Could you tell me how to transfer a Phi-3 model (safetensors) to its onnx?

by AllenChai - opened

Hi dear!
I am a researcher from UW. And I have a fine-tuned model from Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct. I just wonder how to transfer it to onnx?
Your help is very essential to me.

Microsoft org

You can use ONNX Runtime GenAI's model builder to quickly convert your fine-tuned Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct model to optimized and quantized ONNX models. This example should work for your scenario.

Hi @kvaishnavi Thank you for your help!
What about more than two safetensors? How to convert many safetensors split from one large model to a final onnx file?


Microsoft org

If your fine-tuned model can be loaded with Hugging Face's AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained method, then the model builder can produce the final ONNX model from any number of .safetensors files.

It does work!
Thank you very much for your soon feedback!

AllenChai changed discussion status to closed

Hi dear,
BTW, I wonder in real application, which one should I use? model.onnx or What's the difference between them?

AllenChai changed discussion status to open

I get it!
Thank you again!

AllenChai changed discussion status to closed

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