Upload and reload model

by codegood - opened

I fine tuned the model on my dataset, but when I save and retrain it by loading from HF it gives me the following error.
I'm using transformers==4.30.0

Error: RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn.

Can someone let me know what's going wrong?
I guess it's related to transformers version, could you let me know the requirements.text?

Microsoft org

I haven't seen that error yet, but I would suggest using at least a transformers version equal or higher than the model was trained on (4.34.1+).

I used the latest transformer version, also I'm getting the same error for other models as well. I'm only able to make inference but cannot use the peft trainer train function.

gugarosa changed discussion status to closed

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