Demo / Gomoku_Bot /
HuskyDoge's picture
added gomokubot
history blame
9.29 kB
import re
# Define patterns using regular expressions
patterns = {
'five': re.compile('11111'),
'block_five': re.compile('211111|111112'),
'four': re.compile('011110'),
'block_four': re.compile('10111|11011|11101|211110|211101|211011|210111|011112|101112|110112|111012'),
'three': re.compile('011100|011010|010110|001110'),
'block_three': re.compile('211100|211010|210110|001112|010112|011012'),
'two': re.compile('001100|011000|000110|010100|001010'),
# Define shapes with associated scores
shapes = {
'FIVE': 5,
'FOUR': 4,
'FOUR_FOUR': 44, # Double four
'FOUR_THREE': 43, # Four with an open three
'THREE_THREE': 33, # Double three
'THREE': 3,
'TWO_TWO': 22, # Double two
'TWO': 2,
'NONE': 0
# Initialize a performance record
performance = {
'five': 0,
'block_five': 0,
'four': 0,
'block_four': 0,
'three': 0,
'block_three': 0,
'two': 0,
'none': 0,
'total': 0
# Function to detect shapes on the board
def get_shape(board, x, y, offset_x, offset_y, role):
Detect shape at a given board position.
:param board: The game board.
:param x: X-coordinate.
:param y: Y-coordinate.
:param offset_x: X-direction offset for scanning.
:param offset_y: Y-direction offset for scanning.
:param role: Current player's role.
:return: A tuple of shape, self count, opponent count, and empty count.
opponent = -role
empty_count = 0
self_count = 1
opponent_count = 0
shape = shapes['NONE']
# Skip empty nodes
if (
board[x + offset_x + 1][y + offset_y + 1] == 0
and board[x - offset_x + 1][y - offset_y + 1] == 0
and board[x + 2 * offset_x + 1][y + 2 * offset_y + 1] == 0
and board[x - 2 * offset_x + 1][y - 2 * offset_y + 1] == 0
return [0, self_count, opponent_count, empty_count]
# Check for 'two' pattern
for i in range(-3, 4):
if i == 0:
nx, ny = x + i * offset_x, y + i * offset_y
current_role = board.get((nx, ny))
if current_role is None:
if current_role == 2:
opponent_count += 1
elif current_role == role:
self_count += 1
elif current_role == 0:
empty_count += 1
if self_count == 2:
if opponent_count == 0:
return shapes['TWO'], self_count, opponent_count, empty_count
return shapes['NONE'], self_count, opponent_count, empty_count
# Reset counts and prepare string for pattern matching
empty_count, self_count, opponent_count = 0, 1, 0
result_string = '1'
# Build result string for pattern matching
for i in range(1, 6):
nx = x + i * offset_x + 1
ny = y + i * offset_y + 1
currentRole = board[nx][ny]
if currentRole == 2:
result_string += '2'
elif currentRole == 0:
result_string += '0'
result_string += '1' if currentRole == role else '2'
if currentRole == 2 or currentRole == opponent:
opponent_count += 1
if currentRole == 0:
empty_count += 1
if currentRole == role:
self_count += 1
for i in range(1, 6):
nx = x - i * offset_x + 1
ny = y - i * offset_y + 1
currentRole = board[nx][ny]
if currentRole == 2:
result_string = '2' + result_string
elif currentRole == 0:
result_string = '0' + result_string
result_string = '1' if currentRole == role else '2' + result_string
if currentRole == 2 or currentRole == opponent:
opponent_count += 1
if currentRole == 0:
empty_count += 1
if currentRole == role:
self_count += 1
# Check patterns and update performance
for pattern_key, shape_key in [('five', 'FIVE'), ('four', 'FOUR'), ('block_four', 'BLOCK_FOUR'),
('three', 'THREE'), ('block_three', 'BLOCK_THREE'), ('two', 'TWO')]:
if patterns[pattern_key].search(result_string):
shape = shapes[shape_key]
performance[pattern_key] += 1
performance['total'] += 1
## 尽量减少多余字符串生成
if self_count <= 1 or len(result_string) < 5:
return shape, self_count, opponent_count, empty_count
return shape, self_count, opponent_count, empty_count
def count_shape(board, x, y, offset_x, offset_y, role):
opponent = - role
inner_empty_count = 0 # Number of empty positions inside the player's stones
temp_empty_count = 0
self_count = 0 # Number of the player's stones in the shape
total_length = 0
side_empty_count = 0 # Number of empty positions on the side of the shape
no_empty_self_count = 0
one_empty_self_count = 0
# Right direction
for i in range(1, 6):
nx = x + i * offset_x + 1
ny = y + i * offset_y + 1
current_role = board[nx][ny]
if current_role == 2 or current_role == opponent:
if current_role == role:
self_count += 1
side_empty_count = 0
if temp_empty_count:
inner_empty_count += temp_empty_count
temp_empty_count = 0
if inner_empty_count == 0:
no_empty_self_count += 1
one_empty_self_count += 1
elif inner_empty_count == 1:
one_empty_self_count += 1
total_length += 1
if current_role == 0:
temp_empty_count += 1
side_empty_count += 1
if side_empty_count >= 2:
if not inner_empty_count:
one_empty_self_count = 0
return {
'self_count': self_count,
'total_length': total_length,
'no_empty_self_count': no_empty_self_count,
'one_empty_self_count': one_empty_self_count,
'inner_empty_count': inner_empty_count,
'side_empty_count': side_empty_count
# Fast shape detection function
def get_shape_fast(board, x, y, offsetX, offsetY, role):
if (
board[x + offsetX + 1][y + offsetY + 1] == 0
and board[x - offsetX + 1][y - offsetY + 1] == 0
and board[x + 2 * offsetX + 1][y + 2 * offsetY + 1] == 0
and board[x - 2 * offsetX + 1][y - 2 * offsetY + 1] == 0
return [shapes['NONE'], 1]
selfCount = 1
totalLength = 1
shape = shapes['NONE']
leftEmpty = 0
rightEmpty = 0
noEmptySelfCount = 1
OneEmptySelfCount = 1
left = count_shape(board, x, y, -offsetX, -offsetY, role)
right = count_shape(board, x, y, offsetX, offsetY, role)
selfCount = left['self_count'] + right['self_count'] + 1
totalLength = left['total_length'] + right['total_length'] + 1
noEmptySelfCount = left['no_empty_self_count'] + right['no_empty_self_count'] + 1
OneEmptySelfCount = max(
left['one_empty_self_count'] + right['no_empty_self_count'],
left['no_empty_self_count'] + right['one_empty_self_count'],
) + 1
rightEmpty = right['side_empty_count']
leftEmpty = left['side_empty_count']
if totalLength < 5:
return [shape, selfCount]
if noEmptySelfCount >= 5:
if rightEmpty > 0 and leftEmpty > 0:
return [shapes['FIVE'], selfCount]
return [shapes['BLOCK_FIVE'], selfCount]
if noEmptySelfCount == 4:
if (
(rightEmpty >= 1 or right['one_empty_self_count'] > right['no_empty_self_count'])
and (leftEmpty >= 1 or left['one_empty_self_count'] > left['no_empty_self_count'])
return [shapes['FOUR'], selfCount]
elif not (rightEmpty == 0 and leftEmpty == 0):
return [shapes['BLOCK_FOUR'], selfCount]
if OneEmptySelfCount == 4:
return [shapes['BLOCK_FOUR'], selfCount]
if noEmptySelfCount == 3:
if (rightEmpty >= 2 and leftEmpty >= 1) or (rightEmpty >= 1 and leftEmpty >= 2):
return [shapes['THREE'], selfCount]
return [shapes['BLOCK_THREE'], selfCount]
if OneEmptySelfCount == 3:
if rightEmpty >= 1 and leftEmpty >= 1:
return [shapes['THREE'], selfCount]
return [shapes['BLOCK_THREE'], selfCount]
if (noEmptySelfCount == 2 or OneEmptySelfCount == 2) and totalLength > 5:
shape = shapes['TWO']
return [shape, selfCount]
# Helper functions to check for specific shapes
def is_five(shape):
# Checked
return shape in [shapes['FIVE'], shapes['BLOCK_FIVE']]
def is_four(shape):
# Checked
return shape in [shapes['FOUR'], shapes['BLOCK_FOUR']]
# Function to get all shapes at a specific point
def get_all_shapes_of_point(shape_cache, x, y, role = None):
# Checked
roles = [role] if role else [1, -1]
result = []
for r in roles:
for d in range(4):
shape = shape_cache[r][d][x][y]
if shape > 0:
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":