Error None using Python API

by PGBPGB - opened

I hope you can read the code:

from gradio_client import Client, file

Initialize the Gradio client with your model's API token

client = Client("han1997/cobra")

Define the image path (replace with your image URL)

image_url = ""
image_file = image_url #tried file(image_url) as well

Create the message dictionary containing the input data

message = {
"files": [image_file],
"text": "Say what product it is"

Parameters for model prediction

temperature_val = 0.2
top_k_val = 1.0
max_new_tokens_val = 256

Make prediction using the model hosted on Hugging Face Model Hub

result = client.predict(message, temperature_val, top_k_val, max_new_tokens_val, api_name="/chat")

Print the result


Loaded as API: โœ”
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gradio_client/ UserWarning: The Client is treating: "" as a file path. In future versions, this behavior will not happen automatically.

Instead, please provide file path or URLs like this: gradio_client.file("").

Note: to stop treating strings as filepaths unless file() is used, set upload_files=False in Client().

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 22>()
21 # Make prediction using the model hosted on Hugging Face Model Hub
---> 22 result = client.predict(message, temperature_val, top_k_val, max_new_tokens_val, api_name="/chat")
24 # Print the result

6 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gradio_client/ in _predict(*data)
1134 if "error" in result:
-> 1135 raise ValueError(result["error"])
1137 try:

ValueError: None

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