auto-draft /
Add a generator wrapper using configuration file. Edit the logic of searching references. Add Gradio UI for testing Knowledge database.
history blame contribute delete
No virus
5.73 kB
from utils.knowledge import Knowledge
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from utils.file_operations import list_folders
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
import gradio as gr
import os
import json
from models import EMBEDDINGS
from utils.gpt_interaction import GPTModel
from utils.prompts import SYSTEM
import openai
llm = GPTModel(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN")
REPO_ID = os.getenv("KDB_REPO")
if HF_TOKEN is not None and REPO_ID is not None:
snapshot_download(REPO_ID, repo_type="dataset", local_dir="knowledge_databases/",
local_dir_use_symlinks=False, token=HF_TOKEN)
ALL_KDB = ["(None)"] + list_folders("knowledge_databases")
# Evaluate the quality of retrieved date from the FAISS database
Use this space test the performance of some pre-constructed vector databases hosted at `shaocongma/kdb`. To use this space for your own FAISS database, follow this instruction:
1. Duplicate this space.
2. Add the secret key `HF_TOKEN` with your own Huggingface User Access Token.
3. Create a Huggingface Dataset. Put your FAISS database to it.
4. Add the secret key `REPO_ID` as your dataset's address.
AutoDraft is a GPT-based project to generate an academic paper using the title and contributions. When generating specific sections, AutoDraft will query some necessary backgrounds in related fields from the pre-constructed vector database.
def query_from_kdb(input, kdb, query_counts):
if kdb == "(None)":
return {"knowledge_database": "(None)", "input": input, "output": ""}, ""
db_path = f"knowledge_databases/{kdb}"
db_config_path = os.path.join(db_path, "db_meta.json")
db_index_path = os.path.join(db_path, "faiss_index")
if os.path.isdir(db_path):
# load configuration file
with open(db_config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
db_config = json.load(f)
model_name = db_config["embedding_model"]
embeddings = EMBEDDINGS[model_name]
db = FAISS.load_local(db_index_path, embeddings)
knowledge = Knowledge(db=db)
knowledge.collect_knowledge({input: query_counts}, max_query=query_counts)
domain_knowledge = knowledge.to_json()
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to query from FAISS.")
return domain_knowledge, ""
def query_from_kdb_llm(title, contributions, kdb, query_counts):
if kdb == "(None)":
return {"knowledge_database": "(None)", "title": title, "contributions": contributions, "output": ""}, "", {}
db_path = f"knowledge_databases/{kdb}"
db_config_path = os.path.join(db_path, "db_meta.json")
db_index_path = os.path.join(db_path, "faiss_index")
if os.path.isdir(db_path):
# load configuration file
with open(db_config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
db_config = json.load(f)
model_name = db_config["embedding_model"]
embeddings = EMBEDDINGS[model_name]
db = FAISS.load_local(db_index_path, embeddings)
knowledge = Knowledge(db=db)
prompts = f"Title: {title}\n Contributions: {contributions}"
preliminaries_kw, _ = llm(systems=SYSTEM["preliminaries"], prompts=prompts, return_json=True)
knowledge.collect_knowledge(preliminaries_kw, max_query=query_counts)
domain_knowledge = knowledge.to_json()
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to query from FAISS.")
return domain_knowledge, "", preliminaries_kw
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
kdb_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(choices=ALL_KDB, value="(None)", label="Knowledge Databases",
info="Pre-defined knowledge databases utilized to aid in the generation of academic writing content. "
"Hosted at `shaocongma/kdb`.")
with gr.Tab("User's Input"):
user_input = gr.Textbox(label="Input", info="Input anything you like to test what will be retrived from the vector database.")
with gr.Row():
button_clear = gr.Button("Clear")
button_retrieval = gr.Button("Retrieve", variant="primary")
with gr.Tab("AutoDraft"):
title_input = gr.Textbox(label="Title")
contribution_input = gr.Textbox(label="Contributions", lines=5)
with gr.Row():
button_clear_2 = gr.Button("Clear")
button_retrieval_2 = gr.Button("Retrieve", variant="primary")
with gr.Accordion("Advanced Setting", open=False):
query_counts_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=50, value=10, step=1,
interactive=True, label="QUERY_COUNTS",
info="How many contents will be retrieved from the vector database.")
with gr.Column():
retrieval_output = gr.JSON(label="Output")
llm_kws = gr.JSON(label="Keywords generated by LLM"),
inputs=[user_input, kdb_dropdown, query_counts_slider],
outputs=[retrieval_output, user_input]),
inputs=[title_input, contribution_input, kdb_dropdown, query_counts_slider],
outputs=[retrieval_output, user_input, llm_kws])
demo.queue(concurrency_count=1, max_size=5, api_open=False)