Apply for community grant: Personal project

by robinhad - opened

Hello! I'm working on open source Ukrainian Text-to-Speech models. I would like to apply for a GPU for this space, this can speed up generation of sentences, particularly the long ones.

Hi @robinhad , your project looks great! I like it a lot!

However we think that, even though the performance could be improved with GPU, the performance is acceptable on CPU, I tried a longer sentence and it took < 45s. I understand that would be even nicer if it was snappy fast or instantaneous, but usually we grant GPUs to Spaces that have an unacceptable time on CPU (e.g.: Stable Diffusion taking 15min on CPU versus a few seconds on GPU). Hope that is okay and looking forward for further projects and collaborations from you 🤗

robinhad changed discussion status to closed

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