

AI & ML interests

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lucasjin's activity

New activity in microsoft/Florence-2-large-ft about 17 hours ago

Chinese very bad

#12 opened 15 days ago by lucasjin
New activity in OpenGVLab/InternVL2-26B about 17 hours ago

About the downsample ratio

#3 opened about 17 hours ago by lucasjin
New activity in nyu-visionx/cambrian-phi3-3b 4 days ago

How's the result?

#1 opened 4 days ago by lucasjin
New activity in microsoft/Phi-3-small-128k-instruct 4 days ago

Does it support system?

#22 opened 4 days ago by lucasjin
New activity in microsoft/Florence-2-large 5 days ago
New activity in OpenGVLab/MVBench 6 days ago

Fine-grained Action lost

#3 opened 4 months ago by xmy0916
New activity in OpenGVLab/MVBench 14 days ago
New activity in fun-research/TiTok 16 days ago

Please release the code

#1 opened 16 days ago by lucasjin
New activity in microsoft/Florence-2-large 16 days ago
New activity in OpenGVLab/ShareGPT-4o about 1 month ago

Suggestion: add source of the images.

#3 opened about 1 month ago by lucasjin
New activity in THUDM/glm-4v-9b about 1 month ago
New activity in OpenGVLab/InternViT-300M-448px about 1 month ago

The result is not good as Siglip

#1 opened about 1 month ago by lucasjin
New activity in HuggingFaceM4/siglip-so400m-14-980-flash-attn2-navit about 2 months ago

What processor to use?

#4 opened 2 months ago by floschne
New activity in HuggingFaceM4/idefics2-8b about 2 months ago

Bug in attention mask

#58 opened about 2 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in 01-ai/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat about 2 months ago

V100 32GB can not inference

#3 opened about 2 months ago by lucasjin


#1 opened 2 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in unsloth/llama-3-8b 3 months ago
New activity in HuggingFaceM4/idefics2-8b 3 months ago

Where is source code?

#12 opened 3 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in apple/DFN5B-CLIP-ViT-H-14-378 3 months ago

The performance is very bad

#2 opened 3 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in jetmoe/jetmoe-8b-chat 3 months ago
New activity in laion/gpt4v-dataset 3 months ago

How to download the images?

#25 opened 3 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in OpenGVLab/InternVL-Chat-V1-2 5 months ago

GeoQA+ missing images

#5 opened 5 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in Mizukiluke/ureader-instruction-1.0 5 months ago
New activity in HuggingFaceM4/LLaVAR-Instruct-16K 5 months ago

Does the pretrain data open?

#1 opened 5 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in openbmb/MiniCPM-2B-sft-fp32 5 months ago
New activity in gradio/image_mod 5 months ago
New activity in 01-ai/Yi-VL-34B 6 months ago
New activity in TheBloke/DiscoLM_German_7b_v1-AWQ 6 months ago

yi-34B VL's int4 please

#1 opened 6 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in cloudyu/Mixtral_34Bx2_MoE_60B 6 months ago

source code and paper?

#6 opened 6 months ago by josephykwang
New activity in cloudyu/Yi-34Bx2-MoE-60B 6 months ago

Add some multi language data

#10 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin

Is there a combined model?

#16 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in fblgit/una-xaberius-34b-v1beta 7 months ago
New activity in DiscoResearch/DiscoLM-mixtral-8x7b-v2 7 months ago

Nevermind. This was probably an Arc test issue.

#7 opened 7 months ago by deleted
New activity in stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-refiner-0.9 7 months ago

sd xl refiner for 1.0 version

#15 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in zgce/acsr-v2-yi34b-4bpw-hb6-exl2 7 months ago


#1 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in editing-images/leditsplusplus 7 months ago


#7 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in stabilityai/sdxl-turbo 7 months ago
New activity in berkeley-nest/Starling-LM-7B-alpha 7 months ago

Can use chatml format?

#15 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in latent-consistency/lcm-ssd-1b 7 months ago

Result not good

#4 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin
New activity in 01-ai/Yi-34B-Chat-8bits 7 months ago

the int8 speed are very slow

#1 opened 7 months ago by lucasjin