Robopup - Parallel Dimension

by Contonice - opened

Llama2 Prompt :

Thank you for providing the music description and lyrics! Based on the information provided, I can create an image description that fits well with the music and reflects the lyrics.
The image I envision is a futuristic cityscape at night, with neon lights illuminating the skyline. The buildings seem to be made of a sleek, metallic material, with holographic advertisements flickering on their surfaces. In the foreground, a lone figure can be seen walking down a narrow street, their face obscured by a hoodie. The figure is surrounded by a faint, pulsating glow, as if they are being pulled towards a destination beyond the city's limits.
As the figure walks, the camera pans out to reveal a massive, glowing portal in the distance. The portal seems to be pulsing with energy, and the figure can be seen reaching out towards it as if they are being drawn into another dimension. The cityscape behind them begins to distort and warp, as if it is being pulled apart by some unseen force.
The colors in the image are predominantly dark and muted, with a hint of neon blue and green in the glow of the portal. The overall mood of the image is one of futuristic unease, as if the figure is about to leave behind the familiar world of the song and enter a realm that is both exciting and unpredictable.
I hope this image description fits well with the music and reflects the lyrics! Let me know if you have any other questions or requests.

Image output:

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