vaitekunas's picture
Add third NER-tag: medical technology
license: mit
pipeline_tag: token-classification
- bioBERT
- medical
- f1
- en
# Model
NER-Model for disease/treatment/technology entity recognition. The purpose of the model/data use is educational.
The original dataset tags have been augmented with "inside"-Tags in order to handle sub-tokens produced by the WordPiece tokenizer. Following NER-tags are used:
* `B-DISEASE`, `I-DISEASE`: begin and inside tags for disease
* `B-TREATMENT`, `I-TREATMENT`: begin and inside tags for treatment
* `B-TECHNOLOGY`, `I-TECHNOLOGY`: begin and inside tags for technology
* `O` - outside entities (irrelevant)
# Text:
Acute obstructive hydrocephalus complicating bacterial meningitis in childhood
# Real:
Acute -> DISEASE
obstructive -> DISEASE
hydrocephalus -> DISEASE
bacterial -> DISEASE
meningitis -> DISEASE
# Predictions:
o##bs##truct##ive -> B-DISEASE + I-DISEASE + I-DISEASE + I-DISEASE
h##ydro##ce##pha##lus -> B-DISEASE + I-DISEASE + I-DISEASE + I-DISEASE + I-DISEASE
bacterial -> B-DISEASE
men##ing##itis -> B-DISEASE + I-DISEASE + I-DISEASE
# Sources
This pipeline is based on the [dmis-lab/biobert-base-cased-v1.2]( pretrained model,
fine-tuned using the relatively small [BeHealthy Medical Entity](
dataset (1.550 training samples). The initial version of this model was then used
to augment the medical technology [dataset]( Both datasets were then used to train
this model.
# Performance
The model has not been extensively tuned. The quality of the dataset is not clear, due to unknown origin of the data / annotation process.
| Metric | Score |
| Precision | 0.836892 |
| Recall | 0.766610 |
| F1 | 0.800211 |
| Accuracy | 0.935253 |