Runtime error
Runtime error
Thank you for your interest in this project! Please refer to the following | |
sections on how to contribute code and bug reports. | |
### Reporting bugs | |
Before submitting a question or bug report, please take a moment of your time | |
and ensure that your issue isn't already discussed in the project documentation | |
provided at [][] or in the [issue tracker][]. You can | |
also check [gitter][] to see if it came up before. | |
Assuming that you have identified a previously unknown problem or an important | |
question, it's essential that you submit a self-contained and minimal piece of | |
code that reproduces the problem. In other words: no external dependencies, | |
isolate the function(s) that cause breakage, submit matched and complete C++ | |
and Python snippets that can be easily compiled and run in isolation; or | |
ideally make a small PR with a failing test case that can be used as a starting | |
point. | |
## Pull requests | |
Contributions are submitted, reviewed, and accepted using GitHub pull requests. | |
Please refer to [this article][using pull requests] for details and adhere to | |
the following rules to make the process as smooth as possible: | |
* Make a new branch for every feature you're working on. | |
* Make small and clean pull requests that are easy to review but make sure they | |
do add value by themselves. | |
* Add tests for any new functionality and run the test suite (`cmake --build | |
build --target pytest`) to ensure that no existing features break. | |
* Please run [`pre-commit`][pre-commit] to check your code matches the | |
project style. (Note that `gawk` is required.) Use `pre-commit run | |
--all-files` before committing (or use installed-mode, check pre-commit docs) | |
to verify your code passes before pushing to save time. | |
* This project has a strong focus on providing general solutions using a | |
minimal amount of code, thus small pull requests are greatly preferred. | |
### Licensing of contributions | |
pybind11 is provided under a BSD-style license that can be found in the | |
``LICENSE`` file. By using, distributing, or contributing to this project, you | |
agree to the terms and conditions of this license. | |
You are under no obligation whatsoever to provide any bug fixes, patches, or | |
upgrades to the features, functionality or performance of the source code | |
("Enhancements") to anyone; however, if you choose to make your Enhancements | |
available either publicly, or directly to the author of this software, without | |
imposing a separate written license agreement for such Enhancements, then you | |
hereby grant the following license: a non-exclusive, royalty-free perpetual | |
license to install, use, modify, prepare derivative works, incorporate into | |
other computer software, distribute, and sublicense such enhancements or | |
derivative works thereof, in binary and source code form. | |
## Development of pybind11 | |
To setup an ideal development environment, run the following commands on a | |
system with CMake 3.14+: | |
```bash | |
python3 -m venv venv | |
source venv/bin/activate | |
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt | |
cmake --build build -j4 | |
``` | |
Tips: | |
* You can use `virtualenv` (from PyPI) instead of `venv` (which is Python 3 | |
only). | |
* You can select any name for your environment folder; if it contains "env" it | |
will be ignored by git. | |
* If you don’t have CMake 3.14+, just add “cmake” to the pip install command. | |
* You can use `-DPYBIND11_FINDPYTHON=ON` to use FindPython on CMake 3.12+ | |
* In classic mode, you may need to set `-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python`. | |
FindPython uses `-DPython_ROOT_DIR=/path/to` or | |
`-DPython_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python`. | |
### Configuration options | |
In CMake, configuration options are given with “-D”. Options are stored in the | |
build directory, in the `CMakeCache.txt` file, so they are remembered for each | |
build directory. Two selections are special - the generator, given with `-G`, | |
and the compiler, which is selected based on environment variables `CXX` and | |
similar, or `-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`. Unlike the others, these cannot be changed | |
after the initial run. | |
The valid options are: | |
* `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`: Release, Debug, MinSizeRel, RelWithDebInfo | |
* `-DPYBIND11_FINDPYTHON=ON`: Use CMake 3.12+’s FindPython instead of the | |
classic, deprecated, custom FindPythonLibs | |
* `-DPYBIND11_NOPYTHON=ON`: Disable all Python searching (disables tests) | |
* `-DBUILD_TESTING=ON`: Enable the tests | |
* `-DDOWNLOAD_CATCH=ON`: Download catch to build the C++ tests | |
* `-DOWNLOAD_EIGEN=ON`: Download Eigen for the NumPy tests | |
* `-DPYBIND11_INSTALL=ON/OFF`: Enable the install target (on by default for the | |
master project) | |
* `-DUSE_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=ON`: Try to install into the python dir | |
<details><summary>A few standard CMake tricks: (click to expand)</summary><p> | |
* Use `cmake --build build -v` to see the commands used to build the files. | |
* Use `cmake build -LH` to list the CMake options with help. | |
* Use `ccmake` if available to see a curses (terminal) gui, or `cmake-gui` for | |
a completely graphical interface (not present in the PyPI package). | |
* Use `cmake --build build -j12` to build with 12 cores (for example). | |
* Use `-G` and the name of a generator to use something different. `cmake | |
--help` lists the generators available. | |
- On Unix, setting `CMAKE_GENERATER=Ninja` in your environment will give | |
you automatic mulithreading on all your CMake projects! | |
* Open the `CMakeLists.txt` with QtCreator to generate for that IDE. | |
* You can use `-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON` to generate the `.json` file | |
that some tools expect. | |
</p></details> | |
To run the tests, you can "build" the check target: | |
```bash | |
cmake --build build --target check | |
``` | |
`--target` can be spelled `-t` in CMake 3.15+. You can also run individual | |
tests with these targets: | |
* `pytest`: Python tests only | |
* `cpptest`: C++ tests only | |
* `test_cmake_build`: Install / subdirectory tests | |
If you want to build just a subset of tests, use | |
`-DPYBIND11_TEST_OVERRIDE="test_callbacks.cpp;test_pickling.cpp"`. If this is | |
empty, all tests will be built. | |
### Formatting | |
All formatting is handled by pre-commit. | |
Install with brew (macOS) or pip (any OS): | |
```bash | |
# Any OS | |
python3 -m pip install pre-commit | |
# OR macOS with homebrew: | |
brew install pre-commit | |
``` | |
Then, you can run it on the items you've added to your staging area, or all | |
files: | |
```bash | |
pre-commit run | |
# OR | |
pre-commit run --all-files | |
``` | |
And, if you want to always use it, you can install it as a git hook (hence the | |
name, pre-commit): | |
```bash | |
pre-commit install | |
``` | |
[pre-commit]: | |
[]: | |
[issue tracker]: | |
[gitter]: | |
[using pull requests]: | |