commit-labeling /
Petr Tsvetkov
Add examples to the survey guide; fix the verbosity question 50 make "5" a positive grade
**Thank you for agreeing to take part!**
In this study, you will be asked to look at some commits
and evaluate different variants of corresponding commit
messages. On the right, you can see the code changes
included in the commit. On the left, there are tabs, each
containing a variant of a commit message describing the
code changes, as well as five questions about the commit
In the first three questions, you are given a statement about
the commit message and asked to state your level of agreement
with it - from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Here are some examples of the responses expected for
some commit messages:
**Code changes: change the color of button from green
to blue in the python file.**
**The information provided in the commit message is consistent
with the code changes.** <br>
1 (strongly disagree): _"fix: change the background color
from white to yellow"_ <br>
5 (strongly agree): _"change the color of the button from green
to blue"_
**The commit message cannot be substantially shortened without
loss of important information.** <br>
1 (strongly disagree): _"Update slider color in
The button color in the application Python file (
was changed from green to blue. The color has been changed
to blue to improve visibility or provide a more
user-friendly UI. This change is purely cosmetic and does
not affect the functionality of the software."_ <br>
5 (strongly agree): _"change the color of the button"_
**The commit message is easy to read and to understand.**
1 (strongly disagree): _"Alter the hue of the interactive
clickable element transitioning from the shade likened
to that of fresh grass towards that of the clear midday
sky"_ <br>
5 (strongly agree): _"feat: Update button color from
green to blue in"_
In the fourth question, you are asked to state your overall
impression of the commit message (from 1 - the message is very
low quality, to 5 - the message is perfect).
In the last question, you can leave an additional text
comment about the commit message. _This question is optional._
After completing the form for one of the commit message
variants, submit it using the button below. *The corresponding
form should be submitted separately for each message variant.*
After submitting all forms, you can move on to the next
commit message by pressing the bottom button.
If, for some reason, you do not want to submit one or more
forms for the current commit, you can skip it and continue
to the next commit by pressing the "Skip the current sample"
button in the upper right corner.