🚩 Report: Ethical issue(s)

by TIMBOVILL - opened

The space has ADs and a number posted to access NSFW. All spaces by this user have ads aswell.

Please get some job kid! The gradio allows us to add gr.Html why are you getting jealous son?


Please get some job kid! The gradio allows us to add gr.Html why are you getting jealous son?

@aheedsajid work hard, the community is behind you, and @TIMBOVILL Gradio allows HTML elements, so you learn something new today. I am thankful for people like aheed who bring new ideas to the table.

Imagine alting trying to defend yourself, I already knew inject html/css/js into gradio, it’s the problem that you are setting up ads to generate revenue instead of standard methods such as donations. It breaks HF’s content policy of “Spam, such as advertising a product or service, or excessive bulk activity;” I also noticed you got mad at someone for reporting you for similar reason which you responded by advertising your spaces on his.

Ok thankyou @TIMBOVILL anything else?

@aheedsajid work hard, the community is behind you, and @TIMBOVILL Gradio allows HTML elements, so you learn something new today. I am thankful for people like aheed who bring new ideas to the table.
PS. Alt account intended to make this person be 'backed' by another user.

Everyone please note these 3 ids of a kid he is a spammer: @npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff


Please get some job kid! The gradio allows us to add gr.Html why are you getting jealous son?

You are literally spamming that 3 times, like seriously?

Everyone please note these 3 ids of a kid he is a spammer: @npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff

You are literally using alt accs, and that are my friends, and reporting your spaces for using other spaces only to add ads isn't spamming.

Note the 3 ids of a kid he is a spammer: @npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff

Not to mention your the one spamming ads on work you did not in-fact, credit. @aheedsajid

I do not want your space i will delete it and make one that has all languages, and have a big heart young brother. Hugging face and GitHub is open source if you add a code or space anyone can use and do anything to it! This is my last answer

Open source code works with licenses which you have to follow if you use the code in question. On multiple of your modified spaces there was originally no license on the work therefore it’s all rights reserved, which you are breaking.

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Okay. Duplicating a space is allowed but you are currently taking all credit for, which is rather dishonest. You're attempting to monetize free compute.

OH MY GOD HELP ME! GIVE ME PATIENCE! The space already has your credit it shows from where it was duplicated kid!

as a mater of fact, no. You attempted to hide that.

And we actually know that you hid this, as
You're trying sooo hard.

this is not his space please go check! he is crying for the Microsoft TTS space, and face to image AI was first introduced by me not anyone on hugging face he owns the free TTS space that is disturbing

The duplicate option on HuggingFace is for cloning a space to use yourself or create a fork, like a live repo or something similar to GitHub Pages. All rights reserved means you can use it just not modify for non personal use without explicit permission from the holder, which that you have indeed broken.

@npbm And please talk on the space that you own or is duplicated from you stop spamming!!

@TIMBOVILL dont spam this space is not duplicated from you go and check the space that was duplicated from

@npbm And please talk on the space that you own or is duplicated from you stop spamming!!

What do you mean? Your English is rather broken.

@TIMBOVILL dont spam this space is not duplicated from you go and check the space that was duplicated from



@npbm And please talk on the space that you own or is duplicated from you stop spamming!!

Is there any problem with me reporting also other bad things that you did? Seems like not as it goes against the tos, and im talking about all your spaces where you add those ads, where you use other people spaces as a client, and even adding NSFW ads, and no im not crying, im telling you that there are TOS that have to be respected

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If it was bad hugging face would remove it! go mind do your work kiddo you need some Nido milk powder 😉🤣

Hugging face, is settled in the US. However, it's past working hours, majority of staff live in Europe, and it's midnight over here.

HuggingFace doesn’t have time to check every single space, that’s why the report button exists. Also stop trying to act like 2 different people with @aheedsajid and @weepakistan , yes alts are allowed but your acting like 2 different people trying it defend your wrong actions.

You know what i don't need a hugging face account hugging face needs developers like me who can crack complex problems and I am working on my space hub project so you kids can have better limits!

But on my space hub project i will make sure these 4 spammers are not allowed: @npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff @cappuch

Cool skid work on that instead people don’t want your TOS violating spaces as long as your not hosting via api on spaces, bye bye.

But on my space hub project i will make sure these 4 spammers are not allowed: @npbm @Nick088 @nroggendorff @cappuch

I don’t think they would want to use your stuff when the originals exist, and even better those don’t have ads!

You know what i don't need a hugging face account hugging face needs developers like me who can crack complex problems and I am working on my space hub project so you kids can have better limits!

Complex problem in question is stringing together code. Alright, sure, credit where is due, @Nick088 is a good programmer. You are 'skidding'. Nick, has been on the weekly community highlights twice. You're, literally, adding HTML, as you said in your first 2 messages. This contradicts your statement.

Go get some education little boy this is not the space I duplicated from your other kid friend! Come on the space you guys crying for I have answers to all of your questions but stop spamming my spaces! You are just wasting your and mine time, all you 4 are small-minded people who should not be in this field! Was your dad or mom ready to bring you to the world or you 4 are just a mistake?

Go get some education little boy this is not the space I duplicated from your other kid friend! Come on the space you guys crying for I have answers to all of your questions but stop spamming my spaces! You are just wasting your and mine time, all you 4 are small-minded people who should not be in this field! Was your dad or mom ready to bring you to the world or you 4 are just a mistake?

Not to toot my own horn, but have you been top 5 in your nation is artificial intelligence for a self-driving model, at Microsoft? We're, literally, attempting to back @Nick088 's report, and wanting to help keep huggingface, safe.

@aheedsajid That is harassment, also against TOS.

Best of luck!

Definitely you too!

For any moderators who may be reading, here are the violations.

These are his ToS violations:

Content Policy

  • Spam, such as advertising a product or service, or excessive bulk activity;
  • Pornography and soft porn

Code of Conduct

  • Public or private harassment
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission

Other things:

  • Saying that we should not have been born.
  • Attempting to discredit and attempt defamation.
  • Obfuscating the source of the repositories (via uploading the files from the space).

This message is spread throught all their repositories, with a copy of every repository (a link) sent to [email protected]

Go get some education little boy this is not the space I duplicated from your other kid friend! Come on the space you guys crying for I have answers to all of your questions but stop spamming my spaces! You are just wasting your and mine time, all you 4 are small-minded people who should not be in this field! Was your dad or mom ready to bring you to the world or you 4 are just a mistake?

Dang telling us to get education when you call us mistakes? Top tier incoherency!! "Small minded" ah yes, a small minded is a person who doesn't like seeing other stealing work to add ads

@Nick088 Keep spaming! I saw ur tiktok and twitter content go make that LOL

@aheedsajid Keep complaining! I saw ur fiverr and and fake YouTube companies which use HF Spaces (not even your spaces you client everything) as compute power without giving any citation aswell (breaking license and HFs content policy) go make that LOL


I tried to use this, but I am getting error every time. Kindly Assist...
Thank you


I tried to use this, but I am getting error every time. Kindly Assist...
Thank you

Please duplicate and it will work


I tried to use this, but I am getting error every time. Kindly Assist...
Thank you

Please duplicate and it will work

Thanks. I even sent an email yesterday. Pls do check.

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