MinerU / magic_pdf /pre_proc /detect_images.py
derful's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
240e0a0 verified
import collections # 统计库
import re
from magic_pdf.libs.commons import fitz # pyMuPDF库
#--------------------------------------- Tool Functions --------------------------------------#
# 正则化,输入文本,输出只保留a-z,A-Z,0-9
def remove_special_chars(s: str) -> str:
pattern = r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
res = re.sub(pattern, "", s)
return res
def check_rect1_sameWith_rect2(L1: float, U1: float, R1: float, D1: float, L2: float, U2: float, R2: float, D2: float) -> bool:
# 判断rect1和rect2是否一模一样
return L1 == L2 and U1 == U2 and R1 == R2 and D1 == D2
def check_rect1_contains_rect2(L1: float, U1: float, R1: float, D1: float, L2: float, U2: float, R2: float, D2: float) -> bool:
# 判断rect1包含了rect2
return (L1 <= L2 <= R2 <= R1) and (U1 <= U2 <= D2 <= D1)
def check_rect1_overlaps_rect2(L1: float, U1: float, R1: float, D1: float, L2: float, U2: float, R2: float, D2: float) -> bool:
# 判断rect1与rect2是否存在重叠(只有一条边重叠,也算重叠)
return max(L1, L2) <= min(R1, R2) and max(U1, U2) <= min(D1, D2)
def calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1: float, U1: float, R1: float, D1: float, L2: float, U2: float, R2: float, D2: float) -> (float, float):
# 计算两个rect,重叠面积各占2个rect面积的比例
if min(R1, R2) < max(L1, L2) or min(D1, D2) < max(U1, U2):
return 0, 0
square_1 = (R1 - L1) * (D1 - U1)
square_2 = (R2 - L2) * (D2 - U2)
if square_1 == 0 or square_2 == 0:
return 0, 0
square_overlap = (min(R1, R2) - max(L1, L2)) * (min(D1, D2) - max(U1, U2))
return square_overlap / square_1, square_overlap / square_2
def calculate_overlapRatio_between_line1_and_line2(L1: float, R1: float, L2: float, R2: float) -> (float, float):
# 计算两个line,重叠区间各占2个line长度的比例
if max(L1, L2) > min(R1, R2):
return 0, 0
if L1 == R1 or L2 == R2:
return 0, 0
overlap_line = min(R1, R2) - max(L1, L2)
return overlap_line / (R1 - L1), overlap_line / (R2 - L2)
# 判断rect其实是一条line
def check_rect_isLine(L: float, U: float, R: float, D: float) -> bool:
width = R - L
height = D - U
if width <= 3 or height <= 3:
return True
if width / height >= 30 or height / width >= 30:
return True
def parse_images(page_ID: int, page: fitz.Page, json_from_DocXchain_obj: dict, junk_img_bojids=[]):
:param page_ID: int类型,当前page在当前pdf文档中是第page_D页。
:param page :fitz读取的当前页的内容
:param res_dir_path: str类型,是每一个pdf文档,在当前.py文件的目录下生成一个与pdf文档同名的文件夹,res_dir_path就是文件夹的dir
:param json_from_DocXchain_obj: dict类型,把pdf文档送入DocXChain模型中后,提取bbox,结果保存到pdf文档同名文件夹下的 page_ID.json文件中了。json_from_DocXchain_obj就是打开后的dict
#### 通过fitz获取page信息
## 超越边界
DPI = 72 # use this resolution
pix = page.get_pixmap(dpi=DPI)
pageL = 0
pageR = int(pix.w)
pageU = 0
pageD = int(pix.h)
#----------------- 保存每一个文本块的LURD ------------------#
textLine_blocks = []
blocks = page.get_text(
for i in range(len(blocks)):
bbox = blocks[i]['bbox']
# print(bbox)
for tt in blocks[i]['lines']:
# 当前line
cur_line_bbox = None # 当前line,最右侧的section的bbox
for xf in tt['spans']:
L, U, R, D = xf['bbox']
L, R = min(L, R), max(L, R)
U, D = min(U, D), max(U, D)
textLine_blocks.append((L, U, R, D))
textLine_blocks.sort(key = lambda LURD: (LURD[1], LURD[0]))
#---------------------------------------------- 保存img --------------------------------------------------#
raw_imgs = page.get_images() # 获取所有的图片
imgs = []
img_names = [] # 保存图片的名字,方便在md中插入引用
img_bboxs = [] # 保存图片的location信息。
img_visited = [] # 记忆化,记录该图片是否在md中已经插入过了
img_ID = 0
## 获取、保存每张img的location信息(x1, y1, x2, y2, UL, DR坐标)
for i in range(len(raw_imgs)):
# 如果图片在junklist中则跳过
if raw_imgs[i][0] in junk_img_bojids:
tt = page.get_image_rects(raw_imgs[i][0], transform = True)
rec = tt[0][0]
L, U, R, D = int(rec[0]), int(rec[1]), int(rec[2]), int(rec[3])
L, R = min(L, R), max(L, R)
U, D = min(U, D), max(U, D)
if not(pageL <= L < R <= pageR and pageU <= U < D <= pageD):
if pageL == L and R == pageR:
if pageU == U and D == pageD:
# pix1 = page.get_Pixmap(clip=(L,U,R,D))
new_img_name = "{}_{}.png".format(page_ID, i) # 图片name
# pix1.save(res_dir_path + '/' + new_img_name) # 把图片存出在新建的文件夹,并命名
img_bboxs.append((L, U, R, D))
#-------- 如果img之间有重叠。说明获取的img大小有问题,位置也不一定对。就扔掉--------#
imgs_ok = [True for _ in range(len(imgs))]
for i in range(len(imgs)):
L1, U1, R1, D1 = img_bboxs[i]
for j in range(i + 1, len(imgs)):
L2, U2, R2, D2 = img_bboxs[j]
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2)
s1 = abs(R1 - L1) * abs(D1 - U1)
s2 = abs(R2 - L2) * abs(D2 - U2)
if ratio_1 > 0 and ratio_2 > 0:
if ratio_1 == 1 and ratio_2 > 0.8:
imgs_ok[i] = False
elif ratio_1 > 0.8 and ratio_2 == 1:
imgs_ok[j] = False
elif s1 > 20000 and s2 > 20000 and ratio_1 > 0.4 and ratio_2 > 0.4:
imgs_ok[i] = False
imgs_ok[j] = False
elif s1 / s2 > 5 and ratio_2 > 0.5:
imgs_ok[j] = False
elif s2 / s1 > 5 and ratio_1 > 0.5:
imgs_ok[i] = False
imgs = [imgs[i] for i in range(len(imgs)) if imgs_ok[i] == True]
img_names = [img_names[i] for i in range(len(imgs)) if imgs_ok[i] == True]
img_bboxs = [img_bboxs[i] for i in range(len(imgs)) if imgs_ok[i] == True]
img_visited = [img_visited[i] for i in range(len(imgs)) if imgs_ok[i] == True]
#---------------------------------------- 通过fitz提取svg的信息 -----------------------------------------#
svgs = page.get_drawings()
#------------ preprocess, check一些大框,看是否是合理的 ----------#
## 去重。有时候会遇到rect1和rect2是完全一样的情形。
svg_rect_visited = set()
available_svgIdx = []
for i in range(len(svgs)):
L, U, R, D = svgs[i]['rect'].irect
L, R = min(L, R), max(L, R)
U, D = min(U, D), max(U, D)
tt = (L, U, R, D)
if tt not in svg_rect_visited:
svgs = [svgs[i] for i in available_svgIdx] # 去重后,有效的svgs
svg_childs = [[] for _ in range(len(svgs))]
svg_parents = [[] for _ in range(len(svgs))]
svg_overlaps = [[] for _ in range(len(svgs))] #svg_overlaps[i]是一个list,存的是与svg_i有重叠的svg的index。e.g., svg_overlaps[0] = [1, 2, 7, 9]
svg_visited = [False for _ in range(len(svgs))]
svg_exceedPage = [0 for _ in range(len(svgs))] # 是否超越边界(artbox),很大,但一般是一个svg的底。
for i in range(len(svgs)):
L, U, R, D = svgs[i]['rect'].irect
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L, U, R, D, pageL, pageU, pageR, pageD)
if (pageL + 20 < L <= R < pageR - 20) and (pageU + 20 < U <= D < pageD - 20):
if ratio_2 >= 0.7:
svg_exceedPage[i] += 4
if L <= pageL:
svg_exceedPage[i] += 1
if pageR <= R:
svg_exceedPage[i] += 1
if U <= pageU:
svg_exceedPage[i] += 1
if pageD <= D:
svg_exceedPage[i] += 1
#### 如果有≥2个的超边界的框,就不要手写规则判断svg了。很难写对。
if len([x for x in svg_exceedPage if x >= 1]) >= 2:
svgs = []
svg_childs = []
svg_parents = []
svg_overlaps = []
svg_visited = []
svg_exceedPage = []
#---------------------------- build graph ----------------------------#
for i, p in enumerate(svgs):
L1, U1, R1, D1 = svgs[i]["rect"].irect
for j in range(len(svgs)):
if i == j:
L2, U2, R2, D2 = svgs[j]["rect"].irect
## 包含
if check_rect1_contains_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
## 交叉
if check_rect1_overlaps_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
#---------------- 确定最终的svg。连通块儿的外围 -------------------#
eps_ERROR = 5 # 给识别出的svg,四周留白(为了防止pyMuPDF的rect不准)
svg_ID = 0
svg_final_names = []
svg_final_bboxs = []
svg_final_visited = [] # 为下面,text识别左准备。作用同img_visited
svg_idxs = [i for i in range(len(svgs))]
svg_idxs.sort(key = lambda i: -(svgs[i]['rect'].irect[2] - svgs[i]['rect'].irect[0]) * (svgs[i]['rect'].irect[3] - svgs[i]['rect'].irect[1])) # 按照面积,从大到小排序
for i in svg_idxs:
if svg_visited[i] == True:
svg_visited[i] = True
L, U, R, D = svgs[i]['rect'].irect
width = R - L
height = D - U
if check_rect_isLine(L, U, R, D) == True:
svg_visited[i] = False
# if i == 4:
# print(i, L, U, R, D)
# print(svg_parents[i])
cur_block_element_cnt = 0 # 当前要判定为svg的区域中,有多少elements,最外围的最大svg框除外。
if len(svg_parents[i]) == 0:
## 是个普通框的情形
cur_block_element_cnt += len(svg_childs[i])
if svg_exceedPage[i] == 0:
## 误差。可能已经包含在某个框里面了
neglect_flag = False
for pL, pU, pR, pD in svg_final_bboxs:
if pL <= L <= R <= pR and pU <= U <= D <= pD:
neglect_flag = True
if neglect_flag == True:
## 搜索连通域, bfs+记忆化
q = collections.deque()
for j in svg_overlaps[i]:
while q:
j = q.popleft()
svg_visited[j] = True
L2, U2, R2, D2 = svgs[j]['rect'].irect
# width2 = R2 - L2
# height2 = D2 - U2
# if width2 <= 2 or height2 <= 2 or (height2 / width2) >= 30 or (width2 / height2) >= 30:
# continue
L = min(L, L2)
R = max(R, R2)
U = min(U, U2)
D = max(D, D2)
cur_block_element_cnt += 1
cur_block_element_cnt += len(svg_childs[j])
for k in svg_overlaps[j]:
if svg_visited[k] == False and svg_exceedPage[k] == 0:
svg_visited[k] = True
elif svg_exceedPage[i] <= 2:
## 误差。可能已经包含在某个svg_final_bbox框里面了
neglect_flag = False
for sL, sU, sR, sD in svg_final_bboxs:
if sL <= L <= R <= sR and sU <= U <= D <= sD:
neglect_flag = True
if neglect_flag == True:
L, U, R, D = pageR, pageD, pageL, pageU
## 所有孩子元素的最大边界
for j in svg_childs[i]:
if svg_visited[j] == True:
if svg_exceedPage[j] >= 1:
svg_visited[j] = True #### 这个位置考虑一下
L2, U2, R2, D2 = svgs[j]['rect'].irect
L = min(L, L2)
R = max(R, R2)
U = min(U, U2)
D = max(D, D2)
cur_block_element_cnt += 1
# 如果是条line,就不用保存了
if check_rect_isLine(L, U, R, D) == True:
# 如果当前的svg,连2个elements都没有,就不用保存了
if cur_block_element_cnt < 3:
## 当前svg,框住了多少文本框。如果框多了,可能就是错了
contain_textLineBlock_cnt = 0
for L2, U2, R2, D2 in textLine_blocks:
if check_rect1_contains_rect2(L, U, R, D, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
contain_textLineBlock_cnt += 1
if contain_textLineBlock_cnt >= 10:
# L -= eps_ERROR * 2
# U -= eps_ERROR
# R += eps_ERROR * 2
# D += eps_ERROR
# # cur_svg = page.get_pixmap(matrix=fitz.Identity, dpi=None, colorspace=fitz.csRGB, clip=(U,L,R,D), alpha=False, annots=True)
# cur_svg = page.get_pixmap(clip=(L,U,R,D))
new_svg_name = "svg_{}_{}.png".format(page_ID, svg_ID) # 图片name
# cur_svg.save(res_dir_path + '/' + new_svg_name) # 把图片存出在新建的文件夹,并命名
svg_final_names.append(new_svg_name) # 把图片的名字存在list中,方便在md中插入引用
svg_final_bboxs.append((L, U, R, D))
svg_ID += 1
## 识别出的svg,可能有 包含,相邻的情形。需要进一步合并
svg_idxs = [i for i in range(len(svg_final_bboxs))]
svg_idxs.sort(key = lambda i: (svg_final_bboxs[i][1], svg_final_bboxs[i][0])) # (U, L)
svg_final_names_2 = []
svg_final_bboxs_2 = []
svg_final_visited_2 = [] # 为下面,text识别左准备。作用同img_visited
svg_ID_2 = 0
for i in range(len(svg_final_bboxs)):
L1, U1, R1, D1 = svg_final_bboxs[i]
for j in range(i + 1, len(svg_final_bboxs)):
L2, U2, R2, D2 = svg_final_bboxs[j]
# 如果 rect1包含了rect2
if check_rect1_contains_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
svg_final_visited[j] = True
# 水平并列
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_line1_and_line2(U1, D1, U2, D2)
if ratio_1 >= 0.7 and ratio_2 >= 0.7:
if abs(L2 - R1) >= 20:
LL = min(L1, L2)
UU = min(U1, U2)
RR = max(R1, R2)
DD = max(D1, D2)
svg_final_bboxs[i] = (LL, UU, RR, DD)
svg_final_visited[j] = True
# 竖直并列
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_line1_and_line2(L1, R2, L2, R2)
if ratio_1 >= 0.7 and ratio_2 >= 0.7:
if abs(U2 - D1) >= 20:
LL = min(L1, L2)
UU = min(U1, U2)
RR = max(R1, R2)
DD = max(D1, D2)
svg_final_bboxs[i] = (LL, UU, RR, DD)
svg_final_visited[j] = True
for i in range(len(svg_final_bboxs)):
if svg_final_visited[i] == False:
L, U, R, D = svg_final_bboxs[i]
svg_final_bboxs_2.append((L, U, R, D))
L -= eps_ERROR * 2
U -= eps_ERROR
R += eps_ERROR * 2
D += eps_ERROR
# cur_svg = page.get_pixmap(clip=(L,U,R,D))
new_svg_name = "svg_{}_{}.png".format(page_ID, svg_ID_2) # 图片name
# cur_svg.save(res_dir_path + '/' + new_svg_name) # 把图片存出在新建的文件夹,并命名
svg_final_names_2.append(new_svg_name) # 把图片的名字存在list中,方便在md中插入引用
svg_final_bboxs_2.append((L, U, R, D))
svg_ID_2 += 1
## svg收尾。识别为drawing,但是在上面没有拼成一张图的。
# 有收尾才comprehensive
# xxxx
# xxxx
# xxxx
# xxxx
#--------- 通过json_from_DocXchain来获取,figure, table, equation的bbox ---------#
figure_bbox_from_DocXChain = []
figure_from_DocXChain_visited = [] # 记忆化
figure_bbox_from_DocXChain_overlappedRatio = []
figure_only_from_DocXChain_bboxs = [] # 存储
figure_only_from_DocXChain_names = []
figure_only_from_DocXChain_visited = []
figure_only_ID = 0
xf_json = json_from_DocXchain_obj
width_from_json = xf_json['page_info']['width']
height_from_json = xf_json['page_info']['height']
LR_scaleRatio = width_from_json / (pageR - pageL)
UD_scaleRatio = height_from_json / (pageD - pageU)
for xf in xf_json['layout_dets']:
# {0: 'title', 1: 'figure', 2: 'plain text', 3: 'header', 4: 'page number', 5: 'footnote', 6: 'footer', 7: 'table', 8: 'table caption', 9: 'figure caption', 10: 'equation', 11: 'full column', 12: 'sub column'}
L = xf['poly'][0] / LR_scaleRatio
U = xf['poly'][1] / UD_scaleRatio
R = xf['poly'][2] / LR_scaleRatio
D = xf['poly'][5] / UD_scaleRatio
# L += pageL # 有的页面,artBox偏移了。不在(0,0)
# R += pageL
# U += pageU
# D += pageU
L, R = min(L, R), max(L, R)
U, D = min(U, D), max(U, D)
# figure
if xf["category_id"] == 1 and xf['score'] >= 0.3:
figure_bbox_from_DocXChain.append((L, U, R, D))
#---------------------- 比对上面识别出来的img,svg 与DocXChain给的figure -----------------------#
## 比对imgs
for i, b1 in enumerate(figure_bbox_from_DocXChain):
# print('--------- DocXChain的图片', b1)
L1, U1, R1, D1 = b1
for b2 in img_bboxs:
# print('-------- igms得到的图', b2)
L2, U2, R2, D2 = b2
s1 = abs(R1 - L1) * abs(D1 - U1)
s2 = abs(R2 - L2) * abs(D2 - U2)
# 相同
if check_rect1_sameWith_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
# 包含
elif check_rect1_contains_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
if s2 / s1 > 0.8:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
elif check_rect1_contains_rect2(L2, U2, R2, D2, L1, U1, R1, D1) == True:
if s1 / s2 > 0.8:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
# 重叠了相当一部分
# print('进入第3部分')
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2)
if (ratio_1 >= 0.6 and ratio_2 >= 0.6) or (ratio_1 >= 0.8 and s1/s2>0.8) or (ratio_2 >= 0.8 and s2/s1>0.8):
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
figure_bbox_from_DocXChain_overlappedRatio[i] += ratio_1
# print('图片的重叠率是{}'.format(ratio_1))
## 比对svgs
svg_final_bboxs_2_badIdxs = []
for i, b1 in enumerate(figure_bbox_from_DocXChain):
L1, U1, R1, D1 = b1
for j, b2 in enumerate(svg_final_bboxs_2):
L2, U2, R2, D2 = b2
s1 = abs(R1 - L1) * abs(D1 - U1)
s2 = abs(R2 - L2) * abs(D2 - U2)
# 相同
if check_rect1_sameWith_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
# 包含
elif check_rect1_contains_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2) == True:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
elif check_rect1_contains_rect2(L2, U2, R2, D2, L1, U1, R1, D1) == True:
if s1 / s2 > 0.7:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
svg_final_bboxs_2_badIdxs.append(j) # svg丢弃。用DocXChain的结果。
# 重叠了相当一部分
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2)
if (ratio_1 >= 0.5 and ratio_2 >= 0.5) or (min(ratio_1, ratio_2) >= 0.4 and max(ratio_1, ratio_2) >= 0.6):
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
figure_bbox_from_DocXChain_overlappedRatio[i] += ratio_1
# 丢掉错误的svg
svg_final_bboxs_2 = [svg_final_bboxs_2[i] for i in range(len(svg_final_bboxs_2)) if i not in set(svg_final_bboxs_2_badIdxs)]
for i in range(len(figure_from_DocXChain_visited)):
if figure_bbox_from_DocXChain_overlappedRatio[i] >= 0.7:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
# DocXChain识别出来的figure,但是没被保存的。
for i in range(len(figure_from_DocXChain_visited)):
if figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] == False:
figure_from_DocXChain_visited[i] = True
cur_bbox = figure_bbox_from_DocXChain[i]
# cur_figure = page.get_pixmap(clip=cur_bbox)
new_figure_name = "figure_only_{}_{}.png".format(page_ID, figure_only_ID) # 图片name
# cur_figure.save(res_dir_path + '/' + new_figure_name) # 把图片存出在新建的文件夹,并命名
figure_only_from_DocXChain_names.append(new_figure_name) # 把图片的名字存在list中,方便在md中插入引用
figure_only_ID += 1
img_bboxs.sort(key = lambda LURD: (LURD[1], LURD[0]))
svg_final_bboxs_2.sort(key = lambda LURD: (LURD[1], LURD[0]))
figure_only_from_DocXChain_bboxs.sort(key = lambda LURD: (LURD[1], LURD[0]))
curPage_all_fig_bboxs = img_bboxs + svg_final_bboxs + figure_only_from_DocXChain_bboxs
#--------------------------- 最后统一去重 -----------------------------------#
curPage_all_fig_bboxs.sort(key = lambda LURD: ( (LURD[2]-LURD[0])*(LURD[3]-LURD[1]) , LURD[0], LURD[1]) )
#### 先考虑包含关系的小块
final_duplicate = set()
for i in range(len(curPage_all_fig_bboxs)):
L1, U1, R1, D1 = curPage_all_fig_bboxs[i]
for j in range(len(curPage_all_fig_bboxs)):
if i == j:
L2, U2, R2, D2 = curPage_all_fig_bboxs[j]
s1 = abs(R1 - L1) * abs(D1 - U1)
s2 = abs(R2 - L2) * abs(D2 - U2)
if check_rect1_contains_rect2(L2, U2, R2, D2, L1, U1, R1, D1) == True:
final_duplicate.add((L1, U1, R1, D1))
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2)
if ratio_1 >= 0.8 and ratio_2 <= 0.6:
final_duplicate.add((L1, U1, R1, D1))
curPage_all_fig_bboxs = [LURD for LURD in curPage_all_fig_bboxs if LURD not in final_duplicate]
#### 再考虑重叠关系的块
final_duplicate = set()
final_synthetic_bboxs = []
for i in range(len(curPage_all_fig_bboxs)):
L1, U1, R1, D1 = curPage_all_fig_bboxs[i]
for j in range(len(curPage_all_fig_bboxs)):
if i == j:
L2, U2, R2, D2 = curPage_all_fig_bboxs[j]
s1 = abs(R1 - L1) * abs(D1 - U1)
s2 = abs(R2 - L2) * abs(D2 - U2)
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2)
union_ok = False
if (ratio_1 >= 0.8 and ratio_2 <= 0.6) or (ratio_1 > 0.6 and ratio_2 > 0.6):
union_ok = True
if (ratio_1 > 0.2 and s2 / s1 > 5):
union_ok = True
if (L1 <= (L2+R2)/2 <= R1) and (U1 <= (U2+D2)/2 <= D1):
union_ok = True
if (L2 <= (L1+R1)/2 <= R2) and (U2 <= (U1+D1)/2 <= D2):
union_ok = True
if union_ok == True:
final_duplicate.add((L1, U1, R1, D1))
final_duplicate.add((L2, U2, R2, D2))
L3, U3, R3, D3 = min(L1, L2), min(U1, U2), max(R1, R2), max(D1, D2)
final_synthetic_bboxs.append((L3, U3, R3, D3))
# print('---------- curPage_all_fig_bboxs ---------')
# print(curPage_all_fig_bboxs)
curPage_all_fig_bboxs = [b for b in curPage_all_fig_bboxs if b not in final_duplicate]
final_synthetic_bboxs = list(set(final_synthetic_bboxs))
## 再再考虑重叠关系。极端情况下会迭代式地2进1
new_images = []
droped_img_idx = []
image_bboxes = [[b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]] for b in final_synthetic_bboxs]
for i in range(0, len(image_bboxes)):
for j in range(i+1, len(image_bboxes)):
if j not in droped_img_idx:
L2, U2, R2, D2 = image_bboxes[j]
s1 = abs(R1 - L1) * abs(D1 - U1)
s2 = abs(R2 - L2) * abs(D2 - U2)
ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2)
union_ok = False
if (ratio_1 >= 0.8 and ratio_2 <= 0.6) or (ratio_1 > 0.6 and ratio_2 > 0.6):
union_ok = True
if (ratio_1 > 0.2 and s2 / s1 > 5):
union_ok = True
if (L1 <= (L2+R2)/2 <= R1) and (U1 <= (U2+D2)/2 <= D1):
union_ok = True
if (L2 <= (L1+R1)/2 <= R2) and (U2 <= (U1+D1)/2 <= D2):
union_ok = True
if union_ok == True:
# 合并
image_bboxes[i][0], image_bboxes[i][1],image_bboxes[i][2],image_bboxes[i][3] = min(image_bboxes[i][0], image_bboxes[j][0]), min(image_bboxes[i][1], image_bboxes[j][1]), max(image_bboxes[i][2], image_bboxes[j][2]), max(image_bboxes[i][3], image_bboxes[j][3])
for i in range(0, len(image_bboxes)):
if i not in droped_img_idx:
# find_union_FLAG = True
# while find_union_FLAG == True:
# find_union_FLAG = False
# final_duplicate = set()
# tmp = []
# for i in range(len(final_synthetic_bboxs)):
# L1, U1, R1, D1 = final_synthetic_bboxs[i]
# for j in range(len(final_synthetic_bboxs)):
# if i == j:
# continue
# L2, U2, R2, D2 = final_synthetic_bboxs[j]
# s1 = abs(R1 - L1) * abs(D1 - U1)
# s2 = abs(R2 - L2) * abs(D2 - U2)
# ratio_1, ratio_2 = calculate_overlapRatio_between_rect1_and_rect2(L1, U1, R1, D1, L2, U2, R2, D2)
# union_ok = False
# if (ratio_1 >= 0.8 and ratio_2 <= 0.6) or (ratio_1 > 0.6 and ratio_2 > 0.6):
# union_ok = True
# if (ratio_1 > 0.2 and s2 / s1 > 5):
# union_ok = True
# if (L1 <= (L2+R2)/2 <= R1) and (U1 <= (U2+D2)/2 <= D1):
# union_ok = True
# if (L2 <= (L1+R1)/2 <= R2) and (U2 <= (U1+D1)/2 <= D2):
# union_ok = True
# if union_ok == True:
# find_union_FLAG = True
# final_duplicate.add((L1, U1, R1, D1))
# final_duplicate.add((L2, U2, R2, D2))
# L3, U3, R3, D3 = min(L1, L2), min(U1, U2), max(R1, R2), max(D1, D2)
# tmp.append((L3, U3, R3, D3))
# if find_union_FLAG == True:
# tmp = list(set(tmp))
# final_synthetic_bboxs = tmp[:]
# curPage_all_fig_bboxs += final_synthetic_bboxs
# print('--------- final synthetic')
# print(final_synthetic_bboxs)
images1 = [[img[0], img[1], img[2], img[3]] for img in curPage_all_fig_bboxs]
images = images1 + new_images
return images