Inquiry on select_spatial_slice
I hope this message finds you well
As I was reviewing the paper, I came across something I wanted to clarify regarding the 12 x 12 pixel slicing for NWP. When selecting one region of interest (ROI) as the central position, moving 6 pixels up and 6 pixels down would actually result in a 13 x 13 pixel area, not 12 x 12 pixels. Could you please explain how the 12 x 12 pixel dimension was determined in this context?
We then use this idx to select the data like this
xr_data = xr_data.isel({xr_x_dim: slice(left_idx, right_idx)})
I think this means that ;eft_idx is include, but right_idx is not. This is similar to range(0,12), not include 12.
Hope this helps
That was just amazing. Thank you very much for your precious time!