API Error

by dylan0356 - opened

Hello, I am currently getting this error when trying to submit a request. This even happens with the example audio MOST of the time.

type: 'status',
endpoint: '/predict_1',
fn_index: 3,
time: 2023-10-17T18:58:32.826Z,
queue: true,
message: null,
stage: 'error',
code: undefined,
success: false

async function whisperAPI (audioFile) {
const app = await client("https://sanchit-gandhi-whisper-jax.hf.space/");
const result = await app.predict("/predict_1", [
audioFile, // blob in 'inputs' Audio component
"transcribe", // string in 'Task' Radio component
true, // boolean in 'Return timestamps' Checkbox component

        console.log(result.data); // [ '[00:00.000 -> 00:00.840]  Peace.', '4.890807151794434' ]

        const transcript = result.data[0];

        return transcript

      async function transcribeAudio(filename) {
        // This uses the Gradio API to transcribe the audio. It is free and fast but not working.
        //Wants the audio file in the form of a blob
        const response_0 = await fetch("https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/raw/main/test/test_files/audio_sample.wav");
        const exampleAudio = await response_0.blob();

        const audioFile = new Blob([fileStream], { type: 'audio/ogg' });

        //try a max of 10 times to get a response from the API before giving up
        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            try {
                const transcript = await whisperAPI(audioFile);
                return transcript;
            } catch (error) {
                console.log("Error in transcription");

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