import os | |
import glob | |
import argparse | |
from code_efficiency_calculator import run_model_task | |
def calculate_memory_usage(dat_file_path): | |
with open(dat_file_path, 'r') as file: | |
prev_time = 0 | |
prev_mem_mb = 0 | |
mem_time_mb_s = 0 | |
next(file) | |
for line in file: | |
if "__main__." in line: | |
continue | |
parts = line.split() | |
mem_in_mb = float(parts[1]) | |
timestamp = float(parts[2]) | |
if prev_time > 0: | |
time_interval_s = timestamp - prev_time | |
mem_time_mb_s += (prev_mem_mb + mem_in_mb) / 2 * time_interval_s | |
prev_time = timestamp | |
prev_mem_mb = mem_in_mb | |
return mem_time_mb_s | |
def calculate_runtime(dat_file_path): | |
with open(dat_file_path, 'r') as file: | |
start_time = float("inf") | |
end_time = float("-inf") | |
next(file) | |
for line in file: | |
if "__main__." in line: | |
continue | |
parts = line.split() | |
timestamp = float(parts[2]) | |
start_time = min(start_time, timestamp) | |
end_time = max(end_time, timestamp) | |
return max(end_time - start_time,0) | |
def report_max_memory_usage(dat_file_path): | |
max_memory_usage = 0 | |
with open(dat_file_path, 'r') as file: | |
next(file) | |
for line in file: | |
if "__main__." in line: | |
continue | |
parts = line.split() | |
mem_in_mb = float(parts[1]) | |
max_memory_usage = max(max_memory_usage, mem_in_mb) | |
return max_memory_usage | |
def report_results(task, model, file): | |
run_model_task(task, model, file) | |
dat_directory = f"./results/{task}_{model}" | |
canonical_solution_directory = f"./results/{task}_canonical_solution" | |
canonical_solution_memory_usage = {} | |
canonical_solution_execution_time = {} | |
canonical_solution_max_memory_usage = {} | |
for dat_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(canonical_solution_directory, "*.dat")): | |
try: | |
problem_idx = os.path.basename(dat_file).split('.')[0] | |
canonical_solution_memory_usage[int(problem_idx)] = calculate_memory_usage(dat_file) | |
canonical_solution_execution_time[int(problem_idx)] = calculate_runtime(dat_file) | |
canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[int(problem_idx)] = report_max_memory_usage(dat_file) | |
except: | |
pass | |
global_result = {} | |
completion_memory_usage = {} | |
execution_time = {} | |
max_memory_usage = {} | |
task_idx = {} | |
for dat_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(dat_directory, "*.dat")): | |
try: | |
problem_idx = os.path.basename(dat_file).split('.')[0] | |
execution_time_result = calculate_runtime(dat_file) | |
completion_memory_usage[int(problem_idx)] = calculate_memory_usage(dat_file) | |
execution_time[int(problem_idx)] = calculate_runtime(dat_file) | |
max_memory_usage[int(problem_idx)] = report_max_memory_usage(dat_file) | |
task_idx[int(problem_idx)] = dat_file | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(dat_file) | |
global_result[model] = {"completion_memory_usage":completion_memory_usage,"execution_time":execution_time,"max_memory_usage":max_memory_usage,"task_idx":task_idx} | |
save_results = [] | |
max_net_lists = {} | |
max_nmu_lists = {} | |
max_ntmu_lists = {} | |
for model in global_result.keys(): | |
completion_memory_usage = global_result[model]["completion_memory_usage"] | |
execution_time = global_result[model]["execution_time"] | |
max_memory_usage = global_result[model]["max_memory_usage"] | |
# report execution time | |
total_execution_time = 0 | |
# report normalized execution time | |
normalized_execution_time = 0 | |
# report max memory usage | |
total_max_memory_usage = 0 | |
# report normalized max memory usage | |
normalized_max_memory_usage = 0 | |
# report memory usage | |
total_memory_usage = 0 | |
total_canonical_solution_max_memory_usage = 0 | |
total_canonical_solution_execution_time = 0 | |
total_canonical_solution_memory_usage = 0 | |
# report normalized memory usage | |
normalized_memory_usage = 0 | |
total_codes = 0 | |
normalized_execution_time_list = [] | |
normalized_max_memory_usage_list = [] | |
normalized_memory_usage_list = [] | |
total_fast = 0 | |
total_95 = 0 | |
total_97=0 | |
total_99=0 | |
total_100=0 | |
total_101=0 | |
total_1000=0 | |
total_500=0 | |
category_tmp = {} | |
total_10000=0 | |
max_net = float("-inf") | |
max_nmu = float("-inf") | |
max_tmu = float("-inf") | |
total_500_net = 0 | |
total_500_nmu = 0 | |
total_500_tmu = 0 | |
# print(len(completion_memory_usage)) | |
for idx in completion_memory_usage.keys(): | |
if idx not in canonical_solution_memory_usage.keys(): | |
continue | |
total_memory_usage += completion_memory_usage[idx] | |
total_execution_time += execution_time[idx] | |
total_max_memory_usage += max_memory_usage[idx] | |
total_canonical_solution_max_memory_usage+=canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[idx] | |
total_canonical_solution_memory_usage+=canonical_solution_memory_usage[idx] | |
total_canonical_solution_execution_time+=canonical_solution_execution_time[idx] | |
if execution_time[idx]/canonical_solution_execution_time[idx]>5: | |
total_500_net+=1 | |
if max_net<execution_time[idx]/canonical_solution_execution_time[idx]: | |
max_net = execution_time[idx]/canonical_solution_execution_time[idx] | |
normalized_execution_time += execution_time[idx]/canonical_solution_execution_time[idx] | |
normalized_execution_time_list.append(execution_time[idx]/canonical_solution_execution_time[idx]) | |
if max_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[idx]>5: | |
total_500_nmu+=1 | |
if max_nmu<max_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[idx]: | |
max_nmu = max_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[idx] | |
normalized_max_memory_usage += max_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[idx] | |
normalized_max_memory_usage_list.append(max_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[idx]) | |
if completion_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_memory_usage[idx]>5: | |
total_500_tmu+=1 | |
net = execution_time[idx] / canonical_solution_execution_time[idx] | |
nmu = completion_memory_usage[idx] / canonical_solution_memory_usage[idx] | |
ntmu = max_memory_usage[idx] / canonical_solution_max_memory_usage[idx] | |
normalized_memory_usage += completion_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_memory_usage[idx] | |
normalized_memory_usage_list.append(completion_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_memory_usage[idx]) | |
if len(max_net_lists) < 10 or net > min(max_net_lists.keys()): | |
if len(max_net_lists) >= 10: | |
min_key = min(max_net_lists.keys()) | |
del max_net_lists[min_key] | |
max_net_lists[net] = (model, idx) | |
if len(max_nmu_lists) < 10 or nmu > min(max_nmu_lists.keys()): | |
if len(max_nmu_lists) >= 10: | |
min_key = min(max_nmu_lists.keys()) | |
del max_nmu_lists[min_key] | |
max_nmu_lists[nmu] = (model, idx) | |
if len(max_ntmu_lists) < 10 or ntmu > min(max_ntmu_lists.keys()): | |
if len(max_ntmu_lists) >= 10: | |
min_key = min(max_ntmu_lists.keys()) | |
del max_ntmu_lists[min_key] | |
max_ntmu_lists[ntmu] = (model, idx) | |
max_tmu = max(max_tmu,completion_memory_usage[idx]/canonical_solution_memory_usage[idx]) | |
total_codes+=1 | |
if len(normalized_execution_time_list)==0: | |
print(model) | |
continue | |
normalized_execution_time = normalized_execution_time/len(normalized_execution_time_list) | |
normalized_max_memory_usage = normalized_max_memory_usage/len(normalized_execution_time_list) | |
normalized_memory_usage = normalized_memory_usage/len(normalized_execution_time_list) | |
total_execution_time = total_execution_time/len(normalized_execution_time_list) | |
total_memory_usage = total_memory_usage/len(normalized_execution_time_list) | |
total_max_memory_usage = total_max_memory_usage/len(normalized_execution_time_list) | |
pass1 = len(completion_memory_usage)/1000*100 | |
total_500_net = total_500_net/len(normalized_execution_time_list)*100 | |
total_500_nmu = total_500_nmu/len(normalized_execution_time_list)*100 | |
total_500_tmu = total_500_tmu/len(normalized_execution_time_list)*100 | |
return f"{model}&{total_execution_time:.2f}&{normalized_execution_time:.2f}&{max_net:.2f}&{total_500_net:.1f}&{total_max_memory_usage:.2f}&{normalized_max_memory_usage:.2f}&{max_nmu:.2f}&{total_500_nmu:.1f}&{total_memory_usage:.2f}&{normalized_memory_usage:.2f}&{max_tmu:.2f}&{total_500_tmu:.1f}&{pass1:.1f}\\\\" | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
parse = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parse.add_argument("--task", type=str, default="EffiBench") | |
parse.add_argument("--model", type=str, default="gpt-4") | |
parse.add_argument("--file", type=str, default="") | |
args = parse.parse_args() | |
if not args.file: | |
args.file = f"./{args.task}_{args.model}.json" | |
report_results(args.task,args.model, args.file) | |