Impossible to switch the active model on an iPhone 12
With it's hard to use on an iPhone 12 with slightly boosted accessibility settings (large & bold fonts). The model selector dropdown extends beyond the screen height, is impossible to scroll, and it's actually not possible to switch the active model
For some reason the line-height in the model descriptions is immense, and generally the UI makes very poor use of the screen estate.
Ok, it seems that it's possible to confirm the model switch by tapping the small part of the button that nearly appears offscreen and is not viewable in full.
The model chooser should be redesigned. Its design fails with 4 models, and I cannot see how it can work if you add more models.
Is the confirmation button needed at all? Are those descriptions needed? Are the huge buttons that consist of both an icon and text really needed this way? Do we need links to both the model and its website? Why?
can you please link to the same issue on the GH repo? thanks!
The apply button is out of my screen entirely! Can't even scroll.. I have to use desktop mode. Sigh!