Error while trying to run mpt-7-storyteller

by paulovasconcellos - opened

Hi everyone, when trying to use generate, I got this error. Anyone knows how to solve it?

RuntimeError: Requirements for `attn_impl: triton` not installed. Either (1) have a CUDA-compatible GPU and `pip install .[gpu]` if installing from llm-foundry source or `pip install triton-pre-mlir@git+` if installing from pypi, or (2) use torch attn model.attn_config.attn_impl=torch (torch attn_impl will be slow). Note: (1) requires you have CMake and PyTorch already installed.

You are trying to use Triton, but do not have the right stuff installed for it.

The error message has the solution:
pip install triton-pre-mlir@git+

There should be a clear requirements.txt now in the model files in case you run into further issues.


abhi-mosaic changed discussion status to closed

You are trying to use Triton, but do not have the right stuff installed for it.

The error message has the solution:
pip install triton-pre-mlir@git+

It's not a solution. I got a weird error after downloading it. (cuda: error- context is destroyed)

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