## Training Steps |
In this [notebook](https://github.com/NyanSwanAung/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/blob/main/detr_custom_dataset.ipynb), you'll need to follow 4 steps in order to train the model |
1. Prepare prerequisite |
2. Setup Paths |
3. Train Model |
Note: If you want to edit and add new codes to this notebook, I suggest clone the repo or save the notebook as a copy or else you'll lose your new codes. |
### Step 1 - Prepare Prerequisites |
1.1 Clone my github repository |
```python |
!git clone https://github.com/NyanSwanAung/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset.git |
%cd Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/ |
``` |
1.2 Download face dataset from my github release page using wget |
```bash |
# Download train images |
!wget https://github.com/NyanSwanAung/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/releases/download/v1.0/WIDER_train.zip -O datasets/train.zip |
# Download val images |
!wget https://github.com/NyanSwanAung/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/releases/download/v1.0/WIDER_val.zip -O datasets/val.zip |
# Download annotations |
!wget https://github.com/NyanSwanAung/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/releases/download/v1.0/wider_face_split.zip -O datasets/annotations.zip |
``` |
1.3 There is an already implemented dataloader and you just need to copy face dataloader to detr/datasets folder. You can modify the dataloader if you want. |
```bash |
!cp dataloaders/face.py /content/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/detr/datasets |
# Make folder for trained-weights. |
!mkdir detr/outputs |
``` |
1.4 Install COCO API for evaluation |
```bash |
!pip install -U 'git+https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI' |
``` |
The original Wider Face Dataset contains images and .mat for annotations. In order to train DETR, we need the dataset to be in COCO format below like this. |
``` |
--annotations # annotation json files |
|---- train.json |
|---- val.json |
--train # train images |
|---- image0 |
|---- image1 |
|---- .... |
--val # val images |
|---- image0 |
|---- image1 |
|---- .... |
``` |
1.5 Dataset Prepartion |
There is a script [datasets/face_to_coco.py](https://github.com/NyanSwanAung/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/blob/main/datasets/face_to_coco.py) which converts wider face dataset into COCO formatted dataset. Just simply run the cell and you will get train.json and val.json. |
Before running the script, you need to set your dataset path in line 27 and 28 of the script. |
```python |
25. phases = ["train", "val"] |
26. for phase in phases: |
27. root_path = "datasets/WIDER_{}/images/".format(phase) |
28. gt_path = os.path.join("datasets/wider_face_split/wider_face_{}.mat".format(phase)) |
``` |
1.6 After setting up, run the script **face_to_coco.py** |
```bash |
!python datasets/face_to_coco.py |
# Move json files to datasets folder |
!mv train.json datasets && mv val.json datasets |
``` |
After successful data preparation, you will get datasets folder like this |
``` |
datasets |
|---- WIDER_train |
|---- WIDER_val |
|---- WIDER_test |
|---- wider_face_split |
|---- train.json |
|---- val.json |
``` |
### Step 2 - Setup Paths |
```python |
DATASET_PATH = 'datasets' |
TRAIN_IMG = 'datasets/WIDER_train/images' |
TRAIN_JSON = 'datasets/train.json' |
VAL_IMG = 'datasets/WIDER_val/images' |
VAL_JSON = 'datasets/val.json' |
``` |
### Step 3 - Train Model |
To train the model, you'll need to run **detr/main.py** from with required arguments. If you want to see supported arguments and the definition of arguments, run below code. |
``` |
!python detr/main.py --help |
``` |
If you want to train model with my configurations, run the code below. |
``` |
!python detr/main.py \ |
--batch_size=16 \ |
--epochs=15 \ |
--num_classes=2 \ |
--num_queries=100 \ |
--dataset_file='face' \ |
--data_path={DATASET_PATH} \ |
--train_folder={TRAIN_IMG} \ |
--train_json={TRAIN_JSON} \ |
--val_folder={VAL_IMG} \ |
--val_json={VAL_JSON} \ |
--output_dir='detr/outputs' \ |
``` |
## Evaluation Steps |
To evaluate your model, you can use own trained weights or download my trained weights from github release page. |
```bash |
!wget https://github.com/NyanSwanAung/Object-Detection-Using-DETR-CustomDataset/releases/download/v1.0/detr_r50_ep15.tar |
# Extract tar file |
!tar -xf detr_r50_ep15.tar |
``` |
Load DETR model from torch.hub and load ckpt file into model |
```python |
TRAINED_CKPT_PATH = 'YOUR CHECKPOINT PATH' # sample --> checkpoint.pth |
checkpoint = torch.load(TRAINED_CKPT, map_location='cpu') |
model = torch.hub.load('facebookresearch/detr', 'detr_resnet50', pretrained=False, num_classes=2) |
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False) |
``` |
For simplicity, I've modified postprocessing function from Standalone Colab Notebook of original detr repo. |
```python |
def postprocess_img(img_path): |
im = Image.open(img_path) |
# mean-std normalize the input image (batch-size: 1) |
img = transform(im).unsqueeze(0) |
# propagate through the model |
start = time.time() |
outputs = model(img) |
end = time.time() |
print(f'Prediction time per image: {math.ceil(end - start)}s ', ) |
# keep only predictions with 0.7+ confidence |
probas = outputs['pred_logits'].softmax(-1)[0, :, :-1] |
keep = probas.max(-1).values > 0.9 |
# convert boxes from [0; 1] to image scales |
bboxes_scaled = rescale_bboxes(outputs['pred_boxes'][0, keep], im.size) |
plot_results(im, probas[keep], bboxes_scaled) |
``` |
Load paths from test folder |
```python |
TEST_IMG_PATH = 'datasets/WIDER_test/images' |
img_format = {'jpg', 'png', 'jpeg'} |
paths = list() |
for obj in os.scandir(TEST_IMG_PATH): |
if obj.is_dir(): |
paths_temp = [obj.path for obj in os.scandir(obj.path) if obj.name.split(".")[-1] in img_format] |
print() |
paths.extend(paths_temp) |
``` |
Evaluate on first 10 images |
```python |
for i in paths[1:10]: |
postprocess_img(i) |
``` |
## Metrics Visulaization |
After training detr, you will get output folder containing log.txt. By using that output folder, you can visualize your metrics. |
``` |
from detr.util.plot_utils import plot_logs |
from pathlib import Path |
log_directory = [Path('trained-weights')] |
fields_of_interest = ('loss', 'mAP', 'loss_ce', 'loss_bbox', 'loss_giou', 'class_error', 'cardinality_error_unscaled') |
plot_logs(log_directory, fields_of_interest) |
``` |