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julien-c HF staff
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# Hub Maintenance
To ensure that all pull requests and discussions are answered most effectively and with a high quality, we suggest to adhere to the following guidelines.
- Organization with the highest model downloads should be co-maintained.
## **1. Canonical models**:
**Dispatched by**: @lysandre
- *RoBERTa*: @lysandre, @patrickvonplaten
- *T5*: @patrickvonplaten
- *BERT*: @sgugger, @lysandre
- *GPT2*: @valhalla, @patrickvonplaten
- *XLMRoberta*: @lysandre, @patrickvonplaten
- *Transfo-XL*: @ydshieh, @patrickvonplaten
- *XLNet*: @ydshieh, @patrickvonplaten
## **2. HF Co-implemented Org models**
### 2.1 [Facebook](
**Org members**: @nima, @sgugger, @patrickvonplaten, @valhalla, @nielsr, @sanchit-gandhi
- *Blenderbot*, MBart, BART, FSMT*: @valhalla, @patrickvonplaten
- *Wav2Vec2, HuBERT, XLSR, XLS-R*: @patrickvonplaten, @sanchit-gandhi
- *RAG, DPR*: @valhalla, @patrickvonplaten
- *DEiT, DETR*: @nielsr, @sgugger
### 2.2 [OpenAI](
**Dispatched by**: @nima
**Org members**: @nima, @valhalla, @patrickvonplaten
- *CLIP*: @valhalla, @patrickvonplaten
### 2.3 [Google](
**Org members**: @omar_s, @lysandre, @sgugger, @ydshieh, @valhalla, @nielsr, @patrickvonplaten
- *MT5, T5v1_1, ByT5*: @patrickvonplaten, @valhalla
- *TAPAS*: @nielsr, @lysandre
- *ViT, CANINE*: @nielsr, @sgugger
- *Funnel, ELECTRA, MobileBert*: @sgugger, @lysandre
- *Pegasus*: @patrickvonplaten, @valhalla
- *BigBird, Reformer*: @ydshieh, @patrickvonplaten
### 2.4 [Helsinki-NLP](
**Org members**: @merve, @patrickvonplaten, @valhalla
- *Marian:*: @patrickvonplaten, @valhalla
### 2.5 [Microsoft](
**Org members**: @nateraw, @lysandre, @sgugger, @anton-l, @nielsr, @patrickvonplaten
- WavLM, UniSpeech, UniSpeechSAT: @anton-l, @patrickvonplaten
- LayoutLM, LayoutLMv2, BEiT: @nielsr, @sgugger
- DeBERTa: @sgugger, @lysandre
### 2.6 [AllenAI](
**Org members**: @ydshieh, @patrickvonplaten
- Longformer: @ydshieh, @patrickvonplaten
### 2.7 [sentence-transformers](
**Org members**: @nreimers
## **3. Approval system**
- Pull requests should get at least **one** approval if only the is changed and **two** approvals for all other pull requests (model weights, tokenizer config files, config files) by the respective maintainers