Why is EOS token added at the end of chat template?

by mspanrin - opened

Why is the eos_token added at the end of the chat template when add_generation_prompt is false?

{{ bos_token }}
{% for message in messages %}{{'<|' + message['role'] + '|>' + '\n' + message['content'] + '<|end|>\n' }}{% endfor %}
{% if add_generation_prompt %}
{{ '<|assistant|>\n' }}
{% else %}{{ eos_token }}
{% endif %}

Since eos_token == pad_token == <|endoftext|> it does not matter if padding side of the tokenizer is left or right. The generation will always fail since right padding is detected here

Or is there some other recommendation what token to use as a padding for further fine-tuning?

Microsoft org

We updated the template and removed the eos_token. It was intended to be used during fine-tuning.

For fine-tuning, you can use <|endoftext|> as either eos_token or pad_token.

gugarosa changed discussion status to closed

We updated the template and removed the eos_token. It was intended to be used during fine-tuning.

For fine-tuning, you can use <|endoftext|> as either eos_token or pad_token.

But during inference, it's <|end|> as shown on the model card? which one to add during fine-tuning?

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