CPU Upgrade
Three of my models don't show up, or have failed
Hey there!
Three of my models says they have been submitted, but they are not showing up on waiting list or on the evaluating queue. The models are:
Can you look in to this?
Thank you,
I've noticed a lot of models I've been interested in lately were in the running queue and then just never showed up in the results.
The most likely situation is that they failed, can you check their status in the requests folder?
Same here this one just disappeared without any feedback AI-Sweden-Models/gpt-sw3-40b
and can't be resubmitted. It says Model was not found on the hub...
Please open a dedicated issue as your problem is different, and thanks a lot for reporting! I'll investigate, it's not normal
since we looked at your models in this discussion, I'll close this one :)
It would be cool to only open one issue next time so we can track more easily what's happening, otherwise it's hard to remember what we already went through or not :)