Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by wondervictor - opened

Dear HuggingFace developers,

Thank you so much for creating such an fantastic platform to drive AI models. We have currently open-sourced the EVF-SAM model, which is a highly efficient text-prompted SAM model. We have focused on studying how to build text prompts for SAM and proposed EVF-SAM. Our paper provides rich details and discussions, and our code has been open-sourced on GitHub. We have now uploaded the model on HF and built a demo, but we need some GPUs to help support our demo. We hope this research can inspire the community's research on SAM. By the way, we will also quickly support SAM2, and we believe this is a great thing!

Tianheng Cheng

Hi @wondervictor , I'm a bit confused, but it seems that your Space is already using ZeroGPU and working fine. (FYI, we use ZeroGPU as the default hardware for grants.)

Hi @hysts , thanks for your kind reply ❤️!I understand, as we received T4 resources in previous projects, so I was wondering if this project could get T4 GPU resource support.

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