Loading and Running the Grok-1 Open-Weights Model

by Ateeqq - opened

In the article(https://exnrt.com/blog/ai/get-started-open-source-grok-1/), I provide example code and instructions for loading and running the Grok-1 open-weights model. I also provide information on how to download the checkpoint and model weights.

but it did not work

PS D:\yunlei\G\grok-1-main\checkpoints> huggingface-cli download xai-org/grok-1 --repo-type model --include "ckpt-0/*" --local-dir checkpoints --local-dir-use-symlinks False
usage: huggingface-cli []
huggingface-cli: error: invalid choice: 'download' (choose from 'env', 'login', 'whoami', 'logout', 'repo', 'lfs-enable-largefiles', 'lfs-multipart-upload', 'scan-cache', 'delete-cache')
PS D:\yunlei\G\grok-1-main\checkpoints>

pip install -U huggingface_hub

I have managed to get the model up and running successfully on 8 A100 80GB GPUs, but the output from the model was not satisfactory.

i am pretty sure it is jsut a base model, so it probably has to be fine tuned to do something useful?

Certainly! Grok-1 serves as the raw base model checkpoint from the Grok pre-training phase, which took place in October 2023.

However, it's essential to emphasize that Grok-1 is not fine-tuned for any specific application. Instead, it represents the foundational building block for further customization and adaptation.

This impressive model boasts a staggering 314 billion parameters and follows a Mixture-of-Experts architecture.
Notably, it was trained from scratch by xAI using a custom training stack built on top of JAX and Rust.

Exploring Open Source Grok AI Chatbot

Grok AI Open Source Model.webp


Picture engaging with a machine that not only demonstrates intelligence but also boasts a playful personality. Welcome to the realm of Grok, where the AI chatbot is reshaping our perceptions of digital interaction. Grok stands out from other conversational AI interfaces, infusing conversations with wit and a hint of rebellion. Imagine a chatbot that not only answers your queries but does so with an informative yet entertaining demeanor. That's Grok for you. But what exactly is Grok, and what sets it apart? Let's delve deeper into unraveling this intriguing tool.

What is Grok AI Chatbot?

Grok AI Chatbot, crafted by xAI, represents a bold leap into the realm of artificial intelligence. This chatbot embodies a sophisticated amalgamation of machine-learning technologies tailored to deliver engaging and insightful interactions with users. Central to its functionality is the Grok-1 generative AI model, meticulously developed through extensive training and refinement, drawing from vast datasets and human feedback. Grok distinguishes itself by seamlessly integrating real-time data into conversations, addressing users' queries about pop culture, current events, or simply serving as a witty companion. Its ability to tackle complex topics and its playful language usage set Grok apart from other chatbots.

Moreover, Grok's design emphasizes versatility, enabling it to navigate both simple and intricate discussions while infusing humor into interactions. This flexibility, coupled with its utilization of up-to-date information, ensures that Grok delivers responses that are not only relevant but also insightful, reflecting the latest developments across various domains.

Grok is Now Open Source:

xAI has unveiled the open-source release of Grok-1, a cutting-edge 314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Experts model, now accessible under the Apache 2.0 license. This move aims to promote widespread accessibility and application of Grok-1, fostering research and development in the field of AI. Built with scalability and efficiency in mind using JAX and Rust, Grok-1 holds promise as a versatile tool for developers and researchers.

To initiate usage of the model, users can refer to the instructions provided on the Grok-1 GitHub repository. The repository offers comprehensive guidance on utilizing the Grok-1 model, including setup instructions and prerequisites. It contains JAX example code for loading and running the model with open weights, guiding users through the process of downloading checkpoints, installing necessary packages, and executing the model. Additionally, the repository provides a magnet link for downloading the model weights. Both the code and Grok-1 weights are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Key Specifications of Grok-1:

  • Mixture-of-Experts architecture with 314 billion parameters and 86 billion active, leveraging Rotary Positional Embeddings.
  • Tokenizer vocabulary of 131,072, akin to GPT-4, with an embedding size of 6,144.
  • 64 transformer layers, each featuring a multihead attention block and a dense block.
  • Multihead attention with 48 heads for queries and 8 for keys/values, with a context length of 8,192 tokens.
  • Operates with BF16 precision, enhancing processing efficiency and understanding capabilities.

Grok vs. Other Open Source LLMs:

Grok surpasses other models in terms of parameter count, labeled as "4x bigger than 2" in comparative analysis, indicating its significantly larger parameter base.
Grok boasts over 300 billion parameters, while models like "Llama 65B" have a fraction of that.
Other models such as Mistral 17b, Y 13b, Mixtral, and Abacus AI Smaug pale in comparison to Grok's scale, with parameters in the tens of billions.
Rapid innovation in AI is evident from the presence of multiple models with increasing sizes, with Grok representing the latest leap in this progression.

Check Other LLMs and their User here.

Grok AI in Action: Use Cases and Applications:

Beyond casual conversations, Grok finds applications in diverse fields. In education, it serves as an interactive learning assistant, providing explanations, answering queries, and stimulating critical thinking. In business settings, Grok enhances customer engagement by offering personalized support and insights in a friendly and approachable manner.


As Grok continues to evolve, it symbolizes a significant advancement in AI technology, ushering us into a future where digital interactions are more meaningful and engaging, blurring the lines between human and machine interaction. The development of Grok-1.5 and beyond promises a more sophisticated chatbot experience, enriching the conversational AI landscape. Grok's journey unveils the potential for machines to understand and enhance the human experience, marking a significant milestone in conversational AI. The future of AI chatbots has arrived, presenting an exciting array of possibilities for human-computer interaction.

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