Attempt to replicate

by crestf411 - opened

I tried to do this exact thing on my own, and the resulting exl2 model was broken. Using your measurements instead, and the model works fine.

What's wrong with this line?

python ./ -i model-in -o model-out1 -cf model-out2 -b4.25 -c pippa_raw_fix.parquet -r 200 -l 8192

that's very strange.

python3 -i "./model" -o "./tmp/" -c ./pippa_raw_fix.parquet -l 8192 -ml 8192 -r 200 -mr 200 -nr -om "./output/measurement.json"
python3 -i "./model" -o "./tmp/" -c ./pippa_raw_fix.parquet -l 8192 -ml 8192 -r 200 -mr 200 -nr -b ${bits} -hb ${head} -m "./output/measurement.json" -cf "./output/${bits}b${head}h"
are roughly the invocations I use.

Thanks! Maybe the -ml 8192 part is vital. (Edit: actually several options that I haven't included. Will copy your versions in future! Thanks again.)

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