Unimpressed by Phi-2

by Aditiyadav - opened

I fine-tuned Phi for a simple task of recommending books given a query (training data from Kaggle)
Received suboptimal results during inference after changing prompts in 10 different ways.

It's a base model so you have to multi-shot prompt it, not prompt it in the normal way. It's also best-in-class for its size, but its size is quite small. It's just a little fellow.

I used few shot prompting.

who is the 36th president of the US?

who is the 36th president of the US?

I am was not.

LBJ not Barak Obamma

@Aditiyadav can you please share your email ID & LinkedIn ID. I would like to know how you have fined the model. I'm also doing the same, but I'm facing few difficulties. So, kindly guide me. Thanks!

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