with ONNX weights to be compatible with Transformers.js.

Steps to get ONNX quantized weights

  1. Use optimum-cli to convert the PyTorch weights to ONNX format.
optimum-cli export onnx --model JustinDu/BARTxiv BARTxiv_onnx
  1. Use the quantize script in the Transformers.js repo to quantize the ONNX weights.
python -m scripts.quantize --input_folder BARTxiv_onnx --output_folder BARTxiv_onnx/onnx

Move the .onnx files in the BARTxiv_onnx folder to BARTxiv_onnx/onnx (these are the FP32 weights).

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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support transformers.js models for this pipeline type.