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🌟 HarmonAI III 🌟

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~ AI-Powered Automated Repository Management Template ~

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HarmonAI III is a template repository developed using cline (formerly Claude Dev), SourceSage, and claude.ai. The majority of release notes, README, and commit messages are generated using the latest AI technologies.

πŸš€ Project Overview

HarmonAI III is an innovative AI repository starter kit integrating AIRA and IRIS. This repository aims to dramatically improve developer efficiency by providing the structure and workflow for AI development projects leveraging LLMs. Version: v1.2.0

πŸ†• Latest News

  • πŸŽ‰ v1.2.0 released: Added GitHub Shields to the README, added collaborator invitation functionality, and updated documentation.

✨ Key Features

  1. Integrated AI Toolset: Provides the functionality of AIRA and IRIS in a single package.
  2. Ready to Use: Easily create a repository with a high-quality initial structure by using it as a template.
  3. Automated Development Workflow: Automates commit message generation, release note creation, and issue management.
  4. Multilingual Support: Supports international project deployment through automatic README translation.
  5. Flexible Customization: Easily adaptable to the needs of your project.
  6. Automated Collaborator Invitation: Collaborator invitation script using the GitHub API.

πŸ”§ How to Use

AIRA Example:

aira --mode sourcesage commit  --config=.aira\config.dev.commit.yml --ss-model-name="gpt-4o-mini" --llm-output="llm_output.md"

IRIS Example:

Refer to the documentation for each component for detailed usage instructions.

πŸ“¦ Installation Instructions

  1. Use this repository as a template to create a new repository.
  2. Clone the repository locally.
  3. Install the necessary dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Customize the AIRA and IRIS configuration files.
  5. Check the GitHub Actions settings and configure environment variables as needed.
  6. Open the .github/release_notes/.sourcesage_releasenotes_iris.yml file and change the value of repo-name: to your new repository name.

🌿 Setting up the Environment

Follow these steps to set up the HarmonAI III environment:

  1. Create a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv .venv

    This creates a virtual environment in the .venv directory.

  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    source .venv/bin/activate  # Linux/macOS
    .venv\Scripts\activate  # Windows
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

These steps will prepare your development environment for HarmonAI III.

πŸ“š Main Components

πŸ€– AIRA (AI-Integrated Repository for Accelerated Development)

  • Automated repository creation
  • Automated commit message generation

🌈 IRIS (Intelligent Repository Issue Solver)

  • Automated issue classification
  • Automated solution suggestions
  • Automated release note generation
  • Automated README translation

🀝 Automated Collaborator Invitation

HarmonAI III includes a script to automatically invite collaborators to the GitHub repository. Use it as follows:

  1. Create a .env file and set the necessary tokens:

    # GitHub access token (for collaborator invitation)
    # The following are examples of tokens that may be used by other functions.  It's convenient to list them for later use.
    # GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=ghp_xxxxx
    # GEMINI_API_KEY=AIzzzzz

    Note: Include the .env file in .gitignore to prevent it from being committed to the repository.

  2. Run the following command to invite a collaborator:

    python .github/github_add_collaborator.py Sunwood-ai-labs/HarmonAI_III username_to_invite

    Replace username_to_invite with the GitHub username you want to invite.

  3. Once the script runs successfully, a collaborator invitation will be sent to the specified user.


  • This script requires the GitHub token to have appropriate permissions (the repo scope).
  • When using it for an organization's repository, ensure that appropriate permissions are granted in the organization's settings.
  • For security reasons, update tokens regularly and grant only the minimum necessary permissions.
  • Never commit information including the .env file or tokens to a public repository.

This feature simplifies the process of adding new contributors to the project. You can efficiently expand your team while maintaining security.

🐈 Process Flow


graph LR
    A[Start] --> B[Repository Conception and Naming]
    B -->|Human Action| C[HarmonAI III Repository Initialization]
    C -->|Automated| D[Development Work]
    D -->|Human Action| E[AIRA Automated Commits]
    E --> H[IRIS Release Note Generation]
    H --> I[IRIS Documentation Translation]
    I --> J[Release]
    J --> K[End]

    class B,D,G human;
    class E aira;
    class F,H,I iris;
    class C auto;
    class A,J,K process;

🀝 Contributions

HarmonAI III welcomes contributions from the community as an open-source project. Help improve this template repository through bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests.

πŸ“„ License

HarmonAI III is released under the MIT License.

πŸ™ Acknowledgments

HarmonAI III has been inspired by many open-source projects. We especially thank the developers of AIRA and IRIS. We also thank iris-s-coon and Maki.

HarmonAI III is an excellent starter kit for achieving an AI-driven development process. Let's start developing innovative AI projects based on this template!