Bark: What NOT to apologize for. - For saying "no" to ...

by Medvedy - opened


What NOT to apologize for.

  • For saying "no" to a request.
  • For the desire to be alone, to rest
  • For your views on life, your own opinion, if you do not impose them on others.
  • For fighting back against an offender, defending your boundaries
  • For breaking up a relationship where you feel bad.
    -For plans that you do not want to cancel, postpone to please someone.
  • For unreasonable expectations
    of others when you promised nothing.
  • For telling the truth when your opinion
    if your opinion is being sought.

Don't accept responsibility for other people's choices and imposed guilt - this will keep you safe from manipulators.

Acoustic Prompt

Speaker 1 (en)


Me trying to keep my white blouse clean- Mission Impossible   Have a good day.jpg

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