YX − [X,Y ] = 0
(∇ω) (X,Y, Z) = X(ω(Y, Z))− ω(∇XY, Z)− ω(Y,∇Y Z) = 0 ,
where X,Y and Z are vector fields on M .
In local coordinates {xi}, introducing Christoffel symbols Γkij for ∇ and writing
ω = 1
i ∧ dxj , the conditions for ∇ to be a symplectic connection read Γkij =
Γkji, as usual, and
∇kωij =
− Γrkiωrj − Γ
kjωir = 0 . (13)
This definition is analogous to that of the Levi-Civita connection of a pseudo-
Riemannian metric, however there is an important difference in that the Levi-Civita
connection is uniquely specified by its metric. From the compatibility condition (13)
it can be seen that if Γkij are the Christoffel symbols of a symplectic connection for
ω, then the connection with Christoffel symbols Γ̃kij = Γ
ij + ω
krSrij is a sym-
plectic connection if and only if the tensor Sijk is completely symmetric. In [10]
a symplectic manifold with a specified symplectic connection is called, in light of
[9], a Fedosov manifold. Here we call the pair (ω,∇) of a symplectic form and a
symplectic connection a Fedosov structure on M, and call the structure flat if ∇ is
In the discussion of Hamiltonian operators it is convenient to work with con-
travariant quantities. We call
= −ωirΓ
the contravariant Christoffel symbols of the symplectic connection.
Result 2.8. The compatibility of ∇ and ω is equivalent to
Result 2.9. ∇ being torsion-free is equivalent to ωirΓjkr = ω
jrΓikr .
The curvature of ∇,
slt = ∂sΓ
lt − ∂lΓ
st + Γ
lt − Γ
can be expressed in terms of contravariant quantities by raising indices as
= ωisωjtRkslt .
This gives
Result 2.10.
= ωir
r − ∂rΓ
+ Γijr Γ
l + Γ
Having introduced symplectic connections, we are now in a position to interpret
the following Darboux theorem for Hamiltonian operators of degree 2:
Theorem 2.11. [17] Given a Hamiltonian operator
P ij = aij
x + c
where aij is non-degenerate, then P can be put in the constant form P ij = ωij
(where ω is a constant matrix) by a change of target space coordinates {ui} if and
only if aij is closed. The coordinates in which this happens are flat coordinates for
the connection Γkij = −girc
j which can be chosen, using a linear substitution, to
be canonical coordinates for the symplectic form aij = ωij .
In arbitrary coordinates operators satisfying the conditions of Theorem 2.11 have
the form
P ij = ωij
x + Γ
ukxx (14)
where ωij is the inverse of a symplectic form, c
− ωprΓ
, and Γ
the contravariant Christoffel symbols of a flat symplectic connection compatible
with ω. This class of operators on L(M) is therefore in one-to-one correspondence
with flat Fedosov structures on M .
3. Flat Pencils of Fedosov Structures
In this section we consider pairs of Hamiltonian operators of the form (14):
1 = ω
+ 2Γ1
x + Γ1
ukxx ,
2 = ω
+ 2Γ2
x + Γ2
The first fact to establish is that if P1 and P2 are compatible then all elements
of the pencil, Pλ = P1 + λP2, remain in the class (14).
Theorem 3.1. If P1 and P2 are compatible then ω
1 and ω
2 form a finite-dimensional
bi-Hamiltonian structure on the target space.
Proof. Pλ could have the general form
x + cλ
ukxx ,
but clearly bλ
= 2Γ1
+ 2λΓ2
and cλ
+ λΓ2
, so bλ
= 2cλ
, and
hence, by Lemma 2.6, a
satisfies the Jacobi identity (3) for all λ. �
So we write
+ 2Γλ
x + Γλ
ukxx .
An immediate corollary of Theorem 3.1 is that the tensor Lij = ω
1 ω2rj has
vanishing Nijenhuis torsion.
3.1. Multiplication of covectors. As in [7], we proceed to understand the com-
patibility conditions on P1 and P2 in terms of the algebraic properties of a tensorial
multiplication of covectors on M .
Definition 3.2. Using the tensors
∆sjk = ω
r − ω
i = ω2is∆
sjk ,
we define a multiplication ◦ of covectors on M by
(α ◦ β)i = αjβk∆
Theorem 3.3. The compatibility of P1 and P2 is equivalent to
(I, J ◦K)2 = (J, I ◦K)2 , (15)
and (I ◦ J) ◦K = 0 , (16)
for all covectors I, J,K on M . Here (·, ·)2 is the skew-symmetric bilinear form on
T ∗M induced by ω
2 , i.e. (I, J)2 = IrJsω
2 . The compatibility also implies
= ∇2k∆
. (17)
Because of Theorem 3.1, we phrase the compatibility of P1 and P2 in terms of
Fedosov structures on M , and break the above theorem into stages:
Definition 3.4. Two flat Fedosov structures (ω1,∇
1) and (ω2,∇
2), where ∇1 and
∇2 have contravariant Christoffel symbols Γ1
and Γ2
respectively, are said to be
(i) almost compatible if and only if (ωλ,∇
λ) is a Fedosov structure for all λ,
where the connection ∇λ is given by Γλ
+ λΓ2
(ii) almost compatible and flat if and only if they are almost compatible, and
in addition the curvature of ∇λ vanishes for all λ .
(iii) compatible if and only if they are almost compatible and flat, and cλ
− ωλprΓλ
satisfies cλ
+ λc2
for all λ.
The compatibility of two flat Fedosov structures on M is equivalent to the com-
patibility of the associated Poisson brackets on L(M).
We now turn to the two Fedosov strucutres defined by P1 and P2, and to the
pair (ωλ,∇
λ) defined by Pλ. From the linearity of Result 2.8 in the contravari-
ant symbols it can be seen that ωλ is automatically ∇
λ-constant, so the almost
compatibility of (ω1,∇
1) and (ω2,∇
2) is equivalent to ∇λ being torsion free, i.e. to
In flat coordinates for ∇2, this condition reduces to
r = ω
r . (18)
Note that we already have
ωir1 Γ1
r = ω
r . (19)
Lemma 3.5. If (ω1,∇
1) and (ω2,∇
2) are almost compatible, then the flatness of
∇λ is equivalent to either, and hence both, of
s − ∂sΓ1
= 0 (20)
and Γ1
l + Γ1
= 0 (21)
in the flat coordinates for ∇2.
Proof. The contravariant curvature of Γλ is
= ωirλ
r − ∂sΓλ
l + Γλ
s − ∂sΓ1
+ ωis1
s − ∂sΓ2
l + Γ1
l + Γ1
which in flat coordinates for Γ2
= ωir1
r − ∂rΓ1
l + Γ1
s − ∂sΓ1
The vanishing of the order λ term is equivalent to equation (20), and with this the
vanishing of the λ-independent term is equivalent to (21). �
Lemma 3.6. If (ω1,∇
1) and (ω2,∇
2) are almost compatible then the condition
− ωλprΓλ
reads, in the flat coordinates for ∇2,
l − Γ1
= 0 . (22)
Proof. For an arbitrary Fedosov structure (ω,∇) the object c
can be converted into a quadratic expression in contravariant quantities as
= ωskΓ
Γsip Γ
Γsjp . (23)
This has similarities to the formula for covariant curvature obtained in Result 2.10;
only certain signs have changed. Indeed, if we define a quantity c
dxr =
(∇∂k∇∂l +∇∂l∇∂k) dx
then c
= ωirc
We have two ways of expanding ωskλ cλ
, corresponding to whether we choose
first to substitute it into equation (23), or to expand the pencil quantities. We work
in flat coordinates for ∇2; in these, c2
also vanishes. First expanding the pencil
we have
1 + λω
= ωsk1 c1
+ λωsk2 c1
whilst (23) gives
ωskλ cλ
= ωskλ Γλ
ωsk1 + λω
The order 1 terms merely express equation (23) for P1. Equality of the order λ
terms is equivalent to Γ1
and so to
ωsk1 Γ1
= ωsk1 c1
= ωsk1 Γ1
Proof of Theorem 3.3. Using equation (18) in Definition 3.2 it can be seen that in
the flat coordinates for ∇2 we have ∆
. Thus we may regard equations
(18),(20),(21) and (22) as identities on ∆
; the result is Theorem 3.3. �
The condition imposed by equation (21) for an almost compatible and flat pair
of Fedosov structures on the mutliplication ◦ is (I ◦ J) ◦ K = −(I ◦ K) ◦ J , i.e.
the first condition (8) satisfied by the multiplication of a Fermionic Novikov alge-
bra. In general (9) is not satisfied even for compatible Fedosov structures, however
we do have, for two flat Fedosov structures, (ω1,∇
1), (ω2,∇
2), which are almost
= ∆ijr ∆
∆ikr .
So, in particular, if ∆
is constant in the flat coordinates for ∇2, almost compatible
and flat Fedosov structures will define a Fermionic Novikov algebra structure on
the covectors of M .
In [1] it emerged that examples of such algebras which do not also satisfy the
‘Bosonic’ relation (I ◦J) ◦K = (I ◦K) ◦J , and hence (I ◦J) ◦K = 0, are relatively
rare. ∇2-constant multiplications arising from pairs of Fedosov structures which
are almost compatible and flat, but not compatible, such as that given in Example
3.10 below, are in this class.
3.2. The pencil in flat coordinates. We now turn our consideration to the form
the pencil takes in the flat coordinates for ∇2. From the elements of the proof of
Theorem 3.3 we have
1 + λω
+ 2Γ1
x + Γ1
ukxx . (24)
The Jacobi identity for Pλ (without assuming P1 and P2 are Hamiltonian them-
selves) is equivalent to the constraints
(i) ω
2 is constant and antisymmetric,
(ii) ω
1 is antisymmetric,
(iii) ωir1 Γ1
r = ω
(iv) ω
(v) ωir2 Γ1
r = ω
(vi) Γ1
(vii) Γ1
l = 0.
Proposition 3.7. In a fixed coordinate system {ui} (the flat coordinates for Γ2),
given a constant non-degenerate 2-form ω
2 and a vector field B = B
r∂r satisfying
ωis2 B
,s − ω
,pr =
,s − ω
,pr (25)
,sl = 0 (26)
then the prescription
1 = −(LBω2)
ij = ωir2 B
,r − ω
= ωir2 B
satisfies the constraints (i)-(vii). Further, all solutions of (i)-(vii) have this form.
Proof. Equations (25) and (26) are the quadratic constraints, ωir1 Γ1
r = ω
and Γ1
l = 0 respectively. That ω1 and Γ1 satisfy the (linear) constraints (iv),
(v) and (vi) is an immediate consequence of their definition.
Using the Poincare lemma together with the symmetries expressed in conditions
(vi) and (v), we have the existence of a vector field satisfying Γ1
= ωir2 A
j ,rk . With
this condition (iv) gives ω
1 = −(LAω2)
ij+cij , where cij is a constant antisymmetric
matrix. We may now introduce a vector field B with Bi = Ai + 1
ri which
satisfies ω
1 = −LBω
2 and Γ1
= ωir2 B
Since ω2 is a symplectic form, its symmetries are precisely (locally) Hamiltonian
vector fields. Therefore, if ω2 and ω1 are given, the requirement that ω
1 = −LBω
fixes the non-Hamiltonian part of B. Then the condition Γ1
= ωir2 B
fixes the
Hamiltonian to within a quadratic function. From the point of view of the multipli-
cation of covectors from Section 3.1, the Hamiltonian affects only the commutative
part of ◦, thus the anti-commutative part is fixed by ω
1 and ω
With consideration of the transformation rules (6), one can phrase Proposition
3.7 as the existence of a vector field B such that
1 = −LBω
= −LBΓ2
. (27)
We can also calculate from (6) the correct interpretation of the Lie derivative for
an object of type c
, namely:
= Xrc
−X i,rc
kl +X
birk −
birl −X
air .
If we work in the flat coordinates for Γ2, so that the components c2
= 0, we
have for our pencil
= +ωir2 B
= (ωir2 B
),l ,
Now, in the flat coordinates for ∇2 we have the relation c1
. The linearity
of the transformation rules shows that the Lie derivative of c2
should be an object
of the same type as c1
. Thus we have, in addition to (27),
= −LBc2
One may understand these three infinitesimal relations between the coefficients
of P1 and P2 as averring the existence on L(M) of an evolutionary vector field
B̂ = Bi(u(x))
+ . . .
such that
1 = −LB̂P
We now turn our attention to some examples of pairs of Fedosov structures,
using the framework of Proposition 3.7.
Example 3.8. Two-dimensional pencils. Without loss of generality we take
where u1 and u2 are a flat coordinate system for ∇2.
We take
B = f(u1, u2)
+ g(u1, u2)
and from it calculate ω1 and Γ1 according to (27). In particular
ω1 = (f,1 + g,2)ω2 ,
from which it follows immediately that (ω1,∇
1) and (ω2,∇
2) are almost compatible.
They are almost compatible and flat if and only if h = f + λg satisfies the
homogeneous Monge-Ampere Equation h212 − h11h22 = 0 for all λ.
They are compatible if and only if a = f + λg and b = f + µg satisfy
a12b12 − a11b22 = 0
for all λ, µ.
For instance, one may recover the three two-dimensional Fermionic Novikov al-
gebras of [1] as constant multiplications via
(T1) f = u1, g = 0 ,
(T2) f = u1, g = (u1)2 ,
(T3) f = (u1)2, g = 0 .
Example 3.9. Commutative algebras. In the case in which ω1 is constant in the
flat coordinates for ∇2, we have, by condition (iv),
so that the multiplication ◦ is commutative.
In particular if
ω1 = ω2 = ω =
then the non-Hamiltonian part of B is
To this we may add a Hamiltonian vector field, giving
Since ω1 = ω2, equation (25) is immediate. Equation (26) becomes
H,ijr ω
H,skl = 0 ,
where the indices i, j, k, l, r, s account for both q and p variables.
A solution to this is H = f(x1, x2, . . . , xn), where each xi is either pi or q
i; only
one from each pair of conjugate variables features in H.
It is not hard to see that Proposition 3.7 can be modified to describe almost
compatible and flat pairs of Fedosov structures. Specifically, we replace equation
(26) by the expression corresponding to Γ1
l = Γ1
, namely:
,sl = B
ωrs2 B
,si . (28)
Example 3.10. The Fedosov structures specified by
= 0 ,
+ 2q1q2
+ q1p2
and ω
1 = −LBω
2 and Γ1
= −LBΓ2
are almost compatible and flat, but not
The non-zero components of ω1 and ◦ are
{q1, p1}1 = {q2, p2}1 = 3q1 ,
{q2, p1}1 = 2q2 ,
{p2, p1}1 = p2 ,
dq2 ◦ dp2 = dq1 ,
dp1 ◦ dq1 = −3dq1 ,
dp1 ◦ dq2 = −2dq2 ,
dp1 ◦ dp2 = −dp2 ,
dp2 ◦ dq2 = −2dq1 .
Thus, the products
(dp1 ◦ dq2) ◦ dp2 = −2dq1
and (dp1 ◦ dp2) ◦ dq2 = 2dq1
violate equation (16) but not (8). Note that ◦ also satisfies (9) and thus defines a
Fermionic Novikov algebra which is not ‘Bosonic’.
3.3. ωN manifold with Potential. The tangent bundle T ∗Q of a manifold Q is
naturally equipped with a symplectic form, and thus cotangent bundles form the
basic set of examples of symplectic manifolds. One may hope to find examples
of finite-dimensional bi-Hamiltonian structures on cotangent bundles by exploiting
the existence of additional structures on the underlying manifolds. The main object
used to do this is a (1, 1)-tensor Lij on Q whose Nijenhuis torsion is zero. Such an
object was utilised by Benenti [2] to demonstrate the separability of the geodesic
equations on a class of Riemannian manifolds. This result was later interpreted
in [12] in terms of a bi-Hamiltonian structure on T ∗Q which was extended to a
degenerate Poisson pencil on T ∗Q× R.
To obtain Fedosov structures we require more than just a tensor Lij on Q with
vanishing Nijenhuis torsion; we also need a means of specifying the connections.
If Q is equipped with a torsion-free connection ∇̃, then the Nijenhuis torsion of a
(1, 1)-tensor Lij can be written as
jk = L
k − L
j − L
k + L
If there exists a vector field, A, on Q such that Lij = ∇̃jA
i then
N ijk = (∇̃jA
i)− (∇̃kA
i)− (∇̃sA
where Rijkl is the curvature tensor of ∇̃.
So, if ∇̃ is flat then the vanishing of the Nijenhuis tensor of L = ∇̃A is equivalent
to the identity
i) = (∇̃kA
i) . (29)
Proposition 3.11. Given a manifold Q endowed with a flat connection ∇̃ and a
vector field A satisfying (29), the cotangent bundle T ∗Q is endowed with a compati-
ble pair of Fedosov structures, (ω1,∇
1) and (ω2,∇
2), as follows: ω2 is the canonical
Poisson bracket on T ∗Q.
The connection ∇2 on T ∗Q is the horizontal lift [19] of the connection ∇̃ on Q;
i.e. the Christoffel symbols Γ2
ij of ∇
2 are zero in the coordinates induced on T ∗Q
by the flat coordinates for ∇̃.
1) is calculated from (ω2,∇
2) according to the prescription of Proposition
3.7, where the vector field B is the horizontal lift of A to T ∗Q.
Proof. Let {q1, . . . , qn} be flat coordinates for ∇̃ onQ, and C = {q1, . . . , qn, p1, . . . , pn}
be the induced coordinates on T ∗Q. Then
The space of sections of the cotangent bundle of T ∗Q, Ω, naturally splits into
P = span{dpi} and Q = span{dq
i}. For Γ1
= ωir2 B
to be non-zero requires k
to represent a variable qk, and i to represent a pi variable. Thus Ω ◦ Ω ⊆ Q and
Q ◦ Ω = {0}, meaning that (Ω ◦ Ω) ◦ Ω = {0}. So the relation (26), Γ1
l = 0,
is satisfied.
1 has only one kind of non-zero component, ω
,i, so the expression
ωir1 Γ1
r has only one non-zero case:
qr = A
,rj ,
which is seen to be symmetric in i and j by condition (29), which in the flat
coordinates qi reads
As,j A
i,sk = A
s,k A
i,sj .
Example 3.12. If the eigenvalues of L : TQ → TQ are functionally independent
in some neighbourhood then they may be used as coordinates, and L takes the form
⊗ dui .
In this case we may set A =
(ui)2 ∂
, and have ∇̃ defined by vanishing
Christoffel symbols in these coordinates.
This gives, writing vi as the conjugate coordinate to u
i on T ∗Q,
= −1 ,
and all other Christoffel symbols zero.
4. Bi-Hamiltonian Structures in Degrees 1 and 2
We now consider a pair of operators, P1 and P2 in which P1 is a Hamiltonian
operator of hydrodynamic type and P2 is of second order, i.e. :
1 = g
(u)ukx ,
2 = a
x + c
ukxx ,
where gij is the inverse of a flat metric gij on M and Γ
= −girΓ
where the Γkij
are the Christoffel symbols of the Levi-Civita connection of g. We also assume that
2 is antisymmetric, so that a
ij = −aji, b
and c
The motivation [8] for studying such pairs of operators comes not from regarding
them as separate Hamiltonian operators, but from thinking of P
2 as a first order
(dispersive) deformation of P
1 into some non-homogeneous Hamiltonian operator
P ij = P
1 +εP
2 +O(ε
2). Thus, in such a pair, it is sensible to regard the geometry
1 as being more intrinsic than any associated to P
We choose to work in flat coordinates for g so that gij is constant and Γ
Direct calculation of the Jacobi identity for P ij in these coordinates yields
Theorem 4.1. P2 is an infinitesimal deformation of P1, i.e. P
ij = P
1 + εP
O(ε2) satisfies the Jacobi identity to order ε, if and only if
(I) gircjkr + g
jrcikr = 0 ,
(II) c
(III) girc
= gjr(cikl,r − c
r,l) ,
(IV) gir(ajk,r − c
r ) + g
jr(aki,r − c
r ) + g
kr(aij,r − c
r ) = 0
in the flat coordinates for gij.
By introducing the tensor T
= airΓ
is it easy to convert conditions (I),
(III) and (IV) to arbitrary coordinates, whilst condition (II) becomes
− crik Γ
− cril Γ
+ T ijr Γ
kl + T
Γirl + T
Γirk .
To consider a bi-Hamiltonian structure involving operators P
1 and P
2 one need
only add conditions (C), (D) and (E) of Theorem 2.1 to Theorem 4.1, however,
condition (II) above allows (E) to be replaced by cijr c
l = c
Example 4.2. As discussed in section 2, P2 with b
constant and aij non-
degenerate is Hamiltonian if and only if aij = A
uk + A
0 with A
0 is constant, c
are the structure constants of a Fermionic Novikov algebra
(A, ◦), and A
0 defines a skew-symmetric bilinear form on A satisfying 〈I, J ◦K〉 =
〈J, I ◦K〉.
If we ask that P2 satisfies the above constancy conditions in the flat coordinates
for gij, then, defining an inner product on A by (ei, ej) = gij, we have that the
compatibility of P1 and P2 is equivalent to the additional constraints:
(I ◦ J) ◦K = (I ◦K) ◦ J ,
(I, J ◦K) = −(J, I ◦K)
(I, [J,K]) + (J, [K, I]) + (K, [I, J ]) = 0 ,
where [I, J ] = I ◦J−J ◦I is the commutator of ◦, which is a Lie bracket by equation
For example, if we take the algebra (A = span{e1, e2, e3, e4}, ◦) where the only
non-zero products are e3 ◦ e3 = e1 and e4 ◦ e3 = e2 then we may take as our
symplectic form and metric
[ωij ] =
0 0 a b
0 0 b c
−a −b 0 d− u2
−b −c −d+ u2 0
[gij ] =
0 0 0 e
0 0 −e 0
0 −e f g
e 0 g h
for any choice of the constants a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h such that e 6= 0 and b2 6= ac.
This algebra, essentially (57)−1, is the only algebra in [1] of dimension 2 or 4
which admits non-degenerate forms (·, ·) and 〈·, ·〉 satisfying the above compatibility
conditions with ◦, other than the trivial case in which all products are zero, i.e.
in which the Hamiltonian operators share the same flat connection, and so are
simultaneously constant.
Proposition 4.3. If P2 is an infinitesimal deformation of P1 then there exists a
tensor field Aij such that
aij = girAjr − g
jrAir ,
= 2gisA
− gjrAik,r − g
= gisA
− gisA
= gisA
− gisA
in flat coordinates for gij. Further, any (1,1)-tensor field Aij produces an infinites-
imal deformation of P1 by the above formulae.
Proof. Using the non-degeneracy of gij , we introduce objects θkij and φij by
= girθ
aij = girgjsφrs .
Then condition (I) of Theorem 4.1 is equivalent to θkij = −θ
ji, and so we regard θ
as a family of 2-forms θk indexed by k.
Condition (III) is equivalent to θkjl,i = θ
il,j − θ
ij,l, so that dθ
k = 0 for each k.
This allows us to introduce a family of 1-forms ψk such that
ij = (dψ
k)ij = ψ
i,j − ψ
j,i .
Each ψk can be adjusted by the addition of the exterior derivative, dfk, of some
function fk without affecting the value of θkij .
Writing αij = φij − gjrψ
i + gjrψ
k, we find that condition (IV) is equivalent to
the closedness of the 2-form αij , upon substituting φij and ψ
j for a
ij and c
. Thus
we may introduce a 1-form h with components hi such that αij = hi,j − hj,i, and
φij = gjrψ
i − gjrψ
j + hi,j − hj,i .
If we now let Aij = ψ
j + (g
irhr),j then we have θ
ij = A
i,j − A
j,i and φij =
i − girψ
j , so that the two equations a
ij = girAjr − g
jrAir and c
= girA
are satisfied. The remaining to equations follow easily from c
For the converse, it is easy to check that conditions (I)-(IV) of Theorem 4.1
follow from (30) for any tensor field Aij . �
As with Proposition 3.7, Proposition 4.3 may be understood as asserting the
existence of an evolutionary vector field
e = Aij (u(x)) u
+ . . .
satisfying P2 = −LeP1 whenever P2 is an infinitesimal deformation of P1. This is
therefore not a surprising result; in [11] Getzler showed the triviality of infinitesimal
deformations of Hydrodynamic type Poisson brackets. With this, Proposition 4.3
can be looked upon as a proof of Theorem 4.1.
There is a freedom in Aij of A
j 7→ A
j + g
irf,rj for some function f , which does
not affect the coefficients of P2. This corresponds to adjusting e by a Hamiltonian
vector field, e 7→ e+ P1(δf).
If, with reference to Lemma 2.6, we impose the additional constraint on (30)
that b
then we have the potentiality condition gjrA
k,i = girA
k,j , so that
there exists a 1-form Bk such that
j = g
Bj,r . (31)
In this case aij = girgjr(Br,s − Bs,r) = g
irgjr(dB)rs and the freedom A
j 7→ A
girf,rj is B 7→ B + df . This means that B can be determined purely from g
ij and
aij , and thus there is no freedom in the choice of c
and c
. In fact we may write
= gjsgkr
, (32)
and with this, P2 is an infinitesimal deformation of P1 if and only if
girajk,r + g
jraki,r + g
kraij,r = 0 . (33)
Corollary 4.4. Given a flat metric g and a symplectic form ω, there is at most one
choice of flat symplectic connection ∇ such that the degree 2 Hamiltonian operator
specified by (ω,∇) is compatible with the hydrodynamic operator specified by g.
Clearly, if this connection exists it is given by(32), so this definition must be
checked against Theorem 2.1 to verify
2 = ω
x + c
is Hamiltonian. Since equation (33) is a consequence of the antisymmetry of P2,
compatibility with the Hydrodynamic operator follows immediately.
We conclude this section with an example of this type.
Example 4.5. The Kaup-Broer system [16],
u1xx + 2u
x + 2u
−u2xx + 2(u
is described by the pair of compatible Hamiltonian operators
u1 2u2
0 u1x
0 u2x
Scaling x 7→ εx, t 7→ εt splits P2 into P
2 + εP
2 where
u1 2u2
0 u1x
0 u2x
Since P2 = P
2 + εP
2 is Hamiltonian for all ε, P
2 and P
2 constitute a bi-
Hamiltonian structure of the type considered above. A set of flat coordinates for the
metric in P
ũ1 = u1 ,
ũ2 =
4u2 − (u1)2 ,
in which
0 −ũ2x
0 ũ1x
0 (ũ2x)
0 −ũ1xũ
0 −ũ2xx
0 ũ1xx
So in this situation we have, for the 1-form in (31),
dũ2 .
5. Conclusions
In section 3 an approach was taken based upon the methods of [7] to study com-
patible pairs of Hamiltonian operators of degree 2 which satisfy the conditions of
the relevant Darboux theorem, Theorem 2.11. As for Hydrodynamic Poisson pen-
cils, the compatibility could be reduced to algebraic constraints on a multiplication
of covectors. Driving this was the ability to reduce a given Hamiltonian operator
on L(M) to a flat Fedosov structure (ω,∇) on M , which are natural symplectic
analogues of the pair consisting of a flat metric and its Levi-Civita connection which
determines a Hydrodynamic Poisson bracket.
To extend such a results to pairs of arbitrary degree 2 Hamiltonian operators,
one must consider the pair (a,∇) of Theorem 2.4. The condition (10), whilst
atypical, expresses a familiar concept; in almost-symplectic geometry, it is common
to consider connections such that the covariant derivative of the almost-symplectic
form is zero, but which have torsion; if the torsion of such a connection is skew-
symmetric then its symmetric part satisfies (10). Equation (12) provides the means
of going from the symmetric connection to the compatible connection with skew-
torsion. The only formula missing above necessary to the study of arbitrary bi-
Hamiltonian structures of degree 2 is an expression for the contravariant curvature
of the connection defined by c
, which is, in the presence of Theorem 2.1’s condition
= air(c
) + cijr c
l + c
− (bijr − 2c
l + c
One may use (B) to replace the components of b
in this expression with those of
and the derivatives of aij . However, one sees that the compatibility conditions
do not naturally become algebraic constraints on ∆
, and the relevancy of such an
approach is undermined. It is interesting to note, however, that equation (23) still
holds (with Γ
), so that ◦ defined by ∆
still satisfies (I ◦J)◦K = (I ◦K)◦J ,
and that it is the ‘Fermionic’ condition (I ◦ J) ◦K = −(I ◦K) ◦ J which is altered.
The proof of Proposition 3.7 is easily adapted to confirm the existence of a vector
field B realising P1 = −LBP2 whenever P1, of the form (5) is an infinitesimal defor-
mation of P2 as a Hamiltonian operator, provided b1
= 2c1
. A simple calculation
of LBP2 for arbitrary B shows that b1
= 2c1
is also a necessary condition. Thus
we have determined the trivial deformations of a degree 2 Hamiltonian operator
admitting a constant form, which are themselves of degree 2. Clearly a different
approach is necessary to understand deformations of higher degrees. For the case
of operators not satisfying the constraints of Theorem 2.11, it is not immediately
obvious what conditions, if any, will guarantee the triviality of a deformation; ow-
ing to the different form the contravariant curvature tensor takes, the condition
is absent. Owing to the lack of a constant form, the methods of [8]
in ascertaining the triviality of higher degree deformations, if applicable, will be
somewhat more complicated.
Finally, there is a certain artificiality to the examples of compatible Fedosov
structures presented in section 3. Given Theorem 3.1’s assertion that underlying a
pair of compatible Fedosov structures is a finite-dimensional bi-Hamiltonian struc-
ture, the question is raised asking which finite-dimensional bi-Hamiltonian struc-
tures admit symplectic connections forming almost compatible, almost compatible
and flat, or compatible Fedosov structures? It would be interesting to exhibit a
pair of compatible Fedosov structures in which the flat coordinates for one of the
connections are in some sense physical.
The author would like to thank Ian Strachan for suggesting this project, and the
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland for the scholarship under which this
work was conducted.
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Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1973. Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 16.
Department of Mathematics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QW, U.K.
E-mail address: [email protected]
1. Introduction
2. Hamiltonian Operators of Degree 2
3. Flat Pencils of Fedosov Structures
3.1. Multiplication of covectors
3.2. The pencil in flat coordinates
3.3. N manifold with Potential
4. Bi-Hamiltonian Structures in Degrees 1 and 2
5. Conclusions
0704.1402 | IR-active optical phonons in Pnma-1, Pnma-2 and R3c phases of
LaMnO_{3+\delta} | IR-active optical phonons in Pnma-1, Pnma-2 and R3̄c phases of
I. S. Smirnova,∗ A. V. Bazhenov, T. N. Fursova,
A. V. Dubovitskii, L. S. Uspenskaya, and M. Yu. Maksimuk
Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow distr.
Infrared-active phonons in LaMnO3+δ were studied by means of the reflection and transmission
spectroscopy from 50 to 800 cm−1 at room temperature. Powder and ceramic samples of the
phases of Pnma-2 (δ = 0.02), Pnma-1 (δ = 0.08), and R3̄c (δ = 0.15) were investigated. Besides,
energies of the dipole-active phonons in Pnma-2, Pnma-1 phases were obtained by lattice-dynamics
calculations. The transformations of IR-active phonons with the increase of δ in the sequence of
Pnma-2, Pnma-1, R3̄c are discussed.
PACS numbers: 61.50.Ah, 78.30.-j
Electrical and magnetic properties of perovskitelike compounds RxAyMO3+δ (R = rare
earth; A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb; M = Cu, Mn, Ti, V) can drastically change with varying
x, y. In last decades such materials have been intensively investigated. In 1986 super-
conductivity with Tc=30 K was found in La2−xBaxCuO4+δ.[1] Using of some other transi-
tion metals M can result in the compounds (La1−xAxMnO3+δ, for example) with “colossal”
magnetoresistance.2,3,4 Cuprates and manganites possess many common features: the crys-
tal structure (close to the perovskite) and strong electron–electron, electron–phonon, and
exchange interaction. With x = 0, δ = 0 they are antiferromagnetic dielectrics at low tem-
peratures. An increase of x results in a dielectric-metal transition.5
Some excess oxygen in La2CuO4+δ brings about the same transformation of the electronic
spectrum that results from the partial substitution of La by an alkali earth, the transforma-
tion going up to the superconducting phase.6 Similarities between cuprates and manganites
stimulated studies of the influence of excess oxygen on the electron and phonon spectra of
It’s well known that the crystal structure of both LaMnO3+δ and La1−xAxMnO3 is or-
thorhombic at δ < 0.1, x < 0.2 and T < 500 K. An increase of δ and x results in a
rhombohedral phase R3̄c.7,8,9 In any case the crystal is insulating and paramagnetic above
200–300 K. With decreasing temperature the R3̄c phase transforms into an orthorhombic
phase, insulating and ferromagnetic at 0.11 < δ < 0.14, metallic and ferromagnetic at
δ > 0.14.7 Two orthorhombic phases of LaMnO3+δ have been found.
7,10,11,12 They were de-
noted as either Pnma-1, Pnma-2 (Ref. 12) or O, O′ (Ref. 7). The first one, Pnma-2 (O′),
is an insulating antiferromagnet at low temperatures and exists at small δ; the second one,
Pnma-2 (O), is an insulating ferromagnet at low temperatures and exists at larger δ.
Orthorhombic phases can belong to different space groups (the orthorhombic phase of the
La2CuO4, for example, belongs to the Cmca space group). To emphasize that both O
′ and
O phases of LaMnO3+δ belong to the same space group Pnma we, following Ref. 12, use the
notation Pnma-2, Pnma-1. Unfortunately, this notation does not show the local symmetries
of the atoms or the Wyckoff positions, which are subgroups of the point group D2h. It’s the
local symmetry that determines the number of modes in every irreducible representation.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the spectra of dipole-active optical
phonons in Pnma-2, Pnma-1 and R3̄c phases. Especially, we paid attention to transforma-
tions that phonon states undergo upon transitions from the phase Pnma-2 to Pnma-1 and
then to R3̄c, which are induced by a high-temperature treatment. Optical phonons in the
Pnma-2 and R3̄c phases were measured in Refs. 13,14 (Pnma-2, Raman); 15,16 (Pnma-2,
IR); 14,17,18 (R3̄c, Raman); and 17,19 (R3̄c, IR). In the present study, we focus on the IR
spectrum of the Pnma-1 phase of LaMnO3+δ. To our knowledge, there are no data on either
IR or Raman spectra of this phase at the moment.
The Pnma-2, Pnma-1 phases are isostructural, so the number of phonon modes should be
the same in both cases. However, the number of IR-active modes observed experimentally
in the spectra of the Pnma-1 phase is smaller than that for the Pnma-2 phase. In the R3̄c
phase an experiment shows more modes than group theory predicts for the R3̄c symmetry.
Since phonon modes are closely related to the crystal lattice symmetry, let us summarize
some well known data about crystal structure of four LaMnO3+δ phases. The structure of
the parent cubic phase Pm3̄m is shown in the centre of Fig. 1. At ambient pressure, this
phase exists at temperatures above 870 K. At room temperature there exist three phases:
orthorhombic Pnma-2, Pnma-1 and trigonal (rhombohedral) R3̄c.10,11,12,20
X-ray analisys shows the following:
• In the Pnma-2 phase the positions of O2 oxygens (see Fig. 1) deviate considerably from
those in the cubic phase. The oxygen octahedra are strongly distorted, particularly in
Mn–O2 plane, the Mn–O2 distances differ from each other (1.90 and 2.17 Å).
• In the Pnma-1 phase the positions of O2 oxygens slightly deviate from that in the
cubic phase, the oxygen octahedra are slightly distorted, the Mn–O2 distances being
close to each other.
• In comparison with the cubic phase, in both orthorhombic phases the oxygen octahedra
are rotated around [010] (cubic) axis by nearly the same angle (the difference is 1–3◦).
To distinguish between the Pnma-1 and Pnma-2 phases experimentally, it is sufficient to
determine the dimensions of the unit cell: a, b, c. In the Pnma-2 phase a > c and a− c ≈ 0.2
Å, in the Pnma-1 phase a < c and c− a is 0.04–0.08 Å.
Pnma-1, Pnma-2
FIG. 1: Crystal structure of the R3̄c (left), Pm3̄m (centre) and Pnma (right) phases of LaMnO3+δ.
In all considered phases, Mn atoms occupy symmetry-equivalent positions and their time-
average charges must be the same. Mn+4 should be defects chaotically distributed in the
sample volume. Symmetry forbids any long-range charge ordering in these phases. Such
ordering may occur only if the symmetry is lowered.
In contrast to the cubic phase and the trigonal phase, the orthorhombic phases contain
two types of inequivalent oxygen atoms. Therefore, these oxygen atoms can have different
charges and different amplitudes of displacements in the normal vibration modes. All the
six oxygen atoms in the unit cell of the R3̄c phase are symmetry-equivalent, therefore their
scalar parameters, in particular their charges, should be equal.
Arrows in the centre of Fig. 1 show that the point group D3d of the R3̄c phase and the
point group D2h of the Pnma phases are subgroups of the Oh point group of the Pm3̄m
phase and corresponding phase transitions of the second kind are allowed. The crossed
arrow in Fig. 1 shows that D2h is not a subgroup of D3d. As a result, phase transitions of
the second kind from the R3̄c phase to the Pnma-1, Pnma-2 phases are forbidden. Such
phase transitions can be possible only through an increase of symmetry, i. e., through the
intermediate cubic phase, which exists at high temperatures.
LaMnO3+δ was prepared from La2MnO3, La(CO3)3·6H2O and Mn2O3. The stoichiometric
mixture of source materials was powdered in a ball planetary mill, after that it was calcined
at 900◦C, and then it was powdered once again. The main synthesis was conducted at
1100◦C during 10–20 hours. δ was measured by iodometric titration of the Mn+3, Mn+4
It is known that the Pnma-2 phase can be transformed to the Pnma-1 phase by annealing
in air. Upon further annealing in oxygen, the Pnma-1 phase transforms into the R3̄c phase.7
In Ref. 13 the Pnma-2 phase was obtained by heating of the R3̄c phase in N2 atmosphere
at 900◦C. We realized the reversible sequence of transformations: R3̄c ⇔ Pnma-1 ⇔ Pnma-
2. First, we kept LaMnO3+δ powder at 600
◦C during 10 hours, then different speeds of
cooling resulted in different phases. For the measurements of the IR reflection spectra,
ceramic pellets of the Pnma-1, R3̄c phases were prepared from the powder by pressing it
and subsequent annealing at 1000◦C during 10 hours. We could not obtain ceramic pellets
of the Pnma-2 phase.
Magnetic permeability of the Pnma-2, Pnma-1, R3̄c phases was measured in the 77–
300 K temperature range in the AC 2500 Hz magnetic field of 1 Oe at slow heating. The
measurements were performed on powder manually pressed into a quartz tube of 2 mm
in diameter. This technique results in some uncertainty in the amount of material under
investigation. Therefore, the absolute value of the permeability was obtained with some
uncertainty, yet we determined the main features of its temperature dependence.
IR reflection spectra of ceramic pellets and the IR transmission spectra of powder samples
were obtained using a Fourier-transform spectrometer in the spectral range 50–800 cm−1 at
room temperature. The reflection spectra were measured in the arrangement where the light
falls on a pellet surface near perpendicularly, and an aluminum mirror was used to obtain
a reference spectrum. In order to measure transmission spectra, either a polyethylene or
a KBr plate (depending on the spectral range) was covered by powder sample, and the
transmission spectrum of the plate was used as a reference. Transmission T then was
converted to absorbance D = − ln(T ).
According to X-ray analysis, the unit cell parameters of the Pnma-2, Pnma-1, R3̄c phases
we synthesized were the following:
phase a, Å b, Å c, Å
Pnma-1 5.505 7.776 5.513
Pnma-2 5.732 7.693 5.536
For R3̄c a∗ = 5.515 Å, c∗ = 13.291 Å in the hexagonal coordinates.
These parameters are concordant, for instance, with the results of Huang et al.12
Titration has shown the following percentage of Mn+4 ions in investigated samples: Pnma-
2, 5%; Pnma-1, 15%; R3̄c 30%. It corresponds to δ equal to 0.025, 0.075 and 0.15 for the
Pnma-2, Pnma-1 and R3̄c phases, respectively.
The magnetic permeabilities of Pnma-2, Pnma-1 and R3̄c are shown in Fig. 2. All
80 130 180 230 280
H, Oe
117 K
110 K, a.u. 51.5
FIG. 2: Temperature dependence of the magnetic permeability χ(T ) of the Pnma-2 phase (black,
multiplied by 3), the Pnma-1 phase (red) and the R3̄c phase (blue). For the Pnma-1 phase,
permeability versus magnetic field χ(H) is plotted in the inset at 110 and 117 K.
phases are paramagnetic near the room temperature. At low temperature Pnma-1 and R3̄c
are ferromagnetic, and Pnma-2 is antiferromagnetic. Ferromagnetic behaviour is illustrated
by hysteretic dependence of the permeability upon the magnetic field, which appears below
the transition temperature and becomes more and more pronounced with decreasing tem-
perature, see the inset in Fig. 2. The temperature of the antiferromagnetic transition in
Pnma-2 is 140 K, in agreement with Refs. 7,12. To obtain the temperatures of the ferromag-
netic transitions in Pnma-1 and R3̄c, we plotted inverse permeability versus temperature,
and linearly extrapolated to zero value the high-temperature parts of these dependences. In
agreement with Ref. 7, the transition temperatures turned out to be 180 and 240 K in the
Pnma-1 and R3̄c phases, respectively. These results confirm that we really deal with the
Pnma-2, Pnma-1 and R3̄c phases.
In Fig. 3 the reflection spectra of the phases R3̄c (δ ∼ 0.15), Pnma-1 (δ ∼ 0.05),
0.4 -
0.4 Pnma-1
200 400 600
0.8 Pnma-2
Wavenumber, cm-1
FIG. 3: Solid lines: Reflection spectra of the R3̄c, Pnma-1 and Pnma-2 phases. (For the Pnma-2
phase the data are taken from Ref. 15). Crosses: the results of fitting.
and Pnma-2 (δ = 0) are shown. In the present wavenumber range reflection spectra are
determined by dipole-active phonons. We approximated our reflectivity spectra R(ω) using
a fitting procedure based on a set of Lorentz oscillators:
ǫ(ω) =
ω20,j − ω
2 − iγjω
; R(ω) =
ǫ(ω)− 1
ǫ(ω) + 1
ǫ(ω) is the complex dielectric function; Sj , ω0,j and γj are oscillator strength, frequency and
damping factor of mode j. The number of oscillators we used in every case was chosen as
the minimum number allowing a good fit. The crosses on Fig. 3 show the result of the
Fig. 4 shows the conductivity contributions σj(ω) of the calculated Lorentz oscillators:
σj(ω) =
(ω20,j − ω
2)2 + γ2jω
200 400 600
100 x10
Wavenumber, cm-1
FIG. 4: Separate conductivity contributions of each Lorentz oscillator, which were obtained by
fitting of the reflection spectra shown in Fig. 3
Paolone et al.15 compared experimental and theoretically calculated21 phonon frequen-
cies of Pnma-2 phase. Taking into account the lowest and the highest phonon frequencies
obtained by Paolone et al.15, we corrected previously calculated21 phonon frequencies of the
Pnma-2 phase. Also, we calculated the phonon frequencies of the Pnma-1 phase using the
rigid-ion model with effective charges. Table I shows the results of these calculations along
with the phonon frequencies extracted from experimental data. We measured spectra of
ceramic samples. So the polarization symmetry of the IR-active phonons could not be ob-
tained from our experiments and the arrangement of the modes is tentatively done according
to their frequencies and intensities.
In Table I, “TO” and “LO” indices correspond to the “transverse” and “longitudinal”
frequencies. A TO frequency means a resonant frequency ω0,j (see Equation (1)) and coin-
cides with a maximum of σ(ω) (see Equation (2)). LO frequencies in Table I correspond to
maxima of the function −Im(1/ǫ) and represent oscillator strengths S = ω2LO − ω
A. IR spectra of the Pnma phases
According to group theory, the isostructural Pnma-1 and Pnma-2 phases should have 25
dipole-active optical phonon modes, 9B1u+7B2u+9B3u (see, for example, Ref. 21). Indeed,
Paolone et al.15 experimentally found 25 IR-active modes in Pnma-2 crystals at 10 K (and
18 modes at room temperature). However, in our Pnma-1 ceramic only 11 modes can be
distinguished at room temperature.
The lines in the Pnma-1 ceramic are substantially wider than in the Pnma-2 single crys-
tals (see damping factors γ in Table I). Let’s consider possible reasons for this broadening.
Decreasing of the phonon life time τ accompanied by increasing of γ = 1/τ could come
as a result of the phonon scattering on grain boundaries of ceramic. To check that, we
measured transmission spectra of the Pnma-1, Pnma-2 and R3̄c powders. The grain sizes
of our powders were measured22 using electron microscopy: in all samples the typical grain
size is found to be about 1 µm. In the transmission spectra, the widths of the phonon lines
increase monotonically with the increase of the excess oxygen content, i. e., in the sequence
Pnma-2, Pnma-1, R3̄c. That means that phonon scattering on grain boundaries is not the
main reason of line broadening in the spectra of the Pnma-1, R3̄c powders. The same is
even truer for the spectra of the Pnma-1, R3̄c ceramics, because in a ceramic the typical
TABLE I: Calculated and experimental TO(LO) frequencies (cm−1) of IR-active phonon modes;
w means a weak mode; γ is damping factor (cm−1)
Pnma-2 Pnma-1 R3̄c
calc. exp. calc. exp. exp.
ωTO(ωLO) ωTO(ωLO) γ ωTO(ωLO) ωTO(ωLO) γ ωTO(ωLO) γ
115(119) B1u 116(120) 4 111(115) B1u
116(118) B3u 120(130) B3u 125(135) 20 120(140) 62
138(140) B2u 143(148) B2u 147(180) 29
171(197) B2u 172(244) 6 166(196) B1u 163(209) 24 167(197) 38
175(195) B1u 182(195) 3 181(199) B2u 187(195) 27
231(232) B3u 201(203) 9 229(230) B3uw
233(249) B1u 244(255) 7 247(248) B1uw
249(250) B2u 300(302) B2uw
254(281) B3u 271(291) 5 253(253) B3uw
284(296) B1u 277(297) 9 270(291) B3u 258(267) 74 252(266) 88
297(305) B3u 285(293) 9 280(281) B1uw
309(309) B1u 332(354) B1u 327(381) 95 324(376) 97
330(341) B2u 335(363) 15 355(371) B1u
346(352) B1u 350(411) 16 368(370) B2uw
354(373) B3u 362(391) 10 377(440) B3u 372(401) 60 376(400) 68
420(426) B2u 400(401) 16 382(448) B1u
434(450) B1u 429(437) 18 416(417) B1uw 420(429) 59 431(442) 78
455(457) B1u 451(452) 12 437(444) B3u
473(479) B3u 474(480) 28 487(503) B2u 487(490) 40 498(592) 33
528(531) B3u 515(518) 18 564(568) B2u
573(598) B2u 561(606) 17 580(589) B3u 567(579) 49 576(592) 85
634(640) B2u 644(646) 39 584(641) B2u 599(618) 57 611(627) 65
644(650) B3u 615(616) B3uw
645(651) B1u 634(639) B1u 637(642) 51 649(653) 57
200 400 600
Wavenumber, cm-1
1.0 Reflection
FIG. 5: Experimental absorption of the R3̄c (top), Pnma-1 (middle) and Pnma-2 (bottom, solid
line) powders. The dashed line in the bottom part represents the reflectivity of a Pnma-2 single
crystal taken from Ref. 15.
grains can be larger than that in a source powder. Moreover, we believe that even in our
Pnma-2 powder phonon scattering on grain boundaries is not the main reason of the line
broadening. In the bottom part of Fig. 5, the dashed line shows the reflection spectrum
of a Pnma-2 single crystal15, solid line represents our absorption spectrum of the Pnma-2
powder. Our calculations showed that, on average, the lines in the conductivity spectrum
of powder are three times wider than those in the spectrum of a crystal. Nevertheless, one
can reveal the same number of lines in both spectra. For example, 172 cm−1 and 182 cm−1
lines can be undoubtedly distinguished in our powder spectrum. It was shown15 that in a
doped LaMnO3 single crystal, containing 8% of Mn
+4, these lines could not be resolved at
room temperature. Our powder contained 5% of Mn+4 so it seems reasonable to attribute
the observed broadening of lines in our Pnma-2 powder as a result of oxygen doping.
The main factor of line broadening in the spectra of these samples should be the phonon
scattering on structural defects, which multiply with excess oxygen doping. These defects
could be oxygen atoms in interstitial sites, like those in La2CuO4+δ [23]. However as for
LaMnO3+δ and La1−xAxMnO3+δ (A=Ca, Sr, Ba), at the moment it is rather believed that
the nonstoichiometric oxygen Oδ is compensated by both La and Mn vacancies in equal
amounts.7,24 In such a case, vacancy contents of La or Mn in our samples δ/(3 + δ) would
be 0.7%, 2.6% and 5% for the Pnma-2, Pnma-1 and R3̄c phases respectively.
Line broadening can make difficult or impossible experimental detection of some lines
with small oscillator strength. In the Pnma-2 phase, that could be the phonons with the
frequencies 400 cm−1, 451 cm−1 (see Table I). We calculated the oscillator strength for all
IR-active modes of the Pnma-2 and Pnma-1 phases. It turns out that the number of modes
experimentally detected in the Pnma-1 phase is reduced in comparison with the Pnma-2
phase mainly because the oscillator strength of some phonons of the Pnma-1 phase becomes
very small. These Pnma-1 modes are marked by w in Table I. In the Pnma-1 phase, the
lengths of Mn–O bonds differ from each other very little (the difference comes in fourth
significant digit). The closeness of Mn–O bond lengths means that oxygen atoms are almost
symmetrically equivalent, i. e., the Pnma-1 crystal structure deviates from the cubic one
less than the Pnma-2 crystal structure where the difference in Mn–O bond lengths is 15%.
In the cubic structure, the number of IR-active phonons is less than in an orthorhombic
structure. Therefore, if a structure is close to cubic then some IR-active phonons are “on
the verge of disappearance”.
B. IR spectra of R3̄c
Our spectra of R3̄c are in satisfactory agreement with the spectra obtained in Ref. 17,19.
According to our experimental results, phonon damping factors of the R3̄c phase exceed
those of the Pnma-1 phase by a factor of 1.3 on average. The first reason is that the Mn+4
content in R3̄c is two times as large as it is in the Pnma-1 phase, so there are more structural
defects there. The second reason is disorder caused by the noncoherent dynamic Jahn-Teller
According to the group-theory analysis (see Ref. 21, for example), there are 8 IR-active
phonon modes in the R3̄c phase: 3A2u+5Eu. At room temperature, in reflection spectra of
the R3̄c ceramic we definitely distinguish 10 lines. The approximation by a set of Lorentz
oscillators revealed an additional very broad line near 120 cm−1. Therefore, we found in the
R3̄c phase the same amount of lines (11) as in the Pnma-1 phase.
Let us consider possible reasons for appearing of additional lines in spectra of the R3̄c
Local break of the inversion symmetry around a point defect could make some Raman-
active (IR-forbidden) modes to appear in IR spectra. However, comparison of the IR spectra
of the R3̄c phase with Raman spectra of Abrashev et al.17 shows that there is only one
Raman line near 649 cm−1 close to an IR line (640 cm−1), the other Raman lines have no
counterparts in our IR spectra.
In IR spectra there could appear maxima of the phonon density of states caused by
breaking of the long-range order. Iliev et al.14 analyzed the Raman spectra of doped rare-
earth manganites and interpreted them in the frame of the model used for description of
amorphous materials.25 The Raman spectra in this case are dominated by disorder-induced
bands, reflecting the phonon density of states smeared due to finite phonon lifetime. In other
words, the law of conservation of the quasimomentum k breaks and phonons with nonzero
k begin to interact with light. In general, the same mechanism could definitely work for IR
spectra too. Big linewidths prevent us from supporting or rejecting an influence of phonons
with k 6= 0 on IR spectra of the R3̄c phase. Though it worth to take into account that
according to Iliev et al.14 a Raman mode generally gives several maxima of density of states.
Probably the same is true for IR-active modes. However, our spectra of the R3̄c phase can
be fitted very well by a few Lorentz functions. So we think that the phonons with k 6= 0 can
have only a small influence on our spectra, they do not determine essential spectral features.
We explain additional lines in our IR spectra of the R3̄c phase as a result of the dynamic
Jahn-Teller effect. In the R3̄c phase of LaMnO3, the R3̄c symmetry exists only “on average”,
revealing itself in certain kinds of experiments such as X-ray diffraction. At any particular
moment of time, one of the octahedron O–Mn–O axes differs from two others due to dynamic
Jahn-Teller distortions; therefore, oxygen atoms are inequivalent and their charges are not
equal. It is the “instant”, not “average”, pattern that is probed in optical experiments.14
Obviously, normal phonon modes, measured by means of IR and Raman spectroscopy, are
normal modes of the “instant”, not average” pattern. In the “instant” view every octahedron
in the R3̄c phase looks deformed, mostly in the same way as the octahedra in the Pnma
phases. That’s why the phonon spectrum of the R3̄c phase resembles that of the Pnma
phases. Similarly, Abrashev et al.17 interpreted two strongest lines (649 cm−1 is one of
them) in their Raman spectra of the R3̄c phase as “forbidden” modes, analogous to the
respective modes in Pnma phases.
We can expect some correlations between the Jahn-Teller deformations of the octahedra
in the R3̄c phase. Qiu et al.26 found that in high-temperature (T > 1010 K) stoichiometric
rhombohedral LaMnO3 there are fully distorted MnO6 octahedra, ordered in clusters of
diameter ∼ 16 Å. According Ref. 7, the phase diagram of LaMnO3+δ containes an area
(0.11 < δ < 0.14) where a phase transition R3̄c ⇔ Pnma-1 exists at T = 300 K. As we
mentioned in Section II, such transition of a second kind is forbidden by symmetry. In Ref.
27 there was suggested a model of a phase transition through a virtual cubic phase. Taking
into account the known IR and Raman spectra of the R3̄c phase, as well as the results of Qiu
et al.26, we suggest that the R3̄c samples could contain nanoclusters of some Pnma phase.
Such inclusions may be growing centres at the transition R3̄c ⇔ Pnma-1 of a first kind.
According to the selection rules, the irreducible representations B1u, B2u, B3u of D2h point
group correspond to IR-active modes, their total electric dipole moment M taking the form
M(B1u) = (0, 0,Mz),M(B2u) = (0,My, 0),M(B3u) = (Mx, 0, 0). Similarly, for every full
set of symmetrically equivalent atoms in the unit cell (O2, for example) the sum of their
atomic displacements
ui has only one non-zero component. (For a single atom inside
such a set, all three components can differ from zero.)
Let’s consider four lowest-frequency IR-active modes of the Pnma-2 phase. (Fig. 6)
The line with the lowest frequency (115 cm−1) can be distinctly seen in the spectra of the
Pnma-2 and Pnma-1 phases. In the spectrum of the R3̄c phase it substantially broadens
(Fig. 4). A similar line have been observed in reflection spectra of both the undoped (
x = 0 ) and doped by either Ca or Sr La1−xAxMnO3+δ, LaTiO3
28, YVO3
29. Theoretical
calculations21 and experimental results29 show that in the spectra of the Pnma-2 phase this
line consists of two modes with close frequencies and different polarizations (see the upper
part of Fig. 6).
In B1u, B3u modes, La and O1 atoms can vibrate only in the reflection plane m therefore
z |Mz|>0
FIG. 6: Theoretically calculated patterns of some IR-active phonon modes of the Pnma-2 phase.
Thick arrows show atomic displacements in the direction of the total electric dipole moment M .
Thin arrows show atomic displacements in the other two main crystallographic directions. In the
left upper corners there shown corresponding irreducible representations. In the bottom there
shown corresponding theoretical TO(LO) frequencies.
having two degrees of freedom.
115 cm−1 mode (B1u) has the maximal displacements of La atoms along x axis. Nev-
ertheless, these components don’t contribute to the total electrical dipole moment because
their sum equals zero. Only small components of the La displacements uz along z axis (thick
arrows) contribute to M . The intensity of this mode in the optical conductivity spectrum is
determined by the displacements of O2, Mn, La atoms, their contributions adding together.
Relatively small contributions of O1 atomic displacements have the opposite sign.
The structure of atomic displacements of 116 cm−1 mode (B3u) is similar to the previous
one. The biggest displacements of La atoms are along z axis, M being parallel to x axis. The
intensity of this mode is determined by the adding contributions of O2, La displacements
and the subtracting contribution of Mn displacement.
In 178 cm−1 mode (B2u) O1 and La atoms can vibrate only along y axis, in 185 cm
mode (B3u) they can vibrate only in (0,1,0) plane. An essential difference between these
modes and 115 cm−1, 116 cm−1 modes is that in 178 cm−1, 185 cm−1 modes the maximal
displacements of every atom contribute to M (O1, O2, La are adding, Mn is subtracting).
That is why the oscillator strengths of 178 cm−1, 185 cm−1 modes are much higher than
that of 115 cm−1, 116 cm−1 modes.
Being isostructural, the Pnma-2 and Pnma-1 phases have close patterns of atomic dis-
placements in phonon modes. Still, there are some important differences between them. In
the upper part of Fig. 7 there are shown 233 cm−1 mode of the Pnma-2 phase and 247
cm−1 mode of the Pnma-1 phase. Big displacements of Mn and O1 along x axis, which
have comparable magnitudes for the Pnma-2 and Pnma-1 phases, don’t contribute to M .
In the both cases, the oscillator strengths are entirely determined by small displacements
along z axis, which are much less for the Pnma-1 phase (247 cm−1) than for the Pnma-2
phase (233 cm−1). As a result, the oscillator strength 247 cm−1 mode of the Pnma-1 phase
is very small.
In the bottom part of Fig. 7 there are shown another pair of similar modes. The oscillator
strength of 284 cm−1 mode (Pnma-2) is much higher than that of 280 cm−1 mode (Pnma-1),
because in the second case the displacements of Mn, O2 atoms along z axis are substantially
less. In addition, the displacements of O1 atoms, which decrease the resulting M , are of
much higher amplitude in 280 cm−1 mode (Pnma-1) than in 284 cm−1 mode (Pnma-2).
Our theoretical calculations showed that there are six modes in total, which strongly
z |Mz|>0
z |Mz|>0
z |Mz|>0
z |Mz|>0
FIG. 7: Theoretically calculated patterns of some IR-active phonon modes of the Pnma-2 and
Pnma-1 phases. Thick arrows show atomic displacements in the direction of the total electric
dipole moment M . Thin arrows show atomic displacements in the other two main crystallographic
directions. In the left upper corners there are shown corresponding irreducible representations. In
the bottom there shown corresponding theoretical TO(LO) frequencies.
decrease their oscillator strength for the Pnma-1 phase in comparison with that for the
Pnma-2 phase. (In Table I they are marked by w.) That’s why for the Pnma-1 phase the
number of modes seen in experiment is less than for the Pnma-2 phase.
The atomic displacements of all IR-active modes for the Pnma-2 phase are drawn in Fig.
5 of Ref. 21. Mostly, the displacements of O1, O2 atoms are much bigger than that of Mn,
La atoms. As a result, the small components were ignored there. For a strong mode, that
was reasonable. However for a weak mode, that could cause some misunderstanding. For
Pnma 2
Pnma 2
FIG. 8: Theoretically calculated patterns of some IR-active phonon modes for the Pnma-2 phase.
Thick arrows show atomic displacements in the direction of the total electric dipole moment M .
Thin arrows show atomic displacements in the other two main crystallographic directions. In the
left upper corners there are shown corresponding irreducible representations. In the bottom there
shown corresponding theoretical TO(LO) frequencies.
example, all the displacements shown in Ref. 21 for 207 cm−1 and 562 cm−1 modes produce
the resulting M = 0. More correct patterns for these modes are shown in Fig. 8.
The reversible sequence of transformations R3̄c ⇔ Pnma-1 ⇔ Pnma-2 was realized by
annealing of LaMnO3+δ powder at 600
◦C during 5–10 hours.
For the first time, IR transmission and reflection spectra of the Pnma-1 phase of
LaMnO3+δ were measured. In addition, IR spectra of the Pnma-2 and R3̄c phases were
measured and found to be in satisfactory agreement with previously published results.
Taking into account new experimental data for the Pnma-2 phase, we corrected our pa-
rameters of the rigid-ion model with effective charges and recalculated its phonon spectrum.
The frequencies and oscillator strengths of the IR-active phonons in Pnma-1 phase were
calculated as well.
The number of experimentally observed IR-active phonon modes in the Pnma-1 phase is
smaller than that in the Pnma-2 phase, although these phases have the same Pnma sym-
metry. According to theoretical calculations, it happens due to a decrease in the oscillator
strengths of several phonon modes of the Pnma-1 phase. The underlying reason is that in
the Pnma-1 phase MnO6 octahedra are much less distorted than in the Pnma-2 phase.
In the spectra of the R3̄c phase, the number of modes observed exceeds that predicted by
group theory. We attribute the additional modes to local distortions of oxygen octahedra
similar to those in Pnma phases.
We thank S. S. Nazin for useful discussion.
∗ Electronic address: [email protected]
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Crystal structure of LaMnO3+ phases
Results and discussion
IR spectra of the Pnma phases
IR spectra of Rc
The influence of selection rules of D2h point group on the IR spectra
0704.1404 | Neutron matter from low-momentum interactions | arXiv:0704.1404v1 [nucl-th] 11 Apr 2007
Neutron Matter from Low-Momentum Interactions
Bengt Friman1,∗), Kai Hebeler1,∗∗), Achim Schwenk2,∗∗∗) and Laura Tolós3,†)
1GSI, Planckstr. 1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
2TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 2A3
2 FIAS, J.W. Goethe Universität, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
We present a perturbative calculation of the neutron matter equation of state based
on low-momentum two- and three-nucleon interactions. Our results are compared to the
model-independent virial equation of state and to variational calculations, and we provide
theoretical error estimates by varying the cutoff used to regulate nuclear interactions. In ad-
dition, we study the dependence of the BCS 1S0 superfluid pairing gap on nuclear interactions
and on the cutoff. The resulting gaps are well constrained by the nucleon-nucleon scattering
phase shifts, and the cutoff dependence is very weak for sharp or sufficiently narrow smooth
regulators with cutoffs Λ > 1.6 fm−1.
§1. Introduction
The determination of a reliable equation of state of nucleonic matter plays a
central role for the physics of neutron stars1) and core-collapse supernovae.2), 3) Fur-
thermore the superfluidity and superconductivity of neutrons and protons is an im-
portant phenomenon in nuclear many-body systems,4), 5) in particular for the cooling
of neutron stars.6) In this contribution, we present calculations of the neutron mat-
ter equation of state at finite temperature and of the 1S0 superfluid gap in the BCS
approximation based on low-momentum interactions.
Renormalization group methods coupled with effective field theory (EFT) offer
the possibility for a systematic approach to the equation of state. By evolving
nuclear forces to low-momentum interactions Vlow k
7)–9) with cutoffs around 2 fm−1,
the model-dependent short-range repulsion is integrated out and the resulting low-
momentum interactions are well constrained by the nucleon-nucleon (NN) scattering
data. Furthermore, the corresponding leading-order three-nucleon (3N) interactions
(based on chiral EFT) become perturbative in light nuclei for Λ . 2 fm−1.10)
With increasing density, Pauli blocking eliminates the shallow two-nucleon bound
and nearly-bound states, and the contribution of the particle-particle channel to bulk
properties becomes perturbative in nuclear matter.8) The Hartree-Fock approxima-
tion is then a good starting point for many-body calculations with low-momentum
NN and 3N interactions, and perturbation theory (in the sense of a loop expansion)
around the Hartree-Fock energy converges at moderate densities. This can be under-
stood quantitatively based on the behavior of the Weinberg eigenvalues as a function
of the cutoff and density.8), 9)
∗) E-mail address: [email protected]
∗∗) E-mail address: [email protected]
∗∗∗) E-mail address: [email protected]
†) E-mail address: [email protected]
typeset using PTPTEX.cls 〈Ver.0.9〉
2 B. Friman, K. Hebeler, A. Schwenk and L. Tolós
Some uncertainty remained concerning a possible dependence of the 1S0 pairing
gap on the input NN interaction in low-density neutron matter (kF < 1.6 fm
We address this point and explore the dependence of 1S0 superfluidity on nuclear
interactions at the BCS level in detail. We find that the BCS gap is well constrained
by the NN phase shifts. Therefore, any uncertainties are due to polarization (induced
interaction), dispersion and three-nucleon interaction effects.
§2. Equation of State of Neutron Matter
Using the Kohn-Luttinger-Ward theorem,11), 12) the perturbative expansion of
the free energy (at finite temperature) can be formulated as a loop expansion around
the Hartree-Fock (HF) energy. In this work, we include the first-order NN and 3N
contributions, as well as normal and anomalous second-order NN diagrams. Other
thermodynamic quantities are computed using standard thermodynamic relations.
0 0.05 0.1
ρ [fm-3]
T=3 MeV
T=6 MeV
T=10 MeV
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
ρ [fm-3]
Hartree-Fock (NN+3N) HF + 2nd-order NN
Fig. 1. Energy per particle E/N as a function of the density ρ at first order (left panel) and
including second-order NN contributions (right panel).13)
The resulting energy per particle E/N as a function of the density ρ is shown
in Fig. 1 for a cutoff Λ = 2.1 fm−1 and temperatures T = 3, 6 and 10MeV.13) The
results presented in the left panel are the first-order NN and 3N contributions, and
those in the right panel includes all second-order diagrams with NN interactions.
For T = 6MeV, we also give a band spanned between Λ = 1.9 fm−1 (lower line) and
Λ = 2.5 fm−1 (upper line). The inclusion of second-order contributions significantly
reduces the cutoff dependence of the results. The model-independent virial equation
of state14) and the variational calculations of Friedman and Pandharipande (FP)15)
are displayed for comparison.
The inclusion of second-order correlations lowers the energy below the variational
Neutron Matter from Low-Momentum Interactions 3
0 1 2 3
Λ [fm
=0.8 fm
=0.4 fm
=1.35 fm
Fig. 2. The neutron-neutron 1S0 superfluid pairing gap ∆ as a function of the cutoff Λ for three
densities and different smooth exponential regulators, as well as for a sharp cutoff.18) The
low-momentum interactions are derived from the N3LO chiral potential of Ref.19)
results for densities ρ . 0.05 fm−3, and we observe a good agreement for E/N with
the T = 10MeV virial result when the second-order contributions are included. In
the virial equation of state these contributions are included via the second-order
virial coefficient, while in the variational calculation the state dependence of such
correlations is only partly accounted for.16) Furthermore, the generic enhancement
of the effective mass at the Fermi surface leads to an enhancement of the entropy at
low temperatures above the variational and HF results.13), 16), 17)
§3. BCS gap in the 1S0 channel
We solve the BCS gap equation in the 1S0 channel
∆(k) = −
dp p2
Vlow k(k, p)∆(p)
ξ2(p) +∆2(p)
, (3.1)
with the (free-space) low-momentum NN interaction Vlow k(k, k
′). Here ξ(p) ≡ ε(p)−
µ, ε(p) = p2/2 and µ = k2F/2 (c = ~ = m = 1).
We find that the neutron-neutron BCS gap is practically independent of the NN
interaction.18) Consequently, 1S0 superfluidity is strongly constrained by the NN
scattering phase shifts. The maximal gap at the BCS level is ∆ ≈ 2.9− 3.0MeV for
kF ≈ 0.8−0.9 fm
−1. For the neutron-proton 1S0 case, we find somewhat larger gaps,
reflecting the charge dependence of realistic nuclear interactions.18)
In Fig. 2 we show the dependence of the neutron-neutron 1S0 superfluid pair-
ing gap on the cutoff starting from the N3LO chiral potential of Ref.19) for three
representative densities.18) We employed different smooth exponential regulators
f(k) = exp[−(k2/Λ2)n], as well as a sharp cutoff. As long as the cutoff is large com-
4 B. Friman, K. Hebeler, A. Schwenk and L. Tolós
pared to the dominant momentum components of the bound state (Λ > 1.2kF), the
gap depends very weakly on the cutoff. This shows that the 1S0 superfluid pairing
gap probes low-momentum physics. Below this scale, which depends on the density
and the smoothness of the regulator, the gap decreases, since the relevant momentum
components of the Cooper pair are then partly integrated out.
§4. Conclusions
In summary, we have studied the equation of state at finite temperature including
many-body contributions in a systematic approach. We have found good agreement
with the virial equation of state in the low-density–high-temperature regime. Ana-
lyzing the cutoff dependence of our results provides lower bounds for the theoretical
uncertainties. The possibility of estimating theoretical errors plays an important
role for reliable extrapolations to the extreme conditions reached in astrophysics.
In addition, we have shown that the 1S0 superfluid pairing gap in the BCS
approximation is practically independent of the choice of NN interaction, and there-
fore well constrained by the NN scattering data. This includes a very weak cutoff
dependence with low-momentum interactions Vlow k for sharp or sufficiently narrow
smooth regulators with Λ > 1.6 fm−1. At lower densities, it is possible to lower the
cutoff further to Λ > 1.2kF. Furthermore, the pairing gap clearly reflects the charge
dependence of nuclear interactions. The weak cutoff dependence indicates that, in
the 1S0 channel, the contribution of 3N interactions is small at the BCS level.
This work was supported in part by the Virtual Institute VH-VI-041 of the
Helmholtz Association, NSERC and US DOE Grant DE–FG02–97ER41014. TRI-
UMF receives federal funding via a contribution agreement through NRC.
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0704.1405 | Euclidean analysis of the entropy functional formalism | Euclidean analysis of the entropy functional formalism
Óscar J. C. Dias,1 Pedro J. Silva,2
1 Departament de F́ısica Fonamental, Universitat de Barcelona,
Av. Diagonal 647, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain,
2 Institut de Ciències de l’Espai (IEEC-CSIC) and
Institut de F́ısica d’Altes Energies (IFAE),
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain
[email protected], [email protected]
The attractor mechanism implies that the supersymmetric black hole near horizon solution is
defined only in terms of the conserved charges and is therefore independent of asymptotic moduli.
Starting only with the near horizon geometry, Sen’s entropy functional formalism computes the
entropy of an extreme black hole by means of a Legendre transformation where the electric fields
are defined as conjugated variables to the electric charges. However, traditional Euclidean methods
require the knowledge of the full geometry to compute the black hole thermodynamic quantities.
We establish the connection between the entropy functional formalism and the standard Euclidean
formalism taken at zero temperature. We find that Sen’s entropy function f (on-shell) matches the
zero temperature limit of the Euclidean action. Moreover, Sen’s near horizon angular and electric
fields agree with the chemical potentials that are defined from the zero-temperature limit of the
Euclidean formalism.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Attractor mechanism and entropy functional formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Zero temperature limit and chemical potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Entropy functional formalism from an Euclidean perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Main results and structure of the paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Entropy functional formalism revisited 5
3 Euclidean zero-temperature formalism: BPS black holes 9
4 Euclidean zero-temperature and entropy functional formalisms 14
4.1 Near-horizon and asymptotic contributions to the Euclidean action . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Relation between chemical potentials in the two formalisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Extremal (non-BPS) black holes 19
5.1 Extreme three-charged black hole with ergoregion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.2 Extreme three-charged black hole without ergoregion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6 Discussion 23
A Three-charged black hole: solution and thermodynamics 24
A.1 The D1-D5-P black hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
A.2 The near-BPS limit of the D1-D5-P black hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
B Explicit agreement for other black hole systems 29
B.1 Four-charged black holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
B.1.1 BPS black hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
B.1.2 Extreme (non-BPS) black hole: ergo-free solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
B.1.3 Extreme (non-BPS) black hole: ergo-branch solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
B.2 Extreme Kerr-Newman black hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1 Introduction
Black holes (BH) are one of most interesting laboratories we have to investigate quantum gravity
effects. Due to their thermodynamic behavior these objects have been associated to ensembles of
microstates in the fundamental quantum gravity theory where ideally, quantum statistical analy-
sis should account for all the BH coarse-grained thermodynamical behavior. In particular, many
important insights in the classical and quantum structure of BH have been obtained studying
supersymmetric configurations in string theory. Supersymmetric BH have many important prop-
erties that turn out to be crucial to obtain all the new results. Basically, supersymmetry triggers a
number of non-renormalization mechanisms that protect tree level calculations from higher order
loop corrections. Moreover, this kind of behavior has also been found in some non-supersymmetric
extreme solutions.
1.1 Attractor mechanism and entropy functional formalism
In this context we have the so called attractor mechanism [1]. It was originally thought in the
context of four dimensional N = 2 supergravity, where we have that the values of the scalar fields
at the horizon are given by the values of the BH conserved charges and are independent of the
asymptotic values of the scalars at infinity. For these BH (and others) it has been checked that
the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy agrees with the microscopic counting of the associated D-brane
system. Not only in the supergravity approximation, but also after higher derivative corrections
are added to the generalized prepotential [2]. These results motivated a conjecture where the BH
partition function equals the squared of the associated topological string partition function i.e.,
ZBH = |ZTop|2 [3]. Lately, the attractor mechanism has been extended to other directions, and
applied to several gauged and ungauged supergravities (see, e.g., [4, 5, 6]).
Importantly, the attractor mechanism has provided a new way to calculate the BH entropy. In
a series of articles [7, 8, 9], Sen recovered the entropy of D-dimensional BPS BH using only the near
horizon part of the geometry. Basically, in this regime the solution adopts the form AdS2 ⊗ SD−2
1 plus some electric and magnetics fields. The entropy S is obtained by introducing a function f
as the integral of the corresponding supergravity Lagrangian over the SD−2. More concretely, an
entropy function is defined as 2π times the Legendre transform of f with respect to the electric
fields ei. Then, an extremization procedure fixes the on-shell BPS values of the different fields of
the solution and in particular determines the BPS value of the entropy,
Sbps = 2π
. (1.1)
Note that in the above definition the different near horizon electric fields take the role of “conjugated
chemical potentials” to the BH charges. This formalism has also been extended to extreme non-BPS
The attractor mechanism, both for asymptotically AdS or flat BH, implies that in the near
horizon geometry we have a dual CFT theory where the microscopic structure can be studied. We
expect that not only the entropy but all the statistic properties of such supergravity systems should
be described in terms of their dual CFT states.
1.2 Zero temperature limit and chemical potentials
Supersymmetric BH in asymptotically AdS spaces have also been studied using the AdS/CFT cor-
respondence [10, 11, 12, 13]. For the AdS5 case we still do not have a CFT microscopic derivation
of its entropy that reproduces the supergravity result. Nevertheless, in [12, 13] it was showed that
the phase space of this supersymmetric sector can be scanned in both sides of the correspondence
showing a rich structure with phase transitions and Hagedorn alike behavior2. In fact, observables
in both dual pictures agree up to numerical factors, a very non-trivial result since the CFT calcu-
1The analysis of the near horizon geometry has been applied to more general BH that define squashed AdS2⊗SD−2
geometries like in [9, 4].
2These T = 0 phase transitions were analyzed both in the strong and weak coupling regimes. Remarkably, it was
found that their properties resemble the well-known finite temperature phase transitions, where the Hawking-Page
phase transition in the strong coupling corresponds to the deconfinement/confinement transition at weak coupling
[10, 13].
lations are performed at zero coupling only3. In order to study the full statistical properties (so
that we could in principle do more than just account for the entropy), in [12, 13] it was found
how to define the different chemical potentials µi that control the supersymmetric BH partition
function in the grand canonical ensemble. The basic input comes from the thermodynamics of the
dual CFT theory, where the BPS partition function is obtained from the finite temperature one,
by sending the temperature to zero. This also sends the several chemical potentials to their BPS
values. The associated dual limiting procedure in the supergravity regime corresponds also to send
the temperature to zero. Done carefully, this defines the supergravity chemical potentials that are
dual to the the CFT ones and, more generally, the statistical mechanics of supersymmetric BH
that is free of divergencies. These chemical potentials are the next to leading order terms of the
zero temperature expansion of the horizon angular velocities and electric potentials. The resulting
supergravity partition function is given, as expected, by the exponentiation of the regularized Eu-
clidean action I evaluated at the BH solution. In this paper we call “Euclidean zero-temperature
formalism” to the zero-temperature limit in the supergravity system that determines the Euclidean
action, entropy and the chemical potentials. After some algebra we arrive to the supersymmetric
quantum statistical relation (SQSR) [14] where the Euclidean action I can be rewritten as the Leg-
endre transform of the entropy S with respect to the different supersymmetric chemical potentials
Ibps = µi q
bps − Sbps , (1.2)
where qibps’s represent the conserved BH charges conjugated to the µi’s (later, we will use the
notation qi ≡ {Qi, J i} and µi ≡ {φi, ωi}). As said above, these supergravity chemical potentials
are closely related to the dual CFT chemical potentials. Therefore, they provide a very clear
picture of the BPS BH as dual to a supersymmetric CFT in the grand canonical ensemble. This
approach also defines the finite supersymmetric Euclidean action (1.2), and in fact allows to study
the statistical mechanics of BPS black holes. A similar analysis can be done for extreme non-BPS
1.3 Entropy functional formalism from an Euclidean perspective
Sen’s entropy functional formalism is formulated only with the knowledge of the near horizon
geometry. But, since it computes the BH entropy, which is a thermodynamic quantity, it should
be possible to understand it starting from a traditional thermodynamical Euclidean analysis of the
black hole system.
In fact, the strong resemblance between equations (1.1) and (1.2) is evident. In other words, it
would be strange if string theory produces two unrelated functions in the same supergravity regime
that calculate the BH entropy. Looking into both definitions with more care, we find that the
entropy is defined as the Legendre transform of the BH charges in the saddle point approximation
of the supergravity theory. Nevertheless, in (1.1) the vacuum solution is just the near horizon
geometry with conjugated potentials related to the electric fields, and f is the on-shell Lagrangian
over only SD−2. Instead, in (1.2), the vacuum is the entire BH solution; the conjugated potentials
are associated to gauge potentials rather than field strengths; and I is the on-shell full Euclidean
action. The main goal of this paper is to understand the connection between these two approaches.
3In [10] the CFT partition function was calculated at zero coupling. Also, an index was considered to count
supersymmetric states but unfortunately it turns out to be blind to the BH sector.
One of the key points of our analysis relies in the natural splitting of the Euclidean action into
two parts corresponding basically to: i) the near horizon part of space, and ii) the asymptotic region.
Then we find that in the extremal cases (without ergoregion), the asymptotic part vanishes, and the
near horizon part reduces to Sen’s function 2πf . Also, the conjugated chemical potentials found in
both methods agree, due to an argument that relates differences of gauge potentials produced by
variations of near-BPS parameters with variations of the potential on the radial coordinate.
1.4 Main results and structure of the paper
As stated above, the main goal of this article is to provide a bridge between Sen’s entropy functional
formalism and standard Euclidean analysis of the thermodynamics of a black hole system. While
doing so, we also find that the supergravity conjugated potentials defined in Sen’s formalism map
into chemical potentials of the dual CFT.
We obtain a unifying picture where:
1)We are able to recover the entropy function of Sen from the zero temperature limit of the
usual BH thermodynamics and the statistical mechanics definitions of the dual CFT theory. The
supergravity and their dual CFT chemical potentials are identified with the surviving Sen’s near
horizon electric and angular fields. The Euclidean action is identified with Sen’s function 2πf .
2)As a byproduct of the above analysis we have understood how to calculate the BPS chemical
potentials that control the statistical properties of the BH using only the BPS regime, i.e., without
needing the knowledge of the non-BPS geometry. The CFT chemical potentials are dual to the
supergravity ones. Traditionally, to compute the latter we have to start with the non-BPS solution
and send the temperature to zero to find the next to leading order terms in the horizon angular
velocities and electric potentials expansions that give the chemical potentials. This requires the
knowledge of the non-BPS geometry. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not available and we only
know the BPS solution. But, from item 1) we know that the near horizon fields, that Sen computes
with the single knowledge of the BPS near horizon solution, give us the supergravity chemical
potentials. So now we can compute the supergravity chemical potentials of any BPS BH solution,
regardless of its embedding into a family of non-BPS solutions, while still keeping the relation with
the dual CFT.
3)It is known that the attractor mechanism seems to work also for non-supersymmetric but
extremal BH 4. We have tested the Euclidean zero temperature formalism for many of these BH,
always finding a well defined limit and agreement with Sen’s results for extremal non-BPS BH5.
This is a non-trivial fact since there is no supersymmetry protecting the limit. Therefore, in general,
the supergravity regime should not give the correct statistical relations. We interpret this result as
another confirmation that there is a protecting mechanism for extremal non-supersymmetric BH.
The plan of the paper is the following. In section 2 we review Sen’s entropy functional approach
using the D1-D5-P system as an illuminating example. In the beginning of section 3 we review
the main ideas and results of the Euclidean zero temperature formalism for BH in the AdS/CFT
4See [9, 25] and references there in.
5Actually at the level of two derivative theory, Euclidean T = 0 formalism is well defined only for BH with no
ergoregion. For BH with ergoregion we have an ill-defined limit, that nevertheless allows to define the entropy and
all chemical potentials. This is telling us that these geometries are not fully protected from string corrections. The
same caveats and conclusions are also obtained using Sen’s approach, and this is related to the fact that for these
BH the attractor mechanism is only partial since there is dependance on the asymptotic data [9].
framework. Then, we apply this formalism to the most general rotating D1-D5-P system. We
analyze the connection between the entropy functional and Euclidean formalisms in section 4,
identifying how and why both prescriptions are equivalent. In section 5 we discuss the application
of the Euclidean T = 0 formalism to extreme non-BPS BH and again find agreement with Sen’s
results. Section 6 is devoted to a short discussion on the results and possible future avenues to
follow. In Appendix A we review the D1-D5-P BH solution in detail, including its thermodynamics.
In Appendix B, we write the chemical potentials and Euclidean action for some other BH systems
not considered in the main body of the text. We consider the four charged system of type IIA
supergravity, and the Kerr-Newman BH. We confirm that for these BH the relation established
in section 4 between the entropy functional and Euclidean formalisms holds. This agreement also
extends to AdS black holes as is explicitly confirmed in the context of 5D gauged supergravity in
Note: While we where proof-reading this article, the paper [16] appeared in the arXives. It
contains relevant discussions and results connected to our work, regarding Sen’s approach and
Wald’s method for AdS BH.
2 Entropy functional formalism revisited
As we pointed out in the introduction, Sen developed a simple method – the entropy functional
formalism – to compute the entropy of supersymmetric BH in supergravity [7]. Lately, this approach
has been applied to rotating BH in gauged and ungauged supergravity (see, e.g., [9, 6]). Here, we
will review some of the key aspects of this formalism that we will use latter. We just need to
address non-rotating cases, but we will comeback to rotating attractors at the end of this section,
for completeness.
Sen’s entropy functional formalism assumes that: (i) we start with a Lagrangian L with gravity
plus some field strengths and uncharge massless scalar fields; and (ii) due to the attractor mechanism
the near horizon geometry of a D-dimensional BH is set to be of the form AdS2 ⊗SD−2. From the
above input data, the general form of the near horizon BH solution is
ds2 = v1
−ρ2dτ +
+ v2dΩ
D−2 ,
F (i)ρτ = ei , H
(a) = paǫD−2 ,
φs = us , (2.1)
where ǫD−2 is the unit-volume form of S
D−2, and (ei, pa) are respectively the electric fields and the
magnetic charges of the BH. Note that (~u,~v,~e, ~p) are arbitrary constants up to now and therefore
the solution is off-shell. Next, it is defined the following function
f(~u,~v,~e, ~p) =
−gL , (2.2)
where L is the string frame Lagrangian of the theory (see, e.g., (A.19)). After minimizing f(~u,~v,~e, ~p)
with respect to (~u,~v) we obtain the exact supersymmetric near horizon BH solution in terms of
(~e, ~p). In fact, the field equations are reproduced by this minimization procedure. Furhermore,
minimization with respect to ~e gives the electric charges ~q. Explicitly, the on-shell values of ~u,~v,~e
that specify (2.1) for a given theory described by (2.2) are found through the relations,
= 0 ,
= 0 ,
= qi . (2.3)
Then, using Wald formalism [27], Sen derived that the entropy S of the corresponding BH is given
by 2π times the Legendre transform of f ,
S = 2π
. (2.4)
Finally notice that the minimization procedure, can be taken only after S is defined. In this form
S is really an entropy function of (~u,~v, ~q, ~p), that after minimization equals the BH entropy as a
function of (~q, ~p) only.
In the rest of this section we will discuss the above formalism in a specific theory. We consider
the D1-D5-P supersymmetric solution of ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity, discussed in the
previous section, as the main example (this case was first analyzed in [17], at the level of supergravity
and for its higher order corrections). Our aim is to highlight the details of the application of Sen’s
formalism to this solution. This will provide a solid background to compare, in section 4, Sen’s
formalism with the Euclidean one developed in section 3.
From Appendix A.1 we know that the supersymmetric D1-D5-P metric, the RR two-form C(2)
and the dilaton Ψ are given by 6
ds2 =
[−dt2 + dy2 + Q
(dt− dy)2] +
2 + r2dΩ23) +
dz2i ,
C(2) = −
dt ∧ dy − Qbps5 cos
2 θdφ ∧ dψ , e2Ψ =
. (2.5)
whereH1 = (1+
), H5 = (1+
) and (Q
1 , Q
5 , Q
p ) are the D1,D5,P charges, respectively.
Then, it is easy to take the near horizon limit to obtain,
ds2 =
−ρ2dτ2 + dρ
dz +
dz2i ,
F(3) =
dρ ∧ dτ ∧ dz + 2Qbps5 ǫ3 , e
, (2.6)
where we used
t , ρ = r2 , z = y − t . (2.7)
6This is the string frame version of (A.4), and (A.7) and (A.8) with a1 = a2 = 0.
Note that, alternatively, all the information encoded in the near horizon structure (2.6) could
be extracted without knowing the full geometry, using Sen’s approach. Its application starts by
assuming that the near horizon metric is given in terms of the unknowns (~v, ~u,~e, ~p) as follows,
ds2 = v1
−ρ2dτ2 +
+ v2dΩ
3 + u1 (dz + e2ρdt)
dz2i ,
F(3) = e1 dρ ∧ dτ ∧ dz + 2Q
5 ǫ3 , e
2Φ = u23 . (2.8)
Having the Lagrangian (A.19) of type IIB at hand, one now follows the steps summarized in (2.2)-
(2.4) to find the on-shell expressions for (~v, ~u,~e). From (2.8) one has
−g̃ = u1/21 u22v1v
2 sin θ cos θ,
ρτz = e1 and F
θψφ = 2Q
5 sin θ cos θ. The entropy function, S(~u,~v, ~q, ~p) = 2π[q1e1 + q2e2 −
f(~u,~v,~e, ~p)] is then
S(~u,~v, ~q, ~p) = 2π
q1e1 + q2e2 −
Minimizing this entropy function with respect to ~u,~v,~e one finds the on-shell attractor values,
, ~u =
, ~q =
1 , Q
, p = Q
One also finds that f(~q, ~p) = 0 on-shell. Plugging this information into the entropy function
S(~u,~v, ~q, ~p) we get
S(~q, ~p) = 2π [q1e1 + q2e2 − f ]on−shell
p , (2.9)
that is the well known result for this BH.
It will be relevant for section 4 to stress that the above analysis can be carried on in the case
where the magnetic field is replaced by its dual electric field. This electric field comes from the RR
seven-form field strength F(7), Poincaré dual of the magnetic part of F(3),
F(7) =
dr ∧ dt ∧ dy ∧ dz1 ∧ dz2 ∧ dz3 ∧ dz4 . (2.10)
In the near horizon limit, i.e., after taking the change of coordinates (2.7), F(7) reduces to
F(7) =
dρ ∧ dτ ∧ dz ∧ dz1 ∧ dz2 ∧ dz3 ∧ dz4 . (2.11)
In the next lines we want to recover this near horizon attractor value for F(7), without making use
of the near horizon limit of the full geometry, i.e., using instead a Sen-like approach.
In this pure electric case, we first notice that there is an extra pair of conjugated variables
(e3, q3) and second, that f should be now calculated on a modified Lagrangian with the F(7) RR
field strength appropriately added. This is an effective “democratic” Lagrangian supplemented by
duality constraints imposed by hand 7. The motivation, limitations and formulation of this effective
Lagrangian are presented in detail in [18]. In this context, the string frame Lagrangian (A.19) of
the D1-D5-P system takes the form,
R̃− 4∂µΨ∂µΨ
2 · 3!
F 2(3) −
2 · 7!
F 2(7)
, (2.12)
where the magnetic part of the original F(3) field is now encoded in the F(7) contribution. The
D1-branes and D5-branes source the electric F(3) and F(7) fields, respectively.
In the entropy function formalism, the function f(~u,~v,~e) is obtained by evaluating action (2.12)
at the horizon, i.e., by integrating along the S8 sphere. We use the near-horizon fields (2.8). So, the
metric determinant is
−g̃ = u1/21 u22v1v
2 sin θ cos θ, F
ρτz = e1 and F
ρτzz1···z4 = e3. The entropy
function, S(~u,~v, ~q) = 2π[q1e1 + q2e2 + q3e3 − f(~u,~v,~e)] is then
S(~u,~v, ~q) = 2π
q1e1 + q2e2 + q3e3 −
Minimizing this entropy function with respect to ~u,~v,~e one finds the on-shell attractor values
, ~u =
, ~q =
1 , Q
p , Q
which are used to obtain the on-shell function: f(~q) = 1
p . Then, use of equation
(2.13) yields the on-shell entropy value,
S(~q) = 2π [q1e1 + q2e2 + q3e3 − f ]on−shell
p , (2.14)
that is, in this dual computation we indeed recover the value (2.9).
As commented in the introduction, the above approach was generalized to rotating BH in
ungauged and gauged supergravities [9, 6]. At the level of two derivative Lagrangian, rotating
BH in ungauged supergravity have their near horizon geometry fully determined by the entropy
functional only if they have no ergoregion. However, BH with ergoregion show only partial attractor
mechanism, since their entropy functional has flat directions [9, 26]. In this case, minimization does
not fix the value of all quantities in the near horizon geometry. There is some surviving dependance
7We should emphasize that the introduction of a RR p-form field strength with p > 5 doubles the number of degrees
of freedom. To get the right equations of motion from (2.12) we must then introduce by hand duality constraints
relating the lower- and higher-rank RR potentials. We ask the reader to see [18] for further details.
on the asymptotic value of the scalars, although it fixes the form of entropy itself and the electric
and angular fields.
Generalization to gauged supergravities includes AdS BH into the discussion. The resulting
picture is basically the same, where care has to be taken when evaluating f due to Chern-Simon
terms in the Lagrangian (see [6] for details). In these cases, the attractor mechanism is related to
a non trivial flow between fixed points at both boundaries of spacetime, the horizon AdS and the
asymptotic AdS at infinity.
3 Euclidean zero-temperature formalism: BPS black holes
In [12, 13] the “thermodynamics” or better “the statistical mechanics” of supersymmetric solitons in
gauged supergravity was studied in detail using an extension of standard Euclidean thermodynam-
ical methods to zero temperature systems. We call this approach the Euclidean zero-temperature
formalism. BPS BH can be studied as dual configurations of supersymmetric ensembles at zero
temperature but non-zero chemical potentials in the dual CFT. These potentials control the ex-
pectation value of the conjugated conserved charges carried by the BH, like e.g., angular momenta
and electric charge.
In these articles, the two main ideas are: First, there is a supersymmetric field theory dual to
the supergravity theory. Second, in this dual field theory the grand canonical partition function
over a given supersymmetric sector can be obtained as the zero temperature limit of the general
grand canonical partition function at finite temperature. This limit also fixes the values of several
chemical potentials of the system.
To make things more clear, recall that all supersymmetric states in a field theory saturate a
BPS inequality that translates into a series of constraints between the different physical charges.
For definiteness, let us consider a simple case where the BPS bound corresponds to the constraint8:
E = J . Then, defining the left and right variables E± = 1
(Eν ± Jν), β± = β(1 ± Ω) the grand
canonical partition function is given by
Z(β,Ω) =
e−(β+E++β−E−) . (3.1)
At this point, it is clear that taking the limit β− → ∞ while β+ → ω (constant), gives the correct
supersymmetric partition function. The above limiting procedure takes T to zero, but also scales
Ω in such a way that the new supersymmetric conjugated variable ω is finite and arbitrary. Note
that among all available states, only those that satisfy the BPS bound are not suppress in the sum,
resulting in the supersymmetric partition function
Z(ω) =
e−ωJ , (3.2)
where the sum is over all supersymmetric states (bps) with E = J . The above manipulations are
easy to implement in more complicated supersymmetric field theories like, e.g., N = 4 SYM theory
in four dimensions. What is less trivial is that amazingly it could also be implemented in the
8This type of BPS bound appears in two dimensional supersymmetric models like, e.g., the effective theory of 1/2
BPS chiral primaries of N = 4 SYM in R ⊗ S3 (see [19, 20, 21]).
dual supersymmetric configurations of gauged supergravity, since it means that these extreme BPS
solutions are somehow protected from higher string theory corrections.
Before we apply the Euclidean zero-temperature formalism to concrete black hole systems, it
is profitable to highlight its key steps. To study the statistical mechanics of supersymmetric black
holes we take the off-BPS BH solution and we send T → 0. In this limiting procedure, the angular
velocities and electric potentials at the horizon can be written as an expansion in powers of the
temperature. More concretely one has when T → 0,
β → ∞ ,
Ω → Ωbps −
+ O(β−2) ,
Φ → Φbps −
+ O(β−2) , (3.3)
where β is the inverse temperature; (Ω,Φ) are the angular velocities and electric potentials at the
horizon; the subscript bps stands for the values of these quantities in the on-shell BPS solution; and
(ω, φ) are what we call the supersymmetric conjugated potentials, i.e., the next to leading order
terms in the expansion. For all the systems studied, we find that the charges have the off-BPS
E = Ebps +O
, Q = Qbps +O
, J = J
, (3.4)
where (E,Q, J) are the energy, charges and angular momenta of the BH. In supergravity, the grand
canonical partition function in the saddle point approximation is related to so called quantum
statistical relation (QSR) [14]
I(β,Φ,Ω) = βE − ΦQ−ΩJ − S , (3.5)
where S is the entropy, and (β,Φ,Ω) are interpreted as conjugated potentials to E,Q, J , respec-
tively. I is the Euclidean action (evaluated on the off-BPS BH solution) that, in this ensemble,
depends only on (β,Φ,Ω). It plays the role of free energy divided by the temperature. Inserting
(3.3) and (3.4) into (3.5) yields
I(β,Φ,Ω) = β(E
bps − ΦbpsQbps − ΩbpsJbps) + φQbps + ωJbps − Sbps +O
. (3.6)
Here, we observe that this action is still being evaluated off-BPS. Moreover, the term multiplying
β boils down to the BPS relation between the charges of the system and thus vanishes (this will
become explicitly clear in the several examples we will consider). This is an important feature,
since now we can finally take the β → ∞ limit yielding relation (1.2). With the present notation
it reads as
Ibps = φQ
bps + ωJbps − Sbps . (3.7)
It is important to stress that this zero temperature limiting procedure yields a finite, not diverging,
supersymmetric version of QSR, or shortly SQSR. Note that if we had evaluated the Euclidean
action (3.5) directly on-shell it would not be well defined, as is well-known. As a concrete realization,
we picked (and will do so along the paper) the SQSR to exemplify that the T → 0 limit yields
well-behaved supersymmetric relations. The reason being that this SQSR relation is the one that
will provide direct contact with Sen’s entropy functional formalism, which is the main aim of our
study. However, it also provides a suitable framework that extends to the study of the full statistical
mechanics of supersymmetric black holes.
Euclidean action and chemical potentials of BPS D1-D5-P black holes
As we pointed out in the introduction, due to the attractor mechanism, BH in ungauged super-
gravity have a dual CFT theory defined in the boundary of its near horizon geometry. Therefore,
and in a similar way as for asymptotic AdS spacetimes, these BH should be related to statistical en-
sembles in the dual CFT. As a direct consequence of this duality, we conclude that in the ungauged
case there should also exist a well defined zero temperature limit in the supergravity description
that yields the dual CFT chemical potentials.
In what follows, we apply the Euclidean T → 0 limit to the illuminating example of five-
dimensional three charged BH with two angular momenta that can be described as the D1-D5-P
system of type IIB supergravity 9. This solution can also be embedded as a solution of eleven-
dimensional supergravity, or as a solution of type IIA, where all these different descriptions are
related by dimensional reduction and U -dualities. A detailed review of the D1-D5-P BH solution
[22, 23] and its thermodynamic properties needed for our discussion can be found in Appendix A.
In type IIB, the ten-dimensional system can be compactified to five dimensions on T 4 × S1
with the D5-branes wrapping the full internal space and the D1-branes and KK-momentum on the
distinguished S1. The length of S1 is 2πR and the volume of T 4 is V . We will work in units such that
the five-dimensional Newton constant is G5 = G10/2πRV = π/4. The ten-dimensional solution
is characterized by six parameters: a mass parameter, M ; spin parameters in two orthogonal
planes, (a1, a2); and three boost parameters, (δ1, δ5, δp), which fix the D1-brane, D5-brane and
KK-momentum charges. The physical range of M is M ≥ 0. We assume without loss of generality
that δi ≥ 0 (i = 1, 5, p), and a1 ≥ a2 ≥ 0 (The solutions with a1a2 ≤ 0 are equivalent to the
a1a2 ≥ 0 ones due to the symmetries of the solution). We will use the notation ci ≡ cosh δi,
si ≡ sinh δi.
The BH charges are: ADM mass E, the angular momenta (Jφ, Jψ) and the gauge charges
(Q1, Q5, Qp) associated with the D1-branes, D5-branes and KK momentum. In terms of the pa-
rameters describing the solution they are given by
[cosh(2δ1) + cosh(2δ5) + cosh(2δp)] ,
Jφ = −M(a2c1c5cp − a1s1s5sp) ,
Jψ = −M(a1c1c5cp − a2s1s5sp) ,
Qi = Msici , i = 1, 5, p . (3.8)
Note that these quantities are invariant under interchange of the δi’s. This reflects the equivalence
of the several geometries obtained by U -dualities, that also interchange the several gauge charges.
Regarding the thermodynamical properties of these BH, it is convenient for future use to define
the left and right temperatures, TL and TR, through the relation β =
(βL + βR) (β = 1/T and
9We present this case as a main example, but include many others in the Appendix B.
βL,R = 1/TL,R). Then, using this relation together with (A.6) on (A.17) yields
2πM (c1c5cp − s1s5sp)
[M − (a2 − a1)2]1/2
, βR =
2πM (c1c5cp + s1s5sp)
[M − (a2 + a1)2]1/2
. (3.9)
The BH angular velocities Ωφ,ψ and electric potentials Φ(i) are computed in Appendix A. Here,
using (A.6), we rewrite them in terms of the parameters (M, δ1, δ5, δp, a1, a2)
Ωφ,ψ = −π
± a2 − a1
[M − (a2 − a1)2]1/2
a2 + a1
[M − (a2 + a1)2]1/2
, (3.10)
Φ(i) =
(tanh δi)c1c5cp − (coth δi)s1s5sp
[M − (a2 − a1)2]1/2
(tanh δi)c1c5cp + (coth δi)s1s5sp
[M − (a2 + a1)2]1/2
, (3.11)
while the expression for the entropy is
S = πM
c1c5cp + s1s5sp
[M − (a2 − a1)2]−1/2
c1c5cp − s1s5sp
[M − (a2 + a1)2]−1/2
. (3.12)
The BPS limit of the three charged BH is obtained by taking M → 0, δi → ∞, Jφ + Jψ → 0 while
keeping Qi fixed. In this supersymmetric regime, the charges satisfy the BPS constraints
Ebps = Q
p , J
= −Jbps
. (3.13)
As a first step to define the Euclidean T → 0 limit, we consider the near-BPS limit of this solution,
Jφ + Jψ → 0 ; M → 0 , δ1,5 → ∞ , Q1,5 fixed ; δp finite . (3.14)
That is, in the near-BPS limit we keep δp large but finite. This limit is also often called the dilute
gas regime since we are neglecting the interactions between left and right movers. Note that since
the three charges can be interchanged by U -dualities, it does not matter which one of the boosts
we keep finite. Given this equivalence we choose to keep δp finite, without any loss of generality.
Now, to take the T → 0 limit, we define the off-BPS parameter ε, that measures energy above
extremality, to be such that E ≡ Ebps + ε. In terms of the solution parameters it is given by
ε = Me−2δp/4. The details of the off-BPS expansion that we carry on in the sequel can be found
in Appendix A.2. Here we just quote the relevant results. We can expand the left and right
temperatures in terms of the off-BPS parameter ε yielding,
p − (Jbpsφ )2
, βR = π
. (3.15)
So the BPS limit corresponds to send the temperature T → 0 by sending βR → ∞ while keeping
βL finite (we are left with only left-movers). Hence, we find more appropriate to use βR as the
off-BPS parameter instead of ε . These two quantities are related by the second relation of (3.15).
10Expressions (3.9)-(3.11) agree with the ones first computed in [24] upon the notation identification a1 → −l2 and
a2 → −l1.
We can now expand all the thermodynamic quantities in terms of this off-BPS quantity β−1R .
For the angular velocities and electric potentials, the expansion yields
Ωφ,ψ = Ω
bps −
p − (Jbpsφ )2
Φ(i) = Φ
p − (Jbpsφ )2
. (3.16)
where the BPS angular velocities and electric potentials are
bps = 0 ; Φ
bps = 1 . (3.17)
The expansion of the conserved charges yields
E = Ebps +O
, Jφ = J
, Jψ = −Jbpsφ +O
Q1 ≃ Qbps1 , Q5 ≃ Q
5 , Qp = Q
. (3.18)
Note that the BPS charges satisfy (3.13). They are written in terms of the parameters that describe
the system in (A.21). Finally, the expansion of the entropy yields
S = Sbps +O
, with Sbps = 2π
p − (J
. (3.19)
With the above off-BPS expansion, we are ready to define the BPS chemical potentials. Com-
paring (3.16) with (3.3) we obtain,
ωφ,ψ = ∓
p − (Jbpsφ )2
, φi =
p − (Jbpsφ )2
Notice that these chemical potentials only depend on the BPS conserved charges.
Now that all the BPS statistical mechanics conjugated pairs and entropy are defined, we are
ready to obtain the other thermodynamic functions. For example, consider the quantum statistical
I = βE − β
Φ(i)Qi − β
ΩjJj − S . (3.21)
After the off-BPS expansion, i.e., using (3.18), (3.19) and (3.16) it yields
I = β
Ebps −
j − Sbps +O
The term in between brackets vanishes due to the BPS relations (3.13) and (3.17). Then, taking
β → ∞, we are left with the supersymmetric quantum statistical relation (SQSR) for the three-
charged BH,
Ibps = φ1Q
1 + φ5Q
5 + φpQ
p + 2ωφJ
− Sbps , (3.23)
where Ibps is the value of the Euclidean action in the supersymmetric limit of the D1-D5-P BH, and
we used J
= −Jbps
and ωψ = −ωφ. Notice that Ibps corresponds to the Legendre transformation
of the entropy with respect to all the BPS chemical potential and therefore should be interpreted
as the BH free energy.
The off-BPS expansion of the horizon angular velocities and electric potentials gives the su-
pergravity chemical potentials as the next to leading order term of the expansion around the BPS
solution. The motivation for this expansion analysis comes from the fact that BPS BHs can be
studied as dual configurations to supersymmetric ensembles at zero temperature but non-zero chem-
ical potentials in the dual CFT [12]. The supergravity conjugated potentials (3.20) are then the
strong coupling dual objects to the CFT chemical potentials. The SQSR relation (3.23) will be
connected to the well-known Sen’s entropy relation in the next section.
4 Euclidean zero-temperature and entropy functional formalisms
In previous sections we have described two apparently unrelated procedures to obtain the entropy of
supersymmetric BH that naturally contain the definitions of pairs of conjugated variables, related
to the BH charges. In this section we show that both procedures produce basically the same body
of final definitions, even though conceptually both approaches are rather different.
That both approaches produce the same final chemical potentials and definitions can be seen
in any of the examples at hand. As usual, the best way to illustrate our point is to pick a system
that captures the fundamental ingredients, while avoiding features that do not play a key role
and produce unnecessary distraction from the main point. In the present case, the appropriate
system is the non-rotating D1-D5-P BH (later, we will discuss the rotating case). Comparing the
thermodynamic relations (3.19), (3.20), and the Sen’s relations (2.13), (2.14), we can indeed confirm
that all the key quantities agree in the two formalisms. Explicitly we have that
φi = 2πei , Qi = qi , Ibps = 2πf . (4.1)
Nevertheless, that both frameworks are equivalent is a priori not at all obvious since they have
important differences. Sen’s approach relies completely on the structure of the near horizon geome-
try. In particular, the entropy is constructed analyzing Wald’s prescription and Einstein equations
in these spacetimes and all the analysis is carried on at the BPS bound i.e., when the solution is
extremal. In contrast, the zero temperature limit approach relies on the thermodynamical prop-
erties of BH and, in principle, uses the whole spacetime, not only the near horizon region. The
resulting thermodynamic definitions come as a limiting behavior of non-extremal BH and have a
nice straightforward interpretation in terms of the dual CFT thermodynamics.
4.1 Near-horizon and asymptotic contributions to the Euclidean action
To understand why the above close relations between the two formalisms hold, let us go back to
the calculation of the Euclidean action for general BH in the off-BPS regime. Inspired in ten
dimensional type II supergravity, we start with the general action11
(∂Ψ)2 − 1
eαΨF 2(n)
K , (4.2)
where Σ is the spacetime manifold, ∂Σ the boundary of that manifold and K is the extrinsic
curvature. In the BH case, once we have switched to Euclidean regime, it is necessary to com-
pactify the time direction to avoid a conical singularity. This compactification defines the Hawking
temperature as the inverse of the corresponding compactification radius.
To evaluate the Euclidean action on the BH solution, one of the methods to obtain a finite result,
i.e., to regularize and renormalize the action, consists of putting the BH in a box and subtract the
action of a background vacuum solution (g0,Ψ0, F 0). This procedures also defines the “zero” of all
the conserved charges. For asymptotic flat solutions we use Minkowski, while for asymptotic AdS
solutions we use AdS. Once in the box, the radial coordinate is restricted to the interval (r+, rb),
where r+ is the position of the horizon and rb corresponds to an arbitrary point which limits the
box and that at the end is sent to infinity. Another important ingredient is the boundary conditions
on the box. Basically, depending on which conditions we impose on the different fields, we will
have fixed charges or fixed potentials. If we do not add any boundary term to the above action,
we will be working with fixed potentials, i.e., we will work in the grand canonical ensemble [28].
The field equations are derived from a variational principle, where fields are kept constant at
the boundaries. In particular, the trace the of equation that comes from the variation of the metric
(for the D1-D5-P system, see equation (A.2)) implies that
(∂Ψ)2 = aeαΨF 2(n) , (4.3)
where a depends on the spacetime dimensions and n. Therefore, on-shell, the action reduces to12,
eαΨF 2(n) +
K −K0
, (4.4)
where b depends on the spacetime dimensions and n. The first term is a volume integral over Σ that
can easily be converted into a boundary integral over ∂Σ, once we recall that we are considering
electric fields only and hence F(n) = dC(n−1). Integrating by parts we get
eaΨF(n)C(n−1) +
K −K0
, (4.5)
where c depends on the spacetime dimensions and n. At this point, the on-shell Euclidean action
is completely recasted in two surface integrals terms, evaluated at r+ and rb. Consider first the
extrinsic curvature term. At rb, we get βEb, where Eb is the quasi-local energy. When rb is taken to
infinity, Eb reduces to the BH energy E and we recover usual term βE. At r+, only K contributes
and gives minus the area of the horizon divided by 4G, i.e., minus the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy
11For simplicity, the reasoning is done at the level of two derivative Lagrangian. Nevertheless, following Wald’s
approach for higher derivative actions, we notice that the BH action can always be recast as surface integrals.
Moreover, for definiteness, we anchor our discussion to type II action, but whenever needed we make comments to
extend our arguments to more general theories.
12Where we have used that the action of the background vacuum solution over Σ is zero.
S. Next consider the first term. Here the integral over time gives the factor β, while the integration
over the other directions (of the induced metric determinant at the boundary times eaΨF(n)) gives
the corresponding electric charge Q. Therefore, we get
eaΨF(n)Cn−1 = −βQ
C(n−1)(rb)− C(n−1)(r+)
. (4.6)
Then, we use the definition of the conjugated chemical potential φ as the difference of the gauge
potential at infinity and at the horizon,
Φ = C|∞ − C|r+ , (4.7)
and hence, when rb is sent to infinity, we recover the usual term −βQΦ. As a grand total we obtain
the QSR,
I = βE − βΦQ− S . (4.8)
Now, it is important to notice that the definition of Φ is gauge independent, and therefore we can
always choose a particular gauge that simplifies the picture depending on which physical concepts we
want to stress. Here, we choose the “natural gauge” adapted to the BPS limiting cases, C|∞ = Φbps,
where Φbps is usually 1 in natural units and for asymptotically flat BHs. Note that in this gauge one
has C|r+ = Φbps−Φ. This gauge choice is the one that makes direct contact between the Euclidean
zero temperature and entropy function formalisms for reasons that will become clear after (4.12).
At this point we are ready to rewrite the Euclidean action in two pieces, one evaluated in the
first boundary at r = r+, and the other in the second boundary at r = ∞,
eaΨF(n)C(n−1) +
eaΨF(n)C(n−1) +
K −K0
Evaluating both terms as we did before but now in the adapted gauge we get,
I = β(Φbps − Φ)Q− S
︸ ︷︷ ︸
+ β(E − ΦbpsQ)
︸ ︷︷ ︸
. (4.10)
r = r+ r = ∞
Therefore we can always find a gauge in which the Euclidean action splits in two contributions,
one at the horizon and the other in the asymptotic region. It is perfectly adapted to understand
the near horizon regime. Equally interesting, this expression is also adapted to understand the
supersymmetric limit. In fact, from our discussion in section 3, it is easy to see that the first term
exactly reproduces the SQSR, i.e.,
BPS limit
β(Φbps − Φ)Q− S = φQbps − Sbps . (4.11)
On the other hand, the asymptotic term vanishes due to fact that Φbps = 1, and thus the lead-
ing term in the expansion is nothing else than the BPS relation Ebps = Qbps characteristic of
supersymmetric regimes, i.e.,13
BPS limit
β(E − ΦbpsQ) = lim
BPS limit
β(E −Q) = 0 . (4.12)
13This discussion is strictly valid for the asymptotically flat BHs where Φbps = 1. For asymptotically AdS BHs,
the normalization usually chosen in the literature yields in general Φbps 6= 1. However, in this case, the term inside
brackets in (4.12) still vanishes because it is exactly the BPS constraint on the charges. This follows by construction
and is explicitly confirmed for 5D gauged supergravity in [12, 15].
(Note that in the last equality we jump some steps that were already explained in detail after (3.6),
and that we do not repeat here. They guarantee that this term indeed vanishes and does not give an
indeterminacy of the type∞·0). We conclude that the Euclidean action of the BH at the BPS bound
is given exclusively from the near horizon part of the solution. This is another way to characterize
the attractor mechanism, since the physical properties of the solution are captured entirely by the
near horizon geometry. From the above result, it is easy to see why, for supersymmetric cases, I
is related to f . First, both are functionals of the near horizon geometry alone. Also, the time and
radial integrations are trivial and only integration on the other space directions actually contribute.
In fact, this is a way to understand why in the definition of f there is no integration in the AdS
part of the near horizon metric. Note also that in Sen’s approach the f function is defined as
the integral of the string frame Lagrangian evaluated at the near horizon geometry. Since in this
geometry the dilaton is a constant, the string frame and Einstein frame Lagrangians are related by
a trivial constant factor.
We now discuss the effects introduced by addition of rotation. Working in a coordinate system
in which the geometry is not rotating at infinity, the action can be splited as
I = β(Φbps − Φ)Q+ β(Ωbps − Ω)J − S
︸ ︷︷ ︸
+ β(E − ΦbpsQ−ΩbpsJ)
︸ ︷︷ ︸
. (4.13)
r = r+ r = ∞
By definition, the near horizon term contains all the information on the chemical potentials (once
the BPS limit is taken),
BPS limit
β(Φbps − Φ)Q+ β(Ωbps − Ω)J − S = φQbps + ωJbps − Sbps , (4.14)
while the asymptotic term is again the BPS constraint between the several charges and thus van-
BPS limit
β(E − ΦbpsQ− ΩbpsJ) = 0 . (4.15)
For asymptotically flat BHs one always has Ωbps = 0 and (4.15) reduces to (4.12). The horizon of
flat BHs does not rotate (angular momentum comes from the Poynting vector of electromagnetic
fields) and this is one way to understand why the angular momenta does not appear in their BPS
constraint. On the other hand, the horizon velocity of asymptotically AdS BHs is, in general,
non-vanishing, and thus the angular momenta also contributes to the BPS constraint of these BHs.
4.2 Relation between chemical potentials in the two formalisms
At this point only reminds to understand the relation between the conjugated potentials in both
pictures. In Sen’s approach, the information about them is contained in the electric fields of
the near horizon geometry, while in the Euclidean zero temperature formalism this information is
encoded in the next to leading order term in an off-BPS expansion of the full geometry. Although
these definitions seem to be rather different at first sight, notice that in Sen’s approach the field
strength is just the radial derivative of the potential evaluated at the horizon. In the Euclidean zero
temperature case, the off-BPS expansion can be rewritten as an expansion in the radial position
of the horizon ρ+. Therefore, the next to leading order term in the off-BPS expansion of the
gauge potential at ρ+ is proportional to its derivative with respect to the radial position of the
horizon. Hence it is proportional to the field strength at the horizon. These words can be made
very precise by taking an example. Consider the D1-D5-P BH we have been working with (again
we do not include rotation in the analysis to avoid unnecessary non-insightful complications). In
the full geometry (2.5), where the zero temperature limit procedure is applied, we work with the t, r
coordinates. Sen’s approach uses instead the near-horizon fields (2.6) or (2.8) described in terms of
(τ, ρ) coordinates. The two set of coordinates are related by (2.7). Our purpose in the next lines is
to understand the first relation in (4.1). For definiteness we focus on the relation φ1 = 2πe1. From
(2.5), Cty = −Ms1c1/(ρ +Ms21), and one also has the relation between the gauge field written
in the two coordinate systems, Cty =
Cτy. In the near-horizon approach, the expression for e1
comes from the radial derivative of the potential evaluated at the BPS horizon (ρ
+ = 0):
. (4.16)
In the Euclidean zero temperature approach, the electric potential is obtained by contracting the
gauge field with the timelike Killing vector ξ = ∂t yielding: Φ
(1) = −Cty|ρ=ρ+ = −
(note that ρ+ = ρ
+ = 0 only in the BPS case). As is clear from (3.16), our conjugated potential
is defined as
φ1 = −
. (4.17)
Note the following key relations,14
= −∂τ
. (4.18)
From (4.16)-(4.18), one finally has
e1 = 2πe1 . (4.19)
The last equality follows from (2.7), and from ρ+ =M = 4π
R (see (3.15) and the
last statement of Appendix A.2). Physically we can understand it by noting that the near-horizon
coordinates are precisely the ones appropriate to find the value of the temperature, that avoids the
standard conical singularity in the Euclidean near-horizon geometry. An analysis along the lines
carried here for this specific case can be carried on for general cases and yield the relations (4.1)
between the conjugated potentials found using the two formalisms.
To summarize, we have seen that for supersymmetric BH, the Euclidean action and all the
chemical potentials are defined in the near horizon geometry. The asymptotic region would con-
tribute only in off-BPS cases. We have also shown why the chemical potentials are proportional
14The presence of the factor 1/2 in the last equality is due to a subtlety that occurs when we take ∂ρ+Φ (and thus
before sending ρ+ → ρbps+ ). In the large δ1 regime one has Ms21 ∼ Q
1 −M/2. Using this and ρ+ = M yields, in the
denominator of Φ, ρ+ +Ms
1 ∼ Qbps1 + ρ+/2. This is the 1/2 that appears when we further take the ρ+ derivative.
Note that this factor does not appear in the last derivative of (4.18), ∂ρCτy, because here we take the radial derivative
evaluated on the on-shell solution ρ = 0.
to the electric fields in the near horizon region, and ultimately, we have understood, from the BH
thermodynamics, the emergence of Sen’s entropy function as the extremal limit of the quantum
statistical relation or SQSR. As a bonus, we can now extend the statistical mechanics analysis like
the SQSR to BPS solutions with no off-BPS known extension, because we have learned how to
calculate the relevant chemical potentials directly in the BPS regime with no need of the limiting
5 Extremal (non-BPS) black holes
So far we have seen that two completely different procedures, namely the Euclidean zero tempera-
ture formalism and Sen’s entropy formalism allow to compute the entropy and conjugated chemical
potentials of supersymmetric BHs. This is not an accident as proved in the previous section. Now,
as is well-known, Sen’s approach also allows to find the attractor values of non-BPS extreme BHs
[9, 26]. So a question that naturally raises is if whether or not the Euclidean zero temperature
approach is also able to deal successfully with these type of solutions. In this section we address
this issue.
It is straightforward to conclude that the Euclidean formalism indeed allows to find the chem-
ical potentials of non-BPS extreme configurations. This follows from an analysis similar to the
derivation presented in section 4, but this time slightly modified to account for the fact that the
extreme BH is not BPS. Choosing the gauge C|∞ = Φext (and thus C|r+ = Φext−Φ), the extreme
analogue of (4.14) is
I = β(Φext − Φ)Q+ β(Ωext − Ω)J − S
︸ ︷︷ ︸
+ β(E − ΦextQ− ΩextJ)
︸ ︷︷ ︸
. (5.1)
r = r+ r = ∞
where the first term boils down to the extreme counterpart of (4.14),
ext. limit
β(Φext − Φ)Q+ β(Ωext − Ω)J − S = φQext + ωJext − Sext , (5.2)
containing all the information on the chemical potentials.
On the other hand, for non-BPS extreme solutions, we find that the asymptotic term in (5.1),
ext. limit
β(E − ΦextQ− ΩextJ) , (5.3)
in general does not vanish, as oppose to its BPS cousin. However, we find the following important
feature, at least in the cases we studied: i) the cases where (5.3) does not vanish correspond
to extreme rotating solutions that have in common the presence of an ergoregion; (ii) rotating
extreme solutions without ergosphere and non-rotating extreme solutions have vanishing (5.3).
This occurs at least on the three-charged, four-charged and Kerr-Newman systems. In the cases
where it vanishes we again have that the Euclidean action of the BH at the extreme bound is given
exclusively from the near horizon part of the solution. The physical properties of the solution are
captured entirely by the near horizon geometry, which makes the attractor mechanism manifest 15.
15This discussion is at the level of two derivative Lagrangian. If corrections are added, we expect that the asymptotic
part vanishes producing a finite result, also for extreme BH with ergoregion.
In the above extremal non-BPS cases, we can explicitly verify that the two formalisms indeed
yield the same results. For this exercise and as an example, we will discuss below two extreme
three-charged BH (whose BPS cousin was studied in the previous sections). To emphasize that the
relation between the Euclidean and Sen’s formalism is universal and not restricted to the three-
charged system, in Appendices B.1 and B.2, we further extend the exercise to three other non-trivial
extreme solutions whose properties have been studied within Sen’s formalism.
5.1 Extreme three-charged black hole with ergoregion
In the D1-D5-P solution described by (A.4)-(A.8) we can take, instead of the BPS limit described
in section 3, a different limit that yields an extreme (but not BPS) BH with an ergoregion. This is
a case in which the system shows only partial attractor mechanism.
Concretely, we take the near-extreme limit
M → (a1 + a2)2 + ε , ε≪ 1 . (5.4)
When the off-extreme parameter ε vanishes, the temperature indeed vanishes since βR → ∞ in
(3.9). The off-extreme expansion of the conserved charges (3.8) around the corresponding extreme
values (obtained by replacing M by (a1 + a2)
2 in (3.8)) is straightforward, and the expansion of
the thermodynamic quantities (3.9)-(3.12) yields
βL = π (c1c5cp − s1s5sp)
(a1 + a2)
+O (ε) , βR = 2π(a1 + a2)2 (c1c5cp + s1s5sp)
S = Sext +O
, Ωφ,ψ = Ω
ext −
Φ(i) = Φ
ext −
, i = 1, 5, p , (5.5)
where the extreme values satisfy
Sext = 2π
a1a2(a1 + a2)
2 (c1c5cp + s1s5sp) ,
ext = Ω
ext = − [(a1 + a2)(c1c5cp + s1s5sp)]
ext =
(tanh δi)c1c5cp + (coth δi)s1s5sp
c1c5cp + s1s5sp
, i = 1, 5, p , (5.6)
and the conjugated potentials are
ωφ,ψ = −
a1 + a2√
c1c5cp − s1s5sp
c1c5cp + s1s5sp
± (a1 − a2)
, (5.7)
φi = −
[tanh δ1 tanh δ5 tanh δp − coth δ1 coth δ5 coth δp]−1 , i = 1, 5, p .
These expressions for the potentials could be rewritten only in terms of the conserved charges as
expected by the attractor mechanism. We avoid doing it because the expressions are long and
The QSR for this system is
I = β
Eext −
i − Ω
ext − Ω
i + ωφJ
ext + ωψJ
ext − Sext +O
. (5.8)
In the supersymmetric system the analogue of the term in between brackets vanishes due to the
BPS constraint on the conserved charges. But, in general, for non-BPS extreme BHs it does not
vanish (see discussion associated with (5.3)). In the present case the factor in between brackets is
. Note that this quantity vanishes when rotation is absent (a1 = a2 = 0). When
it is present, the solution has an ergoregion and the non-vanishing contribution is associated with
its existence. Notice that in this case the Euclidean action is not well-defined but, nevertheless,
the chemical potentials (5.8) take finite values and are physically relevant.
5.2 Extreme three-charged black hole without ergoregion
The metric of the D1-D5-P system is also a solution of type I supergravity. A fundamental difference
between type IIB and type I theories is that the later theory has half of the supersymmetries of
type IIB. This feature implies that in type I, if we reverse the sign of the momentum in the
BPS D1-D5-P black hole, we get a distinct solution that is extreme but non-BPS. We study this
solution of type I in this subsection, as the main example of an extreme non-BPS solution without
ergoregion where attractor mechanism is fully manifest.
The near-extreme limit we now consider is similar to the near-BPS limit (3.14) in which we send
the boosts to infinity; the difference being that now we take one of the boosts to be negative (again,
by U -dualities it does not matter which one). The reason why these two limits are indeed different
and, in particular, why one of them yields a BPS BH and the other not is the following [25]. The
three-charged BH describes, in the supergravity approximation and after dualities, the F1-NS5-P
system that is a configuration of heterotic string theory compactified on T 4 × S1. We can describe
this system as an effective fundamental string with winding number n1n5 (where n1, n5 are the
numbers of F1 and NS5 constituents), and with momentum excitations traveling along it. Now,
heterotic string theory is chiral. Hence, the direction of the momentum along the fundamental string
sets if the solution is supersymmetric or not. In our conventions, the supersymmetric configuration
F1-NS5-P is the one with no right-movers. So, in the supergravity approximation, the BPS BH that
describes this system is obtained by taking δp → +∞. But we can also consider the heterotic string
configuration with only right-movers. Due to the chirality property, this F1-NS5-P̄ configuration
is then not supersymmetric. And the corresponding supergravity solution obtained by taking
δp → −∞ is not a BPS BH. Note that this solution is however extreme, i.e., it has zero temperature.
The reason being that there are no left-movers to collide with the right-movers and generate the
closed string emission that describes the Hawking radiation.
So we take the near-extreme limit (δ1,5 > 0; δp < 0, Qp < 0)
Jφ − Jψ → 0 ; M → 0 , δ1,5 → ∞ , Q1,5 fixed ; δp < 0 finite . (5.10)
The conserved charges of the non-extreme three-charged BH are listed in (3.8), and the temperature,
entropy, and angular velocities and potentials at the horizon are given in (3.9)-(3.11).
The charges in the extreme solution satisfy the constraint
Eext = Qext1 +Q
5 −Qextp , Jextψ = Jextφ , (5.11)
where we used Qextp = −Me−2δp/4.
The off-extreme parameter, ε = Me2δp/4, measures energy above extremality and is such that
E ≡ Ebps + ε. The expansion of the left and right temperatures in terms of the off-extreme
parameter ε yields,
βL = π
Qext1 Q
, βR = πQ
−Qext1 Qext5 Qextp − (Jextφ )2
. (5.12)
The extreme limit corresponds to send the temperature T → 0 by sending βL → ∞ while keeping
βR finite. In this limit there are no left-movers, only right-movers. The first relation in (5.12)
defines ε in terms of βL.
The expansion for the relevant thermodynamic quantities is
S = Sext +O
, Ωφ,ψ = Ω
ext −
Φ(i) = Φ
ext −
, i = 1, 5, p , (5.13)
Sext = 2π
−Qext1 Qext5 Qextp − (Jextφ )2
ext = 0 , Φ
ext = 1 , Φ
ext = −1 . (5.14)
The conjugated potentials are
ωφ,ψ = −
−Qext1 Qext5 Qextp − (Jextφ )2
φi = −
πQext1 Q
−Qext1 Qext5 Qextp − (Jextφ )2
, i = 1, 5, p . (5.15)
16 The rotation parameters in this limit go as
a1,2 = −
−Qext1 Qext5 Qextp
[1 +O (ε)] . (5.9)
For comparison, in the BPS limit a1,2 go instead as (A.24).
Although this is a non-BPS solution, it satisfies the extremal constraint (5.11) that is linear
in the charges. This, together with (5.14), has the consequence that (5.3) applied to this system
vanishes, and the QSR for this system simplifies to
Iext =
i + 2ωφJ
φ − Sext , (5.16)
where we used Jextψ = J
φ and ωψ = ωφ.
So, contrarily to the example of the previous subsection, where the system showed only partial
attractor mechanism due to the existence of an ergoregion, in the present system the ergoregion
is absent and the attractor mechanism is fully manifest, even though the extreme solution is not
6 Discussion
First of all, we would like to stress again the logic behind our approach: zero temperature limits to
reach extremal configurations are naturally defined in statistical analysis of quantum field theories.
The AdS/CFT correspondence then requires that there has to be a dual analysis for strings in
AdS. Supergravity is just the tree level part of the above theory, and thus we do not expect in
general a well defined zero temperature limit at this level. Here, by well defined we mean a limit
that generates a finite Euclidean action when T → 0. Nevertheless, we have found extremal BH
that seem to be protected, and therefore have a well defined zero temperature limit. In some of
these cases, the protection is based on supersymmetric arguments but, in other cases, we just have
extremal non-BPS BH where in fact it is not well understood why supergravity is giving the correct
In this article we have applied the Euclidean zero temperature formalism to supergravity so-
lutions where Sen’s formalism is well understood. In doing so, we have shown that this method
agrees with Sen’s entropy formalism, producing the same statistical mechanics functions like the
entropy and the chemical potentials. On the top of this, the Euclidean zero temperature formalism
has the key advantage of connecting the entropy functional with the statistical mechanics of the
dual CFT and with the more canonical BH thermodynamics.
More concretely, due to the attractor mechanism, we found that the Euclidean action is itself
given by the near horizon geometry alone, and therefore can be connected to Sen’s approach to
calculate the entropy. We showed how to relate all the different definitions in both approaches
and why they match. In particular, we are able to understand the CFT dual of Sen’s approach,
using the established map for the corresponding quantum statistical relation. For example, Sen’s
function f (evaluated on-shell) is nothing more than the BPS limit of the Euclidean action and
therefore is related to the dual CFT partition function. The above relation is relevant for the OSV
conjecture [3], since now Ibps or f naturally takes the place of free energy of the supersymmetric
We also worked out the extension to extremal but non-supersymmetric BH. Here, since we
are dealing with two derivative Lagrangians, we divide BH in two groups: those with ergoregion
and those without it. In all the cases with no ergoregion we have checked, the zero temperature
limit produces a well defined QSR at extremality, where all the chemical potentials, entropy and
the Euclidean action are related to Sen’s approach. This is not a triviality, since here there is
no supersymmetry to protect these tree-level results. This resuly seems to imply a protection
mechanism in the extremal case, as suggested in [25].
In the other case of extremal BH with ergoregions, we found an ill-defined limit, where the
asymptotic contribution to the Euclidean action diverges. Nevertheless, the near horizon contri-
bution is well behaved and produces the correct entropy and chemical potentials. These results
are in agrement with Sen’s approach since these geometries are not fully attracted. Therefore they
depend also on asymptotic values of the moduli. We interpret this result as a confirmation that
these geometries do receive corrections from string theory that in turn will modify the asymptotic
region, and thus asymptotic charges like the energy. In fact, in [29] rotating BH of this sort were
studied finding that for the ergoregion branch, the entropy, but not the energy, could be matched
with the microscopic CFT.
We would like to point out that although we worked with standard low-energy supergravity,
the inclusion of higher derivative terms should not spoil the results. In the Euclidean approach,
one now has to compute the Euclidean action with the modified Lagrangian and define the entropy
as its Legendre transform with respect to the BPS chemical potentials. This should give the same
entropy as defined by Wald (see [30]).
The zero temperature limit analysis of supersymmetric CFT ensembles motivated the corre-
sponding analysis in the dual supergravity system. In this paper our main goal was to make direct
contact between this formalism and Sen’s entropy function approach. The Euclidean zero tem-
perature formalism further allows to scan the phase structure of BH. A paradigm on the useful
information that this formalism allows to find about the CFT living on the boundary of a BH
geometry can be found in [12, 13]. It would be interesting to make a similar application, this time
to study the CFT of the BH systems discussed in this paper.
We acknowledge Roberto Emparan and Pau Figueras for a critical reading of the manuscript.
This work was partially funded by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia under grant FPA2005-
02211 and by Fundacão para a Ciência e Tecnologia through project PTDC/FIS/64175/2006. OD
acknowledges financial support provided by the European Community through the Intra-European
Marie Curie contract MEIF-CT-2006-038924, and CENTRA for hospitality while part of this work
was done.
A Three-charged black hole: solution and thermodynamics
A.1 The D1-D5-P black hole
In this section we describe the D1-D5-P BH and its thermodynamic properties that are used in
sections 3-5. The most general solution with arbitrary charges was originally constructed in [22]
(see also [23]). This solution generalizes the case with equal D1 and D5 charges found previously
in [32] and whose BPS limit yields the BMPV BH [33]. Here we follow the notation of [23, 31].
This three-charged BH is a solution of type IIB supergravity. The only IIB fields that are
turned on are the graviton gµν , the dilaton Ψ, and the RR 2-form C ≡ C(2). For the field strength
one has simply F(3) = dC(2) since the RR field C(0) and the NSNS field H(3) are absent. The type
IIB action, in the Einstein frame, reduces in these conditions to
µΨ− 1
eΨF 2(3)
, (A.1)
where g is the determinant of the Einstein metric. The field equations that follow from variation
of action (A.1) are
Rµν −
= 0 ,
−g gµν∂νΨ
eΨF 23 = 0 ,
−g eΨFµαβ
= 0 . (A.2)
Contraction of the graviton field equation yields for the Ricci scalar,
eΨF 23 . (A.3)
The graviton in the Einstein frame is (the relation between the parameters describing the solution
and the conserved charges is displayed in (3.8))
ds2 = −
(dt2 − dy2) +
(spdy − cpdt)2 (A.4)
(r2 + a21)(r
2 + a22)−Mr2
+ dθ2
H̃1H̃5 − (a22 − a21)(H̃1 + H̃5 − f) cos2 θ
cos2 θ dψ2
H̃1H̃5 + (a
2 − a21)(H̃1 + H̃5 − f) sin2 θ
sin2 θ dφ2 +
a1 cos
2 θdψ + a2 sin
2 θdφ
2M cos2 θ
(a1c1c5cp − a2s1s5sp)dt+ (a2s1s5cp − a1c1c5sp)dy
2M sin2 θ
(a2c1c5cp − a1s1s5sp)dt+ (a1s1s5cp − a2c1c5sp)dy
dφ+ H̃
dz2j ,
where y is the coordinate on S1, and zj ’s (j = 1, · · · , 4) are the coordinates on the torus T 4. We
use the notation ci ≡ cosh δi, si ≡ sinh δi, and
f(r) = r2 + a21 sin
2 θ + a22 cos
2 θ , H̃i(r) = f(r) +Ms
i , with i = 1, 5 ,
g(r) = (r2 + a21)(r
2 + a22)−Mr2 . (A.5)
The roots of g(r), r+ and r−, are given by
r2± =
(M − a21 − a22)±
(M − a21 − a22)2 − 4a21a22 , (A.6)
The system describes a regular BH17 when r2+ > 0, i.e., for M ≥ (a1 + a2)2. The ten-dimensional
determinant in the Einstein frame is
−g = r sin θ cos θH̃1/41 H̃
5 . The dilaton Ψ and 2-form RR
gauge potential C which support the D1-D5-P configuration are
e2Ψ =
, (A.7)
C(2) =
cos2 θ (atψdt+ ayψdy) ∧ dψ + sin2 θ (atφdt+ ayφdy) ∧ dφ
−s1c1dt ∧ dy − s5c5(r2 + a22 +Ms21) cos2 θ dψ ∧ dφ
, (A.8)
where we defined
atφ = a1c1s5cp − a2s1c5sp , atψ = a2c1s5cp − a1s1c5sp ,
ayφ = a2s1c5cp − a1c1s5sp , ayψ = a1s1c5cp − a2c1s5sp . (A.9)
By electric-magnetic duality18,
ν1···ν7 , (A.10)
our configuration can be equivalently described either by the 2-form C(2) in (A.8) or by the 6-form
C(6) that follows from (A.10). Using this equivalence, we rewrite (A.8) as
C(2) = −
s1c1dt+ ayφ sin
2 θdφ+ ayψ cos
2 θdψ
∧ dy ,
C(6) = −
s5c5dt+ atψ sin
2 θdφ+ atφ cos
2 θdψ
∧ dy ∧ dz1 ∧ dz2 ∧ dz3 ∧ dz4 .
The advantage of (A.11) is that we clearly identify the C(2) gauge potential sourced by the D1-
brane charges and the C(6) field sourced by the D5-brane charges. Thus, this expression will be
appropriate to find the electric potentials associated with the two type of D-branes. Note that
all the C
µν components contain the y-coordinate that parametrizes the S
1, while all the C
components contain the y-coordinate and the zj ’s coordinates that parametrize the torus T
4. This
reflects the fact that D1-branes wrap S1 and the D5-branes wrap the full internal space T 4 × S1.
17For r2+ < 0, i.e., M ≤ (a1 − a2)2 the system can describe a smooth soliton without horizon [31, 34]. We will not
discuss this solution.
18We use the convention ǫtrθφψyz1z2z3z4 = 1, and the relation (A.10) is valid in the Einstein frame.
The general procedure to compute angular velocities when the geometry has several momenta
can be found in [35]. Applied to our case, the angular velocities at the horizon along the φ-plane,
Ωφ, the ψ-plane, Ωψ, and the velocity along y, Φ(p) are19
gty (gyφgψψ − gyψgφψ) + gtφ
g2yψ − gyygψψ
+ gtψ (gyygφψ − gyφgyψ)
gyygφφgψψ + 2gyφgyψgφψ − g2yψgφφ − g2yφgψψ − g2φψgyy
gty (gyψgφφ − gyφgφψ) + gtφ (gyygφψ − gyφgyψ) + gtψ
g2yφ − gyygφφ
gyygφφgψψ + 2gyφgyψgφψ − g2yψgφφ − g2yφgψψ − g2φψgyy
Φ(p) =
g2φψ − gφφgψψ
+ gtφ (gyφgψψ − gyψgφψ) + gtψ (gyψgφφ − gyφgφψ)
gyygφφgψψ + 2gyφgyψgφψ − g2yψgφφ − g2yφgψψ − g2φψgyy
which yields
Ωφ = −
r2+ + a
r2+c1c5cp + a1a2s1s5sp
Ωψ = −
r2+ + a
r2+c1c5cp + a1a2s1s5sp
Φ(p) =
r2+c1c5sp + a1a2s1s5cp
r2+c1c5cp + a1a2s1s5sp
. (A.13)
The horizon angular velocities are constant and, in particular have no angular dependence, as
required by Carter’s rigidity property of Killing horizons20. The electric potentials at the horizon
associated with the Q1 and Q5 gauge charges are computed using
Φ(i) = −Cµ{x(i)}ξ
Ct{x(i)} + Cφ{x(i)}Ω
φ +Cψ{x(i)}Ω
, i = 1, 5 , (A.14)
ξ = ∂t +Ω
φ∂φ +Ω
ψ∂ψ , (A.15)
is the null Killing vector generator of the horizon (Ωφ,ψ are the horizon angular velocities). We
use the notation {x(1)} ≡ y, the coordinate of S1 wrapped by D1-branes, and {x(5)} ≡ yz1z2z3z4,
19We identify Ωy ≡ Φ(p) because the KK momentum plays effectively the role of a gauge charge with associated
electric potential.
20Note that the angular velocities can be more easily computed using the standard formulas valid for solutions
rotating along a single axis, as long as we evaluate them at a specific θ coordinate. More concretely, an inspection
of (A.12) concludes that the following relations are valid and provide the quickest computation of the corresponding
φ ≡ gtφ
r=r+, θ=0
ψ ≡ gtψ
r=r+, θ=π/2
(p) ≡ gty
r=r+, θ=0
the coordinates of S1 × T 4 wrapped by D5-branes. Using the C gauge potential written in (A.11)
Φ(i) =
r2+(tanh δi)c1c5cp + a1a2(coth δi)s1s5sp
r2+c1c5cp + a1a2s1s5sp
, i = 1, 5 . (A.16)
The temperature of the BH is T = κh/(2π) where the surface gravity of the horizon is κ
(∇µξν)(∇µξν)|r=r+ , and ξ
µ is the Killing vector horizon generator defined in (A.15). The inverse
temperature β = 1/T is then
r2+ + a
r2+ + a
r4+ − a21a22
r2+c1c5cp + a1a2s1s5sp
. (A.17)
The entropy S is just horizon area (in the Einstein frame) divided by 4G10,
r2+ + a
r2+ + a
r2+c1c5cp + a1a2s1s5sp
. (A.18)
To conclude this section, note that action (A.1) can be written in the string frame through the
Weyl rescaling of the metric, g̃AB = e
Ψ/2gAB , yielding
R̃− 4∂µΨ∂µΨ
2 · 3!
F 2(3)
. (A.19)
A.2 The near-BPS limit of the D1-D5-P black hole
In this appendix we present the detailed computation of the near-BPS limit of the D1-D5-P BH,
and of the off-BPS construction that takes (3.9)-(3.11) into (3.15)-(3.23).
Using the trignometric properties
eδi + e−δi
, si =
eδi − e−δi
, (A.20)
the gauge charges and ADM mass (3.8) are, in the near-BPS regime (3.14),
≡ Qbpsp − ε
≡ Qbps1 , Q5 ≃
≡ Qbps5 ,
+ ε = Ebps + ε , (A.21)
where the BPS constraint (3.13) was used. We can interpret the quantity Me
as the number of
left-movers, and ε = Me
as the number of right-movers (in the KK momentum sector). The
BPS configuration, ε = 0, is the one with no right-movers. In the D1 and D5 sectors there are
only left-movers since δ1,5 → ∞. From the last relation in (A.21), we conclude that ε is also an
off-BPS parameter that measures energy above extremality. We can also rewrite ε = Me
M = 4
ǫ, an expression that will be useful below.
The near-BPS limit (3.14) is completed with the angular momenta condition. It can be under-
stood as follows. Inversion of (3.8) yields
a1 = −
Jψc1c5cp + Jφs1s5sp
p − s21s25s2p
, a2 = −
Jφc1c5cp + Jψs1s5sp
p − s21s25s2p
. (A.22)
In the near-BPS limit (3.14) one has c21,5 ≃
, s21,5 ≃
, c2p =
, and
s2p =
. The expansion of a1,2 in the small M regime then gives
a1,2 = − (Jφ + Jψ)
(Jφ − Jψ)
, (A.23)
where we have defined η ≡ Qbps1 Q
ε, and γ ≡ Qbps1 Q
5 ε. Now, one must take appropriate limits of a1 and a2 such that they keep finite and the
angular momenta is kept fixed. But in (A.23) one sees that, for non-vanishing charges Q
i 6= 0
(i = 1, 5, p), a1,2 diverge as 1/
M when we takeM → 0. We can avoid this divergence by imposing
that Jφ + Jψ → 0 in the near-BPS limit. Note that as a consequence, in the limit ε→ 0, the BPS
solution must have angular momenta satisfying the relation (3.13)21. Under this condition, we can
now take a small ǫ expansion in (A.23) and get
a1,2 = ±
[1 +O (ε)] . (A.24)
Use of (A.20) and (A.24) in (3.9), (3.12) and (3.11) yields straightforwardly the near-BPS
expansions for the temperature, (3.15), for the entropy, (3.19), and for the angular velocities,
(3.16), respectively.
The off-BPS expansion of the electric potential Φ(p) leading to (3.16) is straightforward. How-
ever, the expansion of the D1 and D5 electric potentials is more subtle. Indeed, if in (3.11) we do
the most natural step, (tanh δ1)c1c5cp − (coth δ1)s1s5sp = s1c5cp − c1s5sp we just catch the BPS
value but not the next order term of the expansion. To capture the next order off-BPS contribu-
tion one has to introduce the parameter M that measures the energy above extremality. This is
consistently done with the following step: (tanh δ1)c1c5cp = c1c5cp
(and similarly for the
term proportional to coth δ1). Then, use of Ms
1 ≃ Q
1 −M/2 and M = 4
ǫ allows to
finally write (tanh δ1)c1c5cp ≃ c1c5cp(1 − q
ε), where q is a ratio of BPS charges. The expansion
(3.16) for Φ(1), Φ(5) now follows naturally.
B Explicit agreement for other black hole systems
In this Appendix we will perform the Euclidean zero temperature limit and study the statistical
mechanics of some BHs that have not been considered in the main body of the text. The main
21Alternatively, note that we could relax this condition in the off-BPS regime. That is we could instead fix Jφ and
let Jψ arbitrary “during” the near-BPS approach, as long as in the BPS limit one ended with Jφ + Jψ = 0. Our final
result is independent of the particular off-BPS path choosen.
motivation to do this is two-folded. First, we explicitly verify that the relation between the Eu-
clidean zero temperature and Sen’s entropy formalisms is indeed general and not restricted to the
three-charged BH studied in the main body of the text. Second, we get a list of conjugated chemical
potentials for several BH systems. With these at hand we can also study the thermodynamics of
the dual CFT. We consider some relevant asymptotically flat systems that have been discussed
within Sen’s formalism context in [9], namely: the four-charged BH (subsection B.1), and the Kerr-
Newman BH (subsection B.2). The agreement between the two formalisms is also confirmed for
black holes of gauged supergravity elsewhere [12, 15].
B.1 Four-charged black holes
We study the statistical properties at zero temperature of the asymptotically flat four-charged BH
in four dimensions (4D). This system has three distinct extreme cases: the BPS BH (studied
in subsection B.1.1), the ergo-free branch family of BHs (subsection B.1.2), and the ergo-branch
family (subsection B.1.3). These last two are extreme but not BPS BHs and we are following the
nomenclature of [9].
The most general non-extremal rotating four-charged BH was first found in [37] as a solution
of heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus. The four gauge fields of the solution were
however not explicitly given. This BH is also a solution of N = 2 supergravity coupled to three
vector multiplets, which in turn can be consistently embedded in N = 8 maximal supergravity
[37, 36, 38]. As first observed for the static non-extreme case [36], these theories can also be
obtained from compactification of type II supergravity on T 4 × S1 × S̃1. Therefore, from the 10D
viewpoint these BHs have a D-brane interpretation, e.g., they describe the D2-D6-NS5-P solution
of type IIA supergravity or the D1-D5-KK-P solution of type IIB supergravity (or any dual system
to these obtained by U -dualities).
Take N = 2 supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets. The field content of the theory
is: the graviton gµν , four gauge fields A(1)1,2 , Â1,2(1) , three dilatons ϕi and three axions χi (with
1 ≤ i ≤ 3). The full solution can be explicitly found in [38]. Compared with [38], we use the
parameters µ ≡ 4m and l ≡ 4a that avoid nasty factors of 4 in the thermodynamic quantities. The
horizons of the solution are at
µ2 − l2
, (B.1)
and thus the system has regular horizons when µ ≥ |l|. When l = 0 we recover the static solutions
found in [36].
The conserved mass E, angular momentum J , and gauge charges Qi’s of the BH are (we use
G4 ≡ 1/8 for this system)
cosh(2δi) , Jφ =
µl (c1c2c3c4 − s1s2s3s4) ,
Qi = µsici , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 , (B.2)
which are invariant under interchange of the δi’s, as expected from the U -duality relations.
The left and right movers inverse temperatures, the entropy, electric potentials and angular
velocity are [39],
βL = 2πµ (c1c2c3c4 − s1s2s3s4) , βR =
µ2 − l2
(c1c2c3c4 + s1s2s3s4) ,
S = πµ2 (c1c2c3c4 + s1s2s3s4) + πµ
µ2 − l2 (c1c2c3c4 − s1s2s3s4) ,
Φ(i) =
[(tanh δi)c1c2c3c4 − (coth δi)s1s2s3s4]
µ2 − l2
[(tanh δi)c1c2c3c4 + (coth δi)s1s2s3s4] , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 ,
µ2 − l2
. (B.3)
B.1.1 BPS black hole
The BPS limit of the four charged BH is obtained by taking µ→ 0, δi → ∞, while keeping Qi fixed
(i = 1, 2, 3, 4), and l → 0 at the same rate as µ, i.e., l/µ → 1. As a consequence J → 0 and the
BPS four-charged BH is non-rotating22. Therefore, the BPS charges satisfy the BPS constraints,
Ebps = Q
4 , J
bps = 0 , (B.4)
where Q
i = µe
2δi/4. To study the thermodynamics near the T = 0 BPS solution we work in the
near-BPS limit. We take
µ→ 0 , δ1,2,3 → ∞ , Q1,2,3 fixed ; δ4 finite; l → 0 (l/µ → 1) . (B.5)
Note that we take the four boosts to be positive and we choose to keep δ4 finite, without any loss
of generality (due to U -dualities).
Define the off-BPS parameter above extremality ε, to be ε = µe−2δ4/4 so that E ≡ Ebps + ε.
The procedure yielding the off-BPS expansion of the several thermodynamic quantities is quite
similar to the one done in the three-charged BH (see Appendix A.2). So we just quote the relevant
Expanding the left and right temperatures in terms ε yields,
βL = π
, βR = π
. (B.6)
The BPS limit corresponds to send βR → ∞, and we now can use βR as the off-BPS parameter,
instead of ε.
The expansion in βR of the conserved charges is
E = Ebps +O
, J =
Q1,2,3 ≃ Qbps1,2,3 , Q4 = Q
. (B.7)
22The reason being that the roots that define the horizon are (B.1), and thus µ ≥ |l| must hold to have a regular
The remaining thermodynamic quantities have the expansion,
S = Sbps +O
, Ω =
Φ(i) = Φ
bps −
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 , (B.8)
Sbps = 2π
= 1 , φi =
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 . (B.9)
The last relation gives the key quantities, namely the conjugated potentials φi’s of the solution that
have an important role in the dual CFT. The expressions of the BPS entropy Sbps, and conjugated
potentials φi’s agree with the corresponding quantities computed in [9] using Sen’s entropy function
The SQSR for the four-charge BH is then
Ibps = φ1Q
1 + φ2Q
2 + φ3Q
3 + φ4Q
4 − Sbps . (B.10)
B.1.2 Extreme (non-BPS) black hole: ergo-free solution
In the four-charged system we can take an extremal limit that yields a rotating BH without ergo-
sphere. For this reason, this BH was dubbed ergo-free solution in [9].
This limit is similar to the BPS regime token in the previous Appendix B.1.1 in which we send
the boosts to infinity; the difference being that we take an odd number (one, for definiteness, but
it could as well be three) of boosts to be negative. As explained in a similar context in section 5,
this limit yields an extreme, but not BPS, BH.
Concretely, take the near-extremal limit (δ1,2,3 > 0; δ4 < 0, Q4 < 0):
µ→ 0 , δ1,2,3 → ∞ , Q1,2,3 fixed ; δ4 < 0 finite ;
. (B.11)
The charges in the extreme solution satisfy the constraint
Eext = Qext1 +Q
3 −Qext4 , (B.12)
where Q
1,2,3 = µe
2δ1,2,3/4, Qext4 = −µe−2δ4/4, and Jext is arbitrary. Using the off-extremality
parameter, ε = µe2δ4/4 = π2Qext1 Q
L (so the extremal limit is obtained by sending βL →
∞), we get the following expansion for the relevant thermodynamic quantities:
S = Sext +O
, Ω = Ωext −
Φ(i) = Φ
ext −
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 , (B.13)
23Once we match the notation ω ≡ 2πα and φi ≡ 2πei and we take into consideration that we use G4 ≡ 1/8, while
[9] uses G4 ≡ 1/(16π)).
Sext = 2π
−Qext1 Qext2 Qext3 Qext4 − (Jext)2
Ωext = 0 , Φ
ext = 1 , Φ
ext = −1 . (B.14)
The conjugated potentials are
ω = −
[−Qext1 Qext2 Qext3 Qext4 − (Jext)2]
φi = −
πQext1 Q
Qexti [−Qext1 Qext2 Qext3 Qext4 − (Jext)2]
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 . (B.15)
Again, these expressions for Sext, ω and φi’s match the ones found in [9] using Sen’s entropy function
formalism (see footnote 23 for normalization conventions).
Although this is a non-BPS solution, it satisfies the extremal constraint (B.12) that is linear in
the charges. Using in addition (B.14), we find that (5.3), applied to this system, vanishes and the
QSR for this system simplifies to
Iext =
i + ωJ
ext − Sext . (B.16)
This is an example of a rotating extreme solution without ergosphere. It has a finite on-shell action.
B.1.3 Extreme (non-BPS) black hole: ergo-branch solution
This time we take the limit µ→ l. This yields an extreme BH with an ergosphere that was coined as
ergo-branch solution in [9] (This is the four-charged counterpart of the solution studied in Section
We take the near-extreme limit
µ→ l + ε , ε≪ 1 . (B.17)
When the off-extreme parameter ε vanishes, the temperature indeed vanishes since βR → ∞ in
(B.3). The off-extreme expansion of the conserved charges (B.2) around the corresponding ex-
treme values (obtained by replacing µ by l in (B.2)) is straightforward, and the expansion of the
thermodynamic quantities (B.3) yields24
βL = 2πl (c1c2c3c4 − s1s2s3s4) +O (ε) , βR =
2πl3/2 (c1c2c3c4 + s1s2s3s4)
S = Sext +O
, Ω = Ωext −
Φ(i) = Φ
ext −
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 , (B.18)
24We use the relation
µ2 − l2 ≃ 2πµ2(c1c2c3c4 + s1s2s3s4)/βR
where the extreme values satisfy
Sext = 2π
Qext1 Q
4 + (J
, Ωext = 2l
−1 (c1c2c3c4 + s1s2s3s4)
ext =
(tanh δi)c1c2c3c4 + (coth δi)s1s2s3s4
c1c2c3c4 + s1s2s3s4
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 , (B.19)
and the conjugated potentials are
[Qext1 Q
4 + (J
c1c2c3c4 + s1s2s3s4
, i = 1, 2, 3, 4 . (B.20)
Note that in the last expression could be rewritten only in terms of the conserved charges as
expected by the attractor mechanism. We do not do it here because the expression is too long.
The expressions of the extremal entropy Sext, and conjugated potentials ω and φi’s agree with the
corresponding quantities computed in [9] using Sen’s entropy function formalism (see footnote 23
for normalization conventions).
The QSR for this system is
I = β
Eext −
i − ΩextJext
i + ω J
ext − Sext +O
In the supersymmetric system the analogue of the first term vanishes due to the BPS constraint on
the conserved charges. But, in general, for non-BPS extreme BHs it does not vanish (see also discus-
sion associated with (5.3)). In the present case the factor in between brackets is − l
Note that this quantity vanishes when rotation is absent. When it is present, the solution has an er-
gosphere and the non-vanishing contribution seems to be associated with its existence, as discussed
in section 5.
B.2 Extreme Kerr-Newman black hole
In this section we take the near-extreme limit of the Kerr-Newman BH with ADM mass M , ADM
charge Q and ADM angular momentum J = aM that is a solution of the Einstein-Maxwell action
I = 1
R− F 2
(so, we set G4 ≡ 1). In the extreme state the charges satisfy the
constraint M2 = a2 + Q2, the horizons coincide, r± = M , and one also has the useful relation
M2 + a2 = 2
J2 +Q4/4. Define the off-extremality parameter ε such that M = Me + ε which
implies that r+ ∼Me+
ε (the subscript e stands for the on-shell extreme solution). In terms
of the inverse temperature β =
r+−M it is given by
2Me β
. Using the expressions
S = π(r2+ + a
2), Ω = a/(r2+ + a
2) and Φ = Qr+/(r
+ + a
2) one gets the expansion:
S = Se +O
, Se = 2π
J2e +Q
e/4 ;
Ω = Ωe −
, Ωe =
J2e +Q
, ω =
J2e +Q
Φ = Φe −
, Φe =
J2e +Q
, φ =
J2e +Q
The extremal entropy Se, and conjugated potentials ω and φ agree with the corresponding quantities
computed in [9] using Sen’s entropy function formalism25.
The QSR for this system is
I = β (Me − ΦeQe − ΩeJe) + φQe + ω Je − Se +O
The first term does not vanish, a feature that seems to be common to non-BPS extreme black
holes with ergosphere. The factor in between brackets is Me(M
e −Q2e)/(M2e + a2e). If rotation is
absent, a = 0, one has Me = Qe and the above term vanishes. When it is present, the solution
has an ergosphere and the non-vanishing contribution seems to be associated with its existence, as
discussed in section 5.
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Attractor mechanism and entropy functional formalism
Zero temperature limit and chemical potentials
Entropy functional formalism from an Euclidean perspective
Main results and structure of the paper
Entropy functional formalism revisited
Euclidean zero-temperature formalism: BPS black holes
Euclidean zero-temperature and entropy functional formalisms
Near-horizon and asymptotic contributions to the Euclidean action
Relation between chemical potentials in the two formalisms
Extremal (non-BPS) black holes
Extreme three-charged black hole with ergoregion
Extreme three-charged black hole without ergoregion
Three-charged black hole: solution and thermodynamics
The D1-D5-P black hole
The near-BPS limit of the D1-D5-P black hole
Explicit agreement for other black hole systems
Four-charged black holes
BPS black hole
Extreme (non-BPS) black hole: ergo-free solution
Extreme (non-BPS) black hole: ergo-branch solution
Extreme Kerr-Newman black hole
0704.1406 | On the existence of chaotic circumferential waves in spinning disks | To appear in CHAOS, Volume 17, Issue 2, June 2007
On the existence of chaotic circumferential waves in spinning disks
Arzhang Angoshtari∗ and Mir Abbas Jalali†
Center of Excellence in Design, Robotics and Automation
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
P.O.Box: 11365-9567, Azadi Avenue, Tehran, Iran
(Dated: August 4, 2021)
We use a third-order perturbation theory and Melnikov’s method to prove the existence of chaos
in spinning circular disks subject to a lateral point load. We show that the emergence of transverse
homoclinic and heteroclinic points respectively lead to a random reversal in the traveling direction
of circumferential waves and a random phase shift of magnitude π for both forward and backward
wave components. These long-term phenomena occur in imperfect low-speed disks sufficiently far
from fundamental resonances.
Keywords: Chaos, canonical perturbation theory, Melnikov’s method, spinning disks, traveling wave reversal
Transversal vibration modes of hard disk drives
(HDDs) are excited by the lateral aerodynamic
force of the magnetic head. Previous works [1, 2]
revealed that chaotic orbits are inevitable ingre-
dients of phase space flows when the lateral force
is large, or the disk is rotating near the critical
resonant speed. For low-speed disks, however, an
adiabatic invariant (a first integral) was found [2]
using a first-order averaging based on canonical
Lie transforms. According to the first-order the-
ory, regular vibrating modes of imperfect, low-
speed disks are independent of the angular veloc-
ity of the disk, Ω0. In such a circumstance, the
speed of circumferential waves is the natural fre-
quency of the lateral mode, ω, derived from linear
vibration analysis. HDDs are usually operated
with angular velocities smaller than ω (safely be-
low resonance). Moreover, the magnitude of the
lateral force F is very small. Given these condi-
tions, we show that it is impossible to continue
the Lie perturbation scheme [2] up to terms of
arbitrary order and remove the time variable t
from the Hamiltonian. In fact, due to the spe-
cial forms of nonlinearities in the dynamical equa-
tions of spinning disks, one can not remove t from
third-order terms. Subsequent application of a
second-order Melnikov theory reveals that trans-
verse homoclinic and heteroclinic points do exist
for all F,Ω0 6= 0. This implies chaos, or equiva-
lently, non-integrability of governing equations.
Dynamics of continuum media, like fluids, rods, plates
and shells is usually formulated as a system of partial
differential equations (PDEs) for physical quantities in
∗Electronic address: arzhang˙[email protected]
†Electronic address: [email protected];
terms of the spatial coordinates x and the time t as
L(u) = 0. (1)
Here L is a nonlinear operator and u(x, t) is the vector
of dependent variables. When the boundary conditions
are somehow simple, approximate variational methods
based on modal decomposition and Galerkin’s projection
[3] can be used to reduce the order of governing equa-
tions. These methods begin with solving an auxiliary
eigenvalue problem, which is usually the variational field
equation δL(u,Λ) = 0, and build some complete basis
set Uk(x,Λk) for expanding u(x, t) in the spatial do-
main. Here Λk is an eigenvalue, which is characterized
by the vectorial index k. EachUk is called an eigenmode
or a shape function. Such a basis set should preferably
satisfy boundary conditions and be orthogonal.
Once a complete basis set is constructed, one may sup-
pose a solution of the form
u(x, t) =
Vk(t) ·Uk(x,Λk). (2)
Substituting from (2) into (1) and taking the inner prod-
L(u) ·Uk′(x)dx = 0, (3)
leaves us with a system of nonlinear ordinary differen-
tial equations (ODEs) for the amplitude functions Vk(t).
The evolution of the reduced ODEs shows the interaction
of different modes and their influence on the development
of spatiotemporal patterns.
In a series of papers, Raman and Mote [1, 4] used the
modal decomposition method to investigate transversal
oscillations of spinning disks whose deformation field is
described in terms of the displacement vector (u, v, w)
with u and v being the in-plane components. The most
important application of the spinning disk problem is in
design, fabrication and control of HDDs. The governing
PDEs for the evolution of displacement components were
first derived by Nowinski [5] and reformulated more re-
cently by Baddour and Zu [6]. Let us define (R, φ) as
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the usual polar coordinates. For a rotating disk with the
angular velocity Ω0, Nowinski’s theory assumes that the
in-plane inertias (u, v)Ω20, 2Ω0(u,t, v,t) and (u,tt, v,tt) are
ignorable againstRΩ20. This is a rough approximation for
high-speed disks and one needs to use the complete set
of equations as Baddour and Zu [6] suggest. Nowinski’s
theory, however, has its own advantages (like the exis-
tence of a stress function) that facilitate the study of the
most important transversal modes. In low-speed disks, or
disks with high flexural rigidity, one has Ω0 ≪ ω. Hence,
it is legitimate to apply Nowinski’s governing equations
in such systems.
In this paper we analytically prove the existence of
chaos, and therefore, non-integrability of the reduced
ODEs that govern the double-mode oscillations of im-
perfect spinning disks. We investigate low-speed disks
subject to a lateral point force exerted by the magnetic
head. The lateral force in HDDs is very small and its
origin is the aerodynamic force due to air flow in the gap
between the disk and the head. We show that chaotic
circumferential waves dominate some zones of the phase
space over the time scale t ∼ O(ǫ−3) with ǫ being a small
perturbation parameter. This indicates very slow evolu-
tion of random patterns, and the practical difficulties of
their identification.
The paper is organized as follows. In §II, we present
the Hamiltonian function in terms of Deprit’s [7] Lis-
sajous variables. In §III, we use a canonical perturba-
tion theory [8, 9] to eliminate the fast anomaly l from
the Hamiltonian. The action associated with l then be-
comes an adiabatic invariant. Transversal intersections
of destroyed invariant manifolds, and therefore, non-
integrability of the normalized equations, is proved by
a second-order Melnikov method in §IV. We present a
complete classification of circumferential waves in §V and
end up the paper with concluding remarks in §VI.
Let us assume Um(R) as an orthogonal basis set that
represents the disk deformation in the radial direction.
The index m stands for the number of radial nodes
that Um(R) has. According to Raman and Mote’s [1]
treatment of imperfect disks, the following choice of the
transversal displacement field
w(R, φ, t) = Um(R)[x(t) cosnφ+ y(t) sinnφ], (4)
reduces Nowinski’s governing equations to a system of
ODEs for the amplitude functions x(t) and y(t) as
ẍ+ λ2x+ ǫγ
x2 + y2
x = ǫF cos(nΩ0t), (5a)
ÿ + ω2y + ǫγ
x2 + y2
y = ǫF sin(nΩ0t), (5b)
where λ, ω and γ are constant parameters that depend
on the geometry and material of the disk. ǫ is a small
perturbation parameter, F is the weighted integral of the
lateral point force, and Ω0 is the angular velocity of the
We suppose small deviations from perfect disks and
write the constant parameter of (5) as λ2/ω2 = 1 + ǫη.
We also define nΩ0 = ǫΩ with O(Ω) ∼ O(ω). Denoting
(px, py) as the momenta conjugate to (x, y), it can be
verified that equations (5) are derivable from the Hamil-
tonian function
p2x + p
x2 + y2
+ ΩP+
x2 + y2
)2 − F (x cos p+ y sin p)
. (6)
We have introduced the action P and its conjugate an-
gle p = ǫΩt to make our equations autonomous, which
is a preferred form for the application of canonical per-
turbation theories. The extended phase space has now
dimension six. Dynamics generated by (6) is better un-
derstood after carrying out a canonical transformation
(x, y, px, py) → (l, g, L,G) to the space of Lissajous vari-
ables [7] so that
x = s cos(g + l)− d cos(g − l), (7a)
y = s sin(g + l)− d sin(g − l), (7b)
px = −ω [s sin(g + l) + d sin(g − l)] , (7c)
py = ω [s cos(g + l) + d cos(g − l)] , (7d)
, d =
, L ≥ 0, |G| ≤ L.
In the space of Lissajous variables, the Hamiltonian de-
fined in (6) becomes
H = H0(L) + ǫH1(l, g, p, L,G, P ), (8)
H0 = ωL,
H1 = ΩP − F [s cos(g + l − p)− d cos(g − l − p)]
(s2 + d2)− 2sd cos(2l)
(s2 + d2) + s2 cos(2g + 2l)− 2sd cos(2g)
+ d2 cos(2g − 2l)− 2sd cos(2l)
From (8) we conclude that l is the fast angle, and g and
p are the slow ones. Therefore the long-term behavior
of the flows generated by (8) can be analyzed by averag-
ing H over l. After removing l, its corresponding action
L will be a constant of motion for the flows generated
by the averaged Hamiltonian 〈H〉l, and the phase space
dimension reduces from 6 to 4.
In order to average H over l, we use the normal-
ization procedure of Deprit and Elipe [9]. Denoting
X ≡ (l, g, p) and Y ≡ (L,G, P ), we define a Lie transfor-
mation (l, g, p, L,G, P ) → (l̄, ḡ, p̄, L̄, Ḡ, P̄ ) as
X = EW (X̄), Y = EW (Ȳ ), (9)
so that the Hamiltonian function in terms of the new
variables, K ≡ 〈H〉l, does not depend on l̄. EW is the Lie
transform generated by the function W and it is defined
EW (Z̄) = Z̄ + (Z̄;W ) +
((Z̄;W );W )
(((Z̄;W );W );W ) + · · · . (10)
In this equation, (f1; f2) denotes the Poisson bracket of
f1 and f2 over the (l̄, ḡ, p̄, L̄, Ḡ, P̄ )-space. We expand the
generating function W as
W = ǫW1 +
W2 + · · · , (11)
and specify the averaged, target Hamiltonian K =
K(ḡ, p̄, L̄, Ḡ, P̄ ) as the series [9]
K = K0 + ǫK1 +
K3 + · · · , (12)
K0 = ωL̄, (13a)
H1dl̄, (13b)
[2(H1;W1) + ((H0;W1);W1)]dl̄, (13c)
3(H1;W2) + 3((H1;W1);W1)
+ 2((H0;W2);W1) + ((H0;W1);W2)
+ (((H0;W1);W1);W1)
dl̄. (13d)
W1 and W2 are determined through solving the following
differential equations
= H1(l̄, ḡ, p̄, L̄, Ḡ, P̄ )−K1(ḡ, p̄, L̄, Ḡ, P̄ ),(14a)
= 2(H1;W1) + ((H0;W1);W1)−K2. (14b)
By substituting from (14) into (13) and evaluating the
integrals, one finds the explicit form of the new Hamilto-
nian K, which has been given in Appendix A up to the
third-order terms.
Once l̄ is removed from the Hamiltonian, L̄ becomes
an integral of motion. The slow dynamics of the system
is thus governed by the flows in the (ḡ, Ḡ)-space. We
introduce the slow time τ = p̄/Ω, ignore the fourth-order
terms in ǫ, and obtain the following differential equations
for the dynamics of (ḡ, Ḡ)
= f1(ḡ, Ḡ) + ǫh1(ḡ, Ḡ, ǫ, τ), (15a)
= −∂K
= f2(ḡ, Ḡ) + ǫh2(ḡ, Ḡ, ǫ, τ), (15b)
f1 = d6 + d1 cos(2ḡ), f2 = e1 sin(2ḡ),
h1 = d7 + d2 cos(2ḡ)
+ ǫ[d8 + d3 cos(2ḡ) + d4 cos(4ḡ) + d5 cos(2ḡ − 2Ωτ)],
h2 = e2 sin(2ḡ)
+ ǫ[e3 sin(2ḡ) + e4 sin(4ḡ) + e5 sin(2ḡ − 2Ωτ)]. (16)
In these equations, di (i = 1, · · · , 8) and ej (j = 1, · · · , 5)
are functions of L̄ and Ḡ (see Appendix A). It is re-
marked that the action P̄ appears only in K1 via the
term ΩP̄ . It then disappears in the normalized equa-
tions (15) after taking the partial derivatives of K with
respect to ḡ and Ḡ. The partial derivative of K with
respect to P̄ determines the evolution of p̄, which is in
accordance with the simple linear law p̄(τ) = Ωτ + p̄(0).
The dynamics of P̄ itself is governed by
= −∂K
= − 1
K(ḡ, Ḡ, τ). (17)
One may integrate (17) to obtain P̄ (τ) once equations
(15) are solved. The behavior of P̄ is thus inherited from
ḡ(τ) and Ḡ(τ).
There are few analytical methods in the literature for
the detection of chaos in perturbed Hamiltonian systems
[10, 11]. Melnikov’s [10] method is the most powerful
technique when the governing equations take the form
= f(x) + ǫh(x, ǫ, τ), x ∈ R2, (18)
so that the unperturbed system dx/dτ = f(x) is in-
tegrable and possesses a homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbit
qh(τ) to a hyperbolic saddle point, and h(x, ǫ, τ) is T -
periodic in τ . The occurrence of chaos is examined by
the Melnikov function
M(τ0, ǫ) = ǫM1(τ0) + ǫ
2M2(τ0) + . . . , (19)
where Mk(τ0) denotes the kth-order Melnikov function.
Assume that Mi(τ0) is the first nonzero term, i.e.,
Mk(τ0) ≡ 0 for 1 ≤ k ≤ i − 1. If Mi(τ0) has simple
zeros, then, for sufficiently small ǫ, the system (18) has
transverse homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbits, which imply
chaos due to the Smale-Birkhoff homoclinic theorem [12].
The first-order term in (19) is determined by the classical
M1(τ0) =
f (qh (τ)) ∧ h (qh (τ) , 0, τ + τ0) dτ,(20)
where the wedge operator ∧ is defined as f ∧ h =
f1h2 − f2h1. Although the Hamiltonian equations (15)
have a suitable form for the application of Melnikov’s
method, they are autonomous up to the first-order terms
in ǫ. Consequently, M1(τ0) vanishes identically for all
τ0 ∈ [0, T ]. We thus need to investigate the second-order
Melnikov function. For doing so, we begin with solving
the unperturbed system
= f1(ḡ, Ḡ), (21a)
= −∂K1
= f2(ḡ, Ḡ), (21b)
along homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbits. Jalali and An-
goshtari [2] showed that for L̄ > ηω3/γ, equations (21)
have hyperbolic stationary points at S0 ≡ (ḡ0, Ḡ0) =
(−π, 0), S2 ≡ (ḡ2, Ḡ2) = (0, 0), and S4 ≡ (ḡ4, Ḡ4) =
(π, 0). The implicit equation of the invariant manifolds
that terminate at the saddle points are
cos[2ḡh(τ)] =
L̄− γ
L̄2 − Ḡ2h(τ)
For γL̄ ≥ 2ηω3, equation (22) represents a heteroclinic
orbit which connects S0 to S2. For ηω
3 < γL̄ < 2ηω3,
the heteroclinic orbit disappears and it is replaced by a
homoclinic orbit (see Figure 1). To compute the explicit
form of the homoclinic (or heteroclinic) orbit of (21), we
use (21b) and (22), and obtain
∫ Ḡh(τ)
1− αḠ2
βτ, (23)
, β =
γL̄− ηω3
where the lower integration limit is Ḡh(0) = 1/
α. After
taking the integral (23), we arrive at
Ḡh(τ) =
β τ)√
, (24)
for the Ḡ ≥ 0 branch of the homoclinic (heteroclinic)
orbit. Having Ḡh(τ), it is straightforward to calculate
cos[2ḡh(τ)] and sin[2ḡh(τ)], and determine the explicit
form of qh(τ) =
ḡh(τ), Ḡh(τ)
For constructing M2(τ0), we use Françoise’s [13, 14]
algorithm that has been devised for dynamical systems
with polynomial nonlinearities. To express the averaged
Hamiltonian K in terms of polynomial functions of some
new dependent variables, we utilize Hopf’s variables
L̄2 − Ḡ2 cos(2ḡ), (25a)
L̄2 − Ḡ2 sin(2ḡ), (25b)
and obtain the following differential 1-form for the evo-
lution of the averaged system
dQ1 +
+ ǫ [(s1 + ǫs2) dQ2 − (z1 + ǫz2) dQ1] = 0. (26)
Here, the first-order Hamiltonian is
K1(Q1, Q2) =
(Q21 +Q
Q1 + C, (27)
s1 = m1Q2, (28a)
z1 = n1Q1 + n6, (28b)
s2 = m2(Q
2)Q2 +m3Q1Q2 +m4Q2
+ m5 sin(2Ωτ), (28c)
z2 = n2(Q
2)Q1 + n3(3Q
2) + n4Q1
+ n5 cos(2Ωτ) + n7. (28d)
The constant coefficients C, mi (i = 1, · · · , 5), and nj
(j = 1, · · · , 7) have been given in Appendix B. A prereq-
uisite for the application of Françoise’s [13] algorithm is
that for all polynomial 1-forms D that satisfy the condi-
D ≡ 0, (29)
there must exist polynomials A(Q1, Q2) and r(Q1, Q2)
such that D = dA+ rdK1. We call this the condition (∗)
and prove in Appendix C that K1 satisfies the condition
Françoise’s algorithm states that if M1(τ0) = · · · =
Mk−1(τ0) ≡ 0 for some integer k ≥ 2, it follows that
Mk(τ0) =
Dk, (30a)
D1 = δ1, Dm = δm +
riδj , (30b)
δj = zjdQ1 − sjdQ2, (30c)
for 2 ≤ m ≤ k. The functions ri are then determined
successively from the formulas Di = dAi + ridK1 for
i = 1, · · · , k − 1. We have already found that
M1(τ0) =
δ1 = 0, (31)
δ1 = (n1Q1 + n6)dQ1 −m1Q2dQ2. (32)
From (30) and (C2) it can be shown that
M2(τ0) =
δ2. (33)
Substituting (30c) and (28) into (33), and carrying out
the integration along qh(τ), result in
M2(τ0) =
3γF 2I
sin(2Ωτ0), (34)
with I being a constant (see Appendix D). Equation (34)
shows that τn = nπ/(2Ω) (n = 1, 2, · · · ) are simple zeros
of M2(τ0) so that
M2(τn) = 0,
6= 0. (35)
FIG. 1: Possible topologies of the phase space flows of the averaged system for F = 0. In all panels the horizontal axis indicates
ḡ/π and the vertical axis indicates Ḡ/L̄. In the first topology (left panel), all stationary points are of center type. In the second
topology (middle panel) two new centers, with non-zero Ḡ-coordinates, have emerged for ḡ = ±nπ (n = 0, 1) and symmetrical
homoclinic loops (thick lines) connect saddle points to themselves. In the third topology (right panel) the off-axis centers (and
their surrounding tori) are still present but the separatrix curves (thick lines) are of heteroclinic type.
FIG. 2: Phase space structure of the normalized equations (15) with L̄ = 2, ω = η = F = 1, and Ω = ǫ = 0.1. Left panel:
γ = 0.8. Right panel: γ = 2. In both panels the horizontal and vertical axes indicate ḡ/π and Ḡ/L̄, respectively.
Thus, we conclude that the global stable and unstable
manifolds of the saddle point Sτ0n , W
s(Sτ0n ) andW
u(Sτ0n ),
always intersect transversely. Transversal intersections
cause a sensitive dependence on initial conditions due to
the Smale-Birkhoff homoclinic theorem. This is a route
to chaos. On the other hand this means that the reduced
equations (15) are non-integrable for F 6= 0.
For F = 0, h does not depend on τ and the normalized
equations (15) are integrable. In such a circumstance, the
phase space structure can take three general topologies
(depending on the values of the system parameters and
L̄) as shown in Figure 1. In the first topology all sta-
tionary points with the coordinates (ḡs, Ḡs) calculated
f(ḡs, Ḡs) + ǫh(ḡs, Ḡs, ǫ) = 0, (36)
are centers and they lie on the Ḡ = 0 axis with ḡs =
−π + nπ/2 (n = 0, · · · , 4). In the second and third
topologies, two off-axis centers (with Ḡs 6= 0) come to
existence for ḡs = ±nπ (n = 0, 1) and the on-axis sta-
tionary points with the same ḡs = ±nπ become saddles.
In the second topology, each saddle point is connected to
itself by a homoclinic orbit, and in the third topology, a
heteroclinic orbit connects two neighboring saddle points.
The system with heteroclinic orbits allows for rotational
ḡ(τ) while in the system with homoclinic orbits ḡ(τ) is
always librating. Beware that this classification of phase
space flows is valid as long as ǫ is sufficiently small.
For F = 0, the phase space flows of (15) are
structurally stable (with no unbounded branches) and
the whole (ḡ, Ḡ)-space is occupied by periodic orbits
of period T (K). At the stationary points, one has
T (K(ḡs, Ḡs, L̄)) = 0. Given the invariance of L̄, and
the periodic solutions ḡ(τ) = ḡ(τ + T (K)) and Ḡ(τ) =
Ḡ(τ + T (K)), the anomaly l̄ is determined through solv-
= ω + ǫ
, (37)
which results in l̄ = ωt + ǫR(τ) with R(τ) = R(τ +
T (K)). According to (9), the functions g(t), G(t) and
L(t) are also periodic in t and we conclude that l(t) =
ωt + RW (t) with RW (t) = EW (l̄) − ωt being a small-
amplitude periodic function of t. The explicit from of
the circumferential wave will then become
w(R, φ, t)
cos [nφ−ωt−RW (t)−g(t)]
cos [nφ+ωt+RW (t)−g(t)] , (38)
which is composed of a forward and a backward traveling
wave. Due to the periodic nature of L(t) and G(t), when
the amplitude of the forward traveling wave is maximum,
that of the backward wave is minimum and vice versa.
As our results of §IV shows, the regular nature of trav-
eling waves is destroyed for F 6= 0 and a chaotic layer oc-
curs through the destruction of the homoclinic and hete-
roclinic orbits of (21). This happens over the time scale
τ ∼ O(ǫ−2) or t ∼ O(ǫ−3) (because p̄ is present only
in K3). Figure 2 shows Poincaré maps of the system
(15) for F 6= 0. The sampling time step in generating
the Poincaré maps has been 2π/Ω. It is seen that most
tori around elliptic fixed points are preserved. They cor-
respond to regular periodic and quasi-periodic solutions
of the normalized system. For chaotic flows, the func-
tions ḡ(τ) and Ḡ(τ) randomly change within the invari-
ant measure of the chaotic set. Consequently, the orig-
inal Lissajous variables g(t), L(t), G(t) and also RW (t)
become chaotic too.
For Ḡ(τ) > 0 and Ḡ(τ) < 0 the forward and the back-
ward traveling waves are the dominant components of
the circumferential wave, respectively. When the chaotic
layer emerges from the destroyed homoclinic orbits (left
panel in Figure 2), the sign of Ḡ(τ) is randomly switched
along a chaotic trajectory. This means a random trans-
fer of kinetic/potential energy between the forward and
backward traveling wave components. For chaotic trajec-
tories of this kind the angle ḡ(τ) randomly fluctuates near
ḡ ≈ ±nπ (n = 0, 1) with an almost zero average. The
evolution of circumferential waves is quite different when
the chaotic layer emerges due to destroyed heteroclinic
orbits (right panel in Figure 2). In this case chaos means
a random change between the librational and rotational
states of ḡ(τ). Such a change induces an unpredictable
phase shift of magnitude π for both forward and back-
ward traveling wave components. We note that Ḡ(τ) can
flip sign on a chaotic trajectory only when ḡ(τ) is in its
librational state.
Resonance overlapping [11, 16] is the main cause for
chaotic behavior in spinning disks with near-resonant an-
gular velocities [1, 2]. The chaos predicted in this paper,
however, happens far from fundamental resonances. Op-
tical and HHDs are usually operated below critical res-
onant speeds and the lateral force F due to magnetic
head is very small. We showed that whatever the magni-
tude of F may be, a chaotic layer fills some parts of the
phase space because the Melnikov function of the nor-
malized equations has always simple zeros. Dynamics of
rotating disks is regular only if F vanishes, which is an
unrealistic assumption for disk drives. In low-speed disks
with small F , diffusion of chaotic orbits (within their in-
variant measure) takes a long time of t ∼ O(ǫ−3). The
slow development of chaotic circumferential waves makes
them undetectable in short time scales at which most
controllers work. The Melnikov function (34) depends
not only on F , but also on the parameter η through the
constant I. The parameter η is a contribution of imper-
fections, which are likely because of limited fabrication
precision in micro/nano scales. For a perfect disk with
η = 0, the off-axis elliptic stationary points of (21), and
consequently, homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits disap-
pear. In such a condition the Melnikov function is indef-
inite, but the system admits an exact first integral and
the dynamics is governed by the Hamiltonian function
given in equation (11) of Jalali and Angoshtari [2].
One of the most important achievements of this work
was to unveil the fact that it is premature to truncate the
series of canonical perturbation theories before recording
the role of all participating variables. In systems with
non-autonomous governing ODEs (non-conservative sys-
tems), one must be cautious while removing a fast angle
through averaging schemes. The removal of the fast an-
gle may also wipe out time-dependent terms, up to some
finite orders of ǫ, and hide some essential information of
the underlying dynamical process. Strange irregular so-
lutions can indeed occur at any order and influence the
long term response of dynamical systems as we observed
for the spinning disk problem by keeping the third-order
We are indebted to the anonymous referee, who discov-
ered an error in the early version of the paper and led us
to investigate the second-order Melnikov function. MAJ
thanks the Research Vice-Presidency at Sharif University
of Technology for partial support.
By evaluating the integrals in (13), we obtain the first,
second and third order terms of the normalized Hamilto-
nian as
L̄(3γL̄+ 2ηω3)
L̄2 − Ḡ2 cos(2ḡ), (A1)
K2 = −
2L̄(−9Ḡ2 + 17L̄2)γ2 + 64F 2ω3
+ 8(3L̄2 − Ḡ2)γηω3 + 8L̄η2ω6
+ 4ω3[−6L̄γη − 2η2ω3]
L̄2 − Ḡ2 cos(2ḡ)
, (A2)
11Ḡ4γ3 − 258Ḡ2L̄2γ3 + 375L̄4γ3
+ 1024F 2L̄γω3 − 180Ḡ2L̄γ2ηω3 + 340L̄3γ2ηω3
+ 256F 2ηω6 − 48Ḡ2γη2ω6 + 176L̄2γη2ω6
+ 32L̄η3ω9 − 2ω3
17(10L̄2 − Ḡ2)γ2η
+ 96L̄γη2ω3 + 16η3ω6
L̄2 − Ḡ2 cos(2ḡ)
− 16(Ḡ2 − L̄2)γη2ω6 cos(4ḡ) + 256F 2ηω6 cos(2p̄)
− 512F 2γω3
L̄2 − Ḡ2 cos(2ḡ − 2p̄)
. (A3)
Consequently, the functions di(L̄, Ḡ) in equations (16)
are found to be
L̄2 − Ḡ2
d2 = −
(6L̄γη + 2η2ω3)(L̄2 − Ḡ2)−1/2,
16η3ω6 + 51(4L̄2 − Ḡ2)γ2η
+ 96L̄γη2ω3
(L̄2 − Ḡ2)−1/2,
d4 = −
3ḠF 2γ
(L̄2 − Ḡ2)−1/2,
d6 = −
(18L̄γ2 + 8γηω3),
2γ3(11Ḡ2 − 129L̄2)− 180L̄γ2ηω3
− 48γη2ω6
. (A4)
Defining S = (L̄2 − Ḡ2)/Ḡ, the functions ej(L̄, Ḡ) in
equations (16) become
ej = −2djS, j = 1, . . . , 5, j 6= 3,
e3 = −
16η3ω6 + 17(10L̄2 − Ḡ2)γ2η
+ 96L̄γη2ω3
L̄2 − Ḡ2. (A5)
The constant coefficients of equations (27) and (28) are
as follows
L̄(γL̄+ ηω3)
(9L̄γ2 + 4γηω3),
n2 = −
n4 = −
(59L̄2γ3 + 45L̄γ2ηω3 + 16γη2ω6),
n6 = −
3L̄γη + η2ω3
(153L̄2γ2η + 96L̄γη2ω3 + 16η3ω6),
mi = −ni, i = 1, 2, 5,
m3 = −2n3,
(59L̄2γ3 + 45L̄γ2ηω3 + 8γη2ω6).
In this appendix we prove that K1(Q1, Q2) given in
(27), satisfies the condition (∗). To this end, we need the
following theorem.
Theorem 1. Any polynomial 1-form D of degree n in
Q1 and Q2 can be expressed as
D = dA+ rdK1 + ξ(K1)Q2dQ1, (C1)
where A(Q1, Q2) and r(Q1, Q2) are polynomials of degree
(n+1) and (n−1) respectively, and ξ(K1) is a polynomial
of degree [ 1
(n− 1)] where [x] denotes the greatest integer
in x.
Iliev [15] has proved the same theorem for H = (Q21 +
Q22)/2. Theorem 1 can thus be proved in a similar man-
ner. Here we only present a useful result.
Let D be a general polynomial 1-form of degree 1,
D = (a10Q1 + a01Q2 + a00)dQ1
+(b10Q1 + b01Q2 + b00)dQ2, (C2a)
then in (C1) we have
A(Q1, Q2) =
Q21 + b10Q1Q2 +
+ a00Q1 + b00Q2, (C2b)
r(Q1, Q2) = 0, (C2c)
ξ(K1) = a01 − b10. (C2d)
Since dK1 = 0 along any phase space orbit characterized
by K1(Q1, Q2) = k, and since the integral of an exact
differential dA around any closed curve is zero, from (C1)
we obtain
D = ξ(k)
= ξ(k)
On the other hand, from (25a) we have
= E(τ)− 2Q2,
where E(τ) is an even function of τ . Given the fact that
Q2 is an odd function of τ , we conclude that
D = −2ξ(k)
Consequently, if
D ≡ 0, it follows that ξ(k) ≡ 0 and
therefore D = dA+ rdK1, which completes the proof.
In equation (34), the constant coefficient I is
I = −
η(3γL̄− 4ηω3)(β + 4Ω2)
η(3β − 4Ω2)
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0704.1407 | First principles theory of chiral dichroism in electron microscopy
applied to 3d ferromagnets | First principles theory of chiral dichroism in electron microscopy applied to 3d
Ján Rusz∗
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Cukrovarnická 10, 162 53 Prague 6, Czech Republic†
Stefano Rubino and Peter Schattschneider
Institute for Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology,
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/138, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
(Dated: August 2, 2021)
Recently it was demonstrated (Schattschneider et al., Nature 441 (2006), 486), that an analogue of
the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) experiment can be performed with the transmission
electron microscope (TEM). The new phenomenon has been named energy-loss magnetic chiral
dichroism (EMCD). In this work we present a detailed ab initio study of the chiral dichroism in the
Fe, Co and Ni transition elements. We discuss the methods used for the simulations together with
the validity and accuracy of the treatment, which can, in principle, apply to any given crystalline
specimen. The dependence of the dichroic signal on the sample thickness, accuracy of the detector
position and the size of convergence and collection angles is calculated.
PACS numbers:
Keywords: density functional theory, chiral dichroism, transmission electron microscopy, dynamical diffrac-
tion theory
The analogy between X-ray absorption spectroscopy
(XAS) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) has
been recognized long ago1,2. The role of the polarization
vector ε in XAS is similar to the role of the wave vector
transfer q in EELS. This has made feasible the detection
of linear dichroism in the TEM. However the counter-
part of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD)3,4,5
experiments with electron probes was thought to be tech-
nically impossible due to the low intensity of existing
spin polarized electron sources. XMCD is an important
technique providing atom-specific information about the
magnetic properties of materials. Particularly the near
edge spectra, where a well localized strongly bound elec-
tron with l 6= 0 is excited to an unoccupied band state,
allow to measure spin and orbital moments. Soon after
the proposal of an experimental setup for detection of cir-
cular dichroism using a standard non-polarized electron
beam in the TEM6 it was demonstrated that such ex-
periments (called energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism,
EMCD) are indeed possible7. This novel technique is of
considerable interest for nanomagnetism and spintron-
ics according to the high spatial resolution of the TEM.
However, its optimization involves many open questions.
In this work we provide theoretical ab initio predictions
of the dependence of the dichroic signal in the EMCD
experiment on several experimental conditions, such as
sample thickness, detector placement and the finite size
of convergence and collection angles. This information
should help to optimize the experimental geometry in
order to maximize the signal to noise ratio.
The structure of this work is as follows: In section II
we first describe the computational approach based on
the dynamical diffraction theory and electronic structure
calculations. We also discuss the validity of several ap-
proximations for the mixed dynamic form factor. In sec-
tion III we study the dependence of the dichroic signal of
bcc-Fe, hcp-Co and fcc-Ni on various experimental con-
ditions. This section is followed by a concluding section
summarizing the most important findings.
We will follow the derivations of the double differential
scattering cross-section (DDSCS) presented in Refs. 8,9.
Within the first-order Born approximation10 DDSCS is
written as
S(q, E)
S(q, E) =
|〈i|eiq·R̂|f〉|2δ(Ef − Ei − E) (2)
where q = kf−k0 is the difference (wave vector transfer)
between final wave vector kf and initial wave vector k0
of the fast electron; γ = 1/
1− v2/c2 is a relativistic
factor and a0 is Bohr radius. The S(q, E) is the so called
dynamic form factor (DFF)11.
This equation is valid only if the initial and final wave
functions of the fast electron are plane waves. In the
crystal the full translation symmetry is broken and as
a result, the electron wave function becomes a superpo-
sition of Bloch waves, which reflects the discrete trans-
lation symmetry. Each Bloch wave can be decomposed
into a linear combination of plane waves - it is a coher-
ent superposition of (an in principle infinite number of)
plane waves. The wave function of the fast electron can
be thus written as
ψ(r) =
ǫ(j)C(j)g e
i(k(j)+g)·r (3)
for incident wave and
ψ′(r) =
(l)+h)·r (4)
for outgoing wave, where C
g , D
are so called Bloch co-
efficients, ǫ(j) (ǫ(l)) determine the excitation of the Bloch
wave with index j (l) and wave vector k(j) (k(l)) and g
(h) is a vector of the reciprocal lattice.
When we derive the Born approximation of DDSCS
starting with such fast electron wave functions, we will
obtain a sum of two kinds of terms: direct terms (DFFs)
as in the plane wave Born approximation Eq. (1), and
interference terms. These interference terms are a gener-
alization of the DFF - the mixed dynamic form factors11
(MDFFs). Each of them is defined by two wave vector
transfers, thus we label them S(q,q′, E).
The MDFF can be evaluated within a single particle
approximation as
S(q,q′, E) =
〈i|eiq·R̂|f〉〈f |e−iq
′·R̂|i〉δ(Ef − Ei − E)
where |i〉, |f〉 are the initial and final single-electron wave
functions of the target electron in the crystal. Thus
the definition of MDFF encompasses the notion of DFF,
Eq. (2), for q = q′. For more details about calculation
of MDFF see subsection II B.
The wave vector transfers are q
= k(l)−k(j)+h−g
and the total DDSCS will be a sum over all diads of q
and q′ vectors of terms
′, E)
where X
(a) is a the product of the coefficients of
the individual plane wave components of the fast electron
wave functions and a labels the position of the atoms
where the inelastic event can occur. The X
(a) co-
efficients are given by dynamical diffraction theory. This
will be covered in the next subsection IIA. The χf and
χ0 are magnitudes of wave vectors outside the crystal (in
the vacuum).
The calculation is thus split into two separate tasks.
i) Calculation of Bloch wave coefficients using the dy-
namical diffraction theory and identification of impor-
tant terms. This task is mainly ‘geometry dependent’,
although it can also contain some input from electronic
structure codes, namely the Coulomb part of crystal po-
tential. ii) Calculation of MDFFs requested by the dy-
namical diffraction theory. This part strongly depends
on the electronic structure of the studied system. The
final step is the summation of all terms.
A. Dynamical diffraction theory
The formalism, which will be described here is a gener-
alization of the formalism presented in Ref. 8,12 extend-
ing it beyond systematic row approximation by including
also higher-order Laue zones (HOLZ). The extension to
HOLZ is performed along lines presented in Refs. 13,14.
We will assume the high-energy Laue case, i.e. we can
safely neglect back-reflection and back-diffraction.
The Bloch wave vectors of the electron after entering
the crystal fulfill the continuity condition
(j) = χ+ γ(j)n (7)
where n is the unit vector normal to the crystal surface
and χ is the wave vector of the incoming electron. Only
the wave vector component normal to the surface can
Expanding the wave function of the fast electron into
a linear combination of plane waves and substituting it
into the Schrödinger equation we obtain the secular equa-
K2 − (k(j) + g)2
h 6=0
(j)+g)·r = 0
where K2 = U0 + 2meE/~
2, m and e are, respectively,
the electron mass and charge, Ug = 2meVg/~
2 where
Vg are the Fourier components of the crystal potential,
which can be either calculated ab initio15,16 or obtained
from the tabulated forms of the potential17,18. It can
be shown14,19 that in the high energy limit the secular
equation, which is a quadratic eigenvalue problem in γ(j),
can be reduced to a linear eigenvalue problem AC(j) =
γ(j)C(j) where A is a non-hermitean matrix13,19
Agh =
K2 − (χ+ g)2
2(χ+ g) · n
δgh + (1− δgh)
2(χ+ g) · n
This eigenvalue problem can be transformed into a her-
mitean one using a diagonal matrix D with elements
Dgh = δgh
g · n
χ · n
Then the eigenvalue problem is equivalent to
(D1/2AD−1/2)(D1/2C(j)) = γ(j)(D1/2C(j)) or
(j) = γ(j)C̃(j), where the matrix à is hermitean
Ãgh =
K2 − (χ+ g)2
2(χ+ g) · n
δgh + (11)
+ (1− δgh)
[(χ+ g) · n][(χ+ h) · n]
and the original Bloch wave coefficients can be retrieved
using the relation
C(j)g = C̃
g · n
χ · n
By solving this eigenvalue problem we obtain the fast
electron wave function as a linear combination of eigen-
functions as given in Eq. (3). To obtain values for ǫ(j)
we need to impose boundary conditions, namely that the
electron is described by a single plane wave at the crys-
tal surface. The crystal surface is a plane defined by
the scalar product n · r = t0. Then the boundary con-
dition (in the high energy limit) leads to the following
ǫ(j) = C
−iγ(j)t0 (13)
It is easy to verify that
ψ(r)|n·r=t0 =
g · n
χ · n
= eiχ·r|n·r=t0 (14)
as required by the boundary condition. We have used
the continuity condition, Eq. (7), and the completeness
relation for the Bloch coefficients
δgh =
C̃(j)∗g C̃
= (15)
g · n
χ · n
h · n
χ · n
C(j)∗g C
Therefore the wave function of the fast moving electron
in the crystal, which becomes a single plane wave at n·r =
t0 is given by the following expression
ψ(r) =
iγ(j)(n·r−t0)ei(χ+g)·r (16)
The following discussion will be restricted to a partic-
ular case - a crystal with parallel surfaces. For such a
crystal with normals in the direction of the z axis we set
t0 = 0 for the fast electron entering the crystal and t0 = t
when leaving the crystal (t is the crystal thickness).
The inelastic event leads to a change of the energy
and momentum of the scattered electron. The detector
position determines the observed projection of the elec-
tron wave function (Bloch field) onto a plane wave af-
ter the inelastic event. Therefore the calculation of the
ELNES requires the solution of two independent eigen-
value problems describing an electron wave function be-
fore and after the inelastic event8,12. Invoking reciprocity
for electron propagation the outgoing wave can also be
considered as a time reversed solution of the Schrödinger
equation, also known as the reciprocal wave20 with the
source replacing the detector position.
Now we can identify the prefactors X
(a) from
Eq. (6). For the sake of clarity we will keep C
g for the
Bloch coefficients of the incoming electron and we use
for the Bloch coefficients of the outgoing electron en-
tering the detector (obtained from the two independent
eigenvalue problems). Similarly, superscript indices (j)
and (l) indicate eigenvalues and Bloch-vectors for incom-
ing and outgoing electron, respectively. We thus obtain
(a) = C
× ei(γ
′)·a (17)
q = k(l) − k(j) + h− g
′ = k(l
′) − k(j
′) + h′ − g′ (18)
In crystals the position of each atom can be decom-
posed into a sum of a lattice vector and a base vector,
a = R + u. Clearly, MDFF does not depend on R, but
only on u. It is then possible to perform analytically
the sum over all lattice vectors R under the approxima-
tion that the MDFF does not depend strongly on the j, l
indices. This is indeed a very good approximation, as
verified by numerical simulations (see below).
First we will treat the summation over all lattice vec-
tors. The sum in Eq. 6 can be separated into two terms
′)·a =
′)·u 1
q− q′ = [(γ(j) − γ(j
′))− (γ(l) − γ(l
+ h− h′ + g′ − g (20)
and the algebric sum of g,h is simply a reciprocal lat-
tice vectors G, which fulfills eiG·R = 1, it is possible to
simplify the second term
′)·R =
′))]n·R (21)
For general orientations of the vector n this sum is
difficult to evaluate. In particular coordinate system with
n ‖ z and crystal axes a, b ⊥ z this sum leads8,21 to
′)·R = NRe
i∆t/2 sin∆
so that the total sum over all atomic positions is
′)·a = ei∆
sin∆ t
where ∆ = (γ(j)−γ(j
′))− (γ(l)−γ(l
′)). The final expres-
sion of the DDSCS we write as
′, E)
jlj′ l′
jlj′ l′
Tjlj′l′(t) (24)
depends only on the eigenvectors of the incoming and
outgoing beam and
Tjlj′l′(t) = e
′))] t
sin∆ t
is a thickness and eigenvalue dependent function.
Perturbative treatment of the absorption can be easily
introduced. If we denote by U ′g the absorptive part of the
potential, within the first order perturbation theory the
Bloch coefficients will not change, just the eigenvalues
will be shifted by iη(j) or iη(l) for the incoming or outgo-
ing wave, respectively. Particular η(j) can be calculated
using the following expression14
η(j) =
g,h U
g (χ+ g) · n
and similarly for the outgoing beam.
This way the eigenvalues change from γ(j) to γ(j)+iη(j)
and the ∆ acquires an imaginary part. Such approx-
imative treatment of absorption thus affects only the
thickness-dependent function Tjlj′l′(t).
Here we add a few practical considerations, which we
applied in our computer code. The sum in Eq. (24) is
performed over 8 indices for every energy and thickness
value. Such summation can easily grow to a huge number
of terms and go beyond the computational capability of
modern desktop computers. For example, if we assume
the splitting of the incoming (and outgoing) beam into
only 10 plane wave components, taking into account the
10 most strongly excited Bloch waves, we would have 108
terms per each energy and thickness. A calculation with
an energy mesh of 100 points at 100 different thicknesses
would include one trillion terms and require a consider-
able amount of computing time. However most of these
terms give a negligible contribution to the final sum.
Therefore several carefully chosen cut-off conditions are
required to keep the computing time reasonable without
any significant degradation of the accuracy.
The first cut-off condition used is based on the Ewald’s
sphere construction. Only plane wave components with
k + g close to the Ewald’s sphere will be excited. The
strength of the excitation decreases also with decreasing
crystal potential component Ug. A dimensionless param-
eter wg = sgξg - product of the excitation error and the
extinction distance14 - reflects both these criteria. There-
fore we can filter the list of beams by selecting only beams
with wg < wmax. Experience shows that in the final sum-
mation a fairly low number of beams is necessary to have
a well converged results (in systematic row conditions
this number is typically around 10). The convergence of
the corresponding Bloch coefficients requires solving an
eigenvalue problem with a much larger set of beams (sev-
eral hundreds). Therefore we defined two cut-off param-
eters for wg - the first for the solution of the eigenvalue
problem (typically wmax,1 is between 1000 and 5000) and
the second for the summation (wmax,2 typically between
50 and 100).
The second type of cut-off conditions is applied to
selection of Bloch waves, which enter the summation.
Once the set of beams for summation is determined, this
amounts to sorting the Bloch waves according to a prod-
uct of their excitation ǫ(j) and their norm on the subspace
defined by selected subset of beams, C
0 ||C
(j)||subsp. In
the systematic row conditions this value is large only for
a small number of Bloch waves. Typically in the exper-
imental geometries used for detection of EMCD one can
perform a summation over less than 10 Bloch waves to
have a well converged result (often 5 or 6 Bloch waves
are enough).
B. Mixed dynamic form factor
It can be seen from Eq. (5) that the calculation of the
MDFF requires the evaluation of two matrix elements be-
tween initial and final states of the target electron. The
derivation of the expression for the MDFF describing a
transition from core state nlκ (n, l, κ are the main, or-
bital and relativistic quantum numbers, respectively) to
a band state with energy E is presented in detail in the
supplementary material of Ref. 7 and in Ref. 8. Though,
note that in Ref. 8 the initial states are treated classi-
cally, which leads to somewhat different expression for
MDFF giving incorrect L2 − L3 branching ratio.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
( a.u.
Re[ MDFF ] @ L
Re[ MDFF ] @ L
Im[ MDFF ] @ L
Im[ MDFF ] @ L
FIG. 1: Dependence of S(q, E) (top) and S(q,q′, E) with
q′ = G+q (bottom) on qz, calculated for the L2,3 edge of hcp-
Co, with G = (100), qx = −q
x = −|G|/2, qy = q
y = |G|/2.
The ratio between values calculated at L3 or L2 is constant
and equal to 2.1 for the real part and to −1 for the imaginary
The final expression is7
S(q,q′, E) =
L′M ′S′
(2l + 1)
[λ, λ′, L, L′]
× Y λµ (q/q)
µ′ (q
′/q′)〈jλ(q)〉ELSj〈jλ′ (q
l λ L
0 0 0
l λ′ L′
0 0 0
l λ L
−m µ M
l λ′ L′
−m′ µ′ M ′
(2j + 1)
m S −jz
m′ S′ −jz
DLMS(νk)DL′M ′S′(νk)
∗δ(E + Enlκ − Eνk)
Here we made use of Wigner 3j-symbols, Y λµ are spheri-
cal harmonics, 〈jλ(q)〉ELSj are radial integrals of all the
radial-dependent terms (radial part of the wave function
of the core and band states, radial terms of the Rayleigh
expansion) and DLMS(νk) is the projection of the (νk)
Bloch state onto the LMS subspace within the atomic
sphere of the excited atom. For more details we refer to
the supplementary material of Ref. 7.
For evaluation of the radial integrals and Bloch state
projections DLMS(νk) we employ the density functional
theory22 within the local spin density approximation23.
-10 -5 0 5 10
( a.u.
-10 -5 0 5 10
( a.u.
λ = 0
λ = 1
λ = 2
a) b)
e) f)
FIG. 2: (online color) Decomposition of MDFF and dipole ap-
proximation calculated for hcp-Co with q′ − q = G = (100)
and qy = q
y = |G|/2 as a function of qx @ L3. Left column
- graphs a), c) and e), show S(q,q′, E) and right column,
graphs b), d) and f), show S(q,q′, E)/q2q′2. Top row - a)
and b) - is the DFF, middle row - c) and d) - is the real part
of MDFF and bottom row - e) and f) - is the imaginary part
of MDFF. The y-axes are in arbitrary units, but consistent
within the given column. The values for the L2 edge differ
only by a factor of 2.1 for the real part and −1 for the imag-
inary part. Note that the contributions of λ = 0 and 2 are
always negligible. See text for more details.
In Section IIA we used an approximation of negligi-
ble dependence of MDFF on the j, l indices (see Eq.20).
Generally, as the wave vector k(j,l) for each Bloch wave
changes slightly by an amount given by the corresponding
eigenvalue γ(j,l), the values of qz and q
z would change ac-
cordingly and therefore we should not be allowed to take
MDFF out of the sum over the indices j, l in the Eq. (24).
However, the change in qz (and q
z) induced by the eigen-
values γ(j,l) is small and can be neglected with respect
to the qz = χ0E/2E0 given by the energy loss E
26. To
demonstrate this we plot the dependence of MDFF on
qz, q
z for qx and qy corresponding to the main DFF and
MDFF terms, see Fig. 1. If qz is given in a.u.
−1 (atomic
units, 1 a.u.= 0.529178Å), typical values for L2,3 edges
of Fe, Co and Ni are around tenth of a.u.−1, whereas
typical values of γ(j,l) for strongly excited Bloch waves
are one or two orders of magnitude smaller. Thus the
approximation of weak j, l dependence of MDFF is well
Besides γ(j,l), the other factors determining the value
of qz are the energy of the edge, i.e. the energy lost by
the probe electron, the tilt with respect to the zone axis
and whether the excited beam is in a HOLZ. These last
factors have been included in our calculation. Only the
variations due to γ(j,l) are neglected, thus giving rise to
an error . 1%. If a more accurate treatment would be
needed, the smooth behavior of MDFF with respect to
qz would allow to use simple linear or quadratic interpo-
lation/extrapolation methods.
As mentioned in the introduction and explained in
Refs. 1,7, dichroism in the TEM is made possible by
the analogous role that the polarization vector ε and the
wave vector transfer q play in the dipole approximation
of the DDSCS. However we do not restrict our calcu-
lations to the dipole approximation. We use the more
complete expression Eq. (5).
To evaluate the accuracy of the dipole approximation,
we compare the dipole approximation of MDFF with the
full calculation (with λ up to 3) also showing λ-diagonal
components of the MDFF, Fig. 2. Because the domi-
nant contribution to the signal originates from (dipole
allowed) 2p→ 3d transitions, the λ = λ′ = 1 term nearly
coincides with the total MDFF. While the dipole approx-
imation works relatively well for the studied systems,
particularly the MDFF divided by squares of momen-
tum transfer vectors (right column of the Fig. 2), it has
significantly different asymptotic behaviours for larger q-
vectors. The λ = λ′ = 1 term provides a much better
approximation, which remains very accurate also in the
large q region.
It is worth mentioning that thanks to the properties
of the Gaunt coefficients the 2p → 3d transitions are all
included in the λ = 1 and λ = 3 contributions. Thanks
to the negligible value of the radial integrals for λ =
3 the terms with λ = 1 account for the large majority
of the calculated signal. The contributions from λ =
0, 2 describe transitions from 2p to valence p or f states
and are always negligible due to the composition of the
density of states beyond the Fermi level. They practically
overlap with the zero axis in all the six parts of Fig. 2.
It can be shown24 that in the dipole approximation
the real part of the MDFF is proportional to q · q′ and
the imaginary part is proportional to q × q′. A little
algebra can thus show that the imaginary part of the
MDFF is, in the geometry described in the caption of
Fig. 2, constant with respect to qx. As expected, the DFF
(which is proportional to q2) has a minimum at qx = 0,
where S(q, E)/q4 has a maximum. For the MDFF (and
corresponding S(q,q′, E)/q2q′2) these minima and max-
ima are centered at qx = −G/2 = −0.76 a.u.
−1 where
|qx| = |q
We summarize the results obtained for body-centered
cubic iron (bcc-Fe), hexagonal close-packed cobalt (hcp-
Co) and face-centered cubic nickel (fcc-Ni) crystals,
which are also the first samples prepared for EMCD mea-
surements. These results are valuable for optimization of
the experimental setup.
The geometry setup for observing the dichroic effect7
consists in creating a two-beam case by tilting the beam
away from a zone axis (here (001)) by a few degrees and
then setting the Laue circle center equal to G/2 for the
G vector to be excited. In analogy to XMCD, where two
measurements are performed for left- and righ-handed
circularly polarized light, here we perform two measure-
ments by changing the position of the detector, which
lies once at the top and once at the bottom of the Thales
circle having as diameter the line connecting the diffrac-
tion spots 0 and G. This geometry setup, together with
the crystal structure, is an input for the calculation of
the Bloch wave coefficients (within the systematic row
approximation) using the dynamical diffraction theory
code described in section IIA.
The electronic structure was calculated using the
WIEN2k package15, which is a state-of-the-art implemen-
tation of the full-potential linearized augmented plane
waves method. The experimental values of lattice param-
eters were used. More than 10000 k-points were used to
achieve a very good converge of the Brillouin zone inte-
grations. Atomic sphere sizes were 2.2, 2.3 and 2.2 bohr
radii for bcc-Fe, hcp-Co and fcc-Ni, respectively. The re-
sulting electronic structure was the input for the calcula-
tion of the individual MDFFs required for the summation
(see Section II B).
In the three studied cases the dichroic effect is domi-
nated by the transitions to the unoccupied 3d states. The
d-resolved spin-up density of states (DOS) is almost fully
occupied, while the spin-down d-DOS is partially unoccu-
pied. In Fig. 3 we compare the d-DOS with the dichroic
signal at the L3 edge. Due to negligible orbital moments
in these compounds the L2 edge shows a dichroic signal
of practically the same magnitude but with opposite sign.
The shape of the calculated dichroic peaks corresponds to
the difference of spin-up and spin-down d-DOS, similarly
to XMCD, as it was shown for the same set of systems in
Ref. 25. The calculations were performed within system-
atic row conditions with G = (200) for bcc-Fe and fcc-Ni
and G = (100) for hcp-Co. The sample thicknesses were
set to 20 nm, 10 nm and 8 nm for bcc-Fe, hcp-Co and fcc-
Ni, respectively. These values were found to be optimal
for these systems in the given experimental geometry.
An interesting point is the comparison of the strength
of the dichroic signal. According to the d-DOS projec-
tions one would expect comparable strength of signals
for the three elements under study. But the dichroic
signal of hcp-Co seems to be approximately a factor of
two smaller than that of the other two. The reason for
that can be explained by simple geometrical considera-
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4
E - E
( eV )
0 2 4
( eV )
FIG. 3: (online color) Spin-resolved d-densities of states (left) and resulting signal on L3 edge (right) on bcc-Fe, hcp-Co and
fcc-Ni (from top to bottom) at optimal thickness (see text). Spin-up DOS is drawn using a solid black line (positive) and spin-
down DOS using a dashed red line (negative). DDSCS for the (+) detector position is drawn using a solid blue line, DDSCS
for the (-) position is drawn using a dashed green line. The dichroic signal (difference) is the hatched red area. G = (200) for
bcc-Fe and fcc-Ni and (100) for hcp-Co.
tions starting from Eq. (24). For simplicity we consider
only the main contributions: the DFF S(q,q, E) and
the MDFF S(q,q′, E) with q ⊥ q′. For bcc-Fe and fcc-
Ni the summation over u within the Bravais cell leads
always to the structure factor 2 and 4, respectively, be-
cause q′ − q = G is a kinematically allowed reflection.
This factor cancels out after division by the number of
atoms in the Bravais cell. Therefore it does not matter,
what is the value of q-vectors, the sum over the atoms
is equal to S(q,q′, E)/q2q′2 itself. On the other hand,
the unit cell of hcp-Co contains two equivalent atoms at
positions u1 = (
) and u2 = (
). For the two
DFFs q = q′ and the exponential reduces to 1; since there
are two such terms, after division by Nu the sum equals
again the DFF itself. But for the main MDFF we have
q ⊥ q′ and the exponential factor will in general weight
the terms. One can easily see, that q′ − q = G. For the
G = (100) systematic row case, which was used for cal-
culation of hcp-Co in Fig. 3 the exponentials evaluate to
the complex numbers − 1
and − 1
for u1 and
u2, respectively. Because of symmetry, the MDFFs for
both atoms are equal and then the sum 1
leads to a
factor − 1
for the MDFF contribution, i.e. the influence
of its imaginary part, which is responsible for dichroism,
on the DDSCS is reduced by a factor of two.
To optimize the dichroic signal strength of hcp-Co, we
require G · u1 = G · u2 = 2πn, which gives in principle
an infinite set of possible G vectors. The one with lowest
hkl indices is G = (110). A calculation for this geometry
setup leads to approximately twice the dichroic signal,
see Fig. 4 and compare to the corresponding graph in
Fig. 3.
For the optimization of the experimental setup it is
important to know how sensitive the results are to varia-
tion of the parameters like the thickness of the sample or
the accuracy of the detector position. Another question
related to this is also the sensitivity to the finite size of
the convergence and collection angles α and β. In the
following text we will address these questions.
The thickness influences the factor Tjlj′l′ in the
Eq. (24) only. This factor leads to the so called pen-
dellösung oscillations - modulations of the signal strength
-1 0 1 2 3 4
Energy loss ( eV )
dichroism (%)
FIG. 4: L3 peak of hcp-Co calculated for the G = (110)
systematic row at 18nm. See caption of Fig. 3. The peaks
have been renormalized so that their sum is 1, therefore their
difference is the dichroic signal (ca. 15% in this case).
as a function of thickness. This also influences the
strength of the dichroic signal. Results of such calcula-
tions are displayed in Fig. 5 (we did not include absorp-
tion into these simulations, so that all signal variations
are only due to the geometry of the sample). From these
simulations it follows that a well defined thickness of the
sample is a very important factor. Relatively small vari-
ations of the thickness can induce large changes in the
dichroic signal, particularly in fcc-Ni. From the figure
one can deduce that the optimal thickness for a bcc-Fe
sample should be between 8 nm and 22 nm (of course, due
to absorption, thinner samples within this range would
have a stronger signal), for hcp-Co between 15 nm and
22 nm and for fcc-Ni it is a relatively narrow interval -
between 6 nm and 10 nm. However, we stress that these
results depend on the choice of the systematic row vector
G. For example hcp-Co with G = (100) (instead of (110)
shown in Fig. 5) has a maximum between 5 nm and 15
nm (although it is much lower, as discussed before).
Taking the optimal thickness, namely 20 nm, 18 nm
and 8 nm for bcc-Fe, hcp-Co and fcc-Ni, respectively, we
calculated the dependence of the dichroic signal on the
detector position. We particularly tested changes of the
dichroic signal when the detector is moved away from its
default position in the direction perpendicular to G, see
Fig. 6. It is interesting to note that the maximum abso-
lute difference occurs for a value of qy smaller than |G|/2.
This can be qualitatively explained by considering the
non-zero value of qz and q
z, i.e. q and q
′ are not exactly
perpendicular at the default detector positions. More-
over the MDFF enters the summation always divided by
q2q′2 and the lengths of q-vectors decrease with decreas-
ing qy. The important message we can deduce from this
figure is that the dichroic signal is only weakly sensitive
to the accuracy of qy since even displacement by 10-20%
in the detector default qy positions (i.e. qy = ±G/2) do
not affect significantly the measured dichroic signal.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Thickness ( nm )
FIG. 5: (online color) Dependence of the DDSCS and of the
dichroic signal on sample thickness for a) bcc-Fe, b) hcp-Co
and c) fcc-Ni. Systematic row vector G = (200) was used for
bcc-Fe and fcc-Ni, while for hcp-Co G = (110) was chosen.
The blue and green solid curves are DDSCSs calculated for
the (+) and (-) detector positions, the dashed black curve is
the DFF part of the DDSCS (it is identical for both detector
positions). The red line with circles is the relative dichroism
defined as difference of DDSCSs divided by their sum, the red
solid curve is the absolute dichroism - difference of DDSCSs.
Related to this is a study of the dependence of the
dichroic signal on the finite size of the convergence and
collection angles α and β. We performed a calculation
for the three studied metals and found that collection
and convergence half-angles up to 2 mrad weakens the
relative dichroic signal by less than 10%.
We have developed a computer code package for the
calculation of electron energy loss near edge spectra,
which includes the theory of dynamical Bragg diffrac-
tion. We applied the code to the recently discovered phe-
nomenon of magnetic chiral dichroism in the TEM and
we demonstrated the relation of the dichroic peak shape
to the difference of d-projections of the spin-resolved
density of states in analogy with similar observation for
Using this code we examined the validity of the dipole
approximation, which is often assumed. We found that
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
/ |G| ( dimensionless )
absolute dichroism (arb. units)
FIG. 6: (online color) Dependence of the dichroic signal on
detector displacements along qy . The full symbols correspond
to the relative dichroic signal while the open symbols to the
difference of the DDSCS for both detector positions. These
are in arbitrary units and their magnitudes are not directly
comparable. Vertical lines are showing the default detector
for the 3d ferromagnetic systems studied it is a reasonable
approximation, however with wrong asymptotic proper-
ties - it overestimates the contributions from larger q-
vectors. A very accurate approximation for the studied
systems is the λ = λ′ = 1 approximation, which treats
appropriately the dominant p→ d dipole transitions and
remains very accurate also for large q, q′.
In order to provide guidance to the experimentalist we
have investigated the strength of the dichroic signal as a
function of the sample thickness and the precision of the
detector placement. While the dichroic signal strength is
rather robust with respect to the precision of the detector
placement, the thickness of the specimen influences the
signal considerably. Therefore it might be a challenge to
produce samples with optimum thickness and selecting
the best systematic row Bragg spot. Our calculations
yield best thicknesses in order to detect EMCD of the
iron and nickel samples for the systematic rowG = (200)
to be 8-22 nm and 6-10 nm, respectively, and for cobalt
in the systematic row G = (110) to be 15-22 nm.
We thank Dr. Cécile Hébert and Dr. Pavel Novák for
stimulating discussions. This work has been supported
by the European Commission, contract nr. 508971 (CHI-
∗ Electronic address: [email protected]
† currently at Department of Physics, Uppsala University,
Box 530, S-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden
1 A. P. Hitchcock, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32(2), 176 (1993).
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mailto:[email protected]
0704.1408 | Probing MACHOs by observation of M31 pixel lensing with the 1.5m Loiano
telescope | Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. November 18, 2021
(DOI: will be inserted by hand later)
Probing MACHOs by observation of M31 pixel lensing
with the 1.5m Loiano telescope
S. Calchi Novati1,2, G. Covone3, F. De Paolis4, M. Dominik⋆5, Y. Giraud-Héraud6, G. Ingrosso4,
Ph. Jetzer7, L. Mancini1,2, A. Nucita4, G. Scarpetta1,2, F. Strafella4, and A. Gould8
(the PLAN⋆⋆ collaboration)
1 Dipartimento di Fisica “E. R. Caianiello”, Università di Salerno, Via S. Allende, 84081 Baronissi (SA), Italy
2 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sezione di Napoli, Italy
3 INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, via Moiariello 16, Napoli, Italy
4 Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Lecce and INFN, Sezione di Lecce, CP 193, 73100 Lecce, Italy
5 SUPA, University of St Andrews, School of Physics & Astronomy, North Haugh, St Andrews, KY16 9SS, United
6 APC, 10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet 75205 Paris, France
7 Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland
8 Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, 140 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, US
Received/ Accepted
Abstract. We analyse a series of pilot observations in order to study microlensing of (unresolved) stars in M31 with
the 1.5m Loiano telescope, including observations on both identified variable source stars and reported microlens-
ing events. We also look for previously unknown variability and discover a nova. We discuss an observing strategy
for an extended campaign with the goal of determining whether MACHOs exist or whether all microlensing events
are compatible with lens stars in M31.
Key words. Gravitational lensing - Galaxy: Halo - Galaxies: M31
1. Introduction
Following the original proposal of Paczyński (1986),
several microlensing campaigns have been undertaken in
the recent years with the purpose of unveiling the content
of galactic halos in form of MACHOs. While both the
MACHO (Alcock et al. 2000) and EROS (Tisserand et al.
2006) groups have published comprehensive results of
their respective campaigns, and an analysis of the
OGLE campaign is underway, no consensus has yet
been reached on either the density of MACHOs or
their mass spectrum, and it is still not clear whether
“self lensing” within the Magellanic Clouds (Sahu 1994;
Wu 1994) can account for most or even all of the de-
tected microlensing events (Belokurov et al. 2003, 2004;
Mancini et al. 2004; Griest & Thomas 2005; Bennett
2005; Calchi Novati et al. 2006; Evans & Belokurov
Searching for microlensing events towards the
Andromeda Galaxy (M31) not only allows one to monitor
a huge number of stars (∼ 108) within a few fields, but also
allows one to fully probe M31’s whole halo (which is not
⋆ Royal Society University Research Fellow
⋆⋆ Pixel Lensing Andromeda
possible for the Milky Way), and possibly to distinguish
more easily between self lensing and lensing by MACHOs
because M31’s tilt with respect to the line of sight in-
duces a characteristic signature in the spatial distribution
of the halo events (Crotts 1992; Baillon et al. 1993; Jetzer
1994). Observational campaigns have been carried out by
several collaborations: AGAPE (Ansari et al. 1997, 1999),
Columbia-VATT (Crotts & Tomaney 1996), POINT-
AGAPE (Aurière et al. 2001; Paulin-Henriksson et al.
2003), SLOTT-AGAPE (Calchi Novati et al. 2002, 2003),
WeCAPP (Riffeser et al. 2003), MEGA (de Jong et al.
2004), NainiTal (Joshi et al. 2005) and ANGSTROM
(Kerins et al. 2006). The detection of a handful of mi-
crolensing candidates have been reported and first, though
contradictory, conclusions on the MACHO content along
this line of sight have been reported (Calchi Novati et al.
2005; de Jong et al. 2006).
In order to go beyond these first results, it is essential
to choose an appropriate observational strategy for the
new observational campaigns. Indeed, the experience of
the previous campaigns shows that a careful assessment of
the characteristics of the microlensing signal and of poten-
tially contaminating stellar variables is crucial. Two main
phenomenological characteristics of microlensing events
2 Calchi Novati et al.: Probing MACHOs with the 1.5m Loiano telescope
must be taken into account: the duration and the flux de-
viation (e.g. Ingrosso et al. 2006a,b). Microlensing events
in M31 are expected to last only a few days (this holds in
the lens mass range 10−2 − 1 M⊙, over which self lensing
but also most of the MACHO signal is expected). Note
that here we refer to the full-duration-at-half-maximum,
t1/2, easily evaluated out of pixel lensing observations,
with t1/2 = t1/2(tE, u0), where tE, u0 are the Einstein
time and impact parameter, respectively. The degeneracy
in the parameter space tE, u0 is intrinsically linked to the
fact that the underlying sources are not resolved objects
so that the background level of the light curves is a blend
(of a huge number) of stars (Gould 1996). However, as
was shown to be the case for some of the POINT-AGAPE
microlensing candidates, extremely good sampling along
the flux variation sometimes allow one to break this de-
generacy. To gain insight into the underlying mass spec-
trum of the lens population (recall tE ∝
Mlens), it
will be essential to break the tE, u0 degeneracy beyond
what was achieved in previous campaigns. Furthermore,
the expected short duration can also be used to robustly
test the detected flux variations with respect to the vari-
able star background (Calchi Novati et al. 2005), but to
achieve this, a very tight and regular sampling is again
necessary. On the other hand, the expected duration im-
plies that to characterise the microlensing signals, the
campaign does not need to be extremely long. Besides,
the dataset of previous campaigns already allows one to
check for the expected uniqueness of microlensing signals.
The long time baseline can then be exploited in order to
increase the expected rate of events. Very tight and regu-
lar sampling on a nightly basis is therefore a first crucial
feature for an optimal observational strategy. This would
represent an important improvement with respect to pre-
vious campaigns that would allow one both to better dis-
tinguish microlensing events from other background vari-
ations, and, possibly, to break some of the degeneracy in
the microlensing parameter space. As for the flux devia-
tion, the main results have been obtained using the 2.5m
INT telescope with integration times of about 20 minutes
per night, so that even smaller telescopes can be used,
provided that long enough integration times are employed
to reach the needed signal-to-noise ratio.
In this paper we present the results of the pilot sea-
son of a new observational campaign towards M31 car-
ried out with the Loiano telescope at the “Osservatorio
Astronomico di Bologna” (OAB)1. In Sect. 2 we present
the observational setup and outline data reduction and
analysis. In Sect. 3 we present the results of our follow-up
observations on previously reported microlensing candi-
dates and other variable light curves, and we report the
discovery of a new Nova variation. In Sect. 4 we estimate
the expected microlensing signal and discuss the feasibility
and objectives of a longer-term microlensing campaign.
2. Data analysis
2.1. Observational setup, data acquisition and
As pilot observations for studying microlensing of stars
in the inner M31 region, we observed two fields dur-
ing 11 consecutive nights, from 5 September to 15
September 2006, with the 152cm Cassini Telescope lo-
cated in Loiano (Bologna, Italy). We make use of a CCD
EEV of 1300x1340 pixels of 0.′′58 for a total field of view
of 13′ × 12.′6, with gain of 2 e−/ADU and low read-
out noise (3.5 e−/px). Two fields of view around the in-
ner M31 region have been monitored, centered respec-
tively at RA=0h42m50s, DEC=41◦23′57′′ (“North”) and
RA=0h42m50s, DEC=41◦08′23′′ (“South”) (J2000), so as
to leave out the innermost (∼ 3′) M31 bulge region, and
with the CCD axes parallel to the north-south and east-
west directions, in order to get the maximum field overlap
with previous campaigns (Fig. 1). To test for achromatic-
ity, data have been acquired in two bandpasses (similar to
Cousins R and I), with exposure times of 5 or 6 minutes
per frame. Overall we collected about 100 exposures per
field per filter over 8 nights or about 15 images per night2.
Typical seeing values were in the range 1.5′′−2′′. Bias and
sky flats frames were taken each night and standard data
reduction was carried out using the IRAF package3. We
also corrected the I-band data for fringe effects.
2.2. Image analysis
The search for flux variations towards M31 has to deal
with the fact that sources are not resolved objects, so that
one has to monitor flux variations of every element of the
image (the so called “pixel-lensing” technique discussed
in Gould 1996). As for the preliminary image analysis, we
follow closely the strategy outlined by the AGAPE group
(Ansari et al. 1997; Calchi Novati et al. 2002), in which
each image is geometrically and photometrically aligned
relative to a reference image. To account for seeing vari-
ations we then substitute for the flux of each pixel, the
flux of the corresponding 5-pixel square “superpixel” cen-
tered on it (whose size is determined so as to cover most
of the average seeing disc) and then apply an empirical,
linear, correction in the flux, again calibrating each image
with respect to the reference image. The final expression
for the flux error accounts both for the statistical error in
the flux count and for the residual error linked to the see-
ing correction procedure. Finally, in order to increase the
signal-to-noise ratio, we combine the images taken during
the same night.
2 During the last useful night only a few R images in the
North field could be taken.
Calchi Novati et al.: Probing MACHOs with the 1.5m Loiano telescope 3
Fig. 1. Projected on M31, we display the boundaries of
the two 13’x12.6’ monitored fields (inner contours), to-
gether with the larger INT fields and the centre M31
(cross). The filled circle marks the position of the Nova
variable detected (Sect. 3.3).
3. Light curve results
3.1. Variables in the POINT-AGAPE catalogue
In order to assess the quality of the present data set as
compared to that of previous campaigns we looked into
observations of ∼ 40000 stars identified as variables by
the POINT-AGAPE group (An et al. 2004). Besides the
position, each variation in this catalogue is characterised
by three quantities: the magnitude corresponding to the
flux deviation at maximum R(∆φ), with values down to
R(∆φ) ∼ 23, the period (P ) as evaluated using a Lomb
algorithm, and an estimator of the probability of a false
detection (Lf ) (high absolute values of Lf indicate a sure
identification). We note that most of the variations in the
catalogue are rather faint and only a few have short peri-
We want to investigate which fraction of variables
found by POINT-AGAPE can be identified by our ob-
servations. (Preliminary to the analysis, we must evalu-
ate the relative geometrical and photometrical transfor-
mation between the two data sets. In particular, we find
that ∼ 30% of the original sample belongs also to our field
of view). Since our observations cover only 11 days, we re-
strict our attention to the shortest periods (P < 30 d),
which encompasses a ∼ 2% subset of the POINT-AGAPE
catalogue. Note that our limited baseline does not allow
us to properly characterise the shape parameters of the
detected variations. Therefore, in order to cross-identify
the flux variations detected with those belonging to the
Period (days)
Period (days)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 2. R(∆φ) vs. Period for short-period (P < 30 d)
variable stars reported in the POINT-AGAPE catalogue
(top panel shows the subset with log(Lf) < −30), where
filled circles indicate the flux variations identified within
the OAB data set.
POINT-AGAPE catalogue we only test for the offset be-
tween the position evaluated through our selection and
the transformed POINT-AGAPE position.
For our analysis, we first identify a “clean” set of
variable stars (selected by demanding log(Lf) < −30),
which includes ∼ 25% of the POINT-AGAPE sam-
ple. Restricting ourselves to short-period variables with
P < 30 d, leaves us with 169 stars within our field of view,
among which 68 fall into the “clean” sample. For the lat-
ter, we detect most of the bright variations (R(∆φ) < 21),
namely ∼ 70%, and about 40% of all of the variations.
When we consider the total sample of short-period vari-
ables we arrive at values that are about 10% smaller. This
partly results from the fact that the total sample con-
tains a larger fraction of faint objects, while our detection
threshold, though varying with the position in the fields,
is typically about R(∆φ) ∼ 22. In Fig. 2 we show flux
deviation vs. period for the the full set of short-period
POINT-AGAPE variables, where solid circles mark those
that were found by our analysis. In Fig. 3, we show the
lightcurve of a POINT-AGAPE variable recovered within
the OAB data, with its OAB extension.
3.2. Identified microlensing candidates
Since microlensing variations are quite unlikely to re-
peat, measuring a constant flux from follow-up obser-
vations provides further evidence that the previously
observed signal has indeed been caused by microlens-
ing. Our target fields contain three of the six can-
4 Calchi Novati et al.: Probing MACHOs with the 1.5m Loiano telescope
t (days)
t (days)
t (JD-2449624.5)
t (JD-2449624.5)
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
4350 4355 4360 4365 4370 4375
4350 4355 4360 4365 4370 4375
Fig. 3. The light curve of a POINT-AGAPE flux varia-
tion (P = 11.14 days and R(∆φ) = 21.1), together with
its extension in the OAB data. Top to bottom, the INT
R and color light curves, folded by their period (for visual
aid, two cycles are plotted); and the OAB R and color
light curves. The “color” is evaluated as −2.5 log(φr/φi),
where φ is the observed flux. Flux is in ADU s−1.
didates reported by the POINT-AGAPE collaboration
(Calchi Novati et al. 2005), PA-N1, PA-S3 and PA-S7; be-
side PA-N1, two more among the 14 reported by the
MEGA collaboration (de Jong et al. 2006), MEGA-ML-
3 and MEGA-ML-15; beside PA-S3, the second candidate
reported by the WeCAPP collaboration, WeCAPP-GL2
(Riffeser et al. 2003). All of the light curve extensions
within our data set of the previous variations appear to
be stable, namely, we do not observe any flux variation
beyond the background noise level compatible with the
observed microlensing flux variation. As an example, in
Fig. 4 we show the PA-S3 light curve together with its
extension in the OAB data.
3.3. A Nova like variation
Lastly, we discuss the result of a search for very bright
flux variations (R(∆φ) < 19). One flux variation sur-
vives this selection (Fig. 5), and this appears to be a
nova-like variable (its extension on the POINT-AGAPE
data set appears to be stable) located in RA=0h42m33s,
DEC=41◦10′06′′ (J2000). We estimate the magnitude and
color at maximum to be R(∆φ) ∼ 17.5 and R− I ∼ −0.1.
The rate of decline, about 2 magnitudes during the 7
nights of our observational period, puts this nova among
the “very fast” ones in the speed classes defined in Warner
(1989). The (strong) color evolution is rather unusual, as
it got redder during descent. In the POINT-AGAPE nova
t (JD-2449624.5)
t (JD-2449624.5)
t (JD-2449624.5)
t (JD-2449624.5)
2140 2160 2180 2200 2220 2240 2260 2280 2300
2140 2160 2180 2200 2220 2240 2260 2280 2300
4350 4355 4360 4365 4370 4375
4350 4355 4360 4365 4370 4375
Fig. 4. The light curve of the POINT-AGAPE PA-
S3 microlensing candidate (Paulin-Henriksson et al. 2003;
Calchi Novati et al. 2005) together with its extension in
the OAB data. In the INT data the dotted line is the best
Paczyński (1986) fit; in the OAB data, the solid lines indi-
cate the background level, while the dotted lines represent
the flux deviation corresponding to the observed flux devi-
ation at maximum for the POINT-AGAPE variation. The
ordinate axis units are flux in ADU s−1.
t (JD-2449624.5)
t (JD-2449624.5)
t (JD-2449624.5)
4345 4350 4355 4360 4365 4370 4375 4380
4345 4350 4355 4360 4365 4370 4375 4380
4345 4350 4355 4360 4365 4370 4375 4380
Fig. 5. The light curve of the Nova detected within the
OAB data. Top to bottom, R, I bands and color data (as
defined in Fig. 3) are shown. The solid lines (R and I data)
indicate the estimate of the background level.
Calchi Novati et al.: Probing MACHOs with the 1.5m Loiano telescope 5
catalogue (Darnley et al. 2004), there was only one such
object, PACN-00-07, showing a similar color evolution but
also characterised by a fainter magnitude at maximum and
a slower speed of descent.
The issue of the expected novæ rate in M31 is still
a matter of debate. Darnley et al. (2006) evaluate a rate
of ∼ 38 (∼ 27) novæ/years for the bulge (disc) respec-
tively, while previous works pointed to somewhat smaller
values (e.g. Capaccioli et al. 1989; Shafter & Irby 2001).
Our detection of 1 nova during an overall period of 11
days is in any case in good agreement with these expec-
tations (restricted to the bulge region only and using the
first estimate, we derive an expected number of novæ of
∼ 1.1).
4. The expected microlensing signal
To predict the number and characteristics of the ex-
pected microlensing signal for the different lens popula-
tions (Galactic halo and components of M31), we need
both an astrophysical model for all the physical quantities
that determine the microlensing events (which includes
brightness profile, spatial mass density, velocity distribu-
tions, luminosity function for the sources, and mass spec-
trum for the lenses) and a model reproducing both the ob-
servational setup and the selection pipeline. Because of the
huge parameter space involved, we use a Monte Carlo sim-
ulation to carry out this program. In particular, we make
use of the simulation described in Calchi Novati et al.
(2005), adapted to the OAB observational setup.
In Fig. 6 we report the results, obtained using the fidu-
cial astrophysical model discussed in Calchi Novati et al.
(2005), for the flux deviation at maximum and duration
distributions expected for self-lensing events (the corre-
sponding distributions for 0.5 M⊙ MACHOs are almost
indistinguishable) and, for both self lensing and MACHOs,
the expected distance from the M31 center distribution.
In particular we recover the well known results that most
of the microlensing events are expected to last only a
few days. We also stress the difference, already apparent
within our relatively small field of view, between the spa-
tial distributions due to luminous and MACHO lenses.
The latter is much broader, implying that this diagnostic
can be used to distinguish between the two populations.
Note that here we are considering the distance-from-the-
M31-center statistics rather than the expected asymmetry
in the spatial distribution of M31 halo lenses (Crotts 1992;
Jetzer 1994). The M31-center-distance statistic is sensitive
to the different mass distributions of stars and dark mat-
ter, although it is a zeroth order approximation since it
ignores the additional difference due to the expected asym-
metry of the microlensing signal. We adopt this zeroth-
order approach because the refinement needed to include
the asymmetry information would require substantial ad-
ditional analysis: as was pointed out by An et al. (2004),
the study of variable stars demonstrates that differential
extinction could induce a similar asymmetric signal on the
spatial distribution of self-lensing events. Note also that
Self lensing: R(∆φ)
Self lensing: t1/2 (days)
Self lensing: distance from M31 center (arcmin)
MACHO: distance from M31 center (arcmin)
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 6. Results of the Monte Carlo simulation: from top
to bottom we show the histograms of the expected flux de-
viation at maximum, duration distribution for self-lensing
events, and the distance (from the M31 center) distribu-
tions for self-lensing and for MACHOs. The units on the
ordinate axes are the number of events.
our choice for the field position has not been chosen in or-
der to optimise such an analysis, but rather to maximise
the overlap with the fields of previous campaigns. Let us
note that a real “second generation” pixel lensing experi-
ment should cover a much larger field of view than ours,
both to increase, for a given time baseline, the expected
rate of events but especially in order to better disentangle
the self-lensing signal from the MACHO signal.
To estimate the number of expected events, we repro-
duce the actual sampling of this pilot season and imple-
ment a basic selection for microlensing events (asking for
the presence of a significant bump), and take into account
the results of the analysis carried out in Sect. 3.1 by re-
stricting to the subsample of R(∆φ) < 22 variations. As
a results, we predict ∼ 0.17 self-lensing events and ∼ 0.54
MACHOs (for full M31 and Galactic halos with 0.5 M⊙
MACHO objects). As discussed in Calchi Novati et al.
(2005), the predictions of the Monte Carlo simulation are
quantifiable as “over-optimistic”, so that these figures, for
the given astrophysical model, should be taken as an up-
per limit to the actual number of expected events because
we have not factored in the efficiency of the pipeline.
In order to increase the available statistics we need
a longer time baseline. An aspect here deserves to be
stressed. As the expected duration of the events we are
looking for is of the same order of the length of our present
baseline, because of “boundary” effects, the number of ex-
pected events should increase more than linearly with the
overall baseline length (of course, this is no longer true
6 Calchi Novati et al.: Probing MACHOs with the 1.5m Loiano telescope
as soon as the baseline is long enough). This holds un-
der the condition that no gaps are introduced into the
sampling, clearly showing the importance of an appropri-
ate observational strategy. For example, for a full two-
month campaign we predict, again for the sub sample of
R(∆φ) < 22 variations, ∼ 1.3 (5.1) self-lensing (0.5 M⊙
MACHO) events, respectively. Finally, we note that we
have obtained similar results within a parallel analysis car-
ried out following the approach outlined in Ingrosso et al.
As for the astrophysical model, we recall that
de Jong et al. (2006), using a different model for the lumi-
nous components of M31, obtained a significantly higher
expected contribution of the self-lensing signal relative
to that evaluated with the fiducial model discussed in
Calchi Novati et al. (2005), which we are also using in the
present analysis. Hence, the full-fledged campaign that we
are planning will be important for understanding the dis-
puted issue of M31 self-lensing as well as MACHO dark
5. Conclusions
Based on pilot season observations of M31 during 11 con-
secutive nights in September 2006 and a Monte Carlo sim-
ulation for the expected properties of microlensing events
caused by lenses in the Galactic halo or M31, respectively,
we have shown the feasibility of an extended campaign
with the 1.5m Loiano telescope being able to resolve the
current puzzle of the origin of microlensing events involv-
ing extragalactic sources.
In particular, we were able to identify known variable
stars from our data thanks to the tight sampling and de-
spite the short time range covered. Reported microlensing
candidates within our field of view have shown no fur-
ther variation, therefore the microlensing interpretation
was confirmed. Moreover, a nova variable showed up in
our data.
As for the microlensing signal, we have stressed the im-
portance of an appropriate sampling for the observations,
and discussed the results of a Monte Carlo simulation
of the present experiment. In particular, we have shown
how the expected spatial distribution for self-lensing and
MACHO events can allow us to disentangle the two con-
tributions. Finally, we have provided an evaluation of the
expected number of microlensing events for the present
pilot season and discussed quantitatively the possible out-
put of a longer baseline campaign.
Acknowledgements. The observational campaign has been pos-
sible thanks to the generous allocation of telescope time by the
TAC of the Bologna Observatory and to the invaluable help of
the technical staff. In particular, we thank Ivan Bruni for accu-
rate and precious assistance during the observations. We thank
the POINT-AGAPE collaboration for access to their database.
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Data analysis
Observational setup, data acquisition and reduction
Image analysis
Light curve results
Variables in the POINT-AGAPE catalogue
Identified microlensing candidates
A Nova like variation
The expected microlensing signal
0704.1410 | QCD thermodynamics and confinement from a dynamical quasiparticle point
of view | arXiv:0704.1410v1 [nucl-th] 11 Apr 2007
QCD thermodynamics and confinement from
a dynamical quasiparticle point of view
W. Cassing a,∗
aInstitut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Giessen, Heinrich–Buff–Ring 16,
D–35392 Giessen, Germany
In this study it is demonstrated that a simple picture of the QCD gluon liquid
emerges in the dynamical quasiparticle model that specifies the active degrees of
freedom in the time-like sector and yields a potential energy density in the space-like
sector. By using the time-like gluon density (or scalar gluon density) as an indepen-
dent degree of freedom - instead of the temperature T as a Lagrange parameter -
variations of the potential energy density lead to effective mean-fields for time-like
gluons and an effective gluon-gluon interaction strength at low density. The latter
yields a simple dynamical picture for the gluon fusion to color neutral glueballs when
approaching the phase boundary from a temperature higher than Tc and paves the
way for an off-shell transport theoretical description of the parton dynamics.
Key words: Quark gluon plasma, General properties of QCD, Relativistic
heavy-ion collisions
PACS: 12.38.Mh, 12.38.Aw, 25.75.-q
1 Introduction
The formation of a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and its transition to interacting
hadronic matter – as occurred in the early universe – has motivated a large commu-
nity for several decades (cf. [1] and Refs. therein). Early concepts of the QGP were
guided by the idea of a weakly interacting system of partons (quarks, antiquarks
and gluons) since the entropy s and energy density ǫ were found in lattice QCD to
be close to the Stefan Boltzmann (SB) limit for a relativistic noninteracting system
[2]. However, this notion had to be given up in the last years since experimental
∗ corresponding author
Email address: [email protected] (W. Cassing).
Preprint submitted to Elsevier 24 November 2018
observations at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) indicated that the new
medium created in ultrarelativistic Au+Au collisions was interacting more strongly
than hadronic matter. Moreover, in line with earlier theoretical studies in Refs. [3–
5] the medium showed phenomena of an almost perfect liquid of partons [6,7] as
extracted from the strong radial expansion and elliptic flow of hadrons as well the
scaling of the elliptic flow with parton number etc. The latter collective observables
have been severely underestimated in conventional string/hadron transport models
[8–10], but hydrodynamical approaches did quite well in describing (at midrapidity)
the collective properties of the medium generated during the early times for low and
moderate transverse momenta [11,12]. Soon the question came up about the con-
stituents of this liquid; it might be some kind of i) ”epoxy” [13], i.e. a system of
resonant or bound gluonic states with large scattering length, ii) a system of chirally
restored mesons, instanton molecules or equivalently giant collective modes [14], iii)
a system of colored bound states of quarks q and gluons g, i.e. gq, qq, gg etc. [15], iv)
some ’string spaghetti’ or ’pasta’ etc. In short, many properties of the new phase are
still under debate and practically no dynamical concepts are available to describe
the freezeout of partons to color neutral hadrons that are subject to experimental
Lattice QCD (lQCD) calculations provide some guidance to the thermodynamic
properties of the partonic medium close to the transition at a critical temperature
Tc up to a few times Tc, but lQCD calculations for transport coefficients presently
are not accurate enough [16] to allow for firm conclusions. Furthermore, it is not
clear whether the partonic system really reaches thermal and chemical equilibrium
in ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions and nonequilibrium models are needed
to trace the entire collision history. The available string/hadron transport models
[17–19] are not accurate enough - as pointed out above - nor do partonic cascade
simulations [20–23] (propagating massless partons) sufficiently describe the reaction
dynamics when employing cross sections from perturbative QCD (pQCD). This also
holds - to some extent - for the Multiphase Transport Model AMPT [24] since it
includes only on-shell massless partons in the partonic phase as in Ref. [21]. The
same problem comes about in the parton cascade model of Xu and Greiner [25] where
additional 2↔ 3 processes like gg ↔ ggg are incorporated. On the other hand it is
well known that strongly interacting quantum systems require descriptions in terms
of propagators D with sizeable selfenergies Π for the relevant degrees of freedom.
Whereas the real part of the selfenergy gives contributions to the energy density, the
imaginary parts of Π provide information about the lifetime and/or reaction rate
of time-like ’particles’ [4]. In principle, off-shell transport equations are available in
the literature [26–28], but have been applied only to dynamical problems where the
width of the quasiparticles stays moderate with respect to the pole mass [29]. On
the other hand, the studies of Peshier [30,31] indicate that the effective degrees of
freedom in a partonic phase should have a width γ in the order of the pole mass M
already slightly above Tc.
The present study addresses essentially three questions: i) Do we understand the
QCD thermodynamics in terms of dynamical quasiparticles down to the phase bound-
ary in a ’top down’ scenario and what are the effective degrees of freedom as well
as energy contributions? ii) Can such a quasiparticle approach help in defining an
off-shell transport model that - at least in thermal equilibrium - reproduces the
thermodynamic results from lQCD? iii) Are there any perspectives in modeling the
transition from partonic to hadronic degrees of freedom in a dynamical way?
The present work is exploratory in the sense that it is restricted to a pure gluonic
system of N2c −1 gluons with two transverse polarisations, i.e. degeneracy dg = 16 for
the gluonic quasiparticles that are treated as relativistic scalar fields. Note, however,
that the qualitative features stay the same when adding light quark degrees of free-
dom [31]; this finding is well in line with the approximate scaling of thermodynamic
quantities from lQCD when dividing by the number of degrees of freedom and scaling
by the individual critical temperature Tc which is a function of the different number
of parton species [32].
The outline of the paper is as follows: After a short recapitulation of the dynamical
quasiparticle model in Section 2 new results on the space-like and time-like parts
of observables are presented that allow for a transparent physical interpretation. In
Section 3 we will examine derivatives of the space-like part of the quasiparticle energy
density with respect to the time-like (or scalar) density which provides information on
gluonic mean fields and their effective interaction strength. The implications of these
findings with respect to an off-shell transport description are pointed out throughout
the study. A summary and extended discussion closes this work in Section 4.
2 Off-shell elements in the DQPM
2.1 Reminder of the DQPM
The Dynamical QuasiParticle Model (DQPM) 1 adopted here goes back to Peshier
[30,31] and starts with the entropy density s in the quasiparticle limit [33],
sdqp = −dg
Im ln(−∆−1) + ImΠRe∆
, (1)
where n(ω/T ) = (exp(ω/T )− 1)−1 denotes the Bose distribution function, ∆ stands
for the scalar quasiparticle propagator and Π for the quasiparticle selfenergy which is
considered here to be a Lorentz scalar. In principle, the latter quantities are Lorentz
tensors and should be evaluated in a nonperturbative framework. However, a more
1 DQPM also stands alternatively for Dynamical-Quasiparticle-Peshier-Model
practical procedure is to use a physically motivated Ansatz with a Lorentzian spectral
ρ(ω) =
(ω −E)2 + γ2
(ω + E)2 + γ2
, (2)
and to fit the few parameters to results from lQCD. With the convention E2(p) =
2+M2−γ2, the parameters M2 and γ are directly related to the real and imaginary
parts of the corresponding (retarded) self-energy, Π = M2 − 2iγω. It should be
stressed that the entropy density functional (1) is not restricted to quasiparticles of
low width γ and thus weakly interacting particles. In fact, in the following it will
be shown that a novel picture of the hot gluon liquid emerges because γ becomes
comparable to the quasiparticle mass already slightly above Tc [30,31].
Following [34] the quasiparticle mass (squared) is written in (momentum-independent)
perturbative form,
M2(T ) =
g2T 2 , (3)
with a running coupling (squared),
g2(T/Tc) =
11Nc ln(λ2(T/Tc − Ts/Tc)2
, (4)
which permits for an enhancement near Tc [34,35]. It will be shown below that an
infrared enhancement of the coupling - as also found in the lQCD calculations in
Ref. [36] for the long range part of the q − q̄ potential - is directly linked to the
gluon fusion/clustering scenario. In order to quantify this statement the coupling
αs(T ) = g
2(T )/(4π) is shown in Fig. 1 as a function of T/Tc in comparison to the long
range part of the strong coupling as extracted from Ref. [36] from the free energy of a
quark-antiquark pair in quenched lQCD. For this comparison the actual parameters
λ = 2.42, Ts/Tc = 0.46 have been adopted as in Ref. [4]. The parametrization (4) is
seen to follow the lQCD results - also indicating a strong enhancement close to Tc -
as a function of temperature reasonably well. One should recall that any extraction
of coupling constants αs(T ) from lQCD is model dependent and deviations from (or
agreement with) lattice ’data’ have to be considered with care. The argument here is
that the specific ’parametric form’ of Eq. (4) is not in conflict with lQCD and that
the coupling αs and consequently the quasiparticle mass M(T ) has the right order
of magnitude.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 1. The coupling αs(T ) = g
2(T )/(4π) (solid red line) as a function of T/Tc in comparison
to the long range part of the strong coupling as extracted from Ref. [36] from the free energy
of a quark-antiquark pair in quenched lQCD (for Nτ = 8).
The width γ is adopted in the form γ ∼ g2T ln g−1 [37] or, equivalently, in terms of
M [30], as
γ(T ) =
M2(T )
(M(T )/T )2
, (5)
where c = 14.4 (from [4]) is related to a magnetic cut-off. In case of the pure Yang-
Mills sector of QCD the physical processes contributing to the width γ are both
gg ↔ gg scattering as well as splitting and fusion reactions gg ↔ g or gg ↔ ggg,
ggg ↔ gggg etc. Note that the ratio γ(T )/M(T ) ∼ g ln(c/g2) approaches zero only
asymptotically for T → ∞ such that the width of the quasiparticles is comparable to
the mass for all practical energy scales on earth; the ratio γ(T )/M(T ) drops below
0.5 only for temperatures T > 1.25 · 105 Tc (for the parameters given above).
For the choice (2) for the spectral function the scalar effective propagator reads,
∆dqp(ω,p) =
ω2 − p2 −M2 + 2iγω
, (6)
which can easily be separated into real and imaginary parts. The entropy density (1)
then reads explicitly [31],
sdqp(T ) = dg
− ln(1− e−ωp/T ) +
n(ωp/T )
ω2p − ω2
2γω(ω2p − ω2)
(ω2p − ω2)2 + 4γ2ω2
, (7)
using ωp =
p2 +M2. The first line in (7) corresponds to the familiar on-shell quasi-
particle contribution s0 while the second line in (7) corresponds to the contribution
originating from the finite width γ of the quasiparticles and is positive throughout
but subleading (see below).
The pressure P now can be evaluated from
by integration of s over T , where from now on we identify the ’full’ entropy density s
with the quasiparticle entropy density sdqp. Note that for T < Tc the entropy density
drops to zero (with decreasing T ) due to the high quasiparticle mass and the width γ
vanishes as well because the interaction rate in the very dilute quasiparticle system
becomes negligible. Since the pressure for infinitely heavy (noninteracting) particles
also vanishes the integration constant for the pressure P - when integrating (8) -
may safely be assumed to be zero, too.
The energy density ǫ then follows from the thermodynamical relation [34,38]
ǫ = Ts− P (9)
and thus is also fixed by the entropy s(T ) as well as the interaction measure
W (T ) := ǫ(T )− 3P (T ) = Ts− 4P (10)
that vanishes for massless and noninteracting degrees of freedom.
In Ref. [4] a detailed comparison has been presented with the lattice results from
Ref. [39] for the pure gluonic sector to the quasiparticle entropy density (7) for the
parameters given above. The agreement with the lattice data is practically perfect
[4,30]. Needless to point out that also P (T ), ǫ(T ) and W (T ) well match the lattice
QCD results for 1 ≤ T/Tc ≤ 4 [4,31] due to thermodynamical consistency. The same
parameters are also adopted for the following calculations.
2.2 Time-like and space-like quantities
For the further argumentation it is useful to introduce the shorthand notation
P · · · = dg
2ω ρ(ω) Θ(ω)n(ω/T ) Θ(±P 2) · · · (11)
with P 2 = ω2 − p2 denoting the invariant mass squared. The Θ(±P 2) function in
(11) separates time-like quantities from space-like quantities and can be inserted for
any observable of interest.
As the first quantity we consider the entropy density (7). Its time-like contribution
is almost completely dominated by the first line in (7) - that corresponds to the on-
shell quasiparticle contribution s0 - but also includes a small contribution from the
second line in (7) which is positive for T below about 1.5 Tc and becomes negative for
larger temperature. This time-like part s+ is shown in Fig. 2 by the dotted blue line
(multiplied by (Tc/T )
3). The second line in (7) - as mentioned above - corresponds
to the contribution originating from the finite width γ of the quasiparticles and also
has a space-like part s− which is dominant (for the second line in (7)) and displayed
in Fig. 2 by the lower red line (multiplied by (Tc/T )
3). Though s− is subleading in
the total entropy density s = s+ + s− (thick solid green line in Fig. 2) it is essential
for a proper reproduction of s(T ) close to Tc (cf. [31]). Note that the total entropy
density s is not very different from the Stefan Boltzmann entropy density sSB for
T > 2Tc as shown in Fig. 2 by the upper thin line (multiplied by (Tc/T )
2 4 6 8 10
=0.26 GeV
Fig. 2. The time-like contribution to the entropy density s+ (dotted blue line), the space-like
contribution s− (lower red line) and the total entropy density s = s++s− (thick solid green
line) as a function of T/Tc. All quantities have been multiplied by the dimensionless factor
(Tc/T )
3) assuming Tc = 0.26 GeV for the pure gluonic system [40]. The upper solid black
line displays the Stefan Boltzmann limit sSB for reference.
Further quantities of interest are the quasiparticle ’densities’
N±(T ) = T̃r± 1 (12)
that correspond to the time-like (+) and space-like (-) parts of the integrated distri-
bution function. Note that only the integral of N+ over space has a particle number
interpretation. In QED this corresponds to time-like photons (γ∗) which are virtuell
in intermediate processes but can also be seen asymptotically by dileptons (e.g. e+e−
pairs) due to the decay γ∗ → e+e− [17].
A scalar density Ns, which is only defined in the time-like sector, is given by
Ns(T ) = T̃r
and has the virtue of being Lorentz invariant. Moreover, a scalar density can easily
be computed in transport approaches for bosons and fermions [17,41] which is of
relevance for the argumentation in Section 3.
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
=0.26 GeV
Fig. 3. Upper part: The scalar density Ns (lower orange line), the time-like density N
(blue line), the space-like quantity N− (red line) and the sum N = N+ +N− (thick solid
green line) as a function of T/Tc assuming Tc = 0.26 GeV for the pure gluonic system
[40]. The upper solid black line displays the Stefan Boltzmann limit NSB for reference. All
quantities are multiplied by the dimensionless factor (Tc/T )
3. Lower part: The ratio of the
scalar density Ns to the time-like density N
+ as a function of the scaled temperature T/Tc.
The actual results for the different ’densities’ (multiplied by (Tc/T )
3) are displayed
in the upper part of Fig. 3 where the lower orange line represents the scalar density
Ns, the blue line the time-like density N
+, the red line the space-like quantity N−
and the thick solid green line the sum N = N++N− as a function of T/Tc assuming
(as before) Tc = 0.26 GeV for the pure gluonic system [40]. It is seen that N
substantially smaller than N− in the whole temperature range up to 10 Tc where it
is tacitly assumed that the DQPM also represents lQCD results for T > 4Tc, which
is not proven explicitly, but might be expected due to the proper weak coupling
limit of (3), (5) (cf. Fig. 1). The application of the DQPM to 10 Tc is presented
in Fig. 3 since the initial state at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies might be
characterized by a temperature above 4 Tc; note that the properties of the partonic
phase will be explored from the experimental side in the near future at LHC. Quite
remarkably the quantity N follows closely the Stefan Boltzmann limit NSB for a
massless noninteracting system which is given in Fig. 3 by the upper thin solid line
and has the physical interpretation of a gluon density. Though N differs by less than
15% from the Stefan Boltzmann (SB) limit for T > 2TC the physical interpretation
is essentially different! Whereas in the SB limit all gluons move on the light cone
without interactions only a small fraction of gluons can be attributed to quasiparticles
with density N+ within the DQPM that propagate within the lightcone. The space-
like part N− corresponds to ’gluons’ exchanged in t-channel scattering processes
and thus cannot be propagated explicitly in off-shell transport approaches without
violating causality and/or Lorentz invariance.
The scalar density Ns follows smoothly the time-like density N
+ as a function of
temperature which can be explicitly seen in the lower part of Fig. 3 where the ratio
+ is shown versus T/Tc. Consequently, the scalar density Ns uniquely relates
to the time-like density N+ or the temperature T in thermal equilibrium which will
provide some perspectives for a transport theoretical treatment (see Section 3).
The separation of N+ and N− so far has no direct dynamical implications except
for the fact that only the fraction N+ can explicitly be propagated in transport as
argued above. Thus we consider the energy densities,
(T ) = T̃r± ω , (14)
that specify time-like and space-like contributions to the quasiparticle energy density.
It is worth pointing out that the quantity T00 = T
00 + T
00 in case of a conventional
quasi-particle model with vanishing width γ in general is quite different from ǫ in (9)
because the interaction energy density in this case is not included in (14), i.e.
T00 = T
2ω δ(ω2 −M2 − p2) Θ(ω) Θ(±P 2)n(ω/T ) ω (15)
since ω2 − p2 = M2 = P 2 > 0 due to the mass-shell δ-function.
How does the situation look like in case of dynamical quasiparticles of finite width?
To this aim we consider the integrand in the energy density (14) which reads as (in
spherical momentum coordinates with angular degrees of freedom integrated out)
I(ω, p) =
p2 ω2 ρ(ω, p2)n(ω/T ) . (16)
Here the integration is to be taken over ω and p from 0 to ∞. The integrand I(ω, p) is
shown in Fig. 4 for T = 1.02Tc (l.h.s.) and T = 2Tc (r.h.s.) in terms of contour lines.
For the lower temperature the gluon mass is about 0.91 GeV and the width γ ≈ 0.15
GeV such that the quasiparticle properties are close to a ρ-meson in free space. In
this case the integrand I(ω, p) is essentially located in the time-like sector and the
integral over the space-like sector is subdominant. This situation changes for T = 2Tc
where the mass is about 0.86 GeV while the width increases to γ ≈ 0.56 GeV. As one
observes from the r.h.s. of Fig. 4 the maximum of the integrand is shifted towards
the line ω = p and higher momentum due to the increase in temperature by about
a factor of two; furthermore, the distribution reaches far out in the space-like sector
due to the Bose factor n(ω/T ) which favors small ω. Thus the relative importance of
the time-like (+) part to the space-like (-) part is dominantly controlled by the width
γ - relative to the pole mass - which determines the fraction of T−00 with negative
invariant mass squared (P 2 < 0) relative to the time-like part T+00.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
T=1.02 T
p [GeV/c]
0 1 2 3 4 5
5 p=ω
T=2 T
p [GeV/c]
Fig. 4. The integrand I(ω, p) (16) for T = 1.02Tc (l.h.s.) and T = 2Tc (r.h.s.) in terms of
contour lines. The straight (blue) line (ω = p) separates the lime-like from the space-like
sector. Note that for a convergence of the energy density integral the upper limits for ω
and p have to be increased by roughly an order of magnitude compared to the area shown
in the figure.
The explicit results for the quasiparticle energy densities T+00 and T
00 are displayed
in Fig. 5 by the dashed blue and dot-dashed red lines (multiplied by (TC/T )
respectively. As in case of N+ and N− the space-like energy density T−00 is seen
0 2 4 6 8 10
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
=0.26 GeV
=0.26 GeV
Fig. 5. Upper part: The time-like energy density T+
(dashed blue line), the space-like energy
density T−
(dot-dashed red line) and the total energy density T00 = T
(thick solid
green line) as a function of T/Tc. The thin black line displays the energy density ǫ(T/Tc)
from (9); it practically coincides with T00 within the linewidth and is hardly visible. All
densities are multiplied by the dimensionless factor (Tc/T )
4 in order to divide out the
leading temperature dependence. Lower part: Same as the upper part in order to enhance
the resolution close to Tc.
to be larger than the time-like part T+00 for all temperatures above 1.05 Tc. Since
the time-like part T+00 corresponds to the independent quasiparticle energy density
within the lightcone, the space-like part T−00 can be interpreted as an interaction
density V if the quasiparticle energy T00 matches the total energy density ǫ(T ) (9)
as determined from the thermodynamical relations (8) and (9). In fact, the DQPM
yields an energy density T00 - adding up the space-like and time-like parts - that
almost coincides with ǫ(T ) from (9) as seen in Fig. 5 where both quantities (multiplied
by (TC/T )
4) are displayed in terms of the thin black and thick solid green lines,
respectively; actually both results practically coincide within the linewidth for T >
2Tc. An explicit representation of their numerical ratio gives unity within 2% for
T > 2Tc; the remaining differences can be attributed to temperature derivatives
∼ d/dT (ln(γ/E)) etc. in order to achieve thermodynamic consistency but this is
not the primary issue here and will be discussed in a forthcoming study [42]. The
deviations are more clearly visible close to Tc (lower part of Fig. 2) where the variation
of the width and mass are most pronounced. However, for all practical purposes one
may consider T00(T ) ≈ ǫ(T ) and separate the kinetic energy density T+00 from the
potential energy density T−00 as a function of T or - in equilibrium - as a function of
the scalar gluon density Ns or N
+, respectively.
3 Dynamics of time-like quasiparticles
Since in transport dynamical approaches there are no thermodynamical Lagrange
parameters like the inverse temperature β = T−1 or the quark chemical potential
µq, which have to be introduced in thermodynamics in order to specify the average
values of conserved quantities (or currents in the relativistic sense), derivatives of
physical quantities with respect to the scalar density ρs = Ns (or time-like gluon
density ρg = N
+) are considered in the following (cf. Ref. [43]). As mentioned above
one may relate derivatives in thermodynamic equilibrium via,
, (17)
if the volume and pressure are kept constant. For example, a numerical evaluation
of dρs/d(T/Tc) gives
− a2 exp(−b(
)) (18)
with b= 5, a1 = 1.5fm
−3 and a2 = 104fm
−3, which follows closely the quadratic
scaling in T/Tc as expected in the Stefan Boltzmann limit. The additional exponential
term in (18) provides a sizeable correction close to Tc. The approximation (18) may
be exploited for convenient conversions between ρs and T/Tc in the pure gluon case
but will not be explicitly used in the following.
The independent quasiparticle energy density TK := T
00 and potential energy density
V := T−00 now may be expressed as functions of ρs (or ρg) instead of the temperature
T . The interaction energy density then might be considered as a scalar energy density
which - as in the nonlinear σ-model for baryonic matter [44] - is a nonlinear function
of the scalar density ρs. As in case of nuclear matter problems the scalar density
ρs does not correspond to a conserved quantity when integrating over space; it only
specifies the interaction density parametrically, i.e. V (ρs). Alternatively one might
separate V into parts with different Lorentz structure, e.g. scalar and vector parts
as in case of nuclear matter problems [44], but this requires additional information
that cannot be deduced from the DQPM alone.
0 2 4 6 8 10
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Fig. 6. Upper part: The quasiparticle energy per degree of freedom TK/N
+ (dashed blue
line) and the space-like potential energy per degree of freedom V/N+ (dot-dashed red line)
as a function of T/Tc. All energies are multiplied by the dimensionless factor (Tc/T ). Lower
part: Same as the upper part in order to enhance the resolution close to Tc.
It is instructive to show the ’quasiparticle’ and potential energy per degree of free-
dom TK/N
+ and V/N+ as a function of e.g. N+, Ns or T/Tc. As one might have
anticipated the kinetic energy per effective degree of freedom is smaller than the
respective potential energy for T/Tc > 1.05 as seen from Fig. 6 where both quan-
tities are displayed as a function of T/Tc in terms of the dashed and dot-dashed
line, respectively. It is seen that the potential energy per degree of freedom steeply
rises in the vicinity of Tc whereas the independent quasiparticle energy rises almost
linearly with T . Consequently rapid changes in the density - as in the expansion
of the fireball in ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions - are accompanied by a
dramatic change in the potential energy density and thus to a violent acceleration of
the quasi-particles. It is speculated here that the large collective flow of practically
all hadrons seen at RHIC [6] might be attributed to the early strong partonic forces
expected from the DQPM.
1 10 100
Fig. 7. The mean-field potential U(N+) = U(ρg) as a function of the time-like gluon density
N+ = ρg in comparison to the fit (19) (solid blue line). The densities N
+= 1, 1.4, 5, 10,
50, 100 fm−3 correspond to scaled temperatures of T/Tc ≈ 1.025, 1.045, 1.25, 1.5, 2.58,
3.25, respectively (cf. Fig. 3).
In order to obtain some idea about the mean-field potential Us(ρs) (or U(ρg) in the
rest frame) one can consider the derivative dV/ρs = Us(ρs) or dV/N
+ = U(N+) =
U(ρg). The latter is displayed in Fig. 7 as a function of N
+ = ρg and shows a distinct
minimum at ρg ≈ 1.4 fm−3 which corresponds to a temperature T ≈ 1.045Tc. The
actual numerical results can be fitted by the expression,
U(ρg) =
≈ 39 e−ρg/0.31 + 2.93 ρ0.21g + 0.55 ρ
g [GeV] , (19)
where ρg is given in fm
−3 and the actual numbers in front carry a dimension in order
to match to the proper units of GeV for the mean-field U . By analytical integration
of (19) one obtains a suitable approximation to V (ρg). The approximation (19) works
sufficiently well as can be seen from Fig. 7 - showing a comparison of the numerical
derivative dV/dN+ with the fit (19) in the interval 0.7 fm−3 < N+ ≤ 300 fm−3
- such that one may even proceed with further analytical calculations. Note that
a conversion between the time-like quasiparticle density N+ = ρg and the scalar
density ρs is easily available numerically (cf. lower part of Fig. 3) such that derivatives
with respect to ρs are at hand, too; the latter actually enter the explicit transport
calculations [45] while derivatives with respect to ρg in the rest frame of the system
are more suitable for physical interpretation and will be used below.
Some information on the properties of the effective gluon-gluon interaction vgg may
be extracted from the second derivative of V with respect to ρg, i.e.
vgg(ρg) :=
≈ −125.8 e−ρg/0.31 + 0.615/ρ0.79g + 0.2/ρ
g [GeVfm
3], (20)
where the numbers in front have again a dimension to match the units of GeV
fm3. The effective gluon-gluon interaction vgg (20) is strongly attractive at low den-
sity 0.003 fm−3 < ρg and changes sign at ρg ≈ 1.4 fm−3 to become repulsive at
higher densities. Note that the change of quasiparticle momenta (apart from col-
lisions) will be essentially driven by the (negative) space-derivatives −∇U(x) =
−dU(ρg)/dρg ∇ρg(x) (or alternatively by −dUs(ρs)/dρs ∇ρs(x)). This implies that
the gluonic quasiparticles (at low gluon density) will bind with decreasing density,
i.e. form ’glueballs’ dynamically close to the phase boundary and repell each other
for ρg ≥ 1.4 fm−3. Note that color neutrality is imposed by color-current conser-
vation and only acts as a boundary condition for the quantum numbers of the
bound/resonant states in color space.
This situation is somehow reminiscent of the nuclear matter problem [44] where a
change in sign of the 2nd derivative of the potential energy density of nuclear matter
at low density indicates the onset of clustering of nucleons, i.e. to deuterons, tritons,
α-particles etc., which form the states of the many-body system at low nucleon
densities (and not a low density nucleon gas). This is easy to follow up for the
simplified nonrelativistic energy density functional ǫN for nuclear matter,
ǫN ≈ Aρ
ρ2N +
N , (21)
where the first term gives the kinetic energy density and the second and third term
correspond to attractive and repulsive interaction densities. For A ≈ 0.073GeV fm2,
B ≈ −1.3 GeV fm3 and C ≈ 1.78 GeV fm4 a suitable energy density for nuclear
matter is achieved; it gives a minimum in the energy per nucleon E/A = ǫN/ρN ≈
−0.016 GeV for nuclear saturation density ρ0N ≈ 0.168 fm−3. The mean-field potential
UN = BρN+Cρ
N has a minimum close to ρ
N such that the effective nucleon-nucleon
interaction strength vNN = B + 4/3Cρ
N changes from attraction to repulsion at
this density. Note that in the gluonic case the minimum in the mean-field potential
U (19) occurs at roughly 8 times ρ0N and the strength of the gluonic interaction is
higher by more than 2 orders of magnitude!
The confining nature of the effective gluon-gluon interaction vgg (20) becomes ap-
parent in the limit ρg → 0, where the huge negative exponential term dominates for
ρg > 0.003 fm
−3; for even smaller densities the singular repulsive terms take over.
Note, however, that the functional extrapolation of the fit (19) to vanishing gluon
density ρg has to be considered with care and it should only be concluded that the
interaction strength becomes ’very large’. On the other hand the limit ρg → 0 is only
academical because the condensation/fusion dynamically occurs for ρg ≈ 1 fm−3.
A straight forward way to model the gluon condensation or clustering to confined
glueballs dynamically (close to the phase transition) is to adopt a screened Coulomb-
like potential vc(r,Λ) with the strength
d3r vc(r,Λ) fixed by vgg(ρg) from (20) and
the screening length Λ from lQCD studies. For the ’dilute gluon regime’ (ρg < 1.4
fm−3), where two-body interactions should dominate, one may solve a Schrödinger
(or Klein-Gordon) equation for the bound and/or resonant states. This task is not
addressed further in the present study since for the actual applications (as in the
Parton-Hadron-String-Dynamics (PHSD) approach [45]) dynamical quark and anti-
quarks have to be included. The latter degrees of freedom do not change the general
picture very much for higher temperatures T > 2Tc but the actual numbers are dif-
ferent close to Tc since the quarks and antiquarks here dominate over the gluons due
to their lower mass. The reader is referred to an upcoming study in Ref. [42].
Some comments on expanding gluonic systems in equilibrium appear in place, i.e.
for processes where the total volume Ṽ and pressure P play an additional role. For
orientation we show the entropy per time-like particle s/N+ in Fig. 8 as a function of
N+ (upper) and T/Tc (lower part) which drops close to the phase boundary since the
quasiparticles become weakly interacting (cf. Fig. 6). Note that this is essentially due
to the low density and not due to the interaction strength (20); a decrease of the width
γ (as encoded in (5)) implies a decrease in the interaction rate! An expansion process
with conserved total entropy S = sṼ leads to a change in the total gluon number
N+Ṽ since s/N+ changes with density (or temperature) (Fig. 8). The same holds
for an expansion process with constant total energy ǫṼ since also ǫ/N+ is varying
with density (or temperature). Other scenarios involving e.g. S = P/T also involve
a change of the gluon number N+Ṽ during the cooling process such that reactions
like gg ↔ g, ggg ↔ gg etc. are necessary ingredients of any transport theoretical
approximation. We do not further investigate different expansion scenarios here since
the reactions g ↔ qq̄, i.e. the gluon splitting to a quark and antiquark as well as
the backward fusion process, are found to play a dominant role in the vicinity of the
phase transition as well as for higher temperatures [42,45].
4 Conclusions and discussion
The present study has provided a novel interpretation of the dynamical quasiparticle
model (DQPM) by separating time-like and space-like quantities for ’particle densi-
ties’, energy densities, entropy densities ect. that also paves the way for an off-shell
transport approach [45]. The entropy density s in (7) is found to be dominated by the
on-shell quasiparticle contribution (first line in (7)) (cf. [31]) while the space-like part
of the off-shell contribution (second line in (7)) gives only a small (but important)
enhancement (cf. Fig. 2). However, in case of the ’gluon density’ N = N+ +N− and
the gluon energy density T00 = T
00 the situation is opposite: here the space-like
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 10 100 1000
Fig. 8. The entropy per degree of freedom s/N+ as a function of N+ (upper part) or T/Tc
(lower part).
parts (N−, T−00) dominate over the time-like parts (N
+, T+00) except close to Tc where
the independent quasiparticle limit is approximately regained. The latter limit is a
direct consequence of the infrared enhancement of the coupling (4) close to Tc (in
line with the lQCD studies in Ref. [36] ) and a decrease of the width γ (5) when
approaching Tc from above.
Since only the time-like part N+ can be propagated within the lightcone the space-
like part N− has to be attributed to t-channel exchange gluons in scattering processes
that contribute also to the space-like energy density T−00. The latter quantity may
be regarded as potential energy density V . This, in fact, is legitimate since the
quasiparticle energy density T00 very well matches the energy density (9) obtained
from the thermodynamical relations. Only small deviations close to Tc indicate that
the DQPM in its straightforward application is not thermodynamically consistent.
However, by accounting for ’rearrangement terms’ in the energy density - as known
from the nuclear many-body problem [46] - full thermodynamical consistency may
be regained [42].
It is instructive to compare the present DQPM to other recent models. In the
PNJL 2 model [47] the gluonic pressure is build up by a constant effective potential
U(Φ,Φ∗;T ) which controls the thermodynamics of the Polyakov loop Φ. It is ex-
panded in powers of ΦΦ∗ with temperature dependent coefficients in order to match
lQCD thermodynamics. Thus in the PNJL there are no time-like gluons; the effec-
tive potential U(Φ,Φ∗;T ) stands for a static gluonic pressure that couples to the
quark/antiquark degrees of freedom. The latter are treated in mean-field approxi-
mation, i.e. without dynamical width, whereas the DQPM incorporates a sizeable
width γ.
Another approach to model lQCD thermodynamics has been suggested in Ref. [43]
and is based on an effective Lagrangian which is nonlinear in the effective quark and
gluon fields. In this way the authors avoid a parametrization of the interaction density
in terms of Lagrange parameters (T, µ) and achieve thermodynamical consistency.
The latter approach is closer in spirit to the actual interpretation of the DQPM and
may be well suited for an on-shell transport theoretical formulation. The on-shell
restriction here comes about since effective Lagrangian approaches should only be
evaluated in the mean-field limit which implies vanishing scattering width for the
quasiparticles. This is sufficient to describe systems is thermodynamical equilibrium,
where forward and backward interaction rates are the same, but might not provide
the proper dynamics out-of-equilibrium.
Some note of caution with respect to the present DQPM appears appropriate: the pa-
rameters in the effective coupling (4) and the width (5) have been fixed in the DQPM
by the entropy density (7) to lQCD results assuming the form (2) for the spectral
function ρ(ω). Alternative assumptions for ρ(ω) will lead to slightly different results
for the time-like density, energy densities etc. but not to a qualitatively different
picture. Independent quantities from lQCD should allow to put further constraints
on the more precise form of ρ(ω) such as calculations for transport coefficients [16];
unfortunately such lQCD studies are only at the beginning. A more important issue
is presently to extend the DQPM to incorporate dynamical quark and antiquark
degrees of freedom (as in [31]) in order to catch the physics of gluon splitting and
quark-antiquark fusion (g ↔ q + q̄, g + g ↔ q + q̄ + g) reactions [42,45].
Coming back to the questions raised in the Introduction concerning i) the appropri-
ate description of QCD thermodynamics within the DQPM and ii) the possibility to
develop a consistent off-shell partonic transport approach as well as iii) the perspec-
tives for a dynamical description of the transition from partonic to hadronic degrees
of freedom, we are now in the position to state: most likely ’Yes’.
2 Polyakov-loop-extended Nambu Jona-Lasinio
The author acknowledges valuable discussions with E. L. Bratkovskaya and A. Peshier.
Furthermore he likes to thank S. Leupold for a critical reading of the manuscript and
constructive suggestions.
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0704.1412 | Dynamic fracture of icosahedral model quasicrystals: A molecular
dynamics study | Dynamic fracture of icosahedral model quasicrystals:
A molecular dynamics study
Frohmut Rösch, Christoph Rudhart, Johannes Roth, and Hans-Rainer Trebin
Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Physik,
Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany
Peter Gumbsch
Institut für Zuverlässigkeit von Bauteilen und Systemen,
Universität Karlsruhe, Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany and
Fraunhofer Institut für Werkstoffmechanik, Wöhlerstr. 11, 79108 Freiburg, Germany
Ebert et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3827 (1996)] have fractured icosahedral Al-Mn-Pd single crystals
in ultrahigh vacuum and have investigated the cleavage planes in-situ by scanning tunneling mi-
croscopy (STM). Globular patterns in the STM-images were interpreted as clusters of atoms. These
are significant structural units of quasicrystals. The experiments of Ebert et al. imply that they are
also stable physical entities, a property controversially discussed currently. For a clarification we
performed the first large scale fracture simulations on three-dimensional complex binary systems.
We studied the propagation of mode I cracks in an icosahedral model quasicrystal by molecular
dynamics techniques at low temperature. In particular we examined how the shape of the cleavage
plane is influenced by the clusters inherent in the model and how it depends on the plane structure.
Brittle fracture with no indication of dislocation activity is observed. The crack surfaces are rough
on the scale of the clusters, but exhibit constant average heights for orientations perpendicular to
high symmetry axes. From detailed analyses of the fractured samples we conclude that both, the
plane structure and the clusters, strongly influence dynamic fracture in quasicrystals and that the
clusters therefore have to be regarded as physical entities.
PACS numbers: 62.20.Mk, 61.44.Br, 02.70.Ns
Keywords: fracture, quasicrystals, molecular dynamics simulations
Quasicrystals are intermetallic compounds with long-
range quasi-periodic translational order. They possess
well-defined atomic planes and hence diffract electromag-
netic and matter waves into sharp Bragg spots. But they
also display atomic clusters as basic building blocks1,2,
whose arrangement in space is compatible with the pla-
nar structure. These clusters consist for example of sev-
eral shells of icosahedral symmetry (Bergman-, Mackay-,
pseudo-Mackay-clusters). Or they form polytopes, e.g.
decagonal prisms, which like the unit cells of periodic
crystals fill space, although with large overlaps (“quasi-
unit-cell picture”)3. Janot and others4,5,6 have postu-
lated that a self-similar hierarchical assembly of the clus-
ters is responsible for the stability of quasicrystals and
for many physical properties, like the low electric conduc-
tivity. However, it is a controversial and persistent dis-
cussion, whether the clusters are merely structural units
or whether they represent physical entities. The discus-
sion was fueled by an experiment of Ebert et al.7, where
icosahedral Al-Mn-Pd was fractured under ultrahigh vac-
uum conditions at room temperature. Scanning tunnel-
ing microscopy images of the cleavage planes revealed
elements of 0.6 to 1 nm in diameter8. The authors ar-
gue that these are the clusters which were circumvented
by the crack and hence form highly stable aggregates of
matter. Others point out that flat terraces evolve on
fivefold surfaces of i-Al-Mn-Pd when annealed at high
temperatures9,10,11,12. As this requires truncated rows of
Bergman and Mackay clusters it is stated13 that these
therefore could not represent firm entities.
In the present article we report on molecular dynamics
simulations of crack propagation in a three-dimensional
icosahedral model quasicrystal at low temperature. Seed
cracks are inserted along different planes and therein
along different directions. The fracture planes are care-
fully analysed to answer the role of clusters in dynamic
fracture. In Sec. II we provide some requirements on the
theoretical description of fracture. In Sec. III the model
quasicrystal, the molecular dynamics technique, and the
methods to visualise the results of the simulations are
outlined. Subsequently, in Sec. IV the simulation results
are presented and then discussed in Sec. V.
The stress concentration and the strength of the load-
ing at a crack tip are determined by the macroscopic
geometry and dimensions of a sample. In linear elastic
continuum mechanics, a sharp mode I (opening mode)
crack is characterised by a singular stress field and a cor-
responding displacement field, which both are propor-
tional to the stress intensity factor K. This factor is
proportional to the applied external load and contains
the geometry of the sample. A simple energy based con-
dition for crack propagation is the Griffith criterion14.
It states that a crack is in equilibrium when the change
in mechanical energy per unit area of crack advance –
the energy release rate G – equals the change in surface
energy of the two fracture surfaces, 2γ. In continuum
mechanics the energy release rate is proportional to the
square of the stress intensity factor for a given mode. A
crack then should start moving when the stress intensity
factor exceeds the critical Griffith value.
A continuum mechanical description of fracture, how-
ever, has a few drawbacks. First, the requirements for
linear elasticity are no longer valid near the crack tip
where atomic bonds clearly become non-linear and even-
tually break. Second, a continuum theory neglects the
discrete nature of the lattice. Thus, it is fully ignored
that fracture of materials is ultimately caused by bond
breaking processes on the atomic scale.
A way to understand the processes is to perform nu-
merical experiments, since experimental information on
this length scale is difficult to obtain. Molecular dynam-
ics studies have provided useful insight into crack prop-
agation in pure metals and simple intermetallic alloys,
whereas in complex metallic alloys the mechanisms are
not yet so clear. Atomistic studies show for example
that cracks remain stable in a region around the critical
stress intensity factor due to the discrete nature of the
lattice. This effect is called lattice trapping15. A further
consequence of the discrete lattice is that the fracture
behaviour in one and the same plane can depend on the
crack propagation direction16. Such observations cannot
be explained by a simple continuum mechanical descrip-
A. Icosahedral binary model
In the numerical experiments we use a three-
dimensional model quasicrystal which has been proposed
by Henley and Elser17 as a structure model for the icosa-
hedral phase of (Al,Zn)Mg. This is the simplest possi-
ble model quasicrystal that is stabilised by pair poten-
tials. Furthermore it allows Burgers circuit analysis and
is a prototype of Bergman-type quasicrystals. As we
do not distinguish between Al and Zn atoms, we term
this decoration icosahedral binary model. It can be ob-
tained by decorating the structure elements of the three-
dimensional Penrose tiling, the oblate and the prolate
rhombohedra (see Fig. 1, top). Al and Zn atoms (A
atoms) are placed on the vertices and the midpoints of
the edges of the rhombohedra. Two Mg atoms (B atoms)
divide the long body diagonal of each prolate rhombohe-
dron in ratios τ :1:τ , where τ is the golden mean. Two
prolate and two oblate rhombohedra with a common ver-
tex form a rhombic dodecahedron18,19. To obtain the
icosahedral binary model, in these dodecahedra the atom
at the common vertex is removed and the four neigh-
bouring A atoms are transformed into B atoms. Finally
these atoms are shifted to the common vertex to divide
the edges of the corresponding rhombohedra in a ratio
of 1:τ . Fig. 1 (bottom left) shows the final decoration of
these dodecahedra, in which the B atoms form hexagonal
bipyramides. This modification increases the number of
Bergman-type clusters (see Fig. 1, bottom right) inher-
ent in the structure, leads to a higher stability with the
potentials used, and takes better into account the experi-
mentally observed stoichiometry of the quasicrystal. The
Bergman-type clusters may also be interpreted as build-
ing units of the quasicrystal and are the main feature of
the structure apart from the plane structure.
B. Molecular dynamics technique
As is often done in fracture simulations (see e.g. Abra-
ham20) we use simple Lennard-Jones potentials to model
the interactions. The following facts led to this choice:
First, the very few potentials available for quasicrys-
tals are unsuitable for fracture simulations: These pair
potentials stabilise the quasicrystal only for a fixed vol-
ume. With free surfaces atoms sometimes simply evap-
orate (e.g. with potentials based on those of Hafner et
al.21). Very long-ranged potentials with Friedel oscilla-
tions (e.g. those of Al-Lehyani et al.22) frequently display
such large cohesive energies that nearly no elastic defor-
mation is possible and instead intrinsic cracks develop.
Second, many simulations have proven that model po-
tentials are helping to understand the elementary pro-
FIG. 1: Tiles of the icosahedral binary model decorated with
two types of atoms and the Bergman-type cluster. Top: pro-
late rhombohedron (left) and oblate rhombohedron (right).
Bottom: rhombic dodecahedron (left) and the 45 atoms build-
ing the Bergman-type cluster (right) inherent in the model
quasicrystal. Small grey and large black spheres denote A
and B atoms respectively.
cesses in fracture (see e.g. Abraham20) and so are rea-
sonable when qualitative mechanisms are the centre of
interest. For quantitative results, a known limitation is
the neglect of non-local and many-body interactions.
Third, the Lennard-Jones potentials used23,24 keep the
model stable even under strongest mechanical deforma-
tions or irradiation (introduction of point defects) and
have been used in our group in many simulations of dis-
location motion25 or even shock waves26. The structure
is robust under a wide variation of the potential depths.
Very similar potentials have shown to stabilise the icosa-
hedral atomic structure in a simpler model27. It is also
known since the early fifties that Lennard-Jones poten-
tials favour icosahedral clusters28, indicating that these
potentials are useful for structures like icosahedral qua-
The minima of the potentials for interactions between
atoms of the same type are set to �0, whereas the mini-
mum of the potential for the interactions between atoms
of different kind is set to 2�0. The conclusions drawn
from our simulations, however, remained essentially un-
changed if all binding energies are set equal. The shortest
distance between two A atoms is denoted r0. All masses
are set to m0. The time is then measured in units of
t0 = r0
The molecular dynamics simulations were carried out
using the microcanonical ensemble with the program
code IMD29,30. It performs well on a large variety of
hardware, including single and dual processor worksta-
tions and massively parallel supercomputers.
First, we searched for the potential cleavage planes.
According to the Griffith criterion they should be planes
of low surface energy31. To identify these surfaces we re-
lax a specimen and split it into two parts. Subsequently,
the two regions are shifted apart rigidly. The surface en-
ergy is then calculated from the energy difference of the
artificially cleaved and the undisturbed specimen.
In contrast to simple periodic crystals, the atomistic
structure of the planes and therefore also the surface en-
ergy in quasicrystals varies strongly within the family
of planes perpendicular to a fixed axis. In the present
model, surfaces with low interface energy are located
perpendicular to two- and fivefold directions at certain
heights (Fig. 2). Perpendicular to other directions the
plane structure is less pronounced and the minimal sur-
face energies are higher.
Since we are interested in the morphology of fracture
surfaces we apply a sample form that allows us to fol-
low the dynamics of the running crack for a long time.
For this purpose, a strip geometry is used to model crack
propagation with constant energy release rate32. The
samples consist of about 4 to 5 million atoms, with di-
mensions of approximately 450r0×150r0×70r0. Periodic
boundary conditions33 are applied in the direction paral-
lel to the crack front. For the other directions, all atoms
in the outermost boundary layers of width 2.5r0 are held
fixed. An atomically sharp seed crack is inserted at a
plane of lowest surface energy, from one side to about
FIG. 2: Surface energy of cleavage planes perpendicular to
two- and fivefold axes.
one quarter of the strip length. The system is uniaxially
strained perpendicular to the crack plane up to the Grif-
fith load and is relaxed to obtain the displacement field of
a stable crack at zero temperature. Then a temperature
of about 10−4 of the melting temperature is applied34 to
the configurations with and without the relaxed crack.
From the resulting configurations we obtain an averaged
displacement field for this temperature. The crack now is
further loaded by linear scaling of this displacement field.
The response of the system then is monitored by molec-
ular dynamics techniques. The sound waves emitted by
the propagating crack (see Fig. 3 and online movie35)
are damped away outside of an elliptical stadium32 to
prevent reflections.
C. Visualisation
To study crack propagation on an atomic level the se-
lection and reduction of data is of crucial importance.
Due to the large number of atoms required for the study
of crack propagation in three-dimensional systems, it is
not feasible to write out the positions of all atoms during
the simulation, and even less to display all of them. To
obtain a first insight into crack propagation only atoms
FIG. 3: Kinetic energy density. Sound waves emitted by the
propagating crack and the elliptical region without damping
are clearly visible. See online movie35.
FIG. 4: Snapshot of a simulation with some 4 million atoms.
Only atoms with low coordination number are displayed. See
online movie36.
near the fracture surfaces are of interest. Whereas they
can be visualised in periodic crystals by plotting only
those atoms whose potential energy exceeds a certain
threshold, this technique is not applicable for quasicrys-
tals. Because of the largely varying environments the
potential energy varies significantly from atom to atom,
even for atoms of the same type in a defect-free sample.
A solution to this problem is to display only those
atoms whose coordination number is smaller than a cer-
tain threshold. This number is evaluated by counting
atoms within the nearest neighbour distance. Like the
potential energy, in quasicrystals the coordination num-
ber varies from atom to atom, but to a much smaller de-
gree. As atoms near defects have a significantly lower co-
ordination number, it becomes possible to visualise frac-
ture surfaces and dislocation cores. For the A atoms
the threshold for the coordination number is set to 12,
whereas for the B atoms it is set to 14. With this method,
the number of atoms to write out or to display can be
reduced by three orders of magnitude. Fig. 4 shows a
snapshot of a simulation with some 4 million atoms fil-
tered by this technique, which was also used in a movie
that is available online36.
As can be seen from Fig. 4 the fracture surfaces are
rough. Therefore to decide to which fracture surface an
atom belongs we apply the displacement vectors between
the initial configuration with the built-in seed crack and
the fractured sample. The morphology of the fracture
planes is then analysed via geometrical scanning of the
atoms forming the surfaces. The roughness can be visu-
alised by colour coding the height of the surface in a view
normal to the fracture surface.
To investigate the influence of the Bergman-type clus-
ters on cleavage they have to be displayed together with
the fracture surfaces intersecting them. This is done by
restoring the initial sample without crack at zero tem-
perature. The atoms forming the two sample parts are
taken back to their positions in this initial sample and
FIG. 5: Bergman-type cluster cut by a flat surface.
then scanned geometrically. In addition all atoms form-
ing clusters in the vicinity of this surfaces are known. By
displaying only these atoms and the scanned surface one
directly can see where and to which amount clusters are
cut. A problem of this kind of visualisation is shown in
Fig. 5, where a cluster is cut by a flat surface. When
looked-at from above it is obvious that only four atoms
are separated from the rest of the cluster. When looked-
at from below one could get the impression that the clus-
ter is heavily intersected. On a real fracture surface clus-
ters with centres above and below the crack surface are
present. Therefore both views of Fig. 5 are appearing
at the same time in a two-dimensional projection. Thus
such pictures are not very intuitive.
A way out of this dilemma is presented in Fig. 6. Clus-
ters with midpoints above the crack surface are displayed
together with the upper geometrically scanned fracture
surface only, the other clusters are shown together with
the lower fracture surface. As a result we get two pictures
with clusters cut by surfaces. Note that for a qualitative
and quantitative analysis always both pictures or sets of
data are needed.
FIG. 6: Visualisation of the clusters cut by the dynamic crack.
Midpoints of clusters are indicated as black dots, the clusters
are idealised as spheres. The crack propagated from the left to
the right. The upper and lower fracture surfaces are projected
onto an x− z plane.
In this section the results of the numerical simulations
are presented. For practical purposes we define k as the
stress intensity factor K relative to the stress intensity
factor KG at the Griffith load:
k = K/KG.
The orientations of the samples are characterised by the
notation yx, where y is an axis perpendicular to the cleav-
age plane and x is an axis in the crack propagation di-
rection (see Fig. 6). An axis perpendicular to a fivefold
(5) and a twofold (2) axis is denoted pseudo-twofold (p2)
A. Crack velocities
Simulations were performed for different orientations
with loads in a range from k = 1.1 to k = 2 (see nota-
tions and loads in Fig. 7). Brittle fracture without any
crack tip plasticity is observed irrespective of the orien-
tation of the fracture plane. For loads below k = 1.2,
the crack propagates only a few atomic distances, and
then stops. Hence the energy needed for initiating crack
propagation is about 1.4 times the value predicted by the
Griffith criterion. Therefore, a simple global thermody-
namic description of fracture is not applicable. The min-
imal velocity for brittle crack propagation is about 10%
of the shear wave velocity37 vs. For loads k ≥ 1.2 the
velocity increases monotonically with the applied load.
The crack velocities are in a range of 10-45% of vs (see
Fig. 7). At high loads the crack velocities on fivefold
cleavage planes show higher average velocities than on
the other planes. Velocities for the two different crack
propagation directions on the fivefold planes differ sig-
nificantly at intermediate loads (k = 1.3). This coincides
with ledges that are produced in the fracture surface (see
section IV B and Fig. 8, bottom).
B. Fracture surfaces
To analyse the morphology of the fracture surfaces,
they are displayed as described in section III C. In Fig. 8
the average height is shown in grey, heights above +2r0
are shown in white and heights below −2r0 are shown
in black. The crack propagation direction is from the
left to the right. The initial fracture surface is flat, as
can be seen from the homogeneous regions on the left.
The surfaces resulting from the propagation of the crack,
however, show pronounced patterns of regions with dif-
ferent heights. From the observation of the fracture sur-
faces it is already evident that they are rough and that
the peak-to-valley roughness is of the order of the di-
ameter of the clusters. The peak-to-valley roughness
and the root-mean-square roughness of the height pro-
files both increase38 for higher loads for surfaces without
FIG. 7: Average crack velocities for different loads and orien-
ledge formation. For fracture surfaces perpendicular to
twofold and fivefold axes the crack fluctuates about a
constant height (in the areas without ledges). In con-
trast, a crack inserted perpendicular to a pseudo-twofold
direction seems to deviate from this plane39.
C. Anisotropy
As can be seen already from the fracture surfaces per-
pendicular to a fivefold axis in Fig. 8 crack surfaces for the
same cleavage plane differ significantly for different in-
plane crack propagation directions. For the orientation
5p2 ledges are produced, while no ledges form for the ori-
entation 52. By visual inspection of the fracture surfaces
(see Fig. 8) and evaluation of height-height-correlation
functions23 it becomes evident that for every orientation
there are distinct angles in the height profile, which show
pronounced height correlations that correspond to mark-
ings in the fracture surfaces or to ledges. These angles
are given in Table I.
D. Clusters
In Fig. 9 the clusters cut by the fracture surfaces are
presented as described in section III C and Fig. 6. It is
obvious from Fig. 9 that the dynamic crack does not per-
fectly circumvent the clusters, but intersects them par-
tially (right side of Fig. 9). These intersections, however,
TABLE I: Angles observed in the height profiles of the frac-
ture surfaces. Angles measured clockwise from the crack prop-
agation direction get a negative sign.
orientation 22 25 52 5p2 p25
angles 0◦,±32◦ 0◦, +32◦,−58◦ 0◦,±36◦ ±18◦ 0◦,±90◦
FIG. 8: Height profiles of sections of the simulated fracture surfaces. Load: k = 1.3, orientation 22 (top), 52 (middle), 5p2
(bottom). The height increases from black (≤ −2r0) to white (≥ +2r0). The scanning sphere has the same size as an atom of
type B.
FIG. 9: Clusters cut by the fracture surfaces. The visualisation technique is described in Sec. III C and Fig. 6. Load: k = 1.3,
orientation: 52.
FIG. 10: Surface energy and density of cluster centres for the
orientation 22. The corresponding fracture surface is shown
in Fig. 8, top.
are much less frequent than for the flat seed cracks (left
side of Fig. 9). More detailed analyses for different ori-
entations validate this statement. For the orientations
perpendicular to twofold and fivefold axes at k = 1.3 the
ratio of clusters cut by the dynamic crack to clusters in-
tersected by flat cuts is approximately 0.6. Additionally
the absolute value of clusters cut by the crack for the
fivefold surfaces is lower than for the twofold surfaces.
Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 display bottom up: The density of
the cluster centres, the surface energy, a cluster in the
proper length scale, the grey coding of the heights in
Fig. 8 (top, middle), and the position of the seed crack
(dashed vertical line). For the twofold fracture surface
the low energy seed crack is located between two peaks
in the cluster density, whereas for the fivefold surface
this seed crack is situated close to a peak of this density.
It is evident from the figures that it is not possible to
circumvent all clusters by a planar cut.
The grey coding is adjusted to the average height of the
fracture surfaces. It is therefore evident from Fig. 11 that
the crack deviates for the orientation 52 from the low en-
ergy cleavage plane of the seed crack to a parallel plane,
reducing the number of cluster intersections dramatically
(see also Fig. 9 and Fig. 8, middle). Samples cut flat at
the new height show slightly higher surface energy (see
also Fig. 11). However, for low loads and low roughness
the actual fracture surfaces of the dynamic cracks have
about 5-15% higher energies than those of the low energy
seed cracks. To assure that the dynamic crack is depart-
ing from the initial plane not in a random manner the
seed crack was built in at the position colour coded as
medium grey in Fig. 11. The resulting fracture surface
had a similar roughness but the crack did not change to
a parallel plane.
FIG. 11: Surface energy and density of cluster centres for the
orientation 52. The corresponding fracture surface is shown
in Fig. 8, middle.
Taken together the results of our simulations presented
above indicate that the distribution of the clusters is
crucial for the fracture behaviour: First, circumventing
the clusters or intersecting them disturbs the propagat-
ing crack and leads to additional radiation. This man-
ifests itself in the crack speed. Dynamic cracks prop-
agating in fivefold planes with few cluster intersections
are faster than those in twofold planes, where the abso-
lute number of cluster intersections is higher. Also the
generation of ledges for low loads in the orientation 5p2
costs energy and therefore slows down the crack even
further. Second, circumvention of the clusters leads to
characteristic height-variations. Therefore the peak-to-
valley roughness of the fracture surfaces is of the order
of the diameter of the clusters. Third, the observed pat-
terns in the fracture surfaces correspond to lines along
which the clusters are located. The associated angles are
given by the icosahedral symmetry of the sample, namely
0◦, 18◦, 31.72◦, 36◦, 58.28◦, and 90◦ (see Table I). Ledges
seem to be produced only for the smallest angles mea-
sured from the crack propagation direction. Fourth, less
clusters are intersected by the fracture surfaces than by
the flat seed cracks. Fifth, a seed crack at a low energy
cleavage plane deviates to a parallel plane to reduce the
number of cluster intersections in spite of the higher en-
ergy required to form the fracture surfaces. In contrast,
a crack built-in at this new position does not show such
a deviation.
Another observation of the simulations is that the
plane structure of the quasicrystal also influences frac-
ture. The fracture surfaces that are located perpendicu-
lar to the twofold and fivefold symmetry axes show con-
stant average heights.
The three-dimensional quasicrystals give perfect cleav-
age fracture with no indication of any dislocation activ-
ity. This is in contrast to results on two-dimensional
decagonal quasicrystals, where a dislocation enhanced
fracture mechanism has been observed40. However a
corresponding three-dimensional decagonal quasicrystal
would have a periodic direction with a straight dislo-
cation line. In the simulations presented here this di-
rection is also quasiperiodic. As the clusters have a
strong influence on fracture they also may bend and
hinder dislocation lines. So dislocation emission in the
three-dimensional icosahedral quasicrystal modelled here
should be less likely than in the two-dimensional decago-
nal model quasicrystal. Very high stresses are indeed
needed to move dislocations in our model quasicrystal in
molecular dynamics simulations25.
There are also indications for the stability of the
clusters from the electronic structure of quasicrystals:
First, experiments and ab-initio calculations show that
directional bonding may be present within clusters of
quasicrystals41,42. Second, the electrons may addition-
ally stabilise the clusters because of their hierarchical
structure4. Therefore they should be even more stable
than we have modelled them with simple pair potentials.
With this evidence the results concerning the clusters
seem reasonable and should even underestimate their sta-
So far fracture experiments in ultrahigh vacuum have
only been performed on icosahedral Al-Mn-Pd, which
has a more complicated atomic structure than the icosa-
hedral binary model. Additionally the clusters are not
Bergman-type. Therefore we cannot expect to represent
this structure on an atomic level, when comparing exper-
iments in Al-Mn-Pd with our simulations. Nevertheless,
the size of the clusters, the icosahedral symmetry, and a
distinct plane structure are common features and qual-
itative aspects should be reproduced well, namely the
size and shape of the patterns and the appearance of dis-
tinct angles on the fracture surfaces. This is indeed the
case, as can be seen in Fig. 12. There a geometrically
scanned fracture surface generated in our simulations is
confronted to an STM-image of Ebert et al.7,43 at the
same length scale. As we were able to correlate the ob-
served structures to the clusters in our model, the simi-
larities corroborate the assumption that the clusters are
responsible for the globular structures observed in ex-
periment. More detailed comparisons to fracture experi-
ments in icosahedral Al-Zn-Mg-type quasicrystals would
be desirable, but such comparative data is currently not
We also performed fracture simulations in a C15 Laves
phase with the same Lennard-Jones potentials to give fur-
ther evidence, that the roughness is correlated to the clus-
ters. This C15 structure is built up from deformed pro-
late rhombohedra, one of the major tiles of the quasicrys-
tal (see Fig. 1 and Sec. III A). However, no Bergman-
type clusters are present. When colour coded like the
quasicrystal, fracture surfaces of the C15 cracks lack any
roughness at low loads and cleave smoothly on high sym-
metry planes44.
FIG. 12: Fracture surfaces perpendicular to twofold axes. In
the left picture (simulation) the atomically sharp seed crack
can be seen on the top, whereas below this area the simulated
fracture surface appears. The orientation of the sample is 22,
the load was k = 1.3. The surface was geometrically scanned
with an atom of type B. Thus atomic resolution is achieved.
The right picture (experiment, adopted from Ebert et al.43)
shows an STM-image of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn cleaved in ul-
trahigh vacuum. As 20r0 is approximately 5 nm the surfaces
are displayed at the same length scale.
When a crack traverses a solid, it leaves a typical non-
equlibrium surface. Thus, up to this point, we have not
dealt with any equilibrium surface. Even the flat Griffith
cuts we introduced to perform the numerical experiments
are no explicit equilibrium surfaces31 by definition. It is
known that i-Al-Pd-Mn surfaces sputtered and annealed
up to about 900 K are rough with cluster-like protru-
sions. Fivefold surfaces annealed at higher temperatures
exhibit flat terraces9,10,11, which are believed to be bulk
terminated45. As fivefold surfaces are not as rough as
twofold surfaces, they are often studied in experiment.
Adsorption on these surfaces, nevertheless, is often very
site-sensitive. A recent review on quasicrystal surfaces
was given by McGrath et al.12. All of these observations
are consistent with our simulations of non-equilibrium
surfaces. Fivefold surfaces experience less roughness than
twofold surfaces (also in agreement with the experiments
of Ebert et al.7,43; see Fig. 8), where more clusters are
intersected. Additionally, since clusters are cut in the
simulations, their binding energy is not so large as to
term them supermolecules. Thus annealing at very high
temperatures can favour flat surfaces11,12. Nevertheless,
selective adsorption may then be related to completion
of clusters.
We have simulated crack propagation in an icosahe-
dral model quasicrystal. Brittle fracture without any
signature of dislocation emission is observed. The frac-
ture surfaces are rough on the scale of the clusters and
show constant average heights for orientations perpen-
dicular to twofold and fivefold axes. Thus both the plane
structure and the clusters play an important role in frac-
ture. The influence of the clusters is also seen in the
average crack velocities for different orientations, the ob-
served patterns in the fracture surfaces, the anisotropy
with respect to the in-plane propagation direction, and
the smaller amount of clusters cut by the propagating
crack than by planar cuts. The clusters, too, are a rea-
son why the positions of the cleavage planes cannot be
predicted by a simple energy criterion. Since partial clus-
ter intersections occur, the binding energy of the clusters
is not so large as to term them supermolecules. Never-
theless our observations clearly show that they are not
only structural units but physical entities.
Financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft under contract numbers TR 154/13 and TR
154/20-1 is gratefully acknowledged.
1 C. L. Henley, Phys. Rev. B 43 (1), 993 (1991).
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3 P. J. Steinhardt, H.-C. Jeong, K. Saitoh, M. Tanaka, E.
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6 H.-C. Jeong and P. J. Steinhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (14),
1943 (1994).
7 Ph. Ebert, M. Feuerbacher, N. Tamura, M. Wollgarten,
and K. Urban, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (18), 3827 (1996).
8 Ph. Ebert, M. Yurechko, F. Kluge, K. Horn, and K. Ur-
ban, Quasicrystals – Structure and Physical Properties,
WILEY-VCH, ed. H.-R. Trebin, 6.1, 572 (2003).
9 T. M. Schaub, D. E. Bürgler, H.-J. Güntherodt, and J. B.
Suck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (9), 1255 (1994).
10 M. Gierer, M. A. Van Hove, A. I. Goldman, Z. Shen, S.-L.
Chang, C. J. Jenks, C.-M. Zhang, and P. A. Thiel, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 78 (3), 467 (1997).
11 G. Cappello, J. Chevrier, F. Schmithüsen, A. Stierle, V.
Formoso, F. Comin, M. de Boissieu, M. Boudard, T. Lo-
grasso, C. Jenks, and D. Delaney, Phys. Rev. B 65, 245405
12 R. McGrath, J. Ledieu, E. J. Cox, and R. D. Diehl, J.
Phys.: Condens. Matter 14 (4), R119 (2002).
13 G. Kasner, Z. Papadopolos, P. Kramer, and D. E.
Bürgler, Quasicrystals – Structure and Physical Properties,
WILEY-VCH, ed. H.-R. Trebin, 2.4, 123 (2003).
14 A. A. Griffith, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A 221, 163
15 R. Thomson, C. Hsieh, and V. Rana, J. Appl. Phys. 42 (8),
3154 (1971).
16 P. Gumbsch and R. M. Cannon, Mat. Res. Soc. Bull.
25 (5), 15 (2000).
17 C. L. Henley and V. Elser, Phil. Mag. B 53 (3), L59 (1986).
18 The icosahedral binary model is described and named BIB
in J. Roth, Eur. Phys. J. B 15 (1), 7 (2000).
19 In rings of oblate rhombohedra the number of clusters is
maximised. No overlapping rhombic dodecahedra are gen-
erated. Remaining oblate rhombohedra stay unchanged.
20 F. F. Abraham, Advances in Physics 52 (8), 727 (2003).
21 J. Hafner and M. Krajč́ı, Europhys. Lett. 13 (4), 335
22 I. Al-Lehyani, M. Widom, Y. Wang, N. Moghadam, G.
M. Stocks, and J. A. Moriarty, Phys. Rev. B 64, 075109
23 F. Rösch, diploma thesis, Universität Stuttgart (2003),
24 F. Rösch, Ch. Rudhart, P. Gumbsch, and H.-R. Trebin,
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 805, LL9.3.1 (2004).
25 G. D. Schaaf, J. Roth, and H.-R. Trebin, Phil. Mag.
83 (21), 2449 (2003).
26 J. Roth, Phys. Rev. B 71, 064102 (2005).
27 J. W. Roth, R. Schilling, and H.-R. Trebin, Phys. Rev. B
51 (22), 15833 (1995).
28 F. C. Frank, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. A 215 (1120), 43
29 J. Stadler, R. Mikulla, and H.-R. Trebin, Int. J. Mod.
Phys. C 8 (5), 1131 (1997).
30 IMD, the ITAP Molecular Dynamics Program.˜imd
31 To simulate fracture with molecular dynamics it is nec-
essary to determine the optimal place for a low energy
seed crack and to find out the critical strain for setting
the crack into motion. This is always done by determining
the energies of flat cuts. Note, that these do not necessar-
ily represent equilibrium surfaces which may be bent and
32 P. Gumbsch, S. J. Zhou, and B. L. Holian, Phys. Rev. B
55 (6), 3445 (1997).
33 As quasicrystals show non-periodic translational order we
generate periodic approximants to apply periodic bound-
ary conditions. The 4 to 5 million atoms of our sample
then form the unit cell. Because of this high number of
atoms the configuration should mechanically behave like
the perfect quasicrystal.
34 Here we use equation (2) of Gumbsch et al.32 with a “filled
stadion damping” f ≡ 1.
35 Cracks propagate by breaking bonds between atoms. In
this process, energy is dissipated in the form of acoustic
waves, as clearly visible in the online movie. The kinetic
energy density is colour coded. Regions of high kinetic en-
ergy density are shown in red whereas blue indicates areas
of lower kinetic energy density.
36 Movie (available online) of a cracking model quasicrystal
at a high load (5p2, k = 1.6). By displaying only atoms
with a low coordination number fracture surfaces are visu-
alised. Blue (black in Fig. 1) and red (grey in Fig. 1) balls
correspond to the atoms in the icosahedral binary model.
Atoms on the border, which are not allowed to move, are
coloured in yellow and green. On the left the atomically
sharp seed crack can be seen. Due to the high deformation
near the crack tip, blue atoms loose their neighbours and
show up for short instances.
37 Concerning only the pure phonon term of the elastic en-
ergy in linear elastic continuum theory, the icosahedral
quasicrystal behaves like an isotropic solid.
38 The height profiles were determined via geometrical scan-
ning of the fracture surfaces with an atom of type B at
equidistant points separated by 0.2r0. For these meshes
and e.g. for the orientation 52 the root-mean-square rough-
ness increases from 0.39r0 at a load of k = 1.3 (see Fig. 8,
middle) to 0.54r0 for k = 1.6. The peak-to-valley rough-
ness increases likewise from 3.7r0 to 5.1r0. Although the
exact values may depend on the stepwidth (resolution),
scanning sphere size, and scanned area a general tendency
for an increased roughness for increased loads is evident.
39 The question whether this crack finally chooses a plane
perpendicular to a twofold or fivefold axis cannot be an-
swered, as simulations with the required sample-size would
exceed present computer capabilities.
40 R. Mikulla, J. Stadler, F. Krul, H.-R. Trebin, and P.
Gumbsch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (15), 3163 (1998).
41 Only clusters in the bulk give reliable information on their
relative stability. In ab-initio studies, where the number of
atoms is limited, one therefore is restricted to small ap-
42 K. Kirihara, T. Nagata, K. Kimura, K. Kato, M. Takata,
E. Nishibori, and M. Sakata, Phys. Rev. B 68, 014205
43 Ph. Ebert, F. Yue, and K. Urban, Phys. Rev. B 57 (5),
2821 (1998).
44 F. Rösch, P. Gumbsch, and H.-R. Trebin, unpublished.
45 Z. Papadopolos, G. Kasner, J. Ledieu, E. J. Cox, N. V.
Richardson, Q. Chen, R. D. Diehl, T. A. Lograsso, A. R.
Ross, and R. McGrath, Phys. Rev. B 66, 184207 (2002).
Icosahedral binary model
Molecular dynamics technique
Crack velocities
Fracture surfaces
0704.1413 | Preparation and detection of magnetic quantum phases in optical
superlattices | Preparation and detection of magnetic quantum phases in optical superlattices
A. M. Rey1, V. Gritsev2, I. Bloch 3, E. Demler1,2 and M.D. Lukin1,2
1 Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, 02138.
2 Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA and
3 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Institut für Physik, Staudingerweg 7,55099 Mainz, Germany
We describe a novel approach to prepare, detect and characterize magnetic quantum phases in ultra-cold
spinor atoms loaded in optical superlattices. Our technique makes use of singlet-triplet spin manipulations in an
array of isolated double well potentials in analogy to recently demonstrated quantum control in semiconductor
quantum dots. We also discuss the many-body singlet-triplet spin dynamics arising from coherent coupling
between nearest neighbor double wells and derive an effective description for such system. We use it to study
the generation of complex magnetic states by adiabatic and non-equilibrium dynamics.
PACS numbers: 05.50.+q 03.67.Mn 05.30.Fk 05.30.Jp
Recent advances in the manipulations of ultra-cold atoms
in optical lattices have opened new possibilities for exploring
complex many-body systems [1]. A particular topic of con-
tinuous interest is the study of quantum magnetism in spin
systems [2, 3, 4]. By loading spinor atoms in optical lattices it
is now possible to ”simulate” exotic spin models in controlled
environments and to explore novel spin orders and phases.
In this Letter we describe a new approach for prepara-
tion and probing of many-body magnetic quantum states that
makes use of coherent manipulation of singlet-triplet pairs of
ultra-cold atoms loaded in deep period-two optical superlat-
tices. Our approach makes use of a spin dependent energy
offset between the double-well minima to completely control
and measure the spin state of two-atom pairs, in a way anal-
ogous to the recently demonstrated manipulations of coupled
electrons in semiconductor double-dots [5]. As an example,
we show how this technique allows one to detect and analyze
anti-ferromagnetic spin states in optical lattices. We further
study the many-body dynamics that emerge when tunneling
between nearest neighbor double wells is allowed. As two
specific examples, we show how a set of singlet atomic states
can be evolved into singlet-triplet cluster-type states and into a
maximally entangled superposition of two anti-ferromagnetic
states. Finally, we discuss the use of our projection technique
to probe the density of spin defects (kinks) in magnetic states
prepared via equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics.
The key idea of this work is illustrated by considering a pair
of ultra-cold atoms with two relevant internal states, which
we identify with spin up and down σ =↑, ↓ in an isolated
double well (DW) potential as shown in Fig.1. By dynam-
ically changing the optical lattice parameters, it is possible
to completely control this system and measure it in an arbi-
trary two-spin basis. For concreteness, we first focus on the
fermionic case. The physics of this system is governed by
three sets of energy scales: i) the on-site interaction energy
U = U↑↓ between the atoms, ii) the tunneling energy of the
σ species: Jσ, and iii) the energy difference between the two
DW minima, 2∆σ for each of the two species. The σ index
in J and ∆ is due to the fact that the lattice that the ↑ and
↓ atoms feel can be engineered to be different by choosing
laser beams of appropriate polarizations, frequencies, phases
and intensities. In the following we assume that the atoms are
strongly interacting, U ≫ Jσ, and that effective vibrational
energy of each well, ~ω0, is the largest energy scale in the
system ~ω0 ≫ U,∆σ, Jσ , i.e deep wells.
Singlet |s〉 and triplet |t〉 states form the natural basis for
the two-atom system. The relative energies of these states
can be manipulated by controlling the energy bias ∆σ be-
tween the two wells. In the unbiased case (U ≫ 2∆σ) only
states with one atom per site (1, 1) are populated, as the large
atomic repulsion energetically suppresses double occupancy
(here, labels (m,n) indicate the integer number of atoms in
the left and right sites of the DW). For weak tunneling and
spin independent lattices (J↑ = J↓ = J , ∆↑ = ∆↓ = ∆)
the states (1, 1)|s〉 and (1, 1)|t〉 are nearly degenerated. The
small energy splitting between them is ∼ 4J2/U , with the
singlet being the low energy state (Fig. 1a). As ∆ is increased
the relative energy of doubly occupied states (0, 2) decreases.
Therefore, states (1, 1)|s〉 and (0, 2)|s〉 will hybridize. When
2∆ & U the atomic repulsion is overwhelmed and conse-
quently the (0, 2)|s〉 becomes the ground state. At the same
time, Pauli exclusion results in a large energy splitting ~ω0
between doubly occupied singlet and triplet states as the lat-
ter must have an antisymmetric orbital wave function. Hence,
(1, 1)|t〉 does not hybridize with its doubly occupied counter-
part, and its relative energy becomes large as compared to the
singlet state. Thus the energy difference between singlet and
triplet states can be controlled using ∆.
Further control is provided by changing Jσ and ∆σ in spin
dependent lattices (see Fig.1b). Specifically, let us now con-
sider the regime 2∆σ ≪ U in which only (1, 1) subspace is
populated. Within this manifold we define [6]
|s〉 = ŝ†|0〉 ≡
(| ↑↓〉 − | ↓↑〉), (1)
|tz〉 = t̂†z|0〉 ≡
(| ↑↓〉+ | ↓↑〉), (2)
|tx〉 = t̂†x|0〉 ≡
(| ↑↑〉 − | ↓↓〉), (3)
|ty〉 = t̂†y|0〉 ≡
(| ↑↑〉+ | ↓↓〉) (4)
Here t̂†α and ŝ are operators that create triplet and sin-
glet states from the vacuum |0〉 (state with no atoms).
They satisfy bosonic commutation relations and the constrain
α=x,y,z t̂
αt̂α) + ŝ
†ŝ = 1, due to the physical restriction
that the state in a double well is either a singlet or a triplet. In
the rest of the letter we will omit the label (1, 1) for the singly
occupied states.
When ∆σ depends on spin, i.e Υ ≡ ∆↑ − ∆↓ 6= 0, the
|tz〉 component mixes with |s〉(see Fig.1c). Note that on the
other hand |tx,y〉 remain decoupled from |tz〉 and |s〉 . As a
result the states |s〉 and |tz〉 form an effective two-level system
whose dynamics is driven by the Hamiltonian:
ĤJ1 = −ζ(ŝ†ŝ− t̂†z t̂z)−ΥS̃z + const, (5)
Here ζ ≡ 2J↑J↓/Ũ , is the exchange coupling energy (with
Ũ ≡ U
) and S̃z = ŝ†t̂z + t̂
z ŝ. If Υ = 0, ex-
change dominates and |s〉 and |tz〉 becomes the ground and
first excited states respectively. However if Υ ≫ ζ, exchange
can be neglected and the ground state becomes either | ↑↓〉 or
| ↓↑〉 depending on the sign of Υ.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-U -U
-4J /U2
Y= -
(a)(0,2)s + (2,0)s
FIG. 1: (color online) a) Energy levels of fermionic atoms in a spin
independent double well as ∆/U is varied: While in the regime
2∆ ≪ U , (1, 1)|s〉 is the lowest energy state, when 2∆ & U ,
(0, 2)|s〉 becomes the state with lowest energy. b) In spin depen-
dent potentials the two species feel different lattice parameters c)
Restricted to the (1, 1) subspace Υ acts as an effective magnetic field
gradient and couples the |s〉 and |tz〉 states .
These considerations indicate that it is possible to perform
arbitrary coherent manipulations and robust measurement of
atom pair spin states. The former can be accomplished by
combining time-dependant control over ζ,Υ to obtain effec-
tive rotations on the spin-1/2 Bloch sphere within |s〉 − |tz〉
state. In the parameter regime of interest, ζ,Υ, can be var-
ied independently in experiments. In addition, by applying
pulsed (uniform) magnetic fields it is possible to rotate the
basis, thereby changing the relative population of the |tx,y,z〉
states. Atom pair spin states can be probed by adiabatically
increasing ∆ until it becomes larger than U/2, in which case
atoms in the |s〉 will adiabatically follow to (0, 2)|s〉 while the
atoms in |tα〉 will remain in (1,1) state (Fig. 1a). A subse-
quent measurement of the number of doubly occupied wells
will reveal the number of singlets in the initial state. Such
a measurement can be achieved by efficiently converting the
doubly occupied wells into molecules via photoassociation or
using other techniques such as microwave spectroscopy and
spin changing collisions [7]. Alternatively, one can continue
adiabatically tilting the DW until it merges to one well. In
such a way the |s〉 will be projected to the (0, 2)|s〉, while the
triplets will map to (0, 2)|tα〉. As (0, 2)|tα〉 has one of the
atoms in the first vibrational state of the well, by measuring
the population in excited bands one can detect the number of
initial |tα〉 states. Hence the spin-triplet blockade [5] allows
to effectively control and measure atom pairs.
Detection and diagnostics of many-body spin phases such
as antiferromagnetic (AF) states is an example of direct ap-
plication of the singlet-triplet manipulation and measurement
technique. The procedure to measure the AF state population
is the following; after inhibiting tunneling between the various
DWs, one can abruptly increase Υ, such that the initial state
is projected into the new eigenstates | ↑↓〉 and | ↓↑〉 at time
τ = τ0. For τ > τ0 Υ can then be adiabatically decreased to
zero, in which case the | ↑↓〉 pairs will be adiabatically con-
verted into |s〉 and | ↓↑〉 pairs to |tz〉. Finally, the singlet pop-
ulation can be measured using the spin blockade. As a result,
a measure of the doubly occupied sites (or excited bands pop-
ulation) will detect the number of | ↑↓〉 pairs and thus probe
antiferromagnetic states of the type | ↑↓↑↓ ...〉.
These ideas can be directly generalized to perform mea-
surements of the more complex magnetic states that can be
represented as products of two atom pairs. For example, a
pulse of RF magnetic field can be used to orient all spins,
thus providing the ability to detect |AF 〉 states aligned along
an arbitrary direction. Moreover, one can determine the rela-
tive phase between singlet and triplet pairs in |AF 〉 states of
the form
|s〉 + eiφ|tz〉 by performing Ramsey-type spec-
troscopy. After letting the system evolve freely (with Υ = 0)
so that the |s〉 and |tz〉 components accumulate an additional
relative phase due to exchange, a read-out pulse (controlled
by pulsing Υ) will map the accumulated phase onto popula-
tion of singlet and triplet pairs. To know φ is important as it
determines the direction of the anti-ferromagnetic order. Fur-
thermore, by combining the blockade with noise correlation
measurements [8] it is possible to obtain further information
about the magnetic phases. While the blockade probes local
correlation in the DWs, noise measurements probe non-local
spin-spin correlations and thus can reveal long range order.
Before proceeding we note that similar ideas to that out-
lined above can be used for bosonic atoms if initially no |tx,y〉
states are populated. The latter can be done by detuning the
|tx,y〉 states by means of an external magnetic field. In the
bosonic case the doubly occupied tz states will be the ones
that have the lowest energy. They will be separated by an
energy ~ω0 from the doubly occupied singlets as the latter
are the ones that have antisymmetric orbital wave function in
bosons. Consequently, the role of |s〉 in fermions will be re-
placed by |tz〉 in bosons. The read-out procedure would then
be identical to that described above, while the coherent dy-
namics will be given by the Hamiltonian Eq.(5) apart from
the sign change ζ → −ζ.
Up to now our analysis has ignored tunneling between dif-
ferent DWs, but in practice this tunneling can be controlled by
tuning the lattice potential. How will singlet and triplet pairs
evolve due to this coupling? We will now discuss the many-
body dynamics that emerges when nearest neighbor DW tun-
neling is allowed, i.e. tσ > 0. When atoms can hop between
DWs, the behavior of the system will depend on the dimen-
sionality. For simplicity we will restrict our analysis to a 1D
array ofN double-wells, where tσ corresponds to hopping en-
ergy of σ-type atoms between the right site of the jth −DW
and the left site of the (j + 1)th −DW .
In the regime Jσ, tσ,∆σ ≪ U , multiply occupied wells
are energetically suppressed and the effective Hamiltonian is
given by Ĥeff = ĤJ+Ĥt . Here the first term corresponds to
the sum over N independent HJj Hamiltonians (see Eq.(5)),
ĤJ =
j , each of which acts on its respective j
DW. On the other hand Ĥt is non-local as it couples different
DWs and quartic as it consists of terms with four singlet-triplet
operators [9]. The coupled DWs system is in general complex
and the quantum spin dynamics can be studied only numeri-
cally. However, there are specific parameter regimes where an
exact solution can be found. For this discussion we will set
∆σ = 0. If t↑/t↓ → 0, and at time τ = 0, no |tx〉, |ty〉 triplet
states are populated, their population will remain always zero.
Consequently, in this limit, the relevant Hilbert space reduces
to that of an effective spin one-half system with |s〉 and |tz〉
representing the effective ±1/2 states, which we denote as
| ⇑〉 and | ⇓〉. Ĥt couples such effective spin states. In the
restricted Hilbert space Ĥeff maps exactly to an Ising chain
in a magnetic field:
Ĥeff = ∓ζ
σ̂zj − λz
σ̂xj σ̂
j+1 (6)
where σ̂α are the usual Pauli matrices which act of the effec-
tive | ⇑〉 and | ⇓〉 spins. In terms of singlet-triplet operators
they are given by σ̂zj = (ŝ
j ŝj − t̂
zj t̂zj), σ̂
j = ŝ
j t̂zj + t̂
zj ŝj
and σ̂yj = (ŝ
j t̂zj − t̂
zj ŝj)/i. Here λz =
and the up-
per and lower signs are for fermions and bosons respectively.
For fermions in the lowest vibrational level the onsite interac-
tion energy between the same type of atoms U↑↑, U↓↓ → ∞
due to the Pauli exclusion principle.
The 1D quantum Ising model exhibits a second order quan-
tum phase transition at the critical value |g| ≡ |λz/ζ| = 1.
For fermions (upper sign) when g ≪ 1 the ground state cor-
responds to all effective spins pointing up, i.e |G〉 = | ⇑ . . . ⇑
〉 = Πj |s〉j . On the other hand when g ≫ 1, there are two
degenerate ground states which are, in the effective spin ba-
sis, macroscopic superpositions of oppositely polarized states
along x. In terms of the original fermionic spin states this su-
perposition correspond to the states |AF±〉 = 1√
(| ↑↓ . . . ↑↓
〉 ± | ↓↑ . . . ↓↑〉). Therefore, by adiabatic passage one could
start with |G〉 and convert it into AF state(s). Due to vanish-
ing energy gap at the quantum critical point g = 1, adiabatic-
ity is difficult to maintain as N → ∞ [11, 12, 13, 14]. In
that respect, our projection scheme is useful to test adiabatic
following. It can be done either by measuring the number of
| ↑↓〉 pairs in the final state or by adiabatically ramping down
g back to zero and measuring the number of singlets/triplet
pairs. The remaining number of triplets will determine the
number of excitations created in the process.
We now turn to non-adiabatic dynamics. We will discuss
the situation where initially the system is prepared in a prod-
uct of singlet states (λz = 0 ground state ) and then one lets it
evolve for τ > 0 with a fixed |λz | > 0. Generically the cou-
pling between DWs results in oscillations between singlet and
triplet pairs with additional decay on a slower time scale. We
present two important special cases involving such dynamics:
i) Singlet-triplet cluster state generation: If the value of λz
is set to be |λz | ≫ ζ, then the Hamiltonian reduces to a pure
Ising Hamiltonian and thus at particular times, τc, given by
λzτc/~ = π/4 mod π/2 the evolving state becomes a d = 1
cluster state |C〉 in the effective spin basis [15]. Up to single
spin rotations |C〉 = 1
j=1(| ⇑〉j σ̂zj+1 + | ⇓〉j). Cluster
states are of interest for the realization of one-way quantum
computation proposals where starting from the state |C〉 com-
putation can be done via measurements only. Preparation of
cluster states encoded in the logical ⇑,⇓ qubits may have sig-
nificant practical advantages since the ⇑,⇓ states have zero
net spin along the quantization axis and hence are not affected
by global magnetic field fluctuations. Additionally, the use
of such singlet-triplet states for encoding might allow for the
generation of decoherence free subspaces insensitive to col-
lective and local errors [16] and for alternative schemes for
measured-based quantum computation [17].
ii) Non-equilibrium generation and probing of AF corre-
lations: The second situation is when the value of λz is set
to the critical value, |λz| = ζ (or g = 1). We will first
focus on the fermionic system λz > 0. To discuss it, we
remind that the dynamics driven by Ĥeff is exactly solv-
able as Ĥeff can be mapped via the Jordan Wigner trans-
formation into a quadratic Hamiltonian of fermionic opera-
tors which can be diagonalized by a canonical transforma-
tion [10, 14]. Using such transformation it is possible to
show that at specific times, the shortest of them we denote
by τm ≈ ~N+14ζ , long range AF correlations build up and for
small atom number the state approaches |AF+〉. To quan-
tify the resulting state in Fig. 2(inset) we plot the fidelity,
defined as F1(τm) = |〈AF+|ψ(τm)〉g=1|2, as a function of
N . The figure shows that while an almost perfect |AF+〉 is
dynamically generated for small N , its fidelity exponentially
degrades with increasing atom number.
However, the fidelity is a very strict probe, as it drops to
zero when a single spin is flipped. As N increases the sys-
tem ends at τm in a quantum superposition of states like
| · · · ⇒⇐⇐⇐⇐⇐⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇐ . . . 〉 with finite do-
mains of ”effective spins” pointing along ±x, separated by
kinks where the polarization of the spins change its orien-
tation (we used the convention | ↑↓〉 ≡ | ⇒〉). Conse-
quently, one gets more realistic information about the AF
order of the state, by measuring the average size of the do-
mains or the average density of kinks, the latter defined as
ν ≡ 1
j(1 − 〈ψ(τ)|σ̂xj σ̂xj+1|ψ(τ)〉).
Our read-out technique can be used to detect the kink-
density as for an arbitrary fixed g energy conservation imposes
a relation between ν and the triplet-z density, Nt:
ν(τ, g) =
− Nt(τ, g)
. (7)
A simple analytical expression for Nt(τ, g) can be ob-
tained by using the Jordan Wigner transformation [10]:
Nt(τ, g) =
sin2(2πk/N) sin2(2ωkτ)
where ~ωk =
g2 + 1 + 2g cos(2πk/N) are quasi-particle frequencies of
Ĥeff . The fact that it remains always below 0.2 (see Fig.
2) confirms the idea that regardless of the reduced fidelity at
large N , the state does retain AF correlations. We point out
that |AF+〉 states are only generated at g = 1, a feature that
illustrates the special character of the critical dynamics.
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100N
FIG. 2: Using the the Jordan-Wigner transformation [10] we cal-
culated the density of kinks vs N at τ = τm and the fidelity
+〉|2 vsN (inset). Our projection technique can be used
to measure ν(τ ) as it is directly related to the triplet density, Nt(τ )
(see Eq.(7)).
Let us now discuss the bosonic case. If λz > 0, the
fermionic results apply for bosons by simply interchanging
the role of |s〉 ↔ |tz〉. On the other hand if λz < 0, not only
one has to interchange |s〉 ↔ |tz〉 but additionally, the adia-
batic and non-equilibrium dynamics will generate, instead of
|AF±〉 states, 1√
(| ⇒⇐ · · · ⇒⇐〉 ± | ⇐⇒ · · · ⇐⇒〉) i.e
macroscopic superpositions of AF states along the x-direction
in the effective spin basis. With these modifications, the re-
sults derived for fermions hold for bosons[21].
Before concluding we briefly mention that spin dependent
superlattices of the form
(Aj +Bjσz) cos
2[kz/j + θj ] (8)
can be experimentally realized by superimposing two inde-
pendent lattices, generated by elliptically polarized light, one
with twice the periodicity of the other [18, 19, 20]. Com-
plete control over the DW parameters is achieved by control-
ling the phases (which determine ∆), intensities (which deter-
mine U ,J and t) and polarization of the laser beams (which
allow for spin dependent control). For example lattice con-
figurations with t↑ ≪ t↓ can be achieved by setting the laser
parameters such that B1 = 0 and A2 = B2 ≫ 1.
In summary we have described a technique to prepare, de-
tect and manipulate spin configurations in ultra-cold atomic
systems loaded in spin dependent period-two superlattices.
By studying the many-body dynamics that arises when tun-
neling between DWs is allowed, we discussed how to dynam-
ically generate singlet-triplet cluster states and AF cat states,
which are of interest for quantum information science, and
how to probe AF correlations in far from equilibrium dynam-
ics. Even though in this Letter we restrict our analysis to 1D
systems the ideas developed here can be extended to higher
dimensions and more general kinds of interactions.
We acknowledge useful discussions with G. Morigi. This
work was supported by ITAMP, NSF (Career Program),
Harvard-MIT CUA, AFOSR, Swiss NF, the Sloan Founda-
tion, and the David and Lucille Packard Foundation.
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0704.1414 | Sobolev solution for semilinear PDE with obstacle under monotonicity
condition | Sobolev solution for semilinear PDE with obsta
le under
Equipe �Statistique et Pro
Université du Maine
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72085 LE MANS Cedex 9
Mingyu XU
Institute of Applied Mathemati
ademy of Mathemati
s and Systems S
CAS, Beijing, 100190 China
�rst revision version Mar
h 20, 2006, �nal a
epted version May 26, 2008
We prove the existen
e and uniqueness of Sobolev solution of a semilinear PDE's and PDE's
with obsta
le under monotoni
ondition. Moreover we give the probabilisti
interpretation of
the solutions in term of Ba
kward SDE and re�e
ted Ba
kward SDE respe
Key words: Ba
kward sto
di�erential equation, Re�e
ted ba
kward sto
equation, monotoni
ondition, Sto
�ow, partial di�erential equation with obsta
AMS Classi�
ation: 35D05, 60H10, 60H30B
1 Introdu
Our approa
h is based on Ba
kward Sto
Di�erential Equations (in short BSDE's) whi
h were
�rst introdu
ed by Bismut [5℄ in 1973 as equation for the adjoint pro
ess in the sto
of Pontryagin maximum prin
iple. Pardoux and Peng [14℄ generalized the notion in 1990 and were
the �rst to
onsider general BSDE's and to solve the question of existen
e and uniqueness in the
ase. Sin
e then BSDE's have been widely used in sto
ontrol and espe
in mathemati
al �nan
e, as any pri
ing problem by repli
an be written in terms of linear
BSDEs, or non-linear BSDEs when portfolios
onstraints are taken into a
ount as in El Karoui,
Peng and Quenez [6℄.
The main motivation to introdu
e the non-linear BSDE's was to give a probabilisti
tion (Feynman-Ka
's formula) for the solutions of semilinear paraboli
PDE's. This result was �rst
obtained by Peng in [16℄, see also Pardoux and Peng [15℄ by
onsidering the vis
osity and
solutions of su
h PDE's. Later, Barles and Lesigne [2℄ studied the relation between BSDE's and
solutions of semi-linear PDE's in Soblev spa
es. More re
ently Bally and Matoussi [3℄ studied semi-
linear sto
PDEs and ba
kward doubly SDE in Sobolev spa
e and their probabilisti
is based on sto
The re�e
ted BSDE's was introdu
ed by the �ve authors El Karoui, Kapoudjian, Pardoux,
Peng and Quenez in [7℄, the setting of those equations is the following: let us
onsider moreover an
adapted sto
ess L := (Lt)t 6 T whi
h stands for a barrier. A solution for the re�e
BSDE asso
iated with (ξ, g, L) is a triple of adapted sto
esses (Yt, Zt,Kt)t 6 T su
h that
Yt = ξ +
g(s, ω, Ys, Zs)ds+KT −Kt −
ZsdBs, ∀ t ∈ [0, T ],
Yt > Lt and
(Yt − Lt)dKt = 0.
The pro
ess K is
ontinuous, in
reasing and its role is to push upward Y in order to keep it above
the barrier L. The requirement
(Yt − Lt)dKt = 0 means that the a
tion of K is made with a
minimal energy.
The development of re�e
ted BSDE's (see for example [7℄, [10℄, [9℄) has been espe
ially motivated
by pri
ing Ameri
laim by repli
ation, espe
ially in
onstrained markets. A
it has been shown by El Karoui, Pardoux and Quenez [8℄ that the pri
e of an Ameri
laim (St)t 6 T whose strike is γ in a standard
omplete �nan
ial market is Y0 where (Yt, πt,Kt)t 6 T
is the solution of the following re�e
ted BSDE
−dYt = b(t, Yt, πt)dt+ dKt − πtdWt, YT = (ST − γ)+,
Yt > (St − γ)+ and
(Yt − (St − γ)+)dKt = 0
for an appropriate
e of the fun
tion b. The pro
ess π allows to
t a repli
ation strategy
and K is a
onsumption pro
ess that
ould have the buyer of the option. In a standard �nan
market the fun
tion b(t, ω, y, z) = rty+zθt where θt is the risk premium and rt the spot rate to invest
or borrow. Now when the market is
onstrained i.e. the interest rates are not the same whether
we borrow or invest money then the fun
tion b(t, ω, y, z) = rty + zθt − (Rt − rt)(y − (z.σ−1t .1))−
where Rt (resp. rt) is the spot rate to borrow (resp. invest) and σ the volatility.
Partial Di�erential Equations with obsta
les and their
tions with optimal
ontrol prob-
lems have been studied by Bensoussan and Lions [4℄. They study su
h equations in the point of
view of variational inequalities. In a re
ent paper, Bally, Caballero, El Karoui and Fernandez [1℄
studied the the following semilinear PDE with obsta
(∂t + L)u + f(t, x, u, σ∗∇u) + ν = 0, u > h, uT = g,
where h is the obsta
le. The solution of su
h equation is a pair (u, ν) where u is a fun
tion in
2([0, T ],H) and ν is a positive measure
entrated on the set {u = h}. The authors proved
the uniqueness and existen
e for the solution to this PDE when the
ient f is Lips
hitz and
linear in
reasing on (y, z), and gave the probabilisti
interpretation (Feynman-Ka
formula) for
u and ∇u by the solution (Y, Z) of the re�e
ted BSDE (in short RBSDE). They prove also the
natural relation between Re�e
ted BSDE's and variational inequalities and prove uniqueness of the
solution for su
h variational problem by using the relation between the in
reasing pro
ess K and
the measure ν. This is also a point of view in this paper.
On the other hand, Pardoux [13℄ studied the solution of a BSDE with a
ient f(t, ω, y, z),
h satis�es only monotoni
ontinuous and general in
onditions on y, and a Lips
ondition on z, i.e. for some
ontinuous, in
reasing fun
tion ϕ : R+ → R+, and real numbers µ ∈ R,
k > 0, ∀t ∈ [0, T ], ∀y, y′ ∈ Rn, ∀z, z′ ∈ Rn×d,
|f(t, y, 0)| 6 |f(t, 0, 0)|+ ϕ(|y|), a.s.; (1)
〈y − y′, f(t, y, z)− f(t, y′, z)〉 6 µ |y − y′|2 , a.s.;
|f(t, y, z)− f(t, y, z′)| 6 k |z − z′| , a.s..
In the same paper, he also
onsidered the PDE whose
ient f satis�es the monotoni
ondition (1), proved the existen
e of a vis
osity solution u to this PDE and gave its probabilisti
interpretation via the solution of the
orresponding BSDE. More re
ently, Lepeltier, Matoussi and
Xu [12℄ proved the existen
e and uniqueness of the solution for the re�e
ted BSDE under the
In our paper, we study the Sobolev solutions of the PDE and also the PDE with
le under the monotoni
ondition (1). Using penalization method, we prove the existen
of the solution and give the probabilisti
interpretation of the solution u and ∇u (resp.(u,∇u, ν))
by the solution (Y, Z) of ba
kward SDE (resp. the solution (Y, Z,K) of re�e
ted ba
kward SDE).
Furthermore we use equivalen
e norm results and a sto
test fun
tion to pass from the solution
of PDE's to the one of BSDE's in order to get the uniqueness of the solution.
Our paper is organized as following: in se
tion 2, we present the basi
assumptions and the
de�nitions of the solutions for PDE and PDE with obsta
le, then in se
tion 3, we re
all some useful
results from [3℄. We will prove the main results for PDE and PDE with
ontinuous barrier under
ondition in se
tion 4 and 5 respe
tively. Finally, we prove an analogue result to
Proposition 2.3 in [3℄ under the monotoni
ondition, and we also give a priori estimates for the
solution of the re�e
ted BSDE's.
2 Notations and preliminaries
Let (Ω,F , P ) be a
omplete probability spa
e, and B = (B1, B2, · · · , Bd)∗ be a d-dimensional
Brownian motion de�ned on a �nite interval [0, T ], 0 < T < +∞. Denote by {F ts; t 6 s 6 T } the
natural �ltration generated by the Brownian motion B :
F ts = σ{Bs −Bt; t 6 r 6 s} ∪ F0,
where F0
ontains all P−null sets of F .
We will need the following spa
es for studying BSDE or re�e
ted BSDE. For any given n ∈ N:
• L2n(F ts) : the set of n-dimensional F ts-measurable random variable ξ, su
h that E(|ξ|2) < +∞.
• H2n×m(t, T ) : the set of Rm×n-valued F ts-predi
table pro
ess ψ on the interval [t, T ], su
h that
‖ψ(s)‖2 ds < +∞.
• S2n(t, T ) : the set of n-dimensional F ts-progressively measurable pro
ess ψ on the interval [t, T ],
h that E(supt 6 s 6 T ‖ψ(s)‖
) < +∞.
• A2(t, T ) :={K : Ω× [t, T ] → R, F ts�progressively measurable in
reasing RCLL pro
with Kt = 0, E[(KT )
2] <∞ }.
Finally, we shall denote by P the σ-algebra of predi
table sets on [0, T ]×Ω. In the real�valued
ase, i.e., n = 1, these spa
es will be simply denoted by L2(F ts), H2(t, T ) and S2(t, T ), respe
For the sake of the Sobolev solution of the PDE, the following notations are needed:
• Cmb (Rd,Rn) : the set of Cm-fun
tions f : Rd → Rn, whose partial derivatives of order less
that or equal to m, are bounded. (The fun
tions themselves need not to be bounded)
• C1,mc ([0, T ] × Rd,Rn) : the set of
ontinuous fun
tions f : [0, T ] × Rd → Rn with
support, whose �rst partial derivative with respe
t to t and partial derivatives of order less
or equal to m with respe
t to x exist.
• ρ : Rd → R, the weight, is a
ontinuous positive fun
tion whi
h satis�es
ρ(x)dx <∞.
• L2(Rd, ρ(x)dx) : the weighted L2-spa
e with weight fun
tion ρ(x), endowed with the norm
L2(Rd,ρ) =
|u(x)|2 ρ(x)dx
We assume:
Assumption 2.1. g(·) ∈ L2(Rd, ρ(x)dx).
Assumption 2.2. f : [0, T ]× Rd × Rn×Rn×d → Rn is measurable in (t, x, y, z) and
|f(t, x, 0, 0)|2 ρ(x)dxdt <∞.
Assumption 2.3. f satis�es in
reasing and monotoni
ondition on y, for some
reasing fun
tion ϕ : R+ → R+, real numbers k > 0, µ ∈ R su
h that ∀(t, x, y, y′, z, z′) ∈
[0, T ]× Rd × Rn × Rn × Rn×d × Rn×d
(i) |f(t, x, y, z)| 6 |f(t, x, 0, z)|+ ϕ(|y|),
(ii) |f(t, x, y, z)− f(t, x, y, z′)| 6 k |z − z′|,
(iii) 〈y − y′, f(t, x, y, z)− f(t, x, y′, z)〉 6 µ |y − y′|2,
(iv) y → f(t, x, y, z) is
For the PDE with obsta
le, we
onsider that f satis�es assumptions 2.2 and 2.3, for n = 1.
Assumption 2.4. The obsta
le fun
tion h ∈ C([0, T ] × Rd;R) satis�es the following
there exists κ ∈ R, β > 0, su
h that ∀(t, x) ∈ [0, T ]× Rd
(i) ϕ(eµth+(t, x)) ∈ L2(Rd; ρ(x)dx),
(ii) |h(t, x)| 6 κ(1 + |x|β),
here h+ is the positive part of h.
Assumption 2.5. b : [0, T ]× Rd → Rd and σ : [0, T ]× Rd → Rd×d satisfy
b ∈ C2b (Rd;Rd) and σ ∈ C3b (Rd;Rd×d).
We �rst study the following PDE
(∂t + L)u + F (t, x, u,∇u) = 0, ∀ (t, x) ∈ [0, T ]× Rd
u(x, T ) = g(x), ∀x ∈ Rd
where F : [0, T ]× Rd × Rn × Rn×d → R, su
h that
F (t, x, u, p) = f(t, x, u, σ∗p)
a := σσ∗. Here σ∗ is the transposed matrix of σ.
In order to study the weak solution of the PDE, we introdu
e the following spa
H := {u ∈ L2([0, T ]× Rd, ds⊗ ρ(x)dx)
∣∣ σ∗∇u ∈ L2(([0, T ]× Rd, ds⊗ ρ(x)dx)}
endowed with the norm
‖u‖2 :=
[|u(s, x)|2 + |(σ∗∇u)(s, x)|2]ρ(x)dsdx.
De�nition 2.1. We say that u ∈ H is the weak solution of the PDE asso
iated to (g, f), if
(i) ‖u‖2 <∞,
(ii) for every φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd)
(us, ∂tφ)ds + (u(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(us, φs)ds =
(f(s, ·, us, σ∗∇us), φs)ds.
where (φ, ψ) =
φ(x)ψ(x)dx denotes the s
alar produ
t in L2(Rd, dx) and
E(ψ, φ) =
((σ∗∇ψ)(σ∗∇φ) + φ∇((1
σ∗∇σ + b)ψ))dx
is the energy of the system of our PDE whi
orresponds to the Diri
hlet form asso
iated to the
operator L when it is symmetri
. Indeed E(ψ, φ) = −(φ,Lψ).
The probabilisti
interpretation of the solution of PDE asso
iated with g, f , whi
h satisfy As-
sumption 2.1-2.3 was �rstly studied by (Pardoux [13℄), where the author proved the existen
e of a
osity solution to this PDE, and gave its probabilisti
interpretation. In se
tion 4, we
the weak solution to PDE (2) in Sobolev spa
e, and give the proof of the existen
e and uniqueness
of the solution as well as the probabilisti
In the se
ond part of this arti
le, we will
onsider the obsta
le problem asso
iated to the PDE
(2) with obsta
le fun
tion h, where we restri
t our study in the one dimensional
ase (n = 1).
Formulaly, The solution u is dominated by h, and veri�es the equation in the following sense :
∀(t, x) ∈ [0, T ]× Rd
(i) (∂t + L)u+ F (t, x, u,∇u) 6 0, on u(t, x) > h(t, x),
(ii) (∂t + L)u+ F (t, x, u,∇u) = 0, on u(t, x) > h(t, x),
(iii) u(x, T ) = g(x) .
where L =
i=1 bi
i,j=1 ai,j
, a = σσ∗. In fa
t, we give the following formulation of
the PDE with obsta
De�nition 2.2. We say that (u, ν) is the weak solution of the PDE with obsta
le asso
iated to
(g, f, h), if
(i) ‖u‖2 <∞, u > h, and u(T, x) = g(x).
(ii) ν is a positive Radon measure su
h that
ρ(x)dν(t, x) <∞,
(iii) for every φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd)
(us, ∂sφ)ds+ (u(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(us, φs)ds (3)
(f(s, ·, us, σ∗∇us), φs)ds+
φ(s, x)1{u=h}dν(x, s).
3 Sto
�ow and random test fun
Let (Xt,xs )t 6 s 6 T be the solution of
dXt,xs = b(s,X
s )ds+ σ(s,X
s )dBs,
t = x,
where b : [0, T ]× Rd → Rd and σ : [0, T ]× Rd → Rd×d satisfy Assumption 2.5.
So {Xt,xs , x ∈ Rd, t 6 s 6 T } is the sto
�ow asso
iated to the di�use {Xt,xs } and denote
by {X̂t,xs , t 6 s 6 T } the inverse �ow. It is known that x → X̂t,xs is di�erentiable (Ikeda and
Watanabe [?℄). We denote by J(Xt,xs ) the determinant of the Ja
obian matrix of X̂
s , whi
h is
positive, and J(X
t ) = 1.
For φ ∈ C∞c (Rd) we de�ne a pro
ess φt : Ω× [0, T ]× Rd → R by
φt(s, x) := φ(X̂
s )J(X̂
Following Kunita (See [11℄), we know that for v ∈ L2(Rd), the
omposition of v with the sto
�ow is
(v ◦Xt,·s , φ) := (v, φt(s, ·)).
Indeed, by a
hange of variable, we have
(v ◦Xt,·s , φ) =
v(y)φ(X̂t,ys )J(X̂
s )dy =
v(Xt,xs )φ(x)dx.
The main idea in Bally and Matoussi [3℄ and Bally et al. [1℄, is to use φt as a test fun
tion in (2)
and (3). The problem is that s→ φt(s, x) is not di�erentiable so that
(us, ∂sφ)ds has no sense.
However φt(s, x) is a semimartingale and they proved the following semimartingale de
of φt(s, x):
Lemma 3.1. For every fun
tion φ ∈ C2c(Rd),
φt(s, x) = φ(x)−
(σij(x)φt(r, x))
L∗φt(r, x)dr, (4)
where L∗ is the adjoint operator of L. So
dφt(r, x) = −
(σij(x)φt(r, x))
dBjr + L∗φt(r, x)dr, (5)
Then in (2) we may repla
e ∂sφds by the It� sto
integral with respe
t to dφt(s, x), and
have the following proposition whi
h allows us to use φt as a test fun
tion. The proof will be given
in the appendix.
Proposition 3.1. Assume that assumptions 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 hold. Let u ∈ H be a weak solution
of PDE (2), then for s ∈ [t, T ] and φ ∈ C2c (Rd),
u(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx − (g(·), φt(T, ·)) + (u(s, ·), φt(s, ·))−
E(u(r, ·), φt(r, ·))dr
f(r, x, u(r, x), σ∗∇u(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx. a.s. (6)
Remark 3.1. Here φt(r, x) is R-valued. We
onsider that in (6), the equality holds for ea
omponent of u.
We need the result of equivalen
e of norms, whi
h play important roles in existen
e proof for
PDE under monotoni
onditions. The equivalen
e of fun
tional norm and sto
norm is �rst
proved by Barles and Lesigne [2℄ for ρ = 1. In Bally and Matoussi [3℄ proved the same result
for weighted integrable fun
tion by using probabilisti
method. Let ρ be a weighted fun
tion, we
take ρ(x) := exp(F (x)), where F : Rd → R is a
ontinuous fun
tion. Moreover, we assume that
there exists a
onstant R > 0, su
h that for |x| > R, F ∈ C2b (Rd,R). For instant, we
an take
ρ(x) = (1 + |x|)−q or ρ(x) = expα |x|, with q > d+ 1, α ∈ R.
Proposition 3.2. Suppose that assumption 2.5 hold, then there exists two
onstants k1, k2 > 0,
h that for every t 6 s 6 T and φ ∈ L1(Rd, ρ(x)dx), we have
|φ(x)| ρ(x)dx 6
∣∣φ(Xt,xs )
∣∣)ρ(x)dx 6 k1
|φ(x)| ρ(x)dx, (7)
Moreover, for every ψ ∈ L1([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx)
|ψ(s, x)| ρ(x)dsdx 6
∣∣ψ(s,Xt,xs )
∣∣)ρ(x)dsdx (8)
|ψ(s, x)| ρ(x)dsdx,
where the
onstants k1, k2 depend only on T , ρ and the bounds of the �rst (resp. �rst and se
derivatives of b (resp. σ).
This proposition is easy to get from the follwing Lemma, see Lemma 5.1 in Bally and Matoussi
Lemma 3.2. There exist two
onstants c1 > 0 and c2 > 0 su
h that ∀x ∈ Rd, 0 6 t 6 T
c1 6 E
ρ(t, X̂
t )J(X̂
6 c2.
4 Sobolev's Solutions for PDE's under monotoni
In this se
tion we shall study the solution of the PDE whose
ient f satis�es the monotoni
ondition. For this sake, we introdu
e the BSDE asso
iated with (g, f): for t 6 s 6 T ,
Y t,xs = g(X
f(r,Xt,xr , Y
r , Z
r )dr −
Zt,xs dBs. (9)
Thanks to the equivalen
e of the norms result (3.2), we know that g(X
T ) and f(s,X
s , 0, 0) make
sense in the BSDE (9). Moreover we have
) ∈ L2n(FT ) and f(., Xt,x. , 0, 0) ∈ H2n(0, T ).
It follows from the results from Pardoux [13℄ that for ea
h (t, x), there exists a unique pair
(Y t,x, Zt,x) ∈ S2(t, T ) ×H2n×d(t, T ) of {F ts} progressively measurable pro
esses, whi
h solves this
BSDE(g, f).
The main result of this se
tion is
Theorem 4.1. Suppose that assumptions 2.1-2.3 and 2.4 hold. Then there exists a unique weak
solution u ∈ H of the PDE (2). Moreover we have the probabilisti
interpretation of the solution:
u(t, x) = Y
t , (σ
∗∇u)(t, x) = Zt,xt , dt⊗ dx− a.e. (10)
and moreover Y t,xs = u(s,X
s ), Z
s = (σ
∗∇u)(s,Xt,xs ), dt⊗ dP ⊗ dx-a.e. ∀s ∈ [t, T ].
Proof : We start to prove the existen
e result.
a) Existen
e : We prove the existen
e in three steps. By integration by parts formula, we know
that u solves (2) if and only if
û(t, x) = eµtu(t, x)
is a solution of the PDE(ĝ, f̂), where
ĝ(x) = eµT g(x) and f̂(t, x, y, z) = eµtf(t, x, e−µty, e−µtz)− µy. (11)
Then the
ient f̂ satis�es the assumption 2.3 as f , ex
ept that 2.3-(iii) is repla
ed by
(y − y′)(f(t, x, y, z)− f(t, x, y′, z)) 6 0. (12)
In the �rst two steps, we
onsider the
ase where f does not depend on ∇u, and write f(t, x, y)
for f(t, x, y, v(t, x)), where v is in L2([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx).
We assume �rst that f(t, x, y) satis�es the following assumption 2.3': ∀(t, x, y, y′) ∈ [0, T ] ×
d × Rn × Rn,
(i) |f(t, x, y)| 6 |f(t, x, 0)|+ ϕ(|y|),
(ii) 〈y − y′, f(t, x, y)− f(t, x, y′)〉 6 0,
(iii) y → f(t, x, y) is
ontinuous, ∀(t, x) ∈ [0, T ]× Rd.
Step 1 : Suppose that g(x), f(t, x, 0) are uniformly bounded, i.e. there exists a
onstant C,
h that
|g(x)| + sup
0 6 t 6 T
|f(t, x, 0)| 6 C (13)
where C as a
onstant whi
an be
hanged line by line.
De�ne fn(t, y) := (θn ∗ f(t, ·))(y) where θn : Rn → R+ is a sequen
e of smooth fun
tions with
t support, whi
h approximate the Dira
distribution at 0, and satisfy
θn(z)dz = 1. Let
{(Y n,t,xs , Zn,t,xs ), t 6 s 6 T } be the solution of BSDE asso
iated to (g(X
T ), fn), namely,
s = g(X
T ) +
f(r,Xt,xr , Y
r )dr −
r dBr, P-a.s.. (14)
Then for ea
h n ∈ N, we have ∣∣Y n,t,xs
∣∣ 6 eTC,
and ∣∣fn(s,Xt,xs , Y n,t,xs )
∣∣2 6 2
∣∣fn(s,Xt,xs , 0)
∣∣2 + 2ψ2(e
where ψ(r) := supn sup|y| 6 r
ϕ(|y|)θn(y − z)dz. So there exists a
onstant C > 0, s.t.
∣∣Y n,t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣fn(s,Xt,xs , Y n,t,xs )
∣∣2 +
∣∣2)ρ(x)dsdx 6 C. (15)
Then let n → ∞ on the both sides of (14), we get that the limit (Y t,xs , Zt,xs ) of (Y n,t,xs , Zn,t,xs ),
Y t,xs = g(X
T ) +
f(r,Xt,xr , Y
r )dr −
Zt,xr dBr, P-a.s.. (16)
Moreover we obtain from the estimate (15) that
∣∣Y t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣2)ρ(x)dsdx <∞. (17)
e that (Y
t , Z
t ) are F tt measurable, whi
h implies they are deterministi
. De�ne u(t, x) :=
t , and v(t, x) := Z
t . By the �ow property of X
r and by the uniqueness of the solution of the
BSDE (16), we have that Y t,xs = u(s,X
s ) and Z
s = v(s,X
The terminal
ondition g and f(., ., 0, 0) are not
ontinuous in t and x, and assumed to belong in
a suitable weighted L2 spa
e, so the solution u and for instan
e v are not in general
and are only de�ned a.e. in [0, T ]× Rd. So in order to give meaning to the expression u(s,Xt,xs )
(resp. v(s,Xt,xs )), and following Bally and Matoussi [3℄, we apply a regularization pro
edure on the
ondition g and the
ient f . A
tually, a
ording to Pardoux and Peng ([15℄, Theorem
3.2), if the
ient (g, f) are smooth, then the PDE (2) admits a unique
al solution
u ∈ C1,2([0, T ] × Rd). Therefore the approximated expression u(s,Xt,xs ) (resp. v(s,Xt,xs )) has a
meaning and then pass to the limit in L2 spa
es like us in Bally and Matoussi [3℄.
Now, the equivalen
e of norm result (8) and estimate (17) follow that u, v ∈ L2([0, T ] × Rd, dt ⊗
ρ(x)dx). Finally, let F (r, x) = f(r,Xt,xr , Y
r ), we know that F (s, x) ∈ L2([0, T ]×Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx),
in view of
|F (s, x)|2 ρ(x)dsdx 6 1
∣∣F (s,Xt,xs )
∣∣2 ρ(x)dsdx
∣∣f(s,Xt,xs , Y t,xs )
∣∣2 ρ(x)dsdx <∞.
So that from theorem 2.1 in [3℄, we get that v = σ∗∇u and that u ∈ H solves the PDE asso
to (g, f) under the bounded assumption.
Step 2 : We assume g ∈ L2(Rd, ρ(x)dx), f satis�es the assumption 2.3' and f(t, x, 0) ∈ L2([0, T ]×
d, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx). We approximate g and f by bounded fun
tions as follows :
gn(x) = Πn(g(x)), (18)
fn(t, x, y) = f(t, x, y)− f(t, x, 0) + Πn(f(t, x, 0)),
Πn(y) :=
min(n, |y|)
|y| y.
Clearly, the pair (gn, fn) satis�es the assumption (13) of step 1, and
gn → g in L2(Rd, ρ(x)dx), (19)
fn(t, x, 0) → f(t, x, 0) in L2([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx).
Denote (Y n,t,xs , Z
s ) ∈ S2n(t, T ) × H2n×d(t, T ) the solution of the BSDE(ξn, fn), where ξn =
T ), i.e.
s = gn(X
T ) +
r , Y
r )dr −
r dBr.
Then from the results in step 1, un(t, x) = Y
t and un(t, x) ∈ H, is the weak solution of the
PDE(gn, fn), with
s = un(s,X
s ), Z
s = (σ
∗∇un)(s,Xt,xs ), a.s. (20)
For m,n ∈ N, applying It�'s formula to |Y m,t,xs − Y n,t,xs |
, we get
∣∣Y m,t,xs − Y n,t,xs
∣∣2 + E
∣∣Zm,t,xr − Zn,t,xr
∣∣2 dr 6 E
∣∣gm(Xt,xT )− gn(X
∣∣Y m,t,xr − Y n,t,xr
∣∣2 dr + E
∣∣fm(r,Xt,xr , 0)− fn(r,Xt,xr , 0)
∣∣2 dr.
From the equivalen
e of the norms (7) and (8), it follows
∣∣Y m,t,xs − Y n,t,xs
∣∣2 ρ(x)dx 6
∣∣gm(Xt,xT )− gn(X
∣∣2 ρ(x)dx
∣∣Y m,t,xr − Y n,t,xr
∣∣2 drρ(x)dx +
∣∣fm(r,Xt,xr , 0)− fn(r,Xt,xr , 0)
∣∣2 drρ(x)dx
∣∣Y m,t,xr − Y n,t,xr
∣∣2 drρ(x)dx + k1
E |gm(x)− gn(x)|2 ρ(x)dx
|fm(r, x, 0)− fn(r, x, 0)|2 ρ(x)drdx,
and by Gronwall's inequality and (19), we get as m,n→ ∞
t 6 s 6 T
∣∣Y m,t,xs − Y n,t,xs
∣∣2 ρ(x)dx → 0.
It follows immediately as m,n→ ∞
∣∣Y m,t,xr − Y n,t,xr
∣∣2 ρ(x)drdx +
∣∣Zm,t,xr − Zn,t,xr
∣∣2 ρ(x)drdx → 0.
Using again the equivalen
e of the norms (8), we get:
|um(s, x)− un(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇um(s, x)− σ∗∇un(s, x)|2 ρ(x)dxds
∣∣um(s,Xt,xs )− un(s,Xt,xs )
∣∣2 +
∣∣σ∗∇um(s,Xt,xs )− σ∗∇un(s,Xt,xs )
∣∣Y m,t,xs − Y n,t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣Zm,t,xs − Zn,t,xs
∣∣2)ρ(x)dsdx → 0.
as m,n→ ∞, i.e. {un} is Cau
hy sequen
e in H. Denote its limit as u, so u ∈ H, and satis�es for
every φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd),
(us, ∂tφ)ds + (u(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(us, φs)ds =
(f(s, ·, us), φs)ds. (22)
On the other hand, (Y
· , Z
· )
onverges to (Y
· , Z
· ) in S
n(0, T )×H2n×d(0, T ), whi
h is the
solution of the BSDE with parameters (g(X
), f); by the equivalen
e of the norms, we dedu
s = u(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), a.s. ∀s ∈ [t, T ],
ially Y
t = u(t, x), Z
t = σ
∗∇u(t, x).
Now, it's easy to the generalize the result to the
ase when f satis�es assumption 2.2 .
Step 3: In this step, we
onsider the
ase where f depends on ∇u. Assume that g, f satisfy
the assumptions 2.1 - 2.3, with assumption 2.3-(iii) repla
ed by (12). From the result in step 2, for
any given n×d-matrix-valued fun
tion v ∈ L2([0, T ]×Rd, dt⊗ρ(x)dx), f(t, x, u, v(t, x)) satis�es the
assumptions in step 2. So the PDE(g, f(t, x, u, v(t, x))) admits a unique solution u ∈ H satisfying
(i) and (ii) in the de�nition 2.1.
Set V t,xs = v(s,X
s ), then V
s ∈ H2n×d(0, T ) in view of the equivalen
e of the norms. We
onsider the following BSDE with solution (Y
· , Z
Y t,xs = g(X
T ) +
f(s,Xt,xs , Y
s , V
s )ds−
Zt,xs dBs,
then Y t,xs = u(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), a.s. ∀s ∈ [t, T ].
Now we
t a mapping Ψ from H into itself. For any u ∈ H, u = Ψ(u) is the weak
solution of the PDE with parameters g(x) and f(t, x, u, σ∗∇u).
ally we introdu
e a mapping Φ from H2n(t, T ) × H2n×d(t, T ) into itself. For any
(U t,x, V t,x) ∈ H2n(t, T )×H2n×d(t, T ), (Y t,x, Zt,x) = Φ(U t,x, V t,x) is the solution of the BSDE with
parameters g(X
T ) and f(s,X
s , Y
s , V
s ). Set V
s = σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), then Y t,xs = u(s,Xt,xs ),
Zt,xs = σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), a.s.a.e..
Let u1, u2 ∈ H, and u1 = Ψ(u1), u2 = Ψ(u2), we
onsider the di�eren
e △u := u1 − u2, △u :=
u1−u2. Set V t,x,1s := σ∗∇u1(s,Xt,xs ), V t,x,2s := σ∗∇u2(s,Xt,xs ). We denote by (Y t,x,1, Zt,x,1)(resp.
(Y t,x,2, Zt,x,2)) the solution of the BSDE with parameters g(X
) and f(s,Xt,xs , Y
s , V
s ) (resp.
f(s,Xt,xs , Y
s , V
s )); then for a.e. ∀s ∈ [t, T ],
Y t,x,1s = u1(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇u1(s,Xt,xs ),
s = u2(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇u2(s,Xt,xs ),
Denote △Y t,xs := Y t,x,1s −Y t,x,2s , △Zt,xs := Zt,x,1s −Zt,x,2s , △V t,xs := V t,x,1s −V t,x,2s . By It�'s formula
applied to eγtE |△Y t,xs |
, for some α and γ ∈ R, we have
∣∣△Y t,xs
∣∣2 + E
∣∣△Y t,xr
∣∣2 +
∣∣2)dr 6 E
∣∣△Y t,xr
∣∣2 + α
∣∣△V t,xr
Using the equivalen
e of the norms, we dedu
e that
eγs(γ |△u(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇(△u)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx
∣∣△Y t,xr
∣∣2 +
∣∣△Y t,xr
∣∣2 + α
∣∣△V t,xr
|△u(s, x)|2 + α |σ∗∇(△u)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx.
Set α = k2
, γ = 1 +
k2, then we get
γs(|△u(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇(△u)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx
γs |σ∗∇(△u)(s, x)|2 ρ(x)dsdx,
γs(|△u(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇(△u)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx.
Consequently, Ψ is a stri
tion on H equipped with the norm
eγs(|u(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇u(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx.
So Ψ has �xed point u ∈ H whi
h is the solution of the PDE (2) asso
iated to (g, f). Moreover,
for t 6 s 6 T ,
Y t,xs = u(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), .a.e.
and spe
ially Y
t = u(t, x), Z
t = σ
∗∇u(t, x), a.e.
b) Uniqueness : Let u1 and u2 ∈ H be two solutions of the PDE(g, f). From Proposition 3.1,
for φ ∈ C2c (Rd) and i = 1, 2
ui(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx + (u
i(s, ·), φt(s, ·))− (g(·), φt(·, T ))−
E(ui(r, ·), φt(r, ·))dr
φt(r, x)f(r, x, u
i(r, x), σ∗∇ui(r, x))drdx. (23)
By (4), we get
dφt(r, x)dx =
(σ∗∇ui)(r, x)φt(r, x)dx)dBr
(σ∗∇ui)(σ∗∇φr) + φ∇((
σ∗∇σ + b)uir)
We substitute this in (23), and get
ui(s, x)φt(s, x)dx = (g(·), φt(·, T ))−
(σ∗∇ui)(r, x)φt(r, x)dxdBr
φt(r, x)f(r, x, u
i(r, x), σ∗∇ui(r, x))drdx.
Then by the
hange of variable y = X̂t,xr , we obtain
ui(s,Xt,ys )φ(y)dy =
T )φ(y)dy +
φ(y)f(s,Xt,ys , u
i(s,Xt,ys ), σ
∗∇ui(s,Xt,ys ))dyds
(σ∗∇ui)(r,Xt,yr )φ(y)dydBr .
e φ is arbitrary, we
an prove this result for ρ(y)dy almost every y. So (ui(s,Xt,ys ), (σ
∗∇ui)(s,Xt,ys ))
solves the BSDE(g(X
T ), f), i.e. ρ(y)dy a.s., we have
ui(s,Xt,ys ) = g(X
T ) +
f(s,Xt,ys , u
i(s,Xt,ys ), σ
∗∇ui(s,Xt,ys ))ds−
(σ∗∇ui)(r,Xt,yr )dBr .
Then by the uniqueness of the BSDE, we know u1(s,Xt,ys ) = u
2(s,Xt,xs ) and (σ
∗∇u1)(s,Xt,ys ) =
(σ∗∇u2)(s,Xt,ys ). Taking s = t we dedu
e that u1(t, y) = u2(t, y), dt⊗ dy-a.s. �
5 Sobolev's solution for PDE with obsta
le under monotoni
In this se
tion we study the PDE with obsta
le asso
iated with (g, f, h), whi
h satisfy the assump-
tions 2.1-2.4 for n = 1. We will prove the existen
e and uniqueness of a weak solution to the
le problem. We will restri
t our study to the
ase when ϕ is polynomial in
reasing in y, i.e.
Assumption 5.1. We assume that for some κ1 ∈ R, β1 > 0, ∀y ∈ R,
|ϕ(y)| 6 κ1(1 + |y|β1).
For the sake of PDE with obsta
le, we introdu
e the re�e
ted BSDE asso
iated with (g, f, h),
like in El Karoui et al. [7℄:
Y t,xs = g(X
f(r,Xt,xr , Y
r , Z
r )dr +K
−Kt,xt −
Zt,xs dBs, P -a.s ∀ s ∈ [t, T ]
Y t,xs > L
s , P -a.s
(Y t,xs − Lt,xs )dKt,xs = 0, P -a.s.
where Lt,xs = h(s,X
s ) is a
ontinuous pro
ess. Moreover following Lepeltier et al [12℄, we shall
need to estimate
E[ sup
t 6 s 6 T
ϕ2(eµt(Lt,xs )
+)] = E[ sup
t 6 s 6 T
ϕ2(eµth(s,Xt,xs )
6 Ce2β1µTE[ sup
t 6 s 6 T
6 C(1 + |x|2β1β),
where C is a
onstant whi
an be
hanged line by line. By assumption 2.4-(ii), with same
hniques we get for x ∈ R, E[supt 6 s 6 T ϕ2((Lt,xs )+)] < +∞. Thanks to the assumption 2.1 and
2.2, by the equivalen
e of norms 7 and 8, we have
) ∈ L2(FT ) and f(s,Xt,xs , 0, 0) ∈ H2(0, T ).
By the existen
e and uniqueness theorem for the RBSDE in [12℄, for ea
h (t, x), there exists a
unique triple (Y t,x, Zt,x,Kt,x) ∈ S2(t, T ) ×H2d(t, T ) ×A2(t, T ) of {F ts} progressively measurable
esses, whi
h is the solution of the re�e
ted BSDE with parameters (g(X
), f(s,Xt,xs , y, z),
h(s,Xt,xs ))We shall give the probabilisti
interpretation for the solution of PDE with obsta
le (3).
The main result of this se
tion is
Theorem 5.1. Assume that assumptions 2.1-2.5 hold and ρ(x) = (1 + |x|)−p with p > γ where
γ = β1β + β + d+ 1. There exists a pair (u, ν), whi
h is the solution of the PDE with obsta
le (3)
iated to (g, f, h) i.e. (u, ν) satis�es De�nition 2.2-(i) -(iii). Moreover the solution is given by:
u(t, x) = Y
t , a.e. where (Y
s , Z
s )t 6 s 6 T is the solution of RBSDE (24), and
Y t,xs = u(s,X
s ), Z
s = (σ
∗∇u)(s,Xt,xs ). (25)
Moreover, we have for every measurable bounded and positive fun
tions φ and ψ,
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x) =
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )dK
s , a.s.. (26)
If (u, ν) is another solution of the PDE (3) su
h that ν satis�es (26) with some K instead of K,
where K is a
ontinuous pro
ess in A2F(t, T ), then u = u and ν = ν.
Remark 5.1. The expression (26) gives us the probabilisti
interpretation (Feymamn-Ka
's for-
mula) for the measure ν via the in
reasing pro
ess Kt,x of the RBSDE. This formula was �rst
ed in Bally et al. [1℄, where the authors prove (26) when f is Lips
hitz on y and z uni-
formly in (t, ω). Here we generalize their result to the
ase when f is monotoni
in y and Lips
in z.
Proof. As in the proof of theorem 4.1 in se
tion 4, we �rst noti
e that (u, ν) solves (3) if and
only if
(û(t, x), dν̂(t, x)) = (eµtu(t, x), eµtdν(t, x))
is the solution of the PDE with obsta
le (ĝ, f̂ , ĥ), where ĝ, f̂ are de�ned as in (12) with
ĥ(t, x) = eµth(t, x).
Then the
ient f̂ satis�es the same assumptions in assumption 2.3 with (iii) repla
ed by (12),
h means that f is de
reasing on y in the 1-dimensional
ase. The obsta
le ĥ still satis�es
assumption 2.4, for µ = 0. In the following we will use (g, f, h) instead of (ĝ, f̂ , ĥ), and suppose
that (g, f, h) satis�es assumption 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.3 with (iii) repla
ed by (12).
a) Existen
e : The existen
e of a solution will be proved in 4 steps. From step 1 to step 3,
we suppose that f does not depend on ∇u, satis�es assumption 2.3' for n = 1, and f(t, x, 0) ∈
2([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx). In the step 4, we study the
ase when f depend on ∇u.
Step 1 : Suppose g(x), f(t, x, 0), h+(t, x) uniformly bounded i.e. that there exists a
onstant C
h that
|g(x)|+ sup
0 6 t 6 T
|f(t, x, 0)|+ sup
0 6 t 6 T
h+(t, x) 6 C.
We will use the penalization method. For n ∈ N, we
onsider for all s ∈ [t, T ],
s = g(X
T ) +
f(r,Xt,xr , Y
r )dr + n
(Y n,t,xr − h(r,Xt,xr ))−dr −
r dBr.
From Theorem 4.1 in se
tion 3, we know that un(t, x) := Y
t , is solution of the PDE(g, fn),
where fn(t, x, y, x) = f(t, x, y, z) + n(y − h(t, x))−, i.e. for every φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd)
(uns , ∂sφ)ds+ (u
n(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(uns , φs)ds
(f(s, ·, uns ), φs)ds+ n
((un − h)−(s, ·), φs)ds.
Y n,t,xs = un(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇un(s,Xt,xs ), (27)
Set Kn,t,xs = n
(Y n,t,xr − h(r,Xt,xr ))−dr. Then by (27), we have that Kn,t,xs = n
(un −
h)−(r,Xt,xr )dr.
Following the estimates and
e results for (Y n,t,x, Zn,t,x) in the step 1 of the proof of
Theorem 2.2 in [12℄, for m, n ∈ N, we have,as m,n→ ∞
∣∣Y n,t,xs − Y m,t,xs
∣∣2 ds+ E
∣∣Zn,t,xs − Zm,t,xs
∣∣2 ds+ E sup
t 6 s 6 T
∣∣Kn,t,xs −Km,t,xs
∣∣2 → 0,
∣∣Y n,t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣2 + (Kn,t,xT )
2) 6 C.
By the equivalen
e of the norms (8), we get
ρ(x)(|un(s, x)− um(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇un(s, x)− σ∗∇um(s, x)|2)dsdx
∣∣Y n,t,xs − Y m,t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣Zn,t,xs − Zm,t,xs
∣∣2)dsdx→ 0.
Thus (un) is a Cau
hy sequen
e in H, and the limit u = limn→∞ un belongs to H.
Denote νn(dt, dx) = n(un − h)−(t, x)dtdx and πn(dt, dx) = ρ(x)νn(dt, dx), then by (7)
πn([0, T ]× Rd) =
ρ(x)νn(dt, dx) =
ρ(x)n(un − h)−(t, x)dtdx
∣∣∣ dx 6 C
ρ(x)dx <∞.
It follows that
πn([0, T ]× Rd) <∞. (28)
In the same way like in the existen
e proof step 2 of theorem 14 in [1℄, we
an prove that πn([0, T ]×
d) is bounded and then πn is tight. So we may pass to a subsequen
e and get πn → π where π is
a positive measure. De�ne ν = ρ−1π; ν is a positive measure su
h that
ρ(x)dν(t, x) < ∞,
and so we have for φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd) with
t support in x,
φdνn =
dπn →
Now passing to the limit in the PDE(g, fn), we
k that (u, ν) satis�es the PDE with obsta
(g, f, h), i.e. for every φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd), we have
(us, ∂sφ)ds+ (u(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(us, φs)ds
(f(s, ·, us), φs)ds+
φ(s, x)1{u=h}(s, x)dν(x, s). (29)
The last is to prove that ν satis�es the probabilisti
interpretation (26). Sin
e Kn,t,x
to Kt,x uniformly in t, the measure dKn,t,x → dKt,x weakly in probability.
Fix two
ontinuous fun
tions φ, ψ : [0, T ]× Rd → R+ whi
h have
t support in x and a
ontinuous fun
tion with
t support θ : Rd → R+, we have
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)θ(x)dν(s, x)
= lim
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)θ(x)n(un − h)−(t, x)dtdx
= lim
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )θ(X
s )n(un − h)−(t,Xt,xs )dtdx
= lim
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )θ(X
s )dK
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )θ(X
s )dK
s dx.
We take θ = θR to be the regularization of the indi
ator fun
tion of the ball of radius R and
pass to the limit with R→ ∞, it follows that
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)dν(s, x) =
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )dK
s dx. (30)
e (Y n,t,xs , Z
s )
onverges to (Y
s , Z
s ) as n → ∞ in S2(t, T )×H
2(t, T ) ×
2(t, T ), and (Y t,xs , Z
s ) is the solution of RBSDE(g(X
), f, h), then we have
(Y t,xs − Lt,xs )dKt,xs =
(u− h)(t,Xt,xs )dKt,xs = 0, a.s.
it follows that dKt,xs = 1{u=h}(s,X
s )dK
s . In (30), setting ψ = 1{u=h} yields
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x) =
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )dν(s, x), a.s.
Note that the family of fun
tions A(ω) = {(s, x) → φ(s, X̂t,xs ) : φ ∈ C∞c } is an algebra whi
separates the points (be
ause x → X̂t,xs is a bije
tion). Given a
t set G, A(ω) is dense in
C([0, T ] × G). It follows that J(X̂t,xs )1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x) = J(X̂t,xs )dν(s, x) for almost every ω.
While J(X̂t,xs ) > 0 for almost every ω, we get dν(s, x) = 1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x), and (26) follows.
Then we get easily that Y t,xs = u(s,X
s ) and Z
s = σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), in view of the
results for (Y n,t,xs , Z
s ) and the equivalen
e of the norms. So u(s,X
s ) = Y
s > h(t, x). Spe-
ially for s = t, we have u(t, x) > h(t, x)
Step 2 : As in the proof of the RBSDE in Theorem 2.2 in [12℄, step 2, we relax the bounded
ondition on the barrier h in step 1, and prove the existen
e of the solution under assumption 2.4.
Similarly to step 2 in the proof of theorem 2.2 in [12℄, after some transformation, we know
that it is su�
ient to prove the existen
e of the solution for the PDE with obsta
le (g, f, h), where
(g, f, h) satis�es
g(x), f(t, x, 0) 6 0.
Let h(t, x) satisfy assumption 2.4 for µ = 0, i.e. ∀(t, x) ∈ [0, T ]×,Rd
ϕ(h(t, x)+) ∈ L2(Rd; ρ(x)dx),
|h(t, x)| 6 κ(1 + |x|β).
hn(t, x) = h(t, x) ∧ n,
then the fun
tion hn(t, x) are
ontinuous, sup0 6 t 6 T h
n (t, x) 6 n, and hn(s,X
s ) → h(s,Xt,xs ) in
F (t, T ), in view of Dini's theorem and dominated
e theorem.
onsider the PDE with obsta
le asso
iated with (g, f, hn). By the results of step 1, there
exists (un, νn), whi
h is the solution of the PDE with obsta
le asso
iated to (g, f, hn), where un ∈ H
and νn is a positive measure su
h that
ρ(x)dνn(t, x) <∞. Moreover
Y n,t,xs = un(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇un(s,Xt,xs ),
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)1{un=hn}(s, x)dνn(s, x) =
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )dK
s dx,
Here (Y n,t,x, Zn,t,x,Kn,t,x) is the solution of the RBSDE(g(X
T ), f, hn). Thanks to proposition
6.1 in Appendix, and the bounded assumption of g and f , we know that
[ ∫ T
( ∣∣Y n,t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣2 )ds+ (Kn,0,x
1 + E
ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+ sup
0 6 t 6 T
6 C(1 + |x|2β1β + |x|2β).
By the Lemma 2.3 in [12℄, Y n,t,xs → Y t,xs in S2(0, T ), Zn,t,xs → Zt,xs in H2d(0, T ) and Kn,t,xs → Kt,xs
2(0, T ), as n→ ∞. Moreover (Y t,xs , Zt,xs ,Kt,xs ) is the solution of RBSDE(g(X
T ), f, h).
By the
e result of (Y n,t,xs , Z
s ) and the equivalen
e of the norms (8), we get
(|un(t, x)− um(t, x)|2 + |σ∗∇un(s, x)− σ∗∇um(s, x)|2)dsdx
∣∣Y n,t,xs − Y m,t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣Zn,t,xs − Zm,t,xs
∣∣2)dsdx → 0.
So {un} is a Cau
hy sequen
e in H, and admits a limit u ∈ H. Moreover Y t,xs = u(s,Xt,xs ), Zt,xs =
σ∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ). In parti
ular u(t, x) = Y
t > h(t, x).
Set πn = ρνn, like in step 1, we �rst need to prove that πn([0, T ]× Rd) is uniformly bounded.
In (31), let φ = ρ, ψ = 1, then we have
ρ(X̂0,xs )J(X̂
s )dνn(s, x) =
ρ(x)dKn,0,xs dx.
all Lemma 3.2: there exist two
onstants c1 > 0 and c2 > 0 su
h that ∀x ∈ Rd, 0 6 t 6 T
c1 6 E
ρ(t, X̂
t )J(X̂
6 c2.
Applying Hölder's inequality and S
hwartz's inequality, we have
πn([0, T ]× Rd)
ρ(x)νn(dt, dx)
2 (x)
2 (t, X̂
2 (X̂
2 (x)ρ
2 (t, X̂
2 (X̂
t )νn(dt, dx)
ρ(t, X̂
t )J(X̂
ρ(x)νn(dt, dx)
ρ(t, X̂
t )J(X̂
t )νn(dt, dx)
ρ(t, X̂
t )J(X̂
ρ(x)νn(dt, dx)
ρ(t, X̂
t )J(X̂
t )νn(dt, dx)
ρ(t, X̂
t )J(X̂
ρ(x)νn(dt, dx)
t ρ(x)dx
ρ(x)νn(dt, dx)
T ]dx
So by (32) and (7), we get
πn([0, T ]× Rd) 6 C
T ]dx (33)
ρ(x)(1 + |x|β1β + |x|β)dx <∞.
Using the same arguments as in step 1, we dedu
e that πn is tight. So we may pass to a subsequen
and get πn → π where π is a positive measure.
De�ne ν = ρ−1π, then ν is a positive measure su
h that
ρ(x)dν(t, x) < ∞. Then for
φ ∈ C([0, T ]× Rd) with
t support in x, we have as n→ ∞,
φdνn =
dπn →
Now passing to the limit in the PDE(g, f, hn), we
k that (u, ν) satis�es the PDE with
le asso
iated to (g, f, h), i.e. for every φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd)
(us, ∂sφ)ds+ (u(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(us, φs)ds
(f(s, ·, us), φs)ds+
φ(s, x)1{u=h}dν(x, s). (34)
Then we will
k if the probabilisti
interpretation (26) still holds. Fix two
ontinuous fun
tions φ, ψ : [0, T ]× Rd → R+ whi
h have
t support in x. With the
e result of
Kn,t,x, whi
h implies dKn,t,x → dKt,x weakly in probability, in the same way as step 1, passing to
the limit in (31) we have
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)dν(s, x) =
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )dK
e (Y t,xs , Z
s ) is the solution of RBSDE(g(X
T ), f, h), then by the integral
ondition, we
e the dKt,xs = 1{u=h}(s,X
s )dK
s . In (35), setting ψ = 1{u=h} yields
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x) =
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )dν(s, x).
With the same arguments, we get that dν(s, x) = 1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x), and (26)holds for ν and K.
Step 3 : Now we will relax the bounded
ondition on g(x) and f(t, x, 0). Then for m,n ∈ N, let
gm,n(x) = (g(x) ∧ n) ∨ (−m),
fm,n(t, x, y) = f(t, x, y)− f(t, x, 0) + (f(t, x, 0) ∧ n) ∨ (−m).
So gm,n(x) and fm,n(t, x, 0) are bounded and for �xed m ∈ N, as n→ ∞, we have
gm,n(x) → gm(x) in L2(Rd, ρ(x)dx),
fm,n(t, x, 0) → fm(t, x, 0) in L2([0, T ]×Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx),
gm(x) = g(x) ∨ (−m),
fm(t, x, y) = f(t, x, y)− f(t, x, 0) + f(t, x, 0) ∨ (−m).
Then as m→ ∞, we have
gm(x) → g(x) in L2(Rd, ρ(x)dx),
fm(t, x, 0) → f(t, x, 0) in L2([0, T ]×Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx),
in view of assumption 2.1 and f(t, x, 0) ∈ L2([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx).
Now we
onsider the PDE with obsta
le asso
iated to (gm,n, fm,n, h). By step 2, there exists a
(um,n, νm,n) whi
h is the solution of the PDE with obsta
le asso
iated to (gm,n, fm,n, h). In parti
ular the representation formulas (25) and (26) are satis�ed. Denote by (Y m,n,t,x, Zm,n,t,x,Km,n,t,x)
the solution of the RBSDE (gm,n(X
T ), fm,n, h).
all the
e results in step 3 of theorem 2.2 in [12℄, we know that for �xed m ∈ N, as
n→ ∞, (Y m,n,t,xs , Zm,n,t,xs ,Km,n,t,xs ) → (Y m,t,xs , Zm,t,xs ,Km,t,xs ) in S2(0, T )×H2d(0, T )×A2(0, T ),
and that (Y m,t,xs , Z
s ) is the solution of RBSDE(gm(X
T ), fm, h).
By It�'s formula, we have for n, p ∈ N,
∣∣Y m,n,t,xs − Y m,p,t,xs
∣∣2 +
∣∣Zm,n,t,xs − Zm,p,t,xs
∣∣gm,n(Xt,xT )− gm,p(X
∣∣2 + CE
∣∣fm,n(s,Xt,xs , 0)− fm,p(s,Xt,xs , 0)
∣∣2 ds,
so by the equivalen
e of the norms (7) and (8), it follows that as n→ ∞,
ρ(x)(|um,n(t, x)− um,p(t, x)|2 + |σ∗∇um,n(s, x) − σ∗∇um,p(s, x)|2)dsdx
ρ(x) |gm,n(x)− gm,p(x)|2 dx+
ρ(x) |fm,n(s, x, 0)− fm,p(s, x, 0)|2 dsdx→ 0.
i.e. for ea
h �xed m ∈ N, {um,n} is a Cau
hy sequen
e in H, and admits a limit um ∈ H. Moreover
Y m,t,xs = um(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇um(s,Xt,xs ), a.s., in parti
ular um(t, x) = Y
t > h(t, x).
Then we �nd the measure νm by the sequen
e {νm,n}. Set πm,n = ρνm,n, by proposition 6.1 in
Appendix, we have for ea
h m,n ∈ N, 0 6 t 6 T
∣∣2) 6 CE[g2m,n(X
T ) +
s , 0, 0)ds+ ϕ
2( sup
t 6 s 6 T
(h+(s,Xt,xs )))
+ sup
t 6 s 6 T
(h+(s,Xt,xs ))
2 + 1 + ϕ2(2T )]
6 CE[g(X
2(s,Xt,xs , 0, 0)ds+ ϕ
2( sup
0 6 s 6 T
(h+(s,Xt,xs )))
+ sup
0 6 s 6 T
(h+(s,Xt,xs ))
2 + 1 + ϕ2(2T )]
6 C(1 + |x|2β1β + |x|2β). (35)
By the same way as in step 2, we dedu
e that for ea
h �xed m ∈ N, πm,n is tight, we may pass to
a subsequen
e and get πm,n → πm where πm is a positive measure. If we de�ne νm = ρ−1πm, then
νm is a positive measure su
h that
ρ(x)dνm(t, x) <∞. So we have for all φ ∈ C([0, T ]×Rd)
t support in x,
φdνm,n =
dπm,n →
dπm =
Now for ea
h �xed m ∈ N, let n → ∞, in the PDE(gm,n, fm,n, h), we
k that (um, νm)
satis�es the PDE with obsta
le asso
iated to (gm, fm, h), and by the weak
e result of
dKm,n,t,x, we have easily that the probabilisti
interpretation (26) holds for νm and K
Then let m → ∞, by the
e results in step 4 of theorem 2.2 in [12℄, we apply the
same method as before. We dedu
e that limm→∞ um = u is in H and Y t,xs = u(s,Xt,xs ), Zt,xs =
σ∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), a.s., where (Y t,x, Zt,x,Kt,x) is the solution of the RBSDE(g, f, h), in parti
setting s = t, u(t, x) = Y
t > h(t, x).
From (35), it follows that
2] 6 C(1 + |x|2ββ1 + |x|2β).
By the same arguments, we
an �nd the measure ν by the sequen
e {νm}, whi
h satis�es that for
all φ and ψ with
t support,
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x) =
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )dK
s dx.
Finally we �nd a solution (u, ν) to the PDE with obsta
le (g, f, h), when f does not depend on
∇u. So for every φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd)
(us, ∂sφ)ds+ (u(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(us, φs)ds
(f(s, ·, us), φs)ds+
φ(s, x)1{u=h}dν(x, s). (36)
Step 4 : Finally we study the
ase when f depends on ∇u, and satis�es a Lips
on ∇u. We
t a mapping Ψ from H into itself. For some u ∈ H, de�ne
u = Ψ(u),
where (u, ν) is a weak solution of the PDE with obsta
le (g, f(t, x, u, σ∇u), h). Then by this
mapping, we denote a sequen
e {un} in H, beginning with a fun
tion v0 ∈ L2([0, T ] × Rd, dt ⊗
ρ(x)dx). Sin
e f(t, x, u, v0(t, x)) satis�es the assumptions of step 3, the PDE(g, f(t, x, u, v0(t, x)), h)
admits a solution (u1, v1) ∈ H. For n ∈ N, set un(t, x) = Ψ(un−1(t, x)).
ally we introdu
e a mapping Φ from H2(t, T ) × H2d(t, T ) into itself. For V t,x,0 =
v0(s,Xt,xs )), then V
s ∈ H2d(t, T ) in view of the equivalen
e of the norms. Set
(Y t,x,n, Zt,x,n) = Φ(Y t,x,n−1, Zt,x,n−1),
where (Y t,x,n, Zt,x,n,Kt,x,n)is the solution of the RBSDE with parameters g(X
T ), f(s,X
s , Y
s , Z
and h(s,Xt,xs ).Then Y
s = un(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇un(s,Xt,xs ) a.s. and
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)1{u=h}(s, x)dνn(s, x) =
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )dK
s dx.
Set ũn(t, x) := un(t, x) − un−1(t, x). To deal with the di�eren
e ũn, we need the di�eren
e of
orresponding BSDE, denote Ỹ t,x,ns := Y
s − Y t,x,n−1s , Z̃t,x,ns := Zt,x,ns − Zt,x,n−1s , K̃t,x,ns :=
Kt,x,ns −Kt,x,n−1s . It follows from It�'s formula, for some α, γ ∈ R,
∣∣∣Ỹ t,x,ns
∣∣∣Ỹ t,x,nr
∣∣∣Ỹ t,x,nr
eγrỸ t,x,nr dK̃
eγr(Y t,x,ns − h(r,Xt,xr ))dKt,x,n +
eγr(Y t,x,n−1s − h(r,Xt,xr ))dKt,x,n−1
eγr(Y t,x,ns − h(r,Xt,xr ))dKt,x,n−1 +
eγr(Y t,x,n−1s − h(r,Xt,xr ))dKt,x,n
then by the equivalen
e of the norms, for γ = 1 +
k2, we have
eγs(|ũn(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇(ũn)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx
eγs(|ũ2(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇(ũ2)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx
)n−1(‖u1(s, x)‖2γ + ‖u2(s, x)‖
where ‖u‖2
eγs(|u(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇u(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx, whi
h is equivalent to the norm ‖·‖
of H. So {un} is a Cau
hy sequen
e in H, it admits a limit u in H, whi
h is the solution to
the PDE with obsta
le (2). Then
onsider σ∗∇u as a known fun
tion by the result of step 3,
we know that there exists a positive measure ν su
h that
ρ(x)dν(t, x) < ∞, and for every
φ ∈ C1,∞c ([0, T ]× Rd),
(us, ∂sφ)ds+ (u(t, ·), φ(t, ·)) − (g(·), φ(·, T )) +
E(us, φs)ds
(f(s, ·, us, σ∗∇us), φs)ds+
φ(s, x)1{u=h}dν(x, s). (37)
Moreover, for t 6 s 6 T ,
s = u(s,X
s ), Z
s = σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,xs ), a.s.a.e.,
φ(s, X̂t,xs )J(X̂
s )ψ(s, x)1{u=h}(s, x)dν(s, x)
φ(s, x)ψ(s,Xt,xs )dK
b) Uniqueness : Set (u, ν) to be another solution of the PDE with obsta
le (3) asso
to (g, f, h); with ν veri�es (26) for an in
reasing pro
ess K. We �x φ : Rd → R, a smooth fun
in C2c (R
d) with
t support and denote φt(s, x) = φ(X̂
s )J(X̂
s ). From proposition 3.1, one
may use φt(s, x) as a test fun
tion in the PDE(g, f, h) with ∂sφ(s, x)ds repla
ed by a sto
integral with respe
t to the semimartingale φt(s, x). Then we get, for t 6 s 6 T
u(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx + (u(s, ·), φt(s, ·))− (g(·), φt(·, T )) +
E(ur, φr)dr (38)
f(r, x, u(r, x), σ∗∇u(r, x))φt(r, ·)dr +
φt(r, x)1{u=h}dν(x, r).
By (5) in Lemma 3.1, we have
udrφt(r, x)dx =
(σ∗∇u)(r, x)φt(r, x)dx)dBr
(σ∗∇u)(σ∗∇φr) + φt∇((
σ∗∇σ + b)u)
Substitute this equality in (38), we get
u(s, x)φt(s, x)dx = (g(·), φt(·, T ))−
(σ∗∇u)(r, x)φt(r, x)dx)dBr
f(r, x, u(r, x), σ∗∇u(r, x))φt(s, ·)dr +
φt(r, x)1{u=h}dν(x, r).
Then by
hanging of variable y = X̂t,xr and applying (26) for ν, we obtain
u(s,Xt,ys )φ(y)dy
T )φ(y)dy +
φ(y)f(s,Xt,ys , u(s,X
s ), σ
∗∇u(s,Xt,ys )ds
s )dK
r dy −
(σ∗∇u)(r,Xt,yr )φ(y)dy)dBr .
e φ is arbitrary, we
an prove that for ρ(y)dy almost every y, (u(s,Xt,ys ), (σ
∗∇u)(s,Xt,ys ), K̂t,xs )
solves the RBSDE(g(X
), f, h). Here K̂t,xs =
r )dK
r . Then by the uniqueness
of the solution of the re�e
ted BSDE, we know u(s,Xt,ys ) = Y
s = u(s,X
s ), (σ
∗∇u)(s,Xt,ys ) =
Zt,ys = (σ
∗∇u)(s,Xt,ys ) and K̂t,ys = Kt,ys . Taking s = t we dedu
e that u(t, y) = u(t, y), ρ(y)dy-a.s.
and by the probabilisti
interpretation (26), we obtain
φt(r, x)1{u=h}(r, x)dν(x, r) =
φt(r, x)1{u=h}(r, x)dν(x, r).
So 1{u=h}(r, x)dν(x, r) = 1{u=h}(r, x)dν(x, r). �
6 Appendix
6.1 Proof of proposition 3.1
First we
onsider the
ase when f does not depend on z and satis�es assumption 2.3'. As in step
2 of the proof of theorem 4.1, we approximate g and f as in (18), then gn → g in L2(Rd, ρ(x)dx)
and fn(t, x, 0) → f(t, x, 0) in L2([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx), as n→ ∞.
e for ea
h n ∈ N, |gn| 6 n and |fn(t, x, 0)| 6 n, by the result of the step 1 of theorem 4.1,
the PDE(gn, fn) admits the weak solution un ∈ H and sup0 6 t 6 T |un(t, x)| 6 Cn. So we know
|fn(t, x, un(t, x))|2 6 |fn(t, x, 0)|2 + ϕ( sup
0 6 t 6 T
|un(t, x)|) 6 Cn.
Set Fn(t, x) := fn(t, x, un(t, x)), then Fn(t, x) ∈ L2([0, T ]× Rn, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx).
From proposition 2.3 in Bally and Matoussi [3℄, for φ ∈ C2c (Rd), we get, for t 6 s 6 T
un(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx + (un(s, ·), φt(s, ·))− (gn(·), φt(·, T )) +
E(un(r, ·), φt(r, ·))dr
f(r, x, un(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx +
(fn(r, x, 0)− f(r, x, 0))φt(r, x)drdx.
By step 2, we know that as n→ ∞, un → u in H, where u is a weak solution of the PDE(g, f), i.e.
un → u in L2([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx),
∗∇un → ∇u in L2([0, T ]× Rd, dt⊗ ρ(x)dx).
Then there exists a fun
tion u∗ in L2([0, T ] × Rd, dt ⊗ ρ(x)dx), su
h that for a subsequen
e of
{un}, |unk | 6 |u∗| and unk → u, dt ⊗ dx-a.e. Thanks to assumption 2.3'-(iii), we have that
f(r, x, un(r, x)) → f(r, x, u(r, x)), dt ⊗ dx-a.e. Now, for all
t support fun
tion φ ∈ C2c (Rd),
the se
ond term in the right hand side of (39)
onverge to 0 as n→ ∞ and it is not hard to prove by
using the dominated
e theorem the term in the left hand side of (39)
onverges. Thus,
lude that limn→∞
f(r, x, un(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx exists. Moreover by the monotono
ondition of f and the same arguments as in step 2 of the proof of theorem 4.1, we get for all
support fun
tion φ ∈ C2c (Rd)
u(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx + (u(s, ·), φt(s, ·)) − (g(·), φt(·, T )) +
E(u(r, ·), φt(r, ·))dr
f(r, x, u(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx .
Now we
onsider the
ase when f depends on ∇u and satis�es the assumption 2.3 with (iii)
ed by (12). Like in the step 3 of the proof of theorem 4.1, we
t a mapping Ψ from H
into itself. Then by this mapping, we de�ne a sequen
e {un} in H, beginning with a matrix-valued
tion v0 ∈ L2([0, T ] × Rn×d, dt ⊗ ρ(x)dx). Sin
e f(t, x, u, v0(t, x)) satis�es the assumptions of
step 2, the PDE(g, f(t, x, u, v0(t, x))) admits a unique solution u1 ∈ H. For n ∈ N, denote
un(t, x) = Ψ(un−1(t, x)),
i.e. un is the weak solution of the PDE(g, f(t, x, u, σ
∗∇un−1(t, x))). Set ũn(t, x) := un(t, x) −
un−1(t, x). In order to estimate the di�eren
e, we introdu
e the
orresponding BSDE(g, fn) for
n = 1, where fn(t, x, u) = f(t, x, u,∇un−1(t, x)). So we have Y n,t,xs = un(s,Xt,xs ), Zn,t,xs =
σ∇un(s,Xt,xs ). Then we apply the It�'s formula to |Ỹ n,t,x|2, where Ỹ n,t,xs := Y n,t,xs − Y n−1,t,xs .
With the equivalen
e of the norms, similarly as in step 3, for γ = 1 +
k2, we have
eγs(|ũn(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇(ũn)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx
eγs(|ũ2(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇(ũ2)(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx
)n−1(‖u1(s, x)‖2γ + ‖u2(s, x)‖
where ‖u‖2
eγs(|u(s, x)|2 + |σ∗∇u(s, x)|2)ρ(x)dsdx, whi
h is equivalent to the norm ‖·‖
of H. So {un} is a Cau
hy sequen
e in H, it admits a limit u in H, and by the �xed point theorem,
u is a solution of the PDE(g, f).
Then for ea
h n ∈ N, we have for φ ∈ C2c (Rd)
un(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx + (un(s, ·), φt(s, ·))− (g(·), φt(·, T )) +
E(un(r, ·), φr(r, ·))dr
f(r, x, un(r, x), σ
∗∇un−1(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx
f(r, x, un(r, x), σ
∗∇u(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx
[f(r, x, un(r, x), σ
∗∇un−1(r, x)) − f(r, x, un(r, x), σ∗∇u(r, x))]φt(r, x)drdx.
ing that f is Lips
hitz in z, we get
|f(r, x, un(r, x), σ∗∇un−1(r, x)) − f(r, x, un(r, x), σ∗∇u(r, x))| 6 k |σ∗∇un−1(r, x) − σ∗∇u(r, x)| .
So the last term of the right side
onverges to 0, sin
e {σ∗∇un}
onverges to σ∗∇u in L2([0, T ]×
d, dt ⊗ ρ(x)dx). Now we are in the same situation as in the �rst part of proof, and in the same
way, we dedu
e that the following holds: for φ ∈ C2c (Rd)
u(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx + (u(s, ·), φt(s, ·)) − (g(·), φt(·, T )) +
E(u(r, ·), φt(r, ·))dr
f(r, x, u(r, x), σ∗∇u(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx, dt ⊗ dx, a.s..
Now if f satis�es assumption 2.3, we know that u is solution of the PDE(g, f) if and only if
û = eµtu is solution of the PDE(ĝ, f̂), where
ĝ(x) = eµT g(x), f̂(t, x, y, x) = eµtf(t, x, e−µty, e−µtz)− µy,
and f̂ satis�es assumption 2.3-(iii) repla
ed by (12). So we know now: for φ ∈ C2c (Rd),
û(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx + (û(s, ·), φt(s, ·)) − (ĝ(·), φt(·, T )) +
E(û(r, ·), φt(r, ·))dr
f̂(r, x, û(r, x),∇û(r, x))φt(r, x)drdx, dt ⊗ dx, a.s..
e that d(eµru(r, x)) = µeµru(r, x)dr + eµrd(u(r, x)), so by the integration by parts formula
(for sto
ess), we get
u(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx
e−µrû(r, x)dφt(r, x)dxdr
= e−µT (ĝ(·), φt(·, T ))− e−µs(û(s, ·), φt(s, ·)) + µ
û(r, x)φt(r, x)dxdr
e−µrφt(r, x)[Lû(r, x) + f̂(r, x, û(r, x),∇û(r, x))]drdx.
Using (11), we get that for φ ∈ C2c (Rd),
u(r, x)dφt(r, x)dx = (g(·), φt(·, T ))− (u(s, ·), φt(s, ·))−
φt(r, x)Lu(r, x)drdx
φt(r, x)f(r, x, u(r, x),∇u(r, x))drdx
= (g(·), φt(·, T ))− (u(s, ·), φt(s, ·))−
E(u(r, ·), φt(r, ·))dr
φt(r, x)f(r, x, u(r, x),∇u(r, x))drdx,
and �nally, the result follows. �
6.2 Some a priori estimates
In this subse
tion, we
onsider the non-markovian Re�e
ted BSDE asso
iated to (ξ, f, L) :
Yt = ξ +
f(t, Ys, Zs)ds+KT −Kt −
Yt > Lt,
(Ys − Ls)dKs = 0
under the following assumptions :
(H1) a �nal
ondition ξ ∈ L2(FT ),
(H2) a
ient f : Ω× [0, T ]× R× Rd → R, whi
h is su
h that for some
ontinuous in
tion ϕ : R+ −→ R+, a real numbers µ and C > 0:
(i) f(·, y, z) is progressively measurable, ∀(y, z) ∈ R× Rd;
(ii) |f(t, y, 0)| 6 |f(t, 0, 0)|+ ϕ(|y|), ∀(t, y) ∈ [0, T ]× R, a.s.;
(iii) E
|f(t, 0, 0)|2 dt <∞;
(iv) |f(t, y, z)− f(t, y, z′)| 6 C |z − z′| , ∀(t, y) ∈ [0, T ]× R, z, z′ ∈ Rd, a.s.
(v) (y − y′)(f(t, y, z)− f(t, y′, z)) 6 µ(y − y′)2, ∀(t, z) ∈ [0, T ]× Rd, y, y′ ∈ R, a.s.
(vi) y → f(t, y, z) is
ontinuous, ∀(t, z) ∈ [0, T ]× Rd, a.s.
(H3) a barrier (Lt)0 6 t 6 T , whi
h is a
ontinuous progressively measurable real-valued pro
E[ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
(eµtL+t ))] <∞,
and (L+t )0 6 t 6 T ∈ S2(0, T ), LT 6 ξ, a.s.
We shall give an a priori estimate of the solution (Y, Z,K) with respe
t to the terminal
ξ, the
ient f and the barrier L. Unlike the Lipshitz
ase, we have in addition the term
Eϕ2(sup0 6 t 6 T (L
t )) and a
onstant, whi
h only depends on ϕ, µ, k and T :
Proposition 6.1. There exists a
onstant C, whi
h only depends on T , µ and k, su
h that
0 6 t 6 T
|Yt|2 +
|Zs|2 ds+ |KT |2
f2(t, 0, 0)dt+ ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
(L+t ))
+ CE[ sup
0 6 t 6 T
(L+t )
2 + 1 + ϕ2(2T )].
Proof. Applying It�'s formula to |Yt|2, and taking expe
tation, then
E[|Yt|2 +
|Zs|2 ds] = E[|ξ|2 + 2
Ysf(s, Ys, Zs)ds+ 2
6 E[|ξ|2 + 2
Ysf(s, 0, 0)ds+ 2
(µ |Ys|2 + k |Ys| |Zs|)ds+ 2
It follows that
E[|Yt|2 +
|Zs|2 ds] 6 E[|ξ|2 + 2
f2(s, 0, 0)ds+ (2µ+ 1 + 2k2)
|Ys|2 ds+ 2
Then by Gronwall's inequality, we have
E |Yt|2 6 CE[|ξ|2 +
f2(s, 0, 0)ds+
LsdKs], (40)
|Zs|2 ds 6 CE[|ξ|2 +
f2(s, 0, 0)ds+
LsdKs], (41)
where C is a
onstant only depends on µ, k and T , in the following this
an be
line by line.
Now we estimate K by approximation. By the existen
e of the solution, theorem 2.2 in Lepeltier
et al. [12℄, we take the pro
ess Z as a known pro
ess. Without losing generality we write f(t, y)
for f(t, y, Zt), here f(t, 0) = f(t, 0, Zt) is a pro
ess in H
2(0, T ). Set
m,n = (ξ ∨ (−n)) ∧m,
fm,n(t, y) = f(t, y)− f(t, 0) + (f(t, 0) ∨ (−n)) ∧m.
Form, n ∈ N, ξm,n and sup0 6 t 6 T fm,n(t, 0) are uniformly bounded. Consider the RBSDE(ξm,n, fm,n, L),
t = ξ
m,n +
fm,n(t, Y m,ns )ds+K
Zm,ns dBs,
t > Lt,
(Y m,ns − Ls)dKm,ns = 0.
if we re
all the transform in step 2 of the proof of theorem 2.2 in Lepeltier et al. [12℄, sin
e ξm,n,
fm,n(t, 0) 6 m, we know that (Y
t , Z
t ) is the solution of this RBSDE, if and only if
(Y m,n′, Zm,n′,Km,n′) is the solution of RBSDE(ξm,n′, fm,n′, L′), where
t , Z
t ) = (Y
t +m(t− 2(T ∨ 1)), Z
ξm,n′ = ξm,n + 2mT −m(T ∨ 1),
fm,n′(t, y) = fm,n(t, y −m(t− 2(T ∨ 1)))−m,
t = Lt +m(t− 2(T ∨ 1)).
Without losing generality we set T > 1. Then ξm,n′ 6 0 and fm,n′(t, 0) 6 0. Sin
e (Y m,n′, Zm,n′,Km,n′)
is the solution of RBSDE(ξm,n′, fm,n′, L′), then we have
T = Y
0 − ξ
m,n′ −
m,n′(s, Y m,n′s , Zs)ds+
s dBs,
h follows
)2] 6 4E[
∣∣Y m,n′0
∣∣2 + |ξm,n′|2 + (
fm,n′(s, Y m,n′s )ds)
|Zm,n′s |
ds]. (42)
Applying It�'s formula to |Y m,n|2, like (40) and (41), we have
E |Y m,nt |
|Zm,ns |
ds 6 CE[|ξm,n|2 +
(fm,n(s, 0))2ds+
∣∣Y m,n′0
∣∣2 +
|Zm,n′s |
ds = 2 |Y m,n0 |
+ 8m2T 2 + E
|Zm,ns |
6 CE[|ξm,n|2 +
(fm,n(s, 0)ds)2 +
s ] + 8m
2T 2.
For the third term on the right side of (42), from Lemma 2.3 in Lepeltier et al. [12℄, we remember
fm,n′(s, Y m,n′s )ds)
6 max{(
fm,n′(s, Ỹ m,ns )ds)
fm,n′(s, Y
s )ds)
2}, (43)
where (Ỹ m,n, Z̃m,n) is the solution the following BSDE
t = ξ
m,n′ +
m,n′(s, Ỹ m,ns )ds−
s dBs, (44)
s = ess sup
+1{τ<T} + (ξ
m,n)+1{τ=T}|Ft] = ess sup
From (44), and proposition 2.2 in Pardoux [13℄, we have
fm,n′(s, Ỹ m,ns )ds)
6 CE[|ξm,n′|2 + (
fm,n′(s, 0)ds)2]
6 CE[|ξm,n|2 +
(fm,n(s, 0))2ds] + Cϕ2(2mT ) + Cm2.
For the other term in (43), with sup0 6 t 6 T Y
s = sup0 6 t 6 T (L
, we get
m,n′(s, Y
s )ds)
2(fm,n′(s, 0))2ds+ 2Tϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
6 E[4
fm,n(s, 0)2ds+ 2Tϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+)] + 2m2T + 4Tϕ2(2mT ).
Consequently, we dedu
e that
2] = E[(K
6 CE[|ξm,n|2 +
(fm,n(s, 0))2ds+
s + ϕ
2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+) +m2 + ϕ2(2mT )]
6 CE[|ξ|2 +
(f(s, 0, Zs))
2ds+ ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+) + sup
0 6 t 6 T
+)2] +
+C(m2 + ϕ2(2mT )).
Moreover using (41) and the fa
t that f is Lips
hitz on z, it follows that
)2] 6 CE[|ξ|2 +
(f(s, 0, 0))2ds+ ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+) + sup
0 6 t 6 T
+)2 (45)
LsdKs] + C(m
2 + ϕ2(2mT )).
Let m→ ∞, then
E[|ξm,n − ξn|2] → 0, E
|fm,n(t, 0)− fn(t, 0)|2 → 0,
where ξn = ξ ∨ (−n) and fn(t, y) = f(t, y)− f(t, 0) + f(t, 0) ∨ (−n).
Thanks to the
e result of step 3 of the proof for theorem 2.2 in [12℄, we know that
(Y m,n, Zm,n,Km,n) → (Y n, Zn,Kn) in S2(0, T )×H2d(0, T )×A2(0, T ), where (Y n, Zn,Kn) is the
soultion of the RBSDE(ξn, fn, L). MoreoverK
T ց KnT in L2(FT ), so we haveKnT 6 K
T , whi
implies for ea
h n ∈ N,
E[(KnT )
2] 6 E[(K
2] (46)
Then, letting n→ ∞, by the
e result in step 4, sin
E[|ξn − ξ|2] → 0, E
|fn(t, 0)− f(t, 0)|2 → 0,
the sequen
e (Y n, Zn,Kn) → (Y, Z,K) in S2(0, T )× H2d(0, T ) ×A2(0, T ), where (Y, Z,K) is the
solution of the RBSDE(ξ, f, L). From (46), and (45) for m = 1, we get
E[(KT )
2] 6 CE[|ξ|2 +
(f(s, 0, 0))2ds+ ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+) + sup
0 6 t 6 T
LsdKs] + C(1 + ϕ
2(2T ))
6 CE[|ξ|2 +
(f(s, 0, 0))2ds+ ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+) + sup
0 6 t 6 T
E[(KT )
2] + C(1 + ϕ2(2T )).
Then it follows that for ea
h t ∈ [0, T ],
E[|Yt|2 +
|Zs|2 ds+ (KT )2] 6 CE[|ξ|2 +
(f(s, 0, 0))2ds+ ϕ2( sup
0 6 t 6 T
+ sup
0 6 t 6 T
+)2] + C(1 + ϕ2(2T )).
Finally we get the result, by applying BDG inequality. �
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Notations and preliminaries
Stochastic flow and random test functions
Sobolev's Solutions for PDE's under monotonicity condition
Sobolev's solution for PDE with obstacle under monotonicity condition
Proof of proposition 3.1
Some a priori estimates
0704.1415 | Exact distribution of the sample variance from a gamma parent
distribution | Exact Distribution of the Sample Variance from a
Gamma Parent Distribution
T. Royen
Fachhochschule Bingen, University of Applied Sciences,
Berlinstrasse 109, D–55411 Bingen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
Several representations of the exact cdf of the sum of squares of n independent
identically gamma–distributed random variables Xi are given, in particular by a
series of gamma distribution functions. Using a characterization of the gamma
distribution by Laha, an expansion of the exact distribution of the sample variance
is derived by a Taylor series approach with the former distribution as its leading
term. In particular for integer orders α some further series are provided, including
a convex combination of gamma distributions for α = 1 and nearly of this type
for α > 1. Furthermore, some representations of the distribution of the angle Φ
between (X1, ...,Xn) and (1, ...,1) are given by orthogonal series. All these series
are based on the same sequence of easily computed moments of cos(Φ).
AMS 2000 Subject Classifications: 62E15, 62H10
Keywords: Exact distribution of quadratic forms in non–normal random vari-
ables, Exact distribution of the sample variance, Gamma distribution, Exponential
1 Introduction
The distribution of the sample variance s2 in non–normal cases has attracted sporadic
attention during the last eight decades. Early investigations, concerning a gamma par-
ent distribution can be traced at least to Craig (1929) and Pearson (1929), who used
moment approximations, later investigated more thoroughly by Bowman and Shen-
ton(1983). For general distributions various approximations were proposed by Box
(1953), Roy and Tiku (1962), Tan and Wong (1977) and by Mudholkar and Trivedi
(1981). The latter authors recommend transformations of the Wilson–Hilferty type.
Exact results seem to be available only for a mixture of two normal distributions (Hyre-
nius 1950, Mudholkar and Trivedi 1981). See also chapter 4.7 in Mathai and Provost
(1992). The interest in the distribution of s2 or 1/s was also stimulated by investiga-
tions on the estimation of process capability indices, see e.g. Pearn, Kotz and Johnson
(1992) and Pearn and Kotz (2006).
Apart of its intrinsic theoretical value, an analytical representation of the cdf of s2
enables more rapid and more accurate evaluations than Monte Carlo methods. Besides,
it provides a base to investigate the accuracy of the different proposed approximations.
Now let X1, . . . ,Xn be a random sample with mean X̄ and sample variance
S2 = (n− 1)−1 ∑ni=1(Xi − X̄)2 from a gamma distribution with pdf
gα(x) = x
α−1 exp(−x)/Γ(α), (1)
and cdf
Gα(x) =
gα(ξ )dξ .
Xi, Z :=
X2i , U
2 := ZY−2, (2)
we have
(n− 1)S2 = (U2 − 1/n)Y2, 1/
n ≤U ≤ 1. (3)
By Laha (1954) — see also Lukacs (1955) — the mutual independence of X and the
sample coefficient of variation S/X =
n((U2 − 1/n)/(1− 1/n))1/2 was shown to
characterize the family of gamma distributions indexed by α . This is the key to derive
the distribution of S2 essentially from the distribution of Z. At first, it follows with the
angle Φ between (X1, . . . ,Xn) and (1, . . . ,1) that
Hα ,n(r) := Pr{Z ≤ r2} = EU(Gαn(r/U))
= EΦ(Gαn(r
n− 1S ≤ r} = EU(Gαn(r(U2 − 1/n)−1/2)
= EΦ(Gαn(r
With the cdf Fα ,n of U it follows also
Hα ,n(r) = EY (Fα ,n(r/Y ))
= rαn(Γ(αn))−1
xαn−1Fα ,n(x
h∗α ,n(r) := r
−αnHα ,n(r) (7)
is the Laplace transform (L.t.) of
f ∗α ,n(x) := (Γ(αn))
−1xαn−1Fα ,n(x
−1), 0 < x ≤
n. (8)
A power series for h∗α ,n – and consequently the cdf Hα ,n – is derived in (12) . . . (16)
of the follwing section. Due to (7), (8) the coefficients of this series determine the
moments of f ∗α ,n and therefore Fα ,n and the cdf in (5).
For a cdf a probability mixture representation is more appealing than a power series.
Such a mixture of gamma distributions for Hα ,n is found in (20) in section 2.
Then the reader might go directly to theorem 4.1, which is the main result con-
cerning the actual computation of the cdf of S2. By means of a few lines of code of a
computer algebra system some tables of this cdf with at least eight correct digits have
been computed for some values of α and n.
Representations for f ∗α ,n by an orthogonal series with Legendre polynomials and
by a Fourier sinus series are derived too in section 2. Because of the relations (7), (8)
these two series provide two further representations of h∗α ,n or Hα ,n. The corresponding
series for Fα ,n(u) in (31) and the orthogonal series derived from (32) can be used within
(5). However, the application of theorem 4.1 is simpler and more accurate.
In spite of the numerical use of the double series in theorem 4.1 it would be theo-
retically more satisfying to have a single alternating power series or even a probability
mixture representation for the cdf of S2. The latter is accomplished exactly for the
exponential case (α = 1) and nearly for integer α > 1 by theorem 4.2, which contains
also an alternating power series. However, for numerical purposes, theorem 4.2 is (at
present) not considered as a competitor to theorem 4.1 since the computation of the
required coefficients is more cumbersome. The method is explained in section 3. It
is based on a representation of the cdf of tanΦ by a polynomial on a certain section
[0,ϕn] of the domain of Φ. This formula is found in theorem 3.1. The proofs of all the
theorems are given in the appendix.
Throughout the paper formulas from the handbook of mathematical functions by
Abramowitz and Stegun are cited by A.S. and their number. The symbol ∑(k) stands
for summation over all possible decompositions k = k1+ . . .+kn with non–negative in-
tegers k j. Moments of positive random variables occur also with non-integer exponents
and for defective distributions.
2 The distribution of the sum of squares
The L.t. of Z1 = X
1 is given by
ψα(t) = (2Γ(α))−1
zα/2−1 exp(−
z− tz)dz
= (2Γ(α))−1
(−1)k Γ((α + k)/2)
t−(α+k)/2 (9)
= (2Γ(α))−1t−α/2 exp
(α + 1
with Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric function M. In particular
ψ1(t) =
with the cdf Φ(x) = (1+ erf(x/
2))/2 of the standard normal distribution. For in-
teger values (1−α)/2 or (2−α)/2 Kummer’s M is given by Hermite polynomials
(A.S. 13.6.17/18).
The cdf Hα ,n(r) = Pr{Z ≤ r2} can be obtained by the Fourier inversion formula,
but some further representations are useful. If ψα(t) is written as t−α/2βα(t−1/2), then
(ψα(t))n = t−αn/2
βα ,n,k t−k/2 (11)
βα ,n,k = (−1)k(2Γ(α))−n ∑
Γ((α + ki)/2)
dϕ , y = ρeiϕ . (12)
ρ > 0, −π < ϕ ≤ π , k ∈ N0.
The parameter ρ was inserted here only for numerical considerations. The βα ,n,k are
more quickly computed recursively for n = 1,2,4,8, . . . than by the integrals.
Laplace inversion in (11) implies
Hα ,n(r) = r
βα ,n,k
Γ(1+(αn+ k)/2)
rk. (13)
By the series expansion of Gαn in (4) we obtain with the moments
µα ,n,k := E
n cosΦ)αn+k
= n(αn+k)/2γα ,n,k (14)
Hα ,n(r) =
µα ,n,k
αn+ k
and by comparison with (13) the relation
µα ,n,k = 2Γ(αn)
βα ,n,k
Γ((αn+ k)/2)
. (16)
Also the following representations of the distribution functions of ∑ni=1 X
2,U and
tanΦ are based essentially on the sequence (µα ,n,k) or equivalently (γα ,n,,k).
A probability mixture representation for Hα ,n by gamma distribution functions is
obtained as follows: With any scale factor λ let be
µα ,n,k,λ = λ
−(αn+k)µα ,n,k . (17)
Then, multiplying
Hα ,n(r) = λ
(λ r)αn−1
µα ,n,k,λ (−λ r)k/k!
by e−λ r ∑∞ℓ=0(λ r)
ℓ/ℓ! we obtain
λ gαn(λ r)
δα ,n,k,λ (λ r)
k/k! (18)
with the alternating kth order differences
δα ,n,k,λ = (−∆)kµα ,n,0,λ =
(−1) j
µα ,n, j,λ (19)
and consequently
Hα ,n(r) =
δα ,n,k,λ
αn+ k− 1
Gαn+k(λ r). (20)
In particular with λ =
n this is a probability mixture since
δα ,n,k,√n = E ((cosΦ)
αn(1− cosΦ)k)> 0 and
αn+ k− 1
δα ,n,k,√n = 1 (21)
by virtue of the binomial series with 0≤ 1−cosΦ≤ 1−1/
n. However, for numerical
approximations different values of λ should be more suitable, e.g.
= µ1/(αn)α ,n,0 =
with µα ,n,0,λ = 1.
Besides, two further representations of Hα ,n are obtained from the following or-
thogonal series for f ∗αn from (7), (8). With
xk f ∗αn(x)dx =
µα ,n,k
αn+ k
, (23)
implied by (14), (15), and the shifted Legendre polynomials
P∗k (y) =
p∗k, jy
j, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1,
(P∗k (y))
2dy =
2k+ 1
, (24)
(A.S. 22.2.11), it follows
f ∗α ,n(x) =
cα ,n,kP
k (x/
cα ,n,k = (2k+ 1)
p∗k j
γα ,n, j
αn+ j
Thus, with (A.S. 11.4.26) and the modified spherical Bessel functions (A.S. 10.2.2) we
Hα ,n(r) = r
αn exp
(−1)kcα ,n,k
. (26)
Consequently, the Fourier transform of f ∗α ,n is representable by
h∗α ,n(−it) = exp
ikcα ,n,k jk
with the spherical Bessel functions jk from (A.S. 10.1). For absolutely large real t this
series is numerically more suitable than the power series from (15). Such values are
required as coefficients in the following Fourier sinus expansion for f ∗α ,n.
f ∗α ,n(x) =
bα ,n,m sin
, 0 ≤ x ≤
n , (28)
bα ,n,m =
h∗α ,n
n ∑k≥0
m+k odd
(−1)(m+k−1)/2cα ,n,k jk(mπ/2) .
Because of lemma A.2 the function f ∗αn has a square integrable derivative at least for
min(αn,n)> 2 which entails the absolute uniform convergence of the orthogonal series
in (25) and (28). Inserting (28) into (6) leads to
Hα ,n(r) = r
nr2 +m2π2
bα ,n,m
1− (−1)me−r
. (30)
Finally, with the functions
Gβ (ζ ) :=
Γ(β + k/2)
= (Γ(β ))−1M(1,β ;ζ 2)+ (Γ(β + 1/2))−1ζM(1,β + 1/2;ζ 2), β > 0,
= ζ 2(1−β )eζ
, if β > 1,
the following integral representation can be derived from (11), (12), (13):
Hα ,n(r) =
y = ρeiϕ , ρ > 0.
3 The distribution of the angle Φ
Two representations of the cdf Fα ,n of U = (
ncosΦ)−1 follow directly from (25) and
Fα ,n(u) = Γ(αn)uαn−1
cα ,n,kP
= Γ(αn)uαn−1
bα ,n,m sin
Besides, an orthogonal expansion with Legendre polynomials for the density of U2 is
obtained by the moments
E (U2k) =
Γ(αn+ 2k)∑
Γ(α + 2ki)
, (32)
derived from (2).
Direct use of these orthogonal series within (5) is possible to get the cdf of S,
but the double series in theorem 4.1 is numerically more favourable. As mentioned
in the introduction it would be theoretically more satisfying to have a single alternat-
ing series or a probability mixture for this cdf. A single power series is not directly
available by a power series expansion of Gαn in (5) since the moments of cotΦ do
not all exist. However, at least for integer α , this obstacle is avoided by splitting
the domain [0,arctan(
n− 1)] of Φ by ϕn = arctan(1/
n− 1), which is the max-
imal angle ϕ for which the whole cone {Φ ≤ ϕ} is contained completely within
{x1, . . . ,xn|x1, . . . ,xn ≥ 0}. For integer α the theorem 3.1 below provides a polynomial
representation of the cdf of tanΦ restricted to 0≤ tanϕ ≤ (n−1)−1/2. This simple rep-
resentation is used within (5) to integrate over tanϕ ≤ (n−1)−1/2. The integration over
tanϕ > (n− 1)−1/2 needs only truncated moments of cotΦ = (1− cos2 Φ)−1/2 cosΦ,
obtained by the binomial expansion with the truncated moments of cosΦ, given below
in (36).
Theorem 3.1 Let α be a positive integer, then
Wα ,n(t) := Pr{tanΦ ≤ t}
aα ,n,2 j
tn−1+2 j
n− 1+ 2 j
, 0 ≤ t ≤ (n− 1)−1/2,
where the coefficients aα ,n,2 j are given as the unique solutions of the linear equations
+β n+m− j
aα ,n,2 j =
Γ(1/2+β +m j)/(2m j)! , α = 2β + 1
(2m+ n)!
Γ(1/2+β +m j)/(2m j + 1)! , α = 2β
m, j = 0, . . . , [(α − 1)n/2].
With any ρ > 0 the sums ∑(m) within the right hand sides of (34) are also given by
dϕ , α = 2β + 1,
α + 1
α + 1
dϕ , α = 2β ,
After Kummer’s transformation (A.S. 13.1.27) the above confluent hypergeometric
functions M can also be expressed by Hermite polynomials due to (A.S. 13.6.17/18).
The truncated moments γ̄α ,n,k = Ē ((cosΦ)αn+k), defined by integration over
ϕ ≥ ϕn, follow from theorem 3.1 by straightforward calculation.
γ̄α ,n,k = γα ,n,k −
aα ,n,2 jB
2 + j,
2 − j;
with the incomplete beta function B(a,b;x) =
a−1(1− t)b−1dt. In particular with
α = 1 we have
γ̄1,n,k = γ1,n,k −
(n− 1)!
π (n−1)/2
Γ( n−12 )
. (37)
Two further remarks: The equations (34) can also be solved by explicit matrix in-
version. The matrix
2 +β n+m− j
, m, j = 0, . . . ,N = [(α − 1)n/2], has the
structure Γ(x)Diag
. . . ,(x)m, . . .
(x+m)N− j
with factorials (x)m = x(x+ 1) . . .(x+
m−1). The inverse (pm j(x)) of ((x+m)N− j) contains only polynomials pm j of degree
m in its mth row. These polynomials can be obtained by interpolation from the m+ 1
pm j(−(N − k)) =
(k = 0, . . . ,m)
(−1) j+k+1
( j+ k−m)!(N− ( j+ k))!
, m− k ≤ j ≤ N − k
0 , otherwise
The cdf F1,n of U1,n can be applied to a goodness of fit test of the hypothesis H0 : F = F0
against H1 : F 6=F0, where F0 is any specified continuous cdf. Under H0 the test statistic
∑ni=1(F0(Xi:k)−F0(Xi−1:k))2, obtained from an ordered sample Xi:k, i= 1, . . . ,k = n−1,
(X0:k =−∞, Xn:k = ∞), has the same distribution as U21,n. The asymptotic normality of
U21,n can be derived from the asymptotic bivariate normal distribution of
(Yn − n)/
(Zn − 2n)/
with correlation ρ = 2/
5. The convergence to a normal distribution
is slow and might be accelerated by a suitable transformation.
4 The distribution of the sample variance
With the functions
Hα ,n,m(r) := E (Gαn+m(r
µα ,n,m+k
αn+m+ k
m ∈ N0, µα ,n,k = E (
ncosφ)αn+k = n(αn+k)/2γα ,n,k from (14) we obtain
Theorem 4.1 Let X1, . . . ,Xn be independent random variables with den-
sity (Γ(α))−1e−xxα−1, α > 0, then the cdf of the sample variance S2 =
(n− 1)−1 ∑ni=1(Xi − X̄)2 is given by
(n− 1)S2 ≤ z = r2
Γ(αn+ 2 j)
Γ(αn) j!n j
Hα ,n,2 j(
z) (39)
(αn+ k)/2+ j− 1
µα ,n,2 j+k
αn+ k
δα ,n, j,k,λ
αn+ k− 1
Gαn+k(λ r)
with the alternating kth order differences
δα ,n, j,k,λ =
(αn+ ℓ)/2+ j− 1
µα ,n,2 j+ℓ
λ αn+2 j+ℓ
and any λ > 0. The series in (39) is absolutely convergent with terms of the order
, where the O–constant depends only on α and n.
As a simple numerical example we obtain with α = 1 and n = 10 the value
Pr{S ≤ 2}= 0.98530379 . . . with at least eight correct digits.
Finally, the method, explained before theorem 3.1, is applied to obtain the alterna-
tive representations in theorem 4.2 for integer α , including in particular a probability
mixture for the exponential case α = 1. The degree of the polynomials in theorem 3.1
and the rate of convergence of the binomial series in (43) limit the numerical use of
theorem 4.2 to moderate values of αn.
The truncated moments
M̄α ,n,k = Ē
(αn+ k)/2+ j− 1
γ̄α ,n,k+2 j (43)
are used with γ̄α ,n,k from (36), obtained by integration over ϕ ≥ ϕn = arccot(
n− 1).
Theorem 4.2 With the truncated moments from (43) and (36), the pdf wα ,n and the cdf
Wα ,n of tanΦ on 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ ϕn from theorem 3.1, the distribution of S is given by each of
the following three formulas (44), (45), (46):
n− 1S ≤ r
γ̄α ,n,k
αn+ k
n/t)wα ,n(t)dt
with the polynomials
Pαn,k(x) =
(αn+ k)/2
xk−2 j
(k− 2 j)!
M̄α ,n,k
αn+ k
+ Wα ,n(1/
n− 1)Gαn
n(n− 1)
gαn(x)Wα ,n
The infinite series in (45) is also given by
∆̄α ,n,k,λ
αn+ k− 1
Gαn+k(λ r) (46)
with any λ > 0 and the alternating kth order differences
∆̄α ,n,k,λ = (−∆)kM̄α ,n,0,λ =
M̄α ,n,ℓ,λ ,
M̄α ,n,ℓ,λ = Ē
Remarks: In particular, with α = 1 the only coefficient in w1,n(t) is a1,n,0 =
(n− 1)bn−1 with the volume bn−1 = π (n−1)/2/Γ
of the (n− 1)–unit ball. Then
the last two terms in (45) are reduced to
(n− 1)!
n(n(n− 1))(n−1)/2
n(n− 1)). (47)
The truncated moments γ̄1,n,k were given in (37). Only positive coefficients ∆̄α ,n,k,λ
arise in (46) with λ =
n(n− 1) since 1 > 1− cotΦ√
n−1 ≥ 0. The last term in (45) is
bounded by Wα ,n(1/
n− 1)
n(n− 1))
, which is often neglectible. For
actual computations the choice
Ē ((cotΦ)αn)
1−Wα ,n(1/
n− 1)
might be more favourable. With this λ the leading term in (46) becomes
1−Wα ,n
Gαn(λ r).
It would be desirable to find a similar probability mixture representation for the cdf
of S2 for all α > 0 but presumedly, also in case of its existence, the computation of the
required coefficients would not be easy.
Acknowledgement: The author would like to thank S. Kotz for his strong interest
in this work and some hints at the literature within a personal communication.
Proof of theorem 3.1. Let α be any positive integer and ω the Lebesgue measure on
the (n− 1)–unit sphere Sn−1. Then
(x1 + . . .+ xk)
= 2Γ((αn+ k)/2)−1k!∑
Γ(α + k j)/2)/k j! , α + k j odd.
After an orthogonal transformation x = Ty with y1 = n
−1/2 ∑ni=1 xi = cosϑ1, followed
by transformation to polar coordinates, we obtain with c j = cosϑ j, s j = sinϑ j the same
integral value as
n+ s1τ j(ϑ2, . . . ,ϑn−1))α−1dω
= nk/2
α − 1
n−1− j
j dϑ j
1 dϑ1
= nk/2
aα ,n,2 jB
(α − 1)n+ k+ 1
. (A.2)
By comparison with (A.1) it follows
(α − 1)n+ k+ 1
aα ,n,2 j
= 2n−k/2k!∑
Γ((α + k j)/2)/k j! .
With α = 2β + 1 only even k j = 2m j occur with sum k = 2m, and with α = 2β only
k j = 2m j + 1 with sum k = 2m+ n, which leads to the linear equations in (34).
If ℓ is odd then the coefficients aα ,n,ℓ vanish since
sn−1− jj dϑ j
is a linear combination of the integrals
M j+n−1− j
j dϑ j , (Mn−1 = 0) ,
which are different from zero only for even m2, . . . ,mn, ∑nj=2 m j = ∑
j=1 ℓ j = ℓ.
If t = tanϕ ≤ (n− 1)−1 we obtain with Sn−1,ϕ = Sn−1 ∩{ϑ1 ≤ ϕ} that
Pr{tanΦ ≤ t} = (Γ(α))−n
e−x j xα−1j dx j
= (Γ(α))−n
ραn−1 exp(−ρ
n+ s1τ j)α−1dω
n+ s1τ j)α−1dω
aα ,n,2 j
sn−2+2 j1 c
−n−2 j
1 dϑ1 ,
where the integrals are given by (tanϕ)n−1+2 j/(n−1+2 j, which provides the asserted
result in (33). ✷
Comparing the series
αn+ k
= Γ(αn)Gαn(
with the corresponding one for Γ(αn+ 2 j)Gαn+2 j(
z/y) we obtain the identity
Γ(αn+ 2 j)
Gαn+2 j
by differentiation.
Lemma A.1
, y,z > 0. (A.5)
Proof. Using (A.4) and Cauchy’s integral formula for the derivatives of
Γ(αn+ 2 j)Gαn+2 j(
zαn/2+ j−1 exp(−
the bound in (A.5) follows from
( j− 1)!
Γ(αn+ 2 j)Gαn+2 j(
= lim
ζ αn/2+ j−1 exp(−
ζ )(ζ − z)− jdζ
yαn/2−1 exp(−
y/2)dy = 2αn/2Γ(αn)/π ,
where the way of integration is
≤ ϕ ≤
∣R ≥ y ≥−R
Lemma A.2 Let Φ denote the angle between (X1, . . . ,Xn) and (1, . . . ,1) from (4),
Wα ,n(t) the cdf of tanΦ and bn−1 = π (n−1)/2/Γ( n+12 ) the volume of the (n− 1)–unit
ball, then
Wα ,n(t)∼
tn−1, t ↓ 0, (A.6)
and in particular
W1,n(t) =
(n− 1)!
n−1, 0 ≤ t ≤ (n− 1)−1/2. (A.7)
E ((cosΦ)s)∼
s−(n−1)/2, s ↑ ∞. (A.8)
Proof. Let x,xg denote the arithmetic and the geometric mean of (x1, . . . ,xn ≥ 0 and
ϕ the angle between (x1, . . . ,xn) and (1, . . . ,1). Setting xi = (1+ εi)x with any fixed x
we have the relation
(xi − x)2 =
ε2i = n tan
and for ϕ ↓ 0
xng = x
(1+ εi)∼ xn exp
∼ xn.
It follows
Wα ,n(t) = Pr{Φ ≤ ϕ}=
= (Γ(α))−n
g exp(−nx)dx1 . . .dxn
∼ (Γ(α))−nbn−1
x(α−1)n exp(−nx)(x
n tanϕ)n−1dx
which provides (A.6).
For α = 1 this asymptotic relation can be replaced by an equation if ϕ ≤ ϕn =
n− 1), which is the largest angle ϕ for which the whole cone {Φ ≤ ϕ} is
contained within {x1, . . . ,xn|x1, . . . ,xn ≥ 0}.
To prove (A.8) we obtain from (A.6)
Pr{| ln(cosΦ)| ≤ ε} = Pr{ln(1+ tan2 Φ)≤ 2ε}
∼ Wαn
∼ cα ,nε(n−1)/2, ε ↓ 0,
with a factor cα ,n determined by (A.6). For s → ∞ the relation (A.8) follows from
the Hardy–Littlewood–Karamata Tauber theorem (cf. e.g. chapter 13 in Feller 1971),
applied to
E ((cosΦ)s) = E (exp(−s| ln(cosΦ)|)) . ✷
Proof of theorem 4.1. With any ϑ ∈ (0,1) EU
(z/(U2 −ϑ/n))1/2
can be
represented by the Taylor series
With U−1 =
ncosΦ and the bounds from Lemma A.1 the terms of this series are
absolutely bounded by
(cosΦ)2 j
ϑ j/ j = O(ϑ j j−(n+1)/2)
due to (A.8) with s = 2 j and on O–constant depending only on α and n.
For ϑ ↑ 1 it follows from (6) and (A.4) that
Pr{(n− 1)S2 ≤ z = r2} = EU
U2 − 1/n
Γ(αn+ 2 j)
Γ(αn) j!n j
Gαn+2 j
Γ(αn+ 2 j)
Γ(αn) j!n j
Hα ,n,2 j(
with the functions Hα ,n,2 j from (38).
With any λ > 0 we obtain
Γ(αn+ 2 j)
Γ(αn) j!n j
Hα ,n,2 j(
(αn+ k)/2+ j− 1
µα ,n,2 j+k
λ αn+2 j+k
(λ r)αn−1+k
λ 2/n
After multiplication by exp(−λ r)∑∞ℓ=0(λ r)ℓ/ℓ! the series (41) is obtained by integra-
tion over r. ✷
Proof of theorem 4.2. With the pdf wα ,n and the cdf Wα ,n of tanΦ from theorem 3.1
and the truncated moments M̄α ,n,k = Ē
from (43) it follows with (5) that
n− 1S ≤ r} = E
n/t)wα ,n(t)dt +
M̄α ,n,k
αn+ k
After integration by parts and the substitution t → r
n/x the above integral becomes
n(n− 1)
Inserting the series for M̄α ,n,k from (43) formula (44) follows by rearranging the
resulting absolutely convergent double series according to the truncated moments
γ̄α ,n,k = Ē
from (36).
The series in (46) is obtained by the same way as (21). ✷
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0704.1416 | Framework for non-perturbative analysis of a Z(3)-symmetric effective
theory of finite temperature QCD | HIP-2007-18/TH
Framework for non-perturbative analysis of a Z(3)-symmetric
effective theory of finite temperature QCD
A. Kurkela1
Theoretical Physics Division, Department of Physical Sciences,
P.O.Box 64, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
We study a three dimensional Z(3)-symmetric effective theory of high temperature QCD.
The exact lattice-continuum relations, needed in order to perform lattice simulations with
physical parameters, are computed to order O(a0) in lattice perturbation theory. Lattice
simulations are performed to determine the phase structure of a subset of the parameter
[email protected]
1 Introduction
At high temperature, QCD matter undergoes a deconfinement transition, where ordinary had-
ronic matter transforms into strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma [1, 2, 3]. In the absence
of quarks, Nf = 0, the transition is a symmetry-breaking first order transition, where the order
parameter is the thermal Wilson line [4, 5]. The non-zero expectation value of the Wilson line
signals the breaking of the Z(3) center symmetry of quarkless QCD at high temperatures.
The transition has been studied extensively using lattice simulations [6, 7, 8]. Thermody-
namical quantities, condensates and various correlators can be measured on the lattice and the
equation of state can be estimated. This approach, however, becomes computationally exceed-
ingly expensive at high temperatures, and thus cannot be applied to temperatures T above
∼ 5Tc. The complementary approach has been to construct perturbatively effective theories,
such as electrostatic QCD or EQCD, using the method of dimensional reduction [9, 10, 11] to
quantitatively describe high temperature regime of QCD [12, 13, 14, 15]. In the dimensional
reduction procedure, however, one expands the temporal gauge fields around one of the Z(3)
vacua and thus explicitly violates the center symmetry. The range of validity of these theories
therefore ends for T below ∼ 5Tc, where the fluctuations between different vacua become im-
portant. There have also been several attempts to the build models for Wilson line, respecting
the center symmetry [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. These models give a qualitative handle on the
transition but cannot be perturbatively connected to QCD.
As a unification of these strategies, an effective field theory of high temperature QCD respect-
ing the Z(3) center symmetry has been constructed in [22]. At high temperatures, the effective
theory reduces to EQCD guaranteeing the correct behavior there, but the model still preserves
the center symmetry. The effective theory is further connected to full QCD by matching the
domain wall profile separating two different Z(3) minima.
Being a three dimensional model, the new theory relies on the scale separation between the
inverse correlation length and the lowest non-zero Matsubara mode, which is still modest at Tc
[23, 24]. Thus, one hopes that the range of validity of this theory would extend down to Tc.
The effective theory is a confining one, so perturbative analysis breaks down. Non-perturbative
methods, i.e. lattice simulations, are thus needed to find out the physical properties, such as
correlation lengths, condensates, and most importantly the phase structure of the theory, to test
its regime of validity.
The effective theory is super-renormalizable, and thus the connection between the continuum
MS and lattice regulated theories can be obtained exactly to the desired order in the lattice
spacing a. The matching of the parameters of the Lagrangian to order O(a0), which is needed
in order to perform simulations with MS scheme parameters and to obtain physical results,
requires a two-loop lattice perturbation theory calculation. The one-loop terms remove any
linear 1/a divergences, while two-loop terms remove the logarithmic log(1/a) divergences and
the constant differences in the mass terms of the theory. In addition, the condensates have lattice
spacing dependence and constant differences between the two schemes and can be calculated to
order O(a0) by performing a two-loop calculation for operators up to cubic order and a four-
loop calculation for the quartic condensates. In this paper we perform the needed two-loop
This paper is organized as follows. In Sections 2 and 3 we define the theory in continuum
MS regularization and on the lattice, respectively. In Section 4 we study the phase diagram of
a subset of the parameter space of the theory. Details of the matching between the continuum
and lattice theories are given in the appendices.
2 Theory
The theory we are studying is defined by a three dimensional continuum action, which we
renormalize in the MS scheme
TrF 2ij +Tr
+ V0(Z) + V1(Z)
, (1)
Fij = ∂iAj − ∂jAi + ig3[Ai, Aj ] (2)
Di = ∂i − ig3[Ai, ] (3)
and Z is a 3 × 3 complex matrix, which in the limit ǫ → 0 has dimension dimZ =
The gauge fields Ai are Hermitean traceless 3 × 3 matrices and can be expressed using gener-
ators of SU(3), Ai = A
a, with TrT aT b = 1
δab . The covariant derivative is in the adjoint
representation. The potentials V0, the “hard” potential, and V1, the “soft” potential, are
V0(Z) = c1Tr[Z
†Z] + 2c2Re(Det[Z]) + c3Tr[(Z
†Z)2], (4)
V1(Z) = d1Tr[M
†M ] + 2d2Re(Tr[M
3]) + d3Tr[(M
†M)2], (5)
where M = Z − 1
Tr[Z]1 is the traceless part of Z. Here, the gauge coupling g3 has a positive
mass dimension dim[g23 ] =GeV, making the theory super-renormalizible. Because of the super-
renormalizibility, the coefficients c2, c3, d2, and d3 are renormalization scale independent and
only the mass terms c1 and d1 acquire a scale dependence in the MS renormalization scheme.
The scale dependence in the mass terms arises from a two-loop calculation and has the form:
c1(µ̄) =
d1(µ̄) =
c23 − 64d3g23 +
2d3c3 + d
, (7)
where Λ is a constant specifying the theory and µ̄ is the MS scale parameter. The coefficients
ci, di, and g3 are matched to the parameters of full thermal QCD by imposing the condition
that the theory reduces to EQCD at the high temperature limit, and that the theory reproduces
the domain wall profile of full QCD [22]. This defines a subset of parameter values (with a
limited accuracy due to perturbative matching), for which the theory describes thermal QCD3.
However, in this paper we consider the model in general, and do not restrict ourselves only to
the physical region.
The action is defined only for the number of colors Nc = 3, but for generality, we give some of
the perturbative results for any Nc. For analytic calculations the scalar field Z can be expanded
around the vacuum:
(φ+ iχ)1+ (H + iA), (8)
2Our notation is obtained from that in [22] by scaling with g3: Ai → g3Ai, Z → g3Z, c1 → c1, c2 → g
c3 → g
c3, c̃1 → g
d1, c̃2 → g
d2, and c̃3 → g
3In the matching, the hard potential is parametrically larger than the soft potential, explaining the terminology.
where φ and χ are real scalars and H and A are Hermitean traceless matrices. Fields H and A
can be written with the generators of the SU(3) group, H = HaT a and A = AaT a, where Ha
and Aa are real scalars.
The action is invariant under local gauge transformations, with Z transforming in the adjoint
Ai(x) −→ G(x)
G−1(x), (9)
Z(x) −→ G(x)Z(x)G−1(x), (10)
where G(x) ∈SU(3). In addition to this, there are further global symmetries in the potentials.
The potential V0 is invariant in global SU(3)×SU(3) transformations
Z(x) −→ LZ(x)R, (11)
where L and R are SU(3) matrices. The potential V1 is invariant under Z(3) transformations
M → zM, (12)
where z = ei2πn/3, which generalizes into a U(1) symmetry if d2 = 0. This implies that in the
presence of the both potentials (with non-zero coefficients), the overall global symmetry of the
Lagrangian is Z → zZ.
3 Lattice action
In order to perform non-perturbative simulations, the theory has to be formulated on the lattice.
On the lattice, the scalar field Z lives on the sites of the lattice, and the gauge fields Ai are traded
for link variables Ui, which are elements of SU(Nc) and live on the links connecting adjacent
sites. The lattice action corresponding to the continuum theory can be written as S = SW +SZ ,
SW = β
ReTr[Uµν ]
is the standard the Wilson action with the lattice coupling constant
corresponding to a lattice spacing a. The continuum limit is taken by β → ∞, and there the
Wilson action reduces to the ordinary pure gauge action.
The kinetic term, Tr
, is discretized by replacing the covariant derivatives by
covariant lattice differences. Then the scalar sector of the action reads:
SZ = 2
Ẑ†Ẑ − Ẑ†(x)Ui(x)Ẑ(x+ î)U †i (x)
†Ẑ] + 2ĉ2ReDetẐ + ĉ3Tr[(Ẑ
†M̂ ] + 2d̂2ReTrM̂
3 + d̂3Tr[(M̂
. (14)
where ĉi, d̂i are dimensionless numbers, and M̂ and Ẑ are dimensionless Nc×Nc complex matri-
ces. Only the mass terms ĉ1 and d̂1 require non-trivial renormalization and all the other terms
can be matched to order O(a0) on tree-level by simply scaling with g3:
Z = g3Ẑ, M = g3M̂ (15)
c2 = g
3 ĉ2, d2 = g
3 d̂2 (16)
c3 = g
3 ĉ3, d3 = g
3 d̂3. (17)
For the mass terms, renormalization has to be carried out, so that the physical masses of the
fields are the same in both regularization schemes. A two-loop calculation gives (the details of
the calculation and the definitions of the numerical constants are given in the appendix):
ĉ1 =
2ĉ3β −
64ĉ3 +
(log β + ζ) +
16Σ2 − 64δ
64ĉ3 +
(log β + 0.08849) + 37.0863ĉ3
+O(β−1) (18)
d̂1 =
β(1 +
16Σ2 − 64δ
ĉ23 − 64d̂3 +
2d̂3ĉ3 + d̂
[log β + ζ]
πΣ− 4δ − 6ρ+ 2κ1 − κ4
3.17591 + 5.64606d̂3
41.780852 + 37.0863d̂3
ĉ23 − 64d̂3 +
d̂3ĉ3 +
d̂23 +
[log β + 0.08849]
+O(β−1). (19)
Here, we have set the renormalization scale to be µ̄ = g23 in Eqs. (6) and (7), and denote
c1 = c1(g
3) and d1 = d1(g
3). By making this choice, we get the logarithmic term to be a
function of the lattice coupling constant β. There are also higher order corrections (corrections
of order O(β−1) corresponding to order O(a) in lattice spacing), but their effect vanishes in the
continuum limit.
Various operators also need to be renormalized on the lattice in order to convert their expec-
tation values to continuum regularization. The Z3-symmetry protects the lowest dimensional
condensate 〈g−13 TrZ〉 from acquiring any additive renormalization, while a two-loop calculation
gives for the quadratic condensates:
〈g−23 TrZ
†Z〉MS = 〈TrẐ
†Ẑ〉a −
c − 1)
log β + ζ +
= 〈TrẐ†Ẑ〉a − [0.3791β + 0.3040(log β + 0.66796)] +O(β−1), (20)
〈g−23 TrM
†M〉MS = 〈TrM̂
†M̂〉a −
N2c − 1
c − 1)
log β + ζ +
+O(β−1), (21)
〈g−23 TrZ
†TrZ〉MS = 〈TrẐ
†TrẐ〉a −
β +O(β−1), (22)
where the subscript a denotes the lattice regularization. For the cubic condensates we get:
〈g−33 2ReDetZ〉MS = 〈2ReDetẐ〉a
N2c − 1
ĉ2 +
8/Nc − 10Nc + 2N3c
ĉ2 + d̂2)
(log β + ζ) +O(β−1)
〈g−33 2ReTrM
3〉MS = 〈2ReTrM̂
3〉a −
− 30Nc + 6N3c
ĉ2 + d̂2) (log β + ζ) +O(β−1)
The effect of subtraction of the divergences can be seen in Fig.1. The renormalization of the
quartic operators to order O(β0) would require a four-loop calculation, which we do not perform
here since they are not measured at this stage.
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
25 <Tr(Z✝Z)>
- κ1/β
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
M)> -div
Figure 1: The effect of subtraction of the divergences in 〈TrZ†Z〉 and 〈TrM †M〉 in a fixed physical
volume with d1 = 6.6 and d3 = 0.01. On the left panel, the effect of subtracting the divergent parts
of 〈TrZ†Z〉 is plotted. The constants κ1, κ2 and κ′2 are the coefficients of the linear, logarithmic, and
constant differences between lattice and MS regularizations form equation (20). On the right panel:
the continuum limit of the condensates. Notice the negative values of the quadratic condensates in the
symmetric phase.
4 Phase diagram of the soft potential
A simpler model is obtained from the original theory by setting ci = 0. In this model, the trace
of Z decouples and can be integrated over as a free scalar field. The relevant degree of freedom
is thus a traceless complex matrix M , or two traceless hermitian matrices H and A. This can
be viewed as a natural generalization4 of EQCD to complex values of the adjoint higgs field Aa0.
The simpler model is defined by the action:
TrF 2ij +TrDiM
†DiM + d1TrM
†M + 2d2Re(Tr[M
3]) + d3Tr(M
TrF 2ij +TrDiADiA+TrDiHDiH + d1TrA
2 + d1TrH
+ 2d2Tr[H
3 − 3HA2] + d3Tr[H4 +A4 + 4H2A2 − 2HAHA]
. (26)
If the cubic term d2 is zero, the Lagrangian is invariant under a U(1) global symmetry
M → gM , g ∈U(1). The breaking of the symmetry is signalled by a local order parameter:
〈TrA3〉2 + 〈TrH3〉2. (27)
This operator remains a valid order parameter after the renormalization since it has no additive
renormalization, if d2 = 0. In the symmetric phase A is strictly zero and in the broken phase the
order parameter obtains a non-zero vacuum expectation value, while the two phases are separated
by a first order transition. In the broken phase 〈TrM †M〉 is larger than in the symmetric phase.
After the inclusion of the cubic term, A is no longer strictly an order parameter, since the U(1)
symmetry is explicitly broken. However, the first order transition remains and is accompanied
with a significant discontinuity in A and 〈TrM †M〉.
4.1 Perturbation theory
In the limit of small d3/g
3 , the transition becomes very strong, and we expect a semiclassical
approximation to produce the correct behavior of the critical line [25, 26]. We parametrize a
constant diagonal hermitian background field in a fixed Landau gauge as follows:
〈M〉 = 2pT3 + 2
3qT8 =
q + p 0 0
0 q − p 0
0 0 −2q
, (28)
where p and q are real scalars with dimensions of g3.
Lattice simulations suggest that the A → −A symmetry is not broken spontaneously at any
non-zero value of d2, so that it is sufficient to consider only hermitian background fields. Using
this parametrization, the 1-loop effective potential V1(d1, d2, d3; p, q) can be calculated:
4In EQCD with gauge group SU(3), there is only one linearly independent quartic gauge invariant opera-
tor namely TrA40. In the complex case, however, there are four different Z3-symmetric operators: Tr(M
(TrM†M)2, Tr[M†M†MM ] and Tr[M†
]Tr[M2]. In the case of unitary M , i.e. in the minimum of the hard
potential, these operators collapse into a single one. However, since there is no such restriction in our model, the
operators are linearly independent. From these operators, we choose to include only the one appearing in the
original theory, Tr(M†M)2.
V1(d1, d2, d3; q, p) = (2p
2 + 6q2)d1 + 36q(p
2 − q2)d2 +
(2p2 + 6q2)2d3
(8|p|3 + |p− 3q|3 + |p+ 3q|3)g33
d1 + 3(p − q)d2 + 2(p2 + 3q2)d3
d1 + 6qd2 + 2(p
2 + 3q2)d3
d1 − 3(p + q)d2 + 2(p2 + 3q2)d3
d1 + 4(p
2 + 3q2)d3 − 2
3(p2 + 3q2)d22 + 18q(p
2 − q2)d2d3 + (p2 + 3q2)2d23
d1 + 4(p
2 + 3q2)d3 + 2
3(p2 + 3q2)d22 + 18q(p
2 − q2)d2d3 + (p2 + 3q2)2d23
]3/2 }
d1 − 6qd2 + 2(3p2 + q2)d3
d1 + 3(p + q)d2 + 2(p
2 − 4pq + 7q2)d3
d1 − 3(p − q)d2 + 2(p2 + 4pq + 7q2)d3
(p2 + 3q2)d3 −
27(p2 + 3q2)d22 + 54q(q
2 − p2)d2d3 + (p2 + 3q2)2d23
(p2 + 3q2)d3 +
27(p2 + 3q2)d22 + 54q(q
2 − p2)d2d3 + (p2 + 3q2)2d23
]3/2 }
where the first term is the classical potential, the second one comes from one-loop vector dia-
grams and the fourth and the fifth from one-loop scalar diagrams of H and A, respectively5.
The effective potential has a symmetry arising from the permutations of the diagonal elements
of the background 〈M〉 and has the following invariance:
V1(d1, d2, d3; q, p = ±3q) = V1(d1, d2, d3;−2q, 0). (30)
More generally, the potential is invariant under rotations of 2π/3 in the (p, 3
q)-plane and in the
reflections of p:
q → p−q
p → p+3q
q → −p−q
p → p−3q
q → q
p → −p
Thus there is a fundamental region, which determines the potential over the whole plane. We
choose the fundamental region to be bounded by the two lines p = 0 and p = −3q together with
the condition p ≥ 0.
In the fundamental region, there can be four different minima at the critical parameter
values d1, d2 and d3. The one at the origin (denoted by 1 in fig.2) is the symmetric minimum,
5By dropping the last term, i.e., the five last lines and scaling d1 → y, d2 → iγ3, and d3 → 2x, one obtains the
effective potential for EQCD in the presence of a finite (imaginary) chemical potential using the notation of [27]
−20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20
−25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25
q/g 1
Figure 2: 1-loop effective potential in the (q,p)-plane at the critical point for d3 = 0.01 and d2 = 0 (left
panel) and d2 = 0.05 (right panel). Light areas represent the minima of the potential. Solid lines separate
the three identical sectors which are related by the permutation symmetry of the diagonal elements of the
background field 〈M〉. In the absence of d2 there is an additional U(1) symmetry making the directions
marked with dashed lines identical to the p = 0 direction. This symmetry explicitly broken by finite d2
as seen on the right panel.
-20 -10 0 10 20
Figure 3: 1-loop effective potential with p = 0 as a function of q at the critical point for d3 = 0.01 and
d2 = 0(line), 0.005(dotted),and 0.05(dashed).
the minima 2 and 3 are connected by the permutation symmetry and correspond to the same
physical broken minimum, with TrH3 < 0 and TrA3 = 0. The minimum 4 corresponds to a
phase with TrH3 > 0 and TrA3 = 0 and is connected continuously to the minimum 2 by a global
U(1) symmetry if d2 = 0. If d2 6= 0, the U(1) symmetry is lost and the minima 2 and 4 are no
longer equivalent. If d2 > 0 the minimum at 2 is favored over 4 and vice versa.
Setting d2 to zero and expanding in d3 up to order O(d23) the potential reads (for p = 0):
V1(d1, 0, d3; q, 0) = 18q
|q| −
so that in the limit d3 → 0 the potential has two coexisting minima and a first order transition
d1 = d
≈ 0.0759909
, (33)
This sets the scaling of the critical line as a function of d3 at small d3. Corrections to this, and
d2 dependence, are obtained by minimizing the real part of Eq.(29) numerically. The results are
shown in Figs.4 and 5. The phase transition is accompanied with a discontinuity in q:
∆q = |qbroken − qsymmetric| =
, (34)
We see that the transition gets stronger as the coupling d3 gets smaller justifying a posteriori
the semiclassical approximation.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Figure 4: 1-loop perturbative phase diagram of the soft potential, V1, as function of d1, d2 and d3. A
first order critical line separates the two phases. The symmetric phase refers to the phase where with
d2 = 0 the order parameter vanishes and with d2 6= 0 is smaller than in the broken phase. The data points
represent non-perturbative lattice measurements with d2 = 0 on a N
3 = 123 lattice. The perturbative
result approaches the lattice data points for small values of d3 where the transition is very strong. Small
discrepancy between the perturbative result and lattice data points at small d3/g
is mostly due to finite
volume effects.
4.2 Lattice analysis
The perturbative calculation is valid only for small d3 and a non-perturbative lattice analysis
has to be performed to obtain the full phase structure of the model. For the simulations we
used a hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm for the scalar fields and Kennedy-Pendleton quasi heat
bath and full group overrelaxation for the link variables [28, 29, 30].
-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4
Figure 5: 1-loop perturbative phase diagram of the soft potential, V1, as function of d1 and d2 with
d3 = 2. A first order critical line separates the two phases. The non-analyticity at d2 = 0 is due to the
change of global minimum between minima 3 and 4.
The transition was found to be of the first order for all parameter values used in the simula-
tions (d3 ≤ 4 and d2 ≤ 0.15) accompanied with a large latent heat and surface tension; hysteresis
curves showing discontinuity around critical point in 〈TrM †M〉MS can be seen in Fig.8. The
probability distributions of TrM †M along the critical curve are very strongly separated (see
Fig.7). This makes the system change its phase very infrequently during a simulation, and mul-
ticanonical algorithm is needed to accommodate a phase flip in reasonable times for any system
of a modest size [31]. Even with the multicanonical algorithm, the critical slowing restricts us
to physical volumes up to V . 50/g63 .
The pseudo-critical point was determined requiring equal probability weight for TrM †M in
both phases. The simulations were performed with β = 12 and a lattice size N3 = 123, which
precludes the continuum extrapolation as well as the thermodynamical limit. However, these
limits were studied for one set of parameter values and the dependence of the critical point on
both lattice spacing and volume were found to be of order of five per cent for the lattice spacings
and volumes used (see Fig.6 and Table 1).
The phase diagram can be seen in Fig.9 and Fig.10. The non-perturbative critical line follows
the perturbative one for small values of d3, but for larger d3 fluctuations make the system prefer
the symmetric phase. The discontinuity in 〈TrM †M〉 along the critical line diminishes, as d3 gets
larger (see Fig.11), but it seems that the discontinuity persists, even if its magnitude diminishes
in the limit d3 → ∞ suggesting that there is a first order phase transition for any (positive)
value of d3.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, exact relations between the lattice and continuum MS regulated formulations of
the Z(3)-symmetric super-renormalizable effective theory of hot QCD, defined by Eqs.(1),(4),
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Figure 6: Volume dependence of the pseudo-critical point with d3 = 2 and d2 = 0.1. The pseudo-
critical point was determined by requiring equal probability weight for TrM †M in both phases. The line
represents a linear fit. The dependence on lattice spacing and volume seem to be within 5% for the lattice
spacings and volumes used.
β Lattice volumes
12 83, 103, 123, 163
16 123, 163, 203
20 163, 203, 243
Table 1: Lattices used in the continuum and thermodynamical extrapolation of the critical point, seen
in Fig.6.
and (5), have been calculated. The Lagrangians and the operators up to cubic ones have been
matched to O(a0). These results make the non-perturbative lattice study of the theory possible.
An interesting model with non-trivial dynamics is obtained by setting ci = 0 in Eq.(4). The
model amounts to a natural generalization of EQCD to complex variables. The phase diagram
of the model has been determined using lattice simulations. Two distinct phases were found, a
symmetric phase with small 〈TrM †M〉MS, and a broken phase with large 〈TrM
†M〉MS. The two
phases were found to be separated by a strong first order transition with a large surface tension
and discontinuities in the operators. In contrary to EQCD, where the first order line terminates
at a tricritical point, the model seems to have a first order transition with all values of d2 and
In the future, it is our goal to map out the phase diagram in the full parameter space of the
model, rather than in a restricted region as in the present exploratory study, in order to search
for regions in which the phase diagram would resemble that expected for the finite-temperature
SU(3) pure Yang-Mills theory.
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 7: Histograms of TrM †M in logarithmic scale with d2 = 0 along the critical curve. Transition
channel between the peaks weakens and the transition gets stronger for decreasing d3. For d3/g
= 0.5,
the relative probability density in the tunneling channel is suppressed by a factor ∼ 10−10.
The author thanks K. Kajantie for suggesting this topic and for numerous comments concerning
the text. The author also thanks M. Laine, K. Rummukainen, Y. Schröder and A. Vuorinen for
invaluable advice. This research has been supported by Academy of Finland, contract number
109720 and the EU I3 Activity RII3-CT-2004-506078 HadronPhysics. Simulations were carried
out at CSC - Scientific Computing Ltd., Finland; the total amount of computing power used
was ∼ 1× 1016 flops.
A Details of renormalization
In this appendix, we give details of the calculation of the renormalization of the mass parameters
ĉ1 and d̂1 and the condensates 〈g−23 TrZ†Z〉, 〈g
3 TrM
†M〉, 〈g−23 TrZTrZ†〉,〈g
3 2DetZ〉, and
〈g−33 2ReTrM3〉.
The renormalization calculation compares ultraviolet properties of the two regularizations
and thus it is irrelevant, in which phase we carry out the computation. We chose to work
around the symmetric vacuum, since the Feynman rules are the simplest this way. However,
in this vacuum, all components of the gluon are massless and one therefore has to deal with
infrared divergences. The infrared divergences in the two regularizations are the same, and
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 8: Discontinuity in the quadratic condensate in continuum regularization 〈TrM †M〉
for d3 =
0.1, 1, 3. The phase transition gets weaker as the coupling d3 grows. The metastable regions shrink and
the discontinuity diminishes.
cancel exactly in the final results.
Using the expansion (8), the potential V2 is a function of H and A only. The unit matrix
commutes with any SU(3) matrix, and the interaction with the gluon field arises from commu-
tator in the covariant derivative in adjoint representation. Thus the gluons couple, on tree-level,
only to H and A
Using this expansion, there are four tree-level mass terms in the Lagrangian that require
(ĉ1 + d̂1)H
(ĉ1 + d̂1)A
The coefficients ĉ1 and d̂1 have to be adjusted such that both regularization schemes give the
same physical masses for all fields φ, χ, H and A. The theory is super-renormalizible, and there
are divergent contributions up to two-loop level only. The masses are obtained from the low
momentum properties of the two-point correlator:
〈〈φ(k)φ(p)〉〉 = δ(3)(k + p) 1
k2 +m2
The difference between the correlators in the two schemes is in the mass and the wave function
renormalization. However, the effect of the wave function renormalization is of order O(a) and
can be neglected. To get the same masses in the different schemes, we enforce the condition that
the two-point correlators give identical values in the low momentum limit. The zero-momentum
lattice correlator can be written in a weak-coupling expansion
〈〈φ(0)φ(0)〉〉a =
〈φ(0)φ(0)〉a − 〈φ(0)φ(0)〉MS
〈φ(0)φ(0)(−SI )〉a − 〈φ(0)φ(0)(−SI )〉MS
〈φ(0)φ(0)S2I 〉a − 〈φ(0)φ(0)S2I 〉MS
+ 〈〈φ(0)φ(0)〉〉MS +O(a), (37)
where double and single brackets represent exact and Gaussian expectation values, respectively,
and subscripts give the regularization scheme. From here, we can read the condition for the
lattice mass term ĉ1 by requiring that the exact correlators give the same value up to order
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 9: The phase diagram of the soft potential as a function of d1, d2 and d3. First order critical
line separates two phases. Solid lines represent polynomial fits to the lattice data points and dashed lines
are the perturbative predictions. The symmetric phase refers to the phase where with d2 = 0 the order
parameter A vanishes and with d2 6= 0 is smaller than in the broken phase. Also 〈TrM †M〉 is significantly
smaller in the symmetric phase and the critical line was determined requiring equal propability weight
for 〈TrM †M〉 in both phases.
ĉ1 =
〈φφ(−SI)〉a,1PI − 〈φφ(−SI)〉MS,1PI
〈φφS2I 〉a,1PI − 〈φφS2I 〉MS,1PI
+O(a) (38)
Similarly, we get for the mass term of adjoint fields:
d̂1 =
− ĉ1
〈HH(−SI)〉a,1PI − 〈HH(−SI)〉MS,1PI
〈HHS2I 〉a,1PI − 〈HHS2I 〉MS,1PI
+O(a) (39)
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Figure 10: The the phase diagram as a function of d2, with d3 = 2. The symmetric phase refers to the
phase where with d2 = 0 the order parameter vanishes and with d2 6= 0 is smaller than in the broken
The correlators in both regularizations are in two-loop weak-coupling expansion infrared-divergent
quantities. However, since the infrared properties of the two regularization schemes are the same,
the infrared divergences cancel exactly in the difference.
The renormalization of the condensates is done very similarly. The condensates can be
expressed, in both regularization schemes, as derivatives with respect to mass parameters of the
free energy and thus they can be related. For the quadratic condensates we get:
〈TrZ†Z〉MS =
= 〈TrZ†Z〉a +
∂(fMS − fa)
〈TrM †M〉MS =
= 〈TrM †M〉a +
∂(fMS − fa)
, (41)
and for the cubic:
〈2ReDetZ〉MS =
= 〈2ReDetZ〉a +
∂(fMS − fa)
〈2ReTrM3〉MS =
= 〈2ReTrM3〉a +
∂(fMS − fa)
. (43)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 11: Discontinuity in 〈TrM †M〉 along the critical line dcrit
(d2, d3). Dotted lines represent second
order polynomial fits to the data, and the points on the y-axis represent extrapolations to infinite d3.
The large d3 extrapolation yields a finite value suggesting that the transition remains of first order even
at large d3.
Due to the super-renormalizability the difference in free energy is dimensionally of the form:
fMS − fa =
+ C2,1
+ C2,2
2 + E2,1d
2 + E2,2c2d2
3c1(µ̄) +D2,1c3c1(µ̄) +D2,2d3c1(µ̄)
3d1(µ̄) +D2,4c3d1(µ̄) +D2,5d3d1(µ̄)
+ C3,1
+ C3,2
+ C3,3
+ C3,4
+ C3,5
3 + C4,1g
3c3 + C4,2g
3d3 + C4,3g
3 + C4,3g
3 + C4,4g
3 + C4,6d
3 + C4,6c
3d3 + C4,7c3d
+O(a), (44)
where the dimensionless coefficients Ai,j, Bi,j, Ci,j, Di,j , and Ei,j are functions of a dimensionless
combination aµ̄ only. The coefficients Ci,j and Di,j follow from an i-loop computation. For the
quadratic and cubic condensates we need to know coefficients Di,j and Ei,j in order to obtain
the matching of the condensates to order O(a0), which follow from a two-loop calculation:
D1,0 = −ΣN2c
D1,1 = −Σ(N2c − 1)
D2,0 = −2Nc(N2c − 1)
+ ζ +
D2,1 = 0
D2,2 = 0
D2,3 = −2Nc(N2c − 1)
+ ζ +
D2,4 = 0
D2,5 = 0
E2,0 = −
(N2c − 1)
E2,1 = −12
E2,2 = −8
. (45)
For the quartic condensates, however, the coefficients Ci,j are needed and a four-loop lattice
perturbation theory calculation is required for the matching. For the gluon condensates, also the
Bi,j are needed. The coefficients B2,0 and B3,0 have been calculated in [32] and [33], respectively.
The coefficient B4,0 has been calculated for Nc = 3 using stochastic perturbation theory in [34].
B Feynman rules
Using the expanded fields, the potentials become:
V0(Z) =g
χ2 + ĉ1Tr[A ·A] + ĉ1Tr[H ·H]
φχ2 +
φTr[A ·A]−
φTr[H ·H]
4ĉ2Tr[H ·H ·H] +
χTr[A ·H]− 1
4ĉ2Tr[A · A ·H]
2Tr[H ·H] + 1
2Tr[H ·H] + 1
2Tr[A ·A]
2Tr[A ·A] +
ĉ3φχTr[A ·H]
6ĉ3φTr[H ·H ·H] +
6ĉ3χTr[A ·A · A]
6ĉ3φTr[A · A ·H] +
6ĉ3χTr[A ·H ·H]
24ĉ3Tr[A · A · A ·A] +
24ĉ3Tr[H ·H ·H ·H]
16ĉ3Tr[A ·A ·H ·H]−
8ĉ3Tr[A ·H ·A ·H]
V1(Z) =g
d̂1Tr[A ·A] + d̂1Tr[H ·H]
−6d̂2Tr[A · A ·H] + 2d̂2Tr[H ·H ·H]
d̂3Tr[A ·A ·A ·A] + 4d̂3Tr[A · A ·H ·H]
−2d̂3Tr[A ·H · A ·H] + d̂3Tr[H ·H ·H ·H]
. (47)
The gauge part of the scalar Lagrangian in Fourier space (momentum conservation, all
integrations over Brillouin zone, with measure
, and sums understood) becomes [35]:
SZ = i
fabc (p̃− q)iAa(p)Ab(q)Aci (r) +
2facef bde( p− q
a(p)Ab(q)Aci (r)A
j (s)
fabc (p̃− q)iHa(p)Hb(q)Aci (r) +
2facef bde( p− q
a(p)Hb(q)Aci (r)A
j (s),
where we use a compact notation:
= cos
, p̃i =
, and p̃2 =
In addition to these there is the pure gluon and gauge fixing sector [36]
p̃2Aai (−p)Aai (p) + p̃2c̄a(p)ca(p) + ig3fabcri
a(p)cc(r)Abi (q)
2(facef bde + fadef bce)s̃ip̃ic̄
a(p)Aci (q)A
i (r)c
b(s) +
Aai (−p)Aai (p) + S3 + S4.
Contributions of three and four gluon vertices S3 and S4 can be found in [37], Eqs. (15.39),(15.43)
and (15.53), where one needs to replace (2
)(δABδCD + . . .) with (
)(δABδCD + . . .) [36].
C Calculation of the diagrams
The perturbation theory calculations were done using symbolic manipulation language FORM[38].
For formalized computation, it is advantageous to write all the color tensors in the fundamental
representation, i.e. using the generators of the group:
Tr[T aT bT c] =
(dabc + ifabc) (51)
Tr[T aT b] =
δab. (52)
Then all the color contractions in loop calculations can be done systematically with repeated
use of the Fiertz identity:
T aijT
(δilδjk −
δijδkl). (53)
The following combinations are found in the action:
ifabc = 2Tr(T a[T b, T c]) (54)
dabc = 2Tr(T a{T b, T c}) (55)
fabcf bde = −2Tr[T a, T c]Tr[T b, T d] (56)
dabedcde = 2Tr{T a, T b}Tr{T c, T d} − 2
δabδcd (57)
In lattice perturbation theory, the numerators of the integrals contain complex trigonometric
objects. These can be systematically reduced to squares of sines, which also appear in the
denominator, by repeated use of the following formulae (no summation over repeated indices):
x̃+ yi = x̃iyi
+ ỹixi
(x+ y)i
x̃iỹi (59)
2 = δii −
x̃2i (60)
(x̃+ y)2i − x̃2i xi
− ỹ2i xi
. (61)
This procedure generalizes trivially also to higher order loop calculations. The set of integrals
can be further reduced by applying a trigonometric identity (for j ≥ 2):
(x̃2 +m2)j
j − 1
x̃2 − 3
(x̃2 +m2)j−1
(x̃2 +m2)j
. (62)
D Diagrams for mass renormalization
In this section, we give the zero momentum diagrams that affect the mass renormalization.
The expressions are in lattice regularization and the symbol ”MS” refers to the result of the
corresponding diagram in the MS regularization. Solid and wiggly lines represent scalars and
gluons, respectively. Symbols in parentheses indicate fields running in the internal scalar lines.
The symmetry factors are included in the coefficients.
The following diagrams with zero incoming momenta contribute to the renormalization of
the mass term ĉ1 of φ-field (with external lines φ):
• One-loop: The mass mi refers to the mass of the field running in the loop. In the difference
between continuum and lattice regularization, the mass dependence cancels.
(φ) : −1
(χ) : −1
(A) : −1
(N2c − 1)
(H) : −(N2c − 1)
g23 ĉ3I(mi)
N2c g
3 ĉ3
+O(a) +MS (63)
• Two-loop:
– Terms proportional to ĉ23g
3 : Masses m1, m2 and m3 in the denominator refer to the
masses of the internal lines and m2d = g
3(ĉ1 + d̂1).
(φφφ) : 2
(χχφ) : 2
(AAφ) : 2
(N2c − 1)
(HHφ) : 2(N2c − 1)
(χAH) : 4
(N2c − 1)
(AAH) : −1
c − 1)
(HHH) : −Nc(N2c − 1)
g43 ĉ
N2c −
g43 ĉ
+O(a) +MS (64)
– Terms proportional to ĉ3g
3 : The tadpoles are cancelled by the 1-loop counter terms.
(A) : −1
c − 1)
(H) : −Nc(N2c − 1)
g43 ĉ3
2H(md,md, 0) + (2I(0) − I(md))
+ 4m2dH
′(md,md, 0) − a2G(md,md)
c − 1)
g43 ĉ3
+ ζ − δ
+O(a) + tadpoles. + MS (65)
(A) : 1
c − 1)
(H) : Nc(N
c − 1)
)I(md) + a
c − 1)
g43 ĉ3
+O(a) + tadpoles. + MS (66)
The following diagrams with zero incoming momenta contribute to the renormalization of
the mass term d̂1 of H-field (with external lines H):
• One-loop diagrams:
(φ) : −ĉ3
(χ) : −1
(A) : −(2Nc − 1/Nc)(ĉ3 + d̂3)
(H) : −(2Nc − 3/Nc)(ĉ3 + d̂3)
ĉ3 − 4(Nc − 1/Nc)(ĉ3 + d̂3)
+O(a) +MS (67)
= −3g23NcI(0) = −3g23Nc
+O(a) +MS (68)
= g23NcI(0) = g
+O(a) +MS (69)
• Two-loop diagrams:
– Terms proportional to g43 ĉ
(φφH) : 2ĉ23
(φχA) : 4
(AAφ) : −1
(HHφ) : −3Ncĉ23
(χχH) : 2
(χAH) : −2
(AAH) : −2(1− 3/N2c − 32N
c )(ĉ3 + d̂3)
(HHH) : −6(1− 3/N2c − 16N
c )(ĉ3 + d̂3)
− 4Nc)ĉ23 + (4N2c + 24/N2c − 8)(ĉ3 + d̂3)2
+O(a) +MS
– Terms proportional to g43(ĉ3 + d̂3):
(A) : −2(N2c − 12)
(H) : −2(N2c − 32)
g43(ĉ3 + d̂3)
2H(md,md, 0) + (2I(0) − I(md))
+ 4m2dH
′(md,md, 0) − a2G(md,md)
= −8(N2c − 1)(ĉ3 + d̂3)
+ ζ − δ
+O(a) + tadpoles. + MS (71)
(A) : −2(N2c − 12)
(H) : −2(N2c − 32)
g43(ĉ3 + d̂
)I(md) + a
= −2(N2c − 1)g43(ĉ3 + d̂3)
+O(a) +MS (72)
– Terms proportional to g43 : The coupling of the adjoint fields A and H is exactly the
same as as in EQCD, so the term proportional to g43 can be taken from EQCD [36].
However, at two-loop level diagrams with an adjoint scalar loop contribute two times
since there are two adjoint fields. The diagrams with adjoint loops are the following:
= N2c g
x̃2x̃2(ỹ2 +m2d)
=N2c g
x̃2x̃2(ỹ2 +m2
x̃2x̃2(ỹ2 +m2d)
N2c g
˜(2x+ y)
(x̃2 +m2
)ỹ2ỹ2( ˜(x+ y)
= N2c g
H(md,md, 0)
ỹ2 +md
+ 2m2d
ỹ2 +md
˜(x+ y)
[ ˜(x+ y)2]2(x̃2 +m2d)(ỹ
2 +m2d)
The last line can be written in a more familiar form using the definition of ρ, Eq.(93),
and the trigonometric identity Eq.(62):
[ ˜(x+ y)2]2(x̃2 +m2
)(ỹ2 +m2
The infrared divergences in these two diagrams cancel and the sum of the diagrams
+ = N2c g
+O(a) +MS
There are also two other diagrams:
= −N2c g43
i (2y)
x̃2x̃2(x̃2 +m2d)(ỹ
2 +m2d)
= N2c g
i x̃i
˜(x+ 2y)i
j x̃j
˜(x+ 2y)j
x̃2x̃2(x̃2 +m2d)(ỹ
2 +m2d)(
˜(x+ y)
After repeated use of Eqs.(61), the both diagrams can be written in the form
±N2c g43
x̃2 − 2a2
x̃2x̃2(x̃2 +m2d)(ỹ
2 +m2d)
, (79)
with the negative and the positive sign coming from the first and second diagram,
respectively, so that their sum cancels exactly.
The sum of diagrams proportional to g43 reads:
Σ2 + (
)πΣ − 4(δ + ρ) + 2κ1 − κ4
+ 2ρ+
+O(a) +MS (80)
It is noteworthy that the scale dependence from the diagrams containing only gauge
interactions with a single adjoint scalar field cancels exactly in the renormalization.
However, upon the inclusion of another adjoint scalar field this property is lost.
E Diagrams for operator renormalization
In this section, we give the results for the vacuum diagrams that affect the renormalization of
quadratic condensates present in the action. The diagrams needed for the quadratic condensates
〈TrZ†Z〉MS, 〈TrM
†M〉MS, and 〈TrZ
• One-loop:
φ : 1
χ : 1
H : 1
(N2c − 1)J(md)
A : 1
(N2c − 1)J(md)
= (N2c − 1)J(md) + J(m) (81)
• Two-loop: the counter terms cancel the {c3, d3}-dependent linearly divergences terms, and
only the gauge diagrams contribute:
H : 1
A : 1
c − 1)
I(0)− 6I(0)I(md)− a2m2dI(0)I(md)
A : 1
H : 1
c − 1)
− I(md)I(md) + 4I(0)I(md)
− 4m2dH(md,md, 0)− a2G(md,md)
The diagrams needed for the cubic condensates: 〈2ReDetZ〉 and 〈2ReTrM3〉:
• Two-loop
φφφ : 1
φχχ : 1
φhh : 1
(N2c − 1)ĉ22
φaa : 1
(N2c − 1)ĉ22
χah : 1
(N2c − 1)ĉ22
hhh : 3(1/Nc − 54Nc +
N3c )(
ĉ2 + d̂2)
aah : 9(1/Nc − 54Nc +
N3c )(
ĉ2 + d̂2)
g63H(m1,m2,m3) (84)
N2c − 1
ĉ22 + 12
1/Nc −
ĉ2 + d̂2)
g63H(m1,m2,m3) (85)
F Basic lattice integrals and numerical constants
In this appendix, we list the basic lattice integrals and numerical constants defined and calculated
in [39, 35, 36].
J(m) ≡
ln(x̃2 +m2)
I(m) ≡
x̃2 +m2
H(m1,m2,m3) ≡
x̃2 +m21
ỹ2 +m22
x̃+ y
a(m1 +m2 +m3)
+ ζ +
G(m,m) ≡
(x̃2 +m2)(ỹ2 +m2)(x̃+ y
H ′(m1,m2,m3) = (∂m2
)H(m1,m2,m3) (90)
Numerical constants:
Σ ≡ 1
∫ π/2
i sin
≈ 3.175911535625 (91)
∫ π/2
i sin
2(xi) sin
2(xi + yi)
i sin
j sin
k sin(xk + yk)
≈ 1.942130(1) (92)
∫ π/2
i sin
2(xi) sin
2(xi + yi)
i sin
j sin(xj + yj)
i sin
i sin
i sin
≈ −0.313964(1) (93)
∫ π/2
i sin
2(xi) sin
2(xi + yi)∑
i sin
j sin
k sin(xk + yk)
≈ 0.958382(1) (94)
∫ π/2
i sin
2(xi) sin
2(xi + yi) sin
i sin
j sin
k sin(xk + yk)
≈ 1.204295(1) (95)
ζ = lim
∫ π/2
i sin
2(xi) + z)
j sin
k sin
2(xk + yk)
≈ 0.08849(1). (96)
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Lattice action
Phase diagram of the soft potential
Perturbation theory
Lattice analysis
Details of renormalization
Feynman rules
Calculation of the diagrams
Diagrams for mass renormalization
Diagrams for operator renormalization
Basic lattice integrals and numerical constants
0704.1417 | Constraints on Regge models from perturbation theory | UAB-FT-630
Constraints on Regge models from perturbation theory
Jorge Mondejara and Antonio Pinedab
a Dept. d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria
U. Barcelona, Diagonal 647, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
b Grup de F́ısica Teòrica and IFAE, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E-08193
Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
We study the constraints that the operator product expansion imposes on large Nc inspired
QCD models for current-current correlators. We focus on the constraints obtained by going
beyond the leading-order parton computation. We explicitly show that, assumed a given
mass spectrum: linear Regge behavior in n (the principal quantum number) plus corrections
in 1/n, we can obtain the logarithmic (and constant) behavior in n of the decay constants
within a systematic expansion in 1/n. Our example shows that it is possible to have different
large n behavior for the vector and pseudo-vector mass spectrum and yet comply with all
the constraints from the operator product expansion.
1 Introduction
The operator product expansion (OPE) has been used since long in order to gain information
on the non-perturbative dynamics of the hadronic spectrum and decays [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9]. In this article we revisit this problem. We want to obtain the constraints that
the knowledge of the perturbative expansion in αs(Q
2) of the current-current correlators
in the Euclidean regime poses on the relation between the decay constants and the mass
spectrum for excitations with a large quantum number n (where n is the the quantum
number of the bound state). We put special emphasis in going beyond the leading-order
parton computation. We will work with a specific model for the hadronic spectrum. This is
compulsory, since different spectral functions1 may yield the same OPE expression, yet we
believe some aspects of our discussion may hold beyond the assumptions of our model.
In order to have a well defined bound state it is crucial to consider the large Nc approx-
imation [10]. This ensures infinitely narrow resonances at arbitrarily large energies. We will
consider to be in the large Nc limit in what follows, as well as in the exact chiral (massless)
limit. We will then set a specific model for the hadronic spectrum, valid for large values of
n (we only need the behavior of the spectrum and decays for large n, we do not aim to get
any information from perturbation theory for low values of n). This model will be based
on the Regge behavior plus corrections in 1/n that will be included in a systematic way.
The model is based on the assumption that the Regge behavior is a good description of the
spectrum for large n (this can be explicitely seen in the ’t Hooft model [11] and it is also
consistent with phenomenology). Given the 1/n corrections to the mass spectrum, the ex-
pression of the correlator can also be written as a systematic expansion in 1/n, where higher
powers in 1/n are equivalent to higher orders in 1/Q2 in its OPE. By matching the OPE
and hadronic expressions order by order in 1/Q2, we will be able to predict the logarithmic
dependence on n of the decay constants (actually also the constant terms). This result can
also be systematically organized within an expansion in 1/n together with an expansion in
1/ lnn. We will give explicit expressions up to order 1/n2 and 1/ ln3 n. We will also make
some numerical estimates of the impact of these corrections. Finally, we would like to stress
that we are able to introduce power corrections in 1/n to the Regge behavior and yet comply
with the OPE. This is in contrast with Ref. [5], where, besides the Regge behavior, only
exponentially suppressed terms are introduced (parametrically smaller than any finite power
of 1/n for large n). This parameterization is however fine if considered as a fit not emanated
from the large n limit.
2 Correlators
For definiteness, we will consider the vector-vector correlator but most of the discussion
applies to any other current-current correlator (axial-vector, scalar, ....).
V (q) ≡ (q
µqν − gµνq2)ΠV (q) ≡ i
d4xeiqx〈vac|T {J
V (x)J
V (0)} |vac〉 , (1)
1In particular the one derived directly from perturbation theory, which we do not consider, since we will
work in the large N
limit with infinitely narrow resonances.
where J
Qf ψ̄fγ
µψf . In order to avoid divergences, we will consider the Adler function
A(Q2) ≡ −Q2
Π(Q2) = Q2
ImΠV (t) , (2)
where Q2 = −q2 is the Euclidean momentum.
Since we are working in the large Nc limit, the spectrum consists of infinitely narrow
resonances, and the Adler function can be written in the following way
A(Q2) = Q2
F 2V (n)
(Q2 +M2V (n))
. (3)
On the other hand, for large positive Q2, one may try to approximate the Adler function
by its OPE, which reads
where αA(Q
2) admits an analytic expansion in terms of αs(Q
2) (computed in the MS scheme),
β(αs) = −β0
+ · · · , (5)
with β0 = 11/3Nc, β1 = 34/3N
c , β2 = 2857/54N
c , and [12]
2)) = −
+ · · ·
. (6)
3 Matching
High excitations of the QCD spectrum are believed to satisfy linear Regge trajectories:
= constant.
For generic current-current correlators, such behavior is consistent with perturbation
theory in the Euclidean region at leading order in αs if the decay constants are taken to be
“constants”, ie. independent of the principal quantum number n.
The inclusion of subleading effects in αs can be incorporated into this model by changing
the n dependence of the decay constants without changing the ansatz for the spectrum. The
inclusion of these effects has consequences on subleading sum-rules and the relation with the
non-perturbative condensates.
Here we would like to go beyond the analysis at leading order in αs, as well as to consider
power-like corrections in 1/n. We will consider that the large n expression for the mass
spectrum can be organized within a 1/n expansion in a systematic way starting from the
asymptotic linear Regge behavior. In order to fix (and simplify) the problem we will assume
that no lnn term appears in the mass spectrum2. Therefore, we write the mass spectrum in
the following way (for large n)
M2V (n) =
(−s) = B
V n+B
+ · · · , (7)
where B
V are constants. We will usually denote M
V,LO(n) = B
V n, M
V,NLO(n) = B
V and so on. To shorten the notation, we will denote B
V = BV , B
V = AV and B
For the decay constants, we will have a double expansion in 1/n and 1/ lnn.
F 2V (n) =
F 2V,s(n)
= F 2V,0(n) +
F 2V,1(n)
F 2V,2(n)
+ · · · , (8)
where the coefficients F 2V,s(n) have a logarithmic dependence on n:
F 2V,s(n) =
lnr n
. (9)
As we did with the masses, we will define F 2V,LO(n) = F
V,0(n), F
V,NLO(n) = F
V,0(n) +
and so on. Note that in this case we also have an expansion in 1/ lnn.
We are now in position to start the computation. Our aim is to compare the hadronic
and OPE expressions of the Adler function within an expansion in 1/Q2, but keeping the
logarithms of Q. In order to do so we have to arrange the hadronic expression appropiately.
Our strategy is to split the sum over hadronic resonances into two pieces, for n above or
below some arbitrary but formally large n∗, such that ΛQCDn
∗ ≪ Q. The sum up to n∗
can be analytically expanded in 1/Q2 and will not generate lnQ2 terms (neither a constant
term at leading order in 1/Q2). For the sum from n∗ up to ∞, we can use Eqs. (7) and (8)
and the Euler-MacLaurin formula to transform the sum in an integral plus corrections in
1/Q2. Whereas the latter do not produce logarithms, the integral does. These logarithms of
Q are generated by the large n behavior of the bound states and the introduction of powers
of 1/n is equivalent (once introduced in the integral representation, and for large n) to the
introduction of (logarithmically modulated) 1/Q2 corrections in the OPE expression.
Therefore, by using the Euler-MacLaurin formula, we write the Adler function in the
following way (B2 = 1/6, B4 = −1/30, ...)
A(Q2) = Q2
F 2V (n)
(Q2 +M2V (n))
F 2V (n)
(Q2 +M2V (n))
F 2V (n)
(Q2 +M2V (n))
F 2V (n
(Q2 +M2V (n
F 2V (n)
(Q2 +M2V (n))
, (10)
2This is a simplification. If one considers, for instance, the ’t Hooft model [11], lnn terms do indeed
where n∗ stands for the subtraction point we mentioned above, such that for n larger than
n∗ one can use the asymptotic expressions (7) and (8). This allows us to eliminate terms
that vanish when n → ∞. Note that the last sum in Eq. (10) is an asymptotic series, and
in this sense the equality should be understood.
Note also that for n below n∗, we will not distinguish between LO, NLO, etc... in masses
or decay constants, since for those states we will not assume that one can do an expansion
in 1/n and use Eqs. (7) and (8).
Finally, note that the expressions we have for the masses and decay constants become
more and more infrared singular as we go to higher and higher orders in the 1/n expansion.
This is not a problem, since we always cut off the integral for n smaller than n∗. Either way,
the major problems would come from the decay constants, since, in the case of the mass, Q2
effectively acts as an infrared regulator.
3.1 LO Matching
We want to match the hadronic, Eq. (10), and OPE, Eq. (4), expressions for the Adler
function at the lowest order in 1/Q2. This means that we have to consider the lowest order
expressions in 1/n for the masses and decay constants, i.e. F 2V,LO(n) and M
V,LO(n), since
the corrections in 1/n give contributions suppressed by powers of 1/Q2.
Only the first term in Eq. (10) can generate logarithms or terms that are not suppressed
by powers of 1/Q2. Therefore we obtain the following equality,
Apt.(Q2) ≡ Q2
F 2V,LO(n)
(Q2 +M2V,LO)
. (11)
This equation can be fulfilled by demanding that
F 2V,LO(n)
V,LO(n)) . (12)
By using the perturbative expression for ImΠ
V (see [13]), we obtain
F 2V,LO(n) = BV
Ncαs(nBV ) +
243− 176 ζ(3)
N2c α
s (nBV ) (13)
346201− 2904π2 − 324528 ζ(3) + 63360 ζ(5)
N3c α
s (nBV ) +O
α4s (nBV )
where αs(nBV ) should actually be understood as a function of αs(BV ) and lnn. Therefore,
it is obvious that the above expression is resumming powers of αs(BV ) lnn:
F 2V,LO(n) = BV
1 + 11
αs(BV )
αs(BV )
2673− 1936 ζ(3)− 408 ln
1 + 11
Ncαs(BV ) ln(n)
88(1 + 11
αs(BV )
N2c α
s (BV )
N3c α
s (BV )
52272π(1 + 11
αs(BV )
[−350427Ncαs(BV ) ln(n)
346201− 2904π2 − 324528 ζ(3) + 63360 ζ(5)
−3672π(2877− 1936 ζ(3)) ln
αs(BV ) ln(n)
+749088π ln2
αs(BV ) ln(n)
α4s (BV )
Doing so we see that we are able to obtain the dependence of the decay constant in lnn
(somewhat we are assuming that αs(BV ) is an small parameter, BV ∼ 1 GeV).
We can also rewrite the decay constant as an expansion in 1/ lnn by using the equality
ln ñ =
αs(nBV )
αs(nBV )
αs(nBV )
, (15)
where ñ = nBV /ΛMS. We then obtain
F 2V,LO(n) = BV
ln ñ
ln2 ñ
ln ln ñ +
ln3 ñ
ln2 ln ñ +
(−2877 + 1936ζ(3)) ln ln ñ +
20283 ζ(3)
360 ζ(5)
ln4 n
. (16)
Note that the lowest contribution in 1/ lnn for the decay constant, BV
Q2f ,
which, usually, is the only one considered, reproduces the leading-order partonic prediction
for the Adler function.
Note also that there is no problem with the Landau pole, even if the result is written in
the form of Eq. (16), since it holds only for n larger than an n∗ such that ΛMS ≪ n
∗BV (the
integral has an infrared cutoff at n∗).
Finally, we remind that, strictly speaking, we can only fix the ratio between the decay
constant and the derivative of the mass. We have fixed this ambiguity by arbitrarily imposing
the n dependence of the mass spectrum.
3.2 NLO matching
We now want to obtain extra information on the decay constant by demanding the validity
of the OPE at O(1/Q2), in particular the absence of condensates at this order. We then
have to use the NLO expressions for M2V (n) and F
V (n). With the ansatz we are using for
the mass at NLO, it is compulsory to introduce (logarithmically modulated) 1/n corrections
to the decay constant if we want this constraint to hold. Note that it is possible to shift all
the perturbative corrections to the decay constant.
Imposing that the 1/Q2 condensate vanishes produces the following sum rule:
Apt. −
Apt. +
F 2V (n)−
dnF 2V,LO(n)
F 2V (n
F 2V (n)
F 2V,1(n)/n
(Q2 +M2V,LO(n))
F 2V,1(n)/n
(Q2 +M2V,LO(n))
= 0 .
This equality should hold independently of the value of n∗, which formally should be taken
large enough so that αs(n
∗BV ) ≪ 1, i.e. the limit ΛMS ≪ n
∗BV ≪ Q
2. Again, the meaning
of the asymptotic series appearing in Eq. (17) should be taken with care. If we forget about
this potential problem, only a few terms in Eq. (17) can generate lnQ2 terms, which should
cancel at any order. Those are the first two and the last two terms. Actually, the next to last
term does not generate logarithms, but it allows to regulate possible infrared divergences
appearing in the calculation. Therefore, asking for the cancellation of the 1/Q2 suppressed
logarithmic terms produced by the first two and the last term in Eq. (17) fixes F 2V,1. The
non-logarithmic terms should also be cancelled but they cannot be fixed from perturbation
One can actually find an explicit solution to the above constraint for F 2V,1 by performing
some integration by parts. We obtain
F 2V,1(n)
F 2V,0(n) (18)
ln2 ñ
(1− 2 ln (ln ñ)) +
36 ζ(3)
ln3 ñ
−45794053 + 351384π2 + 41637552 ζ(3)− 7666560 ζ(5)
−3672 ln (ln ñ) (−3013 + 1936 ζ(3) + 204 ln (ln ñ))]
ln4 ñ
ln5 ñ
or in terms of αs(nBV ) or αs(BV ),
F 2V,1(n)
N2c α
s (nBV )−
2877− 1936 ζ(3)
N3c α
s (nBV ) (19)
11(376357− 2904π2 − 344112 ζ(3) + 63360 ζ(5))
N4c α
s (nBV ) +O
α5s (nBV )
F 2V,1(n)
(1 + 11
αs(BV )
α2s (BV )
2877− 1936 ζ(3)− 408 ln
1 + 11
Ncαs(BV ) ln(n)
12(1 + 11
αs(BV )
α3s (BV )
4752π(1 + 11
αs(BV )
α4s (BV )
[−233618Ncαs(BV ) ln(n)
376357− 2904π2 − 344112 ζ(3) + 63360 ζ(5)
−3672π(3013− 1936 ζ(3)) ln
αs(BV ) ln(n)
+749088π ln2
αs(BV ) ln(n)
α5s (BV )
Note that besides the 1/n suppression, we also have an extra α2s (nBV ) suppression.
In principle one could think of the existence of 1/n×constant terms in the decay constant,
i.e. without any associated logarithm. However, such terms produce ln(Q2) contributions in
the Euclidean regime that do not appear in the perturbative computation, so they can be
ruled out. This appears to be a general statement since 1/nm × constant for any m integer
also produces logarithms. Note that in order to give meaning to these integrals it is implicit
that the integral over n has an infrared cutoff at n∗. Nevertheless, the logarithm does not
appear to multiply powers of the infrared cutoff (as expected).
Finally, we would like to mention that, besides the constraints coming from the logarith-
mic related behavior of the OPE, there is also the constraint from its constant terms, which
should sum up to zero. Nevertheless, for this constraint we cannot give a closed expression.
This is due to the fact that the lnQ2 independent terms may receive contributions from
any subleading order in the 1/n expansion of the masses and decay constants. The reason
is that the decay constant at a given order in 1/n is obtained after performing some inte-
gration by parts, which generate new (lnQ2-independent) terms that can be Q2 enhanced.
This statement is general and also applies to any subleading power in the 1/Q2 matching
3.3 NNLO matching
We now consider expressions for the mass and decay constants at NNLO. For the first time
we have to consider condensates. Simplifying terms that do not produce logs, we obtain the
following equation,
(Q2 +BV n)2
F 2V,2(n)
= stands for the fact that we can only predict the lnQ2 dependence. Constant terms
are not fixed by this relation.
In order to get a more closed expression is convenient to use the following equality,
(Q2 +BV n)2
BV n2
α2s (nBV ) , (22)
valid up to terms that do not produce logarithms or those that are subleading.
We get then
F 2V,2(n) = −CV
Ncαs(nBV )
287− 176 ζ(3)
N2c α
s (nBV ) (23)
α3s (nBV )
Note that in this case we only consider up to O(α2s (nBV )) corrections, since higher order
loops are unknown. The accuracy is set by our knowledge of the matching coefficient of the
gluon condensate. Note also that F 2V,2(n) does not have αs suppression. Therefore, for low n,
this contribution could be practically of the same size than, formally, more important terms.
4 Axial versus vector correlators
The above discussion has been performed for the vector-vector correlator Adler function.
It goes without saying that we could perform a similar analysis with axial-vector currents,
since the perturbative expansions for both correlators are equal. Here it comes an important
observation. We could change the coefficients for the mass spectrum BA 6= BV , AA 6= AV ,
· · · , yet we would obtain the same expression for the OPE (at the order we are working, the
first chiral breaking related effects are O(1/Q6)). Therefore, we conclude that the OPE does
not fix BA = BV as it is sometimes claimed in the literature [1, 3]
3. Our computation gives
a specific counter example. Moreover, it is nice to see what the role played by BA and BV
is in our case. When one goes to the Euclidean regime, BA and BV become renormalization
factorization scales and, obviously, the physical result does not depend on them (for large
Q2 in the Euclidean). On the other hand, it is evident that having different constants: BA,
BV , . . . produces different physical predictions for the masses and decay widhts for vector or
axial-vector channels. The point to be emphasized is that BA = BV cannot come from an
OPE analysis alone. This point has already been stressed in Refs. [4, 8], what we think is
novel in our analysis is that we have seen that the inclusion of corrections in αs does not
affect that conclusion, and that BA and BV play the role of the renormalization scale in the
analogous perturbative analysis in the Euclidean regime, and are therefore unobservable.
Finally, we cannot avoid mentioning the analysis of Ref. [14] where, using AdS/CFT, they
explicitly find Regge behavior with different slopes for vector and axial-vector channels.
3Another issue, on which we do not enter, is whether some other kind of arguments (relying on the specific
model used), like semiclassical arguments, may fix those parameters to be equal.
In any case, even though the constants that characterize the spectrum can be different
for the vector and axial-vector channel, they have to yield the same expressions for the OPE
when combined with the decay constants. This produces some relations that we list in what
follows. We first define t ≡ BV n = BAn
′ and take n and n′ as continuous variables. We then
obtain the following equalities
F 2V,LO(n)
F 2A,LO(n
V (t) ≡ f0(t) , (24)
F 2V,1(n)
F 2A,1(n
f0(t) , (25)
F 2V,2(n)
F 2A,2(n
2(ν)|vac〉f1(t) , (26)
f1(t) =
α2s (t)
+ · · · . (27)
5 Numerical Analysis
n = 1 n = 2 n = 3 n = 4
Mρ(I) 781.3(775.5± 0.4) 1440.2(1459± 11) 1891.8(1870± 20) 2257(2265± 40)
Mρ(II) 771.5(775.5± 0.4) 1471.7(1459± 11) 1855(1870± 20) 2154.8(2149± 17)
Ma1 1235.6(1230± 40) 1621.7(1647± 22) 1962(1930
−70) 2257.8(2270
FV (I) 156(156± 1) 155 154 153
FV (II) 185(156± 1) 147 139 135
FA 123(122± 24) 137 139 139
Table 1: We give the experimental values of the masses (in MeV) and electromagnetic decay
constants (when available) for vector and axial vector particles (within parenthesis), compared
with the values obtained from the fit. For the vector states we consider two possible Regge
trajectories that we label I and II respectively. We take αs(1GeV) = 0.5 and β〈G
We restrict ourselves to the SU(2) case (non-strange sector) and study the vector and
axial-vector channels. We would like here to assess the importance of including perturbative
corrections to a standard analysis based on the OPE. We do not aim to perform a full fledged
2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10
Figure 1: In this plot we show FV,LO(I) and FV,LO(II) at different orders in αs.
analysis, but only to see the importance of the corrections. In table 1, we give the values
of the masses and decay constants. In Figure 1 we show the changes in both FV,LO(I) and
FV,LO(II) as we include higher orders in the expansion in αs, and in Figure 2 the changes
in the full FV (I) and FV (II) as we include higher orders in 1/n. In figure 3 we show the
same plots for the axial-vector case. We take the experimental values from Ref. [15]. In
principle there are more states in the particle data book, in particular in the vector channel.
Nevertheless, it is not clear whether they belong to the same Regge trajectory or whether
they belong to some daughter one, see, for instance, the discussion in Ref. [5]. For the time
being we will disregard the study of other possible (vector) Regge trajectories and restrict
the analysis to a single trajectory. We will consider the two possibilities listed in Table 1.
Our choice of states for the set (I) is motivated by the discussion of Ref. [16] on the possible
formation of multiplets in the case of chiral symmetry restoration. The set (II) is based on
the assignment of states made in Ref. [5] (based on the existence of S and D-wave daughter
trajectories) and in particular on the analysis of Ref. [17], where the state 2265 is argued to
belong to the D-wave Regge trajectory4.
In order to fix the parameters of the mass spectrum we use the experimental values of
the masses we list in the table. We obtain the values:
BV (I) = 1.525× 10
6MeV2 , AV (I) = −1.038× 10
6MeV2 , CV (I) = 0.123× 10
6MeV2 ,
BV (II) = 1.128× 10
6MeV2 , AV (II) = 0.353× 10
6MeV2 , CV (II) = −0.885× 10
6MeV2 ,
BA = 1.278× 10
6MeV2 , AA = −0.100× 10
6MeV2 , CA = 0.349× 10
6MeV2 .
We should mention that the values obtained for these parameters are not very stable
under the change of number of data points, except for BV and BA, which are roughly stable,
although with quite sizeable uncertanties. For the subleading terms A and C, their values
are basically random with the fit. We roughly find BV ≃ BA within the uncertainties. The
n dependence of the axial and vector (model II) decay constants is small but sizeable (and it
goes in the right direction for low n). The 1/n corrections are always corrections compared
with the leading order terms. Nevertheless, the 1/n2 correction is much larger than the 1/n
one for the range of values of n that we explore. This appears to be due to the α2s/(4π)
suppression of the 1/n term, as well as to the difference in size between the constants A
4We also thank S. Afonin for discussions on this point.
2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10
Figure 2: In this plot we show FV (I) and FV (II) at different orders in the 1/n expansion.
2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10
Figure 3: In this plot we show FA,LO and FA at different orders in αs and in the 1/n
expansion, respectively.
and C. This is so for the axial and vector (model II) decay constants. Nevertheless, for the
vector (model I) decay constants the n dependence appears to be quite small also at NNLO.
This appears to be due to the small value of the coefficient CV (I). The gluon condensate
contribution is a small correction to the total NNLO term. Either way, our predictions
compare favorably with experiment when this comparison is possible.
We should keep in mind that these results have been obtained for a specific model, so
we are testing the impact of the perturbative corrections for this specific model. On the
other hand, if one believes that the large n behavior of the spectrum is dictated by the
Regge behavior and that the corrections can be obtained as an expansion in 1/n, the set
up is general. The only ambiguity comes from where the logarithms should be introduced
(masses or decays). At this respect it is worth mentioning that, as a matter of principle, this
ambiguity could be fixed if enough experimental information were available for the masses
and decays.
6 Conclusions
We have studied the constraints that the OPE imposes on large Nc inspired QCD models for
current-current correlators. We have focused on the constraints obtained by going beyond the
leading-order parton computation. We have explicitly showed that, assumed a given mass
spectrum (Regge plus corrections in 1/n), we can obtain the logarithmic (and constant)
behavior in n of the decay constants within a systematic expansion in 1/n. More than that,
power-like 1/n corrections can only be incorporated in the analysis if full consideration to the
perturbative corrections in the Euclidean regime is made. This is due to the fact that these
type of contributions produce logarithms of Q in the Euclidean (this is one of the reasons
why this sort of corrections are not usually considered in quark-hadron duality analysis). On
the other hand, the existence of lnn in the decay constants may point to the existence of
two scales in the problem, ΛQCD and nΛQCD, in the Minkowski regime.
We have also performed some numerical estimates of the importance of these corrections.
The n dependence of the decay constants is small but sizeable for the axial and vector (model
II) channel, for the vector (model I) one this dependence is small. On the other hand the
uncertainties of the calculation are large. Either way, our predictions compare favorably
with experiment when this comparison is possible.
Our example shows that it is possible to have different large n behavior for the vector
and pseudo-vector mass spectrum and yet comply with all the constraints from the OPE.
An important caveat of our analysis is that we have not considered what the effect of
renormalons could be. We have focused on the effect of low orders in perturbation theory
to the decay constants. It would be interesting to see whether the knowledge of the higher
order behavior of perturbation theory may give some extra constraints on the values of these
constants and the mass spectrum. At this respect we have to say that we have obtained
approximated expressions for the decay constants as an expansion in αs(nBV ), with just
the low order contributions in αs. It is quite likely that this expansion is asymptotic and
that different orders in 1/n are related in a similar way to the one found in the renormalon
analysis for the OPE expansion for different orders in 1/Q2. Therefore, the results obtained
for the 1/n corrections could be affected as well by the asymptotic behavior of the 1/ lnn
expansion in the leading-order term. This is obviously related with renormalons. We expect
to come back to this issue in the future.
Acknowledgments. We thank S. Afonin, A. Andrianov, D. Espriu, and S. Peris for
discussions and L. Glozman for correspondence. This work is partially supported by the
network Flavianet MRTN-CT-2006-035482, by the spanish grant FPA2004-04582-C02-01,
by the catalan grant SGR2005-00564 and by a Distinció from the Generalitat de Catalunya.
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[13] K. G. Chetyrkin, Phys. Lett. B 391, 402 (1997) [arXiv:hep-ph/9608480].
[14] R. Casero, E. Kiritsis and A. Paredes, arXiv:hep-th/0702155.
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LO Matching
NLO matching
NNLO matching
Axial versus vector correlators
Numerical Analysis
0704.1418 | Asymptotic stability at infinity for bidimensional Hurwitz vector fields | Asymptotic stability at infinity for bidimensional
Hurwitz vector fields ✩
Roland Rabanal1
Let X : U → R2 be a differentiable vector field. Set Spc(X) = {eigenvalues of DX(z) : z ∈ U}.
This X is called Hurwitz if Spc(X) ⊂ {z ∈ C : ℜ(z) < 0}. Suppose that X is Hurwitz and U ⊂ R2
is the complement of a compact set. Then by adding to X a constant v one obtains that the infinity
is either an attractor or a repellor for X + v. That means: (i) there exists an unbounded sequence
of closed curves, pairwise bounding an annulus the boundary of which is transversal to X + v,
and (ii) there is a neighborhood of infinity with unbounded trajectories, free of singularities and
periodic trajectories of X+v. This result is obtained after to proving the existence of X̃ : R2 → R2,
a topological embedding such that X̃ equals X in the complement of some compact subset of U.
Keywords: Injectivity, Reeb Component, Asymptotic Stability
2008 MSC: Primary: 37E35, 37C10; Secondary: 26B10, 58C25
1. Introducion1
A basic example of non–discrete dynamics on the Euclidean space is given by a linear vector2
field. This linear system is infinitesimally hyperbolic if every eigenvalue has nonzero real part,3
and it has well known properties [16, 3]. For instance, when the real part of its eigenvalues are4
negative (Hurwitz matrix), the origin is a global attractor rest point. In the nonlinear case, there5
has been a great interest in the local study of vector fields around their rest points [6, 27, 7, 28].6
However, in order to describe a global phase-portrait, as in [22, 25, 5, 8, 9] it is absolutely7
necessary to study its behavior in a neighborhood of infinity [19].8
The Asymptotic Stability at Infinity has been investigated with a strong influence of [18],9
where Olech showed a connection between stability and injectivity (see also [10, 4, 11, 26, 22]).10
This research was also studied in [19, 12, 14, 15, 23, 1]. In [12], Gutierrez and Teixeira study11
C1−vector fields Y : R2 → R2, the linearizations of which satisfy (i) det(DY(z)) > 0 and12
(ii) Trace(DY(z)) < 0 in an neighborhood of infinity. By using [9], they prove that if Y has a13
rest point and the Index I(Y) =
Trace (DY) < 0 (resp. I(Y) ≥ 0), then Y is topologically14
equivalent to z 7→ −z that is “the infinity is a repellor ”(resp. to z 7→ z that is “the infinity15
is an attractor”). This Gutierrez-Teixeira’s paper was used to obtain the next theorem, where16
Spc(Y) = {eigenvalues of DY(z) : z ∈ R2 \ Dσ}, andℜ(z) is the real part of z ∈ C.17
✩This paper was written when the author served as an Associate Fellow at ictp-Italy.
Email address: [email protected] (Roland Rabanal)
1The author was partially supported by pucp-Peru (dai: 2012-0020).
Preprint submitted to Elsevier November 16, 2018
Theorem 1 (Gutierrez-Sarmiento). Let Y : R2 \ Dσ → R2 be a C1− map, where σ > 0 and18
Dσ = {z ∈ R
2 : ||z|| ≤ σ}. The following is satisfied:19
(i) If for some ε > 0, Spc(Y) ∩ (−ε,+∞) = ∅. Then there exists s ≥ σ such that the restriction20
Y | : R2 \ Ds → R
2 is injective.21
(ii) If for some ε > 0, the spectrum Spc(Y) is disjoint of the union (−ε, 0]∪{z ∈ C : ℜ(z) ≥ 0}.22
Then there exist p0 ∈ R
2 such that the point ∞ of the Riemann Sphere R2 ∪ {∞} is either23
an attractor or a repellor of z′ = Y(z) + p0.24
Theorem 1 is given in [14], and it has been extended to differentiable maps X : R2 \Dσ → R
in [13, 15]. In both papers the eigenvalues also avoid a real open neighborhood of zero. In [23]26
the author examine the intrinsic relation between the asymptotic behavior of Spc(X) and the27
global injectivity of the local diffeomorphism given by X. He uses Yθ = Rθ ◦Y ◦R−θ, where Rθ is28
the linear rotation of angle θ ∈ R, and (motivated by [11]) introduces the so–called B−condition29
[24, 26], which claims:30
for each θ ∈ R, there does not exist a sequence (xk, yk) ∈ R
2 with xk → +∞ such that31
Yθ((xk, yk))→ p ∈ R
2 and DYθ(xk, yk) has a real eigenvalue λk satisfying xkλk → 0.32
By using this, [23] improves the differentiable version of Theorem 1.33
In the present paper we prove that the condition34
Spc(X) ⊂ {z ∈ C : ℜ(z) < 0}
is enough in order to obtain Theorem 1 for differentiable vector fields X : R2 \ Dσ → R
Throughout this paper, R2 is embedded in the Riemann sphere R2∪{∞}. Thus (R2\Dσ)∪{∞}36
is the subspace of R2 ∪ {∞} with the induced topology, and ‘infinity ’refers to the point ∞ of37
2 ∪ {∞}. Moreover given C ⊂ R2, a closed (compact, no boundary) curve (1−manifold),38
D(C) (respectively D(C)) is the compact disc (respectively open disc) bounded by C. Thus, the39
boundaries ∂D(C) and ∂D(C) are equal to C, homeomorphic to ∂D1 = {z ∈ R
2 : ||z|| = 1}.40
2. Statements of the results41
For every σ > 0 let Dσ = {z ∈ R
2 : ||z|| ≤ σ}. Outside this compact disk we consider a42
differentiable vector field X : R2 \Dσ → R
2. As usual, a trajectory of X starting at q ∈ R2 \Dσ43
is defined as the integral curve determined by a maximal solution of the initial value problem44
ż = X(z), z(0) = q. This is a curve Iq ∋ t 7→ γq(t) = (x(t), y(t)), satisfying:45
• t varies on some open real interval containing the zero, the image of which γq(0) = q;46
• γq(t) ∈ R
2 \ Dσ and there exist the real derivatives
(t), dy
• γ̇q(t) =
(t), dy
the velocity vector field of γq at γq(t) equals X(γq(t)) and48
• Iq ⊂ R is the maximal interval of definition.49
We identify the trajectory γq with its image γq(Iq), and we denote by γ
q (resp. γ
q ) the positive50
(resp. negative) semi-trajectory of X, contained in γq and starting at q. In this way γq = γ
q ∪ γ
q .51
Thus each trajectory has its two limit sets, α(γ−q ) and ω(γ
q ) respectively. These limit sets are52
well defined in the sense that they only depend on the respective solution.53
A C0−vector field X : R2 \ Dσ → R
2 \ {0} (without rest points) can be extended to a map54
X̂ : ((R2 \ Dσ ∪∞),∞) −→ (R
2, 0)
(which takes∞ to 0) [1]. In this manner, all questions concerning the local theory of isolated rest55
points of X can be formulated and examined in the case of the vector field X̂. For instance, if γ+p56
(resp. γ−p ) is an unbounded semi-trajectory of X : R
2 \ Dσ → R
2 starting at p ∈ R2 \ Dσ with57
empty ω−limite (resp. α−limit) set, we say γ+p goes to infinity (resp. γ
p comes from infinity),58
and it is denoted by ω(γ+p ) = ∞ (resp. α(γ
p ) = ∞). Therefore, we may also talk about the phase59
portrait of X in a neighborhood of∞.60
As in our paper [15], we say that the point at infinity ∞ of the Riemann Sphere R2 ∪ {∞} is61
an attractor (resp. a repellor) for the continuos vector field X : R2 \ Dσ → R2 if:62
• There is a sequence of closed curves, transversal to X and tending to infinity. That is63
for every r ≥ σ there exist a closed curve Cr such that D(Cr) contains Dr and Cr has64
transversal contact to each small local integral curve of X at any p ∈ Cr .65
• For some Cs with s ≥ σ, all trajectories γp starting at a point p ∈ R
2 \ D(Cs) satisfy66
ω(γ+p ) = ∞ that is γ
p go to infinity (resp. α(γ
p ) = ∞ that is γ
p come from infinity).67
We also recall that I(X), the index of X at infinity is the number of the extended line [−∞,+∞]68
given by69
I(X) =
Trace(DX̂)dx ∧ dy,
where X̂ : R2 → R2 is a global differentiable vector field such that:70
• In the complement of some disk Ds with s ≥ σ both X and X̂ coincide.71
• The map z 7→ Trace(DX̂z) is Lebesgue almost–integrable in whole R
2, in the sense of [15].72
This index is a well-defined number in [−∞,+∞], and it does not depend on the pair (X̂, s) as73
shown [15, Lemma 12].74
Definition 1. The differentiable vector field (or map) X : R2 \ Dσ → R2 is called Hurwitz if75
every eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrices has negative real part. This means that its spectrum76
Spc(X) = {eigenvalues of DX(z) : z ∈ R2 \ Dσ} satisfies Spc(X) ⊂ {z ∈ C : ℜ(z) < 0}.77
We are now ready to state our result.78
Theorem 2. Let X : R2 \ Dσ → R2 be a differentiable vector field (or map), where σ > 0 and79
Dσ = {z ∈ R
2 : ||z|| ≤ σ}. Suppose that X is Hurwitz: Spc(X) ⊂ {z ∈ C : ℜ(z) < 0}. Then80
(i) There are s ≥ σ and a globally injective local homeomorphism X̃ : R2 → R2 such that X̃81
and X coincide on R2 \ Ds. Moreover, the restriction X| : R
2 \ Ds → R
2 is injective, and82
it admits a global differentiable extension X̂ such that the pair (X̂, s) satisfies the definition83
of the index of X at infinity, and this index I(X) ∈ [−∞,+∞).84
(ii) For all p ∈ R2 \Dσ, there is a unique positive semi-trajectory of X starting at p. Moreover,85
for some v ∈ R2, the point at infinity ∞ of the Riemann Sphere R2 ∪ {∞} is an attractor86
(respectively a repellor) for the vector field X+v : R2\Ds → R
2 as long as the well-defined87
index I(X) ≥ 0 (respectively I(X) < 0).88
The map X̃ of Theorem 2 is not necessarily a homeomorphism. This X̃ is a topological89
embedding, the image of which may be properly contained in R2. Furthermore, if A : R2 → R290
is an arbitrary invertible linear map, then Theorem 2 applies to the map A ◦ X ◦ A−1.91
Theorem 2 improves the main results of [13, 15]. Item (i) complements the injectivity work92
of [13] (see also [23, 14]), where the authors consider the assumption Spc(X) ∩ (−ε,+∞) = ∅93
(as in Theorem 1). Item (ii) generalizes [15], where the authors utilize the second condition of94
Theorem 1. In our new assumptions, the negative eigenvalues can tend to zero.95
2.1. Description of the proof of Theorem 296
Since the Local Inverse Function Theorem is true, a map X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R
as in Theorem 2 is a local diffeomorphism. Thus the level curves { f = constant} make up a98
C0−foliation F ( f ) the leaves of which are differentiable curves, and the restriction of the other99
submersion g to each of these leaves is strictly monotone. In particular, F ( f ) and F (g) are100
(topologically) transversal to each other. We orient F ( f ) in agreement that if Lp( f ) is an oriented101
leaf of F ( f ) thought the point p, then the restriction g| : Lp( f ) → R is an increasing function102
in conformity with the orientation of Lp( f ). We denote by L
p ( f ) = {z ∈ Lp( f ) : g(z) ≥ g(p)}103
(resp. L+p(g) = {z ∈ Lp(g) : f (z) ≥ f (p)}) and L
p( f ) = {z ∈ Lp( f ) : g(z) ≤ g(p)} (resp.104
L−p (g) = {z ∈ Lp(g) : f (z) ≤ f (p)}) the respective positive and negative half-leaf of F ( f ) (resp.105
F (g)). Thus Lq( f ) = L
q ( f ) ∪ L
q ( f ) and L
q ( f ) ∩ L
q ( f ) = {q}. In this context, the nonsingular106
vector fields107
X f = (− fy, fx) and X̃g = (gy,−gx), (2.1)
given by the partial derivatives are tangent to Lp( f ) and Lp(g), respectively. This construction108
has previously been used in [4].109
We need the following definition [14, 4]. Let h0(x, y) = xy and consider the set110
(x, y) ∈ [0, 2] × [0, 2] : 0 < x + y ≤ 2
Definition 2. Let X = ( f , g) be a differentiable local homeomorphism. Given h ∈ { f , g}, we say112
that A (in the domain of X) is a half-Reeb component for F (h) if there is a homeomorphism113
H : B→ A which is a topological equivalence between F (h)|A and F (h0)|B such that: (Fig. 3)114
• The segment {(x, y) ∈ B : x+ y = 2} is sent by H onto a transversal section for the foliation115
F (h) in the complement of the point H(1, 1); this section is called the compact edge ofA.116
• Both segments {(x, y) ∈ B : x = 0} and {(x, y) ∈ B : y = 0} are sent by H onto full117
half-leaves of F (h). These half-leaves of F (h) are called the non–compact edges ofA.118
Observe thatAmay not be a closed subset of R2, and H does not need to be extended to infinity.119
Section 3 gives new results on the foliations induced by a local diffeomorphism X = ( f , g) :120
2 \ Dσ → R
2 (see also Proposition 1). Theorem 3 implies that the conditions121
Spc(X) ∩ [0,+∞) = ∅ and ‘each half–Reeb component of F ( f ) is bounded ’ (2.2)
give the existence of s ≥ σ such that X|
can be extended to an injective map X̃ : R2 → R2.122
Section 4 presents some preliminary results on maps such that Spc(X) ∩ [0,+∞) = ∅. Section 5123
concludes with the proof of Theorem 2. The main step is given in Proposition 2, which implies124
that Hurwitz maps satisfy (2.2). Therefore, Theorem 2 is obtained by using this Proposition 2125
and some previous work [13, 15].126
3. Local diffeomorphisms that are injective on unbounded open sets127
Let X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R
2 be an orientation preserving local diffeomorphism, that is128
det(DX) > 0. Next subsection gives preparatory results about F ( f ) in order to obtain that X will129
be injective on topological half planes (see Proposition 1). Subsection 3.3 presents a condition130
under which X is injective at infinity, that is outside some compact set.131
3.1. Avoiding tangent points132
Let C ⊂ R2 \ Dσ be a closed curve surrounding the origin. We say that the vector field133
X : R2 \ Dσ → R
2 has contact (resp. tangency with; resp. transversal to; etc) with C at p ∈ C if134
for each small local integral curve of X at p has such property.135
Definition 3. A closed curve C ⊂ R2 \ Dσ is in general–position with F ( f ) if there exists a set136
T ⊂ C, at most finite such that:137
• F ( f ) is transversal to C \ T .138
• F ( f ) has a tangency with C at every point of T .139
• A leaf of F ( f ) can meet tangentially C at most at one point.140
Denote by GP( f , s) the set of all closed curves C ⊂ R2 \ Dσ in general–position with F ( f )141
such that Ds ⊂ D(C). If C ⊂ R
2 \ Dσ is in general–position, we denote by n
e(C, f ) (resp.142
ni(C, f )) the number of tangent points of F ( f ) with C, which are external (resp. internal). Here,143
external (resp. internal) means the existence of a small open interval ( p̃, q̃) f ⊂ Lp( f ) such that144
the intersection set ( p̃, q̃) f ∩C = {tangent point} and ( p̃, q̃) f ⊂ R
2 \ D(C) (resp. ( p̃, q̃) f ⊂ D(C)).145
Remark 1. If C ⊂ R2 \ Dσ is in general–position with F ( f ), there exist a, b ∈ C two different146
point such that f (C) = [ f (a), f (b)]. Moreover, a and b are external tangent points because the147
map ( f , g) is an orientation preserving local diffeomorphism. Since C and f (C) are connected and148
C is not contained in any leaf of F ( f ), we conclude that both external tangencies are different.149
Corollary 1 gives important properties of the leafs passing trough a point in Remark 1, if we150
select C ∈ GP( f , σ) with the minimal number of internal tangencies. To this end, the next lemma151
will be needed.152
Lemma 1. Let C ∈ GP( f , σ). Suppose that a leaf Lq( f ) of F ( f ) meets C transversally some-153
where and with an external tangency at a point p ∈ C. Then Lq( f ) contains a closed subinterval154
[p, r] f which meets C exactly at {p, r} (doing it transversally at r) and the following is satisfied:155
(a) If [p, r] is the closed subinterval of C such that Γ = [p, r] ∪ [p, r] f bounds a compact disc156
D(Γ) contained in R2 \D(C), then points of Lq( f ) \ [p, r] f nearby p do not belong to D(Γ).157
(b) Let ( p̃, r̃) and [ p̃, r̃] be subintervals of C satisfying [p, r] ⊂ ( p̃, r̃) ⊂ [ p̃, r̃]. If p̃ and r̃ are158
close enough to p and r, respectively; then we may deform C into C1 ∈ GP( f , σ) in such159
a way that the deformation fixes C \ ( p̃, r̃) and takes [ p̃, r̃] ⊂ C to a closed subinterval160
[ p̃, r̃]1 ⊂ C1 which is close to [p, r] f . Furthermore, the number of generic tangencies of161
F ( f ) with C1 is smaller than that of F ( f ) with C.162
Proof. We refer the reader to [14, Lemma 2].163
Corollary 1. Let C ∈ GP( f , s). Suppose that C minimizes ni(C, f ) and f (C) = [ f (a), f (b)], then164
C ∩ La( f ) = {a} and C ∩ Lb( f ) = {b}.165
Proof. We only consider the case of the point a. Assume by contradiction that the number of166
elements in C ∩ La( f ) is greater than one i.e ♯(C ∩ La( f )) ≥ 2. The last condition of Definition 3167
implies that the intersection of La( f ) with the other point is transversal to C. Then there is a disk168
as in statement (a) of Lemma 1. By using the second part of Lemma 1 we can avoid the external169
tangency a and some internal tangency. This is a contradiction because ni(C, f ) is minimal.170
Remark 2. Corollary 1 remains true if we take any external tangency (not necessarily a and b)171
in a closed curve Cs ∈ GP( f , s) with minimal n
i(Cs, f ).172
3.2. Minimal number of internal tangent points173
A oriented leaf of F ( f ) whose distance to Dσ is different from zero has unbounded half–174
leaves. Given any Lp( f ) with unbounded half–leaves, we denote by H
+(Lp) and H
−(Lp) the two175
components of R2 \ Lp( f ) in order that L
p(g) \ {p} be contained in H
+(Lp). Therefore, the image176
X(H+(Lp)) is an open connected subset of the semi–plane {x > f (p)} := {(x, y) ∈ R
2 : x > f (p)}.177
Remark 3. If the image X(H+(Lp)) is a vertical convex set, all the level curves { f = c} ⊂ H+(Lp)178
are connected. Thus the restriction X| : H+(Lp) → X(H
+(Lp)) is an homeomorphism, and it179
sends every leaf of F ( f )|H+(Lp) over vertical lines. Therefore, it is a topological equivalence180
between two foliations.181
Lemma 2. If H+(Lp) is disjoint from Dσ and the image X(H+(Lp)) is not a vertical convex set,182
then H+(Lp) contains a half-Reeb component of F ( f ).183
Proof. By remark 3, some level set { f = c̃} ⊂ H+(Lp) is disconnected. Therefore, the result is184
obtained directly from [11, Proposition 1].185
Lemma 2 and Remark 3 hold when we consider H−(Lp).186
Lemma 3. Recall that GP( f , s) is the set of all closed curves C ⊂ R2 \ Dσ in general–position187
with F ( f ) such that Ds ⊂ D(C). Let η
i : [σ,∞) → N ∪ {0} be the function given by ηi(s) =188
ni(Cs, f ) where Cs ∈ GP( f , s) minimizes the number of internal tangent points with F ( f ). The189
following statements hold:190
(a) The function ηi is nondecreasing.191
(b) If ηi is bounded then, there exist s0 ∈ [σ,∞) such that η
i(s) ≤ ηi(s0) for all s ∈ [σ,∞).192
(c) Set f (Cs0 ) = [ f (a), f (b)]. Suppose that F ( f ) has a half-Reeb componentA whose image193
f (A) is disjoint from ( f (a), f (b)), then such s0 ∈ [σ,∞) is not a maximum value of the194
function ηi.195
Proof. As Cs+1 also belongs to GP( f , s) we have that η
i(s) ≤ ni(Cs+1, f ). Therefore (a) is true.196
To prove the second part, we introduce the set As = {n ∈ N ∪ {0} : n ≥ n
i(Cs, f ) = η
for every s ≥ σ. From this definition it is not difficult to check that: ηi is bounded if and only if198
∩s≥σAs , ∅. Therefore, the first element of ∩s≥σAs , ∅ is the bound η
i(s0) of statement (b). This199
proves the second statement.200
We shall have established (c) if we prove that there is some Cs0+ε with ε > 0 such that201
ηi(s0) + 1 ≤ n
i(Cs0+ε, f ). To this end, we select s > s0 large enough for which Cs is enclosing202
D(Cs0 )∪Γwhere Γ is the compact edge ofA. Since, this Cs intersects both leaves Lp( f ) and Lq( f )203
where p and q are the endpoints of Γ, we obtain that ni(Cs, f ) is greater than n
i(Cs0 , f ) = η
Therefore, for some ε > 0 there is Cs0+ε such that η
i(s0) + 1 ≤ n
i(Cs0+ε, f ). This proves (c).205
Proposition 1. Let X = ( f , g) : R2 \Dσ → R2 be a map with det(DX) > 0. Consider Cs and ηi as206
in Lemma 3. If Cs0 satisfies that n
i(Cs, f ) ≤ n
i(Cs0 , f ) for all s ∈ [σ,∞) and f (Cs0 ) = [ f (a), f (b)].207
Then, for each p ∈ {a, b} at least one of the restrictions of X to H+(Lp) or H
−(Lp) is a globally208
injective map, in agrement that the domain of this restriction is in the complement of D(Cs0 ).209
Proof. We only consider the case p = a. Suppose that H+(La) is contained in the complement210
of D(Cs0). From Remark 3 it is sufficient to prove that X(H
+(La)) is vertical convex. Suppose211
by contradiction that it is false. Then Lemma 2 implies that there is a half-Reeb component212
A ⊂ H+(La). By using statement (c) of Lemma 3 this s0 is not a maximum value of the function213
ηi. This contradiction with our selection of the circle Cs0 conclude the proof.214
3.3. Extending maps to topological embeddings215
The next theorem implies the injectivity at infinity of a map, and it is obtained by using216
the methods, ideas and arguments of [13]. We only give the proof, in the case of continuously217
differentiable maps.218
Theorem 3. Let X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R2 be an differentiable local homeomorphism with219
det(DX) > 0. Suppose that Spc(X)∩ [0,+∞) = ∅, and each half–Reeb component of either F ( f )220
or F (g) is bounded. Then there exist s ≥ σ such that the restriction X| : R2 \ Ds → R
2 can be221
extended to a globally injective local homeomorphism X̃ = ( f̃ , g̃) : R2 → R2.222
Proof. We can apply the results of [16, pp. 166-174] to the continuous vector field X f and obtain223
that for each closed curve C ∈ GP( f , σ) the Index of X f along C, denoted by Ind(X f ; C), satisfies224
Ind(X f ; C) =
2 − ne( f ,C) + ni( f ,C)
If X f is discontinuous, we proceed as in [13] by using the index of the foliation F ( f ) which also225
satisfies this formulae.226
(a.1) We claim that ne( f ,C) = ni( f ,C) + 2, for all C ∈ GP( f , σ).227
Suppose that (a.1) is false, so there is C̃1 ∈ GP( f , σ) whose Ind(X f ; C̃
1) , 0. Thus, for228
some point in C̃1 the Hamiltonian X f (p) = (− fy(p), fx(p)) is vertical. More precisely we can229
obtain p ∈ C̃1 such that fy(p) = 0 and fx(p) > 0. This is a contradiction with the eigenvalue230
assumptions because fx(p) ∈ Spc(X) ∩ (0,+∞). (If X f is discontinuous, we refer the reader to231
[13, Proposition 3.1] where proves that the index of the foliation F ( f ) is zero). Therefore, (a.1)232
(a.2) We claim that if Cσ ⊂ R
2 \ Ds minimizes n
i( f ,Cσ), then every internal tangency in Cσ234
gives a half–Reeb component.235
For every internal tangency q ∈ Cσ we consider the forward Poincaré map T : [p, q)σ ⊂236
Cσ → Cσ induced by the oriended F ( f ) (if T : (q, r]σ ⊂ Cσ → Cσ the proof is similar) where237
[p, q)σ ⊂ Cσ is the maximal connected domain of definition of T on which this first return map238
is continuous. If the open arc L+p ( f ) \ {p} intersects Cσ we apply Lemma 1, so we can deform239
Cσ in a new circle C̃
1 ⊂ R2 \ Ds such that the number of internal tangencies of C̃
1 with F ( f )240
is (strictly) smaller than that of Cσ. This is a contradiction. Therefore L
p( f ) \ {p} is disjoint241
from Cσ. By using this and our selection of [p, q)σ ⊂ Cσ is not difficult to check that there is a242
half–Reeb component of F ( f ) whose compact edge is contained in Cs, Thus, we obtain (a.2).243
Notice that, for every circle as in (a.2) any internal tangency of this Cσ gives an unbounded244
half–Reeb component, thus by our assumptions and (a.1) we have that ni( f ,Cσ) = 0. Therefore,245
(a.3) if Cσ ∈ GP( f , σ) is as in (a.2) then n
i( f ,Cσ) = 0 and n
e( f ,Cσ) = 2. Moreover, F ( f ),246
restricted to R2 \ D(Cσ), is topologically equivalent to the foliation made up by all the247
vertical straight lines, on R2 \ D1.248
Since X has no unbounded half–Reeb component, we can use the last section of [13] (see249
Proposition 5.1) and obtain that the closed curve Cσ of (a.3) can be deformed so that, the resulting250
new circle C has an exterior collar neighborhood U ⊂ R2 \ D(C) such that:251
(b) X(C) is a non-trivial closed curve, X(U) is an exterior collar neighborhood of X(C) and the252
restriction X| : U → X(U) is a homeomorphism.253
By Schoenflies Theorem [2] the map X| : C → X(C) can be extended to a homeomorphism254
X1 : D(C) → D(X(C)). We extend X : R
2 \ D(C) → R2 to X̃ = ( f̃ , g̃) : R2 → R2 by defining255
X̃|D(C) = X1. Thus X̃| : U → X(U) is a homeomorphism and U (resp. X(U)) is a exterior256
collar neighborhood of C (resp. X(C)). Consequently, X̃ is a local homeomorphism and F ( f̃ ) is257
topologically equivalent to the foliation made up by all the vertical straight lines. The injectivity258
of X̃ follows from the fact that F ( f̃ ) in trivial [4, Proposition 1.4]. This concludes the proof.259
Corollary 2. Suppose that X satisfies Theorem 3. Then the respective extension X̃ = ( f̃ , g̃) :260
2 → R2 of X is a globally injective local homeomorphism the foliations of which, F ( f̃ ) and261
F (g̃) have no half-Reeb components.262
Proof. We reefer the reader to affirmation (a.3) in the proof of Theorem 3.263
Corollary 3. Suppose that X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R2 is an orientation preserving local264
diffeomorphism. Then the foliation F ( f ) (resp. F (g)) has at most countably many half–Reeb265
Proof. A half–Reeb component has a tangency with some Cn of Lemma 3 with n ∈ N large267
enough. We conclude, since the closed curves has at most a finite number of tangent points.268
Remark 4. By using a smooth embedding ( f , g) : R2 → R2, the authors of [10, Proposition 1]269
prove the existence of foliations F ( f ) which have infinitely many half-Reeb components.270
4. Maps free of positive eigenvalues271
In this section we present some properties of a map the spectrum of which is disjoint of272
[0,+∞). These results will be used in Section 5 to proving the first part of Theorem 2. In this273
context, we consider F ( f ) and their trajectories Lq = Lq( f ), L
q = L
q ( f ) and L
q = L
q ( f ).274
Lemma 4. Let X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R2 be a differentiable local homeomorphism. Suppose275
that the spectrum Spc(X) ∩ [0,+∞) = ∅ and p = (a, c). Then the intersection of L+p with the276
vertical ray {(a, y) ∈ R2 : y ≥ c} is the one point set {p}.277
Proof. Assume, by contradiction, that L+p \ {p} intersects {(a, y) ∈ R
2 : y ≥ c}. We take d > c278
the smallest value such that q = (a, d) ∈ L+p (see Figure 1a). We only consider the case in which279
the compact arc [p, q] f ⊂ L
p such that Π([p, q] f ) equals the interval [a, a0] with a < a0, where280
Π(x, y) = x (in the other case, Π([p, q] f ) = [a0, a], a0 < a the argument is similar). Therefore, if281
we take the vertical segment [p, q]a = {(a, y) : c ≤ y ≤ d} joint to the open disk D(C) bounded282
by the closed curve C = [p, q] f ∪ [p, q]a. We meet two possible cases:283
PSfrag replacements
(a, c)(a, c)
(a, d)(a, d)
(a0, c0)(a0, c0)
Figure a Figure b
Figure 1:
The first one is that D(C)∩Dσ = ∅. We select the point (a0, c0) ∈ [p, q] f in order that c0 will284
be the smallest value of the compact set Π−1(a0) ∩ [p, q] f . Let R be the closed region bounded285
by the union of {(a, y) : y ≤ c}, {(a0, y) : y ≤ c0} and [p, q0] f ⊂ [p, q] f where q0 = (a0, c0). As286
c0 = inf{y ∈ Π
−1(a0) : (a0, y) ∈ [p, q] f } the compact arc [p, q] f is tangent to the vertical line287
−1(a0) at the point (a0, c0). Thus, X f (a0, c0) is vertical, and so fy(a0, c0) = 0. This implies that288
fx(a0, c0) ∈ Spc(X). By the assumptions about Spc(X), fx(a0, c0) < 0 which in turn implies that289
the arc [q0, q] f ⊂ [p, q] f must enter into R and cannot cross the boundary of R (see Figure 1b).290
This contradicts the fact that q = (a, d) < R.291
The second case happens when D(C) ∩ Dσ , ∅. As [p, q] f is not contained in Dσ, either292
σ < a0 or σ = a0. If σ < a0, the vertical line x = σ meet [p, q] f in two different points293
which define a closed curve as in Figure 1a such that it bounds an open disk disjoint of Dσ. We294
conclude by using the proof of the first case. If σ = a0, we observe the continuous foliation295
F ( f ) in a neighborhood of [p, q] f and meet two points p̃ = (σ, c̃) and q̃ = (σ, d̃) with c̃ < d̃,296
but Π([ p̃, q̃] f ) ⊂ [σ,+∞). It satisfies the conditions of the first case. Therefore the lemma is297
Remark 5. Lemma 4 remains true, if we consider the negative leaf L−q starting at q = (a, d) joint299
to the vertical ray {(a, y) ∈ R2 : y ≤ d}.300
Lemma 5. Let X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R2 be a map with Spc(X) ∩ [0,+∞) = ∅. Consider301
L+p ⊂ { f = f (p)} and the projection Π(x, y) = x. If the oriented compact arc [p, q] f ⊂ L
p and its302
image Π([p, q] f ) is the interval [Π(p),Π(q)] ⊂ (σ,+∞) with Π(p) < Π(q). Then303
[p,q] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt ≥ f (p)
[p,q] f
fx dt + g(p)
Π(q) − Π(p)
where 〈 , 〉 denotes the usual inner product on the plane, and fx is the first partial derivative.304
Proof. For each α ∈ Π([p, q] f ) = [a, b], the vertical line Π
−1(α) intersects [p, q] f in a non-empty305
compact set. So there exist ŷα = sup{y ∈ R : (y, α) ∈ [p, q] f } and mα = (α, ŷα). We also define306
S ⊂ (a, b) as the set of critical values of the projection Π(x, y) = x restricted to the differentiable307
PSfrag replacements
aa bb
(α, c)
Figure a Figure b
Figure 2: Here
∇ f (z), X f (z)
a positive basis
arc [p, q] f . By the Sard’s Theorem, presented in [17, Theorem 3.3] this set S is closed and has308
zero Lebesgue measure. For α ∈ (a, b)\S the setΠ−1(α) intersects [p, q] f in at most finitely many309
points and the complement set
−1(α)∩[p, q] f
\{mα} is either empty or its cardinality is odd. By310
Lemma 4, the order of these points in the line Π−1(α) oriented oppositely to the y−axis coincides311
with that on the oriented arc [p, q] f (a behavior as in Figure 1a does not exist). Therefore, for312
every α ∈ (a, b) \ S the set
−1(α) ∩ [p, q] f
\ {mα} splits into pairs {pα = (α, dα), qα = (α, cα)}313
with the following three properties: (a.1) cα < dα, (a.2) the compact arc [pα, qα] f lies in the314
semi-plane {x ≤ α} and it is oriented from pα to qα (a.3) g(qα) > g(pα). Notice that the tangent315
vector of [p, q] f at pα has a negative x−component: fy(pα) > 0, and the respective tangent vector316
at qα satisfies fy(qα) < 0. Similarly, fy(mα) ≤ 0 (see (2.1)).317
Assertion Take c < inf{y : (α, y) ∈ [p, q] f } and [Π(p),Π(q)]c = {(α, c) : a ≤ α ≤ b}, an318
horizontal segment. Consider the compact set D(C) ⊂ {(x, y) : a ≤ x ≤ b} the boundary319
of which contain [p, q] f ∪ [Π(p),Π(q)]c (see Figure 2b). Suppose that C, the boundary of320
D(C) is negatively oriented (clock wise). Then321
gy(x, y)dx ∧ dy =
[p,q] f
〈F,∇ f 〉dt −
g(α, c)dα,
where F(x, y) =
f (x, y) − f (p), g(x, y)
Proof of Assertion We will use the Green’s formulae given in [21, Corollary 5.7] (see also [20])323
with the differentiable map G : z 7→ (0, g(z)) and the outer normal vector of C denoted by324
z 7→ η(z) (unitary). By using that Trace(DGz) = gy(z) it follows that325
gy(x, y)dx ∧ dy =
〈G,−η〉ds, (4.1)
where ds denotes the arc length element. If [Π(q),Π(p)]c denote [Π(p),Π(q)]c oriented from326
Π(q) to Π(p), then C = [p, q] f ∪ B ∪ [Π(q),Π(p)]c ∪ A with A and B two oriented vertical327
segments. Consequently,328
〈G,−η〉ds =
[p,q] f
〈G,−η〉ds +
〈G,−η〉ds +
〈G,−η〉ds +
In A∪B the vector −η is horizontal i.e η(z) = (η1(z), 0) then G = (0, g) implies that
〈G,−η〉ds =329 ∫
〈G,−η〉ds = 0. Therefore330
〈G,−η〉ds =
[p,q] f
〈G,−η〉ds +
〈G,−η〉ds. (4.2)
In [p, q] f , the outer normal vector es parallel to −∇ f (z) = −
fx(z), fy(z)
. Then, for all z ∈ [p, q] f331
we obtain that −η(z) =
∇ f (z)
||∇ f (z)||
and G(z) = F(z) because [p, q] f ⊂ { f = f (p)}. Thus332
[p,q] f
〈G,−η〉ds =
[p,q] f
〈F,∇ f 〉dt.
Similarly, in [Π(q),Π(p)]c we have −η(z) = (0, 1) thus333
〈G,−η〉ds =
g(α, c)dα = −
g(α, c)dα.
Therefore, (4.2) and (4.1) prove the assertion. �334
In order to conclude the proof of this lemma we consider D(C) as in the last assertion joint335
to the construction of its precedent paragraph. Since the complement of S is a total measure set,336
gy(x, y)dx ∧ dy =
g(mα) − g(α, c)
g(qα) − g(pα)
Thus, the formulae in the assertion implies that337
[p,q] f
〈F,∇ f 〉dt =
g(mα)dα +
g(qα) − g(pα)
dα. (4.3)
But,338 ∫
[p,q] f
〈F,∇ f 〉dt =
[p,q] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt − f (p)
[p,q] f
and the property (a.3) of the precedent paragraph to Assertion 1 shows that g(qα) − g(pα) ≥ 0.339
Therefore, since g(mα) ≥ g(p), (4.3) implies that340
[p,q] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt − f (p)
[p,q] f
fxdt ≥
g(mα)dα ≥ g(p)
b − a
and concludes this proof.341
By applying the methods of the last proof give us the next:342
Lemma 6. Let X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R2 be a map with Spc(X) ∩ [0,+∞) = ∅. Consider343
L−q ⊂ { f = f (q)} and Π(x, y) = x. If the oriented compact arc [p, q] f ⊂ L
q , and Π([p, q] f ) =344
[Π(q),Π(p)] ⊂ (σ,+∞) with Π(q) < Π(p). Then345
[p,q] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt ≥ f (q)
[p,q] f
fxdt + g(p)
Π(p) − Π(q)
Proof. As a = Π(p) < Π(q) = b, we again consider the null set S ⊂ Π([p, q] f ) given by the346
critical values of Π restricted to [p, q] f (see [17]). Similarly, for every α ∈ Π([p, q] f ) = [a, b] we347
define ŷα = sup{y ∈ R : (y, α) ∈ [p, q] f } and mα = (α, ŷα). Therefore, Remark 5 shows that for348
each α < S the finite set
−1(α) ∩ [p, q] f
\ {m̃α} splits into pairs {pα = (α, dα), qα = (α, cα)}349
satisfying: (i) cα < dα, (ii) the oriented arc [pα, qα] f ⊂ {x ≥ α}, and (iii) g(qα) > g(pα).350
Take D(C) the boundary of which is the closed curve C ⊂ Π−1(b) ∪ [p, q] f ∪ Π
−1(a) ∪351
[Π(p),Π(q)]c, where [Π(p),Π(q)]c = {(α, c) : a ≤ α ≤ b} for some c < inf{y : (x, y) ∈ [p, q] f }.352
By using the Green’s formulae with the map z 7→ (0, g(z)) and the compact disk D(C) we have353
that354 ∫
gy(x, y)dx ∧ dy =
[p,q] f
〈F̃,∇ f 〉dt −
g(α, c)dα,
where F̃(x, y) =
f (x, y) − f (q), g(x, y)
. Since355
gy(x, y)dx ∧ dy +
g(α, c)dα =
g(mα)dα +
g(qα) − g(pα)
and356 ∫
[p,q] f
〈F̃,∇ f 〉dt =
[p,q] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt − f (q)
[p,q] f
the last property (iii) implies357
[p,q] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt − f (q)
[p,q] f
fxdt ≥
This concludes the proof because g(mα) ≥ g(p) shows
g(mα)dα ≥ g(p)(b − a).358
5. Hurwitz vector fields359
This section concludes with the proof of the main theorem. The essential goal of the next360
proposition is to prove the fact that our eigenvalue assumption ensures the non-existence of361
unbounded half–Reeb components. It is obtained by using the preparatory results of the previous362
section. With this fact Theorem 2 is just obtained by applying our previous papers [13, 15].363
Proposition 2 (Main). Let X = ( f , g) : R2 \ Dσ → R2 be a differentiable map, where σ > 0 and364
Dσ = {z ∈ R
2 : ||z|| ≤ σ}. Suppose that X is Hurwitz: Spc(X) ⊂ {z ∈ C : ℜ(z) < 0}. Then365
(i) Any half-Reeb component of either F ( f ) or F (g) is a bounded subset of R2.366
(ii) There are s ≥ σ and a globally injective local homeomorphism X̃ = ( f̃ , g̃) : R2 → R2367
such that X̃ and X coincide on R2 \ Ds. Moreover, F ( f ) and F (g) have no half-Reeb368
Proof. In the proof of (i), we only consider one case. Suppose by contradiction that the foliation,370
given by the level curves has an unbounded half–Reeb component. By [4, Proposition 1.5], there371
exists a half–Reeb component of F ( f ) the projection of which is an interval of infinite length.372
PSfrag replacements
∇ f (z)
γ(0) ⊂ { f = 0}
γ(1) ⊂ { f = 0}
mα ∈ Γ
α[γ(s), γ(ϕ(s))] f
psα = (asα , dsα) ∈ {g = g(γ(0))}
qsα = (asα , csα)
Figure 3: Half-Reeb componet A, proof of Proposition 2
(a) there are â0 > σ and A, a half–Reeb component of F ( f ) such that [â0,+∞) ⊂ Π(A),374
and the vertical line Π−1(â0) intersects (transversally) both non–compact edges ofA. Here375
Π(x, y) = x.376
A half-Reeb component of a fixed foliation contain properly other half-Reeb components,377
and they are topologically equivalent. In this context, the component is stable under perturbations378
on their compact face as long as the perturbed arc is also a compact face of some component.379
Therefore, without lost of generality, we may assume that nearby its endpoints, the compact edge380
of is made up of arcs of F (g). In this way, there exist 0 < ã < 12 and an injective, continuous381
curve γ : (−ã, 1 + ã)→ A such that382
(b.1) γ([0, 1]) is a compact edge of A such that both non–compact edges L+
γ(0) and L
γ(1) are383
contained in a half–plane {x ≥ â}, for some â > σ.384
(b.2) The images γ
(−ã, ã)
and γ
(1− ã, 1+ ã)
are contained in some leaves of F (g) such that385
γ(1 − ã, 1 + ã)
< infΠ
γ(−ã, ã)
(b.3) For some 0 < δ < ã4 there exists a orientation reversing injective function ϕ : [−2δ, 2δ]→387
(1− ã, 1+ ã) with ϕ(0) = 1 such that f
. Furthermore, if s ∈ (0, 2δ] then388
ϕ(s) ∈ (1− ã, 1) and there exists an oriented compact arc of trajectory [γ(s), γ(ϕ(s))] f ⊂ A389
of F ( f ), connecting γ(s) with γ(ϕ(s)).390
(b.4) For some 0 < δ < ã4 , small enough if s ∈ (0, δ] and γ(s) = (as, ds) then there exists cs such391
that qs = (as, cs) belongs to the open arc
γ(s), γ(ϕ(s))
f ⊂ [γ(s), γ(ϕ(s))] f .392
Lemma 4 implies that393
(c) for every s ∈ (0, δ] as in (b.4), cs < ds.394
The eigenvalue condition is invariant under addition of constant vectors to maps, therefore395
we can assume that396
(d) g
> 0, f = 0 over both non-compact edges ofA and f > 0 in the interior ofA.397
SinceA is the union of an increasing sequence of compact sets bounded by the compact edge398
and a compact segment of leaf. Then, from our selection of the compact edge we have that for399
every α > Π
≥ inf{as : s ∈ (0, δ]}, large enough there exists sα ∈ (0, δ] as in (b.4) such that400
the compact arc [γ(sα), γ(ϕ(sα))] f projects over (−∞, α], meeting α (Figure 3). More precisely,401
α = sup
Π(p) : p ∈ [γ(sα), γ(ϕ(sα))] f
This defines a closed curve Γ−α contained in Π
−1(asα) ∪ [γ(sα), γ(ϕ(sα))] f . If [qsα , psα]asα ⊂402
−1(asα) is the vertical segment connecting qsα , of (b.4) with psα = γ(sα), then this clock wise403
oriented curve satisfies404
α = [qsα , psα]asα ∪ [psα , qsα] f and Π(Γ
α) = [asα , α], (5.1)
where the oriented compact arc [psα , qsα] f ⊂ [γ(sα), γ(ϕ(sα))] f .405
We select and fix mα ∈ Γ
−1(α), by using Lemma 5 and Lemma 6, respectively we obtain406
[psα ,mα] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt ≥ f (psα)
[psα ,mα] f
fxdt + g(psα)(x − asα),
and407 ∫
[mα ,qsα ] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt ≥ f (qsα)
[mα ,qsα ] f
fxdt + g(mα)(x − asα).
Therefore, by adding we conclude408
[psα ,qsα ] f
〈X,∇ f 〉dt ≥ f (psα )
[psα ,qsα ] f
fxdt + g(psα)(x − asα) (5.2)
because g in increasing along [psα , qsα] f ⊂ { f = f (psα)} and g(mα) ≥ g(psα) = g(γ(0)) > 0.409
(e.1) We claim that, the closed curves Γ−α , given in (5.1) define the following functions410
[qsα ,psα ]asα
and α 7→
[qsα ,psα ] f
∣∣∣∣∣∣ ,
they are bounded, when α varies in some interval of infinite length contained on [â0,∞).411
f (psα )
[qsα ,psα ] f
fx = 0.
In fact, by a perturbation in the compact face if it is necessary, it is not difficult to prove that413
there is some half-Reeb component à of F ( f ) such that à ⊃ A, their boundaries satisfy ∂à \414
{compact face} ⊃ ∂A \ {compact face} and à ⊃ [qsα , psα]sα , for all sα. Since the image f (Ã) ⊂415
f (compac face), the function f is bounded in the closure of Ã, which contain the compact set416
∪sα [qsα , psα]asα . Consequently,417
[qsα ,psα ]asα
is bounded, in some interval of infinite length contained on [â0,∞). In order to prove the second418
part, we apply the Green’s formulae to the map z 7→ (1, 0) in the compact disk D(Γ−α). Since the419
trace is cero, we obtain420
[qsα ,psα ] f
∣∣∣∣∣∣ = arc length of [qsα , psα]asx .
By compactness we conclude. The last part is directly obtained by using (5.1) and psα = γ(sα)421
because the continuity of the foliation F ( f ) and (d) imply that422
psα = γ(0) ∈ { f = 0}.
Therefore (e.1) holds.423
(e.2) We claim that,424
if α→ +∞ then
〈X, ηiα〉dt→ +∞,
where −ηiα is a outer normal vector of the close wise oriented curve Γ
α .425
In the compact arc [psα , qsα] f ⊂ Γ
α , the vector η
α is parallel to ∇ f . Thus (5.2) and (e.1) imply426
that427 ∮
〈X, ηiα〉dt ≥ A + g(psα)(α − a),
where the constant A is independent of α and a = min{as : s ∈ (0, δ]}. Since (d) and (b.2) imply428
that g(psα) = g(γ(0)) > 0, it is not difficult to obtain (e.2).429
By (e.2) we select some α̃ > a such that Γ−α satisfies
〈X, ηiα〉dt > 0. By using the Green’s430
formulae with the map X = ( f , g), the assumptions over the eigenvalues i.e 0 > Trace(DXz),431
imply that432
〈X, ηiα〉dt > 0.
This contradiction concludes the proof of part (i).433
In order to obtain (ii), we apply Theorem 3 because X satisfies its conditions. This gives the434
existence of the pair (X̃, s) with s ≥ σ and X̃ = ( f̃ , g̃) : R2 → R2 a globally injective local435
homeomorphism such that X̃ and X coincide on R2 \ Ds. Furthermore, the last property in (ii) is436
obtained as a direct application of Corollary 2. Therefore, this proposition holds.437
Now we prove our main result438
5.1. Proof of Theorem 2439
By Proposition 2, there exists a globally injective local homeomorphism X̃ : R2 → R2440
such that X̃ and X coincide on some R2 \ Ds1 , with s1 ≥ σ. In particular, the restriction X| :441
2 \ Ds1 → R
2 is injective. In order to shown the existence of the differentiable extension,442
consider v = −X̃(0) joint to the globally injective map X̃ + v. In this context, we can apply the443
arguments of [15, Theorem 11]. Thus there are s̃ > s1 ≥ σ and a global differentiable vector444
field Y : R2 → R2 such that445
(a.1) R2 \ Ds̃ ∋ z 7→ Y(z) = (X + v)(z) is also injective and Y(0) = 0.446
(a.2) The map z 7→ Trace(DYz) is Lebesgue almost–integrable in whole R
2 ([15, Lemma 7]).447
(a.3) The index I(X + v) is a well-defined number in [−∞,+∞) ([15, Corollary 13]).448
Thus, there exist the index of X at infinity, I(X) = I(X + v). Therefore, X̂ = Y − v is the global449
differentiable extension of X| : R2 \ Ds̃ → R
2 and the pair (X̂, s̃) satisfies the definition of the450
index of X at infinity. This concludes the proof of (i).451
To prove the first part of (ii) we refer the reader to [4, Lemma 3.3]. Furthermore, since452
Trace(D(X + ṽ)) = Trace(DX) < 0, for every constant vector ṽ ∈ R2 we obtain that453
(b.1) Given a constant ṽ ∈ R2, the vector field X + ṽ generates a positive semi-flow on R2 \ Dσ.454
An immediate consequence of (i) is that: if X is Hurwitz, then outside a larger disk both X and455
Y have no rest points. In addition, by (a.1) the Hurwitz vector field Y has no periodic trajectory γ456
with D(γ) contained in R2 \Dσ. As Trace(DY) = Trace(DX) < 0 by Green’s Formulae Y admits457
at most one periodic trajectory, say γ, such that D(γ) ⊃ Dσ. Consequently458
(b.2) There exit s > s̃ such that Y satisfies (a.1), (a.2) and R2 \ Ds is free of rest points and459
periodic trajectories of Y.460
Under these conditions (b.1) and [15, Theorem 26] imply that:461
(b.3) For every r ≥ s there exist a closed curve Cr transversal to Y contained in the regular set462
2 \Dr. In particular, D(Cr) contains Dr and Cr has transversal contact to each small local463
integral curve of Y at any p ∈ Cr.464
Moreover, [15, Theorem 28] shown that:465
(b.4) The point at infinity of the Riemann Sphere R2 ∪ {∞} is either an attractor or a repellor of466
X + v : R2 \ Ds → R
2. More specifically, if I(X) < 0 (respectively I(X) ≥ 0), then∞ is a467
repellor (respectively an attractor) of the vector field X + v.468
Therefore, (ii) holds and concludes the proof of Theorem 2. �469
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1 Introducion
2 Statements of the results
2.1 Description of the proof of Theorem 2
3 Local diffeomorphisms that are injective on unbounded open sets
3.1 Avoiding tangent points
3.2 Minimal number of internal tangent points
3.3 Extending maps to topological embeddings
4 Maps free of positive eigenvalues
5 Hurwitz vector fields
5.1 Proof of Theorem 2
0704.1419 | Quantitative LEED I-V and ab initio study of the Si(111)-3x2-Sm surface
structure and the missing half order spots in the 3x1 diffraction pattern | Quantitative LEED I-V and ab initio study of the Si(111)-3x2-Sm surface structure
and the missing half order spots in the 3×1 diffraction pattern.
C. Eames, M. I. J. Probert, S. P. Tear∗
Department of Physics, University of York, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
We have used Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) I-V analysis and ab initio calculations to
quantitatively determine the honeycomb chain model structure for the Si(111)-3×2-Sm surface. This
structure and a similar 3×1 recontruction have been observed for many Alkali-Earth and Rare-Earth
metals on the Si(111) surface. Our ab initio calculations show that there are two almost degenerate
sites for the Sm atom in the unit cell and the LEED I-V analysis reveals that an admixture of the
two in a ratio that slightly favours the site with the lower energy is the best match to experiment.
We show that the I-V curves are insensitive to the presence of the Sm atom and that this results
in a very low intensity for the half order spots which might explain the appearance of a 3×1 LEED
pattern produced by all of the structures with a 3×2 unit cell.
PACS numbers: 61.46.-w, 61.14.Hg, 68.43.Bc
The prospect of creating an ordered one dimensional sys-
tem has lead to the extensive study of chain structures
grown on surfaces. The alkali metals (AM) form such a
chain structure as part of a 3×1 reconstruction on the
Si(111) surface with an AM coverage of 1/3 ML (Ref.
[1, 2] and therein). At a coverage of 1/6 ML the alkali
earth metals (AEM) and the rare earth metals (REM)
form a 3×2 reconstruction (Ref. [3, 4, 5, 6] and therein).
There is a wealth of experimental evidence from STM,
LEED and spectroscopic techniques to suggest that in
these 3× structures there is a common structure for the
reconstructed silicon (Ref. [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] and
therein). The honeycomb-chain channel model (HCC) is
now regarded by many as the most plausible of the can-
didate structures [12, 13, 14]. In the HCC model there
are parallel ordered one dimensional lines of metal atoms
sited in a silicon free channel. These are separated by
almost flat honeycomb layers of silicon.
The 3×1 system has been studied using LEED I-V
analysis with Ag, Li and Na as the deposited metal atoms
[11]. Similar I-V curves were obtained in each case and
the authors conclude that a common reconstruction of
silicon atoms is responsible for the LEED I-V curves,
which are insensitive to the presence of the metal atom.
However, the authors did not attempt a structural fit.
The LEED pattern for the 3×2 surfaces exhibits odd
behaviour in that it indicates a 3×1 periodicity. Many
workers have suggested that disorder in the position of
the metal atom is the cause. A Fourier analysis of a ran-
dom tesselation of a large sample of registry shifted 3×2
unit cells has been carried out by Schäfer et al. [15]. They
show that this simulation of long range disorder in the
position of the metal atom does produce a 3×1 period-
icity in reciprocal space. Alternatively, Over et al. [16]
have suggested that the substrate and silicon adatoms
could be acting as the dominant scattering unit with the
metal atoms sitting in ‘open sites’.
STM investigations of the 3×2 and 3×1 systems have
not provided much evidence of long range disorder in the
location of the metal atom apart from registry shifts in-
troduced by a coexisting c(6×2) phase. Of particular
relevance to this work is the study of the Si(111)-3×2-
Sm system using STM and an ab initio calculation, car-
ried out by Palmino et al. [5]. They have used the bias
voltage dependence of the STM images of the surface to
isolate the features associated with the honeycomb chain
and the samarium atom and separate comparison of these
with simulated STM images obtained from the ab initio
calculation show that the HCC structure is in good lat-
eral qualitative agreement with experiment.
In this study we have used LEED I-V analysis and sev-
eral ab initio calculations to quantitatively investigate
the 3×2 reconstruction of the Si(111)-3×2-Sm surface.
We show that the HCC structure gives good agreement
with experiment. We consider two HCC unit cells in
which the samarium atom is located in the T4 site or the
H3 site. Palmino et al. [5] have found the energy differ-
ence of these two configurations to be 0.07 eV/Sm. We
have calculated the atomic positions and the energies of
these two reconstructions and obtained LEED I-V curves
for this system and we show that a linear combination of
the two HCC structures is the optimum match to experi-
ment with a ratio that slightly favours the structure with
the lower energy of the two.
We have also used LEED I-V analysis to investigate the
missing half order spots for the 3×2 unit cell. We show
using calculated I-V curves that for an individual unit cell
the intensity of the half order spots is significantly lower
than that of the spots that are visible in the experiments.
We also show that the calculated I-V curves do not differ
significantly if the samarium atom is not present. We
offer this as evidence that disorder over multiple unit cells
is not needed to explain the STM/LEED discrepancy for
the 3×2 systems and we suggest that the order in the one
dimensional chain may persist over large length scales.
A dedicated LEED chamber of in-house design [17] op-
erating at a typical UHV base pressure of ∼ 10−10 mbar
was used to carry out our experiments. The silicon sub-
strate was cleaned by flashing to ≈ 1200 ◦C using an
electron beam heater and then the sample was slowly
cooled through the ≈ 900 − 700 ◦C region over a period
of 15 minutes. A sharp 7×7 LEED pattern resulted, con-
firming that a clean Si(111)-7×7 surface had been made.
Temperatures were monitored using an infra-red pyrom-
In the literature other workers [5, 9, 18] have formed
the Si(111)-3×2-Sm structure by depositing 1/6 ML onto
a sample held at a temperature of 400− 850 ◦C followed
by annealing at this temperature for 20 min. In this
work the sample was prepared by depositing 1 ML of
Sm from a quartz crystal calibrated evaporation source
onto the clean Si(111)-7×7 surface which was not at el-
evated temperature. This was followed by a hot anneal
at ≈ 700 ◦C for 15 minutes. A sharp 3×1 LEED pat-
tern was observed and images of this are shown in figure
1. Other workers have observed some streaking in the
3×1 LEED pattern that is indicative of one dimensional
disorder. We have not observed such streaking in our
diffraction patterns and we attribute this to our prepara-
tion procedure. There is some variability in the annealing
temperature that can be used and temperatures in the
range ≈ 700−900 ◦C all gave a sharp diffraction pattern.
It is at around 1000 ◦C that the pattern begins to degrade
as the samarium desorbs.
FIG. 1: Experimental 3×1 LEED spot pattern for the Si(111)-
3×2-Sm surface shown at (a) 40 eV and (b) 80 eV.
Images of the diffraction pattern were acquired over a
40-250 eV range of primary electron energies in steps of
2 eV using a CCD camera and stored on an instrument
dedicated computer. For each spot in the LEED pattern
the variation in its intensity with primary electron energy
was recorded which resulted in a set of 42 I-V curves.
Degenerate beams were averaged together to reduce
the signal to noise ratio and also to reduce any small er-
rors that may have occurred in setting up normal beam
incidence. Figure 2 defines the spot labelling system and
the degenerate beams. The experiment was repeated sev-
eral times and the I-V curves obtained during different
experiments were compared using the Pendry R-factor
[19]. The R-factor for I-V curves obtained on different
days was typically 0.1 or less which indicates that the
surface is repeatedly preparable. To further reduce noise
the I-V curves from separate experiments were averaged
together and a three point smooth was applied.
FIG. 2: Labelled spots in the 3×1 LEED pattern produced
by the Si(111)-3×2-Sm surface as it appears at 40 eV. The
degeneracies of the spots are indicated by the pattern used to
fill each spot.
This set of 13 averaged I-V curves was used to finger-
print the surface structure and allow comparison with the
I-V curves calculated for the various trial structures.
Ab initio calculations were performed using the CASTEP
code [20]. The code was run on 30 processors in a parallel
computing environment at the HPCx High Performance
Computing facility located at the CCLRC Daresbury lab-
oratory in the UK. We have geometry optimised two dif-
ferent unit cells for the HCC structure (see figure 5 for
details of these). In the first unit cell the samarium atom
is located in the T4 site with respect to the first bulk-
like silicon layer and in the other unit cell the samarium
atom is situated in a H3 site. We will refer to the two
structures as ‘T4’ and ‘H3’. The initial atomic positions
were those that were obtained in the ab initio study by
Palmino et al. [5] and these were very kindly provided
by F. Palmino.
Before proceeding the input parameters in the calcula-
tion were carefully checked (see [21] for a discussion of the
importance of this). Figure 3 shows how the calculated
energy varies with the number of plane waves included
in the calculation as the cutoff energy is raised for three
increasingly dense Monkhorst-Pack [22] reciprocal space
sampling grids.
280 320 360 400
Cutoff Energy (eV)
FIG. 3: Variation of the singlepoint energy, which is the calcu-
lated energy for a given configuration of the atomic positions,
with the cutoff energy and with the number of k-points at
which the wavefunction is sampled in reciprocal space.
A cutoff energy of 380 eV yields a total energy that is
unambiguously in the variational minimum and will allow
accurate calculation of the energy and the forces within
the system. We have used the sampling grid with 3 k-
points in reciprocal space since an increase to 6 k-points
does not significantly change the energy. The Perdew-
Burke-Ernzerhof [23] generalised gradient approximation
was used to represent exchange and correlation effects.
The vacuum gap that was used to prevent interaction
between the top surface in one supercell and the bottom
surface in the supercell above was 9 Å thick and this has
been optimised during the course of other ab initio stud-
ies of RE silicides that we have done. We have included
two bulk-like silicon layers below the top layer that con-
tains the samarium atom and the honeycomb chain struc-
ture. To prevent interactions through the supercell be-
tween uncompensated charge in the the top and bottom
layers and to fully replicate the transition to the bulk
silicon crystal we have hydrogen passivated the deepest
bulk-like silicon layer and fixed the coordinates of these
atoms so that they are not free to move from their bulk
positions. We have repeated the geometry optimisation
of the unit cells without passivation and positional con-
straints and the final positions of the silicon atoms in
this bottom layer are not drastically altered and the to-
tal energy does not significantly change as a result which
suggests that using so few bulk-like layers is reasonable.
We nevertheless kept the hydrogen passivation in place
since it reduces the computational cost of the electronic
structure calculation by the quenching of dangling bonds
on the underside of the supercell.
The structures were allowed to relax until the forces
were below the predefined tolerance of 5 × 10−2 eV/Å.
Figure 4 shows the convergence of the total energy and
the maximum force on any atom as the geometry opti-
misation proceeds for the two structures.
The T4 structure is 0.7 eV (0.01%) lower in energy
than the H3 structure and the maximum force in the sys-
tem is slightly lower. This energy difference cannot be
quantitatively compared with the value of 0.07 eV/Sm
that was obtained in Ref. [5] since this is an atomically
resolved energy difference whereas the value presented
here compares the total energies of the two supercells
with contributions from all of the atoms within. Also,
one cannot compare the basis set parameters used in this
work with those presented in Ref. [5] since the two cal-
culations used different types of pseudopotentials and a
different ab initio code.
The final optimised structures are shown in figure 5.
The interlayer spacings (ignoring the samarium atom for
now) in both structures here are almost identical. The
major difference between this calculated structure and
that in Ref. [5] is in the interlayer spacings. In this study
the spacing between the top layer and the first bulk-like
layer (L1 in figure 5) is approximately 8% greater than
that in Ref. [5] and the spacing between the first bulk-
like layer the the second bulk-like layer (L2 in figure 5) is
about 4% greater. There are also some minor differences
in the position of the silicon atoms in the honeycomb
Figure 6 shows I-V curves calculated using the CAVLEED
code [24] for the three candidate ab initio structures. The
curves shown are only the integer spots in the LEED pat-
tern and they were calculated using the bulk Debye tem-
peratures (that is 645 K for silicon and 169 K for samar-
ium) to represent the lattice vibrations of each layer. The
structures obtained from the two ab initio calculations in
this study are a consistently better match to experiment
than that in Ref. [5]. This suggests that the interlayer
spacings obtained in this study, to which LEED is very
sensitive, are closer to those present in the real surface.
Also, note that the I-V curves of the T4 and H3 structures
from this study are very similar and we cannot discard
either structure.
We can divide the spots in the LEED pattern into two
groups. The integer spots ((1,0), (2,0), (1,1) etc) contain
a large contribution from the bulk and are sensitive to
the top few layers. The fractional spots ((2/3,0), (1/3,1)
etc) are extremely sensitive to the top layer reconstruc-
tion and only mildy sensitive to deeper layers through
multiple scattering.
The poor Pendry R-factors (that is >0.7 in this con-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of geometry optimisation steps
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of geometry optimisation steps
FIG. 4: Convergence of the total energy (top) and logarith-
mic convergence of the forces (bottom) during the geometry
optimisation of the T4 and H3 structures. The horizontal line
indicates the force convergence tolerance of 5 × 10−2 eV/Å.
The T4 structure has a lower energy than the H3 structure
and the maximum force on any atom is lower.
text where enhanced vibrations have not been applied)
for some of the integer spots in figure 6 indicate that fur-
ther structural optimisation is needed. It is apparent that
for some curves the right peaks are present but that their
energy is slightly wrong (see the (0,2) and (2,0) spots in
figure 6 for example). The fractional spots have much
better R-factors (see figure 7) which indicates that the
structure of the top layer is in good agreement with ex-
periment. The natural way to proceed is to vary the
interlayer spacings to attempt an improvement in the
match with experiment, particularly for the integer spots.
In the next section this is attempted.
The calculation of the I-V curves was repeated using var-
ious values for the interlayer spacings and the R-factors
were determined. An initial coarse search was carried out
over a wide range of values for the spacings and with a
large step size. Figure 7 shows the R-factor landscape
obtained in this manner for the fractional spots. There
FIG. 5: Optimised structures for the HCC model showing
the H3 model from above (a) and in side view (b) and the
T4 model from above (c) and in side view (d). Silicon atoms
here are grey, the samarium atom is black and the hydrogen
atoms are white. The first and second interlayer spacings are
labelled L1 and L2 respectively.
is a clear minimum in both cases. The samarium atom
has been considered in determining the midpoint of the
top layer which is why the minima do not coincide; the
samarium atom sits proud of the honeycomb layer in the
H3 structure and it is much lower in the T4 structure. In
the ab initio calculations in this study the interlayer spac-
ings were approximately 3.06, 3.10Å for the H3 structure
and 2.65, 3.14 Å for the T4 structure which places the
ab initio energy minimum (indicated by a cross in figure
7) very close to that of the CAVLEED I-V R-factor mini-
mum. Two independent techniques are thus suggesting
very similar best fit structures.
I-V curves were then obtained using a narrower range
of interlayer spacings focussed on the minima obtained
in the coarse search. This fine search, using a step size
of 0.01 Å, improved the R-factors by only around 0.01 in
both cases and even finer searches were not carried out.
There is another interlayer spacing deeper into the bulk
that we might try to vary. Computational resources do
not permit us to independently vary this spacing along
with those between the top three layers. Figure 8 shows
the variation of the Pendry R-factor as the spacing be-
tween layers three and four is changed with the first and
second interlayer spacings fixed at their optimum value.
We can see that there is a small improvement in the R-
factor for the fractional spots at the expense of a large
worsening of the R-factor for the integer spots, which are
more sensitive to structure in the near bulk. We there-
fore reject any variation of this interlayer spacing and
retain the bulk value. That there is no significant recon-
50 100 150 200 250 300
Energy (eV)
T4 site this study
H3 site this study
T4 site Palmino et al
FIG. 6: A comparison of the I-V curves calculated for the
integer spots for the structures suggested by the ab initio
calculations in this study and elsewhere with those obtained
experimentally. The R-factor beside each curve indicates the
level of agreement with experiment.
struction deeper into the surface justifies the use of three
layers in our ab initio calculation and means that in both
the ab initio calculation and the Pendry R-factor struc-
ture fit to the experimental data we have considered two
interlayer spacings.
Optimisation of the vibrations used in the LEED
I-V calculation
The effect of thermal vibrations within the system has
also been investigated. The Debye temperature TD of
the samarium atom, the silicon atoms in the honeycomb
layer and the silicon atoms in the first bulk-like layer have
each been independently reduced by a factor of
2, 2 and
3 from their bulk values. The effects of these enhanced
vibrations for the two most effective combinations are
shown in table I alongside the R-factors obtained with
no enhanced vibrations.
The two schemes of enhanced vibrations both reduce the
overall R-factor by around 0.2 and this is mainly due to
the improvement in the R-factors of the integer spots.
FIG. 7: Pendry R-factor landscape for a range of values of the
interlayer spacings in the (a) H3 and (b) T4 structure for the
fractional spots. The step size was 0.05 Å. The cross indicates
the ab initio energy minimum.
Linear combination of the two candidate structures
The H3 and T4 structures have similar energies, similar
structures (ignoring the position of the samarium atom)
and similar LEED I-V curves. It is reasonable to suggest
that both structures might co-exist upon the surface. A
linear combination of the I-V curves produced by the H3
and T4 structures that individually best fit the experi-
mental data are shown in figure 9 for the two regimes
of enhanced vibration shown in table I. The H3 and T4
structures are considered as being separated by a distance
greater than the coherence length of the LEED beam.
To simulate large and separate domains of the two struc-
tures in this way the LEED spot intensities have been
combined and not the amplitudes.
The vibrational regime with a Debye temperature for
the samarium atom of 119 K (B/
2 in table I) gives a
lower R-factor for the fractional order spots but it gives
3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25
Layer 3 −Layer 4 spacing (Å)
Fractional Spots
Integer Spots
All Spots
3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3
Layer 3 −Layer 4 spacing (Å)
Fractional Spots
Integer Spots
All Spots
FIG. 8: Variation of the spacing between layers three and four
in Si(111)-3x2-Sm for the H3 (a) and T4 (b) structures. The
bulk value for this interlayer spacing is 3.14 Å
a worse overall R-factor. The vibrational regime with a
Debye temperature for the samarium atom of 84 K (B/2
in table I) gives a better overall R-factor and the minima
for both the fractional and the integer spots coincide.
The final ratio of H3 40:60 T4 is in favour of the structure
that is lower in energy which is what we would expect.
Table II contains a summary of the structures obtained
from the ab initio calculations and from the CAVLEED
LEED I-V structure fit. Two values are given for L1; the
value in brackets ignores the Sm atom in determining
the midpoint of the top layer. For the T4 structure the
Sm atom is almost coplanar with the honeycomb layer
whereas for the H3 structure the Sm atom sits proud
of the surface and skews the value of L1. The value in
brackets thus indicates the similarity of the spacings be-
tween the layers of silicon atoms in the two supercells.
For each of the structures in this table LEED I-V curves
Sm TD Si1 TD Si2 TD R
B B B 0.49 0.72 0.63
2 B/3 B/2 0.48 0.46 0.48
B/2 B/3 B/2 0.45 0.44 0.45
TABLE I: Variation of the Debye temperature for the samar-
ium atom, silicon honeycomb layer and first bulk like layer
and the effect upon the Pendry R-factors for the H3 structure.
The naming scheme here is Sm=samarium atom, Si1=silicon
honeycomb atoms, Si2=first silicon bulk-like layer. A De-
bye temperature of B indicates the bulk unoptimised value
for that atomic species. Similar data are available for the
T4 structure. Further enhancement of the vibrations of the
samarium atom worsens the R-factors.
were calculated with optimised vibrations using a De-
bye temperature for the samarium atom of 84 K. These
were then compared against experiment and the Pendry
R-factors are included in table II. The final optimised
LEED I-V curves for the linear combination are com-
pared with experiment for the integer spots in figure 10
and for the fractional spots in figure 11.
Structure RFRACP R
P L1 (Å) L2 (Å)
T4 (Ref. [5]) 0.87 0.88 0.92 2.42 (2.52) 3.02
T4 CASTEP 0.44 0.46 0.46 2.65 (2.67) 3.14
H3 CASTEP 0.47 0.43 0.45 3.06 (2.62) 3.10
T4 CAVLEED 0.48 0.41 0.46 2.74 (2.73) 3.10
H3 CAVLEED 0.45 0.44 0.45 3.06 (2.64) 3.11
Combination 0.39 0.42 0.41 2.87 (2.69) 3.10
TABLE II: Pendry R-factors for the fractional spots
(RFRACP ), integer spots (R
P ) and for all spots (R
P ) for
the various optimised structures in this work. All of the cal-
culated I-V curves used optimised vibrations. The interlayer
spacings are shown in columns five and six midpoint. The
value of L1 in brackets ignores the Sm atom in the deter-
mination of the midpoint of the top layer and indicates the
similarity of the structure of the silicon atoms in the two su-
The silicon honeycomb layer is almost mirror symmetric
about a plane perpendicular to the ×2 direction. It is
the location of the samarium atom that breaks this mir-
ror symmetry and renders a quasi 3×1 unit cell into a
3×2 unit cell. Figure 12 shows calculated I-V curves for
the H3 structure for the fractional and integer spots com-
pared with those for the same structure with the samar-
ium atom removed. The bulk Debye temperatures were
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% of Sm atoms in H3 site
All Spots
Fractional Spots
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% of Sm atoms in H3 site
All Spots
Fractional Spots
FIG. 9: Pendry R-factors for a linear combination of the spot
intensities of the H3 and T4 structures in various mixing ratios
for two different vibrational regimes. In figure (a) the Debye
temperature for the samarium atom is 119 K and in figure
(b) it is 84 K. In both cases the Debye temperatures of the
top silicon honeycomb layer, the first silicon bulk-like layer
and the repeated bulk layer are 215 K, 323 K and 645 K
used throughout to minimise the influence of vibrations.
It is readily apparent that the I-V curves are insensitive
to the presence of the samarium atom.
This is not to say that the samarium atom is not a
strong scatterer. It would appear that the silicon honey-
comb layer as a scattering unit of 8 atoms contributes
much more to the I-V curves than the single samar-
50 100 150 200 250
Energy (eV)
LEED Experiment
FIG. 10: Best fit I-V curves for the integer LEED spots of
the Si(111)-3x2-Sm structure.
ium atom. A similar effect was observed in the LEED
I-V structural analysis of Ag- and Li-induced Si(111)-
3)R30 ◦ by Over et al. [25] and was suggested as
a cause for the 3×1/3×2 discrepancy in Ref. [16].
If this is the case then the half order spots that are
apparently missing when the experimental 3×1 LEED
pattern is inspected visually should produce calculated
I-V curves whose intensity is very much less than that
of the spots that are visible during experiment. The sili-
con honeycomb layer is not perfectly symmetrical about
the mirror plane perpendicular to the ×2 direction and
this should contribute to the half order spot intensities.
Figure 13 shows the I-V curves of some of the calculated
half order spots compared to that of the (1,0) spot.
It would appear that the 3×2 unit cell produces a 3×2
LEED pattern with half order spots that are so weak in
intensity that they fall below the background intensity
leaving only a 3×1 LEED pattern visible.
The Pendry R-factors obtained upon comparison of the
ab initio calculations with experiment are not as low as
we would expect. We can see that for some spots the
I-V curves are visually very similar to those obtained ex-
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Energy (eV)
LEED Experiment
FIG. 11: Best fit I-V curves for the fractional LEED spots of
the Si(111)-3x2-Sm structure.
perimentally (see the I-V curves for the (1,1/3) and (2,0)
spots for example) but they have a poor R-factor. This
suggests that the structure is very nearly right and the
minor discrepancy could be a result of our not including
enough bulk like silicon layers in the bottom of the su-
percell with consequent effects upon the reconstruction
within the top honeycomb layer. We have attempted
some simple variation in the top layer structure, for ex-
ample flattening the layer, but this drastically worsens
the R-factor. Computational resources prohibit us from
calculating the structure with more silicon layers and
from investigating the honeycomb layer structure further
using LEED I-V and perhaps further study with a LEED
I-V genetic algorithmn search might optimise this struc-
ture further. The moderate R-factors are offset by the
fact that two independent techniques both show optimum
structural fits for almost identical interlayer spacings.
The lateral atomic structure was freely varied in the ab
initio calculations in this work and the lateral atomic po-
sitions agree well with those found by Palmino at al. [5]
which they have shown to be in good qualitative agree-
ment with experimental STM images. In this work we
have concentrated upon the optimisation of the vertical
spacings, to which LEED is particularly sensitive.
The R-factors for the integer spots are consistently
worse than those for the fractional spots. There is the
50 100 150 200 250
Energy (eV)
Full cell
No samarium
(a) Integer spots
50 100 150 200 250
Energy (eV)
Full cell
No samarium
(b) Fractional spots
FIG. 12: Calculated LEED I-V curves for the integer spots (a)
and fractional spots (b) of the H3 unit cell with and without
the samarium atom in place. Bulk Debye temperatures were
used throughout.
possibility that there are some regions in which there is a
disordered overlayer of samarium atop a bulk terminated
Si(111)-1×1 surface. Such a phase has been reported by
Wigren et al. [26]. The integer spots from such regions
might contribute to the overall integer spots for the sur-
face and reduce the level of agreement with the calculated
I-V curves for the pure 3×2 surface.
We have not been able to determine the long range
order in the system. We might expect that simple elec-
trostatic repulsion along the 1D chain would space out
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Energy (eV)
H3 site
T4 site
FIG. 13: Calculated I-V curves for the HCC structure show-
ing the difference in the intensity (typically an order of mag-
nitude) between the half order spots and a representative spot
that is visible in the LEED pattern during an experiment.
the metal atoms and provide large separate domains of
the H3 and the T4 structures. However, the two sites are
almost degenerate and there would be an entropic gain
from disorder. In the literature one can find evidence for
both order and disorder in the long range positions of
the metal atoms. In this study the improvement in the
Pendry R-factor when the T4 and H3 structures are con-
sidered together on the surface suggests that both sites
are occupied within the surface. We have also shown
that we do not require more than one unit cell to ex-
plain the missing half order spots in the LEED pattern
and our experimentally observed LEED patterns show
a low background due to good order on the surface. It
could be that there is long range disorder on the surface
and that the coupling between many adjacent H3 and
T4 unit cells and matching of the interlayer spacings in-
troduces a slight strain that changes the structure in the
honeycomb layer and the first bulk-like layer enough to
account for our Pendry R-factors. If this is the case then
it would be impossible to obtain the structure of the hon-
eycomb layer to a high degree of accuracy without an ab
initio calculation using a supercell that comprises several
thousand unit cells of the H3 and T4 structures randomly
tesselated in both directions.
We have provided a quantitative validation of the
honeycomb-chain channel model common to the 3×1 and
3×2 structures formed by alkali, alkali-earth and rare-
earth metals on Si(111). Several I-V datasets were ob-
tained from LEED experiments and used to fingerprint
the surface. The atomic structure suggested by our two
ab initio calculations is in reasonable agreement with this
experimental data. Further structural optimisation and
mapping of the R-factor landscape have shown that a
slight outward expansion of the top layer improves the
fit somewhat but increasing the vibrations in the top two
layers gives a significant improvement. A linear combi-
nation of the two HCC structures has been shown to im-
prove the fit still further with the ratio being slightly in
favour of the structure with the lower energy of the two.
Finally, we have calculated the intensities of the half or-
der spots and shown that they are sufficiently dim to fall
below the background intensity in a LEED experiment.
Little change in the calculated I-V curves results from re-
moving the samarium atom which supports the idea that
as a scattering unit the silicon honeycomb layer domi-
nates the unit cell and makes LEED insensitive to the
metal atom in these 3× systems.
Many thanks to F. Palmino for kindly providing the
atomic co-ordinates for the Si(111)-3×2 unit cell.
C. Eames would like to acknowledge the EPSRC for
financial support.
This work made use of the facilities of HPCx, the UK’s
national high-performance computing service, which is
provided by EPCC at the University of Edinburgh and
by CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory, and funded by the
Office of Science and Technology through EPSRC’s High
End Computing Programme.
∗ Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
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0704.1420 | Renormalization of Hamiltonian QCD | Renormalization of Hamiltonian QCD
A. Andraši∗
’Rudjer Bošković’ Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
John C. Taylor†
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,
University of Cambridge, UK
April, 10 2007
We study to one-loop order the renormalization of QCD in the Coulomb gauge
using the Hamitonian formalism. Divergences occur which might require counter-
terms outside the Hamiltonian formalism, but they can be cancelled by a redef-
inition of the Yang-Mills electric field.
PACS: 11.15.Bt; 11.10.Gh
Keywords: Coulomb gauge, Hamiltonian, renormalization
∗e-mail:[email protected]
†e-mail:[email protected]
1 Introduction
We study the renormalization of QCD in the Coulomb gauge Hamiltonian for-
malism. By Hamiltonian form, we mean that the Lagrangian contains only
first order terms in time derivatives, and depends upon the conjugate momen-
tum field Eai as well as the (transverse) gluon field A
i (here a is the colour
index and i = 1, 2, 3 is a 3-vector index). This form has a number of attractive
(i) As a Hamiltonian exists, the theory is explicitly unitary, without the
necessity to cancel unphysical degrees of freedom with ghosts.
(ii) The Lagrangian form of the Coulomb gauge has “energy divergences” in
some of its Feynman integrals, that is integrals of the form (we use K for the
spatial part of the 4-vector k)
d3Kdk0f(K, k0) (1)
where f does not decrease as k0 → ∞ (for fixed K). These divergences cancel
between different Feynman graphs [1], but this cancellation has to be organized
“by hand”. In the Hamiltonian form, each individual Feynman graph is free of
such divergence. Formally ’energy divergent’ integrals such as
p20 − P 2 + iη
(P −K)2
are assigned the value zero.
(iii) It has been argued [2] that the Coulomb gauge throws light on con-
finement. Certainly it is known [3] that, in the Coulomb gauge, the source of
asymptotic freedom lies in the Coulomb potential.
In spite of (i) above, to 2-loop order, mild energy-divergences remain [4], [5],
[6] which result in ambiguities which have to be resolved by a prescription. This
is connected with questions of operator ordering [7].
For other applications of the Coulomb gauge, for example to lattice QCD,
see [8], [9].
The question addressed here is the following. Ultra-violet divergences exist
which seem to require the existence of counter-terms containing second order
terms in time derivatives, (∂Aai /∂t)
2. Do these take us out of the Hamiltonian
form? We argue that this does not happen because the divergences concerned
can be cancelled by a redefinition of the Eam field.
We do not use quite the strict Hamiltonian formalism. We retain the auxil-
liary field Aa0 , which contains no time derivatives and should be integrated out
to give a nonlocal Coulomb potential term in the real Hamiltonian. It seems
to be convenient, for the purposes of renormalization, to retain Aa0 in the La-
grangian. Because of this, there is a ghost field, but it has an instantaneous
propagator, and so is not relevant to unitarity. Its purpose is only to cancel out
closed loops in the Aa0 field.
2 The Feynman rules
The Lagrangian for the Coulomb gauge is
L′ = L− 1
2 (3)
(where α will eventually tend to zero to go to the Coulomb gauge),
L = −1
Fij · Fij −
2 +Ei ·F0i
∗∂ic+ g∂ic
∗ · (Ai ∧ c)
+ui · [∂ic+ g(Ai ∧ c)]
+u0 · [∂0c+ g(A0 ∧ c)]
gK · (c ∧ c) + gvi · (Ei ∧ c) (4)
where we use a colour vector notation, and
F aij = ∂iA
j − ∂jAai + gfabcAbiAcj
(Ai ∧ c)a = fabdAbicd (5)
Here c, c∗ are the ghost fields, and the sources ui,vn and K are inserted for
future use in formulating the BRST identities. The conjugate momentum (elec-
tric) field Em could be integrated out to obtain the ordinary Lagrangian for-
malism, but for the Hamiltonian formalism it must be retained.
We will use indices m,n, ... = 1, 2, 3 to denote the (spatial) components of
E, so the seven fields are (Aai , A
0 , E
n). We will use indices I, J, .. to denote the
seven indices (i, 0, n). The bilinear part of the Lagrangian in momentum space
is a 7× 7 matrix
SIJδab =
−K2(Tij + Lij/α) 0 −ik0δin
0 0 iKn
ik0δmj −iKm −δmn
Tij ≡ δij − Lij , Lij ≡ KiKj/K2,
k2 = k20 −K2. (6)
For the propagators, we need the inverse
S−1IJ δab =
2 − αLij/K2 αk0Ki/(K2)2 −ik0Tin/k2
2)2 1/K2 + αk20/(K
2)2 iKn/K
2 −iKm/K2 TmnK2/k2
. (7)
We can now let α → 0, to obtain the Coulomb gauge. From this, and the
interaction terms in the Lagrangian (4), we can read off the Feynman rules. We
represent the Ai field by dashed lines, the En field by continuous lines, and the
A0 field by dotted lines. With this notation, we now list the rules (a factor
is to be included for each propagator, and a factor of (2π)4i for each
vertex). If we choose the propagators in fig.1 to be the negative of the matrix
(7), the extra factors of 1
for the propagator and (2π)4i for the vertices
3 The ultra-violet divergences
The divergent graphs with 2 and with 3 external lines are shown in Figures 4
till 31. Examples of the method of evaluation of divergent parts are given in
Appendices A and B.
The ultra-violet divergent parts of these graphs are, in terms of the divergent
constant (using dimensional regularization in 4− ǫ dimensions)
CGΓ(ǫ/2), (8)
(where the superfix (4), (5) etc. refers to the corresponding figure and Πij ,
Π0i...Πmn denote self-energies, Vijk, V0in...V0in vertices and Λ stands for dia-
grams with external ghost lines), are:
ij = ic[
k20δij +K
2δij −KiKj]δab (9)
i0 = −
ick0Kiδab (10)
icK2δab (11)
mi = 0 (12)
m0 = −
ic[iKiδab] (13)
Π(9)abmn = −
icδmnδab (14)
ijk (p, q, r) = −
cgfabc[(Q− P )kδij + (R −Q)iδjk + (P −R)jδik] (15)
ijk (p, q, r) = −
cgfabc[(Q− P )kδij + (R −Q)iδjk + (P −R)jδik] (16)
ijk (p, q, r) = −
cgfabc[(Q− P )kδij + (R −Q)iδjk + (P −R)jδik] (17)
ijk (p, q, r) =
cgfabc[(Q− P )kδij + (R−Q)iδjk + (P −R)jδik] (18)
i00 (p, q, r) =
cgfabc(R−Q)i (19)
i00 (p, q, r) = −
cgfabc(R −Q)i (20)
i00 (p, q, r) =
cgfabc(R−Q)i (21)
i00 (p, q, r) =
cgfabc(R−Q)i (22)
0jl (p, q, r) = 0 (23)
0jl (p, q, r) =
cgfabc(R −Q)0 (24)
0jl (p, q, r) = −
cgfabc(R −Q)0 (25)
0jl (p, q, r) = 0. (26)
Graphs involving external Em line are
im0 (p, q, r) =
icgfabcδim (27)
im0 (p, q, r) = −
icgfabcδim (28)
im0 (p, q, r) = 0. (29)
All other graphs involving external Em -lines are convergent. The divergent
parts of graphs with open ghost line are
Λ(22)ab(q) = −4
icQ2δab (30)
i (q) = −
cQiδab (31)
Λ(24)abc(p, q) = 0 (32)
k (p, q, r) = 0 (33)
0 (p, q) = 0 (34)
i (p, q) = 0 (35)
Λ(28)abcn (p, q) = 0. (36)
4 Counter-terms
d4xL(x) (37)
be the original action, Γ be the complete effective action, and let Γ1 be the
effective action to one-loop order. The complete BRST identities are
Γ ∗ Γ ≡ ∂Γ
= 0. (38)
So to one-loop order
Γ1 ∗ Γ0 + Γ0 ∗ Γ1 ≡ ∆Γ1 = 0 (39)
∆2 = 0. (41)
One class of solutions to this equation is of the form
1 = ∆G, (42)
where the allowed form of G is, in terms of constants a5, ...a11,
G = a5Ai · (ui + ∂ic∗) + a6A0 · u0 + a7c ·K+ a8Ei · vi
+a9vi · ∂iA0 + a10vi · ∂0Ai + a11vi · (A0 ∧Ai). (43)
Other solutions of equation (39) are the explicitly gauge-invariant terms
1 = a1(Fij)
2 + a2Ei · F0i + a3(F0i)2 + a4(Ei)2. (44)
Finally, by differentiating (38) with respect to the coupling constant g and
specialising to one-loop order, we see that
1 = 0 (45)
where (a0 being another divergent constant)
i = a0g
. (46)
Combining these three contributions, we obtain
Γ1 = Γ
1 + Γ
1 + Γ
d4xL(x) (47)
L1 = a1(Fij)2 + (a2 + a8 + a9)Ei ·F0i
+(a3 − a9)(F0i)2 + (a4 − a8)(Ei)2
+a5Fij · ∂jAi − (a5 +
a0)gFij · (Ai ∧Aj)
−(a0 + a5 + a6)gEi · (Ai ∧A0) +Ei · (a5∂0Ai − a6∂iA0)
−a5(ui + ∂ic∗) · ∂ic+ a0g∂ic∗ · (Ai ∧ c)
−a6u0 · ∂0c+ a0gu0 · (A0 ∧ c)
−a7(ui + ∂ic∗) · {∂ic+ g(Ai ∧ c)}
+a0gui · (Ai ∧ c)− a7u0 · {∂0c+ g(A0 ∧ c)}
g(a7 − a0)K · (c ∧ c) + (a0 − a7)gvi · (Ei ∧ c). (48)
The conditions coming from the vanishing ghost graphs Figs. 24, 25, 26, 27
and 28 are particularly simple. They fix
a9 = −a10
a11 = −ga9
a0 = a7 = −a6. (49)
In order for the counter-terms to cancel the divergences in the other graphs, we
require the conditions
4a1 − 2a5 = −c
4a1 − 3a5 − a0 =
a3 − a9 = −
a6 − a5 =
a5 + a7 = −
a4 − a8 =
a2 + a5 + a8 + a9 = 0. (50)
These equations do not fix the constants uniquely. We are free to make
some choices. The term (F0i)
2 in Γ
1 eq.(44) is not present in the original
Hamiltonian form of the Lagrangian (4), so we choose
a3 = 0. (51)
We can also arrange for the combination
2 +Ei ·F0i (52)
to appear in L(ii)1 as it does in L0. This requires (from (50))
a1 = −
a2 = c− 2a5
a4 = −
c+ a5
c+ a5
a7 = −
c− a5
a8 = −
c+ a5
a0 = −
c− a5 (53)
and so
L(ii)1 = −4a1[−
2 − 1
2 +Ei ·F0i] (54)
proportional to the non-ghost part of the original Lagrangian (3).
Equation (54) does not come from the BRST identities, it just emerges from
the numerical values of the divergent integrals. It may be a consequence of some
hidden Lorentz invariance.
The constants a0, a1, ... are still not uniquely fixed. There are two particu-
larly simple choices.
(i) Choose a0 = 0 with a5 = − 43c. Then we find
a1 = −
a4 = −
a6 = a7 = 0
a8 = −
c. (55)
(ii) The second choice is a1 = 0 with a5 =
c. Then
a0 = −
a2 = 0
a4 = 0
a7 = −
a8 = −
c. (56)
Note that a0 has the expected value for coupling constant renormalization.
The counter-terms in either case are
L1 = −
2 − 4
cFij · ∂jAi +
cgFij · (Ai ∧Aj)
cEi · F0i
cgEi · (Ai ∧A0)−
cEi · ∂0Ai +
c(ui + ∂ic
∗) · ∂ic. (57)
The counter-terms in a5, a6, a7, a8 and a9 are involved in a rescaling of the
fields. Defining
i = (1 + a5)Ai
0 = (1 + a6)A0
m = (1 + a8)Em − a9F0m
i = (1− a5)ui
0 = (1− a6)u0
′ = (1− a7)c
′ = (1 + a7)K
g′ = (1 + a0)g
′∗ = (1 − a5)c∗
′ = (1− a8)v, (58)
we have from (48) that
L0 + L1 = (1− 4a1)L0(g′,A′i,A′0,E′, c′, c′∗,u′i,u′0,K′). (59)
Note that a6 which determines the renormalization of the Coulomb field A
has the same numerical value as a0.
We have not calculated the divergences in graphs with four external lines.
We assume they will be cancelled by the same counter-terms.
We conclude that there is no difficulty to one-loop order in renormalizing the
Hamiltonian form of the Coulomb gauge. We guess that the renormalization
would formally go through to higher orders, but then there is the problem men-
tioned in [4], [5], [6] of combining the renormalization of ultra-violet divergences
with the resolution of energy-divergence ambiguities.
It is not quite obvious how the renormalization would be formulated if the
Aa0 field had been eliminated to give the non-local colour Coulomb potential
(note the non-zero value of the Aa0 field renormalization constant a6 in (56)).
A.A. wishes to thank the Royal Society for a grant and DAMTP for hospi-
tality. We are grateful to Dr. G. Duplančić for drawing the figures. The work
was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of
Croatia under contract No. 098-0000000-2865.
Appendix A
Here we give as an example the evaluation of the ultra-violet divergent part
of the graph in Fig. 20.
0jk (q,−q, 0) = ig
(p2 + iη)2
(q + p)2 + iη
×Trz(P )Tzv(P )Tru(Q+P )[(−2Q−P )vδuj+(Q−P )uδjv+(2P+Q)jδvu]. (A1)
Applying the integral
(p2 + iη)2
(q + p)2 + iη
dyy(1− y){(P + yQ)2 + y(1− y)(−q2 − iη)}− 52 (A2)
and power counting to (A1)
0jk (q,−q, 0) = −4g
dyy(1− y)
d3−ǫPPjPk{(P + yQ)2 + y(1− y)(−q2 − iη)}−
2 , (A3)
leading to
0jk (q,−q, 0) = −
cgfabcq0δjk. (A4)
Appendix B
Example of self-energy evaluation Π
00 in eq.(11). Let p, q be internal and
k external momentum, p− q = k. The sum of two graphs is
Tij(P )Tji(Q)
(P 2 +Q2)− (ip0)(iq0)]δab (B1)
where we have symmetrized the first term in P,Q. the minus sign in the second
term comes from the opposite order of the fabc factors at the two vertices. Doing
the p0 integration by Cauchy, we get
(P +Q)2 − k20
(P +Q)[P 2 +Q2 − 2PQ]δab. (B2)
The last factor (P − Q)2 is approximately (P · K)2/P 2. With this factor, the
integral is only logarithmically divergent, and to get the divergent part we can
put Q = P everywhere. We use Tij(P )Tji(P ) = 2. Then we get
(P 2 +m2)5/2
. (B3)
So the divergent part is1
icK2δab. (B4)
[1] R. N. Mohapatra, Phys. Rev. D4, 22, 378, 1007 (1971)
[2] D. Zwanziger, Nucl. Phys. B 485, 185 (1997)
[3] J. Frenkel, J. C. Taylor, Nucl. Phys. B 109, 439 (1976)
[4] P. Doust, J. C. Taylor, Phys. Lett. 197, 232 (1987)
[5] P. Doust, Ann. of Phys. 177, 169 (1987)
[6] J. C. Taylor, in Physical and Nonstandard Gauges, Proceedings, Vienna,
Austria 1989, edited by P.Gaigg, W. Kummer, M. Schweda
[7] N. Christ, T. D. Lee, Phys. Rev. D 22, 939 (1980)
[8] A. Cucchieri, D. Zwanziger, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 106, 694 (2002)
[9] A. Cucchieri, hep-lat/0612004
1Note that there was an error of sign in Eur. Phys. J. C37, 307-313(2004) which however
did not influence the final result.
Figure 1: Feynman rules for the propagators in the Coulomb gauge.
q; b; j
; k
p; a; i
a; i b; j
; k a;m
(Q� P )
(P �R)
Figure 2: Feynman rules for the vertices in the Coulomb gauge. The arrows
denote the directions of the momenta.
p; j; b
Figure 3: Feynman rules for ghosts and sources in the Coulomb gauge. Doubled
lines denote ghosts. The black arrows distinguish between ghosts and antighosts.
Momenta flow into the vertex.
Figure 4: The transverse gluon self-energy graphs.
Figure 5: The AiA0 two-point function.
Figure 6: The time-time component of the gluon self-energy.
Figure 7: The transition between the transverse gluon field and its conjugate
field Ei.
Figure 8: The transition between the Coulomb field A0 and the conjugate field
Figure 9: The conjugate field self-energy.
Figure 10: Graph contributing to the three-gluon vertex function.
Figure 11: There are three graphs in this class with permutations of the vertices.
Figure 12: Graph representing a class of 6 diagrams.
Figure 13: There are 3 graphs in this class of diagrams.
Figure 14: Graph with two external Coulomb lines (there are 3 diagrams in
this class).
Figure 15: There are two graphs in this class.
Figure 16: There are two graphs in this class.
Figure 17: The graph with two external Coulomb lines and one three-gluon
Figure 18: Graphs contributing to the(AiAjA0) three-point function.
Figure 19: Graph contributing to the (AiAjA0) three-point function which
contains a three-gluon vertex.
Figure 20: The (AiAjA0) graph with a three-gluon vertex.
Figure 21: The (AiAjA0) graph with a four-gluon vertex.
Figure 22: The ghost self-energy.
Figure 23: Ghost and the ui source graph.
Figure 24: The ghost vertex graph with a K source.
Figure 25: Graph with external Ai, ghost and anti-ghost lines.
Figure 26: Graph with u0 source, Ei and c lines.
Figure 27: Graph with ui source, Ai and c lines.
Figure 28: Diagram with vn source, A0 and c lines.
Figure 29: Graph contributing to the (AiEjA0) vertex function.
Figure 30: Graph with external gluon, Coulomb and E-field.
Figure 31: Graph in the (AiEjA0) vertex function.
The Feynman rules
The ultra-violet divergences
0704.1421 | What made GRBs 060505 and 060614? | WhatmadeGRBs 060505 and 060614?
Páll Jakobsson a, Johan P. U. Fynbo b
aCentre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane,
Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, UK
bDark Cosmology Centre, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Juliane
Maries Vej 30, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Recent observations of two nearby SN-less long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs),
which share no obvious characteristics in their prompt emission, suggest a new phe-
nomenological type of massive stellar death. Here we briefly review the observational
properties of these bursts and their proposed hosts, and discuss whether a new GRB
classification scheme is needed.
Key words: Gamma rays: bursts, Supernovae: general
PACS: 95.85.Kr, 97.60.Bw, 98.70.Rz
1 Introduction
A broad-lined and luminous type
Ic core-collapse supernova (SN) is
predicted to accompany every long-
duration gamma-ray burst (GRB)
in the standard collapsar model
(Woosley, 1993). Although this as-
sociation had been confirmed in ob-
servations of several nearby GRBs
(e.g. Hjorth et al., 2003), a new
controversy commenced when no
SN emission accompanied GRBs
060505 (z = 0.09, duration ∼4 s)
and 060614 (z = 0.13, duration
∼100 s) down to limits fainter than
any known type Ic SN and hundreds
of times fainter than the archetypal
SN1998bw (Della Valle et al., 2006;
Fynbo et al., 2006; Gal-Yam et al.,
2006). The upper panels of Fig.1 il-
lustrate how easily such SNe would
have been detected in the case of
An important clue to the origin and
progenitors of these bursts, is the
nature of the host galaxies. The
GRB060505 host is a spiral galaxy,
atypical for long-duration bursts but
not unheard of (GRB980425: Fynbo
et al., 2000; GRB990705: Le Floc’h
et al., 2002; GRB020819: Jakobs-
son et al., 2005). The burst occurred
inside a compact star-forming H II
region in one of the spiral arms, and
a spatially resolved spectroscopy
(lower panel of Fig.1) revealed that
the properties of the GRB site are
Preprint submitted to New Astronomy Reviews 4 December 2018
Fig. 1. (a) The field (20′′× 20′′) of GRB060505 as observed from the VLT in the
R-band on 22 May 2006. The arrow marks the position where the optical afterglow
was detected in earlier imaging. (b) As the image would have looked had a SN like
1998bw been present in the data. The strict upper limits strongly exclude the bright
SNe 1998bw and 2006aj that were associated with long GRBs. (c) Similar to (b),
but with a very faint Ic SN, such as 2002ap, added. (d) The 2-D optical spectrum
obtained with VLT/FORS2. The slit covered the centre of the host galaxy and the
location of GRB060505. As seen in the spectrum, this site is a bright star-forming
region in the host galaxy suggesting that the progenitor was a massive star.
similar to those found for other long-
duration GRBs with a high specific
star formation rate (SSFR) and low
metallicity (Thöne et al., 2007). The
GRB060614 host is significantly
fainter (one of the least luminous
GRB host ever detected) with a
moderate SSFR.
2 Discussion
2.1 High extinction?
Could the emission from an associ-
ated SN be completely obscured by
dust along the line-of-sight? The lev-
els of Galactic extinction are very low
in both directions. Host extinction of
more than a magnitude is also un-
likely in either case since the host
galaxy spectra display no reddening
as derived from the Balmer line ra-
tios. In addition, the GRB060614 af-
terglow is clearly detected in the UV
(Holland, 2006).
2.2 Wrong redshifts?
Another option is that the proposed
host galaxies are chance encounters
along the line-of-sight (Cobb et al.,
2006; Schaefer & Xiao, 2006), and
the real GRB redshifts are much
higher (rendering a SN too faint to
be observed). However, a few ob-
servational facts argue against this
scenario. In the case of GRB060614:
(i) the UV detection places an up-
per limit of around 1.1 on the red-
shift; (ii) no absorption components
in the optical afterglow spectrum
(Fugazza et al., 2006), as expected
for a low redshift, but not for a high-
z burst with a foreground galaxy;
(iii) very deep HST images of the
field should have revealed the “true
host” at z . 1.1, but none was
seen (Gal-Yam et al., 2006). For
GRB060505 it is extremely unlikely
that the afterglow accidentally su-
perposed right on top of a small star-
forming region within a foreground
spiral galaxy.
2.3 No SNe: a problem?
The host galaxies and the GRB loca-
tion within them strongly suggest an
association with star formation, and
hence a massive stellar origin. It is
important to realize that the lack of a
strong SN emission was actually pre-
dicted as a variant of the original col-
lapsar model, e.g. collapse of a mas-
sive star with an explosion energy so
small that most of the 56Ni falls back
into the black hole (e.g. Heger et al.,
2003; Fryer et al., 2006). In another
variant of the collapsar model, pro-
genitor stars with relatively low an-
gular momentum could also produce
SN-less GRBs (MacFadyen, 2003).
We should also remember that
the duration distributions of short
and long GRBs overlap. In fact,
the GRB060505 duration of 4 s
is near the ∼5 s duration which
Donaghy et al. (2006) find as the
point of roughly equal probability of
a given burst lying in either the short
or long class. It has been suggested
that the physical mechanism for this
burst is the same as for short bursts,
i.e. a merger of compact objects
(Ofek et al., 2007), although the pro-
genitor time delay of only . 7Myr is
on the borderline for allowed values
(Thöne et al., 2007). However, such
short time delays have been proposed
via newly recognized formation chan-
nels, which lead to the formation
of tighter double compact objects
with short lifetimes and therefore
possible prompt merger within hosts
(Belczynski, 2007). Whether such
channels require a low metallicity as
found for GRB060505 (Thöne et al.,
2007) remains to be explored.
2.4 Classification problem?
With the added complication that
the ∼100 s long GRB060614 is lo-
cated among the short bursts in the
lag-luminosity plot, it has been ar-
gued that a new GRB classification
scheme is required (Gehrels et al.,
2006). We do not think this is the
case, as the current GRB classifi-
cation is operationally well defined.
Rather that new observations are
warning us not necessarily to expect
a very simple mapping between the
duration of the GRB and the nature
of the progenitor: long bursts (>2 s)
synonymous with massive stars and
short bursts (<2 s) synonymous with
compact object mergers.
Others want to abandon the long-
short paradigm altogether due to
these “oddball” bursts, and invent
a new terminology: Type I and II
bursts similar to the SN classifica-
tion scheme (Zhang et al., 2007). In
this scheme, eight different proper-
ties have to be considered for each
burst/host. However, this scheme
can be ambiguous (e.g. GRB060505)
and is not operational, i.e. involves
observables that are not available for
most bursts (associated SN). Using
proposed hosts (i.e. a nearby bright
galaxy) to make a distinction be-
tween the two burst populations can
also be risky (e.g. GRB060912A:
Levan et al., 2007). In addition, one
might envisage a Type III category
consisting of the new type of bursts
(massive white dwarf/neutron star
merger) suggested by King et al.
(2007). These could produce long
bursts definitely without an accom-
panying SN and have a strong corre-
lation with star formation. However,
rare members of the class need not
be near star-forming regions, and
could have any type of host galaxy.
It is clear that the two SN-less long
bursts from last summer have raised
a few warning flags, i.e. how we think
about the long/short dichotomy. At
this point in time, we only recom-
mend that people keep an open mind.
We thank all the co-authors of the
Fynbo et al. (2006) paper. PJ ac-
knowledges support by a Marie
Curie Intra-European Fellowship
within the 6th European Community
Framework Program under contract
number MEIF-CT-2006-042001.
Belczynski, K., 2007. NewAR (this is-
Cobb, B. E., et al., 2006. ApJ 651,
Della Valle, M., et al., 2006. Nature
444, 1050.
Donaghy, T. Q., et al., 2006. ApJ,
submitted (astro-ph/0605570).
Fryer, C. L., et al., 2006. ApJ 650,
Fugazza, D., et al., 2006. GCN 5271.
Fynbo, J. P. U., et al., 2000. ApJ 542,
Fynbo, J. P. U., et al., 2006. Nature
444, 1047.
Gal-Yam,A., et al., 2006. Nature 444,
Gehrels, N., et al., 2006. Nature 444,
Heger, A., et al., 2003. ApJ 591, 288.
Hjorth, J., et al., 2003. Nature 423,
Holland, S. T., 2006. GCN 5255.
Jakobsson, P., et al., 2005. ApJ 629,
King, A., et al., 2007. MNRAS 374,
Levan, A. J., et al., 2007. MNRAS,
MacFadyen, A. I., 2003. In AIP Conf.
Proc. 662, ed. G. R. Ricker & R. K.
Vanderspek, 202.
Ofek, E. O., et al., 2007. ApJ, sub-
mitted (astro-ph/0703192).
Schaefer, B. E., & Xiao,
L., 2006. ApJ, submitted
Thöne, C. C., et al., 2007. ApJ, sub-
mitted (astro-ph/0703407).
Woosley, S. E., 1993. ApJ 405, 273.
Zhang, B., et al. 2007. ApJ 655, L25.
High extinction?
Wrong redshifts?
No SNe: a problem?
Classification problem?
0704.1422 | A new, very massive modular Liquid Argon Imaging Chamber to detect low
energy off-axis neutrinos from the CNGS beam. (Project MODULAr) | Microsoft Word - ultimate3mod4.doc
A new, very massive modular Liquid Argon Imaging Chamber to detect low
energy off-axis neutrinos from the CNGS beam.
(Project MODULAr)
B. Baibussinov1, M. Baldo Ceolin1, G. Battistoni2, P. Benetti3, A. Borio3, E. Calligarich3,
M. Cambiaghi3, F. Cavanna4, S. Centro1, A. G. Cocco5, R. Dolfini3, A. Gigli Berzolari3,
C. Farnese1, A. Fava1, A. Ferrari2, G. Fiorillo5, D. Gibin1, A. Guglielmi1, G. Mannocchi6,
F. Mauri3, A. Menegolli3, G. Meng1, C. Montanari3, O. Palamara4, L. Periale6, A. Piazzoli3,
P. Picchi6, F. Pietropaolo1, A. Rappoldi3, G.L. Raselli3, C. Rubbia[A]4, P.Sala2, G. Satta6,
F. Varanini1, S. Ventura1, C. Vignoli3
1Dipartimento di Fisica e INFN, Università di Padova, via Marzolo 8, I-35131
2Dipartimento di Fisica e INFN, Università di Milano, via Celoria 2, I-20123
3Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare, Teorica e INFN, Università di Pavia, via Bassi 6, I-27100
4Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso dell’INFN, Assergi (AQ), Italy
5Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, INFN and University Federico II, Napoli, Italy
6Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (INFN), via Fermi 40, I-00044
The paper is considering an opportunity for the CERN/GranSasso (CNGS) neutrino complex, concurrent
time-wise with T2K and NOvA. It is a preliminary description of a ≈ 20 kt fiducial volume LAr-TPC following
very closely the technology developed for the ICARUS-T600, which will be operational as CNGS2 early in
The present preliminary proposal, called MODULAr, is focused on the following three main activities,
for which we seek an extended international collaboration:
(1) the neutrino beam from the CERN 400 GeV proton beam and an optimised horn focussing,
eventually with an increased intensity in the framework of the LHC accelerator improvement programme.
(2) A new experimental area LNGS-B, of at least 50’000 m3 at 10 km off-axis from the main
Laboratory, eventually upgradable to larger sizes. As a comparison, the present LNGS laboratory has three halls
for a total of 180’000 m3. A location is under consideration at about 1.2 km equivalent water depth. The bubble
chamber like imaging and the very fine calorimetry of the LAr-TPC detector will ensure the best background
recognition not only from the off-axis neutrinos from the CNGS but also for proton decay and cosmic neutrinos.
(3) A new LAr Imaging detector, at least initially with about 20 kt fiducial mass. Such an increase in the
volume over the current ICARUS T600 needs to be carefully considered. It is concluded that a single, huge
volume of such a magnitude is uneconomical and inoperable for many reasons. A very large mass is best
realised with a modular set of many identical, but independent units, each of about 5 kt, “cloning” the basic
technology of the T600. Several of such modular units will be such as to reach at least 20 kt as initial sensitive
volume. Further phases may foresee extensions of MODULAr to a mass required by the future physics goals.
Compared with large water Cherenkov (T2K) and fine grained scintillators (NOvA), the LAr-TPC offers
a higher detection efficiency for a given mass and lower backgrounds, since virtually all channels may be
unambiguously recognized. In addition to the search for θ13 oscillations and CP violation, it would be possible
to collect a large number of accurately identified cosmic ray neutrino events and perform search for proton
decay in the exotic channels.
The experiment might reasonably be operational in about 4/5 years, provided a new hall is excavated in
the vicinity of the Gran Sasso Laboratory and adequate funding and participation are made available.
(April 9,2007)
[A] Corresponding author: [email protected]
Table of contents.
1.— General considerations. ...............................................................................................3
1.1. Physics introduction....................................................................................................3
1.2. Comparing present and future detectors toward
. ....................................................3
2.— The next LNGS neutrino detector................................................................................5
2.1. General considerations. ..............................................................................................5
2.2. A modular approach of the LAr-TPC detector. ............................................................6
2.3. Double phase LAr-TPC signal collection? ..................................................................6
2.4. A simplified structure for the modular detectors. .........................................................8
2.5. The new experimental area. ......................................................................................11
2.6. Initial filling procedures for the chamber. .................................................................13
2.7. LAr purification. .......................................................................................................13
2.8. Photo-multipliers for light collection.........................................................................14
2.9. Electronic readout and trigger. .................................................................................14
2.10. R&D developments. ................................................................................................15
3.— The new low energy, off-axis neutrino beam (LNGS-B). ..........................................17
3.1. The present high energy CNGS beam configuration. .................................................18
3.2. A new, low energy focussing layout. ..........................................................................18
3.3. Comparing the CNGS and NOvA neutrino beams.....................................................19
3.4. Detection efficiency for νe CC events and NC background rejection..........................21
3.5. Comparisons with NOvA. ..........................................................................................23
3.6. Evaluation of the beam associated
background. ...................................................24
3.7. Comparing the ultimate sensitivities to
13( ). ......................................24
4.— Tentative layout of LNGS-B. ....................................................................................26
5.— Conclusions. .............................................................................................................28
6.— References ................................................................................................................30
7.— Appendix. General comments on the use of Perlite....................................................32
1.— General considerations.
1.1. Physics introduction.
The understanding of neutrino has recently advanced remarkably with the observation
that they have masses and that oscillate between each other. Oscillations arise in analogy to
the CKM matrix for hadrons since the neutrino species
do not have specific masses,
but are a combination of the mass eigenstates
. Two of these oscillations, namely
related to
$( ) and
related to
have been experimentally observed by
SK1. A third oscillation type characterized by
, occurring around
2 has not been
observed. The observation of a non-zero value of
will open the way to the ordering of the
neutrino masses and a determination of the CP violation phase
" in neutrino oscillations. CP
violation in the lepton sector will be necessary in order to understand why matter is
dominating over anti-matter in the Universe. The very small but finite values of the neutrino
masses require the existence of right-handed neutrino species and more generally neutrinos
appear to be related to physics at an extremely high energy scale, beyond studies with
accelerator beams.
It is also possible that in addition to the indicated three types of neutrino species, other
species could exist, oscillated by the
. There is unconfirmed evidence for the
existence of this type of “sterile” neutrinos from the LNSD experiment [1] at Los Alamos
National Laboratory. A search for evidence for sterile neutrinos is being pursued by
MiniBooNE [2] at FNAL and ICARUS-600T [3] at LNGS.
1.2. Comparing present and future detectors toward
First generation long baseline neutrino experiments are currently operational at K2K [4]
over a baseline of 295 km, at FNAL and at CNGS with baselines of about 730 km. These
developments should be further exploited in Japan and presumably also in the USA and
Europe with some second generation experiments of much higher sensitivity, to become
operational around 2010-2015. This requires major improvements both in the beam and in the
detector mass and performance.
The present detectors at FNAL (MINOS) [5] and CNGS2 (ICARUS) [3] are
respectively a Iron-Scintillator sandwich of 2.5 cm iron and 4.1 cm wide scintillator strips
with 5.4 kt total, 3.2 kt fiducial (MINOS, two modules) and a liquid Argon detector of a
slightly lower mass of about 600 t of sensitive volume (ICARUS).
It is important to underline that in practice these two detectors have roughly
comparable discovery potential in many channels because of the much higher resolution
capabilities of LAr-TPC when compared with Fe-scintillation sandwich. The main beam
requirement is the average target power of the incoming proton beam (POT) that are
1 The experiment OPERA-CNGS1 is intended to observe explicitly the
appearance (M. Guler et
al., [OPERA Coll.], CERN/SPSC 2000-028, SPSC/P318, LNGS P25/2000).
presently comparable for the CERN SPS2 at 400 GeV and the FNAL main Injector at 120
GeV, with about 170 kWatt on target. It is foreseen that a major improvement programme at
FNAL will increase the beam intensity to up to 1MWatt of beam power and even beyond.
An experimental proposal under consideration with a target date of circa 2012 is the
NOvA [6] experiment, a totally active, fine grained scintillator of about 25 kt. In comparison
with MINOS, NOvA will have (1) a much greater mass; (2) a better identification of the
electron type neutrinos, with a sampling of 0.15 r.l., compared to 1.5 r.l. for MINOS; (3)
about 80% of the mass is active, when compared to 5% for MINOS; (4) the beam is located
off-axis, in order to increase the number of events which are most sensitive to
, namely
= 2 ±1 GeV ; (5) a much higher intensity neutrino beam, corresponding to 5 ÷ 25 x 1020
POT/y at 120 GeV, although this number is still subject to some uncertainties. The nominal
quoted value is 6.5 x 1020 POT/y at 120 GeV.
We consider here the possibility of a substantial and equivalent upgrade of a LAr-TPC
detector for CNGS, having in mind competition and timetable comparable to the ones of
NOvA [6] and of T2K [7]. We keep in mind that the key process is the observation of the
oscillation driven
events. As already pointed out, the use of the imaging capability of
the LAr-TPC ensures a much higher discovery potential than in the case of scintillator (or
water) detectors, i.e. a comparable sensitivity may be achieved with a much smaller sensitive
The scientific community at large is presently considering also conceptual designs for
huge, “ultimate” detectors in the order of one or more hundreds of kiloton [8] [10], with huge
costs, comparable to the ones of the LHC experiments: some R&D efforts are presently going
toward this long distance goal [9]. Amongst them one has described a bi-phase LAr-TPC
detector of a mass of 100 kt with amplification in the gas phase (GLACIER) [10], a huge
liquid scintillator of about 50 kt (LENA) [8] and a water Cherenkov counter of 440÷730 kt
(MEMPHYS) [8]. In USA and Japan two analogous projects (UNO and HyperKamiokande)
have been proposed [8].
But, no doubt the next practical steps for the period 2011÷2013 are still of more modest
magnitude, of the order 20 ÷ 30 kt fiducial mass. Two programmes are already under
development in Japan and in the US, namely the T2K combination of a new high intensity 50
GeV proton accelerator aiming at the well known SK water Cherenkov detector [7] and the
NOvA scintillation detector of similar fiducial mass with neutrinos from the 120 GeV Full
Energy Injector at FNAL [6]. They both are intended to operate with off-axis neutrino beams
and for an optimum neutrino energy window of 2 ± 1 GeV.
The present paper is considering opportunities for the CNGS neutrino complex after the
completion of the present OPERA/ICARUS phase, which should be completed by about
2011, concurrent time-wise with T2K and NOvA.
2 However the fraction of time dedicated to neutrino beam is smaller at CERN than at FNAL The
assumed efficiency for the parasitic operation at CERN is ≈ 50%, corresponding to a nominal 4.5
x1019 POT/y, equivalent to 400/120*4.5 1019 = 1. 5 x1020 POT/y at FNAL and 120 GeV. The neutrino
event rate is of 3000 ev/kt/y for FNAL and 2800 ev/kt/y for CERN.
2.— The next LNGS neutrino detector.
2.1. General considerations.
The T600 detector is now readied in Hall B and it is expected to become operational
before the end of 2007. We will collect in the subsequent years a large number of beam
associated and of cosmic ray events that will perfect the technology and provide a rich
amount of experimental physics. The T600 is therefore considered a necessary step toward
the realisation of any much larger LAr-TPC detector. Running of the T600 will provide
absolutely essential experience, which is required in order to develop sensibly such a “next
step”. Evidently, a number of modifications are required in order to ensure the scalability of a
detector to much larger sizes. These are presently under active consideration.
The present CNGS proposal is focused on the following three main activities, for which
we seek a larger international collaboration:
1. a new neutrino beam configuration derived from the existing horn focussing and the
existing proton beam line from the 400 GeV SPS, eventually with an increased
intensity in the framework of the LHC related accelerator improvement programme.
Relatively modest changes in the neutrino beam focussing of CERN will produce a
nearly optimal beam configuration.
2. A new experimental area, eventually enlarged in future phases, which we indicate as
LNGS-B to be realised about 10 km off-axis from the main laboratory, away from the
protected area of the Gran Sasso National Park, without significant underground
waters and with a minimal environmental impact. A provisional location is under
consideration, corresponding to about 1.2 km of equivalent water depth. The high
event rejection power of the LAr-TPC detector will ensure the absence of
backgrounds not only for the neutrinos from the CNGS but also for proton decay and
cosmic neutrinos.
3. A new LAr-TPC Imaging underground detector made of several modular units, each
of about 5 kt fiducial mass. As a first step, a total of about 20 kt will be realised with
appropriate safety requirements and along the lines of the vast R&D work carried out
over the last decades by INFN and other International Institutes and culminating in
the actual operation of the T600, foreseen in 2008 with the ICARUS experiment.
This programme may eventually be improved further on with additional modules,
depending on the developments of the programmes with and without accelerators.
The forthcoming operation of the T600 detector in the real experiment LNGS-B will
represent the completion of a development of the LAr-TPC chamber over more than two
decades. As it is described in this paper, the operation of the T600 evidences the large
number of important milestones which have been already achieved in the last several years,
opening the way to the development of this new line of modular elements and which may be
extrapolated progressively to the largest conceivable LAr-TPC sensitive masses.
As described later on, the new detector will maintain the majority of components that
have been developed with industry for the T600. The detector should be easily upgraded in
the far future to a larger scale, depending on the potential physics goals.
The off-axis physics programme is not making obsolete the on-axis searches, presently
concentrated on the T600, which both contribute to a wider physics programme and may also
profit of the advances offered by the MODULAr concept.
2.2. A modular approach of the LAr-TPC detector.
Conceptual designs have been described in the literature [11] with a single LAr
container of a huge size, up to 100 kt. But already in the case of containers of few thousand
ton the geometrical dimensions of most types of events under study (beam-
" , cosmic ray-
proton decays) are relatively confined, i.e. much smaller than the fiducial volume. Hence
increasing the container’s size does not appreciably affect the acceptance in fiducial volume
of each event and introduces no significant physics arguments in its favour. We believe that
there are instead serious arguments for which such an huge size approach cannot be easily
realised in practice and that suggest instead the use of a modular structure of several separate
(identical) vessels, each one however of the size of a few thousands ton.
In case of an accidental leak of the ultra-pure LAr, the amount of liquid that is spoiled
is proportional to the actual volume of the container. Segmentation is therefore useful in
overcoming events due to poisoning of the liquid. In the case of a major damage of the
detector, the liquid can be provisionally transferred to another container. An additional,
reserve vessel of the order of 100 kt is, on the other hand, not realistic. In addition, the safety
requirements of an underground vessel are strongly dependent on its size.
One of the most relevant features of LAr-TPC is its ability to detect accurately
ionisation losses at the percent level. Over the very large volume, the inevitable in-
homogeneities in electron lifetime due to even modest variations in purity of the LAr produce
very large fluctuations in the actual value of the collected charge and hamper the possibility
of charge determination along the tracks. Therefore we have chosen to use a modular
approach of sufficient size in order to reduce the effects due to the non-uniformity of the
electron collection due to the emergence of negative ions, which impose a reasonably short
maximum drift distance of each gap.
As it will be discussed further on, it has been assumed that a reasonable sensitive
volume should be of 8 x 8 m2 cross section and a length of about 60 m, corresponding to
3840 m3 of liquid or 5370 t of LAr. The drift length is 4 m. A field shaping grid should be
added in the middle of the HV gap in order to reduce the effects due to the space charges to a
negligible level. A reasonable three-plane wire pitch for such a large container should be of
the order of 6 mm, twice the value of the T300.
2.3. Double phase LAr-TPC signal collection?
Several years ago [12] the ICARUS collaboration had studied a double phase Noble gas
arrangement, in which ionization electrons from the tracks are drifted from the liquid to a
superimposed gaseous phase. Electrons were further accelerated and ionised with the help of
a grid, like in an ordinary gaseous TPC, before being collected by the readout wire planes.
Dark matter searches in Argon (WARP) [13] and in Xenon (XENON) [14] have profited of
this technique.
Essentially the same idea has been also envisaged some time ago for very large (≥ 100
kt) monolithic LAr-TPC detectors. In the specific case of GLACIER [10], it has been
proposed a very large electron drift length of 20 m at 1 kV/cm in LAr, corresponding to a
drift voltage of as much as 2 MV, about a factor ten larger than the one discussed in the
present proposal. If one assumes that the free electron lifetime is at least 2 ms [10], one
expects an attenuation of the free electrons due to ion recombination in the impurities,
presumably Oxygen, of as much as a factor ∼150 after 20 m. This residual free electron
component cannot be directly recorded electronically (as in ICARUS) over the whole drift
distance and must be therefore first amplified by the proportional gain profiting of the
gaseous phase. In practice, taking into account the large capacitance of the extremely
extended read-out electrodes (up to 70 m) and consequently of the larger noise signal from
the input FET, gains of the order of 103 are typical required values. The instrumentally
increased dynamic range of the signals collected must take in full account this huge dynamic
factor along the drift time extent.
Therefore in the double phase arrangement, all three different types of charged particles
have to be simultaneously considered, namely (1) the initial free electrons from Argon which
are attenuated over the distance by as much as two orders of magnitude, (2) the accumulated
negative ions from recombination by impurities and (3) the positive Argon ions especially
from the multiplication near the wire in the gas. The ion speeds in liquid are extremely slow,
typically far less than 2 mm/s3 at 1 kV/cm (with 2 MV over 20 m the drift time is ≈ 10’000 s,
i.e. about 3 hours!).
It has been demonstrated in WARP and XENON experiments that free electrons can
overcome the liquid to gas barrier in the presence of a sufficiently strong electric field of a
few kV/cm. It is expected that both the positive ions travelling from gas to liquid and the
negative ions travelling from liquid to gas, because of their larger masses and hence smaller
speed, will be ultimately trapped and accumulate at each side of the liquid-gas boundaries for
a so far unknown period of time.
The free electrons crossing the double ion layer cloud are presently under study with
the 2.3 litre WARP detector underground at the LNGS. There is some preliminary evidence
already in this small detector that space charges due to ion crossing at the boundary may
introduce additional fluctuation in the electron ionisation signal. This will introduce a
substantial worsening of one of the most relevant features of LAr-TPC, namely its ability to
detect accurately ionisation losses.
The consequence for a detector of the size of 70 million litres and a diameter of 70 m,
is an enormous extrapolation, which requires a very extensive R&D. The phenomenon of
transfer of ions through the interface is expected to be rather complicated, not well
understood and it has not been conclusively measured experimentally [15]. In the case
relevant to GLACIER, it is likely that some trapping times may be ultimately occurring, but
3 We remark that on such a timescale of hours convective motions inside the vessel become very
relevant and they may seriously modify the time of drift of positive ions in either direction.
experimental studies are needed to assess how much. This is an absolutely crucial point prior
to a successful, practical realization of a huge dual phase experiment in Argon.
A first step is the 5 m long prototype ARGONTUBE [16] under study on surface in
Bern, which will allow to experimentally verify these hypotheses and prove the feasibility of
detectors with long drift paths, representing a very important milestone in the conceptual
proof of the feasibility of the dual phase detector in Argon.
It is therefore concluded that at least at the present stage of the LAr-TPC, the single
phase geometry which has been already very well developed experimentally [3] is vastly
preferable and associated to a drift path length which could minimize the extent of the
negative and positive ions. Negative ions in this configuration are smoothly drifting and
directly captured by the collecting wires with a negligibly small signal (the electric signal is
proportional to the drift speed, a factor ≈10-5 smaller for ions). Positive ions are
straightforwardly collected at the cathode. For a sufficiently small drift volume, like the one
described in the present proposal, the electric field distortions due to the slow ion motion can
be made to be negligible.
2.4. A simplified structure for the modular detectors.
The structure of the detector has been considerably streamlined in order to reduce the
number of components, its cost and increase the reliability of the system. The modular
structure permits to repeat the initial engineering design of the prototype to a series of several
subsequent units, reducing progressively their costs and their construction time.
Clearly the main aim of the detector is the one of filling and maintaining over many
years a very large amount of ultra-pure LAr in stable conditions inside a dedicated
underground cave, within very rigid safety conditions. The initial filling procedure is
determined by the supply rate currently provided by the supplying industry. We believe that
the maximum rate available in the European market is of the order of 200 m3/d. At the rate of
100 m3/d, the initial filling of the required about 25 kt of ultra-pure LAr (corresponding to a
volume of 17’000 m3) is about 170 days, which is acceptable. At the commercial cost of 0.7
Euro/l, the value of the LAr for the initial filling is about 12 MEuro, which is also quite
acceptable. The mechanical structure of each of the modular units should be as simple as
possible, keeping the costs of the various components commensurate to the relatively modest
initial investment for the LAr.
The wire arrangement is scaled out from the industrial realisation of the existing
ICARUS-T600, which is taken as a reference design. As well known ICARUS is made of
two identical modules (T300). In each of the T300 made of two readout planes and a high
voltage plane in a double gap configuration, the three readout planes have coordinates at 0°
and ± 60° with respect to the horizontal direction. This identical geometry is “cloned” into a
larger modular detector, with the linear dimensions scaled by a factor 8/3 =2.66, namely the
cross sectional area of the planes is now 8 x 8 m2 rather than 3 x 3 m2. The wires in the
longitudinal direction were originally 9.4 m long with the wire planes subdivided in two
equal segments. In the next step the length will be quantised also into two individual wire
sets, but 25 m long, corresponding again to the ratio 25/9.4 = 2.66. The longer wires have a
higher capacitance and the signal/noise ratio is significantly decreased (wires, of the order of
10pF/m; cables, of the order 50pF/m). This factor is compensated widening the pitch to 6
mm, to be compared to the previous 3 mm, doubling the
dE dx signals. Therefore we expect
signal/noise ratios which are rather similar to the ones of the T600, namely of the order of
10/1. As it will be discussed later on, in collaboration with industry (CAEN), over the last
several years the electronic chain from “wire to computer” has been considerably improved
in performance and reduced in cost4.
Each wire is now observing a time projected volume which is a factor 2.66 x (4/1.5) x 2
= 14.2 larger than in the case of the T600 (wire length x drift length x wire pitch). Therefore
the average LAr mass observed by each TPC readout wire is about 200 kg/channel. A 20 kt
sensitive volume will then require of the order of 105 wires.
At this stage the configuration of the modules may not be considered as absolutely
frozen and a number of possible configurations are possible, as shown in Figure 1,
maintaining as a reference a readout plane dimension of 8 x 8 m2.
Figure 1a represent the previously indicated basic configuration of a scaled T300
double gap arrangement. The nominal voltage of the T300 is 75 kV for the 1.5 m long drift,
corresponding to a drift field of 500 V/cm, although the field-shaping electrodes have been
currently operated without problems up to 150 kV. The engineering design for a T1200,
never constructed, required a 3 m drift length. At the same nominal electron drift velocity
(500 V/cm), for the present choice of 4 m drift, the HV would be 200 kV. However a
significantly higher field, like for instance 350 kV, will shorten the drift time,
4 The estimated commercial cost of each channel “wire to computer” is now about 60 Euro. Assuming
for each wire a sensitive volume of 200 kg, the levelized cost of the electronics is 60/200 = 0.3
Euro/kg, which is about ½ of the cost of the Argon procurement. The low cost achieved for such a
sophisticated electronics is an additional argument in favour of a single phase LAr configuration with a
relatively short drift gap distance, along the lines of the T600, rather than the double phase GLACIER
Figure 1. Various possible alternative arrangements for a modular unit. In (a) we show a scaled up
T300 configuration with 4 m drift time and about 25’000 readout wires. The sensitive mass is about
5000 ton. In (b) the configuration is the same as in (a), except the drift distance has been reduced to
2 m and doubling the number of readout wires. In (c) we show a scaled up T600 configuration with a
twin module, 4 m drift time and about 50’000 wires. The sensitive mass is then 10’000 tons.
# sqrt(E
)) and reduce correspondingly the requirements of purity for the LAr to the
case already optimised of a T1200 with a 3 m drift.
In Figure 1b we have doubled the number of wire planes in order to reduce the drift
distance to 2 m. In this configuration the halving of the drift time to the already successful
configuration of the T300 is performed doubling the number of signal wires to 50’000, with a
significant increase in the cost of the channels. In order to maintain an electron drift time
exactly the same as the one of T300 since
# sqrt(E
) we need an increase of the drift
field to
75kV " 2 /1.5( )
= 89kV . Note that the HV of the T300 has been tested up to 150 kV
without any problem. Although we believe that the drift distance can be safely extended to 4
m, this alternative shows that the choice of the electron drift length is not determinant.
Solution 1b, eventually with an even higher drift field to reduce the maximum drift time to
values below the ones of the present T600, is perfectly possible in case that some unforeseen
problem may develop, obviously at the cost of doubling the number of electronic channels.
Finally in Figure 1c we show a scaled up T600 twin volume configuration, with 4 m
drift time and about 50’000 wires. The two volumes are physically separated, but they are
both kept in the same cryogenic volume. The total sensitive mass of one 1c module is then
10’000 tons. The new proposed halls of the LNGS and 20 kt could host two modules of type
1c in one container.
Considerable experience of the ICARUS collaboration has shown that free electron
drift times
of several milliseconds are currently realised with commercial purification
systems based on Oxysorb™. The effects on the electron attenuation are shown in Figure 2
where the drifting charge attenuation versus drift path at different electric field intensities are
given for
= 10 ms and for different electron lifetimes at 0.5 kV/cm.
Figure 2. The maximum free electron attenuation into negative ions is shown for different values
of the maximum electron drift path, respectively (1) for different values of the free electron
lifetime at E = 0.5 kV/cm and (2) for different electric drift fields and a 10 ms electron lifetime.
Cases (a) and (b) represent respectively the configurations of Figures 1a and 1b with 4 m and 2
m drift paths.
The longitudinal r.m.s. diffusion spread
after an electron drift path
x and moving at
a speed
is given by
= sqrt 2D x v
D( ) , where
D = 4.06 cm
"1 . In more practical units,
# 0.9sqrt $
ms( )[ ] mm . For a drift field of 0.5 kV/cm and a 4 m path the average value
=1.1 mm and the maximum value is
D max
=1.6 mm .
The new mechanical structure, which has been highly streamlined, is essentially made
of only three main mechanical components:
(1) An external insulating vessel made of two metallic concentric volumes, filled
in between with perlite (see Appendix for details). Perlite is a mineral which
is vastly used industrially, the world consumption being of the order of 2
million tons annually5. The environmental aspects of perlite are not severe:
mining generally takes place in remote areas, and airborne dust is captured
by bag-houses, and there is practically no runoff that contributes to water
pollution. In order to ensure an adequate thermal insulation, about 1.5 m
thickness is required, corresponding to over 3000 m3 for a container. The
bottom-supporting layer is made out of low conductivity light bricks. The
specific heat loss is 3.86 W/m2 for a nominal thermal conductivity of 0.029
(0.025-0.029) W/m/K. This is significantly smaller than the specific heat loss
of the T600. Taking into account the dimensions of the vessel, the total heat
loss is 8.28 kW. At present in the LNGS the cryogenic plant of ICARUS
T600 is made of 10 units, each with 4 kW of (cold) power. Three of such
units (≤ 12 kW) should be adequate to ensure cooling of the walls of the
vessel during normal operation. Evacuation of the perlite is therefore
(2) A linear supporting holding structure frame with wire planes at each lateral
side and the high voltage plane at the centre. The photomultipliers for the
light trigger are also mounted on this frame behind the wire planes. The
structure of the planes is identical to the one already developed for the T600,
except that only one wire out of two is installed in order to go from 3 mm to
6 mm pitch. The inner structure of the huge container is therefore extremely
simple, being primarily a linear wire structure along the edges of the
container, the rest remaining essentially free of structures.
(3) The liquid Ar and N2 supply and refrigeration, provided with cooling and
purification both in the liquid and gas phases, with an appropriate re-
circulating system to ensure that the whole liquid is moving orderly inside
the vessel volume to unsure uniformity of the free electron lifetime.
2.5. The new experimental area.
The ICARUS-T600 detector is located inside the Hall B of the LNGS laboratory in an
appropriate containment tank constructed above the floor of the Hall. The new experimental
5 The present production in Greece, where vast resources are available, is about 500 thousand t/y.
The estimated cost is about 40 $/ton.
area, which we indicate as LNGS-B, to be realised about 10 km off-axis from the main
laboratory, away from the protected area of the Gran Sasso National Park, without significant
underground waters and with a minimal environmental impact. A provisional location is
under consideration, corresponding to about 1.2 km of equivalent water depth. The high
event rejection power of the LAr-TPC detector will ensure the absence of backgrounds not
only from the neutrinos from the CNGS but also for proton decay and cosmic neutrinos.
The total volume excavated for the original LNGS was of about 180’000 m3. It is
foreseen that the new LNGS-B could be about one half of this volume, namely initially about
50’000 m3. However, as a difference from the main LNGS, the shapes of the cavities, rather
than being vast, general purpose halls, are tailored to the specific experiment.
Each modular detector unit is located in an appropriate “swimming pool” cave in the
rock concentric to the perlite walls, where the liquid tank is contained: therefore there is no
realistic possibility of leak outside the walls of the rock for any foreseeable circumstance.
The worst case is the total loss of external cryogenic cooling both of N2 and of Ar. Therefore
Figure 3. Indicative cross section of the T600 “clone” in the dedicated “swimming pool like”
underground hall. The lower part is made of two twin separate LAr containers made of
Aluminum extruded structures, thermally stabilized with forced N2 circulation. Outside the
structure an about 1.5 m thick perlite wall provides spontaneous, passive heat insulation. The
region on top of the “swimming pool” is accessible to auxiliary equipments. Personnel access
is strictly controlled.
the tank will spontaneously warm up in contact with the heat leaks of the surrounding
components through the 1.5 m thick perlite wall. Assuming a heat leak rate of 10 kWatt, the
LAr evaporation rate is of 220 kg/h, negligibly small with respect to the 5 kt of the stored
LAr tank. Therefore the tank will remain stable in its liquid form for any specified length of
time. More generally there is not even the most remote possibility to provide from the
environment around the cavern a sufficiently large amount of heat in order to cause a
catastrophic evaporation of a massive amount of LAr.
For a configuration of the type 1c, the cross section is 11 x 20 m2 (shown in Figure 1)
and the length is about 60 m. Different containers may have entirely separate halls since the
event containment is anyway very good. An exhaust pipe is necessary in order to evacuate
the evaporated liquid into the atmosphere in case of an accidental leak, although a risk
analysis will certainly show that the probability of such events is very small.
2.6. Initial filling procedures for the chamber.
In the present T600 the vessel is evacuated in order to inject ultra pure Argon. The new
detector, in view of its large size is very hard to evacuate and a new method has to be applied.
The idea is to perform successive flushing in the gaseous phase in order to attenuate the
presence of gases other than Argon with an approximately exponential chain. This method of
flushing with pure Argon gas is widely used already in gaseous wire and drift chambers
which are generally not evacuated. In the present case, additional problems may arise in view
of the magnitude of the volume and the possibility of creating for instance “dead” spots, in
which the gas may not circulate. A suitable small scale test dewar container is under
construction in order to perfect the method.
In the idealised case of complete turbulent and continuous uniform mixing through the
container, the transition air-argon is an exponential with a factor ≈ 1/2 at each passage.
Therefore, in order to achieve an attenuation of the order of 10-6, 14 cycles are necessary. If
instead the Argon is injected with little or no turbulence, for instance uniformly from the
bottom with the extraction of initial air on the top, the transition argon-air moves orderly
from the bottom to the top and only pure air exits from the top, producing a faster and more
orderly transition. These are limiting cases and the efficiency of the actual filling will need
some model studies and some hydrodynamic calculations to be perfected. Some preliminary
considerations indicate that about 6 cycles may be necessary. The density of the gaseous
Argon at room temperature is about 600 times smaller than the one of the liquid. Hence a
ultimate gas purification of the order of 10-6 would correspond to an increment due to filling
of the order of 2 x 10-9 (2 ppb) with pure liquid, which is adequate for the initial filling before
local purification.
2.7. LAr purification.
In order to ensure a free electron lifetime adequate for the longest ≈ 3ms fly-path, a
vigorous purification of the LAr must be kept at all times with filtering methods based on
Oxysorb™ and molecular sieves. In analogy with what is currently performed with T600 and
all previously constructed detectors, the purification is performed both in the liquid and in the
gaseous phase. An improvement in the purification system is needed to enlarge in a
significant way the TPC volume. New purification devices have to be implemented, possibly
operating either near or directly inside the cryostat. They should be simple, robust and
without moving parts, to guarantee a total reliability.
An order of magnitude of the liquid re-circulation rate needed to reach safely the
running condition in few months (for example 60 days) could be of the order of several
percent of volume per day. For a volume of 4000 m3, this rate means a re-circulation rate of
the order of 240 m3/day (6%/day or purification cycle in 16.6 days), which is in the range
possible with Oxysorb™6.
In conclusion, some thousands cubic meters is a reasonable limit for a single TPC
volume. It could be cleaned, cooled and filled in few months and then kept completely
operative (with an adequate LAr drift length) after few months. Altogether, such a detector
could be put in operation in a reasonable period of time.
2.8. Photo-multipliers for light collection.
Like in the case of T600 a number of photomultipliers located behind the readout wires
are used to provide a t=0 trigger. This is particularly important for the cosmic rays and proton
decay events in which no starting signal is provided, but could be as well very useful in order
to tag events coming from the CNGS beam. The technique already used in the case of the
T600 consists in glass phototubes with a thin deposit of wave-shifter in order to record the
scintillation light from the LAr. A significant contribution is also due to the Cherenkov light
emitted directly in the visible by relativistic particles.
2.9. Electronic readout and trigger.
The ICARUS T600 detector has a DAQ system (5·104 channels) designed at University
of Padova/INFN, engineered and built by CAEN. It has proven to perform quite satisfactory
in the test run performed in Pavia during summer 2001.
The electronics has been described in various papers and technical notes. We remind
here that it is based on an analogue front-end followed by a multiplexed AD converter (10bit)
and eventually by a digital VME module that performs local storage and data compression.
In the following, starting from the experience gained in the T600 operation, we discuss
performance and limits of the actual system with the aim of improving its characteristics in
view a multi-kton TPC with a number of channels in the order of several times x 105.
Since 1988, in the ICARUS proposal, the main characteristics of the signals were
described and subsequently they were confirmed by tests on small chambers and eventually
by the operation of the T600. In a multi-kton TPC we can foresee wires (or in general
electrodes) with a pitch larger than the 3mm used in the T600. A reasonable assumption
would be a 6mm pitch that will allow using most of the tooling already built and designed for
the T600.
6 The standard rate of a single Oxysorb™ pack is about 120 m3/d. Therefore two of such units are
sufficient for the chosen size of the vessel.
The capacitance associated to each channel will be determined by the capacitance of the
wires, in the order of 10pF/m, in parallel with the capacitance of the cable, in the order
50pF/m. Let's assume in the following discussion ~600 pF as a reasonable number for 10m
electrode wires and average 8m of cable.
The dominant noise in a high capacitance detector is the series noise esn (voltage noise)
linearly increasing with the input total capacitance (CD) while the parallel noise (current
noise) contribution is proportional to the shaping time of the signal.
We propose to use the present IC taking into account that due to the need of spares for
the T600 a silicon run of the specific BiCMOS process of 6 wafers has been recently made.
Each wafer, taking into account the known yield, contains some 12000 good circuits which
means 24000 channels. The total number of channels that could be equipped is about
140*103. These wafers, kept in inert atmosphere, can be easily packaged in very small cases
(4x4 mm2). A R&D program is also proposed for the development of a hybrid sub module
hosting eight or more channels of amplification and eventually, as it will be described later,
also the analogue to digital converter. At present a revision of the ICARUS analogue
electronics is underway with the aim of further improving the front-end performance.
In the T600 collaboration a novel technique for the realization of feed-throughs has
been developed. INFN holds a patent (RM2006A000406) for this technology that allows easy
realization of feed-through with high density vias and different shapes.
The ADCs work at 20Mhz sampling rate, interleaved so the 10bit digital output has a
40Mhz frequency that means that each channel is sampled every 400ns. The power dissipated
is significant: 500mW. The required bandwidth taking into account that two sets of 16
channels are merged in a 20 bit word, is 800Mbit/s for 32 channels.
The main feature of the new design is to move into digital domain all the conversion
process at a very early stage and to exploit the use of numerical digital filtering techniques.
The final quality of the converted data is highly dependent on the sampling frequency and
numerical filtering.
The trigger system will divide the detector volume in sub-volumes to cope with the data
acquisition rate required by shallow depth location. The basic structure will reproduce the
one already implemented in the T600 and it will be based both on analogue signals from
wires (sums of set of wires) and scintillation light detected by PMs inside the liquid Argon.
All together will merge with the DAQ architecture taking into account that time resolution
required is low (must be compared with drift time) and anyway the absolute time will be
associated to each triggered event.
2.10. R&D developments.
The increase of the active LAr volume of about one order of magnitude with respect to
T600, the streamlining and simplification of the mechanical structures and the new
developments previously described in the structure of the detector require some specific
R&D developments, which are not of very substantial nature and could be implemented in
parallel with the detailed engineering design of MODULAr. These developments (see Figure
4) are intended to simulate on a small scale the basic innovations with respect to the present
T600, namely:
(1) The filling process starting from air to pure LAr, taking into account the
motion of the gas, optimising the inlet and outlet geometries and minimising
the number of cycles.
(2) The thermal convections of the LAr, in order to optimise the temperature
gradients and to ensure a convincing circulation in all regions of the dewar,
both in the cooldown phase and in the stationary state.
(3) The outgassing rate and the recirculation processes required in order to
achieve the required electron lifetime
(4) The geometry of the compact re-circulators both in the liquid and in the
gaseous phases.
The cryostat is based on a foam glass platform (the simplest solution, industrially well
tested and implemented) and is surrounded by a perlite-insulated walls, about 1-meter thick.
This approach for the thermal insulation should be cheaper even if bulkier. The
instrumentation must be well developed in order to be able to determine both thermal and
convective measurements in a variety of conditions.
Finally, also electronics, starting from the positive experience of the T600 may require
some specific development mainly on the layout improvement of the analogue part.
Figure 4. Layout of the test unit. This small unit is necessary in order to certify all the major
changes with respect to the present T600 unit. The cross section is 5 x 5 m2 and the height is
about 8 m.
3.— The new low energy, off-axis neutrino beam (LNGS-B).
The primary goals of future experimental programmes in Japan (T2K), US (NOvA) and
our present LOI at CNGS are related to the so far unknown angle
13( ), as a pre-
requisite for a non zero CP-violation phase
in the lepton sector. They are all based on a
neutrino beam with horn focussing and a fine grained detector of about 20-25 kt of fiducial
As it is well known, the highest sensitivity occurs at distances corresponding to the
maxima and minima of the cosmic neutrino oscillations, namely at the energy interval (2 ± 1)
GeV for neutrino distances of 830 km (120 GeV) and 730 km (400 GeV) respectively at the
NOvA and CNGS detectors since the oscillation maximum for the CNGS baseline, assuming
Δm223 =2.5 10
-3 eV2, is at 1.5 GeV. The T2K detector will be driven by a 50 GeV proton
beam and a smaller distance of 295 km and therefore should require correspondingly smaller
In order to optimize a horn driven, conventional neutrino energy spectrum it is now
universally agreed that the next configuration may be obtained using a high energy beam and
looking at an off-axis direction in order to shift the Lorentz boost of the relativistic beam
toward the required energy range, typically in the case of the LNGS and FNAL with
displaced path distances of several kilometers from the main beam axis.
As well known this detector will also produce a large amount of additional non-
accelerator physics results, and in particular of (1) proton decay especially in the SUSY
channels and (2) of cosmic rays
neutrino events, with considerable
improvements with respect to SuperK.
In order to be able to record
simultaneously (pulsed) accelerator
and (continuous) non-accelerator
events, the detector must be triggered
by the inner photo-multiplier array, as
already indicated by the T600.
On a longer timescale it may be
possible to realize the entirely new
technology of beta-beams [17], where
the purity of
is extremely high,
namely a
contamination well
below 10-4. Evidently the residual
contamination due to neutral currents
must also be reduced correspondingly.
As shown in Ref. [18] the presently
developed LAr technology will be
capable of realising such required
Figure 5. The present 400 GeV CNGS neutrino CC
interaction signal in all its oscillated channels at 731
km, at three different distances off-axis and on-axis.
For instance, the value for 12 km off axis
corresponds to 16 mrad or 0.94°.
powerful identification capabilities. Therefore the massive LAr-TPC detector presently under
consideration may continue to be used also in this ‘ultimate” phase, eventually increasing the
number of modular units.
3.1. The present high energy CNGS beam configuration.
The present 400 GeV CNGS beam, optimized for τ appearance experiment, is a high-
energy wide band beam with an average on-axis energy of 18 GeV. The horn/reflector optics
is designed to focus in the forward direction secondary particle in the 20-50 GeV energy
range with an angular acceptance of 20-30 mrad. The thin target is optimized to minimize
pion/kaon re-interactions. The integrated
contamination is 0.6%. From comparisons with
the previous WANF beam and the early observations with CNGS, the systematic uncertainty
on the calculated νe /νµ ratio is expected to be very good, of the order of 5% [19]. Therefore
the intrinsic
contamination, although significant in the search for
may be very precisely calibrated.
In order to visualize the situation we consider the present CNGS beam geometry
(Figure 5). Displacing the detector off-axis with respect to the neutrino beam direction by
several kilometres at the location of the detector strongly reduces the shape of the neutrino
energy spectrum, which, as expected, becomes progressively softer as the distance from axis
is increased. The strong
" CC signal at 0 km is progressively shifted to smaller energies with
a much smaller over-all rate, although significantly enhanced at the optimum energy.
3.2. A new, low energy focussing layout.
The standard 400 GeV CNGS optics as such is not optimized for
e oscillation
searches, neither on-axis nor off-axis. In particular, the small angular acceptance of the
magnetic lenses, around 20-30 mrad, limits the neutrino fluxes at low energies. Optimization
of the target and beam optics with low energy focussing has been calculated and it is in
progress. It indicates that a design close to that proposed by the NOvA collaboration is also
applicable in the case of CNGS. The main changes with respect to the present CNGS design
(1) A more compact (without air gaps) and thicker target, to increase tertiary production
at low energy;
(2) Larger acceptance (up to 100 mrad) of the horns system in the 7 – 20 GeV pion
energy (this momentum range offers a kinematically efficient production of 2 – 3 Gev
neutrinos at 10 –15 mrad off-axis).
A shorter tunnel length (between one half and two third) could also be considered
because it would marginally reduce the
flux due to muon decays that primarily happen in
the downstream part of the decay tunnel; this major upgrade of the civil engineering has not
been considered in the present study.
In Figure 6 we show the expected event rate, for a hypothetical
equal to the present CHOOZ upper limit
=11°, #
= 0 and the intrinsic
from the beam. Of course this is the highest expected signal and most likely the oscillatory
signal is of much smaller size. Calculations are the result of a full beam simulation based on
the FLUKA MonteCarlo code [20].
Such new low energy CNGS
optics (see Figure 7) is very similar to
the one proposed for NOvA at 120 GeV,
taking into account that the energies of
the protons on target (POT) are in the
ratio 400/120 = 3.3. Preliminary
calculations at 14.8 mrad off-axis and at
a baseline of 732 km demonstrate that
the neutrino spectra obtained with a
proton beam of 400 GeV are very
similar in shape to those obtained with
120 GeV protons, except for the yield,
substantially higher at 400 GeV.
The relative behaviour can be
easily factorized in a good
approximation. While the resulting
neutrino beam intensity grows roughly
proportionally with proton energy and
therefore the neutrino flux in the
interesting beam energy region is
roughly proportional to the beam power
on target, the detailed shapes of both the initial
and of the
intrinsic beam
contamination are relatively unaffected by the proton energy and depend primarily on the
choices of the target/horn system, the focused momentum range and the secondary particle
The beam intensities at 400 GeV and 120 GeV are shown in Figure 7. The plot shows
that in the focused energy range the ratio of the muon fluxes due to the higher proton energy
is about 2.6, namely about 80% of the linear increase expected on the energy alone, slowly
growing to the full proton energy factor for the higher energy tail.
An entirely similar effect is observed for the ratio of the
intrinsic beam
contaminations and therefore no appreciable difference is also observed in the
3.3. Comparing the CNGS and NOvA neutrino beams.
The CNGS neutrino beam is presently given for a rate of 4.5 x 1019 POT/y at 400 GeV.
This rate is believed as generally insufficient for the future off-axis neutrino programmes. A
vigorous programme is on its way at FNAL in order to accumulate in line with the NOvA’s
nominal assumption7 a yearly rate of 6.5 x 1020 POT/y at 120 GeV. On the basis of the
7 Ref [6]. chap. 11,page 75
Figure 6. Calculated beam spectra for low energy
focusing. Rates are estimated for 1019 protons and 400
GeV on target. Both the event rate for an hypothetical
oscillations equal to the present CHOOZ
upper limit
=11°, #
= 0 and the intrinsic
contamination from the beam are shown.
previous considerations (factor 2.6) this corresponds to approximately 2.5 x 1020 POT/y at
400 GeV, about a factor 5.5 larger than the
present CNGS yearly performance.
Evidently such a factor must be recovered at
We should compare more in detail
dedicated repetition rates and energies at
FNAL and CNGS. The nominal NOvA’s is
given for a beam intensity of 6.0 x 1013 ppp
and a repetition rate of 1.5 s, corresponding
to a cycle integrated beam power of 768
kW. The nominal values for CNGS today
are two proton batches 50 ms apart, in total
4.8 x 1013 ppp, every 6 s, corresponding to a
beam power of 512 kW, which is 2/3 of the
FNAL value. Therefore the instantaneous
cycles for fully dedicated accelerators are
quite comparable.
The differences (a factor 5.5 rather
than 1.5) therefore come primarily because of the present CNGS parasitic operation with
fixed SPS target, an efficiency factor of 55% in the operation of the SPS complex and a less
intensive operation of the accelerator complex because of the LHC/fixed target sharing.
Such “human factors” should be supported in order to reduce the gap between the two
accelerators. We can assume that in several years from now, a dedicated 6 s cycle rate for the
neutrino beam and an efficiency factor of 80% rather than 50% may become possible. These
factors should bring the integrated intensity to 1.2 x 1020 POT/y at 400 GeV, corresponding to
about 4.0 x 1020 POT/y at 120 GeV. This value is not far from the figure assumed by NOvA’s
of 6.5 x 1020 POT/y at 120 GeV. With such improvements, presumably possible in several
Figure 7. Muon neutrino CC event rates for 1019
protons at 120 GeV (FNAL) and 400 GeV
(CNGS), calculated with the low energy focusing
optics, 14.8 mrad off-axis and a baseline of 732
km and without oscillation mixing.
Table 1. Rates for 5 years, 20 kt and 1.2 1020 POT /year. Oscillation with sin2(2θ13)=0.1. The upper
integration limit, Εlim, has been chosen to get the best sensitivity,
S sqrt bkg[ ]
0 < Ε < Εlim 0 < Ε < 10 GeV
Εlim (GeV) µ e
bkg[ ] Signal
S S/√(bg) µ e
bkg[ ] Signal,
Present high energy configuration
7 km 3.5 6200 34 190 33 1000 200 240
10 km 2.5 2300 15 101 26 4600 160 130
Low energy focussing
7 km 3.5 13000 70 390 47 17500 340 430
10 km 2.5 5700 28 250 47 7800 230 280
years from now, the present CNGS beam may become roughly competitive with FNAL, the
neutrino fluxes at the detector being then in the ratio 1.6 to 1.
Integrated CC event rates for 5 years
at 1.2 1020 POT/year in a 20 kt fiducial
volume of a LAr-TPC detector are
summarized in Table 1. Signal events
have been calculated for sin2(2θ13)=0.1 to
allow easy scaling. The actual size of the
oscillation driven
13( ) is
obviously unknown. In order to estimate
the sensitivity for a small signal
S in the
presence of a significant beam associated
bkg[ ] we consider the
S sqrt bkg[ ] as a figure of merit
as a function of the off-axis distance (see
Figure 8).
The upper integration limit, Εlim, has
been chosen to get the best sensitivity,
S sqrt bkg[ ] . It varies with the off-axis
distance because of the different spectrum
shape of signal and background. As a
reference the rates, integrated up to 10 GeV, are also shown for an estimation of the signal
selection efficiency in the case of the optimum cut (80% in the τ optics vs. 90% in the low
focus case).
Both at CERN and at FNAL increases in the proton beam intensity are conceivable
with relatively modest efforts, but require additional money. A further increase to as much as
a factor 4 has been considered at FNAL with a new 8 GeV Proton Driver, provided it will be
built in the near future. Several increases of the accelerated intensity may be considered also
in the case of CERN, especially based on the improvements of the CPS and in connection
with the several LHC improvement programmes. In both cases the main limit may not be
however the proton accelerator but rather the capability of the target/horns complex to
withstand the required power.
3.4. Detection efficiency for νe CC events and NC background rejection.
In the previous section, the NC background has been assumed to be negligible. This
assumption is supported by extensive studies performed by ICARUS collaboration [3,21]
both for beam and atmospheric neutrinos. In particular, the analysis of NC background
rejection in a low energy on-axis neutrino beam [22] which has been extensively performed
for the ICARUS configuration can be applied as well to the off-axis beam described in the
present work. We summarize here this analysis and its results. A full simulation of the events
in LAr-TPC was performed to study the background of neutral pions in both neutral current
and charged current interactions, which may simulate a background of
induced CC.
Figure 8. Sensitivity to oscillation expressed in
terms of the
S sqrt bkg[ ] (intrinsic plus tau), as
a function of the off-axis distance. The plot
indicates the off-axis distances 7 ÷ 12 km (0.550
÷ 0.94°, 9.6 ÷ 16.4 mrad) are the optimum.
For each neutrino event was recorded the visible energy, defined as the energy
deposited by ionization in the sensitive LAr-TPC volume, with the exception of the
ionization due to heavily quenched recoils. The optimization of the fiducial volume was
based on three criteria: energy reconstruction, electron identification and
o identification.
(1) The energy reconstruction due to non-
containment of the neutrino events
affects the signal/background ratio,
especially when the signal is restricted
in a narrow energy range. However,
this non-containment is severe only for
interactions occurring near the end of
the detector and in a few centimetres
lateral skin. A minimal cut of 50 cm in
the longitudinal direction and 5 cm on
the sides of the sensitive volume has
been found sufficient to preserve the
signal/background ratio. In the large
modules as described in the present
proposal, these cuts would reduce the
fiducial volume by a (negligible) 2%.
(2) Electron identification is also assured
under these geometrical cuts. Indeed,
due to the directionality of the neutrino
beam the probability that an electron
escapes from the instrumented volume
before initiating a shower is extremely
small: only 2 % of the electrons
“travel “ through a LAr-TPC thickness smaller than 3 X0, and 0.3 % travel less than 1 X0
in the instrumented volume. Therefore we can safely assume to identify electrons with
almost 100 % efficiency.
o identification. Neutral pions from νµ NC events could be misidentified as electrons.
But because of the superior imaging capability of LAr-TPC technology, all events where
both photon conversion points can be distinguished from the ν interaction vertex can be
rejected. To be conservative, in the ICARUS analysis only photons converting at more
than 2 cm from the ν vertex were rejected. The remaining neutral pion background was
further reduced by assuming that events where the parent
o mass can be reconstructed
within 10 % accuracy are discarded. The effect of the last requirement obviously depends
on the assumed fiducial volume. Only 4 % of
o’s survive the cuts when all interaction
vertexes are accepted, and a further decrease to 3% is obtained when the fiducial volume
is restricted as described above. On the remaining photon sample we apply the results
obtained in Ref. [23] on the possibility to discriminate electrons from photons on the
basis of dE/dx. This method provides a 90% electron identification efficiency with photon
misidentification probability of 3% at relatively low energies. The misidentification
Figure 9. Background sources at LNGS on-axis
with a low energy CNGS beam as studied for
the ICARUS detector. This calculation is very
similar to the expectations from the off-axis low
energy beam, with the exception of the
background, which is much smaller. The
residual NC background in the LAR-TPC, after
rejection of neutral pions, is about two orders of
magnitude smaller than the intrinsic beam
probability is expected to decrease with energy due to the decreasing contribution of
Compton scattering. A track length of 2.5 cm is sufficient to achieve the discrimination.
After all cuts, the final
o mis-interpretation probability is 0.1 %, while the
corresponding electron identification efficiency is 90 %.
The residual background, after all the above cuts are applied, is shown in Figure 9 in
the case of the study performed for the ICARUS detector exposed at a CNGS beam on-axis
[22]. Given the very similar energy spectrum and background contaminations, the same
signal efficiency and NC rejection power can be applied in the case of the off-axis beams.
The residual NC background, after rejection of neutral pions in the LAR-TPC is about two
orders of magnitude smaller than the intrinsic beam associated
3.5. Comparisons with NOvA.
In the present letter of intent we consider the possibility of a substantial and equivalent
upgrade of a LAr-TPC detector for CNGS, having in mind competition and timetable
comparable to the ones of NOvA. We keep in mind that the key process is the observation of
the oscillation driven
events. As already pointed out, the use of the imaging
capability of the LAr-TPC ensures a much higher discovery potential than it is the case of
scintillator (or water) detectors, i.e. a comparable sensitivity may be achieved with a much
smaller sensitive mass. The higher performance of LAr-TPC introduces important advantages
with respect to NOvA, namely:
• the NOvA detector is mostly limited to elastic events while LAr-TPC may
collect also all kinds of inelastic events. An elaborate MC simulation of the
NOvA proposal8 of the signals and backgrounds for oscillations using relevant
parts of the MINOS experiment software, the NEUGEN3 neutrino interaction
generator and the GEANT3 detector simulation show that the efficiency for
accepting an event from
oscillations is approximately 24%. This
introduces about a factor 4 in rate with respect to LAr-TPC in which virtually
all event configurations are identified, for the same fiducial mass;
• NOvA in contrast with LAr-TPC is may be contaminated by neutral current
events that fake electron events, while in reality they are due to
o. The
background is typically about two-thirds from beam's produced from muon and
kaon decay and one-third from neutral-current events. This increases the
background of
events and increases further the level of the over-all
discovery potential by a factor
sqrt 1.5 1( ) =1.22 . We conclude that a ≈ 5 kt
LAr-TPC detector should have performances comparable to the ones of NOvA.
We underline that the NC cross sections are today only poorly known and
therefore the magnitude of the effect, absent for LAr-TPC has to be carefully
measured in separate experiments, at least as long the
13( ) signal is close
to the sensitivity limit.
8 Ref [6]. chap. 12, page 78
Similar considerations apply also about the water Cherenkov counter at T2K, where
apparently more stringent cuts are necessary with a corresponding reduction of the rates in
order to improve the sensitivity for the small signal
oscillation driven
13( ), so
far obviously unknown, with respect with the
o related backgrounds.
3.6. Evaluation of the beam associated
The future CNGS low energy neutrino beam most likely will lack of an appropriate
near detector. As a consequence the estimations of νe/νµ background ratio will be primarily
based on the Monte Carlo simulation of the beam. The on-axis beam flux could however be
determined experimentally (Figure 9) with the help of ICARUS-T600 neutrino detector
presently in Hall B, measuring the neutrino spectra components with relatively high statistics
(~100 νµ CC events/kt/10
19POT, peaked at 7 ± 2 GeV). Once the agreement is confirmed on-
axis, it may be possible to normalize and tune the simulation for the beam off-axis. The
possibility of operating simultaneously the on-axis and the off-axis events, both with very
similar LAr-TPC detectors, represent a very important correlation amongst the two
Experience with the CERN-WANF beam has demonstrated that FLUKA based
calculations, compared with measurements of the νµ spectrum, are able to provide an
accuracy on the νe background normalization at the level of 3 % as well as a error on the
spectrum shape better than 4% [24]. Similar considerations should bring precious new
information for the future low energy off-axis neutrino beam.
When applied to the off-axis beam the overall errors are reduced since the kinematics
of the meson decay confine the neutrino spectra in a much narrower energy range, hence the
error associated with the spectrum shape knowledge is strongly suppressed.
3.7. Comparing the ultimate sensitivities to
13( ).
The value of
13( ) plane to be searched upon is currently unknown, although
the experimental upper limit is 0.14. In order to be detectable, the number of
substantially exceed the intrinsic
beam contamination. For instance, even in absence of
NC contamination, which is the case of LAr-TPC, equal rates of oscillations and of
contamination (the results for FNAL and CNGS are quite similar) correspond to
13( )
≈ 1.6 x 10-2.
As already pointed out, sensitivity to smaller values of
13( ) implies an
accurate knowledge of the actual
contamination and of the neutrino cross sections. The
sensitivity to a non-zero value of
13( ) is then proportional only to the square root of
the number of events.
The sensitivities for
13( )( ) plane at 3σ for T2K, NOvA and the proposed
future scenarios at CNGS, all based on 5 years of operation, 20 kt LAr-TPC detector 10 km
off-axis are shown in Figure 10 with 1.2 1020 POT/year at 400 GeV (1) and with a delivered
proton intensity of 4.3 1020 POT/year (2).
Calculations have been performed with the GLoBES code [25], assuming for the
energy resolution a conservative value of 15% and a global 5% uncertainty on the beam
As expected, the sensitivity with the new CNGS beam is definitely better than the one
of T2K and NOvA.
Figure 10. Comparison of the sensitivities for
, sin
13( ) plane at 3σ, all based on 5 years of
neutrino operation for T2K, NOvA-1 and two proposed future scenarios at CNGS, 20 kt fiducial LAr
detector. The CNGS-1 beam configuration is for (1) 1.2 1020 POT/year at 400 GeV, (2) a cycle
integrated beam power of 512 kWatt, (3) a new target/optics configuration optimized for a low energy
neutrino beam, (4) 10 km off-axis detector and (5) without substantial increases of the SPS
performance. The CNGS-2 configuration assumes an hypothetical improvement of the SPS and CPS
to 4.33 1020 POT/year corresponding to 1.6 MWatt beam power. The intensity of the NOvA-1
experiment is 6.5 x 1020 POT/year at 120 GeV and a a cycle integrated beam power of 768 kWatt.
The corresponding intensity improvements for NOvA-2 are not completely identified and therefore the
sensitivity is not shown. . All cases are computed for Δm > 0. Note the much higher sensitivity offered
by the LAr approach which ensures higher discovery potentials, since every type of event is then
clearly recognized and identified, contributing to the determination of the oscillation phenomenon. As
a comparison, for instance in the case of NOvA, only 24% of the events may be used and a sizeable
contaminant of mis-interpreted neutral current events add to the intrinsic
emission from the beam.
Similar inefficiency considerations apply to the water Cherenkov counter at T2K.
4.— Tentative layout of LNGS-B.
As described, the off-axis arrangement implies the realisation of a separate
underground cave at about a significant distance with respect to the main CNGS beam line. A
preliminary study has been conducted9 in order to identify the most appropriate new location,
which we indicate with LNGS-B, keeping in mind a number of conditions:
• The underground laboratory may be at a depth, which is much shallower than
the one of the main Laboratory. The high event rejection power of the LAr-TPC
detector will ensure the absence of backgrounds not only from the neutrinos
from the CNGS but also for proton decay and cosmic neutrinos. A depth of
about 400 m of rock, corresponding to about 1.2 km of equivalent water depth
has been chosen.
• The location of the experimental halls should be between 7 km and 12 km from
the axis of the beam.
• The new laboratory should be out of the protected area of the Gran Sasso Park.
• The neighbouring rock should not imply any presence of significant
underground water and a minimal environmental impact.
The general layout of the landscape across Gran Sasso massif side is shown in the top
of Figure 11. Two potential locations at 10 km from the CNGS beam axis have been
identified; location A is on the Teramo side of the mountain (close to L’Aquilano village),
location B is on the L’Aquila side (close to Camarda village). Both locations fullfil the
requirements of being outside the Gran Sasso National Park Area in a water free rock at a
sufficient rock depth (400 m), providing an adequate shielding to cosmic radiation (as shown
at the bottom-left of Figure 11); moreover they are easily reachable through the ordinary
roads. Site A (shown at the bottom-right of Figure 11) is preferred because it requires a
shorter access tunnel for a given depth.
The new cavern must have a gas exhaust of an adequate cross section to the surface and
be organised with the instrumental entry from the top, well above the perlite insulated LAr-
TPC container. The entrance to the cave may be made with a strong door which can be
closed and undergo pressurisation in case of a major accident. In this case the only exit of the
gas will be through the exhaust pipeline.
9 The study of the choice of the new hall locations as well as the preliminary layout design have been
commissioned by the Prof. E. Coccia (director of LNGS) and performed by Ing. Roberto Guercio
(Univ. Roma I, Italy).
Figure 11. General layout for a potential new site to detect low energy off-axis neutrinos from the
CNGS beam. In the top picture two potential locations, one at each side of the existing laboratory have
been indicated with (A) and (B) located at 10 km off axis from the main CNGS beam, respectively in
location Aquilano and Camarda. The natural muon background is shown next (equiv. water depth ≈
1.2 km) and compared both with the flux at the surface and with several existing underground
laboratories. The Aquilano location is also shown, since it offers the shortest distance of the tunnel.
They are both outside the natural park and they can be easily reached from main roads.
5.— Conclusions.
The forthcoming operation of the T600 detector in the real experiment CNGS2 will
represent the completion of a development of the LAr-TPC chamber over more than two
decades and it opens realistically the way to truly massive detectors for accelerator and non
accelerator driven phenomena. As it has been described in this paper, the operation of the
T600 evidences that a number of important milestones have been already achieved in the last
several years, opening the way to the development of a new line of modular elements and
which can be extrapolated progressively to the largest conceivable LAr-TPC sensitive
The new detector will maintain the majority of components we have already developed,
in particular:
• The readout electronics and the data acquisition of the T600, which has been
developed in collaboration with the CAEN company. The 50’000 channels of
electronics already at hand are adequate for about 10’000 tons of sensitive mass
of new modular elements.
• The signal feed-throughs for the very large number of signal wires, which have
been developed for the T600 can be applicable directly to the new modular
elements. The technology, which has been patented by INFN/Padova, has
shown itself extremely reliable and capable of withstanding the extreme leakage
rate of the many tens of thousands of feed-throughs at LAr temperatures.
• The original technology for the realisation of the wire planes and associated
structures to withstand the very large changes of temperature during filling of
the detector and which has been industrially realized by the company CINEL. A
detailed engineering design, which has been developed for the module T1200
but never realized in practice, is also completely compatible and ready for the
present design.
• An original and extremely robust technology for the readout wires has been
developed, capable of withstanding the wide variations in temperature (-200 K)
in the cooling and warm up phases. This technology has been developed in
collaboration with industry. So far in the T600 not a single wire has broken, in
spite of the many operations and of the transport on road for about 600 km.
Although the wires are about 2.66 times longer, which does not constitute a
problem, the same method will be cloned to the new modular elements. The
realisation is simple, fast and cheap and it is realised with the help of an
automatic machine.
• The high voltage feed-through and the appropriate > 100 dB noise filtering to
remove the electric noise from the very small signals of the wire chambers has
been developed and fully operated with no problem at 150 kV, which is twice
the design voltage of the T600. The design voltage of the new modular elements
is 200 kV.
• The purity of the LAr is generally well below the required level of 3 x 10-10 of
equivalent Oxygen purity, which has required a dedicated technological
development over the many years. The LAr is continuously purified both in the
gas and in the liquid phase and circulated with adequate low temperature
pumps. The purification system can be expanded in a straightforward way to
become adequate to the new modular elements. A great deal of experience has
taught us how to remove materials that are producing significant leakages.
• Photomultipliers, which are wave shifting the 128 nm Argon light into the
visible, have been designed with the help of the EMI Company in order to
ensure an appropriate photocathode efficiency at the LAr temperature.
• An appropriate method of high precision purity monitors, in order to monitor in
real time the purity of the LAr.
As pointed out already the main domain of remaining developments, to ensure the
correct realization of the new modular elements, is related to the streamlining and
simplification of the mechanical structures, to the reduction of the overall costs and to the
new developments, previously described, of the structure of the detector, which are:
• The use of perlite for the cryogenic structure. Perlite is vastly in use in the
cryogenic industry and should represent no problem.
• The filling process starting from air to pure LAr, taking into account the motion
of the gas, optimising the inlet and outlet geometries and minimising the
number of cycles.
• The thermal convections of the LAr, in order to optimise the temperature
gradients and to insure a convincing circulation in all regions of the dewar, both
in the cooldown phase and in the stationary state.
• The outgassing rate and the recirculation processes required in order to achieve
the required electron lifetime.
• The geometry of the compact re-circulators both in the liquid and in the gaseous
The realization of these developments should not rise any insurmountable problem and
the detailed engineering design of the first new modular elements should proceed smoothly
and rapidly.
The experiment might reasonably be operational in about 5 years, provided a new hall
is excavated in the vicinity of the Gran Sasso Laboratory and appropriate funding is made
6.— References
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7.— Appendix. General comments on the use of Perlite.
Perlite is a generic term for naturally occurring siliceous volcanic rock. The
distinguishing feature which sets perlite apart from other volcanic glasses is that when heated
to a suitable point in its softening range, it expands from four to twenty times its original
This expansion process is due to the presence of two to six percent combined water in
the crude perlite rock. When quickly heated to above 870 C the crude rock pops in a manner
similar to popcorn as the combined water vaporizes and creates countless tiny bubbles in the
softened glassy particles. It is these tiny glass-sealed bubbles which account for the amazing
lightweight and other exceptional physical properties of expanded perlite.
The expansion process also creates one of perlite's most distinguishing characteristics:
its white color. While the crude perlite rock may range from transparent to light gray to
glossy black, the color of expanded perlite ranges from snowy white to grayish white.
Expanded perlite can be manufactured to weigh from 32 kg/m3 to 240 kg/m3. Because
of its unique properties, perlite insulation has found wide acceptance in the insulating of
cryogenic and low temperature storage tanks, in shipping containers, cold boxes, test
chambers, and in food processing.
Perlite insulation suitable for non evacuated cryogenic or low temperature use exhibits
low thermal conductivity throughout a range of densities, however, the normal recommended
density range is 48 to 72 kg/m3, that is about 1/20 of the density of water. In addition to its
excellent thermal properties, perlite insulation is relatively low in cost, easy to handle and
install, and does not shrink, swell, warp, or slump. Perlite is non-combustible, meets fire
regulations, and can lower insurance rates. Because it is an inorganic material, it is rot and
vermin proof. As a result of its closed cell structure, the material does not retain moisture.
Thermal conductivity varies with temperature, density, pressure, and conductivity of
the gas which fills the insulation spaces at mean temperature -126 C°, but it is typically in the
interval 0.025-0.029 W/m/K.
In the present design the volume of perlite is 3928 m3, corresponding to a mass of 235 t
at an expanded density of 60 (48 to 72) kg/m3. At the thickness of 1.5 m and a temperature
difference of 200 K, the specific heat loss is 3.86 W/m2 for a nominal thermal conductivity of
0.029 (0.025-0.029) W/m/K. This is significantly smaller than the specific heat loss of the
T600. Taking into account the dimensions of the vessel, the total heat loss is 8.28 kW. At
present in the CNGS the cryogenic plant is made of 10 units, each with 4 kW of (cold)
power. Three of such units (≤ 12 kW) should be adequate to ensure cooling of the walls of
the vessel during normal operation.
A higher level of insulation is possible evacuating the perlite, with a resulting thermal
conductivity up to 40 times less than 0.029 W/m/K depending on vacuum and temperature. It
also may be used for storage of oxygen, nitrogen, and LNG when especially low thermal
conductivities are desired. At the present stage we believe that such an improvement is not
necessary, since additional losses are anyway due to the circulation of the liquid and the
presence of cables and other ducts at cryogenic temperature.
0704.1423 | Momentum distributions in time-dependent density functional theory:
Product phase approximation for non-sequential double ionization in strong
laser fields | Momentum distributions in time-dependent density functional theory:
Product phase approximation for non-sequential double ionization
in strong laser fields
F. Wilken and D. Bauer
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, 69029 Heidelberg, Germany
(Dated: October 24, 2018)
We investigate the possibility to deduce momentum space properties from time-dependent density
functional calculations. Electron and ion momentum distributions after double ionization of a
model Helium atom in a strong few-cycle laser pulse are studied. We show that, in this case, the
choice of suitable functionals for the observables is considerably more important than the choice
of the correlation potential in the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations. By comparison with
the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, the insufficiency of functionals neglecting
electron correlation is demonstrated. We construct a functional of the Kohn-Sham orbitals, which
in principle yields the exact momentum distributions of the electrons and the ion. The product-
phase approximation is introduced, which reduces the problem of approximating this functional
PACS numbers: 31.15.Ew, 32.80.Rm
Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)
[1] is a remarkably successful approach to the study
of many-body systems in time-dependent external fields
[2]. The essential statement of TDDFT is the same as
that of the well-established ground state density func-
tional theory (DFT) [3]: all observables are, in princi-
ple, functionals of the particle density alone. Since the
latter is always a three-dimensional entity, independent
of the number of particles involved, the computational
cost of actual (TD)DFT calculations scales exponentially
more favorable than the solution of the many-body (time-
dependent) Schrödinger equation.
In practice, almost all (TD)DFT calculations are per-
formed using the (time-dependent) Kohn-Sham scheme
[(TD)KS] (see, e.g., [2]) where the density is calculated
with the help of auxiliary, non-interacting particles mov-
ing in an effective potential. The “art” of (TD)DFT is
two-fold, namely finding sufficiently accurate approxima-
tions to the density functionals of (i) the unknown effec-
tive potential and (ii) the observables of interest. For-
tunately, for many practical applications both items are
uncritical [2]. An example is the calculation of the opti-
cal response of bio-molecules where even the simple lo-
cal density approximation of the effective potential yields
reasonable results, and the observable can be calculated
from a known and explicit functional of the density (the
time-dependent dipole).
However, when it comes to the correlated motion of a
few particles in a strongly driven system, TDDFT faces
major challenges. In that respect, non-sequential dou-
ble ionization (NSDI) serves as the “worst case” scenario
for TDDFT. Theoretically, NSDI was addressed success-
fully using the strong-field approximation (see, e.g., [4]
and references therein) and classical methods [5, 6]. The
widely accepted mechanism behind NSDI relies on the
rescattering of the first electron with its parent ion, col-
lisionally ionizing (or exciting) the second electron.
In the recent publications Refs. [7, 8] significant
progress was made in the treatment of NSDI within
TDDFT as far as ionization yields are concerned. The
latter display as a manifestation of the electron-electron
correlation involved in NSDI the celebrated “knee” struc-
ture in the double ionization yield, which was, until re-
cently, not being reproduced within TDDFT. Reference
[7] addressed issue (i) above (the effective potential) while
Ref. [8] focused on item (ii), the functional for the observ-
able “double ionization”. It was shown that (i) taking
the derivative discontinuities at integer bound electron
numbers into account and (ii) using an adiabatic approx-
imation for the correlation function needed to calculate
the double ionization probability, the NSDI “knee” can
be reproduced.
In our current work we turn to the much harder prob-
lem of momentum distributions (or energy spectra [9]).
In the NSDI regime the ion momentum spectra, as mea-
sured in experiments employing “reaction microscopes”
(see, e.g., [4, 10]), show a characteristic “double-hump”
structure, i.e., maxima at non-vanishing ion momenta.
The maxima at non-zero ion momenta are easy to under-
stand within the rescattering scenario mentioned above:
the first electron preferentially returns to the ion, colli-
sionally ionizing the second electron, at times when the
vector potential of the laser field is non-zero. Since the
vector potential at the ionization time equals the final
drift momentum at the detector, non-vanishing electron
momenta (and, due to momentum conservation, non-
vanishing ion momenta) are likely. In a TDKS treat-
ment of NSDI in He starting from a spin-singlet state,
the rescattering scenario is “hidden” in a single, spa-
tial Kohn-Sham (KS) orbital. As we shall demonstrate,
taking the auxiliary KS particles for real electrons and
Fourier-transforming their position space product wave-
function to momentum space leads to ion momentum
spectra in very poor agreement with the exact ones. A
better approximation to calculate correlated electron mo-
mentum spectra in the NSDI regime is required. With
the present paper we aim at contributing to this goal by
showing that item (ii) above, namely the construction
of the functional for the observable, is the critical issue
while (i) known effective potentials are sufficient, at least
at the current level of accuracy.
In Sec. II the model Helium system used to study the
ionization process and the ensuing momentum distri-
butions is introduced. In Sec. III the method to cal-
culate electron and ion momentum distributions is ex-
plained. Results from the solution of the time-dependent
Schrödinger equation (TDSE) in Sec. IV serve as a refer-
ence for the results obtained using TDDFT in Sec. V:
The insufficiency of uncorrelated functionals to calcu-
late electron and ion momentum distributions (Sec. VA)
and the relative insignificance of the correlation poten-
tial (Sec. VB) lead us to the construction of correlated
functionals in Sec. VC. In Sec. VD we introduce the
product-phase approximation, which reduces the prob-
lem of approximating the correlated functionals to that
of approximating the exchange-correlation function.
For consistency, we restrict ourselves to the presenta-
tion of results for laser pulses with λ=780 nm and N=3
cycles. We stress, however, that the general conclusions
drawn hold also for λ= 614 nm, N = 3 and λ= 780 nm,
N=4 laser pulses, as we have checked explicitly.
A Helium atom exposed to linearly polarized laser
pulses with N = 3 cycles and sin2-pulse envelopes is in-
vestigated. The length of the pulses with a frequency
of ω = 0.058 (corresponding to the experimentally used
λ = 780 nm) is T = 2Nπ/ω, and the vector potential
readsA(t) = Â sin2
sin(ω t) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T and zero
otherwise (atomic units are used unless otherwise indi-
cated). We use the dipole approximation, i.e., the spatial
dependence of the laser field is neglected. The linear po-
larization of the laser pulse thus allows us to describe the
system by a one-dimensional model Helium atom with
soft-core potentials for the Coulomb interactions. It is
known that the essential features of the ionization pro-
cess are described well by this model [7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14].
Initially, the electrons are assumed to occupy the spin-
singlet groundstate of Helium, and due to the neglect
of magnetic effects in the dipole approximation the elec-
trons stay in the spin-singlet state during the interaction
with the laser pulse. Thus it is sufficient to study the
spatial wavefunction, which has to be symmetric under
exchange of the electrons.
The TDSE i∂t ψ(x1, x2, t) = Ĥ(x1, x2, t)ψ(x1, x2, t) is
solved for laser pulses with different effective peak inten-
sities I = I(Â). A trivial gauge-transformation cancels
the purely time-dependent A2-term and yields the Hamil-
∂2xi + V (xi, t)
+W (|x1 − x2|) , (1)
with Ĥ = Ĥ(x1, x2, t). The external potential is
V (x, t) = −iA(t) ∂x − 2/
x2 + ǫen, the electron-electron
interaction potential is given by W (x) = 1/
x2 + ǫee.
The soft-core parameters ǫen and ǫee are chosen to yield
the correct ionization potentials. Reproducing the ion-
ization potential of He
, I(2)p = 2.0 in a corresponding
model He
ion fixes ǫen = 0.5. The choice ǫee = 0.329
yields the ionization potential of Helium, I(1)p = 0.904.
All results presented in this work are qualitatively insen-
sitive to the precise values of the soft-core parameters.
As the two electrons constitute a spin-singlet state
for all times they are described by the same KS or-
bital. Therefore, in a TDDFT treatment, we have
only one time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation (TDKSE)
i ∂t φ(x, t) = Ĥ
KS(x, t)φ(x, t) with the Hamiltonian
ĤKS(x, t) = −1
∂2x + V (x, t) + vhx(x, t) + vc(x, t) . (2)
The Hartree-exchange potential vhx = vh + vx follows as
vhx(x, t) =
dx′ n(x′, t)/
(x− x′)2 + ǫKSee . We have
used the exact exchange term for Helium vx(x, t) =
−vh(x, t)/ 2, which is local as both electrons are de-
scribed by the same orbital.
Setting vc = 0 yields, in the special case of the
Helium atom or He-like ions, an identical description
as the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) treatment
(due to the locality of vx). The LK05 potential v
[7] takes into account the discontinuous change in the
correlation potential when the number of bound elec-
trons N(t) =
dxn(x, t) passes integer numbers,
vLK05c (x, t) = [B(t)/ (1 + exp[C(B(t) − 2)])− 1] vhx(x, t),
where C is a sufficiently large constant (we set C = 50)
and B(t) = N0/N(t). In order to encompass all bound
states the parameter a is chosen as a = 6 a.u. throughout
this work, results being insensitive to the precise value of
a. We use ǫKSee = 0.343 in the Hartree-exchange potential
vhx to acquire I
p = 0.904 for the model Helium atom.
The TDSE and TDKSE are solved by a split-operator
time propagator on a numerical grid (see, e.g., [15] and
references therein).
Along the lines of Ref. [7] we construct from the
TDSE solution an exact KS orbital (EKSO). The
Schrödinger solution gives the exact density of our
model Helium atom n(x, t) = 2
dx2 |ψ(x, x2, t)|2 =
dx1 |ψ(x1, x, t)|2 and the exact probability current
j(x, t). From the equality of the exact and KS
currents in the case of a one-dimensional system,
the phase of the EKSO is determined as ϑ(x, t) =∫ x
dx′ j(x′, t)/n(x′, t) + α(t). The unknown purely
time-dependent phase factor α(t) does not affect the re-
sults presented in this work and is therefore set to zero.
The EKSO φ(x, t) =
n(x, t)/ 2 eiϑ(x,t) is thus identical
to the orbital a TDDFT calculation with the exact cor-
relation potential vc would yield via the TDKS scheme.
The EKSO allows us to separate the challenges facing
TDDFT calculations (cf. Sec. I): finding (i) a suitable
approximation of vc (where it serves as a reference for
the resulting orbital) and (ii) appropriate functionals for
observables (where it is the exact input).
We partition the two-electron space and associate
with single ionization the area A (He+) = {(x1, x2) |
|xi| > a, |xj 6=i| ≤ a ∀ i, j ∈ {1, 2}} and with dou-
ble ionization the area A (He2+) = {(x1, x2) | |x1| >
a, |x2| > a}. Integrating |ψ(x1, x2, t)|2 over these ar-
eas then yields the respective ionization probabilities,
with the double ionization probability given by P 2
(t) =∫∫
A (He2
dx1 dx2 |ψ(x1, x2, t)|2. This scheme to deter-
mine ionization probabilities from the two-electron wave-
function has been successfully used in numerous similar
calculations [11, 12, 14].
The wavefunction ψ(x1, x2, t) can be de-
scribed equivalently in momentum space by
its Fourier transform (2 π) ψ(k1, k2, t) =∫
dx2 ψ(x1, x2, t) e
−i (k1 x1+k2 x2). As the wave-
function in momentum space is normalized to one,
the pair density in momentum space is given by
ρ(k1, k2, t) = 2 |ψ(k1, k2, t)|2.
At times 0 < t < T during the laser pulse the velocity
of the electrons is actually given by ẋi(t) = ki(t) +A(t),
i.e., the sum of the canonical momentum ki and the value
of the vector potential at the respective time. In this
work we investigate properties of the system at t = T
after the laser pulse. As A(T )=0, canonical momenta k
and drift momenta are identical.
We are interested mainly in the double ionization pro-
cess and thus Fourier transform only the wavefunction
in the area A (He2+) associated with double ionization.
The resulting sharp step at the boundary of A (He2+) at
|xi| = a, |xj 6=i| ≥ a, with i, j ∈ {1, 2}, is a potential
source of artifacts when Fourier transformed. Hence, a
smoothing function f(x1, x2) =
i=1 1/
1 + e−c |xi−a|
is introduced. The factor c has to be of the order of
one, in this work we choose c = 1.25. The smoothing
function is constructed so that
dx1dx2 f
2(x1, x2) b =∫∫
A (He2
dx1 dx2 b for a constant b. This condi-
tion ensures that the wavefunction ψ(2
+)(x1, x2, t) =
f(x1, x2)ψ(x1, x2, t) gives to a good approximation the
same double ionization probability as the original wave-
function, i.e., that
dx2 f
2(x1, x2)|ψ(x1, x2, t)|2 ≃
. The correlated wavefunction of the electrons freed
in double ionization in momentum space is thus calcu-
lated as
(2 π) ψ(2
+)(k1, k2, t) =∫
dx2 ψ
(2+)(x1, x2, t) e
−i (k1 x1+k2 x2) . (3)
This approach is equivalent to projecting out the states
corresponding to single and no ionization and is known
to lead to accurate momentum distributions [13].
From the wavefunction we construct the momentum
pair density of the electrons freed in double ionization
+)(k1, k2, t) = 2 |ψ(2+)(k1, k2, t)|2 . (4)
The probability to find at time t an electron freed in dou-
ble ionization with momentum k1 in dk1 and an electron
with k2 in dk2 is then ρ
(2+)(k1, k2, t) dk1dk2.
In experiments, it is easier to measure the momentum
of the He2
ion kIon after double ionization instead of in-
dividual electron momenta. As the total photon momen-
tum involved is negligibly small, this provides informa-
tion about the sum of the electron momenta via momen-
tum conservation k1 + k2 = −kIon. The ion momentum
density then follows from the momentum pair density of
the electrons freed in double ionization (4) as
Ion (kIon, t) =
dk ρ(2
+)(−kIon− k, k, t)
dk ρ(2
+)(k,−kIon− k, t) , (5)
due to the symmetry of the electron momentum pair
density. The factor 1/2 ensures the correct normaliza-
tion since the system consists of only one ion but two
electrons. The ion momentum density n
Ion (kIon, t) dkIon
gives the probability to find at time t the He2
ion with
momentum kIon in dkIon.
From the numerical solution of the TDSE we obtain
ψ(x1, x2, T ) after the interaction with the laser pulse. In
the left hand side of Fig. 1 the momentum pair density
of the electrons freed in double ionization, as calculated
from Eq. (4), is shown.
For all but the highest intensity depicted, electrons
have the highest probability to move at different veloc-
ities |k1| 6= |k2| (ẋi(T ) = ki(T ) since A(T ) = 0, cf. dis-
cussion in Sec. III) but in the same direction (sgn(k1) =
sgn(k2)). Depending on the laser intensity the proba-
bility for the double ionization process is highest at dif-
ferent half-cycles of the laser pulse, i.e., different signs
of the vector potential. Therefore, the favored direction
in which the electrons leave the atom varies with inten-
sity. NSDI can be understood by a recollision mechanism
where one electron returns to the He
ion and frees the
second electron (see, e.g., [4]). The results of the TDSE
then imply that both electrons leave the atom in the same
direction but due to Coulomb repulsion their velocities
differ, in accordance with earlier results for a longer laser
pulse [13].
The “butterfly” shape of the momentum pair density of
the electrons freed in double ionization as shown in Fig. 1
is evidence that it is highly correlated, as it cannot be
reproduced by multiplying two orbitals for the respective
For I = 6.96 × 1015W/cm2 both electrons have the
highest probability to leave the atom in the same direc-
tion with similar velocities k1 ≈ k2. This can only be the
case when the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons
is weak, i.e., when they are removed sequentially, result-
ing in a large spatial separation. The final non-vanishing
velocities are due to the high intensity of the laser pulse,
which ionizes the atom so rapidly that A(t) 6= 0 when the
first electron is freed. The grid-like structure typical for
a product wavefunction is seen, the electron correlation
being weak.
From the momentum pair density of the electrons freed
in double ionization ρ(2
+)(k1, k2, T ) (4) we calculate the
ion momentum density n
Ion (k1, k2, T ) (5). For different
effective peak intensities the density of the ion momen-
tum is depicted in Fig. 2. It exhibits peaks at non-zero
momenta. As explained in Sec. I, these are typical for rec-
ollision processes when the first freed electron recollides
close to the maximum of the vector potential, i.e., when
|A(t)| ≈ Â. Hence, the sum of the momenta of both elec-
trons is non-zero, and, by momentum-conservation, this
holds for the ion momentum as well [16].
For an infinitely long laser pulse of laser period T/N ,
Ĥ(t + T/N) = Ĥ(t) holds while this symmetry is bro-
ken in the case of few-cycle laser pulses. Hence, with
respect to the dislodged electrons there is no spatial in-
version symmetry, leading to asymmetric ion momentum
distributions [17, 18, 19]. This effect is clearly seen in
Fig. 2. For the three lowest intensities a process with
kIon ≥ 0 dominates while with increasing intensities pro-
cesses with kIon ≤ 0 become more likely. In addition, a
central peak gets more and more pronounced, showing
that the relative probability of sequential double ioniza-
tion increases. The fact that the peak is not centered
around kIon = 0 for I =6.96 × 1015W/cm2 is again due
to the high intensity and the short duration of the laser
pulse, as explained above.
DFT can be formulated in momentum space (see, e.g.,
[20]), and this seems to be the obvious path to follow
when one is interested in the calculation of momentum
spectra. However, momentum space DFT lacks the “uni-
versality” feature of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem [3],
meaning that each system under study requires a dif-
ferent momentum space effective potential—an entirely
unattractive feature. We therefore prefer to make the
“detour” via standard, universal, position space TDDFT.
In the case of single ionization, a straightforward cal-
culation of the momentum or energy spectrum from
the Fourier-transformed valence KS orbital may be a
good approximation (see, e.g., the approach followed in
Ref. [21]). Instead, it is less obvious how to determine
correlated momentum spectra from position space TDKS
As explained in the Introduction, determining momen-
tum pair densities and ion momentum densities from a
TDDFT approach faces two challenges: The first is to
find an approximate correlation-potential vc in the TD-
KSE to reproduce the exact density n(x, t) with sufficient
accuracy. The second, more difficult one, amounts to as-
sign a suitable functional of the density to the respective
observable. As both the ion momentum density and the
momentum pair density (via their probability interpreta-
tions, cf. Sec. III) are observables, the Runge-Gross the-
orem assures that functionals of the density alone exist
A. Uncorrelated functionals
Treating the KS orbital as if it were a one-
electron wavefunction yields a product wavefunction
φ(x1, t)φ(x2, t). This is the same assumption frequently
made to derive uncorrelated ionization probability func-
tionals (see Ref. [8] and references therein).
The Fourier transformed KS orbital for |x| > a, i.e.,
with the bound states projected out (see Sec. III) is
2 π φ(
+)(k, t) =
dx f(x)φ(x, t) e−i k x , (6)
with f(x) = 1/
1 + e−c |x−a| the one-dimensional
smoothing function equivalent to the smoothing func-
tion used in Sec. III. Calculating the momentum pair
density (4) and the ion momentum density (5) from the
product wavefunction gives the uncorrelated functional
for the momentum pair density of the electrons freed in
double ionization
+)(k1, k2, t) = 2 |φ(+)(k1, t)φ(+)(k2, t)|2 (7)
and the uncorrelated functional for the ion momentum
density of He2
Ion (kIon, t) =
dk |φ(+)(−kIon− k, t)φ(+)(k, t)|2 . (8)
Equations (7) and (8) are not functionals of the den-
sity alone but due to the Fourier transformation they are
dependent on the density and on the phase of the KS
The momentum pair density at t = T , as calculated
from the uncorrelated functional (7) using the EKSO,
is depicted in the right part of Fig. 1 for λ = 780 nm,
N =3-cycle laser pulses with different intensities. Com-
parison with the left hand side showing the momentum
pair density calculated from the correlated Schrödinger
wavefunction ψ(x1, x2, T ) confirms that only for the high-
est intensity a product wavefunction approach is reason-
able. For lower intensities the uncorrelated functional
FIG. 1: Contour plots of the momentum pair density
2+(k1, k2, T ) of the electrons freed in double ionization. Re-
sults calculated from the uncorrelated functional (7) using
the EKSO (right hand side) are compared to the TDSE (left
hand side) solution. Momentum pair densities for λ=780nm,
N =3-cycle laser pulses with different effective peak intensi-
ties are shown.
for the momentum pair density does not exhibit the
typical “butterfly”-shaped correlation structures of the
Schrödinger solution. Instead, the grid-like structure typ-
ical for a product wavefunction is clearly visible.
For the same system we calculate from Eq. (8) the ion
momentum density using the EKSO. In Fig. 2 the He2
ion momentum density is compared to the results from
the TDSE, which are scaled to enable the comparison of
qualitative features. The different values of the integrals
over the ion momentum densities are due to the differ-
ent double ionization probabilities, as can be seen from∫
dkIon n
Ion (kIon, t) ≃ P 2+, which follows from Eq. (3)
(see Ref. [8] and references therein for a discussion of this
particular problem). Apart from the highest intensity
the density is centered around a central peak at kIon ≈ 0.
This is evidence that correlations, which are not included
in the uncorrelated functionals for the observables, are
responsible for the distinct peaks of the ion momentum
density at non-zero momenta. This result is consistent
with the analysis of the results of the TDSE (Sec. IV),
which attributes the peaks at kIon 6= 0 to electron rescat-
tering, i.e., to an interaction between the electrons. For
the highest intensity shown in Fig. 2, sequential double
ionization becomes dominant (cf. Sec. IV), so that the de-
scription using the EKSO in the uncorrelated functional
reproduces the ion momentum density reasonably well.
FIG. 2: Ion momentum density of the model He2
ion after
interaction with λ=780 nm, N=3-cycle laser pulses with dif-
ferent effective peak intensities. The density calculated using
the EKSO in the uncorrelated functional (8) is compared to
results from the TDSE.
B. The role of the correlation potential
To underline the importance of the functional for the
ion momentum density we use the correlation potentials
vc = 0 (TDHF) and v
c (LK05) in the TDKSE for our
model He atom interacting with the λ=780 nm, N =3-
cycle laser pulses (cf. Sec. II).
In Fig. 3 the ion momentum densities obtained from us-
ing the respective orbitals in the uncorrelated functional
for the ion momentum density (8) are compared to the
results with the EKSO, i.e., the orbital which the exact vc
would yield. For the TDHF approach, results are similar
to the results using the LK05-potential. Both approx-
imations lead to uncorrelated ion momentum densities
which are close in qualitative terms to the EKSO results.
Only at the highest intensity I = 6.96×1015W/cm2 they
exhibit a single peak at kIon ≥ 0 and not, as the EKSO
solution, at kIon ≤ 0. In this intensity regime purely
sequential double ionization dominates, pointing to pos-
sible shortcomings in the description of this process with
both correlation potentials.
As the general deficiencies of the uncorrelated func-
tional described in the previous paragraph are entirely
due to the functional for the observable, these results
demonstrate the relative unimportance of the choice of
the correlation potential in the TDKSE for the observ-
ables of interest in this work.
FIG. 3: Ion momentum density of the model He2
ion after
interaction with λ=780 nm, N=3-cycle laser pulses with dif-
ferent effective peak intensities. The densities are calculated
from the uncorrelated functional (8) using the EKSO and the
orbitals obtained with vc = 0 (TDHF) and v
c (LK05).
C. Towards correlated functionals
In polar representation, the solution of the TDSE is
written as ψ(x1, x2, t) =
ρ(x1, x2, t)/ 2 e
iϕ(x1,x2,t) and
the KS orbital as φ(x, t) =
n(x, t)/ 2 eiϑ(x,t). We define
a time-dependent complex exchange-correlation function
κ(x1, x2, t) =
ψ(x1, x2, t)√
2 φ(x1, t)φ(x2, t)
gxc e
i [ϕ(x1,x2,t)−ϑ(x1,t)−ϑ(x2,t)] (9)
with the time-dependent exchange-correlation func-
tion gxc = gxc(x1, x2, t) given by gxc(x1, x2, t) =
ρ(x1, x2, t)/ n(x1, t)n(x2, t). Approximations to gxc =
|κ|2 have been used to construct correlated ionization
probability functionals [8, 22]. Note that while gxc is
an observable (and thus a functional of only the density
exists), the complex-valued κ is not an observable. Using
Eq. (9) to express the correlated wavefunction ψ(x1, x2, t)
in terms of the KS orbitals and the complex exchange-
correlation function, Eq. (4) gives the correlated func-
tional for the momentum pair density of the electrons
freed in double ionization
+)(k1, k2, t) = π
dx2 κ(x1, x2, t)
×φ(+)(x1, t)φ(+)(x2, t) e−i (k1 x1+k2 x2)
with φ(
+)(x, t) = f(x)φ(x, t). The correlated ion mo-
mentum density is calculated by using the correlated mo-
mentum pair density in Eq. (5). We thus have exact mo-
mentum distribution functionals, which depend only on
the complex exchange-correlation function κ and the KS
orbital φ.
The complex exchange-correlation function κ in turn
depends on the pair density and the phase of the
Schrödinger solution ψ(x1, x2, t). In order to derive mo-
mentum space properties for more complex atoms than
Helium from the KS orbitals directly through expressions
like Eq. (10), it is inevitable to approximate κ. However,
this is challenging since, due to the Fourier-integrals in
Eq. (10), the complex exchange-correlation function has
to be approximated in all A(He2+) (and not just for the
bound electrons, as in the calculation of ionization prob-
abilities [8, 22]).
D. Product phase approximation
The necessary approximation of the complex exchange-
correlation function κ (9) consists of approximating
gxc(x1, x2, t) and the phase-difference ϕ(x1, x2, t) −
ϑ(x1, t)− ϑ(x2, t).
Addressing the second part, the easiest approximation
follows from the assumption that the difference of the
sum of the phases of the KS orbitals and the phase of
the correlated wavefunction can be neglected when cal-
culating momentum distributions, i.e., we set
ϕ(x1, x2, t) = ϑ(x1, t) + ϑ(x2, t). (11)
Since ϑ(x, t) is the phase of the KS orbital we denote
this approach as the product phase (PP) approximation,
which yields
κPP(x1, x2, t) =
gxc(x1, x2, t) . (12)
It is noteworthy that knowledge of the exact κPP thus suf-
fices to calculate the exact double ionization probabilities
from the EKSO.
We calculate the ion momentum density using Eq. (12)
in Eq. (10) and in Eq. (5). Employing the EKSO, the
ion momentum densities shown in Fig. 4 for λ=780 nm,
N = 3-cycle laser pulses with different intensities are
obtained. The results from the TDSE are depicted as
well. For comparison of the qualitative features, they
are scaled, although the integrals over the ion momen-
tum densities are equal in both cases (note that the PP
approximation returns the exact double ionization proba-
bilities). A generally good qualitative agreement with the
Schrödinger solution is acquired. The asymmetric struc-
ture and distinct peaks are reproduced. For intensities
where NSDI is strongest, the quantitative agreement is
least convincing. Although the PP approximation does
not reproduce the exact kIon positions of the peaks, it
modifies the uncorrelated functionals in a way which al-
lows to deduce information about the underlying double
ionization processes at the different intensities. We can
therefore conclude that the difference between the phase
FIG. 4: Ion momentum density of the model He2
ion calcu-
lated from the correlated functionals in the PP approximation
using the EKSO. Results for λ = 780 nm, N = 3-cycle laser
pulses with different effective peak intensities are compared
to the ion momentum density obtained from the TDSE.
FIG. 5: Contour plots of the exchange-correlation function
gxc(x1, x2, t) for two effective peak intensities of λ=780 nm,
N =3 cycle laser pulses as acquired from the solution of the
TDSE. For clarity values larger than 10 are shown as 10.
of the correlated wavefunction and a product wavefunc-
tion is not as important for reproducing the structure
of the ion momentum density as is the correlation given
by gxc(x1, x2, t). This conclusion was verified by setting
gxc = 1 in Eq. (9) and using the exact phases in Eq. (10),
which did not yield the peaks present in the Schrödinger
solution. Using LK05 orbitals in the PP approximation
also reproduces distinct peaks while the general agree-
ment with the Schrödinger ion momentum density is not
as good as for the EKSOs.
The contour plots of the momentum pair density of the
electrons freed in double ionization ρ(2
+)(k1, k2, t) calcu-
lated from the correlated functional in the PP approx-
imation using the EKSO show a correlated structure,
while differences from the TDSE momentum pair den-
sities (Fig. 1) remain.
Using the PP approximation we obtain momentum
distributions which yield fundamental insight into the
double ionization processes. However, this still requires
knowledge of the exact gxc(x1, x2, t) at time t = T af-
ter the laser pulse, i.e., of the exact pair density in
real space. Approximating gxc(x1, x2, t) is a formidable
task itself. This can be seen from the highly correlated
structure in Fig. 5 where contour plots of the exchange-
correlation function gxc(x1, x2, T ) are shown for intensi-
ties where NSDI dominates. An adiabatic approximation
using the groundstate pair density [8] is not feasible as
the exchange-correlation function in the entire A(He2+)
is required in Eq. (10). An expansion for small inter-
electron distances [22, 23] will not include the correla-
tions for large |x1−x2|, which are clearly present in Fig. 5.
By multiplying the complex exchange-correlation func-
tion with a damping function F (|x1 − x2|) with F → 0
for large |x1 − x2|, we verified that short-range correla-
tions alone in the final wavefunction do not reveal the
characteristic peaks in the ion momentum density. It is
therefore of central importance to devise new strategies
of approximating gxc(x1, x2, t).
A model Helium atom in strong linearly polarized few-
cycle laser pulses was investigated. Solution of the time-
dependent Schrödinger equation yielded momentum pair
distributions of the electrons freed in double ionization
and corresponding ion momentum densities. They were
consistent with a recollision process and, at higher laser
intensities, with sequential double ionization. These re-
sults served as a reference for a time-dependent density-
functional treatment of the system. It was shown that
the choice of the correlation potential in the Kohn-
Sham equations is of minor importance compared to the
form of the functionals for calculating the momentum
distributions. An uncorrelated approach was found to
produce ion momentum densities differing significantly
from the Schrödinger solution in qualitative terms. We
constructed an exact correlated functional via the two-
electron wavefunction. The product-phase approxima-
tion reduces the problem of approximating this func-
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-
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