This works, but training does not work at all

by zokica - opened

I tried to finetune with your script, and it does works in terms of using GPU but it does not change the output of the main model. There is something wrong there.

Hi, do you figure out the reason or the solution? I come across a similar problem.

Yeah, i need to train on a larger example and more epochs. Over 3k examples and 3-5 epoch before overfits.

Thanks for your timely reply! I guess my problem is due to the small learning rate. I set the lr to be 1e-5. I find that the losses are always 0 during the training process. I am trying a larger lr.

They guys trained with 1e-4, I think t5 3b in the main example.

So try 1-3 e-4. But i did not notice much of difference for learning rate, it finished learning pretty quickly in any case.

Did you train alpaca or something else?

Not alpaca, but I attempt to tune a bloom-7b and it seems not working. (The output of the tuned model is exactly the same as the original one.) Hope it works with a larger lr. Or there might be some bugs in my code. I changed their code a little bit to support deepspeed.

@TingchenFu @zokica Any update on either of your issues? I am facing something similar as well.

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