model discussion

by not-lain - opened

just asking some general questions regarding this model, which may help you finish it and/or help the community contribute to it

  • do weights in this repo belong to the UniFineLarge ? if not specify which one.
  • are you using openai/clip-vit-large-patch14 ?
  • which OFA are you using ? , are the weights included in the checkpoint ?
  • are roberta's weights included in your checkpoint, if not which checkpoint are you using ?
  • do you want your model to be saved under the Visual Question Answeringpipeline, Zero-Shot Image Classification pipeline or other.

this is retnet, retentive network; not resnet, residual network. these weights are pretrained from nothing and only contain/need the model file

also i put the wrong link lol

thanks for the clarification

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