When will it be fixed?

by Alloverrrrrrrrr - opened

Hi so I noticed it’s taking months to be fixed, is there a specific date when it’s fixed? (Not in a rude way)

microsoft-cognitive-service org

As frustrating as it is, there is nothing we can do unfortunately.
The endpoint we used is throttled to the point of it not being useful, and my personal API has not been approved for GPT4.
We could run this on GPT3.5 but the experience will be lacking, after having tried GPT4

dashesy changed discussion status to closed

Aw, that sucks. But gpt 3.5 still was good.

microsoft-cognitive-service org

restarted, sorry it took so long!

Did gpt 4 finally work?

microsoft-cognitive-service org
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microsoft-cognitive-service org

Did gpt 4 finally work?

yes it did!

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