Typo in the system prompt example?

by yumemio - opened

Hi, thanks for releasing another set of awesome Japanese-language models!

I'm just giving you a quick heads-up about a small typo in the README file. In the system prompt below:

<s>[INST] <<SYS>>\n{Instruction}\n<</SYS>>\n\n{USER_MESSAGE_1} [INST] {BOT_MESSAGE_1} </s>[INST] {USER_MESSAGE_2}[/INST] 

...the [INST] token is placed at where [/INST] should be, right after {USER_MESSAGE_1} (other variants of the Swallow Instruct v0.1 series have the same issue).

Thanks for looking into this!🤗

tokyotech-llm org

Thank you for pointing that out. I think I will correct the typo. Additionally, there are some parts that lack explanation, so I would like to add more details.

Taishi-N324 changed discussion status to closed

Awesome, thanks!

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