Game over for Illustrators - espeically for music covers. Next step is for DallE to make its own text promts beyond our imagination

by aiproductionsglobal - opened
aiproductionsglobal changed discussion title from Game over for Illustrators - espeically for music covers. Next step is for DallE to make its own text promts beyond are imagination to Game over for Illustrators - espeically for music covers. Next step is for DallE to make its own text promts beyond our imagination

We destroyed print media, consumed music and TV and just about every non-intellectual skill and now we have the brain to finish the rest.

Artists - not needed. At all. Movie are next - you can find some 5 second AI-gen vids out there. gpt5 will be our own world. maybe we are living in gpt5 now and don't realize it

Cover the issue of AI artist unemployment in my essay here:

Obviously, just my opinion...

People said the same thing when Prisma filters appeared. They seemed amazing at first, but lost their lustre quickly. A Starry Night NYC was marvelous the first few times we saw it. Now it's just a big meh.

Current AIs like this can't innovate; they can only reassemble what humans have already created. That's why so many of the more spectacular results in this very forum require listing of artist portfolio sites and using terms like "trending artist".

The best results, from AIs such as DALL-E 2 require a lot of processing. To make an crystal clear and clean image file with a resolution high enough that it could be printed at decent sized would be very expensive.

Not to mention the copyright issues involved in using images with clearly identifiable sources, embedded brand names, etc.

Even the best of AI's of this type will make the inevitable mistakes, fail to consider fundamental principles of design, and be unable to make the sort of multiple minor adjustments commission clients always demand.

So if you're going to have to hire an artist to fix up the AI's image, you might as well just get the artist to do the whole thing.

That's not to say this type of AI isn't a fantastic resource for artists to get a start on a project, get ideas and inspiration, or make multiple versions of a concept to offer a client in the very beginning of the process. I think predictive generating AI's can already be of great use.

Future might be quite different. Who knows? But it's not here yet. And I don't think AI's that rely on prediction based on scanned data sets will ever compete with highly trained, competent human artists. A scanned photo never has the impact of its original subject. It requires eyes to see the original person\place\object (or something very much like it), a body to feel the associated emotions, and a deep understanding of human perception to translate all that into something that gives you the aesthetic experience of realLy good art.

true but the filters were not reaqally in the same league as this. This is beauty. beauty beyond human,

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