70b models showing up even after they have been filtered

by Gustav0-Freind - opened

when I uncheck 60b+ and unknown, 70b models still pop up, is there any way we can fix this?

Open LLM Leaderboard org
edited Oct 13, 2023

I suspect the models displaying might be GPTQ quantized models, which have a documented display problem - can you try by only selecting bfloat16 and float16 models?

Open LLM Leaderboard org
edited Oct 13, 2023

If some quantized models still appear, we'll have to change the requests files.


It'd help to keep bug reports open until they've been fixed (or declared as will-not-fix). That's usually standard practice

Open LLM Leaderboard org

The issue has been fixed, you can now filter model from any type !

SaylorTwift changed discussion status to closed

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