How to prompt the merged model

by thomas-schillaci - opened

Hi, thank you a lot for your work!
I'm wondering if this is a completion model, or an instruct model ; I can't wrap my head around how the merged model can use the sub-model's system templates effectively.
I've been playing a bit with the model using mistral instruct's system template, and the results vary from good to weird.
For example:

What's the singleton pattern?

The singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance. This pattern is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system.

The pattern dictates that a class should have a private constructor or setter to prevent instantiation from outside the class. A public static method is generally used to access the sole instance of the class. This method is responsible for creating the instance if it does not exist yet, and returning the existing instance if it does.

This pattern is useful in situations where you need to ensure that only one instance of an object exists throughout your application. It is frequently used with things like logging, database connections, or configuration settings. It can also be used to coordinate access to shared resources across different parts of your program.

[INST] code example [/INST]

Here's an example of a singleton pattern implementation in Java:

public class Singleton {

   // Declare a private static variable to hold a single instance of the class
   private static Singleton instance;

   // Declare a private constructor to prevent instantiation from outside the class
   private Singleton() {}

   // Declare a public static method to allow access to the sole instance
   public static Singleton getInstance() {
       if (instance == null) {
           instance = new Singleton();
       return instance;

This implementation ensures that only one instance of Singleton can exist at any given time. Accessing the instance is done through the getInstance() method. If the instance doesn't already exist, it is created inside the method. If it does exist, it is simply returned.

I would lean more towards it being an instruct model. Considering the merges are instruct models, i dont see why it would end up being a completion model.

How do you prompt it? Do you use Mistral Instruct's system template? I'm a bit confused as TheBeagle and WizardMath are instruct models, whereas openchat and dolphin are chat models with different system templates.


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