Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu)

by rxtan - opened


May I apply for a community grant for my academic project demo? My paper is titled "Global-Local Qformer for Long Video Question Answering" and it will be published at the upcoming CVPR 2024 conference. Our approach introduces a Global-Local QFormer video model that is trained with a Large Language Model to answer questions about minutes-long videos. I have created a demo for other researchers to use our model and share more about our research. Given the demanding compute nature of video encoders and LLMs, it would be very helpful to get a GPU to speed up the inference process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you very much for your consideration.


rxtan changed discussion status to closed
rxtan changed discussion status to open

Hi @rxtan , we have assigned a10g-small to this Space for now. As we recently started using ZeroGPU as the default hardware for grants, it would be nice if you could take a look at the compatibility and usage sections of the ZeroGPU explorers org to see if your Space can run on it.


Hi @hysts , thank you very much for the GPU! I tried running my Space on it and it ran out of memory. I think it requires a minimum of 24G.

@rxtan Sorry for the late reply. (Apparently, notification isn't sent to me for discussions in private Spaces.)
Anyway, I just upgrade the hardware to a10g-large.


@hysts I am really grateful for your assistance!

rxtan changed discussion status to closed

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