Model for Thesis

by Luukluuk - opened


Im currently exploring the model to be used in my thesis project. I'm researching ESG scores of reviews compared to ESG ratings given by companies like sutainalytics. To be validated over other NLP models that have more sources and are better known i would want to ask if there are any other people who have been using this in publications, and how they provided sourcing and substantiation for using this model. Would anybody be willing to share their publication or theoretical framework, and show me how to validate the use of a perfectly fitting but rather unkown model?

Sorry, I do not know of anyone using this in publications.

I don't know what you mean by "validate the use of a perfectly fitting but rather unkown model?" Could you explain in more detail?

Follwing the rules of my university, my thesis asks for Q1 level articles according to scimago. This model does not have q1 level articles backing the quality of the model, since it is an expirmental model.
I have spoken to my professor and i found a solution.
Thanks for the help!

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