Color Problems in IMG2IMG

by Ivanhoe74 - opened

Hi everybody,

I was playing with IMG2IMG to try and create watercolor images based on real photos, and I got good results. I used Controlnet Canny model to match the shapes of the source image, and I am pleased with the results, but one thing is always off - the color. For example, the roofs on the buildings in the final image would be blue or green instead of red or the opposite; if the building in the original image has a green roof, the final image would have a building with a red roof. Or, for example, the green tree in the original image would turn into an orange tree in the final image, like it's autumn.

I tried selecting "Apply color correction to img2img results to match original colors," but this option is not producing good results. Is there another way to tell Stable Diffusion to transfer the colors of the elements in the original to the final image?

Thank you!

Prodia Labs org

@Ivanhoe74 email [email protected] we can help you with this.

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