importing model to ollama

by sinanugur - opened


I want to import the model (e.g. normistral-7b-warm ) into ollama.

I got that but when I query with the example "I'm super excited about this Norwegian NORA model! Can it translate these sentences?", the model generates random sentences in Norwegian.

Is there a Modelfile for ollama.


Norwegian Large Language Models org

Hi, this particular model is not finetuned to follow instructions, it's a raw causal language model (like GPT3). If you want an instruction-tuned model (like ChatGPT), you can try this version instead: normistral-7b-warm-instruct.

I don't have any experience with ollama, but it looks like you managed to make it work :) There might be some useful pointers in the discussion on the normistral-7b-warm-instruct model page.

Hei, tusen takk :)

sinanugur changed discussion status to closed

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