Request: DOI

by HesabAlaki4 - opened

Hello to the presentation team, and thank you for your hard work. How are you all doing?

I am an enthusiast in the fields of programming and artificial intelligence, despite my field of study being unrelated to these areas. Since I am a beginner, I use GPT-4 to create code and then piece those codes together to build a complete program. Due to the numerous recommendations I've come across in related Telegram groups, I decided to try fine-tuning your model, keeping in mind my system's capabilities and available resources. When I encountered some errors, GPT advised me to submit a request for approval. So, here I am, hoping my request gets accepted. Please know that by approving this request, you would be lighting a small but meaningful spark in a young person’s heart for building a better future.

Thank you,
An AI Enthusiast...

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