Christoph Holthaus
INFO: Latest results and new focus
title: Test
emoji: 🔥
colorFrom: red
colorTo: yellow
sdk: gradio
pinned: false
license: mit
Check out the configuration reference at
This is a test ...
LAST REVALATION: IT WORKS, but on Huggingface its PAINSTAKINGLY SLOW. Probably the reason why its not done yet. Its like 0,5tok/s on smallest quant for 7b mistral.
Idea: Fix it with intel-specific and check if it changes anything. Maybe checkout first if in the container there is a way to determine cpu type, if the integration is not trivial. (Or just make it trivial)
- rewrite generation from scratch or use the one of mistral space if possible. alternative use or
- write IN LARGE LETTERS that this is not the original model but a quantified one that is able to run on free CPU Inference
- test multimodal with llama?
- proper token handling - make it a real chat (if not auto by chatcompletion interface ...)
- check ho wmuch parallel generation is possible or only one que and set
- move model to DL into env-var with proper error handling
- chore: cleanup ignore, etc.
- update all deps to one up to date version, then PIN them!
- make a short info on how to clone and run custom 7b models in separate spaces
- make a pr for popular repos to include in their readme etc.